
=== ajmitch [n=ajmitch@] has joined #ubuntu-ports
=== fabbione waits for braddr to start yelling and screaming
=== braddr doesn't make a peep
fabbionewe are about to boot -1109:07
fabbionein theory this hack should fix the problem09:07
=== braddr assumes that means you have a potential fix or at least some debugging code to hopefully expose some interesting tidbit of info but are playing coy.
fabbionepotential fix09:08
braddrbeen a while since we've actually seen a stacktrace from there.09:26
fabbionei saw it yesterday09:27
fabbionethat pontential fix didn't fix shit09:34
braddrat least not this problem..09:35
fabbioneno more tests for today...09:45
fabbionei think we will release with a ReleaseNote. If you see this boot with mem=1024 for now09:46
fabbioneit's not critical and it's an easy workaround09:47
braddror even less loss of memory, mem=<maxmem>-128M or something?09:47
fabbioneat the installer time makes no differenve09:48
fabbionedifference even09:48
braddrgood point09:48
fabbioneonce you reboot, you will have all the mem with -smp kernel that is known to work 09:48
braddrand for some reason it doesn't affect smp post-bootup.09:48
=== tmarble [n=tmarble@] has joined #ubuntu-ports

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