
=== BjornT [n=bjorn@clt-84-32-240-183.dtiltas.lt] has joined #launchpad
aa_those little coloured "bug" icons are great01:02
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Hobbseehey all.  are we having trouble with ubuntueros not showing in launchpad properly?  ie, people who are obviously ubuntueros are shown as "not yet"?  01:53
Hobbseehttps://launchpad.net/people/adconrad and https://launchpad.net/people/hobbsee would be two such examples01:54
LarstiQHobbsee: have they signed the CoC and uploaded to lp?01:54
HobbseeLarstiQ: yes - both are members, one's a core dev01:55
Hobbseethey *have* to have signed the CoC and uploaded it before they went for membership01:55
LarstiQI guess that is a bug then01:55
HobbseeLarstiQ: at least for that second link - i know i used to show as an ubuntero - it's just recently been pointed out to me01:56
LarstiQHobbsee: now you mention it, my ubuntero flag has dropped as well01:56
Hobbseehttps://launchpad.net/people/tonio & https://launchpad.net/people/jr-falleri are more example01:57
ajmitchHobbsee: it's a bug, it's been filed01:57
Hobbseehehe, great01:57
ajmitchbug 4899501:57
LarstiQbug 4899501:57
UbugtuMalone bug 48995 in launchpad "People who have signed the Code of Conduct are now listed as not being Ubunteros." [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4899501:57
UbugtuMalone bug 48995 in launchpad "People who have signed the Code of Conduct are now listed as not being Ubunteros." [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4899501:57
Hobbseeah, just found that01:58
Hobbseedont mind me then :P  i clearly cant search01:59
=== Hobbsee makes a note to always search *first* before coming to bother people. And that launchpad bugs would be filed on launchpad itself. sheesh.
=== LarstiQ grins
Hobbseehey now!  dont you laugh at me!  :P02:04
LarstiQHobbsee: it is funny how different people look at launchpad02:07
HobbseeLarstiQ: how so?02:07
LarstiQHobbsee: I realize a lot of the users come purely from ubuntu, and deal mainly with that part02:07
LarstiQwhereas I almost only deal with upstream products02:08
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Hobbseewhich upstream products?02:08
LarstiQHobbsee: bzr is the most important one02:08
Hobbseenot played with that yet02:08
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Kamping_Kaisercan someoen tell me if this is a bug, or just me not registering the way somethign should work properly?07:39
Kamping_Kaiseri went to the linux-restircted-modules page in LP, went to bugs, then put '686' in the search area and pressed enter.07:40
Kamping_Kaiserit jumped to but 686 in LP.07:40
Kamping_Kaiseris that expected?07:40
SteveAKamping_Kaiser: yes, i think it is expected07:55
SteveApeople often put bug numbers into search forms, and expect it to work07:55
Kamping_Kaiserok. i was trying to search the bugs in l-r-m for 686 :/ thanks :)07:55
SteveAmaybe we should make the x86 numbers special cases.  if you think so, file a bug on malone in launchpad about it.07:56
Kamping_Kaisernah, i was just supprised :)07:56
YannigHello everybody :)08:00
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Ma5rad...no one has said anything,.11:54
Ma5radThis whole time.11:54
LarstiQwell, it wasn't _that_ long11:59
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