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andreI can't get apache to run... When I etc/init.d/apache2 start it doesn't give any error message, but ther is no apache process running. theres also nothing in the apche logs.05:58
fabbioneandre: check /etc/defaults/apache205:59
fabbioneand see if it's configured to start05:59
andreits empty.05:59
fabbionecan't be empty06:00
fabbionecat /etc/default/apache206:00
fabbione# 0 = start on boot; 1 = don't start on boot06:00
andrecat: /etc/defaults/apache2: No such file or directory06:00
fabbionedefaults -> default06:00
andrei set it to start on boot, but how do I start it now?06:01
fabbione /etc/init.d/apache2 start06:02
fabbioneanyway i am out here06:02
=== fabbione -> weekend
andreI see..... so set it to start on boot is required to make it start ta alll...06:02
andrehow logical. lol06:02
andrehave fun06:02
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A-Kaserpoy poy07:02
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