
pvanhoofabout OLPC, "We have heard multiple people say that QEMU doesn't work with these images on the debian-derived distributions. We also haven't heard of any solutions to these problems. The symptom is that the kernel hangs during boot."12:14
pvanhoofI'm experiencing the problem12:14
pvanhoofdoes somebody know howcome this is happening?12:14
pvanhoofI know it hangs while probing for the IDE busses (in the kernel being run on the emulated hardware)12:15
pvanhoofIt would be nice if I could do development for the OLPC device using ubuntu, which is why I ask 12:15
sladenpvanhoof: it could be our IDE probing which is different in udev12:17
pvanhoofdoes it affects ide probing in a qemu environment?12:17
pvanhoofI think blizzard added the note after I reported this .. he added it to the wiki the same day I mailed12:18
pvanhoofso I don't know if a lot people are experiencing this12:18
mjg59Let me have a go12:19
pvanhoofI'm going to test with the latest image once downloaded12:19
pvanhoofI'm at 11%12:19
neuralisthe images hang at the IDE hard drive probe. not just OLPC image.s12:20
pvanhoofso there's a defect in qemu in general?12:20
neuralisi've actually built our qemu, stripped of all debian-specific patches (29 of them, i believe), and it still wouldn't run.12:20
neuraliscompiling the vanilla qemu from the qemu site works fine.12:20
pvanhoofmaybe a problem with the version of qemu?12:20
neuralisi didn't do a diff between our orig tarball and the one i downloaded, though.12:20
mjg59Compiled with the same options?12:21
pvanhoofis there a reason not to bump the version of the package to the one on the website?12:21
mjg59Other than dapper being frozen and edgy not being open?12:21
pvanhoofhmm, good point12:21
pvanhoofwell, if you know why (in source differences) you could backport the fix, and claim it's an upgrade ? :)12:23
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neuralispvanhoof: it's (generally) against policy if it's a functionality fix.12:24
pvanhoofneuralis, is it? the software doesn't work atm (or does it for other operating systems?)12:24
pvanhoofwell, if I pass idex=noprobe, it boots12:24
pvanhoofbut then I don't have a root partition of course12:25
neuralispvanhoof: i understand it works for some images, and not for a bunch of others.12:25
sladenpvanhoof: idex or ide0 ?12:25
pvanhoofide[nth] 12:25
pvanhoofif you allow any ide to get probed, it will probably hang12:25
sladenpvanhoof: so what did you actually type to get it to boot?12:26
pvanhoofI got it to boot with probing once12:26
pvanhoofqemu -monitor pty -hda ./olpc-2006_02_06_16_08.ext3 -net nic,vlan=0,macaddr=52:54:0:47:b:0 -net user,vlan=0 -serial null -parallel null -M pc -boot c -m 128 -smp 112:26
sladenpvanhoof: and there's no partition table at the front of those images?  They're just straight ext images?12:26
pvanhoofyou'll have to ask the olpc folks12:26
pvanhoofhow can I check?12:27
neuralissladen: qemu -hda <imgfile> is enough to boot those.12:27
pvanhoofI can't (for example) mount them using loopback12:27
herzipvanhoof: file <image>12:27
pvanhoofpvanhoof@lort:~/Temp$ file ./olpc-2006_02_06_16_08.ext312:27
pvanhoof./olpc-2006_02_06_16_08.ext3: x86 boot sector, code offset 0x4812:27
neuralispvanhoof: also, that image is *ancient*.12:28
sladenpvanhoof: not  sudo mount -o loop -t ext3 *img /mnt ?12:28
pvanhoofyes, I'm downloading a new one12:28
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pvanhoofroot@lort:/home/pvanhoof/Temp# mount -o loop -t ext3 olpc-2006_02_06_16_08.ext3 /mnt12:28
pvanhoofmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,12:28
sladenpvanhoof: oh, right, they're an ext3 image with a boot block on the front12:29
pvanhoofhmm, I can't pass an offset to -o loop?12:29
Fjodorpvanhoof: You could dd to a new file?12:30
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pvanhoofright, but that's a new copy.. I'd have to cat after making adjustments12:30
pvanhoofmore work  :)12:30
pvanhoofmaybe with one of those reiserfs features ;)12:31
mjg59pvanhoof: Not with -o loop, but you can with losetup12:31
FjodorOh well, just a shot from the hip...12:31
sladenpvanhoof: losetup -o 32768 foo.img /dev/loop012:31
pvanhoofnever used losetup12:31
sladenpvanhoof: then mount that12:31
pvanhoofoh, trying12:31
pvanhoofioctl: LOOP_SET_FD: Inappropriate ioctl for device12:31
sladenpvanhoof: actually, you can probably just do   mount -o loop,offset=32768 foo.img /mnt12:32
pvanhoofdoesn't work (maybe the offset is wrong?)12:33
bluefoxicyugh, I can link to a Gentoo bugzilla entry, but not to a bug in the Gentoo distribution.12:33
pvanhoofI'll search myself soon .. if I get it to mount, I'll tell you12:33
sladenpvanhoof: dd if=foo.img bs=1 skip=32768 | file   ?12:34
pvanhoofyou want the output of that? I don't think file reads stdin12:35
pvanhoofdd if=olpc-2006_02_06_16_08.ext3 bs=1 skip=32768 of=test, I'll file test12:35
pvanhoof... :)12:35
pvanhoofit's a gig, so .. it'll take a few seconds12:36
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pvanhoof# file test12:36
pvanhooftest: data12:36
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pvanhoofI just removed the file, downloading a new version..12:37
mjg59Yeah, the orig.tar.gz from Ubuntu is broken12:39
crimsun_lovely :/12:39
mjg59Let me try the upstream 0.8.012:40
mjg59Upstream 0.8.0 is broken12:50
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netstarroot@snowdrop:/home# ps -e | grep gaim | wc -l12:56
netstarnot good12:57
netstarI think there's a bug12:58
\shnetstar: you have what? 124 gaim processes?12:58
netstarnow 13712:59
mjg59Upstream 0.8.1 also appears broken for me01:00
\shnetstar: quickfix? apt-get install gajim ;)01:00
netstarevery message I send, spawns a new process01:00
\shnetstar: if you intend to use jabber only01:00
netstarI hope other people don't have this problem, it's BAD01:01
pygimjg59, may I ask what is broken?01:01
mjg59pygi: qemu with the olpc dev images01:02
mjg59neuralis: How did you build the upstream version of qemu that worked?01:03
mjg59I can't get 0.8.1 to run it either01:03
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neuralismjg59: it hangs in the same place for you, or do you get a different error?01:14
mjg59neuralis: Same place01:15
bluefoxicymjg59:  while on the subject of qemu, I can't seem to get ppc to boot in qemu from x86 or x86-64.  Just something for the back of your mind.01:15
=== bluefoxicy goes back to what he was doing.
mjg59That's with ./configure --prefix=/usr --cc=gcc-3.401:15
neuralismjg59: i used identical options. 01:15
neuralismjg59: as a sanity check, make sure you're invoking the newly-built binary if you kept the package aroudn01:17
mjg59neuralis: I'm running it from the source tree01:19
mjg59Yeah, hard hangs when it gets to IDE probing01:20
mjg59Cursor stops blinking01:20
neuralismjg59: i'm happy to toss you this binary, but i'm not sure that'll get us anywhere01:20
mjg59Probably not, yeah01:20
neuralisyeah, just loaded the image again, works fine.01:21
neuralismjg59: by the way, did you sign up for one of the A-test boards with us? i know we wanted to get you one asap01:26
=== patwack [n=paddy@cpc3-blfs2-0-0-cust141.belf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
\shguys, regarding keybuks mail about bzr usage for edgy...who is entitled to use this sftp supermirror? every LP user with ssh pub key attached?01:34
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mjg59neuralis: Yup01:51
mjg59neuralis: At least, I filled in the form - don't think I got any confirmation01:51
neuralisokay, that's fine. i'll make sure one gets to you, just wanted a reminder.01:53
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bluefoxicywho maintains libgcj7/gcc02:20
bluefoxicybecause I need serious help test-hacking it.02:20
bluefoxicy(in about half an hour, after my shower)02:20
\shbluefoxicy: I don't think doko is awake at this time of the day...it's 2am utc+202:21
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bluefoxicy\sh:  it.02:22
bluefoxicy\sh:  well if you see anyone else who knows htf I can get a command run immediately after all tarballs are done being unpacked.....02:23
bluefoxicybluefox@icebox:/tmp/x/gcj-4.1-4.1.0$ ls02:23
bluefoxicydebian  gcc-4.1.0.tar.bz202:23
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bluefoxicy(no I don't know why dapper has gcc 4.0.3 and gcj from 4.1.0)02:24
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Riddellwhat provides the low disk indicator in gnome?03:16
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crimsun_Riddell: gnome-volume-manager03:34
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Riddellcrimsun_: but of course :)03:37
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bddebianHeya crimsun_03:43
crimsun_'lo bddebian 03:43
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bluefoxicyis Edgy going to gcc 4.1.0 or 4.1.1?04:06
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ajmitchbluefoxicy: see edgy-changes.. 4.1.1 is there04:08
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bluefoxicyajmitch:  edgy-changes ... mailing list, wiki, etc?04:08
ajmitchmailing list04:08
=== bluefoxicy checks the source code for gcc 4.1.1 from mainline
ajmitchdoko tracks the 4.1 branch in SVN, it seems04:09
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bluefoxicyajmitch:  I'm trying to figure out why the heck we have executable stacks on libffi and libgcj04:09
dokoajmitch: what's the problem?04:09
bluefoxicyGentoo doesn't have them, and I checked the code, it looks sane to turn the PT_GNU_STACK off04:09
ajmitchdoko: no problem :)04:10
bluefoxicythe cause seems to be that a few .S files do not have .note.GNU-stack in them, so binutils goes "WTF?  I dunno I'll just assume tehy want an executable stack" when it sees the .o file during linking04:10
\shoh another one who can't sleep...moins doko :)04:11
bluefoxicybut I don't see a patch for it in gentoo's CVS04:11
bluefoxicy(not that fixing it is that hard..)04:11
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bddebianHeya Hobbsee04:14
Hobbseehey bddebian 04:15
\shmoins Hobbsee04:15
bluefoxicyok guys I'm going to not pretend I understand wtf any of this says, since I don't know powerpc assembly.  x86 looks fine.04:15
Hobbseehey \sh 04:15
Hobbseeanyone got a heater?04:16
\shHobbsee: if a flat under the roof is passing as a heater, then yes ;)04:16
bluefoxicyI have a small chihuahua, he's kind of warm, you can hold that.04:16
Hobbseeoh thankyou04:16
bluefoxicyweird.. hm.04:19
=== bluefoxicy does a ./configure to see if a GNU-stack section gets injected into any .S files.
bluefoxicytseng:  OK I can't figure this out, the tree references .note.GNU-stack but doesn't seem to insert it anywhere useful.  My verdict is dump one into every .S file, but that's very unscientific...04:23
sladenis it getting striped?04:24
bluefoxicysladen:  hmm?04:24
bluefoxicyno, it's not strippable.04:24
bluefoxicyIt's just not getting added.04:24
bluefoxicybluefox@icebox:/tmp/x/gcj-4.1-4.1.0$ scanelf -qeRt . RWX --- ---   ./build/i486-linux-gnu/libjava/.libs/libgcj.so.7.0.004:25
bluefoxicyRWX --- ---   ./build/i486-linux-gnu/libffi/.libs/libffi.so.4.0.104:25
bluefoxicythat RWX should be on the next line... anyway, those are the two output files, the X there indicates they have PT_GNU_STACK marked to give an executable stack04:25
sladencan you format/cut-that down and highlight what we're trying to look at?04:26
bluefoxicyRWX --- ---   ./build/i486-linux-gnu/libffi/.libs/libffi.so.4.0.104:26
bluefoxicyMemory protections on the stack will be PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_EXECUTE when this library is loaded.  This was scanelf'd after a dpkg-buildpackage in the source tree for libgcj; those two .so.* files become libraries that get packaged and later installed.04:27
bluefoxicy!WX --- ---   ./build/i486-linux-gnu/libffi/src/x86/.libs/sysv.o  <---- There are four output files like this.  They are built from corresponding .S input files in libffi/src/x86/.  the "!" indicates that a .note.GNU-stack isn't in the object file04:28
bluefoxicythe result f not having that section in the object file is that the linker (ld), when building the shared objects out of it, cannot determine if the objects need an executable stack or not.  it assumes that they want an executable stack, and marks the output file as such.04:29
bluefoxicyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardenedHacking  <-- this brain dump has an example of me "fixing" gnupg, as per http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/hardened/gnu-stack.xml ; I should probably note I didn't check the other architectures' assembly at all, I keep forgetting about that entirely04:31
bluefoxicy(writing assembly to bounce off the stack is WEIRD anyway, and not normal; it's highly complex and in general just doesn't happen, but it's not IMPOSSIBLE so..)04:31
bluefoxicyWhat it comes down to is, I don't want stuff having an executable stack.04:32
bluefoxicyIf it just doesn't need it, get rid of it; if it needs it, then ... well, need to figure out WHY, fix it, and THEN get rid of it.04:32
bluefoxicy("Why" usually == gcc nested function, which requires code rewriting)04:33
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\shfirst time usage of latest dapper firefox, and it connects to www.google-analytics.com?04:57
bluefoxicy\sh: zomg spywarz!04:58
\shwell, it's only for first time usage somehow...WTF04:59
jsgotangcoyeah WTF indeed04:59
\shI grep the source04:59
\shor whereever it hides04:59
diemanyeah, weird05:00
jsgotangcoupstream firefox changes the frontpage for the first time for any update but since we backport fixes we should still get the welcome to ubuntu homepage05:02
\shjsgotangco: it comes05:03
Hobbseeon kde, it doesnt show the standard gnome page for firefox anyway, does it?  doesnt it usually show another form of help page?05:03
=== Hobbsee is using the mozilla binaries, so cant test...
\shjsgotangco: the problem is, when you want to connect to another website...for the first time. and I'm sure, that heise.de doesn't have any links or images or ads to www.google-analytics.com05:04
\shHobbsee: it shows the kde page05:04
Hobbseeoh right05:04
\shok it's not firefox05:10
\shbut I found this: http://www.managersim.com/blog/index.php/?p=305:10
bluefoxicy\sh:  how about package with Adblock, filterset.G updater, and a block on google-analytics in the default install ;)05:16
\shbluefoxicy: no...I'll set
bluefoxicy\sh:  I have an interesting question05:19
bluefoxicyHow many people actually realize that adblock + filters + etc actually undermine the economic model of various businesses?05:19
bluefoxicyinterestingly enough adblock doesn't kill google ads... even with filterset.G... and not because it "can't"05:20
Hobbseebluefoxicy: probably most of them, but dont really care.  it's kinda like junk mail - it costs them, and they get close to nothing out of it.'05:20
bluefoxicyHobbsee: nods.05:20
=== Hobbsee updates her filterset g
\shbluefoxicy: google is a firefox sponsor, right? 05:21
Hobbseeoh score!  you can append to the adblock filters, not overwrite them!05:22
bluefoxicy\sh:  yeah, but I was more thinking google is the only one doing TEXT ads en masse, and the developers of adblock and adblock filter sets seem to be purposely ignoring these05:22
bluefoxicyI've seen wide commentary that people find text ads unintrusive, they find pages with those instead of huge flash or rapid-transition gif ads (100mS cycling through 5 colors?!) more attractive, etc05:23
bluefoxicyIt makes me wonder, are we shaping the market? :)05:23
Hobbseebleck.  flashblock fixes that problem a bit05:24
bluefoxicyThink about it.  First we killed pop-ups.  They keep trying but it just bugs people and most site owners got the hint.05:25
bluefoxicyNow we block banner ads via any means necessary, even via things like dan's guardian, squidguard, etc; right down to firefox extensions or greasemonkey scripts05:25
=== bluefoxicy shrugs.
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bluefoxicyIn the end I wonder if the market will ditch advertisement revenue, or start focusing on unintrusive design, or what05:27
bluefoxicyAh well05:29
bluefoxicyI'm probably the only person in the world that actually thinks on that scale :P05:29
\shbluefoxicy: well, if we take the whole web community, and let's say 5% of them are blocking ads, and the other 95% don't care at all...so there is still enough of revenue for the ad machine ;)05:31
\shI'm waiting for googles ads in rss feeds ;=05:31
\shand google ads in google talk voip streams...every minute "we stop your conversation to present to you the new product of 'Brain 2.0'"05:32
bluefoxicyimagine google packing adblock with firefox, along with google toolbar05:32
bluefoxicythe SEC would shit a brick.05:32
bluefoxicyYou'd see an army of lawyers in front of Google HQ with the Sherman Anti-Trust Act printed off a billion times05:33
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\shSherman Anti Trust Act? is it valid in china or germany?05:34
bluefoxicyno it's the rockerfeller thing I think05:35
bluefoxicyback in the day there were two guys who had big businesses.  Rockerfeller was a gigabillionare oil company owner and Sherman had a steel company, IIRC05:35
bluefoxicy(sherman got $300 million over the life of his company)05:35
\shsherman as in tanks?05:35
bluefoxicyMaybe.  I don't remember the exact details anymore.05:36
bluefoxicyBut the point is05:36
bluefoxicythey had a nasty habit of buying both their competetors and their suppliers.05:36
bluefoxicySO picture an oil company.  They buy the company that makes the drills, the pumps, and the steel that's used to make them, and the mining company that mines the ore that it sells the steel co.05:36
bluefoxicyThings become VERY cheap.05:37
bluefoxicyThe whole markup chain is gone.05:37
bluefoxicyOn the other side, you have people in your market compteing with you, who you simply either A) buy out; or B) make unprofitable, usually by fixing your prices far too low (via the vertical monopoly)05:38
\shok..sorry to interrupt you, but I have to go to work...I think amu is waiting for me downstairs :)05:38
bluefoxicyoh ok05:38
\shlaters...so in 3-4 hours05:38
bluefoxicyat any rate laws were made against establishing monopolies this way... blocking competetors' services fits into the mix :)05:38
bluefoxicy(i.e. having an ad company and supplieng a product blocking others' ads)05:39
bluefoxicyand I'm done05:39
bluefoxicydoko:  ping06:03
crimsun_(he's probably asleep)06:04
bluefoxicyhe was awake an hour ago :(06:04
bluefoxicyor not.06:04
=== bluefoxicy was going to attempt to capitalize on the off chance that he happened to have a built openoffice.org tree hanging about his drive
bluefoxicy  RWX --- ---  /usr/lib/openoffice/program/libgcc3_uno.so  <-- this and libflac7 (...wtf?) are responsible for OpenOffice.org's executable stack (what the heck is libgcc3_uno.so by the by?)06:08
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bddebianGnight folks06:23
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pittiGood morning07:16
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pittihey ajmitch 07:16
ajmitchhey pitti 07:16
ajmitchhow are you?07:16
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pittiajmitch: pretty fine, and you?07:19
ajmitchdoing alright07:20
ajmitchplenty to do :)07:20
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dholbachgood morning09:29
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dholbachWhat are the uploads that need to happen to let the archive accept uploads again and get stuff built?09:53
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fabbionedholbach: there are still issues with souyz10:00
fabbionedholbach: otherwise only gcc-default i think10:01
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dholbachgo go go go go!10:01
pittiiwj: funny, '$ yelp' crashes even in current breezy; no wonder it crashed in a chroot10:04
dholbachI suppose yelp, galeon, epiphany etc have to be rebuilt10:06
sivangmorning all10:06
=== sivang just watchd intresting pogram on 3sat regarding security, exploits, and CLam-AV for windows ;-)
=== hunger [n=tobias@p54A6136B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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sivangthey are now stressing how important it is to secure a WLAN 10:07
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pittidholbach: I mean even before installing ffox 1.510:11
pittisivang: the only reason for securing a wlan is access protection; depending on your quota/bandwidth it might not be that important :)10:12
dholbachpitti: did we have other firefox update or security uploads before?10:12
pittidholbach: sure, from 1.0.7 to 1.0.8 in breezy10:12
azeempitti: well, legal issues might be involved, too, if somebody is doing something illegal while using your bandwidth10:12
pittidholbach: oh, the 'Help' entry in the System menu works fine, just 'yelp' in a shell crashes10:13
dholbachpitti: might be that the exposed symbols changed in that release as well10:13
dholbachpitti: could you have a look at the backtrace?10:13
dholbachpitti: anything Firefox-related?10:13
pittidholbach: and pressing F1 in the terminal and on desktop works as well (with current breezy-security)10:13
pittidholbach: so it's not that important for the current version10:13
pittidholbach: hm; call me whatever, but now 'yelp' works in a shell as well10:14
pittidholbach: seems it started a daemon or whatnot10:14
dholbach... cosmic rays10:14
dholbachor something10:14
sivangpitti: they just showed how to someone uses aircrack over all his block neighbour  and then tells them how to secure it :)10:14
=== sivang notes the word Linux is repeated rather often - wish this was the same for computer programs on TV In ,il :-)
=== pitti takes the plunge and dpkg -i's ffox 1.5
=== dholbach hugs and comforts pitti
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pvanhoofmjg59, about the qemu problem and OLPC images: I still have the problem with non-ancient OLPC images11:14
mjg59pvanhoof: Yes. I don't understand the problem11:15
mjg59I can reproduce it with upstream source11:15
mjg59Which implies toolchain or something11:16
pvanhooflets talk with the author?11:16
pvanhoofof qemu11:16
mjg59I'm really lacking the time to right now, but feel free11:17
dholbachdoes anybody know about the nature of the soyuz problems we're having?11:17
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lifelessmjg59: who is the right person to talk with about loading ac and battery earlier ?11:25
lifelessmjg59: There is a bug they should be aware of.11:25
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lifelessmjg59: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/powermgmt-base/+bug/4924011:28
UbugtuMalone bug 49240 in powermgmt-base "on_ac_power script returns 255 during boot" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  11:28
kagoupitti, around ?11:28
pittikagou: yes11:29
kagoupitti, there is a security issu in dovecot : http://www.dovecot.org/list/dovecot-news/2006-May/000006.html that is included in the debian package http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/d/dovecot/dovecot_1.0.beta8-2/changelog11:29
kagoupitti, i don't know if this is important so i just point you that11:30
pittikagou: I already fixed dapper a few weeks ago, and breezy/hoary are not affected11:30
pittikagou: but thanks for cross-checking :)11:31
kagoupitti, np :)11:31
kagoupitti, can we have changelog page like in debian http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/d/dovecot/dovecot_1.0.beta8-2/changelog or may be i miss that11:32
pittikagou: changelogs.ubuntu.com11:33
pittikagou: btw, http://changelogs.debian.net/dovecot <= easier to type11:33
kagoupitti, i mean integer in launchpad :)11:33
pittikagou: not yet AFAIK11:34
pygisivang, poke? :P11:34
kagouok :p11:34
kagoupitti, may be i found a bug in dovecot, because /etc/init.d/dovecot require to test inetd.conf but this file is not installed in  default installation11:35
kagoupitti, if you agree with me i open one11:36
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iwjpitti: Hi.  I've just been reading your messages ...11:39
pittiiwj: good morning11:40
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dholbachfabbione: you said there was trouble with soyuz regarding "opening edgy for real usage" - do you happen to know what the problems are?11:55
pittidholbach: at first it was due to getting the toolchain debs as very first updates; no idea about recent problems11:56
fabbionedholbach: i think that at the moment edgy is missing _all.deb packages. i *think* they are not published properly, but infinity knows the details11:56
fabbionedholbach: you can see that today you can't install gcj11:56
fabbioneat least this morning..11:57
fabbionei am syncing the mirror now11:57
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dholbachthe gnome 2.15 releases are piling up, I'd love to get them in asap or else we'll have a badly tested gnome :-/11:59
dholbachbut I stop complaining12:00
tsengdholbach: i thought the same12:02
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sivangdholbach: get them in for dapper?12:16
dholbachsivang: 2.15???12:16
sivangdholbach: oops sorry, no :-)12:17
dholbachwhat I thought12:17
fabbionedholbach: don't worry... you will have a lot of time for the entire edgy cycle...12:22
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dholbachfabbione: plus one week paris, then one week guadec -- i personally think ~8 weeks less testing will make a difference12:23
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tsengdholbach: we can do a hackerfest at guadec and get it in12:24
dholbachplus whatever time it takes to make the archive happy and accepting+building stuff again12:24
tsengdholbach: ill be your helper12:24
dholbachtseng: sounds like a cool idea12:24
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=== dholbach hugs tseng and dances happily around him
tsengit can be like bootstrapping mono on amd64 from a udu bof12:26
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dholbachonly 21 tarballs for dapper-updates and 56 for edgy left12:26
dholbachROCK ON12:26
dholbachbut seb128 has some of them pending, so it's actually not that bad12:27
dholbachmerging the debian changes and doing the splitting according to upstream changes takes quite some time12:27
tsengok i need to get to work12:27
tsengbye dholbach 12:28
dholbachhave a nice day tseng!12:28
fabbionedholbach: don't worry.. there is going to be a release schedule meeting in Paris, in which you can propose to split the 6 weeks delay of dapper into edgy and edgy+112:30
fabbionedholbach: giving us 3 weeks "extra" for edgy12:30
fabbioneif you and all the others there will do the same, it will happen12:30
dholbachfabbione: if edgy is going to be the "it's broken" release, having 6 weeks less is fine for me, if we then can get back to our old rhythm12:31
dholbachso it will be x.04 and x.10 again12:31
dholbachand match gnome's release schedule too12:31
=== sladen is in two minds about that. 2 short release of hell is not necessaryily better than one release of hell and back to normal
sladenand by stealing that time from edgy+1 it's making edgy+1 into a worse release;  and without the excuse the "Dapper just released, with is exceptional"12:32
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=== mvo goes for lunch
fabbionesladen: we still need to provide 18 months support on edgy12:56
sladenwhere did the netinst CDs go12:56
sladenfabbione: and 18months of support edgy+112:56
fabbioneyou don't want to endup having to fix edgy while doing edgy+112:56
fabbionesladen: right, splitting the 6 weeks into 2 is more even than killing one release for good12:56
fabbione3 weeks of less development are sustainable12:57
fabbione6, i doubt12:57
fabbionesladen: netinst are on archive.u.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/main/12:57
fabbioneinstall-$arch and follow the paths12:57
sladenfabbione: thanks;  I'd been hunting cdimage.u.com12:57
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sladenthose don't appear to be netinst ISO's.  rather the files needed for netbooting12:59
fabbionesladen: what arch are you looking for?01:00
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ajmitchhey zul 01:01
zulhey ajmitch how goes it?01:01
fabbionesladen: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso01:01
ajmitchtoo cold here to do much this evening :)01:01
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ajmitchwell, it's not too bad actually01:02
fabbionemeh i wish somebody would like to change with me...01:02
fabbionei hate this 26/28C01:02
fabbioneand i can't turn on my toys or they will melt down01:02
zulthats not too bad.01:02
fabbionezul: it is for me :(01:02
fabbionei hate this warm weather01:02
fabbionetho it lasts only a week or two here01:02
ajmitchfabbione: I'd swap, but you'd hate the connectivity here01:03
zulbloody third world ;)01:03
ajmitchI reckon01:03
fabbioneajmitch: "here" as in .au?01:03
fabbioneoh the other side of the world.. it wouldn't work either.. last time i was there, i had issue to hold to the world with the hands and type with the feet01:04
ajmitchyou sure that wasn't just because of the local beer?01:05
Mithrandirajmitch: just hack harder and you'll generate heat. :-)01:08
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hungerWhen will the syncing with debian start for edgy?01:20
fabbionehunger: once the toolchain is all in place01:20
fabbioneand soyuz proven to be stable enough01:20
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triceratopsHow will drivemount-applet show an icon for unmounted devices? Since Dapper only for mounted drives icons are shown. It's a bit anoying because there is nothing to see from drivemount-applet in the panel. I accidental / occassionally noticed this behaviour whilst I added three drivemount applets to the panel. And I would bet a lot of novice users will run into this...01:21
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hungerfabbione: Thanks for the info.01:22
fabbionehunger: might be anytime soon tomorrow01:23
fabbionetomorrow -> within the next 24/48 hours01:23
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zul*whine* but i want it now..01:37
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Hobbseezul: what's this for?01:37
zuli was being sarcastic01:37
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fabbionezul: do you realize that if you want to do -security you can't really run the latestest, but better to have N partitions with all the -stable -oldstable -veryoldstale releases?01:39
zulfabbione: i realize that 01:39
zuland i already have that 01:40
fabbioneso you don't need edgy till it's -stable or -oldstale01:40
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janimois it expected that uploads to dapper-updates send Rejected mails? I know they need manual approval01:48
fabbionejanimo: did you coordinate the upload?01:49
fabbioneotherwise it might have been rejected manually01:50
fabbionenot all uploads are approved for -updates01:50
janimofabbione: yes mdz approved it01:52
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jordimdz: time to revisit nano for dapper?01:54
Keybuk"revisit" ?01:55
fabbionejordi: dapper has been released ;)01:56
fabbionejordi: btw.. marga was looking for you around01:57
jordifabbione: I know. I need to have some private conversations about this in the evening01:58
jordiKeybuk, fabbione there was some fixes to nano punted until the release was done as it would have meant a di rebuild01:59
fabbionejordi: there will be relatively soon a d-i upload02:00
fabbionejordi: so if there is something that needs to go in, you better hurry up 02:00
janimojordi, are rosetta translations going to be uploaded in dapper-updates in a few days?02:01
janimoI sent carlos a .po file (thunar/romanian) a while ago, he said he had uploaded it but in rosetta I only see the state before that02:01
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jordijanimo: yes02:07
jordijanimo: can you upload it again?02:07
jordior send it to me02:08
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zygadoes anyone know if SABDFL will sign gpg keys today in warsaw?02:30
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tsengthe only people who know mark's schedule are probably himself and cvd02:34
Hobbseewho's cvd?02:35
tsengClaire Davis.. the only woman brave enough to tackle Mark's schedule02:35
ograHobbsee, marks awesome schedule managing machine 02:35
tsengI heard she is being integrated with Launchpad02:36
Hobbseewell, women are good at organisation, you know...02:36
lifelesstseng: Mark probably doesn't know. All hail cvd.02:36
tsenglifeless: true.02:37
Keybukah yes, the legendary sabdfl "what am I talking about again?"02:37
lifeless'where am I' ?02:38
zygashees ;] 02:39
zygaI want to know if it makes sense to print my gpg fingertpint a couple of times02:39
lifelessit always makes sense to do that02:40
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janimojordi, I just sent you the .po file02:41
jordijanimo: ok02:43
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highvoltagewhere's marelize?02:49
highvoltageit's her birthday today. i guess i'll have to walk over to her building to congratulate her then :)02:49
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jsgotangcowhoa happy birthday miss shipit02:53
Hobbseejsgotangco: happy birthday to ajmitch too, even though he doesnt want to admit to it  (it still is, in most timezones)02:54
jsgotangcowhoa i didnt know that02:54
=== jsgotangco was ajmitch's roommate during UDU
Hobbseei'm pretty sure it is - it's either the 10th or the 12th02:55
Hobbseeand his jabber says the 12th, but also says the wrong year..02:55
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G0SUB_pitti: hello!03:19
pittihello G0SUB_ 03:20
G0SUB_pitti: I have a bad Internet outage in my place :(03:20
G0SUB_pitti: can we have the meeting tomorrow?03:20
pittiG0SUB_: of course03:20
pittimvo: are you available tomorrow for a meeting with G0SUB_ ?03:20
G0SUB_pitti: thanks a lot :) the specs are all done. I just need to update the wiki03:20
mvopitti: yes03:23
G0SUB_fine, see you guys ... sorry for today :(03:23
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highvoltagesomeone should tell sabdfl that html pink backgrounds are not cool03:59
highvoltage(me didn't say that, by the way)04:00
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jsgotangcohighvoltage: think of it as him experimenting edgy backgrounds04:01
Hobbseewe will *not* have a pink desktop!04:05
Hobbseepink is not a cool colour for a desktop.04:05
MithrandirHobbsee: but it'll attract women!!1oneone04:05
HobbseeMithrandir: let me tell you, that it wont :P  hehe04:05
Hobbseebeing one myself :D04:05
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HobbseeMithrandir: how about a lilac desktop?  *ducks*04:06
MithrandirHobbsee: you're a statistical sample of one, and therefore not very interesting (statistically speaking)04:06
Hobbseeheya bddebian 04:06
=== Hobbsee goes and sits in a corner and sulks
Hobbseewell thanks a lot Mithrandir :P04:06
bddebianHi folks04:06
bddebianHi Hobbsee04:06
MithrandirHobbsee: I like lilacs.04:06
HobbseeMithrandir: you know what lilac is?04:07
MithrandirHobbsee: yes, we have a ton of them in the garden at my father's04:07
Hobbseeoh wow!04:07
Mithrandirtheir colour isn't always lilac, though.  We have a bunch of white-ish ones too.04:08
Hobbseethe guys at school were most annoyed that they had to know what colour lilac was, and how it was different from violet - they thought that was most injust!04:08
Mithrandirit was unjust?  I don't see why it'd be that..04:09
Hobbseethat they'd be required to know so many colours - and they had to, for chem flame tests04:09
Hobbseeanyway, i could be pretty sure that a pink desktop will send popularity way down hehe :P04:09
Mithrandirlilacs remind me of Samuel Vimes.04:09
Mithrandirso now I have to go hunt for a suitable background for my desktop.04:10
bddebianHey, I could go for a Hot Pink desktop ;-P04:10
Hobbseebddebian: hehe!  bring it to paris, and take lots of pictures to show us who stay behind04:10
bddebianI'm not coming to Paris :-(04:11
Hobbsee:( why not?04:12
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Keybukbddebian: with all-leather cow interior?04:24
zulwith whale skin hubcaps04:30
bddebianKeybuk: Yeah!04:31
bddebianzul: No, baby seal ;-P04:31
bddebianHobbsee: Because I'm an ugly American ;-P04:32
Keybukclearly bddebian hasn't heard the same song zul and I have ;p04:32
bddebianOh, hmm04:32
Hobbseebddebian: i would worry - i wouldnt think that anyone was actually pretty around here - it doesnt fit the linux stereotype, does it?04:33
bddebianHobbsee: I'm kidding.  I just don't have time/money to go04:33
Hobbseeah :P04:33
bddebianAnd they don't want me there anyway :-)04:33
Hobbseeonly to tease04:33
bddebianOh yeah, like I need abuse in person :-)04:36
zuloh you like the attention04:36
=== Keybuk tickles bddebian
Hobbseewell, as long as the attention is on you, and not on me, then i'm happy :P04:37
bddebianHmm, what to do04:37
=== Hobbsee offers her pitchfork to bddebian
Hobbseewould this help?04:38
jsgotangcohah japan is kicking au's butt in the world cup04:39
=== jsgotangco hides
bddebianHobbsee: No, I am debating between wading through more Unconfirmed bugs or something else04:40
Hobbseejsgotangco: excellent :P04:40
Hobbseebddebian: fun.   do the bugwork04:41
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zuljsgotangco: whats the score?04:52
RiddellKeybuk: are you able to see what's happened to qt-x11-free 3:3.3.6-1ubuntu4 in dapper-updates?04:52
Hobbseezul: who cares?  :P04:52
jsgotangcowtf AU just scored 3 goals in the 2nd half04:53
KeybukRiddell: I am04:53
KeybukRiddell: who approved the upload?04:53
RiddellKeybuk: mdz did04:53
Keybukit's still sitting in UNAPPROVED04:53
jsgotangcozul: au won 3-1.. i think japan is a bit stunned04:54
zula bit...aus had 20 shots on goal04:54
RiddellKeybuk: can you approve it or shall I wait for mdz to turn up?04:54
KeybukRiddell: I'm not sure I can approve it (I can from an archival point of view, I'm not sure I have the power from an authority point of view)04:55
bddebianDamn I'm good04:55
Keybukwill consult mdz when he's up04:55
bddebianGah, I hate it when RL work gets in the way of Ubuntu stuff :-)04:56
RiddellKeybuk: and can you tell me the status of kubuntu-default-settings_6.06-22?04:57
Keybukthat one is not unapproved04:58
Keybukwhen did you upload it?04:58
sbalneavogra: ping04:58
RiddellKeybuk: 7 Jun.  launchpad says it needs build04:58
KeybukRiddell: then it needs building04:59
Keybukindeed, it is showing as published here04:59
Riddellalthough launchpad also says the qt updates is needs build04:59
Keybukubuntu4 vs. ubuntu505:00
Keybukubuntu4 is indeed published05:00
Keybukubuntu5 is unapproved05:00
RiddellI don't remember uploading an ubuntu505:01
Riddellso I should poke infinity about getting qt ubuntu4 and kubuntu-default-settings_6.06-22 compiled I guess05:02
Keybukyup, buildds are on manual05:02
Keybukbecause people insist on uploading to edgy05:02
=== Keybuk looks at a suspicious qt-x11-free upload <g>
KeybukChanged-By: Matthias Klose <doko@ubuntu.com>05:03
Keybuk qt-x11-free (3:3.3.6-1ubuntu5) dapper-updates; urgency=low05:03
Keybuk .05:03
Keybuk   * Use ~/.qt-32 as user config directory, when running the i38605:03
Keybuk     binaries on amd64.05:03
Keybuk .05:03
Keybukfor qt-x11-free in dapper-updates05:03
dokoKeybuk: doesn't it work anymore? it's still working on my laptop ...05:04
Keybukdoko: doesn't what work anymore?05:04
Riddelldoko: will that have overwitten my changes in ubuntu4?05:04
dokoRiddell: why should it?05:04
Keybukdoko: who did you ask for approval before uploading that to dapper-updates ?05:04
Riddelldoko: my ubuntu4 had changes for arabic fonts, did you include that?05:05
dokoKeybuk: mdz and Kamion, will be followed by an upload of ia32-libs-kde05:05
Keybukmeh, we so need a procedure here <g>05:05
dokoKeybuk: we have one, but you are not in the loop ...05:06
RiddellI'm not entirely in the loop either, launchpad should have a nice big notice that says "buildds are on manual, poke infinity"05:07
KeybukRiddell: it does05:07
dokoRiddell: hmm, overwritten. didn't see that ubuntu405:07
Keybukdoko: that seems silly, given I'm the one who actually makes things appear in the archive atm :p05:07
HobbseeKeybuk: i'm starting to be of the opinion that you should have said "no, edgy is not open", and worked on the toolchain in almost-full secrecy05:07
Keybukthough I mean a procedure for mdz and kamion to indicate that a future upload is approved, so that me or infinity know to actually approve it05:08
KeybukHobbsee: we have said "no, edgy is not open"05:08
=== Hobbsee wonders why she hasnt heard that somewhere else before this.
dokoKeybuk: agreed, just announce it, that approval mails have to go to infinity and you as well05:08
Riddelldoko: if you send me what you uploaded for qt ubuntu5 I can put in my patch and make an ubuntu605:09
KeybukRiddell: is there any particular reason you expect your patch to be missing?05:09
RiddellKeybuk: doko just said it was overwritten05:10
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dokoRiddell: could you send it me? or is -ubuntu4 in the archive ?05:11
KeybukI see your point05:11
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Riddelldoko: it's in the archive05:11
Riddellkubuntu_01_arabic_fonts.dpatch and 00list are the changed files05:12
dokoRiddell: ok, preparing an ubuntu605:14
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Riddellthanks doko 05:15
=== Keybuk goes for lunch (really, this time)
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janimomdz: I have uploaded the fixes I mentioned to dapper-updates05:21
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:Riddell] : Ubuntu Development (not support, even with edgy) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | HAPPY DAPPER DAY! | Uploads on manual, don't upload to edgy yet
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mdkeZnarl: you were looking for me earlier? still around?05:46
neuralismjg59: ping05:46
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=== pygi pokes sivang ;)
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ograsbalneav, latepong06:23
sbalneavogra: hey!  You ever use qemu for emulating a thin client?06:23
ograi often tried to, but i'm to impatient i guess and gave up after 30min watching usplash slowly scroll06:24
ograbefore i gave up, yes06:25
ogra(runnong quemu on ppc emulating i386)06:25
sbalneavJust trying to get my ducks in a row for Paris.  06:25
ogratake vmware then 06:25
ograit should be reaqsonable fast06:26
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Keybukmdz: heya, got a few minutes?06:36
pygiogra, how useful would it to be to make a small utility to generate VM machines for VMware player?06:41
ograpygi, no idea, i'm not a vmware user06:41
pygiogra, oki :)06:42
ogra(is the one we ship in universe now the player ?)06:42
pygiI think that player is in multiverse06:42
ograoh, right, it is ...06:42
mdzKeybuk: sure06:45
Keybukmdz: there's a reasonably large stack of things in dapper/unapproved at the moment -- and no way to know whether you or Kamion have actually "approved" the upload06:47
Keybukalso any accept at the moment requires a manual publisher run _and_ manually running through the buildds06:47
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Keybukcould the process be updated so that infinity and I are at least cc'd so we know to do the right things?06:47
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bddebianOK, what is this?  /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lQtGui_debug07:12
bddebianI'm missing libqt4-debug?07:13
bddebianHoly crap, 51Mb07:13
mdzKeybuk: yes, makes sense (more so if we had an email address for ubuntu-archive)07:15
Keybukjdub: ^ could we get one of those ? :)  (as a mailing list: mdz, kamion, infinity, I)07:18
mdzKeybuk: <team name>@launchpad.net ought to be made to just work07:19
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Keybukmdz: then mdz@launchpad.net would work too, no? :p07:19
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ogradoesnt <team name>@ubuntu.com work ?07:21
ogra(isnt that how malone handles team subscriptions to bugs ?)07:22
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dholbachogra: no, that doesn't work07:24
ograhmm, how does malone handle it then ? internally in LP ?07:25
Keybukmdz: until LP supports that, are you ok with a private mailing list (as with tb)07:25
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Keybukogra: ubuntu-bugs is a mailing list07:25
ograKeybuk, i'm talking about the teams like edubuntu-bugs etc07:26
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ograthat seems to work via malone without probs07:26
mdzKeybuk: I don't specifically object, but it gets awkward to maintain so many small lists for teams07:26
Keybukoh, the bug subscription stuff just iterates the team, iirc07:26
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Keybukmdz: the alternative is that we deal with it by asking for bugs to be subscribed and not via e-mail07:27
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sbartleylinuxmjg59: ping07:41
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bddebian /usr/lib/libQtGui_debug.so.4  has no symlink libQtGui_debug.so07:52
Keybukbddebian: do you have the -dev installed?07:53
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bddebianOh, -debug-dev.. Sheesh07:53
bddebianOh, like 51Mb for libqt4-debug wasn't enough? :-)07:54
bddebianbitchin', thanks Keybuk07:55
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RiddellKeybuk: is there a spec for network-manager plans in edgy?08:19
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highvoltageif i create an ubuntu dvd image, do i need to do anything different, as apposed to a cd?08:47
highvoltaged-i doesn't seem to find the dvd :/08:47
msikmaMaybe your BIOS can't read DVDs from startup, while it can read CDs. You should ask at #ubuntu, though, this is a channel for development and not for support.08:50
highvoltagemsikma: ok.08:50
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dholbachTheMuso: hello! do you happen to know what lsr is?09:02
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dholbachTheMuso: I saw the release announce on gnome's ftp-release list today and somebody complained about it on ubuntu-accessibility@ - if it's a11y stuff - we maybe should look into getting it into edgy :-)09:03
Burgworkdholbach, a linux screen reader, written in python, developed by IBM09:09
Burgworkdholbach, upstream seems to liek Orca, another screen reader, written in python, developed by SUN09:09
Burgworkdholbach, don't ask09:09
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dholbachah, now I remember09:09
dholbachwell funny both turn up on ftp-release list then09:09
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jdubdholbach: i've been talking to the LSR folks to see what we can do about the mess - unfortunately, licensing is involved09:11
Burgworkjdub, LSR is CPL, no?09:11
=== dholbach has no idea about the licensing world
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KeybukRiddell: back09:45
Keybukquick trip to Wal-Mart there09:45
KeybukRiddell: there are no plans for network-manager in edgy09:45
KeybukI would really like to just "sit back and wait"09:45
mjg59neuralis: Hi?09:47
mjg59sbartleylinux: Hi?09:47
sbartleylinuxmjg59: Hi.  Can you tell me who I would talk to about gnome-power-manager?09:47
mjg59In what respect?09:48
sbartleylinuxIt seems that with Dapper, it is allowing remote users the selection of Hibernate on exit.  09:48
mjg59That's not gnome-power-manager09:48
mjg59That's gnome-session09:49
mjg59It shouldn't actually /work/ in any case09:49
sbartleylinuxbut it does.:)09:49
sbartleylinuxI spoke w/ lmanul this morning and was told that gnome-session is relying on gnome-power-manager now for this.09:50
sbartleylinuxI know that I can make it so on a per user basis, with gconf-editor, this can be turned off.  What I want though is for hibernate to be handled in the same way that restart and shutdown are.09:51
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RiddellKeybuk: ok, thanks09:51
sbartleylinuxIf the user is remote, it will simply not appear.09:51
mjg59sbartleylinux: So please file a bug09:51
KeybukRiddell: my vague hope is that it'll enter Debian unstable (if it hasn't already), we'll sync up and have identical (or near enough) packages, and then we can just keep track that way09:51
Keybukit's not something I think we should put any additional effort into, at least, not until it works better09:51
sbartleylinuxok, but against which package?  I am unsure if it is truly gnome-session or g-p-m and dont know who to talk to and verify it.09:52
mjg59sbartleylinux: I believe it to be gnome-session (as mentioned above)09:52
sbartleylinuxok.  I will start there.  thx.09:53
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mjg59If that's wrong, it'll just be reassigned to the correct place09:53
neuralismjg59: hi. i can bring your pcb to paris with me. would you prefer that, or have it shipped to the address you gave?09:53
sbartleylinuxk. thx.09:53
mjg59neuralis: I'm not going to be in paris, I'm afraid09:53
neuralismjg59: ah, okay. we'll get it mailed out, then.09:54
mjg59neuralis: Thanks!09:54
neuralissure thing.09:54
mjg59sbartleylinux: Anyway, if the hibernate button does appear remotely and works, that's certainly a bug09:54
mjg59It's not meant to work unless you logged in at the console09:55
sbartleylinuxk. that is what I thought.  Filing bug now. thx.09:55
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Keybukdoko, Riddell: the ubuntu5 is a *bad* qt-x11-free, yes?09:55
RiddellKeybuk: yes09:56
Keybukok, rejected09:56
Keybukslomo: ping09:56
slomoKeybuk: pong09:57
Keybukslomo: who approved your upload of xine-lib?09:57
slomoKeybuk: mdz ~1 week ago... i already thought it disappeared ;) but now i have to upload a new version anyway because of the security update that pitti uploaded some days ago09:58
Keybukok, shall I reject this one then?09:58
slomoyes, i'll upload one with a correct version number later today or tomorrow... which version would that be btw? the security update is 1.1.1+ubuntu2-7.1... -7.2?09:59
Keybuk7.2 would work09:59
sbartleylinuxmjg59: Bug #49503 10:02
UbugtuMalone bug 49503 in gnome-session "Hibernate button being displayed and functions on remote connections" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4950310:02
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Riddellmjg59: /msg10:12
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drthello! i hope this is the right channel to ask a question with regard to ubuntu-dapper-server and ubuntu-dapper-desktop. 10:33
drtubuntu-dapper-desktop has flex (lexical analyser) that i can install using apt-get. 10:34
drtbut flex is not available in ubuntu-dapper-server???10:34
crimsun_drt: flex is in main and available via $apt10:37
drtcrimsun_, sorry...can you elaborate a little?10:38
crimsun_drt: given a viable Internet connection, you should be able to ``sudo apt-get install flex''10:38
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crimsun_drt: your /etc/apt/sources.list needs to have the active (uncommented) line: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted10:39
crimsun_drt: if you need further assistance, I'm happy to assist you in #ubuntu10:40
drtcrimsun_: thank you. i will join #ubuntu10:40
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vdepizzolwhat do you think about this bountie in launchpad? https://launchpad.net/bounties/filechooser-thumbnails10:48
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zygawhoo :)11:04
zygamark is such a great guy :)11:04
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Burgworkzyga, oh?11:04
zygaBurgwork: the meeting was so not linux-fanboy-like11:05
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Burgworkzyga, which meeting?11:06
zygaBurgwork: the one in Poland, today11:08
zyga7pm local time11:08
zyga+0200 UTC11:09
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Burgworkah, cool11:09
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zygahey pitti :)11:22
pittihi zyga 11:22
zygahow are you?11:23
zygaI've seen mark today :)11:25
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pitti_bah, NetworkManager and dhclient fighting each other11:29
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