
=== jb-home [n=jbailey@modemcable139.249-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-ports
fabbionebraddr: i can't access the ALOM on your box06:14
fabbionebraddr: did you unplug it?06:14
=== fabbione shakes braddr
braddrcrap.. damage from my nat box croaking06:32
braddrgive me 10 minutes, I'll move it to a public ip address06:33
fabbionetake the time you need :)06:33
fabbioneeven 2006:33
=== braddr goes to remind himself where he plugged in the serial port.
=== braddr lost a disk last night.. just started to get the box up enough to restore from last night's backup
fabbioneoh i see06:35
fabbioneok please don't rush06:35
fabbioneboth davem and I can reproduce the problem now06:35
fabbioneand he is working on a fix locally06:36
fabbioneyour box was to do the last test once we have the fix06:36
fabbioneit's not required right now06:36
braddrexcellent, I guess.  Won't take me but a few minutes to reconfig the network info, I've got spare ip addresses06:36
braddrok.. reconfigs, I updated the host entry for it, so you can still get to it via the t2000-sc hostname06:41
braddrno problem06:41
braddrthat just leaves my tivo off the air. :)06:41
fabbioneit works.. thanks06:42
braddrheh.. come to think of it, I could have just told you to use minicom on bellevue directly since either way it's all the same speed.06:43
fabbionetrue that06:43
braddrany idea what changed that caused your respective boxes to start exhibiting the problem?06:46
fabbionedavem removed 8GB of RAM from his box to go down to 8Gb06:46
fabbionemine started exhibiting the problem with one image that i was using to fix your06:46
fabbioneso basically it was just a matter of changing something else06:47
fabbioneprobably mine didn't show it immediatly because it has more hw inside06:47
fabbionelike 2 PCI-E controllers06:47
fabbionewho knows..06:47
=== braddr nods.
fabbionedavem just disappeared testing...06:48
fabbionei am sure he will find a fix06:48
braddrfor what it's worth.. still nothing from sun.06:50
braddrI've been avoiding asking them what's up.. I'm over 2 weeks over due now. :)06:51
fabbionedon't ask :)06:51
fabbionei should return IBM hw as well06:51
braddrbeen a while since I got to play with any interesting ibm hardware.06:52
braddrtheir SP frames are kinda interesting.06:52
braddrhuge though06:52
=== braddr makes a mental note, exclude the apt-proxy cache from backups.
fabbionenah i got a small machine from them to do some research06:54
fabbionenothing fancy06:54
fabbionebut i should have returned it last week06:55
braddr2 boots in a row..07:28
fabbioneboth with the wrong image07:29
fabbioneand there was still corruption07:29
fabbioneUnknown localized field:07:29
fabbionethat can't happen07:30
braddrI wasn't sure if that was the kernel or the installer07:30
fabbioneit's memory corruption ;)07:30
fabbione-13 with a hack seems good07:32
braddrno corrupted string that time I see08:24
braddrare hi5's in order?08:24
fabbionethis one looks good yeah08:24
fabbionenot yet08:24
fabbionethis is still a hack08:24
braddrwell, one for progress regardless08:24
braddrbtw, I never did check to see what was on disk1 to make sure it was ok to reformat/reinstall08:25
fabbioneno need to08:25
fabbionesince we can reproduce it locally, we can scratch here08:25
=== braddr nods.
braddrno dhcp server right now -- soon it'll be back.08:26
fabbioneno problem08:27
braddr209.189.198.125/  gw .9708:27
fabbionei don't need it :)08:27
braddrdidn't know how far into the install you were gonna go08:28
fabbionei did check enough to say that the initrd was not corrupted08:29
=== braddr eyes http://www.coraid.com/
fabbionelooks good08:34
fabbionethe image i mean08:34
=== braddr nods.
fabbionei have seen that before08:35
fabbionewe have the aoe support in the kernel08:35
fabbioneit's just another block device over ethernet08:35
fabbionei used it a lot to do cluster testing ;)08:35
fabbionebefore i got a real SAN08:35
braddryeah yeah.. lucky you. :)08:36
braddrfeel free to ship me your excess toys.08:36
fabbionei don't use it 24/708:36
fabbioneit's too expensive to run at home08:36
fabbioneand very very warm08:36
fabbioneyou really need a/c for that08:36
ajmitchsounds perfect for me at the moment08:37
fabbionebraddr:  so -13 has a hack with a fake page_size of 128 * 1024 that doesn't work08:39
fabbione-14 has 256*1024 and it works08:39
fabbionebut it's still a hack08:39
fabbionenow time to produce a final fix08:39
braddrand -11 and -12?  last one in my notes was -1008:39
fabbioneajmitch: did you ever get access to your |Viagara boxes?08:39
fabbionebraddr: oh hell.. wait.. let me remember...08:40
fabbione-11 was a broken patch08:40
braddrnot really that important, but if you remember I can shove it in the log08:40
fabbione-12 the same patch using the proper PAGE_SIZE (that clearly doens't work08:40
ajmitchnot proper access at the moment08:42
braddrboots.txt updated to record those notes, but didn't bother capturing the sequence of events from tonight08:42
fabbioneno problem08:43
fabbionewe are close to a solution now08:43
braddrseems like it08:43
fabbioneajmitch: sucks to be you :)08:43
fabbionei got a T2000 with 32 threads 32GB of ram and 1.2Ghz proc08:43
fabbionethe top class ;)08:44
ajmitchnice :)08:44
=== braddr glares.
braddrof course, you're actually using yours. :)08:44
fabbioneehhe clearly08:44
braddrwithout considerably faster disks, my primary usage wouldn't even really keep that many threads busy.08:45
fabbioneremember that this box is designed for http stuff08:46
braddrI keep my 16 mostly busy08:46
fabbionei can keep much more than that busy for what i do ;)08:47
fabbioneas soon as i release, i want to install the the Niagara at the datacenter and play distcc or something ;)08:47
braddrI'd just started playing with using /tmp under solaris.. using linux and tmpfs I ought to do a lot better08:48
braddrbut seeks and solaris' slower file systems were hurting me badly.08:48
fabbionethe only reason i would use solaris it's for the hotplug support in their kernel09:06
fabbionefor all the hotadd/hotremove of the hw09:06
fabbioneotherwise it can screw09:06
braddragreed.. once we're done here linux is primary, though I'll keep solaris around since I'm porting a compiler to support both on sparc09:13

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