
betty1I have a question12:03
betty1I want to add something to crontab to shutdown the computer at 10:00PM but the file permission is root. Is there a way to edit the file by not logging in as root?12:04
geneo93just ask12:04
[BU] Brizzbetty1: sudo?12:04
betty1well I tried sudo crontab but that didn't modify the crontab12:05
LjLbetty1: sudo nano /etc/crontab12:05
david__kdesu "whatever your using to edit crontab"12:05
GillesMhello since I upgraded in dapper I got for all the gtk program the Gdk-WARNING **: gdk_window_set_back_pixmap(): pixmap must have a colormap12:05
geneo93well you need editer12:05
david__kdesu kate perhaps12:05
geneo93mc is my fav12:06
betty1great it works12:06
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david__say, anyone know how to play mp4s?12:06
david__its really steaming my muffin12:06
betty1now I want to make the system shutdown properly at 11:00PM every night12:06
david__like, which codec do i need12:06
geneo93w32 i think12:06
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david__in the default repositories?12:07
[BU] Brizzis it rreally an mp4 or is it divx or xvid or something?12:07
david__its just a music file with .mp4 extension12:08
[BU] Brizzmusic, hmm12:08
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david__so... no answers to that question?12:09
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[BU] Brizz^^ :)12:10
[BU] Brizzhehe12:10
geneo93just install mplayer12:10
david__it says i have it already12:10
david__i'm trying to get this to work for beep12:11
david__which i love with a passion12:11
Laerviangood evening12:11
crimsun_LiteHedded: boot with " acpi=off"12:11
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geneo93xmms redone but no mplayer plugin for it yet12:11
th0m4snow someone mentioned using vmware on linux earlier because it's free12:11
th0m4swhat about qemu or something12:11
david__so does that mean no mp4s?12:11
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[BU] BrizzI love amaroK12:12
geneo93mplayer does everything12:12
th0m4salso where the hell do i get it i can't find it12:12
geneo93even has mozilla plugin12:13
LjLth0m4s: i don't think that vmware is free12:13
david__does it play every media format?12:13
david__like winamp 5?12:13
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th0m4sLjL: i didn't think so either because it's $189 for linux12:13
th0m4sand yet someone in here earlier was ranting and raving about how vmware is free for linux12:13
LjLth0m4s: there's the VMWare player, that is free (both for Linux and Windows AFAIK)12:13
[BU] Brizzi like mplayer but I use amaroK for music playing12:13
th0m4s14:16 < nixternal`2go> vmware = free for linux12:13
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LjLth0m4s: however, that doesn't allow doing some stuff. namely, creating new virtual machines12:14
david__i dont like amarok though... the layout bothers me12:14
th0m4swell he was the one saying that you CAN12:14
[BU] BrizzI don't look at the layout typically12:14
david__i like beep because of its winamp like layout12:14
th0m4si didn't believe him then and don't now12:14
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th0m4snixternal: wake up12:14
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[BU] Brizzbut I like it's organizational features better than most players12:14
david__i dont like xmms because of its crappy menus12:14
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[BU] BrizzI'm looking more forward to Songbird for Linux though12:14
betty1that was a mean trick12:14
david__i'm thinking i should just set up winamp on wine12:14
LjLth0m4s: you probably can download the vmware workstation trial, create a virtual machine with that, and then keep using that VM with the free player12:15
th0m4sLjL: lol12:15
betty1I change the system time to 10:05PM and the system starts shutting down12:15
th0m4sthat's evil12:15
LjLth0m4s: not sure if there are any further limitations though12:15
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LjLth0m4s: that might be evil but it's legal, as far as i can see12:15
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betty1so * 22 * * * root halt shuts down the system on the hour of 10:00PM and I wanted it to shutdown at 10:00PM12:16
betty1I believe12:16
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LjLbetty1: it should do that, yes12:16
betty1or is that right?12:16
betty1if I make it * 22 00 * * * root halt would that shutdown the system at exactly 10:00PM not 10:05PM12:17
LjLbetty1: or rather, not - actually yes ;-) i made a(nother) mistake there, it should begin with "0 22". guess it will still work, anyway12:17
LjLbetty1: no, the third parameter is *not* the minutes -- the first parameter is12:17
betty1oh ok12:17
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LjLbetty1: anyway, "* 22" would made it run "halt" on *every* minute, which includes 22:00...12:17
betty1what was that one command, sudo something /etc/crontab12:17
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LjLbetty1: sudo nano /etc/crontab  , or kdesu kate /etc/crontab12:18
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betty1ok thanks!12:18
CayouHello, I just installed the ATI drivers with easyubuntu, do you guys know how to enable the drivers?12:18
ubotuati is probably http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ... the radeon 9200 and below are supported by the open-source drivers12:19
Cayoumine is radeon 960012:19
devlin-7nixternal: Did a temp. fix... installed an old 10.2G harddrive... loaded perfectly.. I'll have to say it maybe something in the  Maxtor model: 6Y080P0 that Ubuntu/Kubuntu's loader doesn't like.12:19
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betty1anyway to have a message popup before 10:00 alerting the user that the systems shuting down in the GUI?12:20
LjLbetty1: not as easy12:20
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LjLbetty1: hold on12:20
david__so, is there a codec for playing .m4a files?12:20
geneo93m4a is quicktime12:21
crimsun_david__: yes, both libxine-extracodecs and gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse contain them12:21
LjLbetty1: main problem is that, by default, the root user cannot open windows on the user's desktop. so, you'd have to put something in the crontab that runs as the *specific* user... which might be OK, but only if there is only one user you're concerned about (or at least a very limited set of users)12:22
betty1Yeah that would work ok12:22
geneo93group maybe12:23
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LjLbetty1: then you could add to your crontab something like:   55 21 * * * username kdialog --sorry "Shutting down in 5 minutes"12:24
LjLbetty1: where "username" is the user concerned12:24
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Aapzakbetty1: you could put a file with a message in the users dir and make another (user) script check that file every minute and popup whatever is in that file12:26
betty1Well thank you Ljl for helping me12:26
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Aapzakbetty1: so roots cron makes that file, users cron sees it and opens popup on your screen12:26
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Aapzakbetty1: I would not make a users cronjob, but a daemon script that gets autoexecuted on startup and sleeps most of the time12:28
LjLAapzak: client has quit12:28
Aapzakmaybe he reads logs from this channel somewhere ;)12:28
LjLanyway, as a sidenote... betty1 didn't know how to edit a config file as root -- perhaps scripting is best left for later ;)12:28
Aapzakyou're right12:29
[BU] Brizzlol12:29
[BU] Brizzwell a while ago betty asked how long it takes for a new user to learn the computer12:29
AapzakIn this channel I just always get the feeling I want to help out, stupid solutions or not ;)12:29
[BU] Brizzyou're such an Ubuntu user12:30
AapzakI try to be12:30
[BU] Brizz:)12:30
[BU] Brizzhehe me too12:30
[BU] BrizzI like helping out when I ca12:30
[BU] Brizzn12:30
LjLthe *best* way to do it would probably be to have a userspace daemon, as you said, like the KDE equivalent of WinPopup (if any), and then make root send the notifications over IP12:30
LjLi'm sure there are packages around for doing exactly that, but i'm not familiar with them12:30
Aapzakow sure there are12:31
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Aapzakdoes anyone inhere know if someone is working on the networkmanager bugs?12:33
kkathmanthere are bugs???? no!!12:33
crimsun_I was, but I resolved any I had.12:34
crimsun_It was quite simple. apt-get --purge remove network-manager12:34
crimsun_I'm much more comfortable with wpasupplicant directly anyhow.12:34
Aapzakfrom what I've seen it looks like a tool I definitly would want to use12:35
WoodwardAveoh man, just got dual monitors going on my Kubuntu rig - it is spectacular12:35
LjLcrimsun_: uhm, do you thank doing that would allow me to set my DNS in /etc/network/interfaces and *have it stay*? =)12:36
BlankBWoodwardAve: warning: you will get used to it and other machines will be too limited for you.12:36
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LjLi can find no way to have DNS settings that survive a reboot :\12:36
WoodwardAvehaha i know - i'm a little worried about that12:37
crimsun_LjL: dns settings are in /etc/resolv.conf, and to have them stay, you'd not use dhcp or you'd use something like resolvconf (which is broken).12:37
BlankBYou will find that you will try to move your mouse over to the tv or someone elses machine.12:37
WoodwardAveBlankB: hahaha12:37
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LjLcrimsun_: i'm not using DHCP (though i can't be 100% sure my Kubuntu knows that)... it's just that the settings in the Control Panel don't stay, the settings in /etc/network/interfaces don't work, and of course /etc/resolv.conf doesn't work12:38
AapzakLjL: thats really weird12:38
crimsun_LjL: well if your question concerns n-m in any fashion, I wash my hands (like Pilate)12:38
LjLcrimsun_: i can say that "ps aux | grep dh" shows nothing12:38
Aapzaknearly impossible12:38
bernierhi , im folowing the tut to update my kernel and got that eror while running "make xconfig"12:39
bernierqconf: cannot connect to X server12:39
berniermake[1] : *** [xconfig]  Error 112:39
berniermake: *** [xconfig]  Error 212:39
LjLcrimsun_: i don't really know if it does... does "ps aux | grep network" showing nothing qualify as "doesn't"?12:39
crimsun_bernier: ...why are you trying to do that?12:39
AapzakLjL: grep dh /etc/network/interfaces12:39
crimsun_LjL: again, I don't know n-m, but I do know interfaces(5)12:40
bernierI just finished compiling the newest 2.6.16 kernel from kernel.org and I am getting much better performance. In what follows, I will show you how to compile and configure the latest kernel12:40
berniertought it could be fun12:40
bernierwhen i read that12:40
crimsun_oh man, eye-stabbity.12:40
LjLAapzak: eth1, eth2 and ath0 (none of which are interfaces i have) are set to dhcp. eth0 isn't12:40
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crimsun_just like the guy who thought it would be FUN to recompile glibc.12:40
crimsun_...except he completely hosed his system and couldn't understand why.12:40
=== crimsun_ sighs
AapzakLjL: you can easily remove any interface+config from that file if you don't have them12:41
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LjLAapzak: yeah, but i don't think that could be the culprit, would it?12:41
AapzakI'm not sure what culprit is12:41
crimsun_n-m will hijack any iface marked as "auto" or "dhcp"12:41
bernieralright i souldnt have done that now do you know what's wrong?12:41
LjLAapzak, crimsun_: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/70754212:42
crimsun_bernier: it's not that you shouldn't have done such and such. You're free to do whatever. Just understand the implications /first/12:42
AapzakLjL: I'm in console now :)12:42
LeeJunFanbernier: root doesn't have access to write to X12:42
crimsun_bernier: make sure you have the tk8.4-dev installed12:42
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AapzakLjL: might it be possible that the dhcp settings for unused interfaces destroy your resolv.conf?12:43
crimsun_bernier: and you shouldn't be configuring a kernel as root anyhow. Do it as your unprivileged user.12:43
LeeJunFanbernier: xhost +local:12:43
ubuntu_hi, when I want to install kubuntu, the installer failed to start qtparted(I have a nice grey windows when i choose manual partition). I tried running qtparted from konsole with sudo and i'm getting "segmentation fault" when i choose my first harddisk. gparted work and i don't see any error in my partition table. Someone can help me?12:43
LjLAapzak: auto lo <newline> iface lo inet loopback <newline> address <newline> netmask <newline>  <newline> auto eth0 <newline> iface eth0 inet static <newline> address <newline> netmask <newline> gateway <newline> nameserver <newline>  <newline> auto eth1 <newline> iface eth1 inet dhcp <newline>  <newline> auto eth2 <newline> iface eth2 inet dhcp <newline>  <newline> auto ath0 12:43
LjL <newline> auto wlan0 <newline> iface wlan0 inet dhcp <newline>  <newline>12:43
bernierxhost:  unable to open display ""12:43
crimsun_argh, please don't use xhost +local. It's BROKEN.12:43
bernierhow do i log to privilegied user?12:43
ubotu[sudo]  a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.12:44
crimsun_bernier: just use your normal, non-root user.12:44
LeeJunFanbernier: yeah, what crimsun_ said. chown -R [your user]  [kernel source tree] 12:44
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crimsun_bernier: no kdesu, no gksudo, no sudo. Just your normal user.12:44
AapzakLjL: I never config my nameservers in that file, not sure if thats the way to go12:44
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LeeJunFancrimsun_: it's no BROKEN I use it for some wine apps I have to run as root.12:45
AapzakI'm not sure bernier should be compiling his kernel ;)12:45
bernierim not sure also12:45
bernierbut im already far =/12:45
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LjLAapzak: i only tried that after realizing that the KDE settings were lost upon reboot. anyway, setting nameservers that way did work for me on Breezy12:45
crimsun_LeeJunFan: no, it's very much broken, and just because you choose to disregard all security warnings doesn't mean it's safe.12:45
crimsun_LeeJunFan: xauth obsoleted xhost years ago.12:46
LeeJunFancrimsun_: their's no choice about it, it's the only way to get wine apps that need network access below port 1024 to work.12:46
Aapzakcrimsun_: what does that mean, are there other ways to control who gets to write to your screen?12:46
crimsun_LeeJunFan: then you use xauth, which is the correct way of doing it.12:46
berniermake: *** Pas de rgle pour fabriquer la cible  xconfig . Arrt. in english its about ***no rules to make the target "xconfig"12:46
bernierthats when i do it in normal user12:47
crimsun_Aapzak: see above statemente regarding xauth.12:47
AapzakI saw :)12:47
Aapzakbernier: make menuconfig is pretty too12:47
=== LjL just types xhost + :)
=== Aapzak too
crimsun_bah LjL!12:47
AapzakI picked it up in a forum12:48
LjLhey, i'm firewalled like crazy, i don't think it really matters :D12:48
AapzakI guess its wrong12:48
bernieraapzka it says the same12:48
LeeJunFancrimsun_: wine gave me sh1t fits about wrong paths because it doesn't like running as su/sudo correctly.12:48
Aapzakbernier: you must have done something wrong12:48
crimsun_LeeJunFan: that has very little, if anything, to do with the justification for using xauth instead of xhost.12:49
LjLbernier: doesn't it rather whine about a missing readline?12:49
Aapzakdid you make a symbolic link linux to your new kernel source and stepped into /usr/src/linux?12:49
LeeJunFanxhost +local: && sudo sh -c "su root /home/junfan/cxoffice/bin/wine /home/junfan/.cxoffice/win98/drive_c/Program\ Files/Terabeam/Terabeam\ Configurator/config.exe"12:49
visik7how can I hold a package avoiding adept to notify me for upgrade of this package ?12:49
crimsun_LeeJunFan: man, what the deity.12:49
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LeeJunFanWas the only way to get it to run right, it sucks - sure, but when you have to have something work you can't be picky about what does it, just that it does.12:49
AapzakLeeJunFan: I never ever had to do anything as root for a users wine environment12:50
crimsun_sudo sh -c ' su blah' is just /insane/12:50
LjLLeeJunFan: i think crimsun_ is trying to tell you that the stuff you do with xhost can be done using xauth, which is a better method12:50
LeeJunFanAapzak: it's only because this app needs access to privileged (root only) ports. below 102412:50
bernierapzak: i did exaclty what's written there : http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15756012:50
bernierim at step 13 now12:51
Aapzakbernier: I have no X at the moment :)12:51
bernier=/ anyone knows then?12:51
AapzakLeeJunFan: thats a toughy then12:51
LeeJunFanLjL: I know, and surely correct for most things, but this app no, wine wouldn't use the .xauth from the right home dir, which gave permission probs.12:51
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AapzakLeeJunFan: which app wants that port? can't you just use a higher one?12:52
LeeJunFanAapzak: no, it's a util for configuring a network device (orinoco outdoor routers), SNMP.12:53
nixternalth0m4s: whats up with vmware??12:53
AapzakLeeJunFan: and you need port 162?12:53
LeeJunFanAapzak: and unfortunately the only way to configure them unless I feel like writing my own SNMP front end for them, which I dont.12:53
nixternalLjL: what did you mean about the vmware and not being able to create a virtual machine with it?12:53
LjLnixternal: vmware *player* cannot create virtual machines12:54
LeeJunFanAapzak: 161 I think.12:54
AapzakLeeJunFan: You need to listen to incoming traps ?12:54
Aapzak161 = snmp daemon, 162, trapdaemon12:54
nixternali know that...vmware player = garbage..you can dl vmware server or workstation from the vmware website for free also..that is what i was telling him to do12:54
th0m4snixternal: it's not free12:54
th0m4sthat's what's up12:54
LeeJunFanAapzak: yeah, this particular app uses 161 for outgoing as well.12:54
th0m4sscroll up to where i invoked your name12:54
nixternalit is free12:54
Aapzak161 is used to query to, which means your devices ask questions to your app12:54
th0m4sno, it's $18912:54
nixternali haven never paid for it...and i am using server12:55
LeeJunFanAapzak: it's stupid, but it's all there is for it :/12:55
th0m4sworkstation is NOT free12:55
nixternalselect first time user and enjoy12:56
LjLserver beta apparently is12:56
th0m4sserver is free but what you gonna do with that12:56
nixternalregister...they will email you a key and then you are good to go12:56
th0m4sworkstation is where it's at for windows running inside linux12:56
AapzakLeeJunFan: it seems rather complicated (too complicated), but most vendors are clueless about proper snmp/mgt12:56
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LeeJunFanAapzak: exactly. A PITA, but one I can't get around very well. Used to run it in vmware but seemed like such a waste of space for one windows app.12:57
nixternali have server running on my server and hosting different virtual servers..and then everyone of my workstations have the vmware workstation which i downloaded from the vmware website..and i have never spent a dime12:57
visik7is there an apt2rss ?12:57
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romeo5kim back12:57
romeo5k wohhooo12:57
th0m4snixternal: back up your claims of workstation for free12:57
th0m4sif it is vmware's doing a good job hiding it behind the $189 pricetag12:58
Aapzakwasn't there a free beta in apt?12:58
LeeJunFanworkstation isn't free, player is. And you need a workstation w/ license to make an image for player.12:58
LjLLeeJunFan: or the server version, i'd suppose12:58
th0m4s17:54 < nixternal> i know that...vmware player = garbage..you can dl vmware server or workstation from the vmware website for free also..that is what i was telling him to do12:59
th0m4sthe thing is nixternal is claiming workstation to be free12:59
Aapzakwho wants windows anyway :)12:59
LjLAapzak: i can only see the player in apt12:59
th0m4sAapzak: people who want to code for multiple os12:59
AapzakI know, you can also install linux12:59
AapzakI was kidding01:00
nixternalselect first time user, wait for them to mail your key and enjoy01:00
nixternalFREE FREE FREE01:00
th0m4sNote: All Workstation 5.x downloads require a Workstation 5.x license.01:00
romeo5kkkathman: http://vip.asus.com/forum/view.aspx?id=20060613145018515&board_id=1&model=A8N-VM+CSM&page=1&SLanguage=en-us01:00
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th0m4snixternal: the thing is i'm trying to find how you got there01:00
WoodwardAveanyone know how to set applications to launch in certain screens using twinview/xinerama?01:00
th0m4shttp://www.vmware.com/download/ws/ is giving me the ability to dl it but it wants me to purchase a license01:00
nixternalusing my mouse and clicking links of course01:00
WoodwardAvein KDE01:00
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nixternalvmware does a good job hiding their stuff01:01
kkathmanromeo5k:  good luck01:01
nixternalunless they changed something this week...because on saturday i downloaded and install vmware workstation from their site using the key they emailed me01:01
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romeo5kdid u read it???01:02
kkathmanromeo5k:  yes01:02
TheHighChildAnyone know how to create a custom paper-size in Openoffice Impress?01:02
th0m4sfilling out fake info asap01:02
LjLnixternal: on *saturday*? but of course it's *not* just the time-limited evaluation key?01:02
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nixternali haven't seen anything that says it will stop working01:03
Aapzakthere must be a little adder under the grass01:03
=== nixternal checks his email again
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romeo5kkkathman :  thats where  i got that idea from about cold booting.. and it worked.. but now i have to find out what forcedeth is01:03
LjLnixternal: http://www.vmware.com/download/ws/eval.html <-- i can't quite understand this then01:03
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kkathmanyes I see01:03
|lostbyte|How do i add fonts to konsole ?01:03
nixternalEnjoy your free copy of VMware Workstation and Server, and thank you for your interest in VMware!01:04
nixternalthat is the email they sent me01:04
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ubotuI give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, georgeblunt01:04
ubotufrom memory, fonts is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FontInstallHowto01:05
romeo5kkkathman.... what would i need to install to play games on yahoo games.. i dont think thejava is working..01:06
romeo5khi Chefwill01:06
Riddell|lostbyte|: Settings->Fonts->Install Bitmap01:06
[BU] BrizzTheHighChild: I fixed my issue. It was caused that ~/.googleearth was owned by root...01:06
th0m4sLjL: he's full of lies01:06
[BU] BrizzTheHighChild: with Google Earth01:06
romeo5kanyone .... what would i need to install to play games on yahoo games.. i dont think thejava is working..01:07
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chavo|lostbyte|, konsole will only use monospaced fonts01:07
[BU] Brizzromeo5k: what Java are you using?01:07
th0m4sstick stickly has applied for his key01:07
|lostbyte|chavo, monspaced, is it another format ? other than ttf ?01:07
chavo|lostbyte|, no they can be ttf, they just have a fixed width01:08
|lostbyte|Riddell, Done that but i still dont see it, even through i can see it in .fonts.01:08
romeo5k[BU] Brizz:  in adept it shows java-common and java-gcj-compat installed01:08
nixternalLjL: i don't know what to say about the workstation eval thing...as i just verified my key is real and not evaluation01:08
[BU] Brizzromeo5k: did you ever update-alternatives and replace gij with sun java?01:08
th0m4snixternal: http://mailinator.com/mailinator/maildir.jsp?email=stick.stickly as you can see they still aren't sending me my key01:08
chavoto use google-earth as normal user run the installer with --nochown option01:08
romeo5k[BU] Brizz: thats the only 2 javas i see installed..01:08
TheHighChild[BU] Brizz: awesome. Glad you were able to figure that out01:08
romeo5k[BU] Brizz: no01:08
nixternal[18:08]  <th0m4s> LjL: he's full of lies  <- are you refering to me, and if so why?01:09
[BU] BrizzTheHighChild: hopefully you can help the next person that comes along, in case I'm not around ;)01:09
romeo5k[BU] Brizz: none of tthje sun javas are installed01:09
TheHighChildAny Open Office Impress users?01:09
=== LjL is out of this
[BU] Brizzromeo5k: go to a konsole and type java -showversion01:10
[BU] Brizzromeo5k: and what are the first three lines that come back01:10
AapzakKonqueror doesn't do Java support out of the box, does it?01:10
nixternalwhy i would have to lie about this i have no clue, but never the less...if it won't work for you, just use the server..everything workstation does anyways server does and then some01:10
romeo5kjava version "1.4.2"01:10
romeo5kgij (GNU libgcj) version 4.1.0 (Ubuntu 4.1.0-1ubuntu8)01:10
romeo5kCopyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.01:10
[BU] BrizzAapzak: not sure, but he's using gij01:11
romeo5k[BU] Brizz: that01:11
LjLnixternal: no, i think server is limited in some ways compared to workstation (though it also has some more features)... can't find the details right now, but i think i recall that server misses sound support, for example01:11
[BU] BrizzAapzak: yah, iow NOT Sun Java01:11
LjLthough it'd probably be good enough for programming01:11
[BU] Brizzromeo5k: you might be able to sudo apt-get install sun-java5-bin01:12
nixternali just connected via server "connect > local" and selected my selinux install on vmware and it loaded just fine...i don't know what would be limited because i can't see anything truthfully01:12
Aapzak[BU] Brizz: I think you still have to make Konqueror use it01:12
[BU] Brizzromeo5k: I'm not sure that will automatically update-alternatives thoguh01:12
=== Aapzak is going to sleep, bye all!
romeo5k[BU] Brizz: no it didnt01:13
[BU] Brizzromeo5k: hold on01:13
romeo5k[BU] Brizz: kk01:13
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TheHighChildnixternal: Any experience with VMware not permitting networking?01:15
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romeo5k[BU] Brizz: can i just go in adept and request install??01:16
[BU] Brizzromeo5k: did you do the apt-get on sun-java-5?01:16
[BU] Brizzromeo5k: sun-java5-bin01:17
nixternalTheHighChild: can't say that i have...my only issues have been with sound and video really...i always selected bridge i believe for the network01:17
romeo5k [BU] Brizz.. i did ..  sudo apt-get install sun-java5-bin  --just like that01:17
[BU] Brizzromeo5k: okay, now sudo update-alternatives --config java01:17
[BU] Brizzand what shows up?01:17
TheHighChildnixternal: Ok, thanks. I'm new to VMware but I keep getting an Ethernet not available error when i try to setup a new virtual machine.01:18
romeo5kbut when i did it . i got an error01:18
[BU] Brizzromeo5k: what error?01:18
nixternalTheHighChild: vmware server or player?01:18
romeo5kE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavail         able)01:18
romeo5kE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another proc         ess using it?01:18
[BU] Brizzromeo5k: close Adept01:18
[BU] Brizzromeo5k: then run that again01:18
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romeo5k its running now01:19
TheHighChildnixternal: Server01:19
romeo5ki guess dloading01:19
romeo5khmm.. i learned something new01:19
nixternalhmm..are you selecting the top function with the networking, which i beleive is bridge..however i think i just always select the default setup when building a server01:20
TheHighChildnixternal: No worries. I am not local to that machine right now. i just wanted to see if you knew of any 'known issues' Thank you though01:20
romeo5kso to get something.. i always do sudo get01:20
romeo5ki mean.. sudo apt-get01:20
TheHighChildnixternal: I've tried all the options with different installs. lol. At least 10 different XP installs.01:20
nixternali haven't heard anything TheHighChild, but i have been in contact with VMware concerning their products and Linux for Ubuntu Documentation01:20
[BU] Brizzromeo5k: use Adept unless someone tells you to apt-get01:20
romeo5koh ok01:21
[BU] Brizzromeo5k: apt-get isn't as easy to use as Adept, typically.01:21
nixternalwow, that is odd TheHighChild, i haven't seen anything like that at all01:21
[BU] Brizzromeo5k: is that about done?01:21
romeo5kyes its done now01:21
romeo5k[BU] Brizz now it is01:21
TheHighChildnixternal: Yeah, i thought it was odd as well. Do you know where, by chance, I can view what devices it is trying to use as my ethernet connection? I want to make sure it's using 'eth0'01:21
[BU] Brizzromeo5k: okay, now sudo update-alternatives --config java and there should be a * by one of them01:22
[BU] Brizzromeo5k: one of them should have jre1.5.<something>01:22
nixternalfrom within the windows install? or with the vmware server itself?01:22
[BU] Brizzromeo5k: that's the one you want to have a * by it01:22
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romeo5k[BU] Brizz  *+    2        /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/jre/bin/java01:23
TheHighChildnixternal: What ethernet device VMware Server uses.01:23
[BU] Brizzromeo5k: what other rows are there?01:23
nixternalthe vmware server it is listed when you select the virtual host you created..it always show the network card i believe...but from within windows i would guess the same location you would always check..don't know since i don't have windows anywhere around me ;)01:23
TheHighChildnixternal: I presume the OS install uses the devices the server assumes itself01:23
romeo5k[BU] Brizz:01:23
romeo5k     1        /usr/bin/gij-wrapper-4.101:23
romeo5k*+    2        /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/jre/bin/java01:23
romeo5k      3        /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java01:23
nixternalthe os installs everything vmware01:23
[BU] Brizzromeo5k: so hit 3 and enter01:24
nixternalthat was my sound and video issues01:24
[BU] Brizzromeo5k: that will set up your java properly01:24
TheHighChildnixternal: I hear ya man. I am 100% Tux (not 1337 but trying). I need XP for some Windows support contracts I have,01:24
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[BU] Brizzromeo5k: whether it's working in Konq/Firefox or not is a different issue :)01:24
romeo5k [BU] Brizz it said.. Using `/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java' to provide `java'.01:24
[BU] Brizzromeo5k: yep01:24
romeo5k so im cool right..?01:24
nixternali hear you there TheHighChild, as there are times i could use it01:25
[BU] Brizzromeo5k: that means you are using the right java for java01:25
TheHighChildnixternal: Thank you very much for your time. When I am local to the machine I might try and run a few more Q's at you.01:25
romeo5k[BU] Brizz:  thnx01:25
[BU] Brizzromeo5k: no problem01:25
nixternalnp man...i will be here TheHighChild01:25
_aaronany good links for getting wifi to work on kubuntu?01:25
romeo5k[BU] Brizz:  ciao  till later wen i get stuck again.01:25
[BU] Brizzromeo5k: hehe later01:25
TheHighChild_aaron: What card do you have?01:25
nixternalmaybe i can grab a disk and install a windows vhost here so i can take a look01:25
_aaronTheHighChild: I have an atheros usb01:26
_aaronTheHighChild: airlink 101 super g01:26
TheHighChild_aaron: Ok, I have Atheros but on board. The new dapper picked everything up for me. I would hope it did for you as well. You can try disabling your eth0 and enabling your wireless card.01:26
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TheHighChild_aaron: For me. When I boot up, they both start. I have to do 'sudo ifdown eth0' and 'sudo ifup ath0' You may want to try that and see if it does anything for you01:27
_aaronTheHighChild: it shows up in my usbview ... ah.. I haven't tried dissabling my wired...01:27
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_aaronTheHighChild: which means that I'll be going away in a second :(01:27
TheHighChild_aaron: Just my thoughts on the topic. To be honest, I am a total wifi on tux noob though.01:27
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TheHighChild_aaron: Also, I doubt your device will be 'ath0'01:28
_aaronTheHighChild: it's not.. somebody already tried to help me with that...01:29
_aaronaaron@chirp:/proc/bus/usb$ lsusb01:29
_aaronBus 001 Device 002: ID 0cf3:0002 Atheros Communications, Inc.01:29
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_aaronis there an ndiswrapper repository for ubuntu?01:30
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ryanakcaWhy is it that I can't save view profiles in Konq anymore?01:32
RawSewagewhat do you mean01:33
RawSewagefor individual folders?01:33
RawSewageok bye01:34
ryanakcaI'm in konqueror, and I want to close it, but have it open up at the same pages in the same tabs, so I go Settings, but "Save view profile..." is disable/grayed out..01:34
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RawSewagemaybe close all other instances01:35
RawSewagei dont know01:35
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froodNew kubuntu rocks. Except for one thing.01:37
froodWhere did those bouncing cows go?01:37
froodHow can I get them back?01:37
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ryanakcafrood: bouncing cows?01:39
froodYeah. The boncing cow screensaver. Apperantly it was removed because some people found it 'offensive'01:40
froodCan't find it via adept01:40
RawSewagethat was me01:40
RawSewageIm a vegan01:40
froodCant find it via google01:40
RawSewageI requested it be removed01:40
froodA pox on your head01:40
froodBesides, the cow is bouncing, not grilling01:41
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RawSewagemy screensavers dont activate01:41
RawSewagethey work when I test them , or when I lock the session01:42
RawSewagebut otherwise, dont work after the set interval of inactivity01:42
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larrywellsWhat are the recommended system requirements for Kubuntu01:43
ubotudapper is, like, Ubuntu 6.06, the "Dapper Drake" release. Released June 1st 200601:44
ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, RawSewage01:44
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larrywellsSorry, sys requirement for Dapper01:44
Snakelarrywells: one moment01:45
kyle_To play some trailers in firefox u need a windows media player or a quicktime pluging... is there any linux versions that would work as such?01:45
larrywellsOK Snake01:45
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Snakelarrywells: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/6.06-lts-release.php01:45
h3sp4wnlarrywells: I would suggest 512mb of ram01:45
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Snakego all the way to the bootm01:45
SnakeDesktop256 megabytes3 gigabytes01:46
larrywellsok kind of figured that, I am at 256 mb ram now01:46
larrywellsIt is a little slow now01:46
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h3sp4wnI found kanotix runs alot faster on my laptop which is p3 750 256mb ram01:46
larrywellsthe processor is at 500 mhz now, is that fast enough?01:47
RawSewagetry Xubuntu01:47
RawSewageXubuntu for slower computers01:47
ubotusomebody said xubuntu was Ubuntu using Xfce instead of Gnome for the desktop. Details here: https://www.xubuntu.org01:48
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Snakexubuntu rocks01:49
RawSewageI havent tried it01:49
RawSewagehow do you install it01:49
larrywellsKubuntu works pretty well on my pc, just a little slow01:49
Steilare there any plans on packaging kopete 0.12?01:50
h3sp4wnlarrywells: Try kanotix it will be very fast01:50
larrywellsWell I want the KDE interface01:51
SnakeRawSewage: sudo apt-get install xfce401:51
Snakeand your there01:51
RawSewageIll try it on my laptop01:51
Snakelarrywells: KDE is a hog man01:51
SnakeHostname: dapper - OS: Linux 2.6.15-23-386/i686 - CPU: Pentium III (Coppermine) (647.565 MHz) - Processes: 125 - Uptime: 5d 8h 4m - Load Average: 0.10 - Memory Usage: 257.62mb/503.84mb (51.13%) - Disk Usage: 4.40gb/12.11gb (36.36%)01:52
larrywellsI know, but it is not for me, it is for people who know windows01:52
Snakethats my system, it runs, but its not very smooth01:52
larrywellsThey are already confused enough01:52
TheHighChildI want Aqua01:52
linuxmonkeyhey snake what u use to display that01:52
Snakelarrywells: Ah, well anything with perhaps 512 ram and 800 mhz (maybe a gig) processor should be good01:52
larrywellswell i do not want to change the processor01:53
Snakelinuxmonkey: script for irssi called sysinfo, and /sysinfo (if your in konversation just type /sysinfo)01:53
larrywellsI think I may get more ram01:53
kyle_hmmmm my flash doesn't have sound... am im missing a plugin?01:53
linuxmonkeySysinfo for 'SkullNet-01': Linux 2.6.15-23-386 running KDE 3.5.3, CPU: Intel(R)Pentium(R)4CPU3.00GHz at 2992 MHz (5989 bogomips), , RAM: 968/1010MB, 97 proc's, 1.1d up01:53
RawSewageIve decided Im too stupid to learn Python01:53
RawSewagephp is much easier01:53
larrywellsWill more ram alone make a difference?01:53
SnakeRawSewage: haha dude, python is way easier than PHP01:53
linuxmonkeyok sweet01:53
SnakeI learned python over night, litterally01:53
Snakelarrywells: always01:54
linuxmonkeySnake thanks i forgot that was there01:54
RawSewagethen why cant I learn it01:54
larrywellsOk thanks all01:54
RawSewageI could barely print a website that says "Hello World"   took me 20 lines of code01:54
RawSewagemost of it I had no idea what it was01:54
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SnakeRawSewage: ohhhh python on the web!01:55
Rainierhello everyone01:55
SnakeRawSewage: yes that is difficult. Stick with PHP for that ;)01:55
Rainieri have a question01:55
Rainierwhen you reboot you can choose to reboot another OS from the grub menu01:56
Rainierbut it doesn't work01:56
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Rainieris there anything special you have to do to make it work?01:56
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svivianfglrx drivers for Dapper. Anyone been able to work out the options to get the wide desktop? I have tried the older fglrx options, they didn't work. I tried the Xinerama settings, no dice. I also tried the fglrx-control, also no good, and half the time, installing one of these causes my system to not be able to restart.01:58
svivianThe second monitor lights up, but I can't move the cursor over to it.01:59
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Rainieri have a question, how do you make the automatic windows-restart work?02:11
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Rainieryou know where you select windows in the restart menu and then its supposed to start automatically02:11
Rainierdo you need grub2 maybe?02:12
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flaxohello world...02:18
LorriI have an external FAT32 HDD02:19
LorriHow do I mount it so that I can write on it02:19
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flaxoexternal meaning usb??02:19
LorriI tried mounting it through installation02:20
Lorribut when I try to open it, it says02:20
LorriCould not mount device.02:20
LorriThe reported error was:02:20
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fyrmedicAnyone have cinelerra installed? If so, how?02:20
Lorrimount: only root can mount /dev/sda1 on /external02:20
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flaxodid you try "sudo mount..."02:21
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Lorribut I don't remember the file02:21
Lorrito edit to make the mount permanent02:21
Jack_Sparrowis there a different root password other than the password added by the installer02:21
Lorrifor me?02:22
flaxohehe no... dont think so..02:22
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wezlohi all, does anyone know of an easy utility to create screen-capture movies for ubuntu?02:25
froodWhy is root logon disabled in Kubuntu?02:25
froodLogging on as root is cool, as well as sexy02:25
ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.02:26
Lorriwhat's the kubuntu equivalent of ubuntu's gedit02:27
Lorriyeah, that's it thanks02:27
h3sp4wn(I would say kate is more powerful / complicated than gedit)02:27
wezlokate, definitly02:28
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LorriI tried using it02:28
h3sp4wnkedit actually02:28
Lorribut I got a bunch of x errors02:28
linuxmonkeythats not good02:28
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=== nikkiana headdesks.
LorriShould I use the rep:02:30
Lorrideb http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf breezy free non-free02:30
LorriIf I'm using Dapper?02:30
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linuxmonkeyprobably not02:30
linuxmonkeyyou may end up breaking your system02:31
wezloLorri, the dapper repos for plf are up02:31
LorriI'm just reading ubuntuguide :X02:31
wezlohold on, I'll show the one I have...02:31
Lorriok thanks :D02:32
wezlodeb http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/ dapper free non-free02:32
wezlojust change it to dapper02:32
Lorrishould I use deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse02:32
kjcoleHi.  Anyone here know how to get korganizer to recognize a webcal:// URL that doesn't end in .ics?  (It's a long ugly .php?x=yadayada&z=blabla URL)02:33
pascal_Offtopic, Is it possible to direct STDERR through a pipe?02:33
wezloLorri, I have that setup up, yes02:35
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kjcoleClicking on the webcal:// link in firefox opens it in evolution.  Clicking on it in konqueror displays the raw source (BEGIN:VCALENDAR...)02:36
gilcan someone give me any simple install instructions for bootsplash screens02:37
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kjcoleI've tried adding it as a resource, but each of the various resource types I try either ignore it or tell me it's a bad URL.02:37
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travis|linuxI'm trying to install something from source.. I installed GCC and C++ but I'm getting a error when compiling.02:39
travis|linuxchecking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!02:39
HawkwindCan anyone tell me what the desktop support time is for Dapper 6.06 ?  And what is the server edition support time ?  Is desktop 1 year or 3 years and server 3 years or 5 years ?02:39
travis|linuxanyone know how to fix that?02:39
wezlotravis|linux, you need the Xlibs development packages02:40
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travis|linuxthank you wezlo :)02:41
wezlotravis|linux, let me make sure about the package, hold on02:41
wezloyup, that's it02:42
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Lorrimake: dh_testdir: Command not found02:44
Lorrimake: *** [configure]  Error 12702:44
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travis|linuxwezlo: checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.3) (library qt-mt) not found. Please check your installation!02:49
travis|linuxwezlo: any ideas on that one02:49
travis|linuxsearched for qt-mt... nothing found02:49
HawkwindIsn't it like libqt-mt or something similar ?02:49
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chavotravis|linux, what are you trying to build?02:50
Hawkwindlibqt3-mt actually02:50
travis|linuxktorrent (the newest beta)02:50
chavodo this sudo apt-get build-dep ktorrent02:50
chavothat will get you all the libs you need to build it02:50
wezlotravis|linux, qt development files, same thing02:50
HawkwindCan anyone tell me what the desktop support time is for Dapper 6.06 ?  And what is the server edition support time ?  Is desktop 1 year or 3 years and server 3 years or 5 years ?02:51
chavoHawkwind, 3 desktop 5 for server02:51
travis|linuxthanks chavo that worked perfect :)02:52
geneo93Hawkwind:  what are you doing here02:52
Hawkwindchavo: So how does security fixes, bug fixes and new versions get into a 3 year desktop.  I'm not familiar with the Ubuntu way(s) yet02:52
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Hawkwindgeneo93: I ask you the same thing :P02:52
chavoHawkwind, it's pretty much security fixes only02:52
geneo93well i'm kinda regular now that my cooker is broken fontd thing again02:52
Hawkwindgeneo93: I'm about to make the full switch to Kubuntu for my main OS this week02:53
Hawkwindchavo: So new versions of things like Xchat that come out in a year won't be added to dapper ?02:53
chavoHawkwind, no02:53
travis|linuxyou can always compile them yourself02:53
wezlohey gang, I gotta run - cya later02:53
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linuxmonkeyHawkwind: i allready did that lol, I also installed StepMania to keep me busy for the games side02:53
geneo93well what about backports02:53
Hawkwindtravis|linux: Bahhh at compiling.  I'm a real packager :P02:54
Hawkwindlinuxmonkey: What were you running prior ?02:54
Hawkwindlinuxmonkey: Welcome to the darkside finally :)02:54
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linuxmonkeylol been in and out of linux before on my main system02:55
Hawkwindtravis|linux: I happen to run the http://SeerOfSouls.com/ site which is the largest 3rd party rpm repository for Mandriva currently.  I'm going to switch it over to deb stuff once I learn my way around02:55
linuxmonkeyhad linux running for years on my server02:55
geneo93Hawkwind:  you think making debs would be easyer than rpms02:55
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Hawkwindchavo: So is there something similar to backports or anything for Ubuntu ?02:55
geneo93Hawkwind:  yes there is02:56
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Hawkwindgeneo93: Not sure if it's harder or easier.  It's just totally different to me since I've been making rpms for 2 1/2+ years now02:56
=== brandon__ is now known as Lorri
LorriAfter installing ATI drivers02:56
LorriI can't adjust my monitor resolution02:56
geneo93Hawkwind:  i've made debs to rpms for mandriva that really worked02:57
Hawkwindgeneo93: Yeah I've done that too using alien.  But I'm deeply involved in Gael's new project and it's based on Kubuntu so I've got to learn to build them from source02:57
Hawkwindgeneo93: Where or how does one go about getting this backport stuff into Kubuntu ?02:58
geneo93Hawkwind:  dpkg is your friend02:58
Hawkwindgeneo93: Bahhhh @ dpkg.  I am learning debuild and pbuilder :P02:59
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geneo93deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse02:59
LorriHow do I install XGL on Kubuntu02:59
[Nirvana] Lorri: system specs plz02:59
LorriATI Mobility Radeon 970002:59
LorriAMD Athlon 64 3400+02:59
Lorri1gb Corsair RAM03:00
geneo93Hawkwind:  did you catch that03:00
LorriThat's all that counts03:00
[Nirvana] Lorri: one sec03:00
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Hawkwindgeneo93: Yes.  Looking at it now, thanks03:01
lowtechso backports are put right into the regular repo's?03:01
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TFroganyone here familiar with Acidrip?03:02
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[Nirvana] Lorri: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148351 click the ati one03:02
LorriThanks :D03:02
Hawkwindgeneo93: Looking through all those mirrors on that URL everything seems to be empty03:02
Hawkwindgeneo93: I see no packages really that have been backported03:03
[Nirvana] Lorri: wait, nvm, that one sucks... I had a good one... where is it now03:03
geneo93Hawkwind:  it will be now this just released03:03
[Nirvana] Lorri: HERE: http://www.compiz.net/viewtopic.php?id=38903:03
[Nirvana] :O03:03
LorriThanks :D03:03
[Nirvana] wait, that wasn't it again....03:04
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travis|linuxHawkwind, chavo, and wezlo I appreacate all the help... after installing a few more things it works :)  Its the community that makes ubuntu rock :)03:05
travis|linuxcompiling now with no errors :)03:05
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sebasthummmmmmm lame still banned from the Ubuntu channel,  because I flooded it a few times.  anyway I am so happy right now :)   I just got rid of XP kind of by mistake though.  so now only Ubuntu/Kubuntu on here.03:06
Snakesebast: dont flood and you wont have such problems03:06
travis|linuxsebast: good :)03:06
travis|linuxwhat do u need to know to use it?03:06
sebastI been using Ubuntu for a while.  and Linux about two years03:07
[Nirvana] Lorri: finally: http://www.compiz.net/viewtopic.php?id=20503:07
sebastand well my XP was fucked.  Blue Screen of Death when playing my game or about to and ealrier on when I was on it.03:07
LorriThanks :D03:07
ubotuPlease watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen.03:07
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sebastI  tryed to make it smaller and change it to a FAT32 earlier with qtparted,  but that screwed up.  so just deleted it instead :D03:08
travis|linuxI've been windows free for over 2 yrs :)03:08
travis|linuxits the best step you'll ever make03:08
sebastdidn't bother making a back up.  of any of my data,  but I didn't lose anything of importance anyway.  just old emails,  some porno videos,  and other data03:08
david__so, my mp3s wont play when i double click them.... whyyy?03:09
sebastyeah I know it's so nice being Windows free however it seems I might have to either use another computer03:09
travis|linuxdavid__: what media player ??03:09
travis|linuxdavid__: amarok?03:09
david__any media player03:09
david__it works if i drag the file into the playlist03:09
travis|linuxdavid__: does the kmix show your sound card?03:09
sebastre install it onto this PC,  but this time round instead of installing it.  I wil just instaill it with VMware server and use as virtual machine :)03:09
travis|linuxyea... kmix is the mixer for linux.. you should have a speaker in the lower right of screen03:10
sebastanyway Grub still thinks I got Windows XP there how do I get rid of the entry from Grub?03:10
david__ok, i see it03:10
travis|linuxdavid__: check all the settings there.. make sure it is turned up and everything03:10
david__well, actually theres usually a message saying "cant play mp3 files"03:11
geneo93Hawkwind:  does that mean there will be a polished version of kubuntu soon03:11
Hawkwindgeneo93: Heh, can't tell ya that :)03:11
sebastHow do I get rid of the old Windows XP entry from Grub?  since I no longer have XP :)03:11
geneo93Hawkwind:  i heard mdk was looking at suse stuff03:12
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[Nirvana] sebast: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and comment it out or remove it03:12
sebastis that a command for the Grub one?  or a command for my Linux terminal?03:12
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apokryphosgeneo93: interesting; I couldn't see a single reason for  using mandriva over suse03:12
sebastoh for Grub command prompt I guess03:12
david__sebast:  I know theres a file somewhere03:13
[Nirvana] sebast: in a terminal type --> sudo kwrite /boot/grub/menu.lst03:13
david__you'd have to run  "kdesu kate" and edit the file03:13
david__or that03:13
david__yea, listen to him03:13
[Nirvana] kwrite > kate :p03:13
ubotuUse kdesu to run graphical applications with root priveleges when you have to. Do *not* do sudo {GUIAPP}; you can muck up your permissions and the config files.03:13
LorriWhich keyboard layout03:13
Lorriis the normal laptop one03:14
apokryphos[Nirvana] : it really isn't; kwrite is barely developed anymore.03:14
Lorrino numpad, yet qwerty layout03:14
apokryphos[Nirvana] : also, bad idea to use sudo for GUI apps (see above).03:14
sebastor gedit :)  since really I use Ubuntu,  but have KDE as well.  and when I upgraded though from Breezy to Dapper it says I use Kubuntu.   why is that?  I guess,  because I have both.  probalby easy to change so it says Ubuntu,  but haven't got round to doing that.  if I am going to bother.  I like the Kubuntu splash screens.03:14
Hawkwindgeneo93: Looking at SuSe stuff ?  What do you mean exactly ?03:14
[Nirvana] Lorri: try us03:14
=== Lorri confused
david__speaking of that.... how do you install gnome in kubuntu?03:14
geneo93ahh hardware and packager03:14
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apokryphosdavid__: install ubuntu-desktop03:15
sebastsame way as installing KDE in Ubuntu I guess,  but in reverse03:15
[Nirvana] apokryphos: I know, I had nano there before and forgot to remove sudo03:15
david__thats how?03:15
[Nirvana] Lorri: yes03:15
geneo93Hawkwind:  hopefully not yast03:15
apokryphosdavid__: yup03:15
apokryphosgeneo93: huh?03:15
david__and it will just come up as an option when i login?03:15
apokryphosdavid__: before you login, yes.03:15
sebastwell you got to select it03:15
sebastof course03:15
sebastfrom options menu03:15
david__you mean at the beginning "enter your password etc" dialog03:16
LorriWhat's ImPS/2 and ExplorerPS/203:16
Hawkwindgeneo93: At this point I could care less what they look at.  I won't be using it much longer anyways :)03:16
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sebastyou go to optiosn menu and select Gnome03:16
sebastand then it will say03:16
sebastdo you want this as your default?03:16
geneo93Hawkwind:  hehe me either03:16
david__oh, nifty03:16
sebastor just for this session?03:16
LorriI'm currently using a USB mouse03:16
Lorriso I'm not sure which to pick03:16
Hawkwindgeneo93: So you're leaving Mandriva for good then ?  No more cooker or anything ?03:17
sebastKDE uhmmmmm seemed pretty good on the Knopix Live CD I guess,  but I never liked Kubuntu so on.  since I coudn't seem to get it configured to how I like it03:17
sebastwhere as with Gnome I have got something I like now03:17
sebastyeah Mac OS X theme :)03:17
geneo93Hawkwind:  i may hang on it till it dies03:17
sebastwell Gnome looks a bit like a Mac OS X03:17
sebastwith this theme03:17
=== apokryphos goes off to get a kde os x screeny
geneo93Hawkwind:  i dont think the culb will bail them out again03:18
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sebastand yeah your right there is probably an OS X theme for KDE to some where03:18
sebastwell there is bound to be03:18
Hawkwindgeneo93: Nope not this time.  I think they are certainly doomed.  I'd be surprised if they are still around to do a 2008 release.  If they are, it's going to be a pretty bad release I think03:19
apokryphosa demonstration of the configurability of kde, really :)03:19
apokryphosHawkwind: what distro?03:19
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Hawkwindapokryphos: Mandriva03:19
apokryphosI more-or-less agree. It's very commercial now, and the distro itself is a bit of a mess03:20
geneo93Hawkwind:  its been getting worse every release to many things broken never fixed03:20
[Nirvana] sebast: baghira?03:20
apokryphosno idea how well the enteprrise products do though03:20
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sebastbaghira what?03:20
apokryphosgeneo93: I hear they're very careless with regard to hardware compatibility for old systems now, too.03:20
Hawkwindgeneo93: Yep.  Just like 30 days to fix the latest Xorg that I filed a bug on on May 5th, it finally got a new fix on June 5th03:20
geneo93Hawkwind:  what made me think twice last week they blamed nvidia for the problem with xorg03:21
geneo93i'm using same driver here03:21
sebaston this page I was on before about making Gnome look more like Mac OS X.  it said to install some shitty gdesklets applet.  that is supopused to some how make it look like the Doc in OS X.  tryed that what a load of junk.  I hope the thing KDE has for this is better03:21
[Nirvana] sebast: baghira = kde theme for OSX03:21
Hawkwindgeneo93: Heh yeah I saw that.  That was a bit out of place IMO03:21
sebasthave you got a link for that Nirvana or is that the one someone just gave?03:22
sebastah ha it's the one I was given03:22
apokryphossebast: use kdelook.org, and search there03:22
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geneo93this is xorg 7.0 and latest nvidia driver03:22
sebastyou mean 3D type stuff?  uhmmmmmmm the thing like XGL?03:22
sebast,but for KDE?03:22
Hawkwindgeneo93: You have 7.0 in Kubuntu ?03:23
tackatsebast: Do you know about superkaramba and kooldock?03:23
sebastno I don't tackat03:23
Hawkwindgeneo93: You compiled it I assume ?03:23
tackatsebast: then install those packages03:23
[Nirvana] sebast: baghira is in the repos, it's just a theme, no 3d unless you use aiglx/xgl and compiz03:23
geneo93no its stock03:23
sebastwell XGL won't run on this PC.   no 3D graphics card or whatever03:23
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sebastto old03:23
[Nirvana] sebast: kwin-theme-baghira or something...03:23
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tackatsebast: especially liquid-wheather is nice :)03:24
sebast,but on lap top  XGL should work  haven't tryed yet03:24
[Nirvana] kwin-baghira03:24
=== linuxmonkey is afraid to try xgl on this pc, dont want to break anything
sebastKDE uhmmmmmmmm I like that hover effect type thing when going over icons,  but that was about it really I guess03:24
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sebastI mean when it comes to the GUI03:25
sebastKDE has some pretty damn good apps03:25
sebastthat I have been using with Gnome03:25
sebastin fact I am using Konversation right now with Gnome instead of Xchat03:25
tackatsebast: and if XGL doesn't work for you might want to try kompose03:25
sebastand I love K3B :)03:25
tackatwhat about Amarok? :)03:25
Hawkwindgeneo93: Hah.  I didn't realize Kubuntu came with Xorg 7.003:26
[Nirvana] linuxmonkey: that's what a clone partition is for! clone your partition with a live CD or partitionmagic and then runamuck (just edit the boot commands in grub to reflect the clone partitions hda#)03:26
winbondwhich compiz for kde .        compiz , compiz-kde , or compiz-vanilla????03:26
apokryphoswinbond: compiz-gnome03:26
winbondfor kde?03:26
winbondwhat are the Quinn's and reggaemanu's reposteries?03:26
linuxmonkeyya [Nirvana]  lol been to busy to try that03:26
tackatsebast: the music player/ manager :)03:26
apokryphoswinbond: sure; there's no kde-window-decorator yet unfortunately03:27
sebastI like sound a nice feature I like of Ubuntu.  uhmmmmmm that click here to hide all windows and show the desktop button. it makes sound :)  by default anyway with KDE/Kubuntu there is nothing like that03:27
sebastthat will make a sound when I click on03:27
winbondapokryphos: what is the vanilla version for?03:27
geneo93Hawkwind:  are you using dapper03:28
[Nirvana] vanilla = no patches03:28
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sebastnah tackat I been using uhmmmmm well Totem to play MP3's  and Mplayer for stuff on webpages03:28
apokryphoswinbond: vanilla is plain FDO cvs, I believe, without ubuntu/quinn modifications03:28
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tackatsebast: then you definetely want amarok ;)03:28
Hawkwindgeneo93: Only on a spare box right now.  I'm going to change my main box(this one) to Kubuntu sometime this week03:28
sebastoh and Kabboddle to play porno videos so on,  because for some reason Mplayer woudn't go full screen on my video03:28
tackatkaboodle _yuck_03:28
geneo93sebast:  just hit f key03:29
sebastI say to mplayer go full screne03:29
sebastand the video is tiny03:29
sebastand laods of blue stuff round it03:29
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tackatsebast: if you haven't tried amarok you should really do so :) It has lots of good stuff integrated03:29
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geneo93then your porn videos are poor quality03:30
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sebastEye of Gnome is the most buggiest shittest program I have ever used.  loves to crash on me :d  better KDE apps for that type of thing Kview so on03:30
Rainiergrub-reboot doesn't work! any idea why?03:30
sebastI will get amarok,  but not now03:30
AngryElfsup folks -- just installed kubuntu-desktop......i'm unable to rip CDs using amarok, when i drag and drop the files it says they are invalid......this is from several different CDs03:30
AngryElfany ideas?03:30
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geneo93sebast:  kuickshow is nice03:30
winbondapokryphos: ok im getting gnome , hope youre right03:30
bernierhi, i know i have a p3 700 but how can i know if it's a pentium pro, a pentium-mmx , a pentium III/celeron/pentium-III xeon, or pentium M?03:30
tackatAngryElf: does MP3 work for you?03:30
sebastI might change from  Ubuntu to Kubuntu if03:31
geneo93bernier: its a 68603:31
tackatI still use audiocd:/ in konqueror to rip CDs ;)03:31
sebastif I customize it to how I am happy and what not03:31
sebastKDE is meant to be better than Gnome,  but I am quite the Gnome fan :d03:32
berniergeneo93 yes i know but u have to choose between those i listed03:32
sebastof interest which browser are you guys using and why?03:33
becstersebast: you'll get over it, I did :)03:33
Hawkwindgeneo93: Is there anything in Kubuntu similar to MCC by chance ?  Everyone I know that's switching asks me that and I don't know the answer03:33
AngryElfwhen I put 'audiocd:/' into the location in amarok or konqueror it gives me errors -- can't find it03:33
becsterkonqueror, fast03:33
tackatbecster: you got kured ;) ?03:33
geneo93bernier:  pentium III03:33
becsterwhere can I get the lastest kaffeine?03:34
sebastis there a button like the Click here to hide all windows to show the desktop buttion in Ubuntu for Kubuntu that will make a noise when I click on?03:34
sebastkaffeine yuck03:34
becstertackat: haha yes03:34
becster0.7.1 seems to be the only one in the repos03:34
tackatAngryElf: Do you have an AudioCD inserted already?03:35
AngryElf :)03:35
becsterhehe sebast xine > * ;)03:35
sebastI like Gaim,  but Kopete isan't as good right?03:35
AngryElfi love it when i'm helping and get to ask the retarded questions.....it's fun :)03:35
tackatAngryElf: then you probably lack some KDEMM package03:36
AngryElfok fine -- let's do an analogy03:36
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AngryElf~/.gnomerc is to ubuntu as ____ is to kubuntu?03:36
david__i think both gaim and kopete suck, are there any other alternatives?03:36
sebastwell for MSN there is AMSN03:36
sebastand we have LICQ03:36
david__all i use is aim though03:36
tackatAngryElf: you got the package kdemultimedia-kio-plugins installed?03:36
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tackatAngryElf: you need that one.03:37
david__and for some reason i cant figure out how to install the linux version of aim03:37
AngryElfi do :)03:37
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sebastand I read an article earlier about AOL open sourcing something. in the hope that this will get developers to make more programs that use their protocall or something03:37
james_xxxi like gaim03:37
becsterI like kopete03:38
AngryElfhow about my analogy folks?--- ~/.gnomerc is to ubuntu as ____ is to kubuntu?03:38
david__i hate em both03:38
becsterdoes the job and does it well03:38
sebastGaim got ported to Windows,  but why not Kopete for example?03:38
david__but gaim is slightly better03:38
Rainierdoes anyone know how to get grub-reboot working correctly?03:38
becstersebast: wait until kde403:38
sebastwhat about it?03:38
becsterbecause it's a KDE app, not a generic gtk app03:39
becsteror a vanilla Qt app03:39
sebastyes GTK got ported to Windows to03:39
becsterso porting it to windows would be very difficult03:39
sebast,but why not port whatever KDE uses instead of GTK to Windows?03:39
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becsterQt is ported to windows03:39
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becsterit's cross platform03:39
geneo93has been done already03:39
becstersebast: try reading up on stuff :)03:40
sebastso why not port KDE apps to Windows?  such as Kopete?  Konquerer?  Koffice?03:40
nnn0that's half the point with Qt :)03:40
becstersebast: thats going to happen somewhat with kde4 iirc03:40
geneo93because windows sucks03:40
sebastyes Windows sucks03:40
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nnn0because that would make people use windows !03:40
sebast,but even so most people use it.  and it's good to get people using open source even if it is on shitty Windows I reckon03:40
nnn0and who in their right mind woul that03:40
BlankBIs there a problem with nvidia fx-5200 using xinerama? My machine is unberably slow especially using firefox.03:41
nnn0windows sucks03:41
becsternnn0: some people need to use windows for work, OSS apps on windows is still a good thing :)03:41
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becsterie OpenOffice etc03:41
nnn0because most people ar stupid, i don't have to be03:41
Maerksihello, i'm not getting an answer on ubuntu, may i try here?03:41
sebastFirefox :)03:41
Maerksihow much would you reserve for /, /home and /swap on 40 gb ? i'm clueless03:41
Maerksii have 768 mb of ram03:41
nnn0windows has never been a good thing - it's like a big moneymaking virus03:42
BlankBMaerksi: I usually do about 10G for my / and the rest for /home. I dont use a swap partition but rather use a swap file.03:42
sebastaltoguh maybe in 95 Windows was ok?  I mean Linux hadn't really hit off then.  altough we still have Unix then and other OS's/computers03:42
nnn0and believe me, it wouldn't last :)03:42
Hawkwindgeneo93: Is there anything in Kubuntu similar to MCC by chance ?  Everyone I know that's switching asks me that and I don't know the answer03:42
geneo93Hawkwind: system settings03:43
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Maerksihello? no help? :)03:43
BlankBMaerksi: I usually do about 10G for my / and the rest for /home. I dont use a swap partition but rather use a swap file.03:43
nnn0microsoft is going down, and they know it - that's why they don't fix windows, it's money down the drain :)03:43
sebastWhat is MCC?03:43
Maerksithank you03:44
geneo93Hawkwind:  some things aren't there though03:44
Maerksiwill 10 gb be enough for a long time? is it / reserved for system stuff ?03:44
sebastyeah some they won't fix some pretty bad security issue in 98 and ME,  because03:44
sebastthey will stop suppourting it soon03:44
Maerksii'm guessing my /home is what will grow a lot with personal files right?03:44
sebastand something about how they would have to re write teh whole of Explorer for that OS03:44
BlankBMaerksi: the thing that will grow fast in / will be the things in /var03:45
sebastand they are to lazy to bother doing that.  or they don't want to pay people to do that03:45
nnn0i don't even believe they know how to fix it, if they wanted03:45
Maerksiwill / only grow with system updates?03:45
Maerksii'm new to linux03:45
sebast98 is better than 2000 and XP in a lot of ways?  I mean as an OS.  not when it comes to what software runs on it03:45
geneo93i think M$ is very nerveses about releasing crap they have now03:46
Maerksithis /, /home and /swap thing confuses me a bit :)03:46
sebastand sure 2000 and XP are more stable03:46
sebast,but other than those two things.  98 is better?03:46
nnn0i think 2000 was the best one03:46
BlankBMaerksi: you can always just use the whole drive as / and not worry about it.03:46
nnn0it didn't run all the games. but still03:46
nnn0it's only downhill from now03:47
sebastwell I liked 2000 at college so on.  so I got a guy to send me it :D  and I had it set up with VMware player inside Ubuntu,  but damn it.  beeping driver for graphics card.  so only 16 bit colours03:47
Maerksiusing /home and / means when i update ubuntu or when things just go wrong, i can format /, reinstall and still have total access to my stuff on /home ? :D03:47
nnn0Maerksi, yepp :)03:47
Maerksiimagining 'my documents' yes /home and the rest is / ? is it like that?03:47
nnn0in some cases you would even have your old settings03:47
BlankBMaerksi: yep.03:47
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Maerksiperfect :D03:48
AngryElfokay, so amarok and kubuntu are out -- what other app will do me some CD -> mp3/OGG magix03:48
AngryElfblah -- amarok and konqueror03:48
sebastDoes IE 7 reallly need XP or Vista to run?  or is it possible to get it working with Wine or something like that?03:48
Maerksithats impressive03:48
Maerksieverytime i format windows, there goes everything...03:48
nnn0you can move the documents folder in windows too03:49
Maerksiso i can mess with linux as a newbie, make things work wrong and still have the security that i only need to format / and my stuff on /home will be waiting?03:49
Maerksisorry my english03:49
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nnn0yes linux is truly great03:49
nnn0and the whole filesystem is different03:50
geneo93Maerksi:  you may have to delete some setting in home dir to fix things you goofed up03:50
Maerksithe /home is like a global 'my documents' or is it separated by users?03:50
Maerksiahh ok :)03:50
nnn0you don't have to have your disk like C:, D:, E: etc - you can have them whereever you want03:50
Maerksiif it is separated by users, is it like /home/usr ?03:50
nnn0no not just /home but /home/youruser03:50
geneo93no usr is in root03:51
Maerksiohhh, i see03:51
geneo93protected from you03:51
Maerksiwhat is the difference between /usr and /home/yourusername ?03:51
nnn0in /home it's usually just a folder pr user03:51
nnn0yes /usr is like programs03:51
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geneo93libs and so on03:52
Maerksilike program files in windows?03:52
nnn0there are sevral places for that in linux03:52
Maerksiand /home is like my documents, videos, mp3, etc?03:52
nnn0a matter of taste almost03:52
Maerksinice nice :)03:52
Maerksinow, are kubuntu and ubuntu released at the same time?03:53
Maerksior is kubuntu like a secondary project ?03:53
geneo93if you google linux tree you can see what it is like03:53
nnn0and forget about the text console in windows - linux is in another dimension ;)03:53
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Maerksigeneo93 i'll do it right now :)03:53
nnn0you should learn abit about the console03:53
Maerksii've read some stuff on the foruns about the console03:54
nnn0or terminal or shell or whatever03:54
nnn0the console is very powerful03:54
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Maerksimost tell me that if I know how to copy past stuff, i'll do fine and slowly learn03:54
nnn0not like DOS at all03:54
nnn0na dto use 'man'03:54
nnn0and to use...03:55
Maerksii just know ls, sudo gedit, ./ , the basics03:55
Maerksiman from manual right?03:55
nnn0yes hehe03:55
Maerksihelp file?03:55
Maerksigreat :)03:55
nnn0like: man ls03:55
Maerksihummm, i see03:55
nnn0or in some cases: info ls03:55
Maerksiah sorry to repeat this03:55
geneo93just grab a unix manual03:55
nnn0just press Q to exit03:55
AngryElfi've got a CD in the drive and i'm actively listening to music, yet it's not mounted according to /etc/mtab.........???03:56
Maerksibut is kubuntu and ubuntu released at the same time? or is kubuntu like a secondary project ?03:56
nnn0it's the same project03:56
nnn0just with different window managers03:56
nnn0ubuntu use gnome, na dkubuntu kde03:56
Maerksiso kubuntu isn't maintained only by a couple of kde lovers right?03:57
nnn0in linux you have alot of choices to what kind of "windows" you want to run03:57
Maerksiit seemed in the begining of ubuntu that kubuntu was a kde fans project, not a canonical project03:57
nnn0nono, u can install ubuntu and easily switch to kubuntu - or xbuntu for that matter03:57
Maerksinice :)03:57
Maerksii tried xubuntu but xfce doesnt seem to be very user friendly03:58
Maerksiat least to a newbie like me03:58
Maerksiahhh another stuuuupid question03:58
nnn0gnome and kde is the most bloated ones03:58
Maerksihow do i minimize windows in kde?03:58
Maerksiin gnome i see the icon03:58
Maerksihow do i do it in kde?03:58
nnn0however you like03:58
nnn0you can set it up just like you want it :D03:58
Maerksiis there a default one?03:59
Maerksilike f10 or something?03:59
nnn0like if you want to minimize when you doubleclick the banner or something03:59
Maerksibanner beeing the top of the active window? sorry my english, i'm portuguese03:59
Maerksilike if i had done a fresh kubuntu install, and oppened 5 programs, how would I minimize them all? whats the default setting?04:00
becsterhow do I search for src packages in Adept?04:00
Maerksiin gnome and ubuntu I click on the desktop icon04:00
Maerksiin osx I use expose04:00
=== CheeseBurgerMan [n=bigk@24-247-185-68.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
Maerksiin kde is there a default ?04:01
nnn0hm donno04:01
nnn0i use the mouse04:01
Maerksiclicking on the 5 windows?04:01
nnn0i normally switch to a new desktop if i want a clean one04:01
nnn0or use the kicker button04:02
nnn0in linux you usually have several desktops04:02
nnn0but i guess you could make a shortcut to the kicker button04:02
PyroMithrandirthere is a kicker applet that'll do it, Maerksi04:02
Maerksiwhere is it?04:03
ChefWillcan someone help me i keep getting this popup: kscience.kss             Will not save configuration.  Configuration file /home/admin/.kde/share/config/kscience.kssrc not writable Configuration file kdeglobals not writable"04:03
winbonddoes anyone know where to get the latest mesa lib?04:03
PyroMithrandirright click on the panel> add applet04:03
Maerksican i put it on the kde bar?04:03
PyroMithrandirit's called "Show Desktop"04:03
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Maerksiwhere can i find it?04:03
PyroMithrandiruh, if by "kde bar" you mean panel, yes04:03
Maerksiyes, panel, sorry :)04:03
PyroMithrandirright click on the panel> add applet04:03
Maerksii see04:04
Maerksitaking mental notes04:04
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nnn0if you forget it it's all in www.google.com :D04:04
Maerksii searched in google for linux tree but they are all so confusing, is there a cleaner one to be able to learn?04:04
tackatMaerksi: If you want to see _really_ all kinds of configurations you could ever do with regard to the windowmanager just type04:04
tackatkcmshell kwinoptions kwindecoration keys04:05
tackatand press enter04:05
Maerksithis one is a mess04:05
tackaton the konsole04:05
=== taylor [n=taylor@24-107-128-95.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
Maerksino nice example on wikipedia also04:06
Maerksii would love to learn the structure of linux but typing linux tree on google won't get me there :) lol04:06
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Rainierdoes anyone know how to make grub-reboot work?04:08
CheeseBurgerManMaerksi: You mean something like http://www.tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/sect_03_01.html04:08
CheeseBurgerManMaerksi: You'll probably want to scroll down to section 3.1.304:08
[fadli_klate] <Maerksi> like if i had done a fresh kubuntu install, and oppened 5 programs, how would I minimize them all? whats the default setting?04:09
[fadli_klate] try Ctrl+Alt+D04:09
Maerksii will :)04:10
sebastwell past 3am here so time to get out of here04:10
sebastand bed in a bit04:11
Maerksithank you very much guys for all your help. :)04:11
MaerksiCheeseBurgerMan reading it, great example04:12
Maerksithank you :)04:12
CheeseBurgerManno problem. :)04:12
Maerksithank you all, bye bye :)04:12
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Jack_SparrowI have been having some serious video problems with Kubuntu badger and Nvidia 5500 chipset04:14
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Jack_SparrowCan anyone walk me through checking my video settings04:15
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PyroMithrandirJack_Sparrow, ah, that's my video card04:17
=== MasterEvilAce [n=MasterEv@cpe-071-075-009-204.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
PyroMithrandirare you using the nvidia driver?04:17
MasterEvilAcetrying to play DVD04:17
ubotuDVD playing is possible in ubuntu. You may need libdvdcss2, which is available via http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages (section extras)04:17
MasterEvilAcei d/led those already04:17
MasterEvilAceit didn't auto mount the dvd drive maybe?04:17
MasterEvilAcei don't see it in storage media04:17
PyroMithrandirwell, then, yeah04:17
MasterEvilAcehow do i.. make it work04:18
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chavoMasterEvilAce, you don't need to mount the dvd, just have your media app open it up04:20
MasterEvilAceah, well it's erroring saying something about access writes and /dev/dvd04:20
PyroMithrandiraccess rights, maybe? you don't want to be writing to it to play it...04:21
chavoMasterEvilAce, make sure your user is in plugdev group?04:22
MasterEvilAcenot sure what that is04:22
chavorun id in console, it'll list the groups you're in04:22
MasterEvilAcehow do i add myself to that group04:23
ChefWillcan someone help me i keep getting this popup: kscience.kss             Will not save configuration.  Configuration file /home/admin/.kde/share'/config/kscience.kssrc not writable Configuration file kdeglobals not writable"04:23
nnn0Cheapy, check the permissions04:23
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TheHighChildHey folks, no sound on Gaim 2 Beta. it's worked since install but has ceased today. i've tried a few things including a reboot. Any thoughts?04:24
nnn0and you have a ' after "share" but that maybe just a typo04:24
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chavoMasterEvilAce, sorry SytemSettings - Users and Groups04:26
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HawkwindHey there Hobbsee04:38
Hobbseeheya Hawkwind04:38
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HawkwindIt seems kinda quiet here tonight.  Everyone must be watching basketball or something04:39
Hobbseewell, in the UK and around there it's the middle of the night...04:39
Hobbseethis place does tend to get quiet at all though04:39
=== Hawkwind Sets #Kubuntu on fire to wake everyone up :P
=== Hobbsee sets Hawkwind on fire.
=== DrBair runs out of house screaming
HawkwindI guess that might have been a bit drastic04:40
HawkwindA garden hose might have worked well instead04:41
MrObviousI could cut cheese :p04:43
MrObviousNo kidding it is quiet.04:43
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Hobbseeyeah, i think people are active in other places04:45
MrObviousI would probably be more active if I were on the other computer with KUbuntu.04:45
MrObviousI'm on Mandriva right now.04:45
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=== CheeseBurgerMan attempts conversation.
CheeseBurgerManIm on Kubuntu right now. :P04:48
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CheeseBurgerManOK, that didn't work well.04:48
nnn0i'm on SimplyMEPIS 6.0 beta04:49
nnn0that's practically kubuntu :)04:49
DrBairis it MEPIS thats using the ubuntu repositories?04:49
nnn0yepp - the dapper pool04:50
DrBairpretty nifty04:50
winbondanyone here used the skript by jesper to install xgl??04:50
MrObviousWhat's interesting is google might make a linux or back one based on Debian/Ubuntu I think.04:51
MrObviousI've heard rumors about that.04:51
DrBairi don't like how XGL works on KDE04:51
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nnn0me neither04:51
winbondi dont want google to make linux , it will be full of nsa spy shit in it04:51
Kyralwinbond: can't04:52
MrObviousI doubt that.04:52
DrBairnah, it will just index your hard drive so everyone can search it04:52
KyralOpen Source principles would dictate that if they wanted it out it would be out04:52
=== DrBair googles winbond's passwd file
nnn0google has already made their own linux, but it's used only internally04:52
HobbseeMrObvious: how's mandriva?04:53
romeo5kwats the difference between  firefox and  Konqueror??04:53
MrObviousAnd if google wants to take on Microcrap, they have to do it based on their own game, an OS04:53
Hobbseeromeo5k: try them both :P04:53
DrBairromeo5k: completely different rendering engines04:53
romeo5kim using firefox now..04:53
romeo5k already used Konqueror04:53
romeo5k and it was problems04:53
MrObviousHobbsee: Eh, I liked 10.2 better actually :|. I think Ubuntu may be more stable now that I've used both. But it's ok for user friendlyness.04:53
DrBairi like konqueror because it blends into the kde desktop nicely04:54
romeo5keven though java installed .. it still would not pulll yahoo games04:54
romeo5k like it did not wanna start the java04:54
=== RawSewage [n=rawsewag@209-180-233-177.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Kubuntu
DrBairjava was enabled in konq?04:54
[fadli_klate] xgl in kubuntu? wow, anyone here tried it?04:54
romeo5k i think it is.... in the settings right04:54
winbondwhats a command for executing a .deb?04:54
MrObviouswinbond: Wow lol04:55
DrBairromeo5k: yep, in there04:55
nnn0winbond, apt-get install blabla.deb04:55
[fadli_klate] dpkg -i anything.deb?04:55
romeo5kDrBair: yep.. installed..04:55
romeo5ki mean enabled04:55
winbondokkk, ty04:55
CheeseBurgerManyeah, 'dpkg -i *.deb' is right -- 'apt-get install *' installs something from the repos.04:56
DrBairromeo5k: dunno then04:56
=== macli [n=macli@S01060080c8de9abd.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
romeo5kare u using it now???04:56
DrBairromeo5k: konq does have more quirks, whether by design or because it just has less exposure to the world04:56
DrBairkonqueror, i only break out firefox for sites that don04:57
DrBair't like it04:57
romeo5kDrBair which java  u installed  in urs and does Konq work??04:57
=== Hobbsee pokes ubotu
DrBairi think its dead04:57
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DrBairromeo5k: i have the sun one installed... usually works the best04:59
MrObviousThats why the channel is dead tonight :|04:59
DrBairi think its working...04:59
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots.04:59
=== B4zzA2 [n=chevron_@l2-202-89-168-12.arach.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
Hobbseeah ha...04:59
romeo5kok... i just installed the firfox plugin04:59
romeo5k and now its werking05:00
DrBairromeo5k: konqueror uses firefox plugins05:01
kkathmanhi Hobbsee :)05:01
Hobbseeheya kkathman05:02
romeo5k oh... well durr.. i nvere knew trhat05:02
kkathmanhow are you tonight Hobbsee05:02
=== Hobbsee is cold. and fixing kopete.
kkathmanHobbsee:  Im giving T-bird a try, as kmail seemed to have a corruption problem :(05:02
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kkathmanIf you know of a way to get Kmail into T-bird I'd appreciate it05:03
romeo5kDrBair: can Konq use flash, shockwave,and ... hmm isnt there another one??05:03
romeo5kor is that all in adept?05:03
DrBairromeo5k: it can use the firefox plugins yes05:03
Hobbseekkathman: nice.  got no idea about going that way, unless you can export it some how05:03
kkathmanHobbsee:  yeah I dont think so :(05:03
DrBairromeo5k: you need to add a repository to get macromedia flash going05:03
romeo5kok.. bbl05:04
DrBairromeo5k: and it is VERY quicky05:04
CheeseBurgerMankkathman: http://www.mozilla.org/support/thunderbird/faq#kmail05:04
romeo5k mind walking me throu??05:04
romeo5kDrBair :?05:04
kkathmanthanx CheeseBurgerMan lemme check that out05:04
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DrBairi don't remember honestly05:05
=== winbond [n=winbond@c-68-81-149-14.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:05
DrBairok, not too bad to instlal05:06
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romeo5kim trying to find the 64 bit part05:06
romeo5k DrBair: or is it all the same?05:07
DrBairromeo5k: non-existant actually. there is no 64 bit flash for any platform05:07
romeo5k making sure05:07
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DrBairthere is a GPLed implementation in the repositories, but it doesn't support newer versions of flash which are the most common05:07
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m1ke_lif i install ubuntu, then apt-get install kubuntu-desktop...will gnome still be an option?05:09
CheeseBurgerManm1ke_l: Yes.05:10
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AngryElfin gnome, the windows that are opened are connected with the workspace that they were opened in - and when you switch to a new workspace you dont see any of the programs on the taskbar - is there a way to have this done in kde?05:21
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PyroMithrandiryeah, AngryElf05:22
PyroMithrandirright click on the panel, go to Taskbar05:22
PyroMithrandirand uncheck the "Show windows from all desktops"05:22
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ChefWillcan someone help me05:23
ChefWilli keep getting popups saying that a certain configuration file is not writable05:23
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ChefWilland "will not save configuration"05:23
LorriI tried installing XGL05:24
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LorriHow do I check if it's installed05:24
AngryElfChefWill, you need to check the permissions and/or open it using sudo05:24
ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems05:24
AngryElfthanx PyroMithrandir05:24
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ChefWillAngryElf:  it keeps popping up for random programs though, im not even opening them05:24
sledgeHey, anybody know a tool that measure hard-drive seek times?05:25
ChefWillill be away and tll popup some05:25
AngryElfi'd say you have other issues then - something is opening them and it clearly doesn't have permission to edit them05:25
AngryElfi dont know how to track that down05:25
ChefWillme neither05:26
AngryElfyou could wait for it to open then  ps aux|grep programName  and see what user opened it - that's about all i could say05:26
=== crimsun_ wonders if Konsole has URI highlighting/linking (like {gnome,xfce4}-terminal do)
ChefWillsomething messed up bigtime05:27
LorriWhoever did ! xgl didn't answer my question05:27
LorriI tried installing XGL, but I'm not sure if it's installed correctly05:27
LorriHow do I check for it?05:27
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LeeJunFanLorri: xgl isn't really kde friendly.05:29
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LorriYeah but still05:29
LorriHow do I check for it05:29
AngryElfwhat screensaver does kubuntu use?05:30
HobbseeAngryElf: any of them?05:30
=== Hobbsee likes rss-glx screensavers - solarwinds, in particular
=== perrin [n=perrin@ppp87-105.lns2.mel3.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu
chavoscreensavers broken here05:31
Hobbseechavo: define broken?  not starting at the time it's supposed to?05:32
chavoHobbsee, it's a bug with the menu system05:32
chavoI put all of my menus into a submenu, and now kscreensaver can't find them05:34
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sledgeHey, does anybody know a tool that measures hard-drive seek times?05:35
francfChavo: si quieres tener los menus originales de nuevo, solo borra la carpeta .config/ que esta en tu home05:35
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.05:35
francfsledge: hdparm05:36
sledgefrancf: hdparm measures throughput, not seek times05:36
francfok, sorry05:36
chavofrancf, I know how to fix it, but I like my menus more than I like the screensaver05:36
francfubotu: tks, no problem man.05:36
ubotuWhat? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, francf05:36
=== MikeMcA_ [n=mike@c-24-22-112-136.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems05:37
chavoI have my most used apps on the top level and then put all the other menus in a submenu05:37
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Hobbseechavo: er, okay.  file a bug for it?05:39
chavoHobbsee, it's reported on kde bugs05:39
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Hobbseechavo: ah okay, cool :)05:39
LeeJunFanLorri: if your XGL is working you'll know it. ie. moving windows will be wobbly, etc.05:39
PyroMithrandirhey, speaking of screensavers, mine stopped working a while ago05:39
PyroMithrandirbut I didn't care enough to figure out why05:40
PyroMithrandirnow I'm curious05:40
LeeJunFanPyroMithrandir: did you move your mouse :p05:40
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[fadli_klate] currently installing xgl in kubuntu. not finished yet. hehe05:40
PyroMithrandirno, really, it won't start. I even just set it to start after a minute and waited to check05:40
[fadli_klate] why there is lots of stuff to download  (136 packages)?05:41
LeeJunFanPyroMithrandir: mine stops working on occasion as well, I've been blaming mine on suspend/resumes on my laptop.05:41
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gman_hi all, is there aan alternative to automatix and easyubuntu for dapper? easy errors and I don't want to touch automatix05:41
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PyroMithrandirmine is a desktop, so I don't use those features05:41
PyroMithrandirI think mine will start if I do the "Lock session and start new one" thing05:42
PyroMithrandirlet me check05:42
PyroMithrandirYeah, it starts then05:42
PyroMithrandiranyone have any ideas as to why it won't start on its own?05:42
LeeJunFanPyroMithrandir: mine doesn't start if I just lock the session, I get a blank screen and lock, but the fireworks doesn't start.05:43
Hobbsee!tell gman_ about restricted05:43
Hobbseegman_: it's not very hard to do it manually - follow the wiki05:43
imbrandon_crimsun_, dmesg spits out http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/70789505:44
imbrandon_dosent look goot05:44
gman_roger that. thanks05:44
crimsun_imbrandon_: /var/log/dmesg, then05:44
imbrandon_crimsun_, http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/70789605:45
perrinhi,  is anyone able to help me with some dependancy issues i cant resolve?  can be seen at -- http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/70789705:46
perrinim new to linux / kubuntu, and cant work it out05:46
imbrandon_perrin, can you pastebin your sources.list ?05:47
imbrandon_perrin, you are on breezy trying to install a dapper armarok from kubuntu repos05:49
imbrandon_that wont work05:49
nnn0cool if one could just; sources-list > http://pastebin.net/ :D05:50
perrinso change dapper to breezy?05:50
nnn0i ment if it was possible05:50
imbrandon_perrin, here is _MY_ dapper sources.list with universe and multiverse and the kubuntu.org repos05:50
perrini just followed the instructions on the amarok website05:51
imbrandon_perrin, yea but those are for dapper not breezy05:51
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perrinah ok05:51
imbrandon_if you want dapper use my sources.list and "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"   might want to read this link too first ......05:52
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development verison: (eft when its open)05:52
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perrinah ok05:52
perrinso dapper is the next version, and i dont have it05:53
imbrandon_dapper is the current stable05:53
LeeJunFanyeah, be careful, you don't want to upgrade to edgy right now :)05:53
imbrandon_breezy was the last version05:53
perrinoh ok  must have only just happened?  cos i only recently downloaded breezy05:53
crimsun_imbrandon_: well, there's nothing in your dmesg indicating that it was actually detected05:53
imbrandon_crimsun_, can i just add it to /etc/modules ?05:54
imbrandon_perrin, it happened june 1st05:54
perrinfair enough05:54
perrinjust not up with the latest05:54
imbrandon_;) witch is fine but you cant install that amarok with the version you have ;)05:55
perrinah the joys of learning linux05:55
imbrandon_upgrading should be simple05:55
crimsun_imbrandon_: you can attempt, but I'm by no means a forcedeth or amd64 guru.05:55
Ahmuckhi imbrandon05:55
imbrandon_crimsun_, ok thanks05:56
imbrandon_heya Ahmuck how go's it05:56
perrinyeah,  im just gonna do what you said and use your sources.list05:56
Ahmucknot to bad, just chillin05:56
perrinor maybe follow the wiki05:56
imbrandon_perrin, you can follow what i said just skim over the wiki incase you run into problems05:57
imbrandon_you can trubbleshoot better that way05:57
perrinok thanks05:57
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imbrandon_here it is in one command to get everything done , just copy and paste this and when its finished reboot and you SHOULD be all happy ........ "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"   ( of course after you put my sources.list in place )05:59
imbrandon_^^ perrin05:59
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perrinnice thanks06:00
perrinlooks like its doing its thing06:01
imbrandon_yea it will take about ~45min depending on your connection06:02
perrincould take a while on 512k ADSL :(06:02
imbrandon_45 min to an hour probbly06:02
perrinok,  enough time to go clean out my car06:02
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perrinoh man  it reckons 2hrs 30min @ 52KB/s06:03
imbrandon_you in USA ?06:04
perrinnope australia06:04
imbrandon_ahh you might want to stop it ( ctl + c ) and change the sources.list from http://us.archi....... to http://au.archiv........06:05
imbrandon_and re run that command06:05
crimsun_52 KB/s beats the pants off my 3.5 KB/s06:05
imbrandon_probbly be faster for ya06:05
perrinah ok06:05
perrinwill do06:06
imbrandon_ouch crimsun_ dialup or bad broadband ?06:06
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AngryElfhow do i change the background color of the applications on a panel? Or the panel itself -- it didn't change when I changed my default color theme06:06
imbrandon_AngryElf, right click and configure pannel then ...06:07
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imbrandon_click appearence06:07
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imbrandon_its on the bottom of that tab06:07
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imbrandon_you can check the box to colorize to match color or just choose a diff bg image06:08
imbrandon_or make transparent etc06:08
AngryElfyup, found it06:08
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EveraWhat's the hotkey for disabling/enabling X06:10
perrinthanks for your help imbrandon,  ill be back later once its complete06:10
AngryElfstupid workspaces are a different color :/06:11
imbrandon_kk perrin good luck, i should be here all night ( your day ) if you need anything06:11
perrinthanks a lot06:12
imbrandon_Evera, ctl+alt+backspace ? that kills x06:12
EveraHow do you start it in console06:12
Everajust x?06:12
imbrandon_"startx" or if you have kdm installed "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start"06:13
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AngryElfso, i was running ubuntu, installed kubuntu and now whenever I log out i get a blank screen.....can't do anything, crtl alt f1 does nothing....could it be KDM??  is there any reason i can't use GDM with KDE?06:18
PyroMithrandiryou can use KDE with GDM06:19
PyroMithrandirit just won't give you the option to shutdown your computer from within KDE06:19
PyroMithrandiryou'll have to log out of KDE and shutdown from the GDM login screen06:19
AngryElfwell then, why is it crashing when i log out?06:20
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PyroMithrandirbeats me06:20
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AngryElfwhen i log out - after a few seconds my monitor is reporting an out of sync error06:28
AngryElfbut i dont have this problem when I boot up to the login screen06:28
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bleakeddoes anyone know who the kubuntu amarok dev is?06:30
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=== mode/#kubuntu [+oo Hobbsee Ubugtu] by ChanServ
Hobbseebleaked: er, anyone and everyone i think06:31
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bleakedHobbsee: well, yes, but the one who is packaging the 1.4 series releases..06:32
Hobbseebleaked: Ridd*ell - why in particular?06:32
bleakedwell, this bug ( http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=125210 ) seems to be persistent in all of the 1.4 kubuntu builds .. and there's a stated solution and it just has not been fixed thus far..06:33
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=== Hobbsee looks at the stated solutoin
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unix_infidelhey guys i'm still dealing with the same problem, i have to physically unplug and replug my mouse for ohci_hcd to wake up and load the mouse drivers06:37
unix_infideli've got ohci uhci and usbcore all loaded up. and it still wont work unless i physically unplug/replug.06:37
unix_infidelanyone with any ideas?06:38
unix_infideli've google to no avail.06:38
bleakedunix_infidel: ubuntuforums.com?06:38
unix_infidelthose usually showup in google searches often enough.06:38
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bleakedunix_infidel: so what is your problem exactly?06:39
unix_infidelbleaked: like above. the mouse doesnt work when i startx until i physically unplug or replug the mouse06:39
unix_infidelHOWEVER, its not xorg specific as if i do cat /dev/input/mouse it ONLY gives output after i replug06:40
unix_infideli'm thinking its a kernel issue.06:40
unix_infidelits a kensington usb mouse06:40
imbrandon_you tried a diff usb mouse to confirm its not your usb controller >?06:40
Hobbseebleaked: brilliant, thanks06:40
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unix_infidelimbrandon_: it worked with breezy.06:41
Hobbseeimbrandon_: do you happen to have amarok 1.3.9 on your system?06:41
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unix_infidelit JUST started after i did an upgrade to dapper.06:41
imbrandon_Hobbsee, 1.406:41
Hobbseebleaked: was this still a problem with amarok 1.3.9?06:41
Hobbseeimbrandon_: darn06:41
unix_infidelit works in windows as well, so i'm pretty sure its a kernel issue but i cant seem to isolate it.06:41
mchonishello all06:41
unix_infideli mean all the proper modules are loaded and everything seems to be working fine and no error messages related to USB in dmesg or other logs.06:42
imbrandon_unix_infidel, right but another mouse would tell you if its a mouse kernel issue or a usb contoller kernel issue06:42
mchonisjust installed kubuntu (not 20 minutes ago)... soooo quick to setup06:42
unix_infidelimbrandon_: like i said, its not a usb controller issue specific to the hardware as it worked perfectly in the breezy install.06:42
imbrandon_but breezy used a diffrent kernel you cant be sure if its the controller code in the kernel or the mouse code is what i'm getting at06:43
imbrandon_i know the HARDWARE works06:43
bleakedHobbsee: no, only since the 1.4 betas and 1.4 final kubuntu builds.06:43
Hobbseemm okay06:43
imbrandon_Hobbsee, whats up ?06:44
unix_infidelimbrandon_: ok i gotcha.06:44
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unix_infidelso how would i go about simulating the same situation without a reboot?06:44
unix_infidelwhere ohci isnt awake.06:44
Hobbseeimbrandon_: looking to change KDS - but i'm not sure if my change will affect amarok 1.3.9 users badly06:44
imbrandon_i can downgrade and test if you need me to06:45
imbrandon_no biggie to me06:45
Hobbseeimbrandon_: that'd be cool, thanks06:45
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Hobbseeimbrandon_: dont worry06:46
bleakedHobbsee: man, amarok 1.4 should really have made it into dapper.. i found it far more stable and featuresome than any of the <1.4 releases..06:46
Hobbseebleaked: yeah, i know, but feature freeze.06:47
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=== brandon__ is now known as Lorri
ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems06:47
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orient2000What is XGL?06:50
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unix_infidelhey guys i'm back, i got my mouse problem fixed but i seem to be having a different problem with aterm.06:52
unix_infidelAterm seems to be acting up: where i can start aterm with trans and execute irssi from bash and it'll work, but if i execute aterm [trans flags]  -e irssi it shows up as a plain black term with no trans.06:52
unix_infidelit spits out something before it executes irssi that i THINK might give me some hint as to what's going on, but for some reason it blips away too fast because irssi starts up.06:54
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unix_infidelanyone with some insight?06:55
Hobbseebleaked: thanks for that06:55
unix_infidelcan someone atleast mabye tell me how i could look at some of the stuff that blips by when i do aterm [trans tags]  -e irssi06:57
unix_infidelit MIGHT have to do with localization and LANG stuff because i had problem with ncurses stuff and aterm before i defined $LANG in bashrc and bash_profile06:58
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bettyanyone awake?07:00
=== Hobbsee isnt
=== nnn0 neighter
Hobbseebleaked: ping07:00
=== Hawkwind Throws ice water on Hobbsee just for fun :P
=== Hobbsee bans Hawkwind
Hobbseenow you be careful - i'm messing with kubuntu stuff :P07:01
=== Hobbsee could turn your entire desktop BRIGHT PINK!
HawkwindI just read your wiki page.  Very interesting :)07:01
Hobbseeoh really?07:01
HawkwindLOL @ bright pink07:01
Hobbseeit's a bit old - i've done more packages than that now...07:01
Hobbseeand i'm on the KCC now, which isnt there07:01
=== betty [n=betty@cpe-72-132-240-241.san.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
HawkwindI can't possibly imagine E17 in pink07:02
bettyMy wiki page?07:02
Hobbseeoh, on e17...i mightnt be able to change that..07:02
bettyHave you seen my wiki page. It's entitled D-Star07:02
HawkwindHobbsee: I was just stumbling through the wiki.  Being new to Ubuntu stuff that I am, just trying to see what kind of info I can find out there07:02
bettyactually not technically "my" wiki07:02
HobbseeHawkwind: ah yes07:03
bettywas I just kicked out of #kubuntu just a little while ago?07:03
Hawkwindbetty: No, you had a quit message of Excess Flood07:03
bettyI have a question07:04
bettyhow do you play games on the internet?07:04
Hobbseebetty: shoot07:05
Hobbseewhat type of games?07:05
bettylike if I want to play checkers07:05
nnn0then you google that :D07:05
bettyI'm trying to find out how fast my connection is with SpeedCrunch does anyone know howto use that?07:07
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Hobbseebetty: IIRC speedcrunch is a calculator?07:07
noiesmohello Hobsee07:08
noiesmohello DaSkreech07:08
bettywell it has things like degrees and radians07:08
kkathmanHobbsee:  just so you know, that T-bird conversion of kmail doesnt work as reported on the FAQ page :(07:08
Hobbseekkathman: great.  which FAQ page?07:08
kkathmanIve spent all night trying to get that to work07:09
crimsun_I highly dislike moz-tbird07:09
LorriWhere do I change what happens when I fold my monitor town07:09
kkathmanHobbsee:  http://www.mozilla.org/support/thunderbird/faq.html#kmail07:09
bettyDoes anyone know how I can get rid of the spam mail that I got. I just got this email today07:10
Hobbseemmm okay07:10
Hobbseebetty: delete it?07:10
bettywell I did but it comes back07:10
kkathmanthere may be a problem with kmail, because when I created the folders and moved the items into them, they didnt really get created as folders in the .../kmail/mail directory07:10
bettyI got one in the afternoon and three just now07:10
LorriI can't mount my USB HDD07:12
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bettyIs there any games on this server that I can play?07:15
bleakedHobbsee: pong07:20
Hobbseebleaked: asking for the fix - the guy's asleep though07:20
=== Hobbsee patched it.
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bleakedvery nice :D07:20
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achandraHello...Wondering if anyonehas a slick "guide" for dealing with openldap autentcation of linux boxes07:25
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Kadran_rince_: is it gutten morgen :)07:37
_rince_"guten morgen" it is ;)07:39
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Lorrii'm getting errors when trying to apt-get install07:45
LorriFor the packages that I attempted to install before07:46
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exceswatergood morning everyone :D08:18
exceswateranybody here?08:20
pd273good mornring08:20
exceswaterwho can give some advices about installing nvidia drivers on kubuntu :(08:21
exceswaterhi Hobbsee08:21
pd273I'v got an ATI card, have not tried NVDIA08:21
pd273but in ubuntuforums you can find lots of help08:22
exceswateri cannot install this driver08:22
exceswateri'm driving crazy08:22
travis|linuxnvidia drivers for what?08:22
exceswaterthe past few days i tryed and tryed but no result08:22
pd273exceswater: I can understand I tried installing fglrx for my Mobility 9200, I went crazy too08:23
exceswaterfor geforce 4 mx 44008:23
travis|linuxyou don't have to do anything really... just a sec I'll tell u what to install08:23
exceswateri download driver08:23
travis|linuxsame thing I have08:23
pd273some times it dosent work, besides I dont do much gamins so no probs08:23
travis|linuxu don't need it08:23
travis|linuxjust a sec08:23
exceswateri input in console sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-8762-pkg1.run08:23
exceswaterit runs08:23
travis|linuxu don't need that08:23
exceswaterand i says nvidia blah blah cannot run only as root08:23
pd273exceswater: it is better you use the nvdia driver you get from the repo08:23
exceswaterand in adept... in manage repositories08:24
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noiesmoexceswater, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common linux-386 linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)08:24
exceswateri cannot understand that universe multiverse thing08:24
travis|linuxexceswater: sudo apt-get install nivida-glx08:24
ubotuThe rationale behind the different components of the ubuntu repositories (main, restricted, universe, multiverse) is described at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components08:24
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exceswaterPackage nvidia-glx is not available, but is referred to by another package.08:25
exceswaterThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or08:25
exceswateris only available from another source08:25
exceswaterE: Package nvidia-glx has no installation candidate08:25
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exceswaterwhy ?08:25
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Hobbsee!info nvidia-glx dapper08:25
ubotunvidia-glx: (NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver), section restricted/x11, is optional. Version: 1.0.8762+ (dapper), Packaged size: 3963 kB, Installed size: 12240 kB08:25
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exceswatercannot you remote ... log in to my pc ??08:26
pd273exceswater: you might have to add multiverse to your repository for this you can use this link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto08:26
exceswaterthat is the problem08:26
exceswaterwhat should be there ?08:26
exceswatermultiverse ?08:26
exceswateri dunno08:26
pd273and multiverse08:26
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noiesmoadd both08:26
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Hobbseeexceswater: pastebin your sources.list?08:27
TheHighChildHow can I add apps to my KDE startup?08:28
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defryskgood morning Hobbsee and the other 23208:28
chavoTheHighChild, .kde/Autostart or Go- Autostart in konq08:28
emonkeylaplol hi defrysk08:29
exceswaterfor now08:29
exceswateri added universe multiverse to all there08:29
exceswaterand i hit apply08:29
exceswaterand fetch updates08:29
exceswaterhope it works now08:29
exceswaterhi defrysk08:29
pd273it will :)08:29
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exceswaternow i look in that list08:30
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exceswaterin the filter i add : nvidia08:30
exceswateri see nvidia glx08:30
exceswaterbut when i "reauest install" nothing happens08:30
TheHighChildchavo: Sorry for being a noob but what exactly do I type into Konq?08:31
exceswatersorry - request08:31
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kunjanhey guys08:32
emonkeylapexceswater, do apply again08:33
defryskTheHighChild, the way I made an autostart in kde is make a file autorun in .kde/Autostart08:33
kunjanquick question.. how do i check the current upload speed on eth0 from text mode?08:33
emonkeylapthe button with the great green tick08:33
aibi have an old laptop with a 40gb hdd that the bios does not recognize. kubuntu will only let me make a parition that is 2.6gb, but that is not small enough, so i get grub error 18, which means that it can't find the kernel on the disk. how can i solve this problem?08:33
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chavoTheHighChild, sorry I forgot kubuntu removed the GO item from the menu, just type ~/.kde in the addressbar08:33
TheHighChilddefrysk: Ok, I am doing that now. What about the apps that start up with it by default, is there a place to view them?08:33
defryskwhat progs start up by default ?08:34
travis|linuxaib: hard drive overlay08:34
chavoTheHighChild, noapps start up by default08:34
chavoTheHighChild, kde does save your session when you log out08:35
defryskTheHighChild, do 'kate .kde/Autostart/autorun' without the '08:35
travis|linuxaib: released by all the major hard drive companies to deal with that specific issue08:35
TheHighChildmy klipper and kerry beagle and korg daemin and some other stuff all start at start08:35
chavooh you can disable those by right clicking the icons08:35
defryskTheHighChild, done that ?08:35
emonkeylapexceswater, it works?08:36
defryskput apps in there like so : /usr/bin/kopete08:36
TheHighChildchavo: They don't bother me. I've just never used them. Wasn't sure why they started up.08:36
defryskTheHighChild, got that ?08:36
TheHighChilddefrysk: Yes, sorry, forgot to use the name08:36
exceswateri have to shoot myself for being such a noob08:37
chavoTheHighChild, they are started by the system. /usr/share/autostart08:37
defryskchavo, shut up please08:37
exceswateri will make a printscreen with "repositories"08:37
chavodefrysk, I won't08:37
defryskthen I wil08:37
chavoare you listening to what he is asking?08:37
defryskTheHighChild, chave wil help you further08:37
TheHighChilddefrysk: do I just add app names to this file?08:38
emonkeylapexceswater, paste your sources.list into pastebin.com08:38
aibi think http://www.seagate.com/support/disc/drivers/discwiz.html is the one for my disk. but it's a dos floppy. can i boot to that without windows installed?08:38
exceswatera friend of me says something about kernel source08:38
defryskTheHighChild, ask chavo08:38
exceswaterhe says i cannot install that driver without that08:38
exceswateremonkeylap:  i am noob08:38
Hobbseeexceswater: open /etc/apt/sources.list and copy and paste into pastebin.com08:38
exceswaterso noob08:38
TheHighChilddefrysk: lol, thanks for your help08:38
emonkeylapexceswater, do you have klicked on the button with the big green tick?08:38
exceswaternoobest :D08:38
exceswateri cannot08:39
emonkeylapexceswater, after you've requetsted the install?08:39
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exceswateronly apply08:39
Hobbseedefrysk: chavo08:39
Hobbseebe nice please :)08:39
exceswaterin the bottom of the page08:39
chavodefrysk, I think he was asking us both differnt things man, ease up08:39
defryskTheHighChild, after adding apps chmod + x .kde/Autostart/autorun08:39
exceswaterwhen i request install on nvidia glx08:39
exceswaternothing changes :d08:39
defryskTheHighChild, then its done08:39
defryskyou can always add more apps to that file later08:40
defrysksave the file btw08:40
emonkeylapapply in the bottom of the page? *confused*08:40
TheHighChilddefrysk: ok, thanks. What is the difference between putting them in there and in '/usr/share/autostart'?08:40
emonkeylapexceswater, if you want we can do that in the konsole, k?08:40
bettyI have a question08:40
TheHighChilddefrysk: nvm, i don't even have that08:40
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exceswateri know how to type08:41
defryskTheHighChild, Autostart is a folder08:41
exceswatertell me what to type :d08:41
exceswaterthere is no spoon08:41
HobbseeTheHighChild: in /usr/share they will start for all users.  in ~./kde/Autostart, they'll start for that user only08:41
chavoTheHighChild, /usr/share/autostart is for kde .desktop files and is sytem wide08:41
bettyon my bios I have something called a wake on onBoard LAN. Does that do wake on the internet?08:41
emonkeylapexceswater, open a konsole and type: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx08:41
sobersabrehi guys. i can't make my lcd monitor to work as i want. i want it to refresh at 75khz, but it works at 60.08:41
bettythere's also one called wake on lan. I do know what that one does08:41
sobersabrei mean hz08:41
emonkeylapexceswater, Close Adept bevore doing that in the console08:41
TheHighChildchavo: defrysk: Awesome, thanks a lot for the help. You've both been awesome.08:42
exceswaterit does something08:42
exceswaterbut in the end...08:42
sobersabrei have taken monitor's manual and entered the Vert and Horiz sync rates.08:42
defryskchavo, sorry for my grumpyness , still early here ;p08:42
sobersabreof the mode I want.08:42
exceswaterPackage nvidia-glx is not available, but is referred to by another package.08:42
exceswaterThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or08:42
exceswateris only available from another source08:42
exceswaterE: Package nvidia-glx has no installation candidate08:42
noiesmoexceswater, still doesnt have universe and multiverse08:42
sobersabrethe problem is it is not enough.08:42
chavodefrysk, it's always early here :)08:43
sobersabreI am using nvidia driver.08:43
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emonkeylapexceswater, ok then we've to check your sources.list08:43
chavosobersabre, I believe LCD can only refresh at 60HZ08:43
defryskpastebin it08:43
emonkeylapexceswater, send me your sources.list in a query08:43
exceswatermore specific please08:43
chavoyeah his sources.list must be messed up08:43
exceswaterwhere i find this08:43
sobersabrechavo: you should go to chirch/synagogue/mosk08:44
noiesmoexceswater, put them here http://pastebin.com/08:44
chavosobersabre, ?08:44
sobersabreif you believe...08:44
defryskkubuntu.pastebin.com even to make it more official08:44
sobersabrei am rtfming, and the manual of the monitor says: 75Hz08:44
TheHighChildIf I add apps to my startup and they are in a saved session, will there be two instances or will it be smart and take the saved session?08:44
TheHighChild*are also in a saved session08:44
sobersabrechavo: more than this, I did this before and it worked at 75Hz08:45
sobersabreI maybe it has to do with pixel clock settings...08:45
defryskTheHighChild, I think 208:45
defryskbut not sure08:45
TheHighChilddefrysk: alright, I'll be back and let you know08:45
noiesmoexceswater, like this deb http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe multiverse08:46
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bettyI'm just kinda wondering what wake on onBoard lan does08:48
travis|linuxwakes the computer when there is lan activity ?08:48
bettyso if I am someplace else and I do a wake on onboard lan will the computer start and become functional?08:49
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noiesmoexceswater, heres mine http://pastebin.com/70803208:49
noiesmogota go08:49
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travis|linuxbetty: don't believe so.. I think it wakes the computer from a suspended mode.. when its on yet "asleep"08:50
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TheHighChildOk, It doesn't seem to open up a second instance (x restart and reboot) However, it opens up the autorun file in kate, which I don't use. I use nano. pretty weird08:51
bettySo can I turn on my computer from the internet/08:51
bettylet's say I have this real important file on my computer here and it's off but I want to get the file08:52
chavobetty, I thinks it more used for large lans, like in corporations08:52
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bettyso that wouldn't work08:52
TheHighChilddefrysk: Actually, I don't think that autorun worked.08:52
defryskTheHighChild, what executables did you put in autorun ?08:53
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bettyyou know I was just wondering does anyone here have a A (unsidedown L) i A?08:53
TheHighChilddefrysk: What format should I be using? I just added. konversation, gaim, konsole, and kontact. as spelled here but on separate lines08:54
chavoTheHighChild, did you mark it executable?08:54
bettyhas blue lights in the front08:54
defryskTheHighChild, chmod +x the file ?08:55
TheHighChilddefrysk: chavo: yes I did -rwxr--r-- 1 dparker dparker 34 2006-06-14 02:47 autorun08:55
defryskTheHighChild, it works without issues here so....08:56
TheHighChilddefrysk: chavo It's not a big deal guys. I appreciate your time and help.08:56
defryskTheHighChild, otherwise try chavo's systemwide way08:56
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TheHighChildWhat is with the appname.desktop convention? Is that special?08:57
TheHighChildlol, sorry. I'm a noob with aspirations of 1337gevity08:58
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chavoTheHighChild, or you can also drag icons off the menu into the folder08:58
bettyI was just wondering in Konversation is there a way to make it so that it dosen't flood when I type a lot of actions like pasting a textfile to the chatwindow?08:58
travis|linuxbetty: use pastebin08:58
chavobetty, it should warn you if you paste a large text08:58
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chavobut you shouldn't be pasting anyway08:58
bettyI was just wondering that because I was looking in the setup and I didn't see anywhere where I could set that I do know that mIRC has some feature like that08:59
defrysk!tell betty about pastebin08:59
bettywell I mean not in here but in my channel08:59
bettyI don08:59
zinjCan I please ask a Gnome question?08:59
Hobbseebetty: settings, config konv, warnings08:59
Hobbseetick the one you want08:59
betty't really want to use pastebin I've never been able to figure that out08:59
Hobbseezinj: better to ask in #ubuntu08:59
chavobetty, konversation warns me if I paste large text08:59
Hobbseebetty: do you know how to copy and paste text?08:59
bettyI right click the text and select copy and then select the chat window and select paste09:00
Hobbseebetty: right09:00
Hobbseebetty: well, when you go to pastebin.com, you hit paste in there, and then hit send09:00
bettybut if I do that too much then irc kicks me out cause I flooded the chat window09:00
bettyI know but it's just too much of a hastle there's too many steps needed09:01
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bettylike don't I have to register a account?09:01
Hobbseebetty: exactly, that's why you use the pastebin.  then you just copy the address in the bar, and give us the address, not the entire long paste09:01
Hobbseebetty: no, not at all.   just copy text, paste text, hit send, copy URL, give us the url09:01
defryskHobbsee, she want to be able to paste large txt to other channels than tis one09:02
defryskand konversation refuses this09:02
Hobbseedefrysk: yeah, pastebin works for that too...09:02
bettySo I can hit a button on patebin and it will send you the text?09:02
defryskHobbsee, YEAH HEHE09:02
Hobbseeactually, chanserv refuses it...09:02
Hobbseebetty: no, it'll give you a link, you copy the link, and you paste *that* in here09:02
bettywhat if I don't want anyone else to see the text I pasted09:03
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bettylike if it's a bank statement09:03
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Hobbseebetty: private message them the link?09:03
defryskbetty, fyi there is always a channel #flood if you prefer that but its not used often anymore i think09:03
Hobbseethen you shouldnt be pasting that over IRC anyway09:04
emonkeylapmaybe over email...09:04
bettywell I mean like something personal09:04
bettybut it's on irc I don't have email09:04
bettywell wait I think someone may have answered my question let me go see.09:04
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Hobbseebetty: there are many pastebins, and many people pasting to them each time - it's kinda like imageshack, if you've ever used that - the sheer number that go through means that the chance of your particular one being found is close to nil.09:04
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nnn0betty, nothing is personal on the net :)09:05
EvilIdlerThe more people who see any problems you paste, the more who can help09:05
nnn0betty, it's liek sending postcards09:05
nnn0like even09:06
travis|linuxto put private info on IRC is plain stupid betty09:06
travis|linuxbuy a billboard too while u are at it09:06
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defryskprivate irc lol09:06
Hobbseebetter to encrypt anything like that09:06
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bettyok I'll try pastebin thanks09:07
bettyThanks Hobbsee09:08
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bettyI have a friend who is into building radios for emergencies. He built this demonstration model http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:D-StarID-800HGrabAndGoKit.jpg to show how D-Star HAM radio can be used when there is a emergency such as the fires in San Diego county. So if you see a VE7TKO give him your support. he's a great and wonderful man.09:16
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exceswaterone last question09:19
exceswateri have video drivers installed09:19
exceswaterbut when i run ppracer09:19
exceswaterit moves kinda slow09:19
exceswaterreal slow09:19
exceswatereven in menu09:19
exceswaterwhy ?09:19
Hobbseeexceswater: er, is that using opengl?09:19
exceswateri think so09:20
exceswaterit planet penguin racer09:20
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exceswaterwhat is wrong Hobbsee09:22
bettyI have a question09:22
kimeccan somebody help me with samba(on kubuntu dapper drake 6.06 RC)09:23
=== Hobbsee was off playing ppracer :P
defryskexceswater, glxinfo | grep direct09:23
Hobbseeexceswater: i *dont* know - i was getting that and supertux confused09:24
bettyI have this game called planet penguin racer. When I run it the program turns green (or blue I forget). and I try to close it with ctrl+alt+esc but that dosen't work. Is there anyway to close down programs like that or even log out instead of turning off the computer and on again because I know that's bad to do that many times09:24
exceswaterXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".09:25
exceswaterXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".09:25
exceswaterXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".09:25
exceswaterError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual09:25
exceswaterXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".09:25
exceswaterXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".09:25
exceswaterXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".09:25
exceswaterXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".09:25
exceswaterthat is what is sayt defrysk09:25
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defryskexceswater, no drivers installed properly then09:25
Hobbseeexceswater: dont paste!09:25
exceswaternot pasting again here09:25
exceswateragain drivers09:25
exceswateri installed nvidia09:26
exceswaterwhat should i do more09:26
Hobbseeand you shoul docpy *all* of what the command was - not just some of it09:26
defrysksudo nvidia-xconfig09:26
chavoexceswater, yeah you have to tell x to load them09:26
defryskend restart x09:26
defrysktime to xresise09:26
defrysklater all09:26
exceswaterhow to restart x09:26
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kimecHi guys, I really need to help with that samba, isn't this supposed to be kind of support channel?09:27
Hobbseeexceswater: ctrl+alt+backspace09:27
chavoexceswater, log out and then hit ctrl-alt-backsapce09:27
chavohopefully it'll restart :)09:27
bettyis there a quick way to logout?09:27
Hobbseebetty: either use xkill (ctrl+escape), or ctrl+alt+f1, killall ppracer09:27
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exceswateryou can restart by pressing CTRL-ALT-Backspace09:28
exceswateri just found out09:28
exceswatermy first help on kubuntu :d09:29
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bettyDosen't that just reboot?09:29
DeshOk, I am trying to open up a game, Ragnarok Online, with Wine, but all I see is a small windows and then boom, it vanishes, any clues as to why and how I could fix this?09:29
TheHighChildany of you folks use VMware?09:29
BazziRTheHighChild aye09:30
notechbetty: just restarts X09:30
johnfluxDesh: #wine09:30
HobbseeTheHighChild: no, but i'd like to at some point09:30
TheHighChildBazziR: Would you be able to help troubleshoot an ethernet problem ?09:30
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BazziRif I can :)09:30
kane_kimec: you need to install samba ?09:30
notechthats #winehq09:30
DeshAh ok, thanks.09:30
kimeckane_: no. I have  samba set to share level and yet I cannot access to shares, authentification is needed09:31
BazziRDesh: did you try wine 0.9.15 yet?09:31
DeshThink so.09:31
DeshI have the newest one from the reps.09:31
kimeckane_: just need to fix smb.conf or so09:31
BazziRubuntu reps or wine reps?09:31
bettyDoes kubuntu update itself?09:31
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kane_kimec: well, i dont have any idea really ... but there is a howto on it on howtoforge.com09:32
kane_betty: no .,.. you have to tell it to update itself09:32
bettyI seem to remember seeing a yellow icon that says checking for updates or something but I haven't seen that since09:32
notechbetty: or set a cron job to do it09:32
TheHighChildBazziR: when I try to install a VM, I get an Ethernet error. Any ideas of what to look for? I've tried about 10 installs using all the different options but I get an error09:32
kane_betty: look in the system tray ... if there are updates, it will show you something like a road-sign09:33
kimeckane_: i'm ussing 6.06 Rc so I was wandering whether it was kind of common issue or so, anyway thx09:33
BazziRTheHighChild: what kind of error?09:33
bettyhow do I know if I have the latest update?09:33
TheHighChildCould not open /dev/vmnet8: No such file or directory09:33
TheHighChildVirtual device Ethernet0 will start disconnected.09:33
kane_betty: did you look in the system tray ?09:33
chavobetty, If there's no icon then you have the latest09:33
TheHighChildsorry about that09:33
chavoassuming you have dapper already09:33
BazziRoh thats weird09:34
BazziRwhat version of vmware do you have?09:34
bettywell there's a glass, a 12:33 am a notepad and blue pan and a 1234. But I don't see any roadsign09:34
TheHighChildBazziR: How do I setup a virtual connection?09:34
bettyI guess there's no way to check09:34
TheHighChildBazziR: not sure, one sex09:34
kane_betty: use adept09:34
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TheHighChildBazziR: VMware Server 1.0.009:35
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kane_betty: K-> System -> Adept (Package Manager)09:35
BazziRcan't help you, it worked for me out of the box09:35
kane_betty: then, in the menu, select Adept -> Fetch Updates09:36
bettyDarn I need a password09:36
kane_betty: use your password09:36
kane_betty: the same password you used to loin09:36
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bettyI don't think I can09:37
=== johnflux loin's with kane
kane_betty: yep, you can09:37
TheHighChildBazziR: Ok man, thanks for trying09:38
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exceswaterthank you guys09:40
exceswaternow i have ppracer working09:41
exceswaterand warsow09:41
exceswaterany1 knows another cool game for linux that is free ?09:41
bettyIs there anyway to have the computer poweron at a particular time?09:41
chavoexceswater, what card do you have?09:41
kane_betty: probably many ways09:41
bettyI'll play you chess exceswater09:41
exceswaternvidia geforce 4 mx 44009:41
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bettyHow would I do that09:41
exceswaterthat's my older computer09:41
exceswaterfrom the office09:42
bettyI'm the chess master09:42
exceswaterand i want free thing here because i don't wanna have problems09:42
TheHighChildexceswater: Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory09:42
bettyoh I'm using a built in video card and each time I try to run tux racer the game crashes09:42
chavoexceswater, yeah ET would run at lower res on that card09:42
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chavoet is pretty much the only game I play09:43
TheHighChildchavo: What servers? My only game as well. I've sold my soul to it09:43
bettyI seem to remember playing Duke3D on my 486 and it didn't do that. It was only slow in the outside levels that was it09:43
chavoI pretty much stick to evilsmurfs servers, they are a lot of fun09:43
exceswaterwhere i can find it ?09:44
chavoand I get great ping09:44
exceswateri like wolfenstein09:44
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exceswaterit was one of my first nice games... ooooh goood old times09:44
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chavoexceswater, hold on I'll find you a link09:45
bettyI'm getting tired09:45
TheHighChildexceswater: http://linux.softpedia.com/get/GAMES-ENTERTAINMENT/FPS/Wolfenstein-Enemy-Territory-3948.shtml09:45
chavothere ya go09:45
exceswateri will install it right after download09:45
bettyIs there a Sims 2 for linux?09:45
chavoIt's the best game and it's free, only like 250Mb download too09:45
TheHighChildexceswater: Use this as a guide, NOT step by step. They use a different version in the example http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=524609:45
TheHighChildexceswater: Understand that it's online only. There is no real game.09:46
exceswaterit i a demo09:46
exceswateris a demo ?09:46
TheHighChildexceswater: no it isn't09:46
chavono it's the full game09:46
exceswaterit's online09:46
exceswaterlike counter :D09:46
chavobut multiplayer only09:46
bettyEnemy Territory!09:46
bettyI'm so good at that game09:47
hangfireET is low quality, try americas army if you want a quality free FPS09:47
exceswaterit says about et 1.6 DEMO09:47
ErtainCrap, I can't seem to use Adept.  It says that another program is using the database.09:47
chavohangfire, low quality how?09:47
TheHighChildET is banging and it'll work on your card exceswater09:47
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exceswaterit says it's demo09:47
bettyonce there was like 12 guys that were all swarming the spawn and nobody could get out so I setoff a bazooka and blasted every one of the 12 guys down09:47
hangfireit just is, it has terrible physics and shooting graphics09:48
travis|linuxlooks awesome to me09:48
TheHighChildexceswater: Yes but it isn't.09:48
bettytotally won09:48
travis|linuxI'm downloading :)09:48
exceswaterdemo ... 258 M09:48
chavohangfire, yeah but it's fun09:48
TheHighChildexceswater: I could go into the history of the game, but I'll save you the time. IT was going to be a full version but went awry, not it's free09:48
travis|linuxwhat is the best linux first person shooter game??09:48
bettyis there 1/2 life for Linux?09:48
TheHighChildtravis|linux: ET09:48
TheHighChildbetty: THrough cedega or wine09:48
chavoAA is more like work09:49
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hangfireits not fun because you cant shoot anyone at long distance, its a mindless shooter where you spawn every 30 seconds09:49
bettyWhat's 1/2 a life?09:49
ErtainHalf life isn't for Linux.09:49
TheHighChildmindless shooter? Sounds like a *gasp* game?09:49
exceswaterit;s only the name09:49
bettyI never got that. Some curve or something and I think it's used in carbon 14 or something09:49
ErtainOr rather, Valve hasn't ported Half Life over to Linux.  Darn shame.09:49
bettyI thought Valve was totally into linux09:49
bettyor is that Epic?09:50
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ErtainAnyway, I just started using Kubuntu.  I'm trying to use Adept, but it keeps saying that the pack database is being used by some other program.09:50
bettyI know sierra makes buggy games09:50
TheHighChildexceswater: It's a fully opensource game, even the engine (quake 3) AND it's not made by the US military to recruit you ;)09:50
chunLaptophalf life can be run on linux09:50
travis|linuxErtain: do u have 2 copies of it open?09:50
chavoa 5 year old game that still has jam packed servers everywhere must really be lame09:50
exceswaterthanks guys09:51
hangfirehas anyone tried the gl-117 flight sim on ubuntu?09:51
exceswaterjust added to download09:51
exceswateri gotta run now09:51
exceswateri have to work sometimes09:51
exceswaterbut i really hate it ":d09:51
bettyI tried playing some game I think it was moon lander by Sierra and when I was jetting around one of those frigits the whole screen crashed09:51
Ertaintravis|linux: no.  I just started my computer.  I opened it and it said that.09:51
exceswateris something that some of us are obliged to do :D09:51
exceswaterbye bye for now09:52
chavoyeah I gotta find a job soon myseld09:52
chavobye exceswater09:52
exceswaterand thanks for help guys09:52
TheHighChildmy job sucks. I'm a tape monkey09:52
bettywhat is your job?09:52
bettyI'm a notary so I don't really work09:52
chavoI haven't had a real job for a while. I play guitar in a band09:53
bettythat would be fun09:53
travis|linuxI do fixed wireless internet09:53
TheHighChildbetty: Classified as an Operator but I do a lot more than that would usually indicate09:53
bettyyou know a fun job I think would be a game tester09:53
chavoyes that would be fun09:53
TheHighChildUntil you have to test some lame shiat like WoW09:54
bettythen you just mine or something09:54
bettyI don09:54
betty't really play games actually that much09:54
bettyI played WoW once09:54
bettyI play runescape09:55
bettyif anyone plays runescape I'm we6jbo09:55
ErtainBtw, I usually have to change to root.  Is there a way I can automate that without having to type in "sudo" or "kdesu" a lot?09:55
betty(Same as my callsign)09:55
travis|linuxsudo -i09:55
travis|linuxthat will give you a root login09:55
bettyI don't even know what the password to root is09:56
travis|linuxyour password09:56
bettyis that bad?09:56
travis|linuxthere is only 1 password09:56
bettywell I tried it but it didn't work09:56
ErtainI need to, since I'll be doing that a lot.  And I'm the only guy using this computer.09:56
bettysudo works09:57
bettybut logging in as root I don't know09:57
travis|linuxsudo -i09:57
ErtainI'll try that then.09:57
bettyI don't want to break the system though09:58
bettytoo complex09:58
travis|linuxnot all that complex09:59
bettywhat would I do if it broke and I didn't know how to fix it?09:59
travis|linuxthen don't log in as root09:59
ErtainSo how the heck am I suppose to use Adept?  I can't merely choose it from the menu listing, since for some strange reason it says that another process is using the database, or that I don't have the right privilages.10:00
travis|linuxErtain: did u enter in the correct password?10:00
HobbseeErtain: use kdesu adept?10:00
ErtainI'll try that.10:00
=== Ertain tries that.
ErtainNope, still says the database is locked.10:01
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ErtainOkay, so how does one "unlock" it?10:02
travis|linuxis apt-get installing something right now?10:03
TheHighChildBazziR: Hey, I think my trouble was a mis-made selection in the installation. Thanks again for your time and help10:03
travis|linuxErtain: are updates downloading?10:04
chavoTheHighChild, it's working now?10:04
ErtainNothing is updating?10:04
ErtainEr, nothing is updating.10:04
TheHighChildchavo: The VMware? Not sure but I've gotten additional options in thsi install10:05
chavooh ok10:05
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=== Ertain does some stuff with dpkg and apt-get.
ErtainOkay, I was able to fix the database problem.  Btw, is there a way to skip typing in my password when starting up Adept?10:09
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chavoErtain, man sudoers10:11
hangfiredoes anyone know how I log in my password automatically in Konversation IRC client? In Settings>Identitys I see a box that says service, but I dont know what to put in there10:11
bettyhey guys10:11
ErtainI was wondering about that a few minutes ago, hangfire.  I wonder how to do that, too.10:11
chavohangfire, put in nickserv10:11
bettyIt was a lot of fun chatting with you and thanks for helping me. I'm going to go to bed because I'm awefully sleepy so goodnight and see you in the morning10:12
chavogoodnight betty10:12
hangfireok Ill try that chavo10:12
hangfireand now for a restart10:12
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Hobbseehangfire: yeah, f2, edit the server you want, type the password in the password box, hit okay10:12
hangfiref2 edit the server?10:13
hangfireoh I see10:13
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Hobbseehangfire: becaues you're more likely to have multiple servers on the same identity, rather than the other way around10:14
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TheHighChildchavo: so far so good. Didn't get the errors this time.10:15
TheHighChildchavo: Or is that not what you were asking me about10:15
chavoTheHighChild, just curious as I've never had a problem with vmware10:16
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TheHighChildchavo: I think I chose no for networking. I was following a guide and it said to select the defaults, well the default for networking was 'no' so...yeah10:17
TheHighChildchavo: You run OSX on it?10:17
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cox377Hey all.. for some reason.. when i get an system msg pop up in the buttom right hand corner i can never get rid of the damn thing10:19
cox377does anyone have any ideas?10:19
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stephenfordhi guys10:20
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hangfireso when I edit the servers in Konversation, do I use irc.freenode.net or NickServ?10:21
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Hobbseehangfire: server stays the same10:21
hangfireok, thanks Hobbsee10:21
stephenfordneed a bit of help installing kubuntu on an omnibook 50010:22
stephenfordi dont think its got enough ram to boot the kernal for the live dvd10:22
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Hobbseestephenford: you can use the alternate cd10:23
Hobbseewhich is just an install cd10:23
stephenfordsurly thats on the dvd tho10:23
stephenfordit took me ages to download :S10:23
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Hobbseeer, it might be10:24
=== Hobbsee never remembers what is and isnt on there
_marcohello everybody10:24
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_marcoI'm looking for a way to contact my kubuntu machine remote in graphical mode10:25
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_marcodoes anyone have a idea how to set this up easily?10:25
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stephenford:S looks like my laptop hasnt even been tested yet10:26
stephenfordis 128mb of ram enough for the live cd?10:27
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spajus_what is the common reason when kdesu fails to execute something? error message is "su returned with error"10:29
stephenfordsomething like file system quite unexpectedly10:29
stephenfordor kde desktop enviroment failed10:29
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stephenfordi tell you what i've installed this desktop with the dvd but i'll chaeck the dvd for defects anyway and get back too you10:31
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cox377has anyone managed to share folders using Kubuntu?10:33
ErtainI've been looking over the manual for the "sudoers" stuff and man, that's a lot to swallow for simply not wanting to type in my password while wanting to use Adept.10:34
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ErtainHas anyone tried tackling "sudoers"?10:36
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hangfirewhat is that a bash command?10:36
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scheurihi all10:37
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ErtainIt's the files which say who logs in as who.  Specifically I'm trying to use Adept without having to type in my password.10:37
hangfirewell cant you change the file attributes of the program with chmod?10:38
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lowtechErtain: this may help. http://www.linux-corner.info/sudo.html10:39
cox377I'm unders sytem settings and it's tell me that i need to be under root to change folder share option.. i dont have a root accounbt?10:39
hangfireor maybe just use the program while in root10:39
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cox377unrealis that because i'm asking the most stupid of questions?10:40
hangfirecox, you have to have a root account10:40
cox377unrealis that the account that i can modify everything?10:40
cox377unrealI'm under that account then10:41
chavoErtain, use visudo to edit your sudoers10:41
lowtechthe user is 'root'?10:41
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cox377unreali only have one account10:41
cox377unrealand that isnt named root10:41
hangfireno, you have another account named root10:42
chavoErtain, username ALL= /usr/bin/adept     , something like that10:42
chavobut I'm not positive10:42
hangfireyou just cant have user accounts, you have to have a root account10:42
lowtechbelieve you need to create a 'root' account10:42
hangfire*cant have just user accounts10:43
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cox377unrealfire, i never set a password for the root account10:43
cox377unreali just try logging in as root using the only password i know and it fails10:43
visik7sudo -i10:43
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ubotuit has been said that sudo is a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.10:43
hangfirewell try using root as your password10:44
cox377unrealwhen i log in under sudo -i i use my password which lets me in.. but when i go back to the splash screen it doesnt let me log in10:44
ArmedGeekubuntu makes use of sudo, there is *rarely* a need to use the root account10:44
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hangfire(the word root)10:44
ArmedGeekit is disabled by default on ubuntu10:44
ArmedGeekthe default root account on ubuntu has no password10:45
cox377unreali tried no password and that didnt work either10:45
ArmedGeekan account without a password is disabled10:45
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cox377unrealbut when i do sudo -i under terminal i enter the password i know and it works10:45
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ArmedGeekyou *cant* log into root without a password10:45
ArmedGeekgod forbid anybody reads *anything*10:46
ErtainHow can I mount a removeable hard drive?  Btw, I think it's parallel port.10:46
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cox377unrealthink i've worked it out10:49
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cox377right.. well i got into the root account, thanks for the link11:08
cox377but.. i still cant set up network shares11:08
cox377basically trying to get folders that i can share on my network11:08
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cox377Kool... should always learn to save firewall settings first11:12
cox377; )11:12
pd273Hi cox37711:12
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pd273did you get guarddog to work11:12
cox377Mate.. i never managed to get it installed.. got firestarter installed but it blocked my access all the time so i have to turn it off11:13
pd273thats a problem I had with guarddog too, but after setting it to my likings things started working11:13
pd273I have it running now :)11:14
cox377thing is.. the other linux system that i set up is for my mom. Shes now been using it for about a week and is fine.. 2 things i need to get done is a visable firewall and get a client to check her hotmail emails11:14
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cox377which one u running 273?11:14
bulltitan:D there's another flavor!!!!11:14
pd273am running guarddog11:14
pd273for my personal mails am using thunderbird11:14
cox377how did u get guarddog installed?11:15
bulltitannubuntu :P what is it for this time11:15
pd273apt-get install guarddog11:15
cox377it actually worked this time11:16
pd273if you have not setup your repositories properly you should read this link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto11:16
pd273so its working11:16
cox377yeh basically.. the reason i was asking for a firewall is because this extention for TB to get hotmail working requires three ports open so i thought if i opened them manually it might work11:16
pd273all these front ends utilise iptables11:16
cox377it's downloading yeh11:16
cox377this extention app shows if the ports are open or not11:16
pd273actually the firewall only creates holes for you11:16
pd273did you get hotmail to work11:17
cox377Nah.. the ports seem to be failing to open11:17
cox377by the way.. when installing gaurddog it's saying this11:17
cox377Unable to start guarddog firewall - /etc/rc.firewall does not exist11:17
pd273no probs11:17
cox377well it just kinda ended11:17
cox377: )11:18
cox377Bingo.. nice one mate..11:18
pd273it will ask you to do the settings, make sure you do a reading of ow to work with guarddog first, or else you will have the same problem of it blocking everything11:18
pd273it has good gui, you can also add custom ports to it, for example your hotmail thing11:18
cox377i did play around with it before.. on a live mepis CD>. i think i remember how to oppen the ports etc11:19
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cox377Yeh man.. cheers for that.. how i can spend so long trying to get it to instal11:19
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pd273it should have been the repo problem initially11:19
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cox377I'm running 2 boxes11:20
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cox377windows and linux under a KVM havent even gone into the windows box in 4 days or so.. becoming quite comfortable with kubuntu..11:20
samba-ldaphi @all11:20
tekNerd__I LOVE KUBUNTU11:22
cox377i just get my rez upto a suitable amount.. was attempting it last night11:23
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pd273I saw this line on some website "Ubuntu Kubuntu we all Buntu for Ubuntu on our desktop"11:24
jpatricktekNerd__: welcome  to the club11:24
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RawSewagetj9991,  what's ltsp11:27
tj9991linux terminal server project11:27
samba-ldapdid anybody talk in german11:28
cox377273, the ports are still showing errors under that entention, is there a command to see what ports are open11:29
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cox377the ports are only the pop, IMAP and SMTP11:30
samba-ldapnow, the i talk in englisch11:30
samba-ldapis ther anybody that kann helb me by an apt-get install script11:30
cox377what do u need to know?11:30
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mindspiti use kde in ubuntu ... should i install a fresh kubuntu rather than updating ubuntu to kubuntu ?11:33
chavomindspit, no I wouldn't11:34
pd273mindspit: if you do apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, you will have a system as good as the original Kubuntu installation11:37
pd273so you have a good KDE setup now :)11:37
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mindspitpd273 ok thanks11:38
pd273cox377: you can do $sudo netstat -pant to see if the ports are open11:38
cox377just one more thing, does guarddog block everything as default?11:39
pd273if you give apply with out any settings yes it does11:39
mindspithow can i configure my usb pc web camera ? it's a qcam 330 for notebook LDC mini cute11:39
pd273but in the  advanced tab you have an option for disable firewall11:39
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mindspiti want step bu step guidance11:39
|lostbyte|How do i add the konsole fonts ?11:39
pd273just for info, there is a tool called as yakuake, it is a good console, it drops from top of the screen11:40
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cox377273.. yeh it's letting the current browseers operate.. but any new ones are being blocked11:41
chavo|lostbyte|, konsole uses the same fonts as the rest of kde, only it uses monospace fonts11:41
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chavo|lostbyte|, I told you this once already11:42
|lostbyte|chavo, oh ! so it the install_bitmat in fonts section monospace ?11:42
pd273can you try disabling the firewall and seeing if browsers are working11:43
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chavo|lostbyte|, yes and no, if you have a bitmap font you can use that button11:43
cox377i can imagine for the people who know the answers to these questions that people can get very very irritating so i very much appreciate all the help given11:43
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|lostbyte|yes ! i have.. and i see two files appear in .fonts folder but it des'nt appear in the fonts section..11:44
pd273help to get help11:44
cox377yeh 273, by disabling the firewalll everything is working again11:45
cox377but i added HTTP from the list11:45
pd273this means that port 80 to the internet is being blocked11:45
cox377my internet radio is working from the BBC11:45
chavo|lostbyte|, looks like a bug to me11:45
pd273did you do an apply after enabling it11:45
cox377i certainly did11:45
pd273hmm  thats strange11:45
pd273are you using a proxy server /11:46
|lostbyte|chavo, oh ! these two files are in pcf.gz format.11:46
pd273try enabling http traffic once more it might work :)11:46
chavo|lostbyte|, yes that's a bitmap file11:47
cox377seems to be working now11:47
cox377; )11:47
chavo|lostbyte|, which font do you want to use?11:47
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|lostbyte|chavo, 9x15.pcf.gz one which is in .fonts. I also like clean ( which is not there in ubuntu but was there in mandriva ) and aspirin regular ( commercial )11:49
|lostbyte|As i am on a 1280x1024 resolution and these fonts are perfect to read. Right now i am on andale mono 8 which is a little too big and 7 goes too small :(11:51
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cox377with guarddog11:53
cox377do u have to enable ports for local as well as internet11:53
cox377because i cant connect to my router11:54
pd273cox377: if you are using telenet to enter your router then you might need to11:54
pd273other wise if it is through http then no need11:55
pd273anything outside your box is internet11:55
cox377it runs through https11:55
cox377and another port11:55
cox377but i cant access it even though ive added https and the port11:55
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic11:55
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pd273try a refresh once more :)11:56
cox377I'm wondering if the user defined protocols are activated11:59
pd273i tried some user defined once, it was working11:59
pd273had to enter it in Advanced tab12:00
pd273and come back n Protocols and enable it there12:00
cox377i dont know the port under protocles though12:00
pd273did you add it under the Advanced tab12:01
pd273if so then in the Protocols tab you can see your newly defined once, then you apply setting to it from there12:02
pd273you can see the newly added once in the -> userdefined section in protocols tab12:02
cox377Learning something new12:02
cox377: )12:02
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cox377Are these for incoming or for outgoing?12:04
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pd273its general in the Advnaced tab12:04
pd273then in the protocols you have to chose if it is for outgoing or incoming12:05
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pd273am testing is I can get 1680x1050 resolution on my laptop12:07
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Hobbseebleaked: ping12:32
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urbando i need gstreamer in kubuntu?12:55
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jpatrickurban: depends12:59
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urbanon what?01:00
urbando i need it if i use everything with xine?01:01
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bernierhi, i followed a tut to compile the new linux kernel and at the end while creating the .deb I got that error: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/70827901:06
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madmonkhi all01:13
madmonki've got a little problem on kubuntu dapper01:14
madmonkcan i ask here for help?01:14
madmonki've got a problem when i do switch user01:14
madmonkvery often01:14
madmonkthe system freezes01:15
ubotuFor information on how to ask good questions please see http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html The more information you can give the better we can help you. If your going to give output of commands please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org01:15
madmonkevery user do switch01:15
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madmonkthe system get back to the "boot" screen01:16
madmonkand freezes01:16
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madmonkand i must rebbot "brutaly" :(01:16
Kadrandoes any one know a good tutorial in how to extend the space of my hd, i have two and need linux too see them as one mount point?01:16
bernierhobbsee: i think you're the one who can help me :P01:16
madmonki really need to switch user01:16
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madmonkor else my sister is gonna crack down my HD!!01:17
h3sp4wnKadran: You could use unionfs01:17
Hobbseemadmonk: does this happen for all users, or just a specific user?01:17
madmonkall users01:17
Kadranthanks h3sp4wn01:17
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madmonki don't even know where to look for logs of errors01:17
bernieri followed a tut to compile the latest question of the kernel: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=157560 and at step "14" while running the latest command I got that error: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/70827901:17
madmonkless often also if i just shut down a session it freezes!01:18
larson9999hello, i'm a long time mandrake user finally switching over to a deb based distro.  so far it's been pretty painless.01:18
madmonki guess it's a kdm problem01:18
Hobbseemadmonk: ack, no idea01:19
madmonkwhere could i look for have more informations on my system about that?01:19
larson9999where do you change the settings so that an app opens on a double click instead of single?01:19
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Hobbseelarson9999: system settings...er...01:19
madmonklarson9999: settings of konqueror01:20
Hobbseeoh there you go01:20
h3sp4wnbernier: With or without that ck patch ?01:20
madmonkso it seems that nobody can help! I also tried on forums and ng!01:20
h3sp4wnWith loads of modules removed ?01:20
bernierup to now everything worked01:20
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bernierwell i didnt remove any module manually01:21
larson9999Hobbsee: duh, i'm such a goof.01:21
Hobbseebernier: er, i wonder if that's actually an error01:21
h3sp4wnbernier: Did you run make menuconfig ?01:21
=== Hobbsee doesnt compile kernels.
bernierhobbsee: me too i wonder because i have toe .deb files done01:21
katakombibernier, do you use splash screen on boot?01:21
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Hobbseebernier: it looks to be done - it didnt output anything strange at the end01:22
scheurihi all01:22
larson9999the other question i have is, "is there a gui to monitor network connections: setup, reconfig, reconnect, etc.  like there is in mandrake01:22
bernierh3sp4wn i did EXACTLY what's on the tut01:22
Hobbseelarson9999: knetworkmanager01:22
madmonkok...i'll look elsewhere...thanx thesame01:23
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h3sp4wnbernier: If you don't specifically include xtables support then you will break iptables01:23
bernierh3sp4wn: ic and how do i include it?01:24
h3sp4wnbernier: Select it in menuconfig01:24
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berniernow i got 2 files created: kernel-headers-2.6.16-ck12_686_i386.deb and kernel-image-2.6.16-ck12_686_i386.deb. which one is the right one?01:25
h3sp4wnbernier: I don't use that ck patch only http://people.redhat.com/~mingo/realtime-preempt/older/patch-2.6.16-rt2901:25
h3sp4wnBoth of them01:25
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bernierill try these first...01:26
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Hobbseebernier: both of them, they do different things01:27
h3sp4wnI normally just make-kpkg --initrd --revision=custom4 --append-to-version=-v1 binary (you get 4 debs - source , doc , headers and image01:27
Hobbseewonder what's in this new kernel anyway...01:27
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bernierdo i start with headers or image?01:27
Hobbseebernier: just sudo dpkg -i *.deb01:27
Hobbseeit'll do both01:27
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h3sp4wnbernier: Are you using fglrx or nvidia ?01:28
h3sp4wnHave a look in nvidia-kernel-source to see if there are any of the patches which you think you want before just building the raw one from nvidia01:29
larson9999ok, i'm getting there.  this might not be a kubuntu question but thunderbird isn't using my old email profile.  it wants me to set up a new email account.  know how i get it to use the old one?01:31
rraajjWhat's a good PDF-editor out there, if there's any...01:31
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bernierok i installed it ill reboot and see..01:33
scheurirraajj: I dont think there are any...01:33
rraajjscheuri: Oh, I see...01:34
rraajjWell, is there any way I can edit a PDF file?01:34
rraajjLike, export it back to ODT or something...01:34
larson9999i don't have anything that's bluetooth but it's installed anyway.  can i uninstall it or is it used for other stuff?  i mean is it like the scsi stuff in that you need it even if you only have ide drives01:34
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scheurirraajj: not as far as I know...when it is pdf, reading is free, but editing is Adobes business...:)01:36
rraajjscheuri: Oh, okay. Hehehe. Thanks anyway!01:36
rraajjscheuri: I thought there was something like the Foxit Editor in Windows.01:37
larson9999rraajj: i thought there were editors.  i don't edit any but i've seen threads about editing them.  i suppose worse comes to worse you could use an app that converts it's output to pdf01:37
scheurirraajj: well, I dont know everything...;)...but I doubt there is anything...try to search in google..."edit pdf linux" or something01:37
rraajjlarson9999: Yes, that's what I thought, too. I was thinking of converting it to something editable, then convert it back to PDF when I'm done.01:38
rraajjscheuri: Hehehe. I'm going to try that. Just going to close some tabs, I've been surfing all day long... Thanks again!01:39
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bernieralright, it didnt work01:40
bernieri got the kernel loading right after the "grub" then the screen turna black but never get something else01:41
larson9999rraajj: my quick google shows there are work around solutions but maybe not a editor proper and maybe not 100% compatible either01:42
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rraajjlarson9999: Oh, that'd be fine. The files I'm editing are mostly composed of colored rows and texts, anyway... Not too much of them diagram stuffs.01:43
ArmedGeekrraajj: kword can import pdf01:43
larson9999rraajj: then google.com/linux and serch away01:43
winbondanyone in here using xgl with kde?01:44
larson9999so far kbuntu is treating me at least as well as mandriva did01:45
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winbondi tried mandriva 2006 , kubuntu rocks on the same system compared to mandriva01:46
larson9999soon as a figure that thunderbird thing out, i'll be golden.01:46
winbondthe only think i liked about mandriva that it had raid and ati drivers out of the box01:47
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winbondbut the performance was pretty bad ,01:48
larson9999winbond, well i couldn't get earlier versions installed on this system.  i figured it was because it's smp.  i was going to switch earlier but kept with mandriva for that reason.  as for performance... i see no difference01:48
larson9999i like the debian version of freedom better01:48
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winbondi guess that depends on the system drivers01:48
winbondi have nf4 and it sucked on it , but kubuntu is fast01:49
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larson9999the level of tweaking i've had to do on bother so far has been pretty similar01:49
winbondwhat do you tweak?01:49
larson9999winbond: not talking performance tweaking.  talking stuff like apci=noirq boot parameter01:50
larson9999and in mandriva i had to put the nvidia driver in modprobe.preload.  that kinda stuff01:51
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bernierwhat's the command to  remove directories?02:12
berniersudo rm "something" "thefile"02:12
bernierwhat's the something?02:12
gobbeman rm02:12
berniergot it it's: rm -r02:13
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scheuriuuhmm...someone should tell him to be careful!02:15
geneo93rm -r /02:16
scheurigeneo93: stuff like that makes it hard to help people here...:)...02:17
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scheuriouch...okay....thats the other way...;)02:17
Hobbseescheuri: :)02:17
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scheuriuh, too slow02:19
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Hobbseescheuri: it always makes me wonder though - did they think it was a ban or something?  why havnt they come back yet?02:19
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scheuriHobbsee: hehh...true...but well, maybe they perfectly know what they did and are emberassed now02:20
Hobbseemust be02:20
Hobbseei havent seen any PM's about it...02:20
scheuriHobbsee: especially they got "punished" by an OP02:20
scheuriuhmm...there is a "because" missing02:21
Hobbseescheuri: heh, yeah02:22
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scheuriHobbsee: why? want to go to sleep? ;)02:22
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Hobbseescheuri: hehe no, i want to test out an alias02:23
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Hobbsee_drat.  kicked the wrong one.02:24
scheurierrare human est...or something...;)02:24
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Hobbseei have a more working remove alias :D02:25
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larson9999here's a silly question.  how to i tell which repository i need to add to get an app that doesn't show in my repositories, now.  for instance ppracer isn't found.02:27
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Hobbseelarson9999: apt-cache search ppracer02:28
Hobbseelarson9999: it changed its' name02:28
Hobbsee!info planetpenguin-racer dapper02:28
PSIplusI've a tricky problem... whenever I use utf8 under kubuntu dapper... whenever i open a doc in kate via fish:// it opens it with utf8 ... but on the documents are in iso8859-15... is there a way to force it to a distinct encoding for this connection, so that I don't have to set the encoding for each single document?02:28
ubotuplanetpenguin-racer: (another 3D racing game featuring Tux, the Linux penguin), section universe/games, is optional. Version: 0.3.1-5ubuntu2 (dapper), Packaged size: 242 kB, Installed size: 700 kB02:28
Hobbseelarson9999: packages.ubuntu.com or the bot will find where the package is, or often has a factoid on it.02:28
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larson9999Hobbsee: thank's i'll bookmark that02:30
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ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, pd27302:32
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satemplerwhat is the Appel web site address for KDE 402:40
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jpatrickhttp://appeal.kde.org/wiki/Appeal that is02:42
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scheurihello slow-motion02:44
satemplerany recomendations in integrating Kopete 0.12 in Kubuntu 3.5.302:44
slow-motionhello scheuri02:44
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satempleri am compiling it now02:45
Hobbseesatempler: there's a deb for it...02:45
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satemplerHobbsee: beta 1 but its been released02:45
satemplerso I am compiling the relesed one02:45
Hobbseesatempler: http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kopete/02:45
Hobbseeit's not *fully* up to date - it needs another dep if you want yahoo webcam support02:46
=== Hobbsee has that fix, but hasnt got it uploaded yet
satemplerya I have the jasper already02:46
scheurijriddell is the main Kubuntu-Dev?02:46
Hobbseescheuri: yes02:46
Hobbseesatempler: cool02:46
larson9999time to make the doughnuts02:46
scheuriHobbsee: thanks02:47
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satemplercool he has the Oxygen Icons02:47
darmouI recently upgraded to dapper and am using kubuntu, I have no sound how can i reactivte my audio?02:47
Riddellhmm, I should hide that02:48
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satemplerRiddell sorry02:48
Riddellnot your fault satempler02:48
darmou lspci | grep audio02:48
darmou0000:00:14.5 Multimedia audio controller: ATI Technologies Inc IXP150 AC'97 Audio Controller02:48
Riddellbut it has a restrictive licence02:48
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satemplerJust saw a preview of what they look like awsome02:48
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RandomDude15anyone her?E02:50
RandomDude15*anyone here?02:50
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RiddellRandomDude15: plenty, and we're all good looking too02:51
RandomDude15I installed the nvidia drivers.02:51
RandomDude15using apt.02:51
RandomDude15and want them to take effect.02:51
RandomDude15my games are running slow.02:51
RandomDude15my xorg.conf file has         Driver          "nv"02:52
RandomDude15do I have to change it to something elese for it to take effect?02:52
emonkeylapchange it to nvidia02:52
emonkeylapand restart the Xserver02:52
RandomDude15or something like nvidia-glx02:52
emonkeylapchange "nv" to "nvidia"02:52
elBartoI am using wvdial for my dial up connection. What is the propper way to end that? Is there a command to stop it? Currently I am hitting ctrl+z but then when I try to connect again the modem is busy.02:52
RandomDude15I installed nvidia-glx in apt02:53
RandomDude15ill change it02:53
emonkeylapRandomDude15, don't forget to restart the X-Server after that02:53
RandomDude15yeah I know.02:53
RandomDude15brb restarting x server02:53
satemplerRiddel is the Kopete you made have voice support for Jabber/Google Talk02:53
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emonkeylapelBarto, why you don't use kppp?02:54
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cefI'm running some kde apps under plain ubuntu, but I can't seem to get kcontrol to allow me to set up socks. I'm trying to use the Dante libs. Any ideas?02:55
kkathmanI officially want to go on record to say kmail is the worst thing ever devised by man (well ok maybe the 2nd or 3rd).02:55
elBartoIt gioves me an error when I try to use it. Something about a configuration srcipt.02:55
cefkkathman: no way. it's heaps better than evolution.02:55
kkathmancef:  yes and Id like to have legionairre's disease more than AIDS also02:56
cefkkathman: heh02:56
kkathmanonce you use kmail...you cant migrate the mail to anything02:56
cefkkathman: what's your beef with it?02:56
kkathmansee above02:56
cefyou can't? I've don e it before I'm sure02:57
kkathmanstupid maildir crap02:57
ceferr, lots of stuff support maildir02:57
kkathmanIve been working with maildir trying to get it to mbox... Kmail doesnt use a standard mbox format so things that use mbox dont import :(02:57
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cefand when you make a mailbox, you can decide wether it's maildir or mailbox.02:58
kkathmancef: yes.. but its not a standard mbox02:58
cefahh.. what are you trying to import it into?02:58
kkathmancef to Thunderbird02:58
kkathmanIve gone through all the T-bird support forums02:58
cefkkathman: oh dear god no. seriously, tbird's importing stuff is HORRIBLY broken02:58
kkathmanT-bird's procedure apparently works if you have a standard mbox02:59
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RandomDude15ok I changed nv to nvidia and it just sits there02:59
RandomDude15with the kubuntu logo02:59
RandomDude15boot logo that is02:59
kkathmancef:  theoretically, t-birf doesnt need to import02:59
cefwell, if crashing is considered working, then yes I can see it's working02:59
kkathmanits supposed to read mbox natively02:59
kkathmanso this either works only in the Windows version of T-bird, or Im not getting mbox file right03:00
kkathmanI DO know that t-bird linux is severely limited, but I'd thing they would want an import from kmail03:00
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RandomDude15well anyone there?03:00
kkathmanbut then Linux isnt Mozilla's main market03:01
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ddhj #kvpnc03:01
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cefkkathman: well, only other thing I can suggest is using something like archivemail (in universe) to export/archive your mail to mbox files.03:02
ddhslash missing ;o)03:03
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larson9999kkathman: i don't think linux is mozilla's maing market, yet03:03
kkathmanlol exactly03:03
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larson9999if reactos gets going like it looks like it might, it may never well be03:03
cefRandomDude15: sorry, don't know the detail of your problem. what nvidia card/chipset do you have?03:03
kkathmanwell for some reason yesterday, kmail just started turning all my messages into "unknown" and blank emails when I clicked on a message03:04
AngryElfi've got a script that is +x in ~/.kde/Autostart and it doesn't run when I log in03:04
kkathmanI restored back to a previous save of the kmail folder, and it righted itself, but Im a bit skittish now03:04
AngryElfIf i manually run it champagne falls from the sky03:04
perrinhi,  im having some trouble getting the sound to work in kubuntu.  can anyone help?03:04
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cefAngryElf: are you SURE it doesn't run, or that it just fails to do what you expect?03:05
AngryElfit's suppose to start 3 things03:05
AngryElfnone of them are running03:05
AngryElfhow would i find out if it's run or not03:06
cefAngryElf: does it have something like "#!/bin/bash" on the first line?03:06
AngryElfyes, it wouldn't run manually if it didn't03:06
AngryElfthe script itself isn't flawed03:06
darmoufound out the the no sound problem using dmesg the sound module did not load on boot properly, modprobe fixed it03:06
darmouhmm and Dapper is supposed to be more reliable ha03:06
cefAngryElf: just checking. tried adding something before the commands like: "touch ~/yes_i_got_here" ?03:07
AngryElfit's hidden, is that a prob?03:07
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perrindarmou: ok, i dont know what u just said.. lol   im reasonably new to linux.  i know about modprobe and dmesg, but no idea what they do03:08
svivianGood morning all. I have a question regarding dual monitors on Dapper. I have installed xorg-fglrx, and run the commands found on the Ubuntu ATI Wiki and a certain post in the bit-tech forums: http://forums.bit-tech.net/showthread.php?t=109656 . Now, my machine stretches the desktop across both monitors as I want. The problem is that the desktop surface on each monitor is larger than the actual screen, so that I have to drag the cursor off the 03:08
svivianthe desktop on each screen. Any thoughts on how to correct this so each monitor displays the whole desktop "surface"?03:08
cefRandomDude15: ok.. does 'lsmod|grep ^nvidia' output anything?03:08
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larson9999linux rocks03:09
perrinyeah when u know it well enough to get basic stuff working03:09
cefAngryElf: it starts with a . ? that could be a problem.. might skip dot-files03:10
perrinfrustrating when changing over from windows03:10
obscuritei'm having trouble gettting my ath0 to connect to my wifi network. anyone having issues with the dapper madwifi support?03:10
moopereno issue with madwifi here03:10
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moopereobscurite: what issues are u hitting?03:11
cefanyone here got KDE working with a socks proxy?03:11
RandomDude15ill check it out soon03:12
RandomDude15im in windows now03:12
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cefRandomDude15: ok.. that will tell you if the nvidia module is loaded. it should spit out something like: "nvidia               4552692  12" or something similar. If si, then it "should work". is the FX5200 in a laptop perchance?03:14
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perrinis anyone able to help me with a sound issue in kubuntu?03:15
larson9999errr, why wouldn't make be installed by default?03:15
RandomDude15no im running a deskop that I built.03:15
ceflarson9999: you need to install the build subsystem. "apt-get install build-essential"03:15
RandomDude15and I've had the card for like 2 years03:16
RandomDude15in this computer03:16
cefor use whatever the kde equivalent of synaptic is (sorry not really a kde person)03:16
cefRandomDude15: just asked cos I have exactly that chipset in my laptop, and I had issues with the LCD screen03:16
svivianAnyone here experienced with display settings/configurations?03:16
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winbonddoes anyone know where the firefox config file is at?03:17
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RandomDude15yeah I have an LCD.03:18
RandomDude15Acer AL171403:18
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McScruffdoes anyone know of an audio app that lets u make sounds in a high pitch03:20
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winbondi need another one , the one where i can specify which audio output to use ,03:21
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trizztonhi ppl03:25
exceswaterhi ppl03:26
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trizztonhi exceswater03:26
exceswaterwho can tell me how to install return to castle wolfenstein03:26
exceswateri have the kit03:26
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exceswaterbut i dunno the comand03:26
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exceswateri am not used to install things on linux03:26
trizztonwell , i am new to kubuntu03:27
h3sp4wnMcScruff: You can do it with snd (but you need to know emacs keybindings and I don't)03:27
scheuriexceswater: well, there are dozens of websites explaining it...what to do on the command line to install Wolfenstein03:27
scheuriexceswater: never did myself though03:27
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exceswater!install et03:29
ubotuNo idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, exceswater03:29
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RogueJediXMaybe I'm wrong, but aren't you supposed to just chmod +x the linux installer and run it?03:31
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exceswateri am noob to linux03:31
exceswateri dunno the commands03:32
exceswateri like kubuntu03:32
trizztondo you have the loki installer ?03:32
exceswaterbut i am really new to this03:32
exceswater3rd day03:32
trizztonit should be easy to install it03:32
exceswateri have something like that03:32
RogueJediXexceswater: You said you have "the kit". What did you mean by that? A file?03:32
trizztonok , do this03:32
RogueJediXexceswater: It's easy then03:32
exceswaterthis is the file03:33
trizztonchmod +x etfile03:33
exceswaterthank you for helping03:33
RogueJediXexceswater: chmod +x et-linux-2.60.x86.run03:33
RogueJediXAnd then03:33
pd273cox377: you still there03:33
trizztonthen you should do this   /etfile03:33
trizztonsorry is  ./etfile03:33
trizztonyeaaaaah do chmod +x et-linux-2-therest03:34
defryskjust use the sh command03:34
defrysksh blah.run03:34
RogueJediXexceswater: And by the way. That's not Return to Castle Wolfenstein, the single-palyer game. That's Enemy Territory03:34
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adamant1988hi all03:35
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trizztonexceswater: i recommend you the exelent mod for ET  ( True Combat Elite )03:35
exceswaterit doesn't work03:35
exceswaterafter what you said03:35
adamant1988Could anyone here look at a wallpaper I made and see what you think?03:35
trizztoni play it in my other machine with mandriva03:35
exceswateri should input in console: chmod +x et-linux-2.60.x86.run03:36
exceswaterand it says cannot find the file03:36
RogueJediXadamant1988: Sure03:36
exceswateryes adamant198803:36
RogueJediXexceswater: Are you in the folder where the file is?03:36
exceswateri would like to see it too03:36
trizztonyou should specify the path of the file03:36
exceswaterwith conqueror yes03:36
klerfaytexceswater: open konsole and type  sudo /pathtoet03:36
adamant1988I'm thinking about putting it on art.ubuntu.com if it's good enough =\03:37
adamant1988I tried to use kubuntu blue compatible colors03:37
RogueJediXadamant1988: Very trippy03:37
RogueJediXI like it :P03:37
trizztonthat is good work adamant198803:37
klerfaytexceswater: by the way - et is dead03:37
exceswatersudo /home/exceswater/Desktop/waterman/kiturijocuri03:37
exceswaterlike that03:37
trizztonwell , you should know where the file is03:38
obscuritemoopere - iwconfig shows the proper essid and key, but dhclient wont pick up anything03:38
adamant1988should I submit it?03:38
exceswateri know where the file is03:38
adamant1988and does anyone want the GIMP image?03:38
exceswateradamant1988:  submit it ,.. it's nice03:38
trizztonor where you saved to03:38
RogueJediXadamant1988: Don't see why you shouldn't. Go for it03:38
New2KubI have a KDE question03:38
adamant1988I want to release all my work under a share alike policy, so if anyone wants the GIMP image just let me know in a pm or something03:39
New2Kubhow do you make it so that the task bar only shows applications for the window that your working in?03:39
obscuriteanyone have any ideas? my ath0 won't dhclient even with the net/key set properly03:39
trizztonexceswater: what happend ?03:39
RogueJediXexceswater: Just to be on the safe side. Do you want RTCW or ET?03:39
exceswatercause it's free03:40
h3sp4wnadamant1988: Do you think you could have the same thing but just with a black background and white text (shades) I don't know anything about graphics03:40
exceswatersomebody said it's dead03:40
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exceswaterdid he meaned that there are no more players... or servers available ?03:40
RogueJediXexceswater: Just checking. Then, open your console and cd over to the folder where you downloaded the file03:40
trizztoni love unreal tournament in linux03:40
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trizztonrunsssssssssss smooth03:40
RogueJediXexceswater: Then do all the stuff we told you03:40
exceswateri dunno how to do that03:40
exceswateri don't know how to cd in linux03:41
exceswatercd dir03:41
exceswatercd dir03:41
exceswateretc ?03:41
obscuritenew2kub - uncheck show windows from all desktops under config panel -> taskbar03:41
RogueJediXexceswater: K -> System -> Terminal Program (Konsole)03:41
defryskcd /wherever/yo/want/to/go03:41
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trizztonjust go to the directory where the file et-the-rest is03:41
exceswaterfirst step ok03:42
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New2KubThanks :)03:42
trizztonok show me the path03:42
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RogueJediXexceswater: All righty, then. Do you know where you saved the file?03:42
trizztonto make sure03:42
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obscuriteany ideas on how to debug my ath0?03:43
RogueJediXHey, adamant1988. Is that a blurred cog in  the background?03:43
exceswaternow i have the path in konsole03:43
RogueJediXexceswater: Then cd to the folder you saved it in03:43
RogueJediXexceswater: Oh, you already did that?03:44
exceswateri did that03:44
trizztonexceswater: show the path to make sure you are in there03:44
exceswaternow ?03:44
exceswaterthis is the patch03:44
exceswaterpath: /home/exceswater/Desktop/waterman/kiturijocuri03:44
trizztonchmod +x et-.x.x.x.x.x.x03:44
RogueJediXexceswater: Now do that chmod +x stuff we told you03:44
adamant1988RogueJediX: no, I painteed the BG by hand.   The only cogs are in the logo and I made them very visible.  I tried not to change them.03:44
RogueJediXadamant1988: Oh. I thought I saw a part of a cog in the middle-tolower right of the picture03:45
exceswateri did that : exceswater@exceswater:~/Desktop/waterman/kiturijocuri$ chmod +x et-linux-2.60.x86.run03:45
exceswaterand nothing happens03:45
RogueJediXexceswater: Good, that's good03:45
RogueJediXexceswater: Now do03:45
New2Kubare hte ubuntu and kubuntu source lists the same?03:45
RogueJediXNote the dot and the slash03:45
New2Kub I ask because I want a source list that will let me get media codecs03:46
exceswatersomething started03:46
exceswateri am so dumb03:46
trizztonohhhhhhh yeahhhhh exceswater03:46
exceswatermy problem is time :D03:46
New2Kuband I am only finding them from Ubuntu03:46
adamant1988nope RogueJediX you're looking too hard. That's all hand painted no shapes in it intentionally03:46
exceswateri don't have time03:46
adamant1988you can view the GIMP image if you like03:46
exceswateri stay on my pc on the run...03:46
trizztonthe graphical installer03:46
RogueJediXadamant1988: I know. I'm weird like that :)03:46
trizztonwelll you know how to do it now03:47
exceswaterit would be really nice to have an install like in win03:47
RogueJediXexceswater: Now all you have to do is tell it where you want it and play the thing03:47
exceswaterfor noobs like me03:47
winbondhow do i open a file in kde as root so i can edit ?03:47
trizztontry the True Combat Elite mod03:47
exceswaterafter that install03:47
trizztonthe is the best03:47
exceswateri have to run a patch03:47
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exceswaterwhere can i find that mod03:47
exceswater ?03:47
svivianAnyone here experienced with display settings/configurations?03:47
trizztona patch fo what ?03:47
exceswaterbut it will be a living hell03:47
exceswaterfor et03:47
exceswateri found it on the same page03:48
exceswatera patch around 4 M03:48
winbondsvivian: what r u trying to do?03:48
winbondhow do i open a file in kde as root so i can edit ?03:48
svivianwinbond:  I have installed xorg-fglrx, and run the commands found on the Ubuntu ATI Wiki and a certain post in the bit-tech forums: http://forums.bit-tech.net/showthread.php?t=109656 . Now, my machine stretches the desktop across both monitors as I want. The problem is that the desktop surface on each monitor is larger than the actual screen, so that I have to drag the cursor off the edge of the monitor to reach the edges of the desktop on each03:49
svivianis so each monitor displays the whole desktop "surface"?03:49
charlie5with adept, if i install a package, then uninstall it, then later on re-install it ... will the files need to be re-downloaded on the 2nd install ?03:49
RogueJediXexceswater: For all your linux gaming needs check out happypenguin.org and www.liflg.org03:49
trizztonohhh it depends if you downloaded the lastest realese03:49
svivianwinbond: try sudo vi [filename] 03:49
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svivianwinbond: or kdesu Kate [filename] 03:50
trizztonwell winbond  use ( nano )03:50
obscuriteI think i'm having a problem connecting to my network because the essid is hidden, or because the network is 802.11b as opposed to a/g. this is an atheros. any ideas?03:50
obscuriteI can connect to other networks just fine03:50
trizztonit is easier for beginners03:50
klerfayteven though I have disabled "progress bar animation" adept still animates it03:50
trizztoni use it03:50
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winbondsvivian: svivian i know how to do it in the command , i want to find out how to do it in kde03:51
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trizztonALT+F2 type kate03:51
winbondsvivian: did you go to your video control panel and look at the options?03:51
trizztonthe enter your there03:51
trizztonyou are there03:51
exceswaterRogueJediX:  is very nice03:51
svivianwinbond: right-click on the file in Konquerer, go to Actions, select "edit as root"03:51
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exceswatermy only problem is that i try to avoid aditional costs03:52
exceswaterthis is my computer from the job03:52
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exceswaterfor the other computers i have licencies03:52
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exceswaterfor that i don't wanna pay more03:52
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svivianwinbond: The video control panel is kind of limited. I suspect it will require editing xorg.conf, which I have noticed has an astonishing number of redundant entries now that I have run aticonfig03:52
winbondsvivian: yeah , thats what i was looking for , thanks03:52
RogueJediXexceswater: No problem there. With games like Nexuiz, Warsow, Dark Oberon, Battle for Wesnoth, etc., you're good to go03:53
exceswateri would like to play something like age of empires03:53
exceswaterbut free game03:53
exceswaterhere is something wrong with COPS03:53
klerfaytflashplayer installation hanged http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/8563/snapshot11mj.png any thoughts?03:53
trizztonhi jaims03:53
exceswaterthey are busting people for pirated software :D03:53
jaimsi'd like to know wtf is the log '(pam_unix) session opened for user root by (uid=0)'03:54
winbondsvivian: you can try to reconfigure xorg.conf  , you know the command for that , right?03:54
charlie5trizzton: so if version has not changed, the download from the 1st install is re-used ?03:54
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jaimshow does one search what is happening?03:54
obscuriteif my hard drive is constantly parking heads (and thus clicking) - how can i stop that from happening without killing power management (i'm afraid of shorter battery life)03:54
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trizztonthat is right charlie503:55
charlie5trizzton: thanks :)03:55
jaimsit's more a question about linux, rather than kubuntu03:55
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svivianwinbond: yes, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, but I don't want to lose the ati config stuff that made the desktop work like I want it to in the first place. dpkg-reconfigure will overwrite xorg.conf, and I will lose the parts of xorg that I need in addition to the ones I don't03:55
RogueJediXexceswater: Things are rather skimpy on the RTS front on Linux. You could try Dark Oberon or Globulation 2, I suppose03:55
RogueJediXexceswater: Oh, and Glest too.03:56
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trizztonsvivian: just copy and paste the parts to the xorg.conf that you want03:57
trizztonthat is what i do03:57
exceswateranother stupid question from03:57
exceswaterfirst thank you RogueJediX03:57
trizztonjust if something re-write my xorg.conf03:57
exceswaterhow do i start et ?03:57
exceswaternow ?03:58
exceswaterafter install03:58
trizztoni copy and paste from the good copy of the xorg.conf that i saved03:58
RogueJediXexceswater: Well, do you know where you installed it to?03:58
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trizztonyou should see one new entry in the menus03:59
DarkRavenMixagehow to enable ed2k protocol on konqueror?03:59
RogueJediXexceswater: Yeah, trizzton's right. Check out your menu for new entries03:59
winbondwho was talking to me?03:59
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trizztonyou get it exceswater ?03:59
RogueJediXexceswater: If not, we have a backup plan03:59
trizztonor use the command line to run it04:00
exceswateri get it04:00
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trizztongood job man04:00
exceswaterno extra new entries04:00
winbondwho was talking to me?04:00
exceswateri am not used to linux04:00
trizztonwell i get confused with thix irc client ( konversation ) i like X-chat04:00
exceswaterfor me ... and i am not so dumb... it's hard to realize which file is executable in linux04:01
RogueJediXexceswater: Then open your console again and cd over to where you installed it and run ./et04:01
trizztonit is matter of time exceswater04:01
DarkRavenMixagehow to enable ed2k protocol on konqueror?04:01
exceswaterdid it04:01
exceswaternow ?04:01
Kadranexceswater: after a while you will hate to see a pc running windows04:01
exceswateri allready hate it04:01
trizztonohhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhhh04:02
exceswateri like linux04:02
exceswateri love it04:02
trizztonlinux Rulz04:02
exceswateronly problem is that i am noob to it04:02
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exceswaterbut it rulez04:02
RogueJediXexceswater: Now? Now it should run04:02
trizztonyeahhhhhhhh everybody is always learning in linux04:02
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winbondsvivian: when you dpkg-reconfigure it automatically makes a backup of your old file , so if things dont work out just delete the xorg.conf and rename the backup to xorg.conf and reboot x and youre back to where youre started04:03
exceswatersomething started04:03
RogueJediXexceswater: That would be Enemy Territory. Enjoy.04:03
KadranDarkRavenMixage: i usually do copy and paste :D04:03
sviviantrizzton: My problem is that I don't know specifically which parts I do and don't need. I was hoping someone had done something similar and knew what didn't need to be there.04:03
DarkRavenMixagekadran so there is no way? i'm able to configure under firefox but not under konqueor and i like konqueror LOL04:03
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svivianwinbond: I think I have that already from aticonfigure. I just looked, and there are three other xorg files in addition to the active .conf file.04:04
trizztonyou are using an ati card right ?04:04
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KadranDarkRavenMixage: me too konqueror is more than a browser ;)04:04
DarkRavenMixagekadran very fast04:04
=== Samuli^ likes konqueror
h3sp4wnYou can use the gecko rendering engine in konqueror apparantly04:05
sviviantrizzton: Yes, I have a fireGL V310004:05
RogueJediXh3sp4wn: You can?04:05
trizztonjust use logic svivian and compare and find out ,  i am still new to linux and use a lot logic04:05
Samuli^konqueror looks fine for me in gnome04:05
winbondsvivian: yeah , when you do the --aticonf it also makes a backup,  .original, kubuntu just puts dates in the name at the end of the file04:05
Samuli^jsut like it looks in KDE04:05
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h3sp4wnDon't know exactly how to do it but there is a tutorial somewhere04:06
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klerfaytflash screwed adept somehow if I run "sudo dpkg --configure -a" I get "Setting up flashplugin-nonfree ( ..." and nothing else happens04:06
exceswaterthe game is installed04:06
trizztoni use nvidia cardsssss they work great in linux svivian04:06
exceswaterit crashed somewhere04:06
exceswaterbut  :D is ok04:06
trizztonwell guys time to go to work04:07
sviviantrizzton: This V3100 worked fine under Breezy. I only upgraded because kdesu stopped working, and Dapper has several stability fixes and features I like.04:07
winbondsvivian: thats all i can tell you ,i havent set up dual monitor yet04:07
h3sp4wntrizzton: What nvidia card would I need for equivalent performance to a radeon 9800pro under linux ? Would a 4 pipes nvidia be faster than what I already have ?04:07
Samuli^klerfayt, how about sudo apt-get --reinstall flashplugin-nonfree?04:07
Samuli^umm add install to that.04:08
RogueJediXActually, I think that's it, if you want flash. I told Konqueror to scan for new plugins after I installed it and it detected it just fine. Go figger.04:09
svivianAnother issue I just ran into: I can't install the Foomatic drivers. I keep getting an error that the driver isn't available or I don't have rights. Since I am installing in Admin mode, the rights issue shouldn't be the problem. Foomatic is installed.04:09
trizztondunno brother but i only use nvidia cards they don't bother me freaking drivers like the ati ones04:09
trizztonwell bye guys04:09
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klerfaytSamuli^: E: Invalid operation flashplugin-nonfree04:10
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Samuli^klerfayt, how about sudo apt-get install --reinstall flashplugin-nonfree?04:10
RogueJediXklerfayt: You forgot install04:10
klerfaytRogueJediX: forgot what?04:11
klerfaytRogueJediX: I tried to install flashplugin-nonfree, adept hanged at 93% I rebooted, and now /var/lib/dpkg/ is locked04:11
RogueJediXklerfayt: What Samuli^ just said. You did sudo apt-get --reinstall flashplugin-nonfree, but you forgot to put "install" after "apt-get"04:11
RogueJediXklerfayt: Oh. Then nevermind. A bit out of my league, I think04:12
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klerfaythow to unlock dpkg ?04:12
Tallia1Kubuntuhey, somebody can help me with a udev rule file for the IPOD?04:12
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Tallia1Kubuntui used the following rule line: BUS=="scsi", SYSFS{vendor}="Apple*", SYSFS{model}="ipod*", KERNEL="sd?2", SYMLINK+="ipod"04:13
Samuli^klerfayt, hmm.. sudo init 1  and then sudo init 2 :) <-- It's almost a reboot04:13
Samuli^other than that you could see if you have adept or other package manager still running in the background.. if they're zombies I don't know how to get rid of them.04:14
klerfaytSamuli^: I'll reboot04:14
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praethow do you switch between gnome and kde?04:16
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ubotuinfo for syncing your iPod is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPodHowto04:17
ubotu[udev]  a server used in Ubuntu (and other distros) that manages device nodes04:17
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klerfaytI have to run "dpkg --configure -a" and now it hanged again "Setting up flashplugin-nonfree ( ..."04:18
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ubotusvivian: Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:19
johnii cant type with keyboard after logging in04:19
john[10:18]  <-- exceswater04:19
john[10:18]  <-- exceswater04:19
john[10:18]  <-- exceswater04:19
john[10:18]  <-- exceswater04:19
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obscuriteis kwifimanager the best app for finding/connecting to random access points? on mine, the switch to network button doesn't even work04:22
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johnPlease help Please I have to paste letters from mouse into  tthe window04:26
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ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .04:26
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klerfaytwhat does it mean if I run sudo dpkg --configure -a and it is still showing the same message 10 minutes later "Setting up flashplugin-nonfree"04:29
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defryskklerfayt, you need to accept the agreement somwhere04:30
svivianjohn: do you have a USB mouse and a PS2 keyboard?04:31
klerfaytdefrysk: nope04:31
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defryskklerfayt, why are you running that command ?04:31
johnPlease help with keyboard no respond04:31
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klerfaytdefrysk: cause I have to then I try "apt-get update"04:32
svivianjohn: I found that if I had mixed connector types, one or the other wouldn't function. Try using hardware with the same connectors (assuming you aren't already).04:32
johnno PS2 keyboard and mouse04:32
|lostbyte|john, Pls paste your xorg.conf file to pastebin.04:32
johnuh how04:33
defryskklerfayt, see if there is a a tiny something in you panel or whatever what needs to be checked as ik ok'd04:33
svivianjohn: Stupid question, but does it work elsewhere (such as before you get into the desktop)?04:34
defryskklerfayt, also make sure synaptic is not running and stuff04:34
|lostbyte|john, Copy the $cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf to pastebin.com04:34
DarkRavenMixagedoes kubuntu got automatic updates? if yes where i can check them?04:34
klerfaytdefrysk: the problem is that dpkg is locked04:34
johni cant type with keyboard after logging in04:34
defryskklerfayt, and how did that happen04:35
svivianjohn: as |lostbyte is suggesting, that sounds like an xorg configuration problem.04:35
svivianAnyone here know anything about Foomatic printer drivers? I can't seem to get any to install, even in Admin mode.04:36
defryskklerfayt, stop that proces and try sudo dpkg --configure -a04:36
svivianAlternatively, how can I configure a printer from the command line?04:37
klerfaytdefrysk: adept is killed (sudo killall adept)04:37
defryskklerfayt, stop any apt proces and try sudo dpkg --configure -a04:37
klerfaytdefrysk: how?04:37
klerfaytdefrysk: kill all apt?04:37
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defryskor ctrl-c04:38
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DeadS0ulmy WoW account expired agian04:40
jpatrickWoman Of War?04:41
klerfaythmm I guess I'm screwed now04:41
defryskwiches of weastwick04:41
johnwhat to do04:42
DeadS0ulWash or Wipe =|04:43
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johnhmm I guess I'm screwed too04:51
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ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats04:53
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johnPlease help Please04:53
winbondwhats up04:53
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winbondanyone fixes the sound lag in the flash player?04:54
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johni cant type with keyboard after logging in04:54
Nightwish1986Hello there, I'm having troubles with my sound, it is working, but with an annoying beep in it. I already tried asound.conf and muting some channels, but no luck :( Anyone an Idea?04:55
|lostbyte|john, uname -r ?04:55
Tomzewinbond: try to select another sound output for your browser maybe...04:55
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winbondTomze: where is that settings for the konquere?04:56
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perrindoes anyone know how to set the default sound card in kubuntu?04:56
johni cant type with keyboard at term04:56
winbondTomze: i found the setting for firefox, it was off , i changed it to auto, only one option left04:57
Tomzewinbond: uhhh.... dont ask about konqueror04:57
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apokryphosjohn: have you tried reconfiguring your X?04:57
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ubotuNo idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, winbond04:57
ruggyfrom what distro did you all convert to ubuntu from?04:58
winbondTomze: what outputs are there?04:58
johni have dapper installed ?04:58
Tomzewinbond: with firefox you can change sound output/engine in  /usr/bin/firefox  but dont know about konqueror04:58
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apokryphosjohn: ctrl+alt+f1 -> then sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:58
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xstAfter dapper was released the number of updates has wanished to almost nothing compared to the amount of updates in the RC/beta phase. There are, however, still tons of bugs so does anyone know why the number of upgrades has flattened out?04:59
Tomzewinbond: i use this for firefox :  FIREFOX_DSP=audiooss04:59
r0xzdoes anyone have a recommendation for a commandline rip tool that can rip a trailer (only 1:30minutes) of a cd number?05:00
DaSkreechTwoxst: Because it is stabalized05:00
johnctrl+alt+f1 no work05:00
r0xzi tried abcde, but i can't find out how to make it rip a trailer05:00
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Tomzekaffeine is great at ripping streams...05:01
winbondTomze: is audiooss something i have to install?05:01
xstDaSkreechTwo: Hmm, ok. What does stabilized mean? Is it only bugfixes that hits the repositories now, or what?05:01
DaSkreechTwoxst: Right and then only once they have been tested off the main repos05:01
xstok. Thanks05:01
Tomzewinbond: i dont think you will have to install anything... just pick the right output for konqueror (which i dont know how to do)05:01
DaSkreechTwoAnyone who has gone through the days before update Tuesday knows how bad it is to get updates every day05:02
Nightwish1986Hello there, I'm having troubles with my sound, it is working, but with an annoying beep in it. I already tried asound.conf and muting some channels, but no luck :( Anyone an Idea?05:02
winbondTomze: ok , thanks man05:02
r0xzTomze: no i need to rip a audio-cd of my parents (yes they are the copyright holders...)05:02
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Tomzer0xz: and kaudiocreator is not an option?05:02
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DaSkreechTwoDoes anyone know how I can mount the debs from the Desktop CD?05:03
Romeo5k konq is so dam slow to me05:03
jpatrickDaSkreechTwo: what?05:03
jpatrickDaSkreechTwo: apt-cdrom add05:04
svivianjohn: open a terminal, put in sudo su -, then run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:04
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DaSkreechTwojpatrick: ah Coolness :-)05:04
svivianjohn: that should allow you to redetect the keyboard05:04
DaSkreechTwoWait. not totally what I want05:04
r0xzTomze: not really, it lacks configuration and trailers are a no go again. abcde is just beautifull, just as jack, but i need to do it a trailer. (i know i can do it manually...)05:05
svivianDaSkreechTwo: in adept, on the file tab, go to manage repositories, add the cdrom if it isn't already there, then enable it.05:05
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neoncodeDoes anyone know how to set flags in sudoers?05:06
DaSkreechTwosvivian: Again not quite what I want :-)05:06
DaSkreechTwoThe computer I'm on throws a Kernel panic as soon as it boots05:06
papehi all05:07
DaSkreechTwoI want to get the kernel deb from the CDRom and install it under a chroot05:07
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DaSkreechTwoI have the CDRom mounted but the debs should all be under pool?05:07
papecan someone help me?05:09
ubotuIf you do not actually ask a question, we cannot actually help you. :)05:10
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papei have problem with apt-get05:10
papecan't download repository05:10
DaSkreechTwoAre you connected to the net?05:11
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DaSkreechTwoSorry Dumb Question :)05:11
papeof course i am05:11
DaSkreechTwopape: You can't download any repository or just some?05:12
papecan't any05:12
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ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems05:12
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ubotuaiglx is, like, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14506805:12
DaSkreechTwoCoolness :)05:12
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leafwhas anyone installed xgl on powerpc laptops ?05:13
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DaSkreechTwoOk back to you pape :-) This is through apt-get right?05:13
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DaSkreechTwoHmm can you ping the sites that are hosting the repos?05:14
DaSkreechTwoarchive.ubuntu.com etc?05:14
papeeverything work fine but apt-get doesn't05:15
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papeand can ping05:15
papecan't connect with apt-get only05:15
DaSkreechTwohas it always been like this?05:15
pape64 bytes from www.archive.ubuntu.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=52 time=66.1 ms05:16
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papejust instaled dapper05:16
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DaSkreechTwoAh ok and it worked okie-dokie in breezy?05:17
papedidn't have breezy, i have been on slackware05:18
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ticchi there. i have upgraded from breezy to dapper and now i'm unable to run mozilla firefox. It gives me just "bus error". I tried do reinstall that app with --purge option but it didn't help. What should i do?05:19
DaSkreechTwoAh ok.. hmm05:19
Samuli^did you have your first firefox from the repos?05:19
Samuli^try 'firefox' with terminal05:20
DaSkreechTwopape: for a laugh can you try sudo aptitude update05:20
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ticcSamuli^: when running it in terminal it give "bus error"05:21
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ticcSamuli^: what does it mean?05:21
Samuli^ticc, no idea.05:21
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ticcmarshal_1: tutaj tez nie wiedza :P05:22
papeno everything same05:22
Samuli^ticc, other than that you had your firefox outside from the repos in breezy and now it looks for something like /opt/firefox05:22
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Samuli^ticc, no hurt seeing if that directory exists.05:22
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ticcSamuli^: firefox was installed in /usr/share/xxx05:22
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papeDaSkreeechTwo : i got this Could not connect to us.archive.ubuntu.com:80 (
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DaSkreechTwopape: Ooook05:24
DaSkreechTwoThats not the right ip address I'll bet05:25
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DaSkreechTwoping us.archive.ubuntu.com05:25
Samuli^ticc, try ./usr/bin/firefox to see if it still has the same problem.05:25
jpatrickticc: your porn dir?05:25
ticceeee... "porn dir"?05:26
Samuli^'xxx' :)05:26
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DaSkreechTwoHmm how can I connect to a protocol in Kopete without the keyboard?05:27
DaSkreechTwoWithout the mouse sorry05:27
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obscuriteif make is failing to find X11/Intrinsic.h and X11/StringDefs.h then what dependency am i missing? I have xserver-xorg-dev05:31
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DaSkreechTwoOk So I've currently done a chroot to the hard drive, apt-cdrom added the live CD, commented out all repos, done an update, and I still can't see a new kernel05:32
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DaSkreechTwoThere isn't a kernel on the CD?>05:34
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DaSkreechDoes anyone know if the DesktopCd has a Linux kernel on it?05:41
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hangfireyes, why wouldnt it?05:42
DaSkreechcause I can't find it?05:42
DaSkreechYes that's a silly reason but I'd like ot be proven wrong :)05:43
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hangfirethe kernal IS the OS, thats like starting up a car and asking if it has an engine05:43
DaSkreechbut I want the kernel deb to install on another computer05:44
DaSkreechplus assorted headers etc05:44
DaSkreechI can find Kernel headers and thats about it05:44
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.05:48
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obscuritehow do you run an x application from a non login or root shell? even when i set DISPLAY i get errors. this is sometimes needed for installations that need to hook up with X1105:48
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic05:48
apokryphosobscurite: not sure I understand right... when you login via ssh, do you want the X app to come up on your computer, or theirs?05:50
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obscuriteapokryphos - let's say i open a root shell in konsole. i want to run xeyes. i set DISPLAY to :0 (same as my non root user). when i run xeyes i get errors about protocols, can't open display, etc05:50
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obscuriteapokryphos - which is normally no big deal i cause i can run any x app with kdesu or sudo, but sometimes you DO need to run an x app directly as root for certain automated installation scripts05:51
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apokryphosobscurite: I believe that's covered on the sudo wiki page. Have you checked there?05:52
obscuriteapokryphos - just googled so far and found some ugly workarounds. i'll check there.05:52
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apokryphosobscurite: X logins are of course disabled automatically in Ubuntu. I really recommend just reading the proper wiki page05:53
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edulixhi !05:56
edulixI've connected via ssh to my pc05:56
edulixand I want to execute remotely an app to be shown in the remote pc05:57
edulixI've tried this: SCREEN=:0 kdialog --yesno "test"05:57
apokryphosedulix: export DISPLAY=:0.005:57
apokryphosthen: xeyes & kdialog --msgbox "I'm watching you"05:58
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flapanei have problems with new 2.6.16vanilla http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19652406:02
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ninHerhi all06:14
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skipster23i'm having trouble watching windows media content on the web i have mplayer and i still get this error "totem could not play 'fd://0'.   Only a subtitle strem was detected bla bla bla.06:21
skipster23can anyone help06:22
ninHerseems some plug in left to install06:22
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skipster23they are all installed at least all the ones from the mplayer website06:22
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Paul_Lagrangedoes lm-sensors can screw up every video output?06:26
[BU] Brizzdoes anyone know if I can run a Windows program from an NTFS share using Wine?06:26
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BazziR[BU] Brizz: should do06:30
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eclypsehey all06:31
eclypsehas anyone had any luck installing the theme baghira and it actually working?06:31
eclypsebecause I compiled a theme from source then installed it and it doesn't seem to be working...06:32
cox377how easy is it to actually install themes onto linux06:32
cox377has anyone ever used XPDE?06:32
eclypsenot nearly as easy as windows.06:32
eclypseI haven't.06:32
eclypsebut, windows sucks lol06:32
cox377how easy is it to install??06:32
eclypseI have no idea yet06:32
cox377lol... windows plays game..06:32
cox377; )06:33
eclypseI havent successfully installed one and made it work06:33
cox377anyone know how to get games running under linux??06:33
cox377such as counter strike source ;)06:33
[BU] Brizzcox377: depends on the game06:33
DaSkreechapt-get install supertux06:33
DaSkreechwell if you have the source ...06:33
=== DaSkreech ducks
[BU] Brizzcox377: CS:S is questionable because it runs on Steam06:33
cox377is there a decent medium to run games??06:34
cox377are the producers of these games making them linux compat?06:34
eclypsenot really06:34
eclypseonly one I've seen is unreal tournament 2004.06:35
[BU] BrizzCedega is the best but still not great06:35
eclypsetoo true.06:35
eclypsealso, if you want to get it for free...www.limewire.com06:35
cox377what is cedega?06:35
eclypseits a windows emulation program06:35
eclypsebuilt specificly for games06:35
[BU] BrizzIt's a Windows Application Layer "Emulator"06:35
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[BU] Brizzbut it's not really an emulator according to them, it actually runs the application layer06:35
cox377Is it any good?06:35
[BU] Brizzit's okay06:35
[BU] Brizzbut noticeably slower than Windows06:35
goldenearlimewire ... hu... why to use it ?06:36
goldenearit's full of spyware06:36
eclypseso you can get cedega for free06:36
eclypsethats why you avoid the spyware06:36
[BU] BrizzBitTorrent06:36
cox377lol.. is there a limewire version of linux?06:36
eclypseeventually you become acustom to filesizes and all that06:36
DaSkreecheclypse: all id games are Linuxish06:36
eclypsebit torrent doesn't have nearly the diversity as limewire does.06:36
eclypseand its not as fast06:36
[BU] Brizzall id and Epic Games will suport Linux06:36
DaSkreechgoldenear: Get Frostwire06:36
eclypselimewire is the best for seeking out specific files06:36
[BU] Brizzmeh Limewire sucks06:36
eclypsenot necesssarally06:36
[BU] Brizzit's just like Kazaa06:37
DaSkreech!tell goldenear about frostwire06:37
eclypsenot even.06:37
[BU] Brizz90% fake files by now too06:37
goldenearbut you don't need limewire, you can use lmdonkey, or even shareaza if you want a win app06:37
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cox377Does likewire run on linux?06:37
eclypsehell no dude06:37
eclypselimewire..I think so06:37
eclypsebelieve me dude06:37
eclypseI use it alot06:37
eclypseits only about 30% spyware/viruses06:37
cox377limewire is so bad.,. limewire messes up 100's of windows machines that i;ve seen06:37
DaSkreechcox377: Its java it runs on anything that java runs on06:37
eclypseand its easy to avoid the viruses06:37
[BU] Brizz60% fake files06:37
eclypsewell, thats because people are idiots06:37
eclypseand can't tell fake from real06:37
[BU] BrizzI tried to get Max Payne on Limewire once, and four out of five files were different games/music/movies/crap06:38
eclypseI KNOW the difference06:38
eclypseyou see a 800KB exe06:38
eclypseits a virus.06:38
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eclypseonly download zip files for prorams06:38
eclypsemost everything in the 800 kb range is a virus06:38
[BU] Brizzeclypse: I'm not that stupid. The files I downloaded were all within 40mb of each other06:38
eclypseyou must have severelly bad luck06:38
eclypsewhat was the filetype?06:39
[BU] Brizzno, there's just tons of fake crap on there06:39
eclypsewell, since I'm obviously not going to change your opinion/perspective on the matter, I'm gonna change the subject.06:39
[BU] BrizzI tried to download an mp3 once and I downloaded it about 20 times and they were all fake/broken06:40
eclypsethat sucks06:40
eclypsetorrents are good for songs06:40
eclypseand downloading full albums06:40
eclypsenot songs in particular06:40
eclypsebut full albums06:40
[BU] Brizztorrents have been good for whatever I want06:40
eclypseand discographys06:40
eclypsethats good.06:40
eclypsethey haven't always been good for me06:40
cox377Yeh that's it.. with big commercial music brands i've heard a lot of people use limewire06:40
[BU] Brizznever had a fake file06:40
eclypselimewire is better for me when I'm seeking out the files that nobody has06:40
cox377use torrents06:41
cox377but with the smaller less known bands limewire06:41
eclypseanyone gotten the Baghira theme working on KDE?06:42
flapajust install baghira from repos06:42
flapaand select it into kde panel06:42
flapaand compile finderbar, if you want06:42
eclypseits in the repos?06:42
eclypsecan you give me a link/term?06:43
flapaof what06:43
eclypseI couldn't use apt-get, it said package not found06:43
v3ctorsudo aptitude install baghira06:43
LjL!info baghira06:43
LjL!info kwin-baghira06:43
ubotukwin-baghira: (KDE theme for Apple junkies :)), section universe/kde, is optional. Version: 0.7a-1build2 (dapper), Packaged size: 642 kB, Installed size: 1848 kB06:43
eclypsewhats the difference between aptitude and apt-get?06:43
ubotuaptitude is another front-end to apt, like apt-get, adept and Synaptic.  Unlike them, aptitude remembers what dependencies were installed with a package and can remove them if you uninstall. It also has a (somewhat buggy) text-mode interface.06:44
[BU] Brizzhey is there any way to view the contents of a lnk file?06:45
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eclypseicon files?06:45
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[BU] Brizz?06:45
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[BU] Brizzan lnk file is a windows shortcut06:45
LjL[BU] Brizz: "hd filename"06:46
eclypsehmm, what would there be to view?06:46
flapadid anyone had cat /proc/cpuinfo problems with 2.6.16 vanilla?06:46
Tomzeeclypse: read aptitudes nan page on options how to leave out suggested packages06:46
[BU] Brizzthe path it is linking to06:46
[BU] BrizzIllustrator is stupid, it puts it's EXE like 20 folders deep...06:47
eclypseI'm installing baghira right now, I'm on dialup and I'm getting the dialup from another computer so its extremely laggy so yeah..I can't really talk too much till it finishes.06:47
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bobesponjahey all06:50
bobesponjaI installed kblogger but I can't start it06:50
bobesponjait's called kicker-kblogger actually, is that the same app that is on kde-apps.org.06:51
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charlie5after a fresh install, how do i get amarok or kaffeine to play music ?06:53
eclypsebaghira is pretty nice :)06:53
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bobesponjacharlie5: it does play music, only non patented format because those are illegal on free software such as kubuntu06:54
bobesponjacharlie5: so mp3 no but ogg yes06:54
eclypsethat hela sucks06:54
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eclypsemp3 is patented?06:55
OlegsAnybody received free CDs with 6.06 ?06:55
charlie5bobesponja: ah, ok, thanks ... how would i play an mp3 then ?06:55
eclypseI haven't yet06:55
cox377_bloody power cut06:55
eclypsebut I haven't checked the mail in 2 days so06:55
bobesponjacharlie5: you need to add universe to your source06:55
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charlie5bobesponja: i think i have dapper universe in adept repos manager.06:59
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bobesponjacharlie5: then type mp3 in adept search box and install libmad or lame07:05
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pussfellerwhen i right click on the desktop, its hanging07:10
pussfellerlike muchlonger than usual07:11
pussfellerlike its been about 10 minutes !07:11
pussfelleri suspect this is storage device or smb share related...07:11
pussfellerlike in the "copy to" there might be a recent file on the 200g fat device07:12
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pussfellererr recnet dir07:12
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charlie5bobesponja: libmad doesn't seem to have helped (unless i need to log out/in again) ... i can only find 'toolame' ... guess i'll give that a try07:17
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bobesponjacharlie5: are yo sure you have libmad?07:18
bobesponjacharlie5: I mean universe07:18
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r0xzguys, when i do this: "cdparanoia "1[00:00.00] -[1:30] " track1.wav" i get a skitmark at the end of the file (stops two times) Is there anything i can do agains that?07:19
charlie5bobesponja: libmad0 is installed07:19
bobesponjacharlie5: ok then try to install libxine-extracodecs from universe07:19
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charlie5bobesponja: libxine-extracodecs is not found by adept ... maybe my universe setting is screwy ? ... altho there are other packages from universe there ... what about multiverse, could that help ?07:23
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bobesponjacharlie5: no it's not there sorry, try libakode2-mpeg it should be there07:25
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Scorpmooni put in the kubuntu desktop cd, and it's stopped at the kubuntu logo now07:25
Scorpmoonhow do I know what the error is07:25
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bobesponjaScorpmoon: what speed did you use to burn your cd?07:26
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bobesponjaScorpmoon: kubuntu cds have lots of files and this is too much for lots of burner at that speed, try 4x or 8x07:26
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bobesponjaScorpmoon: try to run the CD from windows first to see07:27
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charlie5bobesponja: hmm, i installed libakode2-mpeg, but still no joy.07:30
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ubotuPlease do not flood the channel! Use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting long texts as it does not distrupt the channel. You might also want to install the "webboard" package from Universe.07:33
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r0xzsomething weird is going on in this channel....07:33
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obscuritenot _strictly_ a k/ubuntu question, but i'm building a box that will run k/ubuntu and the ATX12V power supply connector (20 pin) is a few pins shorter than the microatx motherboard power connector. Anyone know what I'm talking about?07:39
ChefWillget an extender then obscurite07:40
obscuriteChefWill - ahh, is that what I need?07:40
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ChefWillthey make like 4-6" extenders07:40
charlie5bobesponja: no luck so far, but thanks for the help ... i'll try again tomorrow ... cheers07:41
obscuriteChefWIll - thanks. what's the longer connector on the microatx board called?07:41
ChefWillanyone know the applet name for knetworkmanager?07:41
ChefWilloh nm07:42
=== ChefWill tries the obvious
Scorpmoonbobesponja, i can view the kubuntu files from windows07:42
morph_oups bad chan , bye :)07:42
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obscuriteChefwill - looks like i know what to order, thanks agin07:44
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floHi ! Should a webcam basicly work on ubuntu-server or is there maybe something missing from the kernel ?07:46
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Tomzeflo: maybe you need the driver.. http://sourceforge.net/projects/spca50x could be the one07:49
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floyeah i have a driver and it works on my regular ubuntu laptop but not on my other pc which is running ubuntu-server so i was wondering if there might just be no webcam support in the server version of ubuntu07:50
Dr_WillisHello all.. anyone used KDE and its bluetooth feature to browse files on a phone? I can see the  dirs but cant browse them right07:50
Tomzeflo: dot know.. i dont use ubuntu07:51
floTomze: ok thanx anyway07:51
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ChefWillwhere is the session preferences/startup programs option in kubuntu? its not the same as ubuntu and the guide on the kubuntu side is for ubuntu07:51
TomzeChefWill: /home/user/.kde/Autostart ? if thats what you mean07:53
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ChefWillis there no gui program to configure session/startup progs?07:54
TomzeChefWill: startup what ?... firefox og apache or ?07:54
ChefWillno just programs07:54
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TomzeChefWill:  if you plcae a shortcut for a program in /home/user/.kde/Autostart it will start when the user log into kde... but i dont think thats what your looking for07:56
ChefWilli guess that will work07:56
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ChefWillhttps://wiki.kubuntu.org/AddingProgramToSessionStartup?highlight=%28startup%29 is the guide, but thats for ubuntu07:56
ChefWillwas seeing if there was an equivalent program, but i dont see one07:57
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CaBlGuYwuttup peeps..07:57
CaBlGuYI'm totally winblowz free now..  :)07:57
ScorpmoonMy Kubuntu stops loading in the middle, files seems fine from windows07:57
Scorpmoonim going back to Ubuntu then :(07:58
Tomzeyes.. installing another distro is alway better then finding a solution Scorpmoon ;)07:59
Scorpmooni was going to check out if Kubuntu had better Xgl support07:59
ScorpmoonUbuntu was my main choice07:59
fatejudgerI refuse to help people who are that ambigous07:59
fatejudger"stops in the middle" doesn't help me figure out what's going on08:00
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Scorpmoonlol you're not the first08:00
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Scorpmoonwell i dont get any output08:00
fatejudgerXGL is in alpha08:00
Scorpmoonit just stops loading08:00
fatejudgeryou shouldn't be using it on your main workstation08:00
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Scorpmooni think windows are slow to update when dragging in Ubuntu08:00
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andrew_How do you get firefox on Kubuntu?08:03
AshexI keep getting this error whenever I install something with apt: http://pastebin.com/70898908:03
AshexSo far it hasn't caused any actual problems, but It's making me really curious08:03
Ashexandrew_: use apt08:03
=== mth`MAW_ ist wieder da!.
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AshexOn another note, I can't play matroska videos :/08:05
AshexI keep getting a codec error08:05
crimsun_Ashex: with which player?08:06
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Ashexall of the ones that come with kubuntu08:06
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Ashexvlc, mplayer, and kaffeine08:07
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crimsun_that's odd. What base type is the mkv?08:07
r0xzAshex: my experience with mkv under linux aren't good either, but mplayer seems to get the best results here (that is, it doesn't shock but it still has problems with audio sync)08:07
VoseAnyone know about the issues with KArm it is crasshing and not working properly? e.g. does not record time08:08
AshexHeh, I can't get the audio to sync with any videos I play in linux08:08
Vosecrash report siad signal 11 or something like that08:08
fatejudgerAshex: you're outputting to ALSA and using Xine, right?08:09
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r0xzcrimsun_: mkv is matroska, it can contain lots of codecs i believe08:09
AshexI believe I am08:09
fatejudgerAshex: because sometimes those OSS-ALSA compatibilty layers lag audio08:09
crimsun_r0xz: yes, that's why I asked for the base type.08:09
r0xzi see08:09
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AshexWhere would I double check these settings?08:10
r0xzcrimsun_: for what's worth, x264 never works here08:11
crimsun_r0xz: for any player?08:11
r0xzalways out of sync08:11
r0xzyes, any player08:11
LpadminWhat does this mean: "cupsd: Child exited with status 1!"?08:11
crimsun_r0xz: not much we can do about that until edgy opens.08:11
r0xzmplayer seems to get it resynced after some time, but fails again in a few08:12
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Nightwish1986Hello! Can somebody help me with my sound? It sounds scratchy with a high beep... I tried asound.conf and muting some channels in alsamixer, but no luck. Using AD1986A (alsa) on ubuntu dapper 6.0608:12
r0xznot that i use that codec much ;)08:12
larson9999ok, now to get cups www admin thingie working08:13
larson9999then i'll be just about reading to recommend this distro08:13
crimsun_Nightwish1986: pastebin ``lspci -{n,}v && cat /proc/asound/cards /etc/asound.conf ~/.asoundrc* && amixer''08:13
crimsun_way to stick around.08:13
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BlSabbatHi need help for eciadsl on kubuntu08:17
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obscuritehas anyone had to install their own madwifi with dapper?08:22
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fatejudgerobscurite: madwifi comes built into Dapper's kernel08:24
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BroxtorHi. Anybody here who can help me set up my joystick?08:26
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Official_CI just looked at my memory usage and it says I am using about 370MB out of my 505MB of physical RAM and i am not even doing anything08:27
BroxtorI've got two axes working, but the throttle doesn't. Instead the POV hat is changing the values of the throttle axes.08:27
BlankBWhich would be better for Kubuntu a nvidia fx-5200 or an ati-radeon 9550?08:27
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Official_Cand it is seriously slowing down my computer if i have a video running because it has to deallocate memory so that it doesnt have to use swap spave08:28
TomzeOfficial_C: *nix use ram different than windows... i there is free ram it will be used / allocated08:28
Official_Coh, so in Windows, it uses the page file even if its not neccessary?08:29
Tomzewell.. its always in use - but dont be scared if top display all your memmory as used08:30
Tomzeplug in 1 GB and 1 GB will be used08:31
fatejudgermy friend got this Superkaramba widget that showed how much RAM was in use08:31
fatejudgerand he got so freaked out about Linux memory allocation08:31
fatejudgerthat he had to turn it off08:31
Tomzeadn 99 was used by superkaramba... lol08:31
Tomze*99 %08:31
fatejudgerwell no, he had 2 gigs of RAM08:31
Tomzesuperkaramba is a hog08:31
fatejudgerbut Linux caches a shitload of stuff08:31
fatejudgerSuperkaramba is really that bad08:32
fatejudgerat least no in 0.3908:32
BlankBIt would be better to have a widget that showed mem in use by processes vs  buffers.08:32
Official_CTomze: i noticed that once my physical memory in linux gets down to around 6 or 7 MB, i can then open up as many apps as i want and linux will struggle to deallocate physical memory to be used for these apps, rather than just using the swap partition08:32
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Official_Cthis just seems unefficient...i dont really understand08:32
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fatejudgerOfficial_C: it's not "struggling" to do anything08:32
Official_Cends up taking me like 10 seconds to open up firefox08:32
fatejudgerOfficial_C: how much RAM do you have to begin with?08:32
Official_C512 MB08:33
fatejudgerOfficial_C: yes, well, Firefox sucks in Linux08:33
fatejudgerOfficial_C: which is why Konqueror is the default web browser for Kubuntu08:33
AshexI don't have any problems using firefox in linux08:33
fatejudgerOfficial_C: and Firefox is about to replaced in Gnome with the default Gnome browser08:33
TomzeOfficial_C: well play around with "lsof" and cat/proc/meminfo and so on... i bet there is a meaning to it08:33
fatejudgerOfficial_C: I can't remember the name off the top of my head08:33
Tomzeseamonkey is great !.. runs much faster on my laptop then firefox08:34
Official_Cok, thank you both08:34
fatejudgerwhat is the name of the default Gnome web browser anyway?08:34
Official_Cmaybe i will jsut go ahead and get rid of firefox then08:35
defryskfatejudger, clueless ?08:35
Official_CKonqueror does seem faster08:35
fatejudgerOfficial_C: just try out Konqueror for a little while08:35
fatejudgerOfficial_C: media plays embedded in there, and it also has adblock08:35
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fatejudgerdefrysk: heh08:35
fatejudgerdefrysk: it's based on Gecko08:35
DrBairfatejudger: epiphany08:36
fatejudgerDrBair: there you go08:36
DrBairnot a bad browser at all IMO08:36
fatejudgerDrBair: aside from the fact that it's GTK08:36
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fatejudgerDrBair: and based on Gecko08:36
fatejudgerDrBair: no, nothing at all :P08:36
DrBairfatejudger: but it works nice08:37
fatejudgerI suppose08:37
DrBairpretty quick, nice bookmarks and toolbars, crash recovery08:37
DrBairbut I still love Konq, its the reason I could never do Gnome08:37
DrBairI should start hacking konqueror...08:38
Tomzeseamonkey - swiftfox - flock... all gecko based but when it comes to speed very different from FF.... IMHO08:38
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Official_Cwhen you guys download a package from the internet (not using a package manager), how do you go about installing it?08:38
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larson9999ok, it looks like the cups admin thingie is working08:38
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TomzeOfficial_C: depends on what kind of package08:39
Official_Ci guess like a tar.gz08:39
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fatejudgerTomze: unless they use different version of Gecko, they all should render pages at relatively the same speed08:39
Tomzefatejudger: but they dont !08:39
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DrBairOfficial_C: ./configure, make, make install08:39
fatejudgerTomze: Swiftfox is of course built for certain processor architectures, so that might be a little different08:39
DrBairOfficial_C: of course you'll need a compiler and the necessary dev libraries08:40
Tomze<-- starts a seamonkey crusade08:40
Official_Creally? they dont just have packages containing executables?08:40
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jme__seamonkey ? is that a web browser ?08:40
fatejudgerOfficial_C: if it's a package (as in .deb) you can right click to install08:40
Official_Chmm, never seen a .deb08:41
DrBairseamonkey is the continuation of the mozilla suite08:41
Official_Calways see tar.gz or rpm08:41
Official_Cor others similar to that08:41
Tomzejme__: its the new name for mozilla... mozilla foundations community project... and it works with lots of FF plugins08:41
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Tomzebut it can be installed only as a browser if you like.... uhhhhm - seamonkey08:42
psykim having trouble configure wpa supplicant can anyone help08:42
jme__Tomze: ah ok so now 'mozilla' is only the organization. and 'seamonkey' = the previously named mozilla program08:43
jme__ok thanks08:43
Official_CTomze: where is ./configure located?08:43
Tomzejme__: yes... thats about it08:43
TomzeOfficial_C: extract it08:44
stehey guys, anyone know how to fiddle with X to make it *always* boot straight to kdm? upgraded from breezy to dapper, everytime i boot i go straight to a terminal and i have to hit ctrl+alt+f7 to get to the nice graphical kdm logon. Not a mjor issue but slightly irritating none the less! Any help would be much appreciated :)08:44
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Official_Coh ok08:45
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TomzeOfficial_C: if you meant seamonkey that is....08:46
Official_CTomze: huh?08:46
bettyI am making a konversation08:47
Tomzelol... way og here... sounds like your compileing something and not installing seamonkey Official_C08:47
Tomzehola betty08:47
Official_CTomze: actually, im not doing anything, i was just wondering for future reference08:47
defryskste, put kdm in /etc/X11/default-display-manager (use sudo your favourite txteditor)08:48
Official_CTomze: cause so far, i've only been using the package manager08:48
stesuperstar, thanks very much ;)08:48
defrysk /usr/bin/kdm even08:49
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psykhow do i creat a .config file in /etc/?08:49
stejust checked it out08:49
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steand its already there08:49
defryskste, then I do not know you could try sudo apt-get install kubuntu-deskop08:50
defryskand see if anything is missing08:50
stebasically i had to do that08:50
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stemy upgrade breezy-dapper08:51
stewent pear shaped, i ended up with just fluxbox and no kde08:51
psykhow do i del files in shell?08:51
stei figure thats what has screwed eveything up08:51
psyki need to create a .config file08:51
defryskpsyk, use the rm commmand08:51
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psykok well how do i creat .config file?08:52
KuLoverDoes anyone have problems playing music wile useing a micraphone.08:52
defryskpsyk, .config for what ?08:52
stewell, g2g and make some food, cheers for the advice defrysk :) laters.08:53
LpadminWhat does it mean when cups says "cupsd: Unable to read configuration file '/etc/cups/cupsd.conf' - exiting!"08:53
psykfor wpa supplicant08:53
defryskow , dunno08:53
psyki need help configuring wpa supplicant08:53
defryskpsyk, dont ask me then , sorry08:53
psykcan anyone help me with configuring wpa supplicant please08:54
bettyI have a question08:54
defryskpsyk sudo apt-get install wpagui08:55
defryskpsyk, gives you a gui to work with08:55
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obscuriteman this is killing me. iwconfig shows my ap, essid, key, channel are all set properly, and i can see my network with iwlist scan, but i can't seem to connect08:56
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ChefWillobscurite: is there an applet to control xxms thru a panel?08:56
obscuritei'm using an atheros on dapper08:56
ChefWiller, i didnt mean to ask you that obscurite ;P08:56
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obscuriteChefWill - xmms? it's all about amarok ;)08:57
ChefWillis there an applet to control xxms thru a panel?08:57
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obscuritei'm in linux wifi hell08:58
uniqchefwill: it's called "media control"08:58
defryskChefWill, xmms-kde08:58
psykme to obscurtie08:58
psykim just trying to get wpa to work08:58
obscuritepsyk - ahh, poor soul08:58
larson9999harkins back to the good ole days of winmodem hell08:58
psykcan you help me obscurite?08:58
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psyki need to creat a .config file08:59
obscuritepsyk - probably not, since i dont use wpa08:59
ChefWilluniq: is that a part of a package or does it come with kubuntu?08:59
fatejudgerhas anyone had some serious performance issues with Katapult at times?09:00
fatejudgerKatapult seems to often slow down to a near crawl09:00
defryskChefWill, xmms-kde09:00
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uniqchefwill: comes with kubuntu. right click on the panel -> add panel program to the panel  ->  find media control, add it. now right click on mediacontrol and configure it. Select xmms in the list of players.09:01
ChefWilli have xmms-kde defrysk09:01
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ChefWilluniq: i dont have an applet named that09:01
r0xzpfffff, what is wrong with freenode today?09:01
defryskChefWill, go to the prefs of kde and use the plugin09:01
obscuritefatejudger - my madwifi isn't cooperating. no matter what i do i can't get my ath0 on dapper connected. my intel running on breezy is fine.09:01
defryskprefs of xmms that is09:01
uniqchefwill: are you on breezy or dapper?09:02
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Official_Cthis might be a stupid question, but has anyone ever tried writing something to one of your devices since devices in linux are just seen as files?09:02
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Official_C"i mean manually writing"09:03
larson9999Official_C: that's done all the time09:03
psykok well can someone at least tell me how to edit files that are in my /etc/ folder09:03
uniqofficial_c: yes, it's generally a bad idea. it works as you would expect.09:03
jme__you can do 'cat /dev/null /dev/kmem' :)09:03
uniqofficial_c: bad idea to do manually,that is.09:03
jme__or cat /dev/kmem >/tmp/kernel_core :)09:04
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Official_Cuniq: i can imagine it is a bad idea, guess it wasnt such a stupid question afterall09:04
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jme__i dont even know if it still work tho :)09:04
larson9999psyk: sudo vi /etc/filename09:04
jme__Official_C: not that it is stupid, it is more 'require to know what you are doing' :)09:04
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Official_Ci mean, if you are the root user, you can set the permissions of ANY file you want, right?09:04
Official_Ceven the devices09:05
fatejudgeryou can09:05
larson9999linux rocks09:05
Official_Cor actually, the devices are probably already set as "can read and write"09:05
fatejudgeryes, it does09:05
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Official_Csince they have to be written to automatically09:05
uniqchefwill: it's in the 'kicker-applets' package.09:06
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Official_Ctheres no way you can manually write to a device in windows is there??09:06
larson9999Hawkwind_Ubuntu: did you install ubuntu on your main system, yet?09:06
Hawkwind_Ubuntularson9999: Not yet09:07
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uniqofficial_c: we wouldn't know, since this is #kubuntu ;)09:07
ChefWillah there it is uniq09:07
larson9999i think it costs $50 to do that in windows09:08
Official_Cuniq: well i assumed at LEAST one person here has used windows09:08
ChefWilluniq: does it support xmms? its not listed09:08
Official_Clol, i missed the wink09:08
uniqchefwill: it's listed here.09:08
Official_Cuniq: but seriously do you know the answer09:08
ChefWillhrm, not here09:08
ChefWilli just have noatun amarok, juk, mpd, kscd09:09
uniqchefwill: what's the version of your mediacontrol applet?09:09
ChefWilli just installed it09:09
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uniqmine too.09:10
Paul_Lagrangehi, I get some trouble from keyboard input... everything's ok while logging in, then no stroke is seen by KDE (dapper drake)09:10
remnonhow can i update kubuntu to dapper the easiest way ?09:10
Paul_Lagrangeany suggestion? thanks09:10
remnonas in Breezy Badger to Dapper09:10
uniqofficial_c: i have no idea. you can probably do it easily as administrator with the right programs.09:10
Official_Cremnon: from what i've heard, you shouldnt09:10
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Official_Cuniq: oh ok09:11
ubotuNot a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, uniq09:11
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development verison: (eft when its open)09:11
larson9999speaking of windows... i haven't logged in to my windows box in so long i forgot the password.  going to have to try one of those hacking programs09:11
Official_Cremnon: what version you got now? breezy?09:11
Official_Cremnon: stick with it09:11
remnonhow come ?09:12
Official_Cremnon: I've read reviews for dapper and it is bugy09:12
uniqofficial_c: dapper is better than breezy for most people.09:12
cox377which one is dapper and which one is breezy?09:13
DrBairdapper is the latest and greatest09:13
Official_Cuniq: really? who is it not better for?09:13
Official_Cuniq: commercial users?09:13
ChefWilluniq: The media control applet does not support XMMS, as this would force all kicker-applets users to install XMMS. If you want a kicker applet that controls XMMS, install the xmms-kde package.09:14
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uniqofficial_c: some production servers might hold the upgrade for a few months.09:14
uniqchefwill: hmm..09:15
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ChefWilluniq: i got xmms-kde it works09:15
ChefWillit kinda sucks though09:15
Official_Cuniq: well im far from an expert, i was just telling him what i read when i was trying to make my decision of which version to install09:16
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ChefWillthis thing is so ugly09:16
Official_Cpersonally, i never install anything thats only a few weeks old regardless09:16
konrad_How can I play MP3 on Kubuntu, using amaroK? The procedure on amaroK's wiki doesn't seem to work09:16
cox377i dont know if anyone can help me with this.. every time i hit any of the arrow keys of any of the keys around there such as Del kubuntu decides it wants to take a screen print09:16
cox377i've uninstalled the screen print.. but now it just open a folder09:16
cox377anyone got any ideas?09:17
uniqofficial_c: for home and desktop usage, dapper is good for most people.09:17
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ChefWillits like these people tried to make ugly skins for this09:19
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uniqchefwill: i will figure this out, just hang on.09:19
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KuLoverAnyone haveing problems with sound on flash in FireFox09:20
larson9999kulover i haven't installed it yet, i'll tell you in a few09:20
KuLoverThanks a bunch.. I really hate having to open Konquerer every time to listen to flash09:21
larson9999in installing jre now, i'll do flash next09:21
KuLoverTake your time.. just let me know when your done, thanks again.09:22
McScruffdoes xen run windows?09:22
KuLoverLarson9999 Are you using the official flash? or the "freeplugin" verison?09:22
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larson9999KuLover: i get the free one from their site.  i don't buy software for personal use anymore09:23
KuLoverSry.. the "nonfree"09:23
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KuLoverlol Arighty, thats the one I'm using.09:23
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PFAhow do i change themes on KDE?09:24
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cox377occasionally my desktop crashes under kubuntu.. is there anyway to end desktop and re-fire like u do with ending explorer and restarting within windowz?09:24
uniqpfa: k-menu -> system settings -> appearance09:24
PFAuniq: that is not there :/09:25
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uniqcox377: run the command "kdesktop &" from alt+f2 run menu (if kwin didn't die) or kmenu-> run command.09:25
uniqpfa: system settings isn't there?09:26
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PFAuniq: no, and neither is appearance, in either "system" or "settings"09:26
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uniqpfa: kmenu -> "system settings" - there is a program directly on the kmenu.09:29
Snakehow do I get ubuntus C complier?09:29
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SnakeDoes Build-Essential come with it?09:29
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cox377alt F2 crashed the whole system09:30
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r0xzcox377: then install a new hard driv09:31
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uniqsnake: install build-essential, then you'll get a working c compiler with it.09:32
Snakeuniq: thanks, I got it :)09:32
PFAuniq: ooh. thanks09:32
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LpadminThank God!!! :) Okay, it was an error in my cupsd.conf file.09:32
r0xzcox377: because what you tell is very VERY unlikely in a normal kubuntu system09:33
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cox377it may have been because the desktop had crashed already09:33
r0xzah i see09:33
KuLoverlarson9999, Hows it workin out?09:34
cox377i was reading something earlier about alt F2 and isnt there and either that or F3.. and F7 to end?09:34
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uniqchefwill: you're on KDE 3.5.2 right? the code for mediacontrol says it supports XMMS if xmms was available at compiletime. And it's weird that this works for me and not you.09:36
ChefWillxmms was installed before kicker applets09:36
ChefWillinstalled and running09:36
uniqdoesn't matter on installtime.09:37
uniqit's during production of packages.09:37
uniqthat matters.09:37
ChefWillmaybe uninstall kicker applet and reinstall?09:38
larson9999the chicken bucket rocks!09:38
uniqchefwill: don't think it matters. you can try though.09:39
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uniqchefwill: have to go. sorry, i'll investigate more later tonight. but mediacontrol SHOULD support xmms.09:40
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ChefWillhrm, still doesnt work *shrug*09:41
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larson9999KuLover: so far flash works but no sound.  but i'm just setting this system up and haven't heard sound from anything, yet09:43
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larson9999KuLover: when i get sound working i'll let you know if it works in flash09:44
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vandenoeverRiddell: _JP if you need help with kitten just ask09:46
DaSkreechThat was a bit random09:46
KuLoverLarson9999 on the wiki restricted page... theres someting about firefox and no flash sound.. Ill try that and see how it works09:46
bettyI have a question09:48
larson9999KuLover: apparently something is different between mandriva and ubuntu because on mandriva two of the ports on my sound card spit out sound. on kubuntu only one does.  i switched to in sound works fine in flash09:48
SeanTaterbetty: okay -- say it09:48
bettyHow do I get a application to start when I login09:48
SeanTaterbetty: when KDE starts or when your computer starts09:48
bettywhen I login09:48
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SeanTaterbetty: what program?09:49
bettyI want my email program to start09:49
SeanTaterbetty: okay -- open a konqueror window09:49
SeanTaterbetty: and go to ~/.kde/Autostart09:50
peratuHello. I need help. I have installed kvlc , and qvlc, but I can't find kvlc and qvlc executables...09:50
SayzHey, is there a way to install Ubuntu with all its software, but with KDE instead of GNOME?09:50
crimsun_Sayz: ...that's Kubuntu.09:50
DaSkreechHow do I get a program to run when I logoff?09:51
jme__peratu, go in a terminal and type 'which qvlc'09:51
SeanTaterbetty: go into the K menu and drag the kontact entry into the folder09:51
bettylink or copy?09:51
SeanTaterbetty: copy will do09:51
Sayzcrimsun_: I know, but to be honest, I would like to have OpenOffice and Gaim preinstalled instead of Kopete. Just a preference09:51
Sayzcrimsun_: I would use Ubuntu, but KDE is nice than GNOME09:52
SeanTaterbetty: that's it] 09:52
larson9999you can install both09:52
DaSkreechWell uninstall kopete and install gaim09:52
DaSkreechOO.o is installed by default09:52
peratujme__ , I have done this -> find /usr/bin -type f -name "*vlc*" , and only find vlc executable.09:52
larson9999or use gnome apps in kde and vice versa09:53
SeanTaterDaSkreech: odd, I just answered a question on starting a program for logon09:53
SeanTaterDaSkreech: what program?09:53
jme__peratu: so i dunno :)09:53
DaSkreechWhich triggerd my request for one on logoff09:53
DaSkreechOne I wrote09:53
KuLoverlarson9999? Youve got sound inflash to work?09:53
jme__peratu: i would say you dont look for the proper name :)09:53
larson9999kulover yep. used nickjr as my test site09:53
SeanTaterDaSkreech: -->  <DaSkreech> How do I get a program to run when I logoff?09:54
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KuLoverlarson9999 Did you have to do anything special?09:54
crimsun_Sayz: OO.o is installed.09:54
DaSkreechRIght it's a bash script I threw together09:54
DaSkreechWould nice to have it run on logoff09:54
crimsun_Sayz: and yes, just install Gaim afterward09:54
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larson9999KuLover: nope.09:54
SeanTaterDaSkreech: hum09:54
Sayzcrimsun_: Ok, thanks09:54
DaSkreechLittle clean up script for my messy habits :)09:54
KuLoverlarson9999 Did you install Firefox yourslef? or get it from the package manager?09:55
larson9999kopete is better anyway, isn't it?  well gaim doesn't have camera support.09:55
Sayzcrimsun_: Firefox works on KDE, right?09:55
SeanTaterDaSkreech: if you are good at BASH, you could get it to run at login, and have it execute <whatever> whenever kdeinit is not on..09:55
larson9999KuLover: package manager for firefox.  the bin for flash from their site09:55
DaSkreechSayz: Yup09:55
peratujme__ , which and locate kvlc, or qvlc , don't show results.09:55
jme__peratu: this confirm that you dont have any excecutable of those name09:56
bettyI have a question09:56
DaSkreechSeanTater: Whats kdeinit do?09:56
jme__peratu: so either you didnt install them or they dont have this name09:56
DaSkreechThough I can guess :-)09:56
peratujme__, yes :)09:56
bettyI have a lot of spam in my email. Is there any easy way to get rid of all of it or tell it to delete the spam automatically09:56
SeanTaterDaSkreech: It starts processes for KDE, if it's not there, there is a 99.999% chance kde is not on, meaning there is no one logged in.09:57
bettymy email address is betty@san.rr.com09:57
SeanTaterbetty: well, annoucing your e-mail addy on the IRC will quite likely get you /more/ spam,not less09:57
peratujme__ , I finish them installing right now09:58
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bettyis there any way to put up a filter to prevent more spam?09:58
jme__peratu: ok :)09:58
SeanTaterbetty: you use kmail, right09:58
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SeanTaterbetty: okay -- do you know how to use adept?09:58
bettyis that the update program?09:58
bettyI already updated09:58
SeanTaterbetty: not the update adept,09:59
jme__adept is a real good apps to handle your package09:59
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jme__i love it09:59
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SeanTaterbetty: there is another one, in "System"09:59
bettypackage manager09:59
jme__the first in more than 15 years of linux :)09:59
SeanTaterbetty: yes09:59
bettyMaybe I'll try making a filter09:59
SeanTaterbetty: now, install spamassassin09:59
SeanTaterbetty: the filter in adept has nothing to do with mail09:59
Nightwish1986Hi! anyone with some experience in Soundcards/Alsa in Kubuntu who can help me?10:00
SeanTaterbetty: it sorts out the available programs for your system10:00
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SeanTaterbetty: look for and install spamassassin10:00
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SeanTaterNightwish1986: that's general enough I think #ubuntu will be helpful10:01
SeanTaterNightwish1986: if not, try #ubuntu-offtopic10:01
Nightwish1986SeanTater: thanx10:01
SeanTaterbetty: you still there -- got spamassassin?10:01
SeanTaterNightwish1986: yw10:01
bettyhold on10:02
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SeanTaterit would seem she is /not/ still here10:03
Otisevening .... I just installed kview and kviewshell ... how do I check if Konqueror is sending jpegs to kviewshell or not ?10:03
SeanTaterOtis: what is kviewshell?10:03
OtisSeanTater: it's supposedly to let you embed kview into Konqueror10:03
Otisthe usual kind of viewer : fit to window, rotate etc10:04
SeanTaterOtis: there is better than kviewshell10:04
Otisideal for fitting camera pictures onto the screen10:04
Otisah ?10:04
OtisSeanTater: what is it ?10:04
SeanTaterOtis: how about installing gwenview -- it's a great image viewer and it comes with a peice that embeds into konq.10:04
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SeanTaterOtis: IMO, it rules all image viewers10:05
bettyok it's installed10:05
SeanTaterbetty: okay -- not go into kmail10:05
OtisSeanTater: hehe, how would you know that ? you had to ask me what kview was10:05
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SeanTaterOtis: I know what kview is, I did not know kview/shell/ is10:06
Shaezschewhat is difference between reiserfs and reiser4? whcih is better for kubuntu?10:06
OtisI'll give that gwenview thing a shot10:06
uniqshaezsche: i'd recommend ext3.10:06
SeanTaterbetty: now go into tools -> Anti-Spam Wizard10:06
bettythen what should I do?10:06
SeanTaterbetty:  from there most of it should make sense10:07
Shaezschei have heard that reiser is faster10:07
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bettyit's still there10:07
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SeanTaterShaezsche: what data are you working with10:07
KuLoverAnyone having problems playing music and such wile a micraphone is in use?10:07
Shaezschejust browsing, writing papers, listening to mp310:07
bettyI went through that step what do I do next?10:07
SeanTaterShaezsche: reiser is no faster or slower for those applications10:08
SeanTaterbetty: you finished the wizard?10:08
SeanTaterShaezsche: avoid reiser4 anyway -- it's still experimental10:08
DaSkreechSeanTater: Yeah Got that..10:09
SeanTaterShaezsche: I'd use ext3 because it;s more popular10:09
DaSkreech Right now I run a single user system but that may change10:09
SeanTaterbetty: you're done10:09
Shaezschepopularity doesnt mean its better10:09
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SeanTaterShaezsche: I've used both, and there is no difference10:10
ChefWillanyone know how to hide the "Description" area under messages in kmail?10:10
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SeanTaterChefWill: is that where it gives an outline of the parts of the message, at the bottom of the screen?10:11
ubotuvisik7: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:11
ChefWilloh i found it SeanTater10:12
ChefWill"Message Structure Viewer"10:12
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SeanTaterChefWill: that's it10:12
SeanTaterChefWill: I wish they would make it /not viewed/ as the default10:12
spireDoes anyone know a userfriendly editor (not emacs or vi) with syntax highlighting for LaTeX?10:13
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SeanTaterspire: have you tried kate?10:13
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OtisSeanTater: I installed gwenview, do I need to do anything specific in Konqueror to display images using gwenview ?10:14
spireSeanTater: Nope. It seems to be a good one. Thanks!10:14
SeanTaterOtis: nope, uses gwenview by default AFAIK10:14
OtisI saw mention of KPart etc ... but that doesn't exactly help me10:14
SeanTaterspire: yw10:14
Otis(I'll go check file types)10:14
OtisSeanTater: and maybe even uninstall kview in order to clean things up a bit10:14
spireToo bad kate is not a part of the K-menu (as far as I can see). It seems to be a great editor10:15
SeanTaterspire: it's under utilities10:15
Otisthanks !10:15
Otisbye !10:15
spireDoh! Eh, thanks again (embarassing)10:16
Otisspire: Kate used to be called Kant10:16
OtisI screamed when they decided to rename it Kate because Kant could be mis-pronounced to sound like a slang word10:16
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Otisthe Policital Correctness squad had won another war10:16
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equinoxeBIs there any way I can receive files from Yahoo Messenger. I'm using Kopete 0.1210:19
DaSkreechOtis: What?10:19
mneisenAre there packages for KDE 3.5.3?10:20
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Hawkwindmneisen: Yes10:21
Hawkwindmneisen: If you do a system update it will upgrade KDE for you10:21
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sdlnxgkneed some newbie help on root access!!!10:24
sdlnxgkanyone around to lend a hand??10:24
mneisenHawkwind: I did apt-get update and apt-get upgrade. But I still have the KDE 3.5.2 packages.10:24
Hawkwindsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:25
mneisenHawkwind: Thanks. I am new to Kubuntu as you might have noticed. Used to use Gentoo ...10:25
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Hawkwindmneisen: I am too. I'm not evening using it as my main OS yet :)10:26
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mneisenHawkwind: I just did as you said and it did not update KDE.10:26
DaSkreech!!tell sdlnxgk about root10:27
HawkwindHave you setup your sources.list like is mentioned on the wiki ?10:27
ubotuDo they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, DaSkreech10:27
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DaSkreech!!tell sdlnxgk about sudo10:27
ubotuBugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, DaSkreech10:27
DaSkreech!tell sdlnxgk about root10:27
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mneisenHawkwind: Do you have a URL for that?10:27
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Hawkwind!tell mneisen about sources.list10:28
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svivianAnyone here running dual monitors?10:32
KuLoverAnyone having problems playing music and such wile a micraphone is in use?10:32
cox377svivian: i have a second TFT.. just havent plugged it in yet10:32
cox377it didnt work the live CD10:33
McScruffsvivian: whats up?10:33
sdlnxgkanyone know why right click on desktop doesn't work???10:33
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sviviancox377: I have two monitors plugged into a FireGL V3100. I managed to get the system to spread the desktop over both monitors, but GL isn't working for some reason, and the desktop area for each screen is about 6" bigger in all directions than the monitor. I have to mouse around each monitor to see everything on each desktop10:37
TheHighChildhey guys, can I use Blackdown Java with Konqueror?10:37
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ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems10:38
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ubotuhmm... aiglx is http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14506810:40
sviviancox377: Did I lose you?10:40
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bettyI got my first email today10:46
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Tommy2k4how can i stop the kde wallet manager from opening on boot up10:49
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yannuxhey hey :)10:50
mneisenHawkwind: Hello again, I did as you told me and followed the advices and the pages you sent me. BTW, I already had most of it in my sources.list. Could you send me your sources.list in a query?10:51
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Hawkwindmneisen: http://LinuxForDummies.org/  and look in the Kubuntu section of my forum there10:51
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sviviancox377: hello?10:53
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sireliahwhere is khotkeys at? i cannot seem to find it in kubuntu10:54
bettyi mean first not spam email10:54
jpowerssireliah: try System Settings, Regional and Accessibility10:55
cox377hey sorry10:55
cox377switching between Counter strike10:55
SeanTaterhas anyone gotten smart package mager to work on dapper?10:55
cox377and watching the game10:55
sviviancox377: np.10:56
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cox377so u havent got it working dual view?10:56
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jpowersdoes anybody here know about dcop?10:57
sireliahalso what is the mp3/aac/wma codec package called?10:57
jpowersspecifically dcop working with kmail?10:57
jpowerssireliah: w32codecs?10:57
sviviancox377: I have both monitors working, and my desktop spans both screens. The problem is that the actual desktop real estate allocated to each monitor is larger than the physical display, if you follow. If I move my mouse to the top of the screen, the desktop "scrolls" up.10:57
cox377has anyone managed to get hotmail/yahoo working under thunderbird?10:58
DaSkreechbetty: Cool :)10:58
cox377Yeh i get yah.. is there the option for dual view?10:58
sviviancox377: When I first installed fglrx, I got a separate X instance on each monitor. The primary had Kubuntu, the secondary had regular KDE10:59
mneisenHawkwind:  Thanks, that did it! :-D10:59
sireliahsure w3211:00
sviviancox377: And at that point, GL worked, and the desktop fit on the monitor11:00
Hawkwindmneisen: No problem11:00
cox377i know under ubuntu when i loaded the live cd berfore i installed it just made the secondary a big ball of fuzz11:00
cox377maybe i need the driver11:00
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mneisenI feel like a total noob because i cannot even understand what I did do wrong.11:00
mneisenI will check tomorrow.11:00
mneisenGermany just won against Poland, we have to celebrate now :-D11:00
=== mneisen hopes no Poles are going to be offended by that.
sviviancox377: I am trying to get Dapper working. I found that using the text install from the live CD worked far better than booting to the live environment and running the install11:01
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sviviancox377: I repaved the machine 4 times before I got it close to where I want it11:01
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sireliahhow do i get mp3 and aac files to work?11:02
ubotuhmm... mp3 is a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats11:02
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mneisen!help tell11:04
mneiseno my11:04
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ubotufrom memory, fishing is randomly throwing !commands in the channel instead of using /msg ubotu command. Please dont fish for help. either !ask in the channel or msg ubotu < Knows Everything!> :)11:05
mneisen!tell me about sources.list11:06
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.11:07
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sireliahi cannot find teh libxine-extracodecs package11:10
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DaSkreech!tell sireliah about multiverse11:12
sireliahi did add repositories11:13
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cox377i enjoying reading though this11:13
sireliahi enabled all the ones that were there11:13
cox377i see things all the time.. and think.,.. ooo i like the sound of that11:13
sdlnxgkanyone have problems with sound?? and video codecs ??11:14
tsdgeossireliah: sudo apt-get update11:14
tsdgeosafter adding the repositories11:14
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sireliahtsdegeo it tells me libxine-extracodecs is missing11:14
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sireliahsays libxine-extracodecs is not available but is refered by another package11:15
sireliahit however does NOT tell me what other package11:15
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tsdgeossireliah: which kubuntu version are you usiong?11:16
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tsdgeosit's on multiverse11:18
tsdgeosare you sure you have multiverse enabled?11:18
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sireliahi have them ALL enabled11:19
sdlnxgkis it safe to use mulitverse??11:19
sireliahcan you check your package manager ?11:19
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bettyI have a question11:19
tsdgeosbetty: then ask it :D11:20
bettyI'm playing a game called Fuel Critical which is a java game and I have to use the arrow keys to move the ship but the arrow keys don't work11:20
cox377whats the best way to pick up window share folders from kubuntu?? i dont wanna have to add each and every share on the network manually11:20
sireliaham i supposed to manuall add the url to my package manager? i just enabled all the nonhighlighted ones11:20
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DaSkreechsireliah: Do you have libxine1c2?11:21
tsdgeossireliah: please paste your /etc/apt/sources.list in http://rafb.net/paste/11:21
tsdgeosand tell us the url you get11:22
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sireliahtsdgeos there isnt a list in that directory11:22
sireliahhow can i paste it11:22
tsdgeossireliah: hmmm11:23
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tsdgeos /etc/apt/sources.list is a FILE11:23
tsdgeosnot a dir11:23
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tsdgeosjust open it with your favorite text editor11:23
tsdgeosand do copy and paste11:23
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sireliahok its pasted11:24
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tsdgeossireliah: url?11:24
cox377whats the best way to share folders from a kubuntu machine to a windows machine.. basically i want to have share drives11:25
tsdgeossireliah: on lines 16 and 17 you need to add multiverse after universe11:25
tsdgeosyou can do that from adept itself if you want11:26
sireliahwhy wasnt it like that to begin with?11:26
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tsdgeossireliah: don't know, i don't create the default file11:26
tsdgeosblame Riddell for that :D11:26
svivianI can't add a printer driver. I get an error that the driver doesn't exist, or I don't have permission. I am running the printer utility in Admin mode. Any ideas?11:26
cox377which printer is it?11:26
svivianA Samsung. I was able to add it no problem in Breezy.11:27
tsdgeossvivian: you sure you have foomatic installed?11:27
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Riddellsireliah: hey are unsupported11:27
sviviantsdgeos: Yes, foomatic is installed. I checked. Would you recommend uninstall/reinstall?11:27
Riddellthey are11:27
tsdgeosnah, dont' think it's worth trying that11:27
ubotuskype is, like, totally, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeHowto/ Breezy deb: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages/11:28
tsdgeosRiddell: well, then someone removed them for him ;-)11:28
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cox377anyone know about drive/folder sharing?11:29
sireliahriddell doesnt everyone use them though?11:29
chavocox377, samba11:29
sireliahhow else are you supposed to play mp3 and aac11:30
tsdgeoscox377: you want to share win -> linux or linux -> win ?11:30
tsdgeossireliah: you are not supposed to play them ;-) as they are non free11:30
tsdgeoscox377: but which is going to act as server?11:30
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cox377basicallyt.. i'm currently sharing from win 2 linux.. but adding each address which is alright but not idea11:30
Riddellsireliah: only people who don't care about security11:31
cox377i was hoping the SMB would search for share drives11:31
Riddelland who don't have a support contract11:31
cox377anyway.. i'm trying to share linux 2 win11:31
MrObviousYou need samba.11:31
ubotuhmm... samba is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SettingUpSamba or http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/samba2/book/toc.html11:31
chavocox377, like I said samba11:31
cox377i know samba.. but when i go to share the share options are all greys out11:32
sireliahim not talking about the multiverse, i am talking about the extracodecs to play mp311:32
sireliahhow else are you supposd to do it?11:32
sviviansireliah: xmms has native mp3 support11:32
visik7xmms sucks11:33
sireliahwhat is xmms?11:33
sireliahwell how come suse automatically plays them?11:33
chavocox377, hit the adminisatr11:33
=== boolka [n=asda@HSE-Sudbury-ppp197256.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu
chavowoops, administrator mode button11:33
sviviansireliah: xmms is a somewhat minimalist media player that has no problem playing the 8GB of mp3s I have11:33
visik7xmms is gtk111:34
cox377i have done and it still doesnt allow me to enter/configure anything11:34
sireliahyea but many distros, like Suse seem to play mp3's automatically fine11:34
Hawkwindsireliah: Most distros are changing that too11:34
visik7opensuse doesn't11:34
svivianvisik7: so what would you recommend? I had nothing but problems with Amarok, Kaffeine, Noatun etc11:34
visik7svivian: which problems with amarok ?11:35
visik7!tell svivian about restricted11:35
Hawkwindsvivian: Audacious is a decent fork of bmp which was a fork of xmms11:35
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cox377amarok just played everything mp3/wma11:35
svivianI had a bunch of problems with most of the media players on breezy talking with ALSA and my soundcard11:36
visik7I've no problem at all with amarok->xine->alsa11:37
sdlnxgkI can use xmms but amarok doesn't play audio just skips on through play list11:37
=== Kadran [n=mohammed@] has joined #kubuntu
svivianxmms seemed to work with the least effort for what I wanted. The only thing it wouldn't do is play the collection of .au files of chinese folk music I have11:37
visik7restricted formats!!!!11:37
=== Chris_Tucker [n=chris@stjhnf01-23-142163031206.nf.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu
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cox377no one got any idea why my 'File Shareing' config under ssystem settings is blank under adinistrator11:39
Chris_Tuckerwhere is the wizard for defining kde's behaviour? (single click to focus, etc....))11:39
HawkwindChris_Tucker: kcontrol ?11:39
uniqchris_tucker: alt+f2 'kpersonalizer'11:40
chavoChris_Tucker, the wizard is kpersonalizer11:40
uniqgreat minds think alike :)11:40
=== Hawkwind Admits he's not a KDE user at all
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Chris_Tuckernot installed... yay.. more to download on dialup11:41
larson9999mplayer is supposed to be in multiverse but apt-get tells me it isn't.  what am i not doing right?11:41
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Chris_Tuckerim liking dapper's improvements though11:42
Chris_Tuckerespecially kde 4 :D11:42
CaBlGuYim havin trouble installin Skype..  someone got a sec?11:42
Chris_Tuckeroh its 3.5.211:42
Chris_Tuckerstill better than the one in breezy.11:42
Chris_Tuckerlarson9999: check your results of apt-get update11:42
Chris_Tuckerlarson9999: the repo might not be configed on your system11:43
amarokkerCan someone please help me to get vsftpd working- I can log into my server - but no one else is able to do it- could it have something to do with using my ISP's proxy?11:43
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CaBlGuYlinuxmonkey:  u around?11:44
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winbondhow reliable is the konqueror downloads of large files , like 3+ gigs?11:46
chavowinbond, no idea I just use kget for something like that11:47
uniqwinbond: depends on your connection, resume isn't supported out of the box. you can install kget to get that functionality11:47
winbondkget is a download manager?11:47
uniqor you can always wget -c on the eventually failed .part file.11:47
winbondok , cool , didnt know about it , ty11:48
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shocktrooper1I did a grub-update and checked my /boot/grub/menu.lst and the second hd still reads ubuntu where I have winxp installed.11:54
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=== svivian [n=svivian@smtp.creditsolutions.com] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuto automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions there is no write support for ntfs that is safe. <!winfstab>11:58
visik7even with fuse ?11:58
visik7ntfs with fuse11:59
winbondim not sure what you are talking about , im just trying to mount my ntfs harddrive11:59
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visik7btw there is a proretary driver by paragon12:00
visik7that works12:00
winbondwhat is paragon?12:00
visik7and libfuse works  afaik12:00
=== bulltitan [n=victor@host123.201-253-57.telecom.net.ar] has joined #kubuntu
bulltitanis there a way to disable encription in firefox?12:01
svivianI'm having problems with printing: I have run kcontrol as root to see what's behind the curtain, and when I try to add the Foomatic driver, I see some perl errors:12:01
visik7encription of what ?12:02
visik7foomatic ?12:02
visik7use cups12:02
svivianwarning: setting locale failed12:02
Hawkwindsvivian: Did you type sudo kcontrol ?12:02
bulltitana security setting i guess i can't see the page i'm looking for because it doesn't support encription12:02
Hawkwindsvivian: If so, you need to type kdesu kcontrol instead IIRC12:02
svivianI'm using CUPS as the print system, but use Foomatic to loafd the driver for the Samsung printer I have. RAW doesn't print nicely12:02
svivianHawkwind: yes, I did sudo kcontrol12:03

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