
EmxBAwhat should i do now?12:06
EmxBAbluekuja, could you be faster please12:07
EmxBAi need help RIGHT now12:07
EmxBA:-) really12:07
EmxBAi've sent my key to ubuntu server with command written there12:07
EmxBAagain it says "No public key"12:11
EmxBAin UbuntuCodeOfConduct.txt.asc12:11
LaserJockyou sure you have a key?12:11
LaserJockgpg --list-keys12:11
bluekujaLaserJock: :D12:11
EmxBAi do12:11
EmxBApub   1024D/A26B8018 2006-06-1212:12
EmxBAuid                  Emir Beganovic <emx@linux.org.ba>12:12
EmxBAsub   2048g/BDE8CF11 2006-06-1212:12
EmxBApub   2048R/E452E3F5 2006-06-1212:12
EmxBAuid                  Emir Beganovic <emx@linux.org.ba>12:12
LaserJockand did you put your gpg key in LP12:13
EmxBAwhere right12:13
EmxBAinto https://launchpad.net/codeofconduct/1.0.1/+sign ?12:13
EmxBAthan where?12:14
LaserJockI'm saying at your LP page12:14
LaserJockthere is a link on the left to add your gpg key12:14
EmxBAjust my gpg key12:14
EmxBAon OpenGPG keys?12:14
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-227-180.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
EmxBAand gow can i decrypct message12:16
bluekujapygi: mario!!!12:16
HedgeMagebluekuja: he went away :(12:17
HedgeMageoh he's back!12:17
=== HedgeMage pounces pygi
EmxBA"Please paste a clear-signed copy of the following phrase into the text box below."12:17
HedgeMagesorry, I'm a little slow today12:17
EmxBAwhich phrase12:17
pygihey Andrea, hey Susan12:17
pygihow are you? :)12:17
EmxBAcan anyone help me, please12:18
bluekujareally good mario, you?12:18
bluekujaEmxBA: whats the problem?12:18
EmxBA "Please paste a clear-signed copy of the following phrase into the text box below."12:18
pygibluekuja, I am great, thanks for asking ;)12:18
EmxBAwhich phrase exactly12:18
bluekujapygi: :)12:18
pygiEmxBA, the signed copy of CoC12:18
EmxBAwhere is that signed copy 12:19
pygibluekuja, I'll have a package ready for you for "Extras" 12:19
bluekujayou have to sign it12:19
EmxBAi signed it12:19
EmxBAwith one command12:19
bluekujapygi: great!!12:19
pygiworlds "most bad" burning application ever :P12:19
bluekujai'm waiting it12:19
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EmxBAwhich command12:19
=== rwcitek__ is now known as rwcitek
bluekujaoh nice 12:19
pygiHedgeMage, just you pounce :P12:20
bluekujaI'll request branches for fc-4 and fc-3 too12:20
bluekuja(fc-5 included)12:20
EmxBAbluekuja: help me please12:20
EmxBALaunchpad could not verify your signature: No public key!12:20
ubotuSome people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, EmxBA12:20
pygiEmxBA, you need to sync it with servers12:21
EmxBAwhich command12:21
pygiEmxBA, bleh, use "seahorse" to do it12:21
pygisudo apt-get install seahorse12:21
pygibluekuja, bonefire, if you ever heard of that =P12:21
bluekujapygi: mmm.... i dont remember that name, have you got an homepage for it?12:22
EmxBAi already installed it12:22
EmxBAwhat should i do now?12:22
pygibluekuja, yes, but it's bad. so rather not show :P12:22
bluekuja:D ok12:22
pygiEmxBA, you can click "Publish keys" or something simmilar :P12:22
pygibluekuja, working on better site tho12:22
EmxBAand what now?12:23
bluekujapygi: great, when final website release is out tell me12:23
pygiEmxBA, now wait half an hour :P12:23
pygiyes :P12:24
pygibluekuja, http://gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=115812:24
pyginew version will be out tommorow12:24
pygi(or today while we'r at it :) )12:24
EmxBAand after half an hour12:24
EmxBAthen what?12:24
pygiEmxBA, then you paste signed copy12:24
EmxBAand where do i get it12:25
EmxBApygi, where do you live12:25
LaserJockEmxBA: you make it12:25
EmxBAmario, pricaj hrvatski :D12:25
EmxBAidi na privatne :D12:25
pygiEmxBA, bleh, stop talking non-english language in this channel :P12:25
bluekujapygi: great application, 12:26
EmxBAdo not laugh me :D12:26
bluekujalets move to it12:26
pygibluekuja, bleh, current version is piece of junk :P12:26
bluekuja:D screenshoots are realllly cool12:26
pygibluekuja, bleh, the UI is greatest part of the junk in the app :P12:27
bluekujawell that's something that i like a lot12:27
=== EmxBA [n=emx@as58-ob1.dlp281.bih.net.ba] has left #edubuntu []
pygibluekuja, bleh, 0.3.9 changed quite a lot in UI12:29
pygi(not that much actually :P)12:30
bluekujado you will provide me an already done package?12:30
bluekujaif not i'll do it12:30
pygiyup, already done package12:30
bluekujaoh ok perfect12:31
bluekujaprovide me .spec file, and src.rpm12:31
pygiIf it's bad, please feel free to change it :P12:31
pygibleh, what? I thought of providing just pure rpm :)12:31
bluekujahehe, i'll review it12:31
pygioki, so both spec and src.rpm12:31
bluekujayeah, i don't need rpm12:32
bluekujaonly spec and src12:32
pygioki :)12:32
pygithe "release script" is building packages for me :P12:32
=== mhz [n=mhz@pc-130-84-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
bluekujarpmlint it after build12:34
pygireally, I wrote a script we use for test building with all possible configure options, and build .deb and .rpm :)12:34
bluekujaoh cool12:34
bluekujaanyway remember to rpmlint, if it's clean I'll move to mock review12:35
pygioki, whatever rpmlint is :P :)12:35
bluekujajust rpmfind for it12:36
pygibleh :)12:36
pygiand sadly, ubuntu people aren't able to run bonfire :(12:37
bluekujaoh y?12:37
pygirequires gnome 2.14.2 ;-/12:38
bluekujapygi: can you make it for this thursday?12:38
pygiwhat? package?12:39
bluekujai'll be away for one week12:39
pygipackage will be ready tommorow12:39
bluekujaso it will be available in yum for wednesday, thursday12:39
bluekujaping me tomorrow12:39
bluekujanot in the evening/night12:40
pygioki :)12:40
bluekujatnx :)12:40
pygino, thank you ;)12:40
bluekujanp mario :)12:41
bluekujamhz is with us12:41
=== dm [n=daniel@dslb-088-073-217-225.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #edubuntu
pygihey mhz ;)12:43
pygibluekuja, ok, so I stop bothering you now :P12:43
bluekujapygi: np :) , I'm here if you need something12:47
pygibluekuja, don't you sleep? :P12:49
=== bluekuja never sleeps
mhzbluekuja: hey, sorry guys... today is holiday... family stuff :(12:50
bluekujapygi: anyway I'm really tired now12:50
bluekujamhz: hello!!12:50
bluekujanp man12:50
bluekujapygi: summer is started, parties too12:51
pygibluekuja, hehe :)12:51
bluekujaso every night we return at six o'clock12:51
bluekujain the morning 12:51
mhzpygi: hi12:51
pygihey hey mhz ;)12:52
pygienjoy your holiday :P12:52
pygibluekuja, which is nice :P12:52
mhzbluekuja: not healthy12:52
bluekujamhz: I know but i can't say no to girls12:53
bluekujawhat do you guys think?12:53
mhzbluekuja: the more you say no to girls, the more they want you12:54
bluekujamhz: lol, thats true12:54
bluekujaomg, spider near keyboard12:54
bluekujaone moment  tnx12:54
LaserJockbah, I'm so boring, I go to bed ~11:00pm and get up about ~8:00pm and go to school12:58
LaserJocklol, 8:00am I mean12:58
pygiLaserJock, bleh :P12:59
bluekujaLaserJock: nice :D12:59
=== bluekuja restarts spider fight
LaserJockbluekuja: don't let it win :-)01:00
bluekujaLaserJock: lol, he's hiding in the dark01:01
mhzLaserJock: well, not boring, at all. It is what you do what really counts, doesn't matter who with or where01:02
bluekujaLaserJock: i have to find it, i don't want to sleep with him01:02
LaserJockwell, I'm boring all the way around, Paris will be the most exciting thing I've done in a long time01:03
bluekujaLaserJock: no parties for you?01:05
mhzLaserJock: I hardly ever go out of the house.. and I don't have a boring life. Actually, I could easily say I do much more stuff than many people around me.01:05
LaserJockI'm too busy working on Ubuntu and doing research and working on the house and hanging out with my wife to party01:05
bluekujaLaserJock: i forgot that you're married01:06
LaserJockyeah, I'd be working on Ubuntu 24x7 if I wasn't married :-)01:07
bluekujai go 01:10
bluekujacya pygi, LaserJock ,mhz01:10
bluekujasee you all tomorrow01:10
pygibye bluekuja, enjoy ;)01:10
bluekuja(pygi ping me when done)01:10
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bluekujaciao all01:10
Burgworkhey bddebian 01:12
bddebianHowdy folks01:13
bddebianHeya Burgwork01:13
pygihey Burgwork, bddebian 01:13
mhznn bluekuja 01:13
mhzLaserJock: see? very much to do01:14
bddebianHi pygi01:14
pygilaters all ;)01:15
bddebianBye pygi01:15
LaserJockmhz: but still boring01:16
LaserJockhi bddebian 01:16
bddebianHeya LaserJock01:16
mhzLaserJock: well, I am sorry you feel it is boring. Maybe you have to re-love the things you do, those small details.01:17
LaserJockyes, words of wisdom there mhz 01:17
mhzLaserJock: hehe, well, I am not trying to bug you on the topic, but I've been married twice, and 1 thing I really got after those experiences is that it is up to us to love what we do. Else, the 1st feeling we get... is that we have a boring life compared to the rest of  people. However, we do have many things they do not. And, at least me, fell very well with the hours I dedicate to stuff like Edubuntu, social work, my kids, and poker :D01:24
HedgeMageOkay, for anyone who's interested, TT really needs some attention so I'm taking him down to the pool.  I promise I'll get the Edubuntu Cookbook meeting notes done ASAP upon our return01:30
=== HedgeMage waves
=== HedgeMage leaves
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=== HedgeMage peeks in
HedgeMagehi jsgotangco 03:49
HedgeMagewhat's up?03:49
jsgotangcoboring tuesday at work03:49
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CuriousGdoes anyone know how to edit the logout menu items?05:42
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CuriousGI need to remove hibernate05:42
HedgeMagenope, I don't... ogra or someone probably will, though05:43
CuriousGThe product isn't usable if regular users can go into hibernation and basically turn off the server.05:44
HedgeMagehang on a sec05:46
HedgeMageoh darn, I forgot... don't have my edubuntu box here (out for repairs) so I can't look :(05:46
HedgeMagethere's got to be a way though05:46
CuriousGI should hope so.05:48
CuriousGI was told by someone else that it wasn't in his beta 2 install.05:48
CuriousGSo somewhere along the line, they put that in there.05:48
HedgeMagethat's really odd... have you asked on the mailing list yet?  if you can't wait around for someone knowledgeable in here to wake up, that's probably your best bet.05:49
LaserJockI just saw an email on the ML asking about it05:50
HedgeMageI *almost* have hubby convinced that it would be a good idea for him to give up his desktop computer for me to load Edubuntu for TT (and to use as a dedicated test box)05:53
HedgeMageWell, he got a new laptop that's more powerful (though the desktop is still great... if we give it to TT I may steal my graphics card back, though)05:55
=== HedgeMage notes there's an extra "though" in that sentence
CuriousGNo I haven't asked but someone asked a similar question about hibernate on the 6th.  No response.05:59
=== jsgotangco wonders if pessulus can remove that
jsgotangcowell you can disable the logout menu with pessulus06:01
CuriousGI don't need logout disabled but the hibernate option under logout06:07
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Amaranthi'm pretty sure i just sucessfully ported this bayesian library to sqlite07:06
Amaranthnow i just need to work on an HTML tokenizer07:06
Amaranth\o/ indeed :)07:08
Amaranthonce i get the tokenizer done i basically have the actual proxy bits done07:08
Amaranthso i just have to work on the pygtk and web frontends07:09
LaserJockway cool07:09
LaserJockand then your summer will be done! ;-)07:09
Amaranthand, bonus, i know how a 'Robinson-Fisher bayesian spam detection algorithm' works07:09
Amaranthit'd be nice to finish early07:10
bimberididn't willow do any of these things?07:10
Amaranthbimberi: willow was some nasty code and had license issues07:10
Amaranthi still don't know why it wanted to use pam07:11
bimberisay no more07:11
bimberido you have a name yet?07:11
LaserJocksmeg? ;-)07:12
Amaranthyou're not the first one to say that, actually07:12
Amaranthwell, you might have been first but there were others :P07:13
bimberihe's a cleaning robot after all07:13
bimberiblah - http://sourceforge.net/projects/kryten/07:15
LaserJockif there was a French word for spam...07:15
LaserJockalthough maybe you should go German this time or something07:16
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=== HedgeMage peeks in
LaserJockand everybody scatters07:21
=== Amaranth is talking about SafetyBoat
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=== HedgeMage pounces and cuddles cbx33
cbx33what have I done?07:52
=== cbx33 looks worried :p
cbx33hi jsgotangco 07:53
cbx33HedgeMage, did you get my mail then?07:53
HedgeMagenope, don't think so07:54
=== HedgeMage checks
HedgeMagecbx33: not yet, when did you send it?07:54
cbx33a few mins ago07:54
cbx33titled Mock Logo07:55
=== HedgeMage checks again
HedgeMagenope, but now I'm just waiting for my hosting provider people to notice I'm checking every 5 seconds and /msg me to ask wtf is up :P07:56
=== HedgeMage bounces
HedgeMage(in my chair, not my email)07:57
lucasvoHedgeMage: answering your mail: You can create PDF files from docbook for printing08:03
lucasvoHedgeMage: Firefox can read docbook if it has a correct XSL08:04
lucasvoHedgeMage: I think Yelp has docbook support as well08:04
lucasvoI'll write an email about it.08:04
lucasvogot to go to school now08:04
jsgotangcoyelp reads docbook natively08:04
jsgotangcoand renders it with its own stylesheets08:05
=== HedgeMage nods
HedgeMagettyl lucasvo 08:05
crimsun_isn't conglomerate a docbook-styled (among others) editor?08:05
jsgotangcoyes but not too stable08:05
crimsun_qemacs has a docbook mode08:06
cbx33right I gotta go eat....brb08:08
=== cbx33 marvels, pressing the eject button actually ejects the cd now :D amazing
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #edubuntu
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spaceydutch weather really sucks09:00
spaceytoday 33 degrees (yay!)09:00
spaceytomorrow 20 :)09:00
BurgundaviaHedgeMage: did you catch my post?09:01
HedgeMageBurgundavia: yep, just read it :)09:01
spaceyHedgeMage: nice go @ list09:01
HedgeMageBurgundavia: you made good points... if someone can show me a WYSIWYG docbook editor that is newbie friendly (someone posted some suggestions, I'll check them out before the meeting if I have time) I'm sold.09:02
BurgundaviaHedgeMage: we are looking at moin-->docbook09:02
Burgundaviathere is a Fedora SoC project doing this09:02
=== HedgeMage nods
Burgundavialatex has the huge issue that it makes it harder to integrate with the rest of teh Ubuntu documentation09:03
Burgundaviayou cannot use our build chain, our translation production, etc.09:04
HedgeMageyeah, but when that was the only thing going for docbook, that wasn't enough. You and others have made a larger case for it09:04
HedgeMage(it makes me glad we tabled the issue and set debate loose on the mailing list)09:06
HedgeMagehi JaneW :)09:08
JaneWhey HedgeMage 09:08
HedgeMagejsgotangco: whomever mentioned that earlier said it's not very stable.  I haven't tried it yet, though. have you used it much?09:09
=== HedgeMage looks up
HedgeMagehey, *you're* the one who said it's not stable :P09:10
Burgundaviajsgotangco: I agree with HedgeMage that conglomerate is no good09:10
HedgeMageBurgundavia: apparently, so does jsgotangco... scroll up to about an hour ago 09:10
Burgundaviaregardless, I see the gui editing of docbook as not a huge issue currently09:11
HedgeMageBurgundavia: I'm just trying to give us as many avenues to recruit new docpeople as possible.  If Edgy goes like Dapper did, I don't think we'll be done enough for print until another release down the road at least.09:14
HedgeMageBurgundavia: we had lots of volunteers, then most bailed.09:14
Burgundaviamost volunteers bailing is a symptom of volunteers, not likely of the technology09:15
Burgundaviamost of the volunteers on the wiki bail too09:16
HedgeMageI didn't mean it was due to the technology, I just meant that if volunteers don't have to be willing do do markup by hand, we have a bigger pool to recruit from.09:16
HedgeMageand, considering the fact that they often bail out, the more we start with the better09:16
spaceywe need clones09:17
Burgundaviayou also want committed people, who will look through an unclear technology09:17
=== spacey just watched star wars ep2 last week
spaceycan you imagine such a clone army of oss devs =)09:18
Burgundaviaproblem is, we grow through diversity09:18
HedgeMageyes, but, there *has* to be room in every project for people with only user-level technical knowledge to get their feet wet and feel that they've accomplished something... and documentation is usually it.  Often, if you can just get them to wade in they will pick up momentum and want to do and learn more.  Of course, if they think there are sharks in the water, they'll stay on the beach.09:19
Burgundaviacookie cutter solutions is what the current stuff is09:19
Burgundaviathen those people who just want their feet wet can play in your wiki09:19
spaceyin the end you need people how know their stuff09:19
HedgeMagespacey: I agree, I just think that if we catch 'em while they're just wading in and keep them interested, we'll get first pick of the cool people ;)09:20
Burgundaviapeople will come and go09:20
=== HedgeMage nods
Burgundaviahence why you should latch yourself onto an existing project with existing tools09:21
Burgundaviathe doc team is unlikely to go anywhere09:21
HedgeMagethey're also unlikely to be too interested in what edubuntu is doing :P  I do agree that docbook is looking like the better solution now.  It was just under-represented at the meeting, I think09:21
Burgundaviaactually, there is no sane reason to seperate out the partner projects in terms of docs09:22
Burgundaviaanyway, I have to sleep09:23
HedgeMagesweet dreams, corey, and thanks for the info09:23
jsgotangcothe current toolchain used isn't that hard really09:24
jsgotangcoit could also be done on bzr, but its not really good on structured text09:26
HedgeMageWhat I know about bzr could fill a thimble :P09:27
jsgotangcoits not hard09:27
HedgeMagethat said, like anything else, I'd learn it if need be09:27
HedgeMageat the meeting, though, no one seemed to be pushing it09:28
jsgotangcosorry i wasn;t there i was sleeping09:28
spaceysleeping is really important jsgotangco09:30
spaceylack of meetings won't get you killed:)09:31
HedgeMagejsgotangco: sleep? what's that?09:31
=== mhz is now known as mhz_zZzZ
Amaranthweird bug09:36
Amaranthmy idle handlers only gets called once inside my gobject mainloop09:37
=== Amaranth stupid
Amaranthforgot return True09:38
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-239-224.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
pygihey hey people ;)09:41
HedgeMagehey, pygi 09:43
HedgeMagepygi: have time for a quick /msg before I flee to bed for some shut-eye09:44
pygiyes, sure09:44
Amaranthpygi: i'm an HTML tokenizer and dbus interface away from the proxy part being done :)09:46
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pygiAmaranth, heh, good progress ;)09:48
cbx33howz it all going09:48
cbx33pygi that issue we were having with python doesn't happen on my laptop09:48
HedgeMagecbx33: :D09:49
cbx33which is where I do all my dev at the mo09:49
cbx33which is probably why I never noticed it before09:49
cbx33hi HedgeMage 09:49
cbx33hey Amaranth 09:49
cbx33howz the SoC09:49
Amaranthcom.realistanew.WillowNG or com.ubuntu.WillowNG?09:49
Amaranthstill need anew name :P09:49
cbx33I thought of a few09:49
pygicbx33, great ;)09:49
cbx33lemme dig them out09:49
Amaranthcbx33: <Amaranth> pygi: i'm an HTML tokenizer and dbus interface away from the proxy part being done :)09:49
cbx33ooooh nice09:50
cbx33you clever guy09:50
Amaranthso, for the dbus interface, which is better: com.realistanew.WillowNG or com.ubuntu.WillowNG?09:51
=== cbx33 wishes he had actually done computing at Uni, instead of acoustical engineering
Amaranthcbx33: I've had one year of a tech school that I slept through. ;)09:51
cbx33I have my degree09:51
cbx33but in acoustical engineering, which is just not wanted anywhere09:52
Amaranthcom.ubuntu.WIllowNG it is09:53
=== Amaranth should get a new name first though
Amaranththis is going to repeat the name about 10 times09:53
cbx33give me a better decription of what the program will do09:53
cbx33I'll try and come up with a name09:53
Amaranthit's a content filtering proxy09:53
Amaranththat's the most exact description possible09:54
Amaranthwell, without getting into technical details09:54
HedgeMagecbx33: acoustical engineering? like making pretty places to sing? (i.e. with great acoustics) stuff like that?09:54
cbx33HedgeMage: indeed09:54
HedgeMagecbx33: heh neat09:54
cbx33amongst other things like automotive engineering09:54
cbx33fluid dynamics09:54
AmaranthI had to switch back to the threaded server.09:55
AmaranthSo it could potentially use like 10MB RAM and never give it back.09:55
AmaranthEven if it only used 10MB once, for a couple seconds.09:55
AmaranthBut if I fork I can't use sqlite09:55
Amaranthor any other small sane system for storing things09:56
k31thBind or NSD ?09:57
Amaranthyou want me to store my bayesian training info in bind? :P09:59
Amaranthall i know about bind is this: Run.09:59
k31thBIND = Buggy Internet Name Deamon 10:00
spaceywhy can't you use sqlite when you fork? 10:01
spaceyonly one proces can write to it ?10:01
Amaranthspacey: correct10:01
Amaranthonly one thread even10:01
Amaranthbut with threads i can use the glib mainloop to break out into the main thread to work with sqlite10:02
spaceycan't you use some IPC?10:02
spaceyto communicate with the sqlite abled threat10:02
spaceythread even10:02
Amaranthit's easier this way10:04
Amaranthbtw, how does "viridian" sound?10:04
=== HedgeMage contemplates sleep
spaceyterrible :)10:04
spaceywhat does it mean?10:05
HedgeMageit's a color10:05
cbx33it means: to filter10:05
spaceypick an african word for it :P10:05
Amaranthi could use "verdigris" instead ;)10:06
=== cbx33 throws in the stupid names
spaceysounds like a medicine10:07
Amaranthmetastasize is too...sciency10:07
cbx33WebPurify] 10:07
Amaranthi'm sure that's taken10:07
Amaranthi want a word that either means nothing or is rare10:07
cbx33I'm, on it10:07
pygiAmaranth, "trinity"10:08
spaceyAmaranth: take a random african word =)10:08
=== pygi used that for one of his games engine :P
pygibleh :P10:08
Amaranthpygi: That's either geeky or religious. :P10:08
HedgeMageAmaranth: I know Latin... what are we naming?10:08
cbx33a title for a treatise on trees10:08
AmaranthHedgeMage: a content filtering proxy10:08
pygiAmaranth, none of that :P10:08
spaceyAmaranth: name it after your girlfriend or something :)10:08
AmaranthHedgeMage: doesn't have to have anything to do with what it does though10:08
=== HedgeMage is full of obscure Latin terms
=== cbx33 named his degree project after his wife
HedgeMagecbx33: that is insanely cute10:09
Amaranthspacey: i think she'd get pissed, seeing how we haven't seen each other in about 9 months :P10:09
cbx33LISA - Linearly Interpolated Spectrographic Analysis10:09
spaceyAmaranth: ouch10:09
cbx33www.progbox.co.uk/thesis - if anyone is interested10:09
spaceyAmaranth: name it after your mother?:P10:09
Amaranthbut then i need a new acronym for lisa :)10:09
cbx33HedgeMage: what is latin for filter10:09
cbx33Lengthy Incision of Stateful Abstracts10:10
HedgeMagefilter? not sure... hmm10:11
Amaranthspurcamen, sordes, purgamentum, inquinamentum, fimus, feculentia10:11
Amaranthone of those10:11
HedgeMageAmaranth: perseus.tufts.edu has lexica of a number of classical languages, do a search10:11
Amaranth(that's filter)10:11
Amaranthsordes? :)10:11
spaceyHedgeMage: link is dead10:12
Amaranthbeen up close to 24 hours and coding for most of them10:12
Amaranththis is good though, because i probably won't do much for a week now ;)10:12
HedgeMagespacey: let me check I may have typoed it10:13
HedgeMagethere we go10:13
Amaranthoh, clausus means closed10:14
spaceyJaneW: add me :P10:16
spaceyJaneW: i like the map on ubuntu-nl more10:16
jsgotangcohmm i think i got me a visa10:16
jsgotangcothey called me up and asked to come back tomorrow with my travel insurance and stuff10:17
Amaranthi could just be a jerk and call it "willow" :)10:17
HedgeMagecbx33: you have mail10:17
spaceyAmaranth: Willow-NG to be even more orginal10:17
JaneWspacey: checking10:17
cbx33greek god of the winds10:17
pygihey hey JaneW 10:18
cbx33chorine - a chorus girl10:18
cbx33Hi JaneW 10:18
HedgeMagehi JaneW 10:18
cbx33what about 10:18
cbx33bezoar    (buh-zore') n. a hard indigestible mass of material,10:19
spaceyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWorldWide also quite nice10:19
HedgeMagecbx33: btw, sorry about before... I didn't get your email b/c somehow I'd emailed you from my army account and their servers suck... I emailed you from my home (reliable) email this time10:19
spaceyJaneW: +53.2365 +6.5445 "spacey" # HermanBos, Groningen, The Netherlands10:19
cbx33vavasor    (vav'-uh-sore) n. a feudal vassal ranking just below a baron.10:19
spaceyat leas tyou can add me :)10:19
HedgeMagethe one to the army email came through, it just takes forever.10:19
Amaranthcbx33: i kind of like that last one10:20
=== HedgeMage cuddles cbx33 to get his attention
Amaranthnow to slightly change it so it's not the same word :)10:20
=== cbx33 cuddles HedgeMage
cbx33sorry HedgeMage 10:20
Amaranthno, that stinks10:20
HedgeMagecbx33: np, just wanted to make sure the email made it through okay before I go to bed10:20
spaceyi'm off to the office, bbl10:20
cbx33nn HedgeMage 10:21
cbx33tripsis    (trip'-siss) n. trituration; also, the process of shampooing. [from Greek tribein "to rub"] .10:21
HedgeMagecbx33: got it then?10:21
cbx33alegar    (ail'-uh-gar) n. sour ale; the acid of ale; vinegar resulting from the fermentation of ale.10:21
cbx33just checking now10:21
cbx33got it10:22
HedgeMagecbx33: cool.  I'll owe you some chocolate or some sort of big favor after this :)10:22
cbx33orotund    (or'-uh-tund) adj. 1: marked by fullness, strength and clarity or sound; sonorous. 2: pompous; bombastic.10:22
cbx33HedgeMage: only if it's up to standard10:22
=== HedgeMage smooches cbx33 and goes to sleep so the CSS will stop spinning
Amaranthcbx33: can you email all this to alleykat@gmail.com please?10:23
cbx33numen    (n(y)oo'-men) n. a spiritual force or influence often identified with a natural object, phenomenon or locality (pl. numina).10:23
cbx33Amaranth: heheh10:23
Amaranththat's cool10:23
cbx33yeh I thought so10:23
pygibluekuja, poke? :)10:24
=== EmxBA [n=emx@as58-ob1.dlp126.bih.net.ba] has joined #edubuntu
EmxBAhi again10:24
=== Kozuch [n=jan@159.108.broadband5.iol.cz] has joined #edubuntu
EmxBAi was here few hours ago :D10:24
pygiEmxBA, rather before 10 hours and 24 minutes before :P10:25
EmxBAyes mario10:25
EmxBAi suppose that GPG think has finished :P10:25
EmxBAbluekuja: i have few good edubuntu logos10:50
EmxBAvarious colors10:51
EmxBAshall i show it to you?10:51
pygiEmxBA, she's not here10:53
EmxBAshall i show it to you, mario10:53
k31thay dns gurus ?10:54
EmxBAthey are same edubuntu logso, just different colors10:54
pygiEmxBA, not right now :P10:54
pygilater tho10:54
EmxBAoki :P10:54
pygiEmxBA, have you managed to sign CoC?10:54
EmxBAi must wait 10:54
cbx33has that bug been fixed yet?10:55
cbx33for 1.0.110:55
pygicbx33, nop :)10:55
EmxBAthis is very nervous :-|10:55
cbx33just sign 1.010:55
EmxBAi cannot sign it10:55
EmxBAit says that i should sign 1.0.110:55
cbx33did to me too10:55
EmxBAso i must go to 1.0.1 sign web site10:55
cbx33but as it is unsignable10:55
pygibuahahah :)10:55
cbx33calm down pygi 10:56
=== pygi calms down
pygicbx33, whaat!?11:00
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=== cbx33 hides
EmxBA :D11:01
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=== DanielC [n=daniel@] has joined #edubuntu
DanielCDoes anyone know how I can run two or more instances of Firefox? (i.e. one on each thin client). I keep getting the error "A copy of firefox is already running".11:20
DanielCI'll have 16 thin clients and they all should be able to run firefox.11:21
DanielCWhen the second client starts Firefox it says "Firefox is already running but not responding. Close that window and try again".11:23
EmxBAdoes anyone know why i always get 75 celsius in /proc/acpi/thermal/THRM/cpu11:23
EmxBAsomething like11:23
EmxBAit always shows 75 11:24
EmxBAi am using notebook11:25
lucasvoDanielC: do you use different users on each thinclient?11:27
EmxBAlucasvo: can you help me11:28
EmxBAfew years ago i've seen good temperature (58 celsius) is windows :D11:28
EmxBAso sensors i have are good11:28
DanielClucasvo: Sadly, I can't think of a way to use different users without creating a huge amount of work for both me and the kids (these are primary kids).11:28
DanielCEmxBA: If someone could help you they'd say something. We're not ignoring you, we just don't know.11:29
lucasvoDanielC: why?11:29
EmxBA ok11:29
DanielClucasvo: Creating 600 user accounts and asking each kid to type a different username and password is a lot.11:29
lucasvoEmxBA: go to #ubuntu for HW questions not related to thin clients11:29
lucasvoDanielC: you could make one user per machine11:30
pygilucasvo, could you do a lill' favor for me?11:30
pygigenerate me a download script with synaptic for network-manager-gnome11:30
lucasvopygi: sry, I am not on linux at the moment11:31
DanielClucasvo: That's an idea, but the head teacher likes the idea of having Gnome customized for each year group. So I'd like to have a common account for each year.11:31
lucasvoDanielC: I don't know how I would do this11:31
DanielClucasvo: Suggestions welcome.11:31
pygiDanielC, any chance you could do it?11:31
lucasvoDanielC: make a user for every year on each machine11:32
DanielClucasvo: Ok. I can tell the teacher that either we hit problems with firefox and OpenOffice or we have an account per machine.11:32
DanielClucasvo: These are thin clients.11:32
DanielCpygi: I'm on Linux, what can I do?11:32
pygiDanielC, generate me a download script from synaptic for network-manager-gnome11:33
DanielCpygi: How do I do that?11:33
lucasvoDanielC: first open synaptic11:33
pygiDanielC, you select the network-manager-gnome and click "file" or something like that, and you have generate download script11:33
lucasvoDanielC: search for network-manager-gnome11:33
=== DanielC searches
DanielCI found a package called "network-manager-gnome"11:34
DanielCFile > Generate download script ?11:34
pygiwhen you clicked on that package to install, ofcourse :P11:35
bluekujahello guys11:35
bluekujaMr pygi 11:35
pygibluekuja, bleh :)11:35
pygidoes any of your servers have Trac support?11:35
DanielCpygi: Ok, I'll send you what I got and you can tell me if it's what you need.11:36
pygibluekuja, http://www.edgewall.com/trac/details.html11:36
pygiDanielC, please mail :P11:36
pygimario dot danic at gmail dot com11:36
DanielCbluekuja: Trac is something like a bugzilla + code browser + wiki all in one.11:36
bluekujaoh nice11:37
DanielCpygi: Ok, what's your email address?11:37
DanielCok, I see it :)11:37
bluekujawhen i can set it up for you11:37
cbx33wow bluekuja havn't seen you around for a while11:37
jsgotangcooohhh trac11:37
bluekujaomg pete!!11:37
=== jsgotangco likes trac
bluekujahello man11:37
cbx33howz you11:37
pygibluekuja, just wondering if any of your servers have support for that? :)11:37
bluekujareally good :)11:37
pygijsgotangco, indeed ;)11:37
=== cbx33 has never used trac
bluekujapygi: of course :)11:37
jsgotangcocbx33: thik of it as your personal launchpad11:37
=== cbx33 goes to search
jsgotangco(with emphasis to revision control using cvs/svn)11:38
pygibluekuja, bleh, k, how much do you charge for hosting? (with trac support)11:38
DanielCpygi: Sent.11:38
pygiand possibly even svn server? :)11:38
pygithanks DanielC 11:38
cbx33oh bluekuja I gota bone to pick with you11:38
bluekujapygi: free for you :D11:38
cbx33what's happened to that IRC server11:38
pygibluekuja, bleh, why is that? :-/11:39
bluekujacbx33: I'm working on it, it's ready now, but i forget to run the daemon11:39
bluekujalet me open it11:39
cbx33oh excellent11:39
cbx33I can't check it now anyway11:39
bluekujapygi: when do you need it ready?11:40
bluekujacbx33: pete 3-2-1 running11:41
pygiWell, It's not really urgent :)11:41
pygibluekuja, and I need to buy domain11:41
=== RobinShepheard [n=robins@] has joined #edubuntu
pygi(me will host all his projects there, and webpages, and stuff)11:41
bluekujapygi: i can provide you a subdomain for now11:42
pygibluekuja, I'll pm you11:43
cbx33hi guys11:43
cbx33I'm a pam idiot11:43
cbx33why is it asking me for my password twice11:43
cbx33I know it's because of it checking local accounts and network accounts11:43
cbx33but how can I get it to try the password on both?11:44
cbx33I think I know11:45
cbx33hang on11:45
cbx33it's the pammount part that asks for a second password11:46
pygiDanielC, k, thanks :)11:48
pyginow do the same with all gstreamer-plugins stuff :)11:48
RobinShepheardhi all11:51
pygiDanielC, poke? :P11:54
DanielCI'm setting up a server right now. Ok, what package do you want?11:56
pygiDanielC, all gstreamer0.10-plugins-*11:57
pygithanks ;)11:57
pygijsgotangco, trac 0.10dev is much better then 0.9.5 stuff ;)12:03
bluekujaah pygi, one more question before leave12:07
bluekujawhich version do you want?12:07
pygibluekuja, of what? trac? :)12:07
pygijust make sure I can install it, I'll install it on my own (ssh stuff)12:07
pygiI will need several setups of it anyway12:07
DanielCDamm it! The clients won't work. I can start Gnome, but the menus and buttons don't do anything so nothing works.12:08
DanielCIf you click on any menu nothing happens. Buttons don't do anything.12:08
DanielCIt might as well be one big background.12:08
pygibluekuja, is that ok for you? :)12:08
bluekujapygi: oh oki, ill create you a personal folder where you can install stuff12:08
pygibluekuja, oki :)12:08
DanielCCan anyone guess why this might happen or how to fix it?12:09
pygiand svn if thats possible ;)12:09
pygiI'll make sure I get domain today12:09
bluekujayeah, of course12:09
bluekujaif you need root12:09
bluekujajust tell me12:09
bluekujai'll change passwords12:09
pygiroot? you are not afraid I would bork your server? :)12:09
bluekujaI'll install svn12:10
pygiNo need just yet until we get domain, so we could point it to svn.pykix.net stuff ;)12:10
pygiaha, so you are afraid :)12:11
bluekujawell dns redirection is not a problem ;)12:11
pygibleh, oki :)12:11
bluekujapygi: anyway I'll install all deps12:12
pygibluekuja, oki :)12:13
bluekujabrb later12:13
DanielCHelp. The thin client won't work. I can login to Gnome but after that nothing works. I can move the mouse but if I click on anything nothing happens.12:14
=== EmxBA [n=emx@as58-ob1.dlp150.bih.net.ba] has joined #edubuntu
DanielCMenus don't do anything, buttons don't do anything.12:14
DanielCIt's like when Gnome is frozen.12:15
EmxBAi have finnaly set up my CoC12:15
DanielCor X.12:15
EmxBAi became ubuntutero!12:15
DanielCDoes anyone know what the problem is?12:15
pygiEmxBA, congrats ;)12:15
EmxBApygi, finally12:15
EmxBAsee ya12:15
EmxBAgotta contribute :D on wiki :12:15
=== EmxBA [n=emx@as58-ob1.dlp150.bih.net.ba] has left #edubuntu []
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DanielCDoes anyone know why the clients would freeze like that?12:16
DanielCI can kill X on the client with Ctrl+Alt+Backspace12:16
DanielCAnd the mouse moves.12:16
cbx33ping ogra 12:22
spaceyDanielC: fixed the nfs problem?12:23
DanielCspacey: It turns out that it was a hardware problem on the client. I replaced the client by a different machine and that one didn't have problems booting.12:27
DanielCVery strange.12:27
DanielCThere aren't many things that can go wrong on the client, but something did.12:27
cbx33ok guys12:28
cbx33need a little bit of help12:28
DanielCspacey: Although now I can boot and login to the thin client, nothing works after that.12:28
DanielCspacey: When I click on menus or buttons nothing happens.12:29
DanielCIt's like Gnome or X is frozen.12:29
=== Sergi0 [n=serge@ip227-28-166-62.adsl.versatel.nl] has joined #edubuntu
RobinShepheardDanielC: I have had a similar problem when the client workstation has locked. Does your keyboard still work, eg can you ctrl+alt+F1 ??12:35
RobinShepheardoh and is it usb or ps2 mouse??12:35
=== bimberi [n=bimberi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.bimberi] has joined #edubuntu
DanielCRobinShepheard:  ps212:41
DanielCI'm rebooting, I'll check the keyboard in a minute.12:42
DanielCRobinShepheard: Keyboard works.12:42
DanielCI'll try a different network card.12:43
RobinShepheardyeah, I was using a usb mouse and I wondered if it was something to do with powersaving on locking of the screen, but if it happens on a ps2 mouse it can't be that12:43
DanielCOk, I've tried a new network card and that didn't help.12:48
DanielCI've tried a different PCI slot, a whole other computer, and I've restarted the network switch.12:48
DanielCSo, unless it's the cable, the problem is not hardware.12:49
RobinShepheardI don't think it is network related12:49
DanielCBut this is weird. I was only doing stuff with Firefox. Even if I totally wrecked Firefox that couldn't make Gnome stop working.12:49
DanielCEspecially after rebooting the server.12:50
RobinShepheardI am just trying to recreate on another machine. how long roughly does it work for do you reckon??12:50
DanielCI don't understand the question.12:51
RobinShepheardwell, does the mouse work for the first 10 mins and then dies??12:51
DanielCThe thin client was working fine yesterday and today it doesn't.12:51
RobinShepheardor 20 mins or whatever12:51
DanielCThe mouse itself works.12:51
DanielCBut clicking on menus and buttons does nothing.12:51
DanielCIt's like the Gnome panel had crashed.12:52
DanielCExcept that it's not just the panel, but "everything".12:52
RobinShepheardour thin client didn't stop working until the screen locked. yeah same as here, mouse moves and the keyboard can be used to interact with the windows12:52
RobinShepheardbut clicking doesn't work12:52
DanielCUnless the problem is with the left mouse button :)12:52
RobinShepheardI am trying to pin down whether it is something to do with the screen locking12:53
DanielCHere it happens right away. Without the screen having to lock.12:53
DanielCthat's what it was!12:54
DanielCIt was the mouse.12:54
=== Elwell [n=Elwell@vpn-139.vpn.net.ed.ac.uk] has joined #edubuntu
DanielCComputers just don't like me. I get the weirdest faults.12:55
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ogracbx33, pong01:02
ograRobinShepheard, try killing rge gnome-screensaver daemon via console on the server if it happens the next time and see if it solves it01:02
RobinShepheardogra: funny you should suggest that01:06
=== Yagisan [n=jamie@60-240-85-239-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #edubuntu
RobinShepheardI am just checking the same happens on another machine and then I was going to kill it01:07
=== shriphani [n=shriphan@] has joined #edubuntu
shriphaniogra ?01:21
ograyep ?01:22
=== shriphani [n=shriphan@] has left #edubuntu ["dinner"]
Elwellextending Gcompris - is there a "prefered" edubuntu way of doing it?01:26
ograElwell, yes, do it with upstream so everybody benefits :)01:27
cbx33ogra: I watned to ask01:30
cbx33how much do you know about the authntication mechanism on ltsp01:30
=== kholerabbi [n=me@dsl-220-235-66-169.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #edubuntu
Elwellogra, heh - right now its only basic changes - Making the "missing letter" ones a bit harder01:31
kholerabbiI don't have sound in wine - someone said to get wine-esd, but that doesn't seem to be in the reps?? help pleeeease?01:31
kholerabbiwe-ell then01:35
=== kholerabbi [n=me@dsl-220-235-66-169.qld.westnet.com.au] has left #edubuntu []
Yagisanqueenslanders, really. so impatient.01:49
Yagisanevening all01:49
Yagisancbx33: some pwads will be rolling out soon. feel free to give them a spin.01:53
pygihey Yagisan 01:54
cbx33hoo ha01:55
cbx33meeting time01:55
=== cbx33 got the day wrong
pygicbx33, what meeting?:P01:55
cbx33I'm a plonker01:56
Yagisanhey pygi01:57
=== Yagisan was confused for a second. It's still tuesday (I think) I know I missed a day because I woke up at 4pm, but not that many days.
ograYagisan, its tuesdeay *next week* already !01:59
cbx33ogra: I poke to ajmitch02:00
ograabout AD integration ?02:00
cbx33he's not going to be able to manage to put in the hiome dir mapping, which I wasn't asking for02:01
Yagisanmy god! the kids must be starving if I've been gone for a week. Last time I watch the soccer then02:01
cbx33but he did lead me to some thinking about why mine isn't working02:01
cbx33but i need some help02:02
cbx33with the pam files02:02
pygiYagisan, hehe :)02:02
ogracbx33, then i'm the wrong person to ask ... no big pam knowledge here :)02:03
ogracbx33, tseng has AD auth running (but without /home mapping) 02:03
cbx33I have AD auth02:03
cbx33running fine02:04
cbx33it's just the mapping02:04
cbx33it works on the local machine02:04
cbx33just not on the LTSP02:04
ogradoesnt need to work on the clients ;) 02:04
ograit needs to work on the server per session 02:04
=== EmxBA [n=emx@as58-ob1.dlp9.bih.net.ba] has joined #edubuntu
EmxBAhi again02:05
cbx33well, if I log in to the server02:05
cbx33it works 02:05
cbx33but if I login via a client it doesn't02:05
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=== Yagisan [n=jamie@60-240-85-239-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #edubuntu
Yagisanwell, that was unpleasent02:30
Yagisanmy X-session crashed, and I had to recover it without disrupting other users logged into the server02:31
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cbx33hey highvoltage 02:36
highvoltagehey cbx33 02:40
cbx33hi highvoltage 02:40
highvoltagehi cbx33 02:40
pygihey hey02:40
highvoltagehey hey pygi 02:40
EmxBAhey hey mario02:40
EmxBAhey highvoltage02:40
highvoltagehey EmxBA 02:40
cbx33howz it going?02:40
EmxBAhow are you, highvoltage02:40
highvoltagegood. our dapper tuxlab setup is about 98% completed :)02:40
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33nice 02:41
EmxBAvery good02:41
jsgotangcohighvoltage: did you get yours sorted out already?02:42
highvoltagejsgotangco: nope02:42
highvoltagejsgotangco: i'll find out tomorrow/thursday02:42
highvoltagejsgotangco: you?02:43
jsgotangcosame here but the embassy called me up today and asked to bring my ticket and insurance so i guess im good (hope so)02:43
jsgotangcojust read room assignments02:43
jsgotangcoi'll be with elmo heh02:44
jsgotangcoklaus knopper is coming!02:44
jsgotangcowhoa even aaron seigo02:45
ograhmm, who is belinda lopez ?02:47
EmxBApygi 02:47
EmxBAgo to private please02:47
highvoltagejennifer lopez's sister?02:48
jsgotangcohmm lots of rpath people too02:48
ograhighvoltage, does jlo's sister have a @nasa.gov mailaddress ?02:49
ograshe's coming to paris and is intrested in solving bug #1 for ubuntu and edubuntu according to the attendees page :)02:50
jsgotangcoi should talk to her and convince her to let me join the space program02:51
ogramake an edubuntu-space LP team, quick !02:51
ograwe could make up a testing program, like how does one play gcompris on an olpc laptop at zero gravity :)02:55
jsgotangcodid you request for a prototype?02:56
EmxBAis there any team which test edubuntu on laptops02:56
EmxBAi could join them :D02:56
ograjsgotangco, i guess that wont be my job 02:56
=== ogra throws a secret look at rodarvus
jsgotangcoi have the sugar image in an FC5 machine its getting nicer and nicer02:57
EmxBAdoes aynone know02:57
EmxBAis there edubuntu laptop team02:57
jsgotangcoEmxBA: nope02:57
EmxBAcan i form it ?02:58
jsgotangcoEmxBA: the current laptop testing team is still good till edgy02:58
ograEmxBA, edubuntu is developed inside of ubuntu, there is no need for such a team02:58
EmxBA i know02:58
jsgotangcoits baically the same tools02:58
EmxBAbut anyway, we should make edubuntu-laptop team02:58
ograwe inherit the solutions from the ubuntu team02:58
jsgotangcoEmxBA: i test edubuntu on laptops02:58
EmxBAi could show my edubuntu laptop in city and show it to kids :D02:58
EmxBAat me everything works02:58
jsgotangcoif you look into my laptop page, results for edubuntu = ubuntu02:59
ograyep, ubuntu and edubuntu are identical in that area, no need for a separate team02:59
EmxBAdo you have a link?02:59
jsgotangcoit would be different if it was KDE02:59
ograheh, well02:59
EmxBAjsgotangco: do you have a link for that laptop page02:59
EmxBAogra, jsgotangco, i suggest we change edubuntu cursor03:00
EmxBAmake it be human03:00
ograwhy the haeck cant these paypal spammers not check if you have a paypal account at all before sending you spam, grr03:00
pygiogra, lol :)03:00
=== ogra just had 140 paypal spams arriving within 2 minutes
jsgotangcothey know the wire transfers are coming from03:01
ograEmxBA, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseRadar see at the bottom03:02
ogra(Post-release updates)03:02
EmxBAjust a sec03:03
EmxBAwhat should i read?03:03
EmxBAedubuntu-artwork fix the cursor theme regression (OliverGrawert)03:03
EmxBAthat's you03:03
EmxBAhow can i help edubuntu03:04
ograi'll add a big fat [done]  in the fron if its in the archive03:04
EmxBAon wiki and launchpad03:04
ograexpect it to be fixed this week03:04
EmxBAare there any more bugs03:04
EmxBAicons are ok03:04
EmxBAcan i help fixing something in edubuntu edgy03:06
ograsure you can03:06
EmxBAwhat 03:06
EmxBAfor example03:06
EmxBAi have lots of free time03:06
EmxBAwhich i mostly spend on ubuntu03:06
EmxBAchatting, helping, programming03:06
EmxBAi wanted to sign to google summer of code, mentor ubuntu03:07
ogradunno, edgy doesnt even exist, i havent got my magic crystal ball handy to predict what will be broken in edgy03:07
EmxBAi mean what can i fix03:07
EmxBAso we can make future betted :-)03:07
ograso just stay around and see what will be needed to be fixed03:07
pygibleh :P03:07
ograjust stay around here in that channel :)03:07
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EmxBAi can just put in edubuntu 6.06 CD and install it and report bugs03:08
ograonce we can upload to edgy there will be much work to be done ...03:08
EmxBAand fix them03:08
EmxBAwhen is that going to be?03:08
ograif the toolchain to build packages on the autobuilder is done ...03:08
ograno idea when that will be or what bugs the guys encounter during setting it up...03:09
EmxBA  ok03:09
ograbut its likely to be ready after paris03:09
ograor during 03:09
EmxBAi'll report bugs and fix them03:09
EmxBAcan i suggest the changing of icons03:09
EmxBAjust a bit03:09
EmxBAonly few icons03:09
jsgotangcoit'll most likely be tagged as a wishlist for now03:10
ograEmxBA, sure you can, but note that only saying "i dont like that icon" wont help, provide a good reason and if possible an alternative icon 03:10
EmxBA i know03:10
EmxBAi know the rules :-)03:11
ograand what jsgotangco said ... indeed that are whishlist bugs :)03:11
RobinShepheardping cbx3303:11
EmxBA hehe03:11
ograalso if you want to have icons redone it would be nice to contact upstream about it so they fit in the whole03:12
EmxBAand any other bugs03:12
bimberiEmxBA: https://launchpad.net/people/edubuntu-bugs/+packagebugs03:12
EmxBAwhat's the thing where you had a most of the bugs?03:13
jsgotangcoEmxBA: X03:13
EmxBAcan i join edubuntu bugs team03:13
EmxBAX is ok on my laptop :D03:13
EmxBAok 03:13
jsgotangcoEmxBA: sure but not for 20-30% out there =)03:13
EmxBAjust approve me03:13
EmxBAwho's the admin on edubuntu.bugs03:13
jsgotangcobug triaging is not about your bugs, but bugs encountered by others :P03:13
EmxBAogra: approve me, please :-)03:14
ograEmxBA, the LP teampage can tell you03:14
EmxBAi remember that i tried edubuntu 5.10 and the x were badly configured, instead of 1024x768 i got 640x48003:14
EmxBAand a great part of my laptop screen remained black03:15
EmxBAjust the center was X03:15
EmxBAi can't explain it good, but that was a bug03:15
jsgotangcobut does it work now on 6.06?03:16
EmxBAit works good03:17
jsgotangcoEmxBA: that's caused by the auto config not detecting correctly that's a bug if you can reconfigure xserver after and get the right resolution03:17
EmxBAthanks for approving me in, ogra03:17
jsgotangcobut then, no need to file that because its deemed fix03:17
EmxBAgotta go03:17
EmxBAsee ya03:18
highvoltageogra: where did you see where people share rooms / stay?03:18
ograme ? 03:18
ograi didnt03:18
highvoltagei just realised i might have not booked my place at the radisson03:18
highvoltageor does claire organise that?03:18
=== ogra doesnt know who he shares with at all
ograclaire does03:19
ograyou only have to contact the travel agent for the flights03:19
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ograeverything else is done by canonical03:19
highvoltageok i just emailed her. the consulate wants proof that i'm going to stay there, and then i realised i don't have anything to confirm my stay at the hotel yet myself... just got a bit stressed :)03:19
jsgotangcoogra: carlos03:20
highvoltageogra: do you perhaps have clair's phone number?03:20
jsgotangcohighvoltage: i got tat myself too, i had the hotel fax me a confirmation03:20
ograjsgotangco, me ? funny, i never shared with carlos yet03:20
jsgotangcoogra: im with elmo03:20
jsgotangcohighvoltage is with Laser_away03:20
highvoltagejsgotangco: do you happen to have the hotel's phone/fax number handy?03:20
ograwe should switch so smokers can share a smokers room ;)03:20
jsgotangcoi agree03:21
highvoltageogra: and then categorised by what they smoke? ;)03:21
jsgotangcohighvoltage: did the consulate ask it to be in french???03:21
jsgotangcohighvoltage: 00 33 1 60 036306 (phone)03:22
jsgotangcohighvoltage: 00 33 1 60 037440 (fax)03:22
jsgotangcotry sending email to Fabienne Le Floch03:23
highvoltagejsgotangco: no, they didn't03:23
highvoltagejsgotangco: thanks!03:23
jsgotangcohighvoltage: they ask for mine in french :P03:23
jsgotangcoJe vou confirme par la presente que Monsieur Jerome S. Gotangco blah blah blah03:24
jsgotangcoi got so exposed so much its in my brain now03:24
jsgotangcois heno impaired so much that he has 2 assitants?03:25
=== mhz [n=mhz@pc-130-84-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
ograthey are likely not allowed to work 5 days in a row for 24h03:27
pygibluekuja, poke? :)03:27
jsgotangcoah right03:27
jsgotangcomakes sense03:27
mhzjsgotangco: hi there03:28
jsgotangcomhz: !03:28
mhzjsgotangco: EWNS was part of UWNS?03:28
RobinShepheardpygi: Daft question, is there anyway I could be approved for the cookbook team??03:28
jsgotangcomhz: its now one NS03:28
pygi RobinShepheard indeed there is03:29
RobinShepheardpygi: cheers03:29
mhzjsgotangco: oh, i see03:29
mhzjsgotangco: it kinda make sense03:29
jsgotangcomhz: its pretty quiet 2 weeks lately, but it'll heat up during and after paris03:29
pygiRobinShepheard, please discuss it with HedgeMage at next meeting03:29
=== ogra wonders what NS stands for ... he could imagine WN, but whats S ?
mhzjsgotangco: i am sure you'll heat it up ;)03:30
=== jsgotangco no idea either, just flowed with mhz
RobinShepheardpygi: no problem, jsut after you left everyone else basically left hedgemage and myself to it03:30
mhzogra: it is a typo ;)03:30
pygiAndrea, bluekuja, poke once again? :)03:30
mhzogra: or Edubuntu Weekly News Sandwich ?03:30
ograyeah, now that its merged for {k,ed}ubuntu :)03:31
RobinShepheardEdubuntu weekly news service03:31
RobinShepheardEdubuntu weekly newt sandwich and you can tie it in to edgy03:31
mhzMaybe, LoCo's could get motivated to contribute to it too03:32
=== mhz scratches his head trying to understand why LoCo's in Latinamerica are so Forum and ML only contributors
mhzonly = mainly03:33
bluekujapygi: hey mario03:33
mhz.oO(well, time to get back to work)03:34
pygibluekuja, so what nameservers do I put with domain? :)03:34
bluekujaoh domain ready?03:34
pygiwell, I need to put a nameserver :P03:34
bluekujapygi: pm03:34
pygiWow, Diva works in Dapper now without patching 03:34
pygiJOY :)03:34
=== pygi asks someone to test Diva trunk? :)
mhzogra: jsgotangco: could you discuss about Launchpad 'team-subscribers' pre-requisites? I mean, I have received some "want-to-join" requests from people who has no wiki homepage at all or people who prefer to get a wiki homepage name like zEro_KiLLa ...which is far from being wiki friendly. Bottom line... can I accept/filter subscribers with at least a 'normal' wiki homepage (where we can all see what he/she does and easily get to his/her page)03:38
jsgotangcowell its not really an LP sprint if you mean paris03:39
mhzhhee, I know, but it is ubuntu topics.. or just edgy?03:39
ograits a #launchpad topic :)03:40
mhzogra: hmmm, i think it is edubuntu related (in my case) because people want to join a team but many don't even join IRC, do not particpate in ML, nor wiki. Then, how can we wrk with them as a "team" ?03:42
mhzwrk = work03:42
ograbut where is that edubuntu related ? 03:43
jsgotangcowell that's pretty hard03:43
mhz(in my case) = edubuntu related teams in launchpad03:43
ograpeople also want to join ubuntu teams or kubuntu teams or baltix teams without having properly set up wikipages03:43
ograyou are asking for a general filtering feature for team members or team member applicants03:44
ograthats not edubuntu related at all, but a missing LP feature03:44
=== mhz wonders why he can't make express correctly so readers dont misunderstand hime
mhzogra: oh, hmmm, well, yeah, it is LP related in terms of "filtering" spec.03:45
mhzit is Edubuntu related (in this specific case i am pointing)03:45
jsgotangcomhz: Edubuntu here is just an abstraction of a team in LP03:45
ograsure, but neither an edubuntu problem, nor solvable in edubuntu03:45
ogranobody in this channle works on LP, we're all just users as you are03:46
cbx33ogra: true03:46
mhzin terms of "can we filter?" "do we want to filter?" "is it okey there are 20 subscribers to a team when these 10 people dont participate on IRC, ML or wiki?"03:46
jsgotangcomhz: if you have admin powers03:46
jsgotangcobut you're now talking about team heirarchy03:46
cbx33mhz: is this specific to a team or in general?03:47
mhzLast week I spent about 30 minutes browsing teams03:47
mhzin LP03:47
mhzand trying to get info about many subscribers03:48
mhzto diff teams03:48
mhzzero info I could get03:48
mhzand then I looked up some nick in IRC...03:48
mhzfound none again03:48
jsgotangcomhz: don't go there it'll only frustrate you, LP is open reg site03:48
mhznor wiki03:48
jsgotangcosome just register to make support quests or bugs03:49
cbx33mhz: I think sure there are problems, but if you make the system too flamey and hoopy people won;t help at all03:49
mhzcbx33: hmm, good point03:49
cbx33I have enough trouble tryingto get people to submit bugs on LP at all03:50
=== Yagisan wonders if he be filtered
mhzYagisan: hehehehe03:50
cbx33seriously they resent that they have to sign up03:50
mhzbut I can at least see you and talk to you if you are member of a team. That is my point. very simple. You can surely subscribe to a team and do nothing. But at least, people of that team should be able to reach you.03:51
mhzcbx33: yeah, true. Actually, many LatinA people complain it is all english03:51
cbx33I think the system is as good as it's gonna be for a while03:51
mhzeven CodeOfConduct (which I have already translated with other fella)03:52
mhzso they prefer not sign03:52
mhzcbx33: ok, I guess I undertsand and have an answer to my head. 03:53
mhzcbx33: just one last thought... then if Jhon is a member of a team, does nothing for the team, can't be reached (not even respnond emails), is he still a memeber?03:54
=== Yagisan wouldn't think so, but, is it because of lack of time ?
cbx33Yagisan: i agree03:55
cbx33I think that's why there is a time limit on some memberships03:55
=== Yagisan is on 2 teams. lack of time prevents me for doing as much as I like
mhzI ask this, because I have promised myself to finally start (serious agenda this time) working on Edubuntu-Study-Content since July. Then I will have to coordinate a couple of meetings with subscribers.03:55
cbx33possible seems the most sensible way03:55
YagisanI don't even know many people on the same teams as myself03:56
cbx33people are a member for a certain period, if after that no contact can be made, they are dropped03:56
mhzcbx33: oh, I had no idea.03:57
cbx33but as ogra said, this is more a #launchpad topic03:57
jsgotangcoi dont see the problem03:57
jsgotangcojust make a timed subscription to the team03:57
ograbut dont set it to 24h like the artteam admin did :)03:57
jsgotangcono make it 6 months for a development cycle heh03:58
ograi usually go with the default...03:58
=== cbx33 too
mhzhmm, good point03:59
mhzI usually set it no-time-limited03:59
mhzwell, thx guys..you helped me clear my mind04:00
=== mhz needs to have clear mind on many edubuntu-ubuntu related topics for his talk next week
mhzoops, one last thing.. how come, if all stopped emails in edubuntu-devel are 'defered' by admin, they still get to inboxes?04:05
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jsgotangcobecause you're an admin and you get to see them?04:07
ograare you sure youre not talking about the edubuntu-devel-owner mails ? 04:08
mhzwell, i'll pay attention to it next time, ogra04:08
mhzmaybe you are right...it may be my 10 inches screen size setting + evolution04:09
ograyou dont have them in your mail anymore ?04:09
mhzI see most columns in reduced size04:09
mhznope, I usually wipe it out immediately04:09
=== mhz is now known as mhz_focused
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=== Yagisan grumbles. I hate patches that have cvs revision cruft in them. 400 useless 400byte patches.
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highvoltagejsgotangco: just spoke to fabienne. she's the most helpful french person i've spoken to all week :)04:32
jsgotangcodid she fax you a letter?04:32
highvoltagejsgotangco: yep04:32
=== jsgotangco thought fabienne is a he
highvoltageshe's going to phone me back in a minute or so04:33
highvoltageheh. i also thought it would be a guy.04:33
highvoltagethen she said 'you just sent me an e-mail, right?"04:33
highvoltageand then i said 'erm....'04:33
highvoltageand then she started reading the mail, and i said yes, that's me.04:33
jsgotangcof00k i sent email to fabienne as Mr.04:35
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jsgotangcogood night04:58
pyginight jsgotangco 04:59
Yagisannight jsgotangco05:01
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DanielCogra: Are you located in Saarburg Germany?05:29
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DanielCogra: My employer says he might have met you, along with a guy called Manfred, related to an EU project for developing a server. Just curious.05:30
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=== mode/#edubuntu [+o highvoltage] by ChanServ
ograDanielC, then he met me, yes (i'm not located there, but was at that meeting)06:09
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-241-58.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
pygibluekuja, poke?06:26
=== andv [n=andrea@host25-43.pool80183.interbusiness.it] has joined #edubuntu
pygibluekuja, awake? :)06:30
andvpygi: I'm here :)06:30
pygiandv, bleh, what happened? :P06:30
andvi need to get the other account disconnected06:30
andvi restart network06:30
pygidoes it work now at least? :P06:31
andvtry now06:31
pygiandv, nop, no go :)06:31
andvpygi: great06:32
andvlet me check conf file06:32
pygiandv, is that new server or something? :P06:34
pygi(no one on it?)06:34
andvyeah, no one06:34
pygio joy, just me then :)06:35
andvall bandwitdh for oy06:35
andvtry now06:35
pygino go06:36
andvbut can you see at least apache page?06:36
andvok, great. That's a first step06:37
andvwhich port are you trying ?06:37
pyginone, just netservers06:37
andvtry with the port now06:38
pygiping: unknown host www.netservers.org:666506:38
andvdon't ping06:38
andvbrowser now06:39
andvi closed pings before06:39
pygiah, no work :)06:39
pygirefused connection06:39
andvwithout port (browser) ?06:40
andvrefused connection?06:40
pygiwithout port is apache page06:40
andvoh great06:40
andvi don't know why it doesnt get the right port06:40
andvworks in local for me06:41
andvmmm... i know06:41
andvgive me a minute06:41
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andvpygi: now?06:45
pygiwith port it doesnt work06:46
andvtry 800006:46
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pygiandv, works06:47
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=== Laser_away is now known as LaserJock
pygibluekuja, finally something at least :P06:50
bluekujalol yeah, i fixed an error06:51
bluekujain dns setting06:51
bluekujaand it works06:51
bluekujaauthentication is not enabled06:51
bluekujai need to enable it06:51
pygiok, and svn is located where?06:52
bluekujaon /home/svn-repo and /tmp/svn06:52
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pygieh, we'll solve that later :P06:52
pygiNow when all is working :)06:53
bluekujayeah, we need authentication06:53
=== pygi thinks all this will take ages to be done :P
bluekujawell i think authentication wont be a great problem06:55
bluekujasvn is ready now, needs two more setting06:55
pygiwe willl see :)06:55
bluekujapygi: I've reviewed your package06:55
pygibluekuja, oki :)06:56
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=== pygi is over & out
=== highvoltage sits back and takes a deap breath in and out
LaserJockhighvoltage: heah! I think we are roommates :-)07:03
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highvoltageLaserJock: i heard something like that yet07:06
highvoltageLaserJock: i'm very sorry to hear that though07:06
highvoltage(for your part)07:07
highvoltageaccording to other collueges who have shared a room with me before, i snore so loud that they could hardly sleep :)07:07
LaserJockI'll remember to bring ear plugs :-)07:07
LaserJockactually I'm know as a heavy sleeper, takes quite a bit to wake me up07:08
highvoltageyeah me too. not even my own snoring wakes me up :)07:08
lucasvoanybody know if ubuntu will use CNR in next release?07:16
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highvoltageCNR is CNR in Next Release07:20
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lucasvo highvoltage ?07:32
highvoltagelucasvo: sorry, was a joke. as in a GNU's Not Unix.07:39
highvoltage(CNR's in Next Release)07:39
lucasvolike Wine is not an emulator07:39
highvoltageso what is CNR?07:39
lucasvofrom linspire07:39
highvoltageis it like gnome-app-install?07:40
lucasvohighvoltage: it also has commercial apps07:42
lucasvo(where you pay)07:42
highvoltageaaah, i see.07:42
lucasvoI didn't know one have to pay for it07:43
lucasvothat's crap07:43
highvoltagehow so?07:43
highvoltageit might be good to make it easier for 3rd party commercial vendors to make their products available for ubuntu.07:44
lucasvohighvoltage: yes07:44
highvoltagehaving said that, i would still not do it, with the exceptions of games perhaps.07:44
lucasvoI am interested as a thirdparty vendor07:44
lucasvohighvoltage: but 20$ per year is too much only for the service07:44
lucasvoubuntu should develop an alternative07:44
highvoltageyes, definitely07:45
highvoltagelinspire and its friends is a complete rip-off, imho07:45
LaserJockwhat is the point of a thirdparty vendor?07:49
LaserJockproprietary apps?07:49
lucasvoLaserJock: yes07:50
LaserJockwhy not use Multiverse?07:50
lucasvoLaserJock: because then anybody can install it07:50
LaserJockso proprietary and non-redistributable07:50
lucasvoLaserJock: apps that cost something07:51
LaserJockand putting a .deb on a website is not good enough?07:51
lucasvoLaserJock: well depends. 07:52
ograCNR will never enter ubuntu ever, its insecure crap07:52
ogragnome-app-install does the same in a sane manner07:53
ogra(and includes commercial apps since dapper)07:53
LaserJockhi ogra!07:53
lucasvoogra: yeah. true. I didn't really know what CNR is. The fact to pay for being able to install oo.org is ridiculous07:54
ograthat too07:54
ograbut its also based on autopackage built packages (like klick) which is a big security hole 07:54
lucasvoogra: well. gnome-app-install doesn't support apps that cost.07:54
ograsure it does07:55
lucasvoogra: how?07:55
ograthere are just not many ISVs yet07:55
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ogravmware works closely with us and some other ISVs will join during edgy07:55
lucasvoogra: well, but you would still have to buy a license key in a third-party store.07:56
=== HedgeMage peeks in
HedgeMagehi, all, what's up?07:56
ograi have no idea how ISVs solve that in other distros, but you surely dont have to buy anything in a store to get commercial stuff in redhat or suse07:57
lucasvoogra: I mean if you want to install vmware with gnome app install, how should that work?07:57
ograanyway, ubuntu has a concept for it, it just needs to be adopted by the ISVs (which already happens slowly)07:57
lucasvodo you enter your credit card number?07:57
HedgeMagewhat are we talking about?07:57
lucasvoHedgeMage: commercial apps and gnome-app-install07:58
ogralucasvo, i havent the slightest idea and im not really after finding it out07:58
ograi know there is an opportunity and that vmware is the first one that uses it07:58
ograand i know that others will follow up07:59
lucasvoogra: do you have a link?07:59
ografor details ask the marketing dept.07:59
ograa link ? for what ? 07:59
lucasvoogra: a spec or something about the concept for ISV?07:59
HedgeMagewhat's "ISV" stand for?08:00
lucasvook, I'll ask the marketing dept.08:00
lucasvoogra: thanks08:00
ograsearch the wiki, there is surely a spec08:00
lucasvoHedgeMage: 2. google hit. Independent software vendor08:00
AmaranthI'm thinking I actually like WillowNG as a name.08:01
highvoltagelucasvo: you could actually point gnome-app-install to a 3rd party vendor, and sure, anyone can install08:01
highvoltagelucasvo: but perhaps they can just use a key or some kind of protection to let people pay for the full product08:02
ograAmaranth, well, i havent got a better idea yet either 08:02
ogralets keep willow-ng as a work name 08:02
Amaranthwell, i'm about to implement the dbus interface which uses the name about 20 times :P08:02
Amaranthbtw, i'm a dbus interface and an html tokenizer away from calling the proxy part done08:03
ograbut since you write something completely new we should reconsider a new name for release08:03
ograhmm, dbus ? 08:03
ograthat will mean we need dbus on proxy/firewall boxes ?08:03
Amaranthyeah, going to use dbus for the pygtk and safetyboat frontend to talk to it08:03
AmaranthUnless you have a better idea.08:04
ograah, k only a frontend thingie08:04
AmaranthWell, the server has to have dbus installed.08:04
Amaranth(and python-gobject, python-pysqlite2, etc)08:04
ograthe python deps are no problem, but i already hear the admins scream that want to run a dedicated fw/proxy box08:05
Amaranththe bayesian library stored all it's training info in a list of objects (completely loaded in memory) and would just pickle it and dump to file to save08:06
Amaranthso i ported it to sqlite08:06
Amaranthbut in order for the frontend to be able to train the proxy they need access to this sqlite DB08:06
Amaranthand only one process can open an sqlite DB at a time08:06
Amaranthso i need some sort of IPC08:07
HedgeMagelucasvo: ahh thanks08:08
ograright ...08:08
Amaranthwhat's wrong with dbus on a proxy/firewall box?08:08
Amaranthit's not like it can communicate across a network08:08
ograwell, if thats your way to do it, its ok, we just cant advertise it fo rreal firewall setups08:08
ograyou wont run dbus on a firewall, you wouldnt even run a modularized kernel on a *real* firewall08:09
Amaranthi could make the dbus interface configurable08:09
ogra(or have a compiler installed or other stuff a hacker could use)08:09
Amaranthyou could use the web frontend to turn if off if you're not running the proxy on your local computer08:09
ograthat'd be good08:10
Amaranththat'd be a "i finished early and need things to do" bit :P08:10
ograi dont really mind it for edubuntu, but if people want to use it in ubuntu and want to use it for a dedicated FW setup they wont like it08:10
ograyeah, lets keep it on the "nice to have" list08:11
Amarantheven easier, i can just make it not set that part up if the python2.4-dbus package isn't installed and set that as a Recommends08:11
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salleschoolI'm here again08:21
salleschoolI'm still have the same problems that yesterday08:21
salleschoolX-screen out in some thin clients08:21
salleschoolthey are p!! 200Mhz 64RAM S3Virge 1mb card08:22
ogra1mb is *very* low08:23
highvoltagefor 1mb you'd probably have to use 800x600x16bit?08:24
ograbut that means a lot of manual work to tweak lts.conf for every client with the right hsync vertrefresh values etc08:25
ograyou could try to force 16bit in the edefault section of lts.conf and see if that at least suffices for 640x48008:25
Amaranthcan 1mb even do 800x600x16bit?08:26
salleschoolThis my lts.conf for that terminal08:26
salleschoolXSERVER= S3Virge08:26
salleschoolX_COLOR_DEPTH = 1608:26
salleschoolX_MODE_2 = 800x600 40.000 800 864 928 1088 600 616 621 657 -HSync -VSync08:26
salleschoolLOCAL_APPS = N08:26
salleschoolX_MOUSE_PROTOCOL = "Microsoft"08:26
AmaranthI thought it could only do 800x600x8bit08:26
salleschoolX_MOUSE_DEVICE = "/dev/ttyS0"08:26
salleschoolUSE_NFS_SWAP = S08:26
salleschoolSWAPFILE_SIZE = 128m08:26
salleschoolRUNLEVEL = 508:26
salleschoollike this08:26
ograSTOP !08:26
ograplease use a pastebin08:26
ograX_MODE isnt supported at all, you need the right horizsync vertrefresh values from your monitor handbook08:27
ograwhere does this lts.conf come from thats totally inappropriate for ubuntu08:27
salleschoolBut I have changed the monitor and it's the same, the monitor turns off08:27
salleschoolI copy from a ltps distribution and I though It was ok08:28
salleschoolIs ltsp from ubuntu 6.06 the same that ltsp 4 or so08:29
ogradrop SERVER (unles its a different one from the bootserver), XSERVER (its autodetected) X_MODE_* (its not used in ubuntu) LOCAL_APPS (not supported at all yet) NFS_SWAP isnt in 2.6 kernels anymore, ubuntu only uses runlevel 2, RUNLEVEL isnt respected 08:29
ogramuecow ltsp (the ubuntu implementation and the one ltsp.org will base on in the future) detects everything it can autodetect, the bigger amount of lts.conf settings is obsolete08:30
ogrause only the X_MOUSE_PROTOCOL and X_MOUSE_DEVICE settings and add X_COLOR_DEPTH=16, wipe the rest of the file08:31
ogra(if 16 doesnt work, try with 8, that graphics card is extremely low level)08:32
salleschoolI've got the ltsp in opt/ltsp/i386/etc, it is right?08:33
salleschoolor I must put in /etc/08:33
ogra /opt... is right 08:34
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salleschoolneed I restart something after change lts.conf?08:35
spaceythe thinclient08:38
salleschoolit says nfs is not responding08:43
salleschoolnow it's working08:44
salleschoolit's not working08:47
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salleschoolI must go, thanks08:58
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LaserJockhehe, is that a hungry ogra?09:00
ograrather angry ogra ranting about his airport extreme and linksys router09:01
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highvoltagehello EmxBA 09:38
EmxBAwhat is edubuntu team currently working on09:39
EmxBAwe have a lot of time to the ~october09:40
EmxBAthatis, till edgy 09:40
ograEmxBA, we're working on writing specifications for the software and changes we will make 09:40
EmxBAwhen you finish that i will be glad to help you :-)09:41
LaserJockare deferred spec re-evaluated or are they left alone?09:41
rodarvusEmxBA: you're also welcome to contribute to specifications if you will :)09:41
EmxBAi will09:42
EmxBAsurely i'll contribute a lot09:42
rodarvusI mean, writing them (so you don't need to wait ;) )09:42
cbx33Amaranth, did you get my mail?09:43
Amaranthcbx33: yeah09:43
Amaranthi think i'm going to stick with WillowNG right now though09:43
cbx33good call :p09:43
EmxBAwhen are we arranging meeting09:44
EmxBAon wednesday, i know09:44
EmxBAbut what time? whole day maybe?09:44
lucasvoEmxBA: there is no fix time09:44
EmxBAso whole day :D09:45
ograsure there are two alternating times09:45
lucasvoEmxBA: no09:45
ogra12:00 UTC or 20:00 UTC09:45
EmxBAi am just joking, no hard thoughts lucasvo :D09:45
ogratomorrow its 12:00 UTC (according to the schedule)09:45
EmxBAwhat's the topic09:46
ograsee the channel topic, it has a link to the agenda09:47
EmxBA ok09:47
EmxBAsorry :-(09:47
ograbut thanks for reminding, i forgot to add a topic ;)09:48
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LaserJockogra: there is stuff to talk about? :-)09:49
cbx33hi LaserJock 09:49
cbx33stand by for some gisomount updates09:50
EmxBA hi LaserJock09:50
EmxBAknow you?09:50
LaserJockogra: JaneW replacement?09:50
ogranope, there wont be an actual JaneW replacement ...09:51
LaserJockhmm, ok09:51
ogradont take all the suspense by asking me about it ;)09:51
LaserJockI was just trying to judge if I should get up at 0500 for it or not :p09:52
ograLaserJock, well, you could train for paris and the jetlag in advance a bit :)09:52
cbx33LaserJock, changes commited09:53
EmxBAwhat should i do if I want to join edubuntu-members team?09:53
ograbtw in case you guys didnt see it, there is a spontaneous spec meeting going on in -meeting for lurkers09:53
cbx33EmxBA, you'll have to wait till next month09:53
EmxBAi know09:54
cbx33but start your wiki page09:54
ograEmxBA, first have a wikipage about yourself 09:54
EmxBAoh, right09:54
cbx33listing all you have done so far09:54
EmxBAdoes anyone have a good example of nice wiki page09:54
EmxBAogra maybe?09:54
ograno, mine could be better09:54
ograDanielRobitaille was a very good one iirc09:54
=== cbx33 has to update his
cbx33I can't keep up with it09:55
EmxBAshould i make wiki page on wiki.ubuntu.com or wiki.edubuntu.com09:55
=== ogra hasnt updated his sine ages
ograEmxBA, they are the same ;)09:56
ograas well as wiki.kubuntu.org is09:56
ogracbx33, dunno, is there a xubuntu.org page at all ? 09:57
cbx33dunno :p09:57
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ograyep, there is09:57
EmxBAwhere can i register on wiki?10:02
highvoltagethere's even a complete xubuntu.org drupal website sitting on my hard disk, i just haven't had the chance to catch znarl to have my login sorted out :(10:03
highvoltageit's weird, everything is happening at once, and after the next month or so, it seems like things will quiet down quite drastically. if only life had some kind of load balancing :)10:04
EmxBAare you jonathan carted, highvoltage?10:04
highvoltagecbx33: btw, how's your arm?10:04
highvoltageEmxBA: one letter out :)10:04
cbx33much better10:05
highvoltagedid you go to the doctor? found out what it was?10:05
highvoltageit might still be a good idea to check it out, even if it's better now.10:05
cbx33not yet10:05
HedgeMagecbx33: what did you do to your arm?10:05
cbx33I know I know, I should do10:05
cbx33think it#s the onset of RSI10:05
cbx33yeh I'm not worried at this stage10:11
cbx33but highvoltage is right10:11
cbx33i should visit doctor10:11
EmxBAfirefox died 10:13
EmxBAvery rare 10:13
cbx33LaserJock, lots of internal changes have made gisomount much easier to code with10:18
cbx33only one internal change left10:18
cbx33See I've implemented a lot of the TODO stuff10:18
cbx33I was invstigating the gksu thing you mentioned10:18
cbx33but couldn't get it to work10:18
cbx33will try again tomorrow10:18
LaserJockcbx33: ok, I'm finishing this packaging project today, finally10:19
LaserJockcbx33: I'll try to merge and take a look at your changes tonight10:20
cbx33LaserJock, ooop I think I got it10:20
cbx33ok that change will be made tomorrow10:20
cbx33along with some more funtion breakouts10:20
LaserJockman, you are fast at this stuff10:21
cbx33LaserJock, I try10:21
LaserJockit's going to take me a while to just learn the pygtk stuff10:21
cbx33think what it'd be like if I did it for a job :D10:21
cbx33LaserJock, pygtk is easy10:21
cbx33without swearing it's a piece of p***10:21
EmxBAwill edgy eft contain compiler?10:22
cbx33it's looking like it10:22
cbx33LaserJock, you'll pick up pygtk in an hour or so10:22
LaserJockhehe, I hope10:22
LaserJockI can do the glade ok10:22
cbx33signals and handlers for the basics it's easy10:22
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cbx33have you looked at glade and signals and handlers10:22
LaserJocka bit10:23
cbx33then you're fine10:23
cbx33take a look at the gisomount glade file at some point10:23
cbx33it's really simple10:23
LaserJockI just need to have more than 5min at a time too look at it :-)10:23
=== HedgeMage bounces
HedgeMagea couple of hours to go and the logo is done, the theme is getting there, and the content just needs to be typed up10:25
EmxBAwhere can i exactly register on ubuntu wiki10:26
EmxBAi type my launchpad account and password and it says "bad password" :-) bleh10:26
EmxBAi know i have typed right pass10:26
HedgeMageI did it so long ago that I don't remember... let me look10:31
EmxBAdoes anyone know where can i register to wiki??10:32
LaserJockEmxBA: it uses your LP id10:33
EmxBAi know10:33
HedgeMageEmxBA: mine acts up if I just use my LP id, I have to use the full email addy I use for LP10:33
EmxBAi type right pass and it says that it is not right.10:33
LaserJocknot your id, your LP login info10:33
EmxBAlet me try again :-)10:34
EmxBAon "name" i should type mail10:35
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EmxBAfinnaly! i needed to type my mail which i use on LP10:36
LaserJockthat was what I was trying to say10:36
LaserJockbut it didn't come out very well10:36
froudhi, I just want to make sure that I am porting the correct version of the edubuntu cookbook to docbook. Is this the copy https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuDocumentation/EdubuntuCookbook10:37
LaserJockfroud: no10:37
froudLaserJock: p[ls drop me the correct URL10:37
LaserJockfroud: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToCookEdubuntu/Chapters10:38
HedgeMageEmxBA: that drove me nuts at first, too :)10:38
froudI think somebody needs to tend the wiki10:38
froudthe weeds are think10:38
LaserJockhehe, yeah10:38
cbx33has the wiki move happened yet?10:39
LaserJockdon't think so10:39
cbx33all that work we did :p10:39
LaserJockthe server guys are a bit busy getting ready for Paris I think10:39
bddebianWhat are the dates for Paris?10:40
ogra18th to 24th10:41
cbx33I thought it was only 2 days10:42
LaserJockit's usually 2 weeks, isn't it?10:43
LaserJockbut this time it's shorter10:43
LaserJock:( edubuntu-dynamic-menus when back to "undefined"10:44
ograsee the discussion :)10:44
LaserJockI know, I know10:45
ograthey are all just reset to zero10:45
LaserJockok, so at Paris will *everyone* discuss every spec? or is it divided up into groups?10:46
ograits divided into BOF discussions10:47
ograyou subscribe to specs you want to discuss10:47
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EmxBAsorry, i reconnecter10:48
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EmxBAhi pygi10:59
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EmxBAcan i contribute writing manual pages 11:01
EmxBAlike Pete Savage11:01
pygiEmxBA, hehe :)11:01
EmxBAhi marko11:01
EmxBAcan i private you? :-)11:01
pygimarko? who is marko? :P11:01
pygiNo, not again pls :P11:02
EmxBAmarko? that's a new distribution :D11:02
EmxBAbased on Ubuntu11:02
EmxBACan i calk you markubuntu , pygi?11:02
pygiEmxBA, ofcourse not11:02
EmxBAcalm down man11:03
pygiI am always calm :P11:03
EmxBAcan i join edubuntu-doc team?11:05
EmxBAi have a lot of free time11:06
EmxBAi know english nice11:06
EmxBAcan i become a member of edubuntu-doc11:06
EmxBA? please :-)11:06
pygiEmxBA, hey, now you calm down :)11:07
EmxBAwhere can i upload my edubuntu logos11:10
EmxBAon art.ubuntu.com=11:10
=== LaserJock is now known as Laser_away
EmxBAhow does my wiki page look like now11:14
EmxBAcheck it out :-P11:14
pygiEmxBA, who have you bribed to become member of all those teams in two hours? :P11:18
EmxBAi am member of those teams for ~2 weeks11:18
EmxBAcan you let me in edubuntu-doc?11:25
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lucasvoEmxBA: wow. you are even younger than I am!!11:36
lucasvo2 years. not much...11:37
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