
nixternalno linuxmonkey..kde4 is supposed to have a preview though about the time Edgy is released12:11
LaserJockmdke: woah, what's https://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-doc/+bug/29075 all about?12:12
UbugtuMalone bug 29075 in ubuntu-doc "Have the Bazaar sandbox up" [Medium,Fix released]  12:12
mdkeLaserJock: what do you mean?12:13
linuxmonkeyah ty nixternal12:13
LaserJockmdke: we have a bzr sandbox on LP?12:13
LaserJocksomehow I missed out on the bug12:14
mdkeLaserJock: no, on the serverpronto box, you set it up, remember?12:14
LaserJockmdke: well, yeah, but I thought jerome was talking about LP12:14
LaserJockmdke: which I looking good, btw12:15
mdkei don't see that12:15
mdke"which I looking good"? :p12:15
LaserJockyes, I'm looking good these day, shesh12:16
LaserJockI need to learn to type12:16
LaserJockmy brain is fried getting ready to fly12:16
mdkewhen do you leave?12:16
LaserJocktomorrow at noon12:17
mdkeoh cool12:17
LaserJockbut I recently aquired an undergrad for the summer12:17
LaserJockand my boss wants me to finish up some experiments this afternoon12:17
LaserJockand I was working on that wiki12:17
LaserJockand I still need to send out some emails :/12:17
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nixternalwasabi Madpilot12:18
LaserJockso I had to get the undergrad setup for next week with plenty of stuff to keep him busy12:18
LaserJockhopefully he doesn't blow up the lab12:18
mdkehaha, nice12:18
mdkegot a slave12:18
mdkeMadpilot: hiya12:18
LaserJockyes, I'm very much a slave driver ;-)12:19
Madpilothi mdke 12:19
LaserJockmdke: should I commit my merge of the PG? It doesn't validate because of the $lulu-url; thing12:19
mdkeMadpilot: how are things?12:19
mdkeLaserJock: sure, if you like.12:20
Madpilotmdke, pretty good here - start of the weekend, thankfully!12:20
LaserJock&lulu-store;, I was slipping into a merge between Bash and docbook, scary12:20
mdkeMadpilot: yeah12:21
Madpilotmdke, how many of those new translations are going to be needing Lulu covers?12:21
mdkeMadpilot: I updated the wiki page, about 10?12:21
MadpilotOK, I'll get on that in a bit12:21
mdkeMadpilot: no rush, I haven't done the pdfs yet. My desktop guide arrived today, it looks shiny12:21
Madpilotnice. I haven't ordered anything from Lulu yet - I should12:22
LaserJockmdke: what's the URL again for the page with all the translations12:22
nixternalwhen editing docbooks, what is your favorite editor to use?  anyone?  im using kate, which is ok, but am tempted to switch to something better12:22
LaserJockemacs, vim, kate, gedit12:23
Madpilotthinking of attempting to convert a relative over to Ubuntu (or possibly Xubuntu)12:23
mdkeLaserJock: MatthewEast/CompleteBookTranslations12:23
LaserJockmdke: thanks12:23
nixternali used to use a bluefish clone in windows for docbooks many moons ago12:23
LaserJockbah, no new PG :(12:24
=== LaserJock sulks in the corner ;-)
mdkeLaserJock: progress, but nothing else completely finished12:25
LaserJockyeah, I saw you added some12:25
nixternalit seems as if you can't attempt to join the doc-team launchpad team twice...i forgot i did that a couple of weeks back12:25
LaserJockI'm amazed that it got as much translation action as it did12:25
LaserJockI'm pretty pleased12:26
mdkeplenty of time yet12:26
LaserJockhopefully bhuvan will be ok with my commit log ;-)12:28
Madpilotdid the meeting happen this morning? Was at work still12:29
LaserJockMadpilot: yes12:29
LaserJocklike 2 hrs or something12:29
LaserJockwe claimed it was because Matthew and the Burger Bros. weren't there ;-)12:30
LaserJockprove us wrong :-)12:31
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Madpilotheh. the irc logs aren't up to date yet - the meeting was at -meeting rather than here, right?12:35
LaserJock10:00, although i don't know what that translates to on fabbione's log12:35
mdkeI read em in "current"12:35
Madpilot'current' is currently blank, it seems.12:36
LaserJockmaybe it switched to the next day12:36
mdkemust be a day back, yeah12:37
LaserJockman, I'm terrible with email12:39
MadpilotOK, maybe I'm just thick, but I can't find the docteam meeting in any of the most recent four log files?12:51
LaserJockin #ubuntu-meeting?12:55
LaserJockyeah, your right12:57
Madpilot^^^ seems to go right from the tail end of a tech meeting to the Edubuntu meeting, no sign of DocTeam12:57
Madpilotstealth meeting? ;)12:57
LaserJockno, didn't mdke read it from there too?12:57
nixternaldoc team should be in there later im assuming...asi it takes a little time with that i have noticed...plus the edubuntu and tech meeting were yesterday 12:59
nixternaland i think we were the only meeting in there today12:59
LaserJockMadpilot: want me to send you the log?01:00
nixternalactually..it isn't looking good..because there is nothing in current whatsoever that is where it should be01:00
nixternali have a log also01:00
nixternali think ;)01:00
LaserJockmy log is better than your log ;-)01:00
MadpilotLaserJock, I'll wait - hopefully it'll show up in -current01:01
nixternalmy log's daddy could beat up your log's daddy ;)01:01
LaserJockoh yeah?!01:01
LaserJockshesh, I've got 26M of logs01:01
LaserJockI need to tar the old ones up01:01
nixternal<use the "is he your baby's daddy ghetto voice here>is that your loggy's daddy01:02
nixternalthat was supposed to say....whose your loggy's daddy ;)01:02
LaserJockhmm, I sure hope I can get my mic to work with my laptop :/01:03
LaserJockit seems to hate me01:04
nixternalok..i want to edit some docs...any kubuntu related items need any work?01:04
nixternalas it seems from the wiki that all projects are WIP01:04
LaserJockPackaging Guide ;-)01:04
nixternali knew you would sling that out there01:04
nixternali need to really read that over and see if i can comment on anything01:04
LaserJockI'm a slave driver, remember. I get people to do all my work :-)01:04
nixternalhaha ya01:05
nixternalget your intern to do it ;)01:05
nixternali love interns01:05
linuxmonkeyand i get LaserJock to do all mu work01:05
nixternalmy first job out of the military they gave me a programmer for an intern..i abused that poor kid01:05
LaserJocktsk, tsk01:05
linuxmonkeyhe now works for EA games now...lol01:06
nixternal8 years ago today as a matter of fact..i had him programming ladder logic for me while i worked on VB front ends for SAP/ERP and control automation systems01:06
nixternalhe was a whiz..i actually couldn't keep him busy...yet i stayed swamped01:06
nixternalyou get that too LaserJock?01:07
LaserJocknah, I just turn them loose ;-)01:07
nixternali think it is because we don't want to give them so much work that they actually look more important then us ;)01:07
nixternalor stand out more rather01:07
LaserJockyou just got to take all the credit ;-)01:07
nixternalwe give them enough and ya..hahah i was gonna say that01:07
LaserJockwell, the undergrad I've got working for me this summer seems pretty good01:11
LaserJockand he likes Ubuntu which is a definate plus01:11
nixternalLaserJock: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuPackagingGuide   <-is this a good place to start for info on that, or do you have something better?01:11
nixternalthat is good...now put him to doc work ;)01:12
nixternalget um up to speed on docbooks and let um at it ;)01:12
LaserJocknixternal: well, if you want a read just go to help.ubuntu.com01:12
nixternalarg...i didn't even see it there01:12
LaserJocknixternal: no, I need him to do "real" work while I'm off playing with Ubuntu01:12
nixternali seen the ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu/and server01:12
LaserJockeverybody overlooks my little PG01:13
nixternalit isn't that little from the looks of it01:13
LaserJockwell, the license takes up like 11 pages or something ;-)01:14
nixternalnow the version im looking at..this is it until edgy correct?  or are you looking at updating and cleaning it up?01:14
LaserJockoh, I'm just going to make it the most badass doc around ;-)01:14
LaserJockdo you know anything about packaging?01:15
nixternala little01:15
LaserJockthen read through it, see if it makes sense, if you find something confusing or think something should be explained better but it on the wiki page you went to01:15
nixternali have been wanting to learn how one goes about packaging because i always see people talking about it..now i know where to get the infor to learn ;)01:16
nixternalthat UbuntuPackagingGuide wiki page?01:16
LaserJockyeah, that is my notes for Edgy01:16
LaserJockso just add stuff there or email me or ping me here, whatever01:17
nixternalno prob...im sure if it is confusing i will find it01:17
nixternali usually do :001:17
LaserJockgood :-)01:17
linuxmonkeyu think that right click is confusing nixternal01:17
=== linuxmonkey hides
nixternali think the power button is confusing...right click isn't even in my vocab ;)01:17
LaserJockhmm :-)01:18
nixternali wear special glasses..and i talk to my computer...that way there i don't have to right click ;)01:18
nixternalpeople call me...01:18
linuxmonkeyRetarded: To be held back01:18
nixternalwith the retarded...you have to insert the carlos mencia "dee de dee" sound 01:19
crimsun_that wiki page is conspicuously missing references to ponies.01:20
LaserJockdoh, I knew I was missing something01:20
LaserJockI'll put it there along with a prominent link to BddebianIsAGod01:20
nixternalcrimsun_ and his ponies ;)01:21
linuxmonkeywere can I find references to the official colors for art01:24
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nixternalthere aren't any listed on the ArtTeams pages?01:25
linuxmonkeyno not that im fiding01:25
nixternalif you can't find any..talk to kwwii..he should know01:26
linuxmonkeyfound it01:31
nixternalLaserJock: if you see bug posts from RichJohnson, that is me btw ;)01:35
nixternalanyone of you actually01:35
nixternalso if it is bogus, feel free to holler at me in here... ;)01:35
LaserJocknixternal: ok01:39
LaserJockhehe, you can also right-click and open in a new tab ;-)01:41
nixternalya that too ;)01:41
nixternali always keep one finger near the ctrl or shift keys for this...as i hate being drug away from a page01:41
nixternalcould just be my personal preference also01:42
mdkenixternal: it's kinda intentional to open links in the same window you click them. That is what most users expect to happen01:56
LaserJockI know what you mean though nixternal, I just get used to using right click or keyboard shortcut01:59
=== mdke hugs middle click
LaserJockwell, try as the might, Apple has not figure out how to do middle click very well02:00
LaserJockeven right click is a little iffy02:00
LaserJockoh heah, I just tried it out in Camino and it worked great02:01
LaserJockyou are free to ignore me now :-)02:01
=== LaserJock really, really needs to get Ubuntu on this thing
=== mdke sleeps
mdkeLaserJock: have fun in paris02:03
LaserJockmdke: thanks, I'll try. You going to try Team Speak?02:03
mdkewe shall see. I don't have any headsets tho02:04
LaserJockmdke: actually, I wonder if they'll keep that server up, it would be great to use for a doc sprint 02:04
mdkegood point02:04
LaserJockyou should mention it to somebody (or maybe I can in Paris)02:05
LaserJockI hadn't thought of that before02:05
mdkedo so02:05
mdkeand if you see Znarl, poke him in the ribs02:05
LaserJockmore like give him a bribe02:05
mdkeI am poking him daily02:06
mdkefor the last three days he has said that today would be the day :/02:07
mdketoday he even backed up the server in preparation02:07
LaserJockhmm, is it just Paris preperations?02:07
mdkethen something always comes up02:07
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nixternal[19:03]  <LaserJock> you are free to ignore me now :-)03:49
nixternalsorry...i went to eat unexpectedly03:49
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Madpilothi rob10:42
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robhi Madpilot 10:42
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skorasaurus[ack, the last meeting was yesterday, missed out on it.)05:05
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skorai have a suggestion about directions on the website (specifically http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop and Ready to try Ubuntu?)05:17
skorawhere should i direct this suggestion to ?05:17
Laser_awayI think there might be a webmaster email address at the bottom of the website05:18
skoraon the bottom of the page, its just a link to the canonical site.05:18
skoraon after the dialog 'ready to try?' it tells people to download the livecd and test ubuntu without changing anything. There's a link there to the /download page, but I think people can easily get confused which one is the live cd that won't change their computer (desktop or server)05:20
skoraI've encountered this problem with a family member who took up my suggestion to try ubuntu.05:20
Laser_awayskora: well, you could email the ubuntu-doc mailing list to at least alert people. I'm not sure what the proper procedure for website bugs is05:20
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skorathanks Laser_away05:21
Laser_awaysorry I'm not more help, the website is not under doc team control but a couple of the doc team people can make changes I believe05:22
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klepasMadpilot: i'll give you a buzz later via email07:57
Madpilotklepas, sure07:57
klepasabout the wiki re-organisation via email07:57
klepasthanks! :)07:57
klepasthat's it for me07:58
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