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moving-dragonswhat is worldwide soyuz appreciation day?06:08
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SteveAgood morning09:02
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YannigHello everybody09:42
YannigDo someone remember where I can set the default first day of the week?09:43
YannigI thought it was in gnome-panel but I cannot find it :(09:43
SteveAYannig: i don't know.  Try asking on #ubuntu.09:51
YannigThanks :)09:51
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SteveAgood morning malcolm09:58
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lifelessmorning SteveA 10:24
SteveAmorning robert10:25
lifelesshow art thou ?10:26
ddaamorning guys10:26
SteveAhello david!10:28
SteveAi'm okay, although kinda stiff and bruised -- paintball game on sunday10:28
ddaayour idea of a relaxing sunday?10:29
SteveAi made a couple of ill-advised moves, like dodging through the crossfire to grab the flag in the middle of the field (which worked)10:29
SteveAand then running back to base with it (which didn't) ;-)10:29
lifelessSteveA: lol10:30
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YannigAnd still no news for the Occitan mailing-list :(10:46
YannigI'm about to give-up with Rosetta if we are not able to communicate between translators :(10:47
lifelessYannig: have you been chatting with Jordi about this ?10:50
YannigNo, I tried with jdub but never answers10:51
lifelessYannig: hes really the Guy That Knows, not jdub10:53
SteveAYannig: does jordi know about your desire for an Occitan mailing list?10:54
YannigSo I'll try with Jordi10:54
YannigSteveA> I talked about it with carlos, I don't know if Jordi knows about it10:54
SteveAokay.  sorry that this is taking a while to get sorted out.  tell me your email address, and i'll send an email to you and jordi10:55
YannigSteveA> Well, I can wait for it to be processed but I'd like at least to know whether it's in the queue :)10:56
YannigSteveA> yannick.marchegay@lokanova.com (for https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-l10n-oc)10:57
YannigThanks a lot :)10:57
SteveAmail sent11:00
jordiYannig: we'll try to get your list created asap11:03
sivangmorning all11:04
SteveAhi sivan11:07
SteveAhi jordi11:07
jordihi SteveA, everyone11:07
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sivanghey SteveA , jordi , Kinnison 11:26
SteveAgood morning daniel11:26
Yannigjordi> Thanks :)11:31
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ddaajamesh: lifeless: SteveA: mpool: meeting in 21 mins11:39
ddaasomebody please call spiv11:39
janimowhat does Test failed mean for bazaar status field?11:39
janimoI have set up some upstream svn projects to be imported in bazaar a few days ago11:39
janimobut it does not seem to work11:39
ddaaJanimo: it means that the initial import test failed and that you need to ask me for more details11:40
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janimofor example, same for thunar 11:40
ddaajanimo: I will have a meeting soon, and need to prepare it, but I'll look at the issue soon after.11:40
janimoddaa: thanks11:40
lifelessddaa: its a public holiday in .au11:49
lifelessddaa: mpool sends his apologies, I expect spiv has updated the agenda page with his. 11:49
ddaalittle point having a bazaar meeting w/o the aussies11:55
ddaaSteveA: meeting in 4 mins, provided you are not on a public holiday too11:56
SteveAddaa: i'm around11:56
ddaaWell, I had prepared a nice agenda as usual, at least I'll have one public...11:57
lifelessddaa: I'm here, being on UK time I dont get a holilday :(11:57
lifelesswell, being *in the UK*11:57
ddaalifeless: next time you are asked for a sprint, don't be a sucker, ask for thailand11:58
ddaathey seem to have holidays every other day there.11:58
janimoddaa, is the meeting public?12:02
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SteveAjanimo: the meeting isn't public.  but, we're not talking about anything very interesting :-)   #launchpad-meeting if you're interested.12:05
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lifelessreview meting in 1012:49
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jordiYannig: do you understand a bit of Catalan?12:53
lifelessyoyoyo 01:02
lifelesslaunchpad reviewer meeting time01:02
lifelessroll call01:02
BjornTi'm here01:03
lifelessAndrew is on public holiday01:03
lifeless * Agenda01:04
lifeless * Next meeting01:04
lifeless * Queue status.01:04
lifelessnext meeting - 19ths at the same time ?01:04
Yannigjordi> I can understand it more or less (with French, Occitan and Spanish)01:05
Yannigjordi> Why?01:05
SteveAlifeless: bjorn will be at the paris conf01:05
lifelessSteveA: so will I01:05
lifelessSteveA: I'm ok if born wants to skip the meeting.01:06
lifelessbut there should be one all the same01:06
lifelessany other objections ?01:06
lifelessok, 19th at 11UTC it is.01:07
lifelessqueue status:01:08
lifelesslast week we had 2 reviews open at 4daus/01:08
lifelessthis week is 3 open at 3 days - which is about ideal for a Monday.01:08
lifeless*great work* everyone01:08
lifelesslets keep it up.01:09
lifelessThe queue doesn't show pre-code review calls.01:09
lifelessso lets talk about those.01:09
lifelesswho has been the reviewer for one ?01:09
jameshI did one for spiv01:10
BjornTi reviewed carlos and brad01:10
lifelessI have not done one yet, as reviewer or supplicant01:11
lifelessSteveA: - have you ?01:11
SteveAstub informally outlined his approach to something (can't remember what now) during an infrastrcuture team call01:11
SteveAi'm not sure i'd use the term "supplicant" for one asking for a pre-implementation review01:12
lifelessI was taking odds on whether you would comment ;)01:12
lifelessso coder is the term we use in the doco/process notes01:13
lifelesshave any of these branches come through for pre-merge review yet ?01:13
lifelessi.e. mpt's one from 2 weeks back, or spivs/carlos/brads/stubs ?01:14
BjornTthe branches i pre-designed reviewed haven't come through yet01:14
jameshone of the branches on my review queue is from the call I did with spiv01:15
jameshmpt has been on holiday, so it isn't too surprising that nothing has come from that call yet01:15
lifelessplease pay attention when you review spivs one, as towhether you *think* the pre-merge review helped make the branch easier to review01:16
lifelessalso, it sounds like most of the lp team has still not been the coder for one of these pre-code phone calls yet01:16
lifelessI think we all should do this at least once to know what it feels like from both ends of the phone line.01:17
SteveAi think kiko has given one at least01:17
SteveAbut perhaps not mailed the list01:17
BjornTyeah, kiko reviewed me. he did send a mail to the list, but it wasn't an official 'pre-design report'01:17
lifelesswell, maybe not most of the team - but offhand it sounds like bjorn, spiv, stevea and lifeless are all still in the 'have not experienced this yet' camp.01:18
lifelessmeh, my fingers are bust01:18
lifelessI meand 'jamesh' in that list01:18
lifelessso, jamesh, stevea, lifeless.01:18
lifelessaction item for us is to find something to code, and get a pre-code review done of it.01:18
lifelessany feelings about the process so far - do the calls seem to be productive? are you enjoying doing them ?01:19
BjornTfor my part i think it has been productive, both when being the coder and reviewer.01:20
jameshI think they have been useful.  The two that I've done seemed to cover some issues that the developer hadn't thought about previously01:20
lifelessthats good01:21
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lifelessdid you feel the same w.r.t. your call with stub ?01:22
lifelessSteveA: ^01:23
SteveAthe call with stub was mainly informational, communicating his plans out.  there weren't any issues to bring up.01:24
lifelessI think that about wraps up the pre-code reviews discussion01:25
lifelessare there any other/new issues to discuss ?01:25
cprovgood morning, guys01:25
lifeless'lo cprov 01:26
lifelessmeh, too slow01:27
lifelessmeeting ends - thanks guys..01:27
jordiYannig: I was curious :)01:29
Yannigjordi> Molt ben :)01:29
siretartddaa: hi there. regarding mplayer autoimport, you said that you kicked the test, but the import status is still 'testing'. are there still problems with the import?01:37
ddaasiretart: none, it's just very large01:38
ddaaand baz slows down painfully after a few thousand commits01:38
ddaacurrently up to revision 922301:38
siretartddaa: aaah, I see. I supposed there were some problems because they are using svn:externals for ffmpeg01:39
ddaathere good to know, externals are not supported01:40
ddaaso it's likely to fail the cross-check validity test01:40
ddaathe cvs import code goes to some length to ignore the module configs, each module must be imported separately. The svn code does not have the equivalent support yet.01:42
siretartoh :(01:57
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Keybukis spiv on holiday?02:08
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lifelessyes, its a publich holiday in NSE02:30
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ddaasiretart: mplayer import failed: OSError: [Errno 12]  Cannot allocate memory 02:59
siretartddaa: :( - but since svn:externals don't work anyway.. 03:00
ddaasiretart: I'm adding that import on https://help.launchpad.net/VcsImportRequests and will try it again once we have bzr-native imports set up.03:02
siretartddaa: ok. thanks for looking into this issue03:03
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BjornThi bradb 03:28
bradbhey BjornT 03:28
BjornTbradb: how about a skype call soon?03:29
bradbsure...maybe in an hour?03:29
flacostehi Brad!03:29
BjornTsure, in an hour is good03:29
bradbflacoste: salut!03:29
flacoste(Hi to everyone here, I'm the new developer, Francis Lacoste)03:30
bradbflacoste: welcome :)03:30
flacostebrabd: tnx!03:31
BjornThi flacoste. welcome to the team! you'll be working on the support tracker, right?03:31
flacostethat's what I understood, yes03:31
flacosteanyone else working on that?03:31
salgadohi flacoste. welcome aboard03:32
BjornTflacoste: cool. i've been doing some work on it in the past, but not lately. matsubara has done some work on it as well.03:33
carlosflacoste: welcome!03:33
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flacosteBjornT: any hints on where should I start?03:34
flacostei mean, is there kind of a 'New Launchpad Developer Howto' somewhere?03:35
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sivangflacoste: hi!03:36
sivangflacoste: there is a LaunchpadHackingFAQ on wiki.launchpad.canonical.com03:37
flacostesivang: thanks a lot!03:37
sivangflacoste: np :)03:37
sivangflacoste: https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/NewLaunchpadder03:37
sivangflacoste: as well :)03:38
flacostehi kiko!03:39
kikohow's it going up north?03:39
kikoit is a bright blue day today03:39
kikomy brain however is still stuck in 2nd gear03:39
=== kiko yawns off the weekend races
flacostehere too, it looks like we are going to have a sunny day... after a lot of rain, it will be welcome03:40
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kikonot /that/ button!03:43
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janimoddaa: hi, I need to see about xfce svn and externals04:10
janimonot sure why those errors occur04:10
ddaaexternal is just an hypothesis04:11
janimothere are many modules checked out from here04:11
janimothunar, xfdesktop are among them04:11
janimoso it may be externals actually04:11
janimoI think bzr cannot yet handle subprojects like svn w/o config-manager?04:13
ddaaactually... it's apparently even a failure in checkout...04:13
ddaajanimo: those are different issues04:13
ddaabzr does not have explicit nested trees support04:13
ddaabut it's not even clear how cscvs (the importd engine) would use them04:14
ddaathe first step would be to just avoid traversing externals04:14
ddaaand leave it to the user to reassemble things04:14
LarstiQnested trees support is progressing, but not done yet04:15
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ddaabut at this point, I'd just like an idea of what caused this failure04:15
ddaafor project management purposes04:15
janimoI don;t know how to check using svn commands if a module uses externals04:15
ddaaand I just do not have the time to investigate04:15
ddaajanimo: just leave it, then. Eventually somebody will pop up with the right bit of knowledge.04:16
ddaaI'll keep you informed on any progress.04:16
janimoddaa: ok, thanks04:16
LarstiQsvn proplist | grep externals?04:17
janimoLarstiQ: yes, look with svn pl and the only svn:ignore is there04:23
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bradbBjornT: wanna do a call in like 3 mins?04:30
BjornTbradb: sure04:31
bradbBjornT: calling now...04:34
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=== bradb heads to the office, bbiab
kikocarlos, CONGRATULATIONS!05:32
kikothis is most welcome!05:32
carloskiko: PoMsgSetPage?05:32
kikowhat else!05:32
carlosaka 'the smelling branch'05:33
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carlosmpt: are you around? or it's just your computer working for you while you sleep? ;-)05:34
mptGoooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders!05:38
mptGood morning Carlos!05:39
carlosmpt: goood morning!05:39
mptIt's a balmy morning here in Montr?al05:39
carlosmpt: oh, you are in Montreal!05:39
carlosI see ;-)05:39
mptI'm having a lovely holiday05:39
carloshmm, I was going to ask you for some UI review....05:40
carlosbut I guess I could ask you it so you could do it when you start working again ;-)05:40
=== carlos uses the email
carlosmpt: enjoy your holidays!05:43
carloskiko: do you have 5 minutes for me? 05:43
mptcarlos, is it on a public Web server somewhere?05:44
carlosmpt: staging05:44
mptI'm not doing anything more important than e-mail right now05:44
carlosmpt: and the form you get from the zoom icon near the message number (those are more or less the same, in fact, both use the same macros05:47
mptcarlos, I don't get it05:48
mptwhat's the individual form for?05:48
mptwhy would anyone use it?05:48
carlosPoMsgSetPage specification05:48
carlosmpt: the main form limits the amount of suggestions we show05:49
carlosto render only last 3 entries05:49
carlosthe individual form shows any suggestion we have05:49
carloswill be much more useful once the translation review spec is implemented05:49
mptcarlos, the full page you gave me the URL for has 4 suggestions for some items05:50
carlosmpt: last 3 entries per section05:50
mptoh, so 3 "Used elsewhere:", then 3 "Suggested elsewhere", etc05:50
mptcarlos, I'm having trouble imagining anyone wanting to use the one-at-a-time view05:51
carlosmpt: As I said, it will be much more useful for the review UI05:52
carlosmpt: also, we could start adding in that other form much more information05:52
carloslike, timestamps when those suggestions were added05:53
carlosthe number of places where it's being used, etc...05:53
mpthmm, ok05:54
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mptthough I think that would still work better with expanders to display them in-place05:55
carlosmpt: but that would imply AJAX05:57
carlosmpt: that form is already too slow05:57
mptcarlos, maybe so05:57
mptbut that that might be difficult to implement doesn't make a non-Ajax implementation automatically usable :-)05:58
mptcarlos, one easy thing to fix is to combine the "Change" and "Filter" buttons into a single button05:59
carlosI splitted them as part of that patch06:00
carlosmpt: on filters messages, and the other adds another kind of suggestions06:00
carlosIMHO are two different actions06:00
mptNeither of them are actions06:01
mptThey're view options06:01
mptoh, I see, the single-string view doesn't have the filter06:01
mptbut still, when you click "Save & Continue" in the single string, Rosetta needs to decide which string to show you next06:02
mptwhether that's a translated one, etc06:02
mptso both still should be there, right?06:02
kikocarlos, I'm on the phone but wbbias06:05
carlosmpt: no, the single view navigates thru all messages available, without taking into account any kind of filtering06:05
mptcarlos, is there a deliberate reason for that?06:05
mptor could you add the filter to the single-message view too?06:06
carlosmpt: what would you do if you select 'See untranslated messages' when you are viewing a translated one?06:06
mptdisplay the next 1 untranslated message06:06
carlosmpt: what's next?06:07
mptjust as you'd display the next 10 untranslated messages if you happened to be viewing 10 translated ones06:07
mptOr does that normally go back to the beginning?06:07
carlosgo back to the beginning06:07
mptok, so go back to the beginning here also06:07
=== mpt times out staging
=== mpt scours the width of the language menu
mptcarlos, while I think of it, can you remove "German, Middle High" and "German, Old High"?06:09
carlosmpt: I guess we should show there only languages that we got translations for...06:10
mptThey appear to be the widest items in the menu, and apparently they haven't been spoken for 504 and 944 years respectively06:10
mptcarlos, isn't that what we did before, and then we got complaints that some languages were inaccessible because they didn't have any translations yet?06:11
mptWe should be showing languages based on whether people speak them, not based on whether people have started translating into them06:11
carlosmpt: that kind of language selector is only to get suggestions from our database06:13
carlosso I'm not talking about removing those languages from our database, but to hide them from that menu06:13
=== carlos -> phone...
mptSure, but if they're not available as languages people can translate into, they're not going to contain useful suggestions anyway, are they06:14
mptI am proposing that Middle High German and Old High German be available in *neither* list06:14
mptand if that offends any hexocenterian Germans, I'm sorry, but they probably can't read what I'm writing anyway06:15
mpthexacentenarian, rather06:15
carlosmpt: Yeah, I guess we could remove them from our database06:15
carlosmpt: ;-)06:15
mptbbiab, lunch06:16
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ddaampt: oh dull, you don't know good retrotechnology!06:33
Keybukddaa: got a second to debug a new odd sm-ng behaviour?  or is there someone else dealing with that?06:40
ddaaKeybuk: sure, what is it?06:51
ddaaKeybuk: sorry about last week, but I really had to focus entirely on cscvs coding06:52
Keybukthat's no problem06:52
KeybukI've only just started to push that branch (it's still pushing now) but it's already got an error on it06:53
ddaanothnig weird06:53
ddaaI'd expect that the branch is not valid until it's entirely pushed06:53
carlosSteveA: still away?06:53
ddaaKeybuk: and the branch puller does not know that you are still pushing... it's one the things that you cannot really get right short of a smart server06:54
Keybukis it trying to mirror on every push now?06:56
ddaanope, it's trying to mirror periodically06:56
ddaathe fix spiv suggested to mirror hosted branches on every run of the cron script (about every 10 mins)06:57
ddaais not acceptable because it would interact badly with another bug06:57
Keybukwhat's the current period?06:57
ddaaone day06:58
Keybukit's consistently doing this for every new branch I create though?06:58
Keybukor am I flukily doing things while the mirroring is happening?06:59
ddaayeah, that's "normal" behaviour. When you mkdir the branch, it gets created in the database, then in the next few minutes the branch puller sees that the branch has never been mirrored and tries to mirror it. Then it won't try to pull that branch for 24 hours.06:59
Keybukoh, I see07:00
ddaaKeybuk: you are doing nothing wrong, it's just that our code sucks.07:00
Keybukhow difficult is it going to be to get the mirroring up from 24 hours to 10 minutes?07:00
ddaanot difficult07:00
ddaajust need to be done right07:00
Keybukwhat kind of timescale?07:00
ddaadepends on when spiv can come around fixing it07:01
ddaacouple of weeks at most07:01
ddaaor jamesh...07:01
ddaaI say spiv since he seems to have taken ownership of the issue.07:01
Keybukok, thanks07:02
Keybukalso thanks for giving stub the information he needs to clean up the ubuntu-seeds problems07:03
ddaathis problem is not hard programming wise, it's a small bug to fix. It's just blocked on somebody actually fixing it, getting it though review, and getting rolled out.07:03
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=== ddaa goes back on rather more annoying problem of fixing the d-i imports that got moved
LarstiQthat reads to me as debian-installer, but probably not07:13
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jordicarlos: can you get teams renamed?07:24
jordior is that a task for the mighty lifeless or stevea?07:25
SteveAa team owner should be able to rename the team07:25
SteveAotherwise, a member of the "admins" team can do that07:25
jordiSteveA: I probably want https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-ph renamed to "ubuntu-l10n-fil"07:26
bradbmpt: Let me know when you have time to check out the attach-while-commenting feature.07:27
SteveAi can't do a probably rename07:27
jordis/probably// :)07:27
SteveAit's a 1 or 0 thing07:27
SteveAmpt: hi07:27
jordihe wants tshis team to translate kubuntu07:27
SteveAjordi: i can rename that for you07:27
jordiso it needs to use the official scheme07:27
SteveAjordi: send me a gpg-signed email and i will do it07:28
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jordiso we might be facing some controversy with the Filipino translation07:31
jordiit seems its the same language as Tagalog07:31
jordibut they have a language code, so..07:33
jordiSteveA: got email?07:37
SteveAjordi: yep07:38
SteveAjordi: https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-l10n-fil07:43
jordiSteveA: many thanks07:48
jordiCarlos, can you assign this to Ubuntu translators?07:48
mdkejordi: tagalog is definitely the language that the philippines community translates08:15
mdkejordi: you can ask jsgotancgo for more information, he is very familiar with that community08:16
jordimdke: good.08:17
jordiI was about to mail both the Tagalog leader(s) and this guy.08:18
jordiBecause the issue is fishy at least.08:18
mdkejordi: yes, my understanding is that tagalog is the philippine language08:19
mdkemight just be a bit of confusion08:24
jorditheir constitution talking about Filipino doesn't help08:25
jorditoo bad08:26
jordihe's not online rightn ow08:26
jordiSteveA: yeah, that made me worry about the political implications of this.08:27
SteveAit's not our job to uphold their constitution08:28
SteveAif they can get the ISO to change the ISO language codes, then we'll follow that08:29
jordiSteveA: your stance is that given they have a "fil" ISO code assigned, we should step back from questioning anything and let them go ahead?08:30
jordiThat was my initial reaction, but I asked the requester for more info in my reply.08:30
jordiI will mail Jerome too, to see what he thinks.08:30
SteveAi think they'd get more value out of rosetta if they'd share resources08:30
jordijgotangco is from Phillippines and is involved in translation. I think his opinion has some value08:31
jordiif we could hack systems so tl is a fallback for the fil locale, we could treat it as a dialect when we have dialect suppot.08:32
mdkethe tagalog team is quite well established in Ubuntu, Gnome and debian I think. They are probably the same people involved08:34
jordilook at the amount of emblems jerome has :)08:36
mdkeyeah, he collects em08:39
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=== bradb notes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Launchpad_%28website%29 needs some love
SteveAidea for speeding up our test runs09:13
SteveA - have a declaration for a particular test story or standalone page test that says "this doesn't use the librarian"09:13
SteveA   then do two things for this test09:13
SteveA 1. don't setup/tear down the librarian09:14
SteveA 2. install a librarian API that raises an exception if it is used09:14
SteveAthen liberally use this declaration09:14
lifelesshow much of our test runs are librarian using ?09:14
salgadoI thought we had to explicitly setup/teardown the librarian on tests that use the librarian09:14
lifeless(I thin this is a reasonable approach if librarian using tests are rare, and its currently being setup always)09:15
SteveAi noticed how slow the standalone pagetests are running09:15
lifelesssalgado: I suspect pagetests get it always09:15
SteveAthere's a lot of setup and teardown of something there09:15
salgadoah, right. this is just for pagetests. I misread it09:16
SteveAit might be so for system doc tests too09:16
lifelessdatabase was the culprit last I profiled, but that was a ways back.09:16
SteveAi don't know yet09:16
SteveAi think stu added this for extra correctness09:16
SteveAhe has pending a task to optimise this, so it doesn't do anything if the librarian hasn't been used09:16
SteveAso, maybe there's a less explicit way to do it too09:17
SteveAi'll add a note for the next infrastructure team call09:17
SteveAan API-was-used flag might be better09:18
bradbmpt: how about some attachment UI love!09:18
mptbradb, give me a branch URL and I'll try to look at it tonight09:20
bradbmpt: sftp://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/home/warthogs/archives/bradb/launchpad/malone-smallfixes-309:22
bradbmpt: BTW, the problem with the sort tests is that they select by widget value, rather than label, so they didn't notice that datecreated/-datecreated got flipped.09:24
=== bradb tries to find a better way
kikobradb, even with the super-new testing infrastructure?09:26
bradbkiko: yeah. the test was converted, doing widget.value = ["datecreated"]  in the test means it doesn't notice if "Newest" is pointing to "datecreated" or "-datecreated".09:28
kikothat's what I was thinking09:28
kikothat it would be 09:28
kikois that not in the new API?09:28
bradbI don't see that, but I do see a .displayValue in the docs.09:29
=== bradb is trying it
kikoBjornT, is there no API to select a <select> option?09:30
kikoor matsubara?09:30
kikoif not that is unfortunate09:30
bradbfrom the docs:09:32
bradb  - 'displayValue' lets you get and set the displayed values of the control09:32
bradb    of the select box, rather than the actual values.09:32
bradbso, using .value on <select>'s should probably be outlawed09:33
SteveAi feel stupid.  i have a branch of launchpad.  i want to get a diff the contents of this branch against the current rocketfuel launchpad.09:33
SteveAwhen i try to do it with: bzr diff sftp://chinstrap/home/warthogs/archives/rocketfuel/launchpad/devel09:34
bradbSteveA: bzr diff -r ancestor:../launchpad-upstream/09:34
SteveAi get an error about it not being a branch09:34
mptbradb, are you sure about ancestor:?09:34
mpthe said the *current* rocketfuel09:34
mptnot the point he branched off09:34
bradbSteveA: chinstrap.ubuntu.com?09:35
SteveAor rather, i get a "no working tree exists"09:35
SteveAyeah, i have my ssh settings set up with that as a shortcut09:35
SteveAit isn't that09:35
SteveAimo, bzr should damn well work around the lack of a working tree09:35
SteveAmeanwhile, i'll do a branch, with working tree, on chinstrap09:35
SteveAor do it against RF-built09:36
bradbah, "no working tree exists" is indeed slightly different from "not a branch". :) that's unfortunate.09:36
lifelessSteveA: you are not using the command as we expect.09:36
SteveAbzr: ERROR: sftp://chinstrap/home/warthogs/archives/rocketfuel-built/launchpad/.bzr/ is not a local path.09:37
SteveAwhat does that mean?09:37
lifelessSteveA: when you say 'bzr diff PATH' it considers PATH to be local.09:37
SteveAwhy would it do that?09:37
SteveAit's a distributed revision control system09:37
mptIf it starts with sftp: that's a clue it's not local :-)09:37
lifelessbecause 'bzr diff foo.c' is 'show me the change to foo.c *in my tree*09:37
SteveAan error message like "you can diff only with a local path" would help09:37
lifelessthis command will do what you want:09:37
lifeless'bzr diff -r branch:sftp://chinstrap/home/warthogs/archives/rocketfuel-built/launchpad/'09:38
lifelessplease file a bug, or nag me to, and we will improve the error message.09:38
SteveAi'll file a bug.  thanks09:38
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UbugtuMalone bug 49501 in bzr "improve error message for incorrect remote diff syntax" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  09:42
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Keybukcprov: I'm going to run the upload queue and publisher10:00
cprovKeybuk: okay, use -N to p-u, at least 10:01
Keybuk-N ?10:01
Keybukwon't that stop it actually doing anything?10:02
kikoKeybuk, can you wait until the drescher code updates are done?10:02
kikootherwise cprov needs to stop working and help you work around bugs that are already fixed in RF10:02
Keybukah, "now is a bad time"10:03
Keybuksorry, I did mean that cprov could scream "no! now is not a good time" there10:03
kikotomorrow morning is the ideal time10:03
Keybukwhich timezone?10:03
kikoif that works for you10:03
kikoyour timezone10:03
kikowe will finish this tonight10:03
kikotonight our timezone10:03
Keybukyou'll need to let infinity know when he wakes up in ~ 6 hours10:03
Keybukotherwise he'll begin running things10:03
kikohe should be good to go in 6h though10:04
cprovKeybuk: I don't have good time at all, bad times is routine 10:04
kikoha ha10:04
Keybukok, I'll leave a note for infinity to run p-u and cron.daily when he awakes10:04
cprovKeybuk: if you really need and it is a dapper-updates or sec we can do it, otherwise wait until tomorrow10:05
Keybukthere's a gcc in there that infinity will need tonight10:05
Keybukbut he's capable of processing that himself :)10:05
KeybukI was just going through usual motions -- nothing else urgent in there10:06
Keybuk(he says, as a security update turns up)10:06
Keybukok, I take that back10:11
Keybuklooks like we need to do a security run10:11
Keybukcprov: can we get to the state we can do that?10:11
Keybukjust a p-u run of security will suffice for now10:11
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cprovKeybuk: yes, run the cron line, first do it with "-N --log-file /tmp/foo" so we can check the log 10:14
Keybukhmm, never mind, there's nothing _in_ the security upload queue!10:16
sivanghmm, is there a way to ask from launchpad a list of all LP specific specs that are going to be discussed in uds-paris ?10:25
Keybukit's not a Launchpad spec summit10:27
sivangKeybuk: ah, k.10:30
kikoSteveA, is there a standard idiom for grabbing an element from a set?10:45
SteveAhow do you mean, a set?10:56
SteveAlike a python set?10:56
SteveAor an entry-point into our content object space?10:57
SteveAi suppose the latter10:57
SteveAalthough it seems strange to call it an "element"10:57
kikoan item I guess10:59
kikoa python set yes SteveA 10:59
SteveAnow i need to ask what you mean by "grabbing an element"11:00
SteveAthe point of a set is that you have the element already11:01
SteveAand you want to see if it is in the set or not11:01
SteveAyou can do fancy (or dodgy) stuff with things that compare __eq__ equal, and hash equal, but are different11:01
SteveAbut that is dodgy and you're better off using a dict for that11:01
SteveAperhaps .pop() is what you want?11:03
SteveAor perhaps just element in set ?11:05
kikoI don't want to modify the set11:07
kikoI just want11:07
kikohowever random.choice requires a list(s)11:07
bradbBjornT: any news on the xmlrpc fix timeframe?11:07
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DaSkreechCan I reset a name of a launchpad entry?11:09
SteveAkiko: so, random.choice(list(s))11:09
SteveAis it a very large set?11:10
DaSkreechor would I need OPs to do that?11:11
SteveAhi DaSkreech 11:14
SteveAwhat specifically do you want to rename?11:14
DaSkreechI was unaware that the name was the name of the topic not myname :)11:14
DaSkreechIcan change the title but not the URL11:15
SteveAwhat should the last part of the URL be?11:16
SteveAsorry about the confusing UI11:19
SteveAwe should fix that11:19
SteveAmpt: interesting UI experience here11:19
DaSkreechSteveA: So I couldn't have done that11:20
DaSkreechOk just making sure :)11:21
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mptSteveA, see, I told you it wasn't a name :-P11:59
SteveAmpt: what it is is immaterial.  it is what it is *called* that counts.12:00
jordiif my email isn't fixed tomorrow morning, I will tell kiko to communicate with me via Orkut12:00
jordithis will be great.12:00
DaSkreechSteveA: Thanks12:00
DaSkreechjordi: Cool you are on Orkut?12:01
jordiSteveA, kiko: I sent that email to the list.12:01
jordiSteveA: please advise, if you have ideas :)12:01
jordiDaSkreech: oh yes. I hopped in on the week of the debut12:01
jordithen, I got bored.12:01
jordiand then, BR took over :)12:02
mptSteveA, in this case, "Specification ID", auto-generated by JavaScript from the title if possible12:02
DaSkreechNice. I've been there for a while and have no friends :)12:02
kikoSteveA, nope, small set.12:03
SteveAkiko: then using list() is fine, it will be very efficient12:03
kikoSteveA, and you think cprov should use random.choice rather than list(s)[-1] , right?12:04
SteveAwell, that depends if you want a random choice12:04
kikosets aren't ordered12:05
kikolet's say "we don't care"12:05
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SteveA"random" has a particular meaning12:05
SteveAif you don't care whether you get a "fair" distribution, then use whatever12:05

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