
ryanakcais there a howto on making a deb from a .bin?12:04
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ajmitchhello LaserJock01:35
LaserJockajmitch: you know much about debconf?01:37
LaserJockhello btw :-)01:37
ajmitchI know some, why?01:37
TheMusoHey all.01:37
LaserJockwell, I'm not sure about the different modes01:37
LaserJockso there is like ncurses looking thing, and the more cool version I see in synaptic01:38
LaserJockis that dependent on the package manager or on something in the actual package?01:38
ajmitchit's not synaptic only01:39
=== ajmitch recalls seeing a gnome debconf frontend
ogragkdebconf ?01:41
phanatici think there are different frontends to debconf, the user may set which one to use. curses and gtk is such a frontend. or am i totally wrong? :)01:42
ograah, no, that was a dpkg-reconfigure frontend01:42
ographanatic, not all work out of the box01:42
LaserJockbut is it specific to the package? or the user?01:42
ograthe dependencys :)01:43
TheMusoLaserJock: AFAIK the debconf front-end is not package specific.01:43
ograLaserJock, apt-cache show debconf|grep Suggests:01:43
TheMusoI remember doing a dist-upgrade to debian sid on a box a while ago, and one of the questions was to choose the debconf front-end. Dialog and other choices were available,.01:43
ograits depending on the installed frontend libs01:44
LaserJockarg, ok01:44
phanaticTheMuso: that's what i meant :)01:44
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ograif you select one that hasnt the deps available, it falls back to curses01:44
phanaticbut in ubuntu (at least when using synaptic) gtk is the default, not?01:45
ograbecause libgnome2-perl is a dependency of ubuntu-desktop01:47
LaserJockbut dpkg and gdebi use curses, I think01:47
plugwashdoes it also fall back to curses if X11 isn't availible?01:50
=== LaserJock marvels at the difficulty associated with closed source packaging :/
plugwash(by not availible i mean the display variable etc not set)01:53
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ajmitchLaserJock: still doing that task?01:53
LaserJockajmitch: yes01:54
LaserJockajmitch: today is the final day though, I hope01:54
=== LaserJock will retreat back to academia
LaserJockit has been interesting01:54
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ryanakcabddebian: wb02:07
bddebianHeya gang02:09
bddebianHi ryanakca02:09
LaserJockhi bddebian02:09
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bddebianHeya LaserJock02:10
ryanakcahaven't found anything on scons + .deb...02:10
ryanakcaand I asked in #debian-devel... the reply was "WTF is Scons?"02:10
bddebianWhere does it deviate from configure and make.  I'm a little confused obviously?02:10
ryanakcasame here... I wish people WOULD stick to configure and make02:11
bddebianryanakca: No, now Why, Where?  According to readme-linux.txt it is just autogen.sh, ./configure && make?02:12
ryanakcaI have no clue what the difference is... its only the 2nd time that I've ever heard of it... but you SHOULD be able to go sudo scons, and it'll configure, make and install02:12
ajmitchlook for packages that use scons to build that are currently in debian or ubuntu02:12
bddebianajmitch: Hi :-)02:13
bddebianajmitch: This is why I was trying to use grep-dctrl to see what packages build-dep on scons :-)02:13
ryanakcathats the topic where they explain that they switched from the old autogen to scons...02:13
ajmitchbddebian: yes, why didn't you?02:13
bddebianajmitch: Because I can't get it to work :-(02:14
bddebianI'm st00pid rememeber :'-(02:14
bddebianI tried 'grep-dctrl -F Build-depends scons' to no avail02:16
ajmitchand like grep, it needs data to work on02:17
bddebianAye but what Packages file do I use?02:18
ajmitchthe right one :P02:18
ajmitchin fact, no Packages file at all02:18
=== ryanakca is confused...
ajmitchPackages doesn't list Build-Depends, because it's not a field for a binary package02:19
bddebianOh, duh02:19
ajmitchit would work a little better02:19
bddebian<dumb question>Where is it?</dumb question>02:20
bddebianryanakca: I'm not quite sure what the issue is.  Can't you just put scons in debian/rules instead of configure && make02:21
ryanakcaI guess I could try...02:21
ryanakcaso comment out the whole file, and just put in "scons"?02:21
ajmitchbddebian: /var/lib/apt/lists..02:21
bddebianajmitch: Thank you!02:21
bddebianryanakca: In the specific targets, (i.e. build) take out any ./configure or $MAKE stuff and use scons.  Have you already run dh_make and have a rules file?02:22
bddebianryanakca: Can you paste it in a pastebin?02:22
bddebianryanakca: Also, do you know which SDL package you need?  There are a buttload :-(02:23
LaserJockbah, where does infinity live?02:23
ajmitchmelbourne, australia02:23
LaserJockk, so he might be up?02:24
ajmitchnot sure what timezone he lives in though ;)02:24
ryanakcabddebian: according to forums, libSDL-dev02:24
ajmitchLaserJock: there have been days when he's still been up at this time02:24
ryanakcacontrol http://pastebin.ca/6533202:25
LaserJockajmitch: it's gotta be morning there, no?02:25
bddebianryanakca: Do 'apt-cache dump |grep libsdl |grep dev |grep Package' ;-P02:26
LaserJockI'm just trying to figure how synaptic figures out the debconf interface02:26
=== TheMuso thought it was an environment variable.
LaserJockbut apt-get, dpkg, and gdebi are using Dialog02:28
LaserJockand synaptic is using Gnome02:28
LaserJockand I'm trying to figure out why that is02:28
bddebianryanakca: As a test, just replace $(MAKE) with scons02:28
ograapt-get source synaptic && grep DEBCONF synaptic-*/*02:29
bddebianryanakca: Aye. :-)  libsdl-dev is not enough, I tried it :-)02:29
LaserJockogra: sure if you want to do it the easy way ;-)02:29
LaserJockogra: I wanted to bug somebody :-)02:30
ograthen you will have to wait for mvo to get up, he'll know since he implemented it :)02:30
ryanakcakk, testing apt-get install libsdl*02:30
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ryanakcanope... dependency probs02:31
ryanakcasudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-all02:31
ryanakcathat should fix it, eh?02:31
bddebianWe'll find out :-)02:31
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LaserJockogra: mwuahahaha, putenv("DEBIAN_FRONTEND=gnome");02:33
bddebianStill no go:02:34
ograLaserJock, well, quick and dirty :)02:34
bddebianChecking for SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) in C library SDL... no02:34
LaserJockogra: but exactly what I wanted02:35
=== bddebian likes 'quick and dirty' ;-)
bddebianHeya chillywilly02:37
bddebianryanakca: Pull the source for 'yafray'.  It is a scons package02:38
=== bddebian hugs ajmitch
ryanakcabddebian: ok, when I try to run scons, without debuild... just to make a test build WITH scons, I get the error in the last post of this thread http://www.secretmaryo.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=107&sid=ea0840f3713ea219719bcdaaa183641d02:38
ryanakcainteresting rules file...02:41
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ryanakcahmmm... could I build the source from a slackware .tgz package?02:42
ryanakcabuild source/package from a slackware .tgz package I mean02:42
TheMusoryanakca: What format is the slackware package?02:43
TheMusoThe binary package?02:43
TheMusoLaserJock: Thats just a tarball.02:44
ryanakca.tgz... I think it's a source... either slack or gentoo builds everything from source with portage... forget wich one02:44
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TheMusoSlackware also uses .tgz files for binary packages.02:44
LaserJockI think the binary in slack is a .tgz but I could be wrong02:44
crimsun_bddebian: that should be covered by libsdl1.2-dev02:45
bddebiancrimsun_: I thought so too but it doesn't work :-(02:45
bddebianryanakca: Do you have all the build deps, like libcegui-dev?02:45
ryanakcano... I can't even get the source to build properly with this "scons" thingy02:46
ryanakcaok, the .tgz creates a folder "usr/, which containts bin/ share/     bin/ contains the executable "smc",     share/ some files...02:48
TheMusoOk so it is a binary packages.02:49
TheMusothe tgz that is.02:49
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ryanakcahmmm... I'll try running ~/deb/usr/bin/smc... I'll tell you the results...02:50
ryanakca./smc: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL_gfx.so.13: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory02:52
ryanakcaallready installed :S02:53
crimsun_"libSDL_gfx.so.13"? geez, what soname madness....02:54
ryanakcaso it's either a problem with libsdl or with scons and the source code02:54
bddebiancrimsun_: I've tried both of those too :-(02:54
crimsun_root@garnish:/usr/include/SDL# dpkg -L libsdl-gfx1.2-4|grep .so.02:55
TheMusoThats what you get with slackware packages. The quality is up to shit.02:55
ryanakcasee... I'm getting the error as said in message of 20:3802:55
TheMusoParticularly 3rd-party package.02:55
crimsun_if there's a config.log, it should spit out what pkg-config is failing on02:55
ryanakcacrimsun_: it doesn't run off of ./configure... it uses some wierd thing called "scons"02:56
TheMusoWhere can I grab the source for this package you are trying to build?02:56
TheMusoAnd is it in universe?02:57
ryanakcano... not in universe... I'm packaging it for REVU http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/smclone/SMC_0.98_source.zip?download02:57
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bddebianThere isn't anything particularly "weird" about scons, but we need to get the build-deps figured out03:00
TheMusoIt has autoconf stuff there.03:00
bddebianscons is basically just a souped-up configure && make03:00
TheMusoconfigure.ac and autogen.sh with autoconf related commands seem to be there.03:01
TheMusoand a configure script03:01
crimsun_hmm, cegui -> libcegui-mk2-dev ?03:02
TheMusoryanakca: According to the package you linked to abov.03:02
TheMusodamn typing03:03
TheMusoryanakca: Why not just use autoconf if building for Linux?03:05
ryanakcaautoconf? are you talking about autogen.sh?03:06
TheMusoLooks like it is a bit messy atm anyway.03:07
TheMusoTrying to work it out.03:07
ryanakcakk... autogen.sh isn't supported anymore... they left that at 0.96 methinks... they now use scons, and autogen.sh doesn't work03:07
TheMusoThese guys don't know automake/autoconf if their lives depended on it.03:08
TheMusoI can see why they changed to scons.03:08
TheMusoAutoconf/automake can get quite hairy sometimes.03:09
jmgwe hates the automake03:10
jmgi was quite tempted to rewrite kernel-package using rake03:11
TheMusoWell if they really didn't support automake any more, you would think they'd rip it out of the package.03:11
LaserJockdang, I'm going to need some sort of doc for this packaging with bzr stuff03:11
TheMusoryanakca: Where can I get a copy of that tgz package?03:12
ryanakcanp.. brb03:15
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bddebianDid we at least figure out what sdl package we need yet? :-)03:18
ryanakcaI installed all of them still same error03:18
TheMusoTHis is very interesting.03:19
TheMuso~luke@linden:~/Projects/Ubuntu_Development/dapper/sources/smc/tmp/usr/share/games/smc-0.96$ objdump -p smc | grep NEEDED NEEDED      libSDL_gfx.so.13 NEEDED      libSDL_ttf-2.0.so.0 NEEDED      libSDL_mixer-1.2.so.0 NEEDED      libSDL_image-1.2.so.0 NEEDED      libSDL-1.2.so.0 NEEDED      libpthread.so.0 NEEDED      libstdc++.so.5 NEEDED      libm.so.6 NEEDED      libgcc_s.so.1 NEEDED      libc.so.603:19
SymgeosisOh wow, smclone is bad ass.03:19
bddebianYeah, so bad it doesn't even build ;-P03:22
crimsun_it's worth noting that we have an outdated version of scons in Dapper.03:22
ryanakcawe do...03:23
jmgOh wow03:23
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TheMusoShouldn't make a difference though.03:23
crimsun_I can't for the life of me make scons spit out more $stuff03:23
crimsun_but you can kludge the junk out of SConstruct by using conf.CheckCHeader() instead of conf.CheckLibWithHeader()03:24
ryanakcahmmm... I pick easy packages as my first package, eh?03:24
bddebianYeah, nice one ;-)03:25
TheMusoFunny thing is that INIT_VIDEO is in sdl.h03:25
=== TheMuso wonders whether patching autoconf to get it going again might be the better option. :)
ryanakcawell...... If anybody wants to take over this packaging, feel free... because I have no clue what to do :)03:28
=== TheMuso patches Makefile.am for automake 1.4
TheMusoOk, regenerated configure.03:28
TheMusoLets see what happens.03:28
ryanakcaI'm going to work on making an updated package for a simpler program... typespeed :)03:28
ryanakcaconfigure gives a "error: missing configure.in" or something simmilar03:29
TheMusoNope. I have got pas that.03:29
TheMusoJust had to install libsdl-mixer1.2-dev03:29
ryanakcawell, see yah in the morning... dad's bugging me to go to bed... good luck, can't wait to hear how it went :)03:30
bddebianGnight ryanakca03:30
=== bddebian wishes he could get this much help debugging the test scripts in git-core :-)
bddebianTheMuso: You got past checking for SDL_Init?03:31
crimsun_getting past that check is easy03:32
TheMusoGot config files made.03:32
TheMusoJust trying to run make now. Missing command-line too needed for build.03:32
crimsun_you just have to break SConstruct in interesting ways03:32
crimsun_        if not conf.CheckCHeader('SDL.h'):03:32
crimsun_#       if not conf.CheckLibWithHeader('SDL', 'SDL.h', 'c', 'SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO);'):03:32
crimsun_you know, defeat the whole point of using scons in the first place :)03:33
=== bddebian decides to play Morrowind since he sucks
LaserJockbddebian: you don't suck at Morrowind?03:35
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bddebianLaserJock: I suck at everything03:37
LaserJockbddebian: I doubt it03:37
LaserJockI've never heard of Morrowind, I had to wikipedia it03:38
crimsun_my opposite-day bddebian-translator is rockin'03:38
bddebianEgads, you are a geek LaserJock ;-P03:38
bddebiancrimsun_: ?03:38
crimsun_"I suck at everything" ==> "Please assign git-core bugs to me"03:38
bddebiancrimsun_: git-core is a port for GNU/Hurd and I can't fix it03:39
crimsun_bddebian: hopefully using Debian's and not Ubuntu's...03:39
crimsun_cos we're a tad behind in Dapper03:39
bddebianYes, Hurd is only Debian at the moment03:39
crimsun_what? No Ubuntu HURD? Blasphemy!03:39
TheMusocrimsun_: Did you get anywhere with that package?03:40
crimsun_Hurd, rather03:40
LaserJockbddebian: yeah, the only game I've played in the last year was America's Army (because they had a linux version) but now that I've got the macintel I don't find that many games03:40
bddebianI kept threatening it03:40
crimsun_TheMuso: I can make it build, but it's so stupid I'd rather not do it that way.03:40
TheMusoI know what you mean.03:40
bddebianBut the Debian guys don't want it and the GNU Zealots want a pure GNU system so it's pointless I suppose03:40
TheMusoI have almost got the automake/autoconf functionality working. One thing I am accounting however is this:03:40
bddebianWhere the hell do the sdl libraries get installed?03:41
TheMusoWhen I run make, for some reason the LIBS variable is being treated as a command after the first -03:41
TheMusoIf that makes sense.03:41
TheMusoluke@linden:~/Projects/Ubuntu_Development/dapper/sources/smc/smc/src$ make03:41
TheMusolSDL_ttf -lSDL_mixer -lSDL_image  -L/usr/lib -lSDL -lpthread -lGL -lCEGUIBase -lCEGUIOpenGLRenderer03:41
TheMusomake: lSDL_ttf: Command not found03:42
TheMusomake: [smc]  Error 127 (ignored)03:42
TheMusoWhich is this line in the Makefile: LIBS = -lSDL_ttf -lSDL_mixer -lSDL_image  -L/usr/lib -lSDL -lpthread -lGL -lCEGUIBase -lCEGUIOpenGLRenderer03:42
crimsun_bddebian: /usr/lib/03:43
TheMusoThey say 1.7 for automake is required, but I did a dirty hack to Makefile.am for 1.403:43
TheMusothat might have something to do with that.03:43
bddebiancrimsun_: Aye, I was using libsdl not libSDL :-)03:43
bddebianTold ya I was stupid03:43
TheMusoAnybody know what automake call needs to be used in a configure.ac/in file for 1.7 as opposed to 1.4?03:43
bddebianAh, there is no libSDL-X.so03:43
bddebianGads, I am an idiot03:50
bddebian libSDL.so03:50
bddebianShould work:03:51
bddebianbdefreese@bdubuntu1:~/devel/smc$ objdump -T /usr/lib/libSDL.so |grep SDL_Init03:51
bddebian0000c500 g    DF .text  00000149  Base        SDL_InitSubSystem03:51
bddebian0000c649 g    DF .text  0000004f  Base        SDL_Init03:51
hubcan somebody review this: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=233204:24
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bddebianHi Hobbsee, welcome to my self-deprecation :-)04:35
Hobbseehey bddebian04:35
Hobbseewhy are you self depreciating now?04:35
=== Hobbsee hugs bddebian
bddebianBecause I'm dumb :-(04:36
=== bddebian hugs Hobbsee back (Thanks :-) )
=== Hobbsee is the idiot today.
Hobbseebddebian: why are you dumb??04:39
bddebianI was born that way? :-)04:40
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TheMusobddebian: You know you really should stop that self knocking.04:42
bddebianI wish I could :-)04:43
TheMusoYou can.04:44
bddebianTheMuso: No, I can't.  Even the medication doesn't help :-)04:48
TheMusoSure sure.04:49
=== bddebian thinks TheMuso thinks he is kidding
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TheMusoMeh. smc can't be built atm because it needs a library file from the cegui-mk2 package that doesn't even exist in the Ubuntu version.05:06
TheMusoGoing to check the sid version, but guess it may be the same.05:06
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Erlangemmm, am I being silly or newest/oldest is reversed in launchpad?05:21
crimsun_Erlang: it's reversed, it's known, fixed committed, just waiting for the next rollout of LP05:25
Erlangcrimsun_: Okay.  Just wanted to see if it was somewhat related to something I did.05:26
crimsun_I asked the same thing last week :)05:27
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imbrandon_ajmitch ping05:30
imbrandon_oops sorry was in -devel05:37
imbrandon_hey you were wondering about my forcedeth output right ?05:37
imbrandon_i have to do this on every boot to make forcedeth work05:37
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ajmitchno, I've never asked you about it..05:38
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imbrandon_ahh sorry thought it was you05:39
imbrandon_my mistake05:39
Hobbseeajmitch: back to studying :P05:39
ajmitchhah, as if05:43
=== Hobbsee makes a mental note to quote him on that
=== Hobbsee throws a bucket of icy water at bddebian and ajmitch to liven up the channel
bddebianNah, I think I have sufficiently annoyed the channel for tonight :-)05:45
Hobbseei thought that was my job.  to annoy people :P05:45
bddebianWell regardless of popular opinion, I don't do it intentionally ;-)05:46
Hobbseehehe fair enough05:47
Hobbseeheya LaserJock - finished the documentation yet?05:57
LaserJockha ha ha, very funny :p05:57
Hobbseehehe :)05:58
LaserJockactually, I just installed Enemy Territory on my macintel for the heck of it05:58
ajmitchHobbsee: documentation is your job05:58
crimsun_oh great, now the documentation won't be finished in the next few years05:58
Hobbseeajmitch: no it isnt. my job is to just annoy everyone.05:58
ajmitchoh right05:59
=== Hobbsee isnt interested much in writing...
=== Hobbsee has done far too much english
ajmitchthat's ok06:00
ajmitchyou don't have to be interested, you just have to do it06:00
LaserJockbah, ET isn't nearlly as fun as hanging out here :-/06:01
Hobbseeajmitch: were you volunteering for it?06:03
ajmitchvolunteering you for it :)06:03
Hobbseedream on :P06:03
LaserJockugh, compilers and kernel removal, can't we get something exciting on -devel? :-)06:05
LaserJockmaybe I should write a "We should move to rpm" to shake it up a bit06:05
LaserJockack, I'm going home. I've got a 5:00 am Edubuntu meeting tomorrow06:06
bddebianGnight LaserJock06:07
LaserJockcya all06:07
Hobbseenight LaserJock06:07
ajmitchbye LaserJock06:07
crimsun_he'll be playing ET til 5:00 AM06:08
=== Hobbsee has never played ET :(
=== imbrandon_ dosent even know what ET is other than a little short alien that makes a phone out of a speak and spell
imbrandon_interstellar phone at that06:15
Hobbseedamned exploits.06:16
Hobbseei thought people were over using it.06:16
Hobbseeimbrandon_: #ubuntu06:18
Hobbseean idiot wanting a kline.06:18
imbrandon_i rarely look at #ubuntu its about the only irc channel i cant keep up with06:19
imbrandon_#kubuntu is busy enough at times06:19
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TheMuso#ubuntu is very hard to follow most of the time IMO.06:20
Hobbseethat's why they have calls  of !ops - otherwise i wouldnt be there06:25
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bddebianAh well, gnight folks06:35
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Gloubiboulgahello world!06:45
Hobbseehey Gloubiboulga06:47
Gloubiboulgahey Hobbsee :)06:48
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Laser_awaycrimsun_: no, I played it for about 30 min. and had enough06:56
crimsun_that's what you say now. See? Still awake. I'll check at 4:00 AM.06:56
ajmitchbut you couldn't resist playing it still...06:57
Laser_awayajmitch: I wanted to see if an intel iMac was any good for games06:57
Laser_awayit seemed fine, I on the other hand ...06:57
ajmitchthat's what they all say...06:58
Laser_awayheh, really, as long as I'm not burned out, I really enjoy Ubuntu work more06:59
Laser_awayanybody know what mvo's TZ is?07:01
ajmitchLaser_away: UTC+207:02
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Laser_awayajmitch: ah, ok. thnx07:04
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dholbachgood morning motu world07:15
Hobbseeheya dholbach07:15
dholbachhey Hobbsee07:16
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dholbachooooh: http://scsharp.org/07:22
dholbachthat's something for the motugames team!07:22
Hobbseeooh.  games.  something else to distract me from study...07:22
dholbachpackage it!07:23
dholbachDOIT! :)07:23
crimsun_I think I'm going to ignore stuff that begins with "sc" given the fright over SConstruct and that crazy secretmaryo thing.07:23
dholbachcrimsun_: _S_tar _C_raft :)07:24
DarkMageZdholbach, how far along is that project? have they got units working yet?07:25
dholbachDarkMageZ: I heard of it 5 minutes ago07:27
dholbachDarkMageZ: and I won't have the time today to build it, look hours for my old starcraft CD to get it going07:27
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Toadstool'morning motus10:06
Hobbseeheya Toadstool10:09
Toadstoolhi Hobbsee10:09
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Gloubiboulgahmm... a google-earth package on REVU12:37
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dholbachyay - more wine versions in the archive! :)12:39
azeemI thought it was a native port12:39
azeemsomebody said it wouldn't be using wine, at least12:39
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ograi heard the same ...12:44
Hobbseehi ogra12:46
ograwoah, that package is horrible ...12:46
DarkMageZooo, where can i find the horrible google earth package :)12:51
HobbseeDarkMageZ: revu?12:53
DarkMageZit's a repo i'm guessing12:53
HobbseeDarkMageZ: it's at http://revu.tauware.de/12:53
=== Hobbsee kicks her connectoin, being slow to load revu
HobbseeDarkMageZ: it's a place where devs upload packages to be reviewed and to go into the ubuntu repos12:54
DarkMageZyour connection is innocent for a change :P12:54
=== DarkMageZ bookmarks
Hobbseeoh here we go12:56
Hobbseeoh, nice, someone uploaded kopete.12:56
Gloubiboulgano copyright of course for the google earth thing12:56
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Mithrandirhello, truls01:50
trulstrying to package a python-application we're developing for debian/ubuntu, and been hitting some problems01:53
truls(first of all the lack of good practices to follow)01:54
LaserJocktruls: have you seen the Ubuntu Packaging Guide?01:54
trulsany pointers to a good way of doing it? been fiddling with distutils as the obvious choice, but it doesn't seem suited for programs wanting to end up in /usr/lib/myprogram while keeping its hope of multiplatform...01:55
trulsLaserJock: yeah, so i got the impression that debhelper with cdbs is the way to go, but that requires a standard distutils setup (or atleast that was my impression)01:56
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LaserJockhi zul01:56
zulhey LaserJock how goes it?01:57
LaserJockuggh, it's early, but I'm kinda up at least. How 'bout you?01:57
zulsame here...but not so up01:58
Toadstoolhum about python packages should the upcoming Debian python policy followed for edgy? I suppose so since I've seen a python-defaults upload made by doko...01:58
LaserJockI would guess so01:58
dokoToadstool: yes, when the archive opens ...01:58
Toadstoolok thanks LaserJock & doko01:58
LaserJockToadstool: what's the "upcoming" part about?01:59
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LaserJockhi kelmo02:33
kelmohey LaserJock02:40
kelmohi siretart02:40
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bddebianHeya gang04:02
LaserJockhi bddebian04:03
bddebianHi LaserJock04:03
TheMusoHey bddebian.04:03
TheMusoLaserJock: Got everything finalized for the trip04:03
bddebianHello TheMuso04:04
Hobbseeheya bddebian04:04
bddebianHi Hobbsee04:04
TheMusoHey Hobbsee.04:04
TheMusoDidn't see you there. :)04:04
=== Hobbsee is studying in the background
Hobbseeand trying to stay out of the way to not get yelled at.04:05
LaserJockTheMuso: umm, I sure hope so04:05
LaserJockTheMuso: I need to get some euros before I go though04:05
TheMusoWhen do you fly out?04:05
LaserJockSat. noonish04:05
bddebianHobbsee: You got yelled at? :'-(04:05
Hobbseebddebian: yeah, earlier :(04:06
LaserJockno way04:06
TheMusoAnd when do you get into Paris?04:06
LaserJockumm, 11ish Sun.04:07
TheMusoAh right.04:07
TheMusoYou've got a longish flight like me. :)04:07
LaserJockwell, the time change effects a lot04:07
LaserJockthe longest stretch (Houston to Paris) is 9hrs of flying, I think04:08
TheMusoI worked out that I will be traveling for 27 hours and 45 minutes all up, assuming everything goes to time.04:09
LaserJockI'm flowing the other way :-)04:10
TheMusoLucky you.04:11
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LaserJockTheMuso: well, on the way back, let's see ...04:12
LaserJockdang it, for being a scientist TZ math sure confuses me04:12
TheMusoTZ maths is the easiest of them all IMO. :)04:14
HobbseeLaserJock: that's why they invented timezone clocks.04:15
LaserJockTheMuso: yeah, it's the easy stuff that get's us ;-)04:16
LaserJockHobbsee: yeah, whatever04:17
=== Hobbsee used to know timezones. then daylight savings hit. then it unhit. and i got horribly lost, and just used the timezone clock.
TheMusoAnyway, better get to bed.04:17
TheMusoNight all.04:17
LaserJockcya TheMuso04:18
neutrinomassWas there an update to launchpad in the past couple of hours? Apparently you can't change a bug's importance without confirming it first ....04:18
lifelessthat seems interesting04:18
lifelessyes there was a rollout04:18
neutrinomassBah. I suppose nobody will mind if I confirm my own .desktop bugs (I attach a .desktop as well ) ?04:19
lifelessif you join #launchpad you can chat with bjornt and bradb who develope malone04:20
neutrinomassI'm under the impression that it's a feature, not a bug .. I'll try #launchpad04:21
LaserJocklifeless: do you work on the bazaar.launchpad.net stuff?04:21
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lifelessLaserJock: some04:22
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agileIIsomeone alive here?05:18
bddebianNope :-)05:18
agileIIok :)05:19
agileIII was pointed to this channel to make someone work...05:19
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UbugtuMalone bug 48693 in loop-aes-source "loop-aes-source can't be build by m-a" [Medium,Rejected] 05:19
bddebianAh, good luck with that one05:19
bddebianI looked at it at one point05:19
agileIII assigned it to MOTU reviewers also05:20
agileIIthe Debian needs to be get again05:20
agileIIDebian code05:21
bddebianIt's very difficult to keep up with the kernel changes05:21
agileIIthere is just a "x" bit missing in /debian/rules in the .tar.gz somewhere...05:21
agileIIthe Debian code is fixed regarding to the maintainer05:22
bddebianI will see if I can take a look but it may or may not get accepted to dapper-updates05:22
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agileIIok, Thx05:22
agileIIWell I have solved it for myself, but other people will ask for it05:22
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bddebianHeya LaserJock07:02
LaserJockhi bddebian07:02
LaserJockI got apache to work at home07:03
bddebianLaserJock: Ahhh :-)07:03
LaserJocknot that it was tough or anything07:03
LaserJockI've just never run any kind of server before07:03
zulit shouldnt be07:03
LaserJockis it reasonably secure by default?07:04
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LaserJockI didn't adjust anything07:04
YagisanLaserJock: relatively secure. No dynamic pages ? No CGI ?07:05
LaserJockYagisan: umm, I haven't added anything yet, I did install the python mod07:05
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=== Yagisan wonders why he is writing configure.ac files at 3am
YagisanLaserJock: then it's fine07:06
chantrahi, can anyone tell me why a package didn't make it into revu pls07:06
bddebianYagisan: Because you are sick? :-)07:06
LaserJockchantra: you need to explain more07:06
Erlangchantra: you uploaded it as binary?07:06
chantraI wanted to updated gaim-2.0.0beta3, but it is still an older version (May02)07:06
chantradput *2ubuntu2*changes07:06
chantraLaserJock: Erlang or something similar07:07
ErlangErlang or something similar??07:07
Yagisanbddebian: yeah - I'm sick. I should get you to give it a once over then07:07
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chantradput -P  *2ubuntu2*changes07:08
chantraErlang: to be more specific :)07:08
Yagisanbddebian: sure. I figure it must be day time where you are, so you should have no trouble with it07:08
LaserJockchantra: you might want to specically call the particular _source.changes file07:08
LaserJockchantra: we don't want all your .debs ;-)07:09
bddebianYagisan: Ah :)07:09
Erlangchantra: I meant that you need to dput the *source.changes and not the [architecture] .changes.07:09
chantraLaserJock: Erlang cheers, I did dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -sa -S -kmykey but I only get and old source.changes07:10
chantra ls ../*changes07:11
chantra../gaim_2.0.0beta3-2ubuntu0_i386.changes    ../gaim_2.0.0beta3-2ubuntu1_i386.changes07:11
chantra../gaim_2.0.0beta3-2ubuntu0_source.changes  ../gaim_2.0.0beta3-2ubuntu2_i386.changes07:11
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LaserJockchantra: so did you do dpkg-buildpackage in the right source?07:11
Yagisanbddebian: of course, there was that wiki page about you07:12
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chantrayep gaim-2.0.0beta307:12
bddebianYagisan: Yes, but that is all wrong.. :)07:13
LaserJockchantra: I mean, check the changelog in debia/ to make sure you building what you think you are :-007:14
LaserJock:-) I mean07:14
Yagisanbddebian: lies. we know it's true. That's why you can spot all my errors in my autoconfiscated application ;)07:14
chantragaim (2:2.0.0beta3-2ubuntu2) dapper; urgency=low07:15
chantra* Added DBUS support * --enable-dbus07:15
chantrathis is the first entry07:15
bddebianYagisan: You are obviously on crack ;-)07:16
LaserJockchantra: try it again and make sure that dpkg-buildpackage finished07:17
bddebianHow the hell can attal depend attal-themes-medieval and attal-themes-medieval depend attal when one of them has to be installed first?07:18
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LaserJockbddebian: isn't that called circular dependency?07:19
bddebianUsually but I think it installs currently07:20
azeembddebian: why has one of them to be installed first?07:20
bddebianazeem: Because if I try to install the themes it says attal is not installed/configured and vice versa07:20
azeeminstall via apt-get?07:20
Yagisanbddebian: close. I have so much sugar in my system it's not funny.07:21
Yagisanbddebian: at least I made nice error messages "configure: error: "SDL Net not found. On Ubuntu install libsdl-net1.2-dev."" of course, I got that because I missed on of these -> ,07:22
Kyral_FreeBSDhey guys, just a notice, there is a new version of Mod Security out, Debian doesn't have it so may wanna jump on it :D07:25
chantraLaserJock: there is something I don't understand07:25
chantrawhile compiling gaim debs, if I have got the orig.tar.gz file, i get the following error07:26
chantra/usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/buildcore.mk:70: Parsing gaim-2.0.0beta3.tar.bz2... dpkg-source -b gaim-2.0.0beta307:26
chantradpkg-source: cannot represent change to gaim-2.0.0beta3.tar.bz2: binary file contents changed07:26
chantrashould I use a gaim....orig.tar.bz2 instead?07:26
LaserJockchantra: hmm, I'm wondering if you are trying to create a native package07:26
chantrawhat do you mean?07:27
LaserJockdo you get a .diff.gz file?07:27
chantrait basically contains the information from debian/07:28
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bddebianazeem: This is dpkg -i so might be the problem07:34
bddebianShit, meeting, bbiab07:36
azeembddebian: yeah, apt should handle it fine07:37
azeemor dpkg -i <both .debs>07:37
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blankyehy guys07:39
LaserJockhi blanky07:39
blankyif I'd like to create an application for ubuntu, what GUI toolkit should I use, or is there no recommendation, becuase I figured GTK would look a lot more integrated, as well as for the Xubuntu users, however, in KDE, Qt would seem a bit more adequate, then there's WxWidgets. I'm fine with any, just wondering if there was a recommendatoin07:40
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LaserJockblanky: pick one that you are comfortable with? If it is designed for Gnome use GTK, KDE use QT07:41
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blankyLaserJock, it's designed for any environment, and I am fine with any, I was just wondering if it was recommended or asked to do it in GTK since it'd seem more integrated, thanks anyways07:41
LaserJockblanky: well, I'm sure Kubuntu users would appreciate a qt interface07:42
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blankyLaserJock, exactly, but I figure there's more Ubuntu/GNOME users07:43
=== Yagisan notes that *ubuntu works fine with a curses interface
blankyOr I could do it in GTK first, and then port it to whatever other GUI toolkit if there's enough demand07:43
LaserJockblanky: will it use other apps? do you want it integrated in the DE?07:44
Yagisanblanky: your app. *NIX only ?07:44
blankyYagisan, yep07:44
siretartYagisan: there is a even gtk2 port for windows07:45
Yagisansiretart: yep. but IIRC qt was not free on WIn3207:45
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LaserJocksiretart: yeah, gtk2 apps aren't to bad on Windows, not so good in OS X07:46
Yagisanblanky: A project I'm involved with chose WxWidgets, but it "runs" on *NIX, Win32 and OSX07:47
Yagisanblanky: pick which you prefer07:48
hubLaserJock: gtk on MacOS X is incomplete07:48
blankyYagisan, yeah I know, but my program is *nix specific07:48
blankyYagisan, okay07:48
hubLaserJock: the main dev stopped working on it07:48
LaserJockhub: exactly ;-)07:48
LaserJockhub: I use fink07:48
huband X1107:48
siretartYagisan: IIRC this changed in the past. but any, I don't care too much for windows, and blanky doesn't seem to either07:48
hubLaserJock: I'm talking of the non-X11 port07:49
LaserJockhub: right07:49
Yagisansiretart: yep. that's why any choice is fine07:49
blankyAh okay, which do you all prefer?07:49
LaserJockpygtk, for now07:49
blankyIt's not that I can't decide, it's just that if people would like to develop for it, I would like it to be a GUI toolkit they prefer07:49
blankyLaserJock, thanks for the niput07:49
blankylol crimsun_07:49
LaserJockbut I'm not a programmer so my vote doesn't count very much07:49
LaserJockcrimsun_: I'm with you man, but kids these days..07:50
siretartblanky: in ubuntu/xubuntu land, gtk2 is prefferred. in kubuntu land qt. take your pill :)07:50
blankysiretart, I know that, haha. And I prefer Kubuntu, however, this program is intended for noobies and I believe that they, well, most people use Ubuntu07:51
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blankyI'm choosing GTK :)07:51
=== Yagisan was hoping to see a vote for Xlib
LaserJockblanky: there are a lot of Kubuntu users out there07:52
LaserJockyeah, whatever07:52
chantraLaserJock: okie, got the error sorted out07:52
BazziRblanky: yeah GTK in Kubuntu looks better than Qt in Gnome I think07:52
siretartblanky: it doesn't matter too much. look at both, and choose what suits you better. if you are programming python, I have the vague impression that pygtk might be easier to find documentation for than pyqt07:52
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blankyBazziR, yeah, from my experience. GTK handles well in KDE07:52
blankysiretart, true, thanks all07:52
LaserJockblanky: do both!07:52
blankyhaha, will do after I get one down first07:52
LaserJocksee wich one you like07:52
hubblanky: gtkmm then :-)07:53
chantrain fact, using cdbs , the pkg_version.orig.tar.gz, once unpacked, contains pkg_version.orig/pkg-version.tar.bz207:53
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chantraI dont know if it is related to cdbs or not07:53
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chantraLaserJock: this is how the original package was made:07:59
chantra tar -xzvf gaim_1.5.0+1.5.1cvs20051015.orig.tar.gz07:59
chantraand this doesn't send errors, so I believe this is the way to do it :s08:00
LaserJockbah, why is mvo never around when I need him!08:01
LaserJockI hate time zones!08:01
chantrabad luck ;)08:01
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LaserJockanybody know how to clear package listed with dpkg --yet-to-unpack ?08:09
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chantraLaserJock: apt-get -f install ?08:13
chantraor dpkg --configure -a08:13
LaserJockI don't want to install it, I want to get rid of it :-)08:14
chantraLaserJock: I did dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot  -kBCF1FC2908:14
chantraand dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -S -sa -kBCF1FC2908:14
chantraand still no source.*08:14
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chantrals ../*2ubuntu3*08:15
chantra../gaim_2.0.0beta3-2ubuntu3.diff.gz  ../gaim_2.0.0beta3-2ubuntu3_i386.changes  ../gaim-data_2.0.0beta3-2ubuntu3_all.deb08:15
chantra../gaim_2.0.0beta3-2ubuntu3.dsc      ../gaim_2.0.0beta3-2ubuntu3_i386.deb      ../gaim-dev_2.0.0beta3-2ubuntu3_i386.deb08:15
chantrado you have any idea08:15
LaserJockwhere is the .orig.tar.gz?08:15
chantraLaserJock: apt-get remove mypackage ? doesnt work?08:15
LaserJockno, because it wasn't installed08:15
chantrals ../*orig*08:16
chantrabasically, same place08:16
sladen] 08:16
crimsun_(wouldn't you want to use 1:2.0.0+beta3-4 from experimental as a base?)08:17
chantraI used 1:1.5...... as a base08:18
crimsun_that's bound to cause [more]  headaches08:19
crimsun_I'd start with 1:2.0.0+beta3-4 as given here: http://packages.qa.debian.org/g/gaim.html08:19
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Kyral_FreeBSDgah making things portable is a PAIN08:30
Kyral_FreeBSDsome distros put some things in one place others in another...kinda a bitch when you are trying to hardcode pathnames08:31
crimsun_that's why you program for Hurd. Oh wait, you want it to run...08:31
Kyral_FreeBSDIts not for Hurd08:31
crimsun_why are you hardcoding paths...?08:31
Kyral_FreeBSDso I KNOW for sure that what I want is what I'm getting08:32
LaserJockKyral_FreeBSD: hardcoding paths is from SATAN!08:32
Kyral_FreeBSDLaserJock: its also secure08:32
Kyral_FreeBSDfor commands08:32
=== Kyral_FreeBSD is on a security kick :P
crimsun_if you're relying on hardcoded paths for security, that's an awful way to go...08:33
Kyral_FreeBSDalso resetting PATH to something known08:33
Kyral_FreeBSDand the IFS08:33
Kyral_FreeBSDSo like I KNOW what PATH contains08:38
LaserJockheh, I'm not much into security08:38
LaserJockI try, but it just isn't my thing08:38
Kyral_FreeBSDLaserJock: neither was I, until I "inherited" a production server08:39
Kyral_FreeBSDWriting insecure shell scripts for myself is one thing08:39
Kyral_FreeBSDwriting them for someone else is somethign I cannot do08:39
LaserJockwell, I guess my problem is when security gets in the way of productivity, I mean ideally you disconnect the server from the net and put it in a locked room or something08:40
Kyral_FreeBSDWell I can't do that :P08:40
LaserJockbut if what you are doing makes it very difficult to change anything then it might be a problem08:41
Kyral_FreeBSDWell the hardcoded paths are pretty much where they normally are08:41
Kyral_FreeBSDie, grep is normally in /bin/brep08:42
LaserJocksure ;-)08:42
Kyral_FreeBSDs/brep/grep :D08:42
Kyral_FreeBSDthen in the shell script itself I reset PATH and IFS08:42
LaserJockyeah, there you go. make it more secure by changing the names of all the binaries. then nobody will know how to do anything ;-)08:42
Kyral_FreeBSD..you do know invoking "/bin/grep" is the same as invoking "grep"08:43
LaserJockif /bin/ is before any other paths containing a grep08:44
Kyral_FreeBSDThis is why I reset PATH :P08:44
LaserJockhmm, well it doesn't seem to me that it would get you much of anywhere, but have at it :-)08:45
Kyral_FreeBSDBetter than nothing08:45
Kyral_FreeBSDlook at the system install cronjobs, they hardcode the paths too08:47
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bddebianShite, so how do I test these damn attal packages that depend on each other?09:08
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ryanakcaLaserJock: bddebian: crimsun_: How did it go?09:19
bddebianryanakca: I gave up, sorry :-(09:19
ryanakcalol, thanks for the help...09:20
ryanakcaI gave up as well :)09:20
crimsun_ryanakca: it went fine, but I'm not about to say "here, take these changes to SConstruct that neuter the very reason for using it in the first place"09:20
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chantrai dont get it09:21
ryanakcaI'm confused09:21
chantraif I do dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -S -sa09:21
chantraI get a source.changes file created09:21
chantrathen if I dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot09:21
chantrace source.changes disappear09:21
crimsun_i.e., I'm pretty sure there's a reason conf.CheckCHeader() is not used when one actually does want to test the presence of the libs. :)09:21
ryanakcameh... I'll stick to a... simpler... packaging thingy09:21
chantraand I get tis:09:22
chantra dpkg-genchanges -S -sa09:22
chantradpkg-genchanges: including full source code in upload09:22
chantradpkg-buildpackage: source only upload (original source is included)09:22
chantraMerged changes with ../gaim_2.0.0beta3-2ubuntu3_source.changes09:22
chantra signfile ../gaim_2.0.0beta3-2ubuntu3_i386.changes09:22
chantracan someone help me out on this pls09:22
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bddebianHeya Sp4rKy09:36
Sp4rKyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Maxence <== do you think i can hope become an Ubuntu member ?09:37
bddebianryanakca: I don't think the packaging is necessarily more difficult, just the package itself09:37
bddebiancrimsun_: Hey, how come you never help me?? :'-(09:38
Sp4rKyhi bddebian09:39
crimsun_bddebian: *cough* ivtools, mxv *cough*09:40
bddebiancrimsun_: No, you didn't HELP me there, you just did it ;-P09:40
chantracan anyone help me out building the *source.changes file pls09:41
ryanakcahmmm... what package provides dh_installman  ? http://pastebin.ca/6558609:42
crimsun_ryanakca: note the dh_ prefix...09:42
bddebianryanakca: debhelper09:42
bddebiancrimsun_: Do you know how I can test attal/attal-themes co-dependency?09:42
crimsun_bddebian: I haven't looked at either, so I'm not prepared to answer in the affirmative.09:43
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bddebiancrimsun_: I mean in general, how do I test two packages that depend on each other?09:44
ryanakcavery very strange http://pastebin.ca/6558809:44
bddebianryanakca: What's strange about that?09:45
crimsun_bddebian: what do you mean by "test"?09:45
bddebianWell dpkg -i won't resolve the dependencies like apt would09:45
ryanakcaok, look at the error, it says that a file called /usr/bin/dh_installman     doesn't exist, yet, in the ls /usr/bin/dh_installm*, it shows up09:45
bddebianOh, I missed the first pastbin sorry09:46
bddebianNo, it is saying you don't have typespeed.109:46
crimsun_bddebian: I presume you're installing them both (passing them both to dpkg -i )?09:46
ryanakcaoh... I thought it said that when compiling/running/whatever typespeed.1 it couldn't find dh_installman09:47
LaserJockquick OT question, anybody have a preference for berlios over sourceforge for project hosting?09:48
crimsun_I don't have the stats to back me, but sf seems to be unreachable more consistently than berlios.09:49
Kyral_FreeBSDor just fire up your own server :P09:49
Kyral_FreeBSDIt will be an excellent exercise in security09:49
LaserJockyeah, I want stability and features :-)09:50
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Kyral_FreeBSDDebian-Administration (or was it HowtoForge) has an excellent Apache+SVN Howto09:50
crimsun_tack on trac, and you've got a winner.09:51
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pygiKyral, Trac is the best ;)09:51
crimsun_Then again, if you're like me, the older and cruftier you grow, the less time you wish to spend maintaining servers.09:51
LaserJockwell, we're using bzr so the SVN isn't really a selling point09:52
Kyral_FreeBSDwhat is trac?09:52
crimsun_well if you're using bzr, why not just use ... LP?09:52
LaserJockcrimsun_: well, LP is great for bzr and bugs, but not so much for file hosting, web site, etc. I don't think09:52
Kyral_FreeBSDwait LP provides BZR now?09:53
crimsun_Kyral_FreeBSD: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trac09:53
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pygiKyral_FreeBSD, right :)09:53
Kyral_FreeBSDmight as well, saves me the hassle of setting up bugtracking09:53
pygicrimsun_, we are still on 0.9.3? :-/09:54
=== Kyral_FreeBSD doesn't know what makes Bazaar different from SVN but oh well
LaserJockKyral_FreeBSD: lots09:54
pygidistributed vs. central09:54
bddebiancrimsun_: Yes09:55
crimsun_pygi: (edgy hasn't opened for syncs yet ;-)09:55
=== Kyral_FreeBSD blinks stupidly
pygicrimsun_, bleh :P09:55
crimsun_(or in this case, merge)09:55
ryanakcaI know when making packages, the app is to be installed to /usr/bin, and not /usr/local... but would man pages still go to /usr/local/man, or is there a "ubuntu package" directory for man pages?09:56
Kyral_FreeBSDI always meant to register SHCD with LP for cheap bugtracking, but I also always intended to have my own SVN09:57
Kyral_FreeBSDfor other purposes (CompSci homework anyone? :D)09:57
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bddebianryanakca: dh_installmake should put it in the appropriate dirs for you09:58
ryanakcakk... but I'm editing the Makefile atm...09:59
ryanakcabefore remaking the package...10:00
bddebianIf install puts it in the wrong place, mv it in the rules file before running dh_installman10:00
chantrahow do you guy create a source.changes files?10:01
chantrausing -S -sa switch doesn't work for me10:01
bddebianchantra: Why aren't you using debuild or dpkg-buildpackage with -S -sa?10:02
sladenchantra: go into the directory and do  debuild -S10:02
crimsun_bddebian: what is failing?10:02
bddebiancrimsun_: If I just install attal it fails because it depends on attal-themes-medieval and vice versa10:03
crimsun_bddebian: err, I thought you were using ``dpkg -i attal[foo] .deb attal-themes-medieval[foo] .deb'' ...?10:04
bddebianI tried that too, same error10:04
ryanakcahmmm... rules is looking for typespeed.1, but there's only typespeed.6. Do I cp typespeed.6 to typespeed.1, or ln -s them, or edit the rules file to typespeed.6   ?10:04
crimsun_bddebian: any clues from dpkg -D3773 -i [..]  ?10:04
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chantrabddebian: using dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -S -sa -kmykey10:05
chantraMerged changes with ../gaim_2.0.0beta3-2ubuntu3_source.changes10:05
bddebianchantra: Huh?10:05
bddebiancrimsun_: Trying now, thx10:06
chantrabddebian: compiling and signing the debs file runs fine10:06
chantrabut dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -S -sa -kmykey10:06
crimsun_chantra: is there any reason you're not basing off the experimental package?10:06
chantradoes not create the sourcechanges10:06
chantracrimsun_: because I used the 1.5cvs version from dapper in the first place10:07
crimsun_chantra: seb already rolled beta 3 debs for Dapper...10:07
crimsun_chantra: so if you were to make new ones, either use /that/ src, or use debian experimental's10:08
chantracrimsun_: is there bonjour+meanwhile+dbus support ?10:08
crimsun_chantra: no clue, I don't use gaim10:08
pygicrimsun_, any idea when merges will be open? :)10:08
crimsun_pygi: I think the rule of thumb is "everytime you ask, the opening is delayed two weeks"10:09
chantracrimsun_: where can I get seb's package?10:09
pygicrimsun_, bleh :P10:09
chantracrimsun_: anyway, that did not resolve my problem10:09
crimsun_chantra: # deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/deb ./10:09
chantrasource.changes is not created :s10:09
crimsun_chantra: err, I don't remember suggesting a resolution...?10:10
chantracrimsun_: that is where my problem is :p10:10
crimsun_chantra: I'm not sure what "that" refers to, then10:10
chantracrimsun_: seb doesn't offer deb-src :s10:10
bddebianUhm, -D3773 spits out just a LITTLE output ;-)10:11
crimsun_chantra: it's all in that dir, dude10:11
chantra < chantra> how do you guy create a source.changes files?10:11
chantra22:01 < chantra> using -S -sa switch doesn't work for me10:11
crimsun_bddebian: just a bit10:11
chantracrimsun_: cheers sorry for that10:12
bddebianAck did pastebin move?10:15
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bddebianHeya ivoks10:15
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bddebiancrimsun_: I don't think this is telling me much I don't already know?  http://pastebin.ca/6560110:17
ryanakcahmmm... rules is looking for typespeed.1, but there's only typespeed.6. Do I cp typespeed.6 to typespeed.1, or ln -s them, or edit the rules file to typespeed.6   ?10:22
chantrawell, I still cant get how to create that bloody source.changes :s10:24
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Sp4rKywhy a dpkg-buildbackage doesn't create any diff file :/10:28
ErlangSp4rKy: when the package is debian-native10:29
Sp4rKyErlang, i've create debian/ rep myself !10:29
Erlangso?  it can still be native.  if dpkg-buildpackage doesn't find the orig he won't be able to make a diff.10:30
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eugmanHey, if I hypothetically had a program, what would I have to do in order for it to be added to the universe repositories.10:31
Sp4rKyErlang, it should find it10:31
bddebianYou would hypothetically get someone to package it up and post it on REVU :-)10:32
ErlangSp4rKy: make sure he does.  it's at the start of the process.10:32
pygibddebian, or just poke someone to sponsor upload :P10:32
pygi(me is joking, ofcourse :P)10:32
crimsun_bddebian: that's just odd. dpkg -i is supposed to work given you pass all necessary debs to it explicitly.10:33
bddebianAye, I am way confused10:33
crimsun_bddebian: this may be a stupid question, but is the version >= 0.10-0ubuntu1 ?10:33
bddebianWell, version of which?10:33
crimsun_of both.10:33
crimsun_ok, so what are the versions?10:34
bddebianBut versioned dep is >=10:34
crimsun_(versions you're attempting to install)10:34
bddebianattal_0.10-0ubuntu2_i386.deb  attal-themes-medieval_0.10-0ubuntu1_all.deb10:34
crimsun_both generated from the same src package? What's debian/control{,.in}?10:35
bddebiancrimsun_: No, two different packages10:36
bddebianIn fact the themse are pure CVS10:36
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crimsun_bddebian: I presume it'll work across --force-depends, but is there any Conflicts/Replaces junk?10:39
bddebianNo.  The themes package is very slight10:39
bddebianAye --force-depends seems to have worked10:41
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crimsun_bddebian: -themes{,-*} isn't/aren't essential, is it/are they?10:44
crimsun_bddebian: i.e., I tend to weigh strongly upstream debian/control, but if -themes{,-*} aren't essential to attal's function, then I'd demote -themes{,-*} to Recommends to break the circular dependency10:45
bddebiancrimsun_: I don't think the game plays without at least one theme installed but I'm not sure10:48
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bddebianHeya phanatic10:54
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phanaticheya bddebian10:55
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ryanakcarules is looking for typespeed.1, but there's only typespeed.6 . Do I cp typespeed.6 to typespeed.1, or ln -s them, or edit the rules file to typespeed.6   ?   http://pastebin.ca/6558610:57
crimsun_ryanakca: sections are pretty firm10:57
Sp4rKyhow could i do when diff contains some information about the Makefile modifications  , is it normal ?10:59
crimsun_ryanakca: edit debian/rules10:59
bddebianryanakca: Edit the rules file10:59
bddebiancrimsun_: Would you mind if I /query you for a sec?11:00
crimsun_Sp4rKy: you can omit (cf. filterdiff) Makefile (but not Makefile.{in,am} !) diff if autotools are used11:00
crimsun_bddebian: nope11:00
crimsun_Sp4rKy: (the rationale being that Makefile will be regenerated anyhow)11:00
bddebianNope you wouldn't mind or nope please don't? :-)11:00
Sp4rKycrimsun_, in fact it was generated with qmake :/11:01
crimsun_bddebian: nope I don't mind (since your question asked whether I mind) :)11:01
bddebianqmake? Ugh11:01
=== bddebian shudders
blankyqmake is cool11:01
crimsun_better than secretmaryo+scons11:01
blankysup crimsun_11:01
bddebiancrimsun_: Bah.. :-)11:02
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crimsun_blanky: just working, you?11:02
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blankysame, stuck with pygtk11:02
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bddebianWhat is a quick and dirty way to delete all the CVS dirs from all sub-dirs?11:18
bddebianWell I know I can do find ./ -name CVS but how do I feed that to rm ?11:19
bddebianI suck at regexp11:20
crimsun_-exec rm -rf '{}' ';'   or  |xargs rm -rf11:20
ryanakcado games in packages install to /usr/games/* or /usr/bin?11:20
crimsun_ryanakca: the former, purportedly11:21
bddebiancrimsun_: find ./ -name CVS |xargs rm -rf ?11:21
=== bddebian feels stupid again
crimsun_bddebian: sure11:21
bddebianKick ass, thanks crimsun_11:22
blankyhey guys, in ubuntu, what's the command to search for files of a certain format, "format:elf" for example?11:25
ryanakcaI know how to in konqueror... just not the command...11:26
blankyryanakca, oh well thanks an11:26
ryanakcaumm...       find * / | grep *.doc11:26
ryanakcatry that11:26
blankyryanakca, lol me? I meant in google, like when you search for something, and you want the results in a certain format11:27
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ryanakcawell... it would list the files in /, and then grep would display the ones ending in *.doc11:28
ryanakcain google, I don't know11:28
blankylol, thanks11:28
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phanaticraphink: thanks for posting my comment to revu :)11:32
raphinkyou're welcome phanatic11:34
bddebian"See" you in a few folks11:38
LaserJockoh my, bug #4976811:39
UbugtuMalone bug 49768 in edubuntu-meta "Installing Windows xp" [Untriaged,Rejected]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4976811:39
bddebianLaserJock: You can have it :-)11:41
Kyral_FreeBSDComment: *CENSORED* ;P11:42
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