
sdolnacki mean, i like command line much better but12:03
Snakesdolnack: open a terminal and type "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"12:03
xenblendsomeone... anyone...?12:03
Stagexenblend: I'm using dapper on my laptop and there are multiple desktops possible.12:03
sdolnacki didnt' realize adept was unstable or anything12:03
sdolnacki just did12:03
sdolnackit's downloading12:03
chavoxenblend, no12:03
Snakexenblend: of course not, the applet just isnt there by defualt12:03
=== John-Z [n=lotek@phrank.aus.us.siteprotect.com] has joined #kubuntu
kyle__hey, i just insstalled a wireless card. any ideas on why it won't turn on?12:03
xenblendok thanks guys12:03
samulisdolnack, nothing as it is, but I had to dist-upgrade instead of update to get all the packages from kde 3.5.3 repos.12:03
=== leafw [n=LeafWind@] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems12:04
Stagekyle - is this a pci card?12:04
kyle__and yes. I did ndiswrapper and the hardware is present and then i modprobe ndiswrapper it12:04
Snakexenblend: just right click your kmenu, click add applet, then search and add desktop12:04
kyle__Stage: yes it is12:04
leafwthere is no longer a livecd iso? Or is the 'alternative' a live CD as well ?12:04
sdolnackw00t w00t!   SS2 is done, uh, "being purchased"!12:04
Snakekyle__: sudo ifup wlan012:04
=== Dinofly [n=dinofly@vbo91-1-82-238-217-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
sdolnacknow i'ts time to install this sucker12:04
StageI've made bad experiences with ndiswrapper - have you searched for some linux-drivers?12:04
chavoleafw, desktop is the live cd12:04
Snakeleafw: the desktop CD is the live cd, kubuntu is now installable and live on one disk12:04
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leafwchavo, Snake : ok, great. Thanks!12:05
=== geewee [n=gunnar@p54A066A1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
kyle__kyle@GeForce:~$ sudo ifup wlan012:05
kyle__Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0.12:05
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Stagekyle__: type iwconfig12:05
Stageis there a adapter with wlan-extensions available?12:05
Snakekyle__: follow stage12:05
StageI'm new in linux... :-)12:05
kyle__Stage: it says it is not present in iwconfig12:05
Stagethen ndiswrapper don't work, I think.12:05
Snakekyle__: you said you modprobed right?12:06
kyle__yes, I did12:06
Stagekyle__: goto console and type lspci12:06
Stageand look for your pci-wlan-card12:06
StageIt should appear here, right?12:07
kyle__Stage: shows doesn't show any lan card12:07
=== pingveno [n=aaron@c-24-20-239-199.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
StagePlease give me the exact name of your wlan-pci-card.12:08
eddyehi all, my problem is when i install ati drivers and type in terminal fglrxinfo or glrxinfo it shows me a different driver12:08
kyle__Stage: WL-138G12:08
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eddyedisplay: :0.0  screen: 012:08
eddyeOpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org12:08
eddyeOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect12:08
eddyeOpenGL version string: 1.2 (1.5 Mesa 6.4.1)12:08
StageI'm disabled this time because of the update from breezy to dapper.12:08
StageKonqueror doesn't work at the moment.12:09
SnakeStage: sudo apt-get install firefox :P12:09
StageSnake, after I've done the dist-upgrade, I'll install firefox.12:09
StageBut first of all let's make adept to do the upgrade.12:09
eddyehelp anyone?12:10
RogueJediXneight? nate?12:10
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
flothoreauputic: Thx that is useful! :) Is there a way to save like the system's state ? maybe the current list of installed pack. ? That way i could reverse to that point if i mess up the system by removeing something...12:10
kyle__Stage: mrv8k51                drivers present, hardware present                     when i type ndiswrapper -l12:10
thoreauputicflo: see dpkg --get-selections and dpkg --set-selections12:11
thoreauputicflo: and sudo apt-get install apt-howto && apt-howto12:11
pingvenoDoes Apple's mdnsresponder have any advantages over avahi?12:11
StageI think if iwconfig says there are no adapters with wireless extensions, then something with the drivers are wrong.12:11
StageTake a look if there are Linux-Drivers available for your pci-wlan-card.12:12
pingvenoI know about the whole copyright thing, I'm just trying to find out about an technical advantages.12:12
=== sambaldap_ [n=bi@F54c1.f.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #kubuntu
flothoreauputic: thanx a bunch!12:13
thoreauputicflo: no worries :) man dpkg is worth reading as well12:13
sdolnackbest way to mount an iso?12:13
kyle__Stage: i looked up and i was told to use 98 drivers with ndiswrapper. should i try removing it from ndiswrapper and just try it again?12:13
=== RawSewage [n=rawsewag@209-180-233-177.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Kubuntu
Stagewin 98 drivers?12:14
=== adam__ [n=adam@cpc2-warw5-0-0-cust389.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
RawSewagehow do you make it so multiple desktops dont have the same desktop12:14
StageMaybe you should try with the win 2000 drivers at least.12:14
RawSewageall of mine use the same icons and wallpaper12:14
sdolnacknvm i figger'd it out12:14
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
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Snakesdolnack: sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 iso.iso /folder/folder12:15
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=== RawSewage [n=rawsewag@209-180-233-177.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Kubuntu
Stagethe next version of kubuntu will be released in december?12:16
SnakeRawSewage: right click your desktop, go to properties, up top it will say "all desktops" set it to which desktop you want12:17
Snakeor something of that sort12:17
=== Snake is in gnome
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sdolnackmount point does not exist :-/12:17
sdolnackwuzzat about?!12:17
Snakesdolnack: make the mounpoint.12:17
kyle__Stage: still nothing, i did this in opensuse and my lan card worked fine, it won't even turn on through ubunto. i upgraded my computer got a new HD and decided to install kubunto instead..12:17
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Snakesdolnack: mkdir /folder/folder (I dont know where you want it)12:17
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StageI've to reboot after dist-upgrade.12:18
Snakesdolnack: or just mount it at /media/cdrom12:18
StageSee ya!12:18
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=== John-Z [n=lotek@phrank.aus.us.siteprotect.com] has joined #kubuntu
Snakesdolnack: do you hang around here alot? just out of curiosity12:19
ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems12:19
sdolnackSnake: I come in here to ask questions here an dthere12:19
sdolnacki woudlnt' say i hang out here12:19
SnakeJohn-Z: bookmark it!12:19
Snakesdolnack: ah, I just havn't seen you around at all ;)12:19
sdolnackoh.  I was worried you'd be like "yeah, taht's not cool being in here all the time"12:20
sdolnacki'm in here a bit12:20
=== farous [n=farous@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu
Snakesdolnack: nope im in here 24/7 :P12:20
=== Snake is a anti-social loser like that
xenblendis there a graphical UI for the command 'ps -A' in dapper like there was in breezy?12:21
SnakeI'm banned from #real_life12:21
=== andrzejsz smiles...
chavoxenblend, hit ctrl-esc12:21
=== Snake goes to see what ps -a is
xenblendit lists all services12:21
sdolnacksay Snake, you knwo what you can help me with??12:21
Snakesdolnack: whats that12:22
Snakexenblend: check out ksysguard12:22
sdolnackConfiguring LinEAK to use my multimedia buttons with amaroK, kmplayer, and whatever other media app is open12:22
sdolnack(mostly those 2 i think)12:22
Snakesdolnack: hahaha.ha.ha. good luck! I've NEVER got that to work right12:22
SnakeI gave up12:22
xenblendthanks ill try it12:23
andrzejszisn't there something called "hotkeys"? (new to ubuntu...)12:23
xenblendif i can ever get dapper to boot again... :(12:24
RogueJediXLinEAK, wut dat?12:24
DrNickRivierahow can i specify what version of gcc to use when running make for a certain program?12:24
ubotuPlease watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen.12:24
andrzejszi successfully get this to work with my nx9105 (HP CPQ)12:24
sdolnackIt makes my dell lappy's multimedia buttons work12:24
andrzejszon Mandriva, Fedora and Gentoo12:24
sdolnackSnake: sorry12:24
sdolnackhave you tried uhhhh12:24
ubotuthanks snake :)12:24
=== Bassetts [n=Bassetts@cpc4-mapp1-0-0-cust342.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
sdolnackwhat's the other thing i see the kiddies using w/ their media buttons12:24
Snakehax scripts!12:25
SnakeI press play and delete your hdd!! hahaha12:25
sdolnackever use kmilo?12:25
Snakeyou said your IP was "" right? :P12:25
Snakeoh man. I messed that IP up12:26
andrzejszsomebody hack him, please.12:26
andrzejszhis ip is
Snakeandrzejsz: ill press play and itll execute my h4x script and delete his HDD12:27
andrzejszoh, sambaldap has hacked you, snake?12:27
=== Snake hides
sdolnackSnake: what part of the world you from? timezone?12:27
Snakesdolnack: Ohio, USA, Eastern12:27
sdolnackeast coast (delaware/nj)12:28
=== metalhedd [n=andre@CPE001310ad6f29-CM001404b5ba98.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
SnakeFun stuff12:28
metalheddanyone using xgl/compiz w/  KDE? I have some really strage keyboard behaviour.12:28
ubotuI give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, John-Z12:28
ubotuJohn-Z: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:29
sdolnacki was in cleveland once.  it wws nice12:29
Snakesdolnack: thats where I live, about 20 mins from downtown12:29
SnakeJohn-Z: check this out:12:29
ubotuSuperKaramba is a KDE application that allows you to create interactive eye-candy on your desktop. Official site: http://netdragon.sourceforge.net SK Themes: http://kdelook.org12:29
ubotuDo they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, andrzejsz12:30
sdolnacksnake--ever seen a building w/ a giant mural of an electrical outlet on it?12:30
=== claydoh [n=clay@bb-66-63-100-239.gwi.net] has joined #kubuntu
sdolnackit ws outside of our hotel window and it was so intriguiing12:30
sdolnackand i never knew wwhat it was12:30
Snakesdolnack: hmmm not sure, we got a lot of strange art around here12:30
RawSewageOne thing that needs to be fixed in WAllet12:30
RawSewagewhen it appears, it needs to STAY ON TOP12:31
RawSewageIve had to change my password 3 times now12:31
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RawSewagebecause I typed my wallet password on IRC12:31
SnakeI HATE wallet12:31
SnakeHate it.12:31
SnakeBecause it gets in my way12:31
Snakeand I dont like all my passwords in one general area12:32
SnakeI keep them in my head12:32
RawSewageyou must have a good memory12:32
sdolnackSnake: how's the scene in clev? any good record stores or concert venues?12:32
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Snakesdolnack: PM me, were gonna get introuble for being so offtopic12:32
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Snakesdolnack: are you reciving my PMs?12:34
sdolnackyeah--have to register first12:34
Snakeah hehe12:34
Snake<3 the node12:34
metalheddanyone using xgl/compiz w/  KDE? I have some really strage keyboard behaviour.12:36
SnakeNot I said the cat12:36
John-Zsee #ubuntu-xgl12:36
John-ZI'm running xgl with kubuntu12:37
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metalheddJohn-Z:  are all of your keyboard shortcuts working as they should? the super keys are really wierd over here... they were fine in gnome but in KDE it doesn't recoognize Super just Super_L and Super_R so I tried Super_L and it acts as though its always being pressed (ie only the mousewheel alone will zoom my desktop ion and out)12:38
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=== Stage [n=thorsten@ACB27DA6.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu
StageMy USB-WLAN-Dongle is working.12:51
RawSewagetj9991, how many desktops do you  use12:51
=== Lunar_Raven [n=Lunar_Ra@71-37-12-193.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu
StageTomorrow I will get my printer working.12:51
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=== Snake__ is now known as Snake
xenblendcan someone tell me how to install 'slocate'???01:02
=== hyphenated [n=cgilmour@nzns1.eservglobal.co.nz] has joined #kubuntu
crimsun_xenblend: it should be installed by default as part of kubuntu-desktop01:03
crimsun_crimsun@garnish:~$ apt-cache rdepends slocate |grep kubuntu kubuntu-desktop01:03
hyphenatedhi guys. is it normal for kded to exec /sbin/route, /sbin/ifconfig and /sbin/iwconfig once per second? seems a bit excessive to me01:04
hyphenatedor should I be asking in #kde ?01:05
xenblendcrimsum: not to be rude, but i wouldnt be saying this if it was installed on my computer, thanks for playing tho01:05
neoncodein gimp is there any kind of mouse selection tool?01:05
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XyFeXneed some help with my usb drives...01:11
=== joe2 [n=chatzill@dslb-084-056-208-007.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
XyFeXin 5.10 they used to be recongnized and pop up on my desktop... but since i upgraded to dapper i dont get anything... im on an old ppc any ideas?01:11
=== james_xxx [n=james@c-24-7-251-85.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
james_xxxlinux question: i am trying to make TWO partitions on an external hard drive using Gparted, one formatted to FAT32 and the other to ext3.... it is taking a LONG LONG time to format the ext3 partition (it has been at it for 20 minutes now). is this something that will not work? or does it just take a while?01:14
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=== Snake__ is now known as Snake
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ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems01:23
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=== Raven301 [n=raven301@London-HSE-ppp3549135.sympatico.ca] has joined #Kubuntu
fatejudgerare the Kubuntu devels going to come up with some hack to get the KDE window decos working with XGL?01:26
fatejudgerat least in Edgy01:27
fatejudgersince I'm guessing that KDE 4 will be release after the freeze01:27
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james_xxxi hope gparted is doing something because this has been like 30 minutes now lol01:27
XyFeXproblem with usb storage drives.. in 5.10 they used to be recongnized and pop up on my desktop... but since i upgraded to dapper i dont get anything... im on an old ppc01:27
ruCan someone tell me how to install my webcam on my macbook pro01:27
ruDo I need "v4l" in my xorg.conf file?01:28
XyFeXany ideas?01:28
james_xxxXyFeX: the icons pop up on my screen in dapper01:28
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james_xxxXyFeX: it may be that you have your setting configured to not allow icons??01:29
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click_ok I have a question again and if anyone has any input please help01:30
click_I need a program that will stitch two halfs of a scan together01:30
james_xxxXyFeX: i am not a registered user so i cannot respond to private messages01:30
XyFeXdid u get what i said?01:31
XyFeXsry still kinda new to irc01:31
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james_xxxXyFeX: yes, i still wonder if it isn't a setting, but i am FAR from an expert on ubuntu or linux01:32
=== Search4Lancer_ [n=redphoen@c-68-80-88-216.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
click_if what isn't a setting?01:32
=== Mitja [n=Mitja@unaffiliated/mitja] has joined #kubuntu
MitjaAnyone had any troubles with the Dapper installer?01:32
click_mine went in fine01:33
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click_had problems with it running live though01:33
LjLdid something strange with my network settings i think, but other than that, fine01:33
haiderMitja: no prob. dude01:33
MitjaIt stops responding at 5th step01:33
LjLoh, i had some difficulty selecting "rome" from the time zone map, it kept on wanting to select "vatican city" ;)01:33
haiderother than katapult dosnt work01:33
MitjaAfter selecting to manually edit partitions01:34
click_does anyone know of a program to stitch photos or scans together01:34
LjLclick_: "ale", but it's slow. accurate, does lots of interesting things, but slow.01:34
MitjaDoes it always make a fake desktop and you have to click on Install icon?01:34
LjLMitja: uh... yeah. but, it's not fake...01:35
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LjLwhat do you mean with fake?01:35
MitjaIn the installation process.01:36
MitjaAnyway, can't figure out how to get around that error01:36
james_xxxok i partitioned my external drive... one partition is FAT32, and the other is ext3... now my computer does not recognize the ext3 partition. would anyone know why this would be?01:37
=== FurthuR [n=FurthuR@Toronto-HSE-ppp3882415.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu
theineHi, is there a way to have kwin ignore certain windows (i.e. superkaramba widgets) when doing its smart window placement?01:38
theinei.e. if I have an empty desktop and I launch konsole, i'd like it to be in the top-left corner, whether there's a widget or not01:38
LjLMitja: the desktop that you see there is simply the Live CD desktop. you can do all kind of things from there, including but not limited to clicking on the "Install" icon. you can type a document, edit a spreadsheet, install programs, and whatever01:38
=== John-Z [n=lotek@phrank.aus.us.siteprotect.com] has joined #kubuntu
MitjaLjL, ok, how do I make the installer actually work?01:38
FurthuRusb storage druves dont get automaticaly mounted... old ppc... any ideas (XyFeX changed names to FurthuR)01:38
LjLMitja: as for the problems partitioning, i would try hitting a command line and "sudo cfdisk /dev/hda", and see if that works. then i would "sudo fdisk /dev/hda" and see if anything is wrong with the partition table, but using fdisk is not specially easy01:39
=== GullyFoyle [n=Nam_Shub@c-71-235-79-251.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu []
LjLMitja: you could also try getting the "alternative" install cd, which comes with the old text-mode install. perhaps you'd have better luck with that01:40
MitjaLjL, even when I do that, will that make the installer proceed smoothly? I just installed Breezy whithout a hitch and partitioning went fine numerous times01:41
LjLMitja: i don't really know. the only problem that i can imagine is the partition table being wrong, but i certainly couldn't swear on it.01:41
LjLMitja: if you don't mind burning another cd, i would try the "alternative"01:42
MitjaLjL, thanks01:42
ubotuJohn-Z: Bugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:42
ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems01:42
Mitjaalthough there might be something wrong with the partition table, why didn't Breezy complain then?01:42
LjLdifferent partitioners01:43
sdolnackJohn-Z: still lookin at xgl?01:43
=== NeoChaosX [n=nael@adsl-71-141-20-218.dsl.snfc21.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu
fatejudgerit's very strange that Novell, being a KDE oriented company, would write a gnome window decorator instead of a KDE window decorator for XGL01:44
NeoChaosXwell, Compiz works with both GNOME and KDE01:44
fatejudgeryeah, but it's worthless since there's no KDE window decorator01:44
fatejudgerwho wants Gnome window decos anyway?01:44
NeoChaosXFolks who like GNOME's visual simplicity, I guess01:45
FurthuRcompiz looks sick!01:45
NeoChaosXBesides, Novell's encouraging Metacity and Kwin work with Xgl, rather than use Compiz as a replacement01:45
NeoChaosXCompiz is really just a demonstration more than anything01:46
=== winbond [n=winbond@c-68-81-149-14.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
fatejudgeryeah, but KDE has no plans to write a window decorator for KDE 3 that works with XGL01:46
fatejudgerthey're just going to release one for KDE 401:46
fatejudgerwhich, for the preview, is several months away01:46
FurthuRwell the whole 3d desktop thing has always been a great showpiece and tool for converting non *nix people01:46
fatejudgerwho knows how long it'll be until betas come out, let alone the final release01:47
FurthuRis there a date for KDE401:47
FurthuRestimate of some sort01:47
fatejudgerOctober 0601:47
fatejudgerfor the preview01:47
fatejudgernot the final01:47
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fatejudgerwho knows whether that will include Plasma or not01:48
fatejudgerit could just be all the QT 3 apps ported over to QT 401:48
fatejudgerrunning on a desktop that looks like KDE 3ish01:48
NeoChaosXYeah, of the KDE4 screenshots so far, I'm disappointed they're still using Kicker01:48
fatejudgerNeoChaosX: they aren't planning to01:48
FurthuRtheres screenshots?01:48
FurthuRgotta check that out01:49
fatejudgerNeoChaosX: at least for later releases01:49
NeoChaosXI know that01:49
FurthuRusb storage drives dont get automaticaly mounted... running an old ppc... any ideas?01:49
NeoChaosXI mean, it's disappointing that Plasma's not ready so they have to use Kicker01:49
fatejudgerNeoChaosX: Plasma is the one working on that, right?01:49
fatejudgerNeoChaosX: yeah01:49
fatejudgerNeoChaosX: the application devels are doing a great job porting though01:49
fatejudgerNeoChaosX: KOffice is making great progress, as is amarok01:49
fatejudgerNeoChaosX: Kopete is getting close, and the main applications like kate and whatnot have already been ported01:50
NeoChaosXHeck yeah. I've been following PlanetKDE, they're doing great with the apps01:50
FurthuRalthough kopete is nothing close to amsn01:50
fatejudgerit's just sad, they don't have near enough creative people and artists in the KDE project01:50
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fatejudgerwhich is why I think that Kopete's decision to include support for Adium styles01:51
fatejudgerand their plan to include a layer of support for OS X Dashboard widgets is great01:51
sdolnackhow do i unmount a file?01:52
NeoChaosXsdolnack: A file, or a filesystem01:52
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sdolnackan ISO01:52
sdolnacki mounted it OK01:53
sdolnacknow i just need to unmount it01:53
NeoChaosXWhat directory do you have it mounted to?01:53
winbondwhat do i need to apt-get to install flash player in the konquerer?01:53
NeoChaosXwinbond: flashplayer-nonfree01:53
sdolnackNeoChaosX: /mount/cdrom01:53
winbondNeoChaosX: ty01:53
NeoChaosXsdolnack: sudo umount /mount/cdrom01:54
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NeoChaosXer, wait winbond01:54
NeoChaosXit's actually flashplugin-nonfree01:54
winbondNeoChaosX: ok01:54
sdolnacki tried01:55
sdolnacksudo: unmount: command not found01:55
NeoChaosXit's umount01:55
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NeoChaosXnot unmount01:55
sdolnackhow silly!01:55
haidersdolnack: Tab completion! :)01:55
NeoChaosXYeah, it's kind of confusing as well01:55
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sdolnackhaider: what about it?01:55
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haidersdolnack: Use it! :) And you wont ever mispell! :)01:56
sdolnackhaider: ko01:56
ryanakcawhy is it that each time I go to the kubuntu wiki, in konq, I get an invalid certificate, do I want to proceed, do I want to store the certificate. I allwais pick "forever" instead of "this session only". However, it keeps on re-asking me... what can I do to fix this?01:57
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FurthuRlittle problem : My usb storage drives dont get automaticaly mounted... running on an old ppc01:59
FurthuRany ideas?01:59
FurthuRthey used to in 5.1001:59
FurthuRbut now i plug em in and nothing..01:59
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winbondNeoChaosX: which repo do i need enabled for the flashplugin?01:59
NeoChaosXwinbond: you need multiverse enabled02:00
roy__quick question...I did the upgrade from breezy to dapper, but after the upgrade my sound card no longer works.02:01
winbondNeoChaosX: k , ty02:01
NeoChaosXfurthur: install ivman02:01
roy__I know it's wired up correctly by booting into XP02:01
NeoChaosXyou're welcome winbond02:01
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roy__any ideas?02:01
stoftanyone know how to set the default view mode in konqueror? it keeps reverting to icons which is very annoying...02:04
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NeoChaosXstoft: you want to choose Settings > Save View Profile02:06
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RawSewagetj9991, Kubuntu ETA02:07
watergla1shi, i just made a small .avi film on my digital camera but the file is HUGE .. is there a program on kubuntu that will let me convert this to .divx format?02:07
tj9991who knows02:08
RawSewagedivx is avi02:08
RawSewagetry converting to mkv02:08
RawSewagemkv is to video what ogg is to mp302:08
RawSewagetj9991, only you can know.  you have the power02:09
stoftavi is a container no? could be either divx, xvid or something else I think. check out www.doom9.net, maybe they have tips for some progs to convert02:09
RawSewagedivx is avi02:09
RawSewagebut not all avi is divx02:09
RawSewagexvid is divx backwards02:09
RawSewageyou have ogm02:09
stoftyep, all film gets played in the wrong direction. of course, if it's a tarantino flick it doesn't much matter... :)02:10
RawSewagebookmark this page:  http://www.videohelp.com/02:12
watergla1sRawSewage: thanks.. that link is sweet!02:14
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fatejudgerwhen I click on a link with "irc://insertservernamehere" it tries to open Kopete instead of Konversation02:18
fatejudgeris there any way to change that?02:18
firephotofatejudger: probably change the app order in the file types setting of konq?02:19
fatejudgerfirephoto: it's not a file though02:19
fatejudgerfirephoto: it's a protocol02:19
firephotoyeah.. i see it's not easy to find in there.. but i bet it's there somewhere. lol  if not it's hard coded somehow.02:20
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fatejudgerfirephoto: it's not in that dialog, that's for file type associations02:21
firephotoit should show under the uri section..02:21
firephotobut I see there is nothing there for irc.02:21
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fatejudgerfirephoto: I could create it02:23
fatejudgerfirephoto: that doesn't seem to work though02:23
firephotofatejudger: i'll find an irc link here and try it.02:24
firephotoit went to konvi here02:25
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firephotodidn't go to the existing session though. tried to connect to freenode again.02:25
firephotoirc://irc.freenode.org/kubuntu  was what i tried02:26
firephotoi don't have any irc setup on my kopete though.02:26
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fatejudgerfirephoto: right, but it shouldn't even use Kopete, it should use Konversation02:27
fatejudgerfirephoto: my laptop doesn't have this problem either, which makes it all the weirder02:27
bulltitanis there any utility with gui to split a 2gb file into 700mb volumes02:27
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bulltitani don't really know command line options for rar02:28
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crimsun_there are several, rar and 7zip being among them02:29
firephotobulltitan: you might take a look at kdar02:29
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bulltitanok let me see that one02:30
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bulltitanwill it work in gnome?02:30
sdolnackdont tell me02:31
sdolnackdon't EVEN tell me02:31
sdolnackkubuntu can't play encrypted dvds02:31
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firephotoif you have kde it should.. not sure though. i haven't ever really used it but i recall looking at it and thinking i saw the option to break stuff at cd sized.. might google it first02:32
james_xxxhow does one register a nick for irc chat?02:32
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sdolnackjames_xxx: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg02:32
james_xxxsdolnack: ty02:32
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fatejudgersdolnack: libdvdcss202:34
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james_xxxhas anyone in here ever installed an OS to an external USB hard drive?02:36
psychiccyberfreayou need a compatable motherboard most new ones are02:37
james_xxxhow did it go?02:37
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james_xxxi am thinking of installing fedora core 5 to a USB drive....02:37
psychiccyberfreaIt was suposed to be used at school, but If I did I had to change around the BIOS settings and the admins would've been pissed02:38
psychiccyberfreawhoops excuse my language02:39
fatejudgerjames_xxx: lol, that must be one huge ass USB drive02:39
psychiccyberfrea5 gigs02:39
james_xxxfatejudger: how much room would i need to fedora?02:39
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psychiccyberfreathat's what I have on mine02:39
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psychiccyberfreaabout 2 depending on what packages you want02:40
fatejudgerjames_xxx: I don't use Fedora, so I wouldn't know exactly02:40
psychiccyberfreagigs anyway02:40
firephotofatejudger: look at /usr/share/services/konvirc.protocol and /usr/share/services/irc.protocol02:40
fatejudgerjames_xxx: but I know it's a hell of a lot bigger than Kubuntu02:40
tehutican someone post me a working ~/.kde/share/config/KWeatherServicerc02:40
fatejudgerfirephoto: k02:40
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james_xxxfatejudger: this is an ancient 45G hard drive (noisier than hell), but i would be flat out shocked if fedora could not be installed on an HD with less than 10G02:41
tehutiif anyone uses kweather02:41
faroustehuti: you need to put the name of your station manually02:41
faroussearch for it02:41
james_xxxtehuti: i would like to use kweather, but it is a piece of crap02:41
Snakerawr fedora!!02:41
firephotofatejudger: not sure what in konq decides which to use.. irc.proto is from kopete (or kde itself)02:41
tehutifarous it doesn't work02:41
farousi had it working for i know my station02:41
tehutionly way to get it working is to modify KWeatherServicerc02:42
tehutiI got it working in Breezy02:42
tehutibut I forget how I modded it exactly02:42
psychiccyberfreaAfter I upgraded to dapper ndiswrapper stopped working on my machine what do I do?02:42
james_xxxtehuti: for most people, kweather will not work02:42
fatejudgerfirephoto: weird, I'll change that part then02:42
tehutijames_xxx you just have to modify the config file manually02:42
farousis there a weather applet in karamba02:42
james_xxxfarous: yes02:43
tehutidoes anyone have a working kweather?02:43
farousi use gdesklets my self but thats a gnome thing02:43
fatejudgerfirephoto: I have a feeling this is going to require a KDE restart...02:43
james_xxxtehuti: but the number of 'stations' on kweather is very limited02:43
tehutijames_xxx it worked fine for my locale once I modded the config file manually02:44
sdolnackhas anyone used lineak or kmilo?02:44
faroustehuti: i agree its a kubuntu thing. i had mepis and worked perfectly02:44
faroustehuti: consider karamba02:44
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james_xxxtehuti: maybe you were lucky that there is a weather station in your local... i wish it just interfaced with weather.com or something02:45
tehutiwait, this might work: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=44624002:45
psychiccyberfrealiquidweather works great its for superkaramba02:45
james_xxxthe weather icon for the xfce4 panel in  xubuntu works great02:45
l_rkubuntu ia mostly perfect. i only have one complaint. there's no longer support for 3d acceleration for my matrox g40002:46
l_rit used to exist for x server < 7.002:46
sdolnackhas anyone used kmilo or lineak?02:46
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Carl_2i need to configure kubuntu to work with a usb internet connection02:50
Carl_2how can i do this?02:50
battledraI am having trouble w/ the xserver, kdm comes up fine, but when I try to log in, xserver restarts and kicks me back up to the login screen.02:50
battledrait also wan't let me go to a console unless I am in recovery mode02:51
psychiccyberfreanon plug-n-play device?02:53
psychiccyberfreaCarl_2: non plug-n-play device?02:53
Carl_2I am on a dell dimension 4100, its about 6-7 years old02:54
Carl_2i don't know if it is plug-n-play or not, how do i find out?02:54
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Carl_2i think it's probably not...02:55
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james_xxxCarl_2: are you using satellite?02:55
Chronihi I'm new to kubuntu , just want to know kubuntu supports binary install of packages like latest versions of xorg , kde, and if you can also compile from sources?02:55
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Carl_2a usb cable attached to a usb 1 port, and a dsl modem02:56
Kadrandoes any one know how to redirect the display?02:56
Kadranlike typing realplay on a tty and have it runinng in other tty?02:57
Carl_2ok...the dsl modem is plug-n-play02:59
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psychiccyberfreaCan anyone help me with my wireless problem?03:04
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psychiccyberfreaCan anyone help me with my wireless problem?03:14
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Hhhhhhello, I just downloaded the AMD64 kubuntu draper iso, burned it and I'm trying to install, but X won't start, it seems to have  problems dealing with my nvidia SLI setup. Any ideas?03:19
battledramanually edit xorg.conf :)03:19
HhhhhI thought about it, but I'm stilljuts trying to boot as liveDVD, so I can't03:20
Hhhhhlemme rephrase: I'm still just trying to boot it as liveDVD03:20
Hhhhhbut for some reason X won't start. I checked a few log files, and it seems that it detects one of my videocards, but not the other one03:21
battledraI don't think the nvidia driver is on the dvd, and not sure if the nv driver supports the sli03:21
Hhhhhit should at least start X03:21
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battledrawell, go to command line, type startx and what errors does it give you?03:21
battledramy x config was looking for a wacom tablet for some stupid reason03:21
m5mWhat's the simplest way of running an app everytime I log in?  (I want to run xlassie mail notifying applet in the panel)03:22
Hhhhhit says it's already started03:22
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Hhhhhyea, it's also looking for some wacom03:22
battledrado /etc/init.d/kdm stop or/etc/init.d/gdm stop03:22
battledraas root03:22
leafwis there any way to run emacs inside a terminal, instead of the independent window that it opens?03:22
aseigom5m: open konqi, under the Go menu there's 'Autostart', select it, then right click in the main area and select New -> Link to Application03:22
m5mleafw: yes there is... not remember the option atm03:22
m5maseigo: excellent thanks03:23
battledraleafw: i thought it defaulted to terminal and only went to new window on -w?03:23
leafwbattledra : it defaults to window, apparently03:23
battledraleafw: see if its alias'd in .bash_profile for emacs03:23
Hhhhhbattledra, I did kdm stop, then startx, and I can hear the welcome sound but the screen freezes before showing anything03:24
battledradoes it give any errors in the console?03:24
Hhhhhbattledra, it gives a bunch of stupid wacom errors03:24
battledrayah, go into the xorg.conf and remove the wacom crap03:24
Hhhhhi'll try that03:25
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battledramake sure you remove the references to the wacom devices too03:25
battledraanyone know how to make ubuntu not update your system clock to utc time?03:25
m5maseigo: the 'go' menu?  in Konqueror? I'm not seeing it03:25
leafwbattledra : no alias in ~/.bash_profile03:26
leafwbattledra : but 'emacs -nw' makes it.03:26
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leafwI have missed the point where emacs geeks have shifted to windowed displays ...03:27
battledrahrmm, must be aliased in another file then03:27
m5mleafw 'xemacs -nw'03:27
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m5mleafw: if you're using xemacs, I wasn't sure03:27
m5mi got that from xemacs --help, probably same tips in 'emacs --help' if you're running that variant03:28
leafwm5m : no, emacs (from the package)03:28
aseigom5m: open up konqueror. in the menu bar there is a menu: "Go"03:28
John-ZWould you think xgl would work slowly on a dell laptop and a radeon 9000 card?03:28
battledrawell, i'm out, gotta study03:28
leafwso much fuzz about Xgl. Can anyone give me a good reason as to why should one use it?03:29
m5maseigo: really?  On mine the menus are "Location, Edit, View, Bookmarks, Tools, Settings, & Help"03:29
m5maseigo that's Konqueror 3.5.2 on Dapper03:30
John-ZBecause it looks cool.03:31
leafwsomeone once said, all the computational power increase in the following century will be wasted (in GUIs, he didn't add)03:32
DrBairxgl will prove to be more important in the future03:32
Hhhhhhmm, guys, I'm having a problem with xorg.conf when trying to boot the Kubuntu Draper AMD64 liveDVD, it tries to open some wacom device and it also has problems recognizing my nvidia second videocard in SLI. I get no display. Any ideas?03:32
DrBairxgl in theory will be less load on the CPU than traditional X, and drivers should be much easier to write03:33
leafwDrBair: important for what. Does it add anything to ease of use, usability, features otherwise impossible?03:33
DrBairleafw: drivers are the biggest03:33
leafwDrBair: that is a good reason, to free the CPU03:33
leafwDrBair: but I thought X 7.* was aiming at that, with its new modularization?03:33
DrBairthe idea is that you don't need a driver that supports all the X stuff... only one that supports GL03:34
DrBairthats something that only XGL will deliver, but its a big step03:34
leafwthat is a powerful idea. To run Blender without the heavy load of X!03:35
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psychiccyberfreaCan anyone help me with my wireless problem?03:35
monsteranyone know where i can get kernel source for dapper?03:35
monsteri dont have inet access with my pc to aptget it03:36
leafwmonster: apt-get it from a different computer, with donwload only03:36
Mussorgskywhy doesn't ctrl+tab work to switch desktops?03:36
monsterleafw: i dont have another machine to do that with03:37
leafwMussorgsky : check that your control key is active (maybe some other key is being used for control)03:37
leafwmonster : you are chatting. You are online.03:37
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Mussorgskyctrl+page up and ctrl+page down work03:37
DrBairMussorgsky: doesn't do it here either... i don't believe its setup by default03:37
monsterwell if i ran a livecd on this machine i dont think i could burn the .deb for the laptop03:37
leafwMussorgsky : then check the shortcuts in System Settings / Accessibility.03:37
MussorgskyDrBair: yes, it seems so... in regular kde it works, but not in kubuntu03:38
leafwmonster: you could save the .deb in the local disk, or put it in a usb pen03:38
aseigom5m: hrm.. just go to /home/aseigo/.kde/Autostart/ in konqi then03:38
aseigoer... ~/.kde/Autostart/03:38
monsterleafw the local disk is ntfs? will that work you think?03:39
MussorgskyI'd never figure that configuration for keyboard shortcuts is in accessibility03:39
leafwmonster : I wouldn't try to write to an ntfs!03:39
monsteryeah :<03:39
monsterplus id have to download the livecd03:39
leafwusb pen then. What else.03:39
monsteri dont have one:<03:39
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DrBairleafw: monster: ntfs write hasn't been too bad lately assuming you're not doing too many new files03:40
leafwgo fetch it from your neighbor xD03:40
monsteri would assume i could manually search the repository for the deb file but i havent had success03:40
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Mussorgskyleafw: thanks, I found it, now it's configured the way I like it :)03:41
leafwMussorgsky : np03:41
MrObviousI want to add 3 simple commands to my startup. How can I do this?03:41
CaptainMorganhow do I view the local network ?03:42
MrObviousIt involves root permissions tho monster03:42
CaptainMorgannetwork folders doesn't seem to have it03:42
MrObviousI don't think .bashrc is enough.03:42
leafwMrObvious : the kde has an autorun feature ... or use standard unixy ways ( ~/.bashrc)03:42
DrBair*going to try s3 sleep on the desktop...03:42
MrObviousI need to have my network come up when I start up my computer.03:42
MrObviousI don't use KDE.03:42
leafwMrObvious : then for root stuff add it to the single-user run files under /etc (haven't looked at it in ages)03:42
monsterleafw: by chance could mirror the source for me? i have a http ajax upload you could use03:43
monsternot to put my problems on you, just cant find an easy way to get this03:43
leafwmonster : I could put it in a server for you.03:43
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MrObviousI have a Wireless BCM4318 that I have to do sudo iwconfig eth0 essid linksys then I need to do sudo dhclient when I first log in.03:43
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monsterthat would be more then awesome03:44
aseigoMrObvious: /etc/rc.local03:44
leafwmonster : which package name is it exactly ?03:44
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monsterapt-cache search kernel-source03:44
monsterkernel-source- 2.6.15-23-38603:44
monsterim thinking03:44
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leafwhum, ppc here xD03:45
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MrObviousOk I"ll try it.03:45
leafwI need to adjust the source.list03:45
monsteryour a life savor03:45
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monsterthis should allow me to compile ndiswrapper03:46
monsterand get the laptop online03:46
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CaptainMorgannobody knows?03:49
MrObviousKnows what?03:50
CaptainMorganhow do i access my local network? Network Folders doesn't seem to have it..03:50
leafwmonster : from ppc, dpkg and apt-get refuse to fetch the i386 version. Find it here http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/03:50
MrObviousSamba? NFS?03:50
leafwmonster : to compile ndiswrapper, you need the headers only, not the kernel sources.03:51
CaptainMorgangot Samba, but Samba doesn't see the local net either03:51
linux_galoresamba is the server you mean what client do you use ??03:52
CaptainMorganit's here somewhere, otherwise I wouldn't be on IRC...03:52
monsterleafw: i installed the headers03:52
CaptainMorgandunno, MrObvious said Samba... so I replied.. ok.. what client should I use?03:52
leafwmonster : then what's the problem?03:52
monsteri heard it required the hearders and the source03:52
monsteri paste error03:53
leafwmonster : proceed to compile the ndiswrapper03:53
MrObviousUsually you can use konqueror and type smb://ip.address if the other computer has samba set up03:53
CaptainMorganshouldn't be as simple as being in Network Folders?03:53
ubotuI heard samba is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SettingUpSamba or http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/samba2/book/toc.html03:53
ubotunfs is, like, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NFSClientHowTo and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NFSServerHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.03:53
MrObviousTry that03:53
leafwmonster : http://pastebin.com/03:53
linux_galoreCaptainMorgan: you use an application called smb4k as a client for samba on the kde desktop03:53
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monsterCan't find kernel buid files in /lib/modules/2.6.15-23-386/build03:53
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linux_galoreCaptainMorgan: smb4k works inside konqueror so you can browse the shares like in windows03:54
leafwmonster : navigate to that folder and see if it's there and what it contains03:54
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CaptainMorganis samba smb4k ?03:54
linux_galoreCaptainMorgan: no samba is a server smb4k is a client03:55
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monsterit doesnt have a build file/dir03:55
monsterit does have a kernel dir03:55
duanei have a question about this XGL/compiz howto http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=84507703:55
monsterdoesnt seem to be useful tho03:56
linux_galoreCaptainMorgan: good example is irc, you can have an irc server and people connect to it with a irc client application03:56
leafwmonster : the build I suspect is created when one compiles the kernel03:56
CaptainMorganI don't get it.. why do I need a client or server to view my local net? regular ubuntu didn't need this..03:56
leafwmonster : shouldn't be necessary03:56
ubotumethinks ndiswrapper is a way to support Windows wireless drivers, but it is buggy compared to native support. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper03:56
linux_galoreCaptainMorgan: lol same reason you dont run apache to browse the web03:56
duanethe first part of that howto seems to be trying to install your video driver. If my video driver is already installed should I just skip most of the steps that have you edit xorg.conf?03:56
leafwmonster : did you follow the instructions from this page?03:57
linux_galoreCaptainMorgan: apache is a server you use a browser to view pages on the apache server03:57
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monsterim gonna double check some things03:57
CaptainMorganbut my local net is not run on Samba, so cross out a client03:57
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linux_galoreCaptainMorgan: samba is "the" server smb4k is what you use to view the shares on samba03:57
ubotuWhat? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, CaptainMorgan03:58
ubotuBugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, CaptainMorgan03:58
linux_galoreCaptainMorgan: see the relationship  server/client both are different things03:58
leafwmonster : then revise the entire procedure. The instructions worked for me on setting up i386 laptops.03:58
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CaptainMorganI understand that.. I don't see why one ubuntu needs it and another doens't..03:58
monsteri didnt see this tutorial on without net access03:59
linux_galoreCaptainMorgan: ?? Ubuntu is gnome based it uses a different client03:59
monsterdope it installed03:59
leafwmonster : check section 3.1 for common errors03:59
linux_galoreCaptainMorgan: samba is optional on a client machine03:59
monstergot it installed03:59
monsterwith use the headers03:59
leafwmonster : so problem solved?03:59
CaptainMorganbut I need it to view my local net?03:59
CaptainMorganor only smb4k ?03:59
linux_galoreCaptainMorgan: sm4k does that03:59
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linux_galoreCaptainMorgan: you need a client to view your network its that simple04:00
monsteryes sir04:00
leafwmonster : good!04:00
monsterhopefully these drivers will work with ndiswrapper04:00
monsterpretty sure they will04:00
CaptainMorganwiki.ubuntu doesn't seem to have smb4k or sm4k.. link?04:00
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linux_galoreCaptainMorgan: google it04:04
monsterwhen i get to modprobe ndiswrapper04:05
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monstermodules isnt found04:06
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m5maseigo: I was able to add the app I wanted to ~/.kde/Autostart/ thanks for your time04:07
aseigom5m: np04:07
m5mWhat's the difference between cron and anacron and which do folks use?04:07
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linux_galoreCaptainMorgan: smb4k is in universe, so if you have setup universe in your package manager you can   sudo apt-get install smb4k04:08
CaptainMorgannow you tell me.. after Im half way done with NFS on wiki.ubuntu ;(04:09
linux_galorem5m: you use anacron if the system is powered down every day04:10
m5mI mean does anyone still prefer cron if anacron can delay jobs when the system isn't on?  I notice that by default both crontab and anacrontab have entries in them.  I thought anacron replaces cron04:10
linux_galorem5m: there pretty much the same other than that04:10
m5manacron can do everything cron does right linux_galore ?04:10
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m5mokies thank you04:11
linux_galorem5m: beware anacron isnt a full time daemon so you have to have a script setup to run it04:12
m5moh, that reminds me, does anyone ever use anacron to shutdown the system?  That's got to be possible right?  perhaps cron is what I want, in case it is powered down early...  I manage a bunch of machines (mostly kubuntu) in a classroom, and I sometimes forget to shut them down04:12
CaptainMorganlinux_galore: didt he sudo apt-get for smb4k and it was successful... but where is it now?04:12
linux_galoreCaptainMorgan: type smb4k04:13
m5mlinux_galore: Under kde's system settings it says anacron is set to run at boot04:13
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linux_galorem5m: so the startup script is done04:14
linux_galorem5m: its not a daemon though so it runs "once"04:15
naliothHobbsee: are you at your channel limit?04:15
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Hobbseenalioth: well, it gets hard to fit them along my screen04:16
linux_galorem5m: if the system is up for long periods just stick to cron04:16
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naliothmissing you in -offtopic, is why i was wondering04:16
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m5mlinux_galore: does it seem plausible to you to set shutdown -h now to run daily at 3:15 pm for my classroom?04:17
m5mlinux_galore: as a crontab entry?04:18
linux_galorem5m: yes thats pretty normal04:18
m5malthough I think shutdown requires sudo/root, I can probably change that in user/groups04:18
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m5mok, excellent04:18
linux_galorem5m: from memory theres a kde app called "kshutdown" that does the same thing04:19
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m5mtoo bad I can't set them to boot up at a given time04:19
m5moh, thanks04:19
linux_galorem5m: actually that can be done too, there are after market add on timers for PC's that cant startup and you use cron to shut it down04:20
CaptainMorganlinux_galore: where's smb4k installed to by default?04:20
linux_galoreCaptainMorgan: type whereis  smb4k04:20
CaptainMorganIve got it seeing the network.. but still unable to connect04:21
linux_galoreCaptainMorgan: you may have to configure it04:21
linux_galoresmb4k that is04:21
CaptainMorganunder Configure SMB4K, doesn't really have a whole lot of options... where exactly do I configure it?04:23
linux_galoreCaptainMorgan: nice howto oh setting up window/linux file sharing -> http://yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/LinuxTutorialMicrosoftWindowsNetworkIntegration.html04:23
Search4Lancer_Anyone have any idea how to get pics off a Sony Mavica via USB? Linux interperets it as a file, rather than a folder full of files, or whatever04:25
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linux_galoreCaptainMorgan: I suspect you may have a permissions problem the howto tell you how to fix that04:25
linux_galoreSearch4Lancer: I use digicam with my Sony cam works04:26
Search4Lancernow, I just need to fix those apt problems....04:27
ubotusomebody said mp3 was a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats04:28
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CaptainMorganI keep getting a damned error when trying to get the list of workgroup members...04:28
linux_galoreCaptainMorgan: past the error into  www.goog.com/linux04:29
linux_galoregoogle.com/linux   typo04:29
CaptainMorganuhm... "An error occurred while trying to get the list of workgroup members."04:30
CaptainMorgandoesn't say specificly04:30
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CaptainMorgannot even under Details04:30
linux_galoreCaptainMorgan: did you sudo chmod a+t /usr/bin/smbmnt04:30
CaptainMorganactually, it says under Details, Connection to Workgroup failed04:30
Search4LancerCaptain Morgan is my cat's name....04:32
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CaptainMorgancan you cat help me connect to a local net?04:34
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Search4Lancerwho, me? heavens no, I can't even solve my own problems, nonetheless anyone elses04:34
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linux_galoreCaptainMorgan: this page has the most common faults people have with smb4k and how to fix them -> http://cvs.berlios.de/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/*checkout*/smb4k/smb4k/FAQ?rev=HEAD&only_witd_tag=HEAD&content-type=text/plain04:35
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CaptainMorgandidn't see mine on there... close but not quite04:39
CaptainMorganthis sux04:39
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_robHow is everyone tonight?/04:41
CaptainMorganyou know how to connect to a local network?04:43
CaptainMorganor configure it?04:43
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nnn0hm is your workgroup name the same as it is on the network ?04:44
CaptainMorgansmb4k sees it but can't connect04:45
nnn0did you try to connect to a spesific share, not just view all shares04:45
_robhow do you find other channels on here?04:46
_robmy first time on here04:47
elijahlofgren_rob: Other Ubuntu channels, or all freenode channels?04:47
_robok ty\04:48
_robi don't know?04:48
_robI see the kubunto button below04:48
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_robHi all04:49
_robis anyone from Upstate ny here?04:49
CaptainMorgannnn0: yes - but it didn't connect04:51
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l33t_n00bis there anyway to change the color of the folders in konqueror?04:59
elijahlofgrenl33t_n00b: A different icon theme should do it.05:00
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l33t_n00belijahlofgren: do you know of any icon theme of the top of your head that does this?05:01
l33t_n00bthe generic theme does not right?05:02
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elijahlofgrenl33t_n00b: The default is blue, I'm not sure which other icon themes change folder colors.05:04
l33t_n00belijahlofgren: ok thanks05:04
elijahlofgrenl33t_n00b: Here's one that's pink/red folders: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=491405:05
winbonddoes ubuntu clone user files??    /media/sda2/home/user and /media/sda3,    i have /home on a different partition the /root and it eppears like its cloninf files in these 2 directories05:06
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_ubuntuwould anyone here happen to know the defeault root password for kubuntu?  i'm using the live cd and all I've seen is to use sudo -s.05:31
lengauBy default root is disabled, I believe05:32
_ubuntuOh alright.05:32
lengauyou're welcome.05:32
jiiyou can be root05:32
ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.05:32
_ubuntuthanks for the info05:33
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_ubuntuThis is a lot better than trying to get help in the Computer chatroom in aim.05:35
_ubuntuAIM is terrible with bots.05:36
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lengauSome IRC chatrooms have lots of bots too, but I agree. This chartoom is extremely well maintained.05:38
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Sc[_] ttevening all05:48
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Sc[_] ttjust installed 6.06 and wehn using adept to get packages, it's asking me to insert the cd labled 'kubuntu 6.06_dapper-drake...blah blah instead of just downloading the file and installing it like before... i'm blind and go digging through piles of documentation it would take forever, please let me know what to change to make it stop asking for the cd, or do i have to create another cd and change the label?  geez this has been a pain05:50
HobbseeSc[_] tt: type sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list05:50
Hobbseeand stick a # in front of the top line, which talks about the cd05:51
Hobbseethen hit ctrl+x, y, to save, and the next time you update, it wont ask for the cd05:51
winbond== system:/media/sda3 is my /home mount point, system:/media/sda2 is my / mount point  ,  i have /home/user in sda3 and sda2, it clones files in these 2 directories, how can i fix it?05:51
Sc[_] ttahh ok, so the cd is in the sources list now... ok great, i'll rem it out!  it wouldn't have taken me forever to figure that out, using speech and all, thanks Hobbsee, i knew it had to be something simple05:52
Sc[_] ttwouldn't=would05:52
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Sc[_] ttgeez every time i come in here, i always find someone willing to help... nothing like a lot of the other linux chans on the net, thanks05:53
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Sc[_] tthave a good night05:54
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HobbseeSc[_] tt: :)  i'ts still sunday in a fair few places05:54
Hobbseeyou usually getmore help on weekdays05:54
Hobbseewinbond: i'd imagine that has something do to with your fstab maybe?  i dont know05:54
Sc[_] tti usually pop in to watch or ask something about every day, usually someone helping ppl, is a nice change to see it working the way it should05:55
winbondhow can i install a .deb program?05:55
Sc[_] ttthanks again, night05:55
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Snakesdolnack: still in here eh?06:07
SnakeHeya Hobbsee06:08
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_sledge_good night everyone06:16
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JairunCalothis anyone else having problems with the dapper install CD? Specificly, when I choose to manually edit the partition tables, it crashes06:17
crimsun_JairunCaloth: the live cd, you mean?06:17
crimsun_JairunCaloth: (using the graphical installer)06:17
JairunCalothand yes06:17
crimsun_yes, that's a known issue.06:17
crimsun_200+ bug reports on it.06:18
JairunCalothheh, any sort of workaround for that right now?06:18
crimsun_use the alternate install CD06:18
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JairunCalothdo you have to boot into the liveCD to install from it?06:18
crimsun_(the alternate install CD is completely separate)06:19
JairunCalothso the alt CD is just an install cd06:19
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crimsun_JairunCaloth: it's a text-based install cd. It's not a live cd.06:19
JairunCalothI see, thanks for the help :)06:20
defryskits the "old school" cd06:20
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CaptainMorganwhat's the hotkeys for switching between terminals/shells on konsole?06:26
gobbefor example alt-f106:27
gobbeor if you mean kde's konsole then shift-arrow06:28
CaptainMorganyes.. shift-arrow thanks06:28
mobtekthats a huge bug in the installer, pity it wasn't caught sooner06:28
CaptainMorganhm... my installer was fine...06:29
crimsun_mobtek: time is always an issue.06:29
mobtekcrimsun_: heh06:30
sdolnackgood evenihg06:30
mobtekjust good for my wife's machine only has one hdd06:31
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CaptainMorganhow about a hotkey for Kopete - switching between contacts while talking? (tabs are at the bottom etc..06:34
Hobbseectrl+ it seems06:35
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HobbseeCaptainMorgan: ctrl+, or ctrl+.06:36
chavoalso for tabs ctrl-, and ctrl.06:36
chavooh your too quick06:36
=== Hobbsee checked in the window :)
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firephoto , . , . <--- heh06:36
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CaptainMorganctrl what?06:36
CaptainMorganjust ctrl?06:37
firephotocomma n period06:37
CaptainMorgancuz that don't work06:37
CaptainMorganoh shit06:37
defryskctrl what? doesnt do anything06:37
chavoit used to work in the konversation window too, but now it doesn't.06:37
CaptainMorganweird hotkeys I think.......06:37
firephotokonvi is alt+left/right i think06:37
chavoyou can change all of them, and you can use mouse gestures system wide too06:38
CaptainMorganyuck - konvi's hotkeys are not efficient...06:38
firephotomouse gesture isn't too handy for moving tabs on a text input type thing. ;)06:38
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chavono but it's cool for browsing06:39
firephotoseems easier here just to click the desired tab when browsing. heh06:39
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CaptainMorganwhat the heck is a mouse gesture?06:40
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firephotoctrl+shift+left/right moves tabs in konqueror for anyone that didn't know. (to add to the tab shortcut info)06:40
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CaptainMorganwhere can I make adjustments? Regional & accessiblity/input actions? having some trouble finding it...06:41
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chavono go to Keyboard SHortcuts for simple keybord stuff06:42
CaptainMorganomg... overlooked that one06:42
chavoinput actions is for the mouse gestures and more complicated things, like doing more than one thing with a key combo06:43
CaptainMorganId like to adjust hot's for konvi... that in shortcuts?06:43
chavoyou can use koni's settings too06:44
chavosettings -> Configure Shortcuts06:44
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CaptainMorganomg - who the hell said alt + left/right ?? I found it defaulted to alt (number) so alt-1 or alt-2 etc....06:46
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orient2000I am downloading website with a program HTTrack Website. Does anybody have any idea what I can find in these files? I am not a hacker but i find this program very interesting.07:00
sdolnackwhat files?07:01
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orient2000the entire website   all files07:02
nnn0can't you use wget to grab sites07:02
sdolnackyou mean using httrack?07:02
nnn0no using wget07:02
nnn0like wget -m url -nv -a ~/home.log07:02
sdolnackno i mean torient07:03
sdolnackorient2000: are you asking how to use httrack?07:03
sdolnackorient2000: or how to access the files you download?07:03
orient2000yes httrack  I have to find wget07:03
nnn0wget is standard07:03
sdolnackmm hmm07:03
nnn0you should have it allready07:03
nnn0just try: man wget07:03
orient2000I want access site to e-mail to one of nice girls:)07:04
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orient2000where can I find wget?07:06
sdolnackit's built in07:06
sdolnackit comes with linux07:06
orient2000I am in Kubuntu but do not see it.07:06
=== CaptainMorgan loves Linux
sdolnackorient2000:  you run it from the command line07:07
sdolnackopen Konsole07:08
sdolnacktype wget -m (the website's url) -nv -a ~/home.log07:08
orient2000wget -m url -nv -a ~/home.log but why home.log?07:09
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sdolnackno idea07:09
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orient2000OK I will try Thanks.07:09
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Kadranwhere is JAVA_HOME should point to?07:16
CaptainMorganwow.. Konvi's autoconnect to a number of channels is a beaut07:18
HobbseeCaptainMorgan: yep :)  and servers, if you wish07:19
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CaptainMorganwhat debuggers are available besides Xlst ?07:25
CaptainMorganI need my gdb... apt-get install gdb?07:25
aseigo`apt-cache search gdb` is your friend =)07:26
osiris_can someone help me07:27
osiris_dapper just wont install to the mbr07:27
osiris_its a dual boot box07:27
CaptainMorganaseigo: now what did that command do?07:27
CaptainMorganlist of repos debuggers?07:27
CaptainMorganI can stinall?07:27
aseigoCaptainMorgan: is searches the available packages07:27
osiris_it was dual booting fine with mandriva, and the boot drive is sata07:28
CaptainMorganso apt-cache search *application* works nicely i assume..07:28
aseigoor, you could also do sth like this:07:29
aseigoapt-cache search debugger | grep -v "\-dbg" | less07:29
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aseigowhich would search for "debugger" but exclude all the -dbg packages (which are specially built packages with debug info) and send them through a pager07:29
=== aseigo notes you could also use adept for this =)
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duanehey my screen isn't bright enough, how do I change it?07:32
CaptainMorgansettings/appearance and themes ?07:33
CaptainMorganor your hardware07:33
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duaneits already at its max setting07:33
CaptainMorganno - the adjustment is in 'settings/appearance and themes' or it's on your hardware - ie: buttons07:33
duaneCaptainMorgan: it is on my hardware07:34
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duanebut its already at its max setting07:34
duanebut its still not as bright as it is in windows07:34
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Togedo you know a pdf editor?07:42
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aseigoToge: as in "open an existing pdf and make changes to it" or as in "make a pdf from scratch"?07:47
BluDog_Anchoritehasanyone here installed kubuntu on a sata drive07:47
=== aseigo has
aseigomy laptop has a sata drive, if that counts07:47
BluDog_Anchoritewhy wont it write to the mbr07:48
Togeaseigo make changes07:48
=== aseigo shrugs
BluDog_Anchoritegrub and lilo both refure to get their asses in line07:48
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aseigoToge: hm.. not really.. kword will open a pdf file and then you can edit it and print to pdf again ... but nothing extraodinarily elegant that i know of.07:49
Togekword = koffice?07:49
aseigoToge: yes07:50
Togeinstalling koffice07:50
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m5manyone aware of a gradebook program for teachers?07:53
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defryskotherwise try openoffice08:00
aseigom5m: hm.. what do you need it do exactly>08:03
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Lunar_Ravencould anyone paste me their kdmrc file at pastebin, please?08:21
Lunar_RavenI seemed to have screwed mine up to no repaire08:22
mobtekwhat happens when you reinstall kdm?08:22
Lunar_Ravenohh good point08:22
Lunar_Raveni could try that08:22
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smykehi, i messed up mz upgrade to dapper. mz networkcard xircom in thinkpad is not recognized, anz hints how to solve?08:29
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smykemy, any08:29
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smykesorry for my typing, but this machine has qwerty lazout which I am not used too08:30
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exceswaterhi all08:36
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r0xzi am looking for a cms or blog system for people that aren't that good with working with computers in general. What is a recommended system to supply?08:37
yoshur0xz: ssh and vi :)08:37
yoshur0xz: I too would like such a system08:38
GazzaKr0xz: is this for a personal website?08:38
yoshuor would like to tell people about it08:38
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r0xzGazzak: yes, it's for my parents, they want some information in it with some media08:40
GazzaKyoshu & r0xz - tried looking at websitebaker - http://www.websitebaker.org  I use it for my personal website and it works great - it is simple enough, and dead easy to use.08:40
r0xzok, will look at it08:40
GazzaKhave a look at www.kearley.net - thats my site and yes it looks simple, but that suits me08:40
smykedoes anyone have an idea how to get my xircom nic recognized ?08:41
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yoshuGazzaK thnkx, what's the swf test? :)08:41
GazzaKtry it, it is a test screen capture recording08:42
yoshueh.. not big on flash08:43
GazzaKI was testing a way to record the screen, including the mouse movements etc, and that did it quite well08:43
GazzaKgot to have a flash player installed though yoshu08:43
yoshuyeah, I prefer not to08:44
Kadranhi i have an applet that work in kde and doesn't work in xfc any help?08:44
Kadrani want it to work in xfc as kde08:44
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RawSewageI figured out a way to make your computer 100% safe from hackers08:49
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duanehey i have a folder that I want to make  "shortcut" to like in windows. How do I do that in kde?08:50
GazzaKRawSewage: does it involve cutting a little black cable going to the phone line? :)08:51
GazzaKduane: right click desktop, create new, link to location (URL)08:51
GazzaKRawSewage: that works very well, but is a little defeatest08:52
RawSewageno, it's very empowering08:52
GazzaKmaybe, but kinda pointless08:52
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RawSewagenot if you have to get things done and cant be distracted08:54
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lowtechthat's just sad08:56
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GazzaKand paranoid08:59
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Lunar_Ravenoi that didnt fix it.  Could someone please paste me the kdmrc file :P09:07
Lunar_Ravenkubuntu dapper09:07
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MosiDoes anyone know how i can get Rhythmbox to play MP3s?09:08
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ubotump3 is probably a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats09:09
GazzaKmosi - see that link :)09:09
ubotuLunar_Raven: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:09
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RawSewagedo you mean kderc09:10
ubotuRawSewage: My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:10
RawSewageguess not09:10
Lunar_Ravenno, it's under /etc/kde3/kdm/kdrc09:10
Lunar_Raveni accidently messed it up while trying to figure out xgl09:11
RawSewageoh, I messed around with that too, so mine is probably messed up09:11
RawSewageI gave up09:11
Lunar_RavenI got xgl working for the most part, but it was rather buggy09:11
Lunar_Ravenand took up too much memory09:11
Lunar_Ravenand then killed my kdm randomly09:12
defrysksudo apt-get remove kdm --purge ; sudo apt-get install kdm09:13
defrysktry that09:13
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Lunar_RavenI did try removing/installing09:15
Lunar_Ravenwhat does purge do?09:15
defryskLunar_Raven, removes the configiles also09:16
defryskjust do as I said ;009:16
nikI would like to know how to remove this colorful kdm theme from kbuntu - I want just a plain kdm...09:16
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defrysk$#%^ keyboard09:16
linux_galorenik: www.kde-look.org  you can change the kdm theme in kcontrol09:17
defrysknik, systemsettings > kde thememanager09:17
Lunar_Ravenhaha yessir09:17
Lunar_RavenI will in a moment09:17
defryskkdm thememanager that is ;p09:17
nixternalthat is of course if he has kdm-thememanager installed09:17
Lunar_Ravenfinishing homework that I dont want to do09:17
defrysknik, als sudo apt-get install kde-kdm-themes09:18
defryskand kdmtheme if you dont have it that is09:19
nikI've installed kdetheme already, thx09:21
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nikbtw, kcontrol == system settings - just look is different?09:21
apokryphosnik: more or less, yes.09:21
defrysknik, look is different09:21
nikok :)09:22
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defryskkcontrol is more like gnome style I think09:23
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defrysknot kcontrol , ksystemsettings i mean09:23
defryskman its hot here :s09:24
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nikso...installed kde-kdm-themes, but there is only one theme listed in the kdm theme manager09:27
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mobtekok kubuntu live cd installer, kudos, bloody excellent work09:43
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lowtechi found the install of kubuntu a bit odd when creating partitions. A person wants to create partitions not a partition table as it said.09:46
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lkQ: 1st use Kubuntu Dapper09:49
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lkQ: how to add "VierMode" button in Konqueror's Toolbar ?09:49
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captainbrailleI removed a few items from my K menu that were in the Wine group, and now when I install anything on my computer it doesn't show up in my K menu. Does anyone have any suggestions to how I would fix that?09:57
chavocaptainbraille, you can remove or rename ~/.config/menus/applications-kmenuedit.menu09:59
chavothat will set it back to default09:59
captainbraillechavo, thanks a lot! I'll check that out right now10:00
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insanekanehi ... does anyone face the video corruption bug in installer ?10:07
mobtekhmm whats the default root password after the install?10:09
robno root, use sudo10:09
ubotu[sudo]  a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.10:09
mobtekahh ok10:09
robwhen it asks for your password, thats the password for your normal user account10:10
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RawSewagehow do I fix my Konqueror so the default isnt Huge Icons10:16
RawSewageIm using the default Konq settings, not the Kubuntu settings10:16
chavoRawSewage, if you zoom down it should remember the size10:17
RawSewageit does for each folder10:17
RawSewagebut when I open an unlearned folder, I have to spend 10 seconds shrinking the icons10:17
chavoRawSewage, go to Apperance and themes, icons, adavnced tab10:17
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chavoman I still can't type10:17
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RawSewageDesktop/File manager?10:19
RawSewagestill not working10:20
RawSewagemaybe I need to restart10:21
chavothat's wierd mine uses the same size for each directory, if I zoom in it zooms everyone10:21
RawSewageoh, Im not using Kubuntu default KDE10:21
RawSewageI mean Konq10:21
RawSewageKubuntu removes many Konqueror options10:21
RawSewageI restored them10:21
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insanekaneI dont understand how sudo is better for securty10:22
apokryphosinsanekane: that's not its main advantage. The security model is essentially the same in both, so they're both subject to the same security flaws in that regard (more-or-less).10:23
apokryphossudo is still the superior model though, because of the options it provides10:23
Mosiinsanekane: security in that case refers to the secure-against-stupid-mistakes aspect :) we all make them every now and then10:24
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chavoonce you get used to it it's really easier too, just takes a while10:24
chavoif you come from a long history of usin su10:25
scheurihi all10:25
insanekanewell, i use sudo a lot ... just dont get it :)10:25
apokryphoswhat don't you get?10:26
insanekaneapokryphos: you said, that isn't its main advantage ... what *is* its main advantage ?10:28
smykeit prevents you from staying logged in as root10:29
apokryphosinsanekane: not much of a difference on a single-user distro (apart from vaguely suggesting some good policies). Clear examples of where it triumphs is a more traditional mainframe organisation10:29
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noiesmoyes but if the user has a weak password then they can be comprimised to if thae user is a sudoer10:29
apokryphosinsanekane: with sudo you can grant a given user (or a given group) power to run a given app with given priviledges10:30
smykeisn#t this a topic for #kubuntu-offtopic?10:30
apokryphossmyke: no10:30
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apokryphosinsanekane: for example, in the mainframe organisation you have two elite sys admins, and say 10 operators, and some n users10:31
insanekaneapokryphos: so, why is it in kubuntu ?10:31
apokryphosyou don't want the mortal operators mucking up the whole network, but you'll want to give them access over other things. You get the idea.10:31
apokryphosinsanekane: because it's hands-down the superior model.10:31
chavoyou can grant permissions on a per application basis10:32
insanekaneapokryphos: :)10:32
chavoor give to all people in a group10:32
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firepolHi, I added the bookmarks applet in my taskbar. When I click a link, konqueror opens it in a new tab, but the window stays in background. How can I configure it so that the window will become to the foreground when I load a new link?10:36
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r0xzGazzK: thanks again..., i think this websitebaker is a really good tool :)  (i will try www.s9y.org too tomorrow)10:44
r0xzGazzaK: thanks again..., i think this websitebaker is a really good tool :)  (i will try www.s9y.org too tomorrow)10:45
MosiAnyone know how to extract intact files from an incomplete .rar?10:45
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heinkel_111can someone please give me a clue: what is the equivalent of tracert (windows) in linux?10:50
noiesmoheinkel_111, traceroute10:52
GazzaKcool r0xz glad to be of service10:52
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morrowheinkel_111: you can also use tracepath10:56
morrowwhich is included in the default install10:56
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heinkel_111morrow..thank you11:02
heinkel_111noiesmo: you too ;)11:03
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heinkel_111but i don't have traceroute..do I need to install it separately?11:03
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chavoheinkel_111, yes it's not there by default11:04
heinkel_111ok, thank you11:04
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MetaMorfoziSAnybody please help me! My tty is very nasty: http://metamorfozis.hu/p/tty.jpg i dunno why, i have driver, and direct rendering enabled, this is an s3 unichrome videocard, in a notebook [amd 2000 with 256ram] 11:24
MetaMorfoziSho can i fix this?11:24
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linux_galoreMetaMorfoziS: need to boot into safe mode and redo your settings11:37
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kimeci guys,I'm running kubuntu dapper drake 6.06 RC and have samba(3.0.22) set to "share" level but no body can access shared folders on my computer. I found "smb signing is incompatible with share level security !" message in /var/log/samba/log.xx files. Any advice?11:45
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noiesmo!tell noiesmo about xgl11:59
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exceswateri have a question about kubuntu ... can some1 help me ?12:02
nikjust ask...12:02
exceswateri just installed kubuntu... i am new to linux12:02
exceswateri see that i have amarok... for music play12:02
exceswaterbut when i hit "play"12:03
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exceswaternothing happens12:03
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exceswaterit seems like a cursor is speeding... but nothing plays12:03
exceswaterwhy ?12:03
chavoteall exceswater about restrictedformats12:03
chavotell exceswater about restrictedformats12:03
exceswaterbut it's an mp312:03
uboturumour has it, mp3 is a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats12:04
exceswater!tell exceswater about restrictedformats12:04
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noiesmoexceswater, http://amarok.kde.org/amarokwiki/index.php/MP3_on_Kubuntu_6.0612:04
exceswaterthanks guys :D12:04
exceswaterhope i manage this :D12:04
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shawn__i have a multimedia keyboard i mapped the keys in a "wirelesskeyboard" file and i use "xmodmap ~/wirelesskeyboard" every time i log in. is there a way i can have this done automatically?12:07
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noiesmoRede-, put the file in /home/username/.kde/Autostart and make it excecuatable12:09
Rede-it will automatically know to run it with xmodmap?12:10
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noiesmoRede-, what every you are typing every time you want to change the keyboard maping is what should be in the executable file12:11
MetaMorfoziSis there any howto to speed up kubuntu?12:12
MetaMorfoziSlike disable services and etc..12:12
defryskbest howto is a roadmap to your local computerstore12:12
MetaMorfoziShehe, or if i put to a plaint my laptop:D it's fast..12:13
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defryskMetaMorfoziS, and if you would like to speed kde up get the latest kde its much snapier12:13
MetaMorfoziSQt: 3.3.612:13
MetaMorfoziSKDE: 3.5.212:13
MetaMorfoziSkde-config: 1.012:13
MetaMorfoziSis it the latest?12:13
defrysk3.5.3 is the lates12:13
MetaMorfoziSyehheheyy! and where can i get it?12:13
noiesmoMetaMorfoziS, or try xfce desktop12:14
MetaMorfoziSno, xfce is unsimpatic because it's gtk..12:14
MetaMorfoziSand gnome panels...12:14
defryskxfce = not kde noiesmo12:14
MetaMorfoziSi'm comforted in kicker and kde...12:14
=== defrysk likes 3.5.3
noiesmodefrysk, yes I know it is just xfce is faster that kde but I love my kde just saying is all :)12:15
defryskswitched from gnome to kde 3.5.3 actually12:15
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MetaMorfoziSi always loved kde, i'm kde fan:D12:15
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defryskused gnome for 3 yrs12:15
defryskand switched back to kde12:15
=== MetaMorfoziS use linux for 4 months
MetaMorfoziS^^ with 2days of gnome12:15
MetaMorfoziSand all other with kde:D12:15
=== defrysk uses linux for 7 yrs now I think
=== chavo used tvwm back in 98
chavoand still a noob12:16
MetaMorfoziSat home i tryed all, xfce blackbox fluxbox gnome kde...12:16
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MetaMorfoziSbut kde is the best.)12:16
defryskwell 3.5.3 is the first kde I "like" since gnome 2* came out12:16
mundialwhich is easier ghome or kde?12:17
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defryskmundial, depends on your habits12:17
defryskgnome is easyer to use12:17
defryskkde is more versatile but also more bloat12:17
MetaMorfoziSi thin kde, in kcontrol...12:18
defryskbut 3.5.3 seems to handle that quite easyly12:18
MetaMorfoziSyou can set all things you need, i don'T understand why ubuntu guy's maked own kde "system settings" <- it's crap12:18
quiqueeverything in kde is more integrated that in gnome12:18
defryskMetaMorfoziS, nothing wrong with it I think12:19
defryskquique, dont agree12:19
MetaMorfoziSand in kde with kio blabla can open from ftp12:19
MetaMorfoziSif for ex in quanta you type ftp://usr@host.dom it lists that server, you can simply open and save12:19
MetaMorfoziSthe gnome's filemanager can't do this...12:20
defryskMetaMorfoziS, yes it can12:20
MetaMorfoziS[or i can't do it  under gnome anyway] 12:20
chavognome vfs can do that12:20
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=== MetaMorfoziS upgrading to 3.5.3! youhuhu
defryskMetaMorfoziS, dont underesimate gnome ;)12:21
chavoit's not as cool or easy to use as kio slaves, but it works12:21
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MetaMorfoziSi fully respect to all wm12:21
MetaMorfoziSi wonder how many work in thats12:22
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MetaMorfoziSand how many good better support channel/forum... i wonder about this world... thats why i use linux:)12:22
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MetaMorfoziSwhere can i find the changelog abotu 3.5.3?12:23
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MetaMorfoziSis somewhere a query or test how many users have use kde or gnome ?12:27
defryskon average most people use kde12:27
MetaMorfoziSand how many ubuntu user in the word12:27
MetaMorfoziSand how many linux users...12:27
MetaMorfoziSi need statistics:D12:28
defryskin ubuntu most use gnome i think12:28
Bazzion average most use kde?12:28
MetaMorfoziSyes it's based on gnome...12:28
MetaMorfoziSkubuntu and xubuntu is secodnary...12:28
nico8481#ubuntu: 848 nicks / #kubuntu: 225 nicks12:28
defryskBazzi, most of the linux users that is , not talking about ubuntu12:28
farousdefrysk: most of the users perhaps you know ;)12:29
Bazzidefrysk: how do you come to that conclusion? most distris I see support gnome first12:29
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defryskfarous, on most polls you see a majority using kde12:29
farousfor fedora is based on gnome bu default too12:29
MetaMorfoziSbut why?12:29
MetaMorfoziSit's older?12:29
MetaMorfoziSor it's better!?12:29
farousdefrysk: frankly depend where you are. us many perfer gnome. euor many prefer kde12:30
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nico8481and yes kde is older12:30
farousbut MetaMorfoziS you need to search for correct stats12:30
defryskfarous, possibly no biggie12:30
MetaMorfoziSkde is older? hm12:31
farousdefrysk: cheers friend :)12:31
defryskkde is older I think12:31
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nico8481they started gnome because the kde libs were non-free (they are free now)12:31
=== defrysk even has had a kde1x desktop
defryskon some old suse box12:32
nico8481well, the toolkit or whatever it's called :)12:32
MetaMorfoziSbut qt is not free for industrial using so it1s non-free12:32
farousqt libs?12:32
defrysktrolltech is the company gnome people are not too happy with12:32
defryskqt has 2 licences afaIk12:33
defryskone for commercial use and one for free use (and also open)12:33
exceswaterthe noob is back12:34
defryskgtk2 is open and free12:34
exceswaterabout that problem with amarok :d12:34
MetaMorfoziSi found a little newS:http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/KDE_v_Gnome_history12:34
exceswateri cannot make it work12:34
defryskexceswater, did you get the xinecodecs ?12:34
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exceswaterdefrysk:  nope mate :D12:34
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exceswateri looked in adept12:34
defryskexceswater, then it wont work pal :D12:34
exceswateri understand this12:35
exceswaterit's about the codecs12:35
exceswaterbut i looked on amarok home page12:35
exceswateri looked in adept12:35
defryskexceswater, did you add the repos ? (universe multiverse )12:35
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.12:35
defryskexceswater, read ubotu 's message12:36
exceswaterthe problem is that :12:36
exceswateri look there12:36
exceswateri understand what i have to do...12:36
exceswateri am NOOB not stupid :D12:36
exceswaterbut there are only 2 lines with universe12:36
exceswaterthey are not restricted12:36
defryskexceswater, unN00B yourself ;p12:37
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defrysklater folks12:37
becsterhmm how do I get kde to upgrade to 3.5.3, I've already put the mirrorservice repository in adept12:37
becsterbut if I request an upgrade I either get a remove or a break12:37
exceswaterand 2 with something like... dapper - backports main restricted universe12:37
farouscare defrysk12:37
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exceswaterthanks defrysk12:37
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farousexceswater: write the repos witheout the backports part12:38
farousi was wondering why most people have this problem can you tell me which page you followed12:38
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farous!tell exceswater about easysource12:38
farousexceswater: that is an excellent place for repos12:39
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MetaMorfoziSmy own experience shows that most new comers to linux who started with gnome all switch to KDE as soon as i show it to them. and they hardly look back."12:42
Healotthere is nothing wrong with both desktop environment12:43
farouslol in my case it is the other way round12:43
farousbut depends on what you feel comfrotable with12:43
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exceswateryou speak in an alien language for me12:44
Healotkfjsd kdslsdf12:44
exceswateri am self learner in linux :D12:44
exceswaterand i am really noob12:44
farousexceswater: ok lol tell me what you want to do12:44
exceswateri don't even know how to reg here :D12:44
exceswaterbut that is minor problem12:45
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration12:45
exceswaterhehe noob me12:45
exceswateri just installed kubuntu12:45
farousexceswater: i was a user just like you12:45
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exceswateri see that i have a player :D - amarok ... juk... and kaffeine12:46
exceswatersomething like that12:46
farousnow i had to learn to tweak the sys. but i prefer to be a user than spend my time configuring :)12:46
exceswateri have an mp312:46
exceswaterand i cannot play it12:46
exceswaterwhen i hit play in amarok12:46
ubotump3 is, like, totally, a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats12:46
exceswateri looked there12:46
farousexceswater: check this for all your beginner needs help.ubuntu.com12:47
exceswaterit says something about adept / manage repositories12:47
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exceswaterbut it seems like it's not working... or i am plain stupid12:47
exceswateri dunno how to put a printscreen of that window ...12:47
exceswaterto see if i did right12:47
farousexceswater: edit your /etc/apt/sources.list file12:47
exceswaterthis is really funny12:48
faroussudo kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list12:48
exceswaterthis is my third hour of linux12:48
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cristianohello people. my kicker has disappeared and i dunno how to make it appear again :(12:50
exceswaterwhere i paste the text from there12:51
farousexceswater: waiting for you to open the file12:51
exceswaterto see what i've donw12:51
cristianoanybody with clues for me?!? :(12:51
exceswateri have opened the file12:51
farousexceswater: now follow ubotu link12:52
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic12:52
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cristianohow is possible that the kde kicker disappeared?!?12:53
ubotucristiano: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:53
farousexceswater: now use it to generate the source file and repalce the one you have opened12:53
farousexceswater: dapper is the release and add universe and multiverse12:54
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=== mth`MAW__ ist wieder da!.
=== mth`MAW__ Ist mal weg: Away at the moment
=== mth`MAW__ ist wieder da!.
cristianogrrrrr i'm getting nervous on this kicker disappeared!!!12:55
=== kimec [n=kimec@adsl-d10.87-197-144.telecom.sk] has joined #kubuntu
Healotkick it,,,12:56
cristianoi tried but i dunno the process ID12:56
farousexceswater: how is it going12:56
chavocristiano, is it running?12:57
cristianoyep it looks so but i can't see it12:57
kimechi guys can anybody help me with samba(on dapper drake 6.06 RC)12:57
chavotry - dcop kicker kicker restart12:57
cristianochavo: if i try running another kicker, it says that it is already running12:58
cristianochavo: ok i try12:58
MetaMorfoziSkillall kicker?12:58
MetaMorfoziSand kicker &?12:58
cristianochavo: it worked thx!!!12:58
defryskexceswater, free kick12:58
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cristianoMetaMorfoziS: they didn't work, only chavo method worked here, very strange12:59
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MetaMorfoziSsudo killall kicker <- it's work:)12:59
farousexceswater: still there?12:59
cristianoMetaMorfoziS: i've tried that and i dunno but it didn't work...it's quite strange. chavo method was good instead01:00
cristianoMetaMorfoziS: thx however for ur help :)01:01
MetaMorfoziSnot at all:)01:01
cristianou've tried to help me even if it didn't work, that's the "lol" stand for ;)01:03
MetaMorfoziSi'm hungarian, and i'm don't understand you fully at this time, but if it work, we are all  happy:D01:03
becsterhmmm I'm using this http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/3.5.3/kubuntu in adept and whenever I try to upgrade kde I get breakages..anyone know how I upgrade kde to 3.5.3 using adept?01:04
kimecI there anybody who can help me setup samba correctly?01:04
cristianoMetaMorfoziS: ahhhhhhhhhh! ok "lol" stands for "laughing out loud" :D01:04
MetaMorfoziSbecster: i recomend to you , use synaptic01:04
becsterinstead of adept?01:04
MetaMorfoziScristiano: i knwo what is lol:)01:04
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MetaMorfoziSyes becster, this is gnoem's package manager, but i think "this is my own opinion" it's better01:05
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MetaMorfoziSyou can find in the descriptions, and for me it's more sympatic01:05
MetaMorfoziSbut i dunno any other abotu the breaked packages,01:05
becsterMetaMorfoziS: hmm prob, adept uninstalled konqueror :)01:05
cristianobecster: try "deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-353 dapper main" as repository in adept01:06
cristianoit worked here01:06
MetaMorfoziSin terminal, apt-get install konqueror synaptic01:06
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cristianobecster: i think is a prob of ur repository01:06
defrysksudo apt-get indstall kubuntu-desktop to resolve the deps01:06
becsterdefrysk: oh ok01:07
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cristianommmm i'm trying to compile superkaramba, i have gcc installed but it says that i don't have any c compiler! O__O01:10
becsterE: Package kubuntu-desktop has no installation candidate01:10
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farousinstall build-essential01:10
hyphenatedhmm.. no kuickshow in dapper?01:10
cristianofarous: thx!01:10
MetaMorfoziSi hate all imageviewer in dapper:) the best is xnview:)01:11
MetaMorfoziSit's like irfaanview in win, [ http://xnview.org ] 01:11
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MetaMorfoziSyou can install itt like firefox, download and extract to /opt and sudo ln -s /opt/xnviewDIR/blabla/bin/xnview/ /usr/bin/xnview01:12
MetaMorfoziSit's fast and supports hundred's of extensions, can slideshow and multiconvert and a millions of function , but it's gui is simple.01:12
RawSewageIrfanView was my favorite Windows viewer01:13
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MetaMorfoziSxnview can do all taht irf. can01:14
MetaMorfoziSi dunno why it isn't in the official repos...01:14
defryskkuickshow here : http://www.ubuntu-debs.de/app/kuickshow/01:15
RawSewagehow do I install an rpm again01:15
MetaMorfoziSnot the rpm you need01:16
RawSewagetar gz?01:16
MetaMorfoziSmoment i find for you01:16
defryskgo to the link i gave , there is a dapper .deb there01:16
MetaMorfoziSiirc yes, is there an option that have a binarie01:16
RawSewagekuickshow is xnview?01:16
MetaMorfoziSyou tipe ./xnview and it runs, no compiling needs01:16
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Healotxnview comes with a "freeware" license just like irfanview01:17
MetaMorfoziSyes iirc it's not opensource01:18
MetaMorfoziSyes is there 2 optiono, the rpm and targz:)01:18
Healotthat's why it has trouble getting into most GNU/Linux distros01:18
MetaMorfoziS^^ hoho! okay, i udnerstanded:)01:19
MetaMorfoziSso when you extracted your xnview is here: /opt/xnview/bin/xnview01:19
RawSewagedefrysk, why are you talking about Kuickshow01:20
MetaMorfoziSsudo ln -s /opt/xnview/bin /usr/bin/xnview01:20
MetaMorfoziSbecause you or other body asked soemthing about it01:20
RawSewageim confused01:20
defryskRawSewage, must be missing something , nm01:20
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RawSewageso I download XnView-x86-unknown-linux2.x-static-fc4.tgz  ?01:21
MetaMorfoziShmm i saw an install sh in the root dir of xnview:D i never used it:D01:21
RawSewageun zip it, and run install?01:21
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MetaMorfoziSi think install isn't needed i think it only creates symlinks01:21
MetaMorfoziSbut yes, do an isntall:)01:22
RawSewageI have no clue how to install outside apps01:22
RawSewageI only know how to use built-in repos01:22
MetaMorfoziSsudo ./install01:22
defryskRawSewage, from source : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CheckInstall01:22
MetaMorfoziSit's not source01:22
MetaMorfoziSyou not need to build/ompile it01:22
=== defrysk needs coffee
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=== MetaMorfoziS needs some candy:D
RawSewagesudo ./install doesnt work01:24
MetaMorfoziSin that directory where you extracted01:24
exceswaterhi hguys01:25
MetaMorfoziSand extract it to /opt01:25
MetaMorfoziShi again01:25
exceswaterwho can help me about that amaro01:25
=== MetaMorfoziS xmms fan.))
exceswaterit seems like i cannot instal drivers for it01:25
RawSewageok, Im using CheckInstall01:25
MetaMorfoziSno you not need anything other01:26
exceswatersorry... not drivers... codecs01:26
MetaMorfoziSis you executed the install?01:26
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RawSewageCheckinstall is better than plain ./install01:26
MetaMorfoziSbut it's xnview's own isntaller01:26
MetaMorfoziSi dunno what is checkisntall:)01:26
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MetaMorfoziSi never used xnview's instalelr01:27
bernierexceswater: what do you exactly want..? read MP3'S?01:27
exceswateri have amarok01:27
MetaMorfoziSi'm simply createda  symlink to the binary01:27
bernieryou need the xine engine01:27
bernierfirst lets see if you have it01:27
exceswaterbut it seems i don't have codecs for mp301:27
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exceswater10x for help01:28
bernieropen amarok01:28
exceswateri am really a noob01:28
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RawSewageok, I think it's installed01:28
ubotuI guess mp3 is a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats01:28
MetaMorfoziShey RawSewage checkinstall is for other method...01:28
exceswateramarok is opened01:28
=== Bassetts [n=Bassetts@cpc4-mapp1-0-0-cust342.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
MetaMorfoziSyou absolutley not need it at this time01:28
MetaMorfoziSokay, type xnview01:28
MetaMorfoziSis it started?:D01:28
exceswateryes amarok has  started01:29
MetaMorfoziShm go to <whereyoudownloaded>/xnview/bin/01:29
MetaMorfoziSand type ./xnview01:29
MetaMorfoziSis it started?:D01:29
bernierexceswater do you have adept or synaptic?01:29
bernierok open it01:30
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bernierand look for libxine-extracodecs01:30
exceswaterit's opened01:30
RawSewageit didnt work01:30
exceswateri look now01:30
MetaMorfoziSwhere you extracted xnview?01:30
bernierthat one too01:31
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RawSewageI extracted to the desktop01:31
exceswaterlibxine main 101:31
exceswateris installed01:31
bernierlibxine-extracodecs and libarts1-xine01:31
MetaMorfoziSi said extract to /opt but if you have only one user that need xnview it's not important01:31
MetaMorfoziSso go ~/Desktop/xnview/bin01:32
exceswaterlibarts1-xine i found it01:32
MetaMorfoziShave you 3 binaries?01:32
RawSewageI dont want to leave it on the desktop01:32
MetaMorfoziSin this folder?01:32
bernierand libxine-extracodecs?01:32
RawSewageshould I move it to opt01:32
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exceswateri cannot find libxine-extracodecs01:33
ubotuit has been said that mp3 is a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats01:33
bernierYeah you probably have to enable the multiverse which will be hard if you're noob=/01:33
RawSewageIm really confused01:33
defryskln -s path/to/executable /usr/bin/ I would say01:34
defryskyes so it wir just "run"01:34
exceswateri got the idea01:34
RawSewageI havent installed anything01:34
RawSewageI just unpacekd this tar gz01:34
RawSewageonto my desktop01:34
exceswaterbut if i change restricted to universe01:34
exceswateror multiverse01:35
exceswateri can damage something ?01:35
defryskmv it to /opt01:35
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.01:35
bernierexceswater not really01:35
MetaMorfoziSRawSewage: have you xnview/bin folder? and in this 3 binaries?01:35
exceswaterhow can i show you a printscreen01:35
berniersend it01:35
exceswaterand tell me where and what to change01:35
RawSewagethe folder name is  XnView-1.70-x86-unknown-linux2.x-static-fc401:35
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RawSewageI dont want to move that novel-sized folder name to opt01:36
bernierin adept01:36
exceswaterhow can i send it to tou01:36
berniergo in view > add Repositories (or somethiung like that)01:37
ubotuDo they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, exceswater01:37
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration01:37
MetaMorfoziSRawSewage: you can rename01:37
MetaMorfoziSand did you heared about tab?01:37
MetaMorfoziSgo to the terminal cd Desktop01:37
RawSewageok, I renamed01:37
MetaMorfoziStype X01:37
MetaMorfoziSand press tab01:38
RawSewagenow I do mv ?01:38
RawSewageI havent entirely figured out how that tab works yet01:38
RawSewageit tabs to a whole list of items01:38
RawSewageI dont know how to mv01:38
RawSewageto mv a folder01:38
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MetaMorfoziSmv is a command01:39
RawSewagemv xnview opt/// ?01:39
MetaMorfoziSmv: move cp: copy etc01:39
RawSewageI dont know how to use it01:39
RawSewagehow do I mv the folder01:39
RawSewagemv xnview blah01:39
defryskRawSewage, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=86306&highlight=xnview01:40
MetaMorfoziShm, easyer if you do it from gui at this time01:40
exceswaterare u still there01:40
RawSewageok ty ty01:40
defryskRawSewage, should work on dapper too01:40
RawSewagethat post lists step by step01:40
MetaMorfoziShoh yes, thx defrysk:)01:40
becsterhmm weird I changed repositories to the au one and it seems to be working now01:41
=== becster crosses fingers
MetaMorfoziSi'm not good in helping in english:D but i'm soulful01:41
Healotsound ebony :)01:41
RawSewageI hope it's like IrfanView01:42
RawSewageI used that for 7 years01:42
HealotMetaMorfoziS says so...01:42
Healotbut i don't like the "freeware" licensing scheme...01:43
MetaMorfoziSif you said a better opensource sw that can do all things that it can, i change immediately01:44
MetaMorfoziStell^^ not said01:44
RawSewageIm using it now01:44
MetaMorfoziSor enjoy?01:45
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HealotMetaMorfoziS:: GIMP01:45
MetaMorfoziSHealot: bad answer:D it's slow, and not a perfect iamgeviewer:D01:45
HealotMetaMorfoziS: it's a photoshop01:45
Healotnot image viewer :001:45
MetaMorfoziSyes, but we not need photoshop^^01:46
ubuntuhow can install dapper using the good old text installer01:46
MetaMorfoziSirfanview and xnview are iamge viewers/converters01:46
Healotwe professional graphics artist need01:46
MetaMorfoziSwe are no:)01:46
HealotI like Anglais01:46
MetaMorfoziSi'm not know what is it it's a human?01:46
MetaMorfoziSnot it, he/she:)01:47
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ChousukeI think that if an amateur says he _needs_ photoshop, he's lying01:47
Chousukefor professionals I can understand the need, but professionals can usually afford to pay the licences :P01:47
exceswaterhet guys01:48
MetaMorfoziSwhy?:) i'm amateur in photoshop, but i can't use gimp, because i comforted first in ps...01:48
ChousukeMetaMorfoziS: but you don't _need_ photoshop, do you? :)01:48
exceswaterit seems like i managed to change things in "manage repositories"01:48
MetaMorfoziSi'm don't understand fully you, i'm shut up:)01:48
Healotyeah we have some Photoshop licensed copies :)01:48
exceswaterhow i install xine codecs now please01:48
exceswaterabout licences01:48
exceswateri installed kubuntu 'cause of da stupid police in my country01:49
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exceswatermy wage is same to windows xp price :D01:49
exceswaterusual people in my country cannot afford even windows01:50
exceswaterafter buying computer ... usually by loan01:50
ChousukeI was pretty impressed when I was working at my dad's friend's company. Shelves full of Photoshop boxes. :P01:50
=== MetaMorfoziS upgrading to 3.5.3 about a hour... argh:(
Chousukeand they had macs with 21" screens.01:50
exceswaterwho can tell me how to install codecs for amarok01:50
MetaMorfoziSRawSewage: is it work?01:51
MetaMorfoziSis you familiar with xnview?:)01:51
RawSewageit's fast.  how do you improve the01:51
MetaMorfoziSyou can set it to default in kcontrol, or rightclik on a jpg/gif/png and open with ... -> and check alwys option01:51
RawSewageso it applies a filter after downsizing01:51
MetaMorfoziSyes it is an option, to resize oversized images01:52
RawSewageI mean to improve the resized01:52
RawSewageit's not using a filter01:52
MetaMorfoziSand is there one to how, strange or smooth, high q. [more cpu needed] 01:52
MetaMorfoziSin settings^^01:52
exceswaterand how i can open that text file with source...01:53
MetaMorfoziSi'm on notebook and i often see my 2-4mbs jpgs from the camera, and it was a half hour if i check the high quality resizing option:D01:53
exceswateri think i am talking stupid01:53
RawSewagewhere is that more cpu needed thing01:53
exceswateri generated that list01:53
exceswaterhow i can save it to my comp ?01:53
MetaMorfoziStools -> options -> view01:54
RawSewageI dont have that option in View01:55
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RawSewageoh there we go01:55
MetaMorfoziShave you it or not?01:56
RawSewageI think so01:56
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MetaMorfoziS"High zoom quality (slowest)"01:56
MetaMorfoziSthis is the header of the fieldset01:56
MetaMorfoziShave you got it?01:57
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RawSewageyes, Im getting a bug01:57
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RawSewageafter using the zoom quality01:57
RawSewageand I go to the next picture, it shows the same picture01:58
RawSewagedo you get that01:58
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MetaMorfoziSdetto for me01:58
MetaMorfoziSi dunno why^^:D01:59
exceswaterwho can help me about installing codecs for amarok please...01:59
ubotu[mp3]  a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats01:59
RawSewageexceswater, did you switch to multiverse, and then Update it02:00
MetaMorfoziSlol what is this?02:00
MetaMorfoziSi see it during the upgrade:D02:00
exceswateri switched to multiverse02:00
exceswateri should change all to multiverse ?02:00
exceswateror universe multiverse : D ?02:01
chavoexceswater, no you have to add them all02:01
MetaMorfoziSRawSewage: i think turn off the high quality zoom:D02:01
MetaMorfoziSand try all other funcs02:01
RawSewageMetaMorfoziS, I'll look at the forums, see if they know about that bug02:01
exceswatersome1 help me please02:01
MetaMorfoziSlike multiconvert and others.)02:01
exceswateri am really new to this02:01
exceswaterand i know how boring i am about this02:01
exceswaterbut i dunno how to make amarok play my mp302:02
exceswateri changed things there02:02
exceswaterand hit apply02:02
exceswaternow what i do02:02
exceswater ?02:02
bernieryou refresh02:02
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bernierand look for libxine-extracodecs02:03
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exceswaterwelcome back bernier02:03
exceswateri sent you the first pic02:04
bernierlol sorry i had something to do02:04
exceswaterabout how it was02:04
exceswaterand i make a printscreen now02:04
exceswaterabout what i changed02:04
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exceswateri think you should accept the file02:06
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Slapshockhi guys, i was able to install the kopete 0.12 on my dapper.. does this kopete 0.12 support yahoo voice chat? ... i asked on #kopete but seems no one there to answer.02:08
defryskSlapshock, only one way to find out then...02:08
defrysktry it02:09
Slapshocktheres no voice chat option here, only webcam :(02:09
defrysktoo bad02:09
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becsterhmm where do I change the machine name in kubuntu?02:13
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defrysk /etc/issue you mean ?02:14
Healothostname <your hostname>02:14
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becsterDomain Name System in settings?02:16
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becsterok that fixed it heh02:17
MetaMorfoziSQt: 3.3.602:18
MetaMorfoziSKDE: 3.5.302:18
MetaMorfoziSkde-config: 1.002:18
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MetaMorfoziSfor celebration about upgrading, i go out to mcdonalds02:20
RawSewagewhats a standard Kubuntu C compiler02:22
Healotlike most GNU/Linux distros02:23
RawSewagei mean02:23
RawSewagewhat do I use to make file02:23
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RawSewageconfigure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH02:24
becstersame here RawSewage02:24
chavoRawSewage, apt-get install build-essential02:24
HealotRawSewage: the command "make" with different type of switch02:24
defrysksud apt-get install build-essential02:24
becstergcc 4?02:25
RawSewagemake wont work until I install build-essential02:25
becsteris 3 safer?02:25
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Healotread the release/changelog at gnu's GCC site for that, wait, it's available if you isntall gcc :)02:26
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ubotu[mp3]  a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats02:34
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becsterhmm whats the kde headers package name?02:35
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_rince_anyone here using kubuntu with a matrox graphics-card on dvi?02:36
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becsteroh kdelibs hehe02:36
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_rince_with matrox and dvi not using vesa, to be exact :)02:39
railkim trying to set up a kubuntu-windows dual boot, when installing windows i left 15GB space unpartitioned. im installing kubuntu now but i'm not able to edit the free space to split it up for swap and root partitions... should i have done that when partitioning with the windows installer?02:41
=== [miles] [n=mtb001@unaffiliated/miles/x-000000001] has joined #kubuntu
[miles] hello all02:44
[miles] wondered if anyone knows where I can get libdvdcss for kubuntu / ubuntu 6.06 please?02:44
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ubotulibdvdcss is, like, totally, (DVD playing is possible in ubuntu. You may need libdvdcss2, which is available via http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages (section extras)) for i386. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for PPC and amd6402:46
Hobbsee[miles] : ^02:46
bernierconfigure: error: *** Couldn't find SDL library (version >= 1.2.2).02:47
bernierwhat do i exactly need?02:47
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[miles] as useual, many thanks! :-) that02:47
[miles] is that problem quickly sorted jeje02:47
[miles] thanks guys02:47
[miles] bbl02:47
[miles] !02:47
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, [miles] 02:47
ubotuBugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, bernier02:48
exceswateri am back02:48
Hobbseebernier: i'd try libsdl1.2-dev, looking at "apt-cache search sdl dev02:48
lunitikubotu libdvdcss is also or just add 'deb www.debian-multimedia.org sid main' to your souces.list02:48
exceswaterbernier :D02:48
ubotuokay, lunitik02:48
exceswater10x a lot man02:48
exceswaternow i have sound in amarok02:48
berniernice ;)02:48
Hobbseelunitik: DONT YOU DARE!02:48
exceswaterbut it seems like i uninstalled adept :D ?02:48
lunitikHobbsee: umm?02:48
bernieryou juste restarted your comp?02:48
exceswateris that possible02:48
bernierHermmm i dont know02:48
exceswateri uninstalled things that had conflict with libxine02:49
bernierwell if you dis you can always reinstall it02:49
exceswaterhey PEOPLE...02:49
berniersudo apt-get install adept02:49
exceswaterhow can i install ADEPT baxk02:49
Hobbseelunitik: you *will* break other people's systems if you do that.02:49
lunitikHobbsee: ummm... no, libdvdcss has very few specific deps02:49
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=== lawgon_ is now known as lawgon
bernierhow can i know the kernel version i am using?02:50
lunitikHobbsee: just as an aside... without other packages in that repo... I've never seen libdvdcss actually be functional... ymmv02:50
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lunitik(namely kmplayer)02:51
Hobbseelunitik: i've had it working, from following the restricted page on the ubuntu wiki02:51
lunitikHobbsee: you've *had* it working? so its not currently functional? hmm02:51
lunitikHobbsee: I watched a DVD here last night via d-m.o02:52
Hobbseelunitik: i probably still do - but i havent been bug searching in a while.02:52
exceswaterwhere i type that02:52
bernierin konsole02:52
bernieryou'd better learn to use it02:52
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berniercuz it's averything in linux02:52
Hobbseebernier: uname -r02:53
exceswaterdpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.02:53
bernierwell do so02:53
Hobbseeexceswater: then type that command, in the console, and stick sudo in front of it02:53
bernierthanks hobbsee02:53
exceswaterdpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege02:53
Hobbseeexceswater: hence the sudo :P02:53
exceswateri think i throw out my pc02:54
exceswaterwhat i do now02:54
bernierhave you done sudo dpkg --configure -a?02:55
[miles] perefect, that worked!02:55
exceswatersomething started02:56
bernierwait until it finishes02:56
exceswateri know now how it's to be a lamer02:56
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
exceswateri know a lot about win ... nothing about linux02:56
bernieryeah me too02:56
exceswateri have a  lot of friend who are in win like me now in linux02:56
ubotuCLI means Command Line Interface, aka the terminal or console. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands or http://www.linuxcommand.org/ or http://www.tuxfiles.org02:56
Hobbseeall of you check that out then - it's useful02:57
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exceswateri even had a friend calling me at 11:45 asking how to change home page in explorer :D02:57
bernierexceswater once the other thing is done do "sudo apt-get install adept"02:57
exceswateror i give them a game on a dvd02:58
exceswaterwith crack and everything02:58
exceswaterthey copy the dvd in the pc02:58
exceswaterand after that02:58
exceswaterthey install the game02:58
exceswaterand they copy the exe from installed game over the exe from the crack folder :d02:58
exceswaterand they wonder why it's not working :d02:59
exceswaterimagine that you have a friend who just bought a pc02:59
exceswateryou install everything ... give him music... games,,, movies02:59
exceswaterand after 5 hours of working to make everything to work03:00
exceswateryou get home03:00
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exceswaterand he calls you03:00
exceswatermy winamp is not working03:00
exceswatershoot my self03:00
exceswaterand now i am the lamer03:00
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bernierwhere are you at now?03:01
lunitikexceswater: hopefully you didn't just say "here, use this instead", rather you showed them around a little...03:01
exceswaterat the office03:01
exceswaterlunitik: i helped them everytime03:01
lunitikexceswater: besides, winamp works fine via wine  ;)03:01
exceswatersometime i feel weird03:01
exceswateri was talking about win users03:01
exceswaterwhere you have to not be blind and have a hand03:02
exceswaterand half a brain03:02
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=== lunitik wonders why edgy still hasn't seen any mass merges :'(
SeanTatercan anyone see this? -> http://eepybird.com/dcm1.html03:03
Hobbseelunitik: they're building the toolchain still03:03
SeanTaterIt's making an indescribable video on konq for me -- looks like something the borg would do03:03
exceswateri give a huge beer to all people here for helping me03:03
exceswatera few questions more...03:03
exceswateris there a thing like total commander for linux ? ? ?03:04
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Hobbseeexceswater: probably search on google for that03:04
lunitik!google total commander linux03:04
ubotuDid you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, lunitik03:04
ubotuNot a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, lunitik03:05
lunitikstupid bot03:05
Hobbseewell, google's not that hard to find03:05
lunitikHobbsee: obviously people are too lazy in here to use it, however03:05
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exceswaterand second question03:05
exceswatera game... nice 3d... and FREE03:05
SeanTaterexceswater: tried bzflag?03:06
Hobbseeexceswater: search in adept for that a:P03:06
lunitikSeanTater: I was gonna say that  :(03:06
SeanTaterexceswater: try a *really* good one, Install flightgear03:06
SeanTaterexceswater: it's a flight sim03:06
SeanTaterexceswater: Even better! install planetpenguin-racer03:07
Hobbseeooh yeah!03:07
=== lunitik doesn't like adept... it doesn't even obey 'Current Applications Menu Bar (Mac OS X style)' :@
HobbseeSeanTater: flightgear?  nice!  i'll have to grab that03:07
=== naosv [n=naosv@cpc2-cani1-0-0-cust597.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
Hobbseelunitik: yeah, but a lot of people understand that better than the command line..03:07
SeanTaterHobbsee: How much memory does your ciomputer have?03:08
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lunitikHobbsee: as I understand it, its actually more difficult to make a Qt app _not_ obey that... which makes me even mader  :(03:08
HobbseeSysinfo for 'sarah': Linux 2.6.15-23-686 running KDE 3.5.3, CPU: MobileIntel(R)Celeron(R)CPU2.40GHz at 2394 MHz (4791 bogomips), , RAM: 512/993MB, 92 proc's, 1.39h up03:08
exceswaterplanetpenguin racer is nice ?03:08
exceswaterSeanTater: they look nice ?03:08
SeanTaterHobbsee: flight gear takes *GOBS* of memory -- ****GGGGOOOBBBSSSS****03:08
defryskKernel: Linux 2.6.15-23-k7 | Distro: Debian/GNU testing/unstable | CPU: AMD Athlon(TM) XP 2200+ @ 1801 Mhz | Mem usage: 224.2/1010.5 MB (22%) | Swap usage: 18/2965.1 MB (1%) | Disk usage(Maxtor 6L300R0): 133.8/233.9 GB (57%) | Uptime: 9 hrs 19 mins 35 secs03:08
HobbseeSeanTater: so does building things.03:08
exceswaterhow is planetpenguin-racer ?03:09
lunitikdefrysk: I'd be embarrassed to post such a small uptime03:09
SeanTaterexceswater: quite pretty -- best of them all IMO03:09
Hobbseemine's a laptop - that's my excuss03:09
exceswaterimo ?03:09
Hobbseein my opinion03:09
defrysklunitik, its not always about uptime ;p03:09
SeanTaterexceswater: IMO = In My Openion03:09
SeanTaterexceswater: ooops -- opinion03:10
lunitikdefrysk: my girl disagrees  ;)03:10
exceswaternice people here03:10
exceswater :d03:10
exceswateri like smart and funny people03:10
defrysklunitik, with too mutch uptime things get plugged up ;p03:10
exceswaterand i feel you people here are like that03:10
exceswateri registered my nick name03:11
SeanTaterexceswater: sudo apt-get install planetpenguin-racer flightgear bzflag <-- installs all of them03:11
exceswaterbut i think i have to log on :D03:11
berniermaybe eh?03:11
lunitikexceswater: /msg nickserv identify passwd03:11
=== mrproper [n=doddo@81-226-238-35-no61.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu
bernierI was com;iling something and here's what i got: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/70426903:12
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lunitikbernier: what were you compiling?03:12
SeanTaterbernier: anything more helpful before that excerpt03:13
mrproperhi! I am trying to acess the wLAN through my wireless "netgear" pcimca card, but I dont know where to start or how to make it work... does someone know how to make this work?03:13
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berniervisual boy advance for my bro03:13
exceswaterabout that sudo install blah blah,,,,03:13
lunitikbernier: grrr... aptitude install visualboypro03:13
bernierseantater well i was compiling and the page in the konsole was going on then it stopped at one and my comp started working really hard for a wwhile then i got that mesaage03:13
lunitikuhh... pretend there is a 'sudo' before that03:13
SeanTaterexceswater: sudo apt-get install -- not sudo install -- BIG difference03:14
exceswatera dumb blonde quote: seems like this sudo guy is pretty powerfull here :D03:14
=== lunitik wants to slap people when they decide to compile things that are in the repo already :@
exceswaterfor you my man ... for you03:14
bernierlunitik I was training :P03:14
exceswaterit for me like that: "esti un expert in linux prietene" for you03:14
lunitikbernier: you failed03:14
Hobbseelunitik: who's doing that, and what are they compiling?03:15
exceswateryou understand me ?03:15
Hobbseeurgh, great03:15
lunitikbernier: at least 'sudo apt-get build-essential visualboyadvance' and try compiling again?03:15
exceswaterno one here from Romania03:15
exceswater ? ? ?03:15
SeanTaterHobbsee: nernier is compiling -- this is make's optput http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/70426903:15
SeanTaterHobbsee: oops -- that's bernier03:15
lunitikbernier: ummmm... 'sudo apt-get build-dep visualboyadvance' sorry03:15
SeanTaterexceswater: I;m from east US03:16
Hobbseehmm lovely...why?03:16
SeanTaterexceswater: Not romania03:16
lunitikHobbsee: who knows... his output isn't even enlightening... just leave him go with the build-dep command though  ;)03:16
Hobbseehey, now that's not nice :P03:16
Hobbseebut true - it is close to useless03:16
exceswaternice SeanTater03:17
exceswaterdon;t you wanna change places ?03:17
exceswaterswitch places i mean03:17
exceswaterto live here in the land of Dracula03:18
SeanTaterexceswater: you want to pay my way there? sure!03:18
exceswaterlol yeap03:18
SeanTaterexceswater: We live in the land out the wright brothers03:18
becsterwhat is up with kdesu? It seems really borked03:18
exceswaterhow old SeanTater03:19
exceswater? ? ?03:19
becsterwork half the time03:19
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exceswaterand what u work there?03:19
SeanTaterexceswater: my state -- a couple hundred years03:19
lunitik!doesn't work03:19
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day?  Does it want more money?  Is it on IRC all the time?  Please be specific!  Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.03:19
Hobbseei like that!03:20
=== stefre [n=stefre@62-2-88-181.business.cablecom.ch] has joined #kubuntu
=== lunitik wonders why you'd leave the bed if you didn't have a job?
=== lunitik stops nitpicking
exceswaterwhat u mean by: my state - a couple hundred years03:20
SeanTaterbecster: sometimes when there are two kdesu's going, there can be problems, if you have any privledged programs going, turn them off, and do "killall -KILL kdesu" with no quotes in a terminal03:21
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SeanTaterexceswater: The state I live in is a couple hundred years old -- yours?03:22
bernierDo I sometimes have to update the kernel?03:22
exceswateraround 2.000 years ol03:22
lunitikbernier: you don't have to... no03:22
bernierok thanks03:22
bernierbut , can I? :P03:23
=== monarch [n=monarch@p50884FFD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
exceswaterdidn't you heard about Dracula :D03:23
lunitikbernier: the 'ubuntu way' calls for it.... via 'linux-386'03:23
SeanTaterexceswater: No -- I know as little about it as loch ness03:23
=== SubNet [n=SubNet@dslb-084-056-162-159.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
exceswaterwhy you guys in US know so little about the rest of the world :d03:23
exceswater?"? ?? ?03:23
exceswateri live in a small country03:24
exceswateri speak03:24
exceswateri speak english03:24
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lunitikexceswater: Americans are ignorant by default03:24
SubNetHi! Where can i find Information about KDE-icon-theme-development03:24
exceswatervery little french... but i was good at french few years ago03:24
exceswaterlol lunitik03:24
exceswaterit's set from konsole03:24
h3sp4wnNo one is ignorant by default03:25
HobbseeSubNet: as in, oxygen icons?03:25
lunitikHobbsee: as in... icons in general03:25
SeanTaterexceswater: so -- what abotu thw wright brothers03:25
exceswateri know about the world i live in ....03:25
Snake[Sleep] Your the man now dog!03:25
SubNetHobbsee: not for KDE4 - wanna theme KDE3.5 with svg-action-Icons03:25
exceswaterwhat's about the wright brothers ?03:25
HobbseeSubNet: ah okay.  not sure03:25
becsterSeanTater: yeah thanks I figured out how to kill them03:25
SubNetBut it does not work as simple as i expected03:25
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SeanTaterexceswater: How much do you know about them?03:26
becster:) just wondering why my partners gentoo box doesn't have the same problems with kdesu03:26
bernierwtf i feel like if i was on windows! my comp keeps working for nothingand freezes!03:26
chavoI just checked out the kde4 branch and the oxygen icons are looking sexy03:26
lunitikSubNet: #kde or #kde-devel might be more enlightening... make sure you browse developer docs before asking in #kde-devel though03:26
exceswaterlol man03:26
exceswaterthey have something to do with flying03:26
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lunitikbernier: seems like a personal issue03:26
Snake[Sleep] Does KDE4 have a GUI yet?03:26
exceswateri like DIscovery Channel :D03:26
SubNetlunitik: thx for that hint03:27
chavohttp://2sdw.com/oxygen.png here's the folders03:27
apokryphosSnake[Sleep] : it looks just like a crummy kde 303:27
exceswaterthey invented the plane ... something like that ?03:27
lunitikSnake[Sleep] : kdebase and kdelibs compile.... so umm... sure?03:27
Snake[Sleep] apokryphos: :( ok03:27
h3sp4wnSnake|Sleep: Someone managed to build kde3.5 against qt403:27
Snake[Sleep] lunitik: I ment have they began working on the NEW interface03:27
lunitikh3sp4wn: no they didn't... they managed to compile base and libs03:27
apokryphosSnake[Sleep] : not just yet; porting seems to be taking a lot longer than people thought03:27
chavoSnake[Sleep] , no they are still porting and integrating the new frameworks03:28
Snake[Sleep] thats fine03:28
h3sp4wnlunitik: And run it03:28
exceswaterSeanTater: still there ?03:28
SeanTaterexceswater: they were the first people to fly a plane in a traditional - straight wing - bi-plane style. They did it on an island in my state, kill devil hills03:28
SubNetjoin #kde03:28
chavojust the important things03:28
lunitikSnake[Sleep] : the "new" interface is just kdesktop, kicker and various other bits being reworked...03:28
bernierreboot brb03:28
Snake[Sleep] lunitik: well thats all Ill deal with :)03:28
exceswaterwhat u know about Romania :)03:29
SeanTaterexceswater: so who is dracula -- only hear that name near halloween03:29
exceswaterthey say it was one of our leaders03:29
Snake[Sleep] Alright I g2g03:29
exceswaterhe used to impale his enemies03:29
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lunitikSnake[Sleep] : yes... work has started on Plasma03:29
exceswaterand they made a legend03:29
apokryphosSnake[Sleep] : and stop talking on here in your sleep again03:29
exceswaterthat he was a vampire03:29
SeanTaterexceswater: hum -- sounds neat03:29
exceswaterhis real name was Vlad Dracul03:30
SeanTaterexceswater: I;m not sure I'd want to meet him --03:30
exceswaterand after that they changed his name to Draculea03:30
exceswaterand finally to Dracula03:30
chavovlad the impaler03:30
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exceswaterSeanTater: i wanna talk about something here...03:30
exceswaterbut i don't want to offend no103:31
exceswateranyone who is american03:31
SeanTaterexceswater: then -- have you ever compiled a program03:31
ubotusomebody said kofftopic was Non Kubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #kubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there!03:31
exceswateri compile ideas :03:31
SeanTaterexceswater: ever wanted to?03:31
exceswatera little03:31
exceswaterthis world of unix looks nice03:32
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exceswaterbut a little too hard to get in03:32
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exceswaterq: political debates are allowed here ?03:32
SeanTaterexceswater: not likely03:32
SeanTaterexceswater: #ubuntu-politics03:32
exceswaterbut... personal opinions03:32
exceswaterit would be nice to talk alone there03:33
SeanTaterexceswater: /bin/flame --politics > #ubuntu-politics03:33
exceswaternobody is there...03:33
exceswateri just wanted to say sometinhg03:34
SeanTaterexceswater: That's because not many people start flamefests here03:34
exceswaterprivate me03:34
SeanTaterexceswater: why?03:34
exceswaterand you will advice me about that03:34
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Hobbseeexceswater: no, they arent.03:34
utonto_SonoIohi all03:34
=== Hobbsee will +q people for debates.
utonto_SonoIoi need an help...03:35
utonto_SonoIohow can i mount a NTFS partition?03:35
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utonto_SonoIosudo mount -t ntfs /dev/NAME /mnt/ntfs03:35
utonto_SonoIois it right?03:35
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Nanowie heisst die datei die beim userlogin ausgefhrt wird. Damit beim login befehle ausgefhrt werden?03:39
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu oder Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de03:39
ubotuI guess edubuntu is the education version of Ubuntu (Ubuntu + educational apps + LTSP). Channel: #edubuntu. Website - http://www.edubuntu.org. Screenshots: http://www.edubuntu.org/Screenshots03:39
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GullyFoylei finally got my soundcard recognized and working in dapper. no help from anyone here or in the forums though. mebbe 'll post something for other people.03:42
h3sp4wnbernier: Try building visual boy advance with gcc-3.4 instead of gcc-4 (see if that helps - I understand most of the dapper emulators are pretty out of date)03:43
SeanTaterGullyFoyle: Similar happened to me03:43
SeanTaterGullyFoyle: But it was a very simple fix03:43
SeanTaterGullyFoyle: look in what lspci says, see if anything looks like it might be a soundcard03:43
GullyFoylei had to look up the module and do a modprobe03:44
GullyFoyleworks now03:44
SeanTaterGullyFoyle: okay03:44
SeanTaterGullyFoyle: For  me is what that the external amplifier settingn was on -- and when turned off, the sound worked03:45
samulieasy question: how do I get flash-plugin for konqueror?03:45
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utonto_SonoIoI need an help... how can i mounta Fat32 partition? how can i mount a Ntfs partition? (from konsole i mean)03:45
SeanTatersamuli: is it already installed03:45
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GullyFoyledapper still won't boot the latest kernels though. it will boot 2.6.9 or .10 but not .16 or whatever03:45
SeanTatersamuli: have you apt-got it yet?03:46
bernierh3sp4wn how do i do that?03:46
GullyFoyleit hangs on "mounting root filesysytem"03:46
h3sp4wnbernier: Install gcc-3.403:46
SeanTatersamuli: here, this should help you03:46
samuliSeanTater: I have flash-player03:46
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h3sp4wnbernier: run make clean03:46
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SeanTaterubotu tell samuli about restrictedformats03:46
samuliand plugin for mozilla, but can't find plugin for konqueror03:46
h3sp4wnbernier: then export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-3.403:47
SeanTatersamuli: oops -- sent you the wrong factoid03:47
exceswateri got to go now03:47
exceswater10x for help03:47
exceswaterand goodbye people :D03:47
h3sp4wnbernier: then ./configure && make03:47
SeanTaterexceswater: have a good time03:47
exceswateryou 2 man03:47
bernierok thanks03:47
exceswaterwe meet again03:47
exceswateri will be back :D03:47
h3sp4wnbernier: If it still doesn't work the location of gcc may be hardwired in ./Makefile03:47
samuliSeanTater: no that was helpful actually.03:47
exceswater10x for all03:47
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samuliSeanTater: I think I got it now. Thanks.03:48
SeanTatersamuli: okay -- got to konqureor - settings - configure konqueror - plugins03:48
SeanTatersamuli: oops03:48
SeanTatersamuli: okay03:48
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h3sp4wnbernier: Or are you using autogen.sh (instead of ./configure)03:48
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bernierno i use ./configure03:49
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h3sp4wnbernier: Where are you getting the source from ?03:53
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Hooblyanyone know much about the "xsetroo: unable to open display" error when starting kde?03:55
berniercould anyone invite me ti register @ Gmail? :P03:56
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h3sp4wnbernier: ok03:59
h3sp4wnbernier: To where ?04:00
h3sp4wnbernier: It needs another e-mail address to send the invite to04:00
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h3sp4wnbernier: VisualBoyAdvance-1.7.2 builds fine with gcc-3.4 (I can't test whether it works as I don't have any roms for that)04:07
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jfrotrying to upgrade to 6.0604:07
jfrousing CD04:07
bernierok thanks a lot i'll do it04:07
jfroapt is being stupid tho and trying /cdrom, is there a way to change that?04:07
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defryskjfro, comment the cdromline in sources.list04:08
jfroyeah but i want ot use CD04:08
defryskmy bad04:09
jfroit's just apt is looking in wrong place04:09
linux_galorejfro: faster to do a fresh install04:09
jfrowith apt-cdrom i can specify mount point04:09
linux_galorejfro: updates are very slow even from the cd04:09
jfroi recently did one tho, can i without destroying havlf my system04:09
linux_galorejfro: do you have a seperate partition for /home04:10
jfroheh no04:10
linux_galorejfro: theres your first mistake04:10
jfroplus i got stuff in /usr/local04:10
jfrolike php, mysql, and ruby04:10
h3sp4wnbernier: if you do export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-3.4 and export CXX=/usr/bin/g++-3.4 (it will build fine - If you have the sdl dev libraries and gcc 3.4 and g++ 3.4)04:10
linux_galorejfro: yeah but thats all going to be garbage after the update anwyay04:10
jfroruby prob be fine04:11
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jfromysql, i coudl see php borking04:11
linux_galorejfro: no binary compatability04:11
jfrobinary format changed?04:11
linux_galorejfro: just save the markup and flush the rest04:11
linux_galorejfro: does with every update04:11
jfrothat makes no sense04:12
jfrounless your refering to somethign different than what i'm thinking of04:12
linux_galorejfro: well its markup if you can read it in a text editor heh heh04:12
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jfrostill doesn't make sens, regarding binary compatibility04:13
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jfroyour saying they decided to use something different thanELF? heh04:13
linux_galorejfro: I keep seperate partitions for /home etc  and then I just flush the system directories on a new install and keep all the other stuff04:13
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linux_galorejfro: no Im saying if you have binaries in there your going to have problems04:14
jfroyeah if they're linked to stuff that gets upgraded drastically prob04:14
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linux_galorejfro: when I do an install and use a system I always do it in such a way that when I update its very similar to a new install accept i dont format some partitions04:15
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jfroyeah, i should do that04:16
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linux_galorejfro: makes life allot easier04:16
h3sp4wnYou can have stuff installed into your home directory (binaries) and it will work most the time after an upgrade04:16
pgquilesriddell why isn't there a kdebindings-3.5.3 package for dapper?04:16
linux_galoreh3sp4wn: sometimes you need to have old gcc libs though04:17
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h3sp4wnsometimes (I only do that for some small programs on a machine I don't have root on) and they survived an upgrade from debian woody to debian sarge04:18
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jfroyeah i've never had probs04:19
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jfroi only reinstalled recntly cuz i was on dapper before it was stable04:19
jfroand it was hosing something i couldn't fix04:19
jfrowith PHP & SOAP04:19
jfroreally weird04:19
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Hhhhhhello, I'm new to ubuntu/kubuntu, I just installed kubuntu draper x86_64 and I want to install nvidia drivers, get DVD, mp3 playback, etc. Where can I look for info?04:21
apokryphosHhhhh: /msg ubotu faq04:21
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linux_galoreHhhhh: use an app called easyubuntu04:21
linux_galoreHhhhh: does all that for you04:21
linux_galoresh: easyubuntu: command not found04:21
h3sp4wnBut does it support x86 64 ?04:21
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. It may break your system, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation instead. For help with and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.04:22
havocHhhhh: http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/04:22
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railki do believe kubuntu just crashed while saving modified network settings...04:22
apokryphosh3sp4wn: yes04:22
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Hhhhhi'll check it out after I read some at wiki.ubuntu.org. Thanks guys04:22
HhhhhI'm a SUSE user, considering switching to kubuntu04:22
h3sp4wnapokryphos: Are you one of the developers of it ?04:23
Hobbseeapokryphos: you dont count as a dev?04:24
apokryphosthat's right 8)04:24
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Hhhhhwhat's the difference between synaptic and adept_installer?04:25
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apokryphosHhhhh: synaptic is the full-blown GUI front-end to APT (like Yast's Installer); adept_installer is meant to be a more user-friendly application that is more program-centric than package-centric04:26
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kkathmanhey apokryphos04:27
apokryphoshi kkathman04:27
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kkathmanapokryphos:  im up on 10.1 :)04:27
apokryphoscool :)04:27
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railki don't seem to have my routing table or whatever its called set up by default... route returns an empty table... how do i set up the route table?04:33
optotronhi! I am trying to acess the wLAN through my wireless "netgear" pcimca card, but I dont know where to start or how to make it work...04:35
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Hooblyanyone know much about the "xsetroot: unable to open display" error when starting kde?04:36
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barroshi.. I've installed a vanilla kernel yesterday.. but have a doubt: when I install the kernel_headers (generated by make-kpkg) it creates a directory in /usr/src.. but, doesnt it need to place some includes in the /usr/include directory?04:37
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iqonis there a way to play swf movies in kaffeine?04:41
iqonor better yet, a way to convert swf to avi?04:41
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linux_galoreiqon: yeah I saw something that does that a while back04:44
iqonlinux_galore: i've been having trouble finding a way to do it04:45
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ItaloIvohey, i'm getting a problem with my dsl connection it's not working at the startup04:47
ItaloIvosomeone could help me?04:47
linux_galoreiqon: http://www.swftools.org/04:47
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klerfaytwhat's up with reiserfs? you don't like it or it's not reliable?04:48
linux_galoreItaloIvo: ?? dsl connection is a modem side problem04:48
ItaloIvoafter the startup with the ifconfig command it seems it's connected04:49
ItaloIvobut i get no response04:49
linux_galoreItaloIvo: is the modem a standard dhcp setup04:49
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NthDegreeklerfayt reiserfs and reiser4 are not good for an operating system04:50
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ItaloIvobut if i use sudo poff and after pon dsl-provider it works04:50
linux_galoreItaloIvo: most of the better modern modems just run a dhcp setup so its a none issue04:50
NthDegreethey do however work well for normal home user data04:51
linux_galoreItaloIvo: if there is a connection problem its on the modem side nothing to do with Linux04:51
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ItaloIvobut it worked fine with the kubuntu 5.1004:51
linux_galoreItaloIvo: you havent told me anything about the modem '04:52
ItaloIvoi get this problem only when i intalled the kubuntu 6.0604:52
ItaloIvoits a speedstream 520004:52
linux_galoreItaloIvo: what type of modem is it, is it USB or ethernet ??04:52
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klerfaytNthDegree: why isn't reiserfs good filesystem? it's faster than ext304:52
linux_galoreItaloIvo: can you login the modem with a browser04:53
NthDegreeit is not faster than ext3 when mounting a large filesystem04:53
ItaloIvoyes i did this once but it was a long time ago04:53
NthDegreeand it can't do SELinux prperly04:53
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linux_galoreklerfayt: reiserfs isnt always faster, its also very cpu intensive04:53
linux_galoreItaloIvo: try loggin into the modem first04:54
linux_galoreItaloIvo: if you can do that then you know the ethernet setup if ok04:54
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linux_galoreklerfayt: xfs is the best balanced fs of the whole lot04:55
TheHighChildWhy doesn't k/ubuntu use it?04:55
linux_galoreklerfayt: google a review of xfx/reiserfs and ext2/3 (think he did jfs too)04:56
NthDegreejfs is the least cpu intensive and according to benchmarks is totally mediocre04:56
linux_galoreTheHighChild: doesnt by default but you can if you want04:56
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linux_galoreNthDegree: its a balance of speed on system resources04:56
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NthDegreeyeah :)04:56
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MidMarkhi people04:57
linux_galorexfs hit the sweet spot, not slow and not a cpu hog04:57
NthDegreebut xfs, jfs etc. panic the kernel more or that is what i have found04:57
TheHighChildDoes anyone know of a good compiling howto for 6.06 x86_6404:57
MidMarkwhy in kubuntu thunderbird and firefox are so slow? Because they have some layer more than ubuntu?04:57
linux_galoreNthDegree: never had a kernel panic with xfs in 3 years on 47 machines04:57
leafwquestion: same machine, either dist-upgraded from breezy or from livecd: they behave different. cupsd and hplip doesn't work on the first. Any clues?04:58
NthDegreelinux_galore i got one after install04:58
leafwhow can one reinstall cupsd without deleting the entire kubuntu-desktop ?04:58
ItaloIvolinux_galore: the dhcp server is already activated04:58
linux_galoreNthDegree: one doth not make a disaster04:58
NthDegreeleafw kubuntu-desktop is a meta-package04:58
linux_galoreItaloIvo: so can you log into the modem I didnt ask if dhcp was active04:58
NthDegreeremoving it is safe04:58
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leafwNthDegree: I know that.04:59
NthDegreejust use synaptic to reinstall it04:59
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MidMarkwhy in kubuntu thunderbird and firefox are so slow? Because they have some layer more than ubuntu?05:00
h3sp4wnBecause of all the junk they have compiled into them05:00
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HobbseeMidMark: effectively, yes05:00
h3sp4wn(i.e pango for a start - unless you need it)05:00
ItaloIvoi don't know the password05:00
MidMarkHobbsee: so there is no way to have more speed under kubuntu?05:01
linux_galoreMidMark: because your using gtk based apps (thunderbird firefox) and gnome is gtk based so already has the libs loaded05:01
leafwI always get, with hplip:05:01
leafwErrors were encountered while processing:05:01
leafw hplip05:01
leafwE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)05:01
HobbseeMidMark: hmmm...the mozilla binaries tend to be faster05:01
linux_galoreMidMark: you should be using konqueror and kmail05:01
leafwand there's no way around. What the hell!?05:01
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Hobbseeleafw: not enough info - pastebin the entire message05:01
MidMarklinux_galore: I'm talking also when they are already opened05:01
NthDegreeleafw you have to tell ubuntu that hplip is already installed05:01
=== NthDegree brb
MidMarklinux_galore: kmail is not as goog as thunderbird05:02
linux_galoreMidMark: I notice no difference05:02
linux_galoreMidMark: actually its better05:02
leafwHobbsee: dist-upgraded from breezy to dapper, then hplip complained, so I removed it, and when reinstalling that is what one gets.05:02
v3ctorkmail is just as good as thunderbird05:02
linux_galoreMidMark: thunderbird doesnt have a crm suite were kmail does05:02
v3ctorand kmail can minimize to tray05:03
=== Hobbsee has been playing around with kmail. i sorta like it.
linux_galorealso kmail integrates with the whole desktop thunderbird doesnt05:03
leafwHobbsee : http://pastebin.com/70441005:03
linux_galorelatest kmail is very good05:03
Hobbseethat's what i tried05:03
TheHighChildkmail barrels thunderbird any day of the week but it seems to have a lot of issues with migrations and mass deletions. But Thunderbird has little to no options05:03
Hobbseehad it crash within the first hour or so :P05:03
Resattrk varm05:04
TheHighChildas for konqueror, ugh. I can't make that switch.05:04
MidMarkanyway firefox and TB under kubuntu are terribly slow05:04
linux_galoreTheHighChild: the options are there just hidden in a big assed conf file05:04
MidMarkI mean window drawing and all the stuff05:04
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v3ctori use konqueror 90% of the time now05:04
ItaloIvolinux_galore: i'm logged05:04
railkkubuntu crash when changing network settings seems to have messed up kubuntu's networking completely :(05:04
MidMarkalso repect windows versions05:04
leafwand cupsd is using 99% of chip resources, always ... and I can't print05:05
linux_galoreMidMark: thats because there bot gtk there not native to kde05:05
TheHighChildlinux_galore: Gotcha, I can't say I feel like going through that. I like how kmail integrates with everything, the only KDE app I can't get down with is the Konq05:05
klerfaytlinux_galore: xfs is designed for large data sources; that's why I use reiserfs on 40BG hardrive05:05
MidMarklinux_galore: in fact I thought about it... this is a pitty05:05
defryskMidMark, you arec clueless arent you ?05:05
linux_galoreMidMark: install the ubuntu-desktop I find the gtk apps seems to clean up a bit05:05
MidMarklinux_galore: never I hate gnome05:06
linux_galoreMidMark: you dont use it, its just there05:06
NthDegreei have 80GB for each OS that I have05:06
Resattrk varm05:06
h3sp4wnthere is an experimental qt version of firefox has anyone built that ?05:06
NthDegreeall ext3 and never had speed issues05:06
iNikulinux_galore: umm, how would that help?05:06
linux_galoreMidMark: I usually use it once to setup the user stuff etc then I never use it again05:06
MidMarklinux_galore: the only gnome apps I use are firefox and TB05:07
linux_galoreiNiku: sets up all the gtk parrameters so apps dont keep falling back on defaults that are crap05:07
aseigoh3sp4wn: there was something like that years ago ... and about 2 years ago a port of gecko to qt was done ... both were killed by pointed non-interest from the mozilla people05:07
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linux_galoreMidMark: firefox and tb are not gnome apps they just use gtk05:07
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NthDegreekonqueror is gecko-qt really isn't it?05:07
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iNikulinux_galore: you have any idea which parameters, specifically?05:08
MidMarklinux_galore: I know, but they run smoothly in gnome05:08
TheHighChildWhy does gnome exist?05:08
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mongey|taggingcan amarok auto tag all my music files?05:08
linux_galoreiNiku: usually the file selector etc05:08
NthDegreeTheHighChild because people wanted something modular, a franken OS05:08
defryskmongey|tagging, get easytag05:08
linux_galoreiNiku: swaps over the the gnome stuff then gets lost rebuilds a default and then starts working05:09
MidMarkok guys, someone can print with canon ip4200? I have downloaded filters from canon but doens't work here05:09
TheHighChildNthDegree: I like the setup and layout of it, but the shading and coloring and dullness kills me05:09
ItaloIvolinux_galore: i did it, i'm logged on the modem05:09
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linux_galorehmm looks like Australia won from all the noise Im hearing05:10
v3ctori love the flame war that Linus started about kde vs gnome users05:10
iNikuwhat flame war is that? :)05:10
kkathmanLinux people are full of flame wars :)05:10
linux_galorev3ctor: wast of time really05:10
iNikuor rather, which05:10
TheHighChildFor the record, vi sucks05:10
defryskyes they made 3 goals in the ast 8 minutes05:10
kkathmanlinux_galore:  yes it is05:10
MidMarkkkathman: yes like here05:10
v3ctorlinux_galore: yes..but was funny05:10
kkathmanMidMark:  yah05:10
kkathmansilly waste of time :)05:11
linux_galoredefrysk: kicking ass05:11
MidMarkkkathman: just talk about ff and tb and all talk about kmail and knoqueror :(05:11
NthDegreeTheHighChild I like GNOME because it handles GTK apps perfectly05:11
NthDegreeand KDE is integrated so I like that05:11
kkathmanwow imagine that05:11
linux_galoredefrysk: game over yet, it must be all the cars are driving around blowing there horns05:11
kkathmanGnome handling GTK apps perfectly...hmmm surprising :)05:11
TheHighChildI run firefox on kde and I don't seem to have any trouble. I don't understand the complaints05:11
NthDegreeXFCE is fast and handles GTK apps well too so I have that on my 3rd system05:11
linux_galoreTheHighChild: same here05:12
MidMarkTheHighChild: firefox under kubuntu is terribly slow than window version05:12
linux_galoreTheHighChild: then again i have gnome installed too05:12
MidMarkslow I mean with 20 tabs openend, switch from one to another05:12
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linux_galoreMidMark: use konqueror, it renders better I found05:12
MidMarkTheHighChild: TB is slower too than Windows version05:12
leafwOLE, an apt-get --purge remove cupsys  and then reinstall saved the day!05:12
TheHighChildI guess I never noticed. I don't do browser timings or anything. I know in older versions they had some memory leaks and that was suggested for the slowness. I dunno, it barrels for me.05:13
MidMarklinux_galore: yes but it has no all the extensions like firefox05:13
Hooblyhow can I get Kubuntu to re-recognize my video card.  I upgraded from Breezy to Dapper on friday and since, I have not been able to get kde up05:13
linux_galoreMidMark: thats true but it does have some plugins05:13
TheHighChildHoobly: You probably don't have the kubuntu-desktop package05:13
samuliHoobly: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:14
linux_galoretheres an idea add a plugin api that will work with all the firefox plugins to konqueror05:14
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mongey|taggingis easytag auto ?05:14
MidMarkok people I'm not interested in kmail and konqueror now... someone that has a canon ip4200?05:14
Hhhhhhow big should a /boot partition be?05:14
TheHighChildHoobly: The dist-upgrade removes it for some folks. Switch to a failsafe terminal and try 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"05:14
NthDegreeHhhhh, 100MB05:14
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NthDegreeand it should be ext2/3 too05:14
linux_galoreMidMark: lol canon are in the official bad books for 1 making crappy software printers, 2 having bugger all drivers05:14
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MidMarklinux_galore: I know but epson and hp are not so cheaper as canon05:15
DeadS0ulholy crap05:15
DeadS0ulaussie won05:16
MidMarkI mean for maintain the printer not to buy them05:16
v3ctorlinux_galore: you can add thier cameras to that list also05:16
linux_galoreMidMark: theres  reason the conon stuff is cheap, there nothing on the printers its all run by software in your computer, so you bog down your computer to print anything05:16
MidMarklinux_galore: you have read?05:16
Hhhhhwhat is recommended for kubuntu? reiserfs or ext3?05:16
MidMarklinux_galore: maintain a printer NOT BUY05:17
linux_galoreMidMark: no I have repaired them05:17
NthDegreeext3 for the system, if you want a home partition make it reiserfs05:17
linux_galoreMidMark: theres nothing in them05:17
ItaloIvolinux_galore: hey man i logged on the modem's page and what i should do now?05:17
linux_galoreMidMark: just an IO interface05:17
MidMarklinux_galore: I mean how many $$ you pay per page printed05:17
MidMarklinux_galore: you are talking about price for the printer (another thing)05:17
v3ctorHhhhh: ext3 is more widely supported, so if you have troubles you will find more forums...but reiserfs is more responsive05:17
linux_galoreItaloIvo: ok if you can log into the modem then its not an ethernet issue so your hardware is fine05:17
linux_galoreItaloIvo: you dont have a driver issue so now its a software issue with dhcp or a permissions problem05:18
MidMarklinux_galore: epson if you have a cheaper printer and the printer prints not well than the first years then you have to basket it05:19
MidMarklinux_galore: hp have colors and black that cost a lot of money05:19
linux_galoreMidMark: Im not a fan or epson stuff either there methods are similar to canons05:19
ItaloIvolinux_galore: i think it's a permission problem, cause when i startup the system the interface is up, but i can't receive response from the server05:19
ItaloIvobut if i put down de ppp0 and after that put up again it works05:20
linux_galoreItaloIvo: might want to setup a static connection05:20
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TheHighChildDon't forget the miracles of power-cycling ItaloIvo05:21
linux_galoreItaloIvo: if you have dhcp you dont use ppp05:21
linux_galoreItaloIvo: you have setup the connection wrong05:21
linux_galoreItaloIvo: its just a standard lan connection05:21
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ItaloIvomy modem is a bridge not a router05:22
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linux_galoreItaloIvo: so it doesnt have dhcp then05:22
ItaloIvoi can setup it to become a router05:23
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linux_galoreItaloIvo: turn dhcp on in the modem05:23
h3sp4wnppp uses radius usually not dhcp05:23
linux_galoreItaloIvo: then just setup a standard lan connection05:23
railkgah... kubuntu crashed *again*...05:24
leafwwhat is the name of the package that contains the postscript driver ?05:24
h3sp4wnIf he has a connection which requires pppoverethernet then you can't just do that05:24
linux_galoreleafw: there is none postscript is proprietry05:24
linux_galoreleafw: we use ghostscript05:24
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linux_galoreh3sp4wn: depends how crap the modem is, new modern modems just emulate a standard lan connection so people can take there laptops to work plug it in and it works and take it home and it works not stuffing around05:26
ItaloIvobut i can't logon my server as router05:26
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linux_galoreh3sp4wn: as soon as someone mentions ppp I usually suspect they baught or got given a really crappy modem05:27
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h3sp4wnlinux_galore: If the connection type is ppp over ethernet (or ppp over atm) then either the modem or the router has to run ppp (You may as well just have a router that can do ppp - or a modem that can run some type of open firmware) I would much rather have my linux machine running ppp than that vxworks junk05:29
leafwlinux_galore : I am still impressed at how difficult it is to setup something as trivial as a printer.05:29
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leafw"Unable to create the Foomatic driver" Whatever that means.05:31
linux_galoreleafw: none issue for me, I buy printers that are recognized by default because the makers have good open drivers support05:31
leafwlinux_galore : unfortunately I have to deal with legacy printers (I didn't buy them)05:31
ItaloIvoi wonder why the interface upped during the startup doesn't work05:31
linux_galoreleafw: when i install Linux with my kyocera/HP printers I didnt have to do a thing "they just worked"05:31
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linux_galoreleafw: you cant blame Linux for a problem thats a manufacturer problem05:32
leafwlinux_galore : I have an HP Color Laserjet 3600n and demands the foomatic driver, which is installed, but the wizard thinks it isn't.05:32
h3sp4wnItalolvo: Probably what ever you are using for the modem has not been initialised yet05:32
leafwlinux_galore : I blaming kubuntu, not linux.05:32
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linux_galoreleafw: just manually download the HP driver from HP's home page then install it from the cups manager05:33
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linux_galoreleafw: because its listed doesnt mean its installed05:34
leafwlinux_galore : it's listed in apt-cache and adept.05:34
linux_galoreHP make drivers for cups05:34
milenahello everybody05:34
linux_galoreleafw: just install the driver from HP then get back to me05:35
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linux_galoreleafw: take 3 min to do05:35
milenaDoes anyone know a way to integrate .pst-data from Outlook Express 6 into Thunderbird?05:35
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linux_galoreits a small file05:35
h3sp4wnItalolvo: The easiest way would be to run ifup from /etc/rcS.d/S99/rc.local (which could be a symlink to /etc/rc.local) or just a script which runs ifup ppp005:35
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MidMarkmilena: pst file is an outlook and not outlook express file05:36
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MidMarkmilena: and no you cannot handle it without windows05:36
MidMarkthis is a very old feature missing from TB05:36
milenaMidMark: Ok, but is there any chance of integrating it05:36
MidMarkmilena: integrate means for you what?05:37
milenaMidMark: to be able to read my mails again05:37
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MidMarkmilena: the only thing you can do with TB is to have a windows copy with office and thunderbird and then convert all mails in tb then copy archive to linux05:38
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milenaMidMark: Really, I don't have Windows on my machine anymore, but I guess a few friends do05:39
MidMarkmilena: I don't knwo if you can convert pst file from kmail and then from kmail to TB05:39
linux_galoremilena: http://alioth.debian.org/projects/libpst/05:39
h3sp4wntry readpst05:39
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h3sp4wn(its actually in ubuntu)05:40
milenaMidMark: I've already tried readpst, it doesn't work because the pst-file is from Outlook 200305:40
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MidMarkmilena: I know but h3sp4wn wrote about that05:41
Ubuntu_6_0_6man i h8 gnome,05:41
Ubuntu_6_0_6its possible to install kde onto ubuntu right ?05:41
Ubuntu_6_0_6just installed ubuntu for first time05:41
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gobbesudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop05:41
Ubuntu_6_0_6ty gobbe05:41
gobbeor just kde-package05:41
Ubuntu_6_0_6hmm ok05:42
MidMarkmilena: the only things to do is to have a windows+outlook2003+thunderbird copy, in fact mails from outlook shit stuff should be converted before and not after ;)05:42
gobbekde-core i mean05:42
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linux_galoreUbuntu_6_0_6: yes just type   sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop05:42
Ubuntu_6_0_6just did05:42
linux_galoreUbuntu_6_0_6: then you just log out and in the login screen select kde05:43
milenaMidMark: Well thanks for the advice. H3SP4WN: Can you help me?05:43
Ubuntu_6_0_6yup :)05:43
Ubuntu_6_0_6if it installs05:43
Ubuntu_6_0_6still says connecting05:43
linux_galoreUbuntu_6_0_6: no reason why it shouldnt Ubuntu and Kubuntu are exactly the same accept the desktop05:44
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Ubuntu_6_0_6Could not connect to archive.ubuntu.com:80 (, connection timed out05:44
h3sp4wnmilena: I don't know anything about the pst format but I thought office 2003 had started using xml for everything05:45
linux_galoreUbuntu_6_0_6: did you run apt-get update  first05:45
Ubuntu_6_0_6linux_galore: no05:45
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MidMarkmilena: I'm quite sure you have no alternatives05:45
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Ubuntu_6_0_6running now05:46
becsterhey guys what package do I have to install to get all the right click extract to here etc in konqi?05:46
milenah3sp4wn: I don't exactly know whether it is really a 2003 pst-file, but the readpst error message does05:46
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linux_galoreUbuntu_6_0_6:  so how does apt-get know whats on the servers ?? some form of magic ?? no it finds out when you run the update commend and it updates it local package listing to match whats on the remote servers05:46
xstAfter upgrading to dapper, firefox freezes extremely often. Anyone else experiencing this?05:46
Ubuntu_6_0_6linux_galore: ive never used apt-get05:47
linux_galorexst: nope05:47
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MidMarkxst: no05:47
milenaWell thanks guys, I'll find one of those Windows-mouse-movers and ask them for help05:47
MidMarkxst: updated to
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linux_galoreUbuntu_6_0_6: well you better learn about it because its how you manage all your software on ubuntu/Kubuntu05:47
Ubuntu_6_0_6seems similar to smart05:47
Ubuntu_6_0_6update failed05:48
linux_galoreUbuntu_6_0_6:  smart is derived from apt-get05:48
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MidMarkUbuntu_6_0_6: you don't need for apt-get except for some things, try synoptic for ubuntu or adept for kubuntu05:48
Ubuntu_6_0_6well the add/remove thingy is working now05:49
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linux_galoreyeah jdub was talking about using "smart" as a package manager because smart works with .deb aswell as rpm05:49
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becsterbueller bueller?05:50
linux_galoreanyway Im out05:50
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MidMarkwhy in dapper there is no possibility to have duplication of front/row speakers?05:52
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MidMarkI mean amarok doesn't work with rear speakers, tried all stuffs05:53
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MidMarknobody has a surround here?05:54
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=== MidMark is surprised that nobody has surround here
=== chavo uses headphones
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=== SeanTater does cat /dev/urandom > /dev/kubuntu to make for conversation
=== MidMark uses a 4.1 from 5 years is the only one?
SeanTaterOnly two speakers here06:02
SeanTaternever had any more on a computer06:02
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insanekaneis the latest "alternate-install" iso seriously screwed up ?06:05
DaSkreechYou mean 6.06?06:06
DaSkreechman /dev/kubuntu06:06
MidMarkamarok 1.4 is better that 1.3.9? I hear about a lot of problems/bugs06:06
DaSkreechNot sure I haven't used it yet06:06
insanekaneits wierd06:07
DaSkreechSeanTater: Shouldn't that be /dev/#kubuntu ?06:07
insanekanei have 2 machines on which the installer crashes ..06:07
SeanTaterDaSkreech: :D06:07
xstMidMark: I have the latest dist-upgrade, yes06:08
xstNeed to go06:08
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SeanTaterMidMark: Amarok, IMO, has a /very/ fast release schedule and usually the third digit in the version needs to be greater than 3 for it to be stable (1.3.3)06:09
MidMarkSeanTater: understood :)06:09
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SeanTaterMidMark: glad to be helpful06:09
MidMarkSeanTater: I really like amarok, but gui should be improved imhop06:10
ruCan someone please tell me (without bombarding me about standards/RFC's) how to put my signature and reply at the top of the message in Kmail?06:10
SeanTaterMidMark: I don;t mind the GUI, but I only add media, make playlists, turn on random and shuffle, the turn it on and leave it on for eons at a time06:11
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MidMarkSeanTater: yes but for me gui is important, for you it can works also a command line player :)06:12
defryskjuk is a nice player06:13
SeanTaterMidMark: no -- a CLI player won;t do for me, a couple people I have switched to kubuntu also need amarok, and do the same thing, but the fact that there is a GUI makes a BIG difference to them06:13
defryska bit less bloat06:13
ruIs it possible to put my response at the top of the quote in Kmail?06:13
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SeanTaterru: no clue, looked in "configure Kmail"?06:14
defryskand juk has a built in tagger06:14
SeanTaterdefrysk: I'll try it..06:14
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ruSeanTater: Yeah I looked everywhere, apparently its not possible06:15
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MidMarkI ask for all of you a thing06:16
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MidMarkin your opinion is it alsa stuff or kubuntu stuff add a gui to duplicate front to rear speakers?06:16
SeanTaterru: sorry -- you could file a wish in bugs.kde.org06:16
defryskMidMark, alsa06:16
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SeanTaterMidMark: Probably neither06:17
SeanTaterMidMark: Alsa will soon be phased out06:17
MidMarkSeanTater: why?06:17
SeanTaterMidMark: alsa is no longer developed either06:17
defryskSeanTater, fased out ?06:17
MidMarkSeanTater: really?06:17
defryskno longer developed ?06:17
SeanTaterMidMark: in KDE406:17
SeanTaterMidMark: hold on -- nevermind06:18
defryskals is a component of the kernel06:18
SeanTaterMidMark: I have too many similar names06:18
SeanTaterMidMark: that's arts06:18
SeanTaterMidMark: alsa is staying06:18
defryskalsa has nothing to do with kde06:18
defryskkde uses alsa06:18
MidMarkSeanTater: ok :)06:18
SeanTaterdefrysk: I know -- I got the names mixed up06:18
MidMarkSeanTater: so alsa stuff?06:18
defryskMidMark, the soundengines all use alsa06:19
defryskat least in the 2.6x kernels that is06:20
MidMarkdefrysk: I know, but let's read this report written by me... https://bugtrack.alsa-project.org/alsa-bug/view.php?id=218806:20
MidMarkthey don't care about missing feature don't know why06:20
defryskMidMark, missing feature ?06:21
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MidMarkdefrysk: Imho is not acceptable that kmix alsamix and then kmix doesn't let you to duplicate front to rear speaker and to not modify high and basses06:22
defryskMidMark, you'd better do some reading about alsa06:22
defryskMidMark, and complain to the manufacturors of your soundcard06:22
MidMarkdefrysk: what do you mean?06:23
defryskthey dont give the drivers for linux06:23
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ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .06:23
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defryskMidMark, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ALSA_%28Linux%2906:23
sdolnackhey cats--I've got a problem with clicking links from IRC and Gaim.  They always try to load in Konqueror (not my default browser), and always asks me to save the file as a php or html or what have you06:23
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defryskMidMark, do some reading ;)06:24
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MidMarkdefrysk: my card under linux supports very well surround, but there is a missing feature in the gui that prevent me to duplicate front from rear06:24
MidMarkdefrysk: I know perfectly how alsa works06:25
NthDegree_alsamixer MidMark06:25
NthDegree_run alsamixer in console06:25
NthDegree_no missing features there06:25
MidMarkNthDegree_: nope same things06:25
NthDegree_MidMark not a missing feature then06:26
NthDegree_it isn't in alsa then06:26
MidMarkNthDegree_: tell me how to duplicate front to rear speakers06:26
MidMarkNthDegree_: via gui of course06:26
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NthDegree_MidMark if the feature isn't in alsamixer then it isn't gonna be in Kmixer06:27
MidMarkNthDegree_: ok, but kmix is only a gui for alsamixer or can be something more?06:27
NthDegree_it's only a gui frontend for alsamixer as far as i know06:28
MidMarkNthDegree_: so I'm right, it is a feature missing for alsa-mixer :)06:28
NthDegree_MidMark alsamixer is there for volume controls and switching channel modes06:28
MidMarkNthDegree_: alsa mixer cannot let you change high, basses, front replications sound -> unacceptable06:28
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MidMarkalsamixer should do more in 200506:29
MidMarksorry 200606:29
DaSkreechIs it possible to get a Log dump of the last install you did under apt?06:29
sdolnackany suggestions?06:29
dimsuzHi! Could someone answer a few questions about this distro? :) Currently I'm using Gentoo and I want to look at Kubuntu. Just curious :).06:30
sdolnackdimsuz: absolutely06:30
dimsuzThe question is? Can I update software with Kubuntu to get new version of it?06:30
dimsuzs/is?/is./ :)06:30
sdolnackdimsuz: yes06:30
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h3sp4wndimsuz: You can backport things from debian sid if youi want06:31
sdolnackdimsuz: Kubuntu checks ofr updates on packages you have installed and will notify you when a new version is in the repositories06:31
DaSkreech!tell dimsuz about upgrade06:31
dimsuzsdolnack: and how big the packages are? I'm on dialup, you know :)06:31
DaSkreechdimsuz: You may want to look into shipit :-)06:31
sdolnackdimsuz: yes, adept (the packet manager) tells you how big they are, and how much is inswtalled06:31
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dimsuzDaSkreech: I've already filled a form there ;)06:32
dimsuzAnd how fast the new version of eg KDE becomes available to upgrade to?06:32
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DaSkreechdimsuz: Generally a day or so06:33
dimsuzDaSkreech: although I live in Russia, not sure if it gets here successfully :).06:33
dimsuzDaSkreech: that's great!06:33
SeanTaterdefrysk: hey -- using juk06:33
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SeanTaterdefrysk: thanks -- I really like it06:33
defryskSeanTater, cool ;)06:33
DaSkreechIt should :)06:33
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: A day or so after it goes into sid usually not a day after it is released06:33
SeanTaterdefrysk: I think I will be using it instead for the most part06:33
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: When does it go into sid?06:34
defryskSeanTater, its less bloat06:34
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: Usually a day before06:34
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: (well it did last time)06:34
dimsuzDaSkreech: and maybe by any chance adept can transfer some binary diff (xdelta) between packages? That saves download time. Or no?06:35
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DaSkreechdimsuz: Nope :)06:35
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dimsuzDaSkreech: so to install new kdelibs I have to download 10+Mb everytime? :)06:36
DaSkreechdimsuz: thats the way itworks with binary unfortunately06:36
sdolnack /msg Snake[Sleep] 06:36
dimsuzDaSkreech: ok, understood :).06:36
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edneymatiashow do i access the channel factoids?06:37
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h3sp4wnI hope that the apt-get / aptitude of {k}ubuntu get support for just giving diff's for the package list soon06:37
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dimsuzAnd one (last) question: I buyed Gentoo only once - 3 or 4 years ago, and after that I just update every week or so. Is this possible with Kubuntu? Or it sometimes introduces 'global' changes?06:37
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DaSkreechh3sp4wn: Tell me about it06:38
dimsuz...and I need to buy new CD...06:38
DaSkreechdimsuz: Officially it has a major release every 6 months with some small updates in between those06:38
DaSkreechthe Current one is LTS (Long term support) and is supported for 3 years06:39
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DaSkreechThe normal support cycle is 18 months06:39
DaSkreechThey expect to have a LTS edition every 4 releases06:39
dimsuzDaSkreech: yes, but can I live without getting a new CD every 6 months - just do update with Adept - and that's all? :)06:40
DaSkreechdimsuz: You can download the ISO for the new release and update from that. You can update directly from the internet and you can request a CD be sent to you06:40
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DaSkreechdimsuz: Yup :) Hope you have a friend with fast net you can bother once every 6 months ;-)06:40
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dimsuzDaSkreech: I hope this too :))). Not the one I know about at the moment ;)06:41
dimsuzDaSkreech: thanks very much, you've been very helpful! :) Good luck!06:41
edneymatiasis there an URL where i can search for subjects discussed here in channel?06:41
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dimsuzThanks very much to you all, you've been very helpful! :) Good luck!06:41
DaSkreechdimsuz: You can request the Offcial CD and you would be a few weeks behind but it would save you many days of downloading06:42
GullyFoylehrm, i got my sound working but it doesn't persist between reboots. how do i get it to load the module automatically on boot?06:42
dimsuzDaSkreech: ok! Thanks again ;)06:42
h3sp4wnput the modules into /etc/modules is the easiest way06:42
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DaSkreechhi kkathman06:42
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GullyFoyleh3sp4wn: how do i know the name of the module? i mean, the listed modules in /etc/modules is very generic; lp mousedev etc.06:44
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GullyFoyleh3sp4wn: put snd in there?06:44
h3sp4wnGullyFoyle: whatever you modprobed to manually get it working just put that in there06:44
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sdolnackcan gaim be set up to automatically A) ingore login messages from nickserv and memoserv and B) automatically join #kubuntu?06:45
GullyFoyleh3sp4wn: so if i put snd-ens1371 (it's an old sblive) it should work?06:45
h3sp4wnGullyFoyle: if to get it working you just typed modprobe snd-ens1371 - then that would get it working06:46
edneymatiasdoes anyone know where is that url to access channel logs and search for subjects discussed here?06:46
h3sp4wnGullyFoyle: Hard to say without actually knowing what you did06:46
GullyFoyleh3sp4wn: "sudo modprobe snd-1371" was what i used06:47
winbondis there some kind of cleanup command that will remove all broken packages or something like that ?06:47
h3sp4wnGullyFoyle: put just snd-1371 in there then06:47
GullyFoyleh3sp4wn: ok i'll try it06:48
DaSkreechsdolnack: not that I know of06:48
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DaSkreechsdolnack: YOu may want to ask in #gaim06:49
GullyFoyleoops, snd-ens1371 is what i meant06:49
iBulkok let's say i'm doing a command like this06:49
iBulkgzip -d file.tar.gz | tar -xvf (here)06:49
iBulkwhat goes (here) to wait wtf06:49
GullyFoylegaim has vastly improved over a couple of years06:50
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GullyFoyleit used to be quite primitive06:50
iBulkhe was asking me a stupid question how to untar the result of a ungunzip06:50
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sdolnackDaSkreech: you can; you need to ad it to yer buddy list06:51
=== Ron_o [n=ron@12-226-8-217.client.mchsi.com] has joined #kubuntu
Ron_ois there a quicklauncher in Kubuntu? Like alt-F2 in ubuntu?06:53
Ron_oit doesn't work for me.06:53
samuliworks for me.06:53
weedarare you using a microsoft or other keyboard that "enables/disables" the F-buttons Ron_o?06:53
aseigoRon_o: go to the keyboard shortcuts control panel and in the GLobal Shortcuts panel type "run" in the search box06:54
Ron_ohmmm, well, I guess it's a against me then.06:54
Ron_oweedar, no.06:54
aseigoRon_o: see what it has associated with it06:54
DaSkreechRon_o: Can You open a Konqueror window?06:54
samuliRon_o: sudo apt-get install katapult. It's sweeet.06:54
DaSkreechsdolnack: Oh Yeah I meant about the auto-join06:54
DaSkreechIf you can open one press F4 and see what happens06:55
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Ron_oI can't even run a command.06:56
Ron_oForget it. I have too many DE's on my system.06:56
Ron_oand WMs..06:56
Ron_oit's killing me.06:56
Ron_othe thing is I really like K3b and I hear it runs best when it's in KDE.06:57
koshthat sure sounds like a screwy things about your keyboard06:57
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=== Ron_o thinks he's going to install Xubuntu and stick with it.
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Ron_oI'm just too good at breaking systems. :)06:58
koshthat means you know far too little then06:58
koshbasically just enough to break the system06:58
Ron_othe thing is 6 months ago when I installed Ubuntu, I wanted to try *everything*..06:58
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Ron_okosh, exactly.06:58
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Ron_oI'm much better now.06:58
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Ron_oat both fixing and *at* breaking the system. :)06:59
koshthat is just pretty much the phase that people have the most problems06:59
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koshthe real newbies don't know how to break the systems and the experts know how not to break the system06:59
Republica_checa2  006:59
Ron_omy biggest problems so far have meen mounting and unmounting.07:00
Ron_oI'd no idea what I was in'fer.07:00
MetaMorfoziSwhat is the parameter for appending, not cleaning ? so i need to append something to test.txt i need: ls >> text.txt07:00
MetaMorfoziSi can't define me07:00
MetaMorfoziSso i want append, not overwrite07:00
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Ron_oMetaMorfoziS, you mean edit?07:01
MetaMorfoziSno, append:)07:01
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MetaMorfoziSnot append, add!07:01
MetaMorfoziSls >> test.txt07:02
MetaMorfoziSis overwrite07:02
Republica_checaUSA is not America.07:02
MetaMorfoziSi need adding07:02
defryskusa just owns america07:02
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Republica_checaYes, USA own Republica Checa. 8-)07:03
Ron_oMetaMorfoziS, I still don't get it. You need to add something to text.txt?07:03
MetaMorfoziSso how can i add?07:03
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MetaMorfoziSwith pipe and >>07:03
MetaMorfoziSfrom terminal07:04
Ron_oyou have to open it with a text editor.07:04
DeshHey, why would Kopete be able to signon to AIM but Gaim is not?07:04
MetaMorfoziSfrom console07:04
Ron_osudo <editor of choice> <name of file>07:04
MetaMorfoziStry: cd ~; ls >> test.txt07:04
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MetaMorfoziSRon_o: don'T be stupid07:04
Ron_oother than that I can't help you.07:04
MetaMorfoziSin test.txt you see you home's listing07:05
MetaMorfoziSi need to add07:05
MetaMorfoziSnot overwrite07:05
MetaMorfoziSthe >> operator overwrites the file07:05
MetaMorfoziSi need an operator that adds07:05
trappistMetaMorfoziS: > overwrites.  >> appends.07:06
=== georgeblunt [n=georgebl@p549FE75E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
MetaMorfoziSi miss checked something:D07:06
ubotuI don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, georgeblunt07:06
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SeanTaterubotu rell georgeblunt about repos07:07
ubotuNot a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, SeanTater07:07
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.07:07
SeanTaterubotu tell georgeblunt about repo07:08
SeanTaterubotu tell georgeblunt about repos07:08
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georgebluntah! ^07:08
SeanTaterah-ha it worked this time07:08
georgeblunttnx :) .. was looking for this easysource thing07:08
AMEGALUSXcan anyone tell me where the source code for my applications is kept??07:08
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic07:08
AMEGALUSXlike the c++ files07:08
georgebluntthanks alot07:09
AMEGALUSXcan anyone tell me where the source code for my applications is kept??07:09
winbondis there some kind of cleanup command that will remove all broken packages or something like that ?07:10
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trappistwinbond: sudo apt-get -f install07:10
Ron_owinbond, synaptic can help you with that.  ...07:10
Ron_oso can apt-get. :)07:11
winbondtrappist: what does it do?07:11
winbondRon_o: what do i do in synaptics?07:11
trappistwinbond: -f is shorthand for --fix-broken07:11
h3sp4wnaptitude would help with it best (interactive aptitude)07:12
trappistwinbond: see the man page for details07:12
AMEGALUSXcan anyone tell me where the source code for my applications is kept??07:12
winbondtrappist: oh , ty07:12
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trappistAMEGALUSX: try rephrasing (rather than just repeating) your question07:12
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koshAMEGALUSX: by default the source code for packages is not installed on your computer so they are kept on the archive servers07:18
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DaSkreechRon_o: Whats up with mounting?07:20
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gildo i have to use VNC on windows xp machine to connect to my kubuntu box remotely07:22
gilcan i not use Remote Desktop in Xp07:22
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu oder Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de07:24
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Snakesdolnack: you rang?07:26
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sdolnackSnake: nope, just used your name to set up my nickname on freenode07:27
sdolnackSnake: but maybe you can help me with wine :-P07:27
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Snakesdolnack: I doubt it, I hate that POS07:28
ubotuPlease watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen.07:29
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SnakePOS = Point of sale07:29
Snakety very much.07:29
sdolnackoh yeah07:29
Snake"let us sell you our POS!"07:29
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AMEGALUSXcan anyone tell me where the source code for my applications is kept??07:29
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SnakeAMEGALUSX: its not "kept" anywhere, you have to download it sepreatly07:30
sdolnackAMEGALUSX: which applications?07:30
AMEGALUSXoh my bad, someone already answered me07:30
Snakenp! :)07:30
=== DaSkreech shakes head :)
=== Snake pokes DaSkreech
AMEGALUSXactually....they really didnt07:30
=== DaSkreech dents
SnakeAMEGALUSX: if you want the source to any application, I beleive its "apt-get install -source <application>" but let me check07:31
AMEGALUSXi thought by default, the source code for the packages i have come with the packages07:31
SnakeNo, they are prebuilt binarys07:31
AMEGALUSXand the linux kernel source comes with the distro07:31
AMEGALUSXi thought it HAD to07:32
SnakeAMEGALUSX: Nope07:32
koshAMEGALUSX: it does not have to it just has to be available07:32
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sdolnackanyone here good w/ Wine?07:32
koshAMEGALUSX: trust me after you have downloaded openoffice you don't want to download the sourcecode for it also :)07:32
AMEGALUSXwell, i just want to see the source code for various apps so I can learn07:33
SnakeAMEGALUSX: heres how to do it07:33
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SnakeAMEGALUSX: sudo apt-get source <app name>07:33
koshyou can specifically install them07:33
DaSkreechAMEGALUSX: Start with simple stuff :-)07:33
=== Snake gets the source to gaim to look at
koshie not mozilla, kde, gnome, openoffice, kernel etc07:34
AMEGALUSXi was going to look at kate07:34
Snakekosh: the kernel is fun to look at :)07:34
koshAMEGALUSX: what language are you trying to learn07:34
DaSkreechOh I was going to say kernel  :(07:34
SnakeAMEGALUSX: sudo apt-get source kate :)07:35
AMEGALUSXwell i am decent at C++ and Java already07:35
koshDaSkreech: the kernel is very large and complex, as far as learning c goes it is not a great idea07:35
AMEGALUSXbut i still have alot to learn07:35
AMEGALUSXand i want to get more familiar with application dev07:35
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DaSkreechkosh: I know but he would have learnt a lot :)07:35
Snakekosh: its not really large large.. its got tons of lil files :)07:35
DaSkreechMostly not to listen to me07:35
=== DaSkreech assumes AMEGALUSX is male
koshfor java apps there are not many in the system, for c++ there are a lot of kde apps07:35
koshthe kernel is c07:35
AMEGALUSXlol, yes i am male07:35
DaSkreechokJust confirming :)07:36
koshsome programs are perl, some are python, some are ruby, and some are combinations of lots of languages07:36
koshso what language are you trying to learn?07:36
AMEGALUSXok, it is downloading kate source code07:36
AMEGALUSXdo any of you guys program for linux?07:37
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DaSkreechAMEGALUSX: Want to answer kosh's question?07:37
koshI do07:37
koshI write python apps for zope app server and have for about 6 years now07:37
=== sdolnack is Linus Torvalds
AMEGALUSXi answered it07:38
koshAMEGALUSX: you said what languages you know a little of, you did not say what languages you are trying to learn07:38
AMEGALUSXwell, i am just trrying to get better with C/C++07:38
koshAMEGALUSX: also please tell me that if you are going to write software professionally that you are also reading lots of technical docs and not just trying to learn from other peoples source code07:38
koshC and C++ are very different, if you write one like the other you have not learned enough about them07:39
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AMEGALUSXi dont write one like the other07:39
AMEGALUSXto be honest i only mainly know C++07:39
AMEGALUSXbut ive written a few simple programs in C07:39
sdolnackkosh: they're not VERY different... if you know one you won't have a hard tim elearning the other07:39
AMEGALUSXi am not professional07:39
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AMEGALUSXi am still a student07:40
AMEGALUSXbut I am a computer engineering student07:40
koshsdolnack: if you know c you have a vast ammount to be any good at c++07:40
AMEGALUSXso yes, i do read lots of technical books07:40
DaSkreechexcellent :) Welcome to the pack07:40
koshsdolnack: for good c++ you need to understand and know how to correctly use namespaces, templates, stl and many other things07:40
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sdolnackkosh: yes, i know this, but they are quite similar in many aspects07:41
AMEGALUSXdaskreech, are you a programmer?07:41
koshI have just had to replace far too many systems that where written by people that knew squat about what they are doing07:41
DaSkreechI program some07:41
AMEGALUSXsdolnack is right07:41
koshand the next time I have to replace a mysql db based app the price is going to get trippled07:41
sdolnackI myself am majoring in comp sci to be a programmer.  I took a c++ class in high school, but then CS111 at univ taught java, so i know a little bit of both07:41
koshsdolnack: I think viewing them as similar is a huge trap to get into07:41
sdolnackalthough the c++ class taught like c for most of it--it was annoying07:42
koshc++ can actually be more efficient line for line then java is and easier to read07:42
DaSkreechThey have the same reserved words07:42
AMEGALUSXkosh, i am a strong believer in reverse engineering when it is legal...so i think it is really good to try to learn from other's source code if avaialble07:42
sdolnackjava seems sloppy07:42
koshhowever most people know squat about c++, they just know some c and a little c++ syntax07:42
DaSkreechThats' fine :)07:42
sdolnacklike it doesn't seem as serious of a programming language as c or c++07:42
AMEGALUSXjava is serious, it just isnt as powerful because it sacrifices power for portability07:43
kubasdolnack, you really mean that?07:43
koshAMEGALUSX: reading others code is fine but reading docs is very very important also, otherwise you end up in the trap that many people fall into where a bad idea is just copied over and over and people don't know it is a bad idea07:43
method|if you know c++ it will take you like 5 minutes to be decent at C07:43
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koshpersonally I prefer python for just about anything07:43
method|i dont know how it would be going from c to c++07:43
kubasdolnack, java is just different07:43
Snake python <307:43
sdolnackkuba: I don't know.  i'm fairly new to programming, and I've just sort of viewed java as more for07:43
puruchosomy body speak spanish07:43
method|but for me going from c++ to c was terribly easy07:43
AMEGALUSXkosh, i understand completely, and trust me...i do read lots of tech docs07:44
puruchosome body speak spanish07:44
method|c++ to c# was really easy also07:44
Snakesdolnack: nice07:44
koshpurucho: I don't speak spanish07:44
DaSkreech!tell purucho about es07:44
method|i would say c# > java also07:44
method|there's something about java that just doesnt sit right with me07:44
koshif you transition languages easily then you did not realy learn the new language07:44
sdolnackcoz java has the garbage collector, which is a big memory hog, no?07:44
sdolnackbut then java can do strings, which is very very nice07:44
method|im probably biased because im employed as a asp.net c# programmer :D07:44
Snakeasp.net.... thats MS tech isnt it?07:45
AMEGALUSXit is safer because of that garbage collector though07:45
koshjust like I have seen some really slow python that people write and they blame python for it but the problem is that they wrote c in python and I see that in all kinds of other languages07:45
kubasdolnack, depends on implementation. But I'd prefer a memory hog over a segfault :)07:45
method|Snake: yes07:45
koshit takes 20+ years to actually master c++07:45
Snakemethod|: go learn PHP :P07:45
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method|why? lol07:45
koshAMEGALUSX: you can use a garbage collector with c++ and there are many good ones07:45
method|i know some php07:45
AMEGALUSXnot with C though07:45
sdolnackto tell you all the truth I prefer brainf*ck over everything else07:45
method|cant see any advantages over asp.net to07:45
Snakemethod|: so that youll have a job when MS goes under :) (im just playin around dude)07:45
method|besides the fact that it's M$07:46
sdolnackHello World in brainf*ck:  ++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-] >++.>+.+++++++..+++.>++.<<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>.07:46
method|actually the whole reason why i got back into linux was to start getting more into php07:46
method|after about 6 months i havent gotten around to it yet lol07:46
koshhttp://osteele.com/archives/2004/11/ides that is an interesting read07:47
koshI am a language based developer so I have very high standards for what knowing a language is07:47
AMEGALUSXkosh: what do you develop?07:48
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koshAMEGALUSX: I write db stuff in zope, all kinds of custom stuff for the last 6 years or so07:49
MetaMorfoziShow can i start an application from tty?07:49
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MetaMorfoziSto any display 007:49
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kubu22Any idea why apt-get install xine-extracodecs isn't working in Kubuntu 6.06 LTS AMD64?  (Yes, I've enabled universe and multiverse)07:50
AMEGALUSXkosh: are you freelance or somethin?07:51
ubotuNon Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there!07:51
DaSkreechor #kubuntu-offtopic07:51
wredeI have a new dapper kubuntu installation on my Thinkpad P4-M. Installed automatix stuff and 686 Kernel and it had already locked solid several times. Totally unacceptable! Any ideas07:52
koshAMEGALUSX: I have my own business07:52
koshAMEGALUSX: have gotten a fair number of contracts where the customer found us because they could not find anyone else in the area that could get the job done07:53
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AMEGALUSXkosh: always good to be the only resort07:53
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koshthe projects are interesting but sometimes very nasty07:54
AMEGALUSXwhat is an example of a project you might get?07:54
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DaSkreechWhats the Cd command to go to the last directory you were in?07:54
morrowcd -07:55
GazzaKis there a way to mirror or ghost a kubuntu image from one hard drive to another different sized hard drive? (which is currently sitting in a drawer)07:55
AMEGALUSXUnpack command 'dpkg-source -x armagetron_0.2.7.0-1ubuntu3.dsc' failed.07:55
koshwe recently got a sign company which has some nasty ecommerce stuff on it, each line item has a price that varies by quantity and sometimes with respect to another line item07:55
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koshhowever they don't vary consistently with resepect to quantity07:55
koshso no normal ecommerce system can handle it07:56
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DaSkreechmorrow: Thanks07:56
AMEGALUSXhmm sounds complicated07:56
Ayabarawhen I try to erase a cdrw disc in k3b I get "Error trying to open /dev/sg0 exclusively (Permission denied)"07:56
DaSkreechGazzaK: Umm not using dd?07:56
koshso the customer will custom define quantity points/prices and the system will scan that table to figure out what the unit price is based on quantity in the cart to figure out the price07:57
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GazzaKDaSkreech, is that a question or an answer?07:57
koshlittle more complex then that but the system is working very well07:57
DaSkreechGazzaK: Both07:57
AMEGALUSXkosh: sounds cool07:57
DaSkreechdd is the simple answer07:57
DaSkreechUnless you already know dd and wanted something else07:57
GazzaKerm, what is dd?  an app?07:58
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AMEGALUSXwhen i DL a package, where does it go?07:58
AMEGALUSXim gonna unpack this thing manually07:58
GazzaKsorry I'd never heard of dd before, I thought you meant Dapper Drake! :p07:58
koshdd is a way to copy data pretty much07:59
DaSkreechGazzaK: dd == data duplicator07:59
GazzaKcan it copy it in such a way as to make the other drive bootable, just like the first?08:00
Ron_odd copies everything, including unused space.08:00
Ron_opartimage just copies used space.08:00
DaSkreechGazzaK: The simple method is dd if=/dev/hda.source of=/dev/hdb.target08:00
DaSkreechGazzaK: You may want to man dd though08:00
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GazzaKcan it copy a 60Gb drive (5gb used) to a 30Gb drive?08:00
Ron_oyou might if you use partimage... but not with dd as far as I know.08:01
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koshhowever doing it I would not recommend08:01
GazzaKwhy not kosh ?08:01
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AMEGALUSXis usr/share where application source code should be located??08:02
GazzaKreason for this is to basically make a test machine and a live machine on the same box.  if it's gonna be hard, then i'll build again using the 30Gb drive08:02
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GazzaKjust thought it was worth asking08:02
MetaMorfoziScan i see my tty from ssh?08:03
GazzaKas ghost would do it to a windows installation, and i've used that a lot before08:03
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Ron_othe difference in linux you can do it right in linux live w/o rebooting.08:03
Ron_oeven apps you are using you can copy.08:03
Ron_oalthough, the latter may not be recommended.08:04
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DaSkreechpurucho__: Are you ok?08:05
DaSkreechpurucho___: Are you ok?08:05
h3sp4wnMetaMorfoziS: use finger08:06
AMEGALUSXcan anyone tell me what directory a package ends up in when its downloaded?08:06
DaSkreechAMEGALUSX: Are you using adept?08:06
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GazzaKi'll try partimage and or dd, thank you folks, you are great :)08:06
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DaSkreechGazzaK: We know we know :)08:06
AMEGALUSXwell i used the console08:06
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DaSkreechAMEGALUSX: Did you apt-get it or wget it?08:07
barrosanyone here succed installing vmware without any-any pathces?08:07
DaSkreechok then it should be in your path08:07
Ron_o"which" command can help a little.08:07
koshstrangely enough it actually goes in the dir you ran the command in08:07
AMEGALUSXyou mean, home?08:07
DaSkreechwhereis or which should find it08:07
DaSkreechkosh: huh?08:08
DaSkreechkosh: For apt?08:08
AMEGALUSXoh wow, found it08:08
koshDaSkreech: go ahead and try it, the source packages are not integrated into the system, they just go in whatever dir you ran the command in08:08
DaSkreechAh Source :) I forgot the gist of the konversation08:09
MetaMorfoziSeta@macisajt:~$ finger tty208:09
MetaMorfoziSfinger: tty2: no such user.08:09
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MetaMorfoziSwhat i type wrong?08:10
RadiantFiretty2 isn't a user08:10
RadiantFireits a terminal screen08:10
RadiantFireyou can't finger it08:10
h3sp4wnMetaMorfoziS: Look at the output of finger and the specific options - parse it yourself08:10
MetaMorfoziSok, how can i check my tty2?08:11
MetaMorfoziSor finger can't do that?08:11
h3sp4wnor use who08:11
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MetaMorfoziSi want to acces a machine's tty from ssh08:12
MetaMorfoziSis it possible with finger?08:12
DaSkreechMetaMorfoziS: Let me see if i can calrify08:12
DaSkreechclarify :)08:12
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DaSkreechYou want to ssh into a machine then change your tty?08:12
obscuriteAnyone know why the printers screen in kcontrol hangs? I'm on breezy and I've never set up a printer before08:13
MetaMorfoziSno, then change to machine's tty08:13
rafaelfuck you08:13
MetaMorfoziSmachine "a" want to ssh machine "b"08:13
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MetaMorfoziSand machine "b" have a program running on tty208:13
ubotuPlease watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen.08:13
MetaMorfoziSthat machine "a"'s user want to see/cntrol08:13
h3sp4wnUse screen08:13
rafaelI love windows & Bill Gates, fuck you ubuntu & Kubuntu08:14
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koshumm ok08:14
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DaSkreechhee hee08:15
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obscuriteAnyone willing to help my with a breezy printing problem, or is everyone a dapper snob now ;)08:16
obscuritethe printer manager gets stuck on "initializing manager..."08:17
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ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!08:20
DaSkreechAh Knew there was a command for it :)08:20
kkathmanapokryphos:  no such luck08:21
naliothDaSkreech: ?08:21
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uniqdaskreech: there is !kops too, i think.08:21
DaSkreechnalioth: Never mind Riddell already kickbanned him08:21
DaSkreechnalioth: Had a rabble rouser08:21
naliothDaSkreech: use !kops please08:21
DaSkreechnalioth: Didn't know about kops Thanks08:21
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obscuriteso my cups error_log says "LoadAllClasses: Unable to open /etc/cups/classes.conf" - could that be what's stalling the print mgr?08:22
pradeeptoRiddell: around?08:22
Riddellpradeepto: if you're quick08:23
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obscuriteIt also says "LoadDevices: Backend did not respond within 30 seconds!"08:23
pradeeptoRiddell: what's the equivalent to Suse's xorg-x11-devel-6.9.0-48 ?08:23
pradeeptoon Dapper?08:23
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Riddellpradeepto: apt-get build-dep kdelibs kdebase   brings in most of what you'll ever need08:24
pradeeptoRiddell: hmmm will it work if I need it for building kdelibs from svn/3.308:25
pradeeptoRiddell: I ask this because libs and base from 3.3 got built nicely.08:25
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Riddellpradeepto: yes, should do08:26
pradeeptoRiddell: but pim stuff is asking for missing "X11/extensions/scrnsaver.h"08:26
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insanekanehi pradeepto08:26
pradeeptoinsanekane: hey there, long time dude08:26
insanekaneRiddell: have you gopt any reports of xserver-xorg crashing on the latest Kubuntu alternate-install iso ?08:26
NthDegree_Kubuntu-alternate-install is flawed08:27
n73n53is this the forum i go to for help with kubuntu?08:27
Riddellinsanekane: that's quite a general thing to report08:27
RiddellNthDegree_: in what way?08:27
NthDegree_yes n73n5308:27
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NthDegree_crashes on Select and Install Software Riddell08:27
Riddellpradeepto: check packages.ubuntu.com to find out where that file is08:27
insanekaneRiddell: it happens with intel graphics cards08:27
RiddellNthDegree_: worked for me and the others who validated it08:28
RiddellNthDegree_: do you have a bug report?08:28
n73n53i just put a new drive in and i need help figuring out how to access it, its formated for windows.08:28
insanekaneRiddell: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/4816408:28
pradeeptoRiddell: installing xserver-xorg-dev didnot help :(08:28
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NthDegree_unfortuantely not Riddell, there's no information I can give really except the standard error it gives (about a setup step failing)08:28
DaSkreechn73n53: Try System Settings -> Disk and Filesystems08:29
RiddellNthDegree_: did you validate the burnt CD?08:29
insanekaneRiddell: it just doesnt complete the installation process ... and oh yeah, the with latest kubuntu (if the install doesnt work as mentioned), the partition table gets screwed, and I cant boot any OS08:29
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NthDegree_Riddell, I used k3b and that verified it as 100% binary compatible08:29
DrBairanyone sucessful in getting an intel 945 board to suspend to RAM? Mine resumes with the hard drive readonly08:29
insanekanepradeepto: yes, been away for a while ... was very excited about the latest kubuntu .... until I actually downloaded it, and tried to install it :/08:30
DaSkreechNthDegree_: I think he means run the CD check when it boots08:30
pradeeptowhy what happened now?08:30
insanekanepradeepto: so many many problems08:30
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insanekanei was so damn embarrassed when I installed it at a senior person's home computer08:31
NthDegree_oh in that case I can't comment, but i've used that same CD-RW for ubuntu alternate install and it was fine and i've downloaded and tried the kubuntu one on that same CD-RW multiple times08:31
insanekaneit destroyed the partition table ... now he is unable to boot into windows08:31
insanekanepradeepto: and this was after flight-5 installed properly08:31
insanekaneon that very same machine08:32
pradeeptoinsanekane: was that the release version or beta08:32
pradeeptoinsanekane: and that partition table can be fixed easily hoping that you didnot mess with it much.08:32
noaXessif i plugin in my headphones on my laptop, the sound stops.. sound is only available if no headphones are pluged?.. any idea?08:33
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pradeeptoinsanekane: I have had faced that problem with beta1 and that was bug in ubiquity.08:33
obscuriteMy whole printing problem was that lo wasn't up and cups didn't want to work without loopback08:33
pradeeptoinsanekane: a simple "adjustment" to the hdd geometry using a forensic cd can fix the issue.08:33
pradeeptoinsanekane: that's from my personal experience.08:34
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pradeeptoinsanekane: it's a know bug and is mentioned on wiki. Even mvo faced the same thing as me and you.08:34
Ron_ohow long does it take to erase a cd-rw fully in K3b?08:34
pipitasobscurite: was that CUPS 1.1 or CUPS 1.2?08:34
pradeeptoRiddell: thanks the package name is x11proto-scrnsaver-dev :)08:35
DaSkreechany one know what scp - p does?08:35
=== Ron_o decided to cancel. It was going on for 2 hours.
obscuritepipitas - not sure actually08:35
pradeeptoDaSkreech: secure copy08:36
DaSkreechpradeepto: uh uh08:36
DaSkreechthe -p?08:36
obscuritedaskreach - man is your friend :)08:36
DaSkreechI read man08:36
DaSkreechIt's obscure08:36
DaSkreechIt says it keeps modes08:36
pradeeptoyes the mod times and wht not.08:36
obscuriteIt keeps permissions and dates08:36
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DaSkreechis that Old Man UNIX talk for permissions?08:36
DaSkreechAH thats the - option that gets me paid :_)08:37
obscuritethe flag works the same in cp08:37
mitakkaHi, anybody use superkaramba???08:37
barrosNoUse: well, that is exactly what I did, but with no success. i' musing a custom kernel, compiled from the vanilla source!!08:37
DaSkreechobscurite: Right it's not called modes I think08:37
barrosNoUse: 2.6.16-2008:37
obscuritepipitas - it was 1.108:37
pipitasobscurite: in CUPS 1.2 local printing does work even without loopback up, as long as there is a "Listen /var/run/cups/cups.sock" line in cupsd.conf and a "ServerName /var/run/cups/cups.sock" in /etc/cups/client.conf (or an env var of "CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock")08:38
insanekanepradeepto: its a regression ... flight-6 worked almost beautifully08:38
obscuritedaskreech - as in the chmod "change mode" command which changes permissions among other things08:38
pipitasobscurite: in 1.1, loopback up is required (as it is required by the older printing systems LPR/LPD or LPRng as well)08:38
obscuritepipitas - that's good!08:38
DrBairis it possible to add a hibernate option in the logout screen?08:39
pradeeptoinsanekane: it's alright, and I use f5 updating whenever I can.08:39
DaSkreechmitakka: No I'm waiting till KDE4 :-)08:39
insanekanepradeepto: yeah ... i installed f5 on this machine, and dist-upgrade08:40
DaSkreechobscurite: Thats how I figured it out :-)08:40
pradeeptoinsanekane: bugs will be there, and it's not that there are 100 people work on it.08:40
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insanekanepradeepto: true08:40
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insanekanepradeepto: there arent ?08:40
obscuritewoooohooo! test page printing08:41
obscurite(over tcp/ip printer no less)08:41
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insanekanepradeepto: on the other hand, i installed windows 4 times today ... what a breeze :P08:42
obscuriteLet's see, I have dual monitors working with my laptop, printing... almost no linux gotchas left to copmlain about :/08:42
insanekaneeven if it comes with nothing08:42
obscuriteAnd i'm not even on dapper yet08:42
pradeeptoinsanekane: do want me to kick you :P08:42
obscuritethe built in kubuntu networking tools require me to activate a wifi profile and dhclient eth1 every time i boot up08:43
pipitasobscurite: you must be a very unhappy man, with nothing to complain about...08:43
obscuritethat's my last complaint08:43
insanekanepradeepto: well you know ... sometimes i just hate all this ... windows is just so goddamn appealing :P08:44
pipitasobscurite: switch to Dapper, and things will change :-)08:44
obscuritepipitas - and have NOTHING left to complain about???08:44
pradeeptoinsanekane: join #windows #vista or better still #vapour :P08:44
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pipitasobscurite: I leave it to you to find out. But chances are,.... oh, well.08:45
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obscuritepipitas - an xorg graphical config tool is the last frontier apparently. i think there's one floating around for suse and other rpm based distros now08:46
Hhhhhsax2 for SUSE08:46
obscuriteyeah, sax208:46
Hhhhhthat's how it's called, obscurite08:46
noaXessany idea, where i can enable my headphones?08:46
jpatricknoaXess: plug them in08:46
noaXessjpatrick: then won't work..08:47
noaXessif i plugin in my headphones on my laptop, the sound stops.. sound is only available if no headphones are pluged?.. any idea?08:47
jpatricknoaXess: correct hole to plug in to?08:47
noaXessjpatrick: yeah.. hey..08:47
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neutrinomassAnybody with op perms? Some help is needed in #ubuntu ...08:48
iNikunoaXess: check your mixer, the headphones channel might be muted08:48
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noaXessiNiku: yeah, have checked.. but there is no headphone channel :((08:49
noaXessthats my problem..08:49
obscuriteneutrinomass - ask nalioth he seems like a nice op08:49
neutrinomassobscurite: They're currently all away, I did an !ops and no one has responded :(08:50
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neutrinomassobscurite: Somebody else did another one... (ubotu didn't like my second !ops )08:50
_hibberthi all08:50
neutrinomassOk, Seveas handled it, thanks08:50
_hibbertanyone got printer knowhow?08:51
obscurite_hibbert - I just got my printer working finally08:51
iNikunoaXess: hmm, no idea then...08:51
_hibbertdid it stop working when you upgraded?08:52
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obscurite_hibbert - i had a weird problem with cupsd where my loopback nic was off which broke cupsd. i'm still on breezy08:52
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obscurite_hibbert - what happened? upgraded to dapper and it stopped working?08:53
obscuritewell, my problem wasn't weird as pipitas pointed out. cups 1.1 needs lo to be up.08:53
_hibbertah - my printer was (z32 lexmark btw) was working ok on breezy but now I have dapper and its dead08:53
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obscurite_hibbert - see anything in /var/log/cups/error_log?08:54
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Sc[_] ttgood afternoon all08:54
_hibbertCUPS-Set-Default: Unauthorized - that doesnt look too good08:55
_hibbertcould it be permissions?08:55
_hibbertalso - CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer: Unauthorized08:55
_hibbertI used to have to type this on breezy to get it to work: sudo chmod 777 /dev/usb/lp008:56
Sc[_] ttbeen trying to install for 3 days, i can't seem to find clear instructions on using the boot options, if i want to use the netcfg/disable_dhcp=true option.. i have the alternate cd... do i have to type the word INSTALL before all the options that are there, then the netcfg/...stuff... or do i put that after the stuff that's there, or do i take the other stuff out.. i can't seem to get it right08:57
_hibbertnow i only have /dev/usblp008:57
obscurite_hibbert - yeah could be permissions08:57
obscuritepipitas - any ideas why _hibbert is getting those errors?08:57
_hibberti've tried to add the printer in admin mode too08:58
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Sc[_] tti liked it better when the live and install cd's were separate... i've never had this much trouble installing08:59
Hestonjust curious, is Kubuntu a livecd ?08:59
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_hibbertYes Kubuntu is a live cd09:00
noaXesswhat about S/PDIF devices?... on my headphone whole is this info..09:00
DaSkreechIf you want it to be09:00
obscuriteI wish there was an IRC channel to talk about gadgets you ordered that haven't arrived yet09:00
DaSkreechSc[_] tt: Well the alternate CD is an install Cd09:00
Hestoni think ill just use ubuntu directly and install kde seperately in that case09:00
DaSkreechobscurite: #vapour09:01
_hibbertyou get livecd and theres an icon on the desktop to install if you want to09:01
obscuritedaskreech - is that some kinda inside joke?09:01
DaSkreechYeah I guess09:02
Hestoninstalling livecd's was never a great idea :/09:02
obscuritekubuntu is meant to be installed!09:02
Sc[_] ttDaSkreech: i just can't seem to figure out where to put the netcfg/disable_dhcp=true option, no matter how i try it... do i have to type the word 'install' in the boot options space, or just put my options before or after everything that is already there or what...09:02
_hibbertwell - it worked fine for me :-D09:02
DaSkreechSc[_] tt: doesn't it ask you to do that in the install. Why d you want to do it at the outset?09:03
obscuritedaskreech - i dont get it, you want your install not to use dhcp?09:03
Sc[_] ttif i just install with the defaults, it configures dhcp09:03
DaSkreechobscurite: Me?09:03
Sc[_] ttit never asks for other options09:03
Sc[_] ttthat's why i'm trying to put it in the boot options09:03
obscuritedaskreech - i thought you were asking for help with an install09:03
DaSkreechobscurite: No that's Sc[_] tt09:03
obscuritedaskreech - gotcha09:04
DaSkreechhe wants to disable DHCP09:04
obscuritescott - doesn't the isntaller ask if you want to manually set up your network?09:04
_hibbertyou can edit /etc/network/interfaces later and turn it off09:04
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obscuriteor is that only if it fails to dhcp...09:04
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_hibbertyou should see a line that says : iface eth0 inet dhcp09:05
_hibbertchange dhcp to static09:05
_hibbertand you can set your own ip and gateway etc09:06
Sc[_] tti've never seen it ask for network options... i'm blind... it's very difficult if not impossible for me to go digging through config files, that's why i'm asking about the boot options...i need 'easy' then once i can actually get it installed then i can play and poke around09:07
Sc[_] ttok _hibbert i'll try that, thank you09:07
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_hibbertsooo - about my lexmark z32..... anybody know what my permissions problem could be?09:08
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lnxKDEhow I install svn in kubuntu09:09
lnxKDEsudo apt-get install svn does not work09:10
obscuritelnxKDE - do an apt-cache search subversion09:10
lnxKDEbtw : am trieng to install KDE 4.0 from svn09:11
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obscuriteah cool. good luck...09:11
obscuritedoes it run?09:11
insanekaneactually, i dont understand ... flight-7 was a beta or alpha release ?09:12
lnxKDEwell looks like it in KDE-look someone posted a actual screenshoot of his konqueror 4 svn running09:12
insanekanepradeepto: flight-7 was a beta or alpha release ?09:12
obscuriteinsanekane - i think the flights are betas. after the final flight it launched right?09:12
DaSkreechlnxKDE: Link! :)09:13
insanekanemoving openoffice.org to icu3.4 after flight-7 ... ? isn't that risky ?09:13
lnxKDEsure give me a sec09:13
obscuriteinsanekane - dunno09:13
Bazziinsanekane: everybody likes adventures09:13
lnxKDEhttp://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=40779  <---- actual konqueror 4 svn running09:14
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insanekaneBazzi: :P09:14
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DaSkreechNo It says mockup09:15
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insanekanelnxKDE: what are you trying to do ?09:15
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DarkAdmiralany one here, who is using kopete?09:16
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lnxKDEI just want to test it and see what is happening behind the dev process09:16
reonDarkAdmiral, used it before, why ?09:17
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insanekanelnxKDE: ?09:17
obscuritedarkadmiral - i've tried it out09:17
insanekanelnxKDE: its a mockup ... means an artists impression of what he would like konqueror 4 to be like09:18
lnxKDEinsanekane : I  want to install KDE 4 svn :)09:18
lnxKDEinsanekane reed brother .... he post the mockup also09:18
DarkAdmiralis it possible to see buddy icons with icq?09:18
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lnxKDEbut there is a difference in both    one is the real svn and the nicer one is the mockup09:18
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noaXesssomebody an idea to enable headphones?09:19
noaXesssoudn works ok.. with normal speaker (laptop) but headphones isn't available.. no channel to control.09:19
reonDarkAdmiral, sorry can't remember09:19
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ubotuWhat? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, noaXess09:19
h3sp4wnnoaXess: Make sure its in the right port or use a headphone amp09:19
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DarkAdmiralreon: ok09:19
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MyNewbieis gnome lighter than kde ?09:20
DaSkreechlnxKDE: #kde is where the KDE4 action will ... kinda be09:20
noaXessh3sp4wn: it is the right port, trust me... headphone amp?09:20
DaSkreechWe aren't even looking at it for Edgy09:20
DaSkreechMaybe Fuzzy09:20
noaXessh3sp4wn: external headphone card?09:20
ubotuDo they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, noaXess09:20
MyNewbiei mean i don't know if i choose ubu or kubu09:21
h3sp4wnnoaXess: If its a line level output then you can convert it to a headphone output with a headphone amp09:21
noaXessMyNewbie: you wnat GNOME or KDE Desktop?09:21
MyNewbieis kde more heavy than gnome?09:21
DaSkreechMyNewbie: If you want light try XFCE09:21
MyNewbiei don't like xubuntu :)09:21
obscuriteXFCE is pretty ugly for a newbie though09:21
HestonMyNewbie, kde may be heavier but it sure is faster09:21
noaXessh3sp4wn: there is an info on it S/PDIF..09:21
MyNewbieheavy but faster?09:21
obscuriteKDE and gnome seem about the same to me, but i get more done in kde09:22
MyNewbieI meant, isn't gnome faster than kde?09:22
lnxKDEDaSkreech yeah I am in there right now09:22
obscuritesame as in resources09:22
HestonMyNewbie, gnome execution time is horrible09:22
h3sp4wnI think kde is faster09:22
h3sp4wn(think as opposed to having tested it)09:22
MyNewbiealso kde seems to come with a lot of apps... kthis, kthat... does kubuntu come with more apps than ubuntu or not really?09:22
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ubotu[alsa]  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063, see also !dmix09:23
HestonMyNewbie, you wont be sorry you picked kde unless you like extremely light wm's09:23
DaSkreechMyNewbie: They both come with what is needed09:23
ubotuI guess dmix is first try system>prefrences>multimedia system selector change it to alsa. for oss application type aoss <appl name> if still have problems then http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin09:23
obscuriteKDE has a suite of amazing apps that work together. kontact for email/calendar/contacts, amarok for mp3/media, konversation and kopete for chat. lots of integration and gadgets :)09:23
obscuritemynewbie - definitely check out gnome AND kde and give each one at least a week09:24
=== DaSkreech tries not to think of KDE4
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obscuriteubuntu makes it so easy to switch between them09:24
MyNewbieyes, kde seems to have amazing apps bundled :)09:24
MyNewbiei'll try both live cds09:24
obscuritemynewbie - in linux everything is bundled ;)09:24
MyNewbieahh one more thing09:24
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MyNewbieubuntu and kubuntu run equally good on powerpc or is one distro more advanced than the other?09:25
obscuriteshould be the same09:25
MyNewbiegreat :)09:25
georgeblunthey there.. i just ran into a little problem.. i wanted to install the flash plugin using adept.. but the installation didn't want to finish.. it was stuck at 90% and just not moving for almost 20mins.. so i killed the adept process.. and now evereytime i want to start adept again, it tells me, that the db is in use by another process and i can't change a thing...09:25
MyNewbieah yes, I saw kbluetooth in kubuntu09:25
MyNewbieis there a list of supported hardware?09:26
georgebluntthing is.. i can't find any other adept process besides the adept-notifier09:26
obscuritemynewbie - everything that linux supports basically09:26
MyNewbiei have a conceptronic bluetooth adapter09:26
MyNewbiebut I cant find linux drivers for it09:26
DaSkreechgeorgeblunt: Check if you have a lock file in /var/cache/apt/archives09:26
georgebluntk.. just a sec09:27
MyNewbiedoes that mean it wont work or it may work fine without support from conceptronic?09:27
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georgebluntjep.. there is a lock file09:28
obscuritemynewbie - chances are you'll be fine09:28
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DaSkreechgeorgeblunt: try sudo rm on it09:28
MyNewbiegreat :)09:28
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MyNewbieare there any good kde vs. gnome reviews online? i mean quality stuff, not the old flaming09:29
MyNewbiegoogled it but only found wars09:29
cypheri'm having some trouble getting my 3com 3crpag175 working with kubuntu on my hp nc623009:29
obscuritemynewbie - how much ram ya got09:29
DaSkreechMyNewbie: Rally and truly if you are talking about feel then just try them09:29
_hibbertnow i have a different question - I've tried loggin into localhost:631 but it wont accept and username or pwd09:29
cypheri have the exact same card on my dell d810 and it works great09:29
georgebluntDaSkreech: removed it but still the same error09:29
cypherbut can't seem to get it to work on the hp09:29
_hibbertI even tried root09:29
uniqmynewbie: moost are wars. But you could try osnews.com they tend to have some good reviews.09:29
DaSkreechgeorgeblunt: What's the error say?09:29
obscurite_hibbert - you may need some stuff in cupds.conf?09:30
obscuritemynewbie - more than enough09:30
_hibbertwhat like?09:30
obscuritemynewbie - kde with all the good apps loaded comes under 512mb09:30
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MyNewbiealso how many partitions should i create?09:30
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MyNewbiethe /, /home and /swap ?09:30
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DaSkreechnikkiana: Welcome :)09:31
georgeblunt"You will not be able to change your system settings in any way (....), because another process is using the packaging system database (....)"09:31
EvilIdlerMyNewbie: I recommend a few gigs on / if you make /usr part of it09:31
cypheri insert the card into the hp and /var/log/messages sees the card inserted, but doesn't load any modules09:31
EvilIdlerLike 6+09:31
nikkianaHi DaSkreech :)09:31
obscuritemynewbie - on desktop installs i just do / and swap. on servers i do /var /home / and swap at least09:31
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DaSkreech?me hugs nikkiana09:31
cypherwhen itry and load the modules manually it still doesn't show ath0 as there09:31
fimblowhere can I report bugs for kubuntu 6?09:31
=== DaSkreech hugs nikkiana while he is at it
MyNewbiewhat are the benefits of creating /usr and /home in new partitions?09:31
=== nikkiana hugs DaSkreech back. :)
DaSkreechfimblo: http://launchpad.net09:31
fimblothanks daskreech09:32
obscuritemynewbie - /home and /var are both safeguards against disks filling up or filesystem corruption09:32
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obscuritemynewbie - usr is to segregate installed system sw09:32
EvilIdlerMyNewbie: I recommend / as the /usr partition, and at least 6 gigs (16GB here)09:32
MyNewbieoh sorry, my english is bad09:32
MyNewbiethe /usr is for what ?09:32
nico8481still nobody has the "shift+delete not working" issue ?09:33
_hibbertwhat kind of things in cupsd.conf09:33
EvilIdlerYou install all packaged programs into /usr mostly09:33
obscuriteusr is to separate installed system software from the rest of the system09:33
MyNewbieso / is the system, /swap is swap and /home is where i can store my openoffice docs, movies, etc ?09:33
obscuriteI've always found /var is the most useful partition aside from / and /home is only useful in true multiuser systems09:33
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MyNewbieit makes it easier to reinstall ubuntu without loosing my stuff right ?09:34
DrBairwhen acpid is put into debug mode, it should show events on the screen correct?09:34
EvilIdleryeah, /home is where most crap gathers :)09:34
bjoern_kahhi. does anyone got a dell truemobile 1400 wireless card working in dapper? it worked great with ndiswrapper in breezy.09:35
georgebluntDaSkreech: can you think of any process that might be blocking adept?.. something not-so-apperent? ^^09:35
DaSkreechgeorgeblunt: Oh btw09:35
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DaSkreechrun sudp dpkg --configure -a09:35
drepthi all, how do I unmount bluetooth dongle?09:35
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tloudenso, I just re-installed [k] ubuntu and would like to restore my kde settings from the old harddrive.  can anybody help me with this?09:36
DrBairdrept: I wouldn't think you'd have to09:36
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bjoern_kahsudo umount /mnt/sda1 ?09:36
obscuritedrept - unmounting is only for drives as far as i know. other devices can be plugged in and removed at will.09:36
DrBairtlouden: copy the /home/$USER from the old drive to the new one09:36
georgebluntDaSkreech: that worked! thanks alot, mate! :D09:36
dreptsda1 not found09:36
DaSkreechgeorgeblunt: Sorry should have told you that a long time ago09:37
DrBairtlouden: or just the /home/$USER/.kde if you only want the kde stuff09:37
tloudenDrBair: if that doesn't do it (ie. it hasn't)?09:37
georgebluntDaSkreech; hehe,.. np ^^09:37
DrBairtlouden: did you restart kde?09:37
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tloudenDrBair: yes09:37
tloudenDrBair: I'm most concerned about window settings and panels, neither of which change when I copy the old files09:38
DrBairtlouden: that should do it, all the kde stuff is in .kde09:38
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cypheranyone want to help figure out why my 3com pcmcia card works on one laptop beautifully but not another?09:38
DrBairtlouden: unless of course they moved the file locations or formats in which case you are SOL09:39
cypherboth running kubuntu 6.0609:39
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_hibbertdoes CUPS have a default user and passowrd ?09:39
tloudenDrBair: good thought, I'll research those possibilities.  thanks09:39
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jpatrickicheyne: please remove your away message09:44
stamenwho can tell me which multimedia codecs to install for dapper09:44
icheynejpatrick: ok09:44
stamenwhich are working09:44
icheynejpatrick: why do you care?09:44
dreptokay, tnx09:44
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ubotuPlease don't use public away messages or change your nick to 'someone|away'.  We know you're away when you don't respond to messages.09:45
icheynegot it09:45
jpatrickicheyne: and https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IrcGuidelines09:46
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icheynejpatrick: fine09:46
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Dani_Filthj'ai dsactiv, "Afficher l'cran d'accueil" dans amarok il le met quand mme ...09:55
DaSkreechtell Dani_Filth about fr09:55
DaSkreech!tell Dani_Filth about fr09:55
DaSkreechSorry :)09:55
Dani_Filthi forgot than i am on a english server :p09:56
Dani_Filthi said, I deactived the splash of amarok but it appears everthless09:56
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uniqdani_filth: it's a known bug.09:56
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cypherdoes anyone have any idea why my 3com 3CRPAG175 works great out of the box on my dell d810 with kubuntu 6.06, but not on my hp nc6230 no matter what I try?09:57
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stamenpleaase tell me which codecs to install to play MP3's and movies10:02
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BlankB!restricted formats10:03
ubotuI heard restricted formats is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats or '!codecs'10:03
DaSkreech!tell stamen about restricted formats10:04
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ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems10:05
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cypherok, i've got a more interesting question10:06
fimblohi, my /home is nfs mounted from my file server, and it complains that it wants to create a local folder in my homedir... which it can't, since its a remote share. can anyone help out?10:06
cypherwhile i do an lspci on the same card, the working laptop reports a727:0013 for the numeric id10:06
cypherwhereas the laptop that doesn't work reports b727:001310:06
cypherwhy would it report the numeric id wrong?10:06
fimbloerror message at http://blahonga.yanson.org/stuff/sudoadept.txt10:07
cypheri'm guessing that might be the problem as to why it's not working10:07
BlankBfimblo: is the remote share writeable?10:07
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fimbloyes it is.10:07
fimbloI set chmod 777 on it just now, same error10:07
BlankBfimblo: that error message says that it is not.10:07
fimblonod, and therefore the confusion :)10:07
BlankBcan _you_ write to it as the same user?10:08
fimbloyes, I can.10:08
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fimbloperhaps I can symlink it to a location on the local machine10:08
stamenDaSkreech: 10x10:08
ninHerhi all10:09
BlankBfimblo: why dont you just create the folder called ~/.kde/ then?10:09
DaSkreech /j #konversation10:09
DaSkreech/me coughs. Of course I did that for demonstration purposes10:10
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nico8481someone knows which package contains svn?10:11
fimbloblankb: um, Im guessing its an NFS problem, not a regular filesystem problem10:11
nico8481i mean the "client"10:11
fimblonico8481: subversion contains client10:11
BlankBfimblo: probably. But there should be no reason that you can't do it.10:11
fimbloblankb: nod.10:12
fimbloI agree. thing is, I've removed it and recreated it from scratch and it complains....10:12
fimbloblankb: and other kde apps run ok- I've only got problems with adept...10:12
fimblowait a minute. I sudo, perhaps root cant write to it since... hmm10:13
BlankBfimblo: I don't have any nfs shares running or I would give it a try.10:13
fimbloblankb: its prolly since the user with id 0 can't write on my bnfs server10:13
fimblogot it :) got to set squashroot :)10:13
BlankBsee...sometimes just talking about it fixes it. 8)10:13
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fimblonod blankb, thanks for your time :)10:13
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fimbloanother question: I've got a few other machines running gentoo, and I dont have unicode support on them. when I ssh in and start up mutt all my special characters (I10:15
fimbloall my special lcharacters (I'm swedish) look all mucked up. Anyone got a fix for that?10:15
fimblo(except for reinstalling my other machines into kubuntu, of course :)10:15
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termleechwhy would one laptop report my id from lspci for my 3com pcmcia wireless card as a727:0013, and another one report it as b727:0013?10:16
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fimbloblankb: I realized that I could run adept under kde- so I tried kdesu... success! *roar of applause*10:18
BlankBfimblo: 8-)10:18
fimbloer.. did I just kill the entire conversation?10:20
georgebluntanyone else had a problem with his/her mouse in quake3? it just flies out fo the screen when i start moving it.. to never see the daylight again.. quite strange.. in kde everything works fine...10:20
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iNikutermleech: any differences in lspci -v?10:25
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termleechjust the a and b10:27
icheyneI installed Wine under Automatix, but Wine is broken - even though I tried winecfg. Any ideas how I can fix it?10:27
termleechand the one that doesn't work tells me that there is memory at <ignored>10:27
termleech5 of those10:28
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termleechIRQ's are different10:29
wolfgyonehi there10:29
wolfgyonefrom luxembourg10:29
robicheyne, don't use Automatix for a start :)10:29
ubotuautomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. It may break your system, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation instead. For help with and discussion of easyubuntu please join #automatix.10:29
termleechthat's all i see10:30
robhmm thats nicer10:30
icheynerob thanks , but I tried at #automatix10:30
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robyeah, automatix is horrible10:30
wolfgyonehi there10:30
robdon't use it10:30
wolfgyonefrom luxembourg10:30
icheyneI've had mixed results10:30
wolfgyonewhat s up10:30
icheyneeasyubuntu is worse10:30
wolfgyoneI have a question about vsftp10:30
icheynewtf isn't Firefox in Kubuntu?10:30
robcheck out http://help.ubuntu.com instead10:31
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wolfgyoneyeah but it does not work10:31
kkathmanicheyne:  uhmm  it is10:31
DaSkreechicheyne: It's installable10:31
kkathmanand it works fine10:31
kkathmantho I prefer Opera, but thats just personal preference :)10:31
icheyneit works fine and it's installable, but why isn't it in by default?10:31
wolfgyoneI want to configure my vsftp to allow a user to get full right on a directory... But vsftp allows the user to put and get files, but these files .ph are not executed because nbot enough rights :( who can help me ?10:32
icheyneSurely 90% will install it10:32
iNikuTerminus: hmm, strange10:32
DaSkreechicheyne: Apparently it was misspelt10:32
kkathmanI dunno, but it was on my install :)10:32
iNikuTerminus: sorry, not you :)10:32
icheyneDaSkreech: what do you mean?10:32
TerminusiNiku: oh. =D10:32
leafwI need some advice on how to inspect what kubuntu is doing when I close the lid, or I switch to a tty with control+alt+F[1-6] , or in any case where I switch away from the X server10:32
leafwbecause it takes forever (12-16 seconds)10:32
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leafwthere must be a timer waiting incorrectly10:33
wolfgyonenobody has an ID ?10:33
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[miles] hello again!10:33
DaSkreechicheyne: If it was firefocks it would have gotten in! :)10:34
[miles] wonderered if someone could tell me how this line should read to be added as a repo?10:34
[miles] http://aircrack-ng.le-vert.net/ubuntu/dists/dapper/main/binary-i386/10:34
[miles] cant seem to get it working :-|10:34
wolfgyonehello please can some one help me ?10:34
wolfgyoneabout vsftp configuration10:35
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ninHerwolfgyone: what about ?10:35
[miles] I tried     deb http://aircrack-ng.le-vert.net/ubuntu/ dapper main10:35
wolfgyoneninHer : I want to configure my vsftp to allow a user to get full right on a directory...10:35
[miles] but the package does not show in adept10:35
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leafw[miles] : run an update10:36
CaBlGuYanyone help me install my printer?10:36
ninHeror have a look to sources.list10:36
leafw[miles]  : such as sudo apt-get update10:36
CaBlGuYdriver is not in the list...10:36
wolfgyoneninHer : in fact the user has full rights on it I think : he can put and get files, delete directory... But whgen I put .php files they wants not to work because not enough rights... :(10:36
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[miles] erm10:36
[miles] but from10:36
[miles] http://aircrack-ng.le-vert.net/ubuntu/dists/dapper/main/binary-i386/10:37
[miles] deb http://aircrack-ng.le-vert.net/ubuntu/ dapper main10:37
ninHerhave you tried to sudoer this user ?10:37
[miles] would be correct or not?10:37
ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, CaBlGuY10:37
ubotuhmm... printer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters or http://www.linuxprinting.org10:37
wolfgyoneninHer ???  huh but this user is a newbie10:37
wolfgyoneninHer : is it not too dangerous to give him too much rights ?10:37
ninHeruhm, bad conbination10:38
wolfgyoneninHer : how can I to protect ...10:38
wolfgyoneninHer yeah I know10:38
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[miles] ah got it10:39
[miles] thanks...10:39
[miles] I dunno if anyone knows if or where there are any madwifi drivers patched for injection..?10:39
[miles] ok np10:40
[miles] bbiab, thanks once again10:40
[miles] wifi hacking to do10:40
[miles] hehe10:40
leafwcan one use "open" from the console? I keep getting: Couldnt get a file descriptor referring to the console10:41
nico8481checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.2 and < 4.0) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation! --> any idea which package i need exactly? apt-cache finds so many qt stuff !10:42
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leafwnico8481 : yo uneed the -dev package, perhaps qt4-dev10:42
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icheyneok I agree10:43
icheyneautomatix is awful10:43
defrysknico8481, sudo apt-get build-dep <packageyouwishtocompile>10:43
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nico8481defrysk: what do you mean? i'm not compiling a package i'm compiling source files...10:44
leafwdefrysk : now that is one fine trick I didn't know about! Thanks10:44
defrysknico8481, you need the deps , that command gives you them10:44
nico8481defrysk: yeah but what should you use instead of <packageyouwishtocompile> ? the ./configure script ?10:45
leafwdefrysk : he may be compiling a program that is not in the repositories as a package.10:45
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defryskno the program you are compileing10:45
wolfgyoneninHer thanks anyway10:45
nico8481just the name?10:45
defryskleafw, possibly10:45
defrysknico8481, what program are you compiling ?10:45
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nico8481konversation (the svn version since dapper's one got a bug that annoys me)10:46
defrysksudo apt-get build dep konversation10:46
nico8481defrysk: it's not going to actually build anything is it?10:46
defryskcant make it any easyer10:46
wolfgyoneis someone knows how to install xboard ?10:46
defryskno it installs the packages you need to compile it10:46
leafwnico8481 : then it's easy, just use the command defrysk told you10:46
wolfgyoneI try to find a package for ubuntu10:46
nico8481k thx10:46
wolfgyonebut synaptic does not suggest an xboard10:47
wolfgyonejust a gnuchess ... :(10:47
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leafwI need some advice on how to inspect what kubuntu is doing when I close the lid, or I switch to a tty with control+alt+F[1-6] , or in any case where I switch away from the X server10:47
nico8481argh! 52 packages!10:47
leafwbecause it takes forever (12-16 seconds)10:47
lunitikleafw: that sure is forever10:47
defrysknico8481, compile or not to compile ;)10:48
leafwlunitik : use to take 1 second in breezy only.10:48
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lunitikleafw: same resolution on the console and gui?10:48
leafwnico8481 : you can deinstall the packages after you are done, they are not needed anymore.10:48
wolfgyoneplease answer to me about xboard or another board to play chess online10:48
nico8481k thx10:48
leafwlunitik : how does one measure the resolution in the tty?10:48
leafwlunitik : and also, same effect is at play when switching to macosx (mol), or when closing the lid to put the computer to sleep.10:49
leafwfeels like X sticks in control of the screen way to much.10:49
lunitikwolfgyone: knights I think can be played online.... not sure though10:50
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lunitikleafw: if you don't know, its probably set to 640x480... what resolution is your GUI set to?10:50
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wolfgyonelunitik ok I will try, T Y10:51
lunitikleafw: I'm not sure wrt going to sleep...10:51
leafwlunitik : GUI is 1280x768 (standard for Ti powerbooks)10:51
lunitikleafw: append 'vga=792' to your grub menu.lst and see if that makes any difference10:51
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leafwlunitik : can't do that, yaboot here (Apple Powerbook Ti)10:51
lunitik(actually, I think thats 1024x768  :o )10:51
lunitikleafw: ahhh... well, yaboot ought to have a simular thing... its a kernel argument, so it should work irrelivant of boot manager10:52
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leafwlunitik : actually, when going to sleep the computer goes to the tty, so it may be the same problem10:52
leafwlet's see the yaboot.conf10:53
lunitikleafw: thats just strange really... but yeah... there should be a line telling yaboot where the kernel is... should also say something about the splash etc... thats where you throw it10:53
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leafwlunitik : is the effect dinamic? After setting vga=792 and ybin, the effect should be immediate?10:54
lunitikleafw: nope... you have to reboot afaik...10:54
leafwlunitik : argh xD then I'll have to wait (long processes running)10:55
lunitikleafw: thats fine... that should make switching faster though... current situation will have it changing resolution etc when you switch...10:55
leafwlunitik : I wonder though why breezy didn't have that problem?10:56
lunitikleafw: it more than halfs the speed here... although from what you describe, that will still leave it taking WAY too long10:56
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leafwso vga=792 accomplishes what? How is the resolution specified in only one number?10:56
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lunitikleafw: search google for how... I just know thats how the kernel defines it  ;)10:56
lunitikleafw: I think its actually 1024x768 with 24bit color... (792)10:57
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lunitikleafw: if you set X to use the same resolution... see if you notice any difference... then see about what 1280x1024 would be if its noticeable10:58
leafwlunitik : but desktop is 1280x76810:58
lunitikleafw: I don't have them all memorized... hold on10:58
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lunitikleafw: it appears you'd want 'vga=789'11:02
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leafwlunitik : which hastable are you reading?11:02
leafwcan't find anything on target on google.11:02
ubotuPlease don't use public away messages or change your nick to 'someone|away'.  We know you're away when you don't respond to messages.11:03
nico8481where should i modify the KDEDIRS and PATH variables?11:03
leafwnico8481 : in the terminal, or in your ~/.bashrc11:03
nico8481thought they were defined "globally" somewhere in /etc11:04
leafwnico8481 : such as export PATH=$PATH:/something/else11:04
leafwnico8481 : they are, in a general .bashrc so to speak (bash_profile or whatever)11:04
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nico8481ok so i'm gonna modify it there, i'd like it to be effective for all users11:05
nico8481(although i'm the only user but, well :) )11:05
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nico8481alghough i did a "grep KDEDIRS *" in /etc and got no result11:06
uniqnico8481: /etc/environment11:06
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uniqif they are not listed just add them to the file.11:06
nico8481looks like KDEDIRS is blank by default...11:07
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kubaanyone using vim + python ? I search for plugin/.vimrc to ease development..11:08
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nico8481ok brb, starting the new version of konversation...11:09
georgebluntxchat for president ;)11:10
hybridirssi for head of the new world order11:11
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madsis it obly me or does Firefox and thunderbird look a bit weird in Kubuntu11:13
madsweird = some gfx errors in the widgets11:13
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madsahh solved11:18
madsits when QT tries to aply its theme to a gtk application11:19
Lunar_Ravenwhat was the problem?11:19
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madsserois gfx errors11:20
Lunar_Ravenjust for reference, if you compile the cvs version of gtk-qt , it seems to work very better11:20
Lunar_RavenIt solved all my problems11:20
madstoo lazy to compile11:20
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Lunar_Ravenfair enough :P11:20
madswell thx for the hint anyway11:21
madsi can live with the Win95 look11:21
DaSkreechAnyone works on KDE?11:22
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McScruffis there a flash player 8 for linux?11:25
McScruffi cant look at a fookin webpage!!11:25
MetaMorfoziSfookin ms sponsored fookin adobe11:25
MetaMorfoziSfook up all about flash11:25
McScruffim gonna have to load windows.... :(11:26
TheHighChildAnyone using Gaim 2 Beta?11:26
MetaMorfoziSyou may press alt+f411:26
McScruffi'll get it 2moro11:26
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MetaMorfoziSflash isn't improtant, it's a cup of crap, from the matter's angle it isn't important11:27
MetaMorfoziSsome fookin lamer webmaster use it11:27
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McScrufffook = nicer then fuck11:30
madseh no ;-)11:30
MetaMorfoziSfookin, yes. fookin ms, adobe, macromedia...11:30
madsit reminds of a Eddie murphy sketch actually  :-D11:30
MetaMorfoziSand webmasters thath uses flash in any form11:30
madssorry i'm not a GPL purist11:32
ubotuPlease watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen.11:32
MetaMorfoziS!language kurva anyd11:32
ubotuI give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, MetaMorfoziS11:32
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unix_infidelhey guys i've been having this problem with my mouse drivers. I physically have to unplug and replug the mouse in in order for ohci to wake up and recognize it.11:35
unix_infideli'm assuming its a kernel issue?11:36
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nixternalunix_infidel: laptop or desktop?11:36
nixternalthat is odd. so it happens coming back from hibernation?11:37
unix_infidelnixternal: nope.  i dont hiberate on this comp.11:37
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unix_infidelit happens whenever i boot.11:38
nixternalahhhh...ok...still odd11:38
nixternalwhat kind of mouse is it?11:38
unix_infidelkensington scroll mouse, xorg.conf is fine....i know that much.11:38
Lunar_Ravenis it a usb mouse?11:38
unix_infidelall my modules are properly loaded...but for some reason it takes something like a physical action for ohci to akw up.11:39
unix_infidelLunar_Raven: yes.11:39
unix_infidelhence ohci_hcd11:39
nixternalOHCI=firewire and usb open host standard..which i believe compaq created11:39
Lunar_Ravenmaybe a bios issue?  Is it set to load usb emulation?  I believe I had that issue awhile back11:39
Lunar_Ravenah yes11:39
unix_infidelnope...no usb emulation11:39
nixternalit is older...usb 1 i believe....because usb2 uses UHCI i think11:39
unix_infidelworked perfectly fine in breezy.11:40
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nixternalactually...my other system here would utilize OHCI since it is older...and the mouse on that is USB but i don't have any issues like that whatsoever11:40
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nixternalunix_infidel: type>  dmesg | grep ohci11:41
nixternalany errors or anthing there?11:41
unix_infidelno errors.11:41
nixternalwhoa..actually that other system of mine has uhci...what kind of system do you have unix_infidel?11:41
unix_infideli think it might be a kernel issue.11:42
unix_infidelnixternal: sempron11:42
unix_infidellike i said, it worked fine with a previous kernel in breezy and the exact same section for xorg.conf.11:42
unix_infidelmaybe a kernel-686 upgrade will do the job.11:42
nixternalehci=usb2...uhci & ohci = usb1 or 1.1...i see now..11:43
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nixternalmaybe unix_infidel..because i don't think that the usb should be using ohci..but should be either using uhci or ehci11:44
unix_infidelanyone else with any ideas?11:44
nixternalwhat motherboard you have in that system? or is it proprietary?11:45
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@85-18-136-103.fastres.net] has joined #kubuntu
ubuntui got a problem11:45
unix_infidelno...its ohci.11:45
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DarkRavenMixagei got a problem11:46
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DarkRavenMixagei got ubuntu installed before11:46
DarkRavenMixagei did a sudo apt/get install kubuntudesktop11:46
nixternalunix_infidel: if a kernel upgrade fixes it, let me know..i was going to purchase a low end sempron..this way here if i come across the issue i will know what to do11:46
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DarkRavenMixagebut when i try to start kde interface with a normal user, i can-t log in it returns me with the error @could not start kstartconfig please check you installation, so i can login only as the root.. someone knows how to fix that???11:47
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ChefWillcopy your roots config to the user11:48
nixternalctford0: hello11:48
=== Fillado [n=Fillado@81-179-95-170.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #kubuntu
ctford0looking for some grub help11:49
nixternalmaybe i can help you out..what seems to be the problem?11:49
ctford0been using linux for a long while but the installer would not install on the mbr11:49
DarkRavenMixagechefwill.... it-s not a good solution...11:49
ctford0and i've tried by hand as well without any luck11:49
georgebluntquick question: how can i change the icons of programs (those which are being displayed in the taskbar).. this blue ball of firefox gets on my nerves.. i want the fox ;)11:50
imbrandonright click, click configure button , click the icon in the top left and choose a new one11:51
DarkRavenMixageplease help me with KDE  i can only log in as the root if i log with the normal user it says could not start kstartconfig please check your installation11:51
nixternalgeorgeblunt: you can try imbrandon's way and if that don't work read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t-3013311:52
nixternalctford0: is this occuring during an install?  and what happens if you boot your machine, do you get anything after bios initializes?11:52
ctford0it just tells me that it isnt a valid boot device and i have to boot from the cd11:54
DarkRavenMixageplease help me with KDE  i can only log in as the root if i log with the normal user it says could not start kstartconfig please check your installation11:54
ctford0this is a new install11:54
nixternalDarkRavenMixage: ls -l ~/11:54
nixternaltell me what that says when you do that ^^11:54
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nixternalis everything say your username:username11:55
georgebluntnixternal: there is no thread11:55
Dasnipa`chrisd writes "We're very happy to announce that the a new version of Google Earth has been released. It features 3D textured buildings, some neat UI updates, better internationalization and, with this release, a native Linux version is available for download as well. The Google Earth team (with the help of Ryan Gordon) worked very hard to make this possible. Please see the Earth support site and check out the BBS for more informat11:55
Dasnipa`ion." !!11:55
=== visik7 [n=visi@unaffiliated/visik7] has joined #kubuntu
nixternalok ctford0...copy the bottom portion of your /boot/grub/menu.lst file and paste it at http://kubuntu.pastebin.com    and then give me url after you pasted it11:56
georgebluntimbrandon: this would only change the button, wouldn't it?.. besides, i need root access to change the icon..11:56
RogueJediXA Linux version of Google Earth? Kickass!11:56
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nixternalgeorgeblunt: sorry... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3013311:57
nixternalthere you go11:57
ubotuPlease watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen.11:57
georgebluntnixternal: thanks :)11:57
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ctford0nixternal, i currently dont have network access configured on the machine11:58
nixternalnp georgeblunt11:58
nixternalok ctford0..are you installing on regular ide drives?11:58
nixternal /dev/hda11:58
ctford0nixternal, that's another one of my issues :) wpa-psk with a prism2 card11:58
DarkRavenMixageno one can help me????11:58
nixternaldon't get me started with wpa-psk and prism2 or orinoco11:58
ctford0yea, its a laptop with the interal drive being hda11:58
ctford0grub see's the drive as hd011:59
nixternalDarkRavenMixage:  i posted a question and you ddin't reply11:59
tozeiBRASIL AJUDA11:59
nixternalDarkRavenMixage: type>  ls -l ~/11:59
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DarkRavenMixagenixternal how to did the simbol before the &11:59
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nixternaldoes it say         username:username11:59
DarkRavenMixagebefore the /11:59
tozeiBRASIL AJUDA11:59
ctford0and when i run grub; root (hd0,0); setup (hd0) everything seems to work ok11:59
DarkRavenMixagein windows i managed to use alt 012611:59
ctford0it just won't boot11:59
nixternallook next to your #1 key..to the left11:59
=== jcz` [n=onel@adsl-72-50-122-246.prtc.net] has joined #kubuntu
nixternalctford0: is it pointing tot he correct drive in the menu.lst...does grub come up at boot in the first place?12:00
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ctford0no no grub at all12:00
=== sokuban [n=sokuban@toronto-HSE-ppp4043502.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu
mrfishhatinstall grub?12:01
visik7google earth for linux!!!!!12:01
DarkRavenMixagenixternal i got italian keyboard12:01
mrfishhatgrub-install hd012:01
nixternali got ya DarkRavenMixage my apologies12:01
DarkRavenMixagewait ill search12:01
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LiteHeddedcan I upgrate with apt?12:01
nixternalDarkRavenMixage: let me point you to a forum that might help you>>     http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions//showthread.php?=32830212:02
nixternalDarkRavenMixage: ^^12:02
nixternalLiteHedded: yes12:02
mrfishhathow do i enable messages12:02
nixternalLiteHedded: #   sudo apt-get update12:02
nixternalLiteHedded: #   sudo apt-get upgrade12:02
DarkRavenMixagei managed to write the ~12:02
mrfishhatlike with write12:03
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LiteHeddedso update first then upgrade?12:03
clintc_laptopI've turned off my application menus in konqueror and would enjoy having them back - please help12:03
sokubanI need something called X (or X-dev) for compiling a source code. I can't seem to find out how to get it12:03
DarkRavenMixagenixternal it-s all username username12:03
nixternalyes LiteHedded that way there the cache gets the latest information12:03

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