
dokoinfinity: do the buildd's use dpkg-buildpackage -rsudo or -rfakeroot?01:57
infinitydoko: All of ours use -rfakeroot, some of Debian's have been known to use -rsudo (like the mips buildds, when fakeroot on mips caused horrible races and occasional kernel panics)04:15
dokoinfinity: thanks, just had to fix a silly bug which only does show with -rsudo04:17
infinityRight, well "doesn't build with real root" isn't a bug I'd ever file in Ubuntu, cause I just don't care about the buildability of Ubuntu packages outside the buildd network (wow, I'm evil)04:20
infinityIn Debian, though, I'm far more pedantic about things being "correct", and you really should assume that clean/binary may be called as real root.04:21
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dokoKeybuk, infinity: what state does gcj-4.1 in edgy, it needs-building, but requires gcc-4.1 in the archive. are the gcc-4.1 binaries in NEW?04:55
Keybukthey're building04:55
Keybuk(at least, sparc is)04:55
infinitydoko: gcc-4.1 is in the archive (though the newest version isn't yet... Will be soon)05:12
infinitydoko: Then I build your latest gcj again, then a few more small things, and the archive finally goes free-for-all.05:12
Keybukwhere "small things" =~ the kernel ? :)05:15
infinityNah, the kernel will build when we're in free-for-all land.05:15
infinity(though I'll queue it early)05:15
jbaileyTime it so that everyone upgrades the first day of Paris and noone has working wireless anymore ;)05:16
infinityThe few small things are stuff like new dpkg, ecj-boostrap (thanks for having that build-dep on the new dpkg-dev, doko...), debhelper, cdbs, etc...05:16
infinityjbailey: That's the plan.05:16
dokoinfinity: IIRC, that had to do with shlibdeps crashing ... on some strange lamont archs ...05:20
Keybukjbailey: we're not using wireless in Paris anyway05:28
jbaileyKeybuk: eh?05:28
Keybukjbailey: wireless in paris, not using, are we05:28
jbaileyKeybuk: We'll have 100 people each with 30m network cables?05:28
Keybukwireless and voip aren't friends, allegedly05:29
jbaileySome local regs against wireless? =)05:29
jbaileyRight.  Latency too high.05:29
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jbaileyrodarvus: Eh, welcome.09:10
jbaileyrodarvus: Helping make the toolchain better for schoolchildren? ;)09:10
rodarvusjbailey: thanks :)09:10
rodarvusactually, the toolchain (and optimization in general) is an area of interest to me (has been for many years ;) )09:10
jbaileyAh, nice!09:11
rodarvussince you mention - I'm about to propose a spec (late, I know) which might be of interest to toolchain people09:12
rodarvusbased on http://udrepper.livejournal.com/10946.html09:13
rodarvusI would have proposed this spec (and others) before the "freeze" of yesterday, but I have barely started working at Canonical :)09:14
jbaileyAh, yeah.  Text relocation madness.09:16
jbaileyIt would be interesting to even have some analysis on that sort of thing.09:16
jbaileyAnd maybe do a side "ubuntu-janitors" project that gets those types of things in upstream.09:16
rodarvusI'd also like to know (sometime in the future) how helpful 'ld --as-needed' could be09:18
jbaileyIt's a mix.  You can't do it by defaultl09:18
jbaileyThings that dlopen other things occasionally find themselves missing dependancies.09:19
jbaileyOr at least, it would have to be phased in over time.09:19

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