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apokryphosso, any objections to me changing FrequentlyAskedQuestions to point to CommonQuestions?12:23
apokryphoswell, I'm changing it now.. if anyone has any problems feel free to contact me12:26
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LaserJockBurgwork: ping?02:42
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nixternali think Burgwork is off on a business trip...something about librarians under a table, and a bar crawl is all i really remember from the conversation ;)03:13
LaserJockof course it wold be today :(03:16
LaserJockI'm doing a little work for his company and I needed to ask him something03:18
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Madpilotmdke, ping09:49
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MadpilotWTF? I get "page doesn't exist yet" from both wiki.u.c/CategoryCleanup & /CategoryDocumentation...10:04
dsasand me10:13
dsaslast time they're mentioned in RecentChanges is 2006-06-1 - and there's no deletion record10:14
Madpilotas I said before: WTF?10:14
Madpilotmdke was chasing some wiki vandal/idiot (Ruwan5) earlier10:15
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Madpilothe'd deleted CatNeedsExpansion & CatNetworking - but there's nowt in RecentChanges about CatCleanup or CatDoc...10:16
mdkedsas: are you recreating Cat doc?10:19
mdkeMadpilot: pong10:19
Madpilothi mdke 10:19
Madpilotjust wondering what's up on the wiki...10:19
=== mdke shrugs
mdkeno idea who deleted that one10:19
Madpilotnot showing up in RecentChanges either...10:20
dsasmdke: I was just about to, just using the default category template. I can't remember what was there before and if it was different.10:20
mdkedsas: as long as you get the right search, no prob10:21
mdkei'm on cleanup10:21
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dsasThe right search was just FullSearch() right?10:23
Madpilotcheck the surviving categories for the exact syntax10:24
dsasI thought FullSearch defaulted to the page name, I've used your suggestion anyway10:27
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dbernar1Hi. It appears, through reading online reviews, that there are two things that may require some more documentation. One is the partitioning process, and the other is exact instructions for an upgrade between two releases of Ubuntu. It seems that the manual partitioning process is still a bit harder to explain and document, but of course, not impossible.10:54
dbernar1As for the upgrade, it should suffice to better emphasize (perhaps using bolder letters:-) on the upgrade Wiki page to, for example, have the corresponding -desktop package installed. Perhaps you could add that one should make sure there are no broken packages, with something like "aptitude -f install". You could even add what one should clean up, such as gstreamer 0.8, between breezy and dapper...Thanks.10:54
Madpilot...well, thanks for the driveby, dbernar1... :|10:55
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LaserJockmdke: no move yet?02:40
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mdkeLaserJock: no, not yet02:55
LaserJockI assumed that was the Znarl ping :-)02:55
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jjessegrumble grumble who thought writing a chapter in a book would be hard and frustrating :(03:09
LaserJockgoing that well?03:09
jjessethey need to use some form of versionin system03:10
LaserJockthey don't use anything?03:10
jjessenot with the authors03:10
jjessemdke: who is in charge of the example-content?03:12
jsgotangcojjesse: uggghhh honestly on our side, we use svn03:13
jjesseright now it seems like it is basically word with tracking changes and comments turned on03:14
jjessebut then when you send them a document with images and they get it confused with the images and document from another email03:14
jsgotangcoand you're only talking of a chapter...03:14
jjesse1 chpt 52 screenshots03:15
jjessethey have gotten all misnumberd03:15
jsgotangco52 screenshots????03:15
ExdaixI hope thats a large chapter03:16
jjesseyup 52 screenshots03:16
LaserJockjsgotangco: yeah, you know, they're making a picture book ;-)03:16
jjesseremember that this is the only chpt on kubuntu so its covering everything03:16
jsgotangcoExdaix: hopefully not 52 pages03:17
jjessegrin thanksfor the show of support03:17
jjesseyou can see some of the chapter (as the screenshots are all messed ) in the Example-Content/book folder03:17
jjessejsgotangco: without the screenshots its 49 pages long03:20
Exdaixjjesse: where is it again?  I dont have an Example-Content folder03:23
jjessesorry /home/username/Example03:23
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jsgotangcoi thought you guys are done writing already?03:23
jjesseif you install off the live cd03:23
jjessei was but things got messed up03:24
jjessehence my frustration03:24
Exdaixohh that folder...  I deleted that already - oops03:24
jjessebummer dude :)03:25
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mdkejjesse: henrik for the content, dholbach for the packaging04:15
jjessemdke: thanks, there are some bugs i'm filling against it04:23
jjessewhich is kinda unfortnate because they are included on the cds and everything, like the kubuntu  presentation has "TBD" on one of its sldes04:24
jsgotangcolesson #1: do not collaborate online without revision control04:25
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jsgotangcogood night04:31
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mdkejjesse, ouch04:59
jjessemdke: agreed i didn't realize no one was taking a look at the example-content 05:00
jjesseto make sure things were finished etc05:00
mdkejjesse: yeah, oh well.05:04
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LaserJockBurgwork: still away?07:38
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