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cprovmorning 02:18
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glatzoris lp down?05:51
glatzori get a timeout trying to connect05:51
mptworks for me, glatzor 05:54
mdkedodgy here too05:55
mdkevery slow to respond05:55
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glatzorhi mdke, sorry to bother you once again. but at which level should I file bugs against the desktop guide? only major ones?05:58
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sivangmpt: thanks!07:07
sivangmpt: (just saw your response to my previou sinquery about writing a design spec)07:07
sivangmpt: in any event , if you design the complete system (as planned for edgy+1) I will just cut down design stuff as per the features I think can be implemented for edgy07:09
sivangmpt: and save it for edgy+1 , but again - many thanks , and ping me when you you're done so I can review it. Cheers.07:10
mptsivang, right, my plan is to spec the simplest useful thing, so you can tell me whether it's implementable before September07:20
mptand if it's easily finishable, I'll add more stuff :-)07:20
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margaHi! I'd like to get in touch with the people that develop/ed Rosetta... Does anyone here know who they are?07:21
matsubaramarga: you want to talk to carlos, but he's not here atm07:23
mptmarga, carlos at canonical dot com should work07:23
margaIs he the main dev?07:24
matsubaramarga: jordi may also help, if it's rosetta community related07:24
margaOh, jordi might be an option, since we know each other.07:24
margaIt's a bit flamey subject.  I'd rather talk it with jordi first.07:25
fabbionehey marga07:30
fabbionemarga: go for jordi and carlos. carlos is a good guy ;)07:30
margafabbione: yeah, I'm sure. I'd still rather have this conversation in private with jordi first. Maybe we can figure something out.07:31
fabbionemarga: i have no doubt :)07:31
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