
seaLnewow :( http://commercial-archive.com/129885.php12:05
\shoh my 12:06
kwwiiwell done12:07
kwwiigreat marketing12:07
\shthis would never reach germanz12:09
kwwiiyeah, the germans are too freaky about their own past to allow that12:09
kwwiiit is simply too provocative12:09
DaSkreechWell they seem to have gotten over it pretty quick12:10
\shkwwii: if they were too freaky about their past, they would let this go through...but you know we are doing business with some of those countries...china e.g.12:10
hunger\sh: Who isen't?12:10
kwwii\sh: dude, that is an even worse reason12:11
hunger\sh: I bet swiss is doing business with china as well!12:11
seaLneone of the big problems with the media being companies or government controlled12:11
kwwiiseeing as they are in the WTO I guess pretty much everyone is in onw way or another12:11
\shhunger: but swiss is democratic , their people are deciding what's going on and what not...12:11
kwwiithank god for that12:12
\shdamn...did I just say, that germany is not democratic?12:12
DaSkreechseaLne: Huh?12:12
DaSkreechWhat else should they be?12:12
kwwiisince I have lived here I have wondered why they still call it one, I guess because the people are so trained to just accept things that they don't notice12:12
DaSkreech\sh: it's the most stable democracy on earth actually12:13
seaLneDaSkreech: that is the problem, how to not be influenced and just report news12:13
\shDaSkreech: germany? 12:13
DaSkreechYeah :) 12:13
\shDaSkreech: I live in the wrong germany then12:13
kwwiiyeah, me too12:13
\shdemocracy is something else..12:14
DaSkreechI never said it was good democracy. Just stable :)12:14
kwwiiwell, in a way, he is right12:14
kwwiiit is very stable because every follows the line12:14
\shyes...we have a chancellor12:14
kwwiiso it is more a socio-cultural problem than a political one12:14
seaLnebut the media tell the people that it is democratic so they think it is :-/12:15
DaSkreechYeah legally it's really hard to undermine the system12:15
DaSkreechWell the main problem with democracy is that people have to be involved ;-)12:15
DaSkreechKind of like FOSS12:15
=== DaSkreech points at knoware again :)
seaLnebut in FLOSS power corupts/ absolute power corrupts absolutly isn't quite as much a problem12:16
DaSkreechIt will be once gnucash is responsible for doing all our taxes :)12:17
\shseaLne: I think, if you do a lot in FOSS universe, you have power, and you can change things, right, but people who never worked like the man from the street, deciding about the man's future...I don't think this power is good12:17
hungerHmmm... ubuntu based distris are *very* popular on distrowatch:-)12:19
DaSkreechWho is the man? Just for reference?12:19
DaSkreechDemocracy by itself isn't an answer12:20
DaSkreechNo government by itself and virtue of design is an answer12:20
DaSkreechLike FOSS the only thing that really counts is action12:20
\shDaSkreech: but action comes from the people, but there is actually no action in germany, only from the politicians...12:22
seaLnebut reputations also grant power such as Linus' KDE/GNOME thing12:22
\shseaLne: which is ok, because he will be punished by the people 12:22
seaLne\sh where i stay voting is almost pointless as so many people vote for the party their parents did ignoring policies etc12:23
DaSkreechYou really think that if LInus said that he was using FluxBox or iceWM that all of a sudden distros would ship with it on by default?12:23
seaLnemaybe, but personally i found the whole thing amusing the way it was blown out of porportions12:24
\shDaSkreech: well, no...but no distro (neither novell/suse or redhat/fedora) switched to kde exclusivly...neither did ubuntu12:24
\shDaSkreech: the opposite is going on :)12:24
DaSkreechRight so where is his power then? :)12:25
seaLnebah :)12:25
\shDaSkreech: he does not let reiserfs4 in ;)12:25
\shwhich is power12:26
\shok last cigarette really12:26
seaLnethe "benign" in "benign dictator" is open to interpritation :)12:26
DaSkreechNo it's not12:27
DaSkreechIt's defined by the dictator :)12:27
seaLneerr ok, to much bier12:27
\shwhereas sabdfl can be overruled by the community ;)12:28
seaLnehas he?12:28
DaSkreechLike getting KDE4 packages in Edgy :)12:28
\shseaLne: I think there was one occasion where it happened12:29
\shDaSkreech: where did you read this?12:29
seaLnetbh what ever it was that was good12:29
DaSkreech\sh: It's in the topic12:29
kwwiihe is in no way stupid, but he definitely knows what he wants12:29
kwwiithere will be kde4 packages12:29
kwwiibut it will be nothing in the way of useable12:30
seaLnei haven't met him yet but i don't doubt he is inteligent12:30
\shDaSkreech: hum? well, if there is a working kde4 installation in edgy, this won't be installed as main desktop...12:30
crimsuncf. the removal of the "naked" wallpaper in Warty12:30
kwwiinot because of the integration to kubuntu but because of the general state of kde412:30
DaSkreechOh no I never said it would be12:30
\shcrimsun: he did remove it because of the community?12:31
DaSkreechcrimsun: yeah what happened with that? he was to start back the calendar wasn't he?12:31
crimsun\sh: yes, a.k.a. "baby jesus cried"12:32
\shcrimsun: baby jesus?12:32
\shdoesn't matter12:32
crimsun\sh: it's the term that jeff waugh used to describe the community's interests overriding mark's direction12:32
\shcrimsun: oh 12:33
seaLnewhich was likely to offend more peole than the image :-/12:33
\shbaby jesus..is not so annoying then "the crowd" or "the crazy masses" or "the user" ;)12:33
DaSkreechWon't someone think of the children?12:34
\shDaSkreech: the pictures weren't offending12:34
DaSkreechWell apparently they were12:34
seaLneanything you do will offend someone12:35
\shDaSkreech: my son (when he was 12) saw them, and he liked them, even my ex-wife12:35
hungerAnyone still got that wallpaper somewhere?12:35
=== DaSkreech should have alll of them in cache
\shthey are in the archives of warty and hoary I think12:35
=== hunger is curious about it:-)
DaSkreechI had the calendar so you got a new one every month12:35
seaLneyeah i can't actually remember what it looked like :)12:35
\shubuntu-calendar or something12:35
DaSkreechhunger: You can google it it's all over the plae12:35
DaSkreechJust ignore the one with all the bottoms kissing12:36
kwwiinow you got my attention12:36
hungerDaSkreech: I am surprisingly bad at finding pictures of nude people on the net;-)12:36
seaLneand ignore the image on the first hit for "ubuntu naked" :)12:37
hungerbaby jesus must be really sensitive to cry over such a picture.12:39
kwwiior american12:39
\shhmm...what is with "hips don't lie" by shakira and whitecliff jean? that's erotic and oh wow...12:40
\shshe doesn't need to be naked at all, just her belly12:40
\shok...this is kubuntu-devel...12:41
\shwe need a welcome sound of shakira, with a "hips don't lie" splash video12:41
\shI'll mail her for approval ;)12:41
hunger\sh: Sounds like you would even volunteer to record it;-)12:42
nixternalhttp://kubuntuforums.net/mkportal/modules/gallery/album/a_35.png   <- this is kmon's desktop...i want it...has anyone seen it?12:42
nixternali have to have that wallpaper ;)12:42
\shhunger: I have the video ...12:43
\shand we need one video splash of robbie williams12:43
jpatricknixternal: can i have it12:44
\shto be d'accord ;)12:44
nixternalif i can find it you can have it ;)12:44
\shok..now enough of that...going to bed12:44
\shcu folks...12:45
nixternali have been searching...i did a search on webshots, google, you name it...i did however manage to see alot of the people in here...their ugly faces ;)12:45
jpatrickcya \sh12:45
nixternal\sh: nite12:45
seaLnenixternal: :P12:45
jpatrickoh I thought you had it12:45
nixternalok kwwii stop holding back on the uber graphics...lets see um :)12:45
kwwiiI think I should make a shakira icon12:46
nixternaljpatrick: i found it12:49
nixternalmuhahaha...and it was easy to find...of all places too12:49
linuxmonkeynixternal: what you find12:49
nixternalhttp://www.kde-look.org    search for it ;)12:49
nixternalkmon's wallpaper12:50
nixternalit is freakin' amazing12:50
linuxmonkeyi like http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=3097012:51
nixternalthat is it ^^12:52
kwwiiI like the multi-style better12:53
kwwiierm, the middle screenshot in those pics12:53
kwwiiwhere one sees more of the logo12:53
kwwiithe angle is better12:53
linuxmonkeyis there an easy way to get transparency without XGL12:54
Tonio_linuxmonkey: if there was a way, everyone would use this :)01:09
linuxmonkeyu use xgl before01:10
kwwiixgl sucks01:10
kwwiioh, yeah..I am sorry...I have seen people who have systems that run it halfway decently...only I don't have one or the money to buy one ro the time to figure out which one, from the ones I can buy, will work well01:11
linuxmonkeyits not very stable is it01:11
DaSkreechtry air :)01:12
kwwiiwhat I do not get with the whole 3d crap in linux is this: why do something that is just half as good as others have already done01:18
kwwiiyippee...you can make a window wobble to the point of stupidity01:19
DaSkreechkwwii: Huh?01:21
linuxmonkeyi dont want the wobble i want the transparency01:22
kwwiiDaSkreech: well, there is nothing innovative about XGL, AIXGL, ad nauseum...it is about catching up, and that in poor manner01:24
DaSkreechWhat part of it is catching up?01:24
kwwiiwell, shadows, and animated windows01:24
DaSkreechWell this is 3D accelerated Shadows :)01:25
kwwiieverything else that I have seen in that area simply goes too far01:26
kwwiiwho wants to watch a movie on the edge of a cube?01:26
DaSkreechA few folks01:26
DaSkreechTHey are still in the new area :)01:26
linuxmonkeykwwii: i will agree that is stupid01:26
DaSkreechWait till dbus gets thrown in the mix01:26
kwwiiactually, the idea of representing the desktops a faces on a cube is interesting01:27
kwwiibut too much01:27
kwwiikeep it simpler01:27
kwwiipeople cannot remeber more than 3 things at time 01:28
DaSkreechYeah the plugins are a bit strange but as I said you can do some fun stuff once you think about it01:28
DaSkreechLike the rain effect happening when it actually rains01:29
kwwiiI think we fundamentally disagree01:31
kwwiiI mean, if it is raining outside already, how much does it help to make it rain on your desktop01:32
DaSkreechWell the upside is you can make compiz as simple as you like01:32
linuxmonkeyor as complex as you wanr01:32
kwwiiwell, we will see what happens01:32
kwwiiI will be the first of a long series of things, if my experience proves correct01:33
kwwiiand in one sense, it is the first to do what it has done01:33
DaSkreechSo what do you mean it's trying to catch up?01:33
kwwiiDaSkreech: well, OSX had amazing visual effects, and I think that a lot of the inspiration came out of making something that was one step beyond what they did01:34
kwwiithe inspiration is good, the implementation is the first step down a long road, I agree, but the way it is used and has been shown has not capitalized on any really new idea which expands functionality and increases simplicity01:36
DaSkreechWell they actually do have some good stuff in there01:38
DaSkreechLike visual cues to actions and placements01:39
DaSkreechSome of it is subtle but then thats what people like about the OSX attention01:40
=== neoncode [n=neoncode@unaffiliated/neoncode] has joined #kubuntu-devel
DaSkreechWoah Tenor is pretty cool01:44
=== DaSkreech totally forgets about the dead kittens
DaSkreechCourse it's been pretty silent 01:49
kwwiiScott works for SAP and has been really busxy in recent times01:50
DaSkreechAh :) So he's the lifeblood of tenor?01:51
kwwiiit seems so01:51
kwwiiI will not hold my breath for that one01:52
DaSkreechThat's not good :( there are no docs on it or anything01:52
kwwiiit is a great idea, like teleportation01:52
DaSkreechor Knoware or GISDesktop :(01:53
DaSkreechSo.. there will be the possibility of apt-getting kde4 pkgs during the Edgy Cycle?01:55
DaSkreechOr will they just be for Kubuntu Devs to test?01:55
tomaDaSkreech: i dont think it will be apt-gettable, but maybe someone will put up an .deb on a userspace01:58
DaSkreechok. That sounds better01:58
DaSkreechI guess you would need two installs to test with though01:58
kwwiifrom what I have heard from Riddell, there will be apt-get-able packages01:58
kwwiior officially posted ones01:58
DaSkreechYou couldn't select KDE3 from KDE4 at the KDM01:58
kwwiibut they will not promise in any way to be usable01:59
kwwiino, nothing like thast01:59
DaSkreechyeah doesn't sound feasible01:59
kwwiioh, I imagine that kubuntu will have the best packages around01:59
kwwiifor kde402:00
linuxmonkeyhell ya02:00
=== DaSkreech grins
DaSkreechSince Suse is apparently confused now02:00
tomakwwii: i dont think kde will be ready to have something packaged during edgys cycle02:00
kwwiiit is, in the meantime, become the reference distribution of KDE02:00
kwwiitoma: yeah, that is what I meant02:00
tomaDaSkreech: suse confused?02:01
kwwiiwell, they layed me off, so they must be out of their minds02:01
DaSkreechtoma: I'm gnomish? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk??02:02
linuxmonkeyi remember when red hat and others were #1 on distro watch but ubuntu is 1000~ ahead of other distro's02:02
kwwiithen again, the compensation for 7 years of work was pretty good02:02
kwwiiso screw02:02
DaSkreechok nothing more bad to say about suse then :)02:02
kwwiisuse does not exist anymore anyway02:02
tomaDaSkreech: there are still some top hackers paid by suse, so they know exactly howto package kde.02:02
kwwiithere is only novell and opensuse02:02
DaSkreechProbably all been said already and at very loud volumes02:02
kwwiisuse is a product made from opensuse (but the website design is still mine)02:03
kwwiitoma: yes, they have 4 kde developers still...they did not fire them because they realized (shortle before they did fire them) that they have lots of support contracts for the enterprise server and most of them run kde02:05
kwwiionce those contracts wear out, we'll see what happens02:06
=== apacheLAGger [n=me@amarok/rokymotion/apachelogger] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kwwiithey are certainly pushing in the G direction02:06
tomakwwii: interesting angle02:06
kwwiitoma: yeah, the inside one02:07
tomakwwii: we will see what happen, i do hope they stay active for kde whatever the outcome is.02:08
kwwiiI do too, lots of the developers there are my good friends02:08
=== DaSkreech [n=Me@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
DaSkreechback :)02:08
=== kwwii is going to bed now
kwwiisee you all in two days, when I am back online02:09
DaSkreechHow long is paris?02:09
kwwiitill next saturday02:09
DaSkreechSleep well02:09
kwwii7 days, all in all02:09
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@likes.smoking.more.than.watching.spacenight.dk] has left #kubuntu-devel []
DaSkreechGood night02:16
=== apacheLAGger is now known as apachelogger
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== imbrandon [n=brandon@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.imbrandon] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== DaSkreech [n=Me@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
DaSkreechHobbsee: Hello :-)04:53
Hobbseehi DaSkreech 04:53
DaSkreechGuess what I've been reading :)04:53
Hobbseemy wiki page, or something scary?04:53
Hobbseeah yes04:54
Hobbseewhat did you think of it?04:54
DaSkreechI love how it assumes that all men are Jerky eating meat lovers :)04:54
DaSkreechthere are some good points and some stuff kind goes against the entire argument04:56
DaSkreechAre you on Stumbleupon?04:56
Hobbseeit's not perfect, some of it i dont agree with - as in, women arent made of crystal either - well, i'm not at least, dont know about anything else04:56
DaSkreechYeah I know04:57
DaSkreech*pumps fist*04:58
DaSkreechWoo Hoo?04:58
Hobbseeha!  @ the comments, particularly the first one04:58
DaSkreechYeah I know :)04:58
DaSkreechGreat isn't it?04:59
DaSkreechThey have a Tech Chyxs group :-)04:59
DaSkreechhttp://myrtti.stumbleupon.com/ is the founder05:00
Hobbseepage not found.  odd05:06
Hobbseeah here we are05:07
Hobbseewow, there are a lot of scholarships etc around - they really seem to want women in there..05:08
=== DaSkreech posts about the GNOME call for women
HobbseeDaSkreech: further down the site05:11
Hobbseerofl @ one of the FAQ bits05:11
Hobbsee1.7. 05:11
HobbseeIs this list for picking up men/geekgrrls?05:11
HobbseeNo. Next question? 05:11
DaSkreechhaha :)05:13
DaSkreechOne of the things I don't get about the Linux Women site is saying that you shouldn't focus on technical details05:14
DaSkreechthats fine but then they are saying that for an entire LUG05:15
DaSkreechIsn't the point of a LUG to kind of have fellowship and to get more technical details?05:15
=== poningru [n=poningru@pool-71-251-119-171.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseei dont know, it seems kinda weird to me too...05:17
Hobbseei see they do have a programming list though05:17
=== Hobbsee is vaguely thinking about joining
imbrandonHobbsee, worse case , you dont like the list and un-subscribe ;)05:18
imbrandonbtw morning all05:18
Hobbseeheya imbrandon 05:18
Hobbseei did that from the ubuntu women one05:19
imbrandonbreakfast time bbiab05:19
Hobbseedont tempt me..05:19
Hobbseeimbrandon: where are you?05:19
imbrandonHobbsee, home ....05:19
Hobbseeimbrandon: no, what country?05:19
imbrandonUSA ( yea yea i know, i'm a night owl, i just woke up, so its still breakfast to me )05:19
Hobbseethat's what i thought, from the accent.05:20
DaSkreechOui Oui!05:20
Hobbseean american that follows AU timezones...05:20
imbrandonyea Kansas City USA05:20
imbrandonhahahahah yup05:20
=== imbrandon is serouisly looking into jobs in EU though
Hobbseeooh fun05:21
DaSkreechLong commute 05:21
Hobbseeimbrandon: there was talk of jobs in germany last night, if you were watching05:21
imbrandonHobbsee, yea , and raphink told me of some in france too05:21
=== Hobbsee is jealous.
imbrandonheheh come on up to EU ;)05:22
DaSkreechCmon Hobbsee we'll write that POS and rule the world!!05:22
imbrandonits nice and warm on the med sea05:22
imbrandonall year05:22
imbrandonno more blue fingers05:22
Hobbseeyeah, dont tempt me.  i probably need to stay where i am if i want to continue my optoelectronics degree05:22
imbrandontrue 05:22
imbrandonbut once done what are you gonna do ? 05:23
Hobbseebesides, i'm still *just* underage05:23
imbrandonhahah Hobbsee i wasent talking tomarrow or nothing ;)05:23
Hobbseei dont know - i might end up doing a programming degree as well, so i could work in both fields...05:23
Hobbseeit seems a shame to get a D or a HD - which is what i think i got in that paper, and then not continue on with computing...05:23
nixternal[22:22]  <Hobbsee> that's what i thought, from the accent.05:23
nixternalimbrandon don't have an accent ;)05:24
imbrandonnixternal, VoIP05:24
Hobbseenixternal: from imbrandon's accent05:24
Hobbseehe has a slight one :P05:24
nixternaleveryone outside of the midwest has an accent ;)05:24
Hobbseeactually, theMuso has more of an accent that imbrandon, to my ears :P05:24
Hobbseeand he's in my state!05:24
=== imbrandon has a slight midwest accesnt mixed witha slight boston one
nixternaloh lord05:24
nixternalpak the ka in the front yad05:25
imbrandonyea themuso i have a hard time understanding some times05:25
nixternalgetta bea at the bah05:25
Hobbseesame here, not sure why - maybe dodgy mic or something - and there's usually music in the background too05:25
nixternalprolly from the outback ;)05:25
imbrandonyea i think its the music ;)05:25
Hobbseenah, theMuso's in the city...05:25
=== Hobbsee is more in the outback than he is - and i'm no outback :P
=== DaSkreech wonders what you would think of his accent :)
nixternalDaSkreech: wher yiou from?05:26
imbrandondunno after i eat i'll be on TS05:26
=== Hobbsee has to study.
DaSkreechClose by :)05:26
Hobbseeanother darned exam tomorrow :(05:26
DaSkreechiSN'T IT Sunday?05:26
nixternal1.5 hours it will be05:27
nixternaltomorrow will be monday for her though05:27
imbrandonin AU it will be for another 11 hours05:27
DaSkreechIsn't that against the law in non-jewish countries?05:27
=== imbrandon points us all to #k-o
HobbseeDaSkreech: yes, it is05:27
DaSkreechJust checking :005:27
nixternalimbrandon you know where you can stick that pointer ;)05:27
HobbseeDaSkreech: i dont have much choice - exam is on monday morning05:27
DaSkreechCmon this is the chitchat before the conference :)05:28
nixternaleveryone in here is in france anyways ;)05:28
HobbseeDaSkreech: actually, that's against the law for the jews, not everyone else.05:28
DaSkreechUnless you are presenting in which case. Get to writing!!!05:28
nixternalnows your turn to op yourself and boot Riddell-awa while he isn't lookin' :)05:28
DaSkreechHobbsee: Well it would be Friday to Saturday for them05:28
=== imbrandon wishes he was in paris right now
HobbseeDaSkreech: true05:28
=== Hobbsee has no ops in here.
=== Hobbsee would not boot Riddell though.
nixternalif Hobbsee had ops, i guarantee she would have hopped on that one though ;005:29
Hobbseenixternal: nah, i like booting other people :P05:29
nixternali guess i was wrong...thats a first ;)05:29
DaSkreechSooooo Riddell isn't a person?05:29
=== imbrandon only has ops in #kubuntu , but most of the time thats the only place i need them
nixternalhe is a bot ;)05:29
Hobbseenixternal: he can always be horrible and call me in the middle of the night - so it wouldnt be a good idea to get him annoyed at me :P05:29
Hobbseeno, Riddell *is* a person.05:29
Hobbseethat's if i forget to turn  my phone off05:30
imbrandonprobbly wouldent make mom / dad happy05:30
=== Hobbsee shrugs
Hobbseethey dont know05:31
nixternalalrighty...im on bug watch...go go go !!!05:31
imbrandonthats also why people on the internet only get my cell phone number ( that way it can goto voice mail if i'm asleep )05:31
Hobbseeyeah, i dont usually answer my home phone....05:31
nixternali don't answer any phone..you call me you get screened05:31
nixternalmy own mother and father get screened when they call me05:32
imbrandoncallerid man05:32
imbrandonget into the 20th century05:32
nixternalthats a good one05:32
nixternalhmmm...no ubugto05:32
nixternalbug 5017405:32
imbrandonmalone #5017405:32
UbugtuMalone bug 50174 in ubiquity "Ubunru Dapper Desktop. Installer crashed "/ xfs", "swap" and "/home xfs"" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5017405:32
HobbseeUbugtu: sure there is05:32
nixternalwake up05:32
UbugtuMalone bug 50174 in ubiquity "Ubunru Dapper Desktop. Installer crashed "/ xfs", "swap" and "/home xfs"" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5017405:32
Hobbseeyou just cant spell :P05:33
DaSkreechSo Bill Gates stepped down05:33
imbrandoni'm telling you the only reason i have a computer is for kcalc and spell check05:33
nixternalya DaSkreech so they say05:33
imbrandonDaSkreech, in 200805:33
Hobbseewe werent allowed calculators in our computing exams yesterday...05:34
DaSkreechnixternal: No He said it. It's on the microsoft site05:34
imbrandonhehe write one ;)05:34
Hobbseemy goodness, this guy is a twit.05:34
nixternalhe makes more money with the bill and melinda gates fund then he does with microsoft...microsoft has reported back to back fiscal losses which has never heppaned before05:34
DaSkreechInsta Calc :)05:34
imbrandonDaSkreech, only gradulay over the next 2 years ( july 2008 )05:34
nixternalhe is stepping down on paper..that is it05:34
Hobbseebleh.  all MS stuff can go to k-o05:35
nixternalall ms stuff can go to the gb05:35
nixternalgarbage bin ;)05:35
imbrandoni hate k-o becouse of the "clique" ........... did i say that out loud ?05:35
imbrandonanyhow breakfast time05:35
Hobbseewell, i could have said that it all can go to /dev/null...05:36
imbrandon /dev/zero05:36
=== DaSkreech goes to give his dogs exercise, discipline and affection
=== Czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-020-123.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
DaSkreechcan I change the name of a wiki page?05:43
Hobbseeprobably, no idea how to05:44
imbrandonmake a new one  copy/paste old one, then #redirect the old to the new05:53
imbrandonthatway bookmarks arent messed up either05:54
DaSkreechHmm ok05:54
DaSkreechdon't think any one has bookmarked mine though :-)05:54
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee tests for life in the room
=== DaSkreech waggles
Hobbseehey waggling DaSkreech 06:35
DaSkreechHi testy Hobbsee06:50
=== Hobbsee raises an eyebrows
robotgeekHobbsee: BANG!06:51
=== Hobbsee sticks robotgeek back in his crate, before he explodes again
Hobbseedown boy!06:51
=== DaSkreech sees your eyebrows and raises you a grin
robotgeekHobbsee: heh, how are you doing?06:52
Hobbseerobotgeek: studying :(  chemistry, unfortunately06:52
=== Hobbsee sees the grin, and raises DaSkreech an exploded robotgeek
=== DaSkreech does a quick calculation on the value of a robotgeek
=== imbrandon cleans up the robotgeek mess and gets the room's floor back
=== robotgeek reassembles
=== DaSkreech raises you a crank version of the OLPC
robotgeekits ALIVE!06:53
imbrandonhrm 06:53
imbrandonisnt there a completely gnu ubuntu flavr ?06:54
robotgeekDaSkreech: you have a rename action in the "More actions" menu06:54
Hobbseeimbrandon: i think there was talk of one, yes06:54
DaSkreechDrat you broke the three letter words starting with h trend06:54
DaSkreechimbrandon: #ubuntu-libre06:54
DaSkreechrobotgeek: Scuse me?06:55
robotgeekDaSkreech: on the wiki, i see you were asking a while ago06:55
DaSkreechrobotgeek: ah thank you very much :)06:55
DaSkreechQuick poll06:55
=== Hobbsee raises DaSkreech an imbrandon
DaSkreechWhat do you think of the name GISWhere?06:56
=== DaSkreech didn't know you had that kind of stuff lying around Hobbsee
=== Hobbsee doesnt usually play poker either
Hobbseeonly played it for one afternoon06:56
DaSkreechYou won I take it?06:57
Hobbseeoh yes, i won eventually, once i got the hang of the game.06:57
Hobbseewe were playing with paperclips though06:57
Hobbseei wouldnt play with money - too much chance06:57
imbrandonHobbsee, casino's are great , i made a ton on craps in reno06:57
Hobbseei'd have to play somethign like spades, or maybe bridge/five hundred (with a little more practice), with a decent partner to bet money06:58
Hobbseenever been in a casino legitimately...06:58
imbrandonohhhh spades06:58
=== imbrandon loves spades
=== robotgeek stays away from casinos, they are in the business of making money!
=== Hobbsee hasnt been able to play since linux :(
imbrandonrobotgeek, but if you look at it as entertainment its ok06:59
imbrandonif you go looking to make money then yes your in for trubble06:59
DaSkreechHobbsee: There is an age limit on casinos?06:59
HobbseeDaSkreech: yes, 1806:59
imbrandonDaSkreech, 21 in the USA06:59
DaSkreechYou can't go in?06:59
DaSkreechOr just can't play?06:59
imbrandoncant go in here07:00
imbrandonunless your 2107:00
imbrandonand even then only certain cities/states its legal07:00
DaSkreechNeat  :-)07:00
imbrandonlas vegas and reno being two bigest in the usa07:00
DaSkreechI know07:00
imbrandonthat its legal in07:00
DaSkreechThird structure that can be seen from outer space with the naked eye07:01
imbrandonwhats that ? the mgmgrand ?07:01
Hobbseeactually, in one i was near before, it said that any minors who went in and won anything - they'd have to give the winnings back to the hotel07:01
DaSkreecho Las Vegas07:01
imbrandonahh vegas is a city not realy a structure ;)07:01
DaSkreechMan made thingy then07:02
imbrandonheh yea becosue its a ton of neon in the middle of the 100's of miles of dessert07:02
=== NeoChaosX [n=nael@ppp-71-139-160-188.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
imbrandonit would be like a major city right in the dead center of the outback in au , pretty easy to see from space ;)07:03
DaSkreechSo About my poll07:03
DaSkreechWhat do you think?07:04
imbrandonits looking better , i'm not a GIS buff as i said before but for those that are its looking good07:04
DaSkreechWell I was asking about the name change07:05
DaSkreechto GISwhere07:05
imbrandonright that was included07:05
DaSkreechEveryone pronounces GIS as G-I-S07:05
imbrandonin the "looking better"07:05
DaSkreechCool ;)07:05
imbrandonDaSkreech, yea i know , i know a few GIS majors in school07:05
DaSkreechJust wanted to make sure there wasn't the smell of "It's Gouda!!" about it07:06
DaSkreechI may want to speak with them imbrandon :)07:06
DaSkreechlinux users?07:06
imbrandoni know "about" gis as in what it is etc , just dont use it personaly nor have a desire to , but all in all the spec looks ok07:06
imbrandonDaSkreech, most are yes07:06
DaSkreechSweet :)07:07
imbrandoni'll drop them a note at our next lug meeting to have a look at it07:07
imbrandon( july 5th )07:07
DaSkreechI'll try and have it more eloquent then07:08
imbrandonbut rember these guys arent programers / codemonkeys , they are GIS users ;)07:08
DaSkreechI did a bunch of research on it this week and I think that my main problem is now bigger and my minor problems are now smaller07:08
DaSkreechDon't know how I should feel about that07:08
DaSkreechimbrandon: They don't need to be. Code seems to be the least of my problems07:09
imbrandonin other words they can give you input most likely but probbly wont be able to help implment it07:09
DaSkreechPrecisely what I'm starving for07:10
=== DaSkreech starts to wonder if he's going to need a site to keep track of this
imbrandonnah probbly not07:10
imbrandonjust keep the wiki upto date07:10
DaSkreechCool :)07:11
DaSkreechWell since the family is ignoring me I'll be off to bed07:11
imbrandonHobbsee, who is znarl ?07:11
Hobbseeimbrandon: no idea, check on LP07:11
Hobbseewhere's he mentioned?07:12
Hobbseecanonical person - LP stuff07:12
imbrandonahh cool07:13
imbrandonjust wondering , always on TS and never talks ;)07:13
imbrandongah i need to update my ssh key(s) on LP07:13
=== DaSkreech sneaks away quietly
DaSkreechIs there going to be a site tracking paris?07:14
imbrandongnight DaSkreech07:14
DaSkreechOr just kind of a report at the end?07:14
imbrandonthere is a wiki and TS that will be updated continuslyu07:14
DaSkreechHobbsee: Study!07:15
=== Hobbsee is...
Hobbseethat's why i'm not talking much..07:18
=== _czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-021-090.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
mornfall--> shower :] 08:03
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seaLneoops kubuntu team wasn't notified for konq bugs08:52
mornfallwell, breakfast09:23
mornfallanyone with ideas how one gets from terminal 2B to the hotel? :-)09:23
imbrandonmorning mornfall and nope not i09:24
raphink_sleephi mornfall09:34
raphink_sleepwelcome to paris09:34
raphink_sleepI guess ;)09:34
raphink_sleepwish I were there, too ;)09:34
crimsunI thought you /were/, raphink09:36
raphink_sleepno :-09:36
mornfalli'm still home :P09:36
raphink_sleepI couldn't make it as I have to work this week09:36
mornfalli'm landing around 9pm09:36
raphink_sleepwhere is home for you mornfall?09:37
mornfallbrno, czech republic09:37
raphink_sleepcrimsun: I'd have loved to come but I began my new work on thursday so I couldn't really take vacation right now09:37
crimsunraphink_sleep: completely understood, similar position w/ work09:48
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mornfall--> paris11:44
mornfalllaters :)11:44
imbrandonl8tr mornfall11:45
Tonio_hey guys12:01
Tonio_yop toma12:01
tomahi Tonio_12:02
=== Tonio_ needs to find a pcmcia bluetooth card, but that sounds hard to find...
Tonio_especially to find one compatible with linux12:03
freeflying|awaywhy don't you use usb's?  12:03
=== \sh [n=shermann@xdsl-81-173-234-186.netcologne.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
ajmitch_hi \sh 12:05
Tonio_freeflying|away: I don't want to use a dongle to avoid pluging and unpluging every day....12:07
Tonio_I use bluetooth a lot so I need something embedded12:07
Tonio_and since my laptop doesn't (I'm surprise but that's it) have a minipci slot, I have to go with pcmcia12:07
Tonio_hey stephan12:07
Tonio_I will probably buy this one : http://www.quickspot.nl/images/cn-504-2.jpg (sitecom cn-504)12:08
Tonio_freeflying|away: reported to work on certain linux distros, so I assume I will be able to find a driver12:09
Tonio_freeflying|away: but if someone know a plug and play one, I'm ready to listen ;)12:09
Tonio_my stupidity had been to neglect the bluetooth availability when I bought my vaio...12:10
=== Tonio__ [n=tonio@tonio.planetemu.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
freeflying|awayTonio_: I'd tell you use a use one, and put it inside your notebook  :)12:20
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== OdyX [n=Didier@8.Red-80-33-64.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
\shI never needed bluetooth01:01
Tonio__freeflying|away: a "use" one ?01:03
Tonio__\sh: you should give a shot ;) that's very usefull01:03
freeflying|awayTonio__:  s/use/usb01:03
Tonio__freeflying|away: how do you put it inside a notebook ? ^^01:03
\shTonio__: I have a bluetooth keyboard at work (MS one) but it didn't work01:03
Tonio__\sh: did you set HIDD_ENABLED=1 in /etc/default/bluez-utils ?01:04
Tonio__I just did that and my mouse worked directly after a reboot ( or a complete reload of hte bluetooth kernel modules)01:05
freeflying|awayTonio__: open your notebook, and put it inside, usb BT adpator need few space  :)01:05
Tonio__freeflying|away: mouarf ^_^01:05
\shTonio_: no01:06
Tonio_\sh: you should eventually try ;)01:06
\shTonio_: will test it on monday01:06
Tonio_I would eventually suggest to set this by default with edgy01:06
Tonio_\sh: the only problem with this is that ALL hid bluetooth hardware will work on your laptop ;)01:07
Tonio_\sh: so expect no other devices are arround ;)01:08
Tonio_\sh: the other way is to set a direct connection using the mac address of your keyboard01:08
\shTonio_: that's bad..because everybody else has bluetooth keyboards as well ;)01:09
Tonio_so once the option is activated, and you have rebooted, perform an hidd scan to find the hardware and force the connection to only this one in /etc/default/bluez-utils01:10
uniqsounds like we need a GUI for that. :)01:10
Tonio_if you do this, only this one will work, and that should be okay (need to reboot again to activate this of course)01:10
Tonio_that's the way I do01:10
Tonio_uniq: yes, kde-bluetooth doesn't allow to manage this01:10
\shwe are on linux...not windows01:11
Tonio_\sh: or unload and reload bluetooth modules01:11
uniqdoesn't restart bluez-utils do it? 01:11
Tonio_\sh: for some reasons I don't figure, restarting bluez-utils doesn't work01:11
Tonio_only rebooting allowed me to get the changes working01:11
Tonio_I spent one hour yesterday trying to understand this without success01:11
uniqI got my bluetooth handsfree to play sounds from my laptop some days ago, useless, but cool :)01:12
=== Huahua [n=hua_@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_\sh: another solution is to unload bluetooth modules and reload them, then restarting bluez-utils01:12
=== goldenear [n=user@vol75-4-82-225-33-186.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
\shTonio_: that's more linux alike ;)01:12
Tonio_but simply restarting bluez-utils daemon doesn't work.... sounds weird but that's it01:12
Tonio_\sh: I generally tell the people arround me to reboot since it is easier for them :)01:13
Tonio_I just forgot you were \sh lol ^^01:13
\shTonio_: oh boy ;)01:14
Tonio_I generaly reboot since it is quicker sometimes that finding the required module :)01:14
Tonio_but that's a very bad way to do !01:14
=== Tonio_ is still a windows sysadmin, but in one or two years, that should be okay ;)
Tonio_\sh: if you find the response to "why changing bluez-utils options doesn't work when restarting bluez-utils service ?", I would be glad to listen to your explanation ;)01:16
\shI would say bluetooth is not ready for action ;) 01:17
\shbut I need to have a closer look on this ;)01:17
Tonio_\sh: hehe01:17
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Tonio_is there a way to have kmail or kontact reduced in the systray ?02:14
HobbseeTonio_: i thought i had it like that.  there's certainly a little icon for it02:16
\shconfigure kmail02:17
\shsystem tray02:17
imbrandonok got to run my kids and ex are taking me out to eat ( its fathers day in the USA ) bbiab02:19
Tonio_\sh: just found thanks ;)02:20
Tonio_I just don't understand how could I have been that for days without success....02:20
Tonio_since I did the full kontact config for kubuntu....02:20
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tomaTonio_: are you still maintaining those settings?03:01
Tonio_toma: which ones ?03:03
tomakmail 03:03
Tonio_nope, those packages are maintained by riddell03:04
Tonio_but I maintain a part of the config within kds03:04
tomaok, not exactly a setting, but the Debian people are considering disabling 'disconnected imap'. 03:05
Tonio_toma: hu ? what's the reason for this ?03:06
Tonio_it works very nicelly03:06
tomaTonio_: sometimes it eats mail. see  http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10495603:08
UbugtuKDE bug 104956 in disconnected IMAP "dimap: sudden mail loss" [Critical,New]  03:08
Tonio_wow nasty...03:08
Tonio_I use disconnected imap for month and never saw this03:09
tomait is a bug which can not be reproduced reliably it seems.03:09
Tonio_very dirty...03:10
tomaI'll keep an eye on what Debian will decide for their release.03:11
Tonio_yup, it makes sense03:12
\shhmmm..only dimap? with normal imap i never saw this happen03:14
tomadimap only03:15
\shso I'm safe ;)03:15
uniqtonio_: which part of kds do you maintain? - i would request a keyboard shortcut for show hidden files. gnome has alt+h.03:16
Hobbseeuniq: alt+h is usually assigned to showing the help menu03:16
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Hobbseectrl+h, however..03:16
Tonio_uniq: I maintain all kds03:17
Tonio_I agree that could be a good idea ;)03:17
=== Tonio_ takes note
Tonio_too long to type everytime03:18
HobbseeTonio_: we'd have to vote on it though :P03:18
Tonio_Hobbsee: we need to rethink the full shortcuts ;)03:19
HobbseeTonio_: that is true.03:19
=== Hobbsee doesnt even use shortcuts in konq, that much
HobbseeTonio_: wouldnt that vary from upstream a lot then?03:19
Tonio_Hobbsee: we can had a bunch of secondary shortcuts03:20
Tonio_this is what I did for gwenview for example03:20
Tonio_I don't want to touch the primary ones of course03:20
uniqwe can make shortcut schemes.03:21
Tonio_uniq: yup03:21
uniqthat way making a gnome-ish shortcut scheme some users can have alt+h show/hide hidden files.. and others can choose the Kubuntu shortcut scheme,to open help.03:22
Hobbseewe cant use alt+h, that mucks up all the alt to open the menus at the top of the app03:25
uniqno? 03:25
uniqalt+h would work just fine.03:25
Hobbseeoh, maybe it's cos i was using windows shortcuts originally03:26
uniqwith alt you toggle selection of the menu, you can release alt and then press H to select the help menu.03:27
Hobbseeholding down alt, and hitting h, still activates the help menu03:28
uniqi don't have strong feelings for alt+h, but i just know that's what gnome has.03:28
tomauniq: not many people use it that way03:28
Hobbseefor the windows shortcuts at at least, so..03:29
uniqtoma: probably true. 03:29
uniqlets use another shortcut :)03:29
tomaif we are short in keys, we can always setup the caps key to do somehting usefull in life03:30
uniqhehe.. i have it as ctrl :)03:30
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=== jeroenvrp [n=jeroenvr@k-uptown.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jeroenvrpHobbsee: do you know soemthing about the wireless assistent04:45
jeroenvrpor anyone else04:45
Hobbseejeroenvrp: w.r.t?04:46
jeroenvrpI have here a friend of mine with a laptop, with a fresh installed dapper04:46
HobbseeLure: packaged it, i believe.  him or Tonio_ 04:46
jeroenvrphis wireless modem uses a WPA-SPK encryption, but it only asks for WEP?!04:46
uniqi would recommend using knetworkmanager04:47
jeroenvrpuniq: ok I see04:47
jeroenvrpone moment04:47
jeroenvrpuniq: knetworkmanager doesnt even seem networks04:52
jeroenvrpit must be possible with the wireless assistent 04:52
uniqhmm.. unsupported wifi card maybe.04:52
Tonio_jeroenvrp: I packaged it why ?04:52
jeroenvrpTonio_: hi04:52
Tonio_hey ;)04:52
jeroenvrpuniq: it works04:52
jeroenvrpuniq: I can have a uncrypted network04:53
jeroenvrpTonio_: how to add a WPA-SPK key instead of a WEP key?04:53
Tonio_jeroenvrp: wireless assistant doesn't handle wpa, only wep....04:53
uniqjeroenvrp: with knetworkmanager? you should be able to choose that.04:53
Tonio_we need to find a better manager like kwlan for edgy04:53
jeroenvrpso how do I use WPA-SDK04:53
Tonio_the only working tool I know is knetworkmanager04:54
jeroenvrpok 04:54
Tonio_maybe kwlan can do it since it is also a frontend to wpasupplicant04:54
jeroenvrpbut when I open it it doesnt show any trusted or untrusted networks04:54
jeroenvrpwhere can I configure the devices04:54
jeroenvrpin kcontrol?04:54
Tonio_jeroenvrp: do you user ndiswrapper ?04:54
jeroenvrpwhats that04:54
Tonio_those limitations are generally due to the driver04:54
jeroenvrpbtw: the card is working04:55
Tonio_it is a tool that allows the usage of a windows driver wiht linux04:55
Tonio_jeroenvrp: working doesn't mean everything works04:55
uniqjeroenvrp: click the knetworkmanager icon -> connect to ... -> now input your wireless info.04:55
jeroenvrpwe are connected with an uncrypted modem somewhere around04:55
Tonio_for example, my shuttle's wifi card doesn't support anything else than wep04:55
jeroenvrpuniq: ok, I try again04:55
jeroenvrpfew moments pleaser04:55
Tonio_not all card's driver do support all wifi modes.... unfortunately04:55
Tonio_that's why I bought a centrino based config :)04:56
uniqi haven't tried wpa anywhere yet. I use wep+openvpn at home.04:56
uniqbcm43xx is getting there for me.04:56
Tonio_uniq: so you have extracted the firmwares from the windows driver didn't you ?04:59
uniqfrom the macosx driver yes.04:59
Tonio_I had the same drivers on my laptop04:59
Tonio_okay, it is exactely the same04:59
Tonio_I had a few issues with the driver in knetworkmanager04:59
uniqI don't have any.04:59
Tonio_for example, strengh was always on the maximum04:59
Tonio_but it worked with no issues with my wpa router05:00
uniqthat can be true for me too.. the strength part. 05:00
Tonio_uniq: as far as I remember I had issues with the bcm driver05:00
Tonio_yes, that's it !!05:01
Tonio_I blacklisted it in modprobe's blacklist and use ndiswrapper instead05:01
Tonio_I had better result with this one05:01
jeroenvrpI tried a few things05:01
jeroenvrp1. in kcontrol I see eth0 as the lan and eth1 as the wlan05:01
jeroenvrp2. the systray icon of knetworkmanager says disconnected05:02
uniqtonio_: ok, only problem i might have is the strengt part, and that i don't care about. It works and it's fast for me. And everything is so nice with knm :)05:02
Tonio_jeroenvrp: what is your card ?05:02
jeroenvrp3. but were are connected05:02
Tonio_what driver do you use with it ?05:02
jeroenvrpTonio_: a dell laptop precision M7105:03
Tonio_uniq: nice it works for you :) but it never worked for me05:03
Tonio_jeroenvrp: what wireless card05:03
Tonio_can you try this : lsmod | grep bcm05:03
Tonio_and pipe the result here plz05:03
Tonio_I suspect you use the bcm43xx driver and you didn't extract the firmwares05:04
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Tonio_that driver is really confusing, don't you think uniq ?05:04
Tonio_since nothing tells you it doesn't work out of the box05:04
uniqjeroenvrp: did you say you could connect to a open wlan with it? 05:05
=== apacheLAGger is now known as apachelogger
jeroenvrpuniq: yes05:06
goldenearHi Tonio_ :)05:06
goldenearTonio_: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/oskar05:06
Tonio_hey goldenear :)05:06
Tonio_great ;)05:06
Tonio_I'll discuss this this week in paris05:06
Tonio_that's a major plan for kubuntu edgy05:07
uniqjeroenvrp: then the driver works. 05:07
goldenearTonio_: I'll be in paris too05:07
uniqjeroenvrp: are there references to the wlan card in /etc/network/interfaces? 05:07
Tonio_goldenear: great ;)05:07
Tonio_tomorrow ?05:07
Tonio_the new UI is very nice !!!!!!!05:07
goldenearI think05:07
Tonio_I'm away, we'll discuss this tomorrow05:08
goldenearTonio_: at what time is the begining05:08
Tonio_9 am05:08
goldenearI could only be there during the afternoon05:08
jeroenvrpTonio_: no output for  lsmod | grep bcm\05:12
jeroenvrpTonio_: no output for  lsmod | grep bcm05:12
Tonio_jeroenvrp: don't you know which card is on your system ?05:12
uniqjeroenvrp: are there references to the wlan card in /etc/network/interfaces? 05:13
uniqin case there are, you must remove them for knetworkmanager to work on the device.05:13
jeroenvrpuniq: yes05:14
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jeroenvrpuniq: what must be removed05:15
jeroenvrpall of eth0 and eth105:15
uniqif you want knetworkmanager to handle both, yes.05:15
uniquncomment please.05:15
uniqdon't delete :)05:15
Luregoldenear: you should Add to meeting the psec if you want it to be discussed on UDS05:24
goldenearLure: ?? what do you mean ?05:26
LureSelect Add to meeting on left side and assign it to uds-paris05:27
goldenearOK, done it :) Thank you Lure05:28
Luregoldenear: now you just need to hope that someone (Riddell?) approves it for meeting05:28
=== \sh [n=shermann@xdsl-81-173-234-186.netcologne.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
goldenearLure: If it's not approved, I'll have an "unofficial" meeting with Tonio and any other interrested people :)05:32
Luregoldenear: for sure - I think there will be time to try...05:33
LureBTW, did anybody test teamspeak (VoIP for UDS in Paris)?05:33
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HobbseeLure: yeah, works nicely05:37
LureHobbsee: hi - so I just need to grab the binaries from teamspeak?05:37
HobbseeLure: yep05:37
Hobbseerun the installer, then cd TeamSpeak<tab> , and run the shell script05:38
Lureok, will do now - I hope I will be able to participte on some sessions next week (if they do not clash with my work agenda - which is quite full already :-()05:38
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HobbseeLure: :)05:41
goldenearLure: what's teamspeek ?05:41
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jeroenvrpuniq: thanks, it works :-)05:42
Hobbseegoldenear: VOIP client05:42
LureVoIP conferencing SW that will be used on UDS05:42
HobbseeLure: at least i never have to worry about identifying myself05:42
uniqjeroenvrp: great :)05:42
goldenearis teamspeak opensource ?05:44
LureHobbsee: windows installer?!?!05:44
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HobbseeLure: yeah i know :(05:44
LureHobbsee: is TS wine app?05:44
Hobbseehey Mez 05:44
Mezhey sarah05:44
uniqno, and there is no binary for linuxppc either. 05:44
HobbseeLure: no, there's a linux one further down05:44
MezRiddell: ping05:45
goldenearWhy not to use asterisk+ekiga or twinkle ?05:45
LureMez: Riddell is supposed to be offline until tommorow...05:45
Mezah - i'll ring him later then05:45
LureMez: he is already in Paris (also to have some fun)05:46
Mezwhats happeinign in paris then ?05:46
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jpatrickdev summit05:47
Mezah - didnt know bout it or woulda gone05:48
goldenearIs that a Riddell picture ? http://photos.jonmasters.org/albums/LUGRadioLive_20050625/dscn0031.sized.jpg05:48
LureHobbsee: it installs under Games? ;-) (that is first "game" on my system)05:48
jpatrickgoldenear: yes05:48
Mezgoldenear that be ruddell05:48
Mezriddell ...05:48
goldenearSo I will be able to recognize him now :)05:48
HobbseeLure: yeah - apparently it's usually for games05:48
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jpatrickgoldenear: you can just see Jonathan Riddell on the id card05:49
goldenearthe id card ?05:49
jpatrickin the picture05:50
goldenearI can't read it05:50
goldenearit's too small on my screen05:50
Mezne1 here gonna be at LRL this yead?05:50
MezLUGRadio Live05:51
jpatrickNot me05:51
Mezy not jpatrick05:53
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jpatrickMez: 1) No way my parents would let me05:54
LureHobbsee: I am on, but not sure if anybody hears me...05:54
Mezjpatrick - where u live ?05:54
HobbseeLure: i'm not there atm....05:55
LureHobbsee: is there a text chat to?05:55
HobbseeLure: not really05:55
jpatrickMez: Girona, Spain05:55
Mezah - bit of a PITA then05:55
jpatrickthey won't even let me go to Barcelona05:55
Hobbseeoh yeah05:56
LureHobbsee: I see I can sent text message.... And that you are trying to get in... ;-)05:56
Mezlol - I'm lucky Iive close to LRL05:56
HobbseeLure: try speaking05:56
Hobbseehey Lure - i hear you :)05:56
LureI tried...05:56
Lureok, good... Can you speak?05:57
HobbseeLure: no, parents are asleep05:57
Lureok, thanks anyway...05:57
LureI am more concerned about my mike...05:57
HobbseeLure: it sounds okay to me05:58
jpatrickMez: Maybe it would of being better if I was back in London05:58
HobbseeLure: were you using push to talk, or the other?05:58
LureHobbsee: good - we will see how this works under load on Monday... ;-)05:58
LureHobbsee: PTT05:58
Hobbseeshould be interesting05:59
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\shTonio_: ping06:16
\shLure: are you in paris_06:17
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jpatrickHope so06:17
Lure\sh: no....06:17
\shLure: hmmm06:17
Luretoo much work related stuff next week06:17
\shwho is living in paris? Tonio_ 06:17
\shraphink_sleep is in nice I think?06:18
Lure\sh: yes06:18
Luremaybe goldenear?06:18
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\share you in paris?06:26
goldenearYes I am06:26
goldenearI live in Paris06:27
\shcarlospc needs help :)06:27
\shjump to #ubuntu-devel :)06:27
aplg|drowningTonio_: ping06:34
jpatrickyou're drowning....06:35
aplg|drowningoh ^^06:35
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jpatrickf/d apachelogger06:36
=== apachelogger is listening to: Finn Arild/Trolltech - Qt 4 Dance (0:27/3:45)
=== apachelogger is dancing :D
uniqheh.. qt4 dance. :)06:38
jpatricknp: "Knights of Cydonia" - Muse | Black Holes And Revelations [amaroK] 06:40
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uniqhmm.. how do you guys read gpg encrypted mails in kmail? 06:47
\shbut not without gnupg-agent and pinentry-qt installed ;)06:47
=== apachelogger usual gets non-encrypted ones ;-)
uniqi used to use gpg-agent with pinentry-qt.. but after upgrading to dapper it doesn't work anymore :|06:47
uniqhave to set it up again i guess.06:48
\shit still works..check /etc/X11/Xsession.options06:48
uniqit's there.. but it doesn't start.06:49
\shno 06:49
uniqhmm.. 06:49
\shyou need06:49
uniqgpg-agent ah.06:50
uniqstupid me.06:50
uniqgpg != ssh 06:50
\shyes :=06:50
uniqhmm.. Xsession.d/90gpg-agent says that 'use-agent' in ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf is enought. 06:52
\shuniq: comment out use-agent in gpg.conf06:52
uniqor ~/.gnupg/options06:52
uniqhang on.. i'll relogin.06:53
\shi need to grab something to smoke...give me 1006:53
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uniq\sh: i didn't change Xsession.options at all, just added "use-agent" to ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf and it works. nice to know that it's just a user config.07:01
uniqXsession.d/90gpg-agent takes care of the rest.07:01
\shuniq: but you have to enable it in Xsession.options to start it globally.07:04
uniq\sh: yes, but each user can select to start it or not. that's what i want.07:06
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apacheloggerhm, is the lock panels option not visible enough? Oo07:55
\shoh it's this ranting freak again07:56
\sh1 Dec 198407:56
\shbirthdate, that says everything07:56
apacheloggerwell, if the other 2 posts are as stupid shit, he is really.....07:57
apacheloggeranyway, the point about kdesu is a good one07:57
apacheloggerif a user doesn't start kdesu itself07:57
apacheloggeras in case of adept07:57
apacheloggerhe doesn't know which password to use07:57
\shwell, that kde has a lot of UI design mistakes, it's known since 1.007:57
apacheloggerthough he also can start kdesu without knowing what it does07:57
\shwhich hopefully goes away with kde407:58
apacheloggerwell, there is the accessibility problem07:58
\shah...thunder :)07:58
apacheloggerwe talked about the other day in #amarok07:58
apacheloggerkde sux about accessibility07:59
apacheloggerbig time actually07:59
apacheloggerthe apps which are their are mostly wirten for KDE 3.2/307:59
apacheloggerand bugging like hell07:59
apacheloggerthere also this missing usability is really really visible07:59
\shno doubt...but the problem is, there are not enough people in KDE who are doing usability and accessibility work08:00
apacheloggerthat's why we started initial thoughts about promo for development ;-)08:00
apacheloggersecret though :P08:00
\shwell, not development...we need someone like mpt or ken and steve jobs08:01
apacheloggerwe just need everything08:01
apacheloggercurrent problem is imo that there are far too less people working on KDE08:01
\shsadly yes08:01
apacheloggerthough, as much as I hate this "we wanna translate everything" stuff, but our translations (as I can tell from german and french) are really really good ones08:02
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uniqcowbuilder looks nice.09:00
\shI want this: http://www.therawfeed.com/2006/06/worst-usb-gadget-yet-decapitated-teddy.html09:03
jpatrick\sh: nice09:10
Riddell-awagoldenear: yes, that's me, not looking my best09:42
Riddell-awa"no, Riddell *is* a person" that's nice to have confirmed :)09:42
raphink_sleepwow :)09:45
raphinkgood to know :)09:46
nixternallol Riddell-awa: sorry for calling you a bot :)09:53
nixternalbut it was fun messing with the other guy...he actually thought you were fake...but hobbsee stepped in and set him straight ;)09:53
nixternalhad him believing you were a bot..LOL09:54
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Riddell-awatesters needed on teamspeak09:58
uniqsorry, teamspeak doesn't provide a linuxppc binary. so i'm left out in the cold.10:03
nixternali am still waiting for my usb headset/phone so i can use it with teamspeak and skype10:04
nixternalright now i am using an old headset/mic combo10:04
nixternali guess they heard me..cuz i heard someone say "thanks nixternal"10:04
tomawhat is teamspeak?10:04
uniqvoip software for gamers10:05
nixternaltoma: it is a VoIP .....10:05
tomathanks all10:05
nixternalya what uniq said and the \sh link ;)10:05
nixternali used to use it many years ago when i was into the gaming community10:05
nixternalfirst time i used it with Linux though...actually runs great for me10:06
jpatrick-> http://experts.microsoft.fr/10:06
uniqi find it strange to choose a voip software that's not supported on all archs ubuntu officially supports.10:06
nixternalsomeone just growled on teamspeak ;)10:07
nixternal\sh no mic?10:07
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\shnixternal: looks like my mic is not working..and I don't hear anything10:08
nixternalyou didn't10:08
nixternalWelcome Message:  "Sorry for my TeamSpeak"10:09
\shdoes it work only with OSS?10:09
nixternal\sh temp fix10:09
nixternalgo into system settings > sounds ...and shut off system sounds10:10
nixternalimbrandon_ knows of an oss wrapper that works...im waiting for him to show me..but in the mean time shutting off the system sounds work10:10
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nixternalhey kmon10:11
kmoni'm reading this about kde in kubuntu: http://osnews.com/story.php?news_id=1492710:14
kmonit's a rant10:14
\shoh damn10:14
\shI can hear you ...10:14
\shbut I can't speak10:14
\shwith a normal analog headset10:14
\shnow I'm trying it with my usb one10:14
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nixternalhe has some valid points kmon..but that guy does nothing but rant about everything...it is ok to rant, but if you don't help the situation then it is nothing but a waste of time in my eyes10:17
Riddell-awawow, osnews just gets worse and worse10:17
kmonnixternal: yep.10:17
nixternaland some of his rants aren't even valid10:18
kmonI find myself kde more consistent than gnome10:18
Riddell-await's way more consistent, xml-rpc takes care of that10:18
nixternalchanging the size of icons is way to easy ;)10:19
Riddell-awaespecially if you consider firefox part of gnome10:19
nixternalkmon i am with you on that...i have Ubuntu installed on my laptop and it is nice, but Gnome is...i don't know, goofy ?10:19
kmonit's not my taste10:20
nixternaloh and people have issues with Konqi, try Epiphony..it is horrible ;)10:20
kmonRiddell-awa: tomorrow is the kde event?10:20
nixternalim starting to use Konqi more and more now for web browsing10:20
kmonkonqui rocks10:20
Riddell-awakmon: tomorrow is the ubuntu developers summit10:20
kmonI thought tomorrow canonical people meet kde people10:21
jpatrickand vice verse10:22
LureRiddell-awa: btw, is schedule for tommorow already set?10:24
Riddell-awaLure: nope10:25
Riddell-awaLure: I think tomorrow starts with everyone introducing their spec so I don't know when the BoFs start10:25
LureRiddell-awa: ok, makes sense...10:25
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\shwhat was the server again?10:27
jpatrick teamspeak.uds.canonical.com10:27
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\shok..sound on the headphones now10:30
\shbut not with teamspeak10:30
\shi need this alsa 2 oss tool10:31
=== nixternal records the teampspeak because this is hillarious stuff
\shif nothing works..i have a windows machine at work ,)10:32
imbrandon_\sh: apt-get install alsa-oss then modprobe -m snd-pcm-oss10:33
imbrandon_all should work with oss after that10:33
\sheven with aoss it doens't work10:33
imbrandon_^^ \sh read above, thats how i got mine working with alsa10:33
nixternalhello moto10:33
\shimbrandon_: nope10:34
linuxmonkeywhats the ts info10:34
\shimbrandon_: I'm on the toshiba now10:34
nixternalya...\sh is muted10:34
\shimbrandon_: and I need to use the usb head set10:34
\shi can't even hear anything10:34
goldenearRiddell-awa: are you in Paris ?10:34
imbrandon_alsa-oss SHOULD remap /dev/dsp to alsa10:34
imbrandon_goldenear: yes he is10:35
\shwell...let me use windows for that ;)10:35
\shas I said, teamspeak is evil ;)10:35
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Riddell-awagoldenear: yes10:35
imbrandon_yea TS is evil thats for sure ( we need to as a group push for better group voip stuff for linux thats foss )10:36
goldenearRiddell-awa: I hope you'll have a nice week here in Paris :)10:36
linuxmonkeyRiddell-awa: whats the TS server info10:36
imbrandon_linuxmonkey: teamspeak.uds.caonical.com10:36
linuxmonkeythanks imbrandon_10:36
Riddell-awagoldenear: you're coming to join us?10:37
goldenearI'll try to be there tomorrow afternoon10:37
imbrandon_what time does the confrence start in the AM ? ( GMT/UTC time ? )10:37
Riddell-awaimbrandon_: 09:00 ESTC10:37
goldenearRiddell-awa: is there a planing for the conferences (topics)?10:38
Luregoldenear: this sounds similar like your oskar spec: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-videoplayer-ui10:39
goldenearI mean, some discutions will concerne only ubuntu/gnome10:39
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goldenearyes Lure: that's exactly that10:40
Luregoldenear: not sure if you can close spec as duplicate.. ;-)10:41
Riddell-awagoldenear: http://launchpad.net/people/jr/+specs the Braindump ones 10:41
Riddell-awaand all of these https://launchpad.net/sprints/uds-paris/+specs10:41
Riddell-awaLure: you can mark it as superceded10:42
Riddell-awaLure: yes, that's for oskar10:42
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LureRiddell-awa: yes, there is another one: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/oskar10:43
\shthis is so embarassing10:43
Lure\sh: what? to use Windows for VoIP?>10:43
\shteamspeak is no voip10:44
Riddell-awaLure: right, one of those should e maked as superceded then10:44
goldenearwhy not to use open source technologies instead of teamspeak ?10:44
Riddell-awagoldenear: nothing matches the funtionality10:44
goldenearit's easy to setup as asterisk conference server10:45
Riddell-awagoldenear: mark will bounty it if someone wants to make it10:45
goldenearasterisk does10:45
Riddell-awagoldenear: that's a server, needs frontend10:45
jsgotangcoi dont think there's enough time to make this work on asterisk10:45
goldenearand clients are available for linux10:45
Riddell-awathe killer issue was visual clue on who's talking I believe10:45
goldenearekiga for gnome, twinkle for kde10:45
jsgotangcoatm elmo is pretty busy wiring stuff here10:45
\shRiddell-awa: ah well, you can't always have an eye on ts10:45
\shcan somebody speak a test message?10:46
goldenearit would be easy to have a streaming video of the conference10:47
\shhow many connections you can do with the freeware server?10:48
\shi hope that's enough ;)10:49
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goldenearRiddell-awa: what's the schedule for the conferences ? eg when are the kubuntu specific conferences ?10:54
Riddell-awagoldenear: no idea, we'll find out in the morning10:55
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Tonio_hey Riddell-awa !11:01
Tonio_did you appreciate those 2 days in paris ?11:02
Riddell-awaTonio_: yes, lovely11:02
linuxmonkeyanyone here an op for #kubuntu, we need to restore some order...they are debating politics 11:02
\shfighting debating politics with raw force? ;)11:03
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tomaRiddell-awa: i didnt see a spec for keytouch or bzr....11:27
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apachelogger\sh: http://dev.bit-freaks.net/apachelogger/print.pdf11:35
\shapachelogger: not possible :(11:37
\shapachelogger: amarok is main, and we don't know if during installation a network is available11:38
apachelogger\sh: ?11:38
apacheloggernot good11:38
\shThe plainest way would be to write a bash script wgetting a seperate MP311:38
\shpackage (for example for xine) and install it by bord tools using kdesu.11:38
\shthats what I mean with "not possible"11:38
\shthe right thing to do is to patch xine...to remove mp3 codec from the default list11:39
goldeneardid you read this: http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=1492711:39
apachelogger\sh: well, the system got designed with Riddell-awa afaik, so he might know what to do ;-)11:39
goldenearI think this may me discussed in Paris11:39
\shgoldenear: there is nothing to discuss...problem is, to less people are doing UI and accessibilty work on kde...11:40
\shgoldenear: the only thing to discuss is, how to shut the fck up this guy...he does nothing, just ranting11:40
goldenearI really would like to work on this11:40
\shapachelogger: this but report in kde bugzilla is quite right about the way to go, imho11:41
apachelogger\sh: which report?11:42
\shgoldenear: kwwii can help to get in touch with the right people on kdes site11:42
\shapachelogger: zou remember the bug, that amarok does play playlist with mp3 files, and not saying that mp3 codec is not installed?11:42
goldenear\sh: I'll ask him :)11:43
Riddell-awatoma: keytouch?11:43
\shapachelogger: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12454011:44
UbugtuKDE bug 124540 in general "When codecs are not available Amarok finishes playback instantly, Amarok should popup a complaint to the user to fix his/her codecs." [Wishlist,Resolved: invalid]  11:44
tomaRiddell-awa: the app to easily setup multimedia keys, addition to guidance11:44
Riddell-awatoma: this is a distro only conference, no bzr11:44
=== Riddell-awa has to go
apachelogger\sh: got also fixed at K3M11:45
tomawrt bzr, setup home dir with bzr enabled11:45
\shRiddell-awa: have fun...good night :)11:45
apachelogger\sh: as part of it11:45
apacheloggereither that codec feature is active11:45
apacheloggerthen it says11:45
apacheloggermp3 is not available, shall I install it - and starts the script defined in exec11:45
apacheloggeror it just says "wooho, no mp3 you poor user!"11:45
\shapachelogger: this is more then ok...because then amarok is already started the first time11:45
\shbut during installation assuming that network is available, is a no go ;)11:46
apacheloggerwah, it doesn't do while installation ;-)11:46
apacheloggerour screen record team should do a vid :P11:47
\shapachelogger: the text in the announcement can be misunderstood then ;)11:48
\shI just bought my first cd via ebay and paypal11:51
apachelogger\sh: I wrote some more lines ;-)11:51
\shapachelogger: thx :)11:51
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