
stianHey, I just loaded a hd installed with ubuntu-server onto a new computer, only things that remain the same from the old computer is HD, CPU and NIC, new is hk, ram and the rest is buildt in on hk12:00
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DESiBELinevermind.. i installed firestarter12:00
stianSo, everything works, except the NIC isn't displaying12:00
stianAnyone got any suggestions?12:00
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udohow can i test speakers?12:00
igorzolnikovi have equals error12:01
Jowiudo: "speaker-test"12:01
Sjoerd-sudo apt-get install won't work without internet connection, right?12:01
stianigorzolnikov, equals error?12:01
crimsunSjoerd-: depends if you have the cdrom source active and have the cdrom mounted.12:01
N9URKBioVorE: I have never really used a Linux desktop.  I have done everything from the command line, so I don't really know how good it is. but since you know, I will just edit it by hand12:01
stianSjoerd unless you install from the cdrom12:01
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N9URKBioVorE: much easier that way12:01
ompauligorzolnikov, that is not right in english, do you mean the same error, or something else?12:01
Azi_Dahakais the issue with the broadcomm wireless nic solved on dapper ?12:01
=== Lehmaeee [i=lehmaee@a84-231-224-132.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Sjoerd-Alright, how do I force it to install from cd-rom? Or will that be automatically done?12:02
zx8can anyone reccomend a good web host to me?12:02
BioVorEN9URK: I am a command line rat here..  you can do so much from it you can't do in a gui enviroment12:02
exhaledoes anyone run ubuntu dapper on a nforce4 based mobo?12:02
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skavengedisable the internet repositories and just keep the cdrom on the list is one way ...12:03
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ZambeziAnyone using Thunderbird to download POP3-mail?12:03
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folkertjust installed12:04
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folkertso if you have a sec12:04
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ompaulZambezi, lots of people do12:04
Zambezifolkert, Of course.12:04
Sjoerd-is network manger on the ubuntu cd-rom?12:04
N9URKBioVorE: THanks for all of your help12:05
Zambeziompaul, But noone answer my questions.12:05
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ompaulZambezi, that was not a useful question, the real question is? (and put it all on one line thanks)12:06
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leafwI have multiverse and universe enabled, how come I can't find the flashplugin-nonfree ?12:06
obsidiansHey! My laptop seems to be getting really hot, and doesn't seem to be turning the fan on.  What should I look at?12:06
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dooglusZambezi: which question do you want to ask?12:07
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Zambeziompaul, The question is: There should I put the backup from TB Windows. In "Local folders" or in "pop3.account.com"?12:07
locust|Jowi: You still around? (:12:07
ompaulleafw, after you included them did you do this: sudo apt-get update?12:07
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Zambezidooglus, The question is: There should I put the backup from TB Windows. In "Local folders" or in "pop3.account.com"?12:07
leafwompaul: sorry, I just checked and the multiverse is not enabled12:07
linuxuserhow would i get cups to work correctly with my hp1020 printer, cups does see the printer, but no test pages make it to the printer12:07
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ompaulZambezi, I know nothing of windows at all, sorry12:07
=== raldi_ [n=chatzill@cpe-66-65-127-132.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
raldi_How do i install mplayer on Ubuntu? I've uncommented everything in sources.list, but i still get "E: Package mplayer has no installation candidate"12:08
ompaulZambezi, as in I don't run it at all and have avodied it for years12:08
Zambeziompaul, Don't care about Windows in this matter.12:08
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dooglusZambezi: it doesn't matter.12:08
dooglusZambezi: it depends whether you want it to be in the shared 'local folders' or in the per-account folder12:08
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Zambezidooglus: But what if I get another POP3-mail?12:09
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linuxuseranybody know why cups sees my hp 1020 laser jet but will not print to it?12:09
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dooglusZambezi: I would suggest just using 'local folders' for everything, unless you have a good reason for wanting to keep mail from different accounts separate12:09
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skavengeanyone running a dell 1350 wireless card?12:09
jockey23Hi I have a Xgl/compiz problem... can someone plz help me?12:09
Zambezidooglus: But I probably be better to put it in the pop3-folder if I get another mail? I guess.12:09
dooglusZambezi: make a new folder, ending with .sbd, and stick the windows backup in there12:10
ubehow do you start ubuntu in command line mode?12:10
dooglusube: remove gdm from the runlevel you're booting into.12:10
skavengeinitab edit, run level 3 i believe12:10
locust|I've just attempted to upgrade Hoary to Dapper. It seemed the install went okay, but when I restarted, I was having problems starting X. The screen would flash a few times and give me a dialogue stating that there is a problem with the X server and asks if I'd like to diagnose the problem, but at that point, the screen freezes, so I can't select yes or no. I've tried "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" but that didn't help anyth12:10
locust|ing at all. Any other ideas as to what the problem could be?12:10
ubedooglus: thanks12:10
ubeskavenge: thanks12:10
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dooglusube: you can do it using 'bum' or sysv-rc-conf12:11
ubeoh. i dont know how to do that12:11
SpecDoes 3d accel work well with nVidia's GeForce 7xxx?12:11
obsidiansHey! My laptop seems to be getting really hot, and doesn't seem to be turning the fan on.  What should I look at?12:12
Specobsidians acpi probably12:12
ompaulube, it is runlevel 212:12
obsidiansSpec: I had a look at that..... it seems to be in passive mode, and doesn't have an active mode at all, for some reason.12:12
ubeompaul: for command line?12:12
ompaulube, you need to stop X to do this12:13
=== cassidy [n=cassidy@108.86-245-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
Hoxzerdo u guys want to tell me one thing12:13
ubethe default runlevel is at 212:13
ompaulyou can for a one time stop do >> sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop <<12:13
HoxzerLike everytime I get to argue with somebody :/12:13
HoxzerThat guy hates me rest of his life12:13
locust|I guess I'll try this http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18717712:13
jockey23xgl worked fine in dapper beta, but now I can't get it to run12:13
HoxzerLike ISN'T one argue pretty normal12:14
Hoxzerbut everybody hates me after argue12:14
Zambeziompaul, You seems to be a very knowledge guy *sucking up* Is it possible that you explain for me why two packages won't be installed with you get ther errormessages in a pastebin?12:14
Hoxzerlike A LONG TIME12:14
SpecHoxzer #ubuntu-oftopic12:14
ompaulHoxzer, GET on topic please - this is not a chat channel it is a support channel12:14
thoreauputicHoxzer: this isn't a counselling channel :)12:14
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ompaulZambezi, tell people in the channel what the pastebin url is12:15
Specompaul: why doesn't anybody like me? :-/12:15
ompaulube, sorry, distracted, do this before you stop X install "bum"12:15
Hoxzersry, guys but normal Finnish people gather to secret mating places at this time of day but I'm nolife -> so I try get my social saticfaction from else where12:15
ompaulube, use it to stop "gdm" when your finished12:15
Zambeziompaul, Two seconds.12:15
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o ompaul] by ChanServ
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ubeompaul: okay. i'll try12:16
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ompaulube, then you restart it and it is not there, to run it again (write this down) >> sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start <<12:16
alexi5what packaged do i have to install to get the c compiler and header files12:16
Zambeziompaul, I need to translate the text to English berfore I paste it here.12:17
dooglusalexi5: "build-essential"12:17
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ompaulZambezi, take your time12:17
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folkertompaul the url i pasted was to the pastebin ;)12:18
SpecSo, if I was gonna get a video card, and definitely wanted XGL/compiz to be good to me, would you suggest nVidia or ATI?12:18
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Specoo, gotta go, nvidia it is :p12:18
Azi_Dahakais the issue with the broadcomm wireless nic solved on dapper ?12:18
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ubotuTo use your broadcom or airport extreme card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx for info and firmware.12:19
SpecAzi_Dahaka ^^12:19
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skavengeargh no disk drive on this laptop i dont see how i'm going to get my wireless nic running if i need extra drivers for ndiswrapper ... *sigh*12:19
ompaulfolkert, many people post in different pastebins - so let us wait12:19
ompaulSpec, there is no good or bad there - ati users are the only ones I have seen in real life12:20
folkertoh sorry it's the dutch bin12:20
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Tommy2k4sudo: ./Makefile: command not found12:21
Tommy2k4how can i get it to work12:21
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ompaulfolkert, anyone can use it12:21
Sjoerd-hello, i'm trying to install network manager for gnome. I don't have an internet connection yet and it does not appear to be on the ubuntu cd-rom.12:21
ompaulfolkert,  if someone wants help I want a url that is unique to them12:21
Sjoerd-How do I install it in another way?12:22
folkertyes okay i get it now thank you12:22
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james_xxxwould it be advisable to put ubuntu on a P3 @ 500Mhz w/256MB ram?12:22
Sjoerd-depends on what you want to do with it james_xxx12:22
Sjoerd-it will work fine though12:22
james_xxxwhy would it depend?12:22
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ompaulSjoerd-, from the menu, System ->  administration -> networking that should be there12:22
Sjoerd-it would work as a webserver or for desktop work, not for gaming12:22
james_xxxwill it lack some functionality?12:22
andreasdkHow do I choose the printer in AcroRead?12:23
james_xxxok i am not a gamer12:23
Sjoerd-ompaul: Why should it be there?12:23
ompauljames_xxx, that would be great as xubuntu and it would work as ubuntu12:23
=== javaTard [n=javaTard@cpe-69-207-34-244.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulSjoerd-, cos that is how it is in ubuntu this being the ubuntu help channel12:23
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ompaulSjoerd-, unless there is special info you are keeping from me ;-)12:24
Sjoerd-I think there is a misunderstanding here, I am trying to install network mangere for gnome, so I can use a network with wpa encryption12:24
ubotuI guess wireless is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards if it does not work out of the box https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper windows drivers12:24
ubotuDid you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, ompaul12:24
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ompaulubotu, yes12:25
ubotuYes, yes! Yes indeed. Who would have thunk it, eh, ompaul?12:25
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folkertjames_xxx see http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18295112:25
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andreasdkHow do I select a printer in AcreRead?12:25
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Sjoerd-ompaul: My network card is detected and work fine, problem is that ubuntu doesn't seem to support wpa native. I need network manager for that, but I have no idea how to install it.12:25
dylan_does the non-free repository refer to proprietary software?12:25
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futlibhi, I'm using ubuntu on my laptop, and the hotkeys are all supported in gnome, but not in kde or xfce4. how can I change that? I think "hotkey-setup" is the key package12:26
thoreauputicdylan_: patent encumbered etc12:26
BioVorEandreasdk: acroread uses lpd to print.. so you'll have to figure out what the thing is..  normal just use lp12:26
keatonHey guys, I've got a live cd issue on an apple G3.12:26
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dylan_thoreauputic, do you recommend i use it?12:26
thoreauputicdylan_: from a philosophical or practical viewpoint? :)12:27
ompaul Sjoerd- in synaptic install   network-manager-gnome12:27
thoreauputicdylan_: from a practical viewpoint, sure12:27
dylan_thoreauputic, what would somebody who supports open source say?12:27
Sjoerd-ompaul: Synaptic install?12:27
skavengeanyone running a dell 1350 wireless card?12:27
ompaulSjoerd-, menu System Administration Synaptic Package Manager12:27
thoreauputicdylan_: well, it depends on how Free you want to be really12:27
dooglusdylan_: open source people generally don't care too much about freedom12:27
dylan_thoreauputic, is there a difference between open and free?  so are you telling me you can have a proprietary open source app?12:28
keatonI boot from disk, and everything loads up just fine, just like it should, until it gets up to where the splash screen should be and the video craps out. I can hear to login sound but the screen turns off. Any solutions?12:28
ompaulfutlib, you could wait a while please12:28
=== knight488 [n=knight@men75-1-87-90-29-76.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Please be aware there are a lot of questions, but only maybe few who might know the answer for you. Please be patient. Your attitude may determine their willingness to help you.12:28
=== croesus [n=croesus@c-68-53-211-190.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Sjoerd-ompaul: Ah, problem is that it doesn't seem to be on the cd and I don't have internet access. If you are sure about it should be there though, I will go and check. Have to reboot and start Ubuntu :)12:28
futlibompaul, roger that12:28
ompaulSjoerd-, it is in main and so should be there12:28
thoreauputicdylan_: umm - look at the package licenses and copyrights and make up your own mind, I guess12:28
dooglusdylan_: the difference between 'open source' and 'free software': http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-software-for-freedom.html12:29
knight488how do you browse memory cards?12:29
Sjoerd-Ok thank you ompaul, will be back soon :)12:29
Jowikeaton: if you hear a sound that means that xorg is configured ok. try turning off framebuffer in either bios or in grub12:29
keatonmmkay, do you have a specific command for that? This is my friends computer, so I'll need to write it down.12:29
ompaulfutlib, that has to be a question for #kubuntu and #xubuntu12:29
futlib allright. thanks12:30
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Jowikeaton: sure do. when you see all the different boot stuff in grub, press "e" to edit the line. selcect the "kernel" line and press "e" again. add "vga=normal" press enter then "b" to boot.12:30
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ompaulJowi, got a wiki account?12:31
keatonThanks, man, I owe ya one.12:31
=== Blue89 [n=michael@c-67-165-61-68.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jowikeaton: this will *not* alter anything. it is just a one-time deal12:31
yUSiyEEEanyone install win+ubuntu on the same machine?12:31
Jowiompaul: sure do :) wrote a dri kernel compile for the via epia chipset 6 months ago12:31
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ompaulJowi, can you add that with anything else that makes sense to you to BootOptions12:32
Jowiompaul: it's not in the grub howto?12:32
Blue89why doesn't ubuntu allow me to "sudo cp" my cdrom block device into a file?12:32
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ompaulJowi, this is a little more evil ;-)12:32
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Jowiompaul: should I create a new article or modify an existing one?12:33
Zambeziompaul, Don't make fun of my. I'm having difficulties with my English. I left the original messages if you might recocnize it when the translation is bad. http://pastebin.com/71556512:33
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ZambeziI need help solving this: http://pastebin.com/71556512:33
=== Lisoe [n=d@ti531210a080-2000.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulJowi, there should really be a unified boot process page but I think that would live on wiki.ubuntu.com/BootOptions for the moment12:33
your_momi need some help i tried to do a fresh install of dapper, and now it wont load it says error 17 on grub cant mount any help12:33
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your_momi have tried installing it 5-6t times each time no luck12:34
Jowiompaul: will have a look. brb12:34
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ompaulZambezi, dutch?12:34
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Zambeziompaul, Swedish.12:34
=== drew [n=eliate@eloone.maisel.int-evry.fr] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulZambezi, try #ubuntu-se12:35
ompaulZambezi, let me see if I can see what the issue is12:35
leafwmanymore: sudo apt-get install flasplugin-nonfree  downloads all dependencies and the package itself, but then it never returns when it says "Setting up flashplugin-nonfree ( ..12:35
leafwany clue on what is up? Which log to look up?12:35
=== Sjoerd- [n=Sjoerd@ip54576152.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Zambeziompaul, I'm already there, but there's too few.12:35
=== linav [n=chatzill@222-152-64-239.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Sjoerd-ompaul: Sorry, it's not in the list - for me. Is it for you?12:35
knight488what the command for mounting my memory stick reader?12:35
crimsunleafw: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh flashplugin-nonfree12:35
JowiZambezi: you don't have the correct password to the OB archives it seems (no idea what that means).12:36
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neutrinomasscrimsun: Hi. I pinged you earlier. I've got this sound problem with a friend's computer - everything seems OK but no sound plays, any hints on what might be wrong ?12:36
leafwcrimsun : ok, let me see this phigh12:36
croesusis there anything like fedora's "Security Level Configuration Tool" for ubuntu?  I'm not wanting the selinux component...just a radio capability to shut down/open certain ports to the outside world....I've been using firestarter but I want something I can show complete noobs.12:36
=== neutrinomass doesn't have lots of details at hand :(
your_momany help on my problem?12:36
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Bassettsis tcl installed by default in ubuntu?12:36
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crimsunneutrinomass: that's much too vague to be useful, not to mention the utter lack of details necessary to troubleshoot.12:37
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neutrinomasscrimsun: Was in Breezy and it worked fine with Suse....12:37
ompaulZambezi, is appears the issue is here  Configure myth-datab however I don't have mythtv so I have no idea now https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MythTV  it may give some ideas version numbers will be different12:37
leafwcrimsun : /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: flashplugin-nonfree is broken or not fully installed12:37
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leafwcrimsun : although, all pkgs claim to be installed12:37
hangfireyour mom, what does the partition look like when you go on live ubuntu?12:37
neutrinomasscrimsun: Yeah, I just want tips on what might be wrong. I think it was an allegro card. Nothing was muted, volumes were up, cabling ok and stuff apparently played ...12:37
ompaulSjoerd-, yes, which is why I said that12:37
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crimsunleafw: did you use apt-get/aptitude or Synaptic to install it?12:38
Sjoerd-ompaul: Strange...12:38
leafwcrimsun : apt-get12:38
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crimsunleafw: sudo apt-get --remove purge flashplugin-nonfree12:38
crimsunleafw: then use Synaptic to install it12:38
Sjoerd-ompaul: I used the search and looked for network manager, it only found something for pcmcia cards12:38
leafwcrimsun: ok, clear and reinstall ...12:38
ompaulSjoerd-, well i got it from main - can you see  wpasupplicant - Client support for WPA and WPA2 (IEEE 802.11i)12:39
hangfirehey your mom12:39
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leafwthat is --purge remove, right12:39
Ayabarawhere does gnome-btdownload put the .torrent files by default?12:39
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Bassettshow do you search from terminal?12:39
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TeddWrong channel.12:39
racterBassetts: locate12:39
crimsunneutrinomass: "tips"? There are a half billion tips that /may/ be relevant. I need specifics like driver, amixer output, lspci -v output, ...12:39
Sjoerd-ompaul: Ah I thought it was just called network manager, let me have a look (rebooting again)12:39
Sjoerd-ompaul: thanks!12:39
Bassettsracter: it doesnt find the file though12:39
Bassettsracter: and i know its there12:40
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ompaulSjoerd-, network-manager-gnome12:40
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racterBassetts: you may need to rebuild the locate database with sudo locate -u12:40
neutrinomasscrimsun: OK. I'll try the Dapper cd and report back. Thanks :)12:40
ompaulTedd, don't bring attention on yourself ;-)12:40
Sjoerd-ompaul: There is no network-manager-gnome in the list.12:40
Teddompaul, whoops. :P12:40
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Bassettsill try that racter12:40
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ompaulsjoerd  network-manager12:40
curley_suehallo, I just received an MP4 player. It did not come with any clear instructions and I can't find any tool to upload songs... any managers?12:40
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knight488anyone know how to mount a SD card reader?12:41
konfuzedhey there a quick question about bios settings.  Should Plug and Play AWARE OS be on or off ??12:41
keatonWhile I'm here, I've got another question.12:41
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keatonYou guys know how I can mount my PSP?12:41
crimsunneutrinomass: just to speed things along, what I need is the output from ``lspci -v && cat /proc/asound/cards && amixer'' pastebinned12:41
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leafwcrimsun : it's stuck at the same place. I suspect the file is never downloaded from the macromedia website12:41
Bassettsi need libtcl.so, what package gives me that?12:41
leafwBassetts : apt-file search libtcl.so12:42
kobuni need some help i tried to do a fresh install of dapper, and now it wont load it says error 17 on grub cant mount any help12:42
konfuzedBasL, tcl/tkl or is that tkl/tcl12:42
crimsunleafw: and you chose the option to install from the Internet, correct?12:42
Bassettsthanks leafw12:42
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leafwcrimsun : correct.12:42
lib8264qcan someone help with a ? .... i downloaded the dvd .iso and have a server install  i wanted to put the desktop on but when i use the command it says please place cd number xxxxxxxxx.2 in cd rom ??? anyone know which version this is would have thought the dvd would have had everthing on it12:42
curley_sueanyone knows j12:42
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leafwcrimsun : so I won't next time. Now I have to kill synaptic12:43
neutrinomasscrimsun: OK. I'm not at my friend's house now - I was asking because everything I tried had failed. If it doesn't work, I'll pastebin anything you need. Once again, thanks !12:43
curley_sueanyone knows how to use an mp4 player with ubuntu?12:43
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crimsunleafw: well, let's choose the local download option after you manually grab the tar.gz12:43
konfuzedlib8264q, what happens if you just hit enter and pretend the disk is already in the drive?12:43
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you.  You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Please give it 10 to 15 minutes before asking a second time, thanks.12:43
lib8264qnope dosent work12:43
leafwcrimsun : on the wya12:43
crimsunleafw: so yes, close Synaptic, purge flashplugin-nonfree, and reinstall it. First you need to download the tar.gz12:43
ompaulcurley_sue, please read that last message by ubotu thanks12:44
Bassettsleafw: that returns nothing12:44
UKMattI'm trying to load a DVD onto my comp through Ubuntu.. does anyone know of a program that can decode it so that I can download through Acid?12:44
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lib8264qkeeps asking for cd which happens to be the name   and realse date.2 ?????12:45
leafwcrimsun : where should the tar.gz go, to which folder should I put it12:45
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crimsunleafw: doesn't really matter, since you can point to it12:45
lib8264qhave used sudo aptidute install ubuntu-desktop12:45
knight488so no one knows how to make my SD card reader kick on?12:45
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konfuzeddoes ubuntu care if the bios is set to 'plug and play aware OS' turned on or off12:45
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konfuzedknight488, is it USB?12:45
bcnewmanis there a gnome equivilent of ksnapshot ?12:46
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UKMattdoes anyone have any idea how to do that?12:46
knight488konfuzed no, internal, I'm on my laptop12:46
leafwcrimsun: ok12:46
cproghello all, is there any settings i can change so that i can connect to a box running XGL through VNC, but without VNC trying to use XGL?12:46
keatonbcnewman: yeah, it should be under the System menu12:46
lib8264qgnoime version12:46
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crimsunleafw: as a note, both the US and Europe mirrors seem broken atm12:46
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konfuzedknight488, then its most likely a matter of mounting the disk12:46
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Bassettsanyone know?12:47
knight488konfuzed, know what the default device it should be listed as is so I could try to mount?12:47
leafwcrimsun : I suspected so12:47
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whayworthleafw + crimsun:  if you're referring to the mirror for flashplugin-nonfree from Macromedia, I can wget the .tar.gz from there12:48
whayworthas in it's reachable12:48
whayworthand can download12:48
crimsunwhayworth: it's broken for many people, depending on route12:48
lib8264qcan anyone help with my ?12:48
whayworthah; figures12:48
crimsunI'm --purging to walk you guys through this.12:48
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konfuzedknight488, dmesg | grep (brand name of drive device)     should give you the device name aswell12:48
ProN00bdoes anyone know a program that gives you a tv guide thingy ?12:48
leafwwhayworth : I just got it from the adobe/macromedia website12:48
keatonYo, does anyone know how to mount a PSP?12:48
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leafwwhayworth : but thanks!12:49
whayworthleafw:  as in fpdownload.macromedia.com?  you're welcome, by the way12:49
bcnewmankeaton: a screen capture tool? (I'm running 6.06 BTW)12:49
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UKMattI'm trying to load a DVD onto my comp through Ubuntu.. does anyone know of a program that can decode it so that I can download through Acid?12:49
Sjoerd-Does anyone know how to install Network Manager or get a WPA wireless connection running?12:50
whayworthSjoerd:  yes12:50
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whayworthI just solved that this morning with an ipw210012:50
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whayworthone moment, I'll fetch the URL of the page that was very helpful12:50
EnsignRedshirtHello, world.12:50
keatonbcnewman: Maybe it's not there in 6.06, I'm running 5.10. Under the System menu there should be "Take Screenshot..."12:50
Bassettshow is the password change in terminal?12:51
Sjoerd-General 6.06 - HOWTO: NetworkManager with WPA 1&2 Support12:51
EnsignRedshirtIs it possible to get kernel 2.6.15 for breezy?12:51
Sjoerd-that thread?12:51
zybridhow do i replace my mysql5 with mysql4.1 ? i have lamp installed. apt-get remove mysql-server doesnt seem to work12:51
crimsunleafw: ``sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree'' should pop up a dialogue box asking whether you want to download the plugin from the Internet. Choose 'no'.12:51
AyabaraI have an inspiron laptop, and I think the fan is running louder in ubuntu than in xp. something I haven't configured maybe?12:51
whayworthSjoerd-:  http://en.magenson.de/2006/06/11/ubuntu-dapper-drake-and-wpa-encrypted-wireless/12:51
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leafwcrimsun : I said 'no'. Now I'm fighting nautilus to show me the file (never used gnome before)12:51
skavengeBassetts; passwd12:51
Sjoerd-whayworth: Alright let met have a look, thanks!12:51
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whayworthSjored-:  no problem!12:51
crimsunleafw: it's much easier from a Terminal.12:51
crimsunleafw: Applications> Accessories> Terminal12:51
knight488hm I don't know the brand actualy...12:52
lwizardlhi can someone help me with static ips12:52
leafwcrimsun : indeed, but the donwloaded file seems to vanish, because it's untarred12:52
Ayabaraanyone here using truecrypt?12:52
bcnewmankeaton: I don't see that, but thanks for looking into it for me. I know that the print screen key works, but I like the extra functionality that something like ksnapshot adds12:52
leafwcrimsun : I see, "save to disk" xD12:52
Sjoerd-whayworth: The sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome doesn't work for me12:52
crimsunleafw: yes, choose Save to disk12:52
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Sjoerd-whayworth: I have no internet connection12:52
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whayworthSjoerd-:  I'll try to give you the package, if you'd like12:53
whayworthsorry for assuming that you did12:53
keatonbcnewman: you're welcome12:53
leafwcrimsun : ok, now, update-flashplugin ..12:53
dropdriveis it possible to send keystrokes to gnome-terminal with, say, the mouse thumb buttons (6 and 7)?12:53
Sjoerd-whayworth: It's ok, it is an option to make my router on WEP and then try to connect and get the network-manager package.12:53
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whayworthyou're sure?12:54
Sjoerd-whayworth: Maybe that would be the best way, I already downloaded the installation package but I have no idea how to install it.12:54
konfuzedknight488, what does SD stand for again12:54
crimsunleafw: sudo update-flashplugin --local-file $dir12:54
UKMattPackage libdvdcss2 is not available, but is referred to by another package.12:54
UKMattThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or12:54
UKMattis only available from another source12:54
UKMattE: Package libdvdcss2 has no installation candidate12:54
zybridhow do i replace my mysql5 with mysql4.1 ? i have lamp installed. apt-get remove mysql-server doesnt seem to work.12:54
whayworthSjored-:  would dpkg -i work?12:54
AyabaraI want to encrypt my external harddrive. anyone got any other suggestions than truecrypt?12:54
larson9999sudo cd /mnt/win_c gives> sudo: cd: command not found  what's up with that?12:54
rogyi dont have premission to extract a file to /opt , what should i do?12:54
Sjoerd-whayworth: What is it?12:54
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konfuzedknight488, try dmesg | grep SD12:54
gnomefreakrogy: use sudo12:54
crimsunleafw: where $dir is the directory containing the .tar.gz12:55
whayworththe dpkg command; installs a package12:55
rogyhmm, im a newbie :(12:55
skavengemy sd slot doesnt work at all according to the wiki/supported hardware on my laptop so that might be an issue as well12:55
leafwcrimsun : yes, but a '.' didn't work ... needed ~/Desktop/ (go figure)12:55
leafwcrimsun: it's in now, let's test it12:55
knight488k trying...12:55
whayworthsorry, all:  I'll prefix all my responses with $username from now on12:55
konfuzedknight488, try dmesg | grep sandisk12:55
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Sjoerd-whayworth: I have no idea, whould I try it? Or just use WEP to get the package and then upgrade to WPA12:56
leafwworks. Thanks crimsun (in fbsd I never got it to work)12:56
crimsunleafw: np.12:56
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konfuzedWEP sucks12:56
knight488konfuzed hm nothing...12:56
skavengesandisk makes the cards, not the reader most likely in a laptop for sure12:56
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konfuzedthe FBI has a video showing people how to by pass WEP in under 5 minutes12:56
curley_sueanyone knows how to use an mp4 player with ubuntu?12:57
EnsignRedshirtCan I upgrade the kernel in breezy to 2.6.15?  I'm trying to get pptp/VPN working reliably, and the HowTo's that I have seen say to use 2.6.15.  Currenty I have
whayworthSjoerd-:  I thought you had said that you already downloaded the pckage12:57
Sjoerd-konfuzed: I know any noob can crack WEP12:57
konfuzedknight488, try dmesg | grep SanDisk   or SAN    or just disk   or maybe even disk12:57
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whayworthSjoerd-:  in that case, you could use dpkg -i12:57
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konfuzeduh maybe even disc12:57
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whayworthSjoerd-:  otherwise, you should downgrade to WEP for the five minutes it will take, AirSnort risk or not12:57
Sjoerd-whayworth: Yes I have this on my harddrive: http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/NetworkManager/0.6/NetworkManager-0.6.3.tar.gz12:57
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troutfaceHello. I'm working from Xubuntu livecd (6.06 daily build) Why is the hdd installer crashing?? Anyone?12:58
whayworthSjoerd-:  all right!12:58
liquiemtroutface: because it doesnt like you12:58
whayworthSjoerd-:  then I think you should be able to "dpkg -i" it12:58
Sjoerd-whayworth: I  have read the readme and try to install, but didn't get it to work12:58
leafwby the way, java 1.5.0_07 gets terribly stuck at repainting every time I switch desktop.12:58
ompaulSjoerd-, go to packages.ubuntu.com and get the real one12:58
AyabaraI need a good solution for disk encryption in ubuntu. anyone??12:58
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konfuzedhey there a quick question about bios settings.  Should Plug and Play AWARE OS be on or off for the install12:58
konfuzedAyabara, there isnt one12:58
RhiscI need some help... I just downloaded dapper and when I go to install it after a while my screen goes blank and then dosent do anything...12:58
rogywhat is the commans to extract a file to /opt with sudo ?12:59
knight488hm tried that and a lot of other things, nothings making results12:59
whayworthSjoerd-:  wait, oh dear12:59
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zybridrogy: sudo12:59
whayworthSjoerd-:  sorry, I just realized that you downloaded the sources, not the package12:59
liquiemAyabara: try dm-crypt12:59
zybridrogy: oh12:59
zybridrogy: what kind of file is it? tar?12:59
Sjoerd-whayworth: Should I download this file: http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/net/network-manager-gnome12:59
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whayworthSjoerd-:  you'll have a hell of an easier time downloading the package direct from Ubuntu12:59
knight488SD = Secure Digital, I was mistaken12:59
liquiemAyabara: or some fuse based fs12:59
troutfaceCan anyone recommend a good Linux distro?12:59
whayworthSjoerd-:  yes, that would be preferable12:59
liquiemtroutface: no01:00
Ayabaraliquiem: thanks01:00
anto9uskonfuzed, WEP cracking not so much a problem as awareness, one of the biggest security issues in the modern world is knowing what you're connecting to. It's easy to walk into a wireless zone with a laptop spoof an AP and hijack all its clients and credit card details. Clients need to no the details (mac address) of AP they're connecting to.01:00
whayworthtroutface:  it depends on youre needs01:00
ompaultroutface, not possible01:00
digimarshas anyone here successfully using a k7-smp kernel on a dual core AMD under 32 bit Ubuntu?01:00
konfuzedknight488, try dmesg  | less    and read every line until you find the thing. if its not there it could be that your problem is no drivers installed for the SD controller01:00
whayworthtroutface:  *you're01:00
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whayworthtroutface:  **your01:00
liquiemtroutface: please read http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html before asking another question, thank you01:00
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rogyyes it is a tar01:00
Sjoerd-whayworth: Ok, it's a deb file, how do Install it now? Any hint before I launch ubuntu on this pc :) ?01:00
whayworthSjoerd-:  I think dpkg -i should work for it01:00
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konfuzedanto9us, do you think this is a big or hard problem to solve??01:01
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troutfaceAll I want is  livecd that 1) Installs as advertised 2) has repository support for Nvidia kernels01:01
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Sjoerd-whayworth: I use terminal to go to the folder it is in and then type: dpkg -i ?01:01
gnomefreaktroutface: try ubuntu01:01
gnomefreaktroutface: or talk about it in #ubuntu-offtopic01:01
konfuzedtroutface, there is no repository support for nvidia any thing01:01
anto9uskonfuzed, no, just be aware, that's all, it's a problem that plays on ignorance, like most hustles01:01
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whayworthSjoerd-:  yes, that's what you would do for "dpkg -i"01:01
troutfaceHmm you sure? ^^01:01
gnomefreakkonfuzed: huh? i get nvidia from repos01:02
konfuzedtroutface, you have to download that seperately. best to do so before hand to hae it on hand during the install01:02
Sjoerd-whayworth: Ok thanks, brb01:02
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gnomefreakkonfuzed: you get them in multiverse repos01:02
konfuzedgnomefreak, where? its proprietary01:02
gnomefreakkonfuzed: multiverse01:02
konfuzedoh sure answer before I ask01:02
skavengenvidia drivers are in the repos but they are not as up to date as nvidia's obviously01:02
konfuzedfor the video or for the mobo-chipset01:02
gnomefreakkonfuzed: enable multiverse than sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx01:03
digimarshas anyone here successfully using a k7-smp kernel on a dual core AMD under 32 bit Ubuntu?01:03
james_xxxhow long should it take gparted to format a 6GB HD to ext3?01:03
chavojames_xxx, a couple of seconds01:03
liquiemtroutface: ubuntu desktop-cd has an installer and for nvidia, have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia01:03
anto9usjames_xxx, shouldn't take long at all01:03
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james_xxxok it has been 25 minutes LOL01:04
konfuzedgnomefreak, the previous ubuntu isntall did not setup the onboard nvidia ethernet port so repos are there fore useless01:04
anto9usjames_xxx, there's a problem somewhere, cancel and look into it01:04
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troutface Okay, how do I install livecd (xubuntu). The included installer (desktop) only teases like a sexy girl pulling her knickers and then runs away! whatsup... sigh..01:04
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Joe_scorpwhen i try and change games in solitare the game closes, can someone help01:05
skavengethe nvidia drivers in the repos he was referring to are for video01:05
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brent_how is daper? for lap tops? or other low power things, mainly involving wep?01:05
brent_ and wi fi?01:06
anto9ustroutface, I'm keen to check out that installer but I think it's as simple as "sudo apt-get xubuntu-desktop"01:06
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anto9ustroutface, correction "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop"01:06
troutfacebrent becarefull dapper could be crapper01:06
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brent_well I am holding out for the moment01:07
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brent_I would  love a great simple fix01:07
digimarshas anyone here successfully gotten a k7-smp kernel on a dual core AMD working under 32 bit Ubuntu?01:07
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brent_but I have been working on it for so long,.. I kindofwant to know why01:08
skavengethere is nothing simple about linux heh01:08
jhennhow do u make a .torrent file out of files in ubuntu?01:08
=== cyphase is the ultimate haxorz
maikoli have a fresh install and i need my kernel source. is m-a prepare all i need to run?01:08
konfuzedok ubuntu.com has nothing about the bios. is there anywhere that comments about preffered bios settings or bios problems01:08
brent_well I was talking relitivly01:08
anto9usbrent, wep works ok on wifi even with ndiswrapper01:08
Joe_scorpis anyone else having problems with solitare since last updates for dapper?01:08
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brent_I am using mad wifi01:08
cyphasemy main computer is getting an upgrade, so i took out my hard drive that has /home on it, and mounted it on a laptop as /home01:08
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cyphasenow i'm in my account01:09
brent_i CAN'T GET WEP TO WORK01:09
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RhiscI need some help, when I go to install Ubuntu Dapper the CD boots but when the installer runs my screen goes blank and I cant see a thing01:10
anto9usbrent, I've never used mad wifi, don't know mate01:10
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Rhischas anyone had this problem?01:10
brent_WHAT DO YOU USE?01:10
Madpilotbrent, stop shouting, please01:10
skavengelower case thats  what we use01:10
brent_I know01:10
anto9usbrent, on my laptop I just use the standard kit with ndiswrapper01:10
liquiemRhisc: can you do alt + ctrl + f1 to get to a terminal?01:11
brent_had problems with caps01:11
linuxuserwonders if printer support will ever be improved in ubuntu?01:11
brent_fixed it01:11
jhennhow do u make a .torrent in ubutnu?01:11
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Rhiscliquiem: I dont think it would help because I cant see anything, my monitor actually says no signal detected01:11
brent_o you use wep?01:11
Ayabarathe fan on my inspiron is very loud in ubuntu. can I check the speed in some way?01:11
aureliusjhenn yea you can01:11
Rhiscliquiem: Maybe it has trouble recognizing my video card...01:12
liquiemjhenn: iirc every bt client can make a torrent-file, use one!01:12
jhennaurelius: HOW01:12
binajhenn: cant you do it through the client?01:12
liquiemRhisc: you could try it01:12
jhennall ubuntu bt clients suck01:12
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binajhenn: i thought azureus did it01:12
liquiemjhenn: azureus can make torrent files01:12
jhennbina: azerus = shit01:13
darkfoxhi all01:13
brent_ok? help with wep?01:13
liquiemjhenn: language please01:13
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ompauljhenn, language please01:13
ubotuwell, wep is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/helpcenterfaq.2004-10-07.003150731501:13
binajhenn: ok well, thats what i use - although never to make a .torrent - so I dont know, sorry :)01:13
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darkfoxubuntu installer is crashing with an XFS root :(01:13
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linuxuseranyone with some information on how to install hp laserjet 1020 in ubuntu?01:13
anto9usjhenn, I think that very much depends on what application you use and the important issue is creating a tracker, I suggest some reading, most support docs are for downloading, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BitTorrent01:13
liquiemjhenn: lol, and you want help? no, thanks01:14
ompauljhenn, it was brought to your attention please read the next url I get ubotu to put out here01:14
uboturumour has it, coc is the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, which we ask all Ubuntu users to follow. You can find the Code of Conduct at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/01:14
jhennliquiem: IM NEW U MUST ASSIST ME NOW!01:14
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dffwhat can I do fro looking at gay cahat room?01:14
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livingdaylightHi Guys! any of you use Flock?01:15
ompaul dff want to be next?01:15
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ompaulthis is an IRC Support channel for Ubuntu software01:15
livingdaylightdownloade and untarred but don't know how to complete the process from here01:15
brent_SO  is ever one dumb here?01:16
anto9usdff, freenode is dedicated to open source software projects, I think you'd have better luck on a network dedicated to chat01:16
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livingdaylightompaul: just thought i'd ask : (01:16
ompaulbrent, I gave you a wep url scroll back and read it01:16
brent_ don't get me wrong if you want a goodprogect01:16
srpdo the ati drivers work with the latest ubuntu?01:16
darkfoxanyone got any idea why the installer crashes with an XFS root partition?  and if there's a workaround?01:16
brent_sorry my bad let me check it out01:17
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systestwhat's the deb versions of "rpm -qa" to list all pkgs and "rpm -ql" to list the files in a package?01:17
MrKeuner(EE) fglrx(0): Fail to initialize ASIC in kernel. What am I missing?01:18
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livingdaylightwhere can i take my non-ubuntu software installation quuestion?01:18
kmilosystest, dpkg -l01:18
crimsunlivingdaylight: #linuxhelp, perhaps?01:18
systestkmilo: thanks01:18
kmilosystest, dpkg -L package01:18
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ompaulsystest, apt-cache search $value01:18
anto9uslivingdaylight, depends, could be a million places, what's the non-ubuntu software?01:18
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ompaulsystest, apt-cache show $value01:18
Jowiubotu, tell livingdaylight about compile01:18
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livingdaylightanto9us: a browser called Flock01:19
Rhiscsrp: I cant install ubuntu due to what I think is an ATI problem lol01:19
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systestompaul: thanks as well01:19
digimarsanyone here successfully running a k7-smp kernel for a dual core amd processor in Dapper?01:19
Sjoerd-hello again :)01:19
anto9uslivingdaylight, I think I've heard of that, let me check it out, I'll get back to you01:19
ompaulsystest, you can have fun with all of that01:19
briguydso my wireless internet wasnt working, so i went into the network-admin and deleted everything under DNS and Search Domains, what can i do to fix it?01:19
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MrKeuneranyone here successfully running fglrx with latest 686 kernel in dapper?01:20
Sjoerd-I am receiving this error now while trying to install the network manager: Package libnm-util0 is not installed.01:20
srpRhisc: my next linux choice is going to be based on whether or not the ati drivers work01:20
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darkfoxis launchpad.net the right place to file dapper installer bugs?01:20
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RugHowdy all01:20
crimsundarkfox: yes, though there about 300 of them.01:20
darkfoxsrp: ati drivers never work... your next gfx card choice should be based on that...01:20
Dial_tonesjoerd, how are you installing it?01:20
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darkfoxcrimsun: ok thanks01:20
Madpilotdarkfox, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs01:21
brent_opal that command didn't work,... got to run for  sec01:21
anto9uslivingdaylight, having queried chanserv with 'list *flock*' there's both a #flock and ##flock channel01:21
Sjoerd-Dial_tone: using dpkg -i ( I already found the other package though, think it just needs to be installed first)01:21
srpdarkfox: i dont have the money for a new card, otherwise i would get one01:21
Dial_toneuse apt-get01:21
livingdaylightanto9us: cool01:21
livingdaylightanto9us: i'll ask there01:21
Sjoerd-Dial_tone: Won't work without internet access, brb :)01:21
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MrKeunershould i have a fglrx.ko under /lib/modules/... ?01:22
Dial_toneI can't get my Radeon 8500 driver to work properly either01:22
Madpilothmm... Shift+PrintScreen used to take a nice screenshot w/ window border, just of the window w/ focus. Now it leaves out the window border... odd.01:22
nox-HandMy Gimp is locking up my system, so I want to kill it, but I don't know how to kill it, ask killall gimp doesn't do nothing.. How would I go about finding the correct process and killing it?01:22
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MrKeunernox-Hand/ okill gimp01:22
Madpilotnox-Hand, try just clicking the X (close) button in the top-right corner of the main GIMP window01:22
MrKeunernox-Hand/ pkill gimp01:22
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briguydanyone know a way to tell what should go under both DNS Servers and Search Domains in the DNS tab of network-admin?01:23
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jack|assIs there a way to make VNC in unix work like it does in windows, where i can walk away from my computer and access the desktop from elsewhere?01:23
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anto9usbriguyd, are you using DHCP or static addresses?01:23
uboturumour has it, vnc is http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-36715.html, or http://www.tightvnc.com/docs.html, or see 'x11vnc' (VNC server which uses your current X11 session)01:23
briguyddhcp, i think01:24
MrKeunerjack|ass/ vnc works better than what's on windows01:24
pepinitois there a way to watch tv on ubuntu, which apps do you know?01:24
anto9usbriguyd, if DHCP you can ignore them, they will be assigned automagically01:24
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brent_myth tv01:24
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skavengegotta have a tv card but yeah its possible01:24
briguydanto9us, then why doesnt it work any more?01:24
pepinitoi have a card01:24
darkfoxjack|ass: i think you're looking for 'rfb'01:25
pepinitobut don't know about apps01:25
existancewhen i use rpm to install a package (i.e. rpm -i package.rpm) I get error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm.  Anyone know how I can fix this?01:25
anto9usbriguyd, what doesn't work? dns lookup?01:25
briguydanto9us, i think i might have static, then, because it was working before and there was stuff filled in there, then i deleted it in my frantic screwing stuff up rage01:25
nox-HandMadpilot, MrKeuner: Cheers, but it just, after ten minutes, unfroze. It was rendering, and had frozen X.01:25
darkfoxjack|ass: apt-get install rfb  ... then x0rfbserver on your desktop.  you can then use vnc from another machine to connect to it.01:25
b14ckthe sound played by flash animation is very glitchy. should i update flash player? and how?01:25
skavengepepinito; check out linuxtv.org01:25
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Madpilotnox-Hand, not fun - I've never seen it do that before :|01:25
livingdaylightanto9us: can't see a channel called flock01:25
anto9usbriguyd, are you connected to a router?01:25
Mystahello, I just installed XGL/Compiz (all went well), BUT now I cannot launch Xchat IRC client right after install...01:25
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anto9uslivingdaylight, #flock01:26
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briguydim using wireless01:26
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z3ro0nehow do i get my computer to use an external modem with an ethernet connection?01:26
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livingdaylightok, but i dpon't have access01:26
briguydanto9us, there is no wired hookup on the laptop, only a slot for the wireless and a phone jack01:26
z3ro0neor a usb01:27
gnomefreakMysta: what do you mean you cant launch it?01:27
laoziQuestion for ya'll.  Ubuntu will freeze after shut down, it will go through all the shutdown processes and then hang at the end and not shut down my computer.  Its an IBM Thinkpad T21.01:27
[sam] what happens if i move a file to an file?01:27
anto9usbriguyd, most wireless are configured dhcp to my knowledge although you can configure static and still connect to it but lose other settings like dns, reconfigure to dhcp and retry01:27
z3ro0necan anyone help with that?01:27
gnomefreak[sam] : the file moves01:27
Mystagnomefreak, thx. I mean everytime I double click the icon, nothing happens. I'm on a windows box now01:27
briguydanto9us, h/o lemme try something01:27
Rug[sam] : it'll prolly overwrite the original file01:27
[sam] gnomefreak, I moved it, and accidentally moved to a file,not a folder01:28
gnomefreakah we cant help much there01:28
[sam] and the moved file disappeared01:28
MrKeuneranyone here successfully running fglrx with latest 686 kernel in dapper?01:28
skavengeit will overwrite01:28
MrKeunershould i have a fglrx.ko under /lib/modules/... ?01:28
gnomefreak[sam] : reverse the command01:28
[sam] gnomefreak, how can i reverse it01:28
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liquiemb14ck: dont use aoss or esd wrapper, it's a flash plugin problem01:28
gnomefreak[sam] : mv last/path/you/used first/path/you/used01:28
[Wiebel] what tools can I use to convert a dvd to mpeg ?01:28
[Wiebel] (home made dvd)01:28
skavengeits still the same file basically, just renamed, move it back and rename it01:28
methecooldudehi all01:28
ElijahLibClamAV Warning: ***  The virus database is older than 7 days. <--- How can I update this?01:29
Mystagnomefreak, if I repeatedly open it and watch the system monitor I can see it enter the process list and then leave01:29
kmiloElijah, from clamav01:29
[sam] will it get the file back? I couldn't find the file anywhere now01:29
gnomefreakMysta: try #xchat or ##windows01:29
briguydanto9us, yaargh, tharr she blows01:29
anto9uslivingdaylight, I think they might have an homepage somewhere, although, and I don't want to appear rude, why are you trying out such an experimental app and seeking help?01:29
Elijahkmilo: how?01:29
Elijahkmilo: what command?01:29
methecooldudehow do i become a channel op?01:29
[Wiebel] anyone?01:29
Elijahkmilo: clamav update?01:29
anto9usbriguyd, well done mate! :)01:30
kmiloElijah, I don't know, read the clamav docs01:30
briguydthe connection itself was set to static, changed it to DHCP and it lives again01:30
Elijahmethecooldude: by a lotof sucking up01:30
Rugmethecooldude: you don't01:30
Elijahkmilo: thanks for nothing01:30
liquiemMysta: have you switched transparent backgrounds on?01:30
z3ro0nehow do i get my computer to use an external modem with an ethernet connection?01:30
Sjoerd-I'm getting the following error when trying to install network-manager-gnome via a deb file: Dependency is not satisfiable: libnm-util0 -- Then, when I try to install libnm-util0 I get this error: Failed to satisfy all dependencies (broken cache). What could be wrong here?01:30
briguydanto9us, thanks!01:30
methecooldudeok then01:30
[sam] gnomefreak, i moved the file to a file,instead of a folder01:30
[sam] gnomefreak, and the file is gone01:30
z3ro0neor how do i get ubuntu to use an external modem with an ethernet connection?01:30
Mystaliquiem, inside xchat? where are you referring to?01:30
methecooldudeim using a live verson of ubuntu01:30
gnomefreak[sam] : this is why we advise using cp first01:30
skavenge[sam] ; the file you moved it to is gone as well?01:31
gnomefreak[sam] : mv is dangerous if you mess up i use cp than ill move it01:31
liquiemMysta: i have not read the whole conversation, but your xchat doesnt run anymore or what is your problem?01:31
[sam] yea, it was a bad idea01:31
gnomefreakliquiem: windows01:31
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[sam] had to download the whole thing again. lol01:31
liquiemgnomefreak: windows? that makes me confused, what do you mean?01:32
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Mystaliquiem, I installed XGL/Compiz on my Dell D620 laptop (running Dapper) and now I cant launch xChat. gnomefreak I think I confused you, sorry.01:32
z3ro0necan anyone help me01:32
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gnomefreakliquiem: i think hes on windows xchat i was gonna help him but he said he was on windows01:32
skavengeanyone running a dell 1350 wireless nic?01:32
[sam] i'm on mIRC01:32
andreasdk_Anyone here that knows about xfce styling?01:32
liquiemMysta: haha, thats what i guessed, hold on a sec01:32
gnomefreakMysta: uninstall xchat and reinstall it01:32
methecooldudez3ro0ne ill try 2 help u01:32
skavengeandreasdk_; might try #xfce01:33
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z3ro0nei have a gt701 external modem01:33
gnomefreakandreasdk_: what about it?01:33
briguydandreasdk_,  or #xubuntu01:33
z3ro0neits connected to the internet01:33
z3ro0nei just need to get ubuntu to find it01:33
anto9usbriguyd, if you do need a fixe ip assigned to you machine from your router you can tell most routers to do so01:33
methecooldudeok ill ahve a look01:33
=== gnomefreak is stuck on xfce and wmaker
Tommy2k4to compile mplayerplug-in for opera must i --enable-x?01:33
briguydanto9us, ok, thanks01:33
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liquiemMysta: gconftool-2 --type int --set /apps/xchat/main_window/background_type "0"01:34
slonchohi. where I can find mythtv packages for 6.06?01:34
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bernierhi, while running ./configure , i get that error:01:34
bernierchecking for perl... /usr/bin/perl01:34
bernierchecking for XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool01:34
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liquiemMysta: run that in a terminal as user and xchat should work again01:34
krazykitbernier: then install XML::Parser01:34
[sam] hi krazykit01:35
kmilosloncho, penguin liberation front01:35
Mystaliquiem, cool one sec let me try that!01:35
joepapersloncho: mythtv 0.18 is in either universe or multiverse01:35
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anto9ussloncho, they're in the multiverse repository01:35
methecooldudez3ro have u tryed device manager?01:35
z3ro0nemethecooldude, would you happen to know how to connect the modem using usb?01:35
slonchojoepaper: they are enabled, but apt-cache search does not show mythtv. there are only 3 lib packages, related to mythtv01:35
krazykitbernier: searching apt always helps ;-)  ... "apt-get install libxml-parser-perl"01:35
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anto9ussloncho, do sudo apt-get update01:36
methecooldudeyea jsut plag it in01:36
bernierthanks alot01:36
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methecooldudebut its linux ant it01:36
z3ro0neits plugged in01:36
lwizardlanyone use exim ?01:36
methecooldudecheck if its in divice manager01:36
whayworthSjoerd-:  gosh!  sorry about the dependencies01:36
liquiemi guess that worked for mysta ^^01:37
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whayworthSjoerd-:  I'm looking them up in Synaptic right now to see if there's anything further that might be making the situation weird01:37
mystamaxliquiem: That worked wonders, I'm talking to you from my laptop running XGL/Compiz over xCHAT! thanks so much01:37
anto9uslwizardl, I've used it briefly a couple of years ago, just ask your question though, someone else may know if I don't01:37
z3ro0newhat would it be called?01:37
mystamaxliquiem: is this a known issue, can you shortly explain what was wrong?01:38
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liquiemmystamax: np and dont change the background settings to transparent, that would crash xchat again01:38
z3ro0nei see alot of usb devices01:38
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Azi_Dahakais there a way to make a broadcomm wireless nic work without using ndiswrapper?01:38
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cathey i have a question does ubuntu has waimea because i can't seem to find it with this source list,01:38
methecooldudeummmmm look for 1 that say modem01:38
mystamaxliquiem: when you say, "don't change the background settings to transparent" are you referring to individual programs?01:38
catim a little new to ubuntu but to debian i;m old,01:38
catso anyone can help?01:38
krazykitAzi_Dahaka: yes, but the included driver is pretty unstable.01:38
z3ro0neno its not installed01:38
lwizardlanto9us, ok01:38
mystamaxliquiem: not compiz?01:38
whayworthSjoerd-:  do you know if libnm-util0's dependencies in and of themselves are satisfied?01:38
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Rugcat what is waimea?01:39
methecooldudeo well try and find the drivers on the makers websiter for linux01:39
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lwizardlhow is exim compared top sendmail or postfix ?01:39
[sam] do you have to boot from a livecd to install ubuntu01:39
Rugcat: what is waimea?01:39
[sam] is there any way I can install from dos01:39
anto9usAzi_Dahaka, unless it's listed as being supported by the kernel or on ubuntu.com as being supported then no01:39
catis a window manager01:39
liquiemmystamax: no, just xchat. it's a known issue with xchat. but i cant explain you why xchat crashes. compiz/xgl is alpha stage, so dont expect it to be fixed soon01:39
mystamaxsounds good01:39
mystamaxthanks again01:39
liquiemmystamax: you can make xchat via compiz transparent without problems01:39
Rugcat: sorry, never heard of it01:39
javaTardUgh, my server installed in all CLI, isn't there a gui. I see gnome is a package loaded01:39
methecooldude[sam] , there is a seprate install cd01:39
krazykit[sam] : install linux from dos?  not that i've ever heard of.01:40
Azi_Dahakaanto9us, where can i find the list of supported hw by the kernel?01:40
z3ro0neok i found it01:40
[sam] Krazykit, I don't have a cd burner01:40
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skavengeanyone running a dell 1350 wireless nic? does it have to use ndiswrapper? everything i see on the wiki relating to it is hoary based ..01:40
[sam] Krazykit, that's why I was wondering if I could just use network to install it01:40
z3ro0neits there methecooldude01:40
methecooldude[sam]  u can order 1 form ubuntus website for free01:40
anto9uslwizardl, my own preference is postfix, I have a functional server that has no problems and there's a good wiki page on wiki.ubuntu.com which I'll find for you if you don't know how01:40
methecooldudez3ro0ne ok download it then01:40
z3ro0nedownload it?01:41
methecooldudethe drivers01:41
[sam] methecooldude, aren't they losing profits if they do that01:41
krazykit[sam] : you can order a free CD from the website, or you could install it with floppies.  you'd need to read up on working debootstrap though01:41
z3ro0neits installed01:41
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darkfox[sam] : if you have a second PC and a network card that supports network booting then you can do a PXE / network install01:41
krazykit[sam] : haha, what profits?  ubuntu has a rich benefactor ;-)01:41
anto9usAzi_Dahaka, kernel.org might be worth a search although I've rarely visited there myself01:41
lwizardlanto9us, ok i'm trying to configure a full server (linux, apache, mysql, php, mail, ssl, etc)01:41
methecooldudeg2g soz01:41
z3ro0nedevice manager found it01:41
skavengethe man's been in space that out to tell you the loot he's got01:41
jendaI'm having trouble with one particular DVD. It played yesterday, after several attempts... but today, I just can't get it to. It always says 'no plugin to handle dvd:/ or wrong mrl syntax' or something to the effect. Any ideas?01:42
methecoolduderite u should be able 2 connect now01:42
[sam] krazykit, u mean from donations?01:42
z3ro0nenow how do i get my computer to use it01:42
krazykit[sam] : partially, yes01:42
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skavenge[sam] ; the guy that started ubuntu is a billionare many times over to start with01:42
anto9uslwizardl, I think documentation is very new for that lot but should be superb very soon, I've not checked it out yet, my preference is zope, try wik.ubuntu.com01:42
methecooldudenow that u will have 2 ask som1 else01:42
init7hello everyone01:43
anto9uslwizardl, sorry for typo, that's wiki.ubuntu.com01:43
z3ro0neok i got it01:43
z3ro0nethanks methecooldude01:43
liquiemuse the bandwidth you paying for!01:43
z3ro0neyou're a life saver01:43
[sam] what if everyone orders a few, won't they bankcrupt?01:43
methecooldudekk np z3ro0ne01:43
init7does someone maybe have an idea why the dapper release kernel -23 broke my USB Card-Reader support?01:43
krazykit[sam] : well, cds cost next to nothing, and not everybody orders some.  tons of people burn their own CDs01:43
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skavenge[sam] ; there's a corporate side of ubuntu for companies and the like that does bring in money as well01:43
WilliamCaihello, does Ubuntu have a plan to certify any J2EE application servers? like WebLogic, WebSphere or even JBoss, JoNas01:44
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thoreauputicmethecooldude: it isn't all that cool to use things like "u" and "2" instead of actual words - and it makes it harder for people who have english as a second language01:44
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lwizardlanto9us, thanks for the link i found a couple of things on it i can use so far01:44
shrump_jimbo[sam]  ubuntu's company has $10 million backup cash01:44
[sam] I guess it's just the postage cost01:44
methecooldude[sam]  they ask a minum of 6 to redistbute and remebmer theat linux is open sorce01:44
Rugthoreauputic: nicely played01:44
z3ro0nehow do i compile things myself?01:44
anto9uslwizardl, we're standing on the shoulders of giants my friend :)01:44
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Rugz3ro0ne: what did you want to compile?01:45
krazykitubotu: tell z3ro0ne about compile01:45
methecooldudesoz 01 idn01:45
[sam] methecooldude, I guess their aim is small businesses01:45
liquiemz3ro0ne: ./configure; make; make install :)01:45
z3ro0nejust in general Rug01:45
z3ro0neim new to linux01:45
methecooldudeyea true [sam] 01:45
liquiemz3ro0ne: or read the INSTALL file provided in the archive01:45
Rugz3ro0ne: the wonderfull thing about Ubuntu; you don't need to compile everything01:45
Madpilot[sam] , the aim of ShipIt is 'anyone' - I ordered 50 of the last version, gave them away to friends & at the local LUG01:45
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z3ro0newell its just something i figure i need to learn01:45
hangfireyou can only install .deb files on ubuntu, right?01:45
[koji] hangfire: yes because it is debian base01:46
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krazykithangfire: you can convert rpm's with alien, but it's generally frowned upon.01:46
Madpilothangfire, you can install rpm via alien, but it's not recommended - find a deb if you can01:46
kmilohangfire, is the normal way01:46
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Rugz3ro0ne: if you search in synaptic for the files that you want; there is a good chacne you can find it in there.01:46
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[sam] Madpilot, how are they packaged01:46
hangfireok, I think its better to convert from tarball to .deb01:46
Madpilotz3ro0ne, why? I've used Ubuntu over a year and never had to compile a thing...01:46
krazykithangfire: well, a tarball might just be source code...01:47
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skavengemore than likely01:47
Madpilot[sam] , the ShipIt CDs? They're in a light cardboard 'wallet' thing01:47
skavengeso 'converting' it isnt going to do anything01:47
z3ro0neis there a book on ubuntu 5.10?01:47
hangfireIve seen a book on ubuntu, check amazon01:47
z3ro0nei need a physical book i cant stand scroll and squint01:47
[sam] madpilot, I just never believed there would be anything that is free01:48
Madpilotz3ro0ne, I think so - but 6.06 is the current version01:48
Madpilot[sam] , well, there really is :)01:48
z3ro0nei ordered 5.10 like six or seven months ago and just got it two weeks ago01:48
[koji] there will be an official book soon01:48
[sam] madpilot, are they doing international shipping too? that'll cost a lot01:48
Madpilotz3ro0ne, there's an 'official' Ubuntu book in August, covering 6.0601:49
Madpilot[sam] , they'll ship anywhere01:49
skavengedo they even have to pay shipping? i dunno, may be a non-profit deal01:49
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gnomefreak[sam] : august last i heard01:49
z3ro0necool i'll have to get it01:49
anto9usz3ro0ne, zoom is a possibility, printer is another, maybe cheaper than a book and more up-to-date01:49
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dibblegois there a public repository of themes?01:49
skavengefor gnome? theres alot of websites01:49
z3ro0nedoes anyone know how i can change the settings on a laptop so it wont ask for a password everytime i close the monitor?01:49
thoreauputic!tell dibblego about themes01:49
gnomefreakskavenge: you pay nothing as far as shipit is concerned as for taxes for you country thats up to where you are01:50
hangfireI just checked amazon, and there is "ubuntu unleashed" and "beginning ubuntu linux"01:50
patty522i was wondering if anyone could help me im thinking of getting a apple imac for my mum to use for the net but will ubuntu go on it01:50
anto9usdibblego, there are some themes in the repositories but best check out gnome-look.org01:50
[sam] madpilot, that's unprecedented01:50
Madpilotz3ro0ne, you can also get printed versions of Ubuntu's help files01:50
gnomefreakhangfire: its eh01:50
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patty522is the place01:50
skavengegnomefreak; i meant about ubuntu having to pay to ship them to you01:50
joepaperz3ro0ne: System->Preferences->Power Management01:50
dibblegook thanks01:50
hangfireits eh?01:50
gnomefreakskavenge: yes they pay shipping costs ;)01:50
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skavengeoh okay01:50
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gnomefreakhangfire: its not really great its ok though01:51
pepinitofirefox fonts look horrible!, is there a way to improve it?01:51
z3ro0nei dont see a power manegment joepaper01:51
Madpilotz3ro0ne, check this out: http://www.lulu.com/ubuntu-doc01:51
hangfirewhich? ubuntu unleashed?01:51
dibblegognome-look.org appears to be down01:51
gnomefreakhangfire: yes01:51
anto9uspepinito, you can overide all fonts in firerox preference01:51
gnomefreakdibblego: hold on a sec let me see something01:51
init7does someone maybe have an idea why the dapper release kernel -23 broke my USB Card-Reader support?01:51
[sam] now i c why ubuntu becomes so popular in such a short period of time01:52
joepaperz3ro0ne: strange, power management is on my desktop and laptop install by default01:52
=== ToHellWithGA [n=TheStone@c-69-180-28-244.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputic[sam] : partly. It also happens to work rather well :)01:52
skavengeit was one of the first distrobutions that put a major focus on a 'desktop machine' versus using it for servers/business etc ..01:52
Elijahthoreauputic: you new to this channel?01:52
ElijahLibClamAV Warning: ***  The virus database is older than 7 days. <--- How can I update this?01:53
thoreauputicElijah: hardly01:53
anto9us[sam] , I think it has a lot to do with ease of installation, use and support more than anything01:53
Elijahthoreauputic: any ideas?01:53
Dial_toneinit7: install 25 and see if its fixed01:53
eXistenZstill banned?01:53
ToHellWithGAhi.  i used the live CD to redistribute my partitions so that I can put /home on a new drive.  what is the best method for copying the files and folders in /home to the new drive currently mounted as /temphome ?01:53
thoreauputicElijah: do you need clamav ? Are you running a server?01:53
eXistenZoh no :)01:53
=== gnomefreak loves text-based browsers :)
Elijahthoreauputic: no server!  just to check my emails for virus01:54
=== ToHellWithGA does the lynx dance with gnomefreak
kmiloToHellWithGA, cp ?01:54
Ruggnomefreak: sure eliminates a lot of crap doesn't it?01:54
gnomefreakdibblego: mits down for a short time period01:54
Elijahthoreauputic: I use Thunderbird01:54
thoreauputicElijah: for what purpose? To protect windows users?01:54
gnomefreaki use w3m or links2 ;)01:54
liquiemElijah: iirc that program is called freshclam, that updates the virus definitions01:54
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thoreauputicElijah: you don't need anivirus for Linux01:54
Elijahthoreauputic: yes protect myself and window users01:55
liquiemElijah: the config files should be in /etc or /opt/clamav, do know exactly01:55
skavengewe have enough bugs, viruses leave linux alone hah01:55
patty522i was wondering if anyone could help me im thinking of getting a apple imac for my mum to use for the net but will ubuntu go on it01:55
Elijahliquiem: freshlam wont run01:55
ic56ToHellWithGA: either cpio or tar should work.01:55
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init7Dial_tone: I did today and it didn't help :/01:55
Elijahliquiem: freshclam wont run01:55
liquiemElijah: what does that mean? no output, errors or something else?01:55
Rugpatty522: if you are putting Ubuntu on it why buy a mac?01:55
anto9usthoreauputic, we are or we are because of who we all are, if you're immune doesn't mean you're not a carrier, antivirus is as important on Linux as the rest of the world01:55
Dial_tonehow do i change the default CLI editor?01:56
Elijahliquiem: output is:ERROR: Can't parse the config file /usr/local/etc/clamd.conf01:56
Elijahliquiem: any ideas?01:56
hangfireDial, what do you want to change it to?01:56
Rugpatty522: build a cheap box yourself, and pocket the difference.01:56
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dibblegoDial_tone, System->Preferences->Preferred Applications01:56
liquiemElijah: nano -w /usr/local/etc/clamd.conf and look for a line with Example. if so, comment it out and try again01:56
ic56ToHellWithGA: cp -R could be used too, but I don't think it knows how to handle things like devices and sparce files so, if you have things like these in the old directory tree, you'll end up with a mess.01:56
kmiloDial_tone, $EDITOR01:56
thoreauputicanto9us: true - that's why I asked if he was protecting other users01:57
Elijahliquiem: ok brb01:57
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bernier hi, while running ./configure for Gaim i got that error: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/71567801:57
anto9usthoreauputic, yes, more important on a server but we're all capable of forwarding infected emails01:57
Elijahliquiem: what do I comment out?01:57
liquiembernier: install gtk+-2.x? :)01:57
liquiemElijah: the line with the text Example01:58
Elijahliquiem: there are 50 lines01:58
kmilobernier, did you install libgtk2-dev ?01:58
ToHellWithGAic56: do i have devices in /home?01:58
bernierkmilo: yes01:58
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Elijahliquiem: I place a # in fron of the word Example?01:58
krazykitbernier: are you sure?  it doesn't look like you installed the -dev package.  check to make sure01:58
liquiemElijah: yes01:58
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Elijahliquiem: ok brb01:59
Elijahliquiem: how I save that file? :P01:59
krazykitbernier: for what it's worth, there IS a gaim2beta3 deb out there...01:59
ToHellWithGAkmilo: i did $ sudo cp -r home/* /temporary/01:59
liquiemElijah: ctrl + o (write out)01:59
ic56ToHellWithGA: the system doesn't put any there, but there's nothing preventing your from creating some.  So it all depends on what you've been up to.  Regardless, you should get in the habbit of using the right tools.  cpio or tar are the right tools for moving entire trees.01:59
liquiemElijah: and exit is ctrl + x01:59
Elijahliquiem: ok01:59
ToHellWithGAthe lost+found directory shouldn't break anything when i re-mount that drive as /home, should it?02:00
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bernierkrazykit where?02:00
liquiemToHellWithGA: no02:00
ToHellWithGAic56: i'll look into the man page for cpio.  thanks for the help02:00
Elijahliquiem: it says Error writing /usr/local/etc/clamd.conf: Permission denied02:00
ic56ToHellWithGA: the cp command you used did not preserve the timestamps on your files, nor their permissions.  so now all your files will appear to have been created just now.02:00
ToHellWithGAoh dear, i need permissions02:00
liquiemElijah: you forgot the sudo infront of the command02:00
liquiemElijah: sudo nano -w /usr/local/etc/clamd.conf sorry, my fault02:01
Elijahliquiem: yeas I did :P02:01
krazykitbernier: http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/deb/02:01
Elijahliquiem: ok its saved!  now run freshclam?02:01
liquiemElijah: try it, if it still errors, post again02:01
ToHellWithGAthank you kmilo, ic56, and liquiem.02:01
ic56ToHellWithGA: use this: cd /home; find . -print |cpio -p /temporary02:01
krazykitbernier: you need to install gaim-data deb first, then gaim.02:01
Elijahliquiem: ok! now it says: ERROR: Please edit the example config file /usr/local/etc/freshclam.conf.02:01
bernierha ok02:02
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ic56ToHellWithGA: you need to give a couple other flags to cpio.  possibly -m and -d.02:02
Elijahliquiem: do same thing there?02:02
liquiemElijah: yes02:02
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Elijahliquiem: ok brb02:03
Horuzlnahi.... I'm in ubuntu, and my console mode is fucked up. When my computer boots, my display (dell 2001fp) shows the BIOS perfectly well, with 80x2502:03
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thoreauputicElijah: why is clamav in /usr/local ? You realise the package is available in Ubuntu, right?02:03
thoreauputic!info clamav02:03
RugHow stable is XGL?02:03
Horuzlnabut once I get into ubuntum,, it's 80x22 and the upper and lower lines are cut off02:03
ubotuclamav: (antivirus scanner for Unix), section universe/utils, is optional. Version: 0.88.2-1ubuntu1 (dapper), Packaged size: 64 kB, Installed size: 200 kB02:03
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Horuzlnait's not a monitaor adjustment issue02:03
HoruzlnaI cannot figure out what it is.02:03
Elijahliquiem: now it says: ERROR: Can't create new file ./clamav-f58fd68748a4987f in /usr/local/share/clamav02:03
Elijahliquiem: what now?02:03
EnsignRedshirtHello, world.02:04
Elijahliquiem: it also says; ERROR: The database directory must be writable for UID 1000 or GID 100002:04
RugEnsignRedshirt: hello02:04
Horuzlnabecause, if I adjust the positioning, there's NOTHING THERE02:04
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Horuzlnait's literally not being sent to the display02:04
liquiemRug: xgl is alpha software, YMMV02:04
Elijahliquiem: ERROR: Can't download main.cvd from database.clamav.net02:04
Rugliquiem: still eh?  bummer02:04
ToHellWithGAic56: i'm looking at the pass-through section of "info cpio" and do not see -m or -d as options02:04
liquiemElijah: dont run it as user, update clamav as root!02:04
Elijahliquiem: what do I do now?02:04
Elijahliquiem: sudo freshlam ?02:04
ToHellWithGAthey're hidden in a string of options without a description02:04
liquiemElijah: yes02:04
thoreauputicElijah: simplify your life by using the package manager is my advice02:04
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Horuzlnaplease help me02:05
init7has anyone got an idea why my USB card-reader support got broken from the dapper release kernel till now?02:05
jksdhi, could anyone tell me what program I'd need to change pdf into bmp (or any common graphics file) and visa versa, or how to edit pdf files directly?02:05
HoruzlnaI am on the verge of abandoning ubuntu02:05
EnsignRedshirtI just tried booting the 6.06 CD.  After some graphical stuff, it got to a blank screen, with a line at the top saying "Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernel."  Then nothing happened for about 10 minutes (until I hit ctrl-alt-del and rebooted.)02:05
Elijahliquiem: ok it seems be downloading now!  but it also says: SECURITY WARNING: NO SUPPORT FOR DIGITAL SIGNATURES02:05
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liquiemthoreauputic: i just tried to install clamav and it errored out with post-install madness02:05
EnsignRedshirtShould I have been more patient?02:05
Elijahthoreauputic: what package manager ?02:05
HoruzlnaI AM GETTING 80x22 and the bottom 3 lines are missing02:05
ic56ToHellWithGA: yes, since they don't take arguments, they are shown together in a single string.  They are, however, described each separately in OPTIONS section of the manpage.02:05
HoruzlnaI cannot see what I am typing right now.02:05
thoreauputicliquiem: ah, bug report time then :/02:05
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RugEnsignRedshirt: do you have an USB storage devices connected?02:06
freddyubuntuI have insatlled windows xp after ubuntu, i have two hard disks.... i have messed up my Grub , I have been reading many tutorials to fix my grub  none of them is working....can a Nice Person please PM me and help me ?02:06
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thoreauputic!tell Elijah about synaptic02:06
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liquiemthoreauputic: and that's for the first 2h or something i run ubuntu ^^02:06
anto9usEnsignRedshirt, yes, livecd can take a while to boot02:06
Elijahthoreauputic: yes I know about synaptiec02:06
Rugfreddyubuntu: XP first, linux second02:06
ToHellWithGAic56: [-0adlmuvLV]  is hardly a description02:06
freddyubuntuRug , I know I did a misatke Now i  need help02:06
liquiemrug, i guess xgl wont be beta or stable until a year or more. and we have to wait for pixmap_to_texture02:06
Rugliquiem: thanks.02:07
EnsignRedshirtRug: The only usb device plugged in and turned on are a printer and scanner.02:07
ic56ToHellWithGA: are you reading the cpio manpage?  page down to the OPTIONS section.  This manpage is 300 lines long.02:07
ToHellWithGAmy "man cpio" is 34 lines long02:07
EnsignRedshirtanto9us: "a while" ?!02:07
Rugfreddyubuntu: XP has a nasty habbit of doing that.  It's 'prolly isn't repairable.02:07
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freddyubuntuI have a very math exam but thjis ubuntu has take many last two days02:07
RugEnsignRedshirt: detact printer & scanner & try again, but be patient02:08
freddyubuntuit is very sad....02:08
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liquiemfreddyubuntu: duh02:08
anto9usEnsignRedshirt, yeah, depending on how old the hardware is02:08
freddyubuntuif nessecery I unplug the windows Hard Disk02:08
ic56ToHellWithGA: got an email address?  I'll email you the copy from my Ubuntu 5.x02:08
darkfoxToHellWithGA: info cpio -> invoking cpio -> options02:08
ToHellWithGAi'm finding more info using the website at gnu.org, ic56.  thanks for your help02:08
freddyubuntuI just want ubuntu back02:08
freddyubuntuall my books are in ubuntu02:08
Dial_tonehow often do minor kernel revisions come out? say 2.6.15-25  to ?02:08
liquiemfreddyubuntu: reinstall grub with grub-install, your menu.lst should be there nevertheless windows overwrote the mbr02:08
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thoreauputicDial_tone: depends on security issues etc02:09
freddyubuntuliquuiem  please help me step by step02:09
hangfirefreddy, can you go in and get them with the live cd?02:09
dibblegofreddyubuntu, boot with the Ubuntu CD and restore GRUB02:09
freddyubuntuI guesss i have done those things02:09
EnsignRedshirtRug, anto9us: Thanks, I'll try again. ciao.02:09
freddyubuntuI am chatting with yuo in Ubuntu's live C02:09
dibblegorestore the MBR02:09
freddyubuntulivee Cd02:09
anto9usEnsignRedshirt, amount of ram is important, needs at leat 256 for livecd if I recall02:09
j-linuxfreddyubuntu: if you have an emergency, you can use an Ubuntu live cd and still access your files on the hard drive with it.02:09
liquiemfreddyubuntu: i have no idea what's the ubuntu way to do that :/02:09
ic56ToHellWithGA: maybe the data is in the info pages on your box?  Try "info cpio"02:09
EnsignRedshirtanto9us: The computer is a Pentium 4 w 1gig ram.02:09
j3gi am having trouble with sound on ubuntu....it says: ALSA snd_pcm_open error: No such device... it is a AC'97 audio card ... how can i try to get it fixed?02:09
skavengeanto9us; 192 mb02:10
jksdanyone know how I can change pdf to bitmap?02:10
anto9usEnsignRedshirt, maybe just slow on cd access for someone reason, I'd give it 20 mins or so before quitting though02:10
freddyubuntuanybody would please help me in Private Message?02:10
freddyubuntuI am so tired... i have math exam02:10
anto9us*some unkown02:10
ToHellWithGAic56: the data is definitely in http://www.gnu.org/software/cpio/manual/ which was referenced in the man page.  i'm not too lazy to dig a little for myself.  thanks for suggesting a way to use the | command to feed the output to cpio.  cheers02:10
EnsignRedshirtjksd: If you are OK with the command line, check out the 'convert' command.02:10
j-linuxfreddyubuntu: if you need help accessing your files from the live CD, you can pm me.02:11
liquiemfreddyubuntu: just run grub-install /dev/hda or what you drive is called and be sure /boot is mounted02:11
skavengesay you've got a dual boot win/ubuntu system and you wanna dump win there's no way to expand ubuntu to the rest of the drive without reinstalling is there?02:11
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jksdEnsignRedshirt: no such command02:11
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enterusernamehas anyone i9nstalled mythtv02:11
freddyubuntumy hda is windows hards disk02:11
enterusernamewith ubutu02:11
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freddyubuntuhow i can mount it as /boot  ?02:11
enterusernamethe database isnt being configured because it doesnt know the proper password for the root user02:11
enterusernameany ideas how i can fix this?02:11
anto9usskavenge, is that with dapper, I'm confident I read 256 on the website02:11
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enterusernameIm having problems with the tables in mysql02:12
EnsignRedshirtjksd: It is provided with the Imagemagick package (I forget the actual name of the package).02:12
liquiemskavenge: you can expand the partition from a livecd and use resizefs to resize the filesystem, but it's dangerous02:12
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freddyubuntulibquim:  grub-install /dev/hda02:12
freddyubuntuCould not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.02:12
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liquiemskavenge: you can use parted or gparted to use that, but if windows is located infront of ubuntu, bad luck02:12
skavengeanto9us; unless the website is not updated it says 192 .. just started downloading the iso02:12
ic56ToHellWithGA: you need: "cpio -pamd --sparce".  Possibly also -l.  Let me test it.02:13
EnsignRedshirtjksd: sudo apt-get install imagemagick02:13
skavengeliquiem; i see, and windows is there first ;/02:13
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jksdEnsignRedshirt: K, thanks02:13
nacho_widei just started using ubuntu today.  let me tell you - i love it.  is there a virus/spyware scanner for ubuntu, and if so, are they necessary?02:13
EnsignRedshirtjksd: No problem.02:13
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anto9usfreddyubuntu, if it's just documents you want may be worth booting off livecd?02:14
liquiemfreddyubuntu: mkdir /mnt/ubuntu; mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/ubuntu; chroot /mnt/ubuntu; grub-install /dev/hda (CHANGE THE DEVICE NAMES TO YOUR SYSTEM!)02:14
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livingdaylightis ti gparted? i want to resize my partition without loosing my ubuntu installlation02:14
Rugnacho_wide: it's not needed02:14
liquiemskavenge: bad, i know that acronis disk suite can do it, but it isnt free02:14
ic56ToHellWithGA: Yeah, this is the right flag list. "cpio -pamd --sparse".  You don't need -l to preserve pre-existing hardlinks.  Only to attempt to create new ones.02:14
nacho_wideRug: neither?  and why not, because you should have it for windows02:14
skavengeive got a cd drive and wireless internet on my laptop, apparently i need ndiswrapper and the windows driver and i dont see how the heck to get the driver back on the system if i wanna do a fresh install of ubuntu with no dualboot .. any suggestions would be appreciated02:15
anto9usskavenge, may be recommended amount that I'm thinking of02:15
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skavengeanto9us; that would make sense02:15
liquiemlivingdaylight: you risking dataloss if you want to do that! you can use gparted from a livecd to resize the partition and use resize2fs to resize the filesystem02:15
ToHellWithGAic56: should i have a trailing "/" on "find . -print |cpio -pamd --sparse /temporary" to ensure everything goes into that directory, or will it happen properly without the extra "/"?02:16
anto9usskavenge, using external medium or a partition with that driver on should work02:16
liquiemskavenge: usb stick? burn a cd?02:16
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livingdaylightliquiem: but i'll loose data? or i risk loosing data? what data in particualar, or anything at random?02:16
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liquiemskavenge: or as anto9us mentioned, setup a extra partition where you copy the files02:16
skavengecd is out of the question, i was thinking of trying to use my ipod heh but i'm sure that is another headache all together02:17
liquiemlivingdaylight: you risiking it and all data from that partition.. one time for resizing the partiton and one time from resize the filesystem02:17
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jksdEnsign: that's too complicated for me, is there a GUI?02:17
Rugnacho_wide: there are no virus's that affect Linux.   and IF a virus ever does get created, it can't bring down a system like on windows, the worst it can do is to your /home folder.02:17
ic56ToHellWithGA: Here's the final answer: ;-). Trailing slash won't make a difference.   cd <src>; find . -print |cpio -pamd --sparse <target>02:17
rogywhere and how can i install mp3 decoder for totem?02:17
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ToHellWithGAonce i have this method whipped, how many partitions are useful?  i'd like to keep /var/www for future use as well02:17
nacho_wideRug: and the same for spyware then?02:18
anto9usskavenge, yeah, I think ipod, unless ubuntu can natively see it as usb drive, I don't know I don't have one, would require network access for installation of support packages02:18
Rugnacho_wide: yes same thing.02:18
freddyubuntuhey guys I am in pain...02:18
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ToHellWithGAi'm thinking a partition for /, a partition for /home, and a partition for /var/www will save me a lot of hassle during reinstallations02:18
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freddyubuntuif u want to help me please PM me02:18
freddyubuntumy windows is on first hard disk02:18
freddyubuntumy ubuntu is on the second hard disk02:18
XFRAnyone check if mysql-common-4.1 is available?02:18
freddyubuntuI had RE-INSTALLED my windows after ubuntu02:18
livingdaylightliquiem: geez....so, would one need to be a daredevil to risk it? or just not care if one looses all02:18
RugXFR: yes it is02:19
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freddyubuntunow I cant go  back to ubuntu02:19
ToHellWithGA!tell freddyubuntu about flood02:19
nacho_widecool Rug, thanks02:19
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skavengeanto9us; yeah thats what i figured .. i havent run ubuntu since breezy, i know the ipod automounted for me but from there i dont know ive never worked with data off it just music02:19
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dibblegofreddyubuntu, google for restoring your MBR to be GRUB - it's gotta be a simple command or something02:19
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anto9usskavenge, if it automounted under breezy then it sounds like a plan02:19
freddyubuntui have read 4000 pages about it02:19
freddyubuntui am so tired02:19
liquiemlivingdaylight: i havent tried it yet, just with lvm testing volumes and that worked well.02:19
ic56ToHellWithGA: The desirable number of partitions depends on the size of your backup media.  Ideally you want each partition to fit in no more than one tape, so that, when you start an overnight dump, you don't arrive in the morning to find that it's been waiting half the night for a 2nd tape to be inserted.02:19
freddyubuntunone of them are working02:19
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ToHellWithGAfreddyubuntu: a lot of short sentences could be put on one line.  rather than ending a sentence every few seconds02:19
anto9usskavenge, copy the entire driver folder, not just the inf file, as a point of note02:19
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freddyubuntuif u want to help me please pm me, i can not read your messages02:20
freddyubuntuit makes me more tired to read on pulbic room02:20
freddyubuntupm me plz02:20
dibblegothen go to sleep02:20
ToHellWithGA!beat freddyubuntu for not listening02:20
ubotuHuh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, ToHellWithGA02:20
livingdaylightliquiem: what is the difference between backing up and doing a fresh install and resizing patitions there or doing it gparted method?02:20
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skavengeanto9us; yeah i might try it once the cd is done downloading .. unfortunetly if it doesnt work i really have no way to get the machine back online ;/ good idea with the folder though, i'll try that for sure02:20
ubotusamba is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SettingUpSamba or http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/samba2/book/toc.html02:20
freddyubuntuliquiem, i am doing your thing.... it gives me error   chroot /mnt/ubuntu02:21
freddyubuntuchroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory02:21
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livingdaylightliquiem: how do you know you've lost data?02:21
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liquiemlivingdaylight: backup saves your custom settings02:21
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liquiemlivingdaylight: if you see something like ERROR or CANT READ DATA or something, then you know ^^02:21
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ic56ToHellWithGA: also, the more filesystemss, the more isolated the data corruption.  When your drive fails, the filesystem containing the bad sectors will be trashed.  The others will remain accessible.  The fewer filesystems you have, the greater the impact of that single point of failure.02:21
freddyubuntugod damn you guys, you all encourage human to move to linux...and when linux takes shit in my mouth , nobody helps me02:22
freddyubuntugood bye02:22
livingdaylightliquiem: so you only know when you happen upon it. Seems backup and fresh install is safer way02:22
liquiemlivingdaylight: the best iead would be backup up the partition, resize it, reformat it and restore the files02:22
ToHellWithGAic56: you've put a lot of thought into this.  do you do something computer-related for work?02:22
skavengei'd feel alot better if i had a wired backup to the net in case in borks instead of just relying on trying to get wireless to work02:22
darkfoxic56: yeah so why does ubuntu default to 1 big partition ;/02:22
liquiemfreddyubuntu: you had solutions, you didnt try any of them02:23
anto9uslivingdaylight, also worth noting, a backup is only as good as a proven restore02:23
livingdaylightliquiem: yea...02:23
liquiemdont complain :)02:23
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eigenlambdafreddyubuntu: ???02:23
livingdaylightanto9us: a proven restore?02:23
sjoerd_hello there02:23
eigenlambdafreddyubuntu: plz 2 not swear about a free system02:23
eigenlambdafreddyubuntu: if u have a bug, file it on launchpad02:23
anto9uslivingdaylight, test at least one random file can be restored before deleting the original02:24
ic56ToHellWithGA: for a small home system, /, /home, /var makes sense.  If you need to decrease the size of your filesystems further, /usr and /var/www are good places to separate things, as are places under /var like /var/spool , /var/news (if you carry usenet), etc.  Ubuntu defaults to one big partition because that's what newbies from windows understand.02:24
livingdaylightanto9us: since when do backups not restore?02:24
B1zzfreddubuntu you have to understand some of the people here are new just like you do they wont have answers.  And also you have to understand that no one is getting paid to help.....its all volunteers02:24
Elijahliquiem: you here?02:25
liquiemic56: doen swear ;) that are less experienced users :p02:25
ic56ToHellWithGA: yes, I work as a sysadmin02:25
liquiemElijah: yes02:25
Elijahliquiem: thanks!  I now have clamscan working perfectly thanks to your guidance :)02:25
skavengehm .. i wonder if i can extract the ubuntu iso, add my wireless driver, then rebuild and burn it02:25
liquiemElijah: np02:25
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ic56liquiem: "newbie" is a boo-boo word now?  Gosh!02:25
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liquiemic56: ;)02:25
stealth1how do i get s-video out to work on my laptop?02:25
ToHellWithGAwould you advise against /, /home, /var/www rather than /, /home, /var ?02:25
Elijahliquiem: :)02:25
anto9uslivingdaylight, since I've had numerous people give me a floppy disk with a mulititude of windows shortcuts on them confident that their business accounts information is on there, despite the fact there's tens of megabytes of data apprently on one floppy disk02:25
stealth1it works fine in windows02:26
liquiemskavenge: if you want to, you can, or course02:26
ToHellWithGAi don't know what else is in /var but have not had to hand-place or edit any of it yet and so wouldn't miss it in the event of a failure or new OS installation02:26
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stealth1anyone?  it has an ati mobility 920002:26
stealth1i tried installing the drivers from ati.com, but it just messed up the screen02:27
stealth1i dont want to have to go back to xp!02:27
ic56ToHellWithGA: it's a question of balance.  If /var/www is gonna be huge, then it makes sense to split it out.  /var is meant for files that get changed often.  For people who like to mount / read-only, /var is a good splitting point.  It's all described in teh filesystem standard (google FSSTND).02:27
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stealth1please pm me if you can help me out, tia02:28
salahany idea how to burn a vcd?02:28
livingdaylightanto9us: ouch02:28
freddyubuntuhave  any of u seen a CD Writer break inside ubuntu?02:28
livingdaylight :|02:29
freddyubuntui tried to write a BOOT CD , ubuntu broked my CD WRITER02:29
nacho_wideis there a way of setting up a partition that I can share between windows & ubuntu?02:29
freddyubuntui just restarted when ubuntu hanged...02:29
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freddyubuntuand now my cd writer doenst work at all02:29
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ToHellWithGAic56: somebody told me the filesystem standard was a good way to start undestanding linux.  i'm more for playing around and knowing just enough to get by than understanding.  that and it was a big .pdf if i remember correctly02:29
dibblegofreddyubuntu, please go to bed - solve it the next day02:29
anto9uslivingdaylight, it happens, I've been caught myself too, never trust a backup till you've restored from it and proven it works, that's my motto02:29
ic56ToHellWithGA: run "du -s /var"  (du = Disk Usage) on your current system to see how big the /var tree is.  If you think /var/www will grow to make /var double what it is already, then it makes sense for /var/www to be a separate filesystem.  The risk is that the smaller your partitions, the sooner they'll run out of space and you might end up w/ lots of unused space on the wrong partitions.02:29
paracelxcan somebody please help, im new to ubuntu/linux and trying to setup snes9x and about to go crazy02:29
darkfoxfreddyubuntu: enough trolling for one night..02:30
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liquiemnacho_wide: uhm, well, you can use ntfstools for ntfs read/write or use ext2/3 and use the windows driver from read7write access or you can setup a partition as fat32/vfat that can be access from linux and windows02:30
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Kibouparacelx: zsnes > snes9x ;)02:30
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ic56ToHellWithGA: FSSTND should be available as a .txt and you should be able to browse it quickly to get a sense of what the 5 or 6 big directory trees are all about.  You can read more as you need.02:30
paracelxi have downloaded it as well but it says it cant find a decent c compiler02:30
ToHellWithGAic56: i could always use parted to resize partitions as needed, couldn't i?02:31
paracelxwhen i type ./configure02:31
nacho_wideso both will be able to access a fat32/vfat partition?02:31
Kiboua decent?02:31
paracelxjust want to play chrono trigger :)02:31
h3sp4wnic56: Can parted resize ext3 ?02:31
freddyubuntui have put 48 hours on this problem... and now everybody is a bitch to me02:31
liquiemnacho_wide: yes02:31
skavengesnes9x used to be in the repos, you shouldnt need to compile02:31
freddyubuntufuck you02:31
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paracelxi think something like that im booting up my laptop right now and ill let you know exact02:31
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liquiemh3sp4wn: yes, it can, but just to the right side02:31
ToHellWithGAi loathe reading on monitors rather than paper.  it makes me a bad hippie to print my docs but also allows me to read about features of my desktop installation while drinking wine in the park :D02:31
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Kibouparacelx: did you install build-essential?02:31
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nacho_wideliquiem: thx.  any partition program that you suggest in particular?02:32
paracelxall i installed was the latest version of ubuntu and then did the liveupdate02:32
discombobulateddoes Ubuntu use Xfree86 4.3 ?02:32
h3sp4wnlisquiem what can ?02:32
discombobulatedor X.org?02:32
LjLdiscombobulated: ubuntu uses Xorg02:32
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Kibouparacelx: well install build-essential and I think zsnes needs nams as well02:32
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liquiemnacho_wide: (g)parted is fine, just make a partition for it and make a fs on it02:32
discombobulatedoh, ok thanks02:32
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paracelxok thanks ill look for them now02:32
zquirmHi. I'm running ubuntu server, in console mode; no X. I have a DELL 2001fp, and when the system boots up, the video mode is the standard 640x480 @ 60hz. All is well. Yet, the moment the linux kernel loads, it switches into 640x350 @ 70hz.. This makes the console unusable, as you can't see the whole thing.02:32
ic56ToHellWithGA: I've never resized a unix partition.  But there are such beasts as resizable partitions, at least in AIX, dunno about Linux.  Anyway, if you have backup media, trashing your disk and re-partitioning is easy.02:32
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nacho_wideliquiem: fs?02:33
darkfoxno point in messing around with parted to resize partitions... do it right and use LVM :/02:33
h3sp4wnlisquiem: Can I make a 250gb linux partition into 2 125mg's easily ?02:33
zquirmWhat can be done?02:33
liquiemh3sp4wn: resizing contains of 2 parts. resizing the partition and resizing the filesystem.02:33
paracelxbbl to let u know if works thanks again02:33
LjLic56: you *can* resize ext3 with parted02:33
liquiemnacho_wide: fs = filesystem02:33
zquirmUgh, I'm starting to get really upset about this. I've been asking for hours.02:33
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ic56h3sp4wn: I have never used parted. LjL claims it *can* resize ext302:34
ic56thanks, LjL02:34
nacho_wideliquiem: ok.  great, thanks02:34
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LjLic56, h3sp4wn: of course i cannot guarrantee that it's a safe process. but i did try it, and it worked for me. i recommend using GParted for a reasonably easy GUI02:34
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liquiemzquirm: have you changed your boot cmdline or framebuffer?02:34
nacho_wideanyone know why www.winehq.com doesn't work?02:34
ToHellWithGAic56: with DVD-RW as backup media it is tedious and unpleasant to backup my data.  i have already moved my space-hungry media to a separate drive, mounted as /largedrive, but still have a good deal of things on the main drive.  thanks for your help today.02:34
zquirmliquiem: no.02:35
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anto9uszquirm, edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and enter your monitor settings02:35
liquiemanto9us: no X ;)02:35
skavengehe's cli02:35
zquirmanto9us: You didn't read what I wrote.02:35
LjLzquirm: there is a "vesa=" kernel parameter and a "vga=" kernel parameter that you can try02:35
darkfoxToHellWithGA: if you use LVM you can change partition sizes pretty much whenever you want, add new disks and have partitions spread over multiple disks etc etc.... http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/02:35
GullstadHow do I setup a SSH-connection to the Ubuntu-Desktop?02:35
h3sp4wnLiL: I will try it then (I want to convert the whole disk to UFS2 really switching the machine to FreeBSD02:35
Lukian_h3sp4wn: can i have the other 249.75gb ?02:35
anto9uszquirm, sorry, no, just the last bit02:35
ic56ToHellWithGA: you're welcome. Just how many DVDs does it take to backup everything except /largedrive on your system?02:35
liquiemzquirm: can you post the output of cat /proc/cmdline?02:36
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zquirmin the system BIOS, it's perfectly fine at 640x480... if I boot off a DOS boot disk, it's perfectly fine; 640x480 ... yet, the MOMENT the linux kernel loads, it goes into this unusable 640x35002:36
init7has anyone maybe got an idea why my USB Card-Reader doesn't work anymore since the dapper release kernel?02:36
zquirmliquiem: sure02:36
darkfoxnacho_wide: do you mean www.winehq.org?  works for me02:36
LjLzquirm: http://thinkwiki.org/wiki/Kernel_parameters  not too good, but it should give a clue as for the syntax of those kernel parameters02:36
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cassiohi everybody! i'm into breezy and want to use my sony digicam! how can i connect it? usb is not recovering the cam when i plug it02:36
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stazichhi, ia am trying to get X to start, and seem to be following through the directions as stated on the sites and people have luck with but i keep having same problem.. i believe the error is to do something with the fonts. like i dont have any. does anyone know how to fix this? the machine is imac ppc btw02:37
nacho_widedarkfox: yeah.  i can't seem to connect.  to either .com or .org, just tried02:37
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Lukiancassio: use a card reader02:37
stazichthe error message that i get is: could not open default font "fixed"02:37
zquirmroot=/dev/hda1 ro quiet splash02:37
livingdaylightGuys! don't be mad at me, but i'm actually downloading SUSE 10.1 DVD. I do love Ubuntu though. I just need to play the field...02:37
liquiemnacho_wide: try ^^02:38
nacho_wideliquiem: (g)parted and QTParted the same?02:38
cassioLukian, how? what's this?02:38
=== Lukian gets his pitchfork and rabbles at livingdaylight
LjLzquirm: i suggest (not knowing any better) that you try the "vga=ask" parameter. that one should show a menu at boot up where you can choose the resolution. next time you'll know exactly what number to put after "vga=" for the desired resolution02:38
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brent_ what the hell is this line?02:38
liquiemnacho_wide: it's the same, just different toolkits for the gui02:38
zquirmLjL: but it should work without that02:38
livingdaylight '<02:38
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LjLzquirm: eh, it should, but apparently it doesn't. what should i say?02:38
zquirmI just want linux to use a regular old console mode02:38
zquirmlike it always has02:38
LjLzquirm: "vga=xyz" *is* regular console mode, although "vesa=xyz" on the other hand is intended, i think, for making it use the framebuffer02:39
ToHellWithGAic56: three.  i'm getting some errors when running that cpio command.  i've pastebinned them at http://thestonepedo.pastebin.ca/6669502:39
brent_and has it disapointed you?02:39
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liquiemzquirm: that means it fails for sudden?02:39
Kibouit shouldn't change the resolution at all.. something is borked02:39
ic56ToHellWithGA: looking...02:39
zquirmliquiem: sorry I didn't understand, sudden what?02:39
Lukianzquirm: then install 'server'02:39
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cassiohi everybody! i'm into breezy and want to use my sony digicam! how can i connect it? usb is not recovering the cam when i plug it02:40
ToHellWithGAic56: it looks like it's trying to make a directory called "." and choking on it02:40
liquiemzquirm: does it happen everytime or just since a few days or something?02:40
LjLLukian: why?02:40
chapiumDoes anyone know how to troubleshoot microphone issues?02:40
zquirmLukian: 'server' ?02:40
=== reiki [n=yardbird@70-98-238-124.dsl1.hol.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
forevernoobi am trying to get sounds to work.. i can get standard sound.. but i want the cool 5.1 digital out to work as well... any tips?02:40
zquirmliquiem: It happens since I brought the box to the place where it needs to reside02:40
darkfoxstazich: sudo apt-get install xfonts-base xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi xfonts-scalable02:40
ic56ToHellWithGA: oh, yeah.  you should run this command as root.  Both the find and the cpio need to be root.  Easiest if you "sudo su" and then issue the ocmmand.02:40
zquirmanother analog display was able to handle this mode, it seems, without cutting anything off02:40
Lukianinstall a server distro, you shouldn't get any unneeded extras like this giving you hassle? :p02:40
brent_cassio, I am not sure on your machine? but maybe youshould tell peple so they can help?02:40
Bassettscan someone help me, i am getting errors when trying to run a java script02:41
LjLic56: nitpick: "sudo -i" or, sometimes, "sudo -s" is adviceable over "sudo su", which is redundant02:41
ic56ToHellWithGA: it's because /temporary is owned by root (as it should be)02:41
chapiumjava or js?02:41
=== Samus_Aran [n=ILL@about/linux/supportwhirlwind/SamusAran] has joined #Ubuntu
anto9uscassio, I've found some cameras don't mount properly on Linux or their memory sometimes needs reformating under Linux if the media is removable02:41
Bassettschapium: its a .jar02:41
ToHellWithGAic56: would "sudo find . -print |sudo cpio -pamd /temporary" do the trick as well?02:41
Samus_Aranare there any repositories that keep WINE somewhat up-to-date ?  it's currently 10 versions behind02:41
cassiobrent_, i'm into breezy, pIII with 192 mb ram, using xfce02:42
liquiemzquirm: uhm, no idea, sorry. last bet would be look into dmesg if there something strange in it02:42
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LjL!tell Samus_Aran about wine02:42
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ToHellWithGASamus_Aran: you could always build from source02:42
cassioanto9us, i'm using only the internal memory02:42
brent_uh, ok what was the question again?02:42
LjLToHellWithGA, Samus_Aran: no need, those packages are quite up to date02:42
Samus_AranToHellWithGA: the primary reason I switched to Ubuntu was for its very large repository of pre-built packages02:42
anto9uscassio, does lsusb show the device?02:42
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ic56LjL: I know.  Since I grew up with su, I find it easier to remember.  I'd rather not accidentally advise someone to use the wrong sudo flag.02:42
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liquiemSamus_Aran: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Wine02:42
ToHellWithGAor use qemu if you'd be better suited by emulation of an actual windows OS (which you'd have to provide) than by WINE02:42
zquirmliquiem: yeah, thanks for trying to help, I'm just stumped and annoyed ;/02:43
LjLic56: i see02:43
forevernoobis there a way to get ubuntu to reprobe my sound card to see if i can get it to work02:43
nacho_wideanyone know why my totem won't play a DVD?02:43
Samus_AranToHellWithGA: I don't have tieme anymore for building source, I've spent the past six years doing so =p02:43
Samus_Aranliquiem: will take a look, thanks02:43
ThePubsilly question, where's the configuration for what's on the desktop (i.e. what drives, etc) under gnome?02:43
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ToHellWithGAnacho_wide: have you enabled multiverse?02:43
forevernoobnacho: do you have libdvd installed?02:43
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liquiemSamus_Aran: then you havent learned the basics ;)02:43
liquiemlike asking google or looking into the wikis out there02:43
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ToHellWithGASamus_Aran: a few minutes after six years should be a drop in the pond to you :D02:43
cassioanto9us, yes it does :)02:43
crimsunforevernoob: what's the issue w/ your sound?02:43
jdrakeWith the recent updates that have shown up in the updater, a lot of gnome stuff is there - has anyone had any problems with these?02:44
skavengewine is updated pretty regularly i dont think i've ever used a distro that was anything  near up to date heh02:44
nacho_wideToHellWithGA: not yet, just a sec02:44
forevernoobcrimsum:  just installed new card.  it works (sort of) but can't get optical out to work02:44
anto9uscassio, dmesg should list what happens (and any errors) when you plug it in02:44
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Samus_Aranliquiem: I haven't slept in over 36 hours at the moment .. I was already on IRC.  I don't currently have my web browser handy, Ubuntu keeps uninstalling Opera (it thinks it is broken, because of a virtual package)02:44
liquiemforevernoob: cat /dev/random > /dev/dsp ^^02:44
darkfoxdebian unstable wine is 0.9.12 vs winehq.org's 0.9.1402:44
brent_ok so I am going to suck it up,... kids who know flux I want aterm to work with what I tell it to but I can't find where to tell it too,... helpplease02:44
LjLliquiem: well, you're obviously right about the google thing, but honestly it didn't take me much hassle to type "!tell Samus_Aran about wine"02:44
crimsunforevernoob: which card?02:44
nacho_wideToHellWithGA: how do I enable?02:45
Samus_AranToHellWithGA: but I want it to be updatable automatically.  it's a time-comittment thing, as WINE has new versions very often, and it is a verrrrrry slow compile, heh02:45
ic56ToHellWithGA: no, quoting the pipeline to pass it to sudo won't work.  There are ways around this but why bother? Just sudo -i and you save yourself having to eval and escape your way out of a sea of complications.02:45
liquiemLjL: i dont know the public commands until now ;)02:45
Bassettswhen i try to run a java script i get "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jibble/logbot/LogBotMain"02:45
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zquirmoh, one little thing of significance02:45
forevernoobcrimsum: don't laugh but it is called a dynex dx-sc51.... but it has the chipset  VIA Technologies Inc. VT1720/24 [Envy24PT/HT]  PCI Multi-Channel Audio Controller (rev 01)02:45
zquirmthis happens the moment the ubuntu install disk boots as well02:45
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.02:45
zquirmnot just my actual install02:45
zquirmdoes the same thing in a liveboot02:45
ToHellWithGAthere ya go, nacho_wide ^02:45
ThePubBassetts:  there's a problem with how you're running your java :)02:46
crimsunforevernoob: snd_ice1724 should work just fine. Are you using the plug:iec958 output?02:46
LjLSamus_Aran: trust me, those packages are faily well up to date, you can get them with apt-get, and have your coffee ;)02:46
Samus_Aranif someone knows how to get Opera to stop uninstalling every time I install anything, would be nice.  it is built for the previous release of Ubuntu, which had a virtual package which just set the package manager to download two libraries ... which are included now in the 6.06 release02:46
BassettsThePub: how do i fix it02:46
ThePubBassetts:  probably put the classpath in wrong when you setup your java command.02:46
crimsunforevernoob: and did you install alsa-tools-gui to use envy24control?02:46
brent_you kids helping casio?] 02:46
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forevernoobcrimsun: you just lost me...02:46
BassettsThePub: so how do i change that02:46
LiteHeddedwhen I go to mount a samba share why does it want the username to be guest?02:46
forevernoobcrimsun: nope i will install now though02:46
ThePubBassetts:  don't ask me, it's going to be specific to whatever you were running.02:46
BassettsThePub: ok =(02:46
harri3844where is the public key for dapper's apt repository located?02:46
LiteHeddedit's greyed out and I cant change it when mapping it on windows02:46
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ubotuNo idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, LjL02:47
darkfoxsamus_aran: can you not just sudo apt-get remove opera  ?02:47
Samus_Arandarkfox: I want it installed !02:47
EnsignRedshirtanto9us: I tried booting the 6.06 CD again, and this time waited 25 minutes. Still nothing.02:47
Samus_Arandarkfox: I want it to stop being removed02:47
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cassioanto9us, it doesn't (or i don't understand it...)02:47
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nacho_wideToHellWithGA: there i go what?  i'm lost02:47
Samus_Arandarkfox: it has all the libraries it requires, except for a container-package that is no longer in existence, but the things in it are02:47
nacho_wideToHellWithGA: got it, nm02:47
harri3844LjL: is there a key on this site?02:48
anto9usEnsignRedshirt, add some boot parameters like apic=off and acpi=off, if i have the semantics of thsoe correct, I think I do02:48
Samus_Aranis 6.06 breezy or dapper or what ?02:48
ToHellWithGAnacho_wide: after doing that, open up synaptic and search for "dvd" and you'll likely find the packages you need to watch DVDs.  cheers.02:48
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LjLharri3844: no. i believed that ubotu had a "key" factoid, but it doesn't.02:48
darkfoxsamus_aran: oh sorry :)  in that case you should be able to unpack the .deb, change the depends line, rebuilt it and install that.02:48
anto9uscassio, can you pastebin them?02:48
jigheadLiteHedded, can you access the share from other machines? is the share on the win box setup as guest-only02:48
LjLharri3844: i'm trying to find the place02:48
Samus_Arandarkfox: can you point me in the direction of how to do that ?02:48
LiteHeddedit's shared on linux02:48
harri3844LjL: ok02:48
LiteHeddednot windows02:48
LiteHeddedwith samba02:48
Dreamglideron FAT32 is 4gb the biggest filesize possible ?02:48
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cassioanto9us, where?02:49
anto9usDreamglider, from memory, yes, that's right02:49
Samus_AranDreamglider: that is the maximum biggest file size, heh02:49
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ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .02:49
Samus_AranDreamglider: sometimes it is half that, though02:49
ic56ToHellWithGA: this would work:  sudo sh -c '<pipeline of commands>'02:49
liquidten2Dreamglider:  Yes, either 2GB or 4GB files are the largest, depending on the block count.02:49
liquidten2(form memory)02:49
liquiemDreamglider: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fat3202:49
zquirmWhat's the right way to use a static IP and stop using dhcp ?02:49
darkfoxSamus_Aran,: trying to find a reference, but there are other workarounds here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18598502:49
discombobulatedhow do I start terminal from a window, so I dont have to keep CD'ing?02:50
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LiteHeddedwhy can't i authenticate with samba?02:50
Samus_AranDreamglider: discombobulated: kdesu konsole02:50
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alpha255LiteHedded: did you do smbpasswd -a user on the server?02:50
brent_I will be back later,02:50
anto9uscassio, sorry, that factiod isn't very good, pastebin,org is the site, it will give you a link of the text you paste02:50
LjLzquirm: in theory, the best way would be to make it from the Gnome GUI preferences. otherwise, if that fails, i guess /etc/network/interfaces02:50
Samus_Araner, not you Dreamglider02:50
darkfoxSamus_Aran: and for the approach i was talking about, you can see an example of how to do it for skype here: http://forum.skype.com/viewtopic.php?p=169829&highlight= ... should be easy to adapt02:50
MrSigglerThe latest version of the fglrx ati drivers in Ubuntu do not work with R200 based Radeons, which I have. Is there a way to install an older version using synaptec, etc?02:50
chapiumanyone able to get their mic working?02:50
zquirmLjL: is there a ncurses configger?02:51
discombobulatedSamus_Aran: eh?02:51
zquirmno X02:51
jigheadLiteHedded, are you mounting from a windows bos or another linux box?02:51
ToHellWithGAic56: by pipeline you mean "command1 options |command2 options |... |commandN options"?02:51
LiteHeddedfrom windows02:51
ic56ToHellWithGA: yes02:51
LjLzquirm: i don't think so. but if you have no X, then i guess just go straight to /etc/network/interfaces. if you hold on a minute i'll paste you my configuration, the syntax is easy02:51
alpha255LiteHedded: xp or win me , 98 9502:51
LiteHeddedjighead: mounting from windows xp02:51
harri3844LjL: I found it02:51
harri3844LjL: thanks anyways02:51
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LiteHeddedalpha255: mounting from windows xp :)02:51
LjLharri3844: cool. i didn't02:51
alpha255LiteHedded:  did you setup the account on the linux server?02:52
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ToHellWithGAic56: do i exit a sudo su using exit?02:52
LjLzquirm: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1588402:52
jigheadLiteHedded, can you pastebin your smb.conf file02:52
liquiemzquirm: the configger is nano or vi ;)02:52
ToHellWithGAnevermind, i just did02:52
ic56ToHellWithGA: yes on exit sudo su  too.02:52
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anto9uscassio, sorry, make that pastebin.com02:52
LiteHeddedi'm setting it up through the kde (i'm on kubuntu) gui interface maybe that's my problem02:52
LjLzquirm: just change your "eth0" entry so that it looks similar to mine (with the right addresses, of course), rather than saying "dhcp"02:52
LiteHeddedpastebin url please02:52
ToHellWithGALiteHedded: pastebin.ca02:53
jighead!tell LiteHedded about pastebin02:53
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alpha255LiteHedded:  i use terminal as root... smbpasswd -a userwhologsinviawindows02:53
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ToHellWithGAic56: tell me if i'm asking too much of you.  i don't want to annoy you with my noob issues.  my output was http://thestonepedo.pastebin.ca/66698 and i'd like to know what it means that a file "grew"02:54
sjoerd_Is there anyone here using network manager?02:54
anto9uswell, I'm more than tired, scanning text and missing half of it, night all :)02:54
liquiemis there something like depclean for ubuntu or a way to find orphaned packages?02:54
Samus_Arandarkfox: thank you02:54
RadiantFiremmm liquiem02:54
RadiantFirei don't think so02:54
[sam] hi02:55
jigheadliquiem, deborphan02:55
LiteHeddedalpha255: WORKING THANKS!02:55
moonlitei need the "lndir" command but it doesn't seem to be included in ubuntu anymore according to a bug report i launchpad02:55
chapiumargh, why is rhythmbox so buggy02:55
[sam] is it correct spelling "Konversation"02:55
liquiemlong time ago, i used debian and .. exactly, thanks, that sounds right ^^02:55
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ic56ToHellWithGA: questions no problem.  the more you learn, the more you'll be able to help others too.  It's exponential growth!  Looking...02:55
alpha255LiteHedded: np :)02:55
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Samus_Arangotta get some things done then sleep at last.  g'dau a;;02:55
Samus_Aran*g'day all02:55
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moonlitei'm ok, with compiling it myself, but the source can't be found.02:55
cassioanto9us, soyy.. i'm back02:55
cassioi'll paste it02:55
moonliteanyone know where i can find a current tar.gz?02:55
forevernoobHellWithGA: it says envycontrol is bundled with alas-tools-gui... but when i run alsamixer i don't see any settings for anything digitial02:55
lonranhow can i change properties of multiples songs in rythmbox at the same time?02:56
=== ToHellWithGA does the exponential growth dance
[sam] moonlite, there are mirror sites where u can download them02:56
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moonlite[sam] : thanks02:56
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skavenge[sam] ; no, c instead of k ..02:56
ToHellWithGAforevernoob: that's exactly why you need envy24control.  the alsamixer is crap for ice cards02:56
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moonlitei've been googling for 10 minutes, do you have any idea where these mirror sites are?02:56
ToHellWithGAit just plain won't take care of your mixing.  envy24control is designed for cards with complex settings02:56
sjoerd_Anyone here that uses, or knows anything about, Network Manager Gnome ?02:56
forevernoobToHellWithGA:  sorry i didn't find it repositories.. i will look harder02:56
ToHellWithGAforevernoob: are you using breezy or dapper?02:57
cassioanto9us,  the dmsg output => http://pastebin.com/71574502:57
[sam] these developers like to invent things, like Konsole instead of console02:57
ic56ToHellWithGA: I don't know what that message means.  Unfortunately, unix manuals for the last couple decades haven't payed attention to documenting the meanings of each error message.  I can try to guess what it means though...02:57
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forevernoobToHellWithGa: dapper02:57
skavenge[sam] ; yeah they use the k instead of c for alot of KDE applications02:57
LiteHeddedalpha255: when I reboot this machine will the samba setup stay there?02:57
forevernoobToHellWithGa: i am a retard02:57
forevernoobfound it02:57
darkfoxnight all02:57
LiteHeddedit's going to be a headless fileserver for now02:58
ToHellWithGAforevernoob: alsa-tools and alsa-tools-gui will do it for ya ;)02:58
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cassioanto9us, lsusb output => http://pastebin.com/71574702:58
LjLLiteHedded: actually *headless*? not just light-headed?02:58
LiteHeddedno monitor ;)02:58
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aaronHey folks.  I just installed Dapper server, and I was wondering what the name of the all-encompassing gnome2 package is.  I've found and installed xserver-xorg...but what else do I need to get a fully functional gnome desktop?02:58
myavuzselimI removed per accident /usr/lib/glib2.0, does it contain runtime libraries?02:58
skavengewhy install server if you want a gui?02:58
liquiemaaron: would be ubuntu-desktop iirc02:59
LjLaaron: ubuntu-desktop02:59
LjLaaron: (yeah, why install server if you want a GUI ;) also, server has no sound AFAICR)02:59
aaronLjL: Excellent.  Thanks for your help.02:59
alpha255skavenge: that was my thought02:59
ToHellWithGAforevernoob: until you're very comfortable with linux, packaging, and building from source, don't be so hard on yourself.  coming from something other than linux to linux is a hell of a learning curve, and rewarding to boot.02:59
ic56ToHellWithGA: best guess, cpio detected a long sequence of 0s in that file and thought it might be a sparse file (which it wasn't).  So it tried to copy it without using any storage for those zeros but found it wasn't practical to do so and ended up occupying a sector to store them.  So it reports that the file "grew" -- by 0 bytes -- ie it consumes the same amount of disk as it did before.02:59
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forevernoobToHellWithGA:  o.k. when i execute envy24control i get  No ICE1712 cards found... this is what i get from lspci :0000:00:0b.0 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies Inc. VT1720/24 [Envy24PT/HT]  PCI Multi-Channel Audio Controller (rev 01)02:59
aaronLjL: Well, it's primarily going to be a servermachine, and I wasn't clear on what all was different.  :)02:59
skavenge*shrug* i've seen people do stranger things02:59
ToHellWithGAforevernoob: that's insteresting.  i don't know the ice1720 chipset.  mine is ice1712.03:00
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morphixa server machine with gnome :|03:00
alpha255aaron: i'd look into ispconfig if you want a web based way to manage the box03:00
liquiemterminal machine or vnc server ^^03:00
LjLaaron: i think desktop would be more appropriate, as as far as my understanding goes server is more geared towards *very* powerful machines. but still, you may be fine with server if you don't need sound and that sort of goodies03:00
morphix* aaron has quit IRC (Client Quit) <<03:01
alpha255he'd have learned more if he stayed03:01
ic56ToHellWithGA: try comparing the original and new files to make sure nothing untoward happend: cmp <oldfile> <newfile>03:01
hanasakion 6.06 sound-juicer is giving .. Reason: Internal GStreamer error: negotiation problem.03:01
forevernoobToHellWithGA:  well i can always take it back to BestBuy.. but i will look around a little more now that I have a better feel for what is going on03:01
ToHellWithGAforevernoob: if you don't mind my asking, how much did you pay for your card and what will you be doing?  i'm very happy with my US$120 M-Audio card and it works like a charm in linux (and used to :D in windows)03:02
nacho_widei think the DVD i am playing "tears of the sun" is encrypted.  it plays in windows...I tried a couple packages but none seem to work.  any thoughts on how to get this to go?  thx guys03:02
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ToHellWithGAnacho_wide: libdvdcss (iirc)03:03
forevernoobToHellWithGA: it was only 38.00...  I know it was the only card they had with 5.1/optical out.  so i figured what the hell03:03
ToHellWithGAnacho_wide$ apt-cache search css03:03
Archoncan unbuntu's GNOME interface's panels be compined into 1 panel (like Windows)?03:04
cassioanto9us, any clue?03:04
LjLArchon: sure, just remove one03:04
forevernoobnacho_wide:  if you are new to all this and want all the media to work. and don't have issues with laws/liceincng and stuff.. use easyubuntu to get all that stuff set up.. works perfectly03:04
ArchonLjL: and all the panel's applets can be on any panel?03:04
LjLArchon: yes. right click on the panel, and you can add, move and remove anything03:04
kmiloArchon, yes03:04
ToHellWithGAforevernoob: i personally prefer coax out because coaxial cables are cheaper per distance unless you're a cracked-out audiophile geek using super-fancy analog cable for your digital transmission03:04
liquiemArchon: sure, rightclick empty panel space and choose add applet03:05
LjLArchon: you can have a weather applet too and that sort of gimmicks on the panel03:05
Archonheh, thanks all03:05
nacho_wideforevernoob: what is easyubuntu?03:05
LjLArchon: what you cannot have on the panel, though, is the current application's menu bar, in case you're thinking MacOS03:06
Archonthe other question: I've got ubuntu warty warthog (4.10 i think), can i just install it, and 'update' it after the installation to bring it to the latest 6.06 (including optimisations, themes, programs)?03:06
ArchonLjL: no, it's fine03:06
LjLArchon: no you can't03:06
Archonso i have to get the latest one again?03:06
LjLArchon: you should upgrade to hoary, then to breezy, and then to dapper. me, i bet it'd be easier to install from scratch03:06
forevernoobnacho_wide: http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/03:06
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Archonok thanks again03:07
alpha255LjL: what about updating from flight 5 though?03:07
LjLalpha255: dapper flight 5? should work, i think.03:07
forevernoobToHellWithGA:  i dont' really care how i get digital audio out.. my player will take coax or optical... but it has been a pain to find something that just works ...03:07
crash9877hi all03:07
alpha255LjL: apt-get dist-update iirc03:08
LjLalpha255: yep. can't swear on it, but i feel that would work flawlessly03:08
alpha255LjL: thnx03:08
MrKeuneranyone here successfully running fglrx with latest 686 kernel in dapper?03:08
MrKeunershould i have a fglrx.ko under /lib/modules/... ?03:08
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crash9877anyone using an ibm rapid access ii keyboard?03:09
jigheadMrKeuner, check /lib/modules/`uname -r`/volatile03:09
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jigheadMrKeuner, lsmod is the command to see your loaded modules03:09
[sam] what does emerge pcmcia-cs do? anyone knows?03:10
crash9877i mean it works perfectly but i cant get all multimedia keys working03:10
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LjL[sam] : in ubuntu, nothing. it might do something in gentoo i guess03:10
alpha255crash9877: lineak03:10
liquiemLjL: ^^03:10
forevernoobToHellWithGA:  i found this... maybe i will hack at it for a while03:10
[sam] does emerge update the system03:10
crash9877tried that but doesnt work that good03:11
MrKeunerjighead/ I do not have an fglrx.ko this is a problem right?03:11
alpha255crash9877: don't know if there is a package for it though03:11
liquiem[sam] : on gentoo it would install the pcmcia-cs package03:11
forevernoobToHellWithGA: http://www.gentoo-wiki.com/HARDWARE_ice172403:11
jighead[sam] , on gentoo it does, on ubuntu you use aptitude or apt-get03:11
HedgeMagesampan: emerge is the command for the package manager portage on gentoo03:11
liquiem[sam] : emerge on ubunto does nothing as said before03:11
HedgeMagesampan: try asking in #gentoo if you want to talk about that distro03:11
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[sam] that's for all debian based linux,right03:11
alpha255crash9877: well, help the developer with making it work better... there is a note on the right side of the webpage to get your keyboard working03:11
liquiem[sam] : gentoo isnt debian based03:11
jigheadMrKeuner, yes, you need to get the restricted modules03:11
LjL[sam] : hm? gentoo is not debian based, and debian based distros don't have emerge03:12
[sam] yea, i mean apt-get03:12
MrKeunerjighead/ I did installed them03:12
threatgentoo is ports based (FreeBSD)03:12
alpha255crash9877: you'll get your name in lights on the page :)03:12
crash9877alpha255; the keyboard itself works but 4 example raising the volume or mute wont work with gnome key bindings03:12
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jigheadMrKeuner, have you rebooted since you installed them?03:12
MrKeunerjighead/ yes03:13
nomasteryodaso has anyone used the fglrx ubuntu drivers on a dell 4150 inspiron and they worked?03:13
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Dial_tonewell I got ati 3d acceleration but its still pretty slow03:13
LjL[sam] : anyway on ubuntu you'd do sudo apt-get install pcmcia-cs, yeah. except that pcmcia-cs is installed by default03:14
jigheadMrKeuner, do you have anything under /lib/modules/2.6.15-25-686/volatile?03:14
crash9877alpha255, searched the web for rapidaccess but none useful information.03:14
nomasteryodaah, just wanted to get ppracer working on it03:14
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crash9877tried chaning xorg.conf etc. but no effect03:14
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threatwhat is volatile?03:14
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threatRAM disc?03:14
jigheadthreat, tmpfs03:14
alpha255crash9877: http://lineak.sourceforge.net/index.php?nav=showdoc&docid=LinEAK_support_HOWTO&doctitle=Keyboard%20support%20HOWTO03:14
nomasteryodaDial_tone, just ordered me a mini-pci wifi chip for this thing now... cost $2203:15
nomasteryodaa/b/g intel and claims out there that it works with ubuntu03:15
nomasteryodaxxing fingers am i03:15
nomasteryodaall 6 of them03:15
alpha255crash9877: it looks like the guy will do most of the work to make it better03:15
ToHellWithGAforevernoob: i like m-audio as a company.  a lot of their products cater to independent musicians.  if you can afford it the 5.1 is $99 and i'd highly recommend stepping up to the $120 model for analog I/O options03:15
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ToHellWithGAthen again, that's a far cry from sub-$4003:16
threatjighead, I see, how it is hard disk space that is deleting on reboot?03:16
threathow = so03:16
threatjighead, SWAP space?03:16
MrKeunerjighead/ I have rebooted into old kernel -23 actually. since I thought may be it was a prolem with the new kernel. anyways there are some  files under /lib/modules/2.6.15-23-686/volatile no files under/lib/modules/2.6.15-25-686/volatile03:16
CntryboyI forgot the command to untar files, does anyone know this .tgz is extension03:16
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LjLCntryboy: tar -xfj filename03:16
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Cntryboyk thx03:16
DoctorMOdoes anyone have Wengo?03:16
LjLsorry, tar -xf filename03:16
crash9877alpha255, thx thats what i did. 4 keys are dead03:16
alpha255tar -xvvzf foo.tar.gz03:16
Cntryboyya'll lost me03:17
LjLdo what alpha said03:17
Cntryboyso many different -als;dfj letters03:17
jigheadthreat, MrKeuner /lib/modules/`uname -r`/volatile is created at boot time as a tmpfs, so it will only show up under the active kernel's module dir03:17
detectiveinspektI want to change my sources to the default ones because the server hasn't been updated03:17
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crash9877so i swapped the keyboards against another rapid access but same thing03:17
Cntryboyis it better what he said ljl?03:17
alpha255crash9877: oh man... that would make it *very* tough to use those keys ;)03:17
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detectiveinspektwhere can I get a list of default repos?03:17
jigheadthreat, MrKeuner it is how Ubuntu gets around the restrictive licenses, they never actually *distribute* that software03:17
LjLCntryboy: i'm not sure. it's just that i have a habit of doing "gunzip filename.tar.gz" and then "tar -xf filename.tar" (a useless habit), so i can never be sure that i remember the "short" tar-only command03:17
threatjighead, do go on03:18
crash9877so i exchanged it with a logitech media keyboard and it works. thx god i have more pcs that i can handle03:18
forevernoobToHellWithVA: money isn't quite the issue... i will look them up and see if i can get a card off of newegg... thanks for the suggestion03:18
liquiemCntryboy: tar xvzf file.tgz ... x extract, v verbose, z gzip compression, f following text is the filename03:18
threatjighead, so because it is in temparary memory it is ok?03:18
jigheadMrKeuner, so if you have linux-restricted-modules-686 installed and boot to the 686 kernel, you should see volatile under the 686 module dir and not the 38603:18
Cntryboywhat about the - liquiem?03:18
alpha255detectiveinspekt: less /etc/apt/sources.list03:18
crash9877a pitty acutally cause i love my rapid keyboard03:18
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liquiemCntryboy: the - is just to show that there are options following03:19
alpha255crash9877: maybe you can get one on ebay for cheap that has those 4 keys working03:19
jigheadthreat, I am not a laywer, but the way I understand it, yes, it's not on the disk, it does not survive the boots, so it is not distributed with ubuntu03:19
Cntryboyokay thx03:19
nomad111hi everyone im not sure which ubuntu file to download desktop or alternate?03:19
LjLCntryboy: that's optional with tar. it is possible to use it, though, because most other unix command do need a "-" before the options03:19
MrKeunerjighead/ I only have these: 2.6.15-25-686 and 2.6.15-23-68603:19
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liquiemCntryboy: you dont have to use the -, but it looks nice ^^03:19
crash9877alpha255: its ok now since i have several keyboards. i just wanted to know if someone has the same problem03:19
LjLnomad111: desktop contains a "live" distribution (i.e. you can run stuff from the CD) and a graphical installer. alternate contains only a text-mode installer. some say the alternate installer is more reliable (well, it's older at any rate)03:20
BIAFnomadlll : desktop is just fine03:20
Cntryboyit's .tgz thats same as .tar right?03:20
hey2k5for compiling, do i just need to apt-get for gcc?03:20
LjLCntryboy: no, it's the same as .tar.gz03:20
morphixhey2k5: get build-essential03:20
jigheadMrKeuner, do you have linux-restricted-modules for both of them, use synaptic to search, since apt-get and aptitude will cut of the version numbers and make it hard to tell03:20
CntryboyI extracted it03:20
threatjighead, so where is it when the computer is off then?  in an uncompiled state? or what?03:20
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Cntryboynow I need to know command to open it lol03:20
LjLCntryboy: .tar is an archive format (it was originally meant for tapes). it simply "glues" files together. gzip is a compression format03:20
nomad111LjL, i think ill grab the desktop one lol03:20
alpha255Cntryboy: try file foo.tar03:20
MrKeunerjighead/ I'll check but I think I have both. just a sec03:21
nomad111LjL, im not a pro at this03:21
Cntryboythats what I got03:21
LjLCntryboy: so, gzip can only compress *one* file; tar takes many files, but it doesn't compress. the two, together, make for a nice ZIP-like thing03:21
hey2k5ok thanks morphix03:21
alpha255Cntryboy: file can tell you the attributes of a file03:21
Cntryboyits a space invaders type game03:21
detectiveinspektalpha255, my ones currently are New Zealand repos03:21
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detectiveinspektwant to ubuntu ones03:21
LjLnomad111: no need to be a pro, the text-mode install is easy. the version of Ubuntu before Dapper (Breezy) did not have the graphical installer03:21
alpha255detectiveinspekt: you are located near new zeland right?03:21
nomad111ohhh so its the same as those03:21
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Bassettsis it possible to run irssi, on the same irc server, but in two different channels, with different nicks in each?03:22
Cntryboyanyone go to that site03:22
alpha255makes sense then03:22
Cntryboylol he doesn't have instructions to get that game workings03:22
detectiveinspektbut when I try to install g++, make says files don't exist03:22
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LjLCntryboy: that file is a .tar.gz. .tgz is just an abbreviation. you must gunzip it first, and then extract the tar. however, the single "tar" command that alpha255 gave will do both things03:22
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alpha255detectiveinspekt: aaah, you want the developer tools stuff... anyone know the package that "make" is in?03:23
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=== budward just installed Ubuntu PPC for the first time.. pretty snazzy.
LjLalpha255: build-essential (among others)03:23
jigheadthreat, yes the modules are built by a script in rcS.d and then discovered by depmod03:23
budwardUbuntu runs nicely on a ppc mac mini.03:23
LjL(but build-essential will install make, gcc, and most of everything needed)03:23
detectiveinspektah k ill try that03:23
MrKeunerjighead/ i have rest mod 2.6.15-23-686 and 2.6.15-25-686 as well as restricted-modules-686 and restricted-modules-common03:23
alpha255LjL: thnx! :)03:23
MrKeunerjighead/ Should I reinstall them?03:24
alpha255detectiveinspekt: synaptic or apt-get is your friend :)03:24
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zquirmis there a way to get aptitude to display ANSI characters?03:24
jan1313hey guys I had my ubuntu hdb  now I "physically" changed it to hda , what should I change in ubuntu's configs to boot ? currectly it stops in Loading sytem files...03:24
crash9877budward, i would never install linux on my g5 :D why should i anyway?03:24
zquirmI get a bunch of junked up unicode03:24
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zquirmhowever, bitchx displays the ansi perfectly fine.03:24
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alpha255crash9877:  dual boot it?03:24
rendoHow do I zip up files from the livecd which has the windows partition mounted and it's unaccessible because it won't boot to windows?03:25
detectiveinspektstill not downloading, I think the server is down03:25
jigheadMrKeuner, you could try running /etc/rcS.d/S07linux-restricted-modules-common start and see if the volatile dir shows up in your current module dir03:25
alpha255crash9877:  how about if you needed to connect via ssh to a remote location and wanted it to show in the desktop03:25
crash9877alpha255, no chance dude. i love my mac with mac os x. i only install linux on pcs :-)03:25
jan1313sorry for bad english I retype my message  I had my ubuntu on " hdb" (second hard disk)  now I "physically" changed it to hda [now it is first hard disk]  ,  what should I do to load ubuntu ?03:25
zquirmI've tried like 5 different term modes for my ssh client03:25
zquirmansi, linux, vt10003:25
alpha255crash9877: os x is good stuff03:25
ic56rendo: do you explictily want .zip format or will any unix format do?03:25
kmilorendo, zip -r folder.zip folder03:26
zquirmCan you guys tell me something-else that uses ncurses and comes with ubuntu by default, so I can check if that works?03:26
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zquirmmaybe it's only aptitude that can't display high-characts03:26
MrKeunerjighead/ but -23 's volatile dir is not empty already03:26
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kmilozquirm, nano03:27
alpha255crash9877:  in the connect to dialog    try ssh://nameofserver.domain.com ... that's the only thing that I wish it could do03:27
jmeThis wireless driver is asking me for "root dir of external pcmcia" - where might that be?03:27
jigheadMrKeuner, what does uname -r tell you?03:27
jan1313have any of u ever changed your hard disk from slave to master ?03:27
jan1313does it affect linux?03:27
MrKeunerjighead/ 2.6.15-23-68603:27
kmilojan1313, yes03:27
kmilojan1313, you have to change the /etc/fstab03:27
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jigheadMrKeuner, and the fglrx isn't under volatile?03:27
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MrKeunerjighead/ nope03:28
zquirmaptitude is covered in these corrupted characters03:28
Geoffrey2is there a file that keeps track of updates that have been installed?03:28
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alpha255kmilo: what if the disk has a label as in e2lable ?03:28
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alpha255kmilo:  and fstab points to that label?03:28
=== alpha255 can't spell
Jonatha1I need installing Ubuntu...03:28
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nomad111downloading alternate ubuntu and order 10 cd's03:28
jan1313ha ha nbody listens to me03:28
jmeAny ideas on the "root dir of external pcmcia"?03:29
kmiloalpha255, the labels doesn't matters the device name is the important03:29
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zquirmI have to hit ^L every few seconds for aptitude to be usable03:29
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Jonatha1how come "ntfsresize" double it when you trying to resize03:29
zx8_how can i mount a remote ftp server to my local file system?03:29
zquirmsince it leaves characters over03:29
zquirmis there any way to fix?03:29
nomad111didnt like kubuntu at alllll03:29
zquirmnano works fine03:29
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LjLjan1313: yes, it does affect linux. the drive link will change from (probably) /dev/hda to (probably) /dev/hdb. you'll need to change your fstab, your grub's menu.lst and possibly other files03:29
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MrKeunerjighead/ I know that it was working before kernel update because I installed google earth just fine. but after the kernel update It stopped using 3d accel. I installed and reinstalled some of these packages I may have hurt the system in some way?03:29
nooreazyHOLY SHEEP SHIT03:29
=== ToHellWithGA [n=TheStone@c-69-180-28-244.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuPlease watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen.03:29
alpha255kmilo: doh? hda vs hdb.. should have thought before typing03:30
jan1313LjL thanks for reply03:30
alpha255my bad03:30
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jan1313is fstab and grub menue the only thing which I should change?03:30
jan1313everything else would be okay?03:30
nooreazyi was testing something sorry03:30
Jonatha1Any1 is available to help me?03:30
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LjLjan1313: they're the only ones i can think of right now.03:30
ToHellWithGAic56: i just got done playing in the console.  i logged out of the gui to effectively freeze my home directory, logged in a terminal, went sudo su and copied everything again  just to be sure nothing had changed, rm -rf'd home, mkdir home, and mounted03:30
LjLjan1313: i definitely can't assure they're the *only* ones.03:30
jan1313is there anybody who has Tried it out ?03:30
nacho_wideforevernoob: my easy ubuntu install has frozen on configuring flashplugin-nonfree.  what do i do?03:31
Jonatha1i stuck in Live CD ...03:31
jigheadMrKeuner, have you reinstalled the restricted modules, you may want to mark them for complete removal and then install them again03:31
ToHellWithGAis there a more slick way to remove everything in a folder, recursively, without deleting the folder then remaking it?03:31
jmeThis wireless driver is asking me for "root dir of external pcmcia" - where might that be?03:31
jan1313another question is there any GEDIT for Windows ? I want to edit my /etc/fstab file .... Notepad shows it so ugly03:31
zquirmaptitude is almost unusable03:31
jmehehe, sorry to spam03:31
LjLjan1313: i have. i've changed those two files, and it worked, except that everytime i upgraded my kernel, it insisted turning menu.lst back to /dev/hda. other than that, everything *seemed* to work fine. however, i *might* have changed some other files that i don't remember changing right now03:31
Geoffrey2periodically, the update manager gives me a list of files that need to be updated...I was wondering if Ubuntu maintained any kind of file that kept track of the various updates that had been installed?03:31
zquirmhow am I going to administer this box remotely?03:31
jigheadToHellWithGA, rm -rf /foldertokeep/*03:31
zquirmthis is retarded!03:31
jmejan1313, try another lite editor like metapad03:32
LjLjan1313: try using wordpad, if the problem is that notepad doesn't show newlines03:32
ToHellWithGAthank you jighead03:32
alpha255zquirm: give it some time... it does take a while to get use to03:32
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MrKeunerjighead yes I did, Actually I have also downloaded ati's binary file created deb.s from it and removed it with forcing some warnings actually.03:32
zquirmalpha255: read what I said03:32
_davidhow do i do the equivalent to CHKDSK - i have reason to believe my fs needs fixing03:32
UKMattcan wine run AIM?03:32
ic56: cool.  Before rm -rf, you might have also verified the copy with something like: cd /home; find . -type f -print |xargs -i {} /temporary/{}03:32
LjL_david: man fsck03:32
jan1313aha thanks03:32
UKMatti dont like GAIM03:32
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jmeUKMatt, yes03:32
MrKeunerjighead/ just one warning relating /usr/lib/libGL.so.1.203:32
UKMattjme, how?03:32
jmewell, you need to get wine running, and then install AIM...03:33
nacho_widemy easy ubuntu install has frozen on configuring flashplugin-nonfree.  what do i do?03:33
feryanaI want an applet for the weather, i've installed kweather but is not working properly, I have dapper03:33
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jmejust like any program on WINE03:33
zquirmalpha255: How do you expect me to get used to a bunch of unicode characters everywhere?03:33
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zquirmthe screen is all corrupted03:33
_davidljl: i read the entry on fsck - but it says not to run fsck on a mounted file system... how do i get access to my filesystem without Linux being booted?03:33
jmebut it can be a little tricky03:33
zquirmi cant see what I am doing03:33
UKMattjme, i don't know how to run wine..03:33
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nomad111can i put the grub loader on my usb key03:33
ic56ToHellWithGA: cool.  Before rm -rf, you might have also verified the copy with something like: cd /home03:33
ic56 find . -type f -print |xargs -i {} /temporary/{}03:33
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jmeUKMatt, get it via synaptic and find an online walkthrough03:33
jigheadMrKeuner, man, I went through this at work, and I forget what I had to do to get rid of all of the ati stuff and get the ubuntu version going again03:33
zquirmhowever, no other apps are doing this03:33
zquirmONLY aptitude03:33
nomad111where is the best place to put the boot loader?03:33
LjL_david: you can still run it in read-only mode. it will detect but not correct errors, if any. otherwise, you should boot into recovery mode, and remount as read-only03:33
jmeAny ideas on the "root dir of external pcmcia"?03:34
feryanaI want an applet for the weather, i've installed kweather but is not working properly, I have dapper03:34
zquirmBitchX ansi and nano looks perfect.03:34
MrKeunerjighead/ strange reinstalling seems brought my fglrx.ko03:34
_davidduh.... i remember now... thanks LjL03:34
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Dial_tonedoh, one reason my fgl_glxgears score was low is because I'm converting video right now. lol03:34
ToHellWithGAic56: i don't like to live dangerously.  i'll remember that next time.  thanks03:34
jigheadMrKeuner, cool, lsmod it and see what happens!03:34
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LjL_david: or perhaps just boot from a live cd. or, third option, set the filesystem's "dirty" flag, so that it'll be checked at next reboot. except i don't remember how to set that flag03:34
ic56ToHellWithGA: yw!03:34
jigheadzquirm, have you tried `reset`03:34
Arrickhow goes it in windows land today?03:34
nomad111where is the best place to put the bootloader03:34
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MrKeunerit is not instaled in kernel yet I'll modprobe03:34
zquirmjighead: that doesn't matter.03:34
nomad111shuld i put it into its own partition/03:34
MrKeunerjighead/ it is not instaled in kernel yet I'll modprobe03:35
Jonatha1LjL: can you help me?03:35
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zquirmjighead: Like I said, I tried ansi, linux, vt10003:35
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UKMattcan someone help me run wine03:35
alpha255nomad111:  mbr works for me03:35
zquirm"reset" is irrelevent since I had to reconnect each time03:35
LjLJonatha1: perhaps, but i think i've missed your question03:35
MrKeunerjighead/ looks installed in kernel without problems I'll restart gdm03:35
detectiveinspektThere was a website that allowed you to generate a sources.list where is it?03:35
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic03:35
pngdetectiveinspekt, http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic03:35
Arricksorry about the windows quetion, wrong channel03:35
zquirmif I can't get aptitude working I'm going to have to ditch ubuntu03:35
nomad111alpha255, yes but wat if i want to format my linux partition later on wouldnt that destroy the mbr like i wont be able to boot to windows for example03:35
Arrickhow goes it in ubuntu world today?03:35
jan1313today something strange happened to my CD Writer in ubuntu... it was writing a CD then It hanged .... I had to restart , now whenver i put CD in my CD writer i hear strange sounds...and it doenst read the CD ...[even in windows]   is it a physicial problem or a software problem ?03:36
Jonatha1LjL: I can't install Ubtuntu since ntfsresize putting free space into almost full03:36
zquirmand use dselect instead03:36
zquirmwhich works.03:36
jmeshoot, no one know about "root dir of external pcmcia"?03:36
jigheadzquirm, are your LANG, LC, and LC_ALL variables set?03:36
LjLJonatha1: you should probably try defragging your NTFS partition, from windows03:36
Arrickjan1313, probably a hardware problem03:36
jmeoh well, I'll try elsewhere03:36
jigheadzquirm, perl gets cranky about those sometimes03:36
zquirmjighead: checking03:36
alpha255png: thnx! :)03:37
LjLJonatha1: yes. if i recall correctly, let's see.... "my computer", right click on the drive, "tools", "defragment drive". but i haven't used windows for some time03:37
nacho_widemy easy ubuntu install has frozen/stalled on installation.  what do i do?03:37
Jonatha1i have go back to Windows then use Disk Defrag?03:37
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LjLJonatha1: note that defragmentation can take a while, depending on the size and contents of your HD.03:37
LjLJonatha1: yes, i think that's the trick03:37
ArrickJonatha1, run disk cleanup first03:38
SixtyWattHas anyone had any issues with java hanging?03:38
zquirmjighead: LANG and LANGUAGE are set03:38
zquirmno LC03:38
Jonatha1oh okay Arrick.03:38
nomad111im worried about installing bootloader on mbr03:38
nomad111i dunno if it'll screw up things later on03:38
zquirmno LC_ALL03:38
jigheadzquirm, what are they set to?03:38
nomad111in terms of format linux partition03:38
LjLnomad111: haven't had a problem with it, that's all i can say03:38
LjLnomad111: that is, if by "bootloader" you mean grub03:39
Jonatha1okay, bye... i going to reboot to windows03:39
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nomad111what if i format linux partition03:39
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nomad111the one i hav ubuntu in03:39
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LjLnomad111: oh... that could be problematic i suppose.03:39
MrKeunerjighead/ thanks friend. it is working03:39
nomad111does grub get removed from the mbr03:39
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nomad111see thats wat i mean03:39
jigheadMrKeuner, np03:39
zquirmjighead: en_US.UTF-803:39
LjLnomad111: no, it doesn't. but besides the MBR, grub also uses files that *are* in linux's root partition03:39
zquirmand LANGUAGE=en03:39
nomad111isnt the mbr a section on the hdd03:40
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SixtyWattIf in Windows you would need to execute fixmbr to overwrite the mbr or grub will still be in place03:40
LjLnomad111: yes, but it's outside of your Linux partition -- of *all* partitions, actually. it's at the very beginning on the drive.03:40
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zquirmoh shit03:40
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LjLnomad111: however, as i said, grub does also uses files that *are* in your linux partition (namely, in the "/boot/" directory)03:40
zquirmI set it to en_US.UTF-16 and it works.03:40
zquirmfixed aptitude03:40
wodiethe beginning is ide0.. i installed windows on a sata-disk..bummer03:41
zquirmjighead: Thanks!03:41
zquirmbut where is this getting set from in the first place ?03:41
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nomad111i see well in the future before i format my linux partition should i: in windows do fixmbr then format it using partition magic or something03:41
zquirmwhy was it UTF-8 ?03:41
nomad111coz i hav an old ubuntu03:41
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Cntryboyoka back03:41
Cntryboyso how do i start this game now03:41
Cntryboysinces its extracted?03:41
LjLnomad111: don't forget the using-the-ubuntu-live-CD option. that's a life saver at times03:42
LjLnomad111: you can format partitions with it, as well as re-install grub later03:42
jigheadzquirm, i have no idea, if you *really* want to figure it out find /etc -depth -type f -exec grep -H UTF-8 {} \;03:42
nomad111LOLLLL u tell me now haha i thought i was downloading the alternate coz its safer03:42
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nomad111im actually burning it now03:42
nomad111shuld i go back and download desktop version?03:43
LjLnomad111: the alternate is good enough (and possibly better than the live) for installing, but the live cd is useful for "emergency" situations03:43
LjLnomad111: i'd have both handy.03:43
nomad111oh ok...03:43
nacho_widemy easy ubuntu install has frozen/stalled on installation.  what do i do? any ideas?  i'm sure its not crtl-alt-delete03:43
Cntryboyafter I untar gunzip a file03:44
Cntryboyit left folder on desktop03:44
Cntryboywhat is the command to start the file.name03:44
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nomad111LjL, thx for the help much appreciated im gonna go install 6.06 now03:44
eclypsesup everyone03:44
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LjLnomad111: in theory, the live cd should be all that you need (and still in theory, the alternate is only intended for installing on computer with little RAM). however, my personal impression is that the live's installer is currently not totally polished03:44
eclypsethe alternate cd can fix a hellovalot of problems03:45
eclypseIts pretty much the safest install route.03:45
eclypseanyone know how to fix the xserver error 'no screens found'? I've been attempting to get XGL working and this seems to be the main error at the moment.03:46
ZambeziCan anyone help mw with Conky? It won't work.03:46
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morphixZambezi: elaborate?03:46
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Zambezimorphix, I get errormessages.03:47
morphixZambezi: such as?03:47
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .03:47
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ZambeziIt comes in pastebin soon.03:47
mister_robotoeclypse: i've had that error  when i used the wrong video driver and the x server couldn't talk to the card.  have you looked at your xorg log?03:47
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zquirmjighead: /etc/environment had LANG="en_US.UTF-8"03:48
zquirmjighead: why would /etc/environment be set like that?03:48
zquirminstead of utf1603:48
eclypseI will in a second, mister_roboto03:48
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Zambezimorphix, http://pastebin.com/71579103:48
chris_hey all03:48
chris_im having problems booting dapper on my imac g303:48
chris_it already has breezy on it03:49
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tenzin_Anybody know some good ARDOUR, HYDROGEN and ZYNSUBADDFX tutorials?03:49
bogahaving trouble with Evolution. It asks me for a password to a news server though I do not need one! I am able to read msgs from this server using thunderbird with no password. Any help?03:49
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mister_robotoeclypse: oh... i keyed in on the error message and not the XGL part. I have not used XGL at all. I do know that it's generally a good idea though to see what sort of things the software is trying to tell you  in the logs :)03:49
chris_but i kinda screwed it up trying to use easy ubuntu03:49
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eclypsewhere is this x log anyways?03:49
mister_robotoeclypse: /var/log03:49
chris_when it plays the boot song/noise when booting dapper the screen stays blank03:49
JordiGHI have a question about the Kubuntu livecd, before I download it. Does it allow me to save most configurations to a usb pendrive, like a Knoppix cd?03:49
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cgeIs there some way to add a remote IPP printer without having the correct PPD installed on the local machine? When Browsing is working properly, the printers are added automatically and don't seem to require the selection of the correct driver, but when trying to add one manually, I am always asked for one.03:50
jorvis_I'm installing Dapper and have got to the "Prepare partitions" step (gui) ... I see the partition where I want to install it, but I don't see how to mark it as the "/" partition.  help?03:50
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mister_robotoeclypse: frequently you'll find useful stuff written to /var/log/messages too. check the timestamps to see what files got new information03:50
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mister_robotoeclypse: "ls -lrt" will sort the files with the most recently modified ones at the bottom03:51
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bogajorvis_: go back and let the partitioner use all available free space03:51
chris_hey im having troubles with booting desktop verion of dapper, when it has finished loading and plays the intro noise the screen stays blank, any help?03:52
chris_im using an imac g303:52
eclypseshall I pastebin my xorg.1.log?03:52
cgeboga: That doesn't sound like what jorvis_ wants to do.03:52
cgejorvis_: You are using the Desktop CD install, and not the alternate?03:52
mister_robotoeclypse: sure03:52
eclypsebecause I'm a noob and I really have no idea what to look for03:52
ZambeziCan anyone help me launching Conky? Errormessages here: http://pastebin.com/71579103:52
morphixZambezi: ah, thats just for temperatures.03:52
bogacge: well, if he wants to install, then he'll have to do that03:52
eclypseposting now...03:52
jorvis_cge: yes, the desktop ... I have winxp on another partition, and a fat32 partition with data I want to keep.  I see the previous /, /boot and swap areas from my last install, and I want it to re-use those03:53
Zambezimorphix, How can I fix it? I'm a beginner. So I don't know how to solve problem.03:53
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bogajorvis_: As I said, go back, delete those partitions then let the installer use all available free space.03:54
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cgejorvis_: I can't quite recall with the Desktop CD, since I never use it to install. The partitioner is really quite poor on the desktop cd.03:54
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eclypsemister_roboto: http://pastebin.com/71579503:54
bogajorvis_: the installer will take care of all partitions u need.03:54
jorvis_boga: and it will leave my fat32 partition intact?03:54
jorvis_(so long as I don't delete it, obviously)03:55
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bogajorvis_: be carefull not to delete yr windows partition03:55
jorvis_right, i see tat one03:55
bogaBe careful NOT to delete it.03:55
morphixZambezi: do u require temperatures?03:55
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jorvis_so i'll delete my previous /boot, swap and / partitions03:55
Dr_Geeksome ubuntu rooms are sure snobby03:55
Zambezimorphix, No.03:55
cgejorvis_: If you do want to use the partitions, if I recall correctly, you go to the next screen and can select the partition use there.03:56
JordiGHI have a question about the Kubuntu livecd, before I download it. Does it allow me to save most configurations to a usb pendrive, like a Knoppix cd?03:56
bogajorvis_: precisely03:56
cgejorvis_: But I would recommend the alternate cd for manual partitioning.03:56
alpacan anyone help me to convert mine to universal repository?03:56
morphixyou should have a file .conkyrc in your home folder?03:56
bogaleave the windows one03:56
linux_user400354i cant see my shared windows folders from ubuntu when i go to Places>Network Servers>Workgroup. Does anyone know why?03:56
morphix^^ Zambezi03:56
morphixZambezi:you should have a file .conkyrc in your home folder?03:56
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mister_robotoeclypse: is that all there is? looks like it got cut off03:57
cgeDr_Geek: Snobby? Hardly - I've found that usually only easy questions get answered at all here. But #ubuntu-offtopic would be a better place to discuss that.03:57
eclypseleme look...03:57
Zambezimorphix, Let me check.03:57
jorvis_boga: it doesn't seem as though I need to allocate space for a boot partition.  that's weird.03:57
cgejorvis_: It doesn't use one.03:57
mister_robotoeclypse: i don't know what all those drmOpenDevice failures means... sorry03:57
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bogajorvis_: the installer will take care of that.03:57
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linux_user400354is there a bug with using samba on dapper drake?03:58
cgejorvis_: You don't need one if you are using ext3.03:58
heatxsinkhello all, has anyone tried using mod_perl with apache2 on dapper?03:58
DarkLegacyMy friend is asking what's the difference between Windows and Linux03:58
DarkLegacyHow can I sum it up to him in one word?03:58
rbgCODEdoes anyone know how to extract video from a bin and cue file?03:58
DarkLegacyI've tried Linux != Windows, but that doesn't work03:58
Dr_Geekcge...i was in #ubuntu-ca today and 15 ppl were there just doing zip03:58
eclypseit seems to have gotten cut off03:58
eclypsehold on03:58
mister_robotoDarkLegacy: in one word?!  that's pretty hard to do03:58
heatxsinkit seems the default installation on dapper of mod_perl with apache2 is not configured to be run!!!03:58
bogalinux_user400354: Got an answer to yr prob?03:58
cgeDr_Geek: Oh - those channels aren't very useful. Everyone is here.03:58
jorvis_DarkLegacy: windows is easier and sometimes does a small amount of things well, linux is harder but you can do anything.   (one sentence, not one word, but hey)03:59
Zambezimorphix, No such file there.03:59
linux_user400354boga, no03:59
Dr_Geekcge  that is true03:59
rbgCODEdoes anyone know how to extract video from a bin and cue file?03:59
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MadpilotDr_Geek, how do you equate "quiet" or "underused" with "snobby"?03:59
cgejorvis_: And if you tell the desktop installer to use something other than ext3, it generally ignores you.03:59
friedohow do I enable ssh on a fresh install of ubuntu desktop?03:59
eclypseI'm posting the rest of it, in a seperate thing, mister_roboto03:59
Madpilotubotu, tell friedo about ssh03:59
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bogalinux_user400354: what file system do you have on yr windows partition?03:59
Madpilotfriedo, outgoing ssh should 'just work' - see the pm from the bot for incoming04:00
linux_user400354boga, when i go to workgroup, I get a message saying "The folder contents could not be displayed."04:00
JordiGHDarkLegacy: One word? Freedom.04:00
eclypsemister_roboto http://pastebin.com/71579804:00
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planetcallgoodmorning everyone04:00
jorvis_cge: it's going now.   it was pretty clear after I cleared the old partitions and clicked next, but a little more information on the "step 5" screen would have been useful, like "You will be able to assign mount points to any created partitions on the next screen"04:00
Dr_GeekMadpilot.........when you say hello to 15 ppl and get no reply04:00
linux_user400354boga, the folder being shared is with xubuntu using a second harddrive with fat3204:00
friedothanks Madpilot04:00
bogalinux_user400354: let's know what file system you have in windows.04:00
jorvis_cge: crap.  "Failed to create a file system"04:00
cgejorvis_: The desktop install really seems to be geared toward people who don't understand what partitions or mount points are.04:00
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bogaadd the follwing to yr /etc/fstab....U must be root.04:01
UKMatthow do I run aim in wine?04:01
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boga/dev/hda1    /media/windows vfat  iocharset=utf8,umask=000  0    004:01
rbgCODEno fn way why would you want to run aim?04:01
scottHOW THE HELL DO YOU WORK LINUX!!!  hi)04:01
UKMattcause I can't set a profile in GAIM04:01
imbrandonUKMatt, there are lots of other aim softwares like kopete etc04:02
UKMattwell... i can, but can't go to a new line (use enter)04:02
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alpha255scott: depends on what you'redoing with it04:02
imbrandonUKMatt, and thats an option04:02
UKMattimbrandon, what else?04:02
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Zambezimorphix, How can I get the file?04:02
cgejorvis_: Hmmm... I think there is an error log somewhere, maybe Ctrl-Alt-F{X} where {X} is some number between 8 and 12?04:02
scottxp and ubuntu just dual booted an hour ago04:02
bogaremember /media/windows is a directory u must create04:02
alpha255scott: you don't need to shout it though...04:02
UKMattimbrandon, is kopete for AIM too?04:02
Dr_Geekbbl........going to check-out another channel04:02
morphixZambezi: ok.. it seems on dapper, things are different, do this, cp /usr/share/doc/conky/examples/conkyrc.sample.gz ~/.conkyrc.gz && gunzip .conkyrc.gz && gedit .conkyrc04:02
imbrandonUKMatt, yes04:02
mister_robotoeclypse: i'm sorry but that looks like everything initialized fine with respect to your card. i don't know xgl or what can go wrong with it so i can't help you further. hopefully someone else will take up your problem04:02
linux_user400354boga, im not trying to share a folder. im trying to get see the folder thats already being shared on the network.04:03
rbgCODEanyone can help me extracting video froma bin file?04:03
UKMattwhat about itunes, can that run in wine yet?04:03
jorvis_cge: I had a terminal window open in the old mount point.  that was probably it04:03
alpha255scott: ?04:03
cgejorvis_: Ouch04:03
scotttrying to run GRUB (I think its already installed)04:03
rixxonlinux_user400354: a windows folder?04:03
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cgejorvis_: You'll have to restart. I hate that part of linux.04:03
bogathen u need samba04:03
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alpha255scott: why do you need to that?04:03
linux_user400354rixxon, a samba share folder04:03
eclypseI'm pretty much close to paying someone to help me get my laptop working 100% linux04:03
ubotusomebody said bcm4318 was a card you need to use ndiswrapper with. unless you use Dapper, in which case it's supported natively as long as you acquire the firmware04:03
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jorvis_cge: restarting already04:03
scottI just finished repartitioning *spell04:03
eclypsehowever, I know nobody that could possibly help...04:03
rixxonlinux_user400354: same thing, i guess. Places/Connect to Server04:04
bogaI'm afraid I'm not so adept on samba!04:04
Sivikanyone here use bcm?04:04
JordiGHscott: When you boot your box, do you get a boot menu? If you do, then Grub is installed. Otherwise, what happens when you boot it?04:04
jorvis_cge:  either way, this is much easier than getting Vista installed.  : )04:04
scotti guess04:04
mister_robotoeclypse: well... do you NEED xgl?  :)04:04
cgejorvis_: True.04:04
rixxonlinux_user400354: Service type: Windows share04:04
eclypsepretty much04:04
bogaBut Ubuntu has a places configuration icon04:04
eclypseit makes gnome a constant opengl environment04:04
mister_robotoeclypse: why? i'm curious why you want it so badly04:04
eclypseso, it would actually give me better performance then I have now.04:04
scottNo I'm runnig ubuntu as i talk to xchat for the first time04:04
Sivikscott: lol04:04
mister_robotoeclypse: but why is that important to using your laptop, apart from the coolness factor?04:05
eclypseit would give me better performance04:05
cgeeclypse: Actually, it is quite probable that it would be worse in terms of performance.04:05
alpha255scott: you're doing really if this is the first time04:05
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eclypsebecause it would turn gnome into a constant opengl environment04:05
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eclypsetherefore, I would get better graphical performance04:05
rbgCODEdoes anyone know how to extract video from a bin and cue file?04:05
eclypsefrom grnome.04:05
scottI want to use both my moniters (programs running)04:05
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Zambezimorphix, Errormessages at cp /usr/share/doc/conky/examples/conkyrc.sample.gz.   cp: missing destination file operand after `/usr/share/doc/conky/examples/conkyrc.sample.gz'   / Try 'cp -help' for more information04:05
mister_robotoeclypse: are you sure about that? i havfe a radeon mobility in this laptop and performance is very very good with the ati driver04:05
scottand learn how to get to the "command prompt"04:05
scottradeon 9600 series04:06
scott2 moniters04:06
eclypsecge, well as of now, the entire desktop system seems sluggier then windows04:06
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rixxonrbgCODE: depends totally on the image04:06
cgeeclypse: You don't have the sticky cpufreq bug, do you?04:06
ubotusee !restricted04:06
cgeeclypse: one moment04:06
eclypsethe what?04:06
zer0can someone help me, im trying to install libdvdcss2 and realplayer04:06
rbgCODErixxon just an mpg04:06
Siviki'm having problems connecting with a bcm4318 wireless card04:06
zer0but it says it cant stat04:06
ubotuI heard restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats. This page's intent is to enable you to play most non-free media formats that are not DRM encoded. Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats.04:06
alpha255scott: goto applications menu > accessories > terminal04:06
inonoHow can I find gtk-doc for Ubuntu?04:06
cgeeclypse: You are on a laptop?04:06
linux_user400354rixxon, that worked. where does the share folder get mounted to? if i knew where it was, i could download to it.04:06
amr2anyone experiencing regualr crashs with totem04:06
cgeeclypse: With a Pentium M?04:06
eclypsewell right now I'm on my desktop, but the laptop is right next to me04:06
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rixxonlinux_user400354: perhaps /media, not sure04:07
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scotti have 5 things but its not 'terminal'04:07
zquirmjighead: still here?04:07
blacktearshey does anyone know of any good games for linux04:07
scottunder sys tools *got it04:07
kmiloblacktears, cedega04:07
alpha255scott: aaahh04:07
morphixZambezi: hmm.. can u receive files via DCC? i could just send u the edited config, all u would have to do is place it in your home dir and then run conky04:07
kmiloblacktears, or free games?04:07
blacktearswhat is cedega04:07
jigheadzquirm, yes04:07
alpha255scott: i'm in dapper drake 6 release04:07
BioVorEblacktears: www.icculurs.org (I think)  and www.happypenguen.org04:07
blacktearsfree games04:07
kmilo@search cedega04:07
UbugtuThere were no matching configuration variables.04:07
alpha255scott: are you on 5.10 ?04:07
Madpilotblacktears, cedega isn't a game, it's a payware emulator for Windows games in Linux04:08
scotti just updated but im not sure if its dapper04:08
cgeeclypse: What does "cat /proc/cpuinfo" and "cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq" tell you about your CPU frequency, and what should it be?04:08
bogaanyone can help me with Evolution on a free news server?04:08
blacktearsi meant strictly linux games04:08
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Madpilotblacktears, for good free games - what style of games to you like?04:08
scott5,04 (ubuntu)04:08
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alpha255scott: ahh ok04:08
cgeeclypse: Or actually, what is the output of "cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq"?04:08
kmiloscott, lsb_release -d04:08
planetcallblacktears, there are many. Read a few descriptions in synaptic04:09
scottwhat cool things can i mess up with the terminal*04:09
UKMattyeah.. how do you run AIM in wine, i'm still not liking kopete04:09
BioVorEblacktears: UT2k4/Quake3/Quake3/Doom3/ROTT/Never Winter Night  just to name a few04:09
Madpilotblacktears, have a look at Battle of Wesnoth - it's in Ubuntu's repos, it's a turn-based strategy game04:09
cgescott: Everything :)04:09
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eclypsehold on a sec...04:09
Sivikhow do i get the kernel to regonize my bcm4318 wireless card?04:09
alpha255scott: you might like the newer released dapper drake better04:09
inolesI am back, LjL04:09
Zambezimorphix, I feel uncomfortable with that. I would like to make my own file.04:09
blacktearslike what syle?04:09
blacktearsis it04:09
blacktearslike starcraft?04:09
ubotusee dvd04:09
zquirmjighead, well,04:09
ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, amr204:09
scotthoary hedge hogf04:09
cgeblacktears: Turn based strategy04:09
eclypseit says 160000004:09
eclypseand that is correct04:09
eclypsethis is a 1.6Ghz cpu.04:10
scotthow do you get it04:10
kmiloblacktears, http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/games/04:10
Madpilotblacktears, no, wesnoth is more like Heroes of Might & Magic, if you've ever played that04:10
alpha255alpha255:  in terminal ... you can do anything when elevated too root04:10
morphixZambezi: well then.. i'll just pastebin my .conkyrc contents?04:10
cgeblacktears: Also, the development version on the wesnoth website is much better than the version in the repositories.04:10
zquirmWhen I try to use aptitude, I am getting tons of errors04:10
alpha255scott: be care with the commands04:10
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inolesdamn, Linux still recongize NTFS as 76GB but Windows detect it 20 GBV04:10
scotti Know04:10
Madpilotblacktears, open Synaptic, search for 'game' or 'games', have a look at what comes up04:10
Dr_Geekanyone know where to find a good chess game....that is not 3D04:10
alpha255scott: ubutu uses sudo which is safer04:11
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zquirmHow can this shipping release of Ubuntu be so screwed up?04:11
scottIs that right?04:11
alpha255scott: sudo rootcommand and exit04:11
eclypsecge, it displayed 1600000, I'm assuming its equal to 1.6Ghz, which is the actual clock speed of my CPU04:11
jigheadzquirm, your locale is set the UTF-8 by default04:11
cgeeclypse: Yes, so you don't have that bug.04:11
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jigheadzquirm, i think it's dpkg-reconfigure locale or locales to reset the default04:11
shad0w1ehey is there any way to hide ".whatever" files via samba, even if the windows client has "show hidden files" enabled ?04:11
scottIs it possible to mess up your actual hardware though>?04:11
zquirmjighead: what about those errors?04:11
blacktearswhat about attal04:11
cgescott: It _usually_ isn't04:12
eclypsecge, and I've already tried turning off powernowd to stop scaling, it made no difference in the graphical performance04:12
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scottpassword is mine?04:12
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alpha255scott: yes04:12
Madpilotscott, for sudo? Yes04:12
jigheadzquirm, with aptitude displaying garbage?04:12
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eclypsecge: and I was told by several people that XGL will probably make it go faster because of its opengl environment04:12
zquirmjighead: did you see the RAFB ?04:12
cgeeclypse: Hmmm... What type of graphics card does the computer have, and what driver are you using for it?04:12
scottcommand not found04:12
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zer0when i try to run apt-get install libdvdcss2 i get W: Couldn't stat source package list cdrom:04:12
zquirmI just posted the errors04:12
blacktearsanyone on a game called attal04:12
zer0then it tells me to apt-update but i already have04:12
eclypsecge: ATI Mobility Radeon X300 PCI Express 64MB (On board/Dedicated memory), and I'm using the fglrx driver from the repos04:13
jigheadzquirm, RAFB? i've kinda been in and out04:13
Madpilotblacktears, hadn't actually heard of it - just checking the website now04:13
Zambezimorphix, That was a better idea, but I found a thing for the Xfce4-panel which is very nice. I stick with that. Thanks for your time.04:13
zquirmjighead: http://rafb.net/paste/results/PuSGtB51.html04:13
blacktearsthanks madpilot04:13
zquirmthat's what happens when I let aptitude fetch/remove/install the packages04:13
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cgeeclypse: Are you sure you have glx accelerated?04:13
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zquirmit fills the screen with errors04:13
kiryxa i'm a duck...---..---04:13
eclypsecge: I DID lol. now its all screwed up again04:13
morphixZambezi: IMO conky is better, but its your choice.04:13
Madpilotblacktears, wesnoth has better graphics, no idea about gameplay04:13
scottmr burger knows?04:14
eclypsecge: it was working perfectly when I installed XGL.04:14
eclypsecge: and before.04:14
cgeeclypse: XGL can mess that up.04:14
eclypsecge: my proof, Unreal Tournament 2004 ran with perfect FPS04:14
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eclypsecge: well at this point, gnome seems to be already screwed up enough04:14
Zambezimorphix, Well. I'm a beginner. I'm listening. ;-)04:14
zer0when i try running synaptic it doesnt do anything04:14
eclypsecge: I thought my graphics card wasent working for the LONGEST TIME!@04:14
zquirmno such file or directory? wtf?04:14
jigheadzquirm, they're just warnings, and it looks like perl is getting around the UTF-16 setting by falling back to C, does dpkg fail?04:14
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eclypsecge: but apparently gnome is just plain out slow04:14
morphixZambezi: u can stick with the xfce4-panel if u wish.04:15
scottwho plays fps's on linux?04:15
eclypsecge: but I don't think a quarter second to load icons on the games menus is reasonable at all04:15
blacktearsim going with wesnoth04:15
eclypsescott: I would if I was on high speed internet.04:15
zquirmjighead: by setting it to UTF-16, it makes aptitude look perfect04:15
cgeeclypse: Yes, menu loading is rather slow.04:15
Zambezimorphix, Can we take this i PM?04:15
zquirmif I set it to UTF-8, then aptitude is in ASCII and is unusable04:15
blacktearswhat about the different campaigns04:15
eclypsecge: everything seems sluggish04:15
cgeeclypse: Have you tried KDE? Some people claim that it is faster.04:15
morphixZambezi: if u wish04:15
eclypsecge: I don't like KDE, at all04:15
cgeblacktears: What do you mean?04:15
LjLinoles: yep04:15
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eclypsecge: I like gnome, alot now, ever since dappers release04:15
Kiboueclypse: try windows04:15
zquirmdpkg works04:15
cgeeclypse: Neither do I, and I can't even explain why.04:15
Madpilotblacktears, just install all the wesnoth packages04:15
eclypseKibou: go to hell04:16
blacktearseastern Invasion official campaign for Wesnoth04:16
shad0w1eXFCE is very fast, and quite a decent interface04:16
Kiboueclypse: alrighty04:16
blacktearsits what it says04:16
cgeblacktears: Oh, just install them all.04:16
blacktearslol okay04:16
eclypsecge: there isant any remede? gnome seems to be a fairly flexable system...04:16
jigheadzquirm, so are you still having a problem?04:16
eclypsecge: perhaps it can be forced to use opengl?04:16
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scottI have cable and want an easy setup fps04:16
scottfor ubuntu04:16
cgeeclypse: It depends on what is causing the slowdown. I have also heard that changing to another theme can sometimes help.04:16
Madpilotscott, Enemy Territory04:16
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Kiboumetacity is the slowest part of gnome04:16
blacktearsokay its installing04:16
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eclypsecge: no, this is definately not the theme04:16
zquirmthe problem is that Aptitude looks totally corrupted if I use the default environment of UTF-8; it looks perfect in UTF-16, yet, it spits tons of errors in UTF-1604:17
blacktearswhats the style by the way04:17
Madpilotscott, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EnemyTerritory04:17
zquirmand why is it saying "no such file or directory" ?04:17
scottThey have wet for ubuntu?04:17
blacktearsis it like futuristic04:17
alpha255scott: i'd send you sftp instead04:17
M-Wei|OSXHi all.04:17
eclypsecge: doesn't windows use opengl for they're default 2d environment?04:17
blacktearsor medieval04:17
alpha255scott: more secure04:17
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cgeeclypse: I don't think so. Maybe for Vista.04:17
Madpilotblacktears, no, wesnoth is medieval/fantasy04:17
scottwhat is sftp04:17
blacktearsok cool04:17
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M-Wei|OSXI have a question about Weekly Newspaper.04:17
BioVorEeclypse: vista will04:17
_Lukshow to configure xterm font color ?04:17
alpha255scott: it doesn't send password and account in clear text04:17
blacktearsit takes forever by the way04:17
aquasoftpacitahow do you create startup applications??04:17
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blacktearshow large is it04:17
eclypsecge: so, you haven't any ideas whatsoever on making gnome actually work like a fast system? I mena seriously, it should be by every reason faster then windows xp.04:17
MadpilotM-Wei|OSX, the Ubuntu weekly newsletter?04:17
dliMadpilot, anything like heroes or age of empire?04:17
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M-Wei|OSXMadpilot: Yes.04:18
Madpilotdli, not sure04:18
scottCan everybody see that?04:18
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MadpilotM-Wei|OSX, join #ubuntu-doc please04:18
ASpacitahow do you create startup applications??04:18
eclypsecge: I mean, the desktop environment its self is much less demanding then windows xp.04:18
cgeeclypse: I'm not sure. It runs well on my laptop, at least when my CPU is actually running at 1.6GHz instead of 600.04:18
M-Wei|OSXMadpilot: Oh.04:18
alpha255scott: also you can limit where connections originate from too with the /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny files04:18
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eclypsecge: I turned off powernod and it was running at 1.6 and it made no noticible difference04:18
_Luksaquasoftpacita: Menu > System > Preferences > Sessions > Startup04:18
blacktearsanyway im going to play it for awhile04:18
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alpha255scott: i don't run ftp just for that reason04:18
cgeeclypse: powernowd works very well. My computer just was stuck at 600.04:19
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dlieclypse, cpufrequtils is good04:19
scottwill denying mess me up?04:19
DarkSpiritI am downloading the Desktop CD is it suppose to be 700MB?04:19
cgeeclypse: There are a variety of things you can try.04:19
scottshould i do that?04:19
_LuksDarkSpirit: yes it is04:19
bogaAnyone noticed that not all native GNOME apps are "obeying" the themes selected?04:19
eclypsedli:cpu scaling isant the issue here04:19
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MadpilotDarkSpirit, something like that, yes04:19
alpha255scott: just take a note of where you login from and limit to those domains / ip #04:19
DarkSpirit_Luks: Is it a Live CD with an option to install ?04:19
eclypsedli: or atleast, it doesn't seem to be04:19
eclypsecge: what things can you recommend?04:19
_LuksDarkSpirit: yes ;D04:19
eclypsecge: I've tried different desktop environments...not for me04:20
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acetechdoes anyone know what i should type in to remove the nvidia drivers from automatix, i think there is a conflict between them and the NVIDIA oem drivers04:20
_LuksDarkSpirit: you can run Ubuntu Live-CD without install it04:20
cgeeclypse: You should try changing the theme to something like Mist if you haven't tried it, since I have heard that the default uses Cairo and is slower. You could also try replacing metacity with another window manager, like XFWM.04:20
eclypsecge: and I'de REALLY like to make XGL work, I plan to make this more of a work laptop then a gaming laptop04:20
alpha255scott: i highly recommd the ssh connections over telnet and sftp over ftp04:20
KanRiNiNHey guys.  I installed the proprietary drivers, but since they suck, I want to try the xorg apt-get drivers..  What should I do first to uninstall the proprietary stuff04:20
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DarkSpiritI only ask because I tried Kubuntu, and it was 4.3GB. It was a LiveCD with option to install.04:20
eclypsecge: XFWM wont change the look of gnome correct?04:20
alpha255scott: and make sure to keep openssh package up to date04:20
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_LuksDarkSpirit: but was it Ubuntu Dapper Drake ?04:21
DarkSpirit_Luks: But you can install if you want using the Desktop PC ?04:21
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DarkSpiritDesktop CD04:21
cgeeclypse: Not really. It will change the feel of the window manager somewhat, and will make the window decorations look a bit different, but it will be mostly the same.04:21
Kibouxfwm4 has one major flaw though04:21
MadpilotDarkSpirit, 4.3Gb - that must have been the DVD ISO04:21
ghozthey guys, is there a way to start programs or use commands when gnome starts04:21
DarkSpiritUbuntu 6.0604:21
_LuksDarkSpirit: Only Dapper Drake have this option04:21
alpha255anyone else want to comment on ftp?04:21
zquirmoh this is so extremely annoying04:21
eclypsecge: how so?04:21
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zquirmit looks like I have to give up on Ubuntu, since they didn't seem to put enough work into making the console usable04:21
scottdo i have to be in root? to deny?04:22
Madpilotzquirm, huh?04:22
_Luksboth server and desktop cd's can do it04:22
bogazquirm: wassup?04:22
inonoWesnoth would've been cool if you didnt have to friggin rebuild your units at the begnining of the next campaign scenario04:22
planetcallzquirm, what is the complain about it ?04:22
DarkSpiritI will try out the LiveCD anyway.04:22
BioVorEhttp://www.icculus.org/  Linux gamming stuff04:22
scottAre they still working on that?04:22
inonoI mean seriously, like irl all your soldiers would magically run away between missions04:22
LjLzquirm: weird that the console seems to work perfectly for most people, from what i've seen in this channel since months. perhaps it's just your computer that's particularly peculiar, rather than the (enthusiast) ubuntu community being lazy?04:22
cgeeclypse: Well, it just _feels different_. It is more slightly configurable than Metacity, but you can configure it to be mostly the same. The themes are slightly different, but again, are mostly the same. XFWM uses the same toolkit (GTK), so it isn't very different. I believe the only thing that breaks is the window theme selection in Theme Preferences.04:23
Madpilotinono, you know there's a "Recall" command as well as a "Recruit" command, you know - in Wesnoth04:23
jorvis_rule1 when trying to get help: trash on the app you are trying to use and watch everyone run to defend it.04:23
inonoyeah and they both cost money04:23
alpha255scott: take a look at dapper drake04:23
Kibouxfwm4 doesn't remove the borders on maximized windows which ..sucks04:23
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_Lukshow to personalize my xterm console ?04:23
eclypsecge: I see. you wouldn't happen to have a Dell Laptop would you?04:23
Madpilotinono, think of it as monthly wages for your troops :)04:23
ghoztanyone know how to run commands at gnome startup?04:23
cgeeclypse: D600.04:24
alpha255scott: it is two releases newer and has some significant advantages04:24
LjLjorvis_: hey, i haven't seen such good advice since the times when you'd have to ask for a C64 in order to buy a Spectrum04:24
eclypsecge: heh04:24
eclypsecge: I have a Inspiron 600004:24
zquirmOK, the problem is fairly simple. I'm SSHing into my Ubuntu-server with a windows app called SecureCRT. Using terminal emulation "Linux." BitchX, nano, etc, they all have fine ANSI and everything looks correct. However, aptitude, which I need to administer my servers, does not.04:24
eclypsecge: any major differences?04:24
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_Luksghozt:Menu > System > Preferences > Sessions > Startup04:24
inonoMadpilot, i dont care about the goddamn monthly wages, but they shouldnt disappear04:24
cgeKibou: But it _does_ do vertical maximize, which is really nice.04:24
zquirmIt's full of remnants and corrupted characters.04:24
inoleshey LjL?04:24
eclypsecge: I would like to have a short discussion with you about some issues I've had with this.04:24
inonoMadpilot, all i remember is that it pissed me off, i started cheating, and lsot interest04:24
cgeeclypse: I'm not sure. I don't think so.04:24
Madpilotinoles, cheating will do that...04:24
zquirmSo I fixed the problem by editing /etc/environment and changing LANG="en_US.UTF-8" to LANG="en_US.UTF-16"04:24
cgeeclypse: Go ahead.04:24
ghoztthanks a lot, _Luks :D04:24
scottI tried but I cant even make your text turn red yet04:24
jorvis_LjL: heh04:24
Kiboucge: I'm using firefox alot and it just annoys the hell outta me that I have to aim for the scrollbar..04:24
zquirmOnce I set it to UTF-16, Aptitude ansi looks perfect.04:25
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_Luksghozt: ur welcome04:25
LjLinoles: yes, i'm here04:25
eclypsecge:can you join channel eclypse  so we can talk without everyone else talking inbetwen us?04:25
eclypsecge: its just easier04:25
zquirmAfter I set it to UTF-16, Aptitude *looks* perfect, but it spits these errors: http://rafb.net/paste/results/PuSGtB51.html04:25
cgeeclypse: Yes04:25
inolesLjL: i already defrag HDD but Linux still detect76 GB04:25
nickrudzquirm, you can get the same results with LANG="C" aptitude04:26
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zquirmI just want it to work.04:26
cafuegoinoles: 76GiB is the size of an 80GB harddisk.04:26
zquirmI'm frustrated.04:26
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LjLinoles: hm, then i wouldn't know what the problem might be :\04:27
inolescafe, how i make it to 20 GB for NTFS04:27
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dliinoles, you are resize ntfs using parted04:28
inolesi already did resize NTFS.. its not show correct space04:28
cafuegoinoles: The 76GB is ntfs? Use 'parted' to resize it to 20GB (make SURE you have less then 20GB of data on it)04:28
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zquirmnobody responded....04:29
cafuegoinoles: Also, make certain no partition on that drive is mounted whilst resizing.04:29
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scott76285 to be xact04:29
inolesits not mounted.04:29
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scottit'll go down from there04:29
hikikomorican anybody tell me how can i see mov movies in ubuntu?04:29
BioVorEhikikomori: install mplayer and the w32codecs04:30
cafuego!tell hikikomori -about restrictedformats04:30
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scottcan anybody tell me what format? (*.***)04:30
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aaronm23can anyone help me compile and install the latest version of alsa from alsa-project.org, i'm having troubles04:30
inolescafe, how i resize NTFS in gparted?04:30
jorvis_hikikomori: you might try: http://www.ehomeupgrade.com/entry/2663/how-to_get_full04:30
cafuegoaaronm23: Any reason you're trying to wreck the system?04:30
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scottdid they ever get that ntfs to linux thingy workin?04:31
eFoXhey..anyone know how well usb wireless adapters work with ubuntu ?04:31
BioVorEread is fine.. write is dangerious04:31
aaronm23cafuego: what do you mean?04:31
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dlieFoX, depends on chipsets, http://www.fsf.org/resources/hw/04:31
varsendaggraaronm23, alsa shoudl work out of the box, what are you trying to do?04:31
cafuegoaaronm23: Installing non-packaged system libs over the top of existing ones?04:31
aaronm23varsendaggr: my soundcard does not work out of the box04:32
zquirmnickrud: Why should I have to do LANG="C" aptitude ?04:32
cafuegoaaronm23: .... normally an extremely bad idea.04:32
eFoXdli: thanks, ill have a look at it04:32
cafuegoaaronm23: Then you will need to create custom local packages from the tarballs. Don't just compile and 'make install' over the top. That *will* break things.04:32
varsendaggraaronm23, is anypart of it working?04:32
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scottCan anyone tell me how to access my windows stuff from ubuntu??04:32
varsendaggrscott, !samba04:33
cafuegoNormally you only need the alsa-libs to be upgraded.04:33
scottOr is it even posible>04:33
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aaronm23varsendaggr: i don't believe so04:33
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dlieFoX, zd1211 works for me, http://zd1211.ath.cx/04:33
varsendaggrscott, did you get that04:33
aaronm23cafuego: how do i do that?04:33
eFoXdli: can you put it into monitor mode ?04:33
cafuegoscott: Just moun tthe windows partition, that gives you read-only access.04:33
scottread only?04:33
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scotthow do i mount?04:33
scottevent not found (!samba)04:34
nickrudzquirm, not sure. Except maybe that you don't have en_US.UTF-16 generated. Personally, I'd (and have done in other cases) create an alias for aptitude using LANG=C04:34
NickGarveyscott: comfortable with the command line?04:34
scottnot yet04:34
cHagHiis it possible to boot the desktop cd without using evms?04:34
hikikomorican anybody tell me how can i see mov movies on ubuntu?04:34
NickGarvey!tell scott about samba04:34
cHagHii mean, disabling evms?04:34
NickGarvey!tell hikikomori about restrictedformats04:34
dlihikikomori, mplayer can do it04:34
NickGarvey!tell hikikomori about restricted04:34
hikikomoriok thanx04:34
miguelsrsome body knows how it takes to start flashplugin to dapper? Configurando flashplugin-nonfree ( ...04:35
tb77hikikomori:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats04:35
Dial_tonemy dang volume level is too low04:35
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ubotumultimedia is, like, for codecs, http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/codecs.html ; and for applications, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultimediaApplications04:35
eFoXdli: are you able to put your usb adapter into monitor mode ?04:35
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dlieFoX, I don't know what is monitor04:36
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digimarsgot a tough kernel question04:36
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aaronm23can anyone help me get my sound card working? It's an echo Indigo DJ.04:37
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NickGarveydigimars: I think therse a lot of smart people in ##linux04:37
digimarsk, thanks04:37
hikikomoriis movie player the same as mplayer?04:37
MrKeunerjighead/ hi again. When I reboot fglrx is lost from volatile directory. what should I do?04:37
Dial_tonemovie player it totem i think04:37
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transgresswhy am i in ubuntu-unregged?04:38
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jigheadMrKeuner, which kernel are you using 386 or 686?04:38
jigheadMrKeuner, you said reinstallation helped, so if you are using a different kernel this time...04:39
cHagHiis it possible to boot dapper desktop cd disabling evms? it crashes on boot.04:39
cHagHiit was the same with breezy :(04:39
Alexi5how can i get to install telnet in ubuntu04:40
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NickGarveyAlexi5: its there04:40
Dial_tonewhy not ssh?04:40
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zquirmnickrud: Why doesn't this LANG="C" thing get fixed?04:40
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zquirmwhat is even going on anyways?04:41
zquirmI don't understand it at all.04:41
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Alexi5i just want to use telnet so i can test a telnet mediator client i am making04:41
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NickGarveyAlexi5: ja its already there04:41
MadpilotAlexi5, open a terminal, type "telnet route.to.somewhere"04:41
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aaronm23I'm trying to get my sound working can anyone help me, please???04:42
NickGarveyhaha I used telnet today to watch the world cup04:42
NickGarveyvery sweet stuff04:42
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nboundi wonder how long until they put a fixed version of libgtk up for updates. i msick of seeing "keyboardlabel|CTRL+X" ina ll my gtk proggies04:42
Alexi5i meant the telnet server04:42
tb77aaronm23: what card?04:42
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NickGarveyAlexi5: you want a telnet server?04:42
varsendaggrNickGarvey, that is coo04:42
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aaronm23tb77: Echo indigo DJ04:42
NickGarveyvarsendaggr: google "ascii world cup"04:42
tb77aaronm23: is the correct module loaded?04:42
NickGarveyAlexi5: oh um.. I would just make one?04:43
MrKeunerjighead/ I am using 25-686 now. it did work for 23-686 so i thought I could do the same for 25-686, booted into 25 did the same thing(reinstallation) it worked again. but when I reboot again into 25 I see that some of the restricted drivers are in volatile but fglrx is not.04:43
aaronm23tb77: i don't know04:43
NickGarveyAlexi5: find one in python pretty easy..04:43
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tb77aaronm23: open a terminal, type lsmod04:43
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Sjoerd-hello, anyone here willing to help me a little with network manager gnome?04:43
tb77aaronm23: look for snd-card-indigodj04:43
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digimarshello, I am running Ubuntu Dapper 6.06, and I have an AMD X2 4400+ dual core processor, but when I try to use anything other than a 386 kernel (e.g. 2.6.15-25 386), my system completely locks up, I've ran a memtest, and everything came back clean04:43
aaronm23tb77: no it isn't loaded04:43
digimarsthe kernel that I would like to get working is the 2.6.15-25-k7-smp04:44
Alexi5isn't there a telnet server for a ubuntu that can connect to and control the system remotely04:44
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digimarsbut even the 686-smp one locks up, as well as a regular k7 kernel04:44
tb77aaronm23: try loading it, sudo modprobe snd-card-indigodj04:44
digimarsany suggestions as to where to start?04:44
scottwhat is my servername/sharename to mount xp04:44
cHagHiboth breezy & dapper live cds crash while loading evms on amd64/sata/nforce4. is it possible to disable it?04:44
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ximkolohey guys, i hate to barge in, but i have a very quick fast noob question here,  how can i tell what kernel i am using, i have the new dapper 6.0604:45
tb77aaronm23: it might be snd-indigodj try that too04:45
scotti want to access it from the same terminal04:45
Dial_tonesweet, alsamixer solved it04:45
SixtyWattximkolo, uname -r04:45
MrKeunerjighead/ nvidia.ko is still there though04:45
digimarsximkolo: uname -r04:45
scottI would like to !samba on dualboot04:45
ximkolothanks guys04:45
SixtyWattwelcome = )04:45
Sjoerd-Anyone using network manager gnome?04:45
scottsystem I have lynksys04:45
aaronm23tb77: it's snd-indigodj, but i get an error saying "Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter "04:45
scottAny takers??04:46
zquirmwhere should system-wide aliases go?04:46
jigheadMrKeuner, does running /etc/init.d/linux-restricted-modules-common restart make it show up?04:46
MrKeunerjighead/ trying04:47
jigheadzquirm, /etc/profile for bash04:47
MrKeunerjighead/ no it does not04:47
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zquirmWell, how do I do it?04:49
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tb77aaronm23: i'm not sure about that error04:49
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Kiboudigimars: lockup + moving mouse might be a nvidia bug04:49
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zquirmalias aptitude='LANG="C" aptitude'04:50
maddashdoes anyone know how to swap partition table entries?04:50
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ic56maddash: yes.  Be more specific04:50
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maddashic56: okay, when I do "sudo parted /dev/sda"04:50
discofroDoes anybody know much about minix?04:50
mitjaHi! How do I stop Xorg, but stay in init level 3?04:50
maddashic56: then I do, "print", I see a list of my partition table04:51
maddashic56: entries04:51
jigheadMrKeuner, by any chance do you have fglrx in /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common04:51
discofroI'm not able to boot Ubuntu, getting a fatal minix not found error04:51
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aaronm23can anyone help me get my sound working?04:51
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MrKeunerjighead/ oops yes04:51
MagicFabare there any ogg theora (video) gui editing tools ?04:51
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maddashic56: basically, I want to be able to switch the entries listed under "MINOR x" and "MINOR y"04:52
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jigheadMrKeuner, whew, i was really lost on that one04:52
maddashic56: does it make sense to you?04:52
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MrKeunerjighead/ hehe sorry04:52
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discofroAny ideas on my Fatal Minix not found error?04:52
MrKeunerjighead/ trying reboot04:52
jigheadMrKeuner, you should just be able to restart the /etc/init.d script04:52
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zquirmI did PURGE on pcmciautils, and yet, it says:04:53
zquirmdpkg - warning: while removing pcmciautils, directory `/etc/pcmcia' not empty so not removed.04:53
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slonchohi. 6.06. i installed mysql-server, then I set a root password, but looks like I misstyped it. now I want to recover. I tried to uninstall mysql-server, deleted /var/lib/mysql and /etc/mysql, and reinstalled mysql-server. but it still insists on password for root. How do I make a "clean" install, so I can start with empty password, and set whatever I want04:53
zquirmwhy won't it delete the config.opts file there?04:53
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MrKeunerjighead/ I did /etc/init.d/linux-restricted-modules-common stop but volatile directory is still there04:54
maddashic56: any ideas?04:54
ic56maddash: by switch, do you mean exchange Minor numbers, or do you mean, exchange start/end locations of of two Filesystems?04:54
acetechcan someone point me in the right direction for installing an HP Laserjet 4L in dapper?04:54
kitchen1dpkg: error processing cman (--configure)04:54
discofroI'm feeling a bit ignored...04:54
jigheadMrKeuner, and how about /etc/init.d/lrmc start then04:54
maddashic56: exchange MINOR #'s.04:55
aaronm23can anyone help me get an Echo Indigo DJ sound card working?04:55
kmilodiscofro, #minix is a better place for your questions04:55
Dial_toneI can't decide if I want to nuke my 300gb ntfs disk and make it ext3 storage04:55
discofroI'll give that a shot04:55
MrKeunerjighead/ somehow I do not have that script04:55
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ic56maddash: so you want, eg, 3 to appear before 2 ?04:55
Dial_tonemain problem is I need somewhere to copy the files while I do it.04:55
zquirmmore damned annoying problems.04:56
jigheadMrKeuner, i abbreviated because i am tired of typing out linux-restricted-modules-common04:56
zquirmwhen I do sudo aptitude, it's not using my alias04:56
kitchen1While upgrading ubuntu 5.10 to 6.06 I get this: dpkg: error processing cman (--configure)04:56
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mitjajighead: that worked, thanks04:56
MrKeunerjighead/ oh . i did all sorts of things with it volatile directory is always there with the fglrx in it04:56
MrKeunerjighead/ may be I should just reboot04:57
mirineHello... I'm new. I'm trying to get the ubuntu online with a wireless card (Airnet: AWD108) and the CD that came with it only came with drivers meant for the various windows. I cam across this site ( http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/List ) but I'm stumped as to what I should do next to get the ubuntu be able to use the wireless device.04:57
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jigheadMrKeuner, can't hurt04:57
discofroThe people in #minix are saying that minix is a completely different OS than ubuntu04:57
zquirmWhy can't dpkg purge pcmciautils ?04:57
NickGarveydiscofro: because iti s?04:58
discofroI have no idea04:58
zquirmwhy won't it delete its own config file when I set it to purge ?04:58
forkmantisHello #ubuntu04:58
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MoNkUnLeis there no kernel-source package for 2.6 ?04:58
NickGarveyforkmantis: hello!04:58
NickGarveyMoNkUnLe: of course there is04:58
NickGarveyMoNkUnLe: linux-source-(version)04:58
discofroWhat's happening is, when I boot my system on Ubuntu 5.10, it says "FATAL: Module minix not found"04:58
MoNkUnLecan i dload it through ubuntu04:58
varsendaggrdiscofro, why do you think it is the same?04:58
forkmantisI'm trying to set up LVM, and am having trouble using pvcreate on the target drive04:58
discofroI can't find any reference to this error on the wiki04:58
discofrothere is one workaround in the forums04:58
discofrobut it's making more errors...04:58
forkmantisI'm getting this:  Can't open /dev/hdc exclusively.  Mounted filesystem?04:59
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jigheaddiscofro, does your machine boot past the error? or does it hang there?04:59
zquirmhow can I be having so many problems? Is my ubuntu usage-pattern really SO different from other people? ssh'ing into server and using aptitude?04:59
zquirmi am ready to trash this thing04:59
discofrojighead, it hangs and it gives me a prompt to enter command-line05:00
ubergeekI cannot compose characters in a spanish keyboard using de alt_r key, I have seen this is an extended problem but none of the solutions I have tried worked05:00
jigheaddiscofro, do you have minix in /etc/modules?05:00
woodwizzleI am having a horrible time with a ati mobility radeon 9200. I've tried the "ati" driver, the "radeon" driver and the "fglrx" driver and none of them work AT ALL. not just 3D. They all cause xorg to hang and not load.05:01
MoNkUnLe<NickGarvey>thx it was the using of kernel-source instead of linux-source05:01
NickGarveyMoNkUnLe: :)05:01
discofrojighead, I get an error that says "Cannot read /etc/fstabs" when I try to mount the main drive05:01
discofroDoes that mean my hard drive is dead?05:01
budwardAnyone else running Ubuntu on a MAc Mini?05:01
forkmantisAnyone here experienced w/ setting up LVM?05:01
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budwardLinux fleas 2.6.15-23-powerpc #1 Tue May 23 13:46:54 UTC 2006 ppc GNU/Linux05:02
kitchen1While upgrading ubuntu 5.10 to 6.06 I get this: topping cluster managerinvoke-rc.d: initscript cman, action "stop" failed., dpkg: error processing cman (--configure) - I've tried dpkg --configure -a, apt-get remove cman, all with same results. I'm lost.05:02
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Arcdoes anyone know how to get the usb modem kernel module?05:02
Arcfor 6.0605:02
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jigheaddiscofro, root should be mounted when you hit enter to get the command-line05:03
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maddashic56: ok, perhaps this is more clear: my MBR houses 3 primary partition entries (#1, #2, and #4) and 1 extended partition entry (#3). Would it work if I directly used a hex editor to swap entries #3 and #4 and then "dd" the stuff back to the MBR?05:03
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discofrodoes the error "mount: Mounting /dev/hda1 on /root failed: No such Device" mean my hard drive is fragged?05:04
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acetechcan someone point me in the right direction for installing an HP Laserjet 4L in dapper?05:04
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discofrojighead, when I just type 'mount' I get '/proc/mounts: No such file or directory"05:04
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Geoffrey2is there a command I can type in terminal to return the cpu type?05:05
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Dial_tonecat /proc/cpuinfo or something05:06
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maddashic56: ie, the entries start at (MBR+0x1BE)....so, could I manually swap the values located between (MBR+0x1BE+0x20) to (MBR+0x1BE+0x30) with (MBR+0x1BE+0x30) to (MBR+0x1BE+0x40)?05:06
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codecaineI upgraded ubuntu now my my xserver won't load because of the new kernel what do I do to fix this?05:07
discofroTo anybody: does the error "mount: Mounting /dev/hda1 on /root failed: No such Device" mean my hard drive is fragged?05:07
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Dial_tonemodel name: Intel(R) XEON(TM) CPU 1.80GHz05:07
Dial_tonemodel name: Intel(R) XEON(TM) CPU 1.80GHz05:07
Dial_tonemodel name: Intel(R) XEON(TM) CPU 1.80GHz05:07
Dial_tonemodel name: Intel(R) XEON(TM) CPU 1.80GHz05:07
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aaron_m23Can anyone help me get my sound working on an Echo Indigo DJ?05:07
slonchohi. 6.06. i installed mysql-server, then I set a root password, but looks like I misstyped it. now I want to recover. I tried to uninstall mysql-server, deleted /var/lib/mysql and /etc/mysql, and reinstalled mysql-server. but it still insists on password for root. How do I make a "clean" install, so I can start with empty password, and set whatever I want05:08
Dial_tonecodecaine: tail /var/log/Xorgwhatever.log for the error05:08
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maddashdiscofro: what command did you use?05:08
discofroIt says that upon bootup05:08
discofroAnd the bootup fails05:08
NickGarveysloncho: hmm.. give me a sec..05:08
sjoerd_Hello, anybody knows what to do when Network Manager Gnome does not list my Linksys card?05:08
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maddashdiscofro: are you still able to boot up  into Linux?05:09
Frederickanyone here using kdevelop in ubuntu?05:09
NickGarveysloncho: oh yes.. the power of google05:09
NickGarveysloncho: http://community.postnuke.com/Article1273.htm05:09
ic56maddash: so that the filesystem currently at ...0x20-0x30 would get swapped for the one at ...0x30-0x40 ?05:09
Geoffrey2ok, I have a 1.4Ghz Celeron M...would the 686 kernel make much of a difference in overall performance?05:10
maddashic56: yes, but ONLY the ENTRIES...not the actual partitions (on the hard disk) themselves05:10
discofromaddash, no it stops about 25% of the way through, then it hangs and it gives me a prompt saying "UIncompressing Linux... Ok, booting hte kernal. Laoding, please wait... FATAL : MOdule minix not found. mount: Mounting /dev/hda1 on /root failed: No such device"05:10
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codecainefixed it I installed the modules for the new kernel for some reason it didn't on the update05:11
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maddashdiscofro: Have you tried to boot off a live system? Maybe you could diagnose your problem from there...05:11
slonchoNickGarvey: perfect, I'll try05:11
Frederickfolks any ideas for http://rafb.net/paste/results/H1nyba64.html ?05:11
ali4728Help! Does any one knows why I get this message [I/O error reading boot CD]  when starting to Instyall Ubuntu 6.0605:11
maddashali4728: maybe your boot CD is damaged. Tried MD5-ing it?05:12
codecaineor you cd rom is dying out05:12
maddashic56: what do you think?05:12
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discofromaddash, unfortunately I don't have a live CD. all I need to do is get the files from the home folders off the system so I can reformat the drive. The problem is when I access the drive through another computer, I can't get into them because it says I don't have permission to do so because I'm not the owner. Is there another way I can gain access to those files?05:12
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ali4728maddash: what is the ecact command for MD5 plsss05:13
ic56maddash: Yes, if you are only swapping entries, I think you can do that.  But why would you want to?  The reasons why you would want to suggest that in fact, your intent is different than what I have understood you to want.  Perhaps if you tell me why you want to do this, I'll be able to give a more considered answer.05:13
zquirmI am so unhappy with Ubuntu.05:13
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maddashali4728: are you using windows?05:13
maddashali4728: or what?05:13
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zquirmI've been messing with trying to get aptitude to display properly and not spit errors for hours and hours now05:13
robert_Hm, if I install mysql 5.x(dapper drake), which version of libmysqlclient(binary+dev version, same box) do I need to install?05:13
zquirmwasted the whole evening05:13
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robert_ali4728: rtfm, and learn to speak english05:13
dylan_is Linux secure by default?05:13
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ali4728maddash: ubuntu05:14
ic56maddash: want to suggest -> want to, suggest05:14
Dial_tonegetting rid of this big ass crt would cut down on heat too05:14
maddashali4728: "md5sum /dev/cdrom"05:14
hikenboothello all-- how do i determine the current color depth selected for my x display?05:14
ali4728maddash: thanks alot05:14
steveOdylan_: not typically05:14
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steveOdylan_: thought I have heard Ubuntu does pretty well on a default install..05:14
madaanyone here know much about scripting languages?05:15
Frederickfolks any ideas for http://rafb.net/paste/results/H1nyba64.html ?05:15
dylan_steveO, so could i lock down a Windows desktop to be more secure than Linux?05:15
Madpilotdylan_, Ubuntu's default is secure enough for most users05:15
Healotmada: web scripting or shell scripting?05:15
maddashdiscofro: how are you accessing the hd from the computer that is about to be formatted? by booting into it?05:15
Madpilotdylan_, I doubt it, TBH...05:15
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maddashali4728: no problem.05:15
steveOdylan_: you can lock down either.. to be secure.05:15
caminomasterwhich CD cataloger can U suggest?05:15
eclypseis it possible to have more then one server open on XChat?05:15
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madaHealot: should have been more specific ... scripting languages ... perl, python, ruby, etc.05:15
steveOdylan_: might have more luck locking down linux if you really know what you're doing.05:15
acetechanyone have luck on setting up an HP printer here?05:15
sjoerd_Anyone knows what to do when Network Manager Gnome does not recognise my wireless network card?05:15
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Healotmada: web scripting or shell scripting?05:16
b0rgif anyoen has a few free mins to talk with me about ubuntu pm me. iam brand new and have alot of questions.05:16
steveOb0rg: such as?05:16
Madpilotacetech, my HP Deskjet pretty much auto-detected...05:16
maddashic56: basically, I own a laptop that has a special button. At boot time, when the button is pressed, the computer boots into a partition (#4) different from what it would have, had the button not been pressed (#1).05:16
madaHealot: i guess shell for now05:16
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Nephlimhey guys05:17
caminomasterplease suggest me a CD cataloger05:17
maddashic56: so now, I want the comp to boot into ubuntu when I press the button, b/c it saves me the trouble of having to wait for ntldr to display the list of OS's for me to select (call me impatient).05:17
acetechMadPilot, i just realized why it was not working... it should have been the first thing to check... it was not plugged in05:17
b0rgwell. out of most cases does ubuntu run right outta the box?05:18
johnZayHi.. how would I go about mappying the "Windows" button on my keybaord to make my computer switch workspace?05:18
steveOb0rg: yah05:18
Madpilotacetech, heh... that's tech support question #1 - Is it plugged in? Are you sure? ;)05:18
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acetechMadpilot, i guess it was plugged in05:18
ic56maddash: yes. that is a good reason for swapping entries, and this can be done.  Mind you, it will be confusing at some point in the future, when you're trying to recover data from your old corrupted disk and the 2nd partition is physically stored before the 1st...05:18
maddashic56: I've installed ubuntu and its swap partition under an extended partition....I figured that the button works by booting to into partition #4, regardless of whatever is actually located @ partition #405:19
Geoffrey2eclypse, yes, you can be connected to several servers at the same time in Xchat05:19
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nacho_widethis is a fun channel. thanks for all the help guys.  later05:19
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maddashic56: so theoretically, it ought to work, right?05:19
christianpipern00b Question: How can I trace an email to it's sender?05:19
discofrowell, i give up, the hard drive must have just died.05:20
christianpiperOr, more simply, an IP to a location?05:20
acetechi have parport 39560  3 ppdev,lp,parport_pc in my lsmod05:20
Madpilotchristianpiper, I'm not an expert, but mail headers can be forged fairly easily - makes email hard to trace sometimes05:20
christianpiperI know that... Can you (op anyone else) point me to a USEFUL (I have tried searching) site on the subject?05:21
ic56maddash: yes. but you must also modify /etc/fstab to modify the device names.  Eg, if you swap partitions 1 and 4, look in /etc/fstab and change (in the 1st column) /dev/hda1 to /dev/hda4 or /dev/hda4 to /dev/hda1 (change both, if both are listed)05:21
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heatxsinkhello all for some reason when I install libapache2-mod-perl2 restart apache2, when doing a apache2 -L | grep perl I can't see that mod_perl has been loaded05:22
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heatxsinkcan anyone help me figure out why this is?05:22
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NickGarveychristianpiper: you don't05:23
Nephlimanyone know where i can get Lexmark drivers?05:23
NickGarveychristianpiper: after it goes through the server05:23
NickGarveychristianpiper: you have no idea where its been05:24
Nephlimubuntu seems to have a limited selection05:24
NickGarveychristianpiper: unless, you host your own web server05:24
ic56maddash: Also, you better do this while booted from a different boot medium --like the CD.  The system might get very confused and do all kinds of damage if the device /dev/hda1 all of sudden is pointing to a different partition -- the sectors will start getting written to the wrong places and you'll corrupt your disks.05:24
tuxtheslackerhey, can someone help me get an ipod working as a rw disk?05:24
tuxtheslackerit's formatted for a mac, and I've yet to get it working.05:24
KrhisI had to go through hell to get Lexmark working.... bought a better printer.05:24
robert_Hm, if I install mysql 5.x(Dapper Drake), which version of libmysqlclient(binary and -dev package, also ubuntu) do I need to install to get php 4.4.3's ./configure to work properly?05:24
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Frederickfolks I need some help with amarok, it doesmt work here no music is played05:25
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tuxtheslackeranyone use an ipod with it?05:25
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dicesquirre1I've been reading the forums, but I can't seem to find a good way to install E17 as my Window Manager. I tried the easy_e17.sh script, and that didn't work, because I think it's geared towards Breezy, or something along those lines... could someone tell me how to get E17 up and running?05:25
KrhisO.o I just pluged in my iPod.05:25
Toma-ubotu: tell tuxtheslacker about ipod05:26
tuxtheslackerToma-, it doesn't work....05:26
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tuxtheslackerlike it mounts, but when you try to write to it it says read only.05:26
Toma-tuxtheslacker: theres about 5000 reasons why it might not "work"05:26
christianpiperNickGarvey: Well, I examined a header just now, and was able to trace scrtpnpl@netscape.com to three lakes WI- BUT using a windows IP lookup tool...05:26
b0rgsome point to  software for bittorent,irc, ect as i want to have it handy for when i isntall ubunt unless it coems with it....05:26
tuxtheslackerToma-, I'm assuming this deals with permissions.05:27
Toma-tuxtheslacker: ok, its a wacky udev permission problem. probably because its formatted as a HFS filesystem right?05:27
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tuxtheslackerToma-, yup, how woudl I fix it?05:27
Toma-tuxtheslacker: READ the howto and pay attention to the part about fstab05:27
dicesquirre1And as far as Ubuntu 6.06 "LTS" goes, what service exactly is implied by the "LTS" moniker?05:27
tuxtheslackerToma-, I did put it in fstab....05:28
Toma-ie. "/dev/ipod               /mnt/ipod               auto    noauto,user,rw 0 0"05:28
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dicesquirre1I've always been fairly hazy about that. What does LTS really mean?05:28
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rredd4my update manager loaded a new kernel...  I use the 686 kernel not the 386 kernel.  Could ubuntu people make it so that when a new kernel installs, it asks you which kernel that a person wants?05:28
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rredd4now I have to reinstall a 686 kernel and reconfig ndiswrapper...05:29
maddashic56: thank you05:29
ic56maddash: yw!05:29
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Hobbseerredd4: install linux-image-686 for that05:30
Hobbseerredd4: and yes, you'll need to compile ndiswrapper05:30
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rredd4Hobbsee ok, i just wish that it would ask me which kernel i want, would be a lot less hassle05:31
andreshello all05:31
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Hobbseerredd4: remove linux-image-386, install linux-image-686, it will automatically get you the latest 686 kernel, and not the 386 one05:31
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keatonDoes anyone here know how to mount a PSP?05:32
Hobbseerredd4: ie, functionality already exists, you're just not using it.05:32
Dr_Williskeaton,  Hmm.. not sure.. :P i got one right here.. but i dont know where my cable is.05:32
Dr_Williskeaton,  i just pop out the memory stick05:32
andresis anyone here wise in the ways of compiling a module of a modified C file?05:32
SixtyWattI have a DS, I have to try to mount it05:33
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jjackquestion... i'm trying to install to a hard disk, its the last chunk of free/unformatted/unpartitioned space on my machine.. how would i do this?05:33
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codecainewhen I upgraded ubuntu now mplayer plays movies all distorted what could cause this?05:33
Dr_Williskeaton,  plug it in.. enable the usb mode.. and check dmesg output. and it may auto-mount it.05:33
ic56jjack: how many primary partitions already in use on that disk?05:33
dicesquirre1So, could anyone enlighten me as far as 1) Installing Enlightenment 17 on Dapper and 2) what "LTS" actually means?05:33
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someothernickwhats the size of this free/unformatted/unpartitioned space?05:34
jjackumm... 3 i think05:34
rredd4Hobbsee is there any way to fix the update manager so that it only installs the 686 for me?05:34
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Hobbseerredd4: sure, i told you how to05:34
keatonDr_Willis: I'll try that05:34
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Hobbseerredd4: remove linux-image-386, install linux-image-686, it will automatically get you the latest 686 kernel, and not the 386 one05:34
roleris there a log of updates that were installed? i'm trying to troubleshoot an issue i'm having with my wireless, and i'm trying to see what packages were upgraded this morning in ubuntu05:34
nmsamy sound is not working anymore how do I know if the sound modules are loaded and which ones to load ?05:35
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andresI am getting several errors to the extent of "file or directory does not exist" (of the header type files) when compiling... does anyone have any ideas?05:35
ic56jjack: good.  Make the 4th partition an "extended" partition occupying the rest of the disk.  Then create as many logical partitions as you want, inside the extended partition.05:35
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b0rgdoes xchat or soemthing like mirc get installed with ubunt?05:35
keatonDr_Willis: Huzzah, it works!05:35
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[NP] Tangentb0rg: yes, xchat comes with Ubuntu05:36
Dr_Williskeaton,  egads! :)05:36
KrisWoodhi everyone, installing dapper for the first time, I'll keep you guys company while I go through it :)05:36
andresb0rg: xChat can be installed from package in ubuntu (already there)05:36
ic56does grub / Linux have any problems booting from logical (non-primary) partitions?  I don't think I've ever tried that...05:36
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PwcrLinuxHello there :)05:36
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=== Dr_Willis hides at the mention of 'mIRC' :P
jjackok... sec... i have a /dev/sda405:36
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Dr_Willisic56,  ive done it befor.. but it could perhaps matter on the mb/bios05:36
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jjacknow how what would i use for the "mountings" ?05:37
harryhow do you set up an application as a startup program??05:37
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[Ex0r] anyone here use gdesklets ?05:37
rightcoastactually i have wondered that, why isnt xchat, or irssi or at least something in the default install?05:37
ic56Dr_Willis: makes sense.  But in that case, one can put grub on the MBR and resolve teh problem.05:37
bobstroic56:  that works fine05:37
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PwcrLinuxDoes anyone who have a wifi card or wifi USB works on the Ubuntu lappy, which best product should be compatible with Ubuntu?05:37
[Ex0r] Trying to figure out if anybody has transparency problems using the applets05:37
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Krhisrightcoast, Gaim supports irc.05:37
Dr_Willisic56,  ya can have grub on the mbr.,, that then boots/chainloads the mbr on hda5 or whatever.. then have a 2nd boot loader there.05:37
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Hobbsee!tell PwcrLinux about wifi05:38
harryhow do you set up an application as a startup program??05:38
dr3wsterhi, I just got dapper and the beagle search tool won't find anything other than my gaim logs or applications.   It won't even find anything on my _desktop_!  Anyone have any ideas?05:38
aaron_m23can anyone help me enable pcmcia on my laptop?05:38
Hobbsee!tell PwcrLinux about wireless05:38
RezDawgQuestion, Im running breezy badger, 5.10 and want to do a clean install of 6.06.  is there an option to format the partition and install 6.06?  thanks in advance05:38
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ic56jjack: /dev/sda4 will not be usable -- it's teh extended partition.  You will create logical partitions (in Linux, these are numbered starting at number 5) and for these you will get devices starting with /dev/hda505:38
HobbseePwcrLinux: second link, about th wireless card05:38
someothernickRezDawg, yes05:38
Krhisharry, System > Prefs >Startup Programs05:38
harryhow do you set up an application as a startup program??05:38
hikenbootcan anyone recommend a package on ubuntu that will tell me the current color depth in use?05:38
Mixxcan anyone point me in the direction of some help with running quake 4 on linux?  there doesn't seem to be much of an online presence of linux gamers (linux-gamers.net seems about it)05:38
rightcoastKrhis, ahh, yeah it does i forgot, i wouldnt use it, or havent anyway since i like irssi or even xchat05:38
rightcoasti forgot it did05:38
harryKrhis: thanks05:38
HobbseeRezDawg: if you have the cd of 6.06, yes05:38
[Ex0r] I take it nobody does ?05:38
ic56Dr_Willis. Yes -- that's what I said.05:39
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andrescan anyone help me with compiler errors?05:39
RezDawgHobbsee, im d/ling the image now, but i noticed its 714mb and cd's are 700mb is the image going to fit?05:39
ThePubRezDawg:  why clean install?  if everything is working fine, just dist-upgrade05:39
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harryKrhis: theres no  "startup programs"05:39
chris_DBO here?05:39
Krhisrightcoast, I guess Gaim is just more simple. I still use a mix of Xchat and irssi.05:39
PwcrLinuxHobbsee: Yep I got 2 of them in my prvmsg and DLink or TrendNet or LinkSys?05:39
mister_robotoandres: what are you trying to compile?05:39
[Ex0r] I am using gdesklets with the sidecandy desklets, and I can see a square all around my desklets that shows my background05:39
HobbseeRezDawg: probably not, i'm surprised it's that big05:39
Krhisharry, System > Prefs >Sessions > Startup Programs05:40
ic56bobstro, Dr_Willis: thanks!05:40
[Ex0r] like that part of the screen is not being shown transparently05:40
HobbseePwcrLinux: any of the models that work out of the box, according to that hardware compatibility thing05:40
aaron_m23can anyone help me get my Echo Indigo DJ sound card working?05:40
andresmister_robato: im compiling the usb-serial.c file that I made some changes to05:40
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harryKrhis: does the program starts automatically when i turn on my computer??05:40
andresim getting errors about "file or directory does not exist"05:41
RezDawgThePub, well im new to linux and ive messed around with 5.10 trying to learn linux and im having problems with totems audio with windows media videos and i thought since i was messing around a clean install would be best in case i needed to tweak it to get everyting going05:41
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PwcrLinuxHobbsee: cool, Should I plug in before or after the boots up?05:41
Krhisharry, you'll need to log in to your desktop.05:41
[Ex0r] hmm05:41
HobbseePwcrLinux: before05:41
Krhisharry, what are you trying to start?05:41
PwcrLinuxHobbsee: Okay great!05:41
harryKrhis: skype05:41
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Krhisharry, then what I suggested will work.05:42
ijeffdoes anyone know if it is possible to change gnome to kde on an existing installation of ubuntu?05:42
harryKrhis: usually on what folder i could find the applications that i want to start like skype05:42
=== Matthew_W [n=Matthew@hlfxns01bbf-142177181196.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
PwcrLinuxHobbsee: Next year I will be in the camping, they got T1 wireless at the camp site..05:42
Matthew_WHey, small problem... My hard drive doesn't sound healthy, but I'm not sure - what kinds of sounds are normal, and what kinds are not?05:42
HobbseePwcrLinux: nice!05:42
ThePubijeff:  just install the kde package :)05:42
[Ex0r] how do I restart a display ?05:42
RezDawgI like linux, if only i coud have a dvdshrink that would work for linux that i could understand how to use, i think i would not dualboot windows anymore05:42
robert_Hm, if I install mysql 5.x(Dapper Drake), which version of libmysqlclient(binary and -dev package, also ubuntu) do I need to install to get php 4.4.3's ./configure to work properly?05:43
ijeffThePub: that's it? really?05:43
ijeffThePub: how do i set to use it?05:43
ThePubwhen you login at the GDM prompt choose to change your session to KDE05:43
Krhisharry, just type in this "skype"05:43
NickGarveykdm is what the cool kids use05:43
ijeffcool, linux amazes me everyday lol05:43
ThePubijeff:  what I said up there :)05:43
tuxtheslackerHFS+-fs: write access to a jounaled filesystem is not supported, use the force option at your own risk, mounting read-only.05:44
ijeffthx ThePub05:44
tuxtheslackerhow do i fix that?05:44
Krhisharry, unlike windows you don't need to tell Linux the full path.05:44
harryKrhis: ok thanks05:44
Krhisharry, anytime.05:44
andreshas anyone seen this when compiling before? /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.15/include/linux/linkage.h:5:25: error: asm/linkage.h: No such file or directory05:45
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harryKrhis: how could i play a streaming video on the internet. the "sudo apt-get install totem-xine-firefox-plugin" doesnt work05:45
crimsunandres: what are you trying to do?05:45
[Ex0r] ouch05:45
Krhisharry, there's more too it.05:45
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KrhisWhat are you trying to play?05:45
tuxtheslackerHFS+-fs: write access to a jounaled filesystem is not supported, use the force option at your own risk, mounting read-only.05:45
chris_DBO you here pal?05:45
tuxtheslackersomeome help?05:45
KrisWoodOoooh the new ubuntu install is pretty :)05:46
KrhisHi, KrisWood.05:46
KrisWoodDapper really IS dapper hehe05:46
KrhisNice name.05:46
=== N9URK [n=icechat5@user-0ce2dhc.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
KrisWoodHi Khris :p05:46
harryKrhis: i'm a member of Friendster.  i cant play the streaming videos of my friends05:46
Constycould anything think as to why when shutting off a laptop that it would automatically reboot instead?  Even holding down the power and such?  No bios settings available to change power management, and it does it regardless of OS.  Any ideas?05:46
KrisWoodI'm reformatting my WinXP to linux today, finally reached my last straw hehe05:46
NickGarveyKrisWood: be careful..05:46
N9URKanyone here use gnucash on ubuntu?05:47
andrescrimsun: see other window05:47
codecaineah isee why mplayer not working this update is under testing :(05:47
NickGarveyKrisWood: windows is still 100 dollar software05:47
NickGarveyKrisWood: make sure you have your install cd05:47
ThePubWindows works, it's just not interesting about doing it.  hehe05:47
crimsunandres: "other window" being ...05:47
Krhisharry, I need to know what media you are trying to play to help you out.05:47
codecaineavi dvix05:47
tuxtheslacker[17180728.332000]  HFS+-fs: write access to a jounaled filesystem is not supported, use the force option at your own risk, mounting read-only.05:47
tuxtheslacker ???05:47
skavengeThePub; good statement05:47
andresheh, perhaps the private window didnt work =(05:47
KrisWoodthe Windows Genuine Advantage thing made it not worth the hassle anymore05:47
Dr_Willistuxtheslacker,  you could ask a more detailed question..05:48
andrescrimsun: trying to compile the usb-serial.c file to add a parameter I need in order to use my verizon wireless card05:48
KrisWoodIf I've got to go through a hassle to get my computer working I'd rather use linux05:48
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ThePubskavenge:  lol, it's true :)  it does usually just do what you want, assuming you're not doing something "non-windows"05:48
crimsunandres: you're not identified, and this network refuses queries from unidentified users.05:48
tuxtheslackerDr_Willis, how would I make it for write?05:48
harryKrhis: never mind the streaming video, i have another question.. why does mplayer give me an error message of an invalid argument everytime i play a vcd??05:48
Krhistuxtheslacker, looks like no one is going to helo you.05:48
crimsunandres: /msg nickserv help register05:48
Krhistuxtheslacker, http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=HFS%2B-fs%3A+write+access+to+a+jounaled+filesystem+is+not+supported%2C+use+the+force+option+at+your+own+risk%2C+mounting+read-only.&btnG=Google+Search05:48
andresah ok05:48
KrisWoodif cedega can get my 3dsmax working I'm happy05:48
PwcrLinuxAnyone know about Canon IP1500 printer works on Ubuntu lappy?05:48
andrescrimsun: as background, im following this page: http://www.junxion.com/opensource/linux_highspeed_usbserial.html05:49
Krhisharry, what's the error message?05:49
Dr_Willistuxtheslacker,  from the error message - sounds like there is a 'force' option - thats proberly documented in the man pages for 'mount'05:49
Krhistuxtheslacker, did that help?05:49
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Dr_Willistuxtheslacker,  also sounds like it could trash the drive05:49
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b0rgwill iam takeing the plung iam gettign ready to install ubuntu wish me luck ;)05:49
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harryKrhis: thats the only thing i cant remember perfectly. its something like "iO??? : invalid argument" but the vcd still plays05:50
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tuxtheslacker1 sec brb05:50
rolerI am having a problem with video in ubuntu using a Radeon R200 QL... about 25% of the computer has no video. The computer itself is responsive... X fails to load with a signal 11... I'm not sure what to do05:50
harryKrhis: with ???, i dont recall whats in there05:50
Krhisharry, ah...05:50
Graighmm, is there any way, to control how nautilus displays megabytes and stuff?  i am trying to burn a dvd, and its telling me there is 4.6 gigs of data in a folder. but theres actually 4.730 something.05:50
Krhisharry, I use Xine personally.05:51
N9URKIs there a cpan package in apt-get?05:51
KrhisLooks like I can't help you with media.05:51
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andresdo I need to sign back in with a different name if mione is already registered?05:51
Dr_WillisN9URK,  try apt-cache search cpan05:51
harryKrhis: is that your default media player??05:51
N9URKDr_Willis: THANKS05:51
tuxtheslackerDr_Willis, the porblem is that it was auto mounte.05:51
chris_amarok crashed someone help me out?05:51
Krhisharry, yes. But I do have Xine, Mplayer, and VLC installed.05:51
chris_did a amarok reinstallation05:52
Krhischris_, just go ahead and ask.05:52
KrisWoodwoot done installing, booting ubuntu now :)05:52
chris_krhis what do i do to fix it?05:52
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chris_it wont boot up?05:52
KrisWoodbye bye XP :)05:52
harryKrhis: when trying to play vcd w/ mplayer. do you get the same error message?05:52
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Scottihey guys05:52
Krhischris_, Well, first you must sacrifice a goat.05:53
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Krhischris_, jk jk.05:53
Krhischris_, what error do you get?05:53
chris_just wont boot up05:53
Graigdoes nautilus not format dvd+rw disks?  *sigh*05:53
Krhistuxtheslacker, what?05:53
Krhischris_, open a terminal and run amarok.05:53
ScottiI am looking at Ubuntu.... I need you guys to give me a run down on it, I am thinking about starting to offer it to my home clients as an alternative to M$ Winblows..... Is there a way to get Windows progs to work on it yet, and is that hard to set up?05:53
tuxtheslackerI need to figure out how to get the auto mount to force my ipod to mount as a write device as well.05:53
KrhisThen tell me the error.05:54
dragoonanyone here use cedega ?05:54
chris_ok Krhis05:54
KrhisDid you read my suggestion?05:54
chris_nothing Khris05:54
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Krhischris_, sorry, I was talking to tuxtheslacker on that.05:54
Krhischris_, did you open the terminal?05:54
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chris_nothing shows up05:54
sjoerd_Is Winamp available for Ubuntu? Or what music player should I try?05:54
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Krhischris_, you can't get the term up either?05:55
Krhissjoerd, xmms.05:55
Dr_Willissjoerd,  dozens of media players out..05:55
skavengebeep is better05:55
chris_just nothing05:55
Scottixmms ROCKS!05:55
HedgeMageScotti: You can ask one of the gamer types about wine and cedega (two packages that may be used to rung M$ Windows programs)... as for ease of set-up, it's quite simple, though if you plan to be supporting it commercially, you should at least have some serious experience using it yourself first.05:55
chris_not at the next line yet05:55
Scottiits just the same really :)05:55
Krhissjoerd, it also uses Wimp's skins.05:55
tuxtheslackerKrhis, what was to me?05:55
Krhistuxtheslacker, http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=HFS%2B-fs%3A+write+access+to+a+jounaled+filesystem+is+not+supported%2C+use+the+force+option+at+your+own+risk%2C+mounting+read-only.&btnG=Google+Search05:55
Graigwhich is better graveman, or gnomebaker?05:55
skavenge*old* winamp skins that is05:55
sjoerd_alright Krhis05:55
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mister_robotoScotti: you could try using Wine to run Windows apps (sometimes easy, sometimes not, depends on the program).  also, you can get vmware for free now so you could actually run Windows in a vm on your linux desktop and that will work great (need windows disk though)05:55
[Ex0r] hmm, anyone know how to install adobe photoshop using wine ?05:55
skavengexmms doesnt support any of the .ws3 or whatever skin format the new ones are in05:55
tuxtheslackerKrhis, that link dind't get me anything useful.05:55
Krhischris_, what are you using for a terminal?05:56
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HealotI'll let Windows games run on Windows05:56
Dr_Williswine adobephosshopsetup.exe    - would be my guess05:56
Krhistuxtheslacker, oh ok.05:56
Healotfor god's sake, use Windows to run Windows applications05:56
chris_gnome terminal05:56
=== agcook [n=agcookii@c-67-161-196-229.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tuxtheslackerKrhis, any other ideaS?05:56
Geoffrey2Scotti, it's also quite possible you'd find acceptable Ubuntu substitutes for the Windows applications in question05:57
Krhischris_, ok. type "amarok" and press enter.05:57
chris_i did05:57
ScottiI guess I should just install the image I am downloading right now and get into it.....05:57
Krhistuxtheslacker, nope.05:57
chris_:| nothing05:57
ConstyIs it safe to run a windows based bios update utility using wine? :p05:57
dicesquirre1Question... has anyone gotten E17 working in Dapper? If so, how?05:57
baconbaconhahaha NO05:57
Krhischris_, there shoud have been somthing (anything?) printed in the terminal. Not just a box with an error.05:57
Dr_WillisConsty,  thats scary in many ways05:57
ScottiGeoffrey2: like MYOB, Outlook, Etc???05:57
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agcookthis is andres... registered name agcook05:58
Graigcan nautilus format DVD+rw disks?, which is better, gnome baker or graveman?05:58
Dr_Willisdicesquirre1,  i found a script that downloaded/compiled E17 from CVS (i think) it worked then.. a little. :P05:58
ConstyDr_Willis: It is.. but I'm not going to reinstall windows just do it :P05:58
chris_well its [] 05:58
chris_not next line yet05:58
HealotGraig: back to the backend >> cdrecord05:58
KrhisGraig, I personally use K3B. Very powerful.05:58
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ScottiGeoffrey2: Is there also a backup utility that will keep a customers file safe by backing up to a USB attached HDD ?05:58
Krhischris_, then it looks like it's runing in the background.05:58
baconbaconConsty: dont try to update bios from a VM, too :S05:58
dicesquirre1Dr_Willis: I used that same script. And I suppose it worked "a little" also. But I need "totally," otherwise I can't use the danged WM, heh.05:58
Krhischris_, pull up gnome monitor. Can you kill it?05:59
[Ex0r] I am trying to get photoshop installed because i've gotten so used to it. Would take me a long time to relearn gimp05:59
Dr_Willisdicesquirre1,  the script worked great.. it was E that had the issues.05:59
Dr_Willisdicesquirre1,  i dident find it that impressive really.05:59
Krhis[Ex0r] , ever hear of VMWare?05:59
dicesquirre1Dr_Willis: Could you direct me to this script, then?05:59
ScottiI just need something that will require minimal support...05:59
baconbaconScotti: there are many many ways to do this06:00
[Ex0r] yeah, vmware sucks when trying to emulate only an os, you should try it with an os and an app06:00
krazykit[Ex0r] : i think the last photoshop to work well with wine as 706:00
chris_how Krhis?06:00
dicesquirre1Dr_Willis: There's several out there, and perhaps I just wasn't using the best one.06:00
Dr_Willisdicesquirre1,  it was on the E17 site  last i looked. that was 2 mo. ago.06:00
[Ex0r] if not photoshop, at LEAST dreamweaver mx06:00
Dial_toneI hate not being able to edit id3 info in rhythmbox06:00
ubotuThe next generation enlightenment http://www.enlightenment.org or Install HOWTO at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingE17Howto06:00
dicesquirre1Dr_WIllis, awesome. I'll see if that'll do.06:00
krazykityay e17!06:00
dicesquirre1Hmm... that howto looks like it's for Breezy, and not Dapper06:01
Dr_Willisbehold the power of the wiki!> :P06:01
dicesquirre1Does that matter?06:01
[Ex0r] enlightenment?06:01
skavengeDial_tone; there are some fairly good stand alone id3 tag editors for linux you might try06:01
cat!info waimea06:01
ubotuwaimea: (A highly customizable window manager based on blackbox), section universe/x11, is optional. Version: 0.4.0-7 (dapper), Packaged size: 179 kB, Installed size: 576 kB06:01
Dr_Willisdicesquirre1,  i doubt it.06:01
sjoerd_xmms doesn't run mp3 files?06:01
cathow can i changed to dapper?06:01
[Ex0r] not by default06:01
ubotuit has been said that mp3 is a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats06:01
krazykitubotu: tell cat about updgrade06:02
skavengesjoerd; once mp3 capability is installed on the machine it runs them fine06:02
baconbaconubotu: tell cat about upgrade06:02
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Dr_Willisdicesquirre1,  easy_e17.sh  was the script i used :P06:02
[Ex0r] damnit, macromedia studio doesn't even work06:02
tuxtheslackergar, why does this read as read only, but it says amarok should be able to use it?!06:02
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Geoffrey2Scotti, in place of Microsoft Office, you can use OpenOffice.org....I just recently started using Ubuntu after many years of Windows, and found I had no problem at all transitioning over from Office to OpenOffice06:03
nmsahow can I know the module I have to load for my sound to work ?06:03
Dial_toneskavenge: ta06:03
rjianI need help?? how can i edit the samba.conf its say read only??06:03
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Dial_toneedit as root06:03
=== croesus [n=croesus@c-68-53-211-190.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sjoerd_sky|off will i need a reboot?06:03
GOhow can i watch videos06:03
GOon ubuntu06:03
jon_Can someone tell me what a certain error means, and how to fix it?06:04
baconbaconubotu tell rjian about sudo06:04
rjianhow can i login as root?06:04
tuxtheslackergarumph :-(06:04
dicesquirre1Dr_Willis: Hmm, I don't hold out much hope then. Blast... all I really want is a really nice replacement for Metacity. I'm sick and tired of how slow and bloated it is. Not to mention those ugly black rectangles :/06:04
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Dr_Willisdicesquirre1,  try 'sawfish' then.06:04
dicesquirre1Dr_Willis: can I just apt-get that?06:04
Dr_Willisdicesquirre1,  and i TOTALLY agree on the rectangles.06:04
Krhischris_, can you find gnome monitor?06:04
aaronm23can anyone help me get my echo indigo dj sound card working?06:04
Dr_Willisbut the gnome deva seem to argue more on 'where should the setting be to turn them off/on' instead of making it easy06:04
Dial_toneI haven't been here long but 90% of the questions asked are answered here http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper06:05
rjianthis is my first time to know about root can u tell me how to login?06:05
Dr_Willisdicesquirre1,  yea. ya could just isntall sawfish, and run the gnome panel. :P06:05
ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.06:05
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dicesquirre1Dr_Willis: I'll give that a whirl. Thanks!06:05
Scottibaconbacon: is there a util I can use to remote desktop over the net to give support??06:05
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scud_is it easy to setup xen in ubuntu?06:06
dicesquirre1Dr_Willis: Oh, and is there anywhere in the Conf-editor where I -can- turn off the black rectangles?06:06
Dr_WillisScotti,  VNC or its varients06:06
baconbaconterminal server client is installed default06:06
baconbaconits remote desktop compatible06:06
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Dr_Willisdicesquirre1,  not that i have EVER seen06:06
Scottikewl, is tehre a vnc version that I can program to CALL a connection from me?06:06
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dicesquirre1Dr_Willis: Arghh... I know, I looked for about an hour once. Heh.06:06
Dr_Willisdicesquirre1,  welcome to the GNOME (we are the boss of you!) world. :P06:07
Scottibaconbacon: isnt terminal server a M$ thing?06:07
croesusokay, now don't take this the wrong way, but I'm struggling here as to why I might want to keep ubuntu....in the fedora system it seemed like I had  much more control over what went on in the os..while here it seems like the distro is suffering from a lack of "easy" administrative tools..  Am I missing something here? granted apt is cool and all and yes, rpm sucks...but it's the administrative apps that are killing me here...06:07
sjoerd_My fonts in ubuntu look really ugly, I am using a TFT screen. What coult be causing this?06:07
aaronm23can anyone help me get my echo indigo dj sound card working?06:07
dicesquirre1Dr_Willis: Maybe you could answer one more thing that I've wondered about recently? What's the implication of the "LTS" moniker? What service are we actually talking about here? Canonical phone support, or what?06:07
baconbaconScotti: terminal server client does Microsoft terminal server style (windows remote desktop) and VNC style06:07
NickGarvey!tell aaronm23 about sound06:07
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Unintentionalhey, I'm trying to send a series of commands through telnet.  I figure I can just write the commands in a seperate doc and redirect stdin, but I want to include the contents of a log file in the script.  anyone know how I could do that?06:08
crimsunaaronm23: I had a factoid sent to you regarding 'alsa-source'. Follow those directions.06:08
Dr_Willisdicesquirre1,  no clue there.. Im my own tech support. :P06:08
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linuxuserwhats a good work around for a digital camera thats not recognized in linux?06:08
bobstrocroesus:  as in which tools? what are you trying to do that you're not finding?06:08
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baconbaconScotti: and if you want to enable incoming VNC, go to preferences -> remote desktop or something like that06:08
aaronm23crimsun: i followed it, and got the module loaded but still no luck06:08
Scottibaconbacon: ok, so is the transition hard from Windows to UBUNTU? I mean how long will it take before I can impliment it with my customers?06:09
crimsunaaronm23: did you upload the firmware?06:09
eFoXi put the wrong grub image up, and when i try to change it..it doesnt work06:09
Krhislinuxuser, personally I'd return it for my money back.06:09
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dicesquirre1Dr_Willis, I've found that LTS doesn't really mean anything outside of the norm. The standard forum help, IRC help, and wiki help that every other distro I've ever used gets. Now, if Canonical actually had free phone support, that would be something...06:09
crimsunaaronm23: many Echo cards require firmware to function.06:09
Dial_tonelinuxuser: a card reader :)06:09
eFoXanyone know how to change the grub imaage ?06:09
aaronm23crimsun: how do i do that?06:09
linuxuserkrhis, i like it06:09
=== bill_ [n=bill@cpe-24-90-204-52.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
linuxusercard reader, hmmm06:09
linuxusergood idea06:09
crimsunaaronm23: there may be directions on alsa.opensrc.org06:09
KrhisBut it dosn't work? ^^06:09
croesusbobstro: thanks for the reply...I want a replacemnt for the config-security feature of fedora as well as the services app...the sysVinit on ubuntu locks open and will not shut down gently :(06:10
Scottibaconbacon: what about USB usability? if I plug in a USB dev, will it come up like it does in Windows?06:10
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HealotScotti, it will, since HAL is around to do the dirty job for you06:10
ScottiHAL ?06:10
baconbaconScotti: you got to try it to tell really, it depends on what features and software customers need that are Windows-only, and for the USB stuff most usb keys / mp3 player works, but not so sure about cameras06:10
linuxuserperipheral support sucks in linux, which is no fault of the developers i know06:11
NickGarveywhen you ignore someone in irc, do they still see your messages?06:11
Scottihmmm ok06:11
HealotHAL is your hotplug/pnp best friend06:11
codecainewhen I try to play a movie in mplayer I get couldn't open the X11 display and the movies look weird anybody know hot to fix that?06:11
bobstrocroesus:  ok, don't use fedora. what does config-security do for you?06:11
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croesusbobstro: ...hang on..06:11
Healotcodecaine: what's you graphics card?06:11
Healotcodecaine: 3D acceleration enabled?06:12
Healotwait a sec06:12
ubotu[nvidia]  a graphics card manufacturer. For help about installing the Nvidia drivers on Ubuntu, you can visit the Ubuntu WIki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia06:12
=== cafuego [n=cafuego@ppp68-164.lns1.mel4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
rjiany is this when i try to edit the smb.conf it says bash: /etc/samba/smb.conf: Permission denied06:12
Dr_Willisrjian,  you need root permission, so use 'sudo'06:12
NickGarveyrjian: put sudo in front06:12
ScottiCan I install programs like Corel Draw 12 in Linux? how does it work out as a design station? I mean I know MAC OSX is BSD based asnd is great, but what about normal linux with graphics programs from windows?06:12
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl582.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu
tuxtheslacker can someone help me make the auto mounter mount my ipod as read/write, and not read only?06:12
Peloevening folks06:13
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croesusbobstro: http://fedora.redhat.com/projects/config-tools/redhat-config-securitylevel.html06:13
odathi everyone06:13
Healotcodecaine: change the output device... change it to OpenGL output for a while06:13
GOok so it said permission denied and i am the only user and the admin, why?06:13
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odati forget how to make a symlink  can anyone give me an example to refresh my memory06:13
tuxtheslacker[17182700.688000]  HFS+-fs: write access to a jounaled filesystem is not supported, use the force option at your own risk, mounting read-only.... that's what happens when it auto mounts.. and I need it to write as well.06:13
bobstrocroesus:  the firestarter firewall app seems similar at quick glance06:13
codecainehow do I do that?06:13
rjianstill not working it says sudo: /etc/samba/smb.conf: command not found06:13
rjian.. wat will i do??06:13
ubotuhttp://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI radeon 9200 & below supported by open-source drivers http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation_Guide06:13
Dial_toneln -s /directory symlink06:13
tuxtheslackeranyone have any ideas?06:13
PeloI need to read a "second" hdd it's my NTFS drive for my xp, I would like to access it from ubuntu ( which is on a seperate hdd altogether)06:14
garryfreDo sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf06:14
HealotConfigure your mplayer06:14
bobstrocroesus:  or you could just install lokkit and gnome-lokkit. looks like the same thing.06:14
croesusbobstro: yeah I've been using that,..06:14
Dr_Willistuxtheslacker,  you are getting beter at asking the questions at least. :P sorry i dont have an ipod.. or any other info to help. you may want to check the ubuntu wiki/forums however.06:14
ubotuinfo for syncing your iPod is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPodHowto06:14
cproganybody know if its possible to change any settings so that i can VNC into a box running XGL without VNC trying to startup XGL?06:14
linuxuserwonders how a beer would taste right about now06:14
ic56Pelo: point your browser to http://ca.geocities.com/ic56@rogers.com/65/diskmounter-latest.txt Page down to "Instructions", and read till the next blank line.  Follow the instructions to save and run the file.  It will setup your /etc/fstab and mountpoints in /media so you can see your NTFS filesystems in Places> Computer.06:14
ic56Pelo: The script will ask you if you want to enable NTFS write.  Answer no.  If you already tried unsuccessfully to add your Windows filesystems to /etc/fstab , add a -b flag to the script invocation.  I authored this version, so I can help if anything goes wrong.06:14
rjiandos anyone knows wat will i do if it says sudo: /etc/samba/smb.conf: command not found06:15
bobstrocroesus:  so what is firestarter *not* doing that you need?06:15
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Dr_Williscprog,  you can set vnc to use its own 'x startup' script. if you ssh in and use 'vncserver' - to make it load what you want.06:15
croesusbobstro:  and here is the services app I've been so addicted to...http://fedora.redhat.com/projects/config-tools/redhat-config-services.html06:15
baconbaconrjian: sudo gedit /etc/...06:15
cprogdr_willis, how so?06:15
garryfrerjian: Do this command sudo /etc/samba/smb.conf06:15
odatDial_tone, that doesn't look right06:15
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tuxtheslackeranyone know how to change a force option in the autowriter?06:15
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garryfrerjian: er I mean  Do this command sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf06:15
BoelckeCan anyone suggest how to create a new "print style" in KAddressBook? I'm trying to replace my wife's PalmDesktop functionality to keep her positive about our recent switch to linux as a primary desktop!  ;)06:15
mister_robotocprog: you mean that you want VNC to not show the GUI?06:15
pc22how do i restore grub? all i have is dapper installer and livecd of hoary?06:15
rjianah ok thnx06:15
croesusbobstro: I'd like to be able to click on a service and enable it06:15
Dr_Williscprog,  vncserver  normally reads the users .vnc/xstartup (check the vncserver script/binary for some neat info)06:15
agcookcrimsun: is the build command line you gave creating a new kernel for me to install?06:16
cprogdr_willis, thanks, ill try that06:16
Dr_Williscprog,  not im not sure about xgl however.. you could just have vnc start a simple window managher.06:16
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odatDial_tone, can you give me a full example06:16
Peloic56,  thanks , I made a paste of your instructions, and I will try them , thanks you very much06:16
GOhow can i "get permission" to work in my terminal, i am the only admin06:16
ic56Pelo: yw!06:16
tuxtheslackerDr_Willis, woudl you have any idea how to deal with changing what the auto mounter does?06:16
[NP] Tangentquick question: Printscrn will take a screenshot in Ubuntu, right?06:16
bobstrocroesus:  and you checked out System->Serivces menu?06:16
crimsunagcook: no, it installs build dependencies and downloads the source for the kernel.06:16
Dr_WillisGO,  you are being a littel vague.06:16
bill_Anyone been able to install Mac OS X 10 Ubuntu?06:16
NickGarveygo: sudo -i06:16
Dr_Willistuxtheslacker,  not really. i tend to mount my stuff manually for total controll.06:17
NickGarveybill_: what? that doesn't make any sense at all heh06:17
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crimsunagcook: you need to edit the source as you wish, then change debian/config/*06:17
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tuxtheslackerDr_Willis, this won't let me mount manually :-/.06:17
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jon_How do I uninstall java?06:17
crimsunagcook: namely, you probably want to remove the configs for the $arches you don't want to compile06:17
agcookcrimsun: ah... so then I should be able to compile using the line I used before?06:17
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agcookcrimsun: oic06:17
crimsunagcook: no, you need to install fakeroot and devscripts in addition06:17
tuxtheslackerDr_Willis, can you give me instructions on how to get this thing to mount manually so that I can force it to mount as write?06:17
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garryfreI think Bill, means he wants to do vmware OS 1006:17
crimsunagcook: further, you need the ABI files from the previous release06:18
Dr_Willistuxtheslacker,  im not sure you want to be using the HFS+ stuff. (i dont have an ipod so cant tell ya much more)06:18
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl582.securenet.net] has left #ubuntu ["Quitte"]
farousis there a prob with the repos i get the message connection time out too often nowdays?06:18
linuxuserwonders how a beer at a strip bar would taste tonight06:18
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GOone example of a response to the command is (bash: /etc/samba/smb.conf: Permission denied)06:18
cprogmister_roboto, i want to VNC into a box with a GUI, but while running XGL, it only shows the grey screen and hangs06:18
croesusbobstro: the system-administration-services doesn't seem -nearly- as detailed...06:18
ubotuPlease check this out, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingVMWare adjusting kernel versions to your own, to get the number replace the numbers with " `uname -r" The ` is a Backtic06:18
Dr_Willistuxtheslacker,  make a fstab file entry that mounts it whever ya want, and check tehman page for mount as to what 'option' to give it for 'force' the rw I guess.06:18
tuxtheslackerhaha! anyone know how to make my ipod a fat32?06:18
bobstrocroesus:  well there are others. but how much more detailed do you need?06:18
tuxtheslackeryeah, Dr_Willis I tried that, and it tells me the special device can't be found.06:19
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tuxtheslackerDr_Willis, /dev/ipod  /mnt/ipod  hfsplus  async,nodev,nosuid,user,rw,noauto 0 006:19
bobstrocroesus:  are you wanting to set multiple runlevels or what?06:19
pc22how do i restore grub? all i have is dapper installer and livecd of hoary?06:19
linuxuserms' s alternative to the ipod will be the ipeed06:19
jon_How do I uninstall java?06:19
rjianhow can i restart samba?06:19
Dial_toneodat: I could but I won't.....give a man a fish.....06:19
croesusI want to go in and turn on or off the mysql daemon, the fltpd,apache, etc...and be able to click a button and stop all access through port 80 to the outside world.....06:19
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, farous06:20
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and see also !javadebs06:20
snoopslinuxboy.. that's a stunning bit of originality you got going *rolls eyes*06:20
witsendHi.  Something mysterious has happened that is causing the colors in totem and xine to be completely wrong.  It has happened on 3 of my computers now.  Any clues?06:20
ic56tuxtheslacker: should that be /media/ipod rather than /mnt/ipod on an Ubuntu box?!06:20
snoopslinuxuser* rather06:20
tuxtheslackeric56, I made a file /mnt/ipod instead of /media.06:20
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bobstrocroesus:  well, lokkit for gnome probably gives you the same firewall interface you had before.06:20
GOhow do i take care of that "permission" issue06:21
linuxusertough crowd tonight06:21
NickGarveylinuxuser: heh06:21
croesusbobstro: I like the apt system for ubuntu...I love all the packages out there...it's just a few legacy apps that are holding me back form being able to be completely productive with it...06:21
baconbaconGO ... what specific permission06:21
farouswitsend: i am having troubles with totem here too keep craching06:21
garryfreI have heard that the kernel has a built in firewall.06:21
ic56tuxtheslacker: what are your reasons for preferring /mnt/ipod over /media?06:21
=== bytor [n=bytor@ool-182eddac.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
GObash: /etc/samba/smb.conf: Permission denied06:21
bobstrocroesus:  and the Services panel DOES start and stop what services are installed.06:21
eFoXwhen i try to create a symbolic link, it says the file exists06:21
tuxtheslackeric56, I just generally do...06:21
baconbaconof course you could run everything as root (just kidding, dont do this!!)06:21
croesusbobstro: I'll try lokkit...thnaks for hte advice.06:21
rjiananyone knows how to restart the samba??06:22
tuxtheslackeric56, I'm more used to it, and it shouldn't be relevant where it mounts....06:22
eFoXhow can i change that ?06:22
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ic56tuxtheslacker: what about Places> Computer ?06:22
bobstrocroesus:  you want to BLOCK access to port 80 to outside, or block inbound on port 80?06:22
baconbaconrjian: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart06:22
rjianah ok thnx06:22
tuxtheslackeric56, what about it?06:22
baconbaconor one of those files in /etc/init.d thats looks like samba06:22
bobstrocroesus:  i'm checking for a more option-ful services panel for ya06:22
croesusbobstro: if needed...both ;)06:23
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harrydoes banshee also work on mobile phones when tansfering audio musics like mp3??06:23
rjiany is windows when browsing asking for password? do i have to add user so that they can access?06:23
bobstrocroesus:  i do the symlinks for init scripts manually out of habit, so don't know the gui tools.06:23
GO-bash: /etc/apt/sources.list: Permission denied06:24
ic56tuxtheslacker: Places> Computer is setup to display the (presumably removable) devices under /media.  When you put something under /mnt , did you sacrificie access to it under Places>Media (though, of course you could still get to it by digging deeper) or did you remap Places>computer to /mnt ?06:24
croesusbobstro: thanks06:24
KrisWoodWeee I'm signed on from my main PC, now fully operational with dapper :) Now to get all my apps installed / working06:24
croesusbobstro: lokkit available via apt?06:24
linuxusernot to be out done by ms, apple ceo steve jobs announced that the ipod would be renamed the ipooped06:24
GOi dont no what else to say about my problem06:24
KrisWoodhas anyone here tried getting 3dsmax and/or photoshop working on ubuntu?06:24
harrydoes banshee also work on mobile phones when tansfering audio musics like mp3??06:24
tuxtheslackeric56, I don't use that part a :-D and part b, it won't mount.06:24
croesusbobstro: synaptics doesn't seem to find it06:24
bobstrocroesus:  yes, have you tried synaptic (System->Administration)?06:24
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harryKrisWood: try working with gimp from now06:25
bobstrocroesus:  oh, you want other sources enabled.06:25
KrisWoodno, gimp won't do at all06:25
harryKrisWood: you'll get used to it.06:25
mnishizawaquestion on dapper upgrade w/ wireless nic06:25
KrisWoodeveryone says that06:25
ic56tuxtheslacker: ah! ok, thanks.06:25
harrydoes banshee also work on mobile phones when tansfering audio musics like mp3??06:25
kriei'm new user06:25
rjiancan anyone help me.. because windows browse to ubuntu reuqest a password?? how can they access ubuntu??06:25
KrisWoodI'm not gonna throw out my photoshop CS cd just because it's difficult to get working properly on linux06:25
bobstrocroesus:  try Synaptic->Settings->Repositories and enable the missing06:25
KrisWoodI hear it works well with Crossover Office06:25
GOit might help if someone went one on one with me i am more noob than ne1s probably ever seen06:26
croesusbobstro: found it...06:26
bobstrorjian:  do you have samba running?06:26
harryKrisWood: i admit photoshop is really that gud. i wud also choose the same thing. but somehow i'm tyring hard with gimp06:26
rjianyup already running06:26
harryKriswood: do you have wine??06:26
rjianbut windows browse and a password appear...06:26
bobstrorjian:  well, they're probably accessing shares then, just like a windows box06:26
bobstrorjian:  yes, if not same workgroup/domain and you browse to it, that will happen.06:27
harryKrisWood: do you have wine?? or you dont know wine yet??06:27
bobstrorjian:  you can set up samba just like a windows box.06:27
rjianhow can i do like that?06:27
mnishizawaI just upgraded a machine to dapper and my wireless card has stopped getting an ip from the router... I get signal from the router, my network info has not changed, but no ip address06:27
bobstrorjian:  check out the samba howtos. there's probably one for ubuntu somewhere.06:28
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croesusmnishizawa: reboot the router06:28
mnishizawacroesus: is that it?06:28
croesusmnishizawa: it worked for mine when I had the same problem06:29
harryKrisWood: i think wine can help to install photoshop CS on linux06:29
eFoXcould someone help me get a splash image to appear on my grub :(06:29
rjianhow can i add user on samba?06:29
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croesusharry: wine does an ok job, but crossover office makes it work quite well...06:29
harrycroesus: whats crossover office??06:30
croesusharry standby...it's commercial06:30
linuxuserxandros has crossover office06:30
linuxuserive used it06:30
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mister_robotomnishizawa: i had the exact same problem. i never could get it to work until i reinstalled dapper from scratch. it was like the updated dapper was using some old info from breezy or something. never did figure out how to get the upgrade working. the upgrade didn't work but booting from the live cd worked fine.  <shrug>06:30
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Dr_Willisrjian,  like smbpasswd -a username    - So they can access their  samba/home share?06:31
harrycroesus: can you explain it further. does it work like wine, but its much better ??06:31
b0rgwell i have got ubuntu installed. runs great iam sure i will have ons of noob questions ;)06:31
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croesusharry http://www.codeweavers.com/   wine on steroids06:31
alpacan anyone please help me to make my repository into universal!06:31
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sjoerd_Anyone knows a password manager / safe that works for both Windows XP and Ubuntu?06:31
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croesuslinuxuser: yes, xandros (the "full version") has crossover06:32
NickGarveysjoerd_: brain?06:32
linuxusersjoerd: you could set up a bios boot password i would think06:32
Dr_Willissjoerd,  just use the password 'password' that way you never forget it. :P06:32
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harrycroesus: does crossover office helps better than wine when intalling windows application??06:32
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croesusharry pretty much06:33
sjoerd_linuxuser I'm not talking about the bios boot password06:33
sjoerd_I'm talking about a program to store passwords06:33
bobstrook, anybody know of a more functional runlevel editor for croesus?06:33
nathanaelI have no sound whenever I play flash files in Firefox (Dapper Drake)06:33
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nathanaelHow do I enable sound for FLash in firefox?06:33
linuxusertwo distinct operating systems , one program to manage both passwords, i doubt it06:34
sjoerd_you don't want to :)06:34
croesusharry:  I used it to install my 6 yr old daughter's lil' windows games on her distro of ubuntu and they all work fine..06:34
bobstrocroesus:  you can start/stop services with what's there, but i'm not finding anything prettier.06:34
montezumacould anyone help me to install the plugin to be able to play mpgs?06:34
bobstrosjoerd:  you mean a password safe type program?06:34
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sjoerd_linuxuser: It doesn't have to be one program, just the same database.06:34
croesusbobstro thanks for all your help :)06:34
francfnathanael, there is an excelent guide in the forums, let me search and give you the link06:34
sjoerd_bobstro: Yes, that is what I was asking about06:34
bobstrocroesus:  it can be done, just interface looks a little different06:34
nathanaelI tried linking the .so files - didn't work06:34
croesusbobstro yep...I just don't have the time to write one myself at the moment but I might have to...06:35
harrycroesus: does crossover helps me install drivers for my hardwares using a CD's. example for my graphic cards? or i can install my drivers without the help of wine or crossover by just the CD's06:35
sjoerd_ok there is no safe available as you know?06:35
bobstrocroesus:  i honestly don't understand what it is that's missing from what's there that you need, unless you want to edit MULTIPLE runlevels?06:35
bobstrosjoerd:  i'm not aware of one, but checking the gnu06:36
=== matthew_ [n=matthew@hlfxns01bbf-142177181196.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
KrisWoodDamn this is the flashiest linux I've seen yet :)06:36
KrisWoodok, up next is getting drivers for all my hardware...06:36
Scottisjoerd_: errr........ can i msg you and ask a few questions? I just cant hack the speed of this chat, I havent got my glasses right now :(06:36
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KrisWoodAnyone here use a wacom tablet with ubuntu?06:36
nathanaelDoes everyone here with Dapper have sound in Firefox when viewing Flash?06:36
sjoerd_Scotti: sure.06:36
croesusbobstro, actually using the sysVinit on ubuntu you -can- edit multiple runlevels...it's just screwed up a bit in the way it come accross...perhaps it's intended for Kubuntu instead?06:36
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linuxusernathanael: dunno, never checked06:37
croesusnathanael: yes06:37
nomad111im so screwed ubuntu setup wont finish on my laptop it is screwed my mbr and i cant boot anything im using my "KUBUNTU" live cd at the moment06:37
linuxusernathanael: i do know that real player works ok06:37
nathanaelcroesus: And no issues getting it to work?06:37
bobstrocroesus:   if it works, does it matter?06:37
nomad111it just ceases at 'Running 22gnome_panel_data'06:37
nomad111in the setup06:37
eFoXcan i copy an image to the "splash.xpm.gz" ? or do i have to do something special ?06:37
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rightcoastnathanael, http://roel.wordpress.com/2005/10/19/fix-sound-for-flash-on-ubuntu/06:38
morphixwhere are all the man pages kept?06:38
francfnathanael, the problem is while Flash play a sound, take over the sound card, no matter if you are using a ESD daemon.06:38
croesusbobstro works, just once invoked it won't close...unless you ps aux and kill all the proc06:38
francfuse this link06:38
NickGarveymorphix: /usr/share/doc06:38
rightcoastignore the question marks btw06:38
NickGarveymorphix: has a lot of stuff06:38
rightcoastin that code06:38
nomad111cant any1 help me06:38
croesusnathanael: I ddin't have any problems with it06:38
morphixNickGarvey: what about /usr/share/man ?06:38
KrisWoodhmmm My windows formatted hard drives are showing up in the file browser but when I click them it says I cannot mount them06:38
croesusnathanael: youtube city06:38
NickGarveymorphix: there too ;)06:38
bobstrocroesus:  and you really need to edit those often enough to make/break choice of distribution?06:39
linuxuserkriswood: formated in ntfs?06:39
morphixNickGarvey: well hopefully thats all deleted then :)06:39
=== nomad111 is being tortured by ubuntu setup
NickGarveymorphix: haha  no bloat for you?06:39
linuxusernomad111: easyubuntu06:39
nomad111wats that06:39
KrisWoodlinuxuser: one is, another is fat3206:39
morphixNickGarvey: i am creating a live cd/dvd06:39
croesusbobstro: I'm a freak, I'll admit it...but it's not so much editting the runlevel as stopping and starting the processes... that I use it for...06:39
NickGarveymorphix: oh cool06:40
ic56KrisWood: point your browser to http://ca.geocities.com/ic56@rogers.com/65/diskmounter-latest.txt Page down to "Instructions", and read till the next blank line.  Follow the instructions to save and run the file.  It will setup your /etc/fstab and mountpoints in /media so you can see your NTFS filesystems in Places> Computer.06:40
ic56KrisWood: The script will ask you if you want to enable NTFS write.  Answer no.  If you already tried unsuccessfully to add your Windows filesystems to /etc/fstab , add a -b flag to the script invocation.  I authored this version, so I can help if anything goes wrong.06:40
KrisWoodhmmm, I also have an unformatted hard drive that isn't showing up at all06:40
linuxuserkriswood: is this a livecd your running and drive located inside the pc?06:40
KrisWoodThanks ic5606:40
bobstrocroesus:  use the init scripts directly then (sudo /etc/init.d/<whatever> start|stop works for me06:40
=== PwcrLinux 's lappy just Linux only (Ext formatted)
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KrisWoodlinuxuser: no, this is a full install06:40
ic56KrisWood: yw!06:40
nomad111linuxuser: its ceasing at this step in the setup "Running 22gnome_panel_data"06:40
scudhas anyone attempted to install xen on their ubuntu install?06:40
nomad111i got intel chipset 945gm06:41
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bobstrocroesus:  i installed "bum" and it will let you start/stop interactively.06:41
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PwcrLinuxKris: did you dumped the windows out?06:41
bobstrocroesus:  if you insist on a gui :)06:41
harrycroesus: which one is better. the Crossover office or the Cedega. if just used for installing games??06:41
morphixis there a tool in ubuntu dapper which shows the sizes of all installed apps? so i can see what i really dont need.06:41
bobstrocroesus:  but still limited to current runlevel06:42
garryfreSo many people ask, they should put a link to ic56's awesome script in one of the pages above.06:42
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KrisWoodPwcrLinux: yeah, I moved all my important files to two of the drives and reformatted my C drive as my root filesystem :)06:42
Scottisjoerd_ ?06:42
bobstrogarryfre:  what script is that?06:42
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eFoXi put an image for my grub..but i put the wrong one, now i cant change it...could someone help me ?06:42
rjianhow can i disable the password when windows login to ubuntu?06:42
PwcrLinuxKris: ah, that's good, but the NFTS cannot be open in your linux to view it....06:43
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garryfrebobstro He wrote a nice script to allow folks to set up access to windows drives under places.06:43
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nathanaelWow -that was an awesome-ly simple solution06:43
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mepis1no kuickshow in mepis?06:43
linuxuserrjian: system, administration, windows login,06:43
bobstrogarryfre:  doesn't Places->Network Places do that?06:43
krazykitmepis1: ask #mepis06:43
KrisWoodhow do I format and mount a hard drive that's not yet partitioned at all?06:44
wulaxeFoX: use a liveCD?06:44
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ic56garryfre: that link is a beta.  The last officially published version is on the wiki.  Also, I'm not the original author -- just the latest author to make improvements to the script.  This version will become official soon, hopefully.06:44
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nathanaelformat (drive)06:44
rjiantheres no windows login ??06:44
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b0rgis ther spyware/adware risk with linux if so whats a good program to handle this? (sorry for noob questions)06:44
ScottiFirstly, I have a project on at the moment where I need to impliment a file server to hold large graphics files as well as use Acronis True Image to image the fresh install of each workstation on the network. Can I do all of this in Linux instead of Windows, and if so how hard is it to set up?06:44
mepis1krazykit: same base system06:44
sjoerd_yes Scotti06:44
sparkleytone? virus06:44
KrisWoodb0rg: very little risk06:44
bobstrorjian:  are your linux and windows systems in same workgroup (samba)?06:45
Scottisjoerd_ I cant MSG, i am not registered :(06:45
krazykitmepis1: not really.  they install different things by default.06:45
garryfrebobstro Might, I dunno.  ic56 says there is a stable version of it on the wiki already06:45
sjoerd_as far as I know  you don't have to be registered06:45
b0rgawsome ;)06:45
Scottisjoerd_ : Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )06:45
rjianyup this is a workgroup i just want to disable the password when windows browse my computer??06:45
mepis1krazykit: not in synaptic either06:45
PwcrLinuxKris: I recommend get new hard drive, and pop the install linux CD and then look for "Format and install", it's much easier than partations..06:45
nathanaelKriswood: Did you already try the disk utility in Administration?06:45
sjoerd_just type /query sjoerd_ hi06:45
CornelliusWhy can I encode in every formats imaginable except mp3 ?06:45
croesusbostro thanks again06:45
CornelliusI'm using SoundConverter atm.06:46
bobstrocroesus:  good luck with it!06:46
croesusbobstro thanks again06:46
ScottiI did....06:46
krazykitmepis1: then it's not in the repos.  either look for a deb or compile it yourself.06:46
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croesusharry: I've not tried cdega06:46
garryfreThey have a trial of Cedega you can try.06:46
bobstrorjian:  you can save the password in windows06:47
croesusharry: but I can tell you that crossover runs all the freddi the fish and putt-putt games easily ;)06:47
ic56bobstro, garryfre: the official version: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions  and the latest version (soon to be official): http://ca.geocities.com/ic56@rogers.com/65/diskmounter-latest.txt06:47
KrisWoodic56: This file you sent me to, it says the NTFS thing is experimental, how reliable is it?06:47
rjianhmmm i didnt set yet anypassword??06:47
ic56KrisWood: reading NTFS works fine.  Writing is unsafe.  I recommend answering NO to writing NTFS06:47
CornelliusMepis is based on Debian or what ?06:48
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rjiando i have to adduser so that they can access ubuntu??06:48
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bobstrorjian:  did you do System->Administration->Shared Folders?06:48
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KrisWoodCool thanks :) now how do I partition an unpartitioned drive?06:48
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bobstrorjian:  well, samba user password is different than regular user. i don't use samba on ubuntu, so am used to doing it manually.06:49
CornelliusForget it, though I had already installed gstreamer-lame06:49
CornelliusDoing it06:49
ic56KrisWood: GUI or CLI answer?06:49
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KrisWoodwhichever is more reliable06:49
rjianso can u help me how to disable the password thing??06:49
KrisWoodI'm not a linux noob but it's been ages since I've used the linux fdisk06:49
KrisWood(haven't used it since redhat 7)06:49
PwcrLinuxKris: or you can copy file from the NTFS drive (your text or doc files, but don't copy any EXE, COM and etc..) to your HOME or on your desktop screen..06:50
NickGarveyKrisWood: gparted works for me06:50
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ScottiNailonthere. I am registered...06:50
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bobstroKrisWood:  cfdisk is decent curses version06:50
KrisWoodNickGarvey: I'm not seeing that on apt-get, do I need the extra repositories to get it?06:51
rjianbobstro: so can u help me how to disable the password thing??06:51
KrisWoodwhich brings up the question of where can I find a list of extra repositories? I know you guys recommend against using the ubuntu guide06:51
ic56KrisWood: I only know CLI.  run "fdisk /dev/hdb" (assuming hdb is the drive with the empty space. it's interactive. you want to n (add New partition), answer the prompts, then w (write partition table), then q (quit)06:51
bobstrorjian:  did you try System->Administration->Shared Folders?06:51
croesusthis channel reminds me more and more of #linpeople back in like1999 or so06:51
KrisWoodyeah it's hdb I think heh06:52
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bobstrocroesus:  well it's irc :)06:52
NickGarveyKrisWood: lemme check min06:52
KrisWoodit was drive D in windows06:52
harrycroesus: how much does crossover cost??06:52
rjianbobstro: yup already done the shared.. but when i double click the ubuntu computer the password thing appear06:52
NickGarveyKrisWood: gparted - partition editor for GNOME06:52
ic56KrisWood: then mkfs /dev/hdb<partition number>06:52
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jorvis_I just finished a Dapper installation ... should I follow the nVidia binary driver instructions in the wiki?  Is there a reason not to?06:52
NickGarveyKrisWood: I have all repos on though06:52
croesusbobstro: yeah, but people actually try to HELP in here ;)06:52
CornelliusWhat's wrong with the Ubuntu Guide ? Anyway, you can try ''EasyUbuntu'' KrisWood06:52
bobstrorjian:  did you try same username/password?06:52
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bobstrocroesus:  we can flame you if you like06:52
croesusharry didn't you follow the link I posted?06:53
b0rgcan someone pm..... i have very very noob question and i feel silly askign in chat06:53
rjianbobstro: yup ive already done i cant login...06:53
croesusI'll pass :006:53
bobstrob0rg:  ask away. that way others can learn too.06:53
Cornelliusb0rg: No stupid questions06:53
bobstrob0rg:  nobody can see you.06:53
simpkinsHow come when i installed KDE That the Screen Resolution prog is gone ?06:53
linuxuserb0rg: laughing is not allowed here06:53
bobstrorjian:  sorry, but i don't use it in ubuntu. smbpasswd is the program though.06:53
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Cornelliuslinuxboy: It is, but not for that reason :)06:54
bobstrosomebody help rjian with getting access to samba share from windows!06:54
rjianah ok thnx bobstro... can anyone help me getting access to samba share from windows??06:54
linuxuserCornellius: thats linuxman to you :)06:54
morphixrjian: whats your issue?06:55
Cornelliuslinuxuser: Damn. Well, you get it :P06:55
ninjayetiI need to find the providing package for a single file.... something like urpmf in mandrake06:55
Geoffrey2Cornellius, the primary comment I hear about Ubuntu Guide is that it's very much out of date06:55
CornelliusGeoffrey2: http://ubuntuguide.org ?06:55
rjianmorphix: i want to login the share folder but the windows asking for password??06:55
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KrisWoodok did the mkfs /dev/hdb06:55
KrisWoodnow how do I mount it?06:55
ubotuI heard ubuntuguide is a bad outdated resource. Please use help.ubuntu.com06:56
NickGarveyKrisWood: mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/hdb106:56
ic56KrisWood: edit /etc/fstab and add an entry for it, immitating the existing entries06:56
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harrydoes banshee also support transfers on mobile phones??06:56
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bobstromorphix:  i think he needs to create a samba user account (smbpasswd) but i don't use samba on ubuntu so can't tell him easy way.06:56
simpkinsHow come when i installed KDE That the Screen Resolution prog is gone ? Where do i go to change the resolution ?06:56
nachoWidecan someone help me with installing keepassx?06:56
KrisWoodic56 thanks06:56
NickGarveyKrisWood: well make sure /mnt/hdb1 is there first06:56
ubohallo je tu slovak buntu06:56
ic56KrisWood: finally, mount like NickGarvey said.06:56
linuxusereasyubuntu pretty much handles most things06:56
morphixrjian: only way you can have a share without a password setup in samba.. u need to use the guest account and make the share a seperate public share06:56
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CornelliusWell, http://ubuntuguide.org is about Dapper and all. Haven't read it entirely, but looked up-to-date06:57
ubohallo bois06:57
garryfresimpkins: Try right-clickign the desktop area. It might be there.06:57
rjianmorphix: how can i do that?06:57
ic56KrisWood: (oh yes, before mounting, create the mountpoint -- mkdir /mnt/hdb1 or whatever directory you want to mount under)06:57
ScottiNailondam my eyes are starting to hurt :(06:57
sjoerd_ScottiNailon: do you see my messages now :| ?06:57
PwcrLinuxScottiNailon: Screen too bright? :)06:57
KrisWoodic56: yeah, I'm doing that now06:57
ScottiNailonsjoerd_: yes in here I do, but not in prv I dont :(06:58
morphixrjian: i'll go over some notes.. i cant remember it all off the top of my head06:58
nachoWideonce i use package installer to install keepassx, how do i access the program.  it isn't under the applications list like when I add other programs06:58
sjoerd_ScottiNailon: Ah ok --...06:58
ScottiNailonPwcrLinux: no I havent got my glasses :( so I gotts strain the eyes....06:58
croesusJust got my dad a 20" samsung flatscreen monitor for Father's day06:58
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rjianmorphix: ah ok.. do u have reference??? BRB ill chat u again i have to eat lunch...06:58
ScottiNailonPwcrLinux can you msg my in prv to see if I can see ur msgs? sjoerd_ cant seem to send to me :(06:59
ic56KrisWood: Assuming the new filesystem wan't meant to be part of the traditional hierarchy, like a /var or /home replacement, I recommend /local/<something descriptive -- like "music" or "big">06:59
morphixthe samba website is the best place to look.06:59
KrisWoodI got an error mounting it06:59
sjoerd_ScottiNailon: Come #talkingtime06:59
ScottiNailonI ma there....06:59
ic56KrisWood: what's the error?06:59
tuxd00dDid anyone else loose wireless networking when upgrading to Dapper? My atheros (AR5001X) on my Toshiba 3500 is no longer being detected.06:59
jorvis_how can I check my current kernel version?07:00
KrisWoodit says wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdb1, missing codepage or other error07:00
jorvis_uname something07:00
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PwcrLinuxScottiNailon: look in the prvmsg07:00
BioVorEjorvis_: uname -a07:00
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garryfreI think it's uname -v or uname -n07:00
tuxd00dmaybe uname -a07:00
NickGarveyuname -r or uname -v07:01
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NickGarveyits -r07:01
NickGarveyI win07:01
NickGarveyyou all lose07:01
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[Ex0r] grr, what the hell07:01
garryfreuname -a gives a lot of info including the kernel version07:01
Frogzoo/pm ubotu docs07:01
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[Ex0r] stupid gnome suddenly stopped opening windows07:01
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ic56KrisWood: sounds like the device you specified isn't properly formatted.  You sure you specified the right one?  Try fsck /dev/<partition> to check07:01
NickGarveygarryfre: but with uname -r you can do cool things like apt-get install linux-sources-`uname -r`07:02
[Ex0r] shows it open in the bar at the bottom, than the switch goes away at the bottom and the window never opens07:02
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garryfreNickGarvey Neat! Thanks.07:02
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ic56KrisWood: did you add an entry in /etc/fstab?  What is it?07:02
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[Ex0r] damnit all, how the hell do I get the windows to open!?07:02
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darkyoshi372I have an SD card that isn't formatted, but I can't do anything with it in the "Disks" thingy. How do I format it to FAT?07:03
nachoWideonce i use package installer to install keepassx, how do i access the program?  it isn't under the applications list like when I add other programs.  how can I find it/add it to the applications list?07:03
NickGarvey[Ex0r] : haha I hate that, when something works and I don't know why and I know its going to break again07:03
momoruAnyone here use k9copy?07:03
[Ex0r] NickGarvey,  in this case, firefox froze up, and I can't open ANY windows now. They open at the bottom and close right away.07:03
[Ex0r] I can't even open xkill07:03
affanHi All, How is the weekend? I am trying to install flashplugin-nonfree but its stuck at "Setting up flashplugin-nonfree (".... any clues? thanks07:03
darkyoshi372Anyone? How to format SD card that doesn't show up on the desktop because it isn't formatted?07:04
NickGarvey[Ex0r] : get into a terminal07:04
[Ex0r] NickGarvey, - I can't07:04
[Ex0r] NOTHING will open07:04
NickGarvey[Ex0r] : ctrl alt f107:04
garryfreaffan: If there is a triangle in the window, it might be a closed terminal waiting for a response from a user.07:04
NickGarvey[Ex0r] : and then kill -9 firefox07:04
nachoWideaffan: i was just there.  it took about 30 min, but it worked07:05
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garryfreI had that happen tome, an install waiting in a closed terminal for a yes no response when upgrading from breezy to dapper.07:05
nachoWideaffan: but i don't know what to do if it isn't working07:05
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affannachoWide: 30 minutes?? wow... ok i will wait07:06
KrisWoodic56: sorry had to stir dinner07:06
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jorvis_I just finished an install and after updating the kernel version is 2.6.15-25-amd64-generic.  I'm want to install the nVidia drivers but the latest I see is 2.6.15-23 ... I need to wait for an update right?07:06
elknof1hey everybody does someone knows how to fix the issues of x-cd-roast??07:06
Peaceful_but why is there so many channels for linux and no one for windows?? :D07:06
ic56KrisWood: ok...07:06
CornelliusI <3 SoundKonverter07:06
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nachoWideaffan: but I don't know what to say if it doesn't work, and maybe it doesn't need more time.  maybe its frozen, but it took a long time for me07:06
NickGarveyPeaceful_: ##windows07:06
elknof1it says that there is no conf. file on root..07:07
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Peaceful_NickGarvey on freenode?07:07
affanthanks nachoWide07:07
nachoWidecan anyone explain how to use a program after using the package installer?  how do i get it to run?07:07
ic56KrisWood: ok. so the filesystem was recognized as an ext2/ext3 filesystem ==> /dev/hdb1 is right.07:07
affannachoWide: which program did you install?07:08
jorvis_nachoWide: just enter the program's name07:08
elknof1or if someone can tell me how to config x-cd-roast07:08
momoruAnyone awake?07:08
Peaceful_NickGarvey okay :)07:08
NickGarveyPeaceful_: yessir07:08
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ScottiNailonAnyone here that knows about using UBUNTU as a graphic Design workstation? with programs such as CorelDraw etc? please MSG me as I have bad eyes and often miss msgs...07:08
bobstrocroesus:  check out fwbuilder if you want VERY fine control over your firewall.07:08
affannachoWide: if its a GNOME program it might be in the menus. Otherwise you can add it to the menus07:08
Peaceful_NickGarvey thank you sir lol (i'm a girl)07:08
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KrisWoodic56: you still there?07:09
ic56KrisWood: that last field in /etc/fstab should be 2. 1 is for the first pass and you should save that for root.07:09
nachoWideaffan:  not in the menu07:09
NickGarveyPeaceful_: heh sorry, I say yessir to everyone, sister gets a little annoyed07:09
KrisWoodah ok07:09
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affannachoWide: can you run it via the terminal?07:09
ic56KrisWood: otherwise looks good.  What do you mean "isn't formatted"?  If fsck reports no errors, it most certainly *is* formatted.07:09
affannachoWide: just enter the name of the program on the command prompt07:09
KrisWoodstill gives the same error07:09
KrisWoodeven with a 207:09
ic56KrisWood: now, ls -ld /mnt/hdb1 and show us the output.  (yes, the 2 wouldn't have any effect here -- it's for future issues)07:10
nachoWideaffan: typing 'keepassx' doesn't work07:10
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affannachoWide: wat does the program do? is there a website for that software? i am not familiar with the program itself07:11
KrisWooddrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2006-06-17 21:58 /mnt/hdb107:11
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nachoWideaffan:  password storage.  http://keepass.sourceforge.net/07:11
lwizardlif i wanted to do a complete system backup in ubuntu how would i do this?07:12
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affannachoWide: does this help? http://keepassx.sourceforge.net/en/howto.html07:12
[Ex0r] I got into terminal, and couldn't figure out how to get out.07:12
ic56KrisWood: allll right. are you sure you haven't already mounted somewhere else?  Issue "mount" and look at the output -- any hdb1 entries?  Try "mount |grep hdb1" to be sure you don't miss it when eyeballing.07:12
KrisWoodno hdb entries07:13
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KrisWoodeven with grep07:13
affan[Ex0r] : exit07:13
nachoWideaffan: sure, but I just don't understand where the program is supposed to be located07:13
[Ex0r] affan- it puts me back into x ?07:13
ic56KrisWood: cut and paste the mount command you are using -- so we can see there are no typos in it.07:13
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KrisWoodsudo mount /mnt/hdb107:14
wulax[Ex0r] : write startx07:14
[Ex0r] startx was already started07:14
affannachoWide: I believe if its on the PATH it should be visible by typing: which keepassx07:14
[Ex0r] I used ctrl + alt + f1 from inside x07:14
NickGarvey[Ex0r] : heh sorry about that, ctrl alt f707:14
ScottiNailonKrisWood would you not follow that with a /hdb or something?07:14
affan[Ex0r] : try Ctrl + Alt + F707:14
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ScottiNailondont you gotta reference the device and then the folder you want to mount it to ?07:14
[Ex0r] I thought I pressed that, all it did was say tty707:14
NickGarveyeek battery gone07:15
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ic56ScottiNailon: KrisWood has created an entry in /etc/fstab which allows mount to lookup the device pathname from the mountpoint and vice versa.07:15
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KrisWoodScottiNailon: when I do that it asks me to specify a filesystem type07:15
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wulax[Ex0r] : try  /etc/init.d/gdm restart07:16
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ScottiNailoni dunno07:16
KrisWoodoh duh07:16
[Ex0r] nah i'm going to bed right now :)07:16
KrisWoodgot it now07:16
[Ex0r] thanks for the help, guys!07:16
ic56KrisWood: do tell!07:16
KrisWoodsudo mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/hdb107:16
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KrisWoodI looked at the mount help07:17
ScottiNailonheheh rtfm :) LOL07:17
KrisWoodand I noticed my syntax was wrong07:17
antoxhi. there is some graphics splash screen overriding ubuntu startup messages... how do I turn it off ?07:17
ic56KrisWood: your syntax was correct, assuming your /etc/fstab is correct.07:17
KrisWoodah ok07:17
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KrisWoodhmmm it's still not showing up in my file browser07:17
nachoWideaffan: sorry, i'm new to the whole installing process.  i used the DEB release, which is all graphical.  it shows all the directories where the files were unpacked, but i don't see how to run the thing07:18
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ic56KrisWood: perhaps the filesystem type in /etc/fstab doesn't match what ou actually created?  In my mkfs instructions, I didn't specify filesystem type -- I figured I'd let it choose the default.  Do you remember if it decided to make it of type ext2 or ext3?07:18
KrisWoodas far as I know it didn't decide anything07:19
ic56KrisWood: actually: mount should report its type now.07:19
Sivikok, i installed the xorg-....-fglrx and my fps dropped for an Xpress 200M07:19
ic56KrisWood: run mount, see what it says07:19
b0rgum if i wanted to get say video drivers for my nivida card what platform wouldi  select? ia64 or ia32? iam noob sorry ;X07:19
KrisWoodso my /etc/fstab is wrong07:19
=== KrisWood changes it
ic56KrisWood: does your /etc/fstab entry for /dev/hdb1 say ext2 ?07:19
KrisWoodit does now ^.^07:19
ubotuhttp://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI radeon 9200 & below supported by open-source drivers http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation_Guide07:19
ic56KrisWood: ok. umount and mount again.  Does it now show up in your file browser?07:20
ubotufrom memory, nvidia is a graphics card manufacturer. For help about installing the Nvidia drivers on Ubuntu, you can visit the Ubuntu WIki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia07:20
CornelliusMan, soundKonverter is awe-some.07:20
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KrisWoodic56: no it doesn't, but mount works properly now07:21
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slonchoi removed some packages with apt-get remove. but they are still listed with dpkg -l. the line of the list of trhese packages starts with "rc". what is this? how do I completely remove them?07:21
jajaja0can someone give me a hand installing phpmyadmin with ubuntu 6.06?07:21
ic56KrisWood: ok, what do we mean by "show up in the file browser"?  Which application and which screen of that application?07:21
KrisWoodic56: Places > Computer07:22
KrisWoodthe first screen that comes up07:22
antoxis it possible to turn off "nice" output while booting Ubuntu? for some reason I want plain-text... %)07:22
garryfresloncho: You will have to find the files where those lines are at and comment them out.07:23
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jajaja0i am getting couldnt find package when installing phpmyadmin by typing.... sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin07:23
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KrisWoodantox: yes it's possible, I did that with my server box, but I don't remember how I did it :-/07:23
ic56KrisWood: Places>computer 1st screen lists the contents of /media plus it has a virtual entry for / (labelled filesystem), though which you can navigate to anywhere else.  You mounted in /mnt, so it's not visible there.07:23
slonchogarryfe: these lines are the output of dpkg -l07:23
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slonchogarryfre: these lines are the output of dpkg -l07:24
KrisWoodah ok, so how do I get it to show up there?07:24
KrisWoodchange fstab I'm guessing?07:24
ic56KrisWood: undo all you did and re-do :-)07:24
antoxKrisWood: any keyword for me? does it depend on some package?07:24
KrisWoodantox: I think it was a setting somewhere, no I don't remember it was over a year ago and I think I found it by accident07:25
ic56KrisWood: yes: umount, mv /mnt/hdb1 /media (relocate the directory), edit /etc/fstab, mount07:25
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KrisWoodic56:  thanks07:25
antoxKrisWood: 10x anyway!07:25
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garryfresay sloncho Yes, they are script files that run on startup, and the output of these scripts from the most recent boot can be seen by doing dpkg. I'm not sure what dkpg -l does.07:25
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sponixdoes ubuntu 6.06 have reiserfs for a fs install option ?07:26
slonchogarryfre: I do dpkg -l | grep myth. And the output is some mythtv packages which I deinstalled, but they are still listed, but every line starts with "rc". dpkg -l just lists installed packages07:26
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ic56KrisWood: what do you plan to store on that filesystem?  So many people here are making such poor use of the directory tree hierarchy...07:26
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affansponix: yes i just installed it with reiserfs07:27
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KrisWoodic56 just data, mostly backups of stuff07:27
garryfresay sloncho so you don't see specific or complete script files or the source of these lines?07:27
KrisWoodmp3 and video I'd say for the most part07:27
garryfresloncho taht is the file names.07:27
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ic56KrisWood: in that case, why don't mount it in /local/backup1 or /local/big1 (ie for big files, like backup dumps or movies)07:28
jajaja-can someone give me a hand installing phpmyadmin?07:28
KrisWoodbecause I want it to show up as a drive in the file browser :-/07:28
sponixaffan: normal 6.06 CD ? I hear on Kubuntu its not there, someone said "on DVD" it is07:29
[Ex0r] jajaja-, - sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin07:29
CornelliusI have download the Kubuntu 6.06 CD07:29
KrisWoodI'm a former windows user as of today, I just want GUI metaphors I'm familiar with until I get more comfortable with it07:29
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[Ex0r] jajaja-, - than access http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ and use root with no password to log in. (Be sure to go into privileges and set a password!)07:30
jajaja-it tells me "couldnt find package phpmyadmin"07:30
=== Mark1412 [n=Marvus@adsl-69-231-74-95.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
timfrostjajaja-, have you activated the universe repository?  You need that repository to get phpmyadm9in07:30
[Ex0r] jajaja-, - did you update your sources.list file ?07:30
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.07:30
slonchogarryfre: this is the output of dpkg -l | grep mis.  http://pastebin.com/71594607:30
[Ex0r] follow that link, than give it a try07:30
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[Ex0r] night!07:31
jajaja-ok ill check that first, thank you07:31
affansponix: i downloaded from ubuntu website and burnt a CD07:31
KrisWoodic56: it's mounting into media now but still not showing up in the file browser07:31
Trashcani've got a 6.06 system with no MBR. can I use a 5.10 install cd to recover it?07:31
senakeyhey folks, if i want to correctly create my modules/uname/build directory, should i be symlinking that to /usr/include/linux? i mean thats where linux-kernel-headers installed to just seems a bit messy?...07:31
slonchogarryfre: and these 3 packages are uninstalled. why they are still shown?07:31
affani already had Gentoo under reiserfs07:31
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KrisWoodit's in /media/hdb107:31
ic56KrisWood: Places> Computer is meant for removable media -- cdroms, usb sticks, DVDs, ipods...  This drive is fixed.  It should be part of your regular filesystem tree.  You should create a directory tree inside it containing, eg: mp3/ backup/ tmp/ and then symbolic links from your home directory or your desktop.  ~KrisWood/mp3 should take you to the right directory within that partition.07:31
senakeysloncho: that is their config files most likely07:32
KrisWoodI hope you understand that you're making my head spin :-/07:32
KrisWoodsymlinks are still foreign to me07:32
senakeysloncho: check the code (ii/etc/etc) and what they mean at the top of the dpkg listning (w/o grep)07:32
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krazykitKrisWood: think of symlinks as really smart shortcuts.07:32
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KrisWoodand the filesystem is still kinda wierd07:32
b0rgi got error with the nivida guide...07:33
ic56KrisWood: The file browser might be configured to not show fixed disks.  We can fix that.  What's so hard about symlinks?  Never created a shortcut in Windows?!07:33
senakeysloncho: if u want to remove configs, use dpkg -P <pkgname>07:33
KrisWoodkrazykit: actually they're more like the path variable in windows I think07:33
garryfresay sloncho I see what you mean. Some script file is trying to execute those lines.07:33
KrisWoodI dunno, I'm just not used to it, but willing to learn hehe07:33
evaderHi, I can't seem to ctrl-alt-F1/F2 etc. It won't let me out to a console. Syslog says this: Jun 18 15:26:19 localhost login[5157] : FAILED LOGIN (1) on `tty1' FOR `UNKNOWN', User not known to the underlying authentication module07:33
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KrisWoodit's all just a little overwhelming :)07:34
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krazykitKrisWood: no, they're not.  a symlink is pretty much a shortcut.  if you symlink directory foo to bar, bar will seem to have everything in foo.07:34
evaderAny ideas?07:34
KrisWoodkrazykit: ok I misunderstood then07:34
garryfrecmd ReplaceMybraintooStupidToPutASlashBeforeSay.07:34
sponixwhat do you all use to burn dvd ISO images ?07:34
ic56KrisWood: Krazykit is right -- Windows shortcuts are a good analogy for symlinks.  However, they are dumber than Windows shortcuts -- they have fewer features which makes them less discriminatory -- ie they work teh same way on all kinds of files whereas windows shortcuts have different features depending on the kind of file.07:34
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=== KrisWood nods
Constysponix: probably the build in burning app07:35
Constysponix: built in burning app I mean07:35
affansponix: K3B07:35
b0rgi get thsi error code when fellowing the nivida guide. Error: your X configuration has been altered.07:35
b0rgThis script cannot proceed automatically. If you believe that this07:35
b0rgnot correct, you can update the md5sum entry executing the following07:35
b0rgmd5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf | sudo tee /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum07:35
b0rgotherwise edit manually /etc/X11/xorg.conf to change the Driver section07:35
KrisWoodwell, for now I can find it by navigating to /media/hdb1 so that's good enough07:35
b0rgfrom nv to nvidia.07:35
Dad_how do I find my MAC address for wireless and ethernet?07:35
slonchosanakey, garryfre: thanks. I understand now07:35
KrisWoodnow on to drivers :)07:35
evaderAny idea why I can't ctrl-alt-f1/f2 etc?07:35
KrisWoodanyone here use a wacom tablet?07:35
KrisWoodso far it's the only hardware I have that's not auto detected07:36
Trashcanif i'm rescuing a 6.06 system, will i NEED to use a 6.06 disc or will 5.10 disc work?07:36
senakeyevader: i dont think that is your problem, although you could try checking /etc/inittab: that is what controls your vcs essentially07:36
ic56KrisWood: ok, have it your way.  To fix the brwoser, start gconf-editor07:36
MistaEDkriswood: yep i have one07:36
senakeyevader: i think you have a PAM/auth issue07:36
affanHello all, i tried running "glxgears" on the laptop with NVidia card but its very slow. Is my OpenGL properly configured? how do i know? the screensavers work fine07:36
KrisWoodMistaED: have you tried it with ubuntu? how well does it perform?07:36
wulaxDad_: ifconfig07:36
wulaxin HWaddr07:37
KrisWoodic56: thanks :)07:37
garryfresloncho Welcome.07:37
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senakeyhey folks, if i want a modules/`uname -r`/build directory, should i be symlinking that to /usr/include/linux? i mean thats where linux-kernel-headers installed to, but it just seems a bit messy?...07:37
MistaEDkriswood: look up the wiki entries on wiki.ubuntu.com, i needed to make a udev config so it symlinks to /dev/input/wacom (you need to edit your xorg.conf accordingly) but it's all outlined in those instructions07:37
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KrisWoodok thanks :)07:37
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MistaEDkriswood: it works very nicely, i have a 6x11 intuos3 and it works, not sure if tilt is working because i'm not sure if the gimp supports that, and the shoulder buttons need this program called "expresskeys" afaik, which wacom are you using?07:38
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jrsimsHEY, my last synaptic update killed my Nvidia drivers. I can't get to a web browser. What do I need to do to restore my nvidia driver?07:39
garryfresay senakey I read that you want to keep the sources separate to minimize risk of overwriting something.07:39
KrisWoodMistaED: I've got the 9x12 intuos3, I'm just praying I'll be able to get photoshop working with cedega or crossover office07:39
KrisWoodic56: I've got the gconf-editor running but I don't see anything to make fixed disks show up in the file browser07:40
MistaEDkriswood: photoshop7 works awesomely with crossover507:40
senakeygarryfre: exactly, but default linux-kernel-headers installs to /usr/include/ :-(07:40
MistaEDkriswood: even pressure sensitivity is auto-detcted07:40
codecainejrsims install the new kernal modules07:40
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jrsimscodecaine: know how?07:40
KrisWoodMistaED: nice :)07:40
ic56KrisWood: I'm trying to figure out how to do it.07:40
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KrisWoodah ok thanks :)07:41
sjoerd_how do i make ubuntu gnome look like windows xp?07:41
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nekostarwhat happened to the controls for hte screensavers ?07:41
codecaineapt-cache search nvidia07:41
nekostarso i could define what goes on with the gl ones ???07:41
affansjoerd_: you mite find some themes on gnome-look.org07:41
codecaineshould be linux-restricted-modules07:41
garryfresenakey yeah, I always thoguht that was strange. I've read one can just make a separate directory and compile and install the modules from there, and if the make needs the default header files, it seems to be smart enough to find them.07:42
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codecaineand the kernal u using uname -a07:42
jrsimskernel u?07:43
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tonygeorgehi how to install grub on my computer from an ubuntu live cd?07:43
senakeygarryfre: most makefiles look for it in /lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/build i've noticed07:43
sjoerd_what do i do when my fonts look really blurry under ubuntu?07:43
garryfrenekostar: Ohters have noticed that as well , they said installing xscreensaver fixed this, I tried it and it made no difference.07:44
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jorvis_man, ubuntu comes with almost no fun perl modules07:44
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nekostargarryfre, im betting one would have to uninstall one and install the other.07:45
nekostarill fix it and let u know07:45
garryfresenakey Yeah, I've seen search paths built from the contents of arch variables and they end up using the 386 stuff as well.07:45
jrsimscodecaine: sorry, has to step out for a sec. So I just install the restricted kernel modules, nvidia-glx, and that should be it?07:45
tonygeorgehi anyone knows if its possible to install grub boot loader on my computer from UBUNTU live cd?07:45
garryfresay nekostar Yeah, ye could be right.07:45
tonygeorgethanks in advance07:45
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Siviki can't get audio to work in dapper07:46
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garryfreYes tonygeorge, however, it will default to putting it on the first drive mbr.07:46
rjiancan anyone help me with samba accessing share folder from windows??07:46
codecaineyep thats what I had to do07:47
codecainejust the restricted kernelmodules07:47
codecainedidn't have to do anything with nvidia-glx07:47
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tonygeorgegarryfre, yes that is fine. I cannot boot my linux because had to install windows for a short while to run quicken. my other applications are in ubuntu. :(07:47
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Siviktonygeorge, did you ever see if there was a problem like quicken for linux?07:48
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Sivik07:48
wulaxtonygeorge: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=268907:48
ubotumethinks alsa is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063, see also !dmix07:48
ubotuDo they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Sivik07:48
rjiancan anyone help me accessing share folder???] 07:48
tonygeorgeoh that is possible??? let me check.07:48
justicefor some reasion if I'm away from my computer I lose the network, I can still ping the router but no firefox no e-mail no ssh nothing07:48
wulaxtonygeorge: i haven't tried it myself, but searching the forum often helps07:48
shrump_jimbosivik: gnucash?07:49
jrsimscodecaine: sweet. trying now. thanks for the help.07:49
Sivikshrump_jimbo, gnucash? no, i'm trying to get audio from a AC'97 sound card and i can't figure it out07:49
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ubotuNot a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, senakey07:49
shrump_jimbooh, good luck with that07:49
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, rjian07:49
garryfresay tonygeorge. I have seen an option to recover a busted linux install but I'm not sure it was on the live cd or not, and the one I tried, seemed to do a lot of fixing of stuff when I only needed to reinstall grub. I aborted and ended up just reinstalling fresh, it looked so much like a fresh install.07:49
Sivikshrump_jimbo, does that means its hard?07:49
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uboturjian: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:50
justiceany idea why my network dies , works on all other pc's07:50
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tonygeorgewulax, but i ran dual boot before. just this time I installed windows after linux.07:50
ubuntui wonder why it takes so damn long to update07:50
ubotugarryfre: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:50
shrump_jimbohave you tried www.linuxant.com?07:50
Locke_how do i bind a key combination to 3ddesk07:50
tonygeorgemy current problem is that the grub is gone and no way to load the linux installation.07:50
ubuntujustice:  do you have any errors07:50
ic56KrisWood: I give up.  I thought I had seen a way to do this but, upon more careful testing, I disovered I know of no way to make fixed drives mounted in /media be displayed in Places> Computer.  Let's ask the channel.07:50
justicenone that I know of07:51
tonygeorgeim done with the windows installation. so if it freezes with windows no problem. :)07:51
KrisWoodwell the windows drives automatically showed up there07:51
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ic56How do I make fixed drives mounted in /media be displayed in Places> Computer (aka Nautilus> Computer)07:51
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting07:51
justiceit works fine for a while then it dies reset then its ok07:51
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ubuntuic56: huh?07:51
garryfreyay, for the bot!07:51
Sivikdoes anyone have a AC'97 sou7nd card working in ubuntu07:51
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Locke_Sivik, yes, we do07:52
wulaxtonygeorge: ok, as i said, i haven't done it myself so i cant be of much help07:52
tonygeorgegarryfre, i dont want to re install linux. :-(07:52
SivikLocke_, how would i go about getting it to work07:52
ubuntuSivik: ubuntu will automaticly set it up for you,07:52
Locke_Sivik, it worked automatically in my roommates07:52
MadpilotSivik, yes - mine works automatically07:52
ic56ubuntu: which part do you need me to clarify?07:52
SivikMadpilot, must be nice07:52
Locke_we installed it on his and it worked no problem07:52
Locke_what program are you trying to run07:52
SivikLocke_, LTS?07:52
tonygeorgewulax, ok thank you.07:52
Locke_Sivik, ydes07:52
ubuntuSivik: try getting alsa,07:52
KrisWoodSivik it worked automatically for my wife, but the surround sound won't work07:52
Locke_i installed breezy on it to start and it worked fine in that too07:52
ubuntuit should detect it07:52
garryfresay tonygeorge Yeah, try that link that showed up when timfrost did !Grub it shows how to reinstall and fix grub only last I looked.07:52
Locke_then we upgraded it07:52
KrisWoodeven with alsa the surround doesn't work07:53
ubotu[alsa]  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063, see also !dmix07:53
tonygeorgegarryfre, ok i am on it.07:53
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ubuntuSivik: query the bot too much flood07:53
justiceit bafles me, Only this install seems to have a problem07:53
nekostarhey garryfre07:53
Sivikubuntu: what are you talking aobut07:53
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nekostaruninstall gnome-screensaver07:53
nekostarinstall xscreensaver07:53
garryfreGood luck, likely you will suceeed.07:53
ubuntuSivik: you will see,07:53
nekostarthen you need to type xscreensaver in the term to get the settings and your golden kthx07:54
ic56How do I make an ext2 partition mounted under /media be displayed in Places> Computer (aka Nautilus> Computer)?07:54
ubuntui wonder why my xchat isn't working, that sucks,07:54
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ubuntu!tell ic56 about mount07:54
rjiancan anyone help me config a share folder??07:54
ubunturjian: try asking07:54
Moodlesis there anyway I can force X to run at1280x1024 without having to reboot?07:54
Sivikubuntu, he has about 3 times07:54
tonygeorgegarryfre, i read that link, but does this work if I am doing those instructions from a live cd?07:55
KrisWoodrofl, the ubuntu bot is a riot, I love it :)07:55
ubuntui just got here Sivik07:55
SivikMoodles, you can restart the x session by pressing ctrl-alt-backspace07:55
Sivikubuntu: ok07:55
rjianhow to browse a share folder so that windows can browse the folder??07:55
Sivikhow do i go about getting the sound to work?07:55
ubunturjian: you need to have samba working,07:56
SivikAC'97, LTS07:56
ubuntu!tell Sivik about sound07:56
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johan_or go to a console moodless type init3 after change settings manually type init507:56
garryfreI noticed that I did't have to uninstall the gnome screensaver to get at the command line xscreensaver.07:56
Sivikubuntu: that didn't work07:56
ubuntuSivik: try getting alsa then07:56
rjianubuntu: ive already installed it the problem is that when windows browse to ubuntu it ask a password...??07:56
Sivikubuntu, alsa is already installed07:56
Sivikubuntu, but doesn't seem to be working07:56
ubunturjian: try putting you're username password perhaps?07:57
garryfretonygeorge I'm not sure, I remember reading a link about using an install cd to reinstall grub, but it might have been the alternate install cd.07:57
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johan_Sivik what type of soundcard you have you can put settings in modules.conf07:57
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tonygeorgei see. i will try with an installation cd then07:58
tonygeorgethanks to all you guys. :-) have a good Sunday.07:58
garryfrenecrodearia I am now looking at the links to see if I can find an answer.07:58
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StarScreamhey guys, i've got an ubuntu dapper server going as a router. I was wondering if its possible to exectute a script on pppoe connect.07:59
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StarScreami've added one to /etc/ppp/ifup.d/08:00
StarScreamand made it executeable08:00
freddyubuntuhey guys do any of you know a Calculator program for ubuntu ,which can Draw Graphs ? like graph of y=x^2  ?08:00
StarScreambut it doesn't seem to run on connect08:00
ic56KrisWood: sorry, man, I'm tired.  Once I remembered to actually mount something under /media for my tests, I realised I actually have the opposite problem from you: I know of now way to *prevent* a mounted drive from being displayed in Places>Computer.  Which amounts to the same thing: there's a config option somewhere and I don't know hwere it is.08:00
StarScreamfreddyubuntu: Openoffice has a math program in that can do it08:00
KrhisDosn't OO.org2 have somthing like that?08:01
dragoonopen office calc08:01
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StarScreamfreddyubuntu: nope its called Math08:01
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ubuntuman this update is taking for ever,08:01
ubuntuthat sucks08:01
ubuntui hate it,08:01
freddyubuntuI cant see it in my program list ,...08:01
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Guilti once ran a breezy to drapper beta 2 update08:02
KrhisIt's hidden.08:02
ubuntui wonder why my laptop doesn't work under debian08:02
Guiltthat fscked up my bootpart, gave a kern panic etc08:02
freddyubuntuI checked it08:02
freddyubuntui ti snot hidden08:02
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B1zz whoa that last guy joined 3 times!08:02
freddyubuntui think I have to add it08:02
ubuntuim so us to debian08:02
freddyubuntuso it can draw any Graph?08:02
Guiltthat was the last time i was on ubuntu08:02
rjian_can anyone help me with share folder accessing windows to ubuntu?08:02
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KrhisApplications > Accessories > Alacar....08:02
KrhisCan't miss it.08:02
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freddyubuntukrhis I checked that08:03
freddyubuntuthere is no hidden thing in my office08:03
KrhisAlacarte Menu Editor*08:03
freddyubuntuit is not installed08:03
B1zzrjian accesing a folder on windows from ubuntu?08:03
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freddyubuntuI see two things in package manager08:03
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freddyubuntuopen office draw, and open office math08:03
freddyubuntuwhich is for me?08:03
rjianblzz: windows browsing ubuntu folder??08:04
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B1zzidk :-p08:04
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ic56KrisWood: I've had another person have this problem08:04
rjianblzz: do u know how?08:04
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KrisWoodok now I need some music while I install stuff :)08:04
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rjianah ok...08:04
KrisWoodwhat's a good mp3 player for ubuntu?08:04
ic56KrisWood: could try rebooting?  I'd like to see if maybe it will have an effect08:04
ubuntuxmms KrisWood08:04
garryfresay necrodearia Oops, mistell08:04
KrisWoodother than VLC08:04
ubuntuxmms is good08:05
Vandrei_JaquesKrisWood, i like XMMS :)08:05
rjiananyone knows samba?? windows browsing ubuntu folder??08:05
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KrhisKrisWood, I use XMMS.08:05
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KrisWoodok :) I'll give that a try08:05
Vandrei_JaquesKrisWood, i have listening in Listen08:05
ubuntui like mp3blaster08:05
johan_amarok is working too but for kde08:05
ubuntuis cool two but is a text player thought08:05
ic56KrisWood: waiting for you to reboot.  Don't be long!08:05
KrisWoodoh! ok08:05
Vandrei_Jaquesubuntu, i used mp3blaster in SuSE 10.1 hehehe08:06
KrisWoodafter I'm done moving my mp3s to the new drive08:06
KrisWoodisn't ubuntu a bot?08:06
ic56KrisWood: how long? I need sleep...08:06
garryfreUbunto if I recall08:06
rjianubuntu: do u know how will windows browse to ubuntu??08:06
MadpilotKrisWood, ubotu is the bot08:06
garryfreer sec that's not right ...08:06
ic56KrisWood: ubotu is a bot.  ubuntu is, I think, the default username so it could be anybody.08:06
KrisWood1 min left08:06
KrisWoodoooh ok my bad08:06
ubuntudamn i want to installed debian on my laptop but the installation doesn't detect my network card,08:06
KrisWoodhere I thought it was just a really clever bot08:07
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=== KrisWood feels like an idiot
ubunturjian: not really because all of my pcs i have linux08:07
garryfreIs it woreless?08:07
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ic56KrisWood: that would have been an AI!08:07
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ubuntuby the way what the heck is windows?08:07
JairunCalothI'm having a really wierd issue here...08:07
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B1zzrjian.  Maybe try this?08:07
ubuntuJairunCaloth: you have you're period?08:07
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JairunCalothOk, this sounds crazy08:07
JairunCalothbut here goes08:07
johan_in some way we are all weird :D08:07
garryfreer wireless?08:07
rjianbllz: wat will i try?08:07
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ubuntugarryfre: not really i have an ethernet card, but the driver e100 it doesn't seem to work08:08
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KrisWoodok brb rebooting08:08
JairunCalothI wrote a shell script to start World of Warcraft for me, so I didn't have to go to the directory and all that in a terminal and such. However, when I use the shell script, the sound dosn't work.08:08
garryfrewhat does ifconfig say?08:08
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B1zzi tried to pm you but not recognizing my name08:08
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B1zztry this link see if it helps http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/413808:08
JairunCalothBUT, when I open a terminal and type the exact same commands into the terminal, the sound works fine08:08
ubuntugarryfre: when i try installing debian?08:09
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B1zzi will brb gonna go into x-chat08:09
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garryfresay ubuntu Oh I see, ye are not getting that far. Hmm.08:09
ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, garryfre08:09
=== ubuntu doesn't understand garryfre
ic56What is controlled by gconf-editor> System> Storage ?08:10
JairunCalothIs that not jacked up?08:10
Dad_I need help getting my wireless to work. I am using an Airport Extreme and Ubuntu laptop. I have had this working b4.08:10
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ubuntuDad_: where you at?08:10
JairunCalothI suppose I should also say, I'm using a launcher on my panel to start the script08:10
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Dad_ubuntu, what do u mean?08:10
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ubuntuyou are in an airport?08:10
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Dad_my house08:11
garryfreubuntu the ! followed by a command or keword  often causes the bot here to yield info on the subject. I did not know what ubuntulog is.08:11
affluxJairunCaloth, what happens if you start the script with console?08:11
ubuntuwell im in my laptop and is working the wireless card didnd't do much08:11
rjianhow can i access swat samba?? wats the default port??08:12
JairunCalothsound works when I start the script from the terminal08:12
=== KrisWood [n=deathwis@c-71-236-129-41.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI heard ndiswrapper is a way to support Windows wireless drivers, but it is buggy compared to native support. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper08:12
KrisWoodok back08:12
ubuntuwell im in my laptop and is working the wireless card didnd't do much08:12
JairunCalothafflux: however, I do have the launcher set to run in terminal08:13
ic56KrisWood: great!  So what's the verdict?08:13
ubuntui wonder if debian brings ndiswrapper,08:13
ubuntuon it is installation08:13
KrisWoodall four drives now show up in the file browser :)08:13
affluxthats really quite weird.08:13
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JairunCalothIt works every single time08:13
garryfreGrats KrisWood08:13
ic56so rebooting *did* fix the problem...08:13
KrisWoodit occurs to me though that a better place for it to show up is the desktop08:13
JairunCalothwithout fail08:13
ic56KrisWood: so rebooting *did* fix the problem...08:13
KrisWoodyup :) thanks :)08:13
ic56KrisWood: that's what I told you: make a symlink to your desktop08:14
affluxbtw. World of Warcraft did install an start with wine or what?08:14
ubuntudamn this laptop is so damn slow, i need a new one,08:14
KrisWoodok how do I do that?08:14
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ubuntuanyone wants to donate a laptop08:14
JairunCalothafflux; yes I"m running it in wine08:14
JairunCaloththe script is very simple08:14
garryfreI think you can dragand drop from places KrisWood08:14
ic56KrisWood: you wanna move that filesystem out of Places> Computer to /local first?08:14
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affluxnice. thats a point i will show my friends, maybe they will get ubuntu too :D08:14
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JairunCalothjust a cd to the wow directory, then wine wow.exe08:14
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KrisWoodic56: it doesn't matter to me where it's really located, unless it has a negative effect on the system as it is08:15
johan_mine laptop working fine MHZ 266 pentium II mem 168 mhz08:15
ubuntuyuck i hate wine, i love cedega better, is way better,08:15
garryfreHow does wine do weith wow?08:15
garryfreer with08:15
JairunCalothworld of warcraft sucks ass in cedega08:15
ubuntuis nothing special still the same,08:15
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JairunCalothruns beautifly in wine though08:15
ubuntuJairunCaloth: how about diablo Ii, and all those game08:15
affluxDiablo II working here08:15
JairunCalothEh, I don't know to be honest08:15
ubuntudiablo ii is one of the best, game running in cedega08:16
ubuntui love it sure it's nice08:16
KrisWoodSpeaking of cedega have any of you tried 3dsmax in it? or Unreal Tournament 2004?08:16
affluxat me working with wine!08:16
ubuntuoh cool,08:16
JairunCalothI ran Star Wars Galaxies in cedega for a long time, and got better performance with it then I EVER did in windows08:16
ubuntubut you can still hack cedega, though i found lots of bittorents for it,08:16
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JairunCalothand it's straight DX908:16
JairunCalothUT 2004 installs nativly in linux08:16
affluxUnreal Tournament working natevily and with BETTER performance in Ubuntu than in linux08:17
skavengeunreal tournament has linux support without wine or cedega...08:17
Guilt"SCO has announced their plans to release a new version of Caldera Linux "08:17
Guilt:o ZOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111108:17
KrisWoodooooh nice08:17
ubuntuGuilt: and?08:17
KrisWoodhow do I do that?08:17
ubuntunevery try caldera08:17
Guiltread the rest of it here: http://www.openlinux.org/releasedetail.cfm?id=2137008:17
KrisWoodis it on the same CD as the windows version?08:17
affluxJairunCaloth, try following command in starter? wine [path_to_wow] /wow.exe08:17
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Guilt"Caldera has always led the way in providing stable, reliable, tested solutions for our key Linux server markets, and this release of OpenLinux X follows that same course," said Darl McBride, CEO and President, The SCO Group. "Regardless of whether you're a small-to-medium sized business, a corporate developer or a reseller, Caldera OpenLinux X will deliver impressive, capable and powerful choices"08:17
johan_so SCO is back to real purpose of linux or ????08:18
harryhow do you convert a folder into a zip file??08:18
Guiltnaah. they just need more money08:18
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JairunCalothHeh... havn't thought of that afflux :-p08:18
skavengeKrisWood; dunno if its on the cd but the linux executables/files are readily available off the web08:18
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harryhow do you convert a folder into a zip file??08:18
GuiltTHAT is a disgrace to Linux08:18
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Guiltharry, man zip08:18
affluxyoure repeating, harry08:18
johan_make a empty zipfile include the map :P08:19
freddyubuntuguys I have problem running my open office math , I tired alacatre menu editor, ti is not there... whats the terminal command to run open office Math ?08:19
affluxharry, you can klick in the filebrowser Natilus with right klick and "Create Archive"08:19
KrisWoodskavenge: sweet I'll have to look that up08:19
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KrisWoodhow do I make a symlink?08:19
Guiltoh god, you guys08:19
affluxln -s08:19
JairunCalothKrisWood, I installed UT2004 straight off of the CD into ubuntu. They even have an install script on it :)08:19
garryfreKrisWood: You mean like creating a shortcut to a file on your desktop?08:19
johan_use mc thats the most easy if you are not common to command_lines08:19
Guiltread the LINUX HOWTO; )08:19
KrisWoodgarryfre:  yes08:20
affluxKrisWood, ln -s08:20
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ic56KrisWood: garryfre's suggestion doesn't create a symlink, it creates a GUI thingy that I just learned about.  hang on.08:20
GuiltWell.. it's nice to hear that this place is quite friendly :)08:20
affluxfreddyubuntu, its oomath08:20
garryfreYeah, I just foundabout it msyelf.08:20
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KrisWoodwell for example hdc1 shows up on my desktop all by itself08:21
KrisWoodI want hdb1 to do the same thing08:21
apache2soooooooooooo, I'm just dying to know and have been waiting in high anticipation for a lonnng time08:21
apache2any news on ubuntu for intel-macs?08:21
freddyubuntuaffuix thanks !08:21
garryfreIts ln -s targetfilepathandname Symlink name if I recall.08:21
freddyubuntubut why there is no office math in my menu ?08:21
skavengewhats the next ubuntu release called?08:21
garryfreI dunno freddyubuntu08:21
affluxcant see, but at mine there is none too08:22
apache2intel-macs anyone?08:22
Knomeskavenge: Edgy Eft08:22
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freddyubuntuanybody can tell me how to draw a simple graph?08:22
JairunCalothafflux: no sound period if I use a launcher...08:22
freddyubuntulike y=x^208:22
skavengeKnome; eft? is that an animal still?08:22
garryfreyeah that's it, I knw it ws an odd hard to remember name.08:22
affluxif you use the command in console, there is i guess?08:22
B1zzis dad still here?08:22
freddyubuntuI think oopen offfice math, is not for drwaing graph08:23
freddyubuntubut to write forumulas08:23
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afflux08:06 -  * Dad_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))08:23
freddyubuntuam I right?08:23
skavengeheh they've been on the animal names for so long i figured it'd be rocky raccoon or something08:23
johan_use tux-paint :p08:23
KrisWoodok this ln thing is confusing...08:23
B1zzi had a page for him :-p08:23
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affluxKrisWood, i think it is quite simple. what you want to do?08:24
ic56KrisWood: ok, the more efficient of the two ways (long term) is the CLI version: ln -s /media/hdb1/music ~/Desktop/music08:24
garryfreor Pretty Plattypuss08:24
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B1zzthere he is08:24
DadI need help getting my wireless to work. I am using an Airport Extreme and Ubuntu laptop. I have had this working b4.08:24
JairunCalothI know I havn't messed up the commands... because the game runs perfectly fine08:24
KrisWoodit shows up as a folder instead of as a drive08:24
JairunCalothother than no sound..08:25
KrisWoodI want it to show up as a drie like hdc1 does08:25
freddyubuntuI think open office math is just for writing forumals , not to draw graphs ... am I right?08:25
garryfreIt would be neat to have a naming contest for the next after the next ubuntu version and the winner gets a neat pin or tee shirt with a nice logo and background from ubuntu08:25
ic56KrisWood: (assuming you already created a `music' subdirectory.  If you just want hdb1 to show up on your desktop, the omit the "music" parts.  Ah, ok.  The GUI method makes it look like a drive.  Do this:08:25
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skavengegarryfre; good idea08:25
garryfreIt would creates some neat interest. Thanks skavenge08:25
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DadI need help... please08:25
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ic56KrisWood: right click on the item in Computer>Places, select "copy".  Right click on your desktop, select "paste".08:26
skavengethey should have little stuffed animals they send with every cd haha08:26
garryfreOk, dad, thou you pased away I'll try to help.08:26
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ic56KrisWood: that should do it.08:26
garryfreNot to joke much about it.08:26
freddyubuntuwho was the person who told me I can draw graphs with o.office math ?08:26
KrisWoodok thanks08:26
rjianhow can i share internet connection using two internet network cards??08:26
KrisWoodit's got a lock floating above it, what does that mean?08:26
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JairunCalothAh well... I'm burning precous playing time. I'm off to play WoW08:27
JairunCalothfrom the shell... *.*08:27
affluxhave phun JairunCaloth ;)08:27
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KrisWoodand how do I get rid of the symlink?08:27
ic56KrisWood: it means you dont' have write perm on that.  You're not root and that's an entire filesystem.  Ordinary users don't normally get access to entire filesystems.  You can change that for the particular FS, if you want to..08:27
SDdoes anyone know how to stop apt-get updates from hosing my grub menu.lst file?08:28
garryfreDrag to trash, right click and delete, rm symlinkname either should work.08:28
KrisWoodic56: I already changed the user and group to mine08:28
JairunCalothahhh shit...08:28
KrisWoodbut the lock is still there08:28
ic56KrisWood: remove symlink (assuming you created it as ~/Desktop/hdb1) rm ~/Desktop/hdb108:28
freddyubuntuthe person who told me I can draw math graphs with open office was wrong...08:28
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rjianhow can i share internet connection using two internet network cards??08:29
ic56KrisWood: let me check on that lock thingy08:29
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Dadgarryfre, u living?08:29
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garryfreDad Yes.08:30
KrisWoodrjian: you will need to set up a firewall of some sort, I recommend firestarter08:30
JairunCalothnow the script dosn't do sound at all08:30
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JairunCalothI started messing around with permisions08:30
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KrisWoodrjian: you can also use iptables but it's a pain to set up if you're not familiar with routing08:30
Dadgarryfre, were you going to help me?08:30
KrisWoodhow do I remove a symlink? I tried to delete it in nautilus and nothing happened08:30
garryfresay Dad ask the question to all, better chance too get an answer. If I know I'll try to help.08:31
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garryfreDad ask the question to all, better chance too get an answer. If I know I'll try to help.08:31
garryfreMaybe try remove to trash?08:31
KrisWoodgarryfre: no change08:32
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KrisWoodok rm worked08:32
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ic56KrisWood: remove symlink (assuming you created it as ~/Desktop/hdb1) rm ~/Desktop/hdb108:32
rjiankriswood: i am a direct connected to internet and workstation.. how will i share my internet connection?08:32
Dadas previously asked... I have a cable router that goes to a wireless router. They seem to bridge just fine with the cable router as the primary. My problem is that one day I was unable to connect my laptop to the wireless.08:33
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garryfreKrisWood my last guess is sudo rm filename wher ethe file name is the name of symlink. Hehe, I see ye got it.08:33
BlueEagledad: did you doublecheck !wireless ?08:33
ubotuhmm... wireless is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards if it does not work out of the box https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper windows drivers08:33
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KrisWoodrjian: assuming you have two network cards and eth0 is plugged into the internet and eth1 is plugged into your network, you need a firewall of some sort to route data to the correct places. A good one is firestarter. Just install it and your connection sharing will start automagicly.08:34
rjianah ok.. wait ill try it thnx08:34
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DadBlueEagle, I used the cutter thing ( I said it had been working ) for over a month08:34
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KrisWoodrjian: My own network has eth1 plugged into the net and eth0 plugged into the lan, so it only required a little extra configuration to work.08:35
garryfreI wonder if there is a way to change the colors of private messages sent. it is hard to see my outgoing messages. I looked atpreferences colors for xchat, and it din't seem to be user friendly.08:35
slonchosomeone installed mythtv on 6.03?08:35
BlueEaglegarryfre: irssi is better for that imo. :)08:35
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garryfreThanks, Ill check it out right away.08:36
Geoffrey2if I were to install something like vmware, and installed Windows inside of it....would that expose me to the various security issues Windows brings with it, or would running it inside Ubuntu shield me from some of those problems?08:36
BlueEagleanyways I need to head over to work. You all have a pleasant day. :)08:37
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ic56KrisWood: no luck on figuring out how to remove the lock overlay from the disk icon.  Sorry.  ttyl08:38
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KrisWoodthanks ic56 :)08:39
konfuzedhey there a quick question about bios settings.  Should Plug and Play AWARE OS be on or off ??08:39
BlueEaglegarryfre: You will be able to contract all sorts of viruses when running windows in wmware. Especially if you're not careful with how and what you give wmware access to read/write. Ie. if you mount / as read/write in wmware and the directories in /home are writable by the group users you might infect all documents of all users.08:40
ic56KrisWood: yw!  It's really wierd helping someone try to emulate a Windows environment so closely.  I would have never thought to pursue these things -- I don't think of my system as a collection of drives but as a single directory tree.  The music is one place, the backups elsewhere.08:40
BlueEaglekonfuzed: linux is plug-and-pray aware afaik.08:40
konfuzedthat does not nescsarily mean that it is better to have it on08:41
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garryfresay BlueEagle Hmmm, I don't use vmware at all. Must have been a mistell08:41
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Geoffrey2garryfre, I think that response was intended for me :)08:41
sagarpfor some reason, the themes dont correctly apply..when i select a gtk theme, it looks just like clearlooks08:41
KrisWoodic56: I'll get used to it eventually :)08:41
BlueEaglegarryfre: it must have been. I guess it was supposed to be directed ag geoffrey2 :)08:42
Frogzookonfuzed: it should be on08:42
konfuzedwhy thank you much08:42
Lukiangarryfre: did you just attempt to type '/say' like WoW?08:42
garryfresay BlueEagle Yeah, Geo saw it and got the info. :)08:42
Frogzooare the repos down?08:42
KrisWoodok now to figure out installing my wacom drivers08:43
konfuzedhey now that the temperature is cool out and in here I should be able to make that install happen.08:43
garryfreSome have reported timeouts getting packages tonight.08:43
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ic56KrisWood: maybe you will, maybe you won't.  If you setup your system to show disk icons now, you'll continue the habit of thinking that way, so it's more likely you'll stay that way.  Anyway, it's all good -- with Linux, unlike windows, you have the option...08:43
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burepe2Is there a way to convert ogg to mp3 in ubuntu?08:43
Frogzoogarryfre: yep, guess I'll try later08:43
harrydoes firestarter automatically runs when the system starts??/08:43
KrisWoodyup :)08:43
konfuzedI bought a box at a yard sale for $10 today08:43
ubotuBugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, garryfre08:43
harrydoes firestarter automatically runs when the system starts??/08:44
=== Dad upset
Dadthanks for helping08:44
Geoffrey2I realize those deeply immersed in GNU/Linux simply can't understand why anyone would want to sully their computers with anything Windows related...but for people like me slowly making the transition from Windows to Linux, there's simply some programs I want to be able to keep using that require Windows support in some way08:44
garryfreI would gess it would harry, any firewall worth its bits sets up to start automatically.08:44
konfuzedpros and cons to everything. AMD Pro-1400+ 20gig HD cd-rw built in sound ether video and a floppy. unfortunately an ecs motherboard08:45
konfuzedany known issues with ECS motherboards??08:45
garryfreMy eyes are bad, the nickname Dad is easy to miss.08:45
harrygarryfre. so after installing the firestarter i dont need to worry about anything to set it up automatically when the system starts??08:45
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konfuzedI'm gonna give this one to my 5 year old daughter.08:46
garryfreThey track together like two drunken bums08:46
Dadgarryfre, if it will help - what do you want it to be08:46
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konfuzedadd the edubuntu theme and presto she is ecstatic08:46
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garryfreI think I just need to pay closer attention. Anyting longer might help, but if you have a question, go ahead and ask it I'll try to watch for it.08:47
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garryfresay harry Sometimes you might have to answer a few questions at first, so it learns what you want to run and what you don't want to get through.08:48
ubotumethinks edubuntu is the education version of Ubuntu (Ubuntu + educational apps + LTSP). Channel: #edubuntu. Website - http://www.edubuntu.org. Screenshots: http://www.edubuntu.org/Screenshots08:48
rjiankriswood: ive already installed firestarter how will i config it? or do i have to config it?08:48
ubotuwell, ltsp is the Linux Terminal Server Project -  https://wiki.edubuntu.org/UbuntuLTSP/ (for Dapper), https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThinClientHowto (for Breezy), https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTSPHowTo (pre Breezy).  or  See also http://www.ltsp.org/08:48
=== Dad is now known as Messagner
Messagnergarryfre, I've asked twice, can you just scroll up?08:49
ubotugarryfre: Bugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/08:49
ubotuUbuntu has, like every other linux distribution, firewalling built into the kernel. A simple frontend to this firewall is firestarter, which can be installed via synaptic.08:49
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garryfreMessagner Ok, On the right side of screen should be a vertical scroll bar with a little bar you can drag up, and an up and down pointing triangle at the top and bottom.08:50
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odathi everyone08:51
=== reXib [n=Buddha@rdsl-0140.tor.pathcom.com] has joined #ubuntu
garryfreMessagner Also page up and page down works as well08:51
odatcan someone send me or tell me where to get a  .rar file so i can test something08:51
rjiancan anyone help me how to config firestarter?08:51
Messagnergarryfre, I was telling you to do that08:51
=== MaddMaxx [n=maxrocks@d64-180-232-17.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
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MaddMaxxCan someone tell them to unban me in #gentoo-ru and #gentoo?08:52
MaddMaxxI made any ass of mys elf, beting drunk.08:52
=== Dial_tone [n=steve@ip68-4-102-155.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
MaddMaxxNow I cannot hangout with my russina comrades!08:52
garryfreMessagner Oh sorry. try ifconfig08:53
=== Fastly [n=Fastly@81-86-145-67.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
reXibcan anyone here help me out with a Lilo/rEFIt problem?08:53
Messagnergarryfre, I did08:53
rjiancan someone help me with share my internet connection using two land cards?08:53
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garryfremac address08:53
garryfre!mac address08:53
ubotugarryfre: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/08:53
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Constyanyone know of a really good mud client for linux?  it can be console or gtk based.08:54
odatcan someone send me or tell me where to get a  .rar file so i can test something08:54
sagarpanyone know why various GTK themes all look like either clearlooks or ubuntulooks?08:54
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konfuzedah crap this is a dapper DVD not a CD08:55
Geoffrey2does it make sense to run a firewall on your computer if you're behind a router with a firewall?08:55
ubotuI heard mp3 is a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats08:55
EleafGeoffrey2, I dunno, could be good.08:55
Dial_tonewhy would dapper need to be on dvd? its small08:55
KrisWoodcan I restart X without closing my programs?08:55
garryfresay Messagner if its an external router or modem for dsl or cable, often that info is printed at the bottom of the unit on a label.08:55
KrisWoodor do I need to log out and back in again08:55
EleafKrisWood, not really08:55
KrisWoodok rebooting brb08:56
Eleafdo ctrl + alt + backspace to restart x08:56
Eleaflogout doesn't restart x08:56
Dial_toneis there a way to get xchat to remember window position when you open it?08:56
MaddMaxxCan someone tell them to unban me in #gentoo-ru and #gentoo?08:56
garryfresay Messagner Other times, one can find it by entering the ip address of the device in teh address bar of fthe browser.08:56
Messagnergarryfre, What The Fuck!?!?!?08:56
Messagneras previously asked... I have a cable router that goes to a wireless router. They seem to bridge just fine with the cable router as the primary. My problem is that one day I was unable to connect my laptop to the wireless.08:56
Messagner^exact text^08:56
crimsuncursing is unlikely to get any additional assistance any faster.08:57
EleafMaddMaxx, please join #ubuntu-ops08:57
MaddMaxxthank you!08:57
MaddMaxxYou're godly!08:57
Eleaflol ;p08:57
EleafMaddMaxx, Fiedly is awake..08:57
garryfreReplies containing wtf cause me to forget information you are wishing me to figure out how to find out.08:58
EleafI'm not an op though ;)08:58
crimsunnot to mention I have an extremely short fuse today, so if you feel like being obnoxious, I highly suggest you take it elsewhere.08:58
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LukianIs garryfre a botr?08:58
steveO_Mark Shuttleworth would condemn you, crimsun.08:58
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MaddMaxxYou shoul probably kick me  then, but htat would be mean, so don't.08:58
crimsunjust be civil, and everything will be fine.08:59
Messagnercrimsun, I don't know how that is obnoxious in any way - i just want help and the way garryfre responded confused the crap out of me.08:59
ubynoobanyone able to tell me how to make mplayer or realplayer my default media player on firefox ?08:59
EleafMaddMaxx, huh?08:59
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EleafMaddMaxx, sorry!08:59
EleafMaddMaxx, wrong room08:59
EleafMaddMaxx, join #gentoo-ops08:59
garryfreMessagner: has a fairly simple question, It eludes me at the moment, sleepy time ye know. He needs to find out what his current mack address is for  his machie. He has a cable router that goes to a wireless router than it just crashed and doesn't work any more.08:59
MaddMaxxthank you crimson08:59
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MaddMaxxI joined that eleaf.09:00
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MaddMaxxThakn you for giving me that hcannel/09:00
garryfreIt was just distracting.09:00
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EleafI don't see you there MaddMaxx09:00
MaddMaxxI left.09:00
MaddMaxxAfter asking the mto unban me.09:00
Messagnergarryfre, MAC has nothing to do with it09:00
MaddMaxxAnd wtf?09:00
MaddMaxxI'm actually still ther!09:00
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MaddMaxxI jsur ealized it!09:01
=== disinterested [n=green@63-225-82-45.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
EleafMaddMaxx, join #gentoo-ops!09:01
EleafMaddMaxx, not ubuntu-ops09:01
MaddMaxxOh, Iid another ops!09:01
garryfreYou said mac address. Maybe I misread your query?09:01
MaddMaxxsorry, Im stpuid.09:01
EleafI said ubuntu-ops first on accident ;p09:01
KrisWoodugh, the tablet works now but the calibration is way off and the mouse doesn't move at all :-/09:01
MaddMaxxTherei s nobody fukcing that.09:01
ubotuPlease watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen.09:01
konfuzedok so I just happen to find an official packaged ubuntu version 5.10 with live cd and install cd. how easy is that to upgrade to dapper? maybe it would be better to download a newer dapper cd image and burn it with Nero, then do the install?  any recommednations or thoughts?09:01
MaddMaxxSorry for mylanguage09:02
crimsunkonfuzed: you'll download roughly the same amount09:02
Lukiankonfuzed: think about it real hard too :)09:02
konfuzedonce or twice?09:02
EleafMaddMaxx, join #ubuntu-ops09:02
Eleafnot there09:02
garryfreI know you are frustrated, I'm sleepy maybe I'm too sleepy to help you as you deserve. Someone else maybe?09:02
EleafMaddMaxx, join #gentoo-ops09:02
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crimsunkonfuzed: well, once, I presume, unless you want to install 5.10 then dist-upgrade to 6.06 /then/ download 6.06 and reinstall it?09:03
MaddMaxxYou're just fucking around with me.09:03
MaddMaxxYoushodulnt'fuck around with drunkeez, it's mean! :'(09:03
EleafMaddMaxx, seriously, join #gentoo-ops..09:03
disinterestedmy stupid webcam isnt listed is there any way to get it to work?09:03
Eleafif you want to ask a question09:03
Dial_toneif you haven't installed at all i would just get a new iso; upgrade might no twork09:03
=== armedking [n=king@cable-146-73.zeelandnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
MadpilotEleaf, please don't send people to #ubuntu-ops - thanks...09:03
MaddMaxxgrr, elaf, there is nobody tehre09:04
EleafMadpilot, why?..09:04
EleafMaddMaxx, #gentoo-ops09:04
Eleaftype this09:04
Eleaf /join #gentoo-ops09:04
garryfreMadpilot Madmaxx is spewing profanity. I can understand it while frustrated, but he's just doing it to be annoying.09:04
konfuzedis the dist-upgrade to 6.06 easy or a pain in the ass that would be avoided by just downloading the dapper to start with09:04
EleafMadpilot, sorry, I was trying to send him to gentoo-ops.09:04
=== Freduardo [n=Freduard@12.88-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
dragoonkonfuzed: easy09:04
EleafMadpilot, whenever I try and say gentoo, I say ubuntu, I'm addicted!09:04
s|khow do I install fluxbox on ubuntu?09:05
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MaddMaxxI'm still here.09:05
garryfreI hate that when that happens09:05
dragoons|k: apt-get install fluxbox09:05
crimsuns|k: apt-get install fluxbox (after enabling universe)09:05
konfuzedoh i may aswell do the dist upgrade path then09:05
garryfresaying one word when I mean another.09:05
MadpilotMaddMaxx, last and only warning: watch the language, OK?09:05
s|kcrimsun: will that show up autoatically as a session I can log into?09:05
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crimsuns|k: purportedly, but as I haven't installed it under Dapper, I can't confirm.09:06
EleafMadpilot, is it night where you are?09:06
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KrisWooddoes anyone know how I can calibrate my tablet for use with ubuntu?09:06
MadpilotEleaf, yes, just past midnight - why?09:06
MaddMaxxI didn't do any bad lnauge.09:06
s|kcrimsun: I'll try it, thanks :)09:06
s|kdragoon: thank you too :)09:06
Geoffrey2konfuzed, I personally subscribe to the KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) principle...to me, installing an operating system just so I can install an update on top of it seems a lot more complicated than just installing the up-to-date system from scratch09:06
kevinMaddMaxx, you did09:06
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crimsunMessagner: is the issue still occurring?09:07
Messagnercrimsun, yea09:07
EleafMadpilot, where do you live?09:07
MadpilotEleaf, western Canada - BC09:07
crimsunMessagner: I presume you've verified that you're using the appropriate credentials, etc.?09:07
garryfreMessagner: Ok, you asked to find the mac address for your system. That's not the same as a macintosh, its an anachronysm. I've forgotten what mac stands for but it is a network thing rather like an IP address. I think every network card made has a built in unique mac address.09:08
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EleafMadpilot, oh cool, where in BC?09:08
Lukiancan someone ban garryfre? It's failing it's job as a useful bot (the only kind?)09:08
Messagnergarryfre, I want my wireless working, I don't care what MAC it has anymore - that was something else09:08
MadpilotEleaf, Victoria09:08
crimsunMessagner: can you verify on the AP side that the AP is actually seeing the requests? (hopefully you've got a wired LAN connection to the wifi "router", too...)09:08
=== mystamax [n=mystamax@c-24-98-118-36.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotgarryfre, are you a bot?09:09
LukianIt doesn't give me a version reply09:09
Messagnercrimsun, sorry u lost me09:09
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garryfreMadpilot Nope, I'm garry freemyer, I live in paradise CA09:10
crimsunMessagner: some APs have a management interface accessible via HTTP. Does your AP have wired ethernet (802.11) ports, too?09:10
crimsunsorry, 802.309:10
EleafMadpilot, cool, I've been there a few times.  My grandma/aunts live in Vancouver..09:10
Lukiangarryfre: what client are you using?09:11
EleafVictoria is a nice town..09:11
Madpilotgarryfre, just checking, after Lukian's complaint :)09:11
MadpilotEleaf, it is - but we should move to -offtopic if you just want to chat09:11
garryfresay Madpilot hehe.09:11
MessagnerAirport Extreme uses a utility to edit configuration, no web interface, but I can connect to it from here09:11
crimsunMessagner: can you use the 802.3 ports to check if the AP is actually seeing the association/authorisation requests?09:11
LukianMadpilot: sorry about that, it seemed to speak pretty damned close to a bot :/09:11
Lukian(and it still could be)09:11
EleafMadpilot, I"m there... lol09:11
garryfreYeah, I used to live in Vancouver. The papermills really stunk at the time, made the air brown and felt like living on mars.09:12
Messagnercrimsun, I have no idea, I don't know what AP is though09:12
LukianMadpilot: perhaps it would fall under the category of 'trolling' ? :D09:12
garryfreMessagner: I found your question I need help getting my wireless to work. I am using an Airport Extreme and Ubuntu laptop. I have had this working b4. I don' tknow the answer. I gatehr that it stopped working after a crash?09:12
MadpilotLukian, what? Getting you confused so you think a user is a bot counts as trolling?09:13
LukianMadpilot: yes indeed09:13
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LukianMadpilot: It's replies are obscurely related, possibly pattern matching09:13
garryfreI think it is amusing, that I've been staring at the bot's answers so long, I'm beginning to sound like it. Doh!09:13
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MadpilotLukian, that hardly counts as trolling - and if garryfre is a bot, he/it is making more sense than some people manage to here ;)09:14
LukianMadpilot: lmao, good point09:14
MaddMaxxGod save the queen! ^_^09:14
Lukianok, perhaps it is more beneficial than most of the users in here :)09:14
amk-sepi cnat play mpeg files in totem i got the messge: ** Message: don't know how to handle video/mpeg09:15
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garryfreIts probably the Klonopin I"m taking for incurable insomnia. some times it take a few weeks to take effect. j/k09:15
Dial_tonemake sure you have the right plugins installed09:15
crimsunMessagner: "AP" is "access point"09:15
kinectionhello, has anybody got xgl/compiz to work in here? I'm wondering how i would know if compiz was running or not. if i could `ps aux` and see it09:15
amk-sepDIAL_tone: how can i do that?09:16
=== Ackeubu_ [n=acke@d64-180-169-169.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
Messagnercrimsun, I started running some commands from CL and it seems to have started working09:16
Ackeubu_hey i need a piano synth is there a app for that?09:16
crimsunMessagner: ok09:16
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amk-sepwhat is needed to play mpeg in totem09:17
garryfreThere is an easybuntu script I tried it yesterday and it installed all kinds of missing codecs and I was able to play my videos, mpegs, and mp3 stuff. A google of easybuntu shows a list of places to get it. Be sure to get one that works for dapper or breezy if you have that.09:17
Lukiankinection: #ubuntu-xgl, and yes, it would be compiz.real09:17
=== bud [n=bud@host81-159-221-106.range81-159.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
odatcan someone send me or tell me where to get a  .rar file so i can test something09:17
Messagnercrimsun, I lied, it's showing 100% signal, but I'm getting no internet09:17
Lukiangarryfre: do you have a database of answers at your disposal?09:17
kinectionLukian: thanks. because that's not showing up :(. i'll go there now09:17
B1zzodat read your pms09:17
buddoes anybody know how to add irc as a protocol in firefox09:17
tb77amk-sep: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats09:17
amk-sepgarryfre:  thx09:17
tb77odat: try google09:18
garryfreHmm, no.. Welcome Amk.09:18
amk-sepok ill try09:18
crimsunMessagner: you said it's an "Airport Extreme"?09:18
odattb77, i did can't find any09:18
Lukianthx garryfre09:18
Messagnercrimsun, yea09:18
crimsunMessagner: I'm not familiar w/ the innards of that AP, but have you looked on the wiki and forums?09:18
EleafI love airport extreme09:18
Eleafcrimsun, it's a mac09:19
odatB1zz, why you have one to send?09:19
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tb77odat: search "test : rar" first link09:19
Eleafcrimsun, airport extreme is apple's wireless card.09:19
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B1zzyes i can send one09:19
Messagnercrimsun, I can't navigate those ery well, but I haven't found anything close09:19
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garryfresay Lukian Hmm, I don't remember doing anything helpful but who knows I'm getting pretty rummy.09:19
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Lukiangarryfre: could you please stop saying 'say' or at least add a colon or comma?09:19
Eleafsay.. lol09:20
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Eleafsay; Lukian I think it's cool.09:20
garryfreYou mean I keep forgeting to put the /say instead of say. Sorry bout that I keep doing it and its probably more annoying to me than it is to you. I hate it when I keep doing the same mistake.09:20
B1zzdid you get that odat?09:21
Eleafsay, B1zz how are you?09:21
odatyeah thanx guys09:21
garryfreBlzz how are you?09:21
B1zzim fine....09:21
Lukiangarryfre: what's your first language?09:21
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garryfreMaybe I have been reading too much star trek about vulcans.09:22
ConstyAnyone know of a really good MUD client for console or GTK?09:22
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efox_what's a good antivirus and firewall to get ?09:22
kevinThat is my only language lol...... That is why I would make a poor support person, one language and too many other panguages out there to make me effective09:22
Madpilotefox_, you dont' really need either for Ubuntu09:22
B1zzdoes it seem weird that Eleaf and garryfre both asked me same question prettymuch at same time?09:22
gnomefreakno need for antivirus nmor firewall for a normal user09:23
SurfnKidis there a way to increase the font in elinks?09:23
efox_Madpilot: i know, since mose virus are intented for windows09:23
Lukianblzz: yes, we are trying to figure out if it passes the turing test09:23
Eleafsay, that is kinda funky B1zz09:23
efox_however, i would like to have a firewall09:23
Madpilotefox_, exactly09:23
garryfreI did it deliberately for fun as I had been accused of being a bot.09:23
Madpilotefox_, Firestarter is in Universe repo09:23
gnomefreakubotu tell efox_ -about firewall09:23
garryfreNot that I minded.09:23
Eleafuniverse repo?09:23
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gnomefreakgarryfre: jopin #ubuntu-offtopic for general convo09:24
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q_a_z_stevewhat does torsmo do?09:25
garryfreSigh, first I stay on topic and get a bit terse in my replies and am accuse of being abot, then when I start acting more flexible and less stilted I'm counceled for being off topic. Yeesh, I just can't win, I'm damned if I do, I'm damned if I don't.09:25
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=== Lukian hugs garryfre
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ubotugarryfre: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:26
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Messagnercrimsun, if I had to guess, I would guess that my wireless s trying to act as a bridge only, that seems to be causing issues, but I changed the rate to 11M and my WEP from 40 to 128 and i think that fixed it. But my laptop is about to die and will probably not work after I restart. Not only that, but I still can't ping one computer on wireless from one computer of wired or vise versa, so the wireless definetly isn't acting like a bridge09:26
efox_oh, another thing ive been trying to figure out, is..how do you open files in terminal ?09:27
efox_like an openoffice document09:27
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johnZayHi.. My  whole files system keeps becoming read-only all of a sudden and then works when I reboot. Anyone know what could be wrong?09:27
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crimsunMessagner: well, I do know that the native bcm43xx driver has issues09:27
efox_i tried so many different commands, but nothing seems to open them09:27
garryfreI spent five hours today fighting a wireless modem and router, on a lap top. got nothing but sore eyes reading horribly writting instructions and help files.09:27
crimsunMessagner: I'm not entirely sure that's relevant to your use case, however09:27
efox_crimsun: sweet...join the club09:27
fr500is there a way to make epilicious work in dapper?09:27
Messagnercrimsun, actually, I can ping my wireless, but not my desktop09:27
garryfreSo, I understand how that felt. I felt like using the router for a frisbee.09:28
sacrumhey, folks.  I'm interested in installing ubuntu on my iMac G5.  I can't tell from the hardware list and from Google searches whether the G5 architecture is supported or not.  Anyone have any idea what's going on in that department?09:28
Madpilotefox_, try 'man openoffice' - I think that'll work to get you the manual file for OOo09:28
efox_Madpilot: you are my linux guru...thanks09:28
Madpilotefox_, no, I just fake it, and answer the easy questions ;)09:28
johnZayHi.. My  whole files system keeps becoming read-only all of a sudden and then works when I reboot. Anyone know what could be wrong?09:29
garryfreI'd just back up your mac stuff and try it. It would be intresting to see if it works o a Mac G5.09:29
garryfreIs it ntfs?09:29
sacrumgarryfre: That is not the answer I was looking for. ;)09:29
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johnZaynope... its full on eraed by the xubuntu installer09:29
stephan__anyone able to get azurues to work with dapper09:30
Messagnercrimsun, thanks for helping, I think the real problem is that Apple suck because they don't believe in norms, simplicity, or anything that works09:30
sacrumgarryfre: I'm not sure if you're talking to me or johnZay re: the ntfs bit, but I'm pretty sure Tiger uses ext309:30
garryfreSacrum ok, Ill google for it. Do you wish to try installing dapper or breezy?09:30
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sacrumgarry: dapper.  I'd tried googling myself and was getting conflicting information on whether or not it worked, and I couldn't tell by the way things were dated whether or not the problems that were happening to these people were problems that were addressed or not.09:31
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sacrumer, I've got one too many "or not"s up there, but I think you know what I mean.09:32
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fr500johnZay: messed up hd09:33
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fr500johnZay: do you see hdd errors on dmesg?09:33
wickedpuppystephan__, i am using azureus now09:33
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Locke_i got Xgl in ubuntu 6.06 now :)09:33
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Hajuuhey! how does one install a new font?09:33
transgresshow unstable is XGL at this point?09:34
stephan__wickedpup, with dapper....how so.... mine always freezes09:34
Locke_seems ok so far09:34
wickedpuppystephan__, azureus is java app ... nothing to do with OS ... it runs on the JVM09:34
transgresswickedpuppy: you using the binary from the repos or are you using the .tar.gz one?09:34
MadpilotHajuu, stick it in ~/.fonts is the easiest way to do it09:34
wickedpuppytransgress, i always get it from the sourceforge09:34
kevinwickedpuppy, I use it too, slows things down cos of Java but I do use it09:34
gnomefreaktransgress: pretty unstable IMHO and last i heard they are looking at summer of 2007 before it becomes stable09:34
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garryfresacrum: Yeah, I looked using makc g5 ubuntu dapper and got a lot of bug reports. Sounds risky, like it won't work. One said it didn't like the video card on the mac g5, they all referrred to imac g5. Is that the same as a mac g5?09:35
transgressgnomefreak: okay.  i was just wondering.  i don't have a great urge to use it.09:35
stephan__wickedpup, ok will i could get it to work just fine in 5.1 but in dapper its not working09:35
transgressstephan__: works for me too... i just downloaded it and am using blackdown java09:35
stephan__wickedpup, it freezes up and wont load...i think its something to do with the java like u said09:35
wickedpuppystephan__, download it from sourceforge and try ?09:36
transgressstephan__: if you are using the sf one... try using the apt one... if you don't mind downloading mozilla-browser09:36
transgressi mind downloading mozilla-browser myself... hence i use sourceforge's09:36
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fr500stephan__: the latest azureus build seems screwed09:37
fr500hangs for me too09:37
wickedpuppyagreed with fr50009:37
sacrumgarryfre: Basically.  There's two different flavors of G5 out there -- one's a dual-CPU job that sits in a regular box like a PC, and the other's this gorgeous but temperamental flat-panel single unit, single processor thing.  The latter's usually what people mean when they say "iMac G5"09:37
wickedpuppytry with the previous version ....09:37
stephan__hmm...im checking my java right now09:37
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johnZayWhat would happen if I mounted an ext3 partition as ext2?09:37
KrisWoodhi everyone09:37
mattscheshi everyone, I've got problems with my dvdrom drive ... everytime i insert a cd/dvd, ubuntu freezes ... also doesn't boot up when a disc is in the drive09:37
transgresshey gnomefreak you seem knowledgable... do you use gnome-deskbar?09:37
KrisWoodI am trying to get my intuos3 tablet working properly09:37
stephan__(/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java). Nothing to configure.09:38
gnomefreaktransgress: i used to09:38
fr500johnZay: so?? did it work09:38
stephan__thats the only one i have09:38
garryfresacrum Well , good luck with whatever you try.09:38
sacrumgarryfre: Thank you so much for trying to help me out.  I'll probably stay away from ubuntu until braver souls have traveled down these roads ahead of me :)09:38
KrisWoodmy stylus works but the mouse doesn't move, and the pad buttons don't do anything09:38
transgressgnomefreak: not anymore?  i was wanting help on configuring it.  the shortcut to switch to it is <alt>s by default, do you happen to know what it is to make it alt+space?09:38
sacrumThanks!  And, again, thanks for your help.09:38
johnZayooh sorry i didnt see yer messages... Ii'll let ya know in a few mins09:38
fr500sacrum: what was your issue just for curiosity09:38
gnomefreaktransgress: no udev is messed up on this pc and it removed gnome09:38
johnZaygotota hook it up to a monitor09:38
garryfresacrum yeah, braver users can play the guinea pigs.09:39
mattschescould it be a problem of hald or dbus? 'cause that's where the boot process stops09:39
KrisWoodalso I'd like to be able to configure my second button on the sylus to be middle mouse, does anyone have any ideas how to configure a tablet for ubuntu?09:39
sacrumfr500, I'm trying to figure out if ubuntu will work on my iMac G5 before I get all rambo and install it.09:39
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fr500sacrum: rambo way is cool09:39
Hajuuhey hey! how does one install a new font?09:40
gnomefreaksacrum: yes the ppc version should run fine on a g509:40
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gnomefreakubotu tell Hajuu -about fonts09:40
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fr500transgress: problems with deskbar?09:40
mattschesthe drive does work properly when i boot knoppix09:40
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sacrumfr500, if I only had the spare time to be that brave, I'd try it.09:41
transgressfr500: i just want to know how to make the shortcut to switch to it <Alt><Space> instead of <Alt>s09:41
garryfreHey, sacrum You could try the live cd as a test to see if it has a chance of working.09:41
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sacrumgnomefreak, the reason I'd asked was because it wasn't listed on the support page and because, when I'd googled it, I found all sorts of scary scariness.09:41
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sacrumoo!  I forgot all about live cds.  that's a good idea.09:41
fr500transgress: there is an option in properties09:42
garryfremea culpa, I forgot it too.09:42
gnomefreaksacrum: assuming when you say g5 that would be the g5 processer (cant remember when they changed to intel)09:42
transgress  fr500 i know, but i don't know what to put.  it doesn't give choices, it just lets you type... and i've tried <Alt><Space>09:42
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sacrumgnomefreak, yeah.09:42
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transgressfr500: and <Ctrl><Space> since alt+space seems to open the menu bars on gnome windows09:43
gnomefreaksacrum: works fine on a g processers09:43
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sacrum(They changed to intel about a month after I plunked down the money for this damned thing, after viciously denying rumor after rumor about it.  I was NOT happy.  But that's another story.)09:43
KrisWoodsorry to spam the same question over and over but could  anyone help me configure my intuos3 tablet for use in ubuntu?09:43
gnomefreaksacrum: they only real lack of support for ppc and 64bit is the non-free things09:43
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fr500KrisWood: didi you look at the wiki?09:43
skavengeso new imacs run the x86 version instead of ppc now?09:43
garryfreI think they changed to intels about May 2005, the month I lost my programming job to a hostile takeover. ;-/09:44
gnomefreakskavenge: should but that im not sure about09:44
sacrumgarry: ouch :(09:44
stephan__/usr/bin/azureus: line 34: exec: java: not found09:44
ZDUXcan I ask for some help installing openssh-server I'm getting an error message09:44
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gnomefreakZDUX: and the error might be?09:44
stephan__/usr/bin/azureus: line 34: exec: java: not found ; i get the when running azuerurs09:44
ZDUXError message installing openssh-server:   Depends: openssh-client (=1:4.1p1-7ubuntu4.1) but 1:4.2p1-7ubuntu3 is to be installed09:45
sacrumgarry: I have a ghastly code-monkey job writing COBOL (I do wish I were kidding) code for an insurance company.  It's absolutely mind-numbing.09:45
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gnomefreakZDUX: what version of ubuntu?09:45
transgressfr500: any clue what it would be besides <Space> ?09:45
garryfreYep, Cobil, is like the chinese water drop on the forehead torture.09:45
garryfreer cobol09:45
KrisWoodfr500: yes but it didn't help much, I'm reading a post on the forums now about it but it doesn't cover my specific issue of the mouse not working, or configuring specific buttons09:45
fr500just press the spacebar09:45
sacrumThe main reason I started considering the *nix stuff was just to try to get some kind of reasonable skill set under my belt so I don't have to spend the rest of my life coding on a mainframe.09:46
fr500KrisWood: i have on but i havent used it yet09:46
gnomefreakZDUX: also are you mixing your repos? either way please paste your /etc/apt/sources.list file to pastebin09:46
garryfreOr spendng thousands lining bill gate's pockets with licensing fees.09:46
sacrumFor real!09:46
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skavengethere's something to be said for some intellectual stimulation working on your OS versus being spoonfed what the 'average user' needs as well09:47
ZDUXsorry I'm pretty new to linux, I don't know the command to get the version number. I think it is version 6.0609:47
sacrumI imagine the licensing bits will only get progressively nastier with time, too.09:47
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gnomefreakZDUX: lsb_release -a   is the command09:48
XorphZDUX, uname -r i think09:48
gnomefreakXorph: i didnt ask for the kernel09:48
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ZDUXThanks,,  version 6.06 LTS09:48
stephan__ok i selected a new java and now it just freezes09:48
gnomefreakZDUX: ok type the command i give you as i type it09:49
garryfreMy next job was debugging an app that made reports froma  database. The owner was too parnanoid to give me the passwords for the database, so I could not test, or run the  program, and they would not provide sample data. Well, sleepy time for me. Gnight all.09:49
fr500stephan__: i meant, the azureus build is broken09:49
fr500java is fine09:49
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ZDUXuname: 2.6.15-25-38609:49
sacrumgarryfre, ha!  Oh, that sounds like a lovely job.09:49
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gnomefreakZDUX: gksudo "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"    please type that as i did09:49
sacrumGood night!  And again, thanks for the help!09:49
stephan__fr500, so what shouldi do then09:49
stephan__fr500, get an older version?09:49
fr500get another azures build09:49
garryfresacrumn hehe, yep. sure ws. Welcome, thanks for chatting.09:49
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sacrumOkay.  One more question about all this business and I'm out of here myself for a while.09:50
gnomefreakZDUX: let me know when the file opens09:50
ZDUXit is opened09:50
gnomefreakok hold onto it for a min09:51
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transgressfr500: yeah didn't work.09:51
sacrumHow, exactly, does one get involved with . . . participating with open source programming?  I can code but I'm new to all this new-fangled unix business -- like I said, I spend eight hours a day staring at a little green terminal.09:51
transgressanyone know how to change the hotkey for deskbar to <ctrl><space> or <alt><space>?09:51
ZDUXI changed the sources file, what I am trying to do is intall mythtv. I followed some directions I found online. These prompted me to wget a new sources list,, I have the old one backed up09:51
gnomefreakZDUX: can you paste the contents of that file onto this webpage and hit send please http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/09:51
KrisWoodis there a more full featured audio/video player for ubuntu? something more like windows media player, winamp, or itunes?09:51
skavengexmms, beep player09:52
fr500KrisWood: amarok? i think09:52
ZDUXgnomefreak, thanks09:52
fr500transgress: though luck09:52
KrisWoodI'm using xmms right now it's not really as advanced as I'd like09:52
KrisWoodI'll try amarok09:52
KrisWoodand beep player too09:52
kevinKrisWood, I use Mplayer09:52
transgressfr500: taha found it09:52
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Xorphmay try vlc09:53
ZDUXgnomefreak: I sent it09:53
skavengei prefer beep myself, its alot like xmms but a bit more advanced/cleaner looking, but that depends on the skin as well obviously09:53
sacrumhmm, okay.  time for bed.09:53
sacrumgood night, folks.  thanks for the help!09:53
gnomefreakZDUX: can i have the page it brought you to?09:53
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KrisWoodXorph: I hate vlc, it's almost as bad as mpc09:53
ZDUXgnomefreak: the url is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1588809:54
transgressKrisWood: there is something wrong with you.09:54
KrisWoodWhy? :-/09:54
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KrisWoodI like feature creep in an audio/video player that's all09:54
gnomefreakZDUX: ok give me a mininute i have to do something real fast adn than ill look at it09:54
KrisWoodWell I checked itunes, no linux port :-(09:55
ZDUXgnomefreak: thanks a bunch!09:55
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KrisWoodwhat's the pakage name for beep player?09:55
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Locke_holy shit09:55
gnomefreakZDUX: remove the word breezy from all the repos and put the word dapper in its place than hit save than close than type sudo apt-get -update in a trerminal09:55
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gnomefreaknow i brb09:55
Locke_i can play ff5j in zsnes while running Xgl, and i can move the window wobbly like while controlling the game with my gamepad09:55
rjiani need help sharing my internet connection can anyone help me?09:56
transgressrjian: purchase a router09:56
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Gradius9Running an headless machine, with ubuntu... did all the updates, but now I can not access it via vnc (only ssh), maybe there are some dialogs that stops the flow of the start up?09:56
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rjiantransgress: im using 2 internet card.. do u know how to config share my connection?09:56
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Locke_hell i can hold the window while rotating desktops while playing the game09:56
Locke_not that i could actually do anyitng with that unless i had 3 hands09:57
ZDUXgnomefreak: does this include breezy-security to dapper-security  ?09:57
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Locke_the capability is there09:57
redbladesHi, can someone tell me of a way to backup my DVDs to my hardrive?09:57
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kevinredblades, I had a friend show me that with transcode09:57
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fr500KrisWood: there is a XUL based player similar to itunes09:58
fr500probably works in linux09:58
kevinHappy Fathers day to those is Noth America09:58
fr500banshee plays video but it's not video ready yet as for interface09:58
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mheathkevin, those in North America are mostly too asleep to appreciate the remark :)09:59
fr500Gradius9: ask a question :p09:59
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KrisWoodfr500: thanks :)09:59
kevinheh mheath I am there09:59
rjianim using 2 network card how can i share my internet connection??09:59
Gradius9fr500: ?09:59
fr500KrisWood: songbirdnest09:59
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kevinrjian, if someone knows they will answer10:00
steveO_How would one setup a crontab to mail me on the 19th of every month, doesn't matter at what time...?10:00
ZDUXgnomefreak: does this include breezy-security to dapper-security  ?10:00
LoneShadowrjian: whom are you trying to share the internet with ?10:00
fr500Gradius9: Running an headless machine, with ubuntu... did all the updates, but now I can not access it via vnc (only ssh), maybe there are some dialogs that stops the flow of the start up? thats not a question10:00
rjianloneshadow: on the workstation..10:00
redbladeskevin? I'm not sure I understand what you mean10:00
fr500Gradius9: did you set ur gdm for auto login?10:00
Gradius9fr500: yes10:00
kevinredblades, you can back up DVD using Transcode10:00
gnomefreakZDUX: yes10:01
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gnomefreakZDUX: you _dont_ want breezy repos on a dapper version10:01
Gradius9I am into the machine... there is maybe just to login to the desktop via ssh, but I do not know how to do that10:01
fr500KrisWood: songbirrd linux isnt out, try banshee10:01
LoneShadowrjian: I dont have experience in what you want to do, but it sounds like you want either run dhcp/dns or forward dhcp/dns on your first machine, so that second machine has the internet10:01
fr500Gradius9: type who and see if gdm has logged in10:02
Gradius9fr500: I am pretty new to ubuntu / linux installed just last week replacing windows10:02
LoneShadowrjian: I am sure if you look up for tutorials on running router service on a linux machine, you will find most answers10:02
fr500Gradius9: when you type who, it should show a :0 entry10:02
Gradius9username pts/0        2006-06-18 09:52 (adress.lan)10:02
fr500Gradius9:  :o10:02
KrisWoodfr500: I'll do that, thanks10:03
Gradius9yes, it does10:03
fr500no more lines?10:03
Gradius9only this line10:03
fr500then gdm has not logged in10:03
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Gradius9fr500: ok, any commands or (urls) you suggest so I can login to gdm?10:03
rjianLoneshadow: its actually like this i have a windows workstation i want them to have a internet connection by sharing my connection to workstation..10:04
fluxboxHi guys, does anyone know how to setup a VNC server to be accessed outside of a internal network Via the CLI10:04
fr500Gradius9: not really, you can try to edit gdm config and try to reboot to see if it starts10:04
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LoneShadowand you dont have a router ?10:04
fr500fluxbox: if it works on lan, and the ports are forwarded in your router it should work unless there is a firewall stopping you10:04
rjianloneshadow: nope i dont have router im just using two network cards..10:05
ZDUXgnomefreak: thanks that did it10:05
kevinrjian, make sure the windows firewall is off. If that is not the answer, you may to configure it with the windows box first... or that is what I would try10:06
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Gradius9fr500: looks like I have to connect that monitor...10:07
rjianstill not getting the answer how can i restart the gnome panel??10:07
fluxboxfr500: thanks mate ill try and check that out when i get home :-) i just need the exterior port for example (8080)to be forwarded internall to port 0? or 1 or whatever i set it as10:07
gnomefreakrjian: kilall gnome-panel10:07
fr500fluxbox: 590010:07
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gnomefreakrjian: killall gnome-panel10:07
catgnome sucks,10:08
catwaimea r0x10:08
fr500fluxbox: 5900 and u should forward to 590010:08
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gnomefreakcat: than dont use it but we dont need that in here10:08
LoneShadowrjian: rjian: check this http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/IP-Masquerade-HOWTO/10:08
LoneShadowrjian: that describes how to share the interent to a second pc10:08
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rjianah ok thnx loneshadow10:09
catrjian: you ready fixed you're issued with, smb?10:10
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eobanbhow can i set an ubuntu machine's DHCP client ID?10:10
morphixwhats a lightweight app that works fine in xfce4 that can burn cd's AND dvd's the included 'xfburn' doesnt seem to burn DVD :(10:10
konfuzedcrap i got a kernel panic during install10:11
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LoneShadowcan anyone see this video from ubuntu ? http://www.nbc4.tv/video/9152183/detail.html10:11
rjcubeim trying to mount a .iso on a virtual drive, from what I understand I use this: mount -o loop <iso directory> <mountpoint>, but I have no Idea what the mountpoint would need to be, can anyone help?10:11
redbladeskonfuzed: check that grub is not trying to load from the wrong hardrive10:11
transgressLoneShadow: i can10:11
eobanbrjcube, it can be any directory to which you have write access.10:11
catmorphix: try waimea or fluxbox10:12
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eobanbrjcube, preferably something like ~/Desktop/isoimage/10:12
LoneShadowtransgress: which browser and what plugin ?10:12
catLoneShadow: can you pasted it to me on, my query?10:12
cati want to see it later,10:12
redbladeskevin, is transcode difficult to use? whaere do I get it?10:12
Xorphrjcube, may something like /media/cdrom10:12
transgressLoneShadow: i have firefox ... repo default... and mplayer plugin.  i removed the totem one10:12
fluxboxthanks fr50010:12
kevinredblades, sudo apt-get transcode10:12
LoneShadowcat: what do you want me to paste ?10:12
morphixeh? fluxbox is a window manager.10:12
morphixcat: eh? fluxbox is a window manager.10:13
gnomefreakmorphix: do you want a gui or cli burner?10:13
killazguys can you help me mounting a NFS? I'm using right now linux from CD but wantto brun a iso of ubuntu on another machine10:13
kevinredblades, then when I need to I just man transcode10:13
morphixgnomefreak, burner with GUI10:13
gnomefreakmorphix: gnomebaker10:13
killazthe iso is on another machine..10:13
killazso I need to make a NFS conection to that other machine..10:13
LoneShadowkillaz: check ubuntu's howto/wiki, there is a step by step description, if you have particular questions ask away, I have nfs booted machines :)10:14
rjcubeXorph: that worked perfectly, thanks10:14
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morphixhmm ok10:14
ubotuto automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions there is no write support for ntfs that is safe. <!winfstab>10:14
catLoneShadow: so i can see the video from ubuntu?10:15
Xorphrjcube, may you cant use your cdrom-drive as long as st iso is mounted...10:15
LoneShadowtransgress: I have amd64, so I installed a 32bit firefox, but I guess my plugins are not setup10:15
Gradius9fr500: Yes, with the monitor cable I could confirm automatic login again10:15
gnomefreakLoneShadow: you need to run 32bit ff in chroot iirc10:15
LoneShadowcat: http://www.nbc4.tv/video/9152183/detail.html, some online video which requires msn media player10:15
fr500Gradius9: so it does not work without monitor?10:16
catcan u pasted that on a query?10:16
LoneShadowgnomefreak: yea I am able to do that, using linux32, got it working to play flash and java applets10:16
morphixwhats an app to record from TV card inputs?10:16
Gradius9fr500: I guess it was only this time after lots of updates10:16
killazLoneShadow, what port does nfs use?10:16
transgresshow hard is it to install 32bit firefox on 64bit ubuntu?10:16
fr500Gradius9: you should test10:16
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catLoneShadow:  can you pasted it on a queryh10:16
fr500Gradius9: doesnt make sense10:16
eobanbhow can i set an ubuntu machine's DHCP client ID?10:17
fr500Gradius9 if it does not work, try commenting DPMS in the monitor section on xorg.conf (sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf)10:17
LoneShadowkillaz: not sure, its on my lan, so I dont bother about the ports10:17
Gradius9fr500: More updates now when I restarted and logged in, going to install them and restart10:17
gnomefreaktransgress: if you know what your doing or read the instructions im thinking its fairly easy10:17
transgressgnomefreak: okay.10:17
killazLoneShadow, oh ok..no my firewall blocks everything internet and lan10:17
transgressgnomefreak: let me go find those... i'm guessing a wiki somewhere?10:17
catLoneShadow: what is that video about?10:17
killazthe firewall on the server10:17
transgressLoneShadow: that was a cool video10:17
gnomefreaktransgress: if you run the 32bit ubuntu you never have to worry about it ;)10:18
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LoneShadowsome video about how jiffy lube cheats :D, someone sent me the link, I had to reboot into windows to see it =/10:18
transgressgnomefreak: amd64 runs faster on my lappy... i've tried them both.10:18
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dibblegohow does one delete all directories named "blah" that are contained anywhere recursively in the current directory?10:18
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cati though it was about ubuntu,10:18
catbecause debian has videos that you can see,10:18
Gradius9fr500: In minutes I will test, but I can atleast confirm that if you run headless, and have done the latest updates you have to initally confirm the autologin, to know that the dialig shows you have to connect a monitor...10:18
gnomefreaktransgress: its either on the ff1.5 wiki or the restrictedformats wiki i cant remember you can always look for a chroot wiki10:18
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gnomefreakdibblego: man rm10:19
fr500Gradius9: confirm the autologin?10:19
transgressgnomefreak: don't have to chroot anymore IIRC10:19
martiiI need some info about Kino in dapper10:19
LoneShadowkillaz: are you saying your linux server is blocking access for all the ports on the lan ?10:19
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gnomefreaktransgress: i thought you still did  <i stay away from 64bit>10:20
Gradius9fr500: the "confirmation" appeared as a mini login box with the words autologin above... nothing more10:20
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dibblegognomefreak, nothing I could find could do it10:20
fr500Gradius9: never ever for me10:20
fr500Gradius9: you don't need VNC, if you are in a lan you can try XDCMP10:20
Gradius9fr500: time for testing headless again...10:21
Gradius9ok, using os x for main machine to control it10:21
LoneShadowtransgress: installing 32bit apps on amd64 is not that big of a deal, you just need to create scripts to run them using linux3210:21
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fr500Gradius9: maybe freenx10:22
Gradius9fr500: a version of xdcmp?10:22
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fr500Gradius9: no, a different protocol10:22
Gradius9fr500: What is it?10:22
morphixholy! gnomebaker is HELL SLOW.. its takes no more than 10 mins to burn a dvdr in nero on winblows10:22
seanhello. what kind of audio codecs are needed to play .ts file with mplayer?10:22
CaptainMorgantrying to setup my printer.. after the list of drivers builds I selelct the one and it says 'unable to load driver....either it doesn't exist or your permissionsa re wrong', Im root... but after this it goes on to ask me if I want to print a test page and when I do it's garbled... (kde)10:22
skavengewow thats cool just booted the livecd from my laptop for the first time and dapper detected everything out of the box accept the wireless lan card .. getting the driver on a clean install without floppies or cds and no other internet its going to be a challenge heh10:22
fr500like VNC, XDCMP allows remote logins, but i don't know FreeNX10:23
polpakdibblego: find . -name blah -type d | xargs rm -rf10:23
eobanbskavenge, what wireless card10:23
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fr500Gradius9: there is a way to login via vnc, xdcmp over vnc or something, check the forums10:23
dibblegopolpak, excellent thanks10:23
skavengedell 1350, though its trying to detect it as some random broadcomm card instead of what it is10:23
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eobanbskavenge, that's because it IS a broadcom card10:23
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CaptainMorganwhat's going on with the install printer tool??10:24
eobanbskavenge, dell does not make wireless cards, they re-brand broadcom cards10:24
Gradius9fr500: ok, the only thing is that communication via vnc is very slow. But when I have tested a machine externally its speed is ok10:24
whoozedamn, it works :)10:24
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skavengeyeah i know but its not the right one alas its not working .. i know the driver and everything i need for it to run with ndiswrapper just trying to figure out how to get the driver on a clean install10:24
fr500Gradius9: vnc on the lan is slow???10:24
transgressgnomefreak: nope.  don't have to.  i just downloaded 32bit flock and it works fine10:25
fr500Gradius9: and from outside it's fast??10:25
eobanbskavenge, i suggest just using wired ethernet for the time being10:25
whoozeHello everybody, say hi to your newest ubuntu-user :)10:25
CaptainMorganclicking 'Driver Information" gives me detailed info on the driver.....10:25
kevinGradius9, I have sort of the same problem, I VNC to my wifes pc all of the time and it is slow10:25
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fr500kevin: on the LAN?10:25
fr500kevin: i do over WPA protected wlan, and is damn fine10:25
kevinfr500, yes10:25
skavengenothing to plug it into heh, that'd be the easy way .. may have to go and due this at a friends or something10:25
catwe linux users should have a big linux lan party10:25
Gradius9fr500: tested on different machines. but yes.. it is not the client10:25
fr500kevin: what resolution does your wife pc run?10:25
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morphix33 mins to copy a dvd compared to winblows's 17 mins10:26
kevinnot sure I belive it is stup for 1024x76810:26
martiiwhy Kino 0.8 in dapper is unable to encode dual pass?10:26
martiiI tried avi dvd10:26
skavengemorphix; i'd check and make sure your DMA is turned on for the drive, i've encountered it being completely turned off by default for some drives10:26
catman i want to buy some linux stickers for my laptop,10:27
fr500morphix: you should try a different burning method, there are many, and DMA10:27
Gradius9but when changing client to apple remote desktop it is quite fast, but ard is very bad on character support etc.10:27
CaptainMorganhow can there be detailed infor for a driver... fail to load and ask and print a test page (which is garbled) ??10:27
martiion the other hand it's unable to export to h.264 as well10:27
martiisingle or duall pass10:27
CaptainMorganshouldn't get to the test page step at all10:27
morphixskavenge, how do i check the DMA settings?10:27
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konfuzedok so I rebooted after the install gave me a kernel panic and it comes up to a shell login prompt which allows me to login10:28
skavengei cant say offhand i just searched the wiki for 'dma' when i was dealing with a problematic dvd burner10:28
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abowhen I try to use the diskmounter script, everything works fine, but than mount complains that it doesn't understand the ntfs-fuse file system, is there a module that I need to install? I'm using Dapper10:28
kevinfr500, I know why it was slow before, her res was cranked wayyyyy up but now I jave tp set tp a lower res and still slow10:28
konfuzeddo I have to reconfigure xorg or just go straight for the dist-upgrade. i just installed 5.10 from an install cd10:28
fr500kevin: weird10:29
fr500try freenx10:29
eobanbkonfuzed, why would you have to reconfigure xorg10:29
konfuzedno grpahic login10:29
konfuzedjust a shell prompt10:29
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eobanbkonfuzed, you can just change your repositories to dapper and do a dist-upgrade10:29
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konfuzedsomething kernel paniced I dont know what10:29
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eobanbkonfuzed, in that case i suggest you try installing again10:29
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konfuzedhm from scratch10:30
Gradius9fr500: Last time i did updates to the system I saw some WPA files. that means it has wpa compatibility right?10:30
eobanbwell, if you don't have a complete system install it's very possible that a lot of stuff is broken10:30
killazuhm I'm using ftp to get a file from my FTP server. I want to put this file on my external HD mounted on /mnt/sda1 but when I get the file: the system tells me that local:#name-of-file: Read-only file system10:30
LeaChimhow can i force a package to install even though it has errors in the post-installation script?10:30
seanAnybody whos can help me ?10:30
fr500dunno man10:30
konfuzedoh poopers10:30
eobanbkonfuzed, if it doesn't work the second time around, i'd try a dapper disc.10:30
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Gradius9fr500:  *wpa*.* something10:30
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freddyubuntuhey guys I am trying to install a graph calculator on linux... I get this error when I try to configure it10:30
freddyubuntuchecking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!10:30
killazhow can I write a file on this HD?10:30
fr500Gradius9: wpa supplicant10:30
fr500but compatibilty is up to drivers10:31
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eobanbkillaz, what filesystem10:31
konfuzedI'm using a kvm switch and was on the other box when it happened10:31
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killazuhm I think a FAT3210:31
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killazit;s just an external HD10:31
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eobanbnevertheless, i'd make sure it's not an NTFS10:31
CaptainMorganprinter anyone?10:31
killazeobanb, it's just an external HD, with FAT32 file-system10:31
gnomefreakubotu tell sean -about codecs10:31
killazeobanb, how?10:32
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eobanbkillaz, System > Administration > Discs10:32
killazeobanb, how can I make sure of that?10:32
morphixskavenge, DMA is on.. but dvd copying is VERY slow.10:32
konfuzedis there some way I can test to see what is or isnt broken10:32
gnomefreakkonfuzed: you mean packages?10:32
konfuzedping google.com works ;^)10:32
gnomefreakah net10:32
konfuzedwell base install to start with10:32
skavengemorphix; dunno then, maybe try a different program, i've never used gnomebaker personally10:33
eobanblin, ..?10:33
gnomefreaklin: dont repeat and lose the caps please10:33
linthe fucking gtk+ maintainer should fix this10:33
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eobanbkonfuzed, bottom line, if your install process was interrupted halfway through, i'd just re-install, okay?10:33
killazeobanb, and from the CLI?10:33
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czr_hmm. is LTS suitable for a minimal install (a router/firewall)?10:33
morphixskavenge, whats a good cd/dvd burner then?10:33
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kevinmorphix, k3b works for me10:33
eobanbkillaz, 'mount'10:33
gnomefreaklin: i will un mute you in a few mins10:33
skavengemorphix; i've always used k3b, even on gnome10:34
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morphixyeh k3b.. i've used that before, that was good :)10:34
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killazeobanb, it's a vfat10:34
freddyubuntuam trying to install a graph calculator on linux... I get this error when I try to configure it10:34
freddyubuntuchecking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!10:34
kevinmorphix, that is the only one I currently use10:34
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eobanbkillaz, at the end, does it say (rw) ?10:34
killaznope ro10:35
gnomefreakFred: try installing libqt3-mt10:35
skavengei found that one best but honestly i've never gotten that burner i was speaking of going as fast as in windows .. maybe a driver issue, i dunno10:35
eobanbkillaz, well you need to re-mount as rw10:35
aboanyone know how to make mount recognise the ntfs-fuse filesystem ? is there a module to install?10:35
eobanbfreddywhat programme?10:35
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killazeobanb, ok let me try that10:36
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morphixshite.. install anything that uses kde sure does take a lot of things to install.10:36
kevinCaptainMorgan, if it is a Cannon printer, I have had very little success with them10:37
eobanbmorphix, indeed.10:37
GoldneyeHello all10:37
eobanbwelcome, Goldneye10:37
gnomefreaklin: you have been unmuted i advise you read the coc and the irc guidelines10:37
skavengeyeah all the libraries and stuff .. worth it though for k3b imo10:37
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martiino Kino users here?10:37
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GoldneyeAnyone have any luck w/ putting Dapper on an Intel Mac?10:37
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eobanbGoldneye, as far as i know that's a somewhat tricky procedure, but i suggest you search the forum; i think are more than few how-to's out there10:38
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Goldneyemsg me if so...10:38
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kevinGoldneye, I have put it on an iMAC10:39
Goldneyeyeah.. I've read them, but the best I can see is putting it on an iPod10:39
morphixwtf? 10:39
morphixi have those type of things all over xchat10:39
eobanbGoldneye, are you encountering a specific problem?10:39
CaptainMorgankevin: HP Deskjet 610CL10:39
CaptainMorganOld.. but functioning10:39
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GoldneyeNo..   just planning ahead before my MacBook arrives this week :-D10:39
CaptainMorganjust not on LInux10:39
killazeobanb, mount -w remount /mnt/sda1 doesnt work10:40
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Stereohi guys10:40
CaptainMorganKDE detected the printer....10:40
CaptainMorganon the par port10:40
eobanbwelcome, Stereo10:40
kevinCaptainMorgan, try to dl another driver then, then follow the instruction for installing another driver. That should work10:40
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CaptainMorganbut what driver for linux?10:40
GoldneyeI love Dapper and want to have it still with OS X10:40
CaptainMorganaren't they different?10:40
eobanbGoldneye, i suppose you would just use boot camp to partition appropriately, and then you should be able to boot the dapper x86 live cd10:40
CaptainMorganI got one for Win.... but the CD says only Win10:40
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StereoI ordered a bunch of CDs that were sent to the shipping company on 2006-04-04, and haven't received them yet. Is that normal?10:41
kevinone sec CaptainMorgan10:41
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killazeobanb, I did it..10:41
eobanbStereo, yes.  shipit can take a while sometimes.10:41
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GoldneyeI can't install it to a partition?  I have to use the Live CD?10:42
eobanbGoldneye, ...?10:42
eobanbGoldneye, the live CD and the install CD are the same thing10:42
skavengeyou install from the livecd as well10:42
Goldneyeoh oh.. ok10:42
LynoureIf I want to change all sudo things (also update announcements) to another user, is there some easy way to do that?10:42
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LynoureI know I can just grant them sudo rights, but would they then get update notifications?10:43
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eobanbyes, Lynoure, that's what should happen.10:43
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kevinGoogling for you CaptainMorgan10:43
Goldneyein previous versions of Ubuntu, they were two separate CDs10:43
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skavengeor a whole dvd10:43
gnomefreaklin: now you are unmuted10:43
Stereoeobanb: ok, thanks!10:43
cati got that error,10:44
Goldneyethanks! cheers10:44
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transgresscool got 32bit flock, mplayer plugin, and flash working in 64bit... now i just have to find out where to put the w32codecs10:45
Xorphmay there are w64codecs10:46
eobanbnegative, Xorph.10:46
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gnomefreakXorph: sorta i think they are 32bit for 64 bit10:46
ubotua compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular non-free formats. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for 64-bit systems see http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5439910:46
ilucivHi I need a hand mounting a usb stick just how to express the filesystem type (fat)10:46
transgressgnomefreak: spectacular10:47
kevinCaptainMorgan, sorry I am coming up empty buddy10:47
Lynoureeobanb: hmm, but I don't see how editing sudo would trigger that... But that happens?10:47
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YuRaiderhello everyone ! :)10:47
eobanbwelcome, YuRaider10:48
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YuRaideri kindda have a problem with Dapper10:48
YuRaideranyone interested to help?10:48
drwarlocki have a question bout movie player10:48
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? </hint>10:48
gnomefreakYuRaider: we can kinda try to help you than10:48
Xorphiluciv, i think /mount auto device mountpoint should work10:48
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CaptainMorgankevin: as did i... weird... cuz in Gnome I had no problem with it.. didn't even need a driver.. but now in KDE I apparently need a driver...10:48
kevinCaptainMorgan, is there a message in dmesg after you try to load the driver?10:48
LynoureI came to the onclusion I would not want sudo rights given to a user that does stuff I do on their account :)10:48
YuRaiderwell internet in Dapper just stops working after two minutes10:48
YuRaiderin Breezy it works great10:49
ilucivXorph: cheers I'll give it a go10:49
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eobanbLynoure, as far as i know, the update manager automatically showing the bubble that says 'updates are available' or whatever is purely dependent on whether or not the user in question has that enabled.  by default, for administrative users, i think it's on.10:49
drwarlockwhat decoders do i need for movie player10:49
eobanbbut you might want to check anyway10:49
eobanb!tell drwarlock about restricted10:49
CaptainMorgankevin: only message is 'unable to create driver: driver does not exist or you don't have sufficient permissions"10:49
gnomefreakubotu tell drwarlock -about restricted10:49
prudhviHi, i have just installed BreeZy on my PC and i also have an another PC that is currently mirroring Dapper Drake. But, when i change the apt sources.list the breezy system is not upgrading to dapper what might be the problsm10:49
kevinCaptainMorgan, try #kubuntu then.....maybe they will know something I don't10:49
eobanbYuRaider, what sort of internet connection is this10:49
YuRaiderit's cable internet10:50
YuRaiderI have my Scientific Atlanta WebStar 200010:50
YuRaiderconnected via USB10:50
Lynoureeobanb: ok, thanks.10:50
YuRaiderbut when connected through the ethernet adapter10:50
=== eobanb shudders at USB networking
YuRaiderit works great10:50
eobanbYuRaider, so why don't you use the ethernet adapter then10:50
Madpilotprudhvi, you need to do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade to go from Breezy->Dapper after changing your sources.list10:50
YuRaiderbecause I need to somehow connect my two PCs :)10:50
eobanbthat's what ethernet was designed for10:50
eobanband USB was not10:50
YuRaiderbut what's really interesting10:51
YuRaideris that everything worked GREAT in Breezyt10:51
YuRaiderand it doesn't in Dapper :(10:51
prudhviMadpilot: yeah! i am already in r00t :)10:51
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YuRaiderso I'm stuck with $#@$@#$@#%#$ Windows XP for now10:51
mrmistI'm compiling this app, and during compilation I get: sh: gtk-config: command not found10:52
mrmistAny ideas ??10:52
YuRaiderhave you got GTK-dev installed?10:52
eobanbYuRaider, well considering it worked before and now it doesn't, i'm certainly inclined to say it should work...on the other hand given that ethernet cards can be had for $5 i'm also inclined to just say, 'go buy an ethernet card'10:52
Xorphmay sudo apt-get install gtk-config10:52
YuRaiderwell I'm just too lazy :D10:52
YuRaideroh well I'm just gonna buy another LAN adapter then10:53
konfuzedwell its copying abunch of packages to disc again10:53
kevineobanb, I buy mine for 3 bux locally ;-)10:53
YuRaidersince everything else works great, I'm not gonna give up on Linux that easy10:53
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eobanbYuRaider, good to hear it10:53
mrmistYuRaider: GTK-dev ? Can't find the package in "adept"..10:53
YuRaiderwell it's not necessarily called that10:54
YuRaidertry searching for "gtk dev"10:54
YuRaiderin Synaptic10:54
UNH2LYpish, using apt in cli is so much easier10:54
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YuRaiderwell it is10:54
YuRaiderif you know10:54
YuRaiderthe exact name of the package10:54
UNH2LYits like 3 words10:54
YuRaideryou want to install ;)10:54
UNH2LYapt-cache search10:54
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YuRaiderthen you have to scroll throught the terminal ;)10:55
YuRaider(just kidding)10:55
UNH2LYmy thoery... if you re too lazy to scroll through a terminal, you shouldnt go anywhere near linux in the first plafce10:55
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Matic`MakovecDamn, sound in Mozilla Firefox stoped working. Sound works normaly with other multimedia players and all, only firefox doesn't give any sound at all. Any ideas?10:56
YuRaiderwell - I said i was kidding10:56
YuRaideri actually love the terminal10:56
eobanbi think this is a subject for #ubuntu-offtopic, UNH2LY10:56
Snellgrovelol I think CLI and Synaptics both have their pro's and cons :)10:56
YuRaideri do almost everything in the terminal :)10:56
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YuRaidereobanb: sorry for offtopic10:56
UNH2LYeobanb, sorry, ill shut up.10:56
mrmistfound it10:56
SnellgroveI generally use apt-get in the terminal, but sometimes I find Synaptic is good - as it can search, and the like :)10:56
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mrmistguess I'm a bit tired, that's all10:56
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kevinMatic`Makovec, if you have gaim running, it will interfere sometimes with sound10:57
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UNH2LYkevin, from what ive experienced, it makes the sound fluxuate a good amount10:57
UNH2LYyoull be muted and still get some with an IM through gaim10:57
mrmister.... still no gtk-config though10:57
UNH2LYso i turned sounds off all together, but i still get the taskbar blinky10:57
Matic`Makoveckevin, it's gaims fault?10:57
kevinUNH2LY,  yup sometimes10:58
UNH2LYor at least thats how it was in breezy10:58
Matic`Makoveclets' see10:58
eobanbi suspect that's because gaim uses oss instead of alsa, and mixing gets fubar'd10:58
Matic`Makovecthanks for the answer kevin10:58
kevinMatic`Makovec, np10:58
kevinfirst real answer I have been able to give all night lol10:58
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YuRaidermrmist: the same thing happened to me for wx-config (wxWidgets), even though I had wx-config10:58
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YuRaiderI could start it from the terminal10:59
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YuRaiderbut when I tried to compile a wxWidgets application10:59
YuRaiderit reported that there's no wx-config10:59
eobanbdidnt know anyone used wxwidgets anymore :P10:59
Matic`Makoveckevin, naah, it's not gaim fault. still doesn't work.10:59
freddyubuntusorry that I repeat my question , I was disc connected and I didnt get your answers10:59
UNH2LYdid any of you guys have like serious isues installing ubuntu from a freshly burned cd?10:59
Locke_what am wxwidgets10:59
YuRaidereobanb why not :)10:59
mrmistYuRaider: found it. There's a shell-script contained only in the gtk1.2-dev, not in the 2.0 version10:59
freddyubuntuI am trying to install a program... i get this error in the ./configure11:00
YuRaiderqt is all fine and good and well but it's massive :)11:00
freddyubuntuchecking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!11:00
kevinUNH2LY,  yes, burned the CD too fast and it crapped during the install11:00
YuRaiderthis is QT dev11:00
mrmistNow I'm getting this:11:00
UNH2LYkevin, hrm, maybe that was my problem11:00
mrmistaclocal: command not found11:00
freddyubuntuwhat should I install?11:00
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czrmrmist, install autoconf11:00
YuRaiderand automake11:00
YuRaideryou'll probably need11:00
UNH2LYcause mine would hang up during the 95% thing, when it checks for stuff to remove11:00
freddyubuntuwhat ?11:00
YuRaiderthat too11:00
UNH2LYor something of that nature11:00
freddyubuntuI cant undrestand11:00
kevinUNH2LY, I had to reburn at 12x and all id well11:01
czrif you see Makefile.am in your source, then you need automake11:01
subirajdoes anyone know where apt stores the downloaded files...11:01
ubotusee !restricted11:01
YuRaiderfreddy: go to Synaptic (System->Administration->Synaptic...)11:01
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ubotuwell, restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats. This page's intent is to enable you to play most non-free media formats that are not DRM encoded. Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats.11:01
mrmistaaaah...autoconf :D11:01
YuRaiderand then search11:01
YuRaiderfor "qt dev"11:01
subirajcan anyone ansewr to me11:01
YuRaideryou should probably install the latest Qt(4)11:01
UNH2LYkevin, i ended up doing a server install from a breezy disc (desktop wouldnt work on that either) and then upgrading to a desktop install, then to dapper11:01
freddyubuntui think i installed qt 311:01
czrsubir, /var/spool or /var/cache11:02
freddyubuntuthere are a lot of QT things...11:02
YuRaiderwell yes - but you also need the development packagess11:02
mrmistOn thing though... Do I have to do anything special to optimize compilation for running on two cores ?11:02
YuRaiderthose packages11:02
czrI'd go with /var/cache/apt11:02
kevinUNH2LY, wow!! that was a lot to just get Dapper11:02
mrmistOr is it sorted out automatically ??11:02
YuRaiderare marked x-dev , where x stands for what you wwanna install11:02
subirajthnx czr11:02
czrmrmist, depends on the software that uses qt11:02
UNH2LYkevin, i agree, but it worked rather well11:02
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mrmistczr: qt? I'm not using qt !?11:02
czrmrmist, there is nothing specific in qt that would help on smp-systems (ht, dual core or real smp)11:02
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czrmrmist, what are you using?11:03
UNH2LYkevin, do you theme gnome a lot, im kind of looking for some pointerws11:03
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YuRaiderto me - the Human theme is the best11:03
kevinUNH2LY, I got a laugh out of it, switched the wifes monitor, couldn't reconfigure x... had to reinstall11:03
freddyubuntuis this enough "Qt 4 development tools" to install?11:03
mrmistczr: I'm compiling an application. qt is just the GUI lib.11:03
kevinUNH2LY, not really11:03
YuRaiderfreddyubuntu: well it should be Qt-dev specifically11:03
czrmrmist, I know what Qt is. just confused you with someone else :-)11:03
YuRaiderbut I'm not quite sure11:03
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mrmistczr: hehe... that's OK11:04
czrmrmist, but no, if the application uses threads or multi-process model then it can utilize dual-core11:04
YuRaiderso the easiest way to get over this is to install everything related to QT: )11:04
czrotherwise you're out of luck, kind of11:04
subirajthnx i found it11:04
UNH2LYkevin, im on a lappy with only 1024x768 max res (its a 12") and im looking for some real low profile panels.... but i want to keep gnome, i like it a lot11:04
subirajwhats qt?11:04
freddyubuntuok thanks YouRaider11:04
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mrmistczr: Will it detect both cores automatically then ?11:04
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czrmrmist, what will?11:04
kevinWell, night folks big day for the family tomorrow11:04
czrmrmist, that's the kernel's problem, not application problem11:04
YuRaiderfreedyubuntu: no problem11:05
eobanbsubiraj, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qt_%28toolkit%2911:05
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UNH2LYsubiraj, thanks for asking, i was just going to do the same11:05
YuRaidersubiraj: you seriously don't know what QT is?11:05
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CoolCubixHello, I am trying to compile/install a driver which needs kernel source. I downloaded (via apt-get), unpacked and made symlinks, but the installation script of the driver can't find the file include/linux/version.h. Why isn't it in the tarball ?11:05
ScottiNailongrrr NETWORKING!!!11:05
mrmistczr: Yeah, I guess. But I don't know how the kernel is working in ubuntu11:05
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eobanbCoolCubix, what driver?11:05
subirajna i am new to this op sys11:05
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ScottiNailonAnyone here who can help me with networking???11:05
subiraji am tryin it out for fun11:05
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? </hint>11:05
UNH2LYScottiNailon, whatcha need11:05
CoolCubixeobanb> driver quickcam for the webam of the same name11:05
czrmrmist, uname -a? if you see smp there, then it can see all the cores. also cat /proc/cpuinfo11:06
eobanbCoolCubix, if you installed something through apt then there shouldnt be any other installation script you need to run...11:06
ScottiNailonUNH2LY can I speak to you in msg mode? I dont have my glasses and I cant see much in the normal room...11:06
subiraji have 5.10 n i am upgradin to 6.06 any advices for better working11:06
YuRaiderQT is a library for GUIs and GUI is everything you see in the graphic mode, all programs that do not run from the terminal (konsole) are GUI programs, the ones that have windows and cool looking buttons 'n' stuff11:06
YuRaiderand QT is used for easily making nice GUIs11:06
YuRaidersubiraj I hope this cleared things a bit :)11:07
czralthough Qt is not the only GUI toolkit. and it has a lot of otherstuff as well, not just GUI11:07
subirajya thnx11:07
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CoolCubixeobanb> this driver compiles into a module, and that's why the package is only distributed as source in apt repositories. There are some things to do before compiling it11:07
mrmistczr:  2.6.15-25-686 #1 SMP PREEMP11:07
czrmrmist, then you have a suitable kernel to drive more than one logical core. so there.11:07
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czrmrmist, applications need to be designed differently if they want to use all the CPUs in a system. just hope your application has been designed in this way11:08
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czrmrmist, there is no automagical setting for the compiler for this11:08
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ScottiNailonUNH2LY: I booted into ubuntu from the CDROM, whilst I was installling the CD picked up my network setting automatically, but after the install the UBUNTU installation didnt pick up my network settings... I dont get it . . .11:08
mrmistczr: Yeah... I know. Let's hope so.11:08
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eobanbScottiNailon, what sort of networking.  wired ethernet?11:09
subiraji wanted to ask one more thing when the apt starts downloading files from the servers it first looks for the files in the cache dir, if i copy these files n save it for further use on my system will it work if i pt back them in that directory11:09
mrmistczr: You gotta employ multiple threads in a prog to make it work. That's kinda' logical :)11:09
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CoolCubixeobanb> in fact the real problem is : why is there no include/linux/version.h in the linux-source-2.6.15 ?11:09
ScottiNailonwired ethernet with DHCP server from the switch11:09
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eobanbScottiNailon, does the network interface show up at all?11:10
subirajis QT based on programing or on visual inputs..11:10
czrmrmist, there are other techniques as well11:10
YuRaidersubiraj: both11:10
ScottiNailonI have an ADSL modem connected to a wireless hub which my computer is wired to.11:10
czrmrmist, and just using threads doesn't mean that the program will scale11:10
YuRaiderthere's a nice QT Designer11:10
mrmistczr: have any good references ?11:10
ScottiNailoneobanb: yes Eth0 shows up.11:10
YuRaiderwhich helps you create GUIs by clicking11:10
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eobanbScottiNailon, and what happens when you do 'sudo dhclient'11:10
czrmrmist, read the book on posix realtime extensions (POSIX.4 - programming for the real world)11:10
czrthat doesn't touch threads though11:11
subirajcan u refer one to QT designer to install11:11
ScottiNailoni havent tried it...11:11
YuRaiderwell it's installed along with QT itselft11:11
ScottiNailonshall I boot into UBUNTU and try it ?11:11
mrmistczr: ehm... what book ?11:11
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eobanbScottiNailon, how else would we get it working?11:11
subirajwhere do i find QT?11:11
YuRaideryou can find it at the repositories11:12
YuRaiderlike from Synaptic11:12
ScottiNailonI am not sure - I havent played in Linux for a long time :)11:12
czrmrmist, depends on what you do. you know how to measure software performance?11:12
subirajokk if i search for QT11:12
rjianhow can i open .tar file extension?11:12
morphixFor the ati driver on dapper i used >> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#head-5ead174a0b3294527486cd4d71ded66b40003f25 , when i do fglrxinfo it doesnt say "ati technologies inc" or "radeon 9800" like the example one does..11:12
ScottiNailoneobanb: are there any other thoughts?? just before I reboot into linux11:12
YuRaidersorry subiraj I'm gonna have to leave u guyz now so I can have breakfast :D11:12
eobanbScottiNailon, after you log in, open a terminal, do 'ifconfig' and make sure the network interface is there11:12
eobanband then try 'sudo dhclient' to get a DHCP lease11:12
mrmistczr: I'm creating a raytracer. It's as simple as comparing rendering times11:12
subirajthen gud mornin to u11:12
czrmrmist, obviously if you think it's that simple, you don't need any pointers from me ;-)11:13
eobanbScottiNailon, if that doesnt work, then write down what the error message is, and tell us what it is11:13
mrmistczr: Hehe.... then tell me..11:13
ScottiNailoneobanb: hmmm ok, um yeah thats it I guess... I will check it out.... the system boots right into gnome11:13
czranyhow, I need to do some real work meanwhile11:13
subirajis there any way to speed up downloads n eat maximum bandwidth in ubuntu...11:13
czrmrmist, maybe you'll learn in time.11:13
eobanbScottiNailon, do you have two computers available or something?11:13
ScottiNailonsomething to do witgh DNS servers - I cant ping yahoo...11:13
ScottiNailonno only the one :(11:14
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mrmistczr: gimme a hint11:14
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eobanbScottiNailon, well you should be getting DNS info via DHCP11:14
czrmrmist, L1 > L2 > memory > virtual mem, but with multiple CPUs there will be a lot of scalability problems when multiple caches need to hold the same data11:14
ScottiNailonSHOULD being the operative word!!!11:14
smacky_wolfCould anyone give me any reasons as to why installing ANYTHING on my 64bit Dapper install is nearly impossible? If so, also how could I actually install something?11:14
eobanbif you aren't, open System > Administration > Neworking and choose the DNS tab, and see what appears there11:15
czrmrmist, obviously you should look into packed vector operations as well, depending on your mathematics requirements and whether you can parallelize your raytracing calculations to begin with11:15
ScottiNailonnothing appears there....11:15
ScottiNailonwhat SHOULD be there?11:15
konfuzednow that the 5.10 install is actually at the stage of "Installing Packackages" is there any more manual intervention required like even 1 key stroke on the keyboard?11:15
eobanbScottiNailon, well, your DNS servers, i would think11:15
konfuzedim way past the time to pass out11:15
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subiraji have one more problem when i do lil too much with visuals n X11 it fails to start, is there any way to recover from that11:16
ScottiNailonhow do I find out what they are? any ideas ?11:16
mrmistczr: think I'll take a course on paralell computing. But it's such a theoretical course.. *sigh*11:16
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eobanbScottiNailon, it really depends on your ISP.  you may want to check your router's configuration and see what it has there.11:16
czrmrmist, there is real parallel stuff, and there is small domain (intra-node) parallel, which requires quite different approaches11:16
ScottiNailoneobanb: ok I will check it that way11:16
czrmrmist, read the intel guide on optimization (optimizing for ia-32 architecture). it's quite good11:16
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enycI find the selection of DNS tools in ubuntu-main limited... hrrm11:17
enycuniverse has many fo the more userful tools11:17
suprchrisWhat happened to all the functionality of the screensaver?11:17
mrmistczr: Thanks for the tips. I'll do that! :)11:17
czrmrmist, search for the pdf on intel.com -> developers -> processors -> foo11:17
gruduhi there, I need some help... i'm trying to save some datas after a windws crash ; so i'm using a live ubuntu session11:18
UNH2LYScottiNailon, as root or sudo do  "dhclient eth0"11:18
czrit's free. there is also a document from amd on the same subject. quite good as well11:18
eobanbsuprchris, it died a horrible death by zealous minimalist gnomes.  but that's a subject for #ubuntu-offtopic11:18
enyclike the 'host' tool (not bind9-host) and NSD (rather more robust / less reoserce hungry  server for authoritative dns zones than bind9 from main) etc.11:18
mrmistczr: yup. I'll sure do that. I'm mostly developing for Intel though...11:18
grudubut, i can't find my windows partitions...11:18
suprchrisis there anyway to get the original back11:18
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gruduIs someone able t help me ?11:18
eobanbUNH2LY, i already suggested that11:18
mrmistczr: But I'm not doing asm though... it's C/C++11:18
czrmrmist, it doesn't matter. both books are good.11:18
UNH2LYsorry, xchat lagged out for some reason11:18
czrmrmist, the books mainly are for c/c++, not a much of asm stuff11:18
mrmistczr: I'll sure look into it11:18
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Stroganoffeobanb, that's very funny with those screensavers, that take input from a custom image or desktop screenshot and will just show this ugly, colorfull test screen11:19
smacky_wolfCould anyone give me any reasons as to why installing ANYTHING on my 64bit Dapper install is nearly impossible? If so, also how could I actually install something?11:19
czrmrmist, generally the programming language doesn't matter as much, as long as it doesn't hide any dynamic latencies (C++ might do that sometimes)11:19
eobanbStroganoff, okay..?11:19
suprchriseoband, is there a way to get the old ss manager back?11:19
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Stroganoffi just don't understand those minimalistic morons at gnome, sry11:20
mrmistczr: Does it consider stuff like that? These are expressions I don't really know that well11:20
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eobanbnor do i, Stroganoff11:20
subirajneed an answer pple....i have one more problem when i do lil too much with visuals n X11 it fails to start, is there any way to recover from that11:20
eobanbsuprchris, yeah, there should be11:20
ScottiNailoneobanb: thanks man you are the best :)11:20
czrmrmist, does what consider?11:20
eobanbcheck if you have the xscreensaver package installed, suprchris11:20
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M_Fatihhi ubuntu, have a nice sunday :)11:20
suprchrisi have some of the packages11:20
smacky_wolfsubiraj, try ctl+alt+backspace11:20
czrmrmist, you should learn to profile your code first, to know which part to "optimize"/redesign11:20
smacky_wolfShould restart your xsession11:21
suprchrisbut there is also gnome-screensaver installed11:21
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eobanbsubiraj, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:21
ScottiNailoneobanb: errr.... is there an XCHAT in UBUNTU11:21
subirajya but after restart gnome fails to start it reports an error11:21
eobanbsuprchris, gnome-screensaver is the dumbified one11:21
eobanbScottiNailon, yeah, should be...11:21
eobanbScottiNailon, if not, sudo apt-get install xchat11:21
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XorphScottiNailon, sudo apt-get install xchat11:21
mrmistczr: yep. I've done some profiling on scripts, but not on C++ code. I'm kinda' new to development on Unix platforms.11:21
suprchrisI guess i'll see what I can find.11:21
subirajokk i will try this next time it happens eobanb11:21
ScottiNailoneobanb: is there a way to change from Gnome to KDE ?11:22
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eobanbScottiNailon, yes, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop11:22
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czrmrmist, google for 'gprof' and 'valgrind'. although you should generally understand something about architectures first (especially with valgrind)11:22
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czrmrmist, good luck though. it's a road that never really ends ;-)11:23
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ScottiNailoneobanb: thats KDE is it?11:23
eobanbScottiNailon, yes.11:23
ScottiNailoneobanb: do you have any newer or better suggestions then KDE ?11:23
mrmistYeah... I've kinda' understood that... hehe. I've been coding for quite some time, but I still feel like a newbie11:23
morphixi installed the ati driver for my 9800 pro.. set up dual head.. rebooted.. but its still not dual head :(11:23
ScottiNailonhas anything BETTER been designed?11:23
eobanbScottiNailon, well personally i prefer gnome.11:23
YuRaideris there a way to install amaroK and KDE based apps without really installing KDE itself?11:23
ScottiNailoneobanb: why ?11:23
morphixand i get that DRI is missing error.. even though that module is set to load11:23
mrmistczr: thanks though :) You've given me lots of pointers now11:23
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czrmrmist, I'm like a double-linked list :-). have fun11:24
eobanbScottiNailon, everyone has their own opinion as to which desktop environment is better, but i suggest you try both and see which one you prefer, and keep in mind that both can be highly customised.11:24
Locke_gnome beats the crap out of kde11:24
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Guiltlet's traverse czr :)11:24
eobanbLocke_, let's not start a flamewar..11:24
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mrmistczr: hehe :) Thanks11:25
subirajthanx pple goin bye11:25
mrmistczr: *saving the log*11:25
czrGuilt, noo. I'd like to keep some pointers private :-)11:25
ScottiNailoneobanb: I need one that is REALLYeasy to use for the end user, I am trying to find an easy build of linux to start installing for end users in order to to further Linux :)11:25
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czrmrmist, when you have specific questions, drop a privmsg. I hang around freenode most of the time11:25
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mrmistcool... here on ubuntu ?11:26
czrmainly on #kernel11:26
czrbut privmsg doesn't care11:26
eobanbScottiNailon, well you know again it just depends on what you like.  by default, KDE looks and feels more like windows xp than gnome does.  in my opinion gnome is somewhat better-designed.11:26
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morphixwtf, i have 3 monitor sections.. and 3 devices section11:26
ScottiNailonEase of use wise? whats better ?11:26
mrmistczr: yeah :) I'll do that... it's ages since I've been using IRC... trying it again these days11:27
czryou can take a man our of IRC, but you can never take IRC out of a man11:27
mrmistczr: Any way I can add you to a list on Gaim or something ?11:27
ltibor65Hi guys! Please, help! How can I set the path of an executable program?11:27
eobanbScottiNailon, probably gnome.  KDE tends to have a lot more (arguably confusing) options for things.11:27
CrippsFXI did an apt-get upgrade yesterday, and among other things my kernel was updated to 2.6.15-25-i386 ... but now I can't get my broadcom wireless to work. I'm using the bcm43xx module, and "iwlist eth1 scanning" returns no results ... problem is, I'm practically sitting on top of my AP. Has enybody else experienced this problem, or fixed it?11:27
mrmistczr: hehe11:27
czrmrmist, sure.11:27
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fijamhello. I need some assistance installing Ubuntu. Could you help?11:28
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CrippsFXltibor65, export "PATH"="$PATH:/path/to/program"11:28
eobanbfijam, what is your question?11:28
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subirajhi frnz11:28
ScottiNailoneobanb: I have an o2 PDAII MINI - is there any compatibility with those?11:28
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fijamI've got two physical drives. On the first one I've got W98, which I'd like to leave here. Second one is empty, ready for Ubuntu11:28
eobanbi don't know what that is, ScottiNailon11:28
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fijamHow to install it?11:28
ScottiNailonits a PDA11:28
subirajone more question how should i make my gnome meeting work11:28
=== CrippsFX can't wait until his Palm Zire 31 gets here
ScottiNailonpalm sized comptuer :)11:28
eobanbScottiNailon, does it run palm OS?11:29
subiraji mean whom can i connect with gnome meeting11:29
eobanbfijam, have you booted the dapper live CD?11:29
ScottiNailonerrr. yeah I think so11:29
fijamI am currently under W98. I just want some theory ;)11:29
ScottiNailoneobanb: it says designed for Windows Mobile11:29
Healotstill usin 9x?11:30
eobanbfijam, when you run the installer on the dapper disc, it should present both drives to you, and you'll be able to select on which drive to install ubuntu.  it will also detect your windows install and make that an option in the grub boot menu.11:30
baboHow do I grep match for a word, case-insensitive .. ?11:30
KrisWoodhow do I get audio and video codecs?11:30
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mrmistgrep word -i11:30
eobanbScottiNailon, i really do not know.  i'm sure there are a variety of pocketPC tools out there for linux, though11:30
SuperQfijam: yea, you want to download the Desktop CD11:30
eobanb!tell KrisWood about restricted11:30
mrmistbabo: grep  "myword" -i11:30
subirajpple what is gnome meeting for??????????????/11:30
fijameobanb, but... the GRUB will change MBR? And what about that stuff with creating /boot partition etc?11:31
babomrmist: thanks11:31
SuperQfijam: One question tho, you're running W98, how much memory does your computer have?11:31
mrmistbabo: np :)11:31
fijamsuperQ just 128 :(11:31
ScottiNailonoh well, I guess I will get my system working and then look into it - because my pocketPC syncs with my outlook calender and contacts etc.... I cant loose that.11:31
SuperQfijam: oh.. that's not enough for install :(11:31
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fijamSuperQ even with using e.g IceWM?11:31
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SuperQfijam: well, you will have to do a text mode install11:31
eobanbfijam, you'll want to get the text installer disc instead11:32
SuperQfijam: which is the "alternate" installer11:32
ScottiNailoneobanb: ok I go now and try to get my broken network fixed - ttys11:32
rej-how do i get the whole string of a running process with ps x? it cuts off at the end of the terminal..11:32
fijamtell me more please :)11:32
eobanbfijam, and once you've done that you'll probably want to switch to a more lightweight window manager, but let's jump off that bridge when we come to it..11:32
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CrippsFXsubiraj, gnome-meeting is for video conferencing. It's kind of like microsoft netmeeting11:32
SuperQfijam: it's not that much more dificult11:32
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SuperQfijam: you may want to look at using Xubuntu11:32
fijamsuperQ And what is that?11:32
eobanbubuntu + xfce11:33
SuperQfijam: it's a lightweight desktop11:33
KrisWoodwhat's a good gui FTP client?11:33
eobanb!tell fijam about xubuntu11:33
transgressKrisWood: gftp11:33
eobanbKrisWood, perhaps try gftp11:33
dragoonKrisWood: gftp11:33
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KrisWoodcool thanks11:33
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SuperQfijam: with either one, the installer will make all the partitions for you11:33
SuperQfijam: and install the MBR11:33
MenZagFTP is horrible (IMO)--Nautilus is better.11:33
subirajcripps FX:\whom can i connect to?11:33
=== MenZa prods KrisWood
SuperQfijam: you just have to tell it which drive to use11:33
fijamSuperQ thanks11:34
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SuperQfijam: (you will need atleast a 2GB drive11:34
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CrippsFXsubiraj, whoever else is using gnome meeting ... I think it's possible to connect to people using net meeting to.11:34
fijamSuperQ got 6GB11:34
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SuperQfijam: should be ok11:34
SuperQfijam: it will make it all with one partition11:34
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KrisWoodthanks MenZa, I didn't know Nautilus had FTP, where do I find it?11:34
eobanbwelcome, dre11:34
SuperQfijam: you don't need /boot anymore, because grub knows how to get around the partition size limits11:34
fijamSuperQ: and how much space should I spre for swap?11:34
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drehow do i get resolutions higher than 1024?11:34
CrippsFXsubiraj, unless you use gnome-meeting for business video conferencing, I think that installing it is a waste of time. It *is* possible to use it for webcam over MSN (on gaim), but I really don't know how.11:34
kane77i have a problem with totem... it always opens up below the upper panel (the titlebar is under panel) no matter how I leave it.... it's pretty annoying... how can I make it open normally????11:35
ubotuhmm... resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:35
SuperQfijam: the installer will figure it out for you11:35
eobanbfijam, considering you only have 128 MB of RAM, probably a lot11:35
SuperQeobanb: heh11:35
MenZaKrisWood: there's a "Connect to server" point in the menu next to 'Applications'.11:35
tripppyhow do i setup auto updates for ubuntu between 1am and 5am - download and install only?11:35
SuperQfijam: if it's too slow with Xubuntu, you can install "fluxbox"11:35
SuperQfijam: it's very very light weight11:35
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fijamsuperQ: yeas, I am aware of its existance ;)11:36
KrisWoodMenZa: oooh very mac-ish11:36
MenZaKrisWood: 'bit.11:36
fijamsuperQ and eobanb: thanks for help11:36
subirajtripppy i ve the same question11:36
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eobanbwelcome, rait11:36
raitcan anyone help me resize my ext3 partition?11:37
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eobanbto what end, rait?11:37
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raithow do u mean to zhat end?11:37
eobanbrait, why do you want to do that11:37
raitto be able to add the un-used space to my windows partition11:38
LoneShadowunmount it, and use parted11:38
eobanb...unless of course it's your boot volume..11:38
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raiti think it is11:39
eobanbin which case unmounting it is going to prove rather difficult11:39
raitim not sure ...11:39
raithavent used linux in ages11:39
rtghow to install themes in XUBUNTU11:39
shylockhi, i tried to install gnucash, it doesnt show up in the menu and when i run it from the terminal it starts with the motif look, anyone know how i change it to gtk?11:39
eobanbrait, uhm, well, if it is, you'll have to boot from some other volume, like a dapper liveCD, and run gparted from that11:39
rjiandoes anyone know about swat samba??11:39
LoneShadowif you havnt used in ages, it might be a better idea, reformat it :D11:39
LoneShadowunless you have important data11:39
dresudo: timestamp too far in the future:11:39
dreHow do I fix?11:39
ubotua compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular non-free formats. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for 64-bit systems see http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5439911:40
raitwould my windows be good too?11:40
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rtghow 2 install themes in XUBUNTU11:40
subiraji am having a problem with mplayer its video is much slower than the actual speed n sound is ok... an anyone assist plz...11:40
KrisWoodwow I must say that the nautilus FTP client is the best one I've ever used, and I've been working in web design for a decade11:40
LoneShadowoh so you have windows and linux installed on the same hdd ?11:40
raitsorry im abit of a newbie when it comes to linux11:40
KrisWoodso I've used a lot of clients11:40
raitno on different ones11:41
rtgsubiraj check the audio vedio delay11:41
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dreHELP!!!  When i type sudo all i get is  sudo: timestamp too far in the future:11:41
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subirajrtg: where is it?11:41
subirajin the settings i ve tried everything but it doesn't work11:42
rtgsubiraj press + or - buttons11:42
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ubehey guys. when i do an apt-get for pureftpd. i get an error "couldn't find package pureftpd"11:42
ubeall i want to do is install an ftp program11:42
rtgsubiraj while playing the vedio11:42
subirajokk i will try it11:42
subirajbut i think its something more serious11:43
rtggiv details11:43
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ubecan someone help me with apt-get?11:43
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Lynouredre: man sudo is helpful on that, I think11:44
subirajthen after a few minutes of slow play there is a msg.. too many buffers11:44
raitso can anyone help me?11:44
subirajsrry too many frames in buffer11:44
subirajfolloowed by numbers like 33455 in 3453435411:44
sktrdieI just bought a new HD, fdisk sees it, but how do I partition in so I can mount it?11:44
subirajor something like that n player has to be stopped11:44
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Hoxzeris there anyway to make shortcut that will open terminal -> connect to ssh server -> login and run command on it automatically ?11:45
subirajube  what exactly do u want11:46
sktrdiecan anyone help me partitioning my new HD so I can mount it in linux?11:46
drethe man page on sudo explains the problem but doesn't say how to fix :(11:48
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raitcan anyone help me with my partition problem ?11:48
micktmHi! Someone knows a compiler for fortran 90?11:48
ubehey guys. I'm trying to apt-get filezilla but i get an error "Couldn't find package filzilla"11:49
bbrazilmicktm: there's a gcc backend for fortran, not sure which version though11:49
subirajsktddie... goto system-> adm-> discs11:49
micktmI found g77 and gfortran for 77 and 9511:49
drumline_Hoxzer: the ssh man page explains what you're asking for.11:49
Snellgroveube - I can't find a filezilla in the repositories, I think you'll need to compile or find a deb from somewhere else11:50
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ubesnellgrove: i dont know how to compile :[11:50
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Healotmicktm: gfortran then...11:50
Snellgrovesktrdie: are you doing a new install at all11:50
Snellgroveor from the live CD?11:51
Snellgrovelike the 6.06 desktop CD11:51
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Snellgroverait:  what's the problem?  I don't know if I can help, but I can try :)11:51
sktrdieSnellgrove: I already have linux, I just need this new HD for storage11:51
micktmok, but doesn't read f90 files....11:51
elknof3_i have a problem with wine11:52
subirajsktrdie... goto system-> adm-> discs11:52
Snellgroveah might be quite easily, sktrdie  - do a sudo apt-get install gparted11:52
Healotmicktm: get MS Fotran then, hehe11:52
micktmor better, it reads them, but I cant' execute the executables11:52
Snellgrovegparted = gnome partition editor or something, its quite nice to use :)11:52
micktmbut I'm under linux11:52
sktrdiesubiraj: I am in, but can't seem to get it mounted yet11:52
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Snellgroveyou will basically select your new disk in the list, and then can easily create a new partition11:52
Healotmicktm: what was the exact error?11:52
LoneShadowrait: if you ares still looking to solve your partition problem, describe what your hdd partitions are like11:53
raitwell i have 2 seperate Hd's and one runs windows with 40 gig and another one that runs linux ubuntu with 80 gig and i want to resize the linux one to have free space to use for my windows partition11:53
subirajselect ur hard disc n goto partitions tab11:53
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micktmFortran Runtime Error: no such file or directory11:53
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subirajthere u will have a format button...11:53
sktrdiesubirajsubiraj; I am there11:53
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Healotwhat was the command line?11:53
Snellgroverait: there'll be some kind of bootable (on a CD) partition editor you can use.11:54
micktmbut because it's a sintax error, he search a fortran95 code, but the code is in f9511:54
LoneShadowrait: are you booted in linux right now ?11:54
subirajsktrdie does it work???11:54
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LoneShadowcan you check how many partitions are currently created ?11:54
bbrazilLoneShadow: cat /proc/partitions11:54
OrTigaShi! how can i upgrade to 6.06 thru synaptic?11:54
rait3 i think11:54
=== Gimp` [n=ubuntu@c-69-136-138-107.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
raityeah 311:55
Gimp`i installed ubuntu the other day and now im having problems installing windows xp11:55
LoneShadowrait: what are the sizes of those 3 ?11:55
raitone is 74.842 mb and both others are 1.475 mb11:56
Gimp`i was reading about how the 2.6 kernel can mess up the mbr making windows unable to boot so i ran the windows recovery console and did "fixmbr" and "fixboot" but it didnt help11:56
OrTigaSyou better to install first the windows before the linux11:56
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Gimp`anyone know how to fix it?11:56
sktrdiesubiraj: there's a wierd list of partitions11:56
sktrdiesubiraj: the first says Free space11:56
Gimp`OrTigaS: my hdd died and i didnt have a working windows xp cd :(11:56
transgressokay i'm having a weird problem with my ALPS touchpad.  i had it all nice and neat but now, when i click on something, i have to move my mouse before it actually clicks11:56
sktrdiesubiraj: and the second (the one I created) says there's no free space.11:56
LoneShadowrait: double check your partitions :D, you should see your 80GB11:57
subirajya thats what is ro be partioned11:57
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subirajsktrdie explain a lil11:57
OrTigaStheres a lot windows xp installation... you know that :)11:57
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Gimp`so does anyone know how to fix it so i can install and boot to windows?11:58
raitwell thats what i see here really when i check my partitions11:59
teclisHello, my USB-Disk ist formatted with FAT32 and will be mounted with utf-8-charset. How can I mount it with another charset like 8859-1?11:59
subirajsktrdie did u select the new hard disc???11:59
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Healotteclis: absolutely11:59
ScottiNailoneobanb: can we talk in msg windows?11:59
subirajit shoud be formatted first b4 any free space?11:59
OrTigaShi! how can i upgrade to 6.06 thru synaptic?12:00
ScottiNailonbrb - making hot milo :)12:00
nmsahow do I know what sound modules to lead ?12:00
LoneShadowrait: when you do cat /proc/partitions, what does the first line say ? mine says " 3     0   39082680 hda" thats 40gb on /dev/hda12:00
KrisWoodhow do i get the xvid codec for linux?12:01
sktrdiesubiraj: thanks for thehelp, I had partition it wrong12:01
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teclisHealot: ?12:01
LoneShadowrait: also you can type "df" to see which partition you can shrink, check the usage12:01
raitit says the exact same number12:01
subirajok my peasure...12:01
LoneShadowrait: paste the first line from /proc/paritions12:02
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rait3     0   39082680 hda12:02
LoneShadowso you are using 40gb hdd for your linux, not the 80 gig one ?12:02
ytripppydoes anyone have a xbox and runs XBMC?12:02
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teclisHealot: The problem is, that Windows doesn't use utf-8. And I use the HDD to share data between different pcs12:03
LoneShadowoh never mind, you have 2 hdds, do you hdb as well ?12:03
LoneShadowthat I am guessing is 80gb,12:03
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rait3    64   78150744 hdb12:03
raldiWhen i mount an NFS drive, it takes several minutes .. looking at the packet dumps, it seems the server is trying to send UDP packets to my sunrpc port (111) but i'm sending back "port unreachable"12:04
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LoneShadowright, and do you see hdb1, hdb2,.. ?12:04
Healotteclis: on the option column, change "utf-8" to "iso8859-1", remount12:04
raithdb1 and hdb512:04
raldiI'm using a stock Ubuntu kernel. Do i need to compile my own with some special option, or maybe install a package?12:04
LoneShadowwhat does it say when you type df ?12:04
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podgohi everybody12:05
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raitabout hdb?12:05
KrisWoodhow do I use apt to find a package name?12:05
Healotraldi: a few ways to do that12:05
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podgoapt-cache search12:05
mrmistI can't get JACK to work..12:05
podgoand the name you wanna search12:05
raldihealot: to do what? did you see my first message too or just my second?12:06
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rait/dev/hdb1             75434976   1802068  69801008   3% /12:06
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Healotteclis: on the option column, change "utf-8" to "iso8859-1", remount (file /etc/fstab)12:06
LoneShadowwhat about hdb5 ?12:07
podgohow can help me for a usb keyboard issue on dapper ?12:07
raitit doesnt shoz there12:07
KrisWoodhow do I find an xvid codec for ubuntu?12:07
LoneShadowok so you just one single root partition :D12:07
ScottiNailonerrr anyone here ok with NETWORKING ?12:07
raldinever mind, i got it: NFS mounting took forever because i hadn't installed the "portmap" package12:07
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ScottiNailonI am having some CRAP probz :(12:07
LoneShadowrait: you sure you dont want reinstall linux ?12:08
LeaChimScottiNailon, what's the problem?12:08
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podgoi am a network administrator ask me if you want sCottiNailon12:08
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LoneShadowrait: you need to boot from a cd, and use parted on /dev/hdb1 to resize it12:09
ScottiNailonpodgo & LeaChim: I installed Ubuntum, whilst installing the system picked up my networking automatically, but now, well it aint picking up at all, I have some logs to show but not in channel...12:09
teclisHealot: their is no entry in fstab. hmm, because it's an automounted usb-disk?12:09
podgoi have just an issue on my laptop with an ortek usb keyboard ! .....on the 2.6.12 it works but not on the 2.6.15 from dapper drake : / so no usb keyb that smell like bullshit12:10
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azi`hello, i have problems with my PCMCIA card.. i've plugged a WLAN card into the laptop (Asus 100g Deluxe) but , now i really don't know what should i seek for ? is there any conf wizard for that?12:10
raitok i4ll do thqt then12:10
podgowho can help me:p12:10
ompaulScottiNailon, if you have logs and the like then http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org is a good place to put them12:10
teclisHealot: how should the entry look like?12:10
LoneShadowrait: you could try using parition magic from window, it might do the trick too12:10
raitcan i access it through there?12:10
ScottiNailonompaul: nah just short logs :)12:10
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raitwell i'll give it a go12:11
podgodo a lsmod azi12:11
Kengurhi, how can i mount vfat rw for any user?12:11
raitthanks for the help loneshadow12:11
KrisWoodI guess no one knows how to get xvid running on here? :(12:11
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ScottiNailonpodgo: any ideas why it is not picking up the network?12:11
ompaulScottiNailon, in ubuntu check from the menu -  System Administration Networking - paste.ubuntu-nl.org is for anything over 2 lines with an enter12:11
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nmsaI have problems with my sound card, I can't get it working in my new amd kernel 2.6.15-25. how do I know what modules to load ?12:12
LoneShadowrait: I have not used partition magic in a long time, it might do the resizing, try it if you have the software12:12
ScottiNailonwould it have anything to do with ip6 being there and not ip4?12:13
LoneShadowrait: if that fails, boot from a linux cd and run parted on /dev/hdb1, and that will let you shrink the parition12:13
ompaulScottiNailon, it should show both, are we talking wireless or wired?12:13
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ScottiNailonompaul: wired but it is not showing ip4 just ip6....12:14
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ScottiNailonWORKSTATIOM---> SWITCH -----> ADSL Modem12:14
ScottiNailonSwitch is wireless but I am wired to it.12:14
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mrmistHi guys :)12:15
drumline_how many folks have used GParted to resize an NTFS partition?12:15
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mrmistI'm getting this error-message: " open /dev/snd/seq failed"12:15
madadrumline_: i haven't but i have read alot about it, what's up?12:15
Healoti used fdisk... it's devilish12:15
ompaulScottiNailon, open a terminal (Applications Accessories Terminal) and issue this command >> sudo dhclient  << please do not use caps in irc - it is considered shouting :-)12:15
drumline_mada: just curious... i will try it in a few days.12:15
ScottiNailonompaul: sorry12:16
drumline_need some time...12:16
folkpodgo , wanna lick me?12:16
ompaulScottiNailon, you did not know before you do know ;-)12:16
madadrumline_: everything i have heard is that it is an incredible tool and resizes like a pro12:16
madafolk: lets not be dirty12:16
ScottiNailonompaul: yes I tried that... but it didnt do what I needed, it didnt work.12:16
folkubuntu is for lamer no?12:16
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podgocan you help me dude folk !12:17
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drumline_folk: who says?12:17
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ompaulno more folk easy12:17
podgoi have big issue on my F ubuntu :/12:17
KrisWoodVideo codec 'XviD' is not handled. You might need to install additional plugins to be able to play some types of movies12:17
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Healot!info libxine-extracodecs12:18
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: (the xine video/media player library, binary files), section multiverse/libs, is optional. Version: 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 (dapper), Packaged size: 1148 kB, Installed size: 2976 kB12:18
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ompaulScottiNailon, so ehh is the router handing out more than one IP?12:19
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ScottiNailonompaul: you said to sudo dhclient eth0, but that doesnt work...12:19
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kane77i have a problem with totem... it always opens up below the upper panel (the titlebar is under panel) no matter how I leave it.... it's pretty annoying... how can I make it open normally????12:20
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ompaulScottiNailon, not what I said - what I said was sudo dhclient (I'll accept packets on any interface ;-))12:20
ScottiNailonompaul: no it is just handing out one IP, which is for this one workstation12:21
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drumline_ScottiNailon: is it an internal or external address?   does any other computer do it OK?12:21
ompaulScottiNailon, then how do you expect to get a connection - turn off the work station turn on ubuntu and if you have bandwidth you have a router config issue12:21
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ScottiNailonompaul: i am getting sick of rebooting back to linux and then when it doesnt work i gotta reboot to windows to get in irc :(12:21
ScottiNailondrumline_: internal IP -
ompaulScottiNailon, one box for all12:22
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satemplerhow do I set the time from the command line12:22
ompaulScottiNailon, I had taken it for two12:22
satemplermy servers time is whaked12:22
Gullstadhow do you send a message to another klient trough SSH?12:22
ScottiNailonompaul: I can access internet in M$ WINDOWS, but when I boot linux it wont connect - it doesnt get a IP :(12:22
madasatempler: is it a PowerPC server?12:22
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satemplermada: no12:23
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drumline_satempler: scotti: does your network adapter show "UP" in caps when you do a "ifconfig" ?12:23
drumline_ScottiNailon: ^^12:23
madasatempler: oh .. nvm, i just seem to have time issues with my iBook, and from google research it is apparently a PowerPC thing12:23
ScottiNailonompaul: does it matter if it only had ip6 in hosts?12:23
ompaulScottiNailon, no that is expected behaviour12:23
filleokusHi, do u most to edit some settings file for Apache to make it work on internet, it only works on the lan network now?12:23
mrmistALSA lib seq_hw.c:456:(snd_seq_hw_open) open /dev/snd/seq failed12:24
filleokusMy router etc is allright12:24
ompaulScottiNailon, how many ethernet cards has it got?12:24
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drumline_filleokus: does your box have a gateway set?12:24
ScottiNailondrumline & satempler: not sure :( I might have to log a few things and come back, my last log didnt take :(12:24
ScottiNailonompaul: 112:24
Gullstadhow do you send a message to another klient trough SSH?12:24
filleokusdrumline, DHCP12:24
drumline_ScottiNailon: make sure the card is reporting the "UP" state...  if not, 'ifup eth0'12:25
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madaGullstad: uhmmm... elaborate more on exactly what you are trying to do?12:25
drumline_sometimes, the card wont start up on boot.12:25
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satemplercan some one help me set the time on my server12:25
ScottiNailondrumline_: thanks I will try that too :)12:25
drumline_satan: do you have ntpdate ?12:25
madasatempler: sudo hwclock --set "<time>"12:25
ScottiNailonany other ideas, would it matter about the ip6 thing in hosts?12:26
Gullstadmada: You know the message you get up when you halt, or shutdown. I just want to send a message that shows on the remote machines screen.12:26
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ompaulScottiNailon, check out this document -> http://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html12:26
ScottiNailonompaul: thanks man :)12:26
madaGullstad: ohhh, like an motd?12:26
drumline_Gullstad: echo "This ship is going down suckas!!" | wall12:26
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Gullstadlets try that :)12:27
kane77i have a problem with totem... it always opens up below the upper panel (the titlebar is under panel) no matter how I leave it.... it's pretty annoying... how can I make it open normally????12:27
ompaulScottiNailon, the only time I have not seen system admin netoworking and clicking on enable not work was with a faulty network card12:27
Gullstadthanks :)12:27
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pomhello, when my laptop uses battery, the HD spins down frequently, when it spins up, it makes a little beep noise, somebody with the same problem?12:27
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madaGullstad: np :)12:27
drumline_Gullstad: welcome.  :)  You might be able to pipe the echo to "shutdown" but it's been a while since I've done that, so check the docs on shutdown to be sure.12:28
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ScottiNailonompaul: it doesnt feel seem faulty right now :)12:28
transgresspom what does dmesg say after it happens?12:28
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madapom: what kind of laptop? ... brand, make, model, etc. (x86, ppc, amd64?)12:28
Gullstaddrumline_: Think its possible whit shutdown -k12:28
pommada: dell inspiron 640012:28
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madapom: one moment please12:28
aidehuaI'm using a non-GNOME desktop, but would like to load the GTK-theme-settings to make my GTK apps look pretty.  The default is rubbish!  How can I do this?12:28
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mathieu_aidehua: run gnome-settings-daemon12:29
drumline_Gullstad: actually, no.  It should work without -k12:29
ScottiNailonok i am rebooting to play a bit :)12:29
ompaulScottiNailon, well we had this card and it would work intermittently and it died but there ya go - and it could be that it does not like talking 100% correctly12:29
pomtransgress: no messages in dmesg12:29
ompaulScottiNailon, pring that page first12:29
Goshawkhi, is it normal that my dvd rw driver is deleting a cdrom form 1:24 (not 1 minute but 1 hour)12:29
drumline_Gullstad: simply pipe the echo command to shutdown and it should wall everybody and then shutdown according to your shutdown switches12:29
transgresspom:  dmesg says nothing or nothing that applies?12:29
pommada: found some stuff on the forum, but not using acpi is no option for me12:29
aidehuamathieu_: gnome-settings-daemon undoes a lot of my personal settings -- xset -b, font paths etc.  Is there a simpler way of initialising GTK with a theme?12:29
ScottiNailonompaul: pring?12:29
pomtransgress: nothing that applies of course12:30
ompaulScottiNailon, print even12:30
mathieu_aidehua: no idea...that's the way i did it12:30
mrmistAnyone experienced with ALSA here ??12:30
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=== ScottiNailon is going now....
madapom: no, you definitely need acpi ...12:30
=== ScottiNailon will be back either in linux or windows (hope not)
Healotmrmist: we don't create ALSA, but it's not hurting if you ask12:30
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mrmistHealot: I can't get it to work12:31
=== aidehua goes to pick apart precisely what gnome-settings-daemon is doing.
mrmistI really don't understand the connection between ALSA and JACK12:31
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Healotmrmist: run the sound test yet?12:31
mrmistHealot: What sound test ?12:32
Healotbtw are you trying to play mp3 or something?12:32
madapom: i just did a quick scan of linux-laptop.net and i didn't really see any issue with the hdd under ubuntu on the inspiron 6400 core duo12:32
mirakanyone tried spiftacity already ?12:32
mrmistHealot: I'm trying to get a music-program up and running..12:32
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jdmpikeI have a question about .Xauthority - whenever I try to add my MAGIC-COOKIE so I can start things on display :1.0, it only lasts for a single session... Is there a way i can make it persistent12:32
Healotbtw are you trying to play mp3 or something?12:32
ytripppydoes anyone have a xbox and runs XBMC?12:32
mrmistHealot: The sounds in kubuntu works nice12:32
filleokusHi, do u most to edit some settings file for Apache to make it work on internet, it only works on the lan network now?12:32
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mrmistHealot: I'm using Amarok, and it works nice :)12:33
jdmpikefilleokus, you modify the httpd.conf file12:33
filleokusjdmpike, how?12:33
ytripppyhow can i setup ubuntu to download updates 1am-5am ?12:33
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jdmpikefilleokus, check out FAQ on http://www.apache.org and goto the HTTP server link12:34
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madafilleokus: what command did you use to start the server daemon?12:35
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filleokusmada, /etc/init.d/apache2 start12:35
filleokusmada, but this dosent matter or does it?12:35
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madafilleokus: yeah, then you need to edit the httpd.conf file12:36
drumline_filleokus: does your box have a gateway?12:36
zawaCan someone please tell me what's the good program for usb camera?12:36
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tofhi guys, is 'dpkg -S /usr/bin/mail' the right command to find which package provide the 'mail' executable??12:36
madazawa: web cam or digital?12:36
filleokusdrumline, yes it does, a router12:36
zawaweb cam12:36
drumline_filleokus: can it access the net?12:36
Healotzawa: get a compatible camera first :)12:36
filleokusthe router or the box?12:36
drumline_does it have a real world address or private address?12:36
drumline_the box12:37
madazawa: what cam do you have (make and model)12:37
filleokusdrumline_, private12:37
achandraThere has been probably many discussion about this but after much playing around finally got my bcm4318 wireless driver for Gateway MX7118. If anyone is having issue with this id be glad to help..by the way..bcm4318 fails pretty bad with bcm-fwcutter.12:37
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Gimp`hey, i installed ubuntu and then windows and im unable to boot up windows. anyone know how i can fix the mbr so that windows will boot?12:37
zawai can get it going with gnome meeting but it's not very clear.12:37
drumline_filleokus: ...and you cannot access the http server through the router from the net?12:37
Hobbsee!tell Gimp` about grub12:37
zawaI was wondering if there are any better program apart from gnomemeeting12:37
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting12:37
Gimp`grub doesnt fix it12:37
filleokusdrumline, exactly,via the internal ip it works but not trough the net12:38
MenZaHobbsee: you're too fast :\12:38
Remyhey, anyone gotten an iriver working on ubuntu before ?12:38
Gimp`ive used grub but i get an error12:38
filleokusRemy, yes12:38
filleokuscheck that out12:38
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madaachandra: it works like a freaking champ on my iBookG4 airport extreme card, i know its not the same chipset, but pretty much the same hack job to make it work12:38
Gimp`root (hd 0,0)12:38
Gimp`Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0x712:38
Gimp`chainloader +112:38
Gimp`then it just hangs there12:38
Remyfilleokus - man ifp-line ?12:38
drumline_filleokus: check your port forwards on the router... what kind of router?12:38
filleokusRemy, no google12:38
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zawamada, any ideas?12:39
filleokusdrumline, they are right i think there are something in the apache settings12:39
drumline_filleokus: another thing... it's a bad idea to run internet-facing servers on an internal network.12:39
filleokusmada says that i should edit httpd.conf file12:39
filleokusbut how12:39
madazawa: not that i know of ... but then again i haven't really done alot of checking around .... lemme look something up real fast12:39
Gimp`anyone have any ideas on how to fix my mbr? :P12:39
filleokusdrumline, yes sure, but i have to, it is just like a small private server :D12:39
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achandramada: I literally tried all inf files from gateway and other vendors and their sys files....it failed miserabbly until i used an cer developed driver for bcm4318 64 bit with ndis...then it worked great..12:39
filleokusnothing serious12:39
drumline_filleokus: shutdown the http server...  config ssh to run on port 80...  then try to connect from the net...12:40
madafilleokus: follow the apache link that jdm gave you earlier and edit it with the text editor of your choice12:40
achandramada: the deb installer in ubuntu wiki now has "message 4318 detected..this is known to have issues with cutter"12:40
filleokusmada, i cant find anything there12:40
drumline_filleokus: doesn't matter...  if you run an internet-facing server on a standard port, YOU WILL be swept by a scanner looking to exploit you .12:40
CrippsFXachandra, you have a working 64 bit bcm4318 working?12:40
madaachandra: ohhh yeah, thats the one that ships with amd64, a tad different ... sorry, i was thinking fwcutter ... yeah, bcmcutter sucks12:40
zawamada,  okay thanks.12:41
filleokusdrumline, ok, but one thing first12:41
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madaachandra: i would say write a tutorial and post it in the forums for easy viewing12:41
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achandramada: cool...where do I post up...do have the link?12:41
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madazawa: nope, poking around the forums breifly, it seems gnomemeeting is the best there is12:42
=== Anderson [n=Anderson@71-87-227-105.dhcp.hlrg.nc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
tofhello, how can I find to which package belong 'mail' ? (dpkg -S /usr/bin/mail does nothing)12:42
mrmistHealot: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/71619312:42
AndersonWhat is the command to view installed packages?12:42
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zawamada, okay thanks,.  no worries. cheers.12:43
tofAnderson, dpkg -l12:43
AndersonTHANK YOU!12:43
madaachandra: www.ubuntuforums.org12:43
CrippsFXachandra, wow. that made me look like I don't speak english. What I *meant* to say is: do you have a bcm4318 working on a 64 bit install?12:43
=== jdmpike [n=jordan@host-84-9-53-138.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
AndersonI tried to figure that out for about an hour yesterday12:43
PScan someone help me with a grub q.  i've moved my root partition, how do i get grub-install to take note of this permanently?  at the moment grub creates a menu.lst with the wrong root locations?12:43
madaachandra: i'm sure someone will love that the instructions are posted, just as i did when i went to get my iBooks airport extreme card working12:43
stefgHmm, the searchbar in firefox isn't 'localized'. Searching e.g. for a wikipedia entry always looks in the english wikipedia, not the germen (in my case).  How do I change that?12:43
achandraCrippsFX: I got it working with NDIS12:44
=== BockBilbo [n=ubuntu@eu85-84-43-70.clientes.euskaltel.es] has joined #ubuntu
achandradoes that still count??12:44
CrippsFXachandra, ah. dang.12:44
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tofAnderson, once you know it, you don't forget it :-) You can do "dpkg -l "*xserver*" if you want to search for some pattern12:44
drumline_PS: if you want to mess with grub, you'll need to read a how-to...12:44
drumline_It's not difficult, but it's not easy either...12:44
CrippsFXachandra, I've got mine working sporradically on ndis. and bcm43xx ... yish.12:44
BockBilbohey there12:44
croftyboy_31hi , i am trying to share a printer connected on my windows 2000 machine over a network to this ubuntu 5.02 machine , having problems with smbclient12:44
BockBilboperhaps i had a grub question12:45
achandraCrippsFX: it was a bitch...Im on now with it..and it is functioning12:45
PSdrumline_ ok, i was trying to free up some time so i can catch up with the sunday paper rather than geeking it up on the web :-)12:45
CrippsFXachandra, without any weird behaviour?12:45
madacroftyboy_31: upgrade to dapper... then you shouldn't have any problems .... i think 5.02 either stopped being supported or has old packages12:45
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BockBilboi have installed vista on a partition on my laptop and it has remove grub from the mrb... ive tried to recover grub using grub-install with a previous chroot command for my ubuntu partition and it did not work, neither a manual grub shell configuration12:46
madacroftyboy_31: ooooor, lemme go check something and i will get back to you12:46
smacky_wolfHow do I get my kernel source? Is it in apt? If not, what do I do to get it?12:46
croftyboy_31thank mada12:46
BockBilboany of you had this problem before?12:46
achandraCrippsFX: Im using it in conjunction with NetworkManager and WPAsupplicant and so far so good.12:46
tofoh boys, dpkg -S works. I only had to be patient so that the result shows up... I have to use slow computers from times to times...12:46
achandraCrippsFX: and that is WPA-personal with Tkip that is12:46
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Seveassmacky_wolf, apt-get install linux-sourc-2.6.1512:46
drumline_PS: yeah...  I understand...  moving partitions requires a little finesse...   there might be a way to run a grub config when you have the OS running...   do a little searching along that angle...12:46
croftyboy_31mada i would rather keep this version now after spending months getting it all working with thunderbird etc12:46
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filleokusjdmpike, can u please give me a hint, i dont find any info there :(12:47
achandraCrippsFX:what weird oddities are you witnessing?12:47
smacky_wolfSeveas, thanks =312:47
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drumline_PS: forums will likely have an angle for you..12:47
drumline_PS: you're definitely not the first guy to do this..12:47
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madacroftyboy_31: ok, then i will need a few minutes12:47
PSdrumlin_, no i know, thanks12:48
=== ScottiNailon [n=junior@d58-104-225-199.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
ytripppyhow can i setup ubuntu to download updates 1am-5am ?12:48
=== ScottiNailon is sad...
CrippsFXachandra, random dropouts, and not being able to see my AP.12:48
ScottiNailonwindows again :(12:48
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting12:48
drumline_ytripppy: you know the command line command to do updates?12:48
Grahamwindows :P12:48
CrippsFXachandra, and occasionally, being able to see my AP, and seeminly being able to connect to it, but not being able to use the internet.12:48
madacroftyboy_31: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/SMB-HOWTO-9.html <--that should help12:48
ScottiNailonompaul: I have a rtf file with logs of what i tried and what i got back... wanna see?12:49
achandraCrippsFX: Im using one of those Airlink101 AR325W with the latest firmware and no problems for more than two hours now.12:49
=== ScottiNailon hates windows :(
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madaScottiNailon: welcome to my world12:49
CrippsFXachandra, email me in a week if it still works ;)12:49
ompaulScottiNailon, txt is better - put the contents on paste.ubuntu-nl.org12:49
ScottiNailonmada: what do you mean?12:49
ScottiNailonhow will you find it?12:50
madaScottiNailon: about hating windows12:50
aidehuamathieu_: interesting gnome-settings-daemon font-fiddling issues (and use of xset -fp rehash) here, just in case it interests you :) http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.window-managers.ion.general/645012:50
ompaulScottiNailon, you will give me a url12:50
=== Anderson [n=Anderson@71-87-227-105.dhcp.hlrg.nc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
ScottiNailonoh ok kewl12:50
achandraCrippsFX: I also have one of those Hawking antennas and its good. But will do on the testing...and test for a week. If its still good Ill post up12:50
ompaulScottiNailon, just try it, it is how we have done over 10k worth of materials12:50
achandraand send an email12:50
CrippsFXachandra, awesome. thanks. :)12:50
=== BiGcaT [n=Perl@213-208-105-242.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulScottiNailon, just try it, it is how we have done over 10k worth of files and whatever12:50
CrippsFXachandra, I'll pm you my gmail address?12:50
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drumline_ytripppy: yo12:51
ScottiNailonompaul: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1589812:52
ScottiNailonompaul: is that what you needed?12:52
=== mitjab [n=mitjab@BSN-77-20-106.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu
drumline_ytripppy: sucka...  I can help you defeat them!!12:53
mitjabcan someone tell me how i can change shell login message12:53
madahiya mitjab12:53
madamitjab: motd12:53
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drumline_edit that file12:53
mitjabthx for so quick answer12:53
mada:) we try12:53
linthe fucking gtk+ maintainer should fix this12:54
drumline_mitjab: now you must sit in here for 1 hour and answer questions to repay your ubuntu debt.  :)12:54
ytripppyhow do i time a task to run?12:54
mitjabif i will know no problem:D12:54
drumline_lin: have you contacted them?12:54
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drumline_ytripppy: dude.. I asked you a question...12:54
madalin: it actually just popped back up with the latest update ... it was gone for a release12:54
drumline_ytripppy: don't ask a question and then ignore replies...12:55
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madaytripppy: chron12:55
ScottiNailonompaul: did you get that link ?12:55
ompaulScottiNailon, yes - please I am writing a comment12:55
madaytripppy: cron* .... http://www.scrounge.org/linux/cron.html12:56
pommada: I am back, do you have find something about the hd spinoff stuff?12:56
drumline_ytripppy needs to speak up a bit before I can help him.. :(12:56
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ytripppysorry. very stoned.12:57
ompaulScottiNailon, next suggestion is >>sudo ifconfig eth0 << (assuming that is your ip at this time) and see if you can do this, in a terminal >> ping << if that works then you have network connection, have you a live CD?12:57
madapom: lol, yeah i posted a couple links a while ago ... or atleast i thought i did, but anyways ... i searched some ubuntu on dell inspiron 6400 pages and nobody reported the problem, i might contact dell and don't mention that its running linux, i bet they replace the drive12:57
drumline_ytripppy: in that case, come back when you're not stoned...  You're wasting my time.12:58
madaytripppy: cron* -->  http://www.scrounge.org/linux/cron.html12:58
ScottiNailonompaul: I have a CD, I just installed from it. But when I rebooted into the HDD system it didnt network :(12:58
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pommada: I'm 99% sure that it will be the same when they replace it12:59
cjkhi, what the best way to configure a pptp vpn. is there any nice gui tool?12:59
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pomsince it doesn't make that sound in winxp12:59
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@lns02-0064.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu
achandraOH YEAH.....a question for you guys....i know in some other distros you can "alias" an ethernet interface and change the order it comes up and to which ehternet driver you want etc..etc.. but all i could find is the /etc/network/interfaces..is there a slick way of manually editing all that stuff?and id use it for such things as ethernet bonding etc...12:59
ompaulScottiNailon, so you can check the values of the "networking files I asked you to print out eariler" - frankly if that does not work then you have a bad card12:59
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pommada: please take a look at this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=86025&page=2&highlight=dell+beep12:59
ompaulScottiNailon, regardless of what windows kludges to get around it01:00
madapom: just a moment, i am reading ...01:00
dixiehi guys01:00
ompaulScottiNailon, ethernet has been alive in unix and linux since the dawn of time ;-) so I do point a very stern finger at the networking card01:00
ScottiNailonompaul: so if all else fails I just boot into the LIVE CD and check the network value? what file do i check for the values?01:01
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=== mitjab is away: Ne utegnem
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=== daddy_ [n=Igor@83-131-92-215.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulScottiNailon, check out this document -> http://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html   <--- it tells lots01:01
ompaulScottiNailon, print it and keep it at your side01:01
ScottiNailonompaul: yes I understand, although when I boot from the CDROM the network works, so I beleive that it si ACTUALLY a config prob.01:01
drumline_when in doubt, just toss another network card in there and try it....01:01
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ompaulmitjab, DON'T use auto away messages like that in this channel - thanks01:02
pommada: the spinoff is controlled by laptop-mode here, it's 5 seconds01:02
ScottiNailonI have printed it.01:02
drumline_you can get them super cheap01:02
madapom: looks like you need to read this http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2123201:02
ScottiNailonompaul: ok i am going to reboot and try again...01:02
ompaulgo for it01:02
madapom: that apears to be peoples fix, also the post by canard says he fixed it01:02
ScottiNailonotherwise I will give up tonight....01:02
ScottiNailonsee yah :)01:03
pommada: not acpi=off ?01:03
ScottiNailonompaul: if there is a way to change to ipv4 how owuld I do it?01:03
madapom: no, don't tirn acpi off ... you need that on a lappu01:03
ytripppytankx mada01:03
mada.... bleh, its late ... i can't type01:03
madaytripppy: np01:03
ompaulScottiNailon, you are not getting it at all, if a new install it will try to do both01:04
madai'll brb ....01:04
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ompaulScottiNailon, as long as you have done nothing to with the base install then it should work01:04
pommada: ro pci=bios idle=halt acpi_sleep=s3_bios quiet splash <- so which will do the trick?01:04
=== caHEk [n=marvin30@241-101.dialup.alkar.net] has joined #ubuntu
caHEk  ?01:05
ompaulcaHEk, in english please01:06
caHEkhow ca i install Nvidia driver to Unbuntu01:06
ubotuwell, nvidia is a graphics card manufacturer. For help about installing the Nvidia drivers on Ubuntu, you can visit the Ubuntu WIki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia01:06
folkerthello people, after last nigth and the (eh my) search after BASH-ing i have to say, my head is bashed01:06
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drumline_you read the bash man page?  :)01:07
pommada: the pci=bios idle=halt acpi_sleep=s3_bios part01:07
pommada: thx for help01:07
folkertyes i did and loads of other stuff on bashing01:07
caHEki just downloaded last driver from Nvidia01:07
caHEk*.run extension01:07
folkertthat's why my head zooms somtehing like bashhhhhh01:07
drumline_nice...  bash is an awesome shell01:08
madapom: no prob, anytime01:08
drumline_I hear zsh is superior, but I haven't played with it much.01:08
caHEkhow can i install this driver to Unbuntu 5.0401:08
ompaulcaHEk, please check the message from ubotu - it tells you in detail we could not do in irc how to install and configure nvidia01:08
folkertsure is, and will get grip on it but i'm a starter with all this lower level stuff01:08
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drumline_well... knowing how to do shell work will make linux heaps easier for you to get around in...01:09
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folkertso if anybody have a pointer or url to a 'dummy only' page about bash i will be pleased01:09
madacaHEk: if you run ubuntu, there is no reason to download the .run from nvidia's website ... just sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx01:09
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folkertyes indeed, that why i accept the sleepless nights ;)01:10
ompaulcaHEk, I strongly suggest you get dapper drake 6.06 that is so different to the current distribution and it is not supported as and from October this year, on the other hand 6.06 is supported for the next three years on the desktop01:10
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ubotuFor a list of basic commands, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands01:10
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omz_zepherGreetings, people.01:10
drumline_folkert: i'm certain that hell is already frozen over if google doesn't have at least 5 basic bash pages that are actuall helpful.01:10
madahello omz_zepher01:10
caHEkis 6.06 better ?01:10
drumline_caHEk: that's the idea01:11
folkertyes google is very helpfull sofar01:11
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FrogzoocaHEk: mostly, yes01:11
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pommada: should I make contact with dell technical support?01:11
achandracoming from suse world...i must say the documentation in the Ubuntu world is very very impressive.01:11
pommada: and do I have to say it's a linux issue or not?01:11
madaompaul: i thought dapper was supported for the next 5 years ... or is that just the server side?01:11
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pomanyway I will test the boot parameters first01:11
omz_zepherI`m wondering if anybody can help me. I just downloaded and burned the ubuntu live cd and when I boot it the screen goes black after a while and the monitor acts like it is suspended, asin the lights are saying there is no video feed.01:11
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madapom: if you talk to dell, don't mention linux ... it might void your warranty, but just be like "my hdd is causing beeping noises" and they should replace it, in theory01:12
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drumline_omz_zepher: check the forums for that one...01:12
=== Adium [n=me@host86-128-236-176.range86-128.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
folkertlinuxcommand.org helps a lot too01:12
omz_zepherok, i`ll try01:12
furrinerwhat is the root password on the latest ubuntu? when I "su" it asks for a password, blank doesn't work, my user password doesn't work, I need root access01:12
ubotuDirect login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.01:13
ompaulfurriner, read that url from ubotu ;-)01:13
=== IsDis4Me [n=onon@c-71-193-176-5.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
achandraomz_zepher: likely an X11 issue.01:13
pradeepFuhi IsDis4Me01:13
Adiumfurriner, sudo or sudo su and user passwd01:13
madaomz_zepher: sounds like an X issue, boot the live cd again and if that happens try "ctrl+atl+F1" and see if you get a command line interface and then get back to me01:13
IsDis4MeIs there a good file sharing program for Linux?  i am operationally defining good as anything better than that P.O.S. Limewire!01:13
ubotuI don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, drumline_01:13
ubotuMy cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, drumline_01:13
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots.01:13
ubotuBugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, drumline_01:14
=== Adanadar [n=Magic@cpc2-woki4-0-0-cust571.glfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
ompauldrumline_, please stop playing with the bot01:14
omz_zepherWhat should i search for?01:14
madadrumline_: what kind of bot is ubotu? (eggdrop, pybot, etc.)01:14
=== Wesselaar [n=jan@i230149.upc-i.chello.nl] has left #ubuntu []
ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootOptions not the full complement of boot options but it is some of them01:15
Seveasmada, the curent ubotu is a blootbot01:15
Seveasbut won't stay around for long01:15
ompaulomz_zepher,  read that url from ubotu ;-)01:15
madaSeveas: why not?01:15
Hobbseemada: it's being destryed01:15
Seveasmada, there's a better replacment being buit01:15
ompaulit is going to be replaced - we have a new all powerful bot01:15
ompaulor something01:16
=== MdSalih [n=sd324fsd@host81-154-22-92.range81-154.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
madaSeveas: interesting ... what language is it written in?01:16
madacool cool01:16
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ompaulubotu, will not be fit to see its code - it would not be able to parse it anyway01:16
ubotuompaul: I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about01:16
AdanadarHi, I need some help with partitioning. I have a 20 gig hard disk that I'm trying to install Ubuntu onto, and leave a 5gig chunk as fat32 so that I can move files between ubuntu and xp. I'm having a nightmare with the manual edit partition table. Can anyone help?01:16
achandratime toget some zzzs later on guys01:16
ompaulsee I told yez01:16
=== folkert [n=folkert@cc68673-a.zwoll1.ov.home.nl] has left #ubuntu []
madain like a week and a half i am soooo learning python hard core ... as soon as my summer class is over01:16
omz_zepherok. i`m on the shell. what should I do now?01:17
madaAdanadar: of course01:17
Adanadarty mada01:17
ompaulAdanadar, 20 gig and you want to split it - how much for each?01:17
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madaAdanadar: 20gigs? ... hrmmm, mow much ram?01:17
Adanadar256 ram01:17
ompaulomz_zepher, install lynx and read that url I gave01:17
Adanadar15 gig ubuntu and 5 gig as fat32 is my ideal aim01:18
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madaAdanadar: ok, heres what i would recommend, 5gb linux .. 5gb windows, 1gb swab ... the rest fat32 data01:18
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draskohi all. I have problems with broken pipes when want to install/remove some packages. How to solve this? Here is wha I pasted: http://pastebin.com/71622901:18
=== Jongen23 [n=vijay@188-177.surfsnel.dsl.internl.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulAdanadar, use ubuntu to install in 14.5 gigs of space and give yourself .5 of a gig for swap other than that leave it until the gui is up and running01:19
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killazuhmmm guys I have a problem.. installing an application01:19
madaAdanadar: you should only need about 2gigs for a full working ubuntu system, so we will give 5gb to handle any extra installed programs or updates ... you could even extend that a little larger if you like but i don't think you will need it, and then you want to have plenty of "dual-accessable" data partition, so your fat32 should be a decient size01:19
=== cynical [n=cynical@adsl-068-209-095-168.sip.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
linthe fucking gtk+ maintainer should fix this01:19
linthe fucking gtk+ maintainer should fix this01:20
linthe fucking gtk+ maintainer should fix this01:20
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linthe fucking gtk+ maintainer should fix this01:20
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=== MenZa waves
killazwhen I want to install X-chat Gnome IRC I get this message: xchat-gnome is not available in any channel01:20
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Adanadarerm... ok01:20
killazin any software channel01:20
Adanadarabout 3 sets of conflicting instructions there01:20
madamaddler: so i would say 5gb ubuntu, 5gb winXP, 1gb swap, 9gb fat32 data ... but that is just my suggestiong ... you could make the ubuntu 9gb and just keep the fat32 at 5gb ... your hdd, your choice01:20
draskohi all. I have problems with broken pipes when want to install/remove some packages. How to solve this? Here is wha I pasted: http://pastebin.com/71622901:21
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killaz... the application might not support your system architecture.!01:21
cappizis there a new app for apt-setup?01:21
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mitjabi will not01:21
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madaAdanadar ^ ... accidentally wrote "maddler" ... tab completion failed me01:21
killazhow's that possible?01:21
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ompaulSeveas, that is called a double whammy01:22
Seveasompaul, no, it's called a stupid loser, not the first ban on its name01:22
madaAdanadar: so i would say 5gb ubuntu, 5gb winXP, 1gb swap, 9gb fat32 data ... but that is just my suggestiong ... you could make the ubuntu 9gb and just keep the fat32 at 5gb ... your hdd, your choice01:22
Adanadarmada: I don't want any windows on this thing01:22
madaAdanadar: huh? i thought you said you were dual booting?01:22
ubotuInstalling Ubuntu? See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation Installing software on Ubuntu? See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingSoftware01:23
AdanadarI want just ubuntu, but with a 5gig chunk of fat32 for moving files onto another computer that will probably run xp01:23
caHEkwhere can i find Russian Unbuntu IRC cannel?01:23
Adanadarnot dual booting01:23
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ubotuPozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke. # russian users please try #ubuntu-ru, there you may get more help01:23
madaAdanadar: your original post said something about XP ....?01:23
killazompaul: is that for me? I already added all the repositories!01:23
Adanadaryes it did01:23
reikiAdanadar, you going to simply have another computer connect to a network share to move files?01:24
ompaulkillaz, no01:24
Adanadarbut I said for I needed the fat32 for shifting stuff onto XP if needs be01:24
Adanadarand vice versa01:24
madaAdanadar: anyways ... if it is going to be a linux only, you don't need to manually edit partitions nor do you need a fat32 partition ... it would just be a waste of hdd space ... ext3, reiserfs, xfs, etc. are all superior to fat3201:24
Adanadaroh man, that sentence made me seem foreign01:24
ompaulAdanadar, so you don't have to - you can set up a samba server once installed and allow access to xp to it01:24
madaAdanadar: ooohhhh ok01:24
killazok... so nobody know what could be causing the problem installing the X-chat Gnome IRC application?01:25
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Adanadarsamba you say?01:25
Xorphkillaz, what is the problem?01:25
madaAdanadar: well, there are clients for XP to access linux partitions ... i would say, keep the better file system, and just download some freeware on the potential XP for access to files01:25
ompaulAdanadar, I do say samba01:25
madaAdanadar: or samba, which ever works better ... if it will be net connected, then yes ... samba ftw01:26
reikisamba works great here. My machine is Ubuntu only... all others (kids and wife) are still on XP. We can move files around at will over the network01:26
killazXorph: installing the app using the GUI I get this: 'xchat-gnome' is not available in any software channel. The application might not support your system architecture01:26
gyro54Anyone help on a network printing problem?01:26
madagyro54: yo01:26
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Adanadarbrilliant, thank you all, saved lots of hassle01:26
Xorphgot x64 system?01:26
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madagyro54: trying to share with a windows system?01:26
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madaXorph: i do ... got 2 of em' .... dual opteron server running debian, and a athlon64 desktop running ubtuntu dapper ... whats up?01:27
killazXorph: ?? is that a very strange error?01:27
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gyro54I have 1 computer conected to a router with a printer attached. How do I set up my cupsd.conf file? as a server or a client?01:28
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madaXorph: nvm, thought that was a general question ....01:28
killazXorph: no a i386 cpu01:28
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jme__q. i have  a friend with window on a 75gbyte partition. he would like to install ubuntu on 10bgyte of this disk and keep 65gbyte for window. so it requires to repartion to disk and likely other stuff. is there a guide step by step for this ?01:28
Xorphkillaz, i'd never get an error like this01:28
madaok, way past my bed time ...01:29
Xorphno problem, mada01:29
killazXorph: oh well it's me again...01:29
gyro54mada which file?01:29
killazXorph: I have like a special gift for producing the strangest error01:29
Xorphdo you kompile yourself or do you try to get it via apt-get?01:29
killaznope just using the GUI: Applications -> Add/Remove...01:30
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killazI can use apt-get but I want to understand the problem..01:30
Xorphmay try to compile it yourself...01:30
madagyro54: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/SMB-HOWTO-9.html <---good networking howto, if that doesn't help or doesn't cater to your needs, check out ... http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/HOWTO-INDEX/howtos.html to see if they have a tutorial to match your needs01:31
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Xorphyou can get the sources at gnomefiles.org01:31
Xorphi think...01:31
madait is sleepy time ... night night all01:31
root_#join ubuntu-cn01:31
gyro54mada:  thanks01:31
killazthat's the easy solution... it's not a good thing to neglect this. It's my first installation on my fresh Ubuntu system01:32
root_#join ubuntu-zh01:32
ompaulimbrandon, I was going to say that that bug needs info - but given the users "history" I did not bother01:32
killazand already such an error....01:32
ompaulimbrandon, sad but true01:32
imbrandonbut someone needed to i think01:33
imbrandoni hate trolls01:33
thingyhmm...seems that flashplugin-nonfree is borked. Can't run the update-flashplugin postinst script as upstream has changed stuff. bah!01:33
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imbrandonompaul, and on the -devel list no doubt ;)01:34
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imbrandonerr wait that was on sounder , lol01:34
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imbrandonwhoops lol01:35
fightingfriendscan Impress open .ppt files?01:35
fightingfriendsdoes it have good options for printing?01:35
fightingfriendsflexible options?01:35
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ompaulfightingfriends, it can, you need to check them out01:35
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fightingfriendsok, sure, I'll download it now01:35
brozz87good day !01:35
imbrandonfightingfriends, should ( depends on the printer alot ) just try it01:36
fightingfriendsok cool01:36
brozz87i'm a ubuntu member01:36
ompaulfightingfriends, you can (A) install ubuntu or (B) install OO for winSomethingGoesHere01:36
imbrandonhello brozz8701:36
fightingfriendsI got sick of PowerPoint's huge amount of whitespace01:36
killazomg all the applications give me the same error: '########' is not available in any software channel.The application might not support your system architecture.01:36
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killazthis is BAD!01:37
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killazgoogle search showed me some hits of other ppl with this problem too....01:39
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CaptainMorgandoes Matlab run on LInux or is there a similar app?01:39
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killazCaptainMorgan: there is a linux flavour for matlab..01:40
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killazCaptainMorgan: go to mathworks.com01:40
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pequatrehi. i have a question regarding bash: if, say, i create a function called test which return 0 if everythong's ok and 1 otherwise, and i'd like to test that in a "while" loop , what would be the correct syntax ? "while (test !=0 ); do : done " doesn't work :(01:41
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killazbah ..... This is not cool..01:41
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Togeis it possible to update new kernel with aptitude?01:42
pequatrei'd like my script to call test repeatedly until test=001:42
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pequatreok problem solved.01:43
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axismehm is there a way to have ubuntu auto detect and mount partitions?01:44
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drumline_yep...  I forgot the way though...  it's one of the gnome packages...01:44
drumline_check the forums..01:44
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ompaulaxisme, that is done by having entries in /etc/fstab01:44
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drumline_ompaul: autodetect?   dun think so01:45
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=== smacky_wolf giggles and plays with kismey
axismewell i deleted my windows partition and formatted it with ext3 to use as storage01:45
brozz87i'm italian and i don speak english very well...sorry for my bad english :)01:45
brozz87i have a question !!!01:45
axismebut ubuntu seems to think the window one is still there and im not sure how to change it01:45
ubotuan NTFS partition in fstab should look like this: /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows ntfs user,umask=0222 0 001:46
drumline_axisme: change the file system entry in fstab01:46
omz_zepherOk. got it to work, i changed the xorg.conf.. changed the vesa driver to NV, now it works01:46
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ompaulaxisme,  just dupe one of the other ext3 lines and it will be sorted for you when you next reboot01:46
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drumline_ompaul: umm...  you're sure about that?01:47
dabblerwhat is the difference between 'sudo -i' and 'sudo su' ........ thx01:47
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drumline_axisme: change the file system type to ext301:47
Hal9000how much space is required for a standard ubuntu installation?01:47
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drumline_1-2 gigs...  depending on goodies01:47
axismeok, and then reboot?01:47
ompauldrumline_, pretty sure it should like like axisme : /dev/hdLetterNumber       /YourEntryHere           ext3    defaults        0       201:48
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drumline_yeah...   you have a mount point for it?01:48
=== IsDis4Me [n=onon@c-71-193-176-5.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
axismeah got it01:48
IsDis4Megreetings Ubuntu using friends01:48
axismedidn't need to reboot01:48
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IsDis4MeI have discovered that Limewire is worthless01:48
IsDis4Mebut otherall I have found my ubuntu experience quite pleasant01:48
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drumline_ompaul: oh...  you said "dupe" which I take as "literally duplicate" which would cause the machine to fail on boot.01:48
ubotuit has been said that frostwire is a free peer-to-peer application that runs on the Gnutella network. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrostWire01:48
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ompauldrumline_, actually your right - I need to edit my brain a little01:49
drumline_P2P is evil01:49
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ubotuWine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on linux.  see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Wine for more info.01:49
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ompauldrumline_, no bittorrent is how I share lots of ubuntu and debian - other uses of it are to put it politely dubious01:50
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axismehmm , /dev/sda2       /media/sda2     ext3    defaults        0       001:50
axismewhat do i change to have write permission?01:50
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xorphdrumline, no, evil things shared via p2p are evil ;)01:50
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drumline_EFF was talking about protecting the rights of people to share files...   problem is that 99.9% of all files shared are copyrighted...   but EFF didn't even want increased abilities to find the people who are sharing...01:50
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IsDis4MeDamn you guys are good01:51
idoru_hello, i need unrar, but whenever i do apt-get install unrar it says it can't find it.. al though i have all repositories addedd? wat gives?01:51
ompaulaxisme, the ownershop of the directory "sda2" in media01:51
=== omz_zepher tries out the ubuntu experience
IsDis4Meyou have all of your answered pre written in a bot :)01:51
ompaulaxisme, the ownership of the directory "sda2" in media that is one way01:51
CaptainMorganthanks killaz_ any similar apps available with LInux tho?01:51
drumline_it's cool to share linux...  but sheesh..  there are too many organizations protecting the rights of people to steal.01:51
jribidoru_: can you post your /etc/apt/sources.list on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and give us a link please?01:51
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idoru_jrib: sure01:52
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axismethanks, ompaul01:52
drumline_niter folks01:52
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IsDis4MeHOLY CRAP DUDE, Frostwire is awesome it opens a lot faster than Limewire and is identical in quality functionality01:52
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ompaulIsDis4Me, easy on the caps and language thanks01:53
partsguyif I have a fat32 and a NTFS partition that I want to have an Icon for in the computer "folder" in gnome do I have to make a link point to the '/mnt/xpdisk'????01:53
Kibouompaul: rofl01:53
IsDis4MeI apologize01:54
idoru_jrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1590001:54
IsDis4MeI am exceedingly new to all of this01:54
irvin!tell idoru_ about rar01:54
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IsDis4MeI was a  windows user up until last week01:54
ompaulIsDis4Me, you did not know01:54
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@dsl54007E14.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
IsDis4MeI am stunned that people still use Limewire with all of its constant comercial nagging for upgrades when there is frostwire01:54
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The3055for my fire wall  comment desactiver le fire wall our le port 6881 ?01:54
ubotuNon Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there!01:55
jribidoru_: you are actually missing the dapper multiverse repository, are you comfortable editing your sources.list?01:55
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idoru_jrib: i always edit it manually01:55
jribidoru_: k, just add " multiverse" to the end of lines 16,17, 31, and 3201:56
idoru_jrib: why am i missing the dapper multiverse repo, it was there before and i didn't uncomment it or anything01:56
idoru_jrib: ok thanks01:56
jribidoru_: you only have the dapper-backports multiverse not dapper multiverse it seems01:56
slonchohi. xubuntu 6.06 + gdm. how to enable automatic login for a user? I tried trough settings, but it does not help01:57
xorphget a sources.list at www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic01:57
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@dsl54009F8D.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
xorphworks fine :)01:57
ompaulsloncho, don't think it is available, have you checked #xubuntu?01:57
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MetaMorfoziSis there any benchmarking tool that tests the kernel? so if i have two kernels, i run this with both, and it spell me what kernel is the best...?!01:58
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slonchoompaul: there all sleep :). at least no conversation at all01:59
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killaz_CaptainMorgan: uhm I remember that a college of mine was using a linux version of matlab....01:59
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killaz_it was written in python...01:59
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ompaulsloncho, I found last evening that 6.06 would not let it happen for a user02:00
protocol2is there a reason why I cant record from audio recorder?02:00
ompaulsloncho, ubuntu 6.06 that is02:00
rixxonwhat is "hint" and "saddr" in irlmp discovery log?02:00
slonchoompaul, so is this a bug, or a feature :)02:00
protocol2i can hear myself when I speak into the mic to test it...but I cant record from it02:00
ompaulprotocol2, muted mike in alsamixer or kmix02:00
ompaulsloncho, both02:00
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protocol2ompaul, thats no the gui interface eh02:01
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slonchoompaul, is it only for dgm, or kdm as well?02:01
ompaulprotocol2, install kmix it tends to "play" better02:01
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idoru_jrib: thanks for your help02:01
slonchoompauls - i mean gdm vs. kdm02:01
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ompaulsloncho, I do not see any of my machines with kdm nope they are all ... GDM02:02
killaz_uhm guys I read the howto install the nvidia drivers on mys system (not a legacy one) but then the X server couldnt restart after a Ctrl+Alt+Backspace .. is the howto on the Wiki ok?02:02
ompaulkillaz_, yes02:02
jribidoru_: np02:02
PZicohi! how to install latest ubuntu without using cd? I have a spare HD where I could set up all the install files02:02
ompaulkillaz_, check message from bot02:02
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ubotuInstalling Ubuntu? See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation Installing software on Ubuntu? See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingSoftware02:02
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ompaulPZico, ^^ all methods are there02:03
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PZicothanks, I'll check up02:03
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ompaulmorphix, bouncy?02:03
slonchoompaul: thanks for the info. i'll try kdm over xubuntu to see what's up02:03
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killaz_ompaul: what message?02:03
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ubotu[nvidia]  a graphics card manufacturer. For help about installing the Nvidia drivers on Ubuntu, you can visit the Ubuntu WIki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia02:03
rixxonIrDA experiance anyone? please tell me what "hint" and "saddr" is in /proc/net/irda/discovery :)02:03
ubotuInstalling Ubuntu? See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation Installing software on Ubuntu? See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingSoftware02:03
morphixompaul, no.. just something odd is happening to xhcat02:03
bimberisloncho: does 'gksudo gdmsetup' work?  If so, check the Security tab02:03
ompaulkillaz_, check again02:03
=== Fracture_ [n=Fracture@dsl-202-173-191-84.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulmorphix, no issues with it here - on for a day one bounce per day when my glorious isp changes ip on me02:04
killaz_ompaul: I did exactly that but then the X server didnt restart anymore..02:04
killaz_ompaul: I'll try again..02:04
ompaulkillaz_, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start02:04
uXpinstalling nvidia drivers or xgl?02:05
killaz_nvidia drivers02:05
uXpwht card?02:05
uXpwhat card you runnin02:05
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killaz_uXp: GeForce2 MX/MX 40002:06
slonchobimberi: that's how i tried. hmmm, the strange thing is, that it does not show the user I want to enable login for. the user exists, i'm logged in as him, but it is not shown in the dropdown box. I created this user in terminal02:07
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killaz_uXp: when I ran the command: sudo nvidia-glx-config enable I got a MD5Sum check issue02:08
PZicois there netboot image for 6.06 LTS ?02:08
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protocol2ompaul, in my alsamixer is says my mic is off02:08
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PZicoor can I assume that wiki is up to date02:08
killaz_after resolving that and typing Ctrl+Alt+Backspace the X server didnt restart02:08
protocol2what key do i use to turn it on?02:08
uXpkillaz_:  the sudo get install?02:08
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killaz_uXp: huh the sudo get install? no I followed the howToInstallNividiaBinary on the Wiki...02:09
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ompaulprotocol2, M02:09
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bimberisloncho: hm, kk.  I'm not sure about that.  Unless it only lists users with Gnome session as default - doubt it though02:09
ompaulprotocol2, m actually02:09
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uXphmm, half the stuff on there don't even work, i had to reinstall 10 times tried like most of them02:09
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bimberiubotu tell PZico about netboot02:10
harrywhats the equivalent anti virus of norton antivirus in linux??02:10
bimberiharry: i hear clamav is quite good02:10
omz_zepherSo what is the power of ubunto over other distro`s, say like debian?02:10
slonchobimberi - looks like it shows users with ids >= 1000, and this user was created with uid 11402:10
alexkharry, I gues one should check clamav02:10
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harrybimberi? is it a freeware??02:10
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bimberisloncho: ah02:10
uXpkillaz_:  go to channle #ubuntu-xgl  ill help you there02:11
killaz_uXp: maye I've chosen the wrong linux-restricted-modules02:11
killaz_uXp: ok...02:11
protocol2ompaul, im trying to record with sound recorder and its not doing it02:11
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slonchobimberi: so du you know where the dgmsetup stores the user to login auto? I can change in the file, if I knew which one02:11
bimberiharry: it's free software (as in freedom) and in price too :)02:11
protocol2I can hear myself over the mic too02:11
ompaulprotocol2, try audicity02:11
ompaulit might be02:12
ompaulprotocol2, try audacity02:12
harrybimberi: how do i download it. is it sudo apt-get install clamav??02:12
bimberisloncho: /etc/gdm/gdm.conf ?02:12
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bimberiharry: yes, if you have the universe repository enabled ...02:13
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bimberiubotu tell harry about universe02:13
matthew_wHey, I need some help diagnosing a problem with ubuntu, as well as my dual booted windows installation.02:13
matthew_wHere goes:02:13
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harrybimberi: its already enabled02:13
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matthew_wOccassionally on Ubuntu, and 100% of the time on windows when I try to play a game (any game) the computer completely quits.  100% quits.  Not just crashing, but totally locks without return.02:14
harrybimberi: what program do you use in ubuntu for CD/DVD burning??02:14
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bimberiharry: kk, go for it then :)02:14
bimberiharry: nautilus (the file manager)02:14
protocol2ompaul, ok02:14
matthew_wFurthermore, 'defragging' as it's called, will yield the same result, and even further, when I use sudo dosfsck -aftv /dev/hda1 when it is unmounted (my windows partition) it also hangs the entire system.02:15
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mathieu_matthew_w: have you checked the cpu temp?02:15
bimberiharry: it can burn isos and data cd/dvd's (not audio)02:15
skoldHi I have a problem with gcc when I try to compile something it says gcc: installation problem cannot exec cc1plus` No such file or directory02:15
matthew_wmathieu no, not really.  What is the setup command to invoke for lmsensors, again?02:15
harrybimberi: the nautilus??02:16
=== xtacocorex [n=bobw@71-32-162-90.desm.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Guiltharry, NeroLinux02:16
dapperneilbimberi, i use gnomebaker02:16
mathieu_matthew_w: er.. long time since i used it02:16
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harryGuilt: whats NeroLinux???02:16
matthew_wEither way I don't think it's too high... but.. I don't know.02:16
Guiltsome people might use k3b02:16
bimberiharry: it's the file manager, what opens when you choose Places -> Home Folder for example02:16
Guiltnero for linux02:16
matthew_wmathieu_ I've just recently upgraded02:16
slonchobimberi: thanks, that worked02:16
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matthew_wmathieu_ it's now a 2.8 from a 1.4, and 1024 DDR from 512 SD.02:17
matthew_wNew Mobo as well02:17
bimberisloncho: yay, np :)02:17
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matthew_wAlso, I switched from K7 to 64 bit 68602:17
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harryGuilt: how do i get it02:17
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Guiltgoogle ?02:17
alexkskold: have you installed build-essential ?02:17
mathieu_matthew_w: well, if it is since then, it will be probably a temperature issue. you might also check the gpu temp02:18
bimberidapperneil: yep, there's a few around :) does gnomebaker work well for you?02:18
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dapperneilbimberi, yes all the time02:18
skoldalexk: no i`m so stupid thx02:19
alexkskold: not at all :)02:19
bimberidapperneil: good to hear :) i haven't used it02:20
void^matthew_w: did you upgrade your power supply, is it decent?02:20
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artforswhy doesn't beagle index my documents folder02:21
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harryhow do i get adobe PDF reader02:22
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harryhow do i get adobe PDF reader02:24
senarei need a lill expertise help ... how do i do to rerunn the dhcp /network auto detect from cmdpromt after install ?02:24
matthew_wvoid; the power supply is fine02:24
matthew_wI'll be right back.02:25
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void^i had more trouble with power supplies than with any other piece of hardware, ibm deathstars included :] 02:25
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tsarkonhello. one thing I can't understand is why XGL with all the plugins don't include the "sorter" plugin (the one that resembles expos in MacOSX with sorting windows)02:26
bimberiharry: enable multiverse and then install acroread02:26
tsarkonis it too experimental, so it's not enabled by default? is it possible to enable it without a recompile?02:26
senareanybody know how to rerunn the installer ?02:26
idoru_bimberi: i would rather use kpdf or the gnome embedded one...02:26
tsarkonevince is GNOME's02:27
bimberiidoru_: yep, i'm happy with evince02:27
senareno one ??02:27
bimberiidoru_: just answering the question :)02:27
harrybimberi: how about nero linux??02:27
idoru_bimberi: :)02:28
bimberiharry: it seem you're missing windows. :)02:28
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tsarkonsenare, the GUI installer? load the Live-CD then, and click the installer icon?02:28
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harrybimberi: nope i'm trying my best to use linux now02:28
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bimberiharry: it's not in the repositories.  I think that's a download/install from the nero website02:29
harrybimberi: whats the equivalent of download accelerator for linux??02:29
senare@tsarkon i got no cd and so but i got ubuntu up and running i just whant the installer to try and configure my network again ?02:29
snoopstsarkon expose is the one which takes all windows, then resizes them and shows them on the current desktop right?02:29
snoopsso you can choose which one to view?02:29
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tsarkonsnoops, yes02:29
snoopsf12 tsarkon02:29
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tsarkonsnoops, it doesn't work02:29
snoopsit works fine for me02:29
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snoopsare you using the latest builds?02:30
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bimberiharry: sorry, i don't know that one02:30
snoopsI'm not sure which plugin enables it..02:30
tsarkonsnoops, well, I am using the cvs builds from 2006-06-1702:30
harrywho knows an application that works like download accelerator for linux??02:30
matthew_wWell I'm back02:30
Bassettsdoes anone know why, when using thunderbird it uses the pc speaker instead of my actual speakers?02:30
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snoopswell yeah, works absolutely fine and dandy here tsarkon..02:31
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matthew_wand both the GPU Core and the CPU Core are in the 30's in celsius02:31
matthew_wWhich is fine.02:31
=== protocol2 [n=protocol@68-35-178-69.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu
matthew_wSo now I don't even know what to do, I just have a computer that mysteriously locks whenever the windows partition is accessed.02:32
codecaineanybody know how to suppress an mouse touch pad on an laptop?02:32
dapperneilharry, i use fasterfox and down them all add-ons for firefox02:32
tsarkonsnoops,     Version: 0.0.13+cvs2006061702:32
tsarkonsnoops, is that the one you are using?02:32
protocol2matthew,   whats your issue02:32
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snoopsI'm just using the latest from beerorkid02:32
matthew_wprotocol2; well... I restarted since I last said it but its above; anyway, it's that the computer just randomly completely locks, not just a crash, but a total and complete lock.02:33
matthew_wHappens more on my windows partition, and when it's accessed.02:33
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matthew_wDefragging yields the same result02:33
tsarkonsnoops, %Bsudo aptitude show compiz-vanilla02:33
tsarkonsnoops, sudo aptitude show compiz-vanilla02:33
matthew_wsudo dosfsck -aftv /dev/hda1 when it's unmounted yields the same result.02:33
bimberiharry: a search for 'download accelerator' in synaptic comes back with "aget" and "axel"02:34
snoopsoh I'm not using vanilla02:34
Bassettsdoes anone know why, when using thunderbird it uses the pc speaker instead of my actual speakers?02:34
protocol2matthew, are you on windows now or ubuntu?02:34
protocol2and it never has lockup issues?02:34
matthew_wOnly when I access the windows partition02:34
snoopsand not using kubuntu either..02:35
matthew_wAnd even then, much less often02:35
protocol2what do you see when you try to boot from the windows partitition?02:35
matthew_wfurthermore, there's what is called a super-auditory noise coming from my computer02:35
matthew_wThat wasn't there before02:35
matthew_wOne of those really really really high pitched noises that most people don't even hear02:35
matthew_wBut that drives me mad.  lol.02:35
matthew_wIt boots, it's just when I'm in windows, it will completely lock, seemingly at random02:36
snoopsI'll boot into ubuntu and check the versions for ya tsarkon02:36
tsarkonsnoops, oh.. thanks02:36
matthew_wor 100% of the time when I try to access certain things, like games, or the defragger02:36
protocol2matthew_w, and the lock never happens at all in ubuntu correct?02:36
matthew_wprotocol2; again, only if I try to access or alter the windows partition02:37
protocol2i would reload a clean install of windows02:37
matthew_w'/' is on /dev/hda2, swap is on /dev/hda3, and windows is on /dev/hda102:37
protocol2then overwrite that install of windows02:38
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protocol2with a new clean install02:38
matthew_whrm, but I'm led to believe that it's not the actual windows installation, because like I said, if I try to access the same files on that parititon using Ubuntu, the lock still occurs.02:38
protocol2over /dev/hda1 that is02:38
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protocol2ahh...get a new hard drive maybe02:39
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matthew_wDoes that sound like what it is?02:39
protocol2if your hearing a noise like that its possible that it can be damage02:39
matthew_wYeah and uh..02:39
matthew_wCome to think of it02:39
matthew_wWhen I do either a defrag in windows, or a dosfsck in linux, I hear a slight, tiny clicking noise, like a laptop hard drive makes, only I'm on a desktop... only when I access that part of the drive, though02:40
tsarkonsnoops, I am using compiz-vanilla, compiz-vanilla-gnome .. I think that's why02:40
codecaineanybody else has problems suprresing a laptop touch pad?02:40
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codecaineI install tpconfig --tapmode=002:41
snoopsyeah I think that's why too tsarkon.. okay let me get the version02:41
codecaineand get a error02:41
matthew_wcodecaine; I forget how to do that X_X, but someone in here was asking before.02:41
matthew_wprotocol2; any thoughts?02:41
tsarkonsnoops, alright02:41
snoopssorry I took so long (last update I did, was a kernel update and that screwed my menu.lst in my grub boot config..) so I had to boot manually02:41
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protocol2i would buy me a new hd....but thats just me....in your case you can troubleshoot a bit more02:41
matthew_wprotocol2; what else is there to do?  badblocks reveals nothing, and dosfsck locks the machine02:42
ubotuSeveas: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/02:42
SeveasHobbsee, works fine...02:42
=== striker [n=stfu@host49-186.pool871.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
PZicofloppy-based bootable linux disribution TomsRtBt windows version doesn't seem to create diskette on windows xp :(02:42
ubotuSeveas: Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/02:42
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ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Seveas02:42
PZicodo you know any other equivalent floppies?02:42
Seveasahm that one02:42
protocol2those are core system tools02:42
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tsarkonsnoops, ah02:42
protocol2and my best guess is if you cant prefom tests with those then might want to buy a new hd02:43
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harryhow do you install nerolinux???02:43
killazhow can I turn off teh X server and then come back when I finished installing the NVDIA drivers... because the HowTo on the Wiki is messing up my system02:43
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snoopsI'm using quinns releases02:43
matthew_wWell I mean, badblocks shows that there are "no bad sectors" but like I said it's the fsck that locks it.02:43
tsarkonsnoops, alright.. so am I in a moment02:43
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tsarkonkillefiz, recovery mode kernel, from the boot menu perhaps?02:43
=== stefg wonders if Seveas is teaching a couple of new Chuck Norris jokes to ubotu
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harryhow do you install  .rpm packages???02:44
protocol2matthew_w, how long have you had this system?02:44
snoopscompiz 0.0.13-0quinn3, compiz-gnome 0.0.13-0quinn302:44
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matthew_wUh, the hard drive is about 6 months02:44
Hobbseestefg: no, just testing02:45
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protocol2you installed the hd yourself?02:45
raiffhigorGood morning to all...02:45
DreamsUbuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) doe this only ship with gnome desktop? or can it be-installed with kde ?02:45
snoopsKubuntu 6.06 lts for kde Dreams02:46
raiffhigorwho knows how can i do to install libx11-dev02:46
ompaulDreams, you can install kubuntu or  - kubuntu-desktop02:46
Dreamsbut my problem is02:46
ompaulthe latter gives you all the fun of the fair02:46
Dreamsgnome software causes problems for my pc02:46
ompaulgnome and kde items02:46
=== taf [n=joh@modemcable088.248-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Dreamsso i have to download kubuntu ?02:47
protocol2i like gnome02:47
ompaulDreams, if ubuntu is installed you can then just install kubuntu-desktop02:47
tafi have a bit of a problem =(02:47
Dreamswell i installed that cd02:47
Dreamsbut it installed gnome02:47
snoopswhy would gnome software in particular cause problems? If software at that level is having issues, then there's some bigger problem at large02:47
tafanyone a pro here in ubuntu dapper drake?02:47
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protocol2matthew_w, that sound is not normal for any system02:47
Dreamsthe problem is i cant connect to repositories02:48
stefgHas anyone a halfway sensible explanation for dappper being such a problemchild for many people after breezy was working fine?02:48
Dreamsand updates02:48
protocol2so get it checked out02:48
snoopsright, well wouldn't that be a network or firewall problem Dreams?02:48
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tafi got the smae oproblem02:48
ompaulDreams, please read this, you can have one gnome (ubuntu) or kde (kubuntu), or if you have ubuntu installed you can also install kubuntu-desktop and it will install kubuntu for you and leave you with the gnome programs also02:48
Dreamsbut kde never has the problems02:48
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Dreamsi know ompaul02:48
raiffhigori want to install apollon but when install occurs...02:48
planetcallgoodevening all02:48
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Dreamsi just wondered if it was on the cd02:49
Dreamsto choose kde during install02:49
ompaulDreams, that is a different cd02:49
raiffhigoran error like checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!02:49
Dreamstis all i wondered02:49
tafmy network cards (nvidia and realtek) are detected but i never seem to obtain my dhcp lease02:49
=== ompaul hands codecaine a /
raiffhigoranybody can help me...02:49
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raiffhigori'm new in linux..02:49
matthew_wprotocol2; yeah I put the HDD in02:50
gizmo_the_great1hi. I've just inserted 'noapic' and 'nolapic' at the end of my linuk kernal boot loader entry to prevent some weird freezing. Its booted OK, which is good. But can anyone explain to me what I've done by tunring off these values?02:50
ompaulraiffhigor, what did you try to install02:50
matthew_wBut I've put all of my HDD's in, I don't think I'm incompetent, although I may be.  haha.02:50
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Hobbsee!tell raiffhigor about xincludes02:50
matthew_wAlthough, it looks like I did put my floppy cable in backwards.02:50
stefgCould anyone shed some light on the fact that all kernels after 2.6.15-20-k7 give me a 20 sec. hang at boottime ('mounting root fs'......) ?02:50
ompaulraiffhigor,  ahh see the message from ubotu that Hobbsee has had the bot give you02:50
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raiffhigori got so....02:51
tafCan anyone help for my network card problem please on Dapper Drake02:51
gizmo_the_great1matthew_w: what problems are you having with HDD's? Only just joined the channel02:51
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raiffhigorhow can i install ... the packages...02:51
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matthew_wOne sec gizmo_the_great102:51
raiffhigori'm searching about this since 6:00 am...02:51
tafraif can u access the internet?02:51
ubotuInstalling Ubuntu? See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation Installing software on Ubuntu? See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingSoftware02:52
rraajjThe shutdown and reboot options are missing. :(02:52
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tafhave u launched synaptics manager?02:52
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DBOtaf, what problem are oyu having?02:52
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matthew_wgizmo_the_great1, we think it's hardware02:53
tafwell my network cards are detected but i dont get any dhcp lease02:53
viruscoul somebody help me with mounting windows partitions?02:53
raiffhigori downloaded this file a few min ago...02:53
ubotuan NTFS partition in fstab should look like this: /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows ntfs user,umask=0222 0 002:53
ompaulvirus, ^^02:53
gizmo_the_great1hi. I've just inserted 'noapic' and 'nolapic' at the end of my linuk kernal boot loader entry to prevent some weird freezing. Its booted OK, which is good. But can anyone explain to me what I've done by turning off these values? Is it good to do so or will I be effecting my system in other ways?02:53
raiffhigorso i can do something with this to solve mt problem...02:53
DBOtaf, does sudo dhclient eth0 work for you02:53
raiffhigor*my problem02:53
matthew_wgizmo_the_great1, my windows system frequently locks altogether, not just a crash but complete system death, furthermore, when defragging, or dosfscking, the computer also locks.02:53
tafdont know im going to have to try02:53
matthew_wUbuntu will not lock up until it accesses the windows partition extensively02:53
matthew_wie: for a sudo dosfsck -aftv /dev/hda102:54
ompaulgizmo_the_great1, you have turned off buggy hardware - read wiki.ubuntu.com/BootOptions02:54
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tafraiff get ur package thru application ---administartion--- synaptics manager02:54
gizmo_the_great1ompaul: thanks - i will read that now02:54
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ompaulgizmo_the_great1, it explains what they do at some level02:54
virusI`ve done everithing from documenatation and i thing i`ve ruined something02:54
matthew_wFurthermore, gizmo_the_great1 I'm getting a high pitched (very high pitched and quiet) noise from my comp that I didn't previously get02:55
viruscould you please help me to fix it and mount windows partition?02:55
ompaulvirus, put the contents of the file /etc/fstab in paste.ubuntu-nl.org and give us the URL thank you02:55
gizmo_the_great1matthew_w: at boot-up?02:55
matthew_wand when there is extensive access to /dev/hda1, there's a slight clicking02:55
matthew_wgizmo_the_great1, at any time02:55
raiffhigortaf how can i do this..?!?!02:55
tafare u in linux now?02:55
Tommy2k4is there a linux alternative to netlimiter02:55
yabbahello, can anyone recommend ma a nice programme to see how much internet traffic is going on on my system and how to reduce it?= i have a bandwith limit of 1,5gb its so little..02:55
gizmo_the_great1matthew_w: sounds nasty. Look up audio BIOS beeps - may help you02:55
ompaulTommy2k4, what does netlimiter do?02:55
tafok in the uper menus02:55
matthew_wgizmo_the_great1, nah, it just posts once02:56
tafu see applications?02:56
matthew_wgizmo_the_great1,  the bios isn't detecting any damage02:56
virusompaul how do i do that?02:56
yabbaah, netlimiter02:56
matthew_wgizmo_the_great1,  I tend to think it's just a failing hdd02:56
gizmo_the_great1matthew_w: ok02:56
tafonce u click on it02:56
Tommy2k4you can set it limit connections from certain apps or as a whole, set the max ul/dl speeds02:56
gizmo_the_great1matthew_w: sounds like it. you have any valuable data on it?02:56
tafclick on administartion02:56
yabbagreat Tommy2k4 !02:56
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Tommy2k4yes i think this is what you need aswell02:56
matthew_wgizmo_the_great1, which is ironic, because this will be the second lemon that the same guy sold me, and he's going to be eating this one.02:56
DBOmatthew_w, clicking hard drives tend to mean its going west, backup and replace that sucker02:56
snoopsman the amount of updates for ubuntu is crazy.. don't use it for two days and 60meg of updates02:56
killazI need someone to help me with the installation of NVIDIA drivers, which module for my kernel should I install?02:56
Tommy2k4i use netlimiter on windows but dunno a linux alternative02:56
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matthew_wgizmo_the_great1,  actually, I'm in it right now, and it works fine, it's only a bad spot right smack dab in the middle of where windows is installed02:56
killazhow would I know that?02:57
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matthew_wDBO, yeah, I think there's only a screw up in a small part so I am able to get 100% data backup.02:57
gizmo_the_great1matthew_w: i second DBO. I work in field of data recovery (forensic computing) and clicking hard drives are always a worry02:57
gizmo_the_great1matthew_w: scrap it02:57
killazI have two linux-restricted-modules installed02:57
tafi like ur title gizmo !02:57
tafforensic computing heh02:57
DBOmatthew_w, partial failures tend to turn into full failures quick enough02:57
gizmo_the_great1taf: thanks, but it is real!02:57
matthew_wgizmo_the_great1,  yeah, here's the thing, I got it from the computer fella down the road about 4 months ago, and it's already fragged, so I'm going to bring it back to him, and he's going to ingest it.02:58
tafraiff u stil therE?02:58
tafi dont doubit02:58
virusnow i have on my desktop mounted /tmp/disks-conf-hda102:58
killazcan you help me choosing the correct linux-restricted-modules?02:58
DBOtaf, dhclient work for you?02:58
codecaineits not good to have two lnux-restricted-modules installed?02:58
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tafwell just wondering02:58
idoru_killaz: uname -a02:58
yanisapt-get give me this output:E: The package libgnome2-vfs-perl is not ok and I don't know how to fix it! . how can I fix it?02:58
tafwhat will doing dhclient do?02:58
ompaulvirus, 1) open a terminal  from the menu - Applicaitons Accessories Terminal 2) in that terminal type the piece between the  <> | >>cat /etc/fstab <<  3) highlight with a mouse (left click) 4) right click and copy and 5) paste it into the window on the page paste.ubuntu-nl.org (hint open the web page first)02:58
tafraid can u accept the chat please02:58
DBOtaf, acquire a DHCP address02:58
tafok cool02:59
killazidoru_: thnx02:59
tafill try in a sec once i reboot02:59
gizmo_the_great1ompaul: I have read the Wiki as you suggested. "Does not start the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI). Can prevent the impact of bad ACPI implementations, which in turn cause random reboots or system lockups." All becomes clear now, thanks02:59
idoru_killaz: based on that output you can find the correct restriced-modules package02:59
gizmo_the_great1ompaul: additionally, I no longer have ACPI errors at the end of my dmesg02:59
ompaulgizmo_the_great1, well it got written for just that reason ;-)02:59
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ompaulgizmo_the_great1, give out to the manafacturer they may have a new bios for that box03:00
Tommy2k4yabba you use kde?03:00
matthew_wI forgot to plug in my power cable to my floppy03:00
yabbaTommy2k4,  yes i do03:00
matthew_wand my dmesg is "BUFFER IO ERROR TO DEV FD0" about 20000 times.03:00
DBOmatthew_w, niiiice03:00
bullrageWhat application should I use to burn a Video_TS folder for a DVD? Gnomebaker looks useless in this case03:00
yabbaTommy2k4, i just found something: http://lartc.org/03:00
Tommy2k4im about to try something called kdevmon ill tlel you how it goes03:00
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yabbamaybe its good03:00
yabbaTommy2k4, that would be nice03:00
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dragoonbullrage: nero linux03:01
matthew_wAlso, on a sidenote03:01
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virusI`ve done it ompaul03:01
dragoontake your pick03:01
matthew_whas anyone noticed that you basically need a NASA shuttle guidance system for a computer in order to run oblivion03:01
DBOk3b is free, nero linux is not03:01
matthew_w(elder scrolls IV oblivion)03:01
harrywhere do we get neroLinux..03:01
gizmo_the_great1ompaul: how did you find that particular page? If I click on the home of the Ubuntu Wiki it's not an abvious link. Is it deep rooted within nests?03:01
DBOmatthew_w, I can run it fine...  of course I stole my computer from nasa03:01
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ompaulgizmo_the_great1, I wrote it03:02
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Tommy2k4damnit it has dependancies that i dont know03:02
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gizmo_the_great1ompaul: aaaah - :-) good man03:02
ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootOptions not the full complement of boot options but it is some of them03:02
matthew_wI've got a 2.8 ghz P4 64 bit with 1024 megs of DDRII ram, 256 meg DDRII 433mhz Nvidia GeForce 5000 series, etc. etc... and it's STILL laggy.03:02
ompaulgizmo_the_great1, more correctly I started it03:02
DBOmatthew_w, yeah that would be03:02
matthew_wDBO; well then my lord, what are YOU running?03:02
wickedpuppymatthew_w, i got half ya spec + java app running .. stil snappy here03:03
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DBOmatthew_w, AMD FX-53, 2GB of RAM, and a GeForce 7800 GTX....03:03
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wickedpuppyyou got nvidia driver installed ?03:03
killazidoru_: should I do something else then install nvidia and the restriced-modules for NVIDIA drivers?03:03
matthew_wDBO; ah.03:03
matthew_wDBO; I think probably the biggest thing is having 2x my ram.03:03
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gizmo_the_great1thanks for everyones help guys - i'm off...signing out03:03
DBOmatthew_w, nope, its your video card03:03
wickedpuppymatthew_w, i got 512 mb ddr ram ...03:03
matthew_wsee ya gizmo_the_great103:03
harrywhere do we get neroLinux..03:03
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DBOmatthew_w, you need a much faster card for oblivion03:04
matthew_wDBO; ah03:04
bethanyandrobHello all03:04
wickedpuppyoh obvilion .. i thought what03:04
matthew_wDBO; odd, I've never run into that with ANY other game except for oblivion03:04
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bethanyandrobI am confused...help me out....What is Ubuntu?03:04
virusompaul what should i do now?03:04
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wickedpuppybethanyandrob, what is linux ?03:04
jooozeksomebody knows where can i get a deb with an svn version of gmpc, libmpd and mpd ?03:04
bethanyandrobI am running Mandriva03:04
DBOmatthew_w, oblivion is one of the most graphically intensive games since FEAR03:04
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ompaulvirus, I am looking now03:04
wickedpuppyeh if you running mandriva then why is ubuntu so confusing to you ?03:04
matthew_wDBO; although, it is a good game for letting you turn down the gfx03:04
idoru_killaz: that depends on what kind of nvidia card you are having, besides installing the correct packages, you also should edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and replace nv with nvidia, check http://wiki.ubuntu.com for more information about setting up nvidia03:04
bethanyandrobBut Linux is an open source freely distributed OS that rocks windows03:05
kokoko1how to check the location of files of a given package?03:05
matthew_wDBO; I can run it pretty seamlessly if I turn some stuff down.03:05
bethanyandrobI have no idea what ubuntu is03:05
wickedpuppybethanyandrob, ubuntu is opensource ... you can download the source code to the whole damn distro :P03:05
bethanyandrobI have heard it SEVERAL times in other channels03:05
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DBOmatthew_w, they just introduced an ultra low-quality mode for your series of graphics cards to help the frame rate03:05
bethanyandrobI can download even Mandriva Code?03:05
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matthew_wDBO; that's a bit harsh03:05
freezombiehi! does ubuntu have an equivalent to packages.debian.org ?03:05
DBOits in the latest patch matthew_w03:05
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matthew_wDBO; ow :(03:06
bethanyandrobCause isn't mandriva itself also open source?03:06
matthew_wDBO; I dunno about you, I thought my machine was pretty hardcore.03:06
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matthew_wfreezombie, yeah, give me one sec..03:06
Tommy2k4i need to install an app but it says i  need kdelibs403:06
jooozekwho is using mpd+gmpc ?03:06
DBOmatthew_w, heh, yeah its actually not bad, but your video card is already two generations old... kinda hurts inside dont it?03:06
bethanyandrobI see this channel stays busy03:06
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xenexvideo[nVidia Corporation NV11GL [Quadro2 MXR/EX/Go]  @ Intel Corporation 82815 815 Chipset Host Bridge and Memory Controller Hub] 03:06
matthew_wfreezombie, archive.ubuntu.com I believe03:07
matthew_win your /etc/apt/sources.list03:07
MistaEDfreezombie: http://packages.ubuntu.com/ as well03:07
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matthew_wDBO; I know, and I got it less than a year ago.03:07
matthew_wDBO; and it was like 200 dollars X_X!!03:07
freezombiethanks. packages.ubuntu.com looks right.03:07
matthew_wI tried. lol03:07
DBOmatthew_w, shazam!  unfortunately we are off topic so we have to stop this sillyness.  plus Im gonna go grab some foodage03:08
matthew_wlol you're right.03:08
matthew_wIt hurts, though.03:08
matthew_wcheers.  I'll get a new HDD asap.  And that fool will rue the day he sold me a lemon.03:08
ompaulvirus just for you ;-)  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1590303:08
virusok I will look now ompaul03:09
matthew_wAnother quick question03:09
matthew_wI have a 64 bit pentium 4 now... should I go to the 64 bit ubuntu ?03:09
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ompaulmatthew_w, please put your comments on one line and do not use enter as punctuation, it spams the channel and is annoying ;-) thanks #03:09
wickedpuppybethanyandrob, may i suggest you get a book on linux ?03:09
ompaulmatthew_w, only if your not using multimedia03:09
matthew_wompaul; explain a bit more03:10
ompaulmatthew_w, too much pain for a new user03:10
pianoboy3333Can anyone here help me with partitioning and such? I want to shrink my windows partition, and add that to my ubuntu partition, the ubuntu parition got erased, so there's nothing on it.03:10
matthew_wompaul; you assume I'm a new user ;) (which I am)  hehe.03:10
matthew_wompaul; what is broken, or buggy, that would not be in the 32 bit distribution?03:10
wickedpuppypianoboy3333, did you already deleted that windows partition ?03:10
planetcallpianoboy3333, asking same question in various ubuntu forums might not be very helpful03:10
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pianoboy3333planetcall: yea, I got bored in offtopic, it's not the best place to ask questions here in the morning03:11
pianoboy3333wickedpuppy: no, the windows partition is still there03:11
ompaulmatthew_w, so take my years of distilled madness and accept it you will see as time goes by, codecs and the like are all 32bit and you can't just drop 32bit materials into a 64 bit arena - this is not some patched 4bit o/s03:11
planetcallpianoboy3333, try gparted03:11
pianoboy3333planetcall: right... but don't I have to defrag the windows drive first?03:11
matthew_wompaul; so probably using 64 bit right now is kind of like using a cell phone in 1970?03:11
planetcallor boot from your ubuntu CD and then use Gnome Partition Editor (gparted)03:11
pianoboy3333planetcall: I don't think gparted can do that03:11
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planetcallwhat FileSystem your window has ?03:12
pianoboy3333planetcall: ntfs03:12
ompaulmatthew_w, at a real push yes I will get the bot to send you a page to read03:12
matthew_wompaul; excellent, I'm just thinking that it may end up being only a marginal gain for extreme labor.  Thanks.03:13
planetcallpianoboy3333, gparted handles ntfs03:13
ytripppyanyone got a xbox?03:13
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raiffhigoranyone can help me...03:13
pianoboy3333planetcall: I don't think gparted can defrag though03:14
matthew_wompaul; yeah, this is definitely beyond me.03:14
raiffhigorhow can i install libx11-dev?!!?!?03:14
planetcallwhy would you like to do defrag ? pianoboy333303:14
pianoboy3333planetcall: cause, if I shrink it without defraging, it may erase parts of the hard drive with info03:14
raiffhigorthrough synaptic...03:15
pianoboy3333planetcall: it happened to my friend03:15
pianoboy3333ok, I found the tool, g2g03:15
raiffhigori have to install the package libx11-dev03:15
matthew_wraiffhigor; press search, type "libx11", click it, and hit install?03:15
raiffhigori'll try...03:15
matthew_wor, in a terminal, sudo apt-get install libx11-dev03:15
raiffhigori'll return to say the result...03:15
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virusompaul i`ve done that..and is still not working...03:17
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virusI told you ompaul that i`ve tried few times ...and i think i`ve done some mistakes...03:18
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czrhow do I use root=LABEL=foo with LTS-server initrd?03:18
czrit doesn't seem to work (for me at least)03:18
ompaulvirus, if you have doen what I have said then reboot and see what the situation is03:18
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perrisscusate come si carica la roms per kxmame?03:18
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harryis there a free version of a CD/DVD burner that burns ISO, MUSIC, VIDEO???03:19
matthew_wharry; k3b, possibly.03:19
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AndreasBHi there. i have a problem with the ubuntu installer. it sits at "installing the base system" and then quits. Can anyone help?03:19
ompaulharry, k3b is useful gnomebaker also03:19
harrymatthew_w : how do you get it03:19
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matthew_wAndreasB; did you check to make sure the checksum on the CD matched up?  Is your CDROM drive ok?03:20
ompaulAndreasB, which version of ubuntu?03:20
matthew_wharry; you can run synaptic package manager from system-administration-synaptic in your menus03:20
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AndreasBompaul: 6.06 i38603:20
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matthew_wharry; it's a useful program03:20
ompaulAndreasB, which disk?03:20
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AndreasBompaul: but i'm installing on a amd64. i've read and followed the howto for this.03:20
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AndreasBompaul: /dev/sda. configuration by hand. its a 160GB SATA03:21
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ompaulAndreasB, I don't have a 64bit system to play with or sata scsi or ide thats me03:22
panchoI need help03:22
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.03:22
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? </hint>03:22
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harryis there an anti virus program thats equivalent to NORTON ANTIVIRUS03:22
czrompaul, why doesn't LABEL work in ubuntu LTS initrd?03:22
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czrthough I don't really care why not. I just want it working03:23
ompaulAndreasB, have you checked the checksum for that disk before you burnt?03:23
AndreasBompaul: yes.03:23
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panchoI have the Ubuntu cd ... when I boot, it loads UBUNTU from the CD.. and there is an icon in the workspace that allows me to install. The thing is that this process is waaay to slow and the computer freezes.. Is there a way to intall ubuntu before loading it from the cd?03:23
=== virus [n=virus@host81-157-225-224.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
harryis there an anti virus program thats equivalent to NORTON ANTIVIRUS03:23
pcfanHow can I lunch an kde applet from command line?03:23
xenexAndreasB: i had the same problem. went through 10 of my cd-rs, then i switched to a different brand and cd-rw and it worked. so try burning on another cd03:24
pcfanHow can I lunch a kde applet from command line, or lunch a program before kicker ?03:24
ompaulAndreasB, have a look at wiki.ubuntu.com/BootOptions it may help03:24
pcfan+* at kde boot03:24
virusompaul now is working thank you...but now i want to set up my wireless...that`s why I mounted Windows03:24
raiffhigori did the installation of the packages... but still occurs erros during the installation tha i with to do...03:24
ompaulharry, why would you need antiviruse03:24
yabbahey guys, i suspect someone to try to DoS me with ping requests, how can i block a certain host/ip from doing ping requests or the like? i edited my /etc/hosts.deny but it doesnt seem to work.. is it the wrong place?03:24
uboturumour has it, wireless is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards if it does not work out of the box https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper windows drivers03:24
AndreasBxenex: mh. i do not think that the cd is the problem. i have also tried different cd-rs.03:24
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harryompaul: is there nothing should i worry about..???03:25
AndreasBompaul: i have already had a look at that and i think i found the best boot options.03:25
ompaulvirus, read that thing there from ubotu and check out the desktop guide at help.ubuntu.com it is rather good03:25
virusompaul i`ve tried from there to install my drivers but is not working ...and I have a Dell Card 137003:25
pcfanyabba: use firestarter to disable pings03:25
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yabbapcfan, that's a programme?03:25
ompaulvirus, I don't do wireless I can only suggest what others have written03:25
pcfanYes yabba, this is a firewall03:25
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yabbathank you, pcfan :)03:26
ompaulAndreasB, well then your way ahead of where I can help03:26
tsarkonsnoops, hello again03:26
ompaulAndreasB, suggest the mailing list I'll grab the url03:26
pcfanyabba: you disable pings in the firestarter gui settings03:26
AndreasBompaul: mh. ok. Thanks anyway. I have the mailing list set up ;)03:26
virusok ompaul...but webcams do you???:)...or if a web cam is not listed there then that means it will not working?03:26
yabbapcfan, any idea on what would happen if I'd edit my /etc/host.access ? couldnt i block hosts there?03:26
ompaulvirus, no it does not you can try anything03:26
pancho I have the Ubuntu cd ... when I boot, it loads UBUNTU from the CD.. and there is an icon in the workspace that allows me to install. The thing is that this process is waaay to slow and the computer freezes.. Is there a way to intall ubuntu before loading it from the cd?03:27
pcfanI don't know yabba03:27
ompaulvirus, hardware can have the same chips inside and different brands outside03:27
yabbaokay, i will just get this programme03:27
yabbadanke :)03:27
tsarkonsnoops, this is a much more instable version of Compiz03:27
ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems03:27
AndreasBone more question: are there any other installation methods for ubuntu other than the ones in the Wiki?03:27
tsarkonsnoops, I had to disable "dock" and "fade"03:27
raiffhigorstill occurs the erro :"checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!"03:27
ompaulAndreasB, have a look at help.ubuntu.com it is rather comprehensive03:28
tsarkonsnoops, now I need to stresstest this version for a couple of days before I can decide whether to keep using it, or switch back to the vanilla version03:28
virusyes ompaul because for my wireless is the same file as in dell card 135003:28
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Maximiliansomeone knows where i can get good packageservers for xubuntu?03:29
xorphyou mean a sources.list?03:29
killazhow can I put my screen resolution on 1280x102403:29
killazinstead of 1024x76803:29
Maximilianyeah, a sources.list03:30
xorphkillaz, settings --> display settings03:30
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killazcause the screen resolution shows me a max of 1024x76803:30
ompaulvirus, all I can point you to is the wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper03:30
killazxorph: the max there is 1024x76803:30
xorphMaximilian, www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic03:30
Maximilianthx :)03:30
kmilokillaz, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:30
AndreasBompaul: mh. i did have a look on all the documentation on help.ubuntu.com. i'm afraid i was not able to find any advanced installation documentation other than the articles in the wiki.03:31
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panchoHey! How can I install Ubuntu before loading it!! ???03:31
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LeaChimpancho, eh? what do you mean?03:31
pcfanpancho: what do you mean?03:31
kmilopancho, did you load it?03:31
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xorphkillaz, shure your graficcard is able to display that resulution?03:31
ompaulAndreasB, if I was you I would try a live cd or some such to test that the machine works03:32
kmilokmilo, once configured you can Use ctrl alt + and ctrl alt - to change resolutions03:32
AndreasBompaul: Knoppix, Gentoo, debian and fedora work flawlessly ;)03:33
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xorphkillaz, "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"03:33
ompaulAndreasB, so then I point to the install media, bt then they are all 32bit versions perhaps?03:33
panchoI instert the CD, then a menu appears that says... Run or install UBUNTU03:33
panchobut... its too slow to run ubuntu.. and impossible to install it once Ubuntu is already running03:33
=== neter [n=neter@115160.unitednetworx.com] has joined #ubuntu
xenexhow do i restart the sound?03:34
kmilopancho, then choose install03:34
neterhi all03:34
kmiloneter, hi03:34
panchoI dont have that option03:34
AndreasBompaul: yes. i did not like the 64 bit versions at all. i do use the 32 bit version of ubuntu, tough.03:34
killazxorph: I'm pretty sure taht's the resolution I was using before installing ubuntu ;-)03:34
netercan anyone say me how to change the default language in squirrelmail03:34
panchoIt starts Ubuntu from cd... and then, in the workspace .. there is an icon that says Install03:34
panchobut its too slow and my computer freezes03:35
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kmilopancho, did you have the alternate cd?03:35
neterwhen i choose other language there is no change03:35
xorphkillaz, "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" <-- there you can change the default resolution03:35
ompaulAndreasB,  I have nothing further to add other than maybe a new download and install - the alternate disk or something or the DVD if you have the time03:35
xorphrun as su03:35
panchomy problem is that I only have this cd... a friend burned it for me03:35
panchoShould I get another CD?03:35
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AndreasBompaul: yeah, i think i'll go to bed and wait for the dvd download to finish. i'ts worth a try. Thanks anyway for your help!03:36
neterwhen i try dpkg-reconfigure locales it update my locales and done, where is the blue screen where i can to choose the locales03:36
xorphisn't there a locate-config-dialog anywere in the settings-menu?03:37
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xorphxubuntu got one, i'm sure ubuntu got one too03:37
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kmilopancho, yes, the alternate cd that contains the old text-installer03:38
Ayabarashould I check the "cap uploads" button in gnome-btdownload? if so, how many users should I allow?03:38
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mastertafHey DBO you are the best your dhclient solved my problem03:39
mastertafthank you03:39
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mastertafmust i do dhclient each time i boot tho?03:39
zOapI've installed the cups-pdf package. But how do I use it in firefox? Should I add a printer or?03:39
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neterthere is a language choose in the settings menu, but it is very poor03:40
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neterin the blue screen that i know have more options, etc. to choose BG-utf-8 or BG-cp125103:40
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neterin the settings menu i'm selected bulgarian, but squirrel is in english03:41
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raiffhigorwho can help me to solve this problem ...?!?!?03:42
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raiffhigorwich types synaptics install...?!?!03:42
AyabaraI can't seem to get much speed with btdownload. can anyone help me out?03:43
pennypackeranyone knows how to get the internals browser to work in rssowl03:43
tsarkondo you know of stress test apps for linux, that you can use to check system stability?03:43
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tsarkonI am trying my best right now to crash my XGL server and make it lock up03:44
neutrinomasstsarkon: System stability in terms of kernel stabililty, video stability or the hardware ?03:44
tsarkonneutrinomass, video mostly03:44
raiffhigormatthew_w can you help me to solve my problem??!03:44
neutrinomasstsarkon: Try some screensavers, hibernation, 3d games, glxgears ;)03:44
tsarkonneutrinomass, I want to know I can trust this setup, because it's my primary. if I'm typing a 99 page school assignment, I don't want it to lock up03:44
tsarkonneutrinomass, ah! screensavers.. great03:45
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killazxorp: I just changed the resolution in the xorg.conff manually.. and it's working..03:45
neutrinomasstsarkon: Usually you hardly lose any data with crashing - most programs save what you type in temporary files (try some autosaving if you want to be sure ...)03:45
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killazI ment xorph03:45
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xorphfine :)03:46
=== Thijs [n=Thijs@s5590cd6e.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Tommy2k4is there a linux alternative to netlimiter? preferably with a gui, needs to limit specific applications on-the-fly without having to relaunch the app to turn the limiter on/off/change the limit03:46
tsarkonneutrinomass, ah yeah, that's true03:47
tsarkonneutrinomass, but it seems like it's very stable03:47
whlinstall Sun Java System Application Server in /opt/SUNWapp  , and then i delete the directory,  and then i re-install Sun Java System Application Server , generate error ,how to resolve it03:47
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neteris there anyone that knows anything about my problem03:48
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ThijsHey all, I've got a sagem usb wifi dongle, but I can't get it to work. Problem is that my internet connection depends on it, so I cant apt-get packages like network-manager. I can download them in windows, but I dont know how to look for them03:48
Thijswhere to look for them :)03:48
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kmiloneter, you have the right locales to squirremail?03:49
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whlhow to delete Sun Java System Application Server cleanly03:49
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pppoe_dudeThijs, packages.ubuntu.com but i dont know i it will help you03:49
pppoe_dudeThijs, looks more like a driver problem03:49
ThijsI need the eagle drivers. I know03:50
Thijsbut need the kernel-sources to build it.03:50
tsarkonneutrinomass, this is phenomenal! I started 8 firefox windows also :P03:50
pppoe_dudeThijs, packages.ubuntu.com03:50
tsarkonOpenOffice might do it03:50
neterkmilo, i don't understood, what right?03:50
Thijspppoe_dude: thanks!03:50
neutrinomasstsIt's stable for some, not for others ...03:50
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netersquirrelmail is in folder with root and user privilegies03:51
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kmiloneter, you have the right locales to change the "default language in squirrelmail"?03:52
whlwho can help me " how to delete Sun Java System Application Server cleanly"03:52
kmilowhl, how did you install it?03:52
furrinerhow do you get WPA working for wifi in the latest ubuntu dapper drake?03:52
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furrinerdo u have to manually edit files in /etc/network/interfaces ?03:52
neterwith the install tool in the package03:53
neutrinomassubotu, tell furriner about wpa03:53
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whlfirst i install success, but  i delete the install directory, i re-install is false03:54
furrinerwhat do u install, gnome network manager?03:54
netermy squirrel was in bulgarian, but i reinstall the ubuntu and now is in english, squirrel was in other partition03:54
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tsarkonwell guys, I am impressed by XGL and Compiz keeping up so good in stability!03:55
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RinuxI need some help: I uninstalled gstreamer and put xine in its place, but I can't play sound on my system now. I tried reinstalling gstreamer, but now it's a huge mess, and I still have no sound.03:55
tsarkonI have all the heavy apps running, including everything in OpenOffice except Base03:55
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tsarkon8 firefox windows, three terminals, GLMatrix, glxgears, an AbiWord document03:56
furrinerok, i got that, ty03:56
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snoopsthe vanilla is what caught you up eh tsarkon?03:58
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eneriedhello people03:58
tsarkonsnoops, well.. I didn't know the more fancy version worked so well03:59
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eneriedcould anybody help me? my dapper doesn't shutdown or hibernate my system well, but breezy can, i don't know what the problem is...03:59
tsarkonsnoops, this stress test of mine clearly shows that I can trust it. I should just in case, though, make all these idle in the background at night, while asleep and check back at the computer afterwards03:59
neutrinomasseneried:try to shut down ... if it fails pastebin the output of "dmesg" please ...04:00
partsguyhow do I go about getting rid of my old kernels? I want to keep the 2 most current04:00
tsarkonand see if it's still running as expected04:00
neutrinomasseneried: 'dmesg' and 'cat /var/log/messages' ...04:00
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protocol2partsguy, go into synaptic and remove them04:00
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czrwhere do the initrd-developer guys/girls hang out?04:01
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protocol2go to the base section and remove the older ones you dont want04:01
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eneriedneutrinomass, if i do that my computer start all the shutdown procedures, stop disks network interfaces and all things and keep on the last message telling me "system will now be halted" or someting like that, hibernating i hear when the system shutdown harddisks but cpu continues on, and system cannot restart04:01
Ryugiwhat is the name of the package that contains the c compiler and the header files04:02
partsguybut they weren't installed throught synaptic I compiled the newest one and one is some weird older version thatI've never even used04:02
czrRyugi, gcc (compiler) and libc-dev04:02
Ryugiwhich one contains the header files04:02
czrwell, if gcc contains the compiler..04:02
Discipulus1it says in the wiki how to mount an iso file, well how do I mount a bin/cue file?04:02
mz2tsarkon: i've been quite happy with xgl&compiz too, had it running for about a month. only annoyance is that Java apps using Swing didn't seem to work too solidly/at all with it04:02
czrDiscipulus1, convert first into iso. only isos can be mounted04:03
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darkyoshi372I have an SD card that isn't formatted, but I can't do anything with it in the "Disks" thingy. How do I format it to FAT?04:04
neutrinomasseneried: How comfortable are you with a console ?04:05
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eneriedi'll explain my problem, i said my computer to shutdown or hibernate, it does all the processes, killing processes and shuting down hardware devices, but, at the end, it remains on, my cpu and board, but eberything else is off, seems to be a problem of power management between operative system and board04:05
eneriedneutrinomass, i can use it ;)04:05
interferoni've been having problems with gdm and sessions since upgrading to breezy.  is it possible to tell synaptic or apt-get to remove all gnome packages and their configurations, and then replace them?04:06
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fimbulvetrapt-get --purge remove ubuntu-desktop ??04:06
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Ryugidoes anyone here have slow performance transfering files to ubuntu (using samba) from a windows machine04:07
=== redeye [n=yann@p3E9E3B6E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
thrice`hm...who packages the gaim2 beta3 packs?04:07
neutrinomasseneried: OK. Do the following: ctrl+alt+f1. This will take you to a terminal. Shutdown from there. When your system appears to have hanged, hit alt+sysrq+1 followed by alt+sysrq+t. Save the output of 'dmesg' to a file, 'sync' (to make sure it gets written) and restart ...04:07
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eneriedneutrinomass, what key is sysrq?04:08
redeyeis there an alternative for nm-applet? i have this keyring issue... unfortunately i removed some app from my panel which was used for networking before and iu dont remember which it was04:08
interferonfimbulvetr, can i get that to apply to all of its subpackages as well?04:09
redeyei basically just want to have my wlan up automatically without having to enter a pw04:09
neutrinomasseneried: It's "Print screen/sysrq". On a QWERTY keyboard you'll see it above "home"04:09
fimbulvetrYeah, it works for installing, I'm just not sure if it works for removing( hence the ??), it's a meta package.04:09
pppoe_duderedeye, do you use wpa?04:10
redeyeno wpe04:10
fimbulvetrIf it works, lemme know because I have a workstation I'd like to do that to too.04:10
redeyeits because of the wpe key04:10
interferonfimbulvetr, it only selects the package itself04:10
redeyeor passphrase04:10
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eneriedneutrinomass, near scroll lock and pause/break ;)04:10
fimbulvetrinterferon: Maybe there's a apt-get remove options for "And the dependencies too".04:10
redeyei was stupid coz  it worked great before... but dunno how to get it back :/04:10
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dr_willishmm.. updated last night, powered off.. went to bed.. now ubuntu aint booting with either kernel. Just dumps me to busybox.04:11
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Ryugidapper samba is really much slower than breezy04:11
Ryugiwhy is this so04:11
Ryugiand is there any fix for this04:11
eneriedneutrinomass, brb ;)04:11
neutrinomasseneried: That's it :)04:11
Bluetoothhi all04:11
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BluetoothI have a question concerning intalling new version04:11
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interferonBluetooth, ask it; don't ask to ask04:12
neutrinomassBluetooth: Shoot and if somebody knows, they will help you :)04:12
BlueEaglebluetooth: "new version" being dapper?04:12
alex_montandonhey guys, i installed ubuntu, am lovin it and would like to delete the windows partition - how?04:12
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BluetoothI got Ubuntu 5.10 updated to 6.06 at home without any problem04:12
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thrice`alex_montandon: :)04:12
BlueEaglealex_montandon: sudo fdisk or gparted or qparted04:12
redeyei found a fix for my prob on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=187874 but i cant install it as it says no makefile found04:12
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, BlueEagle04:13
Bluetoothbut at school where I study it can't connect to internet because of very complicated network04:13
BlueEagleubotu: tell redeye about build_essentials04:13
neutrinomassredeye: Maybe you have to ./configure first ?04:13
alex_montandoncool thanks guys ill check it out04:13
redeyei did04:13
uboturumour has it, build-essential is a meta package for software building see !gcc for more info04:13
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BlueEagleahh there it is.04:13
neutrinomassredeye: Then try build-essential (I see BlueEagle freakin out if you don't :P )04:14
Bluetoothcan I update it somehow or have I to install new version upon old one?04:14
BlueEagleneutrinomass: ;D04:14
kmiloHow should I name an spanish translation of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonQuestions ?04:14
BluetoothI mean without internet connection04:14
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feihungMy Ubuntu 6.06 takes 3+ minutes on booting (Mounting root file systems) and it stuck on line running /scripts/local-top "hdc: no response (status = 0xe3), resetting drive" I only have 1 drive - hda (no usb), how I remove hdc, thanks.04:15
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BlueEaglebluetooth: I believe you can do that if you've got the dapper install cd.04:15
redeyei already had build_essentials installed^^04:15
BluetoothI do04:15
neutrinomassBluetooth: Downlaod the alternate CD - you can upgrade from that04:15
neutrinomassredeye: Please pastebin the error then :)04:15
BlueEaglebluetooth: What you need to do is get the source.list for a dapper installation and then run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade me thinks.04:15
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BlueEaglebluetooth: However I might be wrong about that.04:15
BlueEagleneutrinomass: Ahh, there's an option on the alternate for that?04:16
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BluetoothBlueEagle: the problem is the system cannot connect to internet04:16
feihungHello please help my ubuntu takes 3 minutes on booting04:16
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neutrinomassBlueEagle: Yes, you can't update from the 'desktop' (live) cd AFAIK ....04:16
BlueEaglebluetooth: I know, but with the dapper sources.list it will look on the CD.04:16
snoopshey umm, how can I get the extra options compiz offers for the right click menu back again?04:16
neutrinomassfeihung: While booting, on the splash screen, hit escape and see where it hangs ...04:16
simpkinsis there a way to fix this ( When ever i click like view inbox on either kopete, or when i click a html link that is not already in a web browser it opens it with konqour(Which i hate) Is there a way to make everything only open up in firefox ???04:17
snoops(when right clicking on the title bar) there were advanced options for setting appearance etc.. after update.. not there anymore04:17
feihungyes it stuck on line running /scripts/local-top "hdc: no response (status = 0xe3), resetting drive" I only have 1 drive - hda (no usb), how I remove hdc, thanks.04:17
BlueEagleneutrinomass: Well there's always a way. If I haven't misunderstood how dist-upgrade works using the dapper sources.list would make apt-get look for the dapper packages on the dapper cd. I might be very wrong on this tho.04:17
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tsarkonafter a reboot I suddenly lost mixer settings for ALSA. the mixer doesn't work, I can't control the sound from Beep Media Player, and I don't get sound from MPlayer. I can only control sound from GNOME systray04:17
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redeyeneutrinomass here's my error make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.04:17
neutrinomasssimpkins: I'm not sure - In firefox, edit-> preferences->Check for default browser. Use that to make ff your default browser.04:18
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BlueEaglefeihung: have you got a cd-rom drive on hdc?04:18
Discipulus1also I can't mount my new USB CD Burner04:18
neutrinomassredeye: Then you haven't done ./configure . ./configure produces a Makefile (or fails - check for errors in ./configure )04:18
feihungyes but I have unplug it04:18
redeyei did04:18
Discipulus1Anyone know why that is?04:18
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scifiis it safe to format my windows xp boot partition to ntfs from within ubuntu ?04:18
zOapI want a user bin available for gnome/gtk. Is it enough to add the file .gtkrc.mine and put the path in there?04:18
roicominutsouphi, did someone ever used curlftpfs ?04:18
BlueEaglefeihung: Ahh, I see. Well passing -noprobe hdc to the kernel should fix it. Let me get the syntax for grub for you.04:18
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neutrinomassBlueEagle: Not sure if it can be done. I wouldn't recommend it to anybody though :P04:19
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BlueEagleneutrinomass: :)04:19
BlueEagleneutrinomass: Well not when there's "a better way"(tm) using the alternate install cd. :)04:19
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redeyeneutrinomass can i send u make output in private chat?04:20
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neutrinomassredeye: Yes, if you like. But pastebinning it will let everybody see it so you stand better chances of being helped (www.pastebin.com )04:20
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BlueEaglefeihung: ok, in your /boot/grub/menu.lst you'll have a line that reads something like this: kernel          /vmlinuz-2.6.15-23-386 root=/dev/hda6 ro quiet splash04:20
redeyei am quite a linux noob so i am rather slow04:21
BlueEaglefeihung: to the end of that you add: hdc=noprobe04:21
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farshimI have desgined a new keyboard. How do I make it avialable to others?04:21
neutrinomassredeye: No worries. Can you paste the file now in a pastebin (www.pastebin.com) ?04:21
feihungthank you BlueEagle I will try it04:21
BluetoothI had a problem mounting NTFS partitions on SATA HDD04:21
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Bluetoothit say FAILED during boot of OS04:22
BlueEaglefeihung: if that still causes problems take two aspirin and come back and see us.04:22
protocol2farshim, this is software your talking about right?04:22
redeyeneutrinomass i just posted it04:22
neutrinomassredeye: Give us the link :P ?04:22
Bluetoothand same FAILED when I try to mount it manually04:22
erUSULBluetooth: have you tried to mount it manually04:22
Bluetoothwhat to do?04:22
scifiis it safe to format my windows xp boot partition to ntfs from within ubuntu ?04:22
farshimprotocol2: No just the unicode codes in the xkb layout files04:22
CrazyDoodei blew away my mbr and i don't see a way to get back to hda2 to run grub using the 6.06 boot disks04:22
pppoe_dudescifi, no04:22
erUSULBluetooth: any error msg?04:22
zhenr1what is the best way to install webmin for ubuntu...or is there a good replacement...I've just spent several hours installing ISPconfig and find it much less useful...04:22
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Bluetoothdon't remember exactly04:23
pppoe_dudescifi, i don't think you can format ntfs from ubuntu04:23
Bluetoothbut I think there were no error messages04:23
scifican anyone confirm that ?04:23
[Ex0r] zhenr1, to install webmin? Dowload the .tar.gz from the site, unpack it, and run /setup.sh04:23
neutrinomassHm... redeye, what are you trying to compile in the first place ?04:23
Bluetoothmaybe the reason is poor support of SATA interface?04:23
pppoe_dudescifi, man mkfs04:23
redeyeneutrinomass: pam keyring04:24
[Ex0r] zhenr1, - you'll have to use sudo ./setup.sh04:24
redeyefrom http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=187874&highlight=keyring04:24
redeyejust followed the above guide04:24
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feihung:-) sure since  actually I am a teacher and running 12 ubuntu computers and what makes me confuse is 5 computers get this problem (booting takes 3-5 minutes)  and 7 computers not I did same for all computers I Installed with cdrom then I Unplug it04:24
zhenr1[exor] : will I have to do anything special to get the modules04:25
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[Ex0r] feihung, what problem are you getting ?04:25
myworld122hey guys...does anybody any program that can merge ext3 partitions?04:25
[Ex0r] zhenr1, the third-party modules? Nope, just copy-paste the .wbm file from the website into the module installer04:25
scifipppoe_dude: ok so id have to boot into dos and do it like that? wud this affect the grub loader for linux tho ?04:25
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neutrinomassredeye: You sure it's not in the repos somewhere, right ?04:26
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pppoe_dudescifi, is grub installed on MBR and which partition is the to-be-ntfs?04:26
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neutrinomassredeye: Sorry, repositories04:26
redeyesry not native eng.04:26
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feihungMy Ubuntu 6.06 takes 3+ minutes on booting (Mounting root file systems) and it stuck on line running /scripts/local-top "hdc: no response (status = 0xe3), resetting drive" I only have 1 drive - hda (no usb)04:26
neutrinomassredeye: The Ubuntu software channels, main/universe/multiverse ...04:26
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[Ex0r] Than what is hdc ?04:27
redeyedidnt check that yet04:27
Ryugiwhat is the name of the package that contains the c++ header files04:27
scifipppoe_dude: i dont know if grub is installed on mbr. i want to ntfs format my C drive, which is where XP boots from. my ubuntu installation is on a seperate drive04:27
redeyetakes some time on my comp04:27
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[Ex0r] scifi, does windows xp04:28
[Ex0r] scifi, does windows xp's bootload come up, or does the grub boot loader come up ?04:28
myworld122does anybody know any program that can merge ext3 partitions?04:28
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[Ex0r] myworld122, qparted04:28
[Ex0r] ?04:28
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neutrinomassredeye: Have you read the rest of the thread in the forum? It specifies some more packages that need to be installed (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=187874)04:29
[Ex0r] myworld122, check that, gparted04:29
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scifi[Ex0r] : grub first, then xp boot options (safe mode, normal etc)04:29
mchehabhi, guys. I'm trying to install ubuntu desktop 6.06 on a machine with a legacy monitor (low refresh rates, no plug-and play).04:29
feihung[Ex0r]  I install with cdrom after installation finished I unpluged cdrom. I think hdc is my cdrom BlueEagle give me an answer hdc=noprobe in grub kernel parameter04:29
myworld122[Ex0r] : can I run that from within linux or do i need a liveCD?04:29
Kraiggood morning, i read about "deb http://people.debian.org/~smimram/debian unstable main" sources to get gaim-vv with webcam/voice support, however, when i click on "View my Webcam" i can only see a birdie, using a yahoo account, any ideas?04:29
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BlueEaglefeihung: did it work?04:30
[Ex0r] myworld122, not sure, just heard about it.04:30
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[Ex0r] scifi, than grub is installed in the mbr :)04:30
mchehabI can't convince umbutu go to a refresh rate that is compatible with my monitor....04:30
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myworld122[Ex0r] : i've tried using it to format partitions...but not sure it can merge04:30
[Ex0r] Kraig, IIRC, they have to be using gaim as well.04:30
Maximilianhow do i see what ubuntu version i'm using? (breezy/hoary etc..)04:31
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[Ex0r] Maximilian, uname -r04:31
scifi[Ex0r] : so if i formatted xp boot-drive, GRUB wont be affected ?04:31
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Kraig[Ex0r] : i remember seeing their webcam ages ago when ubuntu didn't exists, on debian.04:31
Maximilianthat's just the kernel04:31
feihungBlueEagle I'll try it tomorrow  the computer is in my office and  I home already chatting and watching world cup 2006, Thanks.04:31
[Ex0r] scifi, do you have a boot floppy handy? Use fdisk to format the ntfs sytem04:31
sven_doe someone has a link to the dapper cvs install manual of MPlayer?04:31
[Ex0r] scifi, do you have a boot floppy handy? Use fdisk to format the ntfs system*04:31
BlueEaglemaximilian: cat /etc/issue04:31
neutrinomassAnybody with a USB ADSL modem ?04:32
[Ex0r] feihung, if that doesn't work, just disable the cd-rom in bios04:32
scifi[Ex0r] : no, but i think they are easy to create04:32
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[Ex0r] scifi, go to www.bootdisks.com, and download the win98se bootdisk, and save it to a floppy disk. Restart the PC with it in and get into a dos prompt, than run fdisk04:32
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[Ex0r] and select the partition you want formatted (You'll know, the linux partitions will be marked as type unknown)04:33
PZicoHi, I couldn't install Ubuntu using floppies and net by instructions on wiki. It was made too complicated and those steps didn't work, lot of small details missing and requires existing linux system or another windows operating system ...04:33
sven_can I change the repositories of breezy to dapper for the cvs installation of MPlayer?04:33
scifi[Ex0r] : will it give me the option to choose which drive i want to format ?04:33
redeyeneutrinomass i forgot libgnome-keyring-dev04:33
PZicohowever I could start installing debian net04:33
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PZicofrom floppies04:33
[Ex0r] scifi, you've never used fdisk before?04:33
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PZicowhy don't they have such easy way for installation for Ubuntu ?04:33
neutrinomassredeye: There you go :)04:33
BlueEaglefeihung: Well if it does not work the problem might be with the initrd you've got. Fixing that might be a tad worse. However disabling secondary IDE master in the bios might also fix the problem. Atleast set it to "none" if it's set to anything else.04:33
redeyeneutrinamass thx 4 ur patience :)04:33
neutrinomassPZico: Because most people install using the CD ...04:34
neutrinomassredeye: Happy to help :)04:34
miguel_add #ubuntu-es04:34
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scifi[Ex0r] : nope, never had to. this is the first time ive formatted my boot-drive. the 250gig drive i fitted, i used the manufacturers formatting tool to ntfs format it :)04:34
PZicobut I would have thought that even special cases are made easier in Ubuntu comparated to Debian that is less for novices04:34
miguel_#add ubuntu-es04:34
sven_anyone? MPlayer cvs installation in Dapper??04:34
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:34
[Ex0r] scifi, actually now that I remember fdisk will only create and delete partitions. If you want to format the partition you have to use something else.04:34
neutrinomasssven_: Why do you even want CVS ?04:34
[Ex0r] scifi, are you on a high-speed connection ?04:35
pppoe_dudescifi,  you can reinstall grub in the worst case04:35
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scifi[Ex0r] : just 1mbit04:35
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eneriedhello neutrinomass04:35
sven_neutrinomass: newest mplayer and sure that everything works,04:35
[Ex0r] scifi, close enough :)04:35
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neutrinomasssven_: Your chances are better to get it working with the repository version (its in multiverse if I remember correctly)04:35
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eneriedi cannot copy anything when shuting down, because there's no system on when computer hangs04:35
neutrinomasseneried: I was wondering what happened ...04:35
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[Ex0r] scifi, do you have a torrent software ?04:36
neutrinomasseneried: Hm... that sucks. Could you take a photograph or write it down ?04:36
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sven_neutrinomass: I know, I'll try that first, I was used to installing the CVS version in Breezy and it worked fine...04:36
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scifi[Ex0r] : not on ubuntu, but i do in xp04:36
eneriedneutrinomass, ok, i'll tell you: the system end all, but hardware04:36
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afborranhi im a total noob at ubuntu,why cant i even get through the first screen after select "start or install ubuntu" ver 6.0604:36
[Ex0r] scifi, http://www.9down.com/downloads.php?fileid=20704:37
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[Ex0r] download this tool04:37
[Ex0r] very helpful04:37
IsDis4Megreetings, I am currently using Java j2re1.4 is there any great need or urgency for me to upgrade to 1.5?04:37
BlueEagleafborran: Are you attempting to install ubuntu or have you installed it and want to get it working?04:37
eneriedneutrinomass, it shutdown proceses, kill remaining proceses, umounting anything, stop network interfaces, unload all modules and send at the end this message "will now halt"04:37
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kkaisareIsDis4Me: Not to the best of my knowledge.04:37
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IsDis4MeI will upgrade later then04:37
[Ex0r] After you download it, burn the image to a cd and restart the computer with the cd in. Once it loads up, select Load BOOTCD, than when the screen shows up, select Disk Partitioning Software, than select Partition Magic 804:38
afborranno i have been trying to install it04:38
eneriedneutrinomass, i was waitning as halting action the power down, but board dont shutdown04:38
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[Ex0r] it will give you a visual and interactable progarm to format hdd's on the system04:38
[Ex0r] program*04:38
pppoe_dudeafborran, are you getting any error messages?04:38
neutrinomasseneried: Yeah you told me. Try checking out /var/log/ . You'll see a few files named "kern.log*". Check whether one of them may have been written today (I think that when you do that sysrq thing, the trace gets logged in such a file)...04:38
eneriedneutrinomass, then, there's no system and nothing to record the sutdown process because there's all ginished, but board and cpu fan04:39
afborrando i have to get a formatted hard drive to install ubuntu04:39
neutrinomasseneried: Hm.... didn't the sysrq thing work ?04:39
eneriedneutrinomass, i'll try, but as i said / will be umounted before the problem04:39
pppoe_dudeafborran, no, you can either do that from within the installer or get it to do it automaticaly?04:39
feihung[Ex0r]  and BlueEagle thanks for all tips I'll try it tomorrow04:39
scifi[Ex0r] : thats alot of software :O04:39
pppoe_dudeafborran, - ?04:39
eneriedall is umounted, but i'll take a look04:39
[Ex0r] scifi, it's all one big package, that'll burn onto the cd. Very helpful.04:40
scifi[Ex0r] : cudnt i just download partition magic ?04:40
neutrinomasseneried: Yes, I understand that but maybe it gets remounted to write the log - not sure. If not, it's quite impossible to debug these without a digital camera / lots of handwriting ...04:40
afborranmy computer just restarts when selecting "install ubuntu". Why?04:40
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[Ex0r] nah, the full version is a bit expensive and symantec doesnt have a trial for it04:40
pppoe_dudeafborran, does it restart or boot into ubuntu?04:40
[Ex0r] scifi, besides, alot of these tools will save your life one day04:41
scacco[] a free linux basic compiler ?04:41
afborranno just into the setup again. or if i take out the cd it loads win04:41
neutrinomassscacco[] : gcc ? "sudo apt-get install build-essential" should give you a build environment ...04:41
eneriedneutrinomass, i'm looking the kern log...04:41
scifi[Ex0r] : theres anewer version Hirens BootCD 8.1, shud i get that ?04:42
pppoe_dudeafborran, into the setup?04:42
[Ex0r] scifi, I was having trouble finding that one. If you can find the download for it, go ahead04:42
BlueEagleafborran: Tell us a bit more about your computer. The most interesting bits are your graphics card (make and model), your harddrive (ide or sata) and your ide or sata chipset if you know what it is. Also knowing a bit about your cd-rom might help.04:42
pppoe_dudeafborran, as in the boot screen?04:42
scacco[] neutrinomass: gcc compile basic ?04:42
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BlueEagleafborran: oh, and the amount of RAM you've got is also good to know. :)04:42
neutrinomassscacco[] : Oh, sorry, I missed the basic part :(04:42
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afborranok 192mb04:42
[Ex0r] Alrighty guys, i'm taking off now. I got up way too early today.04:43
scacco[] neutrinomass: lol :D no problem04:43
erUSULscacco[] : what do you mean by "basic"?04:43
scifi[Ex0r] : 9down pirate software ?04:43
[Ex0r] scifi, no, not that i'm aware of04:43
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scacco[] erUSUL: BASIC language04:43
scacco[] :)04:43
pppoe_dudeafborran, ok so what exactly happens when you select "start / install Ubuntu" from the boot screen?04:43
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ubotuWine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on linux.  see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Wine for more info.04:43
BlueEagleafborran: ...and the graphics card and drive/chipset?04:43
erUSULscacco[] : try gambas04:43
[Ex0r] scifi, I didn't go through the site, I went to the first link that has hiren's bootcd available for download.04:43
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scacco[] erUSUL: ok... thx04:44
neutrinomasseneried: In any case, you have to file a bug report. Try to include as much info as possible. "lspci" and "dmesg" sound like this you should attach to it... maybe a kernel developer will have an idea on how to debug this .... Of course if you can write down / take a picture of the trace you saw on the screen, you stand much better chances of having it fixed...04:44
afborranit starts loading the initrd.gz then it restarts04:44
eneriedneutrinomass, i can't read anything related tyo the problem :'(04:44
shirowhow can i stop applications from autolaunching on an event04:44
erUSULscacco[] : http://gambas.sourceforge.net/04:44
shirowfor instance i don't want soundjuicer to launch when i insert an audio cd04:44
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neutrinomasseneried: Yeah, probably didn't get written04:44
[Ex0r] i'm still trying to figure out how to set my default music player to xmms04:44
scacco[] erUSUL: apt-cache search gambas :) apt-get install gambas ;) thx04:45
pppoe_dudeafborran, any error messages you can notice?04:45
scifi[Ex0r] : i think u'll find hirens cd is a pirate package :c04:45
neutrinomasserUSUL: Heh, VB for Linux. Any experience with it ?04:45
afborrani440bx and a geforce 204:45
[Ex0r] scifi, lol, if that was the case my local college would be in a very big lawsuit04:45
NoUseshirow I believe its System -> Prefs -> Removable Media04:45
garryfreHello. I need some advice, Back when I had breezy, I installed both gnome and kde destops. At first there were some issues, that went away, maybe a minor glitch I've forgotten about. Now I'm asking if it is wise to try to install KDE on Ubuntu so that I have both again, but I don't want to do this without asking this time. Thanks.04:45
afborranno no error message i see04:45
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scifi[Ex0r] : haha :)04:45
erUSULneutrinomass: no, i only knew it by reading it in inet...04:45
LeaChimgarryfre, there should be no problem.04:46
shirownouse: thanks!04:46
NoUseshirow no prob04:46
neutrinomassAnybody with a USB ADSL modem ?04:46
BlueEagleafborran: Please, this is the third time I am asking your for a bit of information. It might be helpful to us to know which graphics card you have got (make and model). Also it would be nice to know what kind of a harddisk you have got and which ide- or sata-chipset your motherboard has got.04:46
afborranok 1 min04:47
garryfreLeaChim Thanks. Now I could install the packages masses, if only I could finde one of my two sets of glasses!04:48
Tommy2k4is there a linux alternative to netlimiter? preferably with a gui, needs to limit specific applications on-the-fly without having to relaunch the app to turn the limiter on/off/change the limit04:48
LeaChimgarryfre, lol04:48
[Ex0r] anyone know how to setup system default apps ?04:48
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nanomad[Ex0r] , wanna change the default app for a file type?04:49
Tommy2k4[Ex0r] , kde?04:49
[Ex0r] Tommy2k4, gnome. Trying to change my default music player to xmms04:49
afborrangfx:nvidia geforce 2 Chipset:i440bx hd:maxtor ide drive 80gb04:49
Tommy2k4dunno bout gnome04:49
LeaChim[Ex0r] , system, preferences, preferred applications04:49
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[Ex0r] LeaChim, went there, only shows it for mail and web browser04:50
scacco[] erUSUL: thx a lot :)04:50
nanomad[Ex0r] , gnome: right-click on audio file, proprieties, open with04:50
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BlueEagleafborran: Is it an integrated graphics card? When you try to boot can you choose different resolutions under VGA? Have you tried adding nosplash to the advanced options?04:51
nanomadLeaChim, on my sistem it let change only the browser, the mail client and the terminal app04:51
[Ex0r] nanomad, no way to do it for all media types? mp3, avi, etc ?04:51
ubotuI don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, BlueEagle04:51
LeaChimnanomad, yeh, i just looked and saw :P04:51
ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootOptions not the full complement of boot options but it is some of them04:51
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afborranok ill test that04:51
|reezeh|hi ... the ubuntu installation cd a livecd or the livecd a seperate thing?04:51
nanomad[Ex0r] , none that i know04:52
[Ex0r] alrighty, thanks04:52
rixxon|reezeh|: in dapper, it is both04:52
xorphthe xubuntu livecd works as installcd too04:52
|reezeh|k ta04:52
BlueEagleafborran: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootOptions the option you want is debian-installer/framebuffer=false04:52
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nanomad[Ex0r] , you could create dummy files using touch04:53
|reezeh|so is there a seperate livecd or it just the install disc? ... i don't want to wipe my stuff accidentally yet ;)04:53
nanomad[Ex0r] , and then change the association04:53
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dr_willisdont insult the files!  :) they are just files... with.. no er... content. :P04:54
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stekohi all. for who's interested in GIS check out http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGIS, there's a restyling going on04:54
dr_willis|reezeh|,  the live cd is also the install cd.04:54
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joemauchwhat's a good alternative to rhythmbox?04:54
stekojoemauch: quod libet, banshee04:55
stekojoemauch: both very cool and friendly04:55
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nanomad[Ex0r] , still here? maybe i've found a way to do it04:56
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joemauchsteko: thanks04:56
stekojoemauch: glad to help04:57
nanomad[Ex0r] , you can change associations by editing /usr/share/applications/defaults.list as root04:57
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afborrancame a little bit further or at least i saw some text, but i cant figure out in what stage it rebooted in. btw a tnt2 is the gfx sry about that. Does that change anything?04:58
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .04:58
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_Luksbrazilllll \o/05:02
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danfghow do i install vim 7? latest vim in repositories is 6.405:02
xorphcompile it yourself from source05:03
kmilodanfg, what says in the vim web page?05:03
xorphmay try first apt-get update05:03
MetaMorfoziSdafg from the original site05:03
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xorphto get the latest package-list05:03
danfgxorph: but do i have to remove the original vim i got here?05:03
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xorphi dont think so...05:04
skaccan someone do locate mozilla.png05:04
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GTXhow can I stop people from seeing whats in /home/ and going into other people users directorys, i forgot cmd. its like a chmod thing05:04
skacand tell me where abouts they keep gnome icons05:04
xorphskac, what are you looking for?05:04
danfgxorph: do you mean add the vim repository to the apt-get list?05:04
GTXand where I get libstdc++.so.6 from?05:04
skacxorph: just the path for icons.05:04
xorphno, apt-get update fetches the latest package-list05:04
skaci don't run ubuntu, i am trying to help a friend.05:04
xorphskac, /usr/share/pixmaps05:05
skacthank you05:05
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erUSULGTX:  apt-cache search libstdc++05:06
GTXYup got it now erUSUL05:06
GTXYou know how to stop other users from seeing whats in home and other peoples users directorys?05:06
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danfgxorph: according to repo (i got universe, multiverse, etc. enabled), latest vim is 6.4 (yes i updated). i know how to compile from source, but just wondering: should i remove the existing package, install over it, what is the proper way of doing this?05:07
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xorphi think its not need to uninstall first...05:08
dr_willisGTX,  if the default permissions are set right - they shouldent be able todo so.05:08
dr_willisGTX,   make the dirs non executable for others/world I think05:08
GTXdr_willis, They can go into /home/ and see whos in there05:08
xorphbut maybe there will leave som not used files on your hdd05:08
erUSULGTX: set restrictive  permisions with nautilus to your home dir05:08
Kiboudanfg: proper would be probably to wait until vim7 hits the repos.. which it most likely won't until edgy05:08
dr_willisnow for /home/ id say dont mess with that.05:08
GTXerUSUL, how do I do it from cmd prompt, runnign server here05:08
danfgxorph: ok i'll install over the existing files then05:08
sskennelI'm trying to upgrade an amd64 Dapper pre-release system to the current Dapper and am in package dependency hell. I need to keep this system at MySQL 4.1, but some packages unexpectedly seem to depend on MySQL 5.05:09
danfgKibou: you're right, but i really want to use 705:09
afborranps2 controller is the last thing i see before the restart05:09
DBOsskennel, what packages would those be?05:09
sskennelI've uploaded a typescript illustrating my problem: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1590705:09
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nanomadGTX,  try sudo chmod -rwx homefolder05:09
erUSULGTX: chmod 700 $HOME so only you will have access to your home dir05:09
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danfganyone here using wine doors?05:10
DBOsskennel, ok, lemme take a looksie05:10
nanomadGTX, dont try my suggestion...it is wrong!!!05:10
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sskennelphp4-mysql php5-mysql and libdbd-mysql-perl05:11
afborranblue eagle:still restarts but i see now the last message "ps2 controller" before the restart05:11
sskennelDetails in the pastebin05:11
MetaMorfoziSanybody have external dvdwriter?05:12
MetaMorfoziSanybody have WORKING external dvdwriter on usb or firewire?05:12
GTXerUSUL, now nothing works!!!!05:12
GTXerUSUL, no one can login to the there own user now05:12
DBOsskennel, try uninstalling mysql-server (just a virtual package) and install mysql-server-4.105:13
nanomadGTX, strange chmod 700 /home/user works here05:13
GTXnanomad, No no, I mean /home/05:13
DBOsskennel, actually mysql-server-4.1 should already be installed, but you get the idea05:13
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GTXTo stop users being able to see whats in /home/05:13
sskennelDBO, checking...05:13
GTXI did chmod 700 /home/05:13
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nanomadGTX, /home belongs to root... and all the folders inside it are now locked to users05:14
GTXnanomad, I have done it before with an chmod command so users cannot see inside /home/05:14
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rixxonheh, GTX :)05:15
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zire72hi, i'm using ubuntu version 5.04 and am having trouble getting a 2 button 1 scroll wheel wired ps/2 optical mouse to work.05:15
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sskennelDBO, "mysql-server-4.1 is already the newest version.", "Package mysql-server is not installed, so not removed"05:15
MetaMorfoziSanybody have WORKING external dvdwriter on usb or firewire?05:15
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DBOsskennel, ok, the easiest solution for you might be to install mysql into /opt/ since most of the dependancies are updated to mysql 505:16
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DBOsskennel, otherwise you are going to have to override a lot of depends or hold back a lot of upgrades05:16
GTXnanomad, so what shall I do ? ;x05:16
nanomadGTX, trying to figure it out05:17
sskennelDBO, so the idea would be to have mysql 5 in the usual place, and mysql4.1 in /opt?05:17
zire72what is the easiest way to set up a ps/2 optical mouse in ubuntu05:17
DBOsskennel, yeah, thats the idea05:18
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sskennelDBO, thanks, I'll explore that.05:18
nanomadGTX, to revert to default state: chmod 775 /home05:18
nanomadas root05:18
GTXdone nono205:19
GTXnanomad, *05:19
MetaMorfoziSanybody have WORKING external dvdwriter on usb or firewire?05:19
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nanomadGTX,  can user login now?05:19
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zire72i'm having major mouse troubles05:20
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tofanyone know about a comparison between kexi and ooffice database (and ms access ;-) ?05:20
inonoI can't watch an AVI file, how do I check which codec I need05:20
myworld122hey guys...is it necessary to have antivirus n firewall if i'm running Windows XP in VMware Server?05:20
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mweget a cat05:20
inonomyworld122, not if you're running iptables like u should05:20
ProN00bwhats that gnome configuration editor called ?05:20
xorphgconf i think05:20
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myworld122inono: what's iptables?05:21
MetaMorfoziSanybody have WORKING external dvdwriter on usb or firewire?05:21
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zire72can someone answer my question?!05:21
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mweI did. buy a cat05:22
guemhey there05:22
krazykitzire72: plug it in, turn on the computer, afaik.05:22
guemis there a package for "lcftpget" ?05:22
tofMetaMorfoziS, I do. usb dvdwriter. Works fine with ubuntu and kubuntu out of the box05:22
guemcpan requires this... but i can only find "ncftp" and "ncftp2"05:22
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zire72krazykit: it works up until it says when scrolling through  kernel: starting hotplug system05:23
zire72then the lights turn off on the mouse05:23
mwezire72: hotplug? this is not dapper, is it?05:24
zire72mwe: it's 5.0405:24
m_0_r_0_nAny idea how to get a dvb-t card work?05:24
zire72i really need to upgrade, but i dont have fast enough internet05:24
mwezire72: hotplug is replaced in the latest version. it has caused problems for a lot of people05:25
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zire72argh, okay, so that might solve myproblem if i just upgrade?05:25
sskennelDBO, I don't suppose installing mysql5 into /opt would satisfy the dependencies?05:25
xorphzire72, order a dvd05:25
mwezire72: maybe so05:25
DBOsskennel, nope05:25
mwezire72: what exactly happens when hotplug starts?05:26
guemm_0_r_0_n: i use a dvb-s pci-card with kaffeine.. works fine (just had to modprobe _googled_module_name_for_my_card_)05:26
zire72xorph: i have, it's just taking ages to get here05:26
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sskennelI figured. Thanks.05:26
nanomadwhois gtx05:26
xorphyou can go to an internetcafe too.05:26
MetaMorfoziStof:  what version you have?05:27
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m_0_r_0_nguem, I already have a dvb-t card, hm, ok, I will search for a module05:27
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TenkawaAny of you running a WPA2 connection in ubuntu?05:27
zire72mwe: before hotplug starts, the mouse's laser and functioning seems to be working, but when it loads the hotplug thing, it quits05:27
ProN00bwhats that gnome configuration editor called ?05:27
MetaMorfoziSwhat is the device name and who is the manufacturer?05:27
mwezire72: I'd check the log files. /var/log/syslog and dmesg05:27
danfgi wish gnome would allow me to have 2 or more rows in a panel :(05:27
DBOProN00b,  gconf-editor05:28
ProN00bthanks, DBO05:28
Togewhen will i be to able to download the new kernel from repositories?05:28
DBOToge, what new kernel do you want?05:28
yurtboy is there anyway to limit choices when a person logs off to just shutdown instead of hibernate etc05:28
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mweToge: you wont05:28
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Toge2.6.17 , no?05:29
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DBOToge, nope, that wont make it to repos05:29
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Togehow can I know what version I have?05:29
DBOToge, we are in feature freeze05:29
mweToge: the kernel stays at the version it was when dapper was released except for security updates05:29
DBOToge, to check what version you have do uname -r in console05:29
mweToge: uname -r. Why do you need 2.6.17?05:29
jim_rhi does anybody know how i can stop rhythmbox from loading every time i plug my ipod in?05:30
Togemwe,  i dont know05:30
mweToge: then you don't need it05:31
Togei thought i could get it from repositories05:31
mweToge: you can't and you don't need the 2.6.17 kernel05:31
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DBOToge, you can get it for the testing version of ubuntu, but that isnt stable yet and you shouldnt use it05:31
rendoDoes ATA-133 use the IDE interface or a different cable?05:31
zire72mwe: i'm trying to input the code " /var/log/syslog" into root05:32
zire72how would i do so?05:32
DBOrenatofilho, IDE05:32
bbrazilrendo: ide05:32
rendoI thought so, was just making sure, thanks.05:32
bbrazilrendo: you'll want an 80 pin cable though iirc05:32
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mwezire72: you need to look at the file. nano /var/log/syslog05:32
DBObbrazil, yeah, 80 pin05:32
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mwezire72: look for errors at time stamps near last  boot05:32
inonoIs there a program which will tell me which directory on a disk is taking up the most space?05:33
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mweinono: sudo du /|sort05:33
ProN00bhow can i check if the windows key works (as the super key) and that i don't have selected a wrong keyboard layout ?05:33
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DBOinono, for the most part, its going to be your home directory.  Anything else should be pretty much managed by the system and left alone by you05:34
jim_rProN00b, set up the super key as a shortcut to launch a terminal or something05:34
DBOProN00b, type Xev in terminal and place your mouse in the box05:34
mweinono: or sudo du /|sort -n rather05:34
inonomwe, thanks, couldnt remember the name05:35
DBOProN00b, then see if you get thr righ toutput when pushing the super key05:35
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mweinono: the command may take some time to complete05:35
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ProN00bDBO, how can i see if its the right output ?05:36
DBOit should say Super_L somewhere05:36
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ProN00bi mean i get a keypress/release event05:36
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ProN00bnope, no Super in there05:37
zire72mwe: i really dont know what has occurred, i had an old wheel ps/2 mouse that randomly quit working on me yesterday. it worked for years but now i'm thinking i need to upgrade to maybe a usb optical mouse, any suggestions on ones that are well supported?05:37
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inonomwe, thats fine I did max-depth=105:38
DBOProN00b, hmmm, sounds like your keyboard map might be off05:38
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mwezire72: well I thought the old ps/2 mice were well supported. AFAIK most usb mice are as well05:38
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DBOzire72, the logitech mice are FANTASTIC05:38
zire72mwe: i just tried a logitech optical usb mouse and it works fine05:38
zire72i will have to buy one soon, as i'm borrowing my brothers05:39
mweinono: well it wont show it recursively then05:39
Nukeadorhow could i know which packets an auto-update install? i want to remove them and install again the oficial ones...05:39
zire72thanks everyone05:39
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mwezire72: good then05:39
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DBONukeador, you mean you installed some updates from third party repositories?05:39
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DBONukeador, remove the repos from your sources.list, then sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:40
DBO(i think that works...)05:40
inonomwe, sure it does05:40
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variantwhat happend to the the gnome-network-preferences05:41
Nukeadorlet me check it...05:41
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varianthow can i list wireless networks with gnome now05:41
killazhow can I view .wmv and .avi files?05:41
uboturestricted is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats. This page's intent is to enable you to play most non-free media formats that are not DRM encoded. Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats.05:41
variantkillaz: install the restricted codecs package05:41
killazI already added the windows codecs05:41
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killazvariant: which one?05:42
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variantkillaz: read that link05:42
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DBOkillaz, are you sure the wmv movies are not DRM'd?05:42
variantkillaz: yeah, porn encrypted with drm wont play on anything except windows05:42
killazDBO: nope I could watch them without any problem on my win box05:42
variantkillaz: yeah, thats the point05:42
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killazvariant: and how can I check if that is te case?05:43
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variantkillaz: do you get a funny looking screen when you play them?05:43
epssyvendor lockin05:43
variantor does it just say "cannot play this file"?05:43
mweinono: It wont show the sizes of directories inside other directories is what I mean05:43
killaznope.... with wmv I get an error pop-up.. and with the avi I get a black screen..05:43
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mweinono: but i don't think you want that anyway05:43
variantkillaz: then you need to read that link and folow the instructions05:43
killazwith sounds...05:44
inonono i just want top level and i can navigate manually into the other ones05:44
linuxboyfriendhi all05:44
linuxboyfriendwhen my system starts it gives error: access denied for user 'debian-sys-maint@localhost, can anyone help me about that?05:44
killazvariant: uhm I already downloaded and installed the windows codec if that is what you mean05:44
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mweinono: so it will probably show /home or /usr taking most space05:44
mweinono: besides / of course :)05:45
variantkillaz: what i mean is, did you folllow those instructions05:45
variantkillaz: not just manualy put the codecs on the filesystem.05:45
variantkillaz: that link tells you how to do it05:45
variantkillaz: please just read it05:46
Lukkett0anybody use Eciadsl ?05:46
variantand if it continues to not work after having followd those instructions come back05:46
killazwget -c ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/pool/main/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20050412-0.4_i386.deb05:46
killazsudo dpkg -i w32codecs_20050412-0.4_i38605:46
killazthat is what I did...05:46
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Lukkett0killaz: I did the same05:46
linuxboyfriendcan anyone help me about that mysql error05:46
variantso, you didnt follow the instructions05:46
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ProN00bDBO, i somehow can't get my keyboard model/layout right, is there any tool that asks me to push some keys and then detects it automatically ?05:47
mwelinuxboyfriend: how did you install mysql?05:47
kmilolinuxboy, check the permissions for the debian-sys-maint user05:47
linuxboyfriendmwe, yeah and they were telling me to go here :(05:47
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mwelinuxboyfriend: did you alter the perms05:48
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DBOProN00b, what keyboard do you have?05:48
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linuxboyfriendmwe, i delete that user (sorry)05:48
mwelinuxboyfriend: you should leave the debian system account05:48
mwelinuxboyfriend: reintall05:48
ProN00bDBO, i dont have the slightest idea, but that its german05:48
linuxboyfriendmwe, ok, and what password i should set for that user?05:49
nickolayHi, what is the best way to reroute system beep to the soundcard in dapper?05:49
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mwelinuxboyfriend: sudo apt-get --purge remove mysql-server && sudo apt-get instal mysql-server05:49
mwelinuxboyfriend: don't worry about it05:49
mwelinuxboyfriend: *never* touch that account05:50
mwelinuxboyfriend: see README.Debain for details05:50
DBOProN00b, run this command, xmodmap /usr/share/xmodmap/xmodmap.de05:50
filleokusHi any ProFTPD pro's here?05:50
DBOfilleokus, what is your issue? =)05:51
DBOif you ask first you might find someone might know05:51
linuxboyfriendmwe, ok, i have reinstalled mysql-server, does n't that affect my lamp installation?05:51
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filleokusI cant connect to it at all, and i have followed the setps at ubuntuguide.org05:51
mwefilleokus: define pros :)05:51
ProN00bDBO, now it shows Select as keyname05:52
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GullstadHow send a message trough SSH, and make it popup on the SSH computer I have connected too?05:52
filleokusi just get connection refused05:52
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killazvariant: so you're telling e I need to install all those packages totem-xine gxine libxine-extracodecs mplayer05:52
mwelinuxboyfriend: I think not unless you added something you need to add again05:52
DBOfilleokus, lemme see your /etc/proftpd.conf in pastebin please05:52
MegantGullstad: Popup?05:52
Fractureeach time a kernel update happens, I need to manually edit /boot/grub/menu.lst to point to it.. this used to happen automatically.. how can I re-enable this ?05:52
filleokusand i have /etc/init.d/proftpd restart and it is online05:52
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MegantGullstad: You mean on X or?05:52
filleokusDBO, yes brb05:52
killazBUT libxine-extracodecs I cant find05:52
GullstadMegant: Yes, as a windows in X.05:52
mwelinuxboyfriend: did you purge remove it first like I suggested?05:53
linuxboyfriendmwe, yes05:53
mwelinuxboyfriend: good now see if it works, it should.05:53
linuxboyfriendmwe, what is purge for?05:53
mwelinuxboyfriend: it removes every trace of the package including config files and the database05:54
killazand neither mplayer05:54
MegantGullstad: Well, for an example: if the x display where you want to open the program is on display :0.1 you just have to export DISPLAY=":0.1"05:54
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filleokusDBO, http://pastebin.com/71663705:54
[Ex0r] Does anybody here know if there is a way to dock windows at the edge of the screen? (Gaim for example)05:54
MegantGullstad: So I mean a program, not a popup.05:54
mwelinuxboyfriend: did you follow the LAMP wiki?05:54
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linuxboyfriendmwe, yes05:55
killazsudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs -> null05:55
ompaulBakemono, words often mixed up ;-)05:55
linuxboyfriendmwe, during the removal it was asking me to remove the database and i said NO05:55
killazSynaptic search also ..... null05:55
=== andre [n=andre@CPE001310ad6f29-CM001404b5ba98.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
DBOfilleokus, change the server type to standalone and let make sure your username is not in the file /etc/ftpusers05:55
Bakemonoyup, i'm just llame05:55
killazand multiuniverse is enabled05:55
andreI can't get apache to run... When I etc/init.d/apache2 start it doesn't give any error message, but ther is no apache process running. theres also nothing in the apche logs.05:55
popeywhere does libavcodec reside these days?05:55
popeyI can't install xvidcap without it on dapper05:56
[Ex0r] !lamp05:56
mwelinuxboyfriend: you should have said yes. then run the install script for the database again05:56
ProN00bDBO, got any more ideas ?05:56
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mwelinuxboyfriend: first answer yes. then reinstall. then cd /usr && sudo ./bin/mysql_install_db --user=mysql05:56
DBOProN00b, not really, make sure everything looks ok in System -> preferences -> keyboard05:57
linuxboyfriendi will check and if it works then i will leave it, otherwise i will backup my database and remove it again with purge option05:57
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ProN00bDBO, i did, everything works, but those windows key05:57
Bck14how do you add mp3 support for ubuntu ?05:57
ubotuit has been said that mp3 is a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:57
mwelinuxboyfriend: it wont work with the same database I think05:57
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DBOProN00b, sorry =/05:57
[Ex0r] Anyone here know if gaim can be docked on the side of the screen ?05:58
Bck14ty nanomad05:58
mwelinuxboyfriend: since you deleted the debian sys account05:58
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filleokusDBO, standalone work fine05:58
mwelinuxboyfriend: but go ahead and try05:58
filleokusbut if i close the terminal does it close also?05:58
filleokusor is it deamon like05:58
GullstadHow do you open a program in SSH? So It shows on the klients X.05:58
DBOits a deamon filleokus05:58
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filleokusAh u da man :P05:58
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elechas someone tested ubuntu server? is it good?05:58
linuxboyfriendmwe, ok05:59
linuxboyfriendmwe, gimme   1 min :)05:59
DBOelec, it works, its a bit more dynamic than some admins like, but its a good solid server with plenty of support05:59
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elecDBO, thanks for your comment05:59
Fractureeach time a kernel update happens, I need to manually edit /boot/grub/menu.lst to point to it.. this used to happen automatically.. how can I re-enable this ?06:00
lepingbetaHello!Is that anyone use reactOS?06:00
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ProN00bDBO, if u use english us layout all other keys dont work, but the windows key shows as superL06:00
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DBOProN00b, how amazingly unhandy... =P06:00
killazI should install libxine-codecs but where are they ... I have enabled all repositories06:00
xorphlepingbeta, i wouldn't do that06:00
ompaullepingbeta, this is the ubuntu support channel, you may have mistaken us for the #reactos channel ;-)06:01
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DBOsmacky_wolf, away messages are not allowed06:01
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=== DBO nudges ompaul ^^
elknof3hey hi everyody, does anybody have a clue about a wine issue while playing splinter cell?? it  gives me a error about a "depurador"06:01
ompaulsmacky_wolf, did you see what DBO is saying? he is right you know06:01
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DBOelknof3, have you checked in appdb to see if its supported?06:02
DBOwine doesnt quite run everything06:02
ompaulsmacky_wolf, use /away Message - it does not spam the channel06:02
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killazbah I should take a break cause this is not going everywhere.....!!!!!06:02
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mwein fact wine doesn't work with most programs06:02
CryoToxI hate wine06:02
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DBOCryoTox, I donno, it goes so well with italian06:03
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CryoToxI thought it was good when reading the description but no, it was like cursed, only works with useless things.06:03
killazwell.... linux/ubuntu is not ready yet for desktop environment.....06:03
linuxboyfriendmwe, ok, i have reinstalled not i am going to load my database again (from text file)06:03
linuxboyfriendmwe, am i right ?06:03
CryoToxDBO: So true.06:03
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CryoToxkillaz: Ubuntu rocks.06:03
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jabr_anyone have patience for a couple of noob questions?06:04
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nanomadjabr_, say everything06:04
jabr_1) when you download apps...where do you usually install them?  /usr/local/sbin?06:04
ompauljabr_, ask the question to the Channel not one person and see what happesn06:04
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ompauljabr_, depends on the app if you type "which app_name" it can tell you where it ended up06:05
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jabr_sure, but when you are downloading stuff is that normally the place to put things when you have a choice of install location?06:05
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl471.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pelogood afternoon folks06:05
nanomadjabr_, usually in /usr/local/bin after a compile or if it wasy a binary (like most non-free games)06:05
nanomadjabr_, /usr/local is a good choiche06:06
jabr_diff between /usr/local/sbin and bin06:06
jabr_err what is the diff?06:06
nanomadjabr_, sbin=soft runned by root, bin by users (i think)06:06
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abhijeetI have installed kde-desktop to my ubuntu 6.06. but now I now I am not able to activate gdm. pls help to activate gdm without removing kde06:06
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PeloI'm using a non standard mouse ( ie logitech trackman marble FX ) it's got 4 buttons,  how do I switch button assignment in dapper ?06:07
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ubotuEnabling extra buttons  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ManyButtonsMouseHowto or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65471&highlight=evdev Installing extra cursor themes can be done easily with gcursor.06:07
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ompaulPelo,  enjoy06:07
jabr_so next question.  i have some development files i need to use locally.  so what's the best strategy for mounting them from the home dir of another machine?  i was thinking of just creating a script that mounts server:/home to /mnt/servername/home   is there a better way to do this (it's nfs)06:08
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nanomadjabr_, no..it is good06:08
abhijeetI have installed kde-desktop to my ubuntu 6.06. but now I now I am not able to activate gdm. pls help to activate gdm without removing kde06:08
jabr_to get it to automount at boot do i just create a script or put them in ftab?06:08
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nanomadabhijeet, give me a sec. and i will give you the solution...06:09
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abhijeetnanomad: thanks06:09
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killaz[away] CryoTox: ubuntu rocks when it starts to play avi/wmv and all the main files....... installing a codec is harder then anything I've seen so far.  A simple search for libxine-extracodecs mplayer makes me search the whole internet...06:09
=== jsestri2 [n=jj@c-24-34-56-148.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
killaz[away] and without any luck....06:09
ompaulabhijeet, you can get kde with nice packages >>apt-get install kubuntu-desktop <<then>>  sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm <<06:09
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nanomadjabr_, use fstab this way <server>:</path/of/dir> </local/mnt/point> nfs <options> 0 006:10
Frogzooaarghh... anyone get bugzilla setup properly?06:10
CryoToxkillaz[away] : I'm pretty sure you can just apt-get some codec packs.06:10
jajaja-how can I change the priveldges for "file system" directory so I can edit files in there06:10
=== Unintentional [n=kurt@CPE-65-30-158-145.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
jabr_thanks nanomad  under mnt do i have to create the subdirs manually?  meaning server:exportdir /mnt/servername/exportdir06:11
Unintentionalhey, does anyone know if there's a graphical equivalent of rsh/ssh?  I basically want to log into a gnome environment remotely06:11
killaz[away] well CryoTox sudo apt-cache search libxine-extracodecs or sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs gives null hits and YES I have enabled all repositories06:11
jabr_alrighty...many thanx nano06:11
jabr_saved me a lot of time06:11
abhijeetthanks ompaul06:11
ompauljajaja-, you don;t want to randomly do that with system files you will break the operating system, the command to change ownership is "chown" and to change executable and stuff "chmod"06:12
Unintentionalno idea?06:12
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ubotuBck14: Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:12
BakemonoUnintentional, i think you are looking something like VNC06:12
jajaja-thank you ompaul let me give that a try06:12
Unintentionalproblem with VNC is that it requires the person be logged in already06:12
Bck14hmm, how do you install win32codecs for ubuntu ?06:12
Peloautomatix I think06:13
ompaulUnintentional, you presume too much answers take longer in irc - and if vnx or freenx perhaps ssh exporting X or putty06:13
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nanomadabhijeet, do u want to use gdm instead of kdm?06:13
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varsendaggrBck14, apt-cache search win32codecs06:13
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Bck14ok i shall try06:13
varsendaggryou may need your repos enabled06:13
ompaulBck14, yo9u can use easyubuntu or read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Restricted formats06:13
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Bck14i have enable some06:13
Bck14ompaul: read that the .deb file is unreachable06:14
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.06:14
ericzvarsendaggr: isn't it w32codecs, not win32?06:14
jsestri2My DNS servers I get from DHCP, don't all work very fast, and the way Ubuntu seem to read them in, places in them in the order slowest first. Is there a way to make it use them in the order fastest first?06:14
Unintentionalthanks.  I'll look at those.06:14
ompaulBck14, follow that information from ubotu06:14
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Lenseverytime I start firestarter it needs a root pass, but I want it to start in accounts with no root access, how do I disable the root pass prompt?06:14
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Bck14ive got universe and multiverse06:14
=== GTX [i=charlie@charlie.gtx-network.net] has joined #ubuntu
GTXHow do I make it so users cannot see whos in /home/ and other user directorys06:15
nanomadabhijeet, edit /etc/X11/default-display-manager as root and change the line you got with /usr/sbin/gdm06:15
varsendaggrericz, i thinkso06:15
nanomadGTX, i've the solution06:15
nanomadGTX, chmod 711 /home06:15
abhijeetnanomad: I am using kdm in mandriva so want to test gdm in ubuntu.06:15
varsendaggrBck14,  do apt-cache search codecs   if you can't find it06:15
killaz[away] Bck14: welcome to the same problem!!! :D06:15
Bck14apt-cache does nothing06:16
varsendaggrand killaz[away]  what are you looking for?06:16
Bck14dont think apt is installed06:16
=== pequatre [n=jojo@AOrleans-152-1-83-76.w86-208.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
nanomadGTX, u disconnected just b4 i found the solution06:16
GTXbut if you know the other peoples username they can still do cd /home/USERNAME/ and list it06:16
nanomadabhijeet, edit /etc/X11/default-display-manager as root and change the line you got with /usr/sbin/gdm06:16
varsendaggrBck14, yes apt- is installed06:16
abhijeetnanomad: i use kde in mandriva and to test gdm in ubuntu06:16
=== Mazingaro [n=tetsuja@host41-26.pool8259.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
fa_I have installed update-manager 0.37 on breezy. From my ohter breezy system i know there is a more recent version. Why doesnt it update when i do an update with apt?06:16
Bck14didnt do anything06:16
Bck14just new line in terminal06:16
killaz[away] varsendaggr:  libxine-extracodecs06:16
varsendaggrdo apt-cache search gnome06:16
GTXnanomad,  but if you know the other peoples username they can still do cd /home/USERNAME/ and list it06:17
Bck14lol that worked :P06:17
nanomadGTX, you must chmod user dirs too06:17
=== armedking [n=king@cable-146-73.zeelandnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
nanomadabhijeet, do u want to use kde or gdm?06:17
GTXno nanomad, There is a way to which you chmod home directory and it stops people from entering there driectorys to.06:17
Bck14mingw32 - Minimalist GNU win32 (cross) compiler06:17
Bck14mingw32-binutils - Minimalist GNU win32 (cross) binutils06:17
Bck14mingw32-runtime - Minimalist GNU win32 (cross) runtime06:17
Bck14are all that come up for w3206:18
=== javatard_ [n=javatard@cpe-69-207-34-244.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
varsendaggrhow about apt-cache serch codecs06:18
javatard_! ppc06:18
Bck14trying that06:18
ubotuhmm... ppc is PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers.  Supported by Ubuntu PPC.06:18
varsendaggrbecause i just got w23codecs06:18
jsestri2anybody got any ideas on why the networking tool places the DNS servers from the DHCP in the list with slowest at the top?06:18
KajaRead the wiki ffs.06:18
LensI would like firestarter to start on my 'desktop permissions' account, but it prompts for a root pass, how can I disable the pass prompt so my firewall will just run?06:19
KajaBck14, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats06:19
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Bck14wget -c ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/pool/main/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20050412-0.4_i386.deb06:19
jsestri2Lens: what is firestarter?06:19
Bck14that doesnt work06:19
Bck14times out06:19
Lensa firewall06:19
nanomadGTX, chmod 711 /home and chmod 700 /home/$USER06:19
KajaBck14, then try again later =(06:19
jsestri2Lens: well that might have parts of it that requires root access to use...06:20
GTXnanomad, There is a way to which you can just chmod /home06:20
GTXand it will do it06:20
Bck14u cant build w32codecs from source can you ?06:20
jsestri2Lens: plan B is to chmod the binary06:20
varsendaggrBck14, they have them at mplayer06:20
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KajaBck14, it works here.06:20
javatard_A power PC index anyone?06:20
Bck14ill try wget again06:20
nanomadGTX, chmod -R 711 /home06:20
garryfreI have both kde and gnome on this dapper system, and dicovered that the kbuntu kde has the power saving features, many seem to be finding lacking in the default gnome ubuntu interface.06:20
Lensjsestri2, so I mean, it wouldn't be as simple as changing permissions or anything?06:21
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Lenscan you change permissions for individual programs?06:21
jsestri2Lens: It could....Have you tried that?06:21
lastnodea good desktop publishing program, anyone?06:21
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LensI don't know how?06:21
jajaja-how can I edit a txt string in the filesystem? im not sure how to use the chown command06:21
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jsestri2Lens: (chmod the binary = change the permissions)06:21
varsendaggrkillaz[away] , just use mplayer06:21
Matic`Makovecif you want to edit you must give write permissions06:21
lastnodejajaja-, chown is used to set ownership06:22
nanomadlastnode, scribus06:22
jsestri2Lens: ok, goto Applications->Alacarte menu ediotr06:22
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lastnodenanomad, oh yeah, thanks06:22
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jsestri2Lens: find firestarter in the list there, right click on it and select properties06:22
nanomadlastnode, no06:22
nanomadlastnode, *np06:22
jajaja-so how can I edit this file since when opened it is read only06:22
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lastnodejajaja-, sudo chown user file.ext06:22
TenkawaAny of you using wpa_supplicant?06:22
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lastnodethen edit it06:22
jajaja-ok thanks lastnode let me give it a try06:23
lastnodenp jajaja-06:23
lastnodeanytime :)06:23
Lensjsestri2, I will write all this down, I can't do it all now, because I'm in limited permissions acct.06:23
garryfreFYI, I did ask if that was wise to install both here, before I went and did it. Strangely many things for kde show and appear to run under gnome, kmahjongg and gnome's mahjongg both shuw up and run for instance. Strange, I would consider it unlikely that so many apps for KDE run under gnome.06:23
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jsestri2Lens: you can access that without permissions06:23
nanomadjajaja-, if it is a configuration file under /etc, use gtksudo gedit /path/to/file06:23
Lensjsestri2, ok I'm in alacarte, 1 sec.06:24
pequatrehello. can anyone help me with this very very simple bash script that doesn't work: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15909  ?06:24
nanomadgarryfre, it is normal..they are compiled to run on linux06:24
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nanomadgarryfre, a very few apps will not run06:24
Lensjsestri2, I'm in properties06:24
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jsestri2Lens: in the properties window there will be 3 lines, the last of which is the command that starts the app, you'll need it.... You then need to pop up a terminal window,06:25
lastnodepequatre, looking06:25
Lensjsestri2, popped up06:25
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pequatrelastnode, thx.06:25
Bassettshow can i get guifications to install with gaim 2beta306:25
jsestri2Lens: once in the terminal window, we need to use locate, if you haven't used it before, type "sudo locate -u"06:26
ompauljajaja-, and change its ownership at your peril06:26
garryfresay nanomad Tnx.06:26
protocol2is there a reason why my cpu says its 100% in use and nothings running06:26
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lastnodepequatre, print out $var06:26
lastnodein the loop06:26
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jsestri2Lens: then after that completes, "locate THE_COMMAND_FROM_PROPERTIES"06:26
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pequatrelastnode, i thought this was a local variable but i'll try.06:27
garryfreI note the script, there is no loop or wend statement.06:27
Lensjsestri2 k 1 sec06:27
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lastnodepequatre, exactly, print it out, see if it populates06:27
jsestri2Lens: "sudo locate -u" can take a little while to complete"06:27
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lastnodejust before return $var06:27
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tibsiv a pb to start application from command line06:27
tibsGTK+ failed to initialize. Is X running?06:27
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tibsany help06:28
pequatrelastnode, it does06:28
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pequatrelastnode, 0 as expected06:28
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lastnodepequatre, ok, where does it break then?06:28
Tenkawathis is really annoying06:28
tibserror "GTK+ failed to initialize. Is X running?"06:29
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tibsany one can help?06:29
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Dreamgliderhow do i use keyword in xchat ?06:29
pequatrelastnode, well, you can try it, but i think it doesn't see test_connexion as a value06:29
airboyis there a way i can install using apt-get install apache2 its installing but its not installing the /etc/apache2 i mean pre-config files?06:30
airboyis there a way to fix this?06:30
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newlooking for someone to help me with xml parsing error06:30
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airboyi mean apt-ger reinstall with confing files06:30
garryfrenanomad Funny thing is way back when I first did that with Breezy, I mentioned here that many kde apps run under Gnome too, and I got yelled at by a lot of people claiming I was hallucinating and should not post lies.06:30
lastnodepequatre, #bash if your friend btw, i go there for all my problems :)06:30
pequatrelastnode, functions are  not behaving like in C for instance06:30
Dreamglideri have tried /join #dkscan 1448 but Cannot join #dkscan (Requires keyword).06:30
nanomadgarryfre, lol06:30
Lensjsestri2, when I type sudo locate -u, nothing happens, it just looks like it executes.06:31
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pequatrelastnode, i did go thete but they don't explain how to evaluate function in a "while"06:31
Lensjsestri2, is that right?06:31
lastnodepequatre, i dont usually use while06:31
newcan someone tell how i can download files form the internet without xml parsing error:not well formed06:31
lastnodepequatre, why not just an if06:31
lastnodethere is no reason to have a while loop there06:31
lastnodeif makes more sense06:31
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chaitucan someone help me how to install new fonts ?06:31
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pequatrelastnode, yes there is, it should ping as long as the exit status is not 006:32
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lastnodeoh right06:32
=== lastnode scratches head
pequatrewhile(i'm not connected) try again06:32
ubotuI guess fonts is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FontInstallHowto06:32
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Frogzoodoes mysql5 have  problems atm?06:33
pequatrelastnode, i probably could do it another way but it seemed the simplest to me.06:33
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Lensjsestri2, still there?06:34
ompaulFrogzoo, define problem06:34
MetaMorfoziS880body waits for your q:)06:34
MetaMorfoziSjust ask:)06:34
lastnodepequatre, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15913, try the diff?06:34
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nanomadairboy, apt-get --purge remove soft and then re-install it06:34
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airboyhmm ok thanks let me try06:34
Frogzooompaul: access to the user table hangs for me - I'm wondering if I've messed the tables, or there's a known problem06:34
qatsihello all !06:35
airboyits say invaild opration?06:35
Bassettshow can i get guifications to install with gaim 2beta306:35
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pequatrelastnode, i'm afraid your script won't repeatydly ping.06:35
skavengeanyone know of a good partition resizing program for windows thats free? or is there one with the livecd that i can use to resize my ntfs partition?06:35
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MetaMorfoziSairboy write down, what app, where, what wm, what version of ubuntu etc...06:35
nanomadairboy, sudo apt-get --purge remove06:35
MetaMorfoziSwe aren't can read in your mind06:35
pequatrelastnode, since test_connexion is called only once.06:35
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lastnodepequatre, oh sorry about that06:36
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ompaulFrogzoo, there is nothing jumping out from the info I have on it06:36
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ompaulFrogzoo, this is about the user table http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/security-guidelines.html06:36
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McScrufflo all , i installed backtrack which has overwritten grub with lilo and i cant boot into ubuntu, what should my lili.conf look like for ubuntu06:36
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qatsiim having some trubble with X server. When the computer starts, and X is starting automatically, it fails to load because it runs a script with some configuration that isnt quite well. So, i need to know if there is a default config file that is loaded above xorg.conf, so i can fix it. Any idea ?, thank you very much...06:36
ubotuit has been said that reinstall is renew configuration: sudo dpkg -P --force-depends $package <<followed by >> sudo apt-get install $package06:36
airboynope i did sudo apt-get --purge remove apache206:36
skavengeis gparted runable off the livecd? will it resize ntfs?06:37
airboyand then apt-get install apache206:37
airboyits still not install /etc/apache2/* files?06:37
ompaulairboy, read what ubotu said06:37
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LensI'm trying to make it so that firestarter doesn't prompt me for a pass everytime it runs... I've gotten as far as "locate gksu firestarter"... I don't know what to do from there... I think I need to chmod it?06:38
Dial_tonewhat can I use to batch convert images files? I just want to shrink a bunch all at once.06:38
airboyompaul i try what on site06:38
Bassettsompaul: was that for me06:39
airboybut there is no way of reinstalling software with default confing files06:39
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qatsiis there a default config file of xorg ?06:40
omi Here's what I'm looking for. I have bridged xen server running VMs. I would like to use squid to cache downloads. if I use iptables -t nat PREROUTING....-j REDIRECT to proxyport, would that work with bridging?06:40
Dial_toneqatsi: no, everyone has a different setup06:40
ompaulBassetts, no idea what your looking for06:40
Bassettshow can i get guifications to install with gaim 2beta306:40
Dial_tonejust run thru the xorg config thing06:40
AngryElfIf I reboot while firefox is open the next time i start firefox I get a "firefox crashed error" -> Restore/Don't Restore......is there any way to disable this?06:40
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Frogzooompaul: thx, I'll see what recreating the tables can manage06:41
qatsiDial_tone: yes, but there are some settings that are default for everyone. I knoe that because i edited that file, but...hehe, i cant remember the location :p06:41
filleokusif the web root is empty i get a 403 you dont have premissions etc, but if i just create a file called index.html and like put asafada in it, it works, how do change that so you can see when a dir is empty?06:41
ompaulairboy that was a straight command >>> sudo dpkg -P --force-depends apache2 && sudo apt-get install apache206:41
Dial_toneangryElf, shut it down first and save that session06:41
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airboynope still say apache2: could not open document config file /etc/apache2/apache2.conf06:42
airboybasily i delete this folder and now its not copying new files to this dir06:42
airboyalso i am with root access06:43
chaitucan someone help me how to install new fonts ?06:43
ubotuI guess fonts is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FontInstallHowto06:43
MetaMorfoziSor if you in kde, you easyli can do it from "kcontrol"06:43
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jsestri2Lens: hey sorry06:44
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Lensyeah, hey06:44
Lensoh it's cool06:44
jsestri2Lens: how'd it go?06:44
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LensI think I got it...06:45
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Lensbut, I don't know what to do after locate gksu firestarter06:45
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casanova--Hi guys; does wine run on ubuntu for amd_64 ?06:45
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jsestri2Lens: ok, then you're going to have to runa  chmod06:45
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Tommy2k4can flash not play sound in linux?06:45
casanova--Flash can play sound in linux06:46
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jsestri2Lens: sudo chmod a+x YOURCOMPLETE_PATH_TO_FIRESTARTER06:46
casanova--Ok, i'll just crunch the configure, make, make install and see for myself =D06:46
TwinxorFlash has some unusual sound settings, so the default installation isn't sound-playing sometimes06:46
abhijeetin the boot menu there is no option for ubuntu. can you tell me how to add it in boot menu. I am using mandriva graphical boot menu. i have installed mandriva after ubuntu06:46
Tommy2k4it may just be the browser plugin06:47
Tommy2k4how can i get it to work?06:47
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Lensjsestri2, k lemme try.06:47
Twinxorand even if you fix that, it still won't nicely mix with other sound streams..06:47
jsestri2Lens: I'm assuming its something like, /usr/bin/gksu-firestarter?06:47
Bassettsis there no way to get toaster popups in gaim2.0.0beta3??06:47
Lensshit, I dunno, I could find out, by scrolling up huh?06:47
TwinxorTommy2k4, they have a lot of discussion about it on ubuntuforums.org06:47
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dptHello everyone. I have problemns installing amarok. Can't find libxine-extracodecs package06:48
AngryElfxine dvd:/ opens up a DVD for me on /dev/hdc.......but i've got two drive, hdc and hdd, how do I open hdd with xine?06:48
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dptand all the packages endin in multiverse are not available, i've already set all the deb repositories un sources.list06:48
dptstill multiverse packages won't work. Any one can tell me why or how do i ghet this packages?06:48
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Lensjsestri2, hows the easiest way to find the path?06:48
Twinxordid you click Reload in Synaptic, dpt?06:48
jsestri2Lens: with locate it should have given you a list of paths...06:49
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jsestri2Lens: locate *gksu-firestarter06:49
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jsestri2Lens: or locate *firestarter06:49
Lensjsestri2 ok06:49
jsestri2Lens: actually locate *WHATEVER_WAS_IN_PROPERTIES06:50
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jsestri2Lens: and pick the one in /usr/bin/ or /usr/local/bin, something like that06:50
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elknof3does anyone knows how to use csx06:50
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Lensjsestri2 /usr/sbin/firestarter??06:51
Bassettswhen compiling guifications from source i get "No package 'gaim' found" "Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment "06:52
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Bassettshow do i tell it where gaim is?06:52
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jsestri2Lens: ooo...no06:52
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Lenslol, dangit, I cant find it.06:52
jsestri2Lens: that would be what starts the firewall...what is in the properties menu?06:52
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jabr_so exportfs -v reports /home  192.168.*(rw,wdelay,insecure,no_root_squash)   --- on the other machine servername:/home    /mnt/servername/home   nfs  rw 0 0 <--- in fstab.   when i change rw to defaults in fstab it just hangs when i mount -a.  when i leave it at rw i get "permission denied".  the username/pass on both systems are identical.  suggestions?06:53
Lensgksu firestarter06:53
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Lensjsestri2 under command is gksu firestarter.06:54
Bassettswhen compiling guifications from source i get "No package 'gaim' found" "Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment "06:54
Bassettshow do i tell it where gaim is?06:54
=== Freduardo [n=Freduard@12.88-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
jsestri2Lens: can you copy and paste the exact command in?06:54
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Lensjsestri2 yeah, so is that what I chmod?06:55
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ProN00bcan i play video directly to the framebuffer, bypassing X ? (sucks playing through xgl on x)06:55
andreI'm trying to set up mod_ruby on apache2 and it seems to work fine except that it keps asking me to save the files instead of just showing them when I open a page in the browser.  but the file is parsed so the ruby side of it is  working.  i'm asuming I'm missing sxome  mime-type definition or something but I"m at a loss as to what I ned to do to fix it06:55
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jsestri2Lens: you have to find what that command points to, and then change that binary's permissiosn with "sudo chmod a+x the_binary06:56
freddyubuntudoes anybody know a Graph calculator in package manager ? ( I want to draw graphs like y=5x+3)06:56
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freddyubuntuis there anybody in there?06:57
kmilofreddyubuntu, maxima06:57
Storkfor fuck sake, dapper is a mess!!!!06:57
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madehello all..06:57
jsestri2Stork: is dapper a mess, or are you a mess?06:57
nanomadStork, why?06:57
madeI have an xserver error..06:57
kmilofreddyubuntu, gnuplot06:57
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Lens/usr/share/applications/firestarter/firestarter.desktop jsestri2?06:58
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freddyubuntukmiio , have u tried them urself?06:58
Storkthe wiki says i can install sun java with synaptic.. but i can't06:58
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and see also !javadebs06:58
jsestri2made: from the command line: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg?06:58
Storkyeah, doesn't work06:58
nanomadenable multiverse repository06:58
Stork(i'm using ubuntu 64)06:58
jsestri2made: or it might be x-server06:58
jabr_mount -a  results in servo1:/etc failed, reason given by server: Permission denied   thoughts? :D06:58
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madewell I06:58
=== luX`bnc is away:
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Lens/usr/share/applications/firestarter.desktop even... jsestri206:58
madewill pastebin my xorg log so you can see06:58
jsestri2Lens: ummm06:59
Lensjsestri2 usr/share/firestarter06:59
Dial_toneStork: did you enable all the repos?06:59
JayR168i just installed ubuntu 6.06 LTS06:59
Dial_toneI remember it didn't work for me until I did06:59
jsestri2Lens: /usr/share/firestarter looks better if it is an executeable06:59
nanomadStork, it is in multiverse on amd64, just checked06:59
Lensjsestri2, lists no executable... try it?07:00
freddyubuntuwhich email program do you use ? do you use the ubuntu's default program ?07:00
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jsestri2Lens, no, it has to be executable07:00
Lensjsestri2, lists no extension whatsoever I mean.07:00
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jsestri2Lens: in linux there are no extensions, just permissions07:00
jsestri2Lens: well thats a lie, but there is no .exe07:00
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Storknanomad, sorry, you're right. *smacks head*. do you know if it contains jdk and jre?07:01
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nanomadStork, yes, both07:01
=== RyanTMulligan [n=rmulliga@d192-24-129-98.nap.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
Lensjsestri2, I'm aware there is no .exe, but I am definetly still learning the file sys ;)07:01
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jsestri2made: I don't know that much about it, when do you have your xorg error?07:01
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[Ex0r] Stork, you have to install jdk and jre07:01
nanomadStork, sun-java5-jdk + sun-java5-jre are available07:01
Lensbut /usr/share/firestarter with no extension is a dir jsestri2?07:02
jsestri2Lens: try locate *gksu (or whatever it was)07:02
freddyubuntui want to install a good email program ... what do you suggest?07:02
[Ex0r] nanomad, so is j2re and j2d07:02
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jsestri2Lens: yeah odn't chmod it07:02
[Ex0r] j2dk*07:02
madeI restored from my xorg backup.. I got the error after an nvidia glx update07:02
freddyubuntuis thunderbird better than evolotion ?07:02
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Rambo3caps sry07:02
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JayR168anybody know how to disable the 'checking filesystem' at startup in ubuntu 6.0607:02
made'I am also in the process of trying xgl07:03
Lensjsestri2... the file I'm looking for WILL have an extension?07:03
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[Ex0r] Stork, give this a try sudo apt-get install j2re1.4 && apt-get install j2sdk1.407:03
nanomadJayR168, yes07:03
[Ex0r] those are the two runtimes for sun java07:03
nanomadedit /etc/fstab07:03
=== Bck14 [n=olid@ACBCB9FC.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
jsestri2Lens: probably not, the file should be from the command in the properties menu....The menu is literally just a way to inject commands to a terminal07:03
JayR168nanomad, how do I do that?07:04
Bck14my wget wont work07:04
NKRi wonder if anyone could help me re: amarok?07:04
Bck14just seems to sto07:04
[Ex0r] Bck14, try sudo wget07:04
Stork[Ex0r] , i don't want 1.4 :p07:04
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[Ex0r] Stork, which one are you trying to get ?07:04
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freddyubuntuI am compiling a program... I get this error07:04
Lensjsestri2: /usr/share/menu/firestarter?07:04
jsestri2Lens: if there is a space in the command, then that means you are passing arguments...example "gksu firestarter" means your file will be "gksu"07:04
freddyubuntuchecking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!07:04
freddyubuntuFor more details about this problem, look at the end of config.log.07:04
=== Nukeador [n=nuke@244.Red-83-38-250.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
freddyubuntuwhats the problem07:04
Rambo3i am guessing 1.507:04
freddyubuntuI tried to intall all Qt 407:04
Bck14seems to be doing the same07:04
freddyubuntuit has no use07:04
freddyubuntuwhat should I install07:05
jsestri2Lens: now you're getting at the files that make up the menu...look for something /bin/yourfile07:05
Nukeadorhow can i delete a Key in gconf-editor?07:05
boxemallcrimsun - hello! :-)07:05
NKRmy problem is that all my mp3s/oggs/etc. are in my windows partition, and i can't get amarok (or quark, for that matter) to look outside the ubuntu partitions for media07:05
nanomadJayR168, gtksudo gedit /etc/fstab07:05
boxemallcrimsun -  i still did not fix my sound problem in ubuntu.07:05
[Ex0r] um... there isn't a 1.5 in synaptic07:05
nanomadJayR168, whe gedit is open tell me so i can guide u07:05
Rambo3NKR you need to mount windows partiton properly07:05
madeNKR: do you have you windows partitions mounted?07:05
JayR168nanomad, ok07:05
[Ex0r] Stork, you trying to get java5 ?07:06
boxemallcrimsun - i installed ubuntu for a 1000 times now (i think). i think i should learn to make backups,...07:06
nanomadcopy it in here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/07:06
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freddyubuntuha ha nobody listens to me07:06
NKRwell, they're visible in other media programs, e.g. quod libet, and from the desktop07:06
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nanomadJayR168, and tell me the url07:06
CpuinHellhi...somebody speak spanish??07:06
Lens/usr/bin/gksu,  /usr/bin/gksuexec,  /usr/bin/gksudo  ,  jsestri2?07:07
freddyubuntuhola cpuinhell07:07
freddyubuntucumo esta?07:07
madedoes anybody have a recommendation on how to fix my problem on x-server http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1591507:07
CpuinHellHola freddy07:07
nanomadCpuinHell, join #ubuntu-es07:07
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.07:07
CpuinHellnecesito ayuda con mi ubuntu....he empezado a usarlo hace muy poco07:07
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amarokkerHi all, its been a while i've been trying to fix this network issue, whenever i describe the prob here, someone tells me to configure the router to allow serve files/pages over web and ftp07:08
JayR168nanomad, http://pastebin.com/71674507:08
amarokkerProblem is, i am not behind a router07:08
CpuinHelljoin @ubuntu-es07:08
Stork[Ex0r] , yeah07:08
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freddyubuntui get this error while .configure07:08
amarokkerAll i know is that i have one physical NIC and another one created by an eagle-usb modem- configured by DHCP07:08
freddyubuntuchecking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!07:08
aLPHa_LeaKamarokker: what isnt working?07:08
nanomadJayR168, look at the file...do you see the /dev/sda1 line?07:09
[Ex0r] Stork, I don't see java5 in there either anymore. They may have taken it out.07:09
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amarokkeraLPHa_LeaK: my ftp/http server-07:09
miguelsrsome one know how upgrade my limewire to limewire pro?07:09
nanomadJayR168, change the last 1 with a 007:09
JayR168nanomad, i see it07:09
aLPHa_LeaKmiguelsr: use frostwire07:09
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nanomadJayR168, change the last 1 with a 007:09
Lensjsestri2: how bout I pastebin it real quick, this is takin a while!07:09
Stork[Ex0r] , sun-java5-bin :)07:09
jabr_nanomad: server1 exportfs -v ==> /etc 192.168.*(rw,wdelay,insecure,no_root_squash)07:09
jabr_client fstab ==> server1:/etc /mnt/server1/etc nfs rw 0 007:09
jabr_username/pass identical on both machines07:09
jabr_when running mount -a (rather than rebooting) i get server:/etc failed, reason given by server: Permission denied...thoughts?07:09
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NKRwhat I don't understand is how quod libet/rhythmbox can "see" my mp3s etc fine, but amarok and quark can't07:09
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nanomadjabr_, dunno...i never used nfs07:10
JayR168nanomad, Done.. does it do the same to sda5,6,7?07:10
[Ex0r] Stork, search results don't come back with anything07:10
nanomadJayR168, yes07:10
amarokkerI know there Is there a way to get access to the internet through the LAN- and the eth0 device using the adsl usb modem to get connected. Can someone please help me with this?07:10
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amarokker'bout a week since I've had this problem...or else, i'd appreciate if you can show me a  few /etc/network/interface files on the pastebin07:10
madeamarokker: what is the name brand of you adsl modem?07:10
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miguelsraLPHa_LeaK   frostwire is better? how to download? sudo apt-get install frostwire07:11
amarokkerits an aztech 208U- no problem with accessing the internet -07:11
aLPHa_LeaKmiguelsr: www.frostwire.org07:11
amarokkerjust that I am not able to reach my ftp/web server from the WWW07:11
JayR168nanomad, cuz 'checking filesystem' says that I have mbr inconsistency from the back-up07:11
ubotusomebody said frostwire was a free peer-to-peer application that runs on the Gnutella network. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrostWire07:11
nanomadJayR168, it is normal, it does it on all my pcs07:12
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JayR168nanomad, is it safe to disable it?07:12
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madeamarokker: do you have the aztech plugged into your usb?07:12
nanomadJayR168, yes07:12
JayR168nanomad, thanks for the help then07:12
Lensjsestri2 - I've got a pastebin when u get back07:13
madeamarokker: there might be other configuration on the modem itself..07:13
alpacan anyone help convert my repository to universal one!!! please!07:13
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Storkhow the hell do i update java from gij, to the sun java i just installed from apt-get ??07:13
[Ex0r] !universe07:14
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.07:14
miguelsraLPHa_LeaK   frostwire is better than limewire?07:14
[Ex0r] ubotu tell alpa about universe07:14
void^ubotu: tell Stork about java07:14
madeI must go.. I will try to fix my own problems later.. have a nice day to all07:14
Nukeadorhow can i delete a tree in gconf-editor?07:14
ompaulStork, your langauge is not what we want in this channel please tone it down a little - you need to add multiverse and then you can install it from Synaptic Package Manager07:14
jsestri2Lens: ok lets see it07:14
alpaThankYou! :)07:14
omodohi, I'm having some problem with an application. it reports: "libruby.so.1.8: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"07:14
jsestri2made: did you get figured out?07:15
NKRis anyone else running amarok with their music files in a windows partition?07:15
[Ex0r] made left :)07:15
Lensjsestri2 ^07:15
omodobut locate reports: /usr/lib/libruby1.8.so07:15
Storksorry ompaul, and thanks void^07:15
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[Ex0r] omodo, libruby.so.1.8 != libruby.1.8.so07:15
jsestri2Lens: can you pastebin: locate *gksu?07:16
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gullstad_My sound keep disepairing when I'm playing mp3's on xmms. Anyone know whats wrong?07:16
casanova--why do i keep getting "C compiler can't create executables" in Ubuntu?07:16
NickGarveygullstad_: mp3s still play though?07:16
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jsestri2gullstad_ does it only happen in xmms?07:16
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NickGarveycasanova--: aptitude install build-essential07:17
Lensjsestri2: it's only 2 lines: /usr/share/man/man1/gksudo.1.gz     /usr/bin/gksudo07:17
zipper_Argh, i'm going crazy. I've got linux (including grub) configured, and windows wiped my MBR. I just want to re-install grub using my old settings, but none of the guides do me much help, since my harddrives are s-ata and apparently that changes how you install grub on MBR?07:17
NickGarveyzipper_: have you read !grub ?07:17
omodo[Ex0r] : hmm. what's a good way to find the package I need to install to get libruby.so.1.8?07:17
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ompaulStork, read this  http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=java&searchon=names&subword=1&version=dapper&release=all07:17
jsestri2Lens: what does your properties Menu say exactly, can you put it in quotes?07:17
zipper_thats the guide i'm referring to07:17
[Ex0r] omodo, i usually use rpmfind.net for libruby.so.1.807:17
BenPAhello all ... can someone tell me what and where the forum is for SCREEN07:17
zipper_but i get an error (cant remember it atm, sorry) which i think is related to me using s-ata drives instead of ide as the guide does07:18
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gullstad_NickGarvey: MP3's still play. | jsestri2: It affects all sound.07:18
NickGarveyzipper_: yeah, I have no idea on sata drives, you can install grub through ubuntu though, maybe aptitude install grub or something heh07:18
omodo[Ex0r] , I did, it returned http://rpm.pbone.net/index.php3/stat/4/idpl/1438601/com/ruby-libs-1.8.0-1.i386.rpm.html07:18
michaelastenCan anyone help me, I just configured my WLAN and its working. How do I make it default so as it auto connects on every startup07:18
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[Ex0r] omodo, do an apt-cache search for ruby-libs07:18
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NickGarveymichaelasten: it doesn't normally?07:18
omodo[Ex0r] , but it seems there's no "ruby-libs" package on Synaptic. I'll search again with apt-cache07:18
zipper_NickGarvey, i dont want to install the grub package, i want to install grub on MBR as my main bootloader07:18
jsestri2gullstad_ which sound mixer are you using?07:18
NickGarveyzipper_: use the grub package to do that..07:19
_Spire_zipper_: if you want to do that, try 'grub-install'07:19
omodo[Ex0r] , nothing :(07:19
michaelastennickgravey: I use iwconfig to set it up07:19
[Ex0r] BenPA, SCREEN is used to run multiple windows from one terminal07:19
gullstad_jsestri2, Alsta apperently07:19
michaelastennickgravey: but i have to do it everytime07:19
Lensjsestri2 ... Name: Firestarter ...  Comment: Desktop Firewall Tool ... Command: gksu firestarter ... icon: firestarter icon07:19
NickGarveymichaelasten: oh theres a gui program for that07:19
casanova--NickGarvey, i installed build essentials, and yet, the error maintains07:19
[Ex0r] omodo, have you setup the universe/multiverse ?07:19
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omodo[Ex0r] : yup.07:19
_Spire_zipper_: specificly, look at 'grub-install --help' and see what fits your needs07:19
jsestri2Lens: so there is a space between gksu and firestarter?07:19
NickGarveymichaelasten: you could put all the commands into a file and toss that in yoru start up scripts07:19
casanova--NickGarvey, it's a configure error07:19
NickGarveycasanova--: could you paste bin the output?07:19
zipper__Spire_, i've tried, but i'm only having a ubuntu live install cd, i guess i'm supposed to mount my regular root system first? and run grub-install from there?07:20
Lensjsestri2, yep.07:20
michaelastenNickGravey: how?07:20
[Ex0r] omodo, do you have ruby installed?07:20
BenPAEx0r, I am having trouble and get an error message GTK-warning cannot open display07:20
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jsestri2ok...so firestarter is what you are looking for07:20
_Spire_zipper_: so you're trying to fix an existing grub install?07:20
[Ex0r] omodo, ah, found them. use sudo apt-get install libruby07:20
Lensjsestri2, ok, so locate *firestarter07:20
zquirmhi. I'm installing a package, and it has various dependencies. How can I save that list of dependencies so that they can all be removed if I wish?07:20
zquirmwithout keeping the list by hand07:20
jsestri2Lens: you nailed07:20
zipper__Spire_, exactly. I've got it all configured and ready to go (on /dev/sda5).... i just need to put it back into MBR07:20
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jsestri2Lens: you nailed it*07:21
[Ex0r] zquirm, when you remove the package it will remove the dependencies for it as well07:21
omodo[Ex0r] : yup. but Ruby is spread across many packages. also, I'm not sure I setup multiverse.07:21
NickGarveyzquirm: I would use aptitude, it handles unneeded packages well07:21
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omodo[Ex0r] : I already did.07:21
=== flo [n=flo@host118-160.pool8252.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuvnc is, like, totally, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-36715.html, or http://www.tightvnc.com/docs.html, or see 'x11vnc' (VNC server which uses your current X11 session)07:21
michaelastennickgravey: how do i make a startup script?07:21
casanova--NickGarvey http://pastebin.com/71678707:21
omodoinstalled libruby1.807:21
zipper_lilo was way easier than grub to be honest =/07:21
NickGarveymichaelasten: put all the commands into a text file07:21
[Ex0r] omodo, than you've got the libruby 1.8 already07:21
skavengedoes the installation partitioner have a log? i keep trying to resize an ntfs partition to make room for the ubuntu install and it does nothing, doesn't resize and gives me no error07:21
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ranphawhat is a good program for image archiving. Something like thumbsplus or acdsee07:21
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zquirmHow can aptitude remove unneeded packages ?07:22
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NickGarveycasanova--: oh I am very sorry...07:22
_Spire_zipper_: then try mounting the existing linux install, and then chroot into the install - 'chroot /mnt/whereyoumounted /bin/bash' and then running 'grub-install /dev/whatever'07:22
NickGarveycasanova--: 64 bit system can't run wine..07:22
omodo[Ex0r] : yup, but no libruby.so.1.807:22
zquirmHow could it even know.07:22
NickGarveycasanova--: (I have the same problem)07:22
omodoat least, locate doesn't find it.07:22
[Ex0r] omodo, the program you are using is looking for the wrong file than07:22
MystaMaxanyone know if the sources.list file on dapper server is different than the one a dapper desktop?07:22
Lensjsestri2 ok, it's smaller, I'm still going to past bin it, 1 sec07:22
NickGarveyzquirm: because it keeps tract of all the dependences that are met, and when the program that made those dependences are removed, so are the unneeded dependences07:22
omodo[Ex0r] : possibly. it's quite old (2003). thanks for your help.07:22
jsestri2Lens: ok, sounds good07:23
zipper__Spire_, i suppose that would be 'grub-install /dev/sda' to get it on the mbr right? I'm pretty sure i tried that already, but it's been a while, might be wrong07:23
[Ex0r] omodo, try cp /location/to/libruby.1.8.so libruby.so.1.807:23
[Ex0r] try that07:23
michaelastennickgravey: ok I made a text file with the commands now07:23
casanova--NickGarvey; isn't there a way to go around the problem?07:23
_Spire_zipper_: correct. run as root, of couse07:23
NickGarveycasanova--: I spent 3 hours on it, if you find a way do share07:23
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Lensjsestri2: http://pastebin.com/71679007:23
zquirmNickGarvey: The state of "was installed because of dependency" is persistent?07:23
NickGarveymichaelasten: ok.. you are on ubuntu.. lemme think if theres a command07:23
NKRso does anyone know why rhythmbox and quodlibet can open media on windows partition fine but xmms/amarok/quark can't be pointed at anywhere outside / ?07:23
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NKRor can they?07:23
casanova--NickGarvey; sure... i'll have to write a compatibility layer between 32-bit and 64 -bit linux binaries i guess lol07:23
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BenPAEx0r: I am having trouble and get an error message GTK-warning cannot open display07:24
zipper__Spire_, root in ubuntu? like 'sudo /bin/sh' ?07:24
[Ex0r] casanova--, did you install the essentials ?07:24
NickGarveyzquirm: as far as I know, if not you could just save the dependences to your clipboard then a text file07:24
[Ex0r] build-essential ?07:24
NickGarvey[Ex0r] : wine + 64 bit = failure07:24
=== Hotshot_ [n=H0tsh0t@pD9E87091.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
[Ex0r] NickGarvey, ?07:24
NickGarvey[Ex0r] : thats the problem07:24
NickGarvey[Ex0r] : trying to compile wine on a 64 bit system won't work07:24
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NickGarvey[Ex0r] : which is what casanova-- is trying to do07:24
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_Spire_zipper_: first chroot into your existing install. do the chroot command as root. then just run grub-install after you chroot in.07:25
[Ex0r] NickGarvey, ah, he's compiling wine on 64bit :) Yeah, that won't work.07:25
casanova--[Ex0r]  sure, i did, i have nearly everything; GCC, g++, j++, u name it...07:25
[Ex0r] it barely works for 32 bit07:25
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jsestri2Lens: I suppose it has to be the one in sbin...but that means it has to have permisssions07:25
zipper__Spire_, okay thanks, i'll go ahead and try that out.07:25
rob_pLens, What are you trying to do?07:25
jsestri2Lens: what does the menu do?07:25
zipper_expect me to be back later with more problems :P07:25
omodo[Ex0r] : yes, that worked :)07:25
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[Ex0r] casanova--, wine wont install on a 64 bit system. It barely works for the 32 bit system, lol07:26
[Ex0r] omodo, congrats07:26
jsestri2rob_p: he has the firestarter firewall, and he wants it accesible from all user accounts (ones without root access)07:26
omodo[Ex0r] : cp /usr/lib/libruby1.8.so /usr/lib/libruby.so.1.807:26
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NickGarvey32 bit OS on a 64 bit system works though07:26
Lensjsestri2, you mean the permissions are unchangable... rop_p we are trying to make it so firestarter doesn't prompt for a pass everytime.07:26
omodo[Ex0r] : same to you. thanks a lot for your help :)07:26
NickGarveylike suse 64 has a lot of 32 bit things so suse worked there07:26
NickGarveylike suse 64 has a lot of 32 bit things so wine worked there07:26
casanova--[Ex0r]  i can see that... lol i have to figure out another way to get my Need for Speed work =D07:26
Lensjsestri2? you mean, GUI? searched it, no option for disabling pass.07:27
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ToranWhat's the command line command to start the gnome printer setup tool?07:27
zquirmWhy does it ask me to insert the CD when I go to install packages?07:27
amarokkermade: yeah, i have it plugged into USB - the aztech modem07:27
zquirmHow can I avoid this?07:27
jsestri2Lens: I don't know that its a "good" thing to do but "chmod a+x /usr/sbin/firestarter", and then you change the command in properties to be just firestarter07:27
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ubotuto turn off apt-get from trying to install from the cd, comment out the line in /etc/apt/sources.list (put a # in front of it) that says "deb cdrom:", or in synaptic, go to settings > repositories and disable the cdrom repository07:27
casanova--NickGarvey, i do have the SuSE 9.3 Professional edition on DVD here on my table. Would it work htere?07:27
jsestri2Lens: so "firestarter" instead of "gksu firestarter"07:27
michaelasteni got two harddisks i cant access :( i need help07:27
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ToranWhat's the command line command to start the gnome printer setup tool?07:27
NickGarveycasanova--: I have no idea at all, only used open suse, but I expect so07:28
[Ex0r] michaelasten, can't access as in ?07:28
NickGarveycasanova--: if you have a knoppix disk try it out, that has wine on it07:28
michaelasteni cant enable them07:28
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NickGarveyENG|moomin: hello07:28
casanova--NickGarvey; lol, i'd have to use knoppix to play Windows games07:28
samir85Hi everyone07:28
[Ex0r] michaelasten, do you get any errors ?07:28
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Lensjsestri2, rob_p... I think it's dumb that firestarter wont work on accounts with less privalige, seems like those would be the accounts with the biggest need to be protected.07:28
NickGarveyI think I'll do a suse install today07:28
jsestri2Lens: it gets started automatically....07:29
jsestri2Lens: its always on....07:29
michaelastenit just wont respond, it is inaccesible even after i press the enable button in the disk manager07:29
casanova--Well, i could make a partition for SuSE too07:29
samir85can somebody give me an adivce how can I get my microphone working the apllication "sound recorder" which is shipped with ubuntu ?07:29
Lensjsestri2... ok... so no prompt for pass and it would just always start?07:29
NickGarveysamir85: audacity is good stuff from what I hear07:29
ToranWhat's the command line command to start the gnome printer setup tool?07:29
[Ex0r] michaelasten, did you mount it ?07:29
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jsestri2Lens: its in /etc/init.d/ so it gets started when the machine starts07:29
zquirmHi. I'm attempting to add a few packages via aptitude, but it's asking for the Dapper Drake install disk.07:29
zquirmHow can I stop this and make it work without disks?07:29
Lensjsestri2, could I change it back?07:29
NickGarvey!tell zquirm about aptcd07:30
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jsestri2Lens: change what back?07:30
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rob_pLens, What makes you think they aren't protected?  When firestarter runs at bootup, it protects the *whole machine*, not just specific accounts.  It's a packet filter.07:30
[Ex0r] zquirm, your question was answered earlier. sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list Comment out the line that says deb: cdrom (use a #)07:30
ToranWhat's the command line command to start the gnome printer setup tool?07:30
=== MeGaQuArK_ [n=gary@pool-71-111-178-14.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
skavengezquirm; take the cdrom out of the repository list07:30
michaelastenEx0r: when i press mount disk it says " Unable to mount disk"  but im noot root so if you could tell me how to do it from root?07:30
michaelasten*terminal i mean07:30
Lensrob_p, it's not running right now.07:31
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jsestri2Lens: try ps -A07:31
newcan someone help with xml parsing error.. plz tell me why im not able to donload anything because of this?07:31
jsestri2Lens: that would tell you if its running07:31
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Lensjsestri2, if I chmoded to start... could I change it back07:31
Lensjsestri2 ok.07:31
NickGarveynew: I don't understand your question07:31
newwhen i try to download something online, a game client im trying to download for unix07:31
newi get a xml parsing error07:32
jsestri2Lens: yes, if you "chmod a+x firestarter...you would want to do the command...let me look up07:32
NickGarveynew: do you have the direct url for the game?07:32
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[Ex0r] new, try pastebining the error so we can have further insight on the problem. www.pastebin.com07:32
NickGarveynew: copy it to your clipboard, open up terminal07:32
NickGarveynew: and then07:32
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Lensit's not running.07:32
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NickGarveynew: wget "http://url"07:32
BenPAEx0r: I am having trouble and get an error message GTK-warning cannot open display when attempting to use screen07:33
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[Ex0r] BenPA, are you trying to use xstart ?07:33
newk, ill try that07:33
[Ex0r] BenPA, startx*07:33
NickGarveyBenPA: are you root?07:33
progrockanyone know how to get spdif out working on an nforce 4 board?07:33
miguelsrsome one know how to remove the limewire?07:33
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NickGarveyBenPA: if you are logged in as root and you try to run a gui program it won't work, log out and use sudo07:33
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rob_pLens, Running?  I suspect you aren't familliar with how firewalling is done in the Linux kernel.  Once the firewall configuration utility (in this case, firestarter) has run and established a firewall policy, it's active and running in the kernel.07:34
[Ex0r] NickGarvey, he's using screen.07:34
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[Ex0r] NickGarvey, IIRC, screen doesn't support the x system. Only terminal.07:34
BenPAEx0r: I am shutting GDM07:34
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skavengeall firestarter is is a frontend for iptables which is always running, regardless if firestarter is 'running' or not07:34
BenPAI cntrl - alt - f307:34
NickGarvey[Ex0r] : oh haha sorry07:35
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[Ex0r] BenPA, Screen has to be ran outside of the x window system07:35
BenPAI am trying to use another window manager07:35
Lensrob_p yeah, you are talking over my head, I am just wondering mostly, how to change permissions on particular applications.07:36
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[Ex0r] BenPA, screen is used for terminal windows, not x windows.07:36
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BenPAi can use wmii right?07:37
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[Ex0r] BenPA, you've got me there, i've never used WMII07:37
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Lensrob_p, I didn't know all that about the kernal and all that.07:37
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t-thinghi. Howto chmod recursively directories only?07:37
BenPAok let me try ... I will try startx then try ... thank you all07:38
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void^t-thing: use find with -type d07:38
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rob_pskavenge, Actually, iptables is merely a command line utility for the configuration of the firewall rules/policies.  Since the iptables tool is very "syntaxy", folks have written other tools, such as firestarter, which manipulate the iptables tool, which then configures the rules in the kernel.  Hence, iptables is not always running!07:38
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[Ex0r] void^, to chmod a directory ?07:38
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jajaja-can someone give me a hand setting up ivtv i am having some trouble when i try to build i am getting a no file or directory error07:39
void^[Ex0r] : yes, like, find /foo -type d -exec chmod 700 {} \;07:39
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[Ex0r] hmm, genius. never thought of that before :)07:40
rob_pskavenge, ...however, the rules/policies remain in effect within the kernel 'til they are cleared or the machine is rebooted.07:40
newhey nick, after ive downloaded it and its in my home folder07:40
newwuts the command to install07:40
[Ex0r] new, is it a .deb, or a .tar.gz ?07:40
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_Spire_Who was it that was having problems running firestarter w/out the root password? Try the answer here: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/faq.php07:41
newjust has an SH on it07:41
Lensjsestri2... think of it this way... I have firestarter auto start like any other application (gaim) for example... on my admin account I have a 35 character pass... then it asks me right after for my root pass again to run firestarter... that's 70 characters before I can even get started! lol07:41
amarokker_can some one please tell me why I am getting this error msg? http://rafb.net/paste/results/XOOH2o48.html07:41
[Ex0r] new,  just use ./filename07:41
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jajaja-whats the command to create a new folder07:42
[Ex0r] jajaja-, mkdir07:42
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skavengeboy the partition table on a stock dell laptop is just gross .. something tells me its this mess thats preventing me from resizing the ntfs partition07:43
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newpermision dinied =(07:44
newi recall something about root... or something like that07:44
newbut... been away for awhile07:44
[Ex0r] new,  sudo ./filename.sh07:44
nacho_widedoes someone know how to script Xchat?  say, to auto-auth me?07:44
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WoxcerHi Everyone!07:44
[Ex0r] nacho_wide, it's already in xchat. Inside the server options window.07:44
slewisubuntu_server_cd++ # Worked a treat07:45
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brian|lfssup peeps07:45
[Ex0r] nacho_wide, inside the XChat Window, go to X-Chat->Server List>Select the network you want to auto-auth on, click Edit>Nickserv Password at the bottom07:46
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Lensrob_p, so are saying I only need to run firestarter once, set up my preferences and then I might as well uninstall it, because the kernel remembers my prefs and uses them?07:46
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nacho_wide[Ex0r] , the nickserve pass is all i need?07:47
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simpkinsAnyone know of a  way or of a program for linux that is great for wireless, the one that comes with ubuntu when it gets disconnected doesnt reconnect on its own.07:47
[Ex0r] nacho_wide, yes07:47
amarokker_guys, some help please? I am getting a 'no route to host' error when i try to access my web server- i can access it through local host07:47
rob_pLens, No.  I'm saying that once firestarter is run at bootup (which it is by default, once it's been installed and configured), it doesn't need to be run again after booting up... that's all.07:47
amarokker_NO, i am not behind a router. What can i do to solve the prob? install dhcp? firewall?07:47
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wm0tdoes anyone know a decent usenet binary app for ubuntu?07:48
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NickGarveywow, screen owns07:48
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nacho_wide[Ex0r] : the problem is that I use the nick nacho_wide on quakenet, and it doesn't let me use the underscore, so i have to auth under nachoWide.  so how can i auth nachoWide (without manually typing it in each time) but still keep the nacho_wide nick?07:48
=== SS2 [n=SS2@dslb-084-057-046-072.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Lensyes, but you know how fire starter is easy to see running?  it is a blue circle with an arrow which turns red during suspicious activity...?07:48
NickGarveyI can edit a file while reading the man pages for it07:48
Lensrob_p ^07:49
Dial_toneUbuntu only uses 150MB on startup. so much for gnome being a resource hog07:49
A-GHi, I'm new to Ubuntu, and Linux altogether.07:49
Dial_tonecompared to xp at least07:49
wm0tdoes anyone know a decent usenet binary app for ubuntu?07:49
A-GI had a question on installing a tar.gz package.07:49
[Ex0r] nacho_wide, good question07:49
Dial_tonewm0t: pan07:49
[Ex0r] actually, for alternative nick, use nachowide07:49
A-GCould someone PM me with a help offer?07:49
SiriuskrA-G Just ask your question here07:49
nacho_wide[Ex0r] : :)07:49
Dial_tonea-g, ask in the chan so everyone can learn07:49
[Ex0r] that way when quakenet makes you change it, it'll automatically change it to nachowide07:49
A-GAlright. :)07:50
wm0tDial_tone  is it gui?07:50
A-GBasically, how do I install a tar.gz package?07:50
Dial_toneif it wasn't I wouldn't answered your question07:50
SiriuskrA-G: tar -xvzf tarfile.tar.gz07:50
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anjelhmm, can anyone help me with a generic Linux IDE controller problem? when Linux loads my controller it moves the motherboard's IDE channels up to 3 and 4 .. so Grub can't find the root partition :/07:50
SiriuskrA-G: tar -xvjf tarfile.tar.bz2  for bzip07:50
A-GAlright, thanks. Is there a website where I can find a list of commands, and what they do?07:51
SiriuskrA-G: Tar file is like a zip file you dont install it you extract it07:51
nacho_wide[Ex0r] : how do i do alt. nick?07:51
rob_pLens, So you want the gui to be up and running in order to see activity... In that case, you'll have to launch it.  But keep in mind that whether or not you have the gui up and running, the firewall is still in effect.  That is the point I wanted to get across.07:51
[Ex0r] nacho_wide, in server list, second choice07:51
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SiriuskrA-G: Im not sure ubuntu.com have good documentation tho and forums07:52
Dial_toneactually, tar is like a zip that isn't compressed. tar.gz or tar.bz is compressed like a zip07:52
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jdrakeDoes anyone know of a nice script that will sort various music files into nicely formed directories based on internal tags?07:52
A-GALright, so I've unpacked the tar file.07:52
Lensrob_p, ok that's fine, but how do I see the GUI, and how do I get it to not prompt me for a pass word everytime, because my pass is 3 characters?07:52
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rob_pLens, The cleanest way to allow non-priv'd users to launch it would be to make an entry in your sudoers file that allows it.07:52
=== furriner [n=furriner@82-71-9-251.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
A-GDO i go to the folder in which they were unpacked, and install from there now?07:53
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A-GThere is an install file, and an install sh file07:53
[Ex0r] run the sh file07:53
A-GIt brings up a text file.07:54
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Lensrob_p, cool, could you help me get there real quick?07:54
[Ex0r] did you do sudo ./install.sh ?07:54
nbthi the option to skip acpi is noacpi ?07:54
Dial_tonemmm. I wonder if there's way to get the extra keyboard functions to wok, like webcam, email, media player, etc07:54
nbtpressing f6 at boot ?07:54
NickGarveymark_: hehe, where is your return key?07:54
=== anfangs [i=anfangs@c-68-52-82-138.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubynoobcan you run windows media player on ubuntu 5.10 ?07:54
NickGarveymark_: do you know how it got that way?07:54
[Ex0r] how the heck did he unmap his keyboard?07:54
NickGarveymark_: did someone edit your keyboard files?07:54
A-GWhen I bring up a SH file, it brings a text file, is there anyway to actually execute it?07:55
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[Ex0r] A-G, sudo chmod +x install.sh (or whatever the name is)07:55
NickGarveyA-G: chmod +x filename.sh07:55
Dial_tonedamn they do07:55
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newi extracted the file so now its .tar.gz07:55
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squigglysudo rm -rf /07:55
NickGarveymark_: did you remove the shortcut?07:56
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Lensis the sudoers file where you change permissions and stuff under /etc/sudoers?07:56
NickGarveynew: tar xvfz filename.tar.gz07:56
NickGarveyLens: use "visudo"07:56
[Ex0r] new, so run tar -zxvf filename.tar.gz07:56
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NickGarveymark_: ok wait a sec lemme check something07:56
LensNickGarvy: thx.07:56
anfangsHello! I want to be able to read/write my hard drive from Linux and Windows. What is the best file system for this?07:56
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anfangsjust for storage, not for hosting an actual OS07:57
rob_pLens, Sure.  You'll need to make an entry in your /etc/sudoers file that contains, "username   ALL= NOPASSWD: /path/to/command", using the visudo program.07:57
danfganfangs: fat32, fat1607:57
NickGarveymark_: try "setxkbmap uk"07:57
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squigglyThere's an NTFS workaround I think, but it's still beta (afaik)07:57
[Ex0r] it worked nice last time I used it07:57
squigglyI wouldn't use fat32/fat16 if you intend to use large storage drives07:57
mark_mark@mark-desktop:~$ setxkbmap uk07:58
mark_Error loading new keyboard description07:58
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anfangsit's a 160GB.07:58
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anfangssomeone suggestes ext2 or 307:58
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NickGarveymark_: grr, try "setxkbmap us"07:58
A-GI get this when I go to install.07:58
A-Gandy@Bubby:~/Desktop/qtella-0.7.0$ sudo chmod +x install-sh07:58
A-GTHen a blank line.07:58
squigglyYou'll lose 40gigs or so i think07:58
A-GNothing comes up07:58
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anfangs! nope, dont wanna do that07:58
ubotuanfangs: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:58
[Ex0r] A-G, you sure it's not called install.sh ?07:58
skavengeA-G; now do sudo ./install.sh07:58
newsomething happened after the i ran  tar -zxvf filename.tar.gz07:58
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newbut i still.. dont see anything07:58
skavengeyou have to run it after you chmod it07:58
NickGarveynew: it all extracted in that folder, try "ls"07:59
A-G[Ex0r] : It's called install-sh in the folder.07:59
[Ex0r] new, it extracted the files into a folder. try ls07:59
nbthow do i get ubuntu 6 to work on a acer aspire 1692 wlmi ?07:59
NickGarvey[Ex0r] : ha! faster fingers!07:59
olivierhi I have install ati driver from the repos but when I do a fglrxinfo I've got OpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org insteed of ATI, what's wrong please07:59
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[Ex0r] NickGarvey, that time anyways07:59
umberleighcan someone help, i think i've seriously hosed my system trying to enable dma in dapper :(08:00
NickGarveyolivier: follow the instuction on !ati ?08:00
A-Gandy@Bubby:~/Desktop/qtella-0.7.0$ sudo /install-sh08:00
A-Gsudo: /install-sh: command not found08:00
ubotuhttp://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI radeon 9200 & below supported by open-source drivers http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation_Guide08:00
SurfnKidolivier: did you reconfigure the xserver?08:00
[Ex0r] A-G, ./install-sh08:00
olivierthx NickGarvey08:00
NickGarveyolivier: :)08:00
=== progrock [n=progrock@ool-44c21c37.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
skavengeforgot the period08:00
olivierSurfnKid, I do a aticonfig --initial08:00
[Ex0r] A-G, forgot the period08:00
A-Gandy@Bubby:~/Desktop/qtella-0.7.0$ ./install-sh08:00
A-Ginstall:        no input file specified08:00
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umberleighi added the lines /dev/hda { dma = on} and the same for /dev/hdc, and now when i boot up it won't even pass the post08:00
SurfnKidolivier: how about dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?08:00
danfghow can i have some hds slow down (standby?) when idle?08:00
progrockis there a way to convert a ntfs partition to fat32 without losing the files on the partition?08:01
newk, i did the ls.. and its said desktop... but.. dont see it on desktop..08:01
olivierSurfnKid, I don't do it I will08:01
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umberleigher... added those lines to /etc/hdparm.conf08:01
[Ex0r] progrock, nope08:01
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NickGarveynew: it should be there.. what is the name of the file?08:01
Dial_toneI was so sure the multimedia keys on my keyboard wouldn't work I never even tried them.08:01
Dial_tonebut they do08:01
miguelsrsome one know how to put the amsn script to the foldeer on the terminal i dont have access08:01
nbthow do i get ubuntu 6 to work on a acer aspire 1692 wlmi ?08:01
[Ex0r] new, graal4setup.tar.gz ?08:02
[Ex0r] new, cd graal4setup08:02
NickGarveynbt: what doesn't work?08:02
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newnot a directory08:02
[Ex0r] new,  ./graal4setup08:02
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ubotuhttp://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI radeon 9200 & below supported by open-source drivers http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation_Guide08:04
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newk i did the  ./graal4setup then it said permission dinied.. so i tryed sudo  ./graal4setup and said no such file08:04
NickGarveynew: then you had a typo the 2nd time08:05
newshould i do the whole /home/desktop?08:05
miguelsrsome one know how to put the amsn script to the foldeer on the terminal i dont have access08:05
nbtnothing works08:05
danfghow can i tell ubuntu to put hard drives in standby after a while?08:05
SurfnKiddanfg: good question08:05
nbtit stops on the start/install ubuntu screen08:05
SurfnKidthats what i would like too08:05
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SurfnKiddanfg: you could use hdparm. with a timing argument08:05
nbtafter pressing enter and  tscrolls a bunch of lines08:05
[Ex0r] new, sudo ./graal4setup08:05
[Ex0r] new,  one space, not 208:05
Mattstacan someone help me set up so i can watch avis mpgs and wmvs in ubuntu08:05
SurfnKidubotu tell Mattsta about RestrictedFormats08:06
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ardchoillemattl, you need codecs. hold on and I'll try to find the wiki page for ya..08:06
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[Ex0r] !RestrictedFormats08:06
ubotusee !restricted08:06
[Ex0r] !restricted08:06
ardchoillenever mind.. SurfnKid did it for me :)08:06
danfgSurfnKid: I've a few windows drives that aren't being used a lot when I boot into linux08:06
uboturestricted is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats. This page's intent is to enable you to play most non-free media formats that are not DRM encoded. Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats.08:06
[Ex0r] there you go08:06
NickGarvey!tell Mattsta about restricted08:06
skavengeif its stopping on 'mounting root filesystem', you need to wait a bit. it takes a few minutes to pass that on my laptop08:06
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[Ex0r] Mattsta, .wmv comes with windows, windows isnt free, therefore the codec isnt free08:07
SurfnKiddanfg: I turn mine off with hdparm -Y /dev/hda but be careful using that if you write constantly to the drives08:07
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NickGarveyMattsta: read the PM from ubotu08:07
danfgSurfnKid: ok, but if my computer explodes I'LL HUNT YOU DOWN!08:08
mark_thank you for your help08:08
SurfnKidMattsta: Those formats are restricted and you have to download a package and install it so itll enable i.e. avi,mpg,mp3 and so forth08:08
mark_space is fun!08:08
=== SurfnKid hides deep in the forest
[Ex0r] new, did you get it going ?08:09
SurfnKidtoday is a sad day08:09
SurfnKidsad indeed08:09
danfgSurfnKid: why's that?08:09
IgramulSurfnKid: Why?08:09
danfgSurfnKid: because Australia lost?08:09
Mattstai have xmms which plays MP3s, and i honestly am not too sure how to use ubuntu08:09
mark_day after the Queen's birthday08:09
SurfnKidBecause australia lost and Brasil just whooped their butt =D08:09
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SurfnKidsad day for them, happy for me :P08:10
mark_what was the score?08:10
danfgSurfnKid: not for me then, i'm brazilian, yay! :)08:10
SurfnKid2 - 0 brasil08:10
zenitSurfnKid: they played well though. A shame that they didn't use any of the great chances they got.08:10
mark_pah england's gonna win08:10
SurfnKiddanfg: yeah im with ya08:10
mark_we've got crouch08:10
skavengebrasil played like chumps too, give credit to the keeper for sure aussie had some chances08:10
ardchoillehow do I turn the bootslpash screen off? I want to see what's happening instead of the ubuntu logo.08:10
zOapmark_, haha, you're dreaming :D08:10
joemauchis there any way for me to use REiser4 when installing ubuntu?08:10
SurfnKidzenit: what in the heck was wrong with them, hell they played a bit tired08:10
danfgSurfnKid: not a whoopin', 2x0 is an ok score08:10
mark_a man can dream, a man can dream08:10
SurfnKiddanfg: yep08:11
Igramulardchoille: Remove the "splash" keyword from the grub configuration.08:11
ardchoilleIgramul, ah, thank you :)08:11
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newive tryed everythin uve told me.. dont think im mispelling08:11
neutrinomassjoemauch: No. ReiserFS4 is experimental AFAIK08:11
Igramulardchoille: It is in /boot/grub/menu.lst in the lines beginning with "kernel"08:11
SurfnKidskavenge: yes that is true for at least 2 plays i saw, he saved08:11
danfgSurfnKid: look at Argentina, 6x0, now that was amazing. we live next to Argentina, and can't stand them bragging about it08:11
SurfnKiddanfg: wow, that was08:11
Igramulardchoille: But do not change anything else!08:12
=== danfg hates Argentina >:((
SurfnKidi saw that game, it was incredible08:12
mark_well thanks for your help08:12
SurfnKidi wanted paraguay to win against servia montevideo08:12
mark_can i help anyone?08:12
danfgBrazil is known to get it's ass kicked sometimes by their argentinian neighbour08:12
ardchoilleIgramul, Thank you :)08:12
danfgIgramul: yay!08:12
SurfnKidso it would have been, all southamerican countries. Brasil, Argentina, Paraguay, and my favorite Ecuador08:13
skavengeargentina would kill brasil right now imo08:13
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SurfnKiddanfg: ohhh i didnt konw that, have to see them play to get a feel for the yolk08:13
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SurfnKidi say good game, Joga Bonitooo08:13
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sjoerd_hello, I found putty is available for ubuntu. But what should I use instead of WinSCP?08:14
ThePubscp maybe? :)08:15
Igramulsjoerd: sftp?08:15
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sjoerd_ok thanks08:15
Kyralwhy use Putty on Linux08:15
danfgsjoerd_: why use putty?08:15
sjoerd_I saw it on the list, it is the same program?08:15
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Kyralthe command line SSH client owns08:15
sjoerd_what should I use instead of putty08:15
danfgi agree08:15
Igramulsjoerd: or use konqueror with an URL like sftp://user@server08:15
mark_Kyral speaks the truth08:15
ThePubjust use "ssh"08:15
danfgsjoerd_:  ssh08:15
Kyral(Keep in mind PuTTY is the only thing I keep on my Novell (Windows) account at school :P)08:15
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fluxboxHi Guys, Any idea how i add for example the user (FLUXBOX) to say the "admin" group?08:16
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mark_yeah i use Putty as well, combined with lynx it lets me read gaming news at school08:16
nerdzyboyHow do I get my wifi adapter to work in ubuntu?08:16
Kyralfluxbox: it should be something like usermod -G -a admin <username>08:16
sjoerd_is there some way to safe a profile for the command line ssh?08:16
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Kyralfluxbox: but I may have the command line wrong08:16
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Kyralsjoerd_: I believe so, try man ssh08:16
mark_er just save the full command as a script?08:16
casanova--Linux has some advanteges over Novell / windows environment: things about networks protocols are well covered in the standard release without the need to search for extra utilities in the WWW08:17
sjoerd_thanks Kyral08:17
Kyralcasanova--: I know08:17
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Kyralcasanova--: I don't use it if I can help it08:17
Kyralcasanova--: PuTTY is just about the one Windows program I trust absolutely08:17
newNick, after i do the 'ls' and see "Desktop      graal4setup       graal4setup.tar.gz, wut do i do08:17
SurfnKidI get diahrrea when i hear windwos talk tcp lingo08:17
=== kalypso [n=kalypso@ip-213-49-179-200.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu
digivorehi i'm new to linux, just installed kubuntu, on an old system, and as i was trying to install firefox, the system  crashed/hung.  had to hard reset08:18
SurfnKidnerdzyboy: whats your wifi card08:18
digivorenow it doesn't start kubuntu anymore08:18
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digivoream i going to have to re-install?08:18
mark_anyone here use banshee?08:18
SurfnKiddigivore: do you get a prompt at all08:18
nerdzyboyPCMCIA SMC EZ Connect (SMC2635W)08:18
ubotuwifi is, like, a term to describe wireless networks (also known as 802.11a/b/g/n). For help getting it set up in Ubuntu, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto08:19
ubotumark_: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/08:19
mark_yeah anyway08:19
omododoesn't Ubuntu set shortcuts for Ruby?08:19
SurfnKidnerdzyboy: try finding your card there and see the compatibility list. If the chip is supported, you shouldnt have any problems installing it and enablin a few commands08:19
mark_i'm after the plugin for music sharing on banshee08:19
omodoI have it installed, but I have to call it with ruby1.808:19
mark_it's supposed to come with banshee08:19
budwardshortcuts? You mean symbolic links?08:19
digivoreSurfnKid: it starts the kubuntu splash 'mounting drives'  then goes back to text screen, then says unable to locate RDSP.  and is hung ther08:20
mark_but the ubuntu packagers stripped it08:20
sjoerd_I think I prefer putty over the command line SSH08:20
omodobudward: yes08:20
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SurfnKiddigivore: :/ not sure there08:20
nerdzyboyHow do I know what chipset is in my card?08:20
ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, SurfnKid08:20
SurfnKidnerdzyboy: search the wifi page for your manufacturer08:20
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nerdzyboynot mentionned...08:21
SurfnKidwhat page you on08:21
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newanyone know wut i should do; i ran the tar command on a .tar.gz file.08:21
newand i gueess it was extracted08:21
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newthen i ran 'ls"08:22
nerdzyboyand te 2 others08:22
newand it says its on desktop.. but wut next.. dont see it08:22
sjoerd_Is there a need to install monitor drivers under Ubuntu?08:22
A-Gchmod: cannot access `/home/andy/Desktop/lampp/lampp.sh': No such file or directory08:22
A-GI don't understand.08:22
nerdzyboy"For cards based on Ralink's RT2500 and For cards based on Rakink's RT61"08:22
A-GTHere is a file of that name in that directory.08:22
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A-GCan Anyone help?08:23
SurfnKidnerdzyboy: when you run lspci -v | less08:23
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SurfnKidnerdzyboy: doe syour card show up08:23
uber_spacedwhen I run mplayer on a dvd i get an error that says encrypted VOB file or something, and the dvd comes up garbled.08:23
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uber_spacedif more info is needed about the error, lemme know.08:23
digivorewhy is ubuntu btter than any other distro?08:23
nerdzyboysec ill try08:23
SurfnKiddigivore: not sure but its good :)08:24
DShepherddigivore: yeah its very good08:24
Lynouredigivore: it's not, necessarily, many distros are good, just different08:24
digivoreis it just supposed to be easier?08:24
uber_spaceddigivore, there are a couple of things; there are distros for the 'do it your selfers'08:24
mooomintry it it's free?08:24
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uber_spacedand there are distros for the 'everything is in packages'08:24
DShepherddigivore: and its well supported08:24
steveklCan someone remind me real quick what apt package firefox needs to play videos?08:24
digivoreyah i'm trying it.. but i mean i've heard good things about red hat.08:24
uber_spacedand packages have 2 camps (kindof), rpm based and apt based stuff08:24
nerdzyboyyeah it shows up08:24
uber_spacedand if you like apt stuff, ubunto isnt bad08:25
uber_spacedif you like rpm stuff, redhat isnt bad08:25
uber_spacedso, ubuntu is based off of a do ityour self distro with stuff pre-configured08:25
digivorerpm and apt in a nutshell? (i'm new)08:25
uber_spacedand it's apt based.08:25
DShepherdstevekl: totem-xine? totem-gstreamer?mplayer-mozilla?08:25
uber_spaceddigivore, you know windows installable packages?08:25
steveklDShepherd, All of those, or one of them?08:25
digivoreyes installshield sort of stuff08:25
uber_spacedwell, apt does things one way, rpm does it in another08:25
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uber_spacedjust different flavors of installation programs08:26
sjoerd_How do I add a program that is installed to the Applications menu on top?08:26
DShepherdstevekl: one of them should work. I use the mplayer-mozilla plugin08:26
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uber_spacedsome like rpm, some like apt.  ifyou are just starting, then you probably wont be able to tell the difference for a while.08:26
digivorei have been trying to install firefox for a day anc can't get it to fire.08:26
steveklDShepherd, ok, thank you!08:26
digivorei thought hat would be the easiert thing to install i kubuntu08:26
DShepherdstevekl: sure. np08:26
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neutrinomassdigivore: Generally speaking, if you are new to Linux you want to go with OpenSuSE, Fedora or Ubuntu :) Of the three, I prefer Ubuntu but it all boils down to personal taste.08:26
m_0_r_0_nAlthough I ve installed the win32codecs totem is not able to play a wmv file due to missing decoder, but mplayer does. What s wrong with totem?08:26
Lynouredigivore: Redhat is not free, but Fedora is. (And yes, Ubuntu is)08:26
nerdzyboyHow do I make the card work?08:27
SurfnKidnerdzyboy: hang on im looking08:27
m_0_r_0_nAnd Ubuntu is better than fedora08:27
nerdzyboyk ;)08:27
DShepherdm_0_r_0_n: http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/codecs.html08:27
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digivorehow hard is it to install Enlightenment in ubuntu ?08:27
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scudhttp://howtoforge.com/xen_3.0_ubuntu_dapper_drake  in that article instructing how to setup xen on ubuntu dapper, would does the author mean when he says  "it /boot/grub/menu.lst placing the following lines before the Automagic section"?08:28
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DShepherddigivore: sudo apt-get install enlightenment?08:28
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DShepherddigivore: you can do a search for enlightment with synaptic or apt08:29
digivoreDShepherd:  i just type that into the terminal?08:29
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DShepherddigivore: you can.. or use synaptic and do a search for enlightment. then install the enlightment package if you want08:30
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SurfnKidnerdzyboy: there's 2 cards close to yours.  SMC2835W V2 Prism54 chipset. and SMC2632W V2 atmel_cs chipset. but says very little there. hang on let em look at another page08:30
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MattstaI still cant seem to watch wmvs08:30
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SurfnKidMattsta: what are you using, mplayer, xfmedia, xmms?08:31
digivoreDShepherd: when you say 'install'  enlightenment, thats where i'll get stuck,  how to i do it?08:31
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DShepherddigivore: sudo apt-get install enlightment. just type that in the terminal08:31
=== x-Dieu rehi :)
Mattstai cant seem to intall mplayer, and i thought xmms was only audio, but now im trying vlc08:31
Dial_toneMattsta: totem is good with all the codecs08:32
SurfnKidMattsta: your sound works08:32
siriusnovatotem is good without gstreamer08:32
scudwhat is the 'Automagic section' in /boot/grub/menu.1st ?08:32
Bck14i cant get wget to work08:32
m_0_r_0_nDShepherd, I ve installed all packages listed on the website you pasted, but totem still messages that the needed decoder isnt installed08:32
SurfnKidMattsta: Dial_tone is right i use totem, its just bulky but works on most08:32
nerdzyboyit says RaLink Wireless PCI Adaptor RT2400 / RT246008:32
newcan anyone help me install a file.. ive already got it extracted.. but im stuck08:32
digivoreDShepherd: ok thanks i'll try it once i get kubuntu installed again.08:32
Bck14wget says:08:32
Mattstaim not sure why it wont work, ill send the error08:32
Bck14Resolving ftp.nerim.net..., 2001:7a8:1:5::1408:32
Bck14Connecting to ftp.nerim.net||:21... failed: Connection timed out.08:32
Bck14Connecting to ftp.nerim.net|2001:7a8:1:5::14|:21... failed: Network is unreachab08:32
DShepherddigivore: kool08:33
MattstaThere were no decoders found to handle the stream, you might need to install the corresponding plugins08:33
Bck14and if i do it for google.com08:33
SurfnKidnerdzyboy: what says that. but isnt it pcmcia?08:33
Bck14i get08:33
Bck14Resolving ftp.nerim.net..., 2001:7a8:1:5::1408:33
Bck14Connecting to ftp.nerim.net||:21... failed: Connection timed out.08:33
Bck14Connecting to ftp.nerim.net|2001:7a8:1:5::14|:21... failed: Network is unreachab08:33
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Bck14but googles ip is different from that08:33
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel! Use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting long texts as it does not distrupt the channel. You might also want to install the "webboard" package from Universe.08:33
SurfnKidBck14:  I get the same error08:33
DShepherdBck14: is guess the network is unreachable then08:33
Bck14its not08:33
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Bck14im using it now08:33
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Bck14my network08:34
DShepherdBck14: ok08:34
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SurfnKidBck14: on my laptop, there is a bit of a problem with synaptic and some routers, so.. connect your pc/laptop directly to the net. and it will work08:34
Bck14but google isnt ip'd as08:34
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Chameleon22can somebody tell me (link perhaps) how to read status information returned by dpkg --list, the rc, ii, pi, ... that stuff08:34
Mattstaso how do i get it to work08:34
Bck14SurfnKid: i cant im on a lan08:34
Bck14shared connection08:34
newcan someone help me install a file.. or give me link to a guide08:34
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SurfnKidBck14: what does your /etc/apt/sources.list say?08:34
jdrakeIs there a way to determine how long a process has been sleeping?08:34
Bck141 sec08:34
LynoureBck14: Sometimes dns servers are lagging a bit behind in data...08:34
Bck14i tried around 2/3 hours ago08:35
digivorewhat does  'dapper'  mean?08:35
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Bck14its only 2/3 host lan08:35
Bck14nothing massive08:35
Dial_tonedigivore: well dressed08:35
digivorereferring to ubuntu.  dapper   nice :)08:36
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newafter running ls and finding out where the extracted file is.. wut do i do08:36
Bck14SurfnKid: just pasteing it now08:36
SurfnKidnerdzyboy: im not sure on that chipset, but a few others here might know. If you cant find it on ubuntuforums try the wiki. If not just come back later on and ask someone surely will know somethin08:37
MattstaWell i got XF media to work08:37
SurfnKidBck14: ok08:37
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel! Use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting long texts as it does not distrupt the channel. You might also want to install the "webboard" package from Universe.08:37
SurfnKidawesome Mattsta08:37
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SurfnKidMattsta: im streaming radio from CZ08:37
BioVorEDial_tone: lolz..08:37
SurfnKidMattsta: with xfmedia08:38
SurfnKidChecz Rep08:38
ardchoillenew, what type of file is it and what do you want to do with it?08:38
Mattstao right on08:38
newits a game file.. client.. and im trying to install it08:38
nerdzyboySurfnKid, thanks08:38
ardchoillenew, does the filename end in .bin?08:39
Bck14SurfnKid: why do you need apt source file ?08:39
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Bck14i think apt is working ok08:39
Bck14just wget :(08:39
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thomasMis anybody here having trouble with the banshee from repositories? specifically starting inotify threads?08:39
newno. let me chekc08:39
SurfnKid i meant /etc/resolv.conf  not sources.list sorry08:39
SurfnKidBck14: ohh the other way around. I see. mmm08:40
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ardchoillenew, that is a gzipped tarball and you have to extract it08:40
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Bck14is all thats in my resolv.conf08:40
SurfnKidBck14: change that to ISP's DNS08:40
Bck14hmm ok08:40
linux_user400354my hp printer is not being found in ubuntu? it wont print. do i need to change the driver?08:40
newi extracted it with help of exor earlier... and he told me to type in "ls" and i did08:40
SurfnKidor use  and
Bck14need to find that now :)08:41
digivorewhat type of files are executable in linux?  or do i have to compile them?08:41
nullHello. I just destroyed my MBR by installing Windows. Now I booted up with the LiveCD, rerun grub and installed it to the mbr... after rebooting I get the grub shell. When I type 'configfile /grub/menu.lst' it boots Ubuntu... Why doesn't it use the menu.lst by default?08:41
newand it says Desktop  graal4setup  graal4setup.tar.gz08:41
ardchoillenew, if you extracted a tarball and it gave you another tarball, then you need to extract the new tarball too08:41
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newhow do i do that08:41
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ConstyI tried graal on linux, and only the offline game worked.. when I tried connecting to the online game it just sits on a black screen08:42
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ardchoillenew, try, in a term, sh ./graal4setup08:42
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Lynouredigivore:  Can you rephrase that question? What are you trying to run? (What is executable depends on many things and often executable stuff does not have any special thing in their name unlike with windows .exe.)08:43
Bck14SurfnKid: i cant find isp dns08:43
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SurfnKidBck14: what router u on08:44
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Bck14home lan08:44
ardchoillewhoa! 901 users, is that a record ?08:44
Bck14etec or something08:44
SurfnKidBck14: in the router status you should find DHCP status.. connected  IP/DNS servers08:44
olivierOk I've folled the !ati configuration, but with the ati.com driver I still have OpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org I really don't see what's wrong08:45
LynoureBck14: Who _is_ yous ISP/upstream provider?08:45
ardchoillenew you're welcome :)08:45
newty ty ty08:45
Bck14Aol i think08:45
ardchoillenew, :)08:45
Bck14tis sehr sucky08:45
newwow... ive been tryin this for 4 hrs08:45
newtyvm god blessu08:45
zipper_just re-installed ubuntu, followed the guide for installing the nvidia drivers just as i did last time, however, this time x wont start up after the nvidia-glx-configure. I open xorg.conf, only to find my nvidia geforce7900gt is being recognized as a ati radeon 700 series. Wtf?! (It didnt put in the right BusID though, 0:5:0 instead of 4:0:0)08:46
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ardchoillenew, Have fun :)08:46
nullHello. I just destroyed my MBR by installing Windows. Now I booted up with the LiveCD, rerun grub and installed it to the mbr... after rebooting I get the grub shell. When I type 'configfile /grub/menu.lst' it boots Ubuntu... Why doesn't it use the menu.lst by default?08:46
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SurfnKidBck14: just use those 2 dns servers08:46
klm-is there a way to force kill an application?08:46
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SurfnKidrestart your network and give it a go08:46
zipper_klm-, kill -9 PID08:46
DBOklm-, killall appname08:46
klm-ok, thanks both08:46
zipper_klm-, ex : kill -9 123308:46
Bck14SurfnKid: are they public ones?08:46
DBOsave the -9 untill you really need it ;-)08:46
wackawackaklm, or add the Force Quit menu item to your GNOME toolbar08:47
zipper_well, he did say force kill :P08:47
SurfnKidwell its RoadRunners08:47
linux_user400354does edubuntu use gnome or kde?08:47
oliviernobody can tell me why I have Mesa insteed of ATI ?08:47
SurfnKidAOL/TimeWarner/RoadRunner same shizza08:47
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DBOzipper_, yes yes yes, but lets not get people addicted to that oh so wonderful method of... /me kill -9's the world08:47
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zipper_DBO, i know, sorry =/08:47
SurfnKidolivier: did you reconfigure the xserver after installing it08:47
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olivierSurfnKid, yes08:48
SurfnKidolivier: and chose fglrx08:48
olivierSurfnKid, yes08:48
olivierI use fglrx on xorg.conf08:48
DBOzipper_, O_o, no no, you're good, just warn them next time that a kill -9 can be very dangerous if used improperly08:48
olivierSurfnKid, and follow the doc08:48
darkseedhey guys i need a list of good reposotoerys for 6.0608:48
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource.08:48
Ackeubu_how do i check group permissions for folders?08:48
darkseedcant find libxine extra codecs08:48
DBOls -l Ackeubu_08:49
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SurfnKidolivier: what does  'cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver return08:49
Ackeubu_dbc ty, but that shows that only ackeubu has permissions, and I think others have permission to that folder too?!08:49
olivierSurfnKid, I pastbin it08:49
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SurfnKiddid you, i didnt see it08:50
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DBOAckeubu_, you need to learn how to read the permissions I think08:50
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DBOAckeubu_, check out the link ubotu sent you08:50
zipper_just re-installed ubuntu, followed the guide for installing the nvidia drivers just as i did last time, however, this time x wont start up after the nvidia-glx-configure. I open xorg.conf, only to find my nvidia geforce7900gt is being recognized as a ati radeon 700 series. Wtf?! (It didnt put in the right BusID though, 0:5:0 instead of 4:0:0). Sorry to ask again, but are there anyone who has the slightest idea about how this could've happe08:51
zipper_never experienced anything like that before08:51
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jemtCan someone help me install the Flash Player for Ubuntu? I've installed 'flashplugin-nonfree', but it still dosn't work. Running Dapper08:51
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olivierSurfnKid, I have 2 Device section one with ATI and one with fglrx :/ and I do an dpkg-configure I suppose I have to delete the 1st one ?08:52
SurfnKidzipper_: the experts are sleeping come back in a bit if no one answers now they might shine some light08:52
jribzipper_: what guide did you follow?08:52
ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, jemt08:52
zipper_jrib, the howto on the ubuntu wiki08:52
jribjemt: did you upgrade from breezy or is this a fresh dapper install?08:52
SurfnKidolivier: PM the result of  grep08:52
ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats08:52
olivierSurfnKid, http://pastebin.com/71694308:52
jemtjrib: Fresh install08:52
jemtubotu: Thanks08:53
ubotubitte, jemt08:53
omodowhere can I find the X definitions of the default Monospace font?08:53
jribjemt: try running: sudo update-flashplugin08:53
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Ackeubu_DBG yeah but .. I get a messge when i loggin that the file .dmrc needs to have 644 and only owned by the user. and i have set the permissions to 644 but I am not sure if root has some ownership to that file. without that file. it says it cant store desctop layout between sessions08:53
jemtjrib: Ok :)08:53
jemtjrib: Sec08:53
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SurfnKidolivier: what does fglrxinfo say08:53
jemtjrib: "automatic installation failed due to network problems or upstream changes"08:54
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SurfnKidolivier: mesa08:54
Ackeubu_DBC did you see my prev message?08:54
jribjemt: adobe's download link may be messed up again, can you go to the flash site and try to manually download the tar.gz?08:54
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olivierSurfnKid, yes mesa http://pastebin.com/71694808:54
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jemtjrib: Sure, I'll do that08:55
jemtjrib: Does it contain a .deb ?08:55
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jribzipper_: that's pretty weird, try running that nvidia-glx... command again08:55
SurfnKidolivier: ok so the system hasnt kicked in with the right driver08:55
kevorHi, in Add a printer, thjere are no manufacturars, the list is empty, am i missing some files?08:55
jribjemt: nope, just a tar.gz of some files, we can use the update-flashplugin command to install from it though08:55
jemtjrib: Oh can I pass the file to the program ?08:55
olivierSurfnKid, so I have to remove some Sections on my xorg.conf ?08:55
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jribjemt: yes08:55
jemtjrib: Ah, ok :)08:55
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SurfnKidolivier: um no, but when you reconfigure it, you choose ati or fglrx08:56
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ardchoillejemt, this worked for me: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/plugins/08:56
olivierSurfnKid, fglrx08:56
jemtardchoille: Thanks, trying jrib's solution first :)08:56
olivierSurfnKid, I ll past you my xorg.conf08:56
SurfnKidolivier: yes plz08:56
ardchoillejemt, ok :)08:56
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jribjemt: syntax is: sudo update-flashplugin -l /path/to/directory_containing_the_tar.gz08:57
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SurfnKidolivier: im running a 9600 ATI 128MB M10 card and it runs fine with ATI 8.25v driver08:57
jemtjrib: Oh my.. I'm downloading at 0.6 kb/s. Adobe obviously got som server issues08:57
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NKRhi all08:58
olivierSurfnKid, hum strange08:58
ardchoilleNKR, hi08:58
zipper_jrib, already tried it, didnt help. Still get the same old xorg.conf. The DRI module isnt disabled either, since it thinks my nvidia card is an ati card08:58
olivierSurfnKid, here is the xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/71695708:58
jribjemt: I'm going to go watch the game now, but that should work for you, gl08:58
NKRanyone know if there's a plugin for XMMS which provides a similar function to winamp's media library?08:58
jemtjrib: Well, it should be down in about 20-25 minuts. All I need to do is run 'update-flashplugin --local-file <tar-file>' afterwards, right ?08:58
zipper_jrib, perhaps it has something to do with me having 2 monitors connected to the same card... been known to mess up stuff in the past08:58
SurfnKidolivier: ok im starting up my laptop so i can look at that gime a sec08:58
jemtjrib: Thanks! :)08:58
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olivierSurfnKid, ok no problem thanks08:59
jribzipper_: yeah haven't really seen this before.  Maybe try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and choosing nvidia yourself08:59
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Bassettsis there a gui for cron?08:59
fluxboxHey guys know any way to make a key for example access a file eg "/usr/bin/3ddesk" As im using Fluxbox for my window manager so through console would be great if anyone knows the command08:59
olivierSurfnKid, there is something I can't understand it's why dpkg-reconfigure give me 2 Device section insteed of 1 ? and it made a xorg.conf.2006etc... backup file09:00
Mattstadoes anyone know how i can download music like with Limewire or something like that09:00
olivierSurfnKid, proof I do it :)09:00
SurfnKidolivier:  does it ask you twice?09:00
olivierSurfnKid, no09:00
MenZaMattsta: Limewire :P09:00
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Mattstalimewire works in ubuntu?09:00
olivierSurfnKid, it doesn't suppose to merge the file ?09:00
dr_willisHmm,, anyone else have issues sunce the last kernel update?09:01
MenZaMattsta: crossplatform.09:01
dr_willisSystem aint booting right.. going to busybox.09:01
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dr_williswhich seems... weird.09:01
SurfnKidolivier: not that i know of09:01
chaituMattsta, yea if Sun Java is installed though09:01
Bassettsis there a gui for cron?09:01
Mattstahow do i do that09:01
SurfnKidolivier: there should be only an fglrx and no ati09:01
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SiriuskrDoes anyone know of a good wireless program i need something that auto reconnects after a disconnect, or at least checks to see if its connected every once in a while ??????????09:01
MenZaMattsta: no, Limewire is Cross-platform.09:01
zipper_jrib, might as well re-install with only my monitor connected. Who knows what else has been screwed up? On a sidenote, how is it possible to enable SMP during installation? I have an intel d805 dualcore i wanna take full advantage of, and the installer automaticly installs a 386 kernel apparently without smp.09:01
olivierSurfnKid, so I can delete the ati one isn't it ?09:01
Mattstaooo ok09:02
SurfnKidolivier: let me paste you my xorg and see what is double, but yeah I only have Driver " fglrx"09:02
SurfnKidolivier:  and no ati at all09:02
SurfnKidolivier: you should only have one09:02
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olivierSurfnKid, ok I'll do a copy of yours backup of mine and I try delete the section09:03
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SurfnKidwhat card is it you got09:03
raystonanyone know a good IDE for C++ on Gnome?09:03
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olivierSurfnKid, VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS300M AGP [Radeon Mobility 9100IGP] 09:03
raptros-v76rayston: anjuta09:03
ardchoillerayston, Anjuta09:04
SurfnKidolivier: does the ATI page support it for ubuntu09:04
nullHello. I just destroyed my MBR by installing Windows. Now I booted up with the LiveCD, rerun grub and installed it to the mbr... after rebooting I get the grub shell. When I type 'configfile /grub/menu.lst' it boots Ubuntu... Why doesn't it use the menu.lst by default?09:04
olivierSurfnKid, I haven't check09:04
raystonthanx much guys09:04
SurfnKidlet me get you that page09:04
LeaChimnull, normally it's held at /boot/grub/menu.lst09:05
olivierSurfnKid, you have pastbin your xorg.conf ?09:05
raptros-v76null: you want /boot/grub/menu.lst09:05
SurfnKidolivier: pastebin.com/71696709:05
olivierSurfnKid, thanks09:05
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nullraptros-v76: well I think I have a symlink like boot -> .09:05
ardchoillenull, did you type /grub/menu.lst or /boot/grub/menu.lst (notice the diff paths) ?09:05
Mattstahow do i intall it09:05
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SiriuskrDoes anyone know of a good wireless program i need something that auto reconnects after a disconnect, or at least checks to see if its connected every once in a while ??????????09:06
Bassettsis there a gui for cron?09:06
nullto all: got the problem ;)09:06
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ardchoillenull, was menu.lst not where it should have been?09:06
ardchoilleah, ok09:06
olivierSurfnKid, ok I try09:06
Mattstahow do i install limewire09:06
omodoam I mistaken, or does the Gnome anti-aliasing not working for X?09:07
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omodoI'm using Emacs, and the font is not anti-aliased.09:07
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NET||abusehi all. i have a quick question aout starting my network with encryption09:07
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billybennetthow can I turn off the window animations?09:07
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NET||abusereading the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#head-4a3bf7f2ad33f5a02c8bb4f0ca4a74c9b884a841 article. but i'm up to the wpa_supplicant part,, it doesn't detail much09:08
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NET||abusei can iwlist eth0 scan and see my network... so i just need to connect with the wpa-aes encryiption key09:08
NET||abusewhat command??09:08
fluxboxHey guys know any way to make a key for example access a file eg "/usr/bin/3ddesk" As im using Fluxbox for my window manager so through console would be great if anyone knows the command09:08
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SurfnKidFrance goal 1 - 0 Korea09:09
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billybennettDoes anyone know how I can turn off the windows animations?  Ever since I did an update it seems likes its lagging when I open things09:09
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SurfnKidfluxbox: ive been trying to do the same but i really dont know how to. You want to do i.e a F11 key or something?09:10
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gnomefreakSurfnKid: please talk about that in #ubuntu-offtopic09:10
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kaiennehey! do you know how to change the user in the shell to root?09:10
Mattstai dont know how to install programs on here09:10
ardchoillefluxbox, why not put 3ddesk in your startfile?09:10
SurfnKidgnomefreak: k09:10
gnomefreakSurfnKid: the soccer game i mean09:10
zipper_how is it possible to enable SMP during installation? I have an intel d805 dualcore i wanna take full advantage of, and the installer automaticly installs a 386 kernel, apparently without smp enabled.09:10
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voyage34Hi all. does anyone know how to enable iP Fowarding? When I use this command: echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward I get a permission denied message09:10
gnomefreakubotu tell Mattsta -about install09:11
fluxboxSurfnKid: Yea i'd like F2 to run /usr/bin/3desk and ardchoille Its because you need to run it to bring the desktops back up so like press F2 and it brings it up in 3d09:11
ubotuhmm... smp is Symmetric Multi Processing. The x86 architecture way of using multiple CPUs in one computer.09:11
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BumfunMCCan anyone help me with webcams?????09:11
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ardchoillefluxbox, what I was saying is you can put 3ddesk in your startfile so it runs when fluxbox starts09:12
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SurfnKidfluxbox: yes i know what ya mean, i havent been able to do that. Id like to have F5 and F6 to left/right 3D but I cant find a way to shortcut each key09:12
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BumfunMCI need help with my webcam!! please09:13
JDahlBumfunMC: what's wrong with your webcam?  you need to be more specific09:13
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fluxboxSurfnKid: Exactly, Very similar to what i need09:13
SurfnKidfluxbox: no one helped, so i gave up09:13
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SurfnKidfluxbox: but i know ther's a way09:14
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NET||abuseso can anyone help me with commands for connecting to my network,, have my bcm43xx driver working, i can see the 3 networks with an iwlist scan09:15
BumfunMCJDahl when i connect it i can see that ubuntu notices that in the log files. but when i test it with gnome meeting for ex the computer crashes09:15
NET||abuseso what do i do to just set the wpa encryiption?09:15
BumfunMCdont i need to install a driver?09:15
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JDahlBumfunMC: what does dmesg tell you?  try to look here for kernel driver support: http://www.linuxtv.org/v4lwiki/index.php/Webcams09:15
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wBryceAnyone know how usb mass storage devices are supposed to work now? It used to be that you could mount /dev/sda1 or some such. Now the devices are no longer in /dev.09:16
SurfnKidNET||abuse: can you drop down the SSID in network-admin wlan0 section?09:16
kevinwBryce, I just plug mine in09:16
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NET||abuseSurfnKid, umm, in network-admin... i can't see the device (it's installed itself as eth009:17
wBryceI've tried that. I'm running Dapper AMD64 or Breezy 32 bit.09:17
JDahlwBryce: they should get mounted automatically under /media, but otherwise mount works like it always did09:17
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SurfnKidNET||abuse: ok so its installed it as eth0 then09:18
wBryceThe devices are not in /dev so they can't be manually mounted.09:18
wackawackaNET||abuse, have you checked the man pages for iwconfig?09:19
SurfnKidNET||abuse: set the SSID in your /etc/network/interfaces section  at the bottom add this 'wireless-essid <ssid>'09:19
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SurfnKidNET||abuse: wireless_mode managed09:19
SurfnKidNET||abuse: auto eth009:19
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SurfnKidand replace <ssid> with your preferred SSID09:20
ubotunetworkmanager is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkmanagerHowto09:20
Ackeubu_I need a piano synth application do you know of any?09:20
jemtCan someone help me install Flash Player using 'update-flashplugin --local-file <tar.gz file>' ? I get this error : ' cp: cannot stat `Desktop/install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz/install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz': No such file or directory '09:21
cappizsomeome here using dspam/clamav/postfix/mysql ?09:21
jendaA little OT - can someone help me with adding a language to a rosetta translation?09:21
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. It may break your system, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation instead. For help with and discussion of easyubuntu please join #easyubuntu.09:21
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gnomefreakubotu tell jemt -about flash09:21
BumfunMCJDahl what is dmesg please?09:22
squigglyubotu flash09:22
ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats09:22
jendaYes, I am translating easyubuntu :)09:22
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jemtgnomefreak: No help09:22
ardchoillejemt, is your path correct?09:22
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gnomefreakjemt: you dont need a tar there is a bin from flash site09:22
tgmi was wondering if someone could give me some help with a networking problem i have09:22
jemtardchoille: Yes, I'm using <tab> to complete the path09:22
eruantalonHas anyone gotten xgl to work in Ubuntu?09:23
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ardchoillejemt, ah, ok09:23
SurfnKidtgm: what up?09:23
jemtgnomefreak: That's the program I'm using.09:23
jemtgnomefreak: But it fails the download from Adobe09:23
tgmwith the dapper live cd i can connect to the internet but after install i can't...09:23
JDahlBumfunMC: you type "dmesg" in a terminal and look for things related video, e.g., something about USB webcam device added09:23
gnomefreakjemt: whats wrong with the ubuntu flash since it gets it from adobe anyway?09:23
gnomefreakeruantalon: #ubuntu-xgl most of them have09:24
jemtgnomefreak: What? Ubuntu flash?09:24
[Ex0r] gnomefreak, iirc, macromedia is part of adobe now09:24
tgmwhen i ifconfig i don't get a inet4 address only an inet609:24
gnomefreakjemt: if you read the page i sent you09:24
rverripsHiyee - Strange thing in Xubuntu - I apt-get network-manager-gnome and it works great, but everytime I startup XFCE it loads nm-applet three times?  Any ideas' where to fix this?09:24
ardchoillejemt, Desktop/install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz/install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz ? Sholdn't that be /home/user/Desktop/blah/blah ?09:24
jemtgnomefreak: flashplugin-nonfree fails downloading Flash from the Adobe server09:24
gnomefreakjemt: flashplugin-nonfree09:24
gnomefreakjemt: cd to desktop than run the tar command09:24
tgmsurfnkid: did you catch that?09:25
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SurfnKidtgm: yes, mm not sure why you're gettin ipv6 instead of ipv409:25
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eruantalongnomefreak: thx09:25
jemtgnomefreak: 'flashplugin-nonfree' does not exist. Are you refering to 'update-flashplugin' ?09:26
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jemtgnomefreak: "Run the tar command" ??09:26
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gnomefreakjemt: flashplugin-nonfree is in multiverse repo09:26
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jemtgnomefreak: I know! I've installed it. It dosn't work!09:26
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jemtgnomefreak: But you can pass a local file to the program09:27
gnomefreakjemt: did you run update-flashplugin?09:27
jemtgnomefreak: Yes09:27
jemtgnomefreak: Didn't work09:27
jemtgnomefreak: Now i'm trying 'update-flashplugin -l <local file>'09:27
gnomefreakjemt: are you using same ff that was installed be default or did you upgrade ff?09:27
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raiffhigorwho knows where i can find the libx11-dev package?!?!!?!?09:28
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Dr_WillisHmm.. my Old reliable Ubuntu Warty Fileserver suddendly stop resoloving the hostnames for sites .. it can ping their ip #'s and i can ssh to it.09:28
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raiffhigori have to install it in my Ubuntu...09:28
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Dr_WillisNot sure what to check next.09:28
gnomefreakraiffhigor: apt-cache search libx09:28
jemtgnomefreak: And that also renders an error. The path is incorrect. I specify 'Desktop/file.tar.gz', it complains about the path and outputs: 'Desktop/file.tar.gz/file.tar.gz'09:28
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raiffhigorgnomefreak and after..?!!?09:29
gnomefreakraiffhigor: look int he list for that lib09:29
David1Hi every one09:29
ardchoillejemt, That's what I thought09:29
gnomefreakraiffhigor: than sudo apt-get install it09:29
rverripsHi David109:29
jemtardchoille: Yea :)09:29
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jemtardchoille: Btw, I tried specifying an absolute path - didn't help either09:29
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David1I just upgraded to 6.06, and now Gnome fails to start09:30
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ardchoillejemt, what is the exact command you used?09:30
ardchoillejemt, are you trying to untar it?09:30
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iLLf8dwoa lotsa pps here09:30
omodoanyone knows what's the package name for Arch?09:30
ceL_i installed ubuntu 6.06 dapper drake and i was following some setups for nvidia chipset cards on getting xgl to work but i can't get it to install the 'nvidia' module for Xorg it just keeps the 'nv' module i didn't kow if i was doing somethng wrong?09:30
dli_David1, can you startx ?09:30
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raiffhigorgnomefreak i didn't find it...09:31
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omodo(GNU/Arch, the SCM)09:31
SurfnKidNET||abuse: howd it go09:31
iLLf8dhi all09:31
NET||abuseright, i can see the network in network-admin09:31
ardchoilleiLLf8d, hi09:31
NET||abusei click to connect,, it comes up with wpa Personal encrypition09:31
=== iLLf8d hopes all 882 people don't respond =P
NET||abusei put in the key, it just doesn't connect09:31
iLLf8dhow goes it ardchoille09:31
raiffhigorgnomefreak: so i has a package with name libx11-dev_6.2.1+cvs.20050722-8_i386.deb09:31
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NET||abusesits there swirling round up in top right.. doesn't get connection09:31
raiffhigorgnomefreak: how can i install it!?!!?09:31
ardchoilleiLLf8d, good here. and you?09:32
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iLLf8dok trying to get going today, seems procrastination is in the air tho09:32
David1yes, and when I do, I can get the gnome splash screen, but thene it just gose away, and all that is left is the cursur09:32
raiffhigorgnomefreak: do you know!?!?!09:32
SurfnKidNET||abuse: Im not sure about wpa/wep.  you can add 'wireless_key XXXXXXXX...'  in /etc/network/interfaces09:32
jemtardchoille: Sec :)09:32
SurfnKidNET||abuse: see if itll work09:32
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David1the wall paper loads as well, but nothing els visable09:32
raiffhigorgnomefreak: ??!?!?!09:33
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jemtardchoille: "update-flashplugin --local-file /home/jemt/Desktop/install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz"   <--- That outputs : 'cp: cannot stat `/home/jemt/Desktop/install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz/install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz': Not a directory09:33
jemtcannot copy local file: /home/jemt/Desktop/install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz/install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz'09:33
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raiffhigorgnomefreak: are you there?!!?!?09:33
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lonegeekwhats a non destructive partitioner?09:34
htg_I'll think about it09:34
Dr_Willislonegeek,  gparted can do that.09:34
Dr_Willislonegeek,  i tend to use live cds with gparted09:34
ardchoillejemt, can you see the error in this path?  /home/jemt/Desktop/install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz/install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz09:34
krazykitlonegeek: depends on what filesystems you're messing with.  most linux-based filesystems would be fine, but ntfs-resize can be risky09:34
lonegeekDr_Willis what is a filesystem linux and windows can use09:34
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ardchoillejemt, should that be:  /home/jemt/Desktop/install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz09:34
krazykitlonegeek: fat3209:34
lonegeekthank you09:35
pngwenI am trying to setup a complex NAT Scheme.  I have 2 ISP's with 2 external IP addresses.  I also have 2 default routes.  The problem is that when I have a packet that undergoes NAT on the secondary incoming interface, linux tends to want to send it out the primary connection.  How can i force it to select the correct gateway?09:35
David1dli_, you there?09:35
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jemtardchoille: I agree. I don't understand it09:35
Niomihello all -- is there a way to use the fasttrack p2p network on linux?09:35
Dr_Willislonegeek, fat32. however you can set up Linux tio read NTFS, and you can set up windows to read/write to Ext2/3 (with a few little issues)09:35
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SiriuskrHey if i reinstall windows on another partition will that mess up my grub?09:35
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raiffhigorwho know how can i install the package libx11-dev_6.2.1+cvs.20050722-8_i386.deb09:35
dliDavid1, yes09:35
Dr_WillisSiriuskr,  most likely yes.09:35
krazykitSiriuskr: if they're on the same hard drive, yes.09:35
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steveireI can't find skype in seveas packages09:35
David1well I can startx09:35
dliDavid1, so, a gnome problem09:35
lonegeekkrazykit, well i have about 16gb free space on a ntfs partition that i want to make fat 32.....then i wanna dump music to that...and add more to the 16gb from freespace09:35
MikkelRevAnyone tell me how to add support for norwegian characters? they dont show in IRC or in FireFox09:35
steveireHow do I install skype?09:35
ardchoillejemt, it looks like you're doubling part of the path. try typing it out.09:35
dliDavid1, I wonder whether you can do a fresh ubuntu-desktop?09:36
ubotuskype is probably http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeHowto/ Breezy deb: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages/09:36
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Siriuskrdr_willis,krazykit is there a way not to mess it up09:36
jemtardchoille: I can't do anything wrong. I'm auto-completing the path using TAB. There is no way the path can be incorrect09:36
David1sould I reinstall it09:36
omodobtw, the working GNU/Arch is apt-get install tla09:36
omodoif anyone's interested09:37
krazykitlonegeek: that's uh, a lot of messing with ntfs drives.  you SHOULD be ok doing that, but do be aware that ntfs-resize is not considered the safest things to do.  i think parition magic would do it "safely", but i don't know if you're willing to buy it.09:37
steveireDr_Willis: I enabled the seveas repo and skype is not there.09:37
Dr_WillisSiriuskr,   it pays to learn all about gryub. :P ya could backit up to floppy i guess and then rerun the grub installer. is one way .. not sure how to force XP to not mess withit.09:37
ardchoillejemt, the it looks like you created a folder named  /install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz/ inside the Desktop folder09:37
dliDavid1, logout gnome (just in case), cd to your user home, mv away .gconf* .gnome*09:37
gnomefreakraiffhigor: what version of ubuntu?09:37
v-mackit's very tough to make xp not be hda109:37
lonegeekkrazykit: maybe i have it ...but well...i dont want to boot windows :D..... and last i checked it quit working right09:38
jemtardchoille: Yes, but I havn't09:38
v-macklike, it has to be on top09:38
krazykitv-mack: not true.  i had xp on hd3 no problems09:38
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v-mackreally, i never could make that happen09:38
grimboyv-mack, what's the problem with that?09:38
steveireDr_Willis: Any ideas?09:38
raiffhigorgnomefreak: 5.1009:38
krazykitlonewolff: understandable.  it's often safe to do, but do know there is a chance of data loss.09:38
v-macki don't have any problem with that, i was trying to help siriuskr09:39
ardchoillejemt, copy and paste the path instead of tab completion:  /home/jemt/Desktop/install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz09:39
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lonewolffkrazykit: huh?09:39
gnomefreakraiffhigor: the package name on dapper is libx11-dev  im assuming its same on breezy09:39
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krazykitlonewolff: gah, two lone* people ;-)09:39
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jemtardchoille: Sorry, I'm not a total newbie - the path IS correct :)09:39
mlzs!tell mlzs about ati09:39
v-macklol, lone*, not unlike spaceballs?09:39
David1ok done09:39
gnomefreak!info libx11-dev breezy09:40
raiffhigorgnomefreak: but how can i install it ..?!?!?09:40
ardchoillejemt, this path is *not* correct:  /home/jemt/Desktop/install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz/install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz09:40
raiffhigorgnomefreak: i'm new in linux...09:40
dliDavid1, try to login to gnome again09:40
ubotulibx11-dev: (X11 client-side library (development headers)), section libdevel, is optional. Version: 1:6.2.1+cvs.20050722-8 (breezy), Packaged size: 1091 kB, Installed size: 2352 kB09:40
gnomefreakraiffhigor: sudo apt-get install libx11-dev09:40
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ardchoillejemt, it should be:  /home/jemt/Desktop/install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz09:40
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lonegeekhey in gparted...all partitions have locks on them! do i have to unmount first?09:40
raiffhigorgnomefreak: wait a minute... i'll try...i'll return to say the result...09:40
jemtardchoille: I know! But that's what the program outputs. I don't specify that path09:40
krazykitlonegeek: yep09:40
David1should I go through gdm of startx09:41
ardchoillejemt, you have the /install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz/install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz in the path twice and it shouldn't be09:41
krazykitlonegeek: it's a really bad idea to partition an active drive ;-)09:41
mattlepiphany *keeps* crashing on Dapper... I can't find a log file for it either. Can anyone help?09:41
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gnomefreakraiffhigor: its the package name on breezy and dapper if you cant install it than something is wrong with your /etc/apt/sources.list file09:41
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lonegeekkrazykit: its unmounted..but i have no options to resize...they are greyed out....09:41
ardchoillejemt, ok, well it's wrong.. that's why it isn't working. Type the path without tab completion or you will have the problem forever.09:41
jemtardchoille: I know - it is a bug - I'm not doing anything wrong :)09:41
mattllonegeek: what kind of partition are you trying to resize?09:42
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lonegeekmattl ntfs09:42
krazykitlonegeek: nothing on the drive is mounted?  not even swap?09:42
jemtardchoille: Tried that, no luck09:42
raiffhigorgnomefreak: i receive the message its impossible to find libx11-...09:42
ardchoillejemt, paste the command you typed out09:42
lonegeekkrazykit: its windows hard drive... /dev/hda109:42
jemtardchoille: I did that 5 minutes ago. I havn't changed since that09:42
lonegeekim just going to boot to windows.....09:42
raiffhigorgnomefreak: i have to put the package in specific location?!!??09:42
BumfunMCJDahl are you there?09:42
gnomefreakraiffhigor: paste your /etc/apt/sources.list file contents to pastebin please09:42
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gnomefreakraiffhigor: no09:43
ardchoillejemt, then you have an incorrect path. I showed you how to fix it09:43
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krazykitlonegeek: yeah, but you should really unmount everything on hda.  that's why it's recommended to use a liveCD09:43
raiffhigorgnomefreak: i didn't understand....(paste your /etc/apt/sources.list file contents to pastebin please)09:43
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JDahlBumfunMC: sorry, was busy09:43
raiffhigori understand now...09:43
raiffhigorwait a minut...09:43
ardchoillekbrooks, hi09:44
gnomefreakraiffhigor: in terminal type gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list   when the file opens paste it on the site ill have ubotu send you09:44
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gnomefreakubotu tell raiffhigor -about pastebin09:44
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Lynouresteveire: you can isntall it with easyubuntu or manually from the skype site09:45
BumfunMCdmesg doesnt say anything like "usb added"09:45
gnomefreakraiffhigor: once pasted click send and give me the link it gives you  (and keep your /etc/apt/sources.list file open please09:45
ardchoilleraiffhigor, http://raiffhigor.com ;)09:45
ardchoilleraiffhigor, http://raiffhigor.pastebin.com  , sorry09:45
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BumfunMCexcept [4294678.061000]  usbcore: registered new driver usbfs09:45
BumfunMC[4294678.061000]  usbcore: registered new driver hub09:45
BumfunMC[4294678.132000]  uhci_hcd 0000:00:07.2: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 109:45
BumfunMC[4294678.133000]  hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found09:45
BumfunMC[4294678.133000]  hub 1-0:1.0: 2 ports detected09:45
raiffhigorwait a minute please...09:46
gnomefreakubotu tell BumfunMC -about pastebin09:46
raiffhigorso see if it correct...09:46
jemtIn what path is Mozilla Firefox installed ?09:46
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raiffhigori get the file /etc/apt/sources.list09:46
raiffhigorand i past in /bin...09:46
raiffhigorits correct?!?!09:46
linux_user400354does the commercial nvidia driver support the nVidia Corporation NV6 [Vanta/Vanta LT]  video card???09:46
gnomefreakraiffhigor: paste the contents of it on pastebin the site is in your pm09:46
kbrooksardchoille: hi09:46
David1ok I tryed to log on from gdm, but it is just hanging09:46
xnixjemt /usr/bin/firefox09:46
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jemtxnix: Thanks :)09:47
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xnixjemt np09:47
ardchoilleraiffhigor, no, go to http://pastebin.com and paste it there09:47
JDahlBumfunMC: try to plug in your webcam again and see what is appended to the dmesg output - if there's nothing about your webcam there, then it's probably not supported by the linux kernel, and there's not much you can do09:47
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mooseman447anybody know why ubuntu stops accepting connections of a ton of them like when i transferred like 20gigs to it with a bunch of connections then i cant connect to it until i reboot it manually09:47
raiffhigorok ok...09:47
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David1as a normal user I kan't seam to startx09:48
gnomefreakraiffhigor: after you click send give me the link please09:48
Jimmey__David1: What error messages are you getting?09:48
jemtxnix: So if I need to speficy the path to the folder that contains the Mozilla installations, it is just /usr/bin, right ?  (I'm installing Flash Player manually)09:48
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ardchoillejemt, for future referrence, you can find a path using the appname after the which command: ex. which firefox09:49
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gnomefreakkaizoku_: cant09:49
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maikoleverytime i try installing something through apt-get or aptitude it tries to remove my runnin gkernel09:49
jemtardchoille: Oh, nice. THanks :)09:49
xnixjemt just /usr09:49
Jimmey__kaizoku_: What's the problem09:49
jemtxnix: Ok, thanks09:49
gnomefreakkaizoku_: we need to know the issue09:49
raiffhigorgnomefreak ... and now..09:49
mooseman447anybody know if linux has a connection limit or something?09:49
ututohow do i change my locales to all english if some of them are in spanish09:49
gnomefreakraiffhigor: did you click send?09:49
kaizoku_I know, I didn't mean to say help09:49
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Jimmey__maikol: to which kernel does it try to change?09:49
gnomefreakraiffhigor: raiffhigor once you click send give me the link09:50
maikolJimmey__ doesnt try to change kernles, just tries to remove it09:50
kaizoku_I am trying to reconfigure X11, but when I go into "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg", there is no nvidia option09:50
kaizoku_just the NV drivers09:50
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Jimmey__maikol: Can you pastebin the message that tells you this, please?09:50
jemtHm, the Flash Player Installer does not agree. It dosn't accept /usr/  nor  /usr/bin/ ..09:50
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gnomefreakkaizoku_: did you install nvidia-glx09:50
raiffhigorgnomefreak: i opened the site..09:50
kaizoku_oh, can I do that with apt-get?09:50
maikolJimmey__ apt just says: pakages to be removed: kernel-image09:51
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raiffhigorgnomefreak: so and now what i have to do?!?!09:51
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gnomefreakraiffhigor: paste the contents of the file into the white space on the site09:51
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jribjemt: don't put a slash at the end09:51
Jimmey__maikol: And this happens when you try and apt-get...Anything?09:51
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jemtjrib: Ah, ok - thanks09:51
=== ututo wants to know if anybody knows how to change locales to set everything to english
maikolJimmey__ yep09:51
jemtjrib: Didn't help much09:51
mlzsI am having trouble with getting my ATI card's 3d acceleration up.. Can anyone help?09:51
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gdbAnyone here running on a Dell Optiplex GX620?09:52
raiffhigorok and now?!?!!?09:52
jemtMy God. It's impossible to get Flash running in Dapper >.<09:52
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gnomefreakututo: system>prefferences>launguage09:52
raiffhigorgnomefreak: and now?!?!09:52
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gdbOr any Dell Optiplex machine with the "Dell Business Internal Speaker"?09:52
ututognomefreak, is there another way09:52
David1when I startx as a user, there is no error, it just flashes the white/black wallpaper, with the X curser in the middle of the screan, then returns to the console. It dose say sompthing "refcount is 2, should be 1; fixing" It is about fonts09:52
gnomefreakututo: i dont have gnome atm but its in prefferences or admin under system09:52
pirastjemt: whats the problem?09:52
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jribjemt: did that not work either?09:52
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gnomefreakraiffhigor: click send09:52
jemtjrib: Nope09:52
ardchoillejemt, no it isn't, it's quite easy with the Firefox plugin from the firefox site :)09:52
gnomefreakraiffhigor: aftrer you click send give me thie new link09:52
jribjemt: can you paste what you typed exactly?09:52
raiffhigori have to fill another space?!!?09:52
jemtardchoille: That fails too09:52
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pirastjempt: works for me like a charm09:52
pirastjempt: i followed the howto on the ubuntu wiki09:53
ardchoillejemt, worked for me on 11 boxes09:53
jemtjrib: The flash installer just asked me to specify the path to the Mozilla Firefox installation09:53
gnomefreakraiffhigor: did you copy and paste the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list onto the website?09:53
mlzsIt simply will not work with the xorg-driver-fglrx package without more configuration, but I do not know how.09:53
jemtjrib: sec09:53
gnomefreakraiffhigor: click send09:53
Stormx2I installed beagle and deskbar, but I'm not getting the beagle live search on the deskbar! Why not? :(09:53
raiffhigori clicked...09:53
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David1is there any way I can just reinstall gnome09:54
SurfnKidtime for a break bbl09:54
raiffhigorand now...09:54
gnomefreakraiffhigor: now copy and paste the info in the address bar in here09:54
ututognomefreak, i am using a distribution that is all Free Software.  I do not see Language09:54
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linux_user400354firefox is a virus09:54
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gnomefreakututo: what distro are you using?09:54
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raiffhigorgnomefreak: what you will do?!?!09:54
jribStormx2: you need python-beagle I think09:54
MikkelRevNeed help! Anyone tell me how to add support for norwegian characters? they dont show in IRC or in FireFox09:54
gnomefreakraflook at it give me a min09:54
ututognomefreak, I am using Ututo-XS09:54
linux_user400354what is a kernel interface? is it the same thing as the source code for the kernel?09:54
dliDavid1, you couldn't startx ?09:54
gnomefreaklinux_user400354: if your not gonna be helpful than please go09:55
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gnomefreakututo: this is ubuntu support09:55
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ututognomefreak, I understand but I felt it was a general question.09:55
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linux_user400354gnomefreak, the correct word is then not than. did you learn anything in school?09:55
jribjemt: here I have the tar.gz in ~/MyDownloads/programs/install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz and all I do is run: sudo update-flashplugin -l ~/MyDownloads/programs09:55
gnomefreakututo: no its not try in #ubuntu-offtopic09:55
kaizoku_thanks for the help09:56
gnomefreakraiffhigor: you still have the file open?09:56
ardchoillelinux_user400354, be respectful or leave please09:56
ubotukaizoku_: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:56
David1I could, but only for a fraction of a secont, then it shuts down, whene I run it as root is starts up, and stays up, but dosn't fully start gnome09:56
kaizoku_oh, that worked09:56
ututognomefreak, ok09:56
gnomefreakraiffhigor: you see the very first line that says deb cdrom?09:56
mooseman447please somebody help because i cant reboot every time i have a big ftp session09:56
gnomefreakraiffhigor: put a # infront of it09:56
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gnomefreaknext get rid of the next line09:56
raiffhigorand now..?!!?09:56
gnomefreakthe debian one09:57
BumfunMCJDahl the battery is flat at the moment sorry. in the log file the adding was written down09:57
jemtjrib: Ah!! There! I should only speficy the directory, not the file. And when I tryed specifying the path earlier, I specified a relative path, not the absolute. But it seems to work now. Thanks :D09:57
BumfunMCJDahl but thanks for your help :)09:57
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gnomefreakraiffhigor: the next 2 deb lines take the # away frmt hem09:57
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David1infact it only gets to the splash screen once. then not again untill I reboot09:57
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raiffhigorthese # deb http://br.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted09:58
raiffhigor# deb-src http://br.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted09:58
gnomefreakraiffhigor: one says deb http the other says deb-src09:58
ardchoillejemt, path was wrong this whole time?09:58
gnomefreakyes take the # away from those09:58
raiffhigorand now?!?!09:58
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winbondhow can i enter command mode before the xserver loads without running the recover mode???09:58
raiffhigorand now..?09:58
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gnomefreakraiffhigor: same with next 2 lines that start with deb09:58
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gnomefreakraiffhigor: calm down i have to type this09:58
jemtardchoille: No, it was correct the whole time.09:58
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raiffhigorok sorry...09:59
winbondhow can i enter command mode before the xserver loads without running the recover mode???09:59
raiffhigorok i did...09:59
ubotuTo install cedega please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega09:59
gnomefreakraiffhigor: did you paste your list 2 times or do you have 2 of everything?09:59
David1winbond,,, you could just do CTl+ALT+F1 log on, and kill the X server09:59
darkyoshi372How do I change the image of the menu button in Gnome?09:59
dliDavid1, rm your ~/.dmrc09:59
mlzsmlzs@martin:~$ glxinfo | grep rendering >> direct rendering: No  || Please help \o/09:59
MetaMorfoziScedega isn't free?09:59
gnomefreakMetaMorfoziS: no09:59
David1as root or as david?09:59
jribmlzs: what kind of card do you have?09:59
dliDavid1, you need to locate the problem, a gnome problem or X problem09:59
steveireaptitude says there are two packages to upgrade, but it won't upgrade them09:59
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mlzsjrattner1, 9800 XT  :)09:59
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raiffhigorgnomefreak: i'm changing now...10:00
gnomefreakraiffhigor: take the # away from the rest of the lines that start with the word deb10:00
MetaMorfoziSand from cvs? it's free?10:00
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raiffhigori never change this file before..10:00
MetaMorfoziSi read correctly it's free from cvs?10:00
David1ok so I should delete my /root/.dmrc?10:00
dliDavid1, console login, do, sudo -i10:00
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gnomefreakraiffhigor: yes you did10:00
winbondDavid1: when do i press that ? because my xserver crashes before it fets to login screen10:00
dliDavid1, remove ~/.dmrc, and test startx10:00
paracelxhi, somebody help me? I cant get nautilus to laod up when i log in, it just says ,"Natulis cannot be started because daemon sytem reset to much. Something like that.10:00
MetaMorfoziSis it correct cedega is free from cvs?10:00
raiffhigorok and now?!!?!?10:00
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amarokkercan someone tell me why I am unable to see any traffic on eth0? http://rafb.net/paste/results/DL77XT94.html       <<<---- ifconfig -a10:01
gnomefreakMetaMorfoziS: no its 15 USD to use10:01
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darkyoshi372MetaMorfoziS: I believe, but am not sure, that the CVS version is crippled so that you can't use it/10:01
David1sorry, so such file10:01
NeoFaxMetaMorfoziS: Cedega is free from CVS.10:01
gnomefreakraiffhigor: once all the # are away from the lines that start with deb EXCEPT the very first one click save and close it10:01
MetaMorfoziS^^ and usable? NeoFax10:01
MetaMorfoziSi'm not see any pricing option10:02
mlzsjrib, Any idea what to do?10:02
raiffhigorok i did and now!?!!?10:02
NeoFaxMetaMorfoziS: Yes, you just do not have a vote as to what programs are targetted.10:02
gnomefreakraiffhigor: once its closed in terminal type sudo apt-get update10:02
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darkyoshi372Does anybody know how to change the image that the main menu button uses?10:02
MetaMorfoziShmhm cool10:02
linux_user400354what is a kernel interface? why do i need to download one?10:02
jribmlzs: have you been linked to the docs?10:02
raiffhigorone curiosity what is the sudo?!?!?!10:02
jribubotu: tell raiffhigor about sudo10:02
ubotuhmm... sudo is a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.10:02
NeoFaxi.e. I would really like CivCTP2 to work in Cedega, but I do not get a vote to say focus on that.10:02
MetaMorfoziSand anybody have halflife 2 working with cedege or any other ways?10:02
mlzsjrib, This guide >>http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#video-acceleration-introduction10:02
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paracelxwill the ubuntu cd restore nautilus if it want boot anymore?10:03
amarokkerraiffhigor: sudo is an ubuntu-g0d. :)10:03
krazykitMetaMorfoziS: cedega support is at their forums.  i understand that half-life2 is one of their officially supported games.10:03
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MetaMorfoziSokay NeoFaxthx:)10:03
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raiffhigorbut i had power of root...10:03
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David1raiffhigor, sudo means superuser do, it alows a user to execute a command with superuser privlages10:03
darkyoshi372Does anybody know how to change the image that the main menu button uses?10:03
MetaMorfoziSkrazykit: thx!:)10:03
diablo`How do i encrypt my partition in ubuntu ?10:03
=== paracelx bangs head on keyboard
gnomefreakraiffhigor: does you terminal look like # or $10:04
=== amarokker throws some acorns on paracelx's keyboard :P
mlzsjrib, So, have I got the wrong guide?10:04
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linux_user400354what is a kernel interface? is it the same thing as the source code for the kernel?10:04
gnomefreakraiffhigor: no what?10:04
dliDavid1, can you startx as root ?10:04
paracelxdamn it nautilus, ill send you to hell then!10:04
BioVorEraiffhigor: sudo allows you to run things as root10:04
krazykitdli: you can, but you shouldn't.10:04
raiffhigorits not like this #10:05
libdmbdiablo`: theres something in the wiki about it10:05
abhijeetdoes anyone know how to add ubuntu in mandriava grub menu10:05
raiffhigoris downloading10:05
jribmlzs: other than the instructions for installing the ati driver there I don't know much about ati.  Those are the right docs to follow, maybe make sure every step went through alright one more time while you wait for someone more knowledgeable about ati10:05
ardchoillelinux_user400354, there's no need to repeat your question every minute10:05
David1but gnome wont start10:05
gnomefreakraiffhigor: if its $ than you need to use sudo10:05
diablo`libdmb: how does it called ?10:05
raiffhigorok but...10:05
libdmbill go look for it and provide link10:05
gnomefreaksudo gives you admin access10:05
paracelxthats it delting ubuntu and putting debian on the pos10:05
BioVorEraiffhigor: # <-- this is a root prompt10:05
raiffhigorany user can be "root"10:05
mlzsjrib, I ran the guide through three times, and nobody seems to want to help :|10:05
linux_user400354ardchoille, do you know the answer?10:05
gnomefreakno ra10:05
gnomefreakraiffhigor: no10:05
dliDavid1, then, a gnome problem, rm -rf ~/.gconf* ~/.gnome* first (for user, not root), and apt-get --reinstall install ubuntu-desktop10:06
steveireThe following packages have been kept back:10:06
steveire  linux-image-386 linux-restricted-modules-38610:06
David1raiffhigor, you have to enter the root password first10:06
libdmbdiablo`: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EncryptedFilesystemHowto10:06
gnomefreaksteveire: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:06
libdmbplease note, thats its very complicated10:06
raiffhigorbut if i'm root...10:06
raiffhigoris necessary to type sudo?!10:06
paracelxanyone else have a hard time with this system on a mac10:06
steveiregnomefreak: Won't that make me use edgy?10:06
gnomefreakraiffhigor: read the link ubotu sent yuou10:06
jribmlzs: when you reconfigured the xserver were you able to choose fglrx?10:06
mlzsjrib, Nope10:06
gnomefreaksteveire: not if yopu didnt change your sources.list file10:06
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krazykitraiffhigor: you shouldn't be running as root.10:06
mlzsI looked for that twice, yet found nothing10:06
steveireoh, sure, cheers10:06
gnomefreaksteveire: or use the updater10:07
raiffhigorif i'm root i have to type sudo ??!!?10:07
jribmlzs: does 'apt-cache policy xorg-driver-fglrx' indicate that it is installed?10:07
gnomefreakraiffhigor: when sudo apt-get update is done install what you are wanting10:07
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krazykitraiffhigor: if you're running as root, which you shouldn't be, you don't need sudo10:07
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gnomefreakraiffhigor: read the link ubotu sent you it tells you all about it10:07
mlzsjrib, Yes10:07
raiffhigorhey gnomefreak...10:07
gnomefreakraiffhigor: ?10:08
raiffhigorgnomefreak: i wont need to install that package that i mensioned before?!?!10:08
David1ak, it is done10:08
samir85hey, i just registered my first voip account and started using it with ekiga. Anyway I forgot my number, is there way to look it up ?10:08
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gnomefreakraiffhigor: when the cammand you ran is done type sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:09
EleafWhat is the most reccomendable virtualization software?10:09
abhijeetdoes anyone know how to add ubuntu in mandriava grub menu10:09
Eleafqemu seems slow..10:09
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EleafVMware is looking pretty 'corpretical' lol.10:09
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=== mlzs starts yelling out in dispair. Heeeelllp
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MetaMorfoziSwhat is cvs password?10:09
=== paracelx cant get natulis to work ;(
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jribmlzs: ok check that linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) is installed as well10:10
David1should I startx?10:10
raiffhigora program has presents me what are new...10:10
mlzsjrib, It is.10:10
alex_velguehey, since i tried the kde desktop, the loading page when i start my computer is always that of kubuntu instead of ubuntu even though i always use gnome. Is there any way i can fix this10:10
raiffhigori clicked to install...10:10
raiffhigorit makes the same effect?!?!10:10
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dliDavid1, gdm login10:11
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Dr_Willisalex_velgue,  yes.. but i can never rember how.. since i disable that boot eye candy. :P10:11
raiffhigorit is installing ... the program showed that need 2h to finish ...10:11
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jribmlzs: not sure why dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg wouldn't give you it as a choice, have you tried doing it manually with the isntructions from wiki.ubuntu.com?10:11
Stormx2Trying to install a game called Bang howdy! It just asked me this: Which Java Virtual Machine would you like to use? Note: the JVM must be version 1.5.0 or newer. <-- What should I put?10:11
David1dam, it is the same problem10:11
mlzsI am just looking at the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#head-5ead174a0b3294527486cd4d71ded66b40003f25 guide now, jrattner110:12
mlzsjrib, *10:12
mlzsjrattner1, Sorry, wrong person ;)10:12
raiffhigorok gnomefreaks... thanks for the help...10:12
garryfrealex_velgue: Under logout choose end current session, then at the login screen click options and choose session and pick gnome.10:12
raiffhigori has to study...10:12
David1is it just me, or dosn't ubuntu-desktop take more than 5 seconds to reinstall10:12
linux_user400354do i need a precompiled kernel interface for the commercial nvidia driver?10:12
raiffhigori'll have some tests of math tomorrow i need to study..thanks...10:12
=== linux_user400354 is using Gaim v1.5.1cvs.
dliDavid1, did you do dist-upgrade ?10:12
raiffhigor*i have...10:13
raiffhigorthanks guys...10:13
David1but right now that seams like a dam fine idea10:13
alex_velguegarryfre: Well I never  use the kde desktop and it's always gnome by default but the loading page with the progression bar stays kubuntu anyway10:13
raiffhigorin no long time... i'll be here to take my doubts away... ;)10:13
assasukassehi all, how can i set laptop-mode to start by default?10:14
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garryfrejust follow hte steps I mention and you will see an option to make gnome the default.10:14
alex_velgueok thanks10:14
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David1ok actualy I think I did to it b4, because when I do it now, there are no packages to install10:15
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Chris_Tuckerwhats a good command line or notification area app for taking a picture from /dev/video0 every XX seconds?10:17
rtcmI need to follow a program (with gdb) into glib and have installed the -dbg package, does anyone know how I can tell gdb about those file installed under /usr/lib/debug? I tried LD_LIBRARY_PATH but it doesn't work...10:17
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mlzsHey do I check for direct rendering?10:17
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mlzsAh, never mind10:17
mlzsdirect rendering: No10:18
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David1you there dil10:18
ardchoillemlowe, glxinfo | grep render10:18
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HedgeMageardchoille: long time no see!  Can I /msg you?10:19
noiz777hi there, does anyone here uses amarok?10:19
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ardchoilleHedgeMage, Hi!!10:19
krazykitnoiz777: yes10:19
ardchoilleHedgeMage, for you? anytime :)10:19
codecainehey I see alot of these questions going around and I have the same one when you update ubuntu your xserver is broken then you have to install the new modules but mplayer never shows movies right again whys that?10:19
krazykitcodecaine: using an intel graphics card?10:20
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krazykitcodecaine: ah, then i dunno ;-)10:20
Stormx2Anyone know anything about Bang Howdy here?10:20
noiz777hey krazykit, has it ever happend to you that amarok just goes trugh your list but doesnt really play anything?10:20
David1you know what I am thinking, why dont I back up my importaint data, then reinstallth os from the installtion disk10:20
codecainemaybe because its a test10:20
codecaineone ill just uninstall it10:20
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codecainehopefully that works :P10:21
krazykitnoiz777: no.  have you changed the place where your music is stored or the filenames at some point?10:21
David1am alredy downloading it (55%)10:21
dliDavid1, not needed, you messed up, just dist-upgrade10:21
assasukasseWhat does it means SPAN in a script?10:21
noiz777krazykit, i have one partition where i can share music, pics and that kid of stuff between win and ubuntu10:21
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David1i did, but there is no dist left to upgrade10:22
krazykitnoiz777: yeah, but as long as filenames aren't changed, it oughtn't mess up.10:22
codecainehow can you trace what you last update in update-manager?10:22
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abhijeetis it ok to install kde-desktop in ubuntu10:22
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krazykitabhijeet: it's better to install kubuntu-desktop10:22
David1abhijeet, yes10:23
noiz777krazykit, thats what i think...but for some reason songs dont play10:23
David1abhijeet, it is kalled kubuntu10:23
krazykitnoiz777: is this reproducable?10:23
abhijeetbut i want to use both gnome and kde, what I should do10:23
krazykitabhijeet: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop10:23
noiz777krazykit, what do you mean??10:23
krazykitabhijeet: that will give you a full-featured kde desktop along with your gnome desktop10:23
David1abhijeet, open a council, and run alsamixer, thene make sure main and pci volumes are up, and not muted10:24
krazykitnoiz777: like, is it any time you open up windows, then go back to linux that amarok will skip songs?10:24
abhijeetis there any problem of using kubuntu-desktop in ubuntu10:24
Stormx2App is asking me "Which Java Virtual Machine would you like to use?" what should I put?10:24
krazykitabhijeet: no, they co-exist peacefully10:24
noiz777no, its always, i havent even used windows for a few days now10:25
Stormx2noiz777: Whats the problem?10:25
krazykitnoiz777: how do you fix it?  just throw the songs back into the playlist, or do you have to rebuild the database?10:25
abhijeetcan anyone help me to edit grub10:25
Stormx2abhijeet Ya, sure.10:25
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abhijeeti have installed mandriva using grub. i want to add ubuntu to its menu10:26
abhijeeti have installed mandriva using grub. i want to add ubuntu to its menu10:26
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noiz777hmm well ive tried loading just one song or making play lists but nothing....Stormx2, the problem is that songs act as if they were going to be played but they immediatly go to the next song and so on10:27
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David1abhijeet, you have to edit /boot/grub/grub.conf10:27
Stormx2noiz777: What media player are you using?10:27
David1i think10:27
noiz777Stormx2 amaroK10:27
krazykitnoiz777: have you tried rebuilding the database?  tools->rebuild10:27
David1dli_!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need you help10:27
noiz777krazykit, let me try10:28
abhijeetcan you tell me what lines to be added10:28
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Stormx2abhijeet: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.list I *think*10:28
dooglusassasukasse: what kind of script?10:28
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Stormx2noiz777: If its not that it can't find the files, its that it doesn't have a mp3 decoder10:28
steveirehow do I find foo by searching directories recursively? find -R foo doesn't work10:28
noiz777Stormx2, sounds like it could be my problem...how do i check that?10:28
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David1abhijeet, ok, if you tell me what drive ubuntu is installed an on where the kernel is located/named10:29
HockeyStatmanHaving USB problems. Any time I attach my digital camera it wouldn't come up. I figured it was the camera doing something funky so I bought a Lexar USB card reader thinking it'd fix the issue. Nope. Still getting errors. Seeing this from dmesg after inserting the device:10:29
HockeyStatman[17192118.376000]  usb 3-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 610:29
HockeyStatman[17192118.496000]  usb 3-1: device descriptor read/64, error -7110:29
HockeyStatman[17192118.720000]  usb 3-1: device descriptor read/64, error -7110:29
HockeyStatman[17192118.936000]  usb 3-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 710:29
HockeyStatman[17192119.056000]  usb 3-1: device descriptor read/64, error -7110:29
HockeyStatman[17192119.280000]  usb 3-1: device descriptor read/64, error -7110:29
HockeyStatman[17192119.496000]  usb 3-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 810:29
dliDavid1, do you know how it messed up?10:29
HockeyStatman[17192119.904000]  usb 3-1: device not accepting address 8, error -7110:29
HockeyStatman[17192120.016000]  usb 3-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 910:29
HockeyStatman[17192120.424000]  usb 3-1: device not accepting address 9, error -7110:29
HockeyStatmanAnyone have any ideas?10:29
AlienXwhoah HockeyStatman read the topic! Use pastebin!10:29
tritiumHockeyStatman: don't paste.  Use pastebin in the future.10:29
Stormx2Don't paste!10:29
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noiz777krazykit, just rebuilt the DB but nothing :(10:30
steveirels -Ra |grep linpw   works but doesn't show the directory...10:30
abhijeetafter installation of mandriva i can't boot to ubuntu, pls tell what to add in grub in order to boot into ubuntu10:30
Stormx2!tell noiz777 about mp310:30
Stormx2noiz777: Check your messages. Go to the wiki, make sure you have the right codecs and such.10:30
steveireany helpers out there?10:30
=== seriouslycgi [n=seriousl@202-180-123-254.jetbuster.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
valehruhey guys,10:30
noiz777Stormx2, i actually play mp3s with my xmms10:30
Dial_tonehow can I disable the prompts when I insert a blank disk?10:30
valehruhas anyone got windows media player streaming content to work on AMD 64 Dapper yet?10:30
Stormx2noiz777: I have a feeling XMMS has mp3 support in-the-box, where as amaroK runs of gstreamer./10:31
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seriouslycgihi i have an easy question: how do i install .deb files i double click and it goes to archive manager10:31
HockeyStatmansudo dpkg -i packagename.deb10:31
seriouslycgithanks HockeyStatman10:31
Stormx2seriouslycgi: In terminal, cd to the directory, then do sudo dpkg -i filename.deb10:31
valehruseriouslycgi, sudo dpkg -i nameofapp.deb10:31
valehruoh well...slow typer10:31
noiz777Stromx2, ok let me try to make it work then10:31
seriouslycgilol thanks everyone10:31
abhijeetafter installation of mandriva i can't boot to ubuntu, pls tell what to add in grub in order to boot into ubuntu10:31
dooglusseriouslycgi: sudo dpkg -i file.deb10:32
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HockeyStatmanAnyone have any comments on my question other than "don't paste" ??10:32
valehruso does has anyone got windows media player streaming content to work on AMD 64 Dapper yet??10:32
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gnomefreakubotu tell valehru -about w32codecs10:32
Dial_toneabhijeet: grub.conf already has examples in it. just work from there10:32
farouswhat is the default application to play audio cds ?10:32
eNons3nsewhat does it mean when i get an internal error at the desktop at boot that says "failed to initalize HAL!"10:32
amarokkerCan anyone tell me how to route my network card onto the NIC which is connected to the internet?10:32
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valehrugnomefreak, do wi32 codecs work with x64?10:32
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gnomefreakvalehru: if you read the pm you will see a link for it10:33
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gnomefreakvalehru: you have to run it in chroot iirc10:33
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Dial_tonefarous: likely rhythmbox10:33
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farousDial_tone: the cd does not even want to be mounted?10:33
eNons3nseis it just me or is breezy the most buggy & unstable version of ubuntu yet?10:34
farousany suggestion of what lib or prog i should install10:34
Stormx2An app is asking me for my Java Virtual Machine i want to use (JVM). What should I put? I use sun java10:34
Dial_tonegood, you don't mount audio cds10:34
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farouseNons3nse: i would agree to an extent10:34
valehrugnomefreak,  chroot eh?10:34
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exlteNons3nse: not on my installs, so far no issues10:34
Stormx2eNons3nse: Well i thought it was fine! ;)10:34
valehruubotu tell valehru -about chroot10:34
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farousDial_tone: thanx but it does not wna play i will try again thanx for the tip10:34
gnomefreakvalehru: read the link ubotu sent you it should explain it there10:34
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Stormx2An app is asking me for my Java Virtual Machine i want to use (JVM). What should I put? I use sun java10:35
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exlteNons3nse: be specific - what stability issues and what hardware and what troubleshooting...10:35
David1here is what happened, I tryed too upgrade to 6.06 through the update manager....it downloaded all the programs, and thene the manager closed unexpectedly.. after this it was supposed to reboot, but that did not happed, so I did so my self, then when I try to log on with gdm, it hangs10:35
noiz777whats the esiest way to install mp3 codecs10:35
KyralUse Ogg Vorbis ;P10:35
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Discipulushow do I get into printer management10:35
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, SurfnKidAFK10:36
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ubotusomebody said restricted was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats. This page's intent is to enable you to play most non-free media formats that are not DRM encoded. Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats.10:36
killazlo guys I want to install the codecs for avi and wmv... I read the HowTo but still I cant figure out what to do.... apt-cache search codecos shows me w32codecs but I already have those installs....10:36
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killazwhat else should I install?10:36
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enyckillaz: erm10:36
enyckillaz: libxine-extracodecs10:37
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enyckillaz: totem-xine firefox-toem-xine plugin or wahtever in is10:37
enyckillaz: libdvdread3 and libdvdcss210:37
killazency: eactly but how can I get those libxine-extracodecs? cause apt-get install there is no package with that name10:37
Sophanthow do you search for something in a man page>10:37
eNons3nsemy programs are constantly crashing (far more than any previous ubuntu version) and some like Grip just don't work right at all.  my sata HD just doesn't work at all, which worked fine before.  there are weird problems with GTK it seems.  Gnome dies & kicks me back to the log in screen once every few days.10:38
exltSophant: use '/searchterm'10:38
enyceNons3nse: this might seem odd, but update the system BIOS if you havent already10:38
exltSophant: then use 'n' to go to the next instance10:38
enyceNons3nse: ive seen some eird internal-firmware problems cured like that......10:38
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enyceNons3nse: like r/w problems on HDD for one10:38
codecaineI get this in terminal on mplayer vo: couldn't open the X11 display ()!10:39
codecaineSDL: Using driver: fbcon10:39
Sophantthanks exlt10:39
codecainevo: couldn't open the X11 display ()!10:39
killazenyc:  apt-get install libxine-codecs?? or is libxine-codecs name for the last two names you mentioned?10:39
codecainehow can I fix that so I can see movies right?10:39
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enyckillaz: erm... lixine-extracodecs10:39
enyckillaz: erm... libxine-extracodecs I think10:39
exlteNons3nse: I agree with the above - this sounds like hardware issues10:39
noiz777Stormx2, how do you install mp3 codecs?10:39
jnsDoes anyone here use Ubuntu on an intel mac?10:39
eNons3nsethen why did everything work just fine in breezy?10:40
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David1look, my comps always seam to by f***d in the A55 hole with imposibaly fixable problems, so now I think I will just reinstall the os. Every time I doo, I managed to keep it going for longer. My first attempt lasted a week, and now it is up to months10:40
killazenyc: well... I dont know what could be the problem cause apt-get install libxine-extracodecs gives me this: Package libxine-extracodecs is not available, but is referred to by another package.10:40
Stormx2noiz777: Yeah. Well I installed the gstreamer stuff, and I also install mpg123, and the -dev, cause my XMMS fork (called Audacious, check it out, its a billion times better) uses that10:41
assasukasseInfobash: Dependency not met: gawk not found in path10:41
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enyckillaz: actually id get 'libxine-extracodecs' 'xine-ui' 'totem-xine'10:41
enyckillaz: aad you probabl dont have universe enabled10:41
enyckillaz: its probably in ubiverse/multiverse you see10:41
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killazenyc: I have....10:41
killazenyc: ;emme look one more time10:41
Stormx2Yay i'm install Bang Howdy! :P10:42
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David1hey every on you all shouls try out Xgl, if you are looking for a beautifule desktop10:42
noiz777Stormx2, thanks..ill se what i can do10:42
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enyckillaz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto10:42
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killazall my repositories are enabled10:42
enyckillaz: and you need to do the 'sudo apt-get update' thing10:42
assasukasseHost/Kernel/OS "panasonic" running Linux 2.6.15-25-386 i686 [  ] 10:42
assasukasseCPU Info       Intel Pentium M 1024 KB cache flags( - ) clocked at [ 598.586 MHz ] 10:42
assasukasseVideocard      ATI Radeon Mobility M7 LW [Radeon Mobility 7500]   X.Org 7.0.0  [ 1024x768 @60hz ] 10:42
LobsterGute Nacht10:43
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killazenyc: I have all repositories enabled.. I just did like you said the update10:44
enyckillaz: hrrm10:44
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enyckillaz: well... the package is there... http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/libs/libxine-extracodecs10:44
killazlemme look at the sources.list cause I'm enabling the repositories using Synaptic10:44
enyckillaz: ?are you running dapper (6.06) ?10:44
killazenyc: yup10:45
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killazwell everything is enabled..... this is so wierd10:45
andrisphi all.. i just messed up my ubuntu installation.. my computer locks up at loading /etc/rc.local scipts.. how can i debug where is problem ?10:46
Produktfeltelnet ascii-wm.net 200610:46
Produktfeltelnet diego.ascii-wm.net 200610:46
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Produktfelpassa p och kolla p fotbollsvm10:46
andrispis it possible to switch off ubuntu startup splash screen and see 'what is going on' ?10:47
farous_andrisp: yap10:47
andrispfarous_: how ?10:47
farous_andrisp: in the boot men /boot/grub/menu.lst10:47
farous_andrisp: remove the splash option10:47
killazenyc: I can pastebin my source.list.... I have every repostory enabled... a search using synaptic also doesnt give me any results10:48
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andrispfarous_: i kinda tried this but didn't work10:49
farous_andrisp: and remove the quiet option too10:49
killazthis is making me very frustrated.....10:49
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enyckillaz: please do. I may or may-not be able te help10:49
farous_andrisp: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-25-386 root=/dev/hda2 ro10:49
vincenzHello, recently Xorg was updated.  For some reason my system is now very laggy.  When I type in a gnome-terminal it's sluggish, when I open a terminal, ,the blue uotline that opens is really slow.... Anyone know how to fix thhis?10:49
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FearTuxThePenguiHey I have a question has anyone successfully installed the ATI X1600 Pro.... without any resolution problems?10:50
jrsimshey, I just installed a HUGE list of updates. CAn anyone tell me what the big improvements were? I saw lots of Gnome/GTK stuff.10:50
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medulla...is anyone actually here that can help?10:51
FearTuxThePenguiWhat is your question medulla?10:51
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medullamy screen resolution is maxed out at 1024x768... is there any way i can change this, i know my video card can do much more10:53
ubotufrom memory, resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:53
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farous_medulla: backup your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file then run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:53
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wheelmedula: go root, go to gdm.10:53
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mindampim trying to add a printer via the cups web interface through console... however it keeps rejecting my root password10:54
exltmedulla: edit your xorg config: /etc/X11/xorg.conf - you should see the resolution settings at the end10:54
mindampwhats going on? its the default setup10:54
medullaok... thats 3 different things...10:54
medullawhich should be easiest and safest...10:54
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farous_medulla: the script is easy if something go wrong just restore your xorg.conf file10:54
wheelmindamp: go0 root, go to gdm, check the box that asks if you want to run @root.10:54
farous_medulla: look at ubotu link and my way i think is easier. editing the xorg.conf file you need to exactly know what you are doing10:55
farous_medulla: and you can not fix the resolution from gdm10:55
FearTuxThePenguiOkay well here is the question for you... Since ATI is proprierty with their drivers and my samsung has a proprierty driver for running digital dvi I am going to have to do this by trial and error huh?10:55
graveson i am installing windows XP under vmware and cannot get the F8 button to work in order to agree to the license agreement,any ideas10:55
wheelforget xorg. you will make a mess. go to gdm.10:55
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FearTuxThePenguigraveson is your keyboard usb?10:56
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mindampwheel... how do i do it via the console?10:56
exltsounds that way, Fear - I don't have any ATI cards to help with10:56
FearTuxThePenguiYeah I got suckered in to buying the 512 ati card from a friend.. Ugh I hate ATI10:57
farous_FearTuxThePengui: i have a 9600 ati card both the property and free drives work perfectly here10:57
gravesonFearTuxThePengui: no it is not usb,all the other keys work eg pressing escape reboots the install10:57
farous_FearTuxThePengui: but my card is old so properly well supported not like yours10:57
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Locke_why doesnt dalnet work anymore10:58
wheelmind: i'm sorry. not a printer guy.. sorry. i woulod suggest getting a root password, and then run as root. you can then do anything you want. :)10:58
FearTuxThePenguiI am just finding more and more issues.10:58
mindampwheel... i have the root password set10:58
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FearTuxThePenguithis what you get when you want to have the new toys!10:58
mindampill try to find in the cupsys config where to set runasuser10:58
mindampanyone else have any suggestions?10:58
krazykitwheel: don't suggest people to run as root.10:58
Flannelwheel: don't suggest that.  There's no reason to go running around as root.10:58
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wheelmind: ok. open synaptic and find the driver you need. :)10:59
=== enyc here
enyckillaz: you still there?10:59
wheelFear: this d00d regrets the loss of mandrake.10:59
Dial_toneis it relatively safe to delete files from an ntfs partition?10:59
mindampwheel.. again, dont have X installed ;-)10:59
mindampanyone else?10:59
dooglusmindamp: the default setup doesn't have a root password10:59
wheelkrazy: bullroar. ubuntu does NOT Freaking work without root.10:59
enycDial_tone: not sure... iirc you will find ubuntu kernel not haze ntfs write compiled in anyway10:59
exltDial_tone: depends on who else might need those files  ;)10:59
mindampdooglus.. i know.. i set the root password already10:59
mindampim trying to figure out why cupsys wont take it11:00
FearTuxThePenguiwheel: isn't that kind of like regretting the loss of Red Hat?  *points to Fedora*11:00
dooglusmindamp: I doubt you need to set a root password to get cups working11:00
reclusivemonkeyHello, can anyone tell me if I should be able to find lm_sensors dev in the standard sources list?11:00
mindampyou know.. cups is working, i just cant login to add a printer11:00
Locke_redhat lol11:00
Locke_it was cool and simple in its day.. sorta11:00
mindampbecause its rejecting the root password.. even though i already sudo passwd'd it11:00
FearTuxThePenguiCups needs a root password.11:00
krazykitwheel: it works fine.  sudo gives you root privaleges.  you don't need to log in as root, ever.11:00
farous_FearTuxThePengui: i will never regret the loss of redhat, fedora, suse, madrake or anyother rpm based dist11:00
dooglusmindamp: I've never used cups, ever.  but ubuntu is designed to work without having a root password set.11:00
FearTuxThePenguiHey RH servers are good.11:00
exltreclusivemonkey: 'apt-cache search <word>'11:00
mindampfeartuxthepenugi... i set the root password...11:00
gnomefreakcupsys looks for your sudo password11:01
FearTuxThePenguibut Fedpra is a joke.11:01
FearTuxThePenguierr Fedora.11:01
wheelFlannel: do you have blackbox and enlightenment and fluxbox and ice and more? having no root is crazy when ubuntu won't allow you to do anything without roott.11:01
mindamptell me something i dont know?11:01
mindampcupsys will not take any password...11:01
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mindampi try using root:mypassword11:01
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mindamprejected it11:01
Locke_yeah that no root thing kinda bothers me11:01
mindampany suggestions?11:01
Locke_mindamp, sudo <command>11:01
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krazykitwheel: have you never heard of sudo?  that's the official ubuntu way.11:01
reclusivemonkeyexlt: yep, I have searched its not there, but should it be?11:01
gnomefreakFearTuxThePengui: this is a ubuntu-support channel please take all non ubuntu support to #ubuntu-offtopic11:01
mindamplocke... thats useless to me11:02
rixxonLocke_: just sudo passwd then11:02
mindampim using root11:02
Locke_mindamp, why?11:02
mindamplocke why would it?11:02
mindampim root11:02
tiagoboldtif the root thing is so bad, just creat the root user, and it will be just like it as always been..11:02
Locke_.. how are you root in ubuntu?11:02
mindampamy i retarded or is no one even listening?11:02
wheelkrazy: will sudo allow me to install themes from a windoze partition?11:02
mindamphow am i root?11:02
gnomefreakLocke_: sudo -i11:02
dooglusLocke_: he set a root password11:02
FearTuxThePenguimslinux.org is the best distro ;)11:02
anjelcan anyone help me with having only 60hz refresh in Ubuntu 6.06?11:02
mindampive gone crazy11:02
Flannelmindamp: If you want to run as root, thats fine, but don't suggest it to other people.11:02
gnomefreakor he set the su password11:02
farous_mindamp: can you just say your prob again11:02
krazykitwheel: probably.11:02
mindampi didnt suggest it to anyone!11:02
wheelgnome: right. except when it doesn't work.11:02
Locke_dont use root, do it with sudo11:02
Locke_its just 5 more chars11:03
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gnomefreakFearTuxThePengui: i asked you to take it somewhere else11:03
farous_!tell anjel about fixtures11:03
dooglusthere's no such thing as an 'su password'.  accounts have passwords, not commands11:03
Flannelmindamp: oh, right, that was wheel, sorry ;)11:03
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farous_!tell anjel about resolution11:03
wheelkrazy: it won't. ubuntu is broken for people who like to move around. broken.11:03
NET||abusearrghh.. still can't connect to my network11:03
wheelFlannel: Yo!!!! :)11:03
anjelthanks farous_11:03
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gnomefreakdooglus: please explain why you cant use su unless you set it than11:03
mindamphere we go again... i have cupsys running on the default setup, i have already "sudo passwd" to set a password for root, however when i try to add a printer via the cups web interface, it asks for a username:password... i entered root:mypassword, and it rejects it11:03
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mindampam i supposed to give it another username or something?11:04
mindampwhats going on?11:04
gnomefreakit has to have a password to be used11:04
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wheelFear: check out mandriva.11:04
Flannelmindamp: did you read the wiki about cups?11:04
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NET||abusegrr, wasn't identified.. ok.. i' still can't connect to my wpa-aes encrypted network11:04
nox-HandI installed XGL, and now my GDM just loads up to the point just before background comes up, then quits.11:04
mindampflannel... YES11:04
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FearTuxThePenguimandriva blach11:04
farous_mindamp: you should enter your user name not root and your sudo password11:04
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dooglusgnomefreak: you can use su without a root password.  "su chris", followed by chris' password, for instance11:04
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Flannelnox-Hand: #ubuntu-xgl for XGL support11:04
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Locke_nox-Hand, what vidcard?11:04
wheelmind: did you say that you aren't running x?11:04
mindampwheel correct11:04
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@6-116.34-65.swfla.res.rr.com] by gnomefreak
farous_mindamp: that is the way i used to set it up11:04
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|lostbyte|ANyone here have problem installing realplayer ?11:05
mindampits already setup by default guys..11:05
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mindampso if your telling me you setup cups...11:05
wheelmind: correct me if i'm wrong, but doesn't cups require x?11:05
mindampthen something aint right ;-)11:05
|lostbyte|i get...11:05
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mindampwheel.. cups has nothing to do with X11:05
LiteHeddedhow can I install LAMP?11:05
|lostbyte|The following packages have unmet dependencies:11:05
dooglus|lostbyte|: don't paste here11:05
mindampcommon unix printing system11:05
Flannel!tell LiteHedded about lamp11:05
|lostbyte|  realplayer: Depends: xlibs but it is not installable11:05
farous_mindamp: not setup just used the webinterface to add printers11:05
LiteHeddedi don't have the server version11:05
DeathGuppieI just installed gcc-4.0 and it's not there..11:05
gnomefreakdooglus: chris password its still looking for a password seprate from sudo's?11:05
mindampwell.. anyways11:05
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FlannelLiteHedded: read the link ubotu sent you.11:05
farous_mindamp: i suggest you search the forums11:05
wheelmind: how doews cups come up on your display?11:05
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=== mindamp smashed head against wall
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mindampwheel... lynx localhost:63111:06
farous_wheel: there are text based browsers11:06
nox-HandFlannel: They are not answering11:06
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nox-HandLocke_: ATI 9800 XT11:06
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cozai need some help please. im puttin SD card into laptop and nothing is happenin cant seenothing for it11:06
wheelmind: jeebus. :)11:06
andrispi have problem - i unselected (to don't start at boot up) some programms from 'Kde settings - Service manager '(don't remember how exactly it's called), and now i cant fully load up my computer.. how can i fix this ? is it possible to see what wrong i did ?11:06
dooglusgnomefreak: to su to any account, you need that account's password.  to su to root, you need root's password.  to su to chris, you need chris' password.  there's no such thing as the "su password"11:06
cozane ideas??11:06
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Mattstai cannot seem to install limewire, i don't understand how11:06
vincenzHello, recently Xorg was updated.  For some reason my system is now very laggy.  When I type in a gnome-terminal it's sluggish, when I open a terminal, ,the blue uotline that opens is really slow.... Anyone know how to fix thhis?11:06
wheelfarous: yah. and printing on papaya. :)11:06
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wheelfarous: :)11:07
farous_wheel: you should try it it is much faster ;)11:07
cozaim jus needin to getsome pics of it..11:07
DeathGuppiegod, this sucks.. I can't install gcc11:07
medullahey... just wanna say thanks for the resolution help... its perfect now11:07
FlannelDeathGuppie: you installed build-essential?11:07
gnomefreakdooglus: when you type su <enter> than type in a password (unless its set) you have no password that you can use11:07
wheelfarous: i got better. an anal wife. :)11:07
madehello all.. I have an X-server problem.. I loaded the new nvidia drivers when the update manager told me that their are new updates and then I restarted and got an X-server error.. I can post my Xorg.log on pastebin at request11:07
ompaulDeathGuppie, sudo apt-get install build-essential11:07
DeathGuppieFlannel, don't know it..ok thanks11:07
scudhas anyone got xen to work on their ubuntu 6.0.6?11:08
DShepherdDeathGuppie: wat ompaul said11:08
scuderr 6.0611:08
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gnomefreakthe only passowrd ubuntu uses is a users password11:08
Kyralscud: HowtoForge is your friend11:08
scudi did that but the interfaces mucked up11:08
Mattstaok so i have this archived file, now what11:08
Kyralwhats the command syntax to give Ubotu a new ! command?11:08
wheelchepo: hiya!!! :)11:08
Kyralscud: ask in ##xen11:08
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KyralI think Xen is beyond most people in here *DUCK!*11:08
chepohello whel11:09
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wheelchepo: :)11:09
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chepowhy are weonsiaa11:09
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dooglusgnomefreak: su defaults to 'root' if you don't supply a username.  so "su" is the same as "su root".  to su to root, you need to root password.  there's no root password set in ubuntu by default.  that's why "su" (without arguments) doesn't work unless you set the root password.  there's no such thing as the "su password" though.11:09
andrispis there a log files which keep a track from older startup sessions ?11:09
scudkyral: it appears to be a ubuntu bridge problem, i get an address from dhcp but cant send data anywhere - ping dns resolve etc11:09
cozaAnyone able 2 help with SD card prob/...11:09
Kyralbridge hmm11:09
TheBigToehey, someone wants to install ubuntu(a friend of mine) and he wonders if there's an XP-like skin for it?11:09
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Kyralscud: have you tried to use the other Networking setups?11:10
madedoes anybody have a suggestion or want to see my Xorg.log?11:10
gnomefreakdooglus: thats what i mean when i state su password (i dont have to explain that to a newuser) its easier that way11:10
wheelTheBig: linux has thousands of different themes.11:10
tristanmike!tell TheBigToe about themes11:10
chepoi love11:10
gnomefreakchepo: stop spamming please11:10
wheelchepo: :)11:10
chepoohh not is fanny11:11
dooglusgnomefreak: just because they're new doesn't mean you should make up new terminology.  the root password is called "the root password".  calling it "the su password" will only teach the new user bad habits.11:11
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gnomefreakdooglus: root to me = admin rights11:11
gnomefreaksudo gives you admin rights11:11
TheBigToethanks mike11:11
Flanneldooglus: one could argue that "the su password" means "the super user password" which, it is.11:11
wheeldoog: no root = broken.11:11
m0biu5how can i use ssh to upload local files to a server once i've connected11:11
Flannelwheel: No it's not.  Stop it.11:12
ompauldooglus, gnomefreak perhaps as the man says the ability to use the powers of uid 011:12
scudkyral : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1594011:12
KyralTheBigToe: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=149911:12
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ompaulwheel, read wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo thanks11:12
slouchermobiu5: scp11:12
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TheBigToethanks Kyral11:12
wheelFlannel: true. absolutely true. go su on many, many diferent things and you will strill be told you have no permission. tell the truth.11:12
gnomefreakompaul: lol person installs ubuntu first day never used linux before how do you explain that in new user terms lol11:12
Kyralscud: ano.....sounds like you have your FORWARDing screwed up11:13
dooglusgnomefreak: root is an account.  "admin rights" is something that anybody in the admin group can have, using sudo.  it's best not to confuse these issues.11:13
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Kyralscud: Might wanna ask on the Xen-Users ML11:13
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ompaulgnomefreak, the ability to administer the machine? the "layer of security around the administrator"11:13
gnomefreakdooglus: im not confusing the issues i know the difference but people never used linux before _dont_11:13
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madeFor anybody interested in helping: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1591511:13
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wheelno root is an egalitarian notion made with the best of intentions. and it does not work.11:13
gnomefreakompaul: dooglus just said that was wrong11:14
ompaulgnomefreak, I let them read the page RootSudo11:14
Flannelwheel: that's because you're doing it WRONG.  "su" is not the way ubuntu is setup.  What you're saying is akin to saying that you can't shift with your foot in a car, so that car is broken.11:14
wheelgnome: Bingo!!!!11:14
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KyralSome cars you can shift with your foot....11:14
ompaullike mine ;-)11:14
ompaulbut you also need the stick which I am now bringing into the channel11:14
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KyralFlannel: He is right though...compared to the rest of the Distros, Ubuntu is ass backwards with the sudo thing11:15
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ompaulKyral, you are wrong there11:15
gnomefreakKyral: not true most distros have sudo11:15
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binais there a program that I might be able to use to check the temperature of my processor etc? I'm using an ABit motherboard11:15
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Kyralompaul: but also let you use su :P11:15
bob-whoa bessie11:15
gnomefreakyou can use sudo on almost any linux distro11:15
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medullahey does anyone have 3ddesktop?11:15
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ChousukeKyral: ubuntu does let you use su.11:15
medullahow do you get it running...11:15
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KyralI meant DEFAULT!!!11:15
ChousukeKyral: it's just not the preferred way of doing things11:15
gnomefreakubuntu is only one im aware of that uses it by default11:15
wheelFLannel: bullroar. what, pray tell is the appropriate open-sesame to give a person full control of the system? -s? -i? this is not a freaking joke. tell this to a newbie who is told, over and over, you don't have the RIGHT to do this. or that.11:15
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ChousukeKyral: Sudo is more advanced than su :)11:15
udodoes anyone knows why i can hear any sound my system already detect my card11:15
KyralChousuke: howso?11:16
popeyis it possile to make sudo forget that you have given it your password? to force it to ask you again next time?11:16
KyralChousuke: How many ways are there to login as root?11:16
Dial_toneudo: because your master volume is too low11:16
gnomefreakChousuke: read the wiki it explains11:16
Kyralpopey: its a timeout thing11:16
ompaulKyral, it is a 25 year old program11:16
RememberPOLCan anybody help me with my issue of Rhythmbox ( not being able to play internet audio streams?11:16
Kyralompaul: I know this11:16
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popeyKyral: yes, i know, I'm asking how to expire it11:16
ChousukeKyral: why do you want to login as root?11:16
Kyralpopey: I think sudo -k11:16
xne0xcan someone help me11:16
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udoDial_tone no all volumes is up11:16
binapopey: I think you can but I cant remember what tag you use. try man sudo11:16
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ChousukeKyral: it's simply not necessary on Ubuntu :P11:16
xne0xim trying to install vmware with windows xp11:16
KyralChousuke: because it is useful sometimes11:16
gnomefreakxne0x: not unless you state a problem11:16
madeam I on everybodies ignore list or something?11:16
farous_m0biu5: mn scp11:17
farous_m0biu5: sorry man scp, scp is the command you are looking for11:17
farous_dam this network11:17
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doogluspopey: "sudo -k" is right11:17
KyralChousuke: you do realize that "su -c" does the same thing11:17
popeythanks guys11:17
ChousukeKyral: in those cases, you can use sudo -s or sudo -i11:17
gnomefreakok guys can we get off the sudo vs su thing for a while11:17
xne0xwine qemu-img.exe create -f vmdk WindowsXPPro.vmdk 2G Formating 'WindowsXPPro.vmdk', fmt=vmdk, size=2097152 kB11:17
xne0xwine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\qemu-img.exe": Module not found11:17
xne0xi get that11:17
raystonheya guys11:17
m0biu5farous_, i am looking thru that right now, i can't seem to figure out how to specifiy the local file..11:17
=== Kyral shrugs
krazykitpopey: if you read the sudo man pages, you can make it so it'll ask every time you sudo, or you can shorten the expire time.11:17
ChousukeKyral: yes, but su can't be configured to allow only certain commands to be run11:17
Pilgrim-I have installed the kernel best matching my system (i686 smp) how do i remove the kernels i dont need ??11:17
raystonanyone know why there doesnt seem to be a xorg.conf file in my X11 folder?11:17
popeythanks krazykit11:17
KyralI seem to be GOOD at making things go offtopic recently11:17
xne0xwhen i try to make the blank drive11:17
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Flannelwheel: so, what you're saying is that the super user vs normal user security model is bogus?  Thats the whole POINT.  sudo will give you full control of a system.11:17
udodoes anyone knows why i can hear any sound my system already detect my card11:17
KyralFlannel: he is right11:18
Kyralyou can restrict command with sudo11:18
wheelsudo -mebendingover praying to the gods thati won'tbe toldto buzzoffwith myrequestto installafreakingtheme.11:18
KyralI have done it11:18
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madehello all...11:18
gnomefreakudo: are you using oss or alsa?11:18
farous_m0biu5: scp <target file> username@host:<dest file>11:18
ompaul*** so root sudo conversation is now for #ubuntu-offtopic ***11:18
BlueEagleudo: If you can hear sound then I do not see the problem tbh.11:18
xne0xne1 kno...11:18
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KyralI needed modprobe and mount and the other crypto functions and I asked for them via sudo11:18
gnomefreakudo: you hear sounds?11:18
FlannelKyral: right, that's not the point.  Its possible, but we're talking about the administrator's sudo here.  He's whining about how one has to do it differently in ubuntu.11:18
Pilgrim-anyone ?, i tryes to remove the i386 kernels but it then wants to install something else11:18
udono nothing11:18
gnomefreakfrom speakers not from cpu11:18
wheelFlannel: that would be great if it worked. it doesn't work in breazy badger. half of the time it tells you NYET to doeing things.11:18
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wheeldoing? :)11:19
Chousukewheel: I'm sure you're doing something wrong, then. :)11:19
gnomefreakxne0x: dont pm me please the channel is more helpful than one person11:19
raystonanyone know why there doesnt seem to be a xorg.conf file in my X11 folder? I want to edit it, but Icant find it11:19
xne0xo kk srry11:19
m0biu5farous_, what if i am logged in with ssh?11:19
xne0xjust ppl seem busy here thats y11:19
madedoes anybody see the words I type?11:19
m0biu5made,  yes11:19
gnomefreakxne0x: so am i ;)11:19
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Madpilotmade, nope ;)11:20
xne0xo kk11:20
Dial_toneis there an easy way to change a user's uid/gid and  all files owned w/o recreating it?11:20
udodoes anyone knows why i can hear any sound my system already detect my card11:20
BlueEaglerayston: it should be in /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:20
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madeI have an X-server problem.. I loaded the new nvidia drivers when the update manager told me that their are new updates and then I restarted and got an X-server error.. I can post my Xorg.log on pastebin at request11:20
fabiolinuxhi guys11:20
farous_m0biu5: scp is he ssh copy command11:20
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bbrazilDial_tone: recreating it won't do it. usermod,groupmod, find+xargs+chown11:20
BlueEaglemade: here's a request: Could  you please post the error logs on pastebin?11:20
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wheelChousuke: i'm not the problem. i'va had linux forever. i like ubuntu. i love the philosophy. the problem is that people new to linux will give up if they are not ALLOWED to do things with their puter.11:20
=== LDSJedi [n=shawn@S010600111a3f762b.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
fabiolinuxanyone could help me setting postfix?11:20
raystonBlueEagle :yah, thats what Ithough, but its not there, yet, im in gnome right now11:20
raystonit boots fine11:20
Chousukewheel: they are.11:20
farous_m0biu5: is this connection to another linux box11:21
BlueEaglerayston: really?11:21
xne0xso ill just state problem and hope someone returns some help ;-D11:21
madeBlueEagle: it's there right above you line..11:21
Chousukewheel: the default configuration allows the administrator to do anything they want through sudo :P11:21
wheelChousuke: and that makes me angry. :)11:21
m0biu5farous_, yes11:21
dooglusDial_tone: "usermod" can do it, so long as the user's files are all in his home directory.11:21
LDSJediI need a hand understanding something about the FireStarter window...11:21
xne0xwhen i try this cmd to make a blank drive for windows xp--vmware.... wine qemu-img.exe create -f vmdk WindowsXPPro.vmdk 2G Formating 'WindowsXPPro.vmdk', fmt=vmdk, size=2097152 kB11:21
xne0xi get this11:21
BlueEaglemade: Could you post your xorg.conf too please?11:21
ompaul wheel,  Chousuke please take the talk about the joys of root or sudo can go to #ubuntu-offtopic starting now ..11:21
xne0xwine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\qemu-img.exe": Module not fo11:21
raystonBlueEagle : yah, really, that folder is there, and theres various xorg.conf backup files, but not the actual xorg.conf file, it doesnt seem to be a hidden file either11:22
ubotuNon Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there!11:22
dooglusDial_tone: sudo usermod -g <new-gid> -u <new-uid> username11:22
Madpilotwheel, sudo & the basic Linux security model isn't that hard to explain - especially when you point out that it makes it (slightly) harder to break your system...11:22
Dial_tonedooglus: thank you. I will look into that. I need to match a uid for nfs purposes11:22
wheelChousuke: no. it doesn't. half of the time you go sudo or su or whatever you want and it comes back that you do NOT have PERMISSION to do this. :)11:22
madeBlueEagle: ohh sure..11:22
farous_m0biu5: ok that is easier you can do it through graphical interface. in nautilus the file manager for gnome. type connect to server. then check server type as ssh11:22
bbrazilompaul: want to add sudo to that factoid ;)11:22
ompaulbbrazil, heh11:22
xne0xim using gnome by the way11:22
Chousukewheel: not really. but continue on #ubuntu-offtopic if you will :P11:22
m0biu5farous_, okay, but for future reference, i'd like to be able to do it via CLI11:22
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BlueEaglekyral: and as far as I know /dev/wacom hasn't got anything to do with nVidia...11:22
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Madpilotwheel, then you've broken your Ubuntu install somehow - anyway, -offtopic from now on, OK?11:23
dooglusDial_tone: I did it once because I wanted to match my ubuntu partition with my mandriva one.  in mandriva my uid is 501, so I use the same in ubuntu11:23
BlueEaglekyral: sorry mis-nicked11:23
BlueEaglemade: and as far as I know /dev/wacom hasn't got anything to do with nVidia...411:23
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udodoes anyone knows why i can hear any sound my system already detect my card11:23
farous_m0biu5: i gave you the command line option it is scp11:23
wheelMad: whatever. the DEAL is to NOT SCREW newbies, i think. you wanna make linux grow? don't tell newbies NO.11:23
LDSJediOn the FireStarter window, the section for Network.. the mb being sent and received are what?11:23
Dial_toneexactly, my freebsd uid is 1001, but on ubuntu its 100011:23
Dial_toneand freebsd is the nfs server11:23
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ompaulwheel, you want to take that to the other channel?11:23
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BlueEagleudo: "23:22 < udo> does anyone knows why i can hear any soun..." <= can you or can't you hear any sound?11:23
ompaulwheel, Like Now!11:23
farous_m0biu5: if you want to see some examples of the usage os scp i would just suggest do a google search11:23
fabiolinuxListen to this: when I send an email to someone@wind.it by mutt I get an error from the remote server. Why I get an error only sending emails to xxx@wind.it (and not, for example, to xxx@tiscali.it)?11:24
Madpilotwheel, #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to continue to prove yourself wrong...11:24
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madeBlueEagle: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1594111:24
wheelMad: did you place a root password on your  puter when you installed ubuntu?11:24
m0biu5farous_, thanks for your time m811:24
udoi cant hear anything why11:24
medullaHey... does anyone have another way of doing what this guy is trying to do...11:24
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bbrazilfabiolinux: can you pastebin the error?11:24
medullaits not working for me...11:24
Madpilotwheel, of course not, there's no point w/ Ubuntu11:24
dooglussounds like wheel is having a problem with the sudo command in ubuntu.  isn't that something we support here?11:24
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raystonso, is it possible that X is somehow using one of the backup files or something? Iwas messing with those files recently while trying to get my Nvidia Drivers working, it was there then, but now its gone11:24
N9URKHI All: I installed Dapper (LAMP Server) yesterday then did "apt-get install ubuntu-desktop".  The desktop works fine but when I click on the firefox icon (or type firefox into the command line) it will not start.  I did apt-get upgrade firefox and it still does not work.  Is there something I have done wrong?  THanks11:24
wheelompaul: what's your problem?11:24
SkeletonixHello! ...11:24
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burgermannIs it possible to make a bridge between two netcards?11:24
gnomefreakwheel: take it to #ubuntu-offtopic now11:24
fabiolinuxmedulla:  sure, wait a moment11:24
bbrazilburgermann: yes11:24
wastrelmedulla:  what isn't working11:24
BlueEaglemade: Seems the problem is with  your stylus. You on a tablet pc you say?11:24
burgermannbbrazil: somewhere I can read up on that?11:25
ompaulwheel, you are off topic that has turned into a flame war and we have a channel for that and I will mute or kick you having asked several times that it be left alone11:25
udohow can  i configure my kernel?11:25
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wheeldooglus: i like linux. i like ubuntu. i love their philosophy. but you can't grow a defective product.11:25
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fabiolinuxmedulla: <star2@inwind.it>: host mx1.libero.it[]  said: 504 <ramirez>: Helo11:25
fabiolinux    command rejected: need fully-qualified hostname (in reply to RCPT TO11:25
fabiolinux    command)11:25
Mattstaso how do i install java :$11:25
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madeBlueEagle: no that is the problem.. everytime I install ubuntu that stylus crap shows up..11:25
bbrazilburgermann: I'm afriad you'll have to google it. netfilter.org maybe. If you don;t neet broadcast, just use proxyarp11:25
LDSJediAm I here?11:25
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madeBlueEagle: I am not on a tablet11:25
bbrazilburgermann: *don't need11:25
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ompaulwheel, go to the other channel11:25
ompaulyour muted11:25
doogluswheel: you can fix defects though.  I expect yours is fixable, since the rest of us don't have it.11:25
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Likkethi, how can I know which process is listening on a certain port?11:25
burgermannbbrazil, I don't know what the concepts called in english.. netcard bridge?11:25
mmmiiikkkeeewhen i do startsx i get the error failed to load the module "v41","fglrx","kbd", "mouse", "wacom"... how do i get these modules to load11:26
BlueEaglemade: I see. Well then there's something that is mis-detected as a stylus. You on a laptop?11:26
xne0xompual, could u help me11:26
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xne0xwith vmware11:26
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liquidten2Likket: netstat11:26
medullanevermind... i believe its working now...11:26
ubotuPlease check this out, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingVMWare adjusting kernel versions to your own, to get the number replace the numbers with " `uname -r" The ` is a Backtic11:26
madeBlueEagle: no, I'm on a desktop pc11:26
unregistereduserhi guys, i'm wondering if anyone can shed some light on a problem i'm having11:26
medullai dont think i updated the list correctly...11:26
=== LDSJedi could use a hand with FireStarter
bbrazilburgermann: try this: http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-HOWTO/Ethernet-Bridge-netfilter-HOWTO.html11:26
medullabut its fine now...11:26
medullaill have to test it when its done11:26
burgermannbbrazil: thx a dozen11:26
BlueEaglemade: Really. Well then I don't know what causes it. I would think that removing all devices from /etc/X11/xorg.conf that refer to /dev/wacom will cure your problem.11:26
unregistereduseri've upgraded from breezy to dapper, and now support for certain media formats has disappeared from xine11:27
mmmiiikkkeeethis problem is after i did the upgrade to 6.0611:27
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unregistereduserwell, from totem-xine11:27
bbrazilfabiolinux: what's the contents of /etc/hostname?11:27
BlueEaglemade: You might want to try: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:27
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swimhey folks11:27
xne0xgnomefreak, thnks but i need help installing windows on it11:27
BlueEaglemade: see if you can spot what and why that stylus stuff is put in there.11:27
mmmiiikkkeeeand my eth0 device is not recgnozed at all on start up11:27
unregistereduseri reinstalled w32codecs and verified that i was using totem-xine and not totem-gstreamer11:27
ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion11:27
xne0xnot with the actuall vmware11:27
Sp4rKyhttp://experts.microsoft.com     Youpiiiiii11:27
Skeletonix..ehr...I reinstalled Windows and grub is away :( ..I boot from loade liveCD and typed :11:27
Skeletonix sudo grub-install /dev/hda11:27
Skeletonixand the log was:11:27
swimhas anyone gotten a 3rd gen ipod to transfer data on dapper?11:27
madeBlueEagle: thx I will try that..11:27
SkeletonixProbing devices to guess BIOS drives. This may take a long time.Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.11:27
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel! Use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting long texts as it does not distrupt the channel. You might also want to install the "webboard" package from Universe.11:28
=== pizux [n=sebux@vel78-2-82-243-104-169.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakxne0x: that link "should" explain it  i dont use it i have no windows on this pc11:28
medulladoes anyone know if Utorrent will work with WINE11:28
mmmiiikkkeeelike i cant to ifup eth0... i says that it does not exist11:28
unregistereduserbut still i get errors along the lines of Video codec 'Sorenson Video 1' is not handled11:28
gnomefreakubotu tell N9URK -about ff1.511:28
v-macki have11:28
doogluswhat's with ubotu's !vmware?  that doesn't look like a legal command to me.  a single backtick?11:28
LDSJediOk is there another channel I can go to for help on this issue?11:28
Skeletonixhere is my fdisk -l11:28
fabiolinuxWhat does this error mean? <xxx@inwind.it>: host mx1.libero.it[]  said: 504 <ramirez>: Helo command rejected: need fully-qualified hostname (in reply to RCPT TO command)11:28
v-macki use it daily without a problem11:28
bbrazilmmmiiikkkeee: lspci | grep -i ethernet  <-- what does this show?11:28
raystonanyone know why there is a xorg.conf file in /usr/share/xresprobe ?11:28
SkeletonixDevice Boot   Start     End   Blocks     Id System11:28
Skeletonix/dev/hda1 *       1    3264 26218048+  7 HPFS/NTFS11:28
Skeletonix/dev/hda2      3265    6663  27302467+  f W95 Ext'd (LBA)11:28
Skeletonix/dev/hda3      6664    9733  24659775  83 Linux11:28
Skeletonix/dev/hda5      3265    6528  26218048+  7 HPFS/NTFS11:28
Skeletonix/dev/hda6      6529    6663  1084356   82 Linux swap / Solaris11:28
ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion11:28
gnomefreakdooglus: oyes i was wondering same thing11:28
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Madpilotdooglus, read the tell again - it's not a single backtick only11:28
BioVorEnice spam11:28
xne0xit should but yea11:28
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xne0xit just  shows install vmware11:28
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bbrazilfabiolinux: your HELO isn't fully qualified11:28
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ompaulSkeletonix, DONT PASTE IN THIS CHANNEL thank ou11:29
ubotuPlease check this out, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingVMWare adjusting kernel versions to your own, to get the number replace the numbers with " `uname -r" The ` is a Backtic11:29
N9URKgnomefreak: thanks.  Did you see my question above?11:29
gnomefreakompaul: i take my eyes off screen for a sec :(11:29
NET||abusecan anyone help me with the wpa-aes encryiption on my network ?11:29
swimv-mack: was there anything in particualr you needed to do? I can see mine in a number of apps, and evern play from it, but cannot delete files from it... havent even tried to add files yet11:29
dooglusMadpilot: you read it again11:29
gnomefreakN9URK: no11:29
NET||abusei can't get the connection to happen.11:29
ZaphHey everyone!11:29
ZaphI amsooo happy!!!11:29
udowhich is the latest ubuntu dapper release kernel?11:29
fabiolinuxbbrazil: what have I to do? I use postfix11:29
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Skeletonixompaul: why?11:29
gnomefreakudo: 2.6.15-2511:29
v-mackswim: what app are you using to interface11:29
bbrazilfabiolinux: cat /etc/hostname11:29
dooglusudo: linux still11:29
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ZaphI just got ununtu connected through 3g..YAY!11:29
v-mackswim: i use gtkpod for transfers, i have never had a problem11:29
N9URKgnomefreak:  (if you wouldn't mind helping me) I installed Dapper (LAMP Server) yesterday then did "apt-get install ubuntu-desktop".  The desktop works fine but when I click on the firefox icon (or type firefox into the command line) it will not start.  I did apt-get upgrade firefox and it still does not work.  Is there something I have done wrong?  THanks11:29
ompaulSkeletonix, is it too busy it is a channel rule and use paste.ubuntu-nl.org11:29
swimv-mack: I'll use whatever works, but I've tried with gtkpod... to delete... and I get these errors:11:30
Madpilotdooglus, heh, you're right, there's a typo in the uname -r section11:30
fabiolinuxbbrazil: and?11:30
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bbrazilfabiolinux: what does it output?11:30
udohow can i configure my kernel?11:30
tim_lol yea11:30
tim_whoops, wrong window11:30
gnomefreakN9URK: sudo apt-get install firefox    (try that for a start11:30
dooglusMadpilot: there's no need for any of that - just give the wiki page URL and let the wiki page explain the rest, surely!11:30
bkoernerhow old are u peoples?11:30
LDSJediHello.. I really do need some help with this... anyone?11:30
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gnomefreakN9URK: let me know what it says11:30
mmmiiikkkeeelspci | grep -i ethernet... shows  that my intel ethernet controller exits.. and soem thing about 0000:02:01.011:30
NET||abuseI really am at wrist slitting stage with this connection..... my network-admin can see all the ssid's in my living room,, 3 intersect here..11:30
Madpilotdooglus, yeah - just a sec, I'll change the tell11:30
NET||abuseit just won't successfully connect to any of them.11:30
someothernickmedulla, utorrent will work with wine. Azureus will work without wine though.11:30
fabiolinuxbbrazil: just my hostname: ramirez11:30
=== de4dpixel [n=de4dpixe@unaffiliated/de4dpixel] has joined #ubuntu
mmmiiikkkeeehow can i activate it?11:30
NET||abuseand I own 2 of these networks :(11:30
N9URKgnomefreak: "already the newest version"11:31
swimv-mack: when trying to read (though it does eventually show whats on there) Could not open "iTunesDB.ext" for reading extended info. Extended info will not be used.11:31
=== zipper [n=zipper@port19.ds1-hj.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulbkoerner,  this is not a chat channel - it is only a support channrl for ubuntu11:31
gnomefreakN9URK: what does firefox-bin do?11:31
bbrazilfabiolinux: okay, change /etc/postfix/main.cf set myhostname = ramirez.your.fqdn11:31
v-mackswim: that's okay.  i get that problem too11:31
medullais azureus as CPU heavy in ubuntu as it wqas in windows?11:31
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raystonkay, ill come back when its a bit less hectic in here11:31
medullabecause i loved azureus but the slim Utorrent was even better...11:31
liquidten2medulla: yes, possibly even more11:31
swimv-mack: so just ignore that error?11:31
udohow can i configure my kernel?11:31
N9URKgnomefreak: command not found11:31
gnomefreakN9URK: does it launch ff?11:31
fabiolinuxbbrazil: thanks a lot, I'll try11:31
Madpilotrayston, it's nearly always like this11:31
LDSJediompaul... could you give me hand perhaps?!11:31
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someothernickmedulla, i don't think so.11:31
billybennettI did an update yesterday and it required a restart and since that when I open a new program it seems like the animation when new windows come up lags, does anyone know how to stop that?11:31
medullawell then Utorrent it is...11:31
N9URKgnomefreak: no it does not11:31
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bbrazilfabiolinux: don't forget to reload postfix after changing the config file11:31
raystonreally? Imust have gotten lucky previously11:32
ompaulLDSJedi, ask the channel I don't know all that much if I know I pitch in11:32
raystonreally? Imust have gotten lucky previously11:32
SkeletonixPleas...do you know someone , why I can not reinstall grub?11:32
liquidten2medulla:  I personally use "rtorrent".11:32
raystonanyone know why there is a xorg.conf file in /usr/share/xresprobe ?11:32
v-mackswim: yea.  just ignore it, and then hit "read".  you should get a list of the contents of your ipod11:32
fabiolinuxbbrazil: what is fqdn??11:32
dooglusudo: most kernel configuration is done at build time.  get the sources and build your own kernel if you want to configure it fully11:32
liquidten2It is without a doubt smaller than utorrent11:32
gnomefreakN9URK: sudo apt-get install --reinstall firefox   type that command lets see if it works after that11:32
BlueEaglemade: Any luck?11:32
LDSJediI've asked several times11:32
v-mackswim: then you can delete11:32
de4dpixelanybody know if theres a way to run evolution in the background and just have it notify me on new emails?11:32
gnomefreakbrb cycle11:32
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fabiolinuxbbrazil: how can I reload it?11:32
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madeBlueEagle: I think so.. I'm almost done..11:32
bbrazilfabiolinux: fully qualified domain name. For instance the system I'm on is "matrix" and the fqdn is matrix.netsoc.tcd.ie11:32
ompaulLDSJedi, maybe I will scroll back and have a look11:32
MadpilotLDSJedi, it helps if you just ask your question first...11:32
N9URKgnomefreak: tnx processing11:32
swimv-mack: ok so then I'll select an artist to remove... and delete it... after that I need to select Sync to apply that action right?11:32
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mmmiiikkkeeewhen i do ifup eth0 i get "ignoring unknown interface eth0=etth0"11:32
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v-mackswim: you got it11:32
gnomefreakN9URK: ok let me know if ir works from terminal first11:32
gnomefreakwhen its done11:32
dooglusliquidten2: is rtorrent smaller in size too?  or just in features?11:33
fabiolinuxbbrazil: so I can invent something!11:33
N9URKgot it from command line gnomefreak11:33
bbrazilfabiolinux: sudo /etc/init.d/postfix reloas11:33
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gnomefreakN9URK: it works now?11:33
bbrazilfabiolinux: no, you must use the correct value11:33
v-mackswim: i think once you play with the contents at all in gtkpod, that error will not come up anymore11:33
KrisWoodHi everyone I'm having a horrid time trying to get codecs working, and now it seems like i've killed the movie player altogether because now it won't even start, could anyone help me step by step with setting up a player to use codecs?11:33
bbrazilfabiolinux: I have to go now11:33
gnomefreakN9URK: does it work from icon?11:33
LDSJediMadPilot // the question I posted above is "Under Network on FireStarter, what are the mb being sent and received?"11:33
fabiolinuxbbrazil: thanks for all11:33
liquidten2dooglus:  It's smaller in size definately.  It's ncurses based(like the earlier Ubuntu/Debian installers), but it is based off of libtorrent, so it supports almost everything azureus does.11:33
Mattstai cant install JAVA11:33
v-mackkriswood: which movie player are you using11:33
udodooglus how can i get sources and build my own kernel?11:33
gnomefreakMattsta: its in multiverse repo11:33
alnri booted hoary livecd, the screenres tool only offers 640x480 though i have more, can I bump it up w/o reboot (also how to make it go higher on reboot)11:33
KrisWoodv-mack: whatever the default is that comes with ubuntu11:33
swimv-mack: when I select sync i get: Opening of '/media/ipod/iPod_Control/iTunes/iTunesDB' for writing failed.11:33
raystonBlueEagle : so, is it possible that X is somehow using one of the backup files or something? Iwas messing with those files recently while trying to get my Nvidia Drivers working, it was there then, but now its gone11:33
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ompaulLDSJedi, it is firestarter I don't do that so no idea11:33
pulverhey! anyone know any good planner/scheduling app? what would you recommend?11:33
N9URKgnomefreak: only when I am in "sudo bash" mode11:34
MadpilotLDSJedi, I assume they're total network traffic numbers - but I don't currently have Firestarter installed here11:34
dooglusliquidten2: does it support dht like azureus?11:34
=== rigonatti [n=rigonatt@200-160-71-29.user.ajato.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakubotu tell Mattsta -about javadebs11:34
N9URKIt didn't do that before11:34
eventideudev sets the perms of /dev/bus/usb/003/010 to 664 group "scanner" for my scanner; sane-find-scanner finds my scanner; scanimage -L does not, nor does xsane; as root, both scanimage -L and xsane work fine.  where should I look next?11:34
de4dpixelpulver, evolution is decent11:34
LDSJediok thanks guys..11:34
dooglusudo: install package "linux-source"11:34
gnomefreakN9URK: type firefox in terminal what does it say11:34
Madpilotpulver, Evolution does calendaring/planning as well as email11:34
v-mackswim: danng... i remember getting that once, and i'm trying to remember what to do about it.  sorry, im racking my brain here11:34
rigonattiDoes anyone know a good tools to Backup and decryp DVD ?11:34
mmmiiikkkeee when i do ifup eth0 i get "ignoring unknown interface eth0=etth0" why would eth0 be unknown?11:34
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swimthx v-mack11:34
LDSJediWhat would you recommend for virus detection and protection on Ubuntu Dapper ?11:34
v-mackswim: i just assumed thats what happened the first tiem you tried11:34
pulverde4dpixel, Madpilot, thanks11:34
gnomefreakLDSJedi: nothing ;)11:34
liquidten2dooglus:  I think actually DHT is the ONLY thing that rtorrent doesn't support that azureus does...11:35
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NET||abuseLDSJedi, nowt,, not needed11:35
igorzolnikovhi! ubuntu's repo include tsclient 0.140... i want install tsclient 1.48... how i can do it?11:35
dooglusliquidten2: DHT is the only reason I use azureus :)11:35
Kyralcompile it11:35
NET||abuseLDSJedi, there are no viruses11:35
N9URKgnomefreak: after I typed exit on the sudo bash termindal and did firefox just from user priv. it didn't start (but sudo firefox worked)11:35
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gnomefreakLDSJedi: the defualt iptables should be fine for _normal_ use11:35
LDSJediSo the system is safe from spyware and the like?11:35
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BlueEaglerayston: Well if you're really unlucky you might have managed to remove it all together.11:35
Madpilotpulver, np - I actually just use Ev. for planning, I don't use the email side at all :)11:35
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MadpilotLDSJedi, yes11:35
gnomefreakN9URK: you need to change the permissions of ff11:35
KrisWoodCan anyone recommend a full-featured video player for ubuntu that's similar to itunes or windows media player? :-/ and how do I set up codecs for it?11:35
NET||abuseLDSJedi, it is isn't it :)11:35
BlueEaglerayston: however it's not a biggie. Just run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg if your X won't start.11:35
v-mackkriswood: mplayer11:35
LDSJediIs this where I can ask for Dapper Support?11:35
dooglusLDSJedi: there isn't much malware available for linux yet, so most people pretend it doesn't exist at all.11:35
NET||abuseLDSJedi, yes11:35
gnomefreakMadpilot: permissions for ff are in /etc/bin/firefox?11:36
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v-mackkriswood: do you have the extra repositories enabled?11:36
KrisWoodok how do I get mplayer and how do I install codecs for it?11:36
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Madpilotgnomefreak, no idea, I don't run FF11:36
NET||abusedooglus, it doesn't... witch ,,, burn 'im!11:36
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gnomefreaksmart man ;)11:36
N9URKgnomefreak: the priv on /usr/bin/firefox?11:36
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KrisWoodv-mack: I think I do, but I'm not sure11:36
rixxonKrisWood: mplayer, vlc11:36
sash1i have a DRI problem:11:36
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sash1$ xdriinfo11:36
sash1Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".11:36
sash1Screen 0: not direct rendering capable.11:36
gnomefreakN9URK: i think so11:36
raystonBlueEagle :well, my X starts just fine, Ijust cant edit the file, will that command put the file back so I can edit it?11:36
KrisWoodI don't like vlc, it's too bare bones11:36
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gnomefreaksash1: please use pastebin11:36
v-mackswim: i am googling your problem, cause i know i got around it11:36
rixxonKrisWood: sudo apt-get install [vlc|mplayer] 11:36
dooglusNET||abuse: heh.11:36
N9URKgnomefreak: /usr/bin/firefox was already set to 77711:36
Tasha_I changed my default runlevel to 5 by editing /etc/inittab but at boot it says 7 which isnt a runlevel how do I make it 511:36
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bioticproHello all, Im trying to setup ntpdate to connect to time server upon dialup net connection only, can anyone help with this?11:36
raystonBlueEagle : to clarify , I cant edit the file, because its not there11:36
swimthanks a lot v-mack11:36
rixxonKrisWood: i don't like vlc either, but i know many do :P11:36
McNutellahow do I install .bin files please ?11:36
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liquidten2dooglus:  utorrent through wine works perfectly in linux, and is definitely smaller and faster than Azureus(even through wine) and supports DHT.11:37
gnomefreakMcNutella: sh file.bin11:37
pulverMadpilot, sounds great11:37
LDSJediOK.. Under Applications then Add/Remove I get the following error "Failed to check for installed and available applications: This is a major failure of your software management system. Check the file permissions and correctness of the file '/etc/apt/sources.list' and reload the software information: 'sudo apt-get update'."11:37
ompaulsash1, DONT paste here thanks we have http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for that11:37
N9URKgnomefreak: duh on my part: let me try chown11:37
NET||abusedooglus, your a tool of the man! spreading deceit and ms propoganda!11:37
McNutellagnomefreak, always there first.. thank you :)11:37
LDSJediHow do I fix that?11:37
ubotusomebody said reinstall was renew configuration: sudo dpkg -P --force-depends $package <<followed by >> sudo apt-get install $package11:37
gnomefreakMcNutella: yw11:37
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ompaulLDSJedi, ^^ please check the message from the ubotu a couple of lines above, thanks11:37
dooglusNET||abuse: which bit isn't true?  you really think there's no linux malware?11:37
KrisWoodok got mplayer now, how do I run it?11:37
Tasha_I changed my default runlevel to 5 by editing /etc/inittab but at boot it says 7 which isnt a runlevel how do I make it 511:37
=== gnomefreak though usr privledges was 755 :(
BlueEaglerayston: I know. But dpkg-reconfigure will write you a brand new one.11:37
KrisWoodoooh ok got it11:37
KrisWoodlooks like media player classic :-/11:38
LDSJediOmpaul, I am still new and that looks Greek to me...11:38
KrisWoodisn't there anything more full-featured for linux?11:38
N9URKgnomefreak: well that didn't let me change the ownership, but it is set to 77711:38
BlueEaglerayston: if you are able to restart X w/o /etc/X11/xorg.conf then you are doing something really weird tho. :)11:38
madeBlueEagle: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1594411:38
madeBlueEagle: brb11:38
v-mackkriswood: just what are you after in a media player?11:38
BlueEaglerayston: try this from your root dir: slocate xorg.conf11:38
NET||abusedooglus, oy as far as the grand cousel is concerned ,,, there is no such thing as malware.... you shall sufer execution at the hands of the rectal banana inserter!11:38
gnomefreakN9URK: right click the file and click propperties is it set to execute by all?11:38
jribKrisWood: there are skins available for mplayer11:38
v-mackkriswood: is it the GUI that sets you off?11:38
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sash1so here's my DRI problem: http://pastebin.com/71724111:38
NET||abusedooglus, of course there is some... just not much,, i'm just having a laugh..11:38
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VitaminGkriswood: you could try xine-ui11:38
ompaulLDSJedi, do this >>   sudo dpkg -P --force-depends $YOUR-PACKAGE-HERE && sudo apt-get install $YOUR-PACKAGE-HERE11:39
KrisWoodyeah it's the gui I think11:39
farshim_Hi, Does anyone know hoe to resolev:  error: getdate.h: No such file or directory ?11:39
N9URKIam doing it from the command like it is rwxrwxrwx11:39
ompaulLDSJedi, no $ in the command line11:39
mmmiiikkkeeecan any one help my to get my computer connected to the internet or tell me a good resource to read in order to get the internet to work... its pluged in and it use to work before i did an upgrade to 6.06 and lspci lists the device but ifup eth0 says eth0 is unknown11:39
KrisWoodI'm coming from windows and am used to windows media player11:39
dooglusNET||abuse: that's cool - but there are people here who really advise not having any protection, because "it doesn't affect linux"...11:39
N9URKIam doing it from the command like it is rwxrwxrwx gnomefreak11:39
LDSJediWhat does "package" mean?11:39
KrisWoodbut itunes is also acceptable11:39
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BlueEaglemade: You need to remove the input devices "stylus", "cursor" and "eraser" from the ServerLayout section.11:39
gnomefreakfarshim_: is this something you are coding?11:39
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xne0x sudo apt-get build-dep qemu11:39
xne0xReading package lists... Done11:39
xne0xBuilding dependency tree... Done11:39
xne0xE: Unable to find a source package for qemu11:39
udodooglus i want to configure the kernel not to update it11:39
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xne0xhmm how can i fix that error11:39
LDSJediWith Breezy I was ab;e to view lists of things to install11:39
VitaminGkriswood: rhythmbox looks kinda like iTunes11:39
farshim_gnomefreak: I am compiling a program called freepops11:39
NET||abusedooglus, :) yeh, i'm not one of them... i just know there's very very little out there.. but i'm not a root kit virgin11:39
Tasha_I changed my default runlevel to 5 by editing /etc/inittab but at boot it says 7 which isnt a runlevel how do I make it 511:39
dooglusNET||abuse: as far as I can see, that's wreckless advice.  if someone's concerned enough to ask, the least we can do is be honest with them.11:39
ompaulLDSJedi, the program you want to install11:39
pizuxis someon has install daphne emulator on ubuntu dapper ?11:39
v-mackkriswood: if you can't get over the GUI, then idk what to tell you11:40
gnomefreakfarshim_: sudo apt-get install build-essential11:40
pizuxdon't works11:40
raystonBlueEagle :I PM'd you the output of that command, I hope that was okay11:40
NET||abusedooglus, hmm, actually, point taken.. you're right.11:40
dooglusudo: "linux-source" is the kernel source.  it's what you need to compile it...11:40
McNutellaive installed java, and firefox still asks for it ?11:40
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KrisWoodI'm looking for something that has a media library, and can set up playlists, etc11:40
billybennettI did an update yesterday and it required a restart and since that when I open a new program it seems like the animation when new windows come up lags, does anyone know how to stop that?11:40
gnomefreakMcNutella: dapper?11:40
dooglusNET||abuse: what do you mean by "root kit virgin"?11:40
McNutellagnomefreak, nope11:40
v-mackkriswood: try running "totem" and see what happens11:40
BlueEaglemade: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1594511:40
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nomindoes anyone in here know how to make package a program for ubuntu and get in in the repositories?  I found a great program for keyboard and mouse emulation with a joystick or gamepad, but it's not available for ubunut.  I tried installing the deb package for it but the dependencies are a problem.  Here is the program I think A LOT of ubunut users would enjoy:  http://qjoypad.sourceforge.net/11:40
gnomefreakMcNutella: what version?11:40
sash1anyone else has Radeon 7500? where you able to accelerate it?11:40
BlueEaglerayston: Well I didn't recieve it so you might not be registered.11:40
udodooglus how can i compile it11:40
McNutellaversion of what gnomefreak11:41
gnomefreakMcNutella: ubuntu?11:41
LDSJediOk sorry.. I'm a little lost...11:41
VitaminGkriswood: basically as close to WMP as possible?11:41
BlueEaglerayston: try !pastebin11:41
KrisWoodv-mack: nothing happens when I type totem11:41
raystonoh, is it okay if I spam the channel with it?11:41
ubotuPlease do not flood the channel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long texts it does not disrupt the channel. [webboard for Ubuntu: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1269 : not an offical package] .11:41
ompaulrayston, NO11:41
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McNutellagnomefreak, the prior version11:41
KrisWoodyeah, as close to WMP or itunes as possible11:41
NET||abusedooglus, i was hit by some kinda root access bug once.. not sure of the exact nature,, but it buggered a system on me.... still... the vice roy of the ivory tower will still condem you to the rectal banana inserter!!11:41
KrisWoodsomething like winamp would be a bare minimum11:41
Ackeubu_anyone using enlightenment? I cant configure themes. is enlightenment the vs 16 at default from synaptic?11:41
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McNutella5.10 gnomefreak I imagine11:41
dooglusudo: I suggest working through https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild11:41
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LDSJediWhen I ran Breezy I could go to Add/Remove and select from lists of things in difference areas.. I cannot do this on Dapper?11:41
farshim_gnomefreak: I don;t have the command curl-config also...11:41
gnomefreakMcNutella: iirc there is a plugin in multiverse for java 1.5 install that and restart ff should work than11:41
sash1anyone else has Radeon 7500? where you able to accelerate it?11:41
KrisWoodtotem just sits there when I try to run it, nothing comes up11:42
NET||abuseLDSJedi, you mean packages? something like synaptic?11:42
McNutellagnomefreak, ok Ill try11:42
wastrelradeon 7500 should work with the open source driver sash111:42
wimpiesThe mount point of my USB pen drive seems to be different when I boot or when I reinsert.11:42
gnomefreakubotu tell sash1 -about ati11:42
Bassettswhen using screen, how do i close a screen11:42
LDSJediNET // I mean the Add/Remove under the "Applications" menu11:42
VitaminGkriswood: yeah, totem isn't real great. what other players have you tried11:42
NET||abusesash1, yeh, i am on one now, and running Xgl on it11:42
wimpieshow can I make sure that the PEN always mounts on the same location ?11:42
ompaulLDSJedi, you can - I was giving terminal commands  - if your playing with firestarter I assumed you know more than you do about linux11:42
raystonBlueEagle : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1594711:42
NET||abuseuse the "ati" driver..11:42
dooglusBassetts: just "exit" from the shell - that'll close it gently.  otherwise control-a control-k will kill it hard11:42
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v-mackswim: check this link out http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=187789&highlight=gtkpod+error11:43
KrisWoodso far I've tried xine and gstreamer, but neither seemed to even start running at all11:43
N9URKgnomefreak: no more ideas?11:43
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jribBassetts: ctrl-a ?   <-- that will give you a nice list of commands11:43
v-mackswim: sounds like your problem11:43
KrisWoodand mplayer is ok-ish I guess11:43
KrisWoodand I've used VLC on windows and hated it11:43
LDSJediSorry complete noob that click on the FireStarter icon...11:43
Bassettsdooglus, thanks, i can type nothing in the shell11:43
gnomefreakN9URK: not off hand but i thought 755 was usr privledges11:43
v-mackkriswood, im trying to figureout what happened to your totem - totem is the default video player11:43
KrisWoodon windows I was using WMP and MPC, on macs I usually use itunes11:43
mmmiiikkkeeeinternet not working... did lspci the controller is listed... did ifup eth0   but it says  eth0 is unknown..... what should i do now?11:43
KrisWoodv-mack: it stopped working when I installed xine11:44
Bassettsdooglus, ctrl a k doesnt work11:44
raystonBlueEagle : dja get that last?11:44
gnomefreakfor some reason i am thinking 777 is "root"11:44
dooglusBassetts: maybe you typed control-a control-s or some such.  that will stop you typing in a screen11:44
farshim_gnomefreak: Now it complains differently11:44
eventidemmmiiikkkeee: does "dmesg | grep eth" turn up anything? (like eth1 maybe)11:44
N9URKgnomefreak: ok thanks for trying.11:44
gnomefreakgive me a min i have to reload this11:44
BlueEaglerayston: I cannot see why xorg would be using any of the backup files nor the /etc/xorg.conf file(s)11:44
Madpilotgnomefreak, 777 in perms is "everyone can read/write/execute"11:44
VitaminGkriswood: gstreamer is just a set of codecs, so it wouldn't start, but xine should start fine, as long as you installed the xine-ui package, not the xine package11:44
Bassettsctrl a x brings up "screen is used by bassetts11:44
frying_fishwimpies: you could set up a udev rule11:44
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NET||abusecan you search for songs in xmms???11:44
frying_fishsearch the forums and such for information on how to do that.11:45
NET||abusef3, ctrl-f/s don't work??11:45
frying_fishNET||abuse: define "search"11:45
LDSJediok thanks guys..11:45
Tasha_briareus: I edited it but now it still says 7 at boot and doesnt boot to anything'11:45
KrisWoodwell, divx seems to be working in mplayer, gonna try an xvid file now...11:45
LDSJediI need to run..11:45
Tasha_I changed my default runlevel to 5 by editing /etc/inittab but at boot it says 7 which isnt a runlevel how do I make it 511:45
eventideNET||abuse: "j" if I remember correctly11:45
raystonis there any way to confirm what file xorg IS using? I mean, that has to be in a file somewhere right?11:45
frying_fishNET||abuse: do you mean jump to (if so it is j)11:45
NET||abusefrying_fish, well, can you find a song in your playlist.... ohh. j,,, thanks!! :)11:45
LDSJediHappy Father's Day to any other Dads here.11:45
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dooglusBassetts: "control-a x" locks the screen.  type your password to unlock it11:45
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McNutellahappy birthday to me ;)11:45
Bassettsdooglus: that isnt working, how to i find the pid to kill the program thats in the screen??11:45
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NET||abuseahhh!!! j, that's it! thanks:)11:45
frying_fishrayston: what "file"??11:45
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raystonBlueEagle : is there any way to confirm what file xorg IS using? I mean, that has to be in a file somewhere right?11:45
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dooglusBassetts: no need.  did you try "control-a k" as opposed to "control-a control-k"?11:45
Bassettsi did dooglus11:46
frying_fishNET||abuse: are there any particular plugins you need from xmms, as if not I would recommend audacious, its a new development on xmms11:46
KrisWoodyay xvid works :)11:46
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frying_fishbasically, has nice shiny menus and some other cool things.11:46
nox-HandHey, I am trying to get XGL on my ATI card. I get this >> Unrecognised option vt7 when I start gdm now ;|11:46
dooglusBassetts: you tried both ways?  k and control-k?11:46
v-mackKrisWood: what are you playing it in11:46
raystonfrying_fish : my xorg.conf file is not in X11, yet, Iam able to boot all the way into Gnome just fine11:46
Bassettsahh got it dooglus11:46
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mmmiiikkkeeedmesg says "peer interface eth0 not found, will wait for it to come up" and "bridge-eth0: attached"11:46
frying_fishrayston: is it in ~/xorg.conf11:46
KrisWoodthe interface isn't pretty but it works for now I guess11:46
UKMattwhats the difference between "Metacity", "GDM", and "GTK 1.x"/"GTK 2.x" in themes?11:46
frying_fishand look in logs, particularily the xorg logs, that should tell you.11:46
NET||abusefrying_fish, hmm, an intersting suggestion... can i apt-get that?11:46
frying_fishNET||abuse: not quite yet11:47
v-mackkriswood, i prefer mplayer, haha11:47
raystonfrying_fish : no, but it is in /etc/xorg.conf ...could that be it?11:47
frying_fishhowever, I have built a deb of the latest svn11:47
KrisWoodoh also when I followed the wiki instructions for getting 1280x1024 resolution for my ATI card, my tablet stopped working11:47
frying_fishrayston: most likely.11:47
raystonwhere are the xorg logs?11:47
dooglusBassetts: incidentally, if you run "ps -Hfubassets" it will show your processes in a 'tree', so you can see which are inside screen11:47
KrisWoodand I still can't get 1280x102411:47
VitaminGukmatt: meatcity is window borders, gtk themes are the application themes that control what the rest of the window looks like.11:47
v-mackkriswood, just for the heckof it try "killall totem" in a terminal for me11:47
frying_fishrayston: /sys/log/11:47
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UKMattvitaminG, ty whats GDM?11:47
eventidemmmiiikkkeee: well, I'm stumped, but that error message is something to search for maybe...11:47
KrisWoodv-mack: oooh it worked, thanks :D11:48
v-mackkriswood: sweet11:48
VitaminGukmatt: i think GDM is the login screen themes11:48
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NET||abuseok,, then my last issue i have here.. is how to connect to my wifi network :( got the bcm43xx drivers all working, network-admin task tray drop down sees the ssid's intersecting in my room,,, but i can't connect to either of the one's i own...11:48
v-mackkriswood, now, do you have codec problems still?11:48
KrisWoodnow to fix my tablet and screen resolution11:48
UKMattvitaming, tyvm!11:48
N9URKAnyone else have any idea as to why I can run "sudo firefox" and it opens but "firefox" will not?  perms are set to 77711:48
alnrwhere (file) can I hack the screen res, the livecd booted to only 640x480 and the screenres tool offers no higher11:48
AshDragonI am running Breezy Badger... I need help setting up a network (want to connect my Laptop (running Windows XP) to my Linux Box going through a wireless router). I have the Linux box connecting to the router and I have the Windows laptop connected also... They will not find each other.. how can I fix this?11:48
KrisWoodv-mack: no, it seems like the gstreamer codecs are working for me11:48
NET||abusethey ask for wep or wpa personal keys and jjust sit there failing to connect for about 2 minutes :(11:48
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mmmiiikkkeeewhere do i search11:48
BlueEaglerayston: I do not know11:48
v-mackkriswood: so now you need 1280x1024?11:48
frying_fishNET||abuse: I shall upload audacious to my webspace11:48
dooglusN9URK: does "mozilla-firefox" work?11:48
raystonI have no /sys/log folder either11:49
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NET||abusefrying_fish, nice :) thanks ;)11:49
N9URKdooglus: no, it does not11:49
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KrisWoodhow do I install current drivers for my ATI Radeon 9800 and how do I set my xorg to use 1280x1024 resolution?11:49
eventidemmmiiikkkeee: ubuntuforums.org, google, or keep asking here. sorry that I can't help11:49
sash1wastrel: the deafault ati driver is ok. but I get only 160 FPS in glxgears11:49
dooglusN9URK: my guess is that your profile was created by root, not your user.  try making a new profile11:49
frying_fishKrisWood: look in synaptics for the fglrx driver11:50
v-mackkriswood, try looking at the forums for that, i am unfamiliar with ATi stuff11:50
dooglusN9URK: run "firefox -ProfileManager"11:50
frying_fishand making it do 1280x1024, edit xorg.conf to have that settings11:50
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KrisWoodfrying_fish: synaptics?11:50
N9URKdooglus: tnx will try11:50
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frying_fishKrisWood: system->administration->synaptic package manager11:50
farshim_Any ideas about [libgetdate.a]  Error 127?11:50
frying_fishsince you obviously won't be comfortable with a command line.11:50
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ompaulmmmiiikkkeee, this mailing list --> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-users  it is very busy but searching its archives can be useful11:50
N9URKdooglus: nothing11:50
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dooglusN9URK: you don't see any errors either?11:51
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someothernickKrisWood, http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation_Guide11:51
N9URKdooglus: no errors it just brings the next command line11:51
AshDragonI am running Breezy Badger... I need help setting up a network (want to connect my Laptop (running Windows XP) to my Linux Box going through a wireless router). I have the Linux box connecting to the router and I have the Windows laptop connected also... They will not find each other.. how can I fix this?11:51
sash1The default ATI driver is ok for my Radeon 7500 M7. But I get only 160 FPS in glxgears. :(11:51
N9URKdooglus: "sudo firefox -ProfileManager" works11:51
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KrisWoodsomeothernick: thanks :)11:52
someothernicknp :)11:52
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frying_fishNET||abuse: look in your pm's11:52
dooglusN9URK: what if you "mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.broken" and try "firefox" again?11:52
mister_robotodoes anyone here use Skype?11:52
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KrisWoodoh wow this is confusing11:52
Knight488anyone know the name of the program to edit my x config files? I accedently broke something and lost my gui...11:52
ompaulSky|off, why the nick changing spam11:52
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dooglusKnight488: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:53
siriusnovaanyone here using the open source radeon driver?11:53
frying_fishKrisWood: its really not confusing11:53
frying_fishread it slowly, and follow what it says, it isn't that hard.11:53
Knight488dooglus thank you very much, afk to try11:53
N9URKdooglus: Bingo11:53
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ompaulSky|off, use /away Announce Your Gone And Leave Your Message Here11:53
NET||abusethanks frying_fish  :)11:53
frying_fishNET||abuse: you're welcome11:53
N9URKdooglus: It works - THANKS11:53
NET||abusesorry, was just trying to wget it in console, wasn't looking :)11:53
siriusnovaAnyone at all using the X.org "ati" or "radeon" driver?11:53
farshim_How can I get curl-config?11:54
frying_fishNET||abuse: its ok,11:54
=== Karpor [n=K4rp0r@pc.armas.fi] has joined #ubuntu
KrisWoodI understand synaptic well enough but the wiki link for installing drivers confuses me11:54
frying_fishI just made the msg here so you knew you had a pm.11:54
dooglusN9URK: you'll have lost your bookmarks, cache, history, plugins, and anything else firefox-related.  it's all in ~/.mozilla.broken - but there's something bad in there too.  blow it away if you don't care for bookmarks, etc.11:54
=== BSG75 [n=butterfl@dynamic-216-211-62-123.tbaytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
NET||abusefrying_fish, just got the url right this time ;) gottit now11:54
N9URKdooglus: not a problem as I have not used firefox yet (just installed ubu yesterday)11:54
eventidesiriusnova: radeon driver with 9200SE ...11:54
Tasha_I changed my default runlevel to 5 by editing /etc/inittab but at boot it says 7 which isnt a runlevel how do I make it 511:55
siriusnovaeventide - can you do me a favor?11:55
KrisWoodok installed the fglx-control package, I hope that was the right one, now what?11:55
dooglusN9URK: so: "sudo /bin/rm -fr ~/.mozilla.broken" (be careful how you type that!)11:55
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frying_fishNET||abuse: :)11:55
siriusnovaeventide - go here http://blueballfixed.ytmnd.com , what's your cpu usage?11:55
dooglusN9URK: in particular, there's no space after the ~11:55
BSG75anyone know why I am getting mount: Stale NFS file handle and how to fix it?11:55
siriusnovamy X.org hits 90% im wondering if its a bug in the X.org "radeon" driver11:55
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mister_robotodoes anyone here use Skype on [k] ubuntu?11:55
de4dpixeldoes anyone know if its possible to run evolution in the background11:55
frying_fishKrisWood: do you actually have the driver running, as in does typing fglrx into a terminal produce anything useful.11:56
dooglusmister_roboto: I have done.11:56
frying_fishif so, then just edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:56
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socalanybody know the requirements for XGL ?11:56
N9URKdooglus: thanks for the help.  It seems to work11:56
ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems.  Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems11:56
frying_fishand looking at how that is laid out is really simple to add in 1280x102411:56
KrisWoodfglrx does nothing and how do I tell if it's running?11:56
ompaulsocal, ^^ please check the message from the ubotu a couple of lines above, thanks11:56
AshDragonI am running Breezy Badger... I need help setting up a network (want to connect my Laptop (running Windows XP) to my Linux Box going through a wireless router). I have the Linux box connecting to the router and I have the Windows laptop connected also... They will not find each other.. how can I fix this?11:56
=== uber_mort [n=untwiste@c-67-186-35-110.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mister_robotodooglus: did you have a problem "/dev/dsp-1: Device or resource busy" ?   and if so, how did you fix it?  i get no sound from skype11:56
dooglusmister_roboto: to do so, I added "deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian stable non-free" to /etc/apt/sources.list and installed 'skype'11:56
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mister_robotodooglus: ok, i'll try installing that one.   thanks11:57
eventidesiriusnova: mplayer was up to 80%, but then it stopped. music plays, but the blue balls don't seem to move11:57
HellDragoni got this problem:11:57
dooglusmister_roboto: I had lots of problems with sound on linux, especially skype.  I did fix it, but I don't know which of the 43,240 things I tried actually worked...11:57
HellDragonjd@modemcable251:~$ fglrxinfo11:57
HellDragonfglrxinfo: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory11:57
mister_robotodooglus: lol.  i know what you mean11:57
siriusnovaeventide - so its slow right? the graphics move slowly?11:57
v-mackashdragon: check www.ubuntuforums.org, and look under their networking section... i know im not the most help but i beleive there are some HOWtos there11:58
dooglusmister_roboto: killing 'esd' is always a good start, and making sure nothing else is trying to use the sound card at the same time.11:58
eventidesiriusnova: yes, very jerky until they stop11:58
NET||abusefrying_fish, hah,, ok.. i load up my m3u of mp3's and try to play.. the path is fine.. it comes up with a blank error box.11:58
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siriusnovaeventide - okay good then its not just me :)11:58
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frying_fishNET||abuse: really, odd.11:58
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NET||abuseyup :)11:58
mister_robotodooglus: that's just the point though. if sound mixing is working correctly, they will ALL work at same time, which is precisely what i want11:58
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pennypackeranyone can get zapping working11:58
AshDragonv-mack: Thanks11:58
frying_fishNET||abuse: can it just handle a single file?11:58
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eventidesiriusnova: i think every ytmnd i've seen hasn't been exactly smooth, but I don't trust the mplayer firefox plugin much either11:59
dooglusmister_roboto: except some programs don't talk to the mixer, they talk directly to the sound card, stopping anything else from using it.11:59
KanRiNiNubotu tell KanRiNiN about compiling11:59
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siriusnovaeventide - its chuggy even without mplayer, i tried it in swiftfox without plugins and it was slow as snot11:59
KrisWoodbrb changing a poopy diaper then back to video drivers11:59
mister_robotodooglus: in that case, i'd like to figure out how to redirect those programs to talk to a mixing device, if possible.   pretty much a noob at linux sound here11:59
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