
SurfnKidMastastealth: but guess what, breezy didnt give me any trouble, none, zilch, except for the initial configuration, then it was booting perfect each time12:00
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Mastastealththats odd Surf, ever try recompiling ur drivers?12:00
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ubotusomebody said broadcom was http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25683 for a guide to setting up Broadcom network cards12:00
SurfnKidluc1fersflowers: how about ur card/12:00
JemtIs it possible to disable/unload a network card? I suspect my network card is causing my laptop to freeze12:00
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Flanneldavek2000: I don't see a blatant one, sorry.12:01
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MastastealthJemt, yea, go to System -> Administration -> Networking, and find ur card and deactivate :)12:01
Flanneldavek2000: are you usre you don't want hd0,0?12:01
JemtMastastealth: The driver is still loaded - I'm sure that's not the solution12:01
luc1fersflowersSurfnKid: lol, i ended up spending two days trying to figure out my card, ipw2200, then through the help of this "http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=144820&page=1" and a new wireless router i got it all working with wpa2 encryption.12:01
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refuzehow can i change the language of subtitles in totem? i just see gibberish characters now12:02
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davek2000Flannel, yeah, hd0,0 is this drive im on right now, my windows drive is the slave12:02
luc1fersflowersSurfnKid:  but now i have two wireless networks in my house and i want NM to default to one of them, but it always tries to default to the WEP'd router12:02
SurfnKidMastastealth: but is that also for Dapper or just Breezy? Those instructuions worked flawlessly in Breezy, there are other newer for Dapper, and appear to be much more seamless. :\12:02
srhalfwaythereanyone here play unreal tourament 2004?12:02
SurfnKidluc1fersflowers: intel 2200 should be an easy breeze or so i thought12:02
harmoniacalcould someone help me set up a folder on dapper to be read/write for my home LAN?12:02
||arifaXdavek2000, maybe you can try map (hd0) (hd1)12:02
||arifaX          ..new line..      map (hd1) (hd0)12:02
||arifaX before rootnoverify line12:02
SurfnKidluc1fersflowers: dapper or breezy12:02
Flanneldavek2000: oh, right. sorry.  no idea.12:02
luc1fersflowersSurfnKid: yeah, it was after i found that link--dapper12:03
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LjL1) any idea why my DNS server settings are not remembered?     2) anyone else having the usplash shutdown screen not showing (actually, only the second part of it showing), except that it does show up *if* the shutdown is performed from KDM?12:03
rob_pJemt:  Have you tried unloading the module for it (sudo modprobe -r driver)?12:03
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zero__quick question12:03
Mastastealthluc1fersflowers: lemme check my laptop, i have the exact same setup as u (ipw2200 on a WPA2 network) lemme see if i can find sumthin12:03
zero__im running wine and some programs are wanting me to install active X12:03
prammyLjL: do you use dhcp ?12:03
SurfnKidthats sloww12:03
Jemtrob_p: Won't it reload on reboot ?12:03
luc1fersflowersMastastealth: thanks man12:03
zero__will this affect my system the same as if it was a Windows box?12:04
LjLprammy: no, static12:04
xcodertimmower: [4306390.626000]  tuner 2-0060: tuner type not set12:04
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davek2000||arifaX, ill reboot and try it out12:04
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zero__im running wine and some programs are wanting me to install active X12:04
zero__will this affect my system the same as if it was a Windows box?12:04
timmowerxcoder that sounds a lot like the kernel module is gone...12:04
LjLprammy: i've tried setting it from the KDE settings, which works btu only until next reboot; also tried adding a "nameserver" entry to /etc/network/interfaces, but it doesn't work. and obviously /etc/resolv.conf doesn't work12:04
timmowerit may have to be a kernel recompile12:04
Skwid_a2enmod is nice !12:04
rob_pJemt:  Yes, unless you blacklist the module.12:04
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refuzehow can i change the character encoding of subtitles in totem to see subtitles in different languages?12:05
xcodertimmower: yeap12:05
Mastastealthluc1fersflowers: does the WPA2 network have a stronger signal?12:05
=== KuLover [n=matt@pool-71-251-221-174.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
nullifiedHi guys, I install enlightenment window manager but i dont like it, Anyone know how i can just uninstall it?12:05
zero__quick question12:05
xcodertimmower: how can i load ?12:05
zero__im running wine and some programs are wanting me to install active X12:05
lasindi[lappy] Hi all, is there an easy way to get a package's source code through apt-get/synaptic, or do you have to go searching for it on the Internet?12:05
zero__will this affect my system the same as if it was a Windows box?12:05
prammyLjL: hrm thats strange i remember having a similar issue on my server. Let me see if i wrote down the problem/solution somewhere12:05
JemtHm, maybe I can do it from the BIOS. That should disable it completely. THanks, rob_p12:05
luc1fersflowersMastastealth: yes by a bit12:05
KuLoverAnyone in here use an ATI X850 XT?12:05
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JowiLjL: regarding the dns servers yes. you can set up static dns servers in  /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf (see the supersede/prepend commented lines)12:05
luc1fersflowersMastastealth: though it begins with an l where as my wep network starts with c... i belive it defaults to whichever comes first in the list12:06
=== spine [i=spine@d38-166-87.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
sladenLjL: how are you trying to shut down when it doesn't show up.  If it doesn't do what you're seeing, it's a bug.  And it's still a bug even if nobody else has it.  Please file a bug report against 'usplash'12:06
JowiLjL: if you do not set it up there /etc/resolv.conf will be overwritten12:06
nullifiedHi guys, I install enlightenment window manager but i dont like it, Anyone know how i can just uninstall it?12:06
xcodertimmower: tried modprobe -r cx8800 and modprobe 880012:06
LjLJowi: uh? *static* nameservers are now set up in hte *DHCP* configuration?! cool =)12:06
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timmowerxcoder: ok so have you alredy recompiled the kernel?12:06
sladenLjL: there's a tab in the network config called 'dns'12:06
LjLsladen: i'm doing a logout / shutdown frm my kde session12:06
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JowiLjL: I know. not very logical. but works well if you get ip from server but want to use specific dns. :)12:07
=== grasshopper [n=conrad-l@62-31-45-140.cable.ubr03.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
sladenxcoder: why did you need to recompile your kernel?12:07
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xcodertimmower: looks like don't load the module12:07
tasahi all. just installed ubuntu (i'm ubuntu virgin) instead opf feodra, but have MAJOR issues trying to install Nevidia drivers on it. I cannot seeam to be able to install kernel source from synaptic... or if they are installed i cannot find them.12:07
DocTraxhi all12:07
h3sp4wnnullified: dr17 or the old enlightenment ?12:07
sladenxcoder: if you need some extra drivers, we'd rather get those into the main kernel12:07
LjLsladen: yes, but if i set up a nameerver there, it only works up to next reboot, for some reason12:07
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Mastastealthluc1fersflowers: that would be funny if it chooses alphabetically! :D my network starts with a B12:07
DocTraxwhere is the version file of ubuntu?12:07
Mastastealthhave you tried renaming that access point X-)12:07
sladentasa: you don't need to install kernel-source!12:07
LjLJowi: no, my IP is static too12:07
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nullifiedh3sp4wn: Dr1712:07
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ubotufrom memory, nvidia is Help about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia12:07
h3sp4wnnullified: From that script ?12:07
zach_i cannot get picasa to work..ive uninstalled and reinstalled..and nothing happens when i try to load i12:07
tasasladen: how do I install Nvidia drivers then?12:08
dooglusDocTrax: /etc/lsb-release12:08
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JowiLjL: well,  etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf is what you're looking for anyway, hehe12:08
sladentasa: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia12:08
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RCX3325Well, Hello again ^_^12:08
nomegohmm I'm trying to use ndiswrapper with 6.0612:08
h3sp4wnnullified: How did you install it it is not in the repos12:08
nullifiedh3sp4wn: Its running now, I just dont want it to run, I'd rather go back to gnome, it doesnt work to well with my machine12:08
luc1fersflowersAnother question for you folks, when i do anything with a package manager i get this error "W: GPG error: http://kubuntu.org dapper Release: the following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A506E6D4DD4D5012:08
ubotuchmod775: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:08
LjLJowi: ok, i'll try that then, thanks. still it looks like a bit of a regression compared to breezy!12:08
nomegobut when I modprobe ndiswrapper (driver present, hardware present) the system freezes12:08
luc1fersflowersany clue what that means?12:08
nullifiedh3sp4wn: I installed it via apt-get12:08
ubotufrom memory, fonts is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FontInstallHowto12:08
prammyLjL: there seems to be others with similar issues on the forums. I would recommend you try there. I should have written down what I did to fix my issue but i didnt :(12:08
nomegoany ideas?12:08
AesopHow do I get apache to accept connections based on https?12:08
LjLJowi: (which, by the way, allowed me to set up static IP on installation... now this must be done manually)12:09
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dooglusluc1fersflowers: it means that the signature on the packages couldn't be verified because you don't have the correct public key12:09
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RCX3325How do I get the 3d Desktop application to work?12:09
h3sp4wnnullified: From which repository (DR-17 is not in dapper main restricted multiverse or universe12:09
xcodersladen: i don't think is about recompile the kernel .... how can i check if module exists ?12:09
luc1fersflowersnomego: what card are you trying?12:09
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AesopI've told it to accept connections on 443, which it does12:09
luc1fersflowersdooglus: how do i fix this?12:09
Mastastealthluc1fersflowers: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/koffice-151.php go there and do those first 2 commands12:09
Mastastealthyou shouldnt get that anymore12:09
xcodersladen: on breezy he work12:09
sladenxcoder: sudo modprobe <tab> <tab>12:09
AesopBut it won't accept it through https12:09
luc1fersflowersMastastealth: ty12:09
k31this this release called dapper or  LTS ?12:09
dooglusluc1fersflowers: what Mastastealth said12:09
nomegoluc1fersflowers: Winbond something (Medion laptop)12:09
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luc1fersflowersdooglus: ty12:10
=== TomB| [n=ownthebo@ACBC3F65.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
nullifiedh3sp4wn: Sorry i thought it was Dr17 i installed it via synaptic ive only added the restriceted repo's12:10
krazykitkermitX_: dapper.  lts just means long term support12:10
zach_can anyone help me with picasa12:10
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sladenk31th: "Ubuntu 6.06 LTS".  The code name before release was Dapper Drake12:10
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JowiLjL: :)12:10
ubotu[fonts]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FontInstallHowto12:10
DocTraxdooglus: does ubuntu also have /etc/debian_version ?12:10
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h3sp4wnnullified: sudo aptitude remove enlightenment12:10
dooglusk31th: LTS means "Long Term Support"12:10
ubotuAesop: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:10
=== Aesop sighs
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JowiLjL: I agree, it defies logic12:10
grasshopperGuys! is there a backup function in Gnome?12:10
ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Aesop12:10
k31thsladen: wat they gonna call the next one ? even longer term support #?12:10
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sladenzach_: go to the google site;  get the .deb.  you'll be asked to install it12:10
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mcpowleywhat is the channel for ubuntu XGL help?12:11
ubotuFor information on backing up your system, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81311 Available packages for backing up are backuppc (web based), backup2l, backup-manager, backupninja, bkp, bacula, and sbackup amongst others12:11
Wyredbreezy badger to dapper drake how to?12:11
nomegoluc1fersflowers: should I use win9x or win2k/xp drivers?12:11
davek2000||artifax, it works, thanks12:11
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dooglusDocTrax: it does.  /etc/debian_version says "testing/unstable" here12:11
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krazykitubotu: tell Wyred about upgrade12:11
chmod775how do I install true type fonts in ubuntu dapper12:11
sladenk31th: no, the next release will have normal (18 month) support, not Long (5 year) support12:11
tasasladen: thanx a lot! trying this!12:11
chmod775hey krazykit this is Ashish R12:11
chmod775gpm bug12:11
davek2000i just have another small problem, when i start up, it goes to the grub command line12:11
krazykitchmod775: ah, hi.12:11
tiagoboldtchmod775: try easyubuntu12:11
sladenk31th: The development code name is 'Edgy Eft' and it is likely that it will become 6.1012:11
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. It may break your system, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation instead. For help with and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.12:11
davek2000how do i make it go right to the menu?12:11
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zach_sladen: ill try downloading from google instaed of apt-get or synaptic12:12
sladendavek2000: look in  /boot/grub/menu.lst12:12
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timmowerwell I am quite annoyed with samba now!12:12
Ademanin your menu.lst file, do you have to do anything for your kopt line to affect everything?12:12
davek2000sladen, i know, but for what command?12:12
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luc1fersflowersnomego: what is the output of iwlist (your wlan card) scanning12:12
mcpowleyhey, does anyone know how to fix the compiz.real no composite extension error when trying to use XGL?12:12
h3sp4wnchmod775: Or automatix (they both look similar to me)12:13
xcodersladen: for breezy just added 2 lines in /etc/modules and work ... the lines is still there ...12:13
Ademansladen: hehe good timing, the kopt line, do you need to "update" or anything? or will anything in that line be included by default12:13
sladenmcpowley: you need the composite extension enabled in  /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:13
chmod775huh h3sp4wn12:13
snoopshey can I get a RDP server for nix?12:13
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grasshopperguys! i need to install xlibs from breezy repos. How do i do that in Dapper? is there a ubuntu.packages or something? thanks12:13
LjLhow can i check for any conflict between my keyboard's IRQ line and some other line?12:13
snoopsso I can login to it with a windows box12:13
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IceGuest_5Hello, I just ordered CDs and would like to know if it is possible to track them, or, what to do next12:13
snoopsusing remote desktop connection12:13
sladenxcoder: what doesn't currently work.  what module are you trying to use that isn't working?12:13
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sladenLjL: where won't be one12:13
mcpowleysladen: Oh, I remember hearing that, i'll try it out12:14
sladenLjL: cat /proc/interupts12:14
xcodersladen: cx8800 ... i think12:14
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nomegoluc1fersflowers: well just booted up with noapic nolapic kernel options and then I can actually modprobe ndiswrapper without a freeze (before, anything concerning wlan0 would freeze the kernel)12:14
luc1fersflowersdooglus: i get another error for NO_PUBKEY but from ftp://ftp.nerim.net sid Release12:14
h3sp4wnchmod775: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17764612:14
gavagaii have breezy but no X.  how do i do a dist upgarde from the console?12:14
nomegoluc1fersflowers: however, now something oopses12:14
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LjLsladen: tried that, but i'm not sure where my keyboard would be, in that list. anyway, failing that route... any idea why my keyboard would be continuously missing keypresses and/or start repeating them?12:14
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LjLsladen: i'm having a "little" trouble typing ;)12:15
grasshopperSonicChao: you have to just wait and be patient for your cd's12:15
sladenxcoder: are there any errors in   sudo tail /var/log/messages?12:15
zach_ive reinstalled picasa 3 times and nothing happens when i click it12:15
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dooglusluc1fersflowers: you can ignore it if you're not worried about checking the signatures.  alternatively, find his public key and install it in the same way.12:15
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wastrelwhat's picasa12:15
amortvigilmy wine is make trouble with C:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\SECDRV.SYS all the time what to do?12:15
grasshoppercan someone answer my question please?12:15
guestieare there any good linux mp3 players with Itunes-like library management stuff?12:15
=== metrocard [i=JoeMorri@207-38-195-55.c3-0.wsd-ubr1.qens-wsd.ny.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
metrocardGTK bug12:15
xcodersladen: yeap: tuner 2-0060: tuner type not set12:15
grasshoppercan someone help please12:15
luc1fersflowersdooglus: ty, i wasn't sure if it was a big deal or not12:15
sladenLjL: you have buggy ACPI and it's probably an Acer.  Try booting with   i8042.nomux=1  and then also file a bug12:16
metrocarddid ubuntu update to gtk .18 yet?12:16
dooglusluc1fersflowers: there's help here: ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/faq.html12:16
SonicChaoCan anyone answer my question?12:16
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Please be aware there are a lot of questions, but only maybe few who might know the answer for you. Please be patient. Your attitude may determine their willingness to help you.12:16
LjLgrasshopper: i don't think you shuld be intsaling breezy packages on dapper, rreally12:16
grasshopperSonicChao: i did12:16
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SonicChaooh, ok12:16
dooglusluc1fersflowers: having the key installed means that if someone hacks his site and uploads trojaned packages, your apt-get will complain about bad signatures.12:16
nomegoluc1fersflowers: now I get "shared but dynamic interrupt!" and "request for irq 0 failed"12:16
sladenmetrocard: no .18 isn't released yet.  .14 was only released 1 month ago!12:16
grasshopperLjL: i need xlibs, i know someone else did12:16
SonicChaoGot lost in confusion12:16
lasindi[lappy] Hi all, I've got a question about apt-get/synaptic. I've found a bug in a program, and I'd like to compile the source code and see if I can debug it. Is there an easy way to get a package's source code through apt-get/synaptic, or do you have to go searching for it on the Internet? I want to make sure the code I get has any modifications that Ubuntu has made downstream.12:16
SonicChaoToo many posters12:16
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LjLsladen: nothing Acer in my computer that i know of... it's a Sempron, with a KV7 motherboard. seemed to work under Breezy12:16
snoopswhat port does the ubuntu vnc remote desktop use?12:16
sladenlasindi[lappy] : apt-get source packagename12:16
luc1fersflowersnomego: sorry man, that's outa my ballpark :\12:17
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gavagaii would just look on the web but i can't access ubuntu wiki from my console browser for some reason... so if anyone knows how to dist upgrade from the command line that would be awesome12:17
grasshopperLjL:  my question was were are breezy packages?12:17
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xcodersladen: maybe need to pass a correct type of card in /etc/modules  ... i have now cx88xx card=3 tuner=5 ... card=3 -> PixelView ... that work on dapper12:17
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lasindi[lappy] sladen: thanks12:17
h3sp4wngavagai: Try using elinks12:17
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sladenLjL: can you file a bug so that we can get your keyboard issue sorted12:17
sladenLjL: it'll need a workaround for your machine12:18
h3sp4wngavagai: it has much better frames support12:18
grasshopperCan someone tell me the Url for ubuntupackages12:18
chmod775how do I download automatix12:18
Stormx2Anyone who knows anything about wine on ubuntu: http://pastebin.ca/63243 -.-12:18
sladenxcoder: sounds like it12:18
steveklDoes anyone know if older versions of vmware can update themselves, or do you have to download an update to go from 5.1 to 5.5?12:18
LjLgrasshopper: same place dapper ones are, http://.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool12:18
=== mheath [n=mheath@c-67-182-231-23.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudgavagai, use nano to change all references in /etc/apt/sources.lst from breezy to dapper, then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade12:18
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nickrudgavagai, er, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:18
grasshopperLjL: doh, i'm so thick12:18
sladengavagai: just type  sudo update-manager12:19
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xcodersladen: lspci -> 0000:01:06.0 Multimedia video controller: Conexant CX23880/1/2/3 PCI Video and Audio Decoder (rev 03)12:19
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nickrudsladen, no X for gavagai12:19
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sladenstevekl: no, only new versions of VMware are packaged.  you need to remove the previous version manually12:19
grasshopperLjL: wrong url12:19
LjLsladen: what should i file under the report? i don't ahve a clue about the culprit, and it's an intermittant problem that i can't even reliably reproduce12:19
zxc3Can anyone help...I'm in the middle of an Espresso Ubuntu installation and I think it has frozen...:(12:19
=== zxc3 is now known as zxc333
LjLgrasshopper: remove the first dot12:19
LjLgrasshopper: my URL was actually http://it.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main , i removed the it. but forgot the dot12:20
mcpowleysladen: I added the composite enable line to my xorg config and then restarted and started my script to start xgl..this time I saw a quick message pop in termnal and then the screen turned black, and kicked me back to the login screen. Is there anyway for me to see that text that came up after i typed in thefuture to see the problem?12:20
gabecould someone help me with wine and world of warcrafT? send me a pm12:20
wastrelworld of warcraft eh.12:20
wastreli used to play that12:20
sladenxcoder: sounds good12:20
gabegreat, but i need help with that and wine12:20
icarohi where download,, void11 or gvoid1112:20
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gabeand this thread12:20
jbirdAngelhow do i close something that wont close and isnt responding12:20
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steveklsladen: Oh really, ok, thanks!12:20
sladenLjL: it's wrong, but file it against 'hotkey-setup', and I'll redirect it12:20
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xcodersladen: how can i check if /etc/modules is load correctly ?12:21
kyncanijbirdAngel: xkill ?12:21
h3sp4wnxcoder: run lsmod (and check whether the modules in there appear as loaded)12:21
dsp_h3sp4wn, Thanks I've remove it now, but I cant log into the account the UI was bound to, How do i reconfigure the account to use Gnome, instead of searching for enlightenment12:21
gabeplease someone help me with wine and world of warcraft12:21
starkmjolkanyone has a clue why ndiswrapper would die on me after upgrading to dapper? Can't lode the module anymore12:21
luc1fersflowersCan anyone point me in the direction of a how to on compiling my own kernel?12:21
jbirdAngelokay thank you12:21
DocTraxdooglus: http://hintzundkunz.cjb.net/xchat/ see changes at sysinfo in version 1.46 ;)12:21
=== draconius [n=j00@12-226-244-247.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
gabesomeone please help me with wine and world of warcraft12:21
zxc333Can you install Ubuntu without internet access?12:21
kyncanijbirdAngel: np :)12:21
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dsp_zxc333, yes12:22
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h3sp4wndsp_: Are you using gdm ?12:22
zxc333Does it use the internet for anything as mine has frozen on "Downloading package lists....for Language Packs"12:22
sladenxcoder: run 'xawtv' or look in /var/log/messages or  /sbin/lsmod12:22
NullifiedI am but via another account, My nullified account when you try to log in says "The session has lasted less than 10 seconds" and then logs me back out12:22
Nullifiedhowever other accounts work fine12:22
Wyredbreezy badger is the newest ubuntu distro?12:22
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gabeno, dapper drake12:23
zxc333Wyred, Dapper Drake12:23
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sladenWyred: Ubuntu 6.06 LTS is the latest.  Released 8 days ago12:23
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xcoderh3sp4wn: tuner - 42276 - 0;  cx8800 - 32268 - 0; cx88xx - 62368- cx880012:23
gabePLEASE, for the love of God, someone help me with wine and WoW.12:23
timmoweris it possible it is my mac being annoying and not loading the samba share? Under gentoo it worked from mac though...12:23
airmikeyanyone here good with pannewsreader12:23
Wyredjust that site only has hoary to breezy update12:23
gabeactually, just wine12:23
grasshopperLjL: cant see xlibs12:23
ubotuI don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Nullified12:23
dooglusDocTrax: that's something to do with me?12:23
sladengabe: sudo apt-get install wine ;  wine /media/cdrom/WoWSetup.exe   or something12:23
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DocTraxits thanks to you12:23
gnomefreak_awayubotu tell gabe -about wine12:24
gnomefreak_awayubotu tell gabe -about wow12:24
dooglusDocTrax: oh, I see - for telling you about the /etc/* files.  right.  :)12:24
krazykitgabe: there's a good guide on the gentoo forums.  it'd be mostly the same steps.12:24
zxc333gabe: yeah I saw some WoW stuff on the gentoo forums12:24
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Nullifiedh3sp4wn, Basically i need the "Nullified" account to look for "Gnome" instead of "Enlightenment"12:24
discboyil ya des francais?12:25
dooglusDocTrax: what you probably want to do is run the "lsb_release" program12:25
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macchehi to all12:25
Cooner750Need help here on PPC. Using Dapper LiveCD. What can I use for IRC. XChat is not there?12:25
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mcpowleywould anyone happen to know if I can use my 5.1 speakers plugged into Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS Notebook  pcmia card into my laptop? Because all I can use with dapper is my onboard notebook sound12:25
h3sp4wnNullified: Can you not just select gnome session with gdm12:25
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NullifiedCooner750, apt-get install xchat12:25
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dooglusDocTrax: "lsb_release -r" prints "Release:        6.06" or some such12:25
gabei know about setting up wine and stuff, but theres a patch for the wine source im having trouble with12:25
timmowerI get this trying to mount the samba share from the command line mount_smbfs: tree connect phase failed: syserr = Permission denied12:25
gavagainickrud, thanks.  when i change the references do i find them on the net, or literally just change every "breezy" to "dapper"?12:25
macchecan i have help with a module??12:26
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Nullifiedh3sp4wn,  I select the account "Nullified" click login and it spews a message at me saying that I've been connected less than 10 seconds, and then takes me back to the accounts page12:26
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macchewhere can i blacklist a module to not load??12:26
gavagaii installed breezy because dapper wouldn't work with my soundcard.  NOW I HAVE SOUND>  i hope it still works after i upgrade to dapper.12:26
sadneophyehow do I destroy a package / deinstall I package that doesn't want to deinstall?12:26
h3sp4wnNullified: Change the session type (I don't use gdm so I can't tell you exactly how to do it)12:26
NullifiedCooner750, Sorry, Try opening terminal and typing "irssi" this normally works12:27
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Nullifiedok brb h3sp4wn12:27
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BSDinuxhow do i connect an ipod to dapper?12:27
krazykitBSDinux: plug it in.12:27
chmod775when I am installing ms ttf fonts12:27
ubotuinfo for syncing your iPod is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPodHowto12:27
chmod775it's downloading some fonts for ever12:27
chmod775how many fonts does it download12:28
frank_bI have a Pentium 4 and ubuntu installed me the "linux-restricted-modules-386" package instead of the "linux-restricted-modules-686" one. should I change to the latter? what's the difference between the two?12:28
BSDinuxyeah.. plugged it in. the ipod says "don't disconnect", the dapper doesnt do a thing12:28
chmod775all exe files12:28
Stormx2How do I apply a .diff file?12:28
LjLgrasshopper: it's under the "xorg" directory, it seems12:28
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zxc333Is there anyway to install Ubuntu without Espresso?12:28
wastrelwhat's espresso?12:28
h3sp4wnfrank_b: Nominal difference you need linux-image-686 to go with the restricted modules 68612:28
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Flannelwastrel: espresso is the old name of the liveCD installer program, now it's called... um... ubiquity12:29
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macchewhere can i blacklist a module to not load?? i don't want to load tulip because i have a conflict with my network adapter12:29
cantthinkofanameI just installed ubuntu but I can't figure out my root password, the install never prompted me for one. How do I figure out what it is?12:29
gavagaiI am going to upgrade from breezy->dapper without X.  i see that i have to change my sources file.  do i have to find exact mirrors on the web, or do I just replace every instance of 'breezy' with 'dapper' in my sources file?12:29
gavagaicantthinkofaname, you use sudo12:29
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nostalg1cso, when using mdadm to create a 4 disc raid5 array, should i first create a partition on every disk myself?12:29
luc1fersflowersdoes anyone have any good info on optimizing the kernel?12:29
zxc333Anyway without using Ubiquity (lol)?12:29
Flannel!tell cantthinkofaname about root12:29
gavagaicantthinkofaname, the user you created can use sudo.  you can get a root prompt if you really want it with 'sudo bash'12:29
tiagoboldtgavagai: replace the names, should work12:30
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DocTraxdooglus: that is a standard version info file afair12:30
cantthinkofanamegavagai, wouldn't sudo promt me for a password? I already tried su12:30
Flannelzxc333: the alternate CD12:30
gavagaicantthinkofaname, your own password is what it wants12:30
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gavagaicantthinkofaname, you are in the sudo file and are authorized12:30
frank_bh3sp4wn, yes, when I try to install the 686 package it says I need to install that image. but should I do that? is it necessary? or better if I do it?12:30
rob_pmacche:  I  *think*  you can list the modules you want to disable in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.12:30
Flannelcantthinkofaname: sudo prompts you for a password, and you enter your user password.  read what ubotu sent you, it explains it all.12:30
DocTraxit will work12:30
h3sp4wnfrank_b: It may give you a slight performance increase12:30
cantthinkofanamegavagai, so I'm never allowed to know the root passowrd?12:30
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fujitsucantthinkofaname, there isn't one.12:31
Flannelcantthinkofaname: there is NO root password12:31
krazykitcantthinkofaname: there's no root user by default12:31
gavagaithere is no root12:31
cantthinkofanameoh i see12:31
gavagaithere is sudo12:31
dooglusDocTrax: OK.  but I would imagine the command is more likely to work in future than relying on the file format to stay the same.12:31
maccherob_p: thank you, now i try!!12:31
cantthinkofanamethanks everyone12:31
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rob_pmacche:  Be sure to report back so I will know for sure!  :-)12:31
zxc333Flannel: Is that just the old installer?12:31
Flannelzxc333: yeah, its the textmode installer12:31
frank_bh3sp4wn, ok. thank you for your help. any suspicion why did ubuntu installed me the 386 instead? (although my computer is a p4)12:31
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zeewolfjoin #ubuntu-pl12:31
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Cooner750Need more help here. Ubuntu on PPC, Mac Mini, 19" Gateway VX900 monitor, only goes to 1024x768, 800x600, or 640x480 @ 60Hz. Help?12:32
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Flannelfrank_b: 386 is default install, you have to manually install additional/more specific kernels12:32
h3sp4wnfrank_b: Does it by default as its the most compatible12:32
DocTraxthe i will maybe get bug reports12:32
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mrmistHi guys12:32
mrmistI'm having a hard time with xgl12:33
mrmistAnyone experienced here ??12:33
davidfHi, I am a total newb with linux. I have ubuntu 5.10 installed. Trying to get connected to my IP with  a westell dual connect modem via ethernet card. DOHC was not able to install when I installed ubuntu. Can anyone please help?12:33
krazykitmrmist: #ubuntu-xgl12:33
zxc333In Ubiquity (The Graphical Installer) I heard when you select stuff to be reformatted (past the gparted screen) where you assign the swap etc...it reformats to ext2...does this include reformatting the Swap to ext2?12:33
wastreli'm experienced, but i don't know anythign about xgl12:33
mrmistI know... no one's awake in there12:33
wastrelin fact...  i'd bet there's an inverse relationship12:33
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nostalg1canyone around who can help me with mdadm?12:34
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wastrelwhat's DOHC?12:34
zimhi all was just reading the linux format review of ubuntu 6.10 and they say F12 show all you apps buy F12 not working on my install :(12:34
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ConstrabusAnyone know how to mount a freshly formated reiserFS HDD to where a non root user can copy/edit files freely??12:34
Flannelzxc333: swap isn't ext2 filesystem, it's a swap.12:34
frank_bh3sp4wn, Flannel, oh, ok. got it. so it was a generic intelx86 installation. I thought ubuntu detected the processor or something. thank you very much for your help. :)12:34
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ubotufrom memory, mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f12:35
Flannelfrank_b: nope, that'd just be one more thing that could possibly go wrong later for random changes.  You can install the 686 processor easily enough though, via apt12:35
Cooner750command to reconfigure xserver-xorg?12:35
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zxc333Flannel: Nevermind, I read about a semi-bug that reformats everything to ext2 after gparted works but it doesn't effect swap12:35
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angryfixWhat file needs to be edited so I can persist terminal settings like 'xset -b' across sessions?12:35
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zxc333Flannel: Second Ubiquity attempt lucky hopefully >>;12:35
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frank_bFlannel, yes. got it. thank you very much for your help. :)12:35
zimdoes F12 work for anyone else ??12:35
wastrelangryfix:  you can add that to .bashrc12:35
DBOzim, sure does12:36
davidfjoin #emc12:36
angryfixwastrel: thanks. I wrongly edited bash_profile earlier. Thanks!12:36
zimdid you have to do anything12:36
ConstrabusAnyone know how to mount a freshly formated reiserFS HDD to where a non root user can copy/edit files freely?12:36
zeewolfhello, anyone use eagle drivers on dapper ?12:36
wastrelzim mine does nothing12:36
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wastrelis this kde or gnome thing?12:36
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zimit is should show all your open windows bit like OSX12:37
frank_bFlannel, I better remove the 386 package after I install the 686 one, right?12:37
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zxc333zeewolf: That the Modem thing?12:37
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zxc333zeewolf: Eagleusb?12:37
wastrelmebby an xgl thingy  f12 does nothing in my gnome12:37
zeewolfzxc333: yeah12:37
luc1fersflowersHello, i installed kde over gnome, just to try it, and i don't like it. When i go to uninstall it with synaptic it say's it's only going to free up a few KB of space when i know the total install was something like 500mb12:37
luc1fersflowersany ideas?12:37
Stormx2How do I apply a .diff file? Someone?12:37
LjLsladen: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/hotkey-setup/+bug/4906112:37
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eugmanhow do I set the faces for users on the login screen?12:37
wastrelluc1fersflowers:  you're uninstalling kubuntu-desktop?12:37
ubotuI give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, chmod77512:37
luc1fersflowerswastrel: trying12:38
Flannelfrank_b: nah, no real reason to.  don't remove it until 686 is running smooth, so you can fall back if necessary.  but, having it on there won't hurt anything (except taking up a little bit of HD space)12:38
=== t3r0 [n=t3r0@a62-248-141-57.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
zimDBO are u using kde or gnome12:38
ubotuwell, fonts is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FontInstallHowto12:38
meegahaI want to recompile my kernel and need some help. First, where can I get the source for the default dapper kernels? (2.6.15-23 is what I'm running at the moment)12:38
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DarkMageZeugman, system > preferrences > logon photo12:38
zxc333zeewolf: Not Dapper, just installing Dapper now but gonna have to install the Eagle drivers once it's finished...did it on hoary12:38
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wastrelluc1fersflowers:  heh.  kubuntu-desktop is a metapackage, it's just a wrapper for kde.  it doesn't install all the other kde packages.12:38
=== Aidamina [n=aa@cc247812-b.roden1.dr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2Someone please? Applying a .diff file!12:38
wastrelluc1fersflowers:  i dunno how to cleanly uninstall all that other junk :] 12:38
gr33npho3nixmeegaha: sudo apt-get isntall linux-source-2.6.1512:38
michelinuxSalve a tutti12:38
luc1fersflowerswastrel:  how'd they get installed.....  :(12:38
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:38
gr33npho3nixmeegaha: or sudo apt-get isntall linux-source-2.6.15-2312:39
luc1fersflowerswastrel:  looks like i'm going to have to do a fresh install of dapper12:39
miranda82hello everyone12:39
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zeewolfzxc333: i'm using it now on dapper, but have a "little" problem  with synchro12:39
frank_bFlannel, oh, ok. I thought it might conflict with the new one. thank you.12:39
=== Bergcube [n=Bergcube@host-81-191-188-203.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu
luc1fersflowershellow miranda8212:39
wastrelluc1fersflowers:  they're all dependencies for kubuntu-desktop, so the package manager pulls them all in, but kubuntu-desktop itself is basically just a list12:39
Dreamgliderifconfig: wich is my pc's ip address  inet addr:  or Bcast: ?12:39
SWPadnosStormx2, there are a number of optins.  look at the man page for patch  (usually something lie patch -p0 < patch.file12:39
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luc1fersflowerswastrel:  aaahhh, i see i see12:39
LjLDreamglider: the former, assuming it's correct12:39
miranda82i have a problem trying to delay the audio in a video file, i tried with vlc, and mplayer, both return to zero value qhen i check if it is correct12:39
ConstrabusDramglider, most likely
=== Warlord384_ [n=Jay@pool-72-66-231-38.ronkva.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
rolerHow do I hcange the bootup splash screen? I have one to put in its place12:40
zxc333zeewolf: What do you mean by Synchro?12:40
ConstrabusDramglider, but it depends on your routers config.12:40
wastrelluc1fersflowers:  find one of the major kde packages and remove that, the dependencies will go away with it.12:40
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luc1fersflowerswastrel:  i'll try that thanks12:40
ConstrabusDramglider, which can be accessed if you type in into the address bar of your internet browser12:40
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number41can somebody please help me with sudo12:40
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Constrabusnumber41 Whats the problem12:41
frank_bbye h3sp4wn and Flannel . thanks once again. :)12:41
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number41i cant for the life of me get it to accept my "user" password12:41
number41it just says its wrong12:41
h3sp4wnfrank_b: no probs12:41
meegahagr33npho3nix: thanks!12:41
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Constrabusnumber41, is it on the numberpad?12:41
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zeewolfzxc333: when you fire eaglectrl -d, my modem doesn't synchronize, i have to rmmod and modprobe it a couple times, and then it works12:41
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number41Constrabus no it is not12:41
miranda82i have a problem trying to delay the audio in a video file, i tried with vlc, and mplayer, both return to zero value qhen i check if it is correct12:41
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wastrelnumber41:  so you're able to log in with that username & password?12:41
zxc333zeewolf: ah yes I remember that..what modem you using?12:42
eugmanThat is wierd, there is no logon photo in preferences12:42
rynei have an nvidia card with the drivers installed, can anyone tell me how i can enable twinview, or whatever i need to get my second monitor working?12:42
zeewolfzxc333: sagem fast 800 i think12:42
mcpowleyhmm, what's the best dvd burner for linux that can burn iso's?12:42
Cooner750keyboard shortcut to quit X?12:42
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zxc333zeewolf: Same as what I used to use...got it from Tiscali xD12:42
number41constrabus, yes, i can log into the normal account fine and i can use the "add / remove" programs and all that stuff with the password...but in a consol it refuses to work12:42
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eugmanmcpowley, I am partial to gnomebaker12:42
humanmcpowley, there is one that installed on default12:42
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chamodoes FGLRX work for someone here ?12:42
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krazykitCooner750: control alt backspace12:42
mythicnessmy grub just hangs12:42
Arnaldjeezus, so my wireless card that worked in breezy is not even supported in dapper - thanks a bunch for the warnings !12:42
krazykitchamo: it does for lots of people.12:43
chamomy Ati Radeon Mobility 9700 can't have fglrx working... fglrxinfo always says MESA... ;/12:43
mythicnessi just installed kubuntu on a macbookpro12:43
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eugmanme, chamo, did you reconfig the xserver?12:43
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mluser-workDoes anyone know which repo has skype?12:43
chamoim desperate12:43
krazykitArnald: err... what card?12:43
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zeewolfzxc333: it was ok on breezy, but i had to compile eagle sources on dapper :P12:43
gnomefreak_awayubotu tell mluser-work -about skype12:43
Constrabusnumber41, have you edited your root PWs at all?12:43
Arnaldkrazykit: it's a 3com officeconnect one12:43
XiCillinwhat is a stable tempurature for a CPU>12:43
chamoeugman: can you help me ?12:43
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number41constrabus no i have no12:43
mcpowleyeugman, thanks i'll try it out12:43
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krazykitArnald: and you used native drivers or ndiswrapper?12:43
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ArnaldI failed a dapper upgrade then tried the install cd12:43
zeewolfzxc333: it doesn't come up on boot, it's second thing :P12:43
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JasonLin KDE when i click end session it takes me to usplash and restarts my pc, how can i fix this?12:44
number41wastrel yes it does work on the username it just wont work in sudo in a consol12:44
mythicnessi just installed kubuntu on a macbookpro12:44
mythicnessmy grub just hangs12:44
eugmanwell after installing the drivers did you reconfigure the xserver?12:44
zxc333zeewolf: are you serious? aren't they available?12:44
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chamoeugman: yes.12:44
Arnaldit was fine with breezy12:44
Constrabusnumber41, may i ask what command your trying to sudo?12:44
Dreamgliderstwinok now, when i start azurus i get a Warning  azureus didnt shutdown tidily(i just reinstalled it) and the warning wont go off the screen it just keep sitting here!!!12:44
eugmanthen I'm of no use to you, sorry.12:44
wastrelnumber41:  is this the first user you added to the machine?12:44
sladenJasonL: you can file a bug report!12:44
erikneudorferIm trying to install ubuntu on a second computer of mine but it wont get past "Mounting root file system" on the load screen12:44
chamodo u know how I can "cleanly" reinstall everything ?12:44
h3sp4wnmythicness: You need to install elilo12:44
krazykitArnald: it shouldn't have lost support, because this is a newer kernel, though ubuntu patches the hell out of the kernel12:44
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number41constrabus "sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/win32"12:44
JasonLhow and where sladen?12:44
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number41wastrel yes its the first user12:44
Arnaldkrazykit: well it has12:44
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eugmanIs there supposed to be a logon photo option in dapper?12:44
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Arnaldand if it was supported the CD would work wouldn't it?12:45
BrownManHey.  I am using the VNC server on 6.06 Dapper and I want to view it from a Windows PC on the same network...what do I type in the VNC viewer to view a linux PC on my network?12:45
JasonLi would appreciate if you could guide me throught it sladen =)12:45
chmod775hey I tried out automatrix but when I go to install ms true type fonts it keeps downloading some exe files and it's never ending12:45
krazykitArnald: yes, i got that.  have you done a search on the forums/wiki?12:45
chamoeugman: I dont think so.12:45
sladenJasonL: http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/usplash/+filebug12:45
kermitX_anyone help me with a crashing X? when browsing a particular page in ff or epiphany. might be restricted nvidia driver related.12:45
Arnaldkrazykit: found one post with the same problem - unsolved12:45
xcodernobody know what happen with my TVTuner ... hmmm nobody can help me ?12:45
mythicnessh3sp4wn: Ok, can i install it using the livecd?12:45
erikneudorferIm trying to install ubuntu on a second computer of mine but it wont get past "Mounting root file system" on the load screen, whats up with that?12:45
krazykitArnald: you could use ndiswrapper for the time being12:45
Arnaldkrazykit: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=32be8f5f4a9bcff22202a16b8c0b6b8e&t=19045212:45
inreliefis there any may to max out cpu scaling (on notebooks) when plugged in, and then allow dynamic scaling when on battery?12:45
JasonLcan my shipit login be used sladen?12:45
sladenBrownMan: the IP address of the machine you want to view12:45
chmod775hey I tried out automatrix but when I go to install ms true type fonts it keeps downloading some exe files and it's never ending12:45
chmod775hey I tried out automatrix but when I go to install ms true type fonts it keeps downloading some exe files and it's never ending12:45
sladenJasonL: yes12:45
mcpowleyi'm having some problems with installing the emu10k1 driver for my audigy...I downloaded it off sourceforge in a tar.gz file, and i opened it...and there's all this confusing compile information that is horribly confusing, is there an easier way to make this work?12:45
abodoes anyone how can I print to a postscript output file instead of the printer?12:46
rynei have an nvidia card with the drivers installed, can anyone tell me how i can enable twinview, or whatever i need to get my second monitor working?12:46
krazykitinrelief: yeah, if you play with cpufreq.conf12:46
BrownMansladen:  but wouldn't the IP address of all the computers be the same on the same network?12:46
zeewolfzxc333: well, they are deb packages for eagle in repo, but for some reasons i think it doesnt work as it should :P12:46
jkl-i've run 'dpkg -i openssl_0.9.8b-2_i386.deb' which did not install due to unmet dependencies, yet i cannot do 'apt-get upgrade' because it still nags me about those unmet dependencies - how do i get out of this state?12:46
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Arnaldwell I could but the machine isn't actually networked ATM . . . ;(12:46
Constrabusnumber41, try running "sudo adept" for testing purposes12:46
chmod775how do I install ttf fonts12:46
inreliefkrazykit, thanks12:46
Arnaldfor some reason12:46
timmowerso does no one use samba any more? or is ti just working fine for everyone?12:46
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chamoeugman: any other idea for my fglrx? the module seems loaded, I have --reinstall (ed) packages and headers, checked xorg.conf... but nothing12:46
BrownMansladen:  how do I find the IP address on this linux PC?12:46
number41constrabus sudo adept yeilds no output12:46
eXistenZVMWare is a free application?12:46
JasonLsladen how do i go about this, what should i write etc?12:46
sladenBrownMan: no, each computer has a unique IP address.  They are like phone numbers.  If everyone had the same telephone number, it wouldn't work12:46
inreliefkrazykit, where would cpufreq.conf be located?  (locate doesn't find it)......12:46
chmod775krazykit: hi any idea on how I can install ttf fonts, I tried out the manual way in breezy but the fonts are not displayed properly12:47
sladenBrownMan: /sbin/ifconfig12:47
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chamoeXistenZ: you can try it and keep getting new keys monthly to use it.12:47
eugmanSorry no. My knowledge is quite limited.12:47
halibutWhat does this error in synaptic mean? E: The package index files are corrupted. No Filename: field for package apt-file. E: Unable to lock the download directory12:47
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sladenJasonL: write actually what you wrote in the channel above.12:47
Constrabusnumber41, try entering "su"12:47
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sladenJasonL: eg. When I do XXX it does YYY.  It should actually do ZZZZ.12:48
darkman241sladen: Open a command shell and type "ifconfig"12:48
chamoanyone can help me to make work fglrx ? only mesa can be activated since Dapper final release12:48
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krazykitinrelief: that'd be because it's cpufreqd.conf.  it's /etc/cpufreqd.conf12:48
number41constrabus i get an authentication failure when i enter my password for su12:48
sladendarkman241: yes.12:48
Fr4nticDo someone have Ventrilo working on Ubuntu Breezy? I got some codec problems I guess, but I havent found any codecs for it on Wines website or even Google. I have installed NAS (I cant talk in any way in Ventrilo) VERY glad if someone could help me out.12:48
inreliefkrazykit, ahh, thx again12:48
gavagaii have 2.6.12-9-386 on breezy, can i update to dapperand keep this kernel?12:48
FlannelConstrabus: no, don't recommend su.12:48
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krazykitchmod775: nope.  plus, you're using automatix, which isn't really supported, officially.12:48
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rsdhow big is the typical ubuntu desktop installation?12:48
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chmod775what about easy ubunut, krazykit12:48
sladenFr4ntic: if you are using wine.  Look for normal MS Windows installers/executables12:48
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sladenrsd: 2GB12:49
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krazykitchmod775: also not supported here, but i hear it's "safer"12:49
ConstrabusFlannel, was just to see if he could enter with his password, not as a permanent use. But no problem, I wont anymore.12:49
shodanjr_grhey guys...12:49
zxc333zeewolf: I have a modem which is basically a rebranded Sagem 800, I'm trying a custom install now...I'll tell you how I get on once I'm done12:49
benkong2could someone tell me why /media/winxp shows up as Hard Disk on my desktop? Here is my fstab http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1535612:49
Fr4nticsladen, from Windows homepage you mean, and then just install it as normal?12:49
BrownManneat it worked.  Thanks12:49
shodanjr_gri got a file copy over wireless lan issue with Dapper12:49
sladenFr4ntic:   wine foobar.exe12:49
wastrelmy pretty fresh dapper install is about 2.5GB12:49
shodanjr_granyone available for some help?12:49
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erikneudorferIm trying to install ubuntu on a second computer of mine but it wont get past "Mounting root file system" on the load screen, what am i doing wrong? it worked fine when i did it to my first computer12:49
ubotuI heard networkmanager is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkmanagerHowto12:49
sladenFr4ntic: or double click on the .exe12:49
zeewolfzxc333: ok12:49
Fr4nticsladen, from what directory? ~/.wine/drive_c/ ?12:49
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sladenFr4ntic: save the .exe installer on your Desktop.  Then use the mouse to double-click it12:50
Constrabusnumber41, have you restarted your session lately?12:50
shodanjr_grhere is the issue: i acccess my windows PC via the Network Servers option, i access my shared my documents directory and try to copy paste a directory from in there...(i got some programming courses files there). the problem is that the copy procedure seems to stop half way through...while trying to copy a .class file....12:50
Fr4nticsladen, okey. as usual then as in old windows :)12:50
shodanjr_grits done it to me like 5 times already...12:50
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gavagaii am about to to a dist upgrade WITHOUT x.  i found a sources list on the internet, would anyone be willing to take a quick look at it to see if it is OK?12:51
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number41constrabus i restarted and it didnt help at all12:51
krazykitgavagai: yeah, just pastebin it12:51
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gavagaiok thanks, one second12:51
Mordenhiya, if I do a "whois IP" will it always query the correct RIR (e.g. RIPE, ARIN, ....)?12:51
Ng!tell gavagai about sources12:51
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Wyredgoing to be rebooting soon as installing a new Distro, soon as the 6GB dl is finished12:52
sladenFr4ntic: wine is design to allow windows programs to run as expected, yes12:52
ijeffWell, besides the horrible resolution (I want my 1600x1200!), I'm loving Ubuntu!12:52
JasonLSladen i submitted it12:52
sladenMorden: yes12:52
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krazykitijeff: you might need to play with your xorg.conf.  i'll be there's a guide somewhere.12:52
sladenJasonL: thank you!12:52
gavagaihere's the pastbin, thanks a lot i appreciate it: http://pastebin.com/76858412:52
Mordensladen: Thx :)12:52
sladenJasonL: I'll probably get an email shortly.  Or somebody else will reply12:52
ubotumethinks resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:52
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JasonLhow long will it be until it is all confirmed and verified approx Sladen?12:52
ProN00bon my normal X i had gnome set so it would be only on one screen (the task and toolbar) now with Xgl it is on both screens, how can i set it back so its only on one screen anymore ?12:52
ijeffkrazykil: followed the wiki but it just won't work ><12:52
krazykitgavagai: yeah, that looks fine.12:52
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mythicnesscan someone tell me how to uninstall grub and install elilo using live cd12:53
gavagaithank you both!12:53
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Constrabusnumber41, Sorry, I cant think of anyting else at the moment. Im sure someone help mor knowledgable about this can help more more.12:53
gavagaiand one last question... if i dist-upgrade and it installs a new kernel, will it automagically keep my old kernel as a boot option?12:53
sladenJasonL: 1 minute -> couple of days12:53
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ljl_sladen: know what, the problem looks a tad less apparent under a console than under X (though i'm quite positive it's there nonetheless)... on the other hand, most of the time the console "forgets" to output new-line characters. wonder if it's related... do you know of any key that, when kept pressed, suppresses newlines?!12:53
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krazykitgavagai: yeah, it should12:53
JasonLok sladen12:54
maccherob_p is working!!!12:54
macchethank you12:54
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gavagaiok good, because the only reason i installed breezy is that dapper just would not work with my soundcard12:54
gavagaiand if i lose sound i may want to go back to this kernel12:54
ConstrabusAnyone have an Idea why number41 cant sudo? He is useing the same passowrd he used to log in.12:54
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gavagaihe is not in the sudoers file?12:54
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mythicnesshow do u uninstall grub and install elilo using live cd (grub wont boot)12:54
zxc333zeewolf: you checked out the ubuntu forunms12:54
wastrelthere was a thing with groups.12:54
rob_pmacche:  Cool!  Thanks for letting me know!12:54
wastrelis he in the admin group12:54
gnomefreakcandid he enable su at any time?12:54
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Constrabusgavagai Where is that file located?12:54
zxc333zeewolf: *forums...their seems to be a lot of stuff on there12:54
JasonLsladen ive just found a bug exactly the same12:55
ProN00bon my normal X i had gnome set so it would be only on one screen (the task and toolbar) now with Xgl it is on both screens, how can i set it back so its only on one screen anymore ?12:55
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gavagaiConstrabus, you edit it as root with 'visudo', it is /etc/sudoers i think12:55
ljl_JasonL: what problem do you have with usplash? (asking because i have a problem with it)12:55
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maccherob_p: you know how can i have beagle tray icon in dapper?? in breezy i have best....12:55
mcpowleyhow would I go about making a new directory in a folder12:55
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zeewolfzxc333: yeah, i followed the clues to self compile the eagle sources, it works as you see, but modem doesn't synchronize at first try12:55
gnomefreakmcpowley: mkdir12:56
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sindrumcan anyone help me get su working...i type in su and then the password and i get this su: Authentication failure12:56
sindrum Sorry.12:56
erikneudorferany one wanna help me install ubuntu on a second computer of mine?12:56
JasonLljl_ when logging out the PC restarts, and does not take me to the login screen12:56
ljl_!tell sindrum about sud12:56
u01p2109 12:56
rob_pmacche:  What's beagle tray icon?12:56
ProN00bon my normal X i had gnome set so it would be only on one screen (the task and toolbar) now with Xgl it is on both screens, how can i set it back so its only on one screen ?12:56
ljl_!tell sindrum about sudo12:56
sindrumohh sudo12:56
macchethe icon near the clock12:56
sindrumyeah that seems to work12:56
ljl_sindrum: bear with me, my keyboard's not working well at all12:56
maccheand with F12 you can open the beagle search windows12:56
shodanjr_grwhy the heck does dapper crash when copying files over WLAN?12:57
sindrumbut will that keep me in root?12:57
mcpowleygnomefreak, I get a permission denied message in terminal, i'm trying to make a directory in my usr/src folder for my sound drivers12:57
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macchebut now in dapper, if i hit F12 nothing appends12:57
JasonLwhat problem are you having ljl_??12:57
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ljl_JasonL: oh not the same problem that i have then. though it would sound more like a problem with GDM/KDM than with usplash, to me12:57
Constrabusnumber41, you can check if your in the sudoers file located in the /etc directory. You can edite the file with visudo if you find that your not in there.12:57
rob_pmacche:  All the icons near my clock are ones that I made so I guess I'm still unclear... sorry.12:57
gnomefreakmcpowley: sudo mkdir12:57
ljl_sindrum: no12:57
PseudoPlaceboHas anyone, or does anyone know about dual-booting Linux (namely Ubuntu) and OS X?12:57
krazykitshodanjr_gr: maybe you're using experimental drivers?12:57
ljl_sindrum: but you can "sudo -i" for that12:57
JasonLoh ok ljl12:57
mythicnesshow do u uninstall grub and install elilo using live cd (grub wont boot)12:57
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sindrumok let me give that a try12:57
maccherob_p can i speak to you in query??12:57
shodanjr_grkrazykit im using windows drivers via ndiswrapper....12:57
ljl_sindrum: (though, you really should avoid *staying* root in most cases, and just use sudo)12:57
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rob_pmacche:  yes12:57
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sindrumis there a way to get su to work?12:58
mcpowleygnomefreak, thanks much you're my hero12:58
ProN00bon my normal X i had gnome set so it would be only on one screen (the task and toolbar) now with Xgl it is on both screens, how can i set it back so its only on one screen ?12:58
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xjohnSeveas: How is my stupid bitch(you) doing today?12:58
shodanjr_grthe point is that it works FINE when using the net or downloading... it crashed when copying files of my windows PC12:58
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matt0440is there a command so i can get the java plugin??12:58
sladensindrum: man root_sudo12:58
yurkahey guys12:58
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yurkawhere is window manager?12:58
ljl_sindrum: not without risking to break other (small, admittedly) things... but why would you need that anyway?12:58
PseudoPlaceboHas anyone, or does anyone know about dual-booting Linux (namely Ubuntu) and OS X?12:58
ljl_sindrum: i don't see much of a difference between su and "sudo -i"12:58
sladensindrum: but please use 'sudo'.  It's a much better solution12:58
Seveasljl_, su ~ sudo -s12:58
sindrumim trying to get fkux box working12:58
Seveasljl_, su - ~ sudo -i12:59
maccherob_p can you see my query??12:59
sindrumand need to change the permissions on .xinitrc12:59
krazykitljl_: there's no root user to log in as, helping prevent a lot of breakage.12:59
sladenljl_: and 'sudo -i' sort of defeats the point of sudo 'sudo'12:59
ljl_Seveas: whatever :)12:59
gnomefreakhe was a real bright one :(12:59
sindrumit wont let me save because i dont have the permissions12:59
ljl_krazykit: i know that ;)12:59
mythicnesshow do u uninstall grub and install elilo using live cd (grub wont boot)12:59
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dylan_does anybody know how hot a laptop should get until i should turn it off?12:59
krazykitmythicness: have you searched?  just install elilo.12:59
sladenljl_: no shared passwords, fine grained control, audit logs, locking, only running what's needed with priviliges...12:59
shodanjr_grwhy the heck does dapper crash when copying files over WLAN? anyone got an idea?12:59
mythicnessi tried12:59
ljl_sladen: i agree with that, but then if one really *wants* su for some reason, then sudo -i / sudo -s are certainly a good substitude01:00
mythicnessi ran apt-get install elilo01:00
mythicnessand apt-get remove grub01:00
sladenmythicness: why do you want elilo.  are you on ia64?01:00
SurfnKidguys whats the command i should add in /dev/hda1       /media/hda1     ntfs    defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       1 to do the noauto mount. can someone add this and post. not sure where to place it01:00
u01p2109where is russian comunnity?01:00
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mythicnessthen i rebooted and grub still tried to load?01:00
sladenljl_: yes.  Better than using 'su'.01:00
chuck8your laptop should shut itself down when it gets hot01:00
krazykitu01p2109: #ubuntu-ru, i think01:00
mythicnesssladen: 'i am running a macbook pro01:00
dylan_chuck8, really?  i never heard that.01:00
ubotuto automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions there is no write support for ntfs that is safe. <!winfstab>01:00
darkman241dylan: no hard and fast rule, but they're certainly not intended for operations at full duty constantly.01:00
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sindrumok ill work with sudo then thanks01:00
sladenu01p2109: http://www.ubuntu.ru/ http://forum.ubuntu-ru.org/01:01
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ljl_sindrum: you can actually type "sudo su -" if you really like, but that's sort of pointless01:01
temperedis there something special I have to do to get the LAMP install to alllow me to : sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install something' ?01:01
rob_pmacche:  No.01:01
sladensindrum: thanks.  Modern operating systems use it  (eg. Mac OSX aswell)01:01
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ic56SurfnKid: "defaults" contains auto.  Read the manpage for "mount" to see what "defaults" expands to.01:01
shodanjr_grwhy the heck does dapper crash when copying files over WLAN? anyone got an idea?01:01
gavagaiok i'm using that source file from the bot... updating... about to pull the trigger on dist upgrade...01:01
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sladentempered: you'll find alot of perl modules already packaged directly01:01
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PseudoPlaceboHas anyone, or does anyone know about dual-booting Linux (namely Ubuntu) and OS X? (again. >.>)01:01
mythicnesshow do you alter installed apps on ur harddrive etc... using the live cd?01:02
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ryanyone gotten twinview to work in Dapper?01:02
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temperedright, but I need HTML::Template and it's not default01:02
SurfnKidic56: man fstab?01:02
sladentempered: perl -mCPAN::Debian -e shell01:02
maccherob_p try to query me..01:02
krazykitmythicness: you'll need to chroot into your system, and run the commands from that terminal.01:02
u01p2109sladen: krazykit thanks01:02
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mythicnesskrazykit: oh ok, could you point me in the right direction?01:02
SurfnKidwhats a gui way to see man?01:03
sladentempered: actually, try   dh-make-perl --build --notest --cpan Tie::RDBM01:03
amortvigilwhat is symlink?01:03
sladenSurfnKid: xman01:03
ic56SurfnKid: fstab is a short manpage.  It states you should read the mount manpage for details.01:03
SurfnKidic56: thx01:03
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gavagaiyou can see man pages in your browser too01:03
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ic56SurfnKid: welcome01:03
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ljl_amortvigil: a symlink is a file that actually just contains a pointer to another file01:03
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SurfnKidoh ok01:03
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sladenamortvigil: a pointer/shortcut/alias from one location to another directory/file01:03
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ljl_amortvigil: so you can have a file called /foo/bar, and a like to it called /bar/foo01:03
cdubyaevenin, all01:03
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gavagaiok its upgrading... if this works and i still have sound, i'm going to be a very happy man01:03
ljl_amortvigil: it's similar to Windows "shortcuts", but more general01:04
matt044010what is the command to get the java plugin?>01:04
tempereddh-make-perl not on the system01:04
ljl_amortvigil: "like to it"="link to it"01:04
zxc333Is the root of my machine /01:04
krazykitmythicness: simply, boot into the liveCD, mount your ubuntu partition, and `chroot /mount/point /bin/bash`  you may need sudo, i don't recall.  from there you can use aptitude or apt to modify packages01:04
SurfnKidic56:  xman fstab returns a bunch of arguments no GUI01:04
gavagaizxc333, yes01:04
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mythicnessoh ok, but how do i mount my kubuntu install?01:05
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mythicnessif i try mount it sats that its currently busy01:05
mythicnessand i dont see my drive mounted under "df"01:05
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amortvigilljl_: how must i do this : If you only intend to use the Allies CD, symlink the mix files from the CD root (run the following command while in your RA2 directory: 'ln -s /mnt/cdrom/*.mix .', substitute /mnt/cdrom with your CD mountpoint). Otherwise, copy all the mix files from your Allies CD root to your RA2 directory, and then insert the Soviet CD and symlink ('ln -s /mnt/cdrom/*02.mix .') or copy maps02.mix and movies02.mix from it01:05
Ademanif i have       ./foo/bar.cpp    and     it has the line "#include "bar.h" "   shouldnt it include ./foo/bar.h ?01:05
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zxc333how do I "Run as different user" in dapper...it used to be in system toools01:06
benkong2anyone why dapper on a thinkpad would freeze | lockup| hard when network-manager tries to connect to wireless? All I can do is press the power button to get it to restart.01:06
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs01:06
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ljl_amortvigil: type what it tells you to type in a console. i believe "/mnt/cdrom" is "/media/cdrom" under ubuntu01:06
gavagaimy dist upgrade will take 10 minutes.  now THAT'S a minimal install.  :)01:06
soundrayzxc333: it's now under System-Quit01:06
SurfnKidwell so far my wifi is working good01:07
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ljl_amortvigil: where it says to "copy" files, just remember that the command to copy is "cp <original-file> <new-file>"01:07
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v|nc3hi guys01:07
matt0440hod do i get java???01:07
zxc333I want to run nautilus as root...how can I do it?01:07
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs01:07
ljl_zxc333: try "sudo nautilus"01:07
krazykitzxc333: you really oughtn't, but sudo nautilus01:07
ubotuIn Breezy: j2re1.4 is in multiverse. In Dapper: sun-java5-jre is in multiverse01:07
ic56SurfnKid: from the GNOME panel, click on the life saver icon> Manual Pages> System Administration> mount.  xman should work too but apparently isn't configured by default.01:07
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v|nc3i got ubuntu to work01:08
v|nc3was very easy01:08
shodanjr_grhow do i setup networking on a windows network for Dapper?01:08
TTilusshodanjr_gr: depends on what you consider as "networking"01:08
dooglusshodanjr_gr: share the folder as normal on windows, and access it using smb on dapper01:09
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gavagaiso when i want to install x is the command:  apt-get install x-window-system ?01:09
v|nc3the first account created during installation is administrator right?01:09
rob_pmacche:  Sorry... got distracted.  I'm at work.  :-)01:09
ljl_TTilus: what about two 33.6k serial modems connected through a muted phoneline01:09
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TTilusyou can afaik map smb shares with nautilus, just "connect to server"01:09
maccherob_p no problem :DDD01:09
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krazykitthat's odd01:09
SurfnKidic56: cant find lifesaver in dapper's panel ill look for it01:09
krazykitwhat happened to composite?01:09
gavagaiv|nc3, the first account can use sudo but is not like a full blown superuser.  but, yeah.01:10
dooglusgavagai: there's a package called 'x-window-system-core'01:10
soundrayv|nc3: the first account you create can run system programs via sudo.01:10
shodanjr_grwell i just came across swomething creepy...i seem to be able to access my shared windows folders over WLAN but i cant see them over ethernet....01:10
gavagaidooglus, thanks01:10
ic56SurfnKid: it's a round thing with white and red stripds01:10
dooglusgavagai: I don't know if that's what you want to install though.01:10
ic56SurfnKid: (stripes)01:10
gavagaii just want a regular desktop01:10
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gavagaimaybe like gnome for my wife and xfce for me01:10
v|nc3when searching for programs to download what type do i have to get01:10
soundraygavagai: install the ubuntu-desktop package then01:10
dooglusgavagai: maybe 'xserver-xorg' is better, I don't know.  or if you want GNOME or KDE as well, then something else...01:10
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gavagaiok cool01:11
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soundraygavagai: and the xubuntu-desktop package for you01:11
gavagaithank you01:11
dooglusgavagai: ubuntu-desktop for you and xubuntu-desktop for your wife01:11
ljl_gavagai: and the kubuntu-desktop one if you want to give KDE a chance too :)01:11
OMGLAZERSWould anyone know how to get some version of Quicktime or a quicktime replacement installed?01:11
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gavagaikde reminds me of a system i don't like so much.  :)01:11
soundraygavagai: and edubuntu-desktop just to be fair01:11
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dooglusOMGLAZERS: mplayer plays quicktime movies for me.  I had to get the right codecs is all01:11
SurfnKidic56: someone took that away from me :P nah, really it aint there, whats the command to add a shortcut to it, 5.10 had it i saw it, but I cant find it on Dapper, grr Dappaa don like me :(01:11
ubotuDo they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, dooglus01:12
ubotuwell, restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats01:12
gavagailol, my harddrive is getting full here.  ;)01:12
ljl_OMGLAZERS: vlc should play them too, and so should xine01:12
rob_pmacche:  Tried to msg you but apparently didn't work.  Maybe because I'm connected via TOR or something.01:12
dooglusgavagai: xubuntu is nice enough - your wife can probably use it.01:12
krazykitOMGLAZERS: w32codecs.01:12
rob_pmacche:  Anyway, I better get back to work here.  Good luck.01:12
OMGLAZERSljl_: I downloaded and installed VLC already.. but i'm more worried about in-webpage playing.. aka: I wanna watch YTMNDs01:12
ic56SurfnKid: on breezy, it's also under System> Help.  Maybe it's still there in Dapper?01:12
gavagaii actually mostly use terminal and screen so i probably won't even use it too much, but i'll want to play with it, config it, etc.01:12
manishhi all01:12
beerockxsI have this weird bug with miscolored buttons in Gnome, see this pic: http://www.deckmaker.mynetcologne.de/Bildschirmfoto.png01:13
dooglusrob_p: you can't /msg people if you're not registered, that's all01:13
beerockxsagainst what package should i report it?01:13
ljl_OMGLAZERS: wouldn't know abot that, but i guess the page about restricted formats has some pointers01:13
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OMGLAZERSdooglus: Does Mplayer play in webpages?01:13
squiddle|drunkOMGLAZERS  yes with mozplugger in firefox01:13
krazykitOMGLAZERS: yes, with mplayerplug-in, which i think is named differently in ubuntu01:13
dysmindOMGLAZERS, there is a plugin yes01:13
SurfnKidic56: found help topics? that could be it01:13
OMGLAZERSThanks then01:14
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v|nc3how do i install java01:14
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ic56SurfnKid: try it.  Where was it?01:14
maccherob_p: don't worry, good work!! :DD01:14
soundraybeerockxs: weird indeed. Have you tried a different theme?01:14
DAC1138v|nc3, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper01:14
manishhey i got some strange problem ie, while playing a dvd using totem it plays perfectly but if i m playing some movie cd then no sound is there, so can any one tell me what to do?01:14
SurfnKid ic56 yeah System> Help 5 options01:14
SurfnKidSystem Documentation, They should put life ssssaver all over that01:14
dooglusOMGLAZERS: there's an mplayer plugin for firefox, but it's not very good IMHO01:14
rob_pmacche:  thanks01:14
OMGLAZERSdooglus: Ah. OK.01:14
v|nc3thanks DAC113801:15
dooglusOMGLAZERS: but I've not found any decent movie player plugin for firefox.  have you?01:15
OMGLAZERSDooglus: Nope. I started with ubuntu.. oh, now?01:15
OMGLAZERSDooglus: First linux ever.01:15
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soundray!info mozplugger01:15
ubotumozplugger: (Plugin allowing external viewers to be launched inside Mozilla), section universe/web, is optional. Version: 1.7.1-1 (breezy), Packaged size: 44 kB, Installed size: 192 kB01:15
dooglusOMGLAZERS: ok.  the mplayer-plugin is ok-ish, but a bit flaky.  sometimes it won't play full screen. other times it will only play full screen. sometimes the play/pause controls don't show up, and so on.01:16
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vinboyhow do I install kernel headers for my custom kernel?01:16
ic56SurfnKid: does the click path from there on, go the same way as I said?01:16
beerockxssoundray: It doesn't always happen, but from very quick testing, it appears to not happen with a different theme01:16
PseudoPlaceboHas anyone, or does anyone know about dual-booting Linux (namely Ubuntu) and OS X?01:16
dooglusOMGLAZERS: I tend to save the movie to disk and play it from there01:16
manishhey i got some strange problem ie, while playing a dvd using totem it plays perfectly but if i m playing some movie cd then no sound is there, so can any one tell me what to do?01:16
PseudoPlaceboHas anyone, or does anyone know about dual-booting Linux (namely Ubuntu) and OS X on a PPC mac?01:16
PseudoPlaceboI should say.01:16
manishany one plz help me01:16
OMGLAZERSI'm pretty much completely brand new to Linux and Ubuntu and I was wondering if anyone would mind to dump some websites with walkthroughs, FAQs, cool stuff to do etc. for a newbie at linux/ubuntu. Anyone mind volunteering some?01:16
soundraybeerockxs: now if you switch back to the original one - as before or back to normal?01:16
SurfnKidic56: mmm kindof, System> Help> 5 options I chose the first one,01:16
dooglusbeerockxs: I guess you would report it against libgtk2.0-0, but I'm not sure.01:17
beerockxssoundray: still happens01:17
PseudoPlaceboOMGLAZERS: There's an unofficial Ubuntu guide. I'm not sure of the exact link, google it, though.01:17
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beerockxssoundray: to be precise, it happens with human01:17
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soundraybeerockxs: does it happen when you log in as another user?01:18
dooglusPseudoPlacebo: you mean http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper ?01:18
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OMGLAZERSPseudoPlacebo: Yea found it just now thanks01:18
beerockxssoundray: let me check, I currently have only one user account01:18
ZambeziIs it possible to import *,pst-files in Ubuntu?01:18
detox332hi guys...does anyone know a working solution to the ati problem...my comp restarts after i log in if i try to use fglrx01:18
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beerockxscan i switch users without closing my current session?01:18
soundrayPseudoPlacebo: I've heard that it is possible (dual-boot on PPC)01:18
ic56SurfnKid: did you find "mount" under "5 options?"  Where there alternatives like "1 commands" and "8 administration"?01:18
PseudoPlacebosoundray: Me too.01:19
dooglusbeerockxs: from GNOME?01:19
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soundraybeerockxs: on dapper or breezy?01:19
PseudoPlaceboI got pointed at Yaboot, but I'm not sure.01:19
PseudoPlaceboI also have a spare partition.01:19
wide_awakedoes the latest ubuntu livecd support wifi cards (specifically linksys 54g)?01:19
beerockxsdooglus: yes, soundray: dapper01:19
nostalg1cis it safe to reboot while a raid5 array is rebuilding?01:19
PseudoPlacebowide_awake: I've yet to use a card that didn't work. =\01:19
dooglusbeerockxs: click the red 'exit' sign in the top right.  that has a 'switch user' button01:19
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krazykitnostalg1c: probably not.01:19
v|nc3humm i dont like this giam application01:19
wide_awakePseudoPlacebo: cool01:19
soundraybeerockxs: first create a new user, though01:19
gavagaiI just succesffully upgraded from breezy->dapper.  (cli only, no x)  but if i do 'apt-get upgrade' it shows me that 45 packages were 'held back'.  why would that be?  because i didn't change my kernel or something?01:20
=== Matthewv [n=Matthewv@CPE-139-168-253-198.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
dooglusbeerockxs: or just run "gdmflexiserver" - that will get you a new login screen, while keeping your current login active01:20
ChefWillanyone use network-manager know how i can setup a network that is "Hidden" from public view to be displayed in the menu and preferences saved so id ont have to re-renter the info and pass each time?01:20
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eXistenZI might give up windows if vmware works just fine with unicode and such01:20
eXistenZ:] 01:21
dooglusgavagai: maybe you need to "dist-upgrade" instead of "upgrade"?01:21
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gavagaiuh oh01:21
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gavagaihope i didn't break anything. i meant to type 'dist upgrade' but only did 'upgrade' after changing my sources file01:21
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gavagaioh no.01:21
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dooglusgavagai: it won't matter01:21
dooglusgavagai: dist-upgrade does more than upgrade is all01:22
dooglusgavagai: so currently you're half-upgraded...01:22
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gavagaiok, and it is showing me now that it will give a new kernel.  i'm nervous.  can i still boot to the old kernel?01:22
SurfnKidic56: I found the system help under System > Help and 1,22,3,4,5 options. But the mount i found it in System> Administration> Disks but dont do much help cuz i want NTFS not to mount automatically during startup01:22
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dooglusgavagai: upgrade won't install new packages (it only upgrades existing ones), dist-upgrade will01:22
gavagaiah, gotcha01:22
dooglusgavagai: yup01:22
beerockxssoundray: happens with a new user, too01:22
gavagaiok i'm pulling the trigger.  :)01:22
arunhi.. i tried installing g++ and tried to run a program in ubuntu but i keep getting this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15357.. can somebody PLEASE help me solve this..01:22
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gavagaithanks a lot01:23
ApesMaQuestion about find: how can I get -exec to run a pipe? I want to do something to every file for which file spits out "ASCII text file, with CRLF line terminators".01:23
dooglusgavagai: you're currently running the breezy kernel with dapper apps?01:23
gavagaii really have no apps, i installed breezy 15 minutes ago01:23
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gavagaii installed mp3blaster to see if i had sound, that's it01:23
Kyralarun: whats in test.cpp01:23
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soundrayApesMa: have you tried xargs?01:23
gavagaii did a 'server' install with no added packages from breezy cd01:23
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ic56SurfnKid: did you look for the mount manpage under System> Help> 1 ?01:23
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dooglusApesMa: find . -type f | while read x; do file "$x" | grep -q "ASCII text file" && do something "$x"; done01:24
SurfnKidic56: ye im lookin there now01:24
arunKyral, its a C++ simple program that uses a vector.. do you want to see the code01:24
ApesMasoundray: Hmmm...that would work; file includes the file name, so I could pipe stdout to sed, and that to xargs. Thanks!01:24
Kyralarun: yes01:24
dooglusApesMa: I tend not to use -exec much01:24
Kyralarun: pastebin it01:24
arunKyral,  just a moment01:24
gavagaii'm going to be rocking if sound and my resolution works in dapper this time... i love apt so i'm crossing my fingers.  i had a nightmare installing dapper directly01:24
darkman241existenz: Breezy under Vmware works fine for me under Win2003. I just needed to rebuild the kernel with a 100Hz clock rate instead of 1000Hz. clock=pit didn't work :(01:24
Xenguydooglus: nifty :-)01:24
ic56SurfnKid: replace "defaults" with "ro,noexec".01:25
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mcpowleywhat would you guys recommend as a reliable bittorent client?01:25
gavagaiinexpicably dapper worked as a live cd with my soundcard but not as a real installation01:25
Matthewvmcpowley, the default always works for me...01:25
dooglusXenguy: the nice thing about piping to 'while read x' is that it works on files with spaces in their names01:25
Matthewvmcpowley, not extremely advanced or anything, but its all i need01:25
squiddle|drunkmcpowley  bittorrent01:25
eXistenZdarkman241, I would prefer to install windows under linux, not vice versa01:25
SurfnKidic56: i thought it was ro,noauto?01:25
dooglusmcpowley: you can't really beat azureus01:25
Xenguydooglus: hrm, really01:25
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arunKyral, this is the code i ran http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1535801:25
SurfnKidic56: i just remember the noauto in breezy, but dont know where to put it :S01:26
dooglusSurfnKid: in /etc/fstab?01:26
wide_awakedoes ubuntu use apt as its package manager?01:26
squiddle|drunkdooglus  you can, azureus without gui is a pain in the ass01:26
krazykityes, wide_awake01:26
=== wide_awake loves apt.
ApesMadooglus: thanks; that is clearer than what I was thinking of.01:26
Kyralarun: honestly I have no idea what you are trying to do01:26
darkman241existenz: Not tried that yet *snap* :P But the 100Hz clock tick rate would probably still apply.01:26
SurfnKiddooglus: ye01:26
dooglussquiddle|drunk: I've not tried it.  appently it will do a web interface01:27
SurfnKiddooglus: i just want it not to mount on startup01:27
Kyralinit doesn't return anything, you don't do anything with the variables, and then you try to assign a varible to it01:27
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SurfnKidgrr sorry01:27
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dooglusSurfnKid: /etc/fstab specifies what to mount on startup01:27
SurfnKiddooglus: this is what i got /dev/hda1       /media/hda1     ntfs    defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       101:27
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arunKyral, Oh! i am writing a program that has a function which creates a STL vector int and returns it..01:27
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Kyralarun: its prolly reacting to the garbage in the memory address01:27
ic56SurfnKid: on second thoughts, I think you are right: noauto *is* required.  So use: ro,noexec,noauto01:27
matt0440can i please get help??? should i install gstreamer or xine???01:27
dooglusSurfnKid: add it to the list of comma separated options01:28
mcpowleyalso, one more question, I used to use Download Accelerator pro for large downloads so I could resume them, is there any download manager for linux?01:28
mani_arun, there is no problem with installation. its more to do with the code01:28
manishhi can any one help me, i m not getting sound while playing a video cd but while playing dvd i got the sound..01:28
arunmani_, oh!!01:28
Kyralarun: why don't you just do vector<int> a; a.push_back(1); a.push_back(2);01:28
matt0440gstreamer or xine better???01:28
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dooglusmatt0440: xine01:28
squiddle|drunkmatt0440  xine is more stable01:28
RandolphCartervector<int> a = vector<int>(); surely?01:28
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manishhi can any one help me, i m not getting sound while playing a video cd but while playing dvd i got the sound..i m playing using totem01:29
darkman241mcpowley: From a terminal, wget will probably do all you want.01:29
RandolphCarterimplicit initialisation can get confusing..01:29
Kyralbut thats a rather overly complicated way to make a vector of ints....01:29
Kyralor a vector period01:29
manishhi can any one help me, i m not getting sound while playing a video cd but while playing dvd i got the sound..i m playing using totem. plz any one help me out01:29
__mikemHEy RandolphCarter when writing code Especially in c++ its best to use more meaningful names than a, long var names is a gift, use it01:29
matt0440i tried xine and there was no sound to the video01:29
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DarkMageZmcpowley, you might like to checkout gwget, it's a nice gui frontend to wget :)01:29
RandolphCarter__mikem: I know, but I was following the previous example01:29
Kyral__mikem: it was an example01:29
KuLoverHow can I configure flash to work with aself installed version of firefox, as opposed to the version in the repos.01:29
roe_does anyone know if one can add ubuntu support for my debian apt-cacher?01:30
arunKyral, OK that works.. probably sth wrong with the code01:30
Kyralarun: I could have told you that immeadiatly :P01:30
aesxaHi. How do I find out where something is installed? Also, how do I change what processes start with my system? Also, package sun-java5-jre apparently didn't install the tools I need to run Freenode; jws and javaws fail.01:30
Kyralarun: I can fix it to do what you want...01:30
aesxa*Freenet ; )01:30
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darkman241mcpowley: Also, take a look at squid, which is a fine web proxy, which for me, here at home, with 4 PCs in use usually catches around 40% of all requests.01:30
manishhi can any one help me, i m not getting sound while playing a video cd but while playing dvd i got the sound..i m playing using totem. plz any one help me out01:30
__mikemI always found the STL to be redundant anyway01:30
arunKyral, thanks for your help.. i was breaking my head for the past hour thinking sth was wrong with g++ :P:P01:30
soundrayaesxa: I suggest you ask one question at a time.01:30
SurfnKidic56: would you paste me what it would look like01:31
SurfnKidic56: with the fstab line plz01:31
arunKyral, I would really appreciate that01:31
RandolphCarter__mikem: what do you use for containers/iterators/io?01:31
aesxasoundray, why not just pick one?01:31
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manishhi can any one help me, i m not getting sound while playing a video cd but while playing dvd i got the sound..i m playing using totem. plz any one help me out01:31
soundrayKuLover: copy the plugin.so to the plugins directory under $HOME/.firefox01:31
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__mikemI usually just use a pointer, an array, and a for loop01:31
soundrayaesxa: you're greedy, right? ;)01:31
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RandolphCarter__mikem: then you're coding c/c++, not c++ ;)01:31
__mikemno need to overcomplicate such things01:31
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KuLoversoundray, where is plugin.so?01:31
manishhello any one there???01:31
matt0440dooglus: in installed xine and totem still doesnt play mp3's and no sound in mpegs01:31
SurfnKiddooglus: do i take default out01:32
__mikemYup I know, Pure C++ sacrifices performance01:32
mcpowleydarkmageZ, thanks much01:32
KarlsBerganybody have the USB wireless adapter C54RU ?01:32
mcpowleydarkman241, thanks, ill check it out01:32
soundrayKuLover: find it with "sudo updatedb ; locate libflashplayer.so"01:32
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mythicnessi installed elilo, and uninstalled grub, but my /boot/grub folder still exists?01:32
manishu01p2109: hi can any one help me, i m not getting sound while playing a video cd but while playing dvd i got the sound..i m playing using totem. plz any one help me out01:32
KuLoversoundray, and do I link it? or copy it01:32
mythicnessand there is no /boot/elilo folder?01:32
ljlsladen: the problem with usplash not showing on shutdown seems to be a confirmed problem with KDM, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/3482101:32
matt0440anybody know anything about xine??01:32
Kyralarun: This SHOULD work http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1535901:32
soundrayKuLover: personally, I would copy01:32
dooglusSurfnKid: defaults means "Use default options: rw, suid, dev, exec, auto, nouser, and async."01:33
arunKyral, ok i will try that.. thanks a lot01:33
dooglusSurfnKid: I don't know if you want to take it out or not01:33
roe_anyone know anything about apt cachers?01:33
manishhi can any one help me, i m not getting sound while playing a video cd but while playing dvd i got the sound..i m playing using totem. plz any one help me out01:33
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Kyraldon't hold me to it01:33
SurfnKiddooglus: ah thats what i wanted to know, :)01:33
SurfnKidic56: finally i found the fstab help in documentation :D01:33
matt0440dooglus: i cant get xine to work01:33
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manishhello any one plz help me out...01:34
dooglusmatt0440: I use mplayer-nogui personally01:34
mrmistMy screen gets all messed up during boot01:34
soundrayGuys, if your questions aren't being answered, try rephrasing, or come back another time.01:34
mrmistanyone experienced that ?01:34
mcpowleyanother question, on windows, I set myself as a static ip address(i think) so I could always be the, so I could portforward a port for bittorrent, how would I go about doing that on linux?01:34
KuLoversoundray, Thank you so much and sorry for bothering you so much. But, one more Q, there are three different locations containing that file? Does it matter which.01:34
manishhello any one plz help me out...01:35
roe_mcpowley,  look in /etc/network/interfaces01:35
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roe_or in ubuntu there is a network manager program01:35
mpmcAnyone know a good tutorial on VNC?01:35
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soundrayKuLover: look at each one with 'ls -l' and pick the most recent one.01:35
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arunKyral, It worked.. great.. thanks a lot01:35
ic56SurfnKid: /dev/hda1  /mdedai/hda1  ntfs ro,noexec,noauto,fmask=0133,dmask=0022,uid=<your username>,gid=<your groupname>  0 001:35
soundrayKuLover: or the one that isn't a link to something else :)01:35
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manishhi can any one help me, i m not getting sound while playing a video cd but while playing dvd i got the sound..i m playing using totem. plz any one help me out01:36
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Matthewvmpmc, what exactly do you want to do with vnc?01:36
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aLPHa_LeaK n801:36
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mani_manish, Do you get any error msgs?01:36
umberleighhey. is there any easy way of editing the contents of a data dvd+rw disc in k3b? at the moment i'm having to copy the disc's contents to my hard drive, edit, then overwrite the whole disc.01:36
mythicnessi installed elilo, and uninstalled grub, but my /boot/grub folder still exists?01:36
mythicnessHow do I "activate" elilo?01:36
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ic56SurfnKid: do you want to use FUSE?  do you want to write NTFS?01:37
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SurfnKidic56: yep brb gonna try :D let it rip01:37
itsmorefunneed help01:37
itsmorefuni have this Apache/2.0.55 (Ubuntu)01:37
soundraymythicness: I don't know what elilo is, but back when I used lilo, you had to run "lilo /dev/hda" or similar to put it in the master boot record.01:37
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wide_awakethere's a lot of people seeding the ubuntu torrent =D01:37
hardc0deWhat't the kernel version that ships with the desktop version of ubuntu 6.06 i386?01:37
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itsmorefunand i want apache 2.201:37
itsmorefunto have large file support01:38
itsmorefunhow can i do?01:38
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soundrayhardc0de: 2.6.15 (with a lot of backports from 2.6.16)01:38
manishmani_: yes some time ago i mean few minute ago i got one error msg of nautilus01:38
KuLoversoundray, Thank you so much!01:38
kanzoohi.. I have a question regarding installing pptpconfig.  I get two dependency errors:  pptpconfig: depends: php-pcntl (>=4.3.7) but is not installable.  the other is php-gtk.pcntl01:38
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soundrayKuLover: is it working?01:38
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mani_manish, can you pastebin?01:39
itsmorefunnobody have apache 2.2?01:39
matt0440anyone know how to get the gstreamer plugins??????01:39
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manishmani_ : what to do pastebin?01:39
smaxhi gange01:39
_jasonmatt0440: use synaptic, you may need to enable universe and multiverse for some01:39
smaxerr gang01:39
_jasonubotu: tell matt0440 about multimedia01:39
smaxis it a bit of a chore to install cedga under ubuntu, and get a game working?01:39
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RandolphCarteritsmorefun: you could probably fetch it from the apache foundation CVS/SVN and install it yourself?01:40
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smaxmy laptop battery has an hour left01:40
roe_has anyone played with the ubuntu apt-cacher?01:40
manishmani_ : i have that bug report that i can padtebin..01:40
hardc0demythisness: thanks. I messed up my menu.lst by mistake (overwritten it with my one from my older breezy installation), so I couldn't boot01:40
mani_manish, paste error msg in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and send the link01:40
itsmorefunRandolph i don't want to compil it01:40
KuLoversoundray, Yes, works great, but my plugins dir was elsewhere, so I just had to copy it there.01:40
cartur25What is the alternative to gStreamer?01:40
smaxroe_:  i used apt-cache search <potential package>01:40
RandolphCarteritsmorefun: Apache 2.2 isn't part of Ubuntu, so if you want, you can google for an (unsafe) package for Ubuntu, or compile it yourself01:40
itsmorefunnot possible with apt?01:40
roe_smax, yes... that is to search for packages, I want to know if anyone has configured an apt-cacher for ubuntu yet?01:41
Irene_45Does anyone know the xserver-xorg version in Ubuntu 6.06? is it 7.0.0?01:41
Xenguyroe_: apt-cache is actually a keyword search of package descriptions01:41
RandolphCarteritsmorefun: if you can find a packages source for it, yeah, just add it to /etc/apt/sources.list, if you can't, you'll have to build it though (it's not hard)01:41
soundrayKuLover: now you need to be aware that that plugin file doesn't get updated when you get a new version of the ubuntu flash player package.01:41
Xenguyroe_: ahh, different issue then01:41
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soundray!info xserver-xorg01:41
ubotuxserver-xorg: (the X.Org X server (dummy package)), section x11, is optional. Version: 6.8.2-77 (breezy), Packaged size: 267 kB, Installed size: 700 kB01:41
MatthewvIrene_45, yes01:41
soundray!info xserver-xorg dapper01:41
ubotuxserver-xorg: (the X.Org X server), section x11, is optional. Version: 7.0.0-0ubuntu45 (dapper), Packaged size: 98 kB, Installed size: 344 kB01:41
soundrayIrene_45: ^^01:42
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itsmorefunrandolph yes but you know what url can i add to sources.list?01:42
Irene_45thanks. now I can file a bug, since the S3 driver is broken01:42
jme_1how the repository server are doing with the dapper coming out ?01:42
jme_1fine ? :)01:42
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RandolphCarteritsmorefun: nope, I haven't found one, I said to google right? :)01:42
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manishmani_ : here is that pastebin of that http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1536001:42
KuLoversoudray, Oh yes, I understand that, Thanks a bunch!01:42
cartur25What is the alternative to gStreamer?01:42
=== trekna [i=user@adsl-152-200-112.mco.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
itsmorefunwho know e repository with last relases of software like apache 2.2 ???01:43
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_jasoncartur25: xine?01:43
kanzoohi.. I have a question regarding installing pptpconfig.  I get two dependency errors:  pptpconfig: depends: php-pcntl (>=4.3.7) but is not installable.  the other is php-gtk.pcntl01:44
soundrayitsmorefun: from the Ubuntu repositories, what you get is tried & tested. You need bleeding edge stuff? You'll have to install it yourself probably.01:44
gnomefreakitsmorefun: there isnt one01:44
mcpowleyroe_: Sorry, i'm utterly new at this. I'm confused on what i'm supposed to change in this file. I just want to set my static ip to, and all that subnet mask stuff
soundrayjme_1: yeah, they cope just fine, coz' they run FreeBSD01:45
RandolphCartermcpowley: you can use System->Administration->Network to set a manual IP01:45
soundrayjme_1: only joking01:45
itsmorefunfucking linux01:45
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soundrayitsmorefun: please help keep this channel G-rated01:45
roe_mcpowley, you are running ubuntu?01:45
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jme_1soundray: :)01:46
DavidJaqWhen I use wine to install a program, where is that program installed?01:46
aesxaHow do I list the chmod permissions of a file?01:46
RandolphCarterDavidJaq: probably somewhere in .wine/drive_c01:46
jme_1thischannel is impressive with 903 users :)01:46
_jasonaesxa: ls -l file01:46
soundrayaesxa, with ls -a01:46
mani_manish, i am confused.. you said you are using totem with no sound.and the log looks like nautilus code dump01:46
roe_mcpowley, its prol easier for you to use the gui, under system - preferences - network01:46
soundrayaesxa, with ls -l (sry)01:46
itsmorefuni have find!!! i will setup wmvare and setup windows server on it and setupapache2.2.exe :))))01:46
roe_or system - administration - network01:47
roe_I am not sure01:47
mani_manish, while u play using totem, do u get any error msg?01:47
mcpowleyroe_, oh, i see now01:47
RandolphCarteritsmorefun: it's really less work to compile Apache, you could probably do it by typing just three lines into a terminal01:47
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mcpowleyrandolphcarter, thanks!01:47
RandolphCartermcpowley: np's :)01:47
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roe_mcpowley, ubuntu is good at taking the CL out of linux, but if you are curious you should poke around on the Command Line, you'll get a better understanding of the inner workings01:48
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u01p2109mpmc: i was working with vino on Gnome - ok01:48
inphernocan i just say ubuntu is awesome... even my dumbass stepdad finds it easy to use01:49
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DavidJaqI like using the GUI more than the CL, but ubuntu makes the CL seem less scary, so I'm getting better at using it01:49
james_xxcan anyone tell me how to get a hold of SANE backends?01:49
manishmani_ : no while playing i didnt get any error msg..01:49
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soundraystevesmith: fsl/fmrib?01:49
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KarlsBerganybody have the USB wireless adapter C54RU ?01:49
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u01p2109KarlsBerg: have not01:50
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soundrayKarlsBerg: what chipset does it have? Do you see it when you run lsusb?01:50
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kanzoohi.. I have a question regarding installing pptpconfig.  I get two dependency errors:  pptpconfig: depends: php-pcntl (>=4.3.7) but is not installable.  the other is php-gtk.pcntl01:50
h4v0kim backkkk01:50
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gavagaiownage... upgraded to dapper, sound works01:51
madehello all01:51
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gavagaimy 18 hour oddyssey is over assuming i get x working01:51
Sudocan someone help me with the pureftp thingy01:51
soundraykanzoo: I found pptpconfig a pain to install. Can you not configure pptp without it?01:51
mademy sound works and everything but alot of my old settings and configs are gone..01:51
manishmani_ : actually the thing is like this firstly i got some error msg while playing which was related to pluggins then i installed all the pluggins then after that when i play the mpeg file then no sound was there but at the same time while playing a dvd i got the sound01:52
tripppynickrud, hey i got ubuntu to find cable modem!01:52
kanzooI tried but it didn't seem to work.  lemme try to do it by hand again01:52
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madecan anybody guide me in the general direction of configuring a 5-button mouse with scroll..01:53
Sudosudo modprobe cable modem thingy01:53
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manishmani_ : r u there?01:53
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Sudosudo dhclient cable modem thingy01:53
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KarlsBergsoundray: im confused read some comments but my final ids is diferent that other01:53
tripppysudom what help u ned with pureftp?01:53
_jasonubotu: tell made about mouse01:53
KarlsBergBus 005 Device 004: ID 14b2:3c2201:53
Sudoi need to use it01:54
tripppylogging in?01:54
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Sudoand i opened the pureadmin and it said it aint runnin01:54
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manishmani_ : r u there???? hello...01:54
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soundrayKarlsBerg: looks like it might be a ralink device.01:55
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DavidJaqI can't find where Wine installed my program at :(01:55
Inner|REhow do i turn a song on a cd into an mp3?01:55
Shynecould anyone here help me out with a bluetooth problem ??01:55
KarlsBergsoundray:  i have rt2700 compiled and loaded but get no wireless extension01:55
Sudoand i tried man PureFTPd and it has no man entry01:56
tripppyshyne: ill try01:56
tripppysudo, no idea01:56
DavidJaqInner:RE You need a CD ripper. There's quite a few out there. Some auto-downloading scripts, like Automatix has CD rippers listed with them01:56
manishhi can any one help me, i m not getting sound while playing a video cd but while playing dvd i got the sound..01:56
Sudook how do uninstall it01:56
DavidJaqthough Automatix apparently can cause problems, so you're better off looking for an alternative source01:56
itsmorefunI have find help in #windows01:56
manishhi can any one help me, i m not getting sound while playing a video cd but while playing dvd i got the sound..i m playing using totem01:56
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itsmorefuni will use FTP instead of http01:56
soundrayKarlsBerg: are you sure that rt2700 is for USB devices?01:56
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DavidJaqcould someone please help me find out where wine installed my program?01:57
Shynewell, i have the logitech dinovo media desktop (keyboard, mouse, mediapad) - im using the following lines (below) in my /etc/default/bluez-utils to connect the devices at startup. basically the mouse connects - the kb and mp dont, and i have to use a wired keyboard to type hidd --search in a terminal01:57
ShyneHIDD_OPTIONS="--master --connect 00:07:61:24:63:7E --connect 00:07:61:23:FC:6B --connect 00:07:61:24:A6:0D --server"01:57
XenguySudo: dunno, but 'vsftpd' is quite good, and lean01:57
Inner|REsound juicer allows me to extract the song..01:57
Inner|REbut how do i get it to mp301:57
Inner|REits ogg right now01:57
FaileasDavidJaq: try /etc/wine?01:58
DavidJaqyou need to reencode it... though, ogg is a better audio format than MP3 if you want to listen to it on your PC01:58
Sudocan i use rm PureFTPd and no /usr... to remove it?01:58
u01p2109how on xubuntu set Ctrl+Shift as locale-language swicher?01:58
KarlsBergsoundray:  yep01:58
DavidJaqI don't have /etc/wine01:58
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soundrayInner|RE: you need an MP3 encoder, like lame01:58
soundray!info lame dapper01:58
ubotulame: (LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder), section multiverse/sound, is optional. Version: 3.96.1-1 (dapper), Packaged size: 222 kB, Installed size: 620 kB01:58
soundrayKarlsBerg: are you on dapper?01:59
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DavidJaqFaileas: I don't have /etc/wine01:59
u01p2109!info wine01:59
ubotuwine: (Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library)), section universe/otherosfs, is optional. Version: 0.0.20050725-0ubuntu1.1 (breezy), Packaged size: 14130 kB, Installed size: 55488 kB01:59
soundrayKarlsBerg: and it doesn't load a module spontaneously on connecting the device?01:59
dooglusDavidJaq: ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/ ?01:59
kermitX_Inner|RE, if you go into sound juicer, edit preferences, and then click on help. you'll find the info you need to add mp3 encoding to sound juicer.02:00
KarlsBergyes, before i look lsmod and see rt2750002:00
u01p2109!info wine dapper02:00
Faileaswell on my suse install its on ~/.wine/drive_c/programme files02:00
ubotuwine: (Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library)), section universe/otherosfs, is optional. Version: 0.9.9-0ubuntu2 (dapper), Packaged size: 8578 kB, Installed size: 40460 kB02:00
KarlsBergnow i deleted the file on modprobe.d02:00
u01p2109how on xubuntu set Ctrl+Shift as locale-language swicher?02:00
soundrayKarlsBerg: is ndiswrapper an option for you?02:01
Shyneany ideas trippeh02:01
Shyneor tripppy even02:01
KarlsBergi dont test, i listen that rtx00 is the good, im new on linux02:01
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tripppymmm no. sorry02:01
KarlsBergbefore see ndiswrapper but need a driver to load inffile  :S02:01
soundrayKarlsBerg: it's true that running a native driver is always better02:01
DavidJaqdooglus: /home/techno/.wine/drive_c/Program: No such file or directory02:02
ljlDavidJaq: use quotes02:02
kanzooI installed pptp and configured it manually.  When I type pon $TUNNEL, I get an error:  /usr/sbin/pppd: In file /etc/ppp/peers/provider: unrecognized option '/dev/modem'   Do I need to find my wireless adapter info and plug it in the modem's spot?02:02
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dooglusDavidJaq: there's a space in 'Program Files'02:02
dooglusDavidJaq: hit 'tab' after typing the Program part and it should complete the rest for you02:02
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soundrayKarlsBerg: when you let it load the driver of its own choice, can you see the netdevice with ifconfig -a?02:02
DavidJaqah, thanks02:03
matt0440how do i install programs???????02:03
XenguySudo: you can uninstall with 'sudo apt-get remove packagename'02:03
DavidJaqis there any way to get to this using the graphical file browser or only through terminal?02:03
dooglusmatt0440: use synaptic on the system menu02:03
soundray!tell matt0440 about install02:03
Matthewvmatt0440, take a look at Applications --> Add/Remove...02:03
Sudok ty02:03
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Sudowhats a good game i can get02:04
matt0440mattheww: i download mplayer and it is on my desktop02:04
u01p2109how on xubuntu set Ctrl+Shift as locale-language swicher? xorg.conf:: Option XkbLayer "lv,ru(winkey)"02:04
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KriglDavidJaq: Or use Synaptic, it's good not only for installing but also for searching programs.02:04
KarlsBergyep soundray http://pastebin.com/76876302:04
KarlsBergbut rare02:04
dooglusmatt0440: do you really need the very latest mplayer?  it's a lot easier to install the pre-built ubuntu binary using synaptic02:04
soundrayKarlsBerg: that's not a wlan device though02:05
matt0440dooglass: well thats fine so i go in synaptic and look for mplayer?02:05
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dooglusDavidJaq: you can get there using the file manager.  right-click in the file manager and select 'show hidden files' - then you'll be able to see '.wine'02:05
KarlsBergsoundray:  yes, it is,m but ubuntu dont see correct02:05
dooglusmatt0440: yes.  synaptic is pretty straight forward to use.02:06
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matt0440dooglus: there is a kmplayer but no mplayer02:06
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dooglusmatt0440: there's mplayer-nogui02:06
aesxaI have no javaws or jws : (02:06
KarlsBergbefore i exec sit0 up and get this, why before only see sit0 on iwconfig with no wireless extension02:06
_jason!info mplayer dapper02:06
RandolphCartermatt0440: have you enabled the Universe and Multiverse repositories?02:06
ubotumplayer: (The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux), section multiverse/graphics, is extra. Version: 2:0.99+1.0pre7try2+cvs20060117-0ubuntu8 (dapper), Packaged size: 3265 kB, Installed size: 7916 kB02:06
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nickrudu01p2109, that would go under Section "InputDevice" with an identifier for your keyboard02:06
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matt0440how do i do that???02:07
zachdoes anyone know of a decent mpeg editor comparable to tmgenc?02:07
aesxaI have no javaws or jws : ( How do I get those?02:07
leebassI get black and white picture when playing mpeg movies in mplayer any tips?02:07
aesxazach, ffmpeg ?02:07
soundrayKarlsBerg: I don't know - this one's over my head I'm afraid.02:07
dooglusmatt0440: you need to enable multiverse... see:02:07
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.02:07
RandolphCartermatt0440: follow the tutorial at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats from the top02:07
zachaesxa: is it a mpeg editor?02:07
elverCan someone e-mail me their Dapper xorg.conf? Because mine is from older times and I don't have the Wacom bits in there.02:07
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aesxazach, it'll convert your mpeg into something else, or your something else into mpeg. it's command-line but it works very well02:08
matt0440ralphcarter: k i found out how are there any other good repositories?02:08
aesxazach, just as TMPEGnc would02:08
RandolphCarterelver: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -p6 xserver-xorg02:08
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matt0440i added universe and multiverse02:08
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soundray!tell matt0440 about easysource02:08
ubotumethinks cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. There is a HOW-TO located at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm02:08
RandolphCartermatt0440: not sure, I only use the Ubuntu ones - anything extra I build/package myself02:09
aesxaI have no javaws or jws : ( How do I get those?02:09
zachaesxa: well i need something to cut video with .....like tmpegnc mpeg editor02:09
aesxazach, try Diva or Cinelerra02:09
aesxazach, or kino02:10
dooglusmatt0440: using main, restricted, universe and multiverse covers most things.  for gaim 2.0 I had to add another one though02:10
aesxazach, depends on what you need.02:10
RandolphCartergrr, there are a lot of references to manpages that don't exist :/02:10
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dooglusmatt0440: "deb http://repository.debuntu.org dapper main multiverse" for gaim 2.002:10
dooglusRandolphCarter: such as?02:10
zachjust need a simple timeline where i can insert start and end points..then cut those out and save it back to mpeg source02:10
RandolphCarterdooglus: debconf, dpkg-reconfigure reference debconf(7)02:10
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RandolphCarterdooglus: example I just ran in to, seen it all over in the 'SEE ALSO' sections though02:11
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dooglusRandolphCarter: /usr/share/man/man7/debconf.7.gz is in package debconf-doc02:11
soundray!info debconf-doc dapper02:11
ubotudebconf-doc: (debconf documentation), section doc, is optional. Version: 1.4.72ubuntu9 (dapper), Packaged size: 154 kB, Installed size: 292 kB02:11
dooglusRandolphCarter: the man pages are often not required by the packages they document.  don't know why.02:12
RandolphCarterdooglus: thanks - I guess this can't be helped02:12
aesxazach, you should probably look into Diva. http://www.diva-project.org02:12
bobstroRandolphCarter: you might install dwww. makes searching help easier (via web browser).02:12
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zachdoes anyone know of a program like autogk for quick file conversion to xvid02:12
dooglusRandolphCarter: well, it could be - the package could depend upon its documentation package...02:12
dooglusRandolphCarter: discover "apt-file" - it's useful for finding man pages and other files.02:13
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RandolphCarterdooglus: true, but it's so obvious, there has to be a good reason why it doesn't :/02:13
soundrayaesxa: javaws should be in the java packages02:13
dooglusRandolphCarter: I did "apt-file search debconf | grep 7" to find that02:13
soundray!tell aesxa about javadebs02:13
LjLdooglus: "auto-apt" is even more useful, and much faster ;)02:13
humanzach for your video editing, go with AviDemux02:13
RandolphCarterdooglus: cheers, I'll remember that one02:13
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dooglusLjL: what command would you use to ask auto-apt to find the debconf(7) man page?02:14
nickrudRandolphCarter, someone might want just the program and not the docs for a small install ( want a package with every man page, myself)02:14
RandolphCarternickrud: that'll be it exactly, imagine the size of the install cd02:14
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aesxasoundray, I've install sun-java5-jre, sun-java5-bin and I still don't have those utilities : (02:14
LjLdooglus: "auto-apt search debconf 7" or "auto-apt search debconf | grep 7" i guess, though it does show a *few* results02:14
zachhuman: does that export to xvid...... i need somethign that has presets...like 175mb file presets02:15
sudohey all02:15
james_xxwould anyone know how a person could get and install SANE backends?? like libsane-extras?02:15
RandolphCartermight be interesting to hack an option into aptitude to treat documentation recommendations only as required02:15
sudoso this is the jersey ubuntu team eh02:15
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nickrudjames_xx, sudo apt-get install libsane-extras ?02:15
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zachhuman: avidemux is for avi...... i need soemthing for mpeg editing......and then any video to xvid02:16
soundrayaesxa: just look what you've started -- now I'm installing them myself... ;)02:16
LjLdooglus: anyway, apt-file is fine, it's just that i've found its searches to be way slower than auto-apt's02:16
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KarlsBergsoundray:  look, i recompile all and install and look02:16
james_xxnickrud, ok i just did not see the file in synaptic02:16
KarlsBergkarlsberg@MobileMachine-1:~/rt2570-1.1.0-b1/Module$ lsmod | grep rt2502:16
KarlsBergrt2570                181184  002:16
KarlsBergusbcore               129668  5 rt2570,usbhid,ehci_hcd,uhci_hcd02:16
nickrudjames_xx, you did find it then02:16
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james_xxnickrud, yes, now i did02:16
soundrayKarlsBerg: so does it work?02:17
nickrudjames_xx, ctl-f in synaptic is especially good if you already know the package name02:17
zachwhat is a good dvd creator program comparable to tmpgenc dvd author02:17
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james_xxnickrud, thanks02:17
Subzach, k3b?02:17
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aesxazach, there isn't really one. k3b just writes images.02:17
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Subaesxa, k3b can burn too.02:18
aesxazach, you'll have to use a variety of tools to author a DVD ... there are plenty of howtos around02:18
Subor does he mean create a dvd image?02:18
zachoh ok....02:18
soundrayaesxa: are you on amd64?02:18
aesxasoundray, yes02:18
dooglusLjL: I've installed it, but it's not working.  do I need to download some information about available packages first, like with 'apt-file update'?02:18
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humanzach, Gnomebaker is what I use02:18
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dooglusLjL: apt-file is pretty crappy.  it's Perl based, and the regexp searches don't work properly.02:19
soundrayaesxa: then it looks like you'll have to install ia32-sun-java5-bin02:19
KarlsBergsoundray:  dont run, only get NO WIRELESS EXTENSION02:19
james_xxnickrud, does libesane=extras include all of the SANE backends?02:19
LjLdooglus: yes. "auto-apt update". might take a while02:19
roe_any idea why ubuntu skipped "C"02:19
aesxasoundray, ok, thanks. : )02:19
dooglusLjL: $ sudo auto-apt update02:19
dooglusput: 0 files,  0 entries done (0 sec)02:19
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LjLdooglus: uhm02:19
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ConstrabusHow can I mount a freshly formated drive so that I have the ability to vopy files to it (It is a storage drive and ReiserFS formated)02:19
KarlsBergsit0      no wireless extensions.02:19
humanzach, as far as your question about avidemux, i think it does, i dont have anything currently on my drive to see it, but looking at the gui it appears to be able to convert file formats and has a calculator which would seemingly indicate the ability to compress02:20
RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: sit0 really isn't a wireless card02:20
_jasonroe_: the first three releases weren't alphabetical, it only started with dapper02:20
KarlsBergRandolphCarter:  is my new interface02:20
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ijeffHow can I enter super user mode without going into terminal?02:20
KarlsBergbefore i dont have sit02:20
RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: no, it isn't :/02:20
roe__jason, what were the ones before breezy badger?02:20
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_jasonroe_: warty, hoary, breezy, dapper, edgy02:20
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KarlsBergRandolphCarter:  yes, its a fail ! but yes02:20
doogluswhatever happened to grumpy?02:20
nickrudjames_xx, the package description of libsane-extras mentions it has backends not included in the official sane release. I'd assume the main sane packages have the rest.02:21
RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: did this interface appear the first time you ran 'ifconfig -a' ?02:21
soundrayConstrabus: do a "chmod 777 /mntpoint" (replace mntpoint appropriately). Then every user will have write access.02:21
roe__jason, thanx02:21
RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: everyone here running Dapper should see sit0 when they run 'ifconfig -a'02:21
ijeffwhat's the standard Ubuntu root account password?02:21
mathieui d like to know how to get the color depth currently used by xorg02:21
LjL!tell ijeff about sudo02:21
ConstrabusThanks again soundray :)02:21
_jasonroe_: warty warthog and hoary hedgehog were the full names by the way02:21
nickrudjames_xx, sane-project.org lists all the scanners that work02:22
james_xxnickrud, ok, i just have all of that installed, and my scanner is supposed to be supported, but when i run xsane, it does not find the scanner....02:22
RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: if you've just added a new NIC, it's probably eth102:22
ConstrabusSoundray, Is it possible to make it so that only I have access?02:22
KarlsBergeth1 is the actual connection02:22
dooglus_jason: what about 'grumpy groundhog'?  did that get cancelled?02:22
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mathieuthe default in my xorg.conf is 24, but when i switch to 18, it doesnt seem to change anything02:22
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nickrudjames_xx, I've had that problem. I never solved it, but turning on & off the scanner worked. Actually, I've been lucky I think02:22
KarlsBergwith eth1 i am connect to my AP now02:22
RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: unless you're running IPv6 anywhere, don't worry about sit0 (check netstat -r too if you think the interface should be up)02:22
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james_xxnickrud, ok i will try that02:23
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soundrayConstrabus: yes: 'sudo chown constrabus.constrabus /mntpoint ; chmod 700 /mntpoint'02:23
_jasondooglus: I heard something about that.  I think it was supposed to be more bleeding edge, right?  Don't know about it's progress02:23
RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: run iwconfig on eth1, not sit0 :/02:23
makkowhy doesn't apt-get install realplayer automatically?02:23
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KarlsBergsit0      Link encap:IPv6-in-IPv402:23
KarlsBerg          NOARP  MTU:1480  Metric:102:23
KarlsBergifconfig -a get this and other02:23
nickrudmakko, because it's not free, as in open source. You have to install it yourself for ubuntu to remain legal in many places02:24
ijeffhow can I copy a folder to a place when I require root powers?02:24
KarlsBergRandolphCarter:  eth1 for that ?02:24
RandolphCartercan I get some backup that most (every?) person here gets sit0 when they do ifconfig -a?02:24
ijeff(trying to install skins to aMSNM)02:24
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Bletch__nickrud: start your filemanager as root02:24
RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: well, if that's the wireless connection, then yes02:24
nickrudBletch__, not a chance02:24
RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: what's the problem you're having?02:24
KarlsBergeth1 is a wireless extension yes02:24
soundrayRandolphCarter: yes -- that's why I thought it isn't a wlan device.02:24
LjLdooglus: it's weird, auto-apt update is working for me here (fresh installation of it, dapper)02:24
harmoniacalwhat's the easiest way to allow Gparted to partition? it claims it doesn't have the right to partition the current part. i'm using02:24
Bletch__ah, sorry wrong user. meant ijeff02:24
dooglus_jason: I think the idea was that grumpy would never be frozen - a bit like debian sid02:25
nickrudBletch__, :)02:25
makkonickrud: then why isn't there any unofficial ubuntu repository, or an official one that is accessible only from countries where this is legal, that does the job automatically?02:25
KarlsBergbut eth1 is my PCMCIA wireless ! and run ok! im try install a USB adapter ! :)02:25
LjLdooglus: did it at least download anything?02:25
nickrudmakko, probably interest & manpower02:25
ijeffBletch_: how can I go about doing that?02:25
RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: have you got the USB adapter plugged in?02:25
dooglusLjL: it installed if that's what you mean02:25
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nickrudmakko, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats has simple instructions for installing realplayer02:25
Bletch__ijeff: ALT+F2 will bring up a box that normall has the option.02:25
geotsaican anyone tell me how to get the broadcom wireless working for Acer Aspire laptops?02:25
makkonickrud: thank you02:25
soundrayharmoniacal: run it from a live CD. There is a specialized one (only 30MB), or you can use the dapper desktop one.02:25
dooglusLjL: when did it download stuff for you?  when you did the 'sudo auto-apt update'?02:25
RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: if its working, it'll probably be eth2 (until you disconnect the pcmcia device and reboot, beware!)02:26
LjLdooglus: no, i mean lines like this:   Downloading http://it.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu//dists/dapper-updates Contents-i386.gz ...02:26
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nickrudmakko, if you haven't seen that page, start at the top.02:26
LjLdooglus: yes02:26
Bletch__ijeff: if you can't do that, then 'sudo nautilus &' in a shell02:26
spikebis there any way to get helix player to use proprietary realplayer codecs?02:26
harmoniacalsoundray - is it on the live CD?02:26
ConstrabusSoundray, If I forget this or need further assistance with this and other commands, do you know of a website where I can read up on commands and what they do?02:26
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KarlsBergRandolphCarter: ops, its pci02:26
soundrayharmoniacal: there is no live CD now. It is on the desktop CD.02:26
harmoniacal(or do i need to install it)02:26
RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: ah, you're moving from PCI to USB?02:27
harmoniacalit's on there? hm. thaks02:27
soundray!tell Constrabus about cli02:27
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geotsaiwhats the package name for tuxracer?02:27
nikkyoGreetings, what plug-in names should I be looking for, to make Totem media player work? I can not play any mpeg or mp3 files in totem. I can play mp3s in xmms player, with the alsa plugin. I'm using Ubuntu 6.06LTS.Please.02:27
poje!tell nikkyo about restrictedformats02:27
joey_botchathow do u turn off "someone has joined/left the room"?02:27
_jasongeotsai: tuxracer02:27
soundrayConstrabus: how's that for a start?02:27
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Constrabussoundray... works for me :) lol Thanks again02:28
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pojejoey_botchat: depends on the IRC client02:28
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KarlsBergRandolphCarter:  first.. i have a intel pro wireless RUN RIGHT ! and i buy a USB adapter conceptronic C54RU, i read the rt2570 drivers for this adapter an install and i can see with lsmod but ever get sit0 no wireless extension, sit0 is my new interface before i dont see this interface never02:28
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Bletch__poje: in GAIM?02:28
nikkyotks poje02:28
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zachdo i need to mount networked drives  to be able to view files etc..? i can view folders...but is that why vlc wont play them...and nothing will open ?>02:28
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RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: until you can accept that sit0 is NOT your new wireless connection, I can't help you02:28
orangedanyone else having problems downloading flashplayer from adobe?02:28
dooglusLjL: auto-apt update-local is working02:29
Bletch__oranged: other than having to maunally install it, no02:29
orangedi'm getting a sweet .3kb/s from their only mirror02:29
hoodlumhow come i can dl xmms through apt?02:29
joey_botchatthere is no option in game to turn notifications off02:29
KarlsBergRandolphCarter:  that is sit0 ?02:29
RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: if the device manual said it gets a sit* assignment, try sit102:29
orangedBletch__, its hella slow for me the last two days..02:29
Bletch__hoodlum: apt-get install xmms02:29
hoodlumtried that02:29
orangedsudo apt-get install xmms02:29
Bletch__oranged: I'll check it02:29
KarlsBergthe device manual dont have linux info02:29
hoodlumok, ill try it one more time.02:30
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ijeffBletch_: how does sudo nautilus& work?02:30
zachhow do i mount windows networked drives?02:30
RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: then what makes you think it's sit0?02:30
KarlsBergany idea02:30
ijeffBletch_: it gives a blank dialogue02:30
geotsai_jason: thanks02:30
LjLdooglus: don't think that's what you'd want, though. perhaps (just a guess) your sources.list has a syntax error somewhere that APT doesn't care about, but that auto-apt does?02:30
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Bletch__ijeff: it launches nautilus as root, in the background (so you can still use the shell)02:30
KarlsBergonly know that before i put my new adapter dont exist02:30
LjLdooglus: this is what you should see if all went well: http://pastebin.com/76879802:30
doogluszach: I do "sudo mount -t smbfs -o password=,uid=chris //$server/d ~/smb/server/d"02:30
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hoodlumhas no installation condidate02:30
soundrayijeff: the space before & is essential02:30
LjLdooglus: no, not that, wrong link02:30
Bletch__oranged: speed's fine for me02:30
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orangedBletch__, must be the hops between me and adobe02:31
makkoBletch__: if you mean the im, it's Gaim or gaim, never gAIM or GAIM or AiMg02:31
LjLdooglus: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1536102:31
orangedBletch__, can you send me the tar.gz?02:31
zachi can already access files....but none of them load? I want it to appear as a hard drive...02:31
TTT_Travishow do I make mythtv work with mysql 5.1? the current version .18 doesn't seem to work right with it02:31
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RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: you probably didn't run 'ifconfig -a' before, but even if it did just appear, it still isn't a NIC02:31
nickrudhoodlum, you need to enable universe & multiverse repos to see most packages mentioned here; see !repos below for how02:31
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.02:31
Bletch__oranged: yes, I'll re-download it (just deleted it again) but my upload's only 128k so it could be slow02:31
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic02:31
orangedBletch__, its probably faster than .1-.3kb/s02:32
ijeffBletch_: gives me jeff@jefftop:~$ sudo nautilus &02:32
ijeff[4]  2556902:32
KarlsBergRandolphCarter:  -a no, but iWconfig YES, and dont see never "sit0"02:32
nickrudhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 !!02:32
zachdooglus: that looks like your custom version  uid=chris??02:32
orangedBletch__, i would appreciate it02:32
RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: if you know the name of the device module, try 'dmesg | grep *module name*'02:32
Bletch__ijeff: enter your password02:32
RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: well, I do, and I don't have a wireless card in this box02:32
KarlsBergthe device module is rt257002:32
Bletch__ijeff: it's the one for sudo (you do have sudo rights don't you?)02:32
orangedwhats the the red line in xchat these days..02:32
soundrayijeff: don't expect to see your password echoed.02:32
RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: right, 'dmesg | grep rt2570', see if it gave you any friendly hints02:33
orangedbleh.. marker line?02:33
nickrudoranged, because your nick is in the text02:33
hoodlumok, when i apt-get install xmms it tells me the installation candidate isnt avaible and that the package is referred to as a different name.02:33
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joey_botchathow do i turn off these annoying enter//leave notifications?02:33
nickrudoranged, oh, it marks when you switched focus away from xchat02:33
Bletch__hoodlum: strange. could be because I have universe enabled02:33
ijeffBletch_: yeah i have the rights, do i enter my pass after typing the sudo nautilus & command?02:33
soundrayBletch__: best to advise gksudo IMO.02:33
orangednickrud; heh..02:33
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Bletch__ijeff: yes02:33
KarlsBergRandolphCarter:  dont return any02:33
_jasonjoey_botchat: depends on what irc client you use02:33
orangednickrud, its never been on by default..02:33
RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: it should tell you which device name it's using02:33
Bletch__soundray: ok02:33
joey_botchati'm using gaim02:33
doogluszach: yes.  the $server is using a shell variable too, 'cos the server's IP address keeps changing.02:33
HymnToLife/set irc_who_join off <= asuming you're using xchat02:33
RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: then a) it isn't detecting your device properly, or b) something's wrong with the module02:34
nickrudoranged, I don't remember when I started seeing it, but it's been around for abit02:34
RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: or c) it's the wrong module name :)02:34
pojejoey_botchat: try google? it works wonders ;)02:34
ijeffBletch_: it just tells me bash: [my pass] : command not found02:34
Bletch__oranged: it's coming your way now02:34
RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: try 'lsmod | grep rt2570'02:34
KarlsBergim confused02:34
KarlsBergRandolphCarter:  yes its load02:34
soundrayijeff: you need the space before &02:34
zachdooglus: no the servers ip is static...do i need to specify windows network name? this will show up under computer?02:34
Bletch__ijeff: this is getting beyond what I understand fully now. Anyone else?02:34
RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: if it's definitely loaded, then it hasn't detected any interfaces02:34
RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: to test that premise, try 'dmesg | grep *other nic module name*'02:34
doogluszach: I don't think the network name is needed02:34
KarlsBergrt2570                181184  002:35
KarlsBergusbcore               129668  5 rt2570,usbhid,ehci_hcd,uhci_hcd02:35
nickrudijeff, what are you trying to get done?02:35
billybennettanyone know why my Ubuntu wont properly shutdown it turns of my screen but doesnt actually shutdown... I'm on a laptop02:35
KarlsBergwhat is other nic module name ?02:35
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doogluszach: the ~/smb/server/d is the mount point - change it to whichever existant dir you want it mounted onto02:35
RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: well, the module name of, for example, the other wireless card in the box02:35
Bletch__nickrud: he's trying to move stuff into root owned folders02:35
zachdooglus: can you talk private ?02:35
ijeffnickrud: i wanted to add skins to aMSN but it keeps telling me I don't have the right permission02:36
RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: you should get some output (don't paste) along the lines of *module* eth*: blah blah02:36
KarlsBergyes RandolphCarter02:36
KarlsBerg$ dmesg | grep ipw02:36
KarlsBerg[4294686.705000]  ipw3945: Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 3945 Network Connection driver for Linux, 1.0.3m02:36
RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: don't paste :(02:36
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KarlsBergonly a line :)02:36
nickrudijeff, what command exactly are you using, that gives you the error? (one line only, please :)02:36
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ijeffBletch_: thx for your help anyways :)02:36
RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: okay ;) so, for some reason, the module isn't detecting your USB dongle02:36
LjLdooglus: anyway, just so that you know what you're losing ;), auto-apt's main function beside searching is doing things like "auto-apt run ./configure", which will open a dialog box for every file that 'configure' cannot find, asking whether you want to install the relevant package02:36
=== RandomChu [n=randomch@cpe-66-74-195-151.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Bletch__ijeff: np, hope nickrud can resolve your problem02:36
ijeffnickrud: jeff@jefftop:~$ sudo nautilus &02:37
Bletch__oranged: have you noticed the file transfer?02:37
dooglusLjL: yes, I got that.02:37
KarlsBergRandolphCarter:  or not is the correct module02:37
RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: the obvious question to ask now is, are you sure you've got the rightm odule?02:37
RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: exactly :)02:37
LjLdooglus: asks for strange things at times, like fortran compilers... but it can still be useful ;)02:37
dooglusLjL: but I can't get it to download the Contents files02:37
KarlsBergthe ID change the last two id numbers02:37
soundrayLjL: that's amazing (installing now)02:37
editedhow do i add backports?02:37
nickrudijeff, I really recommend that any system stuff you do (and copying into root owned files is by definition that) be done in a terminal. Have you ever used one?02:37
dooglusLjL: I installed a fortran compiler just last week - I wanted to compile one of my Dad's old curve-fitting routines02:37
zachdooglus: ill be back with the name lonegeek or something similar hold on02:37
ijeffnickrud: unfortunately im unfamiliar with the commands02:37
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RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: I'm not sure I can help any more, but if you get the right module, that 'dmesg | grep *module name*' should give you all the information you need to setup the network02:38
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LjLdooglus: hah... i asked my dad some time ago for some of his fortran programs, but he said he thinks he's thrown them all away -- the fool02:38
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kbrooks_i just noticed something strange02:38
orangedBletch__, i noticed.. its not grabbing the file02:38
editedwhere can i find the backports apt.lst?02:38
kbrooks_very, very strange02:38
LjL!tell edited about easysource02:38
nickrudijeff, np02:38
billybennettanyone know why my Ubuntu wont properly shutdown it turns of my screen but doesnt actually shutdown??... I'm on a laptop02:38
kbrooks_... here i go02:38
RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: a note of caution, if you bring both wireless interfaces up at the same time, don't expect networking to work (it'll be a routing problem)02:38
LjLedited: but i don't think there are any backports for dapper yet02:39
soundrayCmon kbrooks_, spit it out02:39
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nickrudijeff, open a terminal (applications->accessories->terminal)02:39
kbrooks_easyubuntu overwrites your sources.list, apparently02:39
Bletch__oranged: strange. Do you want me to try it again?02:39
editeddapper is the new version?02:39
TTT_Travishow do I down grade from mysql 5.0 to mysql 4.1? it keeps failing?02:39
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LjLsoundray: please tell us if it downloads the files for you02:39
orangedBletch__, nah.. i'll just wait the hour and a half or so left on the transfer from adobe. ;)02:39
ijeffnickrud: already have one open02:39
nickrudijeff, and since I don't use amsn, you need to tell me the directory you want the skins in :)02:39
orangedBletch__, thanks for trying tho02:39
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kbrooks_never mind02:40
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KarlsBergbut how i can stop my pci wireless?02:40
kbrooks_i was being stupid02:40
ijeffnickrud: /usr/share/amsn/skin02:40
lonegeekdooglus: you there?02:40
LjLedited: yes. if you're using breezy, then on the other hand there are a few backports02:40
nickrudijeff, ok, and where are the skins you want to put there?02:40
Bletch__oranged: ok. I feel sorry for you though, I thought internet in NZ was bad but yours must be truly shocking. Or is it just adobe?02:40
RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: just 'ifdown' the interface02:40
ijeffnickrud: on my desktop02:40
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RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: you'll be able to install the card fine with both enabled, but after you've got it setup and loaded, you can only have one up to the same network at a time (without manually editing the routing table)02:40
ijeffnickrud: on desktop, "Clearlooks" folder02:41
orangedBletch__, its just adobe.. i'm getting 300-400kb/s from ubuntu servers02:41
lonegeekdooglus: i still dont know if i have it working right :) im a dummy02:41
LjLedited: adding a line like "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ breezy-backports main restricted universe multiverse" to /etc/apt/sources.list should get you them (be sure you "sudo apt-get update" before installing anything)02:41
dooglusLjL: my Dad's old fortran code is all in DEC fortran - using non-standard DEC extensions to the language, so it took me ages to get it to compile on the g77 compiler...  even back in the 70's big companies were "embrace-and-extend"ing standards to achieve lock-in02:41
Bletch__oranged: try accessing the file through a cache02:41
nickrudijeff, sudo cp $HOME/Clearlooks /usr/share/amsn/skin    (cp is 'copy)02:41
KarlsBergok try, disconnect02:41
KarlsBergthank all -_-02:41
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RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: not now, but when you have the right module! :)02:41
RandolphCarterKarlsBerg: good luck ^_^02:41
orangedBletch__, i looked for mirrors.. they all point to the same adobe download02:41
lonegeekdooglus: can you "hear" me02:42
dr3wsterso I'm installing ubuntu on another computer (dual-booting with win98), and it'll share a fat32 partition for storage, so how big of a partition should I make for just ubuntu itself?02:42
Bletch__oranged: I meant a web-cache, not a mirror. google doesn't cache it, but others might.02:42
nicolas_i got a Permission denied when mounting an nfs export, it used to work under breezy anyone has an idea ?02:42
nickrudijeff, er, you mentioned a dir. A change:  sudo cp -r $HOME/Clearlooks /usr/share/amsn/skin ( the -r switch means recursive)02:42
=== cynical [n=cynical@adsl-068-209-095-168.sip.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
nicolas_does it need to be in a special group in order to be exported02:42
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ijeffnickrud: ah, I was wondering why it hadn't worked02:43
LjLdooglus: apt-cache show os8 ;)02:43
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maddyhow do i stop my desktop and apps from crashing ?02:43
sindrumanyone running fluxbox on there linux bo?02:43
=== Kingbahamut [n=bahamut@c-24-98-229-28.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudijeff, I had that line half built before you replied, I assumed something that wasn't true. sorry02:43
soundraymaddy: check for faulty memory02:43
dr3wsterreally, this isn't too hard of a question... About how much space does ubuntu alone take up?02:43
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maddysoundray  how?02:44
soundraydr3wster: it's impossible to answer, unless you say what you want to use it for.02:44
sindrumi need to know why i cant create the file .xinitrc02:44
dooglusLjL: nice :)02:44
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nickrudsindrum, touch ~/.xinitrc , done02:44
dr3wstersoundray, just a regular home operating system, email etc, not storing anything, because I'll use another partition02:44
Bletch__dr3wser: I don't know, but are you asking about the kernel size, or the minimum installation size?02:44
soundraymaddy: use the grub boot option "memtest86". Let it run overnight.02:44
snoopshey..is it possible to have a type of virtual directory which combines the files and folders from many virtual directories.. like.. sdb1 has a movies, music, games directory, sdb2 has a movies, music and games directory.. can I join both movie directories into one virtual one?02:44
dr3wstersoundray, I'm thinking about 10 gigs?02:44
=== Kovecses [n=ray@c-24-61-227-56.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
snoopsjust so I can go to one location to see both02:45
LjLdooglus: a bit of googling seems to imply that a Fortran compiler is included in that thing, though i couldn't swear on it :)02:45
soundraydr3wster: that should be enough for anything.02:45
dr3wsterk, thanks02:45
=== Fastly [n=alex@81-86-145-67.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
maddysoundray, doest that fix  the problem?02:45
shodanjr_gris there a keyboard shortcut to switch between workspaes?02:45
soundraydr3wster: you will get away with 3GB if you don't do anything extravagant.02:45
RandolphCarterhas anybody else seen partitions (reiserfs) being turned read-only silently?02:45
Bletch__shodanje_gr: if using KDE, ALT+F1, F2 etc will switch02:45
RandolphCartermount thinks everything's fine, but everything else disagrees02:45
soundraymaddy: no, but it tests for a common cause of random crashes.02:45
maddyshodanjr_gr, yes a friend of mine wrote one02:45
Bletch__shodanje: sorry, should be CTRL+F102:46
maddyshodanjr_gr, the should be more around too02:46
soundraymaddy: and gives you an opportunity to fix it.02:46
shodanjr_grBletch__ im in gnome :P02:46
_jasonshodanjr_gr: ctrl+alt+<arrow key> is default but it can be changed in system > preferences > keybaord shortcuts02:46
=== tuxPM [n=pm@art95-2-82-239-173-11.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
tuxPMhya all02:46
maddysoundray,  thanx will try that02:46
shodanjr_granother question02:46
soundrayRandolphCarter: yes, there was a guy here whose hard disk was dying. Better backup your data.02:47
shodanjr_gris there a way to get Gaim messenger out of the way? :P02:47
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opitwinubotu: tell me about ipod02:47
_jasonshodanjr_gr: what do you mean by "out of the way"?02:47
Geoffrey2is there a support channel for Thunderbird on this network?02:47
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Bletch__shodangr: yes, it should minimise to tray when you close it (if you have the tray-icon plugin)02:47
RandolphCartersoundray: that does sound about right :/ nm, it's my bittorrent box so it's to be expected02:47
shodanjr_grhaha lol02:47
=== rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-5-11.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu
tuxPMi go a pb with graphical install, gparted simply crash. is there a way to do a text based install with the cd ?02:47
shodanjr_grim freaking blind :P02:47
spikebi think that would be on irc.mozilla.org or whatever the mozilla network is Geoffrey202:47
shodanjr_gri was looking for the icon at the bottom, didnt realize that in ubuntu taskbar is at the top :P02:48
shodanjr_grfreaking windwos adiction02:48
Bletch__shodangr: lol :D02:48
ijeffnickrud: sry i had to go do something quick02:48
dooglusLjL: it's less than 1Mb...  can it really include the whole OS and a compiler?02:48
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ijeffnickrud: the contents of the folder was copied, but not the complete folder itself02:48
shodanjr_grtime to check out openoffice :P02:48
Mewshihey, i think i found a bug in ubunty02:48
dooglusLjL: I suppose 640Kb should be enough for anyone, and all that02:48
Kovecsesopenoffice is great02:48
Bletch__mewshi: a major bug?02:49
LjLdooglus: i'm sure it can... i mean, 1mb? luxury02:49
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shodanjr_grtakes a butload of time to load on my machine though...02:49
=== george_ [n=george@d57-61-222.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
humanopenoffice is a bit slow02:49
Mewshihm... well, for my girlfriend, it's pretty major :P02:49
humanbut its free02:49
Kovecseshuman, not for me02:49
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ijeffnickrud: ah just needed to add folder name to command, thanks!02:49
Bletch__shodangr: once it's loaded it should be fine, unless you're short on ram02:49
soundrayMewshi: braggard! ;)02:49
shodanjr_grim having it open a word .doc, i dunno if this has anything to do with it ....02:49
shodanjr_grBletch__ im runing on 256mb02:49
george_does anybody know how to get Limewire working?02:49
LjLdooglus: on the other hand, i don't seem to find a punch-card reader software for scanners... perhaps i could write one (*if* i had any punch-cards, which my dad threw away too)02:49
humanKovecses, ok02:49
ddeflyeris there anyway to give a single user read-only access to everything on a system for doing backups?02:49
Kovecsesgeorge_, its easy02:50
Kovecsesgeorge_, download the "other" one02:50
nickrudijeff, I'm not sure I understand, oh, ok. And (editing this line again :) http://tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/index.html is a fair intro to the command line02:50
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Bletch__shodangr: I also have 256, running kde. may take a while to load, once loaded should perform fine02:50
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ijeffnickrud: ah thank you very much :)02:50
shodanjr_grit also f*cks up the formating of my file abit...02:50
Mewshianyway, here's my problem: when i try to install ubuntu on her computer, it gets to the part where it's detecting hardware.  It always stops at 86%, which is the "Ide-cd" module.  What could be causing this?02:50
shodanjr_gri think it uses a different font size....02:50
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Bletch__shodangr: what are you trying to do? OO is usually pretty good unless the formatting's quite strange02:51
soundrayddeflyer: I don't think so. Have you thought about a filesystem imager for backups? partimage comes to mind02:51
nooby_godI want to replace my current gentoo desktop with ubuntu and I have a few questions before I get started02:51
orangedoh google.02:51
opitwinNathanael: Have you figured out Evolution?02:51
humanshodanr, yeah sometimes it distorts .doc and .xls files a bit02:51
shodanjr_grBletch__ i just opened a word file from a CS class02:51
nooby_god1. does linux-wlan-ng come winth the installer ?02:51
Mewshinooby_god - just do it.  I just made the switch, and i love it02:51
ddeflyerI don't think that dump is really what i want02:51
LjLdooglus: apparently (judging from the HELP command output), it contains a Fortarn compiler or interpreter, as well as a BASIC comp/int, and some other languages too02:51
Bletch__shodangr: probably not a different font size, but a different font altogether02:51
orangedBletch__, googled "index of" and the filename.. ;)02:51
shodanjr_grand its a bit f00bared as far as formating goes...02:51
nooby_god2. How easy is it to dual boot with windows?02:51
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tuxPMis there a way to run text-based install from desktop cd ?02:51
shodanjr_grless characters per line or something02:51
spikebtuxPM: no02:52
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george_can anybody tell me how to install Limewire I've downloaded the rpm file but do I convert it to deb with Alien or what?02:52
shodanjr_grand this brings me to another Q i got with ubuntu...02:52
Bletch__shodangr: chars per line can be adjested by changing the leading02:52
bullragewhich file do i add 'ndiswrapper' to so it makes it load on boot?02:52
shodanjr_gri find the default fond to be kinda "large"02:52
shodanjr_gris there a way to change it?02:52
eggzecktell george_ about limewire02:52
eggzeckubotu tell george_ about limewire02:52
shodanjr_grit seems like im wasting screen space :P02:52
cyphasewhat the..02:52
Mewshianyway, here's my problem: when i try to install ubuntu on her computer, it gets to the part where it's detecting hardware.  It always stops at 86%, which is the "Ide-cd" module.  What could be causing this?02:52
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Bletch__shodangr: I don't know how to change it in gnome, I have kde02:52
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_jasongeorge_: I would recommend frostwire instead, it's a limewire clone and there is an ubuntu deb available at frostwire's site02:52
tuxPM:(, anyone got gparted freezing during dapper's install ?02:52
spikebgeorge_: try frostwire instead :) almost the exact same thing, and has a deb02:52
cyphasei just loaded the dapper desktop cd on a laptop, and the wifi conection is working without me entering the key..02:53
Bletch__shodangr: if you can't solve it, you could zoom out on the document02:53
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SojournerDoes anyone know if they have ported the w32 codecs package to Dapper yet?02:53
george_thanks everybody02:53
eggzeckgeorge_: read what ubotu pmed to you02:53
kaligula!   .02:53
eggzeckkaligula: ??02:53
kaligula!   !02:53
eggzeckStop please.02:53
soundraycyphase: an insecure network.02:53
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ubotuPozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke. # russian users please try #ubuntu-ru, there you may get more help02:54
shodanjr_grthe odd thing is that it is set at 96dpi02:54
cyphasesoundray, i suppose..02:54
=== inpherno [n=inpherno@AC8F4061.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
shodanjr_grso the font size shouldnt be larger than my windows machine...02:54
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soundraycyphase: I won't charge for that diagnosis... ;)02:54
cyphasei know which network it is02:54
Bletch__shodangr: but it will have sued the best avail replacement font, the win ones aren't on ubuntu by default02:54
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cyphasesoundray, because i didn't think there was an insecure network in the area02:54
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Bletch__*shodangr: substituted02:54
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kaligulaPeoples are you here?02:55
shodanjr_grBletch__ im not talking about the document atm, im talking about ubuntu in general02:55
shodanjr_gror gnome actually02:55
soundraycyphase: now you've discovered that your toaster double-acts as a router by night.02:55
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opitwinKaligula: Hello, do you keed something?02:55
cyphasenow all i need to do is make wireless toast02:55
cyphasesoundray, it's not night here by the way :P02:56
Bletch__shodanjr: ah. There should be an option in the main system settings area, but I can't tell you exactly where. Usually in the 'appearence' section (if you have one)02:56
opitwinKaligula: I mean do you Need something?02:56
kaligulaI want to meet with good people02:56
shodanjr_gris there a way to get the default windows fonts in Linux?02:56
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soundraycyphase: that's easy. The trick is to *eat* it wirelessly.02:56
shodanjr_grwhats the option im looking for Bletch__?02:56
opitwinKaligula: What do you want to know?02:56
_jasonubotu tell shodanjr_gr about msttcorefonts02:56
soundraykaligula: you've come to the completely wrong place.02:56
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shodanjr_grthx _jason02:57
Bletch__shodangr: there should be several font size options: foreground window, message, title bar etc02:57
kaligulaI want new internet-friends!02:57
cyphasesoundray, that's what i meant :)02:57
dooglusLjL: that's nice :)02:57
shodanjr_grive found that02:57
shodanjr_grwhat changes should i make? :P02:57
dooglusLjL: I'll have to have a play with it02:57
Bletch__kaligula: use a social channel not here02:57
soundraykaligula: this is a support channel.02:57
soundrayOnly serious talk here.02:57
h3sp4wnkaligula: lol02:57
opitwinKaligula: this is help and support, I don't give out personal infor02:57
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shodanjr_gractually after eclipse finished downloading02:58
shodanjr_grim gona get the core fonts02:58
shodanjr_grand change everything to arial :P02:58
Bletch__shodanjr: I gtg good luck with your font problem02:58
h3sp4wnkaligula: Do you want to talk about bug 1 ?02:58
Bletch__shodanjr: ok02:58
shodanjr_grBletch__ thanks mate :) appreciate the help02:58
Bletch__shodanjr: np02:58
Mewshianyway, here's my problem: when i try to install ubuntu on her computer, it gets to the part where it's detecting hardware.  It always stops at 86%, which is the "Ide-cd" module.  What could be causing this?02:58
kaligulahow can I install a video driver for linux?02:58
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nickrudkaligula, #ubuntu-offtopic, they hang out there :)02:59
opitwinKaligula: There are 872 people here and they will all know your personal thoughts.  This is Ubuntu linux help and support.02:59
=== DaSkreech [n=skreech@port0002-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #ubuntu
opitwinkaligula: Yes you can install video drivers for Linux02:59
LjLdooglus: i can't quite make sense of the syntax it requires for commands... i managed to start the BASIC interpreter, but Fortran or the TECO editor give a "Bad recollection" error. now what on earth is a bad recollection error? :o)02:59
DaSkreechHow do i jump onto a samba share02:59
soundrayMewshi: have you checked the CD for errors?02:59
Mewshiit worked on this one...02:59
kaligulaI dont know02:59
DaSkreechCtrl+L -> smb:/ip.ad.dd.y ?02:59
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kaligulaI can't03:00
opitwinWhat do you run?03:00
opitwinKaligula: What OS do you run?03:00
cyphaseDaSkreech, it should be in Nework Servers03:00
shodanjr_grdamn my room looks like SHIT03:00
QPAD|warlockWhat is the best ftp server to use guys ?03:00
nickrudkaligula, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats has the info for getting non-free video working03:00
Madpilotgreetings, Ubuntubers03:00
opitwinKaligula: Ubuntu, Fedora, Kubuntu03:00
DaSkreechcyphase: I keep getting smb:// is not a valid location?03:00
soundrayMadpilot: is that a potato variety? :)03:01
DaSkreechubotu: tell shodanjr_gr about language03:01
LjLdooglus: hey, b-but... i can't believe this, this system actually uses the AmigaOS filesystem concepts! or rather the opposite, i suppose... you learn new things every day03:01
=== xevil [i=mageerc@host-216-77-195-143.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
cyphaseDaSkreech, go to Places -> Network Servers03:01
shodanjr_grguys can anyone give me a bit of help with eclipse? (sorry abou thte profanity btw)03:01
DaSkreechcyphase: Yes it gives me that error03:01
Madpilotsoundray, possibly. GPL genetic engineering, of course ;)03:01
opitwinKaligula: It is on the Ubuntu Website, I will check right now03:01
DaSkreechsmb:/// is not a valid location03:01
cyphasei don't know03:01
DaSkreechAm I missing some samba client package?03:02
cyphaseno, it's included by default03:02
=== soundray hands Madpilot a test tube containing restriction enzyme
DaSkreechI'm going to reboot03:02
=== fatejudger_ [n=fatejudg@c-24-5-49-160.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dooglusLjL: I'm not familiar with the amiga filesystem - what do you mean?03:03
opitwinKaligula: What driver do you want ot install03:03
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shodanjr_granyone available for some eclipse help03:03
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kaligulaI dont know Ubuntu Web-site03:03
cherwinshodanjr_gr: what do you need to know?03:03
george_does anybody know anything about win4lin?03:03
shodanjr_gri wana dl the C++ plugin03:04
opitwinKaligula: Which Video Card do you have?03:04
=== SurfnKid [n=SurfnKid@cpe-68-201-96-76.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
shodanjr_grand im trying to figure out which of the releases i should get03:04
=== soundray hasn't been on topic for >5 lines, a clear sign that he should get some sleep.
cherwinyeah i know, eclipse plugins are a pain in the ***03:04
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shodanjr_grany suggerstions?03:04
=== KuLover [n=matt@pool-71-251-221-116.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
kaligulaI am sorry if I do mistake? because I am russian! ok? C-Media-873803:04
LjLdooglus: well, /usr/share/doc/os8/quickstart.txt.gz gives some basic tips about the OS... and it says that the "SYS:" device is, by default, "assigned" to the "RKA0:" device (this means that SYS: is just a "virtual" device, i.e. an assign, that identifies the disk you booted from, while RKA0: is the actual *drive* that you booted from). now this is exactly like AmigaOS, including the syntax of the "Assign" command! (except RKA0: would be DF0: or 03:04
SurfnKidguess what guys!03:05
SurfnKidI did it!03:05
opitwinKaligula: The Ubuntu website is http://www.ubuntu.com03:05
SurfnKidIm totally uninstalling Dapper! its just nooooooot me :D03:05
SurfnKidim going back to Breezy baby03:05
dooglusLjL: I see03:05
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cyphaseSurfnKid, why are you going back to breezy?03:05
kaligulaopitwin: Thank You!03:05
iiiearsLjL - Good ideas never die. ;)03:06
ron_sounds like a troll to me. :)03:06
DaSkreechcyphase: Nope doesn't work03:06
opitwinKaligula go to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/video03:06
LjLdooglus: (and i always found the assign concept a very good thing, as it allows to refer to stuff in a more abstract way... definitely, imho, better than the Unix way)03:06
iiiearsAmigas were great03:06
SurfnKidcyphase  the wifi card doesnt work properly, its pre-installed as eth1 and freezes, then continues working03:06
ron_lol... "dapper's not me"  ...03:06
DavidJaqI was trying to install KMud, but I get an error saying "checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!" when I type './config' ... what am I doing wrong?03:06
ron_that's a good one.03:06
SurfnKidcyphase breezy didnt gime any probs03:06
LjLiiiears: yeah, but i never heard before that AmigaOS was inspired by this OS8... and i can't find any reference to that on google, either03:06
dooglusLjL: did you find out how to quit OS8?03:06
cyphaseSurfnKid, this on a laptop?03:06
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KuLoverIs there a way to have certain directories remember view modes?03:07
LjLdooglus: err... no.03:07
SurfnKidron_ yeah hehe, whenever they fix all the buggy bugs ill put it back03:07
QPAD|warlockWhat is the best ftp server to use guys ?03:07
cherwinshodanjr_gr: what did you already tried?03:07
=== McJerry [n=mcjerry@ip68-1-156-192.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
DaSkreechAnyone know why I would get a Samba error upon connecting to a samba share?03:07
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ron_SurfnKid: that's another story.03:07
opitwinKaligula: Are you all set?03:07
LjLdooglus: i'd figure a "kill -s 9" =)03:07
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ron_but for progress, you get bugs.03:07
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nickrudAmiga loved linked lists, they taught me a lot03:07
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SurfnKidcyphase yep, i had breezy working perfect wlan0 never gave me probs, i guess its just about looking and reading stuff, but i just thought it would be just as easy as breezy and encoungtered my wifi was always at 11m instead of 54 as breezy, i forced 54m but nada03:07
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MadpilotKuLover, in gnome's Nautilus they should remember if they were in list or icon mode by default03:07
cherwinDaskreech: what is the precise error?03:07
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opitwinKaligula: I'm always glad to get problems fixed.03:08
DavidJaqI was trying to install KMud, but I get an error saying "checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!" when I type './config' ... what am I doing wrong?03:08
DaSkreechcherwin: This is through natilus03:08
opitwinKaligula: ttyl03:08
DaSkreechsmb:/// is not a valid location03:08
KuLoverThanks madpilot.03:08
dooglusLjL: I found it - control-e then exit...03:08
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dooglusLjL: note also that it writes a bunch of files to the directory you run it in03:08
SurfnKid cyphase i just wanted dapper for XGL/compiz but i dont really needed, i could just use 3Ddesktop03:09
cherwinDaskreech: kinda strange, are you sure that all the samba packages are installed?03:09
SurfnKidneeded=need it03:09
kaligulaopitwin: Where are you from? If it isn't secret!03:09
ron_o3Ddesktop will give you that?03:09
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LjLdooglus: yeah, noted that03:09
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SurfnKidron_o similar yep03:09
cherwinDaskreech: can you connect with your samba server with smbclient?03:09
opitwinKaligula: I am from Michigan03:09
SurfnKidron_o but nothing like XGL man noothing03:09
Overblastthis is going to sound really hackiish03:09
ron_oI think I see that in synaptic on the first page..03:09
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Overblastbut can someone help me set up NTFS drive reading?03:10
cyphaseron_o, only like the cube03:10
ron_omy systems too slow for either.03:10
cyphasebut not that integrated03:10
kaligulaopitwin: But I am from Moldova! Do You know this country?03:10
DavidJaqI was trying to install KMud, but I get an error saying "checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!" when I type './config' ... what am I doing wrong?03:10
opitwinKaligula: no I don't, where is it?03:10
SurfnKidmine is fast ive got a good 128 M10 ATI card i just thought dapper would simplify all this.03:10
cherwinOverblast: enable ntfs read in your kernel, you can only read as root though out of the box03:10
DaSkreechcherwin: Gimmie a second03:10
QPAD|warlockproftpd is this a good ftp server?03:10
kaligulaEast part of Europe!03:11
SurfnKidwhat good is it to have cube xgl with no good wifi running03:11
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LjLdooglus: http://www.pdp8.net/os/os8/03:11
opitwinubotu: tell DavidJaq about Video03:11
Overblastcherwin: can you link me to some docs on doing that03:11
Overblasti am kinda newbish to linux03:11
kaligulaopitwin: with a capital Kishiniov!03:11
opitwinKaligula: oh03:11
=== QPAD|warlock feels like his being ignored.
iiiearsubotu is sometinmes well informed. - roll the knowledge dice in 1.. 2.. 3..03:12
ubotuI'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about, iiiears03:12
iiiears!ubotu ntfs03:12
ubotuto automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions there is no write support for ntfs that is safe. <!winfstab>03:12
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kaligulaopitwin: Are you working?03:12
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DavidJaqWhat does Video have to do with anything, opitwin?03:12
cherwinOverblast: man smbclient, there are some pretty good examples in the manual03:12
ksaadhello evertone03:12
=== SurfnKid pads QPAD|warlock in the back. nah this is just a normal trauma man, we all go thru it
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Overblastthat is in console, correct?03:13
opitwinDavidJaq: sorry, wrong file03:13
=== SurfnKid jumps in joy 50% installed, finishing the grub loader :D wohoo
cherwincorrectomundo :)03:13
opitwinKaligula: no03:13
Kiko0123anyone know where i can get my boat driver liscence here in montreal or the area ?03:13
Overblastthank you very much, sir03:13
kaligulaopitwin: Are you study?03:13
opitwinKaligula: no03:14
DaSkreechcherwin: Seems like all the samba stuff is installed03:14
kaligulaopitwin: I  study! I will be programmer!03:14
=== anathema_ [n=anathema@static-207-54-101-146.ptr.terago.ca] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidKiko0123 tried the local boat rental place, maybe they can direct u03:14
dooglusLjL: don't you find that os8 kills your system?  the cpu is at 100% the whole time03:14
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Kiko0123SurfnKid,  ill try that03:14
kaligulaopitwin: But what do you usually do?03:14
opitwinKaligula: cool!  I would like to be a web designer03:14
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anathema_hey just wondering, does any one here run nubuntu? i need a package from it03:14
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kaligulaopitwin: How old are you?03:15
opitwinkaligula: not much03:15
wastrelnever heard of nubuntu03:15
Kiko0123server oriented ubuntu distro03:15
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kaligulaopitwin: I am 20 years old!03:15
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Kiko0123project was shut down few months ago03:15
opitwinKaligula: I'm young03:15
anathema_can still dl the cd03:15
anathema_i need one of the debs though03:15
cherwinDaskreech: very strange indeed.. try connecting via the console, maybe you'll get some detailed error messages..03:15
LjLdooglus: didn't notice it, but i wouldn't be too surprised... after all, i don't think that OS went so far as to use a HALT instruction or anything, rather than just idle-looping...03:15
anathema_wont seem to compile right now03:15
DavidJaqI was trying to install KMud, but I get an error saying "checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!" when I type './config' ... what am I doing wrong?03:15
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DaSkreechcherwin: Whats the syntax? smbclient -I ipaddress?03:15
SurfnKidKiko0123 no probs03:16
helloyoi just installed ati drivers from the website, but i cannot set my resolution correctly now, System > Preferences isn't functioning, and its not listening to my xorg.conf03:16
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opitwinKaligula: I'm sorry if I am being rude but I do not wish to give out my age03:16
kaligulaopitwin: well if you don't want to say how old are you ok! But what do you usually do!03:16
cherwinDaskreech: smbclient -U <user> //server/share03:16
dooglusLjL: sure, but my 2.2GHz P4 should be able to emulate every one of the PDP8's clock cycles and barely notice it.  unless it's not trying to run it at the proper speed I guess03:16
LjLdooglus: oh, that .txt.gz file seems to say that the Fortran stuff isn't working right now :\03:16
SurfnKidfor instance, when enabling eth1 and updating Synaptic. All sites, had FATAL probs. apparently Synaptic has a problem with DHCP. but Breezy didnt do this so this accumulates to my disappointment :(03:17
LjLdooglus: which i don't think it's doing03:17
opitwinKaligula: I design web pages and do all sorts of stuff03:17
helloyoi am having problems with the ATI driver warping my screen, any ideas?03:17
SurfnKidis there irssi for windows03:17
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tritiumSurfnKid: synaptic is independent of dhcp03:17
Hexidigital_SurfnKid:: yes03:18
kaligulaopitwin: it's very good! It is better tnan nothing!03:18
=== Chris22 [n=iknowyou@pool-71-102-120-162.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudSurfnKid, I am not an network expert by any measure, but unless you have specifically set a proxy for synaptic, that makes no sense03:18
Hexidigital_SurfnKid:: it isn't very good though03:18
SurfnKidHexidigital_ same problem?03:18
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Hexidigital_SurfnKid:: what was the problem?03:18
SurfnKidnickrud and tritium ill prove you wrong guys03:18
SurfnKidi have the ubuntu forum that says so03:18
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Hexidigital_SurfnKid:: i meant, yes there's irssi for win3203:18
opitwinKaligula: I'm still a teen.03:18
rendoI have a question, does anyone have a DS and is the Nintendo Wifi support under Linux?  I'm talking about the USB adapter.03:18
DaSkreechcherwin: throws an initial error "unknown parameter encountered: 'revalidate'"03:19
DaSkreechcherwin: then asks for a password03:19
tritiumSurfnKid: dude, I'm just telling you the truth, trying to help03:19
SurfnKidHexidigital_ ok cool i gotta look for it03:19
nickrudSurfnKid, won't be the first time, or the last, but not this time :)03:19
wastrelmebby port or dns prob03:19
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Hexidigital_SurfnKid:: if i remember correctly, it is available from www.irssi.org03:19
cherwinDaskreech: very odd indeed, what happens if you insert the password?03:19
camilladonw babylon!03:19
tritiumcamilla: don't do that please03:19
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!03:20
Hexidigital_camilla:: please dont flood03:20
camillasorry it was my cat03:20
SurfnKidtritium lol no man im telling youuuuu lol hehe i know bro, i thought it was me too but i wasnt going thru a proxy :P i have no clue what it was, until the instructions said synaptic had a problem with that, i was like :|03:20
camillaok bot boys03:20
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=== jiping [n=jiping@c-24-91-155-63.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
camillawas my cat03:20
Hexidigital_camilla:: i'm not a bot03:20
SurfnKidnickrud hehe, im just happy man :P03:20
kaligulaopitwin: I am at first time at the Linux today! It is very interesting, but more difficult!03:20
tritium__mikem: it's okay...03:20
DaSkreechWell I tried both the password for thos machine and the one I'm logging into03:20
tritiumno problem, camilla03:20
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benplautnice cat :)03:20
Hexidigital_camilla:: my cat does that all the time... fortunately, she can't find the enter key :)03:20
benplautmine can't type =/03:20
camillaok thank03:20
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Amaranth] by ChanServ
AmaranthMine isn't allowed in the room where my computer is.03:20
camillamy cat is intelligent03:20
DavidJaqI was trying to install KMud, but I get an error saying "checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!" when I type './config' ... what am I doing wrong?03:20
DaSkreechboth return session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE03:20
__mikemYou got to wonder what caused that to happen though.03:20
opitwinKaligula: I love Ubuntu Linux, it is much better than Windows03:20
LjLmy cat is a shell command03:20
camillahe can play counter strike too03:20
shodanjr_grcats are EVIL03:20
frank_bcan someone tell me what's the difference between the "libmp3lame.so.0" and "libmp3lame.so.0.0.0" libraries? which one should I choose for the audacity program to encode an mp3?03:20
DavidJaqwill installing KDE fix my problem?03:21
AmaranthBecause then she wants me to pet her and lays on my keyboard purring.03:21
nickrudcats walk wherever, they just stay off the furniture.03:21
DaSkreechDavidJaq: Yes!!03:21
=== DaSkreech ducks!!
kaligulait is true!03:21
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=== m1ndsurfer gooses
SurfnKidflying cats?03:21
kaligulaopitwin: it's true!03:21
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LjLcat >/dev/null03:21
opitwinKaligula: Yes!03:21
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shodanjr_gri just noticed that i gota get some alcohol and rub all the filth of my mouse :P03:21
AmaranthDavidJaq: No, but installing x-window-system-dev will.03:22
kaligulaopitwin: But install the drivers is verry hard!03:22
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DaSkreechcherwin: Maybe ssh?03:22
opitwinKaligula: Are you trying to do that?03:22
hyphenatedshodanjr_gr: or get some drinkable alcohol and drink until you don't care how dirty the mouse is ;-)03:22
shodanjr_grbtw guys03:22
kaligulaopitwin: Yes!03:22
cherwinDaskreech: I think the problem lies with the windows box that you're connecting too.03:22
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opitwinKaligula: Is it working03:22
Amaranthfrank_b: One is probably a symlink (shortcut) to the other.03:22
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Amaranthfrank_b: So using either one is fine.03:22
shodanjr_grhyphenated unfortunately im not the type that drinks a lot or gets drunk easily :P03:22
DaSkreechIts a dapper box03:22
kaligulaopitwin: But my video don't work yet!03:22
shodanjr_grbtw whats the best VNC client available for Linux?03:23
Hexidigital_DaSkreech:: what are you trying to do?03:23
kaligula opitwin: But my video doesn't work yet03:23
DaSkreechI can connect to it on the Kubuntu machine and the Mac OSX machine03:23
=== mark--- [n=mark@c-67-161-24-44.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
DaSkreechHexidigital_: See a samba share03:23
Hexidigital_shodanjr_gr:: i use vncviewer03:23
iiiearsAmaranth - Keep a few kibbels hidden.03:23
frank_bAmaranth, in the installed files window in synaptic they appear as two different installed files...03:23
cherwinDaskreech: hold on! it's a dapper box? why in gods sake are you trying to use samba? please use ssh03:23
ubotuMy cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, SurfnKid03:23
kaligula opitwin: I am sorry, I did mistake!03:23
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cherwinDaskreech: you ever heard of fuse and sshfs?03:23
ubotuNo idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, SurfnKid03:23
jasonmanseysome help please, i just tried the i385 desktop live cd and none of the video works03:23
Hexidigital_DaSkreech:: i assume samba is configured correctly?03:23
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.03:23
=== SurfnKid smacks ubotu (thanks)
__mikemubotu my cats name is mittens also!03:23
opitwinKaligula: I'm sorry, I can't find the right page online and besides, I'm not very good at that kind of stuff.03:23
ubotu...but my cats name is already something else...03:23
jasonmanseythe screen the flashes different colors03:24
jasonmanseyhow can i solve that03:24
wastrelmy cat's name is george03:24
Hexidigital_ubotu:: tell SurfnKid about easysource03:24
shodanjr_gri dont have a cat03:24
DaSkreechHexidigital_: Seems to be I can see it from most of the other machines I've tried03:24
Hexidigital_SurfnKid:: was that what you were looking for?03:24
shodanjr_grive got 2 brothers who get in the way a lot though :p03:24
DaSkreechcherwin: No Where can I get more info :)03:24
iiiearsSRY caps - OOPS03:24
opitwinKaligula: What did you do wrong?03:24
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LjLiiiears: your cat-lock?03:24
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kaligulado you know different languages?03:24
shodanjr_grlmao :p03:24
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opitwin111ears: Your right!03:24
=== ristinak [n=vika@212-87-13-77.sds.uw.edu.pl] has joined #ubuntu
cherwinDaskreech: http://fuse.sourceforge.net/sshfs.html03:24
shodanjr_grwhat's ssh?03:25
jasonmanseyany have any idea's?03:25
Amaranthiiiears: Yeah, but I'll have a cat that scratches my private bits trying to play with the food.03:25
opitwiniiiears: You are very right!03:25
kaligula opitwin: I wrote  But my video don't work yet03:25
cherwina replacement for all r tools03:25
Hexidigital_DaSkreech:: ssh will work... if you open nautilus, and type ssh://yourmachineip.or.hostname03:25
=== KuLover [n=matt@pool-71-251-221-116.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
cherwinrsh rlogin etc.03:25
opitwinWhat page on the website are you looking at?03:25
Chris22anyway to install ubuntu without x?03:25
iiiearsStill no help for a keyboard i regularly spill Pepsi on. - lol03:25
Hexidigital_DaSkreech:: *should work... it will open it in nautilus03:25
kaligula opitwin: But is don't isn't correctly!03:25
frank_bAmaranth, you were right about the "libmp3" libraries. I've just checked. thank you very much for your help! :)03:25
=== Kovecses [n=ray@c-24-61-227-56.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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DaSkreechHexidigital_: I know seemed kind of pointless since there was a transparent smb already up03:25
wastreli use thunderbird for a mail client03:26
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LjLshodanjr_gr: it's an onomatopoeic word for "silence"03:26
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DaSkreechshodanjr_gr: Secure Shell03:26
Kovecsesthunderbird is nice03:26
opitwinKaligula: Are you using the command line?03:26
Hexidigital_DaSkreech:: yes... i use (on the rare occasion i use windows) openssh, and enter ssh://myserver to view the files03:26
kaligula opitwin: Else I am here because I want to study English better!03:26
Geoffrey2where in Ubuntu would my Thunderbird profile be stored?03:26
kaligula opitwin: Where?03:26
cherwinDaskreech: I recommend everyone to use sshfs since it will allow you to do anything transparently, all files will show up on you're computer as if it is on you harddrive03:26
dooglusKovecses: really?  I tried it for a few days and couldn't bear it03:26
dooglusGeoffrey2: ~/.mozilla-thunderbird/03:27
frank_bAmaranth, bye03:27
Kovecsesdooglus, what do you use?03:27
opitwinKovecses: Yes, it is.  but evolution mail is better!03:27
Hexidigital_Geoffrey2:: try /home/user/.thunderbird03:27
jasonmanseyif the live cd doesnt work does that mean i cant use ubuntu with my video card?03:27
dooglusKovecses: currently evolution03:27
kaligula opitwin: Command lines are different!03:27
Kovecsesyeah evolution is what i use03:27
Hexidigital_remember the period, Geoffrey203:27
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Kovecsessylpheed is nice too03:27
iiiearsKovecses: Thunderbird is much nicer. - Evolution is warning me about my servers protocols. - TBird just works03:27
dooglusKovecses: sylpheed seemed to be incredibly slow downloading big emails03:27
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DaSkreechcherwin: I'll look into it :)03:27
Dead_Thinkeraaaaaaaaa, help :D03:28
opitwinKaligula: It should be under applications somewhere, It is called the Terminal03:28
dooglusiiiears: what I didn't like about tbird is that it constantly shows the headers and the attachments in the preview pane, leaving no space for the email itself!03:28
tonyyarussojasonmansey, Not necessarily.  It doesn't bode well, but don't give up too easily.  Have you checked wiki/forums/google for info about your card?03:28
Dead_Thinkerdudes, i've installed ubuntu right now03:28
=== JuGhEaD [n=JuGhEaD@c-69-245-13-105.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hexidigital_cherwin:: is sshfs linux only, or win32 compatible?03:28
Dead_Thinkerbut lilo do not appears :(03:28
dooglusiiiears: if there are too many attachments you literally cannot read the email!03:28
cherwinDaSkreech: please do :), it is really not that hard03:28
Hexidigital_Dead_Thinker:: ubuntu uses Grub03:28
=== DaSkreech [n=skreech@port0002-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation]
opitwinKaligula: Applications - Accessories - Terminal03:28
kaligula opitwin: It haden't used with me!03:28
iiiearsdooglus - Add a few hundred emails and it uses a lot of RAM also.03:28
cherwinHexidigital_: it's linux only03:28
Dead_Thinkeri tried to install it too later, but nothing happens03:28
=== maikeru [n=matteo@adsl-69-149-226-171.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
JuGhEaDIs there a way to diagnose random lockups in ubuntu?03:29
dooglusiiiears: I've not had a problem with it using too much RAM on ubuntu, and I put about 10,000 messages into it03:29
Hexidigital_cherwin:: ah, i'm looking for something easier than openssh to view my files when at school (my wireless won't work on ubuntu at the college, so i have to use windows)03:29
maikeruin Ubuntu Server, I can't log into root from terminal -- is it locked down there too?03:29
dooglusiiiears: on Windows, however, it started hanging up badly at around the 8k messages mark03:29
Dead_Thinkeri use winxp on a hd (master) and ubuntu on another (slave), is that t cause?03:29
tritiumJuGhEaD: you can check log files in /var/log03:29
Kovecsescherwin, there is ssh in dows03:29
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opitwinKaligula: Command Lines take a while to get used to for a Windows user03:29
LjLJuGhEaD: if they truly appear random, then first you should make sure you don't have a hardware problem, like bad RAM. tried running memtest?03:29
JuGhEaDvar/log ok03:29
dooglusmaikeru: you can "sudo -i"03:29
kaligula opitwin: How can I compile a c++ file with terminale?03:29
opitwinKaligula: or mac user03:29
maikerudooglus, I cna't log in03:29
Hexidigital_Dead_Thinker:: did you install Grub to the MBR?03:29
DavidJaqAmaranth, where can I get x-window-system-dev?03:29
LjLkaligula: gcc filename03:30
maikerufrom the main login screen, I go to use root...03:30
JuGhEaDno memtest03:30
dooglusmaikeru: at all?  or as root?03:30
cherwinKovecses: yeah ssh but *no* sshfs and fuse03:30
maikeruso I am asking if it is completely locked out03:30
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Dead_Thinker[Hexidigital_] : i tried, but when i chose the option, nothing happens, it goes to the partition screen03:30
maikeruWell, completely to be honest. The user I created isn't working03:30
AmaranthDavidJaq: that's not the name anymore, hang on03:30
maikerua clean install should do03:30
Kovecsescherwin, oops my bad03:30
Dead_Thinker[Hexidigital_] : im using 5.1 Ubuntu :(03:30
JuGhEaDI had problems with the install, so I ended up wiping the HDD and formatting it ext3 for ubuntu03:30
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dooglusmaikeru: did you maybe type the username or password wrong?03:30
kaligulaopitwin: No c++ file!03:30
Dead_Thinker[Hexidigital_] : my cds havent arrived yet03:30
AmaranthDavidJaq: Try libx11-dev03:30
Hexidigital_Dead_Thinker:: oh, sorry, i havent installed breezy in some time03:30
maikerudooglus, doubt it03:30
maikeruI've typed it only 20 times by now03:31
JuGhEaDthe last install went smoothly, but I left it on all day yesterday and came back to find it locked up03:31
maikeruAnyway, reinstalling ubuntu will fix it03:31
kaligula opitwin: Or c# file!03:31
dooglusmaikeru: boot into rescue mode and use "passwd" to reset the password03:31
cherwinHexidigital_ you can use winscp on your school with linux, it works pretty wel03:31
JuGhEaDnow it locks up every few minutes03:31
Dead_Thinkercan someone help me?03:31
dooglusmaikeru: maybe the time you got it wrong is when you set it...03:31
JuGhEaDafter a software update03:31
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snoopsdoes anyone remember a file manager for kde from a few years age..some guy doing his doctorat did it I believe.. it didn't use a traditional folder structure..used a database03:31
maikeruwait, how do I get into rescue mode?03:31
LjLJuGhEaD: "locks up" means you can't even ALT+F1 to the console?03:31
Hexidigital_thanks cherwin, i will look into that :)03:31
LjLctrl+alt+f1 actually03:31
dooglusmaikeru: is there an option when you boot?03:31
maikeruah, ok03:31
maikeruthanks dooglus03:31
opitwinKaligula: I don't know anything about C++ so I'm not sure.03:31
dooglusmaikeru: you're trying to log in as the user, right?  not root?03:32
maikeru(wasn't sure if I would look there or on the CD)03:32
spiderwormdoes anyone know how to get ubuntu to stop registering harder presses on a laptop touchpad as mouse clicks?03:32
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maikeruYes, dooglus03:32
opitwinKaligula: I don't think you can?03:32
viper474how do you use caldera dr-dos?03:32
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dooglusmaikeru: I've never seen the server install, so I don't know - but I guess the boot screen has some kind of rescue mode.03:32
DavidJaqis there a program like DVD Shrink for linux?03:32
opitwinKaligula: Have you figured out your Video Card?03:32
maikeruok, thank you03:32
cherwinHexidigital_  just download the standalone executable file http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/winscp/winscp381.exe?download03:32
viper474nrestore or something03:32
LjLsnoops: perhaps http://ozy.student.utwente.nl/projects/dbfs/ ?03:32
Hexidigital_cherwin:: at the site now :) many thanks03:32
viper474how do you use caldera dr-dos?03:33
cherwinyou're welcome :)03:33
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Geoffrey2Thunderbird must not have created a profile for me yet, under /home/jeffrey all I see is Desktop and Examples03:33
JuGhEaDljl, I'm new to linux still - I knew there was a shortcut but I was trying ctl+f103:33
opitwinKaligula: I'll be back in a couple minutes, I have to feed my dog.03:33
viper474how do you use caldera dr-dos?03:33
JuGhEaDif I get to a console could I just try restartx03:33
LjLJuGhEaD: that03:33
kaligula opitwin: ok!03:33
viper474how do you use caldera dr-dos?03:33
LjLJuGhEaD: that's ctrl+alt+f1 from X, even though it'would be just alt+f1 from another console03:33
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Hexidigital_Geoffrey2:: you have to do this....  /home/jeffrey/.mozilla-thunderbird  (note the period)03:33
viper474how do you use caldera dr-dos?03:34
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Hexidigital_Geoffrey2:: in Nautilus, type Ctrl + L to change location03:34
LjLJuGhEaD: (where "f1" doesn't really have to be F1... it can be another F-key, which would switch to a different console)03:34
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dooglusJuGhEaD: and alt-f7 to get back03:34
viper474how do you use caldera dr-dos?03:34
LjLJuGhEaD: F7 is usually X, so alt+f7 will get you back to the primary X session03:34
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snoopsYes that's the one! thank you very much lfl03:34
viper474how do you use caldera dr-dos?03:34
Geoffrey2would that be a hidden folder?03:34
snoopsLjL* :)03:34
Hexidigital_Geoffrey2:: yes03:34
dooglusJuGhEaD: people never seem to remember to tell people how to get back to where they started...03:34
viper474how do you use caldera dr-dos?03:34
tritiumviper474: please don't repeat03:34
JuGhEaDif gnome lccks up and I can get to a console, what do I need to do to restart or logout03:35
viper474well, please answer03:35
Hexidigital_also, Geoffrey2, prefix responses with names, as to avoid confusion03:35
tritiumviper474: patience03:35
cherwinGeoffrey2: you can also use ctrl+H to view all hidden files and folders :)03:35
tritiumviper474: It could be that none of use have used dr-dos03:35
Geoffrey2Hexidigital_, ok, will do03:35
LjLJuGhEaD: "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"03:35
=== Hexidigital_ was not aware of Ctrl + H
iiiearsviper474:  Load up the vmware player to try it. - much easier.03:35
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tritiumJuGhEaD: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart03:35
SDcan anyone explain to me what the hex is under prefences->keyboard shortcuts? eg "Launch Help Browser" shortcut = 0xf503:35
ron_how do i install a .deb file?03:35
LjLJuGhEaD: also, you can type CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE from inside X, that should restart the X server03:35
viper474maybe...but my cd boots to it trying to use ubuntu03:35
tritiumron_: dpkg -i <file.deb>, or use gdebi (gui)03:36
viper474and I don't wanna download or waste more cd-rs03:36
__mikemron dpkg -i file.deb03:36
tritiumviper474: no it doesn't03:36
viper474what doesn't?03:36
bleppehow do i define MIME types within firefox?03:36
Geoffrey2I occasionally see a red line underneath a line someone typed going complete across the text window...03:36
Hexidigital_SD:: you have to set the shortcut for that... it isn't a real key (unless you have a internet keyboard)03:36
iiiearsviper474:  Exactly - from VMWare you can mount the iso image.03:36
shodanjr_gron a note totally unrelated to Ubuntu03:36
tritiumviper474: the install CDs don't boot dr-dos03:36
viper474mine does03:36
tritiumviper474: impossible03:36
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shodanjr_granyone got a clue as to why my Grand Theft Auto San andreas keeps showing my save games as corrupted? :P03:37
viper474because I had it set to as bootable disk03:37
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iiiearsshodanjr_gr:  Truely off-topic.03:37
SDoh i c03:37
rendoI have a question, does anyone have a DS and is the Nintendo Wifi support under Linux?  I'm talking about the USB adapter.03:37
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SDHexidigital_:: ty03:37
shodanjr_griiiears told ya so :p03:37
Kovecsesshodanjr_gr, runnig in linux?03:37
Hexidigital_Geoffrey2:: that's a page break (sort of)... if you enabled logging, that is where the page ends03:37
opitwinKaligula: I'm back!03:37
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shodanjr_grKovecses no, windows :P03:37
narg__rendo: nerp, but it works fine from my modem.03:37
InnerFIREwhats up with linux and myspace..03:37
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InnerFIREcant play music videos..03:37
rendoYou mean your wireless one. :/03:37
Hexidigital_InnerFIRE:: you have problems with that also?03:37
InnerFIREeveryone does03:38
Hexidigital_InnerFIRE:: did you install the codecs?03:38
rendoOh well, thanks :b03:38
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Geoffrey2Hexidigital_, I don't think I did....oh well, I'll deal with that minor matter later :)03:38
Kovecsesnobody still uses windows03:38
InnerFIREno  suitable plugins found03:38
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shodanjr_grKovecses just me bro :P03:38
InnerFIREi have w32codecs03:38
narg__rendo: well, it has wireless capabilities, but yea. I don't think that dongle will work, unless someon hacked a driver for it.03:38
InnerFIREshould i be trying something else?03:38
Hexidigital_Geoffrey2:: you don't NEED logging, but that's what the line is03:38
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bleppei'm trying to watch ytmnd.com but everytime i end up with a page that contains a .wav file i get this pretty yellow bar at the top of the page telling me to get a plugin wich doesen't exist...03:38
kaligula opitwin: I am too!03:38
bleppethe pages with mp3 files work fine03:38
Hexidigital_administrador:: /j #ubuntu-es03:39
kaligula opitwin: do You know Russian?03:39
opitwinKaligula: Do you have an IPOD03:39
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tritiumtake it to #ubuntu-offtopic, guys03:39
__mikemIpods SUCK03:39
kaligula opitwin: What is it?03:39
opitwinKaligula: No I don't, only English and Enough French to say Hello and Bye to Somebody03:39
Kovecsesmy cell phone is my ipod03:39
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kaligula opitwin: I dont know!03:39
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Hexidigital_administrador:: what are you trying to do?03:39
AK7advertixe ubuntu in mexico?03:40
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kaligula opitwin: Do you like a "Harry Potter"?03:40
maikeruthanks dooglus03:40
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tritiumkaligula: please stay on topic03:40
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=== __mikem wonders how redhat plans to deal with the release of ubuntu dapper drake
opitwinAn Ipod is an MP3 Player that can hold up to 60 GB of Music and Videos.03:41
tritiumby acquiring JBoss03:41
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cherwinwhere are all the ops?03:41
InnerFIREhexidigital:.. any ideas?03:41
opitwinKaligula: No I don't like harry potter03:41
steelhow do i upgrade breezy badger to dapper drake?03:41
tritiumcherwin: around03:41
Hexidigital_InnerFIRE:: didn't see your question, one moment03:41
Kovecses__mikem, your underestimatind fc5 ... its a very nice distro03:41
__mikemapitwin, no an IPOD is just a namebrand for apples line of mp3 players03:41
bleppesteel: apt dist-upgrade i think03:41
LjL!tell steel about upgrade03:41
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cherwintritium: haha okay gotcha;)03:41
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bleppeapt-get dist upgrade?03:42
kaligulatritium: Shut you mouth!03:42
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Hexidigital_ubotu:: tell InnerFIRE about restrictedformats03:42
joey_botchathow do i rename my hard disks?03:42
__mikemKovecses Ive used FC5, it is a nice distro, but so is dapper drake03:42
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DeshDoes anyone know how to correctly install fglrx onto Dapper (Xorg 7, ATI Mobility 9700, nForce3 motherboard chipset)?03:42
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tritiumkaligula: careful, buddy03:42
skippykaligua join off topic please03:42
kaligula opitwin: tritium: Please!03:42
KovecsesDesh, here is the link03:42
dawgudabeis there anyway to dual boot windows with linux, even tho windows formatted my drive with NTFS when i installed it??03:42
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iiiearssteel - It is possible though a clean install will likely be easier.  apt-get upgrade    apt-get dist-upgrade03:42
Hexidigital_InnerFIRE:: i'm pretty sure myspace uses flash videos... at the page ubotu sent you, is how to install flash03:42
FyRusHi ppl03:42
opitwinopitwin: Yes03:43
KovecsesDesh, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI03:43
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LjLiiiears: which is unfortunate03:43
=== luc1fersflowers [n=luc1fers@pool-70-17-147-121.wma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
InnerFIREi see videos..03:43
opitwintritium: What is your problem?03:43
InnerFIREand sometimes music..03:43
Kovecsesdawgudabe, yeah dual booting is easy03:43
bleppeATI drivers are a bitch but what are you going to do...03:43
kaligulaskippy: Why?03:43
DeshKovecses: I have done all thos steps and still get the mesa driver as my opengl.03:43
InnerFIREbut when i add my own there is a problem03:43
InnerFIREill try03:43
tritiumopitwin: ?03:43
KovecsesDesh, did you restart x03:43
saji have a problem playing WMV, i got the win32 codecs...and it was very fast ie it played entire track in less then 1 second flat lol03:44
kaligula opitwin: Thank you!03:44
cherwinbleppe: ati drivers are really good! so don't say they're a bitch cause it's not03:44
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sajso i tried the wmv fix and changed priority to 7 in xine03:44
Hexidigital_opitwin:: please don't start fights in the SUPPORT channel... go to #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat03:44
sajand it doesnt even load know?03:44
kaligulatritium: go away!03:44
sajwhat i need to do?03:44
DeshKovecses: Yes reboots, reconfigures of xorg, editing xorg.conf, nothing works.03:44
opitwintritium: Sorry, I just joking with you, I should get back on topic too.03:44
__mikemsaj panic03:44
drugmeI need some help.03:44
drugmeI bought a 200gb usb maxtor drive.03:44
tritiumkaligula: okay, you've had your fun joking around...now stop03:45
KovecsesDesh, have you gotten this to work before? another distro etc?03:45
__mikemdrugme good for you03:45
Hexidigital_drugme:: after you had ubuntu installed?03:45
drugmeand i format it with suse tried to install it be accident.03:45
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drugmeHow can i fix it?03:45
opitwinHexidigital_: I'm sorry, I didn't want to start a fight.03:45
KovecsesDesh, do you have a custom kernel?03:45
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kaligula opitwin: In what language do you write in the "JavaScript" or "PHP"03:45
drugmeHow can i format the usb drive.03:45
skippydrugme, if your using dapper then it should just be a case of plugging it in03:45
Sivikhow do i go about getting an gui to work from an ubuntu server install, the session i want to run is enlightenment03:45
bobby_the installer keeps crashing/freezing when I try and install 6.06, how do i fix this (downloading alternative isn't an option :|)03:45
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DeshKovecses: Never tried too hard on Breezy, and I'm using the provided 386 Dapper kernel.03:45
tritiumSivik: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop03:45
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luc1fersflowersdoes Rythmbox randomly close for anyone else?03:45
bleppecherwin: ok, i'll be more specific. ati aren't adding newer driver functions in conjunction with their new hardware so you often get far less preformance in linux than in windows using their own proprietary drivers. with nvidia you don't get that kind of second hand tratment03:45
Hexidigital_skippy:: dosen't a usb drive need to be in /etc/fstab?03:46
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opitwinKaligula: Log onto #ubuntu-offtopic03:46
tritiumHexidigital_: no03:46
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__mikemDrugme, mount it as a filesystem, and format it like normal03:46
bleppeHexidigital: mine ends up in /media/usbstick03:46
skippyHexidigital_,  im not sure, but i assume it is treated like a flash stick or an mp3 player03:46
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Siviktritium: that doesn't install gnome right03:46
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tritiumSivik: it does.  What desktop env. do you want?03:46
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drugmemikem How can i do that?03:46
kaligulaopitwin: how?03:46
drugmemikem: Please help.03:46
ksaadhello everyone03:46
Hexidigital_drugme:: when you plug in your drive, does it automount?03:46
Siviki currently have enlightenment installed03:46
ubotu[mount]  the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f03:46
ksaadi'm here for a little question03:46
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skippydrugme, does anything happen when you plug it?03:47
Siviki think i need entrance03:47
tritiumHexidigital_: they  should automount, yes03:47
ksaadis there a way to get speedtouch modem to work on ubuntu?03:47
drugmei can open it in sys->admin->disks03:47
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cherwinbleppe: you gotta point ;)03:47
Hexidigital_tritium:: that's what i thought03:47
drugmeit only reads it as 20gb03:47
george_can anyone help me with Frostwire?  I have java installed but when I install Frostwire it says that I dont have java installed.  Any suggestions?03:47
viper474so how do you use caldera dr-dos to setup ubuntu?03:48
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bleppecan anyone help me with my fireforx problem?03:48
Kovecsesgeorge_, frostwire?03:48
__mikemThen use a fdisk to view the partition table of the thing03:48
tritiumviper474: don't use it.  Use an ubuntu install CD03:48
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bleppehow do i define mimetypes within firefox?03:48
viper474so how do you use caldera dr-dos to setup ubuntu considering I had my cd-burner set it to be a bootable cd?03:48
viper474sure, you got one for free?03:48
dawgudabeis there anyway to dual boot windows with linux, even tho windows formatted my drive with NTFS when i installed it??03:48
=== __mikem had a devil of a time installing frostwire earlier today
george_yes, frostwire03:48
stevej /msg NickServ IDENTIFY 1qaz2wsx03:48
tritiumviper474: sure, download one, or order one for free on shipit.com03:48
ksaadspeedtouch modem setup on ubuntu. anyone?03:48
tritiumstevej: please change your password soon now03:49
skippybleppe try preferences > downloads > download actions03:49
Hexidigital_dawgudabe:: yes, if windows is installed first, and ubuntu second (installing grub to the MBR)03:49
viper474i don't wanna pay for shipping or wait another 618464139641308 hours03:49
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tritiumviper474: shipping is free03:49
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Hexidigital_viper474:: you may get that next year! :)03:49
bleppeskippy: i've tried that. the only problem is that it won't let me add anything. if i could then that would be peachy03:49
bobby_dawgudabe, there is...but if you have to ask how to do it then it is beyond your ability...I suggest resizing the partition to create a new one for linux03:49
SurfnKidi cant find it grr03:49
nickrudviper474, work at downloading the torrent, it'll be faster, probably even with dialup03:49
tritiumfind what, SurfnKid ?03:49
shodanjr_grguys i just download the J2SE RTE along with Netbeans 5 from Sun. Its a .bin file...anyone got a clue on how i install it?03:49
viper474where's that?03:50
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Hexidigital_SurfnKid:: what do you mean?03:50
tritiumshodanjr_gr: sun-java5 packages are in dapper multiverse03:50
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tritiumdon't use sun's .bin files anymore03:50
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nickrudshodanjr_gr, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats has info on installing that bin, but it also has info on instaling it from the repos03:50
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shodanjr_grnow you tell me :P03:50
SurfnKidtritium im looking for that article03:50
skippybleppe, yeah i see what you mean - maybe you should have a look through the hidden firefox folder in your home directory for a config file03:50
tritiumSurfnKid: which one?03:50
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Kovecsesfrostwire seems cool.. imma ditch lime03:50
SurfnKidtritium its not in the synaptic installation notes, its in the sources.list wiki or ubuntuforum i just cant find it03:51
Sivikhow do i get a login manager without installing the entirerty of gnome03:51
luc1fersflowersDoes anyone know why Rythmbox crashes after about 30 seconds?03:51
=== st3v3dnd [n=steve@216-82-221-5.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu
Lockeshould I used OSS or Esound?03:51
=== opitwin [n=opitwin6@3639244858.mi.dial.123.net] has joined #ubuntu
Lockefor XMMS03:51
Lockei mean03:51
george_any idea why frostwire says that i dont have java when it is installed?03:51
SAM_themanyo guys my connect may go out for a while ok03:51
tritiumSurfnKid: dhcp is independent of synaptic, I told you03:51
InnerFIREhexidigital.. will you go to my webpage and see if it works for you?03:51
nickrudSivik, install xdm, or gdm, or kdm03:51
bleppeskippy: ok then. i'll look for it03:51
skippySivik, the gnome login manager is called "gdm" you should be able to grab it independantly of gnome03:51
Siviknickrud: but i don't want to install that03:51
opitwinKaligula: Are you there?03:51
SAM_themanso if I auto discconect not my fauly :P03:51
st3v3dndIs it okay to use inetd in Ubuntu or are there other more preferred ways?03:51
__mikemmyspace SUCKS03:51
Sivikskippy: i will try that03:51
tritiumInnerFIRE: that's offtopic03:51
DavidJaqI need to install qt-1.44 to get Kmud to work, but I don't know how to get it up and running. Can someone help me?03:51
=== Cooner750 [n=Cooner75@cpe-71-72-209-126.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Hexidigital_InnerFIRE:: i deleted my account about 8 months ago03:51
iiiearsviper474: If the ubuntu install disk partitioning isn't enough control for you. (shrug) there is always a bootable qtparted cdrom iso.03:51
nickrudSivik, you said login mangers, those are the big three. xdm has the smallest footprint.03:52
=== vineeth [n=vineeth@] has joined #ubuntu
Cooner750Need help. Does anyone here have Ubuntu and OS X installed on a Mac Mini and it's working?03:52
Siviknickrud: ok03:52
Sivikhow do i start xdm?03:52
Hexidigital_InnerFIRE:: yes, it worked for me03:52
tritiumSivik: is it installed?03:52
Sivikit is now03:52
SurfnKidtritium yeah, in the article it says, browser working? but synaptic not? or something like that, well ill post it when i find it, nevertheless, im already on 5.10 and my eth is working fine and wlan0 too03:52
skippySivik, at a guess "/etc/init.d/xdm start" after installing03:52
tritiumSivik: sudo invoke-rc.d xdm start03:53
nickrudSivik, after you install, sudo invoke-rc.d xdm start03:53
ijeffHow come the system volume control does not affect the actual volume level at all?03:53
luc1fersflowersijeff: i'm having the same problem03:53
Hexidigital_InnerFIRE:: i should note, i have ALL the codecs (except shockwave and realplayer) installed03:53
opitwinKaligula: Are you there?03:53
InnerFIREso you hear the music?03:53
nickrudijeff, you may need to change the volume control it controls: main or pcm03:53
=== Hexidigital_ brb, need food
Cooner750I've created 2 partitions, (I left the small .3MB one alone), one 14.6GB ext3, and the other 59GB in ext3 too, so Disk Utility in OS X install would recognize them. I formatted the 59GB one to HFS+ using Disk Util. I continued to install OS X but eventually it says "There were errors installing the software". Help?03:53
george_can anyone help me with installing frostwire?03:53
tritiumSurfnKid: well, we can help you get dapper working03:53
luc1fersflowersijeff: not to mention my music plays through my usb sound card wich is right, but anything in firefox plays through my laptops speakers03:53
ijeffnickrud: ah, where can I find that option?03:53
DavidJaqI need to install qt-1.44 to get Kmud to work, but I don't know how to get it up and running. Can someone help me?03:54
nickrudijeff, right click the volume control, and select preferences03:54
ijefffirefox also won't play audio from videos03:54
=== NZ_Maori_Guy [n=uber_dea@] has joined #ubuntu
Siviktritium: it said it started xdm, but then it just went back to user@location:~$03:54
drugmeSo how do i format a hardrive03:54
Sivikdrugme: fdisk03:54
=== cafuego_ retche
nickruddrugme, cfdisk03:54
=== mrc75 [n=me@c-68-49-210-176.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
=== cafuego_ is now known as cafuego
skippySivik,  maybe you need to "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" to set up your monitor and vga for the 1st tiem?#03:54
Kovecsesyeah frostwire rules03:55
Sivikskippy: ok03:55
nickrud!info xserver-xorg03:55
ubotuxserver-xorg: (the X.Org X server (dummy package)), section x11, is optional. Version: 6.8.2-77.1 (breezy), Packaged size: 267 kB, Installed size: 700 kB03:55
ijeffnickrud: it's set to change master volume03:55
SurfnKidtritium :S well i got 5.10 going. ill just get more familiar with more stuff as i go along the way. I will definitely have a bunch of questions im sure that arise. :)03:55
tritiumhey there, cafuego03:55
cafuegotritium: eh03:55
Siviki don't have a package called xserver-xorg03:55
bleppeskippy: yay found it! why oh why did they ever hide it away? it seems a bit complicated to edit as well, but i guess i could just copy/paste the same settings for wave files as for mp3 files though...03:55
tritiumSurfnKid: okay, when you're ready03:55
nickrudijeff, I am not a sound expert, but I'd try pcm03:55
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Sivikdo i need to install xserver-common03:55
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ijeffnickrud: pcm?03:55
skippybleppe,  glad you found something - yeah it is silly they didnt put it on the interface03:55
cafuegoSo, the final dapper release broke eh?03:55
__mikemSavik, if you are using any sort of GUI you either have xserver-xorg or XFree8603:55
xnullhow can I remove packages with --nodeps or something03:56
opitwingagamel: hi03:56
nickrudijeff, an option in preferences03:56
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NZ_Maori_GuyHey hey03:56
DavidJaqI need to install qt-1.44 to get Kmud to work, but I don't know how to get it up and running. Can someone help me?03:56
skippySivik,  xorg should install when you install xfce03:56
NZ_Maori_GuyIs this the linux chat?03:56
nickrudbroke? (me is glad his an upgrade then)03:56
xnullNZ_Maori_Guy: p0rn chat:)03:56
Hexidigital_NZ_Maori_Guy:: linux support, not chat03:56
Sivikskippy: i'm not install xfce03:56
dooglusNZ_Maori_Guy: no, this is the gay chatline03:56
SurfnKidtritium  what kind of wifi card u running and gpu?03:56
Sivikskippy: i installed enlightenment03:57
cafuegonickrud: Just got home from holiday, did a dist-upgrade, can't boot anymore.03:57
dooglusNZ_Maori_Guy: what are you wearing?03:57
=== Fastly [n=alex@81-86-145-67.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
skippySivik, enlightenment is a window manager for gnome isnt it?03:57
__mikemthe xubuntu-desktop is a bit flaky. The xfce4-panel crashed unexpectedly while I was using it, and when I reloaded it, everything was in the wrong place03:57
NZ_Maori_GuyIm wearing a rubbish bag =D03:57
Sivikskippy: no03:57
tritiumSurfnKid: I have ipw2200 on my Toshiba, and atheros on my Thinkpad03:57
KovecsesNZ_Maori_Guy, this is NOT the linux chat03:57
opitwinNZ_Maori_Guy: Its more like Ubuntu Linux Help and Support03:57
skippySivik,  ah ok sorry03:57
KovecsesNZ_Maori_Guy, its the ubuntu chat03:57
Sivikskippy: enlightenment is its own gui03:57
nickrudcafuego, ah. upgrade from an old dapper rc for me. I am recommending installs, not upgrades (truly)03:57
Lockeenlightenment is a window manager for X03:57
NZ_Maori_Guywell whats ubuntu linux?03:57
tritiumSurfnKid: ati on the thinkpad, and intel on the toshiba03:57
NZ_Maori_Guyis it a new one03:57
=== Kickersny [n=evan@cpe-69-205-139-119.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
NZ_Maori_Guyor is it good ?03:57
cafuegonickrud: Yeah. Grumble grumble grumble.03:58
SivikLocke, i'm trying to install x03:58
Lockeit looks HELLA good03:58
Lockebut its kinda big and bulky03:58
MadpilotNZ_Maori_Guy, it's both new and good03:58
=== chuckyp [n=histo@adsl-68-76-102-155.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Lockeand slow03:58
NZ_Maori_GuySo its the newest?03:58
Madpilot__mikem, ease up on the caps, OK?03:58
Kickersnymy soundcard has started making a high-pitched whine; what could be causing this?03:58
tritium__mikem: don't yell please03:58
chuckypwow dist-upgrade lol 253megs.03:58
nickrudcafuego, so, when will the bot default to dapper :)03:58
NZ_Maori_GuyWell whats the most newest linux?03:58
Kovecsesfreakin noobs03:58
Lockeyeh yeh everything needs X03:58
KickersnyI have trued restarted03:58
kuitangumm, how about links-graphics03:58
Kickersnytried restarting*03:58
a2xmhi all, what's the resume command for printer?03:58
=== urbanmonkey [n=rom@CPE00b0d0f7ea72-CM00e06f16a5cc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
shodanjr_grguys i got a problem with J2SE + netbeans03:58
__mikemI use the caps lock instead of the shift key, I must have left it on03:58
SivikLocke, how do i go about installing x?03:59
cafuegonickrud: Um, now? I literally just came off an international flight, hold on.03:59
=== Toni-testing [i=toni@80-102-225-116.bcn2.dialup.uni2.es] has joined #ubuntu
MadpilotKovecses, be polite. Even to freakin' noobs03:59
Kovecseshey whats the package to get the right click terminal again?03:59
shodanjr_grim following the instruction in the restrictedformat page03:59
LockeSivik, it should be already installed03:59
skippynp __mikem03:59
Lockeare you in text mode or you have a mouse and shit03:59
SivikLocke: not if i did a server install of ubuntu03:59
shodanjr_grsubstituting the JDK file with the J2SE+netbeans file03:59
tritiumcafuego: jetlagged?  ;)03:59
NZ_Maori_GuyKovecses... yea im a n00b .. once you were a n00b .. so keep your trap shut if this was CSS or BF2 you would be owned03:59
shodanjr_grand i get this Loading plugins: blackdown-j2re.sh blackdown-j2sdk.sh common.sh ibm-j2re.sh ibm-j2sdk.sh j2re.sh j2sdk.sh j2se.sh sun-j2re.sh sun-j2sdk.sh03:59
SurfnKidtritium and dapper on both?03:59
ijeffnickrud: PCM is the one I need my keyboard to control, when i move that bar it controls it properly.. but how can i set my keyboard to control that one? the preferences wont change anything03:59
MadpilotAh! No bot!03:59
tritiumSurfnKid: of course!03:59
SivikLocke: i'm trying to figure out if gnome is the issue03:59
nickrudcafuego, ohh, I love quick turn arounds. But if you're like me, trust nothing you're doing right now03:59
shodanjr_gr  No matching plugin was found.03:59
Lockeyou'll have to install it from the packages on the cd03:59
=== ashridah [i=ashridah@220-253-120-82.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
=== billybennett [n=william@] has joined #Ubuntu
KovecsesSivik, what issue03:59
shodanjr_gri try the solution :  DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE=i386-linux fakeroot make-jpkg jre-1_5_0_07-linux-i586.bin03:59
=== Rescue [n=Rescue@unaffiliated/rescue] has joined #ubuntu
=== nickrud loves flying, just the time ...
Lockeput something simple like FVWM on first03:59
SivikLocke, i just found it via apt-get03:59
shodanjr_grbut it doesnt work03:59
__mikemfluxbox works good04:00
h3sp4wnNZ_Maori_Guy: Debian sid is pretty current so is arch unstable04:00
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skippyNZ_Maori_Guy, if by newest you mean the most cutting edge, then Dapper or Debian unstable are probably what you want04:00
LockeSivik, if there is windowmaker try that04:00
SivikKovecses, ff, terminal, xchat, gaim, kopete closing randomly and sometimes the screen goes black and it goes back to the login screen04:00
FujitsuHexidigital_, the bot will be back soon.04:00
__mikemlooks like ubotu is slacking04:00
opitwinToni-testing: do you need something?04:00
skippyNZ_Maori_Guy,  if you want the most upto date stable and supported distro then Dapper is a good choice04:00
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Fujitsu__mikem, I believe ubotu is being rebooted :)04:00
h3sp4wnNZ_Maori_Guy: Debian unstable has newer packages though04:01
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opitwin__miken: Ubuntu doesn't slack04:01
Kovecsesdude Dapper is good04:01
Kovecsesno Ubotu is slacking04:01
NZ_Maori_GuyOk so i guess i dl dapper in torrents?04:01
oskilianhow can I boot without a video card?04:01
__mikemopitwin I was talking about the ircbot04:01
=== tale_ [n=tale@cpe-024-088-253-167.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Lockeslack is slack04:01
opitwinKovecses: Yes it is!04:01
KovecsesNZ_Maori_Guy, u can04:01
a2xmhi all, what's the resume command for printer? why my printer always pause by itself?04:01
cafuegoubotu is being updated, just a moment04:01
drugme"WroNo primary partitions are marked bootable. DOS MBR cannot boot this.e."04:01
nickrudijeff, keyboards are hard sometimes. Try System->Preferences->Keyboard, and select the Keyboard model under the Layouts tab that comes closet first.04:01
drugmethats the error i'm getting in cfdisk04:01
MadpilotNZ_Maori_Guy, yes, there's .torrent files at all the download mirrors04:01
opitwin__mikem: the bot just logged off.04:01
KovecsesNZ_Maori_Guy, do you know how to burn an iso?04:01
Lockei want firefox 1.5 as a package :P04:01
=== Hexidigital_ sometimes mistakenly tells people i run Ubotu Linux
__mikemYes, hense my comment04:02
Lockeits being difficult on me04:02
stevejCan anybody give me pointers at getting libdvdcss installed? Totem barfs on playing pretty generic DVDs.04:02
tritiumLocke: it's in dapper04:02
Lockei could compile and install but i'm trying not to do that on this install04:02
Lockeim on 'breezy beaver'04:02
=== waky is now known as waky|off
Lockei got the cds in the mail04:02
skippystevej,  you need to install totem-xine04:02
tritiumLocke: badger ;)04:02
NZ_Maori_GuyIs gentoo any good?04:02
NZ_Maori_Guyjst as a query?04:02
FujitsuLocke, Breezy Badger... Can you please consider upgrading?04:02
__mikemLocke did you recieve them yet?04:02
KickersnyLocke, upgrade04:02
FujitsuNZ_Maori_Guy, you're not going to get a good answer in here.04:02
nickrudstevej,  try http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats , under DVD04:02
Lockeright now, my connection is way too weak04:02
skippystevej, and reed the resticted formats guide04:02
__mikemBadger was good, but Dapper is GREAT!04:02
FujitsuNZ_Maori_Guy, if you've got a lot of processing power of time.04:02
KovecsesNZ_Maori_Guy, gentoo is great....04:02
skippylol ubotu is dead04:02
stevejI did, I still get a message about the libs though.04:02
Lockei just got the 5.10 cds in the mail last week04:02
tritiumBreezy Badger is still supported04:02
Fujitsuskippy, ubotu's not around at the moment.04:03
Lockei installed it day before yesterday04:03
skippypoor bot04:03
Lockei havent restarted since heh04:03
nickrudskippy, his master called04:03
__mikemif gentoo is great, then freebsd is DA BOMB04:03
Kovecsesall it takes is a dist-upgrade04:03
ijeffWhat's an accelerator?04:03
opitwin__mikem: The bot is back online04:03
Lockeman freebsd 5.0 was a bunch of bullshit for me04:03
SurfnKidtritium awesome i guess its just a matter of having time to mess with it, i just have little now04:03
Kovecsesnaw gentoo is way better than freebsd04:03
=== ashridah [i=ashridah@220-253-120-82.VIC.netspace.net.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
opitwinTHE BOT IS BACK ONLINE!!!04:03
tritiumSurfnKid: okay04:03
=== __mikem blows a trumpet
=== ubotu [n=blootbot@ubuntu/bot/ubotu] has joined #ubuntu
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FujitsuHere is he.04:03
skippyyay :) welcome back ubotu04:03
Fujitsuubotu, welcome back.04:03
jasonmanseyi dont want to annoy people by asking the same question04:03
ubotuSome people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Fujitsu04:03
ubotuHi, madpilot!04:04
Hexidigital_ubotu:: coffee ?04:04
__mikemubotu bad bot04:04
ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, __mikem04:04
ubotu418 I'm a teapot04:04
=== Kovecses gets another beer
__mikemubotu cream04:04
ubotuNo idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, __mikem04:04
h3sp4wnmikem: I agree with you bsd is alot better than gentoo (keeps the base system seperate)04:04
=== Locke is on the 2nd bacardi and coke
Ron_oJasonmansey, then ask another one. :)04:04
Hexidigital_ubotu:: bawls ? :)04:04
opitwinUbotu: Thanks for coming back, everybody needs you on the irc04:04
jasonmanseybut if the live cd doesnt show video once everything loads, does that mean ubuntu doesnt work with my video card?04:04
ubotuHexidigital_: Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:04
ubotugern geschehen, opitwin04:04
stevejThank you!04:04
Kovecsesubotu i want to have sex with you04:04
ubotuKovecses: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:04
MadpilotFolks, /msg ubotu please04:04
=== hikenboot [n=hikenboo@c-24-218-84-234.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
__mikemh3sp4wn :)04:04
jasonmansey Ron_o: hahaha04:04
Lockethe dapper live cd?04:04
cafuegonickrud: Nah, I'm not that crusty yet, got 4 seats in the middle, so I got decent sleep :-)04:04
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Ron_ojasonmansey, no..04:05
=== Whoops [n=harold@S010600c04f73f30e.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Lockei heard there was some video with it04:05
Lockei read about it, but i dont have it04:05
Ron_obut it probably means you have to configure something in desktop ubuntu.04:05
Kovecsesyeah its nelson madela\04:05
=== pschulz01 [n=paul@eth6067.sa.adsl.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
Lockenelson mandela04:05
nickrudcafuego, now that is luxury04:05
=== dreamcatcher [i=dreamcat@cpe-70-125-122-187.sw.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
drugmecan anyone help me with the "WroNo primary partitions are marked bootable. DOS MBR cannot boot this.e."04:05
drugmeerror i got in cfdisk04:05
jasonmansey Ron_o: what do you mean, config once i install it?04:05
Lockei had email correspondence with his wife as part of my job with the health tv channel04:05
Hexidigital_now that ubotu is back, we all forget why we needed him... :)04:05
cafuegonickrud: the joy of the soccer world cup; empty flights out of germany :-)04:05
Lockeshe gave a lecture that we recorded and broadcast on the dish network04:05
=== C_J_Pro [n=cjpro@c-67-172-28-56.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dawgudabehow wud u instal the grub to the mbr, at the unbuntu setup screen??04:05
Ron_ohint: find a debian liveCD that your video works, know whereabouts the config file is, then copy the config file.04:06
dreamcatchercan anyone help me out with a problem with my internet on ubuntu....i have a full explination when any of you are ready04:06
=== xistence [n=xistence@e23234.upc-e.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
penguinwhoflewi can't install java, no matter how hard i try04:06
opitwinubotu: What was that?04:06
ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, opitwin04:06
=== hoelz [n=Rob@CPE-65-29-149-208.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Ron_ojasonmansey, you might have to configure your video card directly....04:06
tritiumpenguinwhoflew: make sure you've enabled multiverse04:06
=== Shadyman_ [n=Matthew@bas1-ottawa23-1128766322.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
hoelzhi there04:06
ubotusomebody said abuse was not acceptable, use the bot appropriately, for usage instructions http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage04:06
a2xmhi all, what's the resume command for printer? why my printer always pause by itself?04:06
Lockescrew live cd, install it and fix it04:06
Ron_oyourself... you..... with your fingers. :)04:06
penguinwhoflewtritium: i'm trying for the sun JRE04:06
hoelzI was just curious, what's all new in dapper drake?04:06
tritiumpenguinwhoflew: I know04:06
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ubotuIn Breezy: j2re1.4 is in multiverse. In Dapper: sun-java5-jre is in multiverse04:06
Ron_oyou won't know for sure until you install it.04:06
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=== searayman [n=mike@ool-4350dd8e.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ron_oit only takes a half hour at best to do so.04:06
h3sp4wnmikem: I think I will switch my server to bsd 6.1 (didn't live freebsd 5 at all but used 4 3 and 2 extensively04:07
NZ_Maori_Guy_1My other nick is still connected weird ..04:07
Hexidigital_tritium:: do we still have to use the .bin from Sun for the JDK?04:07
searaymanhow cna i play mp4 itunes format on ubuntu?04:07
dreamcatcheri can use internet on the live cd but i cant connect on the full install of ubuntu04:07
dawgudabehow wud u instal the grub to the mbr, at the unbuntu setup screen??04:07
tritiumHexidigital_: no way, dude!04:07
qalimasI'm sorry to ask here, but I might get lucky, since the Kubuntu channel is too busy.  How do I enale the tar:/ KIOSlave?04:07
Whoopsanyone know why flash player download is not working?04:07
Hexidigital_tritium:: what's the factoid for that?04:07
jasonmanseyits only an issue because i only have one computer04:07
Hexidigital_tritium:: is it different?04:07
Lockeis there a release between breezy badger and dapper drake04:07
dreamcatcherit will work for a few moments and then poop out on me04:07
=== ep [n=mdr@ip68-97-122-135.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
opitwinKaligula: Are you back?04:07
Ron_oWhoops, for which browser?04:07
jasonmanseyi dont know much about linux, which is why i want to use ubuntu04:07
Lockecrafty condor or something04:07
dreamcatcherim going through a linksys router04:07
=== ep [n=mdr@ip68-97-122-135.ok.ok.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["Left]
searaymancan i play mp4 on ubuntu?04:07
__mikemH3SP4WN, The only version of freebsd I am familior with is 6.1, but it was solid. Id go for it04:07
tritiumHexidigital_: sunjava (or just apt-cache search sun-java)04:07
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NZ_Maori_Guy_1Whats kubuntu04:07
Ron_ojason, there's a lot of help on the internet.04:07
tonyyarussoLocke, No.  (Although if I were in charge there would be a C ;) )04:07
Hexidigital_thanks tritium04:07
NZ_Maori_Guy_1is that the obne i want?04:07
LockeNZ_Maori_Guy, ubunti with KDE04:07
C_J_ProA little off topic, but does anyone here have a writely account and can send me an invite?04:08
Ron_oI didn't know much either 6 months ago.04:08
tritiumHexidigital_: in dapper multiverse, of course04:08
Locketonyyarusso, what would you call it?04:08
Hexidigital_tritium:: of course :)04:08
KovecsesNZ_Maori_Guy, u troll04:08
dreamcatcheri can use internet on the live cd but i cant connect on the full install of ubuntu04:08
dreamcatcherit will work for a few moments and then poop out on me04:08
h3sp4wnmikem: I have used it for years (as a desktop for about 3 - freebsd 4 time)04:08
NZ_Maori_Guy_1lmao whats KDe ... sorry abit new here04:08
dreamcatcherim going through a linksys router04:08
elakesearayman use totem04:08
Lockewhy didnt mIRC ever show msgs with oyur nick in them highlighted04:08
KovecsesNZ_Maori_Guy_1, , u troll04:08
hoelzso, can anyone tell me what's new in dapper drake?04:08
Ron_oyou might have to configure something in firefox to tell it where it is.04:08
opitwinNZ_Maori_Guy_1: Kubuntu is the KDE Version of Ubuntu04:08
tritiumKovecses: be nice, please04:08
LockeNZ_Maori_Guy, its an alternative to GNOME04:08
Lockea window manager04:08
Kovecseshe is\04:08
Ron_oI don't use firefox so I can't help much. :/04:08
Lockea GUI04:08
dreamcatcheri also dual boot win xp and ubuntu04:08
KickersnyLocke: it did, if you enabled it04:08
searaymanelake: what is totem?04:08
hoelzLocke: it's not a win manager04:08
h3sp4wndreamcatcher: Is it a linksys wrt54g if it is install openwrt on it04:09
__mikemI am using vmware, I have another virtual machine setup to run freebsd on this box, I use it from time to time, thats about where I am04:09
dreamcatcheri get internet on live cd and xp but not full isntall04:09
hoelzit's a desktop env04:09
KovecsesLocke, kde is not a window manager04:09
tonyyarussoLocke, Hmm...  How about Cunning Chameleon?04:09
Whoopsthanks Ron04:09
Locketonyyarusso, nice one04:09
qalimasI'm sorry to ask here, but I might get lucky, since the Kubuntu channel is too busy.  How do I enale the tar:/ KIOSlave?04:09
opitwinNZ_Maori_Guy_1: check it out at http://www.kubuntu.org04:09
Lockecunnilingual cactus!!04:09
jasonmanseyRon_o: should i just install ubuntu off the live cd than?04:09
NZ_Maori_Guy_1can somebody point me in the direction of dapper04:09
elakesearayman: it is the default movie player that comes with Ubuntu04:09
tritiumLocke: none of that, please04:09
opitwinNZ_Maori_Guy_1: KDE Is a desktop environment like Gnome04:09
Ron_ojasonmansey, yes, and see what happens.04:09
st3v3dndHow do I create a user with no login shell?04:09
Ron_othen go from there.04:09
KickersnyNZ_Maori_Guy: ubuntu.com/dapper04:09
KovecsesNZ_Maori_Guy_1, STOP TROLLING04:09
Ron_oyou might get lucky.04:09
dreamcatcheri've just about tried everything....its the only thing keeping me away from linux nirvana04:09
opitwinubotu: tell NZ_Maori_Guy_1 about KDE04:10
elakesearayman: are you using Dapper04:10
tritiumKovecses: I told you to stop, and I asked nicely04:10
__mikemdifference between window manager and desktop environment, window managers are just a part of the magic that makes up a desktop manager04:10
searaymanelake: yes04:10
Kovecsestritium, are you lost? he is a troll04:10
opitwinNZ_Maori_Guy_1: Take a look at the bot I sent you04:10
=== jrsims [n=jrsims@c-67-172-190-236.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
searaymanelake:  i just dont see how i can organize me music on totem movie player04:10
NZ_Maori_Guy_1aww dapper isnt there haha04:10
tritiumKovecses: we have a code of conduct.  Be respectful.04:10
tritiumIf he crosses the line, we'll deal with it04:10
hoelzst3v3dnd: useradd -s /bin/false <username>04:10
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jrsimsHEY, anyone know where i can get some good system sounds for GNOME?04:10
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searaymanelake:  right now i am using banshee cause it works liek itunes04:10
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NZ_Maori_Guy_1Ohhh thanks04:10
elakesearayman: ooh look at rhythmbox then04:11
=== dreamcatcher [i=dreamcat@cpe-70-125-122-187.sw.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Kovecsestritium, do you know who i am?04:11
ijeffI have a logitech iTouch, is there anyway I can setup my volume dial to control the PCM volume?04:11
=== __mikem wishes there was a rhapsody client for linux
Lockeheh i kinda dont like the africa-style sounds it has either04:11
elakesearayman: it is in the base install as well04:11
Lockebut i guess im too lazy to modify it04:11
Madpilotjrsims, most of the Gnome theme sites have some sound stuff as well04:11
searaymanelake:  will rythm box play mp4?04:11
st3v3dndhoelz: Thanks04:11
opitwinNZ_Maori_Guy_1: Anything else?04:11
hoelzijeff: look into xev04:11
tale_has anyone compiled the latest banshee from cvs?04:11
nickrudKovecses, no, but we know tritium. And he respects the code of conduct04:11
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tritiumKovecses: regardless of who you are, be nice, please04:11
cafuegosearayman: With the faad gstreamer libs, yep04:11
NZ_Maori_Guy_1Yea whats breezy04:11
Hexidigital_Locke:: i installed the mac os x sound styles :)04:11
tale_I'd like to try the new plugins04:11
=== josh2 [n=josh@c-68-51-6-222.hsd1.ar.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hexidigital_Locke:: but i forget where i found them... somewhere off of google04:12
searaymancafuego:  is that in the base install? if not how do i get it?04:12
Kovecsesnickrud, show me where? show me where? i disregaurded the code of conduct? Where?04:12
MadpilotNZ_Maori_Guy, Breezy is the codename for the previous version of Ubuntu04:12
=== Youjutsu [n=PsiliPha@cpe-68-201-214-249.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
josh2can anyone point me to a repository where i can find xfce4.3.90?04:12
cafuegosearayman: No, you'd need to add it on.04:12
tritiumNZ_Maori_Guy_1: for the benefit of those who think you're trolling, please don't ask silly questions04:12
cafuego!tell searayman -about restrictedformats04:12
searaymancafuego:  how do i add it?04:12
Kovecsesnickrud, all this coming from a guy thats probably never read the code of conduct04:12
opitwinNZ_Maori_Guy_1: Breezy Badger is the previous release of ubuntu04:12
nickrudKovecses, NZ_Maori_Guy_1, STOP TROLLING, are you sure, or is he just clueless?04:12
Hexidigital_Kovecses:: please stop04:12
NZ_Maori_Guy_1well sorry im just new on this Opera Chat thing04:12
cafuegosearayman: Ubotu should have given you a url with all relevent info.04:12
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=== dreamcatcher [i=dreamcat@cpe-70-125-122-187.sw.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
searaymancafuego:  ok i am lookign at it04:12
josh2i'm wanting to install it, but i can't find a repo that has it04:12
=== chuckyp [n=histo@adsl-68-76-102-155.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
opitwinNZ_Maori_Guy_1: you can go to the Kubuntu irc too04:13
KovecsesHexidigital_, stop what?04:13
__mikemKovecses careful, or I will call the ops04:13
dreamcatcheranyone good with ubuntu networking?04:13
opitwinNZ_Maori_Guy_1: the irc is #ubuntu04:13
dreamcatcheri got a small problem04:13
Kovecsescall the ops ive done nothing wrong04:13
hoelzdreamcatcher: what do you need?04:13
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Madpilot__mikem, there are several ops present. Kovecses cool it, OK?04:13
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tritiumKovecses: since you want us all to know who you are, satisfy your ego, and tell us04:13
NZ_Maori_Guy_1ok so i think i got it sused04:13
kevinrosehey guys, I'm looking to upgrade digg.com. What do you guys think of ubuntu server? We're currently using debian.04:13
madehello all04:13
Hexidigital_Kovecses:: this is a support channel... that is what we do... provide support... please stop aggrivating the users04:13
NZ_Maori_Guy_1i download this breezy thing04:13
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cafuegoYou're already talking to ops, dude.04:13
dreamcatcherwell, my internet connection is going through a linksys04:13
=== InnerFIRE [n=darnell@dsl254-014-076.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
NZ_Maori_Guy_1then i download that other iso04:13
dreamcatcherinternet works for xp04:13
NZ_Maori_Guy_1and install that afterwards?04:13
ijeffhoelz: do you know where i can find documents on xev?04:13
dreamcatcherinternet works for live cd ubuntu04:13
=== Desh [n=fries@adsl-3-69-217.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
MadpilotNZ_Maori_Guy, no, you can just download the new ISO first04:13
InnerFIREanyone know a place where i can host an mp3  to play on myspace?04:13
dreamcatcherbut not full install ubuntu04:14
cherwinkevin rose?04:14
josh2do i have to install dapper to get xfce4.3.90?04:14
__mikemI know, I just thought it sounded cool to say04:14
cherwinnaah it cant be04:14
dreamcatcherit cuts out alittle after i log in04:14
hoelzijeff: man xev, but once I get a moment I'll tell you what to do04:14
chuckypubotu, xgl04:14
ubotuI heard xgl is "XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/"04:14
DeshDoes anyone know if the "ati" driver is supposed to give 3d acceleration to a Mobility Radeon 9700?04:14
ajmitch_NZ_Maori_Guy_1: there should be an NZ mirror or two that carries dapper by now04:14
dreamcatcherits like im timed for internet on ubuntu04:14
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ijeffhoelz: okay, thx04:14
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opitwinNZ_Maori_Guy_1: The new Dapper Drake is much better than Breezy Badget04:14
=== cafuego puts 50cents on Theo de Raadt
KovecsesDesh, is it listed as supported by fglrx?04:14
MadpilotDesh, for a 9700, you probably need the fglrx driver04:14
=== Fastly [n=alex@81-86-145-67.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
dreamcatcheri already disabled ipv6 protocol...thinking that was the problem04:14
opitwinNZ_Maori_Guy_1: I mean Breezy Badger04:14
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markgrifAre there any nice graphical front-ends for wine?04:14
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cherwinkevinrose: quick where do you live?04:15
hoelzdreamcatcher: open a terminal and type "/sbin/ifconfig"; see what comes up04:15
skippymarkgrif,  winetools but use with caution04:15
NZ_Maori_Guy_1Wow i thought linux was just linux04:15
dreamcatcheri also double checked the ip, dns, dhcp, and gateway settings04:15
DeshThe thing is, no matter what fglrx never worked, and Cedega test showed working OpenGL and 3d acc with "ati" additionally, planet penguin racer works.04:15
Kovecsesmark105, gui for wine?? why?04:15
NZ_Maori_Guy_1haha man was i wrong04:15
hoelzijeff: open a terminal and type xev04:15
MadpilotNZ_Maori_Guy, there's dozens - hundreds - of versions of Linux04:15
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markgrifWhy caution?04:15
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dreamcatcherok, i gotta reboot and try it now....what will ibe looking for04:15
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opitwinNZ_Maori_Guy_1: Linux is not just linux, Linux is awesome and much better than Window04:15
ajmitch_NZ_Maori_Guy_1: depending on where you are in NZ, there'll be a linux users group around04:15
hoelzdreamcatcher: just a list of interfaces04:15
Kovecsesmark105, sorry04:15
opitwinopitwin: Much better than Windows!!!04:15
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DeshAnd I was getting 4000+ FPS on xglgears04:15
bobby_linux isn't linux, it's gnu/linux :)04:15
NZ_Maori_Guy_1Yea i can tell lol i read a little on it04:15
skippymarkgrif,  i believe it makes big changes to wines configuration - it doesnt matter if you installing photoshop or something, but it might make it hard to install wierd programs without reinstalling wine04:16
=== Mikan [n=mango@S010600134688c31b.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kovecseswel linux is linux....... most distros are gnu/linux04:16
madeI have a BSOD on Ubuntu Startup after upgrading to 6.06 LTS04:16
opitwinNZ_Maori_Guy_1: Get Ubuntu Linux Live CD and try it out, it is awesome!04:16
Youjutsuthis is a good Xgl guide for ATI ... http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Xgl-Compiz-Dapper04:16
skippyDesh,  4000 fps on glxgears = hardware acceleration :)04:16
KovecsesBSOD? on linux NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO04:16
madeI'm serious04:16
__mikemmade HOW DO YOU GET A BSOD ON LINUX!04:16
NZ_Maori_Guy_1Okies =D04:16
markgrifOh thats not a big deal. I am not doing anything mission critical. cool04:16
tritiummade: can you be more specific about the problem04:16
bobby_BSOD on linux via the screen saver for it :)04:17
madeI'd screenshot it but that feature isn't available04:17
Deshskippy, right, but with the normal "ati" driver, no fglrx o_O04:17
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Madpilot__mikem, mind the caps, OK? 2nd & last warning...04:17
=== king [n=3@c-69-180-5-79.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kovecsesi like that screen saver04:17
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hoelzijeff: after the xev window comes up, put the pointer over the window and scroll that wheel thing04:17
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Lockehow can i get acceleration on a voodoo3 3000 agp with 5.10?04:17
__mikemdarn this caps lock04:17
NZ_Maori_Guy_1hey they ship you free cds lmao!04:17
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bobby_Kovecses, yeah it goes down well in the linux labs at uni04:17
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kinghi i'm new to ubuntu ;o04:17
=== js__ [i=js@ua-83-227-232-164.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
skippyDesh,  in that case you are obviously doing pretty well with "ati", but personally i would want to get the official driver working for compiz etc04:17
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kingwhat do i do if i forget my username and/or pass? lol04:17
Lockei installed off CDs they mailed me04:17
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madewell it originally had something to do with my mouse configuration.. and I fixed the mouse error it was giving me.04:18
opitwinNZ_Maori_Guy_1: Yes they do, no charge at all.  If you have High-Speed you should download it though04:18
Lockeking, then you reinstall04:18
__mikemWhat did the bsod on linux look like04:18
Deshskippy, well the thing is when I used fglrx I never got 3d acceleration, and it always reported mesa3d as my OpenGL04:18
=== Versed` [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
madebut the next problem is a bit more complex..04:18
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nickrudking, reboot in recovery mode, then type password <username> (I hope you emember the username ;)04:18
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opitwinNZ_Maori_Guy_1: It takes 4-6 weeks for them to ship it to you04:18
=== _Glavata [i=yantra@You.Give.Me.Your.Fruit.I.Give.You.myfruit.org.ru] has joined #ubuntu
madeit has to do with my nvidia drivers04:18
Lockeking, dont forget your username/password04:18
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NZ_Maori_Guy_1Omfg ....04:18
KovecsesNZ_Maori_Guy_1, tyhe download is quicker04:18
skippyDesh, stick with "ati" then, at least your getting decent performance from it04:18
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kingi was multi tasking04:18
nickrudking, erm passwd <username>04:18
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NZ_Maori_Guy_1yerrr ill dl it haha04:18
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Hexidigital_made:: that's not a bsod, that's an X error04:18
ijeffhoelz: done, should something happen?04:19
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elakeking: you should be able to fix it with the live cd04:19
Deshskippy, I guess, this is so odd to me though...04:19
madeit's BLUE though04:19
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opitwinNZ_Maori_Guy_1: Do you have a CD Burner and ISO burning software?04:19
hoelzijeff: look at the output on the terminal.  Is anything coming up when you scroll it?04:19
__mikemThere never has been nore will there ever be a BSOD on linux04:19
=== _Glavata is now known as Glavata
tritiummade: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log for errors, indicated with (EE)04:19
Hexidigital_made:: ok, i'll give you that :)04:19
kingi can't find any live cd on the site04:19
ubotuPlease prefix what you're saying with a name to avoid confusion!04:19
NZ_Maori_Guy_1Yea lol i got a DVD burner and a CD burner04:19
Madpilot__mikem, nonsense, there's a nice BSOD screensaver! :)04:19
skippyking,  its called "Desktop install" now04:19
madeI'll be back.. time eat04:19
YoujutsuDesh... try the guide link I posted... get your ATI drivers from ATI... worked well for me...04:19
kingi already have that then04:19
kingthat's what i downloaded04:19
NZ_Maori_Guy_1And i got alcohol 120%04:19
skippyking that IS a live cd :)04:20
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Madpilotking, the 'Desktop' CD is both a LiveCD & an install CD04:20
__mikemMadpilot ;D FUnny04:20
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ijeffhoelz: yep04:20
Hexidigital_NZ_Maori_Guy:: you dont need a third party app to mount an ISO04:20
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ijeffhoelz: bunch of text04:20
opitwinNZ_Maori_Guy_1: Do you have ISO Software?04:20
kingnow i gotta figure out how to fix all this with vmware :s04:20
hoelzcould you post some of that on pastebin?04:20
a2xmhi all, why my printer is always pause by itself?04:20
NZ_Maori_Guy_1yea Alcohol 120%04:20
opitwinNZ_Maori_Guy_1:  Make sure that you download the Desktop Version.04:20
Hexidigital_king:: what's wrong with vmware? (vmware server, i assume?)04:20
KarlsBergAnybody use ralink USB adapter ? C54RU.. i install RT73 ralink drivers and see a interfaces on iwconfig but dont run at set parameters essid "lala" etc... but dont see a complete info.. anybody can help me? look the rare info: http://pastebin.com/768929  i try to up with gnome network admin and my system frozen !04:20
gavagaii just did a dist upgrade and one package failed, because 104 error reset by peer.  what should i do?  run dist-upgrade again, apt-get the package ??04:20
jaramillohi there, i want to run some process as a diferent user (i.e: firefox), how would i do that? i mean, i do "su user2" ; firefox but i get this error: http://rafb.net/paste/results/NXcpxr45.html04:21
NZ_Maori_Guy_1How do you know if its the desktop version04:21
nickrudgavagai, repeat the dist-upgrade04:21
=== jasay [n=jasay@c-71-198-189-148.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kingi use vmware workstation04:21
gavagainickrud, thanks04:21
kingit just confuses me most of the time04:21
ijeffhoelz: bunch of text appears04:21
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__mikemking so do I04:21
skippyguys i reserved a 10gb primary partition at the start of my disc for windows.  If i install XP will reinstalling grub be the only issue?04:21
Lockedude the BSOD is always my screensaver04:21
Lockethat and apple //e04:21
hoelzijeff: good, could you put some of it on pastebin?04:21
tritiumNZ_Maori_Guy_1: you can tell from the download page, and it's a LiveCD that you can boot from and run ubuntu without installing04:21
=== robertj [n=robertj@66-188-77-153.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
gavagaii did dist-upgrade again and it said 0 packages to upgrade04:21
NZ_Maori_Guy_1Ohh no i want to install it04:22
__mikemSTOP: 0x0000101104:22
NZ_Maori_Guy_1like on my other HDD04:22
__mikemis that a real error code?04:22
=== Unenvarjo [n=Unenvarj@217-140-199-132.adsl-net.finnetcom.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hexidigital_skippy:: i believe you are correct (as long as you do not mess with your linux install)04:22
tritiumNZ_Maori_Guy_1: you can do that too04:22
NZ_Maori_Guy_1and dual boot with win vista04:22
skippyNZ_Maori_Guy,  download "Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Desktip Install" disk04:22
opitwinNZ_Maori_Guy_1: It will say what you are downloading on the website, you click desktop CD - and then you pick an updated mirror near you04:22
=== PsyberOne [n=PsyberOn@c-24-14-165-171.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gavagaibut one of those system messages is untrue.  :)04:22
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dawgudabehow wud u instal the grub to the mbr, at the unbuntu setup screen??04:22
DeshYoujutsu: Thing is, I tried some of those methods and it never worked with fglrx, maybe the new "ati" driver supports my card?04:22
skippyHexidigital_, ok thx ill give it a try lately04:22
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nickrudgavagai, it's possible that was a trasitory error. I do love apt-get.04:22
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Hexidigital_dawgudabe:: towards the end of the install, yes04:22
NZ_Maori_Guy_1NOOOO I'VE HIT MY CAP04:23
opitwinNZ_Maori_Guy_1: You should try out the live CD first before doing that04:23
u01p2109NZ_Maori_Guy_1:  I install on 8GB HDD Windows Server 2003  and GNU\Linux Ubuntu Dapper Drake04:23
skippydawgudabe, boot off the live CD, chroot into your existing ubuntu installation and do install-grub /dev/hda04:23
gavagainickrud, you would not worry?  it was the final output, not an error message in the middle04:23
SurfnKidtritium I found an article of someone having the same problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=188648&highlight=synaptic+fails04:23
ubotuit has been said that livecd is Try Ubuntu by running it off a CD without touching the contents of your hard drive.04:23
dawgudabeand wud i have to resize my partition or not04:23
ijeffhoelz: sorry, pastebin?04:23
__mikemI put that factoid in there04:23
SurfnKidtritium its nuts04:23
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ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Hexidigital_04:23
ubotu__mikem: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:23
NZ_Maori_Guy_1Ok well ill try the live cd first04:23
gavagaiit said, and this is wishy washy, "maybe try apt get update or try with --fix missing"04:23
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opitwinu01p2109: NZ_Maori_Guy_1 has quit04:23
josh2is there a repository that includes xfce4.3.90?04:23
hoelzijeff: pastebin.com04:23
dawgudabeand wud i have to resize my partition or not04:24
NZ_Maori_Guy_1but yeah ... im kinda starting to dislike this windows vista04:24
u01p2109NZ_Maori_Guy_1:  I install on 8GB HDD Windows Server 2003  and GNU\Linux Ubuntu Dapper Drake04:24
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nickrudgavagai, when I am in doubt about my package state, I do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade. A few years has taught me to trust that line.04:24
josh2no one knows?04:24
xuexiewenwhy nobody talk to me04:24
Hexidigital_ubotu:: tell NZ_Maori_Guy_1 about mountiso04:24
bootlickTrying to install a dlink dwl-g132 usb wifi adaptor, ndiswrapper and the correct drivers (according to the ndiswrapper wiki) have been installed, the lights on the usb dongle light up, i enter my essid, and no connect. What am i missing?04:24
opitwinNZ_Maori_Guy_1:  good, you should make sure you like Ubuntu before you install it04:24
ijeffhoelz: http://pastebin.com/76894404:24
Hexidigital_xuexiewen:: did you have a question?04:24
tritiumdawgudabe: please stop using "wud".  It doesn't mean anything.04:24
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josh2anyone at all04:24
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nickrudxuexiewen, things scroll here fast, and get missed04:25
ijeffhoelz: but should i be turning my volume dial?04:25
SocksManUnix noob, how do I get 1920x resolution support?04:25
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Youjutsuwell, maybe compiz will work as well, but I had read in several places that the "ati" driver will not do...04:25
a2xmhi all, pls help me, why my printer is always pause by itself?04:25
xuexiewensorry my english is so poor04:25
ijeffhoelz: since im trying to change volume w/ keyboard04:25
ijeffhoelz: that's from my mouse04:25
opitwinxuexiewen: Do you have a question?04:25
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planetcallgoodmorning all04:25
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Youjutsubut if it says ATI on instead of Mesa then that's great...04:25
hoelzijeff: yes, you should be turning the dial04:25
Lockei gotta go fix a computer04:25
hoelzijeff: post the output you get from that04:25
skippylol yeah xuexiewen  you have to ask a question, if you dont get a response ask it again 5 - 10 minutes later04:25
xuexiewenyes but i couldnt explaint it in english quilkly04:26
__mikemTHe only thing ATI is good for is Target Practice04:26
Lockewindows of course04:26
planetcallconfused with installing j2se04:26
nickrudxuexiewen, do you have a preferred language?04:26
tritiumxuexiewen: don't worry about it04:26
Hexidigital_xuexiewen:: what language do you speak?04:26
Lockethis is going on 10 hours of work today04:26
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Hexidigital_hehe.. he got an answer that time :)04:26
xuexiewensimply chinese04:26
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adri_hey guys what's the command to try and play a sound file to see if the sound works (through terminal)04:26
tritiumLocke: shall we get out our violins?04:26
planetcallon this page  http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_J2SE_Runtime_Environment_.28JRE.29_with_Plug-in_for_Mozilla_Firefox         it says to use sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre sun-java5-plugin   but there is no such file in repositories04:26
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a2xmHexidigital_ hi, can you help me pls?04:26
Hexidigital_a2xm:: i can try... what is the problem?04:27
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opitwina2xm: I can help you04:27
skippyxuexiewen,  if you have errors you can use http://pastebin.com/ to show them to us04:27
troy_sa2xm:  could be paper or any number of things.04:27
tritiumplanetcall: it's in dapper multiverse04:27
=== EpicWang [n=jrsims@c-67-172-190-236.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
adri_hey guys, what's the command to play a wave file in the terminal04:27
gavagaiis there a way to verify if i have that package then?04:27
roe_anyone know how to get the MTU setting to stick between reboots?04:27
Locketritium, nono, i fully accept as much work as people will throw at me04:27
adri_anyhone? please? im in a huryr04:27
KarlsBergAnybody use ralink USB adapter ? C54RU.. i install RT73 ralink drivers and see a interfaces on iwconfig but dont run at set parameters essid "lala" etc... but dont see a complete info.. anybody can help me? look the rare info: http://pastebin.com/768929  i try to up with gnome network admin and my system frozen !04:27
__mikemadri just type play <filename>04:27
tritiumLocke: :)04:27
EpicWangWHAT is the directory for Gnome system sounds?04:27
Lockethis is the 3rd company i've worked for today though04:27
planetcalltritium,  give me the binary repository url please04:27
tritiumEpicWang: /usr/share/sounds/04:27
xuexiewenthank you ,i will try it04:27
tritiumplanetcall: dapper multiverse04:28
EpicWangtritium: thanks04:28
a2xmmy printer is always pause by itself after arround 1 day. I did resume it but keep pause again04:28
nickrudxuexiewen, maybe #ubuntu-cn or #ubuntu-tw will help better04:28
troy_sadri_:  play.  you will need to installed.04:28
tritiumplanetcall: rather than the URL, setup your sources.list properly04:28
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Lockecomputer teacher in the morning, wireless ISP install, maintenance, and on-site support in the afternoon, and independent consultant in the evening04:28
adri_troy_s, aww really, and there's no other command?04:28
adri_troy_s, to play a sound file?04:28
troy_sadri_:  its open source - what's your guess?04:28
xuexiewenwhat is the use of "#ubuntu -tww"04:28
adri_troy_s, what?04:28
bootlicki am a machinist, and grow tired of computers04:29
troy_sadri_:  there are hundreds.  try play first, and if you want more... there are more.04:29
adri_troy_s, I remember there was a command to play a wave file04:29
opitwina2xm: There have been a lot of people with that problem, but I don't know how to fix it, I'm not very good with printers04:29
troy_sadri_:  play.  play.  play.  play.04:29
adri_troy_s, but you said that that one has to be installed, is there one that's already isntalled?04:29
__mikemtired of computers, you picked the wrong place to say such a thing04:29
adri_troy_s, basically i want to check to see if a wave file plays04:29
troy_sadri_:  not that i know.04:29
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adri_troy_s, okay...04:29
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ijeffhoelz: http://pastebin.com/76894704:29
opitwinubotu: tell a2xm about printers04:29
troy_sadri_:  and remember, not all waves are created equally.04:29
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troy_sadri_:  play will only play proper waves that abide by the wave format.04:29
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opitwina2xm: check out the bot that I sent you, it might help04:30
moonuniti need a hand with an ATI graphics card04:30
ubotu[netsplit]  when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show..  See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit04:30
=== Mikan is now known as Touru
shodanjr_gri download and installed eclipse04:30
hoelzijeff: apparenly ubuntu xev is different from the xev I'm used to...04:30
|cerebellum|so I broke my pager on my panel, it keeps giving me errors and only shows one desktop...any help?04:30
shodanjr_grand i also downloaded a C++ plugin04:30
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shodanjr_grand extracted it in the proper directories....04:30
st3v3dndanyone here with xinetd? It seems to be ignoring my configuration04:30
shodanjr_grcan anyone tell me how i can "switch" to C++ in the IDE?04:30
st3v3dndanyone here *familiar* with xinetd.04:30
hoelzijeff: what type of event comes up when you move the dial?04:30
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opitwinnikell: do you need something?04:31
bootlickdual monitors in drapper, where you can move the mouse through one to the other, as long as there are two supported video cards in the computer is this supported?04:31
a2xmubotu but before it was just fine. it just start a few weeks ago04:31
ubotua2xm: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:31
xuexiewenwhich software can download thing faster?04:31
moonuniti really need help getting my ATI graphics card to work with my ubuntu install04:32
troy_subotu, tell moonunit about ati04:32
planetcallxuexiewen, Firefox04:32
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opitwinmoonunit: go to wiki.ubuntu.com/video04:32
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roe_any idea how to get the MTU setting to stay after a reboot?04:33
xnullhchecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables04:33
xnullSee `config.log' for more details.04:33
opitwina2xm: Yeo04:33
xnullwhat do i need to install to have gcc ?04:33
opitwina2xm: yep04:33
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nickrudxnull, sudo apt-get install build-essential04:33
hoelzxnull: are you sure you have write access to that directory?04:33
ijeffhoelz: it's difficult to tell, and up dial gives no reading04:33
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KarlsBergAnybody use ralink USB adapter ? C54RU.. i install RT73 ralink drivers and see a interfaces on iwconfig but dont run at set parameters essid "lala" etc... but dont see a complete info.. anybody can help me? look the rare info: http://pastebin.com/768929  i try to up with gnome network admin and my system frozen !04:33
xnullhoelz? ? what dir?04:33
hoelzijeff: uh-oh04:33
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nevynKarlsBerg: what's iwconfig say04:34
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ijeffhoelz: focus in event for down04:34
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hoelzxnull: if it can't create a executable, it usually means that your current user doesn't have write access to the cwd04:34
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opitwinToni-testing: yah04:34
AreEmmKayanyone out there try dapper on an iBook g4 (mid-2005)?04:34
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hoelzijeff: well, if nothing comes up on xev with the dial, it means the kernel doesn't recognize the dial04:34
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|cerebellum|can anyone help me with one of my panel applets, my desktop switcher is broke.04:35
KarlsBergnevyn:  iwconfig return: http://pastebin.com/76892904:35
opitwinAreEmmKay: Just make sure that you get the Mac version on Ubuntu04:35
xnullhoelz: i don`t have gcc.. thats why installing now..04:35
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hoelzijeff: so I think you'll need a special driver04:35
dreamcatcherok im back04:35
NZ_Maori_Guy_1thanks everybody i got it sused04:35
|cerebellum|I keep getting : Failed: Failed: Schema `/schemas/apps/workspace_switcher_applet/prefs/display_all_workspaces' specified for `/apps/panel/applets/applet_5/prefs/display_all_workspaces' stores a non-schema value04:35
|cerebellum|Failed: Failed: Schema `/schemas/apps/workspace_switcher_applet/prefs/num_rows' specified for `/apps/panel/applets/applet_5/prefs/num_rows' stores a non-schema value04:35
ijeffhoelz: when i go to keyboard shortcuts, it recognizes when i raise the dial04:35
hoelzxnull: oh, ok, I thought you had a differrent problem04:35
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .04:35
dreamcatcherthis is what came up after terminal /sbin/ifconfig04:35
hoelzijeff: huh, wierd...04:35
NZ_Maori_Guy_1goodbye enjoy your day04:35
opitwinAreEmmKay: It should work fine04:35
__mikembrb nature calls04:35
moonunittroy_s, umm, i had an old linux install that i want to use, i put the new card in, and i cant get back on my install, im on a live disk right now04:35
AreEmmKayopitwin: yeah, I booted into the desktop CD, and the trackpad would only move slooooooowly04:35
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AreEmmKayeven after tweaking the preferences04:35
AreEmmKayto the fastest setting04:35
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bootlicklinux is slowly taking over04:36
opitwinAreEmmKay: try connecting an external mouse04:36
KarlsBergnevyn:  its bad no ?04:36
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moonunitopitwin,  umm, i had an old linux install that i want to use, i put the new card in, and i cant get back on my install, im on a live disk right now04:36
|cerebellum|anyone know if there is a gnome IRC channel anywhere?04:36
AreEmmKayI'm not sure where to buy a mouse at 10:36 EST ;)04:36
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plagerismWhat is the irc channel for ubuntu compiz related chatter??04:36
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ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, defunkt04:37
troy_splagerism:  try ubuntu-xgl04:37
tonyyarussoAreEmmKay, Isn't Best Buy open until 11?04:37
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dreamcatchereth0 Ling encap: ethernet Hwaddr "physical adress" inet address "ip" Bcast "iP" subnet mask "" up broadcast multicast mtu : 1492 metric 1 rx tx 40 errors and mase adress04:37
homelesshi all04:37
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nickrudAreEmmKay, your only hope is a friend who'll deliver04:37
KarlsBergAnybody use ralink USB adapter ? C54RU.. i install RT73 ralink drivers and see a interfaces on iwconfig but dont run at set parameters essid "lala" etc... but dont see a complete info.. anybody can help me? look the rare info: http://pastebin.com/768929  i try to up with gnome network admin and my system frozen !04:37
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xuexiewenwhere can i download the java enviromant please04:38
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tritiumxuexiewen: dapper multiverse04:38
opitwinAreEmmKay: You can get one later and try it.04:38
troy_subotu, tell xuexiewen about java04:38
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AreEmmKayIs this a known issue then? iBook trackpads are slow?04:38
moonuniti need help with an ati graphics card, im on a live disk and it wont work with my existing linux install04:38
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troy_smoonunit:  i think you are sool without a full install04:38
homelessIs there anyone using Ubuntu 6.06 on Dell C840 ?04:39
opitwinmoonunit: Did you try reinstalling04:39
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tritiumhomeless: not anymore, but I used to have one04:39
moonunittroy_s, opitwin, do i have to?04:39
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homelessI have a problem about modem.04:39
nickrudI don't know about ibook trackpads, just how to getting a mouse late at night worked04:39
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AreEmmKayah, ;)04:39
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opitwinmoonunit: yes, and install the driver to.04:40
moonunitopitwin, there has to be an easier way to do it04:40
AreEmmKayBest Buy closes at 9 here04:40
=== Glavat705 is now known as Glavata
opitwinmoonunit: did you install the driver04:40
moonunitopitwin, i dont even know where to start, the card is a radeon 700004:40
troy_smoonunit:  ati is closed source and proprietary, so even if there were an easy way, the EULA would prevent ubuntu from including it.04:41
opitwinmoonunit: to learn how to install the driver go to wiki.ubuntu.com/video04:41
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tritiummoonunit: follow the wiki page.  That's as easy as it gets04:41
troy_smoonunit:  ultimately, it is a good reason to send mail to ati regarding the open source movement.04:41
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ijeffhoelz: my dial already controls master volume, i just need to change that to PCM04:41
KarlsBergAnybody use ralink USB adapter ? C54RU.. i install RT73 ralink drivers and see a interfaces on iwconfig but dont run at set parameters essid "lala" etc... but dont see a complete info.. anybody can help me? look the rare info: http://pastebin.com/768929  i try to up with gnome network admin and my system frozen !04:41
troy_skarlsberg:  check malone first for bugs.04:42
NickGarveyhow would I specify where wget downloads its files too? like if I am in the dir / but I want to dowload to ~, how would I do that04:42
tritiumKarlsBerg: please quit repeating that long paste to often04:42
troy_snickgarvey:  man wget04:42
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KarlsBergtroy_s:  malone ?04:43
troy_sor so i guess ;)04:43
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NickGarveytroy_s: I have read it, and its so long I can't find what I am looking for04:43
NickGarveytroy_s: I have read it 2 times04:43
tritiumtroy_s: I meant so, not too, but either work04:43
planetcallAny good dictionary application with good frontend and comprehensive multi dictionary support ? I have used KDict ... anyother ?04:43
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planetcallfor gnome !04:43
tritiumplanetcall: there's a dictionary applet that you can add to the panel04:43
gavagaiis it safe to run different instances of apt simultaneously?  e.g. two admins at once, or one admin in two shells04:43
nickrudijeff, sorry I thought it was obious, cuz I use gnome. Scroll thru the selections in the volumn manager prefs (right click the volume contro) and you will find PCM. click it, then click close04:43
planetcalltritium, I want offline dictionary...like kdict04:44
Hexidigital_anyone know how to get rhythmbox to stream .mp3 sites? (i have the codecs correctly installed)04:44
nickrudgavagai, can't even be done, apt watches for that04:44
troy_snickgarvey:  pretty sure it is just wget source dest no?04:44
gavagaioh ok04:44
ijeffnickrud: i did, it doesn't change anything04:44
gavagaii didn't want to learn anything by first experience.04:44
troy_shexidigital:  if you had the mp3 decoder installed correctly, it wouldn't be an issue.04:44
NickGarveytroy_s: I thought so too. didn't work04:45
Hexidigital_troy_s:: hmm... something is wrong then... thanks04:45
troy_snickgarvey: hrm... strange.04:45
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troy_shexidigital:  you have the gstreamer stuffs?04:45
Hexidigital_troy_s:: yes04:45
planetcallanyone for my problem ? a good offline dictionary...if someone uses..04:45
JasonFI just booted up the ubuntu livecd, for install, and it loaded in 640 resolution04:45
JasonFi'd like to get it working with something larger, if possible04:45
ubotuDo they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, NickGarvey04:45
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troy_shexidigital:  i can't remember what library rhythm uses... try the other decoders too.04:45
moonunittroy_s, opitwin, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI , but can i do that without a window manger?04:45
ron_ error while loading shared libraries: libSDL-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory <--?? plz04:45
troy_shexidigital:  or just try a logout to reset the gstreamer settings.04:45
Hexidigital_troy_s:: nevermind.. i had to restart rhythmbox04:45
xuexiewenhelp  why i can't play mp3 in ubuntu04:46
troy_shexi:  yep04:46
Hexidigital_troy_s:: thanks :)04:46
troy_subotu, tell xuexiewen about mp304:46
troy_smoonunit:  just use the cli04:46
moonunittroy_s, cli?04:46
skippycommand line interface04:46
skippythe terminal :)04:46
troy_smoonunit:  in a proper nix environment, you should be able to do EVERYTHING from the _c_ommand _l_ine _I_nterface04:47
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jigheadplanetcall, if you like kdict, why not use it?04:47
moonunittroy_s, i can, but thats all i have, x wont start with the new card, hence the problem04:47
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troy_smoonunit:  then you won't have a problem following that list of things.04:47
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troy_smoonunit:  if you want my advice, flip your driver to "vesa"04:47
skippymoonunit, have you ran "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"04:47
bootlicknessus just messed up on me, lockes up now everytime04:47
troy_smoonunit:  reboot, and come on back.04:47
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NickGarveytroy_s: I hink I may have it..04:47
planetcallthanks jighead....i wanted to know if something better is available for gnome. someone might give some idea04:47
gavagaiby default it seems users can read each others directories.  i can fix this manually in the terminal, but is there some kind of systemwide setting for that?  (i'm from mandrake where the "security level" setting would handle this)04:47
xuexiewenhelp ,which software can download the data quickly in ubuntu04:48
jigheadplanetcall, what about aspell and such?04:48
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troy_sgavagai:  you can trap users in their home too.04:48
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chuckypubotu, i81504:48
ubotuBugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, chuckyp04:48
NickGarveytroy_s: wget -q -O - site.com > file.html04:48
skippyxuexiewen,  try synaptic04:48
jigheadplanetcall, aptitude search dictionary04:48
planetcallis aspell offline dictionary ? I thought it was used as spellchecker in several apps04:48
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xnullhey how can I remove something with force and nodeps?04:48
chuckypAnyone know how to fix the borked menus after installing kubuntu-desktop?04:48
troy_snickgarvey:  doesn't that just take everything and dump it into a single file?04:48
xnullsomething like rpm.. rpm -e --nodeps package04:49
troy_snickgarvey:  methinks there is a more elegant solution somewhere.04:49
gavagaitroy_s, cool.  i probably don't need to take it that far.  but where do you set those options?04:49
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planetcalljighead, yeah buddy i did.....there are many alternatives but I would like to know if someone from us (not US) here use any one of them.04:49
jigheadplanetcall, you're right, there is a dict client for emacs if you use it04:49
=== cartur25 [n=cartur25@d53-64-220-163.nap.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
tubbiehow do u lower the (sound server)volume using the command line?04:49
planetcalljighead, i need an independent offline dict.04:49
troy_sgavagai: there are a 1000000000 ways to skin that cat.04:49
mardihi, i'm having a problem with my ubuntu dapper on a hp laptop, just tried to boot and I get an error: Failed to start message bus: Failed to read directory "/usr/local/share/dbus-1/services" No such file or dirctory. any help?04:50
troy_sgavagai:  i strongly encourage you to read a little more on groups04:50
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skippyguys does anyone know which logfile keeps a list of logins (especially ssh ones) please?04:50
planetcallguess what.......there is a software named "latrine" to teach linguistic skills !!!04:50
cartur25Hey guys, I'm trying to install kpodder - when I type "make" in the untarballed directory I get "command not found" why is that?04:50
xnullhey how can I remove something with force and nodeps?04:50
xuexiewenwhich one can open the .rpm04:50
troy_sskippy:  uh authlog off the top of my head.04:50
troy_sskippy let me look04:50
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jigheadskippy, /var/log/auth.log04:50
skippytroy_s and jighead thx04:50
troy_sthere you go :)04:50
gavagaitroy_s, oh yeah i know.  i was just wondering if there's like some ubuntu 'control panel' in the gui that sets those levels.  but yeah i know about groups, chmod, umask, all that good stuff.  :)04:51
tritiumxuexiewen: why are you installing a .rpm?04:51
=== nomasteryoda|w [n=nomaster@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
bootlickredhat vs ubuntu, which will run better on an older machine04:51
troy_scartur25:  you need build essential.04:51
cartur25What is that04:51
DaGr8TimAnyone know about 3com ethernet cards and getting them to work?04:51
troy_sgavagai:  there is a gnome app for that, but i don't think it is with the default install04:51
gavagaii haven't even seen the gui yet, i installed 'server' and am getting ubuntu-desktop now04:51
tubbiehow do u lower the (sound server)volume using the command line?04:51
troy_sgavagai:  you can use the lovely debian packages to get it pretty sure... try apt-cache search keyword04:51
gavagaispeaking of which, i am gettting a million little errors after each font package it installs, 'cannot open default config file'.  does that just mean i don't have a config file because i never had X?04:51
cartur25troy_s: Is build essential the command I should use instead of make ?04:51
gavagaitroy_s, thanks.  ;)04:52
troy_sgavagai:  yah i don' tlike the renaming of the damn isos... a little more complicated than needs be.04:52
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tritiumbuild-essential is a package you can install04:52
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troy_scartur25:  no, build-essential is a metapackage that has the basic build tools.04:52
troy_scartur25:  you will need more possibly as well... but that should get you started.04:52
cartur25ok. Is there an apt-get command I can execute to install that?04:52
troy_sbootlick:  you are in an ubuntu channel, guess what you will get recommended.04:52
jigheadDaGr8Tim, they should work out of the box, are you getting errors?04:52
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troy_scartur25:  very hot.  very very hot.04:53
troy_scartur25:  sudo apt-get install build-essential04:53
chuckypIS the server install just a minimal install?04:53
NickGarveywhats a command to just say the date?04:53
troy_schuckyp: yes.04:53
NickGarveylike not the time or that extra crap04:53
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mo0seso... uhh... i got no sound... with dapper...04:53
troy_snickgarvey:  date is all you got04:53
troy_snickgarvey:  and there are multiple syntax forms for it.04:53
n_i_c_kWhat to do if on boot, the PC will no longer boot from the hard disk?04:53
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chuckyptroy_s, so just kernel no bs04:53
xuexiewentritium:because some software i just find it with .rpm04:53
chuckyptroy_s, no desktop etc...04:54
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troy_smo0se:  need sound chipset info etc before anyone can help.04:54
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mo0setroy: i have no idea.04:54
chuckyptroy_s, also no apache or any of that stuff righ?04:54
mo0sehow do i find that out?04:54
troy_schuckyp:  yes.  although apt-get is pretty simple to add the metapackage ubuntu-desktop04:54
ron_ error while loading shared libraries: libSDL-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory <--?? plz04:54
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Dowbuddies, i is green hand at ubuntu. i wanna install and try it. one quest, my old laptop(t20, 128m memory, PIII 700) can run ubuntu, or not?04:54
mo0sei know that in windows i installed sigmatel audio drivers.04:54
troy_schuckyp:  there are some distros out there with 65 dvds of stuff, ubuntu uses apt-get to let you easily add it.04:54
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babohow do I set up my irssi to use my socks port at localhost:9050 ... ?04:54
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chuckyptroy_s, Yeah i'm just going to download that because I don't really need the full cd.  I can't believe the minimal cd is 400 megs.04:54
troy_smo0se:  getting closer.  use the cli and lspci04:54
DaGr8Timjighead, Device manager lists the mac address, but the network settings shows nothing04:54
jigheadNickGarvey, date +%D04:54
mo0sewhat's cli and lspci?04:55
mo0sei'm still kind of new to linux.04:55
johnsiehi.. if I install ubuntu onto a hard disk and then put the hard disk in another machine will it work?04:55
troy_schuckyp:  well 'minimal' accomodates a bunch of different hardware right?04:55
jigheadNickGarvey, take a look at the man pages and you should be able to tweak the stuff after the +% to get exactly what you want04:55
chuckyptroy_s, true I guess.04:55
troy_sjohnsie:  assuming it is the same architecture.04:55
ubotuCLI means Command Line Interface, aka the terminal or console. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands or http://www.linuxcommand.org/ or http://www.tuxfiles.org04:55
troy_smo0se:  BINGO04:55
ubotumo0se: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:55
Goeland86_so I've got a wifi card that works with ndiswrapper, but the driver loaded for it is the wrong one. It assumes it's a broadcom card. where would I change that? this is on dapper drake04:55
johnsiecan it be a different motherboard?04:56
chuckyptroy_s, is there a net install iso?04:56
apmhi all, Somebody knows what parameters it is necessary to specify in " modprobe saa7134 card =? " For beholder 407?04:56
troy_smo0se:  sorry to seem vague, but if you really want to contribute to the computer movement, you can up your knowledge significantly by learning the cli.04:56
jigheadDaGr8Tim, pastebin your /etc/networking/interfaces file04:56
mo0sei never called it the cli.04:56
troy_sapm:  no clue.  google.04:56
=== roostishaw [n=roostish@c-24-126-92-199.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mo0sei've used the terminal before.04:56
elakewhat can I do to enable sound in firefox?04:56
troy_smo0se:  its a bit of a more generic term than the specific xterm, aterm, etcterm, etc04:56
Goeland86_elake, what sound?04:56
troy_selake:  too vague.  you mean flash?04:57
johnsiemeh... I'm gonna try it anyway... I got nothin' to lose :-)04:57
CornelliusIs there any Virii, Spywares, etc on Linux/Unix ^04:57
elakesound works elsewhere04:57
codahaleHey, is uninstalling ubuntu-desktop going to bite me in the ass down the road? I'd really like to uninstall the games, get the new version of BT, etc.04:57
baboDoes anyone else find tor ridiculously slow ... :-(04:57
Goeland86_elake, detail what sounds aren't working04:57
troy_scornellius:  if you run a computer, security is an issue.04:57
krazykitCornellius: not really.04:57
ron_can anyone help? i installed tremulous but i get that error when i try to run it. :(04:57
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babocompletely unusable ...04:57
troy_scornellius:  no matter what os you run.04:57
elakewhen i down load a video it should play in the mplayer or totem plugin but i dont get sound04:57
elakesame with java based games04:57
NickGarveytroy_s: I have no idea what it is talking about, how would I just get the date?, I don't know where to set "FORMAT", I tried "FORMAT=%u date" but no luck04:57
tonyyarussoCornellius, A very small number.  As in, count on your fingers, can't do much damage.  Human hackers are the bigger problem than viruses.04:57
Dowhello, who use T20 install ubuntu before?04:57
mo0seokay... the only thing i can see is: 0000:00:1b.0 0403: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)04:57
cartur25After installing build essential I get these errors: checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths! - make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.04:57
johnsieI wanna install it in a pentium and then move the hard duisk over to a cyrix but keep the ubuntu installation04:58
Goeland86_elake, could be because the java plugin or totem plugin isn't configured for it04:58
Goeland86_check your gnome control panel settings04:58
roostishawwhat would normally be there instead of the ubuntu splash?04:58
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spikebjohnsie: that should work fine04:58
elakehow do i configure that04:58
Goeland86_roostishaw, a gnome splash04:58
troy_scartur25:  you need the -dev of various libs.04:58
johnsiethanks it'll be fun to try  :-)04:58
spikebjohnsie: you'll have to reconfigure your video card, but everything else should be fine04:58
planetcallOk...i found a good offline dictionary for gnome.......called StarDict. chk out peeps if you need it :)04:58
Goeland86_elake, system -> preferences -> sounds04:58
mo0sedoes that mean that ubuntu has the wrong drivers?04:58
Goeland86_or sound04:58
jigheadNickGarvey, date +%d04:59
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roostishawGeoland86, by 'ubuntu splash' i mean the screen on startup with the progress bar04:59
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Goeland86_anyone know where I'd go to configure the automatic hardware handling? it's mishandling my wifi card04:59
NickGarveyjighead: ah ha! I see, it was at the syntax at the top ,thank you very much04:59
troy_snickgarvey:  it basically requires a set of numbers.  %d means decimal, %u unsigned int... there shoudl be examples.04:59
=== JohnsonE [n=ubuntu@adsl-75-8-0-38.dsl.rcfril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
johnsiehmmm I guess I could switch the video card over too... thanks for pointing that out :-)04:59
XiCillincheck out this screenshot: http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/3483/screenshot19oa.png04:59
ubotumo0se: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:59
JohnsonEi am in dire need of help :(04:59
XiCillinand this one04:59
troy_smo0se:  intel sound?04:59
spikebjohnsie: if you do that, then in theory everything should be flawless04:59
troy_sjohnsone: you are in a good place.04:59
elakehow does that configure the totem or mplayer plugin04:59
Goeland86_JohnsonE, what's your problem?04:59
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troy_selake:  the mplayer moz plugin shoudl just 'work.05:00
mo0setroy: yes. it says intel. but in windows, i have to install the sigmatel audio drivers to get the sound to work.05:00
roostishawXiCillin, how did you get the tabs in the term?05:00
troy_selake:  assuming mplayer works by itself.05:00
elakethats what i thought05:00
Goeland86_troy_s, apparently it doesn't for him05:00
JohnsonEI'm on the live CD right now, my internet is working WONDERFULLY. when on the hard install, though, my internet works for about 10 seconds and then just stops responding05:00
troy_smo0se:  you aren't in windows any more dorothy05:00
Cornelliustonyyarusso: No but they use Linux to create virus for windows ? :)05:00
cartur25troy_s: What command do I use to download those -dev files?05:00
Goeland86_elake, you want to check that all sounds are enabled05:00
troy_smo0se:  work on what lspci tells you, it won't lie.05:00
mo0setroy: i know. but shouldn't my hardware bet he same?05:00
jigheadNickGarvey, date +%F is a good one for just the date too05:00
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Goeland86_elake, does mplayer standalone play sounds?05:00
elakemplayer and totem both work on their own but not inside firefox05:00
NickGarveyjighead: yup, I get the man file now, thank you05:00
tonyyarussoCornellius, Where else will you find decent development tools?05:01
troy_scartur25:  first you need to know what one.  it is as easy as 'sudo apt-get install blahlib-dev'05:01
roostishawwhat would normally be there instead of the ubuntu splash with the progress bar?05:01
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JohnsonErepeat: I'm on the live CD right now, my internet is working WONDERFULLY. when on the hard install, though, my internet works for about 10 seconds and then just stops responding05:01
iiiearsJohnsonE: Did you install a firewall? Is it setup correctly?05:01
troy_snickgarvey:  did we help you?05:01
JohnsonEi have no firewall05:01
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babowhat port is freenode listening on ?05:01
mo0sewhen i used breezy badger the sound worked.05:01
troy_sjohnsone:  hrm that is strange weird.05:01
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troy_smo0se:  have no fear, it will work again05:01
jigheadroostishaw, something similar to the dmesg output except with OK out to the right05:01
JohnsonEas far as I know, the network settings on the CD are the exact same as the installation05:01
NickGarveyjighead, troy_s: :) yes, I have my script working how I want too, thanks a lot05:02
mo0sewhere do i start?05:02
troy_smo0se:  there is some little problem that needs resolving apparently.  have you tried any other sound apps etc?05:02
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roostishawjighead, how do i use that instead of the regular upsplash?05:02
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nerdzyboyI just installed vlc and libdvdcss2 but still can't get dvd to play (VLC runs fine but won't open disc)05:02
troy_smo0se:  private message me your lspci line again.05:02
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nerdzyboyany idea why?05:02
troy_smo0se:  you need your nick registered to do that.05:02
XiCillinroostishaw: right click over terminal05:02
mo0sei've tried rythmbox, totem, and firefox.05:02
srxnrOkay, i did not make a admin account05:02
troy_snerdzyboy:  restart/logon?05:02
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troy_snerdzyboy:  if you have the decoder, you are ready to fly.05:03
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roostishawthx though05:03
srxnrso what password do i put in "su"05:03
troy_ssrxnr:  sudo is your password as you are a sudoer.05:03
iiiearsJohnsonE: That is a puzzle. - sounds like something is loaded after you log in. - I don't have an answer for you.05:03
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nerdzyboyI'll try restart...05:03
troy_ssrxnr:  su is disabled.  if you know that 'root' is a valid account, that's 50% of your work to hack the 2nd part.05:03
mo0secan i just pastebin it?05:03
troy_smo0se:  if you are that savvy, yep!05:03
JohnsonEthink reinstalling linux would help? I don't have anything important on it05:03
troy_sjohnsone:  no05:03
srxnri don't get it05:04
mo0seheh. i just don't have my nick registered.05:04
jigheadroostishaw, get rid of splash in your /boot/grub/menu.lst05:04
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JohnsonEit's so strange that it works on the CD but not the install though..05:04
troy_sjohnsone:  this isn't windows.  once you ahve the kernel up, all you need to do is figure out what the problem is.  that might take someone with more knowledge than who is here curently.05:04
srxnrso no use for su?05:04
ijeffIs there a way to reset the keyboard shortcuts?05:04
ijeffAnything I set for volume down won't work05:04
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JohnsonEi haven't added ANYTHING to the system yet05:04
ijeffwhether it be a button or dial05:04
gavagaisrxnr, 'sudo command' will do command as 'root'.  if you need that prompt you can do 'sudo bash'05:04
nachovallesgood night05:04
gavagaibut sudo is a better habit05:05
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nachovallessome body can help me? , I try to install ubunto for x6405:05
iiiearsJohnson - Someone else here may have the answer. ask again. - reloading takes an hour.. shorter than windows by at least an hour but it is a lot of effort.05:05
mo0setroy: here it is. http://pastebin.com/76898905:05
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mo0seit's line 6.05:05
JohnsonEok, reasking the question:05:05
JohnsonErepeat: I'm on the live CD right now, my internet is working WONDERFULLY. when on the hard install, though, my internet works for about 10 seconds and then just stops responding05:05
srxnrOkay, great.05:05
nachovallesbut I get this error: NET: Register protocol family 205:05
spikeb if i copy my realplayer codecs to the codecs dir, will totem use them?05:05
ijeffIs there a way to reset the keyboard shortcuts? Anything I set for volume down won't work  whether it be a button or dial05:06
asad1can anyone help me get my dwl 650 card working? i am running dapper, i hear it is easy!! i just need help!05:06
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srxnrNow i have a pci radeon card05:06
srxnrhow do i get that to work ;X05:06
troy_smo0se:  give me a second... dog nightmare... private msg me05:06
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nachovallesinput: AT Translated Set 2 Keyboard on isa 0060/Serio005:06
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nickrudspikeb, totem-xine should, but the w32codecs has all of realplayer I thought05:06
babotor sucks ...05:06
QPAD|warlockIm currently using ubuntu server 5.10 for intel4 proccesors (i386) which SMP kernel do i need to get both of my processors to work?05:06
mardihi, i'm having a problem with my ubuntu dapper on a hp laptop, just tried to boot and I get an error: Failed to start message bus: Failed to read directory "/usr/local/share/dbus-1/services" No such file or dirctory. any help?05:06
mo0sedog nightmare?05:06
spikebnickrud: im not on x86 :)05:06
QPAD|warlockI have 2 intel xeon proccesors on 64bits.05:06
QPAD|warlockanyone got any clues ? :)05:06
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cr0wmanMy upgrade has stalled, any way to get it going agian?05:07
nachovallesQPAD|warlock yes I'am05:07
nickrudspikeb, never mind me, then :)05:07
nachovallesI have an AMD6405:07
ijeffIs there a way to reset the keyboard shortcuts? Anything I set for volume down won't work  whether it be a button or dial05:07
JohnsonEok, quick simple question: How can I log on as owner? My admin account doesn't have full permissions05:07
spikebnickrud: i'll just experiment and see :)05:07
nachovallesbut I get this error in the instalation:05:07
nachovallesNET: Register protocol family 205:07
nerdzyboynope, I still can't play dvds05:07
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nickrudspikeb, and document, I hope ;)05:07
nerdzyboycould anyone help me?05:07
MTecknologyIs there such thing as a memory scanner for Linux? Somehting that I can scan all memory adresses and rescan until I find the right adress so I can edit it?05:07
spikebnickrud: i'll make note if it works, yes05:07
QPAD|warlocknachovalles, you got the answer for my question ?05:08
madeI'm back, one question then I'm gone..05:08
jigheadQPAD|warlock, kernel-image-2.6.11-9-em64t-p4-smp05:08
=== charle97 [n=charle97@udp007586uds.hawaiiantel.net] has joined #ubuntu
JohnsonEok, quick simple question: How can I log on as owner? My admin account doesn't have full permissions05:08
iiiearsJohnsonE: It isn't an an answer to your question but my curiosity. Can you ping google.com from the boot screen rminal option?05:08
spikebnickrud: and maybe make a package or tarball of the realplayer PPC codecs05:08
nickrudspikeb, I am not a nag, I swear, it' just that that stuff is in my forbrain right now05:08
spikebnickrud: hehe05:08
madewhere is the fastest location I can download the latest release of Ubuntu in DVD format05:08
mo0seJohnsonE: just use sudo.05:08
=== Fastly [n=alex@81-86-145-67.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
JohnsonEiiiears: I tried that while my connection was off and none of the packets sent. i couldn't ping my router either.05:08
cr0wmanMy upgrade has stalled, any way to get it going agian?05:08
mo0semade: bittorrent.05:08
MadpilotJohnsonE, use sudo and your own account's password05:09
asad1wireless anybody?05:09
JohnsonEthank you05:09
MTecknologyJohnsonE, root is the admin account, if you are using Ubuntu, you need to enable root login05:09
Madpilotubotu, tell JohnsonE about sudo05:09
mademo0se: thx05:09
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MTecknologyJohnsonE, sudo is far better05:09
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mo0sei wonder if troy 'sploded...05:09
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.05:09
=== Cerveza [n=Cerveza@idea-32-100.idea.northwestern.edu] has joined #ubuntu
=== dieman_ is now known as dieman
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic05:10
nachovallessomebody can help with the ubuntu for AMD6405:10
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Cervezawhen I run glxinfo I get the following error: Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual05:11
Cervezaanyone know what that is?05:11
intelikeyupon running   gnome-session --display :0   X crashed with this message.    Fatal server error:05:11
intelikeyCaught signal 11.  Server aborting05:11
troy_smo0se: you there bro?05:11
mo0sei'm reading the forums.05:11
nachovallessomebody can help with the ubuntu for AMD64?05:11
ubotualsa is probably http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063, see also !dmix05:11
spikebnickrud: it worked, by the way05:11
=== _Spire_ [n=panther@adsl-209-30-128-11.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
nachovallessome body can help me? , I try to install ubunto for x6405:12
nachovallesbut I get this error in the instalation:05:12
mo0sewhat's up, troy?05:12
nachovallesNET: Register protocol family 205:12
nachovallesinput: AT Translated Set 2 Keyboard on isa 0060/Serio005:12
troy_smo0se:  well lspci spots it and likes it.05:12
troy_smo0se:  and your volume etc is all up normal?05:12
JohnsonEis there anything that starts up with linux by default that could at all restrict my connection? This is bothering me so much :O05:12
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troy_snachovalles:  strange, and it just stops?05:12
troy_smo0se:  i would poke around that alsa issue05:13
jigheadintelikey, check /var/log/Xorg.0.log05:13
nickrudspikeb, restricted formats doesn't really deal well with different cpu types, a note might be welcome05:13
mo0sei guess i'll just try different stuff.05:13
troy_smo0se:  try teh obvious stuff first05:13
ron_how do i change file permissions to writable for user?05:13
spikebnickrud: i'll take a look at it05:13
=== QPAD|war-away [i=warlock@c80-216-222-145.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu
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nachovallestroy_s , yes, do u know why?05:13
troy_smo0se:  there really shouldn't be an issue with that card... try setting your multimedia settings and such in the gui panel.05:13
iiiearsintelikey - It looks like your hardware was misidentified. - could it be that the wrong card is selected?05:13
intelikeyjighead thats where the error message came from05:14
QPAD|war-awayIs there a way to refresh your current ip? or perhaps open some ports? (my game-servers doesnt seem to go outside the LAN, any clues?)05:14
troy_snachovalles:  it appears as though it is a keyboard error.05:14
v|nc3has anyone here used vdr05:14
nerdzyboyCan anyone help me getting dvds to play?05:14
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jigheadintelikey, have you run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?05:14
intelikeyiiiears not with only one card...05:14
QPAD|war-awayAnyone ?05:14
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cartur25_troy_s: I read over the intallation site (http://www.leonscape.co.uk/linux/kpodder/index.html) but I can't find any dev files - how do I figure out which ones I need?05:14
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@ppp-70-236-152-221.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
iiiearsintelikey - Okay. i05:14
=== Shadowline [n=shadowli@ppp-70-236-219-162.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
troy_scartur25:  when your make fails, go to the TOPMOST error and look there.05:15
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intelikeyjighead no.  there is nothing wrong with X.05:15
nachovallestroy_s, but why05:15
gavagaiMy sound works---i can use mp3blaster in the console.  but i just installed ubuntu-desktop, and in gnome there is a red X or whatever one the volume thing, and no sound05:15
shodanjr_grdo you guys think that 512 megs of ram should be enough for Dapper to run smooth on an Althon 1400+ mobile?05:15
stevejNerdzy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:15
ron_helep plz, how do i change file permission to writable for user?05:15
troy_scartur25:  it will usually say something like blah header not found.  then you add the lib-dev05:15
troy_sshodan:  heck ya05:15
intelikeyjighead the Xserver was running fine.  starting gnome-session is what brought it down.05:15
shodanjr_grits sluggish with 256 and im thinking of upgrading but im a bit straped for cash atm05:15
gavagaiit says "no volume control plugins or devices"05:15
=== chris__ [n=chris@ppp-70-243-73-228.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
gavagaibut i have a working soundcard05:16
=== Drasla [n=kurt@CPE-65-30-156-78.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
troy_snachovalles:  no idea... at least that is the last error it is reporting.  you might want to raise that as a bug if it doesn't already exist at malone.05:16
Hexidigital_anyone else lagging badly?05:16
cartur25_After I type make, I only get this error: make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.05:16
ubotuDVD playing is possible in ubuntu. You may need libdvdcss2, which is available via http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages (section extras)05:16
nachovallesI try install that ubunto in a HP Pavilion ze2000 laptop05:16
Draslacan someone help me out with a bash script?  I feel like I'm missing something really obvious.05:16
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troy_snachovalles:  yes, but perhaps your region is causing an error.05:16
ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, jonathan105:16
QPAD|war-awayIs there a way to refresh your current ip? or perhaps open some ports? (my game-servers doesnt seem to go outside the LAN, any clues?)05:16
troy_snachovalles:  your locale is possibly triggering a bungle in the script or something...05:16
asad1anyone available for wireless help?05:16
troy_sqpad:  too vague.  your lan on a router?05:17
=== XplOzIon [n=enforcer@] has joined #Ubuntu
nachovallestroy_s maby the kernel need a parameter in the instalation05:17
spikebnickrud: i'll update the wiki page tomorrow most likely05:17
stevejDrasla: What's up?05:17
troy_snachovalles:  well i suspect it is an easy thing nacho, try a different language for the time?05:17
troy_snachovalles:  or is that right at boot?05:17
heartinsnowhow can i turn off the warning bell in emacs?05:17
Servo888How do I echo text into a file that is spit out my some application from the terminal?05:17
Hexidigital_asad1:: what kind of wireless card?05:17
iiiearsQPAD|war-away: Iptables controls open ports. Firestarter is a GUI that  edits the iptables file for you.05:17
nickrudspikeb, great. the more architectures that page covers, the harder it will be to keep clear :)05:17
troy_sQPAD:  is your LAN on a router?05:17
=== _mason [n=mason@dsl-58-6-3-28.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
JohnsonErepeat: I'm on the live CD right now, my internet is working WONDERFULLY. when on the hard install, though, my internet works for about 10 seconds and then just stops responding. what could be causing this?05:17
=== _extricate_ [n=josh@c-68-41-212-155.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jigheadintelikey, was this after a dapper upgrade?05:18
nachovallestroy_s is in the beginig in the instalation05:18
troy_sjohnsone:  you really need to start at malone looking for a bug.05:18
intelikeyjighead fluxbox is now connected to the xserver  working fine.    any thought on what might be wrong with gnome ?05:18
troy_snachovalles:  you have zero input?  did you check your media first using md5sum?05:18
JohnsonEmalone? :O05:18
_masonIve stupidly installed an application that isnt in synaptic, how can i go about uninstalling it ? (it was a .bin)05:18
intelikeyjighead no.   hoary.05:18
troy_sjohnsone:  www.launchpad.net/malone05:18
JohnsonEthank you05:18
troy_sc'mon ubotu05:19
=== BlackadderNZ [n=jade@] has joined #ubuntu
jigheadintelikey, it seems some folks are having issues upon upgrade bug #2037105:19
nickrud_mason, if the .bin doesn't have a built in uninstall, it'll really depend on what bin it was.05:19
Madpilottroy_s, !bug05:19
ubotubugs are reported to https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs05:19
chris__good evening05:19
troy_sahh... thanks madly05:19
nachovallestroy_s and where I use the md5sum? in the instalation?05:19
nachovallesor how?05:19
chris__i am an ubuntu convert and just wanted to say hi to everyone05:19
=== Niomi [n=Niomi@cpe-65-185-39-209.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
spikebhi chris_!05:19
Hexidigital_hi, chris_05:19
cartur25_troy_s: After I type make, I only get this error: make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.05:19
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iiiearsWelcome _chris05:19
troy_snachovalles:  how did you get your installation disk nacho?05:19
spikebhi chris__!05:19
nickrudditto :)05:20
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nachovallesfrom the ubunto page05:20
=== FX [n=FX@71-10-126-185.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
troy_scartur25:  you must be in the dir with the makefile.  this means usually starting with ./configure, then make, then make install05:20
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chris__thanks.  i have finally found a distro that has helped me kick the micro$oft habit05:20
BlackadderNZI need some help with my LAN connection, on start-up I'm unable to connect to the LAN I'm on, no ping no nothing05:20
intelikeyjighead yeah.  i've been there.  i couldn't find anything i liked about dapper, so i wiped it and installed hoary.05:20
troy_snachovalles:  which one?  www.ubuntu.com?  you type md5sum <TARGET> and compare the values against the known keys to make sure it is the same.05:20
Hexidigital_chris_:: feels good, dosent it?05:20
BlackadderNZif i sudo ifdown eth0 then sudo ifup eth0, it works05:20
chris__god yes05:20
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QPAD|war-awayiiiears, what can the problem be if i cant ping the server ip? but i can access it from home ?05:20
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Shaezschewhy isnt ubuntu available in an i686 format? do i lose performance with i386?05:21
_masonnickrud, i installed realplayer 10 gold.. because i have some stupid .rmvb files, i was going to use helix (see it downloaded an 'installer' that isntalled real player after you downloaded it, but i couldnt find the file at the time) now i have found the correct real player 8 package, it comes up with errors when i try and install it05:21
nickrudintelikey, you are perverse05:21
jigheadintelikey, so this is a fresh install of hoary? and did you keep your /home data?05:21
stevejI've gotten almost everything perfect, but I am having trouble with mi DivX ripped DVDs, does anybody know how to get that working?05:21
troy_sshaezsche:  686 is 38605:21
nachovallestroy_s yes from www.ubuntu.com, the target is the keyboard or what?05:21
Toni-testingmultiverse perverse05:21
troy_sshaezsche:  amd64 is the next bump up.05:21
troy_snachovalles:  you on a unix box or windows to make the disk?05:22
_masonnickrud: the error = ./rp8_linux20_libc6_i386_cs1.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libXm.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory05:22
nachovallesin windows05:22
troy_subotu, tell stevej about restrictedformats05:22
nickrud_mason, you do not want that realplayer 8 package.05:22
Shaezschewhat do you mean 386 is 686? then what is 586?05:22
_masoni dont?05:22
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nachovallestroy_s if you want I can move to slackware05:22
=== Hexidigital_ brb
Lockenou, 686 is 386, 386 isnt 68605:23
troy_snachovalles:  doesn't matter.. just wondering what platform you are on.05:23
Locke686 is also 58605:23
jigheadintelikey, if you have kept your gnome config files (.gnome* .gconf*), you might want to move them aside and see if the problem persists05:23
=== cynical [n=cynical@adsl-068-209-095-168.sip.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
_masonIs there another application that will allow me to play a .rmvb without installing real player?05:23
troy_syes 686 is 386... still 32bit05:23
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nickrudnou, it is old, and broken. You want either the realplayer bin as installed from the realplayer site, or the one from http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats.05:23
=== supertanker [n=supertan@66-81-170-81.nocal.dialup.o1.com] has joined #ubuntu
nachovallestroy_s I on windows XP :(05:23
=== charlesJacobs [n=jackson@ppp-70-251-70-133.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
troy_s3,4,5,686 same mess.05:23
intelikeyjighead no it's not a /home problem  either...   jighead don't worry about it this is the first "default" install i've ever tried to use.   i'll remove gnome and install twm and be just 'pickeled tink' about it....05:23
Shaezscheso 686 just takes advantage of newer procs?05:23
Shaezschewhy isnt ubuntu available in 686?05:23
troy_snacho: test your download or re-download it and test it using md5sum05:23
supertankerIm having trouble installing one of my games05:23
=== Oscar_ [n=Oscar@pc-11-159-239-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
nachovallestroy_s ok, en then where I have to go to do the md5sum?05:23
supertankerCan I post the 4 line error msg here?05:23
nachovallesto the page?05:23
BlackadderNZhi, I need some help with my LAN connection, on bootup, eth0 isn't comming up05:23
Madpilotsupertanker, pastebin, please05:24
troy_sshaezsuche:  same diff.  you can put a specific kernel on to support the minor 686 better bits.05:24
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .05:24
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supertankerwhere is pastbin?05:24
Oscar_hey there05:24
intelikeyjighead thanks for the fish just the same.05:24
troy_snachovalles:  google md5sum for xp05:24
nachovallestroy_s a ok maby I understand,05:24
jigheadintelikey, try xfce05:24
nickrud_mason, erm, the last thing I typed was for you, not nou05:24
=== No1Viking [n=micke@h-83-140-104-3.ip.rixbredband.se] has joined #ubuntu
troy_snachovalles:  you need to make sure your installation media isn't bunked first off.05:24
iiiearsbin file uninstall - This may be of no help. best i could find., - (crosses fingers) http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/debian-linux-help/35708-uninstall-realplayer-10-a.html05:24
Madpilotsupertanker, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/05:24
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nachovallestroy_s in the boot of the instalation I on ly write md5sum?05:24
troy_snachovalles:  so test it using the installer's test feature.05:24
benkong2got dapper ubuntu 6.06 LTs installed and NetworkManager. Will NM break if I install kubuntu-desktop?05:24
troy_snachovalles:  boot to your install media and test it.05:25
jigheadintelikey, that is, if you are looking for something between kde/gnome and twm/fluxbox05:25
=== reggaemanu [n=manu@ARennes-257-1-122-96.w86-210.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Oscar_I dont know how to install programs05:25
supertankerOkay I posted it05:25
troy_snachovalles:  sounds like you might have bad media or bad burn or ...?05:25
_masonnickrud, yep, got that05:25
_masonim having a look now05:25
=== copeland3300 [n=ubuntu@h-66-166-187-242.mclnva23.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Oscar_I see lot of files what to do?05:25
supertankerit is a .run file05:25
Oscar_want to install mplayer05:25
baboI have a mod_security.load, but I don't have any mod_security.conf ... ?05:25
BlackadderNZhi, I need some help, on bootup of Dapper, eth0 won't load05:25
=== reggaemanu [n=manu@ARennes-257-1-122-96.w86-210.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
nachovallestroy_s maybe05:25
_mason( This is all because of a stupid stargate season 8 torrent /kills )05:25
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baboI have apache on debian ... :-( ... it sucks05:26
supertankerI do "sudo sh linux-radiant-1.4.0.run" and the error message pops up after it unpacks05:26
nickruduninstalling realplayer is a pain: I *think* installing the deb on the restricted formats page will correct and document a realplayer install correctly05:26
nachovallesI tray, I just return05:26
copeland3300can someoone help me install ubuntu to a hard drive?05:26
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_masonnickrud, Ok, ill give it a shot05:26
supertankerIt worked in Fedora 4 (whic is reallllly slow on my machine), I even copied (without overwriting) all of the libs to ubuntu and rebooted05:26
mo0sein alsamixer, it says the chip is sigmatel stac9221.05:26
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gavagaiMy sound works---i can use mp3blaster in the console.  but i just installed ubuntu-desktop, and in gnome there is a red X or whatever one the volume thing, and no sound05:26
laviHI, Is there any way to set the gnome-terminel window size in starting.05:26
gavagaiit says "no volume control plugins or devices"05:26
troy_smo0se:  so it sees it, can it interact with it?05:26
mo0seuhm... interact?05:27
troy_smo0se:  still using the intel chipset though i bet.05:27
intelikeyjighead i've used xfce4 fvwm icewm blackbox and more, thanks tho05:27
mo0seit says the card is hda intel.05:27
=== furbz [n=furbz@cpe-24-170-55-4.stx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Geoffrey2so I take it there's no real advantage to installing the 686 kernel images?05:27
mo0sebut the chip is sigmatel.05:27
supertankerany idea?05:27
supertankerwhy does it make that error?05:27
Toni-testingI would llike to ask something but this goes too fast05:27
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mo0setoni: just ask it.05:27
troy_smo0se:  geoffrey2:  there are.05:28
supertankerWhy won't the X installer work on Ubuntu but work on Fedora?05:28
supertanker(Its an installer for a game)05:28
troy_sgeoffrey2:  there are, but it is still in the 386 line05:28
Toni-testingI can't hear any sounds because the sound goes to the null device05:28
mo0seokay. on the front column, i see an infinity symbol.05:28
v|nc3hey how do you bring up the task manager for ubuntu05:28
mo0sewhat does that mean?05:28
iiiearsGeoffrey - The answer is "Maybe" It really depends on what hardware you need support for. - most won't see a difference.05:28
cartur25_troy_s: I ran ./config and this is the output, there were scattered no's: http://www.geocities.com/goldeagleb/disk_drive.html05:28
mo0seon the other ones i see mm.05:28
troy_svnc3:  ps -aux in the cli05:28
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FarnabyI suppose you guys are busy with 6.06, forgot about that05:28
Drasladoes anyone know what "fi" means in a bash file?05:29
gavagaisupertanker, everytime i have installed linux there has been inconsincies like that05:29
troy_svnc3:  or the session manager in system i think if you want gui05:29
nickrudsupertanker, is it an rpm, or otherwise tied to redhat's filesystem?05:29
mo0sedoes the infinite symbol mean that it's muted or something?05:29
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troy_sdrasala:  it is the ending brace for an if05:29
supertankerI need to know why it won't work on Ubuntu05:29
troy_sdrasala:  if [...]  fi05:29
intelikeyxtop v|nc305:29
troy_smo0se:  not certain there.05:29
Farnabymoose, in 6.06 the standard no sign means mute05:29
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bigfoot1how can i do a direct ftp to a ftp server?05:29
mo0sewhat's the standard no sign?05:29
supertankerNo, its a .run file05:29
v|nc3and i put that in the terminal05:29
supertankerHere is error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1536505:29
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Cervezahow do I reconfigure x?05:29
nickrudsupertanker, you could put up the errors on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and maybe someone will have an insight05:30
ubotuWhat? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, troy_s05:30
bootlickIn Nessus, i cannot log in, says could not open a connection to local host? how can it not05:30
=== freakabcd [n=freakabc@60-241-5-233.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
freakabcdhi all05:30
Hexidigital_hi freakabcd05:30
nickrud!info dpkg-reconfigure05:30
freakabcdis there a problem with archive.ubuntu.com?05:30
danialHello, I am having a problem with Ubuntu having a very large delay when attempting to access DNS servers05:30
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, troy_s05:30
freakabcdkeeps cutting off my downloads every single time!05:30
supertankerI DID put it up on pastebin. Read it http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1536505:30
Cervezaits like dpkg -reconfigure, but what is the command for x05:30
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Farnabymy problem is that I am having trouble changing the screen size of all things so I can install off the live cd. Its got me stuck at 640x480, and no net access on that particular computer05:30
Cervezais it xorg.conf?05:30
jigheadCerveza, xserver-xorg05:30
troy_ssupertanker:  no clue.  is it for a game?05:31
troy_sdpkg-reconfigure xorg-server iirc05:31
troy_sor just futz with your xorg.conf cerveza05:31
nickrudsupertanker, missed your post. it goes fast here05:31
supertankerIt works with Fedora 4. It is an editor called GTKRadiant for a game.05:31
kieran_This is really messed up, during install (ppc, im using a g4 emac) I got an error, something about not finding a bootstrap partition, then the install finished, it just booted into os x05:31
troy_scerveza:  usually futzing with xorg.conf is a little better as you can control it.05:31
supertankerWhy in the heck does it work with FC and not ubuntu?05:31
kieran_i dont think it installed a bootloader.05:31
supertankerYes I nkow05:31
troy_ssupertanker:  any number of reasons.05:31
ubotumethinks xorg is To reconfigure your X server, type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" in a terminal, or check here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto or here http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-83973.html05:31
troy_ssupertanker:  the bottom line, if you get it working on one linux, you should be able to get it working on another.05:32
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Toni-testing!info dpkg-reconfigure05:32
supertankerany idea how to fix it? I tried sudo xhost +05:32
gavagaido i need to place users in a special group for them to have sound?05:32
supertankerAnd I don't have any idea why it won't run on this05:32
bigfoot1do i use ftp or lftp to do a direct ftp upload?05:32
gavagaione user has sound in gnome and another doesn't.  it works for the admin user.05:32
supertankerit works on Fedora but not Ubuntu05:32
troy_ssupertanker:  no clue, and i am not going to sweat it for a game.05:32
nickrudsupertanker, those are about as useless error messages as a software author could provide05:32
JohnsonEok, i reported my bug.05:32
_masonnickrud, Dont worry i will leave it installed, i cant see me fretting about 10mb .. i downloaded the win32 codec pack, That work! and i will use that from now on, That you very much05:32
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babohow do I turn off iptables in ubuntu ?05:32
troy_ssupertanker:  there are just too many other folks to help with more important things.05:32
supertankerI even tried copying all of the lib dir from Fedora to Ubuntu (Not overwriting of course)....05:32
troy_sbabo:  iptables isn't really on or off.05:33
troy_sbabo:  you just adjust its rule set.05:33
supertankerI can't use it with Fedora because it is increadibly sloooooooooooow....05:33
babotroy_s: you can turn it off on RH ...05:33
danialDoes anyone know why, after a recent update, any attempt to access a DNS server seems to take up to 12 seconds?05:33
baboservice iptables stop ...05:33
troy_sbabo:  what is your issue currently:05:33
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intelikeyyou just drop all rules05:33
babotroy_s: I want to suspend my firewall ...05:33
troy_sdanial:  what server:?  on your router?05:33
nickrud_mason, np. The realplayer install you did from real is usable. If you have problems with smil, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:33
freakabcddanial, check /etc/resolv.conf to make sure you're getting to the right dns servers05:33
supertankerDo you think using Xfce instead of KDE is the prob?05:34
freakabcdalso check your default route05:34
JohnsonEok, thank you all. i'm going to log back into my install and try to fix this internet problem again...05:34
danialWell, loading up the network settings menu does show the correct DNS05:34
kieran_Any ideas anyone?05:34
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troy_sjohnsone:  good luck05:34
Geoffrey2has anyone in here used Thunderbird under Ubuntu?05:34
danialPerhaps it is because my router is listed in the DNS?05:34
camis there a way to speed up the gets of apt-get ? like download 3 pkg at a time ?05:34
freakabcddanial, uh.. check the resolv.conf file05:34
danialGeoffrey, I used it on XP05:34
troy_sdanial:  if you are on your router, it could be that your router is flakey and not following standards etc.05:34
iiiearsbabo - It is integral to networking. you can't. It is flexible enough to be edited to do magic. It's a ruleset for allowed connections.05:34
troy_sdanial:  not all routers are created equally.05:34
Geoffrey2I'm transferring over from XP05:34
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troy_sbabo:  you can add firestarter which lets you use a gui to access iptables quickly.05:35
freakabcdman, this is crazy05:35
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intelikeycam i thought apt did that by default05:35
jigheadbabo, do you have a startup script in /etc/init.d for your iptables/firewall?05:35
freakabcdanyone else having troubles getting to update repo and downlkoad packages?05:35
babotroy_s: why would I need firestarter ?05:35
danialtroy_s:True, but I have never had a problem in the past, I did recently replace my router with replacement of the same model05:35
troy_sfreak:  which one?05:35
freakabcdits almost the 6th time that i have tried to get blender installed05:35
babojighead: obviously not ... :-(05:35
kieran_*confused* Why didnt the installer install a bootloader?05:35
freakabcdand it keeps dropping me after a few kb05:35
chris__what plug in do i need to play a .swf file?05:36
intelikeybabo running a server ?05:36
troy_sbabo:  because it is a point and click way of accessing iptables if you aren't comfortable with the cli for iptables.05:36
babojighead: maybe I should make one ...05:36
troy_sdanial:  what make?05:36
jigheadbabo, yes you should, for now you can use iptables -F to flush all of the rules and essentially have no fw05:36
babotroy_s: I am comfortable with the cli, it's just that have a default script is easier ...05:36
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chris__k can i get totem xine to play it?05:36
camintelikey, hmmm really? right now, it's downloading one pkg at a time ... when the first one is finished, then it downloads the 2nd ...05:36
troy_sbabo:  well there isn't an init.d script for iptables in ubuntu :)05:36
danial"search Belkin, nameserver, nameserver, nameserver
Hexidigital_can anyone offer information on what php package i'd need to install for web development? i apt-cache search php, but list is WAY long05:37
danialwhere commas are returns05:37
babointelikey: nah, just a desktop machine. Which is why I don't want to go to the trouble of writing a script ...05:37
babo... lazy05:37
danialthat seems right05:37
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kieran_chris__: im not sure, its normally played in the browser, just install the flash plugin with automatix05:37
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danialIt is a belkin05:37
jigheadbabo, don't write one, there are tons online that you can just dl and use05:37
troy_sdanial:  not certain, but that is PROBABLY the source of your lag.05:37
babook, thanks ...05:37
troy_sdanial:  there could be a belkin issue with dhcp etc.05:37
intelikeybabo just a desktop, no services. no need for a firewall05:37
danialtroy_s: No other computers on my network have a problem05:37
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troy_sdanial:  are they xp?05:38
chris__k thanks i am new to this i will ask for a lot of patience05:38
danialtroy_s: Yes05:38
babointelikey: I'm paranoid ... :-)05:38
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Geoffrey2I'm trying to copy the mboxes over from the Windows version of Thunderbird to the Ubuntu version, but I can't remember which mbox goes with which email account...I was wondering if there was any file in the profile that would tell me that....I realize it's not exactly an Ubuntu question, but the folks on Mozilla.org are largely lurking and saying nothing05:38
troy_sdanial:  a lot of vendors so specifically target xp and apple that they fail to look at the _real_ specifications.05:38
freakabcdi'm going to try rebooting the router .. grr05:38
intelikeybabo quicktables is good05:38
troy_sfreak:  good bet.05:38
danialtroy_s: I had the same model before, just a bad firmware update that ruined it, got an RMA for same model05:38
troy_sdanial:  i would start with a firmware upgrade on that belkin router.05:39
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baboI think that this line pretty much does the trick as a desktop firewall ... -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags FIN,SYN,RST,ACK SYN -j DROP05:39
danialtroy_s: I am afraid to do that, that is what killed it the first time05:39
troy_sdanial:  or better yet, get a linksys wrt54G-l05:39
Farnabyi have to say, that other then my current resolution issue (which I have a temp workaround for the install) this might be the easiest drunk stall tha tI have ever done05:39
babo... maybe a few more just to even things out ...05:39
kieran_So does anyone have any idea why the PPC install didnt install a bootloader?05:39
troy_sdanial:  firmware shouldn't brick a router.  that is flakey vendor.05:39
hyphenatedGeoffrey2: you can open the Account Settings window and look at the "Server Settings" page for each account. it has a Local Directory thing there05:39
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troy_sdanial:  i would firmware upgrade it via the appropriate technique.  just follow the instructions to a t05:40
danialtroy_s: My linksys was replaced by the belkin for constant problems, probably just one faulty part, but really turned me off05:40
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Geoffrey2hyphenated, which means I'll need to reboot into Windows...ah well, was hoping I could avoid doing that05:40
troy_sdanial:  the wrt54gL is an open source based router.  very good and you can put your own firmwares on it that are basically stripped down linuxes05:40
st3v3dndCan anyone tell me why even though I have a user in a group, and that group has ownership of a dir, and appears to have r/w perms, that I can't write in the dir?05:40
danialtroy_s: I did, but I am still not totally sure the problm is the router05:40
troy_sdanial:  but only the L05:40
troy_sdanial:  i am darn certain at this point.05:40
=== walkingice [n=walkingi@220-132-63-118.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu
nerdzyboyIs there a way to show fulscreen video in gxine?05:41
troy_sdanial:  if you are dhcp via your router, and a linux box is having issues -- its the router not playing by the rules.05:41
danialtroy_s I have heard of thos, but not going to go out and buy a new router unless I HAVE to05:41
troy_sdanial:  try the firmware... that's the best i can suggest.05:41
troy_sdanial:  and if you brick it, send hatemail to belkin05:41
danialtroy_s: I can try, but I don't want to have to rma another05:41
hyphenatedGeoffrey2: well, the alternative is to try and interpret the "prefs.js" file yourself ;-)05:41
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intelikeycam  just did an apt-get   " [2 libenchant1 17376/49.4kB 35%]  [1 abiword-common 23168/1612kB 1%] "   my defaults do indeed dl more than one at a time.05:41
=== Oscar_ [n=Oscar@pc-11-159-239-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
troy_sdanial:  i would be leery too, but i can't see any other way danial.  testing a router with xp or apple isn't really 'testing'05:42
pacinohi guys - i'm trying to get a Microtouch USB Touchscreen up and running with Dapper - I have it acknowledging "clicks" on the screen but it seems to need to be synchronized...does anyone have any pointers on where I can look?05:42
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Oscar_who wants to help me05:42
troy_soscar:  kind of vague don't you think?05:42
intelikeycam hoary to dapper they may have messed that up too...05:42
Oscar_learn install05:42
Farnabyout of curiosity, installing ubuntu on a tower, it asked me what my preferred username etc is, is there a standard root/password account that I can change the pass to?05:42
danialtroy_s: Heh, I have a live copy of ubuntu, my other machines are running the linksys wifi cards that linux hates05:42
Oscar_i donwloaded05:43
troy_subotu, tell farnaby about root05:43
Oscar_but i see lot of files the what to do...05:43
troy_sdanial:  not ALL linksys stuff is good... just that wrt54gL unit05:43
ubotuhmm... mplayer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto  For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3106105:43
baboDoes anyone know what the apache install does with mod_security.conf ... ?05:43
gavagaii did apt-cache search for games and there a so many! are there a few that are really good?  i don't want to install and check them all... :)05:43
troy_sdanial:  personally i don't really like linksys, but that -L router is absolutely amazing... i have purchased at least 1005:43
danialWell, I am going to try a firmware upgrade, this will probably disconnect me05:43
charlesJacobsOscar_: delete those, open a terminal and type in sudo aptitude install mplayer OR open Synaptic and install mplayer05:43
troy_sdanal:  good luck... follow those instructions exactly and make sure you ahve the right firmware!05:44
Farnabythanks troy05:44
danialtroy_s: I have heard it can be upgraded with non-standard firmware to do some great things05:44
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kieran_Could anyone possibly answer my question?05:44
troy_sFarnaby:  np05:44
troy_sdanial:  it rocks.05:44
troy_sdanial:  www.openwrt.org05:44
inreliefhey guys, anybody on setting the cpufreq on my notebook to full speed when its plugged in, but dynamic when its battery?05:45
Farnabyhere is another question, will there be more screen resolutions available upon the full install? Like I said, thats my only prob, and no xorg/conf didn't work on the live cd05:45
troy_sdanial:  i can't say enough good things about it.  it is basically a 40 dollar computer running linux.05:45
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inrelief'cause running at 75% when i'm plugged seems silly05:45
troy_sfarnaby:  xorg.conf will fix it... kind of depends on detection05:45
camintelikey, what kind of settings do you have in /etc/apt/ ?05:45
troy_sdanial:  and being linux, it follows standards and protocols.05:45
danialtroy_s: $40 for an 11g router?05:45
intelikeygavagai if you did want to install and try them all     apt-get install `apt-cache search game | cut -d' ' -f1`      should make it easy  :)05:45
Farnabyhrm, seems like Imight be downloading some rpms at work tomorrow, wonder if my boss will be there05:45
danialtroy_s: That aint a bad price anyways05:45
troy_sdanial:  they go on sale for about 50 CDN on a regular basis at www.ncix.com05:46
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intelikeycam i haven't touched them from the install.....05:46
troy_sdanial:  make sure you look for the WRT54G-L -- NOT!!!!! the wrt54g05:46
charlesJacobsFR500: hi05:46
FR500I think i discovered a bug, how do i report?05:46
ubotubugs are reported to https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs05:46
Farnabynow I just have to remember wtf my graphics card is on this machine05:46
pacinodoes anyone know what device a USB touchscreen would be mapped to in /dev/?05:46
troy_sfarnaby:  lspci.  or flip the driver to vesa and start there.05:46
troy_spacino:  try the wiki?05:47
Farnabytroy, you are much better sober then I am drunk ;)05:47
FR500can anyone try to reproduce it for me?05:47
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troy_sfr500:  do your due diligence and make sure it isn't already reported!05:47
danialtroy_s: Just to test, I took the belkin IP out of my DNS list, didn't solve the problem(Which it keeps a cache DNS which it probably isn't accessing, causing the problem)05:47
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pacinotroy_s: thanks mate!05:47
tripppyubotu, firefox 1.505:47
ubotusomebody said firefox 1.5 was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion05:47
danialtroy_s: I really didn't want that upgrade, but ohwell05:47
troy_sdanial:  if you are on a router,05:47
troy_sdanial:  and using dhcp, its the router's fault.  try a static ip05:48
troy_sdanial: and you won't have those dhcp waiting issues any more :)05:48
daniallocke: Locke? Enders Game reference05:48
danialtroy_s: Tried a static, still the same issue05:48
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troy_sdanial:  then it isn't dhcp possibly?05:48
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troy_sdanial:  something else?05:48
intelikeycam all my stuff in /etc/apt   have a look for your self05:48
Panda-how do you rename a file in ubuntu? :|05:48
camintelikey, tx05:48
troy_spanda-:  mv05:49
danialtroy_s: No, it is DHCP. But I put it to static, and DNS problems percested05:49
Lockedanial, shrewd :)05:49
Lockei am not a governmentalist by any means05:49
Lockepeter hehe05:49
troy_sdanial:  set your dns server / default gateway to the router's ip.05:49
st3v3dndI think either ubuntu is broken, or I'm missing something incredibly simple05:49
pacinotroy_s: no joy on the wiki for "touchscreen" or "microtouch" - it's weird - it's *nearly* works...the pointer moves, just not in the right directions...05:49
charlesJacobsPanda-: type "man mv" in a terminal05:49
Farnabydemonsthes says go to #ubuntu-offtopic ;)05:49
danialtroy_s:It was05:49
troy_spacino:  text search?05:49
Lockerather peter wiggin than valentine05:49
Farnaby53% of full install05:50
LockeFarnaby, already there heh05:50
troy_sdanial:  man... i'm lost then.  i really think it is that router, but i might very well be wrong.05:50
Panda-thanks Troglodyt05:50
Panda-oops troy_s05:50
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charlesJacobsPanda-: or right click on the item, select "Properties" and edit the "Name" field05:50
troy_stroglodyte -- eek.05:50
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pacinotroy_s: doh - I'm an idiot!  thanks!05:50
danialtroy_s: I got an update and replaced my router at the same time, which this problem started after05:50
charlesJacobsPanda-: or press F2 when the item is selected05:50
Panda-charlesJacobs; can't in bash05:50
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troy_sdanial:  count on the latter05:50
troy_sdanial:  linux isn't used on webservers for nothing.05:51
danialtroy_s: At first, I thought it was because I was using this machine in XP as a router while I RMA'd my router05:51
charlesJacobsPanda-: true enough. just giving some GUI alternatives05:51
intelikeycave dweller in here ?05:51
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baboCan sudo ask you for a plaintext password on a newline ... ? ... I thought the password was supposed to be suppressed on the screen ?05:51
troy_sdanial:  if i bet money on things behaving, i bet on open source.  not proprietary closed source things.  just where i bet, that's all.05:51
troy_sbabo:  it shoudl be supressed.05:51
mo0secuuuuuuuurses... i got no idea how to get my sizzound to work.05:51
troy_sbabo:  unless someone has written a bad skript.05:52
babotroy_s: hmm ...05:52
troy_smo0se:  hang in there.05:52
danialtroy_S: Why do you think I have put up all this effort to get linux running completely on my machine, dispite coming with XP05:52
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mo0seheh. i hope they get it to work in the next version.05:52
babotroy_s: it's just a default install ... I'm still setting things up ...05:52
camintelikey, well it's pretty weird, since the conf files are the same05:52
troy_sdanial:  keep trying.  i would say its the router.  can't test unless you try :)05:52
Farnabylooking forward to this05:52
Farnabysmoke reak time I guess05:52
troy_sbabo:  if it echoes to the screen, it isn't responding correctly.05:52
chris__with the right hardware linux can be a blessing05:52
Panda-im so lost in all this linux/ubuntu stuff... what should I read to get a good start?05:52
troy_sbabo:  most of the time it shoudl be masked in some form.  shouldnt just show up.05:52
danialtroy_s: When I did the math, I came out with a potential netgain of $10 getting this thing setup on linux over buying windows05:53
intelikeycam i've told you all i know about it.05:53
troy_spanda-:  start at the absolute beginner talk on teh forums.05:53
charlesJacobsPanda-: you could try wikipedia05:53
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troy_spanda-:  if you really want to learn about operating systems, "how linux works" from no starch press is _very_ good.05:53
tripppyubotu, upgrade firefox 1.505:53
ubotutripppy: Bugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:53
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kieran_Ok please someone, Towards the end of the install i got an error about not finding a bootstrap or something, then when finished it hadnt installed a bootloader05:53
troy_spanda-:  but there are 10000000 howtos out there... just start pouring over google.05:53
kieran_It just booted into OS X when i restarted05:53
intelikey!tell Panda- about cli05:53
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kieran_(Trying to dual boot with os x, PPC)05:53
troy_skieran:  have you checked the forums and the wiki?05:53
kieran_Its all installed correctly etc.05:54
kieran_I searched the forums yes,05:54
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troy_skieran:  open firmware is stinky as hell last time i toyed with it.05:54
charlesJacobskieran_: if you know what you're doing you could try the super GRUB disk05:54
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tonyyarussotripppy, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion05:54
troy_skieran:  try the wiki too.05:54
st3v3dndCan someone tell me what the different syntax highlighting in Dapper's xterm window is for ls -al? particularly dirs with red fg, black bg, and dirs with blue fg, green bg?05:54
tripppygot it05:54
tonyyarussoPanda-, Are you lost in anything in particular?05:54
troy_sst3v3:  red black is hard link05:54
troy_sst3v3:  most of those are ln byproducts.05:54
rredd4wehn i install, can I install the 686 kernel and not the 386 kernel?05:54
intelikeyuse google.com/linux   for your linux searches05:55
troy_srredd4:  once you are running yes.05:55
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cartur25_troy_s: I ran ./config and this is the output, there were scattered no's: http://www.geocities.com/goldeagleb/disk_drive.html05:55
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kieran_Didnt know SuperGRUB supported PPC.05:55
troy_srredd4:  there just aint that much diff between 32bit 386 and 686 in terms of architecture... so don't sweat it too much.  get an amd6405:55
troy_scartur25:  did it finish?05:55
XxXBrAnDoNXxXIs there any way to take off recent documents in the places menu?05:56
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troy_scartur25:  nope.  you need your x dev files.05:56
cartur25_the config comand? yes it's all there05:56
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troy_scartur25:  so add them.05:56
rredd4troy_s but not as I am installing ubuntu?  I have a p3 laptop, need 686 kernel with ndiswrapper05:56
inreliefanybody know how to adjust cpu frequency scaling options for plugged-in vs batteries?05:56
Hexidigital_can anyone offer some advice on how to change ownership of /dev/hda4? i tried chown, but no avail05:56
bobogood thing ubuntu made a backup copy of xorg.conf05:56
=== RavenTest [n=raven301@Kitchener-HSE-ppp3574840.sympatico.ca] has joined #Ubuntu
kieran_troy_s: Maybe so, but open firmware being crap doesnt really explain it :-)05:56
steveklI'm probably not allowed to talk about warez in here huh05:56
bobomesses up everything :\05:56
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troy_skieran:  no but it does mean that you will need to twiddle some extra steps :)05:56
cartur25_sorry troy I'm a newb, what is the command to install x dev files?05:57
troy_sstevekl:  no.  use open source.05:57
kieran_troy_s: Does that envolve dropkicking the mac? :-)05:57
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charlesJacobsrredd4: p3 will run on a 386 kernel and ndiswrapper is included in the install05:57
stevekltroy_s: Ah ches05:57
sleeperis there anyway to change the resolution of the welcome screen? Its set too high05:57
intelikeyHexidigital_ why do you want to change the device node ?05:57
troy_skieran:  NOW you are thinking!  while you are at it, dropkick steve jobs in the beets.05:57
charlesJacobsrredd4: so when you're finished installing you can immediately upgrade to a 686 kernel via apt05:57
Hexidigital_intelikey:: to enable read/write access from my current user05:58
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rredd4charlesJacob yeah, ok05:58
babotroy_s: turns out that it's an emacs thing ...05:58
kieran_Twas slightly annoying, first i had issues with X, which was easily fixed by editing the config, which was easy enough to solve, when i could get a shell that is05:58
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troy_sbabo:  ahh.  interesting.05:58
boboinstead of installing kubuntu, can you just install KDE along w/ Gnome in ubuntu?05:58
XxXBrAnDoNXxXIs there any way to take off recent documents?05:58
=== JohnsonE [n=ubuntu@adsl-75-8-0-38.dsl.rcfril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
moonmanhow do i work a .run file?05:58
iiiearssleeper - "system" .. "preferences" .. "Screen Resolution"05:58
charlesJacobsbobo: yep.05:58
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kieran_Now no bootloader, sigh05:58
troy_skieran:  strange wierd that good old osx took over... perhaps it spotted the problem?05:58
JohnsonEback again! still no internet, but a new question05:58
sleeperiiiears: but that is only for when i login, I was hoping to change the resolution for the welcome screen ( before i login)05:58
troy_skieran:  erm... "problem" "Hey -- IS THAT ANOTHER OPERATING SYSTEM.  HOW UN MAC OF YOU"05:58
intelikeyHexidigital_ ok.  now why would you be trying to write dirrectly to a device node ?   are you trying to format that partition ?05:58
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srxnrOkay i got everything working05:59
srxnrJust one problem.05:59
troy_skieran:  all i could suggest is reinstalling that bootloader via the disk possibly?05:59
kieran_Or maybe ubuntu didnt overwrite the MBR?05:59
troy_skieran:  possibly.05:59
Hexidigital_intelikey:: sorry... wasn't paying attention to what i typed... i meant /mount/hda405:59
srxnrWho can help me?05:59
Hexidigital_correction, /media/hda405:59
troy_skieran:  but the transitional factor is that blasted openfirmware05:59
JohnsonEmy NEW AND IMPROVED question: How can I give myself write access to my media hard drive?05:59
charlesJacobssrxnr: it depends on what the problem is05:59
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Farnabysomething other then osx? Thats illegal ;)05:59
Draslais there a command to add a user to a group?05:59
troy_skieran:  when doing manual installs of oses on it, i had to manually change the blasted boot pointer in firmware.05:59
cartur25_troy_s: sorry for being a noob - what is the command to install x dev files?06:00
JohnsonEmy NEW AND IMPROVED question: How can I give myself write access to my media hard drive?06:00
troy_sdrasla:  yes ;)06:00
moonmani need a hand with a .run file.06:00
srxnrI think it's simple, How do i alow my "/media/SRXNR" drive writeable. I can't seem to write on it.06:00
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troy_scartur25:  sorry... um... let me quickly look... there are MANY of them.06:00
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iiiearssleeper - Hm. - I thought that made it the default fo even the log-in. - I don't have the answer.06:00
intelikeyHexidigital_ ok and the fs is what there ?  ntfs ext3 rieserfs.... ?06:00
JohnsonEme and srx got the same problem :O06:00
kieran_troy_s: nice.06:00
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Draslatroy_s: didn't know if it was just a config file thing.  mind revealing it?06:00
Hexidigital_intelikey:: it's a fat32 part for my music files06:00
troy_skieran:  start with simple.  try the disky again06:00
kieran_I remember i got the EXACT same problem with 5.10, but didnt wanna mess around at the time 'cause i had too much unbacked up work06:00
Farnabykieren, my friend (who is probably much closer to sober then I am fyi) has told me that osx doesn't play that well with others, evne windows with bootcamp06:00
charlesJacobssrxnr: if you sudo nano -w /etc/fstab and add "rw" to the drive's mount options that should work. from there just umount and mount it06:00
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troy_skieran:  i would try that damn wiki or forums again... there are tons of howtos.06:01
cartur25_troy_s: hahaha - well how am I suppsed to know which ones to get?? I'm the noob!06:01
srxnri have a usb 200gb hadrive06:01
kieran_troy_s: im on it now06:01
troy_scartur25:  hold tight... looking.06:01
tonyyarussoHexidigital_, You need a umask=000 in the options in fstab06:01
charlesJacobssrxnr: then change the drive's options to "defaults"06:01
troy_scartur25:  sudo apt-get install xorg-dev06:01
JohnsonEcharles, could you explain that again please? i also need to make my drive wriateable06:01
Hexidigital_tonyyarusso:: under options?06:01
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Farnabymy friend is also a mac genious fwitw06:01
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cartur25_thanks bud!06:01
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srxnrcharlesJacobs: How?06:01
danial_Well, might have found what bricked my last one06:01
Hexidigital_tonyyarusso:: sorry.. having a bad day.. you already said that :)06:01
tonyyarussoHexidigital_, Yeah.  I can get you a sample line in a moment.06:01
troy_sdrasala hold.06:01
echostormhey guys. Can anyone direct me to info on compiling a python source? (LH-ABC) I can get it to run, but i would like to compile it and know how to do this for future.06:02
Hexidigital_tonyyarusso:: no, i got it06:02
bobohow do you connect to another irc server with x-chat? (like /server -m in mirc)06:02
Hexidigital_tonyyarusso:: thanks much06:02
troy_sdrasla: you wantted to add a user to a group?06:02
beavisisnt mac just linux without mac?06:02
intelikeyHexidigital_ partdon my lag time.   ok.  you need to set the permissions in the fstab file  or on the command line when you mount it.    a simple  umask=0  if you don't mind it being permiscuse06:02
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Fujitsubeavis: !?06:02
troy_sbeavis:  absllutely not06:02
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tonyyarussobeasty, Mac OS X is based on BSD and the Mach kernel, not Linux.06:02
kieran_echostorm: compile python? its interpreted06:02
Farnabybobo, what version?06:02
Hexidigital_intelikey:: no prob, i was lagging badly earlier... thanks for your help06:02
charlesJacobssrxnr, JohnsonE: open a terminal and type "sudo gedit /etc/fstab" then under the column "options" change the drive's options to "defaults" (you have to type it in)06:02
Draslatroy_s: yeah.  I know there's that admin program, but I'm looking for the command.06:02
danial_troy_s: The download for the firmware downloads a .bin, but the update tutorial clearly states "All firmware files end with a .dlf"06:02
beavisim just f06:02
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beavisim just f#$#$ around06:03
Farnabyw00t, setting up the clock06:03
cartur25_troy_s: how did you conclude I need xorg-dev?06:03
intelikeyHexidigital_ "man mount" explains it all06:03
JohnsonEthanks charles06:03
charlesJacobsJohnsonE: any time06:03
echostormkieran_ What i mean is I have a program called lh-abc thats written in python, however its just the source, I know i have to put it all together somehow, but im having a hard time finnding usefull info on this.06:03
beavisi would be happy if i could get a raid running in ubuntu , mandrive has such a good installer but crappy system06:03
srxnrDamn i don't know how to use06:03
srxnr" sudo nano -w /etc/fstab "06:04
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charlesJacobssrxnr: for a GUI option type in "sudo gedit /etc/fstab" instead06:04
tonyyarussoAw man - It took my like three tries typing that nick and I still got it wrong.06:04
kieran_echostorm: Distutils06:04
Farnabybobo, xchat is mostly graphical, even in *nix, there should be an add server button06:04
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charlesJacobssrxnr, JohnsonE: oh, and I forgot. when you've done that save it and go back in to the terminal and type "umount /path/to/drive" and then "mount /path/to/drive"06:04
srxnrokay i got it06:04
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intelikeywhy -w ?06:04
srxnrIt is under defaults06:05
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Farnabyconfigging hardware, 95%06:05
nf4am I supossed to have some sort of java policy06:05
echostormkieran_ ahh yes this is what im looking for thanx a ton !06:05
tonyyarussobobo, XChat > Server List06:05
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kieran_echostorm: no worries.06:05
pacinohi guys - how can I tell what /dev/ device a USB device is mapped to?06:05
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nf4both sun and blackdown say no policy06:05
Fujitsupacino, what kind of device?06:05
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pacinoFujitsu: a microtouch USB TouchScreen06:06
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kieran_This is really making me feel like going back to me feeble old duron :-)06:07
lonegeekhow can i permanetly connect to my windows network?06:07
boboI meant connecting to multiple servers, each time i want to connect to a second server, it disconnects from the server im connected to06:07
srxnrcharlesJacobs: It's already under defaults.06:07
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arunubotu: VLC installation06:07
ubotuarun: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:07
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arunubotu: VLC media player06:07
ubotuNo idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, arun06:07
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Hexidigital_tonyyarusso or intelikey should i have to reboot for the changes to take effect? after adding umask=000, i am still unable to write06:07
Farnabykieran, half the time I consider going back to slack or the old RH oses but there are major downsides for this sucker06:07
QPAD|war-awayubotu: VLC06:07
ubotuI heard vlc is a video/audio player that supports almost everything - See http://www.videolan.org/ for more information (VLC is in the universe repository)06:07
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nf4vlc is in the synaptic06:07
charlesJacobssrxnr: is it already formatted? if so, what type of filesystem does it have?06:07
intelikeywhen is /etc/manpath.config   read ?06:07
tonyyarussoHexidigital_, Reboot no.  Remount, yes.06:07
arunubotu: playing wmv files in ubuntu06:08
Hexidigital_tonyyarusso:: tyvm06:08
ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, arun06:08
schmitydo i need a new partition to install ubuntu on?06:08
arunnf4: but i cant get wmv fiels to work06:08
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jisatsudoes dapper not come with ntfs kernel modules? It's not letting me mount an ntfs partition06:08
intelikeyi've edited it but the change doesn't seem to take place ???06:08
Farnabyschnitty no, prodied you are willing to overwrite what is there06:08
nf4are you on amd64?06:08
talljon84Can anyone tell me what package gives the xmodmap.us file? The xmodmap doesn't seem to install it.06:08
arunnf4, does it need any missing plugins.. no x8606:08
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Farnabyschmity rather06:08
nf4you need th windows codecs06:09
RedEyessI have upgraded to 6.1006:09
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schmityFarnaby: like i installed OS X on this mac06:09
arunnf4: hm.. is it also there in synaptic06:09
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schmityand i wanna use ubuntu also sometimes06:09
nf4no let me try and find it06:09
st3v3dndWhy can't I write inside of a directory that is owned by a group that I'm a member of, and that group has write perms?06:09
schmityso do i needa reformat it?06:09
Motoko-chanHm. Network manager isn't allowing me to switch to the wireless connection. It only shows the wired.06:09
Farnabyschmity, you want to keep osx I assume>06:09
RedEyessand I am getting problems like I haven't configured firefox properly06:09
RedEyessI upgraded from 5.1006:09
schmityFarnaby: yeah06:09
kieran_schmity: if its PPC, just headbut it.06:09
RedEyesswhat should I do?06:09
srxnrcharlesJacobs: nfts06:10
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boboim trying to install aMsn from the Add Aplications, it's asking for the Ubuntu CD but I don't have it... any way to tell the installer to look for the files online?06:10
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lonegeekhow do i connect to windows networks....permanetly?06:10
jonathan1RedEyess: That's why dist-upgrade isn't recommended06:10
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Farnabyschmity, from what my friend the mac genious told me, osx will play better when its installed as asecondary os06:10
moonmani need help with a .run file06:10
haydenis it possible (and safe) to upgrade to 6.06 without reinstalling?06:10
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schmityFarnaby: what do you mean asecondary?06:10
kieran_Farnaby: it shouldnt make a difference.06:10
Farnaby1 sec schmity06:10
beavisanyone in here got a software raid to work ??06:10
charlesJacobssrxnr: ooooh. well that's the problem. you need to install ntfsprogs. "sudo aptitude install ntfsprogs"06:10
kieran_schmity: What kind of mac is it?06:11
RedEyessdon't worry about it06:11
pacinohas anyone ever configured a touchscreen under ubuntu before?06:11
RedEyessI figured it out06:11
Farnabyschmity and kieran, from what the genious told me, osx plays better once other partitions are set up.06:11
schmitykieran_: mac mini g406:11
RedEyessI always did a dist-upgrade on Debian06:11
RedEyessi didn't have problems06:11
steveklDay changed to 09 Jun 2006 HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM06:11
jonathan1RedEyess: okay. Yeah I did too when dapper was in development, I just thought you were new :)06:11
gavagaii did dist upgrade with no problems, but i had never used the old distro so there was nothing to lose06:11
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RedEyessit's ok06:12
srxnrOmg, That's amazing.06:12
charlesJacobssrxnr: once you've done that, you have to "sudo modprobe fuse" and change the /etc/fstab mount type to ntfs-fuse06:12
charlesJacobssrxnr: linux doesn't have very good support for ntfs =/06:12
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kieran_Farnaboy, i dont quite get what you mean, if you mean its better to install os's on a different partition, then ofcourse06:12
Farnabyjust working off of what he has told me and he does run *nix as well though I dunno what flavor06:12
Farnabyno, from what he told me, osx plays better with other oses when they are installed first at least prior to the intel switch06:13
arunnf4: are u still searching for the codecs ?06:13
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kieran_heh, the install is fine up to now, just need to edit xconf, the only problem is the bootloader, which im tryin gto solve now06:14
bobby__hi i need help installing java and lime wire i have no idea what im doing06:14
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mo0sehey... hey... troy...06:14
ubotufirst you need !java, then download the http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and unpack it. Then just run the runLime.sh file. Voila. Consider !frostwire as an alternative.06:14
nickrudbobby_, look up for ubotu06:14
a2xmubotu hi, it's me again.. I couldn't find the command to resume my printer06:14
ubotuI'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about, a2xm06:14
mo0se... i guess troy 'xploded.06:14
troy_sgo mo0se.06:14
mo0sei got the sound to work.06:15
mo0seit was pretty simple.06:15
ubotu[frostwire]  a free peer-to-peer application that runs on the Gnutella network. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrostWire06:15
FarnabyI wonder how long till I switch to kubuntu06:15
troy_smo0se:  great!06:15
=== _extricate_ [n=josh@c-68-41-212-155.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
arunubotu: win32 codecs06:15
ubotuarun: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:15
mo0seif anyone else needs to know, you just right click the sound icon in the taskbar.06:15
mo0sego to open volume control.06:15
=== digikom [n=kyle@cblmdm133.cc.indco.net] has left #ubuntu []
mo0sego to edit.06:15
nickrudFarnaby, no need to switch, just apt-get install kubuntu-desktop06:15
mo0sepreferences. and then check everything.06:15
a2xmubotu when i type lpq it said "deskjet-3550 is not ready"06:15
ubotua2xm: what are you talking about?06:15
mo0sethat's what i did.06:15
_extricate_i have ubuntu and windows on my hard-drive, and i tend to use windows more but when i get the bootup screen it defaults to ubuntu generic, how do i change this?06:16
mo0sei know someone else that had the same problem as me the other day...06:16
kieran_Ok, the wiki isnt helping, 0 results for Open Firmware, no relavant results for PPC and no relavant results for bootloader06:16
Farnabynickrud, no net on this computer so it would be just as east06:16
Farnabyeasy even06:16
bobby__yes but how do you install java06:16
mo0seoh well. just wanted to share.06:16
mo0sei'ma go to sleep now.06:16
a2xmubotu i want to resume it from command line06:16
ubotuDo they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, a2xm06:16
nickrudFarnaby, heh, true.06:16
=== Goeland86 [n=Anny@pool-71-109-156-119.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
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ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots.06:16
Frogsnooze_extricate_: /boot/grub/menu.lst06:16
Farnabyunless I want until I get net at my new apt, so that I can use it as a file server06:16
Frogsnooze_extricate_: & then 'update-grub'06:16
bobby__how do you install java06:16
gavagaicopying files from a windows share in gnome seems slooow, is there a way to check the rate?06:17
=== Frogsnooze is now known as Frogzoo
gavagaislow compared to when i do this with my laptop06:17
Frogzoo!tell bobby__ about java06:17
boboim trying to install aMsn from the Add Aplications, it's asking for the Ubuntu DVD but I don't have a DVD drive in this computer.... how do I change the location of the breezy badger (I'm sharing the dvd in local network) but there's only Ok or Cancel but location?06:17
a2xmubotu i did try to find the lp command for resume06:17
ubotuDid you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, a2xm06:17
nickrudbobby_, install sun-java5-bin and sun-java5-plugin with synaptic if you're on 6.0606:18
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots.06:18
=== jbkirc [n=jbkirc@ppp166-27.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jason_Alien interface06:18
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danial_troy_s: Seems my routers manual complete contridicts itself06:18
a2xmubotu i just dont want to go to the server phisicaly and use the GUI06:18
ubotua2xm: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:18
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troy_sdanial:  imagine that!06:19
boboit says to insert dvd in /cdrom.... can I change the location of that?06:19
=== graham [n=graham@S0106000f669522b0.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
danial_troy_s: Downloading the firmware shows, clearly, a .bin, but that apply states "All firmware files end with a ".dlf"06:19
CornelliusAlien interface ? Why ?06:19
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grahamhey any Apple computer users here?06:19
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kieran_graham: yes06:19
Jason_I am what I am because of what *I* am.06:20
Jason_Not because of what you are.06:20
Jason_Or anyone else.06:20
FujitsuTrue, Jason_.06:20
lonegeekwhat menus allow me to setup windows network settings?06:20
grahamkieran: Hi! Just installed Dapper and can't get my bluetooth keyboard working (apple) nor can i get the native resolyution of my Cinema Display going.. it's 20" and can only get 1024x76806:20
a2xmubotu searching for resume printer command?06:20
=== Daskies [n=Daskies@c-71-193-235-210.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gavagaionly my admin user can have sound.  do i need to add other users to some sound group or something?06:21
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nickrudgavagai, yes06:21
Fujitsugavagai, the audio group, I believe.06:21
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gavagaiok thanks06:21
ubotuFor scanners in Ubuntu, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScanningHowTo and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners06:21
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a2xmdoes anybody know the command for resume printer?06:21
nickrudgavagai, groups <admin user> are all the normal groups for a user. You will need to add any other new user to the groups on that list06:21
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vaporcan anyone tell me what this DBUS remote thing is on x-chat06:22
troy_sgraham:  those are linux issues.06:23
troy_sgraham:  not apple... well the x stuff anyways.06:23
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=== nickrud wishes he had apple play with those issues, good issues :)
vaporwheres the x-chat channel06:24
grahamtroy_s: they are Linux issues, I know.. but specific to Apple hardware06:24
gavagainickrud, does that give them sudo access?06:24
troy_sapple is just the same junk with a different logo06:24
grahamhence why I am asking for Apple users...06:24
troy_sgraham:  can't help with the bluetooth06:24
grahamI don't think a Dell user would know how to configure my Apple Cinema Display06:24
troy_sgraham:  the resolution is handled via the x server... xorg.conf will fix all of that resolution issue.06:24
grahamok cool06:24
grahamis it simple?06:24
nickrudgavagai, sudo adduser <new user> admin    adds your new user to the admin group. All members of the admin group have sudo privileges.06:25
troy_sgraham:  and if the dell user knew nix, they would :)06:25
skippygraham,  "sudo dpgk-reconfigure xserver-xorg"06:25
st3v3dndDoes anyone in here know how to use ubuntu without a GUI? I have a really messed up user/group issue that I can't seem to figure out.06:25
gavagainickrud, that sounds a bit risky!06:25
troy_sgraham:  pretty simple: figure out your native res for that monitor and the horizontal and vertical retrace06:25
skippyas for your bluetooth keyboard, that will be harder i expect06:25
troy_sgraham:  someone in here can help you.06:25
grahamskippy: " dpgk-reconfigure" not found06:25
nickrudgavagai, no, because they don't have the privileges unless you add them to the admin group.06:25
troy_sst3v3dnd:  ubuntu is more than a gui.  the os exists purely on the cli.06:25
iiiearsIs there a fix for XChat's spell check? PERL script?06:26
skippysorry graham its "dpkg06:26
=== Goeland86 [n=Anny@pool-71-109-156-119.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
gavagainickrud, right but wasn't adding them to that group the answer to give them sound?06:26
changlinn st3v3dnd it is just the same as debian from what I have seen06:26
grahamoops! i shoulda caught that too.. thanks skippy06:26
troy_sgraham:  although i would recommend you get your hands dirty with xorg.conf06:26
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Madpilotiiiears, XChat has spellcheck?06:26
troy_sgraham:  then you will understand the x layer a little better than the skript helping you.06:26
kieran_troy_s: you got any info on what you had to do with Open firmware? i cant find shit nothing relavant anyway06:26
skippynp mate, somtimes i wish linux wasnt so case sensitive and spelling sensitive :P06:26
nickrudgavagai, no. adding them to the audio group gives them sound usage: sudo adduser <new user> audio06:27
troy_sgraham:  there are plenty of howtos, and it is vital knowledge.06:27
Geoffrey2whew...finally got my email accounts transferred to Ubuntu...that was a royal pain06:27
gavagaiok thanks06:27
=== NawtByNtr [n=none@207-237-242-111.c3-0.nyw-ubr4.nyr-nyw.ny.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
troy_skieran:  i don't know if this will help, but check www.openbsd.org on how they install... there might be a parallel there.  i learned all i know about open firmware via that doc.06:27
danialtroy_s: Well the CD that came with the router doesn't seem to have a problem with the .bin filename06:27
skippya bit off topic maybe, but has anyone tried running linux with the GNU Hurd thing as the kernel? could you do it with ubuntu?06:27
troy_sdanial:  download updated manuals from online along with teh firmware and read the README or whatever.06:27
=== particleman [n=particle@70-37-177-156.lmdaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
troy_sskippy:  i tried.06:27
humbraroskippy: there is a debian hurd subproject i think06:28
iiiearsIn Dapper yes, there is an empty language choice window.06:28
troy_sskippy:  but it is only for 386, and i run k806:28
skippyyeah ive seen the deb gnu/hurd thing, i might download it06:28
particlemanI've got a dell 710m with the non-Intel wireless card06:28
humbraroskippy: dunno about hurd's usability though06:28
aviswould someone help me out with wpa_supplicant ?  i have wpa_gui as well.  it doesn't seem to see device ra006:28
troy_sskippy:  its a microkernel which is kind of nifty06:28
danialtroy_s: I did, and the online ones conflicted with themselves. The one from the router cd seems to show everything as expected06:28
particlemanI've been following the directions as best I can to install ndiswrapper06:28
skippyyeah i just want to try it for a laugh06:28
skippyyou never know, one day it might be the future :)06:28
particlemanbut so far I can't get it to work, and it's rather annoying06:28
st3v3dndtroy_s: yes, I know that. I'm looking for someone who knows how to work from the command line, because I'm guessing my problem might be somewhere outside of the realm of friendly GUIs.06:28
humbraroit'll be released sometime between vista and duke nukem forever06:28
particlemanif anyone can offer any insight at all, it would be greatly appreciated06:29
skippyst3v3dnd, whats ur problem?06:29
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Farnabyi have to say, ubuntu > suse 10 as s10 decided my moniter/graphics card didn't exist06:29
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troy_sst3v3:  most folks who help in here can help you... just be specific.06:30
=== lolotov [n=jesus@cpe-70-112-131-211.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
skippyparticleman, do "lsmod | grep ndiswrapper" and see if you have loaded the module yet06:30
Hexidigital_Farnaby:: Ubuntu > most other distros06:30
jaramillowhy does xhost gives me an error when i do: "xhost +asd" if "asd" is a valid user name. >>>> xhost:  bad hostname "asd"06:30
troy_sfarnaby:  that is really a minor detail.06:30
st3v3dndskippy: My user is a member of the group "svn". The group "svn" is the owner of /usr/share/svn, and the dir has the perms 775. Yet I cannot write to the directory.06:30
iiiearsmadpilot - I saw some perl scripts out there using ispell. though i need to be root to install. Would an IRC perl script have root privelidges?06:30
schmitycan you install ubuntu on an external?06:30
schmityand will it run slower or something?06:30
Madpilotiiiears, no idea06:30
troy_sfarnaby:  common and rather trivial.  the real upside is in the support and such :)06:30
=== earthen [n=earthen@dpc674727138.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== Hexidigital_ believes Ubuntu > food and water :)
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st3v3dndskippy: The only way I can write is with 777, and that shouldn't be the case because I'm in the group, and shouldn't be considered, "Others"06:31
Farnabytroy, its just nice that its that easy though06:31
troy_siiiears:  i wouldn't let an irc perl skript have root06:31
Fujitsust3v3dnd, you mean the group svn is the group? Groups can't be owners.06:31
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troy_siiiears:  flakey06:31
Fujitsust3v3dnd, have you tried to log in and out?06:31
lolotovI am trying to use vncserver to remote administer my ubuntu box. I can connect fine, except that I get the grey screen and the X cursor. Is X not starting successfully? Where would the config files be that I could look at for this?06:31
troy_sfarnaby:  for some... still has a long way to go -- its in its infancy.06:31
danialtroy_s:  see reference in the manual (Via screenshots) to newer firmware than the site has, perhaps this firmware was "recalled"06:31
jaramilloguess noone knows ;-\06:31
Hexidigital_schmity:: if your system enables USB booting, you can do it... whether or not if it is slower, it depends on your hard drive06:31
=== graham [n=graham@S0106000f669522b0.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
troy_sdanial:  it's a belkin.  i fear for you :)06:31
skippyhmm st3v3dnd in that case your account cant belong to that group. how are your checking?06:31
danialtroy_s: The screenshots show the version I have06:31
Farnabyand hey, I am up to 800x600 now in ubuntu06:31
iiiearstroy_s:  Gotta be crazier than i am to be root on IRC - rofl06:31
schmityHexidigital_: im on a mac, what about firewire?06:31
troy_siiiears:  root and skripts should not happen.06:31
Hexidigital_schmity:: keep in mind, with USB, your processor has to translate everything (firewire included)06:32
st3v3dndFujitsu: I think that's the case06:32
troy_siiears:  not for userland stuff.06:32
particlemanskippy-looks like it...do you want a paste of the 2 lines of output?06:32
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danialtroy_s: Yes, I should have learned my leason when I got the speedpad06:32
bobby__ubontu it said that java was not avaliable on any software channel06:32
changlinnlolotov: thats what is happening, or you are connecting to the wrong terminal06:32
earthenis there anyway to install dapper with out using the live boot06:32
skippyparticleman,  if you got any output that means the modules loaded06:32
=== Agent_bob [n=root@0-1pool91-6.nas23.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fujitsust3v3dnd, you need to log in and out for group membership changes to take effect.06:32
skippyso thats good06:32
mlalkakawhat happened to the devhelp-books-* packages? they were in the breezy repositories, but they're not in the dapper repositories; i have main, restricted, universe, and multiverse enabled.06:32
troy_sdanial:  that said, i suspect that the firmware will resolve issues.  you can't be the first using open source with the belkin.06:32
Fujitsuubotu, tell earthen about alternate.06:32
st3v3dndFujitsu: I just SSH'd in and I can write to the dir06:32
=== steel [n=erik@c-67-187-207-217.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
skippyhave you got the windows driver for your hardware particleman ?06:32
iiiearstroy_s: Do you think a script that calls ispell would run with user privelidges?06:32
Fujitsust3v3dnd, good, just log out and in.06:32
Farnabythough I hav eno idea why 1024 isn't showing up now...06:32
particlemanI believe so...copied it straight out of the windows partition06:32
troy_siiiears:  what do you think ;)06:32
lolotovchanglinn - I do not know enough about what is happening to fix the pronlem by myself. could you give me any ideas of what I could do or where to look to get X started correctly?06:33
steelwhat's the equivalent of "ipconfig" (from windows) in ubuntu?06:33
earthenFujitsu, so I have no choise but download another cd06:33
troy_siiiears:  if you were on a university or library computer, would root even be an option?06:33
jaramillosteel: ifconfig06:33
troy_ssteel:  ifconfig06:33
Agent_bobapt is not as good as urpm.06:33
srxnrHey guys06:33
Fujitsuearthen, if you've got the Desktop CD, yes.06:33
skippywhat exactly is your hardware particleman ?06:33
FujitsuAgent_bob, why not!?06:33
srxnrWhat do i need to run flash in mozilla06:33
skippythe net card i mena06:33
jaramillothat stands for InterFaceConfig :P06:33
particlemandell 1370 wireless I believe06:33
iiiearstroy_s: I don't know but am *guessing* yes ti like does run as root.06:33
changlinnlolotov: so you are typing on the client in the vnc viewer servername/ip:terminalnumber?06:33
Fujitsusrxnr, please install flashplayer-nonfree06:33
Agent_bobFujitsu it breaks06:33
st3v3dndFujitsu, skippy, troy_s: thanks for the help06:33
particlemanlemme check06:33
=== jbkirc [n=jbkirc@ppp166-27.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
schmityhow much space is suggested for ubuntu install?06:33
=== TehMatticus [n=TehMatti@ip70-179-197-229.dl.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
schmityhow much space is suggested for ubuntu install?06:33
FujitsuAgent_bob, err... When?06:33
Agent_bobFujitsu often06:33
Fujitsuschmity, around 2GB, please.06:33
srxnrand skippy, you from wpb?06:34
danialtroy_s:The reason I upgraded my last one was because it had the Euro Only Firmware... I don't live in euro.06:34
FujitsuAgent_bob, it has /never/ died for me, and I've been using Debian for about 4 years.06:34
Hexidigital_ubotu:: tell schmity about patience06:34
lolotovchanglinn: yes, theni authenticate and the screen loads as per my description.06:34
danialtroy_s: Here goes nothing, or something...we will see...06:34
grahamskippy:  I went through that script and was able to select the appropriate display resolutions.. but i restarted X server and still can't select above 102406:34
Farnabytroy_s: can you think of any reason why 1024x768 would not show up even when it is in xorg under all depths?06:34
=== rixth is now an Ubuntero
particlemanskippy-yeah...dell 1370 internall wireless for 700m06:34
earthenFujitsu, problem is the live cd only boot to a 380x640 screen res and I can't see the installer06:34
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troy_sdanial:  fingers crossed... NO BRICK!06:34
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Hexidigital_particleman:: broadcom?06:34
troy_sfarnaby:  xorg.conf is the supreme ruler... ignore everything else!06:34
Fujitsuearthen, 380x640!? You mean 640x480?06:34
changlinnlolotov: what terminal number you typing in?06:34
=== steel [n=erik@c-67-187-207-217.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
skippysrxnr,  nah im from the UK mate06:35
Farnabyit is in xorg.conf06:35
earthenFujitsu, yeah06:35
iiiearsFarnaby - Double czhech spelling.06:35
troy_sfarnaby:  if your xorg.conf has your "1280x1024" or whatever in there, it SHOULD flip to the highest by default assuming06:35
Fujitsuearthen, what video card?06:35
RivaComI have windows media on my laptop right now, is it possible to load ubuntu and run a dual boot system without losing my information on windows right now?06:35
earthenFujitsu, x70006:35
troy_sfarnaby:  VERT and HORZ refresh allow for it.06:35
FujitsuRivaCom, yep.06:35
Madpilotrixth, congrats - you got dubbed in the last CC meeting?06:35
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tritiumRivaCom: sure is06:35
FujitsuRivaCom, just go through the installer.06:35
troy_sfarnaby:  so you MUST make sure that they match your monitors specs06:35
Agent_bobFujitsu tried apt-get remove gconf2  it says has to take all these deps with it... i say Yes  it starts and then errors on all the deps cause gconf2 is missing.... so all the deps have to be reinstalled and they require gconf2 so it has to be reinstalled to fix it......06:35
skippygraham,  type iwconfig please see what it says06:35
troy_sfarnaby:  with me?06:35
earthenFujitsu, it a ferrari Laptop06:35
jaramilloanyone knows why does xhost gives me an error when i do: "xhost +asd" if "asd" is a valid user name. >>>> xhost:  bad hostname "asd"06:35
Fujitsuearthen, that'd do it...06:35
particlemanHexi-not sure...any way to check?06:35
rixthMadpilot, CC meeting? I just signed the COC and uploaded it.06:36
Fujitsuearthen, the new ATI graphics cards don't work properly without the proprietary drivers.06:36
Farnabyyeah checking that now06:36
particlemanand why do I get the feeling I'm gonna regret not having paid the extra 50 bucks for the Intel?06:36
lolotovchanglinn: vncserver reports: New X desktop is: server:1, so I'm connecting to server on 106:36
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grahamskippy: "no wireless connection"06:36
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Hexidigital_particleman:: lsmod06:36
danialWell, this time it game me a checksum error...06:36
Madpilotrixth, ah, sorry, Ubuntero & not Ubuntu Member. My mistake. Still, cool106:36
Hexidigital_particleman:: in terminal06:36
ubotuMy cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Madpilot06:36
particlemanor try and figure out how to get my comp retweaked06:36
grahamskippy: connection = extension06:36
Agent_bobFujitsu i never had one error with urpm    not one.... i've had many with apt.06:36
RivaComWell im having trouble with the partition, because it shows a 4 items, primary 1,2,3 and pri/log, with prim 2,3 having 55gig, and 5gig how do i install it on just freespace?06:36
=== Daskies [n=Daskies@c-71-193-235-210.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fujitsudanial, dodgy CD, most probably.06:36
tritiumrockin', rixth :)06:36
FujitsuAgent_bob, what kind of errors!?06:36
earthenFujitsu, yeah I have them working in the 64 bit version, but I want to have flash and some other things that are only avalible in the 32 bit version06:36
particlemanHexi-ok...what am I looking for?06:36
Cornelliushttp://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=39993 Beautiful06:37
DaskiesI downloaded some drivers for xsane, and now it wont start. Anyway to revert changes, or is this common?06:37
Hexidigital_particleman:: broadcom or bcm43xx something06:37
Agent_bobFujitsu did you not see my post on the most recent error  ^  ?06:37
=== Roots [n=olsen@adsl-71-145-200-208.dsl.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
tritiumparticleman: broadcom is supported in dapper06:37
=== changlinn has epeleptic fit from all the fast scrolling text and goes back to ubuntu-au
FujitsuAgent_bob, what version of Ubuntu?06:37
jonathan_how can i check how much ram the system has?06:37
particlemanand yeah...I think I realized what I did06:37
Fujitsuchanglinn, hehe.06:37
jonathan_my system has06:37
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DaskiesBy wont start I mean it says it scanning, and then I get a "force quit" error screen06:37
Agent_bobFujitsu i've had it install things and then say they were not installed.  but i could run the commands...06:37
DiscipulusI'm getting really choppy playback in VLC Media Player06:37
skippygraham, ok the file you should have copied over is bcmwl5.inf, you need to use "ndiswrapper -l" to check if you loaded the windows driver06:37
Discipulushow do I fix that?06:37
particlemanI copied the ethernet driver, not the wireless driver06:38
Hexidigital_particleman:: my apologies, i gave you the wrong command06:38
FujitsuAgent_bob, that's impossible.06:38
particlemanlemme redo that06:38
tritiumjonathan_: cat /proc/meminfo06:38
danialFujitsu: I am upgrading a routers firmware, possibly a bad download, or firefox incompatibility(I was getting java warnings)06:38
earthentritium, I have a brodcom and it not working for me eather06:38
Agent_bobFujitsu hoary now.  dapper only a few days ago.06:38
FujitsuAgent_bob, dpkg is incredibly stable.06:38
FujitsuAgent_bob, HOARY!?06:38
troy_sout folks.  keep up the good work.06:38
tritiumearthen: dapper?  native driver, or ndiswrapper?06:38
Hexidigital_particleman:: dmesg06:38
Fujitsudanial, bad download, Firefox shouldn't have caused it,.06:38
RivaComWell im having trouble with the partition, because it shows a 4 items, primary 1,2,3 and pri/log, with prim 2,3 having 55gig, and 5gig how do i install it on just freespace?06:38
earthentritium, dappre and i tried both ways06:38
Agent_bobFujitsu call me a lier if you must.    show your ignorance any way you choose.06:38
DaskiesThe page says my scanner is supported . . .06:39
ubotumethinks ndiswrapper is a way to support Windows wireless drivers, but it is buggy compared to native support. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper06:39
tritiumearthen: it's not perfect yet, that's for sure06:39
troy_sagent_bob:  he just said it is stable.06:39
jonathan_tritium, thanks man06:39
troy_sagent_bob:  and he is 100% correct.06:39
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FujitsuAgent_bob, why Hoary?06:39
earthentritium, but i'm running 64 bit i'm not sure if that is the reason fro the native drivers not working or not06:39
Agent_bobFujitsu cause i don't like dapper06:39
Hexidigital_tritium:: broadcom is supported, but i still had to dl bcm43xx-fwcutter and tweak LOTS of things... particleman isn't sure what type of card he has06:39
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FujitsuAgent_bob, why not!?06:39
tritiumearthen: could be06:39
tritiumHexidigital_: I'm not surprised06:39
Agent_bobwhy should i ?06:39
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troy_searthen:  native drivers are open source.  proprietary you will have problems possibly.06:39
danialFujitsu: I tried two downloads, but returned error. I though firefox because it wasn't liking the javascript, too much for it06:39
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earthentritium, well if you mean not perfict as in not working then you right on! :P06:40
FujitsuErr... Javascript too much for Firefox!!?? I think not.06:40
skippygraham why dont you try the graphical frontend for ndiswrapper -ndisgtk06:40
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Agent_bobFujitsu dapper is too buggy for my taste.06:40
danialFujitsu:Well, not too much for it, but rather it seemed to be too active, firefox though it was going to lock it up06:40
FujitsuAgent_bob, what is different that you don't like!?06:40
DaskiesI downloaded some drivers for xsane, and now it wont start. Anyway to revert changes, or is this common?06:40
_extricate_hey guys i wanna change my default os in bootup and i found this but i'm not 100% sure on what to do here06:40
Hexidigital_tritium:: it was a pain... i had to rename eth1 to wlan0, and i still have to restart my card when i start my laptop to enable a connection to my AP... and i cannot connect to my college's AP's06:40
earthenndswrapper worked fine in horay06:40
FujitsuAgent_bob, Dapper is stable as a rock!06:40
_extricate_default     006:40
_extricate_    * Replace with the following line06:40
_extricate_default     X_sequence06:40
SurfnKidearthen, yeap tacowrapper is awesome06:40
tritiumearthen: it's better than not having it, though.  It gives the powerbook guys _some_ level of support06:40
troy_sndiswrapper is a kludge.06:40
Agent_bobthen rocks crunble06:40
tritium_extricate_: pastebin!06:40
Hexidigital_ubotu:: tell _extricate_ about pastebin06:40
troy_sagent_bob:  try #haiku06:40
SurfnKidFujitsu, hows it running06:40
earthenSurfnKid, what is tacowrapper06:41
FujitsuSurfnKid, ?06:41
_extricate_wow wow it's not that long lol06:41
Agent_bobtroy_s who yanked your chain ?06:41
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SurfnKidearthen, its ndiswrapper06:41
Hexidigital_earthen:: you put meat and cheese inside and eat it :)06:41
FujitsuAgent_bob, bugs such as?06:41
SurfnKidFujitsu, oh.. i thought y ou had just installed Dapper06:41
jonathan_hey guys, im on xubuntu, what if I want to install gnome but not the entire bulky ubuntu-desktop package?06:41
FujitsuSurfnKid, I've been running it for four months.06:41
tonyyarussoAgent_bob, So do you have all of your hardware supported on Hoary then?06:41
raguanuA little help here. My ethernet card is not detected in Ubuntu (Dapper). - CNet Fast200WL PCI Wake On LAN Fast Ethernet Adapter06:41
tritiumHexidigital_: that would be a shell, not a wrapper06:41
DaskiesI downloaded some drivers for xsane, and now all it does is say "scanning for a device" and then I get a force quit message. Anyway to revert changes, or is this common?06:41
earthenSurfnKid, ok guess i missed that one06:41
SurfnKidFujitsu, cool06:42
Hexidigital_tritium:: :)06:42
Agent_bobtonyyarusso sure.06:42
SurfnKidearthen, hehe its cool06:42
DaskiesScanner is supported06:42
_extricate_no ideas?06:42
Agent_bobhoary is only a year old tonyyarusso06:42
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tritiumDaskies: you shouldn't need to download drivers06:42
earthenSurfnKid, do you have a brodcom working using it06:42
jonathan_Anybody? Please? I'm in a hurry. Basically I'm on xubuntu and I want to install GNOME without all the bulk of ubuntu-desktop06:42
=== Hexidigital_ brb... need to find a snack'
tonyyarussoAgent_bob, True, but I've been amazed how much can change in a year.06:42
SurfnKidearthen, yep 5.10 just got it going earlier real easy setup. with the broadcom drivers.06:42
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Daskiestritium, I know, I found that out after I did, and now it doesn't work06:42
skippytheres a package called ubuntu-minimal, but i dont know if it has gnome06:42
FujitsuTry just gnome, jonathan_.06:42
tonyyarussoAgent_bob, I probably would upgrade for the new OOo alone myself.06:43
jonathan_Fujitsu, sudo apt-get install gnome06:43
Fujitsutonyyarusso, yeah.06:43
Fujitsujonathan_, yes.06:43
jonathan_Fujitsu, thanks will try :(06:43
pradeepjonathan_, apt-get install ubuntu-desktop06:43
MadpilotDaskies, reinstall the xsane package, after you remove the driver package06:43
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Fujitsupradeep, he said he didn't want that.06:43
earthenSurfnKid, O ok don't upgrade to dapper then cause it killed mine06:43
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pradeepoops sorry06:43
DaskiesMadpilot, How do you remove the driver package?06:43
danialArg, why can't people just follow networking standards06:43
jonathan_its okay :)06:43
particlemanglargh...ok, so I tried the other set of driver06:43
DaskiesMadpilot, sudo apt-get remove [package]  ?06:43
MadpilotDaskies, depends how you installed it06:43
Agent_bobtonyyarusso oo  i never mess with it.   but if i did i might agree with you.06:43
danialSeems like that would be easier than inventing new ones06:43
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tritiumSurfnKid: you should have mentioned you had broadcom earlier...06:44
DaskiesMadpilot, sudo apt-get install [package] 06:44
particlemanbut basically it looks like Ubuntu is detecting the wired card as eth0, and the wireless as eth106:44
SurfnKidearthen, yeah i killed Dapper today, full install and big wifi problems, now im back on 5.10  got wifi and the video card back up. Ill read some more on dapper later on06:44
tonyyarussoAgent_bob, Fair enough.  (I can't really talk here - we have a laptop running Windows 3.1 in my house.)06:44
SurfnKidtritium, ye06:44
particlemanbut it only wants to install either driver for eth0, not eth106:44
MadpilotDaskies, then sudo apt-get remove [thing] , yes06:44
SurfnKidtritium, i didnt like the eth1 thingy i was used to wlan006:44
ijeffHelp quick someone: There's no way to get my mobility radeon 7500 to reach 1900x1200 on my external monitor??06:44
Agent_bobtonyyarusso  that's more than a year old   shame on you....   lol06:44
earthenSurfnKid, yeah dapper is useless to me with out wifi  for my laptop06:44
particlemanwhich, needless to say, is kind of a problem :P06:44
ijeffHelp quick someone: There's no way to get my mobility radeon 7500 to reach 1900x1200 on my external monitor?? If not, ill be putting away this monitor (T_T)06:45
tonyyarussoAgent_bob, It's only like...oh dear...10?06:45
DaskiesMadpilot, And how do I reinstall? >_<06:45
tonyyarussoAgent_bob, Most stable Windows machine I've ever seen.06:45
SurfnKidearthen, exactly. which is why i just got back on Breezy06:45
RivaComWell im having trouble with the partition, because it shows a 4 items, primary 1,2,3 and pri/log, with prim 2,3 having 55gig, and 5gig how do i install it on just freespace?06:45
troy_sijeff:  uh is it a 20 inch crt?06:45
SurfnKidearthen, used up a lot of resources too, i still havent put my 1.7centrino on it. running 1.4 now06:45
MadpilotDaskies, I hardly ever use apt-get... there is something like apt-get reinstall, though06:45
troy_sijeff:  cuz you aren't getting 1900x1200 without 20" or more of crt.06:45
particlemanRiva-this I can kinda help with...they only all 4 primary partitions06:46
Agent_bobtonyyarusso yeah.  so why upgrade something that works....   and you will see my point.06:46
skippyijeff,  that depends on the capabilities of the card and the monitor - if they can do it then yes06:46
particlemanyou'll have to change one to an extended partition06:46
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tonyyarussoAgent_bob, Yep.06:46
particlemanand then subpartition that06:46
tritiumDaskies: apt-get install --reinstall <package name>06:46
Agent_bobtonyyarusso but i see yours also.06:46
ubotusomebody said restricted was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats06:46
RivaComso like the 55 gig one?06:46
ijefftroy_s: wait, i think i got the number wrong lol!06:46
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RivaComand this won't erase the windows stuff?06:46
particlemanso anyway...anyone got any further ideas on my problems?06:47
FujitsuRivaCom, not unless you tell it to.06:47
particlemanI don't think so06:47
_extricate_can anyone elaborate on that06:47
raguanuHelp Please : how to make Cnet Fast200WL ethernet adapter work in Ubuntu?06:47
=== JohnsonE [n=ubuntu@adsl-75-8-0-38.dsl.rcfril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
ijeffskippy: can i reach above 1024x168 if my external monitor supports? i can't figure out how to set it up06:47
earthenSurfnKid, I have my desktop on Dapper and have never been so happy06:47
JohnsonEhello again, all >_>06:47
JohnsonEis charles still here?06:47
DaskiesThanks, Madpilot and tritium. Should I restart too?06:47
particlemanah yes...the joys of wireless networking in linux06:47
ubotu- Ask your question and we'll try to answer it.06:47
Agent_bobparticleman i have not seen what your problem is,   care to repete ?06:47
particlemanthe one area where the beloved os still kind of sucks06:47
MadpilotDaskies, probably no need to reboot06:47
raguanuHelp Please : how to make Cnet Fast200WL ethernet adapter work in Ubuntu?06:47
particlemanI've got a dell 710m, with the dell 1370 internal wireless06:47
Madpilotparticleman, Cat5 is the One True Way, don't you know? ;)06:48
SurfnKidearthen, but u cant get wifi going?06:48
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ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Please be aware there are a lot of questions, but only maybe few who might know the answer for you. Please be patient. Your attitude may determine their willingness to help you.06:48
_extricate_i'm trying to change my default os, and i found this on ubuntu dapper but i'm not 100% on what it means, if anyone can elaborate on this lemme know06:48
SurfnKidpatience patience!06:48
particlemanwhich looks to be a Broadcom chipset06:48
=== SurfnKid smacks ubotu
Hexidigital_mmm.... who would've thought pretzels made of cheese would be so good06:48
skippyijeff you can set higher resolutions by running "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg", but you will always be limited by the capabilities of your hardware - you need to know what those capabilities are im afraid , linux wont tell you :(06:48
lonegeekhow can i set vlc to default video player?06:48
Agent_bobparticleman nough said.06:48
JohnsonEi need to know the command for making a hard drive (partition) with global write access. I was told to do "sudo gedit /etc/fstab" but it was already set to defaults06:48
particlemanI've followed the instructions best I can for ndiswrapper06:48
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particlemanthat bad huh?06:48
ijeffskippy: what sort of limitations?06:48
Madpilot_extricate_, we can't read a file that's only on your computer...06:48
SurfnKidparticleman, dapper or breezy06:48
particlemanthe system detects the wired plug as eth0, and the wireless as eth106:48
Agent_bobparticleman yeah.... i can't help.   sorry06:48
ToHellWithGA_extricate_: you realize you linked to a local file, right?06:48
earthenSurfnKid, no my desktop is wired, I'm trying to get wifi on my laptop06:48
Hexidigital_ubotu:: tell particleman about bcm43xx06:48
DaskiesMadpilot, Drats, didn't work. I run Xsane and then I get "scanning for devices" then if I put another window over top of it, and then put it to the top again it goes blank, and when I try and quit I get a force quit thing06:48
particlemanand ndiswrapper will only install for the wireless card06:49
_extricate_whooops lol06:49
SurfnKidearthen, ah06:49
particleman6.x...Dapper, yes?06:49
ToHellWithGAlol indeed :p06:49
SurfnKidparticleman, yep06:49
RootsIs there a way to find out what package a missing header file belongs to? I'm missing "GL/gl.h" but I've installed every OpenAL and video driver library I can think of (gl.h existed before I upgradted from breezy to dapper.....)06:49
JohnsonEi need to know the command for making a hard drive (partition) with global write access. I was told to do "sudo gedit /etc/fstab" but it was already set to defaults06:49
skippyijeff: all monitors have a maximum refresh rate which they are capable of at a given resolution.  Monitors also have a maximum resolution06:49
ToHellWithGA_extricate_: what's your question.  don't make everyone read something from a link if you can form a question06:49
FujitsuRoots, gl.h is part of OpenGL, not OpenAL.06:49
tritiumRoots: apt-file is useful for that06:49
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Hexidigital_particleman:: ubotu sent you a link to a page to set up your broadcom card... my suggestion is to get rid of ndiswrapper06:49
Fujitsu!find GL/gl.h06:49
ijeffskippy: i know for sure it can go higher than 1024x16806:49
skippyijeff: the average monitor is stuck at 1280x1024 @ 60khz refresh rate06:49
jrsimsHEY, how can I get drop-shadows in gnome?06:49
SurfnKidwell i gotta get some work done around here or ill be outta money :P06:49
RootsI mean OpenGL, sorry. Thanks06:49
ijeffskippy: i run it much higher than this on windows06:49
=== ToHellWithGA has no idea why he ended a question in a period rather than a question mark
particlemanthank you!06:50
=== Fujitsu apt-file searches.
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particlemanlet's see if this works06:50
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JohnsonEi need to know the command for making a hard drive (partition) with global write access. I was told to do "sudo gedit /etc/fstab" but it was already set to defaults06:50
skippyijeff, go into windows and note what resolution you use, then set up ubuntu to use that resolution06:50
Fujitsulibgl1-mesa-dev, Roots.06:50
lonegeekdoes anyone one know of a video to xvid convertor ( similiar to autogk for windows)06:50
ijeffskippy: but it doesn't seem to recognize my external monitor as my primary, is there a way to change this?06:50
DaskiesMadpilot, Any ideas? Is there another scanning software?06:50
MadpilotJohnsonE, what format is the partition?06:50
skippyijeff im afraid i dont know about that, your should be able to06:50
ubotuI guess ati is http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers06:50
MadpilotDaskies, I don't own a scanner myself, I'm afraid06:50
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ijeffskippy: 1600x1200?@ 77Hz06:51
DaskiesOh, drats, tritium?06:51
maikolphotoshop and/or flash work with wine?06:51
RootsI have libg11-mesa-dev installed already though :|06:51
MadpilotDaskies, have you see the Ubuntu wiki's scanner pages?06:51
JohnsonEmadpilot: ext3 (if you didn't see)06:51
uXpCan anyone help me out here?06:51
FujitsuRoots, apparently not.06:51
ToHellWithGAmaikol: does The GIMP not do it for you?06:51
ubotuIf you do not actually ask a question, we cannot actually help you. :)06:51
DaskiesMadpilot, Yes, totally unhelpful other than to tell me it can work >_<06:51
ijeffskippy: but the fact that i have an ati card, will it work? Radeon mobility 750006:51
maikolToHellWithGA: havent really tried the gimp yet06:51
uXpI need help installing my nvidia06:51
Fujitsumaikol, please do.06:51
srxnrj can't seem to find "flashplayer-nonfree"06:51
RootsWell synatpic shows it as installed. I will re-install it and see06:51
MadpilotDaskies, heh... been there, done that, with other hardware... :|06:51
maikolToHellWithGA: was just wondering. does it do animation?06:52
Versed`well it's there and free worth a shot.06:52
skippyijeff, run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and tell it you want that resolution, make sure you choose "medium" monitor setup and tell it to use that refresh rate and res06:52
Fujitsuubotu, tell uXp about nvidia06:52
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srxnrhow can i install flash in firefox06:52
ToHellWithGAmaikol: it's not as pretty as photoshop but do check it out.  it does animation06:52
FujitsuuXp, see the message from Ubotu.06:52
skippyijeff i dont see why not06:52
FujitsuToHellWithGA, it's great.06:52
JohnsonEsrx, did you ever get your disk writeable?06:52
skippyif the card can reach that res in windows then it can reach it in linux06:52
maikolalright then ill check it out. thanks ToHellWithGA and Fujitsu.06:52
kieran_Excuse my language, but this is fucking stupid.06:52
tritiumsrxnr: install flashplugin-nonfree06:52
Fujitsukieran_, watch your language please.06:52
ToHellWithGAFujitsu: i never said it wasn't.  i use it almost daily to tweak my cell phone camera pics into tolerable images06:52
Fujitsukieran_, what's the problem?06:52
kieran_installing ubuntu PPC06:52
Farnabyok, wtf, ubuntu is hanging instead of restarting and I need to get some sleep06:53
Versed`I have it running fine on a g4 45006:53
kieran_Thats nice.06:53
Fujitsukieran_, what's the /problem/?06:53
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kieran_The bootstrap partition.06:53
JohnsonEREPEAT: i need to know the command for making a hard drive (partition) with global write access. I was told to do "sudo gedit /etc/fstab" but it was already set to defaults06:53
Fujitsukieran_, what is it (not) doing?06:53
ijeffskippy: im there, i dont see a "medium" choice06:53
srxnrinstall flashplugin-nonfree06:53
srxnrsrxnr@XIXIXI-IXIXIX:~$ install flashplugin-nonfree06:53
srxnrinstall: missing destination file operand after `flashplugin-nonfree'06:53
srxnrTry `install --help' for more information.06:53
FujitsuJohnsonE, what format is the partition>06:53
maikolFarnaby: yeah that happened to me as well. just reset it via ctrl-alt backspace06:53
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .06:54
skippyijeff,  are you running the program?06:54
Farnabymiakol, done but just surprising06:54
ijeffskippy: yes06:54
maikolFarnaby: yeah06:54
srxnri thought it was going to paste slow06:54
tritiumsrxnr: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree06:54
Farnabyand crap timing06:54
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kieran_Ive formatted a 2.4mb partition as HFS, set the /boot flag, and i *STILL* get the error message "No NewWorld bootsrap partition was found, yaboot requires......."06:54
skippyijeff, it is a step by step process, monitor setup is right at the end - it is after the bit where you tell it what res you want06:54
Farnabysoon as this beer is gone its sleep time06:54
Daskiestritium, Any ideas?06:54
Farnabysmoke while reboot occurs06:54
maikolcheers, im off06:54
ijeffis it supposed to be past keyboard setup?06:54
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ijeffskippy: is it supposed to be past keyboard setup?06:55
skippyijeff, yes06:55
Hexidigital_Farnaby:: out of beer? i'll ssh you one06:55
ToHellWithGAFarnaby, maikol: peace06:55
tritiumDaskies: what's the status?06:55
skippyijeff,  quite a long way past06:55
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JohnsonEREPEAT: i need to know the command for making a hard drive (partition) with global write access. I was told to do "sudo gedit /etc/fstab" but it was already set to defaults06:55
skippyijeff,  just keep trying it untill it works06:55
ubotuNot a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, tritium06:55
Daskiestritium, "Drats, didn't work. I run Xsane and then I get "scanning for devices" then if I put another window over top of it, and then put it to the top again it goes blank, and when I try and quit I get a force quit thing"06:55
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you.  You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Please give it 10 to 15 minutes before asking a second time, thanks.06:55
srxnrcan't find the package06:55
FujitsuJohnsonE, what type of partition is it!?06:55
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tritiumsrxnr: it's in multiverse06:56
JohnsonEfujitsu: ext306:56
ToHellWithGAsrxnr: have you done a "sudo apt-get update" ?06:56
skippyJohnsonE,  paste your fstab to pastebin, so we can all look at it06:56
Daskiestritium, I've also tried typing "kooka" into the terminal, and nothing06:56
srxnrwhats a good book to learn linux?06:56
FujitsuJohnsonE, you'll need to set the permissions on it properly... But why do you want it world-writable!?06:56
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .06:56
srxnri noticed ubuntu uses debian06:56
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ToHellWithGAubotu: tell srxnr about multiverse06:56
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Fujitsusrxnr, it is a derivative of Debian.06:56
uXpgreat thanks guy!!06:56
Hexidigital_srxnr:: i read Learn Unix in 10 Minutes as a starter...06:56
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FujitsuNo problem, uXp.06:57
JohnsonEfujitsu: i don't want it WORLD writeable... just.. so i can write to it >_> I can't get to the fstab though because the internet doesn't work right on my installation.06:57
uXpquick question06:57
Hexidigital_srxnr:: that will get you up to speed on the basic commands06:57
=== Sivik [n=sivik@24-182-106-23.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSivik: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:57
ToHellWithGAsrxnr: if you ever want to try you luck with the bot, you can "/msg ubotu question" and see if it has any auto-replies.  they're usually helpful06:57
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JohnsonEI can tell you that /media/allegro is set to defaults and it had a 0 and a 2 by it..06:57
FujitsuJohnsonE, err... Why do you need internet access to get to the fstab!?06:57
_RCM_word!!! i finially got dual on my vaio laptop06:57
ijeffskippy: kk thx gonna restart06:57
uXpwhat is this thing they metion about hedgehog or breezy badger?06:57
srxnrthe apt-get update06:57
FujitsuJohnsonE, it's nothing to do with fstab.06:57
tritiumuXp: previous releases06:57
srxnri think it just read it06:58
srxnrnot installed06:58
JohnsonEfujitsu: internet works on my live cd, but not my installation. so I'm on the live cd now, not my actuall install06:58
Sivikok, what program do i need to install in order to view pages that mysql in them?06:58
uXpi have the recent ubuntu so i should be fine right?06:58
Hexidigital_uXp:: yes06:58
tritiumsrxnr: then you need to setup the multiverse repo, and apt-get update06:58
FujitsuJohnsonE, `sudo chown -R username:username /path/to/mountpoint.06:58
uXpk thx06:58
=== kieran_ tries again, sits back and waits for another error
ToHellWithGAsrxnr: check for a message where ubotu highlighted you.  i asked him to tell you about enabling multiverse06:58
skippyuXp,  its supported for 200 years :)06:58
ToHellWithGAhim?  her?06:58
JohnsonEfujitsu: username:username?06:58
SivikYou have an error in your SQL syntax, how do i fix that error06:58
ToHellWithGAis ubotu a her, you guys?06:58
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Hexidigital_skippy:: hehe... or at least until mankind exists06:58
FujitsuJohnsonE, replace it with your username.06:58
uXpwich ubuntu?06:58
FujitsuJohnsonE, or replace them both with 100006:59
srxnrToHellWithGA: I'm a bit confused.06:59
FujitsuSivik, where are you getting that error?06:59
skippyi imagine ubotu to be an attractive female script06:59
fishheadHello, I am using a ssh connection to connect with my website's server through nautilus and now I can edit files directly on the server with gedit, however I can't get gphpedit or gimp to edit files on the server the same way, can anyone out there help out?06:59
srxnrE: Couldn't find package flashplugin-nonfree06:59
danialtroy_s: If you are still here: Seems setting my IP to static and manually removing the router from the DNS list has fixed it06:59
SivikFugitsu: going to the www.marvel.com website06:59
ToHellWithGAsrxnr: there's a bot in this channel. her name is ubotu.  if i type "!tell srxnr about multiverse" uboto will send you a private notice... about multiverse :D06:59
tritiumsrxnr: did you enable the multiverse repo yet?06:59
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raguanuHello, Is there a way to make "CNet Fast200WL ethernet card" work in Dapper?06:59
JohnsonEok i'm gonna go try that, brb.06:59
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uXphelp! installing flash on firefox07:00
pacinoguys - I have a driver for a USB TouchScreen - telling me to install to /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/input - but Dapper doesn't have that folder by default - do I just create the folders or is there somewhere else for input drivers?07:00
ubotuuXp: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:00
Daskiestritium, I uninstalled xsane, and reinstalled, but nothing07:00
FujitsuSivik, that's their problem.07:00
SivikFugitsu: ok07:00
=== d00bysnax [n=source@c-67-187-92-234.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
xuexiewenhello,where can i download the glib07:00
tritiumDaskies: what was that driver package you installed?07:00
d00bysnaxcan anybody tell me where to download airodump for Ubuntu?07:00
tritiumxuexiewen: it's in the repositories07:00
kieran_No NewWorld boot partition was found. The yaboot boot loader requires an Apple_Bootstrap partition at least 819200 bytes in size, using the HFS Macintosh file system.07:00
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Daskiestritium, "libsane-extras" but I removed it07:00
danialIt is kinda a cheap way around it, but it does fix the problem.07:00
tritiumDaskies: is your scanner supported?07:00
uXpwho was gonna install flash on firefox here?07:01
ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats07:01
Daskiestritium, Yes07:01
tritiumDaskies: dunno, then07:01
=== _extricate_ [n=josh@c-68-41-212-155.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
danialI thought...07:01
Sivik!tell uXp about flash07:01
ToHellWithGAuXp: tritium was07:01
shrump_jimbohooray I got AMP running07:01
tritiumToHellWithGA: not me07:01
xuexiewenwhat the meaning of "repositorie"07:01
pacinodoes anyone know where X11 input drivers are installed under Dapper?07:02
ToHellWithGAoh right on you were telling srxnr07:02
uXphaha i got viewing restricted files on .avi and stuff!! =] 07:02
d00bysnaxcan anybody tell me where to download airodump for Ubuntu?07:02
xuexiewen#ubuntu --cn07:02
tritiumxuexiewen: servers where the packages can be obtained through apt-get, aptitude, or synaptic07:02
Daskiestritium, If I do "sudo /etc/init.d/hpoj setup" and probe for usb devices it doesn't go if that helps . . .07:02
_RCM_which repository is airodump found in?07:02
ToHellWithGAuXp: it's the same thing.  multiverse/universe deal with non-free formats and files07:02
tritiumDaskies: it's an HP?07:02
ijeffhmm who was I talking to before?07:02
d00bysnax_RCM_ i am askin that question too07:02
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Daskiestritium, Yes HP 1510xi fully supported07:03
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uXptohell what you mean?07:03
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ijeffIs there a way to set my external monitor from laptop as primary monitor?07:03
ToHellWithGAuXp: somebody sent you the link to flash.  it's the same as all the other non-free stuff.  it's multiverse07:03
Daskiestritium, I'm gonna' try putting it in a different USB port and restarting, so I'll brb07:03
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=== joey_botchat [n=jo@c211-28-238-164.sunsh1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
tritiumDaskies: okay07:03
uXpno i was tlaking about soemthing else07:03
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uXpwatching .av files and stuff07:04
uXpbut i get you07:04
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ToHellWithGAhi Desh_07:04
joey_botchatim trying to log into admin mode to install xamp, can anyone help me?07:04
uXpHow do i find out what kernel im running?07:04
tritiumjoey_botchat: just use sudo to install it07:04
skippyuname -r07:04
uXpinstall XMMS joey07:04
Farnabyall well, for now I can live in 800x60007:04
skippyuXp,  type "uname -r"07:05
joey_botchatwhat is xmms and how do i use sudo? sorry i just installed ubuntu yesterday07:05
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tritium!tell joey_botchat about sudo07:05
uXpxmms is like winamp07:05
ijeffIs there a way to set my external monitor from laptop as primary monitor?07:05
Desh_joey_botchat: Xmms is a winamp like audio player07:05
ToHellWithGAjoey_botchat: hold the phone07:05
joey_botchatwhy would i want winamp wen im trying to install xamp07:05
ToHellWithGAxmms is crap07:05
ToHellWithGAtry one of the other players07:05
_extricate_i'm running dual os right now and if anyone knows how to edit the menu.lst file so windows xp will be default when my system loads up do tell07:05
joey_botchatim trying to install xamp lol07:05
ToHellWithGAbeep-media-player is a revised xmms07:05
ToHellWithGAquod libet is pretty nice07:05
skippy_extricate_ yeah it should be easy, is windows allready on the menu.lst as an item?07:06
Healotfor amarok, you need akode libraries, restart the sound deamon, or worse restart your PC :)07:06
Healotbefore your can play your files07:06
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skippy_extricate_,  poste your grub config to pastebin and ill have a look for you07:06
ToHellWithGAHealot: the quod that comes with dapper is decent07:06
vinboywhenever i view flash using firefox, the firefox gets up to 90% and more07:06
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ijeffAnyone help me? - Is there a way to set my external monitor from laptop as primary monitor?07:07
devil_i need help with playing dvd's, can some one help??07:07
ToHellWithGAbuilding gstreamer from source to get bleeding edge quodlibet under breezy was a different matter07:07
_RCM_ijeff: find what you are looking for yet?07:07
ToHellWithGAdevil_: do you have a DVD player?07:07
ToHellWithGAi've never figured out why anyone would use a desktop to play DVDs07:07
devil_i guess so07:07
_RCM_ijeff: im not registered yet pvm me07:08
_RCM_i figured it out today07:08
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ToHellWithGAi usually put my DVDs in my DVD player and watch them on my TV07:08
FarnabytohellwithGA: region free is one reason07:08
devil_the totem, it couldn't read my DVD07:08
ToHellWithGAcall me crazy :p07:08
skippyToHellWithGA,  if your desktop is within range of your bed or your sofa then DVDs are fair game :)07:08
Hexidigital_ToHellWithGA:: i could if a projector was set up... a nice 62 inch wall as a screen :) (i keep dreaming)07:08
ToHellWithGAskippy: small monitor07:08
devil_lucky u, i don't have a dvd07:08
uXpi tried the nvidia thing and i get an error07:08
ToHellWithGAdevil_: good reason :D07:08
uXpError: your X configuration has been altered.07:08
uXpThis script cannot proceed automatically. If you believe that this07:08
uXpnot correct, you can update the md5sum entry executing the following07:08
uXpmd5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf | sudo tee /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum07:08
uXpotherwise edit manually /etc/X11/xorg.conf to change the Driver section07:09
ijeff_RCM_: hey07:09
uXpfrom nv to nvidia.07:09
devil_*tv actually07:09
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .07:09
ToHellWithGAi couldn't get totme to play a DVD i bought *cough*burned*cough* earlier today07:09
tritiumuXp: have you edited your xorg.conf ?07:09
ijeffAnyone help me? - Is there a way to set my external monitor from laptop as primary monitor?07:09
uXpidk what that is07:09
tritiumuXp: short way: change "nv" to "nvidia"07:09
devil_i can't even play songs07:09
devil_i can't sleep, without music07:10
uXphow do i do that?07:10
ToHellWithGAdevil_: what application are you trying?07:10
tritiumijeff: which video card?  how have you setup extended desktop or twinview or whichever?07:10
=== alkali [n=alkali@cpe-071-075-137-011.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
_RCM_ijeff: do you have a display on both so far?07:10
ToHellWithGAthat's like using windows media player for music in windows07:10
schmity_can i install ubuntu through firewire from my mac?07:10
skippysomeone needs to just stick all the restricted formats stuff into a script07:10
uXphow do i change nv to nvidia?07:10
ToHellWithGAthere are alternatives that work easier and better07:10
tritiumuXp: edit the file07:10
alkalinv is the nvidia driver.....07:10
devil_what r they ?07:10
ToHellWithGAdevil_: for music give beep-media-player a spin if you want old school winamp-esque styling07:10
troy_salkali: nv is the open source nvidia driver.07:11
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tritiumalkali: nvidia is the binary-only driver07:11
ToHellWithGAif you want library-based stuff try quod libet07:11
devil_winamp ?07:11
alkalitroy_s, right thats what we use in linux07:11
_RCM_uXp: download the actual nvidia driver instead of the opensource one07:11
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devil_lemme try07:11
alkaliI stand educated07:11
tritium_RCM_: no, there are ubuntu packages.  No need to download them07:11
uXpfrom a CD you mean? _RCM_?07:11
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troy_salkali:  there is a proprietary driver called 'nvidia'07:11
troy_salkali:  binary blob07:11
ToHellWithGAdevil_: rhythmbox, quod libet, and beep-media-player are the ones i'd recommend07:11
=== Daskies [n=Daskies@c-71-193-235-210.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
alkalikind of like there is an ati driver and an fglrx driver?07:11
tritiumuXp: do _not_ download them from nvidia.com.  They're already packaged up for you in ubuntu07:11
ToHellWithGAall three are available through synaptic07:11
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skippyuXp,  the nvidia driver is abtainable with "sudo apt-get install nvidia-kernel-common nvidia-glx"07:11
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avisskippy is that a 686 kernel ?07:12
tritiumdon't need the kernel-common package07:12
skippythen uXp  "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and change "vesa" or "nv" for nvidia07:12
Daskiestritium, Update: I moved it to two different ports, and each time I got a "cannot find" error. Also, on start up loading "pcmcia" fails07:12
_RCM_tritium: i meant get the one from apt-get and change X11 to use it07:12
kieran_For gods sake.07:12
tritium_RCM_: okay, cool07:12
skippyavis,  im not sure i think nvidia driver is availiable for all architectures07:12
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devil_rythmbox doesn't work07:12
kieran_Now i find out, you cant create a newworld boot partition via the gui based installer.07:12
ijeff_RCM_: yes i see the same on my external as on my laptop07:12
kieran_Youd think theyd mention that in the docs, eh07:13
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alkaliuXp, you could always sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and choose nvidia as the driver07:13
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ijefftritium: radeon mobility 7500 - twinview is working auto07:13
tritiumijeff: your'e using fglrx or ati driver?07:13
Sivikafter one installs those files and edits the xorg.conf file, will the nvidia work on the next restart of the xsession07:13
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_RCM_ijeff: if you could send me a copy of your X11 i could edit and comment changes07:14
ijefftritium: ati driver,  fglrx doesn't support mine07:14
ijeff_RCM_: where can i find that?07:14
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tritiumijeff: cool, see the manpage for "radeon".  It'll have the options you need for your xorg.conf07:14
Sivikijeff: ati is bad for linux07:14
alkaliis the radeon driver deprecated or just unused?07:14
tritiumijeff: e.g., "MonitorLayout"07:14
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ijeffsivik: it's all i got07:14
skippysemi-deprecated, it is still useful for certain cards07:14
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Sivikijeff: i'm sorry07:15
ijefftritium: manpage?07:15
mutil8anybody know what causes the installer to hang at 'detecting file systems'07:15
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tritiumijeff: type "man radeon", or use the gnome help system07:15
mutil8i've got an amd64 setup here on an NF4 board07:15
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uXphey alkali07:15
ToHellWithGAkieran_: it must be nice to have two PCs07:15
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fishheadcan someone help me with using gphpedit to edit files through a server connection in nautilus07:15
kieran_ToHellWithGA: what?07:15
alkalijust curious, there was an ati driver, radeon driver (old and new), and fglrx driver.07:15
=== Ashex [n=ahmed@c-24-16-108-94.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
pradeepim having problems installing mldonkey : mldonkey-server: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 107:16
acidjediHey all07:16
ToHellWithGAwhen i break something installing an OS i have to go to the library to get on IRC and fish myself out07:16
alkaliwhats up uXp \07:16
tritiumalkali: radeon options still work with ati driver07:16
=== Schalken [n=jesse@cor9-ppp2107.mel.dsl.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
AshexMy package management system appears to have been broken by a bad package. But for some reason I can't remove it: http://pastebin.com/76912107:16
acidjediMy windows just crashed, and I switched finally to ubuntu07:16
ToHellWithGAthen bring that recon back to my home and apply my fresh knowledge07:16
acidjediscrew windows07:16
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uXpi don't know what to do under the configure xserver-xorg07:16
kieran_ToHellWithGA: Im booting from the live cd at the min07:16
_RCM_ijeff: have you taken a look at the xorg.conf file yet?07:16
kieran_that is really pathetic though07:16
ToHellWithGAyeah it's not fun07:16
tritiumuXp: select nvidia, and then leave the rest as it is07:16
Schalkenwhere is ubuntu hard-disk partitioner?07:16
uXpits aking me for the amount of memory to be used by my vid card07:16
ijeff _RCM_: that's the app that walks you through or the text doc?07:16
kieran_even in the installer it tells you to create a newworld boot partition, Fails to mention that you cant do that from the installer!07:16
DaskiesOk, tritium, oddest thing. I went into printer congif and it had the printer listed as "network", and it's not. I told it to do it locally, and poof up comes the printer. I can print a test page fine, but it stil says it isn't there when I scan. I'll try and restart a last time, but on start up I also get a "pcmcia" failed error. How can I fix that?07:17
tritiumuXp: just accept the defaults on all that07:17
alkaliuXp you got under a terminal and typed in "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" right?07:17
JoseStefanSchalken: you could try gparted07:17
Sivikyeah, nvidia works07:17
skippySchalken, download "qtparted", its fairly easy to use07:17
_RCM_ijeff: sort of.....07:17
kieran_So you get through the install and have a useless install because theres no bloody bootloader.07:17
=== particleman [n=particle@70-37-177-156.lmdaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
particlemanok back07:17
kieran_Can i get into a text based install from dapper cd?07:17
particlemanwith not much more luck than before07:17
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tritiumDaskies: hard to say07:17
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ToHellWithGAkieran_: yeah.  install server07:17
alkaliuXp, alright the first screen you scroll through to find your driver which was nvidia I believe07:17
particlemanit looks like the machine sees the wireless card now07:17
particlemanwhich is great07:17
uXpfound it07:17
ijeff_RCM_: how do i get to it again?07:17
Daskiestritium, Everything else is fine, FYI. Is there a test I can do to see what's not working?07:18
alkaliuXp, hit enter07:18
particlemanbut ifconfig eth1 up fails07:18
kieran_ToHellWithGA: i want desktop though :-)07:18
ToHellWithGAi don't know how that would help your boot issues07:18
SurfnKidcan you do webcam thru gaim?07:18
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JoseStefankieran_: the "alternate" cd features a text install07:18
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particlemanor sudo ifconfig etc. if you prefer :)07:18
tritiumSurfnKid: not yet07:18
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Ashexso no suggestions for my problem?07:18
tritiumDaskies: for pcmcia?07:18
Ashexdamn, I guess I'm screwed07:18
_RCM_ijeff: as your current user vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf or if you are not big on vi issue this at the command line... gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:18
ToHellWithGAkieran_: if you get text-based it's the "server" choice during installation07:18
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QPAD|war-awayIs there a way to refresh your current ip? or perhaps open some ports? (my game-servers doesnt seem to go outside the LAN, any clues?)07:18
Daskiestritium, Yeah07:18
alkaliuXp, whats the next option?07:18
uXpthen it tells me to give it a name, left it as is and hit enter07:18
Daskiestritium, On start up everything is "ok" excluding "pcmcia"07:18
alkaliuXp, what came next07:18
ToHellWithGAQPAD|war-away: are you using a dynamic dns service?07:18
kieran_This really is stupid though, why dont they mention it in any of the docs?07:18
tritiumDaskies: check your logs in /var/log for errors, warnings, or clues at least07:18
_RCM_ijeff: you will not be able to change the file unless you add a sudo to that07:18
uXpthe thing asking for hte amount of ram to choose07:18
ToHellWithGAyeah i'll give you that, kieran_07:18
uXpi left it blank07:19
ToHellWithGAfile a report07:19
skippyQPAD|war-away, i think "ifconfig eth0 down" and then "ifconfig eth0 up" is as good a way as any07:19
SurfnKidtritium, how about another client that can receive webcam07:19
particlemannow that said, the howto has something about wl_apsta.o, and I'm not sure how to install that/what it is07:19
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fishheadI'll try again at another time07:19
alkaliuXp, leave it blank hit enter and then what07:19
uXpthen <enter>07:19
tritiumSurfnKid: ekiga07:19
kieran_I mean... a PPC install of linux is pretty useless without a bootloader07:19
uXpits asking me07:19
borishow do I restart X in Dapper?07:19
SurfnKidok ill try that07:19
Schalkenwhere can i get gparted?07:19
JoseStefanAshex: try removing the package completly, and installing it again07:19
ToHellWithGAkieran_: it could be you that finds a solution then reports it to the developers so it will be included in the next build07:19
uXpuse kernel framebuffer devices interface?07:19
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tritiumboris: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart, if you're using gdm07:19
AshexJoseStefan: I have, many times. http://pastebin.com/76912107:19
ijeff_RCM_:ok im in07:19
boristhanks mate!07:19
alkaliuXp, choose No07:19
tritiumuXp: no07:19
aawhere are xchat logs stored?07:19
AshexJoseStefan: It refuses to uninstall or be purged07:19
=== tritium must sleep now
tritiumDaskies: I've got to go.  Good luck, okay?07:20
uXpauto detect keyboard layout07:20
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valehruaa, ~/.xcht/07:20
Daskiestritium, when I "sudo gedit /var/log" I get a cannot open error. Is there a different way to open it?07:20
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valehruaa, ~/.xcaht/07:20
_RCM_ijeff: yeah ok let me pull up mine and take a look at it real fast07:20
Farnabynote to self, get bitchx07:20
tritiumDaskies: /var/log is a directory07:20
alkaliuXp, hit yes07:20
DaskiesPoo, bye tritium07:20
aavalehru, ty07:20
Schalkenwhere can i get gparted?07:20
=== particleman awaits an answer, and tries to make himself useful in the meantime
Daskiestritium, Ah >_<07:20
JoseStefanAshex: have you tried with synaptics?07:20
tritiumDaskies: so, look at the files _under_ /var/log07:20
QPAD|war-awayskippy, OK, but im not in the serverhall, would this disconnect me frmo putty ?07:20
_RCM_tritium: ever tried arch linux...or maybe this is not the channel to discuss such thing son07:20
skippySchalken "apt-get gparted" or synaptic07:20
ToHellWithGASchalken: try "apt-cache search gparted"07:20
valehruoff to bed07:20
Hexidigital_Schalken:: sudo apt-get install gparted07:20
uXp"enter keyboard layout"  >US <enter>07:20
particlemanSchalken-I believe it's included by default with ubuntu07:20
tritium_RCM_: nope07:20
AshexJoseStefan: what do you mean with synaptics?07:20
valehruneed at least 4 hours sleep to function07:20
Hexidigital_valehru:: that much sleep ?07:21
valehruAshex, synaptics is a package manager07:21
SurfnKidtritium, do i have to download that from somewhere else? ekiga? i cant find it in synaptic07:21
Schalkenskippy: oh okay thankjs07:21
_RCM_tritium: if you know your way around linux pretty well check it out sometime07:21
uXp"select the XKB rule to use"   what do i do?07:21
JoseStefanAshex: "Synaptic Package Manager"07:21
tritiumvalehru: no "s" at the end07:21
skippyQPAD|war-away,  taking the interface down will disconect you , yes07:21
valehruHexidigital_, yup, its a lot i know07:21
ToHellWithGASchalken: when in doubt, "apt-cache search blahblahblah" will dig through the available packages for blahblahblah.  add a |grep term to refine it07:21
AshexJoseStefan: Yeah, I used that in Debian. But Kubuntu doesn't have it07:21
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tritium_RCM_: I do, but I'm ubuntu through-and-through07:21
Hexidigital_valehru:: :) cheers07:21
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Goeland86hey, how can set the proper module for my pcmcia card, instead of having to unload the wrong one detected first?07:21
skippyQPAD|war-away,  ifconfig down and up is basically like rebooting your machine - except it only reboots the lan card07:21
valehrutritium, im a lttle tired07:21
tritium_RCM_: anyway, why would I want to?07:22
woodwizzlewhat is the difference between libbeagle0 and beagle?07:22
tritiumvalehru: so am I07:22
valehruthen get to bed07:22
danhas anyone worked with ubuntu server lamp07:22
Healotbeagle -> Application, libbeagle0 -> the runtime library07:22
ToHellWithGAok pretty pretty people.  i'm going to bed too07:22
ToHellWithGAcya tomorrow07:22
_RCM_tritium: i respect that.....i guess i mentioned it because it is fun to try challenging distros...its also small and you make it what you want ....but yeah i am dapper all the way07:22
valehrulaters person from georgia07:22
valehrualso in GA by the way07:23
tritium_RCM_: cool07:23
alkaliCan anyone tell me how to use inintramfs instead of initrd?07:23
JoseStefanAshex: you don't seem to have the required multiverse repository07:23
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acidjediCould someone help me in pm for a second?07:23
QPAD|war-awayskippy, will it boot it up aswell ?07:23
woodwizzleHealot, Thats kinda what I thought... I'm still a little confused though. How is the library useful without an app to use it? So why does dapper come with the library but not the app07:23
Hexidigital_ToHellWithGA:: aka William T Sherman?07:23
Farnabyno, pmsaren't allowed it you aren't regged07:23
JoseStefanAshex: i only see "multiverse" in dapper-backports07:23
AshexJoseStefan: do you know where I can get the complete repositories list?07:23
acidjediHow do I register?07:23
Geoffrey2particleman, let me guess, you're one of the many poor souls trying to make the Broadcom chipset work with Ubuntu..07:23
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_RCM_ijeff: this might be a little trick i can send you a copy of my x11 and comment some sectins that might be of intrest to you or you can send me a copy of yours and i can take a look at it07:23
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tritiumacidjedi: /msg nickserv help register07:23
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particlemanyep I am07:23
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skippyQPAD|war-away, no ifconfig eth0 down will disable the lan card and release its IP, ifconfig eth0 up will bring it back up07:24
JoseStefanAshex: hmm, in regular Ubuntu, there is an option called "Software Properties" don't know about kubuntu07:24
particlemanmade the mistake of not spending the extra 30 or 40 bucks for the intel wireless card on my new dell laptop07:24
ijeff_RCM_: sure, send over yours, it'd be great07:24
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JoseStefanAshex: the "update manager" is also capable of configuring the repositories with ease07:24
acidjediOk I'm regged, if someone could pm to help?07:24
ToHellWithGAHexidigital_: not like that.  more like to hell with the UGA bulldogs07:25
particlemanI'm using this howto- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx07:25
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Farnabyacidjedi, what is the problem, not that I am regged but give me an idea07:25
ToHellWithGAand don't highlight me when i'm going to bed, jeez :p07:25
uXpum sry got disconnected07:25
uXpwho was i tlaking to?07:25
Hexidigital_ToHellWithGA:: :) nite07:25
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AshexJoseStefan: Where can I get the repositorie locations to add into the list?07:25
ToHellWithGAuXp: with 850 people somebody can prolly help07:25
Geoffrey2particleman, and you're following instructions on ubuntuforms, titled How to: *Updated* Broadcom wireless cards?07:25
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ToHellWithGAjust ask again07:25
ToHellWithGAnight all07:25
acidjediI don't remember ever typing a root password, and it keeps asking for it. I know root is disabled, but I need the pass07:25
uXpbut he was with me =[07:25
=== helloyo [n=alex@c220-239-5-167.belrs4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
r0xzi can't get grip to play a cd, is there something i should check?07:26
particlemanbut I'm a bit confused by the wl_apsta.o bit, and it doesn't work right yet07:26
skippyacidjedi,  when does it ask you for it?07:26
QPAD|war-awayskippy, though so, then i cant do anything from home. bah07:26
JoseStefanAshex: let me see if i can find kubuntu relevant info07:26
helloyoi cannot set my desired resolution (settings, xorg.conf), what can i do?07:26
acidjediI'm attempting to install cedega through CVS, and it asks for it at some point07:26
SurfnKidcan anyone get to http://www.ekiga.org07:26
Schalkenhow do i resize ubuntu's disk partition from within ubuntu?07:26
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Geoffrey2particleman, first off, which model Broadcom are you trying to get to work?07:26
woodwizzleto use network-manager do you just have to apt-get it or is there more to it?07:26
uXpy0 tritium07:26
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particleman4318 I believe...lemme check again07:26
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_RCM_ijeff: i cant send the file over irc because i am not a registerd nick07:27
skippyQPAD|war-away,  releasing an IP will always sever a connection , you could always write  a script which takes it down and puts it back up again - but its a bit risky - if it goes wrong your cut off from your box07:27
mutil8is there a problem with accessing SATA drives on an NF4 board?07:27
_RCM_ijeff: let me see if i can post it somewhere07:27
particlemanyep, 431807:27
ijeff_RCM_: kk thx, unless you have aMSN?07:27
mutil8the installer to hang at 'detecting file systems'07:27
Schalkenhow do i resize ubuntu's disk partition from within ubuntu? :(07:27
JoseStefanAshex: see if this guide helps, there is a Kubuntu section (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto)07:27
_RCM_ijeff: i have aol im?07:28
particlemanoh bugger...the howto says the firmware method goes bonk in Apples07:28
helloyoSchalken: you cant resize mounted partitions, so you can't resize the partition you are using07:28
particlemanI guess I have to be more specific with it?07:28
mutil8and when i try to manually setup the partitions using fdisk, it tells me 'unable to open /dev/sda'07:28
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Hexidigital_ubotu:: tell acidjedi about root07:28
ijeff_RCM_: I can get on07:28
JoseStefanAshex: you basicly need "multiverse" if you want Sun's Java07:28
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Geoffrey2particleman, AirForceOne?07:28
intelikeywho has a place to post a small utility script for use with deborphan ?07:28
_RCM_ijeff: cool07:29
xuexiewenhow to use the glib07:29
_RCM_ijeff: screen name?07:29
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ijeff_RCM_: ijeffchat ;)07:29
Schalkenhelloyo: could i do it from within the ubunu livecd?07:29
particlemanI guess I have to be more specific with it?07:29
Geoffrey2particleman, ah...I don't have an apple...and is, I gave up on even getting the Broadcom to work...for the time being anyway07:29
acidjediHexidigital_: That didn't help :(07:29
particlemanyep...AirforceOne, on a dell 710m07:30
particlemannot an apple07:30
skippySchalken,  ADFAIK the only type of linux parition that can be resized is reiserFJS07:30
gavagaiis there a "default" ftp server on ubuntu?  i installed proftpd, which i've used before, but the defauilt config file only has examples for anon ftp07:30
Hexidigital_acidjedi:: sorry, short memory... what did i have you do?07:30
SurfnKidtritium, what ekiga version are you on07:30
acidjediubotu told me about root07:30
ubotuacidjedi: Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:30
acidjedibut it didn't help07:30
skippySchalken,  the live CD does come with a partitioning tool, but i doubt it will let you resize an ext307:30
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particlemanGeoffrey2-you had no luck with that model?07:30
gavagaii no longer have my old config file and just want something quick to setup07:30
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Hexidigital_acidjedi:: you have to sudo su, essentially07:30
skippyacidjedi, read what i told you07:30
sleeperwhats the best movie player ubuntu comes with?07:30
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Schalkenskippy: so there is no hope of installing winxp on my computer without wiping my harddrive?07:30
AshexJoseStefan: which repositorie would I add that to? would you know?07:31
acidjediskippy: what did you tell me, pm again07:31
Geoffrey2particleman, if you scroll down, most of the problems people had with that instruction set were using the AirForceOne07:31
AshexBah, I'll just try google again for it07:31
HealotSchalken: there is hope07:31
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Keene_MaverickQuick question for anyone who cares to answer: I'm wanting to switch to Ubuntu. I just have a few issues... I have 3 monitors -- is it possible to have a setup like this with Ubuntu, and how difficult will it be to set it up. Also, what advantages/disadvantages would I have if I went with the 64 bit version? I understand the flash player doesn't work -- anything else?07:31
aawhere are the xchat logs stored again, last time?07:31
skippyacidjedi, just use your normal password whenever your asked for one07:31
JoseStefanAshex: you need to add "multiverse" to at least the "dapper" repository07:31
HealotKeene_Maverick: you can actually work Flash out07:31
uXpwhat is hte difference between an ImPS/2 and an ExplorerPS/2 Mouse?07:31
acidjediI tried that07:31
acidjediit didn't work07:31
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Hexidigital_aa:: ~/.xchat207:32
acidjedisays authentification failed07:32
JoseStefanAshex: ...if you are using dapper that is07:32
Healotcheckout the Firefox/Flash on AMD64 wiki page07:32
DarkMageZKeene_Maverick, it IS possible to setup all 3 screens working, but i've heard it's difficult07:32
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skippyacidjedi, what command were you trying to run?07:32
Schalkenskippy: so there is no hope of installing winxp on my computer without wiping my harddrive?07:32
uXpwhat is hte difference between an ImPS/2 and an ExplorerPS/2 Mouse?07:32
skippyacidjedi, you cant do "su", you have to do "sudo su" to become root07:32
acidjediI know07:32
DarkMageZKeene_Maverick, healot is right, flash can be worked out, but you won't beable to use the w32codecs07:32
AshexJoseStefan: I'm using dapper07:32
acidjediBut its not in that specific situation07:32
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acidjediits part of a script07:32
acidjediand it asks for the root password07:32
troy_skeene:  the only issue is wmv encoded files07:33
skippySchalken, if you allready have one massive ubuntu parition taking up the entire disk, then AFAIK you wont be able to shrink it to make room for windows07:33
Healotbtw, mplayer site has the source code for w32codes which can be compile on the 64bit Linux,,,,07:33
Keene_MaverickThanks Healot and DarkMageZ;; the w32codecs is kinda important for me, so I'll probably use the 32 bit kernel. :)07:33
Hexidigital_Schalken:: skippy is correct07:33
skippySchalken, sorry mate, i know its harsh07:33
troy_skeene:  the ONLY problem is with WMV.  you can get everything else.07:33
Farnabyschalken, I agree with skippy there07:33
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skippyi think reiserfs is resizable07:33
skippybut not ext3 :(07:33
troy_skeene:  in particular, what codec you want?07:33
Schalkenskippy: so i have to reinstall ubuntu AGAIN???07:33
Schalkenyes, it is harsh07:34
aawhat's a lighter text app in synaptic?07:34
HealotI have no problem playing MS-MPEG4 files with the newly compiled codecs from mplayer's site07:34
Farnabyat least its an easy install07:34
Hexidigital_Schalken:: or install vmware-server and use a virtual windows machine07:34
troy_skeene: divx/xvid etc all work fine.  realplayer is possible via the 64bit cheat in firefox, etc.07:34
=== Farnaby shrugs
Fujitsuaa, ?07:34
=== Daskies [n=Daskies@c-71-193-235-210.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
JuhazOnei just noticed my usb stick doesn't work like it used to. it probably has a lot to do with me upgrading from breezy to dapper07:34
intelikeyubuntu partition ?07:34
uXpwhat is hte difference between an ImPS/2 and an ExplorerPS/2 Mouse?07:34
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Keene_Mavericktroy_s: I have countless movies of all kinds -- I kinda need them all :P07:34
=== Schalken [n=jesse@cor9-ppp2107.mel.dsl.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
FujitsuJuhazOne, what's it (not) doing now?07:34
aaFujitsu, a light text editing app07:34
AshexJoseStefan: Woo! It's updating!07:34
DaskiesI get http://pastebin.com/769145 When running sudo /etc/init.d/hpoj setup  anyone know why?07:34
Fujitsuaa, nano?07:34
Schalken*sigh* that sucks07:34
AshexI just hope it installs07:34
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Hexidigital_Schalken:: did you hear what i said07:34
JuhazOneFujitsu: it used to show up on my kde desktop right after i plugged it in07:34
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skippySchalken, if you can somehow backup your linux parition, you can just copy it back on after youve installed and have essentially the same system07:34
aaFujitsu, like the equivalent to notepad07:34
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particlemanalright...I'm scrolling down, I'm gonna try editing the interfaces file07:35
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Fujitsuaa, nano.07:35
JuhazOneFujitsu: now it doesn't and i'm even unable to mount it by hand07:35
Hexidigital_Schalken:: you there?07:35
HealotuXp: technically no... just difference on the button layout... just select ImPS/2 if you have a regular PS2 mouse07:35
particlemanthat said, what is wl_apsta.o?07:35
Schalken*starts backing up my home directory*07:35
FujitsuJuhazOne, what's the error?07:35
JoseStefanAshex: you could add multiverse to dapper-updates as well, to recieve updates, same goes for dapper-security07:35
JuhazOnemount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /media/usb-storage used to work07:35
=== DBO [n=DBO@cpe-65-185-133-122.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Hexidigital_Schalken:: you can install vmware server, and use a virtual windows machine07:35
JuhazOnethere is no error07:35
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skippySchalken,  Hexidigital_  has a very valid point07:35
uXphealo, i ahev a mx1000 mouse from logitech07:35
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JuhazOnedmesg reports: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 1507:35
HealotuXp: a USB mouse?07:35
Fujitsuskippy, Scalken is long gone.07:35
xuexiewenwhy nobody help me07:35
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Hexidigital_Schalken:: that's what i do for my few *needed* windows apps07:35
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particlemananyone? :)07:35
Keene_MaverickWould anyone happen to know where a 3+ monitor setup howto is located? I've found plenty of 2 monitor setup guides... I use both an NVidia and an ATI card, so I think it's going to be a tad difficult.07:35
intelikeyaa abiword is not light but it's lighter than oo07:36
skippyFujitsu,  ah i see lol :)07:36
Schalkenskippy, Hexidigital_: the reason i want to install windows is to play games. so i would prefer to run windows natively07:36
ubotuIf you do not actually ask a question, we cannot actually help you. :)07:36
Healotxuexiewen: ask the question?07:36
onemanI am having lots of trouble trying to get zaptel for asterisk to work on ubuntu, infact, there is not even any packages for the kernel module, only the source as far as I can tell, can anyone help me?07:36
Hexidigital_Schalken:: ah, i see07:36
AshexJoseStefan: Eh, it looks like Adept Manager doesn't support interactive installs (You know, where whatever your installing prompts you for configuration options)07:36
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FarnabyI just run my laptop in windows07:36
xuexiewenhow to use glib07:36
uXpits a USB mouse07:36
HealotuXp: just select auto for usb mouse07:36
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FujitsuFarnaby, why>?07:36
Farnabybecause I have to take it to work sometimes07:36
skippySchalken, ok mate, well just make sure you backup the whole of /home and at least you wont have to worry about losing your documents07:36
Healotif you choose to edit the xorg.conf manually for the "mouse" section07:36
JuhazOneFujitsu: it looks like other people have had similar problems (posts on forums and bug reports)07:36
Farnabyits what I am on right now actually07:36
uXpits telling me to select IMPPS/2 or EXPLORERPS/207:36
Hexidigital_Farnaby:: Ubuntu IMO has better power management/ memory management07:36
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JoseStefanAshex: now that the sources are fixed, you could re-try the console commands you were using.07:36
HealotuXp: ImPS/207:37
xuexiewenHealot:how to use glib07:37
FujitsuJuhazOne, works fine for me. Can you add a comment to one of the bug reports, and direct me to one?07:37
FujitsuWhat about glib, xuexiewen?07:37
JuhazOneyea i suppose07:37
Healotxuexiewen: you mean like compiling program that uses glib?07:37
Farnabyhexi: I don't determine what to put on my work laptop that they give me... but then agian I do know more then at least some of the tech suport staff07:37
skippySchalken, let me suggest that when you next install you consider sepearte boot, home and / paritions for linux - give windows a primary parition and then give linux seperate home root and boot inside an extended parition07:37
AshexJoseStefan: Yup, it appears to be working now07:37
Hexidigital_Farnaby:: lol... i know how that feels07:37
AshexJoseStefan: thanks for all the help, I was afraid I'd have to reinstall kubuntu :S07:38
skippysorry guys about my typing today, it really is the suX0r :P07:38
uXpit says07:38
uXpemulate 3 button mouse, what do i do since i have am MX1000 mouse?07:38
JoseStefanAshex: ok, np07:38
Healotxuexiewen: just install ""build-essential"" package, the libglib-dev... and compile... pre-setup07:38
Farnabybest day of my recent work career was conning them into givving me admin access on my work desktop... since then I haven't called them I just ix it myself07:38
skippyuXp,  3 buttons is what you want07:38
Farnabyskippy, I am drunk, whatever07:38
uXp<YES> or <NO>07:38
JuhazOneFujitsu: hmm, is it a good idea to post to one of the existing reports if they're using breezy and i'm using dapper?07:38
Healotjust give the static option, if you want do need static compilation... xuexiewen07:38
uXpshould i emulate a 3 button mouse?07:38
skippyuXp <yes>07:39
JoseStefanuXp, you only need to emulate if you have a 2 button mouse07:39
FlanneluXp: isn't that a three button mouse?07:39
FujitsuJuhazOne, is it exactly the same error?07:39
uXpomg so many answers07:39
HealotuXp: for mx mouses, no, if you have three button mouse07:39
Farnabythey still make 2 button mouses?07:39
JuhazOneFujitsu: there is no error. it's just not working like it used to07:39
FujitsuFarnaby, I haven't seen one in years.07:39
skippyi have a razer diamondback with 9 bottons and emu 3 button mouse works fine for me07:39
Farnabyniether have I07:39
HealotuXp: you can even choose no, if you like 2 mouse button functionally07:39
JoseStefanuXp, the option emulates a third button by using gestures07:39
uXpso since i have an mx1000 mouse i shouldn't emulate a 3 button mouse..correct?07:39
FujitsuJuhazOne, please look for a Dapper bug, and, if there isn't one, please file one.07:39
xuexiewenbut i still dont understand07:39
FujitsuJoseStefan, NO!07:40
HealotuXp: no, i guess07:40
JuhazOneyeah, might do that07:40
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JoseStefanam i confused?07:40
skippyit isnt important uXp just hit yes :) IMO07:40
FujitsuJoseStefan, it emulates it by clicking both buttons at once.07:40
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FujitsuHi, Aegir.07:40
particlemanhey...sorry to be a pest, but what the heck is wl_apsta.o???07:40
uXpi hit NO =\07:40
skippyuXp,  dont worry too much, many of these options in xorg arnt important really07:40
AegirHeya, Fujitsu07:40
particlemanand how do I make sure it's properly installed?07:40
JoseStefanto my understanding, you only need emulation if you dont have a third button, aka a 2 button mouse. Am i correct?07:40
HealotuXp: your middle mouse button should work, if you have any07:40
FlannelJoseStefan: or a one button mouse07:40
skippythey can all be easily changed, so just relax - if in doubt hit enter for the estbalished defaults uXp07:40
uXpi have like a 5+ button mouse an mx100007:41
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FlanneluXp: right.  You have three buttons, you can get the rest working later, there's a howto07:41
Farnabyflannel: so if you are running an early g4?07:41
uXpok good07:41
Hexidigital_well folks... bedtime... goodnight everyone07:41
JoseStefanFlannel: in that scenario, you wont be able to click both at once, and get the 3rd button emulation :S07:41
skippywell i have a 9 botton mouse and it works the same with both "emulate 3" and without :)07:41
FlannelJoseStefan: I believe in that case you use keyboard keys, just like mac people are used to.07:41
Sivikanyone here use enlightenment07:42
uXp Select the X.Org server modules that should be loaded by default.07:42
JoseStefanwith emulation on, you basicly have 1 more way of representing that 3rd button07:42
uXpwich should i check?07:42
Keene_MaverickSivik: I <3 enlightenment07:42
uXpim guessing just leave them as is07:42
skippycan you use compiz with enlightenment?07:42
intelikeyJoseStefan you don't 'need' 3 button emulation on a two or one button mouse.  but it allows you to click both at one time and acts as if you clicked the third button.    (for a two that is)07:43
DaskiesI get http://pastebin.com/769145 When running sudo /etc/init.d/hpoj setup  anyone know why?  Please?07:43
skippyuXp, did you install nvidia drivers?07:43
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uXpno im still doing it right now07:43
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skippyif you did uXp , then untick "dri"07:43
uXpso many screens to answer07:43
robin____anyone here use zsnes? the sound is cracky any way to fix?07:43
JoseStefanintelikey: but it can come very handy, if you dont physically have a 3rd button07:43
skippyuXp, untick "dri", it gets in the way of nvidia drivers07:43
Farnabyrobin: not here really07:43
uXpok ill let you nwoe whne sincei mconfused right now07:43
JuhazOnewish this wasn't so difficult07:43
uXpwhat should i say?07:44
uXp Write default Files section to configuration file?07:44
DaskiesI get http://pastebin.com/769145 When running sudo /etc/init.d/hpoj setup  anyone know why?  Please?07:44
skippyuXp, yes07:44
paul_I have a question. Some of my apps used to minimize to the panel and show an icon there. Now none of them do. Is there any way to fix this?07:44
intelikeyJoseStefan not so much in the console, but in X yes it can.07:45
skippypaul_,  you might want to right click on the panel and add a notification area, that might help07:45
skippywith the empasis on "might" :)07:45
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paul_Go it. Thanks for the help. Damn I feel so dumb.07:46
uXpWrite monitor sync ranges to configuration file?07:46
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skippyyes uXp07:46
DaskiesAnyone? I get http://pastebin.com/769145 When running sudo /etc/init.d/hpoj setup  anyone know why? I've searched every doc around, but alas, nothing07:46
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uXpthe window dissapeared looks like it finished hte wizard, now what07:47
intelikeyDaskies a 'setup' option in an init script ?07:47
skippyuXp, did you install the nvidia drivers? download them i mean?07:47
JoseStefanuXp: restart X07:47
Daskiesintelikey, Don't know, I just did what the docs told me, and I got that error07:48
kieran_Ok, added a bootstrap partition with mac-fdisk, If it works, yay, if not ill be back when ive reconfigured x and network settings07:48
kieran_later, and thanks ppl07:48
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JuhazOnei don't have the patience to go through filing a bug report :(07:49
SivikKeene_Maverick, how do i get to a file browser07:49
JuhazOnestill, this is odd. my system seems to recognize the stick allright. i just can't mount it.07:49
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skippyJuhazOne, surely it automounts if its a stick?07:49
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JoseStefanis there more to the DVD version of ubuntu than just desktop+alternate ?07:49
skippyJoseStefan,  yes, server07:49
JuhazOneskippy: huh? the problem is that the usb stick doesn't mount, either automatically or by hand07:49
skippyi believe07:49
JoseStefanskippy, it's a lot bigger than the sum of the 3 cds07:50
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skippyJuhazOne, if your using dapper it should just automount07:50
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uXpim back guys07:50
uXplooks like the settings worked drivers installed07:50
JuhazOneskippy: well it certainly should..07:50
skippyJoseStefan, i think they just bloated it with semi useful packages from the official tree07:50
JuhazOneskippy: it used to when i was in breezy. i suppose it stopped working then i upgraded to dapper07:50
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uXpsince i have two monitors it switched to my default one =] 07:50
SurfnKidtritium, can ekiga do msn webcam or what do u recommend07:50
intelikeyDaskies that's odd indeed.  did you get that init script from the vendar(hp) ?07:51
uXpcan i use ubuntu on dual monitor?07:51
skippyJuhazOne, all i can suggest is to troubleshoot with another stick, if it doesnt work then something is bodged in dapper07:51
JoseStefanuXp, you can test the drivers by using glxgears07:51
JuhazOneyeah. i just don't have another stick :(07:51
skippyi think that it is udev that is used to automount usb07:51
uXphow do i do that07:51
skippyuXp, "glxgears -printfps"07:51
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skippyor "glxgears -iacknowledgethisisnotabenchmark" :)07:52
JohnsonEyou guys were right.. reinstalling linux didn't fix my internet problem.07:52
Keene_MaverickThanks for your help everyone!07:52
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FlanneluXp: what's the fps reporting?07:52
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uXpit has multiple lines07:52
Geoffrey2which Java is preferable on Ubuntu/i386..the Free version or the Sun version?07:52
uXpits at :52630 frames in 5.0 seconds = 10525.912 FPS right now07:52
SivikuXp: then your 3d acc is working07:53
MadpilotGeoffrey2, the Sun version actually works ;)07:53
skippyGeoffrey2,  blackdown java is known to be weak to say the least07:53
uXpstill going07:53
FlanneluXp: you've got accell going for you then, if you didn't it'd be like 30fps07:53
JoseStefanuXp, i think it's working, nice number by the way07:53
Healotif you need Sun's compliant bytecode07:53
SivikuXp: do you have the window covered up or can you see it?07:53
Luna-TickThat is decent...07:53
uXpi can see it07:53
uXpstill going!!07:53
skippyanyone used Sun Solaris here? would i find it a joke after using dapper :)07:53
Sivikctrl-c to exit07:53
HealotGeoffrey2: actually on ALL platform where you need Java07:53
uXp60135 frames in 5.0 seconds = 12026.937 FPS07:53
skippyuXp,  yeah it will go untill you break it07:53
SivikuXp: what kind of card is it?07:53
skippyuXp,  thats very good, what card do you have07:53
Healotskippy: what about Solaris?07:54
uXpgefore nvidia 680007:54
skippyim guessing 6600gt07:54
skippyah :_07:54
SivikuXp: i get like 5k with a 660007:54
JoseStefani get like 1300 fps  :(07:54
paul_Anyone have experience with anjuta?07:54
=== FR500_ [n=andres@81.230.uio.satnet.net] has joined #ubuntu
HealotSolaris is no joke...07:54
uXpso um07:54
SivikJoseStefan, what card is it?07:54
skippyHealot,  is it a good desktop OS for a casual user? i would use it for media and websurfing07:54
uXpwhat do i do now07:54
intelikeyapt-file is all most completely unusable for dialup users.07:54
uXpstill running07:54
JuhazOneskippy: it may be udev... is there a way i could use this info?07:54
CornelliusIs Solaris written all in Java ?07:54
JoseStefanSivik: 5200 FX07:54
Healotskippy: it isn't a desktop Os... that's the point07:54
FR500skippy: it's good for everything07:54
FujitsuCornellius, urgh. No.07:54
uXp64383 frames in 5.0 seconds = 12876.531 FPS07:55
CornelliusFujitsu: Phew07:55
HealotSolaris written in C/C++ and some assembly07:55
SivikJoseStefan, then thats about right07:55
FR500as long as you can figure it out07:55
JoseStefanSivik: i know... but i want BIG numbers :D07:55
uXpdo i just let it roll on or what do i do?07:55
skippyi might try it, i heard that it wasnt very good on x86 platform, but the review i read seemed very anti-Sun so i might try it for myself07:55
uXpcause its still going07:55
Luna-TickuXp: just click the [x] 07:55
JoseStefanuXp: just close the window when you are tired of it07:55
SivikJoseStefan, then buy a 6800 or a 780007:55
HealotI am using Solaris on both x86 and S07:55
skippyuXp, focus the terminal window and hold control-c07:55
Healotparc at my office07:56
=== particleman [n=particle@70-37-177-156.lmdaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
particlemanback again07:56
Healotfor chatting i prefer Windows :)07:56
particlemanI hate this07:56
FujitsuHealot, :O :O07:56
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FR500how can i mount mds cd images in ubuntu?07:56
Fujitsuparticleman, hate what?07:56
uXpum whats it doing07:56
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uXpdo i keep holding it?07:56
FujitsuFR500, you need to convert it to a normal ISO.07:56
FujitsuuXp, no.07:56
particlemanthe Broadcom 4318 chipset07:56
FR500Fujitsu: how?07:56
uXplol /confusd but ok07:57
Luna-TickWhat is an mds?07:57
skippyuXp,  no lol, just press control and c together, while the terminal window you ran glxgears from is in focus07:57
particlemanwhich is proving to be a hideous pain in the ass07:57
skippythat will kill glxgears07:57
particlemanand once again, I must ask of all of you07:57
JohnsonEok, i might as well ask this question again: I need help getting my internet to work. it works perfectly on my live CD but dies within 20 seconds after i log in to my installation. i have a router, DHCP. i can't ping any sites after the connection goes out, my DNS is properly set.. the settings are all the same as they are on the CD. help?07:57
skippyyou have to basically put the control-c into the terminal uXp07:57
FujitsuuXp, just close the window using the normal clos ebutton...07:57
particlemanwhat the hell is wl_apsta.o?07:57
JoseStefanuXp: just close the window the standard way07:57
particlemanand what does it do?07:57
skippyso click your mouse inside the terminal and then do the control c07:57
FujitsuJohnsonE, what card?07:57
skippylol this is so funny :)07:57
Sivikparticleman, its for the broadcom wireless cards and its the firmware07:57
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particlemanalso, how do I properly install it?07:57
skippythe gears have taken over your desktop like a virus uXp07:57
uXpwhat funny07:58
particlemanah ok07:58
Sivikparticleman, what kind of card07:58
particlemanthat's the one part of the howto I haven't been able to follow07:58
Sivikparticleman, you have to install bcm43xx-fwcutter and use it to extract the files07:58
uXpcan i use ubuntu on dual monitors?07:58
JohnsonEFujitsu: I'm not sure, it's a generic one that came with my computer long ago.. i'm using it to connect trough my live CD right now though07:58
JoseStefani wonder how many gears i can open simultaneosly... :o07:58
FR500JohnsonE: did u install networkmanager? is it wireless?07:58
Sivikparticleman, go to #bcm-users channel on this server07:58
particlemanI tried apt-getting that package and it gave me a package not found07:58
particlemanah thanks07:58
uXpcan i use ubuntu on dual monitors?07:58
JohnsonEFR: My router is wireless but I'm connected through ethernet07:58
FujitsuJohnsonE, embedded in the motherboard?07:58
skippyuXp,  i think nvidias dual monitor support isnt great, so it might be hard to setup07:58
SivikuXp: should be able to07:58
skippyuXp,  but in theory, yes07:58
JohnsonEFujitsu: No, I'm using a PCI card07:59
uXpi wanna try it =] 07:59
JuhazOneis there a prog i could use to diagnose this usb stick problem of mine?07:59
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Healotbtw.. broadcom support is the worst of wifi support ever07:59
Healotgo RT07:59
JuhazOneit seems the stick is recognized but doesn't mount..07:59
ubotuskippy: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:59
FR500i have a laptop with a trident video card, how can i enable tv out?07:59
JoseStefanuXp, i think you need the nvidia config panel, dont remember the package for it, or if it is included07:59
kieran_It worked :-)07:59
kieran_I got it working :D07:59
ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, FR50007:59
ubotuNo idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, FR50007:59
uXplol @ this!  Someone already said that 9 seconds ago07:59
Healotyou can even do that manually by editing xorg.conf07:59
ubotuuXp: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:59
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uXpso how do i see if dual monitor works?08:00
JoseStefanubotu what is the meaning of life?08:00
ubotuJoseStefan: what are you talking about?08:00
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Luna-Tick08:00
Healotturn on both, monitor, and start X? uXp?08:00
uXpyup 42!08:00
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ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, hayden08:00
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uXpboth are one ubuntu is only showing on one08:01
JoseStefanuXp: you need the nvidia config panel08:01
uXphow i get that08:01
uXpsynaptic package manager?08:01
JoseStefanuXp: see if you already have it, run nvidia-settings08:01
skippyuXp,  tseliot wrote an excellent guide on tv-out, but it may help you a little in understanding how xorg.conf works with multiple displays http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=98456&highlight=nvidia+dual+monitor08:01
JuhazOnedevice_removable: could not find a sysfs device for /dev/sda108:02
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uXphow do i run nvidia settings?08:02
Healoti told you, but referring to manually can be an ache to new users08:03
JoseStefanuXp: use ALT+F2, or run it on a terminal08:03
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acidjediDoes anyone know how to get write access to fstab?08:03
Healotfor which type of partition?08:04
uXpok its opened how do i know if i can?08:04
yovany2hey everyone08:04
Healoton the option column add "rw" option08:04
yovany2im a new person to ubuntu08:04
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kieran_Hey :-)08:04
acidjediThe file itself is read-only08:04
JoseStefanuXp: see if it has dual monitor options within it08:04
Luna-Tickacid: to the file itself, or the partitions?08:04
uXpi don't c it08:04
yovany2therefore i need help08:04
acidjedithe file itself08:04
Healotacidjedi: sudo <editor> /etc/fstab and enter your password08:04
yovany2any one up to it08:04
acidjediit says I'm not the owner, but I am root08:04
JoseStefanacidjedi: which editor are you using? did you sudo that editor?08:05
Luna-Tickat a terminal: sudo gedit /etc/fstab08:05
Healotask the question, yovany2?08:05
acidjediok, will try08:05
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yovany2i want to install vlc08:05
uXpi don't c anyhting on dual monitors08:05
yovany2anybody familiar with it08:05
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JoseStefanLuna-Tick: don't you need gksu in that case?08:05
Healotjust update your repos list with "universe" and "multiverse" repos08:06
uXpi have a thermal monitor...08:06
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Healotupdate the list, and then install vlc using your favorite package manager08:06
yovany2sorry man i dont understand08:06
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.08:06
JohnsonEwould linux get confused if i have onboard lan on my mobo enabled but am using a PCI ethernet card?08:06
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Healotfollow that link, yovany208:06
uXpso um help with dual monitors?08:06
HealotJohnsonE: no, but you would be :)08:06
JoseStefanJohnsonE: no08:06
JohnsonEthere is nothing :(08:07
Luna-TickJose: Not as far as I know08:07
Lockek how do i get totem to support the codecs to play some videos08:07
=== sindrum [n=sindrum@cpe-24-59-56-226.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Healotinternet doesn't DIE...08:07
JohnsonEon mine it does.08:07
JohnsonEdies a horrible death08:07
JoseStefanyou killed the internet! :S08:07
Lockei thought it could support windows dlls automatically08:07
Lockeor some shit08:07
JohnsonEjust 20 seconds after i log on.. poof. it's gone.08:07
Healotbecause you're confused, JohnsonE08:07
Luna-TickLocke : Which movie files?08:08
Geoffrey2hmmm, interesting....i installed sun-java5-bin...the wiki docs suggest I update-alternatives to make the Sun version the default for everything...worked for java, but not for jar or any other type...am I missing something?08:08
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JohnsonEyes, i am very confused. i don't know why internet works from the live CD but it goes off after 20 seconds when i boot from the hard disk.08:08
HealotJohnsonE: type "ifconfig -a" on a terminal let's see the output...08:08
kermitX_what's the easiest & fastest way to take an mp3 and re-encode it as mono 22khz 48bit.08:08
LockeLuna-Tick, a bunch of mpgs and wmvs08:08
davidw_hey - does the -server kernel handle smp ?08:08
JohnsonEhealot: i'd have to get off the live CD to do that08:08
yovany2hey guy i click on synaptic manager but nothing happens08:08
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Lockeprobably divx or xvid or something similar08:08
Lockebuncha pr0n08:08
HealotkermitX_: if you prefer, commandline LAME would do that...08:09
Lockewell, you know08:09
Lockewindows can play pr0n08:09
Lockewhy not linux08:09
uXpwho needs to watch dvd and .avi files?08:09
Luna-TickHonesty is always good08:09
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Luna-TickNot too much pr0n in Theora yet08:09
HealotJohnsonE: just mount your partition where ubuntu is previously installed... open the file on the dir etc/networking08:09
Lockebeer helps08:09
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Luna-TickYou'll have to install extra repos etc08:10
Healotfind the file interfaces, let us see the interface settings...08:10
ubotu[restrictedformats]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here can be replaced by !FreeFormats08:10
sindrumhas anyone been able to get java to work for firefox...if tried to the directions on javas website and its not working any tips?08:10
uXpi have08:10
Luna-TickFollow the link Locke08:10
xuexiewenhelp ,i install the qq, but it dont work08:10
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davidw_sindrum, it's not hard...08:10
JoseStefanLocke, are you using totem-xine or totem-gstreamer?08:10
HealotLuna-Tick: just say porn?08:10
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Lockei tried to install flash for firefox08:11
uXpis good08:11
davidw_argh... need to know if I reboot this server into -server kernel, will it pick up the processors or not?08:11
LockeJoseStefan, gstreamer08:11
jendaHello folks. What should a memtest look like? I started it and the screen looked blank (black) for as long as I left it (several hours) and the it rebooted when I pressed escape.08:11
Lockexine was in every distro i had until ubuntu08:11
JoseStefanLocke: i dont remember having to install anything with xine, gstreamer may require more plugins08:11
Healotjenda: a blue screen with a lot of numbers08:11
jendaHealot: right. Damn :)08:12
ubotuHuh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Luna-Tick08:12
SurfnKidwhoa chinese08:12
JoseStefanLocke: i think the packages are called the Good the Bad and the Ugly, each has a different group of plugins08:12
FR500is azureues really broken now for you?08:12
ubotuit has been said that azureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AzureusHowTo08:12
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Lockegstreamer0.8-mad as listed on that wiki page isnt part of the packages list08:13
Lockei have abunch of other gstreamer0.8s installed though08:13
Luna-TickLocke: There are directions at  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats . The reason that you need to install extra things is that the formats in question are patented.08:13
Healotit;s ugly now08:13
yovany2damn this ubuntu08:13
Healotnot mad anymore hohohoh08:13
Healotfunny packages names08:13
Luna-TickOh - they haven't updated for 0.1008:14
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acidjediDoes anyone know how to access an ntfs hdd from ubuntu?08:14
JoseStefanAny known pros/cons of using Sun's Java? (especially cons please)08:14
ubotuto automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions there is no write support for ntfs that is safe. <!winfstab>08:14
Luna-TickYes - it is Ugly08:14
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Luna-TickYes they have08:14
Lockenope, no gstreamer plugins that look promising08:14
sindrumthank you that was helpful08:14
DynaUbuntuhow can i get the kernel package
Lockei have universe turned on too08:15
DynaUbuntuwithout breaking anything08:15
JoseStefani use xine, is gstreamer better?08:15
DynaUbuntuim on 5.1008:15
HealotJoseStefan: define "better" hehe08:15
yovany2ist there anyway to install vlc by command line08:15
yovany2where do i put command line08:15
Healotxine is less tricky than gstreamer plugins08:15
FlannelDynaUbuntu: 2.6.13 is a development version, do you mean 2.6.14?08:15
Luna-TickLocke:Have you enabled multiverse?08:15
Locketotem-xine isnt even available in synaptic08:16
JoseStefanHealot, plays all the movies, and offers good performance08:16
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Healotyovany2: followed the repos wiki?08:16
LockeLuna-Tick, i believe so08:16
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Lockei enabled a bunch of shit in the sources window08:16
DynaUbuntuFlannel, i dont know, someone said that for my specific tablet pc the made the fan work (so didnt boil)08:16
Luna-Tickgstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-gl gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse gstreamer0.10-pitfdll08:16
Healot"apt-get install vlc" then...08:16
DynaUbuntuFlannel, i could test the .14 if you can tell me how, else id like to use the one thats confirmed08:16
yovany2but when i click on the synaptic manager nothing happens08:16
JoseStefanAny known cons of using Sun's Java?08:17
HealotJoseStefan: none... it works08:17
Luna-TickJose: That is a contentious question.08:17
FlannelDynaUbuntu: ah, 2.6.14 will mean upgrading to dapper.  odd versions are development though, not stable.08:17
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DynaUbuntuFlannel, surely i can upgrade only the kernel08:17
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JoseStefan <Healot> JoseStefan: none... it works08:17
JoseStefan[02:17]  <L08:17
davidw_JoseStefan, ask on debian-devel ?;-)08:18
Healotwell, it isn't "free" (FSF definition of free)08:18
davidw_i.e. not open source08:18
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Lockek i did sudo apt-get update08:18
JoseStefani have to find to make replying easier on myself...08:18
DynaUbuntuFlannel, are you sure i cant upgrade only the kernel?08:18
ZambeziWhich application in Linux can import *.pst-files?08:18
Lockesee what happens08:18
SurfnKidwhere is mozilla installed/08:18
Luna-TickJose: Gst is better designed, much more powerful and will surpass Xine. At the moment the likes of Xine, mplayer and VLC are much older so work better.08:19
Healotdavidw_: Sun's Java is partially open source... but doesn't comply with the definition that FSF made08:19
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Luna-TickZamb: Do you want to get your emails out of outlook?08:19
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ZambeziLuna-Tick: Yes.08:19
HealotGstreamer more powerful then xine? you can't prove that :)08:19
Luna-TickHealot: I don't think it is OS - just redistributable.08:20
davidw_Healot, it is not open source - it's a yes or no question.08:20
Mystahello, Do CD's get autodetected when only working from the CLI?? or do I have to mount them or something?08:20
davidw_you may be able to look at the source code, but that's not the definition of 'open source'.08:20
davidw_Luna-Tick, exactly08:20
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Healotbut doesn't comply with the definition that FSF made >> done08:20
Luna-TickZamb - you may need to install Thunderbird or Mozilla in Windows and then copy over the files08:21
JohnsonEdoes the fact that i'm using DSL have anything to do with my internet disconnects, maybe?08:21
Luna-TickHealot: Re Java, listen to lugradio episode08:21
ZambeziLuna-Tick: I tried, but it didn't work. :-( It didn't import all the files.08:21
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ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development verison: (eft when its open)08:22
Luna-TickJohnson: I had a strange error like that in the past and fixed it by lowering the MTU setting of my router08:22
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DynaUbuntuwhat kernel comes with dapper08:22
Luna-TickBut I don't know if that would be your issue08:22
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HealotKFC (Colonel) hehe08:23
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SchaverI'm having trouble connecting to the internet; I can see my router and other computers on the network and I can ping everything fine, but I can only sporadically connect to certain web sites08:24
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SurfnKidwhere is the mozilla default folder guys08:24
SchaverI posted on the forums here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19250108:24
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yovany2why does it say permission denied08:24
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davidw_Healot, open source definition: http://opensource.org/docs/definition.php <- it's pretty much the debian free software guidelines, and for practical purposes is basically the same as 'free software'08:24
Luna-TickHealot: Re GST vs Xine : I say more powerful in the conceptual sense. For example, the same GST plugins written to decode mp3s in Totem are also used to burn audio CDs from them in Serpentine. This is a bit off-topic.08:24
JoseStefanDynaUbuntu: i have 2.6.15-23 right now, for 68608:24
Healotsurely off topic08:24
Healotbut performance isn't what we can decide...08:25
JohnsonEis /etc/network/interfaces editable by default?08:25
FlannelDynaUbuntu: erm, I'm sorry.  Upgrading to 2.6.14 should fix your problems, (that's the one in dapper)08:25
yovany2forget about vld what about realplayer08:25
Luna-TickVLC should work well Yov08:25
yovany2i cant put it though\08:26
yovany2im suck at linux crap08:26
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Healotreal player...08:26
yovany2got too used to windwos08:26
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DynaUbuntudapper has according to my gksudo "upgrade-manager"08:26
Flanneloh, hey.  DynaUbuntu, it's 2.6.15.  Hmm, I'm going to just be quiet now.08:26
mutil8anybody know what causes the installer to hang at 'detecting file systems'08:26
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JohnsonEis /etc/network/interfaces editable by default? if not, what's the command to make it writeable?08:26
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DynaUbuntuFlannel, grr not according to mine08:26
FlannelDynaUbuntu: no, youre on breezy.08:26
lightstarJohnsonE, its only editable by root, but you can edit it using sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces08:26
DynaUbuntuFlannel, how do i do a full update08:26
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development verison: (eft when its open)08:27
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DynaUbuntu-d ?08:27
FlannelDynaUbuntu: update manager will ask you about it08:27
FlannelDynaUbuntu: no, you don't need the d right now08:27
Scorpmoonim gonna install ubuntu and vista today ... which one should I install first for least difficulties setting up dual boot?08:27
FlannelScorpmoon: vista first08:27
JoseStefanDynaUbuntu: visit the websit08:27
Anubisis there a way to force video resolutions in ubuntu?08:27
JoseStefanDynaUbuntu: website08:27
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Anubisi got a08:27
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Anubis(Video controller 1) ATI Technologies Inc. 3D RAGE II+ PCI (Processor: ATI 3D RAGE II+DVD (GT-B2U3)), 2MB, 1024x768x16, 60Hz, driver version: 5.1.2493.008:27
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bobby__i screwed up my resportiers or w/e and now i can't use apt-get or any system updates how do i reset them to there defualts08:27
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FlannelScorpmoon: linux plays nice with others, windows doesnt.08:28
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JoseStefanScorpmoon: install vista first, but dont use the whole hard drive08:28
Luna-TickYov: are you in Synaptic (System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager)08:28
DynaUbuntudebian is pretty cool08:28
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Scorpmooni install both on same harddisk, 2 partitions08:28
Anubisanyone feel like helpin me?08:28
Killazguys how can I install the Berkley db?08:28
TUXLFdebian is way cool08:28
JoseStefanScorpmoon: make sure you make the vista parition smaller (not the default of 1005)08:28
particlemanhowdy all08:28
Killazis it a package in the repository?08:28
particlemanback again08:28
JoseStefanScorpmoon: err 100%08:28
=== _luckie_ [n=eikcul@ip24-252-90-141.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
SchaverGetting connection timeout issues when trying to connect to the internet; not just a Firefox problem but Gaim and Ekiga too.  This is coming off of a fresh install and from a brand new linux user.  Any ideas?08:28
TUXLFbut slackware is better08:29
particlemanwaiting for a reply in bcm-users08:29
DynaUbuntuSchaver, lscpi, what network card08:29
JoseStefanScorpmoon: that will save you the effort of having to resize08:29
yovany2i cant acess the synaptic manager08:29
particlemanin the meantime, got it now to the point where my card comes up with ifconfig eth1 up08:29
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Luna-TickWhat happens when you try?08:29
DynaUbuntuSchaver, run /sbin/lspci in a terminal08:29
yovany2nothing happens wehn i click on it08:29
Scorpmoonis it difficult to setup vista after ubuntu though?08:29
particlemanbut not to the point where it actually creates a usable network connection08:29
yovany2i just get a little sound08:29
=== particleman gives the headdesk repeatedly
acidjediHow do I create a shortcut on the desktop to a folder?08:29
JoseStefanScorpmoon: it might be a little harder, as vista will not offer you the option of dual boot, and will try to takeover08:29
bobby__ i screwed up my resportiers or w/e and now i can't use apt-get or any system updates how do i reset them to there defualts08:29
Luna-TickYov: try minimising windows and looking for a password prompt08:30
Scorpmoonjose, so where do I interfere?08:30
SchaverDynaUbuntu, alright08:30
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Mystahello, Do CD's get autodetected when only working from the CLI?? or do I have to mount them or something?08:30
JoseStefanScorpmoon: install vista first, and use less than 100% of the disk, then install linux on the rest.08:30
yovany2password prompt08:30
Luna-Tickacid: easiest way is look at the folder in nautilus and middle-click-drag onto the desktop08:30
Killazapt-cache search berkley gives me no result08:31
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Luna-TickChoose "link"08:31
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Anubisanyone wanna help me force a video resolution?08:31
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PicilloI think this is the first time I installed a lInux distro and had everything detected automaticaly.08:31
JoseStefanScorpmoon: in addition you might consider a 3rd partition in FAT32 (vfat) to easily share files between the 2 systems08:31
_RCM_bobby__ http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper08:31
particlemanso...any further ideas on getting this Broadcom 4318 card to work?08:31
_RCM_cut and past08:31
Picillohmmm... I think I have to install some ATI drivers.08:31
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acidjediLuna-Tick: Where's Nautilus?08:31
KillazI want to install Berkley DB!08:31
acidjediOr is that the file browser?08:31
Luna-TickYov: anywhere.... it is very unusual thay you can't access synaptic08:31
JoseStefanScorpmoon: like a small 8gb third partition, depending on your needs that is08:31
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Luna-TickAcid: yes08:31
HealotScorpmoon: don;t forget to convert your basic disk to dynamic, kidding...08:32
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yovany2i know08:32
ebriccamysta .. i'd say depends if automount is running and configured08:32
yovany2dont know what is wrong08:32
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JoseStefanScorpmoon: remember windows cant even read linux partitions, so a cross platform partition can be handy08:32
cartur25How do I make mp3s work in amarok?08:32
Luna-Tickokay... yov: can you go accessories > terminal08:32
Scorpmoongood idea!08:32
ubotuI heard amarok is a music player for Linux and Unix with an intuitive interface. See http://amarok.kde.org ; amaroK's features: http://amarok.kde.org/content/view/51/1/ - To install Amarok 1.4 on Ubuntu, see http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.php08:32
ubotump3 is, like, a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats08:33
Healotoh that mp3...08:33
TUXLFI am having problems updating the repositories08:33
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[newbies] Hye!i'm newbies in here. Before this i was a Microsoft user & today is my first experience with Linux platform using Ubuntu. I need to install Perl on my Ubuntu. Did can someone guide me step bye step or any web/url that i can refer it? Thanxs08:33
JoseStefanblame ze germans, just kidding08:33
TUXLFit stalls at 58% on universe08:33
yovany2i give up with vlc08:33
ebriccagnome doesnt show mounted partition on desktop / although i have set it up in fstab mounted via mount /media/x worked in hoary08:33
_RCM_TUXLF: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper08:33
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yovany2can i get help with realplayer08:34
Luna-Tickgo to a terminal08:34
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SchaverDynaUbuntu, nVidia Corporation nForce2 Ethernet Controller.  Is that what I was looking for?08:34
Killazbah they should change the way you can serach in the repositories!!08:34
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yovany2im on terminal08:34
Killazthis way I cant find anything!08:34
Healot[newbies] : Perl is install by default in ubuntu08:34
Luna-Ticksudo synaptic08:34
Healottype perl to see the magic...08:34
KillazWhy not make a search on the website packages.ubuntu.com?08:34
JoseStefanKillaz, what way are you using?08:34
Lockek im upgrading to 60608:35
HealotKillaz: the links are all there08:35
[newbies] Healot: is that true? i'm using Ubuntu Desktop 5.1008:35
Luna-Tickyov - what happened?08:35
KillazHealot: no search!08:35
Healot[newbies] : type "perl"08:35
Lockegonna take awhile though......08:35
yovany2is there suppose to be a dollar sign where i type08:35
JoseStefanKillaz: i see a search08:35
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Luna-TickYov: Nothing at all?08:35
HealotThere is a search form... in the package you....08:35
particlemanack...no help left, huh?08:35
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Luna-TickYov: the dollar is there?08:36
Lockeyovany2, yes08:36
Killazthere is no search there08:36
n00n3What program do i use to burn a data cd08:36
yovany2im just suppose to type sudo08:36
Healotpackages.ubuntu.com >> Search here08:36
JoseStefantru this one: http://packages.ubuntu.com/08:36
Luna-Tickand when you type "sudo synaptic"08:36
Luna-Tickall as one08:36
yovany2nothing happenes08:36
=== aanwezig [n=aanwezig@213-84-175-59.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
KillazJoseStefan: oh ok...08:36
kermitX_Healot, thx.  took a bit to wade through the options. got 'er cut in 1/2. (it was already only 60bit, so not much room to shrink).08:37
=== _unluckie_ [n=eikcul@ip24-252-90-141.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Luna-TickAre you in Ubuntu or Kubuntu?08:37
[newbies] Healot: type Perl on my terminal? sorry if i ask a noob question. Today is my first time with Linux and also with Ubuntu. Before this i'm using Windows but right now i think i should switch to linux08:37
bobby___rcm_ that dosnt have what i need08:37
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=== qas [n=q@chelmsystem.futuro.pl] has joined #ubuntu
bobby__i need to reset my reposrtieres or w/e there called08:37
Healot[newbies] : type "perl" in a word/text processor, ehehe08:37
Anubiscan you change ubuntu video to 16 bit instead of 32?08:37
Flannel!tell bobby__ about repositories08:37
yovany2im in a bind huh08:38
=== mcpowley [n=matt@24-180-59-243.dhcp.rvsd.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
TUXLFcan I still use apt-get in ubuntu?08:38
Luna-Tick... try typing "sudo aptitude"08:38
yovany2it just scrolls down08:38
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[newbies] huhuhuhu08:38
=== macsim [n=macsim@88-106-26-176.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
Luna-TickScrolls down?08:39
kermitX_Healot,  possible to improve on this (quality less important than small file size)?  lame -m j --verbose --cbr -b 32 --resample 16 in.mp3 out.mp308:39
yovany2i mean goes down to another dollar sign thing08:39
Healotyovany2: give Luna-Tick the output of the terminal after you type...08:39
yovany2there is no output08:39
yovany2absolutely nothing happenes08:39
Killazstill cant find the package I'm looking for.... is Berkley DB in the repositories? I need this to make a PAM usersdb to authenticate users08:39
Healotnot even "Bad command or file name?"08:39
=== mcpowley [n=matt@24-180-59-243.dhcp.rvsd.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
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HealotkermitX_: yes...08:40
yovany2this sucks08:40
melkarthow can i make my system turn off the computer when shutting down, without building in support for apm into the kernel?08:40
st3v3dndIs okay to use package sources that are for breezy if you're running dapper?08:40
Luna-TickHave you restarted since it started going wrong?08:40
yovany2should i restart computer08:40
JoseStefanAnubis: yes, you can08:40
Luna-TickCan you try?08:40
Healotburn it hehe... can't stop being evil08:41
yovany2i guess so08:41
=== cyphase is going to reinstall dapper from the "official" cd
st3v3dndThere's some third party repositories that I would like to use, but they only mention breezy08:41
Luna-TickI'm at a bit of a loss...08:41
cartur25I have installed "gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly" and mp3 playback in amarok still doesn't work - how do I fix this?08:41
yovany2i should just stick to windows08:41
JoseStefanAnubis: the default is 24 bit i think08:41
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=== secretpickle [n=matt@cpe-24-165-13-164.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
mcpowleyhey guys, I have ubuntu mounted on my 320 gig external drive, 50 gigs is allocated to it, I have 260 gigs remainging, and I want to use about 30 of those for a fat32 partition that can be accesed by windows as well. Is there a partition program on linux that I can use to do this?08:41
Madpilotmcpowley, gparted08:41
Flannelmcpowley: gparted08:41
Luna-TickYov - something isn't right08:41
kermitX_Healot, input was recorded via sound recorder at 60bit off WAV input from a home-movie dvd. little over 3 1/2 minutes 1.8mb, the above got 'er down to 900k. this will be streamed on www, so small size is important.08:41
Healotparted, fdisk...08:42
yovany2oh well08:42
HealotkermitX_: you can actually set the target size instead of bitrate08:42
yovany2could it be the os08:42
JoseStefanmcpowley: or you can create the fat32 partition in windows, if it's easier for you08:42
yovany2or the software08:42
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n00n3is there a linux version of air crack08:42
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kermitX_Healot, and keep cbr?08:42
HealotkermitX_: no...08:42
=== intelikey [n=root@0-1pool89-123.nas23.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
mcpowleythanks much guys08:42
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dynamicrealismhello fellas08:42
kermitX_cbr is important for streaming, correct?08:42
mcpowleyalso one more question for anyone that is familiar with office08:43
secretpicklehello, I just installed Ubuntu on my HP xw4200 workstation w/soundmax onboard sound. It's playing the sound in analog but I have digital speakers hooked up, anyone know how to change the output to digital or where to find out how? The onboard sound does support digital and ubuntu is playing the sound just fine in analog08:43
dynamicrealismcan anyone help me with a media issue, what can i use that is similar if not a duplicate of winamp media player?08:43
mcpowleyis the nimbus roman9 font the same as times new roman?08:43
intelikeywhat is this looking for ?   subshell.c: couldn't open master side of pty08:43
intelikey pty_open_master: No such file or directory08:43
secretpickledynamicrealism: amaroK08:43
Luna-TickYov: if you don't have synaptic or aptitude... or the command prompt working, something is stuffed08:43
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Healotlame will decide the best bitrate... kermitX_, lame can be set for both bitrate and size08:43
dynamicrealismsecret does that have mp3 support my friend?08:44
ubotu[mp3]  a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats08:44
secretpickledynamicrealism: it has to be installed08:44
=== blue-frog [n=bluefrog@dyn-83-154-39-198.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Healotsecret unveil08:44
kermitX_Healot, but it will be a constant bitrate? that's needed for streaming, isn't it?08:44
Anubisi installed ubuntu on my desktop i have a mach 64 2mb video card and i am trying to force a video resolution of 1024x768 if this possible or iam i just waisting my time08:44
Luna-TickSorry Yov - I have to dash./08:44
Luna-TickBye all08:44
HealotkermitX_: maybe not08:44
Madpilotdynamicrealism, you can get mp3 support for any player in Ubuntu08:44
yovany2no problem man\08:44
yovany2thanks though08:44
Luna-TickMaybe a clean install if noone can help08:45
DynaUbuntuif apt is working right is upgrading from breezy to dapper the same as formatting and installing dapper?08:45
bobby__where is the settings button on the respatories list08:45
yovany2i guess so08:45
dynamicrealismmadpilot is it alright if i can pm you?08:45
yovany2ill do that08:45
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yovany2i have cd08:45
n00n3whats the name of a god burning program08:45
secretpickleHealot: what is unveil?08:45
Anubisyobany2 is my question possible?08:45
yovany2thanks guy08:45
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Luna-Tickn00n - gnomebaker08:45
Anubisi installed ubuntu on my desktop i have a mach 64 2mb video card and i am trying to force a video resolution of 1024x768 if this possible or iam i just waisting my time08:45
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lightstarn00n3, u could try k3b..its a kde app08:45
yovany2what question\08:45
Anubisthat one08:45
Madpilotdynamicrealism, there's no reason to. Check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for mp3 support and much else08:45
Anubisi just pasted08:45
yovany2can anyone help to put realplayer08:46
dynamicrealismi dont understand how to install this08:46
dynamicrealismi just switched over from windows not a week ago08:46
dynamicrealismcomplete newb08:46
Madpilotdynamicrealism, cool, welcome to Ubuntu. Check that URL, though, it should walk you thru getting media support up and running.08:46
mcpowleyhow would I go about getting true type fonts in linux?08:46
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dynamicrealismim reading this thing about repositories but its for 5.x and it no longer looks the same in the gui08:47
intelikeymcpowley don't you have them already ?08:47
uXpHello all08:47
bobby__ my app-get is not working what do i do08:47
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intelikeymcpowley apt-cache search ttf08:48
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MadMerCis anyone using E17 ??08:48
bobby__any one?08:48
Madpilotmcpowley, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FontInstallHowto08:48
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intelikeybobby__ what error ?08:48
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Madpilotdynamicrealism, which page are you reading for repositories?08:48
=== human [n=yep@adsl-67-64-156-210.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
eobanbbobby__, perhaps try typing apt-get instead of app-get08:48
secretpicklehello, I just installed Ubuntu on my HP xw4200 workstation w/soundmax onboard sound. It's playing the sound in analog but I have digital speakers hooked up, anyone know how to change the output to digital or where to find out how? The onboard sound does support digital and ubuntu is playing the sound just fine in analog08:49
dynamicrealismwhy is it that they have to make it so damn confusing08:49
dynamicrealismwhy cant it just be in step sequence08:49
Madpilotdynamicrealism, it should be in sequence. Which page are you looking at?08:49
=== _mason [n=mason@dsl-58-6-3-28.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
dynamicrealismthe very home page08:49
uXpIs it possible to change the icons on the chorcuts on ubuntu's desktop?08:50
Flanneldynamicrealism: on the right, click "mp3"08:50
MadpilotuXp, yes08:50
uXpwith custom ones?08:50
_masonI have a few questions about mounting & volumes & formatting hard drives in ubuntu08:50
Madpilotdynamicrealism, which URL? www.ubuntu.com?08:50
=== Hajuu [n=hajuu@dip-220-235-35-208.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
dynamicrealismno no08:50
dynamicrealismthe restformat page08:50
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Flanneldynamicrealism: now, read, theres a part about adding repositories, and then a part for dapper.  do those.08:50
Madpilotdynamicrealism, well, being more specific than 'the very home page' would help...08:50
bobby__this is a majjor failure of your software manegemnt system check the file permissions and correctness of the files "ect/apt/sources.list"  and reload the system soft ware "sudo apt-get update"08:50
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=== maybelle [n=maybelle@] has joined #ubuntu
_masonhow can i change the volume label? two hard drives i just formatted still display their old ntfs volume lables? how can i change this08:51
dynamicrealismmy ubuntu08:51
dynamicrealismlooks different08:51
Svigi_wlan_mason: what do you want to know?08:51
maybellehow can i install my hp deskjet 810c prineter pls nid elp08:51
HajuuHey guys! I need ideas.. How can I open something in wine, when I dont have any terminals in my fluxbox menu list (even though I manually added one into my menu file) ?08:51
dynamicrealism"lick the Settings button at the bottom and tick Showdisabledsoftwaresources. Then click the Close button."08:51
Flanneldynamicrealism: it's the exact same steps.08:51
dynamicrealismthat does not exist08:51
dynamicrealismat all08:51
maybellehow can i install my hp deskjet 810c prineter pls nid elp!!!08:51
Madpilotdynamicrealism, you're in Synaptic?08:51
acidjediIs there a way to make my extra mouse buttons work? Like for forward and back in firefox?08:51
intelikey_mason formated how ?08:51
Svigi_wlanmason: did you reboot after formatting? did you use mkfs?08:51
dynamicrealismshow disabled software resources, i cant find that at all08:51
maybellepls will somebody help me :((08:52
uXpIs it possible to change the icons on the shorcuts on ubuntu's desktop with custom ones??08:52
maybellehow can i install a printer :((08:52
mutil8im trying to install from the live CD, and the install hangs at 'detecting file systems' anybody hear of this problem before?08:52
Flannelacidjedi: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ManyButtonsMouseHowto08:52
_masonSvigi_wlan: Using system > Admin > Disks >disable partition > format > ext308:52
bobby__intelikey what do i do?08:52
_masonthen set it up in fstab, works correctly08:52
acidjedithanks Flannel08:52
_masonworks fine08:52
PicilloDoes Ubuntu have a Dock that resembles the OS X?08:52
Flannelacidjedi: but, there might be a more specific page for your mouse, search the wiki (top right) for your model, see if there's a page08:52
_masonbut volume labels ?08:52
=== Owner [n=chatzill@modemcable250.77-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
uXpIs it possible to change the icons on the shorcuts on ubuntu's desktop with custom ones??08:52
intelikeybobby__ what error are you seeing ?08:52
Ownerhelp!!!! locked out of ubuntu08:53
maybelleanyone pls help me :((08:53
bobby__ this is a majjor failure of your software manegemnt system check the file permissions and correctness of the files "ect/apt/sources.list"  and reload the system soft ware "sudo apt-get update"08:53
uXpmaybelle : System > Printer08:53
Ownerwas editing displays and now i cant access gui08:53
Madpilotmaybelle, if it's an HP printer, just plug it in, and go System->Admin->Printing08:53
dynamicrealism"Click the settings at the bottom of the repository window" THIS DOES NOT EXIST08:53
=== dodo|kanotix [n=Dodo@p548A37CA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
dynamicrealismthere is no "settings" button08:53
dynamicrealismthis is outdated08:53
n00n3maybelle contact me08:53
Ownerhow can i change my video settings back to my backup?08:53
PicilloDoes anyone know how I can install a DOCK on ubuntu that looks like the OS X flavor08:53
P0ldyOwner, did you make a backup of xorg.conf (or whatever file)?08:53
intelikeybobby__ pastebin your sources.list08:54
Svigi_wlanmason: i think i found it08:54
P0ldyPicillo, you can use widgets08:54
Ownerhow can i change my video settings back to my backup? in terminal? locked out of my comp gui HELP!!!!08:54
uXpPicillo. I was wondering that too08:54
bobby__what does that mean and how do i do it08:54
Svigi_wlanhowto change the volume label08:54
_masonYay, Thankyou08:54
Ownerhow can i change my video settings back to my backup? in terminal? locked out of my comp gui HELP!!!!08:54
secretpickledoes anyone know how to change your sound output from analog to digital?08:54
Svigi_wlansee the command e2label08:54
FlannelPicillo: I believe one of gdesklets applets does that.08:54
Madpilotdynamicrealism, 6.06 has only been out a week, some of the docs aren't updated yet. Try going to System->Help->System Documentation for a different set of docs...08:54
Ownerhow can i change my video settings back to my backup? in terminal? locked out of my comp gui HELP!!!!08:54
P0ldyOwner, no need to spam the channel.  I asked if you made a backup.  What file did you edit?08:54
_masonUsage: e2label device [newlabel] 08:55
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Please be aware there are a lot of questions, but only maybe few who might know the answer for you. Please be patient. Your attitude may determine their willingness to help you.08:55
kermitX_Owner, login via recovery, look for any backups made of xorg.conf in /etc/X11/08:55
maybellenOOn3 r u der08:55
michieruHello Eoban08:55
=== Fastly [n=alex@81-86-145-67.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
_masonIll try now08:55
maybellehow can i install my hp deskjet 810c prnter08:55
dynamicrealismah eff this lol, this is way to advanced for me, horrible compatibility issues08:55
bobby__ok so what do i do08:55
eobanbahoy michieru08:55
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, SurfnKid08:55
maybelleyes uXp08:55
n00n3maybelle accept the chat08:55
maybellecan you help me pls08:55
=== Acke [n=chatzill@d64-180-169-169.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelmaybelle: you shouldn't need to do anything except plug it in, hp has been kind enough to release their software.08:56
intelikeybobby__ open a web browser and go to  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/  open a terminal and type ' less /etc/apt/sources.list '   then copy the content to the webpage.08:56
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_masonSvigi_wlan: i mounted it in /mnt/ is that still supposed to place it on the desktop? how can i stop that08:56
SurfnKidhow can i get asx to play?08:56
MadMerCi've tried to install enlightenment 17 but i have neded up with heaps of broken packages and stuff is there anyway i can reverse it all ???08:56
uXpplug in you printer then go to SYSTEM > ADMIN > PRINTER08:56
Ownerkermitx_: thanks, how can i rename my xorg.bak backup to .conf?08:56
Madpilotn00n3, unregistered people can't PM on Freenode08:56
eobanb!tell SurfnKid about restricted08:56
Svigi_wlanmason: i mount my drives on /media and it is still on desktop:)08:56
intelikeyOwner man mv08:56
Svigi_wlanso i don't know it yet08:56
uXpIs it possible to change the icons on the shorcuts on ubuntu's desktop with custom ones??08:56
Ownerkermitx_: im unfamiliar with the commands ><08:56
ubotuIf you have missing icons after upgrading to Breezy, change theme at System -> Preferences -> Theme08:56
FlanneluXp: how many times have you asked that in the past few minutes?08:57
maybelleive done that already08:57
uXpwell im wondering, lol no answer08:57
maybelleive that that whats the next step08:57
SurfnKideobanb, oh i just did w32, i might have to look for the asx one. thx08:57
Madpilotmaybelle, see the Add Printer icon? click that.08:57
maybellepls give me a step by step procedure on how to configure my08:57
zachI would like to get a wireless USB adaptor for the wireless nextwork at my house...what would be the easiest one to get to work with Dapper out of the box?08:57
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FlanneluXp: yes there is.  you probably want to change themes08:57
Ownerintelikey: what should i type to rename xorg.bak to xorg.conf?08:58
P0ldyuXp, http://www.gnome-look.org/, click on "Icon Themes"08:58
Madpilotmaybelle, most HP printers will be auto-installed when you start the New Printer thing...08:58
uXpthat doesn't do anyhting, i mena changing them with custom ones not "themes"08:58
Ownerintelikey: and what's the command to delete a file?08:58
Flannelzach: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport check there08:58
_masonSvigi_wlan: Yeah, i was also.. but i didnt want these partitons to show up on the desktop thats why i mounted them in /mnt/08:58
intelikeyOwner man mv    and   man rm    you should probably  man intro     and  man man08:58
=== Smeggy [n=Smeggy@220-253-105-31.TAS.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
MadMerCis there anyway to revert my system back to the way it was just after i upgraded to dapper ???08:59
=== xxozxx [n=james@ip68-108-231-18.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
n00n3you got it maybelle08:59
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FlannelMadMerC: depends on what you did08:59
eobanbzach, you're probably better off with a cardbus or pci wireless card instead09:00
intelikeyMadMerC could blank your home  if it's all local changes.09:00
HajuuHey guys! I need ideas.. How can I open something in wine, when I dont have any terminals in my fluxbox menu list (even though I manually added one into my menu file) ?09:00
xxozxxsomeone please help09:00
Schaverhow do I format a hard drive with ubuntu on it?09:00
zachya? I am doing it on a desktop...those are pretty easy to install I imagine?09:00
_masonAnd a question about fstab, the last column, the number <pass> what is that? (it works right now) but for diffrent drives, in order of their partition i just have been incrementing from 1, am i correct in doing so?09:01
xxozxxtrying to install jdk on ubuntu09:01
uXpHajuu: Right click open with Wine09:01
eobanbHajuu, how were you able to edit your fluxbox menu if you had no terminal09:01
intelikeySchaver where and what fs ?09:01
Flannel!tell xxozxx about java09:01
=== jonatan [n=jonatan@208.Red-80-37-254.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelxxozxx: read what ubotu sent you09:01
_mason& what is the need for it?09:01
dynamicrealismsomeone needs to do an overhaul for documentation for 6.06.... i cant do anything as far as repositories and codecs for movies/audio..this sucks big time09:01
Hajuueobanb: Well I have my terminals, but I cant open terminal windows within my X window09:01
=== jirwin [n=jirwin@c-24-22-50-182.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jirwinhow do I turn off the screen saver in dapper?09:01
jirwini can't find it under preferences or administration09:02
eobanbjirwin, System > Preferences > Screen Saver09:02
Schaverintelikey, dapper and I don't know how you mean "where"09:02
jirwinit isn't there.09:02
Madpilotdynamicrealism, updating the wiki is a work in progress... check System->Help->System Help instead09:02
=== MyNameIsNotBob [n=adrian@ppp18-90.lns2.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeySchaver if it's first ide master first partition   and the desired fs is ext3   do  sudo mke2fs -j /dev/hda109:02
_masonif its not in there09:02
Flanneldynamicrealism: all of the formats have updates for dapper, only the repositories havent yet.09:02
Killazsudo useradd -d /home/test user_test is not making the directory /home/test? Am I missing something?09:02
=== Pluk [n=Pluk@12-68-dsl.ipact.nl] has joined #ubuntu
eobanbjirwin, well what IS there09:02
mcpowleygod Ubuntu can do everything...i'm so amazed. I can even write my papers with open office, with an MLA format...agh, if only I could play games I would totally remove windows09:02
eobanbmcpowley, what game?09:02
_masonjirwin: Applications > Accessories > Alacarte, and add it09:03
dynamicrealismFlannel: so how on earth do i get mp3 working tonight09:03
intelikeySchaver where as in location of the drive and which partition.     the fs i ask about is the desired fs.09:03
=== Touru [n=mango@S010600134688c31b.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Healotmcpowley: be amaze on what it can't do too...09:03
eobanb!tell dynamicrealism about mp309:03
Flanneldynamicrealism: add the repositories.  then do what that page said.09:03
PicilloFor all you Ubuntu users that want to have the OS X look.09:03
Flanneldynamicrealism: fine, let me fire up my graphical crap, and I'll hold you hand.09:03
Schaverintelikey, the command you recommended returned a message "/dev/hda1 is mounted; will not make a filesystem here!09:03
maybellehello again guys09:03
Ownercan anyone help me in recovering my monitor files? stuck out of gnome09:03
dynamicrealismyou need to understand09:03
MadpilotHealot, Ubuntu is remarkably bad at catching viruses ;)09:03
dynamicrealismive been with windows since 3.109:04
maybelleive done setting up my printer09:04
maybellebut the problem is09:04
Schaverthe drive is on IDE1 and there's only 1 partition09:04
dynamicrealismthis is bizarre crap to me09:04
eobanbOwner, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:04
intelikeySchaver that's good.   seeing it was only an example....09:04
maybelleits not printng :((09:04
Madpilotdynamicrealism, this is not Windows. Realizing that is the first hurdle09:04
Schaverintelikey, gotcha09:04
Madpilotmaybelle, what model HP again?09:04
Flanneldynamicrealism: then you should be comfortable doing stuff that isn't necessarily written out stepwise.  computers are computers.  software is all written by humans, for humans.  it's not THAT different.  if there's no "settings" button, look for somethign different.09:04
jirwin_mason: it isn't under that either.09:04
mcpowleyeobanb, well, I heard about cedega and wine? But i'm talking like, F.E.A.R, umm, Ghost Recon AW, AOE 3, etc09:05
SurfnKidcan i stream with xmms?09:05
eobanbdynamicrealism, do you have any other specific questions09:05
secretpickledoes anyone know how to change your sound output from analog to digital?09:05
Schaverintelikey sorry about being so slow at this, thank you for dealing with me!09:05
mcpowleybest part, is all this software is free09:05
eobanbmcpowley, check the wine compatibility list09:05
jirwinit doesn't give me the option to add scree saver that is.09:05
Flanneldynamicrealism: if I rememeber correctly, in the system menu, there's a "repositories" or "package sources" or something like that button, that takes you straight to the repositories edit page09:05
mcpowleyseriously, what can't it do!09:05
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=== oediv [n=oediv@pvier.student.utwente.nl] has joined #ubuntu
P0ldyCan't cook you salmon ;)09:05
maybelleits hp deskjet 810c09:05
dynamicrealismim at the repositories page09:05
oedivis there a way to disable the borders of a window in gnome just like kde can?09:05
dynamicrealismive been there09:05
dynamicrealismthere is no mention09:05
intelikeySchaver ok.  then   you will have to use another os to do that.  if you format the partition with the system running on it the journel will most likely be corrupt anyway.09:05
maybellemadpilot its hp deksjet 810c09:05
dynamicrealismof anything having to deal with mp309:05
dynamicrealismor sound09:05
eobanbdynamicrealism, did you read the link ubotu sent you?09:05
jirwinit was under the debian menu.09:05
eobanb!tell dynamicrealism about mp309:06
_masonNo idea then09:06
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intelikeySchaver boot a live cd or an install cd and format it with the example command09:06
Schaverintelikey gotcha, giving it a go now09:06
SurfnKidguys can i play asx thru xmms or just totem09:06
Madpilotdynamicrealism, you need to do some repository stuff first, then get mp3 support working09:06
dynamicrealismcan u briefly tell me what the hell a repository is09:06
Flanneldynamicrealism: alright, system > administration > software preferences09:06
xxozxxhow do i update my update list?09:07
dynamicrealismim there flannel09:07
Flanneldynamicrealism: then, from then on, it's the same as from the picture that looks the same on that page09:07
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eobanbSurfnKid, well since asx is a video container, i assume you're going to want to use totem (did you mean xine when you said xmms??)09:07
P0ldyA repository is a single place where you can get many programs.  Hence, "repository"09:07
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acidjediFlannel: I can't get it working correctly09:07
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dynamicrealismthx p0ldy09:07
Madpilotmaybelle, http://www.linuxprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=HP-DeskJet_810C <-- check that your printer is using the right driver09:07
dynamicrealismFlannel, i see no "settings" button09:07
SurfnKideobanb, mmm it opens totem, maybe i have to install xine, i dunno, is that another player i can use to stream music?09:07
HajuuHey guys! I need ideas.. How can I open something in wine, when I dont have any terminals in my fluxbox menu list (even though I manually added one into my menu file) ?09:07
xxozxxhow do i update my update list? anyone?09:07
Flanneldynamicrealism: highlight the ones, and "edit" on the right09:08
maybelleok got that thanks :-*09:08
katieeobanb: THANK YOU! gui working again :D09:08
eobanbSurfnKid, try rhythmbox or xmms i guess?09:08
eobanbkatie, no problem09:08
uXphow do you execute .bz2 files?09:08
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dynamicrealismwhich do i highlight tho? damnet this is so vague im going insane09:08
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intelikeySchaver while you are about to mkfs anyway  could i sujest you repartition and make at least two partitions so you can, if need be, reload the system without loosing all your settings and documents/files you may gain/customize along the way.09:08
MadpilotuXp, you don't, they're archives - unpack them09:08
zachi like the rhythm box update alot09:08
SurfnKideobanb, trying, just wanted to know if anyone was using it to stream09:08
eobanbuXp, just open them with gnome archive manager09:09
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xxozxxwanna update my sources list09:09
intelikeySchaver how big is this drive ?09:09
Flanneldynamicrealism: oh, sorry. no no, you don't need to enable the software, since they're not hidden on that page at all to begin with.09:09
eobanbxxozxx, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list ...be careful09:09
Flanneldynamicrealism: skip to the blip above the pictre that looks like what you see.09:09
Schaverintelikey it's an 80gb drive; there wasn't anything on it except ubuntu.  I was just kind of messing with it as an experiment09:09
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eobanbxxozxx, once you're done with it you'll have to do a sudo apt-get update09:09
acidjediHas anyone here gotten extra mouse buttons working?09:10
Flannelacidjedi: what mouse?09:10
eobanbacidjedi, what buttons09:10
Flanneleobanb: the multimedia buttons on the mouse09:10
acidjediMy mouse, according to X11, has 9 buttons09:10
mcpowleyhmm, how would I go about remapping the back and forward buttons on my logitech mx1000? They are supposed to go back and forward in my browser, but in linux they zoom in and out of an image09:10
acidjediI want the side buttons to go back and forward09:10
eobanbacidjedi, left, right, middle, and a scroll wheel should all work out of the box09:10
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Flannelmcpowley: you'll be better off googling, I imagine.09:11
intelikeySchaver ok  why not make one 10g partition and one 70g   use the 10g for the system  and the 70g as /home   that way you can format and reinstall at any time and not loose settings09:11
dynamicrealismflannel: i hav ethe software preferences box still open and looking at the "Ubuntu 6.06 LTS" of which is checkmarked along with a few others09:11
acidjedithey do eobanb09:11
Schaverintelikey ok, will do09:11
acidjediI need the side buttons to work09:11
eobanbacidjedi, what mouse is it09:11
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Madpilotacidjedi, try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ManyButtonsMouseHowto - no idea if it's still up to date, though -09:11
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acidjediI tried it Madpilot09:11
Flanneldynamicrealism: right, read where it says "scroll down to the universe repository" check it, then edit it to include multiverse.09:11
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Madpilotacidjedi, heh - nevermind, then... :|09:12
zachthere are a lot of helpful things describing going from windows to ubuntu and getting them to go together, I only have ubuntu on this machine but I would like to get WIndows XP Pro on to do a few things. HOw hard is this? I have a CD for install09:12
dynamicrealismwhat is this universe repository titled?09:12
dynamicrealismthere is no specific channel labled that09:12
acidjediWhat would those side buttons be called?09:12
intelikeySchaver or even three partitions if you like.....   in linux  partitions are mounted as dirs    so one can be / (the root partition) and another /var  and another /usr and another /home and yet another /boot09:12
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intelikeyagain just examples ^09:13
Madpilotdynamicrealism, "Community Supported" = Universe09:13
Schaverintelikey: I think I'll just keep it simple for the time being and stick with two; I've got it going now and it seems to be working great.  Thanks for all the help!!09:13
Flanneldynamicrealism: it says "Community maintained (universe)" under the bold letters.  Make sure it says "Binary" and not "source" next to the bold text.09:13
xxozxxeobanb thanks09:13
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intelikeySchaver np09:13
uXphow do i access my theme folder?09:14
dynamicrealismalrighty im trying that09:14
oedivanyone ever worked with vmware?, coz i was wondering if it would be possible to boot my windows from ubuntu and vice versa09:14
uXpsomething /.thmes?09:14
Flannelzach: you mean dual booting?09:14
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MadpilotuXp, in the file manger, hit Ctrl+H to see your hidden folders & files09:14
HajuuHey guys! I need ideas.. How can I open something in wine, when I dont have any terminals in my fluxbox menu list (even though I manually added one into my menu file) ?09:14
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dynamicrealismalright Flannel, what next09:15
zachyes, I have read a lot of things going from WIndows to UBuntu with dual booting but not one with Ubuntu as it is with WIndows CP being the one that needs to be added. If that difference is even a big deal or not.09:15
intelikeyuXp that would be more like  ./.themes    or /home/uxp/.themes09:15
sleeperis there a version convention in the synaptic manager/09:15
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Flanneldynamicrealism: you checked the box, and edited it to include "multiverse"?09:15
sleeperi don't know what the version convention is09:15
sleeperfor synapte09:15
dynamicrealismi think i did the right one09:15
SurfnKidman i cant get to play asx on xmms09:15
bert_Hi there, can anybody help me with a soundcard problem?09:15
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Flanneldynamicrealism: click close, then go abck to the mp3 page09:15
Ackezach you install win first then ubuntu09:16
intelikeybert_ maybe.  what's the problem09:16
Madpilotsleeper, higher numbers are newer - but Synaptic will generally only show you one version of something...09:16
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zachno way to go the other direction on that?09:16
Flannelzach: there is, but its easier that way.  windows doesn' play nice with boot sectors09:16
Madpilotzach, possible but harder09:16
intelikeyno easy way zach09:16
sleeperso it says "2:3.1.5-0" what does the 2 mean?09:16
zachah i understand09:16
Ackezach ein needs to bee first partition09:16
dynamicrealismflannel, im at the mp3 page09:16
ubuntutrying to move file vmware workstation from live to cd to /mnt/dave1 mv: cannot stat `/home/ubuntu/Desktop/VMware-workstation-5.5.1-19175': No such file or directory09:17
Ackewin *09:17
ryplease help.... i got twinview working but now when i boot back into windows the monitors don't work!09:17
zachi guess i should give vm another try...09:17
ubotuhmm... xmms is to get xmms to work in Ubuntu Hoary and Breezy, set the output plugin to eSound (right-click on the XMMS window, then choose Options -> Preferences)09:17
bert_thanks intelikey. I installed dapper on my laptop (asus a6vm) and the sound worked fine for 2 days. Yesterday, I think it was still working when I turned on my computer, but now it doesn't. I think it happened after I installed easyubuntu.09:17
crimsun_sleeper: the '2' is an "epoch" meaning a 'generation'09:17
bobby__so yeah any one want to help m,e09:17
Flanneldynamicrealism: so, it says "install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly" so, open synaptic package manager (one below the menu item you were just in)09:17
dynamicrealismim there09:17
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Flanneldynamicrealism: click reload (to add the repositories we just added)09:18
sleepercrimsun_: so is the version actually
crimsun_sleeper: thus, 2:3.1.5-0 >> 1:3.1.6-0, for instance09:18
Flanneldynamicrealism: then, click search, paste that in, click the package, set it to install, then hit "apply"09:18
intelikeybert_ what does  cat /proc/asound/cards  tell us ?09:18
dynamicrealismhell freaking yes09:19
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dynamicrealismflannel you are my hero09:19
dynamicrealismwhat next09:19
Flannelnothing? you're done.09:19
bert_intelikey it says: 0 [Intel          ] : HDA-Intel - HDA Intel09:19
bert_                     HDA Intel at 0xfebf8000 irq 16909:19
bert_1 [default        ] : USB-Audio - USB2.0 Video09:19
bert_                     Syntek Semicon.     USB2.0 Video        at usb-0000:00:1d.7-5, high speed09:19
ubuntuintelikey: can you help mw with  trying to move file vmware workstation from live to cd to /mnt/dave1 mv: cannot stat `/home/ubuntu/Desktop/VMware-workstation-5.5.1-19175': No such file or directory09:19
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Scorpmooni can't install KDE based applications in ubuntu?09:20
intelikeyubuntu not with vm ware i can't.  worry.09:20
=== Killuminati [n=irwin@CPE-58-161-58-168.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
xxozxxim trying to add archives to my sources list, i need direction. maybe im not adding it right09:20
ubuntuits only trying to move a file09:20
Madpilotxxozxx, doing it manually? 'sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list' paste, save, etc?09:21
intelikeybert_ ok try  alsamixer  in the terminal and see what it does09:21
FlannelScorpmoon: you can.09:21
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uXpis the gtkrc file the one with the footprint on it?09:21
Scorpmoonhow so09:21
xxozxxthats the only way i know to do it09:21
KilluminatiCan anybody help me please?09:21
Scorpmooni want to install kdissert on ubunto09:21
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FlannelScorpmoon: just install them with the normal means.  You'll get a lot of dependencies (the kde libs) your first one or two.09:21
=== Killuminati cries
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bert_intelikey, I get some graphical display09:21
MadpilotKilluminati, it helps if you ask a question first...09:22
ubuntuintelikey: i am only moving a file from live cd to mount09:22
P0ldyKilluminati, there are 850 people here.  We see you.  What's the problem09:22
Scorpmoonso after the installation i will basically have both gnome and kde installed?09:22
intelikeyubuntu  yes but you are possably going through emulation to do it...   i don't know enough about it to help you.09:22
KilluminatiHow do I view the userlist in X-Chat?09:22
FlannelScorpmoon: no, just kde libraries.09:22
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Scorpmoonokay, thanks09:22
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MadpilotKilluminati, XChat or XChat-Gnome?09:22
intelikeyubuntu you cant move from cd anyway  cp from there.09:22
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KilluminatiMadMerC, XChat09:22
HajuuHey guys! I need ideas.. How can I open something in wine, when I dont have any terminals in my fluxbox menu list (even though I manually added one into my menu file) ?09:22
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blue-frogKilluminati: click on "number of userse" button09:22
intelikeybert_ all volumes up  no mutes set ?09:22
xxozxxMadpilot, thats the only way i know how to do it09:22
Killuminatiblue-frog, Um, Where's that?09:23
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FlannelHajuu: you might have better luck in a fluxbox chat room.09:23
blue-frogKilluminati: bottoom left of the window09:23
MadpilotKilluminati, in real XChat, userlist should be up the righthand side. in XChat-gnome, it's some god-awful popup thing09:23
bert_intelikey, yes. no mutes.09:23
Killuminatiblue-frog, I don't see it09:23
crimsun_bert_: tail -2 /proc/asound/oss/sndstat09:23
Madpilotxxozxx, what exactly are you trying to do?09:23
crimsun_bert_: (what's returned?)09:23
KilluminatiMadpilot, I know that, I'm on XChat but I don't have the userlist09:23
xxozxxhow are you pming me?09:23
KilluminatiGuess what!09:23
Scorpmoonis Kubuntu generally lesser supported than Ubuntu? It seems to me that Ubuntu is the big brother09:24
KilluminatiIt was hidden09:24
FlannelHajuu: most of us (if not all) have never used fluxbox, try in #fluxbox, they'd be more familiar if there's a keyboard shortcut, or somethign else magical you have to o.09:24
KilluminatiThankyou all very much =)09:24
bert_crimsun_ it returns: 0: Realtek ALC88009:24
bert_1: USB Mixer09:24
MadpilotKilluminati, ease up on the Enter key, please!09:24
KilluminatiYour doing a great job by helping people =)09:24
intelikeybert_ lets test the speakers  do a "cat /dev/urandom >> /dev/dsp "  should be white noise.   ctrl+C  to stop it.09:24
KilluminatiMadpilot, Sorry =)09:24
crimsun_bert_: are you trying to use the onboard or the usb device?09:24
FrogzooScorpmoon: Gnome is the ubuntu 'standard' so yes, kubuntu is the poor cousin09:24
xxozxxMadpilot, how do i pm you?09:24
P0ldyStick around, Killuminati.  Help someone yourself.09:24
Madpilotxxozxx, why do you need to?09:24
intelikeybert_ crimsun_ has superceded me here... listen to him.09:25
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KilluminatiP0ldy, I will but I doubt I'll be of any help xD09:25
xxozxxyou show up in red, i wanna know how09:25
maybellemad pilot09:25
KilluminatiI've been using Ubuntu for 15 minutes only09:25
maybelleexcuse me mr madpilot09:25
Scorpmoonbut if all the great apps I want to run are based on KDE, wouldnt it make more logic to install kubuntu09:25
Frogzooxxozxx: any line with your name shows in red09:25
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Madpilotxxozxx, I show up in red because I've put your nick in this line, that's all09:25
Madpilotmaybelle, hmm??09:25
bert_crimsun_ the onboard, the USB is just a built in webcam with mic09:25
xxozxxo ok09:25
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crimsun_bert_: please pastebin the contents of /etc/asound.conf and ~/.asoundrc* (if any of those exist)09:25
FlannelFrogzoo, Scorpmoon, I would hardly call it a poor cousin.  ubuntu (the base system) is improved a lot, and kubuntu benefits a lot from that as well.  ubuntu (the desktop flavor) does have a larger team, than kubuntu, but the stuff behind the scenes is all the same quality.  and kubuntu is rather good as well.09:25
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maybelleive install the driver hpijs09:25
maybellebut then09:26
intelikeycrimsun_ he posted it ^09:26
maybellewhen i started printing09:26
maybellenothng comes out09:26
telemarketer2Czy jest kto z Polski?09:26
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl09:26
intelikeyoh sorry... misread.09:26
bert_crimsun_  pastebin? sorry, I'm new at this09:26
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Scorpmooni want to install ubuntu, but not if it means my kde apps run slower or take up more ressources09:26
FrogzooFlannel: I knew someone wouldn't let that slide without comment ;)09:26
xxozxxMadpilot, i  need a good list of archives for my source file, or a good way to add them09:26
cartur25When I open a folder, how do I make it so that konquerer opens it instead of the default dapper file manager?09:26
maybellewhat should i do madpilot09:26
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Frogzoo!tell xxozxx about easysource09:26
Madpilotmaybelle, I'm not sure - my own HP Deskjet works just fine...09:26
Madpilotxxozxx, for Dapper, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/666609:27
intelikeycrimsun_ sorry i misread.  i'll go and leave you with him.09:27
maybellehow didi you do it09:27
xxozxxFrogzoo, Madpilot, ty09:27
maybellecan you tell me the step by step procedure09:27
telemarketer2Pozdrawiam was ciule.09:27
=== Killuminati crosses fingers.
telemarketer2Elo Poland?09:27
Madpilotmaybelle, I did System->Admin->Printing->New Printer, and it worked. Sorry, there's not much more I can tell you...09:27
maybelleshould i rstart my computer after ive install the driver for my printer?09:27
Madpilottelemarketer2, #ubuntu-pl09:28
crimsun_bert_: some instructions for pastebin were sent to you in a query09:28
Madpilotmaybelle, shouldn't be needed.09:28
cartur25How do I make Konquerer open folders by default instead of Dapper's file browser09:29
_RCM_maybelle: that would be the beauty of linux that you should not need to09:29
baboDoesn't sudo just get really annoying after a while ... ?09:29
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_RCM_create a root password09:29
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crimsun_bert_: after you've pastebinned it, let me know the url09:29
_RCM_babo: sudo passwd09:29
intelikeycartur25 prefered apps ?09:29
Scorpmoonisnt the password you create during installation = root password09:29
_RCM_babo: then su to root09:30
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FlannelScorpmoon: no.09:30
Flannel!tell Scorpmoon about root09:30
KilluminatiWhat's the best mp3 player for ubuntu?09:30
_RCM_Scorpmoon: yes and no09:30
HedgeMageScorpmoon: no, it is a sudo-enabled user09:30
xxozxxmadpilot, will thoses sources work with ubuntu 5.04, or should i upgrade?09:30
Flannel_RCM_: don't suggest the use of su please.09:30
Madpilot_RCM_, there's no need for a root pw in Ubuntu...09:30
KilluminatiI have some .mp3's that work on wmp but don't work on Ubuntu09:30
Madpilotxxozxx, those are 6.06 Dapper sources09:30
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cartur25intelikey: where is the preferred apps options09:30
Madpilotxxozxx, Breezy repos: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/604709:30
HedgeMageScorpmoon: that person can do root tasks, and even sudo su to work as root, but is different in ways (for example it doesn't always have root's privileges)09:30
ubotumethinks mp3 is a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats09:31
intelikey_RCM_ you'll get scolded for advising people to set a root password.09:31
Madpilothi HedgeMage09:31
_RCM_yeah no kidding09:31
Killuminatiubot, Thanks =(09:31
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intelikeycartur25 idk look around.   system preferances.09:31
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_RCM_Flannel, why is that? i am not trying to argue, i am just curious as to why09:31
HedgeMagehi Madpilot, it's true, resistance is futile, I'm one of you now :P09:32
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intelikey_RCM_ they can use sudo -i bash09:32
Flannel_RCM_: you wondering why not to use sudo? or why not to tell people to?09:32
HedgeMageMadpilot: voted in last Edubuntu community council meeting09:32
Flannel_RCM_: erm, why to use sudo.09:32
xxozxxMadpilot, im guessing the breezy works with 5.04 too?09:32
MadpilotHedgeMage, congratulations09:32
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, _nano_09:32
maybellePrinting: open device failed; will retry in 30 seconds... what is this????09:32
Madpilotxxozxx, Breezy is 5.0409:32
Flannelxxozxx: no, that's hoary.09:32
HedgeMageMadpilot: thanks :)09:32
FlannelMadpilot: 5.1009:32
maybellecan somebody help me09:32
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grasshopperGuys! any of you know sysvconfig?09:33
intelikeyFlannel i'm wondering why to use sudo  it wont work here.09:33
Madpilotxxozxx, gah, sorry, it's late. 5.04 = Hoary, 5.10 = Breezy, 6.06 = Dapper09:33
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xxozxxMadpilot, i have hoary09:33
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[SWAT] wanted to know if it is hard to set up linux for a starting user and if ubuntu was a good start since its a debian based distro.. but my only worry is my d-link dfe-530txs network card and the modem config.. can some1 help?09:33
crimsun_bert_: any luck yet?09:33
OhzieAnybody else here have a latitude laptop they're running ubuntu on? Or something else with like...volume up/down/mute buttons that they've gotten working? :)09:33
carlfk[SWAT] : try the LiveCD first - see if your network works09:33
grasshopperIn SYSVCONFIG theres bluez-utils, is that for bluetooth? (trying to disable it)09:34
_RCM_If i reacall correctly there are several pages on the ubuntu wiki that go so far as to tell users how to login to gnome as root09:34
[SWAT] ok09:34
Flannel!tell intelikey about root09:34
Ackei cant install ubuntu 5.10 on my acer notbook, would 6.06 work maybe??09:34
[SWAT] good idea m809:34
kermitX_[SWAT] , the nic shouldn't be any trouble. modem? i haven't used a modem since 1997 or so.09:34
Flannelintelikey: that page talks about pros/cons09:34
benderz0rupdated to 6.06 from hoary and the network card wont come up...it's a via onboard socket a network device09:34
[SWAT] not a 56k modem09:34
benderz0rany help at least getting network up would be handy so then I can fix the rest of the computer remotely09:34
bert_crimsun_  I hope this is it: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1537209:34
_RCM_im not trying to argue09:34
=== Cooner750 [n=cooner75@cpe-65-27-209-60.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
_RCM_i was just curious09:34
Ackenot even the live5.10 works to boot up from. breaks down at runlvl 509:34
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_RCM_sorry for any trouble09:34
_joehello all09:34
intelikeyFlannel i've read that page.  still can't use sudo on this system.... can't use su either.09:34
ZambeziIf I import my *.pst files with Thunderbird in Windows, will it be problems to import the Thunderbird-Windowsfiles to Tunderbird-Linux? Please highlight my name.09:34
Cooner750Has anyone here been able to successfully install Ubuntu and OS X on one hard drive in the machine?09:34
_joeHELLO ALL!09:34
[SWAT] but ive had problem instaling my suse linux with the internet configured and all with and without my rooter09:35
[SWAT] :S09:35
Flannelintelikey: sounds like you've FUBARed something then.09:35
kermitX_[SWAT] , dsl or cable modem? MUCH easier to use a broadband router.09:35
Frogzoobenderz0r: updating to dapper from hoary is asking for trouble without going through breezy - no 'leap frogging' distributions09:35
[SWAT] cable modem kermitX_09:35
_joewhy doesnt su work09:35
xxozxxbenderz0r, can u tell me how to upgrade from hoary to 6.06?09:35
kermitX_[SWAT] , have a router already?09:35
grasshopperHello? any of you know whether bluez-utils in sysvconfig corresponds to bluetooth?09:35
intelikeyFlannel by your standards, i guess so.   / mounted nosuid09:35
Madpilotxxozxx, you'd need to upgrade to 5.10, then to 6.0609:35
Frogzooxxozxx: hoary -> breezy -> dapper - NO LEAP FROGGING distros09:35
crimsun_bert_: yep, that looks proper. Please now pastebin the output from ``amixer''09:35
grasshopper_joe, try sudo09:35
[SWAT] yes but i tried to configure my syse last time with and without it no luck09:35
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xxozxxbenderz0r, ok, so how do i upgrade?09:36
uXpHow do you install custom themes?09:36
P0ldygrasshopper, BlueZ - Official Linux Bluetooth protocol stack.  First google hit09:36
benderz0rxxozxx: I believe these guys did it via the nice gui updater and some where along the line there was an error, I believe most of it is 6.0609:36
kermitX_[SWAT] , just enable DHCP in the router and let the installer auto configure it.09:36
_joegrasshopper: i used sudo, but i also want su09:36
[SWAT] ok09:36
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MadpilotuXp, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuEyeCandy09:36
Flannelintelikey: right, by the time you know how to do that, you're welcome to not use sudo, and you know about the consequences of running as root, etc.09:36
grasshopperP0ldy: do you know sysvconfig?09:36
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kermitX_[SWAT] , * the system, not the router.  if you can connect via windows, you should have no trouble connecting via linux.09:36
[SWAT] gonna try the live cd and if it work the real deal should work?09:36
intelikey_joe if you want a root password set one.    sudo passwd09:36
Madpilotxxozxx, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade09:36
_joeintelikey: really? that's all it takes?09:36
xxozxxbenderz0r, thanks09:36
bert_crimsun_ : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1537309:36
_joeintelikey: i guess that makes sense...09:37
grasshopper_joe: its sudo in ubuntu. If y ou want to root its sudo su09:37
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_RCM_SWAT: what kind of comp do you have09:37
intelikeyFlannel yessir.09:37
_joebut i used to use bsd and i'm used to su, can't i just sudo passwd?09:37
_joeor doesnt it wrk in linux09:37
Flannel_RCM_: no troubles ;)  su isn't recommended by ubuntu, so it's easier for us to not have to remind people not to run as root etc, it's fine if you use it for yourself, because (presumably) you know the risks of remaining as root, etc, but a lot of people don't.09:37
intelikeyit works09:37
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kermitX_[SWAT] , that would be a good plan. that's a fairly common chip on the nic, and if you're using a router, you don't have to worry about networking. just use DHCP; or during install set a static IP on the same subnet and input the ISP's dns server ip's.09:37
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grasshopperP0ldy: ? i can disbable bluez-tooth there in sysvconfig would that disable bluetooth?09:37
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P0ldygrasshopper, No, I use sysv-rc-conf.09:38
_RCM_Flannel: thanks for the clarification, and no hard feelings09:38
Flannel_RCM_: that's why we don't recommend it, because you're giving them lots of rope, and they don't know better to not hang themselves.09:38
KilluminatiI'm not hearing anything09:38
_joealso in ubuntu do i want to install flash through the firefox plugins dialog or is there a package??09:38
KilluminatiIs there any reason why?09:38
P0ldygrasshopper, Most likely yes it would disable bluetooth09:38
=== river [n=annie@c211-30-65-244.belrs1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats09:38
_joethanks :)09:38
crimsun_bert_: amixer set 'Front' on && amixer set 'Surround' on && amixer set 'Center' on && amixer set 'LFE' on && amixer set 'IEC958' off09:38
_RCM__joe rtfm09:39
crimsun_bert_: that should make volume audible again09:39
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_joewhat is rtfm?09:39
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_RCM_read the funny manual09:39
P0ldy_joe, read the fucking manual09:39
KilluminatiRead The F*vking Manual09:39
kermitX_careful, P0ldy ... ;)09:39
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ubotuPlease watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen.09:39
=== bonee [n=bonee@pool-71-107-104-163.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidnova969 rocks09:40
Madpilot_RCM_, not funny.09:40
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Killuminatilmao at Madpilot.09:40
=== [SWAT] [i=swat@modemcable115.185-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
bert_crimsun_  silly me...thanks a lot for your help.09:40
crimsun_bert_: np.09:40
grasshopperP0ldy: is sysv-rc-conf better to use or ?...09:40
boneehow do i add my windows xp boot option in grub if my windows HD is hdb109:40
carlfkI need to stuff a text file into a thunderbird message body (not attach) - there doesn;t seem to be an "Insert file" option so I wanted to paste it - so how can I get a text file onto the clipboard?  (hoping for a command)09:40
=== intelikey thought it was a 'fine manual'
[SWAT] what where you saying before i crashed09:40
=== Killuminati asks again.
P0ldygrasshopper, really couldn't say because I've never used the other.  I find it simple enough though09:40
KilluminatiWhy isn't my sound working?09:40
kermitX_[SWAT] , that would be a good plan. that's a fairly common chip on the nic, and if you're using a router, you don't have to worry about networking. just use DHCP; or during install set a static IP on the same subnet and input the ISP's dns server ip's.09:41
_joebut is rtfm actually a website09:41
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kermitX_[SWAT] , * the good plan being boot up the live (desktop) cd first.09:41
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[SWAT] kermitX_ understood :D09:41
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grasshopperP0ldy: is it sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf09:41
crimsun_Killuminati: could you explain further?09:41
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SurfnKidhow can i place shortcuts on mouse clicks and so forth09:42
P0ldygrasshopper, yes09:42
kermitX_[SWAT] , if you can get online in windows, linux should be no problem. just set it up the same way (if you use a static lan ip, of course, you'd use a different one)09:42
[SWAT] if it works ill make sure to make a long stay in here :D and if not il still hang up here09:42
=== Svigi_wlan [n=wlan@ip-c1091e12.rpwnet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
[SWAT] later all09:42
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intelikeybonee edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and add  (hd1,0) windows  <\n> chainloader+109:42
uXpif you dl a .tar unpacked it and has thmes folder, do i drag the whole folder to the ./theme folder?09:42
Killuminaticrimsun_, The drivers seem to be working properly but I get no sound09:42
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KilluminatiIs there any way to test my sound?09:42
_joeumm what makes ubuntu different from other linux os that i may try?09:42
Svigi_wlanKilluminati: cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp :D09:43
_joewhat is it superior?09:43
uXptest out the sample you were given when you installed ubuntu KILL09:43
intelikey_joe nothing really.09:43
kermitX_Killuminati, there should be an audio file or two in the "Examples"09:43
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Killuminati_joe, It's alot easier to use?09:43
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P0ldyKilluminati, you could do System > Preferences > Sound to test files09:43
Flannel_joe: it "just works"(tm).09:43
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Svigi_wlanand if you're hearing garbage sounds, it works:D09:43
crimsun_Killuminati: ``aplay /usr/share/sounds/startup.wav''09:43
intelikeyKilluminati i disagree09:43
_joebut then why does skype not work09:43
guestiehey guys is there a better AIM client out there than GAIM?  i dont need all the other protocols09:43
_joecause ksype workeds on slackare09:43
Flannelguestie: GAIM is probably your best bet09:43
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KilluminatiNo sound works?09:43
gizmo_the_greatI leave my Desktop running 24\7 and it's always been fine, except recently I had to re-install Breezy. ever since, I keep coming down in the morning and find that it's tunred itself off.09:44
gizmo_the_greatI've looked in a few logs (/var/logs/kernlog, syslog) to see what the very last entries where in them.09:44
gizmo_the_greatThis was at 10:25pm in kernlog:09:44
gizmo_the_greatJun 8 22:25:15 localhost kernel: [4299034.584000]  agpgart: Found an AGP 3.0 compliant device at 0000:00:00.0. Jun 8 22:25:15 localhost kernel: [4299034.584000]  agpgart: Putting AGP V3 device at 0000:00:00.0 into 8x mode Jun 8 22:25:15 localhost kernel: [4299034.584000]  agpgart: Putting AGP V3 device at 0000:02:00.0 into 8x mode Jun 8 22:25:36 localhost kernel: [4299056.369000]  APIC error on CPU0: 08(02)09:44
xxozxxwhere can i dl breezy?09:44
_joeand i tried rehat and it works there to09:44
gizmo_the_greatThis was at 00:12 a few hours later in the early hours of this morning in syslog :09:44
_RCM_guestie: or miranda its pretty lite aswell09:44
Svigi_wlanor cat your harddisk into your soundcard:)09:44
=== freakabcd [n=freakabc@60-241-5-233.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .09:44
P0ldygrasshopper, after you install sysv-rc-conf, you might like this thread. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8949109:44
gizmo_the_greatJun 9 00:12:49 localhost dhclient: DHCPACK from Jun 9 00:12:49 localhost dhclient: bound to -- renewal in 1415 seconds. Jun 9 00:17:01 localhost /USR/SBIN/CRON[14215] : (root) CMD ( run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)09:44
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guestiemiranda?  cool maybe ill give that a whirl09:44
Flannelxxozxx: you have hoary?  you can just upgrade, no need to download another iso.09:44
Flannel!tell xxozxx about upgrade09:44
Svigi_wlandifferent filesystems have different sounds09:44
uXpUnpacking a theme file, gives me a folder with files in it (theme files) where do i put that file?, under the ./themes?09:44
guestiethough i really dont have any complaints about gaim as it is09:44
crimsun_Killuminati: please pastebin the output from ``lspci -nv && lsmod && asoundconf list && tail -2 /proc/asound/oss/sndstat && amixer''09:44
grasshopperP0ldy: thx man09:44
animatohello, is there any app which can give me my hardware stats?09:44
_joebut on unbuntu i get no suond and alsa error 409:44
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animatouxp, just drag it to the "themes" window09:44
_RCM_guestie: if you are really curious check out miranda09:45
vermoosxxozxx: change your /etc/apt/sources.list and do a dist-upgrade09:45
Killuminaticrimsun_, Don't worry I just had my speakers in the wrong jack xD09:45
P0ldyuXp, you could just use "Install Theme" with the compressed file in the Theme manager09:45
KilluminatiSorry to bother you all =(09:45
Svigi_wlananimato: what do you want about it?09:45
kermitX_uXp, are these from someplace like art.gnome.org? you can just drag the tarball into the themes window.09:45
guestieis it available through apt-get?09:45
kermitX_uXp, or even the download link at that site.09:45
animatohmm you know, the usual stuff, like what kinda ram and cpu i got09:45
crimsun_Killuminati: np09:45
mngrifif i were to turn an ubuntu desktop box into a NAT firewall (with DNS caching), what packages should I be looking into?09:45
uXpno someone a friend made it09:45
Flannel_RCM_: isn't miranda windows only?09:45
Svigi_wlananimato: do you know gkrellm?09:45
animatoi wanna buy more ram, and i don't remember which one i got already09:45
hansdezwartHello is there anybody who could help me with popfile on dapper drake?09:45
animatono, what is it?09:45
uXpwere in a .tar file09:45
Svigi_wlangkrellm is a monitoring daemon with lots of plugins09:45
intelikey_joe each distro has it's own forte' and each has plenty of weaknesses....09:46
Svigi_wlancpu load, uptime, disk usage09:46
Svigi_wlannetwork usage09:46
_joeintelikey: yeah true good point09:46
Svigi_wlanand temperatures if your system supports is09:46
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Svigi_wlanyes it is09:46
Svigi_wlani recommend you the hdplop plugin09:46
animatoi'll try it thanx, is it easy to setup?09:46
seanhi i have found drivers for my wireless card and there in an .exe format is there anyway to extract the drivers for the card in ubuntu? so that i can use them with ndiswrapper?09:46
Svigi_wlanthere'll be lights that represent your hdd working09:46
gizmo_the_greatare the IRC servers expected to get a big hit at 10am EST due to forums being off for a while?09:47
intelikeyubuntu is the most "windows like"  i have seen yet.   (one thing i have against it.)09:47
=== mike__ [n=shiney@dsl-58-6-121-220.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
seanO_o i always thought kubuntu was the most windows like distro09:47
Flannelintelikey: what on earth do you mean by that? (and this would be a better discussion for #ubuntu-offtopic, by the way)09:47
Svigi_wlanhttp://hules.free.fr/ion_hdplop.png something like this09:47
kermitX_uXp, if the archive was in the right format, it will drag-n-drop to the theme window too.09:47
intelikeythen don't ask09:47
KilluminatiDoes anybody know an mp3 player with hotkey support?09:48
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FrogzooKilluminati: amarok09:48
guestieyeah mirandas website says its only supported by windows oses09:48
crimsun_intelikey: but you've made it less Windows-like on your system, I hope? :)09:48
uXpWho here has like 5 minutes that could do do step by step with me with installing themes, im confused09:48
mike__hello, tonight is the night i install dapper. i have 1 question before starting though. If i install XGL and compwiz, when it is running in the background, will my other opengl apps become slow?09:48
Frogzoo!tell uXp about themes09:48
intelikeycrimsun_ i have indeed.09:48
kermitX_uXp, you can compare a similar theme (windows or engine, etc) at art.gnome.org to see if it is right or not.09:48
intelikeycrimsun_    /dev/sda on / type ext2 (rw,nosuid)    <--- for one thing.09:49
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_joehow do i get the glx gears screen saver on unbuntu??09:49
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KilluminatiFrogzoo, Isn't amarok for KDE only?09:49
_joeon other liux i can do glxgears --root09:49
FrogzooKilluminati: no indeed - it runs fine under gnome09:49
_joeon linux i get file not found09:49
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_joeon unbuntu linux that is09:50
Svigi_wlanif I write in into fstab: noexec, how does it possible to run things from that partition?09:50
Svigi_wlanexcept the / :)09:50
FujitsuSvigi_wlan, mount it not with noexec.09:50
_RCM__joe: ask Flannel09:50
seanso is there anyway to open a self extracting archive in linux? shows up as a .exe file?09:50
_joeFlannel knows?09:50
Svigi_wlanFujitsu: I don't want it to mount with noexec09:50
ZambeziIs it anyproblem to import Thunderbirds Windowsfiles to Thunderbird in Linux?09:50
Flannelwait, why is he asking me?09:50
Svigi_wlanI talking about my /home partition09:50
akudewansean: wine maybe   ?09:50
_joeFlannel: cause _RCM_ told me too09:51
FlannelZambezi: which files?09:51
intelikeysean will unzip not do it ?09:51
Svigi_wlanit's a security thing I think09:51
_joeFlannel: do you know??09:51
FujitsuSvigi_wlan, if you don't want it to mount with it, then don't mount with it!09:51
FlannelZambezi: like the mail?  it should copy over fine.  same format on each09:51
Svigi_wlanoh I know, symlinking the executables from an "exec" partition into a noexec partition should work09:51
KilluminatiFrogzoo, Do you mind linking me because I can't find a link to it =(09:51
kermitX_sean, right-click, open with other application, pick file-roller.09:51
ubotuI heard amarok is a music player for Linux and Unix with an intuitive interface. See http://amarok.kde.org ; amaroK's features: http://amarok.kde.org/content/view/51/1/ - To install Amarok 1.4 on Ubuntu, see http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.php09:51
hansdezwartZambezi, I just did exactly that a couple of days ago09:51
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hansdezwartcopying the profiles didn't work so well09:52
hansdezwartby the mailfiles weren't a problem at all09:52
=== ChaKy_ [n=chaky@lns01-0221.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu
=== intelikey still wants to know why unzip wont work for archive.exe
akudewanSvigi_wlan: why symlink ? just change noexec to exec09:52
KilluminatiFrogzoo, I found it!09:53
KilluminatiThankyou very much =)09:53
mike__intelikey, cause its an executable with executable code... it isn't a real zip file09:53
Flannelintelikey: archive.exe are well, exe files.09:53
intelikeyFlannel it works in msdos09:53
mike__intelikey, use wine or something to extract it09:53
Fujitsuintelikey, Ubuntu isn't MS-DOS...09:53
=== intelikey goes to test
Flannelintelikey: what does? running? unzipping?09:53
mike__If i install XGL and compwiz, when it is running in the background, will my other opengl apps become slow?09:54
jimbo2006A .EXE has a stub that extracts the ZIPPED contents that are part of the file09:54
mike__like games and the like09:54
_joewut is xgl09:54
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chavomike__, yes09:54
ZambeziFlannel: I'll import my mails in Outlook to Thunderbird. And when I'll migrate to Ubuntu. But is there any problem to import TB-files from Windows to Linux?09:54
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=== mike__ cries
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burepeI want to use the Google Web Tool Kit and it says to install "Sun Java Standard Edition SDK" Can I do this through Adept? There are so many Java packages, it is a little confusing. Lil` help?09:54
jimbo2006Some unzippers ignore the stub, some don't09:54
chavomike__, you can just start a normal xserver on as new tty to play games09:54
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_joemike__: but seriously though, i have some stuff run very quickly on XGL, and other stuff run slowly09:55
=== sn00p [n=sn00p@c-66-41-190-197.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
_joemike__: for instance, mplayer -vo gl2 ran great09:55
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sn00pHow do I install rpm on ubuntu09:55
FlannelZambezi: hansdezwart did just that, apparently, ask him about quirks.  I've never used thunderbird.09:55
_joemike__: mplayer -vo xv did not09:55
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Flannel!tell sn00p about alien09:55
mike__should i be bothered about XGL?09:55
FujitsuFlannel, I don't think there are any issues with that.09:55
ompaulsn00p, you can, but most likely your just missing the way to do things on Ubuntu09:55
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Fujitsumike__, it looks great :)09:55
mike__i still want to play games :P09:55
ompaulsn00p, care to tell us what the package is?09:55
Zambezihansdezwart: That's sound good. I have Windows atm, but not for many days more. The Outlook files->Thunderbird Windows->Thunderbird Linux is one of the last steps.09:55
FlannelFujitsu: I wouldn't think so either.09:55
uXpwhat do they mean by gtk themes?09:56
kermitX_intelikey, i just downloaded winzip for windows, and extracted it using unzip winzip100.exe09:56
Fujitsusn00p, what package is it?09:56
mike__oh well... we'll cross that bridge when i come to it09:56
ZambeziFlannel: I'll ask him.09:56
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intelikeyyes i just tested it too it does indeed work.   if it's a self extracting archive unzip archive.exe09:58
=== dirge [n=root@67-51-117-207.dsl1.elk.ca.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
dirgeHello everyone.09:58
ompaulsn00p, we have about 20000  packages the default install  gives you access to about 3000, have a look this http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto09:58
Flannelintelikey: right, but what is your "unzip"?09:59
intelikeyand Fujitsu you are absolutely correct. this is not msdos.  it much better.09:59
dirgeJust installed Ubuntu last night.09:59
intelikeyFlannel the linux default09:59
_svigiwlanI would like to build a lightweight system from ubuntu-server09:59
Flannelintelikey: ah, ok.  I imagine it's a cab in there somewhere.09:59
_svigiwlanI only need madwifi, apache and mc and the binutils09:59
dirgeAnyone here experienced with multiple monitor setups?09:59
_svigiwlanwhat can I remove?09:59
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intelikeyFlannel i haven't installed anything other than the hoary default.    and no it's a zip file with an executable wraper10:00
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SurfnKidhow can i set a program to execute on a mouse click?10:00
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martosshi there10:01
uXpi hate this thme crap, i can't get it to work10:01
KilluminatiHow do I view the equivilant of a task manager?10:01
martosstop in the console10:02
=== main [n=qmario@cpe-68-201-249-213.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
martossif your're using kde -> ctrl +exc10:02
ompaul_svigiwlan, well the ubuntu-base is fairly small, inspect the list in a terminal, apt-cache show ubuntu-base -- be careful take out the wrong thing and you will no longer have a functioning system10:02
FlannelKilluminati: there's a "system monitor" in the menues10:02
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kermitX_Killuminati, add the system monitor applet to your panel, or top from console10:02
SurfnKidintelikey, hi, do you know of a way to set a shortcut to a mouse button to run i.e. xmms10:02
jimbo2006Surfnkid have you tried the Alacarte menu edit? Try file/new10:02
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SurfnKidjimbo2006, whats alcarte do?10:03
KilluminatiThanks everyone =)10:03
_svigiwlanompaul, thanks10:03
jimbo2006A menu editor default on Ubuntu Dapper Drake10:03
intelikeySurfnKid it would depend on the wm  and no not off hand i don't know.  but i know it can be done.10:03
SurfnKidah ok10:03
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SurfnKidstill learning how to change wms10:04
_svigiwlandpkg -l  is my friend:)10:04
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ompaul_svigiwlan, I have not included the next step, because trust me on this, if you don't know what to do next you don't want to try trimming anything out of it.10:04
mainWhat happened to the icons in Dapper? My .cpp, .java, and .h files have lost their icons. Is there a way I can see them again?10:04
SurfnKidrm isnt my friend10:04
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DaveyJmain, what are you using for a java editor?10:04
intelikey_svigiwlan apt-cache should be also then10:04
sn00ponce I converted the rpm how do I install the .deb file?10:04
_svigiwlanfor example i don't need vim10:04
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_svigiwlansn00p: dpkg -i yourfile.deb10:05
mainDaveyJ, so far gedit and BlueJ.10:05
DaveyJbluej? good?10:05
dirgeI've used it. I like it.10:05
DaveyJi'm coming from jcreatorLE on win3210:05
ompaul_svigiwlan, so check does anything depend on it, and are you happy for that to go also :)10:05
intelikeyso apt-get remove vim-minamal10:05
DaveyJi only need the basics10:05
=== stephan__ [n=stephan@c-67-187-39-50.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelBlueJ is fun.  useful for learning, that's for sure.10:05
mainDaveyJ, it does open with gedit though. So what happened to the little teacup for .java files?10:06
guestieanybody have any cool/useful packages i should download?  i think ive got all my basics done now10:06
sn00pOnce I have that in packages, how do i run it10:06
dirgeBlueJ has joined with NetBeans on the newest NetBeans project.10:06
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Healotfor full featured industrial IDE, netbeans or Java Studio rocks10:06
HealotBorland JBuilder is cool too10:06
_svigiwlanapt-get remove warns me if it has a dependency, so it's OK now10:06
ZambeziWhich is the best antivirus for Linux? There got to be an alternative to ClamAV.10:06
dirgeAnyone do any work with multiple monitors in Ubuntu?10:07
jimbo2006guestie: sudo apt-get install blender (I think is cool)10:07
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iiiearsSurfnKid: "IMWHEEL" Enables multi button mice. Might be a trail to follow there.10:07
DaveyJi didnt like JBuilder10:07
guestiejimbo whats that do10:07
jimbo20063d graphics10:07
sn00p_svigiwlan how do I run it?10:07
guestieah interesting10:07
intelikeysn00p run what ?10:07
stephan__how do i make a filesystem reiserFS?10:08
Zambezidirge: I heard of one person. He said he tired for month. It's pretty tricky.10:08
_svigiwlansn00p: I think you've converted rpm to deb with alien, isn't it?10:08
kermitX_Zambezi, nver used it, but avg has a free (to use in certain environments) linux version http://free.grisoft.com/doc/20/lng/us/tpl/v510:08
sn00p_svigiwlan yea10:08
_svigiwlanjust run dpkg -i /path/to/yourfilenamehere.deb10:08
KilluminatiDoes anybody know how to install xampp?10:08
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intelikeystephan__ convert to rieser ????  eeek.   or just format to rieserfs ?10:08
sn00p_svigiwlan no I mean how do I run the program that I added the .deb ?10:08
KilluminatiDoes anybody know how to install xampp????10:08
stephan__intelikey, format10:09
FlannelKilluminati: you just asked that.  Do you need xampp? will normal lamp not work for you?10:09
guestiebtw what streams WMV videos for you guys on websites?  I got easyubuntu and that makes totem do it, but it seems really slow... is there a better choice?10:09
ZambezikermitX_: And there's Avast, Bitdefender, Panda and much much more. ;-) It confusing. On Windows, NOD32 is the best.10:09
iiiearsreiserfs isn't even 10 percent faster. - sounds like a lot of extra work10:09
intelikeystephan__ mkfs.rieser /dev/blah10:09
KilluminatiFlannel, I downloaded xampp but it's calling itself lamp10:09
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KilluminatiSo how do I install lamp?10:09
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kermitX_Killuminati, why not use the apache, php, mysql that's in main repository?10:09
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FlannelKilluminati: xampp is a pre-packaged lamp install, essentially.10:10
intelikeystephan__ example  sudo mkfs.rieserfs /dev/hda110:10
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Flannel!tell Killuminati about lamp10:10
Flannelthat'll get you all setup and running10:10
Flannelerm, once ubotu wakes up.10:10
KilluminatiNo messages10:10
intelikeystephan__ example2  sudo mkfs.rieser4 /dev/sdb310:10
iiiearsMuch easier to buy an inexpensive RAID card. even software raid will give you better results after adding another drive10:10
Flannelompaul: you keeeeled him!10:10
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=== ompaul will kline him if he does not wake up :-) Flannel
iiiearslol - I killed the internet? - Again.. sheesh.10:10
ompaulwell I can't but10:10
stephan__intelikey, command not found :/10:10
seliniumhi ompaul :)10:11
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KilluminatiNothing =(10:11
guestieubotu is just going to refer him to the wiki... search the wiki for what youre looking for10:11
ompaulKilluminati, go to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ and search for lamp10:11
guestieive learned itll save some time10:11
FlannelKilluminati: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP10:11
ompaulmorning selinium10:11
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intelikeystephan__ tab key is your friend.   mkfs.[tab] [tab] 10:11
=== ompaul goes back to work for a few command lines
seliniumHi all, since upraging to dapper update-manager does not show the changes. Is this a bug?10:11
Flannelselinium: there has only been once batch of changes since dapper.10:12
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sn00p_svigiwaln there was a program in the .deb I converted from the rpm10:12
t-thingHi. Yesterday I managed to get my dlink wireless card working just fine. But today, after reboot no luck. It would seem that the device doesn't understand wep at the moment: error set encode, error set essid. I'm using the linux rt61 drivers. I've been trying to get this working for a while now, so any help is very good10:12
ubotuLinux-Apache-MySQL-PHP  one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Ubuntu is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP or in 6.06 (Dapper Drake) you have the option of choosing to install a LAMP setup at the inital Ubuntu installation screen.10:12
seliniumFlannel: I have got so waiting now....10:12
SurfnKidiiiears,where'd u get the iimwheel10:12
mainWhat happened to ubotu?10:12
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intelikeystephan__ it's called tab-completion   bash is funny that way....10:12
Flannellag, or something.  He's back now.10:12
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Flanneloh, I suppose he's not back, because of the flood.10:13
mcpowleyhow would i extract a file to someplace with permissions...I try to do it in the tar gui but i get a permissions error, do I have to do this in terminal with sudo?10:13
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iiiearsSurfnKid:  http://www.linuxheadquarters.com/howto/basic/imwheel.shtml10:13
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Frogzooany easier suggestions to get CDemu than build from source?10:14
lerelelehi! I have 2 soundcards and i want alsa to use the second one, how can i do this??10:14
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SurfnKidiiiears, thx10:14
KriS83Probably more a question for the Evolution devs, but is it possible to have evolution auto complete emailaddresses it knows for the addressbook? while typing them?10:14
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intelikeymcpowley yep   man tar   and sudo tar -[blah]  file10:15
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iiiearsHow do you apply a patch to source code? - Have a link?10:15
acidjediDoes anyone know how to install the proprietary ATI 3d drivers?10:15
ubotusomebody said ati was http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers10:15
Frogzooiiiears: cd to source dir, & 'patch -p1 < blah.patch'10:15
ackei have a tuchpad. when i move it 1 cm fast it move the cursor over the entire screen, changing the settings in the graphical mouse preferences doesnt affect the speed. Help plz???10:15
acidjedithanks intelikey10:16
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ubotuit has been said that ndiswrapper is a way to support Windows wireless drivers, but it is buggy compared to native support. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper10:16
Frogzooacke: you've likely got the wrong mouse protocol configured in /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:16
iiiearsCool. - Wish i had asked sooner.10:16
ackeFrogzoo. how to change?10:17
iiiearsFrogzoo - Where do i put the patch file?10:17
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Frogzooiiiears: anywhere you like...10:17
stephan__intelikey, mkreiserfs was the command:o10:17
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Frogzooacke: google for your mouse make/model + xorg.conf10:18
intelikeyacke could sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg    or  sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:18
iiiearsXMMS from source with samba support. - tasty. - Thanks again10:18
intelikeystephan__ depends on where.  that looks like a busybox command.   doing it from an install cd ?10:18
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DaveyJhow do you execute java classes?10:19
baboso in aide, when I run `aide --init` ... it creates a /var/lib/aide/aide.db.new file ... and when I run `aide -C` it tells me that it can't find /var/lib/aide/aidb.db  ... ? why does it look for a different file ... ?10:19
odinrikoI have a third party .deb file that won't install without 'xlib' how do I force it to install10:19
intelikeyinstall xlib10:19
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chavoxlib has been deprecated in dapper10:20
Matthewvodinriko, you could try 'sudo dpkg -i --force-depends <package-name>' if it is impossible to install xlib.. but i would install xlib if you can10:20
=== RandolphCarter [n=brett@82-42-145-141.cable.ubr01.sprt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
mainOmpaul, what happened to the teacup icon for .java files?10:20
intelikeyxlibs moe than likely.10:20
odinrikoMatthewv: like chavo said it doesn't seem to exist in ubuntu10:20
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ZambeziHave anyone heard of Irssi, an IRC-client?10:20
KilluminatiI have10:20
ompaulmain, no idea, I imagine its a coffee cup trademark by Sun10:20
chavoodinriko, you trying to install opera ?10:21
intelikeyhehhe half the people in here are probably using it Zambezi10:21
odinrikochavo: no, cedega10:21
Matthewvodinriko, try find the equiv. in dapper, install that, and then force the package as i said above10:21
Zambeziintelikey: Sounds good. Thanks!10:21
mainOmpaul, I mean in Dapper for identification of .java files? In Breezy, there is a cup icon for .java files. In Dapper, it is just a blank page icon.10:21
chavoxlibs is not availabe in dapper10:21
intelikeyZambezi it's the 'default' irc cliend for ubuntu.10:21
odinrikochavo: What is the equivilent?10:21
ompaulZambezi, you install it as irssi-text and invoke is at irssi10:21
mainFor .cpp files there are 3 black gears as an icon.10:22
Flannelompaul: it should already be installed, it's part of ubuntu-desktop10:22
intelikeyompaul what ub install doesn't install irssi by default ?10:22
ompaulmain, no ied10:22
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ompaulmain, no idea, really its not my cuppa - its non free software10:22
intelikeyFlannel or ubuntu-server either one.10:22
iiiearsIs there an Ubuntu equivalent to mime-magic for apache? What file assigns icons and qualified apps?10:22
=== ompaul puts on his gnu disguise
ompaulthey'll never notice that10:23
Flannelintelikey: is it part of -server?10:23
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iiiearsfile associations10:23
odinrikoMatthewv: Thank you, that worked.10:23
Matthewvno probs odinriko10:23
Flannelintelikey: seems there is no ubuntu-server.  Oh, dapper maybe, I suppose.10:23
intelikeyFlannel was back in hoary.   long time ago10:23
Flannelintelikey: right, on breezy there is no ubuntu-server10:24
Zambeziintelikey, ompaul: Even better. Then I'll be online as soon as I installed Ubuntu.10:24
ompaulthere is a ubuntu-server10:24
Flannelompaul: not according to apt10:24
ompaulit is an iso10:24
intelikeyFlannel no the server install.10:24
ompaulits ubuntu-base10:24
kermitX_there's an iso but not a meta package.10:24
Flanneloh. psh.10:24
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ubotusomebody said hardware was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport10:25
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intelikeyFlannel dpkg -L ubuntu-base | grep irssi10:25
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intelikeyi would but ubuntu-base is not installed here.10:26
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intelikeywell actually i did....10:26
Flannelerm, I don't see it as part of ubuntu-base.  ubuntu base depends on -minimal and -standard, minimal is ... well, minimal, and base doesn't have irssi in it.10:26
Flannelubuntu-desktop does10:26
kermitX_irssi is only in the *desktop metas10:27
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intelikeyFlannel hmm ok.  i can't argue with that.10:27
xukun_what is the default irc client in dapper?10:27
Flannelxukun_: which version?10:27
xukun_Flannel, hmm the LTS10:28
Flannelxukun_: technically "default" is GAIM.  xchat-gnome is in main though.10:28
jirwinwould there be any reason in particular that when I try and load up a desktop (gnmoe,kde,ion3) when my resolution is 1600x1200 it freezes...but if it is 1024x768 it doesn't?10:28
Flannelirssi is also installed10:28
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pd273Hi there, when I do a apt-get -f install I get this error http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/769319, any idea how I can remove this package10:28
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_RCM_so has anyone had any experience with the live install acting diffrently as far as computer functions go..as compared to the actual install?....for example..the function keys worked ony my sony laptop great when running live..however they do not in the actual install10:29
DaveyJhow do you execute java classes?10:29
intelikeyFlannel is that where the symlink 'irc' points ?10:29
xukun_Flannel, thanks10:29
jirwinDaveyJ: use the 'java' command10:29
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Flannelintelikey: er, I don't know?10:29
FrogzooDaveyJ: java blah.class10:29
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DaveyJhrmm i tired that10:29
intelikeyls -l `which irc`10:29
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HealotFrogzoo, with out the class :)10:30
Flannelintelikey: irc runs irssi on my box.10:30
Healotthe .class extension :-10:30
Flannelintelikey, I'm running breezy though, let me go try on dapper10:30
intelikeydoes that not make it the default   irc  client ?10:30
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DaveyJthere we go10:30
DaveyJgotta leave out the ".class"10:30
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Healotfor JAR file, add the switch "-jar" before the jar filename10:31
avisi have a wifi card and i must usa wpa-tkip with it10:31
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avisi'm using regular LTS Ubuntu10:31
DaveyJwould anyone happen to know where the default jdk is located?10:31
Healotthe desktop CD?10:31
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avisno i did a proper install10:31
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avison my learning computer that roxors10:31
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avisso i have plenty of linux machines to study with10:31
xukun_anybdoy using dell inspiron 9300 with Dapper LTS?10:31
_RCM_so has anyone had any experience with the live install acting diffrently as far as computer functions go..as compared to the actual install?....for example..the function keys worked ony my sony laptop great when running live..however they do not in the actual install10:32
Flannelintelikey: heh, wild goose chase.  /usr/bin/irc -> /etc/alternatives/irc -> irssi10:32
Healotjava will find it automatically, or you can suppy -X:javahome or $CLASSPATH environment... DaveyJ10:32
FrogzooDaveyJ: I'd recommend installing the sun jre10:32
avisFlannel did you notice that was not put in the menus ?10:32
Healotjava --help for more switches10:32
intelikeyFlannel yeah i don't do alternatives.10:32
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Flannelavis: irssi?  that's because it's console based.10:32
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avisi've seen it inside a menu before10:32
jirwini use irssi on a screen.10:33
dayerhi, someone knows why when I try to boot Ubuntu install the keyboard doesn't respond, it's so freezen and I can't select language?10:33
avishi ompaul10:33
Scorpmoonisn't FAT32 slow on a 64bit system10:33
intelikeyi rm /etc/alternatives   then fix the broken links and edit update-alternatives10:33
jirwintry using vga=71110:33
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u01p2109Flannel: how to set up in irssi enother codepage?10:33
avisScorpmoon, i seriously doubt it its actually the faster of the two10:33
Flannelu01p2109: er, what?10:33
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HealotScorpmoon: access to disk depends on the rotation speed of the disk+buffer10:33
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ompaulavis, morning10:33
u01p2109Flannel: et. KOI8-R10:33
BlackadderNZhi, can someone help me with my XGL?10:33
avisompaul, likewse10:33
Stardoghelp... tried to upgrade from breezy to dapper... didnt work 'cause of some repoproblems... changed to dapper repo and the upgrade seemed to work fine... til the end... couldn't install tetex-base.-bin -and extra and Jadetex 'cause of requirements problem. Xserver went wild and wouldnt start. It started after a forced systemcheck, but with bad color and still cant install tetex and jadetex.... what do I do?10:33
Healotit does not depends on CPU... if DMA is enabled10:34
FlannelBlackadderNZ: #ubuntu-xgl10:34
Scorpmoontheres no other alternatives to make a shared drive between windows and linux?10:34
ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems10:34
BlackadderNZah, thanks10:34
DaveyJi'm running the BlueJ installer and its asking for the jdk directory, thats why i ask10:34
mrmistgood morning everybody :)10:34
Scorpmoondoes Vista still use NTFS10:34
ompaulScorpmoon, don't know and it is offtopic10:34
avisi have a wifi card and i must usa wpa-tkip with it10:34
aftertafScorpmoon, yup, cos winfs is an urban myth ;)10:34
mrmistIs there any way for me to investigate the load on both my CPU's ?10:34
Scorpmoonno it's not offtopic10:34
KilluminatiAmarok skips all my songs10:34
intelikeyScorpmoon ext2explorer10:34
mrmistThis is my first dui core PC10:34
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mrmistduo core10:34
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avisi cann't change my network to wep with mac filtering because we have a wifi printer on our network10:34
jirwinmrmist: try the command 'w'10:35
avisi have an x2 3800 or 420010:35
Healoti haven't see one live yet10:35
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KilluminatiHelp please10:35
ompaulScorpmoon  I don't concur if you say how do you use ntfs then it is not, but asking about vista here is offtopic10:35
mrmistjirwin: the command "w" ?10:35
jirwinmrmist: in a console type 'w'10:36
Scorpmoonif you can't compare ubuntu to vista that's just sad10:36
KilluminatiWhy does Amarok skip all my songs?10:36
ompaulKilluminati, #kubuntu for more specific kde help10:36
Flannelu01p2109: in your configuration file, theres a "term_charset" value.10:36
intelikeyyou can't compare linux to anything....10:36
avisi got cheap 2.8 ghz Celeron with SSE3 :)  a nice via chipset.  a nice wifi supported card.  a msi nvidia card that wont spawn graphics from console.  on any machine.10:36
jirwinKilluminati: maybe...codecs?10:36
mrmistjirwin: Ok...so two items pop up... but what bout the load on them ?10:36
jirwinwhat format are the songs in?10:36
avisand 2 gigs ram10:36
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jirwinthe should be three decimal numbers10:36
mrmistjirwin: How do I know how much each core is being used ?10:36
jirwinthose are your load averages.10:36
Killuminatiompaul, This is the gnome version10:37
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Frogzoowhat's the best way to create a .cue image that accurately captures all the subtrack info, including errors/copy protection schemes?10:37
Killuminatijirwin, I already downloaded all the stuff needed10:37
FlannelScorpmoon: no, this channel is for Ubuntu support, #ubuntu-offtopic is for general chat.  Please go there if you want to further talk about XP/Vista/whatever.10:37
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xukun_Anybody know I good link for installing all kind of things like multimedia, java and things like that?10:37
Scorpmoonlol whatever10:37
mrmistjirwin: Can I paste it on PM to you ?10:37
avisompaul the system i described was my gnome machine.  the 2.4 will be my server as i dont have the bandwidth to push anything serious10:37
Frogzoo!tell xukun_ about docs10:37
xukun_I even dont have thunderbird10:37
Flannel!tell xukun_ about easyubuntu10:37
iiiearsFrogzoo - Take a peek at ddrescue.10:37
aftertafScorpmoon, you can talk about whatever in the other forum, this one we try to keep clear JUST for ubuntu help for users with ubuntu problems.10:37
Scorpmoonthe reason i've been staying off linux until now is all the evangelists around10:37
Frogzooxukun_: also try searching in synaptic10:37
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Frogzooiiiears: will do, thx m810:38
ompaulScorpmoon, your offtopic10:38
burepeHey, can I upgrade to a different language or just change my whole system to Japanese?10:38
KilluminatiI already installed the mp3 codecs10:38
aftertafScorpmoon, its not an evangelist trip, but if discussions start among 800+ people and someone has a problem with his WEP encryption with network-manager, we'll miss it ;)10:38
KilluminatiI should be able to listen to it10:38
FlannelScorpmoon: we don't midn you talking about chatty things in an ubuntu channel, just not THIS one, #ubuntu-offtopic please.10:38
ompaulehh he is muted folks the subject is over i'll let him back in 1010:39
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avisaftertaf, i'm just needing help.. no need to point me out in a crowd10:39
aftertafin meantime Scorpmoon join offtopic and you can compare as much as you want.... ;)10:39
BlackadderNZcan someone help me on the #ubuntu-xgl channel, please?10:39
aftertafavis, you have that problem??? ;) lol not intended10:39
xukun_Frogzoo: Flannel thanks a lot10:39
avisaftertaf, hehe its ok.  its actually wpa thats bothering me10:39
KilluminatiAmarok skips all my songs10:40
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FrogzooKilluminati: read this from ubotu10:40
FlannelKilluminati: did you do the mp3 stuff for kubuntu?10:40
ubotuwell, amarok is a music player for Linux and Unix with an intuitive interface. See http://amarok.kde.org ; amaroK's features: http://amarok.kde.org/content/view/51/1/ - To install Amarok 1.4 on Ubuntu, see http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.php10:40
KilluminatiI did10:40
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KilluminatiI already installed the thing that lets me listen to mp3's10:40
aftertafKilluminati, codec problem, or output engine woes...10:40
FlannelKilluminati: you might find that someone in #kubuntu can help you better10:40
FrogzooKilluminati: that 'skipping' is because you're missing mp3 codecs10:40
KilluminatiFlannel, I'M ON GNOME10:40
jirwinuse rhythmbox then.10:41
jirwinor xmms10:41
KilluminatiFrogzoo, I already have the mp3 codecs10:41
FrogzooKilluminati: this is a simple problem - read the docs, install the mp3 codecs10:41
Killuminatijirwin, I need global shortcuts10:41
aftertafKilluminati, first test other mp3 players, see if it is amaroK or your system.....10:41
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FlannelKilluminati: did you get the gnome codecs or the kde shortcuts?10:41
Flannelerm, codecs.10:41
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aftertaflol Flannel10:41
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jirwinxmms supports global shortcuts10:41
intelikeyscript for use with deborphan     you got to try it.       " while deborphan | grep [A-z]  >/dev/null 2>&1 ;do $SU apt-get --purge remove `deborphan` ;done  "10:41
Killuminatiaftertaf, Done and it worked10:41
Frogzooaftertaf: this is a known problem, Killuminati's setup is wrong10:41
mrmistI'm back10:41
KilluminatiFlannel, gnome codecs10:41
KilluminatiFrogzoo, So what do I do?10:42
FlannelKilluminati: that's your problem. amaroK is a KDE based program.10:42
aftertafFrogzoo, known pb with amarok config?10:42
avisafter my run with XGL i wll manually be using workspaces10:42
FrogzooKilluminati: read the docs, & install the  mp3 codecs10:42
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jirwinamorok should technically work on gnome10:42
jirwinit works for me.10:42
KilluminatiFrogzoo, I tried but I get errors10:42
FlannelKilluminati: go install the KDE codecs, see if it works.10:42
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aftertaffor the links etc...10:42
intelikeyoh the $SU should add sudo if you are not uid 0   that can be changed.   should be changed.   i knew i couldn't paste the whole thing.10:42
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aftertafKilluminati, you tried what when you got errors? and what errors? pastebin them ;)10:43
CrippsFXKilluminati, what *exactly* is the problem? (too far back) ... I've been able to fix a few amarok problems on my machine that nobody here had the answer to.10:43
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KilluminatiCrippsFX, When I try to play songs amarok skips them10:43
FrogzooKilluminati: have you installed amarok-engines ?10:44
CrippsFXKilluminati, have you tried any other media players as well (to see if it is a system wide problem, or just amarok) ?10:44
aftertafCrippsFX, yes he has.10:44
KilluminatiCrippsFX, Just amarok10:44
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KilluminatiFrogzoo, I added it through the Add/Remove thing.10:44
FrogzooKilluminati: you also need libk3b2-mp310:44
Frogzoothis is all in the wiki, btw10:44
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steveO_any way to see why my dads ubuntu 6 box is using like 250mb of ram out of the 256 it has?10:45
FrogzoosteveO_: this is normal - the kernel uses 'free' mem for buffer space10:45
KilluminatiFrogzoo, Installing now.10:45
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aftertafhehe Killuminati :]  good luck10:46
KilluminatiAre there any other mp3 players with global shortcuts?10:46
CrippsFXKilluminati, humor me, and use mpg321 -Z /path/to/music/*.mp3 both as root and ass a regular user.10:46
CrippsFX*and aS (not ass)10:46
bullrageHi all. I just tried apt-get install kernel-headers but I can't find any headers for 2.6.15-23-386. Where can I find them?10:46
intelikeyKilluminati could be the wrong output selected    set to esound  or alsa10:46
steveO_Tasks:  89 total,   1 running,  88 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie10:46
steveO_Cpu(s):  0.0% us,  0.0% sy,  0.0% ni, 100.0% id,  0.0% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% si10:46
steveO_Mem:    256244k total,   249616k used,     6628k free,    60836k buffers10:46
steveO_Swap:   433712k total,    48312k used,   385400k free,    81452k cached10:46
CrippsFXKilluminati, because there are still multiple problems that this could be.10:46
intelikeysteve0_ that will get me kicked.10:47
KilluminatiFrogzoo, Didn't work10:47
KilluminatiCrippsFX, Will do that now10:47
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bullrageor which repo? :/10:47
FrogzoosteveO_: for the 2nd time, this is NORMAL10:47
steveO_ok cool.10:47
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avisif anyone would like to look at my wpa_supplicant.conf to tell me whats wrong with it here is the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/76937710:48
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FrogzooKilluminati: gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly     ?10:48
Tomcat_steveO_: Check out "free -m"... the line +/- buffers/cache. That's the RAM that's being used.10:48
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KilluminatiNo such command10:48
KilluminatiFrogzoo, Already got that10:48
Tomcat_steveO_: top only shows what's allocated.10:48
CrippsFXKilluminati, sorry, you have to apt-get it first ....10:48
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MadpilotsteveO_, Linux will use as much RAM as it can get to cache things - my 1Gb machine is currently 100% used, 35% in use & 65% in cache...10:49
FrogzooKilluminati: restarted amarok?10:49
steveO_ah ok, awesome.10:49
KilluminatiFrogzoo, Yeah10:49
woodwizzleI just realised that dapper doesn't have a cairo theme :(10:49
Flannelwoodwizzle: you're welcome to install one.10:49
woodwizzlebummer. I thought that would for sure be in dapper since its been talked about since hoary10:49
ompaulsteveO_, however pasting into the channel is not normal, please use a "paste.ubuntu-nl.org" not the channel thanks10:49
bullragenevermind, found them as linux-headers10:50
Madpilotneed sleep - later, all10:50
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Scorpmoonthanks for letting me speak again. Now I understand the "Ubuntu spirit" :-)10:50
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iiiearsWhy waste RAM? Windows might but Linux is bred from heartier stock. Web servers.10:50
woodwizzleFlannel, Is there a cairo-ubuntu colored theme?10:50
Flannelwoodwizzle: nah, new "overall theme" won't come out until Edgy, to round out the cycle.10:50
skippyguys does anyone know of a front end for the gnu c compiler?10:50
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FrogzooKilluminati: amarok -> settings -> config amarok ->  engine = xine & plugins = esd10:50
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Flannelwoodwizzle: no idea, I don't have a GUI ;)  check gnome-looks and stuff.  check the forums, they;ve got an artwork/etc section, might be a theme forum.10:51
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KilluminatiCrippsFX, Done10:51
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iiiearsInterested in RAM usage? google "Linux Swappiness"10:51
avisif anyone would like to look at my wpa_supplicant.conf to tell me whats wrong with it here is the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/76937710:51
KilluminatiCrippsFX, It just plays music10:51
Pooh22skippy: kdevelop, eclipse?10:51
avisKilluminati, it also interfaces with ipods10:52
CrippsFXKilluminati, as both root and reg user?10:52
amiti am building a uClinux image for ARM processor and facing a problem10:52
ompaulskippy, there are so many options I can't see anyone building one10:52
KilluminatiFrogzoo, Didn't make a difference10:52
CrippsFXavis, he's talking about mpg32110:52
KilluminatiCrippsFX, No difference10:52
amitcan anyone help ?10:52
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Killuminatiamit, What's your problem?10:52
CrippsFXKilluminati, kay.10:52
KilluminatiHi =)10:52
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KilluminatiCrippsFX, Any other ideas?10:53
mrmistHere's a tough one: Any way to see the INDIVIDUAL load on my TWO processors ??10:53
iiiearsamit - Oops. - I will listen and be lost in about ten seconds okay?10:53
CrippsFXKilluminati, what does : tools>configure amarok look like (for the engines tab)?10:53
amitat the final step i.e make it gives an error called10:53
PupenoHow do I extract encrypted and unencrypted RSA keys out of my certificate issued by CAcert ?10:53
skippythx Pooh22 and ompaul, i think kdevelop will help me, I'd like something that I can learn C with, and quickly see my code come to life :)10:53
KilluminatiSound system = Xine Engine10:53
amitundefined refrence to lookup_machine_type10:53
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KilluminatiOutput Engine = esd10:53
CrippsFXmrmist, top should work ...10:53
CrippsFXKilluminati, you're using gnome you say?10:54
KilluminatiCrippsFX, Correct.10:54
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FrogzooKilluminati: system -> prefs -> sound enable sw sound mixing - esd10:54
CrippsFXKilluminati, make the output plugin alsa10:54
bullragestdlib.h: No such file or directory -- what package do I need?10:54
B1zzdoes any one know how to extract .exe files in linux? I need it for a bios flash10:54
mrmistI pushed some buttons I shouldn't have... sorry for popping in and out10:54
u01p21093ddeskd: glXIsDirect failed, no Direct Rendering possible!10:54
u01p21093ddeskd: Please configure hardware acceleration.  Exiting.10:54
blind"extract" ? B1zz10:54
amitundefined refrence to lookup_machine_type10:54
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B1zzits in an .exe format10:55
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iiiearsUhoh - We have been visited by corporate IT techs and technology writers. - There are some here that can answer your question easily. - I am lost.10:55
CrippsFXB1zz, just use: unzip <file>.exe10:55
Seveasmornin #ubuntu10:55
blindexe files are executables. They're not.. extractable?10:55
KilluminatiFrogzoo, No difference10:55
KilluminatiCrippsFX, No difference.10:55
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ompaulmorning Seveas10:55
CrippsFXmornin' Seveas ... you slept in l;ate ;)10:55
B1zzok ill try that10:55
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CrippsFXKilluminati, fuser -v /dev/dsp10:55
FrogzooKilluminati: reboot maybe10:56
SeveasCrippsFX, I'm at work already 10:56
B1zzsweet i got it :)10:56
iiiearsSeveas - amit, pupeno10:56
CrippsFXSeveas, so am I .... I've been here for 3 1/2 hours :P10:56
avisif anyone would like to look at my wpa_supplicant.conf to tell me whats wrong with it here is the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/76937710:56
SeveasCrippsFX, hehe 10:56
Pupenoiiiears: what ?10:56
KilluminatiCrippsFX, Nothing happened10:56
CrippsFXKilluminati, no output?10:56
KilluminatiFrogzoo, Already tried that after amarok install10:56
KilluminatiCrippsFX, Correct.10:56
CrippsFXKilluminati,  well, that's *good* ...10:57
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iiiearsPupeno - Likely Seveas can answer your question.10:57
KilluminatiCrippsFX, Sarcasm?10:57
CrippsFXKilluminati, you're using the xine engine right?10:57
KilluminatiCrippsFX, Correct.10:57
Pupenoiiiears: thank you.10:57
babodoes anyone here use mod_security with apache on their ubuntu installation ? ... it seems that my installation didn't download any mod_sec.conf document ...10:57
CrippsFXKilluminati, no, it tells me something ...10:57
CrippsFXKilluminati, amarok 1.3 or 1.4 ?10:57
SeveasPupeno, what's the question?10:57
bullragestdlib.h: No such file or directory -- what package do I need? I installed gcc10:57
PupenoSeveas: How do I extract encrypted and unencrypted RSA keys out of my certificate issued by CAcert ?10:57
iiiearsEasily - Blindfolded10:58
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bullragehmm i'll try build-essential10:58
PupenoSeveas: I have done it before, but I don't remember how and my certificate expired, I have the new one, but I need those keys separated (Apache requires them).10:58
SeveasPupeno, man openssl / man x509 should be able to tell you that10:58
Seveasmy x509/ssl knowledge is rusty10:58
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KilluminatiCrippsFX, 1.3.910:58
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CrippsFXKilluminati, try getting amarok v. 1.4.010:58
KilluminatiThat's the latest there is though10:59
KilluminatiFor gnomel10:59
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mcpowleyOkay, so I set a partition of 40 gigs fat32 on my external hard drive(same drive my linux partition is on) so I could download bittorrent files there and at the same time allow windows to access it. However, when i try to download to that area with azeurus, I get operation not permitted set length fails error10:59
mcpowleylike it can't access the disk10:59
kaligulaDo you know how I can compile c++ file in the Linux?10:59
CrippsFXKilluminati, give me a moment, I'll get you the website that has the REAL latest ;)10:59
KilluminatiThanks =)10:59
iiiearsSeveas - Good catch :)10:59
kaligulaby terminal!10:59
=== azer [n=azer@AAubervilliers-153-1-82-94.w86-212.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
azerhi all10:59
FrogzooKilluminati: this is dapper, yes?10:59
PupenoSeveas: ok. thank you.10:59
azerwhere is alsaconf ?10:59
CrippsFXkaligula, gcc -o execfile file.cpp11:00
Jowimcpowley: make sure you have write permissions to that fat32 drive11:00
skoni want to install aide to ubuntu fresh install before connecting to the net11:00
skonwhat is the best way to go about this?11:00
kaligulaCrippsFX: Thank You very much!11:00
mcpowleyjowi, sorry i'm kind of new to this, how would I do that?11:00
kaligulaYou all are from USA?11:01
azerwhen I do dpkg -L alsa-utils, I can't see alsaconf. WHere is it ?11:01
Jowimcpowley: can you post your /etc/fstab file to the pastebin please11:01
CrippsFXkaligula, np. :)11:01
Jowiubotu: tell mcpowley about pastebin11:01
mcpowleyjowi, thanks will do11:01
FrogzooKilluminati: also worth opening volume control & checking there's no mutes11:01
CrippsFX!tell Killuminati about amarok11:01
CrippsFXKilluminati, thats where I got the info ;)11:02
=== whitynz [n=Whity@60-234-132-74.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
KilluminatiFrogzoo, I'm not that stupid xD11:02
=== tazrage [n=tazrage@p54BBAD23.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
kaligulagirls  and boys how I can install video driver?11:02
FrogzooKilluminati: does the Amarok player show moving sound levels?11:02
uXphow do you install new icons for the whole ubuntu system?11:02
ubotuhmm... binarydriverhowto is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto or ask !Display !Resolution !ati !nvidia Please use /msg <your_question> to avoid flooding the channel11:03
FrogzooKilluminati: or is it still skipping tracks?11:03
KilluminatiFrogzoo, No idea11:03
mcpowleyjowi, here ya go http://pastebin.com/76941411:03
Killuminati!tell CrippsFX about amarok11:03
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KilluminatiIt only supplies a kubuntu link11:03
Jowimcpowley: will have a look11:03
FrogzooKilluminati: well neither have I ;)11:03
mcpowleyjowi: thanks11:03
KilluminatiFrogzoo, It's skipping tracks11:04
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KilluminatiIt goes on them and just goes on the next one11:04
ROBOdhello guys11:04
FlannelKilluminati: did you install the KDE mp3 codec?11:04
KilluminatiFlannel, Link please?11:04
Flannel!tell Killuminati about mp311:04
ROBOdi have a tv tuner which properly works only after i manually modprobe bttv card=7811:04
iiiears!ubotu binarydriverhowto is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto or ask !Display !Resolution !ati !nvidia Please use /msg !<your_question> to avoid flooding the channel11:04
ubotu...but binarydriverhowto is already something else...11:04
KilluminatiI have that ffs11:04
ROBOdhow to make ubuntu automatically do that?11:04
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mcpowleyjowi: Ah sorry, I just found the solution to my problem on the azeurus wiki11:05
Jowimcpowley: change the "umask=007" to "umask=000" and delete ",gid=46" then remount it11:05
FrogzooKilluminati: damn, should have found this earlier: you need to install: libxine-extracodecs11:05
ROBOdin ubuntu breezy i did add a new line "bttv card=78" to /etc/modules11:05
tazragei have a little problem with my wireless internet connection, i did everything like it is written in a wiki to install the driver via ndiswrapper but it still does not work11:05
CrippsFXKilluminati, yes, but that kubuntu link has the packages for amarok 1.4.0  ... trust the ubotu ;)  ... go to the page and read the directions11:05
kaligulaAu-u-u-u-u! how I can install video driver? Can you help me?11:05
ROBOdbut now i have ubuntu dapper and that does no longer work11:05
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KilluminatiI just noticed11:06
kaligulaYou heard me?11:06
KilluminatiIt's like amarok is fastfowarding the songs11:06
=== JasonL [n=jason@cpc3-mapp1-0-0-cust122.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelFrogzoo: I already suggested that forger ago.11:07
KilluminatiOn the time bar it shows it moving quickly11:07
ROBOdsomebody? please11:07
FrogzooKilluminati: the extracodecs should/will fix this11:07
=== rredd4 [n=jmb@66-191-17-237.dhcp.rsbg.or.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
iiiearskaligula - Who manufactured you video card?11:07
FrogzooKilluminati: dpkg -l libxine-extracodecs11:07
ROBOdu01p2109: do you know?11:08
u01p2109ROBOd: I have ubuntu / xubuntu dapper Drake - its work11:08
iiiearsati, nVidia, Intel?11:08
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blindGeForce made my card!@#$%^&*11:08
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CrippsFXyou mean nvidia?11:08
u01p2109iiiears: SiS11:08
Flannelblind: erm, GeForce is nvidia?11:08
blindyeah, i know11:08
blindi was mocking.11:08
iiiearskaligula - !nvidia should provide you with a step by step walkthrough.11:08
Flannel!tell kaligula about nvidia11:09
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KilluminatiFrogzoo, It doesn't do anything11:09
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KilluminatiIt shows some text but it isn't doing anything11:09
=== netgrabber [i=S9R8nTlF@host235-61.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
rredd4Please look at this:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15376   having trouble installing Scummvm11:10
FrogzooKilluminati: sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs11:10
=== Sven_vB [n=svb@p54AC28C8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Sven_vBhi :)11:10
netgrabberHi I can't find the jigdo of the dvd image :/11:10
iiiearskaligula - It can be tough at first. If you can install a binary driver file the rest gets easier using apt-get or synaptic.11:10
Sven_vBhow much disk space do i need for the dapper default install?11:10
KilluminatiFrogzoo, I already have it11:10
=== dirge [n=root@67-51-117-207.dsl1.elk.ca.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelnetgrabber: think there's only a torrent of the dvd11:10
netgrabberthis sucks11:10
dirgeI'm back and very unhappy.11:11
netgrabberI have an approx mirror here :/11:11
FrogzooKilluminati: dpkg says you don't11:11
netgrabbernow I have to redownload everything11:11
md_orionDoes anyone know if there will be an updated desktop cd image soon? (one that boots properly)11:11
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ompaulnetgrabber, no11:11
KilluminatiI just did it again11:11
ompaulnetgrabber, I have something here that might be useful11:11
KilluminatiI'm sure i have it11:11
mcpowleydo you guys recommend firestarter for a firewall or something else?11:12
FrogzooKilluminati: dpkg doesn't lie11:12
netgrabberfirestartet is nice, i'm using shorewall11:12
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KilluminatiFrogzoo, I just told you I have it.11:12
KilluminatiTrust me on that.11:12
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dirgeI've been altering and tweaking xorg.conf for hours.. Nothing would get 2 monitors working... So I keymashed the entired xorg.conf file and it STILL ran.. So I erased xorg.conf... Yup still runs..11:12
iiiearsu01p2109: SiS - hmm - Not sure if video acceleration is provided for cards made by SiS - if you can type lspci and paste the ouput to http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ I or someone else can see if that particular card supports accel.11:12
netgrabberompaul: ?11:12
=== louaque [n=louaque@AStDenis-105-1-29-78.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulnetgrabber, I had to go looking in places strange to find it http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/6.06/release/11:13
bigfoot1hi guys, I am in the ftp program. I tried doing "put" but it can't find the local file. help11:13
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blindAre you in the right directory, bigfoot1?11:13
=== dajoru [n=dajoru@gaia.cellbio.RWTH-Aachen.DE] has joined #ubuntu
rredd4http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15376  please look at11:13
dirgeMy X11 runs _without_ xorg.conf11:13
bigfoot1blind: how can i check what is the current local directory?11:13
ompaulbigfoot1, do lpwd11:13
blindbigfoot1: lc11:13
wezzerbigfoot1: pwd11:13
Flannelbigfoot1: if you're not in the correct local directory, you'll need to use an absolute path11:13
FrogzooKilluminati: either 'dpkg -l libxine-extracodecs'     says you have it, or you don't11:13
KilluminatiI did it11:13
dirgepwd = present working directory11:14
KilluminatiIt says installed at the end of the Status line11:14
bigfoot1dirge: isn't pwd for the remote pwd?11:14
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netgrabberompaul: there is no jigdo11:14
ompaulnetgrabber, ooch11:14
u01p2109iiiears: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/76942511:14
bigfoot1lpwd is invalid command ompaul11:14
dirgeProbably is remote.. I'm still frustrated with xorg.11:14
bigfoot1oh lc works, blind thanksn11:14
chavodirge, x looks in a lot of place for xorg.conf, not just /etc/X11 you may have a copy somewhere11:14
iiiearsu01p2109: Okay.11:15
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bigfoot1i'm in the wrong local dir. how do i change it?11:15
KilluminatiFrogzoo, Now what?11:15
alan|laptophi all11:15
dirgeSo the file I have been editing was doing nothing. =*(11:15
alan|laptopcan anyone explain me this compilation error  ?  http://pastebin.com/76942811:15
ompaulbigfoot1, sorry as the others lls will tell you (it has been a long time since I used ftp, a good few years in fact, using sftp)11:15
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Jowirredd4: "sudo apt-get update" then try again. If that doesn't do it, you might have some bad repositories ("/msg ubotu repos" for a list of default ones)11:15
bigfoot1ompaul: what's lls?11:16
bigfoot1and is sftp better, easier to use?11:16
blindlftp rocks11:16
ompaulbigfoot1, local ls11:16
KilluminatiFrogzoo, ?!?!?!11:16
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rredd4Jowi ok, just installed Dapper tonight, again.  Worked ok before..11:16
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FrogzooKilluminati: not sure, I'd say we've covered everything11:16
ubotuNot a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, SurfnKid11:16
rredd4Jowi did update, same error11:17
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Celestardoes ubuntu have something like "authconfig" ?11:17
Jowirredd4: scummvm installs fine for me11:17
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KilluminatiAre there any other mp3 players with global shortcuts?11:17
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B0FHompaul: if you have a moment can you help me with something?11:17
richiefrichKilluminati what have u tried ?11:17
blindCelestar: what does "authconfig" do?11:17
FrogzooKilluminati: have you upgraded to 1.4?11:18
Killuminatirichiefrich, Nothing11:18
KilluminatiFrogzoo, No11:18
bigfoot1guys, i did the correct put command. Now it is saying "150 Connecting to port 2974" do i just wait?11:18
ompaulbigfoot1, I am working off info that is years old and not practiced, if you have ssh access to the machine sftp is ssh pretending to be ftp, so to optimise it I usually tar a file and push or pull it one file moved no complex commands11:18
Celestarblind: set up pam mostly11:18
blindyes bigfoot111:18
rixthHow do I adjust the saturation in myplayer?11:18
mandy-o-maticwie gehts es dir alles11:18
FrogzooKilluminati: worth a shot, though pretty sure 1.3.9 works on dapper anyway11:18
richiefrichKilluminati  what u mean by global shortcuts ?  like u can play it from ssh ?11:18
ompaulB0FH, ask the channel and then see who answers, asking me, what if I don't know11:18
mandy-o-matichow are you11:18
bigfoot1blind: is there no way to see some sort of upload status?11:18
Killuminatirichiefrich, No I can press a button so it does a command like "play" or "next"11:19
KilluminatiStuff like that11:19
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KilluminatiFrogzoo, I couldn't find a link to it.11:19
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B0FHompaul: i am sending you a pm ^_^11:19
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mcpowleydoes anyone know of a good telnet program for linux?11:19
bigfoot1blind: ok. if you say it's uploading, then i'll just wait until it's done11:19
mandy-o-maticbitte helfen zu mir11:19
bigfoot1blind: it's a 260 MB file11:19
richiefrichKilluminati yes yes u can with most11:19
bigfoot1i'm uploading it to ourmedia.org11:19
Killuminatirichiefrich, Any examples?11:19
richiefrichKilluminati  xmms audacious  banshee11:19
bigfoot1maybe when it's done, i can share the movie file with you.11:19
blindbigfoot1: lol.11:19
Alfred__Good morning guys! Ahh, what a nice fresh morning to do some garden work on :)11:19
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rredd4Jowi I have universe and multiverse enabled.  I see 5.10 listed in the repos section, yours have that?11:19
richiefrichKilluminati then theres kde ones11:19
Flannelmandy-o-matic: english only here, if you'd like to get help in german, #ubuntu-de11:20
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JasonLwould my monitors max resolutions not being recognised be classed as a bug?11:20
Frogzoo!tell Killuminati about amarok11:20
richiefrichKilluminati  Frogzoo  has on there amarok11:20
FrogzooKilluminati: there's a repo you need to add to get 1.411:20
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richiefrichKilluminati then no amarok11:20
Alfred__Can someone tell me how to quote other users name, whitout having to type them?11:20
Jowirredd4: you should not use 5.10 if you use dapper.11:20
mandy-o-maticwegen frostwire fr synaptic packetverwaltung11:20
=== void^ [n=void@p3EE03887.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
richiefrich amarok = QT = KDE :)11:20
JasonLneither kubuntu or ubuntu recognise my vertrefresh or horizsync or max resolution11:20
FlannelAlfred__: type a few letters and hit tab. usually.11:20
dou213Alfred__, with TAB11:20
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu oder Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de11:21
KilluminatiAmarok = Waste of time11:21
Frogzoorichiefrich: amarok works fine under gnome11:21
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richiefrichKilluminati then banshee11:21
=== Killuminati [n=irwin@CPE-58-161-58-168.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
richiefrichKilluminati then banshee11:21
=== Ohzie [n=ohzie@c-24-21-105-65.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
iiiearsu01p2109:  (The last paragraph ) >>  http://www.winischhofer.at/linuxsispart1.shtml#13  http://www.winischhofer.at/linuxsispart1.shtml11:21
Alfred__Flannel, voav, it worked! Thanks! You too dou213!11:21
Flannel!tell mandy-o-matic about frostwire11:21
richiefrichFrogzoo i know but u need alot of deps11:21
=== XplOzIon [n=enforcer@] has joined #Ubuntu
KilluminatiWhat MP3 players have global hotkeys?11:21
richiefrichFrogzoo  i dont have any QT apps11:21
FrogzooKilluminati: I'd suggest revisit these 2 pages & work through them: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Amarok11:21
richiefrichKilluminati  xmms audacious  banshee11:21
=== Clume [n=antoine@ecu69-1-82-231-126-60.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
iiiearsu01p2109: I don't have personal experience with SiS.11:22
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rredd4my universe and multiuniverse says 5.10 in synaptic repos?  why, new install tonight..11:22
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ompaulKilluminati, how did you install amrock?11:23
u01p2109iiiears: senx11:23
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KilluminatiIs it just me or is the text on titlebars bad.11:23
Killuminatiompaul, Add/Remove11:23
iiiearsu01p2109: Linux supports it for VESA.  Do you need video acceleration?11:23
bigfoot1blind: i can't check the upload status in "ftp" but can i check the upload stream in some other program?11:23
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richiefrichKilluminati  and rhythmbox11:23
ompaulrredd4, you can install any version you want, when you install it it does not update, you can now click on the update button in the11:23
dirgehmm, no other xorg.conf files on the computer. But it's running without it.11:23
=== netgrabber [i=S9R8nTlF@host235-61.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"]
ompaulrredd4, synaptic window and bingo your going dapper, it seems to me you you obviously used a 5.10 cd11:24
Alfred__Flannel, I'm having a strange problem with my gParted installation, it won't turn up under the "Applications"-menu. And when I execute it from the terminal, my partions are having locks on them, refusing my resizing. Any idea?11:24
richiefrichdirge it probed it then11:24
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richiefrichdirge  so u have none in  --> /etc/X11 ?11:25
dirgeWell, even when I mashed garbage into the file it still worked.11:25
dirgeYup, erased it. (after backing it up)11:25
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Goshawkthis is hard: i've a lynx session that is downloading a file, but i've to logout, can i stop the job and pass it to nohup, if yes, how can i do it?11:25
richiefrichdirge  whats the log say11:25
dirgeWhere's the log?11:25
richiefrichdirge  /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:25
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bigfoot1Guys, I'm uploading something to an FTP Server via ftp (put command). how can i check the upstream status?11:26
rredd4ompaul yes used 5.10 cd and then upgraded to dapper.  When I selected universe and multi, I did click reload and I did apt-get update.  It still says 5.1011:26
richiefrichdirge  whats the-->   (==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"11:26
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richiefrichdirge say ?11:26
dirgeReading it now.11:26
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richiefrichit'll tell u what config it's using11:27
dirge(**) |-->Screen "Default Screen" (0)11:27
dirge(**) |   |-->Monitor "Generic Monitor"11:27
dirge(**) |   |-->Device "ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon 320M (RS200 IGP)"11:27
KilluminatiHow do I use hotkeys on XMMS11:27
dirgeSays it got it from config (**)11:27
richiefrichabove that11:27
ompauldirge,  DONT PASTE thanks, use paste.ubuntu-nl.org11:27
richiefrichthen it probed it11:27
hansihey, everybody! i somehow fucked up my /etc/sudoers. is there way to change permissions on that file without being able to sudo?11:27
richiefrichKilluminati theres a plugin11:27
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richiefrichhansi liveCD ?11:28
hansino, install version. it's an old ubuntu 511:28
=== blind is now known as blindx
iiiearsWill the "status" command tell me how my transfer is doing?11:28
JasonLmy horizsync and vertrefresh of my monitor is not detected, what package is this a bug in?11:28
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richiefrichhansi  boot a liveCD and mount  the partiotin11:28
hansioh, true, thats too easy :) thanks man!11:28
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richiefrichthats it  blindx11:29
Alfred__Or anybody else? I'm experiencing troubles with Gparted; my partitions are having locks on them, and my attempt on resizing the partition hda1 (EXT3) are being refused. Anyone?11:29
richiefrich blindx i cant spell  "P11:29
=== Flyoc_ is now known as Flyoc
richiefrichor type11:29
blindxAlfred__: are you ON hda1?11:29
ompaulrredd4, no idea what happened there, do >>gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list<< and change any instance of the word breezy for the word dapper, then run sudo apt-get update and go again11:29
dirgeok, I'm going to send the Screen to the BusID for my Ethernet Card... Lets see if that messes it up. lol brb.11:29
Alfred__blindx, yes I am11:29
blindxAlfred__: that's why.11:29
JowiAlfred__: you can not make changes to a mounted partition11:29
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rredd4ompaul  ok will do, ty11:29
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Alfred__blindx, but the thing is, I did, when I sued Breezy. I changed my mounted hda1-volume, while using it. I cut off 20 gb. Why was I able to that in Breezy?11:30
blindxWhile using it? you weren't11:31
Alfred__blindx, *when I used Breezy11:31
blindxAlfred__: you cannot make changes to a mounted volume.11:31
=== louaque [n=louaque@AStDenis-105-1-29-78.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
KilluminatiDoes any mp3 have inbuilt hotkey support?11:32
blindxrhythmbox ?11:32
=== louaque [n=louaque@AStDenis-105-1-29-78.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
KilluminatiAre you sure?11:32
blindxthe buttons on my keyboard work in rhythmbox.11:32
richiefrichu need new repos11:32
CrippsFXamarok = awesome.11:32
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Killuminatirichiefrich, Are you sure?11:32
KilluminatiCrippsFX, Well I can't get it working11:32
rixthEw, amarok.11:32
blindxI hate bulky players11:33
blindxxfmedia ftw11:33
FrogzooKilluminati: if amarok can't play your mp3s, I doubt any of the other players will work either11:33
Killuminatifoobar2000 ftw11:33
KilluminatiFrogzoo, Two other have already11:33
richiefrichblindx me too11:33
=== Crembo [n=shachar@bzq-88-153-130-161.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
KilluminatiThey just don't have hotkey support11:33
ubotuCrippsFX: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:33
richiefrichCrippsFX good try11:33
Frogzoonot your day I'm afraid Killuminati11:33
bigfoot1oh, the upload is done. yippee11:34
richiefrichKilluminati u need those repos ?11:34
bigfoot1248782899 bytes sent in 621.76 secs (390.7 kB/s)11:34
CrippsFXKilluminati, I KNOW there's a solution .... I just can't remember what it is.11:34
Alfred__blindx, huh? hmmm, I'm almost positive I did. My hda1 had 20 gb of unallocated space, and I reformatted it into EXT3. I'm not sure, but I guess you're right.11:34
CrippsFXKilluminati, for an alternative, you *could* check out Listen.11:34
FrogzooCrippsFX: usually it's libxine-extracodecs that are missing, but apparently not11:34
blindxAlfred__: would you like me to repeat myself?11:34
richiefrichKilluminati  http://audacious-media-player.org/Downloads  <-- if your interested11:35
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ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, blindx11:35
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blindxdamn.. whats the name of the command..11:35
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richiefrichblindx xmodmap ?   xset11:35
ubotuBugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, blindx11:35
blindxlol nope11:35
blindxthats it11:35
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ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, blindx11:35
richiefrichi knew it'd hit it11:36
KilluminatiWho said rhythmbox has hotkey support?11:36
blindx... i guess it's not it.11:36
rredd4ompaul  your are a genius!!!!11:36
blindxI did, Killuminati11:36
richiefrichme too11:36
CrippsFXFrogzoo, I think there's an extra amarox-xine-mp3 codec ....11:36
alkaliAnyone gotten suspend2 working with ubuntu?  I have a file I need to edit so I can try it but I don't know where it is.11:36
richiefrichbanshee should too11:36
ompaulrredd4, no just another user11:36
Killuminatiblindx, How do I use it?11:36
richiefrichblindx right ?11:36
rredd4it worked11:36
blindxKilluminati: are you sure your keys work?11:36
richiefrichto testr11:36
Killuminatiblindx, YES11:36
=== ompaul stands in the corner shaking waiting for his dvds to burn to get his fix :-)
iiiearsrredd4  - Shh. Don't let on. - lol11:37
richiefrichKilluminati  test in --> xev11:37
Alfred__blindx, I guess you're right, maybe I did not resize it. But it's strange though, cause the partitions did not have locks on them. And my attempt on resizing HDA1 resulted in reboot leading me out of X-server for good on that breezy-installation, hehe. I guess that is what happend, it didn't work, and i managed to destroy some important files during the attempt, and ended up having to reformat my whole computer. Anyway, thanks for clearing that11:37
FrogzooCrippsFX: amarok-engines ?   we've pretty much covered the 2 wiki pages on this, & are just going round in circles11:37
rredd4ompaul  dapper dvds?11:37
Killuminatiblindx, How do I use hotkeys?11:37
blindxhang on Killuminati im looking for the wiki page11:37
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richiefrichKilluminati  and then u need to  man a file --> ~/.Xmodmap11:38
CrippsFXFrogzoo, yeah, it's true .... grr. I've had it happen to me before ... but I can't remember how I fixed it anymore!11:38
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blindxKilluminati:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Keybindings11:38
FrogzooKilluminati: you might like to add the repo "deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-14 dapper main"   & update amarok, see if that works11:38
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avisif anyone would like to look at my wpa_supplicant.conf to tell me whats wrong with it here is the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/76937711:39
KilluminatiYou just wasted my time unless rhythmbox has commandline support11:39
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blindxyou are a fool.11:39
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KilluminatiNot really11:39
blindxlearn to read, please.11:39
KilluminatiI'm just not used to nix.11:40
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FrogzooKilluminati: no one comes to #ubunut against their better judgement ;)11:40
iiiearsHey guys - be nice.11:40
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richiefrichKilluminati  and then u need to  man a file --> ~/.Xmodmap11:40
richiefrichbind them in there11:40
Killuminatirichiefrich, I need to man a file?11:40
richiefrichwell yes unless u do it in fluxbox or gnome or kde11:41
richiefrichthen u need to make that file11:41
iiiearsman = manual printed to terminal11:41
CrippsFXroot@localhost#man woman11:41
CrippsFXSegfault at line 22.11:41
Jowinasty :)11:41
KilluminatiStill doesn't make sense to me11:41
richiefrichCrippsFX   i get a fatel error11:42
blindxWhat doesn't make sense?11:42
blindxman is short for manual11:42
blindxit's a command11:42
CrippsFXKilluminati, in the shell type: man Xmodmap11:42
blindx"man xchat"11:42
blindx"man xmodmap"11:42
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richiefrichKilluminati  and then u need to  make  a file --> ~/.Xmodmap11:42
CrippsFXrichiefrich, lol.11:42
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iiiearsKilluminati:  sudo gedit Xmomap  - It will be pretty easy11:42
richiefrichsorry i typed it wrong11:42
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Alfred__CrippsFX, hehe, nice one :)11:42
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Almindoris the vmplayer in multiverse configured properly for net or do I have to tweak it?11:42
amortvigilhey does any one know how i must use this instalation script?11:43
CrippsFXAlfred__, I'm still a fan of: user@localhost$ cd /pub; more beer11:43
ompaulrredd4, I have 75 of them for my local lug - currently debian for a customer spec11:43
=== CrippsFX <3 thinkgeek.com
alkaliI'm getting an error when trying to install fglrx drivers on dapper.  Can anyone look at the error output and tell me what step to take?11:43
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avisif anyone would like to look at my wpa_supplicant.conf to tell me whats wrong with it here is the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/76937711:43
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FrogzooKilluminati: what do you get for: 'dpkg -l libxine-extracodecs | tail -1'     ?11:43
rredd4ompaul 75 repos... wow11:43
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blindxamortvigil: open terminal, type "wget http://www.thehandofagony.com/alex/redalert2/ra2inst" then type "sudo bash ra2inst"11:43
CrippsFXbrb. gonna go make my box of KD11:44
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Killuminatiun  libxine-extracodecs <none>         (no description available)11:44
ompaulrredd4, no 75 dapper dvds11:44
aais "another's" a word because a spell checker says it's not?11:44
Alfred__CrippsFX, hehe :) That's funny to, but what does /pub do in shell normally? (I'm only an advanced beginner on Linux, so be overbearing with me :) )11:44
FrogzooKilluminati: you do NOT have libxine-extracodecs installed11:44
rredd4ompaul nice of you to do that for them!11:44
=== Lagman [n=alex@int-rsuog.gubkin.ru] has joined #ubuntu
Tom^hi, i'm having trouble starting X in dapper drake (botting as a live CD) - i can get Knoppix 3.8 to start x with no problems. is there a config file or something that i can copy from my live knoppix session that will have the correct settings for x in ubuntu?11:45
KilluminatiI already apt-get'ed it.11:45
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ompaulrredd4, heh we try :-)11:45
FrogzooKilluminati: sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs11:45
rredd4are there any lugs in Oregon?11:45
FrogzooKilluminati: dpkg doesn't lie - you don't have it installed11:45
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KilluminatiNo candidate version found for libxine-extracodecs11:46
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iiiearsTom^: copying /etc/.X!!/xorg.conf should do it if all the mentioned drivers are installed11:46
alkaliTom^, what kind of card do you have?11:46
Tom^Saphire x800 GTO11:46
FrogzooKilluminati: did you enabled the multiverse repo?11:46
Alfred__CrippsFX, oh, yea right /pub a user-made directory :-) wakey wakey11:46
runesdoes anyone know how to get .rar support working in the file roller11:47
KilluminatiFrogzoo, No?11:47
richiefrichKilluminati: sudo apt-get install xine-lib   ?11:47
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alkaliTom^ can you get to a command line with the cd?11:47
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.11:47
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Alfred__CrippsFX, gotta tell that one to my brother11:47
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richiefrichFrogzoo isnt that in xine-lib ....  ?   if not then im all wrong :)11:47
FrogzooKilluminati: see ubotu^^^^11:47
iiiearsTom^:  lspci will help. no idea who manufactures that particular card11:47
KilluminatiE: Couldn't find package xine-lib11:47
Tom^i had a look for xorg.conf in /etc/X11/ but it's not there11:47
Frogzoorichiefrich: it's needed for amarok11:47
nyk2005_Hello! Just installed phpmyadmin from synaptic. What has to be changed to make apache exec the php instead sending the source php?11:48
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richiefrichFrogzoo ahh that why i dont hav eit11:48
Tom^alkali, - yes, i have cmd prompt11:48
u01p2109iiiears: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/769496 not work11:48
iiiearsu01p2109: Ok, I'll take a look11:48
alkaliTom^, go with the command "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and the first will make you choose a driver.  Scroll down and select "vesa"11:48
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Tom^alkali, - I've tried manually editing xorg.conf and using vesa - my screens go to sleep and pc locks up when i try to startx11:50
KilluminatiA list of repositories is shown. Click the Settings button at the bottom and tick Show disabled software sources. Then click the Close button.11:50
KilluminatiI don't see the settings button11:50
=== Frogzoo is now known as Frogzoo_away
alkaliTom^, thats what my X800 did until I used the xserver-xorg command.  Manually didn't work for m11:50
Tom^i was just hoping that i would somehow be able to grab the settings that knoppix uses and use them for ubuntu11:50
Tom^ahh, k11:51
Tom^thanks i'll give it a try11:51
iiiearsu01p2109: It doesn't look like your card will support 3d acceleration (games) but it will easily work for desktop applications.  glXIsDirect failed, no Direct Rendering possible!11:51
alkalino prob, best of luck hope it helps11:51
Tom^alkali, - have you got it working with the fglrx driver? or only vesa?11:51
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amortvigilblindx: http://pastebin.com/769499 i tried it a few times but it wont succes11:51
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KilluminatiI don't have much time...11:52
Tom^either is ok for me at the moment, i just want to be able to start x ;)11:52
KilluminatiA list of repositories is shown. Click the Settings button at the bottom and tick Show disabled software sources. Then click the Close button.11:52
alkaliTom^ thats why I'm in here, I've got a problem with my custom kernel headers and my fglrx install.  I need someone to look at the output11:52
KilluminatiWhere's the settings button?11:52
alkaliTom^ but it worked before11:52
iiiearsu01p2109: i have never seen the 3d desktop app.  /3ddesktop.conf11:52
richiefrichKilluminati add then manually11:52
Tom^ahh, k11:53
richiefrichKilluminati /etc/apt/sources.list11:53
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KilluminatiI dunno how11:53
amortvigilim trying to install ra2 eith an instalation script but it gives me erorrs: http://pastebin.com/769499 does anyone know what i did wrong?11:54
alkalianyone got time to look at my output from fglrx install? http://pastebin.com/769482 is where the error is.11:54
iiiearskilluminati - Synaptic package manager could be another way to do it for you.11:54
Killuminatirichiefrich, I dunno how.11:54
richiefrichKilluminati sudo nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list11:54
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Killuminatiiiiears, Mind to elaborate?11:54
richiefrichthen add them, then restart synaptic11:54
Killuminatirichiefrich, How do I add them?11:54
iiiearsKilluminati: add repositories deb <url>  deb-src <url>11:54
richiefrichKilluminati sudo nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list11:54
Frogzoo_awayrichiefrich: don't think Killuminati needs to use gedit - just add the repos with synaptic11:55
nyk2005_Hello! Just installed phpmyadmin from synaptic. What has to be changed to make apache exec the php instead sending the source php?11:55
richiefrichFrogzoo_away yes but he cant find how to add them11:55
richiefrichFrogzoo_away so I said to edit manually :)11:55
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KilluminatiFrogzoo_away, Can you tell me how to do it in LAYMENS terms?11:56
Frogzoo_awayrichiefrich: methinks synaptic will still be easier11:56
cefok, this hsould be fun. time to update to dapper11:56
ceferr. should even11:56
cyneis vnc built into ubuntu by default?11:56
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richiefrichnyk2005_ i can tell u the apache part11:56
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.11:56
ubotu[vnc]  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-36715.html, or http://www.tightvnc.com/docs.html, or see 'x11vnc' (VNC server which uses your current X11 session)11:56
jrsimsis there any way to make gnome remember window positions? Or is this just a dream??11:56
richiefrichFrogzoo_away I'm sure but he need percise info :)11:56
nyk2005_richiefrich: does it need mod_php? It's not in apt...11:57
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KilluminatiFrogzoo_away, Can you tell me how to do it in LAYMENS terms?11:57
richiefrichnyk2005_ lets do the config 1st11:57
nyk2005_richiefrich: I enabled the .php mime type...11:57
richiefrichnyk2005_  so your config is cool?11:57
nyk2005_richiefrich: but not sure where to load the php module in ubuntu... it's not in mods-available.11:57
Alfred__anyway, bye guys!11:58
baboso where should I put the mod_sec conf file in apache2 ... ?11:58
richiefrichnyk2005_ modules ?   let me look at mine11:58
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Killuminatiiiiears, I CAN'T FIND THE SETUP BUTTON FFS11:58
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KilluminatiI already said that!11:58
richiefrichnyk2005_ does  your apache2 load php ?11:59
Stardogcan anyone link me the correct oficial dapper repo?11:59
nyk2005_richiefrich: don't think so..11:59
mejobloggshello, I am wanting to try ubuntu, but I want to find good linux replacements for my windows programs. Does anyone know a link/list that can help me?11:59
nyk2005_richiefrich: how can I set it to?11:59
richiefrichnyk2005_  can u pastebin your config ?11:59
Frogzoo_awayKilluminati: chilld dude & we'll help you11:59
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KilluminatiSorry but I have got a huge headache now12:00
nyk2005_richiefrich: apache2.conf? But I think it's not in there...?12:00
chavojrsims, you can use devilspie to make windows remember their positions, but it's not that esy to configure12:00
Frogzoo_awayKilluminati: synaptic -> settings -> repositories12:00
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KilluminatiAnybody know a command that lets you restart php?12:00
richiefrichnyk2005_ it is for me then again my server is on archlinux...12:00
KilluminatiFrogzoo_away, After that?12:00
iiiearsKilluminati:  System >> Administration >>Synaptic Package Manager >> yourpassword >> settings >> Repositories. add repository  +>>12:00
KilluminatiI can't find the settings butten there12:00
=== Frogzoo_away is now known as Frogzoo
richiefrichnyk2005_  but i can give it a try.. mine works12:00
ubotuHelp to fix issues with sound can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary12:01
Stardogcan anyone link me the correct official dapper repo, or tell me Why im not able to install tetex and jadetex12:01
FrogzooKilluminati: no 'add' button?12:01
iiiearsKilluminati: ADD "Custom"12:01
KilluminatiFrogzoo, I'm talking about the button that's referrred to in the wiki12:01
robewaldhi, is there some easy! way of actually mounting smb shares from the desktop and using them from nongnome programs?12:01
cefoops, ran out of disk space.12:02
FrogzooKilluminati: under "installation media" do you see 'add'?12:02
richiefrichnyk2005_  u want be to try....  ?12:02
nyk2005_richiefrich: in gentoo, it's started in /etc/conf.d/apach2 in APACHE_OPTS = "-D PHP5". But the same doesn't work in apache/apache2.conf, I tried.12:02
=== kenas [n=kenas@216.Red-80-59-105.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
KilluminatiFrogzoo, Where is "installation media"12:03
FrogzooKilluminati: synaptic -> settings -> repositories12:03
nyk2005_richiefrich: yeah... can you pastebin your working config? mine is just the ubuntu default...12:03
richiefrichnyk2005_ thats gentoo.. i can tell u have i have on mine12:03
iiiears Kiluminati: Hang in there. It will get easier i promise.12:03
kenashi guys12:03
KilluminatiI see it12:03
richiefrichnyk2005_  np will do12:03
u01p2109PHPMYADMIN:: >>> http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/769527 - save as file, open with Synaptic. Install packeges12:04
kenasi wouldl like to update ubuntu to its latest release12:04
KilluminatiAfter custom what do I put in?12:04
kenasbut i think i got the repositories wrong12:04
richiefrichnyk2005_  why not u just grab it from me12:04
Jowiubotu, tell kenas about upgrade12:04
richiefrichnyk2005_   it's on my ftp server12:04
kenascause it gives me a error while trying to download one of them12:04
Killazhow can I set the password of root?12:04
Jowiubotu: tell Killaz about root12:05
Stardogcan anyone link me the correct official dapper repo, or tell me Why im not able to install tetex and jadetex12:05
KilluminatiFrogzoo, After custom what do I put in?12:05
nyk2005_richiefrich: ok... whats the url?12:05
MyNameIsNotBobI just ran sound debug, and instead of a beep i got static noise, is that normal?12:05
richiefrichnyk2005_  ftp://penguinslair.dyndns.org/httpd.conf12:05
FrogzooKilluminati: "deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-14 dapper main"12:05
JowiStardog: /msg ubotu repos12:05
=== cyphase [n=cyphase@adsl-75-2-143-0.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
u01p2109kenas: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper12:05
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iiiearskilluminati Uh-oh I didn't ask if you had an url for the repo outside of Ubuntu's lrepos. do you know whether the link is to a packaged file *.deb or to source code deb-src ?12:06
_masonIs there any gui partitioner included with ubuntu?12:06
Killuminatiiiiears, I dunno12:06
JowiStardog: that will give you the official ones. there are mirrors as well at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive12:06
KilluminatiFrogzoo, Ok after that what?12:06
dajoruHi, I would like to connect a Ubuntu box to a mac os x server serving a kerberize open-LDAP database like that my users authenticate against my server to log-in their home.12:06
FrogzooKilluminati: also, enable the "multiverse" repo12:07
dajoruwhat do i have to install?12:07
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elkbuntu_mason, gparted maybe there, on livecd anyway12:07
_masonif not, will it be in synaptic?12:07
iiiearsu01p2109:  The ubuntuguide lives on!      (unrelated Killuminati but if you get a chance peek at the ubuntuguide link for dapper. it's awesome.)12:07
elkbuntu_mason, yes12:07
kenasyeah well i still got a problem12:07
StardogJowi: shall i add the mirrors?12:08
_masonThankyou elkbuntu12:08
nyk2005_richiefrich: you use the module. but I installed the php5-cgi, I don't know how php-cgi works...:(12:08
FrogzooKilluminati: do you see an empty checkbox at the left of "Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Source"12:08
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alkaliTom^ did you get it working?12:08
JowiStardog: only if you have problems with the currect ones you are using.12:08
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kenasFailed to fetch http://theli.free.fr/packages/breezy/./Packages.gz 404 Not Found <------ this is what it says12:08
FrogzooKilluminati: it will also say "community maintained (universe)"  "Non free (multiverse)"12:09
FrogzooKilluminati: do you see those options?12:09
iiiearskilluminati: Did you need a codec to play video/mp3s? Is that why you wanted to add a repository?12:09
Frogzooiiiears: Killuminati is having trouble enabling multiverse repos12:09
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KilluminatiLet's get this straight12:09
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KilluminatiI'm very very very noob at Linux12:09
FrogzooKilluminati: we guessed ;)12:10
StardogJowi: kk.... do u also happen to know why I have problems with installing tetex and jadetex, it says because of some requriementproblem, but no exact problem12:10
KilluminatiI don't understand 90% of the linux terminoligy you use.12:10
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iiiearsAh. - Okay, Frogzoo you are a prince. brb Can i FAX you a "flat" soda?12:10
KilluminatiSo please forgive me for being a bit slow.12:10
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Jowikenas: the person having that site has renamed the directory, http://theli.free.fr/packages/12:10
KilluminatiFrogzoo, I ticked LTS12:10
richiefrichnyk2005_  what do u mean12:10
FrogzooKilluminati: does that option mention universe & multiverse?12:11
KilluminatiFrogzoo, I now need the codec12:11
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richiefrichnyk2005_   u can load then the same way ?12:11
FrogzooKilluminati: edit -> search "libxine-extracodec"12:11
JowiStardog: make sure the repos are ok, run "sudo apt-get update" and try again. You might have bad repos in your list. Hard to say.12:11
FrogzooKilluminati: oh - first click 'reload' to reload the repo info12:12
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nyk2005_richiefrich: and now I installed libapache2-mod-php4, but still not working12:12
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KilluminatiThe repository might be no longer available or could not be contacted because of network problems. If available an older version of the failed index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored. Check your network connection and the correct writing of the repository address in the preferences.12:12
\shdoes anyone know the nick of JendaVancura12:12
KilluminatiWhat did you do?!?! =P12:12
richiefrichnyk2005_    u do have php installed ?12:12
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psaikidocan an op help me with my install please?12:12
StardogJowi: do I need an dist-upgrade also?12:12
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KilluminatiE: Type 'deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-14 dapper main' is not known on line 33 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list12:12
KilluminatiE: Unable to lock the list directory12:12
JowiStardog: what version of ubuntu are you using?12:12
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nyk2005_richiefrich: no, it's not the solution to just load it with LoadModule in apach2.conf. I have php installed12:13
FrogzooKilluminati: now if you search for "libxine-extracodecs" you should see it's currently uninstalled - select the checkbox & click "apply"12:13
dabblegois it possible to set system-wide environment variables instead of updating .bashrc for each user?12:13
richiefrichnyk2005_  php 5.1.2-3   phpmyadmin
KilluminatiFrogzoo read!12:13
KilluminatiThe repository might be no longer available or could not be contacted because of network problems. If available an older version of the failed index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored. Check your network connection and the correct writing of the repository address in the preferences.12:13
StardogJowi: dapper. Just upgraded from breezy. And now having the problems12:13
FrogzooKilluminati: oh, right12:13
richiefrichnyk2005_    thats all i have on the arch box12:13
\shjenda: ping12:13
iiiearsKilluminati: You may have to instances of synaptic or apt-get and synaptic open.12:13
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FrogzooKilluminati: do you have synaptic opened elsewhere?12:13
psaikidocan an op help me with my install please?12:14
KilluminatiI force closed Add/Remove because it crashed12:14
cefhrm, the dapper upgrade wants to remove xchat.. *sigh*12:14
JowiStardog: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade should do it if you have good repos12:14
nyk2005_richiefrich: thanks, I will try again after lunch... :)12:14
richiefrichnyk2005_  http://packages.ubuntu.com/hoary/web/phpmyadmin12:14
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richiefrichthats all the deps u need12:14
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rob_hi, does anyone have any experience with PCI based nova-t tv tuner cards and sound problems?12:15
Jowiubotu: tell Stardog about repos12:15
nyk2005_richiefrich: I using this package12:15
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elkbuntusofi, if you have a problem, please say it12:15
psaikidohelp with install please - xserver won't start at the very end of install process -argh12:15
richiefrichnyk2005_ so u have those ?12:15
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FrogzooKilluminati: close all synaptic windows & then 'ps aux |grep synaptic' to check they're all closed12:16
cynewhat does "cannot execute binary file" mean?12:16
seanI have a problem with Matlab12:16
Frogzoocyne: means you don't have execute permission12:16
seanAnyone who can help me12:16
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iiiearskilluminati - If you don't have to install applications open to see maybe there is one that crashed? some other install process has locked that file to prevent problems.ocked the12:16
richiefrichnyk2005_  then it's a config error someplace let me google12:16
elkbuntusean, that would depend on how much information you give... i'm sure there's many problems that could happen to Matlab, we cant guess which one12:17
cyneFrogzoo: nope... i made it 77712:17
psaikidocan anyone hear me?12:17
_masonFor interests sake, how much combined space do you have on your desk top / house hold ?    I have 480gb in my pc, 100gb total in brothers, and 160gb total in laptops, = 740gb total in my house hold12:17
Killuminatiirwin    24056  0.0  0.1   2876   796 pts/0    R+   10:17   0:00 grep synaptic12:17
Frogzoocyne: file blah ?12:17
iiiearsFrogzoo - Even with spell checking i canned spell. - lol12:17
FrogzooKilluminati: now open synaptic again...12:17
seanelkbuntu ,thank you. I will give informations. :)12:17
sean??? Invalid MEX-file '/opt/matlab7.1/toolbox/symbolic/maplemex.mexglx': /opt/matlab7.1/bin/glnx86/libmaple.so: symbol errno, version GLIBC_2.0 no12:18
cyneFrogzoo: i downloaded realvnc for linux x86 and the binaries contained therein give that error12:18
KilluminatiSame error12:18
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KilluminatiThe repository might be no longer available or could not be contacted because of network problems. If available an older version of the failed index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored. Check your network connection and the correct writing of the repository address in the preferences.12:18
seanError in ==> maple at 10412:18
sean[result,status]  = maplemex(statement);12:18
seanError in ==> sym.maple at 8512:18
sean[result,status]  = maple(statement);12:18
seanError in ==> sym.plus at 2212:18
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.12:18
seanX = maple(A(:),'+',B(:));12:18
Frogzoocyne: ldd blah    - methinks you're missing libs12:18
KilluminatiE: Type 'deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-14 dapper main' is not known on line 33 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list12:18
KilluminatiE: Unable to lock the list directory12:18
elkbuntuubotu tell sean about pastebin12:18
Frogzoosean: pastebin please12:18
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psaikidocan ANYONE hear me?12:19
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pianoboy3333Can anyone help me with this? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=111438612:19
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chavopsaikido, no12:19
chavoturn it up a little12:19
FrogzooKilluminati: do you know about pastebin?12:19
elkbuntusean, are you trying to compile it?12:19
eXistenZCan anyone paste his sources.list, the list above is not quite updated12:19
KilluminatiFrogzoo, Yes12:19
KilluminatiWhat should I pastebin?12:19
iiiearsKilluminati: Ok, Now you have the list of repos updated. - unf4tuneatly there is likely a typo in the url. (tell me about typos i dare you.)12:19
seanSorry. What is pastebin.12:19
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elkbuntusean, ubotu will have sent you a private message12:20
Gh0stysean: pastebin.com or some stuff12:20
Gh0styand only post a link here12:20
dabblegohow can environment variables be set for all users?12:20
cyneFrogzoo: ldd says it's not a dynamic executable12:20
seanI see, thanks12:20
cyneFrogzoo: must be corrupt12:20
pianoboy3333Can anyone help me with this? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=111438612:20
cyneFrogzoo: even though i downloaded it twice12:20
markyHallooo ppl...12:20
elkbuntusean, meanwhile, were you trying to compile the program?12:20
KilluminatiFrogzoo, Any ideas?12:20
eXistenZFrogzoo, Can you please send me your souces.list?12:20
richiefrichnyk2005_  http://dan.drydog.com/apache2php.html12:20
richiefrichnyk2005_ that might help12:20
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Frogzoo!tell eXistenZ about easysource12:21
psaikidowho can help me with my install?12:21
Frogzoocyne: well there ya go12:21
chavopsaikido, you said that the install finished ok, but x won't start?12:21
FrogzooKilluminati: first close synaptic12:21
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KilluminatiFrogzoo, I did12:22
Frogzooanyone know where the apt lock file is kept?12:22
elkbuntuFrogzoo, i believe with the .debs12:23
Frogzooelkbuntu: thx12:23
spaceyFrogzoo: somewhere in /var12:23
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KilluminatiDoes anybody know a bootloader with a GUI12:23
Healoti believe in debra and ian12:23
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spaceyFrogzoo: start synaptic and try to run apt, you'll see the exact path of the lock file12:24
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elkbuntuyou're a dork, Healot :P12:24
=== Killuminati restarts.
spaceyFrogzoo: or do you mean something else12:24
HealotKilluminati: 3rd party?12:24
Healotthere are some free bootloader too... can't remember the name12:24
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mcpowleyrandom question but would anyone happen to know of an alarm clock for linux...one that has the ability to play mp3 files?12:24
elkbuntuHealot, grub, lilo?12:24
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JasonLanyone know of a free VM12:25
blinkycan anyone tell me how hard it is to set up dual monitors for ubuntu? I've installed it for the first time last night, and have no linux knowledge.12:25
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iiiearsJason - VMWare Player12:26
JasonLisnt that very limited?12:26
elkbuntumcpowley, this command in a terminal "sleep 10m | mplayer file.mp312:26
elkbuntuwithout the "12:26
=== detectiveinspekt [n=cyborg_j@222-154-63-214.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
pianoboy3333Can anyone help me with this? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=111438612:26
eXistenZFrogzoo, There is something f0x0red up in my sources.list12:26
Healotelkbuntu: he said with GUI... hehe to me grub only have splash screen, hehe12:26
IcE-bOyhi, are there packages for kernel, optimized for pentium M (centrino) ?? i only see 386 and 68612:27
eXistenZFrogzoo, I need a list that supports multiverse12:27
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detectiveinspekthow many mb. does it take to upgrade to dapper from a clean install of 5.10?12:27
IcE-bOybut 686 work too slowly in my centrino12:27
chavoblinky, It's real easy with nvidia, not sure about ati12:27
seanjust to use matlab to compute12:27
elkbuntusean, who was that no to?12:27
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FrogzooeXistenZ: multiverse is supported by default - just enable it through synaptic12:27
iiiearsJasonL:  VMWare Player and the VMWare "Browser Appliance" Ubuntu breezy. - there a bunch of howtos on making a virtual machine disk using qemu (another free VM)12:27
blinkychavo: I have nvidia. 6600gt12:27
mcpowleyelkbuntu, is there anyway to set it for a certain time, say 9 am?12:27
dirgeI'm back, still no video on my main LCD screen.12:27
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elkbuntumcpowley, not sure... i'll just test something12:28
gharzguys, what is this => eth1: no IPv6 routers present ?12:28
chavoblinky, cool me too12:28
dirgeIt means there's nothing for it to connect to.12:28
Healotgharz: because there isn't a IPv6 router connected your interfaces12:28
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JasonLok iiiears12:28
Healotgharz: it's not an error anyways12:28
dirgegharz, IPv6 is only available in very few places.12:28
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seanelkbuntu:  I am not trying to compile the programm. I just to use it to comput.12:29
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gharzdirge, Healot > how can i disable IPv6? my internet connection is always intermittent. unlike if i use Windows, my connection is always up. is IPv6 causing this?12:29
mcpowleyalso one more question, best p2p app for linux? I downloaded frostwire..but for some reason it wont open when i click it i installed java and everything12:29
elkbuntusean, it seems like it's missing a dependancy, i've forgotten which it was though12:29
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iiiearsJasonL: There is a page "easy vmware config file" java applet to create you *.vmx conf file.12:29
Frogzoomcpowley: have you installed the java jre?12:29
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JasonLim confused12:30
blinkychavo, can you give me a hand setting it up?12:30
chavoblinky, sure I'll try12:30
blinkywill this require commands and stuff in terminal?12:30
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chavoI assume you've got it working already on one monitor?12:30
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blinkyyeah, i have nvidia drivers installed12:31
iiiearsJasonL: Grab the free VMWare player the instructions there are fairly straightforward. (12:31
bigfoot1i want to find out more about an IP address. how do i do so?12:31
seanelkubuntu: The error shows , It seems like have something to do with maple.12:31
Frogzoomcpowley: ?12:31
mcpowleyfrogzoo, yeah i installed the JRE and the webstart...but i installed frostwire before i installed java..should i reinstall frostwire?12:31
Frogzoomcpowley: did you update alternatives?12:31
chavoblinky, what is  your monitor setup?12:31
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mcpowleyfrogzoo: Alternatives?12:31
iiiearsVMWare 5.5 is 200 dollars and worth every nickel. - lol12:31
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Stardogman... getting pretty retarded by this error %/12:32
dirgeAnyone know what "RADEON(0): Unknown DDCType 5 found" means?12:32
=== Killuminati [n=irwin@CPE-58-161-58-168.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Frogzoo!tell mcpowley about java12:32
KilluminatiFrogzoo, You've ruined my add/remove thing!12:32
Frogzoomcpowley: read the wiki procedure for installing java12:32
KilluminatiIt won't work12:32
blinkymy setup? i have one 19" and 15" LCDs12:32
KilluminatiEven after restarting12:32
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pianoboy3333I seem to be having interesting problems with dpkg, can someone look at this: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=111438612:32
KilluminatiThis is a major failure of your software management system. Check the file permissions and correctness of the file '/etc/apt/sources.list' and reload the software information: 'sudo apt-get update'.12:32
dirgeblinky, You have multiple monitors?12:32
StardogJowi: does this tell u anything? This is a summary of all `failed' messages and warnings:12:33
Stardog`etex -ini  -jobname=jadetex -progname=jadetex &latex jadetex.ini' failed12:33
dirgeHow did you do it? I'm trying to do that now.12:33
iiiearsFrogzoo - What next?12:33
FrogzooKilluminati: sigh - how could I ruin it? pastebin you /etc/apt/sources.list12:33
JowiStardog: nope, I'm clueless :)12:33
blinkyi havnt set them up yet, im getting help with that now12:33
CelestianpowerUpgrading to dapper from Breezy from inside Ubuntu (apt-get) isn safe, isn't it?12:33
eXistenZFrogzoo, I enabled everything. Multiverse wasn't added =/12:33
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dirgeAh, I got it set up, but it's not detecting my main LCD.12:33
CelestianpowerI mean, all of my files and programs will still be there?12:34
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FrogzooKilluminati: you _killed_ synaptic - then accuse me of breaking it, really...12:34
StardogCelestianpower: no %D12:34
blinkyi have my main one, but my second one isnt set up at al12:34
CelestianpowerStardog: Oh12:34
psaikidohow do you start ubuntu in safe mode?  did it yesterday but i forget12:34
blinkyChavo, what do you need to know?12:34
FrogzooKilluminati: pastebin your sources.list & we'll try to figure out where that lock file is12:34
StardogCelstianpower; yes it will be there... but it completly f--ed up my system... still having problems12:34
dirgeWant some links Blinky?12:34
chavoblinky, is the 19" your main?12:34
KilluminatiFrogzoo, How do I access my sources.list?12:34
mcpowleyfrogzoo: It tells me just to install the Jre...which i did with the synaptics12:35
blinkyand yeah12:35
CelestianpowerStardog: Oh12:35
FrogzooKilluminati: cat /etc/apt/sources.list12:35
chavo19" on the left?12:35
blinkyon the right12:35
Frogzoomcpowley: you missed where it mentions update alternatives12:35
psaikidoanyone know how do you start ubuntu in safe mode?12:35
CelestianpowerStardog: So I should wait?12:35
KilluminatiI think I know the problem12:35
blinkytheres a safe mode?12:35
KilluminatiI have two of the same thing12:35
iiiearsKilluminati:  And here is one more.    http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/76957212:35
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Frogzoopsaikido: there is no 'safe' mode - but you can boot 'recovery' from grub - but that's single user mode12:36
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chavoblinky, ok go here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and paste in your xorg.conf12:36
FrogzooKilluminati: just pastebin please - best not fiddle with it if you don't know what you're doing12:36
KilluminatiI think I'll fiddle xD12:36
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blinkyto get to my xorg.conf, do i go "sudo gedit /etc/X11/conf/xorg.conf"12:37
StardogCelestianpower: well.... dunno.... u could always try from the updatemanger... its told to be safe there if it works.... %D12:37
chavoblinky, yes12:37
nox-HandDoes anyone know of any good easy animated gif creator for Linux?12:37
FrogzooKilluminati: you break it, you get to keep the pieces ;)12:37
blinkychavo, ok12:37
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chavoor actually sudo gksu12:37
blinkywhats gksu do?12:37
CelestianpowerStardog: That works does it?12:37
elkbuntumcpowley, you should be able to use the 'at' command, try reading 'man at' to see how to get it to work, it's confusing me though12:37
iiiearsKilluminati: No!  (please, i am short of aspirin enough to help)12:37
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dirgeActually, the xorg.conf file is in /etc/X11/12:38
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KilluminatiIT'S DEAD12:38
chavoblinky, it's a graphical sudo12:38
KilluminatiWTF HAPPENED?12:38
dirgeMake sure to back it up first.12:38
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StardogCelestianpower: well... when I first tried, I had breezy repo and upgrading wouldnt stard because of one official link... I changed the repo to dapper and then upgradet, then it gor wrong12:38
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CelestianpowerI see - so it not working was your fault? :P12:39
Stardogguys... isnt there a "bugfixer"-program-thingy in buntu?12:39
=== RandolphCarter [n=brett@82-42-145-141.cable.ubr01.sprt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
iiiearsKilluminati: Computer hiccup. - maybe a quick shutdown while apt or synaptic was updating. *maybe* dunno12:39
mcpowleyelkbuntu: Thanks, i'll try that out12:39
KilluminatiFrogzoo, WHAT DID YOU DO!12:39
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iiiearsKilluminati: something corrupted the lock file12:39
ompaulKilluminati, I will be messaging you in a moment12:39
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dirgerestarting X brb12:40
raulhi, how can i see .avi in totem?12:40
iiiearsnah, It was broken before we got our grubby hands on it.12:40
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=== Frogzoo wonders if I've just been badly trolled...
apokryphosraul: FAQ12:40
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myxiplxHey all12:40
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cynewhere can i find libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 ?12:40
myxiplxAnybody got time to help a real Linux newbie with some questions?12:41
blinkychavo, i did the gksu one, and nothing happened. then i did the gedit one, and it opened gedit with a blank page12:41
iiiearsKilluminati: I think it can be fixed by editing the lock file.12:41
J0s3phI don't soppose anyone knows why MPlayer isn't showing in any of the reps, even universe and multiverse?12:41
J0s3phOr is it just me? :\12:41
Huh1hey, I got an usb external harddrive that I want to mount. however I need to be root to be able to do this. how can I do this out of the fileexplorer thingie, without going into a terminal12:41
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chavoblinky, it's /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:41
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blinkyi'm new to this, i might have mentioned12:42
chavono problem12:42
cefhey, should i be reporting wishlist-style items in the usual bug reporting system or elsewhere?12:42
cafuegoHuh1: Just plugging it in should mount it and show it on the desktop.12:42
chavothat's why were here :)12:42
Huh1no it doesn't12:42
Huh1I see it under computer12:42
myxiplxWant to replace the shell so this box only runs a VNC server and a VMware player session, and shuts down when VMware exits.12:42
xxozxxi think i upgraded to breezy, but nothing looks different12:42
Huh1but clicking it says: not mounted, need to be root to mount it12:42
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=== cafuego pokes cef in the eye
myxiplxI think I need to use a command like 'startx vmwareplayer .....' but have no clue where to put it.12:43
emitraxx_I just installed ubuntu dapper for amd64 and my sound card hasn't been recognized12:43
iiiearsFrogzoo - Trying to fix a  new users computer thousands of miles away and blindfolded isn't easy. - Do we get an "A" for effort?12:43
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cefcafuego: pffft12:43
dirgeWhat does "(WW) RADEON(0): Unknown DDCType 5 found" mean??12:43
emitraxx_root@rgbenedetto:/home/rgbenedetto/Desktop# lspci | grep -i audio12:43
emitraxx_0000:00:04.0 Multimedia audio controller: ALi Corporation M5455 PCI AC-Link Controller Audio Device (rev 20)12:43
xxozxxanyone know how to tell for sure?12:43
Zajjko|workCan someone help me with a mountissue with a local HDD-partition?12:43
cafuegomyxiplx: suggestion: in the vncserver startup file (so it runs even if you don't boot into X)12:43
SurfnKidand Im still here12:43
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Frogzooiiiears: I'd like to think so - sadly it's always the newbs don't understand this, they mess things & get angry *sigh*12:43
blinkychavo:  brett@blinky:~$ sudo gksu /etc/X11/xorg.conf              <- that right? it does nothing12:44
cafuegomyxiplx: Alternatively, vmware server is alos free (beer)12:44
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xxozxxi think i upgraded to breezy, but nothing looks different12:44
cefso, once again, should I be reporting wishlist-style items in the usual bug reporting system or elsewhere?12:44
xxozxxanyone know how to tell for sure?12:44
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cafuegocef: launchpad, there should be a wishlist bug level.12:44
iiiearsFrogzoo - Still can only guess why it won't release the apt sources list. - That is what brought him here.12:44
chavoblinky, sorry it's gksudo12:44
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cefcafuego: the new bug entry stuff is very limited. hrm.. will have a deeper look12:44
dirgeblinky, it re-generates the xorg.conf file.12:44
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dirgeSo if you mess it up it'll renew it.12:45
Huh1cafuego: I'm afraid it's not mounted automatically. the drive is shown under computer when plugged in, but when clicking onto it it says; can't access it, needs to be mounted first, which is only possible for root12:45
Frogzooiiiears: I still can't figure out where synaptic puts the lock file12:45
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blinkyok, i just did gedit, and coppied all the text. what name do i put into that paste.ubuntu-nl.org thing?12:45
chavoblinky, gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:45
Healotpackage "java-package" (in multiverse)12:45
cafuegocef: Hmm... lemme see12:45
cefcafuego: spose I'll have to change it's disposition after the bug has been reported12:46
iiiearsFrogzoo - Is there a tool to see what files are opened by a process?12:46
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Jimbohello yall, could anyone help me with gettin my wpc54 v2 to work?12:46
Huh1is there a possibility to be root in nautilus?12:46
Healotgksu/gksudo nautilus12:46
Frogzooiiiears: sure, lsof - but a lock file's not necessarily open...12:46
blinkychavo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1538112:46
cafuegoHuh1: You can always mount it to /media/somename via the 'pmount' command as user... but you'll need cmdline.12:46
xxozxxcan someone help me with upgrade?12:46
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Huh1yes, and I wondered whether mounting would be possible without a command, for example by some stuff in nautilus12:47
ekphaving a problem logging into Gnome12:47
cafuegocef: Importance -> Wishlist12:47
ekpGnome desktop comes up and then immediately goes back to login screen12:47
xxozxxcan someone help me with upgrade? or point me to another room that can?12:47
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. It may break your system, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation instead. For help with and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.12:47
dooglusekp: did it ever work?12:48
apokryphosxxozxx: FAQ12:48
iiiearsFrogzoo - strace then.?(ask a new user to pastebin a trace file.. ohoh.)12:48
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ekponly does it as my user12:48
ekpnot others12:48
cefcafuego: doesn't appear on "report a bug" page. will have to do it afterwards12:48
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dooglusekp: I guess you have something bad in your session12:48
ekpdooglus: yes12:48
blinkychavo, you there?12:48
Jimbodoes anyone here gotten a  WPC54G wireless card to work?.....having problems12:48
cafuegocef: *nod* file that as a bug against malone ;-)12:48
ekpI am administrator12:48
cafuegoJimbo: Yes, mine works fine.12:48
blinkyis that link what you needed?12:48
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ekpother users work fine12:48
eXistenZI installed some program from the "Add/remove.." in the menu, and it installed kde libs and such. How can I uninstall everything it installed?12:49
chavoblinky, yes12:49
blinkyok, let me know12:49
cefcafuego: after I file the bug against update-manager *grin*12:49
cafuegoHuh1: Nautilus supports some limited scripting, so maybe... not looked into that.12:49
ekpI can log into Xfce OK12:49
gharzanybody here who's ubuntu a member of windows server 2003 domain?12:49
ekpdooglus: any way to sort it out?12:50
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pd273gharz: I could try to help12:50
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Healotgharz: linux client can't be a member of windows domain12:51
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dooglusekp: do you know how to switch to a virtual terminal and back?12:51
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=== cafuego goes Zzzz
Healotbut you can remote to Windows server/client though12:51
gharzreallY? i've something that linux can be a member of a windows domain.12:51
ekpCtrl alt F1?12:51
chavoblinky, just to be sure you said the 15" is on the left, but the 19" is your main monitor correct?12:51
gharzpd273, have u tried it?12:51
blinkychavo, yes12:51
Frogzoocef: perhaps https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyEft/Feature_Suggestions12:51
myxiplxHaven't got linux as member, but I can browse my domain happily from this linux box.12:51
=== iiiears [n=bill@ip70-181-219-28.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
dooglusekp: right.  and alt-f7 to get back.  I suggest you try "mv ~/.metacity ~/.metacity.old" and then logging it - does that help?12:52
ekpOk I will give it a try12:52
ekpdo I run sudo?12:52
chavoblinky, ok this should work then http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1538212:53
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chavoblinky, but make sure you back up your xorg.conf first before you overwrite it12:53
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dooglusekp: no, it's in your home directory.  log in as you in a virtual terminal12:53
myxiplxgharz, try http://youlinux.com/tutorials/linuxtutorialmicrosoftwindowsnetworkintegration.html12:53
iiiearsFrogzoo - /var/lib/dpkg/status 0_RDONLY status = 6 ?12:53
dooglusekp: just "mv .metacity .metacity.old" if you're in your home directory already12:53
dooglusekp: "~" just means "my home directory"12:54
eXistenZHow can I clean the deb cache?12:54
blinkyso just copy that into xorg.conf, and save over the top? should i backup my old xorg.conf?12:54
gharzmyxiplx, thanks!12:54
pd273gharz: are you saying the condition on using samba on ubuntu and connecting to 2003 server12:54
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iiiearsdooglus - Where do you ssign hotkeys? Xmodmap?12:54
myxiplxgharz I'm a complete newbie at this, but found that very handy :)12:54
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iiiearsWB Healot12:55
gharzpd273, my ubuntu can connect to the 2003 and can open the shared folders, with correct user and password of course.12:55
blinkychavo, how do i use it now?12:55
Frogzooiiiears: nope12:55
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pd273gharz: can you tell me what you are trying to do12:55
dooglusiiiears: I don't, I use aliases.12:55
chavoblinky, scroll down to the part where you can select the text12:55
gharzpd273, my question is if ubuntu can be a member of the win2003 domain.12:55
pd273gharz: so where are yo stuck up ?12:56
blinkychavo, no, i have changed it into the xorg.conf, now i want to use my other screen12:56
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iiiearsdooglus - Cool. What file holds them?12:56
chavoblinky, you're going to have to restart x12:56
myxiplxgharz:  Is there any reason you're asking about it being a member if you can get to the shares?12:56
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gharzpd273, i guess this is too technical at the moment. i'll try to search for some info first from the internet and i'll get back on this channel.12:56
blinkychavo, ok, back in a min12:56
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enkravHi, I have ubuntu 5.10 and would like to install gnome-terminal 2.14 (and keep my gnome 2.12 installation), is it possible? How can I do it?12:57
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myxiplxgharz: as far as I know it's not possible - Microsoft are being sued in the EU at the moment for them to open their client/server protocols for this very reason.12:57
gharzmyxiplx, owww.12:57
iiiearsdooglus - NVM - got it. (Google is my friend.)12:57
=== rash [n=rash@60-240-167-124.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
myxiplxgharz: MS never told anybody how to join a domain, afaik only windows clients can be members.  I may be wrong, but that's my understanding of things right now.12:58
dooglusiiiears: in ~/.bashrc I put things like: alias b='dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot'12:58
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dooglusiiiears: but see also shell functions - they're even more powerful12:58
myxiplxgharz: Of course, that doesn't mean you can't access resources, just that you're not seen as a true 'member'12:58
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emitraxx_0000:00:04.0 Multimedia audio controller: ALi Corporation M5455 PCI AC-Link Controller Audio Device (rev 20)12:58
=== the_Kane [n=kane@139.pth0501.pth.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
gharzmyxiplx, ok12:58
rashexcuse me, im having some problems with GRUB?12:58
the_KaneQUESTION: Does annyone here use the RT61STA Driver for their wireless card?12:59
iiiearsdooglus - Linux is wonderful. - What was Bill Gates thinking when he neutered the CLI>12:59
Jowirash: you are excused :)12:59
SimplimusHi, Im using Dapper Drake on a Lenovo N100 and my sound does not work, who can help me?12:59
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jimbocan someone help me get my wireless card to work?   WPC54g v212:59
rashcould anyone help me? i'm getting error 21.12:59
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pd273gharz: there is a different version of samba doing this right now12:59
pd273I cant figure out the name right now, let me check12:59
lnx^hmm hey guys12:59
Jowirash: have you looked at the grub troubleshooting wiki?12:59
gharzpd273, ok. thanks.12:59
lnx^I have a samba share mounted (in fstab)12:59
rashcould you link me please?12:59
lnx^and when I hibernate and come back, it will be stuck01:00
lnx^meaning, I cannot for example 'ls' it anymore01:00
lnx^only remounting helps01:00
_nano_how do I change the default keyring password?01:00
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soundrayrash: error 21 is "selected disk does not exist".01:00
soundray!tell rash about grub01:00
lnx^is there some config where I can put commands that should be executed before and after hibernating?01:00
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soundraylnx^: /etc/acpi/01:00
blinkychavo, back01:00
cefFrogzoo: if I'm not mistaken, the Feature_Suggestions page is for major items. not small wishlist to be added to a single program01:00
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chavodid it work?01:01
rashthanks, ill check those links01:01
SurfnKidtime for sleep01:01
blinkynot that i can tell01:01
lnx^soundray: thanks01:01
Jowirash: grub error 21 mean : "Selected disk does not exist. This error is returned if the device part of a device- or full file name refers to a disk or BIOS device that is not present or not recognized by the BIOS in the system.01:01
soundrayrash: perhaps you used a wrong partition number?01:01
rashno it was working fine01:02
mcpowleyhow do i play an mp3 file in terminal?01:02
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blinkychavo, should the second monitor be on and working now?01:02
rashthen i went on windows for a bit.01:02
rashafter that, it just doesnt work01:02
chavoblinky, yes01:02
TobberothHow do I rename a folder? I tried "mv Programing programing" but it said it can't move Programing to a subdirectory or something01:02
rashi checked my bios, and it detects both hdd's01:02
soundrayrash: I would first follow the wiki advice on reinstalling grub from the install CD.01:02
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chavodo this, run xrandr in a terminal and tell me what it says01:03
Frogzoocef: cool, then just bug it sounds right01:03
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rashfrom teh ubuntu live cd?01:03
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blinky SZ:    Pixels          Physical       Refresh01:03
blinky*0   1024 x 768    ( 306mm x 227mm )  *7501:03
blinkyCurrent rotation - normal01:03
blinkyCurrent reflection - none01:03
blinkyRotations possible - normal01:03
blinkyReflections possible - none01:03
gharzdamn... i'm starting to like ubuntu!!!!!01:03
chavowoops not the whole thing :)01:03
Tobberothubuntu is great!:)01:03
the_KaneQUESTION: Does annyone here use the RT61STA Driver for their wireless card?01:03
blinkytoo bad01:03
gharzi've been using fedora for the past months and my friend gave me this installation CD of Ubuntu.01:04
ompaulblinky, don't paste inthe channel thanks - paste.ubuntu-nl.org is there for that reason01:04
gharzjust tried this 2 days ago and i didn't have any problem with my wireless network...01:04
soundrayTobberoth: perhaps this is a case-insensitive filesystem? You can probably do "mv Programing temp ; mv temp programming"01:04
TobberothAnyone who knows how to rename a folder in the terminal?01:04
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blinkyompaul, ok. i didnt know it would take like 6 lines01:05
TobberothYeah, it's case sensetive, it's ubuntu01:05
gharzexcept that i can't watch VCD and DVD... especially movies that were burn from divx format.01:05
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pd273Tobberoth: can you try that with mv -f switch, it is working the way you are doing it for me01:05
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skippyTobberoth,  use "mv"01:05
soundrayTobberoth: ubuntu isn't a filesystem.01:05
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the_Kanecan someone please tell me the command to compile, link etc... a c++ program using gcc01:05
Tobberothwell, i think the file system is nautilus01:05
soundrayTobberoth: try the indirect approach I suggested.01:05
soundrayTobberoth: no, nautilus is a file manager.01:05
Simplimushi there :) can anyone help me making my sound work?01:05
skippythe_Kane, "g++ filename" should do it01:06
toko123is htere a way to copy an write a copy protected cd using linux?01:06
Tobberothsoundray, I'll try01:06
soundrayTobberoth: a filesystem is something like vfat, reiserfs or ext301:06
Jowiubotu: tell the_Kane about compile01:06
TobberothIt's FAT32, sorry :)01:06
pd273sure it is :-D01:06
the_Kaneskippy: thanks ;)01:06
Frogzoorash - from the grub prompt, try 'find /etc/passwd'   what does that  do?01:06
dooglusekp: I told you the wrong thing, didn't I?  your session is in ~/.gnome2/session it seems01:06
rashsoundray: is this what i should be look at?01:06
lnx^and hey, while we're at it, is there any way I could start autostart certain applications to certain workspaces, like in fluxbox?01:06
soundrayrash, yes01:07
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ekpdooglus: probably because I still have the same problem01:07
TobberothThanks soundray, that worked great!01:07
rashokay thanks01:07
MadMerChi is there anyone here who can help me with VNC ???01:07
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the_Kaneanother c++ question... do i save the file as: cpp, c++, or what?01:07
ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, ompaul01:07
ubotuvnc is, like, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-36715.html, or http://www.tightvnc.com/docs.html, or see 'x11vnc' (VNC server which uses your current X11 session)01:07
jimbook so i installed a driver for my WPC54g wireless card, the power on the card works, i can detect my access point, however i cannot connect....any help would be great01:07
dooglusekp: you probably want to: "rm -fr .metacity; mv .metacity.old .metacity; mv .gnome2/session session.old"01:07
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soundrayMadMerC: nobody can answer that until you've described the problem.01:07
TobberothI thought, since Linux is case sensitive, I'll put all my foldernames in anti-caps01:07
Tobberothdoesn't seem like it matters much tho01:07
=== eXistenZ_ is now known as eXistenZ
rashbleh, im not sure which section i should look at. sorry, but this is my first go at linux01:08
dooglusekp: that will remove any new .metacity directory, restore the old one, and move your session file out of the way.01:08
soundrayTobberoth: some filesystems are, others aren't.01:08
ekpcan I do that while in 5 or do I have to go to 3?01:08
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skippyTobberoth,  linux is very case sensitive01:08
soundrayskippy: don't confuse him please01:08
the_Kanecan someone please tell what to save my c++ programs as.. is it file.CPP ?01:08
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dooglusekp: you can do that from anywhere.  but what are 5 and 3?  run levels?01:08
ekpyes run levels01:08
Tobberothit seems that i can go "cd /share/programing even if the folder is named Programing01:08
=== Afief [i=Afief@85-250-45-83.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
Frogzoothe_Kane: .cpp dde01:08
soundrayTobberoth: whether or not filenames are case-sensitive or not depends on the filesystem driver.01:08
Frogzoothe_Kane: .cpp dude01:08
dooglusekp: I never level runlevel 2 - what do 3 and 5 do?01:09
Tobberothsoundray: Oh, i see..01:09
Tobberothand FAT32 is not case-sensitive then?01:09
dooglusnever *leave*01:09
Frogzoodooglus: they all do the same, default is 2 for ubuntu though01:09
the_KaneFrogzoo: thanks01:09
soundrayTobberoth: all the "good" ones are case-sensitive of course.01:09
ekplevel 5 is the default login for X01:09
Afiefhow can i get a tcl/tk package that i need for my modem when i can't connect to the internet through my ubuntu box?01:09
chavoblinky, pastebin you /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:09
Frogzooekp: nope01:09
dooglusTobberoth: FAT32 is a bit case sensivity01:09
Tobberothhmm I see01:09
ekplevel 3 ...Ctrl alt F101:09
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Frogzooekp: nope - that's redhat, not ubuntu/debian01:10
Frogzooekp: 'runlevel'01:10
dooglusekp: type "runlevel" in a virtual terminal - you'll probably see "N 2"01:10
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rashsoundray, im not sure which section i should look at01:10
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soundrayrash: do you have an install CD?01:10
ekpI have been running Kantoix for some time and it is defaulted to 501:10
rashyes, i do01:10
rashthe ubuntu iso01:10
FrogzooKilluminati-: have you fixed your sources.list ?01:10
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dooglusekp: I was only suggesting using a virtual terminal because I thought you couldn't log on as yourself in X - but XFCE works, so that's OK01:10
FrogzooKilluminati-: I did eventually notice your pm...01:11
Afiefi need a tcl/tk package to get my modem running, but i cannot connect to the internet through ubuntu, so how do i get it through my windows box?01:11
HealotFAT32 is case preserving, but not case sensitive01:11
jereth_da_liononce again i find myself in need of you expertise01:11
TobberothI programmed some html earlier.. I had some swedish characters in the code (  ) and when I started the page in firefox, it looked horrible!01:11
ekpso commands again for restoring session/01:11
soundrayrash: breezy or dapper?01:11
TobberothDoesn't firefox support UTF-8 or something?01:11
blinkychavo, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1538301:11
myxiplxIf I want to use a startx command instead of the gnome desktop, what do I need to do to change that?01:11
dooglusekp: you probably want to: "rm -fr .metacity; mv .metacity.old .metacity; mv .gnome2/session session.old"01:11
thoreauputicTobberoth: sure01:11
HealotTobberoth: program an HTML page?01:11
snowblinkHow can I stop the keyboard from sending a tilde to the terminal when I press page down?01:11
dooglusekp: that will remove any new .metacity directory, restore the old one, and move your session file out of the way.01:11
TobberothHealot: Well.. wrote it?01:11
soundrayTobberoth: you have to declare UTF-8 in your HTML.01:11
TobberothI did it in jedit01:11
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jereth_da_lionhow can i get sound working on my ibmthinkpad01:11
Tobberothoh, thanks soundray, didn't think of that01:12
Afiefi need a tcl/tk package to get my modem running, but i cannot connect to the internet through ubuntu, so how do i get it through my windows box?01:12
rashsee, im totally lost :S01:12
ompaulthoreauputic, if my friend says anything in the channel would you be so polite as to suggest that irc is a privilige not a right :)01:12
soundrayrash: yeah, that's dapper. Is it the Desktop or Alternative CD?01:12
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thoreauputicompaul: if I'm sober at the time I shall comply ;)01:12
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FrogzooKilluminati-:  ping ?01:13
ekp.gnome2/session': No such file or directory01:13
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rashi guess i need to boot from it?01:13
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dooglusekp: lose the last quote?01:13
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soundrayrash: try the instructions under "Using the LiveCD and Overwriting the Windows bootloader"01:13
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rashokay then01:13
Killuminati-3.5 times longer than promised01:14
FrogzooKilluminati-: have you fixed your sources.list ?01:14
Healothey just a trivia, what do you actually call a DSL modem, I know it is not a modem...01:14
Killuminati-Frogzoo, I still haven't01:14
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Killuminati-I pastebinned it01:14
TobberothTime for me to install Wine.. let's hope I don't get my regular amount of problems haha01:14
jereth_da_lionanyone know how to get sound on a ibmthinkpab01:14
ekp mv .gnome2/session session.old01:14
ekp.........`.gnome2/session': No such file or directory01:14
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thoreauputicompaul: ah bigpond - the ISP of the clueless01:14
dooglusekp: hmmm01:14
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=== thoreauputic runs away
soundrayHealot: it *is* a modem ;)01:14
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sandraTrying to upgrade to dapper I get the error "openoffice.org-core: Conflicts: openoffice.org2-l10n-1.9.129 which is a virtual package.  Conflicts: openoffice.org-help-1.9.129 which is a virtual package." when doing aptitude dist-upgrade, any ideas ?01:15
soundrayHealot: "modulator/demodulator"01:15
dooglusekp: can you copy ~/.xsession-errors into a pastebin?01:15
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .01:15
FrogzooKilluminati-: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list & remove the quotes, like so: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1538401:15
Henry_Beansomething about wine on dapper amd64?01:15
Healotnay, we are but modem...01:15
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Healotwait, I'll look up to that01:15
dabblegois there a mail client that will talk to a Microsoft Exchange server?01:16
Afiefi need a tcl/tk package to get my modem running, but i cannot connect to the internet through ubuntu, so how do i get it through my windows box?01:16
Killuminati-Frogzoo, Should I just copy and paste that?01:16
Mikeloany new cool game or program?01:16
FrogzooHenry_Bean: wine won't run on 64bit at all01:16
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ompaulsandra, do sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ; sudo apt-get -f << in that order and see if it still gives grief01:16
soundraysandra: do an apt-get remove on all openoffice packages that have org2 inthe name.01:16
FrogzooKilluminati-: no, best edit by hand - don't want anything "dramatic" happening01:16
soundraysandra: but only if ompaul's hint doesn't work :)01:16
dooglusdabblego: evolution will I believe01:16
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ekpdooglus:  what do you think now?01:17
Henry_BeanFrogzoo: http://wiki.winehq.org/WineOn64bit doesn't says that...01:17
dabblegodooglus: thanks01:17
dooglusekp: can you copy ~/.xsession-errors into a pastebin?01:17
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .01:17
Henry_Beanthere's says that it's possible under debian01:17
ekpwhat about flooding01:18
soundrayHenry_Bean: afaik, that is highly experimental. If you actually want to use wine, install it in a 32bit chroot.01:18
Killuminati-Frogzoo, I can't do anything now01:18
Killuminati-I can't add/remove anything01:18
Killuminati-This is very bad =X01:18
ekp/etc/gdm/PreSession/Default: Registering your session with wtmp and utmp01:18
ekp/etc/gdm/PreSession/Default: running: /usr/bin/sessreg -a -w /var/log/wtmp -u /var/run/utmp -x "/var/lib/gdm/:0.Xservers" -h "" -l ":0" "ed"01:18
ekp/etc/gdm/Xsession: Beginning session setup...01:18
ekp/usr/bin/startxfce4: X server already running on display :001:18
ekp/etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc: line 54: xscreensaver: command not found01:18
ekp** (xfwm4:5149): WARNING **: The display does not support the XComposite extension.01:18
ekp** (xfwm4:5149): WARNING **: Compositing manager disabled.01:18
ekp** (update-notifier:5186): WARNING **: already running?01:18
sandraompaul: I did aptitude update; and I am doign aptitude dits-upgrade; and there's the problem.01:18
Killuminati-'amsn' is not available in any software channel01:18
ekpmail-notification-Message: Mail Notification is already running01:18
ekpmail-notification-Message: Mail Notification is already running01:18
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FrogzooKilluminati-: you'll need to fix your sources.list first01:18
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@cpe-24-195-101-43.nycap.res.rr.com] by ompaul
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Frogzooekp please no spamming01:18
Killuminati-I already did01:18
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .01:19
FrogzooKilluminati-: now will synaptic open?01:19
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Killuminati-Yeah but I can't update01:19
ompaulekp, don't paste in the channel, we have paste.ubuntu-nl.org for that01:19
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thoreauputic!info amsn dapper01:19
ubotuamsn: (An MSN messenger written in tcl), section universe/x11, is optional. Version: 0.95-1 (dapper), Packaged size: 2233 kB, Installed size: 7852 kB01:19
FrogzooKilluminati-: what happens when you click "reload" ?01:20
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o ompaul] by ChanServ
Killuminati-"Yeah but I can't update"01:20
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %*!*@cpe-24-195-101-43.nycap.res.rr.com] by ompaul
dooglusekp: those errors are from XFCE4...  could you log out, log into GNOME, then go to ctrl-alt-f1 and copy .xsession-errors somewhere else, then log back into XFCE4 and PASTEBIN the copy?01:20
chavoblinky, try this change -> Option         "TwinViewOrientation" "LeftOf"  to    Option         "TwinViewOrientation" "CRT-0 LeftOf CRT-1"01:20
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Healothuh.. the term is "transceiver" not modem :-01:20
thoreauputicKilluminati-: you didn't look bvery hard01:20
rashsoundray, i get up to step 4 then i get error 1801:20
Killuminati-http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-14/dists/dapper/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2: Could not open file /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/kubuntu.org_packages_amarok-14_dists_dapper_main_binary-i386_Packages - open (2 No such file or directory)01:20
ekpwhat do you mean PASTEBin?01:20
Killuminati-Any idea?01:20
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .01:20
blinkychavo, ill try01:20
TobberothI just installed wine.. how does it work? Does it work in the background to start .exes etc, or do I need to start it manually?01:20
dooglus^-- read that01:20
chavoblinky, if that doesn't work I'm not sure, I'm very tired right now though so my brain is a little fried01:20
jereth_da_liondoes ubuntu support sound on the old ibm thinkpad 600 ????01:20
thoreauputicKilluminati-: enable universe01:20
ompaulekp, don't paste in the channel, we have paste.ubuntu-nl.org <<< point a browser at it01:21
Killuminati-thoreauputic, How?01:21
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.01:21
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ekpI got it thanks01:21
Killuminati-W: GPG error: http://kubuntu.org dapper Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A506E6D4DD4D508801:21
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thoreauputic!tell Killuminati- about repos01:21
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Killuminati-Please stop doing that01:21
Killuminati-I never understand those01:21
wildmanhello *01:21
ekpdooglus: I think I will just create a new user with administrator privaledges and delete bad session01:21
Frogzoothoreauputic: Killuminati- universe is there already - just "update" should do it...01:21
soundrayrash: have you changed anything in the BIOS setup recently? LBA options perhaps?01:22
thoreauputicKilluminati-: that isn't our problem - yu need to up your IQ a few points - try listening to Mozart01:22
Killuminati-Frogzoo, Please help01:22
Killuminati-Still won't work01:22
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dooglusekp: that's fine01:22
FrogzooKilluminati-: sry, "reload" what happens?01:22
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rashno i havent01:22
dooglusekp: delete bad user you mean?01:22
Killuminati-thoreauputic, Don't make stupid commenys again. I'm just not used to linux.01:22
soundraythoreauputic: you are very, very mean (but funny)01:22
dooglus"sudo deluser --remove-home ekp"01:22
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Killuminati-Frogzoo, I get these errors.01:23
=== Killuminati- pastebins
=== Fikus [n=fikus@c-71-195-14-112.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulKilluminati-, those pages you can't read are where you get the information you need to the work01:23
thoreauputicKilluminati-: care to repeat what you said? I didn't quite catch it01:23
Fikusi have a wireless network card question if anyone can help me01:23
blinkychavo, i cant find option -> twinviewOrientation01:23
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o thoreauputic] by ChanServ
Killuminati-thoreauputic, You just called me stupid so don't you dare to suggest I was being rude.01:23
gharzFikus, what's the prob?01:23
Fikusi have a newer gateway laptop01:24
dooglusthoreauputic: stop getting the bot to send me free help.  I'm new!01:24
blinkychavo, nevermind, got it01:24
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soundrayKilluminati-: you are being helped here, so try not to be oversensitive.01:24
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thoreauputicKilluminati-: you're a slow learner01:24
Frogzoooh thoreauputic, that's not helpful01:24
gharzKilluminati-, or search the google. it helps.01:24
Fikusit says the drivers and everything is good but the wireless connection in network settings is set to eth001:24
soundraythoreauputic: please give him a break.01:24
Fikuszero connectivity btw01:24
Frogzoothoreauputic: I've been trying to help this guy for 40 mins & you boot him :(01:25
gharzFikus, what's the model of ur wireless interface?01:25
thoreauputicFrogzoo: ompaul has already gaged him and let him back in - my heart bleeds01:25
=== Michael [n=mike@dsl-58-6-121-220.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
iiiearsthoreauputic - (neener-neener)01:25
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TobberothI need help with Wine :(01:25
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rashsoundray, could you please check your PM?01:25
thoreauputicFrogzoo: not a boot - a gag01:25
rashoh wait01:26
rashthere seems to be an error when i type root (hd0,1)01:26
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %Killuminati-!*@*] by thoreauputic
wildmanbye *01:26
Fikusits a broadcom 431801:26
soundrayrash: I didn't get a pm. You should ask before you send one, anyway. Are you registered? ::01:26
wildmanenjoy your day!01:26
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration01:26
Fikusi ahve the broadcom 43xx drivers set up on it also01:26
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rashim not registered, no01:26
rashbut there seems to be an error when i type root (hd0,1)01:26
Michaelomg, <3 dapper01:27
Fikusnet.interface in device manager is eth001:27
TobberothHehe, wine isn't working as great as it sounded on their website >_>01:27
Frogzoo!tell Tobberoth about appdb01:27
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Mikeloany cool internet radio programs?01:27
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Fikus6.06 drapper is what is running01:28
blinkychavo, that didnt work either01:28
Killuminati-Frogzoo, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1538501:28
dirgeHello everyone, I got the 2nd monitor to work... kinda01:28
gharzFikus, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=41046001:28
Killuminati-dirge, Good for you =D01:28
blinkychavo, thanks heaps for trying though, i'll bother someone else about it lol01:28
TobberothAmazing, that database even had an entry for the FC client wow01:28
iiiearsthoreauputic - hotkeys-setup /XKB  i need to configure the media keys. Can you help? Hint what app/conf do i need?01:28
soundraydirge: I managed that yesterday, too, after three years of trying.01:28
dirgeProblem now is that the 2nd monitor is blank so things open in it and I can't see them.01:28
=== ekp [n=dad@cpe-24-195-101-43.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
chavoblinky, no problem, I could probably figure it out but I haven't been to sleep yet :)01:29
rashwhat should i type when it comes to root (hd0,1)01:29
dirgeWhat does the "Opion" "clone" do?01:29
blinkydirge, any luck with your dual monitor setup?01:29
ekpdooglus: created another problem01:29
jereth_da_lionplease someone help me figure out this sound mess01:29
soundrayrash: what's the error? Put it on the pastebin if there's a lot of info.01:29
Fikusthat just tells me that guy had the new version running and it picked it up01:29
FrogzooKilluminati-: wget http://people.ubuntu.com/~jriddell/kubuntu-packages-jriddell-key.gpg01:29
Fikusi have the new version and it doens't01:29
dirgeIt detects the 2nd and has a window open there, just can't see it.01:29
rashim on my second PC01:29
soundraydirge: Clone shows the same content on both monitors.01:29
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FrogzooKilluminati-: sudo apt-key add kubuntu-packages-jriddell-key.gpg01:30
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ekpgave new user adminstrator priveledges and deleted session that was no good in gnome01:30
ekplost the ability to use sudo01:30
=== IcyT [n=IcyT@p54AB993D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
rash21: disk does not exist01:30
Killazcan someone help me configure vsftpd so I can make virtual users upload files?01:30
TobberothOdd, the wineapp DB is not working for me01:30
rasherror 21: disk does not exist01:30
doctorshimgood afternoon ya'll01:30
=== frank__ [n=frank@modemcable135.248-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
KillazI can now login using virtual users... but I cant upload01:30
blinkycan anyone help me set up my NFTS hard drive, so i can see the stuff on it?01:30
Sukre^n_Pudrejust an info...something install ultima online mondain with wine ?01:30
Killuminati-Frogzoo, I tried both in terminal and they failed to work.01:30
gharzFikus, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11492201:30
iiiearsHow do you program the media keys?01:31
soundray!tell blinky about ntfs01:31
dirgeWell, CRT is asleep. No signal.01:31
ekpchmod? for new user?01:31
doctorshimAnybody have trouble burning the ubuntu-6.06-desktop-amd64.iso image?01:31
ekpor psswd command01:31
FrogzooKilluminati-: pastebin please01:31
doctorshimLike, the image being way to big? :/01:31
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rashsoundray, i get error 21, disk not found?01:31
blinkysoundray, thanks01:31
iiiearsHow do you see the scan code used?01:31
dirgeNo trouble burning. I like the feater on the CD to check itself.01:31
Killuminati-Frogzoo, They both couldn't find the file01:31
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doctorshimdirge: Hmm, maybe my CD-Rs are too small. They only have 650 MB max capacity.01:32
soundrayrash: did you see my question about BIOS options?01:32
toko123should I be able to read a copy protected cd01:32
toko123audia cd01:32
soundraydoctorshim: that could be a good reason01:32
doctorshimJust wondering if anybody else had trouble with the ISO images being too big.01:32
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rashsoundray, i havent changed it around. this came up randomly01:32
gharzthoreauputic, Frogzoo > why does my ubuntu doesn't play VCD? i've done all the instructions from wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFromats.01:32
soundraytoko123: it depends on the type of copy protection.01:32
doctorshimThought something was odd.01:32
Killuminati-Frogzoo, I don't care about the mp3 anymore01:32
Killuminati-Frogzoo, All I want is to get this working again.01:32
the_KaneDoes annyone here use the RT61STA Driver for their wireless card?01:33
dirgeWhat is the error when burning it? Maybe you downloaded a corrupt version. Did you check the hash?01:33
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soundrayrash: I bet this is a hardware issue.01:33
ompaulgharz, what application are you trying to use ?01:33
FrogzooKilluminati-: have you tried a reboot?01:33
doctorshimNo, I didn't do a check on the image itself.01:33
Killuminati-Frogzoo, Yes01:33
rashoh? :(01:33
Killuminati-My Add/Remove is screwed up now.01:33
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ekpdeleted original adminstrator ...created new user with adminstrator permissions but can not run sudo01:33
FrogzooKilluminati-: you sure that wget doesn't work? works for me...01:33
lnx^how do I make iso-8859-15 my default character encoding for the terminal?01:33
doctorshimdirge: Nero, my burning software, says that the image is too big for the disk, and will have to do a over-burn.01:33
soundraythe_Kane: as a general rule, if you keep doing the same thing, you keep getting the same results.01:33
lnx^this utf8 messes up everything for me01:33
rashmeh, ill go reformat it.01:33
doctorshimIt fails at 99%, yet the disk is still bootable.01:34
rashthanks for the help soundray01:34
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soundrayrash: if it's a failing disk, reformatting won't help.01:34
gharzompaul, i've used totem-xine... realplayer...01:34
the_Kanesoundray: sorry, i was just hoping someone new would of joined that uses that driver...01:34
Killuminati-Wow it worked01:34
gharzthey don't work.01:34
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_masonHey blinky01:34
FrogzooKilluminati-: sudo apt-key add kubuntu-packages-jriddell-key.gpg01:34
gharzi was able to play DVD but the problem is the picture is not showing the right colors.01:34
soundraythe_Kane: why don't you describe the problem you're having. Otherwise, people might think you're doing a survey.01:34
iiiears_googleKilluminati-: Hooray!01:34
Killuminati-gpg: no ultimately trusted keys found01:34
Killuminati-iiiears_google, lol yep =P01:35
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dirgeJust buy a larger CD and try it.01:35
FrogzooKilluminati-: now open synaptic & click "reload"01:35
dirgeCD's are cheap.01:35
doctorshimI might try a DVD.01:35
iiiears_googleKilluminati-: What did you do?01:35
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dirgeDVD is overkill01:35
Killuminati-iiiears_google, I typed it out right this time lmao01:35
blinky_mason, howdy01:35
Frogzooiiiears_google: we're getting there slowly - Killuminati- has just added the gpg key for the amarok repo01:35
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gharzanybody here who's able to activate their IrDA to transfer files from/to mobile phones in general?01:36
FrogzooKilluminati-: cut & paste works wonders dude01:36
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blinky_mason,  get rid of the underscore in your name? its annoying me01:36
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iiiearsKilluminati-: Ah Ok. - lol01:36
the_Kanewell, im using the RT61STA driver for my DWL-G510 wireless card. And i keep losing internet access (can still ping internal network) and i was assuming it had something to do with the driver. because i've, changed proxy servers, re-installed ubuntu and same problem...01:36
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doctorshimCan I update Ubuntu (the actual system), without having to reinstall it, when a new version comes out?01:36
Killuminati-Frogzoo, I still haven't adjusted to not being able to use Ctrl+V in terminal01:36
_masonsomeones got it already01:36
gharzFikus, how was the links? was it helpful?01:36
_mason( no doubt, myself.. but forgotten password )01:36
ompaulgharz, try mplayer01:36
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Fikusyah kinda01:36
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dooglusdoctorshim: you should be able to - the update notifier will tell you the new version is available and offer to upgrade for you01:37
Killuminati-Now what?01:37
ompaulgharz, if you have done all the stuff you need to it will work01:37
FrogzooKilluminati-: shift ctlr c will copy01:37
soundray_mason: pm me, I'll give you your password01:37
doctorshimNeat, thanks. One thing I really like about Gentoo.01:37
soundray_mason (just kiddin')01:37
FrogzooKilluminati-: now open synaptic & click "reload"01:37
Fikuskinda confusing talking about grabbing firmware from wine it looks like a big mess01:37
_nano_Hi, this is regarding gedit. I get this error "Could not create a temporary backup file while saving..." whenever i try and save a new file in a symlinked directory. Is there any way to work around this?01:37
doctorshimNo having to reburn an ISO, etc.01:37
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Killuminati-I did01:37
Killuminati-It finished it =)01:37
iiiearsdoctorshim - A fresh install is best. - It hasn't worked smoothly from what i've seen.01:37
_masonsoundray, Gosh..01:37
TheSheepHello, is there any kind of CAD program for Ubuntu, or a commercial CAD for linux?01:37
FrogzooKilluminati-: woot - now search for 'libxine-extracodecs'01:37
_nano_TheSheep: www.linux.org -->apps01:38
gharzompaul, i've done it but still it doesn't work.01:38
TheSheep_nano_: thanks01:38
_masonis it just me who finds blender impossibly hard to use?01:38
gharzompaul, these VCD01:38
Killuminati-Frogzoo, Nothing!01:38
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soundrayTheSheep: apt-cache search cad design01:38
gharzompaul, were originnaly from divx format and used nero to burn them. i'm not sure if this is an issue or not.01:38
TheSheep_mason: no, it's shown as a bad example in all usablility books ;)01:38
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ompaulgharz, try a real dvd if it works then you know01:38
ydongsomeone uses aMule here? i need some help01:38
Killuminati-Frogzoo, Now what? =P01:39
doctorshimUbuntu FTW!01:39
lnx^so how do I switch my default locale from utf8 to iso?01:39
gharzit works with dvd but the colors are not the way it should be... looks like th hue/saturation are not correct.01:39
_masonTheSheep: You would think so, has anything good ever come out of it?01:39
Geckoyeeeks. dpkg-reconfigure -a really asks me all the stupid stuff... :(01:39
Killuminati-Windows 95 FTW01:39
_masondoctorshim; YES!01:39
TheSheep_mason: for example the Elephants Dream movie?01:39
dooglusTheSheep: try pythoncad, qcad, and varkon01:39
FrogzooKilluminati-: under channels in synaptic, do you see "multiverse" & "universe" enabled?01:39
doctorshimKilluminati: I love you.01:39
TheSheepdooglus: thanks, will do :)01:40
ximkoloumm, i was wondering if i could get some help with my wireless or even cat 5 internet01:40
_mason /googles01:40
Killuminati-Where is "channels"01:40
Fikuswhat is the easiest way to get new .deb packages in synaptic onto a computer with no internet connection01:40
dooglusTheSheep: I've not tried them, but they exist01:40
dooglus!info qcad01:40
ubotuqcad: (A professional CAD System), section universe/graphics, is optional. Version: (breezy), Packaged size: 2885 kB, Installed size: 12624 kB01:40
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_masonFikus, i think i know01:40
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_masonmake a new folder01:40
_masonthen navigate to it01:40
FrogzooKilluminati-: synaptic -> settings -> repositories01:40
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_masoninfact, dont know01:41
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ydongsomeone uses aMule binded with Ubuntu 6.06 here? i need some help01:41
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dooglusydong: the best way I can help you is to recommend bittorrent instead of amule01:41
jereth_da_lionis it hard to configure linuxes stuff cause i need sound on a ibmtp 60001:41
_masoni was going to say: sudo aptitude download <package> then copy the folder over... but01:41
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FrogzooKilluminati-: you need to select Dapper LTS Community maintained universe/non free multiverse01:41
_masonyou would need to know the name of every package01:41
the_Kanequick question, im on the RestrictedFormats wiki site, and i was wondering if mpg, mpeg are windows codecs?01:42
eldonI need help: chmod doesn't recognize the ati installer file on my desktop01:42
imarvindhaving a similar problem01:42
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_masonthe_Kane, Yes01:42
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soundrayjereth_da_lion: do you see your soundcard in the output of lspci? Paste it to pastebin if you can't make sense of it01:42
imarvindhow to i install codecs for avi and mpeg support01:42
ydongdooglus: bittorrent? isn't it a bt client?01:42
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Killuminati-Frogzoo, Binary or Source?01:42
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, noiesmo01:42
dooglusydong: yes.01:42
thoreauputicthe_Kane: no, mpg123 o mpg321 will play mp3 and mpeg isn't a windows codec01:42
FrogzooKilluminati-: binary, is it already selected?01:42
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lerelelehi! My computer loads automatically a module and i don't want it to do this. I heard about a blacklist or something similar. Can anyone help me?=01:42
ydongdooglus: but i do need a emule client01:43
gharzFikus, i finally realized that linux is useless if you don't have internet connection.01:43
FrogzooKilluminati-: well select, click "reload" & search again01:43
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void^lerelele: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist01:43
ridionI have sound and xserver issues01:43
doctorshimGonna put Ubuntu next to Windows; see if they get in a fight.01:43
jereth_da_lionlspci wheres that01:43
eldonthe modules list is in the /etc/modules file01:43
lerelelevoid^: thanks01:43
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eldonu can edit it using sudo nano01:43
Alfred_What kind of firewall are you guys using with Ubuntu dapper?01:43
soundrayjereth_da_lion: enter it in a terminal (Alt-F2 gnome-terminal)01:44
dooglusAlfred_: the built in one - iptables01:44
ompaulgharz, well you could burn a set of dvds of the repos01:44
Killuminati-Still didn't find it01:44
RandolphCarterAlfred_: Whatever interface you use, you'll be using iptables.  firestarter is a good GUI for configuring it though01:44
Fikuskinda sucks when ur ethernet is fucked up01:44
jereth_da_lionok ill see what it says01:44
_masonimarvind: check the pm01:44
FrogzooKilluminati-: spelling? "libxine-extracodecs"01:44
ubotuPlease watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen.01:44
ridioncan someone help me?01:44
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? </hint>01:44
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eldoncan ne1 tell me why chmod doesn't see a file on the desktop?01:44
jereth_da_liondo i just type lspci01:44
soundrayjereth_da_lion: yes!01:44
Killuminati-Still won't find it01:44
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doogluseldon: 'cos you didn't 'cd' to the Desktop directory first?01:45
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DarkRavenMixagesomeone knows how to play amr audio with mplayer in ubuntu?01:45
Killuminati-How do you restart PHP?01:45
ridionmy sound doesn't work01:45
thoreauputic!info libxine-extracodecs dapper01:45
Killuminati-ridion, Are your soundcard drivers installed?01:45
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: (the xine video/media player library, binary files), section multiverse/libs, is optional. Version: 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 (dapper), Packaged size: 1148 kB, Installed size: 2976 kB01:45
elkbuntuKilluminati-, you do it by restarting apache01:45
doogluseldon: you can "chmod 644 Desktop/goatse.png", or "cd Desktop; chmod 644 goatse.png"01:45
Alfred_RandolphCarter and dooglus, thanks, but isn't it quite difficult to make Firestarter work? Everytime I enable it I lose my internet connection (Firefox won't open pages, SHELL won't ping web pages etc)01:45
ridioni can modprobe my soundcard and it will work01:45
elkbuntuKilluminati-, apache2 -k restart01:45
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the_Kanethoreaputic: are you saying that mpg, mpeg arn't windows codecs, and i need mpg123/321 to play them?01:46
RandolphCarterAlfred_: it works fine here - did you check the box about using 'dhcp', and you're not using a VPN connection are you?01:46
ridionbut it doesn't play anything01:46
Killuminati-elkbuntu, Thanks =)01:46
Killazcan you help me setup vsftpd?01:46
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RandolphCarterAlfred_: also, are you selecting the right interface for firestarter to use?01:46
eldondooglus: no it is not for that reason01:46
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o thoreauputic] by thoreauputic
KillazI'm having trouble making virtual users uploading files01:46
soundrayKillaz: have you read the docs in /usr/share/doc/vsftpd ?01:46
Killuminati-Frogzoo, Still not working01:46
pabs3I read that Ubuntu is moving from xchat to gaim and I'm wondering if there are scripts to migrate settings and more importantly irc logs to gaim format?01:47
Alfred_RandolphCarter,  Well, I'm using broadband with this setup : Modem --> Router (Cnet) --> computers.  The router gives the computers static IP-adresses01:47
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elkbuntupabs3, you can still install xchat if you prefer it01:47
RandolphCarterAlfred_: if the router gives them, it's dhcp, surely 'guv?01:47
doogluspabs3: both xchat and gaim connect to IRC, so it's up to you which client to use, nobody else01:47
Killazsoundray: yes...01:47
Alfred_RandolphCarter, so... hehe, you tell me, what should i check, recheck and uncheck?01:47
doogluspabs3: personally I use irssi rather than xchat or gaim01:47
blinky_mason, any idea how that 3d desktop would work on dual monitors?01:47
Killazsoundray: I read it, but still cant figure out why I cant upload files01:47
Alfred_RandolphCarter, dhcp sounds correct01:48
RandolphCarterAlfred_: two seconds, I'll get the wizard up so I can figure what to click01:48
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elkbuntudooglus, some of us still like mouse-oriented features :P01:48
Killazsoundray: I'm using he virtual user configuration01:48
Alfred_RandolphCarter, thanks :-)01:48
soundrayKillaz: any hints in the logs? (/var/log/)01:48
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FrogzooKilluminati-: pls pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list again...01:48
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doogluselkbuntu: I can't see how the mouse would be helpful in a text-based system like IRC01:48
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krambavinboy armedking cute_bettong hydroksyde DarkRavenMixage pabs3 Versed Goshawk cosco tubbie Alfred_ ridion the_Kane noiesmo imarvind ryu jereth_da_lion ximkolo bullrage TheSheep ydong Kenzumi tiagoboldt munckfish _mason whaley tjansson Fastly frank__ IcyT don_jln doctorshim spacey blinky dirge Zajjko|work gambi Fikus ogra pradeep mwales Du YaH00 suicida` stjepan Mikelo T5 sandra erez gnomefre1k_away brainball dou213_ u01p2109 t3r001:48
iiiears!ubotu mediakeys is The GUI  Desktop/Preferences/Keyboard Shortcut doesn't see your keypress? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2703901:48
ubotuokay, iiiears01:48
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elkbuntudooglus, one-click lots of things :D01:48
Killazsoundray: where in the log can I see whether the vsftpd user has enough permissions to write?01:48
Frogzookramba: thanks for sharing :)01:49
RandolphCarterAlfred: at the "Network Device Setup" make sure you select the right device, select DHCP too01:49
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jereth_da_lionwhat was the command again01:49
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@i577B1646.versanet.de] by ompaul
blinkylove you too kramba01:49
Alfred_kramba, why did you do that?01:49
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pabs3dooglus / elkbuntu: yeah, I'd prefer to use the one preferred by ubuntu, but I want to migrate my settings/logs to it01:49
doctorshimwhat was that all about?01:49
RandolphCarterAlfred_: don't "Enable Internet connection sharing"01:49
soundrayKillaz: wrong approach. You should find out where vsftpd logs to, and see what the logs say when you try the upload and fail.01:49
Alfred_RandolphCarter, don't? Ok01:49
RandolphCarterAlfred_: and obviously, "Start firewall now".01:49
ompaulits a grab of nicks - and it repeats - its been altered cos it used to get ops attention but hey still watchin01:49
RandolphCarterAlfred_: if you still have problems, check that 'netstat -r' looks sane01:49
doogluselkbuntu: is it really quicker for you to move your hand off the keyboard onto the mouse, point at the right little button, click it, move back to the keyboard and continue typing than it is to stay on the keyboard?01:49
Killazsoundray: I know where it logs vsftpd.log...01:50
elkbuntupabs3, i wouldnt have any idea if it's even possible. try googling 'converting xchat to gaim' or something similar01:50
seabiscuiti have this problem : when I create a database with de mysql_query the server 'has goen away' :S can anywone help me please ?01:50
Killazsoundray: but the only thing it's looging is the login of the users01:50
jereth_da_lionwhat am i looking for in the list of stuff ?01:50
elkbuntudooglus, you cant type with one hand?01:50
Alfred_RandolphCarter, thanks, I'm installing Firestarter as I write now, two sec01:50
Killuminati-Frogzoo, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1538601:50
soundrayjereth_da_lion: your soundcard.01:50
Killazsoundray: so no usefull info in there01:50
doogluselkbuntu: I can, but it's slower01:50
iiiears(key-press key-press ) Ah. that is much better. - grin01:50
seabiscuiti have this problem : when I create a database with de mysql_query the server 'has goen away' :S can anywone help me please ?01:50
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elkbuntudooglus, so is typing '/mode +b #channel nick01:50
jereth_da_lionum any held on what it is01:50
soundrayKillaz: sorry, I can only give you generic pointers. I don't know anything about vsftpd specifically. Have you searched the web?01:51
ridion<<=== Sound issues01:51
ubotuu01p2109: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:51
Killazsoundray: Fri Jun  9 13:45:35 2006 [pid 1843]  [barraz]  OK LOGIN: Client ""01:51
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Alfred_RandolphCarter, ehh, hehe, what is the netstat -r supposed to look like? I got it up in SHELL, but I can't quite figure out what to look for01:51
Killazspoundray: things like that01:51
ompaulelkbuntu, no /cs kb $nick01:51
Alfred_RandolphCarter, anyway, configuring firestarter now01:51
elkbuntuompaul, still slower!01:51
doogluselkbuntu: I don't think I've ever had to type that.  I use IRC for talking, not for the power games that some people seem to get into01:51
Killuminati-Frogzoo, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1538601:51
RandolphCarterAlfred_: well, there should be two lines, something like ' * U blah' 'default UG blah'01:51
Killazsoundray: I searched. There are others havingsame problem... and I read something about SELinux blocking the upload...01:51
ompaulelkbuntu, it gets the job done01:52
RandolphCarterAlfred_: you can probably find the right interface to use in Firestarter there too (the iface column)01:52
Killazsoundray: but those were Fedora users01:52
elkbuntudooglus, i see you dont own any channels then01:52
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dooglusfor example, thoreauputic's little 'show of strength' earlier, banning some guy for being a bit slow01:52
elkbuntudooglus, he wasnt banning the guy for being slow, he was banning the guy for giving cheek01:52
DarkRavenMixagesomeone knows how to play amr audio with mplayer in ubuntu?01:52
jereth_da_lionit not showing up  ive 2 cardbus bridges  vga controller isa bridge usb and ide contorler/interface and intel acpi bridge01:52
ridioni need help with my sound01:53
thoreauputicdooglus: *cough* I renmoved it, and you didn't see the /msg es01:53
FrogzooKilluminati-: close synaptic: then, 'sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list' & remove the duplicate line at the bottom01:53
Killuminati-elkbuntu, Incorrect01:53
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=== Chadza [n=Miranda@c-69-243-24-182.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputicdooglus: and you've been around long enough to know I don't play ganes like that01:53
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dooglusthoreauputic: so why did you do it?01:53
soundrayjereth_da_lion: is it enabled in the BIOS setup?01:53
elkbuntuKilluminati-, my apologies, s/giving cheek/verging on trollish behaviour/01:54
thoreauputicdooglus: you are not aware of the history of hat particular case01:54
ridioni need sound help01:54
jereth_da_lionok ill check01:54
Killuminati-elkbuntu, Incorrect agian. Your showing cheek btw ;)01:54
soundraydooglus, thoreauputic: the episode was unpleasant enough. No need to do a post-mortem on it now.01:54
_masonblinky: No idea,01:54
ubotuNon Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there!01:54
Alfred_RandolphCarter, Ok, I got the wizard up and going. It gives me these options: "Detected device: ETH0" , "Start the Firewall on dial-out [ ] " "IP adresses is assigned via DHCP [ ]  " the "[ ] " stands for a blank radio box/ check box01:54
elkbuntuKilluminati-, you got your back up and started firing, that's trollish behaviour, i hate to say01:54
FrogzooKilluminati-: please concentrate on the job in hand01:55
elkbuntuompaul, i agree01:55
RandolphCarterAlfred_: I said before :) if there are no other options in Detected device (and it's the same as iface in 'netstat -r') select eth0, select DHCP and that's it01:55
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the_KaneCan someone please tell me what codec i need to watch mpeg / mpg01:55
Fikusi figured out how to do it01:55
Killuminati-elkbuntu, I won't bother argueing with you, You are wrong however.01:55
Frogzoothe_Kane: w32codecs01:55
jereth_da_lionbios is hold f1 right01:55
RandolphCarterAlfred_: don't select anything on the next page, make sure the final page has 'start firewall now' and exit01:55
Killuminati-Frogzoo, I did it and reo-opened synaptic but I still can't find it..01:55
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soundrayjereth_da_lion: we don't know that. It depends on your hardware.01:55
elkbuntuubotu, tell the_Kane about restricted01:55
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Fikusi just need to figure out how to manually install gnome network manager and another utility program from a cd. (for my laptop, im on my desktop now)01:56
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dooglusI just got email from Microsoft - my Vista beta is ready for download (?)01:56
Fikusno internet for my laptop btw01:56
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thoreauputicKilluminati-: you are sailing even closer to the wind than before and any minute you will be permanently *out*01:56
ompauldooglus, nice, but off topic01:56
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Killuminati-thoreauputic, I just said I wouldn't argue with him!01:56
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Killuminati-Frogzoo, Any ideas? =P01:56
FrogzooKilluminati-: I don't see multiverse enabled though - is there an unchecked multiverse binary repo there you can enable?01:56
seanhi!  i'm new to linux, so i may be in here quite a bit asking questions about stuff.  :)01:56
garclakAnyone used mythtv on ubuntu?01:57
=== Killuminati- checks
Alfred_RandolphCarter, thanks, So I'm choosing ETH0, which is my interface, and "Ip adresses is assigned via DHCP", clicking "Forward", ignores "Share internet connection", "Forward" checks "StartFirewall now" and starts using it? Right?01:57
Killuminati-sean, Hi =)01:57
_masonI just got Mail from mircosoft - to say he is not going to give me that free 128mb usb drive full of anti-pirate information :D01:57
_masonbut sad :(01:57
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RandolphCarterAlfred_: exactly :)01:57
RandolphCarterAlfred_: so long as 'netstat -r' only had those two lines I said before, and you're not using a VPN connection, there shouldn't be any problems with it01:57
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thoreauputicKilluminati-: the consensus among the ops is that you are behaving like a troll. I suggest you redjust and decease. the alternative is to be kicked and banned01:57
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seanwe just got my wireless working on here, but i don't yet know how to have it show me a list of networks in range.01:57
seanoh!  hi! :)01:58
B0FHi am here to bastardize seans computer XD01:58
RandolphCartersean: iwlist ap01:58
Alfred_RandolphCarter, Great, thanks a lot :-) Now let's just hope I don't lose my connection like last time. btw what is a VPN-connection?01:58
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Killuminati-Frogzoo, Same error even after I ticked the last binary01:58
RandolphCarterAlfred_: virtual-private networking, it's used to connect to corporate LANs remotely a lot, or to join sites via the internet01:58
FrogzooKilluminati-: now click "reload" you should find it01:58
Killuminati-thoreauputic, Didn't I just told you I wouldn't argue with him01:58
B0FHhe's my freind and i just got his wireless working XD01:58
seaninterface doesn't have a list ofPeers/Access-Points01:58
seanthat's what it told me.01:58
Alfred_RandolphCarter, ok, wish me luck! :)01:59
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Killuminati-Frogzoo, Completely forgot =P01:59
RandolphCarterAlfred_: heh :P good luck01:59
FrogzooKilluminati-: just lets get this finished01:59
jereth_da_lionnothing shows on bios01:59
Killuminati-New error01:59
pd273Sean: you could try iwlist eth1 scan01:59
=== Killuminati- pastebins
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Killuminati-No error this time =X02:00
edgyHi, as I understand http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/allpackages doesn't show dapper-updates, where can I find the updates then?02:00
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RandolphCartersean: ack, use scan like pd273 said, not ap (which is obsolete now it seems)02:00
Killuminati-Didn't find it this time02:00
Alfred_RandolphCarter, hmmm.... It seems like XChat IRC works, but Firefox and SHELL (Ping command) don't. uff, just like last time... :(02:00
mundialwhat is the different ubuntu and kubuntu?02:00
jereth_da_lionwell actually it says audio ok under test02:00
FrogzooKilluminati-: pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list02:01
RandolphCarterAlfred_: that's very unusual, are you certain 'netstat -r' just had those two lines?02:01
soundrayjereth_da_lion: your sound chip isn't being recognized apparently. I suggest you buy a USB sound interface, they are cheap and handled well in Ubuntu.02:01
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momerathI'm having an issue with Dapper, if I leave my system for an hour or two and come back I'm greeted by a log-in screen02:01
seanNICE!  thanks for the help!!02:01
Killuminati-Frogzoo, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1538702:01
jereth_da_lionusb sound interface can it support a usb splitter cause i was gonna use usb for a ethernet dongle02:02
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momerathIs this due to Ubuntu automatically logging me out because of inactivity or something else?02:02
soundrayjereth_da_lion: yes02:02
Alfred_RandolphCarter, yes, I'm positive: Netstat had three lines. The first startet with : "Destination", the second line startet with "" and the third startet with "default"02:02
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RandolphCarterAlfred_: three?02:02
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FrogzooKilluminati-: you've enabled the backports multiverse - not the main dapper LTS one - so fix that & reload02:03
RandolphCarterAlfred_: ahh, that's the header line02:03
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soundraymomerath: it's probably just the screen saver locking. System-Preferences-Screensaver02:03
jereth_da_lionok thanks you guys are quite good02:03
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Alfred_RandolphCarter, well, two lines with connection statu/settings with some numbers, and one header line02:03
RandolphCarterAlfred_: well, that's very strange - best thing to do is disable Firstarter for now02:03
momerathbut my session is gone when i log back in02:03
voxspoxhi all. does "ubuntu server" supports Sun Fire X4100 server with 2 Opteron Dual-Core Processors?02:03
Frogzoooh, c'mon jereth_da_lion: please don't damn us with faint praise ;)02:03
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dooglusmomerath: it's meant to just lock the screen.  logging you out sounds like a bug to me02:03
momerathAll of my programs are closed and its just desktop02:03
seanwould it not connect to a network if the signal strength isn't very good?02:03
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RandolphCarterAlfred_: I'm past my experience with this problem, hopefully somebody else here knows how to fix this?02:04
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momerathI'm pretty sure I turned off screen locking02:04
Alfred_RandolphCarter, I guess that's the best thing to do. So, do you have any ideas?02:04
Killuminati-Frogzoo, Ok02:04
RandolphCarterAlfred_: none :/ I guess it _could_ be DNS02:04
soundraymomerath: is it possible that your screensaver crashes X? Set  to blank screen only to tet.02:04
Alfred_RandolphCarter, that I'm using DNS?02:04
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dooglusmomerath: next time it happens, check ~/.xsession-errors before logging in again02:04
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ompaulFrogzoo, mind if I pm u02:04
Frogzooompaul: pls do02:04
RandolphCarterAlfred_: no, that's be expected :) but it could have problems looking up addresses.  the fact that your xchat session works fine, but you can't connect to new hosts suggests it02:04
momerathi've sat there and watched the screensaver for a few minutes so i dont know that its the screensaver02:05
momerathAlright i'll check that log out02:05
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detectiveinspektcan someone lead me to the site that tells you how to install mplayer?02:05
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Killuminati-Frogzoo, No avail02:05
ubotusomebody said mplayer was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto  For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3106102:05
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las1is soundray still here?02:06
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chellI've got an .avi file (DivX/Xvid) here and would like to burn it to a DVD. Is there any (GTK/GNOME) program that can do the transcoding / burning for me?02:06
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soundraylas1: yes02:06
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soundraylas1: just02:07
las1this is lash from before02:07
las1oh, if you have to go its okay02:07
lnx^should the prodige bluetooth dongle work with ubuntu?02:07
FrogzooKilluminati-: ok, here's what you need to do - you need to enable the multiverse repo, then install the package 'libxine-extracodecs' & then come back here when that's done, but I can't make you get this simple stuff right from this end, that's your job02:07
RandolphCarterAlfred_: does 'ping' (or the IP of your router) work?02:07
soundrayI remember only rash, not lash, las1...02:07
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las1oh, yeh, thats me :P02:07
soundraylas1: do ask though.02:08
las1anyway, i can view the stuff on my second hard disk02:08
las1im on the live CD and i can see the files on the second HDD02:08
Alfred_RandolphCarter, hmm, while being active, Firestarters deskbar icon are red, and features a black lightning inside it. Does that mean anything? The color is also changing, like a pulse02:08
las1but iit wont boot from it, so i dont know whats wrong02:08
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Alfred_RandolphCarter, I'm able to ping :)02:09
soundraylas1: did you install grub on the first or the second hd?02:09
RandolphCarterAlfred_: if that's with the firewall up, then it's DNS :)02:09
las1i installed ubuntu on the second HDD02:09
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RandolphCarterAlfred_: although the fact the icon's red, suggests the firewall isn't up?02:09
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soundraylas1: yes, but where did grub go?02:09
=== Michael [n=mike@dsl-58-6-121-220.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
blinky_mason, cunt02:09
las1on the second HDD, i think. im not sure02:09
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Alfred_RandolphCarter, really? I thought it was blocking packages, hehe02:10
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Alfred_RandolphCarter, So it's not active?02:10
u01p2109first install = Windows, second = Linux !!!!02:10
RandolphCarterAlfred_: well, in the firestarter gui, does it say 'stop firewall' or 'start firewall'?02:10
las1soundray: i dont think its on the first HDD02:10
ZaggynlHi, I've just installed samba and swat, now I've configured them both, how do I restart swat?02:10
u01p2109grub is on mbr02:10
Killuminati-Frogzoo, Can you do it through VNC?02:10
Michaelwhat is better? totem gstreamer or xine?02:10
las1master boot record?02:11
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padonakhi mates02:11
u01p2109las1:  ye02:11
Killuminati-Hey =)02:11
las1i have windows on the first HDD, and linux n the second02:11
padonaki'm noob and i need some help with dns server setup02:11
edgyHi, How can I see the packages available on dapper-updates?02:11
las1is there a way i can remove grub or something?02:11
soundraylas1: are your disks on the same IDE cable?02:11
Michaelu01p2109, but what is the difference between gstreamer and xine?02:11
las1soundray: sorry, im not sure02:12
Killuminati-Frogzoo, Can you do it through VNC?02:12
FrogzooKilluminati-: nope02:12
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RandolphCarterAlfred_: if the firewall's running, could you test that you can ping '' (google) too?02:12
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=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Alfred_RandolphCarter, right now it says "Stop Firewall", so I guess it's on.  but you know what, I've had some really strange problems concerning my internet connection before, like setting it up requires me to modify /etc/resolv.conf02:12
las1is there a way i can check for you?02:12
u01p2109michael i dont cnow02:12
soundraylas1, hda and hdb?02:12
Killuminati-Frogzoo, I guess I give up then =(02:13
RandolphCarterAlfred_: This problem should be in /etc/resolv.conf too02:13
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic02:13
las1yes, one is hda and one is hdb02:13
Killuminati-I can't find any more multiverses02:13
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FrogzooKilluminati-: you need the repo "Ubuntu 6.06 LTS multiverse (nonfree)"02:13
soundraylas1, then they are on the same channel. Have you used the jumpers to set one to be slave?02:13
Alfred_RandolphCarter, pinging google with its IP adress was a sucess :)02:13
padonakhow can i check what ubutnu version is running on my pc?02:13
las1yes, one is a master and one is slave02:13
Killuminati-Frogzoo, I don't have that at all02:13
=== GazzaK_ is now known as GazzaK
RandolphCarterAlfred_: good :) I'm not sure what you need in yuor /etc/resolv.conf, but it looks like that's the problem02:13
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.02:13
soundraylas1: and is the cable ATA-133 compliant?02:14
RandolphCarterAlfred_: I'm just going for lunch, I'll ping you to see how it's going when I get back ^_^02:14
Alfred_RandolphCarter, but pinging the google's web adress isn't02:14
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FrogzooKilluminati-: try this - select the Ubuntu 6.06 LTS repo & click "edit" - then select all checkboxes02:14
RandolphCarterAlfred_: that just means it can't resolve the www.google.com address02:14
las1soundray: the thing is, ubuntu was fine yesterday02:14
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RandolphCarterAlfred_: if you can ping the IP, that means the problem's entirely DNS02:14
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Alfred_RandolphCarter, great! I better get some luch my self :-)02:14
soundraylas1: intermittent trouble like that points to hardware/cable/controller problems.02:14
Alfred_RandolphCarter, So, if the problems DNS, what do I do then?02:15
Killuminati-Frogzoo, I think you did it!02:15
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las1oh... but i can access it now...02:15
las1like browse it and stuff02:15
FrogzooKilluminati-: reload & search again02:15
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las1so, is there a way i can fix this?02:15
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soundraylas1: but grub doesn't find it, so that counts as an intermittent problem.02:15
Killuminati-It's there02:16
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las1if need be, ill re-install ubuntu on the second hdd02:16
Killuminati-Frogzoo, I have it installed02:16
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FrogzooKilluminati-: now be sure to remove the backports repo b4 we go further02:16
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Killuminati-I did02:16
FrogzooKilluminati-: now restart amarok & test02:16
soundraylas1: this may only fix it if it were a software problem. At the moment, indications are that it isn't.02:17
Killuminati-It's working02:17
Killuminati-Thanks =D02:17
las1well can i tell grub to boot to the first hard drive?02:17
las1back to windows?02:17
FrogzooKilluminati-: last thing - check the amarok version's 1.4 ?02:17
sandradid ubuntu started to use lilo instead of grub ?02:17
Frogzoosandra: only for raid setups, stock is grub02:17
Killuminati-Frogzoo, It isn't02:17
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Killuminati-Music still works though02:17
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edgyFrogzoo: is there a problem with raid in grub or what?02:18
soundraylas1, yes, you can modify /boot/grub/menu.lst from the live CD to achieve that. Copy the sample section from the commented section at the beginning of that file.02:18
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Frogzooedgy: nope - just booting raid requires lilo afaik02:18
FrogzooKilluminati-: we can update amarok to 1.4 if you like?02:18
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Killuminati-Frogzoo, No thanks =)02:19
las1from the live cd you say?02:19
Killuminati-Frogzoo, Enough drama for today02:19
soundraylas1: yes. You have to adapt the path of course.02:19
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TheSheepWe're sorry; the installer crashed. X)02:19
soundraylas1: I mean, locate menu.lst on your root partition.02:19
FrogzooKilluminati-: cool - just in synaptic "mark all upgrades" should do it - anyway's good to have a result - later dude02:19
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Killuminati-The global shortcuts aren't exactly global02:20
las1my root partition?02:20
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soundraylas1: the one where /boot and /etc reside.02:20
FrogzooKilluminati-: in amarok?02:20
Killuminati-This isn't good.02:20
Killuminati-Frogzoo, Yep02:20
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L1nXIs anyone else's clock applet in Ubuntu Dapper Drake b0rked? If you click on it to bring up the calendar and then click again to get rid of it the applet crashes on my Ubuntu. Just interested if anyone else has the same problem?02:21
soundrayPhleagor: gruess mir die Sonne :)02:21
las1ok, im browsing "computer" and i see the my two hard drives, one with windows and one with ubuntu, and the file system. do you mean the filesystem?02:21
Killuminati-L1nX, Nope I think it's just you.02:21
driller-ubuntu comes with gnome ?02:21
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oni-draculaL1nX, actually it was nicely improved....the week starts with sunday!02:21
Killuminati-driller-, Correct.02:21
FrogzooKilluminati-: amarok -> settings -> global shortcuts          just use the win key + something & you're good to go02:21
soundraylas1, yes02:21
Killuminati-Frogzoo, I don't use win keys with my shortcut keys02:21
Killuminati-I use my numpad02:22
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oni-draculaand it's not a winkey02:22
oni-draculait's a "super" key ;)02:22
CoreyI need to make a partition for windows, but I dont want to wipe my linux partion how can I achieve this ?02:22
=== Knifa [n=knifa@cpc2-grnk4-0-0-cust279.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== oni-dracula popped the keys off and repainted them
Killuminati-Frogzoo, I won't bother you anymore02:22
las1there is no grub directory in the boot folder02:22
=== merriam [n=merriam@84-12-152-175.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Killuminati-Frogzoo, Thanks ALOT for staying with me and helping =)02:22
KnifaIs there any way I can upgrade to Ubuntu 6 fully without the CD?02:22
KnifaI don't have any blank discs :(02:22
FrogzooKilluminati-: k, good luck, enjoy :)02:22
L1nXlas1: ? there should be02:22
Phleagoryes Knifa02:22
Killuminati-Knifa, Apparentely there is02:23
iiiearsmediakeys is also http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7627102:23
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CoreyFrogzoo:  hey man02:23
KnifaHow do I do it?02:23
oni-draculaKnifa, you should consider finding some blank discs :)02:23
ompaulKnifa, if you have not had hoary you should be okay, if hoary get the "alternate" cd02:23
FrogzooCorey: 'sup?02:23
las1there is an abi-2.6...... files02:23
iiiears!ubotu mediakeys is also http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7627102:23
ubotuokay, iiiears02:23
CoreyFrogzoo:  do you have any experience with partition ?02:23
oni-draculathe upgrade from 5.10 to 6.06 is a bit problematic02:23
Killuminati-Does anybody know if you can view a windows partition in Ubuntu?02:23
_masonompaul: Could you please unban blinky ( brett@203-59-89-219.dyn.iinet.net.au ) He was not aware of your strict stance on language, please.. he knows full well now, only mistaken because language is commonplace between us using messenger applications, i formally would like to apolagise on his and my own behalf02:23
Knifai've got breezy02:23
FrogzooCorey: I am SO out of here :) - someone here will help though02:23
=== sean [n=sean@24-177-155-47.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
oni-draculasrsly, Knifa, get some blank discs.  Your ubuntu will love you for it.02:23
ompaul_mason, I thought he was abusing u :-)02:23
CoreyFrogzoo:  ah02:23
Knifaaye cap'n02:23
void^ubotu: tell Killuminati- about ntfs02:23
Knifato the store with me!02:23
_masonOhh, god no02:24
=== protocol1 [n=protocol@68-35-178-69.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu
soundraylas1: we can't get to the bottom of this now. I'll be around again in a few hours. Ask the channel again meantime. Sorry...02:24
Coreyanybody know how to partiton ?02:24
Michaelmy audio is choppy when playing mp3s in xmms, anyone know a quick fix?02:24
_masonthat = pay attention02:24
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o ompaul] by ChanServ
_mason /hello02:24
las1but there is no grub folder02:24
Knifathanks then, heh.02:24
oni-draculasorry, Knifa.  Upgrades just don't wor k so hot02:24
=== b14ck [n=b14ck@] has joined #ubuntu
Killuminati-I have a feeling ompaul is getting ready to apply a banmask =P02:24
DanielCI can't install 'smeg' (simple menu editor). It's weird, I know that the package exists but if I run "aptitude show smeg" on my laptop it says "State: not a real package".02:24
KnifaIma go hunt for more CDs then.02:24
seani just installed frostwire on my sys, but it won't start.  i have java.  does anybody know the command i need?02:24
Knifaand update xchat :|02:25
_masonompaul: Could you please unban him, he is new to ubuntu and i only just gave him the cd last night02:25
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Flyoc_ [n=flyin_do@APlessis-Bouchard-153-1-43-101.w83-200.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
oni-draculasean - sudo apt-get install gtk-gnutella instead of frostwire02:25
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seanthanks!  why gnutella instead of frostwire?02:25
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@203-59-89-219.dyn.iinet.net.au] by ompaul
=== Rigoletto_ [n=solomone@toronto-HSE-ppp4026704.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
oni-draculafrostwire is java02:26
las1so could anyone help me? im trying to tell grub to boot to windows instead on linux02:26
oni-draculaand java is not the most efficient programming language02:26
oni-dracula10 downloads and it starts using 80-90% cpu02:26
_masonThank you so much ompal02:26
ompaul_mason, I  was looking for his ip he be done now02:26
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o ompaul] by ChanServ
seanso just type sudo apt-get install gtk-gnutella into my terminal window?02:26
Killuminati-sean, Try it and see =P02:26
oni-draculayeah, that'll install you gnutella as long as the right repos are enabled02:27
gharzoni-dracula, can we install gnutella in ubuntu? i can't see it in synaptic.02:27
=== Alfred_ [n=Alfred@pppoecl69189.minlos.no] has joined #ubuntu
oni-draculait should be there if universe is enabled02:27
_masonThankyou ompaul02:27
seanapparently the bastard gave me all the repos known to man, and a few known to monkey as well.02:27
Coreyum guys02:27
=== boha_ [n=boha@] has joined #ubuntu
Coreyqtparted is not picking up my internal hardrive ?!02:27
GeckoIf I decide to compile my own kernel. What else do I need to do, i.e. to enable the nice bootsplash?02:27
=== blinky [n=brett@203-59-89-219.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
tubbiehi guys02:28
tubbiewhat is the xmod rc file called?02:28
oni-draculaalso, gtk-gnutella is provided in .deb format02:28
Killuminati-void^, Thanks =)02:28
=== toko123__ [n=toko123@] has joined #ubuntu
daxxarHow can I edit my menus? (I installed a terminal from source, and I want to add a menu option for it)02:29
skippyGecko,  read this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=157560&highlight=kernel.org, scroll down and read dpickers post - he tells you which modules to build in for framebuffer (usplash)02:29
seanwould linux not let me connect to a wireless network because of low signal strength?02:29
neoxangood night everyone / gute nacht :*02:29
oni-draculadaxxar, applications menu, accessories, alacarte menu editor02:29
blinkyompaul, thanks for unbanning me, I didnt know this channel had a policy on language. never again02:29
daxxaroni-dracula, merci beaucoup. :)02:29
=== pussfeller [n=todd@166-82-183-46.quickclick.ctc.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulblinky, mind if I msg u02:30
skippyblinky, what did you say? :P02:30
RandolphCarterAlfred_: I'm not sure, I'd check the contents of /etc/resolv.conf first, but after that it's between you and your ISP02:30
blinkynot at all02:30
skippyonly kidding02:30
Alfred_Hey RandolphCarter, I think I just got it to work. I had to edit the /etc/resolv.conf by replacing what was written there before ( nameserver and search.company ) with my ISP's nameservers. I'm not sure, but I think the reason why I'm doing this is because my ISP's using an old broadband technology called PPPOE, but I'm not sure if that's the reason, just something a friend told me02:30
blinkyskippy, ... :P02:30
RandolphCarterAlfred_: :D02:30
oni-draculasean, low signal strength shouldn't be a problem.  The problem may lie with the ickyness of wifi in dapper02:30
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
blinkyompaul, do i have to do anything in order for you to msg me? (im new to irc)02:30
oni-draculaand with that, I'm OFF TO WORK!02:31
Alfred_RandolphCarter, anyway thanks a lot for your support!02:31
=== oni-dracula is now known as Oni-Dracula|noth
RandolphCarterAlfred_: np's :) have fun02:31
Oni-Dracula|nothaww nick limit02:31
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=== Oni-Dracula|noth is now known as Oni-Dracula|away
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skippyblinky, if your using xchat, just keep an eye out for the whisper channel opening02:31
=== wildman [n=wildman@24-187-231-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
Crembohey, how do I import all my windows fonts into ubuntu? there are several dozen staple hebrew ones there...02:31
wildmanhello again02:31
=== Afief [n=afief@89-138-109-184.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
gharzguys, i've been trying to install msttcorefonts but i'm getting this error message -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1538802:31
Coreyis it possible to install windows on a usb hardrive ?02:31
=== pradeep [n=pradeep@] has joined #ubuntu
gharzapt-get / synaptic can't find andale02:32
Alfred_RandolphCarter,  I will! btw, the Firestarter icon is all red again (instead of blue), but it is activated and I still got internet so, I guess it's just normal?02:32
skippyCorey, if your bios supports usb boot then yes i believe02:32
=== nzx [n=nzx@bb-82-108-4-129.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
=== boha_ [n=boha@] has joined #ubuntu
QPAD|war-awayobuto: proftpd02:32
skippyCorey, but most bios dont02:32
QPAD|war-awayUbugtu proftpd02:32
=== jayakumar2 [n=jayakuma@] has joined #ubuntu
las1could anyone help me change the way grub boots?02:32
nzxhi, how do i enable single click to open folders in gnome ?02:32
Coreyskippy, im trying to make a partition on my internal drive but qtparted isnt picking it up !02:32
RandolphCarterAlfred_: I guess so - Firestarter isn't the actual firewall, it's just a configuration program, so it's safe to quit it if you don't care about the icon in the taskbar02:32
=== neeja [n=neeja@203-214-138-197.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
wildmanI've added universe and mutliverse repositories to synaptic (on LTS6.06 final) and I still cannot find Acrobat Reader 7 there, is it there? (like other 'non-free' stuff like nvidia, flash, java, etc.) or should I just go to Adobe website and grab the more adecuate pkg?02:32
nzxlas1, what do you want to do ?02:32
las1i want grub to boot to my first hard drive with windows installed02:33
ompaulblinky, you will need to register a different username if you want to register to reply, that aside there ya go02:33
skippyCorey,  qtparted is a bit of a pain, is it not finding your harddisk at all?02:33
freschnzx, open nautilus, go to preferences, behaviour02:33
las1but errm, i seem not to be able to find /boot/grub that people are talking about02:33
BazziRwildman: it actually is in multiverse02:33
Coreyskippy, no it isnt :S02:33
QPAD|war-awayanyone know a good sources.list for breezy badger 5.10 ??02:33
=== dajoru [n=dajoru@gaia.cellbio.RWTH-Aachen.DE] has left #ubuntu []
nzxfresch, thanks alot02:33
Alfred_really? It runs in the background? You see, I was about to ask you how to make it start on boot-up :-)02:33
BazziRwildman: the package is called acroread I think02:33
SubQPAD|war-away, easysources02:33
ubotuSub: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/02:33
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic02:33
skippyCorey, if you open a terminal and type "fdisk /dev/hda" and then press "p" you should get a more accurate look at your harddisk02:33
RandolphCarterAlfred_: yeah, the firewall's called iptables, and it starts automagically02:33
Alfred_RandolphCarter,  really? It runs in the background? You see, I was about to ask you how to make it start on boot-up :-)02:33
QPAD|war-awaythanks Sub, gonna look into it02:34
nzxlas1, you need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst02:34
blinkyompaul, does that mean you cant see what i just said in our whats-it-called chat?02:34
las1yes, i was told that. but i cant find it.02:34
Coreyskippy, it said unable to open ?02:34
wildmanBazziR: no such pkg, I've also searched adobe and didn't find anything...02:34
las1i see the boot folder, but not the grub folder02:34
=== nazgul [n=nazgul@pd95b59e7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
skippyCorey, sorry im being silly it should be "sudo fdisk /dev/hda" :)02:34
wildmanBazziR: maybe I also need to add the 'backports' repo?02:34
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BazziRI installed it 2 weeks ago myself, it must be there :P02:35
skippyi wish IRC could tab-complete unix commands :P02:35
wildmanBazziR: humm....02:35
skippyi always type em wrong :)02:35
Alfred_RandolphCarter, good to know. But, before I go and take lunch, is there any ports I should think of opening, except bittorrent's?02:35
boha_hey guys i have 1 problem02:35
=== stefan_ [n=stefan@Rbb6c.r.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu
freschis there any way i can disable the sudo?02:35
RandolphCarterAlfred_: 113 is handy for IRC, but not required.  if you're running SSH, you should open that too02:35
skippyboha_, more description please :)02:35
Coreyskippy, that worked now what ?02:35
nzxlas1, it has to be there, or grub wont boot, lol02:35
wildmanBazziR: which is the command to query apt-get pkg db?02:36
boha_i cant close warning in right corner02:36
Coreyskippy, i want to resize without losing data and create a windows partion02:36
Alfred_RandolphCarter, SSH? :-S02:36
boha_If you have a ruter/firewall, please check that you have port 32459 UDP open. Decentralised tracking requires this.02:36
las1maybe im looking in the wrong place02:36
skippyCorey, when you press "p" fdisk should show you your whole disk02:36
RandolphCarterAlfred_: if you don't know what it is, don't worry about it :)02:36
=== wildman too used to Mandriva :P making the switch to Ubuntu (bah, trying to make it ;))
boha_this is warning02:36
=== hydroksyde [n=hydroksy@222-152-155-227.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
skippyoh corey, by the way - you cant resize an ext3 parition02:36
nzxlas1, it will be in /boot/grub02:36
Alfred_RandolphCarter, hehe, bye then, and thanks again :)02:36
=== njdavid [n=njdavid@cpe-70-115-169-37.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Crescendoapt-get install apache  refuses to find apache, instead says package "is referred to by another"02:36
Coreyskippy, oh dear02:36
boha_im connected to internet directly02:36
void^boha_: use the azureus beta at http://azureus.sourceforge.net/index_CVS.php02:36
ompaulblinky, ehh yes :-) you have to get a new nick that one is registered, and then you can reply, (private message)02:36
las1which hard drive should i look for boot? on my second hard drive? or the file system?02:36
skippyCorey,  as far as i know the only type of linux partition which can be resized is reiserfs :(02:36
=== AK7 [n=a@cpe-071-075-240-010.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Coreyskippy, that is not good um...02:37
nzxlas1, and when you find it add this option to the entry you want to boot as default, 'safedefault'02:37
nzxthe file system02:37
Coreyskippy, how can i create a windows partion then without losing data ?02:37
void^skippy: there's resize2fs02:37
ompaulboha_, what is the warning from?02:37
skippyCorey, i have an idea though, use pastebin.com, and paste me the output of your fdisk - i will see if theres a way02:37
boha_ok i will try02:37
blinkyompaul, ok, thanks, but that'd be harder then just re-typing it in here so you can see02:37
TobberothI donwloaded a debian package an tried to install it, but got the following error: Dependancy not satisfiable: libqt3c102.my02:37
Alfred_RandolphCarter, another thing before I go :) How do I protect my self from DoS-attacks?02:37
skippyvoid^,  do you think he could safely convert and then resize?02:37
boha_ompaul azureus i think02:37
skippyvoid^,  its certainly an interesting option02:37
las1right now, im using the ubuntu live CD02:38
Coreyskippy, http://pastebin.ca/6331302:38
RandolphCarterAlfred_: the best way is to not piss any 13370r haxx0rs off02:38
void^skippy: "safely" is a big word ;)02:38
BazziRwildman apt-cache search02:38
wildmanBazziR: thx02:38
=== Flyoc_ is now known as Flyoc
QPAD|war-awayanyone got any clues of how to give a user full permission to the dir /home/cz/, the user should be called "cz"02:38
blinkyompaul, me and mason are friends in real life, i didnt know this channel had a policy on language. wont happen again.02:38
njdavidDigg this please: http://digg.com/design/Web_2.0_bah_..._Web_Zero_is_where_it_is_at02:38
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=== detectiveinspekt [n=jonathan@222-154-63-214.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
RandolphCarterAlfred_: there's nothing above that you can really do, unless you're running enterprise grade kit02:38
ompaulboha_, okay, I its not synaptic or something important ;-), in a terminal do this, type: xkill : then click inside the offending object02:38
QPAD|war-awayanyone got any clues of how to give a user full permission to the dir /home/cz/ with proftpd ?02:38
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Coreyskippy. http://pastebin.ca/6331302:39
detectiveinspektWhats the easiest way to mount a partition02:39
Coreyskippy ??02:39
=== tr1gg3r [n=none@c-69-143-66-254.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
blinkyhello pooh heads02:39
ompaulboha_, that is a crude method of closing programs so I would not suggest it all the time02:39
Alfred_RandolphCarter, hehe, so that's the trick? Hehe, I'll make sure to watch out 1337s h4XX0rs, then :D02:39
skippyCorey,  bad news im afraid - your ext3 partition occupies the entire disk02:39
blinkythat wasnt me^^^02:39
GNAMwhen I install nvidia-glx, my system hangs during restart/shutdown02:39
ompaulblinky, ehhhhh02:39
GNAMany suggestion?02:39
ubotuNon Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there!02:39
Coreyskippy, crap um,,, can i make  new partion without losing data ?02:39
TobberothHow do I fix the error "Dependancy not satisfiable: libqt3c102-mt"?02:39
blinkyompaul, nevermind02:39
QPAD|war-awayanyone? :(02:39
skippyCorey,  not unless you convert the ext3 to reiserfs - this is probably going to dangerous and time consuming02:40
boha_ompaul tnx02:40
las1nzx: mind looking at a screenshot i took02:40
CrescendoWhen aptgetting apache, it says ":Package apache has no installation candidate"... how to install apache?02:40
skippyalso, you wouldnt be able to boot from reiserfs :( and im not sure if we can convert reiser back to ext302:40
ompauldetectiveinspekt, System Administration Disks02:40
Coreyskippy, is it possible to copy my entire linux hd to an external hd  and then do what i need to do then just move the files back ?02:40
alan|laptophi guys02:40
=== Kelvin [n=Richter@ALille-151-1-59-159.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Coreyskippy, will that work..02:40
=== nikola-ppp [i=nikola-p@cmung3793.cmu.carnet.hr] has joined #ubuntu
QPAD|war-awayanyone got any clues of how to give a user full permission to the dir /home/cz/ with proftpd ?02:41
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=== Michael [n=mike@dsl-58-6-121-220.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
nzxlas1, np02:41
gharzguys, i've been trying to install msttcorefonts and after sometime it says andale32.exe: No such file or directory... what's wrong here? i've searched google and i didn't see any answers to this.02:41
=== PFA [n=purplefe@unaffiliated/purplefeltangel] has joined #ubuntu
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PFAdo you sell autoharps?02:41
alan|laptopcan anyone explain me this error when i try to compile modules for my kernel : http://pastebin.com/769428 ?02:41
skippyCorey,  my solution would be to back up your home directory - it contains all your unique settings and files02:41
tr1gg3rCrescendo: try apache202:41
PFAdo you sell autoharps?02:41
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detectiveinspektI have a Hdd with /home from a previous gentoo install and the windows os02:41
las1nzx: http://bangercorp.net/uploads/Screenshot.png02:41
skippyCorey,  repartition the disk, and reinstall windows first, then ubuntu02:41
detectiveinspektSays its inaccessable02:41
PFAdo you sell autoharps?02:41
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu
Coreyskippy, I just dont want to re-install ubuntu again.02:41
PFAdo you sell autoharps?02:41
CrescendoThanks, tr1gg3r02:41
PFAdo you sell autoharps?02:41
las1there is no grub folder, and im not crazy :)02:41
PFAdo you sell autoharps?02:41
PFAdo you sell autoharps?02:41
boha_one more thing..02:41
PFAdo you sell autoharps?02:41
adaranhello everyone, i'm having boot problems - i get the following error message: kernel panic - not syncing: I/O error reading memory image02:42
PFAdo you sell autoharps?02:42
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boha_how can i unrar02:42
=== RomanK [n=roman@p54A1FFA4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
skippyCorey, im afraid you would have to reinstall again, because you will lose grub bootloader02:42
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Coreyskippy ah crap02:42
adaranit seems swap on raid1 is a bad idea - now how do i deactivate it?02:42
QPAD|war-awayanyone got any clues of how to give a user full permission to the dir /home/cz/ with proftpd ?02:42
alan|laptopboha_, unrar x bla.rar02:42
=== PFA [n=purplefe@unaffiliated/purplefeltangel] has left #ubuntu ["bye"]
Tobberothreinstalling grub isn't very hard though02:42
skippyCorey,  unless you are very proficient at linux, it will be painful and difficult for you to get grub working without the install02:42
wildmanboha_: IIRC, unrar was in one of the restricted repos02:42
wildmanoups :)02:42
alan|laptopboha_, np02:42
nzxlas1, and thats of the /boot/ dir ?02:42
Michaelwhat is the problem when one is having crackly sound when playing audio?02:42
adarani remove the swap line from /etc/fstab but _still_ (i think) the kernel tries to mount it. how can i prevent that that happens?02:42
=== Kill_X_ [n=stempfki@p54A1FC78.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
CoreyWell the only problem I have is that i dont want to download 6.06 AGAIN02:43
las1if you look down the bottom02:43
RandolphCarterMichael: throw away the Vinyl and gets cd's already? ;)02:43
las1you see boot02:43
las1i know the menu covered it :(02:43
skippyTobberoth,  yeah but he will also have to reconfigure his /boot directory, because he will be wiping his disk and copying linux root back on02:43
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nzxlas1, are you sure you are using grub? could you be using lilo ?02:43
t_rasI installed server 6.06 on descktop 5.10 (already having manualy configured LAMP) I lost the IMAP and GUI, how can I at least get back my GUI?02:43
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CrescendoHow to get system stats,  processor... ram?02:43
Coreyskippy, and ive downlaoded so much on linux02:43
=== Jemt_ [n=Jemt@nat.kollegienet.dk] has joined #ubuntu
las1i get an error with grub 1.5 or somthing. error 2102:43
MichaelRandolphCarter, :P. i can't figure out what is wrong with the audio02:43
Michaeldo you have any idea?02:43
nzxlas1, try doing "locate menu.lst"02:43
wildmanCrescendo: sudo vmstat02:43
RandolphCarterMichael: probably best to rule out cabling/speakers first if it's crackly02:44
t_rasCrescendo - do you have Destcktop?02:44
=== geeknotts [n=geeknott@85-210-141-32.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
CrescendoNo, command line only.02:44
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skippyCorey, you could just reinstall ubuntu, and then delete and copy over your old root - everything except the boot foldeer02:44
RandolphCarterMichael: after that, maybe check the volume levels using 'alsamixer' or the Volume Control app (right click on the speaker in the taksbar)02:44
t_rassudo vmstat02:44
wildmanCrescendo: man vmstat is ur friend02:44
Coreyskippy, uh02:44
skippyCorey,  that would mean that you would end up with the same system as you did before the reformat02:44
las1ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ locate menu.lst02:44
las1locate: warning: database /var/lib/slocate/slocate.db' is more than 8 days old02:44
Coreyskippy, so exactly the same02:45
gharzguys, i've been trying to install msttcorefonts and after sometime it says andale32.exe: No such file or directory... what's wrong here? i've searched google and i didn't see any answers to this.02:45
Coreyskippy, with all my programs and settings ?02:45
DarkRavenMixagesomeone knows how to play amr audio with mplayer in ubuntu?02:45
CrescendoHrm, I can't tell what the CPU stats mean.02:45
ompaullas1, DON'T paste in the channel - use paste.ubuntu-nl.org02:45
skippyCorey, yeah - same programs installed as before - and your same settings in your home folder02:45
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wildmanCrescendo: 'man vmstat' (really ;))02:45
Zaggynlthis sucks, I just copied my vmware machine, and now it's network completly stopped working02:45
=== invariantrob [n=rob@pool-70-18-187-94.pskn.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Coreyskippy, ok so what do i do can you private chat me ?02:45
Zaggynlsudo ifup eth0 gives errors02:45
nazgulhi. are there known probs with Evolution and the Exchange plugin? On startup it says "could not connect to evolution backend". I believe it stopped working after the last package upgrade02:45
skippyCorey,  the only thing that will be new will be your paritioning scheme and the boot parition02:45
Zaggynlno such device02:45
skippyCorey,  im not registered im afraid :( i cant private convo02:45
t_rasI installed server 6.06 on descktop 5.10 (already having manualy configured LAMP) I lost the IMAP and GUI, how can I at least get back my GUI????02:45
Coreyskippy, uh..what client are you using ?02:46
Jemt_Zaggynl: VMWare is a crappy peace of software - it's bridging litterally messes up your network settings02:46
wildmanZaggynl: I had the same pb on mandriva... but I cannot recall how I've fixed it, sorry (I did upgrade to the latest vmware workstation available)02:46
Michaeli figured it out... my master was too high for the source02:46
Coreyx-char irc ?02:46
skippyXChat Corey02:46
nzxlas1, it looks like grub might not be installed properly, try doing "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub"02:46
Michaelthanks RandolphCarter02:46
ZaggynlJemt_ arf02:46
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Coreyskippy, you dont need to be registered :S02:46
RandolphCarterMichael: np's, did that fix it?02:46
Jemt_Zaggynl: ?02:46
Michaelyeah, it did, :-)02:46
Jemt_Zaggynl: arf ?02:46
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Zaggynlthat sucks, I have to get this working02:46
RandolphCarterMichael: ahh, just read above :P have fun ^_^02:46
Zaggynlif I just hadnt COPIED It02:47
=== betty [n=bqueffel@droitb219.univ-brest.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Zaggynlnow I've got nothing02:47
CoreyI sent you a message skippy you get it ?02:47
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void^Corey: on freenode at least one of you has to be registered; but you can simply join your own channel and talk there02:47
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skippynope Corey , i just sent you one :)02:47
QPAD|war-awayhow do i add a user into a group ?02:47
psyke83hi, is the update notifier broken? any time it says there's updates, when I click the icon it updates the package lists and then no other window shows (and the icon greys out for a few minutes)02:47
Coreyskippy, do you have kopete ?02:47
skippythe server wont let us private chat though, since one of us isnt registered02:47
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=== Warbo [n=chris@host81-156-114-170.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
las1nzx: nothing seemed to happen02:47
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration02:47
wildmanpsyke83: I've just installed a few updates w/o pbs02:47
skippysorry Corey  i dont have any IM software installed02:47
Coreyum hmm02:48
WarboJust finished writing a guide. What do people think https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UsbAdslModem/EagleUsb ?02:48
JowiQPAD|war-away: adduser username group02:48
Coreycause i need to know how to do it, its very hard to learn with all this other garbabe02:48
wildmanpsyke83: just = 20 or 30 seconds ago02:48
skippyCorey,  do you have a live CD?02:48
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Coreyskippy, yes but its 5.1002:48
iiiearsCan you safely place a text file in the /etc/init.d/   Directory?02:48
Peckhi, im a total newbie with linux... and im thinking of dual booting with windows... right now i have three partitions one 50 GB for documents, 30 GB for windows, and 70 GB for apps all are ntfs.. does anyone have any suggestions as to how to set up my partitions for ubuntu?02:48
skippythe best way to start Corey, is by booting off a live CD, and mounting your hard disk and your usb harddisk02:48
wildmanCorey: if you register your nickname you can open private chat channels with other registered users here...02:48
t_rasQPAD|war-away - "add <user> <group>"02:49
jstewDapper is pissing me off. My pcmcia network cards worked in breezy, but not after dapper upgrade. No eth0 device and I don't even think PCMCIA is working.02:49
boha_which desktop do you think is better GNOME or KDE?02:49
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration02:49
skippythen copy EVERYTHING accross to it, except /boot02:49
Warboiiiears: Yes. Scripts must start with "#!/program"02:49
freschwhat's ubuntu got for java support?02:49
skippythat will take you at least a couple of hours i should think Corey02:49
Warbofresch: Java02:49
wildmanfresch: Sun's 1.5 JVM02:49
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ompaulPeck, first off can you back up your data and how much room is it?02:49
skippythen you will need to install from scratch - install windows 1st if you plan to use it, it will be much easier02:49
QPAD|war-awayAnyone know how create users in proftpd ?02:49
freschis there a deb package?02:49
jstewBrezzy was much better in terms of bugs and problems IMHO02:50
Coreyskippy, well i dont really want windows but im being forced to almost, i need dreamweaver 8 and it was working fine with wine but it suddenly stops working now like when starting up...02:50
Warbofresch: Yes. It was recently added to Ubuntu after Sun's announcement02:50
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Zaggynlt_ras: startx02:50
GeckoQPAD|war-away: proftpd usually uses your system users02:50
skippyyeah i know the feeling Corey , wine is very unreliable02:50
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iiiearsWarbo - Thank You. - bootmisc.sh needs a bak extension.   ( feeling adventurous this morning. - lol).02:50
QPAD|war-awayGecko, It doesnt seem todo it :/02:50
nzxlas1, it completed with out any errors ?02:50
Coreyskippy, i dont understand why it was working so good02:50
Hobbsee!tell t_ras about caps02:50
wildmanfresch: yes, on non-free repos02:50
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JoaoJoaoDoes Ubuntu 6.06 have a GUI installation system?02:50
t_rasZaggynl - THANKS!02:50
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Warbot_ras: What happens when your computer starts?02:50
Hobbseet_ras: startx?02:50
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ompaulPeck, please check out the url that ubotu sent you02:50
freschWarbo, apt-cache doesn't show it though!?02:50
QPAD|war-awayGecko, Do you know how to addusers into proftpd so they only have full access in the specefic dir?02:51
Zaggynlt_ras your welcome, but you do yhave to change your initlevel so it always starts in X02:51
Peckok thanks02:51
skippyCorey, maybe wine was automatically updated? and the new one isnt as good? it happens a lot i hear02:51
Warbo!tell fresch about universe02:51
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wildmanfresch: sun-java5-jdk - Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 5.002:51
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wildmanfresch: is the one to install once ur repos are properly configured02:51
doctorshimAnybody get this problem where the installer freezes on the kernel loading screen?02:51
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QPAD|war-awayAnyone, please? I need to create a user in protpd so he only has full access into the dir /home/cz/ the user should be called 'cz' aswell. ? ANYONE02:51
freschwildman, Warbo, thx. but i already enabled the universe repos02:51
GNAMwhere can I find something like shutdown.log?02:51
t_rasit starts to command prompt automaticaly..how do I change my init level?02:51
Coreyhow can i check if im registed?02:52
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wildmanfresch: then install the above one ;)02:52
GNAMwtmp ok02:52
Zaggynlyatta! I found the vmware problem, I choose NOT to keep my vmware identity number thing, this time I choose to keep it, works now02:52
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skippyCorey, your other option is to buy a cheap harddisk - 20gb harddisks probably cost less than $40. Install windows on that :_02:52
eCokeNCodhey, what does it mean when you do a whois on a domain name and it's status is "active" ... does this mean it was reregistered ?02:52
Coreyskippy, I have a laptop02:52
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wildmanQPAD|war-away: useradd -m -d /home/cz02:52
eCokeNCoddamn it !02:52
skippyCorey, oh i see :(02:52
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=== Jemt__ [n=Jemt@nat.kollegienet.dk] has joined #ubuntu
WarboCan someone have a quick scan through my guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UsbAdslModem/EagleUsb and tell me if I've just mucked something up (layout wise, etc.)02:52
freschwildman, is it in multiverse? or universe?02:52
wildmanQPAD|war-away: forgot 'sudo' in front of that command02:52
Coreyskippy, if someone would donate a computer to me ill love them forever :P02:53
wildmanfresch: acht... how can I tell? :)02:53
Peckompaul, i can probably backup all my documents.. should i mabye back those up and then delete that partion and resize my windows/apps partiotn for ubuntu?02:53
Coreyand make them a big website02:53
freschwildman, :)02:53
wildmanfresch: I'm a urpmi guy, not an apt one ;)02:53
JowiQPAD|war-away: you need to add "DefaultRoot ~" as the last line in /etc/proftpd.conf to lock the users into their directories02:53
ubotuhmm... edgy is Ubuntu 6.10 DEVELOPMENT, the "Edgy Eft" release. Discussions about and support for edgy take place in #ubuntu+102:53
wildmanfresch: slowly moving to ubuntu...02:53
Jemt__Can anyone help me find error messages generated within the last 5-10 minutes? Dapper keeps freezing02:53
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freschwildman, ah, i've been using debian for some time now.02:53
WarboJemt__: dmesg | tail02:54
Jemt__It might have something to do with either graphics, network or USB02:54
ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Corey02:54
WarboJemt__: That will give the last few kernel messages02:54
Jemt__Warbo: Thanks ! :)02:54
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wildmanfresch: always did it intermitently before, now I'm trying to 'commit' to it :) (always kept coming back to mandriva)02:54
Jemt__Warbo: Nothing useful there. Where else could I look ?02:55
QPAD|war-awayJowi, it's defaultroot ~ atm02:55
WarboJemt__: /var/log/X.or.0.log I think02:55
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration02:55
=== ep [n=mdr@ip68-97-122-135.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jemt__Warbo: Okay, thanks02:55
WarboJemt__: (that is a file, not a command)02:55
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t_rasstartx doesnt work :( ... I get connection refused both for startx and xinit02:55
Jemt__Warbo: i know :)02:55
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freschwildman, debian was the thing for me since most howtos and whatnots could easily be applied to it. (not like suse :(02:55
Warbot_ras: Is a display running? Try ctrl-alt-f702:56
=== PhoenixofChaos [n=phoenix@203-206-222-232.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
JowiQPAD|war-away: not sure if the capital D and R are important or not. then stop and start proftpd (a restart doesn't seem to work to apply the changes)02:56
ompaulPeck, that is one way forward, if you can move all the data into one of the other two partitions then it is a good thing (tm), you could of course bite the bullet and just come across after backing up the docs and giving the weekend to the conversion :)02:56
Warbot_ras: "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start"02:56
wildmanfresch: the pb is when u develop on a given system, sometimes it may be hell to switch to another :P02:56
PhoenixofChaosHas anyone used wine with dreamweaver 8 ?02:56
=== Delgul_at_work [n=gerard@delgul.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
wildmanfresch: symlinks not always solve things...02:57
Jemt__Seems that I haft to go back to Breezy. Bugger!! Dapper just ain't very stable.. Any chances Dapper Repositories will work on Breezy ?02:57
freschanother question, i really want to get rid of the sudo. can i just uninstall? or just deactivate it some where02:57
wildmanfresch: and it's 'natural' to return to the good ol' known ;)02:57
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Warbowildman: Hence non-free software (cannot be modified by distro devels) often sucks (steals sound, must be run from directory, etc.)02:57
JowiJemt_: not advisable to mix the two02:57
freschwildman, yeah had a dev problem recently. i was playing around with osg and it stopped compiling/working under x.org02:58
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Peckompaul, thanks a bunch for the help btw! for conversion do you mean coverting to ubuntu or..?02:58
wildmanWarbo: I always developped on FLOSS platforms ;)02:58
=== zxc3 [n=perminde@212-1-155-216.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
skippyPhoenixofChaos, hello are you the same person as Corey?02:58
QPAD|war-awayJowi, I did that. Could you give me the lines to create a user and lock it into a dir and give him the ownership of that dir ?02:58
ompaulPeck, yeap, the whole 9 yards and see how you get on02:58
Some_Personcrimsun: are you here?02:58
=== zxc3 is now known as zxc333
las1could anyone tell me where the boot/grub/ folder should be?02:58
freschwildman, luckily i could just move back to an older debain =)02:58
=== wildman is one of the guys doing Mandriva's official docs (tip ;))
=== XVampireX [n=XVampire@] has joined #ubuntu
iiiearsWarbo - Hm.. dmesg shows the same key scancode for 3 different keys. - edited bootmisc.sh to assign the only code it sees. (this ought to be good. - lol)02:58
meuserjlas1, ... /boot/grub/02:58
Warbowildman: Yeah, but I can't use Synfig so I've given up and gone with Moho (animation). Also I've installed Gish because I respect the guy who made it02:58
zxc333Can anyone help me install gcc3.4 on a Dapper Machine which has no internet (I can transfer files to it)?02:58
PhoenixofChaosskippy, you get my private chat ?02:59
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PhoenixofChaosim registeed now02:59
Jemt__Jowi: Ok. Well, it is just hard to go back to all the obsolete software in Breezy :-/02:59
ompaulzxc333,  get install cd and install apt-get build-essential on it02:59
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t_rasgdm gives no error, but nothing happend. xinit gives server error and startx still cant connect02:59
QPAD|war-awayJowi, pretty please?02:59
meuserjJemt_, what problem are you having with Dapper?02:59
XVampireXI installed azureus but I don't see an icon in the taskbar (Yes, I double checked in the preferences to enable the systray)02:59
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skippyPhoenixofChaos, yeah can you see the stuff ive typed?02:59
JowiQPAD|war-away: the "DefaultRoot ~" will lock them into *their own home directories*. If you want them to be locked in somewhere else, change the ~ to the dir you want. add a user the normal way. I have not configured anonymous accounts on proftpd02:59
Warboiiiears: I am useless at scripting, but I have added a few thing to /etc/init.d in the past (eagle-usb connection script - OK, mldonkey startup - Failed miserably [crashed the entire system!] )02:59
Jemt__meuserj: It keeps freezing02:59
PhoenixofChaosskippy, no :O :(02:59
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PhoenixofChaosskippy register its simple03:00
orbinXVampireX: do you have the notification area applet enabled?03:00
CokeNCodehey, what does it mean when you do a whois on a domain name and it's status is "active" ... does this mean it was reregistered ?03:00
PhoenixofChaosskippy, http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup03:00
meuserjJemt, is this an upgrade or a fresh install?03:00
PhoenixofChaosEVERYONE REGISTER YOUR NICK NAME NOW !! http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup03:00
las1meuserj: could you please check your PM?03:00
Peckthanks ompaul! ill give it a try :)03:00
Warbot_ras: So NATHING happens? no blue screen with X server output, etc.?03:00
Jemtmeuserj: I can sometimes re-produce the problem when I'm listening to musik from my USB drive while running a VMWare image of Windows XP from the same device03:00
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Jemtmeuserj: Fresh install03:00
ompaulPhoenixofChaos, Please Dont Do Yhat03:01
XVampireXorbin: No03:01
zxc333ompaul: Thanks, will try it :)03:01
t_rasWarbo - nothing...03:01
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orbinXVampireX: where's it supposed to show up then? :)03:01
QPAD|war-awayJowi, I dont want anonymous accounts, but is this correct? adduser cz ftp, chown -hR cz /home/cz ?03:01
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XVampireXin the systray, together with the gaim icon and the sound icono and the date03:01
Warbot_ras: Hmmm. What happens when you just run "sudo X"? (by the way, is this regular Xorg or XGL?)03:01
webguycan someone look at this and tell me what i am doing wrong - what i want is to get one ip set up by dhcp and another static03:01
meuserjJemt, well, there's your answer..... two different OS's accessing the same drive at the same time will always cause problems....03:01
freschdamn, that sun-java just keeps growing!03:02
CokeNCodehey, is there a program that I can use to show me how much bandwidth each process is using ?03:02
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void^PhoenixofChaos: to receive message from unregistered users, /msg nickserv set unfiltered on03:02
Jemtmeuserj: But.. the VMPlayer works like a "wrapper" i would guess03:02
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freezeywhats the chmod to make it writeable by www03:02
Jemtmeuserj: Just like it does for both audio, video, LAN etc.03:02
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t_rasIt is regular x (just gnome DT)03:03
JowiQPAD|war-away: 1. that will add the user cz to the ftp group. 2. will make cz the owner of the files in /home/cz. if that was what you wanted to do, then yes, it is correct03:03
Warbofreezey: You should add the file to a group for www03:03
trippyskippyPhoenixofChaos,  ok im back03:03
meuserjJemt, drives work differently03:03
Jemtmeuserj: True03:03
=== kabtoffe [n=kbergstr@hoas-fe1fdd00-121.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
CokeNCodehey, is there a program that I can use to show me how much bandwidth each process is using ?03:03
Some_PersonHow the hell do I make my On-Board Realtek AC97 sound card working on Linux?03:03
freezeywarbo: well its where my php saves new directories it creates for the users03:03
Warbot_ras: Try setting it up again with "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"03:03
Jemtmeuserj: Actually, the only difference on this setup (with Dapper) and the previous one (Breezy) is that I have now added an external USB harddisk. So it might be it causing problems..03:03
XVampireXorbin: Wait, notification area is where the gaim icon/sound  icon/date/shutdownrestart buttons are, right?03:04
freezeywarbo ; www-data www-data03:04
freezeyi wanna make it that03:04
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QPAD|war-awayJowi, then howcome i cannot login to the ftp, can i show you Jowi ? can you join #ubunasd.bla ?03:04
XVampireXorbin: If so, yes, I have it, and no, the azureus button is not there03:04
Jemtmeuserj: But the problem occured yesterday when I was only listening to music from the drive and browsing the net using Firefox03:04
orbinXVampireX: date is separate, sound is separate, gaim ...dunno03:04
freschSome_Person, the users wanting to use sound need to be in group audio; addgroup <user> audio03:04
JowiQPAD|war-away: if /home/cz is gonna be a general ftp account for several users, you might want to set *group* ftp as owner of the files (chown -hR :ftp /home/cz) and give the group write permissions03:04
Warbofreezey: Chmod is for owner, group and other. You cannot specify any other permissions for individual users, that is what the groups are for03:04
freezeyxvampirex: screw az use bitcomet03:04
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orbinXVampireX: right-click > add to panel > otification area03:04
freezeywarbo: no i know but i wanna make that folder www-data www-data03:04
TobberothI wonder if uTorrent works on linux with wine03:05
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XVampireXorbin: I did, nothing showed up on it03:05
Some_Personfresch: what do u mean?03:05
meuserjJemt, I just remember back when I was playing with VMWare, they warned not to access harddrives with the guest OS while they are mounted by the host os.03:05
QPAD|war-awayJowi, could you join #ubunasd.bla ?03:05
freezeywarbo: just that dir i want it to be www-data www-data writeable03:05
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orbinXVampireX: en?03:05
=== adamant1988 [n=adam@h-141-153-101-134.ckb.meer.net] has joined #ubuntu
webguyany idea what is wrong with my file? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1538903:05
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orbin*and azureus is open?03:05
meuserjJemt, each OS assumes that they are the only OS accessing the drive.03:05
Warbofreezey: Well you could probably do it most easily with "gksudo nautilus"03:05
orbinhehe, text got chopped03:05
=== nelius has problems with lib_pam-dap and kdm
Jemtmeuserj: Oh, okay. Well, I'll give Dapper a LAST chance :)  - I'll reinstall it, disable all unnecessary hardware, switching to Vesa drivers instead of ATI drivers and so on03:06
freezeywarbo: and what does that do03:06
CrescendoHow to install php?03:06
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=== las1 reminds meuserj to check pms again ^_^
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Warbofreezey: That runs the file manager with root permission (so you can use it's "Properties" dialog to set the permissions easily)03:06
cozahey people i need help if possible playing dvds on my ubuntu03:06
freschSome_Person, i have an AC97 onboard sound. it was detected and working but the programs still complained about no sound device accessible. open a console and type: sudo addgroup <user> audio. replace <user> with your user name03:06
Alfred_Hey, RandolphCarter, bad news: It seems likeI I have to edit the resolv.conf file manually every time I boot Dapper. Is this something I should talk to my ISP about?03:07
Jemtmeuserj: Do you know how to make Ubuntu ignore hardware? I have a Cisco based Wireless network card (mini PCI - laptop) which is detected at random. So I just want it to go away completely03:07
Some_Personthanks, fresch03:07
freezeywarbo : ok03:07
boha_why i dont get sound from dvd movie?03:07
freschSome_Person, you do need to logout and login after that.03:07
boha_i use xine movie player03:07
Some_Personfresch: The user `samuel' is already a member of `audio'.03:07
cozahehe boha i get nothing03:07
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RandolphCarterAlfred_: no, resolv.conf gets automatically overwritten when an interface comes up03:08
meuserjJemt, what do you mean "detected at random"?03:08
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cozaim a newbieon nix03:08
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WarboI love the command line! I just did "wget `cat playlist.m3u`" to download a whole album preview from MagnaTune03:08
Jemtmeuserj: Sometime it shows up (ie 'ifconfig -a'), mostly it dosn't03:08
RandolphCarterAlfred_: the clever thing to do is have a look in /etc/network/if-up.d/03:08
boha_coza me too03:08
webguyif i make changest to /etc/network/interfaces do i need to reboot for them to take effect?03:08
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Some_Personfresch: now what do i do?03:08
XVampireXorbin: Any idea?03:09
cozawhat version of xine did u get boha i downloaded a rpm and it wouldnt open03:09
RandolphCarterAlfred_: you can add a script in there to either echo the right lines into /etc/resolv.conf, or copy a good resolv.conf from say /etc/resolv.good to /etc/resolv.conf03:09
thoreauputicWarbo: even easier wget -i foo.m3u  ( where foo.m3u is the m3u file name)03:09
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freschSome_Person, open the device manager thing, look for a sound device. is it configured? do you recognize the name of your onboard sound chip?03:09
meuserjJemt, you should be able to remove it from /etc/network/interfaces03:09
boha_i used apt-get03:09
Jemtmeuserj: Ok, I didn't think that would be sufficient03:09
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gharzhow can i install msttcorefonts? it says ./andale32.exe  failed connection timed out.03:09
Jowiwebguy: "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" should be enough03:09
cozaim confused03:09
Warbothoreauputic: Ah. I was messing around with bash's manual and got an idea, that's all (I'm trying to learn Python, but bash gives immediate results :))03:10
kabtoffeboha_ You need libxine-extracodecs03:10
gharzi've updated my repo03:10
Jemtmeuserj: Well, I'll give it a try. Thank you so much. Thank God there is people like you - I have been working on this problem for 4 days now03:10
orbinXVampireX: not really, sorry.  try the foums?  i'm having problems myself w/ it right now.03:10
webguythanks jowi -03:10
=== Goshawk [n=vincenzo@d81-211-255-31.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu
meuserjJemt, heh, np03:10
Alfred_RandolphCarter, sounds clever, but how do I do that? How do I make the script? :)03:10
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thoreauputicWarbo: man wget is quite infornmative :) Your method is fine, of course..03:10
gharzalso, i installed wine and when i try to reconfigure it... i got these messages => http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1539003:10
gharzplease help03:10
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webguyanother uqestion - can i have both a dhcp assigned and static ip?03:10
pdc303Q: an installer says that my "architecture x86_64 is not supported". I recall there is a way to lie about the architecture... maybe with export ARCH=x86 or something like that?03:10
webguyat the same time jowi03:10
boha_kabtoffe,  how can i install them03:10
wezzerhow should modify /etc/grub/menu.lst to get grub remember the last chosen OS everytime I boot?03:10
t_rasIt seems I need to rinstall xserver, but doing "apt-gget install xserver-xorg" claims it depends on many packaes it won't install, is there a command for installing all dependencies?03:11
RandolphCarterAlfred_: the files already in /etc/resolv.conf/if-up.d should be a good example03:11
Warbothoreauputic: I have downloaded vast amounts of web comics recursively using wget before :)03:11
kabtoffesudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs03:11
Jowiwebguy: :)03:11
Some_Personfresch: I see no sound card in device manager (i see loads of unknown nVidia stuff though)03:11
gharzalso, i installed wine and when i try to reconfigure it... i got these messages => http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1539003:11
Jemtt_ras: It should install dependencies automatically03:11
detectiveinspektI have no Community Maintained resportorys, so I can't find mplayer03:11
thoreauputicWarbo: whatever floats your boat ;)03:11
Warbowezzer: Add the line "make default" to the OS you want to boot as default03:11
nyk2005_I installed mod-php now for my apache and added the .php handler, but it still server php as plaintext instead of executing it. Any ideas?03:11
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Jemtt_ras: But if you just want to reinstall, you should be able to do 'apt-get install <package> --reinsall'03:11
gharzalso, i installed wine and when i try to reconfigure it... i got these messages => http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15390 please help03:11
t_raswebguy - on diferent interfaces03:12
webguyJowi: is that a yes or a no? :)03:12
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detectiveinspektall my repositories are NZ03:12
RandolphCarterAlfred_: you can use ntp-server as an example, remove the 'exit 0' line and replace '/etc/init.d/ntp-server*' with 'cp /etc/resolv.good /etc/resolv.conf'03:12
wezzerWarbo: You didn't undestand what I want03:12
iiiearsthoreauputic: dmesg shows thew same scancode for different media keys. - Can that be changed? Can you give me a topic to gooogle?03:12
kabtoffeboha_: It's in in multiverse03:12
RandolphCarterAlfred_: make sure you put a good resolv.conf at /etc/resolv.good first03:12
Jowiwebguy: i missed the question i think03:12
gr8rahulhow to enable bluetooth stack in linux03:12
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wezzerWarbo: I want that if I boot to Windows, next time when I boot, windows is default option. If I boot to linux, next time when booting Linux is default03:12
Jowiwebguy: ah, both dhcp and static03:12
Jowiwebguy: be more precise03:12
psaikidoyeehaw - finally got ubuntu to install by taking out my GeForce4 graphics card03:13
psaikidoso i've just arrived03:13
sara_hola quitsfvchgfu03:13
webguyt_ras - well i have one nic, but would like to have a static ip running so i can use that in configuration of mysql/apache and the dhcp so i can log in using ssh until i get the static ip up and running (also to jowi)03:13
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freschSome_Person, ok that means you sound chip wasn't autodetected. and it means that i am pretty clueless on how to help you further =( sorry. try typing lspci in a console. look for a line containing AC97 or multimedia sound controller. copy that and google it03:13
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Warbowezzer: Add it to every OS entry and everytime you boot an OS it will make itself default (boot last OS)03:13
boha_kabtoffe,  what means multiverse? :S03:13
Alfred_ran uhmm, that went a little bit over my head. Do I really need this firewall?03:13
Some_Personfresch: ok03:13
wezzerWarbo: ok, thanks03:13
psaikidoand get an 'Internal Error' dialogue that says 'failed to initialize HAL'03:13
RandolphCarterAlfred_: well, no03:13
psaikidoany help with this please?03:13
Jemt!tell boha_ about repositories03:13
webguyi just stet up the server and dont have a kvm so i need the dhcp to allow me to get into the box without switching things, but in the general config I want a static ip03:14
LukeDoes anyone know how well ubuntu will work with macbooks?03:14
RandolphCarterAlfred_: I'll paste an example script, two seconds03:14
Some_Personfresch: nothing with AC97 in the list (i do see Multimedia audio controller: nVidia Corporation: Unknown device 026b (rev a2)03:14
boha_ok tnx03:14
detectiveinspekt!tell detectiveinspekt about repositories03:14
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Alfred_RandolphCarter, I don't? Good, hehe03:14
dshumyeah how do i install ubuntu on intel mac?03:14
Alfred_RandolphCarter, thank you03:14
dshumwith os x and win xp03:14
webguyanother way to  get to the same point would be to request a specific ip from the dhcp server if that is an option03:14
freschSome_Person, ok it means you have an nvidia onboard AC97 sound chip03:14
Alfred_RandolphCarter ... for posting that script03:14
Jowiwebguy: eh, what? either you have a static ip or you don't. if you're behind a router you can configure the router to give you a *fixed* ip with its dhcp server. so yes. otherwise no.03:14
elkbuntuLuke, the best documentation about people's experiences will be on the forums03:14
t_raswebguy - so use DHCP untill having IP, if you dont still have an IP it doesn't matter03:14
RandolphCarterAlfred_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1539103:15
wildmanpsaikido: can u please be a bit more explicit?03:15
Lukeelkbuntu: thanks03:15
psaikido'Internal Error' dialogue that says 'failed to initialize HAL' - help please03:15
RandolphCarterAlfred_: make the changes you need to /etc/resolv.conf and run 'sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.good'03:15
Some_Personfresch: what do i do?03:15
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psaikido'Internal Error' dialogue that says 'failed to initialize HAL' - help please03:16
t_rasWarbo - xserver-xorg package was broken so I removed it, now I can't resintall03:16
wildmanpsaikido: can u please be a bit more explicit?03:16
wildmanpsaikido: :)03:16
wildmanpsaikido: where/when do you get such a dialog (for example)03:16
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ubuntuif Synaptic has freeze it self.. how do i force to close the program?03:16
freschSome_Person, try  typing sudo alsamixer. then mute any channel with IEC958. keys left and right move left and right, m mutes03:17
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trippyskippydoes anyone know how i can back up my entire linux system - including symbloic links etc so i can restore it after reparitioning ? cp -r doesnt copy the sym links03:17
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pdc303ubuntu: killall synaptic03:17
webguyi see - thanks!03:17
ZaggynlI just changed my hostname with 'hostname name', now I can't sudo anymore :/03:17
ubuntupdc303, thank you03:17
Some_Personfresch: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory03:17
RandolphCarterZaggynl: edit /etc/hosts first :(03:17
Warbot_ras: What happens when you apt-get install xserver-xorg? (also, that is a dummy package. The actual files are in xserver-xorg-core)03:17
orbinXVampireX: try #azureus-support  they just fixed my problem03:17
pdc303ubuntu: np03:17
gharzguys, i find this strange... if i click Places->Computer ... on taskbar it says Starting Computer and suddenly nothing shows up....03:17
ZaggynlRandolphCarter: okay, thanks03:17
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RandolphCarterZaggynl: you can restart in single user mode, then change /etc/hosts to reflect the new hostname03:18
t_rasIt says it is a broken pakcage and also gives me the list of all dependencies and tells me they won't be installed03:18
ZaggynlRandolphCarter: how ?03:18
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freschSome_Person, try sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart03:18
micropalhey, I'm going to buy an intel mac mini. Can I easily install ubuntu on it?03:18
RandolphCarterZaggynl: if you're using Grub, there should be a 'recovery mode' option (you may need to press Escape when it asks you03:18
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gharzguys, i find this strange... if i click Places->Computer ... on taskbar it says Starting Computer and suddenly nothing shows up....03:19
RandolphCarterZaggynl: then just use your favourite editor, and change the old hostname to the new one in /etc/hosts03:19
Alfred_RandolphCarter, thanks a lot! But, I have to questions: The script, should I just paste it into a .txt-file? And, I can't find this /etc/resolv.conf/init.d (Or what it now was again :) ). All i've got is this: /etc/resolv.conf/resolv.conf.d03:19
ZaggynlRandolphCarter: I can't reboot, since I'm a user ><03:19
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alonz__hi, I just installed Ubuntu for a friend, on his laptop. Everything works fine, except for wireless, which I personally have little experience with. It is a Centrino laptop, and the hardware is identified ok. The issue is that it says "radio off" in iwconfig... and hours of scanning forums etc., still no idea how to turn the radio on... any ideas?03:19
RandolphCarterZaggynl: Ctl+Alt+F1, then press Ctl+Alt+Del03:19
Warbot_ras: Try getting the .deb file (it may be in /var/cache/apt/archives) and installing it with "sudo dpkg -i xserver-xorg*.deb" then running "sudo apt-get -f install"03:19
Some_Personfresch: do i do sudo alsamixer again?03:19
opitwinDoes anybody now how to get a U3 Flash Drive to work in Ubuntu?03:20
freschSome_Person, try it03:20
=== andres_ [n=andres@156.Red-80-25-15.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Some_Personfresch: same error03:20
RandolphCarterAlfred_: put it in /etc/network/if-up.d/fix-hosts, and run 'sudo chown root:root /etc/network/if-up.d/fix-hosts; sudo chmod 755 /etc/network/if-up.d/fix-hosts'03:20
wildmanandres_: hola, pero este es un canal de habla inglesa03:21
dshumno, go to the forums03:21
=== panthere_noire [n=tnt@adsl-soho-1-c18-p058.vtx.ch] has joined #ubuntu
dshumthis is a chat room man03:21
dshumwhat r u thinking?03:21
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=== dshum lays the smackdown on opitwin
diazepamanyone got a url that points to setting up Multimedia and codecs under Dapper?03:22
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WarboHas anyone here used the eagle-usb driver?03:22
opitwindshum: it is Help and support, if you want to chat logon to #ubuntu-offtopic03:22
dshumand no03:22
freschSome_Person, hrmm, ok, you have alsa installed but it doesn't want to work correctly. i used to have an error like that which was caused by the alsa modules being loaded in the wrong order... i would then just reboot and hope it works then.03:22
dshumopitwin: get a life03:23
wildmanandres_: maybe 'ubuntu-es' ?03:23
kyledyehas anyone in here read the Ubuntu Hacks Rough Cuts version?03:23
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Alfred_RandolphCarter, Ok, So I should call it fix-hosts.txt?03:23
opitwindshum: What was that, you don't have a life.03:23
Some_Personfresch: I've rebooted many times in the past03:23
RandolphCarterAlfred_: no, just fix-hosts (it's a script, not a text file)03:23
freschSome_Person, i thought so03:23
andres_Dont worry man03:23
RandolphCarterAlfred_: files don't always need extensions :)03:23
wildmanandres_: ok :)03:23
dshumnah ur mum doesn't03:23
andres_everithing rhigth03:23
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wildmanandres_: saludos desde Buenos Aires03:23
opitwindshum: and your mom?03:24
RandolphCarterAlfred_: well, it _is_ a text file, but it's not .txt, it's a script.  you could call it .sh, but that doesn't seem to be the convention for /etc/network/*03:24
=== dshum rapes opitwin's mom
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andres_saludos pa ti tambien colega03:24
Some_Personfresch: I feel like taking the old Sound Blaster 32 out of my old computer and throwing it in here (even though its a crappy sound card)!03:24
=== dshum then shoots the biatch!
=== Zaggynl hears an operators boot being put on
freschSome_Person, join channel #flood. open console type, lsmod and paste the output03:24
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andres_um sorry I leave my fuking spanish03:24
Alfred_RandolphCarter, Oh, I see :) I paste the script you gave me into a .txt.file, name it fix-hosts and removes the .txt. extension?03:24
elkbuntuandres_, please refrain from vulgar language03:24
RandolphCarterAlfred_: you don't even need to name it .txt to start with :) if you want to find out more, read 'man magic'03:24
opitwinubotu: Can you please kick dshum off?  He is talking about my mom.03:25
ubotuopitwin: that's too long03:25
=== Pupeno [n=pupeno@80-102-117-211.bcn1.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #ubuntu
WarboAlfred_: The point is that it is a text file, not a ".txt" file :)03:25
andres_every one is linux here?03:25
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andres_I m sorry man03:25
Warboandres_: I am human (I think)03:25
panthere_noirequelqu'un a dj installer acronis ?  bug  ? sous debian sarge 3.1 r2 http://pastebin.com/76992003:25
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freschSome_Person, seems that it is too much for flood03:25
wildmanWarbo: lol03:25
opitwinubotu: kick dshum off03:25
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ubotuopitwin: Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:25
andres_I m too03:25
Pupenoandres_: I am not linux.03:25
Some_Personi'll pastebin it03:25
wildmanSome_Person: nForce 3 or nForce 4 chipset?03:25
Some_Personwildman: no clue03:25
t_rasWarbo - thanks, I think I have no choise but to reintall( I don't even seem to have the packages in cache)03:25
wildmanSome_Person: nForce 3 here, no pb at all with audio, works out of the box03:25
andres_see you03:26
Alfred_RandolphCarter, Warbo: Oh I see, it's just me being so used to Mac Os X, making text files automatically into .txt.-files :)03:26
panthere_noireoups sorry bye03:26
Some_Persondid i mention i use BREEZY?03:26
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=== Pupeno gives Ubuntu (Gnome) a second try in a month or so... this time, Dapper.
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Warbot_ras: Well if you have no major customisation then it may be easier (my system is HEAVILY customised, but whenever my system failes I find it is easy to carry on on a fresh install)03:26
wildmanSome_Person: worked when I've tried Breezy too :)03:26
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Some_Personwildman: is it onboard?03:27
wildmanSome_Person: you might have some super-new hardware which is not supported on breezy?03:27
WarboAlfred_: MacOSX? That is generally a Windows/MSDOS habit. Oh well, never mind :)03:27
wildmanSome_Person: yep, it is03:27
Some_Personfresch: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15394(03:27
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.03:27
Some_Personwildman: the computer is less than a month old03:27
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pdc303Q: any Opera users installed Flash?03:28
pdc303having problems03:28
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wildmanSome_Person: lucky bas... :)03:28
webdesigneranybody know how to install a U3 Flash Drive in ubuntu03:28
Alfred_Warbo, RandolphCarter:  really? Well, everytime I open TextEdit it saves the files with a .txt-extension. well well :) hehe I'll try to make this script you just gave me RandolphCarter. :)03:29
Some_Personbut in this case, thats not good03:29
webdesignerdshum: Somebody said that you need a life?03:29
=== acidjedi [n=ian@c-24-99-13-252.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
WarboHas anybody used the eagle-usb modem driver? I'm after some feedback on a guide03:29
Some_Personi feel like throwing a 10 year old sound blaster in there03:29
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danfgwhat's the difference between name and generic name when creating a launcher?03:29
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webdesignerigge: Hello03:30
=== Bruc [n=tunisian@64.121.102-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #Ubuntu
WarboAlfred_: That's probably to keep compatibility with Windows users (sorry, but many OSX users are idiots who wouldn't realise the problem [that is not really offensive, because Ubuntu should strive for this level of simplicity] )03:30
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webdesignerBruc: Hello03:30
melodiehello all! could someone help me about a laptop install ? I had Breezy, and the brand new Dapper does not want to enter in... :(03:30
iggeI have just upgraded to dapper... but for some reason I can't boot into it... the new kernel doesn't appear in the boot menu03:30
wildmanSome_Person: SB32 is an ISA card (I do have one around), you won't be able to connect it anywhere03:30
ubotuacidjedi: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:30
iggeany ideas?03:30
wildmanSome_Person: no more ISA slots on newer motherboards03:30
acidjediMy Creative SB Live doesn't work, lol03:31
BrucDoes anyone know where there are videos streamings available on the internet to watch the World soccer Cup?03:31
Some_Personthe AC97 on my last computer (before this) had an onboard AC97 that had no problems on the live cd (i never installed ubuntu on it)03:31
wildmanSome_Person: newer = 2 yrs till now03:31
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webdesignerubotu: tell igge about install03:31
WarboISA has problems so it has to be manually loaded (makes it a little tricky)03:31
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orbindanfg: look at an existing launcher e.g. right-click properties on firefox's icon03:31
RandolphCarterAlfred_: cool, and yeah, I noticed TextEdit does that, but I wouldn't use TextEdit to edit bash scripts anyway :)03:32
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Some_Personwildman: what if i put a 10 year old PCI soundcard in the machine?03:32
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iggewebdesigner: alrite.. will have a look there..03:32
ubotuacidjedi: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:32
webdesignerBruc: I'm not sure03:32
wildmanWarbo: but you have to have a mobo with ISA slots 1st ;)03:32
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vinboywhy my cdrom can't read some of the DVD, which i can read on windows?03:32
WarboSome_Person: I have an old soundcard right next to me. Have you got one of those 3D printers yet? :)03:32
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wildmanvinboy: you mean ur DVD-ROM drive?03:32
ubotuInstalling Ubuntu? See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation Installing software on Ubuntu? See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingSoftware03:32
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vinboywildman: yup03:32
Brucwebdesigner : you are not sure about the availability of the videos streamings?03:32
Warbowildman: Not too hard to find (mind you, the only ones I have don't work)03:32
Some_Personmy printer is 5 years old03:33
Alfred_Warbo, RandolphCarter: huh... Well, I get youur point with simplicity, but instead of calling the MacOsX users idiots, I would direct that to the OSX developers :-)03:33
freschSome_Person, no clue, sorry03:33
RandolphCarterAlfred_: lol, I hope I didn't, because I use it too :/03:33
acidjediDoes anyone know how to install SB Live! drivers?03:33
freschSome_Person, i think the hsf* stuff is the sound driver modules03:33
WarboAlfred_: I was trying to say that you need NO computer knowledge to use MacOSX03:33
wildmanWarbo: I don't think Some_Person will want to trash his new computer ;)03:33
webdesignerBruc: I saw it somewhere in an ad, but I'm not sure.03:33
amithi everybody. I've just installed ubuntu on my laptop. failed to get the wireless card to work. it seems to be off. does anyone have a suggestion?03:33
ubotunmsa: Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:33
Some_Personfresch: no, thats my modem driver03:33
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freschSome_Person, that would ahve been my second gues03:33
iggewebdesigner: hm... that's just installing from a cd though... I upgraded through the update manager03:33
wildmanSome_Person: do you have a PCI audio card around?03:33
shawnlhello, all03:33
tmnHI! ... why isn't xubuntu-desktop(xfce) starting when I select the xfce session at the login screen? ... The result is that I log into Ubuntu-dekstop each time...03:34
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Some_Personwildman: yes, but its old and crappy03:34
shawnlhow do i remove a user from a group03:34
wildmanSome_Person: like an SB128?03:34
iiiearsHello amit.03:34
shawnlusing cui03:34
Some_Personwildman: its a 10 year old SB03:34
wildmanSome_Person: well... better than nothing, till you wait for support for your newer system ;)03:34
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RandolphCartershawnl: you can edit /etc/group by hand if you want03:34
wildmanSome_Person: I'd also try Ubuntu 6.06 :)03:34
webdesignerigge: I tried updating from the manager and it didn't work.03:34
Brucwebdesigner: what a pity03:34
freschwildman, that reminds me of a friend of mine that wanted one network card with two IPs. my first response was "install a second networkcard" =)03:34
Some_Personwildman: can i install it without losing my AC97?03:34
Alfred_Warbo, RandolphCarter : Well, if i'm not too far away, I guess that's Mr. Steve Jobs' point - making computing easy :) (btw, I didn't find your remark offensive)03:35
webdesignerBruc: I'm sorry.03:35
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shawnlhi, all, how do i remove a user from a group? using commond line?03:35
amithello iiiears03:35
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webdesignerigge: The best thing to do is to do a full install from the Dapper CD03:35
gharzguys... what could be the problem here. when run Firefox  or Places->Computer it doesn't start. on the taskbar it says Starting Firefox or Starting Computer then nothing happens.03:35
wildmanSome_Person: I guess so03:35
tmnI've got Ubutnu Dapper Drake 6.06 ... I took an sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop ... but I can't enter the xfce session... It always log onto ubuntu-desktop ...03:35
iggewebdesigner: ah alright...03:35
Some_Personwildman: do u know how?03:35
RandolphCarterAlfred_: Mr Steve Jobs likes to make it easy to use apple hardware and formats, true. (annoyed former iTunes store user)03:35
gharzguys... what could be the problem here. when run Firefox  or Places->Computer it doesn't start. on the taskbar it says Starting Firefox or Starting Computer then nothing happens.03:35
wildmanfresch: ethX can be aliased ;)03:36
kabtoffeamit, What kind of WLAN-card do you have?03:36
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gharztmn, check Sessions03:36
Warbogharz: Open a terminal and type "firefox" what does it say?03:36
wildmanfresch: like eth0:0, eth0:1, etc.03:36
webdesignerigge: Make sure you backup all your data first03:36
wildmanfresch: but your solution was the same I would have given him ;)03:36
iggewebdesigner: I would have tried that too if it wasn't for the fact that my CD is broken :( (hardware failure, not ubuntu's fault)03:36
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Alfred_RandolphCarter, Warbo : and yea RandolphCarter, doing that would be like shooting your self in the foot hehe :)03:36
freschwildman, heh, it's the one with less brain hassle ;)03:36
gharzWarbo, Xlib: connectgion to "0.0" refused by server03:36
wildmanSome_Person: if you mean "did you try yourself?", no.03:36
gharzXlib: no protocol specified.03:37
RandolphCartergharz: is this from a sudo or another user?03:37
wildmanfresch: and more economic in the short and long run too ;)03:37
amitI have the Intel pro 2200 bg. it is a pretty standard centrino platform03:37
RandolphCartergharz: make sure you run 'xhost +' in a terminal yourself03:37
iggewebdesigner: guess I have to get a new CD player03:37
WarboRandolphCarter: Sudo would produce GNOME authentication warnings but that's all03:37
tmngharz: I've tried to change the session in the login screen03:37
webdesignerigge: Can you get a new CD?  You can download it or get it shipped to you for free03:37
shawnlhi, i just add my user to a "ftpuser" group03:37
Alfred_RandolphCarter, Warbo: true, but I would prefer Apple monopoly instead of Microsft's ...'03:37
shawnlnow i cannot sudo03:37
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shawnland i lost my sound03:37
gharzRandolphCarter, just another user... not sudo03:37
RandolphCarterWarbo: in that case, run xhost +03:37
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webdesignerigge: Oh, its you drive?03:37
RandolphCartergharz: ack, in that case, run 'xhost +' (as yourself)03:37
gharzdo i need to run 'xhost +'?03:37
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WarboAlfred_: They are both really the same, but Apple cannot get away with what Microsoft do because they are not powerful enough03:38
iggewebdesigner: I mean... yeah.. the drive is broken...03:38
kabtoffeamit, it should work out of the box I think. Do you have a button combination to turn it on?03:38
kabtoffeamit, Fn + something03:38
gharzRandolphCarter, same message03:38
iggewebdesigner: hm could I write the live CD to a partition on my harddisk and boot from it you think?03:38
Some_Personwildman: would i have to disable my perfect AC97?03:38
webdesignerigge: go to http://www.tigerdirect.com and you can get a new drive for $15 - $20.03:38
iiiearsamit -  Did you try the ndiswrapper howto?   ubotu has the link "!wifi"   "!ndiswrapper"   Did anyone else see your question?03:38
wildmanSome_Person: no03:38
wildmanSome_Person: wait :P03:38
webdesignerigge: I'm not sure, I thought of that too03:39
Alfred_RandolphCarter, Warbo: But if it were possible to run Ubuntu on my PowerBook, whitout the touchpad issues (inaqquarecy), I would replace Mac Os X glady with it. :)03:39
wildmanSome_Person: I do have two sound cards on my test machine ;) (And one is SB128 PCI - maybe the same u have there), but didn't try sound under Ubuntu on it yet03:39
gharzRandolphCarter, same error message03:39
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wildmanSome_Person: I can say that both sound cards are being recognized though03:39
webdesignerubuntu: Hello!03:39
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wildmanSome_Person: so, I don't think you'll have to disable anything03:39
freschif i have a couple of identical computers and use netcat to clone partitions from one to all the others, do i have to do something else besides grub-install one the clones?03:39
wildmanSome_Person: one sc is onboard, the other is sb 128 pci03:39
RandolphCartergharz: hmm, if you just ran that as yourself (in a new terminal), that shouldn't happen.  I guess the next thing - run 'echo $DISPLAY' in a new terminal (as yourself)03:39
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TokenBadhas anyone else had problem with the new release just restarting on its on?03:40
Some_Personwildman: do u have to plug the cable to the cd drive in the soundcard?03:40
WarboAlfred_: MacOSX is not that bad as an OS, and it gives you some measure of compatibility so if I had a Mac I probably wouldn't REPLACE MacOSX. Although I would run Linux day-to-day.03:40
iggewebdesigner: yeah I should probably get a new drive.. will probably take less time than figuring out how to get the live cd on to the harddisk03:40
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RandolphCartergharz: if it's anything other than :0.0, make sure you run 'export DISPLAY=*correct display*' as the other user03:40
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wildmanSome_Person: well... CDs have only 1 audio output, so u'll have to connect it to the 'right' sound card03:40
kabtoffeamit, Ndiswrapper would work, but your card is supposed to be supported out of the box. Does it see the card when you type: iwconfig in a terminal03:40
gharzRandolphCarter, i got :0.003:40
webdesignerigge: Yah it would03:40
WarboAlfred_: (mind you, I have only ever used MacOSX in a museum information point so what do I know? :))03:40
Some_Personwildman: i'll just leave it on the AC9703:41
webdesignerDoes anybody know how to get a U3 Flash Drive to work in Ubuntu?03:41
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RandolphCartergharz: :/ that's the only thing I could think of for this, running xhost + should fix any access problems03:41
FuzZyone pb: i'm tryin to resize a windows ntfs partition to create a ext3 and linux-swap partition and I receiva an error. why?03:41
AK7hi all, gots a newb question: I have the 5.10 server installed and I want to upgrade to dapper. How can I edit sources.list from the command line?03:41
QPAD|war-awayonce again, big thank you Jowi for helping me out. Highly appriciated!03:41
FuzZyone pb: i'm tryin to resize a windows ntfs partition to create a ext3 and linux-swap partition and I receiva an error. why?03:41
zxc333I burnt some files to a CD but I can't copy them because I don't have access to read them >_<03:41
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Some_Personwildman: would ubuntu simply recognise it or would i have to do something to make it work?03:42
WarboFuzZy: What kind of error?03:42
FuzZysimply recognise03:42
FuzZycannot create new partition03:42
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Some_PersonFuzZy: whats your problem?03:42
WarboFuzZy: Is this in the Ubuntu installer, GParted, parted or what?03:42
Alfred_Warbo, RandolphCarter: I don't know about that, Warbo, personally I'm pretty tired of OSX, which I never get of Ubuntu :) But it is a good OS, it sure is, it beats Windows that's for sure, but then again, everything does (whoops, being nosey here) :))03:42
giovanhow is de server for users?03:42
giovanin portuguese?03:43
FuzZymanual edit partition tabl03:43
LadyNikonwebdesigner: pls stop yelling03:43
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FuzZymanual edit partition table03:43
Some_Personwebdesigner: NO NO NO NO NO03:43
AK7webdesigner: I beleive U3 is win only03:43
TokenBadhas anyone else had problems with dapper just restarting and going back to the logon screen...even if no one is at the computer...or does anyone know how to fix it?03:44
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WarboFuzZy: Well I would not like to give advice about that, since I even feel uncomfortable doing it when all of the data is right in front of me :)03:44
webdesignerAK7: can I get a crossover03:44
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AK7webdesigner: according to wikipedia, no, or at least not yet03:44
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webdesignerLadyNikon: Sorry03:44
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AK7it's designed for windows only...03:44
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webdesignerAK7: Thank You03:44
ElazarIs there a relatively easy way to get a DNS lookup from a specific nameserver?03:45
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WarboAK7: I find token Linux support funny. I have a device which says "Windows 2000 or higher, MacOSX 10.2 or higher, Linux Kernel or higher"03:45
snoopshey, how can I install amarok 1.4 for 6.06 amd64?03:45
WarboFuzZy: yes?03:45
UpayaviraElazar: host can do it: host mydomain.com ns1.myisp.com03:45
FuzZywhat info is in front of me03:46
FuzZyi tried step by step03:46
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FuzZyand the same error03:46
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Some_PersonI have hardly anything that works with linux03:46
ElazarUpayavira: Awesome! Thank you! :D03:46
FuzZycannot create partition03:46
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webdesignerHi billybennett03:46
AK7so can someone help me with sources.list? the howto doesn't cover server systems...03:46
sirius_krI got a Creative ZG 7.1 card anyone recommend a good driver project ?03:46
Upayaviraanyone know if firewire is supposed to work with Dapper? Just plugged in firewire HDD and it didn't autodetect.03:46
webdesignerHi amgad03:46
WarboFuzZy: I would not feel comfortable offering you advice or instructions because I may end up trashing your drive and I would not like that responsibility03:46
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webdesignerHi danial03:47
FuzZyi understand03:47
amgadhello webdesigner03:47
danialHello, anyone here know if there is a way to get flash 8 working on ubuntu?03:47
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sirius_krdanial have you tryed wine ?03:47
Warbodanial: Install WINE and install Windows Firefox in it03:47
Alfred_Warbo, RandolphCarter: Okay RandolphCarter, all done. Now all I have to do is reactivating Firestarter, and perform a reboot. see you in 1 minute :)03:47
danialA search around the flash website returned null on flash 803:47
|rt|FuzZy: if you have another drive that's larger you can use dd to dump it to a file on the other disk03:47
webdesignerHi SlicerDicer03:47
=== Chu [n=randomch@cpe-66-74-195-151.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
sirius_krI got a Creative ZG 7.1 card anyone recommend a good driver project ?03:47
webdesignerHi Chu03:47
RandolphCarterAlfred_: make sure you put a good resolv.conf at /etc/resolv.good too03:47
danialWarbo, sirius_kr: Wouldn't that run like crap?03:47
Some_PersonI have a game that says "Windows 95, 98, 2000, or XP; Mac OS 8.1 or higher; Linux Kernel 2.xx.xx"03:48
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wildmanSome_Person: sorry, was checking out on FIFA opening ;)03:48
Warbodanial: "sudo apt-get install wine" then get the Windows Firefox from getfirefox.com03:48
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webdesignerHi mikelds03:48
wildmanSome_Person: euh... it should be automatically detected03:48
AK7daniel: http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/webforums/forum/messageview.cfm?catid=194&threadid=1120980&enterthread=y03:48
webdesignerHi noiesmo03:48
mikeldsHi webdesigner03:48
webdesignerHi green_earz03:48
danialWarbo: I have wine installed, but just not firefox or flash on it.03:48
wildmanSome_Person: however, cannot help you further cuz it's been a long time since I don't play with the test machine and its two sound cards ;)03:48
noiesmohi webdesigner03:48
sirius_krdanial: http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_flash_player03:48
Warbodanial: Not really. That is what is suprising about no Flash 8 port for Linux, the fact that the Windows one works well in WINE so surely it would be easy (they are skipping Flash 8 for Linux and going straight on to Flash 8.5/9)03:49
ubotuit has been said that irc is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage or have a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat03:49
Some_Personi'm guessing i just plug it into the PCI port03:49
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wildmanSome_Person: all I remember is I had to alias sound_slot0 (or something like that) to the module of the sc I wanted to be the 'default' one (on Mandriva)03:49
wildmanSome_Person: needless to say: yes, with the machine turned off ;)03:49
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webdesignerHi tr00st03:49
webdesignerHi der_daniel03:49
Some_Personthen (hopefully) ubuntu will just magically make it work03:49
FuzZyagain same pb03:50
WarboDoes anyone know how to stop WINE from looking like crap? Supposedly you can have themes for windows which you can install, but they never work.03:50
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wildmanSome_Person: yes03:50
Some_Personmaybe wincrap too03:50
FuzZyrt are you there?03:50
webdesignerHi endwin03:50
freschWarbo, you have to edit some of the registry files03:50
Warbofresch: Dammit :)03:50
freschWarbo, then you can change colors03:50
Warbofresch: Give me text-based configs anyday03:50
Some_PersonWINE does look bad03:50
Some_PersonMy IRC client is WINE+mIRC03:51
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wildmanWarbo: yeah, one of the niceties of non-MS OSes ;)03:51
freschWarbo, wine's registry is text-based iirc03:51
elkbuntuwine looks bad to remind us why we're not using windows ;)03:51
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iiiearsAK7 - You are recieving an error using the Ubuntu install disk to resize an NTFS partition?03:51
Alfred_this is what i did: editet /etc/resolv.conf into what it is supposed to contain. opened SHELL, and typed: cp /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf.good. performed a mv /home/alfred/Desktop/fix-hosts /etc/network/if-up.d/ . And finished it all by doning: sudo chown root:root /etc/network/if-up.d/fix-hosts; sudo chmod 755 /etc/network/if-up.d/fix-hosts03:51
Some_PersonWINE lets me run my Windows-Only games03:51
scudhow do you make your system use a global http proxy setting? ie, update manager and etc03:51
Warbofresch: There is actually a special entry in winecfg for themes I think, but I don't know how to use it :(03:51
wildmanfresch: the real registry is binary03:51
wildmanfresch: dunno about wine's though03:52
freschWarbo, no kidding? i never bothered that far03:52
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tubbiehow do u change the term font size?03:52
AK7iiiears: no...03:52
freschwildman, that's waht i was saying, wines registry is text-based03:52
Alfred_RandolphCarter,  this is what i did: editet /etc/resolv.conf into what it is supposed to contain. opened SHELL, and typed: cp /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf.good. performed a mv /home/alfred/Desktop/fix-hosts /etc/network/if-up.d/ . And finished it all by doning: sudo chown root:root /etc/network/if-up.d/fix-hosts; sudo chmod 755 /etc/network/if-up.d/fix-hosts03:52
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Some_Persongo to winecfg>desktop integration03:52
wildmantubbie: by editing its profile (Assuming u r speaking about gnome's)03:52
freschwildman, might as well be binary for all the unintelligeble crap in there03:52
iiiearsscud - Firestarter is a graphical editor for IPTABLES. - worth a try.03:53
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AK7I just don't know how to update sources.list from command line so i can upgrade to dapper server03:53
tubbiewildman, xyerm not gnome-terminal03:53
wildmanfresch: yes, the pb with text config files is that you have to understand them ;)03:53
wildmantubbie: cannot help you then, sorry.03:53
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detectiveinspektI have been watching the memory usage of my ubuntu desktop and it is increasing from anything I do03:53
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AK7detectoveomspekt: use xubuntu :P03:53
to0omwhat can i do against that error: "apache2: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName"?03:53
detectiveinspektclosed everything except xchat still at 700mb03:53
to0omwhen starting apache2?03:54
iiiearsAK7 - Do you know the package anme and the repository to find it?03:54
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wildmanto0om: that's not a 'showstopper' error...03:54
AK7iiiears: huh?03:54
AK7I guess not :P03:54
leonardodo you speek portuguese?03:54
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saquibPlease HELP: I cant find the Shutdown / Restart button in my logout menu! it only has logout, hibernate, lockscreen & switch user! How can I fix this?03:54
wildmanto0om: even more, it's a warning ;)03:54
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to0omi know wildman, but it's kind of annoying03:54
invariantrobcan anybody help me with the glibc error i get when trying to launch xfce4-appfinder in xubuntu? thanks03:54
wildmanto0om: go to apache's config file and define ServerName properly03:55
wildmanto0om: if you made your hostname up (like almost us do) you might also have to add it to /etc/hosts03:55
to0omwhat could that servername be? or what is it for?03:55
Warbofresch: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15396 There you go. They don't seem to work though03:55
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wildmanleonardo: this is an English-speaking channel03:56
Some_PersonWhere do u get WINE themes?03:56
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wildmanleonardo: did you try "#ubuntu-pt" if it existss?03:56
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to0omwildman: what could that servername be? and what is it for?03:56
WarboSome_Person: I think they are Windows themes, but the websites I have tried do not work03:56
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Some_Personwhere do u get them?03:56
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WarboSome_Person: (you took a look at my screenshot above?)03:56
WarboSome_Person: Google :)03:56
WarboSome_Person: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1539603:57
freschWarbo, if i had a good day and wasn't eating just now, i'd install wine and play with it to help you, but i'm eating ;)03:57
saquib>> HELP: I cant find the Shutdown / Restart button in my logout menu! it only has logout, hibernate, lockscreen & switch user! How can I fix this?03:57
iiiearsAK7 - It just occured to me that the server package is an option found on  Ubuntu's install CD. If you add the CD to you sources list using synaptic. (Easy button. - grin) and know the package name you might do it that way03:57
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CokeNCodesaquib use logout ... and hten shutdown03:57
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Some_Personwell, u need to install themes03:57
melodiebye!  :))03:57
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AK7iiiears: Yeah, but I wanted to do a web-upgrade... no biggie, I'm downloading the CD now, I'll just do it that way03:57
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iiiearsAK7 - Okay.03:58
AK7thx though03:58
ZaggynlI'm trying google, but does anyone know a guide on how to set up zones in the ubuntu dapper bind9?03:58
saquibCokeNCode, yeah that's all what Im doing! but it's annoying! cant i do something to add a graphical shutdown/reboot?? :(03:58
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Warbofresch: I was actually drawing some stuff until a mate msnned me about eagle-usb driver. That spurred me to write a guide to it in the Ubuntu Wiki and then I came in here to get some feedback. I really should carry on with my drawing now (seeing that inkscape has fixed the bug I submitted about my objects disappearing :()03:58
wildmanto0om: ServerName should equal the FQDN of the host03:58
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to0omok wildman, thanks03:59
dgmI already have a dual boot system; I'm getting ready to reformat my XP side.  I know it will end up blasting my MBR... is there a quick tool to save that and restore it after XP destroys it?03:59
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viperhi all ive just installed ubuntu-6.06-server - whats the best way to install gnome GUI?03:59
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iiiearsCokeNCode: Can't you add "shutdown -r now" to a launcher? What happens?03:59
Warbodgm: Get a LiveCD and run "grub-install /dev/hda"03:59
wildmanto0om: welcomed.03:59
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to0omdgm: sudo grub-install should help03:59
vinboyanyone know why the Skype gives me this ? --> *** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x08a133f8 ***03:59
freschWarbo, should be installing and configuring squid and squidguard myself. but i can't stop procrastinating =(03:59
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dgmok, duh, I thought it was something like that04:00
zxc333Anyone know how can I can copy stuff of a CD without it saying it's Read only?04:00
invariantrobvinboy: i'm getting a very similar error when launching xfce4-appfinder04:00
orbinviper: install the ubuntu-desktop package04:00
dgmI'm still not used to the idea of a livecd/install on the same disk04:00
viperorbin can that be is that 1 or several packages?04:00
to0ombut i've never tried that dgm, see man grub-install for more details04:00
vinboyinvariantrob: looks like glibc problems04:00
Warbozxc333: CDs are read only. Once you have copied the files you can change their permissions (not like Amiga where you can have read/write files independant of read/write media)04:00
orbinviper: it's a metapackage04:01
trippyskippyhey can anyone who has windows on hda1 and linux on hda2 please pastebin their grub menu.lst for me please?04:01
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orbinviper: it will grab several others04:01
wildmandgm: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, or something like that. check the ubuntu wiki and also 6.06 reviews, it's all there ;)04:01
to0ombut i think it's something like sudo grub-install /dev/hda dgm04:01
dgmyeah it's gotta be close04:01
viperorbin something like apt-get install ubuntu-desktop-package?04:01
zxc333Warbo: When I click copy, and then click paste on my desktop it won't let me as it's read onlly04:01
invariantrobyeah unfortunately i'm pretty clueless on how to fix it04:01
TokenBadhas anyone else had problems with dapper just restarting and going back to the logon screen...even if no one is at the computer...or does anyone know how to fix it?04:01
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gnomefreakviper: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:02
danjahhi, anyone know how to get to telinit 3 - with no X, etc... ( I have tried Ctrl+Alt+F2 / telinit 3 ) but this does not work for me!04:02
orbinviper: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:02
zxc333Warbo: " Can't be copied as I don't have permissions to read it"04:02
iiiearszxc333: Is the CD in the drive? an Image iso? - if you can copy an image to your hard drive makeisof will repacxk it to iso after any changes04:02
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Warbozxc333: That would mean that your Desktop is read only. Try doing it from a terminal ("cp /media/cdrom/files ~/Desktop")04:02
wildmandanjah: you mean not booting in GUI by default?04:02
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danjahYES wildman04:02
viperorbin ill give it a try - thx04:02
wildmandanjah: if so, change /etc/inittab to initdefault 304:02
danialwarbo: Testing wined firefox and flash 8, it does seem to run well04:02
danjahnot by default, just a one off, sorry04:02
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zxc333I just burnt a Cd-rw and want to get the files off it :'(04:02
wildmandanjah: euh...04:03
danialwarbo: but FireFox seems to have rendering problems04:03
danjahi want to install nvidia drivers04:03
Warbodanial: Well you have just been my guinea pig. Now I know it works I'll do it myself :)04:03
wildmandanjah: Ctrl+Alt+Fn, where 1 < n < 6, then init 3 ?04:03
wildmandanjah: ah04:03
danialWarbo: It is really simple, that link shown back a little bit made it really fast04:03
kd35ahello, i got a question, i try to set up a MySQL-server, but it won't work04:03
wildmaninit 3 should work ;)04:03
dgmthanks... here we go...04:03
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zxc333Warbo: Didn't work, said no directory exists04:04
danialWarbo: http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_flash_player04:04
kd35ai can't chacge the root-password04:04
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danjahwill see you shortly!04:04
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ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting04:04
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Warbodanial: If you install the trial version of Flash then you get a stand-alone (and not time-restricted) Flash player. I was trying to get hold of it, but Flash 8 doesn't install well in WINE (Flash MX is fine, but obviously I already have native Flash 7)04:04
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FlyingSquirrel32I'm having trouble mounting an .img file04:05
Warbozxc333: You need to adapt that command to your situation (you can use "ls /directoryname" to list what is in a directory)04:05
tubbiehow do I take a screenshot in terminal?04:05
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WarboFlyingSquirrel32: What format is it? (filesystem)04:05
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tripoxtubbie: import screen.jpg04:05
danjahis there a way to kill X from init 304:05
danialWarbo: Do you know any good way to switch from Linux firefox to windows, without a ton of effort?04:05
optiwinubotu: tell tubbie about terminal04:05
Blue89is there a setting I have to change to allow other computers to send X clients to my display?04:06
iiiearszxc333: Something is wrong. If you absolutely must have the disk image file on your desktop the DD command should do it.04:06
FlyingSquirrel32I formatted it with fdformat /dev/fd0u1722  here's where i got it from: http://www.serverelements.com/naslite.php04:06
optiwintubbie: read message from bot04:06
FlyingSquirrel32Warbo: ^^04:06
danialWarbo: Havent tried installing Flash (The maker).04:06
eugmanHey, can someone give me info for that wine repo for latest version?04:06
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Alfred_RandolphCarter, hi, again, sorry, it didn't work. /etc/resolv.conf is back to what it's not supposed to contain, and my internet connection's lost. So, to logon to Xchat, I had to deactivate Firestarter.04:06
Warbodanial: You could make a script containing "wine firefox" and put it as /usr/local/bin/windowsfirefox" then make a launcher for it (you know how to write scripts, right?)04:06
zxc333iiiears: It's just a CD-RW I burnt, put into cd drive and the image came up on desktop...wouldn't let me copy04:07
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Blue89I can forward clients to a windows machine running X-deep/32 but the same procedure returns failure to open screen on this ubuntu machine's display04:07
Alfred_RandolphCarter, thanks for your help anyways :) You haven't got any other suggestions, have you?04:07
optiwinbruc: go to google.com to find info on homepage about soccor cup04:07
iiiearseugman: try winhq.com they have the latest news on wine04:07
WarboFlyingSquirrel32: So you've tried "sudo mount filename directoryname -t vfat -o loop" yes?04:07
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danialWarbo: I know I could create one to launch Wined FireFox, but It would be boss to have it all within Firefox04:07
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danialWarbo: Perhaps if I used a shortcut extension04:08
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RandolphCarterAlfred_: that's odd, the script should work fine, but there are too many variables I guess :/ disabling Firestarter is probably the best bet04:08
eugmaniiiears, but isn't there a special wine repo that you'd normally get with automatix.04:08
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Warbodanial: Well I've never tried doing it, and my solutions tend to "evolve" as I do them to fix their problems04:08
danialwarbo: This step fails "sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts" when running though that, is it just replacing the fonts to be more like MSs?04:09
TokenBadhas anyone else had problems with dapper just restarting and going back to the logon screen...even if no one is at the computer...or does anyone know how to fix it?04:09
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HohlraumDoes ubuntu have Errata site for updates to dapper?04:09
FlyingSquirrel32Warbo: Says wrong fs type04:09
Alfred_RandolphCarter, yea, mine too. I really don't need it, do I?04:09
danialWarbo: I kinda wanted some way to launch it to the current page I am at in firefox04:09
Warbodanial: That installs the royalty-free base windows fonts. You could do without them by linking Helvetica to Arial, etc. Just that Windows apps expect them to exist as they are the base fonts of windows04:10
ubotuDid you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, optiwin04:10
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RandolphCarterAlfred_: well, probably not really, but it is slightly more risky04:10
WarboFlyingSquirrel32: Try "-t auto"04:10
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iiiearseugman: automatix is a bash script/perl script use a text editor to peek in/04:10
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danfghow can i install a deb package and have all its dependencies automatically handled?04:11
danialWarbo: Ahh, seems that the dapper repositorys are not finding them04:11
erikldoes anyone know a good ssh brute force cracker? (for localhost use)04:11
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Alfred_RandolphCarter, well, how about activating the router's "DoS protection" option, would that help?04:11
RandolphCarterAlfred_: that depends on the router, but yes.  really, if you're behind a router, you're shielded from the net anyway04:11
tritiumdanfg: only with apt-get, aptitude, or synaptic (i.e., the .deb must be in the repositories)04:11
FlyingSquirrel32ioctl: Device Busy  mount: you must specify the filesystem type04:11
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Warbodanial: They are in multiverse, I know that much04:11
gnomefreakdanial: sudo dpkg -i file.deb  but it wont get you the depends you would have to install them seperately04:11
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FlyingSquirrel32Warbo: ^^04:11
iiiearseru\ikl - i don't think we use the word cracking here.04:12
gnomefreakdanial: it all depends on what you want to install04:12
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danfgtritium: it isn't :(04:12
RandolphCarterAlfred_: things like Firestarter are still useful if you don't trust the other Windows machines on the network though, and to block outgoing connections too04:12
tritiumdanfg: which package?04:12
Alfred_RandolphCarter, I am behind a Cnet router, with a firewall /DoS protection feature, which is disabled at the moment.04:12
danfgtritium: keepassx04:12
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FlyingSquirrel32Warbo: One sec, I'll be back in 5 min04:12
erikliiiears: sorry, I need it too check my ssh security04:12
RandolphCarterAlfred_: I know nothing of this router, the manual's your best bet04:12
WarboFlyingSquirrel32: Device busy? I'm going to have to look at this guide....04:12
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danfgtritium: a cross platform password manager04:12
optiwinKaligula: Hi04:12
tritiumdanfg: then I suggest you get its dependencies manually04:12
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danfgtritium: should i get its dependencies with apt-get?04:13
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Alfred_RandolphCarter, yea, but as most other devices, it's manual supports only Win XP, and perhaps Mac Os X if I'm lucky. Linux is just too much to hope for...04:13
tritiumdanfg: if you know what they are, yes04:13
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RandolphCarterAlfred_: it's a Router, your operating system really has absolutely no bearing on it04:14
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RandolphCarterAlfred_: you can skip the parts about configuring your computer, you only need to know how to configure it04:14
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danfgtritium: thanks :)04:14
PupenoHow do I select all the automatically installed packages for removal in Aptitude ?04:14
truz_`24what command line tool can i use to encode raw DV to AVI?04:14
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RandolphCartertruz_`24: ffmpeg04:15
Alfred_RandolphCarter, yea, but the problem I'm experiencing is connected to this Linux Ditro (Dapper). Everything works fine on my PowerBook, and on my baby brother's Win XP-machine.04:15
truz_`24RandolphCarter, thanks.04:15
Alfred_RandolphCarter, how to configure it, you say?04:15
Alfred_RandolphCarter, hmmm....04:15
tritiumdanfg: if you don't know the depends, "dpkg -f <file.deb> Depends"04:15
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RandolphCarterAlfred_: yeah, the firewall and stuff are on the actual router - it should have an HTTP interface04:15
Alfred_RandolphCarter, configruing, like setting it up for the first time with username, passwords, connection type (PPPOE) etc?04:16
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RandolphCarterAlfred_: exactly, if it has firewalling and stuff, it'll be hidden somewhere in that04:16
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TokenBadno one else has had this problem of ubuntu restarting?04:16
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tritiumnot that I've heard of, TokenBad04:17
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Ilokaasuany idea howto get sound working on flash videos ?04:17
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tritiumIlokaasu: are you using an older release such as breezy?04:17
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Ilokaasudapper kubuntu04:17
danfgtritium: heh, it has no Depends specified in the package, but they are listed in the website, and the program won't work if installed04:17
TokenBadtritium: its weird...it just goes back to the the login screen auto...don't matter what I have running or I could have nothing running and it still does it04:17
tritiumit should "just work" on dapper04:17
iiiearsIlokaasu: What version of flash are you using?04:17
tritiumdanfg: sounds like it wasn't packaged very well04:18
Ilokaasuhmm how do i know that ?04:18
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tritiumTokenBad: have you checked any log files under /var/log?04:18
danfgtritium: i agree. it's a good program though, i want to make it work :)04:18
Ilokaasuiiiears: how do i know which version i have ?04:18
tritiumdanfg: hope it does...04:19
tritiumIlokaasu: lsb_release -a04:19
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iiiearsIlokaasu: It is under settings if you right click on it.04:19
tritium(for version of ubuntu, that is)04:19
Alfred_RandolphCarter, well, it has a firewall build in (IP-filter, MAC-filter, Port filter, URL filter Denial Of service and DMZ (what ever this is ;-) ) but all of this is disabled. Should I enable all of it, as a alternative to Firestarter and iptables?04:19
=== Fastly [n=alex@81-86-145-67.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
ddd_the version of muine in the repos depends on gstreamer0.8 is there a way to get one compiled with 10?04:19
danjahhi, i'm still having problems closing X04:19
sirius_When i boot up what ever it use's to try and start my Network Connection does not work i have to boot into linux open up terminal and do a dhclient and then my connection works, how can i make it so it works when it  boots up ?04:19
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RandolphCarterAlfred_: it's your call, this channel's really for help with Ubuntu04:20
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wildmandanjah: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop04:20
tritiumsirius_: your interfaces needs to be set to "auto" in /etc/network/interfaces04:20
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wildmandanjah: to temporarily kill X from the console04:20
sirius_tritium they are04:20
tritiumsirius_: there are also gui tools to accomplish this04:20
danjahwildman (it doesn't worked) tried it04:20
Alfred_RandolphCarter, or should I just go on surfing the net whitout firewall protection since I'm not in direct contact with the web, and therefor somehow protected?04:20
iiiearsIlokaasu: right click on the player "About FlashPlayer"04:20
sirius_tritium what are they called ?04:20
kholerabbiHow do I install a theme for wine (so that apps display properly)??04:20
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wildmandanjah: should work...04:21
danjahwill try again04:21
tritiumsirius_: System->Administration->Networking04:21
wildmananyway, gotta watch TV now ;)04:21
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wildmandanjah: good luck!04:21
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RandolphCarterAlfred_: well, I don't know, I'm not sure what your router does/how it works04:21
chennaituxianAm facing an odd problem, the DNS address for my network which is set to some value, changes to my modem's default address, some 20mins after i connect.... and when it happens my netowrk hangs out04:22
tritiumsirius_: e.g., if your interface is eth0, make sure you have "auto eth0" before the "iface eth0 inet dhcp" line04:22
RandolphCarterAlfred_: generally though, with GNU/Linux, BSD and friends, you're fairly safe so long as you don't run anything like mysql or ssh04:22
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tritiumchennaituxian: Qwest DSL Actiontec modem?04:22
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_roman_hi all! I installed dapper on a via epia ME 600 and it works great. The onl yhting ist that hibernate does not work due to the fact that pse is not supported by the cpu. So i want to install Swsuspend2 as there is people reporting that it is working on via cpus. Is there someone who did a kernel package? Or what Kernel version should i use? Should i patch the standard dapper kernel with an...04:23
_roman_...old suspend2 or rather take a new 2.6.16 kernel? anyone tried?04:23
Ilokaasu--iiiears: my flash version is 7....04:23
chennaituxiantritium: UT-320004:23
tritiumchennaituxian: okay, that has a know DNS problem.  Anyway, you can probably workaround by prepending the proper DNS servers in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf04:23
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TokenBadtritium: I see some stuff in one about gconf server not in use and it shutting down...not sure if that means system or not though04:24
chennaituxiantritium: ok i wil try04:24
tritiumchennaituxian: "man dhclient.conf" for more details04:24
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tritiumTokenBad: no, that's normal04:24
Alfred_RandolphCarter, good to know! :) I guess I'll activate DoS-protection, and cross my fingers till the day hackers stop hacking (hehe uhh....)04:24
TokenBadtritium: any idea what log file I should look in?04:25
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tritiumTokenBad: if X is shutting down, check /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:25
chennaituxiantritium: where to add the DNS address ?04:25
tritiumchennaituxian: in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient/conf04:25
_roman_There is suspend2-2.2-rc16-for- and suspend2-2.2-rc16-for-2.6.15.tar.bz2 but the dapper kenrel says it is 2.6.15-23 - Wchich one of these patches could work? - Or should i rather install 2.6.16?04:25
tritiumdhclient.conf, rather04:25
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tritium_roman_: you don't need patches04:25
ubehey guys04:25
_roman_trtium: well way?04:26
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iiiearsIlokaasu - I haven't seen this problem before so bear with me. Do you think there might be two different codecs assigned to play the audio? (Flashplayer 7 from th adobe site works okay for me. mozilla-flash may be different.)04:26
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tritium_roman_: way?04:26
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tritiumchennaituxian: read that manpage I gave you, and it should clear it up for you04:26
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Subiiiears, i find all audio in flash unsyncs.04:26
tritium_roman_: because ubuntu kernels have had suspend/hibernate working for quite some time04:27
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_roman_tritium: the ubuntu kernel has only swsusp 1 - am i correct?04:27
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iiiearsSub - True. but it plays. - shrug. - anyone else seen this before?04:27
_roman_and it depends on pse which is not present in the via cpus04:27
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danjahokay, i can now kill X, but i have a new problem, I need to remove gcc 404:27
snoopsanyone able to help in getting my other buttons working on my logitech mx1000?04:27
jkl-in which file is $DELAYLOGIN originaly set?04:27
tritium_roman_: if your particular laptop is not "whitelisted", then you'll need to check /etc/default/acpi-support, and uncomment line 204:27
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Subiiiears, normally the firefox sound processor.04:28
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_roman_tritium: its a via epia board...04:28
Subyou can change it in about:condif.04:28
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TokenBadtritium: don't see anything in it about it restarting...this is so frustrating..heheh04:28
mumbles-laptopstill at work experiance and bored04:28
tritium_roman_: try editing the line I suggested and rebooting04:28
tritiumTokenBad: any more info you could give me?04:28
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iiiearsSub - Is there an easy way to tell if the Adobe flash player is installed not mozilla-flash?04:29
hawkIn general, should one look at the maintainer or who has "signed" the changelog entries? (The maintainer for the package, in this case firefox, is an @debian.org address. Does this mean that he is in fact the maintainer of the Ubuntu packages too? Or are the Maintainer fields in Ubuntu's packages just broken?)04:29
dylan_is there any way to install dapper in text mode?04:29
TokenBadtritium: found this: AUDIT: Thu Jun  8 19:49:15 2006: 7953 X: client 2 rejected from local host04:29
Subiiiears, update-alternatives maybe?04:29
padonakcould somebody help me with dns server setup and config?04:29
tritiumdylan_: with the server install CD04:29
Subi gotta go anyway04:29
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_roman_tritium: if i do /etc/acpi/hibernate it doesnt stop and if i do echo "4" > &prco&acpi&sleep then is sazs that it doesnt work because pse is not supported bz the cpu04:29
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iiiearsSub - Ok.04:29
kabtoffedylan_, alternate install cd04:29
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_roman_tritium: well ill try04:29
tritium_roman_: ok04:30
Panda-hey, im trying to install amsn from the "Add applications04:30
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dylan_tritium, but then i dont have a good video driver.  you see, my laptop's video card is only 4mb, and when i select install in safe graphics mode, it goes wonky because the graphics are limited.  however, i cannot install with the regular mode, either.  how do i find the right driver?04:30
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sirius__Alright and is there any good guides into setting up ATI x800 Fglrx driver cause im not having any luck04:30
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Panda-" menu, but it's asking for the cd in /cdrom, thing is... i don't have a dvd-drive, but im trying to share it from my other computer04:30
danjahcould somebody help me to remove gcc4 please?04:31
Panda-how do I mount the shared folder in /cdrom?04:31
dylan_kabtoffe, what does that do?04:31
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Panda-or change the location of the install04:31
chennaituxiantritium: that file is too complex04:31
freddyubuntuI am using dapper ,  I want to upgare Firefox.... I used to do it with "gksudo firefox" and then click on "check for updates"04:31
raptros-v76danjah: dont.  things depend on it04:31
hyphenatedPanda-: you should remove that line from your "sources.list" so it downloads updates and so on from the internet04:31
freddyubuntubut now in dapper , the Check for updates is not accesabble04:31
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freddyubuntuhow to upgrade firefox in dapper?04:31
danjahraptros, thats my problem ;)04:32
kabtoffedylan_, It's the same as the old installer from breezy. A textinstall, installs the full desktop system04:32
Panda-hyphenated; how do you do so?04:32
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danjahi need to go back to 3.404:32
tritiumdylan_: huh?04:32
dylan_kabtoffe, thank you.  where can i get this.04:32
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raptros-v76danjah: they dont conflict04:32
tritiumchennaituxian: you just need to add one line04:32
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raptros-v76danjah: what do you need it for?04:32
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danjahnvidia install04:32
kabtoffedylan_, same place as the desktop cds.04:32
kbrosnanfreddyubuntu, type about: in the address bar is the word ubuntu anywhere on that page?04:32
dylan_kabtoffe, and it does the same thing, just in text mode?04:32
kabtoffedylan_, jupp04:33
ubuntunewbieuserhello. im installing ubuntu on my laptop. it has 2GB of RAM. do i really need a swap partition?04:33
raptros-v76danjah: theres already binary drivers for every kernel version for nvidia04:33
dylan_kabtoffe, thank you so much04:33
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kabtoffedylan_, You're welcome04:33
tritiumubuntunewbieuser: if you want to hibernate, yes04:33
TigerWolfubuntunewbieuser: no you dont04:33
tritiumIf you don't setup swap, don't try to hibernate, then04:33
danjahraptros-v76: is this different to how i'd install with fedora04:33
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raptros-v76danjah: look for linux-restricted-modiules04:33
Panda-hyphenated; how do i find which line to edit?04:33
raptros-v76wait what?04:34
danjahi have that04:34
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danjahwith fedora, nvidia install is done through init 304:34
tritiumdanjah: do you have nvidia-glx installed?04:34
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ubuntunewbieuserTigerWolf: even if i want to hibernate i dont need it:04:34
raptros-v76and did you configure your /etc/X11/xorg.conf?04:34
hyphenatedPanda-: you can do it via synaptic (the GUI tool you're using) but I am a command-line freak so I can't tell you where to click04:34
FlyingSquirrel32Warbo: Are you still there?04:34
tritiumubuntunewbieuser: no, I told you that you _do_ need it if you want to hibernate04:34
_roman_tritium: well i now opened acpi/support and hibernate (what i want to do) is allready set to true - so shouldnt it work?04:34
danjahraptros-v76 there are a few things that i need to change to xorg.conf04:35
ubuntunewbieusertritium: how much do i need to hibernate my laptop04:35
tritium_roman_: yes, it should04:35
WarboFlyingSquirrel32: Yes. I couldn't get that page to load04:35
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_roman_well id doesnt04:35
Panda-hyphenated: how'd you do it via the terminal then :P?04:35
tritiumubuntunewbieuser: as much as your RAM to be safe04:35
_roman_tritium: couldnt it be the pse issue?04:35
danjahis nvidia-glx all i need for NV520004:35
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tritiumdanjah: did you follow the wiki page?04:35
raptros-v76well, do (with root) nvidia-glx-config enable04:35
ubuntunewbieusertritium: 2GB04:35
tritium!tell danjah about nvidia04:35
hyphenatedPanda-: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list04:35
ubuntunewbieusertritium: is it:04:35
tritiumubuntunewbieuser: okay, then04:35
ubuntunewbieusertritium: jesus..04:35
mlancpardon: it is possible tu setup 2nd monitor on dapper?04:36
ubuntunewbieusertritium: are u sure04:36
tritiumubuntunewbieuser: yes04:36
hyphenatedPanda-: the first line probably says blahblah cdrom blahblah04:36
raptros-v76mlanc: yes04:36
yanishow can I install ubuntu 6.06 without loading 'live'04:36
raptros-v76give me a sec and ill give you a link04:36
hyphenatedPanda-: put a # at the beginning of that line04:36
_roman_tritium: isnt the swsuspend included in the dapper kernel swsusp 1?04:36
tritiumubuntunewbieuser: state gets saved to the swap partition in hibernate04:36
ubuntunewbieusertritium: people told me that 512 would be enough04:36
yanisI mean install it though a text user interface04:36
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tritium_roman_: I'm not familiar with the pse issue04:36
Panda-hyphenated; i'll try, thanks04:36
mlanci use gnome, what i can do for 2nd monitor?04:36
tritiumubuntunewbieuser: they weren't thinking about hibernating04:36
Frogzooubuntunewbieuser: ram + swap in use gets compressed - so 512 might be enough, maybe04:36
hyphenatedPanda-: afterward, you need to tell it to update again before trying to install amsn04:37
_roman_tritium: is there a hardware db somewhere where i can find if other people had sucess using hibernate on epia boards with ubuntu?04:37
iiiearsdanjh - and nvidia-settings also?04:37
raptros-v76mlanc: monitors are dealt with by X04:37
ubotusomebody said hardware was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport04:37
Frogzoo_roman_: check the laptop pages04:37
ubuntunewbieuserFrogzoo: so with 512mb of ram i will be able to hibernate, right04:37
ubotuI heard laptop is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops or http://www.linux-laptop.net/ or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam, or tuxmobil.org04:37
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_roman_or do you know of a way to get swsusp2 running on dapper?04:37
danjah X configuration has been altered :  X configuration has been altered04:37
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_roman_Frogzoo: where are they?04:38
Frogzooubuntunewbieuser: depends entirely on how much memory is in use at the time04:38
CyborgHello every04:38
madehello all04:38
Frogzoo_roman_: look up ^^^04:38
mlancusing kde is much easier to setup 2nd monitor!04:38
tritiumubuntunewbieuser: you can't guarantee that 512 is enough04:38
madeI'm having trouble with gDesklets....04:38
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_roman_Frogzoo: nice bot04:38
ubuntunewbieusertritium: what about 1gb:04:38
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Cyborgi wanna ask a question that what is ubuntu-desktop04:38
raptros-v76danjah: did it change the xorg.conf04:38
ubotuthanks frogzoo :)04:38
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tritiumCyborg: a meta-package for the default gnome desktop env. in ubuntu04:39
_roman_Frogzoo: the problem is its not laptop its an epia board04:39
danjah raptros-v76: script couldnot proceed04:39
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hawkubuntunewbieuser: As people have said, if you want to be safe, use 2 GB for swap... (You probably have enough disk space for that not to be an issue anyway.)04:39
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Frogzoo_roman_: ah, my bad04:39
danfgdo you guys know of any program like KeyNote (http://www.tranglos.com/free/keynote.html) for Linux? it's basically for keeping many notes, hierarchically organized, RTF editor, etc.04:39
tritiumdanfg: Tomboy04:39
ubotusomebody said hardware was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport04:39
raptros-v76danjah: shoot. give me a sec04:39
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lerelelehi! I've got two soundcards in my computer and i am wondering about how to set the good one as default in esd and alsa04:40
danjah raptros-v76: Thanks04:40
tritiumdanjah: how are you setting up nvidia?  with ubuntu package, I hope?04:40
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danjahyeah, synaptic04:40
Frogzoolerelele: sys -> prefs -> sound -> default sound card04:40
tritiumdanjah: where are you running into problems?04:40
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lereleleFrogzoo: that only works in esd and in the user session04:40
tom1502i am looking for help with SMB share...04:40
ompaulQuestion      is there an oss replacement for jira?04:41
FlyingSquirrel32Warbo: www.serverelements.com/ The product is NASLite, its like a live floppy that makes your machine a file server04:41
ubuntunewbieusertritium: at the moment that i would like to hibernate i just need to make sure that im note using more that 1gb of ram to be safe right?04:41
_roman_Frogzoo: no docs / sad but ture / though dapper really rocks on via epia - the dri and mpeg2 accelleration work out of the box - something i didnt get running on debian in weeks...04:41
danfgtritium: awesome, thanks :)04:41
tom1502i want to share the folder /media/shares... ok ive done this, but where can i set which user must be entered to access this folder?04:41
raptros-v76danjah: open up your xorg.conf so you can edit it04:41
ubuntunewbieuserhawk: i think it is too much04:41
tritiumubuntunewbieuser: are you hard drive space constrained?04:41
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ubuntunewbieusertritium: ya04:41
tom1502with user i mean username+password on remote machine to access folder04:41
danfgtom1502: how are you sharing it?04:41
danjah(I would like to install the driver from nvidia website, like i have done with a million linux flavours, the problem is now with the gcc 4, because the nvidia kernel won't install with it, i want to remove it without taking away the dependancies04:41
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FlyingSquirrel32Warbo: I want to mount it so I can hopefully teak things, namely the gateway.04:42
danfginma: oi04:42
_roman_well anyone git an idea on how to install swsusp2 on dapper - couldnt find docs concerning this eiather04:42
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tom1502danfg, how? SMB04:42
tritiumubuntunewbieuser: again, one cannot predict exactly, so I will give you no guarantees04:42
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Subdanfg, why not jus downgrade gcc?04:42
tritium_roman_: what makes you think it's not already using it?04:42
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raptros-v76mlanc: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NvidiaTVOut04:42
danjah raptros-v76: yep04:42
danfgtom1502: look into smb configuration for authentication04:43
mengdanjah: tried the driver from universe?04:43
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danfgSub: ??04:43
tom1502danfg where do i find this04:43
ubuntunewbieusertritium: could i predict it exactly just by checking how much of ram im using before try to hibernate?04:43
tritiumdanjah: you _don't_ want to use an nvidia download when there's an ubuntu package...04:43
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Subdanfg, why does it not like gcc4?04:43
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tritiumubuntunewbieuser: maybe04:43
danjahohh sorry, have always done it the nvidia way with other distros04:43
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_roman_tritium: http://packages.ubuntu.com/breezy/utils/hibernate - sazs susp2 needs a seperate kernel patch - its not stable so its ok thats not included in the standard kernel04:44
raptros-v76ok now check the section "module". does it say Load "glx" and Load "nvidia"04:44
tritiumdanjah: yeah, but this way, you'll have the nvidia stuff under proper package management04:44
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danfgtom1502: www.samba.org, also, ask in #samba04:44
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hastesaverdvd isn't in any of the official repos? should I use seveas?04:44
tritium_roman_: don't use that hibernate package04:44
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danfgSub: no idea what you're talking about, wrong person04:44
tritium_roman_: hibernate is built into the kernel04:44
danjah(misses yum)04:44
tom1502danfg, ok there is no caonfiguration gui?04:44
_roman_tritium: why?04:44
menghastesavers: go look at PLF repos04:44
tritium_roman_: hibernate is built into the kernel04:45
TokenBadtritium: found this: AUDIT: Thu Jun  8 19:49:15 2006: 7953 X: client 2 rejected from local host04:45
ubuntunewbieusertritium: i will just use it to program and browse the web.. i wont use 2gb of ram so i think 1gb will be enough04:45
raptros-v76danjah: then for the section "Device"  make sure the driver is nvidia04:45
Specubuntulog: you can do free -m, but you really should have 2gigs of swap for 2 gigs of ram for safe hibernation, as far as i know04:45
_roman_tritium: well but it does not work on via epia04:45
_roman_so ill have to install susp204:45
tritiumTokenBad: hmm, you have two instances running?04:45
Specubuntunewbieuser: ^^04:45
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ubuntunewbieuserSpec: ?04:45
kholerabbiMy apps under wine run really slow, is there a way to fix this..?04:45
danfgtom1502: i'm no ubuntu expert, there might be one, but i don't think so afaik04:45
Specubuntunewbieuser: you can do free -m, but you really should have 2gigs of swap for 2 gigs of ram for safe hibernation, as far as i know04:45
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Specubuntunewbieuser: free -m shows your memory usage04:46
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mattikooI solved the adobe reader problem with firefox and mozplugger04:46
mengkholerabbi: find out about using windows 98's files in wine04:46
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mengor else just dual boot windows and ubuntu04:46
_roman_tritium: most cpus have a feature called pse that supend in the standard kernel relies on  - but it does not exit on via cpus04:46
kholerabbi..My wine is setup to run xp?04:46
raptros-v76danjah: im not sure what this does, but: Option "NvAGP" "1"04:46
TokenBadtritium: shouldn't...unless it is doing the other instances when it does the restarts04:46
ubehow do i load nvidia drivers right after install?04:46
danjah raptros-v76: there is no "nvidia" however "glx" exists in "modules"04:46
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jabraI needs docs on building a ubuntu mirror04:47
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ubegui doesnt work04:47
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FlyingSquirrel32<tom1502>check out ubuntuguide.org, I don't normally recommend them, but i recall some good directions for what you want to do04:47
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mengkholerabbi: i vaguely remembered that wine can use the original windows 98 files to run it04:47
tritium!tell ube about nvidia04:47
hawkNo one here who knows if the Maintainer field in Ubuntu packages should be correct (not thinking about universe here) or if it is for some reason kept intact from the original Debian packages?04:47
raptros-v76yeah, well, you do have the linux restricted modules installed package installed, right?04:47
ubuntunewbieuserSpec: what do u think about it? do u agree that 1gb of swap will be enough?04:47
comptonHi guys04:47
danjahthey are installed04:47
tritiumhawk: what do you mean by "correct"?04:47
raptros-v76then just put it there04:47
kholerabbimeng: Oh, I think I understand, I'll check soem more about that04:47
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Sububuntunewbieuser, how much ram u got?04:48
Specubuntunewbieuser: I really don't know....linux wants to use all your ram so it's faster, and it'll want to write all that ram into your swap if you hibernate...and if you're swap < total ram....04:48
raptros-v76basically put in the stuff i told you04:48
comptonI need to find a program that will use msn pc - pc phone04:48
haydento do a dist upgrade do i just need to change all occurences of 'breezy' to 'dapper' in /etc/apt/sources.list then $ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  ?04:48
tritiumdanjah: are you having problems?  Is the kernel module loaded?04:48
Howdy125Flash drive worked a few times then stopped working .. the light just flashes .. it works again after reinstalling Ubuntu then stops again .. any ideas ?04:48
Specerrr, bah, bad grammar04:48
ubuntunewbieuserSub: 2gb04:48
FrogzooSpec: it compresses ram b4 hibernating - so zeros get scrubbed04:48
hawktritium: If I contact the person that the maintainer field on an ubuntu package says about an ubuntu specific problem with the package, will I be flamed to death or not?04:48
Sububuntunewbieuser, if i was you : swap = ram , under 1GB of RAM swap 2x the ram04:48
danjahthanks for the info - i will find a way04:48
tritiumhawk: possibly.  Which package?04:49
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hawktritium: firefox04:49
Specso there is compression for hiberation...but how much? :p04:49
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tritiumhawk: what's the issue?04:49
tritiumhawk: you're better off filing a bug, rather than contacting the maintainer04:49
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comptonskype doesnt work and linphone as well04:49
iggeI have just installed dapper and I have some problems with the sound04:49
Specis it possible to hibernate to a file, instead of swap space?04:49
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iggei.e. I can't hear anything... :(04:50
FrogzooSpec: I believe that's configurabe - somewhere...04:50
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raptros-v76mlanc: you still around?04:50
tritiumSpec: yes, but that's not supported yet in ubuntu04:50
Speceh, neither is captive-ntfs :p04:50
iggeany ideas where I should start troubleshooting?04:50
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Specigge: run a mixer and make sure your sound isn't muted04:50
ubewhats your sound card04:51
dumdidumaccording to gentoo wiki the issue with screen turning white on loading compiz should be solved since cvs from march - clearly it's not04:51
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comptoncan some body help me!04:51
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hawktritium: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/46144/+index  I already have, but I would like to ask the Ubuntu maintainer a few things about the ubuntu specific patches that are applied (for instance, if they are available in some other form than the _HUGE_ diff file with all patches concatenated)04:51
dumdidumanyone has experiences with Xgl + compiz?04:51
iggeube: my sound card is "Intel ICH6" (that's what it says in alsamixer)04:51
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? </hint>04:51
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tritiumhawk: diff files are standard for patches04:52
mengdumdidum: see the ubuntu wikis first04:52
Specigge: sudo modprobe snd-intel8x0; then run the command: alsamixer and make sure everything is unmuted and turned up04:52
rafiui'm trying to install 6.0604:52
danfgtritium: just curious, what do you use for password management?04:52
dumdidummeng: i did already look for that04:52
rafiuand it seems to want to rearrange my partition table04:52
tritiumdanfg: nothing04:52
comptonVoip questions: What program should I use ?04:52
rafiuand i'm afraid cos i don't want it to wipe out my data04:52
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comptonCan you see me guys04:52
danfgtritium: heh, ok04:52
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Fraeoncompton, no04:52
mengcompton: best bet is to wait for Gaim 2 + MSN Voice support04:52
kevinWell, I must go get coffee..See you all later.04:52
hawktritium: I didn't mean "non diff format", I meant if they are available as separate files with even remotely descriptive file names...04:52
dumdidummeng: i read several ubuntu forum entries but none of them handles this issue04:52
tritiumdanfg: It's all up here...04:52
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=== tritium points to his head
iggeSpec: hm... what is "everything" ?04:53
ubehey guys whats the best way to totally wipe hard drive without destroying it04:53
rafiudoes ubuntu automatically delete partitions even when you go to manual partition mode?04:53
tritiumube: dban04:53
Specigge: PCM, Master04:53
Hobbseeube: install windows.04:53
dumdidummeng: do you know anything about that?04:53
hawkrafiu: Shouldn't do, no...04:53
mengcompton:else, i am pretty sure you still use windows?04:53
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ubewhat is dban04:53
=== tritium sends Hobbsee virtual flowers
iggeSpec: I had a similar problem before and there was something I had to swap in alsamixer.. don't remember exactly04:53
rafiuhawk: but it's rearranged the partitions04:53
Hobbseehehe thankyou tritium04:53
comptonyeah but i want to get rid of it04:53
iggeSpec: does this sound familiar to you?04:53
rafiumy parts are like04:53
Specube: dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hda bs=102404:53
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mengdumdidum: happy the way it is now, i've tried the korrora live cd too04:53
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tritiumube: darik's boot and nuke04:53
Frogzooube: 'sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=1000000'                 all your data belong /dev/null04:53
Specigge: what do you mean by swap?04:54
rafiusdb2 already has data04:54
Hobbseetritium: couldnt help it, hehe04:54
dumdidummeng: so this is a NO04:54
SpecFrogzoo: i beat you! and random is sexier :p04:54
Svigi_wlanand slower:D04:54
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rafiubut there's unallocated space after sdb204:54
mengdumdidum: nein rather04:54
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tritiumHobbsee: about installing windows?  :D04:54
Svigi_wlancan I remove a package from an ubuntu-server system without deleting ubuntu-standard package?04:54
iggeSpec: it was something with surround... like swaping front and back channels or something04:54
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FrogzooSpec: bs is a bit low hmmm?04:54
Hobbseetritium: yeah - to destroy the harddrive04:54
rafiuanyone here know about paritioning in ubuntu?04:54
psaikidoso, can anyone suggest a client i can use on an xp machine to view and use the ubuntu desktop on another machine?04:54
comptonmumble are you bernard by any chance04:54
SpecFrogzoo: perhaps, will it just take longer?04:54
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iggespec: don't remember exactly, someone here told me to do it.. (i should have written it down)04:55
danfgtritium: have you tried password managers before? do you have something against them?04:55
FrogzooSpec: yep, much longer04:55
hawktritium: Did you understand what I was after? I mean, the maintainer ought to have the patches separated to be able to keep things even remotely maintainable, right?04:55
mengpsaikido: VNC04:55
axisyshow do I reconfigure my X?04:55
psaikidovnc - thanks!04:55
tritiumdanfg: no, I've not tried them before.  I just don't feel the need for one, that's all.04:55
SpecFrogzoo: well, if you really wanted to take a long time doing it, /dev/random would help increase the time you can use to make brownies :)04:55
tritiumhawk: yes, I understand.04:55
raptros-v76axisys: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:55
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danfgtritium: i see, so you always use the same password over and over for everything? :)04:55
Specigge: swapping front and back channels? hmmm, i have no clue, I guess i'm gonna suggest to look at the alsa wiki04:55
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Kozuchhikenboot, after upgrade from flight5 to dapper final i get no damn sound. Ubuntuforums.org ignore dapper sound threads, anyone knows a solution?04:55
axisysraptros-v76: reconfigure .. not modify the xorg04:55
Kozuchhikenboot, after upgrade from flight5 to dapper final i get no damn sound. Ubuntuforums.org ignore dapper sound threads, anyone knows a solution?04:56
axisysreconfigure as if ubuntu just found my display04:56
raptros-v76... it says how to do that at the top of the xorg.conf04:56
mengKozuch: stop repeating04:56
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axisysraptros-v76: let me check04:56
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tritiumdanfg: no, not that either ;)04:56
Kozuchhikenboot, after upgrade from flight5 to dapper final i get no damn sound. Ubuntuforums.org ignore dapper sound threads, anyone knows a solution?hi, after upgrade from flight5 to dapper final i get no damn sound. Ubuntuforums.org ignore dapper sound threads, anyone knows a solution?hi, after upgrade from flight5 to dapper final i get no damn sound. Ubuntuforums.org ignore dapper sound threads, anyone knows a solution?hi, after upgrade from flight504:56
Kozuch to dapper final i get no damn sound. Ubuntuforums.org ignore dapper sound threads, anyone knows a solution?hi, after upgrade from flight5 to dapper final i get no damn sound. Ubuntuforums.org ignore dapper sound threads, anyone knows a solution?hi, after upgrade from flight5 to dapper final i get no damn sound. Ubuntuforums.org ignore dapper sound threads, anyone knows a solution?hi, after upgrade from flight5 to dapper final i get no damn sound.04:56
Kozuch Ubuntuforums.org ignore dapper sound threads, anyone knows a solution?hi, after upgrade from flight5 to dapper final i get no damn sound. Ubuntuforums.org ignore dapper sound threads, anyone knows a solution?hi, after upgrade from flight5 to dapper final i get no damn sound. Ubuntuforums.org ignore dapper sound threads, anyone knows a solution?hi, after upgrade from flight5 to dapper final i get no damn sound. Ubuntuforums.org ignore dapper sound04:56
Specigge: http://alsa.opensrc.org/04:56
iggespec: there is something called "Exchange Center/LFE [Off] "... but I can't change it...04:56
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FrogzooKozuch: bye bye04:56
iggespec: ok will have a loog04:56
gizmo_the_great1I have Americas Army installed. I want to uninstall it so that I can then re-install to see if it gets rid of a problem I am having. How do I uninstall?04:57
Specrm -rf /04:57
Specoops, wrong window.04:57
tritiumSpec: yeah, definitely wrong window04:57
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menggizmo_the_great1: M16 ya PC down, for sure it would go away04:58
=== panda__ [n=bobo@HSE-London-ppp3509429.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
raptros-v76rm -rf / will uninstall everything04:58
CinIf your X.org 7 crashes randomly on Dapper -- slowing down till a stop, what would you look for to find the reason for the crash?04:58
Alethesanybody know of a way to force applications into the systray with gnome?04:58
raptros-v76there are many factors04:58
=== wolf [n=wolf@231.Red-83-34-178.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Aletheskde has a menu option for this04:58
tritiumCin: look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:58
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raptros-v76gnome and kde are two different creatures04:58
danfgtritium: ok, last guess: you have like a little recipe to create your passwords based on the account/site name, like, for someforum.com, you type in a password like 50m3f0rum.c0m heh04:58
gizmo_the_great1raptros-v76: would rm -r 'application_name' or something work?04:58
SpecCin: the first thing I would do would be read logs....then, if that's useless, run a memory checker04:58
hawktritium: I think I'll simply go for the guy who makes all the Ubuntu changelog entries...04:59
tritiumdanfg: no, I just have a photographic memory04:59
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mengAlethesyou traitor04:59
gizmo_the_great1raptros-v76: thought rm was to delete04:59
Alethestraitor? heh04:59
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tritiumhawk: there you go, good approach04:59
danfgtritium: lucky you :)04:59
menggizmo_the_great1: rm -r is for rpm systems04:59
raptros-v76gizmo_the_great1: yes. but iwas makign a joke04:59
guillem101since I installed kubuntu-desktop package, et al., my boot splash screen says "kubuntu" and it is blue. Despite the upgrading to dapper, the screen has upgraded but yet to Kubuntu one; how can I make the "ubuntu" one be the one? how can I change boot up resolution?04:59
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Specgizmo_the_great1: how did you install Americas Army?04:59
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menggizmo_the_great1 oops, mixed up. gomen04:59
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gizmo_the_great1Spec: i ran the install script04:59
_roman_Nobody got an Idea on how to install software supend 2 on ubuntu dapper drake?04:59
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Specgizmo_the_great1: did it come with an uninstall script?04:59
raptros-v76meng: are you saying something about KDE?04:59
GigaClonin breezy my mounted drives( other than / ) showed up on the desktop and in the places menu how can i fix this?05:00
tritiumguillem101: you'd have to install the ubuntu usplash package, and the "sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-$(uname -r)$", if you're referring to the boot splash05:00
mengit's like someone asking to make Mac OSX into windows05:00
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guillem101tritium, so that is  kernel dependant?05:00
draconiusguillem101: you can change boot up resolution by adding a flag to your kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.list -- on the ubuntuforums.org site, they suggest adding 'vga=792'05:00
tritiumguillem101: the usplash image is put in the initrd05:01
raptros-v76meng: shut your mouth. KDE is good clean fun.05:01
draconiusthat works well to make it a nice size for 1280x102405:01
tritiumdraconius: yes, but be careful with that.  It can break suspend/resume05:01
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draconiusI don't use those, so I didn't know that :)05:01
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gavagaiso is it completely kosher to install xubuntu and kubuntu on my ubuntu?  kubuntu is another "distro" only in the sense that it has a different cd, with kde instead of gnome, but i can have it all if i want without conflicts?05:01
tritiumgavagai: yes, you can install all of them05:02
Lorvijaheya, is there any noise reduction software for photos in ubuntu or generally for linux? like neat image05:02
gavagaiok cool05:02
guillem101tritium, that may explain what happens to my laptop whenever I try suspend/resume :-P05:02
raptros-v76hey, what about xfce?05:02
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gizmo_the_great1Spec: no, its just a .run file called armyops250linux.run05:02
gavagaiso are kubuntu and ubunty really the same distro just with different CDs?05:02
tritiumguillem101: could be, but might also be other issues05:02
Specgizmo_the_great1: ./armyops250linux.run --help            gives what?05:02
nekronhi, ubuntu desktop, is for install?05:02
gizmo_the_great1Spec: or is there a switch that I can apply to uninstall using that .run?05:02
raptros-v76s/hey, what about xfce/<silence>05:02
tritiumgavagai: the difference lies in the desktop env., mostly05:02
gavagaithey aren't different distros like debian and ubuntu are different then05:02
gizmo_the_great1Spec: hang on..05:03
Cintritium, Spec, I get an authentication error at the end of the log. Something like 'connection rejected because of wrong authentication.'05:03
iggeSpec: aha.. got it... I just had to turn up the Master Surround which was muted...05:03
opitwinhow do I compile software without command line05:03
panda__what's the command to download and install Amsn?05:03
|rt|nekron: the cd works as a live cd and in installer05:03
tritiumpanda__: sudo apt-get install amsn05:03
iggeso now I'm happy... :)))05:03
=== windom [n=windom@host-84-221-2-55.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
opitwinI don't like command lines very much05:03
tritiumCin: hmm...05:03
Specigge: master surround? :p05:03
|rt|in = an05:03
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Specigge: Do you have 5.1?05:03
gavagaiand if i install xubuntu does that install like a ton of window managers?05:03
nekronhi, ubuntu desktop, is for install?05:03
=== Hobbsee is now known as Hobbsee|Pitchfor
panda__tritium,  thanks05:03
tritiumopitwin: look for a suitable IDE05:03
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Frogzooopitwin: it grows on you05:03
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gizmo_the_great1Spec: nothing that I can tell re uninstalling05:04
=== tritium hides from HobbseePitchfork
Specgavagai: no, it installs XFCE4 i think05:04
gavagaioh ok05:04
xerxasdoes anyone uses network-manager ?05:04
HobbseePitchforkhehe!  good idea tritium!05:04
tritiumxerxas: I have05:04
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xerxasI don't see my wireless card in network-manager05:04
xerxasI'm using ndiswrapper05:04
SpecFrogzoo: so does cancer :-/05:04
guillem101tritium, I'm reconfiguring... and it says: Searching for splash image ... none found, skipping ...05:04
gavagaidoes ubuntu have flux and ice and ratpoison and all that jazz as well?05:04
nekronubuntu desktop is for install or only livecd?05:04
lightstaropitwin: u can try anjuta or quanta05:04
opitwinFrogzoo: can you help me, I would like to build my own version of X-chat using the source05:04
FrogzooSpec: o.O05:04
Svigi_wlanxerxas: did you install with the .inf file?05:04
guillem101tritium, not sure what it will happen at reboot...05:04
lightstargavagai: yes..u can download the packages05:04
tritiumopitwin: open your help system, and check the Common Tasks -> Programming section05:04
opitwinlightstar: What is that05:04
xerxasSvigi_wlan: yes05:04
gavagailightstar, via apt?05:05
tritiumguillem101: that's grub05:05
lightstaropitwin: IDEs05:05
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dumdidummeng: seems like the repositories are outdated for amd_64...trying another one05:05
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lightstargavagai: yes..sudo apt-get install fluxbox05:05
opitwinlightstar: what exactly are IDE's05:05
gavagaiok great, thanks05:05
ubotuopitwin: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:05
xerxastritium: do you have some wireless ?05:05
=== TigerWolf [n=kvirc@ppp146-144.lns3.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
tritiumopitwin: integrated development environments05:05
luc1fersflowersHi world05:05
gavagairight now i have no display manager, if i start installing these will ubuntu prompt me for what window manager to use?05:05
tritiumxerxas: yes05:05
ubotuhastesaver: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:05
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_fluffeeHello, I'm looking for the Ubuntu way to download updates at work, and feed them to my lappy on CD.  Is there a how-to somwhere?  Also, it appears that the default install is a G-ish one, and I've grown fond of one or two K apps, how much overhead will I garner by installing any K app?05:05
xerxastritium: what chipset ?K05:05
=== _absolution_ [n=mpeters@53-202-165-66.rev.knet.ca] has joined #ubuntu
lightstaropitwin: IDE r tools to easiy write apps and compile them05:05
tritiumxerxas: ipw2200 and atheros05:06
iiiearsopitwin - google for the patch that handles smb:long/file/names/your.mp305:06
luc1fersflowersI have a noob question, does anyone know how to get m4a support for Rhytmbox?05:06
opitwintritium: can I get one for Windows05:06
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_absolution_hey I'm a noob to Ubuntu....and where can I find the "theme manager"05:06
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tritiumopitwin: I don't use windows, so I'm not the person to ask05:06
hastesaveropitwin, dev-c++ (um, what language?)05:06
xerxastritium: have you ever used ndiswrapper with network-manager .?05:06
opitwinlightstar: can I get an IDE for Windoes05:06
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xerxasI have strange things05:06
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gavagai_fluffee, if they are not running i wouldn't think any overhead.  but i don't know.05:06
lightstaropitwin: windows has its own IDEs..what language are you looking for?05:06
_absolution_any help will be appreciated05:06
Cintritium, I've done lots of stupid fucking about with X while trying out Xgl, then I installed Xubuntu, which is when I started experiencing the errors. But it happens regardless of what window manager I run. Memtest it is?05:06
xerxasif I do ifconfig i don't see wlan005:06
tritiumCin: ooh, please watch the language here05:06
Cintritium, sorry.05:06
panda__where should I  start reading for linux? to get a good start and understanding the basics05:07
xerxasif I do ifconfig wlan0 i see it05:07
opitwinlightstar: I think C++ or whatever the X-Chat Source is written in05:07
xerxasthen I see it if i simply type ifconfig05:07
lightstaropitwin: for C++ you can you VC++05:07
iiiearsopitwin - much of xchat is written in c05:07
tritiumCin: you're asking if you should run memtest?05:07
Cinopitwin, written in C. =)05:07
_fluffeegavagai - Thanks,  Just wondered about sys lib's and such, I suppose I think too win-like.  Thanks.05:07
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guillem101tritium, I'm going to reboot... to see what happens. Thanks05:07
tritiumCin: I'd suggest you scrub your xorg.conf (did you back it up)?05:07
gavagaipanda__, http://www.intelligentedu.com/sign-up/linux_rute_book.html  has good stuff about the command line and basic linux knowledge05:07
gavagai_fluffee, you're welcome05:08
opitwinlightstar: I need C05:08
Cintritium, I have no idea. I don't know enough to diagnose the situation.05:08
hastesaveropitwin, for C / C++ you can use dev-C++05:08
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tritiumHobbseePitchfork: do you wanna, wanna Fanta?05:08
lightstaropitwin: VC++ can do C as well05:08
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Panda-gavegai: thanks05:08
tritiumCin: and backups?05:08
opitwinlightstar: where can I get VC++, is it for Windows05:08
iiiearsopitwin - i am sorry  - i need a nap i was thinking xmms. - (g'nite folks.)05:08
HobbseePitchforktritium: no, coke thanks...05:08
gavagaipanda__, you're welcome05:08
LjLopitwin: visual c++ is from microsoft05:08
lightstaropitwin: yes VC++ is for windows..its part of visual studio :)05:08
luc1fersflowersI have a noob question, does anyone know how to get m4a support for Rhytmbox?05:08
=== tritium passes HobbseePitchfork a coke
=== JasonL [n=jason@cpc3-mapp1-0-0-cust122.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
hastesaver!tell luc1fersflowers about restricted05:09
opitwinlightstar: I need a free one05:09
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tritium(while doing the Fanta dance)05:09
Cintritium, no I didn't. I'll sift through xorg.conf05:09
tritiumCin: good plan05:09
LjLopitwin: then dev-c++, as you've been told, could be a good choice05:09
HobbseePitchforktritium: thankyou :)05:09
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HobbseePitchforkopitwin: notepad++ looks quite nice too05:09
opitwinLjL: is is for Windows?05:09
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LjLopitwin: yes, it is05:09
luc1fersflowershastesaver, thx man,05:09
SpecIDE = vim + compiler/interpreter, right?05:09
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_fluffeeOh, another question, this one about wifi:  Can anyone reccomend a good approach and manager for managing multiple wifi NIC's and multiple net's via each NIC?  Ah, not at the same time, of course, sequentially.05:10
lightstaropitwin: free IDEs i'm not sure..perhaps you can try LjL's suggestion05:10
opitwinLjL: Where can I get it?05:10
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LjLSpec: not necessarily vim, and not necessarily just that05:10
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rdzhi all. is it possible to use the ttf-fonts from a windows-installation on the same computer?05:10
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hastesaveropitwin, http://www.bloodshed.net/devcpp.html05:10
LjLopitwin: google? :)05:10
SpecWhat type of IDE are you looking for, opitwin?05:10
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wastrelrdz:  i think you'd need to copy the windows fonts over to the linux side05:10
opitwinSpec: I am looking for a free one for Windows to compile C.05:10
tritiumopitwin: see the help section I mentioned for linux IDEs05:10
CinBack soon, going to compare Xorg -configure's with my current one.05:11
rdzwastrel, but would that be enough, or is there anything to reconfigure then?05:11
Specthere's a small chance you're asking in the wrong channel05:11
tritiumopitwin: yeah, that's sort of offtopic, eh05:11
LjLmore than small. but, again, dev-c++ is most probably a good choice05:11
opitwinThank You everyone - tritium, hastesaver, Spec, LjL, and Lightstar05:11
Specopitwin: umm, check out eclipse05:11
Specopitwin: it's opensource, and get the CDT plugin05:12
JasonLis there a way to save the session in gnome like you can in kde?05:12
tritiumah, eclipse is quite popular, yes05:12
lightstaropitwin: no problem...hope you find what you're looking for05:12
tritiumgood luck, opitwin05:12
lightstaroh yeah eclipse..i totally forgot about that05:12
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wastrel!ubotu tell rdz about fonts05:12
opitwinSpec: where can I get eclipse from05:12
tritiumopitwin: eclipse.org05:12
wastrelrdz:  there's some further steps :] 05:12
Spec!google eclipse05:12
ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Spec05:12
daryabeygiAnyone know if there is any plan to re-release the 6.06 CD ISO so that it will fit on a 700MB CD? ...05:13
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Specubotu should return google searches :-/05:13
ubotuSpec: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:13
lightstaropitwin: http://www.eclipse.org/05:13
opitwintritium, spec: Thank You Very Much!05:13
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shadeofgreyokay guys05:13
shadeofgreyits official05:13
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opitwinThank You!05:13
LjLopitwin: if you're using Firefox or Konqueror (and possibly other browsers), you'll have a textbox on the right of the address bar. you can type direct searches there (like "eclipse" or "dev-c++"), which most of the times will give you the right site at first try05:13
shadeofgreydapper has officially gotten the shadeofgrey stamp of aproval05:13
LjLfaster than asking, usually05:13
_fluffeedaryabeygi- It's 697 here?05:14
shadeofgreydapper looks almost aas good as Tiger05:14
shadeofgreyand thats really saying something05:14
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daryabeyginope, that's OS MB's, not disk MB's, they are not the same.05:14
Frogzooshadeofgrey: install some nice themes & it's even better ;)05:14
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daryabeygiit won't fit on a 700MB by about 3K kilobytes05:15
weerasingheswhat's the java package for dapper called?05:15
SpecFrogzoo: you mean there's a theme better than human?05:15
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ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and see also !javadebs05:15
LjL!tell weerasinghes about javadebs05:15
hawktritium: Yay, the firefox maintainer suggested I should diff the enormous Ubuntu diff (some 14589 lines) with the Debian diff to narrow it down to the ubuntu specific stuff. That's just great ;)05:15
_fluffeedaryabeygi- You mean 731,744,256, to be precise <g>?05:15
FrogzooSpec: can such things be?!05:15
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tritiumhawk: you already heard back?05:15
daryabeygiIndeed :-)05:15
Speci don't think so!05:15
tritiumhawk: did you email, or IRC?05:15
hawktritium: Email. I was really surprised when he answered that quickly.05:16
weerasinghesguys, im using edubuntu, and i cant see the jre package05:16
tritiumhawk: that was nice!05:16
daryabeygiI guess I'll request a free CD in the mail. <sigh>05:16
iggeanyone who knows where i can find an up to date howto on installing xgl?05:16
LjLweerasinghes: have you enabled multiverse?05:16
_fluffeedaryabeygi- Are you trying to move the ISO for later burning, or unable to burn the ISO itself with given media/burner?  Or some third situation?05:16
ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems05:16
weerasinghesLjL: yeah, everything enabled in my sources.list05:16
LjLweerasinghes: and you did an "apt-get update"?05:17
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daryabeygiunable to burn because it won't fit the discs I have, have to find a larger disc somewhere05:17
shadeofgreyFrog:  provide me with some url's to good themes..  id love to see  some.05:17
daryabeygibut 700's are pretty standard05:17
=== opapo [n=opapo@com106.maint.alpine.k12.ut.us] has joined #ubuntu
wastrelweerasinghes:  apt-cache search sun-java05:17
tritiumweerasinghes: you're still on breezy?05:17
weerasingheswastrel: nothing :(05:17
_fluffeedaryabeygi-  I'm _fairly_ sure I burned to a std 700, hang on...05:17
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weerasinghesoh yes05:18
weerasinghesso sorry, this is still breezy05:18
tritiumweerasinghes: sun-java5-* packages are in dapper multiverse05:18
weerasinghesconfusion, i havent upgraded this box05:18
wastrelweerasinghes:  ah that's the problem :] 05:18
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tritiumcare to uprade to dapper?  :)05:18
Some_PersonCan I use KMess on ubuntu?05:18
wastrelweerasinghes:  it's not too hard in breezy - the wiki has instructions.05:18
weerasinghestritium: kinda a hurry, is teh package in multiverse in breezy?05:18
weerasinghesokc ool05:18
SpecSome_Person: why not?05:18
LjLweerasinghes: yeah but it's called differently. ubotu gave you the name for breezy too05:18
opapoCan anyone help me get my wireless card working?05:18
Specopapo: what model?05:18
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tritiumweerasinghes: there are _other_ package in breezy, or you can build your own using java-package and sun's .bin download05:19
Some_Personoh, but it requires KDE05:19
SpecSome_Person: eh, it should run =p05:19
Some_Personeven though it uses KDE?05:19
opapoSpec: I have a dell Latitude D810 and it comes with a broadcom card05:19
Specopapo: i wrote an entire wiki page just for you :)05:19
opapowhere is it05:19
_fluffeedaryabeygi-  My cd claims it's a 700/80 Minute, I did no hoop-jumping regarding over-burn or anything like that.  I know that trying to burn the .iso as a file under any given file system will grow the required space, you're sure you're burning a disc, and not a disc of a file of a disc?05:19
weerasinghesthe wiki says to apt-cache search jre, but it brings up no relevant packages05:20
ubotuTo use your broadcom or airport extreme card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx for info and firmware.05:20
Specopapo: ^^05:20
Some_Personcan u run programs that use KDE without KDE on ubuntu?05:20
opapoSpec: "!bcm43xx does not make sence to me05:20
weerasinghesSome_Person: yes you can.05:20
lightstarSome_Person: yes05:20
tritiumSome_Person: yes, but you'll need at least some of the libraries05:20
daryabeygi_fluffee: I was using an unfamiliar burning program, maybe I should try again under more familiar settings.05:20
Some_Personoh, cool05:21
Specopapo: read what ubotu said under the !bcm43xx.....05:21
lightstarSome_Person: just make sure u have teh kde libs05:21
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weerasinghesno installation candidate for j2re1.405:21
Some_Personi'll just install it thru Synaptec, which should also install the libs05:21
SpecSome_Person: it'll install all the dependencies needed to run kmess05:21
ubotuto automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions there is no write support for ntfs that is safe. <!winfstab>05:21
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_fluffeedaryabeygi- <nods in agreement>  FWIW I used an old Nero.05:21
FrogzooSome_Person: amarok for instance, works fine under gnome05:21
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SpecSome_Person: I just installed it, it works fine :)05:21
FrogzooSome_Person: k3b also...05:21
Specyeah, k3b is the only burning program i use05:22
Specand i use gnome05:22
daryabeygi_fluffee: but if it says it is 731,744,256, why would it fit on a 700? ... I guess if you say you did it, I should just give it another try.05:22
FrogzooSome_Person: just leave it to apt to figure out the libraries/dependencies05:22
=== hollowlife1987 [n=hollow@12-214-79-58.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
daryabeygi_fluffee: Thanks.05:22
lightstarahh..k3b 1 of the best burning s/w i've used05:22
mo0sewhat're the options i should put in /etc/fstab for ntfs?05:22
Some_Personnow, how do u burn a cd on Ubuntu?05:22
Svigi_wlanSpec: no, cdrecord rocks:)05:22
SpecSvigi_wlan: okay, i use cdrecord also05:22
ubotuto automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions there is no write support for ntfs that is safe. <!winfstab>05:22
Specshh, it's a secret :p05:22
lightstarSome_Person: you could use k3b05:22
Svigi_wlan:) is it safe to use captive-ntfs?05:22
_fluffeedaryabeygi- imgburn is also quite good I think and has the advantage of being free and dl'able.05:22
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lightstarSome_Person: otherwise nautilus works in burning cds too05:22
SpecSvigi_wlan: not entirely -- i use it though, and i haven't had any data corruption05:22
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ubotufrom memory, captive is a project to use windows NTFS drivers under linux. It does not work properly with Ubuntu.05:23
SpecSvigi_wlan: it's safer, in my opinion, to use captive-ntfs to write to an ntfs partition than to actually BOOT windows and write to an ntfs partition, ... :o)05:23
=== redrum [i=redrum@220-253-4-32.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Some_PersonI need to burn some data to a cd05:23
SpecI mean, booting windows isn't safe my default05:23
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Svigi_wlanSpec: good to see :D05:23
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SpecSome_Person: install k3b :)05:23
SpecSome_Person: then, run k3b :), then burn a cd :p05:24
=== _fluffee smiles at Spec's comments re Win FS
ubotuI guess fonts is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FontInstallHowto05:24
=== grubby [n=tompfr@ool-4578845e.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Svigi_wlan05:24
ubotuhmm... msttcorefonts is sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts - you'll need multiverse enabled in your /etc/apt/sources.list first05:24
Some_Personcapative-ntfs doesn't work with ubuntu?05:24
Specit does, i use it, it's not supported.05:24
Svigi_wlani used it in debian for ages05:24
opapoSpec: does this wireless wiki work for breezy as well as dapper?05:24
ubotuI heard captive is a project to use windows NTFS drivers under linux. It does not work properly with Ubuntu.05:25
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SpecSome_Person: yeap, it's your own decision to use it or not, uhh, back up your data first :p05:25
Some_Personi'd love to write to my ntfs partition05:25
Specopapo: no, only dapper05:25
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Specopapo: with breezy you need to use ndiswrapper05:25
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opapoSpec: ndiswrapper is not working for me05:25
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skydragon38im on dapper though05:25
Specis the module loaded?05:25
Specskydragon38: what's your card?05:25
opapoSpec; I can load the ndiswrapper05:26
skydragon38dell broadcom 135005:26
opapoSpec: I do ndiswrapper -l and I get05:26
opapoInstalled ndis drivers:05:26
opapobcmwl5  driver present, hardware present05:26
=== Phleagor_ [n=tux@p54A635E4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Some_Persontoo bad my dang soundcard doesn't work with breezy (and probably not dapper)05:26
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Specskydragon38: oh, okay05:27
skydragon38use bcmwl5a.inf05:27
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots.05:27
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ubotuTo use your broadcom or airport extreme card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx for info and firmware.05:27
Specskydragon38: read that wiki05:27
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Specopapo: yes, i suggest using a different driver if it's not working05:27
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opapoSpec: This is the driver that comes with windows.05:27
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Specwhich version of windows?05:27
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opapoSpec: I am running dual boot windows xp and Kubuntu05:28
Angel-SLi want to install skype but it has dependencies and they (for some reason) need the cd but i lost it and i'm in a hurry so what should i do to force it to use the internet?05:28
Spechmm, the winxp bcm drivers work for me well05:28
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benkong2can someone help with an apt question?05:28
Specopapo: what's not working about it? can you ifconfig wlan0 up;dhclient wlan0 ?05:28
Specbenkong2: please just ask your question :)05:28
spikebdalfopapo: then why are you not in #kubuntu?05:28
WarboAngel-SL: Disable the CD repository in Synaptic (in Settings>Repositories)05:28
EquinI'm using vsftpd, how can I make sure a user only has access to his home directory and can't access anything else on the server? Setting the home directory of a user to a certain folder only makes that user end up in that folder at login, the user can just go all the way to the root and read all the files on my server's hdd.05:28
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Spec#ubuntu doesn't turn away support for #kubuntu as far as i know05:28
ubotumodem is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto05:28
opapospikebdalf: sorry05:28
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thelostpatrolhi there05:29
tritiumSpec: that's true05:29
spikebdalfSpec: it should start doing that, though.05:29
thelostpatroli'm looking for help05:29
benkong2I am doing sudo apt-get build-dep colorscheme and what I get is an error unable to find source package. I have the source downloaded in /tmp. What's wrong?05:29
Speckde/gnome makes no difference to the underlying system05:29
lightstarWarbo: isn't cd is disabled automatically in dapper? at least it was for me05:29
tritiumspikebdalf: no, we can't do that05:29
spikebdalftritium: yes we can. doesn't mean we will.05:29
Specif you do a server install of ubuntu, and do apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, *gasp*, it's kubuntu all of a sudden ... but a ubuntu server install05:29
tritiumspikebdalf: we should not05:29
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Warbolightstar: No idea, I upgraded (I always disable the CD anyway because my home-written ones get scratched easily)05:29
SpecI think if you do that an op may kick you, ... :p05:30
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spikebdalftritium: why not?05:30
Specthelostpatrol: please ask your question05:30
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john___<- new to ubuntu05:30
lightstarWarbo: i disable cd as well...easier to get the things off the net..and i keep losing the cds too:P05:30
tritiumspikebdalf: because we're here to support all of the ubuntu endeavors05:30
Specjohn___: do you like it?05:30
SonOfAqmsg nickserve identify tamiya23$05:30
john___does anyone know how to get samba shares to show up in firefox when attaching files (e.g. gmail)05:30
SonOfAqmsg nickserv identify tamiya23$05:30
SonOfAqmsg nickserv05:30
tritiumSonOfAq: time to change your passsword05:30
spikebdalftritium: then what the bloody hell are #kubuntu and #xubuntu?05:30
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SpecSonOfAq: i suggest you change your password05:30
benkong2I am doing sudo apt-get build-dep colorscheme what I get is an error unable to find source package. I have the source downloaded in /tmp. What's wrong?05:30
tritiumspikebdalf: wow, calm down, buddy05:31
haydenhow do i upgrade to dapper, do i just change all breezy 's to dapper then dist-upgrade?05:31
Specspikebdalf: perhaps for xfce/kde related troubles in ubuntu05:31
lightstarSonOfAq: oops..time 2 change passwords05:31
spikebdalftritium: not upset, just colorful, sorry05:31
lightstarhayden: do sudo apt-get update05:31
tritiumIs hell bloody?  I guess there could be a lot of open wounds...05:31
Specspikebdalf: but, if we're talking about wireless networking, that's universal05:31
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lightstarhayden: then do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y05:31
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ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems05:31
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Specie: i wont' provide support for kde in this channel, and i'd recommend them going to #kubuntu, but if they're running #kubuntu and trying to get help for how to burn a cd, i'll help them....05:32
haydenlightstar: do i need to change the sources ?05:32
benkong2!apt-get build-dep05:32
ubotubenkong2: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:32
thelostpatrolok... so i have the 6.06 cd made, i'd like to know how to make it so i actually am in the OS05:32
lightstarhayden: just change reference from breezy to dapper in /etc/apt/sources.list05:32
tritiumspikebdalf: it's not _wrong_ to suggest they first try #kubuntu05:32
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haydenlightstar: thought so, thanks05:32
lightstarhayden: np ;)05:32
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Frogzoothelostpatrol: insert the cd - turn on the computer & install05:32
spikebdalftritium: oh i know your point - I just think that this whole mess of buntus has complicated support and blurred the lines far too much.05:32
spikebdalfthis, however, is not the place to discuss that.05:33
tritiummess of buntus ;)  heh05:33
tritiumspikebdalf: I understand your point completely05:33
Frogzoospikebdalf: it all fits on one DVD though...05:33
thelostpatroli don't want to overwrite windows05:33
Specspikebdalf: should have been to the NuN meeting yesterday....05:33
spikebdalfSpec: what'd i miss/05:33
WarboA dapper drake would make less mess than a breezy badger though....05:33
tritiumthelostpatrol: the installer can resize your windows partition05:33
Specspikebdalf: the exactly same discussion in detail *200005:33
spikebdalfSpec: got a log or something?05:33
thelostpatroli see.05:34
Specspikebdalf: ooo, it was logged05:34
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thelostpatrolwell, off i go, i guess05:34
Specspikebdalf: let me see if i have one05:34
thelostpatrolthanks for that05:34
spikebdalfSpec: ok05:34
thelostpatroli'll be back i'm sure05:34
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e44b528.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
Frogzoothelostpatrol: so just boot the CD 'live' Or defrag windows & reduce the windows partition to make space for an install (but backup 1st)05:34
tritiumspikebdalf: clean up that mess of buntus you made!  :)05:34
spikebdalfhaha tritium05:34
=== neutrinomass [n=pandis@ppp20-129.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
tritiumFrogzoo: isn't that frustrating?05:34
Warboneutrinomass: You may be interested in http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UsbAdslModem/EagleUsb05:35
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webguyhow do i figure out if i can apt-get http://us3.php.net/mcrypt05:35
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kane77when I "df -h" i get something like varrun, varlock, udev, devshm, lrm... what are they???05:36
lightstarwebguy: apt-get php?05:36
Frogzooif I install XGL - can I have OO open & have irssi visible behind it?05:36
wastreldf -h05:36
mo0sewhenever i put ro,auto,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 as the option and then try to mount it, it says wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock and it goes on and on.05:36
tritiumwebguy: mcrypt is in universe05:36
Warbokane77: Special filesystems which are linked to the system05:36
neutrinomassWarbo: It got updated ? <checks>05:36
Specspikebdalf: http://dc.ubuntu-us.org/~spec/ubuntu-meeting-NuN.txt05:36
spikebdalfkane77: processes that help your system run05:36
spikebdalfSpec: sweet05:36
spikebdalfSpec: thanks05:36
Warboneutrinomass: I wrote that EagleUSB one today05:36
christotodaythere is a print server in the office here.. all the local windows users connect to it using \\printserver-01  where do I need to put this when using the 'Add a printer' tool in Dapper please?05:36
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webguyTrinisan: what do you mean?  i am getting a fatal error when i try to use the function with the default lamp install05:36
revstraywow... now this is a full channel... 920 people? geez :)05:37
neutrinomassWarbo: Great! Excellent! I take it that its current information for Dapper ?05:37
kane77spikebdalf, Warbo ok... I thought it was something like this...05:37
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Frogzoochristotoday: easiest to just us \\ip_address05:37
neutrinomassrevstray: It peaked at ~1060 when Dapper was released :)05:37
revstraynice :)05:37
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Warboneutrinomass: Yes. I've added info on the packages, but they don't work AFAIK05:37
Specso, if someone said "Hello everybody", and everybody responded with "Heya....". .......05:37
revstrayI'm trying to install libapache2-mod-jk2 which appears to be in Breezy and not Dapper... any reason? :)05:37
panda__im getting "The following packages have unresolvable dependencies, Make sure that all required repositories are added and enabled in the preferences"  (im trying to install AMSN) ... what do I do?05:37
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neutrinomassWarbo: Kernel 2.6.16 ? That means plug and play (the hardware aspect) :?05:38
Specpanda__: are you on dapper?05:38
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EquinI'm using vsftpd, how can I make sure a user only has access to his home directory and can''t access anything else on the server? Setting the home directory of a user to a certain folder only makes that user end up in that folder at login, the user can just go all the way to the root and read all the files on my hdd.05:38
Frogzoorevstray: what module jk do? lamp setup was streamlined 4 dapper05:38
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spikebdalfSpec: i can't believe i missed that meeting05:38
zenithsN00b_I have gdesklets running... but its STILL not what I want... I want like a bar of STREAMING headlines... like stocks, but polotics, world news... anyone have the answer05:38
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panda__depens imlib1, sox and libpng10-o05:38
spikebdalfSpec: i ranted about this very subject before the meeting took place the other day05:38
Warboneutrinomass: I'm not sure how the driver is integrated into 2.6.16 (is it treated like an ethernet interface or are there still special config tools?)05:38
saquib>> HELP: i've installed runit from Synaptic, and having issues! Want to rollback .. wat to do? cant uninstall, i tink the system stalls!!05:39
revstrayI believe jk connects Apache and Tomcat05:39
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neutrinomassWarbo: Gimme a sec, I'll check the git tree ...05:39
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Frogzooif I install XGL - can I have OO open & have irssi visible behind it?05:40
skydragon38that wiki worked perfectly, i thank you dearly05:40
revstraymy intention is to get Apache Axis working05:40
haydenhow can i disable xserver (so im just left with a basic cmd line?)05:40
panda__Spec, im on breezy badger05:40
revstrayif I can do that w/o jk, that's fine with me05:40
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skydragon38help installing frostwire?05:40
wastrelhayden:  sudo update-alternatives gdm remove05:40
NoUseFrogzoo I believe so05:40
Frogzoorevstray: wtf is jk ?05:40
Some_Personare u sure captive-ntfs doesnt work right with ubuntu?05:40
haydenwastrel: thanks05:40
raptros-v76hayden: ctrl+alt+f105:40
NoUseFrogzoo you could ask in #ubuntu-xgl05:40
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Warbohayden: Just for now (ie. not on every boot) press ctrl-alt-f1, login and type "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"05:40
iratikHELP! I've chmoded usr/bin/sudo to another user now I can't run sudo and can't boot or anything - what do i do!!!05:40
FrogzooNoUse: damn - more excuse to fiddle & blow off work :D05:40
wastrelhayden:  er, not update-alternatives,  update-rc.d05:40
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vagikimCze ludziska mam pytanie co zrobic by muc zainstalowac kadu. jak robie wg instrukcji na stronie kadu to mi wyskakuje brak pewnych paczek.Prosze o pomoc!!!05:41
revstrayjk stands for Jakarta05:41
=== elate [n=elate@stuE604.kent.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
raptros-v76iratik: get a rescue cd05:41
Some_Personiratik: chmod it back with livecd05:41
Speciratik: you need to boot the livecd, chroot the partition, and chmod it back05:41
revstraythe Apache Jakarta Tomcat connector05:41
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl05:41
ubotufrom memory, rescue is Boot the install cd with rescue as boot parameter for system rescue mode05:41
haydenraptros-v76, Warbo: i'm using xbox-linux so the only way i can connect/use it is by remote login (ssh)05:41
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christotodayFrogzoo - should I choose 'cups printer'? and if so, it asks for a URI like ipp:// or http://  but all I have is the address like \\serverthing05:41
iratikSome_person: HOW? I've got the server distro of dapper, I boot from the CD, then what?05:41
raptros-v76hayden: ...blarg!05:41
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Speciratik: did you read what ubotu said? boot livecd with "rescue" as boot parameter05:41
saquib>> HELP: i've installed runit from Synaptic, and having issues! Want to rollback .. wat to do? cant uninstall, i tink the system stalls!!05:41
SpecSome_Person: it works right for me05:42
rolerIn the Network Settings, I have a profile set for work, and a profile set for home... But everytime I go work to home, I have to manually click and change it to connect to the internet... What gives? How can I not have to do this?05:42
zenithsN00b_I have gdesklets running... but its STILL not what I want... I want like a bar of STREAMING headlines... like stocks, but polotics, world news... anyone have the answer05:42
Some_Personiratik: boot with the LiveCD05:42
SpecSome_Person: but you really should back up befor eyou, uhh, do anything with it05:42
haydenraptros-v76: its not illegal afaik05:42
iratikSpec: I don't have the livecd is there a way to do rescue without the LiveCD ?05:42
raptros-v76i know.05:42
neutrinomassWarbo: Hm... since it's in drivers/usb/atm/ it's probably like the speedtouch and accessrunner. I don't think it can be seen as an ethernet interface05:42
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Speciratik: download any live cd, dsl, any linux distribution basically that boots off a cd05:42
iratikSpec: No way to do it with just the cd i installed the server from?05:42
Frogzoorevstray: I see: libapache-mod-jk05:42
Some_Personiratik: get the livecd, or a system rescue disc05:42
raptros-v76hayden: i just dont know how to help you05:42
Speciratik: yes, use that cd05:42
WarbozenithsN00b_: Mezzo desktop has that. I don't know if they can be added to GNOME desktop though (www.symphonyos.com)05:42
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Frogzoorevstray: also libapache2-mod-jk05:43
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Speciratik: do you want me to walk you through it?05:43
zenithsN00b_Warbo, k, I'll check it out.05:43
iratikSpec: its not possible using just the server ISO is it.05:43
Speciratik: yes it is05:43
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Warboneutrinomass: OK, I was just wondering how the configuration would be set up. Looks like it is still a custom job (rather than an integrated tool like if it was emulating ethernet)05:43
revstray*cough* doh... the jk2 must have been what was messing up my search.05:43
=== revstray hunts for his clue stick so he can flog himself
haydenraptros-v76: ah05:44
iratikSpec: what do I do, i really need help05:44
Speciratik: join #spec-nun05:44
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Frogzoorevstray: apt-cache search is your friend05:44
revstrayFrogzoo: *embarrassed* thanks.05:44
revstrayyes, apt-cache is good05:44
Some_Personiratik: no05:44
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Frogzoorevstray: yw05:44
neutrinomassWarbo: I don't think you *need* eagleconf (or whatever its name). It probably is just a convienience....05:44
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neutrinomassWarbo: I'd guess its just a matter of setting up the firmware and pppd ....05:44
revstrayand btw... as a recent pure debian convert, Ubuntu is refreshing05:45
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Warboneutrinomass: Well, I would prefer to use network-admin, but I can live with eagleconfig if it means I don't have to edit files by hand (I have actually set up an eagle-usb connection by hand on a Kanotix LiveCD)05:45
Some_Personwhat is ubuntu lite and easyubuntu?05:45
rolerIn the Network Settings, I have a profile set for work, and a profile set for home... But everytime I go work to home, I have to manually click and change it to connect to the internet... What gives? How can I not have to do this?05:45
=== `blink [n=blink@eaa90.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
krammyam I corect in assuming that there is no gui provided with dapper drake server lts?  If so how can I get one.05:46
hastesaverCan I backup DVDs?05:46
Warbobrb, food is waiting for me :)05:46
pussfelleranybody else having probs seeing certain people on gaim and kopete MSN?05:46
saquib>> Cany anyone HELP me Removing "runit" ?????05:46
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pussfellerall of a sudden?05:46
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CodenutHey everyone05:47
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haydenhow do i create a new user with sudo rights ?05:47
Togewhy all games works lagged with cedega?05:47
iratikHelp: ! THere is no livecd for dapper?!05:47
tritiumhayden: add that user to the admin group05:47
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haydentritium: ok thanks05:48
Togegraphic acceleration?05:48
LjLiratik: the main CD *is* a live CD05:48
kieranDOAhayden: /etc/sudoers05:48
iratikI need to get to a root prompt quick, my boss'l be here in an hour - i've accidently changed the /usr/bin/sudo ownership and i'm stuck05:48
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NoUseiratik https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LostPassword05:49
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jonathan_if I have a dial up modem and I install the drivers, when I start up firefox will it automatically use the modem?05:49
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NoUseiratik that will get you a root prompt, then set sudo's permissions to: -rwsr-xr-x and owned by root:root05:49
kieranDOAjonathan: You'll need to configure it05:50
beanis it possible to mount a windows dynamic disk in ubuntu?05:50
zenithsN00b_Warbo: gdesklets would be fine I guess,  I just wish I could find one or two that updated every half hour, CNN headlines are the same ALL DAY!05:50
livevilhi, I would install ubuntu 6.10 on a pc with 5.10 version. I don't want to upgrade, but uninstall previous version and install the last one. but leaving the install cd in the driver the process blocks saynfg kernel panic!!! What can I do'05:50
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jishinhow can i reconfigure locales in dapper ?05:50
wastrelthe wiki has answers for everything.05:50
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beanhow do i get windows logical disk manager support in ubuntu?05:51
tritiumjishin: sudo dpkg-reconfigue locales05:51
LjLwastrel: will the universe end?05:51
tritiumreconfigure even05:51
jishini run sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales , but it just make old locales again05:51
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jishini couldn't choose the locales as i did before05:51
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zenithsN00b_NPR seems to be a good RSS feed that updates every 45 minutes or so... anyone know any other ones that update a lot?05:51
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spikebzenithsN00b_: bbc05:52
livevilhi, I would install ubuntu 6.10 on a pc with 5.10 version. I don't want to upgrade, but uninstall previous version and install the last one. but leaving the install cd in the driver the process blocks saynfg kernel panic!!! What can I do''05:52
tritiumjishin: System->Administration->Language Support05:52
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NoUselivevil please don't repeat your question05:52
=== stephen_banks [n=stephen@85-210-89-251.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
PupenoWhat happened to configuring screensavers ?05:52
wastrelPupeno:  system->preferences->screensaver05:52
webguyi need the mcrypt php function which does not come with the defaiult bb ubuntu install.  how do i add it?05:52
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livevilsorry I haven't made it with intention05:52
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beanhelp pls05:52
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NoUselivevil how did you download the ISO?05:53
beanis it possible to recover my data from the windows dynamic disk?05:53
CodenutHow would I use an ethernet card to connect to a network where the is a CDROM of Breezy to install. The CD rom on my Dell docking station does not work.05:53
jishinI checked English , Japanese in Language support but it seems to add just about UTF-805:53
livevilfrom ubuntu site www.ubuntu.com05:53
NoUselivevil with bittorrent or no?05:53
livevileurope mirror05:53
Pupenowastrel: that lets me choose a screensaver, but it doesn't let me configure a screensaver (like, random screensaver used to let me choose which ones to use).05:53
zenithsN00b_thanks spikeb, I'll check it out.05:53
jishinI also want to add ja_JP.eucJP , that's why need to add manually05:53
livevilI haven't bittorrent05:53
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NoUselivevil did you verify that the ISO was downloaded properly?05:53
webguyANYONE? i need the mcrypt php function which does not come with the defaiult bb ubuntu install.  how do i add it?05:53
spikebzenithsN00b_: for geek news, slashdot has a feed :)05:53
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kieranDOAwebguy: "You need to compile PHP with the --with-mcrypt[=DIR]  parameter to enable this extension. DIR is the mcrypt install directory. Make sure you compile libmcrypt with the option --disable-posix-threads."05:53
NoUselivevil bittorrent is the best way to get ISOS, for future reference05:54
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livevilI tried to reinstall the old version the eroor message remains05:54
CodenutCan I boot under windows and then install ubuntu from there?05:54
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zenithsN00b_spikeb: nice, how often does it update?05:54
livevilI don't think the problem is a corruption in the iso05:54
NoUselivevil I know, did you verify that the iso was downloaded properly?05:54
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webguykieranDOA: thanks - where did you geth that from and how do i compile on my server?  is that from a page with more directions?05:54
tritiumCodenut: no, but you can boot into the desktop Live CD, and install from that05:54
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livevilno, How I can verify?05:54
Panda-I can't install AMSN w/ synaptic... it says it's missing repositories05:54
spikebzenithsN00b_: i'm not sure, but every time there's a new story on /. i'd imagine05:54
jishinwhere can i manually edit locales in dapper ?05:54
spikebzenithsN00b_: so quite often some days05:54
tritiumwebguy: you can apt-get build packages from source05:54
wastrelPupeno:  so seems that dapper has replaced xscreensaver with some gnomey version.05:55
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zenithsN00b_spikeb: sweet, maybe I'll do that.  NPR and slashdot sounds like a winning combo.05:55
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wastrelPupeno:  maybe installing xscreensaver will fix ...  you know how gnome loves to dumb down options.05:55
spikebzenithsN00b_: :)05:55
Panda-depends imlib1, sox and libpng10-o <==== where do find repositories for these05:55
CodenutI have only seen the feature set of the live CD, it seems to show off the featurs, but hey, I will try any thing now.05:55
spikebPupeno: install xscreensaver05:55
ubotusomebody said verify was to check the integrity of your installation media, one way is to visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VerifyIsoHowto05:55
NoUselivevil ^^^05:55
webguytritium: well how do i --disable-posix-threads if i do apt-get install mcrypt?05:56
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tritiumwebguy: I told you you can _build_ from source packages05:56
livevilwhre I have to execute this command?05:56
livevilhave I , sorry05:56
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webguysorry tritium i am new at this i do't know how to build from source packages?05:56
webguydo you mean that I can't apt get rather i need to install from source?05:57
iratikAlright guys, i've accidentally changed the user ownership of /usr/bin/sudo What is the proper chmod and chown command to revert it back to its intended state??05:57
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raptros-v76iratik: rtfm05:57
tritiumwebguy: no, I'm saying there are repositories of source packages, just like binary packages, and you can build from source using apt-get05:57
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raptros-v76iratik: j/k05:57
webguyso what would i type exactly?  apt-get install mcrypt --disable-posix-threads05:58
kieranDOAiratik: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LostPassword05:58
phoenixofcha0sguys im doing a very wierd thing i need to copy a backup of all the files on my system to a folder how do i do this ?05:58
raptros-v76kieranDOA: hes done that, i belive05:58
phoenixofcha0si have all the files ready to copy how do i copy ?05:58
iratikkieranDOA: I'm on that page, thats for addressing a password malfunction not user ownership of /usr/bin/sudo05:58
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wastrel-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 93844 2006-05-17 04:41 /usr/bin/sudo05:58
tritiumwebguy: no, not exactly.  You'll want to read the man page for apt-get for how to build05:58
boboThe following packages have unmet dependencies:05:58
bobo amsn: Depends: imlib1 but it is not installable05:58
bobo, Depends: sox but it is not going to be installed05:58
bobo and   Depends: libpng10-0 but it is not installable05:58
bobo .... broken package.....what do I do??05:58
phoenixofcha0sI need to copy from /media/EXTERNAL/backup to /home/ubuntu/Desktop/hda05:58
tritiumbobo: pastebin!05:58
ubotuwell, flood is for pasting, please use http://pastebin.com , http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org or #flood here on freenode.05:59
webguycan you give me a sample command? tritium?05:59
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iratikwastrel: I don't know how to erad the rwxs stuff, whats the proper chown command- is there any extra flags i have to pass?05:59
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dr_willisphoenixofcha0s,  depends on the kind of files.   the 'cp' command, or a nice intercface like 'mc' makes it easier05:59
raptros-v76iratik: do that to get permissions to change sudo05:59
onkarshindeAny idea when will we see Ekiga update in repositories?05:59
wastreliratik:  what does your ls -l /usr/bin/sudo   look like currently?05:59
tritiumonkarshinde: when and if there is a security fix05:59
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raptros-v76iratik: what did you change? ownership? or permissions06:00
daxxarHm. I can't seem to disable audible bell and have a visual bell. In .inputrc, I set it to be visible, but this just disables the audible bell.06:00
tritiumonkarshinde: after a stable release, only security fixes are made06:00
phoenixofcha0sdr_willis, um its all the system files what i have done is copied all the files to an external hardrive and then wiped linux and installed windows made a ext3 partion and now ive mde a folder ont he desktop mounted it has hda2 which is the linux partion and im trying to move all the files back06:00
kieranDOA"<NoUse> iratik that will get you a root prompt, then set sudo's permissions to: -rwsr-xr-x and owned by root:root"06:00
iratikis it just chmod root sudo?06:00
bobodoes anyone know how to met those dependencies?06:00
tritiumwebguy: I'm going to have to get going soon.06:00
daxxarAnyone have any suggestions?06:00
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phoenixofcha0sdr_willis, make sense ?06:00
raptros-v76iratik: no06:00
NoUseiratik chown root:root06:00
dr_willisphoenixofcha0s,  you are saying you are trying to 'restore' a backed up linux install?06:00
M1sapoes[5:58pm]  * Now talking in #ubuntu06:00
M1sapoes[5:58pm]  * Topic is 'Official Ubuntu support channel | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | FAQ: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonQuestions | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | Join #ubuntu-offtopic for general chatter | #ubuntu+1 is open for Edgy Efts'06:00
M1sapoes[5:58pm]  * Set by Seveas on Thu Jun 08 19:17:1906:00
M1sapoes[5:58pm]  <phoenixofcha0s> dr_willis, make sense ?06:00
M1sapoes[5:58pm]  <raptros-v76> iratik: no06:00
onkarshindetritium: I don't think so. I thing bug fixes are also made06:00
M1sapoes[5:58pm]  * Now talking in #ubuntu06:00
M1sapoes[5:58pm]  * Topic is 'Official Ubuntu support channel | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | FAQ: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonQuestions | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | Join #ubuntu-offtopic for general chatter | #ubuntu+1 is open for Edgy Efts'06:00
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webguytritium thanks - i guess i am a little lost then06:00
M1sapoes[5:58pm]  * Set by Seveas on Thu Jun 08 19:17:1906:00
NoUseM1sapoes STOP!06:00
M1sapoes[5:58pm]  <phoenixofcha0s> dr_willis, make sense ?06:01
M1sapoes[5:58pm]  <raptros-v76> iratik: no06:01
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krodHow would I go about installing the kernel headers?06:01
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phoenixofcha0sdr_willis, its not a... like..backup just everyfile on the linux partion i recently had06:01
tritiumonkarshinde: no06:01
Mewshido you not understand the meaning of STOP?06:01
kieranDOAkrod:i believe the kernel headers get installed when you install gcc/g++ atleast they did with me06:01
bobocan someone help me?06:01
dr_willisphoenixofcha0s,  everything as inb the /etc/ /dev/ /root/ /var/ dirs and so forth? or just /home?06:01
spikebstop, in the name of love06:01
onkarshindetritium: Do you manage any package in repositories?06:01
phoenixofcha0sdr_williis thats is corect06:01
phoenixofcha0sdr_willis,  that is correct06:02
tritiumonkarshinde: I work on packages in universe only06:02
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dr_willisphoenixofcha0s,  ok - the question now is how did you 'back' them up?>06:02
krodkieranDOA, I don't think so..06:02
phoenixofcha0sdr_willis let me see just a second06:02
onkarshindetritium: AFAIK, bug fixes are also made that is why we have dapper, dapper-updates, dapper-security06:02
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webguyaccording to this page there is a package php5-mcrypt http://packages.ubuntulinux.org/dapper/source/php-mcrypt06:02
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nalioth_misterj: please don't paste in here06:03
phoenixofcha0sdr_willis, i used this "sudo tar lvcf - . | (cd /media/EXTERNAL/backup ; tar xpvf -)"06:03
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webguyhowever, when i run apt-get install php5-mcrypt i am get an error that "coutn' find package.."06:03
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dr_willisphoenixofcha0s,  you then want to use that command but you need to reverse the aartuments - if you dont - you will mess up permissions.06:03
phoenixofcha0sdr_willis, but its not actually a .tar file on the external hardrive just a folder i need to get all the content of the folder into the folder on my desktop06:03
phoenixofcha0sdr_willis, i've tried that but it didnt work ?06:04
jacopoexchangehey, is there a way i can remove the dependences i'm not using anymore?06:04
tritiumonkarshinde: those are only _major_ bug fixes06:04
neutrinomassWarbo: In what package is the firmware? ueagle-atm-data or something ?06:04
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dr_willisYou did it wrong ghen. :P what part dident work?06:04
tritiumonkarshinde: or, security fixes06:04
LjLjacopoexchange: if you install stuff using aptitude rather than apt-get, that will be done automatically when you remove packages06:04
phoenixofcha0sdr_willis,  this is what i tried to use "tar lvcf - . | (cd /media/external/backup ; tar xpvf -)"06:04
LjLjacopoexchange: otherwise, try 'debfoster'06:04
LjLjacopoexchange: and 'orphaner'06:04
onkarshindetritium: Ok. What do you think about the bug fixes in Ekiga 2.0.2 http://www.ekiga.org/06:04
tritiumonkarshinde: I've not seen them06:04
mattikooI'm trying to compile plugger and I don't get configure script throught. I got error: configure: error: Unable to find X11 libraries06:04
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jacopoexchangeLjL: what are those, other package managers?06:05
webguyanother way of asking the same question is why doesn't apt-get install php5-mcrypt work if i see it is a package on this page http://packages.ubuntulinux.org/dapper/web/php5-mcrypt06:05
onkarshindemattikoo: Why do you need plugger?06:05
tritiumonkarshinde: and, I think they'll be in edgy in October06:05
dr_willisphoenixofcha0s,   you need to use where the HD is at you are restoreing to. not /media/excternal/backup,     and you need to be IN /media/external/backup when you do it06:05
wastrelwhat's plugger?06:05
mattikooonkarshinde: for opera06:05
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LjLjacopoexchange: no, tools that help finding and removing unused dependencies. 'orphaner' is the wrong name though, try "apt-cache search ophan"06:05
Codenutwhere do I get a new sources.list file, I have messed mine up majorly06:05
phoenixofcha0sdr_willis before doing that i did this cd /home/ubuntu/Desktop/hda06:05
NoUseiratik then chmod 655 /usr/bin/sudo && chmod +s /usr/bin/sudo06:05
onkarshindemattikoo: I think you need to install development packages for xorg06:05
tritiumjacopoexchange: and start using aptitude.  It removed unneeded dependencies when packages that pulled them in are uninstalled.06:05
dr_willisphoenixofcha0s,  you sure it waswne 'hda1' ?06:06
onkarshinde!tell Codenut about sources06:06
skydragon38what is the name of the package for frostwire06:06
jacopoexchangeLjL: i have aptitude installed ,though i didn't know it06:06
jacopoexchangei'll check it out, thanks06:06
mattikooonkarshinde: thank you :) I'm trying get shockwave running opera too06:06
boboCan't install AMSN on Breezy Badger... says it doesnt meet dependencies... what do I do??06:06
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phoenixofcha0sdr_willis its working now...06:06
LjLjacopoexchange: aptitude is standard. however, it won't be any use now -- you need to use it for *installing* packages as well, otherwise the function to auto-remove dependencies won't work. i suggest you start using it for installing stuff from now on, tho06:06
dr_willisphoenixofcha0s,  :P ya had to use  hda1 ?06:06
onkarshindebobo: Does it tell you what dependencies?06:06
kieranDOAKrod: im sure they do, atleast they did with me, I have them installed and i have only installed gcc/g++06:06
boboimlibl, sox and libpng10-006:07
jacopoexchangeLjL: alright, will do06:07
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zxc333Can anyone help my understand an error I get when I make install?06:07
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tritiumwebguy: it's in universe repo.  Do you not have your sources.list setup for that?06:07
onkarshindebobo: Can you patse your sources.list in pastebin?06:07
phoenixofcha0sdr_willis, no just decided to work ah crap its putting everything into a folder called backup i need it just to put everything out in the  open !06:07
LjLjacopoexchange: the syntax is basically the same as apt-get: aptitude install blah, aptitude remove blah....06:07
jacopoexchangethat's good06:07
boboonkarshinde: alright06:07
SpecE: Couldn't find package blah06:08
webguyi guess not, how do i set that up tritium06:08
tritium!tell webguy about universe06:08
Wintershello guys06:08
Wintershow is it going06:08
Wintersmay i need some hel of u06:08
LjLSpec: :-P06:08
phoenixofcha0sdr_willis,  i need to copy its not working !06:08
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neutrinomassWhere can I find a list of the packages that are on the install CD ?06:09
phoenixofcha0sdr_willis i try to access the backup folder in hda and it says permission denied06:09
webguyok, i foudn that and uncommented those lines in tehe sources.list file tri06:09
dr_willisyou proberly need to use root to access it06:09
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boboonkarshinde; I posted my sources.list on pastebin06:09
phoenixofcha0sdr_willis, i dont want it to go into a folder i want it to go into hda06:10
onkarshindebobo: URL?06:10
phoenixofcha0sdr_willis, its copying all the fies into a folder called backup which i dont want !06:10
boboonkarshinde: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1540106:10
dr_willisphoenixofcha0s,  hda is mounted to a directory somewhere. and its probverly 'hda1'   yoy may need to do some reading on the tar command.06:11
Specso, umm, how do I install every package available?06:11
phoenixofcha0sdr_willis, the mounted directory is hda2 the folder i have on the desktop is called hda im working of a live cd06:11
dr_willisSpec,  better Q. why would you want EVERY package06:11
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watson540haha Spec06:11
raptros-v76Spec: its impossible06:12
jonathan_hey guys how can I use openbox as my default window manager for GNOME06:12
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LjLSpec, you could edit sources.list and comment out everything but the CD, then apt-get update, then apt-cache search ""06:12
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LjLraptros-v76: well, it's most definitely not06:12
zxc333what does install -c -m 755 -p mean06:13
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LjLraptros-v76: but then i agree it's not necessarily very useful either06:13
dr_willisjonathan_,  ya may waqnt to google the wiki/forums for detaikes on that. Id just make a new 'gnome-openbox' desktop entry for gdm myself.06:13
webguytritium i got it working thanks!06:13
ubotuhmm... openbox is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Openbox06:13
onkarshindebobo: Uncomment the line debhttp://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntubreezyuniverse06:13
phoenixofcha0strippeh, are you the guy who helped me before ?06:13
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CodenutThat pastebin is just way too coool!!!!06:14
CrescendoHow to install SSH server?06:14
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ubotuhmm... ssh is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SSHHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdvancedOpenSSH06:14
onkarshindebobo: Also the line debhttp://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntubreezymainrestricted06:14
CrescendoNo gui,.06:14
raptros-v76LjL: no, its literaly impossible to install literally every package. its called conflicts.06:14
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orbinCrescendo: w3m <url>06:14
b0efmy friend is running the livecd (6.06) and using synaptic; he is trying to find clamav, but the search turns up nothing06:15
jonathan_HEY GUYS, in gnome, how do I find the 'run' dialog, where I can type in the name of a program and it runs it06:15
LjLraptros-v76: true. although i'm not sure the CD would contain conflicting packages06:15
anakiki252hello everyone... sorry if my question is too specific, but has anyone tried to install NS2 (network simulator 2) on dapper?06:15
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raptros-v76LjL: but the packages on  the cd will be outdated06:15
orbinb0ef: clamav is in universe06:15
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orbinubotu: tell b0ef about universe06:15
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onkarshindeb0ef: I guess clamav is in universe and universe is not enabled by default06:15
LjLraptros-v76: guess so, but then i think he was only asking about the cd packages06:16
orbinjonathan_: alt+f206:16
Kibouwhere do I set HISTCONTROL systemwide?06:16
b0eforbin: right, thanks06:16
jonathan_orbin, doesn't work :(06:16
Winterscould any body help me to configurate mi wifi card in the laptop??? Please i dont know what to do im desesperated to make it run!!!!06:16
orbinjonathan_: you running gnome?06:16
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jonathan_orbin, yeah i promise!06:16
jonathan_I pressed it a million times lol06:16
raptros-v76my lag was really high right there.06:16
jonathan_I read that it was alt+f2 on a forum too06:17
anahola soy ana 1806:17
jonathan_orbin, is there any other way to reach that dialog?06:17
orbinjonathan_: sys > prefs > k/b shortcuts06:17
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.06:17
wastrelopen a terminal06:17
anahay alguien porai soy ana 1806:17
daqingi have right now installed the  ubuntu  6.06, but it seems that there is no graphic drivers installed06:17
jonathan_ana, hola, pero hay un canal para espanol06:17
ubuntuhola ana como estas06:17
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wastrelah nvm06:17
onkarshindeWinters: can you paste output of command 'lspci' in pastebin?06:17
jonathan_ana, que quieres06:17
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daqingcan any one help me  ?06:17
wastreljonathan_:  open a terminal instead of the run box06:17
ubuntuana como estas de que pais eres?06:18
orbindaqing: what's happening?06:18
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orbindaqing: do you get a blue screen saying stuff about X?06:18
jonathan_wastrel, but obviously I'm trying to get to the run box instead of the terminal...06:18
anade espaa06:18
neutrinomassdaqing: Did you install the "server" or is that you get some error from the X server ?06:18
Wintersyes i have tow06:18
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orbinjonathan_: check what key combo is assigned in k/b shortcuts06:18
ubuntuyo soy de argentina y estoy mirando como gana alemania ante consta rica06:18
=== wastrel hates the run box
Wintersone is a linksys in a acer travelmate 230006:19
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Warbodaqing: have you changed the configuration, or is this just the default?06:19
CinWell, my RAM passes with memtest, I "sorted" my xorg.conf... and it still crashes. :(06:19
orbinwastrel: i dunno, pretty cool  to ust fire and forget06:19
b0eforbin: does he need to install ubuntu to enable universe repositories?06:19
daqingi use the default config06:19
wastreli always have at least one terminal open anyway so meh.06:19
orbinb0ef: afaik, yes.06:19
Kibouanyone know how to set HISTCONTROL globally?06:19
daqingmy problem is06:19
Warbodaqing: Hmmm. Have you got some brand new hardware which Ubuntu might not know about?06:20
b0eforbin: is there no way to install an application when running the live cd?06:20
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Wintersare u there Okarshinde06:20
LjLb0ef: yes, there is. just install it, and it will work. not sure about adding universe06:20
daqingi think no06:20
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onkarshindeWinters: Yes. Did you paste the output? URL please06:20
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Winterssorry im really new06:21
anahola ubuntu estas ai06:21
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Wintersdo u mind if we spoke ijn privare so thats way we can speak better06:21
daqingwhen i drag a window ,it reacts very slow (sorry for my poor english06:21
orbinana: por favor usen #ubuntu-es06:21
onkarshindeWinters: No problem06:21
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wastreldaqing - you speak chinese?06:22
lploisirsI have a little question06:22
daqingi am from china06:22
lploisirsI want to install the nvidia driver but for that I have to stop the x server06:22
anakiki252ok... does anyone tried to install libc6_2.3.5-1ubuntu12.5.10.1_i386.deb on dapper?06:22
lploisirswhen I do a kill X, X stop and immediatly restart06:22
onkarshindelploisirs: who says so?06:22
lploisirsHow to really stop X ?06:22
raptros-v76lploisirs: Ctrl+Alt+Backspace06:22
anakiki252anyone greek here?06:22
Warbodaqing: OK, so the graphics are coming up? That's good. Basically there are three main drivers. vesa works on anything, but is very slow. Then you have free drivers (which Ubuntu uses) which are better, but still slow. Then you have non-free drivers (which you have to add yourself) which may fix your problem06:22
LjLlploisirs: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop06:22
raptros-v76Some_Person: sudo apt-get update06:22
LjLlploisirs: then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start to restart it06:22
lploisirsLjL: I tried that and nothing happens06:23
orbinLjL: too fast :P06:23
rob_pKibou:  You can probably set that in /etc/bash.bashrc and it'll apply globally.06:23
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raptros-v76lploisirs: ctrl+Alt+Backspace06:23
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wastreldaqing:  #ubuntu-cn06:23
raptros-v76trust me on this06:23
ksaadhello, i have a question06:23
Warbodaqing: Do you know what company made your graphics card?06:23
lploisirsonkarshinde: THe Nvidia driver said that I have to stop it, I will try ctrl+alt+backpsace06:23
lploisirsthank a lot06:23
ksaadhow can i setup speedtouch modem in ubuntu?06:23
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ubotuSome people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Warbo06:23
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LjLlploisirs: ctrl+alt+backspace will stop it *and* immediately restart it. however, i think that's quite sufficient for getting the driver to work06:24
Kibourob_p, I see.. I think I tried that already will try again.. brb06:24
ksaadyeah, speedtouch06:24
Wintersonkarshinde: are u there sir, the problem is that i have start to use linux and i have left windows so now i need to configurate my laptop wifi06:24
daqingyes ,it is sis06:24
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Warboksaad: There is a page on wiki.ubuntu.com/UsbAdslModem06:24
ksaadany iea how to set it up?06:24
b0eforbin: ok, I see; he says he can install it, but he cannot find how to do it;), (sorry)06:24
Wintersbut i dont have such an idea how to do it06:24
ksaadthank you06:24
Some_Personwarbo: google it then add it to ubotu!06:24
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lploisirsLjL: you're right, it restart immediatly, but I don't have enough time to launch the driver installation06:24
Wintersi may need some hgelp to configurate it06:24
b0efhmm, he found it06:24
onkarshindeWinters: Yes. But to get it working you need to provide some details.06:24
LjLlploisirs: you can install the driver while X is running06:24
Tykanany help with Wine error saying "checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables" while trying to compilate wine version for WoW?06:24
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WarboSome_Person: I would prefer to make some sort of !eagleusb (because I wrote a wiki page on that today)06:25
Wintersim speaking with u in private do u copy me sir06:25
daqingWarbo: my driver patten is sis 65006:25
LjLTykan: do you have build-essential installed?06:25
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neutrinomassWarbo: Is the stuff in ueagle-atm-utils *neccessary* ?06:25
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Tykanfirst time using Ubntu or Linux... no idea on what that is06:25
Warbodaqing: I do not have much experience with sis cards sorry. I don't know if there is a faster driver06:25
wastrelhi Tykan06:25
onkarshindeWinters: No. I didn't get any message06:25
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LjLTykan: then type "sudo aptitude install build-essential", that should get you a working GCC06:26
Warboneutrinomass: I don't know as I haven't set up that driver yet06:26
johnnybonghi Tykan06:26
_Terryhey guys06:26
Scorpmooni like the way when you go up from a directory, the last visited dir is highlighted06:26
neutrinomassWarbo: Ok, thanks :)06:26
Some_Personjust use "ubotu: whatever is whatever u want it to say"06:26
Tykanhello all =) gonna try that LjL06:26
Scorpmooni was so stupid I called my username and the computer name (domain name) the same06:26
Scorpmoonis the home directory named after the username?06:26
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spikebyup Scorpmoon06:26
_Spire_Scorpmoon: yes06:26
Warboneutrinomass: I want to install a BSD soon, so I can check it out on there without screwing up my eagle-usb06:26
Wintersvan u sent me the private maybe im not doing right06:26
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_Terryok going from this process: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1085375#post108537506:26
neutrinomassWarbo: I'm asking because we have to put some pressure for CD inclusion and there's hardly any space on it :(06:26
_Terryto this process: lilo -v -r /mnt06:26
Some_PersonErr http://security.ubuntu.com breezy-security Release.gpg06:26
phoenixofcha0scan somebody please tell me how to copy files using terminal06:26
_Terryis something missing there?06:26
_Terrybecause I get a bash:lilo command not found error06:27
wastrel!tell phoenixofcha0s about cli06:27
LjLphoenixofcha0s: "cp <source> <destination>"06:27
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Some_PersonTemporary failure resolving 'security.ubuntu.com'06:27
TykanLjL can i PM you?06:27
phoenixofcha0sI need to have super priveledges thoe06:27
Scorpmoonin windows (sorry, i mean the w word) when you change username, you get a whole Documents dir just taking up space.. is it painless to change my username and/or hostname in ubuntu?06:27
lploisir1LjL: sorry for the deconnection06:27
_Spire_phoenixofcha0s: 'cp file1 destination'06:27
LjLtykan: yes06:27
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orbinphoenixofcha0s:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands06:27
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lploisir1LjL: the Nvidia driver said that : 'It appears that you have a X server running, please exit X before running"06:28
onkarshindeWinters: Check wiki.ubuntu.com You can find at least some info about your laptop or wireless card. I have to go now.06:28
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Wintersok than k u then bye06:28
Some_Personthe w word? lol06:28
Specapt-cache search ''|awk {'print $1'}|xargs -n1 apt-get install | yes06:28
phoenixofcha0sguys when i try that it says06:28
Specso that'd be bad, right?06:28
phoenixofcha0scp: omitting directory `/media/EXTERNAL/backup/'06:28
LjLlploisir1: uhm, what procedure were you following again?06:28
gravesonis there any documentatation for configring DVB's -if so where can i find it06:28
Scorpmoonwhere are you supposed to put your own files in the filesystem.. that is, mp3's photos, and the likes?06:29
Scorpmoonin home dir?06:29
LjLScorpmoon: yes06:29
lploisir1LjL: I had downloader the .run from nvidia website06:29
johnnybonggraveson: what do you want to do?06:29
_Terrywho here has a macbook pro06:29
Warboneutrinomass: I agree that there will have to be a switchover soon, but many people may have broken packages on their current CDs (I will include a link to the latest ones on the Wiki if this is fixed, then people with old CDs can still install the working packages.) To be honest I am quite interestedin ueagle-atm, so I will try it out when I am next at my Dad's house (he has sagem modem, but I will try it on MY system first,06:29
phoenixofcha0swhen i use CP I GET THIS ERROR !!!!!! cp: omitting directory `/media/EXTERNAL/backup/'06:29
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phoenixofcha0scan someone help for the love of god !06:29
LjLlploisir1: uhm, but, why not just try installing nvidia-glx, i think that's the most correct way06:29
_Terryim trying to triple boot but not having any success06:29
_Spire_phoenixofcha0s: if you're copying directories, you have to use 'cp -a'06:29
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Warbo_Terry: Are you using elilo as a bootloader (that is as far as my knowledge goes, sorry :()06:30
lploisir1LjL: I would like to use the twinview option from nvidia driver, does those nvidia-glx drivar have this option ?06:30
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LjLlploisir1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia06:30
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gravesonjohnnybong: mythtv ,but i need to get the DVB working , if you can provide me some ideas it would help06:30
_Spire_phoenixofcha0s: if the source or the destination directory is owned by root, you have to use 'sudo cp'06:30
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lploisir1LjL: I'm going to read that thanks06:30
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LjLlploisir1: i wouldn't know that. but AFAIK it's the same driver as the one from nvidia, just packaged for Ubuntu. perhaps a slightly older version.06:30
_Terryelilo froze the installer, so I used the LiveCD to download and (attempt anyhow) to install regular lilo06:30
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots.06:30
TrossHow am i suppose to change to swedish characters on Xchat?06:31
phoenixofcha0show can i visually see what is happening ?06:31
_Terrybut after extracting and copying it, and running the commands I said above06:31
Warbo_Terry: Regular lilo cannot use EFI (what Intel Macs use to boot)06:31
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_Terryit gives me a bash: lilo command not found error06:31
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_Terrywarbo intel macs use emulated legacy bios'06:31
_absolution_how do you switch to root06:31
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LjLlploisir1: note that among all the things it tells you to install, you probably only need to "sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx"06:31
_Terrythe bootloader gets installed to the same partition linux is installed on06:31
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johnnybonggraveson: ok, i did this last week. try this guide: http://parker1.co.uk/mythtv_ubuntu.php06:32
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Warbo_Terry: Do they? Well now I have even less respect for Apple (really, BIOS would not exist if Windows was gone)06:32
_absolution_i've tried "su"06:32
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TrossAnyone who knows?06:32
phoenixofcha0sUSING CP, how do I copy everything within a folder instead of copying the folder ?06:32
_absolution_in the terminal....and typed in the password....nothing06:32
_TerryI kind of like BIOS better. I dont like the fact that I can't configure an EFI password for my mac06:32
gravesonjohnnybong: is mythtv worth the time,my firends ae raving about it06:32
jhaaphoenixofcha0s cp /from /where -R06:32
jhaaman cp06:32
phoenixofcha0sthanks !06:32
_Terrywhere as with my PC I can create a BIOS password locking the system out06:32
_Terryunless theres something I dont know06:33
troy_s_terry:  pop the batter06:33
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phoenixofcha0sand how can i make it so that it shows what files its copying06:33
phoenixofcha0slike a visual thing06:33
troy_s_terry:  your bios password is gone06:33
phoenixofcha0swhat its up to or something ?06:33
_Terrytry it troy , you'll think otherwise :)06:33
nikadept crashed and the apt system is (b)locked...any hint?06:33
wiggieXpectsLessQ: I want to upgrade from breezy to dapper. what are the possibilities that  I will lose all my music, videos, pics and document? Can I do the wiki-type upgrade or should I install a fresh copy?06:33
phoenixofcha0scurrent file its doing06:33
orbinphoenixofcha0s: -v for verbose06:33
johnnybonggraveson: it can be a pig to set up, but worth it if you want all of the PVR functionality. If you just want to watch Digital TV, you can use Xine to do that, and it works very well.06:33
phoenixofcha0sthanks :D06:33
troy_s_terry:  had to do it a few times.  you need to flash the bios.  it does it every time.06:33
CrescendoSpeaking Ubuntu on a Mac...   how would I go about having it automatically restore power after a blackout?06:33
_Spire_phoenixofcha0s: 'cp -v' shows what it's copying06:33
_Terrymaybe on your system, not on mine.06:33
troy_s_terry:  the only persistant way is to write to disk.06:33
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troy_s_terry:  you are hitting the jumpers right?  ;)06:34
_absolution_i've upgraded...yesterday.....didn't lose anything06:34
phoenixofcha0sso sudo cp -Rv is correct ?06:34
StyXmanhi all. I'm about to install a dhcp3-server, but I would like to do it without bringing it up yet. is there a way to tell the instalation process to not to bvring up the service?06:34
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troy_s_terry:  it does it on all of them :)06:34
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_absolution_can't log into root though06:34
_Terryi'm pretty sure it doesnt lol06:34
troy_s_terry:  you are mistaken06:34
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orbinphoenixofcha0s: think so yes06:34
_Terryespecially the new ones, that are stored to an eeprom06:34
wiggieXpectsLessroot? i thought sudo was the root06:34
Svigi_wlanstyxman: if I remember well it will not bring up after installing06:34
_Terryi dont think jumpers overwrite those heh06:34
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Svigi_wlanit warns you to set in /etc/default/dhcpd06:34
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LjLwiggieXpectsLess: unless you enable root manually.06:34
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StyXmanSvigi_wlan: ah, nice06:34
WarboIf I want to add a factoid to ubotu, do I put the factoid in quotes or something (Wiki is not clear)06:35
Svigi_wlanand the dhcpd.conf06:35
troy_s_terry:  there is always a rewrite.  remove battery, reset via jumper / etc.  done.06:35
Svigi_wlantry it06:35
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wiggieXpectsLessso I can update and not worry?06:35
troy_swarbo:  ask ubotu06:35
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gizmo_the_great1I am desperate...my screen flickers\ripples whenever I play 3D games. I have nvidia drivers installed, fast writes and SBA enabled. I am baffled.06:35
troy_swarbo:  he will give you the syntax06:35
orbinWarbo: no need for quotes06:35
_absolution_not sure06:35
phoenixofcha0susing CP06:35
orbinWarbo: blah is whatever06:35
_absolution_I didn't lose anything06:35
phoenixofcha0show do i copy files within a directory06:35
_Terryremoving the battery doesn't reset anything but the clock. Resetting the CMOS jumper only sets the BIOS to fail safe defaults. Passwords are still intact06:35
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phoenixofcha0sand then put them in a differnt directory without copyuing the folder ?06:36
gizmo_the_great1phoenixofcha0s: cp or mv i think06:36
wiggieXpectsLess well i'll update anyways... see what happens06:36
_Terryat least thats how mine runs06:36
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Frogzoophoenixofcha0s: cp  dir1/dir2/filename  but I don't think that was your question?06:36
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phoenixofcha0sFrogzoo, well im using this sudo cp -Rv /media/EXTERNAL/backup/ /home/ubuntu/Desktop/hda06:36
_Spire_phoenixofcha0s: if you want to move the directory, use 'mv'06:36
_Terryand I love the hard drive lock features these new BIOS' come with too06:37
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phoenixofcha0sFrogzoo, and its making a backup folder in hda I dont want that i want to copy the files within06:37
_Terryhard lock the HDD06:37
daqinghello,i have an integrated graphic06:37
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Warboubotu eagleusb is USB modems like the Sagem F@st800 need the eagle-usb driver. The current packages are broken, but the driver can be installed with this guide http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UsbAdslModem/EagleUsb06:37
ubotuokay, Warbo06:37
ubotuit has been said that eagleusb is USB modems like the Sagem F@st800 need the eagle-usb driver. The current packages are broken, but the driver can be installed with this guide http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UsbAdslModem/EagleUsb06:37
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WarboHmmm. Almost :)06:37
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phoenixofcha0s_Spire_ i want the files within the folder i dont want the actual folder06:37
FjodorDoes anyone know, why a regular users print jobs seem to go to the manual feed of the printer?06:37
Frogzoophoenixofcha0s:  cp -Rv /media/EXTERNAL/backup/* /home/ubuntu/Desktop/hda06:38
rob_pKibou:  Did it work?06:38
daqingbut it seems that the driver has not yet been installed06:38
phoenixofcha0sthanks :D06:38
_Spire_phoenixofcha0s: oh!06:38
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_Spire_phoenixofcha0s: what he said ^^06:38
steve_anyone having issues with firestarter in dapper?06:38
Tross_Where can i get swedish characters? Im using Xchat?06:38
nikhow to remove "lvm2" without removing ubuntu-base?06:38
Kibourob_p: I'm an idiot.. i didn't see that ubuntu comes with a full .bashrc in the home dir so HISTCONTROL always was exported after the global config files06:38
_Terryis there anyone here that has ubuntu running on a mac?06:38
_Terry(intel based)06:38
Warboubotu eagleusb is for USB modems like the Sagem F@st800 which need the eagle-usb driver. The current eagle-usb packages are broken, but the driver can be installed with this guide http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UsbAdslModem/EagleUsb06:38
ubotu...but eagleusb is already something else...06:38
Warboubotu forget eagleusb06:38
ubotuWarbo: i forgot eagleusb06:38
gizmo_the_great1I am desperate...my screen flickers\ripples whenever I play 3D games. I have nvidia drivers installed, fast writes and SBA enabled. I am baffled.06:39
KibouI guess it gets copied from /etc/skel when an account gets created06:39
Warboubotu eagleusb is for USB modems like the Sagem F@st800 which need the eagle-usb driver. The current eagle-usb packages are broken, but the driver can be installed with this guide http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UsbAdslModem/EagleUsb06:39
steve_when I click on firestarter on the menu no window shows06:39
phoenixofcha0sFrogzoo, _Spire_ its still doing the same thing making a folder called backup i dont want that06:39
rob_pKibou:  I think it's commented out by default though.06:39
phoenixofcha0si want the files IN backup to be put in hda06:39
steve_anyone else have similar/06:39
ubotuWarbo: My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:39
phoenixofcha0sI dont want the actual folder backup06:39
Frogzoophoenixofcha0s:  cp -Rv /media/EXTERNAL/backup/* /home/ubuntu/Desktop/hda06:39
neutrinomassWarbo: Great work on that guide btw, seems thorough :)06:39
rob_pKibou:  At least on a default install of Breezy on the first user account...06:39
phoenixofcha0sFrogzoo, i tried that06:40
Warboubotu eagleusb is for USB modems like the Sagem F@st800 which need the eagle-usb driver. The current eagle-usb packages are broken, but the driver can be installed with this guide http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UsbAdslModem/EagleUsb06:40
ubotuokay, Warbo06:40
rob_pKibou:  Anyhow, looks like you got it figured out. :-)06:40
WarboAA! ubotu's time limits!06:40
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Kibouworks now06:40
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ic56Warbo: what's your problem with ubotu?06:40
AfiefI am having problems using maxima, it used to work find in breezy, in dapper it just doesn't function\06:41
phoenixofcha0sFrogzoo, its still copying all the files to a folder called backup06:41
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Warboneutrinomass: I got a GAIM window open when a mate wanted to know how to start the driver at boot (after I already gave him a guide on how to install it) so I thought I'd write something official (since the ueagle-atm page only has an introduction at the moment)06:41
Warboic56: Doesn't matter06:41
uboturumour has it, eagleusb is for USB modems like the Sagem F@st800 which need the eagle-usb driver. The current eagle-usb packages are broken, but the driver can be installed with this guide http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UsbAdslModem/EagleUsb06:41
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phoenixofcha0s_Spire_ ??06:41
phoenixofcha0sFrogzoo ?? :(06:42
Tross_Please? how am i supose to do?06:42
neutrinomassWarbo: Yes, I want to get round to documenting the procedure for Accessrunners as well ...06:42
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Warboyay (but F@st800 isn't an email :))06:42
gizmo_the_great1can any1 tell me some diagnostic tools or commands to diagnose issues with 3D (other than glxgears and  cat /proc/driver/nvidia/agp/status?)06:42
ic56Warbo: why don't you talk to ubotu through private messages?06:42
Warboic56: It's done now06:42
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Warboneutrinomass: I would document my other modem, but it is ethernet, so plug 'n' play :)06:43
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johnnybonggizmo_the_great1: try 'glxinfo' in a terminal. also, are you getting the nVidia splash screen when X starts?06:43
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benkong2how do I change the gdm greeter in dapper?06:44
phoenixofcha0sTHis is annoying06:44
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phoenixofcha0sI awnt to copy files within a folder and put them in another directory without copying the actual folder !06:44
phoenixofcha0s cp -Rv /media/EXTERNAL/backup/* /home/ubuntu/Desktop/hda that is not working !06:44
Warbobenkong2: There is an option in System>Administration>Login Screen06:44
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gizmo_the_great1johnnybong: splash screen - yes. glxinfo - already tried but I not sure what bits would reveal problems with 3d - what to look for?06:44
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benkong2Warbo: thanks06:45
WarboLogin Window, sorry06:45
uglymonkehi all! need help: i tried apt-get for k7-smp kernel but i cant get internet acess on http och ping any more. not with new or old kernel. writing this mess from stoopid-xp. any ideas?06:45
Kibourob_p: another question. does bash.bashrc get sourced before or after /etc/profile?06:45
ic56phoenixofchaOs: please name the intended source and target directories.06:45
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Warbouglymonke: Did you install your modem drivers from source (so your new kernel doesn't have them)?06:45
Jemtuglymonke: Running DHCP ?06:46
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Jemtuglymonke: Is your network card listed in 'ifconfig -a' ?06:46
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uglymonkeJemt/Warbo: static ip - on ifconfig my static addr shows up06:46
bjronhey, anyone know how set the directory that something is launched from when you create a launcher for the panel?06:46
phoenixofcha0scan somebody please help me :'(06:47
Jemtuglymonke: Can you ping your gateway ?06:47
ic56phoenixofchaOs: please tell us the intended source and target directories.06:47
johnnybonggizmo_the_great: hmm, might be worth checking that direct rendering is 'on'; otherwise, just checking vendor strings, etc.06:47
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phoenixofcha0sI want to get the files within a folder, and put them in a differnet directory this is not working sudo  cp -Rv /media/EXTERNAL/backup/* /home/ubuntu/Desktop/hda06:47
Warbobjron: You would have to make a simple script which "cd"s to the right directory then runs the app06:47
uglymonkeJemt/Warbo: but no rx/tx of bytes.. ah is that the 255.255.... ?06:47
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SojournerHello, I am having problems with my sound quality being exceptionally low, can anyone remedy my situation?06:47
phoenixofcha0swhat that is doing is, making another folder called backup which is not what i want !06:47
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ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, eugman06:48
Jemtuglymonke: 255... is your submask06:48
Jemtuglymonke: Can you ping your gateway ?06:48
dr_willisphoenixofcha0s,  you dont want to use 'cp' that will mess up all your permissions and so forth.06:48
Warbobjron: just put "#!/bin/bash" as the top line (with no quotes) and the rest of the script as whatever you type in a terminal to get the program up (that includes cd and stuff). Then make it executable and make your launcher execute the script06:48
yuheng108hi, does anyone know how to set up the vimicro usb pc camera 301x?06:48
phoenixofcha0sdr_willis what do i use then !06:48
ic56phoenixofchaOs: please name the intended source and target directories.06:49
phoenixofcha0s cp -Rv /media/EXTERNAL/backup/* /home/ubuntu/Desktop/hda06:49
eugmanCome on ubotu, you really need to get something on parental controls06:49
Sojournerhello, i am having a problem with my sound quality, can anyone help?06:49
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uglymonkeJemt/Warbo: (im in xp now) if i can ping then where is the error?06:49
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johnnybonggotta go now!06:49
phoenixofcha0si want the files in backup to be put in hda but not in a backup folder in hda that make sense ?06:49
JemtNot easy to help you when you are not in Ubuntu06:49
dr_willisphoenixofcha0s,  the correct tar commands like you had easlier with the proper options.   It may be worth the errort to fine a HOWTO on backing/up/restoreing a hard drive using tar06:49
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bjronWarbo: thanks,  I was afraid that might be the only way (not that it's all that difficult, but seems like there should be that functionality directly in the launcher properties).  ;p06:49
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Warbouglymonke: Sorry, I am useless at networking, but I have installed a few kernel modules in my time06:50
phoenixofcha0sok fine fine how do i move06:50
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phoenixofcha0smove files06:50
dr_willisphoenixofcha0s,  if the files get copied to the hd. you could then 'mv' them up  one directory. But still i bet you will have to do some tweaking/fixing to get a working system06:50
uglymonkeJemt: not easy to get your help when im in ubuntu at the time being :)06:50
Jemtuglymonke: I would first check that the network card is present (ifconfig -a), that it is configured, that you can ping the gateway. One of these steps probably fails06:50
ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, eugman06:50
caepchow in the heck can i install the newest kernel in 5.10 without breaking everything06:50
Jemtuglymonke: True :)06:50
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opitwindo you need something simonpca06:50
phoenixofcha0sah awseome ill just do that then !06:50
dr_willisphoenixofcha0s,  its best to just backuo your homedir and do a reinstall.06:50
Warbobjron: That is only really needed for commercial applications (I'm guessing that's what you want it for) so there is no real need to add it to the Launcher dialog06:50
yuheng108hi, does anyone know how to set up the vimicro usb pc camera 301x?06:50
ic56phoenixofchaOs: the cp command you are listing should work.  Don't forget the star at the of backup/*06:51
phoenixofcha0sdr_willis, thats far to late.06:51
dr_willisphoenixofcha0s,  or use a dedicated backup program like mondo/mindi, or other similer program06:51
simonpcaopitwin: hmm, not, why?06:51
uglymonkeJemt: first step works. i tried it. if second step fails where shoul i look for answer?06:51
gizmo_the_great1can any1 tell me some diagnostic tools or commands to diagnose issues with 3D (other than glxgears, glxinfo, and  cat /proc/driver/nvidia/agp/status?) . Fast writes, SBA and direct rendering all enabled. But I still having problems.06:51
dr_willisphoenixofcha0s,  if your homedir is in that backed up dir.. its still there..06:51
Togehellow, how can i change the dns manually? what file?06:51
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bobohow do I update GAIM w/ apt-get?06:51
opitwinsimonpca: just wondering06:51
phoenixofcha0sdr_willis, i needed to make a windows partion and i had to delete everything06:51
simonpcabobo: sudo apt-get install gaim06:51
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yuheng108hi, does anyone know how to set up the vimicro usb pc camera 301x?06:52
Warbobobo: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gaim06:52
johnsieHi... if i chnage my graphics card how do I configure x to use it?06:52
phoenixofcha0sso i moved all my files over06:52
phoenixofcha0sand yeah06:52
gnomefreakbobo: if you mean gaim2 beta its a bit harder than that06:52
Jemtuglymonke: No idea. Could be a driver issue - havn't experienced any such problems with Ubuntu. It has quite a large database of drivers. Do you know what chipset your card is based on ?06:52
bjronWarbo, why only needed for commerial apps?06:52
opitwinsimonpca: Do you know anything about Kubuntu?06:52
Jemtuglymonke: SIS is known to be very Windows-only06:52
gizmo_the_great1johnsie: what graphics card you got?06:52
simonpcaopitwin: in fact, I need to have 300 Mo free on my / :D06:52
phoenixofcha0sdr_willis, after everything is copied, how do i move it up a directory if its in /home/ubuntu/Desktop/hda/backup06:52
simonpcaopitwin: a liitle, i've installed it06:52
eugmanAnyone know of a good howto for setting up dansguardian and some proxy06:52
johnsieNot sure what one it is06:52
opitwinsimonpca: Does it work as well as Ubuntu?06:52
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uglymonkeJemt: nforce4 but internet was working before - htts how i got the new kernel :)06:53
simonpcaopitwin: yeah!06:53
simonpcai uninstalled KDE06:53
simonpcato make some roomo06:53
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Jemtuglymonke: Ohh, I see06:53
dr_willismv * ..  perhaps.. but that may also mess up your permissions06:53
mattikooI tried to configure plugger for opera. And I got error message configure: error: Unable to find X11 libraries. I tried install different libraries and dev-packages, but It doesn't help me.06:53
Warbobjron: Usually commercial apps (like ones I use) need to be run from their directory (so they can be generic for any distro), but FLOSS programs can be changed and packaged by distro maintainers to put binaries in $PATH so no folder is needed06:53
Jemtuglymonke: Why are you messing with the kernel ?06:53
meherenOS-Xis there a program that allows me to convert .ico files to .png files (putting each different layer of the .ico into a different .png)06:53
opitwinsimonpca: I don't like KDE very much either06:53
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simonpcaopitwin: very stable; but at my taste gnome is more "productive"06:53
PupenoHow do I make Evolution show the mails threaded ?06:54
johnsieis there like some kind of terminal diagnosis tool i can use to check for a graphics card06:54
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opitwinsimonpca: I really like gnome06:54
simonpcaopitwin: yeah, me too :)06:54
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simonpcaXFCE seems to be nice too06:54
JeezGodDamnitxfce rules06:54
spikebxfce is kind of like mini-gnome in many ways06:54
JemtmeherenOS-X: I think 'magick' is what your are looking for06:54
ic56phoenixofchaOs: do you mean you are trying to copy your entire root filesystem?  cp won't do that right.06:54
ubotuI don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Jemt06:54
wsjunioris anybody noticing synaptics touchpad kinda crazy?06:54
meherenOS-Xok thx06:54
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dr_willisphoenixofcha0s,  what is your exact 'restore' command you are doing?06:54
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opitwinsimonpca: What is xfce?06:55
meherenOS-Xjemt and i can install by and apt-get magick right?06:55
uglymonkeJemt: messing :) ? i found tips on how to speed ubu and kernel choice was one-- everyone else on the thread seemed to have 0 probs...06:55
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gnomefreakJeezGodDamnit: please change you nick06:55
phoenixofcha0sdr_wilis, im the biggest noob ever, there is actual folder called backup in the folders that need copying06:55
phoenixofcha0shaha my bad06:55
simonpcaopitwin: another WM like gnome and KDE;06:55
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Warboopitwin: It is an alternative desktop environment (smaller, works on older computers)06:55
simonpca!tell opitwin about xfce06:55
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.06:56
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iiiearsInstalling Quicktime. What do you do next?   make: *** No rule to make target `i686', needed by `all'.  Stop.06:56
dr_willisphoenixofcha0s,  Linux tip #1 - "THINK" :P06:56
opitwinsimonpca: is it just like gnome?06:56
bobowhat's the shortcut for the terminal?06:56
phoenixofcha0sdr_willis, after its copied i need to trick it with chroot06:56
simonpcaopitwin: not really06:56
Shaezschehow can i add events to my etc/acpi/event directory? i keep getting "permission denied"06:56
phoenixofcha0sthen do something with grub ?06:56
Warboiiiears: Sounds like you need to fix some source :)06:56
simonpcai plan to test it soon06:56
opitwinsimonpca: Is that what Xubuntu runs?06:56
simonpcaopitwin: yeah :D06:56
dr_willisphoenixofcha0s,  yep. if you are lucky thats all it will need. :P06:56
iiiearsWarbo - lol - NVM then - hahaha06:56
Warbobobo: alt-f206:56
EquinHow would I disallow a user access to any folder but his homefolder?06:57
phoenixofcha0sdr_willis, i need to change the grub thing after06:57
iiiearsWarbo - Thank You. :)06:57
phoenixofcha0sso i can dual boot06:57
boboWarbo,  thanks06:57
johnsieHow do i configure X from the terminal?06:57
Warboiiiears: Try "make i686". If it fails then it is broken06:57
wsjuniorim experiencing problems with my synaptics touchpad, its kinda crazy.. i cant keep the control over it..06:57
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opitwinsimonpca: I've ordered the CD's so that I can try them all06:57
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wsjuniorshould i configure something to get it working normally?06:57
iiiearsWarbo - Good, I will try that then.06:57
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simonpcaopitwin: mee too :)06:57
Warbojohnsie: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:57
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Shaezschehow can i add events to my etc/acpi/event directory? i keep getting "permission denied"06:58
llpamiesHow can I break a loop in ADA ?06:58
Shaezschei am trying to bind hotkeys06:58
phoenixofcha0scan everyone please comment on my current progress with www.blindstream.net/V2/testingserver/06:58
WarboShaezsche: You need to use "sudo" before your commands06:58
phoenixofcha0sany tips ?06:58
simonpcaopitwin: but from a normal ubuntu, you can try kubuntu with sudo apt-get install kde (as i did), xfce with sudo apt-get install xfce-desktop06:58
steve___Anyone have any idea how to get rid of this cups error found in /var/log/cups/error_log?  -- cupsdAuthorize: Local authentication certificate not found!06:58
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Warbosimonpca: There is also a kubuntu-desktop instead of kde06:58
ic56Equin: what you are asking for is impractical.  Users need access at least to the folders that contain the system commands, documentation, and configuration.06:58
Shaezschewarbo its not a command. i dont know how to add events with sudo06:58
simonpcaWarbo: ^^06:59
Shaezschei was trying to just create a txt file with the command and put it in the directory06:59
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opitwinsimpca: Can I uninstall it later?06:59
Jemtuglymonke: Ah, ok. Well, I would just leave the kernel as is if I were you :)06:59
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WarboShaezsche: Whatever program you are using, find the command to run it (the file manager is "nautilus") and put "gksudo" in front. That will give the app permission06:59
phoenixofcha0stell all www.blindstream.net/V2/testingserver07:00
Shaezscheok thanks07:00
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opitwinsimonpca: Can it be uninstalled07:00
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simonpcaopitwin: yeah, with sudo apt-get remove [what-you've-installed] 07:00
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opitwinsimonpca: like sudo apt-get remove kde07:01
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simonpcaopitwin: exactly07:01
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simonpcathat's the fun side of Debian :D07:01
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opitwinsimonpca: Thank You, is there a list online of all the programs that I can get for Ubuntu?07:02
simonpcaopitwin: http://packages.ubuntu.com07:02
Warboopitwin: Using aptitude will make sure you don't get loads of unneeded packages installed after you remove something (KDE depends on lots of things that GNOME doesn't use)07:02
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simonpcaopitwin: also try with Synaptic07:02
gnomefreakopitwin: sudo apt-get remove --purge libqt3-mt    i think thats the base lib for kde07:02
simonpcaopitwin: or aptitude07:02
gnomefreakthat will remove all or most kde app07:02
simonpcaopitwin: with Synaptic all is graphical07:03
Warbosimonpca: aptitude seems to remove more stuff than Synaptic (maybe it uses deborphan or something)07:03
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opitwinWhat HTML Editor do you guys recommend?07:03
JeezGodDanghello, im on BREEZY, can i install linux-image-2.6.15-23-386_2.6.15-23.39_i386.deb  without borking my system?  if so, how07:03
Warboopitwin: nvu07:03
Warboopitwin: apt-get install nvu07:03
simonpcaWarbo: aptitude doesn't have the "smart" option of Synaptic07:04
Warbosimonpca: I suppose so (apt-get dist-upgrade it is then :))07:04
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LjLthere's aptitude dist-upgrade too07:04
lastnodeJeezGodDang, dpkg -i ?07:04
opitwinWarbo: Is there one that doesn't have WYSIWYG in it?07:04
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LjLthough i don't really know what the "smart" option of synaptic is07:04
Warboopitwin: Screem I think07:04
JeezGodDanglastnode, it wont break anything?07:04
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Warboopitwin: or bluefish07:04
lastnodeJeezGodDang, it's just a new kernel, right? shouldn't.07:05
lastnodeJeezGodDang, where did you get that deb from?07:05
eugmanAnyone know how to setup content filtering in dapper? I know I need dansguardian and a proxy.07:05
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DarkRavenMixagesomeone knows how to play amr audio with mplayer in ubuntu?07:05
JeezGodDanglastnode, good, now what about modules...do i need to install all these packages by hand07:05
JeezGodDanglastnode, http://ubuntu.secs.oakland.edu/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.15/07:05
FjodorDoes anyone know, why a regular users print jobs seem to go to the manual feed of the printer?07:05
onkarshindeI am getting this error. /usr/lib/xine/plugins/1.1.1/xineplug_inp_vcd.so: vcdinfo_get_seg_resolution and gxine is crashing. Anyone has any idea?07:05
WarboJeezGodDang: Add that as a repository for apt-get07:05
lastnodeJeezGodDang, whoa, just use the repos mate07:05
jaekdudes, hal is pissing me off... it takes forever to start the service up during boot, and then after i login get this error dialog... and then it takes forever for nautilus to run.
opitwinWarbo: Can I install Bluefish by sudo apt-get install bluefish07:05
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Warboopitwin: Yes (I think)07:06
JeezGodDanglastnode, i dont want it to break anything...i just want the kernel source07:06
Warboopitwin: That is GUI, but not WYSIWYG07:06
LjLopitwin: don't see why not07:06
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opitwinWhat is bluefish's Website?07:06
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opitwinWarbo: What is bluefish's Website?07:06
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Tykanwill ubuntu recognize my USB hard drive when i plug it in?07:07
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bobocan you sort by online/offline in GAIM? and how do you show the display pictures?07:07
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LjLopitwin: so, you haven't learned to type "bluefish" into google yet eh? ;-)07:07
DarkRavenMixagesomeone knows how to play amr audio with mplayer in ubuntu?07:07
Warboopitwin: Their site is http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=bluefish&btnG=Google+Search&meta=07:07
onkarshindeI am getting this error. /usr/lib/xine/plugins/1.1.1/xineplug_inp_vcd.so: vcdinfo_get_seg_resolution and gxine is crashing. Anyone has any idea?07:07
opitwinLjL: for a minute I forgot about googel07:07
JeezGodDangWarbo, how can i add just the kernel directory for that repository?07:08
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giovanjoint #ubuntu-br07:08
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giovanjoin #ubuntu-br07:08
WarboJeezGodDang: Hmmm. You may be able to use the /etc/apt/preferences file to do that, but that is a little deep for me07:08
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jaekfailed to initialize HAL! <- i get this when i start gnome... WTF?07:09
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Warbojaek: Sounds like you are starting GNOME from recovery mode :)07:09
opitwinWarbo: Bluefish looks like a nice editor07:09
liran_hey guys07:09
MACOhi all07:10
Warboopitwin: I hate coding html. I like nvu :)07:10
jaekWarbo, no... i'm not... hal hangs for over a minute during system startup... and then i login to gnome and i get that message07:10
liran_uhmm, how do i enable tv-out? im on ati with the fglrx package installed.07:10
mo0sewhat option should i put for ntfs partitions?07:10
MACOi got an asus laptop07:10
opitwinWarbo: I really don't like NVU's way of writing in the code, I like HTML.07:10
mo0sethe one on the wiki doesn't work.07:10
jaekliran_, you wont get anything to work properly with fglrx07:10
ubotuto automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions there is no write support for ntfs that is safe. <!winfstab>07:10
Warbojaek: OK, well you will want to fix that. Maybe you have some weird hardawe HAL doesn't like?07:10
MACOn' it freeze when my usb mouse is plug in07:10
JeezGodDangliran_, HAHA07:10
mo0sethat one doesn't work, dr_willis.07:10
ubotuin fstab it should look **like** this:: /dev/hda1       /media/windows  ntfs    nls=utf8,ro,user,umask=000 0       007:10
JeezGodDangliran_, liranuna is a pretty lady07:10
MACOwhat can i do ?07:10
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opitwinWarbo: HTML is easier for me rather than figuring out a WYSIWYG program07:11
jaekWarbo, possibly... but in my office there are 3 same machines running ubuntu and only my machine does that07:11
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Warboopitwin: :) (nvu is basically the same as Mozilla Composer, but in GTK, so I know it's layout anyway)07:11
liran_jaek: why is that?07:11
jaekliran_, cus ATI drivers suck ballz07:11
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ic56moOse: there is a newer version of the !ntfs script.  I wrote it.   Tell me how the old one failed you and I'll tell you if the new one will07:11
opitwinWarbo: Thanks for your help07:11
meherenOS-Xhow can i install the debian menu?07:11
jaekserious, i never got an ATI machine to work as well as an nvidia machine07:12
JeezGodDangliran_, i know you07:12
WarbomeherenOS-X: The package is called "menu"07:12
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mo0seic56, i didn't use the script.07:12
YogSothothPhnglui mglwnafh Cthulhu Rlyeh wgahnagl fthagn!07:12
meherenOS-Xsuo apt-get install menu should work then?07:12
mo0sei wanna do it manually.07:12
gizmo_the_great1i have just installed wine - when i type 'wine' at terminal I am asked what apps I want to run. I thought wine had a GUI to start you off?07:12
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meherenOS-Xgizmo do apt-get install xwine07:12
bobocan you sort by online/offline in GAIM? and how do you show the display pictures?07:13
liran_JeezGodDang: you do? :)07:13
ic56mo0se: and, you say, the manual instructions don't work?07:13
Warbogizmo_the_great1: "winecfg" can set up WINE for you, but just type "wine program.exe" to run a program. That easy07:13
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mo0seic56: yeah. they don't work.07:13
CrescendoE: Package xwine has no installation candidate07:13
JeezGodDangliran_, dsdev07:13
WarboCrescendo: xwine conflicts with wine07:13
gizmo_the_great1meherenOS-X: it says ' Package xwine has no installation candidate'07:13
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liran_JeezGodDang: dsdev?07:14
Warbogizmo_the_great1: Seriously, there is no "start you off". Just install WINE then run a program07:14
mutil8im trying to follow the guide at http://www.unet.univie.ac.at/~a9826090/en/projects/linux/hardware/wintv-usb2/ to get my wintv-usb2 working under ubuntu, but it asks for me to install 'linux-tree', but this doesn't seem to exist, has this been renamed to something else?07:14
Crescendosudo apt-get remove wine07:14
CrescendoWrong window.07:14
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PupenoHow do I make Evolution show mails as threads ?07:14
ic56mo0se: the instructions are correct.  If you insist on doing something manually, then you must also accept the labour that goes with that.  Read the relevant manpages and figure out what you did wrong.07:14
JeezGodDangliran_, ok or not :/07:14
Warbomutil8: Sounds like it wants the headers to me07:15
shadeofgreydoes anybody know of a better ftp program for ubuntu besides gftp?07:15
gizmo_the_great1Warbo: but surely the programs have to be 'installed' first? For example, i want to play Americas Army via Wine07:15
liran_JeezGodDang: hehe07:15
mutil8cvs make gcc-3.4 linux-tree linux-kernel-headers linux-headers07:15
mutil8that's everything it wants installed07:15
JeezGodDangliran_, just a nother liran from israel07:15
mutil8from apt07:15
mo0seic56: i've done it before. someone gave me the right options on irc.07:15
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gizmo_the_great1Warbo: so i would have to install it in WINE first I thought?07:15
Warbogizmo_the_great1: Just run the game's windows installer (usually called setup.exe)07:15
mo0sethey had 2's in them.07:15
liran_JeezGodDang: how about you quit fooling around and help me out with this tv-out thing hehe :)07:15
gizmo_the_great1Warbo: OK - i will try that - thanks07:15
ic56mo0se: umask=022207:15
Scorpmooni need to install a kde app called kdissert.. but it's not available by apt-get .. however, it depends on some KDE libraries i guess.. how do I go about installing it?07:15
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mutil8Warbo: so it's already asking for headers, what else could linux-tree be?07:16
CrescendoXWine still has no E: Package xwine has no installation candidate07:16
JemtScorpmoon: Have you added Multiverse ?07:16
wubrgamerhey guys, i need some help with compiz / xgl, WHAT ARE THE difference  ?07:16
liran_JeezGodDang: whats dsdev and who is that liran from israel? you got me all curious now :P07:16
boboHow do you create an empty file ....07:16
Crescendotouch file07:16
mutil8bobo: touch <filename>07:16
WarboScorpmoon: If you get the source then when you run ./configure you can check for what it needs (usually -dev packages) [there is an app to do this automatically, but I find it quite hopeless] 07:16
Jemtbobo: 'touch file'07:16
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carlos_hola, algun espaol??07:16
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:17
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Warbomutil8: No idea. Maybe a kernel source tree? (hopefully not because you may have to make your own kernel)07:17
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yuheng108hi, does anyone know how to set up the vimicro usb pc camera 301x?07:17
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ScorpmoonWarbo, does this link help me in any way? packages.ubuntulinux.org/dapper/kde/kdissert07:18
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JemtScorpmoon: Have you added Multiverse ?07:18
meherenhmm i install pkg menu nothing happening07:18
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meherenhow do i get the debin menu?07:18
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refuzewhere's a good place to put xmodmap to load on startup?07:18
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WarboScorpmoon: Looks like you can just "apt-get install kdissert" (if you have Universe enabled)07:19
mehereni used to have a menu under applications called debian then i did a fresh install and it's gone...07:19
Scorpmooni tried already, what is universe?07:19
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Scorpmooni have a freshly installed dapper07:19
WarboScorpmoon: Or at least "apt-get build-dep kdissert" to install whatever other packages it needs07:19
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refuzemeheren: Applications > Accessories > Alacrate enable it there..07:19
Jemt!tell Scorpmoon about repositories07:19
Warbo!tell Scorpmoon about universe07:19
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livingdaylightsomeone know about about easy ubuntu?07:20
meherenrefuze, i enable it by clicking on the bx right... becaus eif so it won't let me...07:20
Warbolivingdaylight: Yes, it works quite well07:20
Jemtlivingdaylight: Just ask your question :)07:20
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. It may break your system, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation instead. For help with and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.07:20
judahso easy07:20
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judahoh.. heh.. didn't know it was really something.07:20
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livingdaylightdon't know whether to use source-o-matic or easy ubuntu to get my media codecs07:20
judahthought it was a comment on the usability of ubuntu07:20
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic07:21
mutil8Warbo: so if it is the source tree, what would i install to get that?07:21
Warbomutil8: "linux-source-2.6.15"07:21
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Warbomutil8: Do you know how to make your own Linux kernel?07:21
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bobocan't update to firefox 1.5.... I followed this http://devhen.wordpress.com/2006/05/11/howto-upgrade-to-firefox-15-on-ubuntu-510-breezy-badger/ but it doesn't work07:22
Warbobobo: Are you on Breezy or Dapper (Dapper uses 1.5 by default)07:22
thedesburritodoes anyone here know how to get juk to play?07:22
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mutil8thanks Warbo07:23
boboI have Breezy07:23
ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion07:23
NoUseboob ^^^07:23
Gistybituhm i accidentally closed the top panel in gnome (fresh dapper install), and now it won't come back. How do i get it back?07:23
Warbobobo: OK, follow the ff1.5 guide just posted07:23
meherenawhile ago someone reccomended the pkg magick there is no such pkg but I saerched for it and found imagemagick i install but i still can't use the image editor...07:23
Gistybiti've tried putting Gnome-panel under startup in the session-properties07:23
JeezGodDangok trying to compile a kernel from kernel.org....is there an easy develpackage i can get to get gcc et. all?07:23
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bobothanks, Warbo, NoUse07:23
WarboGistybit: Right click on an empty bit of panel and add a new one (you have to add all of it's applets back)07:23
meherenbasically what i want to do is convert a bunch of .ico files to .png files07:23
runesI really need some help mounting a secondary ide drive in dapper07:24
ubotukyledye: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:24
NoUse!tell JeezGodDang about kernelcompile07:24
ubotufrom memory, gaim is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GaimHowto07:24
Warbokyledye: Are you after Gnash?07:24
kyledyei'm not sure to be honest warbo07:24
GistybitWarbo: ok.. thx :)07:24
kyledyejust cant get flash 8 pro to work in ubuntu07:24
kyledyeso looking for an alternative07:25
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Warbokyledye: Ubuntu has GPLFlash, but Gnash has now overtaken it (and GPLFlash people have given up because it is better)07:25
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meherenanyone hagve any ideas on how to convert .ico files to .png? i can use the gimp and open every file and save it as a .png but that is a pin as i have roughly 200 icons07:25
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ubotuI don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, kyledye07:25
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Warbokyledye: It is on gnu.org07:25
ubotuhmm... mplayer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto  For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3106107:25
kyledyethank you warbo!07:25
kieranDOAMan, dapper is kickin' ass07:26
r4v5meheren: check if imagemagick supports .ico (it should)07:26
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JeezGodDangi want to try xubuntu07:26
Warbokyledye: www.gnu.org/software/gnash07:26
meherenr4v5, i can't open imagemagick...07:26
r4v5then you can do it in a shell script07:26
kyledyethank you much :)07:26
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r4v5imagemagick is a command line app07:26
NoUseJeezGodDang sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop :-)07:26
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r4v5command line application suite07:26
meherenjeezgoddang, suo apt-get install xubuntu07:26
gharzguys, i'm having problem with my ubuntu. everytime i reboot my system it got stuch from deconfiguring network interfaces... then it hangs. what could be the problem?07:26
JeezGodDangNoUse, heh i have the iso07:26
NoUseJeezGodDang ah07:27
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JeezGodDangi was just mentioning that i want it07:27
Warbor4v5: I was going to say, "a" command line app?07:27
meherenr4v5, and waht is the command to execute it?07:27
JeezGodDangwhos used Thunar??07:27
psycosehi do you know a good tv tunner software ?07:27
mehereni treid imagemagick magick and image...07:27
DarkRavenMixagesomeone knows how to play amr audio with mplayer in ubuntu?07:27
Warbomeheren: It is loads of programs. For instance "display" "animate" convert" etc.07:27
captinepsycose: tvtime is what i use07:28
meherenwarbo, oh lol07:28
psycosecaptine, thanks07:28
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gharzWarbo, can i ask for help?07:28
JeezGodDangpsycose, use TVTIME!07:28
meherenhehe ok convert works for me... thx07:28
r4v5meheren: i haven't done this in a long time; man convert, but i think you'd use `convert imagefile.ico -write imagefile.png`07:28
Warbopsycose: zapping is quite good (but my card only gives b/w :()07:28
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Warbogharz: Go ahead07:29
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JowiJeezGodDang: I used Thunar, but went back to rox-filer07:29
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r4v5wow, what an unhelpful man page. gg imagemagick07:29
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psycosethanks all07:29
Fjodormeheren,r4v5: just convert in.ico out.png should be fine07:29
gharzeverytime i reboot my system it hangs... it stops at Deconfiguring Network Interfaces...07:29
JeezGodDangdoes anyone know how to get my 3c905 to negotiate correctly....im downloading at 14kb/sec...on an oc307:29
meherenconvert --help kinda explains that...07:29
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gharzwarbo, everytime i reboot my system it hangs... it stops at Deconfiguring Network Interfaces...07:29
livingdaylightwhy does ubuntu come with Display set at 1600x1200? Moreover when i got to screen resolution it does not allow me to enable change07:29
r4v5interesting side note: apparently, the ubuntu 2.6.15 kernel sources have two conflicting options for the default 802.11 wireless stack07:30
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Warbogharz: Hmmm. Sorry, I'm no networking guy (my WiFi card screws the whole bootup)07:30
Scorpmoonhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto is written for breezy07:30
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meherenwhat if i want to convert say 200 images...07:30
Jowilivingdaylight: it depends on your videocard + monitor which resolutions are supported07:30
Scorpmooni'm still abit unsure about what universe and multiverse is07:30
Warbolivingdaylight: It defaults to the highest available07:30
GistybitI have created the top panel again, and some of the default panel icons back. But i can't find the "sound property" which lets me control master volume which was there from the clean install. How do i get it back?07:30
gharzWarbo, i also get a message that says apm: BIOS not found07:30
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Warbolivingdaylight: You can use xrandr to get a nice, small display on a nice, high resolution display :)07:31
LjLScorpmoon: universe has packages that are maintained by the community and not by the "main" ubuntu devs. multiverse generally contain packages that depend on some non-free stuff (emulators, for instance)07:31
virtuelvhm. I'm expericencing something really odd here : When I boot, the computer just freezes up07:31
Fjodormeheren: I can very easyli come up with a few lines that convert from file.ico to file.ico.png. Would that be ok?07:31
r4v5meheren: for i in "list of image names without prefix and space-delimited" ; do convert $i.ico $i.png ; done07:31
LjLScorpmoon: adding reps is the same in dapper as in breezy. just change every "breezy" into a "dapper", or use...07:31
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware07:31
gharzWarbo, is there a command to check the log at reboot?07:31
WarboGistybit: volume control applet07:31
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic07:31
JowiGistybit: you should be able to rightclick on the icon and set if you want to use Master, PCM etc07:31
livingdaylightWarbo: ok, but why can't i change it like with any other distro at screen resolution? I don't like having ot manually edit xconf07:31
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Warbogharz: The log is in /var/log/syslog07:31
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Warbolivingdaylight: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:32
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meherenr4v5,  so what i would have to type 400 names to the name sof these files?07:32
GistybitWarbo: Yeah thx! there it was ;).. it had another icon when added.07:32
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r4v5meheren: are they all in the same directory?07:32
psycoseseems i got problems with updates (using dapper)  apt tells me syntax error in /var/lib/dpkg/available EOF after << >>07:32
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psycoseany tips ?07:32
Jowilivingdaylight: only two DEs are able to change resolution on the fly with a nice gui as far as i know; xfce and e1707:32
meherenr4v5, yes07:32
uXphow do i install my logitech mouse and eyboard on ubuntu?07:32
WarboJowi: Anything can do it. It is a feature of X (xrandr)07:33
meherenuxp, pluginplay my freind should work...07:33
JeezGodDanghttp://rafb.net/paste/results/NF0RT538.html   ROFLZZZZ help plz07:33
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JowiWarbo: that's why i added "with a nice gui" :)07:33
livingdaylightJowi: what is the point of having screenresolution if i cant use it?07:33
livingdaylightHow do i change my screen resolution, please?07:33
uXpwell i have a nelite keyboard and it has like extra buttons but they don't work...07:33
WarboJowi: Yes, but there has to be a GTK applet somewhere07:33
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meherensystem:preferences:screen resolution07:33
nootropedoes a "desktop" installation of ubuntu (dapper drake) automatically install a LAMP configuration? Or is that only done by default with a server installation?07:33
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Jemtlivingdaylight: System > Preference > Screen resolution07:33
Warbolivingdaylight: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:33
psycosecan i suppress the /var/lib/dpkg/available file i got a syntax error in it07:34
Warbolivingdaylight: like I said before :)07:34
r4v5meheren: ls *.ico | sed 's/.ico//' | while read i ; do convert $i.ico $i.png07:34
Jemtlivingdaylight: You should only run dpkg-reconfigure if the resolution you want is not there07:34
=== tux_ [n=martin@spc3-macc1-0-0-cust923.bagu.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Warbopsycose: not unless you want no packages available :)07:34
boboim trying to install firefox, but it says that a few packages are not authenticated.... what does that mean?07:34
JowiWarbo: please find one for me. I want it. I haven't found any in the repos at least07:34
uXpanyone know..07:34
WarboJowi: gnomefiles.org?07:34
psycoseWarbo, i can not use apt and update manager anymore cause there is a syntax error in this file07:34
gizmo_the_great1I am using XChat Gnome 0.11 - I want to join the irc.quakenet.org - how do I do it?07:35
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livingdaylightJewt: if you read my thread - i cannot change display from screenresolution. this is what is so frustrating me with ubuntu07:35
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Warbopsycose: This is automatically made. Have you added a dodgy repo? try updating apt again07:35
psycosei've done nothing07:35
psycoseyesterday everything was well07:35
Warbolivingdaylight: I SAID sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg !!07:35
Jemtlivingdaylight: "Change display" ?07:35
Scorpmoonbut if I want to install kdissert that is based on kde lib, would I put universe on binary or sources?07:35
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livingdaylightWarbo: thx. i don't like doing it that way, but i'll have to, hmpf...07:36
kieranDOAgizmo_the_great1: /server irc.quakenet.org07:36
Jemtlivingdaylight: If you want me to answer, then please highlight me by my nick (Jemt) - otherwise I might not "see you" :)07:36
livingdaylightJewt: yes!07:36
psycosethe update manager tells me updates avalaible ... then i see that the process fail because of dpkg: erreur d'analyse syntaxique, dans le fichier /var/lib/dpkg/available EOF aprs le nom de champ 07:36
JeezGodDanghttp://rafb.net/paste/results/NF0RT538.html   comments??07:36
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LjLScorpmoon: uh? you generally install binary packages, not source packages07:36
Warbobobo: Packages are checked to make sure they have downloaded properly and that they are trusted. That is what verification and authentication are07:36
LjLScorpmoon: that's unless you need to compile them for some specific reason07:36
Warbopsycose: "sudo apt-get update"07:37
Jemtlivingdaylight: What do you mean by "change display" ? Are you running on a laptop and what the image on an external monitor ?07:37
livingdaylightJewt: i huh? i have highlighted you07:37
psycoseWarbo, it works well07:37
livingdaylightJewt: desktop. by display i mean screen resolution07:37
Jemtlivingdaylight: My nick is Jemt - JeMt, not Jewt07:37
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Frogzoono problem jezt07:37
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WarboJemt: Yes, I get called "Marbo"07:37
LjLScorpmoon: installing kdissert will simply result in the needed KDE libraries getting installed. if you use aptitude for installing, they will be automatically removed later when/if you remove kdissert07:37
JemtWarbo: Hehe :)07:37
psycoseWarbo, after this command i've got du /var/lib/dpkg/available  | 0       /var/lib/dpkg/available07:37
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LjLScorpmoon: otherwise (apt-get, synaptic, ...), they'd have to be removed manually07:38
rudemanguys, how can i install j2me wireless toolkit in ubuntu dapper ?07:38
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livingdaylightJemt: sorry, you see my display is so small i didn't tell the difference07:38
uXpdoes an elite keyboard with the extra play,pause buttons work on ubuntu?07:38
Scorpmoonis it redundant to add both Ubuntu 6.06 LTS "Community maintaned" AND Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Backports "Community maintained AND Multiverse"07:38
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, uXp07:38
psycoseWarbo i think this is a bug in the update process07:38
Warbopsycose: ? Sorry I don't understand07:38
ubotuNot a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, uXp07:38
gnomefreakuXp: please dont play with the bot07:38
psycosethe file  /var/lib/dpkg/available is empty size = 0.07:38
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FrogzooScorpmoon: you're best to avoid backports if possible07:38
uXpi was seeing if there was anything on it07:38
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Jemtlivingdaylight: Ok, you are not making much sense. You want to change resolution, right? What's the problem? You resolution you want is not listed in System > Preference > Screen resolution? If so, run 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'07:38
WarbouXp: You need to assign the keys to things (don't ask me how)07:39
tubbiewhere can I get a bot like obunto?07:39
livingdaylightJemt: i'm sorry, not gonna repeat myself all day, sorry...07:39
Warbopsycose: Oh. Well that seems even more seriuos. I don't know hat to do now, sorry :(07:39
Jemtlivingdaylight: Then good luck :)07:39
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livingdaylightJemt: i've made it plain and clear. Resolutions don't hold! I am beginning to think Ubuntu is a plastic os!07:39
ubotuinfobot is probably at http://www.infobot.org;; debs at cornflake.entropy.net/infobot;; see blootbot, or debs at http://cornflake.entropy.net/infobot07:39
=== Yoric [n=ElYoric@cpc4-brig7-0-0-cust881.brig.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
psycoseWarbo, could you tell me the size of your /var/lib/dpkg/available file please07:40
opitwinlivingdaylight: ubuntu is the best!!!07:40
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Jemtlivingdaylight: "Don't hold" ? Could you elaborate? It's not the same after reboot ?07:40
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opitwinubotu: tell livingdaylight about ubuntu07:40
psycosewell if some are interested i've just encounter a bug in the update manager that do not allow me to update/install packages anymore07:40
Warbopsycose: 2100617 (taken from "ls -l"07:40
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psycoseWarbo, ok mine size=007:41
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LjLJemt, livingdaylight: well, my DNS server settings "don't hold" either :)07:41
YoricI have a reproducible kernel panic whenever I push the button of my Quicktime Messenger quickcam.07:41
rudemandoes anyone know how to install J2ME Wireless Toolkit in Ubuntu 6.06 ?07:41
r4v5LjL: change your dhcp client's settings (or chmod -w /etc/resolv.conf, but that's cheating)07:41
YoricThat's my first problem with ubuntu, but it's rather a big one.07:41
YoricAny suggestion ?07:42
LjLYoric: sounds like a bug report07:42
psycosePlease do you know guys how to reset my /var/lib/dpkg/available file ? and get a clean one thanks07:42
LjLr4v5: but i'm using a static IP and all...07:42
runesHow can I remount an  ext3 secondary drive after reinstalling ubuntu?07:42
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eXistenZThe fglrx supports only ati 9500+ drivers, how can I get my 9200 accelerated?07:42
YoricLjL, fair enough.07:42
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@CPE-139-168-253-198.wa.bigpond.net.au] by gnomefreak
Warbopsycose: That file is automatically generated, so sending you one would not work :(07:42
kieranDOArunes: add to /etc/fstab ?07:42
LjLYoric: launchpad.net07:42
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
JemtLjL: Did you configure your DNS using console ?07:43
psycoseWarbo, so how to regenerate this file ?07:43
djcabzCan ne1 speak on success in using the ipw2200 monitor mode patch?07:43
opitwindshum: did u get a life yet?07:43
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runeskieranDOA without a mountpoint?07:43
Warbopsycose: with "sudo apt-get update" unfortunately07:43
TheSheepwhen I try to install RealPlayer package, it says: Depends: xlibs  but it is not installable07:43
psycoseWarbo, can you paste me the first liner of your file please07:43
TheSheepwhat I can do with it?07:43
JemtLjL: If so, I have expirenced the same thing. I can recommend using the Gnome tools. Otherwise you might loose changes07:43
WarboTheSheep: That is a Debian package, not an Ubuntu one07:43
Jemtlivingdaylight: "Don't hold" ? Could you elaborate? It's not the same after reboot ?07:43
Frogzoodjcabz: no need to patch ipw2200 for  monitor mode these days - on dapper, it just works07:43
LjLJemt: i'm using KDE, so i configured it through the KDE network settings. it works, but only until next reboot. also tried adding a "nameserver" entry to /etc/network/interfaces, to no avail07:43
TheSheepWarbo: thanks07:43
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=== djcabz begs to differ... at least, I am not capturing the 802.11 link layer header information.
WarboTheSheep: You could install the deb file with dpkg -i --force-all package.deb07:44
JemtLjL: Whut? Odd! Can recommend Ubuntu - works for me ;)07:44
nootropecan i use the "install a LAMP server" option in the server install disk to *add* a LAMP installation to a "desktop" installation of dapper drake?07:44
opitwinFrogzoo: Hello!07:44
WarboTheSheep: But it would get unintalled nex time you used a package manager07:44
Zaggynlwhat's a good antivirus for Ubuntu?07:44
Frogzoodjcabz: sudo iwconfig eth1 mode monitor ; iwconfig eth107:44
Frogzooopitwin: 'sup?07:44
djcabzFrogzoo, I am using Ethereal for the capture...  one sec07:44
WarboZaggynl: ClamAV07:44
Zaggynlah okay07:45
Jemtnootrope: All you need is mysql-server, php5, apache2 :)07:45
WarboZaggynl: I've never used it though, so don't go asking questions :)07:45
Jemtnootrope: apt-get install <packages I just mentioned>07:45
Zaggynljust needed names07:45
opitwinFrogzoo: Do you know if you can use a U3 Flash Drive with Ubuntu07:45
LjLJemt: i'd rather stick with KDE for a number of reasons... what annoys me a little is that all the network stuff is, in a way, a step back from breezy. the breezy installer tried dhcp, but *then* asked me for my static IP settings when it realized no DHCP was available07:45
TheSheepWarbo: I found the howton on RestrictedFormats :)07:45
djcabzFrogzoo, I think that works... one more sec ;)07:45
LjLJemt: now it's install, then mess with the settings07:45
nootropethanks, jemt07:45
ubotunootrope: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:45
Jemtnootrope: wait07:45
Jemtnootrope: You need a few more packages actually07:45
nootropeyes? jemt?07:46
opitwinZaggynl: I think you can get avast for Ubuntu.  Let me check07:46
r4v5lighttpd > apache, but oh well07:46
Zaggynlokay, cool07:46
livingdaylightJemt: dear me...exactly, i end up exactly where i was, i.e the changes don't hold07:46
ZaggynlI'm actually running a server which has to have some form of antivirus protection07:46
Jemtlivingdaylight: Ah, ok. I think I know the solution. Hold on07:46
nootropejemt, will apt-get d/l the others i need? (dependent ones)07:47
NoUse!tell Zaggynl about clamav07:47
=== carlfk [n=carl@c-67-171-141-244.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
opitwinZaggynl: They have a server edition too07:47
djcabzFrogzoo,  like gold man, that did the trick... Thanks!07:47
uXphow do you play .wma files?07:47
rudemandoes anyone know how to install J2ME Wireless Toolkit in Ubuntu 6.06 ?07:47
djcabzman or lady... sorry.07:47
Jemtnootrope: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP?highlight=%28CategoryDocumentation%29   - But in short :  apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server libapache2-mod-auth-mysql php5-mysql07:47
runesok reboot time07:47
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Zaggynlopitwin: okay, nice, is it free t use?07:47
jbirdAngelcan someone walk me through setting this up to print on the printer connected to a windows comp on the lan07:47
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LjL!tell uxp about restrictedformats07:47
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Jemtnootrope: What others? apt-get calculates and downloads all dependency libraries07:48
opitwinZaggynl: Go to http://www.avast.com/eng/avast-for-linux-server.html07:48
JeezGodDangjbirdAngel, system -> administration -> printing07:48
psycoseHi, my /var/lib/dpkg/available is corrupted, EOF after << >>, how can i regenerate it ? thanks for your tips07:48
cescuderoalguna  xica con msn07:48
nootropejemt, awsome! thanks!07:48
NoUseZaggynl clamav is a free option07:48
Jemtnootrope: You are welcome :)07:48
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:48
opitwinZaggynl: I an checking to see if it is free07:48
ZaggynlThank you07:48
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Jemtlivingdaylight: I have had the same problem. What I did was running 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' - and the only resolution I specified was the one I wanted to use. Try that. If it still dosn't work , then please upload this file : /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:49
YoricLjL, actually, now that I think about it, launchpad might not be the right place, as the kernel driver was installed from easycam207:49
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opitwinZaggynl: It looks to be free07:49
MikkelRevHi, is it possible to install progs from the ubuntu cd with synaptic? Synaptic only shows me installed progs07:49
Zaggynlopitwin: I assume it's not in the Ubuntu repository?07:49
gnomefreakubotu tell nalioth about fedora07:50
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opitwinZaggynl: No, it don't think it is - go to packages.ubuntu.com07:50
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giovanjoin ubuntu-br07:50
r4v5one of these days i'll make a custom ubuntu kernel that will get past the boot phase07:50
r4v5mark my words07:50
Jowilivingdaylight, Warbo: Regarding the resolution switcher: sudo apt-get install gvidm. very simple (or should I say nonexistent) interface but functional. still nothing like xfce or e1707:50
r4v5it didn't happen with 2.6.12 but maybe .15 will be better.07:50
livingdaylightJemt: i know. that is what Warbo was saying half an hour ago. And which i've had to do before to get it right. My complaint is why have screnresolution if i can't change it from gui?07:50
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psycoseis there some apt/dpkg/debian experts ?07:51
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? </hint>07:51
opitwinZaggynl: Avast Linux Home Edition is Free for sure it looks like you get a 60 day trial for server edition07:51
ubotuopitwin: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:51
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ubotuyou propably don't need antivirus software. If you are really paranoid you might want to install chkrootkit. Also see !clamav.07:51
livingdaylightJowi: sudo apt-get install gvidm will resolve my issues with screenresoluion?07:52
=== meheren [n=meheren@140-34.8-67.swfla.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu []
ubotumantono: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:52
uXpenabling playing xvid/divx files07:52
Jemtlivingdaylight: Well, it is not easy creating an operating system that runs on million of different computer systems - so once in a while, things don't run 100% perfectly. Is you computer several users old ?07:52
[MH] Narc`LapHi all, I'm having some issues with my linux box on my network. I think I'm using Samba (it prompted me to install it when i went to right-click -> share folder). Now in the share folder dialog, I specified the Domain/Workgroup, but when I go to explore my network places, I see the linux box in the default mshome workgroup07:52
Jemtlivingdaylight: also, it could be a driver issue07:52
bthorntonanybody running a chroot'ed environment on 64-bit Dapper know why I get network in the native environment but not the chroot'ed one?07:52
NoUseZaggynl clamav is a virus scanner in the repos07:52
cescuderoalguna xica con msn ke kiera ablar con migo en privado xofa wapas07:52
Scorpmoonis it offtopic to ask about linux programs ere07:52
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:52
=== Hoxzer_ [n=niko@dsl-hkigw2-fe15de00-133.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
opitwinubotu: tell Zaggynl about antivirus07:52
jbirdAngeltrying to install the printer it says install driver and it want sme to open a .pdd?07:52
JemtBRB, dinner07:52
jbirdAngeler a PDD file?07:52
Hoxzer_how do I change refresh rate to 85 Hz if I dont see it in the gnome display manager07:53
MikkelRevIs it possible to install progs from the ubuntu cd with synaptic? Synaptic only shows me installed progs07:53
Hoxzer_AARGH this headance07:53
opitwinzaggynl: I sent you a bot, read it07:53
Yoricbthornton, do you have access to /dev in your chrooted env ?07:53
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uXpenabling playing xvid/divx codecs07:53
cefhrm, I upgraded from breezy to dapper, and I'm trying to make it visually look like the pure dapper install I have next to me.. I can add a quit button to the top panel, but it's the wrong icon07:53
uXpor where to find them07:53
bthorntonYoric: Will check...07:53
KaiusCan someone help with tftp time out issues?  The service is reported as running but I can't even get a file from the same system that the server is running on...07:53
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bthorntonYorick: Yessir.07:53
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livingdaylightJemt: no i have a P4 and it is a few months old. Yes, it is motherboard with integrated graphics, but still...07:54
MikkelRevNeed help with networking. I cant connect to the router, network unreachable. What should I do ?07:54
opitwinzaggynl: Anything Else?07:54
livingdaylightJemt: Asus Vintage V1 motherboard 775 socket07:54
Yoricbthornton, ok, that was my one and only guess, I'm afraid :/07:54
Zaggynlopitwin: Sorry I had a phonecall, no questions so far ;), thanks for the help07:54
KaiusMikkelRev> Check your default route?07:54
LjLMikkelRev: it surely is possible, it's what synaptic is intended for. i'm not very familiar with synaptic at all though, but it's definitely possible07:54
bthorntonYoric: Hehe it's okay; thanks for trying.07:54
opitwinZaggynl: Always glad to help!07:54
jabrawondering if the source.list on the debian testing machine would need to have entries for debian and ubuntu to pull the packages07:54
Jemtlivingdaylight: chipset?07:54
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opitwinFrogzoo: Do you know if you can get a U3 Flash Drive to run on ubuntu07:55
KaiusHey smax.07:55
bthorntonI just checked "route" and it's setup correctly, ifconfig reports the interfaces properly, and I have network access on this machine natively (that's how I'm chatting now)... but when I "dchroot -d firefox", it can't pull anything off of the Internet.07:55
mchermHi. I'm a competent computer user with only slight familiarity with Linux. I'm trying ubuntu (6) on my laptop and got as far as booting from the live CD. However, it comes out with a resolution of 640x480 -- I'd like my full 1400x1050. The tool for changing resolution lists only 640x480 as an option.  I currently have Fedora installed on this same machine and it's video settings are working great. I'm guessing that I could just co07:55
mchermpy some fedora settings if I just knew what settings and what file they're in. Or maybe even I need to copy some drivers. Can anyone help me to figure out the next step?07:55
=== jacopoexchange [n=jacopo@host64-81.pool8255.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
Hoxzer_I CANT USE THIS os07:55
Frogzooopitwin: no, maybe google does07:55
Scorpmoonthe ubuntu screensaver runs quite slow on my computer.. I have a vague feeling my nvidia drivers are not as they should be.. how do I make sure they are?07:55
livingdaylightJemt: err..you got me there07:55
Hoxzer_refresh rate fixis needed07:55
Jowilivingdaylight: don't know what issues you had (sort of walking back and forth doing stuff) but it will let you change resolution.07:56
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Frogzoo!tell Hoxzer_ about fixres07:56
LjLmcherm: you can try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg", it'll ask a number of questions, among which ones about resolutions07:56
opitwinZaggynl: Did you check out the message from the bot07:56
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LjLmcherm: (you can probably leave the defaults for most of the other ones)07:56
Jowigotto go.07:56
jacopoexchangehey, you know when you use ALT+123 to print a parenthesis on screen? how can i enable that in ubuntu?07:56
=== runes [n=runes@Toronto-HSE-ppp3862988.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
=== Jowi sighs
Jemtlivingdaylight: :)07:56
runesok I modified the fstab07:56
runesbut when I perform mount -a it tells me  special device /dev/hdd1 does not exist07:57
FjodorAnyone know why mozilla tries to print to manual tray?07:57
LjLHoxzer_: you too should probably try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. and then use settings that are OK for your monitor07:57
Zaggynlopitwin: Yup, I actually have to install an antivirus on the server (school project), but as far I can see/know it isn't really neccesary, just good configuring eliminates a lot of security risks.07:57
livingdaylightJowi: what will? sudo apt-get install gvidm ?07:57
Jemtlivingdaylight: Well, some hardware is totally "closed source" - like SIS. And it is quite difficult to develop drivers to this sort of hardware07:57
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cefahhh, just had to go to the default theme instead of what was there.. for some reason it gave me a custom theme07:57
zaggynl^awayima go play a game on my wintendo now07:57
mchermLjL: thanks! Any other suggestions before I spend the 15 min it takes to log off here and reboot into ubuntu? For instance, if it's going to ask me any questions like what hardware I have then maybe I should look up the answers first from in fedora...07:58
=== MasterC [n=chans@dslb-084-060-234-229.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Vaporlzehi...today i tried to upgrade from Breezy to dapper. i used the synaptics manager. some problems occured like: could not load image mplayer.png; and some packages could not be installed (first one cupsys:subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 307:58
=== lee_ [n=lee@dsl092-117-074.nyc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
smaxhow can i set a limmit on my terminal for the max # of lines till text is not reachable and off the terminal ?07:58
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MikkelRevKaius: how to check my default route? Just typing 'route' gives no address07:58
opitwinZaggynl: Yep, the extra ports are automactically closed07:58
psycoseWell there is a bug in dpkg/apt the /var/lib/dpkg/available can be  corrupted i don't know how07:58
LjLJemt: one thing is developing drivers, and one thing is having a decent, working way to set resolutions and refresh rates... let's admit it, this has always been a mess with X, and it's still a mess no matter how friendly the control panel applets are trying to be :)07:58
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lee_MikkelRev, netstat -rn07:59
jacopoexchangeVaporlze: most people are installing it from cd cause upgrading is causing problems07:59
psycosebut nobody is interested in Ubuntu, hopefully guys in debian help me07:59
LjLmcherm: it is going to ask that kind of questions, but it should also be smart enough to guess the answers correctly07:59
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=== Vexmaster [n=Vexmaste@user-12ld5s9.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
lee_speaking of X. would anyone know if the vesa driver can do 1200x800?07:59
Vexmasterhello all07:59
KaiusMikkelRev> Try route -n.  You should at least see something for your active network interface.07:59
mchermLjL: Okay, thanks!07:59
KaiusHey Vex.07:59
lee_cause it can't be default with dapper installer07:59
MikkelRevlee_: no addresses shown07:59
opitwinVexmaster: hello07:59
lee_MikkelRev, than you have no routes08:00
Vaporlzehm...ok...should i backup my data?08:00
lee_if you know your default route, type: sudo route add default gw <ip>08:00
KaiusMikkelRev> do an ifconfig and make sure your interface(s) are up.08:00
Vexmasteris this room newb friendly?08:00
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LjLVexmaster: try and see08:00
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jacopoexchangeVaporlze: if you have diskspace you can install ubuntu on another partiotion and then copy the datas from the old one08:00
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FrogzooVexmaster: mostly newbs here guy08:00
jacopoexchangei did like that08:00
lee_Vexmaster, muah muah muah. yes it its.08:00
ubotuPlease check this out, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingVMWare adjusting kernel versions to your own, to get the number replace the numbers with " `uname -r" The ` is a Backtic08:01
MikkelRevWireless connection not active. Trying to activate: gets never finished08:01
opitwinVexmaster: We are friendly08:01
=== Stormx2 [n=Stormx2@host-87-240-137-127.hi-velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hoxzer_How do I tick boxes in text based configuration?08:01
KaiusCan someone help with tftp time out issues?  The service is reported as running but I can't even get a file from the same system that the server is running on...08:01
Vexmasterjust wanted to know if its better to install Mplayer through the source code or via synaptic?08:01
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KaiusHoxzer_> Space I believe.08:02
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Vaporlzeok...then i'll start downloading the iso....and it's save to install it from the iso?08:02
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lee_so...anyone know if it's possible to set X to 1200x800 with the vesa driver?08:02
LjLVexmaster: i can only give you the generic answer, which is: via synaptic (or via APT, more generally).08:02
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KaiusVexmaster> I'd stick with packages unless you're comfortable with compiling from source.08:02
MikkelRevKaius, lee_ : Wireless connection ra0 not active. Trying to activate: gets never finished08:02
LjLVexmaster: unless you have some specific need, installing packages using APT is the best option08:02
keirwhere is /etc/ld.so.conf on dapper? i need to add /usr/local/lib to my shared library search path.08:02
opitwinVexmaster: There is one guy that logs on every once in a while that talks about peoples moms though08:02
FrogzooVexmaster: synaptic - always use the supported repos, where possible (but amarok's > mplayer anyhow...)08:02
KaiusMikkelRev> Driver issue?  Has it ever worked before?08:02
LjLFrogzoo: uh... amarok's not quite the same thing as mplayer :o)08:03
Vexmasterthnx so much! just one more question?08:03
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KaiusVexmaster> Shoot.08:03
=== tom_ [n=tom@p508823E3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
lee_MikkelRev, wireless sucks most of the time with Linux08:03
lee_MikkelRev, what chipset is your card using?08:03
Vexmasterare there any packages for DVD playback?08:03
Kaiuslee_> Actually, with Hoary my NetGear wireless works like a charm.08:03
ubotuDVD playing is possible in ubuntu. You may need libdvdcss2, which is available via http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages (section extras)08:03
FrogzooLjL: ooops - time I turned in methinks08:03
lee_Kaius, actually, you got lucky08:04
=== tested2 [n=tested1@c-24-63-77-183.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
judahwireless doesn't suck with linux.08:04
njs12345lee_: my aironet works fine..08:04
LjLalso, this may be of some use08:04
Vexmasterthnx again!08:04
LjL!tell Vexmaster about restrictedformats08:04
KaiusVexmaster> Anytime, dude.  Have fun. ;)08:04
MikkelRevKaius: it works fine with Windows08:04
judahmanufacturers that don't open their chipsets suck.08:04
lee_my bcm and prism_2 doesn't08:04
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judahatheros 4th gen cards are wicked awsome under linux..08:04
lee_and WPA is way complicated08:04
KaiusMikkelRev> I'd check for a driver.  You may be stuck having to use the ndiswrapper.08:04
judahprism cards work just fine.08:04
Vaporlzehm...is it possible to downgrade to breezy again? (after my halfway-upgrade?)08:04
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runesHelp!  I had to reinstall ubuntu dapper on my primary drive today reformatting only the install drive (/dev/hda1), no problem there..but my secondary ide drive (hdd1) which has the backup data and which was formatted in ext3 cannot be mounted nor recongized properly.  The disc manager sees it as unformatted!08:05
njs12345Vaporlze: it's probably technically possible08:05
judahintel has great linux support for their cards..08:05
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njs12345doesn't mean it's a good idea ;)08:05
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lee_judah, the ipw2200 need proprietary firmware08:05
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NoUserunes the secondary HD would be /dev/hdb, not hdd08:05
goibhniuam i likely to get stuck if I upgrade from breezy to dapper using my ndiswrapper driven wireless card?08:06
MikkelRevlee_: RaLink08:06
LjLVaporlze: everything is possible, but it will be very, very far from easy08:06
judahthe 2100BG is a great card.08:06
KaiusI don't know why but it still tickles me when people use a regex in chat to correct a spelling error or something. hehe08:06
njs12345MikkelRev: I have a ralink upstairs!08:06
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lee_MikkelRev, what does iwconfig output?08:06
njs12345it seems to work fine08:06
Vaporlzehaha....could u guys guide me?08:06
judahanyway.. gotta meeting.. ->08:06
psycoseWell now my /var/lib/dpkg/availableis corrupted :  dpkg: erreur d'analyse syntaxique, dans le fichier /var/lib/dpkg/available prs de la ligne 2 paquet xmodmap: valeur du champ status non autorise dans ce contexte E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2) Any help ?08:06
=== LORDsivanicon [n=msivanic@c-66-41-186-161.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
KaiusVaporlze> Uncharted waters for me, mate.  Sorry. :(08:06
LjLVaporlze: when i say "very, very far from easy" i mean "i wouldn't have even the slightest idea how to do it"08:06
Frogzoorunes: 'fdisk -l /dev/hdd'       will display partition table08:06
=== Fastly [n=alex@81-86-145-67.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
Frogzoorunes: 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdd'       will display partition table08:07
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KaiusGreetings, P3L|C4N0!08:07
runes/dev/hdd1               1        9964    80035798+  83  Linux08:07
Vaporlzeok...so it's better to set up a new system...08:07
LjLVaporlze: my suggestion is, reinstall. save your home directory and possibly your /etc directory, and reinstall08:07
=== green_earz [n=admin@213-232-83-67.dsl.prodigynet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
KaiusCan someone help with tftp time out issues?  The service is reported as running but I can't even get a file from the same system that the server is running on...08:07
njs12345Vaporize: You said you had half-upgraded it?08:07
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njs12345Kaius: does telnet work?08:08
Frogzoorunes: looks like a file system to me   - try 'sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hdd1 /mnt'08:08
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Vaporlzeyea...some errors occured, and some packages couldnt be installed....08:08
=== soundray [n=soundray@dsl-217-155-44-246.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
goibhniudoes anyone know if dist-upgrade downloads everything it needs before starting to upgrade or upgrades and downloads at the same time?08:08
njs12345downloads everything it needs first08:08
psycoseVaporlze you got the same problem ?08:08
dixiegoibhniu: it downloads before08:08
Kaiusnjs12345> Connection refused.  Is there a firewall in the standard Dapper server install?08:08
=== wildman is back.
LjLVaporlze: happened to me as well. upgrading from breezy apparently isn't as smooth as a dist-upgrade. ended up installing from scratch08:08
LORDsivaniconAnyone know why when I run  'sudo cp etc/* /etc/' it tells me its ommiting a file, why does it omit the file?08:08
=== mp3guy [n=thomas@host-194-46-249-121.dsl-ie.utvinternet.net] has joined #ubuntu
J0s3phHello. I don't soppose anyone else is having trouble with the Pengiun Liberation Front repository mirrors too?08:09
KaiusLORDsivanicon> Try adding the -a option.08:09
Vaporlzestarted wit cupsys - =malcolm@CPE000d88f7097a-CM00122500768a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com]  has joined #ubuntu08:09
Kaiusnjs12345> So if the daemon is running why would the connection be refused?08:09
KaiusVery confusing.08:09
runesok trying it brb08:09
ompaulJ0s3ph, they are outside the control of most people, stick the url in a web browser and see if you can get to it, if you can then your having a problem if you can't then your not they are08:09
goibhniudixie: cheers, so I shouldn't have any trouble if it doesn't set up my wifi card during the upgrade I'll still have a working system08:09
njs12345does it work from the computer that the daemon is running on?08:09
J0s3phompaul: Done that, and I can.08:09
psycoseWell now my /var/lib/dpkg/availableis corrupted :  dpkg: erreur d'analyse syntaxique, dans le fichier /var/lib/dpkg/available prs de la ligne 2 paquet xmodmap: valeur du champ status non autorise dans ce contexte E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2) Any help ?08:10
KaiusI was just trying from the system the daemon was running on.08:10
Kaiusno dice.08:10
njs12345that's strange08:10
njs12345does it have any logs?08:10
=== rocktorrentz [n=rocktorr@host81-157-99-19.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulJ0s3ph, pop the contents of the plf line -alone-  in this channel and we can have a look at it for you08:10
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runesFrogzoo, mount: special device /dev/hdd1 does not exist08:10
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Kaiusno tftp logs and nothing in /var/log/messages about it.08:10
J0s3phdeb http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/ dapper free non-free08:10
runesFrogzoo, mount: special device /dev/hdd1 does not exist same error08:10
J0s3phand... deb-src http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/ dapper free non-free08:10
Vaporlzesry, still not used with copy and paste on linux....haha cupsys had the error: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 3 ,then other packages with dependencies (i think cause cupsys wasnt installed08:11
J0s3phthey're both in my sources list, and ive done an apt-get update08:11
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nyarladapper newbie here :) do i need an antivirus? whixh one is the best?08:11
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njs12345nyarla: no, you don't :)08:11
soundraynyarla: you don't need antivirus software, unless your box is handling email for windows clients.08:11
NoUsenyarla no08:11
J0s3phnyarla: Dapper noob here too. I found out the other day that there's a Linux version of AVG.08:11
Kaiuswell, technically you don't need an antivirus..08:11
rocktorrentzOK. I am trying to install ubuntu server on a 90mhz Intel system with 32mb of ram however sbm doesn't recognise my cd drive. What do I do?08:12
ompauldeb ftp://ftp.free.fr/pub/Distributions_Linux/plf/ubuntu/plf/ dapper free non-free <<< J0s3ph check it against that08:12
=== jughead [n=matthew@c-69-180-252-120.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
njs12345technically you don't need an antivirus with windows either08:12
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J0s3phompaul: WIll do.08:12
Frogzoorunes: wierd - how'd fdisk find it?...08:12
runesI have no diea08:12
NoUserunes 'ls -l /dev/hdd*'08:13
jugheadHello, I am having difficulty with my system locking up; it appears to lock up when certain screen savers are active08:13
djcabzcan anyone speak on compatibility of linux / ubuntu on both Dell laptops versus say Compaq/HP laptops.08:13
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WarboIf I was going to install something that is not really needed I would make sure it is FLOSS. I only use non-free software when there is no choice08:13
WarboIn other words I would not install Linux AVG08:13
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ompaulnyarla, in 11+ years of having an OSS desktop my PCs have never had a malware or virus problem other than the clutter as it arrives in email (before it gets deleted), so I guess I don't need one ;-)08:13
njs12345Kaius: here's an idea: sudo netstat -alp08:13
runesNoUse, brw-rw---- 1 root disk 22, 64 2006-06-09 13:49 /dev/hdd08:13
NoUsedjcabz https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops08:13
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asdxcongratulations germany!08:14
soundraydjcabz: HP have the best track record of supporting Ubuntu. Otherwise, I don't think there is much of a difference.08:14
djcabzNoUse, I'll start there.08:14
soundrayThanks asdx! Frings, yeah!08:14
ubotuNon Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there!08:14
KenSentMeasdx: too bad, costa rica08:14
psycose When  /var/lib/dpkg/available is corrupted the solution is to run # dselect update    see u08:14
NoUserunes try 'sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hdd /mnt'08:14
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asdxFrings did the best goal ever!08:14
asdxdamn it08:14
njs12345Germany's defence looked pretty poor though :P08:14
asdxwhat a great goal08:14
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Some_PersonWhy can't I use the unmount command (i get "bash: unmount: command not found")08:14
ompaulasdx, what channel are you in?08:14
Warbopsycose: Glad you fixed it :)08:14
Kaiusnjs12345> Looks like dhcpd and xinetd are running..08:14
psycoseWarbo, yes08:14
rudemanBrazill !! :D08:15
nyarlathanx guys, i'll try to go on without antivirus, I cross my finger :)08:15
asdxI can't wait for brazil to play08:15
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djcabzsoundray, thanks also, I have to put together an order and compatibility is the criterion most important.08:15
Warbonyarla: You need more than one finger to cross them....08:15
Kaiusasdx> Agreed.  Brazil rocks.08:15
jaekhow can i make middle click open a url in firefox? (the way it should be)08:15
Some_Personi cant unmount any partitions!!!08:15
kabtoffeSome_Person, Isn't the command called: umount08:15
J0s3phompaul: http://rafb.net/paste/results/oDCidp86.html08:15
J0s3phDoesn't seem to work.08:15
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soundraydjcabz: you can be lucky or unlucky with any machine.08:15
rudemanKaius,  asdx  where are you guys from?08:15
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Warbojaek: It opens in new tab doesn't it?08:15
njs12345i'm from England08:15
ompaulSoccer/Football is offtopic people08:15
KaiusI'm in the US.08:15
pequatrehello.Can anyone explain me why there are  2 entries in my /etc/hosts: " localhost ubuntu" and " ubuntu" ? which one is right ? thx.08:16
J0s3phompaul: That's the contents of my sources list and an APT-GET UPDATE output.08:16
soundraydjcabz: I recently had a rebranded MSI laptop from Medion which works like a charm with Dapper.08:16
jaeklet me restate my question... when you have a URL selected, make middle click open that url08:16
runesNoUse, /dev/hdd already mounted or /mnt busy08:16
soundraydjcabz: minor Wifi issues aside.08:16
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runesNoUse, /dev/hdd already mounted or /mnt busy08:16
LjLompaul: apt-cache search soccer08:16
rudemanhey.. does anyone here knows how to install j2me in ubuntu ?08:16
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Warbopequatre: They are both the same, but one has more info than the other08:16
Kaiuspequatre> The " ubuntu" isn't needed because of the other statement.08:16
ompaulLjL, not in any of my repos :)08:16
pequatreKaius, thx.08:16
djcabzsoundray, wifi is uber important... as a matter of course, it is the most important aspect of this purchase.08:16
Kaiuspequatre> No problem, mate.08:17
LjLompaul: you sure? there are two in universe :)08:17
NoUserunes what is the output of 'mount'08:17
djcabzmust be able to monitor with the Nic...08:17
akudewanhi, I want to upgrade from breezy to dapper, but I want to apt-get in parts, so is it safe to do "sudo apt-get --download-only dist-upgrade" ?08:17
MikkelRevMy wireless netcard wont get activated. iwconfig sais: http://pastebin.com/77047408:17
runesNoUse, can I paste it in the channel?08:17
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NoUserunes no08:17
NoUse!tell runes about pastebin08:17
Warboakudewan: do "sudo apt-get clean" first08:17
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soundraydjcabz: in that case, I suggest you buy a USB wifi adapter with well-known support straight away (I suggest Belkin FD7050))08:18
J0s3phompaul: Just incase you didn't get it before, http://rafb.net/paste/results/oDCidp86.html is my list file and APT-GET UPDATE output. If you could check that when you have time it would be appreciated.08:18
ompaulJ0s3ph, okay I can get to it08:18
J0s3phah right08:18
[MH] Narc`LapHi all, I'm having some issues with my linux box on my network. I think I'm using Samba (it prompted me to install it when i went to right-click -> share folder). Now in the share folder dialog, I specified the Domain/Workgroup, but when I go to explore my network places, I see the linux box in the default mshome workgroup. Also, I can't seem to enter the directory I shared from my windows box. It requires a User/Pass and I've tr08:18
akudewanWarbo: will do that, thanks :)08:18
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Kaiusnjs12345> Any other ideas about the tftp problem I'm having?08:19
runesNoUse, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1540608:19
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ompaulJ0s3ph, http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic   <-- use that to inform your packages08:19
Guest_949I have speedstream 4060 adsl usb modem ... I couldn't connect with it08:19
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ompaulJ0s3ph, it is a little strange - but you look right to me08:20
soundrayGuest_949: USB ADSL modems are finicky re. driver support. It's best to get a modem that is attached via Ethernet.08:20
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NoUserunes 'sudo fsck.ext3 -n /dev/hdd'08:21
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FrogzooNoUse: the problem is that /dev/hdd1 isn't being created08:22
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runesNoUse, I guess I post this output in patebin?08:23
Hoxzer_:D this is just great08:23
KaiusWhat's that Hox?08:23
NoUseFrogzoo its possible the fs was created directory on the device without a partition08:23
Hoxzer_so so, how to get certain buttons work if they are like "DISABLED" <-lol08:23
NoUsedirectly even08:23
NoUserunes yes08:23
Hoxzer_keyboard layout and stuff like that are all set to finnish08:23
runesNoUse, ok won't be long and thank you08:23
Hoxzer_so that shouldn't be a problem08:23
Hoxzer_pc105 keyboard type08:23
Hoxzer_that might be08:24
[MH] Narc`LapWhat's happening if I'm getting this error executing a sudo command "sudo: must be setuid root". I'm usually prompted for my root password. now I'm not :(08:24
J0s3phompaul: Just read your messages.08:24
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Kaius[MH] Narc`Lap> No idea...08:24
ompaulJ0s3ph, you need to be registered and identified if you want to send messages08:24
KaiusBut that would worry me.08:24
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration08:24
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runesNoUse, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1540708:25
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J0s3phompaul: I mean I just scrolled up and read your replies. :)08:25
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soundray[MH] Narc`Lap: oh. Can you think of anything you've done that might have brought this up?08:25
J0s3phlooking into them now08:25
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sharky_i'm having trouble getting ubuntu to recognize a second hard drive formatted with ntfs08:25
[MH] Narc`Lapsoundray, I just previously chmoded 777 my entire usr directory. Would this have something to do with it?08:25
NoUserunes have you rebooted to see if hdd1 gets created?08:26
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soundray[MH] Narc`Lap: yes, that will have done it.08:26
sharky_all the tutorials say to either mount it or use the Disk Manager but these don't seem to be working08:26
NoUserunes the only other thing I can think of is booting off knoppix or another livecd and seeing if it detects the filesystem08:26
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[MH] Narc`Lapsoundray now how would one go about undoing this ?08:26
runesNoUse, befoer I reboot what should I add to the fstab?08:26
soundray[MH] Narc`Lap: that wasn't a good idea at all... if it was my system, I would reinstall.08:26
Kaiussharky_> Are you running a custom kernel or the standard Ubuntu?08:26
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soundray[MH] Narc`Lap: having said that, you may be able to boot recovery mode and reinstall sudo08:27
NoUserunes you don't need to add anything to fstab for the deviice to be created08:27
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NoUserunes thats just to define mountpoints08:27
sharky_Kaius, standard08:27
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sharky_straight off the liveCD08:27
[MH] Narc`Lapsoundray, i don't understand what just happened that would warrant a reinstall08:27
runesNoUse, ok I will reboot08:27
sharky_Kaius, i did: sudo /sbin/hdparm -i /dev/hdb08:28
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Warbo[MH] Narc`Lap: I think as long as your home dir and config files are 644 you will be OK08:28
soundray[MH] Narc`Lap: you have flattened all the carefully crafted permissions in all the files in your /usr directory.08:28
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inreliefhow does openoffice do in regards to manipulating/intgeracting with Microsoft Office Databases?....should I not even try and just use crossover office?08:28
sharky_Kaius, which tells me the the system does see the disk, but i guess it doesnt get mounted properly for some reason08:28
Kaiussharky_> NTFS support should be there, then.08:28
soundray[MH] Narc`Lap: there's more to permissions than read, write and execute.08:28
Warbo[MH] Narc`Lap: Oh "/usr" I thought you meant your "user" (home) directory. Don't pay attention to me08:28
[MH] Narc`Lapokay08:28
JeezGodDanghow can i install dappers dhcpd3 on 5.1008:28
sharky_Kaius, yeah i know i was actually able to mount the drive when i was on the liveCD08:29
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Kaiussharky_> I'm pretty sure you just need to load the module for the ntfs filesystem.08:29
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[MH] Narc`Lapsoundray: is there anything i can do that doesn't include a reinstall? i'm not a very picky linux person. I mean, is my system completely borked08:29
tr1gg3rJeezGodDang: apt pinning08:29
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jeanjeanJeezGodDang: why not apt-get distupgrade08:29
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sharky_Kaius, do you mean like apt-get some module or there is something i have that's just not running yet?08:29
jeanjeanJeezGodDang: why not apt-get dist-upgrade sorry08:29
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soundray[MH] Narc`Lap: the short answer is: I don't know. It may be that after you fix sudo, your system is fine again.08:30
KaiusYou should already have the module on your system.  Just gotta install it.08:30
Warbo[MH] Narc`Lap: You can look at someone else's system who is running "ls -l /usr" (and everything inside) and redo all of the premissions manually08:30
Kaiussharky_> modprobe ntfs08:30
soundray[MH] Narc`Lap: chances are, however, that you will run into further repercussions of your bold chmod move...08:30
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sharky_Kaius, nothing no output08:30
Tykanhi again guys =) may i ask how can i "go back" in console? i mean, by default it starts in my desktop, i want it to go to a folder inside "home"08:30
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Kaiussharky_> You shouldn't see output from that.  Now do lsmod | grep ntfs08:31
WarboTykan: "cd .."08:31
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KaiusYou should see the module and a size in kilobytes.08:31
Kaiuser, bytes.08:31
Tykan<3 Warbo, thanks08:31
KaiusHey there, ekp.08:31
sharky_Kaius, ntfs                  101376  008:31
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NoUseTykan also 'cd' by itself always brings you to HOME08:31
Kaiussharky_> Now you're cookin'.  Try to mount the volume now.08:31
[MH] Narc`Lapsoundray: how do I just reinstall sudo?08:31
ekpthere is a Xfce theme I really like.........can I install it to run in Gnome?08:31
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uXpsudo mount -a08:32
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Warboekp: I used to use "xfce-dusk" theme in GNOME08:32
gnomefreak[MH] Narc`Lap: why did you uninstall it?08:32
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tubbiehikenboot, how do I allow windows to go below the gnome panel?08:32
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ekpWarbo: where do I get default XFCE themes then to install08:32
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NoUse[MH] Narc`Lap you can start in recovery mode via the boot menu, then you probably do apt-get --reinstall install sudo08:32
[MH] Narc`Lapgnomefreak: I chmoded my entire /usr/ directory to 777 Q_Q08:32
runesNoUse, ok I rebooted08:32
soundray[MH] Narc`Lap: boot in recovery mode and do apt-get --reinstall install sudo08:32
tubbiehow do I allow windows to go below the gnome panel?08:32
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NoUserunes is /dev/hdd1 listed?08:32
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[MH] Narc`Lapnouse/soundray: thank you, I will get on that immediately08:33
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sharky_Kaius, still nothing08:33
SAM_themanWheres Your Head At!!!!!!!!!!!!!08:33
sharky_Kaius, sudo mount /dev/hdb /home/shahrukh/media/ -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=022208:33
SAM_themanWheres Your Head At!!!!!!!!!!!!!08:33
Warboekp: They are packaged as gtk2-engines-xfce08:33
gnomefreakSAM_theman: stop08:33
NoUseSAM_theman stop08:33
ekpOk thanks08:33
SAM_themano o k lol08:33
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uXp^ owned08:33
SAM_themanuXp, lol08:33
SAM_themanBasement Jaxx on ubutnu 6.0608:33
runesNoUse, no but I have hda, hda1, hda2, hda5 and hdd08:34
Kaiussharky_> What is the output from that mount command?08:34
ompaulSAM_theman, that is kind of offtopic this is a help channel08:34
runesNoUse, in /dev08:34
sharky_Kaius, no output08:34
Tykanok, here goes another question :) how can i see hidden folders while in console?08:34
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NoUserunes 'dmesg | grep hdd'08:34
WarboTykan: "ls -A"08:34
NoUserunes and pastebin that08:34
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SpecTykan: ls -hal08:34
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runesNoUse, ok08:34
WarboTykan: "ls -a" will include . and ..08:34
SAM_themanI know08:34
Kaiussharky_> Ahh.  I see it.  You're not giving it a partition to mount.  try /dev/hdb108:34
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SAM_themanJust having a little hummor08:34
uXpTykan :CTRL + H08:35
SAM_themanis that a crime?08:35
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[MH] Narc`LapIs "Start Ubuntu in safe graphics mode" the same as booting in recovery mode? (I apologize for being terribly new to this)08:35
KaiusSAM_theman> "We here in the support channel do not have a sense of humor that we're aware of."08:35
uXpyup sam08:35
soundraySAM_theman: looks more like you're proving that you're underage08:35
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gnomefreakSAM_theman: for humor join #ubuntu-offtopic08:35
ompaulSAM_theman, there are over 900 in here - so please take it to #ubuntu-offtoptic08:35
uXpowned again!08:35
WarboTykan: To use them in normal commands you have to give them explicitly (so "cp *" will not include anything hidden, but "cp .gnome*" will)08:35
SAM_themanO ok srry I was being a little crazy08:35
gnomefreakuXp: now you can stop that please08:35
uXp< owned08:35
NoUse[MH] Narc`Lap no, at the grub menu, it will list each kernel you have installed and one will end with (recovery mode)08:36
b0efwhat is the super user password in ubuntu?; I'm trying to help a friend08:36
sharky_Kaius, i tried /dev/hdb1 .. /dev/hdb5  all give mount: special device /dev/hdb4 does not exist08:36
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gnomefreakb0ef: his user password08:36
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runesNoUse, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1540808:36
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Kaiussharky_> Is the disk in Windows a Dynamic volume or anything funky like that08:36
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[MH] Narc`LapNoUse: I don't think I have a grub menu. All I have is the ubuntu install menu screen because I left my cdrom in the drive08:36
ackehey guys, how do i restart X? tried restartX not working ^^08:36
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Frogzoorunes: is this 2nd hdd usb or is it ide ?08:37
Kaiusacke> CTRL-ALT-Backspace?08:37
Krpanowhat is a good text editor with line counter ???08:37
soundray[MH] Narc`Lap: the grub menu is what comes up at boot, right after the BIOS messages.08:37
gnomefreakacke: ctrl+alt+backspace08:37
tritiumacke: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart08:37
sharky_Kaius, i remember when i was using the liveCD the i had to mount /dev/hdb508:37
NoUse[MH] Narc`Lap I know a solution for that08:37
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b0efgnomefreak: he has not installed yet08:37
sharky_Kaius, not sure what that means08:37
runesFrogzoo, ide ata not sata08:37
Hoxzer_Yeah finally08:37
Krpanowhat is a good text editor with line counter ???08:37
Hoxzer_85hz :)08:37
OneSeventeenWhen I try to install "Macromedia Flash Plugin" it tells me it is "not available in any software channel.  The application might not support your system architecture" (I'm on x86) how do I install flash?08:37
gnomefreakb0ef: when he does it will ask him for user name and password that is his sudo password08:37
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soundray[MH] Narc`Lap: if you have installed grub to the hard drive (you normally would have done that during installation)08:37
Frogzoorunes: & how are the cables configd? 2nd ide chain, as slave? do you have a master on same channel?08:37
gnomefreakKrpano: vim or emacs08:37
sharky_Kaius, it was simply a storage disk i never booted from it08:37
uXpok guys im gonna log into windows now cya all later08:38
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b0efgnomefreak: yeah, but I need the superuser password now, before he has installed08:38
ompaulKrpano, most of them have some facility, vim does it08:38
Kaiussharky_> It means that the partition is the first within an extended partition.  mounting /dev/hdb5 doesn't work?08:38
KrpanoThx guys...:)08:38
NoUserunes that doesn't look good08:38
tritiumOneSeventeen: make sure you have multiverse setup properly08:38
gnomefreakb0ef: i dont understand what you would need it for08:38
soundray!info flashplugin-nonfree08:38
ubotuflashplugin-nonfree: (Macromedia Flash Player plugin installer), section multiverse/web, is optional. Version: 7.0.25-5 (breezy), Packaged size: 22 kB, Installed size: 156 kB08:38
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ed__after install of gtk-xfce-engines ........where are themes available to install?08:38
Frogzoorunes: thought you said this was an external drive?08:38
NoUserunes that looks like a dyning harddrive to me08:38
Queenhello who are you people08:38
ompaulb0ef, that gets set in the install08:38
b0efgnomefreak: I want to guide him through fdisk08:38
sharky_Kaius, /dev/hdb5 does not work08:38
gnomefreakb0ef: what does you knowing have to do with him installing it?08:38
b0efompaul: yeah, but he hasn't installed yet08:38
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tritiumQueen: cut that out08:39
OneSeventeentritium: all the boxes are checked in Synaptic (including Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Backports)08:39
gnomefreakb0ef: fdisk isnt installed on hes pc08:39
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yuheng108hi, does anyone know how to set up the vimicro usb pc camera 301x?08:39
runesFrogzoo and NoUse  primary drive single master secondary ide drive primary master separate cables08:39
tritiumOneSeventeen: have you updated your package list before trying to install it?08:39
Frogzoorunes: sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdc08:39
Kaiussharky_> I'm not sure what to do next then.  You have the filesystem module loaded, you know the partition...08:39
gnomefreakb0ef: he can manully partition it when he installs it08:39
ompaulQueen, we are talking about ubuntu, I have muted you as this is a hugely busy support channel for (ubuntu - a linux distro)08:39
runesFrogzoo and NoUse  all was rokign fine untill I had to reinstall on the primary drive today08:39
runesFrogzoo, I will try that brb08:39
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NoUserunes you should buy a copy of spinrite http://www.grc.com/spinrite.htm08:39
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OneSeventeentritium: I'm trying that now08:40
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thompacan someone help me install flash? I know about restricted formats page08:40
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NoUserunes that harddrive is having hardware problems08:40
tritiumOneSeventeen: and, of course, the package name is flashplugin-nonfree08:40
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FrogzooNoUse: this drive/partition should be hdc/hdc108:40
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thompaflashplugin-nonfree does not exist08:40
runesFrogzoo, ok brought me back to the command prompt08:40
thompaive got universe enabled08:40
tritiumthompa: yes it does, in multiverse08:40
Sivikok, stupid question, what is the name of the sound controller app for ubuntu08:40
gnomefreakthompa: enable multiverse repos08:40
NoUseFrogzoo 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdd' shows a partition at hdd108:40
OneSeventeentritium: thanks, I was only searching in the Add/Remove Applications because I couldn't remember the package name... lemme check synaptic08:41
soundraythompa: you have to enable the multiverse repository, then you will find that package08:41
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lastnodeSivik, gnome-volume-control ?08:41
gnomefreakSivik: alsamixer i think08:41
NoUseFrogzoo look what his dmesg spits out http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1540808:41
njs12345I'm having the strangest problems with DNS08:41
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soundrayWell done ompaul08:41
Frogzoorunes: please check you have the drive jumpered as master08:41
Sivikthere we go, thanks08:41
ekpWarbo: I install gtk2-engines-xfce........where would I look for themes to install in Gnome08:41
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NoUseFrogzoo that drive is dying08:41
kbrooks_ J,,,08:41
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OneSeventeentritium: that doesn't show up when I search for it...08:41
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kbrooks_I have a question08:41
thompamulitverse is enabled in syanptics08:41
gnomefreakekp: in synaptic under gnome or use apt-cache search themes08:42
kbrooks_a v. important question08:42
kbrooks_a .... well, never mind08:42
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tritiumOneSeventeen, thompa: something's wrong with how you've setup multiverse then, or you haven't updated your package list08:42
gnomefreakthompa: are you sure its not backports multiverse that you enabled?08:42
runesFrogzoo,  I wil have to shut down NoUse  I used the maxtor drive testing boot cd all came out fine08:42
gnomefreakthompa: also what arch are you running?08:42
ekpgnomefreak: I have installed theme engine but themes to not show up in Preferences08:42
runesok I will be back going to chek jumper settings08:42
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ekphave to install to Gnome?08:42
kbrooks_anyway, the question is, how do i kill all GUI programs started by me08:42
thompagood point, yest its backports08:42
NoUserunes I would get spinrite and run it on that drive *soon*08:42
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kbrooks_is there a way?08:43
thompaits 38608:43
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ompaulkbrooks_, ctrl alt backspace08:43
tritiumOneSeventeen: please also check that you're not thinking backports multiverse is your multiverse08:43
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gnomefreakthompa: enable the right universe adn multiverse repos than apt-get update08:43
FrogzooNoUse: hmmm... if the drive tests ok under doze, but errors under linux, I'm greatly thinking it's a wrong jumper08:43
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lgd_hi all08:43
NoUseFrogzoo could also be DMA issues08:43
thompahow do i enable multivers, in syanptic everything is enabled08:43
OneSeventeentritium: I think that's what I'm doing, I'll go check the wiki for adding the correct multiverse08:43
lgd_i try install xgl but not work i have a graphic board nvidia08:44
lgd_128 Mb08:44
thompai found it nevermind08:44
gnomefreakubotu tell thompa -about multiverse08:44
soundraythompa: once you've done that, you still need to hit reload08:44
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Sir_Brizzthomp: add multiverse at the end of your universe lines08:44
tritiumompaul: good call, that was the person formerly known as Queen08:44
thompaok , that has been my problem all along then08:44
acke_Hey guys, how do i get rid of the beep that occurs when you get to the loggin window?08:44
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simphow did you reload the package informations again?08:44
speedsixHi, does anyone know if gaim needs any ports forwarding. Mine keeps disconnecting if I have the firewall enabled08:45
thompai had to click edit, if you look at the channels list it seems as if everything is enabled08:45
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simpno speedsix it doesn't08:45
rendoNvidia is best supported by Linux correct?08:45
ompaultritium, I got side tracked and was going to do more08:45
rendoOr is it ATI?08:45
tritiumrendo: nvidia08:45
campfirei have 2 hardisk with ubuntu as master and windows as slave... but is looks like cannot mount windows because it doesn't "exist", do i have to configure fstab or something?08:45
gnomefreakQueer: change your nick please08:45
rendotritium: Thanks, I keep forgetting. :b08:45
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Kaiusnjs12345> Progress.  Syslog tells me that in.tftpd cannot set groups for user nobody.08:45
speedsixsimp, any idea why my gaim msn would keep disconnecting randomly?08:45
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kermitX_acke_, look in system - administration - login window - accessibility tab.08:45
MgjsI'm having some trouble getting TwinView up and running on my laptop. For some reason only my laptop's display gets a feed which spans the total of the two screens (IE I can scroll it with my mouse), how do I get the second screen to display something too? Got my xorg.conf here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15409 and my xorg.log.0 here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1541008:45
Sir_Brizzcampfire, what error does it giv eyou?08:45
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ekpdoes anyone know where GTk2 themes reside so that I can install in Gnome?08:45
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thompathe checkbox in channels has beside it multivers, which is misleading08:46
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piratepenguinhow do I get compositing to work in metacity (drop shadows, etc)?08:46
simpspeedsix:  is the system clock right etc..? i assume you are connected to internet... and does it give any error code or something?08:46
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campfireFilesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on08:46
campfire/dev/hda1              8364900   3394824   4545160  43% /08:46
campfirevarrun                  193168        96    193072   1% /var/run08:46
campfirevarlock                 193168         4    193164   1% /var/lock08:46
campfireudev                    193168       120    193048   1% /dev08:46
campfiredevshm                  193168         0    193168   0% /dev/shm08:46
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campfirelrm                     193168     18856    174312  10% /lib/modules/2.6.15-23-386/volatile08:46
campfiregeir@geir-desktop:~$ sudo umount /dev/hdb5 /media/windows -t ntfs -r08:46
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campfireumount: /dev/hdb5: not found08:46
campfireumount: /media/windows: not mounted08:46
tritiumcampfire: pastebin, dude08:46
gnomefreakcampfire: stop08:46
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simp!tell campfire about pastebin08:47
gnomefreakubotu tell campfire about pastebin08:47
ekpgnomefreak:  did you get my question?08:47
Sir_Brizzcampfire, it doesn't see your windows drive as hdb5. Have you scanned your partition tabele to make sure that's where it really is?08:47
ompaulcampfire, DON'T paste thanks, please read the message from ubotu08:47
gnomefreakekp: no08:47
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ekpwhere do the GTK2 themes reside so that I can install in Gnome.........I have downloaded and installed to /08:47
campfiregnome partition editor says it is hdb508:47
speedsixsimp, clock is right, yeah internet works fine, no error (although I haven't tried launching gaim via console)08:47
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Whyvasif I do a modprobe ivtv, does the module stay there for the next reboots and if not what do I edit so it does?08:47
tritiumekp: there are ubuntu packages of gnome-themes and gnome-themes-extra08:48
speedsixsimp, If I disable firewall it seems to work08:48
gnomefreakekp: there should be an entry in system>prefferences>themes  if not try installing gnome-art08:48
simpoh, are you allowed you didn't disable the internet access for gaim?08:48
ekptritium: I know I want Xfce themes to display in Gnome08:48
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tritiumekp: ah08:48
simpspeedsix: oh, are you allowed you didn't disable the internet access for gaim?08:48
gharzanybody knows why i'm getting apm : BIOS not found whenever i restart my machine? my system hangs when it reaches the Deconfiguring Network Interfaces08:49
njs12345is there anybody here who knows a lot about DNS?08:49
simpspeedsix: try creating an exeption fro gaim08:49
ekptritium: I was told I need to apt-get install gtk2-engines-xfce08:49
gnomefreakmost of the xfce themes do but some like tux and beastie dont :(08:49
speedsixI'm not sure what port?08:49
ekpwhich I have done08:49
njs12345DNS doesn't work in firefox or gaim, but does work in ping08:49
simpno port speedsix08:49
Sir_Brizzcampfire, I'm not sure. That error typically means that /dev/hdb5 is not associated with any hardware08:49
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ekpchoices do not display in Preference|Themes08:49
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speedsixsimp, the options in gaim have a port range to 'listen' on08:49
tritiumekp: yeah, I didn't realize you wanted them for xfce08:50
gnomefreakekp: are you on gnome atm?08:50
ompaulsoundray, you got a pm08:50
njs12345if I monitor DNS traffic using ethereal, I can see that my router is sending a malformed DNS packet for some reason08:50
JeezGodDanghow can i install dappers dhcpd3 on 5.1008:50
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simphmm speedsix sorry not too familiar with gaim, wait i'l chek it out08:50
gnomefreakekp: click on system than prefferences  you dont see themes near the bottom?08:50
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webwolf_27what would be the acceptable ( and preferably fastest ) way to install the -dev packages of every package installed?08:50
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ekpgnomefreak: no08:50
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tr1gg3rspeedsix: port range would depend on what protocol ur using08:51
gnomefreakekp: install gnome-art08:51
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campfirehow do i scan my partition tabel08:51
speedsixsimp, I see, I only use msn08:51
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JeezGodDangcampfire, fdisk -l /dev/blah08:51
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JeezGodDangor just fdisk -l08:51
njs12345webwolf: I imagine you probably don't want to do that ;)08:51
speedsixsimp, so what is the port range option in the gaim prefs for?08:51
njs12345do you know about build-dep? that makes installing development files much easier08:51
Kaius!tell kaius about pastebin08:51
simpspeedsix: try disableing the listen if possible? i'm actualy more familyar with IRC08:52
webwolf_27njs12345, please tell me more08:52
simpspeedsix: i have all my ports closed by my ISP but still gaim works08:52
tr1gg3rspeedsix: also if ur firewall is blocking inbound traffic only it should cause no issues with gaim, if u r blocking outbound traffic also then ull need to open ports08:52
gharzdoes anybody here experienced wherein when you reboot your machine it hangs when it reaches the Deconfiguring Network Interfaces???08:52
njs12345let's say you're trying to build the development version of XGL08:52
speedsixthe firewall is blocking anything that is not port forwarded08:52
netherworldI have a problem! I needed to install python-wxgtk2.6 but it says that I need to have libc6. The problem is that I already have libc6... How can I uninstall libc6 without uninstalling all the other dependencies?08:52
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ekpgnomefreak: still no joy08:53
njs12345a good place to start would be `sudo apt-get build-dep xserver-xgl`08:53
tr1gg3rspeedsix: inbound or outbound08:53
njs12345which gets all the required packages to build the current version of xserver-xgl from source08:53
tritiumnetherworld: _never_ uninstall libc608:53
tr1gg3rspeedsix: then u will need to open the outbound port for msn08:53
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webwolf_27njs12345, thank you08:53
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ekpI will work with Art Manager and see if that helps08:53
netherworldThen how can I install another version of libc6 over the old one?08:53
snoopshey umm I've installed xgl and it was working fine..but well I don't want to keep it..how do I remove it without breaking everything?08:53
speedsixtr1gg3r, forward the port? Which one for msn?08:53
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tr1gg3rspeedsix: google can tell you what port08:54
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netherworldI really need python-wxgtk2.6 to make a certain program work.08:54
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tritiumnetherworld: that should not require uninstalling libc608:54
webwolf_27njs12345, and is there a way to install all packages containing xmms? I tried sudo apt-cache search xmms | sudo apt-get install - but it didn't work08:54
speedsixtr1gg3r, ok thanks. What about the 'Manually specify port range to listen on' option?08:54
JeezGodDanghow can i run some programs at boot ? hdparm and ethtool08:55
netherworldOr can I force the installation of python-wxgtk2.6 without checking its dependencies?08:55
netherworldOr how08:55
tritiumnetherworld: I just simulated installing it.  It does not require any of that08:55
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netherworldOn mine ubuntu it says it needs libc6...08:55
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lee_what's up with nfs-common not being part of the default installation but samba is?08:55
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_absolution_I need help08:56
Kaius_absolution_> That's kinda vague. :P08:56
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tr1gg3rspeedsix: ur issue is not with listening ports it is with outbound connections, once u create a connection that state will tell ur firewall to let the incoming traffic in that corresponds to ur outbound traffic08:56
Sir_Brizznetherworld, what does apt-get install libc6 tell you?08:56
tritiumnetherworld: you should already have that08:56
kalleiI am have been testing ubuntu for some days now and i think its really slow desktop in comparison to windows xp x64, i have amd 3200+ , 1024 ram ... i have tried xfce and gnome and both seem much slower than windows. i would really like to use ubuntu but i want it to be fast, is there any way to get it as fast as win xp?08:56
_absolution_why am I unable to delete files.....I'm a complete noob to linux08:56
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netherworldIt says it is already installed...08:56
webwolf_27lee_, thats a damn good question ( wish I had an answer )08:56
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tritium_absolution_: what are you trying?08:56
Kaius_absolution_> Are you using the right command?08:56
lee_kallei, then use windows08:56
speedsixtr1gg3r, but it does connect and may last a few minutes before disconnecting?08:57
Sir_Brizznetherworld, you could try ap-get --reinstall install libc608:57
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netherworldOkay! Thanks!08:57
_absolution_trying to delete some folders on my desktop08:57
tritiumnetherworld: your libc6 installation should be fine08:57
thompai got flashplugin-nonfree installed, but how do i get firefox to use it?08:57
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JeezGodDangkallei, the difference is windows slows down exponentially as time goes on...linux remains the same or gets faster\08:57
Frogzoolee_: probly if you know why you want nfs instead of samba, you can figure out the install without assistance08:57
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kalleibut as i said, i would gladly use ubuntu if it was just a bit faster... if there is any way to speed it up ?08:57
tritiumthompa: restart firefox should be all you need to do08:57
Kaius_absolution_> left click and then press the Delete key?08:57
lee_thompa, what does about:plugins say in your browser location bar?08:57
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Kaiuskallei> video driver?08:57
rabeldablewhats the limitation for the number of inodes in a directory?08:58
webwolf_27kallei, do you know how to compile your own kernel08:58
_absolution_it says that I don't have permission08:58
kalleii installed that to08:58
lee_Frogzoo, yeah yeah. but it's philisohpical. NFS is much simpler than samba but it's not a default, while samba is.08:58
sbalneavkallei: Maybe if you told us a few more things, like how you feel it's slow, and what kind of video card you have?08:58
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Frogzookallei: how much mem you got? & what cpu?08:58
Whyvaskallei, stick to windows.08:58
tr1gg3rspeedsix: what is output of sudo iptables -L08:58
thompalee_: im trying to see this http://broadband.espn.go.com/broadband/EBB2/web/shellMain?ceid=247422408:58
thompait says nothing in bar08:58
Kaius_absolution_> You're in X as a user and not root.  Go in as root and change it so that your user owns the file and has write permission.08:58
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JeezGodDanghow can i run some programs at boot ? hdparm and ethtool08:58
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lee_thompa, type "about:plugins" into your browser location bar08:58
njs12345webwolf_27: yes, there is..08:58
njs12345sudo apt-cache search xmms | awk '{ print $1 }' | xargs sudo apt-get install08:58
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kalleiamd x64 3200+ , 1gb ram (corsairs) , geforce ti440008:58
Frogzoolee_: nfs is also really solid - but I think the decision was made that samba was easier to setup for newbs08:59
tritiumkallei: what do you want to speed up?  accelerated video?08:59
thompalee_: I got swf enabled,08:59
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lee_Frogzoo, yucky!08:59
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_absolution_how do I do that?08:59
kalleiwebwolf_27 no , but i read something about it in the forums and it seemed intressting, can it make a huge difference?08:59
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webwolf_27njs12345, noted08:59
Frogzookallei: how could ubuntu possibly be slow on that rig? what's slow in particular?08:59
speedsixtr1gg3r, all three sections say accept08:59
eugmancan anyone help me set up a script like in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15398?08:59
thompa    File name: libflashplayer.so08:59
thompa    Shockwave Flash 7.0 r6308:59
kalleitritium desktop, seem slows in the menus, windows etc08:59
lee_thompa, can you go to macromedia's site and see the flash content?08:59
JeezGodDangkallei, what video driver08:59
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=== cartur25 [n=cartur25@d53-64-220-163.nap.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
speedsixtr1gg3r, gaim has been running fine for a good 5 mins now, odd08:59
runesNoUse, this I do not understand!  ok I checked the cables and I had the boot drive as single master on ata66 controller  the secondary drive I had as a slave with the dvd burner as master09:00
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tr1gg3rspeedsix: sounds like u have no firewall running at all09:00
Scorpmoonif I find a program that is not installable via apt-get, is it ok to just install it by downloading the file?09:00
speedsixtr1gg3r, I'll run it via a prompt and see if it prints anything09:00
Whyvasthompa, you probably need flash 8 which isn't out for linux yet09:00
kalleii used some script from the ubuntu forums, it installed the lastest nvidia drivers i think 8756 or something like that09:00
webwolf_27kallei, yes, your then not loading anything you don't need, you can also use a thinner desktop like fluxbox09:00
lee_Scorpmoon, depends on what kind of file it is09:00
speedsixtr1gg3r, this is hardware firewall on my router09:00
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runesNoUse, so I took the slave drive put it on the first controller booted up went into discs and was able to mount it to /mnt/80gig09:00
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Scorpmoonthis one, http://ksocrat.linux.kiev.ua/09:00
thompalee_: that means i cant watch espn soccer highlites09:00
tr1gg3rspeedsix: oh linksys or somesuch?09:00
JeezGodDangya i heard athlon 64's are only fast with fluxbox haha09:00
Frogzoorunes: ok, try 'sudo hdparm -I /dev/hdd'09:01
kalleiwebwolf_27 tried fluxbox a bit, seemed so unuseful :) or at least hard for me as a beginner09:01
JeezGodDangfluxbox is garbage09:01
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cartur25What is the easiest way to increase my resolution with an intel integrated chip09:01
Sir_BrizzScorpmoon, did you check on multiverse?09:01
lee_thompa, unfortunately, yes. bitch at adobe for that one. they refuse to compile flash 8 for linux09:01
speedsixtr1gg3r, its a cheapo connexant based one09:01
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NoUserunes mixing hard drives and CD drives on the same IDE chain can cause problems sometimes becauase they operate at different speeds09:01
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JeezGodDangcarthik_, probably look up your monitor settings on google and put them in xorg09:01
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thompalee_: the link says i need fash plaer but it takes me to flash 7 download09:01
Scorpmoonno, someone didn't recommend those backlinks? is it really bad to install software manually09:01
lee_thompa, that's cause there's no flash 8 for Linux09:02
kalleiwebwolf_27 do u have any specific good urls to howto compile a kernel ?09:02
tr1gg3rspeedsix: doubtful that that is blocking outbound traffic as none ive seen do09:02
Sir_BrizzScorpmoon, not at all, actually09:02
runesFrogzoo, no such file or directory09:02
thompalee_: thanks, do you know of any work around?09:02
Whyvaskallei, why do you want to use ubuntu?09:02
tritiumScorpmoon: what do you mean?09:02
lee_kallei, apt-get install kernel-package09:02
runesFrogzoo, no such file or directory09:02
speedsixtr1gg3r, I think you may be right09:02
nootropedumbass question: what does LTS stand for?09:02
lee_thompa, don't use Linux? vmware?09:02
thompalee_: maybe i will just find another site09:02
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Sir_BrizzScorpmoon, but getting all the right links in KDE and .usr/bin etc isn't as easy09:02
Scorpmooni only submitted to universe repositories09:02
madehello all09:02
tritiumScorpmoon: it's preferred to use packages, or if you build from source, to use checkinstall to build a nice .deb from it09:02
kalleiWhyvas it seems good, atleast what ive heard from all the hype about it ;)09:02
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JeezGodDangnootrope, long term support...09:02
uglymonkehi all! Jemt i got some help earlier; after installing k7-smp kernel with apt-get i cant connect to internet. it wored fine before. i have static ip setup and dsl. the setup works with my mac and xp on same rig. ping gateway and dns results in:"unreachable destination host"09:02
JeezGodDanghow can i run some programs at boot ? hdparm and ethtool09:02
tr1gg3rspeedsix: u should need to do nothing with ur router to make gaim work09:02
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uglymonkecan anyone help or should i re-install?09:02
nootropethanx, JeezGodDang!09:02
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webwolf_27kallei, not off the top of my head but http://www.google.com/linux should bring a few09:03
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Whyvaskallei, it seems like you have no need for it09:03
Sir_Brizzuglymonke, does eth0 even come up?09:03
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eugmanAnyone here have iptables set up with squid and dansguardian? I'd like to get iptables to work right.09:03
Scorpmoonill try building the deb09:03
speedsixtr1gg3r, yeah it's odd, like I say it's been up for a good while now without disconnecting09:03
NoUseJeezGodDang hdparm is already run at boot09:03
madehow do I activate restricted packages in 6.06?09:03
zell1983Alex_BO, sei pregato di non insultare le altre distro :P grazie, te lo dico da utente ubuntu09:03
tr1gg3rspeedsix: maybe a network connectivity issue, or something with th msn server ur logging into09:03
webwolf_27Whyvas, he wants to speed up his system09:03
JeezGodDangNoUse, ethtool09:03
FrogzooJeezGodDang: consider adding options to /etc/hdparm.conf & /etc/network/interfaces    - oh, & maybe use mii-tool instead09:03
NoUseJeezGodDang edit /etc/hdparm.conf09:03
Jemtuglymonke: Don't think I can help you any further - except advice you not to tweak the kernel - it is perfectly fine as it is :)09:03
madeI can't find settings in the package manager09:03
webwolf_27njs12345, and thank you again09:03
uglymonkeSir_Brizz: i use eth0 and yes it pops up on ifconfig09:03
winbondis the fglrx ati driver proprietary?09:03
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Whyvaswebwolf_27, but it's slower when he clicks on the menus, so obviously it is a slow operating system....09:03
NoUseJeezGodDang I'm not sure how its done in breezy09:03
speedsixtr1gg3r, ok thanks for your help09:03
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Sir_Brizzuglymonke, heh no clue then, my eth0 doesn't come up on the latest kernel09:03
kalleiWhyvas main reason i want to try it is i think my windows is slow too, so i thought maybe i could get ubuntu to run even faster09:04
tr1gg3rspeedsix: np09:04
danfgwow, aMule sucks compared to eMule, is there a better client out there?09:04
ackeHey guys, how do i make my networksettings make my wireless connection activated on bootup?09:04
Whyvaskallei, yeah, the menu speed is really critical factor in operating system rating09:04
winbondis the fglrx ati driver proprietary?09:04
uglymonkeSir_Brizz: funny hting is removing k7-smp kernel and booting w 386 i still cant get on the net09:04
tritiumyes, winbond09:04
lee_winbond, yes09:04
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madehow do I activate restricted packages in 6.06?09:04
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madeI can't find settings in the package manager09:05
jlramirezwinbond that is the problem09:05
NoUse!tell made about repos09:05
webwolf_27kallie, note however that you will need intimated knowledge of your hardware09:05
webwolf_27Whyvas, I suspect he meens boot speed09:05
lampshadeHey does anyone happen to know how to set Sun's java as my default java?  Right now java -version still shows the other one :-/09:05
JeezGodDangFrogzoo, um /etc/network/interfaces doesnt really have a place i can add ethtool09:05
tritiumwebwolf_27: ubuntu stock kernels should be sufficient for nearly all users.  Let's not recommend compiling kernels to newer users09:05
Frogzoo!tell lampshade about java09:05
runesFrogzoo, it is mounted to /mnt/80gig but when I browse the drive it only shows the lost and found and reports 71.2 gig left09:05
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tritiumlampshade: with update-alternatives09:05
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FrogzooJeezGodDang: you want post-up09:06
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lampshadetritium: thank you09:06
WhyvasWebMaven, he is basing his speed comparisons on the speed that the menu comes up when he clicks on applications vs clicking on start in windows...09:06
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JeezGodDangFrogzoo, say what09:06
gdolinerMII have a timestamp too far in the future problem when running sudo, any thoughts?09:06
__doc__hi, anybody an idea how I make ubuntu copy text I select automatically and paste it upon mouse right click?09:06
soundrayJeezGodDang: run ethtool from /etc/rc.local09:06
Whyvaswebwolf_27, , he is basing his speed comparisons on the speed that the menu comes up when he clicks on applications vs clicking on start in windows...09:06
JeezGodDangsoundray, ok09:06
tritiumlampshade: look in /etc/alternatives for java, and use update-alternative with the --config option to change them09:06
KevLeehi all - can anyone tell me where to get codecs package for Totem ?09:06
NoUsesoundray does /etc/rc.local exist in breezy?09:06
JeezGodDangsoundray, doesnt exist09:06
FrogzooJeezGodDang: man interfaces & check out the post-up option09:06
sbalneav__doc__: use the middle mouse button09:07
tritiumNoUse: no09:07
ackeWould clicking activate in my network settings for my Ath0 interface corespond to doing ifconfig up Ath0 in the terminal?09:07
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soundrayJeezGodDang: then use /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh instead09:07
tritiumacke: yes09:07
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__doc__sbalneav: 1. I don't have a middle mouse button, 2. it does not copy selected text automatically09:07
FrogzooJeezGodDang: & if you're trying to set speed/autoneg, mii-tool might do a better job09:07
soundrayNoUse: no, I know...09:07
tritiumJeezGodDang: or use update-rc.d to install your own initscript09:07
timmower_hello could someone help me with samba? I cannot connect to shares on an ubuntu fileserver from an os10.4 laptop.09:07
JeezGodDangsoundray, thanks09:07
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soundrayNoUse: wasn't it you who told me?09:07
acketritium, so is there a way to add ifconfig up to the cron?! to get it to startup on bootup?09:07
uglymonkeHey! how did people manage before icq? i cant seem to fix any error in ubuntu that stops me from reaching the net09:08
tritiumacke: it's easier than that.09:08
kalleiWhyvas yes as a matter of fact , to me it is, i cant sit around wating too long just to get the desktop menus, folders, windows to pop up, i want it lightning fast09:08
lonegeekCan someone help me get picasa working.... Ive installed it mutliple times but nothing happens when i click launcher09:08
sbalneav__doc__, What happens when you press both buttons at the same time?  Usually that emulates a middle click.09:08
NoUsesoundray I don't know09:08
timmower_i have tried switching to a static ip address, using my known good config from gentoo, and turning on and off encrypted passwords09:08
tritiumacke: simply make sure it's set to "auto" in /etc/network/interfaces09:08
winbondthanks guys , i know, ati fuckin sucks at making linux drivers09:08
tritiumacke: that's also configurable from the gui tools09:08
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__doc__sbalneav: look that's not what I want it to do09:08
Frogzooacke: you just need to give the i/f the auto option in /etc/network/interfaces for the i/f to come up at boot09:08
tritiumwinbond: language, dude!09:08
madehttp://www.shorten.ws/?r=93y <- screen shot of my software properties.. there isn't a settings button.. what am I missing?09:08
__doc__sbalneav: I want to have a single click on my right mouse to paste text and be it copyied automatically when I select it09:08
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KevLeeanyone... how can I get wmv files to play in totem ?09:09
__doc__sbalneav: alternatives are uninteresting as I do not want them09:09
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Whyvaskallei, you're a windows user, stick to it.09:09
kalleii just wanted some tips to speed up the whole feeling while using the desktop =] 09:09
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sbalneav__doc__: ok, so then how are you going do distinguish between a right click paste, and a right click properties?09:09
NoUse!tell KevLee about wmv09:09
kermitX_KevLee, extracodecs & w32codecs see www.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats09:09
tritiumwinbond: don't use that language here in the future09:09
runesNoUse and Frogzoo  it's as if the drive is hiding the data since I can only see 72 out of 80 gigs09:09
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KevLeekermitX thanks I'll look there... :)09:09
JeezGodDangkallei, you are uising the 64 bit ubuntu right?09:09
NoUserunes ls -a to see hidden files09:09
__doc__sbalneav: I could distinguish by the fact that a click is a click, and when I hold it a menu comes up09:10
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tritiumwinbond: thanks :)09:10
lonegeekrunes: you sure thats not the formated size of the drive?09:10
madeNoUse: did you get that screen shot?09:10
kalleiJeezGodDang yep09:10
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timmower_is there an ubuntu server irc channel?09:10
Frogzoorunes: have you played with any hdparm settings?09:10
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runesNoUse, nope not a thing09:10
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runesFrogzoo, nope09:10
JeezGodDangkallei, it shouldnt be slow...its fast here09:10
acketritium my ath0 line in interfaces is auto ath0 already. but it doesnt activate after loggin09:10
cartur25How do I figure out the root password on my computer?09:10
JeezGodDangkallei, fast on a 1ghz09:10
soundray!tell cartur25 about root09:10
ubotuMy cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, jenda09:11
JeezGodDangcartur25, sudo -s and then passwd09:11
tritiumacke: is the "auto" line above the iface line?09:11
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sbalneav__doc__: I don't think X windows can do what you want.  You'll either have to learn to find alternatives intersting, or spend 5 bucks and buy a 3 button mouse :)09:11
soundrayJeezGodDang: don't give that advice please09:11
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acketritium no should it be_09:11
JeezGodDangsoundray, thats the advice i was given09:11
tritiumacke: also, is the proper kernel module being loaded?09:11
JeezGodDangworks great09:11
runesFrogzoo, when I had the crash thismorning after trying to run the penguins applet I rebooted could not get anywhere so I reformatted only the main drive but I backed up the data to the second drive (80 gig ext3) that was all I did09:11
soundrayJeezGodDang: it shouldn't have been given to you, either.09:11
__doc__sbalneav: I'm running one of the most expensive mouse you can get for money, and it has no middle button....09:11
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tritiumacke: yes, please try moving it before the iface line for it09:11
Frogzoorunes: those errors from dmesg - are they continual, or just occur as startup?09:11
SAM_themanI can't seem to play any of my Linux Native games09:11
lonegeekanyone want to help me with my ati card  ...details here   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1114090#post111409009:11
JeezGodDangsoundray, any reason?09:11
acketritium, the ath0 works great when i activate it in the gui settings09:12
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soundrayJeezGodDang: the wiki explains it.09:12
kalleiwell i think ill try reinstalling and try to compile my own kernel then, img going to get this thing fast :) thanks for the tips, wish me luck ;)09:12
acketritium, tyim gonna try that09:12
runesFrogzoo, I will try it again and see the results09:12
tritiumacke: okay, so presumably the module _is_ loaded09:12
sbalneav__doc__: LOL09:12
soundray!tell JeezGodDang about sudo09:12
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JeezGodDangsometimes sudo just doesnt cut it09:12
__doc__sbalneav: don't believe me?09:12
sbalneav__doc__: Sure I beleive you.09:12
runesFrogzoo, it is only showing the ide1 specs09:12
soundrayJeezGodDang: then you boot in recovery mode or use a live CD. Much safer.09:13
keirhow do you make middle-click go to the address in the clipbord in firefox?09:13
__doc__sbalneav: that's my mouse http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/products/details/CA/EN,CRID=2135,CONTENTID=1071609:13
JeezGodDangsoundray, hm root doesnt scare me though09:13
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Frogzoorunes: so like pages of hdd errors?09:13
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made"Click the Settings button at the bottom and tick Show disabled software sources. Then click the Close button." I can't even get that far because I can't access settings in the software properties...09:13
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runesFrogzoo, could this problem be a result of using the format to ext3 under administratio>discs in the initial install a few ways ago?09:13
sbalneav__doc__: that's got a middle button09:13
soundraykeir: enter "about:config" in the adress field. Filter for "middle" and set options appropriately.09:13
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FlannelJeezGodDang: that's fine for you, don't recommend it to others though, as they might not understand the full implications of being root.09:13
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runesFrogzoo,  no no pages of errors at all09:13
snoopscan I switch all the effects off in xgl?09:14
JeezGodDang   Use the dhcp3-server (dhcp3-server_3.0.3-6ubuntu4) from Dapper (Although it is not officially released).09:14
JeezGodDanghow do i do that09:14
sbalneav__doc__: press down on the scrolly wheel.09:14
keirsoundray, thanks!09:14
__doc__sbalneav: that's horrible to use09:14
NoUsesnoops probably ask in #ubuntu-xgl09:14
nootropeanyone know how i can disable tapping on my laptop's touchpad?09:14
Frogzoorunes: when you say you tested this drive under doze, you sure you did a non-destructive test? you didn't actually write the drive did you?09:14
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snoopsokay thanks NoUse09:14
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soundrayJeezGodDang: this discussion keeps coming up, I don't feel like having it again. Suffice it to say that "being scared of root" is not the problem that the policy is designed to address.09:14
wsjuniorhow do i configure my wireless card?09:14
uglymonkeHi all! How can i reinstall networking packages directly fom dapper cd? i want to avoid reinstall but i cant reach internet on ubuntu :) thanks for any help!09:14
__doc__sbalneav: besides the point, that still doesn't make it copy automatically09:14
soundray!tell wsjunior about wireless09:14
GodAllahsoundray, id take my advice back if i could..hopefully it didnt help him09:14
ackeI think my synaptic manager is broken, i get these error mesg : http://pasteit.org/view.php?num=27 Coudl someone please have a look at it09:15
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sbalneav__doc__: In my Dapper, when I highlight something, then move somewhere else, and middle click, it pastes.09:15
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sbalneav__doc__: does it in OpenOffice, does it in gedit, does it in vi, does it everywhere.09:15
timmower_uglymonke: can you not configure the network manually?09:15
timmower_uglymonke: or have you removed the packages?09:15
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cartur25Once I have logged into sudo with "sudo -s" how do I return to my regular user name?09:16
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__doc__sbalneav: I got a button on that mouse that's be good for middle click, but it's not the middle button...09:16
_absolution_is openoffice included on Dapper??09:16
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tritium_absolution_: definitely09:16
Frogsnooze_absolution_: yup09:16
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soundraycartur25: with exit09:16
_absolution_I can't see it09:16
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Flannelcartur25: don't log in like that, but exit will get you out09:16
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siofwolvesare network-manager & network-manager-gnome the same ?09:16
timmower_cartur25: ctrl -D09:16
sbalneav__doc__: then you could remap it with xmodmap.09:16
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cartur25I'm trying to increase my resolution to 1600x1200 and it says in the intstructions to log in as root09:17
soundraysiofwolves: no. apt-cache show network-manager ; apt-cache show network-manager-gnome09:17
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Flannelcartur25: where are the instructions?09:17
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runesFrogzoo, I'm not sure how to explain this but I'll do my best: Installed dapper final release two days ago on the primary 40 gig I used the 80 gig separately and fromatted it from ntfs to ext 3 and mounted it to /mnt/80gig after creating the directory 80gig.  All was workign fine even transferred mp3 torrents and all y documents to the 80 gig oincase I had to blow out the 40.  Today I had to reformat the 40 and reinstall ubuntu.  on the09:17
runes install (live) it asked me which drive so I selected the 40..installed fine got to the desktop and the 80 gig was nowhere to be found09:17
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lonegeekhow can i see logs that picasa is outputting...because its not loading09:17
__doc__ya thx09:18
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cartur25Flannel: http://www.geocities.com/stomljen/readme.html09:18
sbalneav__doc__: Your welcome.09:18
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_absolution_why am I see locks on my folders?09:18
soundraylonegeek: try 'ls -lart /var/log' -- the last lines are the most recently changed log files/directories.09:18
timmower_runes: did you use the automatic partitiioning?09:18
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runestimmower_, yes09:18
Flanneloh.  That's why, it's not official.  Well, in the future, whenever something tells you to use root, you can use sudo.  But, this is the recommended resolution one:09:19
Flannel!tell cartur25 about resolution09:19
ackeHEy guys my synaptic package manager is broken!? i get errormsg everytime i use it, this is an excample http://pasteit.org/view.php?num=2709:19
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runestimmower_, it did ask me which drive to select though09:19
Scorpmoontritium, could you clarify how I use checkinstall09:19
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TomekBanyone tried upgrading from debian sid to dapper?09:19
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lonegeeksoundray: i dont see picasa in there....09:19
timmower_runes: then I should think it is just not mounted09:19
ubotuwell, checkinstall is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CheckInstall09:19
tritiumScorpmoon: ^^09:19
gnomefreakTomekB: i wouldnt09:19
ackeis it normal to have error msg like that?09:19
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siofwolvessoundray, do i type apt-cache show network-manager-gnome into the terminal ?09:19
soundraylonegeek: grep the files with the most recent dates for picasa09:19
gnomefreakTomekB: you open up for major issues that way09:19
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timmower_runes: Ive not done the automatic partitioning, but I am guessing it doesn't scan for other partitions and mount them - I could be wrong though09:20
NoUserunes have you run fsck against the drive since you moved it to the different IDE controller09:20
soundraysiofwolves: to see a summary of what the package is about, yes.09:20
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timmower_runes: do you know how to mount a drive, and which drive it is?09:20
lonegeeksoundray: sorry i dont follow09:20
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winbondthe sound icon stopped showinf in the menu bar , any clue how to make it comeback??09:20
timmower_runes: under linux?09:20
TomekBgnomefreak: so my only option is too backup my $HOME and do a clean install?09:20
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Flannelacke: you misspelt multiverse (no l)09:20
runestimmower_, not really09:20
siofwolveshow do i run it, i can only run network-manager09:20
acke'flannel woow, thanks09:20
gnomefreakTomekB: i would do it that way09:20
runesfsck ok sec09:20
gharzcan somebody tell me how to access the logs whenever i reboot my system coz i'm having problem. my system hangs and doesn't reboot. it gets stuck to deconfiguring network interfaces.09:20
timmower_runes: you comfortable with the terminal?09:21
TomekBgnomefreak: what do you recommend then?09:21
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dustinwhat's the irc channel here for Ubuntu-XGL questions specifically?09:21
NoUserunes sudo fsck.ext3 /dev/hdx1 - I don't remeber what x should be09:21
ackeFLannel where do i find the conf file_09:21
Flanneldustin: #ubuntu-xgl09:21
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dustinthank you09:21
soundraylonegeek: do you get any output from 'ls -rt | tail -n 4 | xargs grep -il picasa' ?09:21
runesit said recovering journal09:21
gnomefreakTomekB: i recommend doing a clean install and only backing up personal files09:21
Flannel!tell acke about repositories09:21
soundraylonegeek: apart from error messages?09:22
lonegeeksoundray: no that just brings up some file i downloaded.....and says no such file09:22
ubotu[checkinstall]  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CheckInstall09:22
thesporeAfter upgrading to Dapper, I cannot connect to a windows share (on MSHOME workgroup), where I previously was able to.  I just use the Places->Connect to Server->Windows Share->Private IP of PC with the share, it says smb:// is not a valid location09:22
soundraylonegeek: sorry, I forgot something09:22
=== sindrum [n=sindrum@cpe-24-59-56-226.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
soundraylonegeek: do you get any output from 'ls -rt /var/log/ | tail -n 4 | xargs grep -il picasa' ?09:22
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Scorpmoontritium, i'm a noob, cc is not installed. checkinstall only said it depended on "Make" so I installed those09:22
wsjuniorcould anybody help me to configure my wireless card? it is a Broadcom Corporation Dell Wireless 1470 DualBand WLAN (rev 02)09:22
Scorpmoongcc neither09:22
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lonegeek4 files with no such file or directory09:23
TomekBgnomefreak: ok, thanks!09:23
thelostpatroli have some questions for you guys09:23
lonegeekshould i try to install picasa from source instead of deb package?09:23
NoUserunes try mounting it after it finishes09:23
wsjuniori found it is supported by ndiswrapper but the link to the driver is broken :(09:23
thelostpatroli just installed ubuntu09:23
soundraylonegeek: no09:23
tritiumScorpmoon: you should install build-essential09:23
gnomefreakScorpmoon: build-essential and checkinstall ;)09:23
thelostpatroland i need to know how to get nvidia drivers installed09:23
NoUse!tell thelostpatrol about nvidia09:23
soundraylonegeek: sorry, it's me getting it wrong...09:23
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Kiko0123!tell Kiko0123 about ati09:23
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tritiumthelostpatrol: we've gone over that already, haven't we?09:23
soundraylonegeek: 'cd /var/log/ ; ls -rt | tail -n 4 | xargs grep -il picasa'09:24
=== Aeudian [n=Aeudian@ip67-94-157-121.z157-94-67.customer.algx.net] has joined #ubuntu
gharzcan somebody tell me how to access the logs whenever i reboot my system coz i'm having problem. my system hangs and doesn't reboot. it gets stuck to deconfiguring network interfaces.09:24
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runestimmower_,  yes09:24
lonegeeksoundray: auth.log    now im in directory of /var/log$09:24
runesNoUse, ok I will try09:24
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tritiumgharz: they're all kept in /var/log09:24
freakazoid0223i have a desktop with a radeon 9800pro will that work "right out of the box" dapper09:24
soundraylonegeek: okay, it looks like picasa isn't logging to anything in /var/log09:25
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Flannelfreakazoid0223: it'll work, if you want accelleration on the ATI, you'll need to install some drivers.09:25
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neuron_i got a problem09:25
freakazoid0223ok thanks09:25
lonegeeksoundray: when i type picasa from bash... it sits for about 10 seconds then nothing happens... once out of maybe 20 times license agreement message came up...but that was it09:25
dustinhey guys... question: compiz is giving me this: Window manager warning: Log level 32: could not find XKB extension. I think this is why it's crashing... can anyone tell me what this really means?09:25
wsjuniorcould anybody help me to configure my wireless card? it is a Broadcom Corporation Dell Wireless 1470 DualBand WLAN (rev 02)09:26
dustintrying to get xgl/compiz09:26
neuron_i cant change thru my sesions anyway with ctrl+alt+fx , how can i fix this09:26
NoUsedustin #ubuntu-xgl for xgl stuff09:26
Flanneldustin: #ubuntu-xgl for xgl questions09:26
ackeFlannel i would prefer editing the conf file. dont remember where i find it hough09:26
soundraylonegeek: sorry, I don't know anything about picasa specifically.09:26
=== eXistenZ [n=existenz@bzq-88-152-111-190.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
yuheng108hi, does anyone know how to set up the vimicro usb pc camera 301x?09:26
dustinyeah... they weren't answering over there :/09:26
tritiumacke: what do you want to edit?09:26
Flannelacke: that page tells you if you scroll down a bit, or... maybe, yeah, click "editing sources form the command line" at the top.09:26
yuheng108hi, does anyone know how to set up the vimicro usb pc camera 301x?09:26
eXistenZhow can I reload fonts cache?09:26
wsjuniorthis would be the link to the driver but it seems to be broken :( http://www.runithard.com/HOWTO-BCOM64WIRELESS/Acer80211g.rar09:26
=== wastrel [n=wastrel@dsl254-127-242.nyc1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
ackeFlannel thanks09:26
soundrayneuron_: does the command 'chvt 1' work?09:27
gnomefreakdustin: xkb is a setting for keyboard please see sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:27
yuheng108does anyone know how to set up the vimicro usb pc camera 301x?09:27
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neuron_soundray: chvt only works within consoles09:27
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neuron_and no, it doesnt work09:27
wastreli installed the mail notification applet09:27
AesopHey, does anyone know where the message that displays before you login on a tty is located?09:27
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soundrayneuron_: what do you want to achieve, other than switching consoles?09:27
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neuron_soundray: well, it works if i sudo09:28
gnomefreakAesop: you mean when the modules are loading?09:28
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runesNoUse, ok I mounted it09:28
neuron_soundray: i got Xorg and Xgl running on two differet vt`s09:28
AesopNah, just the test that says 'Ubuntu 6.06 hostname'09:28
neuron_i got Xorg running for cedega09:28
=== Ohzie [n=ohzie@c-24-21-105-65.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
lee_how can I change the time offset if I accidently told the system my bios clock is in GMT?09:28
NoUserunes anything on the drive or in lost+found?09:28
runesNoUse, but still no data just the lost+found09:28
tritiumAesop: /etc/issue ?09:29
AesopI thought there was a way to put something there, such as ASCII art09:29
AesopMight be it, thanks09:29
NoUserunes have you looked in lost+found?09:29
runesnope checked09:29
soundraylee_: sudo tzconfig09:29
NoUserunes I don't know09:29
thesporeAfter upgrading to Dapper, I cannot connect to a windows share on my workgroup.  It says smb:// is not a valid location.  Help please?09:29
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runesNoUse, but  the crep command shows three lines09:29
soundraylee_: see also /etc/default/rcS09:29
runesgrep that is09:29
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NoUserunes what lines?09:29
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wastrelI would like to be able to bump the fetchmail server on my remote mail server computer from my laptop with an rsh type command.  can anyone point me to a howto on this?09:30
KaiusGotta split.  Later guys!09:30
runes4294789.721000]  EXT3 FS on hdb1, internal journal09:30
runes[4294814.891000]  EXT3 FS on hdb1, internal journal09:30
runes[4295447.895000]  EXT3 FS on hdb1, internal journal09:30
neuron_soundray: how can i reasign the vt`s to ctrl+alt+fx?09:30
lee_soundray, hey, that's neat. Debian's rcS is much more complicated09:30
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NoUserunes what does 'df -h' show for that drive?09:30
Scorpmoontritium, this time it got alot further, but came to an error at "checking for libz" error: not found09:30
rolerthere are certain chars in my gnome-terminal which aren't being shown, but I know my font can handle it. Is that a locale? How can I change mine?09:30
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e44b528.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayneuron_: I don't know - it should work. Does the order matter? (ctrl-alt vs. alt-ctrl)09:30
=== Flik [n=Flik@d205-250-155-217.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
runesNoUse, woudl you rather I post it on the post site?09:31
tritiumScorpmoon: you'll need to install that too09:31
soundrayneuron_: or have you changed the location of the Ctrl key?09:31
neuron_soundray: nope, it still doenst work09:31
tritiumScorpmoon: you probably need zlib1g-dev09:31
neuron_soundray: how do i do that? :D09:31
NoUserunes if its just one line you can put it here, otherwise pastebin09:31
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soundrayneuron_: sometimes it ends up where Caps lock is normally09:31
runesok pastebin it is09:31
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gnomefreaktritium: what are you guys building?09:31
wastrelwhy isn't the mail notification applet working :p09:31
eXistenZIs it possible to choose different window title font for other languages?09:32
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tritiumgnomefreak: I don't even know ;)09:32
gnomefreakim thinking build-dep ;)09:32
soundrayneuron_: there are options in xorg.conf and in System-Prefs-Keyboard Prefs-Layout Options09:32
tritiumgnomefreak: it's not a source package, though09:32
eXistenZgnomefreak, Can you help me with this?09:32
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tritiumScorpmoon: what are we building09:32
gnomefreakeXistenZ: with what?09:32
bob1111anyone have any expeience getting wireless to work with ubuntu09:32
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neuron_soundray: where do i fhind theese setting in kde?09:32
cartur25It says that my laptop screen's max resolution is 1200x800 - what happens if I set it to 1600x1200?09:32
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Scorpmooni am building http://ksocrat.linux.kiev.ua/09:32
gnomefreakubotu tell eXistenZ -about fonts09:32
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tritiumbob1111: sure09:33
eXistenZgnomefreak, Is it possible to choose different window title fonts, for different languages?09:33
soundrayneuron_: I don't know. Maybe ask #kubuntu09:33
runesNoUse, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1541209:33
wastrelhow do i run a shell command on a remote machine without having to ssh in to it?09:33
gnomefreakeXistenZ: i dont know09:33
eXistenZgnomefreak, I mean, for English window titles, some font, and another for Arabic.09:33
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NoUserunes I dont know what happened09:33
WeirdbroDuring boot-up, it switched out of graphic boot-info with the splash to text. Why would that happen? It never happened before.09:33
NoUserunes doesn't look good09:33
danfghow can thunderbird import unix mailbox files? when i try importing mail, the only option i have is "Communicator 4.x"09:33
bob1111tritium: I'm trying ubuntu live cd for the first time09:33
tritiumbob1111: congrats :)09:33
thelostpatroli lost my bottom bar thing, can anyone tell me how to get it back09:33
soundraywastrel: do you mean non-interactively? "ssh user@remotehost ls"09:33
thelostpatrolthere's a top bar but no more bottom bar09:34
bob1111tritium: i cant seem to get internet working though09:34
thelostpatrolhelp! :P09:34
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Aesoptritium, Thanks. Knew it was there somewhere, but I was thinking it was MOTD09:34
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tritiumAesop: :)09:34
Flannelthelostpatrol: right click on the top one "add panel" then drag it to the bottom, then right click on it, and "add to panel"09:34
runesNoUse, this si the second time after reinstalling that I lose the ext3 partition only to find that it shows the exact amount of data used that I saved to it09:34
kane77thelostpatrol, try right click and select new panel...09:34
wastrelsoundray:  tha works 100%09:34
thesporeAfter upgrading to Dapper, I cannot connect to a windows share on my workgroup.  It says smb:// is not a valid location.  Help please?09:34
tritiumbob1111: what hardware?09:34
soundrayWeirdbro: it happens occasionally when there are unusual things to report, like fsck results.09:34
gnomefreakthelostpatrol: right clicka nd add one09:34
thelostpatroldon't have that option09:34
Weirdbrosoundray: Thanks09:34
wastrelnow i just need to get the mail-notification thingy working.09:34
=== clin1 [n=dana@nor-goatfarm.vianet.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Scorpmoontritium, this time "X includes" :-)09:34
cartur25It says that my laptop screen's max resolution is 1200x800 - what happens if I set it to 1600x1200?09:34
tritiumthelostpatrol: is that IP address right?09:34
neuron_soundray: my ctrl seems to be asigned to <None>09:35
gnomefreakbrb gonna play on sources forge i need something to build lol09:35
tritiumScorpmoon: what are we building?09:35
Flannelthespore, not thelostpatrol09:35
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kiko0123!tell kiko0123 ati09:35
bob1111tritium: its a compaq laptop, I'd have to boot it into windows to get hardware specifics, i don't know how to do that in linux09:35
thelostpatroloh, hehe09:35
runesNoUse, normally I'd just format but since I want to use Ubuntu for a production server I have to knwo the how and why I can't remount09:35
thesporetritium, yes ;)09:35
soundrayneuron_: that would explain it! :)09:35
clin1how do I access the Bootloader Administration?09:35
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Scorpmoontritium, Ksocrat from http://ksocrat.linux.kiev.ua/09:35
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NoUserunes cd to the dir you have the drive mounted  to and run 'ls -a *'09:35
Stormx2cartur25: Your video card will melt09:35
neuron_soundray: you were the first person tu figure this out09:35
timmower_thespore: I am having the same problem with samba09:35
tritium!info ksocrat dapper09:35
ubotuksocrat: (English/Russian and Russian/English Dictionary), section universe/text, is optional. Version: 3.2.1-1ubuntu1 (dapper), Packaged size: 35 kB, Installed size: 244 kB09:35
tritiumScorpmoon: ^^09:35
tritiumIt's in dapper09:35
kane77clin1, sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst... that's the only one I know of...09:35
timmower_thespore: but noone else seems to acknowledge it09:36
clin1The help says "You can start Bootloader Administration Tool in the following ways: Applications menu   Choose System Tools  Boot." but that does not exist09:36
thesporetimmower_, well.. i can verify it :)09:36
soundrayneuron_, sometimes it needs someone who has had diagnostic training ;)09:36
timmower_thespore: i think I am going to try building samba from source09:36
runesNoUse, . and ..09:36
=== tritium hates compiling when he doesn't have to
eXistenZgnomefreak, How is it possible to install the driver of ATI 9200? As the gnome guide works only for 9500+ ?09:36
Stormx2tritium: Me too.09:36
Scorpmoonif I try to inistall ksocrat with synaptic, i am told ksocrat-data can't be installed with apt-get09:36
NoUserune it should have lost+found there too09:36
=== RandolphCarter [n=brett@82-42-145-141.cable.ubr01.sprt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
kiko0123!tell kiko0123 about ati09:36
timmower_thespore: I have tried encrypted passwords, copying a known good config from gentoo linux, and security = share09:36
neuron_soundray: but when i try to setxkbmap -option -option ctrl:ctrl_aa i get setxkbmap -option -option ctrl:ctrl_aa Use defaults: rules - 'xorg' model - 'pc101' layout - 'us' Couldn't find rules file (xorg)09:36
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gnomefreakeXistenZ: i dont do ati they are un fun ;) nvidia easy09:36
kiko0123!tell about kiko0123 ati09:36
timmower_thespore: or I might be switching from ubuntu09:37
gnomefreakeXistenZ: im thinking use the atibinaryhowto it will have one for that09:37
runesNoUse, it seems almost as if the original ext3 partition is hidden or that the data is..strange though as I formatted the drive completely in ext 3 two days ago prior to loading my backup data to it09:37
tritiumScorpmoon: you've updated your package list?09:37
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eXistenZgnomefreak, video drivers are fucked up in linux09:37
Scorpmoonyes i think so09:37
clin1this does not make sense09:37
tritiumScorpmoon: works fine here09:37
FlanneleXistenZ: watch your language09:37
gnomefreakeXistenZ: language  please and only ati09:37
clin1why would the help tell me to do something I can not do?09:37
tritiumScorpmoon: make sure you update it09:37
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=== tritium frowns at eXistenZ for his potty mouth
ackeFlannel i cant figure out the second error though http://pasteit.org/view.php?num=2809:38
soundrayneuron_: not sure what to make of that. Are you sure pc101 is what you need?09:38
Scorpmoontritium by that you mean press Reload in synaptic?09:38
=== eXistenZ stares at tritium menacingly
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tritiumScorpmoon: yeah09:38
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Scorpmoonso I did09:38
runesNoUse, I am going to redownload the util from Maxtor just as a sanity check even though I did a week ago it is still possible that the drive is failing09:38
wastreli'm trying to figure out why mail-notification isn't seeing new mail at my imap inbox - anyone good at troubleshooting imap?09:38
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NoUserunes ok09:38
soundrayneuron_: maybe set different kb types in 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'09:38
Scorpmoonyou try and mark ksocrat for installation, you will get the same error msg?09:38
Flannelacke: you using se.archive.ubuntu.com for anything else?09:38
DaveyJopinion time..09:39
bob1111tritium: Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG WLAN09:39
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tritiumeXistenZ: oh no you didn't...09:39
ackeFLannel, i have no idea of what i use for anything09:39
DaveyJwhat do you think is the best irc client for gnome?09:39
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wastrelDavey:  xchat09:39
tritiumbob1111: that should work out of the box, with no hassle09:39
OhzieDoes anybody else have really buggy and slow video playback, that they've managed to solve?09:39
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DaveyJi'm using that now.. but i cant seem to connect to my BNC through it09:39
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neuron_soundray: does that totaly replace my xorg.conf file or just updates it?09:39
DaveyJwont let me specify the port09:39
DaveyJtried host/port09:39
DaveyJstill doesnt work09:39
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.09:39
Flannelacke: well, you're editing that file, right?  do you see any other se.archive urls?09:40
soundrayneuron_: it creates a new one, using the old one for defaults.09:40
wastrelDavey:  try host:port09:40
DaveyJi tried that too09:40
neuron_oh, so if i have some modified settings they will be kept09:40
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siofwolveshow do i start network-manager-gnome ? nm-applet starts network-manager ...09:40
=== sirius [n=sirius@cpe-65-27-155-99.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
clin1can anyone tell me why my ubuntu install is messed up? why I do not have the boot-admin application that the System Documentation speaks of?09:41
InterNuthello all! i have a webserver, and it has a SSH server installed to, but after a reboot i cant connect to it, how do i see if its up and running? and if its not running, how do i start it?09:41
r0xoRsiofwolves, type it on the command line?09:41
siriusANyone mind helping me Install FGLRX Driver for my ATI x800 Card ?09:41
wastrelyet another instance of gnome dumbing down config dialogs :p09:41
r0xoRclin1, boot admin? is that supposed to be a gui for grub?09:41
runesNoUse, I am now rebooting to test I will share the results with you09:41
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clin1r0xoR: yes it says that09:42
NoUserunes ok09:42
ackeFlannel, yeah alot of them09:42
r0xoRwastrel, heheh try looking at gnome's excuse for a service manager :P09:42
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tritiumwastrel: it was breaking some people's grub config09:42
siofwolvesr0xoR, type 'network-manager-gnome' on the command line ?09:42
ZambeziIs there problems with the repos in Dapper? I get errormessages when I'm trying to install Gnome from the terminal (serverinstall).09:42
r0xoRsiofwolves, yes09:42
Flannelacke: alright, you might pastebinning your sources.list?09:42
r0xoRsiofwolves, it's just a guess though09:42
kiko0123hello, anyone can help me installing the correct ATI drivers please ? I have a ATI Radeon X300SE 128mb PCI-Express 16x...09:42
ubotuati is, like, http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers09:42
wastrelxchat breaking grub?09:42
ackeFlannel, sure09:42
clin1r0xoR:  go into the Help and then type in "bootloader" and you will see it09:43
siofwolveskk, i'll give it a go r0xoR09:43
wastrelDavey:  seems address/port is the syntax... dunno what to tell you09:43
thelostpatrolso anyone know how to get back the bottom bar?09:43
r0xoRclin1, don't tell me, tell siofwolves09:43
Scorpmooni think I give up on installing ksocrat09:43
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DaveyJyeah :(09:43
wastreltry #xchat09:43
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clin1siofwolves:  :  go into the Help and then type in "bootloader" and you will see it09:43
DaveyJeven when i resolve it myself to ip/port, it says "did you spell it wrong?"09:43
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CinIs it possible to install Xorg6 from Breezy's apt-get sources if on Dapper?09:44
ackeFLannel http://pasteit.org/view.php?num=2909:44
ackeFlannel thats the entire beauty09:44
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wastrelok, I'm using mail-notification system tray mail dealy to connect to my imap server, and the thing seems to be connecting OK to the server ,but isn't seeing new mail - any ideas to fix?09:44
bob1111tritium: this is what i have - http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?lc=en&cc=us&dlc=en&product=1816340&dest_page=product&docname=c0057225609:45
AlienXi don't suppose dapper supports tablet pc functionality does it?09:45
Scorpmoonanyone installed last.fm player on ubuntu?09:45
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Flannelacke: sorry, I don't see any problems.  I thought it might've been that the mirror was having problems, but it doesn't look it.  You'll have to hope someone else knows why.09:46
thelostpatrolbottom bar? anyone?09:46
ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems09:46
thelostpatrolhow do i get it back?09:46
thelostpatrolplease help.09:46
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ackeFlannel well thanks you have helped alot09:46
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Flannelthelostpatrol: we already told you.  Add the panel, then "add to panel", all of which are on the right click menus09:46
clin1r0xoR: siofwolves is talking to me about network manager not bootloader admin? I am even more confused now09:47
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CinIs it possible to install Xorg6 from Breezy's apt-get package sources if on Dapper?09:47
rolerthere are certain chars in my gnome-terminal which aren't being shown, but I know my font can handle it. Is that a locale? How can I change mine?09:48
thelostpatrolwell, it wasn't explained that way before, sorry09:48
thelostpatrolgot it now09:48
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Flannelthelostpatrol: good to hear09:48
siofwolvesclin1, i'm after a way to start network-magager-gnome ?09:48
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siofwolvesnm-applet starts network-manager09:48
clin1siofwolves: I am trying to figure out how to get to bootloader admin... I don't know why r0xoR told me to talk to you about it09:48
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bob1111tritium: did you get that link09:49
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tritiumbob1111: no, I saw no nick highlight, and I'm multitasking09:49
clin1add/remove programs does not have anything about a bootloader admin or anything like "boot" or anything either09:49
bob1111tritium: this is what i have - http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?lc=en&cc=us&dlc=en&product=1816340&dest_page=product&docname=c0057225609:49
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wastrelanyone know a mail notification thingy that supports imaps09:50
siofwolvesdoes anyone know how to start network-magager-gnome please09:50
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slavikwell, hp/compaq is evil09:50
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timmower_I cannot believe something as simple as samba is not working in ubuntu, yet  my dvb digital tuner worked when plugged in09:50
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TMT[fi] Good evening09:50
tritiumbob1111: you're sure that's ipw2200?09:50
timmower_does ubuntu not care about the server?09:50
bob1111tritium: no im trying to find specs online on another pc09:51
wastrelipw2200 i have that09:51
Cintimmower_, what's not working?09:51
bob1111laptop is booted into ubuntu09:51
Samus_Aranhello all.  I am wanting to use Opera 9.0 Beta 2, which has an Ubuntu 5.10 .deb package.  it installs and runs fine, except it is missing the a dummy package that no longer exists in 6.06.  the dummy package simply has two X libraries installed (which are currently installed)09:51
tritiumbob1111: ok09:51
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Samus_Aranhow can I make Synaptic not think that the system is broken because of this missing package ?  it keeps uninstalling Opera09:51
_absolution_I still can't access my friggin folders.....09:51
yuheng108does anyone know how to set up the vimicro usb pc camera 301x?09:52
yuheng108 how to set up the vimicro usb pc camera 301x?09:52
TMT[fi] My soundcard dsp value changes every time i reboot my comp. How can i stop this? I'm using Dapper09:52
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Scorpmoonwhy is lastfm not included in synaptic? do I need to use this link? http://people.debian.org/~pxt//lastfm/09:53
wastrelwhat's lastfm09:53
Hexidigital_anyone know if rhythmbox is capable of streaming video, similar to winamp's shoutcast video (like it does for audio)?09:53
Scorpmoononline radio09:54
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TMT[fi] Soundcards are SB 128 and Hoontech dsp24 value09:54
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nootropeum... where's the default place to install new apps? i just D/L'ed Thunderbird and the release notes just say to extract it and run it. Any opinions where it should live?09:54
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Scorpmoonhow do I install a .deb file09:54
ackeHEEEY guys ubuntu 6.06 boots on my acer TM 4670 but ubuntu 5.10 does not.. Its great news, couse no other distro (pretty much) even boots as live cds (knoppix for ex does not)09:55
LjLnootrope: don't extract it, and don't run it09:55
ubotuHuh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Hexidigital_09:55
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jendaScorpmoon: sudo dpkg -i aoeu.deb09:55
CinHow do you force what version of a package you want to install with apt-get?09:55
LjLnootrope: just type "sudo aptitude install mozilla-thunderbird"09:55
Scorpmooncan I install it from an URL too09:55
Samus_AranHexidigital_: I would just use MPlayer for streaming video ... it can handle everything out there.  wmv/asf, quicktime, realplayer, etc.09:55
lnx^hmm strange09:55
nootropeLjL: thanks. i knew i messed up somehow09:55
jendaScorpmoon: no harm in trying. dunno.09:55
Hexidigital_Samus_Aran:: thanks, much appreciated09:55
lnx^hibernating stopped working suddenly09:55
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lnx^getting this error:09:56
lnx^[4324938.925000]  Stopping tasks: ===============================================================================================================================================09:56
Samus_AranHexidigital_: you may need to install some codec packages, if you haven't already09:56
lnx^[4324944.926000]   stopping tasks failed (1 tasks remaining)09:56
lnx^[4324944.926000]  Restarting tasks...<6> Strange, khubd not stopped09:56
LjLnootrope: you don't download programs manually, you install them through the APT system. unless they aren't there.09:56
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Hexidigital_Samus_Aran:: pretty sure i have all needed codecs installed09:56
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nootropeLjL: cool. thanks a lot.09:56
yuheng108 how do use a vimicro usb pc camera 301x?09:56
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eugmanAnyone know how I can setup content filtering?09:57
TMT[fi] So no1 have no idea how to stop that dsp value changing in every boot? :(09:57
lnx^any idea about my problem?09:57
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siofwolvesmine too09:57
Samus_AranHexidigital_: mplayer can be used on the command line as "mplayer rtsp://foo.com/blah.rm  mms://bar.com/foo.asf" or you can use the GUI by running "gmplayer"09:57
alambaeugman: squid/squidguard09:57
Samus_AranHexidigital_: or just install the MPlayer plugin for Mozilla, then it will work in your browsers09:58
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Hexidigital_Samus_Aran:: excellent09:58
thelostpatrolnext question: how do i install a .run file that i downloaded onto the desktop?09:58
thelostpatrolit's nvidia drivers09:58
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mgorbach228is there an easy way to set up networkmanager with wpa in dapper?09:58
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mgorbach228thelostpatrol, i think thats just a normal script09:59
Scorpmoonwould an i386.deb file install on a 64bit os?09:59
mgorbach228run it from the command line09:59
Sivikok, when i try to ssh into a machine, it says the host key verification failed, how do i fix that?09:59
tritiummgorbach228: it already uses wpasupplicant09:59
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siofwolvesmgorbach228 i have the same problem as you09:59
mgorbach228im looking at a guide here and it seems its a huge pain09:59
Samus_Aranso does anyone know how I can go about preventing Synaptic from thinking that the "opera" package is broken, when all it is missing is a dummy package that no longer exists which just links to two libs I have installed ?09:59
mgorbach228you need to get CVS version of networkmanager and WPA_supplicant09:59
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tritiummgorbach228: on dapper, just install and use09:59
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mgorbach228it works out of the box with dapper LTS?10:00
gravesonis there any documentatation for configuring DVB's -if so where can i find it10:00
tritiummgorbach228: it should, yes10:00
Scorpmoonif I install a .deb file, can I delete it after installation?10:00
mgorbach228hmm ... why the big long guide here then10:00
tritiumScorpmoon: yes, you can10:00
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thelostpatroli don't know how to get it running10:00
timmower_all i want to do is get samba file sharing working - takes 10 minutes on every distro I have ever used, except ubuntu.  What gives?10:00
tritiummgorbach228: that's not an ubuntu site10:00
thelostpatrolthe .run file10:00
Inf3ctedFxHello everyone10:00
thelostpatrolit tells me it can't run10:01
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Inf3ctedFxanyone knows about "smart" does ubuntu need it? or there is one for ubuntu?10:01
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timmower_does anyone think it will be worth building samba from source10:01
tritiumtimmower_: it's no different10:01
mgorbach228hmm ... well tritium i hope you are right ... gonna go home now and give that a try on my girlfriends laptop10:01
MgjsDoes anyone have some experience with TwinView? For some reason I can only get a signal to one of my monitors. Got my xorg.conf here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1541410:01
tritiumtimmower_: no, just install the package, and use10:02
TMT[fi] thelostpatrol: sudo ./path/file.run10:02
mgorbach228do i need to install wpa supplicant?10:02
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bob1111tritium: it's a Broadcom 802.11b/g WLAN10:02
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tritiummgorbach228: no, it's a dependency, so it will get installed anyway10:02
LjLInf3ctedFx: smart what? it's a quite generic term :)10:02
mgorbach228so i just install networkmanager?10:02
tritiumbob1111: oh, I see.  And dapper isn't liking it?10:02
timmower_tritium: something must be different. It is just completely refusing to work10:02
wastrelgnubiff is teh schweet10:02
tritiummgorbach228: you might also grab the gnome version of it10:02
mgorbach228right ... the applet?10:03
tritiumtimmower_: what is not working?10:03
Inf3ctedFxLjL: smart package manager like pakman or gorub or something like that10:03
ubotuhmm... smart is Install the smartmontools package and check out http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Monitor_your_hard_disk(s)_with_smartmontools10:03
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bob1111tritium: right, I also tried plugging into my router directly with no success either10:03
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tritiummgorbach228: network-manager-gnome10:03
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tritiumbob1111: it should be suported on dapper, but you have to try ndiswrapper10:03
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LjLInf3ctedFx: i don't know what those are. there are a few "package managers" for Ubuntu, not sure they're what you have in mind... Synaptic, apt-get, Adept10:04
bob1111tritium: I have no idea what that is10:04
ubotuCrippsFX: Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:04
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Scorpmoon!lastfm is http://people.debian.org/~pxt//lastfm/10:04
ubotuScorpmoon: okay10:04
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tritiumbob1111: it allows you to use the windows drivers, essentially10:04
fuffalocan i sync a palm treo (windows mobile os) with anything in linux(specifically on ubuntu)?10:04
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Inf3ctedFxLjL:  look http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smart_Package_Manager10:05
bob1111tritium: how would i go about performing tihs operation10:05
wsjuniorhello i cant get my wireless card working. i found the driver installed it and ndiswrapper -l says that the drive and the hardware are present, but i cant see a wlan0 with ifconfig. what could be happening?10:05
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tritiumbob1111: I'm not sure if you can on the LivecD.  You certainly can on an installed setup10:05
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wsjuniorwhat more do i have to configure to have my wireless card working?10:06
ackeHey guys, the system monitor only shows one processor. does that mean ubuntu only finds one or does it mean that the system monitor only knows/shows one of them???10:06
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LjLInf3ctedFx: i see. it doesn't look like it's a very widespread thing... if it were for me, i would stay clear of it (or any other package manager that bypasses the native system)10:06
rolerhow can i make gnome-terminal display all characters, not just low ascii?10:06
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bob1111tritium: i was going to install anyway, so thats fine, but would you recommend I partition my drive with a partitioning software first since I want to dual boot with windows?10:06
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Bladedgeacke, What's your hardware config10:06
Inf3ctedFxok LjL  thx now last question what do u think about XGl from novell??10:06
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gravesondoes anyone know a workaround to SBM not recognising external USB CD-ROM to install Ubuntu10:07
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Inf3ctedFxcan I install xgl on ubuntu the last version?10:07
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wsjuniorhello i cant get my wireless card working. i found the driver installed it and ndiswrapper -l says that the drive and the hardware are present, but i cant see a wlan0 with ifconfig. what could be happening?10:07
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LjLInf3ctedFx: that it looks nice, but that it's quite far from being usable right now10:07
Tmobhi, anyone know how to forward NFS thru ssh tunnel?10:07
Inf3ctedFxohh ok10:07
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eXistenZwhat is a kernel module10:08
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wsjunioreXistenZ: it is a driver for some piece of hardware to work under linux.10:08
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wildmanlo *10:09
bob1111tritium: i was going to install anyway, so thats fine, but would you recommend I partition my drive with a partitioning software first since I want to dual boot with windows?10:09
wildmandoes anyone know the ubuntu 'equivalents' of chkconfig and service ?10:09
kthakoreAnyone here use a ati 9200se on 6.0610:09
wildmanchkconfig is used to add/remove services from boot startup list10:10
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wildmanand service is used to control those services (service bla start, for example)10:10
wsjuniorwildman: they are at /etc/init.d/10:10
wildmanthe services management applet in ubuntu 6.06 doesn't list all services on /etc/init.d...10:10
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biberaohow could i make a partition for data?10:11
wildmanwsjunior: I know, but how do I set a particular one to run automatically at system boot?10:11
blue-frogwildman: you do it by hand10:11
squiddlewildman  there is bum if you don't feel offended of a gui10:11
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wildmansquiddle: I don't10:11
searaymanhow do i install java run time enviroment?10:11
blue-frogwildman man update-rc.d10:11
ubotuIn Breezy: j2re1.4 is in multiverse. In Dapper: sun-java5-jre is in multiverse10:11
acke<-- inluvwithubuntu10:11
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wildmanblue-frog: thx10:11
wsjuniorwildman: i see. i thing every file there with x permission will be executed at startup10:11
wildmanwsjunior: not sure, still didn't reboot ;)10:12
ackeBladedge dual core T250010:12
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blue-frogwildman: update-rc.d mysqld start 2 3 4 5 . stop 0 1 6 .             for example10:12
biberaohello pls?10:12
jbirdAngellol whats up with my battery time tester? im plugged in right now but i have over 29 hours of battery it says?10:12
kthakoreAnyone know why i am not geting full 3d acceleration out of my ati 9200se on 6.0610:12
wildmanblue-frog: ah... I think chkconfig is then a frontend to it.10:12
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wildmanthx a lot blue-frog!10:12
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jbirdAngelor does linux use that much less power than windows ;)10:12
blue-frogwildman: the name of the serice must match one  listed in /etc/inint.d10:12
wsjuniorkthakore: because ati is crap10:12
wildmanblue-frog: yep, gotcha10:12
wsjuniorkthakore: same thing here10:12
Bladedgeacke, Oh, so it's a DUO10:12
ubotufrom memory, ati is http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers10:12
kthakorethats true but do u know what i can do10:13
=== naosv [n=naosv@cpc2-cani1-0-0-cust139.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
jbirdAngeljumped through the first 25 hours pretty quick when i unpluged10:13
Bladedgeacke, Install some other system monitor, for example ksysguard10:13
wsjuniorkthakore: u can try to read the link above and pray to make it work.10:13
kthakoreok thax man10:13
ackeBladedge okay ty10:13
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Bladedgeacke, np10:13
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blue-frogwildman: chkconfig and services are a suse, redhat hing afaik10:14
wsjuniorhello i cant get my wireless card working. i found the driver installed it and ndiswrapper -l says that the drive and the hardware are present, but i cant see a wlan0 with ifconfig. what could be happening?10:14
krispoalguen me puedeayudarr10:14
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.10:14
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blue-frogwsjunior: open system >administration > networking   might be listed as eth*10:14
wsjuniorkrispo: maybe ubuntu-es10:14
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void^wsjunior: you need to load the ndiswrapper module (and unload any other modules for the device first)10:15
wsjuniorblue-frog: yes, eth1 but it doesnt work :(10:15
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blue-frogwsjunior: you need to configure it10:15
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wsjuniorvoid^: i did that10:15
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ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems10:15
wsjuniorvoid^: everything seems to be ok just cant use it :(10:16
void^wsjunior: see what it says in dmesg10:16
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wsjuniorvoid^: [ 2345.837386]  ndiswrapper version 1.8 loaded (preempt=yes,smp=yes)10:16
wildmanblue-frog: dun, update-rc.d service_name defaults10:16
=== Redent [i=Redent@88-110-166-64.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
wildmanblue-frog: thx again10:16
kthakoreI have followed everything and 3d stuff works but not as fast as  in breezy10:16
Redenthey, can someone help me pleasE?10:16
=== krispo [n=krispo@pc-4-31-239-201.cm.vtr.net] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"]
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? </hint>10:17
Redenti know this is probs a wide spread problem but i have no sound10:17
wildmanblue-frog: chkconfig and service are in Mandriva too ;)10:17
Redentanyone? pleasE?10:17
wildmanRedent: more details?10:18
FlannelRedent: we can't help you until you ask a question10:18
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void^wsjunior: there should be more than that. if not, there's probably another driver loaded.10:18
wsjuniorwell i give it up configuring wireless awhile.. ill try the bluetooth10:18
_absolution_where do I log in as root?10:18
ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.10:18
wsjuniorvoid^: there is just that there10:18
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Redentok, my onboard sound isn;t being detected10:18
Redenttherefor, no sound10:18
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wsjuniorvoid^: which driver could be? its a broadcom 431910:19
wildmanRedent: sudo lspci and try to figure out which sound card (onboard or not) you have?10:19
Redenti know10:19
wildmanRedent: so ppl has an idea of which one you have10:19
Redenti have the folliwng chipse10:19
Redentyour an exception to the rule, your a bonafied rarety, your all i ever wanted girl, southern girl could you want me10:19
Redentwrong one10:19
=== assasukasse [n=assasuka@host33-160.pool8716.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
Redentthere you go10:20
Flannelyou're, by the way ;)10:20
wildmanRedent: indeed ;)10:20
dpodHi all, just installed the LTS over a breezy and have lost eth0. Any ideas? I've never had trouble with eth and ubuntu before, and other installs worked fine both wired and wireless.10:20
kthakorewsjunior: I have done everything on the link and I get 3d stuff, but I don't get the speed as I used to in breezy10:20
assasukassehi all10:20
wsjuniorkthakore: so do i :(10:20
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assasukassei need some help about sleep, my laptop goes on sleep fine, and wakes up fine, but doesn't go sleep anymore during that session...what to do? how can i check which module gives the defect?10:20
Scorpmoon!lastfmproxy is http://vidar.gimp.org/lastfmproxy/10:21
ubotuI guess ati is http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers10:21
ubotuScorpmoon: okay10:21
=== nicks68 [n=nicks@81-226-209-117-no24.tbcn.telia.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
Redentany ideas?10:21
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b14cki have flash installed  but i can't hear anything when some flash is played what's wrong? (in firefox)10:21
gnomefreakthe make file "make" looks for is named make or is it make.in or make.am?10:22
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gnomefreakim sorry makefile.am or makefile.in10:22
gravesonis there any documentatation for configuring DVB's -if so where can i find it10:22
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Redentany ideas guys?10:23
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ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Please be aware there are a lot of questions, but only maybe few who might know the answer for you. Please be patient. Your attitude may determine their willingness to help you.10:23
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=== NetGeek [n=dbasinge@tardis.staff.library.utah.edu] has joined #ubuntu
Redentsorry it's just that i'm on a tight schedual, i appreicate any hel u can give me10:24
EnsilZahCan anyone please help me with an nvidia driver problem?10:24
Mutil8so im trying to get my USB laser printer to work, and there's no option for USB in the printer configuration for the port10:24
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bob1111does anyone have any experience getting broadcom wireless cards to work?10:24
NetGeekis udp filtered by default in dapper?10:24
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NetGeekI'm getting this with nmap10:24
NetGeek514/udp open|filtered syslog10:24
NetGeekbut I have no firewall running10:24
Healotthat's syslog localport10:25
rambo3!tell NetGeek about iptables10:25
gnomefreakEnsilZah: state your problem10:25
gnomefreakubotu tell bob1111 about broadcom10:25
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Healotit is half-closed port... well not intended to be use on the  Internet10:25
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dpodbob1111: there is a fair bit of info on that on the mailing lists. You might be better looking there, since some are real step-by-steps.10:25
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EnsilZahAfter installing the driver and rebooting the computer gets stuck on a black screen when starting x.10:26
Hexidigital_anyone know where i could find the character map in dapper? i need to find a symbol for a german word10:26
bob1111thanks gor the info10:26
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SeanTaterbob1111: bcm4318 can be tricky in other distros, but it was fairly easy in ubuntu -- for the other bcm models, I do not know -- read !broadcom10:26
dpodHas anybody else had a problem with LTS knocking out working eth0 from Breezy? I.e. losing wired internet after updating.10:27
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Hexidigital_ubotu:: tell bob1111 about bcm43xx, also10:27
Hexidigital_ubotu:: tell bob1111 about bcm43xx10:27
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jackal_salve ragazzi10:27
Redentanyideas anyone? chipset <kthakore> wsjunior: I have done everything on the link and I get 3d stuff, but I don't get the speed as I used to in breezy10:27
Redent<assasukasse> hi all10:27
Redent<Redent> shoosh!10:27
Redent<wsjunior> kthakore: so do i :(10:27
Redent* karl_ has joined #ubuntu10:27
jackal_qualcuno puo aiutarmi?10:27
!lilo:*! New channel: ##posix-devel, a discussion and support channel covering the range of development tools (compilers, assemblers, linkers, source code managers, debuggers, developer applications, etc.) used for Posix-compatible operating systems. Please stop by and help us make the channel a useful resource!10:28
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ackeis there a eclipse package for dapper? i can only find ecj-bootstrapper10:28
assasukassehi Redent10:28
SeanTaterdpod: no eth) problems here (But I updated from flight7, not breezy)10:28
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assasukassei need some help about sleep, my laptop goes on sleep fine, and wakes up fine, but doesn't go sleep anymore during that session...what to do? how can i check which module gives the defect?10:28
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kthakoreRedent: how do I figure out the chisset10:28
kthakoreRedent: I think it is 9200se10:28
Redentgoogle it for the make and model of ur PC or laptop10:29
SeanTaterkthakore: what chipset are you trying to find -- lspci might help10:29
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Redentunless it's home built in which case do lspnp -v i believe10:29
dpodSeanTater I had it work fine on one box and not on the other. Weird thing is I've never had trouble with eth on Ubuntu before.10:29
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Redentcan anyone help? my sound aint working on my laptop under ubuntu, chipset <kthakore> wsjunior: I have done everything on the link and I get 3d stuff, but I don't get the speed as I used to in breezy10:30
Redent<assasukasse> hi all10:30
Redent<Redent> shoosh!10:30
Redent<wsjunior> kthakore: so do i :(10:30
Redent* karl_ has joined #ubuntu10:30
b14cki have flash installed  but i can't hear anything when some flash is played what's wrong? (in firefox) i've got sound everywhere else10:30
SeanTaterdpod: try this in a terminal --> ifdown eth0 ; ifup eth010:30
SeanTaterdpod: it restarts the networking10:30
ompaulRedent, please do not do that again.10:30
Redenti aint doing it on perpose :(10:31
=== RavenTest [n=raven301@Kitchener-HSE-ppp3574840.sympatico.ca] has left #Ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
assasukassecould someone tell me how can i identify which module stops my laptop from going sleep after the first sleep?10:31
gravesondoes anyone know a workaround to SBM not recognising external USB CD-ROM to install Ubuntu10:31
ompaulRedent, well copy the letter A into a buffer and remove that other stuff thanks10:31
Redentsnd-opl3sa2 ,_ thats the chipset for the onbored sound card that isn't being detected, any idea please?10:31
freakazoid0223redent have you tried posting to the forums , they get checked quite often10:32
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SeanTaterdpod: ping10:32
amortvigilhelp when i installed ubuntu breeze today it gave an error in installing packets at 84% lucky enough i could already get into gnome i was wondering if i update to the new ubuntu if i get all packet10:32
SeanTaterdpod: still here?10:32
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Redentyep, and tried all the work arounds10:32
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ompaulRedent, or https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-users join that and ask there actually search it10:32
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dpodSeanTater: No luck. I'm noogetting a DHCPDiscover. I'm guessing it must be a config file but don't know where to start looking. I am getting a problem with postconf as part of the ifdown or network restart10:32
EnsilZahCan anyone help me with the nvidia driver then?       I tried installing it in many ways and every time after rebooting it gets stuck on a black screen when starting x,  there's also this line in the log file: "(EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)"10:33
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dpodThe error is postco: fatal: open /etc/postfix/main.cf10:33
SeanTaterdpod -- it looks like dhcp is not there10:33
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SeanTaterdpod: do you have a router?10:33
zorgluuuq. where is the lock for the .deb database. my adept seems to hit it, even if apparently i got no other application running on the database. my guess is that a lock file has been forgotten10:34
dpodSeanTater: yes. The problem is that it isn't receiving a DHCP offer. And if I give it a fixed IP I still get nothing.10:34
zenithsN00bI literally have a fetish for grammar checking... thought you might chuckle at that... abiword doesn't seem to be doing it in Dapper... what is working?10:34
SeanTaterdpod: okay -- you can only give it a static IP if you are behind a router -- assuming you are -- you'll need to put in DNS too, did you do that?10:35
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dustinUmm .. could I get some help with getting dapper to reocgnize my ntfs hard drive10:35
dustinfor read only purposes10:35
amortvigilwhat is the link to update ubuntu to ddapper?10:35
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amortvigilfor terminal10:35
Gistybithm.. when trying to run the "Disks-admin" program i get the following error. "line 107 parser error, input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding!". Then it lists a <model>LIT?-ON L?44?dL?dL?</model> which is my cd rom drive.. but how do i fix this?10:35
SeanTaterubotu tell amortvigil about upgrade10:35
wildmanamortvigil: redefine apt-get sources and apt-get upgrade ?10:36
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Zeep[?]  Could anybody give me advice on a good gtk download-manager, expect for gwget and d4k? Thanks!10:36
kikuroI've got a problem to install ubuntu 6.06 from fedora core 5, can someone help me?10:36
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gravesonis there any documentatation for configuring DVB's and mythtv -if so where can i find it10:36
kthakorewhenever i restart my compy My keyboard's delete key don't work10:36
amortvigilwildman: how do i do that?10:36
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dpodSeanTater: there was an entry already: it points to the router. Right now I'm still looking for dhcp, since that's what I've always done and since it only caused problems after the upgrade.10:36
tr1gg3rzorgluuu: likely in /var/lock somewhere, but u should try ps aux and look for adept dpkg or apt processing using10:37
wildmanamortvigil: euh... this is my 2nd day on Ubuntu and am not yet fully accustomed to apt, sorry.10:37
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wildmanamortvigil: sorry, maybe some of the Ubuntu gurus here can give you more precise instructions10:37
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SeanTaterdpod: good -- the dns server should ususally point to the router -- but for dhcp -- try the following in a terminal ans pastebin it's output10:38
ompaulamortvigil, chage the word breezy into dapper with the help of sed or sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list; then >>sudo apt-get update&& sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:38
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SeanTaterdpod: find /usr/sbin -name '*dhcp*'10:38
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DShepherdompaul: doesnt gksupo update-manager -d work10:38
kylewhat can u do with this ubnutu??10:38
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zorgluuutr1gg3r, looking without sucess10:38
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ompaulDShepherd, the question was in a terminal10:39
SeanTaterdpod: sorry -- that won't work10:39
dpodSeanTater: nothing came anyway.10:39
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Nixdorfanyone know smart boot manager? i need boot from external usb dvd-rom !10:39
SeanTaterdpod: From here I don;t know what to say except make sure it's plugged in.10:39
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DShepherdompaul: ok10:39
ompaulDShepherd, and my understanding is that update-manager -d will move you to edgy (way before its ready to do be used by a computer let alone a human)10:39
brighteyes_fanwats happening10:39
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steel_how do i install divx codecs in dapper?10:40
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brighteyes_fanim at school10:40
zenithsN00bhas ANYONE here tried Abiword in dapper?10:40
DShepherdompaul: really?? are you sure?10:40
SeanTaterdpod: you might try unplugging and plugging back in the router..10:40
ompaulDShepherd, sorry - I am tired - been a long day10:40
brighteyes_fani just intalled ubuntu10:40
brighteyes_fanim on computer drafting class10:40
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DShepherdompaul: ok. cause that sounds scary10:40
kylejasvjav] \10:40
kylefuck u guyas10:40
dpodSeanTater: Checked if it was plugged in first ;). The router is working, since two other computers are running through it: one wireless and one wired.10:40
zorgluuusteel_, google for ubuntu restricted format, you will find a page for this10:40
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brighteyes_fando u guys like cannibis?10:41
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siofwolvesanyone know how to start network-manager-gnome ?10:41
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zenithsN00bthe rapper? lol10:41
SeanTaterdpod: I know it's wprking but I'd reset it anyway10:41
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amortvigilompaul: there are a lot of breezy words in the source list wichone do i have to change?10:41
ompaulamortvigil, all of them10:41
_absolution_I have a music folder locked on my desktop.....10:41
ompaulamortvigil, about 11 or so10:41
_absolution_how do I enable for other ppl to use it10:42
ekpompaul: I would like to show open apps in panel for all desktops not just the one I am in.........is there a way?10:42
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kthakorehow do i share files between ubuntu and another winxphome on the network10:42
DShepherdekp: right-click the panel and choose show for all workspaces10:43
SeanTater_absolution_: there are several way -- to name a few -- SFTP- NFS - and SMB -- who will be viewing this data and how secure does it need to be?10:43
Flannel!tell kthakore about samba10:43
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rambo3!tell poland about football10:43
_absolution_well I'm the only user10:43
ompaulrambo3, offtopic10:43
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danyspricht jemand deutsch10:43
kthakoreFlannel I do have samba but how do i set it up so that the xp can acess the files10:43
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu oder Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de10:43
_absolution_I can't see the folders when I log into root10:44
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Flannelkthakore: read that page, it discusses it.10:44
SeanTaterrambo3: if you want to hear junk from a bot, say @chuck in #ubuntu-offtopic10:44
MisterNompaul: who was faster?10:44
ekpDshepard: is that for only the open apps?   I would like to setting for panel by default.10:44
ompaulekp, you would be better asking the channel as I don't have an answer for that10:44
ekpnot just current session10:44
kthakoreFlannel: thanx a lot buddy10:44
kthakoreFlannel: ps will it work for win 9810:44
ompaulekp, unless ps auwx | less in a terminal10:44
GistybitWhen trying to run the "Disks-admin" program i get the following error. "line 107 parser error, input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding!". Then it lists a <model>LIT?-ON L?44?dL?dL?</model> which is my cd rom drive.. but how do i fix this?10:44
Flannelkthakore: yeah10:44
ekpompaul: thnks10:45
kthakoreTell me about ati10:45
ompaulonce upon at time there was a video card10:45
ubotuati is, like, totally, http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers10:45
=== glennh [n=ghedden@its-corp-10-0181.iowatelecom.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== ompaul bows
ubotuglennh: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:46
Installer36Could my desktop problems..Freezing be caused when I do the updates..I just reinstalled Dapper and have no freezing like I have been having the past 9 days..But Ihave yet to do the updates.I have tried new clean installs and upgrade and I get the same results ie.I can log in then get theboot splash then the desktop freezes before Application,Places, System.10:46
ompaulglennh, what are you trying to figure out10:46
ekpI would also like to edit xorg.conf but do not see setting for verticle and horizontal refresh.........just make of monitor10:46
glennhompaul: trying to find a way to change the username for an account.10:46
amortvigilisnt there a comman line action to install ubuntu dapper10:46
wildmanGistybit: try: export LANG=C && export LANGUAGE=C && export LC_ALL=C10:46
_antixekp: google the monitor?10:46
wildmanGistybit: then try to run the prog again10:46
amortvigilompaul: this wont work it gives errors of a cd all the times10:47
ekpI know the specs but want to edit xorg.conf10:47
wildmanGistybit: if you get output fine, then maybe the prog has a 'bug' cuz it's not 'utf8-ified' properly10:47
labUbuntu refuses to read my NTFS drives and show them in /dev/10:47
labWhat should I do ?10:47
ekphave done it before in other distros10:47
ompaulglennh, that is a nasty idea, ownship of files and all that, create a new user and copy materials to it10:47
wildmanGistybit: or maybe the terminal does have the bug10:47
IcemanV9ekp: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf &10:47
glennhompaul: okay, thanks.10:47
Gistybitwildman: ok.. thx.. (it also happend through the ubuntu gnome menu)10:47
ompaulglennh,  chown -R username:username .* for the home directory10:47
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Gistybitchecking now10:48
=== Freduardo [n=Freduard@91.138-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulamortvigil, you not got a cd so you put a # in front of the line that points at the C10:48
glennhompaul: do that after the new account is created to chown everything?10:48
ompaulamortvigil,  CD that is10:48
ekp<IcemanV9>: xorg.conf does not have entry for refresh rates which seems odd to me10:48
ekpjust monitor type10:48
Tmobanyone using skypehere ?10:48
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ekpmust use modelines?10:49
Gistybitwildman: didnt help.. its a gnome application so i get no other output than the error10:49
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ompaulglennh, yeap and I strongly suggest you do copy files to the new user10:49
DShepherdlab have you tried mounting them yourself?10:49
adamant1988Hey, when I download some programs from synaptic (because the Add/remove programs button doesn't show them) in the multi and universe repos I can't get them to start.  the problem child in particular is tuxcart10:49
glennhompaul: alright, thank you very much.10:49
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wildmanGistybit: oh, I thought it was a CLI app10:49
speyerhi all10:49
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adamant1988Does anyone know how to get tuxcart started... even from a CLI?10:49
Tmobi have it running on amd64... but keep getting some sound device error10:49
ompaulglennh, don't delete the other one until you are 101% sure10:49
Tmobanyone know how to fix this?10:49
speyerwhat do i need to be able to make a audio cd with k3b from a mp3 file ?10:49
mjradamant1988, "tuxkart"10:49
labDShepherd: yes many times10:49
Gistybitwildman: no its the diskmanager from System -> Administration -> Disks10:49
=== Fastly [n=alex@81-86-145-67.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
inreliefis there any way to shut off cpu frequency scaling when my notebook is plugged in?  it seems silly to scale back the cpu w/an unlimited power supply.10:49
ekpIcemanY9:  the problem I am having is scan lines when scrolling pages10:49
wildmanGistybit: wait plz10:50
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labDShepherd: I get errors saying that I need some NTFS plugin (from gParted)10:50
adamant1988ok, just a second10:50
Scorpmoonmy ubuntu screensaver runs at like 1 fps, on a p3 800mhz with geforce 4 mx10:50
glennhompaul: will do.  thanks for the help.10:50
Scorpmoondo I need to update my drivers?10:50
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ekpso I want to change refresh rate from the default10:50
DShepherdlab: what are you trying to do exactlY?10:50
labDShepherd: and then when I try to mount /dev/hdb1 it just says mount: special device /dev/hdb1 does not exist10:50
IcemanV9ekp: i used modelines as i found it at its webpage (like viewsonic)10:50
adamant1988wow, I was mispelling it mjr... lol.10:50
labDShepherd: mount an nfts drive to read only10:50
speyerwhy i am not able to make a audio cd with k3b from mp3 files ? what package do i need ?10:50
DShepherdlab: maybe because it doent10:50
wildmanGistybit: strange, I have an UTF-8 environment set and I can run it w/o pbs at all10:50
DShepherd!tell lab about ntfs10:50
wildmanGistybit: 6.06 LTS x86_64 here10:50
ompaulekp, read the message from the bot10:50
Gistybitwildman: me too, when the cdromdrive is not connected..10:51
Gistybitwildman: it seems like the cdrom drive's modelname fucks it's config file up10:51
DShepherdlab: what ubotu told you should get you thru the mounting of ntfs10:51
speyerno one knows ?10:51
mjrinrelief, yes there is, though I don't think it's been made easy. Anyway, grid power is not unlimited and there's no reason to waste it10:51
ubotuPlease watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen.10:51
speyerwtf is this10:51
labDShepherd: thanks,10:51
wildmanGistybit: no foul lang plz10:51
ompaulGistybit, please mind your language10:51
dpo1SeanTater: Thought turning the router on and off worked, but it didn't. I'm wondering about this missing /etc/postfix/main.cf error I'm getting from postconf during ifdown eth010:51
Gistybitwildman: ompaul: sry..10:51
ompaulspeyer, that is also not liked10:51
DShepherdspeyer: you need a package. let me tell you the name10:51
mjrit's not like the scaling back is usually noticable10:51
amortvigilompaul: i got a better solution i use synaptic to firsst install all packages who have not been installed correctly10:51
amortvigilthen ill update10:51
IcemanV9ekp: i played a lot with xorg.conf 'til i got it right. o_O10:52
wildmanGistybit: stupid Q: are you sure your CD is jumpered properly?10:52
speyerDShepherd yes please10:52
valehruim using gproftpd to set up my ftp server, is there anyway I can encrypt whatever is being downloaded from my server so that it's not seen over the network?10:52
inreliefmjr, ahh, the environmentalist respone ;).  anyhoo - thanks for the feedback...i'll keep googling around10:52
ekp<IcemanV9>: I am having problems with scan lines I think a problem with refresh?10:52
wildmanGistybit: I mean, does it work when connected? (appart from the fact that the disk admin shows gibberish)10:52
siofwolveshow do I start network-manager-gnome ?10:52
Gistybitwildman: well it worked and burned just finde under windows.. but i'll doublecheck10:52
DShepherdspeyer: libk3b2-mp3 <-- thats the name. and please.. what your language the next time, thanks10:52
amortvigilompaul: yeah diddnt knwo i could install all packages which is misses10:52
DShepherdwhat- watch10:52
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_absolution_why didn't I get openoffice when I upgraded??10:53
=== Flik [n=Flik@d205-250-155-217.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
IcemanV9ekp: make it little bit bigger e.g. add 10 to whatever you put in vert & horiz10:53
wildmanGistybit: if it worked fine under another OS and u didn't change connections no need to double check, was just a stupid Q10:53
DShepherd_absolution_: you should.10:53
_absolution_I tried apt get10:53
ekp<IcemanV9>: then that is not the problem10:53
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speyerDShepherd thanks a lot10:53
ompaulamortvigil, dist-upgrade does the work - upgrade will break moving from version to version, -- concept a small enough machine will only do 118 megs on upgrade but 685 on dist-upgrade10:53
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Gistybitwildman: oh well.. i tried anyway, and ubuntu can copy files from it just fine.. :)10:53
DShepherdspeyer: your welcome10:53
ekprunning at 85hz but capable of 10010:53
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wildmanGistybit: ok10:53
ompaulekp, I had the bot send you a message10:54
Gistybitwildman: i was wondering if i can change the config file which Disks-admin uses, since it's only the model name which causes the parser error10:54
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IcemanV9ekp: then you'll need modeline @ 10010:54
Scorpmoonshould i get nvidia-gfx from synaptic to ensure i have the latest driver?10:54
speyerDShepherd could you please tell me where about in k3b i can see all the plugins i can install ?10:54
ekpompaul: I got it just trying to figure it out10:54
wildmanGistybit: didn't dive that deep, sorry...10:54
=== Steil [n=Steil@S0106001195556180.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
bensodeOh good someone here already talking about nvidia ... I'm at my wits end for something that I am overlooking10:54
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labDShepherd: didn't work man same problems10:54
speyerDShepherd settings > configure k3b > plugins is it ?10:54
amortvigilompaul: i donot understand what your trying to say10:54
thelostpatroli can't get mine to install either10:55
ekp<IcemanV9>: I am not sure that is the problem....have you seen anything like what I describe?10:55
thelostpatrolmy nvidia driver10:55
DShepherdspeyer: not sure. check there.10:55
!lilo:*! Another new channel note: ##licensing , for discussion of FOSS license issues.10:55
DShepherdlab: .hmmm.. really.10:55
gnomefreakbensode: whats the problem?10:55
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DShepherdlab:  do you know your nfts partition?10:55
Scorpmoonthelostpatrol, you tried getting nvidia-gfx ?10:55
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labDShepherd: still got the special device /dev/hdb1 does not exist10:55
wildmanGistybit: the export I've suggested before should put your system 'out' of UTF-8... so it should work10:55
ompaulamortvigil, do not upgrade to dapper do a dist-upgrade, it does the work - upgrade will break moving from version to version, -- small machine: 118 megs on upgrade but 685 on dist-upgrade10:55
DShepherdlab: i guess becuase it doesnt10:55
labDShepherd: fdisk -l lists it but notes10:55
=== shadeofgrey [n=shadeofg@69-172-102-74.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakthelostpatrol: bensode sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx10:55
wildmanGistybit: of course, that's just temporary (u lose those settings when closing the terminal window)10:56
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bensodeI have dual screens setup and working with the xorg.conf file BUT they are backwards.10:56
DShepherdlab: sudo fdisk -l <-- tell me what that gives you. put it in the pastebin10:56
labDShepherd: This doesn't look like a partition table10:56
ompaulDShepherd, -- utf-810:56
Gistybitwildman: okay.. yeah i know its temporary.. i ran it from the same terminal window..10:56
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=== devonst17 [n=devonst1@dsl092-032-215.lax1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
hermeshow do i change the icon of an application?10:56
IcemanV9ekp: yes. my xorg.conf only sees at 75, but CRT can do the best @ 89. so, i create modeline from somewhere i learned from google. now, it is running at 89.10:56
shadeofgreydoes anybody know if theres a channel for the evolution email program?10:56
Gistybitwildman: oh well.. thx for your help :)10:56
thelostpatrolall i get is command not found10:56
gnomefreakbensode: are you using the wiki for xinearama10:56
devonst17Yo, I heard Ubuntu had official nvidia drivers preinstalled,10:56
devonst17is this true?10:56
wildmanhermes: right click on the launcher icon and properties IIRC10:56
DShepherdhermes: right-click and properties doesnt change it for you?10:56
labDShepherd: http://pastebin.com/77081310:56
dlidevonst17, it's on livecd10:56
gnomefreakthelostpatrol: did you enable universe and multiverse repos?10:57
wildmanGistybit: sorry, for not being more helpful10:57
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ekp<IcemanV9>: I do not necessarly want to change refresh just get rid of scan lines.........will that take care of the problem?10:57
phanteranybody got hybernation working with the ATI binaries?10:57
shadeofgreydevon:  no but they're easily attainable and a breeze to install10:57
Gistybitwildman: no problem :)10:57
Scorpmoonsomeone needs to update the wiki on enabling universe and multiverse for dabber10:57
ekpscan lines only show when scrolling10:57
shadeofgreydevonst17, check the wiki for information.  it gives step by step instructions10:57
ompaulhermes, try with Applications Accessories Alacarte10:57
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ompaulScorpmoon, whats wrong with it?10:57
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thelostpatrol(21:59:20) gnomefreak: thelostpatrol: did you enable universe and multiverse repos? <-- what?10:57
ompaulScorpmoon, as it will be detailed msg me10:57
IcemanV9ekp: maybe, you'll need to experiement with it or find some answers from ubuntuforums.org10:57
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devonst17shadeofgrey: eh? I just want to use it to test my gfx card10:58
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carlfkmy laptop has a dual CF/Sony memory stick reader.  it works for CF, I tought it worked for the Sony stick a few days ago, but currently when I put a stick in, nothing happens - no "import photots?", nothing in dmesg, nothing gets mousted - any ideas what I need to do?10:58
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gnomefreakthelostpatrol: nvidia-glx is in multiverse repo  if i remember right10:58
ekp<IcemanV9>: reading now what ompaul sent me too10:58
devonst17shadeofgrey: I have a bunch of hardware problems I need to diagnose10:58
hermesompaul: i see no alacarte :(10:58
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siofwolveshow do i run network-manager-gnome ?10:58
amortvigilompaul: you mean  upgrade is the same als dist upgrade only upgrade updates everyfile and dist upgrade only the nessesary files?10:58
d-rockGood afternoon10:58
labDShepherd: what do you think ?10:58
devonst17dli: Is it on 5.04?10:58
maddyneed help with memtest10:58
shadeofgreydevonst17, to truly test nvidia you need to download nvidia-glx and make sure that its set properly (mainly just to make sure that the drivers are loaded everytime the system boots so that you get 3d support immediately)10:58
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DShepherdlab: is your ntfs harddrive about 20G+?10:58
d-rockmaddy: what's up?10:58
ekpI see pretty easy really just did not want to add the lines to xorg.conf10:59
gnomefreakthelostpatrol: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx is nvidia srivers10:59
ekpbut is OK10:59
ompaulamortvigil, NO, you should do a dist-upgrade10:59
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labDShepherd: It's a 160, partioned into 2 80gb10:59
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gnomefreakubotu tell bensode -about xinerama10:59
dlidevonst17, 5.04 is probably too old, so, I don't know, I guess yes10:59
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amortvigilompaul: butt... why???:S10:59
DShepherdlab: oh...10:59
maddyd-rock, my x apps were crashing and a dude suggested memtest10:59
gnomefreakbenplaut: it tells you how to do it there10:59
djcabzsee you folks next week... thanks for the assistance!10:59
Scorpmoonprobably i forgot to do nvidia-glx-config enable10:59
devonst17Grah, guess i have to reinstall10:59
speyerDShepherd any ideea what package i need to handle wma files with k3b ?10:59
labit read one ntfs drive10:59
ubotuWine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on linux.  see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Wine for more info.10:59
devonst17thanks all10:59
DShepherdlab: well it doesnt seem to like your drives10:59
d-rockquick question: I just upgraded to 6.06 and in Nautilus word/excel/ppoint files get an image preview but OpenDoc files do not. Is something broken, or is that just the way it is?10:59
nomegoare there any newer ndiswrappers than 1.8 packaged for 6.06 ?10:59
ompaulamortvigil, reconfigurations to tell things that things have moved10:59
maddyd-rock, test 5 gives many errors10:59
thelostpatrolyeah i'm done with this, i can barely take anymore11:00
DShepherdspeyer: its not burning wma?11:00
thelostpatroli've been trying to install these drivers since noon11:00
labthelostpatrol: modem ?11:00
amortvigilahhh oaky:)11:00
speyerDShepherd nope11:00
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thelostpatrolno, i'm on cable11:00
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labthelostpatrol: what drivers ?11:00
gnomefreaknomego: no that the latest11:00
valehruhey guys, anyone have a guide on how I can setup TLS on GPROFTPD?11:01
gnomefreaknomego: in ubuntu dpper11:01
thelostpatrolthe guide doesn't help11:01
fr500is there a way of undoing an update? i installed some libs with apt and i want to undo what i did11:01
gnomefreakthelostpatrol: did you install the nvidia-glx drivers?11:01
Scorpmoonnvidia-settings wants me to uninstall nvidia-glx11:01
thelostpatrolwhen i get to step 10 in the guide it says "command not gound"11:01
Scorpmooni thought they worked together11:01
DShepherdspeyer: hmmm well I cant find any plugins associated with wmas. you may want to ask the guys in #kubuntu11:01
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gnomefreakScorpmoon: on dapper you dont need nvidia-settings11:01
shadeofgreydoes anybody know if evolution email is compatible with gmail yet or no11:01
labDShepherd: so that's the best explanation ? it doesn't like my drives lol11:01
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gnomefreakScorpmoon: just install nvidia-glx11:01
speyerDShepherd ok thank you11:01
ompaulfr500, you can try >  sudo dpkg -P --force-depends $package11:02
DShepherdlab: I am not sure why.. you seem to be doing the right thing.. i really dont know.. sorry. maybe some one else can help you11:02
=== gnomefreak doesnt remember but 3 steps to nvidia
labDShepherd: alright thanks man :)11:02
DShepherdspeyer: the ntfs partitions work in windows?11:02
gnomefreakwhat guide are you using?11:02
ompaulfr500, that is rather savage11:02
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nomegognomefreak: hmm ok11:02
speyerDShepherd ?11:02
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gravesonis there any documentatation for configuring DVB's and mythtv -if so where can i find it11:02
DShepherdspeyer: yes?11:02
speyerDShepherd they do yes why ?11:02
bensodegnomefreak: Yes used that and a couple posts on the ubuntu forums.  Both screens work and I can drag windows to and from, they are just backwards, meaning that the "Main" window is on the secondary monitor and extra monitor is on the left11:02
maddyd-rock, windows works juust fine though11:02
fr500ompaul i needed xlibs for installing cddega, not nvidia card, i couldnt find it so i did apt-get install xlibs*11:03
fr500now mesa rendering is broke11:03
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nomegognomefreak: any reason why? lazy maintainer? ;)11:03
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DShepherdspeyer: I dont understand your last statement. go again11:03
jorgpwhat is a good graphical ftp app, gftp keeps crashing11:03
valehrufr500, sudo apt-get install xlib11:03
gnomefreaknomego: no that was latest version at the time of the freeze11:03
fr500valehru: i tried, didnt work, now it worked but i broke mesa rendering11:03
speyerDShepherd i didnt asked you about any partition or something similar, i only wanted to make k3b handle wma files thats all11:03
gnomefreakthelostpatrol: are you already in a # terminal?11:03
ompaulfr500, cegeda should document their programs properly11:04
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gnomefreakompaul: lol yeah right11:04
DShepherdspeyer: oh. sorry wrong person11:04
nomegognomefreak: really? dapper freezed before february?11:04
ompaulgnomefreak, they should, but they don't11:04
maddyd-rock, is there any way i can fix the problem?11:04
gnomefreaknomego: or around that time11:04
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=== Ypsy [n=ypsy@p54B01775.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
DShepherdlab: does your partitions work under windows?11:04
gnomefreaknomego: there is a cerain time they allow unstable releases into devle versions11:04
dpodHi all. A question: I'd been having network troubles and solved them by avoiding the new kernel. Is this a known problem?11:04
bensodeOk it's late I'll just post my xorg.conf on the forums and see if someone can see where I can change the layout order11:05
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more.11:05
timmower_right I finally got samba working  I think it is the public = yes which did it!11:05
labDShepherd: yes11:05
maddyd-rock what do u mean swapping out/11:05
ompaulnomego, ^^ that page ubotu points to11:05
DShepherdlab: ... again.. I am clueless11:05
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labDShepherd: when I used to use FC2-3 they worked too11:05
timmower_jorgp: konqueror has ftp support, and seems really good11:05
gnomefreakbensode: can you change moniter 1 and 2 around in xorg.conf   ive never done this is why im asking11:05
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timmower_jorgp: it is kde though11:05
DShepherdlab: oh ok.11:05
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labDShepherd: but all I hear is Ubuntu Ubuntu Ubuntu but it hasn't quite lived up to the hype11:05
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d-rockAnyone know if nautilus in 6.06 does previews for opendoc files?11:05
labDShepherd: great community though11:06
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gnomefreaklab: that depends one what people say about it11:06
maddyd-rock its 0003*  thus it varies afrer 311:06
ompaulDShepherd, what is the quesiton there ?11:06
DShepherdlab: :-(.. sorry u aint pleased11:06
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labDShepherd: it's fine, I just want to listen to my music11:06
labDShepherd: lol11:06
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timmower_is there any way to see a list of dependencies for a package with apt-get? I want to remove a package and dependicies11:06
DShepherdompaul: question where?11:06
gnomefreakubuntu = great the non-free things have issues most of time11:07
ompaulthe one that you were not knowing - for lab11:07
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DShepherdlab: i think ompaul maybe interested in your problem. Care to give him some details11:07
d-rocktimmower: I think you want dpkg11:07
ScorpmoonI'm told i can't nvidia-glx-config enable because my /etc/X11/xorg.conf has been altered11:07
ompaullab, I may or may not have answers11:07
labFor some reason Ubuntu isn't recognizing my two 80GB NTFS partitions11:07
DShepherdompaul: http://pastebin.com/770813 <--that's what sudo fdisk -l gives him. he wants to mount ntfs11:07
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Scorpmoonnow it wants me to md5sum the stuff11:07
labompaul: check that pastebin link11:08
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Cheetohey there guys.  I'm having a problem with Dapper not booting off of the live CD.  I know it's a problem with my Radeon card, I had trouble with it  before and only having the vesa driver work.  Is there a way I can specifiy an option at boot to tell it to use the vesa driver?11:08
nomegohow do I install kernel build files in ubuntu?'11:08
ocx32how can i check my email from console?11:08
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maddyd-rock testing now...11:08
DShepherdompaul: he seems to be doing the right thing... but you may see something that I cant see :-)11:08
ocx32and whats the service to enable pop3 email on my server?11:08
winbondcan somone tell me how to add the sound icon to the menu ??? it dissapeared11:08
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KenSentMeocx32: mutt is a command line email client11:08
d-rockwinbond: you mean the volume control?11:08
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ocx32ocx@mars:~$ mutt11:09
ocx32-bash: mutt: command not found11:09
winbondd-rock: yes11:09
gnomefreakocx32: did you install mutt?11:09
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labompaul: check my whole thing here11:09
ompaullab, so you can't mount the first partition?11:09
labompaul: yes11:09
ompaullab, just a second11:09
timmower_cool thanks11:09
DShepherdwinbond: right click the panel and click 'add to panel' and choose the volume control11:10
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IcemanV9lab: sudo mount -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=0222 /dev/hda1 /media/windows/  <-- does not work??11:10
DShepherdwinbond: applet thingy11:10
v|nc3has anyone here used vdr11:10
=== tested2 [n=tested1@c-24-63-77-183.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompaullab,  in fstab it should look **like** this:: /dev/hda1       /media/windows  ntfs    nls=utf8,ro,user,umask=000 0       011:10
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? </hint>11:10
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labIcemanV9: : hda1 is mounted already and working11:11
d-rockubotu: does Nautilus in Ubuntu 6.06 do preview images for OpenDoc?11:11
ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, d-rock11:11
maddyd-rock yes 0000 followed by 8 digits11:11
labIcemanV9: hdb1 and hdb2 are not mounting11:11
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labompaul: http://pastebin.com/77083411:11
IcemanV9lab:  k11:11
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labthat has my etc/fstab and my mount -a results11:11
CheetoHow can I tell the Dapper liveCD to use Vesa at boot?11:11
ocx32and whats the service to enable pop3 email on my server?11:12
assasukassehow can i stop pci_hotplug to load at startup?11:12
digikomcheeto:  try the safe graphics boot option11:12
Cheetotried that, hangs11:12
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roostishawwhat program would you suggest for editing bash scripts? gedit? or is there a better alternetive?11:12
nomegowhat do I need to build kernel modules from source in ubuntu?11:12
gnomefreakroostishaw: #ubuntu-offtopic for that please11:12
roostishawoh, sorry11:12
gordonjcproostishaw: or indeed any other editor11:12
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HaydreHow might one go about changing the icon of a script?11:13
Cheetois there any other way to specify vesa other than safe mode?  or a way to boot to a command line instead of GNOME?11:13
IcemanV9strange ...11:13
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=== gordonjcp prefers flipping the bits on the disk surface by hand with a magnetised needle and a magnifying glass
=== Inc [i=xsst4@arcane/developer/inc] has joined #ubuntu
ompaullab, I suggested a different ntfs entry: this:: /dev/hda1       /media/windows  ntfs    nls=utf8,ro,user,umask=000 0       011:13
gnomefreaknomego: the kernel-headers build-essential   for the most part thats about it i might be missing soemthing11:13
ompaullab, we know it works :-)11:13
Incok. So If I agrab ubuntu-6.06-server-amd64.iso the only difference between that and the desktop one is that server is a full install?11:13
DShepherdompaul: its /dev/hdb1 that he needs to mount not hda111:13
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amortvigilompaul: it wont dist update11:14
=== Seq [n=chris@CPE0050bf1a898b-CM0011ae907ae4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #Ubuntu
gnomefreakserver is nto full install11:14
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nomegognomefreak: thanks11:14
maddyd-rock ill have to proceed some other time where can i find the doc?11:14
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gnomefreakInc: server install is non gui11:14
gnomefreaknomego: yw11:14
ompaulDShepherd, so the permissions remain the same and the dha becomes hdb11:14
labompaul: that is working11:14
linuxboywhere can I find out about the ubuntu certified professional ?11:14
labompaul: it is my windows partition11:14
=== Michael [n=mike@dsl-58-6-121-220.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Michaelhi, If I installed compwiz and XGL, will other OpenGL applications (games etc.) be slowed down?11:14
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FlannelMichael: yes11:14
unityif i remove my .bashrc and .bash_profile, bash will regenterate them, right?11:14
labompaul: why aren't hdb1 abd hdb2 mounting correctly if the ntfs in hda1 is mounted correctly?11:14
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fr500valehru: i tried, didnt work, now it worked but i broke mesa rendering11:15
ompaullinuxboy, use www.ubuntu.com and check it out its a LPI qualifications11:15
gnomefreakInc: the iso you have is for 64bit systems  if you do alot of non-free apps like flash and stuff i might recommend you stick with 32bit11:15
winbondd-rock: nope , cant find the volume thing11:15
labompaul: it's not that the etc/fstab is wrong its that the devices are not even in /dev/hdb111:15
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MichaelFlannel, so you wouldn't recommend it if i played games?11:15
gnomefreakunity: yes should11:15
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linuxboyompaul: I know about that. Where canI get study info ?11:15
DShepherdwinbond: its called volume control11:15
FlannelMichael: I honestly don't know how much of a slowdown it is, you might try asking in #ubuntu-xgl11:15
ompaullab I don't know, I do know the config I gave can be modded to make it work11:15
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gnomefreaklinuxboy: its ont hat site tells you what each one is about11:16
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gnomefreaklinuxboy: there is no "study guide" just tells you what you need to know to get cert11:16
linuxboygnomefreak: I see that. is there a more comprehensive study guide ?11:16
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labompaul: the /etc/fstab won't work unless linux recognizes these /dev/hdb1 and show them there11:16
nomegognomefreak: but how do I get a /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build directory? or is that placed elsewhere?11:16
gnomefreaklinuxboy: nope11:16
DiKKyhi i havlots of ttf files where do i copy them to make them usable in  gnome ?11:16
linuxboygnomefreak: cool, thanks11:16
=== cherwin [n=cherwin@h196189.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
linuxboygnomefreak: have you done it?11:16
ocx32and whats the service to enable pop3 email on my server?11:16
gnomefreaknomego: not sure its been forever and a half since ive had the luxury to build modules11:17
DShepherdDiKKy: in your .fonts directory11:17
gnomefreaklinuxboy: nope11:17
maddyd-rock thanx11:17
=== ancn [i=anon@c-466071d5.018-2012-756d652.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
DiKKyk thx11:17
Scorpmooni just broke my X, by installing nvidia-glx and then running an md5sum on xorg.conf11:17
Acke___Hey guys im SCARED. my acer tm 370 with ubuntu5.10 got its screensaver going. then it refused exiting the screensaver and i KILLED the power. (its a notebook). Now when i turn on the power. NOTHING happends. the power goes through the machine. but it does not initiate a startup sequence. no hardware detection no bios nothing!!! WHAT to do???11:17
DShepherdDiKKy: i think you can find that under your home directory11:17
winbondd-rock: oh yeah  , i have the same menu but im using kde, i dont have vol control only sound mixer which is something else11:17
=== karim [n=karim@ip-7.net-82-216-143.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu
ompaullab, will you do me a favour do this: put a # in front of this ->> dev/hdb1 /media/hdb1 ntfs ro,user,fmask=0133,dmask=0022,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0then ; sudo mkdir /media/windows then add this to /etc/fstab >>  /dev/hdb1       /media/windows  ntfs    nls=utf8,ro,user,umask=000 0       0 <<11:18
=== redguy_ [n=mati@adb113.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
cherwinAcke: maybe the battery is just dead...11:18
ocx32and whats the service to enable pop3 email on my server?11:18
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Acke___cherwin, its on cable!11:18
=== kung [n=kung@p213.54.190.231.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu
freakazoid0223acke your notebook might not be completely off hold down the power button for a few secs then try to turn it on again11:19
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ompaulAcke___, make sure the different parts are plugged into each other, i.e. the power lead into the transformer (I have been caught with that more than once)11:19
gravesondoes anyone know a workaround to SBM not recognising external USB CD-ROM to install Ubuntu11:19
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cherwinAcke__: if that don't work, try opening the laptop (if warrenty is already expired) and reset the bios11:19
Acke___ompaul, the power is connected. THe power on led is lit on the laptop!!11:19
labompaul: mount: special device /dev/hdb1 does not exist11:19
DShepherdwinbond: check kubuntu someone is talking to you there11:19
dligraveson, what is SBM?11:19
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ompaullab, after the change?11:20
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Random_Transithey, my gnome-panel has gone bonkers...gnome keeps crashing now11:20
cherwindli: you mean SMB?11:20
gravesondli : smart bootup manager11:20
Acke___cherwin, how to reset bios???11:20
winbondDShepherd: yes , thank you11:20
ompaullab, okay, okay let me check something11:20
valehruhmm....azureus completely dissappears in dapper amd 6411:20
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Random_Transitcan anyone help me?11:20
DShepherdwinbond: kool11:20
freakazoid0223hold down the button to shut it wodn completely11:20
labompaul: I'll bbl I am gonna check this out in windows11:20
cherwinAcke___, pull the battery out for a few seconds and then plug it back in11:20
siofwolvesanyone know hoe to get network-manager-gnome to run ?11:20
dligraveson, can it load usb-stick?11:20
ompaullab, then I will leave it I have other things to do11:21
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digikomsiofwolves: install it from synaptic/apt-get first11:21
chuchudoes somebody know why does my leptop turns off after the OS is loaded???11:21
Acke___cherwin the battery is removed, do you mean the battery inside the laptop? not the laptop battery?11:21
ompaulAcke___, take off the pwer cable11:21
Random_Transitis there a conf file somewhere in my home folder that controls what panel applets run when gnome starts?11:21
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gravesondli: no that is the problem ,old laptop ,and i saw a warning on the ubuntu website that usb boot with SMB does not work,is there a workaround for this ?11:21
ompaulAcke___, and battery and leave it there for a minute11:21
cherwinAcke__: the battery inside your laptop that powers the bios11:21
=== D1 [n=damian@pool-71-104-136-113.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
DShepherdsiofwolves: to set network prefernces and stuff?11:21
Acke___cherwin okay11:22
dlichuchu, hardware problem?11:22
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siofwolvesdigikom, done that :)11:22
Acke___ompaul okay11:22
ompaulAcke___, wait a moment before you go taking out that other one11:22
siofwolvesyah DShepherd11:22
=== foomonkey [n=amp@c-69-246-134-91.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cherwinAcke___: so you'll have to open your laptop, but it *will* void your warrenty, so just send it back if you can11:22
gnomefreaklinuxboy: where you looking for hardware, software, user, or pro11:22
torthowifi expert? Help needed to connect computer to internet. Wifi does not connect to my access point..11:22
gravesondli: i want to boot off a usb cd-rom to install ,but the bios is old on this laptop so it cannot boot off usb11:22
linuxboygnomefreak: pro. lpi 19911:22
=== RoninGurl|Away [n=RoninGur@unaffiliated/RoninGurl] has joined #ubuntu
Acke___ompaul, wait how long?11:22
cherwintortho: what is the problem?11:22
dligraveson, I don't know ubuntu, but you can do hard disk installation, usb-stick, in debian11:22
acidjediHad anyone gotten gametap working in wine?11:22
Scorpmoonomg, now my xorg.conf says I have a Radeon 7000 card... how can this happen from installing nvidia-glx ?11:22
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ompaulRandom_Transit, some of it is .gnome and some of it is .gnome211:22
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DShepherdsiofwolves: gnome-network-preferences <-- that should launch the GUI for you11:22
=== Shmenge [n=Shmenge@ool-457afadf.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
fuffaloi downloaded a torrent of ubuntu, but it says it's a "live cd"  can i install from that?11:23
DShepherdsiofwolves: sorry ir doesnt11:23
Random_Transitompaul, which conf files sould i look for?11:23
torthocherwin... to be honest, i can't see any error, except that it does not get a ip adr...11:23
chuchudli, i installed umbuntu right now... when the system loads, it turns off... i tried on Boot: linux vga=77611:23
dligraveson, do you have linux on it right now?11:23
gnomefreakthis lists the things you need to know for it linuxboy  http://www.ubuntu.com/partners/certification/pro11:23
DiKKyNo i didnt have any .fonts dir in my home dir so i created one and moved all the fon files there but it doesnt work lol11:23
freakazoid0223fuffalo : yes11:23
DShepherdsiofwolves: wrong command11:23
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linuxboygnomefreak: thanks. But I was hoping to find more then that list11:23
siofwolvesnp DShepherd11:23
ompaulAcke___, thats long enough now put in the lappy battery and then the power lead then power switch it11:23
ocx32and whats the service to enable pop3 email on my server?11:23
cherwintortho: open up a terminal and type in 'iwconfig' then you'll see what interfaces are wireless11:23
dlichuchu, fb problem, try to boot without vga= part11:23
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gnomefreaklinuxboy: thats all i know of so far11:23
Shmengehey, can someone help me?11:24
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DiKKyit would be cool if i could have my old fonts11:24
cherwintortho: then you do a 'iwconfig ethX essid <wireless_network>11:24
ShmengeI'm having trouble with this: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=187465&highlight=macbook+pro11:24
chuchuthe system is downloading smth.. i hope it get ok now...11:24
=== daryabeygi [n=mzd@x420714f7.ip.e-nt.net] has joined #ubuntu
DiKKygot a big collection11:24
ompaulRandom_Transit, there is gconf-editor a utility11:24
chuchuil wait11:24
linuxboygnomefreak: thanks11:24
Acke___ompaul, nothing happends11:24
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foomonkeyhow do I go about modifying my PATH so that it is retained when I reboot?11:24
cherwintortho: oh yeah, don't forget to execute dhclient :)11:24
dligraveson, there's another way, take the hard drive out of the old computer, put in another computer or usb-enclosure to install on it11:24
ompaulAcke___, okay now  go for your bios battery11:24
Acke___ompaul, powr goes, but no bios is excecuted11:24
Acke___ompaul okay11:25
gravesondli: no i do not have linux ,11:25
DShepherdsiofwolves: try network-admin. you want a gui interface right?11:25
ompaulAcke___, and be careful :-)11:25
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gravesondli: i think that will be the option i need to use ,hmm,ok thanks11:25
DShepherdsiofwolves: ok. well that should od11:25
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ompaulAcke___, there may be jumpers that are needed to be replaced but you would need the manual for that11:25
torthocherwin, I already have "Strigen Access Pont" listed as ESSID when I run iwlist... I set it under the "Network" thing...11:25
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siofwolvesthat wil get network-manager-gnome running DShepherd  ?11:26
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cherwindo you have a password for your wireless network tortho?11:26
dligraveson, usb-hdd is convenient, becareful you have grub installed properly (so you can boot manually)11:26
polishkoopugh, is sorcre in here?11:26
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torthocherwin, no, I have allowed the MAC adr... for the card of my compiters, but have turned of WEP & WPA...11:26
gravesondli: ok thanks11:26
ReWT_AxSis there a fix to the synaptics touchpad problem yet?11:27
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DShepherdsiofwolves: hmmm..... no that will lauch the network-admin stuff. you want the network-manager applet?11:27
cherwinokay then just do a dhclient ethX (where X stands for your interface number)11:27
foomonkeyusing Ubuntu, changing my PATH in ~/.bashrc doesn't seem to do anything. How do I change it globally? So that it will still be changed next time I login?11:27
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neutrinomassfoomonkey: AFAIK you have to restart bash ...11:28
cherwinif that doesn't work try to set up networking manually with ifconfig i suggest you read the manual page for that tortho...11:28
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dlifoomonkey, make sure you have correct, ~/.bash_profile11:29
DShepherdsiofwolves: nm-applet should start it11:29
foomonkeyon most Unixes, I can put things in ~/.profile and it is always set each time I logon. GDM seems to bypass .profile or .bashrc, etc11:29
neutrinomassfoomonkey: I think system-wide is in /etc/environment11:29
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theineHi, when I start any X application from the terminal, I get "X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168" many, many times. Does anybody know a cure for that?11:29
torthocherwin, this means "sudo dhclient ra0" on mine.. Looks like it is just waiting, and waiting :-( DHCP is turned on and everything, my 2 other computers are working, and the problem computer is working as well, but under Windows...11:29
siofwolvesDShepherd, nm-applet starts the network-manager11:29
dtygelhi all: does someone know how to mount /dev/cdrom0 with the same charset as a windows saved cdrom? I'm having problems with accents...11:29
siofwolvesi need network-manager-gnome11:29
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torthocherwin it replyes that no dhcp offers is received.11:30
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foomonkeysystem-wide , ie shared by all users, would be fine. on other unixes that is /etc/profile. on ubuntu, its /etc/environment?11:30
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DShepherdsiofwolves: network-admin? if that doesnt work. then I dont know what will11:30
ocx32and whats the service to enable pop3 email on my server?11:30
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cherwinwhat kind of network address do you use tortho?11:30
bjornkriWoohoo.. I've updated11:30
torthocherwin: 192.168.132.xxx11:31
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bjornkriWhere do I find mplayer, though? I've uncommented the lines in sources.list, but still there's no mplayer package found.11:31
tjacobshello all, I seem to be having weird sound issues. All the players look like they are playing just fine, but there is no sound. The odd exception is flash files play sounds just fine11:31
tjacobsthis seems like it would be an engine issue, anybody got some insight for things to try?11:31
cherwinokay fire up your terminal and type 'ifconfig ra0 192.168.132.x'11:32
uXpanyone can link me to themes sites?11:32
cherwinthen you could ping your computers that are directly connected11:32
benplauti use 2 mice... one on my dock, and one for traveling.  Unfortunately, they are different DPI, so the sensativity is different.  Is there a way to configure mouse sensativity individually?11:32
Acke___ompaul im unscrewed all visible screws but cant remove the bottom cover or anything but the memories and the drive11:32
boricuai am in the middle of instalation  partitioners tells me partition 1 and 5 will be formated but it does not tell me about 2,3,4 and what will be the mount point of those any ideas what it is doing?11:32
Hexidigital_tjacobs:: run alsamixer in terminal, and check the PCM volume11:32
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tjacobsHexidigital_, tried that already, to no avail11:32
cherwinif you want to browse the web you'll have to set up a default gateway and a nameserver11:32
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Hexidigital_tjacobs:: :(11:32
uXpanyone can link me to themes sites?11:32
OneSeventeenhow do I add a new pannel to gnome?11:32
uXpright click on it11:33
ompaulAcke___, well if you don't know how to get to it, I guess its repair shop for it11:33
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OneSeventeen(I want to add a new panel, not add something to the panel)11:33
cherwinAcke___: you'll almost certainly have to remove your keyboard11:33
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Hexidigital_OneSeventeen:: you will get an option to add a new panel11:33
IcemanV9OneSeventeen: right-click > new panel11:33
OneSeventeenDoh, now that I found some free space on my panel, it says "New Panel"... oops!11:33
sorkui keep getting Unable to find the system utility `ld`; please make sure you have the package 'binutils' installed whn i install nvidia drivers on kubuntu (breezer), what should i do? :)11:34
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torthocherwin, i have set the computer now to, i can not ping, the TX is increasing, but RX is still at 0 so it doesn't receive any..11:34
uXpWhat is GTK?11:34
OneSeventeenthanks uXp Hexidigital_ and IcemanV9  should have noticed this sooner!11:34
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assasukasseif i don't want pcmcia and pcmcia_core to be loaded at bootup what should i do?11:34
torthocherwin, gateway and dns is set to my server as the other computers... but it can't get any web pages either11:34
Hexidigital_OneSeventeen:: we always miss the obvious :)11:34
uXpSeventeen : What?11:35
=== pharmakom [n=pharmako@c-24-20-199-57.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bjornkriWhat's the best way to install mplayer?11:35
ReWT_AxSis anyone having a weird low pitched sound cutting into their speakers?11:35
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uXpoh ok gotcha11:35
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uXpWhat is GTK?11:35
IcemanV9bjornkri: sudo aptitude install mplayer11:35
Hexidigital_ReWT_AxS:: i do on my server (on occasion) , but not my laptop11:35
uXpi don't know what it is ppl always tlakig about it11:35
ReWT_AxSim getting it on my laptop :-\11:36
ReWT_AxSis there any way i can check for errors in the speaker set up?11:36
Acke___ompaul, so what could have happend, if the bios jsut decide to stop initiating?11:36
Hexidigital_ReWT_AxS:: thats wierd11:36
cherwintortho, thats odd, are you sure that everything is set up correctly? can you reach one of your computers if you're just connecting with utp?11:36
icheyneuXp: gtk is GTK+ (Gimp Tool Kit), a graphical toolkit.  You probably want to "apt-get install libgtk1.2-dev", or now at version 2, which may be installed with "apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev". libgtk1.2 is GTK+, libgtk2.0 is GTK2.  They are NOT compatible.  They are totally separate..11:36
bjornkriIcemanV9: not working, no such package11:36
sorkuReWT_AxS: are the speakers grounded?11:36
IcemanV9bjornkri: if you want to be specific with CPU, then sudo aptitude install mplayer-(CPU type) e.g mplayer-68611:36
neutrinomassuXp: Programs use so called "toolkits" to draw the windows, buttons etc. GTK is the toolkit on which Gnome/XFCE are based.11:36
Hexidigital_sorku:: it in a laptop11:36
ReWT_AxSthey are built in11:36
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ompaulAcke___, several thinks including "death" of machine, the monitor, have you plugged in a an external monitor11:37
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Acke___ompaul. no i will try that11:37
uXpbecasue for a thme i need gtk2.011:38
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torthocherwin, how do i do that (udp) ? The setup on the probnlem machine is the same as the one i'm using now, when i open "system,"->Administration->Network, I then have the same config on both... except that the one i'm using now has DHCP...11:38
uXpso i just installed sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev11:38
Shmenge.seen slouken11:38
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ocx32and whats the service to enable pop3 email on my server?11:38
torthocherwin: What about wich channel it is using? can that be wrong?11:38
uXpwas that correct?11:38
Shmenge!seen slouken11:38
liquoredonlifeShmenge, I have not seen slouken.11:38
ubotui haven't seen 'slouken', Shmenge11:38
ompaulAcke___, really its a hard wear issue we deal in specific ubuntu issues, I would like to help you but really without the machine I don't stand a chance11:38
icheyneuXp: suppose so11:38
uXpok thx11:38
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halcyon512i'm having trouble installing beta3 of gaim 2.0, does the ./configure script output to a specific directory where I should run make?11:39
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uXpwhew i so stressed that out i got mad and almost uninstall ubuntu!11:39
uXplol @ myself11:39
Acke___ompaul, okay thanks11:39
icheyneuXp: did it work?11:39
mjron vh11:39
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uXpyea but it said i need more .lib files11:39
cherwintortho: thats up to you to choose the correct channel could you post an 'ifconfig -a' and an 'iwlist scan' please?11:39
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caskey I'm trying to make two systems have matching package installs, I've used 'get/set selections' to copy the selections from one to the other, now how do I get dpkg to actually install the selected packages?11:39
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icheyneuXp: OK, well so long as your apt-get repositories have them, you should be ok. :)11:40
__mikemHEy, I was wondering, are there any free tools to convert m4v files into a more standardized format11:40
uXplibglib2.0-dev (>= 2.8.5) but it is not going to be installed11:40
torthocherwin OK, i'll get a memorystick to copy the content over :-)11:40
uXpwhere wouldi get those libs?11:40
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icheyneuXp: isn't it a debian package?11:41
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uXpum im not sure i don't know what im doing, lol11:41
icheyneopen Synaptic and do a search for libglib2.0-dev11:41
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icheyne(after doing an update) and then install it11:41
uXpim just gonna find those files says i need and install them11:42
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Madeyeguys, How can I send files using bluetooth ? any GUI ?11:42
pharmakomHas anyone else seen this message when trying to start wpasupplicant?11:42
pharmakommkdir[ctrl_interface] : No such file or directory11:42
pharmakomFailed to initialize control interface ' /var/run/wpa_supplicant'.11:42
uXpDepends: libglib2.0-0 (=2.10.2-1ubuntu3) but 2.10.3-0ubuntu1 is to be installed11:42
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icheyneok so install tat11:43
Shmengeanybody at all? I can't get my macbook to triple boot for the life of me. I followed this guys instructions to the last detail but the parts at the end didnt work11:43
boricuacan someone help me at this stage of instalation?11:44
uXpthere is no such file when i searched for it11:44
icheynewhat no libglib2.0-dev?11:44
benplauti use 2 mice... one on my dock, and one for traveling.  Unfortunately, they are different DPI, so the sensativity is different.  Is there a way to configure mouse sensativity individually?11:44
ShmengeThe ELILO installer crashed the system, so ELILO didnt get installed, so I did what he said and I ran the LiveCD and downloaded LILO, installed it just like he said, but when I went to run lilo bash said command not found11:44
uXpno 2.10.3-0ubuntu111:44
uXpfor Depends: libglib2.0-0 (=2.10.2-1ubuntu3) but 2.10.3-0ubuntu1 is to be installed11:45
=== ejd3 [i=caliperb@d53-9-180.nap.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
icheynetype this into a command line - sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev11:45
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icheyneshould do it automatically no?11:45
=== Jason_ [n=jdq997@ip70-162-83-55.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
boricuai ran the live cd and now click on install , i told partitioner to use entire disk, and it tells me partition 1 & 5 will be formated  1 as ext 3 and 5 as swap but it does not tells me about 2,3,4 and which mount poits its giong to have11:45
uXpCould not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)11:46
mindmedicShmenge: does lilo support macbooks...11:46
tescoilWhat I gotta do to *upgrade* to 6.06.  I don't want to risk an *install* that's going to wipe personal files.11:46
icheyneI've seen those errors11:46
uXpUnable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?11:46
icheynehang on11:46
mindmedici got a mac here, but i think it has a different bootloader11:46
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pharmakomTo upgrade, just edit your apt.sources file. Replace all breezy with dapper.11:46
Shmengemindmedic - supposedly, because you're supposed to install it to the same partition linux is on11:47
cherwintescoil: learn to maintain a backup, it really is usefull when disaster happens to strike11:47
SAM_themanI seem to get that damn error all the time when i try to play a game11:47
Shmengeas opposed to the MBR11:47
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Dreamglidergood evening11:47
SAM_themanit installs perfectly but then when i lauch it it gives me that11:47
mindmedicShmenge: no.. i would never install 2 operating systems on one partition11:47
valehruwhat are the different ftp servers for dapper? vsftpd, proftpd and what else?  which one do you think is more reliable?11:47
uXpi did11:47
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benplautuXp: do you have Synaptic open, or are updates going?11:47
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gnutshi, help please. no matter what I try /dev/hdb1 will not mount at boot it has an ext3 filesystem, my fstab entry: /dev/hdb1/ /home/drive2 ext3 defaults 0 0 doesn't work (nor do many others) what am I missing?11:47
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uXpits open11:47
mindmedicbreezy has its ext2 and macos has its hpfs(or whatever it is called)11:48
uXpgo on11:48
benplautclose it11:48
Shmengeno, not two operating systems11:48
monteirohow can i make the sound juicer support the extract of audio cd to mp3 format, instead of the default .ogg ?11:48
lerelelehi! I've got two soundcards and i want to set one of them by default in alsa. Any ideas of how can this be done?11:48
Shmengethe bootloader on the same partition as nix11:48
Jason_Hey guys.. what is the best cd ripper/encoder front end for Linux?11:48
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benplautok, i g2g11:48
tescoilOkay, is there a way to upgrade from a burned iso, or is that strictly for installs?11:48
icheyneuXp: now run the command again11:48
torthocherwin: Here is both the trouble computer, and my working one.. Look at the ESSID's at the scan ?!? http://pastebin.com/77089511:48
uXpok done11:48
uXpbut error11:48
halcyon512boricua: i think 2, 3, and 4 are for other parts of the file system, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_disk_drive_partitioning#UNIX_systems For UNIX-based and UNIX-like operating systems such as Linux, fancy partitioning creates separate partitions for /, /boot, /home, /tmp, /usr, /var, /opt and swap.11:48
uXp libglib2.0-dev: Depends: libglib2.0-0 (= 2.10.2-1ubuntu3) but 2.10.3-0ubuntu1 is to be installed11:48
cherwingnuts: open up a console with 'tail -f /var/log/messages' then do a manual mount and look at the error in your previous console11:48
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gnutsit mounts by manual command just fine11:49
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icheyneuXp: try rebooting and run it again11:49
bjornkriThe only mplayer in Synaptic is 'kmplayer'... where do I find the regular mplayer?11:49
uXpthe whole system?11:49
boricuahalcyon512:but why will it not format those as well since i have other stuff there?11:49
caskeyboricua the auto partition only creates two partitions, 1 and 5 (more or less), the others are essentially unused11:49
mindmedicShmenge: i guess it is on the linux partition... breezy did everything automatically. I am sorry, I only have one mac to administer so i am not very interested in mac problems...11:49
uXpdoes logging off count?11:49
icheyneprobably safer to reboot11:49
icheyneno guarantees, but it's worth trying11:50
bjornkriThe only mplayer in Synaptic is 'kmplayer'... where do I find the regular mplayer? This is on a freshly installed Dapper.11:50
winbondgood evening11:50
halcyon512boricua: i'm not sure what you're asking and i'm sure others here know alot more about how partitioning works than I do.11:50
boricuacaskey: does it erase what is in those currently?11:50
cherwintortho: your trouble desktop doesn't see the "Strigen Access Point" so that needs to be fixed, try setting your AP at channel 6 and try it again11:50
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uXpwhat was the code again?11:51
runesNoUse,  I tested both drives with the maxtor util....all came out fine so to be sure I low level formatted the 80 gig and am ready to set it up11:51
halcyon512bjornkri: have you added universe and multiverse repositories?11:51
boricuacaskey: i think is bad that the auto partitioner only creates 2 partitiones / and swap?  and how does it decide size?11:51
torthocherwin: can't i set the trouble computer to 12 insted? If i set that to 6, then i guess i have to reconf the 2 other computers? In both linux & windows :-)11:51
icheyneuXp: sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev11:51
bjornkrihalcyon512: yeah... as far as I can tell anyway11:51
NoUserunes ok11:52
uXpsame error11:52
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=== javier [n=javier@137.Red-83-50-36.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
jonas3Maxtor sucks!11:52
=== shadeofgrey [n=shadeofg@69-172-102-74.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuwell, packages is You can browse the packages in the Ubuntu repositories from http://packages.ubuntu.com .  It also has a nifty file search feature.11:52
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uXpnow what11:52
halcyon512bjornkri: hmm...i was able to find it under there, make sure you've reloaded the repositories after applying the changes?11:52
jonas3Had 2 200 Gb drives gone bad in 2 years11:52
cherwingnuts: omit the trailing / , in other words it's /dev/hdb and not /dev/hdb/11:52
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runesNoUse,  If you can guide me to the proper way to format and mount it I will jot down the notes ?11:52
jonas3Seagate has been working alot better for me11:52
uXp500 G HD here <11:52
icheyneuXp: sorry dude11:52
opitwinubotu: Thank You11:52
bjornkrihalcyon512: yeah, about 5 times :p11:52
ubotupas de quoi, opitwin11:52
icheyneI'm a newbie too11:52
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ja3x1guys this new dapper desktop cd iso is confusing to install11:53
NoUserunes yes, is it /dev/hdb1 now?11:53
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jonas34x Seagate 750 Gb and you have some disk11:53
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=== Shadyman_ [n=Matthew@bas1-ottawa23-1128766322.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ja3x1how do i install it like the old breezy badger style11:53
Shmengei'm surprised no one else here has one there are a lot of people here11:53
runesNoUse,  how can I verify that?11:53
NoUseja3x1 how so?11:53
bjornkrihalcyon512: I've got all the boxes checked in the repositories list11:53
ja3x1you know the old one was nice and easy11:53
ja3x1you press enter11:53
ja3x1and it loads into text based instaler11:53
NoUserunes 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdb' will list all paritioons11:53
xcoderanybody from romania ?11:53
Shmengethis is the first mac machine I bought, i bought it with the intentions of tearing it to pieces :)11:53
trippyskippyja3x1, you need to download alternative CD for that11:53
ja3x1now it goes into a live cd11:53
=== jared_ [n=jared@c-67-171-144-130.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cherwintortho: yes indeed, but if you're desktop has trouble detecting your AP you have to try this11:53
Shadyman_Holy carp, almost 900 users? wow.11:53
NoUseja3x1 the alternate cd is the text mode installer11:53
gnutscherwin, when I manually mounted the drive from one terminal the tail terminal did nothing11:53
ja3x1i find out11:54
ja3x1thanks guys11:54
NoUseShadyman_ nearly 1100 on Dapper release day11:54
Shadyman_NoUse: Wow.11:54
cherwingnuts, did you do the tail as root?11:54
trippyskippyprobably less than 100 actually reading though11:54
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cherwinplease do it as root gnuts11:54
Shadyman_trippyskippy: True.11:54
NoUsetrippyskippy I'm sure11:54
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jared_No audio, trying to get output through SPDIF, reinstalled alsa-source tried using different layers any ideas?11:54
opitwinHello cva_11:55
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runesNoUse,  ok showing /dev/hdb 81.9 gig no partitions (due to low level format)11:55
xcodersomebody can help me to setup a tvtuner & tvtime, looks like tvtuner is ok, but received just 1 chanel11:55
bjornkriweird.. mplayer isn't even on http://packages.ubuntu.com/ under Dapper11:55
ernoinsI have downloaded PC (Intel x86) server install CD  onto a CD.. what do I have to do to install it?  When I boot up with the cd in the tray, it just boots up into windows.11:55
uXpinstalling GTK is gettig on my nerves11:55
=== shibley [n=megan@70-37-209-198.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
cherwinbjornkri, install mplayer from cvs, thats the best way to do it11:55
opitwinernoins: Put it in the server CD Drive before it boots11:56
shibleydoes anyone know how to declare boost?11:56
valehruomg, i just downloaded dapper in 9 minutes11:56
Sivikhow do i tell if lts is installed11:56
uXpNeed help installing GTK+11:56
caskeyboricua swap is 2X physical ram, the rest goes in /11:56
torthocherwin... This is strange.. setting it to 6 did make it work... and my laptop still works as well....?!?11:56
ernoinsopitwin: I have... it doesn't change anything.  Do I have to go in through the bios or something?11:56
cva_thanks for the welcome opitwin11:56
halcyon512bjornkri: hmm...odd its' not working then. sorry I can't be of more help.11:56
gnutscherwin, terminal still does nothing, it mounts fine and I have access to the files there11:56
opitwinernoins: Does the Ubuntu CD boot?11:56
=== Renault [n=couretca@AToulon-152-1-63-37.w83-113.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
cherwinyeah it sometimes automaticly detects it, i haven't researched the cause why it still works, so you got me11:57
=== eeyoregyrl [n=comp4@c-69-143-163-229.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ernoinsobitwin: no.. it doesn't recognize it.11:57
=== phanter [n=patrick@] has joined #ubuntu
caskeyboricua and yeah, you could consider it to be bad that it does that, but for a novice user, there's not much point in trying to do more.  Disk partition is a dark art at best, no one scheme or formula works for all situations.11:57
NoUserunes ok, 'sudo cfdisk /dev/hdb'11:57
cherwinanyway your problem is appearently solved tortho?11:57
eeyoregyrlhi everyone11:57
uXpNeed help installing GTK+...anyone who knows11:57
=== h4v0k [n=joseph@pool-70-111-114-87.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e44b528.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
cherwinok and now do a mount -a and watch the terminal for errors11:57
eeyoregyrlyah whatever;/11:58
torthocherwin, thanks a lot, I'll add this usefull things to my bugreport, wich i submitted som 3-4 months ago :-) Thanks again!11:58
=== capiCrimm [n=capi@CPE-65-31-169-86.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
uXpits sudo mount -a11:58
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
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halcyon512hi eeyoregyrl11:58
h4v0khow do i make a .bin executable11:58
eeyoregyrlhi e11:58
runesNoUse,  ok ready11:58
Healotchmod +x11:58
eeyoregyrlwaz up/11:58
opitwinernoins: Open up the setup utility(usually by pressing F2) and make sure that the CD Rom drive is set to boot before the HD11:58
NoUserunes I gotta run, basically, create the partition in cfdisk, then run 'sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/hdb1'11:58
h4v0kya ok11:58
xcodersomebody can help me to setup a tvtuner & tvtime, looks like tvtuner is ok, but received just 1 channel ...11:58
cherwinyou're welcome :^)11:58
Healotno, chmod -x :)11:58
trippyskippyh4v0k,  "sudo chmod 775 filename"11:58
=== orfico [n=spog@Tco-131.ctrmax.cl] has joined #ubuntu
eeyoregyrlhwtaare u doing?11:58
runesNoUse,  ok got it11:58
capiCrimmanyone know what package contains glut.h?(I'm guessing one of the mesa ones?)11:58
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=== Shadyman_ [n=Matthew@bas1-ottawa23-1128766322.dsl.bell.ca] has left #ubuntu []
h4v0kno +x or anything11:58
runesNoUse,  ty!11:58
eeyoregyrlgot what?11:58
h4v0kjus 77511:58
RenaultWhat the difference between Xubuntu, Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Edubunu, nubutu ?11:58
=== RoninGurl|Away is now known as RoninGurl
=== tmdca [n=chatzill@h199n2fls308o1043.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
uXpneed help installing  2.10.3-0ubuntu111:59
Healotlibmesa*-dev or libgl*-dev11:59
crimsun_Renault: the default set of packages, that's it.11:59
NoUserunes, np, good luck11:59
uXpwww.ubuntu.com Renault11:59
=== Nisku [n=randy@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
eeyoregyrlthe different people11:59
Renaultok ok ^^11:59
capiCrimmRenault, not too much besides default pacakges and window managers.11:59
=== Lukketto [n=Lukketto@host147-92.pool8261.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
=== robertj [n=robertj@66-188-77-153.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
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xcodersomebody can help me to setup a tvtuner & tvtime, looks like tvtuner is ok, but received just 1 channel ... and no sound11:59
=== Rotund [n=joe@207-118-212-77.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
Renaultenvironnement graphic ?11:59
uXpneed help installing  2.10.3-0ubuntu111:59
boricuacaskey: i had 2 partitiones there is 2 3 4 going to be there or will it be just unused space11:59
=== Jowi [n=johan@bgn92-4-82-238-212-88.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Renaultxfce, Gnome, KDE etc. ?12:00
=== SinnerG [i=ANOX@cable-213-132-141-21.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu

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