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troy_sbersace you still here brother?07:10
bersacetroy_s: yep !07:10
troy_show you doing ?07:11
bersacefine and you ? how are you ?07:11
bersacestill nothing in the wiki front ?07:11
troy_ssorry bersace, reading mail log07:27
troy_segads really busy07:27
troy_sfrank is such a great fellow to have on the team07:27
troy_sum yeah... i would issue a "FINAL CALL" tonite from you to the list, then attack it tomorrow07:27
troy_sLet everyone know that they need to proof it.07:28
troy_sthat is an amazing bit of work done by neil!07:28
bersacetroy_s: sent07:29
troy_sso we will need probably some sort of update on what you have arrived at as well...07:30
troy_smy only thought is to go with the simple tree structure off root, and head downwards into complexity IF we need to.07:31
bersacewouldn't it be nice the wallpaper UI shows only the wallpaper in the screen resolution07:32
troy_salso, i would say that our documents section is going to need to be helpful to our new artists... the Tools section is sort of a starting point, but links for wacom graphics tablets, irc howto, etc would all be extremely useful.07:32
troy_ssorry, not following you?  instead of a thumbnail?07:33
bersaceI mean building a .desktop containing links to 4:3, 5:4 and 16:10 version of the wallpaper, but the UI show only the right ratio available07:33
bersaceor the ratio that fit mostly with the screen07:34
bersacethat was just off topic07:34
bersace(though of the night)07:34
bersaceabout the wiki07:35
bersaceI think that tool should be mostly about software : The Gimp, Inkscape, ImageMagick, etc.07:35
bersacebut we can also provide tool for thumbnailing like the one i used to make DapperHuman review07:36
troy_si am no bdfl!!!!07:36
troy_soh well.07:36
bersacea page Tools/Review would gather all you need to build a complete review of a theme07:36
=== adamant1988 [n=adam@h-141-153-101-62.ckb.meer.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
bersaceincluding Qemu, ago-preview, etc.07:37
bersaceadamant1988: hello07:37
troy_si think we also need to at least make sure that our 'getting involved' has many more helpful tools and is explicity07:37
troy_ssome people who can contribute pencil scans might have NO idea how to irc, wiki/ etc.07:37
troy_swith me?07:37
troy_sgreetings adamant, welcome.07:37
bersaceyou're right07:37
troy_sok must shower.07:37
troy_sback in a few.07:37
adamant1988Can anyone take a look at this wallpaper I did?07:38
adamant1988I was trying to do something a bit softer and using the human theme compatible colors...07:38
troy_snice work adamant.07:40
troy_si think you need to get a SVG or something for the logo though07:40
troy_sit is rasterized all to hell.07:40
troy_swhich isn't your fault, just the res of the original logo that you tapped from.07:40
bersacetroy_s: waterproof laptop ?07:40
troy_slaf no...07:41
adamant1988=\ yeah I tried to blur the logo to cover that up07:41
troy_sprinting some itinerary stuffs.07:41
adamant1988Ok, so fix the logo, anything else that it needs?07:41
troy_sadamant:  svg or res it up before you try the wallpaper... i don't know if there are any svg thigns?07:41
bersacei think that i lake overall finition, especially top left and bottom right corner07:41
bersacethe logo is not well blend with the rest of the picture07:42
troy_si got access to art.ubuntu.com07:42
bersacebut i like the background of this background :)07:42
troy_si am hoping you can help out with it.07:42
adamant1988I can blend it bettter, but I don't want to alter it from it's original state...07:42
troy_shaven't had a chance to look into it too far, just ssh access etc.07:42
troy_si will further chat with henrik regarding other potential cms.07:42
bersacetroy_s: nice !07:42
adamant1988so really the biggest problem with the wallpaper is the logo?07:43
bersaceadamant1988: yes07:43
bersacetoo visible07:43
bersaceremember the discretion of hoary wallpaper logo07:43
adamant1988so make it more subtle as well... that'll be easy enough to do. I just didn't want to alter the logo too much.07:43
bersaceadamant1988: you should investigate to get more contrast between logo and background07:44
bersaceadamant1988: the deep yellow/orange "flame" hurt my eyse07:44
bersacebut really, that's a nice work.07:44
troy_sbersace:  believe it or not, its a HECK of a lot of work trying to get all the damn info out of the community.07:44
troy_sberasce:  there REALLY isn't much overarching info structure :)07:45
adamant1988I've been out of the digital art circles for a while, that's the first thing I've made in months =\07:45
troy_sadamant:  hopefully after paris, and some documenting, there will be a clear list07:45
troy_sof todo's07:45
troy_sand just about anyone should be able to pick up a bit07:45
troy_s(think of it as a wedding registry :)  -- you can spend a little bit on the little requests, or larger on the large bits... )07:45
bersacetroy_s: should we rename Tasks as ToDo ?07:45
bersaceor Todo ?07:46
troy_sbersace:  i kind of like tasks or assignments or such07:46
adamant1988ok, so I think what I'm going to do is make the logo the 'light source'.07:46
adamant1988and therefor the focal point.07:46
bersacetroy_s: Todo is more comprehensive07:46
adamant1988oh could you guys look at something else I'm thinking about turning into a WP?07:47
troy_sgo to town admant.07:47
troy_sbersace:  i hope to use the specification listing of launchpad07:47
troy_sbersace:  to track the bits.07:47
bersacetroy_s: good idea07:47
troy_sbersace:  but i have NO clue how that works just yet.07:47
troy_sbersace:  if you could spend a few seconds if you get some looking into it, it would be greatly appreciated.07:48
adamant1988I'm not sure what to do with it to make it an ubuntu wp...07:48
bersacetroy_s: i will investigate launchpad as i can07:48
bersacei'm not admin07:48
troy_sbersace:  you can create your own team07:53
troy_sbersace: and test... it is mainly the specification thing that is tricky07:53
troy_sbersace:  i registered a spec, but it won't notify our members etc...07:53
troy_slike i said, it was even tricky setting up a poll :)07:55
troy_sspecs would be a valuable item thoughn.07:56
troy_sSome good stuff there bersace...08:10
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bersaceabout specification09:39
bersaceit seems that we should write specification for package ubuntu-artwork, assigned to ubuntu-art09:39
bersacei don't think that specification can replace a Todo wiki page09:44
=== Madpilot [n=brian@ubuntu/member/madpilot] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
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troy_sjust got mailed that link from one of the art team  members... very helpful.03:07
klepasi shall be using that list to create an agenda of sorts03:08
klepastroy_s: are there any other items you would like to the list?03:09
klepasthe list being the agenda03:09
troy_si don't know klepas... very tough.03:14
troy_si suppose you could braindump a bit there... depending on who shows up.03:14
troy_sthe problem with our release cycle is that it is VERY short.03:14
troy_swhich means that we need a good set of targets that users can look forwards to regarding new art... simple things03:15
troy_sas well as subtle more complex issues, such as some of the things that Frank and I have been discussing as per his document.03:15
troy_sthat list that Niel compiled is basically one of the tasks we had on the wiki to do a little legwork, which was very very impressive of him.03:16
troy_sI think what COULD be accomplished at a meeting might be to organize those ideas into distinct areas for further filtering.03:16
troy_sanyways... i am going to be late for work if my Ubuntu art habit continues here :)  take care ladies and gentlement.03:17
klepaswould you like to write the agenda?03:18
klepasit would lift some work off my back... (i've got critical response works due for English in a few days =S)03:18
troy_si WISH03:27
klepasi guess not then03:28
troy_si have a few critical responses involving a wife, a five and a half year old, paris, and a career that takes up a bunch of silly time03:28
troy_si just don't think i can make it in time klepas.03:28
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klepasfair enough03:28
troy_si'll see what happens in the few days ahead.03:28
klepasbut you can make it to the meeting?03:28
troy_si will try03:28
troy_sthis week is pretty chaotic03:28
klepasSaturday June 17, 16:00 UTC, in #ubuntu-meeting03:29
troy_swell... if you can hold it here i can at least get a log... not that it is all that important.03:29
troy_sgot to fly03:29
troy_si don't know if you know yet03:30
troy_sbut i recently obtained access to art.ubuntu.com03:30
klepasare you a channel operator03:30
troy_si'll spill you the details as they get to be more useful.03:30
klepasneed to change this topic03:30
troy_schan ops sit with whoever gets there first03:30
klepasto mention the meeting03:30
troy_syou can change the topic03:30
troy_sjust change it... no permissions on it.03:30
klepasi just tried... no luck03:31
klepasi just tried03:31
troy_show very strange.03:31
troy_si altered it the other day03:31
troy_swithout op status.03:31
klepasyou try. :)03:31
klepasmention the meeting03:31
klepasSaturday June 17, 16:00 UTC, in #ubuntu-meeting03:32
troy_stried it.03:32
troy_sthe other day it worked fine though...03:32
klepasah well03:32
klepasso... AUC03:32
klepaswhat do you behold of it's content management technologies?03:32
jsgotangcohmm are you going to paris troy_s?03:33
=== SS2 [n=SS2@dslb-084-057-039-012.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
adamant1988http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/4549/ubuntuwallpapertest5dn.jpg << what do you guys think?03:49
adamant1988http://img54.imageshack.us/img54/8247/kubuntuwp6qk.jpg <<< this one sorry.03:50
klepasjsgotangco: troy_s will be attending the paris summit, yet :)04:03
klepasadamant1988: it's lovely04:03
klepasi would recommend avoiding any bluring of te logos though04:04
klepasmake them crisp and sharp04:04
adamant1988I didn't blur them =\04:04
adamant1988I resized them and that was about it04:04
klepasit can happen through scalling04:04
klepasscalling :)04:04
klepasor importing SVGs into The GIMP04:04
msikmaThat looks really nice, adamant1988. I don't think that the "double" logo looks nice, though, and the colors of the logo seem to be strange. I also think that the colors are too deep.04:05
klepasbut otherwise, they are great04:05
msikmaA little too saturated, maybe. Especially with cyan, that's an easily encountered problem.04:05
klepasconsider making huge versions... us folks on laptops with widescreens like to have a filled, unstretched desktop wallpaper... and good ones are hard to come across :)04:06
msikmaI suggest making the image a little more neutral by finding a way to decrease saturation. Maybe overlaying it with a translucent color or gradient that evens the colors out a little.04:06
klepasas for the double logo effect... it could be good if you use it as a sort of... perhaps ripply-effect04:07
msikmaYeah, I always make my wallpapers in widescreen at a huge size (2x 1920x1200) so that I'm certain all resolutions will be provided for.04:07
klepaswould entail adding a few more of those (subdued) logo copies :)04:07
msikmaAnd at the same time that provides support for multiple monitors, now that I think about it... I wonder how that would look.04:07
klepasmsikma: what is your reso :)04:08
msikma1920x1200 at home, but I'm going to sell that laptop and get a new one sometime soon.04:08
msikmaI'm at work right now... let's see what my resolution is here04:08
klepasi only have one machine. my third arm; the laptop :)04:08
adamant1988I could do a ripple effect04:08
klepasgoes everwhere i go04:08
klepasmsikma: ditto on that last reso04:09
klepasadamant1988: doesn't hurt to try :)04:09
msikmaCool, klepas. I also have a laptop at home. I'm thinking on getting an iMac. I use one at work, and that monitor is just unequalled.04:09
msikmaI haven't checked, but does Dapper run on Intel iMacs?04:09
klepasi love my inspiron machine04:09
msikmaHehe, I have an inspiron too :P04:09
klepasthe screen beats that of a mac even ;)04:09
klepasmsikma: not sure...04:09
klepaswhat model Inspiron, btw?04:10
klepasthe 9000-series?04:10
msikmaYeah, the 1920x1200 WUXGA screen I have in my laptop is really nice. Very bright and with very small pixel distance. I like this iMac monitor a lot, too. Mainly, just like that WUXGA screen, because it's so bright.04:10
klepasi just got mine a month or two back04:10
klepasInspiron 6400, duo-core. :)04:11
msikmaOh no\04:11
=== msikma checked the ubuntu main page
msikmaWho the hell made that "Ubuntu 6.06 LTS with long term support" image??????04:11
klepas1680x1050 WSXGA truebright screen made me buy it04:11
msikmaStretched type... that is the ULTIMATE form of amateurism.04:11
msikmaOkay, tonight I'm proposing a redesign of the site's main page.04:12
klepasthe text image is quite horrendous04:13
msikmaBah, they even made images (top of the page) composed of... upscaled rasterized versions of images.04:13
msikmaUpscaled images are also awfully amateuristic.04:13
klepasthe icons namely04:13
msikmaI wonder who made/okayed this design. :(04:13
klepasheinrik said he was working on it04:14
klepasbut i doubt he would have let this pass...04:14
klepasmsikma: you contribute to the wikimedia projects too? :)04:15
msikmaCan't see any Intel Mac versions of Dapper yet04:15
msikmaYep :)04:15
msikmaI see you found my userpage04:15
klepaspretty rad04:15
msikmaYeah, what's yours?04:15
klepasand your picture04:16
klepasthat's rad04:16
msikmathanks :))04:16
klepasbut it's fairly empty04:16
klepasi've only really been fixing spelling mistakes and grammatical errors on wikipedia04:16
klepasi wrote an article for wikinews04:16
msikmaThat's nice. I started out with minor edits too, but then after a while I started liking editing too much. I think I wrote an article for wikinews too, a long time ago, but I can't seem to remember what it was about.04:17
klepasi just have not had the time04:17
klepasvery frustrating04:17
klepascollege is annoying me and i'm not doing too well in one of my classes04:17
msikmaWikinews is a nice news resource, but it's too bad that it uses a largely unmodified version of mediawiki. It would "work" much better, as a site, if it had the layout of a news site while retaining the wiki features.04:17
msikmaSorry, gotta do some stuff at work, but I'll come by to chat in a while. And don't let college get to you! Or just do like I did and stop. :P I intend to go back to college someday, but just not right now.04:19
msikmaAnd if you have a portfolio site, I'd love to see it04:20
klepasunder some revamp04:22
klepasi'm intending to split my articles and more publishable content onto a subdomain and keep klepas.org separate for only personal things and artwork04:23
klepasas for college... college here in down under is the step before university... so it's important and not something i can really screw up...04:23
klepasgot mathematics first line tomorrow...04:24
klepasand it's past 00:2004:24
=== klepas is now known as klepas_Zzz
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cyanescenthi I am hoping one of you can help me with the Launchpad Blueprint thing ?06:00
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msikma Time to go home...06:20
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