
Bassettswhats a good audio converter??12:00
=== jcz` [n=onel@adsl-72-50-122-246.prtc.net] has joined #ubuntu
Perkabalook thanks! Really appreciate it!12:00
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .12:00
=== pizux [n=sebux@vel78-2-82-243-104-169.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
keleusBassetts; from what format to what format?12:00
JohnsonEso guys, where might some remnants of VMware-player be hiding on my system? I tried all the uninstalls but the server still says there's a previous version.12:00
daveyjif someone could just tell me where/how to update the nvidia drivers i'd be more than greatful12:00
=== UdontKnow [i=udontkno@freenode/staff/udontknow] has joined #ubuntu
Jowiroostishaw: you should put it in /etc/init and symlink it to /etc/rc6.d with a proper name12:00
Some_Personi want a nice music player (wma/mp3/wav) for ubuntu, are there any?12:00
_jasonvalehru, Iinuxerist: note that you need an uppercase T, ~/.Trash12:00
daveyjvia commandline12:00
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Bassettskeleus, i would like if possible to convert to many things12:01
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funkjaI'm trying to compile gnome-libs and it tells me that I need Berkeley Database library. Where can I get this?12:01
_jasonubotu: tell daveyj about nvidia12:01
Iinuxerist_jason: Okay. I am on SuSE as I said.12:01
Bassettskeleus: but if not possible, mp3 to ogg12:01
daveyji cant go to the webpage though :(12:01
keleusBassetts look into sox, for starters. Otherwise, you can use mpg123 and pipe it through to oggenc :D12:01
daveyji'm stuck in terminal.. the drivers got uninstalled when i used automatix12:01
daveyjand i cant boot into the xserver12:01
Bassettskeleus, ok thanks12:01
valehruthanks guys12:01
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_jasondaveyj: maybe you can use lynx?12:02
daveyjlynx.. not on here12:02
Perkabalowell just one more question, if I got 1024 ram and then the swap should be 2048, or is it enough with 1024 ? :)12:02
daveyji tried that12:02
keleusdaveyj; to get you at least back and running, open /etc/X11/xorg.conf and find the nvidia driver decleration. change it to vesa.12:02
roostishawJowi, oh oh oh... so i need to put the actual script i want to run in /etc/init12:02
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daveyjvesa eh? :) nice thank you12:02
Gradius9hm, which filesystem is the most stable, and compatible for linux?12:02
keleusit will be slow but it works12:02
IinuxeristPerkabalo: 1024 will be fine12:02
udocrimsun External Amplifier',is 0 how can i do off12:02
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keleusdaveyj; actually, make it nv12:02
pizuxis someon could helpme under e16 my menu user don't work when i left clic12:02
Gradius9ext or reiser12:02
crimsun_udo: I gave you the command.12:02
Some_Personwhats a good music player (wma/mp3/wav) for ubuntu?12:03
=== inrelief [n=inrelief@3-211.126-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
IinuxeristGradius9: ext12:03
keleusdaveyj; its not quite vesa but its still not full support. its in between.12:03
daveyjminimal is fine12:03
Gradius9ok, someone recommended reiser, why?12:03
=== Hoso001 [n=Hoso001@cpe-024-168-226-010.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
JohnsonEso guys, where might some remnants of VMware-player be hiding on my system? I tried all the uninstalls but the server still says there's a previous version.12:03
daveyjjust til i can boot into gnome and get the nvidia drivers12:03
daveyjthanks again :)12:03
=== imbrandon is now known as imbrandon_
Jowiroostishaw: you don't absolutely have to, but it is proper to do it that way. and easier to manage12:03
keleusDriver      "nvidia"12:03
keleuschange that to:12:03
Gradius9ext3, right?12:03
keleusDriver       "nv"12:03
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=== siriusnova [n=siriusno@64-251-145-86-cablemodem-roll.fidnet.com] has joined #ubuntu
siriusnovaYES finally12:04
siriusnovaGoogle Earth for Linux12:04
roostishawJowi, and by init u mean init.d right?12:05
keleussiriusnova; im happy with maps.google.com :)12:05
Some_Personi want a nice music player (with gui) (able to play wma/mp3/wav) for ubuntu; what is available?12:05
Jowiroostishaw: yep12:05
udoi cant change it why12:05
siriusnovakeleus - google earth just game out :D12:05
roostishawJowi, ok, thank you! ill try it now...12:05
=== AlienX [n=theanswr@unaffiliated/alienx] has joined #ubuntu
ompauldaveyj, have you asked in #automatix how to work with this?12:05
keleusSome_Person; xmms is a decent one, like winamp12:05
bartmaniachello I'm having troubles viewing a WMV file under mplayer. It says "Cannot find codec matching selected -vo and video format 0x33564D57. Sound is working !12:05
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_jasonSome_Person: ubotu should have sent you a link to a list on the wiki12:06
keleusbartmaniac; did you install w32codecs?12:06
Some_Personit did12:06
bartmaniackeleus: yes12:06
=== mlowe [n=mlowe@c-24-23-242-211.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Some_Personi want to know the best one12:06
bartmaniackeleus; can I check if they are installed properly?12:06
keleusbartmaniac; well, that 0x string is the video FourCC code12:07
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
keleusconvert that to ASCII and break it in half12:07
=== muaddib [i=craig@c-67-185-241-172.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Some_Persondoes mPlayer have a gui?12:07
DarkRavenMixageplease help me with KDE  i can only log in as the root if i log with the normal user it says could not start kstartconfig please check your installation12:07
keleusthat will help you find out what actual codec it is12:07
keleusSome_Person; gmplayer12:07
muaddibHey Hey Hey12:07
muaddibDarkRavenMixage: Does your login id have permission to run kstartconfig12:07
keleusSome_Person; but when i tried it it was broken, no default skin (error and refused to launch)12:07
PupenoDarkRavenMixage: if you are running kubuntu, I recommend going to #kubuntu (/join #kubuntu), otherwise #kde might be the answer (/join #kde).12:08
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ompaulDarkRavenMixage, have you asked in #kubuntu?12:08
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SneoHow much space does Ubuntu take up?12:08
keleusSome_Person; i mangled a basic skin to default and went from there :)12:08
Henry_Bean_Hola, tengo un problema con el booteo de una particin con windows... alguien me puede dar una mano?12:08
Sneoas in how much HD space do i need?12:08
keleusSneo; however much you make it?12:08
DarkRavenMixageompaul yes12:08
SneoWhats minimum though keleus?12:08
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Henry_Bean_sorry, i entered the wrong channel12:09
Gradius9hm, ext3 is the newest?12:09
Some_Personhow come RhythmBox wont play mp3s?12:09
keleusSneo; how much do you have? running with minimum is gping to be tight12:09
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JowiSneo: it will take up 1.5 GB for a desktop install. but you will need a minimum 3-3.5 GB for your / (root) partition for unpacking files.12:09
=== valehru [n=valehru@c-24-98-143-4.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
keleus!tell Some_Person about restrictedformats12:09
ompaulDarkRavenMixage, well they are the kde experts we are in the land of gnome ;-) ergo I asked, what puzzles me is that you can log in as root, that should not be possible12:09
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Ninjadudeguys i have a serious problem on my hands12:09
krazykitNinjadude: is it pirates?12:09
ompaularmed turtles?12:10
Ninjadudei was experimenting with xgl and now i wanna go back to good ol' xorg12:10
ubotusomebody said vnc was http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-36715.html, or http://www.tightvnc.com/docs.html, or see 'x11vnc' (VNC server which uses your current X11 session)12:10
Sneothanks all!12:10
=== Fillado [n=Fillado@81-179-95-170.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
Ninjadudeand im sitting here in my session and everything is FUBAR12:10
bartmaniackeleus: sorry, but how to convert to ascii ?12:10
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krazykitNinjadude: that's not a problem, or shouldn't be12:10
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Ninjadudeis there any way for me to get my old windows back and such :(12:10
krazykitNinjadude: what guide did you use?12:10
keleusSome_Person; mp3 has patent problems, so technically (in the USA for instance) you can't use it without paying someone... in this case anyways12:10
=== maihem [n=maihem@host86-130-221-127.range86-130.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Ninjadudei thought reinstalling gdm will work but it doesnt12:10
nostalg1cis it same to write to a raid array while it is resyncing/rebuilding?12:10
Ninjadudekrazykit: one sec ill get u a link12:10
keleusSome_Person; so basically theres no support for it unless you install something12:10
Some_Personwhat do i install12:10
_absolution_I downloaded the source code for enlightenment....will compiling the source code on Build essential work?12:11
uboturumour has it, restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats. This page's intent is to enable you to play most non-free media formats that are not DRM encoded. Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats.12:11
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roostishawJowi, hmm... i just did a reboot, but it didnt run any of the commands. would it be a problem if some of them were things like: sudo cp /file /file212:11
Ninjadudeok well12:11
Ninjadudei cant paste it to you12:11
Ninjadudebecause thats how messed up everything is12:11
Ninjadudei dont know if its my X or if its my gnome12:11
iskywalker_how can i make that it usbmouse and mousedev are loaded automatically?12:11
Ninjadudei think its gnome cuz i ran failsafe gnome and things were fine (aside from scripts not starting up)12:11
ompaulkeleus, works better if you give the name of the person your talking to12:11
krazykitNinjadude: um, what site?  google could help12:11
Jowiroostishaw: no idea :)12:11
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Ninjadudeis the site12:12
maihemhi all, anybody know how to run an X app as another user using sudo. I'm using `sudo -u ~user/app.bin`. the app starts okay but I get "Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server" and "Xlib: No protocol specified" I've tried copying my .Xauthority file to the other user's home directory and changing the owner, but no luck.12:12
Jowiroostishaw: probably no need to use sudo if the script is being run as root12:12
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keleusbartmaniac; what was the error again?12:12
DarkRavenMixageplease help me with KDE  i can only log in as the root if i log with the normal user it says could not start kstartconfig please check your installation12:12
Ninjadudeall the bars used to move windows around etc are gone and i cant set focus using my mouse etc etc theres so many problems, sigh12:12
=== DaveyJ [n=daveyj@ool-44c24ab5.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ninjadudestupid XGL12:12
roostishawJowi, ok, ill try that...12:12
Ninjadudeall this for wiggly windows12:12
Ninjadudei got rid of those script files too btw12:13
DaveyJall better12:13
Gradius9hm, format as reiser4 or ext3? before install of linux.. does reiser4 have many disadvantages?12:13
keleusompaul; sorry ,replying to Some_Person12:13
krazykitNinjadude: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Installxgl ?12:13
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ompaulDarkRavenMixage, couple you wait about 15 minutes between asks, it seems that no one knows the answer at this time12:13
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Please be aware there are a lot of questions, but only maybe few who might know the answer for you. Please be patient. Your attitude may determine their willingness to help you.12:13
Ninjadudekrazykit: no, it was the "switch between xgl and xorg" one12:13
DaveyJi noticed when i was booted using the vesa driver, i actually had 2 monitors working.. although in mirror12:13
Ninjadudeif you click on the "Dapper" link at the bottom of the page it has an index, go to the S section12:13
DaveyJcan i do that with xgl?12:13
ompaulDarkRavenMixage, how come you got a root password that I find curious12:13
krazykitoh, ok, i saw that one too, Ninjadude. lemme just check it out12:13
NinjadudeDaveyJ: dont touch XGL, it's the devil.12:14
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DaveyJlol i disagree12:14
Ninjadudeand no, last i checked xgl doesnt support dual monitors12:14
DaveyJi've been using it for a few weeks12:14
DaveyJand its nice12:14
Ninjadudeyea? can u run opengl games on it?12:14
bartmaniackeleus: not able to play wmv files, just sound is ok no video12:14
Ninjadudeits impressive tech wise, ill say......i did enjoy the cube thing12:14
=== nico8481 [n=nico@ip-62-235-55-229.dial.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu
keleusbartmaniac; i was refering to "0x33564D57" but i found it :) im researching...12:14
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Ninjadudekrazykit: it really seems like this is a gnome issue and not an X thing, cuz that tutorial doesnt have you modding any of X's files12:15
DarkRavenMixageompaul go to the12:15
DarkRavenMixageusers and groups12:15
nico8481how can i get the same output that the one of "apt-cache show <package>" but for an *installed* package?12:15
Ninjadudewhich is a good thing (phew)12:15
DarkRavenMixageand change the root password >P12:15
nico8481i mean the same info12:15
krazykitNinjadude: err... you said you used gdm?  didn't you make a new entry for it?  can't you just use the old one?12:16
nico8481that is, package info, version, md5sum...12:16
Ninjadudekrazykit: i think the default got overwritten12:16
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Ninjadudeand i just wanna reset it all :(12:16
keleusbartmaniac; well, literally that translates into 3VMW but... endian issue.... reverse it and it becomes clear: WMV312:16
krazykitNinjadude: ah-hah!  and now we're getting to the problem12:16
keleusbartmaniac; so at least now we know what codec SHOULD be used12:16
Ninjadudeand if this helps,12:16
DaveyJso its not possible for multiple monitors using xgl?12:17
DaveyJhow about different sessions on different monitors12:17
=== Mewshi [n=kitty@pool-72-72-201-207.altnpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ninjadudewhen i go to system->preferences->windows12:17
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=== dan [n=dan@modemcable186.47-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
krazykitNinjadude: this might work.  "sudo apt-get remove --purge gdm" then "sudo apt-get install gdm"12:17
Ninjadudeit complains "Cannot start the preferences application for your window manager"12:17
=== jojoman02 [n=khan@cbl-sd-51-27.aster.com.do] has joined #ubuntu
Ninjadudelemme give that a try.........restart afterwards, im assuming?12:17
keleusbartmaniac; you would think that was Windows Media Video 3.... but thats actually the codec for Windows Media Player 912:17
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danHI !12:17
krazykitNinjadude: for now, you can start a window manager.  metacity &12:17
Maestro739how do i partion when install ubuntu12:17
=== Jimmy89 [n=jimmy89@dsl-220-235-89-99.vic.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
danI have a trouble wih konqueror12:17
=== mlowe [n=mlowe@c-24-23-242-211.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulDarkRavenMixage, that is not really a good idea, log out, then log into a console (Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get there) and do this, cd ~yourusername ; chown -R username:username .*12:18
danI've loss the Preview in konqueror12:18
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danhow to correct this ?12:18
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jojoman02google earth for linux is out, get it now, http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html12:18
Ninjadudeok i purged gdm12:18
Ninjadudeand now im installing it again12:18
bartmaniackeleus: hmm so can i solve it by just doing sudo apt-get install something?12:19
keleusbartmaniac; does this file exist? /usr/lib/win32/wmv9dmod.dll12:19
krazykitjojoman02: holy crap, cool.12:19
dansomeone to help with konqueror preview of file ??12:19
ompaulDarkRavenMixage, I guess that you have changed the permissions to log in as you - cos you used something you don't need - root see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo  to disable root12:19
krazykitNinjadude: that should have wiped all the configs.  in theory.12:19
Jimmy89can i have some help installing network manager12:19
Jowidan: probably alot more people using konqueror in #kubuntu :)12:19
Ninjadudekrazykit: i noticed it uninstalled ubuntu-desktop as well......but installing gdm didnt restore this package.....do i have to manually install it12:19
Jimmy89im using the synaptic package thing12:19
DarkRavenMixagei figured my problem with kde12:19
DarkRavenMixagethe kde folder is privileged under root12:19
Jimmy89and i have network-manager and network-manager-gnome installed12:19
jojoman02krazykit, it's the beta 4 one12:19
DarkRavenMixageso my user cannot write12:19
krazykitNinjadude: it's not important, really.  you can manually install it again, though.12:19
DarkRavenMixagein it12:19
Ninjadudeok well as long as it all works12:19
JohnsonEok guys, most basic of all questions12:20
Ninjadudeim gonna give the machine a kickstart12:20
DarkRavenMixagehow to grant access to a directory and his subdirectories via console??12:20
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bartmaniackeleus: not the file "wmv9dmod.dll" do not exist on my system12:20
marquezhola a todos12:20
Maestro739can some one help me install ubuntu12:20
JohnsonElet's say i download a .tar.gz file. what's the normal process for installing whatever is inside?12:20
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MystaIf I need a vnc server on xubuntu, do I just install vino? will this allow me to remote onto my xubuntu install from other machines?12:20
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keleusbartmaniac; im uploading it to my webserver now, hold on12:20
danthank Jowi !!!12:20
ompaulDarkRavenMixage, please put all your comments on one line - your current activity is spamming the channel12:20
Jimmy89anyone know how to set up network-manager?12:20
Jowiubotu: tell JohnsonE about compile12:20
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ompaulDarkRavenMixage, log out, then log into a console (as root) (Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get there) and do this, cd ~yourusername ; chown -R username:username .*12:21
DarkRavenMixageompaul how can i give privileges of a directory and his subdirectories to an user via console?12:21
AbsenthDoes 64-bit Drake support the closed source nvidia drivers?12:21
keleusbartmaniac; ok, the file is at http://keleus.freeshell.org/wmv9dmod.dll12:21
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keleusput it here: /usr/lib/win32/wmv9dmod.dll12:21
=== roler [n=chris@pool-71-109-251-62.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
mcrashque tal marquez12:22
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.12:22
keleusthen do "chown root:root /usr/lib/win32/wmv9dmod.dll" and "chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r /usr/lib/win32/wmv9dmod.dll"12:22
keleusyoull need to use SUDO to do that, as well as copying the file in place12:22
=== Ninjadude [n=ninjaguy@adsl-69-220-114-208.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
keleusbartmaniac; you get all of that?12:23
=== try_iT_556 [n=daniel@201009036249.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
mcrashI want to practice my english Ubotu12:23
Ninjadudekrazykit: nope, didnt fix it :(12:23
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots.12:23
=== didymo [n=ashley@CPE-61-9-197-223.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
krazykitNinjadude: are you sure you're using the right session?  have you tried failsafe gnome?12:23
keleusbartmaniac; wait.... ignore all that12:23
LukeJimmy89: did you figure out how to set up NetworkManager?12:23
bartmaniackeleus: i 'm trying, have already downloaded your file12:23
keleusif you put the file there, remove it.12:23
Ninjadudelemme boot out and do failsafe gnome12:23
=== scenestar [n=scenesta@c51447ddc.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
keleusbartmaniac; ok download the file to your home, and wait a second...12:24
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LukeJimmy89: are you talking about NetworkManager or network-admin?12:24
scenestarhow can I have apt ignore a package12:24
scenestari have ndiswrapper utils that works12:24
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rolerhow do I change the default term type in gnome-terminal?12:24
scenestarbut theres a slight problem in my controll file12:24
ubotuStop poking me!12:24
scenestardo i need to reconfigure the package12:24
scenestaror can i just pin it?12:24
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keleusbartmaniac; im gona PM you this so you can do it easier. ill give you the actual commands youll need to run12:24
scenestaranyone not retarded feel free to anwer12:24
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try_iT_556hey guys i am having problems with Ubuntu multiverse, i dont know why gzip tells me the Packages.gz file is corrupted :-(12:25
Ninjadudekrazykit: ok, failsafe looks to be good, with the exception of it said its not running my scripts12:25
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_jasonroler: use the usermod command to change your user's default shell (I think that's the only way)12:25
Ninjadudeand i got some error about power management too12:25
keleusbartmaniac; join channel #helpingbart12:25
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krazykitNinjadude: that's to be expected.12:25
Ninjadudekrazykit: weird thing is, im still seeing the "XGL" option under the sessions even tho i deleted all the scipts12:25
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roler_jason, ; not the shell, the term type...12:26
try_iT_556i excluded multiverse from my apt source list, and now its ok... any problem with the multiverse repository?12:26
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pianoboy3333What files does network-manager edit? Like, if I had to put in a network or configure wlan0 by hand, what files/command line programs would I use12:26
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aLPHa_LeaKpianoboy3333: iwconfig12:26
=== Ninjadude is baffled.
krazykitNinjadude: you may have deleted the scripts, but...did you delete /usr/share/xsessions/xgl.desktop ?12:26
Ninjadudehoho, lets find out12:26
_jasonroler: k, not sure what that means then12:26
Ninjadudeno. no i didnt v_v12:26
Ninjadudeok lemme do that12:27
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Ninjadudeok that was deleted12:27
krazykitNinjadude: while you're at it, do "ls /usr/share/xsessions/" ... you should probaly have a gnome.desktop or something to that effect12:27
Ninjadudeyep i have that12:27
krazykitok, could you pastebin that for me?12:27
Ninjadudesure thing12:27
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Jimmy89anyone know how to set up network-manager?12:27
krazykitjust to make sure you didn't mess with that :-P12:27
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Bassettscan i make gnome save my session so when i log back in it is restored, like in breezy??12:28
Jimmy89i woudl have though nano /etc/network/interfaces12:28
Ninjadudeseems like a bunch of international language stuff12:28
Jimmy89and then delete auto12:28
Jimmy89but i dont have permission to write12:28
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MystaJimmy89, add sudo12:28
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Jimmy89do what?12:29
MystaJimmy89, sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces12:29
MystaJimmy89, be careful what you change, I'd back up the file before hand12:29
Ninjadudealways good to back stuff up -_-12:29
krazykitNinjadude: that looks fine.  try logging out of failsafe gnome and into regular gnome.12:29
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Ninjadudekrazykit: you think the deletion of the xgl one will take care of my probs?12:30
manni_mantaahttp://tinyurl.com/lpn8h LOL12:30
krazykitNinjadude: hopefully12:30
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Jimmy89ty mate12:30
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MystaJimmy89, no prob12:30
Ninjadudearite ill be back in a sec........should i just ctrl+alt+backspace or should i do a full reboot12:30
Jimmy89i had to delete auto in front of the network interfaces to get network-manger to use it12:30
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Ninjadudemeh full is healthier, brb12:31
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plopcrimsun_: are you still here mate?12:31
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crimsun_plop: yes, but busy12:32
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Jimmy89where does network-manger go?12:32
Jimmy89as far as i can see it should be installed12:32
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JohnsonEi accidentally removed trash from the panel >_> how do i put it back12:33
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_jasonJohnsonE: right click on the panel > add to panel > drag trash back in12:33
inreliefanybody have advice/suggestions on getting the fglrx driver working with radeon mobility?12:33
aLPHa_LeaKJohnsonE: right click12:33
loanwolf? default install of ubuntu 6.06...whats making it slow12:33
NedSchnitttI am trying to install kqemu on on xubuntu.  it cannot find the kernel includes... help! *newb*12:33
keleusbartmaniac; ok, full instructions are here: http://pastebin.com/70538512:33
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Ninjadudekrazykit: ok here's what happened....i logged in like normal and it gave me some message12:34
keleusbartmaniac; but, just to tell you... it appears that w32codecs isn't installed properly (or mplayer wasn't installed from a package. if you compiled it yourself, figure out how to make it look in /usr/lib/codecs for codec files)12:34
Ninjadudesaying something about how i didnt have a Default login and asking me if i wanted to make the failsafe the default............i hit the "Just Log In" button to see what happens12:34
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Ninjadudeand its still broken12:34
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Bassettsis there a way to enable the option to save the session like in breezy??12:35
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krazykitNinjadude: hum... lemme get this straight.  failsafe is now your default login, and gnome-session is still broken?12:35
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bartmaniackeleus: thanks I will try in a minute12:35
Ninjadudewell sorta.....it wants to make failsafe my default login because i dont have a default apparently12:36
Concord_Dawnhi everyone. What's the new package that has replaced w32codecs in dapper?12:36
Ninjadudeand it gave me an option with a button that said "Just Log In" so i did that12:36
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Ninjadudeand that's broken12:36
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keleusbartmaniac; your welcome. Not that if it throws errors about directories existing, dont worry (i only included making them in case they wern't, which would cause the rest to fail)12:36
visik7google earth for linux !native (maybe seems(12:36
Ninjadudeand if i try to go into the system->preferences->windows option it says12:36
visik7packit packit packit :)12:36
NinjadudeWindow manager "unknown" has not registered a configuration tool12:37
krazykitNinjadude: failsafe is broken, or regular gnome-session?12:37
Ninjadudekrazykit: regular session is broken, failsafe seems to be fine aside from not loading scripts but of course thats sposed to happen12:37
=== Ninjadude cant move any windows :(
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krazykitNinjadude: can you open a terminal?  if so, in it, type "metacity &"12:38
keleusbartmaniac; whoops, i messed up the order on those commands... move the cp command after the mkdir /usr/lib/codecs command12:38
loanwolf? whats making ubunti dapper slow.....it make my mandriva look like lighting speed12:38
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Ninjadudedude that fixed it12:38
amortvigilhey how to upgrade from a just burned ubuntu dapper cd/12:38
Ninjadudekrazykit: that worked, what'd you do O_O12:38
krazykitNinjadude: i started your window manager.12:38
Ninjadudei know12:38
Ninjadudebut the question is12:38
Ninjadudewhy wasnt it started o_O12:38
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zenithsglintheh, what do I type to cleanly uninstall thunderbird?12:39
amortvigilhey how to upgrade from a just burned ubuntu dapper cd?12:39
nickrudamortvigil, put in the cd, it should ask if you want to upgrade12:39
krazykitNinjadude: dunno.  i'd say to log out and save the session.12:39
Ninjadudegood call ^_^12:39
Ninjadudethat scares me though12:39
krazykitNinjadude: or save the session, if you can without logging out12:39
Ninjadudewhy would metacity decide not to start....12:39
Ninjadudehow does one do that ?12:39
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nickrudNinjadude, alt-f2 , gnome-session-save12:39
krazykitNinjadude: no clue.  i don't have gnome installed ;-)12:39
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Ninjadudethanks nick12:39
keleusNinjadude; something somehwere has to be told to launch it... and it isn't12:39
Ninjadudemy session has been saved.12:40
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Ninjadudeand so has my sanity!12:40
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Ninjadudekrazykit: thank u sir12:40
briguy2799anyone else here use Ubuntu's Wine Build and plays WoW, having problems downloading the new patch?12:40
Bassettscan i have the option to save my session?12:40
krazykitNinjadude: oh, i think i have it.  you did compiz, perhaps accidentally saved your session WITHOUT metacity, and when you went back, metacity wasn't being called for.12:40
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Ninjadudethat would make sense12:40
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Ninjadudeyea actually come to think of it i think i had that checkboxed checked12:40
Ninjadudethe "automatically save my stuff" one or whatever12:41
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delirehas anyone here experienced a bug whereby changing the panel size means you can no longer log in? mv'ing ~/.gconf resolves the issue but no meaningful ~/.xsession-errors are produced.12:41
krazykitNinjadude: whoops.  well, glad it's fixed.  i gotta go now :-)12:41
Ninjadudecool, thanks for ur help12:41
amortvigilnickrud: it wont12:41
Bassettsno one?12:41
=== Ninjadude lounges.
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ploplol here comes the bastard op from hell :)12:41
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briguy2799awww no one?12:41
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Bassettscan i have the option to save my session?12:42
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cddi missed the question12:42
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ToHellWithGABassetts: how do you want to save the session?12:42
kaghi everybody, I have a Diamond FireGL 1000 AGP card, and I cannot change the refresh rate from 60Hz to something higher. Where should I look first to work this out?12:42
briguy2799anyone else here use Ubuntu's Wine Build and plays WoW, having problems downloading the new patch?12:42
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ToHellWithGAlike windows' "hibernate" mode?12:42
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Joe_scorpcan someone help me real quick?12:42
whooperHello! I've just installed ubuntu, and can't figure out how to set the screen resolution to 1680x1050.... any ideas?12:42
_Nickpessoal depois q rodo um programa como fcil para compilar o executvel usando linha de comando?12:42
ToHellWithGA_Nick: /j #ubuntu-es12:42
_Nick*depois q compilo um programa12:42
nickrudamortvigil, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades has the steps when it doesn't12:42
joshi got linux unbuntu does it come with its own server12:42
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nomis_if someone is interessted. google earth for linux is released. http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html12:43
BassettsToHellWithGA: like in breezy, i want the option to save on log out12:43
_Nicksorry, my bad12:43
ToHellWithGAwhooper: do you have an intel video card?12:43
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whooperToHellWithGA: no, nvidia..12:43
ToHellWithGAdid you get the nvidia drivers?12:43
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whooperToHellWithGA: umm no, just default install12:43
davvykhas anyone here manged to get the linksys wusb11 usb wifi adapter working in ubuntu??12:43
MrBallZWhat's the best location to install googleearth ?    default was  /home/user/  , but i ran it as sudo and it was  /usr/local/   , now there's no icon, and to run it I have to run it from command line with sudo ...12:43
ToHellWithGAi'd imagine nvidia drivers would help you get access to more of your card's features12:44
Concord_Dawndo I need w32codecs to play Mp3's in rythymbox?12:44
TobberothI just downloaded Comix, but it won't open my cbr files!12:44
ubotusomebody said nvidia was Help about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia12:44
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whooperah, thanks12:44
ToHellWithGAConcord_Dawn: no.  you need to enable multiverse/universe12:44
bartmaniackeleus: ok thanks! Now I can view those wmv files !!12:44
BassettsToHellWithGA: is that possible?12:44
ToHellWithGAConcord_Dawn: http://www.google.com/search?q=ubuntu+mp312:44
mcrashConcord_Dawn: install automatix12:44
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Joe_scorpIm trying to run a gaming sever, when i try to run the .elf as root acount, i get a permision denied Bash12:45
deliremcrash: no, easy ubuntu is better, it doesn't manipulate config files.12:45
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joshhow do u install programs with linux12:45
Joe_scorpcan someone help12:45
ToHellWithGABassetts: i just have a few programs set to run on startup.  what changes about your session when you logout?12:45
kbrooksI realize that I am being offtopic here, but what features would anyone want in EasyUbuntu (PM me them).12:45
nickrudMrBallZ, try sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/google-earth/googleearth, that should alow you to run it12:45
kbrooksdelire: thats a myth12:45
davvykhas anyone here manged to get the linksys wusb11 usb wifi adapter working in ubuntu??12:45
plopcrimsun_: if you have a sec, i managed to get uncrypted connection working but still have troubles with WEP12:45
BassettsToHellWithGA: i would just like to come back to my session how i left it sometimes, like kde does12:45
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delirekbrooks: it certainly manipulated my sources.list when i tried it.12:45
Joe_scorp Im trying to run a gaming sever, when i try to run the .elf as root acount, i get a permision denied Bash12:45
BassettsToHellWithGA: not all the time though, im sure breezy had the option12:45
kbrooksdelire: easyubuntu DOES manipulate config files too12:45
mcrashdelire:  ok, test easy ubuntu12:46
kbrooksdelire: BOTH easyubuntu and automatix can break systems12:46
delirekbrooks: it doesn't touch the sources.list, most importantly.12:46
ToHellWithGAJoe_scorp: repeating yourself gets you nowhere.  rephrasing might help, but up to 847 other people just read it when you said that twice12:46
ToHellWithGAif somebody can help, they'll help12:46
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siriusnovahey am i the only one getting opengl corruption ?12:46
kbrooksdelire: huh? it does - if you tell it to12:46
deliremcrash: i have tried both.12:46
siriusnovai installed a fresh dapper install and now all my opengl apps and games flicker and look corrupted12:46
ToHellWithGAsiriusnova: yes.  you're the only one... could you explain it better?12:46
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joshdi downloaded googleearth on linux but need to install it how?12:46
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plopanyone managed to get synaptics working in dapper as it was in breezy, my synaptics is totally buggy after upgrade :(12:47
ToHellWithGAis it a sync problem?12:47
siriusnovabefore when i was tracking Dapper Betas and it was working fine12:47
loanwolfi thought ubunti dapper was supose to be a fast running distro.. it make my mandriva that i came from look like the speed of light12:47
delirekbrooks: i tried automatix several months ago and it didn't ask, but manipulated my sources.list nonetheless.12:47
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crimsun_plop: what stanzas are you using for WEP? (sanitise and pastebin)12:47
nickrudjosh, sh ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin12:47
delirekbrooks: the situation may be different now.12:47
joshhow do u install programs12:47
Concord_Dawnplop: I haven't. Command line runs faster anyways. *pats his 465Mhz*12:47
visik7josh: chmod +x GoogleEarthLinux.bin ; ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin12:47
siriusnovaToHellWithGa - no it just renders weird, here is a screenshot in the new google earth client http://web.umr.edu/~taknnc/Screenshot.png12:47
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siriusnovabefore i did a fresh install everything was fine12:47
seanb64can anyone here help me with the PPC version of Dapper12:47
siriusnovaand the google earth client was fine too12:48
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ToHellWithGAsiriusnova: holy moly that looks funky12:48
delirejosh use 'Synaptic' to download install packages made especially for Ubuntu. programs you download from websites (rarely done) depends on the file type.12:48
kbrooksdelire: it is. :-)12:48
siriusnovaToHellWithGa - i know, bad mesa implementation?12:48
psyke83_hi, is there a program like "alien" to create a deb from a .bin file? I wanna package Google Earth 4 Beta12:48
delirekbrooks: right.12:48
visik7psyke83_: no there isn't from a bin12:48
SurfnKidi couldnt be happier running on my old Vaio12:48
Joe_scorproot@joe-room:/home/joe/Desktop/goserver# ./goserver.elf -profile server.prf12:48
Joe_scorp./goserver.elf: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory12:48
Joe_scorpThe directory exists in that, what am i doing wrong??12:48
plopcrimsun_: http://pastebin.com/70541712:48
keleusbartmaniac; still, i would investigate that w32codecs package... i'm wondering why you were missing that file12:48
kbrooksdelire: once again, easyubuntu and automatix CAN break systems12:49
thomasMbins are actual installer programs, not just packages.12:49
ToHellWithGAsiriusnova: the more you dig into it the more somebody is likely to help you.  i don't know much at all about 3d apps, however.  i'm still a sidescrolling kind of guy12:49
plopcrimsun_: http://pastebin.com/705417, i tried both ways but none working12:49
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kbrooksdelire: people have reported easyubuntu breaking systems too12:49
keleusYAY! I'm now officially not a newb...12:49
delirekbrooks: i've used easy ubuntu on some 30 machines in two universities and had excellent results. lucky perhaps.12:49
loanwolf????? anyone able to tell me why ubuntu dapper is soooo sloooowwww12:49
kbrooksdelire: that's you12:49
whooperanyone know if linux-restricted-modules-686 or -386 should be used with amd athlon xp?12:49
plopConcord_Dawn: talking about synapticS not synaptic, apt-get rulez :)12:49
crimsun_plop: comment out key_mgmt=NONE12:50
kbrooksplop: there is no "synaptics"12:50
nickrudfresh installs are a lot safer with bot of those tools12:50
mcrashno problem with automatix12:50
keleuswhooper; you can use 68612:50
Concord_Dawnah, sorries plop.12:50
thomasMyou want to use k7.12:50
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thomasMno don't use 686. use k7.12:50
bartmaniackeleus: maybe i installed and uninstalled to much and too often.12:50
crimsun_plop: then restart wpa_supplicant12:50
keleuswhooper; but as thomasM said use k7 if you can12:50
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a12ctichey, my buddy is having problems with his internet on ubuntu 6.06, hes connected directly to the roouter with a enthranet cord and he has dhcp any ideas?12:50
joshive downloaded googleearth to my desktop but dont know how to install it!12:50
crimsun_plop: (or ifdown+ifup)12:50
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whooperkeleus: ok, thanks..12:50
delirekbrooks: yes, the synaptics touch pad configurator. it exists in Debian at least.12:50
plopcrimsun_: restart ? it is not a service anymore12:50
nickrudwhooper, install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) matches your running kernel12:50
plopcrimsun_: ok :)12:50
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MystaIf I need a vnc server on xubuntu, do I just install vino? will this allow me to remote onto my xubuntu install from other machines?12:50
ToHellWithGAa12ctic: what isn't working?12:50
keleusbartmaniac; would you like a list of what my directory has in it? (so you know what might be missing?12:50
delirekbrooks: actually no, it's the synaptics driver itself..12:50
kbrooksdelire: ?12:51
a12ctiche isnt getting a internet connection12:51
crimsun_plop: I have to cover all stable releases12:51
ToHellWithGAsaying "problems with the internet" is like saying "problems with his girlfriend"12:51
ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, plop12:51
bartmaniackeleus: yes that would be a good idea12:51
ToHellWithGAa12ctic: does he have a DNS server defined?12:51
ubotuit has been said that synaptic is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto12:51
delirekbrooks: it's an ongoing confusion for new users of Debian. synaptic != synaptics12:51
a12cticumm no12:51
ToHellWithGAa12ctic: can he ping IPs?12:51
kbrooksdelire: what is that? i havent heard of *synaptics* but i have heard of synaptic12:51
plopcrimsun_: my bad didn't read your last line :)12:51
a12cticino he cant12:51
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plopaLPHa_LeaK: ?12:51
ToHellWithGAso you tried to ping IPs and not addresses, right?12:51
aLPHa_LeaKplop: oops ;)12:52
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joshive downloaded gogoleearth to my desktop but dont knwoi how to install it!12:52
plopaLPHa_LeaK: pas de prob :)12:52
kbrooksdelire: please tell me what synaptics  is.12:52
thomasMk ubuntu-xgl is dead, maybe somebody here can help me. like 10 times today i've accidentally hit ctrl backspace, anybody know how I can disable this, and ctrl alt shift?12:52
a12cticits not connecting to the router period12:52
nickrudjosh, sh ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin12:52
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whooperjust a question on the side; i'm used to debian and apt-get xxx.. is it better to use the synaptic package manager thing instead? =)12:52
ToHellWithGAa12ctic: is the interface enabled?12:52
kbrookswhooper: "better"?12:52
aLPHa_LeaKkbrooks: its a driver for pointing devices iirc12:52
nickrudwhooper, samo samo, synaptics is kinda nice for browsing packages though12:52
bernierwhopper exactly the same12:52
thomasMo snap i didn't know there was a googleearth for linux :D12:52
Alexi5what command can i use in a ftp client to get the number of files in the directory12:52
a12cticit says its active as well12:52
kbrookswhooper: if you're used to apt-get, then use it12:52
whooperkbrooks: i mean, is there any difference? or is synaptic just a frontend to apt-get?12:52
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AMDfanboyhi, how do i log into X from the prompt?  i accidentally turned off graphical logins in the sessions menu.12:53
delirekbrooks: eg: "gsynaptics - configuration tool for Synaptics touchpad driver of X server". always get's newbies..12:53
whooperkbrooks:  ok, thanks..12:53
thomasMwhooper it doesn't matter12:53
kbrookswhooper: its a frontend12:53
joshit says no such file or directory12:53
TobberothWhen I try to start cbrpager, it says: "sh: unrar: command not found"12:53
thomasMwhooper, do whatever you feel is easier.12:53
aLPHa_LeaKAMDfanboy: startx12:53
Tobberothhow do I fix?12:53
keleusbartmaniac; ok. i think everything in /usr/lib/win32 on mine are links to /usr/lib/codecs files, but heres a "ls -Lla" of both...12:53
Xoritoris there something wrong with the apache2 virtual hosting on ubuntu?12:53
plopkbrooks: synaptics touchpad?12:53
nickrudAMD_XP, sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start12:53
seanb64Anyone kon why when I try to boot off fof the Ubuntu PPC live CD, it goes through the boot procedure, past the splash, then says it couldn't start X becuase it wasn't configured properly?12:53
keleushttp://pastebin.com/705423 http://pastebin.com/70542612:53
XoritorNameVirtualHost *:80 does not work right12:53
keleusbartmaniac; http://pastebin.com/705423 and http://pastebin.com/70542612:53
loanwolf?? i thought ubuntu dapper was supose to be a good fast running distro..... moves slower then my last install on mandriva 200612:53
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kbrooksloanwolf: its your kernel12:54
joshhow do u install programs12:54
joshlinux is too compliacted12:54
a12cticenthranet ususualy configures itself, maby his card isnt supporteD?12:54
AMDfanboystartx, i'll try it in a minutes12:54
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thomasMloanwolf, could also be your theme.12:54
keleusbartmaniac; those pages should stay up for a month, but i would save them somewhere12:54
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jugheadjosh, it depends on the program12:54
kbrooksjosh: it isnt too complicated12:54
seanb64anyone here can help me?12:54
joshi need help installing programs12:54
a12cticapt-get install "what you want" easy mode, 10x easir than windows12:54
joshcan any1helo12:54
jugheadActually, I have a question about installing software myelf12:54
ToHellWithGAjosh: you can get programs from your package manager, as binaries, or as source12:54
delirejosh: it's very easy once you know how. it's best you read this: http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/index.html12:54
joshim a complete n00b at linux12:54
JohnsonEso guys, where might some remnants of VMware-player be hiding on my system? I tried all the uninstalls but the server still says there's a previous version.12:54
markgrifAdd/Remove progams in in the menu.12:54
bartmaniackeleus: ok i will compare it with my stuff!!. Now I need to get some sleep.12:55
jugheadToHellWithGA, how do you install if you have a binary?12:55
plopcrimsun_: no connection, nothing in syslog, where can i get an idea of what is going on ?12:55
nickrudjosh, I've told you twice, but maybe I should mention that Applications->Accessories->Terminal is where you type that :)12:55
delirejosh: http://help.ubuntu.com is your friend.12:55
ubotumethinks synaptic is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto12:55
ToHellWithGAjughead: you just run the thing12:55
a12cticanyone know what could be up with his enthranet card? any suggestions?12:55
joshnot supported12:55
thomasMjosh go to synaptic how to.12:55
crimsun_plop: start it manually in the foreground with -dd12:55
joshsome are made for windows12:55
JohnsonEenthranet? :o12:55
ToHellWithGAjosh: what programs12:55
seanb64could anyone help me with this?12:55
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seanb64i t won't even boot completely!12:55
a12cticmy spelling is bad :)12:55
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ToHellWithGAseanb64: do you have a lot of brand new hardware?12:56
nickrudjosh, ah, I thought you got the linux bin for google earth, get that one. Seems to work well so far.12:56
JohnsonEa12, what's the problem?12:56
kbrooksjosh: are you on dapper?12:56
loanwolfthomasM: i have the default kernel in installed..and useing the default theme12:56
jugheadthats what I'm trying to do12:56
joshwhats dapper?12:56
plopcrimsun_: start what?12:56
ToHellWithGAjosh: are you using ubuntu?12:56
seanb64just a new Lacie external FireWire drive12:56
whooperbtw, is it easy to install these fancy glx effects with rotating desktop etc? =)12:56
joshim using unbuntu yeh12:56
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .12:56
ToHellWithGAseanb64: will it boot with that unplugged?12:56
naosv:o google earth working in Ubuntu! man I gotta pop in here more often :D12:56
jugheadnickrud, I downloaded the bin and I get an error when I click on it12:56
delirejosh: ubuntu is a code name for the Ubuntu 6.06 release.12:56
ToHellWithGAjosh: when did you download and burn your ubuntu CD12:57
delirejosh: sorry "dapper" ;)12:57
ToHellWithGAand delire meant "dapper" is a code name12:57
plopcrimsun_: start what?12:57
joshi dint12:57
ToHellWithGAyou confuse him so much, delire12:57
joshi oredered it12:57
jugheadgedit was not able to detect my character coding12:57
seanb64haven't tried that, Oh I just remembered, it says before the splash12:57
ToHellWithGAjosh: you're not using it now12:57
plopsry for repeat, key mistake12:57
joshi am12:57
delireToHellWithGA: hehe yes, that was a tad unfortunate.12:57
nickrudjughead, open a terminal and type sh ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin , worked here. I installed in my home12:57
crimsun_plop: wpa_supplicant12:57
ToHellWithGAthen you're on breezy badger12:57
seanb64Cannot find allocation for device and a number twice12:57
kbrookscan WE ALL g to #ubuntu-offtopic to help josh12:57
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plopcrimsun_: i dunno how to start it12:57
JohnsonEso guys, where might some remnants of VMware-player be hiding on my system? I tried all the uninstalls but the server still says there's a previous version.12:58
Bassettshow do i edit the tags of an ogg file?12:58
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kbrooksthis channel is too much on him12:58
jugheadthanks nickrud12:58
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seanb64I'll unplug it, and try that, and if it dosen't work, I'll come back12:58
Stormx2Does ubuntu have trace route?12:58
jugheadholy moly12:58
nickrudJohnsonE, have you looked under /var ?12:58
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JohnsonEnick: not yet. i'll look now12:58
seifeHi, i need some help12:59
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seifeI just downloaded Tango-Unofficial12:59
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JohnsonEnick: where in var should i be looking? >_>12:59
aLPHa_LeaK n812:59
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crimsun_Stormx2: traceroute{,-nanog}12:59
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nickrudseife, Sys->Prefs->Themes, drag & drop the tar.gz onto the window12:59
seifeI just want the old gray icons, the readme tells me to just use a folder called 'deprecated' now.. how do i put it working, just drag it to theme folder?12:59
NedSchnitttwhere are the kernel includes in xubuntu?12:59
Stormx2crimsun_: I'm confused, what?12:59
ompauljosh, this is not im, to converse in irc it is useful to put all your comments in one typing session and then hit enter,  the way you are now no one will follow you, and not using the enter key after two words is really good for communition (using it is called spamming [one of the subsets] )12:59
crimsun_Stormx2: apt-cache policy traceroute{,-nanog}12:59
seifenickrud: is a folder into a .tar.gz is not all the .tar.gz12:59
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plopcrimsun_: is the file /etc/default/wpasupplicant still needed in dapper ?01:00
crimsun_plop: no01:00
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Bassettshow do i edit the tags of an ogg file?01:01
nickrudJohnsonE, you'll need to browse: it may be under cache, it may be under lib, and it may not be there at all, it was a suggestion :) That's where ubuntu drops things the os controls, but might change01:01
crimsun_Bassetts: try easytag01:01
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a12cticok, ubuntu is properly adressing his card, its just not doing anything with it01:01
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nickrudJohnsonE, for example, apache puts your default web page under /var/www01:01
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lowkeyis there any1 I can talk to about dapper and IBM z60t laptop?01:01
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crimsun_lowkey: -laptop01:02
seifenickrud: u know what i have to do?01:02
jamesxhi. help would be appreciated. ubuntu keeps crashing on it's first boot of the day just before getting to the login screen. just when you see mouse cursor for the first time. Restart usually works but 10% of the time it crashes again and another reboot is required. Cannot think what it could be so suggestions would be gratefully recieved..... tHANKS01:03
lowkeyafter upgrade to dapper suspedn to ram stopped working .. i get some strange sda read errors when resumming from sleep01:03
nickrudseife, I'm not sure what you just meant. An alternative (if the folder is already unpacked) is to move the folder to $HOME/.icons01:03
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lowkeydoes any1 know what can be done? as far as I've checked dapper default 2.6.15 kernel doesn't have one of tha patches for that things ..01:04
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joshim confusedf!01:04
markgrifJamesx: Make sure nothing is in the CD drive.01:04
_NickI got this message with synaptic: "You've got 2 broken packages in you system, use the filter "Bronkens" to find them (ho can i use this filter)01:04
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crimsun_lowkey: you need to address this in either -laptop or -kernel as I mentioned.01:04
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jamesxthx but there is nothing in the cd drive ever. i thought that might be it sio tested it out01:04
stalefriesI have a problem with the [Fn]  keys on my laptop. In GDM, every button press defaults to its [Fn]  character, but otherwise my keyboard works fine. Can anyone help?01:05
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nickrudseife, success?01:05
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Bassettsthankyou crimsun_: works perfect01:05
lowkeycrimsun_: can you tell me how, do I do that?01:05
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stalefries_Nick: in the bottom-left of Synaptic, look through those 4 buttons.01:05
detectiveinspektis a torrent with 5 seeds and 35 peers good?01:05
seifenickrud: second01:06
joshi need to go to tat chat room those people helped me the other minute with01:06
joshi closed it by accident01:06
ToHellWithGAoh boy zooming out on google earth gives me hella tunnel vision01:06
nickrudjosh, #ubuntu-offtopic01:06
crimsun_lowkey: /j ubuntu-{kernel,laptop}01:06
lowkeycrimsun_: oh, I see01:06
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stalefries_Nick: if you click on one of those, one of them will have a "Broken" category01:06
lowkeycrimsun_: 10x01:06
roostishawhow do i record a call with skype?01:06
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ubotuI guess skype is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeHowto/ Breezy deb: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages/01:07
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stalefriesThat might help01:07
stalefriesyou might want to look at the howto's section of ubuntuforums.org01:07
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stalefriesI have a problem with the [Fn]  keys on my laptop. In GDM, every button press defaults to its [Fn]  character, but otherwise my keyboard works fine. Can anyone help?01:08
seifenickrud: didnt work, help meh :(01:08
plopcrimsun_: can i show the log of wpa_supplicant?01:08
nickrudseife, ok :) Put the name of the file here that you downloaded01:08
ZambeziHas anyone imported Thunderbird files from Windows to Linux? I heard of one guy, but he nerver said how he did.01:08
roostishawhow do i record a call with skype?01:08
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roostishawthose guides dont say01:08
crimsun_plop: if you run it in the foreground, it should log to stdout01:09
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Zambeziroostishaw: Recording calls is evil. :-/01:09
stalefriesroostishaw: I don't know, but I remember seeing it in the howtos, tips and tricks section of ubuntuforums.org01:09
_Nickthrere is no broken category01:09
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stalefriesZambezi: what about podcast interviews?01:09
stalefries_Nick, you sure? Let me check01:10
plopcrimsun_: it is, but i dnt really01:10
sigurdgadoes anyone know if the network-manager-vpnc package is still around? I cannot find it with apt-cache (universe and multiverse enabled) or at packages.ubuntu.com01:10
plopcrimsun_: it is, but i cant really identify the problem01:10
Zambezistalefries: I'm think about private calls with friends.01:10
crimsun_plop: so pastebin it01:10
plopcrimsun_: ok thx :)01:10
stalefriesZambezi, I doubt he wants it for that01:10
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ToHellWithGAhas anyone in here successfully installed Sony's SonicStage software under WINE?01:10
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ToHellWithGAi'd like to be able to load and unload my minidisc player without using Windows ever again01:11
stalefriesToHellWithGA: check appdb.winehq.org01:11
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_Nickdo u mean: installed (local or obsolete)01:11
stalefries_Nick; no01:11
ToHellWithGAstalefries: it's there but i can't figure out the install.  would you maybe help me if i get hung up?01:11
azinathatdoes anyone have a maxfire 3000 novatech laptop?01:11
stalefries_Nick: go to custom01:11
NedSchnitttI am trying to install kqemu.  When I configure, it tellse me that it cannot find the kernel includes...where are they? (running xubuntu dapper drake)01:11
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plopcrimsun_: http://pastebin.com/70545001:11
whooperI'm up and running with nvidia driver, but still can't figure out how to set resolution to 1680x1050 ?01:12
stalefriesToHellWithGA: I wouldn't know anything about it01:12
nickrudNedSchnittt, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)01:12
NoWhereToTurnSigh.. why would Breezy not be able to install Grub?01:12
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plopcrimsun_: anyway, how do i know if ap uses shared key or standard process ?01:12
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stalefries_Nick: did that work?01:12
NoWhereToTurnvirtual screen shows "calling 'apt-install grub' failed01:13
_NickI've found this category now01:13
crimsun_plop: it looks fine to me (it's associated and completed)01:13
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crimsun_plop: now just dhclient wlan001:13
stalefries_Nick: good to know01:13
Zambezistalefries: I hope you're right. I wouldn't trust a guy again who record phonecalls.01:13
NoWhereToTurnShould I continue the install anyways?01:13
stalefriesZambezi: NSA!01:13
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_Nickbut I used this way: configurations->filters01:14
AMDfanboyanyone figure out how to seed with ktorrent?01:14
imbrandonNoWhereToTurn, are you installing on software raid or something where there is no /boot partition by itself01:14
] ] ] KaMZaTa[[[how can install driver ati?01:14
AMDfanboyi can download but not seed01:14
plopcrimsun_: no leases :(01:14
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stalefriesAMDfanboy: do you have it set to no upload?01:14
TassaDarKcrimsun_, i have been reading all this stuff about dmix plugin (http://alsa2.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin) and i have a BIG mess in my head. What is the easiest and simple way to have dmix enabled for all applications using sounds, i mean have multichannel/duplex (or wherever it calls) audio enabled forever?01:14
NoWhereToTurnimbrandon.. installing it in one partition + swap01:14
JohnsonEhow can I unmount a hard drive that I don't want to appear? it says I can't do it..01:14
loanwolf? how do i change my monitor type....its in xorg as generic01:14
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SAM_themanOk hommies I am back In Action :P01:15
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NoWhereToTurnmount point for that partition is /01:15
] ] ] KaMZaTa[[[help: how can I install driver ati?01:15
ZambeziI really mean this now. I'm about to migrate now. Probably tomarrow cause it's little too late now. But I just wounder who must problem I can expect to get with my ATI-card.01:15
imbrandonNoWhereToTurn, is it on raid or lvm though ?01:15
TassaDarKit's possible?01:15
crimsun_plop: do you really need ap_scan=2?01:15
seanb64Hey guys, I stripped it down to minimum, eathernet, keyboard and mouse and speakers, and still a problem'01:15
NoWhereToTurnimbrandon no raid .. box is too old01:15
] ] ] KaMZaTa[[[dpkg-reconfigure ....?01:15
PasteurizedSince I have shutdown in hibernate mode, I'm note able to have any sounds, any ideas ?01:15
NoWhereToTurnplain P///-55001:15
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AMDfanboystalefries: no, when i give it a torrent thats has already been downloaded, and is int eh same folder as its downloading to, it tries to download it again01:16
SAM_themanI  am having a problem guys01:16
plopcrimsun_: ssid is hidden :)01:16
lib8264qhi can somewone help with a problem ... has to do with the restricted formats01:16
] ] ] KaMZaTa[[[anybody can help me?01:16
SAM_themanMy Hp Deskjet 3653 doesn't seem to work any reasons why?01:16
stalefriesAMDfanboy: hmm. Next time, you should try leaving it open afterwards. i don't think  it would chekc if it's been downloaded already.01:16
nickrudlib8264q, what's up?01:16
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.01:17
=== wenko2 is now known as ve7wnk
NoWhereToTurnHad hary installed on it and had other problems with it so I deleted it and am trying to get Breezy installed since drapper is apparently still a bit buggy01:17
_jasonubotu: tell ] ] ] KaMZaTa[[[ about ati01:17
TassaDarKi'm really sorry to be so clumsy but i'm noob01:17
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lib8264qtotem-xine (1.4.1-0ubuntu4) for the universe is confilcting with gstreamer01:17
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic01:17
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TassaDarKcrimsun_ ?01:17
=== Joedetic [n=Joedetic@82-37-185-153.cable.ubr05.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
imbrandonNoWhereToTurn, dapper may have bugs but is still leaps and bounds better than breezy ;)01:17
loanwolf???????? how do i change my monitor in ubuntu dapper..xorg has it as generic01:17
nickrudlib8264q, thats fine, apt will deal with it (uninstall totem-gstreamer) while installing totem-xine01:17
] ] ] KaMZaTa[[[_jason: I have an ATI mobility radeon 900001:17
seanb64I am the PPC guy with the X server problem?01:18
seanb64it still wont boot01:18
JohnsonEhow can I unmount a hard drive that I don't want to appear? it says I can't do it..01:18
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] ] ] KaMZaTa[[[_jason: what driver i must install? open or proprietary?01:18
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_jason] ] ] KaMZaTa[[[: ubotu should have sent you a link to the ati page on the wiki, it should give you the info you need01:18
Joedeticoh jesus...it's a fight for support01:18
nickrudJohnsonE, sudo umount /media/<partition>01:18
stalefriesI have a problem with the [Fn]  keys on my laptop. In GDM, every button press defaults to its [Fn]  character, but otherwise my keyboard works fine. Can anyone help?01:18
lib8264qok .... cant connect the lappy ...to net as dosent like the eagle drivers01:18
JohnsonEthanks nick.01:18
TassaDarKJoedetic, it's a mortal kombat01:18
crimsun_TassaDarK: echo 'pcm.dmix0 { type dmix  ipc_key 2048  slave { pcm "hw:0,0"  period_size 1024  buffer_size 4096 } }  pcm.!default { type plug   slave.pcm "dmix0" }  ctl.dmix0 { type hw  card 0 }' > ~/.asoundrc01:18
Joedetichow do i make programs run automatically when i log into gnome?01:18
NoWhereToTurnwell dapper normal install supposedly has problems and people have recommended the other ISO as well this box has several other distros on it + Win2k01:18
lib8264qso how do i do it the old fashioned way01:18
seifenickrud: i downloaded ICON-UnofficialTango.tar.bz2 pack if u read the readme inside there it says that 'if u just want the old gray icons just use the deprecated folder into the pack'..01:19
Joedeticthere i'be submitted to the soup01:19
=== AMDfanboy [n=AMDfanbo@c-69-248-106-236.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
NoWhereToTurnother ISO- alternate installation01:19
TassaDarKcrimsun_, i write that in the console?01:19
JohnsonEahh nick, says unmount isn't a command.01:19
crimsun_TassaDarK: copy and paste it verbatim01:19
_jason] ] ] KaMZaTa[[[: whichever you prefer.  The proprietary probably has better performance, but I don't use ati, so I can't speak from firsthand experience01:19
TassaDarKand works forever?01:19
=== acke_ [n=acke@d64-180-169-169.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudseife, hm. Could you put that readme on nlpaste?01:19
nickrudseife, hm. Could you put that readme on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ ?01:19
uXpanyone here who uses the opera's IRC?01:19
=== whooper [n=whooper@062016151126.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #ubuntu
crimsun_TassaDarK: I can't predict the future. Furthermore, if I don't answer right away, it's probably because I'm at work and can't respond.01:20
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stalefriesuXp: no, but what do you need?01:20
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] ] ] KaMZaTa[[[_jason: how can test if 3d is enable?01:20
n30nWhere is the compatiblity list for Ubuntu Dapper01:20
seanb64please can someone help me with this, I can't boot01:20
_Nicknow I've choosen the filter how can I search the broken packages???01:20
=== slew [n=slew@cblmdm72-240-143-107.buckeyecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
kane77hi... anyone can help me install alien arena? i downloaded this .run file, but I cannot run it...01:21
stalefries_Nick: They should be shown now.01:21
chuck8sometimes the installer catches01:21
seifenickrud: ok give me a sec please01:21
TassaDarKcrimsun_, it works now, lot of thanks! if works after reboot i WANT a child yours01:21
_jason] ] ] KaMZaTa[[[: glxinfo | grep render   <-- see if that returns: direct rendering: Yes01:21
JohnsonEnickrud: it says unmount isn't a command.01:21
_jasonJohnsonE: umount without the n01:21
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JohnsonEahh ok >_> dyslexic01:21
nickrudJohnsonE, see above :)01:21
whooperhmmm, after dpkg-configure of xorg, my keyboard mappings got all wrong (norwegian keyboard), anyone know how to fix this?01:22
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crimsun_plop: does the AP see the request?01:22
nickrudwhooper, System-Preferences->Keyboard, Layouts tab01:22
seanb64did that guy that was helping me leave??01:22
NoWhereToTurnSo no one has had problems with grub installation other than in a raid environment?? Mandriva installed on this box fine.. do not know why Ubuntu is having so many problems01:22
stalefrieswhooper: System>Preferences>Keyboard... Layouts tab01:22
=== nickrud blows the steam off his fingers :)
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seifenickrud: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1562401:23
stalefriesyou beat me to it, nickrud!01:23
stalefriesby the way, how do you do that?01:23
n30nHey, where is the file for the repository with Synaptic Package Manager, i forgot. I need to delete an invalid entry01:23
Bassettsin keyboard shortcuts how can i bind two keys to the operation? like <alt>+t01:23
=== Ertain [n=Ertain@c-24-0-216-68.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
NoWhereToTurnWhat exactly does this error message mean: "calling 'apt-install grub' failed"01:24
n30ngedit and then the file right?01:24
=== seanb64 looks livid
kmilon30n, /etc/apt/sources.list01:24
n30nkmilo: thanks01:24
_jasonBassetts: you should be able to just press them like that01:24
whooperstalefries: i get an error message "Error activating XXB configuration." etc...01:24
_Nickafter choosing broken, every search options were deselected, I preesed ok and nothin happens01:24
Bassettsnevermind, you have to press them exactly at the same time01:24
kmiloNogimics, apt-get install grub01:24
Bassettslol thanks jason01:24
n30nkmilo: it's gedit right? or is it sudo gedit?01:24
kmiloNoWhereToTurn, apt-get install grub01:24
mutanteNoWhereToTurn: it means it failed to install grub, a bootmanager01:24
nickrudseife, ok, that's alternate icons (I made my own brown ones) If it's a good icon pack, just dragging & dropping the tar.bz2 file onto the theme manager will work.01:24
kmilon30n, sudo gedit01:25
_jasonBassetts: if you press alt first and then t while holding down alt, it may be a little easier01:25
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libdmbwhats the apt-get command to remove completely?01:25
Bassetts_jason: thanks01:25
stalefrieswhooper, hm, do you mean XKB, or XXB? Either way, no idea how to fix it. Try again?01:25
Joedeticfound it nm01:25
NoWhereToTurnI know what grub is thanks.. without it I can not boot any of the other distros nor Windows01:25
mutanteapt-get remove --purge ?01:25
_jasonlibdmb: apt-get remove --purge01:25
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nickrudseanb64, ask again, possibly someone will pick up where the last guy left off01:25
libdmboh thanks01:25
seifenickrud: no, it displays just the blue ones and i want the gray ones01:25
kmilolibdmb, apt-get remove01:25
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kmilolibdmb, and dpkg --purge01:25
nickrudseife, ok, gimme a link to the tar.bz2, I'll look at it01:25
jinhodoes anyone here use THunar?01:25
n30nis there a way to make it ask me for my password less?01:25
libdmbgo tit01:25
libdmbgot it*01:25
stalefriesadministrador: escribe "/j #ubuntu-es"01:26
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kmilon30n, compile sudo01:26
acke_How do i check my screen resolution?01:26
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stalefriesacke-, System>Preferences>Screen Resolution01:27
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n30nkmilo: oh right. i knew that... I'm gettin rusty at this... :(01:27
nickrudkmilo, you have to compile sudo to change the 15 minute thingo :( ?01:27
NoWhereToTurnI am installing Ubuntu on hba14 that should not cause problems with getting a bootloader installed on hda1 should it?01:27
seanb64can someone help me out? I have redownloaded and reburned a live CD once, and whenever I try to boot, it goes past the splash, and shows an error that says X failed to start because it may not be configured correctly01:27
stalefriesacke_, look above01:27
=== KickStandimus [n=anthonym@CPE-69-76-229-109.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
thomasManybody know how i can disable ctrl alt backspace from killing X?01:27
jinhoI am a newb and Im used to seeing executibles as .exe, but I'm sorta confused how executibles work in Linux and I'd really appreciate it if someone could explain how to use them in linux01:27
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KickStandimuscan somebody perhaps aid me with my wireless woes?01:28
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stalefriesjinho: they often don't have extensions01:28
krazykitthomasM: it's something you put in xorg.conf.  called nozap.  i'm not familiar with it though01:28
acke_stalefries according to that I have 1024x800 which isnt what i should have. i changed the resolution in xorg.conf. but i dont know if those settings are used01:28
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kmilon30n, with configure --with-timeout=66601:28
thomasMkrazykit i've done that, but its not working.01:28
stalefriesacke_: try rebooting01:28
jinhostalefries: why is that? it seems more natural to have an extension01:28
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nickrudn30n, there's an option for /etc/sudoers, timestamp_timeout that controls how long timeout is01:28
thomasMkrazykit, do you know if there's a certain header i have to put it under?01:28
KickStandimusmy wireless networks will show up on the network appelet but I can't connect to the internet01:28
mutantejinho: in Linux a file extension doesnt tell you if its executable or not for sure, you can use the "file" comamnds on a file to check its type, better01:29
krazykitthomasM: oh, there is, but i dunno where.  lemme look01:29
acke_stalefries dont help. but are there no other way to check wither it uses my settings in xorg.conf orthe settings in screen resolution appen01:29
n30nnickrud: no i mean when i open anything in the administration it asks for password.01:29
thomasMSection "ServerFlags" ???01:29
stalefriesjinho: i don't know, ask the guys who invented UNIX, they're the own who made all these basic choices. Sometimes you also find .bin files, like 'binary"01:29
krazykitthomasM: yeah, section serverflags01:29
mutantejinho: if you want to make a file executable you would do it with "chmod +x" x for eXecutable, and then start it like ./file if its in the current directory01:29
n30nnickrud: if i use sudo it asks for password01:29
NoWhereToTurnWhich install for drapper should one use on old hardware including a serial mouse? The alternate one? I have been trying to get Ubuntu installed on this box for a day and have had problems01:29
thomasMk well thats in there, but its still not working.01:29
seifenickrud: http://art.gnome.org/themes/icon/115001:30
krazykitthomasM: Option "DontZap"01:30
thomasMkrazykit, does xgl have anything to do with it?01:30
stalefriesacke_: in the screen resolution options window, try changing it01:30
KickStandimusI can't seem to get wireless working with dapper. It recognizes my wireless networks , but upon giving my pass word and connecting, I can't do anything online01:30
krazykitthomasM: it might, but i don't think you need "yes" there.01:30
KickStandimusSomebody help with this?01:30
=== EinZteiN [n=einztein@a213-22-54-201.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu
thomasMKickStandimus make sure your gateway is set.01:30
jinhomutante: but that's assuming that the file you have is something that is executable to begin with?01:30
acke_stalefries when i change to 1024xXXX nothing happends when i chose 800x640 my system crashes01:30
thomasMthanks crazykit, i'll give it a try.01:31
nickrudn30n, I just opened bum, gave the password, then immediately opened gdmsetup ; no password for gdmsetup01:31
KickStandimusMeaning what thomas01:31
KickStandimushow do I do that?01:31
seanb64am I blocked or something?01:31
stalefriesacke_: you have reached the ends of my knowledge. I'd try google from now on, or ask someone else. Sorry01:31
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seifenickrud: got it?01:31
nickrudseife, looking now01:31
n30nOh i see what's goin on now01:31
mutantejinho: yes,but it could be a binary executable, something that you can compare to .exe ,or it could be a script in different scripting languages, something you could compare to .bat files01:31
KickStandimusCan somebody help me with some wireless problems please?01:31
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mutantejinho: try out the "file" command, file <filename>01:32
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jinhomutante: sure thing01:32
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seanb64KickStandimus, Dont' hold your breath, I've been trying for a while now01:32
KickStandimusyeah I hear ya01:32
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acke_stalefries, thanks been working on this for a while. googled ubuntu wiki and so on.. >o hard to find a solution01:33
bimberiseanb64: hit F1 at the boot prompt and explore the boot options.  For example the "vga=" one01:33
seanb64ok, here we go again...01:33
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seanb64and which should I use?01:33
mutantejinho: if you write a textfile in any editor, and put shell commands into it, you can just save it, (the name or extension doesnt matter at all) and make it executable (chmod) and then it can be started01:33
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KickStandimussomebody, need help with wireless networking. Anybody01:34
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bimberiseanb64: i don't know, you'll need to read what they are and choose something appopriate to your situation01:34
n30nI'm getting an error: "E: Type 'I' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list01:34
n30nE: The list of sources could not be read.01:34
n30nGo to the repository dialog to correct the problem." and the first line of /ect/apt/sources.list is: "I s#01:34
n30n# deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 6.06 _Dapper Drake_ - Release i386 (20060531)] / dapper main restricted"01:34
jinhomutante: what's the exact syntax to use chmod?01:34
mutantejinho: for making a file executable: chmod +x filename01:35
crimsun_n30n: so delete that "I s#"01:35
dooglusn30n: you can make sudo ask for your password less often by setting a high value for timestamp_timeout in sudoers01:35
mutanteof course it all depends what you want to achieve, its a complex command01:35
n30ndooglus: thanks. i did.01:35
dooglusn30n: see "man sudoers" for more info01:35
slewhi. sometimes it seems like there is a lot of transfer activity after i close azureus. is it possible to find out what exaclty is being transferred?01:35
n30ncrimsun_: so i need to delete that? ok01:35
nickrudseife, ok, you need to do a few steps. first, tar xf ICON-UnofficialTango.tar.bz2 , then cd Tango01:35
dooglusn30n: oh, ok.  all I saw was someone telling you to recompile sudo :)01:35
n30ndooglus: thanks01:36
_Nickstalefries: the broken packages are: lib6 and lib6-i686, nut they are essential, so that 1174 mb will be free01:36
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_Nick*nut = but01:36
thomasMhey krazykit, thanks a lot, that did the trick. no more accidentally killing X or Xgl.01:37
krazykitthomasM: yep :-)01:37
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stalefries_Nick: try marking them for reinstall? I don't know. you could try that01:37
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=== Concord_Dawn [n=Concord@xtreme-150-79.dyn.aci.on.ca] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudslew, ethereal is a great tool for analyzing your net traffic.01:37
plopcrimsun_: unfortunately ap does not log anything01:37
stalefries_Nick: you mean libc6, right?01:37
seifenickrud: ok now what?01:37
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.01:37
_Nickya sorry01:38
plopcrimsun_: openwrt01:38
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nickrudseife, rm -r 16x16 22x22 scaleable01:38
MasqyIs someone familiar with the problem of VLC and XMMS not wanting to be heard together ?01:38
slewnickrud, thanks! =] 01:38
_Nickthey cannot be reinstalled by synaptic i guess01:38
Masqyi.e. when xmms is opened, I don't have sound in VLC01:38
TokenBadok a family member converted our wedding from vhs to dvd and sent it to us...how can I rip those files from the dvd to computer in linux?01:38
dooglusslew: "tcpdump" is a good tool too if you want something easy to run01:38
stalefries_Nick; did you try?01:39
dooglusslew: it'll just show every packet in a terminal.  that's often enough to know what's going on01:39
seifeok now what nickrud01:39
grndslmMasy, try alsa-oss01:39
nickrudseife, cp depreciated/* .01:39
thomasMtokenbad use acidrip01:39
stalefriesMasqy: it's an OSS vs. ALSA issue. look 'em up01:39
slewdooglus, thanks! =] 01:39
=== wubrgamer [n=chatzill@c-68-33-190-196.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
grndslmMasqy, see if "sudo aptitude install alsa-oss"01:39
dooglusslew: after closing azureus, it takes a while for all the people you were sharing with to realise that you've stopped sharing, so they'll continue to try to connect with your azureus port for a while.  they won't get very far, but it'll show up as traffic01:39
_NickI didn't find this option there01:39
wubrgameris arabic read right to left ?01:40
n30nHey, so with the source at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 can i just copy the source and throw it in my ect/apt/source.list file?01:40
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KickStandimusCan somebody please help me with my wireless adapter? I'm told the network is 'unreachable' but I can see the network in the network application01:40
seifenickrud: it says cp: omitting directory `deprecated/16x16'01:40
seifecp: omitting directory `deprecated/22x22'01:40
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wubrgamerjust wondering01:40
TassaDarKok crimsun_ ,seems to work, i can play a mp3 in xmms & an avi file in totem at once, but a youtube video in opera uses 100% of my soundcard, is because opera (or flash) don't use alsa?01:40
slewdooglus, yah, but im talking about a LOT of traffic hours later01:40
_Nickthrough a right click01:40
wubrgameris arabic read right to left ?01:40
KickStandimussomebody help me with my wireless adapter please?01:40
detectiveinspekthaha slew i told the guy to f off01:40
nickrudseife, cp -r depreciated/* . (sorry, always forget the recursive flag)01:40
n30nwubrgamer: google arabic reading01:40
wubrgamerwhat kinda help do yoiu need ? what kind of adapter do you hvae ?01:40
slewdetectiveinspekt, =]  cheers!01:40
KickStandimusI have an smc wubrgamer01:40
stalefrieswubrgamer: yes01:41
wubrgamerdude, i was just polling, and i'm also in the room to help01:41
crimsun_TassaDarK: blame Flash.01:41
wubrgamersmc ?01:41
wubrgamerthank you01:41
seifenickrud: ok now what01:41
slewdetectiveinspekt, i shoulda just asked here, this is where all the nice people are.01:41
dooglusslew: 'ntop' is useful too.  it runs in the background gathering information about network traffic, and can draw pretty graphs and stuff, showing who is connecting the most, which port, etc.01:41
n30nwubrgamer: oh. sorry.01:41
TassaDarKfucking flash!01:41
wubrgamerdo you have a laptop or desktop ?01:41
crimsun_TassaDarK: workaround: ``apt-get install alsa-oss'' (in universe), then use ``aoss opera''01:41
KickStandimusdesktop wubrgamer01:41
wubrgamers`okay n30n01:41
slewdooglus, ooh cool pretty is nice!01:41
Masqygrndslm: this should solve the problem ?01:41
nickrudseife, now cd .. && mv Tango ~/.icons01:41
wubrgamerright, and the wireless model ?01:41
SAM_themanHehe I am install qemu01:41
detectiveinspektyea, ubuntu is nice01:41
KickStandimusI don't know, how do I find out wubrgamer01:41
dooglusslew: I think to be honest it's firefox that actually does the drawing - ntop spits out the HTML though01:41
SAM_theman*hehe I am installing qemu01:41
seifenickrud: explain whats that cd . . && ?01:41
wubrgamerurguh, did you not install it ?01:41
KickStandimuswubrgamer: Yes but it was like 6 months ago01:42
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wubrgamerserial numbers will help, figure out your maker and model number dude..........01:42
=== chowells2 [n=chris@host-87-75-129-37.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
yurifhi guys!01:42
wubrgameri forgot how to get that info out of bash dude, sry01:42
nickrudseife, cd .. means change directories to the parent directory, and the && means only do the next command if the previous one was successful01:42
KickStandimuswubrgamer: Is there a cammand I can type to find that out01:42
KickStandimuswubrgamer:crap okay01:42
dooglusslew: and 'etherape' will draw real-time pictures of network activity, with the busiest hosts drawn as the biggest circles01:42
wubrgameri forgot how to get that info out of bash dude, sry01:42
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SAM_themanLook at my sexy ubuntu01:42
=== brainsick [n=todd@rrcs-67-53-237-94.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
yurifHow I load my GFORCE MX-400001:42
KickStandimuswubrgamer: but isn't it odd that It can see networks but not connect?01:42
wubrgamerwhat ?01:43
SAM_themanIts still not finsished!!01:43
TassaDarKcrimsun_ the solution you gave me before is for all applications or applications using alsa, or aoss or what?01:43
JohnsonEok so still I try to install the vmware server and it says "A previous installation of VMware software has been detected." when i have uninstalled vmware-player as much as i could.01:43
n30nAre people paid to come and help or are you all like me and just come because we all have nothing better to do01:43
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KickStandimuswubrgamer: The networking utility can see my network and my neighbors as well01:43
seifenickrud: cp: omitting directory `deprecated/16x16'01:43
seifecp: omitting directory `deprecated/22x22'01:43
wubrgamercan you do me a favor and download network-manager gnome thru synaptic and tell me what you've got ?01:43
yurifSomeone Help me?01:43
krazykitn30n: mostly the latter.01:43
KickStandimuswubrgamer:in network settings01:43
wubrgamercan you do me a favor and download network-manager gnome thru synaptic and tell me what you've got ?01:43
SAM_themanyurif, yes01:43
seifenickrud: mv: cannot stat `Tango': No such file or directory01:43
n30nyurif: whats the prob mate01:43
slewdooglus, thanks again! you must really like to monitor your network. dont blame ya..01:43
SAM_themanyurif, that is an old nvidia card01:43
wubrgamerit's a gui front-end and REALLY sexy daemon01:43
KickStandimuswubrgamer:I can't download if i cannot connect01:43
wubrgamerwire ?01:43
ubotunvidia is, like, Help about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia01:43
yurifok! Then What I have to do?01:44
nickrudseife, what does pwd tell you right now?01:44
SAM_themanyurif, ok ok...geez01:44
wubrgamercan you download it onto a flashdrive and install the package ?01:44
dooglusSAM_theman: XFCE?01:44
yurifSAM_theman, what I do?01:44
seifenickrud: explain men my english is not good01:44
n30nis ubotu a bot or is that just a strangly bot like name01:44
SAM_themanyurif, "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx"01:44
nickrudseife, print working directory, where you are right now in the file system01:44
brainsickI'm trying to dual-boot Windows 2000 and Linux from separate partitions of a single HD.  I installed Windows first, went through the whole Windows update process (which requires /several/ reboots), then I installed Dapper.  When choosing Windows 2000 from the GRUB menu, windows blue screens during bootup and gives a INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE.  Any thoughts?01:44
KickStandimuswubrgamer: get it off of source forge or something01:44
krazykitn30n: it's a bot.01:44
crimsun_TassaDarK: the workaround works for /some/ oss-only applications.01:44
n30nkrazykit: ok i thought so01:44
seifenickrud: im in home folder01:44
SAM_themandooglus, nope gnome 2.1401:44
wubrgamerhow bout you download it off of synaptic ?01:44
seifei didnt understand that mv tango...01:44
nickrudseife, and does ls show Tango?01:44
Masqyalso-oss didn't change a thing.. I opened XMMS and then when openning VLC got no sound.. is a restart needed ?01:44
jjazzKickStandimus: iwscan can tell you how strong the signal is from the WAP to your box.  Not sure if it's in the ubuntu base install or not.01:45
dooglusSAM_theman: what's the thing at the top with the icons on it?  is that a gnome panel?01:45
SAM_themandooglus, nope01:45
KickStandimuswubrgamer: like i said, this is my only pc linux box and I can't connect01:45
seifenickrud: it just show Desktop01:45
SAM_themandooglus, gdesklets01:45
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wubrgameroh, sry dude, umm.......01:45
jjazzKickStandimus: er..  I mean iwlist.  Sorry.01:45
dooglusSAM_theman: eww.  do they work OK now?01:45
yurifSAM_theman, I already install that package!01:45
nickrudseife, where did you unpack the tar.bz2 file at then?01:45
wubrgamercan someone else help this guy ?01:45
KickStandimusokay hold on jjazz01:45
=== AJ004 [n=ajulius@207-38-195-55.c3-0.wsd-ubr1.qens-wsd.ny.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
SAM_themandooglus, Yes Sir01:45
AJ004google rocks01:45
KickStandimusjust a second01:45
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AJ004google earth is FINALLY ON LINUX!01:45
n30nWhat are the "(restricted)" things in Synaptic01:45
seifenickrud: into desktop01:45
AJ004now i can use linux 24/7 :)01:45
seifenow i am on desktop folder01:45
KickStandimusjjazz: what kind of output are you looking for?01:46
dooglusAJ004: via WINE, I presume?01:46
AJ004question:  HOW DO I INSTALL A .BIN01:46
seifenickrud: i put the mv Tango ~/.icons and it tells me that cant overwrite01:46
acke_IM trying to configure screen resolutions i found this https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/edgy/+package/fglrx-control can i run the control or it is not a runnable app?01:46
AJ004dooglus its a .bin01:46
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SAM_themanyurif, "sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_backup"01:46
dooglusAJ004: you "chmod +x" it, then you "./file.bin"01:46
yurifSAM_theman, when I do nvidia-glx-config enable, dont work right!01:46
kanaBShi all01:46
nickrudseife, ah, you have to delete the original Tango icons then: sudo rm -r ~/.icons/Tango01:46
SAM_themanyurif, What u mean?01:46
MasqyIs someone familiar with the problem of VLC and XMMS not wanting to be heard together ? ( I have just installed alsa-oss).. any further advices?01:46
dooglusAJ004: but I think you'll find the .bin will install WINE, and gearth.exe, the windows version...01:46
jjazzKickStandimus: sudo iwlist eth0 scan should include "signal level" among the outputs.01:46
seifenickrud: the pack or the Tango folder?01:47
n30nyurif: i think you need to use sudo01:47
nickrudseife, then mv ~/Desktop/Tango ~/.icons01:47
crimsun_Masqy: set vlc and xmms each to use alsa01:47
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SAM_themanyurif, "http://krazypenguin.net/Ubuntu_Dapper_Drake_6.06_Guide#How_to_install_Graphics_Driver_.28NVIDIA.29"01:47
KickStandimusjjazz: shouldn't it be ath0?01:47
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nickrudseife, the Tango folder in ~/.icons01:47
Masqycrimsun_: is that simple?01:47
seanb64_Thanks guys, but F1 did absolutely nothing01:47
jjazzKickStandimus: Whatever it is on your box.  If it's ath0, then go with that.01:47
crimsun_Masqy: yes, see the preferences for both applications01:47
yurifSAM_theman, The next task is execute nvidia-glx-config enable?01:47
MasqyI don't have alsa option01:47
SAM_themanyurif, yeah01:48
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=== nickrud wants a laptop, but this wireless stuff seems so darned issue filled :)
brainsickI'm trying to dual-boot Windows 2000 and Linux from separate partitions of a single HD.  I installed Windows first, went through the whole Windows update process (which requires /several/ reboots), then I installed Dapper.  When choosing Windows 2000 from the GRUB menu, windows blue screens during bootup and gives a INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE.  Any thoughts?  I've used this setup successfully with Breezy.01:48
n30nDoes dapper have support for the newer nvidia on board chips01:48
crimsun_Masqy: in xmms? sure you do. audio i/o plugins under preferences.01:48
AJ004no its not wine01:48
yurifSAM_theman, Because I already try that and I cant load my nvidia card!01:48
KickStandimusjjazz: Okay yes, it has cells 01 through 04, 04 is my network01:48
acke_how do I make the desktop icons smaller??01:48
seifenickrud: done, now whut01:48
n30ni seem to remember having to kill myself when i installed the older verson01:48
SAM_themanyurif, o wait01:48
MasqyI meant in VLC, I have 4 options:01:48
jjazzKickStandimus: And what's the signal level for cell 04?01:48
AJ004its native linux it looks like01:49
Healotbrainsick: is your disk basic or dynamic?01:49
crimsun_Masqy: check the advanced options.01:49
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RancidLMhow do i enable switch usr/hybernate... right now if click "logout switch users hibernate" it just boots me out into login prompt back in gdm... any suggestions any one?01:49
jjazzKickStandimus: It should be a negative number01:49
seanb64_any other ideas?01:49
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nickrudseife, ok, now cp -r ~/Desktop/Tango ~/.icons01:49
KickStandimusjjazz: -73dBm01:49
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crimsun_Masqy: make sure both vlc and xmms are set to use "default", not "hw:0,0" or something along those lines01:49
MasqyDefault, OSS, dummyfile and file audio output01:49
SAM_themanyurif, Go here and follow the steps for older cards ok01:49
KickStandimusjjazz: actually cell 03 is a network of the same name and it has a signal of -78 dBm01:49
jjazzKickStandimus: That's pretty low.  I usually can't connect below around -60dBm.01:49
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n30nrancidLM: i don't understand what you mean.01:49
nickrudseife, now, if all is good, you have Tango in the Themes preferences, using the grey folders01:50
crimsun_Masqy: are you using breezy (5.10)?01:50
jjazzKickStandimus: What's the name?01:50
Masqyusing breezy01:50
SAM_themanyurif, http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html01:50
KickStandimusjjazz:I have my laptop here and I can connect01:50
MasqyXMMS uses ALSA01:50
acke_My icons on the Desktop are huge.. My pdf files takes a 1/4 of the desktop by it self (not really 1/4)  but how do i make them smaller?01:50
crimsun_Masqy: sudo apt-get install vlc-plugin-alsa01:50
KickStandimusjjazz: the name of the network? what does it matter?01:50
SAM_themanyurif, Dapper right?01:50
AJ004i cant believe google........ they are finally moving over to linux01:50
AJ004about time01:50
plopcrimsun_: ok, ill try the wireless more deeply tomorow, thx for your help :)01:50
yurifSAM_theman, ok!01:50
seanb64_I'm somehow logged in twice01:50
AJ004when the next linux distros come out after the google summer of code 200601:50
seifenickrud: cp: cannot stat `/home/seife/Desktop/Tango': No such file or directory01:50
jjazzKickStandimus: I'm just wondering if the name is "default" or something like that01:50
AJ004linux is gonna overtake microsoft01:50
RancidLMn30n: you know whe u click the logout button and your prompt to switch users/hybernate/logout ?.. i don't get that i just go straight back to gdm01:50
SAM_themanyurif, roger...01:50
dooglusAJ004: yes, that's right.  I'm surprised, but it looks like it's native.  I saw what they did with Picasa (ie. bundled it with WINE) and guessed they'd be doing the same with Earth, but no.01:50
AJ004for the first time :)01:50
n30nAJ004: I thought they did linux a while ago01:50
Masqycrimsun_: trying that... I think that should do it.01:51
KickStandimusjjazz: no nothing like that01:51
AJ004n30n:  No this is NATIVE LINUX as dooglus pointed out01:51
KickStandimusjjazz: but they both have odd names.01:51
plopanyone have synaptics working well ?01:51
AJ004dooglus:  Turns out for picassa they were experimenting01:51
ubotuI guess touchpad is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticsTouchpadHowTo01:51
jjazzKickStandimus: I'm not sure why it would come up twice.  Do you have multiple WAPs?01:51
nickrudseife, I have grey icons everywhere but for Documents on my desktop01:51
n30nAJ004: i see.01:51
brainsickHealot: can we discuss via /msg?01:51
AJ004dooglus:  I think linux is gonna finally overtake windows since VISTA sucks balls01:51
yurifSAM_theman, ops!01:51
seanb64_that'll be the day01:51
KickStandimusjjazz: same address....01:52
yurifSAM_theman, roger that! :D01:52
AJ004dooglus:  Ubuntu dapper is nice........ just needs a few bugfixes such as gtk bugs01:52
SAM_themanyurif, lol01:52
JohnsonEa lot of linux commands seem too complex for the average computer user though01:52
AJ004which should be fixed by the next release01:52
n30nAJ004: Vista is great for people that don't work with computers (common folk who just use computers for email)01:52
yurifSAM_theman, I will read the url!01:52
nickrudseife, you changed the Tango folder, you must know where it is01:52
AJ004n30n:  linux still doesnt work with some media formats tho01:52
dooglusAJ004: OS/X is much more widespread than Linux isn't it?01:52
SAM_themanyurif, ok01:52
Masqygee.. I should have asked that question 3 months ago.. it's so simple.. thanks crimsun_01:52
AJ004n30n:  even after installing easyubuntu01:52
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seanb64_ok, so, I have been trying to boot off of this CD for 2 hours01:52
jjazzKickStandimus: OK.  Well, low signal strength could be a factor.  Your laptop being able to connect doesn't mean much.  Different machines will have different abilities to pull in signals.  Still, do sudo ifconfig ath0.01:52
seanb64_it says it cant start X01:53
dooglusAJ004: even if Windows disappeared overnight, Linux would still be a minority OS01:53
kmiloAJ004, legal problems, patents01:53
jjazzKickStandimus: And tell me what the ESSID is set to01:53
RancidLMn30n: on top of that if i goto gdm and tryto hybernate it says i have the privilages to do so01:53
n30nAJ004: I try to convert files i get to be usable by linux codex01:53
rhyddinhey, anyone know whats up with the corrupt widgets in dapper?01:53
AJ004kmilo:  All we need is a slightly commercial linux distro or some hackers who make it free even if it has patents01:53
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nickrudrhyddin, which ones?01:53
n30nRacidLM: are you not administrative?01:53
seifedidnt work01:53
nickrudseife, worked here, those steps01:54
AJ004kmilo:  maybe google could subsidize it for free as well01:54
KickStandimusjjazz: it doesn't say anthing about essid actually01:54
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seifenickrud: didnt here01:54
kmiloAJ004, some hackers made it: mplayer01:54
XiXaQsomeone wants to transfer a large file over to my system right now. DCC in IRC doesn't work. Any quick fixes? Please include my nickname as I'm back and forth (It's the middle of the night here)01:54
jjazzKickStandimus: Oops.  Make that iwconfig, not ifconfig.01:54
AJ004kmilo thats a possibility... google could buy the patents and give em back to linux01:54
RancidLMn30n: i haven't changed any settings i, all i have done recently is installed packages from synaptec01:54
rhyddinnickrud: well, its not consistent, sometimes I have corrupt widgets, sometimes I dont .. the only post in the forum I can find about it indicates buggy ati drivers .. not sure if there is any more data available though01:54
AJ004kmilo:  I have the easyubuntu package and it still wont run formats correctly01:54
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n30nRancidLM: dapper?01:54
jjazzKickStandimus: Does the ESSID match the WAP you're trying to connect to?01:54
KickStandimusjjazz: yeah it says the network i want01:54
AJ004kmilo:  It installed all the players and codecs too01:54
AJ004kmilo is there something else i need?01:55
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nickrudrhyddin, ah, ati, thanks. I get to ignore ith then. Someone said googleearth screwed up badly with ati as well.01:55
RancidLMn30n: yes 6.0601:55
jjazzKickStandimus: Well, it's looking for the right network but not connecting.  Does your network require a WEP key?01:55
seanb64_anyone else have any ideas?01:55
SAM_themanHow I launch a live cd with qemu??01:55
seifenickrud:  read pm01:55
kmiloAJ004, compile the software by your self01:55
n30nRancidLM: did you do the alternate install or the desktop?01:55
nickrudseife, I didn't get it. are you registered?01:55
KickStandimusjjazz: Yes and I've entered it properly01:55
=== RyanTMulligan [n=rmulliga@d192-24-129-98.nap.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
AJ004nickrud:  You need the 3d drivers for ati that are part of easyubuntu01:56
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AJ004nickrud:  With those google earth and ATI are fine01:56
kmiloAJ004, the "hackers who make it free even if it has patents" make the code but ubuntu don't ship it01:56
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nickrudAJ004, no, I need nvidia, which I have :)01:56
AJ004oh ok01:56
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rhyddinnickrud: hehe, well, i dont know about google earth .01:56
RancidLMn30n: desktop, and on that note it did alow me to hybernate for some time until recently when i tried to get apache/php/webmin on it01:56
KickStandimusjjazz: I can see all of this through the network setting utility01:56
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Bassettsdoes anyone know in gedit, when you type to the left of something, what stops it deleting the character to the right?01:56
AJ004kmilo:  Like if I watched marissa mayer's video (she works for google....) it wont work on linux01:56
n30nRancidLM: what you could do is see if creating a new user will help. go to cmd and sudo (username)-config-prepare01:56
dooglusBassetts: press the 'insert' key01:56
KickStandimusjjazz: but it won't remember any of my setting when I quit01:56
AJ004and google is LINUX friendly01:56
jjazzKickStandimus: I've never actually used that utility.01:56
spine55does anyone have any problems viewing dvd's with xgl enabled?01:57
Bassettscheers dooglus01:57
AJ004i had to use windows to watch it :(01:57
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seanb64_thank you please?01:57
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Bassettsdooglus: i hate catching that key, always forget it01:57
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jjazzKickStandimus: You could temporarily turn off the WEP at the router just to see if the problem is the authentication.01:57
KickStandimusjjazz: okay well mydefault gateway is set to ath 0 and I've given it all of this information01:57
KickStandimusjjazz: good idea for short term01:57
jjazzKickStandimus: Your gateway isn't ath001:57
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n30nAJ004: thats because it was designed in windows. I use converters to convert the format of vids to ones i can use on linux01:58
KickStandimusjjazz: yeah it is...01:58
jjazzKickStandimus: gateway should be a dotted quad.  It's the ip of your router.01:58
n30nAJ004: metoo i believe its called is a good one01:58
kmiloAJ004, the buy patents for free software: http://www.openinventionnetwork.com01:58
KickStandimusjjazz: okay that is what this utility says. I mean gateway device01:58
KickStandimusjjazz:not gateway01:58
Bassettsis there a good wysiwyg editor around?? i heard of nv something01:58
jjazzKickStandimus: Ah, ok.  That makes more sense.01:58
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dooglusBassetts: for HTML?01:59
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Bassettsyes dooglus01:59
Bassettsand css01:59
kmiloBassetts, nvu01:59
XiXaQplease... This is rather important to me. If I cannot find another suitable way, can someone lend me 70MB on an ftp account please?01:59
Bassettscheers kmilo01:59
KickStandimusjjazz: if i change this, will it boot my other computers off the network. removing the wep i mean01:59
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dooglusBassetts: nvu then I guess01:59
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Bassettsthanks dooglus02:00
AJ004kmilo:  i think eventually linux will have no patent issues cause cant google or a big firm just license the patents and give em back free to linux02:00
jjazzKickStandimus: It should not, but that's a function of your router, so I couldn't really say.02:00
AJ004ie subsidize em02:00
AJ004google gives googlepack for free02:00
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KickStandimusjjazz: wireless security is selected as wpa2 personal not wep...might that be what is causing this02:00
Bassettsubuntu is the best thing since sliced bread, apart from wget. only thing i have to use windows for is photoshop now =) and thats in a VM02:00
AJ004how do i run google earth?02:01
AJ004theres no icon02:01
LAloIHola !!!02:01
nickrudAJ004, that is a wishful thing, but do you realize how much that might cost!!02:01
dooglusXiXaQ: how about installing an FTP server, or rsync, or sshd, or anything which they can use to send it to you?02:01
jjazzKickStandimus: Yeah, I don't know.  Wireless security isn't my area.  I've only set up WEP... once... a couple years ago.02:01
ToHellWithGAis there any way to remove sidenet?  it completely borked my wine installation02:01
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nickrudAJ004, it's under internet in the menu02:01
AJ004nickrud:  For a company like google, not much02:01
MarcNAJ004: type googleearth at the command line02:01
dooglusXiXaQ: even 'nc -l' would do02:01
kmiloBassetts, change wget for prozilla02:01
KickStandimusjjazz: okay ill try some thing. hold on a minute though02:01
XiXaQdooglus, what does nc -l do?02:01
Bassettskmilo, why02:01
AJ004marcn thanks...... turns out there is nothing in internet, how do i add it?02:01
RancidLMn30n: yes that worked so thiers something wrong with my user account, any suggestions on how to fix this02:01
delireAJ004: the concept of software patents is itself becoming invalid in many countries. but yes, IBM, Nokia 'donate' patents to protect Linux.02:01
Bassettswget is my baby02:01
dooglusXiXaQ: 'nc -l' makes a listening 'nc'.  see 'man nc'02:02
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nickrudAJ004, if you didn't request it during the install, use alacarte to modify the menu02:02
seanb64_I've been trying to get this doen for hours02:02
MarcNAJ004: did you download and it install it?02:02
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kmiloBassetts, i think you don't like it02:02
seanb64_please help me out!02:02
AJ004marcn yes i did02:02
AJ004i dont have a menu for it02:02
XiXaQdooglus, my brother wants to send me one of my grandfathers cds, but I don't know how to let him.02:02
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seanb64_I've been trying fr hours02:02
AJ004marcn:  i tried googleearth from command line, didnt work02:02
dooglusseanb64_: can you state your problem clearly please?  I tried scrolling up to find it, but it must have been a long time ago02:02
delireBassetts: a powerful little app. wget -c <url> for resumeable downloads also.02:02
dooglusXiXaQ: he's running Windows?02:03
Bassettsdelire: mainly why i love it =)02:03
MatthewvI'm having trouble printing black correctly on hp psc 1410 connected to a dapper machine: it is printed as a combination of colours, so running out of colour makes blackk go really funny (red)02:03
XiXaQdooglus, I don't have that much time. Do you know of a quich solution?02:03
MarcNAJ004: you may have downloaded it, but did you install it?02:03
XiXaQdooglus, I don't know, why?02:03
AJ004MarcN I installed it02:03
cgeHow can I keep the cpufreq_stats kernel module from loading? /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist seems to be ineffective.02:03
delireBassetts: ;)02:03
Bassettsdelire: that small little c has saved me so much time02:03
AJ004MarcN:  Should i reinstall it?02:03
delireBassetts: it's one for the keyring that's for sure..02:03
ubotumethinks qemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo or http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=200357&postcount=102:03
MarcNAJ004: it should have put a link to googleearth in your ~/bin/ directory02:03
dooglusXiXaQ: if you don't know what he's running, it's hard to tell you how he can transfer a file to you02:03
Bassettsplus wget maxes out my connection prety much every time =)02:03
kaghi everybody, I have a Diamond FireGL 1000 AGP card, and I cannot change the refresh rate from 60Hz to something higher. Where should I look first to work this out?02:03
dooglusXiXaQ: how about getting him to email it in 4 parts or something?02:04
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nickrudkag, at !fixres below02:04
Matthewvkag, have you checked /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:04
ubotuHelp to fix the display resolution is available at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:04
KickStandimusjjazz: shit that didn't work02:04
AJ004nope, nothing in /bin02:04
XiXaQdooglus, it's sixty megabytes. But never mind. I'll ask him to ship it via snailmail.02:04
=== Sir_Brizz [n=brizz@c-71-199-41-2.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudkag, look up02:04
kmiloAJ004, the Penguin Liberation Front make packages for patent trouble applications02:04
gpmhey guys. i want to copy all the .* stuff (.gnome, .gaim, etc.) but NOT the other stuff in a folder...how do i do that? i tried cp -R ~/.* ...but it copied the normal non . folders too..thanks!02:05
MarcNAJ004: I said ~/bin, not /bin -- that is /home/yourusername/bin/  directory02:05
dooglusXiXaQ: that's why I suggested 4 parts.  20Mb is OK for a gmail attachment02:05
kagMatthewv: yes, but everything looks fine to me (a relatively newbie)02:05
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seanb64_I downloaded and reburned the cd twice02:05
seanb64_and it seems to boot normally, but after the splash, it says it can't start the X server02:05
ToHellWithGASAM_theman: is qemu the kind of thing i can use to run a full installation of windows with USB support then freeze it until i need it again?02:05
KickStandimusjjazz:unless I have to restart my router after making a change?02:05
jjazzKickStandimus: damn.  I don't know what to tell you.  We've reached the end of my list of things to try.02:05
delireBassetts: you can use wget --limit-rate=<rate> if it's choking your line..02:05
jjazzKickStandimus: No, most routers make changes immediately.02:05
n30nRancidLM: other than creating a new user not really no.02:05
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nickrudToHellWithGA, theoretically, yes02:05
XiXaQdooglus, so he has to send four mails, or can he make four attachements to one single mail?02:05
Matthewvkag, so the monitor is capable of higher refresh rate, and those rates are written in xorg.conf02:05
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seanb64_and thats it02:05
KickStandimusjjazz: okay , thanks for you help dude, I'll try a few more things02:05
n30nRancidLM: i'm sure theres a way but, i don't know it02:05
jjazzKickStandimus: good luck02:05
AJ004its in Google-Earth02:05
Bassettsdelire: nope, its fine, i like it maxing my connection, normally if im downloading i want it full speed02:05
dooglusseanb64_: the 'desktop' dapper cd?02:05
delireBassetts: ;)02:06
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and see also !javadebs02:06
KickStandimusjjazz: if you think of anything else let me know02:06
jjazzKickStandimus: Will do02:06
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kagMatthewv: oh right, let me check that02:06
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Bassettsdelire: especially as i normally leave it downloading 2gig+ files02:06
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dooglusXiXaQ: I'm not sure.  but 4 mails is better - then if one fails, he only has to send that one again.02:06
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seanb64_the desktop distribution of PPC Dapper02:06
dooglusXiXaQ: if he's on windows though, he probably won't know how to split it into 4 parts.02:06
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lenny__hi. how can I install mp3 support on ubuntu?02:06
n30nWhat's kubuntu02:06
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ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, basbryan02:07
seanb64_ubuntu with a k02:07
ubotuwell, restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats. This page's intent is to enable you to play most non-free media formats that are not DRM encoded. Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats.02:07
dooglusn30n: it's ubuntu with KDE instead of GNOME02:07
yurifSam_theman, thx!02:07
n30nseanb64_: thanks. that helped so much02:07
n30ndooglus: ohhhh02:07
JohnsonEok guys i'm pretty bored. what awesome linux app should i get to occupy me?02:07
yurifThat url help me!02:07
kagMatthewv: thanks, I think this is the problem. I thought the problem was with the video card driver instead of the monitor02:07
seanb64_sorry, I was joking02:07
Matthewvkag no probs02:07
SAM_themanyurif, weelcome it worked?02:07
dooglusseanb64_: I don't know why it can't start X.  do you have weird graphics card?02:07
nickrudJohnsonE, inkscape02:07
lenny__ok thnks bye02:07
kmiloJohnsonE, bos02:08
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dooglusn30n: see also xubuntu - ubuntu with XFCE4 instead of GNOME02:08
yurifSAM_theman, I just change nvidia-glx to nvidia-glx-legacy02:08
n30ndooglus: XFCE4? Haven't heard of that02:08
nickrudJohnsonE, and if you're masochistic, emacs2102:08
SAM_themanyurif, o ok i thought so02:08
dooglusn30n: it's a lightweight desktop environment - like GNOME but lighter.  uses GTK, like GNOME02:08
seanb64_I have a ATI Radeon 920002:08
basbryan!restricted lenny02:08
ubotubasbryan: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/02:08
yurifSAM_theman, well Thx!!!!02:08
seanb64_my graphics card02:08
n30ndooglus: is that also a free distro?02:09
SAM_themanyurif, Yo np anytime02:09
SAM_themanseanb64_, yo whats the problem02:09
dooglusn30n: install package 'xubuntu-desktop' if you want to try it, then choose 'xfce' session from the login screen.  it won't hurt GNOME02:09
dooglusn30n: yes.02:09
JohnsonEnickrud: what's bos? not getting anything good on google02:09
kmiloJohnsonE, emacs with his psychotherapist02:09
ubotuI guess restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats. This page's intent is to enable you to play most non-free media formats that are not DRM encoded. Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats.02:09
AJ004how do i run googleearth02:09
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AJ004it says command not found but its listed in the directory02:09
delirebasbryan: i don't know how helpful that is really. most new users wouldn't even know that message is for them, let alone that the mp3 format is in any way 'restricted'.02:09
kmiloJohnsonE, battle of survival02:09
seanb64_loaded and reburned the cd twice02:09
seanb64_and it seems to boot normally, but after the splash, it says it can't start the X server02:09
nickrudJohnsonE, apt-cache search bos (or look up bos in synaptic)02:09
n30ndooglus: yeah i wanna check that out. Use synaptic for that?02:09
SAM_themanAJ004, umm dude u using wine??02:09
seanb64_ and thats it02:09
dooglusn30n: yes02:09
AJ004its not on wine02:10
AJ004its native linux gnu02:10
kagMatthewv: after I make changes to xorg.com, can I just restart xorg instead of rebooting?02:10
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delirebasbryan: i think it's best to explain it to them directly.02:10
SAM_themanAJ004, hmm...02:10
seanb64_what do I do02:10
delirekag: yes02:10
seanb64_try Kubuntu?02:10
n30ndooglus: thanks dude.02:10
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seanb64_ oh god say no, not another 2 hour download02:10
SAM_themanseanb64_, try reinstalll x server and then do the whole process again02:10
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kmiloJohnsonE, http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/games/bos02:10
kagdelire: what would the command be ?02:10
nickrudkag, yes, log out of your desktop, hit ctl-alt-backspace02:10
dribbley'all have any recommendations for a piece of (GUI) software which can allow me to view which directories are taking up the most space?02:11
kagok thx!02:11
AJ004how do u run a file in terminal?02:11
seanb64_and how?02:11
AJ004just type the file name?02:11
dooglusseanb64_: if the regular ubuntu disk can't run x.org, I don't see why the kubuntu disk would be able to - it's the same X server.02:11
n30ndooglus: Is it easily undone if i don't like it?02:11
Yoosahdribble: filelight02:11
delirekag: hit CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE (you'll lose any open work)02:11
nickrudAJ004, more often than not, yes02:11
AJ004nickrud it says command not found02:11
delirekag: and also this chat session!02:11
seanb64_what ddo I do?02:11
dooglusseanb64_: if you are going to download another CD image, I suggest the 'alternate' ubuntu iso - that's a text-based installer.02:11
AJ004i try to cd to the directory it says its not a directory02:11
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nickruddelire, so always mention logging out first :)02:11
AJ004so its a file02:11
AJ004but when i type the filename it says command not found02:11
XiXaQdooglus, that's right. He doesn't, and I'm not able to explain it to him right now. :(02:11
dribbleYoosah, any gtk apps?02:11
seanb64_*sigh* ok02:11
delirenickrud: probably wise yes ;)02:12
JohnsonEhmm, bos is looking sexy. i'll check it out02:12
kagdelire: :) don't worry it's on another computer :) thanks02:12
n30nAJ004: do you have admin access?02:12
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delirekag: ;)02:12
AJ004n30n:  yep02:12
AJ004its my puter02:12
Yoosahdribble: i just know filelight does what you asked02:12
nickrudAJ004, what is the file, where is it, and is it executable? (the big three questions)02:12
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AJ004should i sudo it?02:12
dooglusn30n: you chose at login whether to run GNOME or XFCE4, so it's easy not to run it, yes.  uninstalling it, on the other hand, is easy if you use debfoster or aptitude to manage your packages02:12
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AJ004current.tar.bz2  EasyUbuntu_2006-06-12     easyubuntu-3.0.tar.gz  google-earth02:12
AJ004Desktop          easyubuntu-3.01.tar.gz    Examples02:12
AJ004easyubuntu       easyubuntu-3.01.tar.gz.1  googleearth02:12
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n30ndooglus: ok sweet. so its setting up a duel boot i take it?02:12
dribbleYoosah, it does, i just googled it and it looks aweeesome.  but, sadly this is for my gentoo box (which i'm trying to backup so i can put dapper on it), and i don't have the patience/time to compile qt02:12
AJ004i typed googleearth, and nada02:13
ceruleantigerI have a quick question regarding the new dapper livecd install. When I double click on the install icon on the desktop, it runs through the installation process, but then at 97% completion, it fails. Here's another person who had a similar error and posted it as a bug report: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/4918002:13
dooglusn30n: when you install 'xubuntu-desktop', it will pull in a lot of dependencies.  you may have noticed that if you use synaptic to uninstall a package, it won't uninstall the dependencies that it installed when you installed the package...02:13
AJ004i moved to the google-earth directory and then typed googleearth and nada02:13
nickrudAJ004, try ~/google-earth/googleearth02:13
AJ004command not found on both02:13
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Yoosahdribble: emerge faster-compiler :P02:13
ToHellWithGAnickrud: have you read the qemu xp installation page for ubuntu?  the licensing bit is a riot02:13
ceruleantigerI have no idea how to get around this bug though... and I don't see any solutions on the page either... and I've looked everywhere02:13
dooglusn30n: no, it's still the same boot - same kernel, same x server.  just a different 'session' in the login screen.02:13
seanb64_well... at least it's smaler02:13
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seanb64_and can I install from the disk02:13
nickrudToHellWithGA, no, you have a quick link?02:13
dooglusn30n: you see 'options' in the bottom left of the login screen - it's in there, the choice.02:13
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seanb64_without just booting from the disk?02:14
Hsoi'm having a major browser/plugin problem.. I want to view the embedded (.mov) video file on this webpage ( http://www.aftenposten.no/english/local/article442072.ece ), but swiftfox closes down IMMEDIATELY, Opera can load the page, but cannot stream the video... no MOV support? any idea why certain pages just *kill* firefox?02:14
AJ004nickrud bingo!02:14
Parthenonjust curious, where can i get a ubuntu live cd?02:14
n30ndooglus: okay. I gotcha02:14
NoWhereToTurnOk retrying Ubuntu install # 350. Since Breezy was a failure installing I have gone back to Drapper Alternate Install ISO. Minimum requirements is a SWAP volume and a / mount point correct?02:14
AJ004nickrud ok now how do i install an icon for this02:14
nickrudAJ004, and just a note: three lines of paste is the max :)02:14
n30ndooglus: i shall return soon.02:14
kmilodribble, find ~ -size +1000k02:14
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iwhere can i download open office02:14
AJ004nickrud i want to add it in the internet section02:14
dooglusseanb64_: the 'alternate' cd still needs booting from, but it installs without having to run X first, unlike the 'desktop' cd.02:14
cgeHso: It is the plugin that is crashing firefox.02:14
Hsoi - www.openoffice.org02:14
nickrudAJ004, Applications->Alacarte , add a menu entry with that02:14
cgei: For Ubuntu?02:14
jjazzHso: Firefox doesn't protect you from buggy plugins.02:14
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Hsocge - is it a faulty plugin, or a bad configuartion?02:14
seanb64_would it help if it is locally installed with the X issue?02:14
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n30ni: i like your sn.02:15
n30ni: lol02:15
KickStandimusI need somebody to help me with my wireless adapter, can anybody do that please?02:15
cgeHso: Probably something faulty with the plugin - either the plugin itself or the plugin configuration.02:15
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AJ004google earth is in there02:15
dooglusseanb64_: you're not having problems booting from CDs are you?  it's just that the CD doesn't work fully once it has booted, right?02:15
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AJ004but its not listed02:15
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kagI installed Ubuntu Desktop because I like to have a spare desktop, but its main tasks is gonna be web(php)/mysql/ftp... are there any special steps I should take before opening port 80 and 21?02:15
HsoI also tried to view the source in Opera so I could whack the video URL into Mplayer, but it can't find Xedit, or something ?_?02:15
AJ004maybe i need to logout and login02:15
cgekag: no02:15
Hsocge - know any fixes for it? :P02:15
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AJ004let me relog02:15
nickrudAJ004, try killall gnome-panel first02:15
DaskiesAnyone know of an app that will let me burn executable CDs?02:15
DaskiesI can't seem to find anything02:15
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dooglusseanb64_: it's quite possible that you will have the same problem with the alternate disk as with the desktop disk.  it's also possible you won't...02:15
dribblethere we go02:16
mardihi, anyone know where i find the latest gnome repositories?02:16
ToHellWithGAnickrud: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo02:16
AJ004nickrud bingo02:16
AJ004its there :)02:16
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dooglusseanb64_: if it was me, I would try to troubleshoot what's going wrong before downloading another 700Mb...02:16
cgeHso: Not really, and I'm rather occupied right now installing a kernel with parts of cpufreq.c commented out :)02:16
AJ004nickrud thanks :) that solved everything02:16
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ubotuit has been said that list is you can see a list of things I know at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage02:16
Hsouff :P02:16
KickStandimuscan somebody help me getting my wireless connection up and going please?02:16
Hsogood luck with that :P02:16
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, mardi02:16
KickStandimusI've tried all the documentation I can find02:16
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AJ004if google comes out with google pack for linux ill be set02:17
cgeHso: Since my laptop is currently stuck at 600MHz instead of 1600MHz.02:17
AJ004and i know they will :)02:17
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@adrianDHCP-36.216-254-251.iw.net] has joined #ubuntu
dooglusseanb64_: are you on the computer you're trying to boot with the desktop CD now?  or do you have more than one PC?02:17
Hsowow.. painful lol02:17
AJ004if its even needed02:17
nickrudToHellWithGA, I gotta adapt that for restricted formats :)02:17
=== Flashq009 [n=Flashqk0@cpe-66-68-235-91.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
iim thinking of getting a new computer.  I want it to be really fast.  What program should I run02:17
KickStandimuscan somebody help me getting my wireless connection up and going please?02:17
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cgei: What do you mean?02:17
Hsoa benchmark, i?02:18
doogluscge: he wants to know which program is fastest, of course!02:18
Hsoto test how fast the new PC will be?02:18
ToHellWithGAi can't believe anyone would use a nick like "i".  he must be highlighted every line02:18
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HsoToHellWithGA, - heh02:18
Hsoyou've gotta love attention seekers ;P02:18
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MarcNKickStandimus: are you running nm-applet02:18
Hsocage :P02:18
jugheadI have files on my ubuntu desktop that I would like to rad-only on my xp home laptop; what program do I use?02:18
=== nickrud reconsiders
KickStandimuscan somebody help me getting my wireless connection up and going please? I've been through the forums and google and can't seem to figure it out. It may be something obvious02:18
JohnsonEahh! i installed bos but it's not there!02:18
jughead*rad-only sorry02:18
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KickStandimusMarcN: i don't know what that is02:19
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ToHellWithGAhow do i check my kernel version?02:19
HsoJohnsonE, - there? have you tried killing Gnome?02:19
KickStandimusMarcN: is that the built in network setting this in ubuntu?02:19
nickrudjughead, I've always liked e2explore for reading linux partitions under windows02:19
ubotuwireless is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards if it does not work out of the box https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper windows drivers02:19
NoWhereToTurnOk retrying Ubuntu install # 350. Since Breezy was a failure installing I have gone back to Drapper Alternate Install ISO. Minimum requirements is a SWAP volume and a / mount point correct?02:19
ceruleantigerI think one of the reasons why the install from liveCD is failing is maybe because the default hda1 is ~1GB, and it is filling up before completing the install. It seems to fill up to 100% exactly, which leads me to believe it's not downloading everything because there isn't enough space02:19
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KickStandimusYeah but it sort of does work ubotu02:19
AmaranthNoWhereToTurn: yep02:19
kmiloJohnsonE, /usr/games/stratagus-bos02:20
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ceruleantigerdoes anyone know how to resize partitions when running off the liveCD (without reboot obviously)?02:20
cgeNoWhereToTurn: You don't need the swap if you really don't want it.02:20
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NoWhereToTurnOk thats what I have always been doing during all these installations02:20
AmaranthNoWhereToTurn: make sure your swap is 2xRAM (unless you have like 2GB ram) and / has at least 4GB02:20
ceruleantigerI'm sorta a linux noob, so any help is appreciated02:20
KickStandimusubotu: what it does is recognize my networks and my neighbors but wont let me connect02:20
ubotuKickStandimus: what are you talking about?02:20
gemidjyhow can I tell Ubuntu (dapper drake) live to load vesa and not ati as driver ?02:20
kmiloceruleantiger, gparted02:20
dooglusJohnsonE: /usr/games/stratagus-bos02:20
AmaranthKickStandimus: using networkmanager?02:20
ToHellWithGAdo yall know offhand the bash command to display information about my kernel?02:20
AmaranthToHellWithGA: uname -a02:20
HsoKickStandimus, - heh.. you made a funny :P "ubotu" is a robot.. it's just a script :P02:20
dooglusToHellWithGA: uname -r02:20
jjazzKickStandimus: ubotu is a bot.  I has a very limited repetoire and isn't much for conversation.02:20
KickStandimusMarcN: I thought you were talking to me. about the wireless issue. All I was saying was that I can see my wap but can't connect to internet02:21
ToHellWithGAthank Amaranth and dooglus02:21
nickrudjughead, erm, it's actually named explore2fs02:21
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NoWhereToTurnAmaranth thanks02:21
SAM_themanrestarting X02:21
KickStandimusAmaranth: No i'm not02:21
cgeNoWhereToTurn: If you have enough RAM that you won't swap out, you can leave out the swap partition. I ran without one for a few weeks with no problems, except hibernate won't work.02:21
AmaranthKickStandimus: switch to that02:21
DaskiesIf I burn an ISO is it automatically bootable?02:21
AmaranthKickStandimus: I believe it's included on the CD if your ubuntu box doesn't have network access.02:21
KickStandimusAmaranth: what is that. How do I do that02:21
NoWhereToTurnNo I have lots of swap partitions from the other distros on this box02:21
AmaranthKickStandimus: install the network-manager-gnome package in synaptic02:21
HsoDaskies, if it's an official ubuntu iso, it should be02:21
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dooglusDaskies: only if it's a bootable ISO02:22
nickrudDaskies, if it's a bootable iso image02:22
cgeNoWhereToTurn: Ah. Then it doesn't matter much.02:22
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gemidjyhow can I tell Ubuntu (dapper drake) live to load vesa and not ati as driver ?02:22
KickStandimusAmaranth: I can't connect so I can't use synaptic02:22
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AmaranthKickStandimus: You can't hook up to ethernet while you get it working?02:22
DaskiesHso, dooglus , nickrud: It's from ubuntu.com so I guess it is :D02:22
KickStandimusnot on my linux box, only on my laptop02:22
kmilogemidjy, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:22
Hsothen yeah :P02:22
nickrudgemidjy, edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and replace ati with vesa02:22
AmaranthKickStandimus: Let me guess, stealing wireless from the neighbors? :)02:22
dooglusDaskies: you'll maybe need to enable booting from CD in your BIOS too02:23
AmaranthKickStandimus: Ok, I guess we'll have to do this manually.02:23
gemidjynickrud: I am talking about Live CD here02:23
KickStandimusAmaranth: no not stealing02:23
Hsoheh, I believe a british guy got fined 500GBP for leeching someone's wifi :P02:23
_jasongemidjy: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:23
Daskiesdooglus, Already done :)02:23
AmaranthKickStandimus: Do you know the name of the wireless network? Does it have a password?02:23
gemidjygod damn it.........!02:23
nickrudgemidjy, oh, no clue then.02:23
AmaranthKickStandimus: Sharing then. :P02:23
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gemidjy_jason: live cd02:23
KickStandimusAmaranth: Yes i know the name no I don't have a password02:23
KickStandimusAmaranth: I turned it off for testing purposes02:23
dooglusDaskies: you should be "all set" then, as they say in the US of A02:23
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AmaranthKickStandimus: ok, do you know what device is your wireless card (eth1 is usually it)02:23
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DaskiesThanks, dooglus02:23
KickStandimusAmaranth: It's ath002:23
AmaranthKickStandimus: Ok, cool.02:24
AmaranthKickStandimus: open a terminal02:24
MarcNKickStandimus: if you install the gnome-network-manager package and start the networkmanager applet, connecting to a network is very simple (assuming your wireless card is supported)02:24
nickrudgemidjy, but I would expect that under F1 or F2 or one of those help pages will have a way02:24
Hsowhy would eth1 be a wireless card? doesn't eth mean ethernet ?_?02:24
KickStandimusAmaranth: open02:24
_jasongemidjy: can't you still use either method and restart X?02:24
AmaranthKickStandimus: sudo iwconfig ath0 essid <networkid>02:24
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gemidjy_jason: are u stupid or what?02:24
KickStandimusMarkN: That will be a pain w/out a package manager02:24
gemidjynickrud: ok thanks, will try02:24
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KickStandimusAmaranth: It says the right wap02:24
nickrudgemidjy, actually he isn't, please be polite02:24
Hsogemidjy, he's here to learn ~_~02:24
NoWhereToTurnDoes the bootable flag have to be turned on the / partition in the partitioner ?02:24
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MarcNKickStandimus: apt-get? synaptic?02:25
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Hexidigital_well that was unnecessary02:25
ceruleantigerkmilo I think liveCDs run exclusively in swap, is there any way to resize swap partitions on the fly? it doesn't seem like you can from gparted02:25
AmaranthKickStandimus: Running just 'iwconfig' shows that the card has the right frequency, AP, etc?02:25
kmiloNoWhereToTurn, no02:25
KickStandimusMarcN: Yes but I can't connect02:25
MarcNKickStandimus: oh, you mean 'no network'02:25
KickStandimusMarcN: Not on my linux box, no , only on my mac02:25
dooglusNoWhereToTurn: I have it 'on' for my ubuntu '/' and 'off' for my debian '/', and LILO can boot them both the same - so my guess is that it doesn't matter.02:25
Hsoheh, i've been using the breezy livecd for about a month, now :P I can do most of what I want, 'cept for compiling.. that's a major no-no :(02:25
AmaranthMarcN: I think I've got it. :)02:25
KickStandimusAmaranth: Okay hold on02:26
Hexidigital_Hso:: why not install to hdd?02:26
nickrudLive cds suck.02:26
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nickrudby definition :)02:26
kbrooksend of story.02:26
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KickStandimusAmaranth: frequency 2.`4202:26
kbrookslive cds are, well, live02:26
KickStandimusAmaranth: 2.14202:26
HsoHexidigital_, it's not my PC.. i'm just borrowing it while my RMA of my motherboard gets sorted out :(02:26
Hexidigital_Hso:: do you have any hardware conflicts?02:26
AmaranthKickStandimus: Ok, as long as it says something it's good.02:26
PlHLHi! Could someone recommend a good FTP server/client for Ubuntu?02:26
kbrooksthey're alive. End of story02:26
AmaranthKickStandimus: sudo dhclient ath002:26
HsoHexidigital_, not that I know of :P02:26
KickStandimusAmaranth: AP is correct as well02:26
Hexidigital_Hso:: ah02:26
dooglusnickrud: the 6.06 live CD is really pretty good - it runs about as fast as my HDD install, probably due to the fact that it detects and uses my vast swap partition.02:26
AmaranthKickStandimus: Once you run that it should work.02:26
nickrudBut, I keep my lnx-bbc around, cuz I know it backwards & forwards (or did)02:26
KickStandimusAmaranth: Tried it, I get bad output02:26
cgeIt worked! My CPU didn't die! I am actually running at 1600 MHz now instead of 600!02:26
kmiloceruleantiger, http://gparted.sourceforge.net/features.php02:27
AmaranthKickStandimus: oy02:27
KickStandimusAmaranth: I'll try again02:27
delire_bbli'm helping someone remotely here by telephone fix a problem whereby if they change the panel size in Dapper they can no longer log in, instead are dumped back to the login screen. moving ~/.gconf allows them to log in, but the problem remains if they change this problem. anyone encountered this bug?02:27
NoWhereToTurndooglus ok thanks.. just trying to understand why I have never had this much problems installing a Linux distro as I have with Ubuntu02:27
AmaranthKickStandimus: Is ath0 shown in 'ifconfig'?02:27
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nickruddooglus, sweeping statements suck. By definition :)02:27
KickStandimusAmaranth: yes02:27
cgedelire: Hmm... Let me try it.02:27
delirecge: thanks..02:27
dooglusNoWhereToTurn: because it's "linux for human beings"?  what species are you, by the way?02:27
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AmaranthKickStandimus: If this doesn't work I'm out of ideas then. :/02:27
AmaranthKickStandimus: Unless it gives good info.02:27
KickStandimusAmaranth: crap hold on02:27
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dooglusnickrud: what, all of them?02:27
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cgeNoWhereToTurn: what problems are you having?02:28
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nickruddooglus, yes, because nuances is where the truth is. But, I'm so off topic02:28
KickStandimusAmaranth: yeah so far it looks liek same crap02:28
PlHLA FTP server/client for Ubuntu? anybody?02:28
zuhause01xxwhere can i find the internet logfiles in ubuntu breezy02:28
KickStandimusAmaranth: Hey no it's different now02:28
dooglusNoWhereToTurn: I had problems installing ubuntu too.  I had to tell it to use lilo instead of grub in the end to get it bootable.02:28
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cgePlHL: A server or a client?02:28
AmaranthKickStandimus: What does it say?02:28
HsoplHL - gftp, i think :P02:28
KickStandimusAmaranth: bound to - - renewal in 5559 seconds02:28
AmaranthKickStandimus: awesome02:29
Hexidigital_PlHL:: proftpd is good too02:29
AmaranthKickStandimus: That means it worked02:29
KickStandimusAmaranth: Okay hold on02:29
AmaranthKickStandimus: try firefox02:29
PlHLcge If it could both then great. Klient the most important though02:29
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Hsoi've used proftpd, I used it for a few hours but I couldn't figure out why people couldn't upload to it :(02:29
NoWhereToTurnWell the installer complains that the ext2 partition # 6 on hda has uncrorrected errors (installing Ubuntu into hdb14) and when I run e2fsck on that prtition there are no errors reported. I can not get grub to install02:29
KickStandimusAmaranth: You are officially the man02:29
KickStandimusAmaranth: I didn't do anything I didn't do before is the wierd thing though02:29
AmaranthKickStandimus: Ok, now use synaptic to install network-manager-gnome02:29
Hexidigital_PlHL:: use proftpd as server, and firefox as the client02:29
AmaranthKickStandimus: It does all this crap for you.02:29
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cgePlHL: ftp the ftp client is installed by default.02:30
Hexidigital_Hso:: they need an account on your machine by default to upload... you have to configure the settings02:30
KickStandimusAmaranth: Can I use that to get my nvidia drivers too?02:30
cgePlHL: I personally like lftp better, but that is probably in universe. Nautilus also can work as an ftp client.02:30
AmaranthPlHL: In GNOME nautilus can do FTP02:30
AmaranthKickStandimus: Yep.02:30
AmaranthKickStandimus: That's the nvidia-glx package.02:30
ubotuYou can use nautilus (the Gnome file manager) as an FTP client.  Go to  Places -> Connect to Server  to get started.02:30
PlHLHm, i see :)02:30
YoosahWHY does my selfmknodded /dev/video as wel as the /dev/video0 link to it disappear after a boot?02:30
delightHi, is there a way to (re)install grub (additional) on the first sector of the root partition ? Got a nice dapper from desktop-cd with grub in mbr ... would like to get it to the /dev/sda6 (root partition ext3)02:31
cgeYoosah: Because /dev isn't a real file system02:31
KickStandimusAmaranth: Also where can I find info about all of the network commands you gave me or a list in case I want to help somebody else with all of this02:31
Hexidigital_nautilus is so good, it works as a GUI SSH client also :!02:31
AmaranthYoosah: because mknod is a one time only thing02:31
dooglusYoosah: because /dev isn't a real file - what cge said02:31
Hsohexi - I already made them an account.. it was mad! XD02:31
cgeYoosah: Everything in it is created at each boot.02:31
Hexidigital_Hso:: :( dunno02:31
delirePlHL: some like gftp also, though i'd try nautilus itself first.02:31
AmaranthKickStandimus: in a terminal running 'man iwconfig' tells you all the things you can set02:31
Hsoindeed :( I gave up, in the end :(02:31
dooglusYoosah: ... by udev.  configure udev to make the devices you want02:31
Hexidigital_Hso:: proftp has an irc channel on freenode... #proftp i think02:31
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Yoosahproblem is, i think a driver for my webcam should create it02:31
cgeYoosah: There is a way to create them on each boot, but I don't know how.02:31
Yoosahah yes i ran into udev already02:31
Hsoi'll look into that once I get my motherboard back, and then i'll INSTALL ubuntu :P02:31
AmaranthKickStandimus: Usually 'sudo iwconfig <device> essid <networkname> && sudo dhclient <device>' is all you need.02:32
KickStandimusAmaranth: cool, where can I download that thing in synaptic02:32
PlHLI think I'll try Nautilus, gftp and proftp then .. :)02:32
Hsoanyway, I need to lay down.. this insane heat is so depressing :(02:32
delireYoosah: yes, that's correct, assuming you have v4l support in the kernel.02:32
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KickStandimusAmaranth: in gnome or networking02:32
Yoosahbut the device ID for my cam is not showin up on any forum or in compatibilty lists02:32
PlHLSee which FTP fits me best :)02:32
AmaranthKickStandimus: Search for 'netowkr-manager-gnome'02:32
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delireYoosah: (and the driver works)02:32
AmaranthKickStandimus: browsing is slow :P02:32
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cgedelire: I'm not seeing the problem.02:32
Yoosahthat is what i'm doubting, delire02:32
PlHLThanks by the way02:32
cgedelire: ... with a clean account.02:32
AmaranthKickStandimus: err, network-manager-gnome02:33
delirecge: nor do i here.. there's nothing in malone about it either. it's a difficult problem to address as the user at the other end isn't online.02:33
KickStandimusAmaranth: yeah, dude thank's a lot I can take it from here02:33
cgedelire: Has the user tried it with a clean account?02:33
Hexidigital_KickStandimus:: sudo apt-cache search gnome-network-manager02:33
delirecge: yes it also occurs with a new account.02:33
KickStandimusAmaranth: Once again you are the man02:33
ToHellWithGAhas anybody here built (k)qemu with gcc 4?02:33
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cgedelire: Oh.02:33
AmaranthKickStandimus: happy to help :)02:34
delirecge: quite odd. i had her read out ~/.xsession-errors and there was nothing conspicuous..02:34
nickrudToHellWithGA, I think you must use gcc-3.4 for kernel stuff, I think the kernel is still built with that. Not sure, though02:34
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Amaranthnickrud: in dapper the kernel is built with gcc 402:34
nickrudAmaranth, thanks02:34
cgedelire: Maybe have her go into a xterm session or something, and start gnome-panel, to see if there is any output that might be helpful?02:35
delirecge: that's a good suggestion. cheers..02:35
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cgedelire: I have no idea why that would kill gnome-session though.02:35
AmaranthIf you're suddenly getting logged out X is probably crashing.02:36
SAM_themanYo does Dapper Support The Deskjet 365302:36
ubotuI heard printer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters or http://www.linuxprinting.org02:36
jugheadI need help sharing a folder on my desktop (ubuntu) with my laptop (xp home)02:36
ubotusamba is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SettingUpSamba or http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/samba2/book/toc.html02:36
delirecge: no, initially i suspected ~/.Xauthority or ~/.ICEauthority permissions to be culprits, but they weren't. a fresh account proved this.02:36
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Amaranthjughead: that should help you02:36
ubotumethinks hp is at http://www.hp.com/pressrel/jun99/21jun99g.htm, or *the* original brown sauce from 1889. See: http://www.higherdesign.com/brownsauce/hpsauce.htm.  Hewlett Packard, maker of calculators and printers and computers and other silicon goodness02:36
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dribbleit really seems like my gentoo box doesn't want to be backed up (i was myopic and didn't put /home on it's on partition)02:37
cgedelire: I don't see how those would be affected by the panel size change, either. Maybe gconf is corrupting something when that change is made, enough so that gnome-session dies.02:37
AmaranthSAM_theman: ubotu already gave you info02:37
Mersaultis there anything special to using breezy packages on a dapper system? can I just put the lines in my sources.list and use the packages? or do i have to do something to make it not check breezy vs dapper for these particular repo's?02:37
AmaranthSAM_theman: look at what it said for !printer02:37
AmaranthMersault: What are you wanting to do?02:37
SAM_themanAmaranth, yeah smarty pants I din't ask for that I ask a question Does Dapper Support Deskjet 3653??02:37
nickrudheh. Somone should mention !hp to cafuego02:38
Mersaultthere are some mythtv packages that were made for breezy that I've heard are working fine with dapper02:38
delirecge: it's pretty mysterious that's for sure. next support call we'll look at gnome-session. thanks.02:38
Mersaultfrom deb.thehunter.ws02:38
AmaranthSAM_theman: And I gave you a link that lets you find out.02:38
=== HellDragon swims in Mersault
cgeSAM_theman: Look on linuxprinting.org. It has a database of what printers are supported.02:38
delireSAM_theman: you can also look at http://linux-printing.org02:38
Amaranth!forget hp02:38
ubotuAmaranth: i forgot hp02:38
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nickrudSAM_theman, you got the best info available: the 3653 is not mentioned in the printer database, only the 3650. linuxprinting.org will tell you if the 3650 driver works with the 365302:39
delireSAM_theman: cge's url is correct (mine isn't)02:39
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=== nickrud hugs linuxprinting.org, one of the better sites out there.
cgenickrud: It is quite useful, yes.02:40
MersaultAmaranth: dev.thehunter.ws is a repo for mythtv packages that I've read on some forums are working in dapper, I just don't know what the posters did to get them to work in dapper. I've used the packages on a breezy system and they were great02:40
=== delire delire pats his Epson D68 and winks at linuxprinting.org for the reccommendation
AmaranthMersault: they should work then02:40
nandomsg nickserv link nando marco02:40
cafuegonickrud: why?02:40
AmaranthMersault: just add them as if it was breezy02:40
nando /msg nickserv link  marco02:40
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MersaultAmaranth: okay. synaptic wont complain that they are flagged for breezy?02:41
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AmaranthMersault: shouldn't02:41
nickrudcafuego, because it had truly useless links, as far as I could see.02:41
cafuegonickrud: nothing wrong with hp sauce02:41
nickrudcafuego, and you edit well :)02:41
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cgeWhat can I quickly run to get my cpu to 100% as a test of cpufreq?02:42
ceruleantigerwindows :P02:42
cgeHmm... never mind, yes seems to work.02:42
cafuegocge: kernel compile02:42
cgecafuego: Just needed a quick 2 or 3 second test.02:43
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bjornkriI'm trying to connect to an ftp site but I keep getting the message "530 Have to use explicit SSL/TLS before logging on." Not sure what's going on... :S02:43
cafuegoor start firefox/thunderbird/evolution02:43
kmilocge, while true; do yes; done02:43
cafuegoor ooo02:43
Amaranthcafuego: dunno what that's about but one of those links when to a spam parked domain and the other was a redirect to HP 2006 press releases02:43
nickrudcafuego, http://www.higherdesign.com/brownsauce/hpsauce.htm.  gets me a business page, nothing to do with hp as far as I could see02:43
cgecafuego: ooh, good idea.02:43
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xfcefreakOOo uses more cpu than ff iirc02:43
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cafuegodamn spammers02:43
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cafuegobjornkri: The ftp sites _requires_ you to use ssl.02:44
darkgamer20hey guys what dose it mean if the console displays "Buffer I/O error on device hdc, logical block ######" im trying to boot the live desktop cd02:44
=== Iinuxerist is now known as Bob_the_Barman
darkgamer20the ##### yea a bunch of different numbers each time the error is diplayed02:44
Amaranthdarkgamer20: If the CD isn't booting because of that error it's a bad burn or bad hardware02:44
bjornkricafuego: ok... is there a simple way to do that?02:45
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cafuegobjornkri: use an ftp client that supports ssl and start it with the right command line params.02:45
bjornkriis that sftp, or something more advanced? :P02:45
darkgamer20Amaranth: damn02:45
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darkgamer20Amaranth: is there any way I can make sure its the cd's fault and not the hardware's fault?02:46
Amaranthsftp could be one of two things: FTP over SSL or SSH02:46
Joe_scorpim getting an error about libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 can someone send me a link to the file (i can only find it in rpw)02:46
Amaranthdarkgamer20: I believe the boot menu has a check cd item02:46
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cafuegobjornkri: No, sftp is for ssh. You want say 'lftp' with tls enabled.02:46
roo_darkgamer20, use whatever software you used to burn the CD to verify it.02:46
zenithsglintanyone having any luck with nvidia xinerama?02:46
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gnomefreakzenithsglint: did you read the wiki?02:47
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nickrudJoe_scorp, install libstdc++2.10-glibc2.202:47
cafuegobjornkri: After starting lftp, type 'set force-ssl on', then connect to the ftp site as per usual.02:47
zenithsglintno, I mean, I installed the nividia driver... but...02:47
Joe_scorpnickrud, where can i get it?\02:47
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zenithsglintI guess. I could go try that.02:47
cafuegobjornkri: Remember to turn it back off when done.02:47
gnomefreakJoe_scorp: its in your menu too02:47
nickrudJoe_scorp, from apt-get orsynaptic02:47
darkgamer20Amaranth: what happend is that i choose the check cd option and then after checking a few files it gave me that error02:47
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AmaranthJoe_scorp: You want the libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2 package02:48
darkgamer20roo_: im using the iso recorder thing in windows (unfortunately)02:48
bjornkriyes, that worked02:48
zenithsglintgnomefreak... Ok, I guess it's been updated, since last time I tried, I'll go take a look.02:48
gnomefreakubotu tell zenithsglint -about xinerama02:48
bjornkrithanks alot :)02:48
nickrudJoe_scorp, if you that doesn't work, come back, there might be one more step needed02:48
gnomefreakdarkgamer20: its only on the alternative cd iirc02:48
Amaranthdarkgamer20: I'm thinking that means the CD is bad....02:48
zenithsglintoh, I'll wait for ubotu02:48
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gnomefreakzenithsglint: he pmed you already02:48
darkgamer20Amaranth: yea i thought so too, i guess i'll have to order the ubuntu disks02:49
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Amaranthdarkgamer20: You can't just burn again?02:49
zenithsglintoh yeah, hehe, getting used to gnome-X02:49
darkgamer20gnomefreak: did you mean to talk to me?02:49
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helpcan someone point me to a good sourcelist for dapper drake02:49
Amaranthdarkgamer20: Burning at 4x or 2x is good.02:49
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.02:49
helpI keep getting errors fromt he one at ubuntuguide.org02:49
gnomefreakdarkgamer20: yes you asked what happened to check the cd for defects02:49
alexi5_what package contains the c libraries02:49
nickrudhelp, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 <-- those02:49
Amaranthhelp: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/666602:49
alexi5_such as stdio.h, stdlib,iostream.h,etc..02:49
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darkgamer20Amaranth: that was like the 5th time i burned02:50
gnomefreakhelp: than use help.ubuntu.com02:50
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Amaranthdarkgamer20: ouch02:50
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Amaranthdarkgamer20: I've actually never had a problem with a CD and I burn at 24x or 12x (cd-r or cd-rw)02:50
SkipWhere should I put the command '/etc/init.d/alsa.utils startup' ?02:50
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darkgamer20Amaranth: oh ok02:50
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ne0hcan someone help me02:50
darkgamer20Amaranth: well thanks for your help02:50
kmiloSkip, sudo /etc/init.d/alsa.utils startup02:50
ne0hi cant use the internet with ubuntu02:51
darkgamer20see ya later02:51
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Amaranthdarkgamer20: sorry02:51
kmiloSkip, put it in the terminal02:51
ne0hdoes anyone know where i can get a driver patch02:51
Amaranthne0h: what's the problem?02:51
ne0hmy wifi card dosent work02:51
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Amaranthne0h: need details02:52
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ubotuit has been said that wireless is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards if it does not work out of the box https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper windows drivers02:52
ne0hi need to find a driver patch or something02:52
ubotuit has been said that wifi is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto02:52
intelikeyhmmm something seems to be missing here.   "sudo: unable to lookup localhost via gethostbyname()"   anyone want to help trubble shoot sudo ?02:52
Amaranthbetween those two you should be able to make it work :)02:52
gnomefreakne0h: start with the driver02:52
nickrudwhich is better, wireless or wifi02:52
Amaranthintelikey: your /etc/hosts is messed up02:52
gnomefreaknickrud: same age02:52
fiveironis there anything better than xchat for graphical irc?02:52
intelikeyAmaranth i don't think so.02:53
nickrudgnomefreak, ah, fine then :)02:53
ne0hI have a Broadcom 802.11b/g  WLAN02:53
gnomefreaknickrud: wifi is short wor wireless02:53
Amaranthintelikey: Unless you broke the networking stack in the kernel that has to be it.02:53
ubotuit has been said that broadcom is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25683 for a guide to setting up Broadcom network cards02:53
jugheadhow do you put a space in folder paths?02:53
jugheadis it %02:53
gnomefreakmake that 3 pages ;)02:53
nickrudgnomefreak, I'm assuming those were redirected back and around then :)02:53
bimberijughead: like\ this02:53
Amaranthjughead: mkdir Path\ With\ Spaces02:53
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alexi5_what package do install to get the development libaries02:53
alexi5_for c and c++02:54
gnomefreaknickrud: i think they are listed on each page i havent looked at them in a while02:54
nickrudalex_, which development libraries?02:54
Amaranthalexi5_: sudo apt-get install build-essential02:54
gnomefreakalexi5_: build-essential02:54
intelikeyAmaranth well i just edited /etc/hosts and took all the ipv6 entries out and it still don't work.02:54
kmilojughead, mkdir 'Path With Spaces'02:54
=== gnomefreak must of forgot to answer him before :(
jugheadI'm editing my samba.conf file, and the folder I want to share is called "My Music"02:54
nickrudintelikey, your /etc/hosts doesn't have the host name in it correctly, that's why sudo fails02:54
Amaranthintelikey: you have       localhost?02:54
CrazyDoode_rofl..  form the broadcom instructs..  Before you start, clear out any mess from existing failed attempts to use ndiswrapper.02:54
intelikeyAmaranth yep02:55
Amaranthintelikey: odd....02:55
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intelikeynickrud strick one.02:55
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nickrudintelikey, heh. been there, done that. your /etc/hosts is wrong somewhere.02:55
Amaranthjughead: if it doesn't work with the slashes try My%20Music02:56
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CrazyDoode_it should also say to edit blacklist and remove the bcm43xx line02:56
jmworxNot sure how to write a bug report on that one, but the way Ubuntu (Dapper this time) sets the hostname on install is pretty bad -- and got me blacklisted on Spamhaus02:56
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Amaranthjmworx: what's wrong with it?02:57
nickrudjmworx, hostname appears in /etc/hostname, and /etc/hosts02:57
intelikeynope found it .  the /etc/init.d/networking svript wasn't ran.   i ran it and all is well.02:57
CrazyDoode_which is on 1.5.3 of this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx?action=show&redirect=WifiDocs%2FDriver%2FBroadcom43xx#head-f63b172ef162fdab65dae57bbd33e6df20ca411402:57
Amaranthintelikey: err, wow02:57
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rigonattihi all !02:57
Amaranthintelikey: how did that not happen? that runs on boot02:57
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rigonattican someone help me with a sound card =. ?02:57
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intelikeynot if the symlink is not in /etc/rcS.d it doesnt02:57
robert_I tried to download the Ubuntu ISO images, and all I got was a bunch of CD .iso images that didn't match the size reported by the iso information- wth02:58
Amaranthintelikey: Ah. You broke it, you get to keep both pieces. ;)02:58
acetechcan someone point me in the direction to upgrade a new install of ubuntu 5.0 to ubuntu 6.0?02:58
intelikeyamaranth   lol      ok going to test some more.02:58
robert_Nero complained to me, "OMG! The size doesn't match that of what's actually on the cd!"02:58
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development verison: (eft when its open)02:58
grndslmanybody know if you can run VMware Server on Windows XP??02:58
nickrudacetech, just up02:58
ne0hi dont understand how to work this02:58
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ne0hi cant get my wireless card to work02:58
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rigonattiI have a SoundCard using front panel... in windows I just switch to "use Front Panel Mic" but in Linux .. just speaker works02:59
kmilogrndslm, yes02:59
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acetechnickrud, thank you02:59
grndslmkmilo, so VMware Server and Player are both free, eh??  is it an easy setup?02:59
nickrudacetech, welcome to dapper :)03:00
Amaranthgrndslm: in dapper the player is easy: sudo apt-get install vmware-player03:00
eugmaneugene@ubuntu:~/Desktop/mayro$ ./configure03:00
eugmanconfigure: error: cannot run /bin/sh ./config.sub03:00
Amarantheugman: that's a problem with mayro (or something you did to it)03:00
nickrudeugman, ask the mayro people03:01
jugheadit says I do not have permisson03:01
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rigonattican someone help me with a sound card =. ?03:01
eugmanCan you at least clarify on what the problem is exactly?03:01
Amaranthintelikey: get it baack in rcS.d?03:01
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? </hint>03:01
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Amarantheugman: a file is missing...03:01
intelikeylooks like everything working smoothly03:01
Amarantheugman: or messed up03:01
nickrudeugman, either .config.sub is missing, or the call is bad03:01
intelikeyAmaranth no rc2.d03:01
rigonattiI have a SoundCard using front panel... in windows I just switch to "use Front Panel Mic" but in Linux .. just speaker works03:01
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Amaranthintelikey: whichever :)03:01
Amaranthrigonatti: only one guy really knows sound cards and i don't think he is here03:02
nickrudintelikey, it really should be S40networking in /etc/rc2.d03:02
intelikeywell i now have a working system with no root access     well without booting to init=/bin/sh03:02
nickrudintelikey, erm, rcS.d03:02
rigonattiAmaranth  Who is ?03:02
intelikeynickrud not here.  :)03:02
nickrudintelikey, for a standard ubuntu install, yes.03:03
jigheadrigonatti, right click on your speaker in your panel and open volume control03:03
intelikeythe default.  yes.03:03
nickrudintelikey, other things expect that to be running at a particular time in the bootup, messing with it screws your system.03:03
jmworxAmaranth, nickrud The installer seems to suggest entering just the host name (without domain)03:03
intelikeyother things are not ran either :)03:03
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Amaranthintelikey: I have /etc/rcS.d/S40networking03:03
jigheadrigonatti, then check your capture tap and see if your mics are picked up and the levels are up03:03
nickrudjmworx, yes, true.03:03
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nickrudintelikey, you really like messing with shite, don't you :)03:04
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jmworxAmaranth, nickrud: can't remember exactly what I did, but on two machines I installed, I ended up with localhost and <my host name without domain> as the hostname.03:04
wastreltoday i'm using ubuntu03:04
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intelikeynickrud i like 'not conforming'   yes03:04
jugheadthank you for the help everyone - I have what I need now03:04
nickrudjmworx, yes, that's normal03:04
Amaranthintelikey: then you like no root access, apparently03:04
jmworxnickrud:  Result is postfix was misconfigured and I got blacklisted03:05
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StormyOk, I installed Ubuntu ( 5.10 ) and it didn't ask me for a root password, I have booted the live cd but it won't let me su to root, or login ( like it auto set an invalid password ).  How do I get to an emergency shell with root access so I can reset the password on this thing ( also for bonus points i'm using lvm on top of raid and the live cd is seeing the map )03:05
intelikeyAmaranth by no root access i mean no sudo no su no root passwd    'no root access'03:05
nickrudjmworx, no, you didn't set up postfix correctly then. Been there, done that :) I use exim4 now03:05
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acetechdoes anyone know of a way to get fs2004 running?03:05
Amaranthintelikey: put S40networking where it belongs and see if that fixes it03:06
rigonattijighead:  no changes...I mean...the Mobo jumper are to front panel. The speaker is ok ... mic dont respond. BTW ..in Windows...i need to go to mix volume and put "use Front Panel" ....03:06
nf4well i  was able to figure out how to uninstall gnome-screensaver and install xscreen-saver not hard at all03:06
nf4but the one in synaptic was outdated03:06
intelikeyAmaranth fixes what ?   it's fixed03:06
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Stormyrigonatti, install the alsa control panel see if that gives you your switches03:06
nf4so I had to manully install it03:06
Amaranthintelikey: you just said you still have no sudo03:06
nf4figure that out too03:06
jigheadrigonatti, do you know what model card you have?03:06
=== Amaranth goes back to code
nf4didnt even have to read any documentaion03:06
nickrudintelikey, having the lo come up at the right time, so sudo is recognized03:06
jmworxnickrud: I did an "apt-get install postfix" and answered whatever question I was asked.03:06
nickrudAmaranth, gonna speed up alacarte :)03:06
nf4electric sheep is running just fine03:07
Amaranthnickrud: done, it's for edgy though03:07
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nickrudAmaranth, great. I just had to ask03:07
intelikeyAmaranth i never had any sudo   here  the root fs is mounted nosuid    sudo is called in one init script to make it possable to dial in the network.... it's fixed.03:07
jmworxnickrud: Why can't this just work by default?03:07
rigonattisure...its a Onboard in Asus P5P800 SE ... Driver for windows: SOundMax ....03:07
Amaranthnickrud: i'm working on a content filtering proxy using bayesian filtering :P03:07
rigonattijighead: sure...its a Onboard in Asus P5P800 SE ... Driver for windows: SOundMax ....03:07
nf4although i think that the 5.10 respitorys ahve a newer version of electricsheep than the daper ones03:07
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Amaranthnickrud: lots of big words to learn like 'Robinson-Fisher bayesian spam detection algorithm'03:08
nickrudAmaranth, ah, looking for that chinese google job? rflmao, I am nick rude03:08
Amaranthnf4: that's not really possible03:08
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vader_Hello, changed my wifes monitor, how do I reconfigure X? I need to lower the res03:08
Amaranthnickrud: edubuntu SoC project03:08
vader_out of range03:08
nf4whats not possible03:08
PirateCan someone tell me how to tell Ubuntu about my new monitor, so it'll change xorg.conf?03:08
Amaranthvader_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:08
vader_ty Amaranth03:08
AmaranthPirate: same as vader_03:08
nickrudAmaranth, I'll probably use your work in my homeless shelters, so code away :)03:08
Amaranthnickrud: hehe03:08
Amaranthnf4: dapper having an older version of something03:09
Amaranth(than breezy)03:09
PirateThanks, Amaranth.03:09
jigheadrigonatti, what does it say after Multimedia audio controller when you do lspci?03:09
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nf4dapper has a xscreensaver from 200403:09
PirateI assume there's no way to do it through the GUI, right?  I'm using Gnome.03:09
jmworxnickrud: should I fine a bug report on that?03:09
PetrolBombhow to get arkrpg started?03:09
nf4in the respitorys03:09
nickrudjmworx, try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Postfix, it was a good page when first put up03:09
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nf4useing synaptic03:10
wastrelwhat's electricsheep?03:10
intelikeyi think i'll add an ssh server to this configuration   then rather than try to explain it i can just let you login and see...     hmmmm or can sshd work correctly on a nosuid system ?03:10
Amaranth!info xscreensaver dapper03:10
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ubotuxscreensaver: (Automatic screensaver for X), section x11, is optional. Version: 4.23-4ubuntu8 (dapper), Packaged size: 270 kB, Installed size: 2228 kB03:10
nf4its a  preaty tight screensaver03:10
Amaranth!info xscreensaver breezy03:10
ubotuxscreensaver: (Automatic screensaver for X), section x11, is optional. Version: 4.21-4ubuntu17 (breezy), Packaged size: 284 kB, Installed size: 2240 kB03:10
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vader_Amaranth, says not installed03:10
wastrelhi ekp03:10
Amaranthnf4: newer in dapper03:10
ekpis there a clipboard applet for Gnome03:10
Amaranthvader_: maybe you typed it wrong?03:11
Amaranthvader_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:11
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nf4i just used synaptic03:11
jmworxnickrud: It's now configured right (I think). What sucks is that I expect everyone who just wants a local MTA (like me) will get it wrong.03:11
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vader_that us what is on the screen Amaranth03:11
jmworx(i.e. I thought Ubuntu was about getting things right by default)03:11
Amaranthvader_: what is the error?03:11
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nickrudjmworx, that is a very true statement. That's why I use exim4, because it's better for simple installs03:11
vader_brb Amaranth may have it03:11
nf4i now have version 2.24 oct 200503:12
nf4i guess it is old in both daper and breezy03:12
rigonattitxs !! i got it :D03:12
Amaranthjmworx: sure but if you're setting up a mail server you should know a bit about what hostname to use and etc03:12
ekpwastrel>: do you know of a clipboard applet for Gnome  .........ala Klipper?03:12
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Amaranthekp: not needed03:12
cartel_hi all03:12
nickrudjmworx, it is, and did you notice: you had to install postfix by hand, and ubuntu has tried to do everything possible so a normal install doesn't need a mail transport agent.03:12
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Amaranthekp: iirc when you copy from a text editor then close it you can still paste03:13
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Amaranthekp: but it only works for text, i think03:13
jmworxnickrud: How do I send mail then. It's not like I really want an MTA03:13
jmghey guys i dont have any icons in openoffice03:13
ekp<Amaranth>: I like to look at history and choose which to paste03:13
vader_Amaranth, I was in recovery mode would that matter?03:13
Amaranthvader_: i don't think so03:13
nf4how can i tell if i am logged in to freenode correctly03:14
Amaranthekp: hmm03:14
nf4i can /msg one of you guys to test it03:14
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nickrudjmworx, you could simply let evolution do your transporting. That's the general intent of ubuntu (I put in exim4 because I'm perverse, really)03:14
jmworxAmaranth: I'm trying to send email and I don't have an external server I can use. I didn't see any obvious other options.03:14
ekp<Amaranth>:  seems like a bit of an oversight on the part of Gnome03:14
jmgwhen i switch to the openoffice window all the icons in the toolbars dissapear03:14
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Amaranthekp: most people probably don't use it03:14
jmworxnickrud: how? Last time I tried it did work. Plus wouldn't evolution do the same (wrong) thing with the hostname?03:15
jmgis this a known bug03:15
Amaranthjmworx: you're a corner case03:15
Henry_Bean_hello, i have downloaded a DVD from bt, it doesn't come in an ISO file, it was a VIDEO_TS folder, i drop it in nautilus and burn it, but after that i cannot play it in my pc (yes in my regular dvd player)... this is the error... http://debian-es.pastebin.com/705623 ... please anybody could take a look?03:15
Amaranthjmworx: most people have ISP's with working SMTP servers03:15
nickrudjmworx, see Amaranth just above03:15
vader_Amaranth, it is aly F2 to log in through text right?03:15
nickrudjmworx, that's me, so my mailserver simply is a tool of my isp03:15
jmgi am running 2.0.2-2ubuntu103:15
jmgwhich i presume is latest03:15
AmaranthHenry_Bean_: Sorry, we don't help with illegal activities.03:16
ekpI do a lot of copy and paste ..........but I can live with out it if I have to03:16
Henry_Bean_Amaranth: how do u know that this is illegal?03:16
Amaranthekp: klipper doesn't work with gnome?03:16
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AmaranthHenry_Bean_: you downloaded a movie from bittorrent that was in an odd format03:16
wastrelthere's a cool windowmaker dock app i used to use that does clipboard management03:16
ekpIt probably does but I do not want to install a lot of KDE03:16
wastreland there's a gnome applet that swallows dockapps iirc03:16
jmworxAmaranth: Still why would the Ubuntu installer make it so easy to screw up the hostname? I mean if it's going to do something stupid anyway, why prompt me for a hostname?03:17
jigheadekp, if you search the repos, there is an xclipboard, have you tried that?03:17
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Amaranthjmworx: file a bug, i don't want to argue about it03:17
wastreli don't know how klipper works tho03:17
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ekpYeah I have it installed but have not been able to invoke it yet03:17
nickrudwastrel, do you remember the name? there's some wmaker docapps that seem tasteful03:17
Amaranthjmg: do you have an ati video card?03:17
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ekpalso miss run command  line in menu on Gnome03:18
Amaranthekp: alt-f203:18
ekpOh cool03:18
jmworxAmaranth: What's the package name for that?03:18
Amaranthjmworx: debian-installer03:18
Henry_Bean_Amaranth: u r saying that download a dvd from bt it's illegal? what if it was my own project shared using a private tracker for me and my partners?03:18
jigheadekp, FYI http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-devel-list/2004-March/msg00046.html03:18
AmaranthHenry_Bean_: Even if it wasn't I don't know how to fix it.03:19
nickrudjmworx, the host name is not the domain. There's nothing wrong with the installer. Configure postfix properly03:19
jmgAmaranth: nvidia03:19
Amaranthjmg: I dunno then, sorry.03:19
wastrelnickrud:  i think it's actually gnome-swallow-applet - swallows any application03:19
Henry_Bean_Amaranth: ok, so, thanks, that's another issue03:19
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nickrudwastrel, ah, I've tried that before. maybe it's better now03:19
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ubotuSivik: My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:20
jmgthe icons appear and then dissapear03:20
nickrudSivik, sticky what?03:20
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ekpjighead>; thnks for the information03:21
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jmgthere are lots of assertion failed stuff in gdkpixbuf03:22
nickrudjmworx, having said that, postfix configuration is not trivial. The web page I gave you earlier was pretty good.03:22
syllogismI'm trying to cross-compile gettext, but I keep getting an unresolved symbol to _mbrtowc. . . does anyone know what I would have to link to to resolve that?03:22
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ne0hi still cant get my internet to work with ubuntu03:22
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nickrudne0h, what type of internet, I run from wireless03:23
vader_grrrrrrrrrr it keeps sayig xserver is not installed03:23
Stormyis there a way to get ubuntu to boot into a single user mode that doesn't require a password so i can reset the root password?03:23
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ne0him using broadcom wireless card03:23
jmworxnickrud: what do I really need to change except for the "from" field that has my hostname? Considering that it's only for local use, behind a firewall/NAT03:23
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ne0heverything people show me dosent help03:24
nickrudStormy, boot into recovery mode. If you have not set a root password, you're in03:24
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Stormynickrud, elaborate please03:24
Sivikcan i save a text doc on knotes03:24
Stormynickrud, i've tried booting the livecd03:24
Stormyne0h, what's your problem with broadcom wireless, i have it working and i'm using it now03:24
Siviknickrud, like sticky notes but for linux, but i found one, except i can't figure out how to save03:24
Stormynickrud, is there a switch i can pass on the lilo lines?03:24
jmworxnickrud: Plus where am I supposed to enter the domain name anyway?03:25
nickrudStormx2, ah, grub. And, have you set a root password already?03:25
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nf4is there a torrent program that wont run silently in the background?03:25
Stormynickrud, no i didn't, and the install didn't ask me03:25
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BlueLagun1what's the cli command to set the time?03:25
Stormynickrud, and i'm lilo for the minute03:25
nickrudjmworx, I use exim simply because I don't have to think. Try it.03:25
StormyBlueLagun1, ntpdate ntp.nasa.gov03:25
nf4bittorrent seems to run something called "torrent tracker" but i can only see it when i restart or shut down my pc03:25
jmworxnickrud: How do you install/configure it?03:25
jmgguys i am having some trouble with ooo, similar to this bug: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org2-amd64/+bug/12611 but on i386 and not resolved by reinstall..03:25
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ne0hmy problem is its not working03:26
nickrudStormy, with lilo I'm not sure anymore. I used to be conversant with lilo, but after 2 years of grub, I don't remember.03:26
ne0hI have no idea how to fix it where it works03:26
Stormynickrud, yea i'm the same story03:26
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wastrelwmcliphist -s 16  works real good with that gnome-swallow-applet thing03:27
Stormynickrud, you know what switch i'm supposed to pass on the line?03:27
ne0hStormy, can you hlep me?03:27
wastrel<3 wmcliphist03:27
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jigheadStormy, try single03:27
Stormyne0h, probally if you give me a minute03:27
kvasovanybody have success getting glx to work on 6.06 ?03:27
wastreli'm running out of room on my gnome panel though.03:27
Stormyhow do i get lilo to bring up it's menu03:27
Stormyi forget03:27
nickrudjmworx, all I had to do with exim was add my username/password to a file under /exim4,03:27
ceruleantigerwhat happened to the 'normal' dapper install CDs? is there only liveCD and server installs now?03:27
intelikey[esc] 03:27
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Stormyne0h, hit me up with a pm03:28
wastreljmworx:  you're going to get spambinned a lot unless you have a proper forward & reverse on your that you're sending mail from03:28
ceruleantigerfor the record, I'm asking because install via liveCD does not work for me... and just what is the 'alternative install' CD?03:28
wastreland they match03:28
Carwreckwill the ubuntu live cd automatically detect my atheros based pcmcia card?03:28
nickrudjmworx, but again, I was using an isp for sending mail, and fetchmail for getting. I now use fetchmail for getting into my imap, but use evo for sending mail thru my isp03:28
vader_okay I have to go into the system through failsafe, it is saying that xserver-org is no installed03:28
jmgarrgh :(03:28
wastrelyeh i'm doing the same, relaying thru isp03:28
jmgi need to apply for some jobs today :(03:28
jigheadceruleantiger, alt cd will do text install, oem install, lvm setup, and some other stuff03:28
nickrudjmworx, read the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Postfix page03:28
intelikeydoes xterm not support tabs ?03:29
Amaranthceruleantiger: you want the alternative cd03:29
jmworxnickrud: I thought you recommended not to use exim?03:29
ceruleantigerjighead Amaranth ok, thanks guys03:29
Stormyscrew exim03:29
jmworxnickrud: I thought you recommended not to use postfix I mean?03:29
Stormyuse postfix03:29
nickrudjmworx, opposite actually03:29
jmgNO bugs in openoffice.org?!03:29
Amaranthintelikey: i don't think it does03:29
Stormyexim really sucks ass for someone that doesn't have the docs handy and knows it03:30
intelikeyAmaranth k03:30
AmaranthStorm: Language.03:30
nickrudjmworx, I don't care which it is, just read the docs.03:30
wastreldebian used to use exim as the default03:30
jmgguys i am having some trouble with ooo, similar to this bug: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org2-amd64/+bug/12611 but on i386 and not resolved by reinstall..03:30
Stormyass isn't that rough03:30
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wastrelthey had a good default config too, easy to modify03:30
nickrudwhich is how I started with exim, it is so darned easy03:30
jmgrunning the latest build in dapper...03:30
vader_Amaranth, I have the list in front of me for what is there as per X and xserver-org is not there? help possible?03:30
wastreli once got so frustrated trying to configure exim that i installed sendmail and used that instead heh03:31
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fiveironwhen you mount an ssh drive, what directory is it mounted to?03:31
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Amaranthvader_: if that command didn't work i'm not sure what the problem is03:31
Joe_scorplibstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 <- cant get this package, can someone help?03:31
jmworxnickrud: What I want for postfix is "Local only" right?03:31
jmghow do i burn an iso image from gnome?03:32
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wastreljmg:  i think nautilus will do that03:32
nickrudJoe_scorp, that's not the package to get, ibstdc++2.10-glibc2.2 is03:32
ceruleantigerk3b is good for image burning... not sure if that's in the standard gnome install...03:32
Joe_scorpi need the older version03:32
jigheadjmg righ click on the iso file and Write to disc03:32
Joe_scorpcuase its for running an outdated .elf for an old game03:33
nickrudJoe_scorp, if you got that package, and the program stll does not run, try this:03:33
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schloobjust out of curiosity, is it possible to have a dual monitor setup with both monitors at different resolutions?03:33
nickrudcd /usr/lib && sudo ln -s libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3 libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so03:33
otromasalguien que hable espa?ol?03:33
VoXschloob: yes03:33
otromasja ja : - )03:34
kevin1!Birdie Shakira Ft. Wyclef Jean - Hips Don't Lie.mp303:34
ubotukevin1: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:34
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schloobVoX: okay, thanks :] 03:34
otromasgracias por contestar me siento extra?o en este mundo ...03:34
intelikeyAmaranth that would require a reboot to init=/bin/sh  .....03:35
newuserAKi have a zonet wifi card with a marvell chipset, which is supported by ubuntu.  however, when i plug in the card, it says "mrv8k: probe of 0000:07:00.0 failed with error -2."  Any suggestions?03:35
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nickrudJoe_scorp, erm, typo on the package to get: libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2  <-- i missed the leading l03:35
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intelikeyAmaranth thanks to the test anyway.03:35
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newuserAKit seems to have the driver but fail the pcmcia connection03:35
Amaranthintelikey: Did you put networking back where it's supposed to be?03:35
Joe_scorpahh that mite be why it didnt work;)03:35
Stormyne0h you come back yet?03:35
intelikeyAmaranth no  lol  and i'm not going to....  hehhe03:36
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Amaranthintelikey: good luck then03:36
uXpwhat should i use to unrar files?03:36
Guest298Hi, does anyone knows where are Synaptic History file(s) ? Is it in var/log ?03:36
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=== nickrud uses a cluebat on intelikey
stevekluXp: apt-get install unrar-nonfree03:36
intelikeyAmaranth it works locally03:36
stevekluXp: don't install regular unrar, it doesn't work with alot of things03:36
AmaranthuXp: if you install the 'unrar' package you can use file-roller (Archive Manager)03:36
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Paladineanyone available to help me out with some dual boot issues?03:37
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steveklPaladine: I might be abl eto help03:37
Amaranthstevekl: In dapper unrar is unrar-nonfree03:37
Amaranth!info unrar dapper03:37
ubotuunrar: (Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)), section multiverse/utils, is optional. Version: 1:3.5.4-0.1 (dapper), Packaged size: 84 kB, Installed size: 216 kB03:37
Paladineheya stevekl thanks03:37
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PaladineI just installed ubu from livecd03:37
Paladinebut I can't boot to it03:37
steveklAmaranth: oh ok03:37
Paladineit is on the same drive as windows xp (on itown partition)03:37
steveklPaladine: Well what do you mean can't boot? Can you get grub?03:38
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steveklPaladine: If you've installed windows after you installed ubuntu, it will erase grub03:38
PaladineI am not getting grub on boot no03:38
intelikeyAmaranth i'll change the pass and see.  back in two reboots....  lol03:38
Paladinenope I have installed ubu after windows03:38
steveklPaladine: It's just going straight to windows?03:38
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Paladineyup booting straight windows03:38
steveklOh god I just drank flat soda03:38
VolVEhey all, so what's the best console-based bittorrent client right now?03:38
steveklPaladine: Uhhh hm...03:38
schloobstevekl: i'm sorry you had to go through with that03:38
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steveklschloob: with wta03:38
Paladineif I go back into live cd I can see the partition with 4.41GB used space on it03:38
Joe_scorproot@joe-room:~# apt-get install libstdc++2.10-glibc2.203:39
Joe_scorpReading package lists... Done03:39
Joe_scorpBuilding dependency tree... Done03:39
Joe_scorpE: Couldn't find package libstdc++2.10-glibc2.203:39
Paladineso it is installed03:39
Paladinejust not booting03:39
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steveklPaladine: If grub isn't coming up then it never got onto the master boot record. WHy, I don't know heh03:39
schloobstevekl: and wta would be what? :x03:39
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steveklschloob: what did i have to go through?03:39
Paladineany idea how to fix it without requiring a reinstallation?03:40
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Stormyfor everyone that has issues with lilo03:40
steveklPaladine: I know the liveCD can reinstall grub, but i'm not sure how03:40
Stormyhold the shift key on boot03:40
nickrudJoe_scorp, it's in the universe repository, see !components below about what repos are, and !repos for how to enable03:40
jigheadPaladine, you need to install grub, boot the livecd and grub-install (hd0), assuming your installs on on your first ide drive03:40
ubotuThe rationale behind the different components of the ubuntu repositories (main, restricted, universe, multiverse) is described at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components03:40
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.03:40
Paladineit is sata03:40
Guest298Is there any way to get old packages on apt or Synaptic ? I would like to downgrade an application using Synaptic if possible. I do not have the old packages.03:40
PaladineI have ubu on sdb503:40
intelikeychanged the password to 'none'    it seemed to be something else....03:40
jigheadPaladine, sdb assumes more than one disk, what is on sda?03:41
Stormyintelikey what's the matter?03:41
wastrelGuest298:  i think you can do that with apt pinning03:41
Paladinesda is just media files03:41
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nickrudintelikey, I've enjoyed you a lot, learned things from you also. But, messing with something at that level is not very level headed.03:41
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StormyPaladine, you should swap those drives then03:41
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Guest298wastrel: Ohhh ok, I'll check for it03:42
schloobstevekl: nevermind ;x03:42
wastrelwhat's intelikey doing?03:42
sivaniconwhat is the option for rmdir to delete a directory with files in it?03:42
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nickrudmessing with networking, seriously messing03:42
Stormysivanicon, rm -rf03:42
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jigheadPaladine, grub should be installed on the mbr of the first drive in your boot sequence03:42
sivaniconman pages dont say03:42
Stormysivanicon, just remember your man pages03:42
Stormyyea they do03:42
Stormyyour looking for rm03:43
intelikeynickrud hehhe level heads are not very arrowdynamic  tho  :)03:43
nickrudlike removing S40networking from rcS.d03:43
jigheadPaladine, if your bios has sda first, then grub-install (hd0) should get you booting03:43
uXpwhen i click on the file and drag it out from a rar archive its not showing up...help?03:43
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uXpon my desktop*03:43
PaladineI will jump into bios and change the boot options see if that fixes it03:43
sivaniconstormy, so dont use rmdir use rm -rf ?03:43
Paladinethanks for the help guys/gals?03:43
Stormyrmdir i bet is just an alias for rm03:43
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nickrudStormy, not03:44
jtrnpCan anyone here help me with a small network problem I have with my Ubuntu server?03:44
judahsmall as in?03:44
daharonhey guys, I'm looking for enemy territory in Synaptic, but can't seem to find it.  Is it just not there? do I just have to install it manually?03:44
jtrnpas in my server works fine for all internal network communications, but I cannot seem to even ping it from the outside.03:45
wastrelwhat's enemy territory?03:45
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Stormycastle wolfenstein03:45
narg__I have a box running breezy, and I want C++ bindings for mysql; what package should I use (there are like 30 mysql packages)03:45
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nickruddaharon, manually, it's license forbids redistribution from what I hear03:45
wastrelis it free software?03:45
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Guest298Is there any way to restore the system to a previous state by undoing installed/updated/deleted packages in Synaptic ? Any script for it ?03:45
Stormythink of quake 303:45
daharonnickrud:  well, its in Gentoo's portage, so I figured it would be in apt.03:45
nickrudGuest298, not really03:45
jigheadjtrnp, what is "outside" and what is "inside"03:45
nickruddaharon, this is dfsg territory03:46
nickrudwell, so far :)03:46
Guest298nickrud: Do you know where the Synaptic keeps its history ?03:46
daharonnickrud:  dfsg?03:46
nargdebian free software guidelines03:46
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daharonok, so they are more strict...03:47
nargthey are pretty tight, yea03:47
nickrudGuest298, no i don't, sorry.03:47
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Guest298nickrud: ok03:47
daharonwell, what about this multiverse, etc, repositories?  is that where you would find non GPL software?03:47
Guest298Anyone know where Synaptic keeps its history ?03:47
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nickruddaharon, http://www.debian.org/social_contract03:47
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nickrud!tell daharon about components03:48
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nickruddaharon, you should have a link in a pm03:48
jtrnpAll computer in my private internal network can access my server:  including its ftp server, ssh server, http server, dhcp server, etc.  All my computers also access the internet through it using some iptables rules.  However, I cannot seem to access my computer from anywhere else: i.e. another computer at a friends house.03:48
jigheadGuest298, /var/cache/apt/archives is where packages get dowloaded, is that what you want?03:48
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jtrnpI cannot even ping the server.03:48
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jtrnpfrom outside the internal network03:48
daharonnickrud, thanks03:48
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jigheadjtrnp, do you have a firewall, are you doing any sort of NAT or portforwarding?03:48
lukaswayne9How can I upgrade a Breezy machine to Dapper without an internet connection?03:49
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jtrnpI am running aome NAT rules, yes.  I can tell you if you would like to know what they are.03:49
nickruddaharon, things in multiverse don't have to abide by the guidelines, but even there there are limits03:49
Healotlukaswayne9: with Dapper CD03:49
daharonnickrud: like it still has to be open source?03:49
Guest298jighead: No, in Synaptic, you can have the history of what was made in the past (installed/updated/deleted packages). I know to know in which file it is stored... it should be one file only, but it could be one for each set of task also03:49
jigheadjtrnp, are any of your other computer accessible from outside your local net?03:49
lukaswayne9Healot: yes, I've burned the alternate CD, but what then do I do?03:49
nickruddaharon, no, just freely redistributable. For example, sun just changed their license, so it's now in multiverse.03:50
=== jmg reinstalls from espresso...
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jtrnpNo, all computers have internal IP addresses, and are not accessable from outside the local net03:50
jtrnpall computers other than my ubuntu server, that is03:50
nickruddaharon, erm, sun's java I mean03:50
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daharonnickrud: right, ok03:50
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jigheadjtrnp, how are you giving the ubunut server a public IP?03:51
daharonnickrud: that makes some sense, since even in Portage, it still downloads from a non-gentoo server.  unlike other packages03:51
wastrelwatch the gateway's firewall logs, do you see the ping packets coming in?03:51
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bimberiGuest298: afaik synaptic doesn't keep logs, dpkg (which is used by synaptic) does though - /var/log/dpkg.log03:51
nickruddaharon, similar to the msttcorefonts, yes03:51
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jtrnpIt is connected through a dial-up ppp connection - connected through wvdial (in a rural area, no hi-speed available)03:51
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wastrel<3 wvidal03:51
AshDragonI have a Airnet AWN154/AWD154 wireless networking card. How do I get Breezy to detect this? I am kinda new to Linux, have used Debian Woody and Sarge a little bit and now I am on to Ubuntu 5.10 Breezy... (i don't think that it is even being detected as being in there)03:52
distanceisdeathhello, i have a computer (windows) and there is no driver for the dial up connection. anyway would solving ubuntu fix this?03:52
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jtrnpany ideas?03:52
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Guest298bimberi : Ok, thank you :)03:52
nameless14I need some help I just put two extra harddrives in my server (text only) now when i try to boot the computer it says /bish/sh cant access tty job control turned off. bbut before that it says things like /root/dev on /dev/.static/dev failed no such file or directory. Does anyone know how to fix this03:52
eigenlambdadistanceisdeath:  does it have a real modem or a winmodem?03:52
jtrnpreal, external, serial modem03:52
bimberiGuest298: np :)03:52
jigheadjtrnp, so is the ubuntu box acting as a gateway for the rest of your net?03:52
Stormydistanceisdeath, explain your problem a little more03:52
distanceisdeatheigenlambda, not sure. whatever is stock on a dell03:52
jtrnpjighead: yes it is a gateway03:52
Healotnote: USB modems are not real modems :)03:53
jtrnpall of my other computers can access it and use the internet fine03:53
Stormydistanceisdeath, look into ndiswrappers03:53
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jmgusr modems are :)03:53
jtrnpJust i am unable to ping the server from outside of the local net03:53
wastreljtrnp:  is your dialup provider is giving you a static IP?03:53
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jigheadjtrnp, ok, how are you trying to ping it then, do you have dynamic dns setup?03:53
distanceisdeathStormy, i reformatted my computer and i lost my driver for the PCI card to use the dial up modem.  I want to install linux on and it, and im wondering if it will work.03:53
jtrnpno, it is a dynamic ip - i use a dyndns service03:53
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jtrnpi am pinging it using the ip address03:53
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Stormydistanceisdeath, look into ndiswrappers03:54
distanceisdeathStormy, I cannot download the driver.03:54
jtrnpi have a second line - my internet has been connected for the past 16 days03:54
jtrnpsame ip address03:54
Stormywhat card is it?03:54
Stormydo you know the name03:54
Guest298Anyone was able to install Ubuntu 6.06 on an external USB disk using the graphic install ?03:54
Stormyor the fcc id of it?03:54
Stormyhave you put a live cd in the machine03:54
distanceisdeathStormy, no i do not.03:54
Stormyand pulled a lspci?03:54
Stormyput a cd in03:54
distanceisdeathStormy, slow03:54
pppoe_dudeok if i install (accidentally) packages from the breezy repos on a dapper installation, then switch my repos to dapper, do an apt-get update then apt-get upgrade is that bad?03:54
distanceisdeathOkay one sec.03:54
Stormydistanceisdeath, put a livecd in it and run lspci03:54
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jigheadjtrnp, have you tried pinging the host name that dyndns gave you?03:54
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nameless14I need some help I just put two extra harddrives in my server (text only) now when i try to boot the computer it says /bish/sh cant access tty job control turned off. bbut before that it says things like /root/dev on /dev/.static/dev failed no such file or directory. Does anyone know how to fix this03:55
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jtrnpyes, i run an auto-update script that sends my ip address to dyndns every time it is renewed.  dyndns redirects the domain name to my ipaddress fine, but it still will not connect03:55
Dowhello, could anybody told me how to exit icewm?03:56
jtrnpi can not ping my server through either the dyndns host name or the ip address03:56
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bimberipppoe_dude: probably not, in fact it's likely to rectify the situation03:56
Stormynameless14, check your order03:56
lightstarDow, alt+ctrl+backspace03:56
nameless14Stormy, my order of what03:56
Stormyyour drives/ide cables03:56
wastreljtrnp:  do you have any other services listening at the server's IP addy?  like could you try to telnet in to smtp or ftp or something- maybe your dialup provider is blocking ping.03:57
steveklCan someone point me to a page about making ubuntu fonts look really good?03:57
jtrnpso, any ideas?03:57
distanceisdeathStormy, whats the command?03:57
Stormydistanceisdeath,  lspci03:57
nameless14Stormy, ahhh you are right I changed one plug around due to space restrictions thanks03:57
lightstarjtrnp, did you block incoming ping to your machine?03:57
Stormynameless14, np03:57
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!lilo:*! New channel reminder: ##posix-devel has been set up "...covering the range of development tools (compilers, assemblers, linkers, source code managers, debuggers, development applications, etc.) for Posix-compatible and Posix-like operating systems...." if you'd like to help out, please stop by, idle, compare notes. Thanks!03:57
jigheadjtrnp, do your other services fail, like ssh, http?03:57
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jtrnpI run ssh, ftp, and apache.  I cannot access any of these services from outside my local net.03:58
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jtrnpHowever, if i use my external ip address from the internal net, it works03:58
pppoe_dudebimberi, cool, there doesnt seem to be any broken packages03:58
sangayawhere do usb drives get mounted?03:58
jtrnpthe internal ip addrss from inside my internal net also works03:58
AshDragonI have a Airnet AWN154/AWD154 wireless networking card. How do I get Breezy to detect this? I am kinda new to Linux, have used Debian Woody and Sarge a little bit and now I am on to Ubuntu 5.10 Breezy... (i don't think that it is even being detected as being in there)03:58
lerkanhi i have Xgl on my computer and i would like to know how to change the widow  border theme03:58
Stormysangaya, type mount and dmesg, that should give you everything03:58
distanceisdeathStormy, what livecd do i pit in? ubuntu right?03:58
pppoe_dudebimberi, but xlib6g was missing from the dapper packages, and by fuke i got it from the breezy sources03:58
lightstarjtrnp, did you do forwarding to those ports?03:58
Stormydistanceisdeath, shouldn't matter, any live cd should do03:59
pppoe_dudei think it can conflict with things...03:59
sangayaStormy, thanks03:59
Stormysangaya, np03:59
lerkanhi i have Xgl on my computer and i would like to know how to change the widow  border theme03:59
pppoe_dudehopefully not03:59
jtrnplightstar:  Sorry, but i'm not entirely sure what you mean?03:59
Dowlightstar, but i do this, it back to wm , i wanna back to shell mode03:59
lerkanhi i have Xgl on my computer and i would like to know how to change the widow  border theme03:59
distanceisdeathStormy, Im at the ubuntu installation screen and lspci doesnt work... "could no find kernal inmage"03:59
lightstarDow, if you want console then press alt+ctrl+103:59
tristanmike!tell lerkan about patience03:59
jtrnpIf you are interested, I can send some a txt file with my iptables rules - i'm not sure if its related or not?03:59
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JohnsonEanyone around now thing they can help me with my pesky vmware installation?04:00
jigheadjtrnp, pastebin them, i'll look04:00
Stormydistanceisdeath, you got a gentoo livecd?04:00
tristanmikelerkan: you may also want to ask in #ubuntu-xgl, but even more patience is required there ;)04:00
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distanceisdeathNo, i have crux04:00
jtrnpjighead:  I'm new to IRC, how do I do that?04:00
Dowlightstar, but alt+ctrl+1 seem not work04:00
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nickrudxgl should just die a natural death04:00
jighead!tell jtrnp about pastebin04:00
distanceisdeathStormy, i dont know if these are livecds, they are the iso image04:00
tristanmikenickrud: don't be mean04:00
oni-draculadoes anyone here use Wine to play World of Warcraft (as opposed to Cedega)?04:01
Toma-iirc, aiglx is better04:01
lightstarDow, oops..sorry..its alt+ctrl+F1..left out the F04:01
Stormydistanceisdeath, find yourself a livecd04:01
lightstarDow, you will get a console login04:01
kwtmHow do I get rid of Katapult?  It keeps intercepting my favourite key combo, Alt-Space.04:01
nickrudtristanmike, I'm so tired of hearing of help requested on barely beta software04:01
distanceisdeathStormy, I cant burn any dvds04:01
Stormydistanceisdeath, got a pen drive?04:01
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tristanmikenickrud: that's true, I was just joking anyway :P04:01
distanceisdeathStormy, whats that.  I do have a windows xp disc.04:02
nickrudtristanmike, :)04:02
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Stormydistanceisdeath, usb pen drive, flash drive, etc,etc,etc Windows XP is useless, you need to get to a linux shell in some sort of running enviroment, either by floppy or by cd04:02
Stormyor flash04:02
Stormyor tape for that matter04:02
gssomeone can send me initramfs-tools-0.40ubuntu32.deb package?04:02
gsor where i can download?04:03
distanceisdeathStormy, I do not have a pen drive or floppy04:03
Stormysounds like your hopeless04:03
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distanceisdeathStormy, what was the point of all this?04:03
Stormythat might work04:03
Healotgs, find+download the package at packages.ubuntu.com04:03
Stormydistanceisdeath, you want to know if your modem would work in linux04:03
Stormylspci will tell me what your modem is04:03
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JohnsonEso guys, where might some remnants of VMware-player be hiding on my system? I tried all the uninstalls but the server still says there's a previous version.04:03
Stormyfrom that i can tell you what will work and won't04:03
Dowlightstar, thanks a loooooooooooooooooootttttttttttttttttttttttt04:04
nickrudgs, http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/download.pl?arch=all&file=pool%2Fmain%2Fi%2Finitramfs-tools%2Finitramfs-tools_0.40ubuntu32_all.deb&md5sum=738e2216fba709b01c2c3b7509ba20f6&arch=all&type=main04:04
distanceisdeathStormy, it should work, its the stock modem.04:04
lightstarDow, np:)04:04
Dowlightstar, i am green hand on ubunto04:04
Stormydistanceisdeath, that doesn't mean shit04:04
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steveklCan someone point me to a guide about making ubuntu fonts look really good?04:04
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gsnickrud, thank you04:04
lightstarDow, takes a lil getting used to..but it helps tat its pretty user friendly:)04:04
distanceisdeathStormy, is there a way to find it in the windows OS04:04
pianoboy3333Can someone help me with a hard drive issue here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=194632 ?04:04
Stormyif there is i don't know it04:04
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Stormyi quit using windows 8 years ago04:05
AshDragonI have a Airnet AWN154/AWD154 wireless networking card, I also have a onboard LAN that I cannot get to run.... How do I get this to run on 5.10?04:05
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distanceisdeathWhat am i looking for?04:05
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nickrudgs, search & download, packages.ubuntu.com :)04:05
Dowwil go to continue learn how to use, lightstar,  thanks from my heart04:05
jtrnplightstar: I have now posted my NAT rules to pastebin04:05
distanceisdeathwell, if i install linux04:05
StormyAshDragon, search for your wifi card specs, find out it's chipset04:05
distanceisdeathand it doesnt work04:05
intelikeyodder and odder as we go.   now i can't connect via ssh04:05
distanceisdeathi can install windows vover it?04:05
StormyAshDragon, use lspci04:05
Stormydistanceisdeath, of course04:05
jigheadjtrnp, paste the link here and we can look at it04:05
lightstarDow, your welcome...and welcome to the land of ubuntu;)04:05
jtrnpum k04:05
distanceisdeathStormy, im taking the risk04:05
=== Stormy pukes on the floor
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jtrnpI don't know if it has anything to do with it, but you can take a look04:06
intelikeyssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused  <--- can ssh work with nosuid ?04:06
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nickrudintelikey, is lo even up?04:06
oogy2anyone have any experience with kernel panic on install?04:06
JohnsonEis acm4 any good?04:06
distanceisdeathStormy, ndiswrappers are hard, and i dont know if i can get the driver for the pci card.04:06
Toma-anyone a way to stop Archive Manager from extracting as you drag?04:07
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Stormydistanceisdeath, you would be supprised04:07
intelikeynickrud yes  that was the first thing i checked04:07
Stormydistanceisdeath, if you know the model # you can do alot04:07
oogy2i have a dell dimension 2300, and every debian based distro that uses 2.6 kernel (that i've tried) kernel panics04:07
distanceisdeathStormy, you gonna help me through it?04:07
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Stormydistanceisdeath, no i'm not going to hold your hand04:07
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nickrudintelikey, ah, one thing right then. Have more fun :)04:07
distanceisdeathnot like that04:07
Milkanyone here good with exim?  no one seems to be answering in #exim04:07
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jigheadjtrnp, you are not allowing any NEW incoming traffic on ppp004:08
lightstarjtrnp, this machine is the one your using to host something correct? looks like you blocked all incoming traffic04:08
ubuntunaything speak spanish04:08
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:08
intelikeynickrud mock on.   just because you couldn't get something like this to work doesn't mean i wont.   ;/04:08
lightstarjtrnp, i cant recall exactly..let me have a look at my iptables rules04:08
jtrnpok, i see...04:08
jigheadjtrnp, you should set a few rules that allow incoming traffic on the ports you wish to serve (ssh, http, ftp)04:08
jtrnpok, no problem04:08
Codenut_  /quit04:08
nickrudintelikey, not mocking, just mocking :)04:08
clustyi was wondering if there is an easy way to make grub have nice GUI rather then text menu04:08
JinkzSo, anyone try the new Google Earth release for linux?04:08
jtrnpSo, I guess I had it all secured down then..04:08
AshDragonI have tried lspci and I cannot see it in there at all.. I get the onboard lan, the USB, video, modem, and audio but nothing about the Wireless card04:09
nickrudintelikey, I've built from scratch, I know it's fun04:09
intelikeyoh 8*{04:09
Stormyclusty, google grub04:09
DaveyJquick question... how can i make shift+backspace NOT throw me out of my session?04:09
wastrelssh - check hosts.allow/hosts.deny04:09
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jigheadjtrnp, you sure did, google around, you can find some pretty good firewall scripts out there, or use firestarter if you don't like writing rules by hand04:09
wastrelDaveyJ:  supposably a hard-coded feature in xgl04:09
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StormyAshDragon, how does it connect?04:09
tristanmikeDaveyJ: is that with xgl ?04:09
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DaveyJoh :(04:09
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DaveyJi keep pressing it by accident.. very annoying04:09
AshDragonStormy: PCI if that is what you want04:09
lightstarjtrnp, what did you use to create the iptables rules?04:09
tristanmikewastrel: really ? good to know, i was wondering about that04:09
lightstarjtrnp, try using firestarter04:10
jtrnpjighead:  thanks a lot.  I haven't focused to much on fixing it, but that really helped me out.04:10
jtrnplightstar:  ok04:10
nameless14does anyone know any torrent or download programs that are limit to fluxtorrent but alternatives04:10
StormyAshDragon, you might have a cardbus bridge in your way stopping you from seeing your card04:10
wastreltristanmike:  i just heard someone else in here say it when someone else asked about it :] 04:10
jtrnplightstar:  i googled around and more or less wrote them by hand...04:10
lightstarjtrnp, its a gui that can help config your f/w rules in a easier manner04:10
wastrelhence the supposably04:10
AshDragonStormy: What can I do about that?04:10
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tristanmikewastrel: tanks for passing the info along, know I know a direction to look, :D04:10
jtrnplightstar:  the only thing is, i'm running a minimal server install with no x04:10
lightstarjtrnp, ahh:)..dun worry..every1 makes that mistake of blocking all incoming:)04:10
lightstarjtrnp, i c04:10
DaveyJokay now everytime i ask this i get a different answer.. but i'll try again anyway04:10
DaveyJis it possible to use xgl with multiple monitors? even if its running different sessions?04:11
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StormyAshDragon, start reading up on your wifi card search it with linux in google and see what comes up04:11
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tristanmikeDaveyJ: you should really bring all xgl discussion to #ubuntu-xgl04:11
jtrnplighstar, so I guess I need to just mess around with writing up a few more? or is there some tool to help?04:11
DaveyJok :)04:11
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=== theine [n=theine@port1825.ds1-khk.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
jigheadjtrnp, sudo aptitude install firestarter04:12
JohnsonEthe Aven Cave Survey Tool has got to be the most useless thing I've ever seen :o04:12
mcpowleyHey guys, i'm having some trouble. sometimes my ubuntu randomly kicks me back to the log in screen as if I had pressed ctrl alt backspace...when I haven't. It always seems to happen when i'm typing at some point or another...is there a different shortcut that im accidently holding down when typing that I don't know about that restarts?04:12
wastreljtrnp:  definitely learn how to watch your firewall logs while you're debugging your rules :]   knowledge being power & all04:12
jigheadjtrnp, whoops, no x nevermind04:12
jtrnpjighead:  i'm not running a gui, therefore I don't have aptitude04:12
steveklIs it possible to select from a list of users on gnome's login screen?04:12
jtrnpwastrel, thanks04:12
wastrelaptitude is cli04:12
jtrnpjighead, no prob04:12
tristanmikemcpowley: let me guess, you have xgl, and I bet it's only when you type "Shift+Backspace"04:12
lightstarjighead, is ipmenu still avail for dapper? he could use tat..after all its just ncurses04:13
mcpowleytristanmike: Ah, you got it right on the head.04:13
steveklCan I just get an indication that i'm not on everyone's ignore list04:13
Yoosahstevekl: not on everyone's ignore list04:13
mcpowleytristanmike: XGl has been a hassle for me, I don't even want it anymore, it's nice but I think i might take it off04:13
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steveklYoosah: phew04:13
tristanmikemcpowley: it seems that may be hardcoded into xgl, or so wastrel has informed me04:13
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jtrnpI run a a gui on my other comps, but I decided I might as well learn the command line way for my server...04:14
tristanmikemcpowley: I've had no problems really since I discovered what was "randomly" throwing me out of my session too :P04:14
jtrnpAnd I have definately learned a lot, and I'm glad I did04:14
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jigheadjtrnp, lightstar i don't see any cli fw configs04:15
lonegeekwhats an alternative to gstreamer04:15
nomasteryodatristanmike, what did throw you out?04:15
nickrudstevekl, hm, lemme check :)04:15
tristanmikelonegeek: xine maybe04:15
jigheadjtrnp, if you have a linux gui on another pc, use firestarter to gen your rules there and scp them to your gateway04:15
_jasonlonegeek: xine04:15
lightstarjighead, i cant find 1 either..but i know there was sth similar for breezy..just cant recall04:15
jtrnpjighead, sounds like a good idea04:15
tristanmikenomasteryoda: ? sorry, what do you mean ?04:16
wastrelok since you're citing me on this shift-backspace thing04:16
wastrelherre's the fix:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18671404:16
=== lufis [n=sam@adsl-70-232-63-231.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
lightstarjtrnp, yeah tat would make the most sense...just dump the rules using iptables-save04:16
tristanmikewastrel: lol, thanx04:16
jigheadlightstar, i see ipfwadm, but i thought that was old, old stuff04:16
jtrnpok, sounds good...04:16
lufisis there any way to remove or disable hardware?04:16
lonegeekwhats an alternative to gstreamer for mp3 audio ( in banshee)04:16
nomasteryodatristanmike,  oh, you mentioned above that your kept geting thrown out04:16
jigheadlightstar, i haven't tried it though, so it could be worth a shot04:16
nickrudstevekl, yes, System-Admin-Login Manager, select Style Plain04:16
lightstarjighead, tat wun do at all:)04:16
uXpanyone know how to enabled writing to a external hard drive, says i don't have access04:16
tristanmikenomasteryoda: oh, it kept kicking me back to the logon screen04:16
uXpi tried dragging a file into it and it won't let me04:17
jigheadlightstar, i figured04:17
tristanmikenomasteryoda: the same way as if you hit "ctrl+alt+delete"04:17
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jtrnplighstar, since you bring up iptables-save, I have one more question: when I run that on my server to save my rules, I can never seem to restore them after a reboot?  Maybe i'm misinterpreting the purpose of iptables-save04:17
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nomasteryodaor ctrlaltbkspc04:17
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wastrelok g'nigh04:17
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nomasteryodamy ubuntu locks up tight sometimes04:18
bimberipppoe_dude: sry got called away, if you've been able to install a breezy package without getting dependency issues and its working then it's probably ok04:18
chumpalumpuXp: What kinda filesystem?04:18
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tristanmikenomasteryoda: and it was annoying cause it seemed to happen randomly, when I was typing, so it took a while to figure out what was causing it04:18
steveklnickrud: ok thank you!04:18
jtrnplightstar: actually nevermind, I'll do some research on it04:18
=== intelikey [n=root@0-1pool90-52.nas23.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
nomasteryodayea for sure04:18
nickrudstevekl, erm, it's changed again, a sec04:18
ExdaixHey guys, I have an ATI IXP sound card built into my laptop, and I can only change the master volume by changing the "Headphones" volume slider....  any way to remap this?04:18
jtrnplighstar, jighead: thank u guys a lot, you've really helped me..04:18
intelikeynow sombody test ssh for me.04:18
sergiowhat up04:19
chumpalumpuXp: If you run mount in a terminal, what does the mount point info look like04:19
sergiospeak spanish plis04:19
lightstarjtrnp, np:)...04:19
nickrudstevekl, choose face browser04:19
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:19
=== lufis [n=sam@adsl-70-232-63-231.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudstevekl, you can actually put people's pictures in that, makes it even easier04:20
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sergiogracias hermano04:20
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LiteHeddedI did dist-upgrade and I don't think it worked04:20
jtrnpalright, well i'm off to write some iptables rules, w00t. l8r04:20
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uXpchumpalump:  what do you mean04:20
nickrudintelikey, sure, where?04:20
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nickrudintelikey, it's up04:21
chumpalumpuXp: Under accessories in your main menu there is a Terminal program.  Start it ....04:21
intelikeyyep thank you.04:22
sergioperrin como xaxu entro a donde me dijiste04:22
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chumpalumpuXp: at the prompt, type "mount" without the quotes04:22
nickrudsergio, es?04:22
steveklnickrud: Face browser is cool04:22
BratscheHello, everyone.04:22
nickrudstevekl, yeah, it is :)04:22
sergiok soy k ?04:22
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:22
intelikeynow i think i'll rewrite inittab  and  rcS04:23
=== Dancehall [n=martinez@] has joined #ubuntu
TigerWolfIve forgotten the link to the ubuntu forums wiki repository - anyone give me a link?04:23
BratscheI'm about to install xubuntu. Is there anything I should know?04:23
byLeali have just upgraded to 6.06, and the firmware_class driver is gone...04:23
uXpchumpalump:  ok im htere04:23
nickrudintelikey, why not just use linux from scratch :)04:23
sergioperodonen las molestias e k recienestoy migrando a linux04:23
TigerWolfIts not showing up in google04:23
lufisHi. I have two sound cards, One is on the mobo, one is a PCI device. I don't use the mobo one, Is there any way (short of recompiling the kernel without the particular driver) to disable the mobo one?04:23
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu oder Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de04:23
tristanmikeBratsche: you may spend a lot of time having fun, beware :D04:23
byLealhow can i load the modem firmware in ubuntu 6.06?04:23
chumpalumpuXp: did you type mount and then hit enter?04:24
nickrudsergio, language ?04:24
steveklbyLeal: If it's an .exe that you need to run, you probably can't04:24
jigheadbyLeal, what modem do you have?04:24
Dancehallcomo hago para entrar en #ubuntu-studio????04:24
Bratschetristanmike: Oh, you mean messing about, or just having fun with ubuntu in general?04:24
TigerWolfIve forgotten the link to the ubuntu forums wiki repository - anyone give me a link?04:24
byLeali have a dsl-210.04:24
intelikeyyes nickrud04:24
sergiohablo castellano  nickrud04:24
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chumpalumpWhat does the line with your external drive look like04:24
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tristanmikeBratsche: everything, it's lots o' fun04:25
paul_tigerwolf: www.google.com04:25
uXpchumpalump:  yes i typed mount04:25
Bratschetristanmike: Sweet.04:25
sergiome puedes guiar04:25
=== di [n=di@bb220-255-118-50.singnet.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
ddonkyI installed vmware server and now my computer is slow, anyone know how to fix it?04:25
byLealit works in ubuntu 5.10. but the firmware was load with firmware_class driver.04:25
intelikeynickrud actually i saw Amaranth attempt eariler but can you actually login ?04:25
TigerWolfpaul_: Came up with nothing in first 3 pages04:25
BratscheHere's a noob question though: can you access windows partitions while in xubuntu?04:25
dican anyone please help me with my broken apt system?04:25
paul_search ubuntu wiki04:25
chumpalumpuXp: do you see it in the list?04:25
ddonkyI think it's a program called 'vware-serverd' that is causing the slowness.04:25
stevekldi: What's the problem?04:25
intelikeydi what error ?04:25
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uXpchumpalump:  yes04:26
tristanmikeBratsche: yes, can't write to ntfs, but can read, and can read/write to fat3204:26
byLealnow i'm online with that modem... i have to load the firmware with the old installation, then connect in dapper.04:26
stevekl(One of my typing fingers is hurt :()04:26
uXplets all rubb it04:26
paul_or better yet go to ubuntu.org and click on wiki04:26
byLealmust be a replacement to firmware_class..04:26
eigenlambdaevery finger is a typing finger...04:26
BratscheOk, so what would ntfs and fat32 mean?04:26
eigenlambdawell, except my left thumb.  most of the time04:26
distevekl intelikey http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1562804:26
chumpalumpuXp: does it have (r) or (rw) on the end?04:27
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tristanmikeBratsche: ntfs = Win2k and XP  fat32 = 98 and prev.04:27
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=== mcpowley [n=matt@cpe-66-74-54-89.dc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
stevekldi: hm04:27
mcpowleyoh my god, I just pressed shift backspace again by accident.04:27
BratscheOK, good. I have Windows ME04:27
chumpalumptristanmike: cool, good to know04:27
diapt-get -f install does not work04:27
Stormycould someone point me in the right direction for some sort of a howto to move from 5.10 to whatever current stable is ( i think 6.06 )?04:27
uXpchumpalump:  /dev/sda1 on /media/sda1 type ntfs (rw,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46)04:27
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Bratschethough that should qualify as an OS04:27
stevekldi: Ok, I would try "apt-get -f install" first, that will clean everything up04:27
tristanmikeBratsche: basically it's the filesystem type04:27
nickrudsergio, ah. #ubuntu-es is closest, I think04:27
distevekl: it didnt work04:27
_jasonubotu: tell Stormy about upgrade04:28
tristanmikeBratsche: it doesn't :P04:28
=== MystaMax [n=MystaMax@c-24-98-118-36.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dithats the -f output04:28
stevekldi: And then I would look at your sources.lst, make sure there aren't any conflicting sources04:28
stevekldi: ok04:28
nickrudintelikey, yes,04:28
gdbWell, Linux's software mirroring has saved my bacon.  One of the drives in my /home mirror blew and while the failed disk was causing the machine to hang while booting, the other drive is working fine.04:28
distevekl: i tried to install some debian packages04:28
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distevekl: it failed04:28
uXpchumpalump:  now what?04:28
stevekldi: Ah, yeah, that might be hard to do, debian packages aren't guaranteed to have the same dependencies as ubuntu packages04:28
nickruddoes anyone know a quick way to see all the language channels for ubuntu on freenode?04:29
Bratschetristanmike: Ok, well, thank you.04:29
=== maxy_noob [n=maxyvits@modemcable094.209-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeyah yes good thank you nickrud04:29
BratscheWish me luck?! :)04:29
zeelothi there i just download the new google earth linux edition which looks like this: GoogleEarthLinux.bin is there any one could teach me how to install it?04:29
uboturumour has it, irc is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage or have a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat04:29
chumpalumpuXp: tristanmike just mentioned you can't write to ntfs, only fat32, but the mount command says rw, so.. I'm checkin it out04:29
maxy_noobhi guys. I have a question about mounting an image on linux.04:29
distevekl: how do i force a remove of libc6?04:29
=== Mysta_ [n=MystaMax@c-24-98-118-36.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
steveklzeelot: Probably just run that file04:29
lightstarzeelot, sh GoogleEarthLinux.bin04:29
uXpchumpalump:  ok thx04:29
_jasonnickrud: the wuc link ubotu just gave should list them04:29
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mcpowleydoes anyone know how to configure xchat so whenever I launch it, it automatically connects to freenode and the room of my choice(#ubuntu)?04:29
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stevekldi: apt-get remove doesn't work?04:30
zeelotlightstar: thank i will try!04:30
tristanmikezeelot: change directory to where the file is then "chmod +x filename.bin"  then "./filename.bin04:30
lightstarzeelot, np:)04:30
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nickrud_jason, that gave me wikipedia's def of irc :)04:30
=== jbkirc [n=jbkirc@ppp166-27.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrud_jason, arg, doh, all that :)04:30
lightstarmcpowley, yes you can..when you see the server list, click on the edit button, you can config your nick and channels to join04:30
_jasonnickrud: wuc = wiki.ubuntu.com , the other link :)04:30
ddonkyIt starts a program called, something like, "vware-serverd". top says it's using 80% of CPU and 90% of RAM04:31
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mcpowleylightstar: Thanks much!04:31
steveklooooh, I LOVE how nautilus just *works* with network shares04:31
steveklIt's just THERE04:31
steveklThat is awesome04:31
=== Skwid_ [n=Skwid___@bas1-montreal42-1177928411.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
steveklWhy did it take me this long to try gnome?04:31
Mysta_hello, Can  I enable remote desktop on xubuntu?04:31
maxy_noobI have a dvd with an mdf image. It's an image of UT2K4. I'd like to load it in order to install UT2K4.04:32
intelikeystevekl i have had deps problems that wouldn't let apt remove packages because they depended on thing they were removing.   gconf2  for instance   re-running apt-get remove three times actually did get that one tho04:32
maxy_noobPresently Ubuntu can't read the disk04:32
lightstarMysta, you would need to install x11vnc 1st though04:32
_jasonnickrud: well it seems to have changed but it still links to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetRelayChat?action=show&redirect=IrcChannels which is what I wanted to point you to04:32
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@adrianDHCP-36.216-254-251.iw.net] has joined #ubuntu
steveklmaxy_noob: you might be able to mount it loopback, do "mount -o loop image.mdf /where/ever/"04:32
steveklmaxy_noob: *might* work04:32
nickrud_jason, I found the command on the page, thanks. I just tried to skim, and got bad milk04:33
maxy_noobwhere do I do that from, stevekl?04:33
steveklmaxy_noob: from anywhere04:33
steveklmaxy_noob: as root04:33
stevekluse sudo04:33
=== Daskies [n=jordan@c-71-193-235-210.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ExdaixHey guys, I have an ATI IXP sound card built into my laptop, and I can only change the master volume by changing the "Headphones" volume slider....  any way to remap this?04:33
LiteHeddedI did dist-upgrade and I don't think it worked04:33
steveklUh, can you mount .mdf as loopback, guys?04:33
DaskiesWhat's the terminal command for rename?04:34
steveklDaskies: there is none, use mv04:34
nickrudDaskies, mv04:34
tristanmikeDaskies: mv04:34
intelikeyplug into the other jack ?04:34
Exdaixthere is no jack...04:34
maxy_noobcan't find image.mdf/where/ever/ in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab04:34
Daskiesstevekl: mv /location/ /location2/  ?04:34
lonegeekwhat are alternatives to gstreamer audio output04:34
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chumpalumpuXp: Yeah, readonly is forced, otherwise you can get file damage :-(04:35
dihow do i remove a wrongly installed debian libc6 package?04:35
steveklmaxy_noob: No not literally, replace image.mdf with the name of the file04:35
nickrudlonegeek, xine, install totem-xine and libxine-extracodecs, and the w32codecs04:35
steveklmaxy_noob: and /where/ever with wherever you want to moun it04:35
uXpdamn it04:35
steveklmount it04:35
uXpok thx04:35
maxy_nooboh (blush)04:35
nickrudlonegeek, w32codecs, see below04:35
uXpno more movies thne =[04:35
ubotua compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular non-free formats. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for 64-bit systems see http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5439904:35
=== duck [n=thenetdu@c-67-186-218-157.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
maxy_noobthe thing is: I can't even see what the image is named because I get an error message.04:36
intelikeydi sudo dpkg --force-all --purge package   ?04:36
maxy_noobUnable to mount the selected volume. The volume is probably in a format that cannot be mounted.04:36
lonegeeknickrud: thats not what i need! xine is a sepeparate player ..which i already have...when in programs i want another option for playback engines04:36
=== louaque [n=louaque@AStDenis-105-1-54-160.w80-8.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
lightstarlonegeek, gmplayer?04:36
nickrudlonegeek, totem can use either gstreamer or xine as the backend. You don't need to use the xine player, use totem-xine04:37
chumpalumpuXp: Why do you need writable for movies?04:37
maxy_noobmount: block device /dev/hdd is write-protected, mounting read-only04:37
maxy_noobmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdd,04:37
maxy_noob       missing codepage or other error04:37
maxy_noob       in some cases useful info is found in syslog - try04:37
maxy_noob       dmesg | tail  or so04:37
lonegeeknickrud: i have that...but xine doesnt show up as a engine in banshee04:37
nickrudlonegeek, unless we're talking at cross purposes here04:37
=== distanceisdeath [n=joseph@191-196.35-65.tampabay.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu []
diintelikey: i tried sudo dpkg --force- -r libc6 and now commands like ls and sudo dont work04:37
uXpchumpalump:  im triyng ot put the ones i just dl into my external HD04:37
uXpfor later04:37
dibash: /bin/ls: No such file or directory04:37
nickrudlonegeek, ah, banshee. As best I can tell, banshee only uses gstreamer04:38
steveklmaxy_noob: Hm, I guess loop won't work for that04:38
steveklmaxy_noob: sorry, I have no other ideas :(04:38
maxy_noobthanks for your help04:38
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lonegeeknickrud: that sucks because it over ampliys audio...04:38
intelikeydi and that errored out because there was no agr to the force agr..... man dpkg04:38
nickrudlonegeek, strike that:  banshee only uses gstreamer04:38
chumpalumpuXp: see https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+ticket/364 for discussion.  Can you format the drive at fat32.  Then it's usable by linux and windows.04:39
=== zhllg [n=zhangle@static-ip-92-118-134-202.rev.dyxnet.com] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudlonegeek, gstreamer is supposed to be totally customizable, but looking for howtos? priceless04:39
intelikeydi it's not  --force- blah.   it's --force-<agr>     where arg might be   all04:39
lonegeeknickrud: well in banshee and vlc...if i put volume to max...its too much volume and everything is garbled04:39
=== federic [n=haifeng@amfea-proxy-1.sun.com] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudlonegeek, as an ex-bench tech, never put any control over 80%.04:40
jigheaddi, if you managed to remove libc, you will most likely have to boot from cd and get the right version installed04:40
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nickrudlonegeek, look elsewhere for more amplification04:40
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dijighead: how?04:40
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lonegeeknickrud: well in banshee its about around 20 percent with master at 100percent and thats usually fine...for most stuff04:40
lonegeeknickrud, it over amplifys04:41
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Stormywhat's the easyest way to install an smp kernel in ubuntu 5.10?04:41
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intelikeynickrud yeah but that's the tech way  this is  ubuntu04:41
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qwegreetings. how much hard disc space is considered minimum for an ubuntu install? I've got a big partition for /home, I just need a / now04:42
=== Dial_tone [n=steve@ip68-4-102-155.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== intelikey adjusts the volum nob on his sound card to about 85% and turns software all the way up....
sparkleytonessh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host <--- this is suddenly happening...i made no changes.  ub 6.06 server.04:42
=== stuNNed [n=lance@unaffiliated/stunned] has joined #ubuntu
mcpowleycould anyone recommend a reliable and fast email client for linux that would work with gmail? One with a gui, or text based is fine..04:42
=== devians [n=user@CPE-138-130-249-158.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Stormyqwe is that all you want swap, /boot, /, /home?04:42
jigheaddi, if you boot from cd, you might be able to find the libc deb in /var/cache/apt/archives, or you can dig around on the cd and see if it is in one of the pools04:42
lightstarmcpowley, thunderbird04:42
qweStormy: no /boot, but yes04:42
=== GodFather [n=rcc@c-69-244-133-39.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudintelikey, most amplifier's distort above 90%.04:43
qweStormy: plus swap and a small winxp partition(ugh)04:43
intelikeystormy that's 4 more partitions than i have04:43
stuNNedso i have ndiswrapper-source what is the one liner to get it installed?04:43
jighead!tell jighead about chroot04:43
Stormyqwe you should have a boot, and if you plan on installing alot of crap, make it about 15-20 gb to be safe04:43
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dijighead: ok..04:43
Stormyintelikey, you also probally know what your doing more than qwe04:43
deviansi have a breezy box here that has completely broken networking. it can ping local lan addresses fine, but as soon as you try anything beyond the gateway, it dies. and for all the googling i do, apparently its configured correctly.04:43
lonegeekhow do i install quake 3...i run the .run file..and it says mount cd ......it is...i think...its in drive and shows up under computer04:43
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nickrudexcept for crown, never could make those babies distort, ever04:43
KanRiNiNHey, can someone explain what a segmentation fault is?  I got one from Google Earth, and again from a game, so I think it has to do with my ATI drivers..  Thanks04:43
intelikeynickrud yeah i know.   was just commenting    talking through my hat    maybe.04:44
deviansany ideas as to what could be wrong? or how i could run through something and completely redo networking from scratch04:44
=== specialbuddy [n=matt@66-227-210-66.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
qweStormy: I don't need no stinkin' /boot, or any lectures about it for that matter. I was hoping I could get away with 5 gb04:44
dii think ill just re-install ubuntu04:44
alchemistKanRiNiN: a segfault is when the program craps it's pants04:44
=== godmachine81 [n=godmachi@h66.163.140.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudintelikey, or testing, never hurts to do that04:44
alchemistKanRiNiN: it can be caused by a number of things04:44
specialbuddyhow would I go about installing BitPim if it's a .rpm04:44
godmachine81anyone here using e17?04:44
Stormyqwe then ignore what i have to say, but when your machine doesn't boot 6 months down the road don't come whining to me04:44
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intelikeyqwe 5g is plenty to install ubuntu on04:44
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alchemistspecialbuddy: you can un-rpm with cpio as I recall. check google04:44
qweintelikey: gotcha04:45
planetcallmy / is full. Is there a way to increase the partition size ?04:45
godmachine81ok let me restate the question04:45
KanRiNiNalchemist: what's a command to let me see the errors?  Isn't it like | dmesg or something?04:45
diintelikey: what happens when the ubuntu installer runs grub-install hd0 when grub is already in the mbr?04:45
alchemistspecialbuddy: it's been a while since I had to do that04:45
godmachine81who all here has e17 successfully installed?04:45
lightstardevians, can other machines ping out?04:45
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qweplanetcall: you can try parted04:45
lightstardevians, u sure it isn't the gateway problem?04:45
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intelikeydi it just over-writes the mbr04:45
alchemistKanRiNiN: normally a core file will be left in the working dir, and you can push that into gdb if you know what you're doing04:45
sparkleytoneanyone??  --> ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host04:45
_jpierreHI All. I cannot access www.macromedia.com and i believe that it is down. Can anyone help?04:45
qweplanetcall: but that assumes you have free space left on the HD04:45
alchemistKanRiNiN: otherwise if the app has an error log, you can check that04:46
_jpierreHI All. I cannot access www.macromedia.com and i believe that it is NOT down. Can anyone help?04:46
devianslightstar, its just that box. im on irc to you arent i? :)04:46
diintelikey: will that be damaging?04:46
planetcallqwe, as it is the root it might be risky.  Cant I shrink other partition and merge the freespace with /   ?04:46
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alchemistKanRiNiN: usually I have to give the core file to someone who knows what they're doing with them, since I don't ;)04:46
nickrud_jpierre, it's up for me04:46
qweplanetcall: possibly04:46
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nickrud_jpierre, as adobe.com that is04:46
lightstardevians, rite..:)04:46
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intelikeydi see the links for !dualboot  and  !grub   check the wiki on that04:46
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting04:46
qweplanetcall: fairly likely if they're right next to each other04:46
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_jpierrenickrud, do you think there could be something wrong on my system dissallowing me to access it?04:47
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KanRiNiNMan, I just saw the eyecandy wiki..I'm almost afraid to try any of that with this old Radeon 900004:49
uXphow do you get a trashcan on the desktop?04:49
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=== AJ004 [n=ajulius@207-38-195-55.c3-0.wsd-ubr1.qens-wsd.ny.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
AJ004how do i traceroute in ubuntu04:50
cyphaseis anyone having problems with beagle in dapper?04:50
uXphow do you get a trashcan on the desktop?04:50
nickrud_jpierre, I'm not much for networking, just a few specific issues04:50
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BioVorEAJ004: same as you do any another distro use traceroute IP  (might need to install it first.. sudo apt-get install traceroute)04:50
intelikeyuXp i have no idea.  i'm always working at it from the oppisite end.  getting rid of the trash altogather....  so rm=rm   not rm=mv04:50
=== PsyberOne [n=PsyberOn@c-24-14-165-171.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cyphaseuXp, you have to edit gconf04:51
nickrud_jpierre, but BioVorE 's advice about traceroute is probably useful04:51
bimberiubotu tell uXp about desktoptrash04:51
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cyphaseuXp: open gconf-editor04:51
specialbuddyso is there anyway to turm rpm to deb04:51
BioVorEspecialbuddy: alien dose that04:52
bimberiAJ004: note that the tracepath command is similar and is installed by default04:52
intelikeycan you not drag the trash can to the desktop   or is that only a k thing  ?04:52
nickruduXp, alt-f2 gconf-editor, navigate to /apps/nautilus/desktop. you can turn on the desktop trash there.04:52
planetcallqwe, any graphical utility for resizing/shrinking partition ?04:52
cyphaseuXp: you should have gotten a message from ubotu04:52
KanRiNiNgparted I think, planetcall04:52
_jpierreHow do i run traceroute04:52
specialbuddyyeah I'm looking at that now04:52
didoes anyone know whether running grub-install hd0 twice is bad?04:52
=== cyphase thinks trash/computer/etcc icons should be configurable from a GUI
uXpthnx nickrud04:53
planetcallKanRiNiN, ty04:53
jigheaddi, no it's not04:53
intelikeydi no it should'nt be04:53
lonegeekcan i use a logitech quickcams microphone in linux?04:53
bimbericyphase: an itch to scratch :)04:53
lonegeekit shows up in sound mixer under camera04:53
cyphasebimberi: not so much an itch..04:54
qweplanetcall: gparted, qtparted04:54
qweI myself prefer gparted04:54
_smd_Epiphany  will not open for me anymore.  I click on it, and it looks like it IS going to load, but then it goes away and never does04:54
=== distanceisdeath [n=joseph@191-196.35-65.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudcyphase, that reminded me: gtweakui, it has that :)04:54
nameless14I am running vsftpd and i made a ln -s /var/storage/EBooks  inside my /var/ftp/ when i open the ftp i cant open the directory. Anyone know where I am going wrong?04:54
intelikeydi i sent you to the wiki to see what people have to recover from after installing grub and windows in both orders.    you may not have any other os.... if not it can't hurt a thing.04:54
=== sangaya [n=sangaya@c-67-176-203-56.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
distanceisdeathCan someone send me a bot for ndiswrappers?04:54
cyphasepersonally, i don't want any of those icons on the desktop04:54
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KanRiNiNplanetcall: gnome or kde?  qtparted = kde, gparted = gnome04:55
qwe_smd_: try running it from a terminal and see if it spits out any errors04:55
ubotuit has been said that ndiswrapper is a way to support Windows wireless drivers, but it is buggy compared to native support. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper04:55
planetcallqwe, KanRiNiN  I am going for gparted :)04:55
distanceisdeaththank you04:55
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nickruddistanceisdeath, yw. You can open a dialog with ubotu (find his name in the userlist, right click and select open dialog) You can query him there04:56
qweplanetcall: I  *think* it's  even included on the dapper CD. if not you can get the 30mb gparted livecd04:56
distanceisdeathoh okay nickrud04:56
jinhohas anyone successfully gotten their 5+ button mouse to work in ubuntu?04:56
nickruddistanceisdeath, I do that a lot, before recommending links :)04:56
distanceisdeathnickrud, all right cool04:57
intelikeydistanceisdeath or /msg ubotu help04:57
mcpowleyI'm curious...is there any need to defragment your drive for linux?04:57
mcpowleyor is the file system arranged in a way you dont have to?04:57
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qweplanetcall: you can't use it from a mounted partition04:57
qwemcpowley: what FS? I  believe reiserfs is auto-defragmented04:57
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nickrudmcpowley, no. Or, there is no mechanism, and I've never seen any of my partitions over 5%04:57
=== kyledye [n=kyledye@24-176-55-231.dhcp.klmz.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
planetcalli cant operate on /04:58
interferonwhat's a good dvd burning package?  the one in nautilus keeps aborting and ruining my dvd-r's04:58
intelikeymcpowley interesting question.   i've never defraged anything sense 1994  so i can't say.04:58
planetcallYeah i think i need to reboot from live cd04:58
qweplanetcall: see above. you can't use it from a mounted partition04:58
lightstarinterferon, try k3b04:58
qweinterferon: I like k3b personally04:58
_smd_Epiphany  will not open for me anymore.  I click on it, and it looks like it IS going to load, but then it goes away and never does.   It did open before i installed beep and xine....    qwe: how do you run it from terminal?  I do not go in terminal much except for how I know how to use terminal.04:59
jinhois it possible to get an intellimouse to work exactly the same way as it does in Windows?04:59
someothernickgnomebaker seems good04:59
planetcallbut is it installed by default on the CD ?04:59
=== jinho [n=paul@user-0cdf7nn.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
someothernickno :/04:59
nickrudintelikey, seems llike it's one of those take it on faith things, I've never seen a convincing description of how fragmentation is handled on ext2. Or, never found one, anyway04:59
bimberiubotu tell jinho about mousebuttons04:59
someothernickyou can get it in repos04:59
qweplanetcall: go to the gparted site and download  their livecd04:59
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intelikeynickrud 5% is kinda high for what i'm used to...  .2 / 3%04:59
Kman42hey guys04:59
Kman42you know what sux05:00
planetcallok i will do it later05:00
intelikeyerr .305:00
planetcallwhy is amarok not playing my mp3 ?05:00
VitaminGinterferon: assuming you're using gnome, gnomeburner is pretty good. No Movie publishing capabilities, but an excellent file-backup program05:00
=== distanceisdeath [n=joseph@191-196.35-65.tampabay.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu []
nickrudintelikey, small root partition it was, and heavily worked05:00
planetcallI just installed it05:00
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mcpowleyqwe:ext3 i believe05:00
Kman42Installing dapper f'ed up my windows partition05:00
intelikeylots of rm's and cp's i'd think05:00
althHey guys. I still can't get Flash to work with my copy of Firefox. I've followed the tutorial, but it's still saying it's not installed :05:00
mcpowleyqwe:but i also have a shared fat32 partition for both windows and linux05:00
KuLoverAnyone use a Ubuntu compatible USB micraphone/headset that they could reccomend?05:00
CrazyDoode_cool.. google earth for linux is out..05:00
Kman42now my xp wont boot up05:00
planetcallqwe, any help on amarok ?05:01
ubotufor wintel https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo :for the Mac https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot05:01
intelikeyKman42 ^05:01
=== DaveyJ [n=daveyj@ool-44c24ab5.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kman42i know05:01
intelikeyor is it !grub05:01
Kman42i followed humans instructions here05:01
Kman42and i messed up my partition05:01
nickrudKman42, I'm sending you a text fragment in a pm, could you do     gedit /boot/grub/menu.list , and see if that fragment is in that file?05:01
VitaminGalth: I installed my copy through the firefox pop-up thing when I went to a site that required it, and mine works fine. Have you tried that?05:02
Kman42Sorry, cant help you there nick05:02
planetcallAmarok is not playing mp3 with Xine. what else do i need ?05:02
mcpowleyis there any downside to using a program for kde in gnome?05:02
nickrudKman42, no, it's about your XP05:02
kyledyehow do i remove firefox and set opera as my default browser?05:03
ubotufrom memory, mousebuttons is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ManyButtonsMouseHowto05:03
intelikeymcpowley yeah it makes ubuntu zeolots un-happy  :)05:03
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=== Guest298 is now known as Larry1981
althVitaminG: Yes, it tells me it couldn't install any plugins.05:03
Larry1981Hi, why does grub takes so long to start Linux ?05:03
Kman42what do ya mean05:03
VitaminGalth: strange, mine installed and works fine.05:03
Larry19816.06 Beta was faster than 6.06 LTS to load the kernel05:03
Kman42sorry guys05:04
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Kman42peace nick05:04
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intelikeyLarry1981 can you be more vague please ?05:04
nickrudKman42, see you05:04
Larry1981intelikey: I could :p05:04
chapiumis there a way to increase the resolution on the tty's?05:04
=== Dr_Geek [n=harold@S010600c04f73f30e.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudLarry1981, good question, it hangs here about 5 secs05:04
VitaminGgeneral question: I've heard both sides of the argument whether to start from scratch with dapper, or to just use the upgrade feature. Which do you recommend? I have 5.10 installed.05:04
althVitaminG: Yeah, and it's fine on my laptop, just really annoying me on my desktop.05:04
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nickrudbut, whats a few seconds between friends :)05:04
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maxy_noobcan someone please help me use wine?05:04
chapiumVitaminG: i upgraded.. there was some weirdness but I managed to tweak my way out of it05:04
Larry1981nickrud: here also... takes about 5 seconds, byt was much faster before05:05
nickrudVitaminG, do a fresh install05:05
KuLoverAnyone have an idea of why when im voicing with skype, i cant play music and vise vera? All sound seems to have trouble..05:05
intelikeyif i could install grub on this thing i might look into that.....05:05
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maxy_noobit's installed on my system but I have no clue how to use it to install an exe file05:05
nickrudVitaminG, this is not debian, it doesn't have the manpower, or the lifecycle to iron out all the upgrade issues.05:05
KanRiNiNHey, just read the "!mousebuttons" thing, and my xorg doesn't have a button option, can I just add it in?05:06
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nickrudKanRiNiN, yes05:06
ablysskubuntu is so easy i dont know why the even have a channel for it05:06
bimberimaxy_noob: wine foo.exe (in a terminal)05:06
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nickrudablyss, rflmao05:06
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ubotukyledye: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:06
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bimberimaxy_noob: no need05:07
ColonelPanic001I use Kubuntu, but seems like any problems I might have are either going to be KDE specifically, or Ubunutu. not much sense in asking in #kubuntu05:07
maxy_noobwine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\foo.exe": Module not found05:07
nickrudkyledye, probably you're looking for System->Preferences->Keyboard05:07
KanRiNiNnickrud: Option    "Buttons" "7" ?05:07
Dial_toneis there a graphical tool for managing /etc/init.d processes? I seem to recall red hat having one.05:07
intelikeywell i have to 'fix' the election in the morning, so i guess i better go.05:07
ablyssColonelPanic001: that is so true05:07
ColonelPanic001It's just ubuntu.05:08
ColonelPanic001so here I sit05:08
nickrudKanRiNiN, now, that's another question, just what goes in that option :) I don't have one of those over buttonized mice05:08
regeyaColonelPanic001, you rock.05:08
maxy_noobbimberi, did you see that?05:08
ColonelPanic001I try.05:08
Dr_WillisDial_tone,  theres several tools out.. but im not sure what ones are the 'reccomended' ones. :)05:08
maxy_noobwine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\foo.exe": Module not found05:08
ablysstry, lol05:08
regeyaubuntu users, stop hating on kde.05:08
bimberimaxy_noob: foo.exe was an example, put the real name of whatever you're running05:08
ColonelPanic001<3 KDE05:08
=== ablyss is using kde and enjoys it
KanRiNiNOK thanks.  But if I did that I'd want to change the Emulate3Button option to false I think...05:08
gdb!<3 KDE :-(05:08
ubotugdb: My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:08
Dr_Willisfoo.exe :P lol.05:08
=== kunal [n=kunal@pool-71-111-100-60.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudDial_tone, bum, I like sysv-rc-conf05:09
ablysswe all use ubuntu!... i hope05:09
kunalhello ALSA related question05:09
VitaminGregeya: I'm not hating on KDE, I just prefer Gnome, and don't make fun of me for it.05:09
ColonelPanic001linux sound question?! *hides*05:09
cyphasedoes anyone else have problems with X crashing randomly05:09
ColonelPanic001I used to use Gnome for a long time. I can see preferring it.05:09
Dial_tonethanks, nick05:10
maxy_noobok it's still not working05:10
kunalI got front & back panel AUDIO connectors, back panel works fine Front panel does not05:10
gdbDoes anyone know offhand if the openlook suite has been packaged for Ubuntu anywhere?  Not just olvwm, but the entire suite with cmdtool, shelltool, meminfo, etc?05:10
maxy_noobI'm guessing I have to put the path (to my desktop)05:10
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disinterested_pewindows asks if its ok to crash05:10
regeyaVitaminG: dont...make fun...of you...ok.  got it.  if I ever feel the need to make fun of you for choosing a particular free desktop, I'll refrain.05:10
=== paul_ [n=paul@245-91.124-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
nickruddisinterested_pe, yes, tell it yes, then bury it :)05:10
=== Andross [n=andrew@ool-44c5fa44.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
maxy_noobwine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\alchohol120_trial_1_9_5_3823.exe": Module not found05:11
maxy_noobthe file is on my desktop05:11
maxy_noobI don't know how to put the path to it.05:11
nickrudonly thing worse than windows is wine05:11
nomasteryodayou need to move it to the ~/.wine/c folder05:11
VitaminGmy main gripe with KDE is that the panel seems too busy for my taste. My introduction to KDE was Knoppix, then Mepis.05:11
bimberinickrud: amen05:11
maxy_nooboh, thanks nom05:11
VitaminGthen again, that's just my 2 cents05:11
Dr_Willismaxy_noob,  i doubt if that program will run well under wine.05:12
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VitaminGnickrud: and maybe cups05:12
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nickrudbimberi, heh. seen bob2 recently, by any chance?05:12
=== phoghawk [n=phoghawk@ip24-255-255-29.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
bimberimaxy_noob: try 'wine $HOME/Desktop/alchohol120_trial_1_9_5_3823.exe'05:12
distanceisdeathhow do you delete stuff from folders without permission05:13
nickrudVitaminG, I love cups, especially the new web interface I see in dapper05:13
maxy_noobI don't see a c folder05:13
maxy_noobi.e in the wine directory05:13
phoghawkdistanceisdeath, you can change the file permissions05:13
maxy_noob(God I feel like such an idiot using Linux!)05:13
phoghawkdistanceisdeath, type "sudo chmod 777 -R foldername"05:13
phoghawkmaxy_noob, we all did at one point05:13
distanceisdeathokay thanks05:13
phoghawkI still do05:13
bimberinickrud: nope, he hasn't connected since December05:13
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mcpowleygosh, ubuntu's community is unrivaled, i can't believe the support05:14
Dr_Willismaxy_noob,  learn linux and use linux. :P why are you messing with wine  heh heh05:14
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nickrudbimberi, ah, well.05:14
chapiumdoes anyone know how to adjust the resolution for the tty?05:14
phoghawkdistanceisdeath, that will only change the permissions, then you'll still have to delete the things05:14
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phoghawkwhat does tty mean?05:14
VitaminGnickrud: I'll have to check that out, I haven't upgraded from breezy yet.05:14
maxy_noobDr_Willis: because Linux doesn't have a program to mount the image I'm trying to mount05:14
=== dumbledore [n=dumbledo@67-51-37-62.nrp4feld.roc.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Willismaxy_noob,  or it can and you dont know of it yet. :P   what are ya trying to mount?05:14
nickrudVitaminG, it has a really useful printer config screen now05:15
dumbledorehi im having a problem with the install stuff05:15
Dr_Willismaxy_noob,  i would be VERY suprised if alcohol120% or that Deamon-tools worked under wine.05:15
nickruddumbledore, so wave the wand :)05:15
dumbledoreit repartitioned my drive like i asked but now my other drive is acting very slowly :/05:15
bimberiphoghawk: TeleTYpe (an old form of terminal)05:15
maxy_noobstill getting the error message :(05:15
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@adrianDHCP-36.216-254-251.iw.net] has joined #ubuntu
phoghawkbimberi, thanks05:16
georgeguitaranyone know what this error means: undefined reference to 'Gnome:Bonobo::wrap_init()'?05:16
maxy_noobwine: cannot find '/Desktop/alcohol120_trial_1_9_5_3823.exe'05:16
VitaminGnickrud: maybe that will help me get my Lexmark running. Of course, I have to buy a new ink cartridge first. That'll cost me $35.05:16
nickruddumbledore, but seriously, what do you mean, acting slowly05:16
dumbledoreie it took about 5 minutes to load windows05:16
nickrudVitaminG, oh, lexmark. No bets from this corner05:16
dumbledorewhereas it usually takes like 30 seconds05:17
Dr_Willismaxy_noob,  try downloading  and installing a simple program first..  or try wine ./Alcohol-whatever.exe if you have cd'd to the desktop05:17
=== Tomze [n=tom@0x50c605e6.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
dumbledoreand i tried to run my defragger but it times out :/05:17
nickruddumbledore, oh. Well I don't have a windows install really, so I can't help there05:17
dooglusgeorgeguitar: it means you're missing a library package05:17
dooglusgeorgeguitar: what are you trying to run?05:17
Dr_Geekmaxy_noob..........just use GnomeBaker05:17
maxy_noobLooks like Dr Willis was right05:17
dumbledoreit's weird tho since i only told it to change my secondary drive05:17
maxy_noob"Unable to initialize Alcohol 120 setup"05:18
dumbledorei assumed my primary ide would be left unscathed05:18
nickruddumbledore, but, a lot smarter people drop in an out here, ask about every 10 minutes05:18
dumbledoresounds like spam05:18
maxy_noobOk, I'll try GnomeBaker05:18
VitaminGI can at least try, since the printer was free. And it works well under windoze. Now I can't wait to upgrade to Dapper, I'm hoping to do it tomorrow.05:18
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VitaminGgood luck, moxy_noob.05:18
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nickrudVitaminG, try looking at llnuxprinting.org for info for your printer05:18
KanRiNiNok, mouse seems to be configured.  How do I restart X or gnome to see if it works?05:19
=== navaburo [n=navaburo@nj-69-34-61-237.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
KanRiNiNctrl alt back?05:19
nickrudKanRiNiN, log out first! then ctl-alt-backspace05:19
phoghawkHere's my question: I just installed a new 200 Gb HDD. I partitioned it in gParted, and I mounted them by using the "Disks" option in the System -> Administration menu. Both of the mounted partitions belong to the root user, and I can't do anything with them. I tried changing the permissions and user through a "sudo nautilus", but that didn't work. I tried to use my basic understanding of "sudo chown" but that didn't work. Can someone h05:19
phoghawkelp me?05:19
navaburohello, have libxine-extracodecs and mplayer been removed from the universe/multiverse?05:19
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nickrudnavaburo, no05:19
maxy_noobok, installed it Dr_05:19
navaburoi am following the restricted fromat wiki...05:20
=== Snoops [n=sdfsdf@202-0-56-220.cable.telstraclear.net] has joined #ubuntu
maxy_noobwhat now?05:20
=== RizCk [n=Roz@cmodem-234-190.tricom.net] has joined #ubuntu
maxy_noobload, convert, etc?05:20
phoghawknavaburo, are you sure you have those repositories enabled?05:20
dooglusphoghawk: run "mount" in a terminal.  paste one of the relevant lines here.05:20
chapiumdoes ubuntu use framebuffer or svga for the tty's?05:20
navaburophoghawk: yes05:20
RizCkim using ubuntu and GDM doesnt work it doesnt start at boot how do i make it start at boot?05:20
nickrudnavaburo, could you put your /etc/apt/sources.list on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/05:20
phoghawkdooglus, will do, hold on05:20
SnoopsHey, umm.. I'm looking for a program which can grab all my old emails from ms outlook 2003 and insert into itself.05:20
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dooglusRizCk: in a terminal, run "ls -l /etc/rc2.d/*gdm" - what do you see?05:21
Dr_Geekgnome baker will do all the burning you need...............just read the help files05:21
=== n73n53 [n=n73n53@ip70-162-133-98.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
phoghawkdooglus, here are the two relevant lines: /dev/hdb2 on /media/extra type vfat (rw) {new line} /dev/hdb1 on /media/windows type vfat (rw)05:21
RizCkizck@RizCk-Eth0:~$ ls -l /etc/rc2.d/*gdm05:21
RizCklrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 2006-06-04 10:19 /etc/rc2.d/S13gdm -> ../init.d/gdm05:21
maxy_noobI tried to import the image05:21
AeoSnoops: Try exporting your emails onto a CD or other media and then loading it into the program you want05:21
maxy_noobinto GnomeBaker05:21
maxy_nooband I got a mother of an error message05:21
navaburophoghawk: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1562905:21
maxy_noobError getting session information.05:21
kirohhi ... can everyone help me whith the totem video player????05:21
dooglusphoghawk: the "rw" means they're mounted "read/write" - that's good.  I was thinking you might see 'readonly' - so it's not that...05:22
chapiumkiroh: whats up with it05:22
phoghawknavaburo, is that just a tip, or do you want me to paste something there05:22
AJ004a bank wanted me to give out my SS # to them in an email for me to reset my password05:22
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SnoopsI can access my windows partition on my ubuntu install though Aeo05:22
kirohi cant see ani video05:22
AJ004oops wrong channel05:22
nickrudnavaburo, add multiverse to lines 17 & 1805:22
navaburophoghawk: i thought i sent you the link to my post05:22
RizCkdooglus, so?05:22
dooglusphoghawk: look at /etc/fstab - or better, pastebin it05:22
maxy_noobWhat should I do with GnomeBaker and this image I would like to mount?05:22
phoghawkoh, my bad05:22
kirohi only can hear the sound of the movie05:23
Androssmaybe phoghawk needs to add user to the options section of his fstab05:23
navaburothanks, i could have sworn multiverse was int here05:23
dooglusRizCk: the 'S' means it *does* get started when you boot...05:23
kirohit is an .avi file05:23
=== tarvid [n=tarvid@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu
AeoSnoops, sorry, Outlook is slow tonight05:23
nickrudnavaburo, it is, but only in backports05:23
chapium!tell kiroh about restrictedformats05:23
RizCkit doesnt start05:23
Dr_Geekread the help files that came with GnomeBaker05:23
=== will [n=gwark@203-217-41-237.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
dooglusRizCk: how are you running X Windows now?  using startx?05:23
phoghawkAndross, dooglus, my /etc/fstab doesn't list my new partitions05:24
SnoopsAeo thanks.. you can export your emails in a backup archieve file.. but I don't know of any email programs in linux which support it05:24
phoghawkbut I'll pastebin them05:24
tarvidare labels broken in openoffice? i can't insert the field "next record"05:24
maxy_noobThe image isn't an iso, btw.05:24
navaburoI have found a glitch... i resynched my clock and now i cannot sudo. i get sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Jun 13 02:52:17 200605:24
AeoSnoops: Mozilla Thunderbird should05:24
nickrudnavaburo, bet fix is a reboot05:24
chapiumkiroh: it can probably play some video, but mostly hippie open formats05:24
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AeoSnoops: Ooh, scratch that05:24
dooglusphoghawk: oh, ok.  you should add them then.  I don't know the gui, but I would have expected it to edit /etc/fstab for you.05:24
phoghawknavaburo, what were the packages you wanted to install, I'll see if I have them05:24
maxy_noobit's mdf05:24
=== doomgaze__ is now known as doomgaze
RizCkdooglus, yez05:24
navaburophoghawk: mplayer and libxine-extracodecs05:25
phoghawknavaburo, okay, hold on05:25
dooglusRizCk: if you close X, go back to a virtual terminal, and run "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart", does it work?05:25
RizCkdooglus, nop05:25
phoghawkdooglus, do you have any idea what the <dump> and <pass> sections mean in the fstab05:25
nickrudnavaburo, not to beat a dead horse, but I've written much about those. Follow my advise05:25
maxy_noobI guess there's no way to read this image created by Alcohol.05:25
n73n53is this the channel for newbie help?05:25
SnoopsThe program I import them into, I really want to be able to export all my account info as well as emails from it, in the future.. so if you know of a program which does that Aeo :)05:25
RizCk* Stopping GNOME Display Manager...                                     [ ok ] 05:26
RizCk * Starting GNOME Display Manager...                                     [fail] 05:26
RizCklet me try05:26
SnoopsRizCk sudo..05:26
dooglusphoghawk: "man fstab" will tell you for sure.  it's to do with the order of mounting, and whether to check them, maybe?05:26
phoghawkdooglus, cool, thanks05:26
navaburonickrud: gotcha05:26
AeoSnoops: I know of the Outport program <http://outport.sourceforge.net/> which says it converts to Evolution, though I have no knowledge of it myself.05:26
=== chumpalump [n=dhjr@24-196-76-158.static.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Snoopserr what about exporting from evolution?05:27
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AeoSnoops: Oh frick!05:27
dooglusSnoops: evolution uses mbox format for its messages, same as outlook express I think05:27
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AeoSnoops: No mail exporting, argh05:28
phoghawknavaburo, I have both of those, would you like me to pastebin my sources.list?05:28
dereksso i have a weird bug, when copying a huge file, the speed goes from full speed -> nothing -> fullspeed -> nothing -> etc05:28
dereksanyone know why05:28
kirohbut all the mostly all the videos in internet are in avi format ... i have downloaded the pakage for windows codecs, but it still not work ... sorry about my english05:28
dooglusdereks: speed of what?05:28
navaburophoghawk: no, thanks anyway, i got it05:28
phoghawknavaburo, okay05:28
dereksthe transfer05:28
nickrudI spent a day moving all my mail out of evolution into a maildir format, evo sucks for that05:28
dereksdooglus: across the netowrk05:28
=== KanRiNiN [n=frenchja@c-68-40-176-34.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dooglusdereks: could it be because your network connection is faster than your disk?05:29
lastnodewhat do i need to play mp3s in gstreamer?05:29
ubotumousebuttons is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ManyButtonsMouseHowto05:29
lastnoderhytm box05:29
Snoopsman that totally sucks. Outlook stupidly doesn't let you export your account settings.. I have 10 email accounts.. so it's annoying to have to keep track of it all..05:29
dooglusdereks: so the network downloads a bunch, then waits while the disk catches up?05:29
Androssthis is the entry i have in my fstab that allows my user to access a second mounted hard drive: /dev/hdc1       /home/andrew/Storage/Music      auto    defaults,user,auto      0       005:29
=== cge [n=costi@DHCP-6-125.caltech.edu] has joined #ubuntu
dumbledorehi im having a problem with the install stuff :/ (still)05:29
dereksdooglus: faster than sda? it is only going 12mbit05:29
SnoopsI hope thunderbird isn't as terrible05:29
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Androssthen as root mount -a will mount anything in the fstab05:29
dereksdooglus: i meant sata05:29
=== R0cK3T [n=xp@S0106000fb0fcaa63.tb.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
maxy_noobIt's such a Windows world, isn't it?05:29
Androssif that makes any sense05:29
nathanaelhow do I add my newly installed sshd to the default runlevel?05:29
cgemaxy_noob: How so?05:30
dumbledoreit repartitioned my drive like i asked but now my other drive is acting very slowly :/05:30
dooglusdereks: it's not that then...05:30
dereksdooglus: :) i am using scp to transfer05:30
nickrudnathanael, if you used the ubuntu package, it's already there ...05:30
derekscould that mean anything?05:30
=== Iinuxerist is now known as the
cgenathanael: You can use System/Administration/Services if it isn't.05:30
maxy_noobeverything's simply made for it, and it's so easy to use.05:30
dooglusdereks: how's the CPU load looking on the machine if you watch it with 'top -d .5' while transferring?05:30
maxy_noobI'm really not a windows fanboy either.05:30
AeoSnoops: I have final options.05:30
maxy_noobIt's just a sigh.05:30
nathanaelI had to switch to FC5 on my laptop for work reasons, and I miss the ubuntu community in the good 'ol IRC05:30
dereksdooglus: not too bad ... .7505:31
Dr_Willisnathanael,  just install some RH themes. :P05:31
AeoSnoops: First, you can try this <http://sourceforge.net/projects/ol2mbox> which should convert PST to MBOX, which TBird can import05:31
nickrudnathanael, you saying fedora is not nice ?05:31
dooglusdereks: scp uses more CPU than plain copying, due to the encryption, but it's nothing most modern CPUs can't handle05:31
maxy_noobUbuntu's great, but there still so much to figure out before making any definitive move (at least for me)05:31
dereksdooglus: it is only using 29% of the allotted cpu (about)05:31
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cgedooglus: I've found that it can be significantly slower in transferring though.05:31
nathanaelnice, but it's the overwhelming sense of community with Ubuntu that gets me05:31
Snoopshmm okay thanks Aeo.. I guess thunderbird doesn't let you export your account details thouhg05:31
nathanaelIt's unreal05:31
=== Iinuxerist is now known as An
AeoSnoops: Second: You can get yourself a copy of Outlook Express which does convert to another format05:32
kirohcan every one help me using x-chat and totem??05:32
Dr_Willismaxy_noob,  it pays to learn the fundamentals of linux. and do lots of reading. :P and rereading.05:32
=== nicoco [n=ubuntu@gou06-2-82-234-184-7.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
derekscge: really? do you have the same problem i have?05:32
nicocohi !05:32
doogluscge: he's getting fast transfers, then nothing, then fast, then nothing - why would it be 'bursty' like that?05:32
phoghawkkiroh, what do you need help with?05:32
SnoopsAeo the idea is to move away from windows apps :)05:32
nickrudnathanael, you probably will never meet him, cuz he's gone: bob2 bootstrapped this channel05:32
maxy_noobI guess.05:32
dereksdooglus: exactly05:32
AeoHey nicoco!05:32
cgedooglus: No, I get stable somewhat-slow transfers.05:32
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nicocois there a way to install fglrx module without rebooting (from livecd) ?05:32
=== Firefox is now known as Iinuxerist
AeoSnoops: I understand, but it's merely an intermediary between your Windows app and your Linux05:32
dooglusdereks: could it be that the other machine is having problems reading the file from its disk fast enough?05:32
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dereksdooglus: it should be ok also, its on a PATA05:33
cgedooglus: DMA maybe?05:33
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derekscge: DMA?05:33
nathanaelWell, thanks again all05:33
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dooglusDirect Memory Access05:33
kirohxchat and totem ... i have problems with totem, but i cant understand some things about this xchat, because it is the first time i use it05:33
nickrudnathanael, I've been reminising, you filt well05:33
cgedereks: Is dma enabled on the drive that is reading the file?05:33
dereksdooglus: what will that do for this though05:33
KanRiNiNhmm..completely screwed up the scroll wheel.05:33
=== JRlinux [n=JRlinux@gw02.applegatebroadband.net] has joined #ubuntu
derekscge: how do i find out?05:33
dragonseye78Big prob...05:34
Dr_Williskiroh,  notice the xchat help menu item? :P  heh05:34
=== D1 [n=damian@pool-71-104-136-113.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
lastnodeanyone here got their shuffles working with gtkpod?05:34
cgedereks: With hdparm /dev/{DRIVE-NAME}05:34
phoghawkkiroh, I don't know a lot about it either, I just know how to type, press enter, and auto-enter peoples names05:34
kirohhow can i speak whit only one person?05:34
nickruddragonseye78, ask, maybe, if you're lucky, someone has the answer05:34
nickrudkiroh, /msg <nick>05:34
nicocoi want to test if ubuntu works fine with my ATI before installing it ? anyone know a way to load ATI proprietary driver without rebooting ?05:34
doogluskiroh: you need to register first, with nickserv, and then can "/query dooglus" to open a window to me05:34
=== PMantis [n=pmantis@cpe-66-66-115-197.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dragonseye78I have multiple users set up, ATI 9800Pro, only my account gets decent FPS05:35
derekscge: using_dma    =  1 (on)05:35
phoghawkdooglus, what's nickserv? lol05:35
cgenicoco: Do you need the closed driver? The open driver generally works very well.05:35
cgedereks: Hmm... that isn't it then.05:35
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nekostarwish there was portage for ubuntu :/05:35
nickruddragonseye78, you want to add your users to the video group probably05:35
dooglusphoghawk: it's how you register your nickname here.  type "/msg nickserv register babababa" (where that last word is a password of your choice)05:35
cgenekostar: What do you mean? What feature do you need from portage?05:35
nicocoto be honest, i want to try XGL05:35
kirohi will read the help first05:35
phoghawkdooglus, is there a particular reason you do that? just to retain your username?05:36
cgenicoco: Ah! I see.05:36
PMantisIs it reasonable to have a RAID5 software array mounted as / ?05:36
dragonseye78Well, I have it set up for them to use 3d graphics... how else would you set that up?05:36
nicococge : so is there a way ?05:36
dooglusphoghawk: this network won't let you talk privately if you're not registered.05:36
=== hyphenated [n=cgilmour@nzns1.eservglobal.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
dereksmaybe its because xorg is using 50% of the cpu on the other machine (sshd using the other 50!)05:36
phoghawkdooglus, oh, okay, thanks05:36
cgedereks: That could be!05:36
=== nickrud thinks xgl was a biiiig mistake :)
dooglusphoghawk: but yes, it's a way of reserving your nick.  next time you log in, type "/msg nickserv identify babababab" to prove you're the same person.05:36
=== adamant1988 [n=adam@h-141-153-101-62.ckb.meer.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== cge has never been particularly impressed by XGL.
=== dereks doesn't use XGL
=== DarkMageZ uses xgl to tease windows users
=== phoghawk wishes his hardware could run XGL
dooglusdereks: xorg doesn't usually use a lot of CPU - is the other machine running a heavy screensaver?05:37
cgenicoco: You might be able to install the driver on the LiveCD. I'm not sure.05:37
dereksdooglus: it shouldn't be05:37
nickruddragonseye78, agpart is rw for root and the group video only, add your users to the group video05:37
=== kieranDOA is not sure if he can run XGL but would like to :-)
cgedereks: Is it running Dapper?05:38
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derekscge: yea05:38
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cgedereks: Gnome-screensaver does not properly detect when a screen is not being shown.05:38
dooglusdereks: what's on its X display that could be keeping xorg busy?05:38
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dragonseye78I'll play with that,thanx05:38
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derekscge, dooglus: it was just a vnc session that i killed, xorg is off now and not hogging the cpu05:39
derekssame problem though05:39
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dereksand the load averagei s going down a lot05:39
syllogismwhat is that web site that has the unofficial repositories listed?? - I completely forgot the name05:39
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nekostarthe ability to easily compile correctly any piece of software i can think of.05:40
dragonseye78Just checked, all accounts are showing under "Video"05:40
dooglusdereks: can you try transferring a file using http, or ftp, or some other protocol?05:40
nekostari literally would love a portage package05:40
nickruddragonseye78, you might also want to consider adding them to the groups dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner for other access05:40
pppoe_dudesyllogism, google "ubuntu source-o-matic" and click on first hit05:40
cgenekostar: Hmm... there is apt-get source, or apt-build.05:40
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dereksdooglus: i don't think its the protocol (plus i am transferring a huge file, don't want to stop it now05:40
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dooglusdereks: if you "pkill -STOP scp", it will pause the transfer without killing it dead.  "pkill -CONT scp" will resume it05:41
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cgedereks: Just start transferring some random file and see if it has the same behavior. Maybe from a different disk, if you can.05:41
Stormyis there a way to make apt use more than one thread for building applications on a dual processor machine?05:42
cgeStormy: what are you using to build?05:42
dooglusdereks: how's the CPU on the remote box now that xorg is behaving itself?  is sshd using 100% now?05:42
nf4do all linux torrent clients run in the background? when restart the shut down log shows "stopping torrent tracker"05:42
Stormycge dual p3 1ghz 2gb ram05:42
Stormyand apt05:42
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PFAcan someone help me with wma support for xmms? i have already tried RestrictedFormats (i already have w32codecs) and the solution on the XMMS wiki page (404 error) andi even tried EasyUbuntu but it is still not working. and i am VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY SURE that the files are NOT DRMed.05:42
nf4as far as i know trackers are the server the the torrent is linked to05:42
cgeStormy: How do you build something with apt? You mean apt-get source, or apt-build?05:42
Blue89something very strange just happened05:42
dooglusnf4: it says that for me even though I uninstalled the bittorrent package.05:42
Stormycge apt-get05:42
derekscge, dooglus i just tried via ftp (not encrypted) same problem05:43
Blue89could anyone read what I wrote before?05:43
derekscpu is fine now, load of 5505:43
nf4when i uninstalled bit torrrent that stoped05:43
AeoHey! Is it possible to use a floppy (or other removable media) to boot to Ubuntu? As in, I'd like to boot to XP if nothing is in the drive so that the rest of my family does not have to deal with a boot screen.05:43
cgedereks: Same disk?05:43
scottyis there anyway to make ubuntu use usernames like firstname.lastname?05:43
dooglusBlue89: I didn't see you say anything for a long time05:43
nickrudPFA, there are very recent wma formats that are not yet support, as I hear05:43
derekscge, dooglus: source disk was the same (only one disc on the comp) remote disk was different05:43
Stormycge alright nm, i'm just dumb sometimes i forgot deb's were binary05:43
Blue89dooglus, ty05:43
Stormysorry cge05:43
dooglusscotty: you can use longer usernames if you like05:43
nickrudPFA, do you have a link to one that doesn't work?05:43
nf4it is odd becouse i dosnt show up under the system resources05:43
scottywhen i tried to use that username on the install it got kinda ticked at me.05:44
Blue89I had a failed hibernation session, then my desktop environment was not opening05:44
cgeStormy: Oh - I see. You can actually build files using apt-get source, in which case you want to change the debian/rules file to use make -j NUM_OF_PROCS instead of make.05:44
dragonseye78jsut set up on some other groups, will try, thanx05:44
PFAnickrud: it is a bunch of files; none of my WMA files will work05:44
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dooglusscotty: oh, I'm not sure whether dots are allowed in usernames.  I'm not admin on this box so I can't check05:44
nickrudscotty, periods are not acceptable in usernames I think05:44
SnoopsAeo there are boot managers on cd..05:44
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cgescotty: I think periods are acceptable - one moment.05:44
scottyum...my corp. ldap uses them..05:44
nf4Aeo i know there are guides to flash cards that you can boot from05:45
HedgeMageAeo: there are three main ways to do that: livecd (slow but requires the least work), dual boot but make windows the default in grub (medium work, requires enough hard drive space for both), or dual boot but let windows overwrite the MBR so linux won't boot without a boot floppy/cd/usb-drive/whatever05:45
scottyi think i kinda need that to login.05:45
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nickrudPFA, it's hard to tell, without a hard file to compare05:45
Stormycge yea but if i wanted source i'd be using gentoo05:45
nf4like ubs flash cards05:45
dmb062082any fix for kernel panic-not syncing: attempted to kill init!05:45
babowhere would I find the crontab of a user, when the systems hd is mounted on to another file system ?  Where is user crontab stored ?05:45
dmb062082it really sucks, and is keeping me @ fedora05:45
Blue89I did a ctrl-alt-f1 to find the problem in a terminal, and for some reason, the desktop suddenly opened, and I was allowed to delete a locked file from my desktop. there is a permissions problem, right?05:45
KanRiNiNHey guys:  I'm in ircII..when I logged out GDM locked up, and now I can't boot into gnome..ati drivers are fine, it's something I did to the mouse with imwheel package05:45
nf4or even the regular kind if you use a usb port05:45
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dooglusKanRiNiN: "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" help?05:46
dmb062082apt-get instal kdm05:46
dmb062082heh heh05:46
cgescotty: It works, but you have to use --force-badname when using adduser.05:46
AeoUm, alright, I'd prefer it if no action were necessary (not even a Grub boot screen) unless I specifically want to boot into Ubuntu, at which point I'd insert some form of media.05:46
AVATAREZhello, i have a problem. i have an intel video card (900 on acer travelmate) and the 1st time i play a video it works ok, but the 2nd time it has VERY high contrast05:46
Blue89I did sudo in the terminal, that must have allowed the desktop environment to show and delete that file05:46
scottycge: so on the install, just make some regualr account, then create a new one when done?05:46
nickrudbabo, /var/spool/cron/crontabs/05:46
KanRiNiNno, gdm won't start..I uninstalled the imwheel pacakage, and then it locks up05:46
AeoSo, HedgeMaze, I think your third option is the best. I'd still like to have Ubuntu reside on its partition, just inaccessible until I want it.05:46
cgescotty: Yes, if the install program won't let you.05:46
nickrudbadnames, that will be easy to remember :)05:47
KanRiNiNhow do I scroll up in ircII or change consoles?05:47
scottycge: cool thanks!05:47
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HedgeMageAeo: In that case, partition the HD, install ubuntu on one partition, then install windows on the other (windoze will eat the MBR and take it over) just make sure to have an ubuntu boot disk handy for when you want to boot05:47
dooglusAeo: that's possible, that's how I used to do it 10 years ago - the PC booted into windows unless I inserted the magic linux boot cd.05:48
cgescotty: There is the possibility that something will break, but I have found that names with strange chars are generally stable. I've even used one with a | in the name and a tab in the password. Everything worked except GDM, which is broken with regards to password entry :)05:48
dooglusAeo: I don't know how you would make such a boot disk for ubuntu though.  (and I meant 'floppy', not 'cd')05:48
scottycge: so is that indicative of an MS domain controller or something?  the dot name thing?05:49
AeoHedgeMaze: I already have both installed and would prefer not to have to reinstall Windows or touch that partition at all. I know that the DOS fixmbr command will accomplish the same thing. How do I make an ubuntu boot disk? I wouldn't be the same as a Live CD, would it?05:49
dooglusKanRiNiN: the pgup key05:49
=== kiroh skugdhias
cgeAeo: Install GRUB on a disk (you can probably get disk images off the internet), and then add the menu.lst from /boot.05:49
Aeodooglus: That's exactly what I would like to have happen.05:49
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cgescotty: I'm not sure.05:50
cgeKanRiNiN: ? And running as root?05:50
KickStandcan somebody help me get my resolution beyond 1024 * 76805:50
doogluscge: he left...05:50
cgedooglus: I know.05:50
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nickrudKickStand, sure, you probably need to fix your resolution in xorg.conf, see !fixres below for the web page05:51
ubotuHelp to fix the display resolution is available at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:51
planetcallhey thanks peeps I just resized my /05:51
KickStandwhat do you mean?05:51
HedgeMageAeo: I think the livecd can also be used as a boot disk, I know the text-mode CD can... otherwise you can always tell grub to install itself on a removable disk.  What version of windows is it? some have a "repair" utility that will take over the MBR without having to re-install the whole OS05:51
dooglusKickStand: he means read what ubotu said05:51
KickStandah now I see thankn you05:52
planetcallAmarok is not playing MP3. What else is needed ?05:52
KickStandthank you that is05:52
HedgeMageAeo: (BTW, I'm a maGe, not a maZe, so I don't get highlighted when you type "hedgemaze")05:52
nickrudKickStand, hm. Ubuntu tries to read your monitor and get the best config for it, the web page makes up for it's lack05:52
AeoHedgeMage: It's XP, and I've already used the "fixmbr" command as I've encountered a GRUB error 21 earlier tonight.05:52
AeoHedgeMage: And my apologies.05:53
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Aeocge: That definitely sounds like it'll work, but could you elaborate more on adding the menu.lst?05:53
kirohcan everyone help me with totem ... i cant see .avi files05:53
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HedgeMageAeo: I haven't done it on XP, sorry, fixmbr should do it though, I think05:54
nickrudplanetcall, are you using 5.10 or 6.06 ?05:54
DShepherdkiroh: kiohttp://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/codecs.html05:54
rendokiroh: Have you installed the codecs?05:54
mcpowleydoes anyone have experience using thunderbird for gmail? I get a timeout whenever trying to connect to pop.gmail.com05:54
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cgeAeo: I think the disk should be mountable. If it is, you can just add the menu.lst from /boot/grub/ on the hard drive onto the floppy.05:54
nickrudplanetcall, install libxine-extracodecs05:54
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Aeocge: Do I also install GRUB on the floppy? In what directory should I put menu.lst?05:55
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ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:55
DShepherdkiroh: that link helps you?05:56
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nickrudplanetcall, you will need to enable the multiverse repo, if you haven't type !multiverse in this channel for instructions05:56
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cgeAeo: if you search for the GRUB website, there are floppy disk images there. I think you should be able to mount the floppy disk after writing the image, and make a grub directory, and put menu.lst in it. But I'm not completely sure.05:57
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planetcallnickrud,  thanks bro. it helped :)05:57
nickrudplanetcall, all is good then :)05:57
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ardyhello everybody05:58
planetcallnickrud, unfortunately I also have some wma/wmv  files. any extra codec/lib for that ?05:58
ardy!help How to download torrent file using wget command ?05:58
DShepherdnickrud: you using kde?05:58
lwizardlplanetcall, win32 codec05:58
garryfreWell, I finally got dapper to boot from /dev/hdd1 and yet, the device.map file has drives pointing to seemingly correct drives but it doesn't seem to effect grub, hd1 is pointed to hd3 but I had to change the default root in menu.lst to hd3,1. Its as if it's ignored. Any ideas?05:58
nickrudplanetcall, also install w32codecs. See !restricted for that05:58
Dr_Willisardy,  you mean the file.torrent ? or the Data torrent it is to download?05:58
uboturestricted is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats. This page's intent is to enable you to play most non-free media formats that are not DRM encoded. Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats.05:58
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planetcalli dont see it in synaptic05:58
nickrudplanetcall, it isn't, because ubuntu cannot distribute it05:59
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x0rionis there any1 who coild help me get a duplex sound :(05:59
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DShepherdnickrud, planetcall I found it in apt05:59
ardyDr_Willis, Data torrent to download05:59
Paladinek got it working :)06:00
planetcallDShepherd, whats it exact name ?06:00
Aeocge and HedgeMage: Thank you for your time. I'll try it in the morning.06:00
cgeAeo: Good luck.06:00
DShepherdplanetcall:  w32codecs06:00
nickrudDShepherd, well , you have non official sources :) I'm thinking about just putting plf into restricted formats, it seems pretty stable06:00
Paladinehow on earth does one enable a second grfx card and second monitor?06:00
rendoplanetcall You can look into easyubuntu or automatix to automatically install them for you.06:00
Dr_Willisardy,  you use a torrent client. not wget06:00
HedgeMageAeo: np :)06:00
Dr_WillisPaladine,  nvidia?06:00
ubotuSome people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, garryfre06:00
Aeocge and HedgeMage: If you'd like me to report with what I did (in case this interests you, perhaps), you can drop me an email address06:00
PaladineDr, aye06:00
DShepherdnickrud: hmmm.. I think your right06:00
PaladineI have dual 6600GTs in this box06:01
planetcallDShepherd, I dont know why I dont see it in syn. I have almost all the repos activated :(06:01
DShepherdplanetcall: check out restricted.. nickrud i think I downloaded the deb.. my bad06:01
ardyDr_Willis, yes I want to download it without using GUI06:01
DShepherdplanetcall: my bad.. i followed the wiki at restricted and downloaded the deb.. you can get it thru synpatic06:01
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DShepherdplanetcall: srry06:01
garryfreIt has to do with setting up twinview. Not sure the best way to do that, but I would google for twinview and the version of ubuntu you are using.06:01
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Dr_Willisardy,  there are console based torrent clients.   3 of them that i can think of off hand.06:01
cgeardy: What do you mean without a GUI. In a terminal, or without any GUI?06:02
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DShepherdplanetcall: that's a cant*06:02
KanRiNiNnickrud: I'm back :-)  I got gdm to work again06:02
Dr_Willisardy,  the original bittorrent has a no gui feature06:02
billmainline has a console client06:02
nickrudKanRiNiN, good on you :)06:02
rendoplanetcall: EasyUbuntu and Automatix can install all the restricted codecs.06:02
KanRiNiNquestion:  when I use bum to deactivate a service, why does it immediately reactivate?06:02
KanRiNiNlike bluetooth and nvidia kernel stuff?06:02
KanRiNiNI don't need that loading06:02
planetcallrendo I tried EasyUbuntu and didnt find it good enough. I will try to do it myself :)06:02
garryfreI don't know about duplex sound. Sorry.06:02
billanyone else having googleearth crash all the time under dapper?06:02
nickrudnice tools, as long as you use them very early in your install from what I"ve seen.06:02
cgeardy: There is btdownloadcurses if you want a curses based interface, or btdownloadheadless if you really don't want any ui.06:03
ardycge, Yes I want to download it using terminal06:03
rendoplanetcall: It worked for me. :)06:03
cgeardy: You probably want to use btdownloadcurses then.06:03
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Dr_Willisi perfer rtorrent for the console06:03
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planetcallDShepherd, please go to http://www.ddindia.gov.in/  and see if you can see the streaming video in the left side. I can hear only sound but no video06:03
nickrudplanetcall, but, there's a two line procedure on restricted formats that works every time, all the time06:03
planetcallits a microsoft format stream.06:04
ardycge, ok I make a try on it, but how to use command to download data torrent??06:04
planetcallnickrud, any link ?06:04
=== siriusnova [n=siriusno@64-251-145-86-cablemodem-roll.fidnet.com] has joined #ubuntu
cgeardy: If you want to use btdownloadcurses, just do btdownloadcurses PATH_OR_URL_TO_TORRENT.06:04
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Bot_Builde1question, how do normal people deal with sudo, in UI form?06:05
rendoI yell at it.06:05
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Bot_Builde1I can use bash for lots of stuff06:05
nickrudplanetcall, https://wiki.ubuntu.com//RestrictedFormats#head-16ea04e7e1ecd06555912ba3f470b56563cbd85d06:05
pppoe_dudeBot_Builde1, sudo su06:05
hastesaverwhere is the sudo log kept?06:05
Bot_Builde1but I've really NEEDED it before for normal tasks06:05
cgepppoe_dude: !? Why?06:05
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planetcallnickrud you too have a view on the link above i provided to DShepherd06:05
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garryfreI note that googleearth has a version for unix, but it doesn't say linux. Perhaps there isnt' one for linux, but for some sort of unix system06:05
ardycge, where i can download btdownloadcurses?06:06
pppoe_dudecge, 'cause06:06
hastesavergarryfre, it works (somewhat) on my Dapper06:06
cgeardy: It should be installed by default.06:06
rendoardy sourceforge probably06:06
cgepppoe_dude: There should never be a need to use sudu su. Use sudo -s or sudo -i.06:06
garryfrehastesaver Yep.06:06
ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats06:06
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DShepherdplanetcall: it doesnt seem to be playing thru firefox.. but if I click it a new window opens and the mozilla mplayer tries to do something.. doesnt seem to be successful though06:06
nickrudplanetcall, I get absolutely nothing from that site myself06:06
rendoMe either06:07
pppoe_dudecge, isnt sudo -s == sudo su06:07
ardycge, is gnome-btdownload is same as btdownloadcurses?06:07
cgeardy: No.06:07
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nickrudI'm using the totem plugin06:07
garryfrethere is gksudo06:07
disinterested_pei finally got ymessenger installed and how disapointing06:07
KanRiNiNQuestion:  what is the enterprise volume manager, and do I need it at boot?06:07
cgepppoe_dude: I don't believe so. sudo su runs two programs, whereas sudo -s only runs one.06:07
pppoe_dudei c06:07
doogluspppoe_dude: "sudo su" runs 'su' as root, whereas "sudo -s" runs a shell as root06:08
Aeocge: During installation, I'm presented with an option to install GRUB onto a floppy, but this results in an error. Do you think this is resolvable or would it be best to try the method we discussed earlier?06:08
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asdxcan i install xgl/compiz on the live cd?06:08
B0m3r-assalamualaiku wr wb06:08
planetcallDShepherd, nickrud  you should be able to hear the audio as I do. I cant see the video (using VLC) . Though, I can see audio,video on Windows06:08
hastesaverAnd sudo -i is even better06:08
mcpowleydoes anyone have experience with thunderbird and gmail? I always get a timeout when trying to connect to pop.gmail.com06:08
cgeAeo: I didn't know that was offered, but if it doesn't work, you probably should do what we discussed.06:08
DShepherdplanetcall: nope.. nothing at all06:08
rendomcpowley Does it always time out?06:08
cgeKanRiNiN: You most likely don't need it.06:08
Aeocge: Alright, thank you.06:08
=== jbroome_ [n=jbroome@63-168-10-93.celito.net] has joined #ubuntu
ardycge rendo , ok thanks06:08
hastesavermcpowley, have you set the proper port number and everything? (I mean, did you follow Google's instructions exactly?)06:08
dooglusmcpowley: you have to use ssl connection06:08
pppoe_dudecge, dooglus true, but they pretty much perform the same task imo ;)06:08
nickrudplanetcall, nothing.06:09
Bot_Builde1Well, I probably just take shortcuts06:09
planetcallyou peeps have VLC ?06:09
Bot_Builde1like moving templates to my template directory without figuring out how to in OO06:09
rendoI use mplayer.06:09
garryfreI know that floppies are often quite unreliable. at Grubfarm they mention that since floppy drives are now only a tenth as reliable as they used to be.06:09
nickrudnou, it's time to add that one to my useless web players :)06:09
KanRiNiNcge:  what about mdadm, if it's only for RAID then I can turn it off too, right?06:09
doogluspppoe_dude: you can use "sudo sudo sudo sudo su" if you like.  that "performs the same task" as well.  but why run the extra processes?06:09
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planetcallDShepherd, nickrud   it didnt work with totem earlier but with VLC I can listen the audio atleast.06:09
nickruderm planetcall s/nou/no/ and continue06:10
planetcallstill dont know what is required for the video06:10
nickrudwhich one, though06:10
=== SAM_theman [n=SAM_them@user-1120tsd.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
rendoI don't know. :P06:10
acidjediGah, I can't get sound in flash videos!06:10
mcpowleydooglus: Thanks, that fixed it06:10
planetcallrendo have a look  direct link to the stream ->
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SAM_themanOk hommies I am back I still have the problem I can't bloodly seem to have Deskjet 3643 working....06:11
rendoServer times out for me planetcall06:11
cgeKanRiNiN: I believe so, yes.06:11
nickrudI think it's time to dust off mozplugger and experiment. That's 5 bad streams now.06:11
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=== KickStand [n=tony@CPE-69-76-229-109.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
acidjediubuntu found my printer in 2 seconds, and my windows boot still can't, lol06:11
dooglusmcpowley: the tricky bit is getting the smtp connection to work as well, and the trick there is to tell it to use ssl as well, despite what the gmail help pages say!06:11
KickStandcan somebody tell me how to find wahtthe bus id is for my video card06:12
benplauthow do i find out what kernel module provides my eth0?06:12
rendoSMTP needs to be your ISP server setting.06:12
dooglusrendo: I'm talking about configuring thunderbird to use gmail.com for sending mail06:12
grndslmKickStand, lspci should work06:12
rendoThrough the gmail servers you mean?06:12
crimsun_benplaut: grep eth0 /var/log/dmesg06:12
planetcallyes it seems server is down at the moment.  rendo06:13
nickrudKickStand, lspci, the stuff after the leading 0000: and prior to the .006:13
KickStandwhat exactly is lspci grndslam06:13
KickStandah list pci got it06:13
Paladinehehe that twinview setup looks a bit of a headache06:13
=== me2win [n=me2win@adsl-69-152-226-249.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
ardy!help, I'm always away from my home pc, but is there any solution that I can use to download torrent files from internet via ssh?06:13
dooglusrendo: yes...  that way you get a backup of everything you send on gmail.com - searchable quickly, too06:13
PaladineI will give it ago when I am not over tired06:13
rendoYou don't _have_ to do it that way though, that's only if you want the backups.06:13
garryfreYep, I have succeeded in doing it, but I suggest backing up the xorg.conf file first.06:14
dooglusardy: look at running 'screen'.  that's the solution you're looking for.06:14
grndslmanybody gotten gmailfs to work?06:14
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nickruddooglus, you send thru gmail?06:14
dooglusnickrud: I do06:14
planetcallDShepherd, can you tell me how big is W32Codec download file ?06:14
nickruddooglus, ah, I'll look into that, thanks06:14
KickStandcan anybody maybe tell me why my resolution isn't any higher then, I've been through the guides and gotten no success06:15
Snoopsardy not sure about ssh.. but you can setup azureus with a web interface, as well as torrentflux which is a php based torrent client :)06:15
Paladinegarry, yeah I found an article on overclockerz.nz and some morestuff on krazypenguin06:15
=== Dr_Geek [n=harold@S010600c04f73f30e.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
rendoKickStand: Video card or Monitor maximums?06:15
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dooglusnickrud: server smtp.gmail.com, user dooglus@gmail.com (with the @g.c bit!), security: "use ssl"06:15
KickStandrendo: I need it up to about 1600x1200 and both card and monitor can handle it06:15
rendoKickStand: You sure your monitor can handle 1600x1200?06:16
=== crafteh [n=crafteh@c-24-6-217-253.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
KickStandyeahs it's a 20.1 inch wide screen06:16
ardydooglus, running screen ?06:16
nickruddooglus, thanks very much. I need a standalone server for mail real soon now06:16
craftehhow do i rerun the hardware auto-detection/configuration program that the installer uses?06:16
the_KaneQUESTION: i was just reading on how you can use a xbox 360 controller in dapper ( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=164040&highlight=xbox+controller ) but which controller is it? a normal xbox 360 controller... or the xbox 360 windows controller?06:16
KickStandrendo: yeah it's a 20.1 inch wide screen06:16
planetcallDShepherd, got it about 13.2 MB06:16
DShepherdplanetcall: ok. kool06:17
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rendoKickStand: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=129379&postcount=2106:17
grndslmanybody gotten gmailfs to work??  seems like an awesome idea06:17
KickStandrendo : okay hold that though06:17
dooglusardy: "screen" lets you connect to your PC from a remote location, run console programs, disconnect and leave them running, then connect again from a different location and re-connect, to see how they're going06:17
ardySnoops, if I use web interface, then I can download files away from home to my home pc?06:17
dooglusardy: that's exactly how I IRC.  I switched computers just now, but didn't leave this channel.06:17
=== khwarizmi [n=krischan@pD9511138.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
rendoKickStand:  There's a few things there.06:18
dooglusardy: 'cos I have irssi running inside screen06:18
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Bot_Builde1bah, OO can't handle switching from english to german06:18
craftehhow do i rerun the hardware auto-detection/configuration program that the installer uses?06:18
=== kholerabbi [n=me@dsl-220-235-66-169.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
ardydooglus, hmm.. sound interesting06:18
Bot_Builde1I switch it to german, and it switches itself back to english.  Would be nice to have spellcheck for my german project06:18
kholerabbiI want to remove wine - how?06:19
nickrudcrafteh, it should run every time you boot06:19
KickStandI just want to say that linux takes a hell  of a long time to get working the way you want it to06:19
rendokholerabbi: sudo apt-get remove wine06:19
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dooglusardy: install package "screen" if you don't have it already.  then run "screen" - you'll get a shell prompt back after a page of help06:19
ardydooglus, so what program do u use?06:19
dooglusardy: for torrenting?06:19
nickrudKickStand, that is true: it's strength because you have control, it's weakness because it expects you to be in control06:19
kholerabbiI tried that - but the .wine folder is still there, shouldn't it be deleted too?06:19
ardydooglus, for screen06:19
dooglusardy: if I want to download torrents inside screen I'll use btdownloadcurses06:19
dooglusardy: except I don't, mostly, so I use azureus with a big heavy java gui06:20
KickStandyeah I know I understand. Over the course of the years I've tried various distros on various hardware and it just would never work06:20
ardydooglus, I cant find any btdownloadcurses06:20
craftehnickrud, the mappings for the right half of my keyboard are incorrect. my xorg.conf is correct though (using us mapping... I replaced the xorg.conf with a backup). the mappings are only incorrect in X. i can't fix it for the life of me06:20
rendokholerabbi: I'm not sure if that gets removed or not.  Maybe a package with wine is still on.  Ask someone with more knowledge about removing it.06:20
KickStandat least ubuntu will install, previously it wouldn't even get that far for one reason or another06:20
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spikebikethe name changes with different versions of bit-torrent06:21
dooglusardy: in a terminal, type "btdownloadcurses".  what happens?06:21
kholerabbiOk thanks anyhow :)06:21
spikebikejust look for what files are included06:21
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spikebikeanyone trying to get googleearth working?06:21
=== Geotsai [n=Geotsai@d186-139-castillian-2.ucdavis.edu] has joined #ubuntu
yoshiznit123hey, does anyone know of a minimal utorrent-like application for ubuntu that allows multiple downloads in one window? the default ubuntu bittorrent client pisses me off :-)06:21
disinterested_peubuntu is so much better than windows06:21
=== Shadowline [n=shadowli@adsl-70-230-239-124.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
lwizardlis there a guide for configuring a full complete server using ubuntu for the os06:21
nickrudcrafteh, I am not an expert in X by any means, and the keyboard? pfft, I know less about keyboards than anything in X.06:22
spikebikeyosh btdownloadmany-curses06:22
ardydooglus, I get feedback.. which give me lot of arguments06:22
Bot_Builde1disinterested - unless you want to play cool games06:22
dooglusardy: well done.  you found it :)06:22
Geotsaihow is ubuntu better than windows?06:22
yoshiznit123spikebike, any gtk-based? :-)06:22
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spikebikeazureus ;-)06:22
rendolwizardl: http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_ubuntu_6.0606:22
ardydooglus, oohh ... just like that06:22
=== clusty [n=clusty@modemcable171.55-37-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
disinterested_pewell i dont use the pc to play games lol06:22
yoshiznit123any non-java-bloated ones? :-)06:22
Dr_WillisGeotsai,  this may be a better discussion for #ubuntu-offtopic06:22
craftehnickrud, ok ;o06:22
rendolwizardz: Has to do with running mainly as a server, DNS, mysql, etc etc06:22
nickrudcrafteh, I suggest using System->Preferences->Keyboard, Tab Layout, and choose your keyboard model carefully06:22
Bot_Builde1Geotsai - Yeah, that's a giant topic06:22
=== devians [n=user@CPE-138-130-249-158.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
x0rionhttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1131748 <:(06:23
=== duck [n=thenetdu@c-67-186-218-157.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
clustyfor some reason movies dont play fullscreen using gmplayer (in fullscreen more the image size remains contant). i dont have this problem with mplayer. any ide how to fix?06:23
devianswe run breezy on a server here, and it would be rather bad for it to go down, is it worthwhile and safe to upgrade to dapper?06:23
lwizardlrendo, used that before and something was flawed last time i tried06:23
dooglusardy: in the same terminal, type "btdownloadcurses http://snurl.com/dapper"06:23
ardydooglus, then how to download torrent file?06:23
dooglusardy: I answered just before you asked :)06:23
rendolwizardl:  That's the only one I know of, sorry. :(06:24
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Bot_Builde1hmm, can i set a folder in media (my USB drive) to be accessible by normal users06:24
nickrudperfec_setup, gotta read that one06:24
yoshiznit123xorion, you might need to set up something like ESD06:24
x0rionyoshiznit123: i tried all the thread about that duplex thing06:25
x0rionand i cant get it to work06:25
ardydooglus, ok how if I close my terminal? is my downlod stop as well??06:25
dooglusardy: if you didn't run screen first, yes06:25
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nickrudok, it uses su. Not perfect, just ideosyncratic06:25
ardydooglus, how do I run screen? then06:25
dooglusardy: but then, if you run the same command again, it will carry on where it left off06:25
mcpowleydooglus: I set up ssl for the smtp, and I sent a message, it said it was sent successfully(I sent it to my own email) but when I checked my mailbox, it was empty.06:26
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dooglusardy: screen btdownloadcurses http://snipurl.com/dapper06:26
dooglusardy: um - not sure about that- just a mo.06:26
rendomcpowley: Receive all06:26
ardydooglus, hmm...06:26
dooglusardy: I'll stop trying to be clever.06:26
dooglusardy: just run "screen"06:26
dooglusie. that's the command06:26
doogluswhat happens?06:26
rendoOh noz.06:27
=== der0b [i=s0d_0ff@c-24-218-106-50.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
KickStandyeah none of those webpages helped me for my video resolution06:27
mcpowleydooglus: I clicked get mail and nothing was there. What do you mean by receive all?06:27
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rendoKickStand:  Did you try editing the xorg file like it suggested for manual resolution?06:27
ardydooglus, it says click space to continue, after I clicked then noting happen?06:27
dooglusmcpowley: I didn't say "receive all"06:27
KickStandmy resolution is screwed06:27
dooglusardy: you get back to a shell, but now you're inside screen06:27
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KickStandrendo: yeah but everything seems to check out in the xorg file06:28
=== Tomze [n=tom@0x50c605e6.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
dooglusardy: hit control-a twice to tell if you're in screen or not06:28
nickrudKickStand, if you'd post /etc/X11/xorg.conf , /var/log/Xorg.0.log , lspci -v and sudo ddcprobe to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ I'll take a look06:28
dooglusardy: if you are, you'll see a message about windows06:28
dooglusardy: if not, nothing will happen06:28
KickStandnickrud: just post it to the channel here?06:28
=== rendo cheers on nickrud
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .06:28
nickrudKickStand, no, on  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/06:28
KickStandnickrud: okay got ya06:28
KickStandnickrud: yeah my bad06:29
dooglusmcpowley: did you set gmail up to work with POP?  it's in "settings"06:29
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nickrudrendo, I do what I can do :)06:29
dooglusmcpowley: oh, if you mail to yourself, it won't come back.  gmail is clever enough to realise that you already have the message, since you sent it.06:29
rendoIf I looked at it, I'd be like... Uh ya it's fine *shifty eyes*06:29
deviansno answer to my question?06:29
ardydooglus, yes I saw it06:29
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dooglusardy: so now run that btdownloadcurses command, inside screen06:30
=== tripppy [n=tripppy@c220-237-70-252.kelvn1.qld.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
FunnyLookinHatWhen I setup Samba sharing of two folders on one computer and i try to view them from windows I get prompted for a user/pass, and none seem to work...  ideas?06:30
ardydooglus, ooo that is the rule.... I see06:30
nickrudKickStand, and if you'd be so kind as to put the log file in a separate pastebin, it's large :)06:30
dooglusardy: the rule?06:30
deviansFunnyLookinHat, you have to add the passwords to samba06:31
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FunnyLookinHatdevians,  but what if I want no passwords?  I just want it to be open access like windows allows...06:31
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=== phoghawk [n=phoghawk@ip24-255-255-29.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ardydooglus, hehe06:31
tripppywhats the best file system to use with dapper? it will mainly be for downloads and 1+gig files.06:31
deviansthat would be a share setting06:31
deviansallow guest06:31
dooglusardy: now type control-a control-d06:31
DavidJaqI need to get rid of grub and replace it with my window's boot loader, but I can't boot from CD. I do have a floppy, however. Does anyone know how to do this using a floppy?06:31
dooglusardy: that will "detach" the screen06:31
rendoFuunyLookinHat:  I want my wife to cook steak all the time and that never happens, maybe you'll have to learn to love passwords :P06:32
devianstrippy, ext3 would be fine06:32
dooglusardy: the download will continue to run06:32
ardydooglus, ooo06:32
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dooglusardy: then open a new terminal window (from a hotel on the other side of the world, via ssh, if you like)06:32
dooglusardy: and run "screen -r" <-- that means "re-attach".  you'll see your download, still running06:32
PyroticShadowCan anybody help me install Macromedia MX on Ubuntu Breezy Badger, using Wine?06:33
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deviansmmm much love for screen06:33
=== No1Viking [n=micke@h-83-140-104-3.ip.rixbredband.se] has joined #ubuntu
ardydooglus, this is good man... I learned new things today06:33
=== mlowe [n=mlowe@c-24-23-242-211.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
phoghawkHey, I just got a new HDD and made two partitions. It defaulted to belonging to root, and I can't change the permissions. Chmod appears to work, but it doesn't do anything. any ideas?06:33
deviansardy, screen is the single most usefull terminal prog06:33
rendodooglus:  Are you talking about a way to see what another machine is doing?  Like a graphical look?06:33
devianslearn to love it :D06:33
nickrudscreen is evil, it takes people away from the desktop06:33
phoghawkPyroMithrandir, I think you can do that using Crossover office06:33
dooglusrendo: no, it's only for console programs06:33
devianshaha nickrud. what if the boxen has no gui?06:33
rendodooglus What exactly does it do?06:33
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nickruddevians, then install it :)06:34
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dooglusardy: the other thing screen can do is run multiple programs at once.  type "control-a control-c" to create a new shell.  then "control-a control-a" will toggle between them.06:34
devianswhy bother when its only ever accessed via ssh06:34
nickruddevians, hyperbole is my middle name06:34
rendoHere's a question.06:34
dooglusrendo: it allows you to leave console programs running even after you close your terminal window06:35
=== phlexonance [n=phlexona@85-125-226-240.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu
rendoDid most of you learn crazy fancy things by hanging around channels like this?06:35
deviansnickrud hyperbole _________________06:35
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dooglusrendo: so if you travel a lot, you can occasionally check-in with your console programs running at home06:35
=== spikebike watches google earth crash again
rendodooglus: Ah.  So a startup script for a mud... :P  I see, fancy.06:35
spikebrendo: i learned by breaking my system repeatedly and trying to fix it06:35
phlexonancegood morning, can anyone here help me very fast to install ne latest opera?06:35
rendoLol spikeb :P06:35
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deviansrendo, i learn most things by having a need and going a-googling and annoying my linux guru friends06:35
nickruddevians, it's nick hyperbole rude to be exact :)06:35
KickStandnickrud: how do i send this to you06:35
grndslmanybody here used gmailfs??06:35
dooglusrendo: I run this IRC session inside screen on a remote machine.  so I can turn my laptop off and stay here :)06:36
spikebikerendo works fine on redhat 8-(06:36
nickrudKickStand, if you put it on the pastebin, just give me the links06:36
ardydooglus, so if i use btdownloadcurses to download 1 program then to download another program I can simply use this multiple screening program. right!06:36
phoghawk Hey, I just got a new HDD and made two partitions. It defaulted to belonging to root, and I can't change the permissions. Chmod appears to work, but it doesn't do anything. any ideas?06:37
KickStandnickrud: okay here is the stuff minus the log file06:37
KickStandnickrud: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1563006:37
PyroticShadowCan anybody help me install Macromedia MX, through Wine?..06:37
Dr_Willisphoghawk,  these are ext3 partitions?06:37
phoghawkdooglus, you were helping me with my HDD earlier, I tried adding things to the fstab, but nothing worked06:37
phoghawkDr_Willis, they're fat3206:37
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phoghawkDr_Willis, they're identified as vfat in other places06:37
dooglusphoghawk: 5 mins...06:37
phoghawkdooglus, thanks ;)06:37
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phlexonanceI need a ftp client capable of scp, urgently06:37
Dr_Willisphoghawk,  eww. :P lol.. got to set up the fstab correctly then.06:37
phoghawkphlexonance, is gftp not?06:37
FunnyLookinHatphlexonance, gftp?06:38
phlexonancephoghawk, nope06:38
FunnyLookinHatphlexonance, sudo apt-get scp ?06:38
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DavidJaqI want to uninstall Ubuntu and Grub so I can go back to just booting Windows XP, but I can't boot directly from CD... but I do have a floppy disk. Anyone know how I can use my floppy disk to boot from the Windows XP setup disc?06:38
dooglusphoghawk: use 'defaults' in the options06:38
phoghawkphlexonance, just search synaptic for FTP and try them all06:38
phoghawkdooglus, um, okay. Do I need to reboot after that?06:38
phlexonanceFunnyLookinHat, I need a real browser so I can search through the ftp06:38
FunnyLookinHatgood luck.  :-/06:38
KickStandnickrud: and here is the logfile http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1563106:38
FunnyLookinHatUnsure of any options06:38
dooglusphoghawk: umount and mount is enough06:38
=== KanRiNiN [n=frenchja@c-68-40-176-34.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
PyroticShadowDavidJaq, could just go into your BIOS, and select it to swap the CD to read first, before the Floppy, and it'll read the disk so you can format it.06:38
nickrudKickStand, eh. You didn't get any data about your monitor from ddcprobe. You're going to have to look up the exact specs for your monitor somewhere, hopefully from the manual that came with it.06:38
KanRiNiNOK I'm back.. Boots faster now.  Thanks guys.06:39
=== Daskies is now known as Das|Sleeping
kleeshow can i make my mouse scroller switch workspaces???06:39
phoghawkdooglus, okay06:39
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KickStandnickrud: i know the specs, I looked them up and put them into the xconf file06:39
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DavidJaqPyroticShadow, My computer is working perfectly fine right now so I can do whatever to the floppy I want to do... but I completely lack the ability to boot from CD. Changing bios doesn't do anything for me.06:39
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rigonattidoes anyone now if I need to install something to run LimeWire ??06:40
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Dr_Willisrigonatti,  the official sun java06:40
rendoI'm looking klees.06:40
grndslmanybody know the difference between frostwire and limewire?06:40
klees(obviously in gnome)06:40
=== mlowe [n=mlowe@c-24-23-242-211.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
FunnyLookinHatIs there any way to allow VNC connections at the GDM login screen???06:41
rigonattiDr_willis: how can i get that ?06:41
=== Snowfairy_ [n=fairy@dlrnmb01bb0-ac01-41-82.dial.mts.net] has joined #Ubuntu
nickrudKickStand, a Dell 2005FPW  ?06:41
PyroticShadowDavidJaq, hmm..any particular reason why you are disowning Ubuntu?.. (curiosity), and also.. your bios should load the CD first if you select it, and then you can boot from the CD...and if that doesn't do anything, I'm nto smart enough to help ye' in another fashion without screwing something up, sorry.06:41
m0zoneones free and one u pay for it  also i think limewire trys and sell u crap    dont know just what i heard06:41
ardydooglus, this is awesome... so I can now multiple download using screen and btdownloadcurse without stop whenever i close my terminal.. hehehe... thanks lot man.06:41
duckhey does anyone know how I can add the thingy to the panel that shows what programs i have running?????06:41
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and see also !javadebs06:41
rendoklees: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-79560.html06:41
Fashhey all, i followed this How-to to get my ati card to work, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI but when i try fglrxinfo it turns up with the same old Mesa =/06:41
KickStandnickrud: yeah that's the one06:41
Fasham i missing nay steps?06:41
Snowfairy_I just formatted a 40gb drive as ext3, and it says something like 700mb is in use already?  Can anyone explain why this is?06:41
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nickrudKickStand, an lcd, ok06:41
rendoSnowfairy_ Swap probably.06:42
KickStandnickrud: yes that is correct06:42
kleesrendo, thx for the link i'll go read06:42
phoghawkdooglus, I still got nothin. I don't have permissions to write, and chmod does nothing06:42
Dr_Willisfairy,  5% reserved for root/system ussage perhaps06:42
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fairyrendo, I didn't tell it to use swap.06:42
ubotuit has been said that mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f06:42
fairyDr_Willis, even though it's an 'extra' drive?06:42
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DavidJaqPyroticShadow I have really limited space and I need it right now so I want to go back to Windows XP since it has a program I use all the time (zMUD) that has no linux equivelant, can't be ran with wine, and my computer is too slow for vmware... and I mentioned this twice now... my computer simply can't boot from cd. It's too old and the bios is borked and there's no update for the bios06:42
Dr_Willisfairy,  its reserved on all drives.06:43
fairyDarkMageZ, try tintin :)06:43
Dr_Willisfairy,  if thats what is taking up the space..06:43
fairyDr_Willis, that could be it then, thanks :)06:43
fairyAs long as it's normal.  I don't mind.06:43
fairyJust didn't understand the 'why'06:43
fairynot darkmagez06:43
nickrudKickStand, I've helped three people with lcds, twice with success, once without. The one without had edidfail in the ddcprobe, which you have also.06:43
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fairyDavidJaq, tintin is roughly equivalent to zmud.06:43
grndslmDavidJaq, if you have a spare computer...you could use the free VMware Server and VMware Player06:43
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DarkMageZfairy, was wondering why u said that to me :P06:43
PyroticShadowDavidJaq, Hmm... Do ye' have another CD-ROM?...or another computer Baha.06:43
KickStandnickrud: well fuck that sucks06:44
mapezHey I was wondering where if anywhere on this channel you would go to find Computer Science career info.06:44
FriendlySovietI'm unable to find the fstab command to mount an "ext3" partition at the beginning of boot, making it writable and readable users other than root. Can anyone help me out?06:44
rendoDavidJaq MudMagic CLient works well.06:44
fairyDavidJaq, I do think there's a decent gnome mud client as well.  I just can't think of what it was.06:44
rendodavidjaq: Has an ubuntu installer too.06:44
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DavidJaqrendo, it doesn't have the mapper I want06:44
phlexonancegood morning, can anyone here help me very fast to install ne latest opera?06:44
rendoDavidJaq: Meh.06:44
Dr_WillisFriendlySoviet,  make a dir on the partition owned by the users.. so they can write to it. is what i did.06:44
fairyDavidJaq, Graph paper works :) (sorry, I know it's not helpful, I just despised Zmud's mapper, never worked for me ;) )06:44
FriendlySovietThanks Dr.Willlis06:44
nickrudKickStand, according to your Xorg.0.log, the max res that X sees is NVIDIA(0):     "1024x768" , but this is a 20 inch monitor, right?06:44
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Dr_WillisFriendlySoviet,   safer that way as well.06:45
rendoDavidJaq: Or you can install wine and try and emulate some windows clients.06:45
fairyDarkMageZ, nick completion went wonky on me :) and I wasn't paying attention, sorry. :)06:45
KickStandnickrud: yes 20.1 inch widesceen06:45
PyroticShadowSo nobody can help me install macromedia mx, with wine?06:45
rendoDavidJaq: Mushclient works under wine.06:45
=== kvasov [n=kvasov@CPE0013104699b5-CM001225423460.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
DavidJaqI love zmud's mapper. Works great for me. I can walk from one end of Discworld MUD to the other end, more than 50,000 rooms I walk through, automatically just by telling the map my starting location and ending location06:45
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kvasovhow come /proc/cpuinfo is showing a totally diferent speed than what my processor should be06:45
dooglusphoghawk: OK - I got my arms back...  I can help you now.  Still there?06:46
nickrudKickStand, if edid did not fail, I'd have a possible solution, but without that, I'm not sure.06:46
Dr_Williskvasov,  and your processor is a ??.....06:46
phoghawkdooglus, yessir06:46
kvasovamd 64 3500+06:46
DavidJaqin any case, I don't want to stay with ubuntu right now. I just want it uninstalled and grub to be gone. I have no spare computers to use, my computer is unable to boot directly from CD because my bios is borked and there's no upgrades... all I have as an option is a floppy disk06:46
dooglusphoghawk: remind me of the ext3 line from fstab06:46
KickStandnickrud: crap...what the hell is edid anyway06:46
Dr_Williskvasov,  and what # is it showing? and what are you expecting?06:46
kvasovit showed that i's 1000 Ghz and 3023 bogomips06:46
crimsun_phlexonance: wget "http://www.opera.com/download/get.pl?id=28025,&location=131&nothanks=yes&sub=marine" http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/x/xorg/xlibs_6.8.2-77.1_all.deb && sudo dpkg -i xlibs_6.8.2-77.1_all.deb opera_9.0-20060518.5-shared-qt_en_i386.deb06:46
dooglusphoghawk: the one that's not working06:46
kvasovand it should be 2010 Mhz06:46
kvasovi mean 1000 Mhz before06:47
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Dr_Williskvasov,  it could be throttling down06:47
=== petrik [n=petrik@219-88-178-205.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudKickStand, it's the report of the monitor of what it does06:47
kvasovwhy is it doing that06:47
fairyDavidJaq, with windows XP you can reformat and reinstall. then boot to repair mode off your winxp cd and do fixmbr06:47
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fairythat should remove grub and ubuntu.06:47
Dr_Williskvasov,  its designed that way. :P slows down when not needed.06:47
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humanfairy, he can't boot from cd06:47
phoghawkdooglus, they're fat32 filesystems, I don't think I have any ext3s that aren't working06:47
fairyI missed that part.06:47
dooglusphoghawk: oh, I see.  both of them?06:47
nickrudKickStand, more correctly, the response from the monitor when queried about it's capabilites06:47
phoghawkdooglus, yep06:47
DavidJaqif I could put something on the floppy that would let me boot the cd, that'd work06:47
petrikHi all. Is it possible to have an audio conversation with someone on windows MSN? Which program would I need?06:47
phoghawkdooglus, I can pastebin my fstab06:47
rendopetrik Gaim?06:48
kvasovwhat the heck. do amd64 throttle themselves?06:48
fairyDavidJaq, 'google boot floppy'06:48
rendoDoes Gaim support audio?06:48
dooglusphoghawk: in that case, use "umask=0,user,auto" in the fstab for the options06:48
fairyIf I remember right, you should even be able to find all flavors of windows boot floppies.06:48
KickStandnickrud: So does that mean that there is nothing I can do short of some kind of a patch or something?06:48
phoghawkdooglus, okay06:48
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kvasovi do watch cat /proc/cpuinfo06:48
bkvjegyHello KickStand!06:48
kvasovit's at 1 GHz06:48
bkvjegyHello kvasov!06:48
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bkvjegyHello rendo!06:48
FriendlySovietDr_Willis : Thank you very much. Works like a charm :)06:48
rendopetrik I think there's a program called aMSN.06:48
bkvjegyHello phoghawk!06:48
kvasovstart moving windows around and it becomes 2.2 Ghz06:48
rendoUh Hello.06:48
phoghawkHi bkvjegy, lol06:48
nickrudKickStand, no, there's a thing called modelines you can add to the xorg.conf for controlling idiotic monitors. I'll look around for a bit.06:49
bkvjegyphoghawk, :-(06:49
petrikrendo, Both Gaim and aMSN don't seem to do audio06:49
=== bkvjegy sry ;((
rendopetrik Skype!06:49
bkvjegyHello bkvjegy!06:49
bkvjegyHello petrik!06:49
DavidJaqfairy, I've already done that. The floppy options for windows XP I find are one that bypasses the mbr entirely to boot windows xp and one that requires six floppies, but I only have three06:49
=== nickrud makes another note about not buying dell
=== Jaak_ [n=ernst@elanser.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
rendopetrik And use whatever messenging client for the IM part :P06:49
bkvjegyHello Jaak_!06:49
=== SiliconViper_ [n=siliconv@d216-232-6-104.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fashanyone particularly familiar with that nightmare we call fglrx?06:50
phoghawkbkvjegy, do I know you?06:50
rendoSpeaking of Dell.06:50
fairyDavidJaq, I'd suggest a run to wal-mart ;) buy some new floppies ;)06:50
kleesis there a ubuntu guide on installing/enabling fglrx??  (my card is Radeon 9800 Pro)06:50
petrikrendo, Skype doesn't work06:50
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rendoI had an appointment today with social services and I had to outline my plan after college.06:50
=== rigonatti [n=rigonatt@200-160-71-29.user.ajato.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
rendoThey wanted all this crappy details about it.06:50
Fashi tried following this guide, still mesa =/ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#head-26e8b0d4be861a6b7c545dc21c45232f909d8ca206:50
phoghawkdooglus, that appears to have worked. Thank you soooo much. You are a wonderful person.06:50
rendoWho are your competitors going to be?   Blah blah blah.06:50
Jaak_how do i create an partition from "free space not available" that can be used by ubuntu and windows06:50
mystamaxhello, Everytime I go to Applications -> Add/Remove The program starts, begins to look for installed applications, but never shows up??? I'm not really sure why..... Any help06:51
ubotuI guess ati is http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers06:51
=== RancidLM [n=rancidlm@linuxfordummies/RancidLM] has joined #ubuntu
rigonattiDoes anyone know why LimeWire dont Run..even after install Official JAva from Sun?06:51
neophiterIf I wanted to add the regular Ubuntu Desktop to the Server edition, what all would I need to do?06:51
DavidJaq"After college I intend to become ritch and I'm going to buy you as my slave. Lick my boots now as practice and I shall pay you well later."06:51
rendorigonatti Did you install it through synaptic or apt?06:51
dooglusphoghawk: you're welcome.  it's the "umask=0" that did it.  the "auto" means "mount at boot" and the "user" means "let users mount it without sudo'ing"06:51
=== shea_ [n=shea@wnpgmb09dc1-94-218.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
bkvjegyHello ubotu!ubotu06:51
bjoneshow do I configure dapper drake to use my wide aspect LCD monitor?06:51
mystamaxrigonatti: try running limewire from the command line and see what it says06:51
phoghawkdooglus, what does the umask mean?06:51
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nickrudKickStand, here's a sample xorg.conf, http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xorg/2006-January/012156.html . let me know when you're looking06:51
bkvjegyHogy vagy kedves [zero] , mi szel hozott?06:51
rigonattiJava from Apt.... LimeWire from a rpm pack with alien06:51
ubotuLove is a snowmobile racing across the tundra, which suddenly flips over, pinning you underneath.  At night, the ice weasels come.06:51
bkvjegyHogy vagy kedves bkvjegy, mi szel hozott?06:51
KickStandnickrud: Yeah I'm looking06:52
dooglusphoghawk: it means to make the mounted stuff have '777' permission if available...06:52
RancidLMbjones: it should auto detect a wide screen when you first install, did u just replace a regular monitor with ur widescreen one?06:52
rigonatti"You need to upgrade to JRE 1.4.x"06:52
dooglusphoghawk: kind-of.  "man umask" will help.06:52
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phoghawkdooglus, lol, I'll check that out. Thanks a bunch06:52
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dooglusphoghawk: I use "noauto,user,umask=0,iocharset=iso8859-1,uid=1000,codepage=850" for my vfat mounts.  I don't know why - it's been like that for years.06:53
phoghawknow that my HDD problems are solved, I can move onto more important things. I think an ant just bit my testicles06:53
dooglusphoghawk: maybe you want to set a charset or codepage though?  I don't know...06:53
rigonattimystamax: "You need to upgrade to JRE 1.4.x"06:53
nickrudKickStand, see the modeline under Section "Modes" that is uncommented? (no # preceeding)06:53
phoghawkdooglus, I don't know what either of those are06:53
dooglusphoghawk: the "uid-1000" bit makes the files look like they're owned by me, rather than by root06:53
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dooglusuid=1000, that is.06:53
phoghawkdooglus, cool, I want that. I'll add it06:53
KickStandnickrud: yes I do06:53
dooglusphoghawk: type "id" in a terminal to find out what your userid is06:54
rendoWhere do I set HD space for users?06:54
phoghawkdooglus, okay06:54
dooglusphoghawk: it's 1000 for the first user created, 1001 for the 2nd, etc.06:54
bjonesRancidLM: I installed with the wide aspect monitor connected.  It did not autodetect.06:54
phoghawkdooglus, mine is 1000 too06:54
phoghawkdooglus, okay06:54
rigonattimystamax:    "You need to upgrade to JRE 1.4.x"06:54
dooglusmine is 501, 'cos I migrated from mandrake linux and didn't want to change all my files to be uid 100006:54
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phoghawkdooglus, okay, what are the charset and codepage things?06:55
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dooglusphoghawk: it's to do with "funny foreign letters"06:55
nickrudKickStand, gotta step out for less than 5 minutes. brb06:55
RancidLMbjones: wierd i have a laptop and ubuntu 5.10 and 6.06 both auto detected a wide screen.. have u looked int your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file for your resolution settings?06:55
phoghawkdooglus, is it a big deal if I don't use those frequently?06:55
HedgeMageRancidLM: long time no see :D06:55
dooglusphoghawk: no06:55
KickStandnickrud: okay06:55
RancidLMHedgeMage: OMG! HedgeMage !!!!06:56
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rendoWhere do I go to set HD space for users?06:56
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dooglusphoghawk: it's only to do with 'funny foreign letters' in filenames, anyway.  file content will be fine either way.06:56
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UNH2LYhey, what should i use to burn an iso06:56
dooglusphoghawk: you might just see filenames not showing up quite right if they've got french accents or whatever.06:56
phoghawkdooglus, neat, what about the codepage? also, is there any negatives to adding that charset. I suppose I could do it just for safety06:56
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kleeshow can i find out what my video card's bus identifier is?????06:57
dooglusphoghawk: I don't know anything about it really, but I think they're both the same kind of thing.06:57
dooglusphoghawk: codepages were an early, primitive attempt to solve the problem that charsets solve properly.  or something.06:57
Jaak_Anyone know about Ati and Opengl problems, as in crashes...?06:57
phoghawkdooglus, I'll just add the codepage and charset options, just in case06:58
steveklCan someone link me to that sources.list builder for dapper?06:58
Klownerehm, anyone seen this before?06:58
rendoWhere do I go to set HD space for users?06:58
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dooglusrendo: do you mean like giving each user a disk space quota?06:58
Klownersudo: timestamp too far in the future: Jun 24 23:49:26 200606:58
rendoI have quota installed, I need to know how to GIVE them a quota :P06:58
bjonesRancidLM: It detected as a "Generic Monitor".  All I get is 1024x768, 800x600, and 640x48006:59
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UNH2LYDoes anyone know of a simple program to burn isos with in dapper?06:59
=== Remy [n=Remy@124-168-24-39.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
kleesenable framebuffer device interface???06:59
RancidLMbjones: and thats probly gonna have to change.. id try chaning the resolution to something that the monitor is capable of06:59
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LiteHeddedati install didn't work07:00
LiteHeddedcan someone help?07:00
=== klees is going through the xserver config
hastesavermystamax, use Synaptic then :)07:00
=== the_Kane [i=K_A_N_E@118.pth0412.pth.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
dooglusrendo: I saw a web page about it once.  "quotatool" is a tool for editing quotas though.07:00
UNH2LYklees, something gui?07:00
Jaak_How do i create an partition from "free space not available" that can be used by ubuntu and windows?07:00
the_KaneURGENT QUESTION: i want to download the dapper iso, but which do you recommend (i've heard bad things about the desktop cd) the Desktop, or Alternate ?07:01
nickrudKickStand, ok, That's what this guy is running, and he has a trivial complaint :) Cut and paste his Section "Modes" into your xorg.conf, and see where under Section "Screen" he has a Modes "1680x1050" line? Duplicate that in your xorg.conf also.07:01
the_Kane...im on 128mb ram07:01
robert_okay- what the hell, I'm trying to install ubuntu to /dev/hdb, and all I keep getting are I/O errors07:01
eob84Hi... I am having trouble getting my desktop to display at anything besides 800x600... I didn't have this problem until I installed the nvidia-glx driver... any suggestions?07:01
the_Kaneyep 12807:01
KickStandnickrud: yeah, will i have to restart x afterward?07:01
nekostarhow do i run a binary file?07:01
Dial_toneI have that in my nfs box and it doesn't even have x installed07:01
dooglusrendo: there's this: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Quota.html07:01
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nekostari downloaded that google earth for linux thing but i dont get it :/07:01
nickrudKickStand, yes, log out of the desktop and then hit clt-alt-backspace07:01
dooglusnekostar: 1. "chmod +x file.bin"; 2. "./file.bin"07:01
=== starkruzr [n=jtd@adsl-70-224-50-128.dsl.sbndin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
KickStandit kills all programs correct?07:02
nickrudKickStand, if you log out correctly, no.07:02
=== the_Kane needs to know which dapper drake cd to download (im on 128mb Ram) Alternate, or Desktop... ?
nekostaroo thanx dooglus07:02
nekostarforgot the +x then :)07:02
eob84also... it seems I can only set my refesh rate to 60hz07:02
nickrudthe_Kane, alternate07:03
cparkerhi, anyone else having problems with amaroK under dapper? whenever I try to play an MP3 file from a Samba share, the whole thing freezes.07:03
the_Kanenickrud: thanks07:03
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cparkerI used to use amaroK to do this with Fedora Core without a problem... but I believe I also used the GStreamer engine, which doesn't seem like it's available for Ubuntu Dapper.07:03
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eyequeuei thought gstreamer 0.10 was in dapper07:05
cparkerSo, because amaroK is freezing, I go to use Rhythmbox, and that freezes at the first welcome screen... :(07:05
eyequeue0.8 was in breezy07:05
=== KickStand [n=tony@CPE-69-76-229-109.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Meek-anyone help? I'm trying to get compiz working... when I enable the composite extension in my xorg.conf, the next time I try to load an x session, it 'freaks out' and drops back to the login manager screen.  It works fine if I take out the composite extension (but I can't load compiz).  Im running nvidia 8762 drivers...07:06
=== rens [n=rens@a131014.upc-a.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
hastesavercparker, gstreamer *is* available under Dapper (but it's not good, IMHO)07:06
eyequeuei'm no sound guru, don't know if that makes a difference07:06
KickStandnickrud: Okay not only must I have logged out wrong but it didn't fix my resolution either07:06
nickrudXGL is evil, pre beta software07:06
Meek-i know, im just messing around with it07:06
cparkerhastesaver: I'm not seeing an amarok-gstreamer package...07:06
Meek-just wondering if anyone had run into that issues07:07
=== concept10 [n=concept1@c-67-172-222-62.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
LiteHeddedati help anyone?07:07
hastesavercparker, have you enabled mp3, BTW? Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats ?07:07
nickrudKickStand, it's really hard to fix hardware over the net, especially with hardware that does not report itself properly07:07
KickStandnickrud: Yeah I understand. What a pain in the ass.07:07
Kiko0123who's the artist of that club song named check around? i can'T find it out...07:07
concept10im having a problem where samba doesnt fully install, how do I fix this with apt-get, i forgot the command07:08
nickrudKickStand, You need to find a ModeLine that works.07:08
KickStandnickrud: I'll try. Isn't it odd that that guys didn't work though?07:08
KickStandnickrud: He had the same monitor I do07:08
eyequeuesudo apt-get --reinstall install samba ?07:08
nickrudKickStand, I had high hopes for that one, especially since it was on a mail list from freedesktop07:09
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eob84anyone have a working nvidia-glx?07:09
nickrudKickStand, and no one called him on his config there07:09
cparkerhastesaver: thanks for that link... do you know why there isn't an amarok-gstreamer package in dapper?07:09
robert_blah- why won't it perform I/O to the drive?07:09
_nano_what run level does ubuntu run on?07:10
Meek-eob, i am.. just a little bit.. I just found this: http://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-8762/README/appendix-s.html07:10
Meek-"The NVIDIA driver does not yet support the GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap extension. This extension is used by OpenGL-based composite managers, such as Novell's Compiz, to use X pixmaps as OpenGL textures. Support for the GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap extension will be provided in a future NVIDIA driver release"07:10
hastesavercparker, I don't know, really. But once you've got mp3 (and all the others) enabled, I think amarok might work fine.07:10
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nickrudKickStand, you could try commenting and uncommenting his other modelines (it's what I'd do) but I offer no promises07:10
cparkerhastesaver, thanks again. :)07:11
hastesavercparker, the package amarok-engines installs all of them (according to the apt-cache show page)07:11
eyequeuenano, 2 3 4 5 are the same, 2 is default07:11
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KickStandnick rud, that is what I plan on, how can i restart x without rebooting ubuntu again?07:11
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Meek-im pretty sure thats saying that current nvidia drivers dont support composite07:11
_nano_eyequeue: i want to disable mysql and apache to startup...so which rc*.x folder should i look into?07:11
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nickrudKickStand, you must restart X every time.07:11
nickrudKickStand, just don't open anything that matters while you're troubleshooting07:12
fairyThere is no more amarok-gstreamer07:12
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eyequeuenano, man update-rc.d, for the Ubuntu Way07:12
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cparkerhastesaver: perhaps that package--amarok-engines--is in a non-standard repository?07:12
KickStandnickrud, got ya thanks for your help07:12
_nano_eyequeue: k, thanks07:12
fairyto get xine working, you must install libxine-extracodecs.07:12
fairy(Hope I actually understood what was going on with the previous amarok question)07:12
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nickrudKickStand, luck to you. So, I'm 3 of 5 on lcds so far ;(07:12
cparkerhastesaver: right now, I just have the default repositories that came with dapper.07:12
hastesavercparker, perhaps. But amarok-xine and (if you're using KDE already) amarok-arts should be better, right?07:12
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=== fairy scrolls up to see if she did understand the amarok problem.
cparkerhastesaver: I'm using Gnome. I'll see how amarok-xine works once I have the mp3 "issue" sorted out... it's just that on other distros, I've had the best luck with amaroK's GStreamer engine.. i'll see how it goes, though. thank you.07:14
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fairycparker, amarok gstreamer is no longer supported by the amarok team (hence there won't be one) as far as what I understand from my own reading.07:14
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nickrudas best I read it, it's either amarok-xine or armarok-arts07:15
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fairyI had a lot of trouble when I installed amarok, cause I couldn't find the gstreamer plugin myself.   It took reading restricted formats again to figure out why xine wasn't playing MP3s.  (you need to install amarok-xine and then libxine-extracodecs07:15
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acke_hey guys, what player would you put forward as a good allround player for dvd, avi and so on. vlc? xine?07:15
fairyI like xine better then arts myself :)07:15
eob84Meek: Thanx... I tried disabling that... I need to do a reboot now to reload the driver... I'll let you know if it works07:16
hastesaveracke_, mplayer or xine07:16
acke_movie player kindof sucks, i cant add subtitles to movies when i use it07:16
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placidiousi used to be able to access the network drive, now all i get is the authentication request over and over?07:16
Meek-eob84: i couldnt even use gnome when I had composite enabled07:16
hastesaveracke_, sure you can. mplayer <filename> -subfile <subfile> (or was it -sub? )07:16
Meek-oh he left..07:16
acke_ooh thanks07:16
acke_gotta try sometime07:16
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hastesaveracke_, but use xine if you're comfortable with it already. It's better in some ways, and worse in others.07:17
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RedeI have a high resolution video I'm watching, but it occasionally stutters. is there a way i can devote more system resources to my video app to prevent this?07:17
LiteHeddedanyone in here care to take a stab at my ati issue?07:17
firefly_How can I change to use GNU jre instead of sun's?07:17
fairyIs there a preferred app for obtaining expose like functionality? (is skippy or expocity better then the other or is it just personal preference?)07:17
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hastesaverI wish someone would write something to make xine have mplayer keybindings. As I understand it, xine's keybindings are fully customisable, so it should be possible...07:18
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nickrudfairy, it's all personal prefs, since it's alpha software07:18
dooglusRede: you could renice it07:18
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dooglusRede: or use mplayer - it seems to play better07:18
hastesaverRede, you could also run it with -framedrop in mplayer, or the equivalent in whatever other app you're using07:18
asdxi can't install the nvidia 3d driver (i did sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx ; sudo nvidia-glx-config enable) or something like that, but it didn't change anything...07:18
Bot_Builde1man, this is some of the crashiest piece of crap ever07:19
fairynickrud, alrighties :) I'll just try one then :)07:19
asdxi went to console and tryed modprobing nvidia and it showed some error, that could not modprobe it07:19
Bot_Builde1I just added some pics to a OO presentation07:19
Bot_Builde1and it crashes, kindly offering to recover the document07:19
asdxno such file or directory07:19
dooglusRede: "man renice"07:19
nickrudfairy, I'm on a kick to kick xgl questions, maybe it'll take :)07:19
Bot_Builde1but then it crashes again07:19
Bot_Builde1and again07:19
troy_shastesaver: Give it a shot then!07:19
Bot_Builde1on the document07:19
fairynickrud, well, I never did figure out how to get multiple dynamic xgl servers07:20
fairyso I switched back to xorg.07:20
Bot_Builde1I know its not ubuntu's fault, but godamnit07:20
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hastesavertroy_s, aww.. .where are the people with the enthu to do these kind of things? :)07:20
robert_I have I/O buffer errors07:20
dooglusBot_Builde1: I know it's not PC to say it, but a lot of open source software is pretty crappy, isn't it?  :)07:20
Bot_Builde1yeah it is07:20
troy_shastesaver: Perhaps you aren't aware as to how community driven software / open source evolves ;)07:20
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nickrudBot_Builde1, ouch. I trust openoffice a lot,07:20
Bot_Builde1I used to07:21
Bot_Builde1It seems stable on windows07:21
Bot_Builde1but ubuntu....07:21
hastesavertroy_s, I'll do it someday, I guess. I just wish someone else would do it for me :)07:21
troy_shastesaver: It's from exactly people like you who go out and try a little bit, then others build on it.07:21
Meek-can someone explain this to me a little clearer? -> If you get an error about missing Composite extension when starting compiz, you probably tried to start it on the base Xorg server (which shouldn't be used for any program any more except for starting Xgl itself) and not on the Xgl server. Set your DISPLAY variable accordingly.07:21
asdxgoogle earth for linux is a static binary?07:21
nickrudBot_Builde1, been using it for years, and never had something like that happen. Open office is my office07:21
Meek-as in... where do I set my DISPLAY variable07:22
Bot_Builde1its my office on windows07:22
hastesaverBot_Builde1, KDE's office apps are very good, IMHO. You should try them if OO.o is crashing too much.07:22
firefly_Does anyone know how to change my system to use the GNU java instead of the Sun one?07:22
hastesaverfirefly_, update-alternatives07:22
Bot_Builde1I'm gonna have to text edit the file <>07:22
robert_this drive sucks07:22
dooglushastesaver: or try gnumeric/abiword07:22
nickrudBot_Builde1, try #openoffice, or the open office mail lists. They wanna hear about this.07:23
dooglussame question to number 107:23
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dooglusnickrud: they want to hear about un-official packages crashing?07:23
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dooglusnickrud: Bot_Builde1's having problems with ubuntu builds, not OO.org builds07:23
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hastesaver!tell firefly_ about java07:24
nickrudgnumeric is nice, so is abiword. But, I can't use them with my clueless windows compatriots. I got them using openoffice, gotta channel a real bug07:24
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firefly_hastesaver: thanks, i'll look into that07:24
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Bot_Builde1dooglus - I suppose.  It could just be this is a newer, buggier version of OO07:24
dooglusnickrud: gnumeric and abiword both speak open document format07:24
nickruddooglus, erm point07:24
eob84Meek: Disabling renderaccel didn't seem to make any differance07:24
Fashhey all, so im following a guide, how can i do this ? -add "/usr/bin/startcompiz"07:24
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dooglusFash: add it to what?07:25
nickrudit's not like this is debian, with all it's checks & balances. Or, is this the same build?07:25
Bot_Builde1Ah I know what the problem is07:25
hastesavernickrud, gnumeric and abiword actually look *more* like Excel and Word than OO.o.07:25
LiteHeddedanyone care to help me with ati yet?07:25
Fashdooglus, sorry i didnt paste the full message, here it is -add "/usr/bin/startcompiz" to gnome session startup programs07:25
Bot_Builde1Its not liking me draggin pictures right onto the presentation07:25
dooglusFash: oh, I never got the hang of gnome sessions.  the gnome session dialog just plain seems weird to me.07:26
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dooglusFash: but you'll find 'Sessions' somewhere in the system menu - that's the right place to be looking for 'startup'07:26
nickrudhastesaver, if you could tell me how to put a picture in abiword headers, I'd consider a change. (haven't looked in the last couple of months, true. Things change)07:26
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eob84Meek-: Disabling renderaccel didn't seem to make any differance07:27
hastesavernickrud, sorry, I don't know. I rarely use Abiword-like apps, anyway. I'm confused by them; I use LaTeX :)07:28
tripppy!tell tripppy unrar07:28
tripppy!tell unrar07:28
ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, dooglus07:28
nickrudhastesaver, did you see the part about clueless windows users?07:28
Meek-eob84: whats happening for you?07:28
dooglustripppy: "unrar" is a package in dapper.  i breezy it's probably "unrar-nonfree" you want07:28
nickrudhastesaver, erm, supposed to be funny there, failed07:28
uboturumour has it, rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression07:29
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dooglustripppy: your 3rd 'p' is trippping me out, man07:29
eob84Meek-: Before I installed the nvidia driver I was able to use 1152x864... after installing it I can only use 800x600@60hz for my desktop07:29
nickrudBot_Builde1, try using the insert picture option, it may work better07:29
mystamaxwhat is the vnc SERVEr product for XFCE??07:30
nickrudmystamax, very good question, I don't think there is one07:30
dooglusmystamax: try #xubuntu or #xfce I guess07:30
Bot_Builde1nickrud - thats what i was thinking07:30
Bot_Builde1but first i need to fix my xml file07:30
Meek-eob84, hmm we're having dif problems then :o07:30
Bot_Builde1and gedit hangs on loading it07:30
Bot_Builde1so I'm using the bloody hex editor07:31
dooglusmystamax: I use x11vnc to share the current desktop07:31
tripppydooglus: hehe, thanks for help. ubuntu roks. im putting one ontop of fridge.07:31
Bot_Builde1whos string search assumes a null ender07:31
eob84Meek-: What is the issue you are having?07:31
mystamaxdooglus: is that something diffrent from a vnc SERVER?07:31
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mystamaxdooglus: could I do resumable sessions with x11vnc?07:31
dooglusmystamax: "vnc-server" shares a *new* desktop, not the one you're working on07:31
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dooglusmystamax: resumable?  how you mean?07:32
mystamaxMy goal is to be able to login to XFCE w/o having to have autologin or leaving a user logged in07:32
nickrudBot_Builde1, without sounding to condesending (hopefully) I wish you real luck07:32
Meek-eob84, trying to just get xgl/compiz working... compiz says I need the composite extension, but that freaks my x session out07:33
Bot_Builde1ah, eclipse might work better for xml editing07:33
dooglusmystamax: that's default behaviour isn't it?  no-autologin?07:33
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eob84Meek-: I see... Haven't played with that yet... one step at a time :-(07:34
dooglusBot_Builde1: emacs21 won't hang on reading it.07:34
DirgeHello everyone.07:34
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dooglushi Dirge07:34
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DirgeI'm using Gnome, but everything I want to do (especially file tranfsers and file edits) require root access. How do I give root access to the current user?07:35
__j0sh__g'day mate07:35
mystamaxdooglus: I don't think I could just restart a server, and log into the GUI remotely via VNC07:35
nickruddooglus, could you recommend a major mode for emacs21 & Bot_Builde1 problem? I know it's the swiss army knife :)07:35
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dooglusnickrud: he's currently using a hex editor...  so "fundamental-mode" would be a huge step up07:36
nickruddooglus, point again07:36
dooglusnickrud: also, xml-mode is an alias for ml-mode': Major mode for editing SGML documents.07:37
Bot_Builde1ah, i need to install emacs - working on it07:37
dooglusooh, it didn't like pasting that.  `sgml-mode', that was supposed to say.07:37
doogluswho told me it was a good idea to use ` as the 'escape' key in screen?  I just found out why it isn't :)07:38
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nickrudI'm gonna learn docbook in emacs if it kills me, and it probably will. I cry over source these days07:38
DirgeAm I supposed to go into terminal and use su in order to save a file I was editing in a GUI?07:38
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dooglusDirge: I use emacs21 to edit files as root07:38
nickrudDirge, no, your gui should save somewhere07:39
dooglusDirge: if you tell it to edit:    /root@localhost:/etc/apt/sources.list    then it sudo's to root, and edits the file as root in that buffer07:39
DirgeIt will never allow me to save or edit files. The OS keeps altering the files into root access only.07:39
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nickrudDirge, if it's a file you need to write as root, save it to the Desktop and then copy or move it to the proper place with sudo07:39
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DirgeAnd external HDD is root only as well.07:39
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asdxcan anyone tell me why nvidia drivers dosn't work in the live cd?07:39
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DirgeSo I can't transfer to or edit anything there.07:40
dooglusDirge: what filesystem type is the external HDD?07:40
Bot_Builde1ok, i open content.xml with emacs, nothing is on the screen07:40
=== AJ004 [n=ajulius@207-38-195-55.c3-0.wsd-ubr1.qens-wsd.ny.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
AJ004which is the best videoplayer for linux?07:40
Bot_Builde1least, i think i have, i can't really tell because of the crap UI :P07:40
AJ004that is compatible with all the codecs07:40
asdxAJ004: vlc07:40
nickrudBot_Builde1, I was hoping to get you better help, so I'm bowing out now07:40
dooglusDirge: that'll be why then.  Linux has a hard time writing to NTFS, due to Microsoft's refusal to publish NTFS specs.07:40
AJ004how do i install vlc?07:40
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DirgeIt'll write, but I need to go into terminal and su then copy.07:41
DirgeWhy can't the GUI have root access?07:41
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AJ004asdx:  Is vlc in synaptic?07:41
dooglusDirge: you can "sudo gedit" if you want to gedit as root07:41
DirgeThat's a temp fix.07:41
Bot_Builde1Dirge - because linux people are like that07:41
dooglusDirge: is it?07:41
FlannelDirge, dooglus, gksudo07:41
Bot_Builde1gui shouldn't do anything important and such07:41
dooglusFlannel: same difference.07:41
nickrudDirge, no, that is the definition of permissions07:42
Flanneldooglus: no, sudo can screw things up07:42
Dirgeimportant such as editing files and file transfers?07:42
AJ004ok found vlc07:42
AJ004will try it07:42
dooglusFlannel: when running gedit?07:42
DirgeWell I want to GIVE permissions.07:42
nickruddooglus, not quite, $HOME is different in sudo & gksudo07:42
Bot_Builde1yeah, permissions have basically made knoppix useless for recovery07:42
Bot_Builde1makes me want to make a linux distro specifically for utility07:42
dooglusBot_Builde1: lack of permissions has basically made Windows useless for anything07:43
Bot_Builde1but that'd take a while07:43
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DirgeFor instance, I have a file I want to download, I try yo download then save it, but I can't save it to the external HDD because it's for root only.07:43
AJ004i installed VLC but which directory is it in?07:43
dooglusBot_Builde1: why don't you just run everything as root?07:43
DirgeIt won't let me log into the GUI as root.07:43
Bot_Builde1dooglus, I know, but for a utility distro it kinda sucks07:43
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Flanneldooglus: running everything as root? what?07:44
nickrudDirge, linux does not write to ntfs for one simple reason: microsoft has not published the specs needed for reliable writing to ntfs07:44
Bot_Builde1jesus, I'm going to resort to vi07:44
Jaak_How do i permanently change the rights of an folder07:44
dooglusDirge: it will if you 'fix' the AllowRoot=false line in /etc/gdm/gdm.conf07:44
Bot_Builde1worse than a text editor07:44
DirgeAJ004 Applications -> Soung & Video07:44
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dooglusFlannel: Dirge doesn't like 'permissions'.  he wants to be able to write to any file he wants.07:44
Bot_Builde1*hex editor07:44
cgeDirge: /quit07:44
DirgeNo thanks.07:44
steveOany opers that can kill steveO_?  It's my ghost.07:45
FlannelDirge: we haven't reverse engineered safe writing, so there are things that'll let you write to ntfs, but can't guarentee they wont hose the partition.07:45
DirgeAlso, it won't let me write anywhere except home.07:45
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cgeDirge: Err, that was unintentional.07:45
FlannelDirge: right, that's by design07:45
DirgeNot just the external NTFS HDD.07:45
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garryfreIN breezy it ws easy to figure out how to get read access to toher hard drives. Not so Dapper so far.07:45
DirgeOk, how do I give a user root access?07:45
MadpilotDirge, that's because the system owns /, you don't07:45
dooglusDirge: you add him to the 'admin' group.  then he can use 'sudo'07:45
MersaultI've recently migrated to dapper drake (clean install), and I don't like the Sessions management panel as much. I need to control the order in which startup items are run. Which file should I add the commands to that I would have put in the Sessions admin pane?07:45
Bot_Builde1oh jesus07:45
DirgeOk, done... Why doesn't it work.07:45
Bot_Builde1the xml file is one big line07:46
Bot_Builde1and i can't scroll down in vim07:46
nickrudhrm, does anyone remember the ghost command for killing your old avatars off hand?07:46
garryfreYou would want to use sudo not give yourself enough priveleges to hang yourself.07:46
FlannelsteveO_: you can, with ghost, for future reference (/msg nickserv help ghost)07:46
dooglusDirge: what did you do?07:46
Bot_Builde1ok, I'm going to download the Vista beta07:46
Bot_Builde1this sucks07:46
AJ004vlc doesnt work and neither does movie player07:46
AJ004it is an ASX file07:46
dooglusBot_Builde1: use emacs2107:46
DirgeWhat video are you trying to watch AJ004?07:46
Bot_Builde1I have, when i opened the file nothing was there07:46
DShepherdnickrud: /gshost nick passwd? is that wat you want?07:46
FlannelBot_Builde1: that's because its saved with different line endings07:46
Bot_Builde1Flannel - it was saved by openoffice07:47
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Bot_Builde1I think its to save space07:47
AJ004dirge:  An ASX format video07:47
Bot_Builde1but really it makes it un-human editable07:47
Bot_Builde1probably what screwed up gedit, its one big ass line07:47
nickrudDShepherd, yeah, steveO_ was looking for that, thanks07:47
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DirgeSystem -> Users & Groups -> Select my name -> Properties -> Advanced -> Main Group -> Admin07:48
Jaak_Is the wrong word i am looking for? Beceause i can't find any documentation on How i permanently change the rights of an folder?07:48
dooglusDirge: that won't take effect until the user next logs in07:48
=== ice_1963 [n=gary@c-68-40-240-15.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MadpilotBot_Builde1, there are editors that'll visually break a long line so it doesn't run off the screen - Bluefish, for example07:48
Jaak_Is it Rights?07:48
DirgeThat was done 3 days ago.07:48
DirgeAnd 25+ logins07:48
Bot_Builde1man, I'll make better progress submitting a bug report and waiting for the next version of OO07:49
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Flanneldooglus: do you want to change the owner? or the permissions?07:49
dooglusDirge: how did you run the 'Users & Groups' think if you can't sudo?07:49
nickrudJaak_, permissions is the word07:49
Flannelerm, Jaak_07:49
dooglusFlannel: neither.07:49
Bot_Builde1madpilot - that is true, but internally a 65K line seems to screw many text editors07:49
Flanneldooglus: not you.07:49
FlannelJaak_: changing owner or permissions?07:49
DirgeIt asks for the SU password to enter the Administrator tools07:49
FlannelDirge: no, it asks for YOUR sudo password07:49
MadpilotBot_Builde1, what was this 65k/single line file created in?07:49
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dooglusDirge: the SU password?  not your own user password?07:49
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FlannelJaak_: alright, you want chmod, chown is for owner.07:50
Bot_Builde1It's an openoffice document, unzipped, the content.xml file07:50
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DirgeI made both the same.07:50
Bot_Builde1I'm trying to fix it so openoffice doesn't crash when i open it07:50
dooglusDirge: if you can run the users & groups thing, then you can use 'sudo'07:50
MadpilotBot_Builde1, ah... I'm not sure OOo files are really designed to be unpacked :|07:50
Bot_Builde1they aren't07:50
Bot_Builde1but i have no other option07:50
=== kholerabbi [n=me@dsl-220-235-66-169.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Bot_Builde1this is due tomorrow07:50
DirgeBut that's not the issue, that's working properly. But giving permission to a user is the issue.07:51
Bot_Builde1and ive worked on it a few weeks07:51
DShepherdnickrud: no prob07:51
dooglusDirge: permission to do what?07:51
MadpilotBot_Builde1, ouch... do you know what's breaking?07:51
kholerabbiWhat's the shortcuts for switching workspaces??07:51
nickrudBot_Builde1, really, I'd go ask on #openoffice or their mail lists, whatever distro it is, they would like to know about dragging & dropping failing07:51
FlannelDirge: Dirge what's the issue? just add them to the admin group.07:51
Bot_Builde1I just need to remove references to some images07:51
DirgeEdit, transfer files, create files, etc.07:51
CRASH69hi. I am about to set up a desktop with ubuntu, do I have to get plug-ins for mp3, CSS dvd, etc? what about wireless? is there any "good" pages about this?07:51
Bot_Builde1dragging and dropping images, as nickrud said are what broke it07:51
dooglusDirge: everyone has permissions to do that07:51
Flannel!tell CRASH69 about restrictedformats07:51
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DirgeI only have 1 user, Myself. But I can't do anything that you'd expect to be able to do.07:52
MadpilotBot_Builde1, search & replace will work even if it's one giant messy line07:52
Flanneloh, psh.07:52
dooglusDirge: but only for files they have permission to do those things on07:52
Bot_Builde1bloody dual screenness... I wouldn't have even tried drag and drop if i didn't have two screens :)07:52
tonyyarussoAnybody know of a way to check open up the modem and play it through the speakers without doing anything?  We have dialup and I'd like a way to check whether anyone is online, but actually dialing sometimes will kick them off if they are, so I just want to be able to check whether there's a dial tone or internet nonsense.07:52
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Bot_Builde1madpilot - how do i search in vim?07:52
dooglusDirge: I would expect your user to be able to edit his own files, and not the system files.07:52
FlannelCRASH69: that page will get you info on all those07:52
concept10I need help in figuring out this video problem.  The screen never refreshes.  This happens in all video players.  Its been like this since I switched to dapper 4 months ago.  Any suggestions?07:52
dooglusDirge: what would you expect?07:52
Bot_Builde1its the least user friendly program in existance07:52
MadpilotBot_Builde1, not sure, I use nano when I can't use gedit, myself07:52
Bot_Builde1ah nano07:52
Bot_Builde1I'll try it07:52
dooglusBot_Builde1: you type "/", then a regular expression, then hit return07:52
concept10Bot_Builde1, try cream for vim07:52
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MadpilotBot_Builde1, nano has basic commands listed along the bottom of the screen all the time - much more sensible :)07:53
kholerabbitonyyarusso - if you have a normal telephone plugged into the same line, pick it up and you'll hear the bzz07:53
Bot_Builde1ooh yes07:53
dooglusMadpilot: can it search?07:53
Bot_Builde1svn ci uses nano07:53
DirgeI have a xorg.test file in X11, but after I transfer it there (even though I'm the creator) I'm locked out and have to tranfer again and overwrite it in su mode.07:53
Madpilotdooglus, I'm sure it can07:53
Flanneldooglus: it can.07:53
=== eob84 [n=david@cpe-69-207-47-230.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
MadpilotDirge, use sudo in Ubuntu plus your own user pw - there's no need for su by default...07:53
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concept10Bot_Builde1, download Cream for VIM.  It turns VIM into a normal editor07:53
tonyyarussokholerabbi: I don't have one in this room.  Not a huge deal, but an it would be nice if.07:53
Flannelit's an ncurses based text editor, using ncurses isntead of a GUI07:54
dooglusDirge: you can make it writable with a "chmod +w"07:54
concept10I use it everyday07:54
nickrudDirge, and the problem with that is?07:54
CRASH69Flannel, thx07:54
Bot_Builde1yes nano looks good07:54
Bot_Builde1concept10 - willdo when ive got the time07:54
kholerabbitonyyarusso: hmmm.... dunno than07:54
concept10it takes 1 min with apt07:54
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DirgeI'd like my user (Myself) to automatically have root access.07:55
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nickrudDirge, its supposed to be that freaking way. You (a simple user) are not root (the master of the universe, in the case, your os)07:55
tonyyarussokholerabbi: I was thinking along the lines of somehow just saying to send the modem device stuff through to the audio out, but I have no idea how that would work.07:55
DirgeAny way to do that?07:55
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dooglusDirge: can you give more information about your xorg.test example?  how do you transfer it?  what does an "ls -l" show on the source and destination of the transfer?07:55
concept10anyone seen a common thread or wiki page for video problems on dapper?07:55
MadpilotDirge, why? that's uselessly risky and best avoided...07:55
FlannelDirge: running as root is the stupidest thing you can do07:55
eob84After installing the nvidia-glx driver I can ony seem to get my desktop to display at 800x600@60hz... any help?07:55
nickrudDirge, no.07:55
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Flannel!tell eob84 about fixres07:56
ubotuDid you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, concept1007:56
Dirgewell, entering terminal every 30 seconds and manually typing a directory that's hella long is getting very annoying.07:56
gavagaiDirge, use tab completion for the directory07:56
dooglusDirge: you could alias 'cp' to 'sudo cp', and so on...07:56
kholerabbitonyyarusso: it may be possible to do it thruogh software - I really dunno .. I just got broadband - no dialup :) yay!07:56
FlannelDirge: or, run one instance of a gksudod nautilus07:56
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FlannelDirge: and then don't accidentally hit 'delete'07:57
Bot_Builde1nano seems to hate the single lineness as well07:57
nickrudDirge, once you wrap your head around who get's permissions to write where, you will very glad that you have to use sudo to write to /etc/X1107:57
Bot_Builde1but it sorta works07:57
MadpilotDirge, what're you doing that requires so much root access?07:57
=== phoghawk [n=phoghawk@ip24-255-255-29.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
tonyyarussokholerabbi: Hehe, all right.  (I tried asking this before without luck, so low hopes here.)07:57
DirgeHow to I alias every single folder so that I don't have to type /etc/X11/etc etc07:57
phoghawkdooglus, are you still here? I need more of your lovely help07:57
dooglusphoghawk: I am.  It would be good to help you again.07:57
MadpilotDirge, the Tab key is your friend. /et<tab>X1<tab> will get you /etc/X11 in half the keystrokes...07:57
dooglusphoghawk: the advice I've been giving recently has been travelling through 2 ears and 0 brains I fear07:57
DirgeI'm changing my system settings to allow for dual monitors, and it requires a LOT of testing. lots of startx etc.. And typing it all out over and over is very cubersome.07:58
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phoghawkdooglus, awesome, I decided to change one of the filesystems from vfat to ntfs, but now I'm having the same problems. I can't read or write to that partition07:58
dooglusDirge: you can use CDPATH to quickly cd around the place if that helps07:58
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phoghawkdooglus, what do you usually put for your ntfs partitions, if you have any07:58
dooglusphoghawk: and umask=0 didn't help?  (NTFS is readonly in Linux, anyway, by default)07:58
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dooglusphoghawk: I have: /dev/hda1 /mnt/c        ntfs noauto,umask=0,nls=iso8859-1,uid=501,gid=501,nls=iso8859-15    0 007:59
odinrikoHow do I make it so my usb hd is writeable by non-root user when it's mounted?  It's using ext307:59
phoghawkdooglus, oh, so is there no way I can write to it?07:59
dooglusphoghawk: there is.  everyone here will tell you it's not safe though.07:59
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kholerabbiCould someone send me the wiki for installing java .. I had it but it seems to have gone to the moon07:59
phoghawkdooglus, why isn't it safe?07:59
Flanneldooglus: that's because it's not safe.  It's not an opinion, it's fact.07:59
krazykitphoghawk: writing to ntfs is a good way to lose your data.07:59
garryfreNO safe way to write to it.07:59
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nickrudDirge, I see your point about that; try cd /etc/X11 , it will give you easy access or xorg.conf, you won't have to prepend /etc/X11 to xorg.conf every time.08:00
gavagaiDirge, you can remember directories with pushd.  man bash and read about pushd08:00
PupbuntooHi, when i use serpentine to try to make an audio cd, i tell it to add an mp3 file (which xmms plays just fine) and it says "unsupported file type, make sure you have the gstreamer plugins".  I'm pretty sure I have all the gstreamer stuff.  Any ideas what could be wrong or how to debug?08:00
phoghawkeven if you just copy it to the ntfs partition08:00
Madpilotkholerabbi, wiki.ubuntu.com/Java08:00
krazykitphoghawk: the problem is that microsoft won't release the specs.08:00
phoghawkkrazykit, silly M$08:00
dooglusphoghawk: see http://wiki.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfsmount08:00
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phoghawkdooglus, okay, thanks08:00
garryfreMigrainesoft did not release all the specks for ntfs, and things keep changing. It can do strange things to nice try file system.08:00
dooglusFlannel: is http://wiki.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfsmount lying then?08:00
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krazykitphoghawk: yes, you could possibly mess up other bits of the fs.  read-only support is ok, but writing... is not recommended08:00
xiceyeah, just dont do it08:01
Bot_Builde1what's sad is that m$ might have done something right when they wrote wordpad08:01
dooglusphoghawk: Microsoft keep the inner workings of NTFS secret, so Linux can't write to it with guesswork...08:01
Bot_Builde1its way better than any of this stuff08:01
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kholerabbihehe thanks08:01
odinrikoCan anyone at least point me in the correct direction?08:01
=== nickrud gags on wordpad
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phoghawkdooglus, I suppose that's okay. Do you think I'll be able to install windows on the NTFS partition I created in gParted?08:02
Dirgehmmm, I have a java application "*.jar" and the Archive Manager keeps opening it. How do I run it with Java?08:02
Bot_Builde1sorry, but at least it can edit text08:02
dooglusphoghawk: I've no idea, sorry08:02
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Snoopssome of the distros use the ntfs driver ms uses.. apparently it's very slow and still doesn't guarantee anything08:02
phoghawkdooglus, no problem08:02
MadpilotDirge, got the Sun Java j2re installed?08:02
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Starseednew super mario bros is so damn fun08:03
DirgeI think so. I did that a few days ago.08:03
nickrudphoghawk, you probably want to use the windows partitioner, to at least touch an ntfs partition you want to write in windows. Just bad experience talking here.08:03
dooglusFlannel: see, in particular, http://wiki.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfs-en#how_safe_is_the_ntfs_driver08:03
tyleroflcan someone tell me how i can go about getting ubuntu to detect my mp3 player?08:03
MadpilotDirge, when you installed Sun Java, did you do the java-reconfigure thing?08:04
tyleroflit doesn't come up as a hard drive like it should08:04
dooglusFlannel: if you have any evidence at all that it's not safe, could you point me at it please?08:04
garryfreSo, what is the proper wya to gain readonly permissions so I can browse disks. It was easy to puzzle it out in Breezy, not so easy with Dapper, the user=??? in fstab does not work. It keeps saying I have no permissions to browse and I'd rather not have to swap a memstick 400 times.08:04
phoghawknickrud, ya, I tried that, but it was being really weird. I created a partition and it still said it wasn't a valid one08:04
=== Aegir [n=richard@d58-108-19-204.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
neutrinomasstylerofl: USB I suppose? Try doing an 'lsusb' from a command line and pastebin the output .. (http://www.pastebin.com )08:04
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udohow can i setup my sound card to work i have a the chipset via82xx08:04
DirgeNo, what's that? I'm still checking to make sure it installed correctly.08:04
Bot_Builde1Damnit, nano has no undo08:05
nickrudphoghawk, yeah. I'm talking about years old experience, which gets hazy. I enjoy not needing windows :)08:05
MadpilotDirge, long URL, but here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java#head-fef9352fb26820bb774df978180c9dd3a60e777b08:05
Bot_Builde1I've spent this whole time laboriously deleting xml:image elements08:05
eob84Flannel: Thanx but it was nothing that easy...08:05
phoghawknickrud, I haven't used it in a year or so, but I figure it's always good to have, now that I have more HDD space08:05
nickrudBot_Builde1, did it work?08:05
Bot_Builde1nah, I just deleted a bit too much of one i wanted to keep08:06
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Bot_Builde1and nano has no undo08:06
amithow to play mp3 songs on ubuntu?08:06
tyleroflneutrinomass: strange, it doesn't come up at all08:06
tyleroflit's as if it's not even plugged in, but it says USB connected on the player itself08:06
nickrudphoghawk, true, there are a few games worth playing, or so I hear. Can't even concieve of a reason to use windows otherwise :)08:07
neutrinomasstylerofl: Check the cabling then ...08:07
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neutrinomasstylerofl: Are you sure the mp3 player works? Can you try it on another PC ?08:07
amithow to play mp3 songs on ubuntu?08:07
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tyleroflthe same cable works just fine on my digital camera08:07
neutrinomasstylerofl: AFAIK *every* device has to show up in lsusb ..08:07
neutrinomass!ubotu tell amit about mp308:07
Flannel!tell amit about mp308:07
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ubotump3 is, like, a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats08:07
tylerofli will try it on the computer upstairs08:07
nickrudlate again08:07
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udohow can i setup my sound card to work i have a the chipset via82xx08:08
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amiti have installed amarok but i am not able to play songs08:08
dooglusBot_Builde1: emacs21 has multi-level undo, and interactive regular-expression search-and-replace08:08
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phoghawkamit, you need the w32codecs package08:08
Bot_Builde1but no giant ass line support :P08:08
DShepherdamit: install libxine-extracodecs.. or something like that08:08
phoghawkamit, maybe it's win32codecs08:08
neutrinomassamit: Please read the link ubotu gave you :)08:08
=== cyphase [n=cyphase@adsl-75-2-145-3.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudamit, install libxine-extracodecs, you will need to enable the multiverse repo, see below08:08
dooglusBot_Builde1: it supports long lines too08:08
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.08:08
Bot_Builde1really well it was a blank screen for me08:08
Dirgeok, those all were set up to use Suns Java.. Not sure why it won't run.08:08
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dooglusBot_Builde1: that was vim08:08
Bot_Builde1the opening system was probably too complex for the likes of me08:09
Bot_Builde1no i tried emacs too08:09
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Bot_Builde1ok figured out what the xml i deleted probably was08:10
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DShepherddoes it seem like people are using the help system that comes with ubuntu?08:10
Bot_Builde1now the moment of truth08:10
dooglusBot_Builde1: when I open a .odt in Emacs, it shows me a list of the contents of the archive.08:10
MadpilotDShepherd, probably not :)08:10
Bot_Builde1dooglus - you have to unzip it08:10
udohow can i test my speakers?08:10
Bot_Builde1and open content.xml08:10
dooglusBot_Builde1: it unzips it for me.  see screenshot: http://s89213869.onlinehome.us/2006-06-13--08-10-51.png08:11
nickrudDShepherd, no08:11
Bot_Builde1it unzips for me too08:11
Bot_Builde1but if its a big content.xml file some editors might screw up08:11
dooglusBot_Builde1: the arrow characters in the last column indicate 'long-ass line'08:11
DShepherdMadpilot: i think so too. there's alot of answers there. I guess that's why I think the 'ubuntu welcome center' is a great idea. I think people just doesnt know it exists08:11
Bot_Builde1oh, yeah08:11
nickrudDShepherd, but what i've read is good, we need to link ubotu to the proper places08:11
dooglusBot_Builde1: sure.  that's why I'm recommending a proper editor08:11
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Bot_Builde1I would be very surprised if this works...08:12
=== steveO_ [i=steves@schizo.angrysmurf.com] has joined #Ubuntu
dooglusBot_Builde1: is the document available on-line?  or is it private?08:12
nickrudMadpilot, I hear there's a wiki to docbook converter in the pipeline ...08:13
Bot_Builde1I could stick it up08:13
DShepherdnickrud: ok08:13
dooglusBot_Builde1: go on then.  or email me @gmail.com08:13
tyleroflokay, the computer upstairs is running windows XP. it detected that something was plugged in, but it had a problem recognizing the device08:13
=== nickrud wishes hard
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nickrudcuz docbook is rediculously complex08:14
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neutrinomasstylerofl: I'm not sure then... it's probably a device issue. It is supposed to show under lsusb in any case :(08:14
tyleroflalright, thanks though08:14
Madpilotnickrud, yeah, I've seen demonstrations, actually. Sometimes it produces good DocBook XML, sometimes it...doesn't... ;)08:15
Bot_Builde1may linux have mercy on your OO08:15
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Bot_Builde1oh wait08:16
nickrudMadpilot, from what I read, that's reasonable. But, anyone that can do docbook from their fingertips should be either canonized, or bronzed :)08:16
DirgeThis is getting very annoying, I can't install any plugin through Firefox.08:16
Bot_Builde1Looks like my fixes worked :)08:16
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=== R0cK3T [n=xp@S0106000fb0fcaa63.tb.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Bot_Builde1wait no08:17
Bot_Builde1it crashed as soon as the offending slides came into view08:17
Madpilotnickrud, I fake it with lots of copy & paste from existing code that I know works :) Regular HTML/CSS I can do cold (mostly) but DocBook XML is a whole other beast08:17
dooglusBot_Builde1: what did you want editing with it?08:17
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Bot_Builde1at the time i was drag/dropping images into it08:18
Bot_Builde1seemed to work fine08:18
nickrudMadpilot, it's (except for fundamental laziness) that keeps me from doing more. You all did a great job on the docs, if it matters ;)08:18
dooglusBot_Builde1: it opens fine in Emacs: http://s89213869.onlinehome.us/2006-06-13--08-18-18.png08:18
Bot_Builde1but does it open fine in OO :P08:19
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amitcould anyone help regarding porting of images to ARM processors08:19
dooglusBot_Builde1: I don't run stupid wysiwyg office apps unless I have to08:19
Bot_Builde1ah thats pretty hardcore ;p08:19
=== Anubix [n=anonymou@ip68-8-221-62.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Bot_Builde1I'd think you'd be on debian or slackware or someat08:19
amiti mean uClinux image to lpc22xx08:20
AnubixHEY can someone please help me with a quickie stupid xchat question?08:20
ubotuIf you do not actually ask a question, we cannot actually help you. :)08:20
nickrudnah, Bot_Builde1 a lot of people hang out on this os, cuz it is taking chances. On a stable foundation08:20
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AnubixI think its a flood thing, but when i use an @find anywhere, i will get a maximum of 5 private message tabs, then all the rest go to the active window08:21
Anubixhow do i fix this?08:21
Anubixit didn't use to do this, just started today08:21
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Bot_Builde1saving to powerpoint file fixed it08:21
amitcompilation problem : undefined refrence to lookup_machine_type08:21
Bot_Builde1screw ODF :)08:21
amiterror raised by a linker08:21
MadpilotBot_Builde1, what happens when you save the PPT back as an OOo format?08:21
dooglusBot_Builde1: here's a properly formatted short-ass line xml file if you're interested: http://s89213869.onlinehome.us/content.xml08:22
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dooglusBot_Builde1: I am on debian :)08:22
dooglusBot_Builde1: I've not been able to run ubuntu since I upgraded to Edgy a few days back :)08:22
garryfreSo, what is the proper wya to gain readonly permissions so I can browse disks. It was easy to puzzle it out in Breezy, not so easy with Dapper, the user=??? in fstab does not work. It keeps saying I have no permissions to browse and I'd rather not have to swap a memstick 400 times.08:22
garryfreSo, what is the proper wya to gain readonly permissions so I can browse disks. It was easy to puzzle it out in Breezy, not so easy with Dapper, the user=??? in fstab does not work. It keeps saying I have no permissions to browse and I'd rather not have to swap a memstick 400 times.08:22
Bot_Builde1thanks, I'm curious what went wrong08:22
nickruddooglus, you freak08:23
=== Hoxzer [n=niko@dsl-hkigw2-fe12de00-232.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Anubixxchat wont open more than 5 tabs (or 7 total w/ status tab + channel) it just dumps all private messages into active window (ie from an @find)08:23
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dooglusnickrud: it's for testing / bug reporting purposes08:23
nickruddooglus, edgy isn't even defined yet08:23
HedgeMageAnubix: if you have that many chans/pms at a time you might want to consider irssi08:23
=== Jimmy89 [n=jimmy89@dsl-220-235-89-99.vic.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
dooglusgarryfre: uid=1000,umask=008:23
Bot_Builde1I know what it is... drag and drop creates image references08:24
dooglusnickrud: that's why I'm surprised it was different enough to break anything08:24
Anubixhedge: i don't have more than 2 to 4 open at once, however, when i do an @find for say... green day in a big room, i can't read the results, 'cause they all get jumbled together in the active chan08:24
garryfredooglus Thanks kindly.08:24
=== _JP [n=jpn@ext123.almare.com] has joined #ubuntu
Bot_Builde1and when its working in its own little seperate folder world, those images don't exist08:24
MadpilotBot_Builde1, might want to file a bug w/ OOo, and (if you can) include the file that broke08:24
Bot_Builde1I will08:24
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Geoffrey2Dirge, as far as I know, Firefox can't download and install plugins itself on Ubuntu...any plugins you need will have to be installed with apt-get or the Synaptic Package Manager08:24
nickruddooglus, I've got a spare partition, and, nah, I'm not that masochistic :)08:24
Jimmy89how can i configure my wireless key to be key#2 using network-monitor?08:25
garryfredooglus I put that in fstab I assume?08:25
dooglusnickrud: my 'fallback' is debian sid ;)08:25
SnowfairyOoooh, now I know what Anubix is talking about lol.  Some of the fserves in those channels don't PM you btw.  Some use /notice (which if I remember right will show up in main channel)08:25
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dooglusgarryfre: you put it in fstab as part (or all) of the options - ie. the last but 2 field08:25
nickruddooglus, that was my only os for many years, more stable than anything else I used during that time.08:25
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garryfreOk, thanks, will do.08:25
=== xxozxx [n=james@ip68-108-231-18.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
HedgeMageAnubix: ahh, not sure what to tell you then... I gave up xchat about the time they dragged me on to freenode staff... I have *way* too much junk to keep track of now :P08:26
Jimmy89anyone know how to make the wep key go into key#2 ??????08:26
Anubixsnowfairy: i goto infomatrix, have been for 7 years, know everyone, and nobody uses notices. trust me they're all coming as /msg's08:26
dooglusnickrud: I'm not sure if 'stable' is the word for it - 32 package updates so far today...08:26
neutrinomassGeoffrey2: I have installed firefox plugins from the mozilla.org website, without apt-get. I don't think they need to be packaged - I'm not sure either though.08:26
mcpowleyHas anyone used bastille to "harden" linux? If so, recommend it?08:26
SnowfairyAnubix, not a clue then :)  I stopped using IRC for file-sharing long ago :P08:26
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=== Toge [n=cristian@15.Red-213-96-200.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
udohow can i setup my sound card to work i have a the chipset via82xx08:26
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Anubixi'm just trying to get stuff, i'm not serving (from my ubuntu-laptop) its just a royal pain in the pa-too to find something with a broad searchstring08:27
nickruddooglus, stable is probably the wrong word, usable is closer maybe.08:27
Togehow can i install a ".bin"? (i downloaded googleearth beta 4 release)08:27
suprchrisI have a radeon 9200pro and the only resolution available is 640x480, can anyone help?08:27
Dirgeok, this is pissing me off. I'm about to go back to Windows since it actually works.08:27
dooglusnickrud: yes, it seems very 'reliable', for want of a better word.  constantly changing, but constantly good08:27
Jimmy89anyone know how to make the wep key go into key#2 ??????08:27
nickrudToge, sh ./GoogleEarth.bin08:27
neutrinomassubotu, tell suprchris about resolution08:27
Geoffrey2I asked this a while back but got sidetracked on something else and so missed the answer, if one was given....are there any additional ways to configure Power Management settings besides the limited options provided under System>Preferences>Power Management?08:27
AnubixToge: i saw ur thread on the forum earlier08:27
SnowfairyWish I knew what to tell you, I've not experienced that with X-chat (running 2.6.1)08:27
Togethanks nickrud08:27
=== _smd_ [n=shea@wnpgmb09dc1-94-218.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickruddooglus, nicely put08:27
dooglusToge: 1. "chmod +x file.bin"; 2. "./file.bin"08:27
DirgeCould not open the file /home/dirge/Desktop/jre-1_5_0_07-linux-i586.bin using the Unicode (UTF-8) character coding.08:28
Togei tried ./file-bin but it didnt start08:28
=== Ohzie [n=ohzie@c-24-21-105-65.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dooglusToge: you need to do step 1 before step 2.  did you?08:28
DirgeI tried every type of character coding, so either Linux is wrong, or Sun Microsystems...08:28
udohow can i setup my sound card to work i have a the chipset via82xx08:28
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mantonois it possible to assign an application a specific PID?08:29
dooglusDirge: what are you trying to do?08:29
DirgeInstall Java08:29
Geoffrey2neutrinomass, you may be right...I tried having Firefox auto-download the Flash plugin, to have Firefox report the install had failed....dunno08:29
nickrudToge, and file-bin is supposed to be the 'file.bin' you downloaded, replace true text for placeholders08:29
neutrinomasssuprchris: The link ubotu gave you will probably sort your issue. In the meantime, can you PLEASE file a bug? Such resolution problems are showstoppers for newbies and should be reported :(08:29
Togedooglus, I used "sh ./file.bin", it worked08:29
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neutrinomassGeoffrey2: I think flash is different for some reason :-/08:29
dooglusDirge: the package is called 'sun-java5-jre'.  use synaptic or apt-get or aptitude to install it.08:29
DirgeWith Windows all you have to do is click install on Firefox.. Ubuntu, nothing works.08:30
Togenickrud, "sh ./file.bin and it worked08:30
dooglusToge: that's OK if it's a shell script, but not if it isn't08:30
neutrinomassGeoffrey2: I installed stuff like tab-improvements etc.08:30
DirgeI tried Synaptic. it didn't work.08:30
dooglusDirge: details?08:30
=== MistaED [n=alex@210-84-55-28.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
neutrinomassDirge: I take it you restarted firefox, right ?08:30
=== joedj [n=joe@adsl-1-046.QLD.dft.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
B1zzi just did an update on my system now when i run prefrences on firefox i get the following error :  XML Parsing Error: syntax error08:30
B1zzLocation: chrome://browser/content/preferences/preferences.xul08:30
B1zzLine Number 1, Column 1:ssed = true;08:30
Geoffrey2neutrinomass, are you talking about Plugins, or Firefox extensions?08:30
udodoes anyone have ac97 on borad sound?08:30
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DirgeIt wouldn't let me install via Firefox,.08:31
Jimmy89anyone know how to make the wep key go into key#2 ??????08:31
=== drumline [n=drumline@c-71-193-2-143.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
neutrinomassGeoffrey2: I'm clueless and it shows. Sorry, I was talking about extensions :(08:31
DirgeStuff like this is why I start and stop Linux. I've even taken Linux classes, but nothing works as it should.08:31
cparkerDirge: I feel your pain...08:32
dooglusDirge: where "as it should" means "as I've become accustomed to by years of Windows use"?08:32
Geoffrey2neutrinomass, no problem...when it comes to Linux in general. I probably am only part way to knowing just enough to be truly dangerous to myself :)08:32
SnowfairyDirge I know the feeling :) however, I tend to find things work exactly as they should, just not as one intuitively expects.08:32
Snoopsisn't firefox installed by default on dapper Dirge?08:32
DirgeRight now half my screen is hidden from me, the 2nd monitor is blank.08:32
cparkerdooglus: No, "as it should" means "as it was intended".08:32
=== cyphase [n=cyphase@adsl-75-2-145-3.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dirge"as it should" means that the Linux/Firefox button that says install .... INSTALLS.08:33
=== jUggERNAUt1980 [n=sean@24-177-172-55.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
doogluscparker: Dirge seems to be complaining that he can't install a system upgrade using his web browser.  Why should he be able to?08:33
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SnowfairyDirge, you have to keep in mind that most of the plugins are proprietary.08:34
DirgeI've tried using the Java .bin... That doesn't work either.08:34
doogluscparker: you install system upgrades using the update manager - doesn't that make more sense?  the web browser is for browsing the web.08:34
=== loxety [n=loxety@c-69-243-76-154.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cparkerdooglus: I would think that when clicking an install button for a Firefox extension fails, that's not the intended result.08:34
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DirgeI've also tried Synaptic, that doesn't work EITHER08:34
doogluscparker: he's talking about the java runtime VM08:34
nickrudDirge, just do: sudo apt-get install sun-java5-bin sun-java5-plugin . This is not windows. do not expect it to be.08:34
loxetygood evening08:34
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=== DaveyJ [n=daveyj@ool-44c24ab5.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
klausshi there,im looking for help-ive got trouble with my working memory :-(08:35
Hhhhhhquestion: I have xubuntu draper in my old PII 300Mhz 256MB RAM lappy, and it runs fast enough. Would Ubuntu draper run decently as well, or it would be too slow?08:35
DirgeE: Couldn't find package sun-java5-bin08:35
Hoxzerg|) evening08:35
Snowfairydirge, you've not added the proper repositories then.08:35
Hoxzerloxety:  btw it is  9 o'clock here :O08:35
B1zzwhen i try to run prefrence setting on firefox i get the following windows that pops up and gives me the following message:  http://pastebin.com/70597708:35
DirgeI've added all but the source.08:35
dooglusDirge: you need to enable the non-free repositories if you want to install non-free software.08:35
nickrudDirge, then read !components & !universe following:08:35
ubotuThe rationale behind the different components of the ubuntu repositories (main, restricted, universe, multiverse) is described at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components08:35
=== polpak [n=polpak@ip68-6-43-90.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Geoffrey2lesse, Sun is in Universe or Multiverse?08:35
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.08:35
Bot_Builde1oh christ08:36
dooglusDirge: ubuntu is a free OS by default.  if you want to install filth like Java, you need to explicitly set it up to do so08:36
Jimmy89and yone here know how to use network-manager well please PM ME!!08:36
=== patwack [n=paddy@cpc3-blfs2-0-0-cust141.belf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudGeoffrey2, multiverse08:36
Bot_Builde1its taken me about 10 minutes to find the OO bug report08:36
dooglusSun is in Multiverse08:36
Bot_Builde1and you need to register08:36
Jimmy89how do you configure it to store a key into key#2 as opposed to key#1?08:36
IinuxeristGood Night08:36
concept10why does ubuntu disable updates in firefox?08:36
DirgeI have an appication that is Java based.08:36
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polpakDirge: so install java08:37
SnowfairyHhhhhh, on that system I'd probably stick to xubuntu.08:37
Dirgeyeah, Firefox on Linux can't even do Shockwave or Flash automatically.08:37
polpakDirge: it's not really a big deal08:37
nickrudconcept10, because you must have root privileges to alter system files.08:37
neutrinomassconcept10: You have to run firefox as sudo ...08:37
SnowfairyDirge, again because they are not free software.08:37
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DirgeHow do you run Firefox as Sudo?08:37
Geoffrey2Dirge, Shockwave is not presently supported on Linux, at all08:37
Snoopsyou know Dirge firefox on windows can't even do shockwave of flash automatically either :)08:37
nickrudDirge, don't. Learn linux, don't expect it to be windows.08:37
Snoopsstill needs to be installed seperately08:37
DirgeBut if you click Install Plugin, it installs.08:37
concept10nickrud, I have firefox installed locally and I dont have to do that08:38
kane77hi... anyone can help me install alien arena??? I downloaded this .run file but I don't know what to do... and there are no instructions08:38
Bot_Builde1Why can't I save to my USB drive?08:38
neutrinomassDirge: It can. Try Linspire for example ... Firefox comes with all those. But that means that you can't get it for free, and that part of the money you shell out goes to macromedia ...08:38
=== redrum [i=redrum@220-253-4-32.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
loxetyanyone able to get Steam.exe working ok?  Trying to follow along with the linux-gamers.net half-life 2 install howto08:38
concept10I thought they disabled Firefox updates because of gnome integration or something else08:38
Bot_Builde1I save the file, and it says its there in nautilus08:38
nickrudconcept10, I give advice based on a standard install, if you did a firefox as a local install ..08:38
Bot_Builde1i unplug the usb, replug, its gone08:38
=== dethwish__ [n=dethwish@static-68-162-82-30.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
concept10nickrud, I installed not as root.  I just unpacked the folder in ~/08:39
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Bot_Builde1dont tell me i need sudo privleges08:39
DirgeHow do I hide the join/part messages here?08:39
nickrudconcept10, precisely.08:39
varunhow to install ppp08:39
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Bot_Builde1thats just great - someone should build a sudo checkbox into the filesaver08:39
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=== kholerabbi [n=me@dsl-220-235-66-169.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudvarun, ppp is installed by default, you probably want to run sudo pppconfig08:39
loxetyI've gotten to the part in the howto where you do 'wine SteamInstall.exe'08:40
kholerabbiIs there a way to block users from accessing Firefox preferences and extensions - or ask for a password?08:40
varunin fedora 5 I am not able to run pppconfig08:40
nickrudvarun, pppconfig is an ubuntu config tool08:40
loxetysteam installs and I get to what looks like the part where you login but there is no text08:40
udodoes anyone have mutella?08:40
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varunthen how to do on fedora 508:41
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nickrudvarun, no clue, ask on #fedora ?08:41
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varunI am write now on edubuntu08:41
polpakkholerabbi: don't let them log in as you?08:41
udodoes anyone have mutella? i have a problem to make install08:41
Bot_Builde1actually, when i put the usb drive back in, the file i saved before is 0 bytes08:41
nickrudvarun, then sudo pppconfig08:41
kane77hi... anyone can help me install alien arena??? I downloaded this .run file but I don't know what to do... and there are no instructions08:41
Togedo you know a compensatory program for nero vision?08:42
varunI wanted it for my friends fedora 508:42
watchieHow do you set your printer settings in Xubuntu? I used to be able to select my printer (an Epson) easily in Ubuntu, but I can't find that same application in Xubuntu... does anybody know how?08:42
SnoopsDirge may want to look through http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper08:42
neutrinomassBot_Builde1: you should unmount it properly. right click on it on the desktop and click eject device....08:42
=== _mason [n=mason@dsl-58-6-3-28.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudvarun, send them to #fedora, we don't do fedora here :)08:42
Bot_Builde1well, windows always managed it08:42
ubotu[ubuntuguide]  a bad outdated resource. Please use help.ubuntu.com08:42
DirgeE: Couldn't find package sun-java5-bin Still08:42
neutrinomassBot_Builde1: It's not written synchronously because of limited flash write operations.08:43
varunis anybody familiar with fedora08:43
Snoopsah thanks Flannel..08:43
Bot_Builde1that's smart08:43
=== Arbiter [n=arbiter@adsl-ull-29-79.42-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
Bot_Builde1but sucks for my habits :P08:43
tonyyarussovarun: Probably not in an Ubuntu channel...08:43
polpakDirge: then you need to enable multiverse08:43
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FlannelSnoops: or wiki.ubuntu.com ;)08:43
=== _nano_ [n=nano@ip70-162-104-171.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Bot_Builde1especailly when its near midnight and I'm careless08:43
neutrinomassBot_Builde1: Sort of, you still get "remove device safely".... I have opened up a spec on this, but nobody has warmed up to it , http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncMount08:43
Anubixcan anyone please help me set the max number of private tabs that can open in xchat?08:43
drumlinevarun: very little..  general linux is what you'll get here when you're on Fedora08:43
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Hoxzeris xubuntu meant for older computers?08:43
B1zznot really08:43
nickrud  Installed: 1.5.0-06-108:43
nickrud  Candidate: 1.5.0-06-108:43
nickrud  Version table:08:43
nickrud *** 1.5.0-06-1 008:43
nickrud        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/multiverse Packages08:43
Hoxzerlike would it work on 10 year old PC?08:43
drumlineHoxzer: or minimalist preferences08:44
=== pinky [n=pinky@adsl-70-143-84-80.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
B1zzim running it on a 64bit 3500+amd08:44
nickrudDirge, fix your sources08:44
FlannelHoxzer: not necessarily.  But yeah, it'll work with fewer resources08:44
drumlineHoxzer: RAM and Video?08:44
varundrumline: how to configure ppp on fedora08:44
jUggERNAUt1980anybody know anything about wifi radar?08:44
HoxzerDrumline: :D I dont know actually08:44
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drumlineHoxzer: step 1 :)08:44
HoxzerI guess ram is somewhere around 64 or 12808:44
udohow can i setup my sound card to work i have a the chipset via82xx08:44
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polpakvarun: ask in #fedora08:44
Hoxzerbut I will check when I get home08:44
neutrinomassBot_Builde1: Well, limited writes are not such  problem after all. They can do at LEATS 2 * 10^5 writes from what I read, with the number being closer to 10^6. But fat partitions are so awful that it would probably break sooner or later.08:44
DirgeWhat did you type?08:44
drumlinevarun: ppp should be part of your networking config..  they will know in #fedora08:44
ArbiterHoxzer, xubuntu is a normal ubuntu with a different package set08:45
Bot_Builde1neutrinomass: very cool08:45
nickrudDirge, apt-cache policy sun-java5-bin08:45
neutrinomassHoxzer: P100-style computers? Possibly yes.... a little slower, but likely to be usable08:45
Arbiter(xfce instead of gnome)08:45
Bot_Builde1I hope that stuff gets in08:45
=== Uncelan1 [n=craig@adsl-213-249-187-38.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #ubuntu
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Arbiterxfce is smaller, faster and lighter than gnome08:45
AnubixWIFI RADAR: http://master.grad.hr/~ivoks/ubuntu/wifi-radar_1.9.4-0ubuntu6.dsc08:45
DirgeW: Unable to locate package sun-java5-bin08:45
Arbiterbut has less features too08:45
=== StaindTX [i=StaindTX@ACA6DD33.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
neutrinomassBot_Builde1: Quite unlikely for Edgy. What has been approved AFAIK is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UnmountNotifications :)08:45
Anubixwifi radar http://wifi-radar.systemimager.org/08:45
polpakDirge: you don't have multiverse enabled08:45
B1zzbut is ver felxiable08:45
=== Snowfairy looks at clock.
drumlineHoxzer: it'll probably only be good for a router or a simple legacy server08:46
polpakDirge: or you aren't using dapper08:46
tripppy!ubuto diskmounter08:46
ubotutripppy: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/08:46
Flannel!tell Dirge about java08:46
neutrinomassBot_Builde1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutoUnmountNotifications , wrong link previously08:46
dooglusHoxzer: there are minimum xubuntu requirements listed here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XubuntuDapperReleaseNotes#head-0ca89a2e16807e844ced26dd988f5ef7541d9b1508:46
nickrudDirge, fix your sources. Basically, replace everything in /etc/apt/sources.list with the contents of http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/666608:46
Snowfairygeeze... I'm up at 2am playing with my dapper install :/08:46
=== livingdaylight [n=conrad-l@62-31-45-140.cable.ubr03.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
B1zzheheh that means your hooked!08:46
dooglus"To run the Desktop CD at lest 128 megabytes of RAM are required. To use the installed system at least 64 megabytes of RAM is required but 128 is recommended. At least 1.4 gigabytes of disk space is required."08:46
drumlineSnow_Shelter: get yo ayass ta bed!08:47
=== cyphase [n=cyphase@adsl-75-2-145-3.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickruddooglus, and, if you double every number there, it makes a bit of sense :)08:47
tripppydooglus: how do i run diskmounter.sh ?08:47
Bot_Builde1neutrinomass: Actually, I liked the first one better - if you remove it without unmounting it warns you08:47
=== T5 [n=jan@p54BDFE5D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
SnowfairyHehe, I should.  Just.... tonight's the first night I haven't found something to set my slow-arse dialup connection to download.08:47
Flannelnickrud: beleive thats for Xubuntu, not ubuntu.08:47
Hoxzerdooglus: I want to run linux smoothly so ... :)08:47
Hoxzerminimum would not be enough08:48
SnowfairySo...  I've been desperately looking so as not to waste precious connection time :P08:48
Snowfairyor something silly like that :P08:48
FlannelHoxzer, dooglus, and you can use the alternative CD to install on systems with less RAM08:48
neutrinomassBot_Builde1: My spec was about removing the need to unmount altogether. Spec's spec is about notifying (mine was the first, Spec's is the AutoUnmountNotification)08:48
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DirgeOdd, the howto doesn't match my Ubuntu version.08:48
nickrudFlannel, I've run xfce, that's what I'm talking about08:48
Flannelnickrud: sounds good08:48
polpakDirge: what version are you using?08:48
steveO_anyone here use Tripwire?08:48
DirgeBut there's no Settings button08:48
B1zzwhen i try to run prefrence setting on firefox i get the following windows that pops up and gives me the following message:  http://pastebin.com/70597708:48
Bot_Builde1neutrinomass: ah08:48
neutrinomassBot_Builde1: I would push the spec if I could get numbers as to the reliability of flash devices, but no such information exists ( that can be truly trusted, that is )08:48
dooglustripppy: I never heard of it, but its name suggests it's a shell script.  so "chmod +x diskmounter.sh" and "sh diskmounter.sh"08:49
Geoffrey2for the Synaptic Package Manager? no, it doesn't match with 6.0608:49
=== magical_trevsky [n=magical@80-45-41-53.static.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
SnowfairyI think I've moved away from system configs, now just to make everything look pretty (ala silly windows noob finding desktop wallpapers and icons!)08:49
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and see also !javadebs08:49
Bot_Builde1I dunno, I understand both sides08:49
Bot_Builde1but at least warn08:49
Bot_Builde1perhaps sync08:49
Bot_Builde1anyway off to bed08:49
DirgeI'm pretty sure I have Multiverse and everything installed, but I went over the howto just in case and it doesn't even look the same.08:49
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-69-3-237-119.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
neutrinomassBot_Builde1: goodnight :)08:49
StaindTXcan someone help? I am new to linux. Is Ubuntu good for beginners or should I try a differant one?08:49
nickrudFlannel, I run low end machines a lot, and that's just enough for real usage, not theoretical08:49
kane77StaindTX, yes ubuntu's good for beginners...08:50
SnowfairyStaindTX, Ubuntu is probably the first linux distribution I'd recommend for beginners.08:50
polpakDirge: you should have a settings menu option in synaptic08:50
FrogzooStaindTX: it's pretty good for beginners, yes - can't recommend a better distro to learn on to be honest08:50
neutrinomassStaindTX: It's probably the best distro for beginners :)08:50
Dirgeif you're new to Linux buy a version, the free ones require you to fight them tooth and bone just to run normally.08:50
SnowfairySecond might be Knoppix or such.  Ubuntu is very useful due to it beinga  LiveCD.  you don't have to commit to installing it to test.08:50
xxozxxhow do i get jgrasp applets working?? im used to the way they work in windows? anyone?08:50
neutrinomassSnowfairy: linspire ?08:50
Dirgeyes, but not in the repository.08:50
=== neutrinomass ducks
asdxdamn I need compiz08:50
=== armedking [n=king@ip54579259.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Snowfairyneutrinomass, why on earth would one run that? :P08:51
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ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems08:51
nickrudneutrinomass, linspire has the best media check page I've seen :)08:51
DirgeIn Synaptic, choose the Repositories item in the Settings menu08:51
DirgeA list of repositories is shown. Click the Settings button at the bottom and tick Show disabled software sources. Then click the Close button.08:51
=== Xyc0 [n=Xyc0@ip72-197-228-181.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== george_ [n=george@01-086.139.popsite.net] has joined #ubuntu
DirgeAfter I click Repositories, there's no more Settings button.08:51
StaindTXalready installed it...messed it up like three times and had to reinstall.. LOL... to dang use to windows.08:51
polpakDirge: try edit08:52
xxozxxanyone know anything about running applets in ubuntu?08:52
Flannelxxozxx: you mean like gdesklet applets? or what?08:52
polpakDirge: or don't even bother with synaptic08:52
FrogzooDirge: click on '6.06 LTS' & "edit" - you'll see universe/multiverse checkboxes - then click "reload"08:52
=== majx [n=majx@c-24-21-211-189.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
xxozxxFlannel, whats gdesklet?08:52
nickrudStaindTX, yeah, it's a learning cure alright. Worth climing, imho :)08:52
FlannelDirge: you're enabling them? you don't need to go to settings, they're already visible08:52
polpakDirge: just replace your sources.list with the one nickrud gave you 10 mins ago08:52
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xxozxxFlannel, i was talking about java08:52
udoPackage xine-ui has no installation candidate what is this mean?08:53
StaindTXanyhow I need to know if it is possible to connect to AOL with ubuntu...if so can someone direct me to a page that has the info?08:53
ubotugdesklets is probably gDesklets provides an advanced architecture for desktop applets -- tiny displays sitting on your desktop in a symbiotic relationship of eye candy and usefulness Homepage is http://gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org/08:53
=== dark_ [n=dark@20132232144.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
steveO_AOL as in AIM or AOL as in dialup?08:53
polpak!info xine-ui08:53
ubotuxine-ui: (the xine video player, user interface), section universe/graphics, is optional. Version: 0.99.4-0ubuntu6 (dapper), Packaged size: 1567 kB, Installed size: 3512 kB08:53
DirgeHe gave me a sources.list?08:53
Frogzooxxozxx: gdesklets are very bling & also quite bugged08:53
polpak!tell udo about repositories08:53
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SnowfairyStaindTX, I can't say with 100% accuracy, but if you can configure your modem, you should be able to connect to AOL just fine.08:53
DirgeI'm having a hard time reading this while checking my settings, too many join/part/nick changes.08:53
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FlannelDirge: you don't need to go to settings, they're already visible, skip down to the enabling/editing universe to includemultiverse08:54
nickrudDirge, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/666608:54
polpakDirge:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/666608:54
FlannelStaindTX: I know it's possible, but I don't know the link08:54
xxozxxFrogzoo, i dont really need bling, but would liketo develope applets on this08:54
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Flannel!tell xxozxx about java08:54
=== akudewan [n=unknown_@dialpool-210-214-17-133.maa.sify.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudI particularly like the preamble08:55
SnowfairyStaindTX, should just be able to put in your normal dial-up number and then the username and password you use to connect normally and it should be fine... don't think there's anything special about AOL on that level.08:55
Frogzooxxozxx: one thing to watch for - make sure your applet can run multiple instances without problems...08:55
Snowfairynow whether you can browse AOL's services is another thing.08:55
polpakDirge: close synaptic and replace /etc/apt/sources.list with the file on the pastebin. Then sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get install sun-java5-bin08:55
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xxozxxbe back later...family guy08:55
andrividHey i need help please.08:55
nickrudFrogzoo, the voice of experience?08:55
ubotu- Ask your question and we'll try to answer it.08:56
=== chamo [n=chamo@pub1.heig-vd.ch] has joined #ubuntu
andrividI tried to upgrade glibc by compiling by hand........and now i got this error whenever i try any command.........08:56
StaindTXwell I found loa-aol or something like that...(not on linux hdd) and tryed to compile it but the syntex is all spanish to me...do not know what the errors mean08:56
nickrudandrivid, reinstall.08:56
=== Xyc0 [n=Xyc0@ip72-197-228-181.sd.sd.cox.net] has left #ubuntu []
andrividcant i fix it with live boot?08:56
=== dark_ [n=dark@20132232144.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
polpakandrivid: it will be a lot of trouble08:56
neutrinomassandrivid: Why did you even try to install glibc like that ?08:56
StaindTXlos-aol...aol dialer08:56
nickrudandrivid, you probably borked it seriously, glibc is the fundamental library08:56
andrividi was installing java jdk by sun, and it needed the newer version i couldtn find it in apt-get so i used source08:57
andrividHeres the error /bin/bash: relocation error: /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6: symbol _dl_out_of_memory, version GLIBC_PRIVATE not defined in file ld-linux.so.2 with link time reference08:57
neutrinomassandrivid: Generally playing with the toolchain is a big nono. This is hard to fix even on gentoo ...08:57
=== robin__ [n=robin@fctnnbsc15w-156034087023.nb.aliant.net] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation]
polpakandrivid: and why were you installing the jdk like that08:57
DirgeGreat, I have duplicate lists.08:57
Flannelpengy is in universe, it claims to connect to AOL, StaindTX.  no idea what else it does though08:57
andrividi downloaded it from Sun08:57
akudewanandrivid: Should've apt-getted it08:58
nickrudandrivid, reinstall. Please, save yourself a lot of time and wasted heartache.08:58
polpakandrivid: sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jdk works fine08:58
udowhich section is for xine?08:58
polpakudo universe08:58
andrividi odnt want hte gnu version of java..i wanted the sun version08:58
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DShepherd!tell andrivid about java08:58
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polpakandrivid: which part of "sun-java5-jdk" leads you to suspect it's not SUN JAVA 5 ??08:59
andrividwell i didnt know that was there and didnt see it08:59
StaindTXgot pengy but cannot edit the config file for the user name and passy part....every time I run it it keeps giving an error about editing the config file.08:59
nickrudandrivid, reinstall, come back, and we'll help you get the latest java. But, compiling glibc screwed you over.08:59
neutrinomassandrivid: Probably the best bet you have is boot from a livecd and copy anything related to libc from the livecd's /lib to your /lib. I'm not sure this will work, it may make matters WORSE (I have never tried it myself)08:59
Jimmy89storing wep key to key#2 using network-manager08:59
Jimmy89anyone know how?08:59
neutrinomassandrivid: How new is the installation ?08:59
Frogzoonickrud: yes unfortunately. I'd really like to be able to run weather apps for different cities, with clocks for their respective time zone underneath, but all the desklets crap out but for the last to load08:59
andrividDo i dare use a Breezy cd to "Repair Install" a breezy install which was apt-get upgrade'd to Dapper?08:59
Geoffrey2Dirge, I've had that happen before...minor bug in the way they have the Package Manager set up08:59
udowhere is universe?09:00
polpak!tell udo about universe09:00
SnowfairyStaindTX,  probably need to edit the config file by hand before running :)09:00
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Frogzoonickrud: I should take a screenshot though - it looks pretty impressive - shame it's broken09:00
nickrudFrogzoo, ah, I've seen that one, I need current weather also.09:00
nickrudmore than one place. It's probably hard to write09:00
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andrividumm like a month09:00
DirgeI have a window that I look out to see what the weather is like.09:01
polpakandrivid: I'd suggest just biting the bullet and dloading the dapper ISO, or re-dist upgrade from breezy again09:01
SnowfairyDirge, windows are bad mmmkay? :)09:01
DirgeIt's made of glass. lol09:01
andrividi have a 600Mhz machine, anyone know how long it should take for a complete re-install?09:01
Snowfairyyeah ;p09:01
neutrinomassandrivid: Hm... that's bad. I was about ot suggest copyin the entire livecd /lib, but this will totally b0rk your system. Simplest way is to reinstall....09:01
neutrinomassandrivid: An hour ?09:01
SnowfairyI put my hand through a window last week >.<09:01
Snowfairyso, windows == bad :P09:01
andrividOnly an hour?09:01
nickrudandrivid, less than an hour after the download09:02
Nilsyandrivid, not much more09:02
DirgeYeah, it's that whole, "natural sunlight" that's bad.09:02
=== merriam_ [n=merriam@81-6-243-2.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
andrividokay..well i can handle that09:02
polpakandrivid: the install is pretty fast. The download is what takes time09:02
=== garryfre [n=garry@adsl-67-117-25-129.dsl.chic01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
neutrinomassandrivid: Fixing this will probably take MUCH longer though :)09:02
SnowfairyYes, sunlight would ruin my fair complexion :P09:02
nickrudoh, so much longer :)09:02
andrividWell i can do the dist-upgrade while im using breezy09:02
StaindTXdid that.. still asks about user name and pass. Grrrrrrrrrr can I sue Gates ....dang Windows made me lazy09:02
NilsySnowfairy, your fairy complexion ? ;)09:02
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=== nickrud pulls out his linux from scratch notes from years ago, and burns them
andrividI have a dapper cd coming but itll take another 2-3 weeks.09:02
SnowfairyStaindTX hmmm...09:02
SnowfairyNIlsy, something like that :)09:03
Dirgeis there a good Java IDE for Linux?09:03
SnowfairyBeing in Canadia, hiding inside, and liking snow, I'm almost the same color :P09:03
andrividEclipse is good, if you have a fast enough machine09:03
garryfreHello. I have this line in my fstab. It keeps mounting ntfs as RW. Why is this doing that??? I've done enough research to explode 400 T1 lines and I can't figure it out ... /dev/sda1/mnt/Sata1      ntfs uid=1000,umask=0,ro 0 009:03
polpakDirge: Jedit works good for an editor.. not really an IDE though09:03
DirgeCanadia huh? err. Eh?09:03
SnowfairyYus, Canadia.09:03
StaindTXO nother question....09:03
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SnowfairyThey're called Canadians, so the country -must- be Canadia.09:03
rpedroandrivid: try using jigdo to get a dapper iso, it will reuse the package you downloaded during the dist-upgrade09:03
Dirgehmm, Guess BlueJay would work since it's Java based.09:04
andrividdo you guys work for ubuntu, or just use it alot?09:04
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StaindTXOpengl support? Ubuntu have that?09:04
polpakandrivid: use it09:04
rpedroandrivid: *packages09:04
Snowfairyandrivid, everyone here is volunteer support :)09:04
polpakStaindTX: yes09:04
DirgeJust wondering if there was a platorm specific one.09:04
garryfreIts been three days and I'm am at the end of my rope, and am ready to delete this daper and go back to breezy.09:04
Madpilotandrivid, just lots of users here :)09:04
polpakStaindTX: assuming your video card has good drivers09:04
MadpilotStaindTX, of course09:04
rpedroandrivid: I just use it ;)09:04
=== Schnee_awy is now known as Schneeschwarz
andrividwhaqts jigdo?09:04
nickrudandrivid, use it a lot, but some of the paid guys come thru on aliases now and then09:04
=== Ohzie [n=ohzie@dsl093-040-198.pdx1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
StaindTXO greatttttttttttttttt now I gotta worry bout that LOL09:04
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garryfreOr shall I gcall it Diaper.09:04
StaindTX*gets out aspirin*09:05
kane77hi... I have a problem... I exited game and my resolution stayed at 640*480 what can I do? it looks like i;m zoomed in... I can scroll around the screen...09:05
=== yintz [n=yintz@212-1-146-31.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
polpakkane77: system->preferences->screen resolution09:05
Frogzoogarryfre: mount it & look for msgs in /var/log/messages - from here it looks like you have wierd ctrl chars in that line09:05
polpakkane77: just change it, then change it back09:05
rpedroandrivid: it's a download manager that creates the dapper alternate iso by downloading the individual packages09:05
garryfreHello. I have this line in my fstab. It keeps mounting ntfs as RW. Why is this doing that??? I've done enough research to explode 400 T1 lines and I can't figure it out ... /dev/sda1/mnt/Sata1      ntfs uid=1000,umask=0,ro 0 009:05
nickrudkandinski, try hitting clt-alt-plus/minus on the numpad09:05
andrividwould i need to download jigdo?09:05
NZhereticIs there any mirror for the stable version of EasyUbuntu ? freecontrib.org is down.09:05
nickrudherm, kane77 try hitting clt-alt-plus/minus on the numpad09:06
rpedroandrivid: you can normally get the .jigdo file where you downoad the dapper iso09:06
garryfrewell, I've had enough of that. I'm going back to breezy tomorrow.09:06
kane77polpak, and what can I do to prevent this from happening... cause It happens everytime...09:06
=== simbad [n=gorusw@SOPOT.UNI-MUENSTER.DE] has joined #ubuntu
udoi have dapper release and i want install xine how can i do that?09:06
polpakkane77: what game is it?09:06
nickrudkane77, it's a bug in the game09:06
yintzhello everyone09:07
nickrududo, install xine-ui09:07
polpakudo, I told you already. Install the universe repository and then install the package09:07
polpakudo ubotu msged you with the howto09:07
=== Nichirasu [n=root@ppp-69-233-113-106.dsl.bkfd14.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
simbadHello. I tried to upgrade from badger to dapper using "update-manager -d". But it says only, my system would be uptodate. Any ideas whats wrong? (I havent touched the sources.list so far)09:07
jani_udo, or sudo apt-get install xine-ui09:07
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polpak!tell simbad about upgrade09:07
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Jimmy89hey guys09:08
kane77polpak, its alien arena09:08
=== nickrud wonders if this channel will ever be installer agnostic :)
Jimmy89what other wifi gui clients are there09:08
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polpakkane77: hrm. never played it09:08
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NichirasuI seem to be receiving an error in the terminal window whenever I close out ettercap, I'm using Ubuntu 6.0.609:08
Nichirasuheres the error09:08
StaindTXGrrrrr I need to get "Ubuntu for Dummies" book09:08
SnowfairyStaindTX, I'd but it too if there was one :)09:09
jani_<<< running Google Earth on Dapper :)09:09
spaceythere are several ubuntu books09:09
suprchriscan someone help with the numlock09:09
NichirasuI'm doing this all from the root account09:09
spaceyi have one here from apress, its really for new users09:09
nickrudjani_, good on you :)09:09
spaceyand there is also an official ubuntu book09:09
Nichirasuany help would greatly be appreciated09:09
ubotu[docs]  an index of documentation on the Ubuntu Wiki - you can find it at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation09:09
StaindTXwhere did you get them?09:09
Snowfairyspacey, seriously?  I didn't know, can you link me to places to buy?09:09
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spaceySnowfairy: your favourite bookshop09:10
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Snowfairyspacey, well, I'd need the names regardless... I live in the middle of nowhere, closest bookstore is 200km away or so :P09:10
suprchrisi can't find the numlockx program, help?09:10
Snowfairyand, they don't have a huge computer selection :)09:10
spaceySnowfairy: order online =)09:10
=== Rydekull_ is now known as Rydekull
garryfreHello. I have this line in my fstab. It keeps mounting ntfs as RW. Why is this doing that??? I've done enough research to explode 400 T1 lines and I can't figure it out ... /dev/sda1/mnt/Sata1      ntfs uid=1000,umask=0,ro 0 009:10
StaindTXDang Snow where are you?09:10
nickrudNichirasu, you are not runnig ettercap as root (or as sudo)09:10
SnowfairyStaindTX, Goodlands, MB.09:11
Snowfairy(MB = Manitoba)09:11
StaindTXO heck LOL Hello from Texas09:11
polpakgarryfre: and did you do what Frogzoo suggested?09:11
SnowfairyStaindTX, my computer's in texas :P (dallas to be exact)09:11
Snowfairyspacey, sanks :)09:11
Geoffrey2is there any way to force Ubuntu to power down a laptop's wired NIC when running on battery?09:11
loxetywhy is x-window-system-dev missing from apt-get?09:11
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SnowfairyStaindTX, left my system with friends in Dallas before I came up to Canadia, just trying to get it mailed sometime now :P09:12
garryfre polpak yes, no, no information found.09:12
polpakloxety: there's xorg-dev and xserver-xorg-dev09:12
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Frogzoogarryfre: ru on a mac?09:12
StaindTXAhhhhh lol Arlington here to be exact...09:12
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Snowfairyyikes, expensive books :o09:12
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suprchrisI have a menial problem but I'm trying to learn to do this stuff on my own can someone help please?09:13
loxetypolok, those are the newer packages for xorg?09:13
stekoevolution is not starting at all since this morning09:13
nickrudloxety, it's been broken out differently, I'm still looking also09:13
garryfreFrogzoo no, pc09:13
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polpaksuprchris: just ask your question. we'll try to answer it09:13
=== Snowfairy tries to break 2:30 before passing out :o
Frogzoogarryfre: please delete your fstab line & retype - I'm seeing wierd ctrl characters maybe you can't see09:13
burepe2What is the command to unload a driver? I guess the opposite of 'modprobe'?09:14
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Frogzooburepe2: rmmod09:14
loxetytrying to get Steam (Half-Life 2) working with wine ;)09:14
garryfremount -a09:14
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robert_I like the ubuntu setup process09:14
nickrudloxety, I think it's currently xserver-xorg-dev09:14
polpakrobert_: I would also if it didn't lock up after the partitioner.09:14
burepe2Frogzoo: thanks09:14
loxetynickrud, thank you09:14
garryfreI'm getting so rummy from fighting this thing I am typing stuff in xchat that goes to terminal09:15
Frogzooburepe2: yw09:15
polpakrobert_: but it is nice you can play games and chat online while it's installing09:15
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=== calamari [n=calamari@ip68-231-173-86.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
udo i must enable multiverse or universe repositories?09:15
m_0_r_0_nHi, what do I need to read a normal video-dvd. Linux is not able to read the content of the dvd, but windows does.09:15
polpakudo, universe09:15
suprchrisI can't find or download numlockx using either synaptic or apt-get09:15
polpak!tell m_0_r_0_n about dvd09:15
nickrudloxety, tell me if it's wrong, please :)09:15
loxetywas also looking for msttcorefonts09:15
udofor xine09:15
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polpakactually m_0_r_0_n09:16
nickrudloxety, it's still there, in the multiverse section09:16
loxetynickrud, found the xorg-dev and xserver-xorg-dev09:16
kirohcan you help me??? i have problems usin totem09:16
polpak!tell m_0_r_0_n about restricted09:16
garryfreRetyped lines, same crap, everythign is mounted as RW including ntfs09:16
polpakjust follow the restricted wiki09:16
m_0_r_0_npolpak, ok, I try it09:16
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suprchriscan anyone helop me with apt-get or synaptic?09:16
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calamarihow do I change the menu Quit button so that Shutdown does a shutdown instead of a Log Out?09:16
DShepherdnite guys09:16
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burepe2suprchris: just ask away09:16
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polpakm_0_r_0_n: the restricted wiki should get dvd's and other windows formats working09:16
udoi want from the command line how can i enable universe repositories09:16
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Geoffrey2ok, every time I log on to Ubuntu, I have to unlock the keyring so that my wireless device can access the network...is there any way to automate that during startup?09:17
schrodingerOyo !09:17
kirohi have alredy install all the pakages for restricted formats and i can only hear the sound09:17
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someothernickyou need codec09:17
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calamariGeoffrey2: is it something you type in?09:17
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Frogzoogarryfre: also, should read        "/dev/sda1 /mnt/Sata1      ntfs uid=1000,umask=000,ro 0 0"09:17
polpakkiroh: then you didn't install the right formats. And/or you may need to install totem-xine09:17
udoi want from the command line how can i enable universe repositories?09:18
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=== robert_ crosses his fingers, hoping his system will transfer without a hitch
polpakudo read the link ubotu sent you09:18
Madpilotudo, type 'sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list' first, then copy & paste this pastebin in: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/666609:18
rohani am on the 'desktop' cd .. suppose i install a program, say mpg321, and i then go ahead and install dapper to the hdd, will mpg321 be install too ?09:18
polpak!tell udo about universe09:18
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dooglusrohan: good question.  I think probably not, but I don't know.09:18
nickrudkiroh, if it's a wma file, it's probably because the guys that reverse engineer media haven't got that one right yet.09:18
loxetyPackage msttcorefonts is not available, but is referred to by another package. E: Package msttcorefonts has no installation candidate09:19
polpakrohan: depends on where you installed your program to, and whether or not you format your partition before installing09:19
rohandooglus: if they are, then the cd isntaller ubiquity rocks09:19
rohanpolpak: i used apt-get install mpg32109:19
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nickrudrohan, if you installed it with apt, yes it will automatically update to the latest with a dapper upgrade09:19
loxetyI should have access to uni and multi verses09:19
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polpak!info msttcorefonts09:20
ubotumsttcorefonts: (Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts), section multiverse/x11, is optional. Version: 1.2ubuntu3 (dapper), Packaged size: 22 kB, Installed size: 164 kB09:20
Geoffrey2calamari, once I've logged in, a window will pop up telling...lesse...something about nm (the network manager) trying to access the keyring, but it's locked...so I need to type in my password to unlock the keyring09:20
polpakloxety: they're there09:20
rohannickrud: i am not upgrading anything09:20
nickrudrohan, assuming all repos are enabled, but for that one yes09:20
rohanits a fresh install09:20
polpakrohan: if you don't upgrade then you'll have to reinstall your optional packages09:20
loxetyfor some reason its not installing09:20
calamariGeoffrey2: oic.. I'm sorry, I don't know then.  Keyring is KDE, right?09:20
nickrudrohan, fresh install = all previous is erased09:20
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=== Geoffrey2 shrugs
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polpakloxety: you must not have your repos enabled or you haven't run apt-get update09:21
rohanpolpak, nickrud: yes, but changes to the live cd environment are not reflected in the subsequent install ?09:21
calamariGeoffrey2: not that high tech, don't have a wireless laptop.. hehe09:21
=== robert_ hugs his CD
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armedkingAnyone else having problem in getting 3d working on an ati card, Just want you to know i fixed it.09:21
nickrudrohan, absolutely not, in fact, changes to the live cd do not persist across live cd runs09:21
polpakrohan: no09:21
rohannickrud: not across live cd runs !09:22
kirohand i had the same problem in breezy09:22
rohannickrud: across the subsequent install09:22
m_0_r_0_npolpak, all source list link are not uptodate :-(09:22
polpakrohan: if you reboot anything you do on the live cd will go away. it's a live cd. it doesn't touch the hard drive09:22
nickrudrohan, or putting the live cd in and running it again09:22
polpakm_0_r_0_n: hrm?09:22
loxetypolok, I checket in /etc/apt/sources.list and all the binary sources are un remarked09:22
kirohplease help me ...09:23
m_0_r_0_npolpak, Failed to fetch http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/dists/dapper-seveas/list_of_sections/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found09:23
Frogzooarmedking: works fine for radeons > 8500 with the fglrx driver09:23
rohanpolpak, nickrud : you dont seem to get me -- i am on a live cd session (as i am now), and i make a change (apt-get install mpg321) and i am installing dapper now without rebooting - will the program be there in the hdd install too ?09:23
Dirge_Whew, Java working (kinda)... Now to get Wireless working. lol09:23
polpakloxety: but you still have to add multiverse to the repo09:23
nickrudrohan, no09:23
rohannickrud: ok09:23
polpakloxety: and it's polpak, not polok ;p09:23
loxetypolok, how can do that?09:23
polpak!tell loxety about repositories09:23
rohannickrud: but if the cd essentially just copies the live environment to the hdd, should the program not be there ?09:24
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=== nickrud wonders what polpak has against polocs :)
Geoffrey2I believe it's because my wireless network is encrypted, and apparently it locks away the encryption key until I put in my password to unlock the keyring....I understand it's a good security measure, but for a computer nobody else uses on a private household network, it's just a pain09:24
armedkingFrogzoo: Yes but people who need mesa or something when they do, It's all screwed up and open source doesnt work anymore there are a lot of people with this problem.09:24
loxetypolpak, sorry09:24
polpakrohan: no, it doesn't do that09:24
rohannickrud: how would the installer find a pristine copy of the live environment ?09:24
andrividHOLY SHOT09:24
rohanpolpak: then how would the installer find a pristine copy of the live environment ?09:24
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loxetypolpak, thanks!!09:24
andrividi typed tar -c programming, and the entire shell is now in some weird language showing mostly squares09:24
Frogzooarmedking: agreed - driver support isn't great - but as I say, it greatly depends which card u have09:24
nickrudrohan, no, it doesnt'work that way, as I understand it. I may be wrong, but I'd bet money09:24
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Dirge_Anyone have a link to how to use NDISWrapper?09:24
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ubotuI guess ndiswrapper is a way to support Windows wireless drivers, but it is buggy compared to native support. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper09:25
polpakandrivid: control characters are fun09:25
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rohannickrud: ok :)09:25
nickrudsloow again :)09:25
Frogzooandrivid: 'reset'   or 'stty sane'   or 'echo ctrl v esc c'   - take your pick09:25
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Dirge_What's the ! thing for?09:25
andrividWTF happened lol09:25
ubotu[ndiswrapper]  a way to support Windows wireless drivers, but it is buggy compared to native support. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper09:25
kiroheveryone know why i cant see avi, mpg and mpeg files with totem??? (i have all the drivers installes)09:25
FrogzooDirge_: the ! gets ubotus attention09:25
armedkingFrogzoo: I have a radeon 9200se the driver from ati has a major bug in it and it doenst use 3d so i solved it by getting an old libGL.so.1.2 and copying it to /usr/lib/ reboot and it worked09:26
Dirge_Ah, ok. Thanks09:26
garryfreThanks Frogzoo, That worked. I had to umount to get it to get to read only. I feel like I've been trying to debug a 50000 million line batch file written in mandarin.09:26
nickrudDirge, there's a bot who hold info here, ! tells him it's a question he should answer09:26
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ubotususpend2 is probably at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7544309:26
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Dirge_Yeah, thanks. X-Chat doesn't show users in channel.09:26
Frogzoogarryfre: well, that's a resolution anyhow, thankfully09:26
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nickrudDirge, sure it does, to the right09:27
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Dirge_Don't see it. Wish it did like mIRC does.09:27
rohanhmm.. i wonder why the dapper final cd is booting so slowly, compared to teh dapper rc :S09:27
garryfreYep, thanks to you. :)09:27
SnowfairyHere's a question... sometimes apps start flashing... and they -don't- stop.09:27
kirohplease help me, when you don't help me i will be forced to use windows :(09:27
polpakDirge_: you using xchat, or xchat-gnome?09:27
nickrudDirge, make sure you're using xchat, not xchat-gnome09:28
Frogzoogarryfre: yw, enjoy09:28
=== karsten [n=twerg@dslb-082-083-053-195.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete]
SnowfairyHow the heck do I get them to stop that? :(09:28
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Dirge_x-chat gnome09:28
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loxetyI have ubuntu 6.06 installed09:28
calamarihow do I change the menu Quit button so that Shutdown does a shutdown instead of a Log Out?09:28
ANubixwhats the difference between xchat and xchat gnome?09:28
rohansomeone change !suspend2 to point to - http://dagobah.ucc.asn.au/dapper-kernels/ - please !09:28
higenhey, anyone know how i can force a diskcheck at boot in ubuntu?09:28
Dirge_Where do I find the regular version?09:28
nickrudx-chat gnome is crap, Dirge. A nice idea, lousy execution09:28
polpakkiroh: can't help if you don't ask a question09:28
nickrudDirge, it's in universe, sudo apt-get install xchat09:28
calamarihigen: every bot, or just once?09:28
akudewanSnowfairy: what exactly do u mean by "flashing" ?09:28
suprchrishow do i use synaptic09:28
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loxetyis there an updated guide to adding repositories?09:29
calamarihigen: bot->boot09:29
Snowfairyakudewan, well, the part in the panel.  it flashses.09:29
kirohhow can i see avi and mpg files with totem???09:29
Snowfairygrows bright, and then goes dim09:29
higencalamari: just once.. .. but if i know how to do it.. i can turn it off and on :)09:29
garryfrefschk if I recall09:29
Madpilotkiroh, with w32codecs09:29
nickrudhigen, sudo touch /forcefsck I think09:29
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Snowfairyand it just keeps doing that...  again and again and again and again and again....09:29
=== Major_Delta [n=abc@shj-mjz-bsr1157.emirates.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotubotu, tell kiroh about restricted09:29
kirohi have this pakage installed09:29
higennickrud:  sounds good i will try that09:29
calamarihigen: you can use tune2fs to set how often the disk must be checked09:29
Dirge_uninstalling this xchat. brb09:29
=== krazykit [n=kkit@adsl-69-219-225-212.dsl.ipltin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
polpakloxety: bah, that one is out of date.. just use the pastebin url for dapper and replace your sources.list with that one09:30
akudewanSnowfairy: that will happen when the window demands attention, for instance whenever someone says your name in xchat, you will see the flashing09:30
higentune2fs sounds good aswell09:30
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Snowfairyakudewan, yes, I understand that.  but, it doesn't stop.09:30
Snowfairyeven after I look at it.09:30
suprchrisI need help with numlockx09:30
Frogzoohigen: tune2fs -c 1 /dev/hd#09:30
akudewanu use KDE or gnome ?09:30
Snowfairynot to mention I don't really need a window to say look at me unless I really want to monitor it anyways :P09:30
loxetypolpak, pastebin url for dapper?09:30
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jani_you might be interested peeps.. Google just released Google Earth Beta 4 for Linux :)09:31
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nickrudjani_, old news, at least 12 hours old ;)09:31
robert_what gives with the Ubuntu "You may not enter an underscore" rule inside the installer?09:31
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suprchrishow do i download numlockx?09:32
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benplaut!find numlockx09:32
jani_nickrud, just read my mails :)09:32
ubotunumlockx: (enable NumLock in X11 sessions), section universe/x11, is optional. Version: 1.1-3ubuntu1 (dapper), Packaged size: 10 kB, Installed size: 88 kB09:32
rohansuprchris: apt-get install numlockx ?09:32
Madpilotsuprchris, it's in Ubuntu's repos, just install it w/ apt-get or Synaptic09:32
=== udo [n=lepis@ppp117-72.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
suprchrisi can't find it in synaptc09:32
nickrudFrogzoo, does the touching of the forcefsck in / still work (haven't tried it recently)09:32
suprchrisand apt-get says something to that effect too09:32
akudewanSnowfairy: maybe if you change some settings you can make it stop, I don't use gnome, so I can't give you exact instructions09:33
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StaindTXCan I dl the updates here in windows burn on cd and install in UBUNTU?09:33
Snowfairyakudewan, searching throught gconf-editor, can't seem to find anything ;(09:33
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kirohplease i have read restricted formats before and i have installed all the pakages and totem plays nothing09:33
Madpilotsuprchris, do  you have Universe repo enabled?09:33
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=== Dirge [n=dirge@67-51-117-207.dsl1.elk.ca.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
udohow can i install universe repositories from the command line?09:34
nickrudStaindTX, yes, but it's not trivial, and probably not worth it09:34
suprchrisi don't know09:34
Jaak_how come Rhythmbox says that all my mp3's are not valid, but totem has no problem with them?09:34
DirgeAH, much better..09:34
suprchrissend me a link on how i guess09:34
loxetypolpak, ok I see09:34
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AyabaraI'm stuck in windows at work, and want to run vmware player with a dapper image. anyone know where I can download a prebuilt image?09:34
dooglusudo: you don't install repositories.  you enable repositories, or install packages.  which do you want?09:34
MatthewvAyabara, try a search on the wiki, someone has written a guide i think09:34
dooglusudo: a repository is a collection of packages09:35
polpakloxety: once you do that just sudo apt-get update and you should be good09:35
AyabaraMatthewv: ok, thanks09:35
akudewanSnowfairy: I think this is a bug, have a look at this page: https://launchpad.net/products/libwnck/+bug/3113409:35
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nickrudJaak_, have you looked at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats yet? That should get going in rhythmbox09:35
udoenable repositories09:35
StaindTXLMFAO ok new here what the heck is wiki? I heard of wifi but not wiki09:35
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dooglusudo: edit /etc/apt/sources.list09:35
Frogzoonickrud: grep forcefsk /etc/init.d/checkfs.sh        that's a cool trick - didn't know that was there...09:35
kirohplease help me, when you don't help me i will be forced to use windows :(09:35
snoopsit's a wiki wiki web StaindTX.. you haven't been to wikipedia?!09:35
MatthewvStaindTX, take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/09:35
Jaak_ok thanks09:35
nickrudFrogzoo, it's an old debian trick ...09:36
Snowfairystaindtx wiki is kinda like a colloboratively edited website.  Very neat.09:36
cparkerquestion... with the /media directory in place, what is the purpose of the /mnt directory?09:36
robert_what's the default root pw for ubuntu?09:36
MatthewvStaindTX, it is a user-editable documentation repository09:36
StaindTXahhhhh ok09:36
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loxetypolpak, yes that seems to have fixed it thank you09:36
cparkerrobert_, there is none.09:36
Snowfairyakudewan, taking a look. :)09:36
StaindTXWell like I said snow...New.... got UBUNTU from a friend he sd to try it out and here I am LOL09:36
cparkerrobert_, take a look at this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo09:37
udohow can i enable?09:37
StaindTXso basically all the language is spanish to me right now...but I will learn in time09:37
Madpilotkiroh, start Totem, go Help->About - does it mention 'xine' or 'gstreamer'?09:37
robert_cparker: then how come I can't login as root?09:37
DirgeThe default root pw for Ubuntu is random. You use sudo until you set the root password yourself.09:37
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kirohyes GStreamer 0.10.609:37
nickrudwhich you should never do, setting a root password.09:38
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MatthewvAyabara, additionally, you might want to look at http://www.vmware.com/vmtn/appliances/directory/   vmware has a number of operating systems available for download and running, ubuntu 5.10 is there, I'm not sure about dapper09:38
funkmasterhey people :D I have some trouble with flumotion, has anyone ever used it? somehow the flumotion manager makes probles, could use some help--09:38
polpakdon't set the root password. Use sudo09:38
DirgeWhy wouldn't you want a root password?09:38
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polpakDirge: why would you?09:38
cparkerDirge: because root is dangerous.09:38
udohow can i enable universe repositories for xine support?09:38
Casanova./GoogleEarthLinux.bin: ./setup.sh: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied09:38
Casanovawhat does the above error mean?09:38
doogluspolpak: you would want one so that when your sudo stops working, you have a fallback09:38
udoor install the packages09:38
StaindTXBeen messin in root sense the beginning09:38
=== garryfre [n=garry@adsl-67-117-25-129.dsl.chic01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
polpakdooglus: that's what rescue mode is for09:39
doogluspolpak: I don't have a rescue mode09:39
nickrudDirge, it's a target for hackers. They probably won't try to force the password of a random user on a machine that has admin privs09:39
polpakdooglus: if sudo stops working something is wrong09:39
DirgeSame here. I'm not used to having no control over my OS. (I don't use Mac)09:39
akudewanSnowfairy: I found a way to disable it: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+ticket/11309:39
doogluspolpak: yes.  it comes up here a lot though.09:39
polpakDirge: sudo gives you plenty of control09:39
jani_udo, run synaptic... Settings >>> Repositories... check the Universe and Multiverese ... close it then do update09:39
loxetycouldnt find the package libfontsconfig1-dev in apt-get09:39
Snowfairyakudewan thank you very much :)09:39
Madpilotkiroh, stop.09:39
akudewannp :)09:39
Frogzookiroh: naughty naughty09:39
doogluspolpak: ubuntu doesn't stop me deleting the last admin user.09:39
nickruddooglus, yeah, people that mess with /etc/hosts badly09:40
kirohthen please help09:40
polpakdooglus: true enough09:40
doogluspolpak: once nobody is left in the admin group, there's no more sudo access allowed09:40
steveklCan someone show me how I actually get to the wireless AP listing part of network-manager?09:40
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steveklI can't figure this program out09:40
kirohwhi noone answer???09:40
AyabaraMatthewv: that's what I saw too. guess I'll run fc5 if I can't find dapper09:40
cparkerkiroh: did you ask a question?09:40
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polpakdooglus: that's why there's rescue mode09:40
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doogluspolpak: how do I run rescue mode?09:40
Madpilotdooglus, that's what recovery console is for...09:40
nickruddooglus, or recovery disks09:40
kirohplease i have read restricted formats before and i have installed all the pakages and totem plays nothing09:40
Ademani'm trying to access my vsftpd server through WAN, but i can't seem to get it to work, my server is behind 2 routers, so in both routers i opened TCP 20, 21 and 44000 - 44128 for pasv,  and vsftp is aware of the 44000-44128 limitation,  yet I can't connect through wan, what might be up?09:40
udojani_ why multiverse?09:40
Madpilotdooglus, thru GRUB09:40
higenthanks.. that worked :)09:40
MatthewvAyabara, k, hope it works well for you09:40
polpakdooglus: reboot and select it from the grub menu09:40
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dooglusMadpilot: recovery console?  isn't that a windows program?09:40
dooglusMadpilot: GRUB won't work on this PC09:40
AyabaraMatthewv: me to :-)09:41
Madpilotdooglus, whatever it's called - the option in GRUB09:41
kirohwhy totem plays nothing???09:41
=== darkman241 [n=darkman2@home.ionstream.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
dooglusI use LILO.  Can I still get rescue mode?09:41
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nickrudme rolls around, seriously laughing09:41
=== Blue-Omega [i=Blue@about/cooking/nakedchef/omelette/Blue-Omega] has joined #ubuntu
Ademankiroh: because you want mplayer, OR totem-xine09:41
funkmasterkroh: install vlc09:41
nickruddooglus, yes, just boot lnx-bbc and edit /etc/hosts and fix it09:41
kirohwhat is the diference???09:41
Ademani personally prefer totem-xine because its prettier09:41
dooglusnickrud: lnx-bbc?  what's that?09:41
polpakkiroh: which is hilarious, since I told you to install totem-xine like 30 mins ago09:41
funkmastermuch better and no codec trouble, build in..09:41
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nickruddooglus, a seriously ancient live boot disk09:41
vithhi. where do i find the kernel log when running from 6.06 livecd?09:41
Matthewvdooglus, or you could boot the ubuntu desktop cd or install cd, either chroot into partition or just boot rescue09:42
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kirohbut that is not the same that totem???09:42
crimsun_vith: /var/log/kern.log09:42
polpakkiroh: no09:42
kirohsorry i'am new09:42
kirohok i will install that09:42
dooglusnickrud: I'd rather have the root password set for such an emergency, rather than downloading and booting an unknown live cd...  where's the greater risk?09:42
=== bulltitan [n=victor@host146.201-253-42.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
nickruddooglus, I keep it for archival purposes, just use any live cd, lke knopix09:42
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Geoffrey2I tried to edit the sources.list, and the response is unknown mime type -- using "application/*"09:42
cparkerso, what's the difference between /media and /mnt? is /mnt even necessary anymore?09:42
mcpowleydoes anyone have any experience with running bastille on their system? Is it worth trying out?09:43
Geoffrey2I presume that means it has no idea what to open that file type with?09:43
Dirgehmm, I can't seem to select WPA2 on my wireless settings.09:43
Frogzookiroh: dpkg -l libxine-extracodecs libdvdc22s streamer0.10-plugins-ugly totem-xine09:43
doogluscparker: none of them are strictly necessary.  you can make and use /yourbutt/ instead if you want to09:43
DirgeIt only allows for WEP.09:43
=== cparker runs bastille on every system he owns.
Frogzookiroh: check you have them all09:43
bulltitani can't control the volume level by using key shortcuts (sound card sound blaster live 24)09:43
ubotuapache is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP09:43
funkmasterflumotion anyone??09:43
polpakdooglus: fine, you install root if you like. But for most users (who will use GRUB, will have a rescue mode, and will not know how to properly secure their system) they're better off using sudo09:43
=== zcat[1] [n=zcat@60-234-226-80.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Frogzooubotu fixxine is dpkg -l libxine-extracodecs libdvdc22s streamer0.10-plugins-ugly totem-xine09:44
ubotuFrogzoo: okay09:44
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doogluspolpak: I'm not suggesting installing anything extra.  I'm just setting my root password.09:44
polpakdooglus: and you are welcome too. But it's not recommended09:44
bulltitanany ideas? i think it might be something realted to gstreamer but what do i know i'm almost a newbie09:44
doogluspolpak: I use sudo too.  I just like to have a root password set for when things go wrong.09:44
Frogzooubotu no, fixxine is dpkg -l libxine-extracodecs libdvdcss2 streamer0.10-plugins-ugly totem-xine09:44
ubotuokay, Frogzoo09:44
nickruddooglus, a fair point. But, please, document and support what's used here.09:44
polpakdooglus: I'd rather have a rescue mode, or a boot cd. Cause those will be much more likely to help09:44
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doogluspolpak: I'd like a rescue mode too, but it doesn't work for me - or at least, I don't know how to get into it if it does.09:45
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garryfreThe live CD version of dapper has a rescue mode.09:45
dooglusgarryfre: it does?09:45
nickruddooglus, well, write a stanza for lilo that matches the one from grub: booting into single user mode, assuming no root password set.09:46
DirgeDoes Ubuntu support WPA2?09:46
bulltitananybody has aounf issues like this in ubuntu with this sound card? please i can use the one onboard but it sounds like a bean can09:46
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garryfreYeah, I stumbled on it today, Oh scuse, its the alternate install cd that has a rescue mode.09:46
Geoffrey2how do I go about editing the sources.list?09:46
dooglusnickrud: what does the grub stanza say?09:46
kirohthanks ... but i will do that tomorrow09:47
robert_I would like a regex expression to allow _ inside usernames :/09:47
dooglusrobert_: for what program?09:47
nickruddooglus, relevant line: kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-23-386 root=/dev/hdb2 ro single09:47
udowhich is the url tutorial for xine setup?09:47
StaindTXok people....I am outta here...need to bootup ub laterz all09:47
robert_dooglus: adduser, heh09:47
=== gord [n=gord@85-210-182-242.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
bulltitanis it beacause the shortcut uses pcm control and not master? or what?09:48
dooglusrobert_: adduser doesn't take an re argument does it?09:48
nickruddooglus, i could pm you the entire stanza09:48
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vithok, i'm trying to recover data off of a dying hard disk, and i'm getting scsi errors after a while ( http://pastebin.com/706050 ), is there anything i can do to reset the state of the disk other than cutting power to it? it's sATA09:48
=== m0gsi [n=chris@194-247-237-103.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
robert_it's inside adduser.conf with the NAME_REGEX configuration option :P09:48
dooglusnickrud: please.09:48
m0gsiHello all09:48
=== Edward_TLS [n=edward@j230018.upc-j.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
bulltitanthis is so frustrating09:49
CrippsFXshould I get a palm Zire 31, or a Compaq Ipaq (3630) ?09:49
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maruchando the amarok themes work in gnome?09:49
Lukianis there something which can run through the file system and repair permissions?09:49
robert_I don't really care if this is 'insecure'- as this is a development server, with a limited number of people who may access it09:50
udodoes anyone knows why i dont hear anything sound? my sustem detect the sound chip but nothings happen(no audio)09:50
dooglusrobert_: use this then:  ^[a-z_] [-a-z0-9_] *$09:50
robert_(e.g. vpn-only)09:50
=== cyphase [n=cyphase@adsl-75-2-145-3.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudLukian, probably not, did you screw up your permissions?09:50
bulltitanudo as far as i know the default sonund config is silenced09:50
darkman241Just an FYI , folks: Yesterday, we moved a Debian Sarge server over to 6.06, using a dist-upgrade, without a hitch. I was very, very impressed indeed.09:50
MatthewvAyabara, there is a ubuntu dapper server on the vmware site, you could always upgrade that to full ubuntu09:50
dooglusrobert_: if you don't want to allow names to *start* with a '_', then remove the first '_' from the re and leave the 2nd09:50
garryfretry altamixer at the terminal and make sure your channels are not muted.09:50
Lukiannickrud: possibly09:51
CrippsFXdarkman241, congratulations. that's pretty sweet.09:51
nickruddarkman241, yes, impressive indeed :)09:51
=== erez [n=erez@85-250-60-82.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
CrippsFXapt is a very robust tool for deb-based systems ;)09:51
=== hoodcat [n=adam@CPE-147-10-105-14.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuDirge: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:51
udohow can i enable this silence?09:51
dooglusrobert_: it means "begins with a-through-z or '_', and is followed by 0-or-more of ('-', 0-9, a-z, and '_')09:51
garryfreAlso linux tends to have a lower volume.09:51
=== jimmy89 [n=james@dsl-220-235-89-99.vic.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
bulltitanmaruchan amarok works in gnome but be sure to have all the codecs installed09:51
nickrudLukian, the only true way (for us normal dudes, not those types who just did an dist-upgrade from sarge to dapper) is to reinstall09:52
bulltitani did it i worked fine09:52
maruchanno i know it works i have it working, but i just found that it has themes09:52
garryfrealsamixer at /appplications/accessories/terminal09:52
bulltitanbut nobody is willing to answer my simple question i see thanks for that09:52
Lukiannickrud: I vagely remember running some command as part of a howto to fix up permissions09:52
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Jaak_is there a way to do sudo in filebrowser?09:52
LukianJaak_: sudo nautilus? :P09:52
nickrudLukian, permission suck if they are bad, and there is no easy way to fix them.09:53
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dooglusJaak_: alt-f2 sudo <whatever>09:53
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xiceanyone with VMWARE : i get this error (on XGL) upon trying to maximize nable to find an appropriate host video mode.09:53
xiceAdding the guest mode to the 'display' subsection of the 'screen' section of your /etc/X11/XF86Config and restarting X is likely to help.09:53
xiceFailed to switch to full screen  mode.09:53
Lukiannickrud: ok, well, I guess I find out what happen when I have to reboot :)09:53
MadpilotJaak_, be careful with "sudo nautilus" - it works, but delete the wrong thing and you could have all sorts of fun...09:53
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nickrudLukian, true :)09:53
Hoxzer:D "all sorts of fun"09:54
Bazzithe joy of a rm -rf /09:54
zelevwcan anyone tell me where my X session settings are kept....my keyboard and mouse are not behaving correctly and the settings don stick...if I log on as another user everything works OK09:54
FrogzooJaak_: run x apps as root is usually pretty unrecommended09:54
Lukianzelevw: /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?09:54
zelevwLukian: local user...not system wide but thank you09:54
Lukianah odd09:55
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FrogzooBazzi: please don't mention such dark acts - keep it child (and newb) friendly09:55
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nickrudzelevw, System-Prefs-Keyboard and Mouse, try those first09:55
BazziFrogzoo: I didn't put sudo before it ;-)09:56
bulltitani did the google thing and also the wiki thing and also the forum thing and no one was able to answer my question i see here isn't different09:56
dooglusLukian: what did you do that messed permissions up?09:56
zelevwnickrud: the setting changes I make do not stick...thanks anyways...theres gotta be a file wi the settings09:56
FrogzooBazzi: ;)09:56
=== bobstro-away [n=nbob@68-116-164-61.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
garryfreI remembr my first desaster from running as root. I tried to backup the system but gzip removes the files after archiving. If I had not been root I might not have been able to fubar the isystem.09:56
xiceanyone using Vmware and xgl?09:56
Bazzixice: linux as guest or host?09:57
nickrudzelevw, thos should be instantanous changes, and persistent for that user ...09:57
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xiceBazzi, linux host09:57
Bazzioh, OK :)09:57
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xiceno point of the other way09:57
=== Ulfalizer [n=ulf@240dsl82-stug.soderhamn-net.com] has joined #ubuntu
garryfreI don't know the anwer to your question Bulltitan. I wish I could help.09:57
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zelevwnickrud: they should but they dont09:57
darkman241Oh, another thing: We have developed a system whereby we can remotely and automatically deploy (Ubuntu) to large numbers of workstations (running windows), resulting in a fully configured dual boot system. We've already done this with Breezy (across around 400 workstations), and we now have the Dapper drop almost ready. Can someone suggest a good place where we can document this in the future?09:57
Geoffrey2ok, one more time in case it was missed, how do I go about editing the sources.list file?09:58
k31thBind or NSD ?09:58
bulltitanthanks for that honesty at least garryfre ;)09:58
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Matthewvdarkman241, the wiki?09:58
garryfrebulltitan welcome. good luck.09:58
nickrudbulltitan, and I didn't see the question. I'm probably not alone.09:58
=== benplaut [n=benplaut@cpe-70-95-146-177.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Ulfalizerbreezy uses kernel version 2.6 by default, right?09:58
k31thdarkman241: #ubuntu-doc09:58
nickrudUlfalizer, yes09:58
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FrogzooUlfalizer: 2.6.9 on install, 2.6.12 latest in the repos iirc09:59
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MatthewvGeoffrey2, 'sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list'09:59
darkman241Mattheww: *me* slaps his head. :P The wiki sounds good. I forgot that one. :P09:59
bulltitanho nick is just that seems to be that sound blaster live 24 sound cards are not fully detected and it works just at half power09:59
nickrudFrogzoo, 2.6.15 on dapper09:59
Matthewvdarkman241, hehe09:59
bulltitanincluding keyboard shortcuts for volume control09:59
Ulfalizerjust needed the info to install it with Parallels. i'm more familiar with bsd's.09:59
nickrudbulltitan, ok. Watch this space, crimsun hangs out here now and then. Ask him10:00
Flannel2.6.12 is most current in breezy10:00
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FlannelMatthewv, Geoffrey2, gksudo10:00
vithok, how about this:  how do i power down a sata disk?10:00
nickruderh, gotta read more carefully, Flannel10:00
darkman241It's a really cool system. We're very proud of it. :)10:00
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crimsun_bulltitan: what's the issue?10:00
Flannelnickrud: hmm?  heh.10:00
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nickrudFlannel, er, me I meant10:01
crimsun_bulltitan: (btw, you need to preface the line for my nick-complete to trigger. It doesn't work if the nick is in the middle of the line.)10:01
Flannelnickrud: yeah, I figured it out ;)10:01
garryfrewell, you might try just umounting the sata disk10:01
bulltitani see10:01
bulltitancrimsun is just that seems to be that sound blaster live 24 sound cards are not fully detected and it works just at half power10:01
garryfreI haven't seen much on power saving features for laptops in dapper so far.10:02
bulltitancrimsin_ including keyboard shortcuts for volume control10:02
crimsun_bulltitan: that's pretty vague10:02
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crimsun_bulltitan: keyboard shortcuts are not the sound driver's realm; that's hotkey-setup.10:02
=== ecker [n=linux@69-174-104-128.ashbva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
garryfreMy Sound Blaster Audology zs 2 does the same thing - half volume.10:02
jimmy89HOW DO I USE Network-manager to save a key in key#2?10:03
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crimsun_"half volume"?10:03
bulltitanwellco me then garryfre :P10:03
crimsun_guys, please be more specific and detailed10:03
=== harm_ [n=harm@82-171-74-86.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu
crimsun_I can't possibly troubleshoot with that.10:03
=== nickrud walks away from all this
Frogzoocrimsun_: treble, but no bass10:03
crimsun_"my tooth hurts"10:03
Frogzooor bass, but no treble?10:03
=== pablozzz [n=pabloz@ss228.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
crimsun_"well ... how and where does it hurt?"10:03
=== RedHairedMan [n=RedHaire@] has joined #ubuntu
crimsun_"uh I don't know"10:03
bulltitanwell all the sound blasters live 24 bits are cheaps audigys and are not fully detected by ubuntu by all means10:03
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eckerWhen I apt-get remove zsnes, and reinstall it< why does it still has the exact same config, I need to completely remove it and reinstall it fresh10:04
=== albacker [n=eni@customer-side2-telecomalbania.atnet.com.al] has joined #ubuntu
albackerGuys what is used to read .ram or .rm files10:04
Bazziecker try purge10:04
=== pablozzz welcom
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RedHairedManhey guys, I'm having trouble with setting my LCD monitor's refresh rate to work with X.  Any safe settings?10:04
nickrudecker, sudo apt-get remove --purge zsnes to remove configs10:04
crimsun_bulltitan: there's no such thing as "not fully detected". A driver is loaded, and the card either functions or doesn't function.10:04
snoopsrealplayer codecs albacker10:04
garryfreI use an amp on mine, it just means I dial up the volume and if I forget to turn it on and boot something else, I get plaster on the floor10:04
Flannelalbacker: ram and rm are real media (real player) stuff10:04
xiceRedHairedMan, usually 60Hz is ok10:04
=== Nakkel [n=nakkel@vektori.com] has joined #ubuntu
bulltitanmore over creative is so lazy putting out a new driver even for windows that it won't be a good idea to check their wbsite10:05
m_0_r_0_nmozilla-thunderbird-enigmail: Depends: mozilla-thunderbird (< but is to be installed E: Broken packages - How can I resolve this problem?10:05
ubotumethinks realplayer is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats10:05
=== Arbiter [n=arbiter@adsl-ull-29-79.42-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
RedHairedManit doesn't work here, and I can't get X started10:05
crimsun_bulltitan: / garryfre: what would assist would be the output from ``amixer'' pastebinned.10:05
=== nickrud regrets naming names
jimmy89HOW DO I USE Network-manager to save a key in key#2?10:05
jimmy89HOW DO I USE Network-manager to save a key in key#2?10:05
jimmy89HOW DO I USE Network-manager to save a key in key#2?10:05
jimmy89HOW DO I USE Network-manager to save a key in key#2?10:05
jimmy89HOW DO I USE Network-manager to save a key in key#2?10:05
jimmy89HOW DO I USE Network-manager to save a key in key#2?10:05
jimmy89HOW DO I USE Network-manager to save a key in key#2?10:05
jimmy89HOW DO I USE Network-manager to save a key in key#2?10:05
jimmy89HOW DO I USE Network-manager to save a key in key#2?10:05
jimmy89HOW DO I USE Network-manager to save a key in key#2?10:05
crimsun_oh my deity10:05
albackerthanks snoops Flannel10:05
Matthewvjimmy89, stop10:05
_nano_RedHairedMan: could you pastebin your xorg.conf?10:06
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o crimsun_] by ChanServ
RedHairedManthe automatic settings kill X11, and when I tried setting the horizontal refresh to 30-75 and vertical to 50-75 it still fails to work10:06
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@dsl-220-235-89-99.vic.westnet.com.au] by crimsun_
crimsun_jimmy89: do not EVER do that again.10:06
m_0_r_0_n./kick jimmy8910:06
bulltitanok crimsun_ i'll try that10:06
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RedHairedManunfortunately no, I'm on a seperate computer, but I can give you any info you like out of it10:06
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garryfreI believe that is alsamixer I can try to help on that.10:07
crimsun_garryfre: no, just amixer10:07
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RedHairedManI'm using the vesa driver on a generic monitor with 1280x1024 and 1024x768 res options enabled10:07
pablozzzhi guys10:07
RedHairedManmy card is a radeon x80010:07
garryfrehmmm, never heard of amixer10:07
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pablozzzI can' using "rmvb" under mplayer :(10:07
RedHairedManwhen X tries to start it puts out no signal to my monitor10:07
crimsun_jimmy89: if someone doesn't respond immediately, please be patient. Also, try the ubuntu-users mailing list and/or ubuntuforums.10:07
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %*!*@dsl-220-235-89-99.vic.westnet.com.au] by crimsun_
jimmy89thank you for removing the ban, sorry for the spam10:08
jimmy89just getting annoyed.10:08
crimsun_annoyed is absolutely no excuse to irritate volunteers.10:08
Madpilotjimmy89, and annoying everyone else in the channel is supposed to help *how*?10:08
cafuegoWell, annoying everyone else is not a useful strategy for requesting help.10:08
pablozzzwich plugin i have to using10:08
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o crimsun_] by crimsun_
bulltitanwe all get at some point but it is a good idea to wait and use sarcasm :P10:09
garryfreMere oppression makes even riteous folks act crazy.10:09
Jaak_Since ubuntu 6 the screensaver options menu has changed. I can't configure any screensaver, now what?10:09
MadpilotJaak_, that's because Dapper is using gnome-screensaver, and it currently sucks.10:10
garryfreI noticed that. Yeah, my spelling stinks10:10
MatthewvJaak_, you could replace gnome-screensaver with xscreensaver10:10
m_0_r_0_nIs it possible to reinstall the older version of thunderbird???   mozilla-thunderbird-enigmail: Depends: mozilla-thunderbird (< but is to be installed E: Broken packages10:10
RedHairedManwhat do I do when X11 isn't outputting a signal to my monitor?10:10
MadpilotJaak_, install xscreensaver to get the configs back10:10
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bulltitanwhy the hell i sold my sound blaster 5.1 :(:(:(:(10:10
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Flannelm_0_r_0_n: sounds like you need to update your sources.  if -enigmail is in the repositories anyway10:10
=== nickrud notices, his spelling stinks also
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garryfreI installed xscreensaver and stil no options.10:11
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garryfreer confiugre10:11
KyoLptp`Can I get a link to the Xgl tutorial for intel cards?10:11
m_0_r_0_nFlannel, the sources are updated10:11
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cafuegom_0_r_0_n: 'sudo apt-get install mozilla-thunderbird='10:11
dbzdeaththis is probably a stupid question... but how do i install xubuntu from the live cd?10:11
ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems10:11
Geoffrey3ok, repeating....is there somewhere I can find a sample sources.list to make sure I have everything up to date and correct?10:11
m_0_r_0_ncafuego, thanks10:11
cafuegoFlannel: The reps are broken10:11
nickrudxgl should be /dev/null10:11
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cafuegoFlannel: enigmail hasn't been updated, but thunderbird has => broken.10:12
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bulltitani have had a few issues with ubuntu but i think it is the future of linux to ex-windows users10:12
Flannelcafuego: alright, I'll keep that in mind10:12
nickrudGeoffrey2, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 for dapper, very nice one10:12
garryfreOptions if I recall, or you can install the xbuntu destop from symantic package manager after. It worked on breezy, I can't say it will work on dapper though10:12
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Jaak_i have a stupid question, how do i whisper ppl on xchat?10:12
bulltitanthat's my silly idea10:12
internathas anyone seen the problem with tvtime  "xvoutput: No XVIDEO port found which supports YUY2 images."10:12
Flanneldbzdeath: should be a menu item or something (I've never done the liveCD, sorry)10:13
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nickrudJaak_, /msg (you need to register for this to work)10:13
garryfreYou do /say username if I am correct.10:13
cafuegoMind you, just not clicking "Apply" when the package manager tells you it wants to remove enigmal should do for now.10:13
spaceyJaak_: just open a private message window/query10:13
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spaceyby clicking or typing /query <nick>10:14
garryfreYeah, you can right-click on the user name and get a channel10:14
RedHairedManwhat do I do when X11 isn't outputting a signal to my monitor?10:14
snoopsthis is after you've changed settings RedHairedMan?10:14
nickrudgood night, all.10:14
Matthewvwould it be a good idea to remove the errors=remount-ro from my fstab, cause my fs gets mounted ro too often?10:14
garryfreFirst, change to the standard vesa driver in xorg.conf It might help you at least get graphics until you get it resolved.10:15
RedHairedManboth before and after10:15
RedHairedManand I'm using vesa10:15
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KyoLptp`thanks, nickrud10:16
garryfreHmmm, Not sure.10:16
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bulltitanwas i crazy or i see pictures of genome lazuli?10:17
RedHairedManI suspect it's my refresh rate, but I can't seem to find any settings that work with my LCD.  I know 1280x1024 @ 75Hz works under Windows10:17
garryfreMight look at xorg.conf in /etc/X11 to see if you find any clues.10:17
RedHairedManI did, that's where I set myself up to use vesa and set the max refresh rate on both horizontal and vertical to be 75, still doesn't work.10:17
garryfreWhat kind of lcd do you have?10:17
RedHairedManan Impression.  Generic old LCD monitor10:17
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garryfreHmmm, I bet the refrsh range is too high and the lcd is shutting down to avoid frying self.10:18
bulltitannope i'm not crazy but not sure abaut what that really is10:18
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bulltitansorry about10:19
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RedHairedMangarryfre: nope, just checked, it's within it's ranges10:19
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baniei want to ask here10:19
baniecan or not?10:19
Troglodytrefresh should be 60 for lcd's??10:20
Flannelbanie: yep.  just ask.10:20
=== hartym [n=hartym@AAnnecy-103-1-11-135.w193-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
RedHairedMan60 didn't work, neither did 7510:20
RedHairedManbut works fine under Windows10:20
Hoxzer^^ windows10:20
RedHairedManit worked under 5.10, so I don't know what changed10:20
jimmy89what is a good play to use to play mp3 files?10:20
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polpak!tell jimmy89 about mp310:21
bulltitanxmms by default but amarok works as well10:21
snoopsamarok definitely.. it's the reason I switched to linux for my desktop10:21
CrippsFX!tell banie about questions10:21
garryfresyntax is like vertrefresh = ##.# - ##.# and horizrefresh. There is some sort of command to reconfigure the xserver. Do you have two connections? Perhaps the x is sending output to a monitor that's not hooked up?10:21
=== pekay [n=pekay@host86-140-32-45.range86-140.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
RedHairedManalready tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:21
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RedHairedManand tried the other output10:22
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bulltitani only use the preview option of nautilus to hear mp3 :P10:22
bulltitancheap but fast10:22
RedHairedManI have a gremlin...10:22
RedHairedMana nasty little gremlin in my system :(10:22
garryfrewhat vid card do yo have?10:22
jammyhow can I make ubuntu to display Chinese font?10:22
baniehow to install samba on ubuntu?10:22
RedHairedManRadeon x80010:22
banieby using apt-get?10:23
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pablozzzapt-get install samba10:23
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jammywho can tell me how to display Chinese in ubuntu??10:23
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baniei'll try now10:24
polpakRedHairedMan: did you install your drivers already?10:24
garryfreThere are some fonts for various languages in the symantec package manager.10:24
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baniebanie@ubuntu:~$ apt-get install samba10:24
banieE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)10:24
banieE: Unable to lock the list directory10:24
baniewhat happen?10:24
KenSentMebanie: use sudo apt-get10:24
pablozzzsu apt-get10:24
suprchrisI'm trying to install the w32codecs but i'm having a problem can someone help me?10:24
RedHairedManno, I can't get that far10:25
polpaksuprchris: just ask your question10:25
RedHairedManI just installed Ubuntu about 30 minutes ago10:25
KenSentMesuprchris: what problem do you have10:25
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pablozzzbanie: install lisa, too10:25
polpakRedHairedMan: are you using the vesa drivers?10:25
KenSentMe!tell banie about root10:25
RedHairedManpolpak: yep, vesa10:25
suprchrisdpkg: status database area is locked by another process10:25
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RedHairedManit tried ati at first, they don't work with my card10:25
polpaksuprchris: close synaptic10:25
KenSentMesuprchris: have you opened synaptic10:26
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jimmy89so what mp3 player do you recommened?10:26
suprchrisit's not open10:26
KenSentMesuprchris: or the update tool10:26
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suprchrisi used wget-c10:26
garryfreMight open symantec and search for ati stuff.10:26
pablozzzxmms or amarok10:26
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pablozzzamrok is better for soutcast radio..10:26
baniealready install samba10:26
suprchrishow do i close the updatetool10:26
banieroot@ubuntu:/home/banie# service smb start10:26
baniebash: service: command not found10:26
KenSentMesuprchris: is it open?10:26
suprchrisi don't know10:27
KenSentMesuprchris: try opening synaptic10:27
Hit3kpablozzz, i cant get music to play in amarok so i use XMMS10:27
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pablozzzwhy ?10:27
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pablozzzi use amarok for radio.. and xmms for mp310:28
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baniebash: service: command not found10:28
Hit3kdo you need to install a codec to play mp3s in amarok?10:28
suprchrishey thanks synaptic was opened stupid me!10:28
RedHairedManokay, using the CLI, how can I get Ubuntu to recognize a USB wireless adapter (I know it's supported natively) that wasn't there when I installed Ubuntu?10:28
KenSentMesuprchris: thought so10:28
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pd273Hit3k: you are right10:28
Geoffrey3banie, just a thought....anything apt-get related will crash and burn if you happen to have the Synaptic Package Manager open at the same time....10:28
suprchrisonce it's done doing it's thing is it really done or do i restart10:29
KenSentMebanie: /etc/init.d/samba restart10:29
ubotuit has been said that ndiswrapper is a way to support Windows wireless drivers, but it is buggy compared to native support. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper10:29
snoopsHit3k yes..10:29
KenSentMesuprchris: it should work right away i think10:29
NET||abusei want drivers for my radeon mobility 7500.... but that aint never gonna happen is it :(10:29
suprchrisok thanks10:29
RedHairedManI don't need ndis wrapper, I just need to activate the wireless10:29
pablozzz"service" not command ubuntu10:29
snoopsHit3k http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats10:29
garryfrewireless keyboard? Mouse?10:30
banieall done10:30
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RedHairedManwireless adapter, wi-fi10:30
pd273NET||abuse: the present driver is not working properly for my Mobility 920010:30
RedHairedManthen I can apt-get the fglrx driver10:30
banieso..how to play mpeg file in ubuntu?10:30
pablozzzmplayer is teh best10:30
KenSentMe!tell banie about restricted10:30
pablozzzwith win codecs10:30
KenSentMebanie: read that10:30
czer323Does anyone know if the default drivers for Ubuntu are Madwifi-ng?  Also, it seems that they're compiled into the kernel.  Can anyone confirm this?10:31
NET||abusepd273, yeh, the fglrx doesn't cover earlier that 8xxx and the open source just doesn't get direct rendering working.. and i want to try out xgl on my laptop :(10:31
garryfreDevice manager under system/adminstration might help10:31
pd273I get a wiered screen when I load the fglrx driver10:31
RedHairedMangarryfre: I don't have X11 still10:31
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pd273NET||abuse: did you get 3d renderign to work with the present driver10:31
RedHairedMangarryfre: exactly :)10:31
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=== wak is now known as waky
NET||abusepd273, the  open source "radeon" driver... heck no10:32
=== MusiFreq [n=MusiFreq@cpe-24-195-90-147.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
suprchrisi have a question about a drive on my desktop10:32
pablozzzbanie: use mplayer10:32
baniei dw the mplayer and it .rpm10:32
pd273NET||abuse: I got better performance with the "ati" driver, and am presently using it10:32
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suprchrisit's labeled sda1 but i don't have the right permissions to view it,  what is it how do i see into it?10:32
=== m_0_r_0_n hates Linux
baniei use alien change it to .deb10:32
NET||abuse"ati" ?? eh? :) interesting :P actually i havn't tried with dapper yet10:33
garryfreI've frequently had issues with xserver not working if I tried installing ubunto to ta drive that ins't listed in bios as the first drive.10:33
uboturumour has it, ati is http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers10:33
baniehow to install10:33
pd273NET||abuse: am on Dapper LTS10:33
Madpilotbanie, use the mplayer that Ubuntu has in the Multiverse repository10:33
=== stingher [n=e224376@host-84-222-147-150.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelbanie: why not just use the mplayer in the repository?10:33
MusiFreqib xubuntu, is there a way to set mplayer to auto play dvd's when inserted like ubuntu can?10:33
pablozzzbanie: you have to change source.list10:33
ubotuxubuntu is, like, Ubuntu using Xfce instead of Gnome for the desktop. Details here: https://www.xubuntu.org10:33
RedHairedMangarryfre: it's my only SATA drive10:33
stingherubuntu italy pease??10:34
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!10:34
garryfreok, I hope that url will help that ye get when ye do !ati in xchat.10:34
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banieSynaptic Package Manager?10:35
CrippsFXgarryfre, it's not just in xchat ... it's in any irc client ....10:35
CrippsFXgarryfre, it's like doing this:10:35
CrippsFXubotu, ping10:35
garryfreCrippsFX Yep10:35
KenSentMebanie: sudo dpkg -i package.deb10:35
ubotupablozzz: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:35
banieubotu, ping10:35
czer323That's pretty normal for the main window.10:35
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CrippsFX!tell pablozzz about questions10:35
RedHairedManproper formatting for horizsync and vertrefresh are just the words with no quotes, a space, and then 30-60 or 50-100 with no quotes either, right?10:36
RedHairedManor do the values need quotes?10:36
czer323Does anyone know if the default drivers for Ubuntu are Madwifi-ng?  Also, it seems that they're compiled into the kernel.  Can anyone confirm this?10:36
banieand then ..?10:36
CrippsFXRedHairedMan, no quotes10:36
RedHairedMandidn't think so10:36
pablozzzone minute banne10:36
banieno response10:36
RedHairedManand the hyphen is acceptable?10:36
garryfreI included the double quotes for my xorg and it worked10:36
CrippsFX!tell pablozzz about questions10:36
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pablozzzwhat add files for ircII screen10:37
garryfreyes, the hyphen is a range indicator10:37
RedHairedManjust wanted to be sure my formatting wasn't off :(10:37
RedHairedManhope it was10:37
pablozzzwaht cat files ...10:37
KenSentMebanie: what are you trying to install?10:37
CrippsFXpablozzz, sorry ... what is your question?10:38
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pablozzzbannie: ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper multiversion10:38
KenSentMeuse synaptic for that10:38
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KenSentMe!tell banie about sources10:38
pablozzzadd it to source.list10:38
NET||abusehmm, system seems to recognise the graphics card as Radeon Mobility M7 LW [Radeon Mobility 9000] 10:38
NET||abusebut i was certain is was 7500 mobility10:39
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kholerabbiHow do I make firefox only accessible with a password - like change its permissions?10:39
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Flannelkholerabbi: just firefox?10:39
pablozzzcrippsfx: what i can view file in ircII10:39
garryfreSleepy time. Was hoping i could return the favor for the help I got earlier before my braindeadness called me to bed. Gnight all and good luck.10:39
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CrippsFXpablozzz, I don't think you can view files *in* ircII ... you have to download the file and read it using cat, or have the file posted to a pastebin and read it from there.10:40
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kholerabbiFlannel: Yep - Actually what would be best is if I could just block the prefernces and extensions - but blocking firefox is fine10:40
baniethank to all10:41
pablozzzi can view text-file on the irc screen10:41
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ubotusomebody said ubuntu was a free GNU/Linux distribution. More at http://www.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarkShuttleworth10:41
baniealready install mplayer10:41
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Flannelkholerabbi: huh?10:41
KenSentMebanie: great10:41
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pablozzzbannie :)10:41
czer323Does anyone know if the default drivers for Ubuntu are Madwifi-ng?  Also, it seems that they're compiled into the kernel.  Can anyone confirm this?10:41
CrippsFXpablozzz, there could be 2 reaons for that ... 1)the file is on the IRC server and your client reads that file, or 2)you have a plugin that I don't know about.10:42
RedHairedManOh for the love of...10:42
RedHairedManyou'll never believe this10:42
RedHairedManon a whim, I change from the vesa driver (which always worked in the past) to the radeon driver (which NEVER worked on ANY distro)...and X11 started fine...10:42
banietry install apache right now10:42
KenSentMe!tell banie about lamp10:42
Flannel!tell banie about lamp10:42
baniestill connecting10:43
KenSentMeFlannel: i win10:43
CrippsFXczer323, I think that the "default" modules are the ones that probing decides you need ... mine automatically installed the bcm43xx module, yours should load the one you need.10:43
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FlannelKenSentMe: as long as he gets helped, go ahead and win ;)10:43
RedHairedManI think I need a drink now10:43
m_0_r_0_nHow do I get OpenGL support. Google Earth for Linux is not able to start!10:43
KenSentMeFlannel: you are right, just kidding10:44
czer323CrippsFx> the one i 'need' is subjective to what i"m doing. ;)  I need the madwifi-ng version, and it doesn't seem like this is.10:44
RedHairedManstiff...and copius10:44
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ubotuKenSentMe: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:44
czer323CrippsFx> I'm just not savvy with this stuff yet.10:44
RedHairedManthanks guys10:44
ubotuKenSentMe: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:44
RedHairedManI'ma go get plastered and rant at my machine some more10:44
KenSentMeIs there a ubotu message that points people to introductions on using ubuntu?10:45
KenSentMeLike installing etc.10:45
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CrippsFXczer323, well, the module you need is dependant on the hardware. you can't change modules based on what you're doing.10:45
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wahjavahi channel10:46
zabgonecould anyone give me some good alternatives for look@lan i can install under ubuntu ?10:46
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m_0_r_0_nHow do I get OpenGL started?10:46
wahjavacan anybody explain how to configure scanner in Ubuntu10:46
czer323CrippsFx> From what I understand, there are 2 versions of madwifi.  The old and the new.  NG is the newer.  So, i want the newer module, if THIS is not already the newer one.  Again, I'm just looking to verify if it is or ISN"T the older/new.10:46
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leshasteanyone see how to hear the sound at http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/~algorith/sounds/lec19-5.html ?10:46
Flannel!tell wahjava about scanner10:46
wahjavaits an Multifunctional Device10:47
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ubotuKenSentMe: Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:47
DarthMorlock! OpenGL10:47
ubotuDarthMorlock: Bugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:47
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CrippsFX!tell czer323 about madwifi10:48
CrippsFXczer323, hope that helps10:48
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m_0_r_0_nhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=opengl&titlesearch=Titles  0 results of about 11200 pages. (0.83 seconds) ?????10:49
czer323CrippsFX> Actually, I've read it before, and it states that it's for the beta, and the author "expects that madwifi + nm + WPA will be available in Dapper as soon as it is released."  Sorry Cripps ;)  I'll just keep posting the question everyonce and awhile and hope for a definative answer.10:50
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CrippsFXczer323, based on what I've read on that wiki, is that it is madwifi that ships with dapper, not madwifi-ng10:52
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czer323CrippsFx> considering that it was written pre-dapper... It's uncertain.10:52
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KenSentMezabgone: maybe you can search the packages with synaptic10:53
CrippsFXczer323, there is another way to find out ... read the dapper release notes.10:53
suprchriscan someone help me to access a drive on my desktop10:53
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zabgonekensentme: if i know the name of an alternative program i could yes :)10:53
CrippsFXbecause madwifi is going to be different in dapper than it was in breezy, so it would be mentioned in the notes10:53
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czer323CrippsFX> Any idea where I'd find them?  Else I'll just google them.10:54
higenis the debian repository more updated then the ubuntu one?10:54
higenwith the lastest and greatest?10:54
suprchrisI need help accessing a drive can someone help me?10:54
CrippsFXgoogle is probably your best bet10:54
k31thhigen: depends on what version of debian10:55
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higenk31th: well.. has to be the unstable branche10:55
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wert45Hi all, is there a chance to get ubunto running on a pda?10:55
wahjavaFlannel, I'm back, sorry for disconnecting in between10:56
banieinstall kde right now for karamba10:56
higennot stable.. i know that stable branch is back to stoneage on debian.. using 2.0 kernel and xfree :P10:56
CrippsFXgenerally, mixing debian and ubuntu repos is not a good idea ... they have *different* dependencies10:56
suprchrishow do i access a drive when i don't have the right permissions10:56
higenthats why i am considering going over to debian.. anyway10:56
wahjavaI already have HP LIP on Ubuntu Breezy10:56
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CrippsFXsuprchris, what EXACTLY are you trying to do?10:56
higenafter one month i need to unistall linux.. thats actually rather disapointing10:56
k31thhigen: ubuntu is based on deb10:56
k31thso go figure10:57
k31thhigen: really.10:57
suprchristhere is a drive labeled sda1 on my desktop but i can't read it due to incorrect file permissions10:57
k31thbecause you cant use it?10:57
CrippsFXsuprchris, that would be your usb key, correct?10:57
wahjavacan anybody help me in configuring scanner (HPLJ3050) in Ubuntu "Breezy"10:57
higenyes.. after a hardlock.. and i had to turn on and off the button.. i got a error on the harddrive.. which is ok.. fschk fixed it.. but after that.. things started to act weird..10:57
higeni got some weird errors.. and things are just messy10:58
suprchriswell i don't know i have a usb drive but it's labeled as I know it to be10:58
suprchrisi don't know what sda1 is10:58
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Hit3kamarok still doesnt play my songs When i play one it just keeps changing songs until it finishes the playlist10:58
suprchrisby the way i'm running a dual boot sys10:58
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wahjavaHP Laserjet 3050 is in supported devices list of HPLIP10:59
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snoopsyou may need to reinstall amarok Hit3k..10:59
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CrippsFXsuprchris, okay. well, you could either try "chmod a+rw /path/to/mounted/drive/ -R" or, do it a little bit dirtier, unmount the driver, do "chmod a+rw /dev/sda1" and then remount the drive.10:59
Hit3ksnoops, maybe10:59
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snoopswhen I installed all my gstreamer packages to play every format on the planet I needed to reinstall amarok.. maybe I just had to reboot...didn't try it since reinstalling is so simple11:00
suprchrisonly root can unmount11:00
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higendarn.. that filezilla ftp server is rather quick11:00
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CrippsFXsuprchris, but you would have to run those commands as "sudo"11:00
wahjavacan anybody help me in configuring scanner (HPLJ3050) in Ubuntu "Breezy" ??11:00
suprchrisalright well bare with me I'm just learning this command stuff11:01
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suprchrisi'm a hardcore win user whose trying to use his brain more11:01
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CrippsFXsuprchris, more power to ya ... when you get used to it, the command line is an EXTREMELY useful tool.11:01
ROBOdhello people11:01
wahjavaROBOd, hi :)11:02
ROBOdi have vmware 5.5 workstation and I cannot start it under ubuntu dapper11:02
baniewho want to learn LAMP?11:02
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baniego to www.lamphowto.com11:02
CrippsFXsuprchris, that's one of my beefs with windows, is that they should encourage users (especially power users) to take to the CLI11:02
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higenROBOd you probably need to compile vmware to fit your kernel..11:02
ROBOderror: /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware: /usr/lib/vmware/lib/libpng12.so.0/libpng12.so.0: no version information available (required by /usr/lib/libcairo.so.2)11:02
higenthere should be a config script that helps you through that11:02
ROBOderror continued: /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libbonobo-activation.so.4: undefined symbol: g_get_language_names11:02
suprchrisit says no such file exists11:03
ROBOdhigen: done that already, no probs there11:03
higenahh.. ok.11:03
suprchrisdid i need to type it differently than you did?11:03
Hit3ksnoops, it says i dont have any audio drivers after i reinstalled11:03
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ROBOdanyone has any ideas?11:04
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CrippsFXsuprchris, yeah. the "/path/to/mounted/drive" is supposed to be "/mnt/mounted folder" or "/media/drive" or something like that. give me the output of "ls /media"11:04
CrippsFXsuprchris, brb ... I'll be back in about 5 mins.11:04
baniecan ubuntu write ntfs?11:05
suprchriscdrom cdrom0 cdrom1 floppy floppy0 sda1 sdb111:05
banieand see in folder?11:05
snoopsHit3k did you install the ones it mentioned in the resitrctedformats wiki?11:05
kbhcan ubuntuwrite ntfs11:05
ic56banie: NTFS write is not safe.  Nonetheless, an experimental version is supported.11:05
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xicewhats the command to get the wizard that configure xorg.conf???11:06
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ic56banie: rumour has it, that this version *won't* trash your filesystem -- most of the time.11:06
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baniehow to see ntfs in ubuntu11:06
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davvykhi im having a few problems with the grub loader and ubuntu can anyone give me a hand?11:06
baniei know that11:06
BlueDevilany way i can get a gnome-centric application to support webdav in kubuntu?11:06
kbhwhich is that exp version11:06
snoopsdavvyk :)11:06
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ic56banie: read NTFS is supported.  Download and run this script: http://ca.geocities.com/ic56@rogers.com/65/diskmounter-latest.txt11:07
davvykcheers snoops. basicaly ive installed ubuntu to my external hard drive but the grub loader doesnt show it just boots straight tru to windows11:07
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ic56banie: It will setup your /etc/fstab and mountpoints in /media so you can see your NTFS filesystems in Places> Computer11:07
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snoopsyeah are you booting from the external device?11:08
baniehow to setup ic56?11:08
ic56banie:  If you don't supply any flags, it will interactively ask you if you want to enable NTFS write.  Answer no.11:08
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brosiozanyone that have firefox could open this link ? i get X.org crashes only with konqueror i can open the url http://www.securityfocus.com/data/vulnerabilities/exploits/sendtest.c11:08
baniei can see in console11:08
KyoLptp`How would I go about reversing this, just in case? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145068&highlight=aiglx11:08
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banienot in folder..why?11:08
davvyki just assumed the grub loader was loaded to the mbr on the internal hard drive.so would show by default11:08
farousis multiverse supported by ubuntu or is it at the same level as back-ports ??11:08
emanuelezfirefox extensions do not work anymore :(11:08
snoopsdavvyk pretty sure it would install itself into the external hdd..11:09
emanuelezi can install them and they should work on the following firefox restart, but when i do it i get the same message over and over11:09
emanuelezany hint?11:09
davvykah rite. will ahve a fiddle in the bios n see if i can boot from ma external drive tho have feeling i cant11:09
ic56banie: point your browser to that URL, and page down to "usage()"  Read the instructions from there on down.  They say to save the file (save-as in your browser) and tell you how to execute.  The script does the rest.  I'm the author of this version, so I can answer questions and help if anything goes wrong.11:10
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KyoLptp`Also, what's the difference between compiz-vanilla and compiz-quinn?11:10
ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems11:10
ROBOdsomeone has vmware running in dapper?11:10
ubotuPlease check this out, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingVMWare adjusting kernel versions to your own, to get the number replace the numbers with " `uname -r" The ` is a Backtic11:10
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snoopsyeah might be fun davvyk11:10
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davvykthanks alot snoops  il go hae a look11:11
CrippsFXsuprchris, k. I'm back11:11
suprchriscdrom  cdrom0  cdrom1  floppy  floppy0  sda1  sdb111:11
suprchristhat's what's in ls /media11:11
CrippsFXsuprchris, okay, try : sudo chmod a+rw /path/to/mounted/drive/ -R11:12
CrippsFXsuprchris, er wait :P11:12
baniewhere to write that script?11:12
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ic56banie: anywhere11:12
CrippsFXsuprchris, okay, try : sudo chmod a+rw /media/sda1 -R11:12
kbhi've got an ubuntu install; but how can login as root user11:12
emanuelezis anybody else facing this problem with firefox?11:12
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suprchriswow what a screenfull11:13
CrippsFX!tell kbh about sudo11:13
suprchrisnow i know what that drive is11:13
suprchrisit's my primary partition11:13
suprchrisof windows11:13
CrippsFXsuprchris, there ya go. I take it you run a SCSI drive then?11:13
kbhquite new to linux no idea on sudo11:14
suprchrishey i've been there11:14
suprchrisi know what it stands for11:14
suprchrissuper user do11:14
suprchrisa shortcut to becoming root11:14
CrippsFXsuprchris, there ya go ... I guess SATA registers as a SCSI drive, just like a USB hard drive or pen drive will.11:14
kbhso any clue on root user and pwd11:14
CrippsFXkbh, well, if you read the URL that ubotu gave you, you'll be able to find out more about sudo :)11:15
suprchrisif you set up normally the root password is the same as the one you made at start up11:15
samulikbh, yeah, check out theurl.11:15
kbhok letme try11:15
CrippsFXkbh, and you'll find out what you're asking for.11:15
=== CrippsFX smacks his forehead
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .11:15
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CrippsFXI hate it when someone gives some info, and the person recieving it takes a look at the links and says "nope ... that's not what I need ... tell me what I need ..."11:16
NET||abuse hmm, i'm running a radeon m7 mobility, now it's working on the "ati" driver, and direct rendering is working... should i try to work with xgl or aiglx?11:16
CrippsFXNET||abuse, aiglx is for Fedora Core11:16
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=== webmind hates it when you ask for something and some people give you completel irrelevant links :)
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webmindbut this is also called a communication error :)11:17
NET||abuseit is? i knew it was part of fedora core release, but it's inlcuded in the ubuntu wiki entry as suitable for systems running on the open source drivers11:17
suprchrisyou know, crippsfx, I've spent like 10years learning one OS that it's really weird to hop into another.11:17
suprchrisI appreciate your help11:17
CrippsFXwebmind, that's the flip side of the coin ... but to figure out if it's irrelevant, it requires actually loading the link and reading11:17
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webmindCrippsFX, usually yes11:18
CrippsFXsuprchris, it's no problem. I know the feeling :)11:18
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CrippsFXsuprchris, I only switched to linux about 5 years ago.11:18
suprchrishow did you ever grasp the commands11:18
webmindsuprchris, using them11:18
NET||abusesuprchris, practive11:18
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NET||abusepractice *11:18
CrippsFXsuprchris, practice. use it a lot, try to do "new and interesting" things.11:18
webmindand reading lost manpages :)11:18
njansuprchris, up, practice is pretty much it. Which OS are you used to?11:18
NET||abusesuprchris, also, bash scripting, and other styles of scripting help alot11:19
njansuprchris, well, windows is the same11:19
suprchrisyeah but it's all point and click11:19
CrippsFXlol ... I only started reading manpages more this past year ... I sort of used howtos and stuff to get all the commands in here *taps head*11:19
njansuprchris, there are all sorts of commands in windows that it takes a while to get used to, and in windows the syntax changes from program to program :)11:19
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davvykcan anyone think of a reason y my ubuntu cd doesnt seem to have a option to boot from the cd as opposed to the hd11:19
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njansuprchris, in linux the syntax is consistent and you have man pages. Man pages rock. :)11:19
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webmindCrippsFX, well I only use them to learn more about a command I already know11:19
=== CrippsFX loves man pages
suprchristhe weirdest thing i had to get used to is the file system11:19
snoopsdavvyk you can get a bootable grub cd11:19
NET||abusedavvyk, that won't be the cd.. that'll be your boot order settings in bios11:19
CrippsFXwebmind, same.11:20
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CrippsFXsuprchris, yeah, but once you get used to it, you realize how logical it is.11:20
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=== webmind loves the command line.. it's so much more direct
webmindand clear.. imho11:20
NET||abusesuprchris, it's actually remarkably simple idea... way more logical than assigning something so limited as drive letter11:20
davvykoh no the disc boots up to the ubuntu menu but it doesnt have a option to just boot live off disc11:20
CrippsFX... unless you're using puppylinux or a non-standard distro ... then you take one look at "ls /" and got WTF?11:20
suprchrisoh how do i change the boot order in grub so that windows comes up first11:21
snoopsshould be the first option davvyk11:21
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suprchrisi just use it more that's why i ask11:21
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suprchrisfor now11:21
NET||abusesuprchris, boot order in grub.. or drive boot order?11:21
webmindNET||abuse, well atleast it's more close to the truth11:21
snoopssuprchris you'll want to edit your /boot/menu.lst11:21
snoopserr /boot/grub/menu.lst11:21
davvykthat just tried to install. hmmm il have to investigate11:21
suprchrisas it stands ubuntu is the first choice and it auto boots11:21
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NET||abuseah yeh, then the menu.lst file11:21
suprchrisafter like ten secs11:22
NET||abusejust change the line that says default 0 to default 4 or something11:22
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Frogzoosuprchris: the options are self obvious11:22
NET||abusethen it'll have windows highlighted in grub instead of your default kernel.11:22
emanuelezhow do i uninstall and reinstall firefox?11:22
suprchrisk i'll look the next time11:22
NET||abusesudo apt-get remove firefox11:22
Frogzoosuprchris: change the options you like, & run 'sudo update-grub'11:22
CrippsFXand make sure that you have the "prompt" option enabled in the header of the menu.lst file .... and change timeout to 3.11:22
CrippsFXat least those are my preferences :P11:22
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CrippsFXHallo Tomcat_ , wie geht's ?11:23
Tomcat__Hi CrippsFX.11:23
emanuelezNET||abuse: that will also remove gnome-core and gnome-environment11:24
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snoopssuprchris if you're new to nix, take a look at http://www.secguru.com/files/linux_file_structure.jpg that single image has helped me out more than anything11:24
cyphasewhy are new home directories open to everyone in ubuntu?11:24
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NET||abuseemanuelez, hmm, i don't think it will actually... the dependancies are probably reversed,, so you wold probably have to specify those packages also.11:24
CrippsFXTomcat_, sie sind in Stuttgart, ja?11:24
Matthewvmy hdd is giving a lot of errors (eg manual fsck needed) etc. and a few minutes ago a restart and manual fsck took part of /var with it, what would be my best option11:24
emanuelezNET||abuse: just trying issuing that command and u will see11:25
NET||abusecyphase, they shouldn't be... ;S11:25
cyphasei know11:25
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Tomcat__CrippsFX: correct11:25
cyphasethat's why i'm asking :)11:25
NET||abuseemanuelez, would rather not just now... reading stuff you know :P11:25
FrogzooMatthewv: new hard drive?11:25
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MatthewvFrogzoo, less that a year... probably about 10 months11:26
CrippsFXcool. Alright ... I'll keep it in english, for the sake of everyone else here ;)11:26
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kbhi don't  know pwd for su and while installing it just asked for creating a new user11:26
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FrogzooMatthewv: no, I mean that's maybe an option - a new hard drive11:26
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emanuelezNET||abuse: just don't confirm... anyway it won't work. i'll try to delete the .mozilla dir from my home11:27
MatthewvFrogzoo, what i mean is that now some apps, most notably apt-get, are partly broken, so i can fix it, but its probably going to happen again :( i could reinstall, but that probably wont help in the long run, so you reckon go for a new hard drive?11:27
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CrippsFXkbh, did you read the whole page that I sent you?11:27
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FrogzooMatthewv: you get foobared file systems for 2 reasons - either power failure, or disk going bad (and in extremely rare cases, driver bugs, but this is a very minor possibility)11:28
=== farous [n=farous@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
NET||abusesnoops, that picture is class ;) cheers, i've added that to my knowledge base :)11:28
erdanbloThere are any article similar to XglAti in Ubuntu's Wiki?... this is erased... :(11:28
MatthewvFrogzoo, is there any possibility of getting fsck to mark bad blocks or something like that, and keep going for a while... and is there a way to do a low level hdd check?11:29
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NET||abuseerdanblo, go to #ubuntu-xgl, and the links in the topic are good11:29
FrogzooMatthewv: backup your data, & dl your hd manufacturers disk diagnosis s/w - see if the disk tests ok on r/w (ie data destructive tests) - then either replace the disk or reinstall11:29
lw4xlanyone knopw how to use prelink?11:29
lw4xldoes it work?11:29
snoopsit all makes much more sense to me after studying that image NET||abuse :)11:29
erdanbloNET||abuse,  Thx11:29
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CrippsFXkbh, because if you DID read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo, then you would KNOW why you don't know the root password. Specifically read the section:Going back to a traditional root account11:29
Matthewvk thanks Frogzoo I'll see what i can do11:29
Jaak_anyone know that cool apple tiger rss feed screensaver?11:30
FrogzooMatthewv: k, gl11:30
=== EmxBA [n=emx@as58-ob1.dlp126.bih.net.ba] has joined #ubuntu
=== CrippsFX shakes his head
EmxBAcan anyone help me with notebook sensors11:30
CrippsFX"Hi, I'm not going to read any documents you give me. Will you spoonfeed me please?"11:30
NET||abusesnoops, absolutely... i've always had a rough idea, etc = settings.. var = logs and caches.. and some chroot stuff../bin /boot are all self explanistory..but things like /opt.. and all the subdir breakdowns... NICE11:30
EmxBAi have notebook, few years ago i've seen temperature 58 celsius in windows :D11:31
FrogzooEmxBA: I doubt it - sensors seem largely borked on dapper11:31
EmxBACPU temperature11:31
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Jaak_no one know that cool apple tiger rss feed screensaver?11:31
CrippsFXNET||abuse, /var also holds servers.11:31
FrogzooEmxBA: 58C is nothing !11:31
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CrippsFXmy processor is running at 55C right now ...11:31
farousCrippsFX: are you running amd11:32
CrippsFXfarous, yeah.11:32
snoopssocket a?11:32
farousand you can install gkrellm worked here perfectly or ksensors if you run kde11:32
EmxBAand on linux, every distro says that it is always 7511:32
EmxBAwhat's the problem11:32
EmxBAi am running celeron :D11:33
calexhi all, im running ubuntu in a vmware session from xp, i need to install the vmware tools, i have a tar file and rpm file, but cant get it to install, i installed alien and build essential from synaptic but ./configure says file not found11:33
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CrippsFXEmxBA, ewwww11:33
farousCrippsFX: they run hot and lol they are driving them hard in linux ;) you should take care of your car not to run it to the ground11:33
EmxBAit looks like my cpu sensors do not work on any Unix11:33
NET||abuseARRRGG,, what's the easy argument to glxgears that gets you fps print out/11:33
EmxBAjust on windows11:33
MatthewvNET||abuse, --print-fps11:33
EmxBAbut HDD temperature is ok11:33
CrippsFXfarous, yeah ... I switched back to 32 bit so that I wouldn't kill my proc. :P11:33
void^48 hddtemp? C?11:34
NET||abuseMatthewv, doesn't work11:34
CrippsFXfarous, my Celeron was even worse! regular temp of 65 - 68 C11:34
snoopsuhh a hdd SHOULD NOT be 48C11:34
rixxonwhy is it, the right password logs you in instantly, the wrong one takes several seconds to be verified as wrong?11:34
void^EmxBA: that's unhealthy for your data. very unhealthy.11:34
Bazzianything below or equal to 70C is fine11:34
farousCrippsFX: there was a package that will reduce control the freq of your pc. it is normally set to agressive other setting helped forgot the package name though. perhaps powernd am not sure11:34
Bazzi(for CPU)11:35
EmxBAthis is what i've seen on windows: hdd 46-50, cpu 58, motherboard 4211:35
EmxBAis that ok11:35
Bazzihdd could be cooler11:35
CrippsFXfarous, mine's set to "userspace" ... 800MHz11:35
MatthewvNET||abuse, there is a nother option, but i cant remember it.. it basically is something like i accept this is not a benchmark11:35
void^hdd is either incorrect or critical11:35
snoopsmotherboard sounds too hot, and hdd's should be a lot cooler11:35
snoopsI freak out when they're 30C11:35
EmxBAhdd is correct11:35
lw4xlanyone know of a xubuntu site that will help me improve it?11:35
EmxBAwhen i start my pc it is 26 celsius11:35
EmxBAand now it is 4611:35
snoopsfans..buy fans11:35
CrippsFXfarous, it does make sense that it's warmer though ... it *is* a laptop .. everything is close together.11:35
void^EmxBA: add a fan. do it now.11:35
MatthewvNET||abuse, glxgears --this-is-not-a-benchmark11:35
farousCrippsFX: amd run hot it is natural and a prob too11:36
EmxBAthis is a laptop, void11:36
ubotuEmxBA: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:36
NET||abuseMatthewv, yeh, that's the one i can half remember.. but i know there's a si mple version11:36
void^EmxBA: ouch.11:36
EmxBAdo you know a good webiste about linux sensors :D11:36
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MatthewvNET||abuse, -printfps11:36
CrippsFXfarous, yeah, it is. When  have money (i.e. in 3 years) imma buy a centrino laptop ... quad core if they have them by then.11:36
farousmine hover around 55 -60 if low load 4511:36
MatthewvNET||abuse, sry, it wasnt' -- it was -11:36
CrippsFXEmxBA, google lmsensors11:36
EmxBAfor laptops :D11:36
NET||abusethat's it!!111:36
NET||abusebloody hell.11:37
CrippsFXNET||abuse, what?11:37
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calexhi all, im running ubuntu in a vmware session from xp, i need to install the vmware tools, i have a tar file and rpm file, but cant get it to install, i installed alien and build essential from synaptic but when i go to extracted tar in terminal and run ./configure says file not found11:37
NET||abuse:P lol so easyl... 700fps steady on my crappy little radion11:37
farousCrippsFX: lol i brought mine to the ground so already have a replacement centrino now. gave the amd to wife11:37
Matthewvhow do i find a drive model without restarting and watching post?11:37
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CrippsFXcalex, build the tar file. run "tar -xzvf <file>.tar.gz" and then read the README or the INSTALL file that gets extracted.11:38
NET||abusean7yway,,, here i go to crash my machine with another xgl attempt11:38
calexcool crippsfx ill give it a shot11:38
CrippsFXfarous, yeah ... I drove my last lappy (celeron) into the ground ... only took me 3 years ... by the time I can afford another this one will be toast.,11:38
farousNET||abuse: it is not worth it11:38
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NET||abusefarous, i just want to see it once11:38
CrippsFXcalex, no problem :)11:39
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farousNET||abuse: good luck11:39
NET||abusefarous, :) lol11:39
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ome_Anyone want to help me get flash working in ubuntu?11:39
CrippsFX!tell ome_ about flash11:39
farousome_: i downloaded the installer from adobe website11:40
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ome_I downloaded it. Manually put plugins in firefox folder. Wont work, I think its because im using Ubuntu Amd6411:40
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CrippsFXome_, yeah, that piece of information would have helped. there is no flash plugin available for x86_6411:41
CrippsFXome_, there *are* howtos on running 32 bit firefox using chroot, and using the 32 bit plugin with that.11:41
ome_Should I get the non 64 ubuntu?11:41
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drumlineome_: do you have a 32 bit processor?11:42
CrippsFXome_, depends what you need out of a linux system.11:42
idoru_what do i need to apt-get for getting flash to work in firefox? the guide at ubuntu says flash nonfree but that isn't in the repository, and liblfash-mozplugin crashes firefox11:42
ome_I got a Athlon FX5511:42
CrippsFXdrumline, amd64 also runs in 32 bit mode11:42
ome_yah my windows is 32 bit, works fine11:42
suprchrishey, cripps thanks for that image11:42
KenSentMeI'm using this howto to configure lm-sensors (http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2780), but it says to run a script in the lm-sensors source. Where can i find the source?11:42
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drumlineCrippsFX: I know, but there's no reason to continue with old technology...   The idea is to push it ahead to 64bit11:42
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ome_I hear you drumline.11:43
drumlineif you have a 64 bit processor...  If you have a 32 bit processor, by all means, use 32  :)11:43
CrippsFXsuprchris, image?11:43
ome_I wanna push the 64. Hard goin without flash though11:43
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suprchrisof the file sys layout11:43
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BazziI use 32 bit even though I have a 64 bit CPU, it's just less hassle11:43
void^KenSentMe: do you mean the "script pasted below"?11:43
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CrippsFXome_, google "chroot +mozilla flash +amd64" ... you *should* find some how tos11:44
Bazziome_: consider waiting for flash 9 before switching to 64 bit then11:44
Sonderbladeif i use dapper, shouldn't i get daily updates?11:44
ome_This is my first time even touching anything linux related and i must say im loving it and the whole scene11:44
CrippsFXsuprchris, forgive me, but I still don't remember.11:44
EtoYaneed help with desktop install - cannot see the dialog buttons due to wide screen11:44
CrippsFXome_, congratulations. :)11:44
FrogzooSonderblade: yes, if you configure synaptic that way11:44
CrippsFXome_, the more you use it, the better you love it ;)11:44
=== Warbo [n=chris@host81-156-114-170.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
SonderbladeFrogzoo: i have, but i didnt get any updates today11:45
ome_yah i feel in control again11:45
ome_windows seems so suspicous and out of control11:45
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CrippsFXsuprchris, I don't think that was me ... but it *is* a nice diagram ... I think I'll keep a copy ;)11:45
suprchrisoh well11:45
EtoYacan you please help me with the dapper install question?11:46
ome_hey ive gotten a couple chroot messages from you guys. Where do i type those lines?11:46
suprchrisyou're welcome then11:46
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FrogzooSonderblade: well there aren't new releases every day11:46
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teclishello, does anybody know how to open a MS-PowerPoint-Presentation with version below Powerpoint 97 with OpenOffice?11:46
ome_chroot +mozilla flash +amd6411:46
EtoYabueller, bueller, anyone?11:47
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ome_How do i get world of warcraft to work?11:47
=== meta [n=meta@203-214-124-42.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuTo run WoW properly, Wine needs to be built with a patch, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WorldofWarcraft and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BuildingWineFromSource. A deb is available but for Dapper only, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Wine11:47
suprchrisCrippsFx: btw, I still can't access the drive/partition,  tis no big deal, at least i know what it is now11:47
ome_wow you can wow with wine11:48
=== exmethix [n=exmethix@pD9E562B3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
jessy_youpi vacances !11:48
Bazziome_: wine has made great progress recently. you won't believe how many things work out of the box with wine atm11:48
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Frogzooome_: it's brilliant - try it, you'll like it11:48
ome_wow man that sounds great11:48
ome_I would so love to ditch windows11:48
exmethixhallo @ all!11:48
WarboCan anyone help me sort out an ubuntulooks theme I'm making? (PM me to avoid filling the channel)11:48
exmethixis there a german here11:48
Peciskcan anyone expierenced sudden problems with CD burning11:49
Frogzooome_: oh noes - bill will be so disappointed :-(11:49
Bazziome_: do you dual boot? or using vmware?11:49
ome_I tried getting wine through repositorys the other day. Kept gettin 404 on the apt11:49
Warboome_: One "problem" with WINE is that M$ have started putting detectors for it in their update services!11:49
Bazziome_: theres one especially for dapper, deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt dapper main11:50
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Warboome_: Although I have managed to run the "alternative" method for their Windows Genuine Advantage software11:50
ome_ So whats the problem if windows has wine detectors. Wouldnt you be using wine in linux?11:50
snoopsWarbo really? Bloody hell ms are bastards.11:50
ome_What do you need windows update in linux for?11:51
idoru_what is the packname for flash?11:51
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Warboome_: If you are using IE, M$ Office, etc and you need the security updates (there WILL be security flaws :))11:51
CrippsFXidoru_, apt-cache search flash11:51
idoru_flashplugin-nonfree doesn't work as stated on the wiki11:51
idoru_CrippsFX: already did that, libflash-mozplugin crashed my firefox11:51
BazziWarbo: as long as they only harm the wine'd system ;-)11:51
ome_yah i use firefox11:52
ome_but i hear you11:52
NgWarbo: you can download pretty much all MS updates without using windows update11:52
FrogzooWarbo: so why isn't this anti trust? if you choose to run office etc. on wine, that's the user's choice, no?11:52
ome_fortunately i dont use those apps11:52
internathas anyone had the problem of nothing being able to listen, ie i run nc - l 8080 and it says its fine, but trying to connect to 8080 on localhost or by ip, or from another computer gets connection denied11:52
WarboFrogzoo: I think the WINE developers are gradually beating the detectors, while ms are improving them. I know there are supposed legal issues, so WINE has got themselves some Free Software legal reprisentatives11:53
Nginternat: you probably want nc -l -p 808011:53
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ome_Hey Bazzi, Im still a little confused on all the download options. Could you get me a specific dapper wine release link for my amd64.   I have 2 diffrent drives i used to switch in bios to choose boot. Since i Installed ubuntu theres a little boot selector now11:54
FrogzooWarbo: methinks redmond must be starting to take wine seriously then...11:54
Bazziome_: I take it you are not familiar yet with sources.list?11:54
ome_been 2 days since i first seen linux. I just figured out what all the super user stuff is about and how to get my rez working in xserver-org but thats about all i know11:55
WarboNg: It is easy to get around most of their protections. For example, if you want some software from microsoft.com which needs you to complete a WGA (Windows Genuine Advantage) test, then either a) Run the "alternative" method, which works in WINE, or b) Search on Google and you will find the page which would come up after the check has completed11:56
Frogzoo!tell ome_ about docs11:56
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dooglusWindows Update isn't a free service - it's only available for people with Windows licenses.11:57
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NET||abusegot a real simple problem with a http proxy server and apt ... have my network a little gateway with a simple proxy in series..11:57
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Bazziome_: hehe, well then there's a few things you should know11:57
dooglusif you're using Wine, and don't have a Windows license, you're not allowed to use Windows Update11:57
xinelhey everyone, does anybody know where i can download the daily releases of dapper? ive got an intel 3945 network card and have been reading through the forums and ppl said it works with dapper 7 and the older kernel11:57
CrippsFXdooglus, and neither is microsoft office update ... it's open for people who hold valid office licences ... and it should be regardless of what OS they're using.11:57
NET||abusenow you need to enter a user/pass from the windows domain to get out.. normally this seems to work fine... but when you us apt and there's http based debs.. i'm hitting a problem.11:57
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ome_i know a little on how to use terminal to and alt-cntrl-f111:57
Frogzoodooglus: for real? if you buy office, you don't get updates without a windows licence? curious....11:57
dooglusxinel: that's dapper *alpha* 7.  dapper final has been released (1st June) now11:58
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Bazziome_: first software rule is to only install software from within the package manager, if possible. so you have to let the package manager know some extra sources11:58
NET||abuseit says 407 Proxy Authentication Required..11:58
dooglusFrogzoo: not Windows Updates11:58
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NET||abusehow can i set it to authenticate on the proxy when i use apt...11:58
Bazziome_: thats what the /etc/apt/sources.list file is for11:58
CrippsFXdooglus, there are separate windows update and office updates11:58
xineldooglus, i have the final release, but i still can't get networking to work11:58
Warbodooglus: There is a fine line between what is free (as in beer) microsoft software and what isn't. For example, is media player free because you can download it, or is it part of 99 windows OS?11:58
Frogzoodooglus: that's serious monopolistic anti trust abuse m811:58
Bassettswow, dooglus is a busy guy11:58
ome_ok ive installed a couple things in terminal and tried some others without success.. How do i open up extra sources?11:59
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dooglusBassetts: heh, I'm not.  you think I'm gonna *read* all that? ;)11:59
Bazziome_: use "gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"11:59
ome_ok how do i use source.list?11:59
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Warboome_: To add sources you can do it in Synaptic or edit the file /etc/apt/soures.list11:59
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NET||abusecan anyone help me authenticate on my proxy for apt ??11:59
victor__server localhost11:59
BassettsWarbo: like you can download internet explorer for *free*, but the EULA says you have to own a windows license11:59
Bazziome_: add the line "deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt dapper main" to it11:59
wahjavahi channel11:59
NET||abusei run elinks and it's auth'd ok and mozilla,, but apt won't authenticate??11:59
dooglusNET||abuse: just a moment...11:59
ome_gonna run that line, br12:00
WarboBassetts: Well, I've read the XP home edition licence, but that took about 6 weeks, so I can never be bothered to read any more :)12:00
wahjavaCan anybody help me setup my scanner on Ubuntu Breezy12:00
BassettsWarbo: i have never read any, I just read people complaining about it on the internet12:00
wahjavait is HPLJ3050 Multifunctional Device12:00
BassettsWarbo: I only trust the complaints if they back them up, and this guy quoted the paragraph that said it12:00
dooglusNET||abuse: you do it in apt.conf - see "man apt.conf" for the gory details.  are you good with man pages?12:00
ome_got rejected  when using this gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list12:01
NET||abusedooglus, ahh, yeh, just getting to where it needs to be set is the trick,,, man is fine once you know what ot man12:01
ome_none of the protocols supported12:01
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WarboBassetts: Well I was reading it side-by-side with a "human-readable" version which condensed every 3 paragraphs into about one line12:01
wahjavasane-find-scanner detects USB scanner12:02
cromoIs direct rendering with r300 series ATI disabled by default? I get  unable to find driver: r300_dri.so error with LIBGL_DEBUG=1 glxinfo12:02
dooglusNET||abuse: even better, just put this line into ~/.xprofile:12:02
ome_GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:12:02
ome_Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.12:02
dooglusNET||abuse: export http_proxy=http://username:password@hostname:port/12:02
NET||abusedooglus, well it's only when i'm in work,,, i have to turn this off once i'm at home.12:02
BassettsWarbo: Licenses are stupid neway, "you and/or any other person nearby may not jump up and down, left to right, or any other direction while in use of *product name*"12:02
WarboIs anyone here familiar with the workings of the ubuntulooks gtk engine? I can't get the scrollbars right12:02
dooglusNET||abuse: with correct values for those 4 strings12:02
Bazziome_: but you started it in console?12:02
KenSentMeAnyone got the gdesklets for lm-sensors running? I've installed lm-sensors and when i run sensors i can see results, but the gdesklets show nothing.12:02
ome_i looged in to root then typed that12:02
KenSentMevoid^: btw, didn't see your answer earlier, but the configuration worked12:03
ome_i used terminal and first i typed su12:03
dooglusNET||abuse: ok, so do something like:  if [[ $location == work ] ] ; export ...; fi12:03
Bazziuh, for gksu you must be in gui mode12:03
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dooglusNET||abuse: and set $location based on IP address, or however else you can tell12:03
Bazziooo no12:03
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WarboBassetts: What annoys me is stuff like "You, your family, friends, pets, aquaintances, employers, employees or any other persons" If they include "any other persons" why don't they ONLY include that?12:03
Bazziuse it from your normal user in gui mode :)12:03
dooglusNET||abuse: can you send private messages?12:03
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BassettsWarbo: What annoys me is the whole damn license =P12:04
WarboBassetts: :)12:04
BassettsWarbo: after reading it you WANT to break it, to get out of the boredom12:04
cromoanyone can please tell me if the direct rendering has been removed from freedesktop's ati driver in dapper?12:05
ome_same thing happened bazzi12:05
WarboBassetts: If you read it and understand it then you find yourself looking for loopholes :)12:05
ome_you mean in terminal right?12:05
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ome_yah same message12:05
farouscromo: i have direct rendering here on my ati card12:05
farouscromo: free drivers radeon12:05
BassettsWarbo: lol, dont tempt me =P12:06
Bazzitry sudo instead of gksu12:06
Frogzoobesides, just because you're running wine, doesn't actually mean you don't have a valid doze license - it frequently comes bundled *cough* 'free'12:06
cromofarous: I guess you own some older card (r200 series or lower).12:06
Hit3kWhats the program for virtual machines?12:06
farouscromo: yap 960012:06
FrogzooHit3k: qemu/kqemu/xen/vmware12:06
xinelso does anybody know how to get the intel pro 3954 to work in dapper?12:07
FrogzooHit3k: but if you mean a win32 implementation that runs on linux - wine/xover office/cedega12:07
Hit3kFrogzoo, nah i meant vmware i wasnt sure if it was a linux thing or only a windows thing12:07
ome_ok im inside source.list12:07
WarboFrogzoo: I reformatted a basic Wiki page on VMWare and made sure to include a note about windows licenses. From reading the XP home licence I know that you are allowed to install XP on one computer, and install it on another if you remove it from the first, but virtual computers are not mentioned. I don't know whether having a dual-boot system and also installing XP on VMWare in the Ubuntu system would be legal, as they are b12:08
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Bazziome_ so add the line "deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt dapper main" to it at the bottom and save12:08
FrogzooWarbo: read the qemu docs - they seem to think the license covers only 1 install, vms included12:08
BassettsWarbo: i just rang up MS when it complained i used the key too many times, they just gave me a new one...12:09
WarboFrogzoo: I just put "ask the Microsoft corporation whether they would prosecute you" and made sure to put a note underneath that there are no such restrictions when running a Free OS in it :)12:10
FrogzooWarbo: and I doubt m$ would allow multiple vms all running off one license12:10
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FrogzooWarbo: though it might be fun to try :)12:10
BazziWhy should MS allow you that? I license, I install.12:10
KenSentMeWhen i try to configure a temp gdesklets, the configuration menu won't show up. Anyone know why?12:10
BazziFair game.12:10
WarboBazzi: But it says 1 license 1 computer12:10
FrogzooKenSentMe: right click the applet12:11
noiesmoisn't it one license one computer12:11
BazziA VM is another computer.12:11
WarboBazzi: Is it? It would depend on the lawyers :)12:11
Bazziis it said in the license that they mean a hardware piece?12:11
SeveasBazzi, Warbo => #ubuntu-offtopic12:11
KenSentMeFrogzoo: i know, but that doesn't work, i can right click and click configure, but nothing happens. This is only with the lm-sensors gedesklets12:11
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Seveasplease keep this channel for ubuntu support12:11
WarboSeveas: Sorry12:12
BazziSeveas :(12:12
FrogzooBazzi: only in twisted legalese - it's one cpu & only ever executing one copy at a time (while the others are in wait)12:12
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KenSentMeFrogzoo: when lm-sensors wasn't yet configured i could run configuration for the gdesklets12:12
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Bassettswhats the command to run xserver setup?12:12
=== Bassetts always forgets it
SeveasBassetts, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:13
ubotu[xorg]  To reconfigure your X server, type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" in a terminal, or check here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto or here http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-83973.html12:13
ome_added the line12:13
weedarWhen sharing a printer via CUPS does the client also need to have the printer-driver locally?12:13
Bazziome_: run "sudo aptitude update" and "sudo aptitude install wine wine-dev" afterwards. zing, you got the latest wine version :)12:14
Frogzooweedar: nope12:14
ome_wow awesome and easy12:14
Bassettswish photoshop would run in wine =(12:15
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Bassettsinstead i have xp in vmserver just to run photoshop12:15
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Frogzoo!tell Bassetts about appdb12:16
ome_bazzi you get my msg?12:16
BassettsFrogzoo: seen that12:16
Bassettsphotoshop doesnt look like its running anytime soon12:17
Bazzipm? or what? didnt got anything besides <ome_> wow awesome and easy12:17
ome_yah a pm12:17
ome_didnt want to spam error msg in main12:17
Bazzigot no pm =(12:17
FrogzooBassetts: pretty sure there have been versions that ran12:17
ome_Reading package lists... Done12:17
ome_Building dependency tree... Done12:17
ome_Initializing package states... Done12:17
ome_Building tag database... Done12:17
ome_No candidate version found for wine12:17
ome_No candidate version found for wine-dev12:17
ome_No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed.12:17
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ome_0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.12:17
ome_Need to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used.12:17
ome_Writing extended state information... Done12:17
Frogzooome no spam!!!12:17
Bazziargh :(12:17
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Bazziuse the pastebin next time12:18
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ome_whats that?12:18
BassettsFrogzoo: my version doesnt run well12:18
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .12:18
BassettsFrogzoo: i tried it, im happy with a vm =P12:18
xinelso does anybody know how to get the intel pro 3954 to work in dapper?12:18
Nookiehow can i know how much processor force is used at the moment?12:18
Nookiei mean how many procent12:18
FrogzooNookie: top12:19
intelikeyFrogzoo what you reccomending now ? :)12:19
Frogzoointelikey: :p12:19
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Frogzoointelikey: mornit12:19
weedarFrogzoo: the reason I ask is because when I use the Printer-wizard (albeit in KDE..) after I specify the IP-adress of the server and the printer it wants me to pick a driver12:20
ome_how do i use pastebin?12:20
Frogzooome_: look up ^^^12:20
intelikeyome_  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/  <--- go there12:20
NookieFrogzoo: thanx alot12:20
m_0_r_0_ncat /proc/cpuinfo for the cpu. And for the graficcard?12:21
Frogzooweedar: don't know - but it makes no sense for the client to need a printer driver - do you see IPP anywhere?12:21
m_0_r_0_nI would like to know if my system is working with the correct grafic driver12:21
suprchriscripps, i still can't access that drive, is it because it's in ntfs?12:22
intelikeylsmod   compare to   lshw12:22
dooglusome_: or snurl.com/upaste if that's easier to remember12:22
noiesmom_0_r_0_n, check /var/log/Xorg.0.log12:22
Infectocan some one tell me how to add account module to iptables12:22
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Infectoi know how to compile kernele but i`m looking a way to do that withaout this12:23
ome_Im a little lost on the whole pastebin thing. I went to that site and it said enter name and msg so i did then clicked send. not sure what that did12:23
Frogzooome_: then paste the resulting url back here so peeps can find your paste12:23
intelikeyInfecto build the modules and add to /lib/modules/`uname -r`/something12:24
m_0_r_0_nnoiesmo, thanks, it s  a MGA G550 AGP graficcard. How do I get OpenGL work with this graficcard?12:24
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m_0_r_0_nGoogle Earth for Linux messages , that OpenGL is not supported12:25
intelikeyome_ looks like you need to setup apt to use the universe repo12:25
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.12:25
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intelikeyfollow that wiki ^12:25
weedarFrogzoo: It is after I have specified the IP-address and port that I see the Printer. After choosing it I am asked for the driver.12:25
Infectointelikey: thats only posibility ?12:26
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intelikeyInfecto prolly not....  idk12:26
ome_ok an info on that?12:26
noiesmom_0_r_0_n, not sure really but looking at this site there seems to be linux drivers12:26
m_0_r_0_nok, thank you12:26
Infectook thx12:26
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|lostbyte|Any one know how i could get more fonts ?12:28
intelikey|lostbyte| add them12:28
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dr3asanyone that can recommend a console-based cd-ripr?12:28
intelikey|lostbyte| apt-cache search fonts12:28
|lostbyte|I want a spesific one.. its called "clean"12:29
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intelikeyit's in the reops12:29
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Jaak_i keep getting errors trying to install new gnome themes... Can anyone help me, or tell me what packages to install?12:29
burnsJaak: what's the prob?12:30
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intelikeypackaged tho you may need to apt-cache show <blah>12:30
Frogzooweedar: try http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/HOWTO-INDEX/howtos.html12:30
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Frogzoo!tell Jaak_ about themes12:30
grantpHello, need some assistance. At work we have an intranet which works on ASP with some activeX drop down menu's... How can i view these menu's using konquerer or mozilla.12:30
noiesmom_0_r_0_n, http://www.matrox.com/mga/support/drivers/latest/home.cfm12:30
noiesmom_0_r_0_n, hopefully they come with howto nvidia drivers do or maybe someone else knows12:30
m_0_r_0_nwhat about this driver http://www.xig.com/Pages/Summit/CardsChips/Matrox/G550.html12:31
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higenactiveX is very much windows as fare as i know..12:31
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intelikeygrantp i have renamed pages <name>.html to view them  not the best way but it does work.12:31
Frogzoohigen: you can install the mozilla active x controls & install ff under wine12:31
Frogzoohigen: actually, you can run moz active x controls native too12:32
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higenthere goes your answer grantp :)12:32
ome_Ok im at the part where you go into repository and you are supposed to Click the Settings button at the bottom and tick Show disabled software sources. Problem is theres no settings button in repository12:32
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Frogzooome_: click on '6.06 LTS'  & then click 'edit' - then select multiverse/universe checkboxes12:33
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Frogzoograntp: try the mozilla active x controls12:35
intelikeyome_ the gui way eeh....  hmmm i'd sujest  gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list      and uncomment the lines with the repos you want, save and exit.  then sudo apt-get update12:35
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intelikeybut i don't gui anyway, so i always sujest a cli way.12:36
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Internathas anyone had the problem of vlc not being able to listen on any ports? ie i cant start a server12:36
ome_im not sure the repos i want12:36
Frogzoograntp: http://www.iol.ie/~locka/mozilla/mozilla.htm12:36
Bazziome_: universe and multiverse12:36
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.12:37
ru I am trying to upgrade my kernel12:37
rusudo apt-get install linux-686-smp12:37
Bazziome_: follow ubotus link12:37
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rulinux-686-smp is already the newest version.12:37
rubut if I check it doesnt seem to actually be installe12:37
Frogzooru: have you rebooted?12:37
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intelikeyru ls /boot12:37
ruIn the /boot folder I only see "initrd.img-2.6.15-23-686"12:37
Bassettswhats a minimum install hd size for ubuntu when the home folder wont be used12:37
grantpWill check it out Frogzoo, thanks mate!12:37
intelikeyis it there ?12:38
ruI dont see "sudo apt-get install linux-686-smp"12:38
ruI mean I dont see xyz-smp sorry12:38
Frogzoograntp: yw, gl12:38
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intelikey15-23 is latest isn't it ?12:38
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intelikeyru you can  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade       if there is a later version that should pull it in.12:40
nandohi guys... i have a problem on my amd64 with some libs.... maybe somebody can help??12:40
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Bassettswhat is the Examples folder for in home??12:40
ome_what does it mean to uncomment ?12:40
intelikeyome_ remove the   #12:41
Frogzooome_: usually, remove the leading '#'12:41
nandoi just downloaded skype.... and everytime i try to start i geht the following: error while loading shared libraries: libXcursor.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory12:41
ome_ok because im not seeing that on anything other then messages12:41
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nandobut this lib is installed in /usr/lib  ...12:41
intelikeyno  # deb blah12:41
ChefWillFOX NEWS ALERT: Women Attacks Couple w/ Pooper Scooper12:42
brrrthow can i remove unused "network-server-connections" from my menu ??12:42
Ulfalizerome_: languages often have constructs for including comments in codet. in this case, a comment is marked with a12:42
ome_for instance http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d1564512:42
Ulfalizerops, premature return12:42
ome_I dont see those on any command lines though12:42
Ulfalizerome_: ..with a #. a common method to "disable" i piece of code is to make it into a comment. "uncommenting" simple means "activating" the code again by removing the comment marker.12:42
Ulfalizer*a piece12:43
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ome_I hear you ulf12:43
ome_Where im confused it no command lines apear to have #12:43
intelikeyome_ pastebin the whole file12:43
Frogzooome_: click on '6.06 LTS'  & then click 'edit' - then select multiverse/universe checkboxes12:44
BassettsIn a virtual machine, is the set amount of RAM used constantly for a running machine, or does it use as much as it needs up to the limit?12:44
intelikeyFrogzoo if they are not commented out there wont be a selection will there ?12:44
ome_hey frog i tried that earlier but that advice dosnt follow through in practice on my gui12:45
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Frogzoointelikey: for LTS 6.06 there is - it must be built into synaptic12:45
jimmy89what program do you recommened i use to console into cisco routers?12:45
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Frogzoojimmy89: telnet :)12:45
ome_there is no multiverse/universe when after edit12:45
Frogzoojimmy89: or ssh if supported12:45
intelikeyome_ the looks ok.12:46
BassettsFrogzoo: do you know about VMs??12:46
ome_my sources.list looks ok ?12:46
intelikeywhat you pasted is ok.12:46
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ome_then back to the the original paste12:46
Bassettsome_: i added multiverse and universe and only universe worked for me until someone posted their sources.list for me12:46
intelikeyome_ just do the   sudo apt-get update12:46
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ome_aye aye cap12:47
Bassettsome_: want me to paste my sources.list for you??12:47
ome_no thanks basset intelikely says mine is a go12:47
intelikeyBassetts did you look at his ?12:47
Bassettsintelikey: yes =)12:47
Frogzooome_: Ubuntu LTS 6.06 (binary)12:48
Bassettsintelikey: im not that silly now, plus it was someone from here12:48
rolfericNormally I don't have any problems with Ubuntu on my machine. But since the upgrade via synaptic to LTS my wireless network card and sound card in my laptop wont work with the new kernel, to get the machine working I logon with my old kernel and need to set things up again manuely!12:48
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jimmy89frogzoo: does telnet connect to a router via com1?12:49
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ome_Ok guys the plot thickins. I just ran sudo apt-get update heres what i got http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d1564712:49
Frogzoojimmy89: no - for that you need a serial terminal - like ckermit or minicom12:49
Bassettsintelikey: http://rafb.net/paste/results/nqQyIi79.html12:50
FrogzooBassetts: easy answer, try it & see what top says12:50
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orbinome_: exactly what it says. that wine repos is 40412:50
FrogzooBassetts: from bash12:50
jimmy89do they have a nice gui that i can run from gnome?12:50
ome_what does that mean orbin?12:50
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Frogzoojimmy89: nope - strictly cli12:51
ome_cant connect ?12:51
Bassettsjust didnt seem, look, or sound like a command Frogzoo =P12:51
jimmy89are there any that exist?12:51
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orbinome_: yep12:51
orbinome_: why do you have it in there?12:51
Frogzoojimmy89: a gui serial terminal emulator? o.O12:51
BassettsFrogzoo: which colums shows amount of RAM being used??12:51
ome_have what where?12:52
jimmy89well what i mean is12:52
NgBassetts: the RES one12:52
FrogzooBassetts: hit 'M' to sort by memuse12:52
brosioanyone that has firefox and nvidia driver could open this link without mozilla crash ? http://www.securityfocus.com/data/vulnerabilities/exploits/sendtest.c12:52
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jimmy89just like a shell i can have open whislt running gnome12:52
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|lostbyte|how do i install a ttf font ?12:52
brosioanyone that has firefox and nvidia driver could open this link without mozilla crash ? http://www.securityfocus.com/data/vulnerabilities/exploits/sendtest.c i get a crash of X12:52
ubuntunewbieI'm a complete linux (ubuntu newbie), could anyone help me for a sec?12:52
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kieranDOAWhats up?12:52
Ng|lostbyte|: copy it to ~/.fonts/12:52
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Bassetts=( seems to be using all 512mb at once12:53
TigerWolfubuntunewbie: Just ask your question12:53
Ng|lostbyte|: (you may need to create that directory)12:53
orbinome_: you have http://wine.budgetdedicated.com listed as a repository for packages... apt can't connect to it.12:53
ubuntunewbiewell, i had some trouble mounting hd's, so now I just unmounted them all and wanted to start over12:53
intelikeyfolks i got to go fix an ellection.12:53
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ubuntunewbiebut now if I open "places - computer" it is still full with stuff12:53
ubuntunewbieis there any way to delete the disks I see there?12:53
|lostbyte|Ng, thats it ?12:53
jimmy89with minicom, how do i tell it to connect via com1 for example?12:53
jimmy89and how do i set the seed12:53
rolfericIs it know that the new TSL look at hardware much diffrent then before, especially wifi and sound?12:53
ome_so what do i do?12:53
orbinome_: gksudo 'gedit /etc/apt/sources.list' ... then either comment or remove the line for that url12:53
brosioanyine could help ?12:54
orbinome_: then run update again12:54
uboturumour has it, windowsdrives is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions or see http://tinyurl.com/bly9f12:54
Ng|lostbyte|: should be, yep12:54
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haydenare the divx/xvid codecs supported under w32codecs?12:54
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TigerWolfhayden: I think they are seperate12:54
Sonderbladein ubuntu, how do you change from dhcp ip to static ip?12:55
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, TigerWolf12:55
ubotusomebody said restricted was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats. This page's intent is to enable you to play most non-free media formats that are not DRM encoded. Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats.12:55
orbinTigerWolf: /msg ubotu please12:55
ome_hey orbin i think thats the line bazzi told me to add there earlier12:55
KenSentMeAnyone got the gdesklets for lm-sensors running? I've installed lm-sensors and when i run sensors i can see results, but the gdesklets show nothing. When i try to configure a temp gdesklets, the configuration menu won't show up. Anyone know why?12:55
ome_remove this? deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt dapper main12:55
TigerWolforbin - yea ill use !tell - sorry12:55
orbinome_: i just joined 5 mins ago...why'd he tell you to add it?12:55
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orbinTigerWolf: thanks12:56
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ome_he told me like a 3 step install wine method12:56
farousKenSentMe: i have it running here give me a min12:56
ome_unfortunately there was many problems and kinda been goin in circles since12:56
jimmy89the real question i have is i am using network-manager, how can i set my wep key, to be stored in key#2, do you guys have any idea?12:56
Bazziome_: just enable universe through synaptic12:56
Bazziit's simple as that :)12:56
KenSentMefarous: ok12:56
ubuntunewbiehmm, anyone up for a private chat about mounting drives or clearing up "places -> computer"?12:57
farousKenSentMe: right click on gkrellm and just configur sensors under builtins12:57
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ome_ok im lost now, gonna go have a smoke break12:57
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ubuntunewbieor is private chat not possible here? i dunno12:57
BassettsFrgoz: is there a graphical top?? the terminal version confuses me alot =P12:57
Bassettsunless i can make them stop moving around *Frogzoo12:57
|lostbyte|Ng, Should i restart X server ?12:58
farousBassetts: i think gnome sys monitor if you run gnome have your ans12:58
hastesaverubuntunewbie, not recommended. Ask in the channel; more people can help you.12:59
KenSentMefarous: that works, but i was using the desklets and not the gkrellm12:59
KenSentMefarous: and the gdesklets don't work12:59
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Bassettsfarous: in sys monitor, is "resident memory" the mem used?12:59
ubuntunewbieah okay12:59
farousKenSentMe: not all the gdesklets worked for me just search through them12:59
farousKenSentMe: sorry that is what i did12:59
farousBassetts: lol i use top not sys monitor :)01:00
KenSentMefarous: ok, i'll try other01:00
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ubuntunewbieif I go to "places -> computer" i see a lot of icons (share, temp, windows, 11,3 Gb-volumen) but I can't access them, nor delete them01:00
ubuntunewbiehow do I delete them?01:00
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farousubuntunewbie: you unmount them not delete them01:02
drummer87hi, how can i set different wallpapers on each desktop in Gnome?01:02
farousubuntunewbie: and they do nto take anyspace so why you want to remove them01:02
ubuntunewbieI have unmounted all of them through "system - admin - disks"01:02
farousdrummer87: that is not easy as kde01:02
|lostbyte|Ng, Why are there so little fonts for konsole ?01:02
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|lostbyte|anyone ?01:02
ubuntunewbiewell, I want to have only the icons there which are actually linked to a drive01:02
drummer87farous: yeah.. i realised that, was wondering what app i can use, or which is best, etc.01:02
farousdrummer87: it can be done but it id not designed to do that.01:02
ome_Anyone want to help me figure out why wine wont install?01:02
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ubuntunewbienow there are a lot of disks shown, but none works...01:03
farousdrummer87: frankly too much trouble01:03
ubuntunewbiei guess it's a bit difficult to understand what i mean01:03
farousubuntunewbie: you needed just to double click on them01:03
hastesaverubuntunewbie, how did you end up with them in the first place?01:03
ubuntunewbiehmm, well i made a  bit of a mess partitioning and deleting partitions01:04
ome_orbin, bazze, intelikely?01:04
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Bazziome_, dude, just enable universe ;-)01:04
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ome_i been tryin01:04
Bazzi!tell ome_ about repos01:04
ome_the tutorials dont work01:05
jimmy89anybody know if its possible to enter a wep key#2 in network-manager?01:05
jimmy89anybody know if its possible to enter a wep key#2 in network-manager?01:05
jimmy89sry, for the double line01:05
ome_I tried that bazzi,, dosnt match my gui01:05
jimmy89hit up arrow by mistake01:05
farous!tell ome_ about easysource !tell ome aobut repos01:05
ubuntunewbiei'm trying https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountPartitions?action=show&redirect=AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions#head-6036dacc4d033cfb40c0c3f3840439535508ed93 now01:05
Bazziome_: should do though, weird01:05
farous!tell ome_ about easysource01:05
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orbinome_: yeah, don't know why it's 404ing for you.  i just accessed it in firefox01:06
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KenSentMefarous: i've tried all the gdesklets and none of them work. I even can't configure them.01:06
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farousKenSentMe: i remeber i got my gdesklets package from the gdesklets site01:06
farousperhaps a newer ver is better01:06
ome_hmm must be my route, possibly isp01:06
KenSentMefarous: gonna try01:06
farousKenSentMe: warn you though they are problamatic gkrellm is much better01:07
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ome_is there an alternative?01:07
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Terminusdoesn't apt-get install openssh-server also create an sshd user?01:08
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MrFaber_hi all01:08
shriphaniogra ?01:08
MrFaber_Does anyone have experiences with vnc under amd64 ubuntu?01:08
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MrFaber_It doesn't work for me01:08
Terminusjust asking coz sshd won't start01:08
hastesaverubuntunewbie, one way (use at your own risk) is to first backup your /etc/fstab, and then edit it to remove all the lines corresponding to nonexistent partitions. But be very careful, it could destroy your computer :)01:08
orbinome_: try this in a terminal: ping wine.budgetdedicated.com01:09
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hastesaverTerminus, what do you mean by sshd user? As soon as you install openssh-server, sshd should be running. Are you sure it isn't?01:09
shriphaniorbin can i use the dapper install cd to upgrade ?01:09
orbinshriphani: yep01:09
Terminushastesaver: it won't start because Privilege separation user sshd does not exist01:09
shriphaniok so do i put it in directly when breezy is running ?01:09
Terminushastesaver: shouldn't the install scripts take care of that?01:10
orbinshriphani: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades01:10
suprchriswill a partition formatted in ntfs say that you don't have the proper permissions within linux?01:10
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ome_ping seems to be working fine orbin01:10
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hastesaverTerminus, um sorry, I don't even know what "Privilege separation user sshd" means :) I installed the ssh package, and it was running, for me.01:11
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MrFaber_Is there anywhere amd64 ubuntu support?01:11
Terminushastesaver: it means that the sshd user doesn't exist. it needs that coz sshd should not be running as root. anyway, i guess i'll just try to reinstall. :)01:11
orbinome_: pastebin your sources.list file pls01:11
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ome_k sec01:11
KenSentMefarous: gdesklets in ubuntu is the latest version, and the lm sensors gdesklets are from 200401:12
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suprchrisI have a partition that says only root has permission to view, i've used chmod but it didn't work. any suggestions?01:12
farousKenSentMe: i do not know just told you what worked for me01:12
cafuegosuprchris: ntfs? fat32?01:12
NET||abusehmm, fighting away with this xgl setup.. got x-server up and running after turning Load dri back on... was crashing out with messages about  poly request too long01:12
KenSentMefarous: ok, thanx for your help01:12
ubotuto automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions there is no write support for ntfs that is safe. <!winfstab>01:12
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orbinMrFaber_: yes but iirc not everything's available e.g i think there are problems with flash, java etc.01:13
_jasonsuprchris: what filesystem does it use?01:13
NET||abusebut i've got a reall weird behaviour01:13
shriphanii dont have the alternate cd :(01:13
ome_orbin_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d1564901:13
shriphanii just got the dapper installation cd01:13
Terminushastesaver: bah... something must have gone wrong the first time i installed it. now it created the sshd user. :|01:13
NET||abuseall the text and dialog options .. i can't see any text on anything.01:13
suprchriswhen i use chmod it can read it and says it's changing the file permissions but it still doesn't do anything01:13
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hastesaverTerminus, ok, good. As long as it works, fine :)01:13
_jasonsuprchris: k, ubotu's link should help you out01:14
Terminushastesaver: yep. i wonder what went wrong though...01:14
shriphani!dapper upgrades01:14
ubotuSome people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, shriphani01:14
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development verison: (eft when its open)01:14
shriphaniorbin, i dont have the alternate cd :(01:14
MrFaber_orbin: I have no desktop, I have a server, and that vnc doesn't work is a huge problem imho01:15
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ubuntunewbiehastesaver, i edited /etc/fstab so that i have three drives mounted: hdb1 (linux install), hdb3 (swap) and cdrom01:15
orbinome_: ok, i just added that deb line and it update fine...i don't know what's going on to be honest01:16
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ubuntunewbieit's strange because when I go to /media it still shows me hda1, hda2, etc...01:16
hastesaverubuntunewbie, ok, but don't blame me if something goes wrong :)01:16
ome_ok well thanks for tryin01:16
hastesaverubuntunewbie, maybe you need to reboot.01:16
AyabaraI have vmware running a dapper server image. how can I upgrade to full desktop version?01:16
ubuntunewbiehmm, rebooting linux? thought that was never necessary :)01:16
shriphanihastesaver he might just need to unmount01:16
shriphanithat is unmount the drives01:17
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shriphanior the partitions01:17
ligHow do I get autoconf version 2.13 loaded on to my ubuntu box?01:17
orbinMrFaber_: sorry, i'm not a 64 user nor a vnc user....have you had a look at the forums/wiki?01:17
ubuntunewbiei unmounted all but hdb1 and hdb3 via "system - admin - drives"01:17
shriphaniorbin, will the normal cd work in place of the alternate one ?01:17
orbinome_: hmmm, you also had a dpkg lock problem...is synaptic open or something?01:17
hastesaverlig install autoconf2.13 package01:18
shriphanihey wait did you edit /etc/fstab ?01:18
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ubuntunewbiewhen I type 'mount' in shell i also only see hdb101:18
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ome_it isnt now01:18
ubuntunewbieyeah, i edited /etc/fstab01:18
ome_it may have been before01:18
shriphanii guess you need to reboot01:18
ubuntunewbiehard reboot, or only logout-login?01:18
ome_whats the line i type to connect to wine again?01:18
ome_to update it01:19
orbinshriphani: apparently not01:19
lighastesaver, get the error "no such file or directory" - used the command "sudo install autoconf2.13 package01:19
MrFaber_orbin: thx01:19
MrFaber_cu all01:19
Ayabarais there a way to upgrade ubuntu server to ubuntu desktop version?01:19
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ubuntunewbiei'll be right back01:19
mjrAyabara, basically, install the ubuntu-desktop package01:19
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shriphaniorbin so ubuntu isnt offering alternate cds for shipping ?01:19
mjrusing apt-get or synaptic01:19
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Ayabaramjr: thanks!01:19
hastesaverlig sorry, that's not the way you install. Do "sudo apt-get install autoconf2.13", or better, read the http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingSoftware page01:19
mjr(come to think of it, the server edition doesn't necessarily have synaptic, so apt-get it is :)01:20
ligThank you hastesaver01:20
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shriphanibut ogra told me to pop in the cd while breezy was running01:20
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ligExcellant - it's going01:21
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NZhereticIs anybody else finding that firefox is crashing when your using it via remote-X?01:21
kholerabbiAnybody know how to get sound to work in wine?01:21
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ograshriphani, did i ?01:22
shriphaniyes ogra01:22
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shriphaniremember artisan ?01:22
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hastesaverlig BTW, as a general advice -- install everything only through one of the methods on that page; avoid installing from files downloaded from the net as far as possible01:23
NZheretickholerabbi : The easy way is to install the wine-esd module.01:23
ograshriphani, ah, yes01:23
kholerabbiNZheretic: I'll have a look, thanks :)01:23
suprchrishow do you exit man pages01:23
shriphaniso now i am told it wont work01:23
hastesaversuprchris, type 'q'01:23
_jasonsuprchris: q01:23
ome_still gettin the 404 on wine.. and syn isnt open01:23
lighastesaver, understood - but need to build PHP6 from source... unless ya'll have it available through the apt-get :)01:23
suprchrisman, i typed every letter but that one, how ironic01:24
kholerabbiis php6 out?01:24
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ligno - only cvs... very unstable01:24
ograshriphani, if you put in the install CD it will pop up an upgrade dialog01:24
kholerabbiwine-esd ins't in the repositories?01:24
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hastesaverlig, you're right; newer versions take time to be entered into the repos... so that's an exception :)01:25
ome_mayne i should take out the http?01:25
shriphaniunfortunately i havent recieved the install cds yet01:25
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lighastesaver,  :D01:25
shriphanidammit] 01:25
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shriphaniogra, you were telling me about ubuntu stopping shipit01:26
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kholerabbiCOuld someone help me install wine-esd for me winish sound?01:26
orbinome_: you could always just grab them manually: open firefox, go here: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/pool/main/w/wine/  grab all the .deb packages for your distro.  install them using dpkg -i <debfile>01:27
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ograshriphani, i did what ? ubuntu isnt stopping shipit yet, surely not01:27
shriphanioh cool01:27
shriphanithe last time we were talking on edubuntu i had a damned power cut01:27
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chessmanhas anyone tried, or managed, to get XGL/Compiz to work with a window manager other than Gnome or KDE ... like, say, fluxbox?01:29
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NET||abusehmm, i'm up against an odd event in xgl here.. when i start my gnome-session... i get just the weirdest rendering, can't see any text on anything, and most things are just flat colours, no icon details or anything.01:29
dooglusdoes anyone recognise this web browser?  http://s89213869.onlinehome.us/2006-06-13--13-26-44.png01:29
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ubuntunewbiehello again01:29
ubuntunewbiei did something wrong with nvidia drivers, and now ubuntu won't start in graphics mode01:30
NET||abusei can mouse over an dialogs and get drop downs to go down,, but i can't see the menu entries, it's all just flat.01:30
kholerabbiHey could someone help me get sound in wine - how do I get wine esd?01:30
ubuntunewbieand in text mode I do not know how to remedy the problem01:30
ubuntunewbiethere is an x-server error01:30
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NET||abusei'm on the "ati" drivers for radeon mobility 7500 and i followed the xgl compiz standard wiki entry on ubuntu forums01:31
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AnDrEw|hey, i just wondering if ubuntu supports the belkin wireless card?01:31
ZambeziI'll install Ubuntu serverinstall soon, with FVWM. But which x-server should I install?01:31
keddeI'll need to connect to my school via a vpn connection, does anybody know which program I should use?01:31
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orbinZambezi: there's one besides xorg?01:33
orbinubuntunewbie: what did you to cause it?01:34
iNFERNo_TheDestrHi. Is there any way to fix the problems in the DSA with a tool like in gentoo glsa-check ?01:34
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nikkafter update to dapper, i get kernel oops on boot and it seems my network card stopped working. a known problem?01:34
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Zambeziorbin: No, but there are several versions like x-server, x-server-core -dev etc.01:34
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iNFERNo_TheDestror if there is a dedicated Ubuntu Security Advisory and a tool for that. Thank you01:35
kenasi have recently upgraded ubuntu to 6.0601:35
Zambeziorbin: http://packages.ubuntulinux.org/cgi-bin//search_packages.pl?version=dapper&subword=1&exact=&arch=any&releases=all&case=insensitive&keywords=xserver&searchon=names01:35
kenasand samba doesnt work01:35
kenasany help for this ?01:35
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Hoxzer:) there is howto for it at wiki01:36
Hoxzerwhat is problem btw?01:36
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Hoxzerdoes it ask pw that u dunno?01:36
NZhereticHelp. firefox crashes while viewing http://www.real.com/linux/01:37
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IgniteNZheretic, which version of firefox? also, thats probably a bug in firefox and not ubuntu, it loads fine in version
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nikkyou somebody help with this: after update to dapper, i get kernel oops on boot and it seems my network card stopped working. a known problem?01:38
EtheriNZheretic: no problems here. Firefox
nikki mean can somebody..01:38
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AnDrEw|hey i wanna no what wireless card for laptop will work on *nix01:38
RandomDude15guys I Need help01:38
AnDrEw|PRISM2 or sumit?01:39
RandomDude15I cant boot into my kubuntu because I have a file system with errors.01:39
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IgniteNZheretic, try clearing your cache, Tools -> Clear Private Data, tick "cache" then click "Clear Pricate Data Now"01:39
ubuntunewbieI accidentally installed the wrong nvidia drivers and now gnome won't start. i can install nvidia drivers via 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common', right? but do i have to uninstall the current (not-working) drivers first?01:39
ome_hey orbin do i download the non deb files?01:40
orbinome_: you don't need to, no01:40
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Igniteome_, are you the ome from controlthesystem.org?01:41
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ubuntunewbieanyone, please?01:41
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ome_no im the original ome01:41
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ome_never knew another ome01:41
Bassettsis there any linux/open source/ubuntu podcasts?01:41
hastesaverome_, no you're not. You're just ome_ , not ome :p01:41
edney_brasilmorning all!01:41
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ome_name snatchers01:42
Etherimorning edney!01:42
ome_i was the first and only ome01:42
orbinubuntunewbie: which 'wrong ones' did you install?  and how?01:42
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assasukassehi all, does it exist an applet which "searches" wireless in ubuntu? (sort of scan for wireless in winzoze)01:43
Igniteubuntunewbie, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia?highlight=%28nvidia%2901:43
ubuntunewbiei installed the legacy drivers, since i read that for older geforce2 cards i needed them01:43
ome_orbin_: so i type dpkg -i filename.deb01:43
ubuntunewbiebut then I rebooted and gnome wouldn't start01:43
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ubuntunewbieand now I've read somewhere else that my Geforce2 MX (!) is supported by the newer drivers01:43
ubuntui understand there has been some bug fixes since the dapper release already?01:43
ubuntunewbieso I have to switch back01:44
jeicoassasukasse: i think it's nessus. correct me if wrong01:44
orbinome_: yes01:44
orbinome_: need sudo in front01:44
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ubuntunewbieorbin: so I installed them via the package manager01:44
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ome_only the 606 ones?01:44
jeicoor kismet01:45
Igniteassasukasse, i don't know much about wireless but try kismet: http://www.kismetwireless.net/01:45
jeicoright ;)01:45
Ignitedamn, jeico got there before me :P01:45
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orbinubuntunewbie: sudo apt-get removenvidia-glx-legacy01:45
vinboyhow do I check my Xorg version?01:45
orbin*space after remove01:45
ome_hmm errors galore, smoke time01:45
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shriphaninamastey thyagarajan01:46
orbinubuntunewbie: that will uninstall the legacy ones.  then you can grab the normal nvidia-glx package01:46
_jasonvinboy: Xorg -version01:46
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shriphaniahh tamil01:46
xoredwhat app to use for pdf editing ?01:46
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ubuntunewbieorbin: and i can do that via "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common", right?01:46
shriphanixored, use open office01:47
shriphaniit exports to pdf :)01:47
xoredshriphani: nope, got PDF, i need to edit01:47
thyagarajanany php channels?01:47
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shriphanino idea :)01:47
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orbinubuntunewbie: i catually have an ati card.  where are you getting that kernel-common from? the wiki only says you need the glx package01:47
ubuntunewbieorbin: and, I also installed nvidia-settings01:47
Ignitexored, openoffice.org has a pdf export feature if i remember :)01:48
ubuntunewbieorbin: ehmmm, i read it on this site...01:48
orbinubuntunewbie: are you on dapper?01:48
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brett_hey fellas01:48
xoredIgnite: i HAVE pdf and need to EDIT. I dont need to create one :)01:48
thyagarajantry pdf2edit01:48
brett_can someone have a look at my fstab and tell me why my HDD wont mount?01:48
apokryphosbrett_: pastebin it01:49
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apokryphosbrett_: also let us know of the error you're getting01:49
ubuntunewbieorbin, dapper, yes01:49
akappaxored, just buy adobe acrobat standard01:49
ubuntunewbieorbin: i found it here: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper01:49
brett_yeah, i will01:49
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Bassettsis there any linux/open source/ubuntu podcasts?01:49
shriphaniapokryphos, why do i always get these var/lib errors with apt-get ?01:49
lukis there a command to convert a number into hours min sec ?01:49
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luka bash command01:49
Ignitexored, http://applications.linux.com/article.pl?sid=05/01/06/061220901:50
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apokryphosshriphani: you're going to have to be a lot more descriptive01:50
apokryphosshriphani: pastebin?01:50
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ubuntunewbieorbin: i'll just try this and see if it works :)01:50
NET||abuseomfg!!! i gotit!01:50
orbinubuntunewbie: grab those two then....installing nvidia-settings in dapper removes the nvidia-glx package...maybe that's why it failed01:50
NET||abusegot wobbly and stuff workin on an old ati radeon mobility 7500!!01:50
NET||abusedon't seem to have more than one desktop01:51
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orbinubuntunewbie: according to the official wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia01:51
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benyxHi!  i have a little question!...  how i can put a Trash icon on my desktop01:51
IgniteNET||abuse, is that using the unofficial drivers?01:51
NET||abuseusing "ati01:51
ome_orbin_: i only do the 606 ones right?01:51
kholerabbiI have no sound in wine - could someone help me with wine-esd???01:51
brett_apokryphos, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15650. I get an error message with something like "line 9 in fstab is bad" (cant remember the exact error, but its like 9 in fstab01:51
shriphanimalformed line ?01:51
NET||abusehehe, this is a 3 year old compaq Evo N610c01:51
apokryphosbrett_: what does sudo mount -a tell you?01:52
orbinome_: yep01:52
NET||abusethe windows are all mad wobbly01:52
IgniteNET||abuse, do you have any links that i might be able to read? i have a radeon 7000, i never bothered even trying :P01:52
NET||abuseand they fade to greay when i'm not usin em01:52
brett_apokryphos, line 10 in fstab is bad01:52
apokryphosbrett_: "nls=utf8" ?01:52
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shriphaniapokryphos, http://pastebin.com/70629201:52
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=== apokryphos looks
NET||abusethe f12 function works well.. me likey :)01:53
shriphanisorry for the repeating01:53
dempaI'm trying to get bluetooth to work between my desktop & SE T630 after an reinstallation but I get key missmatch everytime tough I have doubled and trippled checked the pin, using pinwrapper, sending files between is ok, the cellphone just doesn't want to add my desktop to "My devices". Any help would be appreciated01:53
ome_orbin_:dpkg: error processing wine_0.9.15~winehq0~ubuntu~6.06-1_i386.deb (--install):01:53
ome_ package architecture (i386) does not match system (amd64)01:53
brett_apokryphos,  I dont know what that is. my friend had a go at mounting it01:53
NET||abuseIgnite.. i just read through all the links on the dapper xgl wiki01:53
_nano_could anyone suggest a nice editor for gnome that has code highlighting and code folding?01:53
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NET||abusei did have some issues which i solved myself01:53
apokryphosshriphani: from what command is that? Also, could you pastebin your sources.list?01:53
_nano_gedit seems to mess up php embedded in html01:53
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orbinome_: oh. you're on a 64 install....01:53
apokryphosbrett_: remove that part then, and remount.01:53
shriphanithe command was sudo apt-get install joe01:54
IgniteNET||abuse, ok thanks01:54
apokryphosbrett_: for a decent guide on mounting NTFS partitions you really should check the FAQ01:54
benyxHi!  i have a little question!...  how i can put a Trash icon on my desktop01:54
clasttvtime and the fglrx driver don't work together (something about missing XV). any suggestions what to do?01:54
apokryphosshriphani: ok, does sudo apt-get update give you errors too?01:54
NET||abuseooh, alt-tab seems to make thing  go kaka01:54
MetaMorfoziScan i download 64bit kubuntu for intel?01:54
ome_yah... Hey orbin what do you consider the best version of ubuntu?01:54
MetaMorfoziSfor 64bit intel?01:54
shriphaniapokryphos, only till the immediate installation is performed01:54
apokryphosMetaMorfoziS: yes01:54
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shriphanithen it goes back to showing the same problems01:54
ome_breezy ? dapper? xubuntu?01:55
orbinome_: what do you mean?  best is what suits the user most imo01:55
apokryphosshriphani: sorry?01:55
cartAnyone is in trouble to install the package mozilla-thunderbird-enigmail after upgrade the thunderbird to ???01:55
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MetaMorfoziSapokryphos: where?01:55
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kholerabbiI have no sound in wine - help!!!01:55
ome_wondering whats the all around best linux os01:55
ic56brett_: what version of Ubuntu are you running?01:55
MetaMorfoziSin the list only 64bit for amd01:55
WhoopieHi, where can I find the the build progress of the dapper-updates packages?01:55
shriphanii mean i do an apt-get update and then i can install w/e i wanr01:55
Frogzooome_: how long is a piece of string?01:55
shriphanibut after the installation it shows the same problems01:55
brett_ic56, 6.0601:55
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ome_248 feet01:56
shriphanithose that i pasted in patebin01:56
apokryphosMetaMorfoziS: "For computers based on the AMD64 or EM64T architecture (e.g., Athlon64, Opteron, EM64T Xeon)."01:56
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MetaMorfoziS^^ that is amd01:56
MetaMorfoziSi need for intel01:56
Whoopiecart: Martin Pitt told me that mozilla-thunderbird-enigmail is already uploaded to dapper-security. Will be there soon.01:56
nikkmy network stopped working after upgrade, what could i do?01:56
ic56the hdd in question is NTFS?01:56
apokryphosshriphani: what's the exact output of sudo apt-get update?01:56
ic56brett_: the hdd in question is NTFS?01:56
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apokryphosMetaMorfoziS: em64t is AMD? No....01:56
cartWhoopie: Hmm, ok, thanks! :)01:56
Frogzoonikk: echo > /etc/iftab & reboot01:56
ome_orbin_: is wine not good with amd64?01:57
apokryphosome_: it was only recently released; ubuntu doesn't have it.01:57
brett_ic56, yeah01:57
MetaMorfoziSokay, thanx01:57
shriphaniyou want me to paste it apokryphos ?01:57
apokryphosshriphani: pastebin, yes.01:57
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shriphaniin pastebin that is01:57
kenasi have recently upgraded ubuntu to 6.0601:57
kenasand samba doesnt work01:57
kenasany help for this ?01:57
ome_wondering if i should get a diffrent non 64 release01:57
apokryphosome_: FAQ explains the pros/cons01:58
ome_cant get flash to work either01:58
apokryphosflash won't work with Ubuntu's 64-bit install01:58
Hsoyeah, you need to use a 32-bit browser to use flash on a 64-bit OS, i think...01:58
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apokryphosunless you get into chroots etc01:58
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nikkFrogzoo: i could try that but i need to reboot. ifup says something about not finding the device. will the iftab thing help?01:58
ic56brett_: just a sec01:58
brett_ic56, thanks01:58
apokryphosHso: not necessarily, you could have a 64-bit browser that can handle 32-bit plugins (i.e. Konqueror)01:58
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apokryphosFirefox can't, though01:59
Hsoew ;P I'd rather use firefox :D01:59
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apokryphosHso: you still couldn't use it on Ubuntu without a chroot though; no BiArch-compatible.01:59
NZhereticOk. The problem with firefox seems to be occuring with remote-X, locally it works fine.01:59
brett_also, can anyone help me fix my sound? I had a logitech USB headset in, and after I made it the default sound device, neither it or my onboard will work.02:00
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nikkbrett_: the sound was muted for me when i upgraded. have checked that?02:00
Hsoapokryphos, I have no idea what you're talking about :P02:00
ome_what ubunut would you use apokyphos if you had a athlon FX55?02:00
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ic56cat: z2: No such file or directory02:00
ic56brett_: Download and run this script: http://ca.geocities.com/ic56@rogers.com/65/diskmounter-latest.txt It will setup your /etc/fstab and mountpoints in /media so you can see your NTFS filesystems in Places> Computer.02:00
brett_nikk, yeah. i get an error saying it is not properly configured when i try to play a song in xmms02:00
apokryphosHso: AMD64s can perfectly well execute 32-bit binaries (it's backward-compatible), but the Ubuntu package management system isn't set to be BiArch-compatible unfortunately.02:01
brett_ic56, thanks, will do02:01
Frogzoonikk: maybe, can't say til you try it02:01
apokryphosHso: some talk of getting it to be for Edgy, but we'll have to wait and see.02:01
ic56brett_: if you don't supply any flags, it will interactively ask you if you want to enable NTFS write.02:01
brett_ic56, flags?02:01
Hsoah :P02:01
ic56brett_: Answer no.  point your browser to that URL, and page down to "Instructions".  Read till the next blank line.  Follow the instructions to save and run the file.  It will do the rest.  I'm the author of this version, so I can help if anything goes wrong.02:01
HsoI still have no idea what chroot is :P02:01
kholerabbiAnyone know how to get sound in wine?02:02
FrogzooHso: -> google02:02
kholerabbiOr how to install wine-esd?02:02
Hsogoogle is too complex!! :P02:02
brett_ic56, awesome02:02
ome_i better just get the 32bit release for now...02:02
Frogzookholerabbi: avoid esd with wine - try winecfg -> audio02:02
apokryphosHso: it's like another Ubuntu installation on your computer. It's often used for building packages (since you can get a completely new environment) or for distributions like Ubuntu which aren't BiArch so you can have 32bit programs02:02
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orbinHso: google 'how to google' ;)02:03
Hsoorbin - never! :P02:03
HsoI know how to use google, but it's not always helpful :P02:03
Hsocurrently reading wikipedia's text for chroot XD02:03
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kholerabbiFrogzoo: OK what do I select???02:03
Ignitedoes anyone know the difference between compiz-quinn and compiz-vanilla?02:03
cristosgot a problem with writing/reading to serial port, need help please (read returns -1)02:03
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apokryphosIgnite: compiz-vanilla is the FDO packs, without external 3rd-party additions02:03
Frogzookholerabbi: alsa if you're on dapper? otherwise, whichever sound system youu're using - oss or alsa02:04
Igniteapokryphos, ok thanks :)02:04
apokryphosIgnite: compiz-quinn is a modified compiz by Quinn and a few other 3rd-party developers02:04
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Frogzookholerabbi: go alsa - & select alsa from thte multimedia selector02:04
ome_Ok im gonna format and reinstall... What do you consider the best? breezy? dapper drake? kubuntu? xubuntu? edubuntu?02:04
Igniteapokryphos, so, i should be safe with either right?02:04
Hsohmm... chroot sounds good :P what does it stand for ? change root ?_?02:04
apokryphosome_: Kubuntu Dapper :P02:04
Frogzookholerabbi: note that with alsa you can only have one sound source at a time02:04
apokryphosIgnite: they'll have different options, they should both run fine though.02:05
shriphaniapokryphos, http://pastebin.com/70631502:05
ubuntuhow to install a desktop on 6.06 server02:05
FrogzooHso: bingo02:05
ome_apokryphos that a joke or you serious?02:05
Igniteapokryphos, ok thanks a lot02:05
apokryphosome_: deadly =)02:05
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apokryphosshriphani: ok, re-enter that sudo apt-get foo command02:05
ubuntusomething lie fluxbox02:05
apokryphosubuntu: install ubuntu-desktop02:05
ome_k k har har har02:05
apokryphosubuntu: for fluxbox.... /msg ubotu fluxbox02:05
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apokryphosome_: as in, I'm not joking. KDE is the way to go =)02:06
Bassettsis there any good linux/open source/ubuntu podcasts?02:06
NET||abusehow can i point the stdout of starting up gnome-session & into a file?02:06
apokryphosome_: and Dapper is latest stable release02:06
HsoKDE has far too much junk for my liking :(02:06
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apokryphosHso: we like to call that configurability and extensibility :)02:06
orbinhere we go again02:06
HsoI call it "junk" :P02:06
shriphaniapokryphos, it is working fine02:06
MetaMorfoziSis there anyway to run ventrilo on ubuntu?02:07
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shriphanilemme close the terminal and reopen it02:07
Frogzoocompromise - configurable & extensible junk02:07
HsoI don't need to see a list of 300+ appz when i just want to access one of them :P02:07
ome_hey apokryphos im taking your word.. gettin kbuntu02:07
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apokryphosHso: hm, I wouldn't say it had "junk" that way. And anyway, with regard to applications, GTK/GNOME are just as guilty of having several applications to do the same thing 8)02:07
apokryphosome_: join us in #kubuntu if you have any questions :)02:08
kholerabbifrogzoo: thanks I'll check02:08
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Hsoit's alot easier to find the app I want in Gnome :P02:08
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apokryphosHso: really?02:08
gravesontried installing ubuntu on usb external disk. it hangs about 95% ,any ideas on this02:08
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hastesaverome_, you can have both the GNOME Ubuntu and kubuntu simultaneously, so you won't be losing anything whichever you choose02:09
apokryphosI always know whatever app I want, so even now the menu is pretty useless02:09
apokryphoswaste of my time :P02:09
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Hsoapokryphos, for me, it is :P02:09
Frogzooapokryphos: I just discovered Deskbar a couple days ago & suddenly everything is at your fingertips - so cool02:09
Hsobut then again I only used KDE for about 5-10minutes(Knoppix) to test my network connection.... once it failed, I reset and back into ubuntu/Gnome :D02:09
hastesaverHso, how can it be the "app you want" when you don't know its name? ;)02:09
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assasukassecould someone help me with network manager?02:09
whadarhello, how can i set the task panel to show 2 rows of tasks?02:10
shriphaniassasukasse, what happened02:10
Hsohastesaver, it's so complex that i'm not even going to answer that ;P02:10
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gravesonif the bios does not allow me to boot from usbdisk ,how can i tell the kernel to boot from this usbdisk02:10
brett_hey ic56 . im having some slight problems running it. should it not run when i type "sudo bash ~/desktop/diskmounter-latest.txt"???02:10
assasukasseshriphani i installed it but it doesn't show..02:10
ic56brett_: yes, it should.  What error message do you get?02:10
assasukassewhere should i look for it? i installed the gnome frontend also shriphani02:10
shriphanido you click on the icon and does it ask for yer password02:10
ubuntuthe intalation of fluxbox looks complicated is it ok to apt-get install fluxbox-desktop?02:10
Frogzoograveson: you can't :(02:10
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hastesaverapokryphos, is the Dapper kubuntu much different from the breezy one? I used to use KDE, but I've been using GNOME since I installed Dapper (too lazy to get KDE). Am I missing something other than I what I already know I'm missing? :)02:11
assasukasseshriphani i don't see any icon.02:11
brett_no such file or directory02:11
rivetheadAnyone running Dapper on a Dell XPS gen2 laptop?02:11
prowerHello :> I'm running Dapper with all of the most recent updates installed, I'm having an unusual problem with the console text...it stretches off the top and bottom parts of the screen enough that it's impossible to see the command prompt with a clear screen ;> Anyone know how I might be able to change that?02:11
m_0_r_0_nHow do you configure the graficcard?02:11
=== m0gsi [n=chris@194-247-237-103.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
olicathi all. i've got a macbook pro, but had enough of it, so i want to replace it with pc based laptop. i like sony vaio fe's - but how well do they work with ubuntu? (need good sleep support)02:12
apokryphoshastesaver: it has a newer version of KDE than Breezy did. A few more modifications with Guidance, improvements to Katapult, and such things.02:12
brett_ic56, no such file or directory. and i cant copy it to another place, i think i dont have rights02:12
m0gsiHi all i was just wondering where gnome is located02:12
m_0_r_0_nHow do you list all configure commands?02:12
rivetheadoilcat : Dell laptops work really nice with Dapper.02:12
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ic56brett_: remember that the unix filesystem is case sensitive.  You typed `desktop' which is not the same as `Desktop'.  The latter is correct.  If you saved diskmounter-latest.txt with any uppercase letters, you need to pay attention to those too.02:12
=== mantono [n=mantono@c83-250-204-173.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
olicatrivethead aye, they're alright. i use that combo at work, but for home i want something a bit sexier than a dell :)02:13
ubuntuhow to install fluxbox is there a howto02:13
apokryphosm_0_r_0_n: ./configure --help?02:13
assasukasseshriphani now i rebooted and have the applet, but says no net, while i am connected by wireless..02:13
apokryphosubuntu: /msg ubotu fluxbox02:13
rivetheadoilcat : even sexier than the new XPS ? :P02:13
orbinm0gsi: waht are you trying to do?02:13
ic56brett_: let me know how it goes.02:13
brett_ic56, Damn case sensative crap02:13
ubuntui did that its to complicated02:13
brett_ic56, thanks02:13
m0gsiOrbin i'm trying to change the splash screen02:13
apokryphosm_0_r_0_n: you want to configure your X?02:13
apokryphosm_0_r_0_n: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:13
olicatrivethead i'm not into dells bulky case design. i'll look up the xps02:13
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orbinm0gsi: the one that show up when gnome is loading?02:13
apokryphosubuntu: install "fluxbox" package02:14
rivetheadoilcat : i do have a friend that run's Dapper on one of the newer model vaio's i can ask him later for you how it works out , you can email me at rivethead@gmail.com02:14
shriphanino net ?02:14
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m0gsiYa i've got a replacement file and art.gnome.com? is telling me to find the gnome directory i think02:14
jimmy89any1 know how to let networkmanager configure wep key#2?02:14
shriphanierm sorry i have no idea about netowrk manager02:14
ubuntuapokryphos: the wiki is to complicated what apt-get install fluxbox desktop02:14
olicatrivethead i'll drop you a note, thanks a lot02:14
shriphanii use airsnort02:14
orbinm0gsi: either install gtweakui, or go directly into gconf-editor to specify the splash image02:14
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rivetheadoilcat : your not looking to get rid of that macbook pro are you ? :)02:14
apokryphosubuntu: why do you want to use fluxbox?02:14
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m0gsican i just use the full path of it?02:14
olicatrivethead the xps is a bit big02:14
ubotuI guess laptop is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops or http://www.linux-laptop.net/ or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam, or tuxmobil.org02:15
ubuntubecause its light i will run vmware02:15
rivetheadoilcat : yeah it is, the Gen2 compacts are quit nice though thats what im on right now.02:15
olicatrivethead my girlfriend is having the mbp. trust me, you dont want one :)02:15
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orbinm0gsi: fine. be that way: /usr/share/pixmaps/splash/ubuntu-splash.png02:15
rivetheadoilcat : really , thats a shame to hear i was excited about those.02:15
olicatme too02:15
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m0gsilol sorry orbin02:16
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olicatrivethead the heat is staggering. i want a laptop i can use on my lap02:16
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brett_ic56, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15652     is that alright?02:16
orbinm0gsi: lol.  guess it's another way of doing things.  no offence meant :)02:16
m0gsiThanks orbin i was just looking for the packages of gtweakui but thanks i'll do it manually02:16
rivetheadolicat : i have heard that they do run quite hot, i only have one problem with dapper on a laptop really and it doesnt bug me to terribly much.02:16
orbinm0gsi: yeah, just replace the image i guess02:16
ic56brett_: hang on02:16
Frogzooolicat: radicat02:16
Frogzooolicat: radical02:16
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m0gsiI'll put one in the same folder as i like the deafult one as well !02:17
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AlexCDoes anyone know of a good FTP client with a nice GUI? gFTP really does suck, and the lack of a tree view is even worse and makes my fingers hurt because of all the navigating of the folders02:17
orbinm0gsi: then you'll still have to specify which image to use w/ gtweakui or gconf-editor02:17
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m0gsiI know i've found it in gconf02:17
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rivetheadolicat : have you played with any of the other new mac laptops?02:17
orbinm0gsi: gtwekaui is in  universe02:17
orbinm0gsi: ah righto02:18
robin__hey all, I have a problem and hoping someone here can help, everytime I try to install java I get an error that its going to brake packages. any Idea's?02:18
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apokryphosrobin__: how are you installing02:18
ic56brett_: ah. you've been messing around with /etc/fstab :-).  Ok, the script can fix it for you.  run it with the -b flag.02:18
m0gsiI think i'll get gtwekaui anyway as long as i can find it in synaptic02:18
brett_ic56, thanks, trying02:18
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olicatrivethead the 13" i've had a loot at. seems nice, but so did the pro at first02:18
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rivetheadolicat : how are they on overall laptop horsepower?02:18
Frogzoowhat's the diff between gtweakui & Ala carte?02:18
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EmxBAdoes anyone understand this when i say "Margolis IT Solutions" :D02:19
EmxBAmaybe any op.02:19
olicatrivethead it's pretty fast, but i haven't put any other os on it, so nothing to compare it to02:19
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m0gsilol orbin i don't have permission to write to that folder02:19
EmxBAcome on people, I'm looking for someone who really knowes what does Margolis IT Solutions stand for02:19
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robin__installing through adept and tried apt-get and tried auto matrix, java wont install02:20
EmxBAit is connected to Ubuntu :D02:20
=== IronMask [n=IronM@ppp100-210.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
orbinm0gsi: ls -l /usr/share/pixmaps/splash/ubuntu-splash.png02:20
EmxBAi won't help you anymore :D02:20
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brett_ic56,  so-> sudo bash ~/Desktop/diskmounter-latest.txt -b02:20
orbinm0gsi: it's owned by root02:20
ic56brett_: yes02:20
orbinm0gsi: use sudo02:20
m_0_r_0_napokryphos, I have got a mga 550 card, but the default driver provided by Ubuntu doesnt support OpenGL. Any idea how to get OpenGL work?02:20
rivetheadolicat : out of curiosity which Vaio were you lookin at aquiring?02:20
=== neilic [n=neil@CPE-203-45-84-68.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
janek1212i have a problem starting dapper after upgrade from breezy. says partition does not exist and drops to busybox02:20
janek1212anyone can help ?02:20
m0gsiI've do it now thanks orbin02:20
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apokryphosm_0_r_0_n: no idea I'm afraid02:20
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anodesniQUESTION: In tvtime I only have one channel (after tvtime-scanner) , maybe nvidia drivers???02:21
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Ulfalizerhas anyone managed to get breezy running in Parallels (a virtualizer)? the system seems to hang indefinitely at "Ok, booting the kernel."02:21
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Frogzoo!tell janek1212 about recoveringgrub02:21
EmxBAnobody knows?02:21
kholerabbiMy startup, just after grub, is rather slow (breezy) has dapper got a faster startup?02:21
brett_ic56, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1565302:21
=== neil [n=neil@CPE-203-45-84-68.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
EmxBAMargolis IT Solutions is a name of ISP where ubuntu.com and all ubuntu sites are located at02:22
orbinkholerabbi: yes02:22
EmxBAin london02:22
olicatrivethead: http://vaio.sony-europe.com/view/ShowProduct.action?product=VGN-FE21S&site=ite_en_GB&pageType=Overview&category=VN+FE+Series02:22
=== DarkRavenMixage [n=darkrave@85-18-136-103.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ulfalizerheh, seems others are having the same problem who run ubuntu natively02:22
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EmxBAknew this?02:22
janek1212thanks but thats not a solution.02:22
orbinkholerabbi: mine's almost 25% faster02:22
Ulfalizerthough most reports are for dapper02:22
janek1212grub works fine its kernel that cant find partition02:22
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EmxBAjanek1212: what have you done before everything went wrong02:23
ic56brett_: Mmm, sounds like broken fstab lines don't pertain to Windows partitions.  pastebin me the output from: cat /etc/fstab02:23
rivetheadolicat : ok yeah thats sexy.02:23
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Frogzoorivethead: my current dapper laptop is a Vaio & my next one will be too02:23
neilhi I am very new to ubuntu - I have a quick question02:23
AlexCAnyone know of a good FTP client with a good GUI, unlike gFTP02:23
EmxBA what?02:23
EmxBAgFTP is good02:24
AlexCno it's not02:24
rivetheadFrogzoo : do you have any troubles with the Nvidia card?02:24
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EmxBAAlexC: i use ftp in terminal, that works nice :D02:24
AlexCEmxBA: The lack of a tree-view makes my fingers hurt! double cliking in and out of my folder structure is a pain in the ass02:24
simbadAlexC You may try kbear - I dont like it, but if you only need another gui.02:24
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EmxBAyou should use ftp in terminal02:25
EmxBAit rocks :D02:25
Frogzoorivethead: mine is ati so... why, are the nvidia's problematic?02:25
skaethey, is there some reason why nvidia-glx won't install properly? I've tried it several times and I don't get the nvidia logo when X starts, I even got the .run from nvidia.com but I need to do it from a terminal without X02:25
=== hosenscheisser [n=hosensch@p54B40E32.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
jeicoEmxBA is right :p02:25
ubuntuis a fluxbox how to for dapper02:25
EmxBAjeico: thanks02:25
neilis there any diff between installing from a live-cd of ubuntu and installing from the install cd ? if it is a dumb question I appologise as I am completely new to ubuntu02:25
rigonattiHi all!!02:25
=== cherwin [n=cherwin@h196189.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
EmxBAubuntu: nice nick :D02:25
AlexCEmxBA: no thanks =) I find GUI for ftp much quicker02:25
janek1212@embxba i just upgraded to dapper from breezy via update tool (or whatever its called)02:25
rivetheadFrogzoo : I dont have any prolems aside from the black screen when trying to switch to a virtual console or shutting down, scoured the forums trying all those fixes already none seem to work.02:26
olicatFrogzoo on the vaio, does suspend on close work, etc?02:26
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brett_ic56, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1565502:26
AlexCbeacuse I do a lot of navigating in and out of folders - so it;s easier with a tree view02:26
EmxBAAlexC: no, GUIs are always slow02:26
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AlexCEmxBA: I'm not going to debate which is better02:26
jeicoin case of a front end yes02:26
ubuntuEmxBA; thanks02:26
EmxBAAlexC: ok, there is gFTP and.....02:26
EmxBAk ftp clients02:26
rigonattiCan anyone help me with the Java Sun install ? I got the rpm package...used allien .. instaled ....but for some reason /usr/java dosent exist !02:27
Psychobudgieskaet : did you follow the nvidia instructions on http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html02:27
EmxBAubuntu: how did you registered it? it is very wanted nick02:27
AlexCgFTP sucks as it doesn't have a tree view - which is what I nede02:27
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simbadAlexC try kbear02:27
EmxBAAlexC: i can't help you from this distance. I use FTP in terminal and i am satisfied02:27
Frogzooolicat: suspend on close works for me - haven't got the S1/S2 buttons working but no need for them really - hibernate works from a hotkey02:27
skaetPsychobudgie:  I tried both the official nvidia help and the guide on the ubuntu wiki02:27
hastesaverEmxBA, it's not registered. There's someone called ubuntu on this channel at least once a day :)02:27
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and see also !javadebs02:27
neilcan anyone point to to the right place to get an answer ?02:28
EmxBAhastesaver: really02:28
olicatFrogzoo cool, cheers02:28
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skaetPsychobudgie:  they don't really mention anything that I hadn't already tried02:28
Frogzooolicat: np02:28
AlexCsimbad: am doing - EmxBA you use terminal - I use GUI ok02:28
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EmxBAAlexC: np02:28
=== LordElph [n=LordElph@datame46.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
orbinneil: only w/ dapper has the livecd been able to install02:28
orbinneil: previouse versions had separate install and live cds02:29
Psychobudgieskaet:  did you modify /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:29
AlexCgeee, why can't linux dev's make there apps look nice? doesn't take much. oh well02:29
Psychobudgieskaet:  change nv to nvidia02:29
orbinneil: dapper combines the two02:29
BazziAlexC: obviously it does ;-)02:29
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brett_ic56, did you see my link?02:29
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ic56brett_: yes. something didn't work right for you.  give me another minute02:30
neilthanks orbin... so a live-cd install is the same as install cd with this new version02:30
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AlexCBazzi: but it doesn't does it. it's just the little things like huge fonts, huge icons, un-aligned things - atleast mac and windows dev's get it right02:30
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Psychobudgieskaet:  also do 'sudo nvidia-glx-config enable' from a terminal02:30
Psychobudgieshould just work02:31
orbinneil: technically the live-cd and install-cd are now one: a live-cd with install capabilities.02:31
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EmxBAAlexC: do you work on launchpad02:31
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brett_ic56, no probs02:31
skaetPsychobudgie: I haven't made any changes to xorg.conf yet, I browsed it briefly but didn't edit it. I'll give the nv a try :)02:31
AlexCEmxBA: what do you mean? no I don't02:31
robin__ any one have a source for java that i can put in my source list02:31
Psychobudgieskaet:  that's why it's not working02:31
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EmxBAAlexC: something connected to ubuntu02:31
EmxBAlaunchpad etc02:31
Psychobudgieskaet:  it's still loading the xorg nv driver02:31
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AlexCEmxBA: I see, but why did you ask too?02:31
neilcool, thanks orbin02:31
BazziAlexC: true that :) KDE4 focuses also on the looks though.02:31
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TrioTorusHow can I overwrite the phpldapadmin dependancy on apache version 1? I want to use apache2 only. Look here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1565102:32
EmxBAAlexC: you look smart :D02:32
skaetPsychobudgie: that's strange because it installe flawlessly with no editing last time =(02:32
winbondyeah , kde4 is gonna rock02:32
AlexCBazzi: so you think KDE4 will haev more Polished applications etc?02:32
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ic56brett_: I see, I introduced a small bug yesterday while fixing something.  I'll have a new version in 5 mins.02:32
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Bazzihopefully, it is at least incompatible to KDE3 apps so they have to be rewritten anyways, hopefully all get sort of polish02:32
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AlexCEmxBA: hehe thanks - not sure if that was sarcastic or not but hey! If only I had some spare time I would code some nice apps for Linux that get passed Beta02:32
Psychobudgieskaet:  I have always edited my xorg.conf file, so you must have been lucky ;-)02:32
rigonattiCan anyone help me with the Java Sun install ? I got the rpm package...used allien .. instaled ....but for some reason /usr/java dosent exist !02:32
EmxBAwinbond: and new GNOME? any plans02:33
=== Fastlad [n=alex@81-86-145-67.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
EmxBAAlexC: no, really, you talk a lot, and you have arguments for nice chatting :D02:33
EmxBAnot sarcasm02:33
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Psychobudgieonce updated just do a <ctrl><alt><backspace> to restart X02:33
AlexCEmxBA: thank you =)02:33
EmxBAAlexC: i don't want to talk a lot because lots of you live in USA02:33
EmxBAat my place it is 14:3402:34
brett_ic56, i'm happy to wait02:34
skaetPsychobudgie: aye, thanks for the tip, I'll be back screaming in a minute.....02:34
winbondEmxBA:i dont know about gnome , they said they dont care about computing technologies so i dont expect much from them02:34
EmxBAand in USA 8:3402:34
AlexCEmxBA: I live in the UK, so 1:34 here02:34
orbinrigonatti: you mean /usr/bin/java?02:34
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AlexCPM, not AM02:34
EmxBAAlexC: oh, ok02:34
NET||abusei seem to have been drawn into pushing the big red button and tried enabling mindows plugin for compiz,,, how can i turn it off without using gset-compiz? i seem to have buggered the session with that plugin! :)02:34
EmxBAi live in bosnia02:34
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@4096.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hso question.. if I run ubuntu(Gnome), am I able to install and use KDE software, without installing KDE inself?02:34
AlexCEmxBA: nice02:34
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EmxBAHso: you must install KDE lib s02:34
ubuntuwhere are apt-sources list for dapper please02:34
wezzerguys, is it possible to run enemy territory on AMD64-ubuntu?02:34
Hsowhich does what?02:35
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.02:35
Psychobudgieoh incase anyone doesn't know yet, Google Earth has been released for Linux02:35
richiefrichHso  how could u run KDE without installing it02:35
richiefrichPsychobudgie it has ?02:35
richiefrichurl please02:35
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rigonattiorbin: yes !!!02:35
Psychobudgieit works well in dapper02:35
EmxBAhso: you need KDE libraries to install KDE apps02:35
Hsothat's why i'm asking, richiefrich  :P02:35
Psychobudgieit's at http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html02:36
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richiefrichPsychobudgie ty02:36
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Psychobudgieruns native and not in a wine wrapper like Picassa02:36
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markyDoes anyone know how fix my apt problem. When apt needs to use a command like ldconfig it says that it can't find it and says something about the PATH isn't configured. My path is correctly configure everyware else in linux. Does any one have any clue what could be wrong?02:37
kandinskithanks to Ryan "Icculus" Gordon02:37
ubuntunow i am ubuntu :D02:37
rigonattiorbin ?02:37
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orbinrigonatti: oh, i thought you found it02:37
AlexCgah, kbear crashes when ever I want to transfer files - quite critual that for a FTP program to transfer files and they can't even get that right!. That's it - as soon as I have some free time i'm going to code a nice FTP client!02:38
papa_licanyone having problems with usb unmountring itself and solutiotns?02:38
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orbinrigonatti: how'd you install?  by following the wiki?02:38
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winbondhow can i add the .com .org .net autocomplete shortcuts to conquerer ,? like in the firefox02:38
richiefrichPsychobudgie  cool it's on gentoo in portage on my other box to :)02:38
rigonattiorbin: Im trying to run LimeWire (but needs JAvav 1.4or latter)02:38
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Bassettshow would i got about updating xchat to the latest release?02:39
rigonattiorbin: then ...I didnt found Sun Java at Synaptics02:39
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EmxBAwinbond: i think konqueror doesn't support something like that :D come back to firefox02:39
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orbinubotu: tell rigonatti about java02:39
skaetPsychobudgie: thanks heaps, all good now :D02:39
rigonattiso ....donwloaded from jhava.com the rpm package...and follow the instructions from Sun02:39
skaetI'll make a note of it for next time I forget :)02:39
Psychobudgieskaet:  pleasure02:40
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rigonattibut...doesnt work...install scripts works fine...but i think that is in the wrong place02:40
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EmxBArigonnati: if you want java for firefox than you need jre package02:40
Psychobudgieskaet:  where do I send the bill ;-)02:40
Bassettsalien is needed to install .rpm files right?02:40
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rigonattiEmxBA: I know...but i got from Sun java Web Site and the procedures dont work to me02:40
hastesaverBassetts, yes. But make sure whatever you're installing isn't already in the repos02:40
skaetPsychobudgie: are sexual favours accepted?02:40
rigonattiorbin: the wiki just say that: Sun Java5: Install it from the Applications -> Add/Remove... menu, or install the sun-java5-bin package.02:41
AlexCEmxBA: do you code?02:41
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Bassettshastesaver: it is, xchat, but i would like xchat 2.6.4, theres a few added features i need02:41
EmxBArigonatti: you should go to any site which requires Java (in firefox) and you will automaticly start downloading02:41
EmxBAi think02:41
Psychobudgieskaet:  a freeby it is then02:41
hastesaverrigonatti, read the link ubotu sent you02:41
EmxBAAlexC: not a lot , but i do02:41
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rigonattiEmxBA: no...ask for a manual install02:41
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rigonattihastesaver: the procedures in that link dont work02:42
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orbinrigonatti: did you enable multiverse like the wiki says?02:42
hastesaverrigonatti, of course they do. What do you mean they don't work?02:42
EmxBAorinoco: hi,  i have PCMCIA wireless card called orinoco and i can't set it up02:42
EmxBAi need kismet drivers02:42
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EmxBAcan you help me , orinoco :D02:42
rigonattihastesaver:   "Sun Java5: Install it from the Applications -> Add/Remove... menu, or install the sun-java5-bin package."02:42
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orinocoi have a problem with my mouse, it is an optical usb one and it decided not to work to weeks ago, when i firstly plug iti in, it works for 5 secons then stops, may it be problem of the touchpad or what?02:42
orbinrigonatti: right. you that pack is in multiverse...make sure you've enabled it02:43
AlexCEmxBA: ahh right - I was going to see if you wanted to help in create a group of applications,02:43
EmxBAorinoco :D02:43
orinocoEmxBA, im not an orinoco expert XD02:43
hastesaverrigonatti, yes, did that?02:43
orbinubotu: tell rigonatti about multiverse02:43
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EmxBAAlexC: great! just private me02:43
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EmxBAi can help you02:43
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hastesaverrigonatti, you installed the sun-java5-bin package?02:44
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rigonattihastesaver:  yes. But for anyreason still not working02:44
Bassettshow can i get xchat 2.6.4?02:44
EmxBAAlexC: can i get your mail02:44
AlexC_EmxBA: yeh sure, I can't PM you for some reason though02:45
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orbinBassetts: either find a deb package for dapper or breezy (whichever one you're on) or install from source w/ checkinstall02:45
hastesaverrigonatti, did you read the "Note: Scroll down to "Selecting the default Java version" section to enable the JRE you have installed." line? :)02:45
EmxBAAlexC: i can private you :-P02:45
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AlexChum, werid02:45
jimmy89sry to ask again, but anyone know how to config wep key#2 using networkmanager?02:45
hastesaverrigonatti, you need to do   sudo update-alternatives --config java , and the same with jar02:45
orbinBassetts: maybe check backports too02:45
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EmxBAAlexC: do you need help to make that group of apps or no02:46
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CiberSkullhow do i get the build essencial package?02:46
AlexCEmxBA: it would be good to yeh02:46
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trulsare there any _up_to_date_ resources for people wanting to package/distribute python-software as ubuntu/debian-packages?02:47
ic56brett_: ok, new version is up02:47
EmxBAAlexC: then go to private, i don't want to flood the channel02:47
trulsi'm guessing that distutils/setup.py called by debian/rules (with dhhelper or something) is the way to go02:47
rigonattihastesaver:  ok...swho me some options02:48
rigonattithen nothing happens02:48
orinocoanyone can say something02:48
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hastesaverrigonatti, no, you're supposed to select which one you want, and press enter02:48
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AlexCEmxBA: I am - but you'r not responding =)02:49
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rigonattihastesaver: its that the right option:      3        /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/javaa02:49
brett_ic56, cool. same link?02:49
EmxBAwhich IRC app are you using02:49
ic56brett_: yes02:49
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AlexCEmxBA: gnome-xchat02:49
florianhi, is there a free teamspeak client?02:50
orbintruls: maybe ask the MOTUs?02:50
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orbintruls: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU02:50
hastesaverrigonatti, yes. It's the only one that says "sun", right?02:50
richiefrichflorian yes02:50
rigonattiflorian: Try TeamSpeka web site02:50
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rigonattihastesaver: yes02:50
h3h_timohey im checking out laptops and i found one, but i  a one day deal!! should i wait or jump on this?? check it out: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E1683411524602:50
EmxBAAlexC: huh, i use gaim,i already privated you, just close the window in which you have privated me and private me again02:50
EmxBAor i should private you02:50
trulsorbin: i can try02:50
trulsorbin: thanks02:50
rigonattihastesaver:  return this:      Using `/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java' to provide `java'.02:51
hastesaverrigonatti, then that's the right one.02:51
richiefrichflorian www.goteamspeak.com02:51
hastesaverrigonatti, right. And do the same thing for "jre" instead of "java"02:51
trulsorbin: suspecting overkill though02:51
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florianrichiefrich: thanx, but i thought of an open source client02:51
rigonattihastesaver: Noi alternativer for jre02:51
richiefrichflorian  no it's not02:51
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florianrichiefrich: is there an alterantive?02:51
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rigonattihastesaver: No alternatives for jre.02:52
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rigonattiflorian: You can install a Plugin to GAIM to use TEAMSPEAK02:52
prowerOddly enough, even if you specify java 1.5 as the default version, if you install Eclipse from the repository then it uses GCJ anyway :> Still haven't figured out how to change that02:52
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CrippsFXwhat about freejava? FC5 uses that ...02:52
hastesaverrigonatti, sorry, that should be 'jar', not 'jre'. Sorry about that :002:52
CrippsFXlol. ahhh ...02:52
richiefrichflorian  there is but not like TS..  theres gizom02:52
rigonatti      1        /usr/bin/fastjar02:53
rigonatti*+    2        /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/jre/bin/jar02:53
mjrprower, likely that the eclipse in the repos is at least partially natively compiled using gcj. Haven't checked, tho.02:53
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CrippsFXhastesaver, java -jar <file>.jar02:53
orinocoi have a problem with my mouse, it is an optical usb one and it decided not to work to weeks ago, when i firstly plug iti in, it works for 5 secons then stops, may it be problem of the touchpad or what? and moreover, the buttons work while the moving part (red light) although it is functioning it does not move!02:53
ome_Is there a program to burn isos  that works in ubuntu?02:53
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CrippsFXhastesaver, you could create an alias for it.02:53
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rigonattiflorian: You can install a Plugin to GAIM to use TEAMSPEAK02:53
prowermjr: Most likely, yeah...it's a bit inconvenient, have to go download it manually just to use Sun's java as far as I can tell02:53
florianrigonatti: yeah, i am goolging for it, but haven't found one so far02:54
brett_ic56, your a champ. it worked!!02:54
orinocoome_, k3b02:54
ome_ok thanks02:54
rigonattiflorian: hold on02:54
ic56brett_: good to know!  Thanks!02:54
hastesaverrigonatti, that's strange. Don't you have a third one that says "sun"?02:54
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CrippsFX /me is using Sun's java ... a la "universe" ... works beautifully for me.02:54
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rigonattiflorina: try this http://freshmeat.net/projects/libtbb/?branch_id=63310&release_id=22060302:55
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rigonattihastesaver: no... =(02:55
brett_ic56, that made my day. now all i need is my sound back..02:55
QMarioAfter I upgraded to Dapper from Breezy for some odd reason my .cpp files and most other files are not associated with their correct images. My .cpp files don't have this image anymore: http://img144.imageshack.us/my.php?image=gnomemimetextxcsrc6en.jpg02:55
rigonattiflorian: try this http://freshmeat.net/projects/libtbb/?branch_id=63310&release_id=22060302:56
ic56brett_: you're welcome.  Good luck with the sound.02:56
brett_ic56, cheers02:56
cristosIm programming the serial port using C++, but I cant access it. I have to run minicom, then kill it (kill -9), and only then have I access to dev/ttyS0 , Whats wrong ?02:56
ic56brett_: BTW, can you check sth for me?  What's in your /tmp02:56
brett_ic56, sth02:56
ic56brett_: sth = something02:56
brett_ic56,  lol02:56
kane77what is the command to change resolution?02:57
orbincristos: isn't that more of a generic c++ problem thatn an ubuntu one?02:57
SteelixI'm a Linux newbie, and I'm having issues getting Ubuntu to work with LAN on my Gateway laptop.02:57
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brett_ic56,  theres a fair bit in there.. are you looking for anything in particular?02:57
ubuntunewbieorbin: everything worked out fine (after some trouble) with nvidia02:57
cristosorbin: dunno02:57
SteelixAs far as I can tell, it doesn't see the ethernet. I'm guessing I need drivers.02:57
SteelixWhat should I do?02:57
ic56brett_: easier if you just pastebin for me02:57
orbinubuntunewbie: great02:58
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ubuntunewbieorbin: and my drives are correctly mounted too... thanks!02:58
brett_screenshot my /tmp folder?02:58
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rigonattiorbin:  ?02:58
ubuntunewbiegood luck all!02:58
ic56brett_: I'm looking to confirm a reported bug with the Ubuntu installer.  No screenshot!  Just: ls -la /tmp02:58
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hastesaverrigonatti, I don't know, that's strange. Myabe you can try installing the sun-java5-bin package again, or try installing sun-java5-jdk (although you shouldn't need it...)02:58
orbinrigonatti: i just used easyubuntu myself02:59
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brett_ic56, i dont understand. can you just give me a command, and i'll give you the results?02:59
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rigonattiorbin: what is a easyubuntu ?02:59
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. It may break your system, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation instead. For help with and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.02:59
ic56brett_: Yes.  The command, again, is: ls -la /tmp02:59
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brett_ic56, ok, just a sec03:00
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Frogzoowoot!! onboard modem works03:00
newbieboyDHey guys i need help03:00
SteelixWould the packet manager help? Would it have drivers for my ethernet?03:00
rigonattiorbin: I found some:03:00
newbieboyDgot some softwares but could not install em all03:01
rigonattiin Synaptics: Sun-java5bin  sun-java5-demo, sun-java5-jre:  Im reinstall and installing all of them03:01
QMarioIs there a reason that firefox is a necessary package for Ubuntu?03:01
brett_ic56, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1565703:01
cherwinnewbieboyD: why do you want to install xmms from source03:02
cherwinnewbieboyD: use apt-get03:02
neutrinomassQMario: It isn't. You mean why it breaks ubuntu-desktop ?03:02
gnomefreaknewbieboyD: xmms is in the repos03:02
newbieboyDcherwin. I couldnt get any other03:02
gnomefreaknewbieboyD: sudo apt-get install xmms03:02
QMarioOkay, yes. Why does it break ubuntu-desktop?03:02
gnomefreak!info xmms dapper03:02
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ubotuxmms: (Versatile X audio player), section sound, is optional. Version: 1.2.10+cvs20050809-4ubuntu5 (dapper), Packaged size: 1029 kB, Installed size: 7256 kB03:02
newbieboyDgnome freak and cherwinam now in my root terminal03:03
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ic56brett_: yeah...  Did anyone advise you to create: /tmp/disks-conf-sda1 or was it there all along?  When did you intall?03:03
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florianrigonatti: i compiled the package, how can i use it now? can't find anything03:03
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cherwinnewbieboyD: okay just do a "apt-get install xmms"03:03
gnomefreaknewbieboyD: than apt-get install xmms03:03
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newbieboyDcherwin and gnome freak ok03:04
brett_ic56, i have played with it a lot, but i never created that ^. I installed about 2 days ago (first time linux)03:04
rigonattiflorian: do you have gaim installed ?03:04
florianrigonatti: sure03:04
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neutrinomassQMario: ubuntu-desktop is just a metapackage to make installing ubuntu easy. For example, you have kubuntu and want to get ubuntu? sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop, and you get everything that comes with ubuntu. AFAIK you can break it without any side effects03:04
NET||abusehmm, when you're not using a window, compiz is graying out those windows under the currently active one.... is there a way to stop this?03:04
cr3anyone managed to get wireless working with wpa?03:04
ic56brett_: ok thanks!  ttyl!03:04
turlututuhi, i tried several times to change my usplash by following this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USplashCustomizationHowto  but it doesn't work for me, do you know if my special resolution (1280/800) may be the cause ?03:05
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QMarioNeutrinomass, what about Dapper? Has it caused it problems for you when associating files with icons.03:05
newbieboyDcherwin and gnomefreak : this in what i gotReading package lists... Done03:05
newbieboyDBuilding dependency tree... Done03:05
newbieboyDE: Couldn't find package xmms-1.2.10.tar.gz03:05
cherwinnewbieboyD: and if you want to install a package and don't know the name than do "apt-cache search <package>"03:05
SteelixWhere would I find ethernet drivers for an ethernet port on my Gateway laptop for Ubuntu, either through internet that can be taken from my PC to Linux laptop by CD, or on the install disc. Need ethernet for internet on Ubuntu.03:05
ubotusomebody said ati was http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers03:05
justiceis there a way/tool to see which process is 32bit/64bit under x86_64 ???03:05
cherwinwhat do you have in your sources list newbieboyD?03:05
rigonattiflorian: http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=54311803:06
SteelixGuys, need help :(03:06
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newbieboyDcherwin : xmms-1.2.1003:06
brazil_word_cupSteelix, ?03:06
SteelixWhere would I find ethernet drivers for an ethernet port on my Gateway laptop for Ubuntu, either through internet that can be taken from my PC to Linux laptop by CD, or on the install disc. Need ethernet for internet on Ubuntu.03:07
SteelixDoesn't seem to acknowledge I even have an ethernet port.03:07
justiceis there a way/tool to see which process is 32bit/64bit under x86_64 ???03:07
garethI want to copy a file from my desktop to another directory, but I don't have write permission. I don't know my root password - I am certain I was nit asked for one during the install. HELP.....03:07
cherwinSteelix: don't flood the channel with your question we've seen it already, what type of card do you own?03:07
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FrogzooSteelix: lsmod & then google the nic's output + 'linux'03:07
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POVaddctnewbieboyD: sources list is /etc/apt/sources.list03:08
SteelixUhh, not sure. It's a part of a Gateway laptop03:08
SteelixI've heard ubuntu doesn't like laptops.03:08
cherwinnewbieboyD: that was not what I meant, thanks POVaddct03:08
FrogzooSteelix: sry, lspci & then google the nic's output + 'linux'03:08
brett_ic56,  yeah thanks to you too, helped heaps03:08
ic56brett_: yw!03:08
FrogzooSteelix: not true - even my modem works !03:08
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newbieboyDcherwin n gnome freak u  guys are so sweet03:09
cherwinSteelix: you have to know what type of network card you own to install the driver. But maybe it's already installed. what does ifconfig -a say?03:09
SteelixOne sec.03:09
newbieboyDcherwin : i just got it done thanks03:09
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cherwinSteelix: lspci works too ;)03:09
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cherwinnewbieboyD: you're welcome03:09
neutrinomassOut of curiosity, do ISA devices show up in lspci as well ?03:10
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SteelixOkay, ifconfig has lo and then some stuff, and sit0 and then some stuff.03:10
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michael117How can I check and manage the current services running in Ubuntu?03:10
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SteelixGoogle everything under lspci?03:10
cherwinneutrinomass: good one? i don't know try it out03:10
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kholerabbiIs there any applications that will let me run a .iso file as a cd?03:11
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neutrinomasscherwin: I have no ISA devices :P I have an ISA slot though.... I was wondering this morning when I saw a bug report on some ISA card ...03:11
cherwinSteelix: pastebin the output of lspci please03:11
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michael117kholerabbi: You can mount an ISO03:11
neutrinomasskholerabbi: I think it can be done with file-roller.03:11
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vandengareth: use sudo mv in a terminal03:11
kholerabbimichael117: how?03:12
SteelixI can't copy it from the laptop to this PC, the laptop has no access to net, since no ethernet. There's a lot to paste.03:12
justiceis there a way/tool to see which process is 32bit/64bit under x86_64 ???03:12
justiceis there a way/tool to see which process is 32bit/64bit under x86_64 ???03:12
kholerabbineutrinomass: File Roller??03:12
neutrinomasskholerabbi: Tried clicking on it ? :)03:12
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neutrinomasskholerabbi: file-roller , commonly known as Archive Manager ... the unzipping utility that comes with Gnome03:12
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kholerabbiHey I have clicked on it :).. It opens in archive manager.. But I want to be able to use it AS an iso03:12
cherwinSteelix: don't you own a memory stick?03:12
neutrinomasskholerabbi: Burn it? Mount it ?03:13
kholerabbiHmm no burner?03:13
SteelixHeh, iPod, yeah. Sorry, completely slipped my mind.03:13
SteelixOne sec.03:13
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bensodeMorning folkes03:13
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kholerabbiThanks peoples :)03:13
SteelixAlthough, wouldn't it be NTFS partitioned?03:13
justiceis there a way/tool to see which process is 32bit/64bit under x86_64 ???03:13
justiceis there a way/tool to see which process is 32bit/64bit under x86_64 ???03:13
Sp4rKy_please how could i get the list of kernel loaded module ?03:13
neutrinomasskholerabbi: Sorry, I don't understand what you want to do with it ... :-/03:13
michael117How can I check and manage the current services running in Ubuntu?03:13
justiceis there a way/tool to see which process is 32bit/64bit under x86_64 ???03:13
neutrinomassSp4rKy_: lsmod03:13
justiceis there a way/tool to see which process is 32bit/64bit under x86_64 ???03:13
mjrjustice, don't flood03:13
cherwinSteelix: no ipods are fat3203:13
kholerabbiIt's allright I think I'll just mount it.. thanks !!03:14
justiceis there a way/tool to see which process is 32bit/64bit under x86_64 ???03:14
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak!03:14
Sp4rKy_neutrinomass, not exactly :p in fact iwant to disable a module loading without recompiling03:14
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bensodeHave a simple mount question.  When I set up mounts ot the desktop through places, where do they actually mount?  I checked /mnt and also ran mount but they don't display the mount path03:14
justiceis there a way/tool to see which process is 32bit/64bit under x86_64 ???03:14
neutrinomassSp4rKy_: Edit /etc/modules.d/blacklist03:14
Hobbseejustice: dont repeat03:14
neutrinomassHobbsee: Thanks :)03:14
Sp4rKy_neutrinomass, thx03:14
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cherwinbensode: /media i guess03:15
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garethVanden - please be move specific, I'm a command line newbie.....03:15
bensodecherwin: Nope just see cdrom symlink there03:15
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cherwinbensode: open the media on the desktop and do a page up03:16
cf2Anyone round who can go "nslookup gb.archive.ubuntu.com" for me ? I get,, but the former doesn't have ubuntu/dists/dapper/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz (or anything much)03:16
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cherwinbensode: then you'll see where it is mounted03:16
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bensodecherwin: yeah it just shows "Windows Network: (servername) as the parent can't go any higher03:17
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YogSothothI use Firefox with Totem Mozilla Plugin and I want to play an embedded .wvx file which is video/x-ms-wvx. But this extension is not associated to the plugin. How can I associate it to the plugin?03:17
bensodecherwin: looks like it's just browsing and not actually mounting ... hmmm03:17
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cherwinbensode: ooh you can mount a smb share but you can also just browse it03:18
cherwinbensode: and that is what you are doing at the moment03:18
YogSothothNotice that .wvx files are just playlists for .wmv files03:18
rb338bensode: type mount con console and It will tell you about all that is mounted, yo can see Fstab to look at mounts at boot03:18
JdGordonhelp... im getting "sudo: timestamp too far in the future:" how do i fix it?03:18
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YogSothothand .wmv files are supported by Totem Mozilla Plugin03:19
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bensoderb338: heh ok.  I'll just make a couple old fashioned mount scripts then.  Never had luck "browsing" cifs shares with previous linux distros always had to hard mount them03:19
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bensodeGood to see that Ubuntu has so much working out of the box =)  Glad I switched!03:20
rb338in ubuntu i only had to mount my secondary hd, but everything comes ok out of the box, only a little tweaking of fstab or simlinks03:20
NET||abusearrg, cannot play mpeg totem doesn't have decoder? what should i do here? where do i get the decoders?03:20
ubotu- Ask your question and we'll try to answer it.03:20
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NET||abuseit's a pretty normal mpeg file, i just play it on mediaplayer all the time03:20
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vandengareth: do you know how to move a file at the command line?03:21
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Bassettsanyone know how to send files to a virtual machine?03:21
bensodeBassetts: Using Vmware?03:21
garethvanden: no!03:21
Bassettsbensode: yes, server03:21
vandengareth: open a terminal. type man mv03:22
Frogzoo# must match the names in /proc/modules with the underscores etc., includes slamr too03:22
Frogzoounloadllist="snd_intel8x0m snd_via82xx_modem snd_atiixp_modem slamr"03:22
cherwinBassetts: create a share on your virtual machine03:22
bensodeBassetts: in the virtual machine, if it is windows, you can browse \\.host03:22
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vandengareth: do you know how to get a terminal?03:22
bensodeBassetts: that is a link to your host share03:22
cf2Could someone please go "nslookup gb.archive.ubuntu.com" for me ? I get,, but the former doesn't have ubuntu/dists/dapper/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz (or anything much) so that Synaptic/Updater barf03:22
Frogzoooops -soz03:22
Bassettscheers bensode03:22
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bensodeBassetts: Yeah I just started playing with vmware this week.  Pretty handy03:23
Tomzeso is qmeu ;)03:23
cherwinbensode: on windows or on linux?03:23
garethVanden: yes - I'm reading the results of man mv at the moment. I just don't know the format of the command.03:23
POVaddctTomze: and qemu is free :)03:23
FrogzooTomze: kqemu also03:23
Bassettsit is bensode =) lets me run photoshop =) im trying out vista too03:23
bensodecherwin: linux host running XP in vmware as guest03:23
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bensodeBassetts: I use it for visio and domain management wihtout having to remote desktop to manage the Windows domain03:24
Bassettsbensode: \\.host does not work03:24
vandengareth: OK, ask if stuck. Meanwhile, sudo is a command that lets you run commands as though you were another user. sudo mv (without a user specified) will run the mv as though you were root.03:24
cherwinBassetts: just create a share on your guest03:24
TomzeFrogzoo: kqemu ? they gpl'ed it now ?03:24
bensodeBassetts: did you install the vmware tools on the guest OS?03:24
FrogzooTomze: nope - but it is faster03:24
Bassettsyes bensode03:24
bensodeBassetts: Yes or you could create a share on the host too03:24
garethVanden: will sudo ask for the root password? That's the big problem03:25
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vandengareth: ubuntu uses sudo rather than root accounts by default. see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo03:25
Bassettshow do i create a share bensode?03:25
vandengareth: yes, but your user password, not a root account pswd03:25
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bensodeBassetts: I beleive it's under System -> Administration -> Shares03:26
bensodeBassetts: I'm still a little new with Ubuntu myself ;)03:26
BassettsShared Folders =) knew it was somewhere lol03:26
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cherwinBassetts: do you have me on your ignore list or what?03:26
Bassettshate when you remember seeing it but have no god damn idea where03:26
Bassettscherwin, no why?03:26
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bensodeBassetts: the browse to \\.hosts should work if you have vmware tools installed on the guest.  It's jus a little slow to initialize, at least for me03:26
sparkleytonessh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host <--- could this happen if there are too many open file descriptors?03:27
cherwinBassetts: because you can just create a share on your windows guest and access it from your linux host03:27
Bassettsbensode: vista says it cannot find it03:27
chapiumis there any gui for configuring fax at the moment?03:27
vandengareth: typed too fast. No, sudo doesn't ask for a root account password. It wants the password of the account that runs sudo. Details I don't recall determine which accoutns can sudo with rootlike power. But the primary user account can, by default.03:27
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bensodeBassetts: Oh Vista is "Experimental" still under VMware Workstation 5.5 I thought?03:27
Bassettsbensode, yes it is03:27
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bensodeBassetts: That might be half the problem there ;)  Cherwin's solution might be better03:28
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vandenhey all. Recent upgrade to dapper made my laptop's synaptic touchpad flaky. Lots of forum posts last I looked but no obvious solution. I'm not too experienced in Linux. Pointers?03:28
garethvanden: the file is in home/gareth/temp stuff - does sudo mv /home/gareth/temp stuff -t /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins look reasonable?03:29
Bassettscherwin, vista asks for users allowed to access the share, what should i add?03:29
bensodeBassetts: I tried vista a while back and a lot of it was still not functional.  Basicly just got a fancy desktop and IE to work, nothing else03:29
vandengather: wait a sec03:29
cherwinjust add a user that has rights on the share03:29
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_Mr_Denix_hey all03:29
bensodeUgh now I just need to find out where to turn off the join/part/quit spam in XChat03:29
_Mr_Denix_!seen neutrinomass03:29
ubotuneutrinomass is currently on #ubuntu-offtopic (29m 39s) #ubuntu (29m 39s)03:29
vandengareth: there is a space in the file name?03:29
_Mr_Denix_hello neutrinomass :)03:29
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Bassettsbensode: its pretty functional now03:29
_Mr_Denix_!seen thoreauputic03:29
ubotuthoreauputic <n=prospero@ubuntu/member/thoreauputic> was last seen on IRC in channel #kubuntu, 1d 15h 18m 24s ago, saying: ':)'.03:30
Bassettsits in public beta so should be ok03:30
vandengareth: if so, don't do that :-)03:30
_Mr_Denix_!seen gavagai03:30
ubotugavagai is currently on #ubuntu-offtopic #ubuntu03:30
_Mr_Denix_hello gavagai :)03:30
apokryphos_Mr_Denix_: stop03:30
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Guard] [anhi, how can i install shockwave please ?03:30
garethvanden: yes there is. I'll rename it without the space. Do you think the command looks ok then?03:30
cherwinBassetts: so to be safe, just add the user that is creating the user to access the file. And then in linux access the share with smb://<ip-address>03:30
ubotuYou can play with me in /msg or #debian-bots without being banned.03:30
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_Mr_Denix_just checkin don't need to be so agravated03:31
Bassetts=O confused03:31
vandengareth: looks good to me, but I'm no hacker :-) (Save a copy first just to be sure.)03:31
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neutrinomass_Mr_Denix_: I'll be with you in a moment :) (on the phone )03:31
bensodeCan't seem to find where to turn off join/part/quit spam to the channel in Xchat menus ...03:31
_Mr_Denix_neutrinomass sure03:31
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vandengareth: did it work out?03:31
apokryphosbensode: time to read the documentation :)03:32
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cf2Do Ubuntu infrastructure bugs (specifically DNS) go into Malone with everything else ?03:32
bensodeapokryphos: Ha ha03:32
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cherwinBassetts: yeah i know, i've typed something wrong, anyway, just create the share and add a random user. Be sure that the user has access to the file that you are going to share. And afterwards connect to the share in Linux with smb://<ip address>03:32
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cherwinBassetts: comprende?03:32
Frogzoo_Mr_Denix_: if you pm the bot, no one will mind if you fiddle03:32
ninianAre newbie questions tolerable here ?03:32
Frogzooninian: all except that one ;)03:32
_Mr_Denix_frogzoo i tried to kick myself. i might be rookie on linux but not that stupid to pm a boot03:33
cherwinninian: try it out, and i have to go with Frogzoo03:33
mike_how do i install the ati linux driver?03:33
Bassettscherwin: so in vista, goto my documents, click share, add a user (the user has to be on the vista pc it says), then in ubuntu do smb://share ip03:33
cherwinninian: please refrain from asking if you may ask a question03:33
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apokryphosmike_: check the FAQ03:33
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Bassettscherwin: how do i find vistas ip?03:33
ninianI know how to chmod etc, but I have no clue how to read the ownership and permissions of a file :-)03:33
Bassettsi uses nat networking03:33
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Frogzooninian: ls -l03:34
garethvanden: no - is it case sensitive?03:34
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cherwinBassetts: ipconfig? or network settings and then click the network adapter, i don't use Vista so just try it out :^)03:34
vandengareth: I believe it is03:34
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brett_can anyone lend me a hand with my sound? I've stuffed it up somehow03:34
ninianI thought there would be a command for a single file maybe ... but thanks.03:34
vandengareth: didn't work how?03:34
cherwinninian: ls -l <file>03:35
vandenninian: ls -la the_file_name03:35
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Bassettscherwin: am i missing something here?03:35
ninianthx !03:35
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cherwinBassetts: where?03:35
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Bassettscherwin: i have shared my documents, with my vista user in the allowed users, gone to smb://ip of vista03:36
Bassettsi get nothing03:36
buzzedhmm i have a pdf the closes when i open it...03:36
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Bassettsoo wait03:36
cherwinBassetts: turn the firewall off in your Vista guest03:36
garethvanden: looks like it's a case senstive issue. It originally said no such directoy on the input directory, but I've corrected the case, and now  it says no such destination - so I'm going to check the case for that03:37
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vandengareth: do you know about tab completion?03:37
vandengareth: can save typing and *mistyping*. enter a letter or two of the path on the cmd line and hit tab.03:38
nf4i forgot what i typed in terminal to manualy change the respitorys03:38
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vandengareth: if nothing happens the first tab hit, do it again03:39
Bassettscherwin, in ubuntu i put in the vista username, and it has no pass, but it wont let me in03:39
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rigonattidoes anyone a good SFTP SSL tools in Ubuntu ??03:39
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neutrinomass_Mr_Denix_: Shhot :)03:39
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cherwinbecause you cannot have a passwordless login03:40
Bassettscherwin, ok03:40
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_Mr_Denix_neutrinomass: i need to install tar.gz that synaptic won't find for me. also tried adding extra repositories didn't worl03:40
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on2seeHi, I just installed Hoary Hedgehog from a cd, and I realized Dapper Drake is out. Is it possible to auto-update to it, without downloading a cd image03:40
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itaican anyone help me with grub restoring?03:41
Bassettscherwin, even with pass no luck03:41
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garethvanden: I've corrected the spelling and case, and it's worked. Many thanks for your help.03:41
schloobon2see: add the repositories to sources.list03:41
on2seehow do I do that03:41
vandengareth: NP :-)03:41
vanden<bump> hey all. Recent upgrade to dapper made my laptop's synaptic touchpad flaky. Lots of forum posts last I looked but no obvious solution. I'm not too experienced in Linux. Pointers?03:41
neutrinomass_Mr_Denix_: 1. What's the package name? Are you sure it's not in the repos? 2. Where did you get the .tar.gz, can you provide a link ?03:41
^^angustaTrying to setup a scsi array, drives installed, and scsi adapter configured, but what do I do to add them to ubuntu?03:42
Guard] [anhi, how can i install shockwave please ? is there shockwave for linux ???03:42
itaianyone knows anything about restoring grub?03:42
^^angustaGuard] [an, go to macromedia.com, look for download link03:42
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_Mr_Denix_fake-1.1.9.tar.gz       http://www.vergenet.net/linux/fake/download/1.1.9/      it's not in repos03:42
ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats03:42
_Mr_Denix_neutrinomass   fake-1.1.9.tar.gz       http://www.vergenet.net/linux/fake/download/1.1.9/      it's not in repos03:42
ubotuhmm... touchpad is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticsTouchpadHowTo03:42
ubotu^^angusta: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:42
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gnubeitai, You can install it with apt-get install grub03:43
newbieboyDcherwin: thanks am playing all my mp3 now bye see ya03:43
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itaithanks but03:43
cherwinnewbieboyD: np03:43
=== Vaske_Car [n=opera@d38-208-116.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
itaii installed vista and lost my grub03:43
rigonattidoes anyone a good SFTP SSL tools in Ubuntu ??03:43
neutrinomass_Mr_Denix_: It is :) It's in universe.03:43
itai'so i cant log in..03:43
cherwinBassetts: that's odd, try to connect with smb://ip address/c$03:43
neutrinomassubotu, tell _Mr_Denix_ about universe03:43
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cherwinBassetts: and then use Administrator as user and supply a password03:44
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^^angustaitai, you will need a linux boot disk03:44
Vaske_Carhow to install Sendmail?03:44
^^angustatry booting with ubuntu live cd03:44
itaii booted with knoppix03:44
^^angustaok, go to prompt and run grub03:44
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jadaz87also how do i get ttyX up to 1024x768?03:44
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_Mr_Denix_neutrinomass : lol i tried to search for it (ctrl + F) and didn't found it ... okay thanks for the ubotu stuff on prv03:44
reaperhow do i download the latest nvidia drivers?03:44
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neutrinomass_Mr_Denix_: Enable universe, "reload" through synaptic and install fake ....03:45
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itaisupposedly "root(hd0,1)" but it sais "selected disk does not exist"03:45
_Mr_Denix_neutrinomass : thank you :)03:45
Bassettscherwin: vista has no domain, is that why?03:45
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neutrinomass_Mr_Denix_: If the repos aren't enabled it doesn't show up. You can use http://packages.ubuntu.com to search for it or /msg ubotu with "info fake" (it might need a leading ! )03:46
gnubeitai, What happens is when you install windows it writes over your Master Boot Record03:46
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neutrinomass_Mr_Denix_: You're welcome :)03:46
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^^angustacan anyone help me setup scsi disks in ubuntu, device manager shows one unknown disk03:46
gnubeSo if you want to dual boot it is best to install linux _after_ you install windows.03:46
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^^angustabut can't do anything with it03:46
itaitoo late...03:46
Noahjjadaz87, set vga=0x318 after the kernel line in your menu.lst03:46
vandenThe page <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticsTouchpadHowTo> seems to be about getting scrolling to work. But my touchpad is afflicted with jerky pointer syndrom and arbitrary clinking all over the place. Anyone know how I can fix?03:47
rigonattidoes anyone know a good SFTP SSh tools in Ubuntu ??03:47
cherwinBassetts: as i stated before, i don't use vista my friend so it's way above my head. Try it the other way around then and create a samba share on you linux host. Maybe that'll work.03:47
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jadaz87Noahj: where is that menu.1st?03:47
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gnubeitai, So if you want to dual boot it is best to install linux _after_ you install windows.03:47
winbonddoes anyone use the official bittorrent client? , by bram cohen03:47
Noahjjadaz87, /boot/grub03:47
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jadaz87Noahj: thanks03:48
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itaignube , you mean i need to reinstall linux now?03:48
Beta_Mitai:  no, you can do it without reinstal03:48
Bassettscherwin: what ip should i use for my ubuntu share then? internal ip?03:48
snoopsgnube he can use the live cd, chroot into his ubuntu install, reinstall grub03:48
snoopsand be done with it03:49
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itaii though so...03:49
brosio15:48:39.430548 IP >  60595 PTR? (46)03:49
brosio15:48:39.929639 IP >  60595 PTR? (46)03:49
thaytanI have an em64t machine that completely fails to boot the installer, because it can't start the X server03:49
ubotufor wintel https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo :for the Mac https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot03:49
brosiowhere are going this packets ?03:49
gnubeitai, I am not sure that you need to re-install linux, just that your master boot record has been over-written.03:49
Iam8up|lpywhat's the window manager with the cubed desktop...it begins with comp...runs on xgl...03:49
thaytanis my only option to install via the alternate CD?03:49
Iam8up|lpythe koronaa live cd has it installed...03:49
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cherwinBassetts: connect from within Vista with the ip that's on your eth0 i guess03:49
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Bassettsok cherwin03:50
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gnubeitai, Apparently snoops has a recommendation which sounds doable, that is what I would do.03:50
itaisnoops, whats the command for reinstalling grub?03:50
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snoopsI'll get the guide.. one minute03:51
jadaz87Noahj: should it be before or after the defoption=quiet splash?03:51
nikusanitai, search wiki.ubuntu.com for "restore grub"03:51
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Noahjjadaz87: After I think... you might have to set video=vesafb after that03:52
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jadaz87Noahj: what does that option do? i have a laptop screen btw03:52
snowblinkhi - how do I set the keyboard/gnome terminal to not send ] ^5 when I press page down?03:52
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gnubeitai, snoops says; use the live cd, chroot into his ubuntu install, reinstall grub03:53
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itainikusan , i did , it sais " root (hd0,1) " but linux sais selected disk does not exist03:53
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gnubeitai, Did you overwrite your entire disk?03:53
Beta_Mitai:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows03:53
itaidid not03:53
Penguin_I keep getting this erorr when ever I try to make a program I get this error: make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.03:53
snoopsoh damnit Beta_M03:53
Noahjjadaz87: are you using 2.6?03:53
jadaz87Noahj: yes03:53
snowblinkPenguin_, what are you trying to make?03:54
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Beta_Msnoops:  sorry, you'll get the good karma the next time03:54
reapermy monitor only goes upto 1280x1024 @ 72Hz, but ubuntu is making it display as 75Hz,03:54
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gnubeKarma? Wheres the karma?! I want some.03:54
reaperhow do i force it to go to 72?03:54
Penguin_a texure converter until03:54
cherwinPenguin_: first type ./configure03:54
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Noahjjada87: it enables the framebuffer... I think... I'm going to try it on my other machine and see how it goes first, it's been a while since I've done this (last time I did I used gentoo)03:54
Beta_Mgnube:  you have to help somebody, and you receive brownie points03:55
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Beta_Mbut you have to imagine them03:55
Penguin_I've tryied that03:55
gnubeBeta_M, heh!03:55
jadaz87Noahj: oh ok :-)03:55
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Bassetts=( i just want to send like 3 files to vista03:55
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Beta_MBassetts:  what's the problem?03:56
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BassettsBeta_M: i have vista in a vm and cant send files to it03:56
Beta_Msorry, virtual machines are above my head for now03:56
Iam8up|lpyBassetts - windows shares?03:56
gnubeBassetts, Which virtual machine?03:57
Noahjjadaz87: Yeah, just add vga=0x318 video=vesafb to the end of the kernel line and it'll work03:57
gnubeVMware, zen?03:57
reaperhow do i download the latest nvidia drivers?03:57
Bassettsgnube: vmware server03:57
gnubeor rather xen?03:57
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KirlyinI'm a complete newbie to ubuntu...how do you install VLC? (i think there might be something wrong with the synaptic package manager)03:58
snoopsNoahj do you have a guide for changing that to whatever res you want? (in particular 1920x1200) :)03:58
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ubotufrom memory, vlc is a video/audio player that supports almost everything - See http://www.videolan.org/ for more information (VLC is in the universe repository)03:58
snoopsKirlyin you need to enable the univese repostiroes03:58
Beta_MKirlyin:  System -> Admin -> Synaptic package mannager03:58
gnubeKirlyin, Probably nothing wrong with synaptic, you have to change your source.list03:58
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jimmy89sry to ask again, but anyone know how to config wep key#2 using networkmanager?03:58
Noahjsnoops: I think it says something in the grub manual...03:58
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planetcallgoodevening all03:59
livevilhi to all03:59
m0gsiHello all i was just wondering if there was a package out there that could help me tweat the gnome GUI03:59
Kirlyinwell it says:  Couldn't stat source package list http://us.archive.ubuntu.com breezy/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)03:59
gnubeKirlyin, Edit /etc/apt/sources.list enable the universe repository and synaptic will work to add VLC03:59
planetcallanyone having problem with Azureus slide-in messages at lower right of screen ?03:59
livevildoes someone use amule? I don't know how to configure my firewall (firestarter). Can someone help me?03:59
planetcallthey dont seem to go away03:59
Penguin_I'm also having problems connecting to wireless networks. When I use ndiswrapper it tells me the driver is invalid. also how do I remove old version of ubuntu from the boot. I've tried moving the files but I don't have the permissions. how do I do it with sudo04:00
meuserjdoes anyone have any idea how to change the master password for your keyring manager in GNOME?04:00
Noahjsnoops: I think that video=vesafb,1920x1200-16@75 should work04:00
Noahjsnoops: I'm going to test that method of setting the res04:00
planetcallanyone using azureus here ?04:00
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snoopsdoesn't support 24bit?04:00
meuserjor even just completely remove the current keyring...04:00
jadaz87Noahj: what do you mean at the end of the kernel line?04:00
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snoopsand gosh man 60hz!04:00
Noahjsnoops: sure04:00
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? </hint>04:00
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Noahjsnoops: I didn't know your card could do that04:01
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jadaz87Noahj: i just set them as defoption=vga=0x31804:01
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jimmy89someone has to know how to set wep key#2 in networkmanager!04:01
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m0gsiHello all i was just wondering if there was a package out there that could help me tweat the gnome GUI04:01
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cherwinjimmy89: why do you want to set up key#2?04:02
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snoopsNoahj it's the native res of my monitor :) thanks for testing it out by the way04:02
Noahjjadaz87: I put the lines right after the kernel line04:02
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cherwinjimmy89: what do you want to do, you just want to connect with a wireless network using wep am i right?04:02
xinelhey guys i have a dual core lappy, should i install an smp kernel?04:02
jimmy89cherwin: yes04:02
Noahjsnoops: no problem04:02
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jimmy89cherwin: but it has to be key#2 beause my school uses that key#04:03
winbonddoes anyone use the official bittorrent client? , by bram cohen04:03
cherwinjimmy89: you can use iwconfig (read the manual for usage) or you can use nm-applet, a very usefull tool04:03
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davvykhi how do you connect to a network over wifi in linux. is there not a scanning ap like windows zero?04:03
Schneeschwarzxinel: that's what a smp kernel is for04:03
snoopsdon't see why you would when the are better alternatives winbond..04:03
Doathi. i'm having a problem installing cvscedega on ubuntu. The actual install goes fine but when i run cvscedega i get http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15659 Ideas?04:03
=== ivan_ [n=ivan@227.Red-80-35-36.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Noahjdavvyk: network-admin should scan for you04:03
jimmy89cherwin: nm-aplet meaning networkmanger?04:03
reaperhelp! i cant install flash player!04:03
xinelSchneeschwarz, thanx, wasn't sure04:03
MadMerChi does anyone know of any reason a cpu would suddenly start to overheat and yes the fan is still working ??04:03
reaperfor firefox04:03
ivan_i hace a problem04:03
ivan_with acpi control04:03
m0gsiScneeschwarz try using wifi-radar thats what i am using it's avaliable from the add/remove program cool.04:04
cherwinjimmy89: i dont know if it is the same, but there are more network managers04:04
=== HellDragon is now known as Pantoufle
reaperMadMerC: try checking if the heatsink is actually touching the cpu04:04
Kirlyinhow do i check to see if the universal package is disabled or need to edit it or whatever?04:04
gnomefreakreaper: what is the output of uname -r?04:04
=== kholerabbi [n=me@dsl-220-235-66-169.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
kholerabbiHow do I install thunderbird?04:04
jimmy89well i need one where i can select the key number used04:04
MadMerCreaper yes it is04:04
Schneeschwarzm0gsi: ?04:04
aa_hi, something really strange has happened in that my sound vanished when upgrading to dapper. Where should I start looking? I have the card setup correctly it seems, kernel drivers run, alsa mixer knows the card and seems to work, no errors anywhere, just no sound :( any ideas please?04:04
reapergnomefreak: see i didnt even understand that :D i just installed ubuntu tonight04:04
livevildoes someone use amule?04:04
gnomefreakKirlyin: gksudo "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"04:04
davvyki dont see where im supposed to be scanning in that all it seems to have is a list of interfaces such as wireless ra0 but no ability to scan04:04
winbondsnoops: im just checking things out before i settle on something04:04
snoops!tell reaper about flash04:04
SiriusIntentHelp! I'm trying to partition a 20 gig hard drive for a ubuntu (Dapper) installation with a /home partition but have no idea what i'm doing.04:04
Noahjsnoops: I thing you have to use vesafb-tng for that04:04
gnomefreakreaper: in terminal type uname -r  and let me know what it says after you hit enter04:05
ivan_can help me please?04:05
=== Guitar [n=Guitar@pool-71-240-94-229.pitt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Noahjaa_: re-run alsaconf?04:05
aa_Noahj: ok, thanks04:05
jimmy89cherwin: i have networkmanager now, and i cant see anyway to change the key#04:05
cherwinjimm89: key#2 is just a key that is calculated, nothing more. you can just connect with a network and do not have te specificaly tell you wireless card that it's key#204:05
planetcallanyone having problem with Azureus slide-in message ?04:05
snoopsSiriusIntent you can use the graphical installer to partition a disk up04:05
SiriusIntentyeah im running the installer from the live cd04:05
reapergnomefreak: 2.6.15-23-38604:05
aa_Noahj: um, what happened to alsaconf04:05
jimmy89cherwin: you sure?04:05
boha_what server should i use for hotmail.com? POP?04:05
jimmy89because i tried today and it didnt connect04:06
Penguin_I'm also having problems connecting to wireless networks. When I use ndiswrapper it tells me the driver is invalid. also how do I remove old version of ubuntu from the boot. I've tried moving the files but I don't have the permissions. how do I do it with sudo04:06
Noahjaa_: Oh darn... I think it's gone04:06
gnomefreakreaper: go to the site ubotu sent you in pm and install it you may need to enable universe and multiverse repos04:06
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reaperboha_: its all on hotmailes site04:06
cherwinjimmy89: yes, just use iwconfig ethX essid <wireless network> to connect to the network04:06
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aa_Noahj: am trying using dpkg-reconfigure04:06
snoopsreaper that link ubotu pasted to you will covers what you need to do to install flash04:06
reaperahh ok04:06
davvykNoahj: i dont see where im supposed to be scanning in that all it seems to have is a list of interfaces such as wireless ra0 but no ability to scan04:06
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Noahjaa_: it's just a script though, I'll look for a link on the net04:06
cherwinjimmy89: and then iwconfig ethX key <key> and see for yourslef04:06
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MadMerCis there a virus or something that could make the cpu overheat ???04:06
Noahjdavvyk: go to properties and look down the list of available networks04:07
aa_Noahj: thanks, I used to think alsa+debian was hard, this is just impossible <wink>04:07
jadaz87MacMerC linux is not subseptable to virii04:07
gnomefreakMadMerC: reboot see if it goes abck to normal04:07
webguyi set up postfix on my server how do i set up seperate mailboxes04:07
jimmy89cherwin: do i have to use iwconfig for it to work, instead of network manager?04:07
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snoopsSiriusIntent oh okay.. and not sure what to partition, what file systems etc?04:07
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SiriusIntentwhat filesystem is used for a /home partition?04:07
SiriusIntentyeah thats right04:07
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snoopsext3 is a safe bet04:07
cherwinjimmy89: i use iwconfig to test if everything is correct, i find it the best tool for such things, if it works, then i use nm-applet or some sort of network manager04:08
Penguin_I'm also having problems connecting to wireless networks. When I use ndiswrapper it tells me the driver is invalid. also how do I remove old version of ubuntu from the boot. I've tried moving the files but I don't have the permissions. how do I do it with sudo04:08
gnomefreakMadMerC: if i had to guess its a hardware issue not so much a software issue but rebooting should fix any software issue with it04:08
Noahjaa_: I believe that you can grab a tarball from ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/driver/alsaconf/04:08
snoopsreiserfs is another option..04:08
Noahjaa_: that should work04:08
SiriusIntentthanks snoops :)04:08
MadMerCgnomefreak it keeps freezing my pc and i have to reboot so no rebooting doesnt seem to help but i do have the case off now and its still running04:08
aa_Noahj: thanks04:08
snoopswhat partitions are you making SiriusIntent?04:08
planetcallSiriusIntent, go with EXT3FS04:08
gnomefreakMadMerC: is it cooler with the case off?04:08
planetcallSiriusIntent, reiserfs just made me install all over again y'day04:08
NoahjYeah, I used reiserfs3 a while ago and it died on me, but that's just my experience.04:09
planetcallNoahj, same here !04:09
MadMerCim just wondering if any could think of any reason why it would all of a sudden start to do this04:09
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nosilver4udoes anyone know what the option is to have your screen area bigger than your actual monitor?04:09
gnomefreakMadMerC: your fans on the way out maybe04:09
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reapergnomefreak: i'm using synaptic to install packages. I can't find the flash installer?04:09
jimmy89cherwin: do i have to uncomment my wireless  int in the interfaces file?04:09
_groutin the CLI what can i type to see what version of ubuntu im running?04:09
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basti_is there any explanation to why when just after I formatted my second ata disk with ext3 there is 3GB used on it and a lost+found folder on it when it's mounted? (its not a brand new disk)04:09
MadMerCgnomefreak i dont know is there some sort of system monitor package i can install ??04:09
gnomefreakreaper: you need to enable universe adn multiverse repos04:09
reaperwhich is located where?04:10
SiriusIntenti went with a primary ex3 then split the remaining into an extended swap (1gig) and the rest of the logical i wanted to use for /home04:10
gnomefreakMadMerC: not that im aware of04:10
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Noahjsnoops: about the grub thing, try vesafb-tng,1920x1200-24@6004:10
gnomefreakubotu tell reaper -about multiverse04:10
davvykNoahj: are you refering to, system - admin - network?04:10
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_groutin the CLI what can i type to see what version of ubuntu im running?04:10
Noahjsnoops: I don't know if ubuntu has vesafb-tng though04:10
cherwinjimmy89: no just set everything up with iwconfig, make sure the interface is up with ifconfig. And when you are connected use dhclient to get an ip address04:10
gnomefreakMadMerC: i would really have your fan checked  (is this a duel boot)?04:10
MadMerChmmm maybe it just has too much fan lint in it04:10
snoopsand add that to the line where I tell grub what kernel to boot in menu.lst?04:11
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MadMerCgnomefreak no its just ubuntu on here04:11
cherwinjimmy89: but anyway, i'm off now, see you!04:11
jimmy89cherwin: so i will have to manually change the iwconfig everytime i come home, and then change it again when i go to school?04:11
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Noahjdavvyk: I don't usually use the menus04:11
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lotiafolks anyone having trouble with nvidia cards and dapper.04:11
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MadMerClotia mine works fine04:12
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Iam8up|lpycan anyone tell me the name of the window manager that turns the desktops into a cube, nice window effects and all - runs on XGL04:12
gnomefreaklotia: nope  why not try to tell us the problem so we might beablet o help04:12
Bassettsfor all those who were helping with my vmware problem, i have it sorted, in the vm settings you can add a parition to be a drive on the vm04:12
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aa_Noahj: ok, this is starting to scare me, running alsaconf, my card isn't in the available driver list (I think) - triple checking)04:12
Noahjsnoops: yeah, although jada had some other way of doing it I think...04:12
MadMerCIam8up|lpy its called compiz04:12
basti_Iam8up|lpy: compiz?04:12
schloobon2see: wine is in there04:13
=== azer_ [n=azer@AAubervilliers-153-1-80-190.w86-203.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
azer_hi all04:13
Noahjaa_: what does your card show up as in lspci?04:13
lotiai have a nvidia geforce  7600 hooked up to a 30" display over DVI. gdm comes up fine, but when i log in, i get a blank screen with a pointer, my gnome session never starts. running dapper drake on amd6404:13
gnomefreakXGL runs on compiz but close enough ;)04:13
azer_what is the package for GL/gl.h ?04:13
aa_Noahj: its a common sound card I mean sb audigy 204:13
octanbrb i need some help,.04:13
gnomefreakubotu tell Iam8up|lpy -about xgl04:13
octani cat use 2 sound apps at once..04:13
aa_Noahj: 0000:02:02.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Audigy (rev 04)04:13
on2seeit is?04:13
gnomefreakubotu tell octan -about dmix04:13
Noahjaa_: I heard that a lot of people are having problems with audigy cards...04:13
octanhow do i use 2 sound apps at once.. like amarok and teamspeaker04:14
snoopsNoahj hmm I'll have a look and play around.. thanks04:14
Bassettshow can i change permissions of a file?04:14
aa_Noahj: yikes, any refeernce?04:14
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Noahjoctan: I think there's an app called audiowrapper for that04:14
gnomefreakoctan: read the pm ubotu sent you04:14
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Noahjsnoops: sure.04:14
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snoopslotia do you have the nvidia drivers installed?04:14
octan<gnomefreak> ok.. but that was for gnome :\ err, im on kde04:14
lotiasnoops nope04:14
Noahjaa_: I was chatting at the time, so I don't have any particular reference.04:15
gnomefreakoctan: i dont think is DE dependant04:15
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snoopsit's possible some crazy resolution business is going on.. did you boot into the live cd setup fine lotia?04:15
Ignitehrm, i've installed that cool 3D thing along with compiz, but in gnome it doesn't work correctly, i thought "heh, i will install KDE and give that a try", so, is there a quick way to install a basic KDE installation without using kubuntu-desktop? i don't need all the stuff, just a basic KDE desktop to test it04:15
sheilNot to be an ass (because I know a lot of you are busy with other people), but is anyone available to help me out with an ubuntu problem?  I'm having a problem with something taking up space on my hard drive, but I don't know what it is.04:15
aa_Noahj: ah cool, well I need to reboot to turn the onboard card on in BIOS, thanks for your hel04:15
snoopsits gui I mean04:15
gnomefreakoctan: you can do it with alsa its in the forums i just cant remember where in forums04:15
lotiasnoops: i didn't i had to use the alternate installer04:15
MadMerCIgnite it should run fine on gnome04:15
snoopsIgnite it's working fine in gnome for me04:15
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gnomefreaksheil: sudo apt-get autoclean04:16
gnomefreaksheil: start there04:16
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snoopslotia I'm not too sure what the problem could be.. have you checked the forums?04:16
sheilAlright, I'll try that gnomefreak04:16
mathieu_sheil: use du --max-depth=1 | sort -g  recursively to find it04:16
MadMerClotia try this04:16
Igniteits not xgl, i have an ATI card with open source drivers, its that other thing developed by a fedora team i believe04:16
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ubotuHelp to fix the display resolution is available at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:16
NoahjIgnite: aptitude install kde? (wink wink)04:16
NoahjIgnite: Wait, that might have dep issues04:16
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Ignitegnomefreak, yeah i think thats it04:17
gnomefreakthats the one by redhat iirc04:17
MadMerCaiglx should work with gnome too shouldnt it ??04:17
jimmy89any one know of a gui network manager that supports different wep key#'s?04:17
Ignitethe desktop just goes white and i can't see the menu bar04:17
gnomefreakMadMerC: key word "should"04:17
Noahjjimmy89: just use iwconfig, it's easier than a gui04:17
ruggyfrom what distro did you all convert to ubuntu from?04:17
MadMerCgnomefreak lol04:17
MadMerCruggy windows xp lol04:18
jadaz87Noahj: GDM/xorg does not start now :-)04:18
=== gnomefreak brb
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Noahjjimmy89: although network-admin does support multiple locations, I think04:18
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jimmy89noahj: but i need to change profiles each day04:18
Sildargodhiya all04:18
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jadaz87Noahj: YAY LOL j/k04:18
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Sildargodhow goes it today?04:18
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tonedahlGparted won't allow me to resize my ntfs drive. From Norwegian: coun't read the the information on the filesystem. What do I do? I've run both windows defragmenter and harddrive fix thingy04:18
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jimmy89noahj: and also iwconfig dosn't support passphrase....04:19
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Paradoxxany1 know how i can get my bg image to change automatically ever X mins04:19
jimmy89noahj: network-admin you say?04:19
ubotuI give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, on2see04:19
=== Sildargod blinks
leandrohi all... any wireless expert? I got my broadcom card working only once04:19
Frogzootonedahl: is there a swap file in there somewhere? maybe remove it from the os & try again04:19
octangnomefreak, aoss /opt/TeamSpeak2RC2/TeamSpeak did not work verry well..04:19
Paradoxxleandro: whats the problem?04:19
Sildargodwow.. here i am a complete newb amongst all you people wanting to do hardcore things04:19
snoopstonedahl you could try a different partitioning manager - such as partition magic.. to resize then use the partition manager in ubuntu to setup your swap and ext3 partitions04:19
Noahjjimmy89: yeah, it crashes pretty often here (ndiswrapper), but it's nice04:19
octangnomefreak, to get TS to work i need to have 0 sound apps runing and disable the kde soundsystem04:19
Frogzootonedahl: just make sure you have enough mem to boot without swap...04:20
Sildargodanyone have time to help a very fresh beginner?04:20
MadMerCSildargod tell me bout it lol04:20
on2seehow do I use uotu04:20
NoahjSildargod: what's your problem?04:20
Paradoxxleandro: what is your problem??04:20
SildargodMadMerC, all i want to do is install windowmaker04:20
NoUse!tell on2see about ubotu04:20
kazukisanWhere the heck are all the packages in ubuntu when i do apt-get like lets say wine i get messages like this Package wine is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source04:20
Sildargodit's less obvious than i would have hoped04:20
Frogzooubotu tell on2see about ubotu04:20
MadMerCSildargod just do a search in synaptic04:20
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jimmy89noahj: so it can support wireless profiles can it?04:20
leandroParadoxx: hum..04:20
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Sildargodi did, i downloaded the tar.gz and there was no such luck04:20
leandroParadoxx: I got it working once04:21
Sildargodi tried sudo apt-get install wmaker04:21
Paradoxxleandro: whats your problem with your wifi?04:21
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Sildargodbut still nothing04:21
kane77hi guys... do you know of any game that is similar to diablo2 in gameplay and atmosphere???04:21
MadMerCSildargod let me look04:21
Noahjjimmy89: I think that you just add a location, set it up the way you want, and then add another the other way04:21
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leandroParadoxx: but now iwconfig shows invalid access point04:21
snoopsfor nix I'm assuming kane77?04:21
Frogzookazukisan: u need enable multiverse/universe04:21
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kane77snoops, yes04:21
Sildargodi read through the instructions in the installation and it demanded that i make install04:21
NoahjSildargod: do you have the universe repos enabled?04:21
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leandro Paradoxx: and I can't set it using ap MAC_ADDRR04:21
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Sildargodbut make isn't a command?04:21
Paradoxxdo you see the network card in System >Preferences > Network04:21
Frogzookazukisan: diable 2 ?04:21
jimmy89Noahj: can you define which key# the wep key is stored in?04:21
Astinus-Is it just me or does Hibernate not work in ubuntu?04:21
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Sildargoduniverse repos? i can safely say i don't think so04:22
snoopshmm.. you could run d2 in wine pretty easily I'm sure04:22
sparkleytonehow do i add the gpg key from the debian repository?04:22
Paradoxxhave you tried network-manager?04:22
kazukisanfrogzoo: ?04:22
Frogzookazukisan: sry (tab)04:22
Paradoxxthats what i use04:22
leandro Paradoxx: any idea?04:22
Frogzookane77: diable 2 ?04:22
Paradoxxnot sure04:22
sparkleytonei tried apt-key Release.gpg but it says its not valid gpg data04:22
NoahjSildargod: wmaker is in universe...04:22
FjodorAstinus-: I think it is hit or miss on a machine to machine basis. Works fine on my laptop04:22
Paradoxxare you useing a static ip settings?04:22
MadMerCSildargod wmaker is in there04:22
=== groo [n=groo@c-69-253-135-136.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kazukisanfrogzoo: Diablo 2 is a MMORGP Made by blizzard.04:22
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Astinus-Fjodor: i see no progress or resume information when hibernating or restoring from it04:22
Sildargodah.. so i need to install universe repos04:22
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Frogzookazukisan: which runs under wine beautifully...04:22
kane77Frogzoo, whats the site to it?04:23
Sildargodcool! that's a first step. lemme try that. Thank you04:23
NoahjSildargod gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and then add universe to the end of the first line04:23
Frogzoo!tell kane77 about appdb04:23
snoopsIt's a slash and hack rpg.. no mmo about it.04:23
MadMerCSildargod yup04:23
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grooits not really mmo04:23
SildargodWhoop! thank you!04:23
_groutin the CLI what do i type to see what version of ubuntu im running?04:23
FjodorAstinus-: Haven't got much experience other than for my laptop, it works :-/04:23
Anchoito21anyone knows how works terminal server?04:23
Noahjjimmy89: I haven't used it much04:23
kazukisanFrogzoo: Havent tried that under wine yet i might have to get out the cds, but star craft ran perfectly i think blizzard and wine were made for each other :P04:23
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ic56!tell on2see about upgrade04:23
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Paradoxxleandro: ??04:23
groohey guys how do i put icons on the deskop in 6.06?04:23
MadMerCwhats KDE like to use ???04:23
Noahjgroo: you mean a new icon theme?04:24
_grout!tell _grout about upgrade04:24
sparkleytoneanyone?  how do i add the gpg key from the debian repositories to apt?  i tried apt-key add Release.gpg but its not working04:24
jadaz87nassor: what should i do?04:24
jimmy89if you have it installed can you please check for me? because if i try to use it, it could stuff up my wireless connection04:24
sheilHey, I did a du / --max-depth=1 | sort-g and it's saying that my largest directory is / ... does that include everything underneath (includes subfolders)?04:24
tonedahlI just had to install ntfs-tools. Thanks anyway :)04:24
jadaz87Noahj: what should i do?04:24
ic56groo: what kind of icons?  the trashbin or your own files?04:24
groonoahj: like mounted cds automatically or HDs04:24
Frogzoogroo: if you drag/move files to desktop, they get icons automatically04:24
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jadaz87Noahj: the tty1 is in native resolution now but xorg/gdm does not start now04:24
oni-draculaeh...I'll ask this again, just in case...  Does anyone have a copy of cedega in .deb format?04:24
snoopsNoahj you know in the ubuntu live disc I can choose to do 1600x1200 res so I guess that means 1920x1200 should be fine04:25
groook if I drag the HD04:25
Noahjjadaz87: What's the error?04:25
kazukisanfrogzoo: I  have multi uni and non free all that enabled and its still not finding wine :'(04:25
_groutin the CLI what do i type to see what version of ubuntu im running?04:25
MadMerCgroo when you put a cd in the drive u should get a cd icon on the desktop automatically04:25
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jadaz87Noahj: maybe it is the video=vesafb line04:25
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ubotuWine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on linux.  see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Wine for more info.04:25
Noahjsnoops: When live is booted, maybe it makes a custom menu.lst?04:25
jadaz87Noahj: i do not know it just says x is disabled04:25
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Frogzookazukisan: u need a different repo for wine04:25
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Noahjjadaz87: when you just run "X"?04:25
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kane77i dont realy like running things on wine... it lasts so long till they start...04:26
Frogzookazukisan: no I lie - it should be there...04:26
snoopsshrug, it's mostly all smoke and mirrors to me Noahj04:26
kazukisanFrogzoo: Gah that sucks they dont include it :(04:26
_groutin the CLI what do i type to see what version of ubuntu im running?04:26
itaisnoops, you still there?04:26
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Frogzookazukisan: click "reload" - should find it now04:26
snoopsyep itai04:26
ic56groo: if they don't already show up, try running gconf-editor and go down to system> storage.  Check teh appropriate boxes.04:26
itaii followed your link04:26
kazukisanfrogzoo: that didnt work either04:26
snoopsah cool, how did it go?04:26
Sildargodi'm baaaack! gpedit the sources.list didn't work04:26
itaiwhen i reboot - i get a grub command line thing04:26
sheilAccording to the du tool, I have 23 gigs of space used.  However, GParted says that I have 56GB used!  Where's the extra space being taken up?  I also posted something about this on the Forums (includes screenshots): http://tinyurl.com/q4gpq04:26
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Noahj_grout: back in debian it was cat /etc/debian_version... maybe it's ubuntu_version in ubuntu?04:26
itailike grub.04:26
Sildargodi'll send the error04:27
grooic56 ok thank you verty much04:27
SildargodWhile connecting to session manager:04:27
SildargodAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.04:27
ic56groo: yw!04:27
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NoahjSildargod: that looks like an X error04:27
williamvergarahi, i have a very short question04:27
Sildargoddoes that mean my logon isn't priviledged enough?04:27
gnomefreakNoahj: lsb_release -a04:27
NoahjSildargod: just edit it with nano04:27
williamvergarahow do i set up a ubuntu mirror?04:27
petejlo... anyone succeeded in installing Math::Pari on hoary? been banging my head on this half of today here04:27
SildargodNoahj, x? aight, lemme try nano04:27
Noahj_grout: what gnomefreak said04:27
williamvergarais there a official script?04:27
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Sildargodha! this seems more likely04:28
williamvergaraplease, i knot it has a fast anwser04:28
williamvergarai just need a link04:28
snoopsitai lets go over the steps you took.. booted from live cd(1), opened console in gnome environment(2), mounted the partitions needed in terminal(3), chrooted to the system(4), ran grub installer(5), rebooted(6)?04:28
Frogzookazukisan: dapper?04:28
gnomefreakwilliamvergara: i dont think there is a fast answer for that04:28
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williamvergaragnomefreak: i script should make one04:28
kazukisanfrogzoo yea04:28
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williamvergaraa script i mean04:29
itaidid it twice , with similar results04:29
gnomefreakwilliamvergara: "should"04:29
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MadMerCwilliamvergara you mite be better off checking the ubuntu website out04:29
Arbiterhm... some devs here?04:29
Sildargoderr... is there any particular command i should use with nano? it's started it but there doesn't appear to be any spark04:29
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gnomefreakwilliamvergara: i would look on ubuntu.com see if anywhere says it04:29
williamvergarai was there, but i only find something about rsync04:29
snoopsitai can you check your /boot/grub/menu.lst and see if it has options for xp/ubuntu etc?04:29
sheilCan anyone help me out with my disk space problem?04:30
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jadaz87Noahj_AFK: no when i startup ubuntu04:30
jimmy89Noahj: if you have it installed can you please check for me? because if i try to use it, it could stuff up my wireless connection04:30
NoUsesheil are you running out of space?04:30
Frogzookazukisan: must conclude you haven't enabled multiverse - click on "Ubuntu LTS 6.06 (binary)" then "edit" & select universe/multiverse repos04:30
kazukisanfrogzoo: When i add deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt dapper main to the resp list i hit reload and get this error: Could not download all repository indexes-> for the one i just added04:30
Ignitehrm, can i use apt to remove a package and all its dependencies? i've installed kdebase to test something (which didn't go well) and now have no use for it, nor any of the other KDE stuff04:30
itaii think it menu.lst didn't change, it certainly has an ubuntu option04:30
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gnomefreakcafuego__: you know a site that gives you instructions on running an offical ubuntu mirror?04:31
Sildargodno... my sources.list is blank.. it should contain text right?04:31
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itaii checked it to make sure i write grub to the right place...04:31
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_groutin the CLI what do i type to see what version of ubuntu im running?04:31
sheilNoUse:  I ran the du command to see what was taking up space on my hard drive.  Apparently, Linux and my other Windows partition are taking up 23.5GB.  But GParted and Nautilus say that my disk is almost full (only 1.5GB free)04:31
gnomefreakSildargod: if on breezy use the " around the command04:31
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Frogzoo_grout: lsb_release -a04:31
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gnomefreakSildargod: gksudo "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list04:31
manuel_I have a question04:31
Sildargodgnomefreak, ?04:31
snoopswell err itai since you installed vista over ubuntu.. when you reinstaleld grub it should have rewritten your menu.lst with the new vista os detected04:31
Sildargodlemme do that04:31
gnomefreakSildargod: end it in " also04:31
Ngsheil: they are showing you different things.04:32
manuel_my connection is very slow :-(04:32
NoUsesheil I'd trust du before I trusted gparted04:32
=== planetcalls is now known as planetcall
itaii see, but i dont get a grub menu at all04:32
Ngsheil: gparted is showing you how much of the disk is allocated to partitions, df/du tell you about how much space is being used *within* those partitions04:32
NoUsesheil sudo apt-get autoclean will remove some old deb files04:32
manuel_I need more pakages ....04:32
=== Noahj_AFK is now known as Noahj
itaii just get a command prompt04:32
Frogzoomanuel_: define - you actual service speed - observed speed04:32
sheili tried autoclean.  It hasn't helped04:32
_groutwhats lsb?04:32
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sheilNautilus still says there's only 1.5GB free04:32
NoUsesheil what does 'df -h' show?04:32
Sildargodnope.. still blank! haha! lemme try logging on with a different account04:32
gnomefreak_grout: lsb_release -a is a command to run to find out what version of ubuntu you have04:32
Noahjjadaz87, That'd be GDM then... what error do you get when you just run X?04:32
Frogzoomanuel_: so what's the question?04:32
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snoopsitai sounds like it's not pointing to your menu.lst..04:33
sheilNoUse:  Please see http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=195468.  I already posted the text from that command there.04:33
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Sildargodnope. blank as ever. it's not a file i have to create from scratch is it?04:33
slavikhi all\04:33
Noahjjimmy89: I'll try to set up a network profile, sure.04:33
snoopsyou absolutely did chroot into your ubuntu install right itai?04:33
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SpecIf I have a process, 'foo', running and doing I/O and utilizing network resources, etc etc, and I want to find out just how many resources foo uses, what's the best way to accomplish this?04:34
slavikis there a way to get the kernel to not print ANYTHING at all to the screen when it boots?04:34
itaii must have..04:34
Sildargodoh for crying in a bucket04:34
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Frogzoosheil: df -h04:34
jimmy89Noahj: Thanks04:34
sheilOh oh04:34
NoahjSildargod, /etc/apt/sources.list04:34
wildmanSpec: check 'vmstat'04:34
sheilOne second Frogzoo and NoUse04:34
=== Sildargod beats head against table
itaii will repeat the procedure again,04:34
Sildargodyes.. sources.list helps.. not source.list04:34
Some_PersonHow can I play .wma in Rhythmbox?04:34
kazukisanfrogzoo: i am running 64bit distro i think that may be the prob04:34
wildmanSpec: dunno if it can be 'specialized' per-process...04:34
aa_Noahj: ok, ripped out the audigy, on the on board card, all working perfectly, thanks :)04:34
Sildargodthank you! retarded user here04:34
Specyeah, doesn't look like it04:34
Frogzookazukisan: ah, yes it is04:34
Some_PersonAnd why does Totem suck04:34
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Specwildman: but i can vmstat, record record, stop process, vmstat, compare :p04:35
NoahjSome_Person, you need the codec, I believe04:35
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jadaz87Noahj: i was also wondering why grub is not in native resolution lol04:35
wildmanSpec: yeah :)04:35
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Specany other suggestions though?04:35
wildmanSpec: better than nothing, hein ?04:35
Speci wanna try multiple things :p04:35
FrogzooSome_Person: totem's not too bad - gxine performs better visually though04:35
lotiait seems like the gnome session never starts04:35
manuel_I would like to know if it possible download all packages and library and then use th dvd like a repository. If it is possibel I would like to know where I can download all pakages (or a lot) to create the dvd. Thanks04:35
reaperhey! i'm having some trouble. i want to force my screen to display at 72Hz, but it only has 60 and 75 in the menu!04:35
wildmannot here, sorry04:35
Noahjjada87: it's not working?04:35
sheilFrogzoo and NoUse:  I have encountered something interesting with that command04:35
snoopsitai I mean you typed chroot 'location of system' like the wiki said to and then it logged you into root@yourmachinename right itai?04:35
SpecI was wondering if there were perhaps a program to analyze 'strace' output04:35
Some_PersonTotem is jumpy when playing mp3s04:35
reaperhey! i'm having some trouble. i want to force my screen to display at 72Hz, but it only has 60 and 75 in the menu!04:35
sheil/dev/hda4             9.7G  7.8G  1.5G  85% /04:35
Some_PersonWhere can i get the wma codec?04:35
NgSpec: not afaik, you'll need to know a little about syscalls and read/grep it ;/04:35
sheilIt says that the disk is only 9.7G capacity04:35
Sildargodbrb and thanks again guys04:35
itaimmm, i wasn't paying atention04:35
Noahjjadaz87: It's _on_ the kernel line, right?04:36
tonedahlI seriously need help. I just tried to resize a ntfs partition with all my photos and stuff in gparted. And it hanged, so I killed it. Now windows won't boot, gparted sais it's unknown etc. How do I fix this?! :(04:36
wildmanreaper: 75 is not good for u instead?04:36
krazykitSome_Person: w32codecs04:36
NoahjSome_Person: mplayer.hu04:36
FrogzooSome_Person: indeed - install gxine - enable expert mode - & bump up the buffer allocations - jitter bye bye04:36
reaperwildman: my monitor displays best at 7204:36
NoahjSome_Person: what krazykit said04:36
wildmanreaper: oups.04:36
krazykitSome_Person: it's in Seveas' repos, too, if you want something easy.04:36
sheilFrogzoo and NoUse:  I actually had a FAT32 partition before which I deleted.  I then resized my ext3 partition to a bigger size, believing it would give me more free space.  Was I wrong in doing this?04:36
MadMerCumm is KDE normally a 211Mb download ??04:36
snoopsitai.. it's always important to pay attention to what commands you're typing in..04:36
reaperwildman: do you know how to foce it to display at 72?04:36
kazukisanfrogzoo: is there a way to have it only get 32 bit packages ?04:36
wildmanreaper: are you sure that your monitor's params are properly set in xorg.conf? (horiz and vert refresh mainly)04:36
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sheilAnd if I was wrong, how can I fix my mistake?04:37
reaperwildman: not really, just installed linux04:37
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wildmanreaper: cuz if they are, you should (in principel) be able to set all supported resolutions04:37
reaperi might try install nvidia drivers first. always a good idea i apose04:37
Frogzoosheil: if everything went according to  plan, that should have worked04:37
wildmanreaper: well, you have something to check then ;)04:37
sheilThat's what I thought04:37
itaii was paying attention the commands...i didnt pay attention to whether it switched to root@mymachine name...04:37
reapercheck with no knowlegde :D04:37
wildmanreaper: didn't install 'em here yet, but yes04:37
Frogzookazukisan: yes, install dapper 32bit04:37
Noahjjimmy89: it works04:37
itaii will try again...04:37
gsi have a one problem, i edit xorg.conf with my resolution 1280x800 but only work on 1024x768 :( some ideas?04:37
sheilFrogzoo:  But something is taking up the space that I added04:37
Noahjjimmy89: just verified that04:37
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reapercan you help me install nvidia driers?04:37
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sheilFrogzoo:  It's not detecting it as free space, but rather as used space04:38
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wildmanreaper: it's all explained in ubuntu's wiki, check there04:38
manuel_my speed is very slow (36k). my plane is to download all packages from university lab and then install them on my pc04:38
reaperok thanks04:38
wildmanreaper: good luck04:38
gsi have a GMA94504:38
Frogzoosheil: did you grow the ext partition with gparted? (while running the live cd?)04:38
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sheilFrogzoo:  Yes, I did exactly that.04:38
unpersonI just installed Dapper and tried to access a flash card in my card reader.  I plugged the card in, expecting it to just pop up on the desktop like in Breezy, and I get nothing.04:39
sheilFrogozoo:  While running the Live CD04:39
Noahjgs: use dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?04:39
Frogzoosheil: also, was the fat partition before or after the fat partition? (you can grow only upwards)04:39
unpersonThe light on the card reader is on, indicating the card is in correctly.04:39
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Frogzoosheil: also, was the fat partition before or after the ext partition? (you can grow only upwards)04:39
manuel_the qiestion is: where I can download all pakages without use the installer (Gnome App Install)in ubuntu?04:39
sheilFrogzoo:  The FAT partition was after the ext3 partition, so it did in fact only grow upwards04:39
Noahjjimmy89: Add a new location, do the properties of the card you want, then add another and do it again... walla.04:40
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Frogzoo!tell manuel_ about torrent04:40
unpersonI went to try to mount in manually (as a temporary solution), only to find no sd* in /dev, which is where the USB devices used to show up.04:40
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MadMerCwhy is KDE such a big d/l ???04:40
Noahjmanuel_: you mean the repos URL or you want --download-only?04:40
HoxzerHmm... after upgrade all my programs are crashing04:40
planetcall/usr/share/java# rename Azureus2.jar Azureus2.jar.old04:40
planetcallBareword "Azureus2" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at (eval 1) line 1.04:40
planetcallBareword "jar" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at (eval 1) line 1.04:40
NoUseMadMerC its a lot of software04:40
Frogzoosheil: pls pastebin  'df -h ; sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda'04:40
manuel_then I want to use the dvd to upgrate my packages or install the program I need using the dvd04:40
planetcallWhat does that mean ?04:40
NoahjMadMerC: because it's a dekstop environment with a lot of add-ons04:41
jimmy89Noahj: so did you try connecting to a network using key#2? Was that using network-admin?04:41
NoUseFrogzoo I have a feeling the parition was grown but the filesystem wasn't04:41
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Some_Personok, i'm downloading w32codecs with Synaptic04:41
planetcallSome_Person, its not in synaptic04:41
MadMerCNoUse even the kdebase install is 45Mb download lol but i spose thats a start then i can just add stiff as i need it :P04:41
Noahjjimmy89: I don't use WEP; but it should work, there's a setting for it in there... could someone_else who uses WEP keys verify this?04:41
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sheilNoUse:  That's what I figured too.  Physically, the partition is bigger.  It's just that Nautilus doesn't see the larger size.04:42
manuel_yes... download the packages, record a dvd, come home and use the dvd like repos with Gnome App Install04:42
planetcallSome_Person, go here   https://wiki.ubuntu.com//RestrictedFormats#head-16ea04e7e1ecd06555912ba3f470b56563cbd85d04:42
Some_PersonIt is if u enable the non-free repository04:42
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planetcallhey anyone tell me what those errors mean04:42
FrogzooNoUse: but gparted should grow the file system, yes?04:42
planetcalli simply tried to rename a file04:42
Hoxzeris there any howto or backup script for ubuntu?04:42
Hoxzerso I can reinstall my system04:42
Noahjplanetcall: use mv04:42
wildmanplanetcall: use 'mv' instead04:42
ubotuFor information on backing up your system, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81311 Available packages for backing up are backuppc (web based), backup2l, backup-manager, backupninja, bkp, bacula, and sbackup amongst others04:42
cf2Hi, is anyone else getting errors on running the apt ? One of the two machines that *.archive.ubuntu.com doesn't seem to have valid content. Is this a known/already-reported bug  ?04:42
jimmy89Noahj: Did you just use iwconfig?04:43
planetcallNoahj, wildman  why doesnt rename work ?04:43
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NoUseFrogzoo yes, it "should" :-)04:43
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=== Frogzoo x's fingers...
sheilFrogzoo:  http://www.shorttext.com/4cv0u for the output from the command you told me to run04:43
Frogzoosheil: ta04:43
sheilI can't paste it all in here04:43
Noahjplanetcall: because it wants regexps?04:43
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gnomefreaksheil: use pastebin04:43
gnomefreakor there04:43
planetcallcant we rename a single file ?04:43
wildmanNoahj: I was going to tell something similar :P04:43
Noahjjimmy89: nope, all gui in network-admin...04:43
sheilpastebin  'df -h ; sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda'04:44
wildmanplanetcall: mv is the way to go to rename a single file IMVHO04:44
jimmy89Noahj: how do i install network admin04:44
kazukisanI got the 64bit version  is there a way to install or have apt only get 32bit packages when i try to install wine 32bit from site, it whines about my comp being 64 bit04:44
sheilI don't understand how pastebin works...04:44
planetcallok thanks wildman04:44
sheilIs it an IRC command?04:44
jimmy89Noahj: apt-get install network-admin   ?04:44
planetcallsheil its a web utility04:44
jmgmque pasa04:44
cf2shiel: it's a website, paste into the text box, submit04:44
sheilshorttext is the same thing04:44
Noahjjimmy89: it should be installed by default... it starts when you right click on the wifi icon on the gnome panel and hit properties04:44
planetcallto paste your codes/problems/text logs/stubs etc04:45
NoUse!tell sheil about pastebin04:45
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Noahjjimmy89: you can also just start it with alt+F2 and run network_admin04:45
tired_off_being_Hi, is anyone else getting errors on running the apt ? One of the two machines that *.archive.ubuntu.com doesn't seem to have valid content. Is this a known/already-reported bug  ?04:45
manuel_if somebody know the solution to my problem please contact me...thank you to all04:45
jimmy89Noahj: oh, your referring to that04:45
Noahjjimmy89: make that sudo%F network_admin04:45
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itaisnoops im looking at my grub/menu.lst there is no vista option04:45
sheilFrogzoo and NoUse:  http://pastebin.com/70656004:45
Noahjjimmy89: right.04:45
wildmanmanuel_: your problem scrolled too high now :P04:45
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Noahjtired_off_being_: could be a sources error?04:46
jimmy89Noahj: i cant see how you can configure a different key other then key#1 with it though ...04:46
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jimmy89Noahj: That is why i changed to network-manager with no avail04:46
jadaz87Noahj: it was the vga=0x318 option04:46
lotiamy gnome session never starts04:46
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sheilFrogzoo and NoUse:  You guys see that I'm not crazy, right?!  Haha04:46
tired_off_being_Noahj: don't think so, archive.ubuntu.com resolves to, Try loading both by http in a browser and compare04:46
Noahjjimmy89: When you add a new location, just set the key and then when you change it shoulg go back?04:46
sheilNautilus isn't seeing the new file system04:47
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tonedahlI just tried to resize a ntfs partition with all my photos on it in gparted. After a while, it stopped. So I killed it... Now windows won't boot, gparted sais the partition is of unknown filesystem and so on. How do I fix this?! :(04:47
unpersonSo...no one has any idea what is going on with my USB card?  Where (in /dev) *should* the USB card show up, in theory?04:47
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alchemistjimmy_89: with nm-applet you have to remove the key in gnome-keyring-manager to change the keys.04:47
alchemistjimmy89: not sure with knetworkmanager what's needed04:47
Noahjjadaz87: Hmm, you could use the method I told snoops about (video=vesafb-tng,1024x768-24@75)04:47
jimmy89Noahj: What i mean is there are different keys in an acesspoint set, keys #1 through to #4, only key #2 is active, so i have to configure my wireless client to use key#204:47
Frogzoosheil: it's as NoUse suggested - the file system is only 8gig, while the partition is 60gig...04:48
tired_off_being_Noahj: compare (good) with (bad)04:48
tired_off_being_Noahj: erk, compare (good) with (bad)04:48
ic56tonedahl: dude!  you killed a process that was in the midst of mucking around in your filesystem?  An NTFS filesystem noless?  You're screwed!04:48
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QuintokI'm trying to cross-compile using mingw32, I have binutils and runtime however parts of the win32api are missing (ie: libcabinet)  I've seen rpm's that are named win32api yet there is no similar debian package... am I missing something?04:48
sheilFrogzoo: Right, but I guess the million dollar question lies in how to fix it04:48
Frogzoosheil: question is, how to fix this?04:48
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jimmy89alchemist: how do i config a wep key to store to key#2 through a gui client?04:49
tonedahlic56, I got an error message and it stopped respondig04:49
jadaz87Noahj: what is the tng flag do i am just curious04:49
sheilFrogzoo:  I'm searching around on the forums and the web to see if I can find anything04:49
Noahjtired_off_being_: ooh, you're right... odd.04:49
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rixxon.torrent files nolonger open in ktorrent04:49
alchemistjimmy_89: which gui client?04:49
ic56tonedahl: bummer.  I still think you're screwed.04:49
tired_off_being_Noahj: is there any way to talk to ubuntu sys admins ?04:49
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tonedahlDo you have any advice?04:49
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Noahjjadaz87: it's the next generation, new driver that takes modes like that.04:49
axisysanyone here used cfengine? or may suggest something else rather?04:49
Spectired_off_being_: i run ubuntu, and i'm a sys admin?04:49
Specdoes that count?04:49
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tonedahlIs there a tool like chkdisk in windows?04:50
NoahjSpec: he means the admin of
Spectonedahl: fdisk04:50
jimmy89alchemist: Any gui client, just something so i can change between profiles with out to much hassle, and be able to tell it that it is key#204:50
tired_off_being_Spec: nah man, not unless you broke their infrastructure04:50
Frogzoosheil: sudo apt-get install ext2resize first off04:50
Noahjtondahl: fdisk04:50
wildmane2fsck tonedahl04:50
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theineHas anybody got Google Earth to work properly with the Xorg ati drivers?04:50
itaisnoops i got my linux back but grub cannot see vista.....thanks for the help, ubuntu is more importat to me than vista..04:50
wildmanchkdsk != fdisk04:50
Specwho owns that ip?04:50
Specwildman: i know, but they're close04:50
sheilFrogzoo:  installing that now04:50
ic56tonedahl:  sorry, man.  No idea.  If you can remember the error message you might at least get more insightful feedback from others here.04:50
Specchkdsk scans fat32 for badblocks, right?04:50
tired_off_being_Spec: it's *.archive.ubuntu.com04:50
tonedahlfdisk or e2fsck? will either check my ntfs drive for errors??04:50
jadaz87Noahj: i can uninstall these older kernels right?04:51
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wildmanSpec: and the ntfs one too04:51
Noahjtonedahl: nope04:51
Spectired_off_being_: try #ubuntu-motu perhaps04:51
snoopsitai well you could add the line to menu.lst itai04:51
tonedahlIs there a tool that does that? =)04:51
jadaz87Noahj: and keep just the newest one?04:51
Specthey're the same-ish utility for different filesystems04:51
tired_off_being_Spec: thanks04:51
wildmantonedahl: e2fsck is for ext2/ext3 only, as it name implies04:51
NoUseFrogzoo let me run this sanity check through you, fdisk -s /dev/hda4 will output the size of the paritions in blocks, then resize2fs /dev/hda4 <output from fdisk> shoudl size it appropriatly, no?04:51
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itaicool ,which line?04:51
=== Freduardo_ [n=Freduard@187.142-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
sheilFrogzoo:  It's installed.  Now how does ext2resize work?04:51
unpersonI get an entry in dmesg when I plug my card reader in, but I get no message when I plug the card in.04:51
snoopsif you know which partition vista is installed on..04:51
ic56tonedahl: fsck is the FileSystemChecKer.  There's one for each filesystem that's native to Linux plus a few others.  There isn't one for ntfs.  However,  ntfstools is a package that might be able to help.04:51
Noahjjadaz87: I assume so, but I wouldn't do that...04:51
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tonedahlic56, I do. It said that one of the two operations  didn't work, and it would therefor not continue. and it stopped responding04:52
snoopsyou should be able to add it to your menu.lst and get grub to give you the option04:52
alchemistjimmy89: under gnome, you can do multiple profiles with  Menu->System->Administration->Networking04:52
Noahjjadaz87: I've done it before and gotten the wrong one o.o04:52
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jadaz87Noahj: i want to uninstall all these 38604:52
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sheilFrogzoo:  Did you see NoUse's comment?04:52
jadaz87Noahj: i whould be uninstalling anything before 2.6.15-2304:52
Noahjjadaz87: sure... be careful though :-D04:53
NoUsesheil you'll need to do this off a live cd anyhwo, you can resize a mounted parition04:53
Noahjalchemist: isn't that network_admin anyway?04:53
alchemistnetwork-admin, but yeah04:53
jimmy89alchemist: but you can't tell it to use a network key other then #1..04:53
sheilNoUse:  Alright, that's fine.  I figured that.04:53
ic56tonedahl: that failure implies your filesystem got screwed, but maybe not irrecoverably.  However, fixing broken filesystems is a highly heuristic job.  Tools can only get you so far and, ultimately, you need to know the internals of how that filesystem works in order to be able to determine the correct course of action.04:54
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jadaz87Noahj: right now i have kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-23-686 root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet splash video=vesafb-tng,1024x768-32@75)04:54
alchemistjimmy89: are you pre-programming the keys to the card?04:54
SWATI can't order larger quantities of Dapper CD's using ShipIt. Any idea when this will be possible? (or am I the only one with this 'problem'? P.S. E-mailing doesn't help)04:54
Noahjjadaz87: and X doesn't start?04:54
jimmy89alchemist: What do you mean?04:54
jadaz87Noahj: no i mean is that the correct thing04:54
jadaz87SWAT: yes you can04:55
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Noahjjadaz87: Yes04:55
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alchemistjimmy89: if you didn't understand, you didn't do it;)04:55
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jimmy89alchemist: :p04:55
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alchemistjimmy89: just put key #2 into the key field04:55
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sheilNoUse:  YOU ARE CORRECT!  Woo hoo!  Someone else had the same problem at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=171886&highlight=resize2fs and it seemed to work.04:55
FrogzooNoUse: sheil that resize2fs is perfect (assuming it's on the live cd?)  'resize2fs /dev/hda4 60814057'     should do it  FROM LIVE CD04:55
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alchemistjimmy89: the netowrk tool doesn't care what key number is in use on the ap, just what the key IS04:55
Yagisancan anyone suggest an app that captures opengl to either .avi or to lossless images ? (Similar to fraps on Win32)04:55
sheilFrogzoo:  That's right!04:56
jimmy89alchemist: not true04:56
tonedahlic56, when there's an error message for it and it's the first thing that met me; me CAN'T be the first one it has happened to. But I can't seem to get any help on the subject. I HAVE  to get the files back!04:56
sheilFrogzoo:  I just found the answer on another Ubuntu Forums thread04:56
snoopsoh actually itai it seems vista uses a different boot manager making it difficult.. :/04:56
jimmy89alchemist: tried today and dosnt work04:56
sheilTHANKS A LOT GUYS!  You really helped!04:56
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evoztrying to Install Skype on Ubuntu/Debian?04:56
Frogzoosheil: please note that resizing file systems is DANGEROUS - if you have valuable data - BACKUP FIRST!!!!!04:56
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jimmy89alchemist: even in xp, if i put the key into key#1, then it dosn't work.04:56
manuel_I want to download with a windows sistem all (or a lot) packages for ubunto applications or library. Then I want to record these package on a dvd and use this like resp to upgrate my ubuntu system or install program using "Gnome App Install". I want to know 1) if it is possible, 2) where I can download all packages (iso, site...) help me please04:56
alchemistjimmy89: can you manually change the key with iwconfig before using the tools?04:56
sheilYeah, my data is already backed up on an external drive at home04:56
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sheilThanks again to both of you!04:56
KenSentMeevoz: Skype is in the repo's so installing shouldn't be a problem04:57
aCiD2Hi everyone! Having some problems with partitioning. Basically, I (atm) have a 120gb hdd with 3 ntfs partitions, 1 xp, 1 "data" and 1 vista beta. I want to install Ubuntu over the vista one (so delete it, and recreate as a / partition, and a swap), but the ubuntu partition tool is giving me some problems...04:57
alchemistjimmy89: then maybe the AP isn't really using that key ;)04:57
itaiits /dev/hda3 but do i need to add " chainloader"...04:57
KenSentMe!tell evoz about skype04:57
aCiD2It shows up as 120gb unallocated space04:57
jimmy89alchemist: the ap is using a key that is defined in key#204:57
LinuturkDoes the USB version of the CueCat barcode scanner work with Ubuntu 6.06?04:57
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aCiD2Partition magic crashes, and windows xp partitioner shows the drive as a 1.5tb drive, with 700gb of unallocated space04:57
jimmy89alchemist: the client must have the matching key in key#204:57
KenSentMeevoz: read the links ubotu sent you04:57
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aCiD2I think my partition table is foozled, any ideas on "restoring" it?04:57
jimmy89alchemist: its really an annoying system that the school has implemented04:57
wildmanaCiD2: can u try that HD on another machine?04:58
jimmy89alchemist: been giving me grief today trying to connect to the network04:58
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NoahjHow do I cancel my next-to-latest shipit request? I changed my address right after requesting and didn't get around to ordering them here yet...04:58
aCiD2wildman, fraid not, only 1 hd04:58
alchemistjimmy89: then you probably are going to have to program the keys with iwconfig and select that way or through /etc/network/interfaces04:58
aCiD2computer :P04:58
ic56tonedahl: Try reading the gparted documentation.  See if you can get more info.  Seriously, partition resizing is always a risky task.04:58
aCiD2It works fine though, and boots fine, etc04:58
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Frogzoosheil: STOP!! come back!!04:58
wildmanaCiD2: strange...04:58
raphaHi all!04:58
itaisnoops, vista is not that importnat to me....will post on the forum about it04:58
jimmy89alchemist: if thats what i have to do, i guess i have no choice04:59
itaithanks for help04:59
sheilFrogzoo:  Yes?!04:59
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sheilFrogzoo:  What's wrong?04:59
tonedahlic56, it sais everywhere that it's not a risky task04:59
manuel_sorry a connection problem...if you wrote something please repeat04:59
jimmy89alchemist: is the correct command "iwconfig ath0 key xxxxxxx [2]  to define it as key 2?04:59
alchemistjimmy89: I've never seen a system that depends on a specific key in a specific slot, so I'm about ut of ideas ;)04:59
evozanyone know how to install anythin at all in Ubuntu?04:59
Spectonedahl: You should most certaintly back your data up before resizing a partition :)04:59
wildmanaCiD2: if you boot with the LiveCD and run fdsik on that disk, then option 'p' (print partitions), what do you get?04:59
wildmanaCiD2: the same schema as above?04:59
alchemistjimmy89: that's it afaik04:59
Spectonedahl: i speak from years of experience, not documentation :p04:59
aCiD2I can't fdisk04:59
Frogzoosheil: the size isn't right - does 60gig sound about right?04:59
NoUse!tell evoz about install04:59
aCiD2It just said "unable to access /dev/hdb"04:59
winbondwhat does it mean that a driver is bounding only?05:00
tonedahlSpec, I didn't have space for it obviously :p05:00
jimmy89alchemist: i know well most people just use key#1 as a default05:00
aCiD2(Which is my harddrive)05:00
alchemistjimmy89: and on an atheros chip? urgh05:00
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wildmansudo fdisk /dev/hdb05:00
Specwinbond: bounding or bonding?05:00
sheilFrogzoo:  Well I was just going to do what NoUse and RAOF on the Forums said:  'sudo resize2fs -p /dev/hda3'05:00
NoUseFrogzoo if you just run resize2fs /dev/hdaX it will deftaul to the size of the partition05:00
aCiD2wildman, yup - did05:00
jimmy89alchemist: yeah atheros05:00
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NoUsesheil I think that command will wokr05:00
winbondSpec: bonding, sry05:00
sheilFrogzoo:  Yeah, exactly what NoUse said :)(05:00
alchemistjimmy89: dapper uses madwifi by default, so it may be a bit grumpy05:00
Specwinbond: bonding means taking two ethernet interfaces and making them act as one, to get double the throughput05:00
wildmanaCiD2: hmm...05:00
ic56tonedahl: well, what do I know?  I've never trusted partition re-sizing tools.  That's kept me safe but it also makes me inexperienced.  Maybe others can advise.05:00
sheilFrogzoo:  Except with a different hda#05:00
aCiD2I know :/05:00
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dkrcan assign kb shortcuts to arbitrary commands somewhere?05:01
aCiD2I might try the ubuntu live cd, see if I can fdisk on that?05:01
jimmy89alchemist: well its working fine now on my home network05:01
alchemistjimmy89: madwifi-ng or ndiswrapper might work better. but wpasupplicant is patched to use madwifi and not madwifing05:01
winbondSpec: ok, ty05:01
wildmanaCiD2: I get that same message if I try to access a non-existing device...05:01
tonedahlI hope others can :(05:01
alchemistjimmy89: heh05:01
wildmanaCiD2: are you completely sure it's hdb?05:01
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aCiD2wildman, yea, I tried all /dev/hd* to make sure05:01
jimmy89alchemist: its just the annoying key#205:01
wildmanaCiD2: wait plz05:01
tonedahlGparted destroyed my ntfs partition. How do I fix it again?05:02
ic56tonedahl: are you sure the "not risky" designation applied to NTFS partitions?  I can see how resizing FAT partitions could be considered routine (even though, you should *still* backup -- a power failure would screw you for sure)05:02
Frogzoosheil: NoUse k, look good05:02
aCiD2The Ubuntu partitioner shows /dev/hdb with the 118gb unpartitioned space, so it is hdb by the looks of things05:02
alchemistjimmy89: dunno. I usually just put whatever in slot 1 and boom, no problems05:02
wildmanaCiD2: dmesg | grep hdb05:02
wildmanaCiD2: does it list your harddisk model/make?05:02
brazil_word_cuphello guys, it's necessary to change EXTRAVERSION in Makefile to compile kernel modules ?05:02
jimmy89alchemist: yeah as is generally the case, just hard to find any info on using anything other then key#1, google dosn't show anything helpful05:03
sheilOk, thanks again guys!05:03
brazil_word_cupfor example: I've the kernel: 2.6.12-10-686-smp05:03
brazil_word_cupERSION = 205:03
brazil_word_cupPATCHLEVEL = 605:03
brazil_word_cupSUBLEVEL = 1205:03
brazil_word_cupEXTRAVERSION =05:03
brazil_word_cupNAME=Woozy Numbat05:03
aCiD2I'm gonna have to boot into the live cd first, I'll be back in about 505:03
Frogzoobrazil_word_cup: bad bad bad05:03
aCiD2So, I'm not just running away :)05:03
wildmanaCiD2: k05:03
alchemistjimmy89: although now that I've got the ndiswrapper+nm+wpa thing corrected (I think) I can poke at it tonight.05:03
winbondSpec: do you know how to update a lancard driver05:03
tonedahlic56, see Is it safe? Here http://wiki.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfsresize05:03
ic56Seeing as the issue came up... does Windows come with partition resizing sw?  or are there 3rd party commercial non-Linux sw that?05:03
alchemistjimmy89: file a bug on launchpad, pm me the number and I'll see if I can poke at it05:03
jimmy89alchemist: can you make / mod a program?05:04
wildmanic56: partition magic05:04
Specwinbond: nope, sorry.05:04
Yagisanic56: no. you buy it seperatly05:04
alchemistjimmy89: I can05:04
alchemistjimmy89: just not here - I'm at work and my test rig is at home ;)05:04
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jimmy89alchemist: so you think you could make a gui to allow you to input the key number?05:04
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ArtVandalaeHi, is there any reason why changes to xorg.conf are ignored (or at least they seem to be). I'm using Dapper05:05
alchemistjimmy89: I'm not quite there yet.05:05
snoopshow are you making changes ArtVandalae?05:05
alchemistjimmy89: but I can probably figure out how/where thigns aren't working quite right and put together a fix05:05
ArtVandalaesudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:05
snoops(you need to restart xorg for changes to take effect)05:05
jimmy89alchemist: well ill try the iwconfig method tomorrow05:05
ArtVandalaeYep, done. Ctrl+Backspace works?05:05
ArtVandalaeCtrl+Alt+Backspace I think05:06
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alchemistjimmy89: that should work, and if you file a bug maybe a longer-term fix can be put into place05:06
jimmy89alchemist: it could just be a matter of commenting out the lines when im at home, and then enabling them at school05:06
FrogzooArtVandalae: you should see X shutdown & restart - then X will reread the config05:06
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alchemistjimmy89: there has to be a cleaner way, though05:06
ArtVandalaeHm.. what's the alternative: init 3?05:07
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FrogzooArtVandalae: there is none in debian - all runlevels default to same as rc205:07
ic56tonedahl: did you read the FAQ?  there's mention of some checks that are done *before* it starts mucking around.  If the error you saw is from one of these checks, then maybe the problem you are having is unrelated to teh partition resizing05:07
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jimmy89alchemist: you would think, like my drivers on xp for it just have a nice little thing asking which key is this05:07
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alchemistjimmy89: yeah. it's p[robably in there somewhere, just a matter fo finding it05:08
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FrogzoodEUZ: noone here but us chickens05:09
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jimmy89alchemist: hey mate im going to edit my /interfaces file and leave it commented out now, can i send the lines to you to check them ?05:09
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AK7quiz question: in top, what does wa mean?05:09
Linuturkhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=143421&highlight=cuecat << i'm the last post in this thread here. Can someone provide assistance?05:09
alchemistjimmy89: you can,. but I'm not the expert ;)05:09
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FrogzooAK7: man top05:10
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jimmy89alchemist: lol well better then me just doing it , been on ubuntu for 24 hours now :P05:10
woeihmm, I have this strange recollection of a command line program that lets you change the group of newly created files. If user baz is member of group foo (default) and bar, then normally a file is created as baz:foo, but that command (that I can't remember by name) allowed for baz:bar05:10
Code_PCcan someone please outline the differences between the 64-bit and 32-bit versions of ubuntu?05:11
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AK7frogzoo: I gave up on about the 12th page05:11
dEUZantone frome sweden i need help to change my terminallanguage to swedich?05:11
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aCiD2ok wildman, I get this (well, a lot of this, but I'll paste a line)05:13
aCiD2[4294826.070000]  end_request: I/O error, dev hdb, sector 005:13
HoxzerU guys know any way to fix crashing programs (after upgrade) than do reinstall and backup everything?05:13
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kokoko1hi, can somone confirm is 'tablix' and pvm avialable from ubuntu repo?05:13
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FrogzooAK7: fair point, methinks it's io wait05:14
AK7kk thx05:14
AK7so hardware then?05:15
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wildmanaCiD2: here05:15
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nathanaelI have been unable to find WALL in the repositories05:15
jimmy89alchemist: #ath0 / #iface ath0 inet dhcp / #iwconfig essid obiairlan / #iwconfig key DFA76352aebdc6209923AF7924 [2] 05:16
nathanaelIS there a place ot get this classic package?05:16
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jimmy89alchemist: / = new line05:16
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NoUseHoxzer what programs are crashing?05:16
octanthis command show me how much bytes that has been transfered out from eth0 no matter what app thats sending?  /sbin/ifconfig eth0 |grep "TX bytes" |awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/bytes://'05:16
octan*will this05:16
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wildmanaCiD2: that's the output of dmesg | grep hdb ?05:16
alchemistjimmy89: those are the right commands. not sure if it's proper syntax for interfaces05:16
aCiD2There's a lot of that, but it's all the same05:16
aCiD2But different sectors05:17
eyequeuenathanael, what is it?05:17
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aCiD2maybe, fsck?05:17
nathanaelWALL it's a prog for sending messages to all user logged into terminal sessions on a box05:17
jimmy89alchemist: what syntax05:17
jimmy89alchemist: what syntax's do you think are wrong?05:17
eyequeuenathanael, ah, now i recall05:17
wildmanaCiD2: fsck doesn't work for NTFS05:17
nathanaelbut apt-get install {WALL|wall} gets me nothing05:18
wildmansomeone suggested ntfstools above05:18
HoxzerNoUse: nautilus05:18
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aCiD2They did?05:18
Hoxzerat least :D05:18
alchemistjimmy89: if that's a shell script it'll work, but AFAIK, that's not the right way to specify in /etc/network/interfaces. I could be wrong, because I'm not hacking that file05:18
aCiD2Didn't see that :)05:18
HoxzerGedit is second one05:18
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wildmanaCiD2: yeah, ntfstools05:18
FrogzooAK7: are you seeing wa != 0 ?05:18
Hoxzerand they all crash when Id o something05:18
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Hoxzeralso soem programs dont just start (like vmWare)05:18
jimmy89alchemist: well thats what ive got in /etc/network/interfaces atm.05:19
Hoxzerand Synapic is complaining about something05:19
aCiD2is ntfstools the program name, or the package? I have ntfsfix, amongst others05:19
wildmanaCiD2: testing the disk on a different computer would help a lot...05:19
aCiD2wildman: Im sure... but there is saddly no way to do so :(05:19
wildmanaCiD2: pkg name for all I know05:19
ic56!tell aCiD2 about ntfstools05:20
aCiD2heh, ok05:20
NoUseHoxzer are you sure everything got upgraded?05:20
aCiD2thanks, ic5605:20
wildmanaCiD2: wish u the best of lucks ;)05:20
alchemistjimmy89: go read /usr/share/doc/wireless-tools/README.Debian05:20
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alchemistjimmy89: that shoudl explain it05:20
NoUseHoxzer 'sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade'05:20
octangnomefreak, u look like your a smart guy.. i have a Q for U.. will ethX record all trafic "in bytes"  thats been going out | in from the ethX card?05:20
HoxzerNoUse: I'm using auto upgrade05:20
NoUseHoxzer I know05:20
Hoxzerok, lets test05:20
NoUseHoxzer just run that command and see what it says05:20
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eyequeuenathanael, sudo apt-get install bsdutils05:20
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whadarhello how can i allow windows users write to my shared folder?05:21
Frogzoowhadar: samba05:21
eyequeuebsdutils: /usr/bin/wall05:21
whadari know but it is readonly...05:21
kane77WARNING: SDL library not found ... What is it and where can I get it???05:22
KenSentMe!tell whadar about samba05:22
KenSentMecheck that05:22
ubotueyequeue: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:22
Linuturkwhere should I go for support on Xserver?05:22
jimmy89alchemist: wireless-key<number> <key>05:23
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jimmy89alchemist: i think thats what i could be looking for05:23
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alchemistjimmy89: yup05:24
alchemistjimmy89: I think so too05:24
HoxzerNouse: http://pastebin.de/752905:24
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NoUseHoxzer run 'sudo apt-get -f install'05:25
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jimmy89alchemist: so still the same essid command? and now i put that wireless-key<number> <key> line in instead of the other key line?05:25
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alchemistjimmy89: yeah, AFAIK05:25
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HoxzerNouSe: and all of those apps?05:25
alchemistjimmy89: remember this is new territory for me too ;)05:25
NoUseHoxzer we'll get to them05:25
jimmy89meh no harm in trying05:26
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anturawhat's the difference between free and available disk space in gnome system monitor?05:26
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jimmy89alchemist: could just mean another xp day05:26
eyequeuejimmy89, seeing what you're asking about, i hust have one additional fact for you05:26
alchemistjimmy89: tru dat05:26
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jimmy89alchemist: what?05:27
zeelothi there , is there any one install xgl+compiz for xubuntu and have a success?05:27
HoxzerI'm getting kinda same error05:27
eyequeuejimmy89, those wireless commands are sometimes order-sensitive in /etc/network/interfaces (could be dependendent on driver?)05:27
alchemistjimmy89: sorry, US slang "True That" or "that'll work too"05:27
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ZambeziWish me good luck. Now I'm finally ready for migrate to Linux. I just need to transfer my backup to another computer, when I erase XP. ;-)05:27
jimmy89alchemist: ah us aussies are a bit slow on that :p05:28
eyequeuejimmy89, if it doesn't work and you think it should, try experimenting with another order05:28
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HoxzerNouse: http://pastebin.de/753205:28
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alchemistjimmy89: ah, right. I'll adjust ,y slang acordingly in the future ;)05:28
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[Ex0r] does ubuntu let you do a hard drive install? I downloaded the desktop iso and it's running it as a live cd05:28
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snoopsyes [Ex0r] 05:29
eyequeueexor, see that install icon on the desktop?05:29
[Ex0r] of ubuntu ?05:29
eyequeueexor, yes05:29
[Ex0r] it hasn't leaded up yet. It's still going through the live-cd start05:29
[Ex0r] loaded*05:29
asad1hey, can anyone help me configure my wireless? I have my card working, I just do not know where to go from there...05:29
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eyequeueexor, alternatively, there is an install option or two from the boot menu05:30
erchacheanybody of freedom toaster team here?05:30
erchachei dont know if svn repositorie are up05:30
[Ex0r] I thought I selected one that said install, and it starting loading up user profile, et05:30
_Mr_Denix_hello ! how can I install rpm files under ubuntu ? i tried rpm -i filename and it does not work !? thanks05:30
erchache_Mr_Denix_: use alien to convert into .deb05:31
NoUseHoxzer try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a' and then 'sudo apt-get -f install'05:31
_Mr_Denix_ercache i did so and i have a deb but when i try to install deb says error could not find package05:31
kane77WARNING: SDL library not found ... What is it and where can I get it???05:31
azathothgrI'm trying to install dapper from a hard disk, w/o a cd drive .. There was a guide in ubuntu wiki about that.. can anyone help?05:31
erchacheazathothgr: see on google05:32
snoopsway to make life hard..05:32
postangcslvkane77: http://www.libsdl.org/index.php05:32
erchache_Mr_Denix_: see on google look for ubuntu rpm howto05:32
zenithsglintHi everyone, I need a good grammar checker because I am applying for a job that wants to see an example of my writing skills... the Abiword does not seem to be working with Dapper :-/ ... what should I do?05:32
_Mr_Denix_erchache  thank you05:32
[Ex0r] ...05:32
NoUseHoxzer have you used automatix?05:33
jimmy89alchemist: so how do i report a bug, i signed up at launchpad05:33
[Ex0r] You want somebody else to get you a job ?05:33
kane77./libGL.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory / ref_gl::R_Init() - could not load "libGL.so" .... How can I solve it??05:33
alchemistjimmy89: there shoudl be a link on the left nav menu05:33
jimmy89alchemist: i cant see a submit bug number05:33
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HoxzerNoUse: no05:33
AK7asad1: you still around?05:33
azathothgri did almost everything in that guide, it boots, but doesn't find the partition where the image is dumped05:33
zenithsglintI can write very well, grammar checkers are simply a tool... you know... tool use separates us from the apes ;-)05:33
alchemistjimmy89: you'll need to create a new bug05:33
NoUseHoxzer ok, any luck with those previous commands?05:33
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[Ex0r] wow, ubuntu runs slow on vmware05:34
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alchemistbrb, need to actually o my real job for a sec ;)05:34
snoopswhat doesn't run slow on vmware!05:34
HoxzerNoUse: just testing05:34
erchacheon vmware all runs slooooooooooowwwwwww05:34
[Ex0r] lol05:34
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[Ex0r] im trying to play with it to get used to it before I install over windows05:34
erchacheemules a PII at 18 MHz...suuuuper cool :-P05:34
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erchacheuse a livecd05:35
eyequeuekane77, sudo apt-get libsdl1.2debian05:35
[Ex0r] hmm, i suppose I could use the livecd05:35
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eyequeueii  libsdl1.2debia 1.2.9-0.0ubunt Simple DirectMedia Layer05:35
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[Ex0r] does it put anything on the hdd ?05:35
erchache[ex0r] : use a livecd instead vmware weird05:35
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[Ex0r] i'm getting ready to test the livecd, bbl05:36
Lukeis the ubuntu server install CD just the regular ubuntu without the livecd stuff?05:36
azathothgrcan I modify the casper script or some other script to mount the image instead of looking for a cdrom ?05:36
NoUseLuke no05:36
AK7there's a server install cd?05:36
eyequeueLuke, no05:36
NoUse!tell luke about server05:36
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KenSentMeAK7: yes05:36
AK7huh, never knew that05:36
LukeNoUse: thanks05:36
eyequeueLuke, there's different pckages, and a LAMP option05:37
erchachewell....its same install cd....but you need to put on boot: server05:37
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eyequeueerchache, no, it is a differernt cd05:37
erchacheeyequeue:  explain this dapper server feature05:37
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erchacheits on other cd? :-S05:37
erchachei dont know that05:37
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erchachewhere is repositorie?05:37
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jimmy89alchemist: i must be blind, i cant see a button to create a bug05:37
erchacheon boot05:37
erchacheor iso repositorie?05:38
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eyequeue Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments. The default install includes a smp kernel and no GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current stable version is 6.06 LTS. For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerFaq/05:38
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ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.05:38
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sshrdphi, How can I use import to take a screenshot from a remote computer?05:38
eyequeueerchache, all ubuntu cds use the same repositories05:38
jimmy89alchemist: nvm, i had to be on the ubuntu page first :p05:38
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erchacheyepa...you say truth05:39
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erchachebut i use old method.....install desktop....and use boot:server05:39
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erchachei dont receive dapper cd yet :-P05:39
NoUseHoxzer anything?05:40
Spaceraverlinuxhey guys... when i try to install libdvdcss2 it says that the package isnt available or has been made obsolete???05:40
apokryphoserchache: it takes 4+ weeks05:40
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joelis there a way to break the DRM on my itunes music so I can play them in ubunut?05:40
eyequeueerchache, the new layout is designed to make things easier for those installing from just-cd, but wanting more server-oriented packages, not desktop-oriented packages05:40
apokryphosSpaceraver: FAQ links to the right place to get it05:40
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eyequeue!tell Spaceraver about seveas05:41
Spaceraverlinuxapokryphos, merci... :D05:41
erchacheeyequeue: on shipit....only says for desktop on dapper.....not server05:41
erchacheor include....livecd....install....server?05:41
eyequeueerchache, perhaps shipit is still geared toward desktop user?  i don't know05:41
erchachei want both for 3 systems05:41
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joelCan I break the DRM on my itunes music to be playable in linux? is this legal?05:42
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NoUsejoel yes and it depends on what country you are in05:42
jimmy89alchemist: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/4960005:42
joelhow do i do it?05:42
eyequeuejoel, "legal" is a question of jurisdiction and other things, asking on irc is like asking for medical advice :)05:42
SpecI've got a column of numbers in the format of: '####k:', and I want to add them all up....how is this easily accomplished? :p05:42
joelheh, and this rash? :)05:42
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eyequeuejoel, i told you she was bad news, heh05:43
erchachewell i think if has two variant for each 3 arch.....must be shipit too05:43
chapiumdoes anyone know the differences between kfax and gfax?  (other than QT)05:43
alchemistjimmy89: got it05:43
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jimmy89alchemist: that report detailed or specific enough?05:44
joelspec if you use python, you can doing someting like this; a = '#### k:' \ a[0]  + a[1]  + a[2]  + a[3]  \ print a05:44
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joelis there a program I can use to break the DRM on itunes purchased music, then?05:44
postangcslvjoel: look into vlc/fairplay05:44
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snoopsthe problem joel is in itunes you signed a license stating you were okay with the drm and wouldn't break it heh05:45
Specjoel: i've got thousands of these numbers05:45
Specjoel: i can use python though05:45
joelah, I see.05:45
Specand they're different lengths05:46
Spec##k:   ###k: ... etc05:46
alchemistjimmy89: it'll be enough for me to at least expand on it. If I was an actual developer/committer it might not be ;)05:46
eyequeuejoel, let me plug the website groklaw, for geek+law issues, i'm not affiliated with them, just find them informative05:46
SpecI want to just cut off the "k:" and add them, should be a way05:46
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joeleyequeue thanks for the site!05:46
lotiaso i cannot start a gnome session. if i login and select failsafe terminal, i can log in from gdm, but otherwise, i am unable to start a gnome session05:46
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snoopsdifferent rules apply to different countries of course..hence NoUse stating it depends on the country05:46
lotiai'm running dapper drake, on amd6405:46
eyequeuejoel, np, they also tend toward :our: slant on things :)05:46
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HoxzerNouse: this is taking timeeee05:47
NoUsejoel for example, in the US, I believe its illegal for me to tell you where to get software to break the iTunes DRM05:47
reedi run an i386, so i'm not sure about your archetecture05:47
NoUseHoxzer ok05:47
jimmy89alchemist: well mate thanks for all your help, hopefully the iwconfig the the wireless-key2 thing will work05:47
NoUseHoxzer probably a good sign05:47
Specfreedom of speech05:47
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Speci can tell anyone where to get anything, and it ought to be legal in 'merica :)05:47
jimmy89alchemist: im going to get some sleep, shool tomorrow05:47
Specthe act of getting it may be illegal though05:47
alchemistjimmy89: no worries05:47
eyequeueSpec, um, far from it05:47
snoopshaven't heard of the dmca then I guess Spec :)05:48
NoUseSpec Freedom of Speech? Why are you helping the terrorists?05:48
eugmanAnyone know of a good todo program? I've got a bunch of things I need to take care of and a list and reminders would help alot.05:48
Speci knew it :-/05:48
reedhas any1 figured out how to set up a DWL-520 wireless card?05:48
reedi tried in breezy, but not in dapper05:48
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Mastastealtheugman: gtodo? :D05:49
snoopsI find the dmca pretty hilarious actually.. a cryptologist found a HUGE flaw in the new blu-ray/hd-dvd hdmi/hdcp copy protection.. but because of the dmca he can't publish his results for fear of being imprisoned in america05:49
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joelspec you can create a program that will find the lenght of the string, then use the appropriate numbers. for instance it could look like ; a = ####k:  \ len of a = b \ for i in b \ at[i]   + a[1]  \ print, etc.05:49
Specyeah, lenght of string -205:50
joelspec something like that :)05:50
Speci think strings have length methods05:50
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eyequeuereed, i find this on google: usr/share/etherboot/dwl520.rom.gz admin/etherboot [universe]  ...05:50
joelspec and if you use Numeric (import numeric) it becomes easier!05:51
Spaceraverlinuxokay this is wierd... now i cant use my dvd drive at all... :/05:51
eyequeuereed, sounds like that package might at least be worth investigating, no personal experience though05:51
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reedahh, not the right 105:51
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reedmine's made by D-link05:51
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reedtook me to some USRobotics site05:51
eyequeuereed, do you know if they used a different chipset?  if not, :)05:51
TokenBadwhat do I need to install to get my scanner working in ubuntu?05:52
ubotuMastastealth: Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:52
reedwat'd u google05:52
Stormx2Hey folks. Just installed XP (first time on XP), and it has overwritten grub. i want to use the Super GRUB install disc, and it is in a .iso.bz2. How do get it to just a .bz2? I miss ubuntu already :(05:52
reedi'm going to try it05:52
ruggyfrom what distro did you all convert to ubuntu from?05:52
Mastastealthruggy: Knoppix05:52
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eyequeuereed, "dwl-520 dapper"05:52
joeleyequeue: what was the name of the geek-law website again please?05:53
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NoUseStormx2 there is a good wiki guide for recovering grub05:53
web_designerMastastealth: Knoppix is junk, its only in German05:53
eyequeuereed, hit was http://packages.ubuntulinux.org/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?searchmode=filelist&word=etherboot&version=dapper&arch=i386&page=7&number=5005:53
NoUse!tell Stormx2 about grub05:53
eyequeuejoel, groklaw05:53
TokenBadwhat do I need to install to get my scanner working in ubuntu?05:53
ubotuwell, recoveringgrub is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows05:53
joeleyequeue ah yes, thanks.05:53
Mastastealthweb_designer: no its not, and its actually pretty good. Either way, i said i CAME from Knoppix, Ubuntu is better :p05:53
Stormx2NoUse yeah but it doesn't cover extracting the .bz2 file ;)05:54
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reedthnx, i'll try it05:54
spikebi've used a bunch of distros05:54
spikeblast os i used before ubuntu was osx though05:54
web_designerMastastealth - Ubuntu is the Best05:54
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NoUseStormx2 bunzip2 file.bz205:54
apokryphostried out Mandriva yesterday; it was disappointing I'm afraid05:54
Mastastealththere's knoppix in english here: http://knoppix.net/05:55
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web_designerMastastealth: ok05:55
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hawke_..has anyone else had the experience of 'passwd' totally ignoring the pam auth section?05:55
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erchachereed: congratulations! :-D05:56
ranphahi, if i'm correct ubunti 6.06 installs acpi default. But i got two laptops that ned apm instead of apci. Both als freeze when i run azureus, amule and firefox togethr (was no problem under debain sarge) (all the same version programs) how can i uninstall acpi and install or activate APM?05:56
bobjones_hi all Iam new to ubuntu, iam trying to find the options to enable pppoe?  in fc4 the network manager had an add button that ennabled you to set pppoe, but the ubuntu one is missing the add button?05:56
erchacheyou can sniff all wireless nets of your neighbourhoods with kismet now :-P05:57
reedwhen i look at it again, i think it's for the router support05:57
reedinstead of the card05:57
eyequeueranpha, at boot, i believe you can add "noacpi" to the command line05:57
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ranphaeyequeue can you tell me extact whre i need to pu  that in /boot/grub/menu.lst???05:58
reedoh, 1 more stupid question.... What's the shortcut key for that whole logoff shutdown menu thing05:58
eyequeueranpha, to make it permanent?  just a sec05:58
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ranphaalso in one of the bios it ays that supend only can be performd by APM and i saw at the package that you need to put apm=on in the kernel parameters05:59
ranphathanks eyequeue05:59
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eyequeueranpha, look for a line similar to this: # kopt=root=/dev/hda6 ro vga=77305:59
jasonyHi, i installed ubuntu on my laptop this morning. However i cant get it to connect to an external monitor05:59
reedWhat's the shortcut for that menu that says logoff, shutdown, restart etc.?05:59
eyequeueranpha, append " noacpi" to it (and don't uncomment it)06:00
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ranphafound it eyequeue just noacpi..... and do i ned to put acpi=off or apm=on anywhere?06:01
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Red-Soxmy install cd always freezes up after 'starting the partitioner' only on this one computer, SuSE installed fine and I've tried shipits and self- burned isos06:01
eyequeueranpha, i thought it was noacpi, but if that doesn't work, experiment with the other06:01
Red-SoxFreeBSD installed fine as well06:01
reedc'mon u guys06:01
ranphaokay....will come back after some reboots ten06:01
reedshortcut key for shutdown menu is......06:02
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Red-Soxjasony: hi06:02
Frogzooreed: it's adjustable from gnome kb shortcuts06:02
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jasonyHi Red-Sox: i installed ubuntu on my laptop this morning. However i cant get it to connect to an external monitor06:03
`IncI was reading the wireless guide06:03
`Incsudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter06:03
`Incdoesn't work.06:03
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bobjones_can anyone help me setting up pppoe?06:03
yoshiznit123`inc, what card do you have?06:03
Frogzoobobjones_: sudo pppoeconf06:03
burning_bronxbobc, just do pppoeconf06:03
burning_bronx* bobjones_06:03
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TokenBadwhat do I need to install to get my scanner working in ubuntu?06:04
burning_bronxand I was beaten to it06:04
`Incyoshiznit123: some airforce broadcome shit.06:04
Red-Soxjasony: Ehm06:04
burning_bronxTokenBad, what kinda scanner is it?06:04
bobjones_great thanks !06:04
Red-Soxjasony: Let's se here...06:04
`Inc lspci | grep Broadcom\ Corporation06:04
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Specjoel: got it06:04
Specjoel: for line in lines: a.append(line.split('k')[0] )06:04
Red-Soxjasony: I'm not on ubuntu ATM but what happens when you try to connext it to an external monitor?06:04
Red-Soxjasony: And do you have a 'Fn' key06:05
Specjoel: convert all strings in a into ints and add 'em :)06:05
Guiltdoes the alternate install cd feature a graphical installation interface?06:05
TokenBadburning_bronx, canoscan n676006:05
Red-Soxjasony: Pretty much a second key06:05
robert_blah, my gcc can't create binaries- wtf06:05
`Incyoshiznit123: 0000:03:07.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g]  802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)06:05
jasonyRed-Sox: Nothing happens, it used to work fine in windows. I press Fn and F4 and it used to just work06:05
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burning_bronxTokenBad, xsane not working for you I'd reckon?06:05
joelspec ahh, I'm not familair with line.split, what does it do?06:05
jasonyRed-Sox: However nothing happens in ubuntu06:05
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TokenBadburning_bronx, I haven't tried..that is why was asking what I needed to install06:05
burning_bronxit should be installed already o0;06:06
yoshiznit123`inc, i have a similar card that works great with ndiswrapper, I never got fwcutter to work06:06
Guiltdoes the alternate install cd feature a graphical installation interface?06:06
Specjoel: it splits the string into two at the seperator, 'k', so 'k\n' is in [1]  and the number (before 'k') is in [0] 06:06
eyequeue!info xsane06:06
burning_bronxunder applications>graphics>xsane06:06
ubotuxsane: (GTK+-based X11 frontend for SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy)), section graphics, is optional. Version: 0.97-4ubuntu6 (dapper), Packaged size: 255 kB, Installed size: 728 kB06:06
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Guiltdoes the alternate install cd feature a graphical installation interface?06:06
Specjoel: string.split.__doc__06:06
Guiltc'mon guys06:06
Guilti'm asking before i dload the ISOs06:06
Guiltshipit takes .. forever06:07
funkmasterhey does somebody got flumotion working in ubuntu?06:07
Yagisananyone know of an application like fraps for ubuntu ?06:07
eyequeueGuilt, i know it contains a text-based one, that's the one i chose06:07
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snoopsno Guilt, text based only for alternate install06:07
snoopshence why it's called alternate..06:07
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Guiltokay cool. :)06:07
`Incyoshiznit123: is there any easy way to set it up?06:07
`IncI'm new with ndis wrapper and don't know how to set it up.06:07
lilbitcan one defrag in linux?06:07
ZambeziI need to deactive my rootaccount and activate it again. I don't remeber my password. Please help me so I can transfer my backup and migrate.06:07
Guilti don't have a problem with text based installs at all. i'm going to get xubuntu-alternate. and i don't wanna install grub to mbr06:08
dkrhrm, is there a way to assign a keyboard shortcut to an arbitrary command?  (I was thinking like in properties of custom application launcher applet)06:08
Guiltnot by default.06:08
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joelspec ahh, I think i've done something like that using another command. I think it was a.div, but i can't remember :)06:08
cafg10lilbit; there is no need to do that06:08
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Yagisanlilbit: it's not needed06:08
Guilt so that's why i'm going for the alternate install thing :)06:08
ompaullilbit, minding the filesystem is the function of the O/S not a userland thing - so you should never need to06:08
cafg10for ext2/3 partitions06:08
Guilti've used breezy install, btw :)06:08
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lilbitYagisan, ok06:08
jasonyGuilt: I know the dvd version has a graphical install06:08
tyrchyusci si aguzza io esco06:08
eyequeuelilbit, is there a need?  but there used to be something for ext2-only, for those who wanted to06:08
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!06:08
joelspec gl! i06:08
Guiltxubuntu doesn't have a DVD.06:09
ompaultyrchyus, turn that away message off now thanks06:09
lilbitYagisan, cafg10 eyequeue: I only ask because my HD seems to thrash around a bit.06:09
Guiltor, the DVD has XFCE?06:09
yoshiznit123`inc: u'll need ndiswrapper-utils06:09
cafg10lilbit is it your linux partition?06:09
eyequeuelilbit, df ... if the fs is rather full you'll get that06:09
yoshiznit123`inc: then get your driver cd or whatever ready, and type ndiswrapper -i 'path to *.inf file'06:09
Red-Soxjasony: Try fn + f806:09
Frogzoolilbit: how much ram u got?06:09
ZambeziHow do I active rootaccount?06:09
eyequeuelilbit, df is a command btw06:10
Sonderbladewhy dont you get bash_completion when you type "gksu something<tab>"?06:10
ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.06:10
=== Guilt downloads xubuntu-6.06-alternate-i386.iso
lilbitYagisan, cafg10 eyequeue: I got 2gigs corsair ram, and 200GB hard drive06:10
jasonyRed-Sox: i'll go give it a try now06:10
GuiltZambezi, use sudo06:10
Frogzoo!tell Guilt about torrent06:10
Guiltand do: passwd root.06:10
ompaulZambezi, you dont need to read that last message from ubotu06:10
NoUseHoxzer is that thing still running?06:10
spikeb!lart Guilt06:10
eyequeueGuilt, please don't advise that in here06:10
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dwighthas anyone had trouble getting amavisd-new to scan for spam on dapper?06:10
cafg10lilbit maybe you used ext2 in two big partitions06:10
ZambeziGuilt, ompaul: I need to login with root so I can transfer a backup.06:10
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ompauleyequeue, --- he should advise using sudo06:10
Yagisanlilbit: try to keep the disk under about 90% used, or it starts to thrash a bit.06:11
ompaulZambezi, no you don't need it read that web page06:11
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beowu1fhaveing issues with ssh connection. received signal 11 (no core) . can anyone give me a hand?06:11
ompaulZambezi, that is a howto for sudo06:11
lilbitcafg10, no, I did the auto partitioning with the dapper install, it created one big partition06:11
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eyequeueZambezi, you can "sudo -s" if you really need to have a root-session06:11
PoetaVampirotrouble with upgrade from breezy to dapper, reconfiguration on X does not aloud it to start... what to do?06:11
funkmasterwhere can i get help concerning flumotion ubuntu?06:11
cafg10lilbit that is what i wanted to say06:11
=== ompaul hands eyequeue a -i
yoshiznit123`inc: or see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper?action=show&redirect=SetupNdiswrapperHowto06:12
ompauland they both wander off to check the web page06:12
lilbitcafg10, was that a bad thing to do?  To let setup create one big patition?06:12
Frogzoolilbit: again, how much ram u got installed...06:12
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lilbitFrogzoo, I got 2 1GB  sticks06:12
Zambeziompaul: Thanks. It works. eyequeue, Guilt: It works.06:12
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rensYou can yust install 6.06 by the install upgrades06:13
lilbitFrogzoo,  2GB installed ram06:13
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Guilt\o/ w00t06:13
MrKeunerhi, why do I get Error trying to open /dev/sg0 exclusively (Permission denied)... retrying in 1 second. in gnomeBaker06:13
cafg10lilbit ext2/ext3 have better performance on many partitions one for / , /home , /var, /usr /temp and the swap06:13
Frogzoolilbit: did you have a swap partition? if not, consider adding a swap file06:13
Yagisanlilbit: 1 big partition is fine.06:13
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Frogzooargh - 1 big partition is a pain06:13
PoetaVampirorefrasing: how do I configure X on dapper so it uses the old configuration file from Breezy, and, is this the right thing to do?06:13
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Guiltoh, btw.. if the filesystem b0rks, you need the root password to run fsck06:14
lilbitI do have a swap partition06:14
GuiltUbuntu does something about that?06:14
lee_I've got a cups printer that isn't printing..even when I plug it into the usb port on the computer it doesn't work any ideas/06:14
lilbitI think I am fine then06:14
espiroMy live CD doesn't seem to be able to start X on my PIII laptop to install. Might I be able to install 5.10 and upgrade with apt?06:14
jasonyRed-Sox: Fn and F8 disables my WLAN adapter. Ive tried all of the other F buttons and they all do something different like disable the touchpad etc06:14
ompaulGuilt, no you don't06:14
Guiltompaul, huh?06:14
ompaulGuilt, it is patched read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo06:14
Guiltno root password needed for fs recovery?06:14
Frogzoolilbit: seems so - if you're working your disk, it's cos it needs to for whatever reason06:14
dxdemetriouhow can I correct my soundcard on Dapper? I think that takes the driver for my tvcard and I haven't sound06:14
eyequeueGuilt, it's handled fine, as is booting to "root" in rescue mode06:15
YagisanFrogzoo: for new users, it is fine. More advanced users can set up a partition scheme they are happy with06:15
ompaulGuilt, you have bios if that is what you want and you can use grub passwords if you want06:15
Guiltwell. that's not the point.06:15
Guiltif i'm using lilo06:15
espiroAnybody? Will upgrading 5.10 yield the exact same OS as installing dapper?06:15
FrogzooYagisan: until this new user needs to reinstall & clobbers their /home - methinks separate partition for /home should be mandatory06:15
Guiltand don't keep a bios passwd, it shouldn't matter.06:16
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cparkerespiro: I just upgraded from breezy to dapper yesterday... no problems.06:16
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Specespiro: yes06:16
ompaulGuilt, so it should be happy also06:16
YagisanFrogzoo: and backups should be mandatory06:16
PoetaVampirorefrasing 2: when dapper installs gdm asks if you want to keep old conf. I said no, now X does not start. Any help?06:16
FrogzooYagisan: well aren't they? ;)06:16
eyequeueGuilt, if your point was that it can't be done, it can.  if your point was to password protect, doesn't lilo also have a password option?06:16
Guiltit's just that fsck ought to run without requiring access to the root account. if it can use a group id, it's fine.06:16
cparkerespiro: The only thing to keep in mind is that if you are using certain packages that have been phased out in Dapper, then you'll have a problem.06:16
=== Inner|RE [n=darnell@dsl254-014-076.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
YagisanFrogzoo: we give you the rope, if you choose to hang yourself, so be it06:17
Guilteyequeue, i'm saying: fsck ought not to use the 'root' account06:17
`Incyoshiznit123: can I just apt-get it?06:17
Inner|REwhat applications does linux have for webpage designing?06:17
Guiltit can use any sudo-able account06:17
PoetaVampirocparker: did you reconfigured gdm?06:17
`Incoh and yoshiznit123 it's not an .inf file it's a .sys06:17
Guiltit should, ideally. and that's not there, i guess?06:17
YagisanFrogzoo: nope. well, not outside of business, and even then it's dodgy06:17
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cparkerPoetaVampiro: Not manually, no.06:17
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`Incat least that's all I have.06:17
cparkerInner|RE: I use Eclipse for all of my Web development. ;)06:18
NoUseInner|RE quanta and nvu06:18
Igniteanybody know why azureus depends on mozilla-browser?06:18
FrogzooYagisan:  and it's a crime - there's a class action against pc makers coming down the pike06:18
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PoetaVampirocparker: did you accept old config file?06:18
Guiltif the /etc/fstab fs flags are 1 1 ... you're fucked. you can never recover your ext2 or older fs es06:18
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Guiltunless you boot thru the cd, run fsck manually06:18
cparkerPoetaVampiro: I just let it do whatever it was going to do by default and ran with it.06:18
Guiltwhich, again .. the noob won't do.06:18
bobjones_thanks pppoe working now :), one more question does ubuntu install iptables? as i dont seem to have any firewall?06:18
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NgGuilt: mind the language please :)06:19
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Guilt:/ sorry06:19
eyequeueIgnite, doesn't seem to06:19
YagisanFrogzoo: from yanks unwilling to take responsibility for the actions (or lack of as the case may be) ?06:19
NgGuilt: also, this isn't really the place to be discussing recovery improvements. Feel free to discuss them on the -sounder mailing list, or write a spec of how you believe the default install can be made more resilient - you still have a week or so before the conference to discuss the specs for Edgy :)06:20
ompaulGuilt, less language, so tell me a new user will not have lilo .. and a new user will not set root, and a new user will be okay, as will an experienced user, and several other protections are available should they be deemed necessary06:20
aztunI have to install ubuntu on 25 machines without cdrom.........any good tutorial for unattended install by network of ubuntu?06:20
dxdemetriouAnybody knows can I reload my soundcard? If I have an onboard and pci for example it is easy to choose what I want to use?06:20
FrogzooYagisan: no - from ill informed businesses ruined when their hd clags06:20
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Igniteeyequeue, strange, i installed azureus via synaptic and it installed mozilla-browser also, so i tried removing it and obviously it tries to take azureus with it, nevermind i will just install it from the azureus site into /opt/azureus :D06:20
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FrogzooYagisan: there really ought to be warning labels on pcs that hard drives cannot be relied on06:20
YagisanFrogzoo: suing people because you choose not to pay attention to maintaining your tools should be tossed out of court06:20
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eyequeueIgnite, let me check... Depends: libbcprov-java (>= 1.32), libgnucrypto-java, libcommons-cli-java, liblog4j1.2-java, libseda-java, libswt3.1-gtk-java, libgtk-java, java-gcj-compat | java2-runtime06:21
YagisanFrogzoo: there where (at least when I used to sell them)06:21
NgFrogzoo: Yagisan: you guys are pretty off-topic, but from a business point of view, the Sarbanes Oxley rules do pretty much mandate decent backups.06:21
Igniteeyequeue, that on dapper?06:21
eyequeueIgnite, *IF* one of those depended on it, it would make sense, but i rather doubt they would, dunno06:21
eyequeueIgnite, yes06:21
`Incyoshiznit123: only Issue I'm having now is getting ndisgtk06:21
FrogzooYagisan: the problem is pc sellers sell the pcs to people who have very little technical knowledge & regard the pc as just another whitegood06:21
`Incyoshiznit123: it seems apt-get doesn't have it.06:21
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eyequeueIgnite, Filename: pool/universe/a/azureus/azureus_2.4.0.2-0ubuntu2_all.deb06:22
Inner|REhello.. applications for webdesigning?06:22
YagisanFrogzoo: that is a problem, as it isn't a "whitegood".06:22
FrogzooYagisan: bingo06:22
Frogzooanyways, gotta head - night all06:22
YagisanFrogzoo: night06:22
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b08yInner|RE: NVU06:23
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cparkerInner|RE: Like I said, I use Eclipse for all of my web development.06:23
bobjones_how do i configure/start iptables?  i dont want to use firestarter06:23
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YagisanNg: not familar with Sarbanes Oxley, but you'd think it would be standard business practice. It was covered in my business training, many years ago.06:23
RaitoI'm getting a new computer (a laptop) what are the best things to take note of to make it compatible with Ubuntu very well? Also do I want intergrated graphics or seperate?06:23
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Igniteeyequeue, thanks, its not really important, i didn't actually know azureus was in the repos until today :P06:23
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NoUseInner|RE like I said, quanta and nvu06:23
paloLet's say I have a folder which I contains code and cvs info, I recently set up a new cvs server and want to switch it over, but anytime I try to commit the changes to the new server, the info already present tries to commit it to the old one, is there any way to convert a cvs directory tree to a new repository, or do I have to go in manually and pull out the files I need?06:23
J_Phi all06:23
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Yagisanno one knows of a tool like fraps for ubuntu ?06:24
eyequeueIgnite, i think it may be new in dapper, breezy used to require special hassles (the one from their site?)06:24
snoopsyou may want to look into svn, since it has replaced cvs palo06:24
`Inchey doe sanyone else seem to find ndisgtk?06:24
eyequeueYagisan, perhaps if you told us what fraps was06:25
cparkerAnyone ever hear of "SIGI" for unattended Ubuntu/Debian network installation?06:25
palosnoops, I tried setting up an svn server, I can't find a good howto though, and I'm a bit lost with the docs06:25
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Igniteeyequeue, http://azureus.sf.net06:25
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Ngpalo: you could go through all the CVS/ folders in the tree and modify them by hand, or you could check out a new copy from the new server and use diff to make a patch06:25
elenayuhow to use oo2 in ubuntu 6.06 on AMD6406:25
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MrKeunerhi, why do I get Error trying to open /dev/sg0 exclusively (Permission denied)... retrying in 1 second. in gnomeBaker06:26
aztunI have to install ubuntu on 25 machines without cdrom.........any good tutorial for unattended install by network of ubuntu?06:26
rhyddinmornin all06:26
Yagisaneyequeue: an application that can capture opengl to .avi or multiple lossless images such as .png06:26
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paloNg, the problem is that the only copy is on my computer not the server, there hasn't even been an initial commit yet, I'm still trying to add the files to the new repo06:26
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kirohdo someone know where can i find libdvdc22s and streamer0.10-plugins-ugly pakages????06:26
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_Mr_Denix_I have installed a deb file and i don't know where to get it from ! i have installed gaim-bonjour-2.0.0-0.beta3.fc4.i386 . can any1 help me ?06:27
zippahi seem to be having a prob06:27
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zippahi dled the ubuntu desktop cd06:27
zippahbut i cant even find the install option06:27
kirohi kant download them with apt-get06:27
NoUsekiroh you need to enable multiverse and universe for the gstream package06:27
paloPerhaps I'll just work on the svn server since it makes more sense06:27
TokenBaddoes the new ubuntu have a build in firewall I need to know about...I setup proftpd...setup port and all..tried to ftp in..and get connection refused06:27
NoUse!tell kiroh about repos06:27
kirohok thanks06:27
ubotufrom memory, ati is http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers06:27
zippahNoUse: wanna help?06:27
Ignitezippah, put the CD into your computers cdrom drive then reboot, it will be an icon on your desktop06:27
Ngpalo: well you could just remove all the CVS/ directories and then import it as a new module onto the new server06:28
NoUse!tell kiroh about dvd06:28
zippahi cant get it on my crt monitor06:28
zippahonly the telly06:28
paloNg, I would but I think it's about time I converted to svn06:28
zippahdunno why, the display is messed on my crt screen06:28
paloNg, It can't be that hard to setup06:28
zippahshould i add vga=771?06:29
elenayuplease does any body know how to use oo2 in ubuntu 6.06 on AMD6406:29
jasonyIs there anybody here that can help me with my laptop's graphics card??????06:29
lwizardlwhats a linux app for converting .mpg videos to h.264 avi's ?06:29
Ignitezippah, no idea, i'm sure google can help though :)06:29
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Yagisanlwizardl: mencoder06:29
jasony Is there anybody here that can help me with my laptop's graphics card??????06:30
zippahim trying now with no s-video out06:30
zippahsee if that works06:30
ompaulzippah, why not read wiki.ubuntu.com/BootOptions06:30
lwizardlYagisan, isn't that part of mplayer06:30
Yagisanlwizardl: it's in multiverse. installit, open a terminal, and run "info mencoder"06:30
Yagisanlwizardl: yes06:30
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ompaulzippah, the vga thing should not impact a CRT situation06:30
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.06:31
zippahworked when i pulled out the s-video cable:)06:31
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lwizardlok what about dvd to dvd backup?06:31
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ompaulzippah, what video card is that?06:31
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Libra102Q. modules load and /etc/rc.local ? or rc.local next modules loaded?06:32
funkmasterhow do i start services in ubuntu?06:32
Libra102what's first?06:32
zippahGainward GeForce 7900GT 256MB06:32
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eyequeuefunkmaster, man update-rc.d explains06:33
ompaulzippah, thanks, I will try to temember that06:33
snoopsgreat card zippah.. I couldn't be happier with my 7900GT :)06:33
winbonddoes anyone know hot to permanently set the mtu size so it doesnt reset on reboot?06:33
devlinhow long should it take to repartition a 80G drive during installation. Its supposedly has been at it for a while now but no drive light activity is  showi06:33
Guiltcat something in rc local06:33
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caliseeCan someone explain to me how to set the resolution of an external monitor I have connected to my laptop?  The screen is a bit off.  I'm guessing adding something in the MOnitor section of xorg.conf?06:33
Guiltor store your procfs somewhere.06:33
NoUsedevlin shouldn't take very long06:34
eyequeuefunkmaster, np06:34
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devlinNoUse: thanks...will try to restart the installer then...must be hung..06:34
seg`faulthay i can't boot my lovely ubuntu06:34
zippahsnoops, i know:) very nice card:D06:34
NoUsedevlin how much memory do you have on that machine?06:34
zippahompaul, np06:34
zippahbut its just when I have 2 screens enabled06:35
snoopstried it out with xgl and compiz?06:35
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Spaceraverlinuxthis is getting very annoying... i try using sudo mount -a to test whether dev/hdc works or not... fstab lists hdc as my cdrom...06:35
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Guilt/dev/hda hdb hdc06:35
Guilt... hdd06:35
buzzedhow do i setup a printer... the printer is connected to an apple airport06:35
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Guiltand there's always sda sdb06:35
zippahsnoops, no, just installing ubuntu now after i upgraded everything so:)06:35
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ompaulSpaceraver, that would be sudo mount /media/cdrom006:36
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ompaulSpaceraver, with a data iso in it06:36
snoopsah well, if you need a hand getting it going ask away zippah.. :)06:36
caliseeCan someone explain to me how to set the resolution of an external monitor I have connected to my laptop?  The screen is a bit off.  I'm guessing adding something in the Monitor section of xorg.conf?06:36
robert_blah, my gcc can't create binaries- wtf06:36
GuiltSpaceraverlinux, it could be your cdrom is in /dev/scd0 too.06:36
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Guiltand ln ed to /dev/cdrom06:36
Spaceraverlinuxi have a data cd in it...06:36
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gennzhey, can anyone help me out? is there any other way to partition disks except for fdisk in ubuntu server edition=06:36
Guiltis that data cd in is09660?06:36
Guiltu might wanna try udf too.06:36
ToHellWithGAhow can a i grep the entire text source of a project to find matches to a string?06:37
dfgaswhy is it that when i go from linux to windows that my time is 5hrs off even though they are set for central time?06:37
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Spaceraverlinuxand looking at fstab it says that cdrom should be hdc... its the dapper disc06:37
ToHellWithGAi have the source in a folder but there are several subfolders and a lot of files06:37
zippahsnoops, ill give you a shout once i get this installed:)06:37
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ompaulSpaceraver, do df and see if it has automagically mounted06:37
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caliseeCan someone explain to me how to set the resolution of an external monitor I have connected to my laptop?  The screen is a bit off.  I'm guessing adding something in the Monitor section of xorg.conf? (The monitor res differs from laptop res)06:38
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ubotudfgas: My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:38
Spaceraverlinuxeven stated in fstab that it should automount...06:38
robert_help? heh06:38
gallag_I need to print several images at once on one sheet of photo paper, how might I do that?06:38
Guiltdfgas, there must be an option to set the timezone.06:38
eyequeuedfgas, coordinated universal time06:38
ompaulSpaceraverlinux, so do >> sudo mount /media/cdrom << and tell me what that says06:38
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dfgaswhere do i set it from utc to gmt?06:38
Spaceraverlinuxdevice does not exist06:39
eyequeuedfgas, dpkg-reconfigure locales ?06:39
ompauldfgas, right click on the clock right choose preferences06:39
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MrKeunerhi, why do I get Error trying to open /dev/sg0 exclusively (Permission denied)... retrying in 1 second. in gnomeBaker06:39
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gennzis there any way to access the install ubuntu-thingey when installation is complete? i wanna repartition and don't want to use fdisk.06:40
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ompaulSpaceraverlinux, please check the cables in your machine06:40
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ompaulSpaceraverlinux, and the jumper is on slave or master as required06:40
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snoopsinstall what? grub?06:40
Spaceraverlinuxit's a laptop unfortunately06:40
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Spaceraverlinuxand i used it to install dapper bout a month ago...06:41
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Scognitoi cannot run opengl apps on my 6.0606:41
Scognitoseems i can only use mesa06:41
Spaceraverlinuxdoes libdvdcss2 force a lockdown perhaps??06:42
Scognitothe driver in xorg.conf is "mga"06:42
Scognitobut applications runs slow06:42
ompaulSpaceraverlinux,  Click on system administration disks06:42
SpaceraverlinuxScognito, what vid card??06:42
Scognitomatrox g40006:42
Scognitoglxinfo tell this also: OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI G400 20050609 AGP 1x06:42
renato_videos alizee06:42
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Scognitomy g400 is 4x06:43
zippahi seem to be having a small issue here with the partitions preparing.. i try formatting a partition to ext3, but it just comes up as unknown?06:43
Scognitoand i don't want mesa, but opengl06:43
p_mashoanyone know now to restore the original Thunderbird "Icon" ?06:43
Spaceraverlinuxhmmm... sorry... cant help you with a matrox card...06:43
=== kiroh hola
Specp_masho: do you have the original icon?06:44
Spaceraverlinuxompaul... done...06:44
eyequeuep_masho, overwrite the one in the package with the old one, if you have it somewhere06:44
ompaulSpaceraver, does it appear thre?06:44
Spaceraverlinuxsays it's a harddrive06:44
Spaceraverlinuxunknown partitions...06:44
p_mashoSpec: no .. dont know where its being "overwritten" ?06:44
ScognitoSpaceraver, btw you use opengl?06:44
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psaikidomsyql set up help anyone?06:44
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SpaceraverlinuxScognito, on my other machine yes.... nvidia card06:45
Scognitoah ok06:45
Specp_masho: probably in /usr/share/pixmaps06:45
p_mashopsaikido: whats the problem06:45
Scognitoit is very strange :(06:45
krazykitScognito: it looks like you should have direct rendering.06:45
Scognitoi tought matrox mean no problem since good drivers...06:45
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eyequeuep_masho, mozilla-thunderbird: /usr/share/mozilla-thunderbird/icons/default.xpm perhaps?06:46
Scognitokrazykit, i have dri yes06:46
Scognitoit is enabled06:46
ulisselo tribe!06:46
krazykitScognito: then you have direct rendering.  the matrox isn't too much of a heavy-hitter in the opengl world, as i recall06:46
Speceyequeue: oh, sure, give him the correct path, bah.06:46
=== eichhorn_ [n=eichhorn@pD9E99D25.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Scognitokrazykit, shoud i remove dri?06:46
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Scognitoi remember when i had debian on my p3 with this card, everything worked06:47
krazykitScognito: no.  dri is direct rendering.  do glxinfo|grep rendering06:47
Scognitoso something is changed06:47
Spaceraverlinuxompaul, got any idea?? just wanted to watch dvd's and stuff...06:47
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Scognitokrazykit, it is enabled06:47
zippahhmm.. i cant seem to format any of the partitions i prepare?06:47
krazykitScognito: if you get rid of dri, you're back to software rendering06:47
Spaceraverlinuxzippah, bad hdd perhaps??06:47
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caliseeCan someone help me change the resolution for my external tft monitor, the resolution differs from my laptop so right now it is off a little?06:48
=== syntac [n=wade@adsl-69-211-98-1.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Spaceraverlinuxhave had that same problem...06:48
ranphahe guys my laptops run ubnunti great. one has 256 and one 380 mb. Bth have similair CPUs. Both are aged t same way. When i run firefox, azureus (any ther bittorrent) and firefox my system becomes slow until freezing point. since both system has the same prblem it has to by ubuntu. I tried noacpi in the kernel paramters any other options?06:48
Scognitoah ok06:48
zippahcause it worked with the server edition06:48
syntachow do i change my screen resolution on the livecd if i only have 1 option to choose from?06:48
zippahjust with this06:48
Scognitokrazykit, but seems is still have software rendering06:48
ompaulSpaceraverlinux, well if it thinks it is a hard drive something is wrong as I have DVD CD and two hard drives in this box and it sees them all correct, your libdvd comment is not accurate, it is something else what it is I have no idea but that is not relevent06:48
eyequeuezippah, are you trying to make a filesystem using mkfs?06:48
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keithhhhhIs there any good video editing and compression programs for Ubuntu?06:48
ulisseI have sometimes Dapper hanging on boot on "loading hardware drivers", on an asus laptop. Any hint?06:48
ScognitoOpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI G400 20050609 AGP 1x06:48
zippaheyequeue: im using the installer gui thingie06:49
Yagisankeithhhhh: avidemux06:49
krazykitScognito: right... mine says OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 915GM 2005022506:49
ompaulranpha, wiki.ubuntu.com/BootOptions06:49
Bassettscan someone help with my usplash?06:49
eyequeuezippah, ah, i've only used the text-based06:49
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Spaceraverlinuxompaul, the wierd thing is that i can install from it... which means it must be working...06:49
keithhhhhYagisan:  ok Ill look into it thanks ;)  have you tried it?06:49
darius_Is there a Tax Preparation solution for Linux?06:49
sladenBassetts: you broke it again?06:49
zippahi can prolly try with mkfs06:49
Bassettssladen: trying to make my own image now06:49
=== Karius [n=Karius@p5082A4B6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
krazykitScognito: the render string is saying that your matrox is the renderer.  otherwise it would say software rendering.06:49
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Yagisankeithhhhh: oh yes. I'm one of the guys that fixes it when it breaks06:50
ic56darius: I think so.  for some countries06:50
Bassettssladen: i get gcc -shared -Wl,-soname,usplash-artwork.so usplash-artwork.o -o yourimage-splash.so06:50
keithhhhhYagisan:  hehe06:50
Bassettssladen: woops wrong thing06:50
ompaulSpaceraverlinux, when you put the install CD / DVD in it it should mount it and offer to open Synaptic - so you appear to have faulty hardware06:50
=== nerophibia [n=nero@user-85-201-84-3.tvcablenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
darius_ic56: particularly for the US.  I can't find anything via Google06:50
Scognitoso that string doesn't mean it is using sw rendering?06:50
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akappa<krazykit> Scognito: the render string is saying that your matrox is the renderer.  otherwise it would say software rendering.06:50
eyequeuezippah, alt-f2 or alt-f3 can probably get yuou a console from within the installer, alt-f1 to get back06:50
Bassettssladen: usplash-artwork.c:1: error: syntax error before has06:50
akappado you know what mesa is?06:50
caliseeCan someone help me change the resolution for my external tft monitor, the resolution differs from my laptop so right now it is off a little?06:50
kirohdo someone know where can i find libdvdc22s and streamer0.10-plugins-ugly pakages???? i have all the repositories enabled06:50
ic56ic56: remind me what you call the ordinary citizen's revenue tax form in the US?06:50
krazykitScognito: nope.  your matrox card is doing the work.06:50
kirohi cant download them with apt-get06:51
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burning_bronxkiroh, they're in.06:51
burning_bronxyou sure you got all repos?06:51
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ompaul!tell kiroh about restricted06:51
Spaceraverlinuxwierd... and a bad thing... ill reboot and see if it picks up the cd as a boot option... if it doesnt... :/06:51
eyequeuekiroh, gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly - GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set06:51
Yagisankiroh: gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly is in multiverse06:51
ranphahe guys my laptops run ubnunti great. one has 256 and one 380 mb. Bth have similair CPUs. Both are aged t same way. When i run firefox, azureus (any ther bittorrent) and firefox my system becomes slow until freezing point. since both system has the same prblem it has to by ubuntu.  anyone knows about this problem?06:51
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eyequeuekiroh, libdvdcss2 - portable abstraction library for DVD decryption06:52
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zippahthe weird thing is06:52
=== Sh4d0 [n=shadowel@user-10cme3j.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
sladenBassetts: did you manage to convert the image from png2c ?06:52
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burning_bronxkiroh, I've noticed dapper's default source list doesn't have multiverse in it - it's the same as universe - justa add it06:52
Sh4d0anyone want to help a noob06:52
krazykitranpha: azureus is a java app.  maybe it's using enough memory to start making it swap too much?  maybe try something like bittornado or rtorrent?06:52
ubotuIf you do not actually ask a question, we cannot actually help you. :)06:52
zippahwhen i go into system > administration > disks, it shows up correctly06:52
eyequeuekiroh, you seem to be misspelling the package names06:53
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Bassettssladen: the first command, yes06:53
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caliseeCan someone help me change the resolution for my external tft monitor, the resolution differs from my laptop so right now it is off a little?06:53
ranphaKrazykit it also happens wit the buildin bittorrent of gnome....does nothing hav to do with azureus06:53
Sh4d0anyone want to help me with a hardware problem06:53
krazykitranpha: and it doesn't happen if you don't do torrents?06:53
krazykitSh4d0: just ask the goddam question.06:53
=== Jonbo [n=Jonbo123@adsl-074-229-245-180.sip.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
sladenBassetts: I think that's where your error probably is06:53
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ompaulSh4d0, ask the question OF the channel and see what happens06:54
Bassettssladen: you think my image is wrong?06:54
kirohyes, someone said me , thet this where the pakages i need to play files in totem06:54
sladenBassetts: does it have more than 15 colours?06:54
NegativeSpaceHi, I'm trying to install gDesklets and get:06:54
NegativeSpace Depends: libgnutls11 (>=1.0.16) but it is not installable06:54
NegativeSpace Depends: libgtop2-5 (>=2.9.4) but it is not installable06:54
Sh4d0i just did a fresh install, my first time, and i took the box down, changed the vid card and nic, and when i boot, it locks up after loading everything and before i could log in06:54
ulisseI have sometimes Dapper hanging on boot on "loading hardware drivers", on an asus laptop. Any hint?06:54
NegativeSpaceAny ideas?06:54
Bassettssladen: no06:54
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Bassettssladen: 640x400 right?06:54
sladenBassetts: take the image you had yesterday, load that into The GIMP and start modifying it.  Then you know you have something is the correct sizes/colour count to start with06:54
krazykitNegativeSpace: sounds like you're missing some repos.06:54
sladenBassetts: yes06:54
ranphanope... but it also happend a few weeks ago when i used vmware. On Sarge there was no problem....therefore it has something to do with ubuntu06:54
=== devlin-7 [n=ubuntu@pool-64-222-174-139.man.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Bassettssladen: using photoshop06:55
NegativeSpacekrazykit: I'm afraid I'm a newbie -- wha?06:55
krazykit!tell NegativeSpace about repos06:55
ompaulSh4d0, what was the old video card, and what was the new video card06:55
Bassettssladen: im trying to change the colors and pretty much the whole thing06:55
NegativeSpacekrazykit: Cheers.06:55
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Sh4d0old is onboard intel gfx, which i can't physically remove, new is a nvidia tnt206:55
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sladenBassetts: photoshop reorganises the palette for you.  Which may cause you problems and you'll likely have to reorder the palette afterwards in something like The GIMP06:56
ompaulSh4d0, first question is, have you disabled the onboard ?06:56
ranphakrazykiti nope... but it also happend a few weeks ago when i used vmware. On Sarge there was no problem....therefore it has something to do with ubuntu06:56
Sh4d0ompaul, no, but video is coming through the tnt2, im not sure how to disable the onboard06:56
Bassettssladen: ill try that then, will having the same colour repeated in the palette affect it?06:56
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kirohok i have installed the gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly, but i cant install libdvdcss2, ... i will need this pakage??? because i don't want to play dvd's06:57
krazykitranpha: sounds like a networking problem then.  don't know what to say :-/06:57
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lwizardlwhat do i have to install so that transcode can convert videos to h.264 codec06:57
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devlin-7can anyone tell me why when I try to install Ubuntu I get to the re-partitioner and it fails saying "Failed to create enough space for installation" I am installing on a 80G HD that currently only has 5G used space... I was  going to allocate Ubuntu 40G's06:57
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m3Bonjour ^06:57
eyequeuekiroh, that one is in seveas repository, unless you have a package that requires it, no06:57
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gallag_Is there any program for neatly printing as many photos in as few pages as possible -- like the windows photo printing wizard?06:57
ranphacould be i'm using netwrk manager on both laptops with external wireless cards06:57
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ranphakrazykiti could be i'm using netwrk manager on both laptops with external wireless cards06:58
kiroh(how do tou send me mensages in red???)06:58
Stormx2Oh man I can't restore grub! this is so bad :(06:58
eyequeuekiroh, red06:58
keithhhhhIs there any email clients that will download hotmail?06:58
eyequeuekirox not red06:58
SamJamesIn Ubuntu Dapper can anyone tell me how I can edit the menu that appears when I right mouse click on the GNOME desktop?06:58
kirohok i thing i dont have any pakage that requires it06:58
SamJamesI would like to add 'Open Teminal Window' in the first position of the menu.06:58
=== Karius [n=Karius@p5082A4B6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
eyequeuekiroh, by prepending your irc nick06:58
=== iiiears [n=bill@ip70-181-219-28.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
SamJamesLike in a previous Ubuntu version06:59
ompaulSh4d0, that would be a bios issue usually F2 or delete to access it, second up, you might want to look at wiki.ubuntu.com/BootOptions, withthe machine on try CTRL + ALT + F1 to see if you get a console login, if so do >>sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg<< and choose nv as the driver until you get in, note the other for the onboard card which is your existing setting and then go for that06:59
sladenBassetts: no.06:59
=== AlexC_ [n=Alex@host86-128-190-35.range86-128.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
caliseeCan someone help me change the resolution for my external tft monitor, the resolution differs from my laptop so right now it is off a little?06:59
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kirohwhat is prepending ... my english isn't good06:59
Sh4d0ompaul, thanks, trying that now06:59
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zippahi had to do it with gparted no inside the install dialog07:00
eyequeuekiroh, by putting kiroh at the front of the line07:00
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iiiearsUbuntu is Open Source and so very cool -  Oo-oh Ye-ah!07:00
Bassettssladen: you think i should make the image in photoshop then index it and make the palette in gimp?07:00
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kirohkiroh hola07:00
=== zaydana [n=zaydana@203-59-172-191.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
blkishhi all:) i'm trying to install java, flash and as many video codecs as possible (wmv etc) onto my new ubuntu 6.06 installation. I have found sun-java5-jre and libflash-mozplugin - will these install the right things to make java+flash work in firefox? i've seen refernces to 'automatix' in the forums related to installing java etc too - should i be using this system instead of apt-get? thanks!07:00
AlexC_I am wanting to code some applications for Linux. I alerady know how code works etc etc from coding PHP/MySQL - I am just wondering is there anything special I need to do to code for Linux? I mean, can I just learn C++ or do I need to learn some linux special things to?07:01
devlin-7if you can get it to install.... seems to hate Dells07:01
kiroheyequeue hello07:01
ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, iiiears07:01
kiroheyequeue, hello07:01
eyequeuekiroh, and i see that one in red, because it begins with eyequeue :)07:01
renato_hola putos07:01
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=== Zyclop [n=zyclop@p549C5E31.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuPlease watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen.07:01
iiiearsWe will help where we can. even if spanish isn't spoken very well here.07:01
ompaulAlexC_, download the source and read it, you can do python and there is a ubuntu package - diveintopython which is a book07:01
renato_pasenme videos de alizee07:02
=== ranpha_ [n=dennis@hlm-n-73ed.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
zaydanaanybody got any idea why .htaccess files wouldn't be having any effect in apache2? they're using virtual hosts...07:02
AlexC_ompaul, nah I hate Python - i'd much prefer to code C/C++07:02
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renato_hola kiroh07:02
renato_cual es tu pedo07:02
=== scabootssca [i=scaboots@64-251-142-141-dialup-mo.fidnet.com] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulAlexC_, so download a guide online and away you go07:02
burning_bronxrenato_, hola hijo ;)07:02
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:03
=== mrDaniel [n=daniel@d017051.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu
ic56AlexC_: the programming languages are the same.  However, when you interact with the system, for instance, to open a file, or to start a sub-process, these things vary from OS to OS and so are different between Linux and Windows.07:03
=== RaM0n [n=ram0n@85-95-173-70.saransk.ru] has joined #ubuntu
kiroheyequeue, do tou know whi i cant see videos in totem??? i have installed all the things i need, but it still not work07:03
Zyclophow do you set a gateway?07:04
Sh4d0ompaul, ctrl+alt+f1 takes be out of the graphical loading menu to jsut text, but i don't get a console: same problem, finishes loading and then locks up07:04
AlexC_cmpalmer, ic56 What I mean is - can I just code in C++ like I can in Windows and then just compile and run. Or do I need to include some other things like GTK etc and compile it in a different way? IF you've got some links to Codding C++ in Linix that't be great07:04
keithhhhhIm running a dual boot computer but I would like to run Ubuntu more..... One program is my email client, I dont want to change because it dloads my hotmail for me.  The other is a game making language but it only works in windows.   What is my best solution?07:04
ompaulSh4d0, have you tried the options from wiki.ubuntu.com/BootOptions07:04
=== RaM0n [n=ram0n@85-95-173-70.saransk.ru] has left #ubuntu ["]
Sh4d0i can't get to a console to type those in07:04
snoopsAlexC_ you're using the win32 api with c++ in windows..07:05
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iiiearssuPHP - PHP with permissions - Wide Grin07:05
eyequeuekiroh, i don't know.  sometimes totem-xone works best one some machines, sometimes totem-gstreamer works best, try one and then try the other i guess07:05
kirohrenato_ hola07:05
=== gigabyte_noteboo [n=kranian@] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulSh4d0, you can interupt the grub boot and add them to the boot command line07:05
=== rigonatti [n=rigonatt@200-160-71-29.user.ajato.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
Sh4d0ompaul: roger, trying that07:06
=== angelo [n=angelo@ns.longaservers.com] has joined #ubuntu
caliseeanyone have good xorg experience with a laptop and an external monitor?07:06
rigonattidoes anyone know why Automatix halts on this line :::>gpg: requesting key 521A9C7C from hkp server subkeys.pgp.net07:06
ic56AlexC_: however, the documentation is all online -- sections 2 and 3 of the manpages respectively document system calls and library calls.  Yes, interacting with a windowing system qualifies as system-specific.  You will need to #include different things in Linux than you did in Windows.  More importantly, you will need to learn a whole new interface to opening windows, etc.  cout will be the same.  GUI stuff won't.07:06
=== Avdi [n=Avdi@bos-gate3.raytheon.com] has joined #ubuntu
iiiearscalisee - "xinerama" no?07:06
ompaulrigonatti, please go to #automatix that is the automatix channel07:06
rigonattiompaul: txs a lot07:06
=== LoneShadow [n=vinay@c-67-188-235-220.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
AlexC_ic56, that's what I though - thanks =)07:07
caliseeiiiears: i'm trying to fix my resolution on my external lcd, my laptop res is 1450x1024 and my tft is 1280x1024 but the tft is off07:07
=== Ignite [n=Ignite@ACCBD23B.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
jahshuais Breezy newer than Dapper >?07:07
kiroheyequeue, i think i dont understand this ... what is the diference between totem-xine and totem-gstreamer???07:07
LoneShadowI need to add modprobe options for a driver, should I create a file under /etc/modprobe.d ?07:07
ic56AlexC_: here: read this: http://linuxgazette.net/issue70/ghosh2.html07:07
=== ulisse [n=ulisse@host244-129.pool873.interbusiness.it] has left #ubuntu []
eyequeuejahshua, no, vice versa07:07
iiiearscalisee - Uhoh - I am a rabid gamer, no LCD for me.07:07
kiroheyequeue, because i'm running only totem07:07
=== Fjodor_ [n=sune@0x55510b65.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
AlexC_ic56, thank you very much07:07
ic56AlexC_: yw!07:08
eyequeuekiroh, both use the totem front end (user interface) but they use xine or gstreamer as backends07:08
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devlin-7can anyone tell me why when I try to install Ubuntu I get to the re-partitioner and it fails saying "Failed to create enough space for installation" I am installing on a 80G HD that currently only has 5G used space... I was  going to allocate Ubuntu 40G's07:08
jahshuaeyequeue ok thanks so can you tell me why the fluxbox on it is 9.14 ? it should be 9.15.1 ... ? do i need to run -current or something? i have changed my /etc/apt/sources.list etc..07:08
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Sp4rKy_does anyone have a Vimicro webcam works correctly ?07:09
eyequeuekiroh, "sudo apt-get install totem-xine" and "sudo apt-get install totem-gstreamer" to switch between them, to see which works best there for you07:09
rigonattiautomatix its a desert channel :(07:09
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eyequeuejahshua, i know nothing of fluxbox, sorry07:09
=== imc_ [n=nselby@pool-70-22-232-112.bos.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu []
dkrwhere is a good place to ask a question like this?  is there a way to assign a keyboard shortcut to an arbitrary command?  (I was thinking like in properties of custom application launcher applet)  should I ask gnome people?07:10
eyequeuejahshua, i do know there is typically a version freeze a while before any release, for bug fixing and such07:10
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rigonattidoes anyone know why Automatix halts on this line :::>gpg: requesting key 521A9C7C from hkp server subkeys.pgp.net07:10
Zyclopdoes anybody know, wich version of blender comes with dapper drake?07:10
Sh4d0ompaul, i'm really not understanding any of this, should i just reinstall?07:10
NegativeSpaceHow can I remove items from the desktop?07:10
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jugheadnot sure Zyclop07:10
corecodeanybody have advice how to install ubuntu *from* an usb stick?07:11
eyequeueZyclop, 2.41-1ubuntu407:11
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ompaulSh4d0, no remove the nvidia card plug your monitor on that box and check that the nic card works07:11
=== garryfre [n=garry@adsl-67-117-25-129.dsl.chic01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
eyequeueZyclop, if you're on a dapper box, "apt-cache show blender"07:11
juanjeke pasa colegas07:11
=== DarthMorlock [n=jjordan@host120-66.dissent.birch.net] has joined #ubuntu
mrDanieli have a dual-boot system (winXP home and ubuntu dapper) and a GeForce Go 7600 in my acer-notebook. in windows there is a tool from nvidia named 'powermize', which can set the graphic-power. do anyone one a equivalent tool for ubuntu or linux in general?07:11
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:11
=== BitWitty [n=bitwitty@] has joined #ubuntu
mrDanieli mean 'powermizer' :)07:12
jahshuaeyequeue do you know anything about getting Opera web browser with Ubuntu ?07:12
Zyclopeyequeue: I'm not, that's why I was asking07:12
eyequeueZyclop, i thought not, heh07:12
BitWittyanybody else having problems playing flash videos from youtube.com or cnn.com?07:12
iiiearsmrDaniel: Check for "nVidia" in synaptic.07:12
jugheadmrDaniel, I don't think they have gfx card spevific power management tools in linux07:12
dkrmrDaniel: there are a bunch of custom settings you can give the nvidia driver in your xorg.conf07:12
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jugheadthey might though07:12
=== calisee [n=fcalise@n166s035.ntc.blacksburg.shentel.net] has joined #ubuntu
eyequeue!tell jahshua about opera07:13
mrDanielthank you for your answer iiiears, jughead and dkr ! i will just check out the sites07:13
eyequeueBitWitty, someone yesterday was. i don't recall any resolution07:13
iiiearsmrDaniel: The names there and a quick google will get you up to date info.07:13
darius_TaxACT Online is claiming Linux support - I've requested that they add Linux to their list of supported platforms07:13
=== nostZZZZZ is now known as nostalg1c
jahshuathanks eyequeue07:13
caliseedoes anyone know how to set a resolution to an external monitor when it differs from your laptop screen res?07:13
darius_their online list07:14
eyequeuejahshua, no prob07:14
DarthMorlockwhat is the best irc client for dapper drake?07:14
darius_loaded question :)07:14
BitWittyhmm, can't play google video either. Just wondering if it's just me or if flash 7 is no longer good enough to play the latest stuff.07:14
jugheadi use xchat07:14
AlexC_ic56, if I code for GTK - does that mean the applications' GUI will only work on Gnome and not XFCE or KDE for example ?07:14
Bassettssladen: all done, wish my luck with the restart07:14
eyequeueDarthMorlock, "best" is opinion, irssi is good in cli, xchat is good in gui07:14
ArtVandalaeBut you might be more interested in X-chat if yu're using GNOME07:14
BitWittythank you eyequeue.07:14
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ompaulDarthMorlock, personally xchat with its scripting and the fact that I run it full screen its not bad07:14
DarthMorlocki am07:14
=== beowu1f_ [n=beowu1f@dsl-165-247-161.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
DarthMorlockusing gnome07:15
caliseedoes anyone know how to set a resolution to an external monitor when it differs from your laptop screen res?07:15
jugheadI use xchat and gnome as well DarthMorlock07:15
DarthMorlockthanks guys07:15
garryfreI have no clue Calisee07:15
=== Snellgrove [n=snellgro@84-12-59-126.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ArtVandalaeirssi and screen make one of the best IRC clients known to man :)07:15
eyequeueArtVandalae, agreed07:16
nostalg1cirssi is a joke for ice heh07:16
jorggwhere do i install programs when nor useing apt-get, what is the usual directory?07:16
kiroheyequeue, xine and gstreamer dont work, (what are the pakages i need to use totem-xine?? it can be that i dont have all of it)07:16
=== shiky [n=shiky@c-24-4-110-9.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nostalg1cxchat is halfasses but the only somewhat decent irc client around for lunix07:16
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ZambeziAnyone know if it's possible to sfv-check several subfolders with cfv?07:16
=== TheSquire [n=TheSquir@COX-66-210-91-227.coxinet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Snellgrovesoo, who else is having problems getting Google Earth linux version working :@07:16
gnomefreakguys this isnt the channel for bleh is better than bleh07:16
iiiearscalisee: xinerama or editing the "xorg.conf" file /etc/X11/xorg.conf. - There should be some samples on the 'Net.07:16
jugheadxchat does what I want it to07:16
eyequeuekiroh, "sudo apt-get install totem-xine" would also install any dependencies you need07:16
snoopsjorgg ah, you don't choose, it chooses.. different philosophies are used in linux than windows :)07:17
TheSquirehello all07:17
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caliseeiiiears: yeah I know it is in xorg.conf I tried some things but couldn't get it working07:17
Snellgroveinstalling google earth as user = no worky, permission issues even on home directory.07:17
garryfreOthers were having stability issues with google earth last night07:17
nostalg1cgnomefreak, he didn't ask what's better than what, he just asked for "something decent", and when it comes to irc.. well, there _are_ no decent irc clients07:17
TheSquiredoes anyone have insight into what it takes to install ubuntu as a guest OS on Xen?07:17
=== ale_ [n=ale@host28-50.pool8717.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
jorggsnoops; but when not using apt-get i have to choose, where to?07:17
nostalg1c(and that's not limited to linux for that matter)07:17
iiiearscalisee: Give me a sec. should be able to find a link for you. :)07:17
ic56AlexC_: yes.  Though GTK is a library and it can be used in conjunction with XFCE or KDE.  Mind you, much of that library's purpose is to let processes communicate with each other.  In a KDE environment you're GTK-linked process will be all alone with no one to talk to.  Besides, KDE has its own competing library and running both is just inefficient.  XFCE is meant to be light and running GTK defeats that purpose.07:17
Snellgroveinstalling as root, means you need to run as root it seems... I chmod -R the whole /usr/local dir, to 777 and still no working!07:17
Doati need help with installing cvscedega. the installation (i used WineCVS.sh) goes fine but when i run cvscedega i get http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15659 Ideas?07:17
kiroheyequeue, then  none of the two works07:17
=== Scorpmoon [n=id@0x503e573e.hrnxx9.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
lucasvoanybody know if ubuntu will use CNR in next release?07:17
ic56AlexC_: s/you're/your/07:17
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gnomefreakwell gaim,irssixchat,xchat-gnome so on07:18
ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats07:18
AlexC_ic56, humm I see07:18
kiroheyequeue, i had the same problem in breezy07:18
snoopsjorgg when do you have to choose?07:18
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=== scabootssca is away: Hunting For Cheerios
nostalg1cic56, then again, running "just qt" or "just gtk" isn't a real-life option for most practical uses isn't it :/07:18
ZambeziIt's too many people here.07:18
gnomefreaklucasvo: too early to tell07:18
eyequeuekiroh, that's too bad, i don't know what to suggest, other than another player such a vlc07:18
=== Karius [n=Karius@p5082A4B6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
kirohok :'(07:18
ale_hello everybody. Is there someone that can help me with a bluetooth problem?07:18
jorggSnoops: downloaded a file  want to install..07:18
AlexC_ic56, would be so much easier if they used the same - same goes for packages, would be easier if every linux distro used the same package management07:18
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=== billguedes [n=billgued@200-168-41-201.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakjorgg: what kind of file?07:19
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iiiearscalisee:  Is this it?  http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=34661207:19
ubotuFor information on how to ask good questions please see http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html The more information you can give the better we can help you. If your going to give output of commands please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org07:19
ubotu[bluetooth]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BluetoothSetup and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BluetoothRemote07:19
jorgggnomefreak; google earth07:19
snoopswhat type of file jorgg? a .deb?07:19
=== Fooboy [n=dominic@cpc1-mapp2-0-0-cust982.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
ic56AlexC_: it would be, but then we'd be stuck with something we didn't like.  Variety is the spice of life and different strokes work for different folks.07:19
gnomefreakgoogle earth still .exe only? than you need wine07:19
jugheadI got google earth working07:19
nostalg1cAlexC_, it wouldn't be linux if they would do that.. that's what you get with a free and open community :)07:19
jugheadit is available for linux now07:19
snoopsyou'll want to use dpkg to install a .deb, if you can't get it through apt..07:19
caliseeiiiears: that looks like it could be of some use, thanks I'll give it a try07:20
=== Stormx2 [n=ubuntu@host-87-240-137-127.hi-velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu
jugheadit is downloaded as a .bin07:20
jorggsnoops: bin07:20
gnomefreakjughead: tar?07:20
=== GoDawgs [n=Kelley@pool-72-67-218-98.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
nostalg1cic56, that is such a myth. sure, different strokes work for different folks, but rarely all strokes you need come from the same brush07:20
gnomefreakah bin ;)07:20
ale_i've read all of these, but i've a strange problem07:20
GoDawgshey ya'll...07:20
jugheadhello GoDawgs07:20
=== pepoman [n=peposk8@] has joined #ubuntu
jorgggoogle earth is in beta version for linux07:20
AlexC_nostalg1c, ic56 true true - I like the flexibility Linux does off you in that respect - but some standards and rules need to be set, and I just think that is one of them that's needed.07:20
Bazzivariety is good, getting the job done is better :-)07:20
Doati need help with installing cvscedega. the installation (i used WineCVS.sh) goes fine but when i run cvscedega i get http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15659 Ideas?07:20
=== dran [n=enesport@h-80-75-16-252.wholesale.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu
garryfreBugs are like lays potato chips. You can't just have one.07:21
kiroheyequeue, it is strange, because i only hear the sound, but i see nothing07:21
eyequeueAlexC_, and i respectfully disagree emphatically :)07:21
GoDawgsI'm trying again to install Dapper since the final just came out.  I'm curious though.  Why does the CD auto load to LIVE verson rather than give you the option to install?07:21
nostalg1cAlexC_, there are initiatives for standards and rules as you define them -- but most of them fail horribly07:21
ic56nostalg1c: you've taken that metaphor to places I don't understand. Care to explain?07:21
Stormx2Someone has to help me... I now have no bootloader at all... I can't run any operating systems! Can someone help me reinstall grub... I'm completely stuck. I have a bit of a different setup... I've tried the recovering grub wiki page... its not working. neither is the super grub installer. Could someone /msg me who knows anything about grub?07:21
kirohand i have installed the windows codecs too07:21
KenSentMeGoDawgs: you can install it when you are on the live cd07:21
eyequeueGoDawgs, all cds offer install at the first menu07:21
KenSentMeGoDawgs: it's a install and livecd combined07:21
dranIs there a way to (during boot) check if a network cable is plugged in, and if it's not don't load that interface at all ?07:22
=== render [n=render@213-140-21-234.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu
Sh4d0ompaul, computer is booted without nvidia card, im logged in, not sure where to go to get nic working07:22
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting07:22
eyequeueGoDawgs, otherwise, there is an install icon on that livecd desktop07:22
nostalg1cic56, sure, i probably got yours wrong to begin with, since i don't know what a stroke is ^^ i linked it to "a stroke of a brush" but that might not be the correct meaning. i meant that "choice of environments" is a good thing, but the fact that this choice limits you as to what programs you can run is not07:22
Stormx2garryfre: Tried that.07:22
=== jtaylor [n=jtaylor@cmr-208-97-77-196.cr.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
GoDawgsKenSentMe: Oh okay... so it's different than before... I have to boot to the live desktop to install.... got it07:22
nostalg1c(and yes, i know you can run all, but in the spirit of this conversation we were talking about running just one)07:22
KenSentMeGoDawgs: yep, it's one cd instead of 207:22
=== Kirlyin [n=simon@adsl-71-159-182-254.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
StarseedStormx2: recovering grub is damn easy, if none of those worked for you, the problem is you07:22
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nostalg1chaha kensentme07:22
ic56AlexC_: GNOME, IMO, will win over KDE eventually.  It has the right breeding.  XFCE and others like ion will remain for obvious reasons -- they serve specialized markets that are unable or unwilling to use the big heavy gui.07:22
GoDawgsKenSentMe: Ok ... I'll give it another go...07:22
nostalg1cuse remote!07:22
eyequeueGoDawgs, didn't you get a menu before it booted to the livecd?07:23
Sp4rKydoes anyone have this message " Find Sensor UNKNOW_0 force Tas513007:23
GoDawgsthanks for your input too eyequeue :)07:23
Stormx2Starseed: Oh thanks. Is that the help I get?07:23
KenSentMenostalg1c: what?07:23
ompaulSh4d0, System Administration Networking07:23
nostalg1coh, your nick isn't an allusion to LSL?07:23
dranIs there a way to (during boot) check if a network cable is plugged in, and if it's not don't load that interface at all ? (Alternately tell the system not to wait 15 secs before realising there really is no cable there).07:23
Stormx2Like I said, I have an odd setup.07:23
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iiiearsSh4d0: Who makes your NIC? What type is ist? "lsmod" in a terminal will print the needed info for you.07:23
GoDawgseyequeue: Yes.  However, install of prompting me if I wanted to install or just boot to the Live CD, it just auto loaded the live portion.  I want to install.07:23
ic56nostalg1c: ah, I get you now.  Yes, I agree.07:23
AlexC_nostalg1c, that's why I think a standard widget/window manager should be inplace - so that applications can run on any desktop environment the user wishes, and not haev to worry about compatibility issues07:23
KenSentMenostalg1c: yes it is :D07:23
Sp4rKydoes anyone have this message " Find Sensor UNKNOW_0 force Tas5130" in dmesg with a Vimicro webcam ???07:23
eyequeueGoDawgs, hit tab or esc to prevent it from just plowing forward :)07:23
=== Ayabara [n=chatzill@cm-] has joined #ubuntu
ale_i've a strange bluetooth problem. my bluetooth dongle is up and running, it works fine sending files to my nokia 6630, but the BD address is 00:00:00:00:00:00. Can someone help me?07:23
nostalg1cKenSentMe, you need to use the remote control to switch the tv to the correct channel so the guard will let you go upstairs.. :)07:23
GoDawgseyequeue: ok.... noted.  THank you so much!07:23
jorggwhere is the usual place to install programs for all useres in ubuntu?07:23
TheSquiredoes anyone have insight into what it takes to install ubuntu as a guest OS on Xen?07:24
GoDawgslet me give me another go07:24
GoDawgsthanks again!07:24
garryfreI got stuck like that once and had to run fdisk /mbr on the windows partition to get windows access. Also sometimes I could get access by setting a drive in a multi-drive system as the one to try to boot from in bios.07:24
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Stormx2I've got go eat dinner... if someone knows anything about recovering GRUB after a windows install and WON'T link me to the wiki I've read and re-read, please msg me so I can see afterwards.07:24
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nostalg1cAlexC_, there's the free desktop initiative that strides to create general standards between the big DE's07:24
KenSentMenostalg1c: i know, thought you responded to a question here, it's too hot here to think straight07:24
eyequeuejorgg, apt-get install is how that's ususally done07:24
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nostalg1cKenSentMe, for real.. way too hot07:24
eyequeuejorgg, manually, you may be looking for /usr/local/bin/07:24
KenSentMenostalg1c: dutch too?07:24
jorggeyequeue; but when not using apt-get and have to choose dir.07:24
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nostalg1cbelgian actually, but that probably won't make the difference.. :)07:24
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jorggeyequeue;  okay07:24
KenSentMenostalg1c: it doesn't07:25
AyabaraI got some help "setting the suid bit" in k3b yesterday, and now the app won't start. It starts with sudo k3b, but keeps ejecting the cd when in the middle of jobs07:25
tr1gg3rhi anyone using ubuntu on a dell latitude d820? im curious if anyone has found a solution to this bug https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/4374507:25
AlexC_nostalg1c, oh right - I hope they get the standards set =) also ic56 I think that to ( with gnome wining over KDE ) - but only with the next major release07:25
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Snellgrovewoohooo, got google earth working :D07:25
osvaldoany speak spanish?07:25
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jugheadsweet Snellgrove07:25
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gnomefreakosvaldo: #ubuntu-es07:25
eyequeueosvaldo, #ubuntu-es07:25
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Spaceraverlinuxompaul, i got it to work.... seems there is a problem with automount...07:25
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iiiearsHola osvaldo bienvinidos to ubuntu07:25
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:26
nostalg1cic56, imho, KDE is better than gnome atm, but seeing how KDE is all about proprietary QT, well, that just won't work out ^^07:26
Sh4d0_ompaul, nic working07:26
LpadminHas anyone had problems with Dapper and CUPS?07:26
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Doati need help with installing cvscedega. the installation (i used WineCVS.sh) goes fine but when i run cvscedega i get http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15659 Ideas?07:26
ic56AlexC_: I disagree with the others on one point:  Standards tend to evolve much better in Free Software than they do in commercial software.  Linux has a lot more standards than other places.  Given the vast variety of apps available, the presence of of only 2 major GUI standards (an older one, and a newer one under a freer license) is a testament to this.07:26
garryfreOnly when I forget to turn on my printer.07:26
jugheaddapper recognized my HP printer no problems Lpadmin07:26
Spaceraverlinuxnow i just need to figure out how to get it to autumount again07:26
winbondwhat is the best recent book on linux in general , not concentrating on any distro07:26
nostalg1cic56, kde vs gnome or xfree vs x.org?07:27
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nostalg1cor qt vs gtk07:27
eyequeuenostalg1c, linux is about choices, not homogeneity :)  that said, even though i don't like kde, qt is finally under a free license07:27
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dwightany amavis gurus?07:27
=== Bassetts [n=Bassetts@cpc4-mapp1-0-0-cust342.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotwinbond, O'Reilly's Linux books, generally - I like the Linux Handbook & the Linux Cookbook07:27
AlexC_ic56, I'd of thought standards would evolve slower in open source - as there is a much much larger user base coding ( I assume? ) so it would be harder to enforce these standards without taking away Linux's choice and flexibility07:27
jugheadI like KDE, but I'm giving gnome a go07:27
Bassettssladen: it worked, but all the colours are messed up, think i got it wrong somewhere07:27
LpadminJughead, after upgrading to Dapper, I had some problems with package dependencies and cupsys.07:27
ubotuSpaceraverlinux: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:27
garryfreUsuallly I find by the time a book is written on something, its obsolete.07:27
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Ayabaraany good alternatives to k3b?07:27
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ic56nostalg1c: qt vs gtk and, hence, kde vs gnome.  As for x.org... I thought xfree was just the older stuff that will eventually go away.07:28
jugheadLpadmin, did you to a dist-upgrade?07:28
ubotuUbuntu diskussion paa dansk kan foeres i #ubuntu-dk07:28
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sladenBassetts: as I said, Photoshop rearranges the colours for you.  You need to fix them up in something that doesn't mess with them07:28
sladenBassetts: eg. The GIMP07:28
LpadminNostalg1c, or vim versus Emacs.07:28
Ayabaraahh. k3b says "The KDE libraries are not designed to run with suid privileges.". how can I unset the suid bit?07:28
Bassettssladen: i did them in GIMP07:28
LpadminJughead, yes.07:28
nostalg1c"photoshop rearranges the colours for you" aka "i'm now capable of working with photoshop" :)07:28
eyequeueic56, xf went with an evil license decision, so some people forked off x.org from the last "free" x07:28
Bassettssladen: which is index 0 in the palette editor?07:28
AlexC_anyway guys, i'd better go revise - chemistry and electronics exams tomorrow =(07:29
sladenBassetts: it's on the wiki page.  index 0 needs to be the background colour07:29
jugheadgood luck AlexC_07:29
Spaceraverlinuxi need a quick and dirty howto to get automount working...07:29
AlexC_jughead, thanks - cya07:29
iiiears I have had bad luck with Cedega CVS everytime. (Almost as if they don't want it to work ya know?) I have subscribed and transfered those configs.07:29
ic56AlexC_: the biggest obstacle to standards is when people don't want to agree because it destroys their competitive advantage.  In the Free Software world, technical merit is the primary concern and, hence,...07:29
=== fastly [n=asd@81-86-145-67.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
eyequeueic56, and yes, due to that licensing decision, most people do expect the old xfree to die off from non-use07:29
Sh4d0_ompaul, the nic is working, what should i do next to get the video working?07:29
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garryfreI simply installed KDE from the repositories. It had some issues with breezy, but nothing serious, I do not know what it would do with dapper, but I did get a menu that let me choose between what gui I wanted to log in with.07:29
Bassettssladen: ive followed that, but in the palette editor, is it left to right or right to left the indexes?07:29
nostalg1cic56, how is that more of an obstacle than when people don't want to agree because, well, "i just want it my way" ?07:30
AlexC_ic56, we all have to do or agree on something we don't like once in our lives. anyway - cya tomorrow07:30
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ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .07:30
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Red-Sox07:30
iiiearsDoat: Cedega is painless and the subscription is nearly so, $5 dollars a month.07:30
=== brainball [n=haico@pdpc/supporter/active/brainball] has joined #ubuntu
Spaceraverlinuxi have gotten cedega to work... and im not even sure how i did it...07:31
ubotusomebody said dapper was Ubuntu 6.06, the "Dapper Drake" release. Released June 1st 200607:31
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Spaceraverlinuxfrom cvs07:31
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garryfreLong text is a subjective term.07:31
Doatiiiears, i don't like paying for stuff i can get for free :/07:31
SpaceraverlinuxDoat, i aint that hard07:31
snoopsiiiears cedega goes against the linux philosophy though.. :/07:31
iiiearsDoat: Aw.., They do good work. ;)07:31
snoopssupposed to be about sharing, ya know?07:31
ic56nostalg1c: "wanting it my way" doesn't create a large user base in the bazaar world.  It works if you have a big marketing arm behind you because that ensures continued funding for your coders and adoption by users -- despite technical failures.07:31
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Doatiiiears, they do. but i might as well change back to windows07:32
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DoatSpaceraverlinux, then tell me what to do :s07:32
nostalg1cic56, that's why we have kde vs gnome? emacs vs vi? debian vs slackware? [x]  vs [y]  ?07:32
garryfreCedega is a conspiracy to make windows bugs run under linux.07:32
sladenBassetts: I haven't got a clue about photoshop07:32
Doatgarryfre, and make people pay for it :)07:33
=== basti [n=basti@host245-203.eksjo.com] has joined #ubuntu
Spaceraverlinux2 secs Doat im reading my own faq on how i did it...07:33
LpadminJughead, and everyone else: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1566307:33
iiiearsDoat: Check out Freenode #cedega - The devs hang out there and answers. Nice folks07:33
ic56nostalg1c: I already explained why we have these.  I won't repeat myself.07:33
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sladenBassetts: in the GIMP, when you click it says "Entry 0", "Entry #1" etc07:33
nostalg1cic56, linux is based on a bunch of people not being able to agree on stuff and constantly forking their own, dividing the general public in smaller parts just for the sake of alternative07:33
garryfreDoat LoL07:33
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Doatiiiears, thanks07:33
=== ranpha [n=dennis@hlm-n-73ed.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
nostalg1cic56, i don't ask you to explain, i'm trying to explain to you :)07:33
Bassettssladen: im doing the palette in gimp07:33
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ranphahow can i check if acpi is off and apm is on?07:33
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Sh4d0can anyone walk me through installing a nvidia PCI card on a box already configured with onboard?07:33
ic56nostalg1c: I hear you but I see it differently.  we'll have to agree to disagree.07:33
ubotuI guess nvidia is Help about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia07:33
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eyequeueforks are actually rather avoided, a measure of desparation07:33
Sp4rKydoes anyone have this message " Find Sensor UNKNOW_0 force Tas5130" in dmesg with a Vimicro webcam ???07:34
nostalg1cic56, why is it linux people always have to "agree to disagree" instead of having a decent low tone discussion :(07:34
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gnomefreaknostalg1c: and ic56 #ubuntu-offtopic to continue on that subject07:34
garryfrealso you might want to disable the onboard video a bios setting, jumper or hammer usually does the trick.07:34
ic56nostalg1c: because this is a support channel.07:34
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nostalg1cthat must be the best shunning excuse in a while07:35
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nostalg1cbut ok, i got your point07:35
clineaHeya... is there a utility to setup Xorg to do dual head with Nvidia graphics card?07:35
ubotuSpec: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:35
ranphahow can i check if acpi is off and apm is on?07:35
Spec!dual head07:35
jugheadLpadmin, I read the pastebin entry, but I'm not sure what's going on07:35
ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Spec07:35
gnomefreakubotu tell clinea -about xinerama07:35
kalleiwhat is the vga setting in /boot/grub/menu.lst  to boot usplash with 1024x768 resolution?07:35
Specdamn you ubotu, damn you.07:35
garryfreI only feel nostalgic when my present situation stinks.07:35
eyequeuebtw, #ubuntu-offtopic isn't a "go away" comment, it's a channel with a number of interesting discussions, and over 100 in it07:35
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nostalg1ceyequeue, haha, whups :)07:36
Specindeed, ubuntu-offtopic is a perfect place to continue offtopic goodness07:36
jahshuahey peeps just wondering if anyone can help me with this question, i installed just now from an old Dapper BETA cd that i had burned, i have update everything and what not, is this as good as the release Dapper .. can i make it so, if not?07:36
ubotuNon Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there!07:36
iiiearsclinea - Xinerama is what is often mentioned.07:36
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gnomefreakiiiears: he has the link for it ;)07:36
LpadminJughead, I entered the command dpkg --configure -a ; then I received those results.07:36
clineaiiiears and gnomefreak, thanks.07:36
gnomefreakclinea: yw07:36
eyequeueericz, i don't know about the "wars" ubotu, the CoC still applies there :)07:36
pike_ranpha: the apropos command is often helpful 'apropos apm' for example it basically searches the man pages and responds with a list of commands07:36
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ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems07:37
eyequeueericz, sorry, silly nick completion07:37
=== docgnome [n=user@64-40-46-43.nocharge.com] has joined #ubuntu
Sh4d0ompaul: thanks for your help, i'm working on the nvidia drivers, i'll be back if things go awry07:37
Sir_Osvaldwhats can help me please???07:37
Sir_Osvaldsend me one msh07:37
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docgnomedoes anyone know how to change what gnome-terminal reports as $TERM?07:37
Zyclopwhere do you set a gateway?07:37
Specdocgnome: can you just: set TERM=blah07:38
eyequeueZyclop, /etc/network/interfaces, typically07:38
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docgnomeSpec: Yes, but that's a kludge. To make it do that everytime I'd have to put it in an rc file or something.07:38
ubotu- Ask your question and we'll try to answer it.07:38
jahshuahey peeps just wondering if anyone can help me with this question, i installed just now from an old Dapper BETA cd that i had burned, i have update everything and what not, is this as good as the release Dapper .. can i make it so, if not?07:38
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eyequeueZyclop, man 5 interfaces, for syntax/format07:38
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gnomefreakjahshua: yes you atre fully updated -= release07:39
Spaceraverlinuxthe cedega cvs howto http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=HOWTO+Cedega+CVS07:39
ubotuTo install cedega please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega07:39
Specdocgnome: yeap, put it in .bashrc07:39
pike_docgnome: take a look at the the .bashrc file in your home directory07:39
=== TheSquire [n=TheSquir@COX-66-210-91-227.coxinet.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
ubotuNo idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Spaceraverlinux07:39
linuxboyfriendhi all07:40
ubotuSome people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Spaceraverlinux07:40
docgnome... My point is that that is an ugly fix.07:40
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linuxboyfriendhttp://pastebin.com/706919  <--- kindly check this problem in apache installation07:40
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NegativeSpaceWhere would be a suitable place to install Sun's JDK?07:40
JohnsonEso what's the recommended method of playing windows media files?07:41
gnomefreakubotu tell NegativeSpace -about java07:41
eyequeueNegativeSpace, where apt-get puts it07:41
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kalleiafter changing my vga option in the /boot/grub/menu.lst ( i tried set vga=791) , my tty consoles does not work. the whole screen just gets rendered strange ,  why is this?07:41
ZambeziWish my good luck. It's time for Ubuntuinstallation now.07:41
eyequeueNegativeSpace, it is a package now, if you were not aware07:41
NegativeSpacegnomefreak: Awesome.07:41
NegativeSpaceeyequeue: I was not aware. I am now.07:41
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Guiltyou- bun - tyu!07:42
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linuxboyfriendcan anyone help me about that apache installation problem?07:42
kadambiI'm unable to stream using Realplayer, and I did all that is told in ubuntu wiki07:42
ic56kallei: the vga= kernel option is used to control the tty console.07:42
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kadambiAny helps ??07:43
gnomefreaklinuxboyfriend: try #apache07:43
winbondwhat is a good recent book on linux in general , not concentrating on any distro07:43
lukhow to install real player plugin on dapper ?07:43
luki mean real player to use in firefox07:43
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gnomefreakubotu tell luk -about realplayer07:43
Spaceraverlinux!tell luk about restrictedformats07:43
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kiroh__do everyone konw why gstreamer, xine and vlc don't work in my pc???07:43
ubotufrom memory, realplayer is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats07:44
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:44
FastlyI've been setting up file sharing using System->Administration->Shared Folders... I am sharing my home folder across a samba network with windows laptops.  This breezy server is showing in the workgroup on the windows machines but is asking for a password. I have tried entering my root and main username and password and it won't let me view the files. Preferably I wouldn't have a password because my LAN is secure.. any ideas please?.07:44
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SpecFastly: you need to set up samba to allow guest authentication07:45
Fastlythe windows boxes also prepend the name of the linux server before whatever username i attempt07:45
SpecFastly: You also need to use 'smbpasswd' to set the password for any user07:46
Linuxn00bi installer compiz and now my monitor goes white when i boot up ubuntu.can anybody hlp me uninstall compiz from recovery mode??07:46
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SpecFastly: it uses USERS from the system, but the passwords are separate, and need to be created via smbpasswd07:46
eyequeueLinuxn00b, dpkg --purge compiz ?07:46
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kiroh__do everyone konw why gstreamer, xine and vlc don't work in my pc???07:46
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apokryphoskiroh__: statements like that are more or less useless. You're going to have to expand07:47
Spaceraverlinuxwhat do i need to change in fstab to get automount to work??07:47
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AlienXanyone know tomorrow's lottery numbers?07:47
eyequeueSpaceraverlinux, "man fstab" should give syntax07:47
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ic56docgnome: to change what gnome-terminal reports as TERM, you have only 2 options: modify the source code and rebuild or change TERM in your .bashrc  Note that setting TERM in rc won't work because gnome-terminal would overwrite that value.07:48
jugheadFastly, that is correct, my windows box does the same ting07:48
Fee^1 12 23 34 18 22 507:48
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kiroh__i have installed all the codecs and i can only hear the sound of the movie07:48
AlienXFee^, sweet! thanks lol07:48
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Fastlythanks guys... i just used smbpasswd to set my user password and now i can access my files ... thanks!07:48
simiraI have a problem on a new-installed ibm x43 laptop. multiverse is added in sources.list, but it can't find mplayer07:48
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ic56Spacesaverlinux: automount what?07:48
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Linuxn00bthe monitor is still white when i try to logg in, but compiz was removed07:49
jugheadsimira, are you using synaptic?07:49
uXpanyway to back up the ubuntu settings?07:49
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gnomefreakuXp: your home dir07:49
uXpgnomefreak:  what you mean07:50
simirajughead: tried both synaptics and aptitude07:50
ic56uXp: which settings?07:50
eckerWould anyone in here happen to have a IBM R40 thinkpad laptop?07:50
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MadpilotuXp, most of your settings are saved in hidden files in your home dir07:50
Linuxn00bneed help to recover ubuntu07:50
gnomefreakuXp: the config files are in your home dir back up your home dir to save them07:50
jugheaddid you enable the univers and multiverson on all of them or just one?07:50
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jughead*universe and multiverse07:50
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ic56Linuxn00b: give a more specific question, please07:51
ajax4When I shut down, why does it say that its shutting down "bttrack.bittorrent"? Anyone know?07:51
eyequeueic56, he has a white screen after installing compiz, even pafter removing it07:51
Sh4d0im back, still getting the lockup after load. i installed the legacy drivers for nvidia... any ideas?07:51
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Linuxn00bmy kernel crashes07:52
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Linuxn00b(i think so at least)07:52
gnomefreakLinuxn00b: try #ubuntu-xgl or reformat07:52
eyequeueLinuxn00b, what is the last thing you see before the crash?07:52
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ic56eyequeue, Linuxn00b: Oh.  He said that in a separate line, so I missed it.  I don't have the answer to that.07:52
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Linuxn00bok i can format but i need to copy files from the main disk to another....how?07:52
=== gnomefreak has learned when xgl messes up its hard as crap to ever get back to normal
eyequeueic56, i know nothing of compiz, so i'm probably of little help in this07:53
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gnomefreakLinuxn00b: gnomebaker07:53
Specnaa, you just need to remove xgl and re-configure X.org07:53
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kiroh__i have installed all the codecs and i can only hear the sound of the movie please help me07:53
Specyou've followed restrictedformats, kiroh__ ?07:53
eyequeueLinuxn00b, the general answer:  cp /first/place/for/the/file /other/new/place/07:54
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kiroh__yes i tried all07:54
Pulgokican anyone tell me if there is a command to use to list all files on the system that were changed after a certain date?07:54
=== GoDawgs [n=kelley@pool-72-67-218-98.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakkiroh__: make sure you have libdvdcss installed07:54
Kuyaedzwhat are the differences in the DVD.iso & the standard .isos?07:54
Psychobudgiekiroh__:  grab the essential codec pack from http://www.mplayerhq.hu/homepage/design7/dload.html07:54
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GoDawgsShe's baaa-ack! :)07:55
gnomefreakKuyaedz: dvd has more packages on the disk but if your gonna enable the repos it doesnt make a difference07:55
Linuxn00bcan you help me to reconfigure xorg?07:55
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GoDawgsGot it installed.... that was super duper fast man!07:55
pike_kiroh__: you can type 'file filename.avi' for more detailed info on file type07:55
eyequeueKuyaedz, the dvd is dvd-size, not a mere 600 mb, and it's also dvd-format07:55
uXpgnomefreak:  wouldn't backing up a home dir then replacing it on a new reinstall mess up the whole comp?07:55
Sir_Osvaldalguien habla espaol?07:55
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noiz777hello, new to ubuntu, used other distro with kde before though...i need some help...how do i edit stuff on a folder that only has root permission??07:55
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KenSentMeGoDawgs: Nice07:55
[NP] Tangent!es07:55
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:55
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gnomefreakuXp: not really07:55
Psychobudgiekiroh__:  install to /usr/lib/win3207:55
GoDawgsHowever, I was under the impression the driver for Broadcom's 43xx was solved.  Thought it would work... but to no avail.07:55
eyequeuenoiz777, sudo command-here07:55
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GoDawgshey KenSentMe07:55
=== Ohzie [n=ohzie@c-24-21-105-65.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ic56Pulgoki: find / -mtime +1 -print  # outputs all files modified upto 1 day ago07:56
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ruggyfrom what distro did you all convert to ubuntu from?07:56
uXpgnomefreak:  even if i have xgl and compiz, wouldn't that be messing it up?07:56
KenSentMe!tell noiz777 about root07:56
eyequeuenoiz777, sudo gedit /etc/fstab, as example07:56
ajax4ruggy: Mandriva for me07:56
gnomefreakuXp: files sitting in your home dir dont do anything07:56
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[NP] Tangentruggy: I converted from XP Home SP107:56
kiroh__Psychobudgie, what??07:56
ubotuI guess broadcom is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25683 for a guide to setting up Broadcom network cards07:56
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uXpgnomefreak:  explain07:56
Psychobudgiekiroh__:  grab the essential codec pack from http://www.mplayerhq.hu/homepage/design7/dload.html07:56
gnomefreakuXp: your xorg config is not in home07:56
Psychobudgiekiroh__:  install to /usr/lib/win3207:56
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Linuxn00bcan someone help me reconfigure x.org?07:56
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Pulgokiic56: thank you much07:56
noiz777eyequeue, hmm ok i get it, that i can do on the console but how about gui07:56
KenSentMe!tell GoDawgs about broadcom07:56
Linuxn00bi have the desktop cd07:56
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yolyserver irc.irc-hispano.org07:56
Psychobudgiekiroh__:  then install mplayer07:56
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linux_newbiehi guys07:56
eyequeuenoiz777, gedit is a gui app07:56
gnomefreakuXp: do you have a picture stored in your home dir?07:56
ic56Pulgoki: welcome.  There are many more options.  "man find" for details07:57
yolyjoin #granada07:57
uXpi mena like files07:57
Psychobudgiekiroh__:  welcome07:57
eyequeuenoiz777, sudo nano filename if you want cli only :)07:57
gnomefreakuXp: your home dir doesnt ever execute anything07:57
linux_newbieI got a apache2 problem under ubuntu, can someone help ?07:57
noiz777eyequeue, hehe sorry like i said noob here...ok let me try07:57
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gnomefreakuXp: just a place for other files to look for config options07:57
eyequeuenoiz777, no prob, we were all new once07:57
kiroh__Psychobudgie, can i install it using apt-get???07:57
Psychobudgieruggy:  I moved to ubuntu from mandrake07:57
nostalg1cnot me07:57
KenSentMelinux_newbie: just ask your question07:57
Psychobudgiekiroh__:  no07:57
nostalg1ci was born a guru07:57
uXplike i have xgl and compiz, if i have to reinstall and restore with my copied home dir it would mess it up since i don't have those files anymore...?07:57
GoDawgsKenSentMe: that's an old article... I know there are many things which have changed since it's initial authoring.07:58
gnomefreakuXp: no07:58
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gnomefreakyou dont add those to the new install07:58
KenSentMeGoDawgs: ah, ok. Didn't know that07:58
Psychobudgiekiroh__:  it's a gzip file07:58
Sir_OsvaldNeed help please :O07:58
gnomefreakuXp: asnd they will sit there anyway07:58
GoDawgsKenSentMe: *smile*  Thanks for trying though... :)07:58
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Sir_Osvaldneed help about ubuntu please ;)07:58
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ubotu- Ask your question and we'll try to answer it.07:58
eyequeue!just ask07:58
KenSentMeSir_Osvald: just ask your question07:58
ubotueyequeue: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:58
gnomefreakuXp: think of home dir like documents dir in windows the files are saved there thats all07:58
GoDawgsKenSentMe: I understood that the broadcom driver had been cracked... but I'm not sure how to utilize it07:59
yaluubuntu doesn't ship lndir? I'm going to kill someone07:59
e1z0how to install winamp on ubuntu ?07:59
uXpso the compz and xgl would still be in my home dir?07:59
Psychobudgiekiroh__:  oops, sorry I thought you meant the codec pack07:59
rubia__yoserver irc.irc-hispano.org07:59
rubia__yojoin #granada07:59
gnomefreakuXp: back up things you want to keep the same07:59
KenSentMeGoDawgs: can't help you with that, i only new there was a ubotu message about broadcom07:59
Psychobudgiekiroh__:  yeah, mplayer can install using apt-get07:59
eyequeueyalu, how does that differ from ln?07:59
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kiroh__Psychobudgie, :D07:59
Psychobudgiekiroh__:  codecs are a gzip file07:59
ajax4elz0: You can use wine to use winamp directly or use XMMS, which is very similar.07:59
gnomefreakuXp: i have changed alot of my config files so in my case i back up full home dir07:59
uXpso if i were to restore the home settings i would be able to use xg; and compiz again right?07:59
ic56yalu: you can use link(1)07:59
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gnomefreakuXp: not unless you installed it08:00
akulahUbuntu benefits from a strong Debian, and Debian benefits from a strong Ubuntu. - MarkShuttleworth08:00
=== GoDawgs will be back in a few minutes.
spikebikeanyone have googleearth, ubuntu, and amd64 happy?08:00
uXpah, all those fiels agai08:00
akulahEvery Debian developer is also an Ubuntu developer, because one way to contribute to Ubuntu is to contribute to Debian. - MarkShuttleworth08:00
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uXpfiles again08:00
LiteHeddedcan someone help me with my ati problem?08:00
ubotu- Ask your question and we'll try to answer it.08:00
linux_newbiewhen I try to open localhost/index.html it says "you dont have permission to access /index.html on this server. I set group, own and 770 to my user login and it still says I got no permission08:00
yalueyequeue: well lndir does entire directories08:00
R0cK3Tgnomefreak: and that backs up all ur desktop settings, icons, etc..?08:00
KenSentMe!tell LiteHedded about ati08:00
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kiroh__Psychobudgie, and why will mplayer work and the others no????08:00
pike_akulah: the debian guys disagree with that a little i hear :)08:00
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eyequeueyalu, and you can't do that with ln?  i thought you could :)08:00
gnomefreakuXp: open your home dir hit ctrl+h and look at all the files back up any that you made or changed08:00
LiteHeddedI did just ask08:00
linux_newbieapache2 on ubuntu08:00
Psychobudgiekiroh__:  also worth installing mozilla-mplayer aswell, it will then handle embedded media in firefox08:01
Stormx2Looks like I'm gonna have to reinstall grub.08:01
yalueyequeue: I thonght that's why lndir existed08:01
Psychobudgiekiroh__:  cause mplayer is god08:01
LiteHeddedbut allow me to expand08:01
Stormx2How do I look at my boot sectore from an ubuntu live CD?08:01
ic56yalu: you can use link(1)08:01
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LiteHeddedmy ati isn't working after following the install instructions on the wiki08:01
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eyequeueyalu, i just did: mkdir fooo && ln -s fooo barr  here08:01
gnomefreakR0cK3T: that im not sure i dont know if your icons will be there if the app isnt installed08:02
ron_o_Stormx2, try /boot08:02
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noiz777eyequeue, it says it cant open the file...i would like to be able to have full permission to edit the hole folder08:02
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rubia__yoserver irc.irc-hispano.org08:02
Linuxn00bi need to restore my grapich settings08:02
rubia__yojoin #sexo08:02
kiroh__Psychobudgie, ok i hope it will work ... i use ubuntu since 1 or more years and when i want to see videos i must switch to wondows :(08:02
Stormx2ron_o_: Isn't that a live CD thing though? Not actually the boot sector of my HDD?08:02
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pike_noiz777: what is the folder location?08:02
uXpyea gnomefreak iight thx08:02
eyequeuerubia__yo, please don't spam here08:02
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noiz777pike_, /opt/lampp/htdocs08:03
gnomefreakslow down!!08:03
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stefan_can I change bios settings on linux?08:03
linux_newbiedoes anyone know why I got no permission to open localhost/test.html from var/www/ (apache2) although I set chown and chgroup and chmod 770 on the www folder?08:03
Madpilotgnomefreak, if you run XChat, I can fire you a copy of the op script ompaul just used :)08:04
NoUsestefan_ you need to use your BIOS program08:04
=== skeipius [n=sdafa@c-71-56-67-116.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ic56eyequeue: your example creates a soft link.  yalu explicitly requested lndir which is used to create hardlinks to directories.  ln(1) has error-checking code inside it preventing it from doing that, so one must use either lndir or link.  The latter is a lower level tool, akin to what ln(1) used to do in system7 times.08:04
linux_newbiechown and chgroup to my user login08:04
gnomefreaki have one08:04
R0cK3Tgnomefreak: i mean as far as a defualt install, then replace home dir, will that save desktop settings? example: panel transparency settings, and icon placement in the panels08:04
gnomefreaki was fixing a cd08:04
stefan_NoUse: thanks08:04
ompaulMadpilot, I gave it to him :-)08:04
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Madpilotgnomefreak, OK, never mind :)08:04
=== www [n=masahiro@82-32-172-58.cable.ubr02.newt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
eyequeueic56, thanks.  i'm typically a softlink guy heh08:05
wwwHi again08:05
wwwMessed up yet again08:05
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GoDawgscafuego__: thoreauputic sent me an IM that you did a page on the new broadcom info... however, I have it bookmarked on the windows side of my partition.  Can you fire that link to me?08:05
=== claydoh [n=clay@bb-66-63-100-239.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu
LiteHeddedcan anyone help me get 3d acceleration working08:05
wwwCan someone send me a <working> copy of the .xsession file? Ubuntu Dapper's default one if possible.08:05
NoUseLiteHedded specifics? what kind of card?08:05
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ic56eyequeue: hard links execute faster and use less space.  However, they cannot cross filesystem boundaries -- this is why symlinks were invented.08:05
rixxonmy laptop has an ir port, but no /dev/irda ?08:06
LiteHeddedi followed the instructions on the wiki and still showing the mesa drivers08:06
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kiroh__Psychobudgie, can you guide me installing the codecs?? i'm not so good installing tarballs08:06
Psychobudgiekiroh__:  just extract the file to a folder08:06
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eyequeueic56, df has 13 lines here, so i tend to work presuming the possibility of being on a different fs08:07
kiroh__Psychobudgie, but i most download it to a folder src???08:07
Linuturki've got a barcode scanner that isn't working correctly. do i need to configure it?08:07
Psychobudgiekiroh__:  have you downloaded the codecs?08:07
LiteHeddedany ideas NoUse?08:07
loanwolf? isent ubuntu dapper drake supose to be a fast running distro08:07
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eyequeueloanwolf, it's a gui08:08
Spaceraverlinuxloanwolf, it is tbh08:08
jZedis this right way to upgrade from Hoary to Dapper: get Dapper sources.list, apt-get update; apt-get upgrade?08:08
kiroh__Psychobudgie, because i wll know where08:08
eyequeuejZed, no08:08
jZedhow then?08:08
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R0cK3Tgnomefreak: i mean as far as a defualt install, then replace home dir, will that save desktop settings? example: panel transparency settings, and icon placement in the panels?08:08
NoUseLiteHedded pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and your /var/log/Xorg.0.log files08:08
eyequeuejZed, hoary > breezy, then breezy > dapper08:08
Psychobudgiekiroh__:  the easiest way to extract the archive is to right click the file and click 'extract here'08:09
NoUse!tell LiteHedded about pastebin08:09
eckerWhere can i get the exact  HorizSync / VertRefresh for my monitor, I googled and googled ..08:09
gnomefreakR0cK3T: not sure what file/files control that08:09
jZedI have to install breezy even though I don't want it?08:09
R0cK3Tiight ;)08:09
eckerits for my IBM THINKPAD08:09
user_I have tooth ache , help please!08:09
wwwCan someone send me a <working> copy of the .xsession file? Ubuntu Dapper's default one if possible.08:09
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eyequeuejZed, multi-release jumps are not supported and will cause breakage08:09
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IIIEarsLinuturk: Is this link relevant? http://www.linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2000-09-01-012-06-NW-CY08:09
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Psychobudgiekiroh__:  you will then have a folder called 'essential-20060501'08:09
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gnomefreakuser_: join #ubuntu-offtopic to whine please08:09
=== Tonren [n=mcantor@ool-45724cb6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
loanwolfwas just woundering sence i been runing mandriva 2006..installed dapper drake the otherday...and it was 3 times slower at opening apps then mandriva...08:09
jZedok, but same routine ... sources.list,update,upgrade?08:09
kiroh__Psychobudgie, can it be in the desktop too???08:10
TonrenHey guys, I'm having trouble connecting to a network printer.08:10
=== javierito [n=javierit@34.Red-83-49-20.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
ajax4loanwolf: I upgraded to dapper from Mandriva 2006 also. It was noticably faster for me.08:10
Psychobudgiekiroh__:  desktop or home folder, all the same08:10
pike_jZed: last part is apt-get dist-upgrade08:10
eyequeuejZed, yes, one-release jumps only, but the technique is the same08:10
seanismi just installed compiz and that sped up my laptop08:10
Psychobudgiekiroh__:  open the folder and select all the files08:10
seanisma bit08:10
TonrenWindows XP connects to it fine as "Printer Name or IP Address" (that's myd efault network gateway), LPR protocol, Queue name LPT1.  But I don't see an LPR protocol option in ubuntu printing, only LPD.08:10
ic56: :-) I understand.  I learned unix with only hardlinks available and I rather like the elegance of zcat occupying a mere 8 extra bytes inside an already existing /bin directory and executing the gzip executable with zero overhead.  Then again.  I'm writing this on a PentiumMMX.08:10
eckerWhere can i get the exact  HorizSync / VertRefresh for my IBM thinkpad laptop, I googled and googled ..08:10
Psychobudgiekiroh__:  right click on one of the selected files and click 'copy'08:11
user_Help, i did a dvdrip and now i can't logon my user account08:11
=== blakcheez [n=david@adsl-75-10-132-247.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
kiroh__Psychobudgie, ok08:11
TonrenAny suggestions?08:11
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eyequeuejZed, and as pike_ so appropriately pointed out, dist-upgrade contains extra code to handle things needed during release-to-release steps08:11
kiroh__Psychobudgie, and then08:11
NoUseuser_ do you get an error message?08:11
ic56ecker: try google site:ibm.com thinkpad sync08:11
loanwolfajax4: where do i change my monitor at...its detecting generic and runing vesa08:11
Psychobudgiekiroh__:  open a console, then type 'sudo nautilus'08:11
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blakcheezI keep getting this error: checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables08:11
GoDawgshey ya'll... what's the difference in Mplayer and KMplayer?08:12
kiroh__Psychobudgie, i don't have much more time08:12
GoDawgsis KMPlayer for KDE?08:12
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gnomefreakblakcheez: sudo apt-get install build-essential08:12
seanismdid you use sudo08:12
Psychobudgiekiroh__:  navigate to /usr/lib/08:12
mindspitnew to ubuntu08:12
LinuturkIIIEars, slightly. I have the cuecat, but it has been modified to spit out plain ASCII text. it works fine in windows, but in ubuntu, i get different numbers everytime08:12
eyequeueblakcheez, sudo apt-get install build-essential08:12
LiteHeddedNoUse: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1566508:12
seanismanyone know of any apps to change wireless settings in ubuntu08:12
mindspitwant to get more sources for the apt08:12
seanismbesides the network config08:12
Psychobudgiekiroh__:  create a folder called win32 in there, move into the folder and right click and click paste08:12
jZedk, thanks for the info08:12
pike_GoDawgs: mplayer is not a gui kmplayer ads a nice layer of bloat to your movie watching08:12
noiz777kensentme, pike_, thanks for the help to both of you...let me see if i understand, i can run commands with sudo and gui's with gksudo, but i can never work on a folder as root08:12
Psychobudgiepike_:  mplayer has several gui's08:13
BitlooterCan't logon to ubuntu,help please08:13
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GoDawgspike_: ok... and that's what I need for internet audio streams too right?08:13
Psychobudgiethe ubuntu mplayer package comes with the standard gui08:13
kiroh__Psychobudgie, i alredy have a folder called win3208:13
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pike_noiz777: i us sudo -s or sudo -i for what amounts to a root terminal then just type exit when done08:13
ajax4loanwolf: Don't know offhand, though I'll look.08:13
gnomefreakmindspit: drop the caps please08:14
Psychobudgiekiroh__:   move into it and put all the files you just copied into it08:14
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Tonrenhey, can anyone help me out with printer configuration?08:14
Psychobudgiekiroh__:  right click and paste or press ctrl-v08:14
pike_GoDawgs: using ubuntu or kubuntu?08:14
BitlooterUbuntu help please08:14
Linuturki've got a barcode scanner that isn't working correctly. do i need to configure it?08:14
loanwolfajax4: ok thanks...i know that probly has something to do with speed08:14
LinuturkIIIEars, slightly. I have the cuecat, but it has been modified to spit out plain ASCII text. it works fine in windows, but in ubuntu, i get different numbers everytime08:14
noiz777pike_, ok, ill try that08:14
GoDawgspike_: ubuntu08:14
Psychobudgiekiroh__:  now run mplayer and try and play your movie08:14
ompaul!tell mindspit about repos08:14
Psychobudgiekiroh__:  should be hunky dory08:15
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LiteHeddedNoUse it's not letting me paste the second file on the pastebin08:15
NoUseLiteHedded and the /var/log/Xorg.0.log?08:15
pike_GoDawgs: you and to be able to stream these from firefox?08:15
GoDawgspike_: yes08:15
ompaul!tell mindspit about easysource08:15
NoUseLiteHedded what error are you getting?08:15
LiteHeddedit's telling me no text given or image uploaded08:15
Psychobudgiekiroh__:  mplayer will play pretty much anything as long as the windows codec is there08:15
GoDawgspike_: i'm hoping though to just get a direct URL so I can do it through a player08:15
LiteHeddedbut I pasted the whole file08:15
pike_GoDawgs: apt-get install mozilla-mplayer i think the package is08:15
ompaulmindspit, read the messages ubotu just sent you08:15
kiroh__Psychobudgie, must i overwrite some files???08:15
BitlooterUbuntu help08:15
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NoUseLiteHedded reload the page and try agian08:15
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Psychobudgiekiroh__:  yeah08:15
GoDawgspike_: Ok... let me check that out.08:15
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ompaulmindspit, and don't use caps lock thanks08:15
Psychobudgiekiroh__:  just bung in that archive08:15
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LiteHeddedstill not working08:16
=== ciaron [n=soth@cpc3-broo4-0-0-cust526.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
wwwCan someone send me a <working> copy of the .xsession file? Ubuntu Dapper's default one if possible.08:16
LiteHeddedi dunno wtf is going on08:16
LiteHeddedi can dcc it to you?08:16
=== www is such a n00b
pike_GoDawgs: for internet radio stations use streamtuner it works with xmms and is very nice.08:16
ompauln00b stop with the nick spam08:16
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kalleiI am trying to set my dpi correct in by adjusting DisplaySize in /etc/X11/xorg.conf   but it seems as the directive is ignored. xpdyinfo | grep resulotion gives a  85x86 dpi...not good08:16
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kalleiam i doing something wrong?08:16
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blakcheez*** Could not run GLIB test program, checking why...08:17
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reidWhat is a good image burner that supports .bin/.cue?08:17
blakcheez*** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log for the08:17
blakcheez*** exact error that occured. This usually means GLIB is incorrectly installed.08:17
kiroh__Psychobudgie, it says could not initialise video filters or video output08:17
GoDawgspike_: ok... let me check that out now... thank you!08:17
kalleiin my xorg.conf i have DisplaySize 338   270  under [Monitor] 08:17
ajax4loanwolf: I can't find that option. Though it won't speed up your system.08:17
eyequeuereid, k3b08:17
blakcheezhow do I install glib?08:17
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BitlooterUbuntu ????08:17
LiteHeddedstill with me NoUse? :D08:17
kiroh__Psychobudgie, -vf or -vo08:17
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reideyequeue I have used K3b before, but will it work ok in Gnome?08:18
blakcheezhow do I install glib?08:18
Psychobudgiekiroh__:  are you running mplayer from command line or from the applications menu?08:18
NoUseLiteHedded Please put my nick in messages that are intended for me, otherwise I'll miss them08:18
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kiroh__from the applications menu08:18
crimsun_blakcheez: unless you're using Kubuntu, glib is already installed08:18
elknof1hi everybody08:18
LiteHeddedNoUse: i can't paste the second file. I can dcc it to you?08:18
NoUseLiteHedded paste it in #flood08:18
eyequeueblakcheez, for compiling?  sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev08:18
noiz777i find so complicated this sudo thing..ill explain what i need to do better and you tell me if there is a better answer please. i have my htdocs on windows but i want to make a copy on linux that i can use as well, how do i make this copy if my htdocs in linux is under /opt/lampp/08:18
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allenwhere can I find what hardware I am running ?08:19
elknof1does anyone knows how to install w32codecs to dapper using xine?08:19
kiroh__Psychobudgie,from the applications menu08:19
reidWill K3b work ok in Gnome?08:19
Psychobudgiekiroh__:  what version of ubuntu?08:19
zubuntHello. I have issues with my ATI gfx card and ubuntu dapper drake.08:19
eyequeue!tell elkbuntu about saveas08:19
joe_can someone send me the link on how to use this new LAMP tool08:19
blakcheezeyequeue, thanks08:19
eyequeue!tell elkbuntu about seveas08:19
kiroh__Psychobudgie, dapper08:19
ompaulallen, sudo lshw08:19
compuforumsCan someone send me a <working> copy of the .xsession file? Ubuntu Dapper's default one if possible.08:19
Psychobudgiekiroh__:  weird08:19
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LiteHeddedNoUse: are you in #flood?08:19
eyequeueblakcheez, no prob08:19
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Psychobudgiekiroh__:  it should default to your default video output08:20
joe_can anyone help me out with how to use the new LAMP tool?08:20
zubuntelknof1: Yes. Download packe and install it using dpkg08:20
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ompaulLiteHedded, use paste.ubuntu-nl.org and give the url of the paste, as it lasts longer08:20
rafahola eres un chico o chica08:20
rafaeres ingles08:20
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eyequeuecompuforums, i see no ~/.xsession here08:20
LiteHeddedthe patebin isn't working ompaul08:20
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NoUseLiteHedded yes08:20
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.08:20
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ompaulrafa we speak english here08:20
ubotu- Ask your question and we'll try to answer it.08:21
zubuntfglrx drivers do not work (r200 bug) and gpl drivers freeze when using open gl apllications. Does anyone now a solution?08:21
mathubuntu 6.06 doesnt work here08:21
LpadminIs there a Linux program that can open .dwg files?08:21
ompaulLiteHedded, it is08:21
kiroh__Psychobudgie, ok i must go now, please if you know what is it, send me an e-mail to kiroh.cg@gmail.com08:21
allenIs there a quick way to install sis drivers?08:21
Psychobudgiekiroh__: if you right click on the mplayer window, open the preferences and check the video settings08:21
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compuforumseyequeue, it's in your home directory, if you can't find it, try pressing Ctrl and H to get the hidden files.08:21
Psychobudgiekiroh__: if you right click on the mplayer window, open the preferences and check the video settings, by default should be XV08:21
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elknof1zubunt, what package??08:21
mindspitso is there an easy way to get those unstable (not necessarily binary-compatible) ... can i get such an apt-get installation source ?08:22
rafahola me llamo ray tu que eres chico o chica08:22
ajax4Lpadmin: Try Qcad08:22
blakcheezeyequeue: *** Could not run GTK+ test program, checking why...08:22
blakcheez*** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log for the08:22
blakcheez*** exact error that occured. This usually means GTK+ is incorrectly installed.08:22
kiroh__Psychobudgie, yes, it is08:22
zubuntelknof1: The w32codecs package. I thing its available from ftp.nerim.net08:22
eyequeuecompuforums, i see no ~/.xsession here, just ~/.xsession-errors08:22
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Psychobudgiekiroh__:  what graphics card are you using?08:22
ic56compuforums: I'm on breezy with GNOME.  I too don't have a ~/.xsession.  Only /etc/X11/Xsession .08:23
kiroh__Psychobudgie, old, i dont know what08:23
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zubuntelknof1: ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/pool/main/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20050412-0.4_i386.deb08:23
compuforumsic56,do you think it could have changed for Dapper?08:23
blakcheez*** Could not run GTK+ test program, checking why...08:23
blakcheez*** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log for the08:23
blakcheez*** exact error that occured. This usually means GTK+ is incorrectly installed.08:23
Psychobudgiekiroh__:  may be down to your drivers then, try changing the video settings08:23
rafahola soy un hombre  sortero08:23
eyequeuecompuforums, sudo apt-get --reinstall install cdm should get you the original /etc/gdm/Xsession, if that helps08:23
allenWhere could I look to find if ubuntu has drivers for my notebook?08:23
NegativeSpaceIs it possible to defrag the disk?08:23
kiroh__Psychobudgie, ok thanks a lot08:23
ic56compuforums: it's possible but I see no reason for it.08:23
ajax4rafa: eres un hombre menso08:23
kiroh__Psychobudgie, bye08:23
compuforumseyequeue, I'll try that now.08:23
mathcan somebody tell me why ubuntu 5.10 finds my SATE disk and 6.06 doesnt??08:23
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.08:23
elknof1zubunt, yeah i added it to the sources.list, but it gives me an error un that line, i guess cause it is for hoary08:24
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IIIEarsOkay, I need a linux 101 - How do i search this directory?  /KAYFM British and American 80s Hit's  Got a link?08:24
compuforumsE: Couldn't find package cdm08:24
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joe_can anyone link me to a LAMP how-to?08:24
zubuntelknof1: Yes. Download that package manually and install it with dpkg (or gdebi???)08:24
Madpilotubotu, tell joe_ about lamp08:24
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GoDawgspike_: can xmms handle asf files?08:25
rafahola soy un hombre sortero como eres08:25
IIIEarsMadPilot - Did you see suPHP?08:25
pike_IIIEars: you want to search a directory for a specific file?08:25
blakcheez*** Could not run GTK+ test program, checking why...08:25
blakcheez*** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log for the08:25
blakcheez*** exact error that occured. This usually means GTK+ is incorrectly installed.08:25
ic56IIIEars: which directory?  Is it on a local disk?  And what do you mean by "search".08:25
MadpilotIIIEars, what?08:25
rafaan rafa08:25
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pike_GoDawgs: if you have codecs installed most yes some problems with asf occationally08:25
compuforumseyequeue, got Package not Found.08:25
zubuntWho has a ati r200 running stable with dapper?08:25
GoDawgspike ok...08:25
ajax4rafa: hay no chicas aqui08:25
rafaembia foto08:26
NegativeSpaceHow can I defragment the disk?08:26
eyequeueIIIEars, i would slash k a tab .... it will austo-complete, and backslash-escape the spaces08:26
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GoDawgspike_: i installed easyubuntu stuff, does it come with asf?08:26
IIIEarsic56 - I think it is the   '  in the directory name. How do i escape it?08:26
zubuntNegativeSpace: What king of filesystem08:26
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NoUseNegativeSpace your linux disk?08:26
GoDawgspike_: if not, where do I get it?08:26
Tonrenhey guys, can anyone help me out with printing setup?  I have my printer attached to an SMC Barricade G wireless router, and my Windows XP can print to it, but I an't figure out how to get Ubuntu to do it08:26
ic56IIIEars: with a backslash (\)08:26
NegativeSpaceNoUse -- Aye08:26
NoUseNegativeSpace no need08:26
NegativeSpacezubunt -- ext3 I think.08:26
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SAM_themanYo why can't I watch .wmv files???08:26
blakcheezeyequeue: what does this mean?08:26
NegativeSpaceNoUse: no?08:26
blakcheez*** Could not run GTK+ test program, checking why...08:26
blakcheez*** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log for the08:26
blakcheez*** exact error that occured. This usually means GTK+ is incorrectly installed.08:26
tybaltYou dont need to defrag ext308:26
IIIEarsic56 - Cool. - yep that did it.08:27
gnomefreakubotu tell SAM_theman -about wmv08:27
NoUseNegativeSpace ext3 doesn't fragment08:27
ajax4SAM_theman: You probably don't have the right codecs installed.08:27
SAM_themanI trying to watch this cool new paintball gun is selling to me08:27
ic56IIIEars: if you're working on the command line, keep in mind that spaces also need to be escaped.08:27
gnomefreakblakcheez: stop that paste it on pastebin and give us the link08:27
tybaltext3 wasn't made my M$, meaning it doesn't suck08:27
zubuntNegativeSpace: There is allmost no need for defragmentation08:27
SAM_themanits a Tipman 9808:27
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LpadminAjax4, it can only open .dxf and .cxf files, but thank you.08:27
IIIEarsic56 - %20 yes?08:27
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BazziNoUse: proof, please08:28
pike_GoDawgs: usually if you have problem it would be an issue with the w32codec package you installed but asf can mean diff formats.. are you getting an error?08:28
ajax4Lpadmin, wait I'm sure I can find one that will work. Hang on.08:28
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ic56IIIEars: "%20" as a method to escape spaces on the command line?  for accessing local files?  I don't think so!08:28
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GoDawgspike_: yes, it's saying that totem can't play it...08:28
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NoUseBazzi google ext3 fragmentation08:28
GoDawgspike_: i'm not sure how to tell firefox to open up xmms to play it though08:28
IIIEarsic56 - rofl - glad i asked. - How do you do that?08:28
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krazykitNoUse: actually, ext3 does fragment, it just does it less.  the filesystem is smart enough to prevent a lot of fragmentation, and works to keep it defragmented, but ANY filesystem can become fragmented.08:29
zubuntext3 does fragment. But normaly only to a very mild degree that makes defrag tools redundant.08:29
calamarihow does name resolution work under ubuntu?08:29
SAM_themangnomefreak, thanks08:29
pike_GoDawgs: what is the url of the asf file?08:29
rafadime tu nombre verdadero08:29
mathiemand nederlands hier?08:29
GoDawgspike_: http://ccri.eonstreams.com/ccri_ca_losangeles_kfi_am.asf08:30
Linuxn00bwhy cant i access my harddisk?08:30
ic56IIIEars: escape a space by preceding by a backslash.  Two spaces in a row must each be preceded by its own backslash.  If you've got to many things to escape, easier if you quote the entire string.08:30
NoUsekrazykit and to a newbie, does that matter?08:30
NegativeSpacezubunt, NoUse: Awesome, thanks.08:30
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krazykitNoUse: no, they just need to know that it doesn't fragment enough to need defraggers08:30
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rafahola me llamo rafa quiero pasar un rato quon tigo08:31
Linuxn00bwhy cant i access my harddisk?08:31
Stormx2Getting very sick of this.08:31
=== KLuuppo [n=puulaati@a80-186-13-89.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2Gonna have to reinstall dapper soon.08:31
docta_vhow can i add an entry for Google Earth to my applications menu?08:31
zubuntThere are seldom use patterns that can lead to serius fragmentation, but thats a very rare case with ext308:31
nikhello - currently I'm configuring the kernel; Power Management -> ACPI -> Video, the help says: This driver implement the ACPI Extensions For Display Adapters for integrated graphics devices on motherboard - I've a dell inspiron 8600 laptop with an ati radeon mobility 9600...does make it sense to activate this option?08:31
Stormx2not something I'm very happy about.08:31
IIIEarsic56 - Thank You (This is going to help a lot with bash scripting.) How long have you been using linux?08:32
Tonrenlo siento rafa, pero aqui solamente hablamos en ingles.08:32
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NoUseLiteHedded you screen has the wrong device listed, its still pointed to 'ati' module08:32
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zubuntHas anyone an Idea why the gpld ati drivers regularly freeze my ubuntu?08:32
rafapues habrar en espaol08:32
tybaltOne time I spent 2 hours trying to figure out why my new HDD didn't get recognized, then I realized I didn't connect the power cable08:32
krazykitrafa: #ubuntu-es ?08:33
Jowi!info defrag08:33
biffdoes anyone know why i might be getting a frequent blue flicker in my screen?08:33
ubotudefrag: (ext2, minix and xiafs filesystem defragmenter), section universe/admin, is extra. Version: 0.73pjm1-7 (dapper), Packaged size: 66 kB, Installed size: 208 kB08:33
ic56IIIEars: Windows command line escapes spaces with quotes.  Fundamentally, filenames with spaces in them clash with the way command line parsers work.  These parsers work that way because it's convenient for humans to use spaces to separate command verbs and parameters -- the space bar is an easy to reach key.08:33
=== brain79 [n=brain79@host64-50.pool8717.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2:( I think... hmm...08:33
brain79 hola todos08:33
ghoztis there a universal wireless network driver?08:33
krazykitghozt: nope.08:33
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ic56IIIEars: I've been using unix since before Linux was available. 17 years.08:33
Stormx2Any suggestions people? There appears to be nothing in my hda bootsector and it just hangs when I turn on my computer... Tried reinstalling grub... Its definately in my /boot, but it never gets that far....08:33
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compuforumsCould someone send me a copy of .xsession?08:34
IIIEarsHola rafar! We speak broken spanish here and are glad to help where we can. Much easier in ubuntu espanol see ubotu's link.08:34
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.08:34
GoDawgspike_ is it a no go?08:34
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zubuntIs there a german channel here?08:34
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TonrenHey, can anyone help me set up a printer on a wireless print server?08:34
Stormx2#ubuntu-de i beleive.08:34
krazykitzubunt: ja, #ubuntu-de08:34
NegativeSpaceOkay I'm a newb, and I'm looking for NetHack -- what's the difference between Qt, GNOME and X versions?08:35
zubuntThx. I'll try :-)08:35
krazykitNegativeSpace: what it looks like08:35
Stormx2There appears to be nothing in my hda bootsector and it just hangs when I turn on my computer... Tried reinstalling grub... Its definately in my /boot, but it never gets that far.... I don't know what to do08:35
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TonrenHow do I specify a new port in connecting to a Local Printer?08:35
ajax4Lpadmin: sorry, I can't find any software in the Ubuntu repositories that says it views DWG files.08:35
dwightneed help getting amavis to scan emails08:35
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NegativeSpacekrazykit: Okay, cool. Cheers.08:35
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LpadminAjax4, thank you for help. ;)08:36
wastreli'm using ubuntu08:36
ajax4Lpadmin: though you might check out this program: http://sourceforge.net/projects/lx-viewer08:36
ajax4Good luck :)08:37
ic56Stormx2: have you tried root(hd0)08:37
ic56 setup(hd0)08:37
ic56 quit from a grub command line?08:37
=== JustinLynn [n=justin@wlbg-00-0014.dsl.iowatelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
dwightneed help getting amavis to scan emails08:37
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draBlender does start in fullscreen mode in Dapper, but the panels are still on top. Is it possible to get full fullscreen mode?08:37
TonrenHey, can anyone help me out setting up a printer?08:37
zubuntkrazykit: Danke :-)08:37
krazykitzubunt: bitte sehr :-D08:37
=== issy [n=odin@user-11210se.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
ajax4When I shut down, why does it say that its shutting down "bttrack.bittorrent"? Anyone know?08:38
=== helfrez [n=helfrez@bi01p1.nc.us.ibm.com] has joined #ubuntu
lilbitwhat is the coolest linux game (free) out there?08:38
blkishhey, does anyone know is there a list of packages to install to get wmv and other video codecs? thanks08:39
yalueyequeue: I recommend you read lndir's man page :)08:39
ompaulajax4, because your torrentling something?08:39
=== Agrajag_ is now known as Agrajag
issyhow do I specify filesystem type to mount a floppy disk?08:39
ubotuhmm... restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats. This page's intent is to enable you to play most non-free media formats that are not DRM encoded. Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats.08:39
zubuntlilbiz: bzflag and scroched3d are worth a try08:39
HarrisonFlilbit: bzflag is one of my favorite08:39
=== Tomcat_ [n=tomcat@p54A1B684.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
ic56Stormx2: Wow!  Ooops, I meant: have you tried root(hd0,<linux boot partition>) ; setup (hd0) ; quit08:39
ajax4ompaul: No, I don't even have bittorrent installed. That's what is confusing me.08:39
ompaulblkish, read that by ubotu ^^ up a few lines08:39
ubotuTo mount floppy disks, see here : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MakeFloppyDriveAvailableToEveryone08:39
ompaulajax4, you do have a bittorrent client08:39
ic56 setup (hd0)08:39
ic56 quit08:39
blkishompaul: thanks, i'm interested in the free formats too (most, really!),are they available in the repos?08:40
=== nooby_god [n=zameer@CPE000c41b31da7-CM00080d825a44.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
ic56issy: mount -f <fstype> ...08:40
=== francis__ [n=francis@modemcable081.180-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
NegativeSpaceHas anyone got Nethack installed on their machine?08:40
=== Prax01D [n=Prax01D@tor58-4-75-188.dynamic.rogerstelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
krazykitlilbit: crack-attack, dungeon, armagetron, frozen-bubble08:40
ic56issy: oops: mount -t <fstype> ...08:40
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nooby_godI'm planning to install Ubuntu for a friend08:40
ubotuThere are a large number of Free Formats which are preferred over patent and copyright encumbered formats. They are listed here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeFormats08:40
ajax4NegativeSpace: I have it installed.08:41
=== rizck [n=rizck@cmodem-233-96.tricom.net] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2OK Guys, heres the thread with my GRUB problems in it! http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=113398608:41
nooby_godwhat's the biggest resource for Ubuntu documentation?08:41
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blkishthanks guys, much appreciated :)08:41
NegativeSpaceajax: Is it possible to play the ASCII version rather than the graphical?08:41
issyic56, how can I tell what fstype it is?08:41
zubuntnooby_god: google? ;-)08:41
ompaul!tell Stormx2 about grub08:41
wastrelNegativeSpace:  nethack-console08:41
nooby_godI need one site for my friend to visit if he ever has problems08:41
=== Tuxnal is now known as tusnal
TonrenCan anyone help me out printing to an IP printer?08:41
root_i cant access my harddrives can anyone help me08:41
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ompaulStormx2, its a well known headache08:41
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Stormx2ompaul: Tried that.08:41
krazykitnooby_god: ubuntuforums08:41
krazykitroot_: ack!  you shouldn't be logged in as root08:42
=== zippz0r [n=maarten@182.84-49-100.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
Specnooby_god: wiki.ubuntu.com is very good static documentation, ubuntuforums is pretty good dynamic documentation08:42
LiteHeddedompaul: not for me08:42
nooby_godand after some googling I'm not sure if linux-wlan-ng is included with install08:42
LiteHeddedNoUse: any idea on my ati issue?08:42
nooby_godis it included?08:42
ajax4ompaul: Ok, its installed but its not running.08:42
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nooby_godthanks Spec08:42
LiteHeddedcan anyone help me get ati working?08:42
NegativeSpacewastrel: I'm far too stupid to know what you mean.08:42
Stormx2ompaul: been through basicly every step in the entire wiki... even the troubleshooting bit at the end.08:42
=== BanskuZ [n=BanskuZ@b-177-197.dsl.ipy.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
root_and can anyone how i logon root from gnome?08:42
zippz0ri seem to be having a small prob with the resolution now, i cant get it changed to 1280x1024, not even after i add it to xorg.conf and reboot08:42
wastrelNegativeSpace:  that's a package name, install the package 100%08:42
LiteHeddedok NoUse. how do I change it?08:42
ompaulStormx2, not having windows I can't find a menu.lst that works08:42
ic56issy: you can't with the standard utils.  However, if you try to mount it without specifying, a type, mount will automatically try all known types and complain if none work.08:42
LiteHeddedNoUse: how do I change the device? i assume it needs fglrx or something?08:42
ajax4ompaul: and definitely not running a tracker as bttrack would suggest.08:42
LiteHeddedmy screen has the wrong device listed. it's still pointing to ati can someone help me fix this?08:42
zubuntLiteHedded: I also ahve problems :-( Ati sucks.08:42
keck0fif i boot "6.06-alternate" networkcard does not get an ip from dhcp-server. if i boot "6.06-desktop" networkcard does get an ip from the dhcp-server. why?08:42
Jowiissy: did you try "auto" as suggested in "man mount"?08:42
=== neutrinomass [n=pandis@ppp95-143.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
LiteHeddedworked in breezy fine08:43
LiteHeddedafter the upgrade not so much08:43
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Specissy: what are you trying to mount that you don't know the filesystem for?08:43
NegativeSpacewastrel: Ah, excellent. Thanks.08:43
ompaulajax4, is anyone else allowed a logon to that box?08:43
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francis__hi, i experience serious lag when running snes emulator since the dapper upgrade, ive used different settings in zsnes and snes9express, and its still the same lag, ive even compiled my own zsnes, all it gave me was sound (which i didnt have) and thats all, same lag in every situation, does anyone knows a workaround for this ? or can tell me what to look for ?08:43
=== nooby_god [n=zameer@CPE000c41b31da7-CM00080d825a44.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation]
issySpec: floppy disk08:43
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ajax4ompaul: Nope.08:43
Stormx2ompaul: Well I think it would spit out an error if my menu.lst was incorrect? Plus it hasn't changed since I installed XP. XP is in the place of Windows 98, my windows 2000 is still there, and that was the only other entry in my menu.lst except form the ubuntu stuff08:43
zubuntLiteHedded: Try deconf - that will create a new xorg.copnf08:43
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issyJowi, didn't see that in man mount08:43
zubuntdexconf - sorry08:43
NoUseLiteHedded look at the screen section08:44
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=== Bassetts [n=Bassetts@cpc4-mapp1-0-0-cust342.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulStormx2, then it should work the same as the 2k entry afik08:44
LiteHeddedof my xorg.conf NoUse?08:44
NoUseLiteHedded it has a device name, you'll see it points to one of the two device sections above08:44
NoUseLiteHedded yes08:44
ompaulajax4, do this  in a terminal  >> ps auwx | grep torrent08:44
NoUseLiteHedded it needs to point to the device that has the fglx driver08:44
=== Al-Daja is now known as Al-Daja-aWay
LiteHeddedSection "Screen" Identifier "aticonfig-Screen[0] " Device     "ATI Technologies, Inc. RV350 NP [Mobility Radeon 9600/9700 M10/M11] "08:44
=== Al-Daja-aWay est Ausente, Razo: ( Out Of Order! ) | Desde: ( Tuesday, June 13, 2006. 09:45:19 ) Xlack v2.1
Bassettson boot all my filesystems had the error that they had been mounted more than  30 times and a check was forced, why would this happen?08:44
ompaulAl-Daja-aWay, dont use auto aways here turn it off now please08:44
Stormx2ompaul: Except, GRUB never loads!08:45
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ic56Stormx2: have you installed the grub bootloader on your Master Boot Record?08:45
Stormx2I think so.08:45
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ajax4ompaul: the only process that returns is the grep itself. How do I view the log messages upon shutdown so I can show you?08:45
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=== Al-Daja-aWay Voltou ( Ausente 43 secs )
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LiteHeddedNoUse: what should I change there?08:45
=== Sh4d0 [n=shadowel@user-10cme3j.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
erichthe new graphical ubuntu installer (dapper), can it resize fat and ext3 partitions?08:45
Sh4d0i'm getting a bit ****ing tired of this08:45
NoUseLiteHedded change it to the name of the device with the fglx driver08:45
=== bolsh [n=dave@mne69-3-82-225-22-32.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulAl-Daja, is that turned off now?08:45
Stormx2Didn't work.08:45
LiteHeddedNoUse: I'm not sure what that means. sorry08:45
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ompaulajax4, never looked for a shutdown log in my life08:46
Sh4d0this is the third time i've installed ubuntu, and it isn't recognising the user i created during install, says the password is empty and prompts for a new one, then says the user doesn't exist and loops back to the prompt08:46
nooby_godis there away to setup ubuntu that a lot of the tech stuff is transparent?08:46
wastrellinux is all about reinstalling08:46
NoUseLiteHedded in teh Screen section change Device to "aticonfig-Device[0] "08:46
=== concept10 [n=concept1@c-67-172-222-62.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
wastrelat least at first.08:46
ajax4ompaul: Okay, I just found that was a weird message. You obviously don't get that when you shut down right?08:46
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ajax4wastrel: no, WIndows is all about reinstalling.08:46
ompaulajax4, not that I am aware of08:46
LiteHeddedoh ok08:46
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wastrelajax4:  no, linux is about reinstalling08:46
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Rambo3Sh4d0: how about login in recovery and fixing it?08:47
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nooby_godlinux is about reinstalling08:47
DarkRavenMixageink how can i assign the ed2k protocol to amule, to assign ed2k links to amule directly?08:47
Sh4d0how the hell do i do that08:47
ompaulnooby_god, wrong08:47
wastreloh yeah08:47
NoUsenooby_god I don't reinstall very often at all08:47
ic56Stormx2: if nothing seems to work, you need to tell us a lot more.  For starters, we'll need a description of the disks and partitition layouts on your box.  Also a copy of /boot/grub/menu.lst  Finally, a record of what you did to install the grub bootloaders on your disk.  With all that information assembled in one place, a more considered opinion could be offered.08:47
ajax4wastrel: Linux you can reinstall if you want. Windows you HAVE to reinstall regularly.08:47
Madpilotnooby_god, really? I've done it once in 14 months...08:47
LiteHeddedNoUse: now it says Device     "aticonfig-Device[0] "08:47
LiteHeddedis that correct?08:47
ompaulwastrel, its not - as ajax4 points to08:47
nooby_godompaul: I've been a linux user for 7 or 8 years, there is always some damn reason to reintsall08:47
wastrelajax4:  linux you reinstall several times before you get it right08:47
erichnooby_god: I've in fact had less OS installs than PCs since running Debian...08:47
NoUseLiteHedded in the screen section, yes08:47
LiteHeddedyes in the screen section08:48
Sh4d0Rambo3: how do i do that08:48
Rambo3Sh4d0: in grub choose recovery , and type startex , open account managment and fix it08:48
LiteHeddedso restart x now?08:48
ompaulnooby_god, you need to look at how your using it then08:48
NoUseLiteHedded yes08:48
wastrelajax4:  don't ask me how many times i installed slack, rh5 etc when i was getting started08:48
erichnooby_god: copied the OS over from one HD to the next, eventually replacing the rest of the PC.08:48
LiteHeddedok brb thanks! hopefully it comes back up08:48
nooby_godwell I primarily use gentoo, I'm only here because I need to know some ubuntu basics08:48
ompaulnooby_god, it and freebsd since 199408:48
issywhy can't ubuntu recognize the filesystem type?  it's just a normal floppy08:48
nooby_godcan ubuntu be transparent? Like the user has no idea about config files and the such?08:48
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Sh4d0Rambo3: there is no recovery08:48
ScorpmoonIs x64 ubuntu generally less supported driver-wise than x86 ??08:48
=== zquirM [n=zquirm@vnnyca-cuda1-cablebdl-70-34-222-38.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
erichissy: does it have a valid filesystem on it?08:48
wastrelSh4d0:  you installed dapper or breezy?08:48
=== SturekAtreides [n=jens@dialin-213-170-179-127.ewetel.net] has joined #ubuntu
ajax4wastrel: If you don't know what you are doing you might be inclined to, yes. But I think this subject is probably off-topic.08:49
Sh4d0Rambo3, wastrel, hold, sry08:49
Stormx2ic56: Check your PM. I sent you a url a while back08:49
issyerich:  how can I tell?08:49
Rambo3Sh4d0: paste your /boot/grub/menu.lst on paster08:49
zquirMWhat's Ubuntu server like?08:49
wastrelwell you didn't have to go disagreeing with me :p08:49
=== Mutil8 [n=dustin@adsl-75-7-82-247.dsl.scrm01.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
zquirMWhy would I run Ubuntu Server on my servers instead of Gentoo?08:49
erichissy: if the kernel autodetects it, it has a valid fs on it. ;-)08:49
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wastrelzquirM:  because you like it better?08:49
ompaulzquirM, a console box with heaps of nice packages08:49
ic56issy: if the floppy's filesystem type isn't recognized, then it *isn't* a normal floppy.  It's either corrupt, unformatted, or a foreign filesystem.08:49
Mutil8can somebody point me in the right direction of getting grub to recognize my windows install?08:49
zquirMlike it better why?08:49
gavagaizquirM, chicks dig it08:49
wastreli dunno, don't have to wait for ebuilds to compile08:49
zquirMthe servers have no X windows08:49
boha_where can i find themes for gnome?08:49
Rambo3zquirM: apt08:49
issyerich:  then obviously not; I got these floppies just today from bestbuy, the only ones there08:49
ajax4ompaul: Next time you shut down, when the Ubuntu logo comes up...check the status lines it prints out and see if it mentions bttrack.bittorrent.08:49
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erichissy: well, most likely the disk is running fat12, so if you can't mount it with fs type "fat" the disk is maybe not formatted, a bootdisk (with no filesystem!) or broken08:50
LiteHeddedNoUse: working great now thanks!08:50
Sh4d0ok im at bash for recovery08:50
NoUseLiteHedded no prob08:50
Sh4d0now what08:50
Stormx2ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ fdisk -l /dev/hda08:50
Stormx2Cannot open /dev/hda08:50
ompaulajax4, I do have a spare box on here beside me :-)08:50
Stormx2Should I be worried?08:50
wastrelboha_:  art.gnome.org   www.gnome-look.org08:50
NoUseStormx2 sudo08:50
erichissy: well, does the box say "preformatted"?08:50
issyerich:  it's Fiji-brand floppy08:50
ompaulajax4, shutdown comeing up08:50
boha_wastrel,  tnx08:50
Rambo3Sh4d0: type startx08:50
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issyerich:  it says IBM formatted08:50
Sh4d0Rambo3 command not found08:50
floydwildeHey is Zope/Plone okay to install from packages on Dapper?08:50
calamarion Dapper when I select Shutdown I get logged out instead.  Does this happen to anyone else?  Is there a fix?08:50
ompaulajax4, it does say that08:50
ic56issy: is this supposed to be a blank floppy?  If so, then just format it.08:51
Sh4d0this is breezy badger, its the one with gnome08:51
ajax4ompaul: So what's that all about then?08:51
ompaulajax4, I'll raise it with someone08:51
concept10ajax4, I have seen that on shutdown since i upgraded to dapper 4 months ago, what the hell is that08:51
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issyic56, and how do I acheive this?  it says it's IBM formatted on the box08:51
ajax4concept10: Yeah, that's what I was asking about...(just upgraded a week ago)08:51
=== IRseaMonkey [n=chatzill@0x55512e6a.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulajax4, if I knew I would have said it already ;-) wait up a minute08:51
concept10bittorrent shouldnt be a part of the default install08:51
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ic56issy: try: fdformat /media/floppy08:51
erichissy: then they should have a fat filesystem on them, actually. what does happen when you try to mount them?08:51
concept10at least a tracker shouldnt be08:51
=== chapium [n=aiesec@k132dhcp101.mgmt.purdue.edu] has joined #ubuntu
ajax4concept10: Well, according to synaptic its part of ubuntu-desktop. But yeah, the tracker part surprised me.08:52
calamariconcept10: when you shut down, does it make you log out first then shut down again?08:52
ic56issy: no, that wont' work.  what size floppy is it?08:52
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issyerich, "mount: I could not determine the filesystem type, and none was specified"08:52
issyic56, standard 1.44MB08:52
ic56issy: 3.5"?08:52
concept10I dont want a bittorrent tracker running as a process by default08:52
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concept10calamari, no08:52
issyic56, yeah08:52
wastreli don't think one is running as a process by default08:52
ajax4concept10: That's the weird thing, I can't find it listed with the ps command.08:52
ic56issy: how many floppy drives in your box?08:52
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issyic56, one, this I just hooked up08:53
calamariconcept10: so you hit shut down from gnome and it shuts down without any more steps?08:53
concept10wastrel, why does it show during shutdown?08:53
Klownerhmmph, there appears to be no nvidia-cg-toolkit available in any of the dapper repositories08:53
Rambo3Sh4d0: then use adduser08:53
concept10calamari, shutdown is fine08:53
wastrelconcept10:  presumably there's a shutdown script for it08:53
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calamariconcept10: okay thanks a lot :)08:53
dwightcan anyone help me with amavis?????08:53
NoUseconcept10 why don't you just stop the tracker from running?08:53
ic56issy: try: fdformat /dev/fd008:53
concept10NoUse, thats not the case08:53
erichissy: try giving "-t fat"08:53
Sh4d0Rambo3: adduser: the group 'shadow' already exists.08:54
issyic56, well it's formating08:54
NoUseconcept10 ok08:54
ic56issy: there you go!08:54
ajax4ompaul: Can you detect that the tracker is even running on your system?08:54
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issyic56, heh, I take it I bough unformatted floppies then?08:54
ompaulajax4, I am looking a little deeper into it08:54
TonrenHey, can anyone help me set up a network printer?08:54
wastrelthere's no tracker running, it's just the shutdown script08:54
ompaulajax4, I will be back it will take me a few minutes to dig around08:55
ajax4wastrel: Where is the shutdown script?08:55
Stormx2http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=195942 I updated some of the info... I still have no idea what to do though! :P (GRUB isn't loading)08:55
ic56issy: either unformatted or the format became corrupted when you passed through the theft-prevention magnetic scanner at the store's door.08:55
wastrellocate bittorrent| grep rc08:55
TonrenCome on, ANYONE?  Doesn't ANYONE know ANYTHING about setting up a freaki'n printer?!08:55
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wastrel/etc/rc0.d/K20bittorrent  &  /etc/rc6.d/K20bittorrent08:56
palomeris there a free alternative to 3D studio max?08:56
Stormx2Tonren: Whats the problem?08:56
Rambo3Sh4d0: then just change it with passwd08:56
issyic56, *raises fist to the heavens*  damn you best buuuuyyy!!08:56
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ajax4palomer: try Blender08:56
nostalg1cStormx2, his freaki'n printer?!08:56
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ic56issy: :-)08:56
Stormx2He seems to have gone anyway08:56
Tonrennostalg1c: you shut u!p XD08:56
erichwastrel: thats stop scripts.08:56
mngrifis ubuntu usable on a 586? as in, is it not compiled for 686?08:56
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Stormx2I have like a million problems with this machine at the moment08:56
gavagaimngrif, right08:56
palomeris blender as powerful as 3D studio max?08:56
issyic56, uh-oh, it still can't mount it08:56
Stormx2my printer is the least of my problems ;)08:56
samulianyone compiled gimpshop?08:57
chapiummngrif: it shouldnt matter08:57
wastrelerich:  i'm afraid i don't know the difference between a stop script & a shutdown script.08:57
ic56issy: what command are you using to mount?08:57
Stormx2samuli: Tried is breezy, and failed.08:57
TonrenStormx2: My printer is set up on a wireless print server.  Windows XP accesses it as a "local printer", port name IP_192.168.2.1, printer name/IP address, LPR protocol, port 515, Queue LPT1.08:57
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ompaulajax4, that is there in case your running one it is in 0 and 6 runlevels so it does not matter, in case it gets started in /etc/init.d so its not a problem08:57
ic56Stormx2: I'm looking at your updated URL08:57
ajax4palomer: I don't know much about it but its free to try out and see :)08:57
issyic56, mount /dev/fd0, giving me the same error about the filesystem type08:57
mngrifchapium, oh, it does. if a program/kernel is compiled for a 686-class machine, it will NOT work at all on anything less08:57
Stormx2ic56: Thanks :D08:57
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TonrenStormx2: In Ubuntu, I've enabled "Detect LAN Printers" in my Printer administration, but it isn't detecting it, and it won't let me manually specify the port, either.08:57
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ajax4ompaul: You'd think it would print no message if it wasn't running.08:57
ic56issy: try mount /media/floppy08:58
erichwastrel: the same... I didn't read your t-3 post.08:58
ompaulajax4, its there to stop the torrent sweetly as far as I can see08:58
mutil8i have 2 drives, one with ubuntu, one with windows 2003, and i can't seem to get grub to boot windows08:58
Jowimngrif: 686 kernel is usable for PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/PIV08:58
mutil8is there an issue with grub and sata drives?08:58
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mngrifJowi, AMD K6-208:58
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Stormx2Tonren: Seriously I can't help man. I'm on a live CD08:58
ic56issy: try: mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /media/floppy08:58
issyic56, same, should I try a different fdformat?  like -t fat?08:58
Stormx2Tonren: Ask at ubuntuforums.org08:58
ompaulajax4, better than just stopping it mid flight actually shut it off08:58
TonrenStormx2: Nuts...08:58
mngrifit's 586-class :)08:58
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ic56issy: fdformat doesn't do filesystems other than FAT.08:59
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ajax4ompaul: Okay, well thanks for looking into that for me :)08:59
ompaulajax4, it is there for the day you use /etc/init.d/bittorrent08:59
Jowimngrif: k7 kernel for AMD Duron/Athlon at least. is K6-2 one of those?08:59
issyic56, "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/fd0"08:59
Stormx2I'm gonna go inspect my BIOS setup.08:59
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reduzah, k6 was a very nice cpu, too bad most mainboards manufactured during its time contained faulty caps and are dead by now08:59
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ic56issy: are you running Ubuntu?09:00
issyic56, sure am09:00
Jowimngrif: the other options is either 1. use the 386 kernel or 2. compile your own.09:00
mngrifJowi, no, a K6-2 is a K6-2, it has 3dnow, but that's it.09:00
Stormx2Bye folks09:00
mngrifJowi, but the packages are compiled for what arch?09:00
RocondaMy sound isnt working, I can see in phpmyadmin Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq: Unknown device 1361 anyone ?09:00
ic56issy: how many tab holes on that floppy? 1 or 2?09:00
homerh-linuxhiya have a little problem cant seen to install nvidia drives ,achive type not supported on file nvidia09:00
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mngrifreduz, K6-2's are great! serious workhorses.09:00
RocondaMy sound isnt working, I can see in phpsysinfo Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq: Unknown device 1361 anyone ?*09:00
Jowimngrif: probably generic 386 (covers basicly all cpus)09:01
issyic56, one hole with a tab, one hole with no tab09:01
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Jowimngrif: not 100% sure though09:01
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mngrifJowi, any way to find out?09:01
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Jowimngrif: i don't know :-/09:01
tybalthow do I set up a radius server on my Ubuntu server that I can set my wireles router to use?09:01
seanieb64Hi guys09:01
eugmanIf I installed something to wine, is there a way to tell where the files are based on the uninstall files?09:01
torthowhat is dapper using instead of hotplug?09:01
ic56issy: extra hole = high-density (1.44MB).  No extra hole = low density (720kB)09:02
mngrifi'll ask the debian people... should be listed in the .deb somewhere09:02
eugmanI think it's udev, tortho09:02
issyic56, oh it's high density alright, double-sided09:02
NoUseeugman wine installs everything to ~/.wine/drive_c/09:02
ic56issy: try a different floppy.09:02
seanieb64are there any Linux alternatives to iTunes or WMP, that can play MP3's and WMA?09:02
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MMwhy my gdm starts in 640x480 mode and after /etc/init/gdm restart it starts in 1280x800? I would it to start right away in 1280 mode.09:02
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RocondaMy sound isnt working, I can see in phpsysinfo Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq: Unknown device 136109:02
issyic56, ha, it worked, no formatting09:03
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ic56issy: if the problem persists, try a native format (I'll tell you how).  If still no good, you have a hardware problem -- try cleaning your floppy drive.09:03
torthoeugman: thannks09:03
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ajax4seanieb64: Try amaroK09:03
issyic56, I wonder what Best Buy's policy is on single floppy-disk returns09:03
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eugmanNoUse, I know this. I installed a driver for a camera and I want to know how to run it. Normally there wold be a program in programs if there were windows but I haven't found any trace of what was installed except the uninstall files.09:03
bobbydwhen I turn off anti-aliasing on my fonts, they looks pretty weird, is that to do with the patented hinting being turned off when freetype is compiled? And if so do i just need to compile it myself?09:03
concept10mngrif, the k6 is a 586 so use 386 kernel09:03
wastrelseanieb64:  rhythmbox seems to be the default music player for gnome.  dunno about wma09:04
ic56issy: ok, it was a bad floppy.  Linux can still use it -- you just need to mark the bad sectors.  read the badblocks manpage09:04
mngrifconcept10, what about the packages? what are they compiled for?09:04
wastrelseanieb64:  you'll need restrictedformats stuff to be able to play mp3 at least09:04
JowiRoconda: does "speaker-test" work? or "playsound /usr/share/sounds/login.wav" ?09:04
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NoUseeugman I'm not sure if you can run drivers via wine09:04
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tybalthow do I set up a radius server on my Ubuntu server that I can set my wireles router to use?09:05
RocondaJowi: ALSA lib pcm_hw.c:1305:(_snd_pcm_hw_open) Invalid value for card09:05
RocondaPlayback open error: -19,No such device09:05
eugmanNoUse, it's a very likely possibility but that won't stop me from trying.09:05
concept10mngrif, i suppose 386, I dont know what ubuntu compiles packages for, I think they compile all packages 386 for x8609:05
issyic56, with it space being limited as it is, the floppy'll pro'lly be worthless to me with sectors skipped out09:05
NoUseeugman doesn't the camera just show up on your desktop when you plug it in?09:05
kdean06I've got a question, if someone is willing to assist... What would cause "basename: extra operand `/etc/init.d/mysql-ndb-mgm' Try `basename --help' for more information." during an install of Ravencore Web Hosting COntrol Panel.? And is there anything I can do about this?09:05
torthoa memory stick is not recognices in konqueror... what else that udev is needed...?09:05
NoUseeugman thats what mine does09:05
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Sh4d0Rambo3: it's locked up at "Installing packages | Preparing for installation... | 0%" now09:05
mngrifconcept10, awesome09:05
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eugmanNoUse this is a very cheap one. It barely qualifies as a camera.09:05
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sambristaHi! I've installed beagle and gnome doesn't find some files (although it finds the folder where they are). Can anyone tell me a way to force beagle to index everything now? (a command or so)09:06
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ic56issy: hardly.  1440kB - as many as 10 sectors is still 1435kB.09:06
Rambo3Sh4d0: didnt you have problem with uaser passwird what are you talking about now09:06
ic56issy: hardly.  1440kB minus as many as 10 bad sectors still amounts to 1435kB.09:06
mngrifgod there's a good reason i left the debian crowd... useless, all of 'em...09:06
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Sh4d0Rambo3: yea, i passwded and even addusered a new user, and rebooted, and now it's locked up there09:06
NoUseeugman I see09:06
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NoUseeugman you coudl go into the .wine dictory and list by most recently changed, and then you might be able to tell what was installed09:07
mngrifbtw, fdformat does a low-level format. you can use it to turn a 1.4M floppy into a 720K single-density floppy09:07
afonitanyway to reduce the size of the icons on the desktop, ie folders and desktop grid?09:07
JowiRoconda: did you have a look at the wiki?09:07
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RocondaJowi: no :p09:07
Rambo3Sh4d0: ctrl+c will get you out of there or ctrl+z keys , anyway what are you trying to do , isntall a server?09:07
mngrifor you can use it to turn a 1.4M into a 1.7M if you don't break your drive in the process09:07
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Jowiubotu: tell Roconda about sound09:07
JowiRoconda: look at the message from ubotu09:08
zipper_I've had my MBR wiped... how can i reinstall grub, if i have the 6.06 install cd?09:08
Sh4d0Rambo3: it's not responding to those, this is a normal install09:08
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concept10mngrif, you can see that by looking at one of the packages at packages.ubuntu.com, they compile for x86, amd64, and ppc09:08
ic56Stormx2: have you installed the grub bootloader on your Master Boot Record?  Your page doesn't say how you did that.09:08
gnuaha7freinds i have a little problem with the *.srt subtitle for the movie... somebody has have this problem???09:08
NoUse!tell zipper_ about grub09:08
mngrifzippah, grub-install grub-device-name09:08
erichargh. whenever I boot this one PC, its volume is all turned up, resulting in an horrible login sound...09:08
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eyequeuezipper_, install-grub09:08
mngrifconcept10, it's the "x" in "x86" that i'd like to know.09:08
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KrhisLove that quote.09:09
concept10mngrif, I mean i38609:09
Rambo3Sh4d0: go to the recovery and trye apt-get update && apt-get upgrade09:09
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mngrifconcept10, awesome09:09
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=== mngrif reinstalls.
concept10mngrif, what processor do you have, or use?09:09
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mngrifconcept10, in this case, an AMD K6-209:09
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BobezusHi all! Got a question :) I burning a DVD (using external USB burner) with K3B. and it's really slow....is DMA applicable on USB drives?09:10
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jonei want to download latest version of kopete in ubuntu?09:10
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amortvigilhey, i got this question is GKrellM in the packet list?09:10
zipper_eyequeue, mngrif, NoUse, thanks09:11
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ajax4jone: sudo apt-get install kopete09:11
eyequeueamortvigil, packet list?09:11
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jonebut i get msg pkg in already install09:11
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concept10mngrif, just use 386 for k6-2, the k6=2 is not a k7 (athlon) or 686, its a 586 (pentium class)09:11
amortvigileyequeue: yeah like apt-get install GKrellM09:11
jonebut it is old version09:11
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eyequeueamortvigil, no caps09:12
mngrifconcept10, i know what class my CPU is, i'm just curious about ubuntu's support for <686 class machines09:12
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kandinskiwhat is the ubuntu equivalent of packages.debian.org?09:12
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amortvigileyequeue: nope i think its in an other way09:12
mduponthi all09:12
Sh4d0Rambo3: it's doing its thing, i'll let you know if it derails09:12
eyequeueamortvigil, there are many packages, apt-cache seaech gkrellm09:12
kbrookskandinski: packages.ubuntu.com ? :)09:12
eyequeueamortvigil, there are many packages, apt-cache search gkrellm09:12
B1zzwhen i try to run prefrence setting on firefox i get the following windows that pops up and gives me the following message:  http://pastebin.com/70597709:12
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SayzHey, could someone help me with getting a Dapper-Drake boot cd to work?09:13
eyequeueamortvigil, gkrellm is running on this box here09:13
B1zzwhen i try to run prefrence setting on firefox i get the following windows that pops up and gives me the following message:  http://pastebin.com/70597709:13
mdupontplease help me setup the usb mouse for x windows09:13
SayzI burned the ISO fine, but something weird happened, and now it says it can't read boot cd09:13
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kandinskikbrooks: I had typed "packages.ubutu.org" (oops): thanks09:13
torthowhy isn't memory sticks working after an upgrade to dapper? nothing happends when it's inserted..09:13
gnuaha7zipper_: find on google some like "super grub"... this is a image of a floppy disk and a cd-rom iso wich boot and allow you install grub with your own patition table09:13
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sbalneavSayz: what "weird" happened?09:13
amortvigileyequeue: how did you find it?09:14
Katan1hey, can you guide me on how to map a .iso as a drive? i heard it's possible...09:14
amortvigilit isnt in mine09:14
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Sh4d0Rambo3: it finished and put be back at bash, should i reboot?09:14
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eyequeueamortvigil, apt-cache search gkrellm09:14
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kdean06What package provides BASENAME?09:14
eyequeue!tell amortvigil about repos09:14
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amortvigileyequeue: root@Amortvigil:~# apt-cache search gkrellm09:14
zipper_gnuaha7, nah, using the install cd i'll be fine09:14
Rambo3Sh4d0: no need try : /etc/init.d/gdm start09:14
eugmanDoes anyone know how I can open up a setup.exe file like a tar?09:14
roostishawwhen using skype, why do i sometimes get an error that says "problem with sound device"? this happens at random times...09:14
zipper_but thanks09:14
eyequeuekdean06, coreutils: /usr/bin/basename09:15
ajax4Katan1:  I think its mount -t iso9660 isofile mountpoint09:15
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kdean06eyequeue, THanks you.09:15
Sh4d0Rambo3: i don't have this GDM thing, i'm in init.d and don't see it09:15
Melissa|XI've got a sound problem. Epiphany won't play sound unless everything else playing sound is quit, and gaim has no sound at all while epiphany is playing sound09:15
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wastrelwhat's epiphany09:15
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Rambo3Sh4d0: what does apt-get install ubuntu-desktop say09:16
wastrelit's that new gnome web browser?09:16
eyequeueamortvigil, apt-cache search gkrellm | wc -l shows 31 lines here, emable your repos09:16
wastrelright, i always forget that09:16
sbalneavKaja: mount -t iso9660 -o loop something.iso /foo09:16
wastrelwell it seems epiphany isn't using the sound server09:16
Melissa|Xthat's what I'm assuming09:16
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ajax4Katan1:  I think its mount -t iso9660 -o loop isofile mountpoint (I forgot the -o loop part)09:17
amortvigileyequeue: :D09:17
Melissa|Xis there any possible way to get it to use esd perhaps?09:17
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Sayzsbalneav: Nero said "Block does not match ISO Length. Repair?"09:17
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Sh4d0Rambo3: lots of stuff, i'll let you know when it's done09:17
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Stormx2Turns out I can't access my BIOS09:17
gnuaha7zipper_: i remember that i do what you are saying with the install cd of Debian Sarge and grub never fix at all...09:17
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sbalneavSayz: Sounds like the iso you downloaded was corrupted.  Maybe you got a burp in the download?09:18
GoDawgsI'm having problems playing an internet radio station with XMMS.  Do you know if it supports WMA files?09:18
Sayzsbalneav: I said "Ignore", and it burned, but when booting, I reached the menu, but it kept saying "Boot disk cannot be read09:18
seanieb64about rhythmbox, wen I ttry to play an MP3, it says the file isn't an audio stream09:18
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Sayzsbalneav: I think maybe09:18
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Bassettsanyone know how to make a custom usplash in gimp?09:18
eyequeueSayz, did you check the md5sum before burning?09:18
Sayzsbalneav: Somehow, I managed to get what should have taken an extra half-hour in a few minutes09:19
roostishawwhen using skype, why do i sometimes get an error that says "problem with sound device"? this happens at random times...09:19
Sayzsbalneav: No, I didn't. How can I do that?09:19
sladenBassetts: New image 640x400,09:19
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Sayzsbalneav: Sorry, that wasn't you09:19
sladenBassetts: Colours->Mode->Indexed 15 colours09:19
sladenBassetts: Dialogues -> Palette09:19
Sayzeyequeue: No, I didn't. How can I do that?09:20
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Bassettssladen: the colour indexes are not working as expected09:20
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Bassettsdo the colours for the progress bar etc. have to actually be used in the image?09:20
eyequeueSayz, md5sum *.iso, and compare to what is listed on the web site09:20
roostishawwhen using skype, why do i sometimes get an error that says "problem with sound device"? this happens at random times...09:20
sbalneavsladen: Paul, that you?  How you keeping?  Going to be in Paris?09:21
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sladensbalneav: mostly good.  I've no idea if I'm going to Paris09:21
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tybalthow do I configure FreeRADIUS?09:22
Sayzeyequeue: Two things. First, I'm still on Windows and have no idea how to do that, and also, I don't think I got a checksum when I downloaded09:22
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torthowhat does KDE has that is similar to gnome-volume-manager for automounting usb memory stick's?09:22
Sayzeyequeue: Never mind, I found it09:22
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tr1gg3rtortho: try ivman09:22
GoDawgsPlease tell me how i can have xmms play a WMA file....09:22
Melissa|Xhelp with epiphany sound issues please anybody?09:23
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Stormx2OK, I think I'm gonna have to reinstall ubuntu. How do I make it so that it has a /boot partition?09:23
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Stormx2And I'll make a seperate /home parition too so I can be with the cool crew.09:23
torthotr1gg3r: thanks!09:23
ompaulStormx2, you know to install windows first makes sense?09:23
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Sayzeyequeue: There are tons of checksums in here. Which one do I need to find?09:23
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eyequeueSayz, the md5sum09:24
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ajax4Stormx2: On mine I only have a root partition and home partition. The boot folder is in the root partition. And yes, install windows first on the first partition.09:24
eyequeueSayz, for the iso in question, if that's what you meant09:24
Stormx2ompaul. it is installed. I'm hoping it still works :)09:24
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seanieb64it says none of my MP3's are audio streams when  try to import them09:25
Sayzeyequeue, What I mean is that I opened up md5sum.txt and it has tons of numbers for things like ./dists/dapper/main/binary-i386/Releases, ./pics stuff, etc.09:25
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Sayzeyequeue, is ./dists/dapper/main/binary-i386/Releases the one that I need to find?09:26
Melissa|Xsound in epiphany-browser does not work when other sound-using apps are running or using sound. I don't think this is normal...09:26
Stormx2Its just that I think the wiki says I have a boot partition... maybe thats why I'm not recovering GRUB...09:26
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seanieb64is there another compatible audio application out there?09:26
eyequeueSayz, on the web site where you found the iso, there should be a file that just contains the md5sums of the isos on that page09:27
Melissa|Xaudio application?09:27
metajHi there is there any one that has problem with aMSN webcam09:27
skonksI am trying to mount my extern ntfs partition with this line: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/MaXtor/ -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=0222. But I only get read permissions?09:27
skonksany ideas?09:27
metajit says that i'm behinde a firevall NAT09:27
Sayzeyequeue, That's right, and I found it. I'm trying to compare them with the file md5sum.txt in the iso09:27
eyequeueSayz, it is there specifically to check if the transfer went right09:27
nostalg1cthere's no write access to ntfs with the standard drivers i think09:27
HarrisonFah doh, i'm getting errors from teh lvm2 pkg while trying to upgrade from breezy (upgraded from hoary) to dapper09:28
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skonksnostalg1c: I had it working in breezy.. in dapper it doesent09:28
Sayzeyequeue, Ok, I know that, but what am I supposed to do with those numbers on the Internet? How can I compare them with my download?09:28
mdupontok, so how can i get the fbdev device activated in ubuntu09:29
Melissa|Xapps using esd don't work when epiphany is playing sound, apps using alsa don't work, and apps using oss don't work while epiphany is playing sound. it's very frustrating to have to kill epiphany, kill rhythmbox and totem and mplayer and gaim and whatever else is playing sound at the time just so I can watch a video on google video's09:29
eyequeueSayz, noooooo, you run md5sum against the iso itself, then compare the output to what is on the website.  anything IN the iso would be put there in advance and wouldn't indicate if the transfer was corrupt or not09:29
mdupontwhere do i get the /dev/fb0?09:29
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Sayzeyequeue. Ah, I see09:29
mindspitcan i "see" my "qcam 330 usb pc camera" from linux ?09:30
Sayzeyequeue, So how do I run md5sum in Windows?09:30
mdupontcurrently i am getting a system hang with the new version of ubuntu on a athelon 64 with nvidia09:30
eyequeueSayz, you would need to find some ms-based md5 util and i know nothing of ms things, never touched it09:30
mdupontSayz: use cygwin09:30
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SayzOk, thanks guys09:30
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paniqhey everyone09:30
GoDawgshey guys, how do I get a WMA file play??09:30
paniqcan anyone confirm this bug please? https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/4928109:30
mdupontwhere do i get the /dev/fb0?09:30
mdupontok, so how can i get the fbdev device activated in ubuntu09:30
Rambo3Melissa|X: true that09:30
ajax4mdupont: There are a few issues with the nvidia binary driver. I've had mine crash too, so I used a workaround.09:31
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mdupontajax4: yes?09:31
mdupontplease tell me09:31
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Melissa|Xhi Rambo3 <3 any idea how to fix please?09:31
ajax4mdupont: Hang on, let me find it.09:31
gnuaha7skonks: but... what do you do for make it work???09:31
mdupontfbdev driver?09:31
mdupontthanks in advance ajax409:31
assasukassehi all can i install kwifimanager in ubuntu gnome?09:31
MarcNmindspit: try firing up gqcam to see if your webcam is recognized09:31
Rambo3Melissa|X: no i have same problem with flash. only that i have to run in terminal sudo firefox to get sound working in flash09:32
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ubotunvidia is, like, Help about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia09:32
Yangocdrecord: No such file or directory. Cannot open '/dev/pg*'. Cannot open SCSI driver.09:32
neutrinomassGoDawgs: /msg ubotu restricted09:32
Melissa|Xfirefox works for me, but I don't like firefox :( I wish epiphany would work09:32
Yangowhat should I install for cdrecord-clone to work?09:32
eyequeueRambo3, as root?  is your user in group audio?09:32
skonksgnuaha7: If I mount intern ntfs partitions from fstab it works fine, I get read/write access. Using mount from console setting write access it doesent.. this is an extern harddrive..09:32
Yango(error message is above)09:33
Rambo3Melissa|X: try sudo epiphany09:33
mduponthow can i copy that link in text mode?09:33
eyequeueRambo3, sudo adduser <youruser> audio09:33
Melissa|XI think if it works as root, then it's only a problem with the current users' configuration09:33
GoDawgswhat player plays WMA files folks?09:33
Rambo3eyequeue: i have tryed everyting09:33
mindspiti dont have gqcam ... how can i install it ? i use agian apt-get ?09:33
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Rambo3so no need to try there09:33
Melissa|X** (epiphany:22737): WARNING **: Unable to connect to session bus: No reply within specified time09:33
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skonksGoDawgs: Mplayer with wma plugin09:34
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eyequeueRambo3, once you said it works as root, it caused me to think of that09:34
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ajax4mdupont: I don't think thats the page. Still looking.09:34
mdupont! nvidia09:34
ubotunvidia is, like, Help about installing the nVidia drivers on Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia09:34
Yango! cdrecord09:35
ubotuYango: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:35
yvette_I need help on iwconfig. Anybody please ?09:35
skonksyvette_: shoot09:35
Specyvette_: what help is it you need?09:35
amortvigilokay i just downloaded gkrellm but how can i start it?09:35
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yvette_eth1      IEEE 802.11b/g  ESSID:"mopjg"  Nickname:"Broadcom 4318"09:36
yvette_          Mode:Managed  Frequency=2.462 GHz  Access Point: 00:07:CB:53:3A:0509:36
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Sh4d0Rambo3: holycrap this is a lot of stuff (apt-get install ubuntu-desktop)09:36
eyequeueamortvigil, alt-f2, then "killall gnome-panel"09:36
yvette_but when I do dhclient eth0 I can not get network working...09:36
eyequeueamortvigil, then look under the applications > system tools menu09:36
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skonksyvette_: is it right ESSID? using encryption?09:37
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yvette_essid is ok. No encryption, only WEP key09:37
skonksbtw you have to use eth1..09:37
erichwep key is encryption. ;-)09:37
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skonksWEP-key is enc09:37
yvette_ah ok09:37
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Rambo3yvette_: what is your card is it eth0 ?09:37
erichyvette_: what key type? ascii?09:37
erichor hex?09:37
skonksyvette_: sudo iwconfig eth1 enc "code"09:38
dadcould anyone hlep me?  im a complete noob to linux, and i have dapper drake and want to install a new font09:38
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mdupontajax4 please just give me a tip09:38
dadi looked online, but only found how to install international character fonts or something09:38
mdupontwht do i nee dto do09:38
yvette_I have a wire on eth0 (this is why I can go on xchat :-) and wifi on eth109:38
fadehhi guys, i've got a problem using xgl + fglrx (x1900xt) + compiz + amd64. After a night of fighting all run fine but i cannot get window border. I've tried some solution but no luck. Any suggestion?09:38
ubotufrom memory, font is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FontInstallHowto09:38
mdupontfadeh: me too!09:38
ajax4mdupont: Having a hard time finding the website where I found the info. It involved modifying your xorg.conf file.09:38
erichhex is much more portable... I think some wireless cards allow you to use some arbitrary length text as passphrase, and calculate the key from that. but sometimes they don't use the same algorithm...09:38
Specdad: do you want microsoft truetype fonts?09:38
skonksyvette_: do the enc on eth1 then09:38
fadehmdupont: same situation?09:38
dada .ttf09:38
mdupontfadeh: please tell me zour lspci for the thing09:38
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ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Spec09:39
mduponti have a 039209:39
Rambo3portable ? i thought they translate all keys to hex m whats portable ?09:39
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LiteHeddedhow do I mount an iso?09:39
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Madpilotubotu, tell dad about fonts09:39
MoxJe1how do I mount an mdf?09:39
ubotuhmm... msttcorefonts is sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts - you'll need multiverse enabled in your /etc/apt/sources.list first09:39
Specdad: ^^09:39
Sh4d0Rambo3: thanks for the help, i'll be back if it doesn't start cooperating09:39
gnomefreakSpec: you spelled it wrong and its on the !font page09:39
sstcHi everyone... anyone ran into a "FATAL -> Failed to fork" error when the 6.06 LTS update manager update thing is cleaning the system? happned right after it was suposed to reload gdm. I am using an xserver on another computer to connect to the comptuer with ubuntu09:39
yvette_thanks a lot for your help :-) you are great guys09:39
Kyral_FreeBSDLiteHedded: first make sure whereever you want it to appear exists09:39
Lukei'm trying to apt-get install lilo but it says its unavailable... anyone know why this would be?09:39
Flannel!tell LiteHedded about mountiso09:39
Kyral_FreeBSDaw man I was gonna tell him09:40
fadehmdupont: what do u want to know? all output?09:40
Kyral_FreeBSDway to steal my thunder!09:40
Specgnomefreak: oh, i didn't know font page included msttcorefonts :p09:40
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Flannelsorry Kyral_FreeBSD, I'll ask you before I link someone next time ;)09:40
eyequeueLuke, grub?09:40
Kyral_FreeBSDFlannel: joking :P09:40
Lukeeyequeue: grub doesnt have efi support09:40
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fadehmdupont: ?09:41
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eyequeueLuke, Filename: pool/main/l/lilo/lilo_22.6.1-7ubuntu2_i386.deb09:41
eyequeue .... it's in main09:41
fadehmdupont: all output?09:41
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myrddinwhat application do you guys like for editing .mp3/.ogg tags?09:41
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Lukeeyequeue: where is pool?09:41
IIIEarseyeque - Can't find it. - one more time where is it? do ya need to add it to somefile in HOME,  innitab, or somewhere scarier like rc.local?    start  "gkrellem"09:41
eyequeueLuke, every ubuntu mirror09:41
Rambo33 miles after liver09:42
mdupontwhat card number do you have_09:42
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ajax4mdupont: Read this page    http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18354309:42
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ajax4mdupont: It fixed my problem, hopefully it will fix yours.09:42
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DevZer0My Ubuntu 6.06 instalation get stuck at 64% all the time, i checked out the known instalation issues on the website but i dont belive neither of thsoe apply to me. I am using the live-cd, would it help to get the alternative-cd ?09:42
LiteHeddedok how do I unmout it? :)09:42
Lukeeyequeue: it cant resolve the mirrors for some reason09:42
eyequeueIIIEars, restart gdm, then look under applications menu09:42
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nnzwill it be ok to delete /etc/rc.0/K25mdadm? i dont have raid09:42
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neutrinomassDevZer0: Very likely to work. I suppose  you checked for a corrupt CD, right ?09:42
Lukeeyequeue: us.archive.ubuntu.com cant be resolved09:43
eyequeueLuke, do you think your sources.list might be incorrect?  let me get youi a link to good ones09:43
Lukeits the livecd09:43
Lukeit should be correct09:43
MoxJe1what is FreeBSD?09:43
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DevZer0neutrinomass, i did the cd check, i found 1 file that was /casper/something.fs was currupted could that also be the issue, if thats the case then should i re-download the image ?09:43
fadehmdupont: http://rafb.net/paste/results/pTK58U93.html09:44
erUSULMoxJe1: an unix like OS09:44
Stormx2Whats the best way to back up my home dir?09:44
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MoxJe1is it linux based?09:44
eyequeueLuke, and
Stormx2Preserving file permissions and stuff...09:44
erUSULStormx2: tar cvzf home.tgz $HOME ;)09:44
someothernicksimple backup suite09:44
eyequeueLuke, but can other things be resolved?09:45
MarcNStormx2: I like to use an external USB storage device with rsnapshort09:45
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mduponti cannot copy thos links they are too long to retype09:45
MarcNStormx2: rsnapshot09:45
DevZer0neutrinomass, i will do a md5 check off the checksum file on the image and see.09:45
erUSULMoxJe1: no, is FreeBSD based... www.freebsd.org09:45
DevZer0thanks for your help09:45
mduponthow can i caputre this irc chat or something09:45
Stormx2Would this work: sudo tar cvzf /mnt/media/home.tgz /mnt/linux/home/barney09:45
wwwhttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1133779#post1133779 - Anyone got any ideas?09:45
Lukeeyequeue: doesnt look like it09:45
MoxJe1erUSUL: ok i'll check it up09:45
Lukeeyequeue: where is the sources.list?09:45
Kyral_FreeBSDBSD what :P09:46
IcemanV9MoxJe1: http://www.freebsd.org/about.html > what is freebsd09:46
eyequeueLuke, see if /etc/resolv.conf points to your isps dns hosts09:46
steveklI wonder if yakuake works in gnome09:46
MoxJe1i'm checking it up =P09:46
eyequeueLuke, /etc/apt/sources.list09:46
Kyral_FreeBSDBSD is basically what Gentoo wanted to be and didn't quite make it :P09:46
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fadehmdupont: http://tinyurl.com/ef6l909:46
Stormx2What, full of people with superiority disorders? I think gentoo hit that mark just fine ^_^09:46
eyequeueplease, no os or distro wars here09:47
megaman123hi all...just updated to 6.06 and now GDM has a problem... i had the ATI drivers installed on 5.10...now im in console with no GDM09:47
Kyral_FreeBSDeyequeue: I wans't trying to09:47
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MoxJe1Hmm... What's wrong with Gentoo? (um besides that I never got the live cd to work)09:47
Kyral_FreeBSDjust making an obsversation09:47
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Kyral_FreeBSDjeez...people are touchy09:47
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Melissa|Xepiphany sound help anybody? I'm desperate :'(09:47
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FlannelKyral_FreeBSD: nah, this is a support channel, #ubuntu-offtopic is the place for *-wars09:47
nooby_godI am going to destroy my Gentoo installation and install ubuntu in a few moments, some last minute questions09:48
B1zzhe is back09:48
samulimegaman123: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:48
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Stormx2Aww gnomefreak I was joking!09:48
nooby_godhow do i get NTFS up?09:48
nostalg1crequested /part09:48
erUSUL!tell Melissa|X about sound09:48
IIIEarseyeque - Hm, What was  the program start up manager called? Can something like gkrellem be edited to start from a CLI conf. file?09:48
Stormx2Actually taking the piss out of os war people :P09:48
Kyral_FreeBSDIt has nothing to do with Gentoo really, its more like BSD (for whatever reason, maybe its just my mind) seems to handle multitasking better than Linux in general09:48
IcemanV9nooby_god: save some important data :)09:48
gnomefreakStormx2: please send all jokes to #ubuntu-offtopic09:48
=== Kyral_FreeBSD apologizes
megaman123samuli: trying it now ...thanks09:48
Flannel!tell nooby_god about ntfs09:48
nooby_godis there a tool to help me mount NTFS partitions?09:48
Stormx2I'll be gone as soon as this backup finishes09:48
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eyequeueIIIEars, "gkrellm"  and you may be thinking of synaptic09:48
Klownerwhy the heck isn't sshfs showing up, I have universe added to my repos09:49
Melissa|Xthnx erusel <3 I'll take a look at this09:49
NoUse!tell nooby_god about ntfs09:49
Melissa|X/me hopes it works09:49
samulinooby_god: system/adminitration/disks09:49
issyKlowner, try multiverse?09:49
Stormx2Klowner: Have you sudo apt-get updated?09:49
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Kyral_FreeBSDKlowner: stupud question but did you apt-get update? :P09:49
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Stormx2!info sshfs09:49
ubotusshfs: (filesystem client based on SSH File Transfer Protocol), section universe/utils, is optional. Version: 1.3-0ubuntu1 (dapper), Packaged size: 23 kB, Installed size: 100 kB09:49
Stormx2Its in universe.09:49
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Klowneryeah I have09:50
MUFFASO@find sshfs09:50
KlownerI'll do it again, weird09:50
Dreamglideri installed OSS last night, now when i started the pc i dont have any audio, help09:50
eclypsehey all09:50
FlannelKlowner: you sure you saved your sources.list? ;)09:50
Kyral_FreeBSDDreamglider: why OSS? ALSA has superceded it09:50
Lukeeyequeue: the problem is because I am chrooted into a computer where the internet isnt working09:50
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MUFFASO/j #edubuntu-es09:50
fadehRETRY :D hi guys, i've got a problem using xgl + fglrx (x1900xt) + compiz + amd64. After a night of fighting all run fine but i cannot get window border. I've tried some solution but no luck. Any suggestion?09:50
eclypsethis is awesome, what are you guys runnign?09:50
eyequeueLuke, ahhh09:50
eclypseI'm running kubuntu09:50
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eclypseon a laptop09:50
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Kyral_FreeBSDfadeh: #ubuntu-xgl09:50
Lukeeyequeue: i cant start it because it says there is no /var/run/network/ifstate09:50
KlownerFlannel: yeees ;)09:50
Flannelfadeh: #ubuntu-xgl for XGL related support09:50
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IIIEarseyeque - Eureka! System .. Preferences .. Sessions ..  (TAB) "Start Up Programs" -09:50
Stormx2Klowner: Ubuntu is waging psycological warfare on you.09:50
samulifadeh, join #ubuntu-xgl09:50
DreamgliderKyral_FreeBSD, i wanted to try somthing diffrent, i hoped it would work better09:51
Klownerubuntu jedi mind tricks!09:51
Dreamgliderguess i was very wrong09:51
nooby_godthis si the most important question I'll ask, is linux-wlan-ng INCLUDED on the installer?09:51
Kyral_FreeBSDFreeBSD on this machine, ArchLinux on my Laptop and Desktop, and then Debian/Xen on my server09:51
Stormx2I think for Edgy, Startup Programs should have its own heading under Preferences09:51
eclypseso wow...this is all Ubuntu community in here?09:51
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zooy0rkhas anyone gotten their hands on a nforce5 yet and tried it in linux?09:51
nooby_godplease I really need to know this?09:51
fadehthanx guys09:51
eclypseI agree, storm.09:51
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MoxJe1Kyral: If I try installing FreeBSD on one of my other computers, will it work happily networkwise with Ubuntu?09:51
issyahh, nothin' makes ya feel more alive than booting an OS from a floppy, mmmm09:51
nooby_godeclypse #gentoo is bigger09:51
nooby_godthis si the most important question I'll ask, is linux-wlan-ng INCLUDED on the installer?09:51
DisorderOk, im trying to make a decision, but since im asking in here, I think I know the answer. Would you perfer Debian or Ubuntu. Dont answer unless you have tried both.09:51
Kyral_FreeBSDnooby_god: I don;t know sorry09:51
eyequeueLuke, once you say "chroot" i'm somewhat lost as to what to suggest for that, but if you can fetch the .deb manually, you can dpkg -i foo.deb, if you can get it to the chroot09:51
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Stormx2eclypse: It should also not screw up >_<09:52
MoxJe1Kyral: Like sharing folders and so on09:52
Kyral_FreeBSDDisorder: heehe, wanna start a flaemwar?09:52
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IIIEarsMoxJe1: If it uses Samba YES. :)09:52
NoUsenooby_god I don't think its installed by default, but its in synaptic09:52
MoxJe1Ears: My ubuntu uses samba09:52
Kyral_FreeBSDMoxJe1: or even SSH09:52
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DisorderIm wanting a good opinion.09:52
issy*gives Disorder a good opinion*09:52
Kyral_FreeBSDDisorder: oy okay. I have used both09:52
Stormx2Oh meh I'm gonna have to install ubuntu for the 3rd time in 6 months :(09:52
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nooby_godNoUse so that means I will not have internet access after I install?09:52
eclypsebelieve it or not guys, I'm running dialup09:52
Flannelwww: .xsession is blank by default.  Unless you've added something to it previously, you should be fine running without one09:52
wwwhttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1133779#post1133779 - Anyone got any ideas?09:52
Stormx2well, 8 months.09:52
eclypseI hav ea really complicated setup09:52
Kyral_FreeBSDDisorder: hell, I still do. So..09:52
eclypseor not really09:52
eclypseI'm getting internet from my desktop09:52
Stormx2eclypse: =O shocking09:52
eyequeueLuke, once you get to the mirror (any) browse the tree for pool/main/l/lilo/lilo_22.6.1-7ubuntu2_i386.deb09:52
MoxJe1eclypse: whoa hello 199009:52
eclypsewhich is running windows09:52
eugmanIs there any way to make synaptic less " Look at me! I'm installing stuff. FLASH FLASH FLASH. Don't minimize me! I want attention. FLASH FLASH FLASH" ?09:52
issyeclypse, oldskool!09:52
eclypseI can't get anything else where I live09:53
Lukeeyequeue: i'm chrooted into the harddrive of the computer I am running the livecd on. I've got internet working on the livecd but I cant get it started on the harddrive. any suggestions?09:53
eclypsenot exactly my fault09:53
Kyral_FreeBSDDisorder: Private Msg? This could get ugly09:53
eclypsehow do I change my font?09:53
MoxJe1eclypse: that's why you don't live in sibiria09:53
caliseeWhere can I get xlib-devel package for ubuntu?09:53
NoUsenooby_god depends on your card etc09:53
wwwFlannel, I'll remove it and see what happens. I thought it was required :!09:53
gnomefreakcalisee: sudo apt-get install xlib-dev09:53
IIIEarseugman: Use aptitude??09:53
samulinooby_god: I think ndiswrapper is on the installer cd (not desktop) and you might take that one to be more on the safe side.09:53
Stormx2!info xlib-dev09:53
eclypseI ilve in northern california09:53
caliseegnomefreak: thanks09:53
nooby_godNoUse the only driver for my card, is linux-wlan-ng09:53
DisorderYea, It could. =P I dont care really, Im just wanting to know some pros and cons of each =P09:53
eyequeueLuke, no, chroot is beyond me, sorry09:53
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eclypseno dsl or anything out here09:53
Kyral_FreeBSDDisorder: which is why I say PMSG :P09:53
eclypsehwo do I change my font color?09:53
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nooby_godsamuli isn't that dangerous?09:53
jonahhi can anyone help me out with a small problem?09:54
Kyral_FreeBSDDisorder: because I will be brultal and piss off a lot of people in the process :P09:54
eyequeueLuke, someone else may be able to help with that part though09:54
samulinooby_god: what is?09:54
Stormx2eclypse: Font colours are looked down on in Freenode, if you are talking about IRC09:54
lilbitwhat's the best free game for linux?09:54
nooby_godthe last time I used ndiswrapper my kernel paniced09:54
www :)09:54
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caliseegnomefreak: that wasn't a package name actually, i just tried that before haha09:54
MoxJe1Kyral: Does wine work with FreeBSD?09:54
NoUsenooby_god I used it no prob09:54
Kyral_FreeBSDlilbit: NetHack09:54
nooby_godthank you09:54
Lukeeyequeue: ok thanks09:54
=== IcemanV9 have triple-boot [WinXP, FreeBSD & Ubuntu] on HP laptop and Google Earth works! (finally)
ajax4jonah: ask away09:54
samulinooby_god: hehe, well I wouldn't consider ndiswrapper 'dangerous'09:54
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eclypseI'll be back later guys09:54
Kyral_FreeBSDMoxJe1: Dunno, first you need to activate Linux Binary Compat :P09:54
gnomefreakDisorder: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic than they will give you a list of pros adn cons09:54
www Hopefully my 6 hours trying to find a solution will now come to an end09:54
lilbitKyral_FreeBSD, thanks09:54
MoxJe1Kyral: Oh shit09:54
Lukei'm chrooted into the harddrive of the computer I am running the livecd on. I've got internet working on the livecd but I cant get it started on the harddrive. any suggestions?09:54
gnomefreakcalisee: on dapper?09:54
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ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems09:54
caliseegnomefreak: ya09:55
MoxJe1Kyral: I'll stick with my ubuntu then ;)09:55
Kyral_FreeBSDMoxJe1: BSD isn't even Linux :P09:55
jonahok thanks well it's my laptop, it doesn't beep when battery is running out so if i;m not watching it will turn itself off!09:55
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Kyral_FreeBSDand I am LAGGIN!09:55
IIIEarslilbit - "Wine" or "Cedega" - (silly grin)09:55
MoxJe1Kyral: No but um I thought maybe it was compatible with wine anyway09:55
gnomefreakcalisee: xlibs-dev09:55
Stormx2So I'm reinstalling dapper now. How do I make a /home partition? Just add an ext3 partition and give it a /home mountpoint?09:55
caliseegnomefreak: that did the trick thank you09:55
gnomefreakcalisee: sorry forgot the s the first time09:55
kimoubotu: thank you ;)09:56
ubotukimo: de nada09:56
lilbithow do I get nethack09:56
samuliStormx2: yeah.09:56
Kyral_FreeBSDapt-get install Nethack :D09:56
lurker99Disorder: ubuntu on my laptops for worry free full funtionality, and a minimalist debian on my servers with only what I need...09:56
lilbitis it nethack-gnome?09:56
Stormx2And I should make a /boot parition too?09:56
ajax4jonah: never used Ubuntu or any other Linux on a laptop so I don't know what programs you would run to monitor the battery. Someone else in here might though.09:56
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Kyral_FreeBSDDebian..stable is insanely stable09:56
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Stormx2How big should the /boot, /home and / partitions be?09:56
jonahit's weird cos dapper doesn't have all the cool gnome sounds that breezy had, they're turned off but i used to think they were quite useful. a wastebin emptying noise and a couple of other would be useful as confirmation and especially battery low warning sounds09:56
issyI still can't seem to get Planescape Torment running on wine, though it says on winehq that it works09:56
samuliStormx2: if you wish.09:56
Kyral_FreeBSDbut outdated as a consequence09:56
Flannellilbit: could be.  "nethack" package will install everything you need09:56
Dreamgliderhow can i get rid of OSS and use ALSA again ?09:56
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Kyral_FreeBSDThen again Ubuntu is decended from Debian09:56
samuliStormx2: Only partition you really need is / but separate home is always a good idea.09:57
ajax4Flannel: I'm still waiting for the noegnud package. :(09:57
Kyral_FreeBSDWhich SOME people seem to forget...09:57
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YangoI can't find my device using ubuntu packaged version of cdrecord... what should I do?09:57
issyKyral_FreeBSD, good info to learn09:57
eyequeueStormx2, i've got 80m in my /boot presently09:57
BoD[] Hello!09:57
kimoGoogle earth for Linux, yaaaaaaaay :)   http://earth.google.com/tour/thanks-linux4.html09:57
Stormx2samuli: Well I'm thinking incase grub screws up again.09:57
Rambo3Kyral_FreeBSD: what are you moral police?09:57
DisorderBut would you perfer sticking with Debain or go with the extension of Ubuntu09:57
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eyequeueStormx2, depends how many kernels and such you want to carry09:57
issyGoogle earth is only really useful if you want to locate secret government installations09:57
Kyral_FreeBSDRambo3: I just have seen way too many Ubuntu - Debian flamewars recently :P09:57
BoD[] Hey, how do you install mp3 playing capabilities?09:57
samuliStormx2: well.. it screws up on the /boot instead of /.. *shrugs* :)09:57
lilbitnethack-x11 3.4.3-8ubuntu209:58
lilbit  nethack-qt 3.4.3-8ubuntu209:58
lilbit  nethack-lisp 3.4.3-8ubuntu209:58
lilbit  nethack-gnome 3.4.3-8ubuntu209:58
lilbit  nethack-console 3.4.3-8ubuntu209:58
Kyral_FreeBSDack NO PASTE09:58
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lilbitwhich one?09:58
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Flannellilbit: right, you get your choice of the environment to play it in09:58
blanky!tell lilbit about pastebin09:58
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samulililbit, nethack-gnome09:58
Flannellilbit: -console is the console version, gnome will play in gnome09:58
Kyral_FreeBSDDebian is awesome for servers...09:58
ompaullilbit, don't paste in the channel please use paste.ubuntu-nl.org this channel is too busy09:58
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Kyral_FreeBSDFrankly I use Arch for desktop lol09:58
Stormx2eyeque: Hmm. Any suggestions? If I only wanted to carry the ubuntu kernel releases for the next year or two?09:58
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issyKyral_FreeBSD, any knowledge of how well Gentoo runs as a server?09:59
MoxJe1How much better is Cedega than Wine?09:59
Stormx2eyequeue: And what about /home and /? meh.09:59
ubotuNon Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there!09:59
Kyral_FreeBSDissy: I haven't run Gentoo in a couple years09:59
blankyMoxJe1, a lot, for games that is. Wine's slowly, verly slowly, catching up09:59
MoxJe1ok thanks. I was thinking game-wise09:59
lilbitompaul, sorry, i didnt think I would get caught if it was just a littke09:59
jonahanyone know how to get battery warning sounds in dapper?09:59
eyequeueStormx2, /home depends on your practices, and / here is smaller, because i have a /usr and /usr/local and ./var09:59
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ompaullilbit, two lines of enter and bingo10:00
samuliStormx2: / should be at least 2GB but better to have something like 5 or more.10:00
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samuliStormx2: You'll be using /home to contain all your personal files like movies etc so make it as big as you need.10:00
yoshiznit123hey, some dev packages have been broken for a while now (libdbus-1-dev for example), does anybody know when they'll be fixed and/or if there's a workaround to install it?10:00
dhendrixHello everyone. I'm new to Ubuntu and haven't used Debian in a while. It seems that my "Hoary Hedgehog" install doesn't have some header files (stdarg.h, for example), and i can't seem to find a gcc-devel package. What package(s) should I be looking for to install these extra headers?10:00
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MoxJe1what alternatives does Mac OSX users have to run windows applications (such as games)10:01
samuliStormx2: programs go to / so again, make space according to your tastes and what's available.10:01
Lukei'm chrooted into the harddrive of the computer I am running the livecd on. I've got internet working on the livecd but I cant get it started on the harddrive. any suggestions?10:01
nostalg1cMoxJe1, you could put a windows box next to it10:01
Melissa|XMoxJe1: BootCamp maybe?10:01
yoshiznit123dhendrix: have you installed build-essential?10:01
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tr1gg3rdhendrix: maybe build-essential10:01
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FlannelMoxJe1: it's a perfect questtion to ask in #ubuntu-offtopic10:01
ajax4jonah: have you looked in System > Preferences > Sounds ?10:01
nooby_godwhat are the general guidelines for using KDE applications in Ubuntu? Will they work? or has ubuntu done some voodo magic?10:02
NoUseor in #macosx10:02
jonahajax4: yeah but there doesn't seem to be much you can set sounds for10:02
dhendrixtr1gg3r, yoshiznit123: Thanks for responding so quickly! Yes, i do have build-essential installed. What else can I try searching for?10:02
samulidhendrix: why are you installing hoary?10:02
ajax4nooby_god: install them and they work. No extra stuff required.10:02
Flannelnooby_god: they will work.  You'll download some KDE libraries, for the first few, but they'll work fine, no issues.10:02
MoxJe1:P sorry for asking here10:02
ompaulMoxJe1, your way ooooooff topic for here, that was not a ubuntu support question at all10:02
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ajax4jonah: Battery warning might be covered on one of those. Hang on, let me check something.10:02
Melissa|Xdhendrix: try installing the *-dev packages10:02
MoxJe1bah i'm always making a scene10:03
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FlannelMoxJe1: just ask all the random questions in -offtopic ;)10:03
jonahthanks ajax410:03
SAM_themanbbl later guys ok about in 2hrs10:03
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IIIEarsgnomefreak - Does cdrecord phone home?  cdrecord-ProDVD seems to. http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/utils/schilling/cdrecord/ProDVD/README.key10:03
dhendrixsamuli:  Some coworkers were having problems with Dapper, so I decided to try and be safe on my workstation.10:03
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dhendrixMelissa|X:  Thanks, I'll see what I can find in there.10:04
Melissa|Xgood luck <310:04
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samulidhendrix: problem is that hoary isn't supported any more and is getting really old anyways.. breezy would be a better choice.10:05
dhendrixIs there a command like Gentoo's qpkg that I can use on someone elses' machine to figure out which package a certain file belongs to?10:05
X_Spideris qtparted used in the ubuntu installer? because i have some problem with qtparted when i want to install kubuntu10:05
yoshiznit123dhendrix: dpkg -S file10:05
gnomefreakIIIEars: what did that have to do with me?10:05
tr1gg3rdhendrix: man dpkg10:05
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dhendrixsamuli:  This one isn't under my control :(10:05
thewayofzenxubuntu question :   when installing DAPPER UBUNTU and using the restricted media page as well as the ubuntu guide i am able to get a fully functional box that plays all media quite well.   When i install DAPPER XUBUNTU (from the xubuntu iso) and following the same pages and using apt to install all IDENTICAL packages.. i get a box that will not play mp3s or anything.. xmms simply cycles through the list on turb10:05
thewayofzeno without playing audo... HELP?10:05
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ompaulsamuli, it is supported until Octover10:05
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Flannelsamuli, dhendrix: hoary is still supported.10:05
tonedahlI've already got one ext3 partition. / that is. I've got 15 GB unused (no partition). How do I merge them into / ?10:05
dhendrixyoshiznit123:  Thanks again! I'll try that out right now.10:05
samuliompaul, o-kay. well it's very old still.10:05
ajax4jonah: Read the description in Synaptic for a program called kpowersave10:06
thewayofzenaudo = audio.. any ideas?10:06
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Stormx2How big should the ubuntu swap partition be?10:06
IIIEarsgnomefreak - (embarassed) erm, (sheepish grin) thought you might know..10:06
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zanzabanhowdy all. 2 questions: are there any easy to install ubuntu-on-a-stick distros? and are there any good HD recovery tools for linux that can bring an ntfs volume back to life?10:06
gnomefreakIIIEars: sorry i didnt see a question in there10:06
steveklStormx2: it depends on how much RAM you have. I've been told that you should make it twice the size of the RAM you have10:06
ompaulthewayofzen, check the message from ubotu10:06
tr1gg3rtonedahl: dont think u can, create a new part for ur free space and mount it somewhere10:06
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tybaltstormx2, usually 50% more than the amount of ram you have10:06
steveklStormx2: So this laptop i'm using has 512 mb, I put the swap at 1 gb10:06
Kyral_FreeBSDStormx2: Swap is a fuzzy thing. General rule is if RAM < 512 MB than Swap = 2xRAM10:06
zanzabancause i have a laptop HD that wont boot, and i want to try and run some diags on it10:06
tonedahlbut I want 'em merged :(10:06
DisorderI heard it was 2*RAM10:06
Kyral_FreeBSDStormx2: if RAM <= 1GB then Swap = RAM10:07
samuliStormx2: one rule is twice the size of your ram.. but if you have plenty like gig or two you could be better off with smaller swap.10:07
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tr1gg3rStormx2: at least 2x ram if u want suspend to disk to work10:07
thewayofzenompaul: if u read my statement you would know ive followed all those steps on ubuntu iso install and xubuntu iso install both and have only had success on vanilla ubuntu10:07
yoshiznit123does anyone know how to get around dev packages that have been broken for a while now (libdbus-1-dev for example), and/or when they'll be fixed?10:07
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Kyral_FreeBSDif RAM > 1.5 GB then Swap = .5xRAM10:07
jonahajax4: sorry my battery went when i went in other room and my system shut down! haha ironic huh?10:07
Kyral_FreeBSDas a general rule10:07
tybaltheh, I have 1gb of ram, and I can't even get the thing to utilize any swap space10:07
IIIEarsDoes cdrecord phone home? It is non-free. The read me mentions an "expiring license".  just wondered10:07
ompaulzanzaban, a lot of live CDs can be used to rescue "unreadable" data from windows boxes10:07
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larrywhen new versions of ubuntu come out, is it possible to just dist-upgrade to them?10:08
Kyral_FreeBSDcdrecord is nonfree?10:08
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ubotudapper is probably Ubuntu 6.06, the "Dapper Drake" release. Released June 1st 200610:08
Flannellarry: yep10:08
richiefrichit's free10:08
LiteHeddedNoUse: my sound has stopped working. anything to do with what we did fixing my ati?10:08
zanzabanompaul: awesome. i'm not sure if it's bad platters, or if the read arms arent swinging10:08
eyequeuelarry, a couple commands also, but yes10:08
ompaulzanzaban, as for on a stick that is more to do with (A) a large stick (B) a bios that supports it10:08
ompaulzanzaban, or just windows rot10:08
zanzabani have a 1gb jdlightning10:08
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Kyral_FreeBSDzanzaban: Damn Small Linux or Puppy Linux are prolly better rfor that10:08
ajax4jonah: Hehe, I see a bunch of apps in Synaptic that monitor and display your battery life. kpowersave, xbatt, xbatbar, powersaved, and others.10:08
larryI just installed ubuntu for the first time last night.  I have to say it's very impressive.10:09
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LiteHeddedmy sound stopped working afteri rebooted. can anyone help me?10:09
Stormx2So i need 4 partitions on this? How do I do it? o.O10:09
zanzabannot windows rot, it' wont boot at all. maybe a super destroyed fat table :D10:09
ajax4ajax4: I don't have any experience with any of those but one of them is bound to be what you are looking for.10:09
steveklMan, gnome is so much more elegant than KDE10:09
ajax4jonah: that previous message was directed to you.10:09
Kyral_FreeBSDstevekl: don't start it :P10:09
Stormx2Oh dear god, I think I just screwed up my partition table10:09
MoxJe1steveki: indeed10:09
steveklYou get to a stage in your life where customization isn't so important and ease of use is10:09
SAM_themanNevermind I'll stay10:09
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SAM_themani was going to sneek on windows10:10
Kyral_FreeBSDstevekl: We have dodged 3 FlameWars in the past 30 mins :P10:10
IIIEarsKyral_FreeBSD: Though "Puppy Linux" does everything as root user.  Don't know if you can set up a second limited rights user easily.10:10
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linuxboyfriendhi all10:10
mutil8im running 6.06 amd64 release, and having a few problems, 1 is getting flash working, the other is getting grub to boot my windows install as well, it's on a second drive10:10
ompaulthewayofzen it might be that sudo dpkg-reconfigure xmms might help but #xubuntu might be better10:10
Kyral_FreeBSDIIIEars: I haven't used Puppy :P DSL ftw :D10:10
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X_SpiderI don't know if Ubuntu use qtparted in is installer, but i can't install Kubuntu. The installer can't start qtparted and when i'm starting qtparted in konsole, i'm getting a segmentation fault. I tried to remove all linux partition, upgrade qtparted, verify that my partitions was good... but i didn't find any problem10:11
megaman123i lost my dvb card in the update from 5.10 to 6.06 .. how can i reinstall it ??10:11
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Kyral_FreeBSDwhats a dvb card10:11
steveklKyral_FreeBSD: I have failed to start a fight. I must be getting rusty10:11
IIIEarsstevekl: lol10:11
megaman123satelite card10:11
lurker99mutil8: pastebin ur grub menu.lst and an fdisk -l10:11
=== Kyral_FreeBSD blinks
Kyral_FreeBSDStill over my head lol10:12
linuxboyfriendi wanna install moodle, it says that it will install php5-gd and will remove libgd2-noxpm, i have install LAMP which have php4. i wanna ask that by allowing apt to install php5-gd and remove libgd2-noxpm, will it disturb my lamp installation or not?10:12
Stormx2Let me get this straight. I need to have 4 paritions on this HDD. So I do, partition 1, parition 2, and then an extended partition? Containing 3 and 4?10:12
ompaulstevekl, pragmatic, it can't really be argued with :)10:12
Kyral_FreeBSDlinuxboyfriend: ditch php4 and upgrade to php5 if you can without breaking :P10:12
steveklStormx2: I did 2 primary partitions (root and /home) and then one extended partition containing /boot and my swap10:12
zanzabanhmmmm, okay DSL looks good for my needs10:12
IIIEarslinuxboy - a bit seperate from your question but, give suPHP a look.10:12
zanzabanlooks like i have to make a live cd before i can istall to jumpdrive10:13
SAM_themanhow would I wipe a usb stick>???10:13
=== zanzaban goes to look for a cd-r
linuxboyfriendKyral_FreeBSD, wouldn't it break my lamp installation/configuration?10:13
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Stormx2Oh wait I think I need 5 partitions, I have an extra FAT partition on my disk10:13
ompaulSAM_theman, Sytem Administation Disks10:13
Kyral_FreeBSDlinuxboyfriend: unless you like wrote stuff that turning off register_globals() would break, nope10:13
LiteHeddedcan someone help me get my sound working again?10:13
Stormx2Can do do FAT partition, /, EXTENDED containing: /boot /swap and /home?10:13
LiteHeddedi rebooted and I have no sound now10:13
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Flannellinuxboyfriend: they shouldn't.  If you upgrade to php5 for your lamp one as well, you'll have to get a few other packages, the linking packages, etc.10:13
jonahajax4: i wouldn't like to install things i don't need, is there just no way to turn a battery warning on? why have they left this out of dapper, seems a bit crazy to me!10:14
Kyral_FreeBSDlinuxboyfriend: I just did it to my server and only trouble I had was that I forgot to insert the php5 module into apache10:14
lurker99if you only need 4 partitions, and swap is one of them, why go to an extended setup?  wouldn't 4 regular partitions work out better?10:14
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steveklStormx2: I don't see why not10:14
Stormx2Good, OK10:14
steveklStormx2: but I don't really understand partitioning as well as I should so...don't quote me on this10:14
ajax4jonah: I'm sure one of those packages will turn a low battery warning on for you.10:14
Kyral_FreeBSDlinuxboyfriend: basically what I did was do "sudo apt-get remove php4-common" then noted what packages went byebye10:14
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Kyral_FreeBSDthen installed the php5 versions :P10:15
larrymultiple partitions are over-rated10:15
linuxboyfriendKyral_FreeBSD, ok i will upgrade to php5 but kindly tell me that how do you insert module in apache?10:15
Stormx2I don't know how big my /boot should be....10:15
steveklStormx2: Oh not big. Don't make it more than 100mb10:15
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mutil8lurker99: http://pastebin.com/70726210:15
steveklStormx2: it only contains grub configuratoin files and a kernel image10:15
Kyral_FreeBSDlinuxboyfriend: something like a2enmod or somesuch. Read /etc/apache2/README10:15
Stormx2I'll make it 50mb10:15
kriegerhi all10:15
Bilange100mb is a tad big... but I assume its from someone whos isntalling various kernels and customize his boot process alot10:16
steveklroot@leonidas:~# mount /boot10:16
steveklmount: can't find /boot in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab10:16
steveklIs this bad?10:16
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Kyral_FreeBSDstevekl: live environment?10:16
steveklKyral_FreeBSD: no10:16
ompaulstevekl,  cd /boot10:16
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RadiantFirestevekl: do you have a seperate partition on /boot?10:16
kriegergot a problem, if i use nv as X driver, the desktop runs (obviosly) stable now, if i use nvidia the desktop is freezing after some time, any clues???10:16
krieger(using Drapper)10:16
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steveklArg, I thought I told it I wanted a separate /boot partition10:16
steveklRadiantFire: I THOUGHT I did10:17
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RadiantFirestevekl: easily remedied10:17
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megaman123ok..i have some stuff in the Trash that doesn't want to be deleted..says i have no permission...maybe i deleted as root..how can i delete it from my other user?10:17
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steveklRadiantFire: What should I do?10:17
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Stormx2So I have 16gb available. 9gb for /, 5gb for /home, 1.5gb for swap and 50mb for /boot. Great!10:17
RadiantFirestevekl: you can leave it10:17
ajax4krieger: I think you have to turn off RenderAccel in your xorg.conf file if you have problems with that.10:17
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RadiantFirestevekl: or you can boot with a live CD, create a new partition, mount it somewhere, then copy boot into it, then edit /etc/fstab to mount the new partition on /boot10:17
kriegerajax4, thx i`ll try10:17
RadiantFirestevekl: that might break grub though10:18
steveklIt bothers me that I THOUGHT I told the installer to create a /boot partition and it apparently didn't...it just put grub and the kernel image on the root partition under boot10:18
ajax4krieger: np. You'll take a performance hit but thats the only thing I've found that stopped my system from crashing.10:18
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AyabaraRunning ubuntu now, and I'm curious about the kubuntu-desktop. Are there any downsides to having both kde and gnome installed on ubuntu?10:19
pianoboy3333Can I have some help with hard drive recovery? Ubiquity messed up my current main hard drive, and I'm trying to see if there's a way to recover some of my data, for more info read at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=113251310:19
linuxboyfriendKyral_FreeBSD, ok its "a2enmod" but where should i write this to enable this module?10:19
kriegerajax4, the only prob is, there is nothing like RenderAccel in my xorg.conf10:19
steveklAyabara: Naw, but you'll have to choose wether you want to run kdm or gdm10:19
Kyral_FreeBSDaside from diskspace nope10:19
HedgeMageAyabara: other than the hard-disk space it takes, not really10:19
Kyral_FreeBSDlinuxboyfriend: commandline?10:19
Kyral_FreeBSDas root of course10:20
Ayabarasounds safe to try then :-)10:20
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zanzabanok, so i guess the next question is, what is the best HD recovery tool for linux?10:20
ajax4krieger: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep RenderAccel returns nothing?10:20
Kyral_FreeBSDoh and you'll have to restart Apache for any changes to take affect10:20
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ompaulzanzaban, a live cd10:20
linuxboyfriendKyral_FreeBSD, sorry? but i thought i had to put it in some .conf file?10:20
kriegerajax4, negative10:20
Ayabaraonce installed, how do I switch between gnome and kde?10:21
steveklHm, will having my /boot on the same partition as / cause any damage?10:21
zanzabanompaul: does it include everything needed?10:21
Kyral_FreeBSDlinuxboyfriend: are you familier with modprobe?10:21
zanzabanto analyze how borked the HD is?10:21
samuliAyabara, Having lots of stuff that you don't want on the menubars and having to manually remove them.10:21
Kyral_FreeBSDAyabara: GDM or KDM will allow you to select10:21
linuxboyfriendKyral_FreeBSD, yes10:21
Flannellinuxboyfriend: a2enmod is a command to enable modules, you run it10:21
mutil8lurker99: any ideas?10:21
ompaulzanzaban, all the ones I have seen do10:21
eyequeuestevekl, no, most do exactly that10:21
zanzabanah cool10:21
Kyral_FreeBSDlinuxboyfriend: think of a2enmod or whatever as the Apache equivelent of modprobe :P10:21
kriegerstevekl, nope10:21
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=== ompaul points to about 20 disgarded cds
steveklOk, i'll not worry about it10:21
zanzabanlast time i messed with linux was back in 200110:22
zanzabanmandrake 8.010:22
Stormx2I screwed up the paritioning AGAIN!10:22
kriegerstevekl, but dont use ReiserFS or something like that10:22
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ompaulzanzaban, don't mess do, its too easy10:22
ajax4krieger: Find the Section that has all the info of your video card in it. Then add a line that says: Option  "RenderAccel"   "Off"10:22
ompaulStormx2, maybe leave it for today10:22
kriegerajax4, yepp10:22
linuxboyfriendKyral_FreeBSD, lemme try and then i will ask you, if i feel any trouble :) OK?10:22
Kyral_FreeBSDlinuxboyfriend: sure10:22
Kyral_FreeBSDI just hope you know how to get yourself outta trouble10:22
zanzabanif i get really excited i'll make an ubuntu on a stick10:22
Kyral_FreeBSDmy upgrade went somewhat well. YMMV10:23
Stormx2ompaul: Nah. I must be doing something wrong ^_^10:23
kriegerajax4, mean the device section?10:23
ajax4krieger: Add that line and restart your X server and see if you continue to have problems. My system stopped crashing after that.10:23
linuxboyfriendKyral_FreeBSD, thanks10:23
Ayabarasamuli: meaning you don't like KDE? :-)10:23
Stormx2ompaul: How many logical partitions can an extended partition hold?10:23
megaman123how do i empty the trash ??10:23
ompaulStormx2, is there a working windows on it?10:23
ajax4krieger: Yes, the device section.10:23
Flannelmegaman123: right click the trash icon and "empty"10:23
ompaulStormx2, extended lots10:23
eyequeuemegaman123, right click on it10:23
Stormx2No. Theres a working nothing on the entire computer ^_^10:23
Kyral_FreeBSDmegaman123: walk outside and dump it in the dumpster :P10:23
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ompaulStormx2, more than you will want10:23
megaman123nope...no work10:23
megaman123it says i have no permission10:23
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ompaulstormx got a live CD?10:24
Stormx2ompaul: Let me just scetch up what I'm trying to do10:24
primlantahcany anyone give me a simple definition of packet injection?10:24
ompaulStormx2, you gave us a clue eariler10:24
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kriegerajax4, kay done... just waiting for downloads to end, and then i restart X and tell ya what happened kay? ^^10:24
Flannelprimlantah: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic10:24
lurker99mutil8:  no really.  i was hopping for sumthin simple. :-) have you tried 'makeactive'?  and i assume it boots ok w/windows as sda?   [ anyone else have any ideas? ] 10:24
jullssi meto un pendrive donde veo el contendio desde ubuntu=10:24
ajax4krieger: Good luck. How often does it crash now?10:24
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.10:24
blankyprimlantah, don't know, google 'define: package injection'10:24
Das|SchoolHow do you reinstall again? sudo apt-get install -[something]  [package] 10:24
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steveklDas|School: --reinstall I think10:25
steveklman apt-get!10:25
kriegerajax4, in Gentoo it crashed, killed my gentoo tried ubuntu now and... about 12 Times for now -.-10:25
samuliDas|School: --reinstall :)10:25
eyequeueDas|School, --reinstall10:25
ajax4krieger: I mean how long does your system stay up before crashing?10:25
Kyral_FreeBSDUptime: 19 days, 1 hours and 7 minutes10:25
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jaekcan anyone run stellarium and tell me if their fonts are effed up?10:26
ompaulStormx2, install windows on the box on a limited size parition, then install ubuntu on it, partition 1 / parition 2 swap (twice the ram) partition 3 /home10:26
kriegerajax4, dont know, i just pushed the reset button... but the strange thing is, i cant go into tty2 cause my keyboard isnt working but i can talk in skype xD10:26
ajax4krieger: that is odd.10:26
kriegerajax4, yepp10:26
megaman123no one knows how to empty the trash if whats in it was deleted by root ??10:27
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Kyral_FreeBSDmegaman123: if you rm'd it as root its GONE10:27
Stormx2ompaul: Think I should just scrap the /boot idea? Meh I think I will. http://pastebin.ca/6523010:27
Kyral_FreeBSDmegaman123: this is why people don't go running around as root all the time :D10:27
lurker99mutil8: you mighit try /j #grub10:27
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rtIs there some convenient package to install that will install gcc/make/kernel source?10:28
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Flannelmegaman123: how did you delete it as root?  rm?10:28
ompaulStormx2, ehh what size is the drive?10:28
steveklrt: built-essentials10:28
Kyral_FreeBSDrt: GCC is Build-Essential10:28
megaman123:D well for a newbie like me sometimes root is easier to run things10:28
ajax4jaek: fonts look good for me in Stellarium10:28
Stormx2ompaul: 80gb10:28
steveklrt: build-essentials10:28
kriegermegaman123, try a chmod -R 777 /10:28
jaekajax4, what SDL packages do you have installed?10:28
Kyral_FreeBSDmegaman123: its easier yes, but its not secure10:28
Stormx2ompaul: Hah I put 8gb on that. Sorry!10:28
Flannelkrieger: You'll get kicked for that10:28
kriegermegaman123, thats the real power of root xD10:28
=== Kyral_FreeBSD smacks krieger
megaman123no ... i log in as root10:28
Kyral_FreeBSDBAD BAD BAD!!10:29
=== rt gives that a try.
Kyral_FreeBSDmegaman123: don't login as root10:29
kriegerFlannel, that was a joke Oo10:29
ajax4jaek: the updated ones for dapper. You want the actual file and version names?10:29
Flannelkrieger: right, but not everyone here is experienced enough to realize thats a joke.10:29
NoUsekrieger don't do that, I've seen a couple people in this room who did just that10:29
jaekajax4, that would be nice... cus i'm using dapper too and all the fonts look messed up10:29
kriegerFlannel, oh sorry^^10:29
ajax4jaek: messed up how?10:29
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Kyral_FreeBSDkrieger: I used rm -rf as an example of why not to run as root (and said don't do this in caps) but some idiot scanned the doc for [code]  blocks and did it anyway :P10:29
Stormx2For the swap partition file system.... ext3 or linux-swap?10:30
Flannelmegaman123: logged into gnome as root?  you'll have to do that same thing to empty it then.  but yeah, don't log in as root10:30
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Kyral_FreeBSDso I added a MASSIVE underlined/italic/bold "DON'T DO THIS!!" to it10:30
jaekajax4, all text shows up as other weird shapes and shapes... no actual letters10:30
steveklmegaman123 is determined to use ubuntu like windows :p10:30
NoUseStormx2 swap10:30
Specwait wait wait, i wasn't upposed to chmod -R 777 / ? how to fix? o.O10:30
kriegerRight... i understood it... its the gentoo flavour ya know^^10:30
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Stormx2Spec: XD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~10:30
Kyral_FreeBSDmegaman123: we don't use root because its horribly insecure to go running around like that10:30
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Stormx2Spec: I've done that before, cept on a smaller scale XD~10:31
LiteHeddedcan someone help my get my sound working again?10:31
megaman123im sorry but i still didn;t have enough time to use it as proper linux user10:31
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IIIEarshda is a SATA drive what other options are available?                    /dev/hda {mult_sect_io = 16 write_cache = off dma = on}10:31
Flannelmegaman123: huh?10:31
megaman123im planning as soon as i finish my masters paper to start learning linux properly10:31
ompaulStormx2, my suggestion http://pastebin.ca/6523310:31
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Kyral_FreeBSDmegaman123: its one of those things that you ingrain now before you hurt your system :P10:31
ajax4jaek: Looks good on my box. I'll private message a list of the packages.10:31
Specmegaman123: the best way to learn is to 'do' LFS10:31
steveklmegaman123: How does running as a normal user use up any more time?10:31
jaekajax4, sweet10:31
steveklLook, trust us, DON'T RUN AS ROOT.10:31
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Kyral_FreeBSDFrankly kudos to Google Earth for Linux to install as non-root10:32
ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.10:32
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Kyral_FreeBSDit detected that I didn't run it as root and installed it into $HOME :D10:32
AyabaraI can't shake the feeling that my movies look better in xp than in ubuntu. ideas anyone?10:32
Kyral_FreeBSDAyabara: no comment10:32
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chapiumcan someone help me find my modem?  Here's my lscpci and dmesg:   http://pastebin.com/707243   http://pastebin.com/70729110:32
SpecAyabara: what's your video card driver?10:32
ubotuIIIEars: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:32
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Stormx2ompaul: omg paul! Thanks man. Is the "remaining home" bit inside the extended partition?10:32
Kyral_FreeBSDman hdparm :P10:33
ompaulStormx2, yes10:33
AyabaraSpec: ati radeon m30010:33
pianoboy3333Can I have some help with hard drive recovery? Ubiquity messed up my current main hard drive, and I'm trying to see if there's a way to recover some of my data, for more info read at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1132513 basically, I got xubuntu installed over my main ubuntu partition, and I'm trying to recover some data from it... any ideas?10:33
Kyral_FreeBSDHD Recovery is tricky business10:33
AyabaraKyral_FreeBSD: que?10:33
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SpecAyabara: you have the latest/greatest drivers?10:33
Kyral_FreeBSDAyabara: I have no comment because I haven't run Windows in 2 years :P10:33
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gnomefreakbrb gonna play ;)10:33
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AyabaraKyral_FreeBSD: :-)10:33
kriegerpianoboy3333, the only thing i know in this business are windows tools :X10:33
pianoboy3333krieger: that's fine10:34
kriegerpianoboy3333, want to know more?10:34
IIIEarsKyral_FreeBSD: lol - That would take "Reading"10:34
AyabaraSpec: I think so.. I followed the wiki to install the dapper drivers. haven't dl'ed anything from ati's webpages yet10:34
garymthe 6.06 docs mention the desktop and server isos, but the mirrors also have an "alternate" edition.  What is this?  the string does not give any results on the website search.10:34
ubotuI heard ati is http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers10:34
pianoboy3333krieger: sure10:35
AyabaraSpec: I installed the 'xorg-driver-fglrx'10:35
Specgarym: alternate and desktop  both can install desktop or server :p10:36
Specgarym: alternate cd is an alternative installer, "old-school installer"10:36
NoUse!tell garym about server10:36
NoUseSpec the server has its own CD10:36
garymas in text-mode?10:36
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Stormx2ompaul: it still errored! It errored when creating the swap and home partitions :(10:36
pianoboy3333garym: I encourage people to use the alternate text installer10:36
Specyou can just type "server" while booting the alternate cd ....10:36
pianoboy3333As of recently the desktop screwed my computer10:36
kriegerpianoboy3333, got my messages?10:36
SpecThe desktop installer isn't quite there yet, the alt cd is better it seems.10:36
FlannelSpec: you can't do the LAMP install, nor do you get the server kernels either though.10:36
kriegerpianoboy3333, try tools from Ontrack and O&O10:37
IIIEarsKyral_FreeBSD: "hdparm -tT" Feel the power!  - grin10:37
pianoboy3333krieger: no, I haven't for somereason10:37
pianoboy3333krieger: is your nick registered?10:37
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kriegerpianoboy3333, but for sake dont write anything to your main hdd10:37
pianoboy3333krieger: yes, you have to register it to use pm here10:37
kriegerbut now u know10:37
zanzabanhmmmmm, actually sounds like knoppix is the most idiot proof livecd for my needs10:37
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kriegerpianoboy3333, Ontrack easy recovery10:37
kriegertry that10:38
pianoboy3333krieger: well... not really, cause I didn't get any of your pms, can I have a link to ontrack?10:38
Ayabarashould I use the  fglrx driver or the ati driver?10:38
Flannelgarym: yeah, the alternate is the old textmode CD, it also can do some more stuff, read the blip here (or any of the mirrors): http://mirror.cs.umn.edu/ubuntu-releases/6.06/10:38
kriegerpianoboy3333, sec10:38
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pianoboy3333krieger: ah, yes, I bookmarked that10:38
pianoboy3333krieger: two others suggested that10:38
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pianoboy3333krieger: it's software?10:38
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kriegerpianoboy3333, yepp10:39
kriegerpianoboy3333, http://www.ontrack.com/10:39
calexhey all, im trying to install a tar file, tells me it can only be done by super user, i type su command and enter password but im told its not correct? i only have one account created10:39
=== concept10 [n=concept1@c-67-172-222-62.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulStormx2, read wiki.ubuntu.com/BootOptions - I guess it would not if windows was not there that is a guess10:39
pianoboy3333krieger: ok, I will try that, thank you so much10:39
kriegercalex, use sudo10:39
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kriegerpianoboy3333, np np^^10:39
Kyral_FreeBSD!tell calex about sudo10:39
eyequeuecalex, sudo -i not su10:39
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andy101I am having problems getting my microphone to work, I can play audio, but just not record anything at all. I have checked the volume controls and turned up the microphone. I have tried recording with 'sound recorder' and using arecord, both record silence. I think my soundcard is a RelTech AC'97. My microphone is connected to my microphone socket on my PC.10:40
garymthx.  I have an old P2 usenet/mail/wifi-hub, is it likely to work with this release?  192M, AMD-K6 350, runs rh FC3 butthat distro drives me nuts for its lack of hardware support and community participation.10:40
on2seeHi all10:40
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Dreamgliderhow can i uninstall OSS and go back to ALSA ?10:40
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cparkerquesiton! if I go to Places -> Connect to Server... and connect to a Windows share, I get an icon on my Desktop. where is that shortcut actually stored? I don't see anything in /home/cparker/Desktop/10:40
ompaulandy101, connect it to your soundcard10:40
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kriegergarym, dont think so... too few RAM10:41
calexkrieger thanks makes complete sense now :-)10:41
kriegercalex, np10:41
ompaulgarym, use xubuntu10:41
Jowigarym: I managed to install the server cd on a p1 133 with 64mb RAM. it is doable.10:41
clineaso ubuntu doesn't have a tool like system-config-display on redhat?10:41
andy101ompaul: connect what to the soundcard? the microphone socket is connected to he soundcard i think.10:42
garymxubuntu?  ok. will look into it. thx10:42
Ayabaracould the ati driver improve my video quality? anyone?10:42
NoUseclinea sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:42
kriegerJowi, n1 but performace sucks huh?10:42
garymalso what about the newer Linksys wireless-B cards, with the newer (radon?) chipsets.10:42
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megaman123how can i change permission to a folder with all its subfolders ?10:42
ompaulandy101, I think is not good enough, you have to be sure, there are sockets on the soundcard or motherboard if it is integrated10:42
Flannelgarym: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport10:42
garymah, thx!10:43
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Jowigarym: no it does not suck that much. you need a light wm though, such as icewm, flux/openbox, xfce etc. and a lighter login manager like xdm10:43
zanzabanompaul: would knoppix be a better bet for a complete newb?10:43
ompaulzanzaban, no10:43
Jowikrieger: ^^^10:43
kriegerJowi, thx 4 the answer... but flase nick xD10:43
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Jowikrieger: yeah, noticed that to late :)10:43
IIIEarspianoboy3333: There is some decent. (But not easy) Opensource Forensic live CDs out there. If you can't afford OnTrack. (Best choice) Helix a knoppix CD preconfigured.10:43
DevZer0hi, i download the x86 alternative (6.06) from umn.edu mirror and i am installing in text mode, i started getting filescurrupted errors, the md5 checksuck passes on the .iso file, what could be the cause ?10:43
zanzabandsl will auto mount the HD?10:43
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Jowisorry garym :)10:44
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eyequeuezanzaban, having used both, i install ubuntu for the complete newbie10:44
ajax4megaman123: chmod -r <permissions> <folder>10:44
ompaulzanzaban, as you start to install software on knoppix you loose your sanity in proportion to the scale of installs that take place10:44
andy101ompaul: works in windows, worked in breezy, so surely it must be connected to something?10:44
kriegerJowi, but i think slax or something will do the job better10:44
pianoboy3333IIIEars: ok, thaks10:44
IIIEarspianoboy3333: Have a pro do it.10:44
calexanyone know a c compiler ?10:44
ompaulandy101, new information, so I suggest you look again in alsamixer for the mute button10:44
Flannel!tell calex about gcc10:44
zanzabani just need something that will autodetect and mount an NTFS hd10:44
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Jowikrieger: slackware based distros are really good for that type of hardware. I totally agree.10:44
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Flannelzanzaban: ubuntu does that10:44
eyequeuecalex, gdd ... sudo apt-get install build-essential10:44
kriegerJowi, ;)10:44
ajax4megaman123: actually you have to capitalize the r. So its chmod -R <permissions> <folder>10:44
zanzabanwithout resorting to typing aracane stuff10:44
pianoboy3333IIIEars: that's my other thought... but that can be VERY expensive10:44
eyequeuecalex, gcc rather10:44
=== Arag|Laptop slaps [NP] Tangent around a bit with a large trout
=== zanzaban wonders how many CD-R's he has
cparkernobody knows?10:45
garymI woulnd't put Xorg on a server, but I do have to use Xfce on my laptop, or did until Mandriva broke it.10:45
garymthanks for the tips.10:45
megaman123aiax4: thanks10:45
[NP] Tangentarag, go ahead and ask about your problem10:45
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ompaulArag|Laptop, if you want to talk non support we strongly suggest #ubuntu-offtopic cheers ;-)10:45
=== MUFFASO byez
eyequeuemegaman123, that will change all the files too, beware10:45
IIIEarspianoboy3333: Go to work buy your boss a cup of coffee and see how stressed he/she is about it. then have a pro do it.10:45
Arag|Laptopk but iam looking for a ubuntu amd32 version10:46
cparkerI'll try again: If I go to Places -> Connect to Server... and connect to a Windows share, I get an icon on my Desktop. where is that shortcut actually stored? I don't see anything in /home/cparker/Desktop/10:46
megaman123eyequeue: thats what im looking for10:46
pianoboy3333IIIEars: if I were employed, this would be a good solution, I'll keep that in the back of my mind...10:46
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LjLArag|Laptop: amd *32* means you're simply looking for the standard 32-bit version.10:46
eyequeuemegaman123, you want all the files executable?  the x bit on directories is different than the x bit on files10:47
Arag|Laptopi can only find the 64version10:47
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LjLArag|Laptop: http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/10:47
megaman123eyequeue: no i want to delete them10:47
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FlannelArag|Laptop: the i386 version10:47
kriegerArag|Laptop, just dl the i368 version10:47
eyequeuemegaman123, and if you -x, you'll find yoiu can't traverse the dirs10:47
ExdaixArag|Laptop: there is no special release for amd32... jsut amd64.   i386 = amd3210:47
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FlannelArag|Laptop: then you install the k* kernel after install10:47
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megaman123eyequeue: its my trash file..it was holding 100gigs that i cant access10:48
Arag|Laptopi have tried both versions10:48
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Arag|Laptopbut they doesnt boot10:48
ajax4eyequeue: Do you know of a switch that affects only directories?10:48
megaman123eyequeue: they are gone now :)10:48
eyequeuemegaman123, ah10:48
udodoes anyone knows how can i setup audio support for dapper release?10:48
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ExdaixArag|Laptop: have you tried disabling ACPI10:48
Arag|Laptopno :o10:48
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FlannelArag|Laptop: did you burn the ISO? or write the file to a CD?10:48
LjLArag|Laptop: the version you need is this one: http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso10:48
LiteHeddedcan anyone help me get sound working?10:48
eyequeueajax4, no, but if there was, more people would not have disasters :)10:48
andy101ompaul: both command line alsamixer, and the gui volume control confirm microphone is not muted10:48
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LjLArag|Laptop: if it doesn't boot, it's not because of your processor i guess10:48
Melissa|XLiteHedded: I might be able to10:48
FlannelArag|Laptop: did you set your BIOS to boot to CD before harddrive?10:49
Arag|Laptopyeah i burned the iso10:49
tophfisherHey folks.. I have started a new Podcast, called The Linux Action Show! ( http://www.linuxactionshow.com ) and we want to focus on Ubuntu. But... I don't have a lot of ideas on what to cover... I could really use some input if any one has some ideas?10:49
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Arag|Laptopyeah fanel10:49
eyequeueajax4, it's probably involving some arcane use of find :/10:49
snooocan anyone point me towards a list of ubuntu links I can paste into my blog?10:49
LiteHeddedMelissa|X: i was getting ati working and rebooted. now sound is broken10:49
Flanneltophfisher: #ubuntu-offtopic would be a better place to ask10:49
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Exdaixtophfisher: hmm ill go look10:49
ompaulandy101, is there a *real power switch* on it? gotta check10:49
tophfisherWill do10:49
LjLArag|Laptop: besides the ACPI suggestion, have you just tried... retrying? for me, it often takes a fair number of attemps to boot CDs, though it might well just be my CD reader10:49
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Flannelsnooo: wiki.ubuntu.com ;)10:49
Arag|Laptop(22:48:32) (Exdaix) Arag|Laptop: have you tried disabling ACPI10:49
Arag|Laptophow i set it10:49
Stormx2Note to self10:49
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Stormx2Unmount partitions before trying to edit partition table10:50
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snoooFlannel: have tried... cant find anything10:50
steevtophfisher: be nice to hear (maybe with some screencasts as well) how to make your own .deb's  - i'd like to learn because NM 0.6.3 has some bug fixes that i would really like, but im too afraid to bump to building it myself on Ubuntu10:50
LjLArag|Laptop: what is the boot stage that you *can* reach, if any?10:50
ExdaixArag|Laptop: I know its on the forums how to...  at boot of the CD you enter "acpi=none" or somethign of the sort10:50
udodoes anyone knows how can i setup audio support for dapper release?10:50
tophfishersteev: That would be cool10:50
kriegerudo, which card?10:50
tophfisherI am playing with screen casts10:50
andy101ompaul: nope, now power switch on it10:50
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udorealtec ac9710:50
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jugheadI'm tryin to install a gam that downloaded as a .run file10:50
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kriegerudo, um schould go flawlessly10:51
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Arag|Laptopiam going to search on the forums10:51
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Melissa|XLiteHedded: hmm, strange problem. is it all apps that are acting up, or is it just a select few? can totem or mplayer or gaim or etc work?10:51
jugheadwhen I click on it it tries to open in gedit10:51
Arag|Laptopty guys :)10:51
LiteHeddedno sound in anything10:51
jugheadhow do I run a .run file?10:51
LjLjughead: run it from the console10:51
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jugheadI tried10:51
kriegerudo, where is the prob exactly?10:51
LjLjudah: chmod +x filename10:51
LjLjughead: i meant you not judah10:51
udoi dont have sound?10:51
Melissa|Xhave you tried playing around with multimedia system selector in the preferences?10:51
ompaulandy101, in a word strange10:51
kriegerudo, nothing?10:51
linuxboyfriendKyral_FreeBSD, ok i have installed php5, can you guide me what i have to do now?10:52
udobut system detect sound card10:52
kriegerudo, um in your startline thing up there10:52
kriegerudo, there is a little speaker10:52
andy101ompaul: anyway to switch to trying differant sound systems, there was a multimedia selector in breezy, but I can't find it in dapper10:52
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kriegerudo, double-click on it10:52
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jugheadLjL, it still says command not found10:52
kriegerudo, and try to get the PCM and Master up10:53
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dave_ravehello everyone10:53
kriegerudo, and unmute10:53
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LjLjughead: local files are run by prefixing "./" to them. so, type    ./filename10:53
Stormx2Error: No root file system. Daaamn10:53
andy101jughead: to run file type: ./file10:53
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jugheadohh ok thanks10:53
Overclocked_486can anyone help me get pdksh to read /etc/profile?10:53
=== itzzan [n=dannf@95.Red-217-126-115.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
kriegerudo, what kind of file do u try to play?10:53
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kriegerudo, is it a mp3?10:54
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=== dallingham [n=dona@c-67-190-27-78.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dave_raveanyone know of a driver for Creative webcam ultra live?10:54
udoi played a dvd10:54
Ayabaraanyone got an opinion on wether ati's driver is better than the xorg-fglrx driver?10:54
kriegerudo, got dvd support?10:54
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=== apokryphos [n=apokryph@host-87-74-109-20.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
udoyes but no sound :)10:54
linuxboyfriend i have upgraded from php4 to php5 (througn apt) now what should i do so that apache can detect php5?10:54
=== chickenFire [n=chicken_@p213.54.152.66.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu
eyequeueOverclocked_486, ln -s /etc/profile whateverfilenamepdkshreads10:54
kriegerhum... and unmuted everything? got master and pcm up?10:54
Flannel!tell linuxboyfriend about lamp10:54
ProN00bthe new vncviewers scrollbars don't work10:55
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BrianGi love lamp10:55
jugheadAyabara, the "ati" driver was locking up for my so I got the ATI drivers from the ATI site and it works10:55
docta_vhow can i add an entry for Google Earth to my applications menu?10:55
ruggyfrom what distro did you all convert to ubuntu from?10:55
Stormx2Wow I am glad I have two CD ROM Drivers. I need to burn a copy of dapper, turns out I burned an older BETA.10:55
Stormx2Fedora, sorta10:55
Stormx2But not really10:55
Stormx2Mainly windows.10:55
jugheadI never tried xorg-fglrx10:55
Ayabarajughead: ok. I'll try it out and hope my video quality improves. did you follow the wiki or the install notes on ati.com?10:55
=== _Hiroshi_ [n=Ramza@68-168-90-92.kntnny.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
eyequeuedocta_v, alacarte10:56
_Hiroshi_Hey guys..um..Got a problem, and I need some help. :(10:56
ajax4docta_v: Go to Accessories > Alacarte menu editor...you can add apps there10:56
=== B0FH [n=shane@unaffiliated/B0FH] has joined #ubuntu
dallinghamIs there a known problem with the Live CD and the Nvidia GForce cards? The live cd comes up with a mess on the screen.10:56
_Hiroshi_I got an old G3, with about 64MB of ram.. and Im trying to load Ubuntu from the Alternate PowerPC CD..10:56
=== Edward_TLS [n=edward@j230018.upc-j.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
chuck8no drivers10:56
udodoes anyone knows how can i setup audio support for dapper release?10:56
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_Hiroshi_Got it loaded.. and a white comes up with Apple info...10:57
jugheadAyabara, I follwed the wiki all the way10:57
armedkingJughead: Ati drivers have a major bug in it. Just to let you know.10:57
_Hiroshi_It wont load past that point..and I dont know what to do next..10:57
Amaranth_Hiroshi_: running a server?10:57
chuck8lol, apple?10:57
jugheadarmedking, what kind of bug?10:57
jugheadI have not had any of the login or logout problems so far10:57
Amaranth_Hiroshi_: the default desktop uses 96MB RAM without even opening any programs10:57
_Hiroshi_No no, its got OS 8 on it.10:57
armedkingSomething to do with linking somewhere i worked 2 days on it to get rendering going.10:57
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Overclocked_486eyequeue: The man pages state that pdksh reads and executes /etc/profile followed by $HOME/.profile at startup10:57
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_Hiroshi_I think its got 96..Im not sure..10:58
chuck8:/  i'm clueless when it comes to apples10:58
_Hiroshi_Although Im more sure its got 64..10:58
eyequeueOverclocked_486, then my workaround shouldn't be necessary, i gather your experience disagrees with the man page?10:58
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jugheadarmedking,  if my hardware was affected by the bug, would it have broken already?10:59
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_Hiroshi_Amaranth) I know it does, but I want to load it up anyway..10:59
=== Lukketto [n=luca@host169-154.pool876.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
mutil8so what about flash in amd6410:59
armedkingFresh install no, Upgrade or when you get the ati driver then yes10:59
Amaranth_Hiroshi_: did you get it installed?10:59
Amaranthmutil8: not possible10:59
linuxboyfriendFlannel, i have installed php5 but dont know how to enable it for apache10:59
Amaranthmutil8: not even on windows 64-bit10:59
_Hiroshi_No I Have OS-8 on it..10:59
eyequeueOverclocked_486, add set FOO="bar" and export $FOO to the file, then echo $FOO after logging in?  some sort of indicator whether it sources the file or not10:59
mutil8man that's annoying11:00
_Hiroshi_I used the Alternate CD and it wont even load..11:00
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mutil8my bank uses this stupid flash login11:00
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jugheadI did a fresh install, installed all of the updates, then installed the driver11:00
mutil8so i have to reboot if i need to check my bank account11:00
Amaranthlinuxboyfriend: if you install libapache2-mod-php5 it sets up apache11:00
Overclocked_486eyequeue: I emulated the syntax for the bash startup. looked like " if [ "$KSH" ]  ... . /etc/kshrc ", and I know /etc/kshrc works if explicitly executed.11:00
Amaranthmutil8: or install the 32-bit ubuntu11:00
eyequeueOverclocked_486, obviously you'll want to use pdksh's syntax, which probably differs from bash (which is why to make them separate commands)11:00
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_Hiroshi_It comes up with a white screen with a dos like prompt to it.. instead of it loading.11:00
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Amaranth_Hiroshi_: hrm11:00
eyequeueOverclocked_486, ah11:00
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Overclocked_486eyequeue: I meant I emulated the syntax in /etc/profile11:00
eyequeueOverclocked_486, understood11:01
chongbookcan someone tell me what replaced base-config in dapper?11:01
Amaranth_Hiroshi_: did you get to a spot where you had to hit enter?11:01
=== Rondom_ [n=Rondom@mrbg-d9b96495.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu
_Hiroshi_I got to the Ubuntu boot prompt11:01
_Hiroshi_I typed Install11:01
Togehello. do you know to CLOSE (not reset) the X server?11:01
_Hiroshi_and it uh..prompted to a white screen11:01
LjLToge: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop11:01
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ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .11:02
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linuxboyfriendAmaranth, dont i have to use php5 as module in httpd.conf or somewhere else?11:02
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eclypsehey all11:02
=== calisee [n=fcalise@n165s191.ntc.blacksburg.shentel.net] has joined #ubuntu
kandinskiis there a graphic tool for installing fonts in ubuntu?11:03
kandinskiif not, it is sorely needed11:03
Overclocked_486eyequeue: echo $FOO returned a blank line11:03
eyequeueOverclocked_486, sounds like it's not being sourced then11:03
eclypsekick ass! I finally got graphics accelleration working11:03
eclypseand I'm using KDE11:03
eclypseanyone know how to make it faster graphics wise?11:03
Overclocked_486eyequeue: yeah, which is pretty wierd.11:03
chongbookanyone know what replaced the base-config package in dapper? it seems to have been moved to universe and no longer installable11:03
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eyequeueOverclocked_486, presuming the set and export syntax is the same in pdksh11:03
Ayabaracould someone please take a look at the errors I get when unpacking the ati driver? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1566711:04
_Hiroshi_Alright, got an error message..11:04
_Nickwhat's the best ssh client for ubuntu?11:04
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chongbook_Nick, ssh?11:04
=== Jinkguns [n=Jinkguns@adsl-65-43-39-118.dsl.lgtpmi.ameritech.net] has joined #Ubuntu
eyequeue_Nick, sudo apt-get install openssh-client11:04
TassaDarKanybody knows why ubuntu don't use 5.1 speakers? (my ubuntu currently only uses front right&left)11:04
_Hiroshi_"Cant allocate initial device tree chunk"11:04
Overclocked_486eyequeue: I set and exported FOO in /etc/profile, which uses sh syntax, AFAIK11:04
tr1gg3r_Nick: iirc open ssh is installed by default, use that11:04
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_Hiroshi_Thats what I get, its a white screen with that message.11:04
TassaDarKi have to touch something in any config?11:04
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udodoes anyone knows how can i setup audio support for dapper release?11:05
kriegerbrb testing X with new Nvidia11:05
pianoboy3333I'm on the xubuntu desktop cd, how can I configure a printer?11:05
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jugheadpianoboy3333, there should be an option in the kmenu11:06
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ithielhello all11:06
pianoboy3333jughead: can you describe where in the menu?11:06
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ithielwhy can't I retrieve the EasyUbuntu script from Robotgeek's site?11:06
] GoldenDragonwhat if any are flaws or reasons why someone wouldnt want to use WINE?11:06
tr1gg3rpianoboy3333: if using cups u can go to http://localhost:631/11:06
ithielcan anyone direct me to a similar/better script, or another place to get it?11:06
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Some_PersonMy cdrom wont automount when i stick it in the drive (i have to go to terminal and type "mount /dev/cdrom" or "mount /dev/hdc' to mount it)11:06
calexok still tring to install vm ware tools form a tar i get it going but then get asked "what is the location of the directory of c header files that match your kernal? [/usr/src/linux/include] " i have no clue where to go here11:06
Overclocked_486eyequeue: typing . /etc/profile at the prompt works. It's definitely not being sourced.11:07
jugheadI'm running gnome not KDE, I cannot remember the exact location pianoboy333311:07
pianoboy3333I'm running xubuntu11:07
eyequeueOverclocked_486, weird11:07
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ithielanyone know where to get EasyUbuntu other than robotgeek's site or a similar/better script?11:07
Overclocked_486eyequeue: yeah, especially with the whole going contrary to the documentation part.11:07
ompaulandy101, as you may guess at this stage I have no idea11:07
_Nicktr1gg3r: I didn't find out that softwware11:07
chongbookithiel, doesnt that script just install the stuff on the RestrictedFormats wiki page?11:07
Flannellinuxboyfriend: right, read that page ubotu sent you, the php5 section, you'll need to get the apache module11:08
tr1gg3r_Nick: ?11:08
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andy101ompaul: thanks anyway11:08
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eyequeueOverclocked_486, if you find out the reality eventually, do file a bug to get the documentation squared away11:08
Overclocked_486Will do.11:08
=== Ayabara wonders if someone looked at his pastebin
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tr1gg3r_Nick: iirc=if i recall correctly11:08
Overclocked_486eyequeue: ksh -l works fine.11:08
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ithielchongbook mostly, but it does a few other things, I'd like very much to use that script, it could save me a huge amount of time11:09
eclypseanyone know any effecient KDE optimization tricks?11:09
eclypsespeeding it up graphics wise.11:09
Flanneleclypse: might try #kubuntu11:09
chongbookanyone know how to bootstrap ubuntu onto an nfsroot?11:09
=== benplaut_ [n=benplaut@cpe-70-95-146-177.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
_Hiroshi_Ah ok, its an ignored bug that was shipped with dapper..more namely the 2.6.15 kernel11:09
eclypsetechnically I'm on Ubuntu11:09
eclypserunning KDE11:09
h4v0ki need help unzipping a file and cant remember the modifiers:-(11:09
_Hiroshi_so yeah.11:09
spikebeclypse: actually you used to be able to change optimisation right within a kde dialogue11:09
_Hiroshi_Nice one guys... -tries to go fix-11:09
eclypsehow so?11:09
eyequeueh4v0k, man unzip11:09
Flanneleclypse: right, but #kubuntu is a place to ask with people who actually USE KDE.11:09
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spikebthe first run wizard used to do it, im not sure where to find it11:10
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h4v0kis it normally -xvfl or something like that11:10
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Some_PersonMy cdrom wont automount when i stick it in the drive (i have to go to terminal and type "mount /dev/cdrom" or "mount /dev/hdc' to mount it)11:10
=== h3sp4wn [n=samw@cpc1-leed11-0-0-cust262.leed.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
LjLeclypse: kubuntu *is* Ubuntu with KDE ;)11:10
calexok still tring to install vm ware tools form a tar i get it going but then get asked "what is the location of the directory of c header files that match your kernal? [/usr/src/linux/include] " i have no clue where to go here11:10
eclypseyeah I know11:10
eclypsethis channel is much more active though.11:10
Agrajagh4v0k: if it's a zip file, it's just unzip. if it's a tar.gz, tar xzf. if it's a tar.bz2, tar xjf.11:10
eclypsehence 900 people in here, 200 in kubuntu11:10
tr1gg3rSome_Person: use ivman11:10
Flanneleclypse: right, but this channel knows gnome, kubuntu people know KDE11:10
=== calisee [n=fcalise@n165s191.ntc.blacksburg.shentel.net] has joined #ubuntu
soundraySome_Person: that behavior is configured via System-Preferences-Removable Drives and Media11:10
Agrajagcalex: install the headers that match your kernel version11:11
tr1gg3rcalex: if u have the linux-headers for ur kernel installed that should be right11:11
Ayabarahow can I go back from xorg-driver-fglrx to the default ubuntu drivers?11:11
theinecalex: what kernel are you running? (output of "uname -r")11:11
apokryphosit's not just like that; almost every user in #kubuntu is in here too11:11
=== JackRazz [n=JackRazz@209-144-249-66-dyndsl.oplink.net] has joined #ubuntu
h3sp4wncalex: install build-essential and linux-headers11:11
Agrajagcalex: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`11:11
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soundrayeclypse: you sound like the guy who looked for his key where there was light, not where he lost it.11:11
h4v0kAgrajag: i did unzip blahblah.zip and it returned this error to me11:11
eclypsetoo true.11:11
h4v0k unzip el_120_linux_full.zip11:11
h4v0kArchive:  el_120_linux_full.zip11:11
h4v0k  End-of-central-directory signature not found.  Either this file is not11:11
h4v0k  a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.  In the11:11
h4v0k  latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on11:11
h4v0k  the last disk(s) of this archive.11:11
h4v0kunzip:  cannot find zipfile directory in one of el_120_linux_full.zip or11:11
h4v0k        el_120_linux_full.zip.zip, and cannot find el_120_linux_full.zip.ZIP, period.11:11
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eclypsehow do I cahnge my font color?11:12
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o apokryphos] by ChanServ
=== uXp [n=uXp@pool-72-78-145-90.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .11:12
eclypsedo you have to be op or something?11:12
Some_Personsoundray: its already set to automount11:12
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eclypsealso, I forget, how do you disable touch pad clicking again? I forgot which file it was..11:12
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h4v0kubotu:sorry bout that one11:12
ubotuh4v0k: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:12
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linuxboyfriendKyral_FreeBSD,  apache2 is automatically configured for php5, thanks for your help11:13
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h4v0kubotu:ok ty11:13
soundraySome_Person: is it the same thing with every CD?11:13
ubotuHuh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, h4v0k11:13
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Some_Personsoundray: yep11:13
_Hiroshi_Can anyone direct me to a Breezy powerPC installer?11:13
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udodoes anyone knows how can i setup audio support for dapper release?11:13
h4v0kubotu:do i need to do as sudo?11:13
eugmanHow do I uninstall a jnlp file?11:13
ubotuDo they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, h4v0k11:13
_Hiroshi_Can anyone direct me to a Breezy powerPC installer?11:13
soundraySome_Person: try commenting out the line in /etc/fstab that contains /dev/cdrom11:14
DPackratCan someone help me with the Livecd for Ubuntu? GDM doesn't load for me using an X700 card, and restarting GDM after I reconfigure it doesn't work either11:14
Agrajagh4v0k: the bot doesn't speak english.11:14
JackRazzHey everyone, If I have an AMD Athlon 64, which version of ubuntu is better:  32bit or 64bit???11:14
sparkleytone_Hiroshi_: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/5.10/release/11:14
_Hiroshi_Because Dapper is unusable in some macs due to a retarded bug that was purposly ignored..11:14
Bilange_Hiroshi_:  Mirror located at Montreal, QC Canada -> http://gulus.usherbrooke.ca/pub/distro/ubuntu/iso/breezy/ubuntu-5.10-install-powerpc.iso11:14
JackRazzis all the software available for 64bit11:14
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eclypseanyone know hwat all these errors are when I load Kate to edit something in terminal?11:14
_Hiroshi_Thanks Sparkley11:14
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Some_Personsoundray: ok11:14
h4v0kAgrajag:lmao oops i was chatting to the bot11:14
eclypseX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16811:14
eclypse  Major opcode:  14811:14
eclypse  Minor opcode:  311:14
eclypse  Resource id:  0x011:14
eclypseFailed to open device11:14
eclypseX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16811:14
eclypse  Major opcode:  14811:14
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .11:14
krazykitJackRazz: much of it is.  a few things still don't play nice with 64 bit though.  flash comes to mind.11:15
_Hiroshi_Thanks Bilange, that one will work.11:15
soundrayJackRazz: it depends on how you plan to use it. For general desktop use, you should stick with i38611:15
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sparkleytone_Hiroshi_: what's this about dapper being unusable on macs?   that sounds crappy...have a link?11:15
Some_Personsoundray: /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 is uncommented11:15
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JackRazzthanks everyone,  i'll stick to the 32 bit for now11:15
soundrayJackRazz: for memory i/o intensive applications, amd64 can be advantageous11:15
soundraySome_Person: I meant disable it.11:15
JackRazzjust want it for desktop and learning linux11:15
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sparkleytone_Hiroshi_: i run ubuntu server 5.10 on a colocated mac mini, so that interests me...11:16
JackRazzbeen using the vmware and want to progress to a more permanent install11:16
Ayabarawhen I try to remove xorg-driver-fglrx I get "dpkg-divert: rename involves overwriting `/usr/lib/libGL.so.1' with11:16
Ayabara  different file `/usr/lib/fglrx/libGL.so.1.xlibmesa', not allowed". heeelp11:16
JackRazzbye all11:16
Bilangeubotu:  tell eclypse about pastebin11:16
udodoes anyone knows how can i setup audio support for dapper release?11:17
eugmanHow do I uninstall a jnlp file?11:17
eclypsewhats this now?11:17
=== gerhard [n=gerhard@c1-79-9.rrba.isadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
calexagrajag : sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` worked a treat ill buy u a beer if ur ever in ireland11:17
eclypseI had to reconnect lol11:17
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eyequeueeclypse, see /topic11:18
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soundrayAyabara: you can force the uninstall by doing 'dpkg --force-overwrite-diverted -r xorg-driver-fglrx'11:19
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gerhardwhy is setting skype so difficult in ubuntu ??11:19
soundrayAyabara: with a sudo probably11:19
Ayabarasoundray: thanks a lot!!11:19
soundraygerhard: it's very easy with EasyUbuntu11:20
eyequeuegerhard, it's nonfree, unlike ekiga11:20
kriegergerhard, it isnt11:20
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kriegergerhard, just add the repos of skype to ur source.list and do a apt-get update and then apt-get install skype11:20
Dreamgliderhow can i uninstall OSS and go back to ALSA ?11:20
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Flannel!tell gerhard about skype11:21
EmxBAhow can i install GDM theme11:21
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EmxBAoh, hi anyone :D11:21
=== heyHowsITgoin [n=richard@adsl-068-209-175-191.sip.int.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
EmxBA!gdm theme11:21
ubotuBugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, EmxBA11:21
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Ayabarasoundray: I still get the same error, maybe I need to go back to the default drivers to uninstall or something?11:21
theineDreamglider: Are you sure you ever had OSS installed? It's usually emulated by ALSA11:21
_aaronhi, I can't get my wifi to work.. I've done a bit of searching and it's just kinda frustrating because ndiswrapper and madwifi are not in adept11:21
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ColdfyreEmxBA:  looking for gdm theme?11:21
heyHowsITgoini have the JACK sound server set up and am running oss apps through oss2jack but like after 30 seconds oss2jack and JACK just quit11:22
EmxBAi got it11:22
EmxBAjust want to install it11:22
Dreamglidertheine, i downloaded oss3994a-linux-x86-v26.tar and installed it last night, and after that i lost all sound11:22
EmxBAhow should i do that?11:22
boz-aaron a broadcom right??11:22
soundrayAyabara: have a look at the other forcing options: dpkg --force-help11:22
_aarondo you guys have any *good* links to howto wifi in kubuntu?11:22
kriegerheyHowsITgoin, for q3?11:22
Coldfyreopen your config window for gdm11:22
Coldfyreshould be a button to install11:22
rillianhi. can anyone sketch for me how to do a manual install of ubuntu? the install cds don't work on my machine. I've got it booting gentoo and would like to do a cross-install11:22
heyHowsITgoinkrieger: im talking on skype11:22
udodoes anyone knows how can i setup audio support for dapper release?11:22
EmxBAwhere is that11:22
kriegerheyHowsITgoin, umm sec11:22
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heyHowsITgoinkrieger: and  am running it through oss2jack and JACK but after like 30 seconds it just dies11:22
EmxBALogin Photo11:23
Flannelrillian: you can do a netinstall11:23
kriegerheyHowsITgoin, ill try to find a solution sec11:23
itayHi everyone, I am really Bored, Sorry for wasting a line in thic IRC11:23
heyHowsITgoinkrieger: k11:23
EmxBAlologin windows11:23
yoshiznit123rillian: you would probalby use debootstrap11:23
EmxBAthatis gdm11:23
krazykitrillian: if you read up on debootstrap, it's not bad to set up11:23
ColdfyreEmxBA:  system, login screen11:23
eugmanAnyone now how to uninstall a jnlp file?11:23
Coldfyreclick the themed greeter tab11:23
EmxBAColdfyre: solved11:23
kriegerheyHowsITgoin, try this:11:23
=== rillian will go read debootstrap
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theineDreamglider: Sorry, but I really don't know how to help you with this11:24
kriegerheyHowsITgoin, echo "skype 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss11:24
soundrayitay: compile an optimized kernel for your machine11:24
rillianFlannel: can you explain a little more?11:24
Dreamglidertheine, ok thanks anyways mate11:24
kriegerheyHowsITgoin, cho "skype 0 0 disable" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0c/oss11:24
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kriegerheyHowsITgoin, as root or with sudo11:24
itayThat sounds nice.... But I already did it11:24
soundrayitay: optimize it more ;)11:24
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itayOK I'll give it a try11:24
kriegerheyHowsITgoin, and then dont use the Jack crap11:25
Flannelrillian: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/Netboot11:25
soundrayitay: hexedit /boot/vmlinuz11:25
}btorch{has anyone here installed ubuntu on a xen domU ?11:25
heyHowsITgoinkrieger: thanks11:25
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kriegerheyHowsITgoin, np11:25
Kyral_FreeBSDI installed Debian DomU on a Ubuntu Dom0 :P11:25
itayI am not bored as much bored!11:25
Kyral_FreeBSDseriously you can transplant instructions for Debian into Ubuntu lol11:25
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kriegeryay my nvidia seems to work :)11:26
kriegerno more crashes11:26
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Dreamglideri downloaded oss3994a-linux-x86-v26.tar and installed it last night, and after that i lost all sound. how can i switch back to using ALSA ? i run dapper drake11:26
itayIt's just that my linux works perfect and I have nothing to install that I really need11:26
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kriegerDreamglider, remove the package and reinstall alsa11:26
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rillianFlannel: so the idea is that I can pass a different kernel?11:27
kriegeritay, install something u dont need11:27
Dreamgliderkrieger, i dont know how :/11:27
rillianFlannel: is there no way to invoke the cd installer from a running linux system?11:27
itaykrieger: do you know something interesting?11:27
kriegerDreamglider, okay let me do a little research brb11:27
Flannelrillian: um, there is, I think.11:27
kriegeritay, yakuake?11:28
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itaykrieger: That is to say -11:28
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=== cyphase wishes ogg audio and ogg video would have different extensions
kriegerDreamglider, did u compile it?!11:28
rilliancyphase: heh11:29
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Flannelrillian: check this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation, the Knoppix one might be of assistance11:29
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TassaDarKanybody knows why ubuntu don't use 5.1 speakers? (my ubuntu currently only uses front right&left)11:29
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croesusI've got a client who we just installed a dual boot with ubuntu, after install we went through and picked up software using the gui utility, among the packages is gnucash...can anybody tell me where in the menuing system it would have made a link to it?  He can run it from cli but would like to be able to open it with a mouse click...any help appreciated...I don't have it running locally....11:29
TassaDarKneither dolby in dvd movies11:29
HellDragondot dot com11:29
cyphaseTassaDarK, it depends on the program11:29
Kyral_FreeBSDcroesus: tell him to install and use Alacarte11:29
eyequeuecroesus, see applications > alacarte11:29
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cyphaseTassaDarK: Totem has an option to change the sound11:29
whyamihow would I reformat an xD card in a card reader connected via USB? I can see the files on it and I would like to reformat with fat16...11:29
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Dreamgliderkrieger, i did chmod +x oss-install && ./oss-install11:30
cyphaseTassaDarK: just look in the preferences11:30
kriegerDreamglider, just try to apt-get install alsa-tools11:30
soundraycroesus: I would guess that it goes to Applications-Office11:30
rillianFlannel: just what I was looking for, thanks!!11:30
whyamiKyral_FreeBSD: because that is what the camera is expecting, I assume....The card is for a camera...11:30
kriegerDreamglider, maybe that will relaunch the alsa things11:30
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TassaDarKcyphase yes11:30
croesusKyral_FreeBSD, eyequeue ,soundray thnaks11:30
TassaDarKi looked that11:30
cafuegowhyami: You can use the partiino editor or use 'mkfs -t vfat' on the commandline.11:31
cyphasei don't know then11:31
cyphasesorry :(11:31
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kriegerDreamglider, next time use apt to install ur programms, with that u can use dpkg -r to remove ur progs11:31
TassaDarKis in 5.1 but audio only sounds in 2 of the 4 speakers11:31
whyamicafuego: but don't I need to know the mount point? That's what i can't figure out....11:31
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cafuegowhyami: 'df' in a terminal.11:31
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TassaDarKsame for xmms11:31
cafuegowhyami: You need the device node btw, not the mount point.11:31
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whyamicafuego: thanks! I'm trying now....11:32
cafuegowhyami: It'll be sda or sdb probably.11:32
kriegerDreamglider, a lot easyier ... and if u dont find any packages try apt-get.org (or something) its a search engine fpr packages, just add it to ur sources and apt-get it ;)11:32
eamohi, trying to upgrade to dapper from breezy- error message  - "could not calculate the upgrade - unknown error", any idea what might be the problem?11:32
kbrookseamo: that's weird.11:32
Dreamgliderkrieger, allright, now after installing alsa should i reboot or is there more to it ?11:33
cafuegoeamo: Last I checked there was a thunderbird/enigmal package version problem.11:33
TassaDarKcrimsun_ do u have time to help me with (another) sound problem please?11:33
kriegerDreamglider, just try a reboot and then fire up alsa-mixer, c if he got anything for you ;)11:33
Dreamgliderkrieger, ok ok thanks11:33
TassaDarKyour are the pro here in that matter11:33
=== xavier_ [n=xavier@boi59-1-82-66-127-67.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
eamocafuego, I use thunderbird ok11:33
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kriegerDreamglider, np11:34
whyamicafuego: if was sdc1. First it told me that /dev/sdc1 contained a mounted file system. I umounted /media/usbdisk. Now mkfs says "unable to open /dev/sdc1"11:34
crimsun_TassaDarK: not at the moment, assist queue is full11:34
nooby_godwhat's better linux-wlan-ng or ndiswrapper?11:34
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cafuegowhyami: You need to put 'sudo' in front.11:34
TassaDarKok, thanks anyway :-)11:34
h3sp4wnnooby_god: Avoid ndiswrapper if you can11:34
kriegerTassaDarK, maybe i can help u?11:34
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TassaDarKoh yes, please11:34
xavier_you are taking together or11:34
whyamicafuego: I should have known that. Thanks. That appears to have worked...11:35
TassaDarKis about my 5.1 speakers11:35
_Mr_Denix_Hi . I have installed gaim 2.0 beta 3 (deb package) using sudo dpkg -i filename and it still has gaim 1.5 in   application - internet - gaim ... could anyone help me pls !? thank you11:35
TassaDarKnone applications uses it11:35
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TassaDarKubuntu only uses front right&left11:35
gravesoni create a new ookmark toolbar folder in firefox ,but it never appears ,any reason why ?11:35
nooby_godh3sp4wn is there a paticular reason?11:35
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danfgwhere is wine's fake c drive?11:35
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kriegerTassaDarK, okay, i never did that, but i google a bit, brb11:35
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chongbookdAndy, iirc its in ~/.wine11:35
nooby_godlinux-wlan-ng uses a lot of non standard tools and ndiswrapper seams easy11:35
cafuegodanfg: in ~/.win I believe.11:35
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visik7anyone was able to recomile iptables 1.3.3-2 from sid to dapper ?11:36
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h3sp4wnnooby_god: You are better off with native drivers if you can what card are you using ?11:36
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kriegerTassaDarK, go in a console and try a "sudo alsamixer"11:37
danfgcafuego, chongbook: there's nothing in there, how do i tell wine to make one? preferably telling it where to put it?11:37
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kriegerTassaDarK, unmute ur speakers and then pump up the volume, c what it does11:37
nooby_godh3sp4wn Linksys WUSB11 V3, it's a PRISM2 USB device11:37
kriegeryepp go ahead11:38
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danfgi've got no -/.wine or -/.win, just -/.wapi. how do i tell wine to make a fake c drive? preferably telling it where it should go11:38
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chongbookdanfg, isnt there a program called winesetup?11:39
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chongbooki havent used wine in years but iirc you use that11:39
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mjrwinesetup is obsolete11:39
nooby_godso what's better for me then? ndiswrapper or linux-wlan-ng11:40
kriegerdanfg, apt-get install winesetuptk11:40
chongbooklike i said havent used it in years ;)11:40
h3sp4wnnooby_god: Is it not already detected ?11:40
nooby_godI believe wine uses winecfg now11:40
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nooby_godh3sp4wn I don't know really11:40
kriegerdanfg, and fire up wine again, should help ya11:40
nooby_godI'll try again11:40
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_Mr_Denix_i have downloaded gaim-bonjour-2.0.0-0.beta3.fc4.i386.rpm converted it with alien, installed it using sudo dpkg -i filename and it still starts gaim 1.5 . what should i do ? thanks11:41
Gioblecchhi. to everyone. i'm italian boy. i want to try linux word. which linux suggest you? i've downloaded Linspire and xandros but my friend say that they are bad.. therefore he says: ubuntu. your opinion? thanks11:42
krieger_Mr_Denix_, stupid but... tried to start gaim2 ?11:42
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Gioblecchhi. to everyone. i'm italian boy. i want to try linux word. which linux suggest you? i've downloaded Linspire and xandros but my friend say that they are bad.. thean he says: ubuntu. your opinion? thanks11:42
kriegerGioblecch, u are in a ubuntu chan, what du u expect we say????11:42
jatilqI'm hoping someone can help me11:42
jatilqmy laptop is running at 149 F11:42
jatilqthe fan is not shutting on at all11:43
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_Mr_Denix_krieger : lol     alt + f2 : gaim2 => cannot display location 'file://gaim2'11:43
jatilqis there a way to change that?11:43
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krieger_Mr_Denix_, lol11:43
krieger_Mr_Denix_, start a console and type it in there11:43
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jatilqin windows I couldnt get the fan to shutup now its not on at all11:43
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jatilqI have ubuntu setup the way I want, would suck to have to format11:44
kriegerjatilq, doenst ur bios regulate it?11:44
h4v0kjatilq:ahh perfect lol11:44
TassaDarKkrazykit that don't solve nothing11:44
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jatilqmy bios has a perfomance setting11:44
kriegerTassaDarK, strange11:44
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jatilqbut its not turning on11:44
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_Mr_Denix_krieger : if type gaim2 => bash: gaim2: command not found11:44
_Mr_Denix_  if type gaim 2 starts gaim 1.5 (normal gaim on ubuntu)11:44
kriegerjatilq, i dont think thats ubuntus fault11:44
TassaDarKthe problem is audio sounds only in front right&left speakers11:44
jatilqperfomance= running all the time quiet= does not shut on as much11:45
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krieger_Mr_Denix_, hehe i said it is a stupid idea^^11:45
TassaDarKcentral and behind don't sound11:45
jatilqdsmeg says the fan module is not loaded11:45
TassaDarKeven in dolby digital dvd movies11:45
Dreamgliderkrieger, no luck, i still have a "stop sign" on the speaker, if i try to open it i get: Error. No volume control GStreamer plugin and/or devices found"11:45
_Mr_Denix_krieger : lol ! has it got anything to do with the fact that it's for FC4 ?11:45
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jatilq/etc/rc.d/rc.hotplug no file or directory11:45
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_Mr_Denix_krieger : gaim-bonjour-2.0.0-0.beta3.fc4.i38611:46
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krazykitTassaDarK: huh?11:46
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danfgkrieger: thanks :)11:46
TassaDarKmy soundcard is a Extigy, a usb card, can be a incompatibility 'cause that?11:46
krieger_Mr_Denix_, dont think so... should work but ur system didnt recognize the new version so something got wrong i guess11:46
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jatilqfan    4836  011:46
TassaDarKkrazykit sorry, it wasnt u xD11:46
jatilqlsmod shows that11:46
krazykitoh, wrong tab completion11:46
kriegerdanfg, np11:46
TassaDarKyes, sorry :-/11:46
|lostbyte|why do we have so little fonts for konsole ?11:46
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_Mr_Denix_krieger thanks for trying :) keep looking around !hope i won't damage anything :))11:47
blankyhow do you uncompress bz2 files?11:47
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blanky.tar.bz2 specifically11:47
jatilqis there a way to load the fan module?11:47
jatilqor load hotplug on startup?11:47
NoUse!tell jatilq about tar11:47
krieger_Mr_Denix_, maybe i get a deb package for it, ask in a while, maybe i can send it to you11:47
h4v0kok plz help i did sudo unzip -xfl el_120_linux_full and it then listed all the files in the zip file but didnt unzip it why not?11:47
spaceyblanky: tar jxvf bla.tar.bz211:47
blankythanks Spaceraver11:47
spaceyblanky: or just use the gnome thingy11:47
jatilq!tell NoUse11:47
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NoUsejatilq ?11:48
bleaked_so on my friend's laptop, he has his onboard sound, and a usb audigy Zs.  both work fine..  suddenly now when he's playing music.. it will play one song from the laptop speakers, then the next song on the usb-connected soundcard..  randomly by song..11:48
=== seres [n=seres@64-110-196-144.regn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu
_Mr_Denix_krieger i would appreciate it ! thank you ! i will ask in about 1 hour :)11:48
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=== Tedd_ [n=na@ool-457b3b63.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
krieger_Mr_Denix_, nooo tomorow ^^ i have to go to sleep in a few mins, but wait... ill search11:48
dallinghamI'm trying to install from the Live CD. As soon as the X server starts up, I start getting pink and white stripes on the screen, and then the screen becomes a garbled mess. I have an Nvidia GeForce MX 440 card. Is there a way to get around this problem?11:48
=== nooby_god [i=nooby_go@CPE000c41b31da7-CM00080d825a44.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
_Mr_Denix_krieger lol ! thank you :))11:48
serescan anyone help me half my desktop is out of my monitor and i dont know how it got like that11:49
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_Mr_Denix_seres try adjusting it from the monitor controls ( the buttons on the monitor)11:49
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|lostbyte|Google earth for linux os out :)11:49
|lostbyte|Beta state..11:49
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mikejDo I have the option of compiling certain packages from source?11:49
jatilqanyone have an ideal about the fan module or if hotplug would help?11:49
kriegermikej, sure11:49
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bleaked_|lostbyte|: yea like 3 days ago11:50
jatilq149 just seems a bit hot for the cpu11:50
h4v0kseres:try to move the side that is on the monitor to the other side aka minimize it and then grab it by the top bar and slide it over11:50
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jesus_duro de peinar11:50
cafuego149F I presume?11:50
jesus_ahora si estoy frito11:50
|lostbyte|bleaked_, So how is it ?11:50
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.11:50
mikejkrieger, I mean with package management and such, the Synaptic give me that option?11:50
|lostbyte|Is it ubuntu friendly ?11:50
krieger_Mr_Denix_, no package out yet11:50
=== tomh__ [i=tomh@silenceisdefeat.org] has joined #ubuntu
jesus_e17 con el archivo que me decia11:51
jesus_pero no monta11:51
jatilqso I should not sweat the fan not turning on?11:51
seresmr denix i tryed that and i cant move it over enough11:51
kriegermikej, nope compiling is handmade ;)11:51
=== Shadyman_ [n=Matthew@bas1-ottawa23-1128766322.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
h4v0kjatilq:do you know the model of your fan11:51
_Mr_Denix_krieger don't try to much ! if not tonight tomorrow ! no worries ! you can go to sleep ! thank  you for your help :)11:51
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jatilqits a toshiba satellite l2511:51
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mikejkrieger I'll stick with binary packages then, I'm so used to Gentoo11:51
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kriegermikej, jepp i was on gentoo too11:52
h4v0kjatilq :: maybe if you use modprobe to load it in there it will kick on if you have the correct drivers for it11:52
jesus_no monta nin gun entorno x11:52
jatilqmodprobe fan?11:52
jesus_solo elque tenia11:52
=== sskroeder [n=sskroede@0xc2ff91db.ejb01.dsl.telianet.dk] has joined #ubuntu
kriegermikej, you can compile by hand everything else is bin... the only distros with source are gentoo and LFS... everything else is bin dude11:52
jesus_pero se queda y no abre nada11:52
jesus_solo me abrio esto11:53
Overclocked_486Does anyone know where I can find a given application's source code?11:53
h4v0kjesus:dude habla engles por favor11:53
tiagoboldtjesus_: english please11:53
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tiagoboldtnada de espanol11:53
jatilqi typed sudo modprobe fan11:53
Overclocked_486Is it generally included in the package?11:53
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jatilqdid not kick back any erros11:53
h4v0kjatilq:and what did it give you11:53
jatilqbut the fan is still off11:53
kriegerkay ppz11:53
kriegerbye bye11:53
kasemodzhi i need some help with setting up a default gateway device on ubuntu11:53
kasemodzi have two nics and each go to a different router11:54
h4v0kjatilq:ok now do lsmod and see if its loaded in the modules11:54
kasemodzwhen i enable one router it automaticall defaults into that nics11:54
kriegerkasemodz, use iptables11:54
kriegerkasemodz, use arnolds iptables script for that, that will help u, try to google it out ;)11:54
kasemodzuhmm krieger could u explain in detail11:54
Ignitehey guys i have that cool thing (not xgl the other one.. keep forgetting the name) along with compiz, the gnome panel and background go white when its running and the same happens with xchat (just a window border with a white area), so i presumed the bug was application dependent, thus i installed xfce4, anyone know how i can use compiz with xfce4? thanks11:54
jatilqh4v0k: still not loaded11:54
kasemodzok thanks11:54
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kriegerkasemodz, iptables is a firewall and a routing software11:55
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kriegerkasemodz, that has the opinion to act as a gateway11:55
acke_hey guys11:55
kriegerkasemodz, arnolds firewall script does generate the rules for u (u`ll get what rules etc are in google)11:55
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kriegernow its time11:55
h3sp4wnkrieger: Do you know alot about iptables ?11:56
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acke_would you know of any good sound manipulating applications? have an interview on minidisc. I need to record and manipulate the interview11:56
kasemodzwell i dont think kriger understood my question right11:56
=== Aegir [n=richard@d58-108-19-204.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
kasemodzi basically dont want my computer to be a default gateway device11:56
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kasemodzi want it to use only one nic as default gateway device11:56
h3sp4wnkrieger: i.e the use of ipt_CONNMARK and ipt_layer7 (for prioritising traffic)11:56
h3sp4wnkrieger: And the mangle table11:57
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kasemodzand the problem is that is when i enable another nic it automitatically uses that nica nd i dont want it to do that11:57
_Mr_Denix_h3sp4wn    * krieger has quit ("Verlassend"11:57
=== Das|School is now known as Daskies
|lostbyte|COuld anyone give me a one liner to set iptables to do masq ?11:58
acke_would you know of any good sound manipulating applications? have an interview on minidisc. I need to record and manipulate the interview?11:58
Matthewvacke_, audacity?11:58
kasemodzumm acke use audacity11:58
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acke_matthewv im gonna check it out11:58
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e44bdd7.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
kasemodzbut can anyone help out with this gateway default device11:58
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h3sp4wnMr_Denix: /sudo sysctl net/ipv4/ip_forward=1 && sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ath0 -j MASQUERADE11:59
gravesonacke:audacity is quite good11:59
cypenguini need help to configure swap on lvm... anyone?11:59
h3sp4wnMr_Denix: sudo sysctl net/ipv4/ip_forward=1 && /sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ath0 -j MASQUERADE (sorry set ath0 to be your outgoing interface)11:59
tescoilUpgraded to 6.06.  Gimp now has no print facilities.  This rates pretty intolerable.11:59
_Mr_Denix_h3sp4wn ! thank you but I have no ideea what that is12:00

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