
SteveAif the intent of the code is communicated better by saying "random.choice" than "list(s)[-1] "12:05
SteveAthen use that12:05
SteveAi have a feeling that list(s)[-1]  would need a comment12:05
SteveAwhereas random.choice(list(s)) would not12:06
SteveAtherefore, random.choice is the better choice12:06
cprovokay okay okay ;) randow.choice wins ;)12:06
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moving-dragonsI want to migrate my system to Ubuntu and was wondering01:18
moving-dragonsif anyone had any thoughts 01:19
moving-dragonshangups or drawbacks or minor problems01:19
moving-dragonsany problems with the sound 01:19
moving-dragonsplaying mp3's on XMMS01:20
mdkemoving-dragons: try #ubuntu. But no, it works great01:20
moving-dragonsokay thanks01:20
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SnariusI'm looking for a way to add an image attachment to a bug report..07:01
Snariusfound it07:02
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cprov-afklifeless: ping08:14
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cprov-afklifeless: nevermind, LP was gone for a while09:22
cprov-afklifeless: it's already back, do you know something about this hiccup09:23
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SteveAgood morning carlos09:34
lifelesscprov-afk: nothing as such. I'll peek later09:42
cprov-afklifeless: okay, thank you 09:42
sivangmorning all09:44
carlossivang: morning09:47
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SteveAhi sivan10:13
SteveAhi lifeless 10:13
SteveAjamesh, spiv: ping10:14
spivSteveA: pong10:16
SteveAhi spiv 10:16
SteveAhello jamesh 10:16
sivanghi SteveA , carlos 10:19
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jsgotangcojordi: ping?10:35
jordijsgotangco: hey10:45
jordijsgotangco: fun, eh? :(10:46
jsgotangcoi dont see this as being useful at all, like i said earlier, it is basically the same language10:46
jsgotangcoi reviewed some of the translations made only yesterday/today and it its just the same10:46
jsgotangcohe doesn't even know we exist nor debian translation efforts exists10:47
jsgotangcojordi: it is very academic in my opinion11:02
jordiI see.11:07
jordiIt doesn't help that fil has an iso code.11:08
jordiso, in your mail you mwentioned a transition plan tl -> fil. Do you think that's a good idea?11:08
jsgotangcomost if not all can be moved11:08
jsgotangcotl is very ethnic in origin11:09
jsgotangcofil is mandated by law11:09
jsgotangcobut there is a clash of opinion11:09
jsgotangcobut i can say 80% of fil is tl11:09
jordiyup. That's what I understood from the Wikipedia.11:15
jordiso, would you try to setup fil as a "dialect" of tl, manage it as en vs. en_*, or even as Norwegians? (nb vs nn)?11:17
jordiwith dialect I probably mean using $LANGUAGE to fallback11:17
jsgotangcocan it be switched later?11:18
jsgotangco(tl becomes the fallback in the future)11:18
carlosjordi: we would need some link magic here, more than $LANGUAGE, or a mix of both11:43
carlosso it works for OO.org, Firefox, documentation, and any other non gettext translation11:43
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jordijsgotangco: yes11:46
jordicarlos: black magic, I would say.11:46
carlosjordi: yeah11:46
jordidoing that in ooo makes me shiver11:47
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carlosjordi: well, that's better than just have the same information twice...11:47
jordicarlos: this guy replied to me, saying what I expected: "fil" is the official, constitutional language, and "Tagalog" is just a small region in the country.11:48
jordiThe problem is "Tagalog" is both the name of a language and a region11:48
jordiso some people aren't happy11:48
=== jsgotangco lives in the southern tagalog region
jsgotangcothe problem started when translation efforts were academic in nature11:50
carlosjordi: he's not happy to use fil?11:50
jsgotangcosome taken upstream are really "hardcore" tagalog11:50
jordihe's not happy to work on tl11:51
carlosI thought the idea was to migrate translations to 'fil' and use it as the base language11:52
carlosat least that's what I got from your conversation in this channel11:52
jsgotangcoyes but only when tl is near completion/complete11:52
jsgotangcoa bunch of stuff is already in tl, d-i, apt for instance11:53
jsgotangcoand fil is relatively new11:53
jsgotangcothe debate is very academic11:53
sivanghmm , is francis online here ?11:53
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carlosjsgotangco: I see...11:58
lifelessjamesh: ping12:59
lifelessjamesh: this is m nagging about reviews12:59
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carlosjordi: would you answer to the Arabic team request. We got it last week01:34
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jordioh, it slipped01:58
jordiwill do01:58
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carlosjordi: thanks02:06
carlosjordi: btw, do you know anything about UDA in Spain? (Unin de Distribuciones de las Administraciones)02:06
jordino, but I can ask my boss02:07
carlosjordi: Linex, Guadalinex, Molinux and the one from Aragn02:07
carlosare the members02:07
carlosjordi: I just answered an email from them with a copy to you02:07
carlosabout Rosetta02:07
jordiI'm just reading it02:08
=== carlos -> lunch
carlossee you later02:08
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sivangmorning matsubara 02:13
matsubarasivang: morning02:14
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matsubarajamesh: ping02:22
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spivlifeless: is pqm running running a full check_merge for all sourcecode/* branches in rocketfuel?02:57
lifelessit should be, for the ones that allow merging02:58
=== lifeless checks his todo list
lifelessno, theres a todo there. just when I left to come here, been swamped. one minute..02:59
spivYeah, I remember you made the todo just before you left to catch a plane :)02:59
spivSeeing as I'm about to try feeding an updated Twisted to PQM, I thought I ought to check...03:01
lifelessdo we still have pytz as a project to merge into ?03:01
lifelesstwisted it not enabled for merges yet.03:02
lifelessthis shouold be fixed :)03:02
lifelessdoes it have a Makefile yet ?03:02
spivIt doesn't, I guess I can add one.03:03
spivHopefully the few intermittently failing tests it has won't bite us too badly :(03:03
lifelessheres what you need to do03:03
lifelessone merge to twisted that adds a Makefile to run its tests03:04
lifelessone merge to launchpad altering sourcecode/Makefile to run the twisted tests03:04
spiv(It's gotten better recently, but still not perfect).03:04
lifelessthen merge the new twisted to twisted.03:04
spivSounds sensible.  I'll do that.03:04
lifelessSteveA: who should be able to commit to our copy of twisted? I suggest just spiv at this point.03:05
spivAFAIK no-one else has ever expressed an interest in being about to commit to our twisted.03:05
spivIf someone else does, we can figure it out then :)03:05
lifelessI'll just put you, stevea can mail me if needed.03:06
=== spiv nods
lifelessyou are good to go, may the force be with you, feel the power of the merge side.03:06
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ddaait looks like the recent algorithmic changes to the branch scanner had a very bad performance impact03:08
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lifelessddaa: probably a missing lock03:26
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ddaalifeless: my guess would rather be something too expensive in the database consistency paranoia03:26
ddaait seems that for some specific branches (I see on importd branch now), the consistency check between the database revision data and the bzr revision data is taking a ridiculous time, like 0.5s per revision03:27
ddaawhile for other branches it's very fast03:27
ddaabut maybe it would be a bzr lock too...03:30
ddaagetting revision data of a weave branch scales with the size of the inventory.weave03:30
ddaalifeless: right?03:30
lifelessyou should have a branch read lock around all the stuff you do to one branch03:30
ddaawill try to look at it soon03:31
ddaalifeless: what time do you leave geneva on Europython, I have proposed bookings for departure at 15:30, I'm slightly concerned I might be in a hurry after the CERN visit.03:32
jsgotangcojordi: i think i know a compromise on this, make him collect a few more people to create a team, translate more, instead of only him as "FIL" team does it make sense or does it make me evil?03:33
ddaaokay, I'll ask if it's possible to leave a couple of hours later03:36
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matthewrevellAfternoon all03:37
matthewrevellCan anyone tell me how to make a Launchpad team a member of another team?03:39
SteveAmatthewrevell: yes03:42
SteveAmatthewrevell: go to the page of the team, and choose the "members" link in the box on the top left03:42
SteveAfrom that page, you can add a member to that team03:43
matthewrevellAh, I take it you have to be the owner to be able to do that.03:43
matthewrevellThanks SteveA.03:44
salgadomatthewrevell, either the owner or one of the administrators of the team03:44
spivmatthewrevell: or an adminstrator of the team03:44
matthewrevellThanks guys. I'll contact the other team's owner.03:44
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jelmerWhy can't I change the maintainer of a product even if I'm the original registrant?04:06
matsubarajelmer: that's bug 4163904:07
UbugtuMalone bug 41639 in launchpad "Product owner should be able to reassign ownership to another user." [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4163904:07
jelmerah, thanks04:08
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kikojordi, carlos: ping04:27
carloskiko: pong04:28
kikocarlos, about this copyright line thing.. I think marga's right actually04:28
kikoone question is what to put there04:28
kikobut I guess we could put nothing at all04:28
carlosI don't know what are you talking about...04:29
=== carlos goes to his mailbox
carloskiko: I don't see the email you are talking about04:31
carloswhere is it?04:31
kikofrom jordi to launchpad04:31
spivI'd provide a link to it in the mailman archives, but pipermail helpfully says "A non-text attachment was scrubbed..."04:32
kikospiv, I think that becomes a link though doesn't it?04:33
spivkiko: not that I can see: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/private/launchpad/2006-June/009696.html04:33
bradbmpt: Any news on the attachments front?04:33
jordikiko: yeah, she has a point.04:33
SteveAi sent a response to the list04:34
carloskiko: that copyright assignment should be there04:34
SteveAbut the launchpad list seems to be stuck at the moment04:34
SteveAZnarl is looking into it04:34
carlosI agree that we should show a kind of warning04:34
jordikiko: as discussed last night in #canonical, we could introduce a field where the template owner can define a copyright holder.04:34
carlosbut https://launchpad.net/legal04:34
carloshas already some information about it:04:34
carlosRosetta copyright04:34
carlosAll translations imported from external sources are owned by the translator that made them. In general, these translations are licensed under the same terms as the software for which they are a translation.04:34
carlosAll translations submitted into Rosetta are the work of the translator that created them, and are submitted under the same license as the software being translated. In addition, the translator grants to Canonical Ltd the right to publish the translation and use the translation in other software packages under their license.04:34
jordiSteveA had other ideas as well04:34
kikothat doesn't say it's (c) anything but..04:34
SteveAplease wait until you have my response04:34
carloskiko: the point of that behaviour is that we are able to reuse suggestions between projects without copyright problems04:34
SteveAotherwise, we'll be going around in circles04:35
SteveAZnarl: any news on the launchpad list stuckness?04:35
SteveAjordi, carlos: i had lunch with a lithuanian translator today.  he told me about the three words for "file" (the noun) in lithuanian, and the confusion between upstream translation teams on which one to use04:38
SteveAapparently the ubuntu team got dapper to be pretty much consistent04:38
SteveAbut some other distros, and upstream, is still a mess04:38
carlosSteveA: so they have the same issue like we have in Spanish04:38
SteveAnot least because the different words are of different genders04:38
SteveAso the whole sentences need editing, for grammatical agreement04:38
lifelessspiv: still up?04:40
spivlifeless: yep04:40
lifelessnevermind, I think I was confusde ;004:41
kikospiv, have a moment to help cprov and I on ##soyuz1.0?04:41
spivkiko: yeah, ok.04:41
kikospiv, we've run into what could be a connection/transaction bug04:41
spivOh, in that case maybe not ;)04:41
cprovspiv: why, dude ?04:42
carlosSteveA: sometime ago I talked with daf about this, and the idea was to try to 'fix' terms in an easy way so we are consistent between desktops (KDE and GNOME) so people don't need to know that they are using translations from different teams. This kind of fix would be included too in that case,  but that needs some extra help from Rosetta to help the management of the forked translations.04:43
kikobecause connection bugs mean no breakfast04:43
SteveAkiko: please keep me in the loop on transaction / connection bugs04:43
SteveAthey are dear to me04:43
kikoSteveA, I thought of asking you to come in!04:43
SteveAthanks, i appreciate it04:44
Keybukcprov: are you finished on drescher?  everything's on auto in the crontab04:45
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jordijanimo: is that hungarian file ok now?04:57
janimoshould the last comment on bug 42061 be enough to unsubscribe xubuntu team?04:57
UbugtuMalone bug 42061 in openoffice.org "OO.o GTK support does not use current GTK icon set" [Wishlist,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4206104:57
janimojordi, romanian actually, I'll take a look now04:58
janimojordi: as yesterday I checked after your email and it still was the old status04:58
janimoI thought some time needs to pass in LP04:58
janimojordi, the translation was started in rosetta already, the sent po was meant ti override that entirely04:58
janimojordi, https://launchpad.net/products/thunar/+translations04:59
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janimoromanian looks like it was before with incomplete translation04:59
janimoand marked as edited by one of the romania l10n members04:59
jsgotangcojordi: will denying the creation of a team with only one person make me evil?05:02
jordijanimo: hm. So, the upload needs to override what's in rosetta.05:04
janimoah, just saw that mail commands to malone need indented by one space05:04
jordijanimo: but it doesn't add any new translations?05:04
janimojordi, roght05:04
janimojordi, yes it should make the translation complete05:05
jordithat's weird05:05
janimoat least that's what the  translator told me05:05
jordi602 missatges traduts.05:05
janimoI am sending this on behalf of the romanian xfce translator05:05
jordiyeah, it should.05:05
jordijsgotangco: you man the fil one?05:05
janimowho prefers working ttraditionally not in rosetta05:06
jsgotangcojordi: yeah i'm on phone with the debian-tl coordinator atm05:06
jsgotangcohe's ok with the fallback option05:06
jsgotangcobasically, we'll discuss at what percentage we'll mark TL as ready to move to FIL05:07
jsgotangcothen move to FIL after that05:07
jordijsgotangco: so TL will become a deprecated language?05:07
jordiie, will there be any use for Tagalog translations?05:08
jordijanimo: *nod*05:08
jsgotangcojordi: well not in the immediate future, probably a year from now05:08
jordijanimo: weird. The strings should have appeared.05:08
jordijsgotangco: yeah, yeah.05:10
jordithis kind of transitions are pain05:10
carlosjordi: did you get the notification email?05:12
jordigotta check05:12
jsgotangcowould it be asking too much if i request control for all languages in Philippines?05:13
jordicarlos: the thunar file seems to have disappeared from the queue05:14
jordinot in failed, accepted or imported05:15
jordimy rosetta-swat inbox is still opening05:15
carlosjordi: when did you import it?05:15
carlosit should be there then05:15
carlosor we have a bug05:15
jordiI sspect the latter05:15
carlosjsgotangco: it depends if the actual coordinators give you permission ;-)05:16
jordilately we are missing some files here and there.05:16
carlosjordi: I know... but I hope it's there :-P05:16
carlosjordi: hmm, it's not there, so it's a bug05:17
jordino email.05:17
carlosjordi: it should be there at least 3 days since we import/delete it05:18
jordido you have any way to track it down?05:18
jordiI have the file here, if you want to inspect it.05:18
jordiit validates well against msgfmt05:18
carlosjordi: Are you able to tell me when did you import it?05:18
carlosso I can check the logs around that time05:19
carlosI don't need the exact time05:19
jsgotangcocarlos: yeah unfortunately this TL-FIL thing is frustrating not only for computers05:19
carlosjsgotangco: my suggestion is: 'get the main projects fixed and the small ones will follow'05:20
carlosjsgotangco: KDE/GNOME/GNU05:20
carlosso they don't accept translations for Tagalog and rename all to 'fil'05:21
carlosand the main distributions to use by default 'fil' instead of 'ta' as the default locale. I guess the idea would be to either remove Tagalog or do some black magic to get the translations from the right place05:22
jordiFrom: Jordi Mallach <jordi@sindominio.net>05:22
jordiSubject: Re: Fwd: thunar romanian .po file05:22
jordiDate: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 19:13:13 +020005:22
jordijsgotangco: I agree with carlos. If the big players agree with a transition plan, the rest will come gratis05:23
jordithe no -> nb switch will be a similar experience05:23
jordi(and this one has been painfully long)05:24
carlosjordi: it's not a bug ;-)05:24
jordicarlos: oh!05:24
carlosjordi: you did the import to https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+source/thunar/+pots/thunar/ro05:24
carlosjordi: and it failed05:24
carloslet me check if it's a bug with Rosetta05:24
carlosjordi: https://launchpad.net/rosetta/imports/+index?target=distros&status=FAILED&type=po&start=475&batch=7505:24
carlosjordi: does it have a header?05:25
carlosit has a header05:25
jsgotangcosounds good thanks05:25
carlosjordi: the error we had is: 'extra content found after string'05:27
carlosjordi: could you try to remove all empty lines you have in that file at the end of it and reupload?05:28
carlosjordi: and file a bug about it, we should not fail05:28
carlosjordi: also, do you have the Persian team request in your todo list?05:30
carloswe got it last friday05:30
jordior is that another one?05:31
jordiyou told me about Arabic05:31
jordicarlos: if I do a user upload of a romanian file, will it take my launchpad id as author, or whatever is listed in the Last-Translatior field?05:32
carlosjordi: It's a new one05:32
carlosjordi: the one in Last-Translator05:32
carlosjordi: but only if it has valid content05:32
carlosname <email> format05:32
jordijanimo: ok, should be going in now.05:33
jordiLet's see05:33
jordicarlos: so the bug is, rosetta won't line any empty line after the last pomsgset?05:33
carlosjordi: yeah, something like that05:34
jordiwho's Ubugtu's daddy?05:38
carlosjordi: well, the idea was to file it once it's confirmed ;-)05:38
carlosjordi: did the import work?05:38
jordiI'm waiting05:39
jordiI thought it was a confirmed bug :)05:40
jordigah, still not done.05:41
LarstiQjordi: Seveas05:41
jordiLarstiQ: thanks05:42
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matsubaraI wonder why I can't assign launchpad-support-tracker bugs to a milestone. I already registered the milestones for it and I'm member of the lp team (which is the registrant). Do I need special permission for that bradb?05:44
hanasakithere is a bug that affects three packages... one was rejected... 2 are unconfirmed... i a bug search list it just shows "rejected"  so is it a dead bug?05:44
bradbmatsubara: By "can't" you mean no widget shows up, right?05:47
matsubarabradb: nm, I forgot to add check the Use Malone officialy box05:47
jordishould ubugtu inform of new rosetta bugs, as it does with launchpad bugs?05:47
hanasaki48401  <= bug #05:47
jordicarlos: it dissapeared05:47
bradbmatsubara: ah05:47
LarstiQbug 4840105:48
UbugtuMalone bug 48401 in thunderbird "dapper thunderbird opens new folder view on ^M" [Unknown,Unknown]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4840105:48
hanasakinice bot05:49
ddaalifeless: bingo, no lock05:49
hanasakiLarstiQ: so that means its not just plain dead?  if you search for bugs submitted by me is says reejcted05:49
hanasaki48401   dapper thunderbird opens new folder view on ^M     Medium  Rejected05:49
LarstiQhanasaki: it is still listed as unknown on firefox and thunderbird upstream05:49
hanasakishould it not be "upstream" since its killing me in dapper right now?05:50
carlosjordi: it's there: https://launchpad.net/rosetta/imports/+index?target=distros&status=FAILED&type=all&start=500&batch=7505:51
kikohanasaki, it's rejected in Ubuntu, which is why listing it in Ubuntu shows up as rejected.05:52
carlosjordi: same error, I will debug it with my local installation, it's not the problem with the extra lines at the end05:52
jordithat's yesterday's05:52
hanasakihmm what is "upstream"05:52
jordicarlos: 05:52
jordi"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"05:52
jordiit's nopt this I hope05:52
kikohanasaki, upstream means it is actually a bug in the original thunderbird, and not a bug introduced by ubuntu's packaging of it.05:52
carlosjordi: no, I don't think so05:52
LarstiQhanasaki: according to the activity log, you rejected it yourself?05:52
kikoand added the upstream tasks05:53
kikobut I don't see how this affects firefox05:53
jordicarlos: ok05:53
=== mholthaus [n=mholthau@dz6330fenner-e0.fx-hfc.datazug.ch] has left #launchpad ["Konversation]
hanasakiheck.. now it wont list any bugs i submited05:54
hanasakioops.. sorry didnt know it would go 2 lines05:54
hanasakiLarstiQ: i rejected it in ubuntu since it was occuring with the app thunderbird.   so i put it in thunderbird and firefox... its thunderbird because its for sending email.. and firefox because i did ^M in a firefox browser window05:57
hanasakidid i file it wrong?05:57
LarstiQI would probably have filed it at https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/mozilla-thunderbird/+bugs05:58
LarstiQbut I'm not really that involved with ubuntu05:58
hanasakii think its the ubuntu packaging and config.... i had a etch and sarge with them from debian w/o issue05:58
=== LarstiQ isn't aware of their practices
hanasakihmmm ok... well if someoen comes inand reads this that can help me get things filed right.. pls Prive msg me to get my attention.... just trying to pitch in and figure out how to do it right :(06:00
Keybukcprov: are you finished on drescher?  everything's on auto in the crontab06:03
LarstiQhanasaki: I think you can get better help in an ubuntu channel06:03
=== hanasaki is now known as hanaGone
cprovKeybuk: yes, since 6:00 UTC06:04
KinnisonBjornT: ping?06:04
BjornThi Kinnison 06:04
KinnisonBjornT: I'm writing a test for some more checks in the distro release queue object06:04
KinnisonBjornT: I need to alter an attribute in a sourcepackagereleasefile06:04
KinnisonBjornT: however I don't want to grant such ability to the webapp06:05
Keybukcprov: thanks06:05
KinnisonBjornT: Is there a zcml directive for "this attribute is writable if you're in the test runner"?06:05
KinnisonBjornT: Or should I unproxy the object in the test?06:05
kikoKinnison, the latter sounds more practical..06:05
cprovKeybuk: anytime, dude 06:05
bradbflacoste: btw, what time are you planning on coming to the office after lunch? just want to make sure someone'll actually be here when you arrive.06:06
flacostearound 13:30?06:06
BjornTKinnison: i think the best thing is to unproxy it together with a comment saying why you do it.06:06
flacostebradb: is that fine?06:06
bradbflacoste: sure06:07
KinnisonBjornT: thanks dude06:07
=== Kinnison dances a jig. That was perfect, thanks BjornT
=== spiv -> sleep
jordinite spiv06:15
=== flacoste is going afk for lunch and then on to visit the MontrealSupportOffice
=== hanaGone is now known as hanasaki
carlosjordi: found the bug06:22
carlosjordi: weird .po file 06:22
carlosbut a bug in our code06:22
carlosjordi: line 186406:22
carlosa new line is missing there06:23
carlosjordi: could you add it and submit it again?06:28
jordiI don't see that's misisng?06:28
jordioh right06:28
lifelessmalcc: you probably meant to change the status of your branch didn't you?06:29
carlosSteveA: hi, are you available?06:31
SteveAcarlos: will be in 10 mins06:35
ddaalifeless, up for a quick review of the branch scanner locking fix?06:38
ddaatried to keep it minimal, but I'm not sure I got the idioms quite right06:39
lifelessthis is buggy06:40
lifeless+        try:06:40
lifeless+            self.bzr_history = self.bzr_branch.revision_history()06:40
lifeless+        except:06:40
lifeless+            self.bzr_branch.unlock()06:40
lifelessyou are missing 'raise'06:40
=== benzai [n=zaheda@82-71-18-29.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #launchpad
ddaathank you06:41
ddaalifeless: anything else?06:42
SteveAcarlos: ready06:42
lifeless+    def tearDown(self):06:42
lifeless+        self.bzrsync.close()06:42
lifeless+        BzrSyncTestCase.tearDown(self)06:42
lifelessthat will barf if the bzrsync is not currently locked06:42
lifelessclose() should probably be a bit smarter or something06:43
ddaathat should not happen06:43
ddaaI mean, tearDown is only called if setUp succeeded, right?06:43
ddaaand then self.bzrsync is locked06:43
lifelessso imagine setUp succeeds06:43
lifelessok, should be fine. r=lifeless06:43
ddaaThis test case class is for a specific test that could not use syncHistoryAndClose, so I used setUp and tearDown instead of wrapping the whole test inside a try/finally...06:44
ddaaAttributeError: 'BzrBranch5' object has no attribute 'read_lock'06:45
ddaaokay, lock_read :)06:45
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=== carlos -> out
carlossee you later tonight07:06
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=== mpt tries to remember the easiest way to look at someone else's branch
mptis it bzr branch, or bzr pull?07:16
LarstiQdepends on what you want to do07:22
LarstiQmpt: branch makes an entire new branch, pull gets new revisions into an existing branch07:23
LarstiQmpt: you can also use log etc on remote branches07:23
LarstiQie, bzr log http://bazaar-vcs.org/bzr/bzr.dev works07:23
mptbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: sftp://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/warthogs/archives/bradb/launchpad/malone-smallfixes-3/07:37
=== bradb sets the branch flag to 1
bradbmpt: /home/warthogs/...07:39
mptok, the branch is now travelling from one room in the Montr?al building to another room in the Montr?al building, via London07:41
matsubarabradb: have time for a quick review?07:42
bradbmatsubara: not atm, maybe in an hour or two?07:42
matsubarabradb: ok, I'll ping you then.07:42
matsubarabradb: thanks07:42
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stuNNedok WTF07:59
jordijanimo: it worked now08:05
stuNNedyou fscking loonuks zealots are switching and improving so fast i can't keep up D08:06
SteveAlaunchpad developers: messages to the launchpad list were delayed all day.  they should all be there now.08:13
SteveAor will be very shortly08:14
SteveAas they pass through the systems08:14
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mptbradb, after 50 minutes it's about 1/7 complete08:31
bradbmpt: rsync!08:32
bradboh, are you on wireless?08:32
bradbyou want to go wired for this08:32
bradbit'll take like, 1/7th the time :)08:32
mptthere's an Ethernet port beckoning08:33
janimojordi thanks08:48
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=== flacoste got launchpad running
Seveasjordi, ?09:20
jordiSeveas: iirc Ubugtu informs of new bugs filed against lp09:22
jordiwould it be a good idea to show rosetta bugs as well?09:22
Seveasjordi, it doesn't, dilys once did that09:22
jordihey flacoste 09:22
jordioh, dilys, right.09:22
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mptbradb, thanks for fixing bug 4878409:25
UbugtuMalone bug 48784 in malone "newest and oldest searches are reversed" [Medium,Fix committed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4878409:25
bradbmpt: no prob09:25
Keybukwhen's the next rollout?09:36
SteveAKeybuk: tomorrow09:48
salgadoSteveA, do you have a few minutes to talk about some issues related to approving distribution mirrors in launchpad?09:50
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bradbmpt: so, did it go a lot faster wired?10:19
flacosteBjornT: do you know where I could find documentation on the pagetests infrastructure?10:23
=== flacoste found LaunchpadPageTests and PageTestsOrSystemDocs.
kikomatsubara, ping? ^^^10:37
matsubaraflacoste: hey, welcome! You can find some docs at lib/zope/testbrowser/README.txt10:39
flacostematsubara: tnx!10:40
matsubaraflacoste: apart from that, you've already found the other docs related to testbrowser stuff.10:40
bradbkiko: do you have time for a drive-by for bug 49498?10:48
UbugtuMalone bug 49498 in Ubuntu "With Evince I can't copy text out from PDF documents created with cups-pdf" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4949810:48
bradbkiko: bug 49598, even10:48
UbugtuMalone bug 49598 in malone "Unable to unsubscribe from private bug" [Medium,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4959810:48
kikobradb, sure.10:52
bradbkiko: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/file4gsfFQ.html10:54
bradbkiko: btw, the render() hack was suggested to me by BjornT 10:56
bradbI intend to take a hammer to BugTaskView on my next landing.10:57
kikoI wonder why you even need it10:58
bradbkiko: because I can't let the page render normally or I'll get Unauthorized errors10:58
kikothat suggests you need to add a comment.10:58
bradber, yeah, that might be useful :P10:59
kiko+                    self.request.response.addNotification(11:00
kiko+                        "You have been unsubscribed from bug %d." %11:00
kiko+                        bug.id)11:00
kikobradb, it'd be nice to also tell the user why he was redirected, I think.11:01
kikoThe bug is no longer accessible to you; redirecting you to the main bug listing.11:01
kikosomething like that11:01
kikobradb, what if the user unsubscribed to the bug but the bug is still visible to him?11:02
kikois that not worth checking?11:02
kikoi.e. mdz unsubscribes to the bug11:02
bradbyeah, it should be a check_permission, i think, good point11:03
=== bradb does some reworking
kikounsubscribes from the bug11:03
kikoabout moving handleSubscriptionRequest11:03
kikocan that be done for the other methods as well? I"m just querying about the possibility, not suggesting you do it, so I understand the change11:03
=== mattl [n=mattl@host-87-75-129-11.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #launchpad
bradbkiko: presumably yeah. any method that's called from ZPT just for its side effects could, I think, be called in initialize11:06
flacostewhat is the rationale for using testbrowser vs http() in pagetests?11:06
bradbflacoste: it's way more readable11:06
=== flacoste agrees
bradbflacoste: it also tracks form state automagically for you11:06
flacosteany reason to use http() (except for simple GET requests)?11:06
bradbI haven't found one yet.11:07
flacosteand i guess that pagetests that use http() were done before the integration of testbrowser?11:07
kikoflacoste, yes, before moving to zope3.2.11:08
flacosteso I should use testbrowser for new tests instead of using the tcpwatch proxy?11:08
bradbflacoste: yeah11:10
bradbkiko: gotta head home. i'll clean this patch up a bit later and mail you the new version?11:10
kikosure thing duder11:11
bradbw00t. later all.11:11
kikoflacoste, http() is the tool of the devil!11:11
flacostekiko: i do agree!11:12
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jordiSteveA: around?11:33
=== flacoste is heading back home
=== sabdfl [n=mark@ubuntu/member/pdpc.silver.sabdfl] has joined #launchpad

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