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delirehi, i'm helping someone remotely to capture information so that we can submit a bug. the person has very little linux ability. can i describe the bug here and ask what we should look at capturing?01:08
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Burgworkdelire, what sort of bug?01:16
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imbrandonheya bddebian01:19
bddebianHi imbrandon01:20
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delireBurgwork: the user changes the panel size on a machine recently upgraded from Breezy to Dapper and cannot log in thereafter. i suggested mv'ing ~/.gconf, which did away with the problem. there's nothing conspicuous in ~/.xsession-errors. 01:51
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delireBurgwork: she's an older user, with troubles following commands to write in the terminal, so i want to know what to capture to reduce the load at her end. especially so as it doesn't end up "Unconfirmed" in malone.01:52
Burgworkdelire, hmm, sorry, I don't know off hand and don't have time to help you01:53
delireBurgwork: no problem.01:53
delirei look forward to an auto-bug-reporting mechanism for this reason ;)01:53
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bddebianHeya Keybuk02:02
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ajmitchhello Keybuk 02:02
jsgotangcogood morning02:03
bddebianHeya jsgotangco02:04
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whiprush_jdub: ping02:36
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whiprush_jdub: ping03:22
jsgotangcowhiprush_: !03:23
whiprush_hi jerome.03:23
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zulmake[5] : *** [sound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx.o]  Error 103:51
zulmake[4] : *** [sound/pci/cs46xx]  Error 203:51
zulmake[3] : *** [sound/pci]  Error 203:51
zulmake[2] : *** [sound]  Error 203:51
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crimsun_jah, fun.03:54
infinityYou kinda missed the critical line from that:04:02
infinitysound/pci/cs46xx/cs46xx.c:172: error: 'snd_cs46xx_resume' undeclared here (not in a function)04:02
crimsun_yeah, already spotted in query, pushing brown paper bag typo fix now.04:02
crimsun_interestingly enough I caught the "state" one but not that one :/04:03
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rredd4is it possible to add commands like apt-get install, apt-cache search, etc... to a console menu?  I am not a programmer or I would try myself.. 04:17
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stuNNedwhat is the one liner to install ndiswrapper-source in dapper?04:49
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stuNNedor rather can i use a .exe in ppc in ubuntu w/ndiswrapper?  i know this is a support question but not sure04:58
stuNNedi found link, shut up05:00
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HobbseeBenC: ping?05:56
desrtBenC; pong.05:58
BenCHobbsee: pong06:04
HobbseeBenC: just wondering if https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/39315 is in the archive - got a user most desperate to have it :P06:05
UbugtuMalone bug 39315 in linux-source-2.6.17 "Keyboard random repeat " [High,Fix committed]  06:05
Hobbseehad a look in dapper-changes, but couldnt see it there specifically in the changelog - i probably missed it.06:05
BenCcouldn't you just check the archive to find that out? :)06:05
BenCno, it's not there yet, but will be soon06:05
Hobbseehehe meany - if  i could figure it out, then yeah, sure :P06:05
Hobbseeokay, cool, thanks06:06
Hobbseeif i could have figured it out, then i wouldnt have come askign :P06:06
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dholbachgood morning07:07
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desrtgood day07:14
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janimocan someone check if xfdesktop is in the upload queue?07:49
janimoI got it rejected on Sunday with the following errot07:49
janimoException while accepting: type object 'DistroReleaseQueueStatus' has no attribute 'UNAPROVED'07:49
janimoI am not sure if it's normal for the current way of handling uploads07:50
fabbionejamesh: no, the world is falling apart..07:54
fabbionejanimo: ^^07:54
janimofabbione: it was for dapper-updates, forgot to mention07:55
janimosame Q I asked yesterday btw :)07:56
fabbionejanimo: yes i got that.. i dunno. it looks like soyuz is on vac07:56
janimoI saw there were some uploads let in today though, but the two I uploaded were not among them07:56
fabbionejanimo: i assume you did target the uploads to dapper-updates07:57
fabbionein your changelog i mean07:57
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janimofabbione: yes08:04
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desrtpitti; i have a question for you08:10
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pittiGood morning08:11
pittihello desrt 08:11
desrthello to you too :)08:11
desrtdid you buy your ibook in .de?08:11
pittidesrt: yes, in June 200408:11
desrtit came with a power brick with a small 2-prong connector and also a longer power cord with a grounded plug on the end08:12
pittidesrt: same here08:12
desrtis the grounding on the power cord the universal sort of grounding that works in all european countries or is it the sort of one that will only work in germany?08:13
pittidesrt: oh, unfortunately not; there are even more grounding formats than prong formats08:14
pittidesrt: many plugs can cope with more than one format, though08:14
desrtright.  but it's possible to make a sort of plug that works with all of the differnt weird formats08:14
desrtso what i'm asking: does apple make that sort of plug?08:14
pittidesrt: in .de, the grounding is on the plug's side, e. g. in .ch they have an additional prong08:15
pittidesrt: yes, the apple plug has an additional hole for the countries that have a prong for grounding08:15
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desrti think i'll just buy a power adapter at GUADEC then08:17
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janimopitti, hi. Do you know how active gnome-cups-manager upstream is?08:36
pittijanimo: yes, I know: zero08:36
janimodo you know of the plans they may have for 2.16?08:36
pittijanimo: it basically didn't change since hoary or so08:37
pittijanimo: we have to find an alternative, eggcups or something08:37
janimopitti, I am thinking what the best way of having a printer add gui for xubuntu would be08:37
pittibut still, printer configuration in gnone lacks love08:37
janimoone is modifying g-c-m other to enhance xfprint08:37
Lathiatone thign about kde, the printing stuff is quite nice08:38
pittiat least printing should get much better, now that gtk itself handles it08:40
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janimoright, so most (all?) of libgnomeprint is no longer needed08:41
pittiand libgnomeprintui, and I hope libgnomecups, too08:42
pittiI didn't look at it yet08:42
janimolibgnomeprintui still has the samba detection code in it08:42
janimothat was what kept it gnome dependent (use of gnome passwd dialog)08:42
janimootherwise it would have been easy to add support for it in xfprint08:43
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bluefoxicypitti:  I removed a bunch of executable stacks on things, with a combination of stealing patches from Gentoo and doing my own investigation.09:22
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pittigood :)09:23
bluefoxicypitti:  there's bugs on it in Bugzilla.  The main one I'm concerned on is #49192, which is libgcrypt1109:23
bluefoxicyit prevents logging in with a PaX kernel (since gcrypt11 can't get an executable stack, gnome decides it doesn't want to start, as glibc likes to _exit() because of this)09:24
bluefoxicybut more importantly09:24
bluefoxicyit causes Gaim, Firefox, Thunderbird, vino-server, and a few others to have an executable stack.09:24
bluefoxicythose are particularly interesting because they're nice, network-facing targets, especially if code can be executed on the stack.09:25
bluefoxicythe.. last comment tells how to patch the .S files (small shell script because I'm far too lazy to make a patch)09:26
bluefoxicyIf you patch them, you can build with assembly optimizations and it'll work.09:26
bluefoxicy(my initial comment was to disable ASM)09:27
bluefoxicyAnyway I am going to sleep.09:28
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ajmitchhi \sh 09:41
pittihey \sh 09:41
ivokshi \sh 09:42
ivoks\sh: what's better ejabberd or jabberd2? :)09:42
\shivoks: ejabberd09:43
ivoks\sh: can I integrate it with pam?09:44
ivoks\sh: i didn't see it supports pam...09:44
sivangmorning all09:44
\shivoks: there are possibilities to include them, as external authentication scripts09:45
ivoksok, thanks09:45
\shivoks: check the docs and the actual development release09:45
pygimornin' sivang 09:45
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=== hunger is happy to see the toolchain tickling into edgy.
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=== sivang thinks of snapshotting chroot's state with bzr
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crimsun_pitti: ping, am I supposed to be uploading to a different upload queue? (I just got a REJECT from archive@)10:37
crimsun_pitti: (sorry, missing context. RE: moodle)10:37
ajmitchsivang: probably wouldn't work so well10:37
sivangajmitch: I won't know unless I try ;-)10:37
pitticrimsun_: oh, yes, please upload to security.upload.ubuntu.com10:38
crimsun_pitti: ah, ok, thanks.10:38
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sivanghey jono , how's it going?10:49
jonosivang: good thanks, you ?10:50
sivangjono: cool , need to get to the last LUG radio 10:50
sivangjono: I've heared it's rather interesting ;-)10:50
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jonosivang: well, it is the usual serious, sensible discussion10:51
=== jono sniggers
sivangaien't it alwasy :p10:53
sivangor , always (still in the process of getting used to the thinkpad kbd)10:53
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sivangdoes specs that did not get accepted for Paris so far (status: proposed) mean that they will not get discussed in paris?11:43
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jsgotangcolol at sladen11:54
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Riddelldoko: did you upload a new qt?12:39
dokoRiddell: yes12:39
dokoRiddell: got the accepted message12:39
Riddellok, we'll poke mdz when he's awake to publish it12:40
pitticrimsun_: thanks for the moodle upload, publishing now12:46
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ajmitchhey zul 12:57
pittiG0SUB: shall we meet today?12:57
zulhey ajmitch 12:57
pittihi zul12:57
zulhey pitti how goes the battle?12:58
pittizul: the dapper security update is a mess12:58
zulpitti: is it? ben did that one12:58
pittizul: there are some problems with the abi checker, and so on; it requires another upload12:59
pittizul: however, Ben's fixes to the hoary and breezy kernel seems to have worked, there are amd64 binaries now12:59
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pygihey hey ogra_ibook ;)12:59
zulpitti: ok...well Ben took care of the dapper security update but i can take a look at it if you want01:00
pittizul: oh, nevermind; fabbione needs to send Ben some sparc patches anyway, and the powerpc abi failure shouln't be hard to fix01:00
\shtftpds written in ruby are crap...01:00
zulpitti: heh...but hoary and breezy works..:)01:02
ograhi pygi 01:02
\shmoins btw01:02
fabbionepitti: yeah probably we have no patch.. or we are very close to it. i need to talk with mdz01:04
mdkeno Community Council today?01:05
mdkeelmo, mako ^01:05
elmoneither mark nor colin are available01:06
mdkeelmo: ok thanks, in 2 weeks then?01:07
elmothat's after udp?  if so, yeah01:07
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mdkeelmo: not sure01:08
elmoit is01:08
zulelmo: i was wondering if had a look at my email i sent you?01:09
mdkeelmo: do you think there is any possibility of discussing wiki licensing between now and then?01:10
elmozul: the keyring stuff?  I'll have a look when I can, but I'm afraid my time is mostly focused on prep work for paris right now01:11
zulelmo: ok not a problem01:11
elmomdke: discuss with who?  01:11
mdkeelmo: well, with all of you01:11
elmowell, Colin's on vacation for this week01:11
elmoanyway, not being funny, but I'm late and have to run, bbl01:13
mdkeelmo: ok01:13
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dokoUnpacking python-subversion (from .../python-subversion_1.3.1-3ubuntu1_amd64.deb) ...01:59
dokodpkg: ../../src/packages.c:191: process_queue: Assertion `dependtry <= 4' failed.01:59
dokoE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg exited unexpectedly01:59
dokoKeybuk: ^^^01:59
jpatrickheno: ping02:02
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henojpatrick: hello02:07
jpatrickheno: I'm the one about the kubuntu-es.org thing02:08
henojpatrick: yep, you still need space right?02:09
jpatrickheno: I believe the only software needed is drupal02:09
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henojpatrick: ok, and that needs PHP and MySQL?02:09
jpatrickand Apache02:09
jpatrickso yep02:10
henojpatrick: ok, I'll set up an account for you and email you some details02:10
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jpatrickheno: could I also have an account rouzic - he's the founder of kubuntu-es.org02:11
henojpatrick: yep, and yours would be 'jpatrick'?02:12
jpatrickyes, please02:12
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ivoksum... why doesn't anything happen in dapper-changes?02:25
pittiG0SUB: I'll return in about two hours and will be online for the rest of the day02:25
ivoksi see lots of sources uploaded, and packages are in archive, but in edgy, not dapper-updates02:26
ivoksi.e. https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/dapper-changes/2006-June/011856.html02:26
ograivoks, /topic ? 02:26
ivoksoh, ok :)02:27
dholbachI should have listened to seb128 and never uploaded those kde packages.  I got a mail about kdebindings, because I last touched the package :-)02:29
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jpatrickheno: is this ssh?02:31
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ogradholbach, you are even the "creator" in LP ;)02:32
dholbachi wonder how that happened02:33
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ograits a bug in the wording :)02:34
ograit should be "uploader" or something like that instaed of creator 02:34
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ograbut until someone else touched it LP calls you the creator ... that can have funny side effects like users ranting at you ;)02:35
jpatrickheno: nope I can't get in02:35
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Keybuk"How many gcc uploads does it take to bootstrap a distribution?" :)02:37
zulbut not according to the ml02:37
henojpatrick: hm, that was odd. Works now. Perhaps I had capslock on when creating the pw :)02:40
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jpatrickheno: how do I log in exactly?02:41
janimoKeybuk: do you know if xfdesktop ands xfce4-mixer are in the dapper-updates queue? I have uploaded them on Sunday02:41
Keybukthey weren't yesterday02:41
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Keybukjanimo: check your inbox or spam folder02:44
Keybukiirc the uploader was an unhappy bunny on sunday and sending out rejects for everything02:44
janimoKeybuk: I got Rejects for them, true but assumed it's part of the manual approval process02:45
Keybuka reject means the archive software threw it away02:45
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janimothe reason was : Exception while accepting: type object 'DistroReleaseQueueStatus' has no attribute 'UNAPROVED'02:46
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Keybukyes, "Exeception" is generally bad :p02:49
Keybukit means your upload got rejected because a screw inside LP went ping02:50
janimoI'll reupload then02:50
Keybukwho approved them?02:51
janimoon Saturday02:51
Keybukcould you bounce a copy of his approval e-mail to ubuntu-archive@lists.ubuntu.com02:51
janimoKeybuk: done02:52
Keybukwhen cprov gets in, I'll see what the state of LP is02:56
Keybukactually, scratch that02:57
Keybukit's all on auto again02:57
janimoKeybuk: I got an Accepted reply now for mixer, so  I uploaded xfdesktop as well. Both should be in the queue shortly02:57
Keybukjanimo: heh, don't be too sure :)  for the last week infinity or I have been lifting things out of incoming and into the queue by hand <g>02:57
janimooh, forgot again that incoming != the queue :)02:58
janimoor not that queue anyway02:58
KeybukI can never remember whether those accepted mails are generated by poppy or the queue processor02:58
Keybukok, all approved03:00
Keybukpublisher is about to run, so good timing <g>03:00
janimoKeybuk: thanks03:01
Keybukbuildds are still on manual, so it won't actually build yet03:01
janimoI got two accepted  mails per upload. strange03:01
Keybukone is the accepted mail, one is the approved mail03:01
janimoone as usual, and one from me to dapper-changes03:01
Keybukie. one tells you it was accepted into the queue (and didn't have a problem)03:01
Keybukand the other tells you an admin approved it03:01
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mantas_Hi all03:09
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mantas_mvo, hi, do you have little time to talk about some pretty often packaging bugs (I just found this bug in one of your packages) - building scrollkeeper files in /var during dpkg-buildpackage ?03:24
mvomantas_: in a couple of minutes maybe?03:25
mvomantas_: which package is it?03:26
dholbachmvo: could be you have to use   --disable-scrollkeeper    in debian/rules03:31
mantas_mvo, I found this problem in several packages, for example in http://packages.ubuntu.com/gnome-schedule03:31
mvomantas_: ok, thanks03:31
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ograarent that both gnome1 packages ? 03:31
dholbachogra: gnome-commander isn't any more03:32
mantas_I think lintian, linda or some other automatic tests should check for this bug automatically, because after installing or removing some packages, which have this bug, help in gnome applications becomes broken :(03:33
mantas_ogra, both are gnome2 applications03:33
ogramantas_, they werent last time i looked, but thats some releases ago :)03:34
mantas_I think Debian/Ubuntu policy should forbid putting /var/lib/scrollkeeper into deb packages03:35
mgalvinis anyone aware that the dapper-updates from the other day did not get processed properly again (the source in the archive but the .deb's are not)? or is it just me?03:36
mgalvinfor example03:36
ogramgalvin, see the channel topic03:36
ograthey all need manual love to get built03:36
mgalvinfor dapper too?03:36
ografor LP 03:37
mgalvinah i see03:37
mgalvinok thanks ogra03:37
mgalvinsorry for the noise03:37
ogramgalvin, btw there was just the cool suggestion to call "UWN" the "ubuntu weekly newt" woul fit perfectly for edgy ;)03:38
ogra*would even03:38
mantas_dholbach, mvo: gnome-commander's debian/rules contains only 3 lines - include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk03:38
mantas_include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/gnome.mk03:38
mantas_include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/simple-patchsys.mk03:38
mantas_where I should put --disable-scrollkeeper ?03:38
ivoksonly three powerfull lines :)03:38
dholbachmantas_: I know - I just told mvo, where to look03:38
mgalvinogra: haha :) that would be cool03:38
ogramgalvin, rename it :)03:38
dholbachmantas_: does ./configure offer --disable-scrollkeeper?03:38
mgalvinogra: i'll see what others think too but yea, that would be cool especially since as edgy ramps up it will be largely focused on its happenings anyway03:40
dholbachmantas_: if so, just add      DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS += --disable-scrollkeeper03:40
mantas_dholbach, yes, configure script from gnome-commander's sources folder has --disable-scrollkeeper03:40
mantas_dholbach, in start of debian/rules ?03:40
dholbachmantas_: no, after the include lines03:40
mantas_dholbach, ok, thanks03:41
dholbachde rien03:41
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mantas_dholbach, what you think about adding check for /var/lib/scrollkeeper in linda, lintian or similar automatic deb packages checking tools ?03:47
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dholbachmantas_: while I think it's an annoyance, it doesn't happen that often, I think03:48
dholbachmantas_: you might want to ask the lintian/linda maintainers03:48
dholbachStevenK: did you think about that already?03:48
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mantas_dholbach, maybe this happens not very often, but after installing or removing some packages, which have this bug, help in *all* gnome applications becomes broken, so this is important bug for users03:56
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dholbachmantas_: I understand the problem.03:56
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mvosladen: around?04:18
sladenmvo: yup04:18
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tepsipakkidoes the netboot-install know how to fetch packages from -security? it seems to be broken now04:25
tepsipakkidapper-netboot, that is04:25
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fabbionetepsipakki: seems to be broken how? what arch? 04:39
fabbioneas usual these kind od reports are useless04:39
fabbionecan your install access security.ubuntu.com ?04:40
Arbiterhm a guide to debconf?04:41
Arbiter(can't find it anywhere)04:41
tepsipakkifabbione: netboot fails when fetching packages, wget says that it can't find something04:43
tepsipakkibinutils has been updated recently04:43
Arbiternp found it04:43
fabbionetepsipakki: proxy? unsynced mirror?04:44
tepsipakkiI can't test it now if the machine has access to s.u.c04:44
tepsipakkino, mirror has been synced04:44
fabbionewell access to security is foundamental04:44
fabbionei am installing via netboot/netinstall as we speak (sparc) and it's working fine04:44
tepsipakkiok, so it was temporary04:45
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:Keybuk] : Ubuntu Development (not support, even with edgy) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | HAPPY DAPPER DAY! | Builds on manual, don't upload to edgy yet
fabbioneKeybuk: topicdiff?04:45
tepsipakkiand the arch was i38604:45
Keybukfabbione: http://www.netsplit.com/software/topicdiff/04:46
fabbioneKeybuk: haha04:46
thomfabbione: s/Uploads/Builds/04:46
fabbionethom: thanks mate04:46
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fabbionewhatever... till it works :)04:49
fabbioneKeybuk: thanks dude04:49
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mvoanyone here with "svn merge" experience? 04:59
pittimvo: I did it a couple of times, but svn's idea of branches and merging is quite ... basic05:01
mvopitti: I have a branch that I want to merge back into trunk/ and apparently svn does not add the files that where newly added in the branch. that looks ... wrong05:02
mvoand I have no idea if it is me or svn being silly05:02
pittimvo: hm, no idea about such specialties; I just remember that I had to clean up after merging several times05:03
pittimvo: did you do an svn update in both branches afterwards?05:03
mvopitti: no, I will try that 05:04
mvopitti: ok, thanks! I think I found the problem. svn revert was not cleaning up properly05:06
mvoat least that is my current theory05:06
=== mvo craves for bzr
jsgotangcomvo: your g-a-i bzr took almost an hour for me! heh05:08
mvojsgotangco: I'll update it to knits, then it will only take 20 minutes :P05:08
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pitticrimsun_: so, we do not need to fix the datadir for bug 43146? you spoke about a safer workaround AFAIR05:20
UbugtuMalone bug 43146 in alsa-lib "gnome-sound-properties generates broken alsa conf" [Medium,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4314605:20
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Lathiatpitti: hrm, that dovecot security update has broken my dovecot sql stuff :\05:29
pittiLathiat: oh, how so?05:30
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Lathiatpitti: as in it segfualts :(05:31
pittiLathiat: it worked quite fine here, I  tested it with a local PostgreSQL db05:31
Lathiat(the auth process)) and doesn tlogin05:31
Lathiatim using mysql05:31
Lathiati'll do some more hunting and see if i can find th eexact problem05:31
Lathiatjust dumbing down my sql query atm its quite complex05:31
Lathiati spen tthe last hour hunting around for silly config issues heh05:32
Lathiatwas working fine on one box that was installed around 3 weeks ago, took me a whiel to check if there was a version change, bleh05:32
pittiLathiat: does downgrading to 1.0.beta3-3ubuntu5 help?05:32
pittiLathiat: if so, then I revert the dapper patch and replace it with a much less safe, but unintrusive one05:33
Lathiatpitti: yeh that fixed it05:33
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Lathiatpitti: if you give me a test package i'll try it out with that patch?05:33
Lathiateven with a simple sql query its still segfaulting05:33
Lathiatpitti: were you using a combined passdb/userdb query or separate?05:34
pittiLathiat: separate05:34
pittibut it shouldn't matter really05:34
pittiLathiat: hm, I used a trivial patch for hoary and breezy, but it doesn't work for dapper due to the quite weird program structure05:36
pittiLathiat: gimme some 30 minutes to look into that; do you have that much time?05:36
Lathiatpitti: mm its 11:40pm was going to goto bed shortly ;p05:36
Lathiatpitti: can do it tomorrow morning? (9 hours?)05:37
pittiLathiat: then I'll be asleep :)05:37
=== Lathiat laughs
pittiLathiat: can you please open a bug with some logs etc.?05:37
pittiLathiat: then I'll put a test package as a followup and you can try it out05:37
Lathiatpitti: ok cheers05:38
pittiLathiat: can you  build debs from a source package?05:38
pittiLathiat: I can only generate amd64 binaries here05:38
Lathiatim running this on amd6405:38
Lathiatbut i can build debs from source thats fine05:38
pittiLathiat: so much the better, I'll put the debs on people.u.c then and give you a pointer in the bug report05:38
Lathiatpitti: ok cheers05:38
pittiLathiat: assign it to me, please (martin.pitt@ubuntu.com) with high importance05:39
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Lathiatpitti: nps05:42
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UbugtuMalone bug 49601 in dovecot "dovecot security update (5.1) breaks mysql" [High,Unconfirmed]  05:49
Lathiatnight :)05:49
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pittiLathiat: night! and thanks05:51
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janimoare the builds in dapper-updates blocked on something?06:01
pittijanimo: my security uploads don't come through as well06:02
bddebianThey are being put through manually aren't they?06:02
pittijanimo: elmo told me that the host who controls mirrors has some hardware problem, Znarl is working on it06:02
janimothey're marked needs building in LP06:02
pittihm, no idea about that one06:02
Keybukjanimo: as I said above, they won't be built06:02
janimoKeybuk: today? or until something specific unblocks them?06:03
Keybukinfinity will need to wake up, and feel better06:04
bddebianinfinity is sick again? :-(06:04
Keybukinfinity is always sick06:05
Keybukbut today he is also unwell06:05
bddebianWell twisted yes, but not ill :-)06:05
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cf2Hi, I noticed a problem with archive.ubuntu.com and just wanted to check that it was known06:11
cf2I noticed that the two machines that resolve for *.archive.ubuntu.com have different content. Compare (good) with (bad)06:11
fabbioneyes we know06:11
cf2Is there an eta on a fix ?06:11
fabbioneno, it's hw problem06:11
cf2Perhaps the DNS could be modified in the mean time ?06:12
tsengor you could make a host file06:13
=== tseng doesn't see an emergency
fabbioneor you could wait tomorrow to upgrade your no-changes edgy06:13
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cf2While it's not an emergency, this is affecting users of all the dist's. 06:14
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=== cf2 thought changing a DNS record was easy as pie
fabbionecf2: with all proxies and dns caches around, by the time it's propagated, they will solve the issue06:15
tsengand propagating the dns entry takes 72 hours06:15
tsengand it will already be fixed06:15
fabbionenot worth06:15
tsengfabbione++ 06:15
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bddebianSo Keybuk, is edy open yet?06:38
=== bddebian hides
siretartpitti: around?06:39
pittisiretart: yes06:39
KeybukI can see with absolute assuredness that not only is edy not currently open, it never well be06:39
siretartpitti: I'd like to upload wpasupplicant to dapper-updates, but I'm not exactly sure about the version number, in order to not interfere with a possible security upload06:39
siretartpitti: version in dapper is 0.4.8-3ubuntu1, I'd suggest uploaded to dapper-updates with 0.4.8-3ubuntu1.106:40
siretartpitti: is this okay?06:40
pittisiretart: hm, ubuntu2 won't hurt06:40
pittisiretart: but that depends06:40
Keybuknot only will we not get around to another 'e' distribution for ~13 years, "edy" isn't a word anyway06:40
pittisiretart: is the fix trivial enough to be included into the next potential security update?06:40
bddebianOh, I missed my typo smart-alec ;-)06:41
pittisiretart: I usually do this to eliminate branches (one for -updates and one for -security)06:41
pittisiretart: it should be appropriate, otherwise it would be nothing for dapper in the first place ;)06:41
siretartpitti: yes. it replaces a awk call with something more sane and fixes some obvious typos. should be okay for an security update06:41
pittisiretart: ok, use 1.1 then06:41
Keybukthere's a wpasupplicant security problem?06:42
pittiKeybuk: not so far06:42
KeybukI must admit to be confused about how security and updates interact06:43
fabbionepitti: echo "$bug" | update2securty.py >> debian/changelog06:43
Keybukare we doing security updates on the versions in dapper, or the versions in dapper-updates ?06:43
siretartKeybuk: no. I'm just preparing the upload of the patch I forwarded to you (and you ack'ed)06:43
fabbioneKeybuk: once you start forking you need to do it in both06:43
pittiKeybuk: both06:43
pittiKeybuk: that's why I would like to avoid two branches06:44
Keybukah, I see06:44
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ivokspitti: hi06:54
pittihi ivoks 06:54
ivokspitti: looks like 1.2.2 in on the way :)06:54
pittioh joy06:55
ivokseh, and changelog will be as big as it was with 1.2.106:55
bddebianBah, still no Xorg 7.1 in Experimental eh? :-)06:56
tsengtough crowd06:56
ivokspitti: there are some changes to pstops06:59
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crimsun_pitti: right, no need to poke the datadir. The definitions in /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf (lines 78-87) could be set via asoundconf's convenience macro, too.07:55
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shadeofgreypardon me everybody08:12
shadeofgreyi know im not supposed to be here but i just had to stop by and givce props to all the folks that made dapper wjhat it is nlow...08:12
shadeofgreystraight up, we finally have a full fledged pimped out OS...08:13
shadeofgreyspecial thanks go out to all the people that sacrificed sleep and other thing just to make ther deadline08:13
LaserJockshadeofgrey: you can be here, you just need to stay on topic08:13
LaserJockand I'm sure all the devs appreciate your kind words08:14
shadeofgreyim not done yet if its okay08:14
shadeofgreyi just wanted to say that when i finally make it, and im pulling a few million a yerar in book deals and advertising on all my blogs,....08:14
shadeofgreyim going to fly to wherever the highest number of developers are located, and take themn all out for dinner08:15
shadeofgrey...and its on me08:15
shadeofgrey'id do it just to see how many bottles of $1000 bubbly 40-50 ubuntu developers can drink when provoked08:15
neuralisshadeofgrey: that would be paris, in about a week.08:15
shadeofgreywell, i wont meeet that dfeadlione08:16
=== shackan [n=shackan@host3-151.pool8711.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
shadeofgreybut some day im going to spend a small fortune and give back to the devs at least a little of what they've gibven me.08:16
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shadeofgrey....juyst out of curiosity, are there any really really hot women developers on the team08:21
shadeofgrey...that also happen to be single?08:21
crimsun_shadeofgrey: very much off-topic08:21
shadeofgreyi dig a girl with a nice compiler08:21
shadeofgreyyeah, okay, im gone...  08:22
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HiddenWolfcrimsun_: he's high. ;)08:22
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bddebianDamn did I miss a troll? :-)08:39
stuNNedyeah me08:40
stuNNedi am under the bridge watching you :P08:40
HiddenWolfbddebian: shadeofgrey, a very nice, very enthusiastic guy who is quite high due to medication, not a troll. :)08:40
bddebianAh :-)08:41
zulirc and drugs doesnt usually mix08:42
stuNNedi am smoking crack with pine oil under the bridge watching you :D08:43
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Keybukmdz: so what's the actual plan for spec-review/prioritising ?09:29
Keybukyou said that the TB would do it this week ... but haven't actually told me or mjg59 when/where/how :p09:30
mdzKeybuk: yeah, I wish TB fell on today rather than next week09:30
mdzshould we try to round up the gang to talk about it?09:31
Keybukmjg59: ping?09:31
mdzI'm free now but it's getting late for the rest of you09:31
mjg59Keybuk: Hi09:31
Keybukit's ok for me now, I started a little late today09:31
mjg59I'm about to fall asleep, I'm afraid09:31
Keybuksabdfl is in Poland, no?09:31
mdzyes, I don't think we can expect him to be able to do much until he arrives in Paris09:32
mdzat which point he will summarily reprioritize everything ;-)09:32
=== CarlFK [n=carl@c-67-163-39-124.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Keybukcynical, much? :p09:32
mdzKeybuk: let's go over it nowish and send mjg59 a transcript09:32
Keybukin #u-m ?09:33
bddebianHah, cynicism, I knew I liked mdz for some reason :-)09:35
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diemangrmbl, the network admins found me and seem to be wanting us to use less bandwidth10:12
diemani ask them how much is less, and they said they don't really know10:12
diemansince its a policy issue then10:12
_ion#define us \10:12
diemanone of the releases mirrors10:13
diemani tweaked it down a little10:13
diemanfor now until they get back to me10:13
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blankyhey guys10:37
blankywhere can I see what type of programs are in demand or what projects need help, preferably in python10:37
LaserJockblanky: that's a pretty tall order10:38
blankyLaserJock, lol, I just remember that they said that they'd like their programs in python10:38
LaserJockI don't think it *has* to be in Python10:40
=== Toadstool is now known as ToadZzZztool
diemanblanky: you can always poke through bugs on launchpad.net and add patches10:45
blankydieman, ah okay, cool10:45
blankylaunchpad.net then10:45
=== Murray [n=Murray@dsl-145-241-49.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-devel
diemanblanky: you may want to join ubuntu-motu, also10:46
dieman(the channel #ubuntu-motu, rather)10:46
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diemanblanky: and the url in the topic, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs10:46
blankybeen there, no one's there lol10:46
blankythanks dieman 10:46
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Whoopiepitti: you mentioned in bug #34112 that libgnomeprint2.2-0 is in the archives. But I didn't get an update. Is this also related to the mirroring issue?11:00
UbugtuMalone bug 34112 in libgnomeprint "gnome programs don't respect ~/.cups/lpoptions" [Unknown,Unknown]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3411211:00
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pittiWhoopie: yes, it's in the archive for ages11:03
pittilibgnomeprint | 2.12.1-3ubuntu2 | http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper-updates/main Sources11:04
bluefoxicyhas anyone else tried to boot dapper x86 desktop CD in qemu?11:05
Whoopiepitti: ok, thanks. BTW, could you perhaps explain me shortly how the package build works in dapper-updates? I heard that it's not done automaticly.11:06
pittiWhoopie: just dist-upgrade, you should get it11:06
Whoopieno chance. it's not there. And I have enabled dapper-updates in sources.list.11:08
bluefoxicyGod that took forever and bootsplash died.11:08
pittiWhoopie: what does 'dpkg -s libgnomeprint2.2-0|grep Version' say?11:08
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Whoopiepitti: Version: 2.12.1-3ubuntu111:09
mdkeis there any way I can get information about the new mozilla-thunderbird that appears to be in the archive? I can't find anything on changelogs.u.c or dapper-changes11:09
pittiWhoopie: then that's the old version, -3ubuntu2 has the fix11:10
pittimdke: in the USN I'm going to send out as soon as this damn enigmail appears on the mirror11:10
pittimdke: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-297-1 so far11:10
Whoopiepitti: yes. But I can do as many "apt-get update", it will not appear.11:10
mdkepitti: oh, I wondered why it wanted to remove enigmail. that's the only reason I wanted the changelog :)11:11
pittiWhoopie: apt-get dist-upgrade doesn't want to install it?11:11
Whoopiepitti: yes.11:11
pittiWhoopie: apt-cache madison libgnomeprint2.2-011:11
Whoopielibgnomeprint2.2-0 | 2.12.1-3ubuntu1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main Packages11:13
Whoopielibgnomeprint | 2.12.1-3ubuntu1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main Sources11:13
Whoopielibgnomeprint | 2.12.1-3ubuntu2 | http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper-updates/main Sources11:13
Whoopiethat's it.11:13
ograwsas it ever triggered to be built ? 11:13
ogra(builds need manual love currently)11:14
ograpitti, ? ^^11:14
carlospitti: ping, do you have 5 minutes for me?11:14
pittiogra: sure, I uploaded it ages ago when the buildds were working11:15
pittiogra: oh, hm, it's indeed not htere11:15
pittiWhoopie: so, I apologize, it's really not on the mirrors11:15
Whoopiepitti: np11:15
pittidarn, the current problem started this morning11:15
pittimdz: is it possible that 2.12.1-3ubuntu2 binaries are still in the to-be-approved queue for dapper-updates?11:16
ograpitti, there was a big lot approved yesterday from the -updates queue but i dont see any print stuff11:18
pittiKeybuk: could you please check another thing for me on drescher? does it have pool/main/libg/libgnomeprint/*2.12.1-3ubuntu2*deb?11:18
=== Keybuk loves pitti's confidence in our archive management software
Whoopiepitti: I didn't see it at the dapper-changes mailing list. That was the reason I was really surprised it should be in dapper-updates.11:19
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Keybukpitti: no it does not11:21
pittiKeybuk: don't take it personally, but since recently it just falls apart underneath me11:21
Keybukpitti: where did you upload that?11:21
pittiWhoopie: well, the *source* is on the mirror11:21
Keybukwhich buildds would that be built on?11:22
pittiKeybuk: June 7th11:22
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pittiKeybuk: bah, it still says 'needs building' everywhere11:23
Keybukright, it's an upload to -updates, yes?11:23
Keybuk   40759 | S- | libgnomeprint        | 2.12.1-3ubuntu2      | six days11:23
Keybuk         | * libgnomeprint/2.12.1-3ubuntu2 Component: main Section: libs11:23
Keybukhave you asked infinity about it?11:23
Keybukhe's running all builds by hand11:23
pittiKeybuk: not particularly, should I?11:23
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pittiKeybuk: does that affect other -updates uploads, too? I'm not sure that everyone asked infinity for every single upload11:25
pittiKeybuk: ok, thanks for the hint. I'll ask him when he's alive again11:27
Keybukit depends whether he's looked or not11:27
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WhoopieBTW, other thundbird extensions like thunderbird-quickfile are also affected by the security update. Will they be rebuilt?11:28
Keybukchances are you just got caught in the weekend and early week illness11:28
pittiWhoopie: yes, once the mirrors work again11:29
Whoopiepitti: okay, sorry.11:30
Whoopiepitti: I just mentioned it because e.g. firefox-dom-inspector wasn't rebuilt and is also in universe.11:32
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pittiWhoopie: yes, because that one is built from the firefox source itself11:37
mdzinfinity: around?11:40
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sabdflhowdy all11:51
sabdflgreetings from warsaw11:51
pygihey hey mark11:51
Keybukdy well thankyou11:51
sabdflmdz, Keybuk: 134 specs for paris, and counting...11:52
Keybuk134 ?!11:52
Keybukit was 133 a moment ago11:52
sabdflthat's headed for montreal figures11:52
Keybukhave you been sneaking specs in under our nose?11:52
=== sladen has 8 more I didn't even submit...
sabdflKeybuk: not a one, yet11:52
Keybuksabdfl:  lies ... https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/tab-consistency11:52
sabdfli don't want to be accused of providing the straw to the camel11:52
sabdflthis launchpad everything-is-visible thing is doggarn dangerous11:53
sabdflKeybuk: and https://launchpad.net/products/rosetta/+spec/rosetta-firefox-support11:55
sabdflso, two11:55
sabdfla remarkable discipline, considering ;-)11:55
=== Aegir [n=richard@d58-108-19-204.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ajmitchhi sabdfl 11:56
sabdflhey ajmitch11:57
zulhey sabdfl 11:58
jmgmorning all :)12:01
ajmitchmorning jmg 12:01
jmgmy spec has finally changed status :)12:01
jmgpity i missed the meeting12:02
mdzKeybuk: I added a new one a moment ago12:02

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