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mgalvinfabbione: ping?12:35
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_paulbartow do i config mysql to allow outsied connections?02:32
_paulbart(typo) how02:33
_paulbartill ask on the mysql channel02:34
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_paulbi have a laptop that i would like to use mysql-admin on but the mysql server is set up to only allow connections from loopback address) how do i cange it so it allows connections fromall computers?07:11
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A-Kaserno european people here ?12:04
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J_Phi all01:19
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A-Kaser... afternoon04:00
jsgotangcogood evening =)04:01
A-Kaser.be and you ?04:01
jsgotangco.ph =)04:02
A-Kaseroh !04:03
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A-Kasertss :)04:26
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mpathyHi There.. Much changed since the last release, heh? :) Because I try to get ssh started and feel a little bit dumb because the "usual" ways didnt work.. ?!04:38
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J_Phi all06:05
J_Phey, I was have onde redir working ok: "redir --laddr=200.xxx.xxx.xxx --lport=9000 --caddr= --cport=9000 --syslog --debug".06:09
J_PThis redir were working for many months, so this weekend he stop of work. I try kill redir, start it agaim, comment all in /etc/hosts.deny but not works.06:09
J_PSo I reboot machine and that redir come back to work. This is very strange, and this is not windows to need reboot.06:09
J_PThis, I'm do nothing diferent before I restart machine. really NOTHING. Anyone can tell somethig for me have attnetion or anyone cause becouse this is ocurred ?06:09
J_Pahh this server was uptime 95 days. Only today i reboot it as last alternative to redir works.06:10
A-Kaserzombi process may be06:12
A-Kaserhave you make : netstat -lna06:12
A-Kaserbefore the reboot ?06:12
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A-Kaseror iptables -L -n06:13
A-Kaserto be sure you don't have a firewall rules or zombi process06:13
A-Kaseriptables stay in memory only , so if you reboot the iptables rules are empty06:13
J_PA-Kaser: humm not!06:25
J_PA-Kaser: I'm not use iptables in that machine,06:25
J_Preally i'm not use iptables in that machine06:25
A-Kasertry iptables -L -n in sudo or root06:37
A-Kaserjust to list the rules06:37
A-Kaserand the same with -t mangle06:37
A-Kaser-t nat06:37
A-Kasermay be you have try a software which have change iptables06:38
A-KaserI don't know if you need enable ip_forward to use redir06:38
J_PA-Kaser: not, to redir works do not need ip_forward enabled. So iptables -L -n not help to debug if I'm nit use iptables for nothing is this machine right.06:53
A-Kaserright but maybe another software have change iptables06:53
A-Kaserbut in all cases you cannot to know this after the reboot :)06:53
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J_PA-Kaser: yes, you are right.. I think si somethink in network software problema (bug) in ubuntu (layer 3)07:09
A-Kasera zombi process is not impossible07:14
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pantharIf I configure dhclient to send a hostname to the DHCP server, should I be seeing that on the command line?  I used to see "-h blahblah" on an older distro I had.08:46
neuralispanthar: that's the host-name parameter in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf08:49
pantharHm, it's set there, but no dice08:51
neuralisone second.08:54
neuralisseems to work fine here.08:56
pantharshoot - my old server used the -h option and it was working.08:57
neuralisyou have the line uncommented in the conf file, right??08:58
pantharYeah :)08:58
neuraliser, one question mark.08:58
panthar*stop yelling at me*08:58
pantharWould I see the hostname request in any logs?09:04
neuralisnot sure, to be honest. the #ltsp folks might know, or you can try sniffing your dhcp packets and seeing if the hostname is being sent.09:17
pantharMight be easier to harass someone at the noc for a static :)09:18
pantharThank you for the suggestions though.09:18
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