
ogramdz, btw if you see any need to revisit unionfs for ltsp, feel free to drop me a spec :)12:06
mdzKeybuk: it still randomly oopses sometimes12:08
mdzeven with our very basic configuration12:09
mdzand unionfs for ltsp was a DISASTER12:09
mdzit and NFS hate each other12:09
ograbut that might have improved, i havent looked at unionfs' changelog since quite some time12:09
Keybukmdz: so that explains that then ... anyone in ubuntu-core-dev who proposed a spec automatically had it accepted12:12
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mdzKeybuk: that's odd, there were things on +settopics which were proposed by -core-dev12:13
mdzKeybuk: but anyway that was OK in almost every case since most of -core-dev will be there12:14
Keybukwe can't tell who proposed it though, no?12:14
Keybukwe can only tell who registered it12:14
mjg59Argh my inbox12:14
=== ajmitch knows of core-dev proposed specs that weren't auto-accepted
=== mjg59 goes back to bed
Keybukmdz: so, what do do with these undefined ones?12:32
=== Fracture [n=Fracture@dsl-202-173-191-84.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
mdzKeybuk: I think maybe they should be left alone for now12:37
mdzKeybuk: or set them all to low12:38
Keybukundefined is better than low, it shows we haven't thought about it yet12:38
=== zul [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
mdzI don't want to futz around with the browser to set them all when it's not clear what we'll want in the end12:38
mdzthere could be things buried in the swamp that are on there for a reason, like someone coming in just to discuss one thing12:39
mdzand those should be prioritized 12:39
mdzthe sab says we have too many already12:39
mdzKeybuk: it also depends on how many specs each person has so far12:40
Keybuk4 Essential, 33 High, 23 Medium12:40
Keybukyeah, it's annoying we don't have a sprint workload feature12:41
Riddelldoes assigned mean I'm expected to implement it or just to lead the BoF?12:41
mdzleaving what...65?12:41
Keybukyup, 65 undefined12:41
mdzRiddell: it means I wanted to see your name next to it on https://launchpad.net/sprints/uds-paris/+specs12:41
Keybukunsurprisingly the most assigned are Riddell and ogra12:41
Keybukbeing derivative maintainers12:42
Keybukafter that, it's tollef and mvo12:42
RiddellKeybuk: I have a bunch of KDE people coming who can share the load12:42
KeybukNMSP is a sabdfl-desired discussion12:44
Keybukso bumped that to Essential -- should only be 1 session12:44
sivangKeybuk: NMSP ?12:45
Keybuksivang: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/NoMoreSourcePackages12:45
sivangKeybuk: ah, right.12:46
=== sivang wonders what fun are we in to with the rpath guys :-)
KeybukWHAT IS RPATH?12:51
Keybukerr, tr [A-Z]  [a-z] 12:51
sivangKeybuk: seriously asking? :)12:52
Keybukthe only rpath I know about is the ld flag to hardcode a path to look for shared libraries in12:52
sivangKeybuk: http://www.rpath.com/corp/12:53
zulheh there is always a patch for quieten grub12:53
sivangKeybuk: Keybuk http://wiki.conary.com/12:53
Keybuksivang: that doesn't seem to fit12:53
Keybuk"software applicance company" ?12:53
Keybuksounds like makers of network applicances12:53
sivangKeybuk: sounded the same for me12:53
Keybukoh, conary12:53
sivangKeybuk: but I was interested in conary some time ago, in the "recepies" method but then forgot about it until I saw the delegates list :-)12:54
KeybukI've never really worked out what conary is supposed to be *for*12:55
sivangKeybuk: also, if we have rants per autotools et al, we can direct them at Erik and Michael ;-)12:55
=== Keybuk has never found the need to rant about the autotools
sivangKeybuk: reading the NMSP wiki , I think there are colliding efforts to solve some of the similar issues. "the RCS approach to packaging" or so.12:56
Keybuksivang: right, except it's an RCS approach to binary packages12:56
Keybukie. you checkout 1.0 of the udev binary12:56
Keybukand update to 1.1, etc.12:56
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kbrookssivang: ? :P01:18
kbrookscan i ask a questino01:20
kbrooksi'm reading that spec01:21
kbrooksi simply dont get it01:21
kbrookssource packages are necessary, no?01:21
kbrooksit is a BIG paradigm change for EVERYONE01:23
kbrooksit could be argued that the spec is technically flawed01:24
Riddellkbrooks: how is it technically flawed?01:31
kbrooksRiddell: well, as i said, it's a big paradigm change... and i think the spec author wants apt-get source (as a example, of course) to be changed01:31
Riddellyes that's right01:32
Riddellbut you've not pointed out any flaw01:32
kbrooksRiddell: that's the flaw. changing apt-get source is a flaw imo01:33
Riddellit would help your argument if you gave a reason :)01:33
Riddellthis is all an evil plan from sabdfl, you can ask him about it and he'll put his pinky in his mouth and laugh manically (really)01:33
ajmitchkbrooks: stating "it's flawed" isn't enough :)01:34
kbrooksit's a flaw because apt-get source shouldn't be changed.01:35
ajmitchbut why not?01:35
kbrooksbecause it is a big b/c (backwards compatibility) problem01:36
kbrooksif we want apt-get source to be changed, then we should add "--use-bzr" and leave that off.01:37
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Keybukkbrooks: why?02:10
Keybukkbrooks: you've failed to give a reason02:10
Keybuk"X is flawed?"02:11
Keybuk"why is X flawed?"02:11
Keybuk"because X is flawed?"02:11
Keybuk"but why?"02:11
Keybukkbrooks: the spec can be summed up as "make a fundamental, BIG paradigm change for everyone" ... that's kinda the point02:14
kbrooksKeybuk: OK02:19
kbrooksKeybuk: where can i talk about specs in?02:20
ograi'd summarize it as "drop all the middleware packaging crap between the developer and the source"02:20
kbrooksogra: wherre can I talk about specs in? ping02:21
ograkbrooks, in paris :)02:22
kbrooksogra: i'm talking about a IRC channel02:22
kbrooksogra: france is too far for me :-)02:23
LaserJockmaybe -offtopic ? unless -devel wants it02:23
ograthe specs are the base for face to face discussions ... even though we might be available on IRC during the discussion, having a BOF meeting on IRC in parallel while speccing something doesnt work well02:23
=== kjcole [n=kjcole@ubuntu/member/kjcole] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
Keybukyou will be able to listen in to all of the BOFs by installing a piece of VoIP software02:32
Keybukas all BOFs will be broadcast that way02:32
ograoh, really ?02:32
Keybukif you have any particular problems with the NoMoreSourcePackages spec though, I'd be happy to discuss them with you (I'm the author of that spec)02:32
ograthats cool :)02:32
Keybukhang on, let me flip to laptop02:32
=== Keybuk [n=scott@syndicate.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
Keybukogra: that's why elmo asked whether anyone had a !i386 ... the software only works on i38602:33
Keybukand we all get headsets and get to pretend to be Madonna02:33
ograi think NMSP is just a logical consequence if launchpad ...02:34
ograhmm, good to know, i'll make sure to have my amd64 lappie with me ...02:34
Keybukkbrooks: so, tell me you problems02:34
LaserJockKeybuk: everybody?02:35
kbrooksKeybuk: well, OK. as i said, it's a big change02:35
zulKeybuk: sweet!02:35
KeybukLaserJock: I'm not sure, I'm not sure I'm supposed to know the secret plan <g>02:35
Keybukkbrooks: it is a big change, yes ... it means learning a completely new way to do packaging work02:35
kbrooksKeybuk: won't this change be bad?02:35
=== LaserJock thinks that only the smart people should get microphones ;-)
Keybukkbrooks: why would it be "bad" ?02:36
Keybukbad would imply that a change has negative consequences02:36
kbrooksKeybuk: bad as in counterproductive02:36
KeybukI would have said it would increase productivity02:36
kbrooksKeybuk: how does it increase productivity?02:36
Keybukupdating to new upstream releases becomes simple ... just merge from the upstream branch; no more tedious mucking around with tarballs and getting the patches right02:37
Keybukmerging with Debian becomes just as simple ... just merge from the Debian branch02:37
Keybukno more mom, manual merges, etc.02:37
kbrooksKeybuk: "mom"?02:37
Keybukkbrooks: merge-o-matic; the thing we spend the first two months of any release dealing with02:37
Keybukcontributing changes to Ubuntu becomes simple02:38
Keybukright now you have to do something like:02:38
Keybukapt-get source foo02:38
kbrooksKeybuk: what do you  mean, no more merge-o-matic? why would this supersede mom?02:38
Keybukcp foo foo~   (so you can diff later ... most people forget this)02:38
Keybukmake changes to foo02:38
Keybukmake a diff from foo~ to foo02:38
Keybuknow that becomes just02:38
Keybukbranch foo; make changes; commit; tell a developer02:38
LaserJockyeah, at first I was like "woah" but now I'm like "wow"02:38
Keybukkbrooks: because anyone can just "bzr merge $debian"02:38
kbrooksLaserJock: woah as in?02:38
LaserJockkbrooks: woah as in, that's a big change02:39
kbrooksKeybuk: stop. $debian? 02:39
Keybukkbrooks: whatever the branch URL for debian turns out to be02:39
Keybukprobably just "debian"02:39
kbrooksKeybuk: ummm.........02:39
kbrooksKeybuk: what do you mean?02:39
Keybukit's a Linux distribution02:40
kbrooksKeybuk: where does this URL come from/02:40
Keybukevery 6 months, we catch up with the changes they've made by merging them into Ubuntu02:40
Keybukthat's our primary source of development02:40
Keybukright now that is _hard_work_02:40
Keybukkbrooks: Launchpad02:40
kbrooksKeybuk: the *original* debian package?02:40
Keybukit would be the Debian package imported into bzr, in a manner that allows us to merge from it02:41
kbrooksKeybuk: OK02:41
kbrooks"merge from it"? don't you mean "merge TO it"?02:41
Keybukbzr diff -r tag:093-1..tag:094-1 .../udev02:41
Keybukwouldn't that be great?02:41
Keybukno, from02:41
Keybukcd ubuntu-udev02:41
Keybukbzr merge .../debian-udev02:41
Keybuktake the changes made in debian-udev and merge them into the ubuntu-udev branch02:42
Keybuk("merge from debian-udev")02:42
kbrooksKeybuk: yes it would be great. 02:42
Keybukhell, forget just diff'ing revisions02:42
kbrooksKeybuk: "tag:" ?02:42
Keybukkbrooks: I'm making up syntax :p02:42
kbrooksOK :p02:43
Keybukbzr branch .../udev02:43
Keybuk# make changes you like02:43
Keybukbzr commit02:43
kbrooksthat's it/02:43
kbrooks3 lines?02:43
Keybukbzr push launchpad/~kbrooks/my-udev02:43
kbrooksnow i'm like "wow"02:43
ograKeybuk, i'd really whish i could do that with debians ltsp (which is even in bzr) :) 02:43
Keybuknow you have your own udev package02:43
KeybukLaunchpad builds it for you, yadda, yadda02:43
Keybukbut oh no, new ubuntu udev package *sigh*02:43
kbrooksKeybuk: huh?02:43
Keybukbzr merge .../udev02:43
Keybuknow you're up to date02:43
kbrooksKeybuk: stop for a min.02:43
kbrooksKeybuk: launchpad builds my new udev package?02:44
Keybukogra: why can't you?02:44
Keybukkbrooks: sure02:44
kbrooksKeybuk: so its semi automatic?02:44
kbrooksKeybuk: so far i like the idea02:44
=== olive_ [n=olive@pigeon.moostik.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
Keybukhmm, for some reason the Launchpad spec tracker has become password protected02:45
kbrooksKeybuk: it's cool - revision control leveraged, that is02:45
LaserJockKeybuk: do you think that is doable in Edgy?02:45
ograKeybuk, because i dont want all the skolelinux fixes and debian-edu changes we dont need in our package, but the feature i want to maerge wasnt developed ina separate branch and they merged randomly in the middle of feature development 02:45
Keybukkbrooks: https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/PersonalPackageArchives02:45
Keybukcan you see that?02:45
kbrookswho, me?02:45
KeybukLaserJock: I think there's enough time that edgy+1 could be maintained that way02:46
Keybukhowever it requires a lot of work by the LP guys -- who have a very full plate02:46
kbrooksKeybuk: WTF?02:46
kbrooksKeybuk: I can see it02:46
kbrooksKeybuk: i wonder why I can.02:46
Keybukkbrooks: that's the old public wiki02:46
KeybukI don't know why the new one is private :-/  even I don't have the password to it02:47
ograKeybuk, so i have 180 changes where i want a feature that was developed in ~70 commits of these 180 changes ... but scattered in there are merges that diverge the base from ours ...02:47
LaserJockKeybuk: yeah, that is what I was sort of thinking, how would you transition that? whould it have to be all or nothing?02:47
ograso i end up with tons of conflicts ...02:47
kbrooksKeybuk: https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/PersonalPackageArchives: HCT: define?02:47
KeybukHCT is the predecessor to NoMoreSourcePackages02:47
Keybukthe idea was a tool that used revision control to maintain source packages02:48
KeybukI no longer think that's the correct approach02:48
kbrookswhat does HCT stand for02:48
Keybuk(PPA is an old spec, written ~1 year ago)02:48
KeybukHypothetical Changeset Tool02:48
Keybukogra: ah, that old problem :p02:48
=== ajmitch remembers seeing HCT demoed in sydney
Keybukogra: the solution is to force better practice02:48
ograKeybuk, yes, *i* know that, *i* have a separate branch for every ltsp feature 02:49
Keybukogra: I mean force it upon Debian -- teach them why branches is better02:49
kbrooksKeybuk: how?02:50
ograthe solution is to teach people to actually *use* the branching opportunities bzr gives them02:50
kbrooksogra: how?02:50
ograkbrooks, develop every single feature in a separate branch of the main app ...02:50
ograin the end you just do: cd ltsp && bzr merge ../ltsp-sound02:51
kbrooksogra: "every single feature"?02:51
Keybukbranches are cheap02:51
kbrooksogra: show me a quick example?02:51
ograso everybody wanting your feature can grab it as well from there02:51
Keybuk$ cp -a udev udev.fix-bug-1234502:51
Keybuk$ cd udev.fix-bug-1234502:51
Keybuk$ vi udevd.c02:51
Keybuk$ bzr commit02:51
Keybuk$ cd ../udev02:51
kbrooksogra: this reminds me of svn branches :-)02:51
Keybuk$ bzr merge ../udev.fix-bug-1234502:51
Keybuk(real syntax)02:52
ograkbrooks, http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/bzr-archive/ltsp/02:52
kbrooksogra: except SVN is centralized02:52
ograsee the amount of branches 02:52
kbrooksogra: 8?02:52
Keybukogra: btw, BzrMaintainerHowto ... get ltsp pushed into the supermirror so everyone can hack <g>02:53
ajmitchKeybuk: so you're not going to work on hct any longer?02:53
kbrooksteach me :P02:53
ograKeybuk, i havent an edgy branch yet before i decide how i merge the debian modularization of ltsp without breaking ours completely02:53
Keybukkbrooks: bazaar.launchpad.net02:53
Keybukkbrooks: basically it's a giant place anyone can host a bzr branch or mirror02:53
Keybuke.g. http://launchpad.net/products/udev/+branches02:54
kbrooksKeybuk: meta mirror?02:54
Keybukthere you can see the different known udev branches02:54
ajmitchKeybuk: the problem I found with bzr & importing upstream tarballs what to do on new upstream releases when stuff gets moved around02:54
Keybukif you click on "Ubuntu package of udev"02:54
Keybukyou can see the different revisions02:54
ajmitchafaik the best option is to just copy over the .bzr dir02:54
Keybukyou also get a URL ("http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/udev/ubuntu") that you can give to bzr02:54
Keybukbzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/udev/ubuntu02:54
Keybukwill give you a directory containing the ubuntu source package of udev02:55
Keybukajmitch: -> #u-d02:55
kbrooksKeybuk: i get.... redirected02:56
kbrookshttps://bazaar.launchpad.net/ doesnt work02:57
kbrooksor should it?02:57
Keybukthere's nothing "interesting" at the top-level02:57
Keybukfollow the chain I gave to see interesting things02:57
kbrooksKeybuk: connecting02:58
kbrookshttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev 40402:58
kbrooksweird heh02:59
kbrooksKeybuk: i dont see interesting things there03:00
Keybukkbrooks: add a .bzr03:00
Keybukit's a bzr branch03:00
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Ekusheywhen is the next CC meeting?07:58
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dsas!schedule london08:55
robitaille@schedule london08:56
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/London: 14 Jun 13:00: Edubuntu | 14 Jun 14:30: Xubuntu | 15 Jun 15:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 15 Jun 18:00: Documentation Team | 15 Jun 21:00: Edubuntu Cookbook | 20 Jun 21:00: Technical Board08:56
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jendaEkushey: nobody knows :) I've been trying to find out for a week.09:04
Ekusheyjenda: ping me if u find out ;)09:06
jendaEkushey: OK09:09
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EmxBAhi again :)10:19
highvoltageheh :)10:20
EmxBAhehe :)10:20
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cbx33@schedule london11:40
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/London: 14 Jun 13:00: Edubuntu | 14 Jun 14:30: Xubuntu | 15 Jun 15:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 15 Jun 18:00: Documentation Team | 15 Jun 21:00: Edubuntu Cookbook | 20 Jun 21:00: Technical Board11:40
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cbx33@schedule london11:44
EmxBA@schedule london11:44
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/London: 14 Jun 13:00: Edubuntu | 14 Jun 14:30: Xubuntu | 15 Jun 15:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 15 Jun 18:00: Documentation Team | 15 Jun 21:00: Edubuntu Cookbook | 20 Jun 21:00: Technical Board11:44
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/London: 14 Jun 13:00: Edubuntu | 14 Jun 14:30: Xubuntu | 15 Jun 15:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 15 Jun 18:00: Documentation Team | 15 Jun 21:00: Edubuntu Cookbook | 20 Jun 21:00: Technical Board11:44
EmxBA@schedule sarajevo11:45
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Sarajevo: 14 Jun 14:00: Edubuntu | 14 Jun 15:30: Xubuntu | 15 Jun 16:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 15 Jun 19:00: Documentation Team | 15 Jun 22:00: Edubuntu Cookbook | 20 Jun 22:00: Technical Board11:45
simirawhen's the next CC?11:46
cbx33simira: check fridge11:47
EmxBAso edubuntu cookbook is tomorrow11:47
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simiracbx33: yes... and? There's no meeting scheduled the next month, as I can see11:49
cbx33sorry,was just suggesting, I havn't looked either11:50
EmxBA@schedule sarajevo11:51
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Sarajevo: 14 Jun 14:00: Edubuntu | 14 Jun 15:30: Xubuntu | 15 Jun 16:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 15 Jun 19:00: Documentation Team | 15 Jun 22:00: Edubuntu Cookbook | 20 Jun 22:00: Technical Board11:51
DanielC@schedule sarajevo11:51
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Sarajevo: 14 Jun 14:00: Edubuntu | 14 Jun 15:30: Xubuntu | 15 Jun 16:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 15 Jun 19:00: Documentation Team | 15 Jun 22:00: Edubuntu Cookbook | 20 Jun 22:00: Technical Board11:51
EmxBA14 Jun 14:00: Edubuntu11:52
EmxBAand "15 Jun 22:00: Edubuntu Cookbook "11:52
EmxBAi'll be on cookbook11:52
EmxBAtoday maybe not11:52
DanielC@schedule london11:54
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/London: 14 Jun 13:00: Edubuntu | 14 Jun 14:30: Xubuntu | 15 Jun 15:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 15 Jun 18:00: Documentation Team | 15 Jun 21:00: Edubuntu Cookbook | 20 Jun 21:00: Technical Board11:54
Ekushey@schedule dhaka11:55
UbugtuSchedule for Asia/Dhaka: 14 Jun 18:00: Edubuntu | 14 Jun 19:30: Xubuntu | 15 Jun 20:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 15 Jun 23:00: Documentation Team | 16 Jun 02:00: Edubuntu Cookbook | 21 Jun 02:00: Technical Board11:55
EmxBA@schedule antartica11:56
DanielCEmxBA: Antartica is a continent that covers every timezone on Earth because it contains a pole.11:57
EmxBA@schedule south_pole11:57
UbugtuSchedule for Antarctica/South_Pole: 15 Jun 00:00: Edubuntu | 15 Jun 01:30: Xubuntu | 16 Jun 02:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 16 Jun 05:00: Documentation Team | 16 Jun 08:00: Edubuntu Cookbook | 21 Jun 08:00: Technical Board11:57
EmxBAdanielC: i know that, just kidding11:58
UbugtuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: June 14 2006, 10:02:20 - Next meeting: Edubuntu  in 1 hours12:02
Seveasthat's incorrect12:02
Seveasit's in 1:5812:02
EmxBAhi seveas12:03
highvoltagewow that's quite cool (about antartica)12:03
Seveas@now 12:06
UbugtuAn error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.12:06
Seveas@reload Webcal12:07
Seveas@now 12:07
UbugtuAn error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.12:07
Seveasstupid bot12:07
Seveas@reload Webcal12:07
EmxBAi finally installed ethereal12:07
Seveas@now 12:07
UbugtuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: June 14 2006, 10:07:57 - Next meeting: Edubuntu  in 1 hour 52 minutes12:07
highvoltageEmxBA: please don't say 'wtf?' on #ubuntu-meeting, it's considered to be against the CoC :)12:07
EmxBAno bad words12:08
=== EmxBA ashamed
highvoltageEmxBA: nah, it happens :)12:08
Seveasthere, ubugtu now is a bit more correct12:08
EmxBAi know12:08
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=== GNAM [n=fl4sh@host199-235.pool8252.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
GNAM@schedule Rome12:18
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Rome: 14 Jun 14:00: Edubuntu | 14 Jun 15:30: Xubuntu | 15 Jun 16:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 15 Jun 19:00: Documentation Team | 15 Jun 22:00: Edubuntu Cookbook | 20 Jun 22:00: Technical Board12:18
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EmxBAeveryone, join #edubuntu-bosnia12:46
=== Ekushey is not from bosnia
SeveasEmxBA, please don't clutter up the logs of #ubuntu-meeting. Preferably this channel is completely silent between meetings12:56
=== EmxBA will be quit
EkusheySeveas: EmxBA says he's 14 years old12:58
SeveasEkushey, even 14 year old people ahould be quiet ;)12:58
jendaSeveas: very non-CoC-conformist...01:00
Seveasjenda, ?01:01
jendaerr... never mind, I missed the 'even'... it sounded a lot worse without it. Sorry ;)01:01
ograjenda, ?01:01
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Edubuntu | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 14 Jun 13:30 UTC: Xubuntu | 15 Jun 14:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 15 Jun 17:00 UTC: Documentation Team | 15 Jun 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu Cookbook | 20 Jun 20:00 UTC: Technical Board
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kbrooksogra! ping01:59
=== flint [n=flint@montpeliervt-cuda1-24-50-146-184.sbtnvt.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
kbrooksogra! start it01:59
cbx33kbrooks: you seem rather excited02:00
cbx33<--------------------------------meeting notes start here--------------------------------------->02:00
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Seveas<------------- no, here --------------->02:00
kbrooksheh Seveas 02:00
cbx33damn you :p02:00
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ogra <------------- no ... , here --------------->02:00
flintogra, good morning!02:00
kbrooksdamn you ogra :P02:00
ograhey Flik 02:00
JaneW<----- here----->02:00
=== zul [n=chuck@ubuntu/member/zul] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
ograflint too02:01
Seveashi JaneW !02:01
=== dholbach [n=daniel@ubuntu/member/dholbach] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
kbrooksJaneW: you're silly. :-)02:01
JaneWhi everyone02:01
ograwe have some major changes i'd like to talk about in advance02:01
DanielChi everyone, first time at an Edubuntu meeting.02:01
=== Yagisan is here, but just lurking
=== JaneW promises not to be disruptive
cbx33ogra: sounds ominous02:01
ograrodarvus, around ? 02:01
=== kbrooks waits
rodarvusogra: I'm here02:01
ograok, as you all might have seen on the mailing list, JaneW is leaving us today02:02
flintJaneW, Bummer...02:02
=== JaneW waves
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=== cbx33 starts the hugs
=== Seveas hugs JaneW
cbx33maybe we should all go on strike02:02
flintJaneW, what is it, Kids, health or new horizons?02:02
ograplease giver her a long big hug if you ever meet her in person, the first edubuntu release would never have happened without her02:03
=== JaneW *hugs* everyone
=== kbrooks hugs JaneW :(
bluekujaJaneW: thanks02:03
JaneWflint: bit of everything, but mostly looking for sane hours02:03
kbrooksogra: doesnt surprise me02:03
=== rodarvus hugs JaneW
=== cbx33 hugs Lara ;)
JaneWogra: pah, edubuntu is all YOU02:03
ogranot at all02:03
kbrooksogra: other changes?02:03
ograi wouldnt have managed any of the paperwork 02:03
=== JaneW expects everyone here to keep making edubuntu better and better
ograkbrooks, patiency is golden :P02:04
kbrooksogra: OK02:04
ograJaneW, we will and if only to please you 02:04
kbrooksogra: i'm interested in the changes02:04
ograthat were the negative changes ....02:04
ograwithout JaneW edubuntu would go down the drain, thats a known fact at canonical :)02:05
ograso the team was/will be enhanced by two people02:05
ograguys ....02:05
=== ogra *drumrolls*
=== cbx33 joins in
cbx33as he is a drummer :p02:05
=== bluekuja too
=== Seveas bangs on the table
ogralet me introduce you to our new star rodarvus !!02:06
cbx33hi rodarvus 02:06
=== rodarvus raises his hand
rodarvushi all :)02:06
=== cbx33 slaps rodarvus 5
DanielChi rodarvus02:06
LaserJockhi rodarvus 02:06
bluekujahello rodarvus 02:06
ograrodarvus, you might introduce yourself and tell us about what you'll be doing ...02:06
rodarvusbriefly talking about my past:02:07
ogra(i'm not sure about that myself yet ... but mark said you'll be technical lead aside from OLPC)02:07
rodarvusI've been doing development on linux for the last twelve years02:07
rodarvusworked at a few places such as Conectiva, Terra Lycos and Nokia Institute of Technology02:07
rodarvusI've worked doing distro development for quite a few years now (first rpm based, and later, deb based distros)02:08
rodarvusand in the last few years gained some expertise on the embedded/semi-embedded market too02:08
JaneWwelcome rodarvus and enjoy the ride02:08
=== highvoltage arrives
rodarvusas ogra mentioned, I'll work on OLPC, and, in theory :)02:09
bluekujawelcome man02:09
flintrodarvus, welcome, where you from?02:09
rodarvuswill be the "Edubuntu Engineering Lead" - I promise to work hard on it :)02:09
rodarvusflint: I'm from Brazil02:09
rodarvusJaneW, bluekuja: thanks :)02:09
JaneWwhere the nuts come from02:10
flintrodarvus, excellent. 02:10
ograJaneW, nuts like kiko you mean ? 02:10
rodarvusas a coincidence, Brazil is one of the countries which will very likely adopt OLPC in the very near future02:10
highvoltageJaneW: you will be missed.02:10
flintJaneW, and good tek...02:10
rodarvusogra: heh :D02:10
JaneWhighvoltage: *bow*02:10
bluekujarodarvus: np :)02:10
rodarvusI'm quite eager to meet you guys at Paris, next week (or in the future, for the ones who won't be able to be there)02:11
rodarvusspecially ogra, of whom I have heard great things about :)02:11
cbx33wish I was going to Paris with you guys02:11
flintrodarvus, I would look forward to meeting you in Sao Paulo myself.  How close to the capitol do you live?02:11
highvoltagerodarvus: you're going to paris, cool!02:12
ogracbx33, next time 02:12
cbx33I hope so02:12
ograrodarvus, i'm looking forward to it too ;)02:12
rodarvusin the next few hours I'll start commiting spec braindumps into Blueprint (mostly for OLPC, but also for Edubuntu and Ubuntu itself)02:12
rodarvusflint: I live in Curitiba, about 600km from So Paulo02:12
rodarvushighvoltage: indeed!02:12
flintrodarvus, nice touch the tilde... 02:13
ograrodarvus, make sure to ping mdz and/or Keybuk about it they did the approval run yesterday already, so yours dont get lost02:13
ogra(for the specs that is)02:13
cbx33yeh I have 2 sitting in there that are awaiting approval02:13
cbx33be interesting to see if they get in02:13
rodarvusoverall, the first days at Canonical have been great, already - I sense it will be a *magic* experience to be part of this great team! (in both meanings)02:13
rodarvusogra: that will be great!02:14
rodarvusour OLPC target is not for Edgy, afaik (but I might be wrong)02:14
flintrodarvus, writing code remains the process of nailing jello to a wall...02:14
rodarvuswe'll surely have to discuss this a lot, next week :)02:14
ograwell, edgy would work if you had 10 monkeys coding for you :)02:15
ograbut given that mark doesnt hire monkeys, i tend to agree :)02:15
rodarvusright :)02:15
flintogra, edgy would work if you had a blue-ray to write it to...02:15
=== cbx33 could be a monkey for you guys :p
=== LaserJock looks around for monkeys
ograflint, we'll fix the CDs 02:16
cbx33wait what am I saying I already am02:16
ograok, next change ....02:16
flintLaserJock, I would prefer that you called us primates... :^)02:16
ograwe'll also get a new top level manager for edubuntu 02:16
flintogra, a TLM eh?02:17
ograa so called "education program manager"02:17
ograi know there are negotiations going on with someone, but i havent heard the final outcome yet, so i cant say much more02:17
ograJaneW, do you know anything we could make public ? 02:18
JaneWI think there is a signed agreement now02:18
rodarvusgreat news :)02:18
JaneWbut that's insider trading :P02:18
cbx33JaneW: you naughty girl02:18
JaneWstart date mid-July02:18
highvoltageJaneW: heh. are you giving it away there ;)02:18
JaneWI wish it was me02:19
JaneWbut it's not :(02:19
JaneWbut it is someone I know very well02:19
ograhighvoltage, that job is up one or two levels in hirarchy (and payment i guess) compared to JaneW'S current job02:19
ograedubuntu will be its own little department inside canonical now02:19
flintJaneW, I will miss you.02:19
cbx33ogra: exdcellet02:20
LaserJockogra: cool02:20
cbx33all the more reason to go to BETT2007 !!!02:20
ogracbx33, something to discuss with our new manager then :)02:20
highvoltageogra: i can't pretend that i understand it all 100%, but my instinct tells me that it will work out good.02:20
flintcbx33, do not forget NECC in Beautiful San Diego CA...02:20
LaserJockogra: so you, rodarvus and the new manager?02:20
cbx33flint: indeed02:20
ograLaserJock, yeps02:20
highvoltageand EC?02:20
JaneWso the new program manager, who will look at getting edubuntu installed around the world is RichardW02:21
flintogra, TLM == ECM?02:21
highvoltageEC will still vote new members, etc?02:21
ograwhat about EC ?02:21
LaserJockogra: so what's your position? if you don't mind me asking ;-)02:21
ograour new manager aalso is babysitter for JaneW's kids ;)02:21
highvoltagealso a parent of them :)02:21
bluekujahighvoltage: :D02:22
ograLaserJock, i'll report to rodarvus 02:22
JaneWand I have full whipping power with them too02:22
ograLaserJock, thats all i was told yet 02:22
flintJaneW, Is your husband RichardW taking over?02:22
highvoltageogra: is rodarvus like a mdz for edubuntu?02:22
ograflint, hey, you grokked it !02:22
flintJaneW, not that this is a bad thing...02:22
ograhighvoltage, rather Richard ...02:23
rodarvusRichard is, I think02:23
JaneWflint: yes02:23
flintogra, I am slow, but i make up for it by being pretty stoopid.... :^)02:23
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JaneWogra: I am not sure if he will be that *technically* involved, prolly more directional02:23
flintJaneW, that is pretty romantic (awwwwwwww!).02:23
ograjust on a sidenote, i'm not happy about not having mdz in the reporting chain 02:23
JaneWogra and rodarvus will be the technical gurus still02:23
JaneWflint: pah! :P02:24
rodarvusactually, I'm still quite new to emit opinions, but I think mdz is kind of unique02:24
highvoltageogra: i was thinking the same thing, but decided not to say anything, since it doesn't affect me personally.02:24
flintogra, mdz will be in London.  Trust me he will be in the chain big time.02:24
rodarvusin terms of management & techincal skills02:24
ograrodarvus, we'll be doing a lot stuff inside the ubuntu distro team, we should talk with sabdfl in paris about the structure 02:24
ograi think distro team lead involvement is essential (but thats only me)02:24
rodarvusso I believe it will require involved teamwork to reach the standard of quality mdz has on his work02:25
flintwhile mdz can be distant, abstract and generally annoying anywere he will be directly applied when he resides in London....02:25
rodarvusogra: sure, I agree02:25
flintand I mean that in the nicest way...02:25
ograbut we dont develop very much thats unique usually (OLPC might change that)02:25
ograusually we change ubuntu distro packages ...02:25
cbx33ogra: indeed02:25
cbx33so really big changes then02:26
ograadding a feature or two ...02:26
flintogra, what the heck is OLPC?02:26
rodarvusOLPC might change that radically (but this is talk for paris ;) )02:26
ograbut well, that something to discuss with sabdfl02:26
rodarvusflint: http://www.laptop.org/02:26
JaneWI am pretty certain mdz will stay involved02:26
rodarvusits a acronym for One Laptop per Child02:26
flintoh yea One Laptop Per Child...02:27
ograJaneW, not in the structure overview i got from sabdfl ... 02:27
flintthe MIT thang...02:27
=== pips1 waves at JaneW
rodarvusflint: right, it has lots of potential for students, specially in developing countries02:27
=== JaneW can almost not help trying to get involved...
flintI presume that a OLPC terminal will pixie boot just like anything else eh?02:28
ograflint, terminal ?02:28
JaneWhi pips1 02:28
rodarvuswhat means "pixie boot"?02:28
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flintrodarvus, the only problem would be the RF link.02:28
ograrodarvus, PXE02:28
pips1hi JaneW02:28
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rodarvusflint: no. the OLPC hardware has its own flash card (about 500mb large, btw)02:29
ograflint, you cant PXE boot wireless devices and i doubt the plan for OLPC is to tie the kids to a LAN wire02:29
pips1JaneW, I really am a bit sad to see you go.02:29
=== pips1 hugs JaneW
flintogra, I am slow this morning, the Edubuntu thing has always been a server that ties kid computers into a classrooms together02:30
rodarvusthe OLPC hardware quite specialized - plas for battery life are 24h, uses mesh wifi instead of normal wifi, small memory/storage02:30
flintogra, now with the big flash, shared storage could be a thing.02:30
ograflint, yes, thats one of edubuntus areas02:30
flintrodarvus, I smell a fork.02:30
ograbut onlya one of many you can cover with edubuntu02:30
rodarvusOLPC also "includes" one (or more) server(s) on the school02:30
highvoltagerodarvus: so you like franks sinatra heh? :)02:30
rodarvusbut students can take their notebooks home02:30
rodarvushighvoltage: indeed - how do you learned that? :)02:31
flintrodarvus, you have big problems running LTSP on wifi.02:31
ograi'm really looking forward in rodarvus work for ltsp, since a shrunk down system will help us a lot there02:31
ograi.e. i can use the embedded stuff for the ltsp clients and cut down a lot of ram requirement i guess02:32
highvoltagerodarvus: your blog page02:32
rodarvushighvoltage: oh :)02:32
flintogra, if it gets faster I vote for it (if I voted...)02:32
ograhighvoltage, we all need to learn brazilian now :)02:33
flintogra, Portugese...02:33
ograshall we move on with the agenda ? we're at 30min02:34
flintogra np :^)02:34
rodarvusactually, brazilian portuguese02:34
flintrodarvus, never could spell anything.  02:35
bluekujaogra: well I added a point in agenda regarding the Testers Team, to discuss about membership guidelines, todo list etc 02:35
bluekujawith all of you02:35
ografrom the tech side there is not much i can tell yet, the archive isnt ready for uploads yet, so no packaging work is going on atm ...02:35
bluekujato decide a stable guideline for the future02:35
ograwe have a bunch of approved specs for paris that are listed on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdubuntuEdgyIdeas02:36
flintogra, we would like to add gin.  is this the place?02:36
ograi'm subscribed to most of them in launchpad so you can find another overview that also shows the status under https://launchpad.net/people/ogra/+specs02:36
ograflint, gin ? 02:37
flintgnome instant nationalization.  helps a lot when setting network xterms up.02:37
ograflint, you mean https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/ltsp-login-and-session-handling02:37
=== theoddone [n=hgibson@hgibson.ee.sun.ac.za] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
flintogra, na, dclug wrote this quickie.  I started and competent folks finished it in python.02:38
ograseems mdz didnt see any urge for that, it hasnt even gotten a priority assigned02:38
flinti suppose mdz does not spend too much time using edubuntu eh?02:38
flintit is necessary02:39
ograflint, we wont tolerate scripts that change /etc/environment or other files that are forbidden to be touched by debian policy02:39
flintogra, how do we do this?02:39
ograits not the way to solve your prob, i told you this seberal times already02:39
ogragdm or ldm are the right place to attack it02:39
flintthe program is written and it works.02:39
ogra(depending which one we'll use in the future)02:40
flintthe program is vital to multi lingual systems.  https://wiki.edubuntu.org/gin02:40
ograflint, it breaks the systems, /etc/environment *has not to be touched by anything* in a debian based system02:40
ograwe discussed it before 02:41
flintok how do we gain the functionality?02:41
ograits not something to solve with a hack02:41
ogrado it in the right place which is the login manager in this case02:41
flintogra, i am a hacker.  this hack is to demonstrate the requirement.02:42
highvoltagesorry, had an interuption (/me catches up)02:42
flintogra, I wish I could program, but likely i am too old :^)02:42
ograflint, you apparently *can* program ;) 02:42
ograjust do it in the right place ;)02:42
flintogra, I want to know how to do this.02:43
ograldm has all functionallity to set the language since its become themed ... 02:43
flintogra, I will take a look.02:44
ograthe problem is to determine the list of langs from the server, if thats solved it takes me less than a minute to enable the selection menu02:44
ogra(in the code)02:44
ograaything else for the tech side ? 02:44
ograflint, btw, will we see you in paris ? 02:45
=== dholbach [n=daniel@i577B0091.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
flintogra, I just bought a house in Barre Vermont. and while I would like nothing better than a ciggi break with the likes of you, I need to renovate this victorian monstrosity my wife bought.02:45
=== theoddone [n=hgibson@hgibson.ee.sun.ac.za] has left #ubuntu-meeting []
flintogra, I will get the next one, promise.02:46
ograheh, good luck :)02:46
ograseems to be the time tio change houses ...02:46
flintogra, thanks, exactly!!!02:46
flintogra, not you too?02:47
ograflint, i'm currently moving to this one http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/CIMG0517.JPG02:47
rodarvusflint: I feel your pain - we moved to our new apartment two months ago02:47
rodarvusits new, but many, many things had to be done to make it actually a enjoyable place to be02:47
=== cbx33 can't afford to buy :)
ogracbx33, inherit ;)02:48
ogra(best case from an unknown secret rich uncle)02:48
rodarvusogra: its a beautiful place!02:48
cbx33well, what's left on the agenda?02:48
LaserJockogra: nice, much bigger then my place in the middle of the Nevada desert ;-)02:48
cbx33seeing as we have 10 mins :p02:48
flintyou folks throw a hell of a meeting...02:49
ograrodarvus, well, i like my current place more, but thats rented, and for the new one we dont have to pay anything02:49
cbx33LaserJock: is an alien02:49
ograok, lest move on else we'll be out of time 02:49
ogrado we have anything for artwork ?02:49
ogra(me guesses not yet)02:49
LaserJockcbx33: oops, I was trying to keep it a secret ;-)02:50
ogradocumentation ? 02:50
cbx33no thought AliasVegas has said she wants piccies of you all to do the edubuntu homie lookalikes :p02:50
=== ogra kicks his lag ...
ogracbx33, but thats something we still have 4 months time for :)02:51
ograany doc stuff ? 02:51
highvoltagemy lag is bad too :(02:51
LaserJockis pygi here? the cookbook people had a meeting yesterday02:51
ogra(i saw you are working with the doc team now)02:51
cbx33um, I'm hoping to fix up ESA into it's printed state soon02:52
flintogra, I should have something for you doc wise by next week.02:52
ograflint, cool 02:52
flintogra, np.02:52
ograflint, i'll really miss you in my cigarette breaks in paris ...02:52
LaserJockogra: I'm not sure what cookbook people are doing exactly, but it is getting worked on, I think02:53
ograok, i think we handled management at the beginning and community stuff during general sidetracked chatter :)02:53
ograthe cookbook developed its own dynamic so i'm confident whats going on is good atm02:54
flintogra, me too.  I will get you next time.02:54
ograso we have bluekuja left, do you want to chair for your topics ? 02:54
ogra7me hands bluekuja the microphone02:54
=== cbx33 snatches it and runs away
bluekujayeah, oliver02:55
ogra* Edubuntu Testing Team review: membership,TODO,future (AndreaVeri)02:55
=== pips1 has finally caught up with the meeting and sends a warm welcome to rodarvus
bluekujawell, I want to talk with all of you about the -testing team, to create some guidelines about membership etc02:55
cbx33come on bluekuja you have 5 mins02:55
ograabout the future, i'd like to point the team to sfllaw, who is our QA specialist 02:56
JaneWpips1: lol02:56
rodarvuspips1: thanks :)02:56
ograyou should work together with him on testing plans and the like02:56
highvoltageogra: you've mentioned it before, I'll get sfllaw to join our next edubuntu meeting. he'll be in paris, right?02:56
bluekujaogra: ok great, anyway do you think we need to create some guidelines about the team? creating a working TODO list 02:57
bluekujaand more02:57
ograsure, go ahead :)02:57
=== cbx33 's hand is up when bluekuja is finished
rodarvuswe can also tip him him in paris, if necessary ;)02:57
=== pips1 's hand is up next after cbx33
ograrodarvus, really ? we have a budget for that ??02:57
cbx33I have to go in a while :( meeting soon02:58
LaserJockogra: community donations ;-)02:58
cbx33in like 3 minutes :(02:58
cbx33nice idea LaserJock 02:58
bluekujaogra: well, I'll try to create some guidelines alone, so we can discuss them at the next meeting. Some ideas to start?02:58
ograas i said, sfllaw will be the best person to start with ... i dont see the need for guidelines to join the team or something ...02:59
LaserJockbluekuja: I'd talk to the BugSquad (aka sfllaw and #ubuntu-bugs) and check around the wiki02:59
rodarvusbluekuja: seriously, I believe approaching sfllaw (on irc) is a great start02:59
=== JaneW pops out for a sec
bluekujaLaserJock, ogra: perfect 02:59
ograwhoops, my baker just arrived, i need to quicky get some bread02:59
cbx33oooh nice03:00
bluekujayeah, i work with sfflaw with packages too, so it wouldn't be a problem for it03:00
cbx33shute i gotta run peeps, meeting time is over for me03:00
pips1ogra, that's a proper german. :-D03:00
cbx33I'll see you back ing #edubuntu03:00
cbx33pips1: feel free to take my hand03:01
LaserJockcya cbx33 03:01
flintogra, we call it liquid bread :^)03:01
pips1flint hehe03:01
bluekujacbx33: soon we'll have ESA in italian too03:01
pips1cbx33 ok, cu03:01
flintbluekuja, what is an ESA?03:01
LaserJockflint: Edubuntu School Advocacy03:01
bluekujaedubuntu school advocacy document03:01
flintbluekuja, got a url?03:02
flintbluekuja, in italiano e piu bene!03:02
rodarvuspips1: I believe ogra is away for a little while - would you like to go on?03:02
=== pips1 looks around for jsgotangco
cbx33ESA is also on www.edubuntu.org/UsingEdubuntu03:03
flintA marketing document at last!!! bluekuja you done good!!!!!03:03
bluekujawe have to say thanks to cbx3303:03
cbx33I ported it to there03:03
bluekujathat started it03:03
cbx33and I'll be deleting it from the wiki03:03
bluekujaand had this great idea03:03
highvoltagesorry for my quietness the last week. it's been tough, everything seems to happen at the the same time :/03:03
pips1rodarvus, well, I just want to ask all you guys who are attenting paris to try to push for another edubuntu summit, with educators, rather than developers-only :)03:03
bluekujanp highvoltage 03:03
flinthighvoltage, Jonathan, how bad?  Death bad?03:04
LaserJockpips1: what? devs don't know everything? ;-)03:04
rodarvuspips1: sure, I believe we can also push this subject with RichardW, when he arrives next month03:04
pips1who of you guys is going to paris?03:04
highvoltageflint: no, not quite that bad :)03:04
flintpips1, the educators were the meeting in london.03:05
=== LaserJock raises his hand
pips1LaserJock :)03:05
bluekujaUnfortunately I won't be there03:05
=== rodarvus raises his hand
flinthighvoltage, Girlfriend bad (that is pretty bad...)03:05
=== ogra raises his hand as well
cbx33my hand 03:05
highvoltageflint: slightly worse that that. but the recovery should be quicker.03:05
cbx33can I grab it back03:05
pips1flint starting rumors again? ;-)03:05
ograpips1, our new manager will surely care for edubuntu summits/sprints03:05
flinthighvoltage, Jonathan you need a trip to Sao Paulo!03:06
pips1ogra right, cool03:06
highvoltageflint: indeed, but let's talk about that later. we're just making noise now :)03:06
=== pips1 nudges highvoltage to raise his hand
flinthighvoltage, sorry gotcha...03:06
=== cbx33 pushes backin line
bluekujaogra: do you think would be possible to have a it.edubuntu.org pointed to edubuntu page in italian loco team page?03:06
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ograi'm not sure about the naming scheme, but i guess its possible03:07
flintbluekuja, you may want to talk to Kevin Cole of the dcloco team who already went through that loop sucessfully.03:07
ograhighvoltage, has some experience with the webserver and dns things ...03:07
highvoltageznarl could organise that, alhtough he seems to be quite busy atm.03:07
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highvoltagei've been trying to get hold of him for the past 3 days.03:07
ograis it very urgent ? 03:07
bluekujait would be a great thing, but I can wait03:08
ograoki, highvoltage would you poke him about that or pint bluekuja in teh right direction  ? 03:08
flintbluekuja, seriously, try kcole03:08
ogra*point too03:08
bluekujaflint: ok, I'll try to ping him03:08
highvoltagebluekuja: i'll talk to znarl about it when i get hold of him. i PM'ed him about an hour ago, when he returns he'll get back to me, he's very efficient that way.03:08
=== jsgotangco just arrived sorry
bluekujaok perfect, thanks03:09
highvoltageogra: yep03:09
ograjsgotangco, you missed all the fun :P03:09
flintbluekuja, kjcole@ubuntu.com03:09
ograhighvoltage, thanks a lot03:09
highvoltagemy pleasure.03:09
bluekujafilnt: thanks03:09
jsgotangcoogra: sorry it was a long day for me (visa and everything else)03:09
bluekujaok that's all03:10
LaserJockcbx33: you had something to say?03:10
pips1highvoltage, cbx33, should we try to set a time for a edubuntu website irc meet? to nudge things further along?03:10
ograjsgotangco, *you* did miss the fnu, not me ... no need to apologize :)03:10
ograthe fun too03:10
cbx33pips1: sure03:10
cbx33LaserJock: just a little03:10
ograok, looks like we're done with the meeting then ...03:10
ograanything urgent we missed ?03:11
highvoltagepips1: yes, can we do it after paris though? i'm flooded with work atm, and my visa problems didn't help much there either, i nearly lost two days worth of work03:11
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pips1cbx33 are evenings ok for you? highvoltage seems more available in evenings rather than daytime...03:11
pips1highvoltage oic :-/03:11
cbx33pips1: yup03:11
highvoltageyes, evenings are better for me, generally.03:11
ograso i'd say: meeting adjourned, please move over to #edubuntu to make the room free for xubuntu03:11
ograthanks all03:11
highvoltageat the moment my work flows over to evenings too :/03:11
rodarvusthank you03:12
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Xubuntu | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 15 Jun 14:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 15 Jun 17:00 UTC: Documentation Team | 15 Jun 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu Cookbook | 20 Jun 20:00 UTC: Technical Board
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Xubuntu | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 15 Jun 14:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 15 Jun 17:00 UTC: Documentation Team | 15 Jun 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu Cookbook | 20 Jun 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 21 Jun 13:30 UTC: Xubuntu
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 15 Jun 14:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 15 Jun 17:00 UTC: Documentation Team | 15 Jun 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu Cookbook | 20 Jun 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 21 Jun 13:30 UTC: Xubuntu | 21 Jun 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu
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scwizardif the meeting was EST instead of GMT then it'd be in 10 minutes07:50
scwizardthat's why I logged on to IRC >.<07:50
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Sp4rKywhat's the next date for new ubuntu members candidates ?11:11
bluekujaSp4rKy, community council agenda can help you11:11
Sp4rKybluekuja, i'd just look at it , but i don't see a date for this11:12
bluekujawhen the cc will decide date, that page will be updated11:12
Sp4rKyk :)11:13
Sp4rKyso i just need wait :)11:13

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