=== BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [12:30] crimsun_: eerie === jane_ [n=JaneW@dsl-146-167-152.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [01:59] BenC: its hasnt failed yet has it? :) [02:00] unfortunately I can't watch the builds for -security :( [02:00] ah.. [02:00] but I suspect it's going well, since no one has complained yet :) [02:00] or no one is awake === Keybuk [n=scott@syndicate.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [02:00] then again === chuck_ [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [03:20] No one was awake. I'll go check and see if I should be complaining. [03:20] please [03:20] Which one(s) am I looking at? [03:21] Ben's latest 2.6.15 upload looks buggered all over. [03:21] hoary/breezy is mine [03:22] morning infinity [03:22] Your latest 2.6.12 builds on amd64, but still fails on sparc (did you try to fix sparc?) [03:22] no im trying to get sparc up and running [03:23] and im trying to figure out whats wrong with it as well === BenC_ [n=bcollins@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [03:43] infinity: what about 2.6.10? [03:44] It's fine. [03:44] whoo.. [03:44] (For all I know, it's FTBFS on sparc too, but I don't build hoary on sparc/hppa) [03:45] And don't really intend to start. [03:45] hehe [04:06] (offline for ~1 hr) [04:27] night folks [05:29] crimsun_: fixed another build failure in cs46xx [05:33] BenC: besides the typo 5/6 one? [05:33] yeah, I picked up that patch, but there was one more in the .c file [05:34] ah geez [05:34] sorry 'bout that [05:34] -int snd_cs46xx_suspend(snd_card_t *card, pm_message_t state) [05:34] +int snd_cs46xx_suspend(struct pci_dev *pci, pm_message_t state); [05:34] np [05:34] my fault for not build testing after those last two patches [05:37] sheesh, silly me. Of course pci would have been undefined since it would have been missing as an actual parameter... === ivoks [n=ivoks@ubuntu/member/ivoks] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === ivoks [n=ivoks@ubuntu/member/ivoks] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === TheMuso [n=luke@ubuntu/member/themuso] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === doko [n=doko@dslb-088-073-096-195.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === chmj [n=chmj@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === airlied [n=airlied@skynet.skynet.ie] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === zul [n=chuck@dsl-72-1-199.219.tel-ott.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [12:56] heylo === BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === ivoks [n=ivoks@ubuntu/member/ivoks] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Keybuk [n=scott@quest.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === kimo [n=ahmed@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [02:36] I'm dying for sky2 driver update! When are we getting the kernel update :) [02:44] kimo: probably tomorrow. [02:44] and the less you ask, the faster you get it. people don't have to spend time here to answer, but can work on it [02:45] oh hey fabbione [02:45] good game yesterday [02:45] zul: thanks. next will be against US :) [02:46] you should win that game of course [02:46] we should yeah [02:47] if not i will laugh and laugh === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === tuxmaniac [n=aanjhan@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === ivoks [n=ivoks@ubuntu/member/ivoks] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Keybuk [n=scott@quest.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Keybuk [n=scott@quest.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [04:05] BenC: i have a couple of patches that im building now for dapper ill send them off tongiht [04:11] zul: i have a lock on dapper kernel now === tuxmaniac [n=aanjhan@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [04:14] fabbione: hmmm? [04:14] zul: i need to release for sparc now. No more changes until that's done [04:15] .43 now builds and i need to make sure that one goes in and builds as it is [04:15] fabbione: thats fine, ill just accumulate them until the lock is released [04:15] zul: that's exactly what i was asking for :) [04:15] thqanks === WebMaven [n=webmaven@ip72-193-220-34.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === JaneW [n=JaneW@dsl-146-167-152.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu-kernel ["Bye"] [05:15] hmm...our junior tech typed in the bios password for a laptop wrong [05:16] and now he cant get in [05:18] my wife did the same [05:18] i need to find a way to reset it [05:18] take the laptop apart and take out the bios battery? [05:19] yeah i will have to do when i have time [05:22] Are you sure it's only the bios password? [05:22] Laptops have secondary passwords that are stored in eeprom [05:23] Only way to deal with them is take them apart until you can get access to the i2c bus, and then drive the eeprom directly [05:23] And then try to work out what needs to be done to remove the password [05:24] mjg59: pretty sure it's only the BIOS password === Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [06:52] whee...writing documenation is fun === ivoks [n=ivoks@ubuntu/member/ivoks] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === mvo [n=egon@p54A65C8E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === mvo wonders what the minimum size of RAM we currently support. booting with mem=48M into single-user-mode gives me a "page allocation failure" when I try to load skge [09:00] that's probably not even enough for the kernel [09:01] heh [09:02] mvo: what did you try and boot? [09:03] you need about 20MB for the initramfs [09:03] maybe another 16MB or so for init and udev [09:04] you certainly need 8MB or so for the kernel itself [09:05] and then it uses anything between 20MB-64MB of memory for its own nefarious purposes [09:05] so minimum RAM would be 64MB on i386 and probably 96MB or more on amd64 [09:06] (ps. holy christ that's a lot) [09:10] server claims to work on 64MB === allee [n=ach@allee.exgal.mpe.mpg.de] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [09:15] Mithrandir: depends how much swap space you have :p [09:15] 64MB is probably the absolute minimum without swap, being only just enough to get the kernel and initramfs loaded [09:16] Well, does server install swap space by default? [09:16] everything instals swap by default [09:17] except for diskless systems of course :) [09:18] but swapping over NFS is _so much fun_! [09:18] Btw, can I bug you guys with my silly feature requests now? Like shipping a vmlinux somewhere, and sensible default tcp window sizes? ;) [09:20] Keybuk: I'm using mem=64M now and it works a lot better (swapspace is pretty big) [09:23] maswan: s/bug/propose a spec/ [09:24] better hurry, UDS starts in 6 days [09:26] I guess, just feels silly to do that for a small fix. But I'll write something up then. [09:26] tcp windows needs to be discussed [09:27] vmlinux just file a bug [09:27] I think there's already one [09:27] providing a patch to current git to install such a file would be your best bet there === maswan nods [09:28] Unless you want to discuss providing a separate -debug package to save a few megs in the kernel package. [09:30] Yes, there is indeed a wishlist bug for vmunix [09:32] I actually would like to see a linux-debug package, with the ABI file, vmlinux, and build-log [09:32] one for each flavour === maswan nods [09:32] me too [09:32] it can be done just like the linux-headers package does [09:33] in debian/post-install [09:35] sounds pretty encouraging then [09:36] Want me to put a comment with those two lines in the bug to remember it by, or are you one of those guys that remember things and so on? :) [09:47] BenC: we tried that in breezy with all of the config options for debug turned on, it was huge [09:48] well, I don't really mean a debug enabled kernel [09:48] just the raw vmlinux from the actual build [09:48] ah i see [09:48] uncompressed, unstripped, etc [09:52] later im out of here === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === allee [n=ach@allee.exgal.mpe.mpg.de] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === zul [n=chuck@ubuntu/member/zul] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === zul [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [11:14] BenC: http://www.kernel.org/git/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=commit;h=9810933701a09f9c4dd0ad963d5ec2efb7df07b7 [11:18] BenC: for 38851 couldnt we just blacklist it? [11:19] zul: cherry-picked that commit [11:19] let me check 38851 [11:19] BenC: for dapper? [11:19] yeah [11:20] it's already in edgy's kernel [11:20] ahok