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nixternal\sh: installed psi to check it out and have my gmail account setup. not to shabby. one thing i notice is that the jabber account doesn't always disconnect.01:16
\shnixternal: for me it's much better then kopete..01:17
nixternali have kopete running because people still use msn, aim, yahoo, and icq and tend to message me via those for support01:18
\shI just found out, that kopetes service discovery is not working with my jabber server...need to check later why it doesn't but any other jabber client does work01:18
nixternalmy biggest issue with kopete is it always tells me i have mail in my yahoo, aim, msn accounts, which i could care less because i don't use those for email01:19
\shnixternal: can't you disable those notifications in kopete?01:19
nixternali haven't found out where01:20
nixternalim using ver .11 also01:20
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Riddellmornfall: where's the default kde settings kept in fedora?02:24
Riddelland how do I configure the network?02:24
Riddelland how do I stop add/remove programmes from quitting with an error message as soon as it launches02:25
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\shkbilliards uploaded to revu02:32
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\shif someone wants to revu..http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2406 another nice kde game :)02:38
mornfallRiddell: i don't use add/remove programs02:47
mornfallRiddell: network, anaconda should have asked (dhcp works fine), but there should be gnome-network-manager around02:48
mornfallRiddell: kde settings is probably kept under /usr/share (like in upstream kde)02:48
mornfallsome stuff under /etc/xdg02:48
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nixternal\sh: is your server available for jabber connection?03:13
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\shnixternal: yes03:15
bddebianHeya folks03:15
Riddellhi bddebian 03:16
\shnixternal: but jabber.kubuntu.de lacks of some very special dns entries, so it can be troublesome with google talk03:16
bddebianHeya Riddell03:16
Riddellwe need a low disk indicator in KDE03:16
RiddellI've decided :)03:16
\shwhat is a low disk indicator?03:17
bddebianTells you when disk space is low?03:17
Riddella popup that says "your home directory is 95% full"03:17
\shyou mean when 199GB from 200GB are used, it should make a warning sound ? ;)03:17
Riddell"do you want me to rm -rf /home?"03:18
bddebianRiddell: ;-P03:18
\shRiddell: did you catch my words from yesterdays morning?03:19
Riddell\sh: which ones were they?03:19
\shabout LP integration and kde?03:19
Riddelloh yes03:19
Riddellthe difficult part is finding out which package the program belongs to03:19
Riddellalthough dpkg -S could help with that03:19
\shthe problem is more to catch the program itself, because it's started via kdeinit or something like that03:20
Riddellkdeinit keeps itself pretty quiet these days03:20
\shthen it can be an easy task...forget patching all sources to include this additional KHelpMenu hook03:21
Riddelljust kdelibs needs modified to have an extra entry in the standard help menu03:21
\shRiddell: you don't patch kdelibs03:21
Riddellthat entry works out the binary name, runs dpkg -S to work out the package name then kfmexec to fire up konqueror03:22
Riddellwhy not?03:22
\shRiddell: you add this functionality to liblaunchpad-integration0 03:22
\shRiddell: because gnome is doing it like this..03:22
Riddellsounds like an extra bit of complexity to me03:22
\shRiddell: and we have a lib which can generate some python lib foo for guidance03:22
\shRiddell: no..03:22
\shRiddell: lpIntegration->addTo(menuBar()->getHelpMenu()) PSEUDOCODE ;) 03:23
mornfall\sh: wouldn't that mean that liblaunchpad-integration0 links with qt, kdecore and kdeui all of sudden? :p03:25
mornfallwell unless you do dlopen foo03:25
mornfallwhich doesn't quite work anyway03:25
mornfallso you better don't03:25
\shmornfall: no...we do something like liblaunchpad-integration0-{gnome,kde}03:25
mornfallthat's sort of... complicated03:26
\shmornfall: why? if something is wrong inside lp integration, we only need to fix and recompile a small bit of code, instead of compiling the whole bunch of kdelibs03:27
mornfalltrue, dat03:27
mornfallbut i would certainly put it in a different source packages (kde and gnome versions)03:27
\shand we can provide simple kde python bindings for that03:27
Riddellyou'd then need to patch kdelibs to link against liblaunchpad-integration0-kde03:28
Riddelland we have no python programmes that need it, guidance is only in system settings by default03:28
mornfallRiddell: the idea is that while you develop the liblaunchpad thing, you don't need to recompile kdelibs03:28
mornfallwhich is sort of nice03:28
\shRiddell: question is, if we need to link kdelibs to lp integration at all...it could be hooked on app level03:28
mornfallbut not sure it's worth a source package03:28
mornfall\sh: that way lies madness03:29
\shmornfall: we already have a source package03:29
mornfallthis ain't no gnome03:29
mornfall\sh: you do? a kde specific one?03:29
mornfallor you intend to require gnome dev packs to build it? :p03:29
mornfallbedtime for me03:30
\shmornfall: no a gnome one...and there it's very ubuntu specific ... the deps of gnome and kde are only included via build time, the rest is just like ubiquity03:30
mornfallexam tomorrow 10am03:30
\shmornfall: good luck :)03:30
RiddellI think I'd like to avoid the gnome route of patching every single app that we want to add "Get help online" to03:53
bddebianwuss :-)03:53
\shRiddell: if we find a good possibility to not break python-kde then it's ok for me to include it into kdelibs03:55
Riddellpython-kde also uses kdelibs for its Help menu03:56
\shyes but every add to the classes needs to be represented in python-kdes sip code03:57
Riddellit wouldn't be an ABI/API change obviously03:58
=== Riddell snoozes
\shRiddell: how would you present such a change?03:59
\shadding 2 items with insertItem is easy, clicking on them it will generate some signals and we need slots, therefor we have 2 public/private/protected slots 04:00
\shwell insertItem is not right, adding two new actions to actionCollection is better04:00
\shbut still we have two new slots at least for doing some action :)04:01
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nixternalHobbsee: you snuck in here and I didn't even see you ;)06:56
Hobbseenixternal: i've been in here fo ra while...06:59
nixternalhehe i see06:59
nixternalhey..you running kopete .12?06:59
nixternalyou have adept telling you to update?06:59
Hobbseeno, i grabbed freeflying|away's third package06:59
crimsun_what's the version for his third package?07:00
crimsun_and did jr settle on a plan for the transition for 0.12?07:00
nixternali need one that will stop adept from wanting to downgrade me..i grabbed a .deb from the forums and it is annoying to see adept icon in kicker07:00
Hobbseewhy oh why did you grab a deb from the forums?07:01
Hobbseecrimsun_: i'm not sure07:01
nixternalcuz im an e.tard07:01
Hobbseeso it seems.07:01
crimsun_Hobbsee: apt-cache policy kopete |grep Candidate07:02
Hobbsee  Candidate: 4:3.5.3kopete0.12.0-107:02
Hobbseethe .deb is probably made with checkinstall07:02
Hobbseethat one is done decently07:02
Hobbseecrimsun_: ^07:04
Hobbseenixternal: use http://www.ubuntu-zh.org/~freeflying/packages/kopete_3.5.3kopete0.12.0-1_i386.deb07:04
nixternaldl'n it now07:04
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imbrandon_aww no _amd64.deb07:40
=== imbrandon_ pouts
crimsun_you have the sources, you have a pbuilder. Have at ti.07:40
imbrandon_yea i was just thinking that07:40
imbrandon_actualy i dont have the source for kopete 0.12 but i can get it07:41
=== imbrandon_ pokes freeflying|away you here even with an away nick ?
crimsun_don't make me poke you with a sharp stick, imbrandon_ 07:42
=== imbrandon_ is dumb sometimes
crimsun_that's nastily mispackaged as a native one07:42
crimsun_bonus points for fixing it and updating freeflying|away 07:43
imbrandon_should i not use that src ?07:43
crimsun_you can use that source07:43
imbrandon_crimsun_: shouldent it be 0.12.0.orig.tar.gz ?07:44
imbrandon_jez i get a lousy connection ( ~5k/sec ) to his server07:44
freeflying|awayimbrandon: I'll repackage the source tarball, and upload them soon(to my repo)07:44
imbrandon_ok freeflying|away let me know and i'll pbuild it for you with _amd64 to stick up there or i'll add it to my repos 07:45
imbrandon_either way07:45
imbrandon_is that on a cable modem or something ?07:46
freeflying|awayimbrandon: that's a ubuntu archive mirror in Hongkong07:46
imbrandon_ahhh that explains it ;)07:46
imbrandon_if you want i can mirror your ~freeflying/packages on my usa server also if you desire07:47
imbrandon_i have a few other mirros on it including an mirror of the official servers07:48
imbrandon_wouldent be no biggie to setup a rsync cron07:48
freeflyingimbrandon: I'd like 07:48
imbrandon_want me to set it up or would you just like a shell account ?07:49
freeflyingimbrandon: please set up it07:50
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freeflyingimbrandon: done07:59
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
imbrandon_almost done setting up the mirror08:06
nixternaldon't break that mirror...7 years bad luck ;)08:06
nixternalbest KDE all around theme to date -> http://waku.info/2006/06/11/nautica-kde-theme/08:09
=== Hobbsee kicks ndiswrapper and her wireless card
=== nixternal loves his orinoco...no ndiswrapper
nixternali don't do anything with it except set it to static and thats it08:12
Hobbseefigured i may as well troubleshoot it while dad's not home - so he cant go mental at me taking off the protection of the router :P08:13
nixternali do admit. i kind of favor the ubuntu wifi tools08:13
nixternali have been messing with ubuntu dapper for doc team...it isn't to shabby actually...but it just isn't kde ;)08:13
nixternaland talk about install time being slow...no joke, i would say kubuntu installed twice as fast at least08:14
imbrandon_ok freeflying its mirrorsing now08:18
imbrandon_mirroring now, going slow becouse my server only gets a 10k/sec connection to your but its working ;)08:19
freeflyingimbrandon: nice, thanks08:19
imbrandon_when its all done it will be at08:19
imbrandon_but its still downloading08:19
imbrandon_i'll set a crontab to make it check once a day for new stuff, good enough ?08:20
imbrandon_at say 00:00 UTC or something08:21
freeflyingimbrandon: one week is enough, 08:22
imbrandon_ok 08:23
imbrandon_got a specific day / time  you like ?08:23
freeflyingimbrandon: Sunday's night08:23
freeflyingimbrandon: thanks08:24
imbrandon_not a problem ;)08:24
imbrandon_that should give us USA poeple a better connection to it anyhow, cuz i get a 10kb/sec connection ;(08:25
freeflyingimbrandon: the speed I upload to that server is about 100k/s, but only 20-30k/s for download  :)08:26
imbrandon_ahh ;)08:26
imbrandon_i get about 300kb/sec download from my server not sure about the rest of the world but the us should be fast08:27
freeflyingimbrandon: 64 bytes from basic-jolly.gobstopper.dreamhost.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=53 time=198 ms08:28
freeflyingimbrandon: it's quite nice for me :)08:28
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imbrandon_wb Hobbsee08:29
imbrandon_freeflying: how big is that dir? just curious ..... i got plenty of room08:30
Hobbseeoff to work08:30
imbrandon_l8tr Hobbsee dont let the kiddos get to ya up at work ;)08:31
freeflyingimbrandon: 94M, please remove all VIM packages08:31
imbrandon_freeflying: every time or just this one ?08:31
Hobbseebleck, i'll have my nice warm black jacket on, so they wont try to do too much :D08:31
freeflyingimbrandon: this one08:31
imbrandon_freeflying: ok08:31
imbrandon_btw if you need to catch me sometime about the mirror and i'm not on irc feel free to email me brandon@imbrandon.com and/or imbrandon@kubuntu.org08:33
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imbrandon_after its done mirroring and i delete the vim* should i re-run genarchive.sh localy for ya ?08:39
freeflyingimbrandon: you'd do 08:40
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imbrandon_kk freeflying|away all done mirroring09:50
imbrandon_and vim* deleted09:50
imbrandon_i dident run the genarchive though becouse its signed with your pgp key09:51
freeflying|awayimbrandon: then there will be errors for using it as a archive09:54
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imbrandon_the only way is i can run it with my pgp key but then they would have to import that09:58
imbrandon_OR you can move out the 09:59
imbrandon_vim* packages and rerun it on yours and send me the release files etc09:59
imbrandon_untill next update09:59
freeflying|awayimbrandon_: okey, do it now for you  :)10:00
imbrandon_ok you want me to sign it ?10:00
freeflying|awayimbrandon: up to you, I've removed all VIM's and re-scan all packages10:01
imbrandon_hey also i grabbed your orig.tar.gz and the diff.gz , after i unzip those how do i properly apply the diff ?10:01
imbrandon_yea that would be better10:01
imbrandon_for you to rescan the packages10:02
imbrandon_that way its still your key10:02
imbrandon_becouse someon might have imported it already etc10:02
freeflying|awayimbrandon_: also need dsc, and dpkg-source -x *.sac, the best way is use pbuilder10:02
imbrandon_sac ?10:03
imbrandon_brandon@birdofprey:~/files/kopete$ ls -la10:03
imbrandon_total 682810:03
freeflying|awayimbrandon_: if you have a ppc box, will be more nicer  :)10:03
imbrandon_drwxr-xr-x 2 brandon brandon    4096 2006-06-12 02:53 .10:03
imbrandon_drwxr-xr-x 3 brandon brandon    4096 2006-06-12 02:54 ..10:03
imbrandon_-rw-r--r-- 1 brandon brandon   25111 2006-06-12 02:53 kopete_3.5.3kopete0.12.0-1.diff.gz10:03
imbrandon_-rw-r--r-- 1 brandon brandon     687 2006-06-12 02:53 kopete_3.5.3kopete0.12.0-1.dsc10:04
imbrandon_-rw-r--r-- 1 brandon brandon    1291 2006-06-12 02:52 kopete_3.5.3kopete0.12.0-1_source.build10:04
imbrandon_-rw-r--r-- 1 brandon brandon 6934456 2006-06-12 02:23 kopete_3.5.3kopete0.12.0.orig.tar.gz10:04
imbrandon_brandon@birdofprey:~/files/kopete$                                10:04
imbrandon_yea i have a ppc but its SLOW hehehe10:04
imbrandon_i can build it on that too10:04
imbrandon_my ppc box is 233mhz ;)10:04
imbrandon_i have many i386 machines and one amd64 and one ppc ;)10:04
imbrandon_used to have a sparc but its gone, might get another one soon10:05
freeflying|awayimbrandon: hehe, my is 1.33G, but lack of space10:05
imbrandon_ok freeflying|away i dont have any asc files10:06
imbrandon_in that dir10:06
imbrandon_see dir listing above10:06
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freeflying|awayimbrandon: sorry, it's dsc, not asc, my fault, silly me10:07
imbrandon_hehe np10:07
=== freeflying|away seemed still in dream, due to the FIFA
imbrandon_if i get the build-deps for kopete in the repos it should still work right>?10:09
imbrandon_or is there a way to get the build-deps automatic from the source10:09
freeflying|awaysudo apt-get build-dep kopete10:09
imbrandon_apt-get build-dep kopete10:09
imbrandon_yea 10:09
imbrandon_just dident know if 0.12 had diffrent deps10:10
freeflying|awayimbrandon: no specially, this package haven't jingle's support10:10
imbrandon_did you regen the files? if so i'll regrab them10:11
imbrandon_( the release files and such )10:11
freeflying|awayimbrandon: done10:12
imbrandon_ok mirror updated and set to grab new files every sunday night at midnight UTC10:14
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imbrandon_freeflying|away, http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/70397010:30
imbrandon_thats just the end of the buld log, i have the whole log is you want10:31
freeflying|awayimbrandon: needn't, seemed something wrong about 6410:33
imbrandon_yea, i'll keep looking into it, thought you might know right off, i'll try on ppc too10:34
freeflying|awayimbrandon: send me the whole log, thanks  zhengpeng-hou AT kubuntu.org10:37
imbrandon_freeflying|away: cant get to my email right now ( on other machine ) http://www.buntudot.org/people/~imbrandon/misc/kopete_amd64_buildlog.txt10:46
freeflying|awayimbrandon: another isuue, you'd disable jingle's support in debian/rules10:59
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imbrandon_change it to this after disabling jingle ?? ---> kopete (4:3.5.3kopete0.12.0-1ubuntu2) dapper; urgency=low11:04
freeflying|awayimbrandon: no, in debian/rules, remove the enable-jingle in configure target11:05
imbrandon_yea i got that11:06
imbrandon_but should i inc the version also ?11:06
freeflying|awayimbrandon: needn't11:06
freeflying|awayimbrandon: we can not support the jingle now, it need a special version of ortp11:07
imbrandon_ok disabled it and trying to build again11:07
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imbrandon_YAY !12:42
imbrandon_freeflying-g4: got it to build on AMD6412:42
freeflying-g4imbrandon: cool12:43
imbrandon_you want a diff ?12:44
imbrandon_actualy you can change just one thing in the debian/rules12:44
imbrandon_and it will build fine on amd6412:44
freeflying-g4imbrandon: what12:44
imbrandon_+- CFLAGS = -Wall -g12:45
imbrandon_++ CFLAGS = -Wall -g -fPIC12:45
imbrandon_need's -fPIC to compile on amd6412:46
freeflying-g4imbrandon: I've add this,but have no amd64 for test  :)12:46
imbrandon_i'll put my build in my own repos so others can test also12:46
imbrandon_its exactly the same as your other than that12:46
freeflying-g4imbrandon: nice, I'll tell others sync from your site12:47
imbrandon_kk i got to sign it etc one sec12:47
imbrandon_and i'll give you the url12:47
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imbrandon_freeflying|away: ping !01:17
freeflying|awayimbrandon: pong01:17
imbrandon_and http://www.buntudot.org/people/~imbrandon/packages/pubkey.html   <--- for my gpg key01:18
freeflying|awayimbrandon: got it.thx01:18
imbrandon_i'll do a ppc one here in a little bit01:19
freeflying|awaygreat, I'd correct the rules, for build on all arch01:19
=== imbrandon_ thought it was but will look again
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
freeflying|awayimbrandon: ping01:34
imbrandon_heya Hobbsee01:35
imbrandon_i changed the arch to all and am building the i386 / amd64 / and ppc over01:36
=== Hobbsee looks in the computer catalogue for anything interesting
imbrandon_freeflying|away: pong01:37
Hobbseenot much of interest.  darn.01:39
freeflying|awayimbrandon_: are you using pbuilder? or chroot for kopete01:44
freeflying|awayimbrandon_: and you using kde-3.5.301:45
imbrandon_Sysinfo for 'birdofprey': Linux 2.6.15-23-amd64-generic running KDE 3.5.3, CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3400+ at 1002 MHz (2006 bogomips), HD: 26/141GB, RAM: 683/687MB, 131 proc's, 7.17h up01:46
imbrandon_3.5.3 in chroot too01:47
freeflying|awayimbrandon_: you'd setup a pbuilder, and build just against kde-3.5.2, or others will have problems with it01:47
imbrandon_ouch , ok 01:48
imbrandon_i'm rebuilding them anyhow i can do that01:48
imbrandon_i already have a chroot for 3.5.2 also i'll just use that01:48
=== imbrandon_ has never used pbuilder
freeflying|awayimbrandon_: nice01:48
freeflying|awayimbrandon_: recommend using pbuilder01:50
imbrandon_ahh ok i'll try it, hard to setup ?01:50
=== Hobbsee didnt know that it was possible to build without the pbuilder
Hobbseeguess it is, in the chroot01:50
Hobbseebut if you install stuff in the chroot, dont you have to clear all that you installed before the next time you use it?01:50
imbrandon_Hobbsee: i use clean chroot's ;)01:51
Hobbseemmm okay01:51
imbrandon_ok whats the commandline options to build with pbuilder properly ?01:55
imbrandon_against 3.5.201:56
=== imbrandon_ normaly just does debuild or debuild -S -sa
imbrandon_freeflying|away: ping01:57
freeflying|awayimbrandon_: pong01:57
imbrandon_ok whats the commandline options to build with pbuilder properly ?01:57
imbrandon_against 3.5.201:57
imbrandon_pbuilder debuild ?01:58
freeflying|awayimbrandon_: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/PbuilderHowto?highlight=%28pbuilder%2901:58
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imbrandonkk freeflying|away i got it rebuilding with pbuilder on i386 and amd64 and ppc , i'll update my repos when i wake up in a few hours ( should be done building by then )02:36
imbrandongnight freeflying|away / Hobbsee02:36
freeflying|awayimbrandon: gnite02:37
imbrandonwell nap time not gnight hehe for a few hours atleaaste02:37
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Hobbseenight imbrandon 02:43
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jsgotangcogood evening02:47
jjessehello jsgotangco02:47
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kwwiiso here is a question for everyone03:08
jjesseok :)03:09
kwwiithe ubuntu artwork team has made a list of goals for edgy, and on it, it says that kubuntu should use the same icons as gnome and a similar style03:09
kwwiiis the kubuntu community interested in that?03:09
kwwiibecause I am not03:09
\shme neither03:09
jjessei like the difference03:10
Lurekwwii: brown KDE? not really... :-(03:10
Hobbseekwwii: that'd help if we actually had a pic of theirs...but no, i seem to remember wanting to get their icons off the screen as quickly as possible.03:10
Hobbseeno, but i would like a green or a purple03:10
freeflying-g4we'd have kubuntu's 03:10
Hobbseea purple would look really cool :P  or maybe a maroon colour, if they wanted to stay brown03:10
=== Hobbsee dreams of the possibilities
kwwiiHobbsee: I have thought a lot about using purple recently03:11
\shthe problem is, if we do some orange/brownish thing, we would fck away the hardcore kde users03:11
Hobbseekwwii: that'd be cool :)03:11
kwwiiit is a nice segway from blue to another color03:11
Hobbseegentoo's always had compliments over it's purple03:11
kwwiimy first three years or so at suse everything was purple03:11
kwwiiand then I changed it to green03:11
Hobbseeanyone got the current icons for gnome?03:11
kwwiijust check tango with the special icons...erm tangerine or so03:12
Hobbseekwwii: i'd love to see the oxygen icons for edgy - the done ones, of course, and the rest as crystal - depending on how that looked03:12
=== Hobbsee shudders at the memory
\shHobbsee: awful ;)03:12
\shmoins kwwii BTW03:13
kwwiihowdy \sh03:13
\shHobbsee: no ways to mix crystal with oxygene...03:13
kwwiiI hope that oxygen will be become mature very quickly03:13
Hobbseeoh okay...03:13
kwwiiwe have actually done a lot of work in a short itme03:14
\shI'm not the graphics guy, but I think kwwii agrees with me somehow ;)03:14
=== Hobbsee thogut that the non-oxygen icons would be set at the default, which was crystal...
kwwiifor now, until oxygen is complete enough to use on it's own,it has to be used with crystal03:14
kwwiibetter that than tango03:14
kwwiianyway...back to the football game03:14
Hobbseefootball's overrated03:15
jsgotangcohey we only go crazy over it every 4 years03:16
=== Riddell agrees
jjessefootball is over silly europeans, football is in the fall :)03:17
Hobbseeyay!  i have an ally!03:17
Hobbseegreetings oh great Riddell 03:17
jjessegood morning Riddell03:17
jjessei copied you in on a message from Mario that i didn't know how to anser03:18
Riddelltragically I do have to go back to England before the end of the world cup03:18
freeflying-g4seems Japan will lost 03:18
HobbseeRiddell: what do you think of a purple desktop?  :P03:18
HobbseeRiddell: where are you now?03:18
\shRiddell: where are you now?03:18
jsgotangcolast night i was idling in a yahoo chat room that covered iran vs. mexico and people were screaming for blood lol03:18
RiddellScotland.  a country who's closes world cup representation is Trinidad and Tobago03:18
jjessedidn't i hear that the iranian leader banned the world cup from being shown03:18
Hobbseehehe nice03:19
Riddellpurple could be fun03:19
\shRiddell: oh I thought you traveled to paris already ;)03:19
Riddell\sh: wednesday night03:19
Hobbseekwwii: i think you'll get your chance to work in purple :D03:19
jsgotangcojjesse: that's baloney, iran is a football power in asia03:19
jjessejsgotangco: just thought i read something in my local sunday paper about how the hardline iranian government was banning people from watching the world cup, but i've been wrong once or twice before 03:20
\shoh my ... yum is broken...very much broken03:21
Riddell\sh: fedora is broken03:22
\shRiddell: I'm using yum 2.6.1 on sles9 ... I needed a better packagemanager then yast 03:23
\shbut yum tells me, that he wants to install jboss 3.0.x i586 and jboss 4.0.x x86_64 on amd64 ..which is totally wrong..03:24
Riddell\sh: try smart03:24
\shRiddell: after I fininshed the first milestone of this project, I switch to smart03:25
\shRiddell: but until then, I have to stay with yum03:25
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\shwhere was the smart packagemanager homepage?03:48
jsgotangcosmart rocks03:50
jsgotangcoalthough at first glance the gui option just looks like synaptic03:50
freeflying-g4\sh: mvo has uploaded smart 03:52
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apokryphosyeah, the GUI is a lot like it (author of smart used to co-maintain it) unfortunately. Still waiting on the KDE/Qt frontend :P04:09
apokryphosdoes anyone know if there's been any advance on the talk of smart in edgy?04:11
apokryphosis it thought of being a replacement to apt, or just a supplementary option?04:11
Riddellit might be used in gnome-app-install04:12
Riddellit won't replace apt generally04:12
=== goldenear [n=user@vol75-4-82-225-33-186.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
apokryphosinteresting; any reason why just gnome-app-install?04:14
jsgotangcoits not supposed to replace existing package managers04:19
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=== Sime is now known as Sime|3-1
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Hobbseefreeflying-g4: ping05:28
freeflying-g4Hobbsee: pong05:28
Hobbseefreeflying-g4: see http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=Kopete%20Webcam%20Support <-- looks like we have jasper stuff in the repos, but not added as a dep/build-dep, however we need them for kopete05:29
=== Hobbsee is too trashed to figure out where they need to go
freeflying-g4Hobbsee: jingle need special ortp, but dapper's is newer than it need, so I don't know how to solve this05:30
Hobbseefreeflying-g4: er, in english?05:30
Hobbseebetter still, halt that, and tell me tomorrow, or in an email, or a memo if you wish...05:32
=== Hobbsee is too tired to figure out much tonight.
=== jpatrick [n=patrick@ubuntu/member/jpatrick] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseehey jpatrick 05:32
jpatrickhey Hobbsee05:32
freeflying-g4Hobbsee: silly me, I thought you mean jingle, :)  I'm still in the football match 05:33
Hobbseefreeflying-g4: haha no - yahoo webcam support05:33
Hobbseereceiving them05:33
Hobbseehavent tried jingle - i dont have a mic handy05:34
freeflying-g4Hobbsee: I will mail you later, I'd watch the coming match  :)05:34
=== Hobbsee mutters about guys and sport, and insanity :P
jpatrickHobbsee: well Australia won05:34
Hobbseeoh good05:34
Hobbseei think i heard that earlier :P05:35
freeflying-g4Hobbsee: a girl here has compiled kopete, but can not make webcam work05:35
jpatrickDamn, goldenear isn't here05:35
Hobbseegoldenear_away: is a girl?  wow.  cool.05:35
Hobbseei'd try with thatas either a dep or a build-dep05:35
freeflying-g4Hobbsee: I mean in #ubuntu-cn  :)05:36
RiddellHobbsee: isn't that what you should never say to someone on IRC? :)05:36
HobbseeRiddell: haha - it's different if you're a female yourself, and therefore not about to hit on her05:36
Riddellah, yes05:37
Hobbseenot that...not that you guys would necessarily do that anyway, but there's still the threat of it...05:37
Hobbseeoh i dont know - i'm being paranoid again dammit!05:37
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Hobbseehey Lure 05:40
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Hobbseenight all - i thikn i'm actually properly leaving this time05:42
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goldenearjpatrick: I'm here now06:32
goldenearand btw, I'm not a girl06:32
jpatrickgoldenear: ok, kmplayer died again06:33
goldenearwhat do you mean ?06:33
jpatrickIt can't do streams06:33
=== apokryphos [n=apokryph@host-87-74-49-101.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jpatrickgoldenear: like: http://videocodezone.com/videos/r/red_hot_chili_peppers/around_the_world-2.html06:36
jpatrickgoldenear: but I can play local videos06:37
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goldenearjpatrick: it plays for me06:47
jpatricknot me tho06:47
goldenearbut need many time to start06:47
DaSkreechRiddell: Morning06:47
Riddellhi DaSkreech 06:47
DaSkreechRiddell: did you get to overhear my GIS discussion?06:48
Riddelldon't think so06:48
DaSkreechOk :-(06:49
DaSkreechWell then the shoort question is if I have a Potentially Awesome Idea (c) wouldit make sense tomail sabdfl?06:49
RiddellDaSkreech: better to write a spec06:50
Riddelladd to paris meeting06:50
DaSkreechI'ts much longer term than that06:55
DaSkreechBut okie :)06:55
MidMarkRiddell: is there a chance to make kubuntu preinstalled in some laptop? I mean contacting some vendors and ask them... sorry for this atipic question06:55
RiddellMidMark: a couple already do, see kubunturg/ship.php06:56
MidMarkRiddell: 40406:57
=== Sime|3-1 is now known as Sime
Riddellit's linked from the front page :)06:57
MidMarkshops.php :)06:58
=== pygi is sure he could "force" some local vendors to pre-install Ubuntu/Kubuntu
MidMarkgreat works, but I mean a completely new line from Asus, Acer or vendor like that, that include Kubuntu instead of win06:59
jpatrickRiddell: http://www.kubuntu.org/faq.php#installfromubuntu should point to the wiki page07:00
jpatrickand shouldn't the source cds point to the dapper ones?07:01
jjesseRiddell: just sent you an email07:07
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DaSkreechNeed a quick kick ban08:14
=== mgalvin_ [n=mgalvin@rrcs-24-39-194-210.nys.biz.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== DaSkreech ponders if there is a slightly better !ops script
=== Dinofly [n=dinofly@vbo91-1-82-238-217-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
apacheloggerahoy Riddell, are you around?08:49
jpatrickI think he left "[20:23]  pradeepto: if you're quick"08:50
DaSkreechAnyone familar with specs?08:56
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DaSkreechDo I have to do a wiki page before I do the spec?08:59
LureDaSkreech: I think so09:04
DaSkreechHmm Ok09:04
DaSkreechIt's BrainDump?09:04
Lureyes, unless you will draft it already (implementation and stuff)09:04
DaSkreechWell I have a rough idea 09:07
DaSkreechbeen owrking on it for about a year09:07
DaSkreechIt's kinda huge though09:07
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DaSkreechThough it's not realyl KDE specific09:10
DaSkreechI hope09:10
lnxKDEsomeone using KDE 4.0 svn?09:11
DaSkreechlnxKDE: You really need to be in #kde09:12
Riddellapachelogger: hi09:13
tomalnxKDE: that would surprise me09:13
apacheloggerRiddell: do you know the status quo of kopete packaging for dapper?09:14
DaSkreechThink he's gone09:14
DaSkreechapachelogger: Last I spoke to him on that he said that he wasn't doing it and no one had stepped up to offer 09:15
DaSkreechNot sure if that's changed09:15
Riddellapachelogger: freeflying and imbrandon were looking at it last09:16
apacheloggeronly problem is version imo09:16
DaSkreechRiddell: Do i have to have a Wiki page for the spec?09:16
DaSkreechdoes it matter if it's wiki.kubuntu or ubuntu.org?09:17
RiddellDaSkreech: they're the same wiki09:20
DaSkreechRight so just make a pagethen09:20
apacheloggerRiddell: could use "4:3.5.3+kopete0.12.0-0ubuntu1" as version?09:25
Riddellapachelogger: yes09:26
apacheloggerk, gonna do a try :)09:26
tomaanyone interested in beta testing rsibreak 0.7.0?09:41
jpatricktoma: Not Repetitive strain injury, (my only fear as guitarist)09:42
tomajpatrick: sorry?09:43
jpatrick[[RSI] ] 09:43
tomaright, its an app to prevent it09:44
Luretoma: yes09:45
tomaok, i'll package it09:45
apacheloggerRiddell: shall I put it in revu when I'm done?09:47
Riddellapachelogger: if you want, you should talk to freeflying and imbrandon to see what they've done09:49
apacheloggerimbrandon: ping09:49
DaSkreechI heard about it09:51
DaSkreechit bugs you to stop using the computer and get a life?09:51
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imbrandonapachelogger: pong09:52
apacheloggerimbrandon: could you upload your work on kopete 0.12 somewhere?09:52
apacheloggerI try to do a final package09:53
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-236-248.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
imbrandonalready have , and its merged with freeflying09:53
imbrandonone sec09:53
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-236-248.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Leaving"]
apacheloggerhi allee09:53
imbrandon^^ there ya go apachelogger 09:54
imbrandonthat has freeflying and my changes09:54
DaSkreechimbrandon: What changes are made?09:55
jpatrickimbrandon: 3.5.3_* isn't going to work, afaik09:55
apacheloggermaybe I can still add something ;-)09:55
imbrandonjpatrick: yea i know that was what freeflying already had i just rebuilt it for him fixing amd64 FTB09:55
imbrandonapachelogger: i'm gone for about 1 hour afk, ping me if you need something09:58
DaSkreechapachelogger: What changes need to be made?10:02
apacheloggereverything :P10:03
apacheloggerif we wanna publish it @ kubuntu.org10:03
DaSkreechRight. Is there a doc for what the packages must conform to?10:03
apacheloggersomewhere in the wiki10:04
apacheloggerhidden places ;-)10:04
DaSkreech ok10:04
apacheloggernoone ever knows all ;-)10:04
jpatrickDaSkreech: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/10:05
apacheloggerimbrandon: why disable jingles support?10:05
DaSkreechI'll get right on reading that and building an ark10:06
DaSkreechSee which gets done first10:06
DaSkreechThats a huge doc10:07
tomaLure, jpatrick: http://rsibeta.omat.nl/ toughly packaged for now10:11
Luretoma: downloading10:12
jpatricktoma: is that a native package?10:12
tomaLure, jpatrick: I would appreciate a test of the 'break at fixed time' option10:12
tomajpatrick: whats that?10:12
jpatricktoma: no .diff.gz10:13
tomaow, i can put it there, hang on10:13
jpatricknor a .orig.tar.gz10:13
jpatricktoma: rsibreak depends on kdelibs4c2a (>= 4:3.5.3); however10:14
Luretoma: what is "break at fixed time"?10:14
apacheloggereeeh, pbuilder to use :)10:14
tomajpatrick: named the orig wrongly, so no diff10:14
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tomajpatrick: as i said. roughly packages, i hope to convince allee for the final one10:15
tomaLure: it does not take into account the time you are idle10:17
alleetoma: np ;)10:17
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Luretoma: I like new shadded background, but notify window seems to be just black rectangle...10:26
Luretoma: and yes, moving mouse works during quite time...10:27
tomaLure: notify window black?10:27
tomaLure: what do you mean by that?10:27
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Luretoma: I have panel on top and when break happens, there is a cca 6x2.5cm rectangle below rsibreak icon - it looks like KNotify message window (in terms of size and position on screen)10:33
=== Lure will try to make screen snapshot next time
tomaLure: hmm, i fixed that earlier this evening, i thought10:34
tomaLure: is that with the new timer?10:34
toma(break at fixed times)10:34
Luretoma: yes10:35
tomaok, i see it10:36
Lurenow it was not black, but greyish... but snapshot did not work (break happened before I pressen New snapshot with delay)10:37
tomaLure: greyish with a small lighter grey box on the right?10:37
tomathink i see the bug10:38
Luretoma: I think so. I am sure that black one hade a small one in10:38
tomaoki, will fix that10:38
tomaok, fixed.10:40
DaSkreechUh oh10:47
DaSkreechCan I edit a spec?10:48
alleeDaSkreech: at the end is a comment section.  Use this10:49
DaSkreechUmm no I want to change the name of the Spec10:49
DaSkreech I thought it was my name10:49
tomaLure: anything else?10:50
Luretoma: no other side effects10:52
imbrandonapachelogger: [10:30]  <freeflying-g4> Hobbsee: jingle need special ortp, but dapper's is newer than it need, so I don't know how to solve this10:52
imbrandonapachelogger: so it got disabled10:52
tomaLure: ok, thanks10:52
DaSkreechGuess I'll just leave it as is10:52
imbrandonapachelogger: and the -fPIC CFLAG is for amd6410:52
apacheloggerknow what the awesomeness of Kubuntu is?10:53
Luretoma: if you will have any new version to test, just ping me....10:53
apacheloggerit just works :P10:53
apacheloggerimbrandon: k, gonna leave that flag10:53
tomaLure: will do, thnxs10:53
apacheloggerthough I think we don't need the whole rules10:53
apacheloggernot even 2 % of it10:53
apacheloggerok, maybe 2 ;-)10:53
apacheloggerreally, compiling kopete takes far too long10:54
imbrandonhahahah yea10:55
imbrandonapachelogger: once you have your built let me know and i'll rebuild mine with your sources for amd64 and let poeple test it10:55
DaSkreechapachelogger: DW disagrees it seems10:55
imbrandonlunchtime brb10:56
apacheloggerDaSkreech: DW?10:56
apacheloggertotally unimporatnt :P10:59
DaSkreechYeah hence the end of the URL :)10:59
DaSkreechWho did you think it was?10:59
=== DaSkreech is listening to "Rock The Casbah" by The Clash [amaroK]
=== kmon [n=javier@217.Red-80-25-51.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
apacheloggerno idea11:00
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DaSkreechAnyone in #kubuntu?11:28
Riddella couple hundred are11:28
DaSkreechAre those guys breaking !language?11:31
Riddellthey're offtopic if nothing else11:31
apacheloggerRiddell: to get xpm's packaged as well they just need to be in the debian dir, correct?11:33
Riddellthey need to be told where to go as well11:34
nixternalhello everyone!!!11:34
kmonI've just bought a plasma t-shirt ;)11:42
apacheloggerarrsome :D11:42
DaSkreechdoesn't it burn11:42
=== DaSkreech ducks.
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nixternalhahah DaSkreech11:48
=== nixternal puts that down as "quote of the day"
=== Riddell downloads http://dl.google.com/earth/GE4/GoogleEarthLinux.bin
=== DaSkreech points at World Wind
=== nixternal points at Riddell downloading GoogleEarthLinux and then points at DaSkreech pointing at World Wind, just so he could point and be an e.tard ;)
=== DaSkreech points out that pointing with a derefrence is rude
=== linuxmonkey says google earth runs great on kubuntu
Riddellhmm, display is quite broken for me12:01
=== neoncode [n=neoncode@unaffiliated/neoncode] has joined #kubuntu-devel

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