
=== Amaranth [n=amaranth@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #edubuntu
pygihey hey Amaranth :P12:08
=== sbartleylinux [n=sbartley@] has joined #edubuntu
sbartleylinuxogra: ping12:13
=== EmxBA [n=emx@as58-ob1.dlp412.bih.net.ba] has joined #edubuntu
EmxBAhi again!12:18
lucasvo23:36 < lucasvo> EmxBA: wow. you are even younger than I am!!12:18
lucasvo23:37 < lucasvo> 2 years. not much...12:18
lucasvoEmxBA: you are from bolivia?12:18
lucasvochavez? :P12:18
EmxBAnot bolivia12:18
pygilucasvo, bleh12:18
pygiBosnia :P12:19
EmxBAlucasvo, how do you know how old am I?12:19
lucasvoEmxBA: I read your wikipage12:19
EmxBApylucasvo: really?12:19
=== lucasvo is ashamed that he hasn't one
EmxBAwhat do you think about it=12:19
EmxBAso how old are you12:20
EmxBA14+2= 1612:20
EmxBAtill now you were the youngest12:20
EmxBAnow it's me12:20
crimsun_(you are going to need a wiki page sooner than later if you plan to apply for membership...)12:20
lucasvocrimsun_: yes12:21
EmxBAhigvoltage, are you sleeping or what ?12:21
lucasvocrimsun_: but atm I don't have time for it12:21
bluekujapygi: mario!!12:21
EmxBAlucasvo: where do you live12:21
pygibluekuja, what!!12:21
EmxBAbluekuja: oh, hi12:21
bluekujahello EmxBA :)12:21
lucasvocrimsun_: and if I don't even have time for the wikipage it's probably not very usefull for applying as a member ship12:21
EmxBAhow are you12:21
pygiwhat's up andrea? :)12:21
lucasvoEmxBA: switzerland12:21
bluekujapygi: i just went home from party12:21
lucasvobuongiorno bluekuja 12:22
pygiah, was it good? :)12:22
bluekujaEmxBA: I'm really good12:22
EmxBAbluekuja, do you know is higvoltage sleeping or away or what12:22
EmxBAi need him 12:22
lucasvoEmxBA: he is probably away12:22
bluekujalucasvo: it's buonanotte now :)12:22
lucasvoEmxBA: what do you need him for?12:22
lucasvobluekuja: no12:22
lucasvoa new day just started12:22
bluekujaEmxBA: he's away12:22
EmxBAi want to become a member of edubuntu-doc12:22
pygilucasvo, he want to become ubuntu-doc member :P12:22
EmxBAi just want to write documents 12:22
EmxBAfor edubuntu :-))))))12:23
bluekujalucasvo: oh cool12:23
lucasvoEmxBA: you can write without being a member12:23
bluekujalucasvo: it's night here :)12:23
lucasvobluekuja: my italian grade is not so cool12:23
crimsun_lucasvo: understood, but time is something you make.12:23
EmxBAi can write few nice docs12:23
lucasvobluekuja: yeah here to12:23
bluekujapygi: party was great12:23
EmxBAand can i become member when i write my first docs?12:23
lucasvocrimsun_: yes. and at the moment I really don't want to drop out of school12:23
pygibluekuja, nice to hear that :)12:23
crimsun_lucasvo: good, don't.12:24
EmxBApygi, have you read my wiki page?12:24
bluekujapygi: I've met a really cool girl12:24
lucasvobluekuja: congrats12:24
pygiEmxBA, don't have time for that, sorry :P12:24
bluekujalucasvo: :D 12:24
EmxBApygi: no problems12:24
EmxBAbluekuja: how old are you12:24
bluekujalucasvo: it's not a normal girl eh12:25
EmxBAi am 14 :-)12:25
bluekuja18 man :)12:25
EmxBAthe youngest member of #edubuntu12:25
bluekujammm.... yes12:25
EmxBAprobably the youngest of all *ubuntu teams12:25
bluekujayeah maybe12:25
bluekujaEmxBA, your wiki page link?12:25
EmxBAshould i get a reward :-)12:25
lucasvook, I am of to sleep12:26
bluekujalucasvo, cya I'm off too, i gonna write some sms12:26
pygienjoy bluekuja :P12:26
pygitime to continue work tommorow :P12:26
lucasvobluekuja: why don't you invite her over? it's easier to talk or whatever not sms :P12:26
bluekujapygi, 10 more minutes12:26
pygi(today that is :P)12:26
bluekujalucasvo: i know, we are quite far away12:27
bluekujaso the only way now is sms12:27
bluekujauntil friday12:27
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lucasvoEmxBA: yes, and I should be jealous12:27
bluekujalucasvo: how old are you?12:27
lucasvobluekuja: 1612:27
lucasvobluekuja: where do you live?12:28
=== pygi calls people for massive voting on "http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1158" with 10 :)
EmxBAwho's the eldest ubuntu member :-)12:28
bluekujalucasvo: italy12:28
EmxBAi live in bosnia12:28
EmxBAnear mario :D12:28
lucasvobluekuja: north, south?12:28
bluekujanorth :)12:28
lucasvobluekuja: I am going to apullia this summer12:28
bluekujawhats that?12:28
EmxBApygi, i voted 10 :D12:28
lucasvohm, ok. in german it's apulien. It's in the very south of italy12:29
lucasvobluekuja: what is this area called?12:29
bluekujado you mean sicily?12:29
lucasvobluekuja: no12:30
lucasvoit's in the east12:30
bluekujaoh puglia?12:30
lucasvocould be12:30
bluekujaoh nice12:30
lucasvoit will be hot12:30
bluekujawell we are quite far away12:30
EmxBA bluekuja, just a question12:30
bluekuja300 or more km12:31
EmxBAhow can i do that thing which all of you do12:31
EmxBAwhich mario did12:31
EmxBAi mean something like ***emx is youngest member12:31
lucasvobluekuja: I am probably nearer to you in zurich than in south italy12:31
=== pygi wonders whats :P
=== bluekuja asks to EmxBA what he needs?
lucasvoEmxBA: /me blah?12:31
EmxBAyes, that12:31
=== lucasvo blah
bluekujajust do /me etc12:32
=== bluekuja etc
=== EmxBA EmxBA is the youngest member of all ubuntu channels
bluekujadont put your name12:32
bluekujalucasvo, yeah12:32
=== EmxBA is young :D
bluekujawe can meet if you want12:32
=== lucasvo will be 18 till he dies :P
lucasvo->Brian adams12:32
lucasvobluekuja: when I settled things in school, why not?12:33
=== EmxBA says nice quote: "youngs use linux for young human beings"
EmxBAthatis edubuntu12:33
=== jinty [n=jinty@242.Red-83-49-54.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #edubuntu
lucasvocya guys12:33
bluekujacya man take care12:33
=== EmxBA smrhc....lucasvo is leaving us...
pygiEmxBA, bleh12:34
pygionly english here :P12:34
lucasvook, just finished packing my schoolbag.12:34
lucasvobluekuja: how old are you? btw12:34
bluekujapygi: i decided to write sms here, so we can stay together12:34
EmxBApygi, ok12:34
pygilucasvo, she told you :P12:35
EmxBAagain i congratulate on wonderful app12:35
bluekujalucasvo: I'm 1812:35
=== bluekuja wonders why pygi said "she told you"
pygibleh, ignore me :P12:35
=== EmxBA is almost sleeping
=== pygi is very tired, sorry :-/
crimsun_geez, younguns.12:36
bluekujait's correct that i said it12:36
bluekujabut you alwais write "she"12:36
pygibleh :P12:36
lucasvohe confused me12:36
lucasvoI knew Andrea is a boys name in italian12:36
EmxBAshe or he? to be or not to be :-)12:36
bluekujalucasvo, yes12:36
lucasvobluekuja: in german it's both12:37
bluekujait's both male and female12:37
=== pygi is just often confused :P
EmxBAfor me that is female name :)12:37
EmxBAjust a joke12:37
pygibleh, sorry bluekuja :P12:37
bluekujapygi: you're alwais great :D12:37
pygibleh :P12:37
EmxBApygi: is bonfire added to multiverse12:37
pygiEmxBA, lol, why multiverse12:37
EmxBAmaybe universe12:38
EmxBAi voted for bonfire12:38
EmxBAnow it is 9.14 !12:38
pygineither universe12:38
bluekujapygi: fixed errors I told you before?12:38
pygibonfire cannot go in Dapper12:38
pygibluekuja, nop, I am afraid you'll have to do it :P12:39
bluekujait's not gnome-version12:39
EmxBAthese are rpms12:39
EmxBAand sources12:39
bluekujapygi: ok then12:39
pygibluekuja, I am no expert with rpm stuff :P12:39
pygiEmxBA, you need gnome 2.14.212:39
EmxBApygi, can i translate it to bosnian?12:39
bluekujaok, I'll do it12:39
EmxBAi have gnome 2.14.112:40
EmxBAhow do i update it12:40
EmxBAsudo apt-get install gdm?12:40
bluekujaEmxBA: do i accepted you into -testers?12:40
pygibluekuja, thanks :)12:41
pygiEmxBA, yup, sure :)12:41
pygiEmxBA, dapper doesnt have new gnome :P12:41
EmxBAbluekujea: edubuntu-testers?12:41
=== EmxBA always says bluekujea or something bad
=== EmxBA bluekuja is right :D
EmxBAbluekuja: yes you have accepted me12:42
bluekujagreat, i hope you have read the wiki page12:43
pygiEmxBA, why do you wanna be member of every possible team on the LP planet? :-/12:43
bluekujaabout the team12:43
EmxBAi have read12:43
EmxBAi am downloading Edubuntu 6.0612:43
EmxBAtakes much12:43
EmxBAi know what should i test, check, submit12:44
pygibluekuja, thanks, now we'll have it in both gentoo and Redhat thingy :)12:44
pygiand soon, very soon in Debian/Ubuntu;)12:44
EmxBApygi: i do not want to become member of all teams12:45
EmxBAjust Edubuntu teams12:45
bluekujapygi: happy to sponsor a great package12:45
EmxBAand few ubuntu12:45
pygiEmxBA, bleh, that qualifies as "all" in my eyes :P12:45
EmxBAall edubuntu teams12:45
EmxBAnot "all" teams12:45
pygiyou need that for every team you have duties? :)12:46
EmxBAi don't understand you :)12:46
EmxBA ?12:47
pygiergh, every team you are in brings certain responsibilities12:47
=== pygi is sure he spelled this wrong :P
EmxBAi know12:47
EmxBAi know that12:47
pygirather concentrate on few or even one of them12:48
pygiand do quality job12:48
EmxBAevery team has "rules" and certain  responsibility12:48
EmxBAok, good advice12:48
EmxBAtnx :)12:48
bluekujapygi: I'm building it on my chroot 12:49
=== EmxBA annoyed 'cause pygi left the room
=== EmxBA had something important to tell him :)
EmxBAbluekuja, is it ok now12:50
EmxBAsee https://launchpad.net/people/emxba12:50
EmxBAi am just member of few edubuntu teams12:50
bluekujayeah, coc is signed correctly12:50
EmxBAi know12:51
EmxBAand i got OpenPGP key12:51
=== jinty [n=jinty@15.Red-83-50-220.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #edubuntu
EmxBAis my picture ok?12:51
EmxBAi have few similar which i created from original edubuntu logo12:51
EmxBAis it ok now?12:52
EmxBAglass effect12:52
bluekujaif you want to contribute to artwork12:52
bluekujajust talk with jane12:52
EmxBAyes, i want12:52
bluekujaor jonathan12:52
bluekujaogra too12:52
EmxBAis ogra here?12:52
EmxBAjonathan is away12:53
bluekujaoliver will help you with that too12:53
EmxBAis this image good?12:53
crimsun_EmxBA: I think your wiki page is a bit redundant. There's no need to list the teams of which you're a part, since they're already linked in your LP page. :)12:53
EmxBAcrimsun_: ok12:53
crimsun_EmxBA: otherwise, they both look good.12:53
EmxBAi just thoght that it would be ok12:53
crimsun_EmxBA: well sure, it's /your/ wiki page, do whatever. My suggestion is that you concentrate on documenting what you do in {Ed,}ubuntu12:54
EmxBAbluekuja, is it better now :)12:54
bluekujatry to create a wallpaper12:55
bluekujait would be nice to see what can you do12:55
EmxBAwhich consist of all these small pictures?12:55
EmxBAand this one: http://librarian.launchpad.net/3026119/orange.png12:55
EmxBAor red one:http://librarian.launchpad.net/3026120/red.png12:56
EmxBAor blue:http://librarian.launchpad.net/3026121/blue.png12:56
EmxBAif edubuntu becomes kedubuntu :D12:56
EmxBAcrimsun_: i changed it now 12:57
=== EmxBA waits for Andrea to answer
bluekujawell, they are nice but try to create something new, special12:58
EmxBAmaybe same logo just changed a lot 12:59
bluekujaare you good with design stuff=12:59
EmxBAin which meaning12:59
=== EmxBA wants to chat faster, gotta sleep :|
=== EmxBA is now known as skolarci
=== skolarci is now known as EmxBA
EmxBAbluekuja, i would appeciate if you would talk to jonathan or someone who is admin on that artwork project for edubuntu01:02
=== EmxBA really wants to sleep
EmxBAbluekuja, i can't wait any longer01:03
EmxBAi really need some rest01:03
EmxBAcontact me at emx@linux.org.ba01:03
EmxBAemx AT linux DOT org DOT ba01:03
bluekujaEmxBA: sorry to answer slow01:03
EmxBAi know you are busy01:03
EmxBAon all those channels01:03
EmxBAso i gotta go01:03
EmxBAsay what you need to say01:04
EmxBAnow or never :)01:04
EmxBAjust kidding01:04
bluekujacya man01:04
bluekujasee you01:04
EmxBAsee ya01:04
EmxBAan the artwork?01:04
EmxBAwho should i contact, bluekuja01:04
EmxBAis that her nick01:05
EmxBAand ogra01:05
EmxBAJaneW is not online now01:05
bluekujayou can ask him too01:05
=== EmxBA wants to sleep
=== EmxBA leaving...
EmxBAsee ya all01:06
=== EmxBA [n=emx@as58-ob1.dlp412.bih.net.ba] has left #edubuntu []
ogrameh, i missed sbartleylinux ...01:08
ograbluekuja, please dont point people to jane anymore, she has her last day tomorrow01:09
ogra(and wont have the time to do any edubuntu stuff in her new job)01:09
bluekujaogra: ok oliver sorry, i didnt know that01:10
bluekujai'll point people to you then .D01:10
ograit was announced in one of the last meetings01:10
ograbut wasnt made very public so was easy to miss01:10
bluekujaok perfect, meeting tomorrow?01:11
bluekujaok perfect, i need to add 2 points01:12
bluekujato the agend01:12
ogradoit :)01:12
bluekujawhat time?01:12
bluekuja12:00 utc as usually?01:13
ograas every second one, yesw01:13
bluekujaok, great . It's a good time01:14
bluekujaogra: so jane won't be in #edubuntu ?01:17
ograshe'll be here for the meeting tomorrow, but then leave canonical for a new job ...01:17
ograi think she plans to be around occasionally, but wont take any responsibilities01:17
bluekujaaww :( 01:18
bluekujano good news01:19
ograwell, it was her choice01:19
ograi'm not thrilled either...01:20
bluekujayou don't know more about it? I mean, she was unhappy with her work?01:21
ograits hard to keep a real life intact in that job ... and you are at home but have to send your kids away because youre busy on irc 01:22
ograi can imagine how that might get hard ...01:23
bluekujayeah, that's true01:23
ograso i can understand her decision to work from an office thats not your living room and where someone sends you home at some point 01:23
bluekujayeah, exactly. Anyway I'm unhappy for her01:24
ogra(dunno if she has a separate office or not, but you get what i mean)01:24
bluekujashe was a really good person01:25
ograit will have a non trivial impact that she leaves ... 01:25
bluekujai hope to meet her again01:26
bluekuja(tomorrow as you said)01:26
bluekujaogra: I add points on agenda and I'm off to bed01:31
ogranight then :)01:32
bluekujacya, goodnight to you too :)01:32
ograhmm, i dont see any changes on the agenda01:32
ograare you sure you used the right wikipage ? 01:33
bluekujaediting it right now 01:33
bluekujai ping you when done01:34
=== Laser_away is now known as LaserJock
ograno need to, i'm subscribed01:34
bluekujaoh oki01:37
bluekujadone, see you tomorrow01:37
bluekujacya :)01:37
LaserJockogra: edubunt-dynamic-menus are now High priority :-)01:45
LaserJockwhat exactly does that mean?01:46
ograi had marked it medium but mdz thinks its high :)01:46
ograthe higher the prio the likelier it gets implemented 01:46
LaserJockso who decides who works on it? is that part of the specing process?01:46
ogradone by sabdfl, mdz and Keybuk atm01:47
LaserJockthey do like to crack the whip don't they :-)01:48
ograheh, probably :)01:48
=== P3L|C4N0 [n=sopmac@] has joined #edubuntu
LaserJockhow come the CD diet still undefined?01:51
=== ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has left #edubuntu ["Leaving"]
=== ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #edubuntu
ograLaserJock, mdz didnnt consider it a spec, he wants subspecs for every single task (while i just wanted a final seedlist after the BOF discussion)01:52
ogras/final/semi final, modulo development changes indeed/01:54
LaserJockhmm, so a spec for each addition/removal?01:55
ograseems like 01:56
ograthe CD diet has also no priority ...01:56
ograwe can drop develpment completely if it isnt implemented in edgy since we have nop opportunity to make more room, so i had marked it essential initially, but well 01:57
LaserJockdo we really need TB approval for it?01:57
LaserJockI would think you would just redo the seeds ;-)01:58
ograwell, i wanted to have time to review and measure during the BOFs01:58
ograto determine the best for us ...01:58
LaserJockbut can we (EC and anybody else who's in Paris) do it anyway?01:59
ograbut i tend to agree, lets rather drop it and i'll just do the changes, it will be a lot of extra unnecessary paperwork to spec every change01:59
=== P3L|C4N0 [n=sopmac@] has joined #edubuntu
LaserJockI mean, I can see specing the drop of the KDE apps02:00
ogra(that was the intention to do this rather global spec)02:00
LaserJockbut every little things seems a bit excessive02:00
ograas long as we stay with these two suggestions already listed there, it wont be much work, but i was hoping to get a bigger list through the discussion02:02
=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@] has joined #edubuntu
LaserJockI sure wish it was easier to deviate from ubuntu-desktop and pull in some Universe apps02:04
LaserJockbut I guess Main needs to be Main :-)02:04
=== mhz is now known as mhz_offline
=== kjcole [n=kjcole@ubuntu/member/kjcole] has joined #edubuntu
=== stevesmith [i=steve_@cpc2-cdif3-0-0-cust191.cdif.cable.ntl.com] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33ogra, for my Ad authentication spec02:36
cbx33do i change from braindump to something else for it to be looked at?02:36
ogradid you add it to the spec tracker and the paris meeting ? 02:37
cbx33I made the spec by monday like you said02:37
cbx33and i linked it on your edgy ideas page02:38
cbx33what else do I need to do02:39
cbx33heno was keen that i put it forward02:39
ograthere is no spec yet, only a wikipage02:39
ograoh, there is a spec page as well now02:40
ograwasnt there when i looked last02:40
=== stevesmith [i=steve_@cpc2-cdif3-0-0-cust191.cdif.cable.ntl.com] has left #edubuntu ["Leaving"]
ograjust add it to the paris meeting, then it will shw up in the right tracker02:41
=== jinty [n=jinty@15.Red-83-50-220.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has left #edubuntu ["Leaving"]
cbx33there was a spec, but it' sok02:57
cbx33ogra, how do I add it02:58
cbx33sorry it's 2am here and I've just repainted the bathroom02:58
LaserJockcbx33: hehe, getting high on paint fumes? ;-)02:59
ogracbx33, its 3am here and i just packed my office into boxes while discussing bugs in #ubuntu-bugs and a spec about dropping source packages from ubuntu in -meeting 03:00
cbx33ok ogra you win03:00
=== cbx33 bangs head against wall
cbx33head bleeds03:00
=== cbx33 dies
ogracbx33, but i'd use the "add to meeting" link to add a spec to a meeting ;)03:00
cbx33ogra, I forgot to add a spec to the edgy ideas page03:17
cbx33is it now too late?03:17
ograall that counts in launchpad03:18
cbx33I need a wiki page for it03:19
cbx33oh i already did it03:21
cbx33ok added03:21
cbx33that's two specs03:21
cbx33did you see heno's mail?03:21
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cbx33right I've added those specs, I'll see if they get approved or declined03:23
cbx33right now I'm shattered03:23
cbx33been up for 21 hours no real record for you guys but....for me ...I'm dead on my feet03:23
cbx33how often do the specs get updated?03:25
LaserJockhow do you mean?03:26
cbx33when do i find out if they have been approved or declined03:27
LaserJocknot exactly sure03:28
LaserJockthe TB when through them earlier today03:28
Amaranthdbus is a PITA04:53
bimberiAmaranth: BayesWatch ?04:54
Amaranthno, it's how the pygtk capplet and safetyboat will send training data to the proxy04:55
bimberikk, i meant "BayesWatch" as a suggested name btw :P04:57
=== pitux [n=pitux@221-187-246-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #edubuntu
=== HedgeMage peeks in again
=== B4zzA2 [n=chevron_@l2-202-89-168-12.arach.net.au] has joined #edubuntu
=== pontifex [n=pontifex@84-45-197-14.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #edubuntu
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=== LaserJock is now known as Laser_away
=== cbx33 [n=pete@ubuntu/member/cbx33] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33hi all07:03
Laser_awayhi Pete07:04
cbx33hi Laser_away 07:08
=== cbx33 is tired
cbx33had....2 hours sleep :(07:09
crimsun_don't mind Laser_away, he's playing ET.07:10
crimsun_he'll vehemently deny it, of course...07:11
cbx33of course07:11
=== cbx33 slaps Laser_away's wrists
crimsun_"just wanted to test the intel mac" and more excuses we've heard before :p07:11
Laser_awaycrimsun_: whatever, I should never have told you I downloaded it07:11
=== cbx33 pokes Laser_away
crimsun_yeah, you're up a creek now.07:11
cbx33I suppose I should go make my breakfast07:12
Laser_awayI'm on to bigger and better thing, how do I get a web server and moin wiki up before the wife gets out of the shower :-)07:12
cbx33sudo apt-get install ......07:13
Laser_awayyeah, I getting there07:13
cbx33I think my eyes are actually falling out of their sockets07:14
Laser_awayheh, mine will be at the meeting07:14
Laser_awayok, I'm off now07:14
cbx33byw Laser_away 07:17
=== Amaranth [n=amaranth@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #edubuntu
=== Kozuch [n=jan@159.108.broadband5.iol.cz] has joined #edubuntu
=== guim [n=glederer@104.241-200-80.adsl-fix.skynet.be] has joined #edubuntu
crimsun_err, aren't pygi and HedgeMage already edubuntu members?09:07
=== crimsun_ is reading wiki/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda
HedgeMagewe were voted in last week09:09
crimsun_thought so. (It would be nice if it were adjusted on aforementioned wiki page, since I don't remember the date off the top of my head :)09:10
HedgeMagego for it :)  I'm trying to wrap up here so I can get some sleep.  I am exhausted.09:11
crimsun_sure, which day was it?09:12
crimsun_the 7th, I presume09:12
=== cbx33 [n=c2df514b@] has joined #edubuntu
HedgeMagesomething like that :)09:16
HedgeMagehi again cbx33, get any sleep yet?09:16
cbx332 hours09:16
cbx33howz the site going?09:16
=== jeffwaddell [n=jeff@c-71-197-189-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #edubuntu
jeffwaddellanyone around?09:21
=== jeffwaddell [n=jeff@c-71-197-189-235.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has left #edubuntu ["Leaving"]
HedgeMagekind of09:25
HedgeMagecbx33: almost done, just adding the FAQ and stuff09:25
HedgeMagecbx33: the design is "done" for some value thereof, I'm sure I'll tweak it as we go.09:25
=== cbex [n=c2df514b@] has joined #edubuntu
HedgeMagecbx33: connection issues?09:28
HedgeMagecbex, even09:28
cbexno firefox crashed on me09:29
=== JaneW [n=JaneW@] has joined #edubuntu
crimsun_'afternoon, JaneW 09:33
=== Elwell [n=Elwell@aelaptop.epcc.ed.ac.uk] has joined #edubuntu
HedgeMagehi JaneW 09:36
JaneWhi HedgeMage :)09:37
cbexhey JaneW 09:38
=== cbex is now known as cbx33
JaneWhi cbx33 :)09:39
cbx33grrr this is doing my head in09:49
cbx33there must be a way to convert a string to a proper escaped filename09:49
cbx33in python09:49
cbx33but I can't find it09:49
=== EmxBA [n=emx@as58-ob1.dlp504.bih.net.ba] has joined #edubuntu
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-235-180.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
EmxBAhi everyone09:53
EmxBApygi , hi!09:53
EmxBAbluekuja:hi, Andrea09:54
EmxBAogra: hi09:54
cbx33hi EmxBA 09:56
EmxBAhi cbx33 :)09:56
cbx33ping pygi 09:56
pygihey hey cbx33 ;)09:56
cbx33I think I must be being stupid09:56
cbx33I have areally quick python question09:56
cbx33but it's been driving me nuts09:56
=== EmxBA has forgotten cbx33's real name :-(
EmxBApete savage?09:57
EmxBAsomething like that...09:57
cbx33pygi: how can i convert a string which has a filename and contains spaces to a proper escaped file name for use in a shell?09:57
EmxBAi have a really easy question09:57
cbx33like my file.txt >> my\ file.txt09:57
cbx33shoot EmxBA 09:58
EmxBAhow can i make a script which will list numbers from 1 to 2000 (for example) and put them into file09:58
EmxBAbut what?09:58
cbx33on a new line?09:58
EmxBAno....something for i=1 to 2000 echo i09:59
EmxBAnext i09:59
EmxBAbut that isn't being used in linux, i suppose09:59
pygicbx33, you could always go throught string, and if you find " ", then add "\"10:00
cbx33what about ( and )10:00
EmxBApygi,can you help me10:00
HedgeMageEmxBA: are you going to be able to make tomorrow's Cookbook meeting?10:00
EmxBAwhat do i need to do10:01
HedgeMagemostly just show up :)10:01
EmxBAon IRC, right?10:01
HedgeMageEmxBA: if you're on the edubuntu-devel list, we're having some pre-meeting discussions there.10:01
HedgeMageyep, #ubuntu-meeting10:01
HedgeMageThursday at 20:00 UTC10:02
pygiHedgeMage, I just hope I'll be able to attend :-/10:02
HedgeMage(tomorrow for me, don't know what time zone you're in)10:02
EmxBAit's ok10:02
HedgeMagepygi: I hope so too, if you miss this one we'll understand, it was scheduled very last-minute10:02
EmxBAcurrently for me it is 10:02 UTC10:02
EmxBAshouldn't I make any plans10:03
pygiHedgeMage, well, mostly because I'll be unavailable for almost entire week from tommorow :-/10:03
HedgeMagepygi: heading for Paris?10:03
pygiEmxBA, it's not 10:02 UTC for you :P it's 8:02 for you10:03
pygiHedgeMage, nop, not going to paris10:03
EmxBApygi, i though right now it is 10:02 UTC for me10:03
HedgeMageahh, well hopefully it's something equally interesting :)10:03
pygiHedgeMage, not really :P10:04
pygiEmxBA, it's 8:02 UTC for you, and be shhh :)10:04
EmxBAyou mean now?10:04
pygiyes :P10:04
EmxBAor tomorrow?10:04
HedgeMagepygi: UTC is UTC, timezones are offset from UTC :P10:04
EmxBAwell in sarajevo it is 10:04. shhhhhh!10:04
pygiHedgeMage, he doesn't get it :P10:04
=== P3L|C4N0 [n=sopmac@] has joined #edubuntu
EmxBAi know what you want to say10:04
pygiEmxBA, ofcourse, but not 10:04 UTC for sure :P10:05
=== HedgeMage sighs
EmxBAin sarajevo it is not UTC :-)10:05
pygio joy, he got it10:05
HedgeMageEmxBA: the meeting is 36 hours from now, does that help?10:05
EmxBAok, ok, i get it :)10:05
HedgeMageI could never keep track of time zones until I became a military wife, now it's a survival skill10:06
pygilook at the comments ;)10:06
EmxBApygi: what's up in Croatia :-)10:06
cbx33EmxBA: ((i=0)); while [ "$i" != "1000" ] ; do echo $i; ((i += 1)); done>out.txt10:07
cbx33is that what you're after?10:07
EmxBAlet me try it...10:07
cbx33pygi: there must be a built in function to encode a string to a shell-esque escaped filename10:08
cbx33I used to get round it using quote marks10:08
EmxBAhow can i make it with strings, not with numbers, cbx3310:08
EmxBAi mean pete :-P10:09
cbx33call me cbx33, then it highlights the messages :p10:09
cbx33EmxBA: what do you mean?10:09
cbx33One Two Three?10:09
EmxBAi want to get a file which consists (for example) of Number:1 to Number:200010:09
EmxBAinstead of numbers i want strings10:09
EmxBAmaybe i$10:10
cbx33give me two lines of what the file should look like10:10
pygicbx33, indeed, you are right10:10
cbx33but I've looked high and low on the net and I can't find one, either that or no one has ever needed to do this before10:11
cbx33but now I need to wrap the entire command in quotes10:11
cbx33which is where that original method falls down10:11
EmxBA[[Category:Years|1] ] 10:11
EmxBA[[Category:Years|2] ] 10:11
EmxBA[[Category:Years|999] ] 10:11
EmxBA[[Category:Years|1000] ] 10:11
EmxBAlike that10:12
EmxBAanyway, tnx10:12
cbx33EmxBA: ((i=0)); while [ "$i" != "1000" ] ; do echo "[[Category:Years|"$i"] ] "; ((i += 1)); done>out.txt10:13
cbx33try that10:13
EmxBAthanks a lot, cbx3310:13
EmxBAi learned something new :)10:13
pygiwb HedgeMage 10:14
HedgeMagepygi: very cool10:14
HedgeMagepygi: nice feedback :)10:14
cbx33this should work right?10:18
cbx33gksudo 'tar -czvf "ack bogie.tar.gz" out.txt'10:18
cbx33ah no it doesn't but this does10:18
cbx33tar -czvf "ack bogie.tar.gz" out.txt10:18
=== highvoltage [n=jono@] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33grr, so I can't use double sets of quotes10:18
EmxBAhi highvoltage10:19
cbx33hey highvoltage 10:19
=== mode/#edubuntu [+o highvoltage] by ChanServ
highvoltagehi EmxBA and cbx33. how are you this morning?10:19
cbx332 hours sleep dur to redecorating10:20
EmxBAi am sick10:20
EmxBAnot a lot10:20
highvoltagelike a cold?10:20
EmxBAvery strange in the almost summer :)10:20
highvoltageperhaps it's allergies?10:21
EmxBAjust a cold10:21
EmxBAhm...hedgemage said "EmxBA: are you going to be able to make tomorrow's Cookbook meeting?"10:21
EmxBAwhat has he meant by that10:21
=== pygi wants gnome 2.14.2 in dapper this very second :P
cbx33highvoltage: thankx for the feedback on the open cd10:21
EmxBAyou expect me to show up on ubuntu-meeting?10:21
=== cbx33 whinges at pygi...
pygiEmxBA, first of all, it's she (at least I think :P)10:22
pygiSecond of all ...10:22
pygiwhy you responded if you don't know what she was talking about?10:22
highvoltagecbx33: it's strange that someone didn't think of it before, great idea, btw.10:22
pygicbx33, yes? :)10:22
cbx33how do you suggest i proceed?10:22
EmxBAor something more? I would like to do anything I should (plan something or something like that)10:22
cbx33make my own fuction10:22
pygicbx33, yup :)10:22
EmxBApygi, i answered because i know what she was taking about, just I was never on Edubuntu Meetings :-)10:23
HedgeMageEmxBA: I was just wondering if you will be in #ubuntu-meeting for the meeting, since you applied to join the team on launchpad :)10:26
EmxBAI wil be there, i think10:26
EmxBA*will, maybe, 80 % sure10:26
HedgeMageokay :)10:26
=== EmxBA thohgt HedgeMage is a male
HedgeMagenope, I'm a woman :)10:27
=== EmxBA is ashamed :_)
=== EmxBA know HedgeMage is a woman
HedgeMageno big deal, almost everyone does that when they first meet me on IRC :)10:27
EmxBAwhere does GNOME keep GDM themes?10:28
cbx33 /usr/share/gdm/themes?10:29
cbx33pygi: do you not agree that that is silly, there should be a function for that10:29
pygicbx33, I do agree :P10:30
EmxBAcbx33: yes, /usr/share/gdm/themes/10:30
=== mindspit [n=mindspit@] has joined #edubuntu
EmxBAdid anyone had problems with connecting to FTP server using gFTP10:32
EmxBAi use passive mode and i connect ok10:32
EmxBA"230 Login successful."10:32
EmxBA"227 Entering Passive Mode (80,65,162,210,30,180)10:32
EmxBACannot create a data connection: No route to host"10:32
cbx33pygi: http://docs.python.org/lib/string-methods.html#string-methods10:33
cbx33there is supposed to be an encode function to do it10:33
cbx33actually no there isn't thats an error thingy10:34
cbx33oooh actually10:34
=== cbx33 tries something
cbx33dang it10:36
HedgeMageEmxBA: it's working fine for me, but I'm on my gentoo box right now10:42
EmxBAwhat? gftp?10:42
EmxBAit works fine for me too in normal mode10:42
=== EmxBA realises that there is no need for passive mode
pygiHedgeMage, bonfire is going to go into gentoo portage ;)10:42
EmxBApygi: nice!10:43
pygiHedgeMage, preety soon that should happen, so if you have gnome 2.14.2 ?!10:43
EmxBAHedgeMage: how can i allow directory listing for my ftp site 10:44
EmxBAfor example, if someone types exact folder (in firefox, maybe), thatis http://emir.linux.org.ba/wp-content/edubuntu/, the access is forbidden for them10:45
EmxBAcan i change it?10:45
=== Kozuch [n=jan@159.108.broadband5.iol.cz] has joined #edubuntu
HedgeMageEmxBA: it depends on how the server is configured.10:48
HedgeMageEmxBA: is it managed hosting or your own box?10:48
EmxBAso i cannot change it in gftp10:49
EmxBAno 10:49
EmxBAnot my box10:49
HedgeMageno, you can't change it from gftp10:49
EmxBAdoesn't matter10:49
HedgeMageyou'd have to talk to whomever admins the box10:49
EmxBAdid you ever used any type of wireless cards10:50
EmxBAin my case, PCMCIA10:50
EmxBAi had few problems10:50
HedgeMageEmxBA: I had a PCMCIA wifi card on my last laptop10:51
HedgeMageEmxBA: what type is it?10:52
EmxBAerm, i have Orinoco 802.11b PCMCIA card10:52
EmxBAwith normal kernel drivers it doesn't support scanning10:52
EmxBAbut with drivers from kismetwireless.com (something like that) you can normally scan around10:52
HedgeMagesorry, I've not used the orinocos (outside my price range)... mine was an Atheros-based card by D-Link10:54
EmxBAmaybe i should try #ubuntu...10:54
EmxBAis there any #ubuntu-wireless or similar?10:55
HedgeMagenot AFAIK10:55
HedgeMagebut I can't keep track of all the chans on this network :P10:55
=== highvoltage [n=jono@] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33sure you can HedgeMage 10:58
EmxBAcbx33: did you have any PCMCIA wireless cards?10:59
=== DanielC_zzzzz [n=daniel@] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33I have 310:59
EmxBAany orinoco?11:00
DanielC_zzzzzHas anyone heard of PLF? Is this repository "safe":11:00
=== DanielC_zzzzz is now known as DanielC
HedgeMageDanielC: I've heard of it, and they're pretty good in a technical sense.  I'm not qualified to comment on the legal ramifications of their packages in any jurisdiction, however.11:01
HedgeMageDanielC: I've used them before with no problems.11:01
DanielCHedgeMage: Ok, thanks. Yes, I was asking about the technical side, not the legal side.11:02
=== DanielC is glad he is not in the USA so he has fewer legal issues to worry about.
HedgeMageDanielC: what's really scary is that things like adoption, education, privacy, etc are totally broken, and our lawmakers spend all their time on new ways to enforce broken copyright/patent law.11:07
DanielCIndeed :(11:08
EmxBAcan anyone help me with my wiki page11:09
EmxBAit shows picture11:09
EmxBAi don't want that11:09
EmxBAi've just gave a link11:09
DanielCDoes anyone know what "banshee", "f-splot" and "streamtuner" are?11:09
EmxBAand it shows last picture11:09
pygiDanielC, f-spot* :P11:09
DanielCpygi: I take it that you know what it is?11:10
pygiyup :)11:11
pygiPhoto managment application :)11:11
DanielCAny idea what the the others do?11:11
EmxBAanyone? help me with my wiki page11:11
=== EmxBA wants someone's help
pygiBanshee - Complete music management and playback on Gnome.11:11
pygistreamtuner - A stream directory browser.11:12
DanielCpygi: Is banshee like rythmbox? (I don't know much about this "music" stuff)11:12
pygiWith Banshee you can easily import, manage, and play selections from your music collection. Banshee allows you to import CDs, sync your music collection to an iPod, play music directly from an iPod, create playlists with songs from your library, and create audio and MP3 CDs from subsets of your library. A metadata editor is also included.11:12
DanielCNot something I need, but cool anyways :)11:13
=== pygi is once again boring all the people, so vote: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1158 :)
cbx33EmxBA: what's up11:17
EmxBAcan you help me with my wiki page11:18
EmxBAi can't explain you11:18
EmxBAjust go to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EmirBeganovic11:18
EmxBAtry to fix this picture, please :)11:18
DanielCEmxBA: Fixed11:18
DanielC- *[http://emir.linux.org.ba/wp-content/edubuntu/red.png] 11:19
DanielC+ *[http://emir.linux.org.ba/wp-content/edubuntu/red.png Red] 11:19
EmxBAjust that?11:19
EmxBAdo you like logos?11:20
EmxBAhave you seen them anyway?11:20
=== DanielC takes a look
DanielCI like them. I'm not crazy about the green one, but I like the others.11:21
=== EmxBA is glad that someone finnaly looks his logos :-)
EmxBAwhich one you like the most11:21
EmxBAyou haven't fixed this:"I've made few Edubuntu logos, same logo just different colors and few effects added, nothing special.  ===Edubuntu logos=== Here are some redesigned Edubuntu logos which I made. * Blue "11:22
DanielCIt'd depend on what I wanted to do with it, but the glass one is "interesting".11:22
EmxBAlet me fix it11:22
HedgeMageOkay, I'm *really* going to bed this time11:22
HedgeMageI'll see you all tomorrow11:22
=== HedgeMage waves
cbx33nn HedgeMage 11:23
EmxBAmaybe i should redesign it so it can be used on Edubuntu 6.10 :-)11:23
=== B4zzA [n=chevron_@l2-202-89-182-155.arach.net.au] has joined #edubuntu
EmxBAcbx33: please look at my logos11:24
=== cbx33 looks
cbx33what are they for11:25
DanielCEdubuntu :)11:26
EmxBAfor Edubuntu, of course11:26
DanielCcbx33: I figure that EmxBA just likes drawing. No particular "purpose".11:26
DanielCSince when do we need a reason to do art? :)11:27
=== cbx33 hides from DanielC
EmxBADanielC: hehe11:27
EmxBAi just drawed them, nothing bad in that11:27
DanielCMaybe someone should do an Edubuntu logo competition. That would be fun.11:27
EmxBAi will organise that, DanielC11:28
DanielCThe OpenOffice schools project once had a mascot competition. That was a lot of fun.11:28
pygiDanielC, we have a  logo :P11:28
DanielCpygi: I said mascot :)11:28
DanielCThe winner was a 16 year old student from Italy who wants to be a graphics designer.11:29
pygiMaybe someone should do an Edubuntu logo competition. That would be fun.11:29
pygiI quote :P11:29
EmxBAare there any similar competitions right now ?11:29
DanielCNow her work is used all over the world by a prominent open source project.11:29
DanielCEmxBA: None that I'm aware of.11:29
spaceyedubuntu logo is quite nice i think11:29
=== B4zzA [n=chevron_@l2-202-89-182-155.arach.net.au] has joined #edubuntu
DanielCpygi:  Ok, I stand corrected. But how about a mascot? Just for fun.11:30
DanielCWe could even have a mascot of the year, so we can have more competitions.11:30
cbx33EmxBA: start drawing an Eft :p11:30
cbx33and Edgy Eft :p11:30
DanielCBecause we are dealing with schools, this would be a good way to get kids involved.11:30
DanielCcbx33: Oh! that's an idea!11:31
DanielCA competition for each release.11:31
DanielCFor Dapper we draw a Drake; for Edgy we draw an Eft.11:31
=== DanielC wonders what an eft is.
DanielCAn Eft is a young Newt, and a newt is a type of lizzard.11:32
DanielCThis could be a good way to get schools involved. I have a school who would likely be interested. They are primary kids though.11:32
pygithat thing looks almost like a fish :P11:33
cbx33is there a list of special characters for use in bash11:33
=== EmxB1 [n=emx@] has joined #edubuntu
EmxB1i had to recconect11:34
=== EmxB1 is now known as EmxBA
EmxBAhi again :-)11:35
EmxBAso, where were we?11:35
EmxBAi asked are there any similar competitions like something logo competition11:35
DanielCEmxBA: No competitions that I know of. But I suggested that Edubuntu could have one for each release.11:35
EmxBAmaybe during summer 11:36
DanielCEmxBA: For Dapper it'd be a Drake and for Edgy it'd be an Eft.11:36
cbx33DanielC: why not bring it up in the meeting today?11:36
DanielCit's a thought.11:36
EmxBAsummer Edubuntu competition11:36
EmxBADanielC, cbx33, you gave me an idea11:36
DanielCcbx33: There's a meeting today? When? Where? Is anyone allowed to come?11:36
EmxBAtoday on meeting i'll talk about logo competition11:36
cbx3312 UTC11:36
EmxBAsomething redesigned11:36
cbx33I don't know if they'll be open to changing the logo11:37
DanielCcbx33: Ok, in 1h 23min. Which channel? Here?11:37
cbx332h 2311:37
EmxBAcbx33: maybe edubuntu will be open11:37
DanielCEmxBA: A logo competition is not likely to be accepted. They won't want to change the logo. A mascot competition is easier to sell.11:37
cbx33the logo is kinda solid throughout *ubuntu11:38
pygiergh, I won't be able to attend again :(11:38
EmxBAno, wallpaper competition11:38
DanielCWallpapers are good.11:38
EmxBAi would like something better than "Edubuntu Girl"11:38
cbx33wallpapers are good11:38
cbx33EmxBA: like the homies?11:38
EmxBA:-) i like the wallpapers11:38
DanielCcbx33: Is the meeting for Edubuntu specifically or all Ubuntu?11:39
cbx33but the main wallpaper is chosen by canonical11:39
cbx33this meeting is just edubuntu11:39
DanielCgood :)11:39
DanielCI don't like crowds ;-)11:39
EmxBAthis meeting at 20 UTC is only *only* about Edubuntu11:40
DanielC12UTC... right?11:40
DanielCIn 2h 20min.11:40
EmxBA1h 20 min11:40
cbx332hr 2011:41
DanielCRight now it is 10:40UTC.11:41
cbx33goto #ubuntu-meeting11:41
cbx33DanielC: are you in the UK?11:41
=== DanielC adds a reminder in Kalarm.
DanielCcbx33: Yes. Tamworth, near Birmingham.11:41
cbx33you are not UTC time11:41
cbx33cos of the BST11:41
cbx33if you goto the meeting channel11:41
EmxBApeople, evolution crashed on my box few hrs ago11:42
cbx33and type @schedule london11:42
EmxBAi cannot run it now11:42
EmxBAwhat to do11:42
cbx33you'll get the times for the meeting11:42
DanielCcbx33: Blimey, you're right. It's the summer when we're not on UTC.11:44
cbx33ping ogra 11:45
EmxBAon #ubuntu-meeting there is no Edubuntu Cookbook on 14 June11:47
EmxBAjust 15 June11:47
EmxBAthatis tommorow?11:47
DanielCEmxBA: Channel topic says 1411:50
EmxBAin 1j 9 min11:51
DanielCCalendar says 14 too.11:51
EmxBA*1h 1 min11:51
EmxBA@schedule sarajevo11:51
EmxBAor @schedule london says 15 june11:51
DanielCSays 14 :)11:52
EmxBAfor edubuntu11:52
EmxBAfor edubuntu-cookbook it is tomorrow11:52
EmxBAthat's what i want to say11:52
DanielCWhat's cookbook?11:53
=== EmxBA cannot explain
EmxBAtry google :-)11:53
DanielCGoogle will probably tell me that a coobook is a book with cooking recipes.11:54
EmxBAsee https://launchpad.net/people/edubuntu-cooks11:58
EmxBAclick https://launchpad.net/people/edubuntu-cooks11:58
pygibluekuja, poke poke?12:09
DanielCOn the wiki, how do you make it *not* turn a capitalized word into a link?12:10
pygibluekuja, considering I'll run away soon, can we finish server today pls.? :)12:11
=== cbex [n=c2df514b@] has joined #edubuntu
EmxBAanyone, visit "Skolarci" again12:12
EmxBAmaybe http://skolarci.linux.org.ba/index.php?option=com_poll&task=results&id=1412:12
EmxBAdo you like design now?12:12
EmxBAyou told me it would be better something orange12:12
EmxBAi just need to change the banner12:12
=== cbex is now known as cbx33
=== EmxBA [n=emx@as58-ob1.dlp496.bih.net.ba] has joined #edubuntu
EmxBAreconnected again :(12:22
=== EmxBA is now known as ubuntu
=== ubuntu is now known as EmxBA
JaneWis there an edubuntu meeting today?12:23
EmxBAhi janew12:23
JaneWand if so can I be a normal observer?12:24
EmxBAbluekuja told me that  should contact you12:24
ograJaneW, nope, forbidden !12:24
EmxBAfor the edubuntu artwork12:24
EmxBAJaneW ?12:24
ograJaneW, indeed we want you in that meeting :)12:24
=== ogra hugs JaneW
JaneWogra: :?12:24
EmxBAJaneW: i think i should introduce myself12:24
lucasvoJaneW: good bye JaneW !12:24
=== EmxBA wants to talk with JaneW
DanielCHi JaneW. Yes come. Not sure if you remember me from last year, I was the guy installing Edubuntu at a primary school.12:25
DanielCI'll be there as an observer.12:25
lucasvoJaneW: where will you work in future?12:25
JaneWam I gonna be banned? *sulk*12:26
=== pygi is sorry for not being able to attend the meeting so...
EmxBAJaneW: please listen to me, maybe i look like n00b, but I'm not12:26
lucasvoEmxBA: strong statement :)12:26
EmxBAlucasvo: :/12:27
=== EmxBA shooks
lucasvoEmxBA: just kidding12:27
DanielCEmxBA: You don't look like a noob, you just look 14 :)12:27
lucasvoDanielC: you are mean :P12:27
EmxBAi know12:28
DanielCHe *is* 1412:28
EmxBAi am youngest :))))))12:28
DanielCIt was meant to be funny.12:28
DanielCSorry if it came out the wrong way.12:28
EmxBAyes, it is funny indeed12:28
EmxBAno, np12:28
pygiJaneW, I hope it all works out well for you12:28
=== jinty [n=jinty@15.Red-83-50-220.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #edubuntu
JaneWEmxBA: hi12:29
JaneWpygi: thanks12:29
EmxBAhi at last :)12:29
JaneWpygi: did you get my SoC email last week? no one responded...12:29
JaneWlucasvo: I'll be consulting to a mobile telco12:29
pygiJaneW, about some other guy taking over admin position of SoC?12:30
JaneWyes doko12:30
pygigot that12:30
ograJaneW, doko ? 12:30
=== ogra didnt know that
cbx33boo ogra 12:31
cbx33got a sec to talk?12:31
=== ogra tries to imagine doko with a whip ...
=== ogra falls dead laughing
cbx33had an idea need to know if you think it's whorthwhile producing a spec for12:31
ogracbx33, shoot12:31
cbx33it's basically a bug fixing helper package12:32
cbx33basically you run the program the bug is in from within this pacakge12:32
cbx33it can record your actions12:32
ogralike bug buddy you mean ? 12:32
cbx33and records stdout and stderr12:32
cbx33and possibly other information12:33
JaneWogra: I mailed las thursday titled "Google SoC Update - Please report MIA Students"12:33
JaneWogra: that bad?12:33
ograwell, usually you need a proper gdb backtrace to debug C programs ...12:33
cbx33and then maybe have a direct interface to LP12:33
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cbx33worth persuing?12:33
EmxBAcan anyone help me registering channel12:33
ograJaneW, not really, but he's surely not the whipcracking guy 12:33
cbx33I was trying to make it really easy for people to submit bugs, and for us to get the "info" we need12:34
JaneWogra: maybe he can get ppl to do things by being nice12:34
ogracbx33, i think there is a SoC project doing something similar 12:34
bluekujahello guys12:34
EmxBAhi andrea12:34
bluekujahey :)12:34
bluekujapygi: ping12:35
cbx33*bah* my brain has wiped the info already12:35
cbx33for get I spoke :p12:35
pygibluekuja, poke, I run in like 5 seconds :P12:35
ograJaneW, i think this time everybody is fine caring for his student, will be easier for him than it was for you last time 12:35
ograso probably no whip is needed :)12:35
bluekujapygi: there are some errors in build requires, i tried to build it in mock12:35
pygiogra, can we include this in edubuntu? ( I know we cannot, but I have to ask :P)12:35
ogracbx33, you should look it up and see if there are things missing you had in your idea12:35
pygibluekuja, no worries about that for now :)12:35
pygiWe can do that even next week12:36
pygiserver is priority ;)12:36
EmxBAbluekuja, can you help me? i want to register channel.12:36
bluekujapygi: ok, perfect12:36
bluekujapygi: i fix login12:36
bluekujaand svn12:36
cbx33ogra: I wanted to ask a quick python question12:36
ograpygi, why the heck should we include a 5th burning app in main ? 12:36
bluekujaEmxBA, yes tell me12:36
pygiogra, because it's supported the best by upstream? :)12:36
bluekujawhich channel?12:36
EmxBAdo you have any link which explains how to register channel on freenode12:37
bluekujait's easy12:37
EmxBAchannel name?erm, that's secret :)12:37
=== EmxBA joking a lot :)
ograpygi, thats serpentine as well, or gnomebaker or nautilus-cd-burner or k3b :)12:37
pygiogra, this can replace both serpentine and gnomebaker :)12:37
EmxBAbluekuja: ?12:37
ograpygi, well, serpentine is duplicated stuff already that should be dropped12:38
bluekujaall questions here12:38
pygiogra, I know we can't include it, just wanted to poke randomly because it's my application ^^12:38
ograwe already have full audio burning capability in rhythmbox ...12:38
pygiyup, I know...no worries :)12:38
bluekujaanyway it's an easy process12:38
ograpygi, so package it up and push it to universe ;)12:39
pygiogra, bleh, yes, but that's not in "ship" with edubuntu :)12:39
cbx33ogra: do you have a sec for apython question12:39
cbx33I've been bugging pygi12:39
cbx33i have a filename in a string 12:40
bluekujapygi: what do you want to be fixed more in server ?12:40
ograunless we'll drop nautilus we wont need a separate bunring app :)12:40
cbx33but it has spaces and other chars in it12:40
bluekujapygi: so i can focus on that12:40
pygiogra, and you won't drop nautilus :P12:40
pygibluekuja, well, nothing, as long as it all works :)12:40
pygiand see if domain works12:40
ograpygi, highly unlikely :)12:40
pygiit's registered12:40
cbx33how can i get python to convert it to a slashed version12:40
bluekujapygi: domain ready?12:40
pygibluekuja, yes12:40
ogracbx33, you can use a regex ...12:40
bluekujapygi: lets try it12:40
pygibluekuja, if you have problems with domain, poke "KillerX' in #banyantree12:41
pygibluekuja, I gotta run now12:41
bluekujapygi: k cya man later12:41
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pygiogra, we could at least put gnomebaker in universe, and put Bonfire in main ;)12:41
bluekujahighvoltage: jon :)12:41
EmxBAeveryone, join #edubuntu-bosnia :)12:42
ograpygi, iirc gnomebaker is in main because of xfce (i wouldnt have pulled it to main) talk to them to switch to it :)12:42
JaneWogra: yes it seems to be running better this year12:42
ograwe all learned :)12:42
pygiogra, great, I'll poke them then :P12:42
cbx33ogra: do you have any examples12:42
EmxBAping pygi :)12:42
pygibye all now12:42
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pygiEmxBA, I gotta run, sorry :P12:42
bluekujacya mario12:42
EmxBAbluekuja, join please12:43
ogracbx33, http://www.amk.ca/python/howto/regex/12:43
EmxBAi want to check something12:43
cbx33cheers ogra 12:44
EmxBAping bluekuja12:44
bluekujaEmxBA, yes?12:45
EmxBAjoin #edubuntu-bosnia12:45
EmxBAlocalized edubutn uchannel12:46
EmxBAping bluekuja12:49
EmxBAping JaneW12:49
EmxBAping highvoltage12:49
ograDanielC, WOW, you got an answer from a sun employee for the openoffice question 12:51
DanielCogra: I did?12:52
=== ogra is pretty impressed
EmxBAdanielC: he actually told you what's up nerd12:52
DanielCogra: Where?12:52
EmxBAsomeone is spamming us12:52
ograon ubuntu-users12:52
DanielCogra: I haven't seen that email yet. I hope it didn't just get lost.12:52
ograits in the mailinglist :)12:53
=== DanielC is worried that he might be missing some of the emails
ograhe broke the threading ...12:53
DanielCogra: thanks12:53
ograbut gives the way for a solution ...12:53
DanielCOh, I remember Kay.12:54
EmxBAogra: any special suggestions for edubuntu meeting12:54
DanielCI think that's the guy I met in Slovenia.12:54
ograi''ll see if we can incorporate that, so we have only firefox left with the multiple user problem12:54
EmxBAor edubuntu-cookbook meeting?12:54
DanielCogra: Cool :)12:54
ograwell, FF will be evil to work around12:54
ograit is much worse than OOo12:54
ograff tends to hold all userdata in memory while you have it open ...12:55
ograit only writes config changes if you close it12:55
DanielCogra: Firefox is the same. Give it a different profile.12:55
DanielCogra: "firefox -P profile_name"12:55
ograso that will get very hairy to run for multiple people logged in with the same user12:56
DanielCogra: It will. And so will the OpenOffice solution.12:56
DanielCThey look equally bad to me.12:56
EmxBAcan anyone help me with this silly evolution problem?12:56
ograand i wouldnt like any hackish workarounds ...12:56
ogra(like login scripts or something like that *shudder*)12:57
highvoltageEmxBA: pong12:57
EmxBAjust wondering if oyu could help me, evolution crashed few hrs ago and i can't run it now 12:58
ograEmxBA, for such questions #ubuntu is more appropriate 12:59
highvoltageEmxBA: do you see any error messages when you run evolution from a terminal?12:59
EmxBAjust a sec.01:00
EmxBAit just says "CalDAV Eplugin starting up ..." 01:02
EmxBAand i should wait01:02
EmxBAhighvoltage: any solution01:05
highvoltageEmxBA: hmmm... any evolution processes still running?01:06
highvoltageperhaps try a killall evolution01:06
highvoltageand then run evolution again01:06
highvoltageegh... my lag is very high01:06
EmxBAit works now01:08
=== EmxBA is going soon
=== EmxBA is leaving in few seconds
ogra************* reminder, edubuntu meeting in ~1h in #ubuntu-meeting ***********01:10
ograhighvoltage, never "killal evolution" ...01:10
ograthat will leave all the backends running01:10
ogrause evolution --force-shutdown instead01:10
ograbut really, that belongs to #ubuntu01:10
EmxBAi know, ogra01:11
highvoltageogra: thanks, that's a good tip01:12
EmxBAgive me something to download01:12
EmxBAi need to spend my bandwidth :)01:12
=== EmxBA wants to download something, unlikely dist-upgrade
DanielCogra: Here's an idea for OpenOffice: When it starts the script could wipe <path>/user* and called OOo with -env:UserInstallation=<path>/user<time>01:13
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ograDanielC, yes thats one way to do it01:14
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highvoltagekbrooks: indeed!01:30
highvoltageogra: have you had a chance to look at SIF yet?01:30
kbrooksedubuntu sounds great :P01:30
highvoltagei talked to helen king about it a few weeks ago, but from what I gather, it's not quite ready for implementation yet01:31
ogra********** reminder, edubuntu meeting in 30minutes in #ubuntu-meeting **********01:31
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ograhighvoltage, its a 10 year old implementation that was dropped by its developers01:31
ograi dont think its something for us yet ... as long as there is not more code01:32
DanielCogra: what usually happens at edubuntu meetings?01:32
ogra(and as i understood sabdfl he agrees)01:32
ograDanielC, see the agenda (channel topic)01:32
highvoltageogra: ok, thanks for that insight01:32
DanielCogra: Channel topic doesn't have an agenda.01:33
bluekujaMEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda 01:33
kbrooksi'm interested in edubuntu. but i'm not a school :P01:34
DanielCCan anyone come?01:34
bluekujaDanielC, yes01:34
kbrooksi can01:34
cbx33DanielC: yes01:34
kbrooksi'm there already01:34
ograkbrooks, become one :P01:34
kbrooksogra: no :P01:34
DanielCkbrooks: You could go to a local school and offer to setup a small thin client cyber cafe to try it out.01:35
kbrooksDanielC: I'm ... 1501:35
DanielCkbrooks: Suggest that they can reuse their old computers that they're about to throw out. Offer to do it for free.01:35
DanielCkbrooks: Ok, so you already have contacts in your school :)01:36
kbrooksDanielC: aha!01:36
kbrooksDanielC: wait01:36
highvoltagekbrooks: emxba is 14, and lucasvo is 16, iirc :)01:36
kbrooksDanielC: pm me01:36
Yagisankbrooks: grow a beard ;)01:36
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kbrooksi'm looking at https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuSchoolAdvocacy and its great in marketing01:44
bluekujakbrooks, that's a great page01:44
kbrooksthat too01:44
kbrooksit's very professional01:45
kbrooksno other "advocacy" pages surpass that01:45
bluekujahehe yeah, say thanks to cbx33 that had this great idea01:45
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ogra********** reminder, edubuntu meeting in 15 minutes in #ubuntu-meeting **********01:46
bluekujaatomic007za, hi01:46
kbrookscbx33: ping ;)01:46
atomic007zahi bluekuja01:46
bluekujahello atomic007za 01:46
kbrooksI have a question01:47
kbrookskeduca - do the teachers print the tests out?01:48
kbrooksand give to students01:49
bluekujammm... I really don't know. ogra?01:49
ograi dont think so01:50
ogra********** reminder, edubuntu meeting in 10 minutes in #ubuntu-meeting **********01:50
kbrooksogra: OK. do the students open up tests? :)01:51
ograkbrooks, no idea. i never really used keduca beyond basic functionallity tests01:51
kbrooksare you a teacher? :P01:52
ograkbrooks, nope01:52
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bluekujaogra: have you seen this: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/usability/2005-December/msg00021.html01:52
kbrookswhen can I change the  https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuSchoolAdvocacy page01:53
ograbluekuja, yes, its old 01:53
bluekujaogra: yep01:53
DanielCogra: I think everyone has. But since when is Linus an expert in usability?01:53
LaserJockgood morning!!!01:53
DanielCOoops, I meant to say that to bluekuja not ogra.01:54
ograDanielC, no idea ... i know for sure he's not an expert in licensing, else i'd have packaged the tool he once sent me for edubuntu01:54
cbx33kbrooks: pong01:54
kbrookswhen can I change the  https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuSchoolAdvocacy page ?01:54
DanielCogra: What did he send you?01:54
kbrookscbx33: thanks for the idea of that advocacy page. ;)01:54
ogra********** reminder, edubuntu meeting in 5 minutes in #ubuntu-meeting **********01:55
cbx33kbrooks: that page is scheduled for delettion01:55
cbx33it's now on01:55
ograDanielC, a tool to do timed logouts of students 01:55
kbrookscbx33: why is it scheduled for deletion?01:55
cbx33cos it's moved01:55
ograbut asked for a license he never sent anything and i cant package unlicensed stuff01:55
DanielCogra: Doesn't sound so bad. Did he pick a weird license?01:55
ograhe added none at all .. thats the problem01:56
DanielCDid you ask him for a license?01:56
ograseveral times ... highvoltage as well01:56
kbrooksogra: did linus respond?01:57
ogranot after he sent that code, noi .01:57
ograthats why we cant include it 01:57
kbrooksogra: sucks01:57
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kbrooksogra: now i see where "ogra" comes from. first_name[0]  + last_name[:3]  :-)01:58
cbx33yes ogra's does make sense01:59
bluekujakbrooks: :D01:59
DanielCMine makes sense :)01:59
Yagisanmine too (it you understand the history behind it)02:00
ogra********** reminder, edubuntu meeting starts NOW in #ubuntu-meeting **********02:00
=== Yagisan just lurking today
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DanielCHelp. When I run 'top' the CPU line says "96% wa". What does that mean? I hope it means "waiting".03:01
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=== jsgotangco hugs JaneW
rodarvushello slashdevnull, jsgotangco 03:08
LaserJockjsgotangco: meeting :-)03:08
jsgotangcorodarvus: greetings03:08
jsgotangcoooppss sorry03:08
slashdevnullanyone here with good knowledge of ltsp? I upgraded to 6.06 and I'm borked.03:08
=== jsgotangco just arrived
LaserJockjsgotangco: hehe, np just wanted to make sure you knew ;-)03:09
highvoltagejsgotangco: did you get it?03:09
highvoltagejsgotangco: my stress levels would also come down a bit if they let me know about mine03:10
jsgotangcowell i would have gotten it already if the french visa system didn't use windows03:10
jsgotangcoinstead they had around 50 people at the consulate screaming for blood03:11
jsgotangcoand had us all go back on friday to pick up our passports03:11
LaserJockcbx33: ?03:12
cbx332 ticks03:12
cbx33phojne rang03:12
=== pips1 arrives
jsgotangcoseriously ive lost like 3 days at work just sorting this out03:12
highvoltagejsgotangco: would that be just the system at your local embassy, or is it a problem in france?03:13
jsgotangcoi dunno its probably the embassy03:13
jsgotangcoor else i'll troll about french technology03:14
cbx33ok I'm here03:15
cbx33I wanted to talk to you guys about The Open CD03:15
jsgotangcooh yeah?03:16
slashdevnullis this a good place to ask about ltsp problems on 6.06?03:16
cbx33I had a call from heno last night03:16
cbx33as some of you know he founded the open cd project03:16
ograslashdevnull, the best :)03:16
cbx33and he's now keen not to sit on it for too long03:16
jsgotangcowe've been planning it since a while but the livecd stuff had us busy03:16
=== jsgotangco actually has the sources
cbx33so I volunteered to help out03:17
LaserJockof course :-)03:17
jsgotangcoim not surprised03:17
cbx33basically he wants to remove the ubuntu stuff that was on there which leavs us with a few hundred Mb03:17
slashdevnullthanks, ogra. I can't get my system to boot ltsp clients after upgrading to 6.06.03:17
jsgotangcocbx33: that's easy03:17
jsgotangcohave you looked at the tree structure03:18
cbx33and I think he is keen to kinda of partner up the edubuntu printed cd's with the Open CD03:18
ograslashdevnull, did you follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdubuntuLTSPUpgradeNotes ?03:18
cbx33jsgotangco: I will be later on today03:18
slashdevnullyesI think that the thin clients (Dell Dimension 5150) are 03:18
cbx33I wanted to ask if you guys have any feedback on the CD itself as it stands03:18
slashdevnullEr, sorry. yes03:18
jsgotangcowe have a tiny problem on the current UI03:18
cbx33or if you have any cool ideas for how we could reinject some life into it03:18
jsgotangcocbx33: i don't think this is the proper forum to ask about the opencd03:19
ograjsgotangco, i'm sure highvoltage will disagree03:19
slashdevnullogra: I recreated the client chroot, removing the old one. several times now.03:19
cbx33well, we just thought that seeing as there is a big market out there for young people to start with open source03:19
ograslashdevnull, so what are the symptoms ?03:20
cbx33it seemed like a good idea to collect thoughts from the edubuntu gang03:20
slashdevnullThe thin client does not fully boot. I get an Ubuntu splash screen (nice touch) and it gets as far as mounting the filesystem, I believe.03:20
jsgotangcoi hacked up a version of the current k-meleon browser in my bzr branch03:20
cbx33jsgotangco: cool03:21
highvoltageogra:  and i do :)03:21
ograslashdevnull, hmm, k, do you see a line like "rooserver: " if the splash goes away ?03:21
jsgotangcothe plan for OpenCD 4 is to remove the ubuntu liveCD03:21
highvoltagejsgotangco: i think #edubuntu is fine to discuss the educational version of the edu-open-cd03:21
jsgotangcobut there were interest on creating an education version since there was a demand in AU03:21
slashdevnullogra: I ctrl-F1 to a text screen, where the last line is: (just a sec while I get it)03:22
highvoltagejsgotangco: since the edu-open-cd and edubuntu distribution would make fine companions, and there's a bit of overlap03:22
jsgotangcoit wouldn't be hard to add apps on the current one03:22
jsgotangcothe problem is identifying stuff03:22
cbx33esp with the extra space03:22
cbx33jsgotangco: true03:22
cbx33which is why I was putting my feelers out03:22
jsgotangcothat's what we've been stumped with for months03:22
LaserJockwhat is the url?\03:22
slashdevnullogra: rootserver: rootpath: /opt/ltsp/i38603:23
cbx33I must admit03:23
jsgotangcoi tried adding some games, but they proved to be too violent in nature for the current audience03:23
jsgotangco(Marathon for example)03:23
ograslashdevnull, is definately your server ? 03:23
slashdevnullogra: Yes03:23
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jsgotangcocbx33: there is also redistribution03:24
cbx33of course03:24
ograslashdevnull, can you try: sudo mount /mnt and see what that gives you ?03:24
cbx33I'm not saying it's going to be easy03:24
=== jsgotangco wonders if win32 squeak license is borked
ograslashdevnull, from another linux box indeed03:24
LaserJockjsgotangco: why?03:24
LaserJockI can think of quite a few things to put on the open cd03:25
jsgotangcoLaserJock: ask ogra why we don't have squeak shipped03:25
LaserJockjsgotangco: I know about squeak ;-)03:25
ograwe cant ship multiverse stuff03:25
cbx33we also talked about internationalisation03:26
LaserJockjsgotangco: I just wondered why you thought there would be a difference between linux and w3203:26
jsgotangcowell frankly it was a random thought03:26
slashdevnullogra: I am trying that now from my workstation. May not work - I'm on another network segment. I'll need to boot a machine in our training room. Just a sec, please. And thanks for the help.03:26
LaserJockcbx33: unfortunately most of the apps I could think of would not be very interesing for kids, more like high-school wanting to get into FLOSS stuff, and science of course ;-)03:27
jsgotangcothat's the thing03:27
cbx33what about having the packages on there in english but all the browser content internationalised and translated in rosetta, we could then point to localised versions of software where it is available03:27
jsgotangcocbx33: we were also thinking of relaxing the license requirements for inclusion03:28
jsgotangcobecause admittedly, there are some way cool apps that require, say java03:28
jsgotangcoor even .NET03:28
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jsgotangcoso just in case you didn't know, we gave it a thought too03:28
cbx33jsgotangco: hmmm...03:28
slashdevnullogra: Mount seems to either not be happening, or is taking a long time. nfs problem?03:28
ogralooks like03:29
cbx33i wasn't aware but good thing to think about03:29
jsgotangcocbx33: its worth pondering, after all, it is supposed to be free apps03:29
ogracan you check /var/log/daemon.log to see if there is a proper errormessage ?03:29
cbx33jsgotangco: what did you think to my take on internationalisation03:29
slashdevnullogra, from my log: Jun 14 09:11:12 zion2 mountd[4719] : authenticated mount request from station3.training.innovationsw.com:643 for /opt/ltsp/i386 (/opt/ltsp)03:29
slashdevnullheh. I figured that's what you'd want next. ;)03:29
ogranothing below ? 03:29
jsgotangcobut it wouldn't really help much if the long term plan is migration to a free software platform =)03:30
ogralike auth failed or something ? 03:30
ograhmm, strange03:30
slashdevnulljust the request.03:30
ogracan you look at the workstation as well ? 03:30
cbx33jsgotangco: true03:30
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jsgotangcocbx33: let me review the email again 03:30
slashdevnullthis is ubuntu 6.06, btw. not edubuntu. I don't know if there are differences.03:30
slashdevnullI should have said that up front. sorry about that03:30
ogranope, there arent ...03:30
cbx33jsgotangco: ok cool03:31
ograltsp is the same in all *buntus03:31
slashdevnullwhat would you like from the workstation?03:31
ograsame log, look for failures03:31
jsgotangcocbx33: in case you didn't know, Kubuntu has some nice win32 apps on the desktop cd too that might be worth considering03:31
ogra(or probably check /var/log/messages since there likely wont be anything in the daemon.log on the client side)03:32
jsgotangcoway different from the one in gnome03:32
highvoltagebluekuja: i got hold of znarl03:32
highvoltagebluekuja: where should the dns of it.edubuntu.org point to?03:32
jsgotangcocbx33: i did not read anything about internationalisation03:32
bluekujahighvoltage: just a moment I give you the link03:32
cbx33hang on I'll paste again03:33
slashdevnullmaybe portmap...? here's a log entry03:33
cbx33what about having the packages on there in english but all the browser content internationalised and translated in rosetta, we could then point to localised versions of software where it is available03:33
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ograslashdevnull, from what exactly did you upgrade to 6.06 ?03:33
slashdevnullJun 14 09:29:42 localhost kernel: [4294810.471000]  RPC: failed to contact portmap (errno -5).03:33
highvoltagecbx33: what you're saying is related to bluekuja's site?03:33
cbx33so in essence the cd is multilingual - but only has engilsh on it, but points to other languages03:33
ogra(is that machine hoary based ?)03:33
slashdevnullThe server was previously Ubuntu 5.10, running ltsp.03:33
cbx33highvoltage: no03:34
ograhmm, k 03:34
slashdevnullThe clients run fat or thin, depending on how we need them03:34
ograslashdevnull, check if portmap runs on both ends 03:34
slashdevnullthey are Dell Dimension 5150's with ATI vbideo cards. I think I had fglrx in there before03:34
highvoltagecbx33: ok, just checking03:34
slashdevnullportmap *is* running on the server. It was not on the workstation03:35
ograand if it does, check /etc/default/portmap if its bound to the loopback device or something ... that file must be empty (or completely commmented)03:35
slashdevnullinstalling it on workstation now...03:35
slashdevnullcat /etc/default/portmap: # By default, listen only on the loopback interface03:35
jsgotangcocbx33: hmmm it shouldn't be that difficult its just a bunch of strings03:36
jsgotangcocbx33: have you heard of the moin option before?03:36
ograslashdevnull, fine03:36
cbx33jsgotangco: go on03:36
cbx33sorry I'm still new to all this03:36
jsgotangcocbx33: its fine03:36
ograslashdevnull, did you restart portmap on the server after upgrading ? 03:36
slashdevnullI rebooted the server. So, yes03:37
jsgotangcocbx33: the current one you're familiar right? just a bunch of static pages03:37
jsgotangcocbx33: but the 3.1 CD has MoinMoin Desktop03:37
ogra(you likely did reboot for a new kernel...)03:37
slashdevnullThe thin client worked, initially, btw, after upgrading the server. I think it still had the previous kernel in memory, however.03:37
cbx33jsgotangco: oooh nice03:37
ogradamn lag here03:37
slashdevnullif that makes sense03:37
slashdevnullwhen I rebooted the thin client, it stopped working.03:37
jsgotangcocbx33: henrik is a bit of a Moin nut, so he experimented on using Moin as the interface of TOC itself03:37
jsgotangcobut should run on the CD03:38
jsgotangcowe tried it both but the results werent that good03:38
cbx33from what point of vierw?03:38
jsgotangcoit was reading the CD madly03:38
cbx33i can imagine03:38
jsgotangcoimagine if Moin itself ran everything03:38
jsgotangcolocalisation can be done by people on the website itself03:39
jsgotangcothen we just lift them03:39
ograslashdevnull, hmm, what does your /etc/exports contain ? there should be only one line exporting /opt/ltsp in readonly mode 03:39
jsgotangcocbx33: have you seen orchard03:39
cbx33heard of it03:39
jsgotangcocbx33: orchard.theopencd.org03:39
jsgotangcothat is the moin experiment03:39
cbx33ahhh cool03:39
slashdevnullogra: /etc/exports: /opt/kickstart  *(ro,no_root_squash,async)03:40
slashdevnull/opt/ltsp       *(ro,no_root_squash,async)03:40
ograok, looks sane03:40
slashdevnullWe are also kickstart installing from this server. I can remove that for nwo03:40
slashdevnullfor now03:40
ograno need to03:40
ograits surely a portmap problem 03:40
ogrado you run *any* firewall stuff on that machine ? 03:41
slashdevnullThe last thing I see in the splash screen is that the filesystem is mounted (it says "ok" on the right hand side. Then the screen goes black03:41
cbx33I'm gonna have to dash03:41
cbx33but we got some great ideas there jsgotangco 03:41
cbx33I'll be back03:41
slashdevnullI don't think that there are any firewall rules. I'll check.03:41
ograslashdevnull, and then you get the mount error ? 03:41
slashdevnullThe mount error does not show up on the splash. it's on the plaintext screen (alt-F1)03:41
jsgotangcocbx33: if you change the moin theme to TOC, it'll look exaclty like 3.103:42
slashdevnullEr, not mount error. The other stuff03:42
ograslashdevnull, i mean the splash goes away and drops you to a console, right ? or does it just stay black eternally at some later point03:43
jsgotangcocbx33: so to answer your question on 18ln, yes, its possible03:43
slashdevnullit just stays black. I manually go to the other screen via alt-F103:43
ograso it doesnt break on mounting ... thats different 03:44
slashdevnullsorry. I should have been more specific03:44
slashdevnullogra: Here's what I see: I boot the system, and see the scrolling text I'm used to seeing. Then, it's replaced with a splash screen. I get two items on that splash, the second of which seems to complete, then the screen goes black.03:45
ograanything on console 8 ? 03:46
slashdevnullI think that;s the one that goes black.03:46
slashdevnullWhen I've been saying plash screen, I men the Ubuntu splash, not the PXE info03:47
ogra7 should go black, 8 should have the bootmessages that are hidden by usplash03:47
slashdevnullah. let me check03:47
ograi could imagine its an ati problem ...03:47
LaserJockjsgotangco: does the openCD have python?03:48
slashdevnullogra: Once it goes black, the only screen I can read anything on is alt-f103:48
jsgotangcoLaserJock: interestingly no03:48
jsgotangcoLaserJock: some nice stuff created on pygame would work 03:48
slashdevnullso, can I configure around that with corg.conf or something? Try using vesa driver?03:48
LaserJockjsgotangco: wha? Don't you need python for the desktop moin?03:48
slashdevnulli'm grasping at straws, here03:48
jsgotangcoit think it installs python for its own use03:49
LaserJockyeah, ok.03:49
ograslashdevnull, yes, try creating a lts.conf with XSERVER=vesa03:49
LaserJockjsgotangco: I use Windows quite a bit and have put lots of FLOSS stuff on it03:49
ograit will be hellish slow though03:49
cbx33LaserJock: can't wait to hear your ideas :p03:50
slashdevnullJust that one line, or the [Default]  stanza as well?03:50
ograin the default stanza 03:50
LaserJockcbx33: nothing cool, nobody cares about the stuff that is cool to me, unfortunately03:50
jsgotangcoi use windows too but i only use it for games03:50
=== cbx33 does
cbx33nobody cares much about acoustical engineering03:50
=== cbx33 knows LaserJock cares about gisomount :p
ogracbx33, i do03:51
cbx33really ?03:51
jsgotangcocbx33: do you think a grade schooler would care too03:51
ogracbx33, i used to build high end hifi stuff years ago with a friend03:51
cbx33hmmm if we made it so you blastered away eveil aliens with non-linear differntial equation gun they might03:51
cbx33ogra: coool03:51
cbx33I never knew that :p03:51
ograi never talk about it :)03:52
cbx33I built a speaker once for a project at uni03:52
=== B4zzA [n=chevron_@l3-202-89-188-70.arach.net.au] has joined #edubuntu
LaserJockI put latex, Python, bzr, chemistry modeling, emacs/vim, gnuplot, etc.03:52
cbx33pretty good freq responce03:52
cbx33even then though my interest was computer related03:52
ograJaneW, !!03:52
cbx33bye JaneW 03:53
JaneWhighvoltage: cyber hug - I am runnign late03:53
LaserJockcya JaneW, we love you!!03:53
JaneWI may be around for a while tomorrow :)03:53
ograwe'll get richard to pull you in from time to time :)03:53
JaneWogra: yes, do :)03:53
cbx33wrote a synthesizer for my thesis - took octave notes at two velocities and interpolated the rest of the notes :p03:53
JaneWI'll get in on line tomorrow and show him some of the ropes03:53
ograJaneW, i'm also pondering making a "JaneW status" item for the fixed meeting agenda ;)03:53
highvoltageJaneW: *cyber hug*03:54
highvoltageJaneW: oh, you are at the office?03:54
JaneWhighvoltage: yes03:54
ograso he can tell us how you're doing ;)03:54
=== highvoltage runs to JaneW
LaserJockogra: hehe, good idea03:54
JaneWhighvoltage: but haven;t had a change to get across there03:54
ograhighvoltage, give her a long tight hug from me03:54
=== cbx33 too
slashdevnullogra: No dice so far. Want my lts.conf?03:54
ograslashdevnull, yep, paste it to a pastebin03:55
jsgotangcolookee what i found in our new tollway today03:55
DanielCCould someone explain how I know if a package is supported for 3 years or 5?03:56
ograall desktop depending stuff in main == 3 years, everything else == 503:57
LaserJockogra: bah, seb128 is always a tought sell for me, to bad he's so darn good ;-)03:57
DanielCogra: How do I know which things are "desktop"? For example, an Edubuntu server will have a lot of things I'd normally think of as desktop (Firefox).03:58
ograslashdevnull, X_MODE_0  = 1280x1024 isnt respected at all, X_COLOR_DEPTH = 24 is the default anyway, are yu sure the values for X_HORZSYNC and X_VERTREFRESH are correct ? 03:58
slashdevnullogra: this is a slightly modified version of what worked before upgrading. just changed XSERVER and commented out the last line as part of troubleshooting03:58
ograLaserJock, we'll soften him, dont worry03:58
slashdevnullI believe that they are, ogra. Worked with the last version03:58
ograDanielC, yes, edubuntu is a 3 year candidate03:58
LaserJockogra: I think he'd kill me if he saw that I had MOTU Science push >50 new .desktops in Dapper ;-)03:58
ograslashdevnull, comment everything but XSERVER for now and try again03:59
slashdevnullogra, should I uncomment the config file line, or lose it?03:59
ograthe XF86CONFIG_FILE wont work 03:59
DanielCogra: So, when they say "5 years on the server" they are talking about things like LAMP? And Edubuntu is only supported for 3 years?03:59
ograits the one detected on the server during ltsp-build-client ...03:59
highvoltageogra: i'm back, she came back with me to say goodbye to someone in my office, but i'll give her that long hard hug just now04:00
ograso it only applies to the servers X setup... and gets overwritten on boot ... *unless* you set XF86CONFIG_FILE ;)04:00
ograhighvoltage, thanks ... give her two ... she deservers it ... no, giver her 10 !04:00
highvoltageogra: i think i might have hurt her04:00
slashdevnullogra: Same results. No dice04:01
ograDanielC, edubuntu and ltsp both rely on desktop stuff 04:01
highvoltageogra: it was just one hug, she has run away now, so i cna't do the other 904:01
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slashdevnullAh, DanielC from the lists. Hello.04:01
JaneWogra: my arm is now dislocated - thanks! :p04:01
DanielCogra: ok04:01
ograDanielC, indeed the non desktop related components will be supported for 5 years (i.e. the dhcp server)04:01
JaneWhighvoltage: thanks for the awesome hugs :))04:01
highvoltageJaneW: *hugs* :)04:02
JaneWok gotta run04:02
JaneWI will pop in tomorrow04:02
ograJaneW, i wanted you to take something with you from us :P04:02
=== DanielC waves at slashdevnull
ograciao JaneW 04:02
highvoltageciao JaneW 04:02
highvoltagehey bddebian 04:03
highvoltagebddebian: are you going to paris?04:03
bddebianHi highvoltage04:03
slashdevnullHrmm... "The one detected on the server duting ltsp-build-client"...?04:03
bddebianhighvoltage: No :-(04:03
slashdevnullogra: I upgraded the server via ssh. I have no idea if X is running properly on it right now, directly, I mean.04:04
ograslashdevnull, yes, xorg checks the existing hardware during package install04:04
ograsince you run ltsp-build-client on the server it generates a xorg.conf for the server ...04:04
slashdevnullDoes that mean that the server and thin clients need to have similar/same video hardware?04:04
DanielCDamm it. Installing Ubuntu on another computer and the screen went black again.04:04
DanielCDapper is severely broken if a lot of being are being hit by this issue.04:04
ograduring boot the client calls dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and generates the *real* one04:04
DanielCHow are users expected to finish installation if the screen goes black?04:05
DanielCI'm doing an oem install. I can't complete it without a screen.04:05
slashdevnullThe xorg.conf that the server was creating via ltsp-build-client, iirc, set up with "ati" as the video driver.04:05
=== DanielC doesn't know what to do
ograif XF86CONFIG_FILE is set that step is skipped in the bootprocess and the file you pointed to is used 04:05
=== DanielC wonders if he should power off the computer or something
=== DanielC is getting worried, he can't finish the install if the screen is black
ograso with XF86CONFIG_FILE = /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/X11/xorg.conf you had forced it to use the same setup your server has in /etc/X11/xorg.conf ...04:06
ogra(at least they should be the same)04:06
slashdevnullI think there are differences.04:07
ograanyway, its wrong :)04:07
slashdevnullogra: I can wipe /opt/ltsp/i386 and start over, if that helps04:07
DanielCogra: What can I do? The screen went black mid-way through an oem install. Help.04:07
ogrause XF86CONFIG_FILE like: XF86CONFIG_FILE = /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/X11/xorg.conf.client1 ...04:07
ogra(and create that file indeed)04:07
ograin case you dont want the autodetection at all 04:08
cbx33DanielC: don;t press Alt+Tab04:08
cbx33it crashes progress bars04:08
ograDanielC, no idea, i have never ever done an oem install in my life04:08
DanielCcbx33: I haven't done anything yet. What can I do?04:08
cbx33no you get me to do them :p04:08
ogra(i probably should)04:08
ograslashdevnull, so with only keeping vesa in the file it still didnt work ? 04:09
DanielCThis is the second time this happens, out of two computers. This is *bad*.04:09
DanielCThe first time I was setting up an Edubuntu server.04:09
slashdevnullogra: correct04:09
ograslashdevnull, what if you remove the file completely ? 04:10
slashdevnullogra: I believe that does not work, either. verifying...04:11
slashdevnullstupid question (double-checking): lts.conf goes in /opt/ltsp/i386/etc, right?04:12
slashdevnullverified: not working when lts.conf is removed.04:14
slashdevnullI think I am going to bench the server, put a monitor on it, and make sure that X is working on it locally.04:14
ograthat doesnt matter04:14
slashdevnullthen clear /opt/ltsp/i386 and start over. That won't help?04:14
slashdevnullnm, then. :)04:15
DanielC"stable" my ass.04:15
ograbtw did you manage to mount from the workstation ?04:15
ograDanielC, ?04:16
slashdevnullWhat is the next thing that I should see on the ubuntu logo splash screen after mounting? That seems to be where it breaks.04:17
DanielCogra: Breezy didn't go black when installing.04:17
DanielCThis is a major bug. It's happened twice in a row (on different hardware).04:17
slashdevnullThey are slightly different beasts. I'm sure it went black on some hardware. 04:18
ograDanielC, i havent heard of that problem at any time during the testing phase we had04:18
=== Elwell [n=Elwell@vpn-036.vpn.net.ed.ac.uk] has joined #edubuntu
DanielCogra: cbx33 has seen it too.04:19
slashdevnullogra, btw, in testing yesterday, i tried getting the thin clients to boot from the older kernel (which I no longer have, from wiping /opt/ltsp/i386). I got further in the process with that.04:19
ograDanielC, *nobody* has seen it at a time where we would have been able to fix it04:19
highvoltageslashdevnull: the kernel doesn't live in /opt/ltsp/i386, it lives in /var/lib/tftpboot04:19
slashdevnullI know. That's where I changed the symlinks.04:20
slashdevnullBut, that only got me so far, as could be expected. ;)04:20
ograwe tested instally nearly two months long on many different setups ...04:20
DanielCogra: cbx33 has a link to the bug report, I don't have the link handy.04:20
ograslashdevnull, "That's where I changed the symlinks." ???04:20
ograwhat did you change ? 04:20
highvoltagethat does sound a bit strange.04:21
ogra(you shouldnt touch /var/lib/tftpboot, ltsp-build-client does that)04:21
slashdevnullIn my troubleshooting, I temporarily repointed initrd.img and vmlinuz to other kernels. They have been moved back since then to where they were before the change04:21
ograDanielC, well, when was it filed ? 04:22
DanielCogra: I'm looking for the link...04:22
slashdevnullAnd, actually, yeah. Since they live outside of /opt, they didn't get wiped as I previously said. I need more coffeee.04:22
ograslashdevnull, to be sure, please do: sudo rm -rf /var/lib/tftpboot && sudo ltsp-update-kernels04:22
ograsudo rm -rf /var/lib/tftpboot/* && sudo ltsp-update-kernels04:23
ogra(dont use the first one)04:23
DanielCogra: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/xresprobe/+bug/4372204:23
jsgotangcohmm what happened to enigmail?04:23
highvoltagejsgotangco: just heard back from the travel agency. it sounds like my application went through fine, which means that i should get my visa tomorrow (shew)04:23
DanielCogra: Looks like May, but I'm not sure.04:23
jsgotangcohighvoltage: well usually when they ask for ticket and travel insurance i would assume its okay already04:24
slashdevnullogra: too late. recreating directories, etc.04:24
slashdevnulldone. rebooting thin client..04:24
slashdevnulli am getting file not found errors from pxe now.04:26
ogragrmbl perople not using the attachment function to add logfiles in launchpad should be sh**04:26
slashdevnullI'm happy to have a differnet error. Progress. :)04:26
ograslashdevnull, nah, thats a regression :)04:26
ogradid you run ltsp-update-kernels as i described above ? 04:27
slashdevnullI believe so. I have new files in /var/lib/tftpboot04:27
slashdevnullI believe so. I have new files in /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp, rather04:27
ograwith the appropriate links (vmlinuz and initrd.img pointing to the right files) ?04:28
slashdevnullit appears so04:28
ograand also a pxeboot dir below ? 04:28
ogralooks ok04:29
slashdevnullyes. with "default" in it04:29
ogratry: sudo apt-get install tftp-hpa && tftp localhost04:31
jsgotangcogood night04:31
slashdevnullI have a tftp prompt04:31
slashdevnulli should learn tftp. :P04:32
ograslashdevnull, make sure to run that in your homedir or somewhere, but *not* in /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp04:32
ogranow just type: get ltsp/vmlinuz04:32
ograit should recieve the kernel04:32
slashdevnullError code 1: File not found04:33
ograyou can try the same with ltsp/pxelinux.004:33
ograhmm ? 04:33
slashdevnullsame error04:33
ograare you sure you run ubuntu ltsp ?04:34
ogragrep tftp /etc/inetd.conf04:34
ogradpkg -l|grep tftp04:35
slashdevnulltftp           dgram   udp     wait    root  /usr/sbin/in.tftpd /usr/sbin/in.tftpd -s /var/lib/tftpboot04:35
slashdevnulldpkg -l|grep tftp04:35
slashdevnullii  tftp-hpa                                   0.40-4.1ubuntu1                       HPA's tftp client04:35
slashdevnullii  tftpd-hpa                                  0.40-4.1ubuntu1                       HPA's tftp server04:35
ograhmm, looks ok04:35
ogratry restarting inetd .... sudo killall -HUP inetd04:36
ograand the try again 04:36
slashdevnullsame error04:36
ogradid you make a new connection ? 04:37
ograyou need to quit and reconnect the tftp client04:37
slashdevnulli did04:37
ograand your inetd is running ? 04:37
=== LaserJock is now known as Laser_away
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slashdevnullit was not, for some reason. I t is now, though. one moment...04:38
slashdevnull ps aux | grep -i inet04:39
slashdevnullroot     26042  0.0  0.0   1600   504 ?        Ss   10:39   0:00 /usr/sbin/inetd04:39
slashdevnullgot it04:40
slashdevnullogra, q: Should inetd be able to be stopped/started by non-root?04:40
slashdevnullmine does. :P04:40
ograogra@edubuntu:~$ /etc/init.d/inetd restart04:41
ogra * Restarting internet superserver... start-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 4311: Operation not permitted04:41
ogra                                                                         [ ok ] 04:41
ograogra@edubuntu:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/inetd restart04:41
ogra * Restarting internet superserver...                                    [ ok ] 04:41
slashdevnull$ /etc/init.d/inetd start04:41
slashdevnull * Starting internet superserver...                                                      [ ok ] 04:41
slashdevnullisg@zion2:~/tmp$ ps aux | grep -i inet04:41
slashdevnullroot     26042  0.0  0.0   1600   508 ?        Ss   10:38   0:00 /usr/sbin/inetd04:41
slashdevnullisg      26085  0.0  0.0   1600   552 ?        Ss   10:41   0:00 /usr/sbin/inetd04:41
slashdevnullisg      26089  0.0  0.0   2880   800 pts/0    R+   10:41   0:00 grep -i inet04:41
slashdevnullrunning both as root and non-root now04:42
=== dan_young [n=dyoung@fw13x.mesd.k12.or.us] has joined #edubuntu
ograsomething is pretty broken with your system then 04:44
ograhow did you start the one running as isg ?04:44
ograstart-stop-daemon isnt capable to run as user04:44
ogra(at least it shouldnt)04:44
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-228-182.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
slashdevnullI used /etc/init.d/inetd04:45
ograwhich calls start-stop-daemon04:45
pygihey hey people04:45
slashdevnullThis system is used by students who could have gained root. Maybe it's time for a full wipe and re-install.04:46
ograyou called it with start instead of restart, right ? 04:46
slashdevnullstop and start04:46
ogramake sure all are killed and start one as root04:46
ograthen check if it works04:46
slashdevnullall are stopped. Did that as root.04:47
slashdevnullps aux  verified.04:47
ograeven if you have an inetd running as user, it wont do anything as long as tcpd is caring for the childs04:47
slashdevnullstarted one instance as root via /etc/init.d04:47
slashdevnullverified. one instance running04:47
slashdevnullas root04:47
slashdevnullThe thin client boots as far as it did initially. Stalls/backscreens after "mounting root filesystem"04:49
slashdevnuller, blackscreens04:49
ogranow check if you get the kernel via tftp04:49
slashdevnullAs non-root: new tftp session, then get ltsp/vmlinuz. Works.04:50
ograok, thats good04:50
ograwe are at least sure it gets the right kernel now04:50
pygibluekuja, poke? :)04:50
slashdevnullpxe works. I get a kernel. I get an ubuntu splash screen, I supposedly mount the root filesystem, then go black04:51
ograthere is one "supposedly" to much in that senence04:51
ogralets make it *sure*04:51
slashdevnullThe keyboard is reaponsive to numlock/capslock and alt-fkeys. Other than that, nothing seems to be happening04:52
slashdevnullogra: heh. :)04:52
ograeven better, lets drop usplash for now ...04:52
slashdevnullhow/where do I do that?04:53
ograjust drop "splash" from /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/pxelinux.cfg/default04:53
bluekujapygi: :)04:53
pygibluekuja, progress? :)04:53
bluekujapygi: I'm working on the server, login works now04:53
ograit has only one line ... just remove the word "splash"04:53
bluekujasvn too04:53
ogra(but keep the "quiet", else it scrolls very fast)04:54
pygibluekuja, nice, does domain also work?04:54
slashdevnullsplash removed. rebooting thin client04:54
ogranow lets see where it hangs :)04:54
bluekujaI didn't tried it04:54
bluekujamaybe we can do it now04:54
pygibluekuja, oki :)04:54
bluekujapm then04:54
slashdevnullogra: I am halting at the same place. Last line: rootserver: rootpath: /opt/ltsp/i38604:56
ogranothing below ?04:56
ogracan you restart portmap and nfs-kernel-server and try booting again 04:57
slashdevnullIt appears to have grabbed and uncomperssed the kernel, grabbed network info (ip addr, domain, etc.) then that line04:57
ogra(and use "restart")04:57
slashdevnulldone. rebooting client...04:58
slashdevnullsame results04:59
ograok, try mounting from the workstation again ... this is getting weird, but i'm sure its not an X issue or anything with your graphics card noe05:00
ograreally ? 05:02
slashdevnullI see the root filesystem in /mnt on the workstation now05:02
slashdevnullbin, boot, etc.05:02
ogratry booting the client again, thats strange05:02
slashdevnullthin client rebooted. stuck at the same place05:04
ogragive it some time ...05:04
ograit should drop you to busybox or something at least after a timeout ...05:04
slashdevnulli have 12 thin clients to work with, so I can let one sit, if there's anything to try on other ones05:04
ograusually it prints out something like /sbin/init not found05:05
ograerm, the other ones work fine ? 05:05
slashdevnullin the usplash screen, in "mounting root filesystem", it says "ok" on the right hand sid, before the screen blacks.05:05
ogradid you try a different one ? 05:05
slashdevnullno, none of the thins work05:05
slashdevnullsame problem all around (thank the gods)05:06
ograhrm :/05:06
ograhow much memory do these clients have ? 05:12
slashdevnulllots. 1gb05:13
slashdevnullThey are booted into thin or fat mode, depending on what we need them for at the time05:14
ograhave you got a liveCD handy by chance ? 05:15
slashdevnullyes, I do05:16
ograto boot one client from for testing ...05:16
ograso lets check what that does05:16
ograi have no idea at all whats causing this ... you should at least get a nfs timeout ast some point, or some other error message05:17
slashdevnullI also have the client PCs installed locally with Ubuntu 6.06.05:18
slashdevnullI'll go boot one off the livecd05:18
=== Kamping_Kaiser [n=kgoetz@ppp137-2.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #edubuntu
slashdevnullFirst option, I assume: "Start or install ubuntu"?05:19
=== JaneW [n=JaneW@dsl-146-167-152.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
=== froud [n=froud@dsl-145-25-87.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
Kamping_Kaiseri have locale issues, and 'dpkg-reconfigure locales' just regenerates them. does anyone know what i have to dpkg to get the option to select locales to generate? 05:20
slashdevnulllivecd could not start x05:22
=== highvoltage [n=jono@mtngprs7.mtn.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
slashdevnullA workinjg 6.06 workstation (non-thin) has Driver "fglrx" at 1280x1024 in xorg.conf05:23
=== mode/#edubuntu [+o highvoltage] by ChanServ
slashdevnuller, working05:24
ograok, seems the ati kernel driver is broken for you... if fglrx works it will be a bit tricky to set up on the client ...05:24
slashdevnullyay. ;P05:25
slashdevnullI'm up for the challenge05:25
slashdevnullDo I need to, like, chroot into the thin client environment and apt-get install fglrx drivers or something?05:27
slashdevnullogra, for future reference (because I may need to set up Ubuntu ltsp for a customer in the near future) am I better off with nVidia vs. ATI if the thins have newer video cards in them?05:30
=== Kamping_Kaiser wondesr if its a debconf priority thing
=== Sergi0 [n=serge@ip227-28-166-62.adsl.versatel.nl] has joined #edubuntu
slashdevnullogra: I was able to get the livecd system into X with the radeon driver. Doesn't seem to work for me with the thin client, however.05:37
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lucasvoanybody know how to make a screenshot on an ibook?05:38
highvoltagedo you have gimp installed?05:39
highvoltageyou could click on File -> Aquire -> Screenshot05:39
lucasvohighvoltage: ok, I'll try that05:40
ograslashdevnull, there is no point in usin any GL card at all over ltsp, since you dont have access to the clients /dev/dri from the X session on the server05:55
ograso GL wont waork anyways05:56
ograyeah, chroot into the client root and first of all install linux-38605:57
ograthat will give you the linux-restricted-modules package05:57
slashdevnulldoing it...05:58
ograok, first try if the client boots with that now ...05:59
slashdevnullogra: I am about to get called away into  a meeting. 05:59
ogra(its unlikely but testing it is cheap)05:59
slashdevnullWill do. Checking...05:59
ograok, just ping again later and we'll add fglrx to the modules in initramfs of the client then06:00
ogra(in case this test doesnt work)06:00
slashdevnulltest failed. same results06:00
slashdevnullor at least, yields same results. ;)06:01
pygiogra, mandriva is including bonfire ;P06:01
pygijoy :)06:01
ograubuntu too ... in universe afetr you packaged it and becamme a MOTU :P06:01
pygiogra, that will take ages :P06:02
pygiogra, but I meant in ship :P06:02
pygi(for mandriva)06:02
pygiogra, packaging is not a problem, that should happen soon :)06:02
ograhow big is ship of mmandriva, and do i get commercial support for it  there ? 06:02
pyginot sure, and I don't really care as I don't use it :P06:03
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ograi'm pretty sure they ship several CDs and have the luxury of space 06:03
ograand i really doubt they give commercial support for everything they ship06:04
pygino worries, I won't switch to mandriva :P06:04
ogranah, i'm just giving the rationale why we wouldnt include it in ship :)06:05
slashdevnullogra: What's next for fglrx/ltsp? apt-get install the fglrx stuffs?06:05
slashdevnullxorg-driver-fglrx. ok.06:05
ograand then fiddling wirh the initramfs settings and regenerating the initramfs ...06:05
pygiogra, no worries, no need to include it even in main ;)06:05
pygiuniverse if fine ;)06:05
slashdevnulldriver installed06:06
ograafter that, run ltsp-update-kernels to copy it over to the tftproot06:06
slashdevnulloutside of chroot, right?06:06
ograyes, but first the initramfs (in the chroot)06:06
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ograadd fglrx to /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/mkinitramfs/modules06:07
ograthen run update-initramfs -u in the chroot06:07
ograthen the above on the server and try to boot06:08
ograhmm, you might need a custom xorg.conf or an XSERVER entry in lts.conf i'm pretty sure the autodetection will never use fglrx by default06:08
slashdevnullupdate-initramfs done in chroot. now doing outside of chroot...06:09
highvoltageogra: if you install compiz/xglserver in the chroot...06:10
highvoltageogra: would the 3D parts be processes locally on the client?06:10
ograhighvoltage, leave me alone with xgl pleaser06:10
slashdevnullno compiz06:10
highvoltageogra: i think i should've expected something like that... sorry :)06:10
ograyou need device access you dont have 06:10
highvoltageok, that answers my question. thanks.06:11
ograsame as for xorg :)06:11
slashdevnullogra: I need to go to that meeting now. Damn.06:11
ograxgl is the worst crap evah ... its a proof of concept thing that people think they can use for real06:11
ogra(not that xgl is bad, but the marketing made around it)06:12
slashdevnullI think my only next step along these lines is pointing at an xorg.conf that references the fglrx driver06:12
slashdevnullhope to be back in a nhour or so. Thanks for all of the help.06:12
ograslashdevnull, you could first try with an XSERVER stanza in lts.conf06:12
ograyoure welcome :)06:12
highvoltageogra: i realise that (about xgl). i was just asking hypothetically, to improve my understanding of whether it would work or not.06:18
ograit wouldnt since the problem persists06:18
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sbartleylinuxogra_: ping07:56
sthelenregister woodcut307:58
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sthelenI'm having some issues with the administration part of Edubuntu.  Could anyone help?08:06
sthelenthe version I'm using is 6.06 with the installer.08:07
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cbx33ping ogra ogra__ 08:17
cbx33can we have a link to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdubuntuMeetingRecordsNew in the topic or something?08:17
cbx33new minutes are out08:22
crimsun_cbx33: (you can adjust the topic; it's not locked)08:22
crimsun_(the channel's not +t)08:23
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ogra__cbx33, we have the meeting agenda there which links to the meeting records08:27
ogra__i think that should suffice08:27
cbx33sorry ogra__ 08:28
cbx33do the minutes look ok?08:28
cbx33i know you like to check em through08:28
spaceyany ekiga users here? (or someone who does anything with line-in)08:30
sbartleylinuxogra__: When can we talk about printing?08:30
spaceyi can hear myself on the speakers when i talk in the microphone, but ekiga doesn't pick up the sound (neither does gnome sound recorder)08:31
spaceyreally frustrating08:31
spaceyand now it stopped working all together08:31
spaceyoh wait it still works like that08:32
=== spacey frustrated
slashdevnullogra__: I'm back. Still no joy.08:37
slashdevnullI'm wondering if I can use the radeon driver, since that seems to work on the livecd. Or, if it's even a video problem at all. Maybe things are borking pre-X driver08:38
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cbx33ogra__, is it tonight for the scp meeting?08:57
=== ogra_ [n=ogra@p5089E44F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
slashdevnullhello, ogra_09:05
slashdevnullI have a new question: How do I downgrade back to 5.10? ;)09:06
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cbx33hey rodarvus 09:08
rodarvuscbx33: hey hey09:09
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=== rodarvus recovering from a machine crash
cbx33oh dear09:09
LaserJockrodarvus: doh09:09
=== cbx33 is coding more on gisomount
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lucasvonot much activity today, eh?09:18
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rodarvuslucasvo: actually, we had lots of activity just a few hours ago09:29
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EmxBAhi again :)09:36
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EmxBAcan anyone see this09:45
lucasvoEmxBA: what's this?09:47
lucasvoa wardriving event?09:47
EmxBAjust few screenhsots of my wireless card and kismet in action :)09:48
EmxBAI am running apache on my box09:48
EmxBAI'm connected to net over dialup09:48
EmxBAapache works fine for me :)09:48
EmxBAhttp:// is my IP :)09:48
EmxBAping me if you want , or use nmap :)09:48
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-254-3.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
EmxBAhi pygi09:51
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cbx33pygi, are we having the scp meeting in 10 mins?09:51
EmxBAscp? can you explain it to me :)09:52
pygicbx33, that is today? :P09:52
highvoltageogra__: i'm on the -users admin, but i don't have the list passwd09:52
lucasvoEmxBA: something like Apple Remote Desktop for Linux09:52
lucasvoLet's say for thinclients09:52
lucasvocbx33: am I wrong?09:52
cbx33i was just confused by pygi's comment09:53
pygicbx33, was joking, no worries :)09:54
lucasvoI'll try to attend as well09:55
lucasvocbx33: where is it?09:55
cbx33here i think09:55
EmxBAso tomorrow is edubuntu cookbook meeting09:55
EmxBApygi,   I woul really like to join edubuntu cookbook team, i've found it really good for me09:55
EmxBAso i would be very active09:56
EmxBAyou don't have to let me in, I just want to contribute09:56
pygicbx33, right, if ogra is here, we can have meeting09:56
EmxBAmaybe somewhere else, not on LP, pygi09:56
pygialtought ogra wrote a spec with needed features, so no need to talk much :P09:56
bluekujahey pygi09:57
bluekujasmall question: who made the package?09:57
EmxBAhi bluekuja, i mean andrea09:57
pygiblue-frog, the script :P09:58
bluekujahi EmxBA  :)09:58
EmxBAhi :)09:58
pygibluekuja, *09:58
pygiergh, I hate this tab thingy :P09:58
bluekujaRequested 'gstreamer-0.10 >= 0.10.6' but version of GStreamer is 0.10.409:58
bluekujaversion goes to 0.10 to 0.10.609:59
bluekujawhy 10.4 not work?09:59
pygibecause it won't :P 10:00
pygiIt's buggy :P10:00
bluekujaoh great10:00
pygi.6 is also buggy, but less buggy :P10:00
bluekujathere seems to be a problem with .6 too10:00
bluekujai mean in packaging10:00
pygibleh, like what? :P10:00
bluekujaavailable version is .410:01
bluekujaboth extras-updates-core10:01
bluekujaso it's only available browsing google10:01
pygibah :-/10:02
=== EmxBA found an open wireless network in hotel in circle of 100 meters
bluekujapygi: need to fix build requires10:02
pygibluekuja, it requires .6 :P 10:02
pygiIf it doesn't have it, rather don't make package :P10:03
bluekujanp for it, I'll try to make -6 working10:03
lucasvocbx33: are we redy to start?10:04
bluekujait's urgent?10:04
bluekujaor you can wait10:04
pygibluekuja, I can wait I think :P10:04
cbx33well I'm ready, but we really need ogra  - pygi did he say he could attend?10:04
pygicbx33, yes :P10:04
bluekujapygi: 1 motnh?10:05
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bluekujaI don't have a rpm based system on my laptop10:05
pygibluekuja, ah, well :P10:05
Amaranthogra: ping?10:05
Amaranthwe missed our meeting :)10:05
Amaranthand i missed the edubuntu meeting, oops10:06
EmxBAhi Amaranth10:06
bluekujapygi: I'll try to work on it with laptop10:07
bluekuja(rpm building on ubuntu, great)10:07
pygibluekuja, no need, don't worry10:07
pygiI'll find someone else10:07
bluekujapygi: NO10:07
EmxBAanyone got hacked into open wireless before?10:08
pyginah, just you go wherever you have to go :P10:08
bluekujai want to do it10:08
pygiand enjoy, don't work10:08
cbx33EmxBA, I've hack WEP wireless before10:08
EmxBAusing what?10:08
pygicbx33, don't teach people how to crack :P10:09
bluekujapygi: sea,girls, drink 10:09
cbx33I wouldn't dream of it10:09
cbx33I merely said I'd done it :p10:09
EmxBApygi, not cracking, hacking into OPEN wireless 10:09
pygihacking Open wireless? wth? 10:10
cbx33do you own the wireless10:10
pygiif it's open, why crack it?10:10
cbx33if not it's still against the law10:10
EmxBAno, i don't own the wireless10:10
cbx33then don;t use it10:10
pygicbx33, here you could do whatever you want like that10:10
pygithere is no law against hacking really10:11
EmxBAi just asked did any of you connected using someone's other wireless connection10:11
EmxBAwhich was open, not secured by wep10:11
pygithere is *something*, but that is not useful to anyone :P10:11
bluekujapygi: will you be in paris?10:11
pygibluekuja, no :-/10:11
bluekujapygi: unfortunately i wont be there too :(10:12
bluekujapygi: debconf on edinburg?10:12
bluekujanext year10:12
pygibluekuja, neither that :-/10:12
EmxBAdebconf in bosnia maybe :)10:13
EmxBAsee official site ;)10:13
bluekujaEmxBA: do you know what debconf is?10:13
bluekujai want italy hehe10:13
EmxBAbluekuja: debian conference10:13
bluekujabut quite sure edinburg10:13
EmxBAi want bosnia10:13
bluekujatoo far away10:15
bluekujafrom my city10:15
EmxBAi'll pay bus for you :)10:15
bluekuja1 month trip?10:15
EmxBA2 months trip plus hotel with 5 stars ;)10:16
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ark__is this the Student Control Panel meeting?10:16
bluekujaark__: i don't know10:17
bluekujacbx33: ping10:17
pygicbx33, what are we going to do without ogra ? :-/10:17
pygiark__, it's supposed to be :P10:17
EmxBAwhat are we going to do without JaneW10:17
EmxBAhave you seen her mail?10:17
pygiEmxBA, we know that ages ago :P10:18
ark__I thought it was supposed to be at #student-panel10:18
EmxBApygi: oh, ok :(10:18
pygiark__, ah, well10:18
pygimy fault probably :P10:18
pygibluekuja, debconf is in 1 month?10:19
ark__so ogra is not here?10:19
EmxBApygi, will you be on Edubuntu Cookbook meeting tomorrow10:19
EmxBAshe is her10:19
bluekujaI know that it's once a year10:19
pygiark__, what do you need? Perhaps I could help you? :)10:19
EmxBAbut it looks like she's away form computer10:19
pygibleh, outdated computer :P10:20
pygiEmxBA, what are you talking about? :P10:20
ark__I read on the edubuntu dev list that there was going to be a discussion about S-C-P10:20
pygiark__, you are right :)10:20
pygiWhat you wanna discuss? :)10:20
EmxBAtomorrow's Edubuntu Cookbook meeting10:20
EmxBAlots of things :-P10:21
ark__I am the developer of Fl_TeacherTool10:21
=== pygi looks up for that :)
ark__I wanted to share my experience of that to help SCP in edubuntu10:22
EmxBAcan anyone help me10:22
pygiark__, nice, thanks ;)10:22
EmxBAhow can i see list of newly installed apps10:22
EmxBAmaybe in synaptic10:22
ark__I thought about doing a port but things are a bit different in muekow and don't have much time now anyway10:22
EmxBAor in apt10:22
pygiPerhaps you could also help in implementation if you know python? 10:23
pygiark__, eh, sadly yes :-/10:23
ark__this is my first time using irc so be kind10:23
pygiark__, no worries :)10:23
EmxBApygi: can you help me find a list of newly installed apps10:23
pygiEmxBA, later :P10:24
pygidon't you see we are discussing :P10:24
EmxBAanyone else?10:24
ark__I know muekow uses ssh to the clients that's why there is more sys req on the clients10:24
pygiark__, right10:24
ark__it requires me to modify some system calls in my code10:25
ark__Eric Harrison has accepted Fl_TT into K12LTSP10:25
ark__in fact he helped with the integration10:25
ark__We now have monitor/control and broadcasting10:26
pygiyup, saw that10:26
pygiis it good "safe"/security wise?10:26
pygi(the vnc implementation)10:26
ark__As safe as LTSP10:26
ark__Nothing is encrypted from the server to the clients10:27
ark__it's just X10:27
pygiark__, right10:30
ark__sorry I was on the phone10:31
lucasvoark__: can you also shut down the clients from your control panel?10:31
ark__lucasvo: actually this is a major thread in the k12ltsp list now10:31
lucasvoark__: how to implement it?10:32
=== lucasvo isn't reading the list
ark__lucasvo: answer is no but because Eric says it's a huge security risk10:32
lucasvowell. depends on the implementation10:33
slashdevnullcan i tap someone here for some ltsp help? I've been working on this all day, and most of the day yesterday.10:33
lucasvoslashdevnull: what's wrong?10:33
slashdevnullogra was helping earlier, but is probably not around10:33
ark__I have to take a break for a moment 10:34
slashdevnulllucasvo, I think I have it troubleshot down to a nfs problem10:34
pygiark__, ok, enjoy :)10:34
slashdevnullI am running 6.06 (upgraded from 5.10, with the thin client portion completely re-re-re-re-installed).10:34
slashdevnullWhen I boot a thin client, it gets t oa certain point, and stops.10:35
lucasvowhich point?10:35
slashdevnullThe final error message that I get now is "nfs: server not responding, still trying"10:35
slashdevnullThat's after modifying the boot to be more verbose, and not use usplash10:36
cbx33right I'm off guys sorry10:36
slashdevnullI can mount the nfs share from other systems on the same network segment10:36
cbx33we'll have to have the meeting at another time10:36
=== EmxBA almost set up wireless
=== EmxBA is soon transferring from dialup to open wireless [hacked] :)
lucasvoslashdevnull: sorry, I don't know what I would do in that case10:37
slashdevnullalright, thanks anyhow10:37
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=== EmxBA is leaving
EmxBAsee ya10:49
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bluekujacbx33: hello pete11:07
bluekujadid the mail arrived you about this bug? https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/edubuntu-meta/+bug/4976811:10
bluekujai received it right now, I was opening browser to answer11:10
bluekujaI don't understand why he pointed the  bug to edubuntu-meta11:11
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bluekujapygi: hey mario11:11
pygimorning andrea11:12
bluekujapygi: i was answering to a "bug"11:17
bluekujain lp11:17
bluekujanice to see people that try to open .exe files on a linux system11:17
pygilol :)11:17
pygibluekuja, what's wrong with exe files? :)11:17
pygiDiva consists of bunch of .exe (one actually :P) and lots of dll's :P11:18
bluekujaso you're exe pro11:18
pygithat's Mono/C# tho, but not regular exe :P11:18
bluekujaok, that's better11:19
pygibluekuja, saw comment on gnomefiles? :)11:25
bluekujapygi: nope, can you post me the link again?11:26
bluekujai need to vote too11:26
pygiand give some good comment :P11:26
bluekujalol, I need to try it, but i trust you11:27
pygibleh, nothing until edgy :P11:27
bluekujaI trust your coding skills11:27
pygiyou saw nothing I coded :P11:27
bluekujaI know11:28
pygihow can you trust my coding skills then? :P11:28
bluekujaI just trsut11:28
ark__This is not on topic but I read Jane W. is leaving canonical. Is Oliver G. also leaving? 11:30
pygiark__, ofcourse he is not11:30
ark__Good. I thought it was some kind of restructuring by Canonical11:30
ark__Does anyone know when the next discussion of S-C-P is scheduled?11:31
pygiark__, you'll just have to talk to me about it and ogra and cbx3311:32
pygino date set really :)11:32
pygiark__, you can poke me always at mail11:35
pygiif you want?11:35
ark__okay. I sent an email a few weeks ago to Jonathon, you and Oliver and I got no replies so I thought I would show up here11:36
pygiark__, to me? you sure in that? :P11:36
pygimario dot danic at gmail dot com? :)11:36
ark__pretty sure. let me check11:37
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ark__yes on June 211:38
pygihm, whats ur mail?11:39
ark__robark at gmail11:39
pygik, lemme check pls11:39
pygiark__, indeed you have, gmail server is acting weird :-/11:40
pygisorry, lemme read the mail11:40
ark__no prob11:40
pygiah, right11:40
pygiwe do kinda have already a base code for control panel11:41
pygihave you seen it?11:41
ark__yes breifly. It's in python with the gui in gtk11:41
pygiwe just lack most of the features :P11:41
ark__But I noticed that you guys are trying to add most of the features I already have implemented11:42
pygibluekuja, where's the comment :P11:42
pygiark__, indeed :)11:42
bluekujapygi: just a moment and it will be there :)11:42
ark__Mine is coded in C++ (it's basically 2 classes) with the gui in fltk 11:43
ark__have you heard of fltk?11:43
Amarantha fltk gui can't be used11:43
ark__What's the reason for not allowing fltk11:44
Amaranthit, uh, looks out of place11:44
pygiark__, ofcourse  I have heard of it :P11:44
AmaranthS-C-P is a major thing, it has to blend with the desktop11:44
=== pygi nods
ark__I have a screenshot on my page. It's not a gtk app that's obvious. It looks more like MacOSX style11:46
LaserJockark__: what's the URL?11:46
pygiark__, it looks more like to blend with xfce :P11:46
pygiyes, saw it already :P11:47
ark__The new version 0.32 actually has ip # instead of hostnames11:48
ark__In any case, even if fltk is not allowed ogra can read my code to help implement SCP because some of the system calls should be the same11:49
=== pygi can also read code :P
ark__the callbacks should not be all that different. I am however using a vector of student structs as my data object. Don't know if python has template like generics11:52
ark__Another thing to look at is vncreflector. I don't know any other way to do broadcasting11:53
ark__And as for controlling/shadowing/monitoring. Eric built a vnc.so module for ltsp 4.2 that basically lets all the clients run a vncserver like X extension.11:54
ark__He built it inside the LTSP build environement 11:55
=== pygi notes all this stuff
ark__Well in any  case I just feel if ogra wants any input from me I don't mind sharing my experience and feedback from the k12ltsp list12:00
pygiark__, thanks ;)12:01
ark__BTW I use two version of vnc. tight is for the reflector and real is for the control monitor feature12:01
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pygiark__, eh, that is not so good :P12:02
pygiwell, two vnc stuff :)12:02
ark__there is only one vnc server running. realvnc. but vncreflector is a vnc proxy and it integrates well with tightvnc viewer. It works great.12:03
pygiright, I get it :P12:05
ark__this is the type of stuff I could chat with the dev of SCP. I was hoping ogra would be here12:06

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