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Adam_eM | why my kaffeine doesn't play videoCD ? This is the output | 12:11 |
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Adam_eM | kaffeine: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/xine/plugins/1.1.1/xineplug_inp_vcd.so: undefined symbol: vcdinfo_get_seg_resolution | 12:12 |
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beavis | is there a way to setup a hotkey for .com .net .org completion like in firefox? ctrl+enter etc | 12:22 |
beavis | in konquerer | 12:22 |
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erov | anyone have an ATI radeon 9600 or so.. and have the drivers working? gl is slow (software emulation) still.. any pointers or docs? | 12:29 |
erov | ive tried everything the first said.. no luck | 12:30 |
erov | it's still mesa gl | 12:30 |
Adam_eM | why my grub splashimages looks like they were negatives ? (Reversed colors) | 12:30 |
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beavis | erov: fglrx | 12:38 |
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beavis | erov: install fglrx driver | 12:41 |
erov | i called myself doing this | 12:41 |
erov | let me go and verify it's physically there so i'm not crazy | 12:41 |
JohnFlux | erov: we won't let you go! you're dangerous! | 12:42 |
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cjbottaro | Can someone help me installing Kubuntu 6.06 as per the fakeRAID instructions? | 12:45 |
beavis | i can help you setup software raid | 12:45 |
beavis | but not the fake raid , you need ta driver for fake raid | 12:46 |
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cjbottaro | beavis, I know...there is a wiki page about the fakeRAID install...I'm just running into a problem with dpkg | 12:46 |
beavis | i disabled my fake raid and used software raid instead | 12:46 |
cjbottaro | Yeah, I kinda wanna to try to get the fakeraid working though. good learning experience for me. | 12:47 |
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beavis | cjbottaro: where r u stuck? | 12:47 |
mindspit | is ISPconfig a good package to install ? is there a better one ? | 12:48 |
beavis | mandriva 2006 has fake raid drivers and it detects it and sets it up , nice, | 12:48 |
cjbottaro | Ok, this section titled "Installing the Base System", see the "**Temporary Note" at the end of the section. | 12:48 |
beavis | ubuntu should do this too | 12:48 |
cjbottaro | Here is the link: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FakeRaidHowto?highlight=%28raid%29#head-b3ee9096ee8ca7f93e5fe6f2da2cc80cbf079eeb | 12:48 |
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cjbottaro | The **Temporary Note says that the fix is to run "dpkg-reconfigure dmraid", but I tried that and it errors and says: "/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: dmraid is broken or not fully installed" | 12:49 |
beavis | do sudo apt-get install -f | 12:51 |
cjbottaro | beavis: Yes, the LiveCD's installer does recognize fakeraid sets (after installing dmraid), but the problem is that it won't let you edit the partition table yourself. | 12:51 |
cjbottaro | beavis: I just did "sudo apt-get install -f" and it bombs... | 12:52 |
cjbottaro | * Setting up DMRAID devices... invoke-rc.d: initscript dmraid, action "start" failed. | 12:52 |
cjbottaro | dpkg: error processing dmraid (--configure): | 12:52 |
cjbottaro | subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 | 12:52 |
beavis | try to uninstall it , then reinstall , then reconfigure | 12:53 |
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beavis | cjbottaro: apt-get remove dmraid | 12:53 |
beavis | cjbottaro: apt-get install dmraid | 12:53 |
beavis | cjbottaro: then sudo dpkg-reconfigure dmraid | 12:54 |
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cjbottaro | beavis: it bombed when trying to do the remove, here is the error: http://hashphp.org/pastebin.php?pid=7078 | 12:56 |
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beavis | cjbottaro:sis did you do "sudo apt-get remove dmraid"? | 12:58 |
cjbottaro | beavis: yes, did you look at that pastebin link? That is the output I got from it. | 12:59 |
beavis | cjbottaro: yeah im looking at it | 12:59 |
beavis | cjbottaro: it looks like its running a raid and wont stop so u cant remove it | 01:00 |
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cjbottaro | hrm...that makes a sense... | 01:01 |
cjbottaro | cuz you have to install dmraid in order to mount your partition that you're going to install to | 01:01 |
cjbottaro | but then you chroot to that mount and the instructions say to apt-get install ubuntu-base linux-k7 ubuntu-desktop dmraid grub | 01:02 |
beavis | hmm , maybe somone else will jump in , i cant think of anything you can do | 01:03 |
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cjbottaro | nod, thanks for your help. I made a login for the wiki, maybe I can contact the author. | 01:04 |
beavis | did you use dpkg-reconfigure dmraid cammand? | 01:04 |
cjbottaro | no | 01:04 |
beavis | or other command? | 01:04 |
cjbottaro | i typed "dpkg-reconfigure dmraid" that's it | 01:04 |
beavis | ok , try restart and start over | 01:05 |
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beavis | maybe youll be able to update dmraid before you actually run it and cfg it | 01:06 |
cjbottaro | I'm sorry, I'm not understanding you. | 01:06 |
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beavis | cjbottaro: in the command prompt | 01:07 |
beavis | if you have a chance , apt-get remove and install before you run it | 01:08 |
beavis | and configure it | 01:08 |
cjbottaro | ahh, ok | 01:08 |
beavis | but if it starts right away then i guess you cant do that | 01:08 |
mindspit | what is the code name of the new 3d desktop ?? | 01:08 |
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beavis | xgl? | 01:09 |
mindspit | yea xgl ? can i install it some how ? | 01:09 |
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h3sp4wn | install it from svn its alpha software so you should use the latest version and report bugs | 01:10 |
mindspit | ok | 01:10 |
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h3sp4wn | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131659 | 01:12 |
h3sp4wn | (ignore the amd 64 related parts) | 01:12 |
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beavis | are there any better cd rippers then kaudiocreator? | 01:14 |
Hawkwind | grip ? | 01:14 |
raphink-sleep | konqueror | 01:14 |
raphink-sleep | :) | 01:14 |
raphink-sleep | beavis: put your audiocd in, then open konqueror and type audiocd:/ | 01:15 |
raphink-sleep | you'll be given a list of virtual files and folders | 01:15 |
raphink-sleep | copying them to any place will encode them :) | 01:15 |
raphink-sleep | the easiest way to encode music ever :) | 01:15 |
beavis | i mean , its ok but i changed the ogg bit rate to q6 but it still encodes in 112kbps | 01:15 |
raphink-sleep | s/encode/rip and encode/ | 01:16 |
raphink-sleep | ah | 01:16 |
raphink-sleep | :s | 01:16 |
raphink-sleep | I don't know about kaudiocreator in particular | 01:17 |
raphink-sleep | and I'm going to bed right now ;) | 01:17 |
raphink-sleep | good luck :) | 01:17 |
beavis | k ty | 01:17 |
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sukh | anyone know what irc channel is for xfce4 ? | 01:21 |
MrObvious | raphink-sleep: grip works great | 01:25 |
MrObvious | sukh: #xfce? | 01:25 |
sukh | stupid me | 01:26 |
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zzp | hello | 01:45 |
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beavis | helo | 01:45 |
carlos | hello, any spanish here????? | 01:46 |
admiral_proFTW | carlos, no | 01:46 |
Kyral | !es | 01:46 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 01:46 |
admiral_proFTW | this is America | 01:46 |
Kyral | ...actually its Cyberspace | 01:46 |
zzp | I'm having a small problem with dapper drake regarding tty | 01:46 |
carlos | ok ok | 01:46 |
admiral_proFTW | ubotu, your spanish is aweful | 01:46 |
ubotu | admiral_proFTW: okay | 01:46 |
Kyral | and I will hurt you if you make some kinda America-centric comment again | 01:47 |
admiral_proFTW | Kyral, i know, i'm joking | 01:47 |
Kyral | and I have the right! I am an American! So I can smack my own people! | 01:47 |
zzp | pressing ctr+alt+F? does not got to any comman line prompt | 01:47 |
SeanTater | admiral_proFTW: hey -- you accidentally referenced a factoid | 01:47 |
SeanTater | !your spanish | 01:47 |
ubotu | [your spanish] aweful | 01:47 |
Kyral | lol | 01:47 |
admiral_proFTW | SeanTater, what? | 01:47 |
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admiral_proFTW | man eveyone lay off me, I have the mumps :P | 01:48 |
Kyral | ubotu forget your spanish | 01:48 |
ubotu | i forgot your spanish, Kyral | 01:48 |
Kyral | that should do it | 01:48 |
SeanTater | admiral_proFTW: you put the keyword "is" in your line | 01:48 |
admiral_proFTW | SeanTater, umm, still not sure what you mean | 01:49 |
admiral_proFTW | whats a "factoid" | 01:49 |
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Kyral | its the ! commands for ubotu | 01:49 |
Kyral | like | 01:49 |
Kyral | !bot | 01:49 |
ubotu | Yep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots. | 01:49 |
admiral_proFTW | nvm | 01:49 |
zodo_ | Hey folks. I'm on a text mode server right now, and I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the module name for a 3Com 3cCFE575BT Megahertz 10/100 LAN Cardbus [Cyclone] is? | 01:49 |
zzp | pressing ctrl+alt+F? makes my monitor crazy instead of giving a command line prompt. Anyone experienced the same problem? | 01:49 |
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Kyral | zzp: only thing I can think of is a problem with the framebuffer | 01:50 |
Kyral | zzp: can you get back to X with CTRL+ALT+F7? | 01:50 |
zzp | Kyral: yes I can | 01:50 |
Kyral | nevermind then | 01:50 |
zodo_ | The card gets detected during the ubuntu server install process, but it doesn't show up know that everything is installed. | 01:50 |
Kyral | zodo_: sorry i don't | 01:50 |
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SeanTater | ubotu forget your spanish | 01:51 |
ubotu | SeanTater: i didn't have anything called 'your spanish' | 01:51 |
Kyral | SeanTater: I did that already | 01:51 |
SeanTater | Kyral: oops -- ok | 01:51 |
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SeanTater | Kyral: Interesting idea: is it possible to start a program (like a game) on CTRL-ALT-F5, and still get back to x on F7? | 01:52 |
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admiral_proFTW | SeanTater, I think so | 01:53 |
zodo_ | Alright then, here's an alternate question. What packages should I grab to get a very minimal, but functional xorg install going on ubuntu-server, so that I can get online and research this for myself? The ubuntu-desktop package is too heavyweight. | 01:53 |
Kyral | SeanTater: yah | 01:53 |
Kyral | !fluxbox | 01:53 |
ubotu | fluxbox is probably a lightweight window manager. Installation instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fluxbox. More information at http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net | 01:53 |
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SeanTater | admiral_proFTW and Kyral: then is it possible to quickily switch between the game and x whilst keeping both on? | 01:54 |
Kyral | and I know the info on that Wikipage is good because I wrote most of it :D | 01:54 |
zzp | Kyral: Where can I see about the framebuffer? lilo.conf, xorg.conf ... where? | 01:54 |
Kyral | SeanTater: yah | 01:54 |
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zodo_ | Those weblinks for fluxbox would be great if I could get online in textmode. | 01:54 |
SeanTater | Kyral: neat -- I'll have to try that! | 01:54 |
Kyral | zodo_: lynx is your FRIEND :D | 01:54 |
=== kazuki [n=kazuki@cpe-65-27-155-99.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kazuki | How can i make sure that arts id def not running | 01:54 |
zodo_ | Hah, I knew there was a text mode webbrowser, but I'd forgetten it's name. | 01:55 |
admiral_proFTW | SeanTater, my friend does that all the time | 01:55 |
Kyral | kazuki: go to the Control Center, Sound and Multimedia, and disable the sound system | 01:55 |
kazuki | i did that | 01:55 |
apokryphos | kazuki: ps ax|grep arts | 01:55 |
kazuki | but winecfg still crashes when i click the audio tab | 01:56 |
Kyral | then ask it to use ALSA | 01:56 |
Kyral | I don | 01:56 |
Kyral | damn RETURN key | 01:56 |
SeanTater | admiral_proFTW: It says "no I/O port permisssions" when I try to start bzflag on tty5 | 01:56 |
kazuki | Kyral: how do i change it if i cant get to the audio tab | 01:56 |
Kyral | I was GONNA say | 01:56 |
Kyral | I don't use WINE :P | 01:56 |
kazuki | lol | 01:56 |
admiral_proFTW | SeanTater, no idea, i don't use it like that myself | 01:57 |
admiral_proFTW | sorry | 01:57 |
SeanTater | admiral_proFTW: would setting DISPLAY hurt? | 01:57 |
SeanTater | admiral_proFTW: like, maybe ":1"? | 01:57 |
SeanTater | admiral_proFTW: since ":0" is x (or can they be the same -- new to this idea) | 01:58 |
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admiral_proFTW | i have no clue... | 01:58 |
SeanTater | admiral_proFTW: okay -- thanks anyway -- :D | 01:58 |
Ertain | Hello everyone. I'm trying to use Adept without having to type in my password all the time. How might I go about doing this? Btw, I'm using KDE. | 01:59 |
Kyral | Ertain: thats kinda obvious given the channel you are in | 02:00 |
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zodo_ | Hmm...I just installed the fluxbox package and all of it's dependencies, which included Xorg. The startx command doesn't work, nor 'fluxbox'. Forgive my newbness, but what do I do to get it running? | 02:01 |
Kyral | zodo_: open ~/.xinitrc in a text editor and put (I THINK) startfluxbox | 02:02 |
Kyral | I mean does the fluxbox command exist? | 02:02 |
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zodo_ | Kyral: Yes, however it gives me something about not finding a running xserver. | 02:02 |
Kyral | zodo_: yah | 02:03 |
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Kyral | zodo_: okay like I said open ~/.xinitrc in an editor and put "fluxbox" in it | 02:03 |
Kyral | then save and try either startx or xinit | 02:03 |
zodo_ | Thanks. | 02:03 |
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alessandro | prova | 02:04 |
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ucci | prova | 02:05 |
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zodo_ | Kyral: There wasn't an xinitrc to begin with...had to create one. However startx and xinit do nothing. | 02:07 |
Kyral | hmm | 02:07 |
Kyral | whats the output from startx? | 02:07 |
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zodo_ | Nothing. Command doesn't exist. | 02:07 |
zodo_ | Perhaps it never properly installed x | 02:07 |
Kyral | xinit? | 02:07 |
zodo_ | command not found. | 02:08 |
Kyral | wtf | 02:08 |
zodo_ | I'll try apt-get install xorg | 02:08 |
Kyral | yah... | 02:08 |
MrObvious | zodo_: echo $PATH | 02:08 |
Kyral | or xserver-xorg | 02:08 |
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zodo_ | echo $PATH includes /usr/bin/x11 | 02:09 |
_paul | hey | 02:09 |
_paul | i just installed | 02:09 |
_paul | bit tornado | 02:09 |
_paul | and paused the download | 02:09 |
_paul | and when i | 02:10 |
mart | lol | 02:10 |
Kyral | DON"T DO THAT! | 02:10 |
_paul | resumed it started from scrap | 02:10 |
_paul | :((( | 02:10 |
=== Kyral smacks _paul | ||
_paul | ? | 02:10 |
mart | _paul: type a full line. | 02:10 |
Kyral | Don't use RETURN as punctuation! | 02:10 |
h3sp4wn | Kyral: Does arch have x org 7.1 now ? (I have got direct rendering working with my 9800pro with the opensource drivers and I think there has been updates - just crashes sometimes) | 02:10 |
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Kyral | hmm | 02:10 |
Kyral | lemme check | 02:10 |
Kyral | Nope, my X dump shows 7.0 | 02:11 |
Kyral | does ANY distro have 7.1? | 02:11 |
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_paul | could u please tell me how 2 use the tornado client so it will just resume downloading after i log off and that log back on? | 02:11 |
MrObvious | Kyral: Don't have a hernia :p | 02:11 |
h3sp4wn | Kyral: Gentoo maybe but I can't be bothered just for that - xbase-clients is 7.1 in sid | 02:12 |
_paul | could u please tell me how 2 use the tornado client so it will just resume downloading after i log off and that log back on? | 02:12 |
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zodo_ | Well, I'm confused. I just installed xserver-xorg, and I still have no startx or xinit. | 02:13 |
MrObvious | You might need more packages | 02:13 |
zodo_ | It prompted me to choose my screen resolutions, which I did. | 02:13 |
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mart | zodo_: try installing xinit? | 02:13 |
h3sp4wn | Those are in xbase-clients | 02:13 |
_paul | could u please tell me how 2 use the tornado client so it will just resume downloading after i log off and that log back on? | 02:13 |
zodo_ | I'll give it a go. | 02:13 |
e-ubuntu | helle everyone | 02:13 |
e-ubuntu | hello | 02:14 |
apokryphos | hi | 02:14 |
mart | h3sp4wn: er, startx and initx are in xinit on a new dapper install. | 02:14 |
Kyral | ...that | 02:14 |
Kyral | is | 02:14 |
e-ubuntu | apokryphos: Could I ask you some k3b doubts? | 02:15 |
Kyral | RETARDED | 02:15 |
zodo_ | Well, I installed xinit, but now starting x, it barfs for not being able to find the font 'fixed' | 02:15 |
_paul | could u please tell me how 2 use the tornado client so it will just resume downloading after i log off and that log back on? | 02:15 |
zodo_ | I guess there must be some font packages I need, now. | 02:15 |
apokryphos | e-ubuntu: ask away | 02:15 |
apokryphos | e-ubuntu: we're here to help :) | 02:15 |
zodo_ | You'd think that would be listed in the dependencies. | 02:15 |
Kyral | _paul: enable it in the config :P | 02:15 |
e-ubuntu | apokryphos: Ok, thank you. | 02:15 |
mart | zodo_: you did install xserver-xorg? | 02:15 |
zodo_ | mart: Yes. | 02:16 |
mart | fruity. | 02:16 |
zodo_ | I've installed fluxbox, xserver-xorg, and xinit. | 02:16 |
zodo_ | As well as everything they ask for dependancy wise. | 02:16 |
e-ubuntu | apokryphos: Everytime I record a dvd it doesn't record at 8x. Even when I "say" k3b to do that | 02:16 |
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apokryphos | e-ubuntu: it has the option to record at 8x? | 02:16 |
e-ubuntu | apokryphos: Yeah, and it is activated | 02:17 |
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mart | zodo_: try x-window-system-core | 02:17 |
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h3sp4wn | mart: There should be a metapackage with all that stuff in (just installing xinit you would still want the other bits) xbase-clients was the old one | 02:17 |
apokryphos | e-ubuntu: it's not so unlikely that it won't... it depends on how much RAM is available, speed of the discs, possibly CPU power, etc | 02:17 |
MrObvious | I had that problem with a CD burner. I'm not sure what I did. | 02:17 |
apokryphos | e-ubuntu: what speed does it write at? | 02:17 |
mart | h3sp4wn: I think x-window-system-core is it | 02:17 |
mart | Depends: xserver-xorg, libgl1-mesa, libgl1-mesa-dri, libglu1-mesa, xfonts-base, xfonts-100dpi, xfonts-75dpi, xfonts-scalable, xbase-clients, xutils, xkeyboard-config | 02:17 |
apokryphos | e-ubuntu: it's also unlikely that it'll get on exactly at 8x, if that's its capability, it'll always go lower than that (like your broadband/modem). | 02:17 |
e-ubuntu | apokryphos: 3.90 3.89 3.98 | 02:17 |
zodo_ | Holy crap, x-window-system-core include a lot of stuff. | 02:18 |
zodo_ | I'm thinking that's the one. | 02:18 |
mart | well, it pulls in the fonts you need. | 02:18 |
apokryphos | e-ubuntu: hm, it should ideally go a bit faster than that. Do you have other processes running; what type of PC? | 02:18 |
apokryphos | e-ubuntu: burning is an intensive operation | 02:18 |
h3sp4wn | mart: So xbase-clients is still used | 02:18 |
e-ubuntu | apokryphos: My P.C is an Pentium 3 933 Mhz and 768 Mem | 02:19 |
mart | h3sp4wn: I don't know. | 02:19 |
e-ubuntu | apokryphos: The problem is that at Debian I used to record at 8x, | 02:19 |
apokryphos | e-ubuntu: I'd say that is likely the cause, unfortunately. | 02:19 |
apokryphos | e-ubuntu: k3b, too? | 02:19 |
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h3sp4wn | mart: Do you know how to use dpkg-cross ? | 02:19 |
e-ubuntu | apokryphos: yes k3b | 02:19 |
mart | h3sp4wn: I read the docs, never actually tried it. | 02:19 |
mart | h3sp4wn: but that was ages ago. | 02:20 |
apokryphos | e-ubuntu: you're sure that no other large processes are running? | 02:20 |
h3sp4wn | mart: It is complicated | 02:20 |
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mart | h3sp4wn: I guess you need to start by installing toolchain-source, and building the cross compiler you need first... | 02:20 |
e-ubuntu | apokryphos: I'm Sure, the same process that used to be running at Debian Sarge | 02:20 |
zodo_ | Ladies and gentlemen, I have X! Thank you all. | 02:20 |
h3sp4wn | mart: I have a working cross compiler | 02:20 |
sukh | u used to use ubuntu | 02:21 |
h3sp4wn | mart: I just want to rebuild ubuntu for mipsel (just to see if I can) | 02:21 |
apokryphos | e-ubuntu: could you check 'top' on command line to check that nothing's running away? | 02:21 |
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beavis | so whats a good bittorrent app to use on linux? | 02:21 |
sukh | now i use kubuntu | 02:21 |
h3sp4wn | mart: (Appears I can't at the moment) | 02:21 |
sukh | beavis: azureus | 02:21 |
zodo_ | I may be back later, but for now, I'm set. Bye all. | 02:21 |
mart | h3sp4wn: I wouldn't bother if it's on a 'just because I can' whim. :) | 02:21 |
apokryphos | beavis: ktorrent | 02:21 |
e-ubuntu | apokryphos: nothing seems to be over | 02:22 |
apokryphos | e-ubuntu: curious :/ | 02:22 |
beavis | apokryphos: ktorrent is good , but i cant use it with my music tracker | 02:22 |
e-ubuntu | apokryphos: Very curious I should say, The processor is been usued at 8.6 to 15% | 02:23 |
h3sp4wn | mart: I would prefer to use it (Currently using mipsel sid and its really unstable) | 02:23 |
apokryphos | beavis: latest ktorrent? (not one in repositories) | 02:23 |
mart | h3sp4wn: then try mipsel testing? | 02:23 |
beavis | apokryphos: where can i get it ? | 02:23 |
apokryphos | e-ubuntu: it's either a problem with the current packaged k3b, or with the kernel. | 02:23 |
apokryphos | !ktorrent | 02:23 |
ubotu | I heard ktorrent is a KDE bittorrent client. It is available in breezy/universe, while the latest version is available in breezy-backports/universe. | 02:23 |
apokryphos | one sec | 02:23 |
h3sp4wn | mart: They both as broke as each other at the moment (the problems mostly exist in both) | 02:24 |
e-ubuntu | apokryphos: I've checked the DMA at the drive, and it's activated. | 02:24 |
apokryphos | beavis: http://ktorrent.pwsp.net/ | 02:24 |
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e-ubuntu | apokryphos: So you think I should install the same k3b version I used in Debian? | 02:24 |
apokryphos | e-ubuntu: hm, actually some drives have buggy DMA support, so might not always be good to enable it | 02:24 |
beavis | apokryphos: mk , ty , | 02:24 |
mart | h3sp4wn: then stable? :) | 02:24 |
apokryphos | e-ubuntu: not necessarily. What version do you have there? | 02:24 |
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apokryphos | e-ubuntu: also, in general debian packages shouldn't be installed on Ubuntu, they're not compatible. | 02:25 |
h3sp4wn | mart: Stable doesn't support mine or I would | 02:25 |
mart | h3sp4wn: remember ubuntu releases with fewer architectures than debian exactly so it doesn't have to fix these problems :) | 02:25 |
e-ubuntu | apokryphos: how can I get the k3b version? Just looking the package I've installed, at /var/apt/cache ? | 02:25 |
zzp | Can't get my tty consoles to work when I make ctrl+alt+F?. The monitor gest crazy. Any hints? | 02:25 |
h3sp4wn | mart: It still doesn't even fix all the critical ones in debian before release | 02:26 |
beavis | apokryphos: so how do i install it , apt-get install package name? | 02:26 |
zzp | I'm able to get back to X though pressing alt+F7 | 02:26 |
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apokryphos | e-ubuntu: dpkg -l|grep k3b | 02:26 |
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mart | h3sp4wn: no, alas we can only dream of a perfect distro... | 02:26 |
Kyral | Wrong | 02:27 |
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e-ubuntu | apokryphos: 0.12.14 | 02:27 |
Kyral | The Perfect Distro exists | 02:27 |
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Kyral | its just different for everyone :P | 02:27 |
apokryphos | beavis: wget http://ktorrent.pwsp.net/downloads/2.0beta1/ktorrent_2.0beta1-1_i386.deb && sudo dpkg -i ktorrent*.deb | 02:27 |
zzp | ctrl+alt+F?. Gives me no comand prompt. Monitor gets crazy. Any hints? | 02:27 |
apokryphos | Kyral: LFS? ;-) | 02:28 |
MrObvious | zzp: Refresh rate? :| | 02:28 |
MrObvious | Only thing I can think of. | 02:28 |
geneo93 | f1 | 02:28 |
beavis | apokryphos: kk , i think i get it | 02:28 |
mart | nah, perfect distro for me means all the latest software running without bugs on every arch I want to run it on. | 02:28 |
e-ubuntu | apokryphos: so. have you heard if there is any problem with version 0.12.14 ? | 02:28 |
apokryphos | beavis: ...in a terminal, that is. | 02:29 |
zzp | MrObvious: checking... thank you | 02:29 |
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mart | and right now, I'm having bother getting spell checking not to cause kate to hang :( | 02:29 |
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LiteHedded | how do I shut down kde? | 02:30 |
apokryphos | e-ubuntu: sorry, missed your earlier message :) | 02:30 |
LiteHedded | i turned my kubuntu machine into a file server and don't really need it anymore | 02:30 |
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apokryphos | e-ubuntu: hm, no, it should be fine | 02:30 |
e-ubuntu | apokryphos: no problem. | 02:30 |
apokryphos | e-ubuntu: the only thing I can really recommend you doing is removing your config files and restarting k3b | 02:30 |
apokryphos | it's a shot in the dark, but who knows | 02:30 |
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e-ubuntu | apokryphos: Ok, think I'll try to install the Debian Version then. | 02:31 |
beavis | apokryphos: damn it , i got a broken pipe error | 02:31 |
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mart | LiteHedded: from a console, you can do sudo invoke-rc.d kdm stop | 02:31 |
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h3sp4wn | mart: Debian usually is pretty close to perfect (when its just been released ......) | 02:32 |
mart | LiteHedded: to prevent it starting again on reboot, either mess with the symlinks in /etc/rc?.d, or read the manual page for update-rc.d | 02:32 |
apokryphos | e-ubuntu: not removing your configs ? :P | 02:32 |
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mart | h3sp4wn: yeah, I'm often tempted to go back. | 02:32 |
apokryphos | e-ubuntu: debian package most likely will cause problems, as I said. | 02:32 |
apokryphos | beavis: pastebin the error? | 02:32 |
LiteHedded | mart: what about all these running processes that start with 'k' | 02:32 |
e-ubuntu | apokryphos: No. I'll remove config files also. | 02:32 |
mart | LiteHedded: aren't they killed when you run invoke-rc.d? | 02:32 |
apokryphos | e-ubuntu: try first removing the config files and burning, then if you have to use debian packs | 02:33 |
apokryphos | again, I don't recommend it, but hey =) | 02:33 |
LiteHedded | mart: seem to still be running | 02:33 |
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mart | LiteHedded: process names? | 02:33 |
LiteHedded | kthread, khelper etc. | 02:33 |
e-ubuntu | apokryphos: Sorry I don't remeber you said that deb packages could cause problems. | 02:33 |
h3sp4wn | mart: I think ubuntu should just work on increasing the frequency of debian releases and provide debian support | 02:33 |
apokryphos | e-ubuntu: to replace your configs: mv ~/.kde/share/config/k3brc{,old} && mv ~/.kde/share/apps/k3b{,old} | 02:33 |
LiteHedded | kjournald | 02:33 |
apokryphos | ...and then restart k3b | 02:33 |
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apokryphos | e-ubuntu: debian packages, yes. I said it several times :)( | 02:34 |
e-ubuntu | apokryphos: But ok, I'll try to remove the config only | 02:34 |
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beavis | apokryphos: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15958 | 02:34 |
mart | LiteHedded: you can ignore kjournald, I think that's a kernel or system process. | 02:34 |
LiteHedded | k | 02:34 |
mart | LiteHedded: and khelper and kthread in fact. | 02:34 |
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h3sp4wn | apokryphos: I have had few problems using sid source packages on dapper | 02:35 |
tulga | my eclipse too slow. my pc is 1GB RAM, 2.4GhZ CPU. howto fix? | 02:35 |
apokryphos | h3sp4wn: I'm not in the least surprised :P | 02:35 |
_paul | hey, i have a green light on bit tornado but i have a crappy down speed, like 1 kb/s, why is that? | 02:35 |
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beavis | ktorrent is pretty fast | 02:35 |
e-ubuntu | apokryphos: Ok. I'll try to record a dvd Later, cause I've recorded the last I had. | 02:35 |
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apokryphos | beavis: hm, bad packaging :/ | 02:35 |
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apokryphos | k | 02:36 |
beavis | but my fav tracker wont let me use it | 02:36 |
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_paul | hey, i have a green light on bit tornado but i have a crappy down speed, like 1 kb/s, why is that? | 02:36 |
beavis | apokryphos: redownload? | 02:36 |
e-ubuntu | apokryphos: Thank you, again | 02:36 |
Kyral | _paul: not enough seeders | 02:36 |
apokryphos | beavis: nah, the packager didn't do it great. Perhaps they made it for breezy, even. | 02:36 |
Kyral | _paul: BitTorrent is dependant on others. And no, you cannot do anything about it | 02:36 |
apokryphos | beavis: if you like, you could compile it. It's not easy, but I could walk you through it | 02:36 |
_paul | :)) | 02:36 |
e-ubuntu | apokryphos: See ya | 02:37 |
_paul | come on..... | 02:37 |
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Kyral | Seriously | 02:37 |
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beavis | apokryphos: im gonna compile , ill do it , if i cant do something ill ask u , k? | 02:37 |
_paul | i know how torrents work, i just started usin linux recently and i;m a bit confused cause it's not quite like win | 02:37 |
_paul | :P | 02:37 |
apokryphos | beavis: sure, or I can walk you through now :) | 02:38 |
Kyral | NO SHIT | 02:38 |
apokryphos | beavis: you'll want to download the "source" package, to compile from source. | 02:38 |
Kyral | Windows isn't like Linux, whoa!! ;P | 02:38 |
apokryphos | Kyral: easy cowboy :P | 02:38 |
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beavis | apokryphos: i got it , they have instructions on the website , ill just try to use that | 02:38 |
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RawSewage | try KTorrent | 02:39 |
apokryphos | beavis: ok, two notes: before you do anything, execute: sudo apt-get build-dep ktorrent | 02:39 |
apokryphos | beavis: this is a very handy apt tool that will automatically resolve compile dependencies for you | 02:39 |
apokryphos | beavis: also, when you ./configure, type: ./configure --prefix=/usr instead | 02:39 |
_paul | KTorrent? | 02:39 |
RawSewage | why are you building KTorrent | 02:39 |
RawSewage | it's in the repos | 02:40 |
neoncode | How do I extract .rar files. I have installed unrar-free | 02:40 |
RawSewage | get nonfree | 02:40 |
gelex | may pinoy ba ditong user ng kubuntu? | 02:40 |
RawSewage | !rar | 02:40 |
mart | guess the language? | 02:40 |
ubotu | [rar] a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression | 02:40 |
DrBair | I just wish Ubuntu had the new 7zip utility for *nix | 02:41 |
RawSewage | It has 7zip | 02:41 |
sukh | it does | 02:41 |
RawSewage | yes | 02:41 |
beavis | apokryphos: ./configure --prefix=/usr, what do i need to replace in this command? | 02:42 |
RawSewage | I think ARk | 02:42 |
DrBair | i need to find the name of it... but theres a version of it that behaves like gzip and bzip2 | 02:42 |
DrBair | even a patch for tar so it can use it too | 02:42 |
apokryphos | beavis: that's fine, just that command | 02:42 |
RawSewage | Ark | 02:42 |
beavis | apokryphos: ok , ty | 02:42 |
apokryphos | beavis: make sure you never go to the next step if a command ends in "error" | 02:42 |
RawSewage | I didnt need a patch | 02:43 |
RawSewage | I compress to tar.gz all the time | 02:43 |
DrBair | lzma utils is the package I was thinking of http://tukaani.org/lzma/ | 02:43 |
RawSewage | ARK | 02:44 |
RawSewage | seems like youre all making things confusing than they are | 02:44 |
RawSewage | more confusing | 02:45 |
DrBair | can't use ark in a shell script very well though | 02:45 |
RawSewage | oh | 02:45 |
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bernier | !nvidia | 02:45 |
ubotu | I heard nvidia is a graphics card manufacturer. For help about installing the Nvidia drivers on Ubuntu, you can visit the Ubuntu WIki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 02:45 |
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DrBair | lzma utils could let lzma (7zip) replace gzip and bzip2 | 02:46 |
RawSewage | I dont know anything about shell scriping | 02:46 |
Kyral | DrBair: you will never replace gzip and bzip2 | 02:46 |
Kyral | they are too ingrained into the mythos now | 02:46 |
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DrBair | Kyral: bandwidth isn't cheap... if its almost as fast as gzip and offers better compression than bzip2 on max, it will replace it | 02:47 |
Kyral | DrBair: yah but everything USES them right now | 02:47 |
Kyral | it would take a LONG time | 02:48 |
Kyral | and isn't 7zip a propreitary format? | 02:48 |
RawSewage | do you use it for game roms | 02:48 |
RawSewage | What does Propietary mean in the Add/Remove programs | 02:49 |
Kyral | Means its not Free | 02:49 |
RawSewage | oh | 02:49 |
Kyral | I mean Free as in Freedom | 02:49 |
Kyral | not Free as in Beer | 02:49 |
RawSewage | not free how | 02:49 |
DrBair | Kyral: lzma is the algorithm which is LGPL | 02:49 |
Kyral | hmm LGPL good | 02:49 |
RawSewage | why does it let me install propietary programs and use them for free | 02:49 |
=== Kyral falls down | ||
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Kyral | There is a difference | 02:50 |
Kyral | something can be Free as in beer | 02:50 |
RawSewage | not free for commercial use? | 02:50 |
Kyral | but not Free as in Freedom | 02:50 |
Kyral | gimme a second... | 02:50 |
RawSewage | oh, open | 02:50 |
RawSewage | not open source | 02:50 |
DrBair | ie. no source code | 02:50 |
RawSewage | ok | 02:50 |
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DrBair | or restrictions on modification or redistribution | 02:50 |
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Kyral | http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html | 02:50 |
h3sp4wn | Or it can free as in trully free (bsd licence) | 02:50 |
beavis | apokryphos: i got an error at the end that sais , ktorrent requires gmb (www......) but then it sais GOOD your con. finished , start make now | 02:51 |
Kyral | Conversly, there is nothing stopping something that is Free as in Freedom from NOT being Free as in Beer | 02:51 |
DrBair | like Minix... you can get it free and see the source but you can't modify and redistribute (I believe) | 02:51 |
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Kyral | Free Software, Free Society | 02:52 |
RawSewage | = programmers living on the streets | 02:53 |
crimsun | that's not necessarily true | 02:53 |
DrBair | its all about the support contracts | 02:53 |
crimsun | there are businesses that pay their employees to write free software | 02:53 |
DrBair | like IBM | 02:54 |
crimsun | IBM, Red Hat, Novell, MySQL, HP, Canonical to name just a few | 02:54 |
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Search4Lancer | amaroK is giving me "Error, no engine loaded, cannot start playback" | 02:56 |
Search4Lancer | any ideas? | 02:57 |
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Search4Lancer | nevermind, got it :-P | 02:57 |
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root_ | Well, I'm back. Fluxbox works, firefox loads, etc...but half the programs I try never open a window. No bash shell, no synaptic... | 02:58 |
root_ | And there's no console output from x, that I can tell. | 02:58 |
RawSewage | I need a money-making project to work on | 02:59 |
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zodo | Crap, didn't notice the nickname, sorry. | 02:59 |
mart | zodo: running irc as root? tut tut! | 03:00 |
zodo | Hah, forgot to back out of su before launching bitchx. | 03:00 |
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zodo | I knew someone would say something, soon as I noticed. | 03:00 |
mart | well, if you hadn't mentioned it ... ;) | 03:01 |
beavis | there is no md5 command in 64bit kubuntu? | 03:01 |
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mart | beavis: md5sum is there | 03:02 |
zodo | Anyhow, any insight as to why programs in fluxbox would transparently fail, appearently making no effort to open? | 03:02 |
zodo | Of the ones I've tried, firefox works, bash doesn't, Xbitchx doesn't, synaptic doesn't. | 03:02 |
zodo | Prolly a toolkit thing, eh? | 03:03 |
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mart | bash has a toolkit? ;) | 03:03 |
RawSewage | tj9991, do you have any more questions | 03:03 |
zodo | But those apps should've grabbed GTK or whatever they need as dependancies. | 03:03 |
tj9991 | no | 03:03 |
beavis | mart: k, | 03:03 |
zodo | Well, not bash itself, but the window toolbars n' stuff. | 03:04 |
h3sp4wn | You can write websites using haserl if you want to do the scripts in shell | 03:04 |
beavis | mart: ty , i used just md5 in the 32bit | 03:04 |
mart | zodo: if you can get a command line, that might be the best way to debug. | 03:04 |
mart | beavis: never seen that before. | 03:04 |
zodo | Fluxbox gives me bash, or sh, neither of which work. *grumble* | 03:04 |
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zodo | How do I tell a program from one of the real commandlines to open to a specific xserver? | 03:05 |
mart | it's a pity it's not windows, or you could stick the name of the command interpreter into IE. that trick's got me around many over-restrictive, but lamely implemented, security policies. | 03:06 |
zodo | I suppose that I can try running fluxbox as the root user...maybe it's a rights issue. | 03:06 |
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mart | zodo: you'd need to do "export DISPLAY=..." | 03:07 |
mart | ... where ... is something from `xauth list`, I guess | 03:07 |
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_thiago | sorry for the stupid question, but is it the rigt channel to solve Breezy problems? | 03:08 |
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zodo | Hmm, well they don't open via root, either. | 03:08 |
_thiago | I mean, to get help | 03:08 |
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erov | kubuntu breezy? | 03:09 |
_thiago | yes | 03:09 |
mart | _thiago: try it. | 03:09 |
_thiago | ok, it's a problem with a winmodem. I think I installed it correctly, but I can't connect for more than 5 seconds | 03:10 |
ube_ | can someone check my website and tell me what content is showing? www.rowelldionicio.com | 03:11 |
ube_ | i'm having issues uploading to the ftp server | 03:11 |
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ube_ | and it looks as if its caching the last update | 03:11 |
mart | ugh... I remember having problems like that years ago. I don't think I remember enough to debug ppp anymore :( | 03:11 |
_thiago | I'm starting to hate winmodems... | 03:12 |
RawSewage | tj9991, are you still trying to decide whether or not to install Kubuntu on the other computer | 03:12 |
_thiago | thanks, anyway | 03:12 |
mart | _thiago: for me, it was a proper modem... | 03:12 |
tj9991 | im trying to decide how to fix the storage problem | 03:12 |
_thiago | mart: ouch | 03:13 |
_thiago | mart: you mean, a hardmodem? | 03:13 |
RawSewage | Tell me the details, and I'll tell you what to do | 03:13 |
zodo | Well, this is interesting. | 03:13 |
zodo | I got the display to export, and now that I do that, the programs load fine. | 03:14 |
mart | _thiago: yeah, but as I say, it was some time ago. | 03:14 |
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zodo | There must be some issue where they don't know what display to go to. | 03:14 |
tj9991 | i need to find a place with unlimited temporary storage | 03:14 |
RawSewage | Wait for GDrive | 03:14 |
_thiago | mart: do you have any idea of where can I found some help? I already tried both Ubuntu and Kubuntu forums without success | 03:15 |
mart | er, just email everything to yourself :) | 03:15 |
tj9991 | meh | 03:15 |
tj9991 | gmail gives me 2.5 gigs of space | 03:15 |
tj9991 | i could creat 150 gmail accounts | 03:15 |
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beavis | apokryphos: u there? | 03:17 |
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Darkseed | hello all | 03:17 |
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mart | _thiago: sorry, can't think of much, the kppp developers might know how to debug it? | 03:19 |
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_thiago | mart: here's another problem, already tried kpp, wvdial and pppon/pppoff. Neither of them worked | 03:20 |
apokryphos | beavis: back | 03:20 |
mart | _thiago: well, you'd think there must be someone who develops one of those who might know what's wrong. | 03:21 |
tj9991 | how much storage does google pages give you? | 03:23 |
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Hawkwind | Go look on google and see | 03:23 |
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tj9991 | thats a nice responce | 03:23 |
tj9991 | response | 03:23 |
Hawkwind | It's a good response when noone knows the answer and it tells you on their site | 03:24 |
lime4x4 | has anyone been able to get xgl running with a ati card? | 03:24 |
beavis | apokryphos: im getting there , i hit a few bumps , put im on my way again almost done , i hope | 03:24 |
sokuban | For some reason I can't find my printer drivers. When I use the printer wizard, it says that they can't connect or something and to try another one of the suggested ones. But all of them are like that. Anyone know what my problem is? (BTW my printer is an HP LaserJet 4P | 03:24 |
_thiago | mart: I think I will try it. Do you know how to contact them? | 03:25 |
_thiago | mart: (sorry for the stupid questions, i'm kinda new in this linux stuff) | 03:26 |
_thiago | mart: I mean, kppp developers | 03:27 |
mart | _thiago: check the help about box? | 03:27 |
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mart | sokuban: how are the printers connected? usb? ethernet? ...? | 03:29 |
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sokuban | The long port I think its called lttp1 or something | 03:29 |
_thiago | mart: actually, i'm using it right now, so i can't do it (the troublesome modem is in another computer, 40 km away from here :) ) | 03:30 |
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beavis | apokryphos: i got it installed, i had to download and install gmp thing , that took me a while , thanks for the help , | 03:34 |
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beavis | apokryphos: this onedoesnt work with that tracker either though , i think they only have few clients allowed | 03:35 |
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ICXCNINA | I'm trying to use the Live Kubuntu CD (the Dapper Drake). How do I boot from CD using BIOS? Do i move CD ROM up? Or what? I know it sounds like a stupid question, but I'm new to Linux. | 03:44 |
sokuban | CD should be at the top, if you have a bootable CD in the tray you should boot from it, unless something wierd happened | 03:45 |
ICXCNINA | Ok. | 03:45 |
ICXCNINA | Hmm. Didn't do it that time. | 03:46 |
_thiago | mart: I think I found a e-mail. Thanks! | 03:46 |
ICXCNINA | Should I enable CD Rom? | 03:47 |
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ICXCNINA | Well something's wrong with the disc I burned I guess. | 03:49 |
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ICXCNINA | The CD won't read and _ just keeps blinking then it goes to Windows. | 03:55 |
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xwolf- | 03:58 | |
ubotu | rumour has it, pdf is Pretty Dumb Format, or the Portable Document Format created by Adobe to replace PS for use with Acrobat or viewable with xpdf/kpdf/gpdf, adobe reader (free download, but closed source) or gv/gnome-gv. use ps.gz instead! | 03:58 |
ICXCNINA | Maybe it was the burning program I used. | 03:59 |
ICXCNINA | I guess I'll have to wait for someone to send me the cd | 04:00 |
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Armagguedes | hello | 04:01 |
Armagguedes | how do i update a font? | 04:01 |
Armagguedes | (ttf-dejavu just got updated to v2.7, dappers default is 2.5) | 04:02 |
mcrandello | I would just replace the file for something like that | 04:03 |
mcrandello | and then update the package when it comes out | 04:03 |
MindlessXD | has anyone been able the build the KDE help search index? i always get a "htdig failed" error | 04:03 |
mart | Armagguedes: use the font installer in System Settings? | 04:03 |
=== Official_C [n=Charles@ool-4578dc56.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Official_C | hello? | 04:06 |
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Official_C | is everyone not talking or does my irc not work? | 04:06 |
Official_C | i am using gaim | 04:07 |
mcrandello | yes | 04:07 |
Armagguedes | we are not talking | 04:07 |
Armagguedes | we are all mad | 04:07 |
Official_C | this chatroom is usually more active | 04:07 |
mcrandello | >:( | 04:07 |
Armagguedes | @ each other | 04:07 |
Official_C | why are you mad? | 04:07 |
Armagguedes | ok tks mart | 04:07 |
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ICXCNIKA | I think it is the cd. Maybe it just didn't burn correctly. | 04:07 |
Official_C | this is so cool, i didnt know i could do this using gaim | 04:08 |
Official_C | gaim is so much better than aim | 04:08 |
ICXCNIKA | I can't even boot Dapper from the CD-ROM | 04:08 |
Armagguedes | mart ok tks done | 04:09 |
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xwolf- | what's the best way to copy some files from my linux partition to the windows one? | 04:10 |
Armagguedes | pendrive | 04:11 |
Official_C | do you need to access the files in windows or is it just for temp storage? | 04:11 |
mcrandello | win32 partition | 04:12 |
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mcrandello | anyone good at troubleshooting irq issues? I have a video driver that likes to crowd out the USB devices | 04:13 |
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elknof3 | hi everybody... sorry.. what is the command on terminal to erase a file or directory?? | 04:14 |
mcrandello | elknof3: rm | 04:14 |
elknof3 | thanks | 04:14 |
mcrandello | rm -rf if you're sure you got the right dir and don't want confirmation | 04:14 |
Official_C | mcrandello: you should do a search for IRQ issues regarding your particular driver | 04:14 |
Official_C | someone else has probably had the same problem | 04:14 |
xwolf- | Official_C i just want to copy some mp3 files i downloaded with linux to the windows partition | 04:15 |
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mcrandello | Official_C: actually a couple people have, it appears to be toshiba laptops and radeon 200m vidcards | 04:15 |
mcrandello | https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15/+bug/41272 | 04:15 |
Official_C | hmm | 04:15 |
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Official_C | xwolf: is your windows partition a FAT? | 04:15 |
Official_C | or ntfs? | 04:16 |
Official_C | im guessing ntfs | 04:16 |
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mcrandello | I already updated the firmware on the laptop, using the latest or next to last drivers seems to cause this | 04:18 |
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Official_C | man i am so close to reformatting my windows hard drive | 04:18 |
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Official_C | mcrandello: hmm, try using somethin earlier | 04:18 |
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mcrandello | To do that I'd need to downgrade to xorg 6.8.something | 04:18 |
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Official_C | oh...damng | 04:19 |
mcrandello | I have a feeling that'll break things in dapper :( | 04:19 |
Official_C | yeah, might jack it up a bit, i dunno | 04:19 |
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elknof3 | hi everybody sorry whats the command to delete a dir?? | 04:22 |
elknof3 | including content | 04:22 |
chavo | elknof3, rm -r | 04:22 |
beavis_ | kaudiocreator does not read ogg encoders bitrate setting and always sets it to 112 kbps , does anyone know how to change that? | 04:22 |
elknof3 | thanks | 04:22 |
mcrandello | the -r means "recursive" :) | 04:22 |
Official_C | do any of you help maintain or develop any open source projects? | 04:23 |
erik_ | just wanna say thanx for kubuntu, after performing a few of the tweaks that I've found on wiki and forum it is a VERY nice little OS. Thanx! (will donate a few euros now) | 04:23 |
beavis_ | yeah , kubuntu rocks | 04:23 |
Official_C | anyone a programmer? | 04:23 |
beavis_ | linux just needs better apps | 04:24 |
Official_C | ok, anyone do scripting?? | 04:24 |
mart | Official_C: yes, some of us are FOSS devs. | 04:25 |
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Official_C | mart, what do you develop | 04:25 |
mart | er, nothing in the default kubuntu install :) | 04:25 |
Official_C | well, i mean anything | 04:26 |
mart | er, where's this going..? | 04:26 |
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xwolf- | Official_C it is ntfs :> | 04:27 |
xwolf- | sorry for the delay, i'm reading some stuff here and you didn't say my nick so it didnt blink | 04:27 |
mart | beavis_: you can configure the kaudiocreator to use a difference encoding. | 04:27 |
mart | difference->different. | 04:28 |
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Official_C | mart: nowhere dangerous | 04:28 |
mart | ok, koffice and easypmp. | 04:29 |
Official_C | xwolf: what is it that you wanted to do again? | 04:29 |
beavis_ | mart: i dont see any configs for thar | 04:29 |
beavis_ | that | 04:29 |
Official_C | oh, ok, what kinds of things do you do | 04:29 |
mart | beavis_: under "Encoder" | 04:29 |
mart | then "Configure..." the codec you want. | 04:29 |
xwolf- | Official_C copy files from ext3 partition to windows (ntfs) partition | 04:30 |
beavis_ | mart: there are no options for bitrate there | 04:30 |
mart | beavis_: just add the bitrate to the command line option | 04:30 |
beavis_ | mart: ok , lets say i want q6 oggs , what would i add to command? | 04:31 |
Official_C | xwolf: i think you need a program for that...it is very dangerous to try to write to an ntfs filesystem from linux | 04:31 |
mart | beavis_: -q6, I believe | 04:31 |
xwolf- | Official_C i have been warned of writing to ntfs, so didnt even try. | 04:31 |
beavis_ | mart: ill try , thanks | 04:31 |
Official_C | i configured my fstab file so that my windows partition is mounted under /media in linux when i boot up....but it is mounted as READ ONLY | 04:32 |
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xwolf- | Official_C i thought of using qemu or something like that to boot my hd and choose windows in grub's menu... | 04:32 |
mcrandello | there's an ext2/3 fs driver for windows... | 04:32 |
mcrandello | of course it's almost as risky as writing to ntfs from linux if not more | 04:33 |
Official_C | xwolf: choosing windows in grub will just boot you into windows though | 04:33 |
mcrandello | the last time I tried it with an ext3 partition I wound up with an ext2 one | 04:33 |
xwolf- | Official_C exactly, and if i am running qemu under linux, i'll be able to use samba | 04:33 |
Official_C | xwolf: what i recommend is trying to create a FAT partition on the hard drive containing windows. then copy your linux files to the FAT partition | 04:34 |
xwolf- | hm | 04:34 |
Official_C | xwolf: then if necessary, copy the files from the FAT partition to the NTFS partition since they are compatible | 04:34 |
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Official_C | xwolf: maybe not the easiest way but definitely the safest | 04:35 |
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beavis_ | anyone know how i can make linux make my breakfast | 04:36 |
mcrandello | http://www.riverdale.k12.or.us/linux/toaster/ | 04:37 |
mcrandello | matter of fact yes | 04:37 |
ChefWill | anyone care to help me figure out whats wrong with my wifi? | 04:37 |
mart | beavis_: see also http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-mini/Coffee.html | 04:38 |
mcrandello | okay it just happened, teh USB died. anyone know what log would be usefull to look for clues in? | 04:38 |
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mart | mcrandello: run dmesg? | 04:38 |
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Armagguedes | when installing dapper how can i select XFS instead of ext3? | 04:39 |
Armagguedes | for / | 04:39 |
mart | Armagguedes: use manual partitioning. | 04:39 |
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Armagguedes | yes but i dont remember seeing xfs listed there | 04:39 |
mart | it's there :) | 04:39 |
Armagguedes | oks | 04:40 |
beavis_ | cool | 04:40 |
mart | if you see the "Use as:" label, then edit that. | 04:40 |
Armagguedes | and what are the advantages of using a newer kernel (dapper has 2.6.15, .17 has just been released) | 04:40 |
mart | Armagguedes: not a great deal if you have no problems with 2.6.15. | 04:41 |
Official_C | do you guys let kubuntu automatically make a swap partition for you or do you manually specify a size? | 04:41 |
rovitotv | Hello, I am new to kubuntu, but I have been using Slackware for several years, can somebody explain the kernel compile process to me? I have read a few howtos but I am not sure why we have to use the dpkg stuff???? | 04:41 |
mart | Official_C: to be honest, I have no idea. :) | 04:41 |
Official_C | mart: how big is your wap partition | 04:41 |
Official_C | swap* | 04:42 |
zodo | Hey folks. I'm back, with yet another question. I'm trying to set up a Firestarter NAT/Firewall now (I gave up on shorewall) and I'm having some trouble with the dhcpd.conf that it's generating. ath0 is my wan connection, and eth0 is my lan. I only want to serve IP addresses over eth0. However, dhcpd won't start without me making a subnet declaration for ath0. If I do that, will it start serving IPs over ath0, as well? | 04:42 |
mcrandello | I see some atkbd errors from using the Fn key, and some hdc:tray open from where the cat was laying against the side of the laptop :( | 04:42 |
mart | Official_C: seems to be 4Gb! | 04:43 |
mcrandello | nothing about the usb though | 04:43 |
Official_C | mart: god dang...how much RAM do you have? | 04:44 |
mart | Official_C: oh well, it's a 160G drive, so it's pretty negligable. | 04:44 |
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Official_C | hey Kyral | 04:44 |
mart | Official_C: enough for all my processes without swap. | 04:44 |
mcrandello | I'm going to go get dinner, reboot and then try to catch it again, I guess I could keep a console open with tail -f running | 04:45 |
Official_C | mart: yeah i only got 512MB but it is enough | 04:45 |
james_xxx | rovitotv: why are you switching from slackware? | 04:45 |
mcrandello | later! | 04:45 |
Official_C | my swap partition is actually only 368MB though | 04:45 |
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Official_C | my partition containing linux is actually only 8GB | 04:46 |
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xwolf- | !lvm | 04:50 |
ubotu | methinks lvm is (for the moment) http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/ | 04:50 |
beavis_ | isnt the kernel just linux? and everything else just addons? | 04:50 |
thompa | im having a problem, only on notebook, of maybe curser jumping | 04:50 |
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xwolf- | !vm | 04:51 |
ubotu | xwolf-: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 04:51 |
thompa | not sure what it is, but when i type it jumps around so the sentence sometimes is messed up | 04:51 |
xwolf- | !vmware | 04:51 |
ubotu | hmm... vmware is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingVMWare | 04:51 |
xwolf- | !qemu | 04:51 |
ubotu | from memory, qemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo or http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=200357&postcount=1 | 04:51 |
rovitotv | james_xxx: just thought I would try something different and Pat has been having a difficult time making timely releases. | 04:51 |
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Bennner | i finaly got the ati web site drivers installed.. for my X1600 yes!!.. BUT now i can't go into System Settings/Display it's says "The Module Display could not be loaded" so i can't change my resolution, i think i am in 1280x1024 | 04:55 |
beavis_ | Bennner: yeah , that happened to me | 04:55 |
Bennner | did u solve it? | 04:56 |
beavis_ | Bennner:dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 04:56 |
Bennner | and do i change settings? | 04:57 |
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Bennner | should i take fglrx or ati or vesa? | 04:58 |
beavis_ | fglrx | 04:59 |
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Bennner | i try that and coming back | 05:01 |
thompa | how can i disable touchpad?\ | 05:01 |
=== Gio [n=giovanni@64-121-40-153.c3-0.dlcy-ubr1.sfrn-dlcy.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Gio | hmm | 05:02 |
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thompa | my touchpad is heat sensitive, and screws up my typing real bad | 05:02 |
=== Gio [n=giovanni@64-121-40-153.c3-0.dlcy-ubr1.sfrn-dlcy.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Bennner | beavis cool it works | 05:03 |
beavis_ | thompa: put some tape over it , | 05:03 |
beavis_ | Bennner: good job | 05:03 |
Gio | . | 05:03 |
beavis_ | Bennner: use tab to autocomplete nicknames | 05:04 |
thompa | he | 05:04 |
Bennner | but i have another bug, for example, when i go to display, i click Administrator mode, the windows corner comes red like usual, but no password box appears and stay there | 05:04 |
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Hobbsee | thompa: does ksynaptics let you change it? | 05:04 |
Hobbsee | Bennner: run kdesu kcontrol instead | 05:04 |
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=== Hobbsee doesnt know why that bug seems to keep randomly appearing | ||
thompa | im checking settings first, should be something there | 05:04 |
beavis_ | Bennner: that i dont know , it happened to me when i used 32bit kubuntu , im using 64bit now and so far everything is still working | 05:06 |
=== Professor [n=giovanni@64-121-40-153.c3-0.dlcy-ubr1.sfrn-dlcy.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
thompa | ksyanptics. no such animal | 05:06 |
Professor | . | 05:06 |
beavis_ | its called adept | 05:06 |
=== Lunar_Raven [n=Lunar_Ra@71-37-5-180.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Hobbsee | beavis_: no it isnt, different program | 05:06 |
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Hobbsee | !info ksynaptics dapper | 05:07 |
ubotu | ksynaptics: (A KDE application to configure Synaptics TouchPad), section universe/x11, is optional. Version: 0.2.4-2ubuntu2 (dapper), Packaged size: 175 kB, Installed size: 908 kB | 05:07 |
beavis_ | ok , | 05:07 |
thompa | ok | 05:07 |
Hobbsee | thompa: ^ i think you spelt it wrong | 05:07 |
Hobbsee | beavis_: you're thinking of kynaptic | 05:07 |
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thompa | ya, but i typed in bash correct | 05:08 |
thompa | i need to install it i guess | 05:08 |
Hobbsee | yes | 05:08 |
beavis_ | Hobbsee: no , im new , i thought you were talking about something else | 05:08 |
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Professor | Hi ICXCNIKA. Do you edito on Wikipedia? | 05:08 |
Hobbsee | beavis_: :) that's okay, i figured that's what you thought | 05:08 |
beavis_ | Hobbsee: so what is the best webbrowser for linux? | 05:09 |
thompa | i installed ksynaptics, but how to start? | 05:10 |
Hobbsee | beavis_: firefox. after that, probably konqueror | 05:10 |
Bennner | thanks beavis_ & hobbsee it's now working fine at 1024x768@75hz | 05:10 |
Hobbsee | thompa: alt+f2, ksynaptics? | 05:10 |
beavis_ | Bennner: no problem | 05:10 |
thompa | that worked, strange in terminal it did not | 05:10 |
=== erov [n=j@c-69-247-101-157.hsd1.ms.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["."] | ||
Hobbsee | very strange | 05:11 |
thompa | i disabled touchpad and appied setting, do i have to re-X? | 05:11 |
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Professor | Icxcnika? | 05:12 |
Hobbsee | thompa: if your touchpad is now disabled, then no, otherwise, yes :P | 05:12 |
thompa | ok | 05:12 |
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thompa | Hobbsee: i restarted X, still touchpad works | 05:15 |
Hobbsee | thompa: darn! | 05:15 |
intelikey | apokryphos oh you run this channel too, sorry i didn't know. | 05:15 |
thompa | if the touchpad is the problem, it seems curser is jumping when i type, | 05:15 |
thompa | its cross distro | 05:15 |
thompa | i guess i must edit xorg.conf | 05:16 |
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Bennner | where can i found instruction to install all the standard codecs (mp3, avi, divx....) | 05:17 |
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thompa | in xorg.conf i have driver "synaptics" , can i just hash mark it? | 05:17 |
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Hobbsee | i've got no idea.... | 05:18 |
Hobbsee | !tell Bennner about codecs | 05:18 |
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thompa | ill try it | 05:19 |
james_xxx | rovitotv: will there be an upgrade for slackware anytime in the near future? | 05:19 |
RadiantFire | so I'm trying to set up my keycodes, and trying to do xmodmap -e "keycode 174 = XF86VolumeLower" says bad keysym nane xf86audiolower' in keysym list | 05:20 |
rovitotv | james_xxx: I am not sure it has been almost 10 months since the last upgrade. Pat has added patches and fixes but I feel like maintaining a distro is more than a one person job so I think I am going to switch. So far I like Kubuntu. | 05:23 |
beavis_ | so i found a cool icon right ? how do i aasing this one icon to all ...lets say all mp3 files?? | 05:23 |
beavis_ | assign | 05:23 |
beavis_ | asign? | 05:23 |
=== thompa [n=thom@c-69-180-208-122.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tj9991 | well that was fun, trying to get steam to work with wine | 05:24 |
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beavis_ | did you get it to work?/ | 05:24 |
tj9991 | yep, and its downloading HL and CS from the servers now | 05:24 |
tj9991 | has anyone ever done it before? | 05:24 |
tj9991 | i installed tahoma | 05:24 |
beavis_ | good job | 05:24 |
tj9991 | but the close and minimize buttons on the bars above the windows are boxes | 05:24 |
tj9991 | so i know i have font missing or something else is buggered | 05:25 |
RawSewage | why didnt you use Cedega | 05:25 |
tj9991 | cedega isnt free, is it | 05:25 |
tj9991 | i cant remember | 05:25 |
beavis_ | so i found a cool icon right ? how do i aasing this one icon to all ...lets say all mp3 files?? | 05:25 |
thompa | i thin i need Option "SHMConfig" in xorg.conf to disable touchpad | 05:25 |
RawSewage | I think it's freeif you build it | 05:25 |
james_xxx | rovitotv: kubuntu is very nice, i have it on 2 machines... xubuntu on another, but i am installing slackware on another as we speak | 05:27 |
RadiantFire | slackware is fun :-) | 05:28 |
RadiantFire | i got as far as getting xorg running when I didtched it | 05:28 |
james_xxx | RadiantFire: i still know little about linux, but i had been thinking about giving slackware a try | 05:28 |
james_xxx | RadiantFire: you never got slackware to work? | 05:28 |
RadiantFire | james_xxx: I consider myself to have a fair amount of skills | 05:29 |
RadiantFire | yet the install was fraught with problems | 05:29 |
james_xxx | ahhh | 05:29 |
beavis_ | no one knows how to assign an icon to a file type??? | 05:29 |
RadiantFire | first off lilo failed to install, so I had no way of booting the box at all | 05:29 |
james_xxx | RadiantFire: well, that means i am probably going to have trouble here in a few minutes | 05:29 |
rovitotv | I like slackware and since I have been using it for so long I can make it do just about anything I want. But I think the writing is on the wall and Slackware is dying. | 05:30 |
RadiantFire | james_xxx: I also had a usb mouse, and it jitteried like mad | 05:30 |
RadiantFire | like it would jerk back and forth across the screen for no reason | 05:30 |
james_xxx | hmmm | 05:30 |
=== Frederick [n=imanewbi@unaffiliated/frederick] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Frederick | folks how do I create a trash folder on my desktop? | 05:30 |
RadiantFire | in retrospect I prolly shoulda used the usb->ps2 adapter sitting 5 ft from me | 05:30 |
james_xxx | maybe i should stop my install right now lol | 05:30 |
rovitotv | RadiantFire: Strange problems, I have never seen a lilo install fail. Are you using SATA drive? If so did you boot with the test26.s kernel? | 05:30 |
RadiantFire | Frederick: you can add a link to url and enter trash:/ as the url | 05:31 |
RadiantFire | rovitotv: IDE with 2.4 kernel | 05:31 |
rovitotv | RadiantFire: IDE drive should work without a problem. | 05:31 |
RadiantFire | rovitotv: it was wierd | 05:31 |
RadiantFire | rovitotv: i booted with slackware and wgetted a grub package and installed that instead | 05:31 |
james_xxx | i am putting slackware on an old P3 machine | 05:32 |
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RadiantFire | when I gave up with slackware I went to gentoo | 05:32 |
RadiantFire | stayed with gentoo for 1.5 yrs and now I'm here | 05:32 |
rovitotv | Slackware is good for old machines, no doubt about that! | 05:32 |
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Frederick | RadiantFire: can I do it for home too? | 05:33 |
thompa | i stll can disable touchpad | 05:33 |
RadiantFire | RadiantFire: probably | 05:33 |
thompa | still cant | 05:33 |
RadiantFire | Frederick: for home you can drag the home folder out of the sidebar of konqueror | 05:33 |
tj9991 | guys, I have a 320 gig hard drive, and its virtually formatted into three partitions all NTFS | 05:33 |
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=== tussi [n=tussi@dslb-088-073-006-141.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tj9991 | if I connected it to a linux computer, could i browse it successfully? | 05:34 |
seyacat | Help me please. i have AMD 64 with kubuntu, one day eth0 stop to work, it is embbed and i can see it and can configure, but i cant see network computers. ethernet works fine in windoes | 05:34 |
james_xxx | well, i am really intrigued with the idea of distros aimed at older machines...... i have xubuntu on an old AMD-K62, and although i think xubuntu is still somewhat in the rough, i like it. tonight i just wanted to try something else out. what other distributions are out there that would be well suited for older hardware? | 05:34 |
beavis_ | thompa: try this http://scottcollins.net/blog/2006/01/disable-touchpad-tap-in-kubuntubreezy.html | 05:34 |
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Hobbsee | seyacat: pastebin sudo ifup eth0 && sudo dhclient eth0 please | 05:34 |
beavis_ | thompa: or this http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/03/24/disable-synaptics-touchpad/ | 05:35 |
seyacat | ok, ill go to linux and back jeje | 05:36 |
thompa | ok thanks, i just tried adding synclient to xorg, no go | 05:36 |
thompa | beavis: i did that it dont work, maybe need to re-X again | 05:37 |
Frederick | Ive choosen to be able to see hard disk devices in my desktop but I want it for only 1 partition I dont want to see the partition where ubuntu is it self how do I selve it? | 05:39 |
beavis_ | thompa: maybe this will help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=434679&postcount=8 | 05:39 |
RawSewage | If I have 2 harddrives on my computer... 1 with Linux, and 1 with Windows, how can I read the Windows drive from the Kubuntu drive? | 05:39 |
Frederick | any ideas for me? | 05:40 |
rovitotv | james_xxx: I have heard good things about arch and damnsmalllinux (DSL) | 05:41 |
Hobbsee | !tell RawSewage about windowsdrives | 05:41 |
RawSewage | ty | 05:41 |
=== WoodwardAve [n=kevinjsm@adsl-68-255-79-52.dsl.lgtpmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
rovitotv | james_xxx: as RadiantFire had said gentoo is a good one as well. | 05:43 |
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RadiantFire | yes | 05:45 |
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james_xxx | rovitotv: ty | 05:47 |
james_xxx | RadiantFire: is gentoo very newb friendly? | 05:47 |
RadiantFire | james_xxx: i'd say "yes if your an experimenally minded noob" | 05:47 |
=== thompa [n=thom@c-69-180-208-122.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
RadiantFire | I was able to cut and paste about 10 pages of commands to run a complete command line install | 05:47 |
RadiantFire | I didn't have a clue what I was doing until later | 05:48 |
RadiantFire | and tinkering with gentoo is the reason I have such a firm grasp of the underpinnings of systems | 05:48 |
RadiantFire | I've been debating installing it on this laptop | 05:48 |
thompa | i managed to disable touchpad tapping, but cant disable touchpad completely. weird | 05:48 |
james_xxx | cool | 05:48 |
thompa | also no bios option | 05:48 |
RadiantFire | james_xxx: its also blazing fasat | 05:49 |
james_xxx | RadiantFire: i may have to give gentoo a try... | 05:49 |
RadiantFire | james_xxx: block off a weekend | 05:49 |
RadiantFire | james_xxx: it took me about 10 hours to get up to a gui | 05:49 |
RadiantFire | on a p4 3 ghz | 05:49 |
RadiantFire | and that gui was x + twm | 05:49 |
james_xxx | i had never even seen a computer running linux until about 6 weeks ago, so i know nothing | 05:49 |
RadiantFire | james_xxx: if your interested and have any questions feel free to e-mail me at zeiglerr@dickinson.edu | 05:50 |
RadiantFire | I'll do my best to get back to you quick | 05:50 |
james_xxx | RadiantFire: thanks | 05:50 |
=== aw [n=aw@cpe-66-69-235-65.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
james_xxx | RadiantFire: where is dickinson? | 05:50 |
ChefWill | anyone care to help me troubleshoot whats wrong with my wifi? | 05:50 |
james_xxx | ohio? | 05:50 |
RadiantFire | Pennsylvania | 05:50 |
james_xxx | o ok | 05:50 |
=== aw is now known as telpochyaotl | ||
thompa | qsynaptics works, ksynaptis dont | 05:51 |
beavis_ | ChefWill: whats wrong with your wifi? | 05:51 |
RadiantFire | yeah, gonna pop in gentoo on this lappy tomorrow :-) it will be fun | 05:51 |
ChefWill | doesnt work :P | 05:51 |
=== seyacat [n=chatzill@154.179.uio.satnet.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
seyacat | hi i return | 05:51 |
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beavis_ | ChefWill: well . ,are you familiar with networking? | 05:51 |
ChefWill | a little bit | 05:52 |
ChefWill | i use knetworkanager | 05:52 |
ChefWill | its not showing any networks right now | 05:52 |
ChefWill | its not een showing a wifi card | 05:52 |
seyacat | Help me i have a problem with ethernet, i can see that but i cant see network. Kubuntu amd 64 | 05:53 |
beavis_ | ChefWill: maybe its because it doesnt have the right driver for the card | 05:53 |
ChefWill | it should | 05:53 |
ChefWill | im using whats it called | 05:53 |
seyacat | ifup say me eth0 is configured | 05:53 |
Hobbsee | seyacat: and dhclient? | 05:54 |
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ChefWill | ndiswrapper says its working | 05:54 |
beavis_ | goot thing hobb is here , i was getting worried | 05:54 |
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beavis_ | he can help you guys out | 05:55 |
seyacat | dhclient say DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 ineteval 7....11....13 | 05:55 |
seyacat | i have static ips | 05:55 |
beavis_ | isnt local subnet | 05:56 |
=== stuq [n=stuq@user-12lcqia.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
beavis_ | seyacat: are you using router? | 05:56 |
beavis_ | ChefWill: i dont really know , | 05:57 |
seyacat | im using NAT of windoes to route, but i cant see this computer wint ping too | 05:57 |
beavis_ | ChefWill: if it doesnt see your card then the driver is either not working right or not configured right | 05:57 |
seyacat | when i use ping it say HOST IS UNREACHEBLE | 05:58 |
beavis_ | seyacat: nat of windows? | 05:58 |
beavis_ | seyacat: either firewall on ur pc or the other could be blocking ping requests | 05:59 |
=== ChefWill [n=will@about/cooking/nakedchef/spicy/ChefWill] has joined #kubuntu | ||
beavis_ | seyacat: if youre connected to a router , and using static ips make sure your router is setup to use static ips and you specify the default gateway in your lan config | 06:00 |
seyacat | firewall is disabled | 06:00 |
ChefWill | ndiswrapper says my card is present yet ifconfig doesnt show it | 06:01 |
seyacat | i dont use router, and i cant see neigbourg computer, but i windows i can | 06:02 |
beavis_ | ChefWill: why are you using ifconfig? isnt there any gui tool to config wifi? | 06:02 |
ChefWill | well i use network manager | 06:02 |
ChefWill | im just trying to figure out why its not working | 06:02 |
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beavis_ | im new to linux myself , so dont expect much from me , i can only help out with the things ive done myself already | 06:03 |
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ChefWill | can you even run ndiswrapper + knetworkmanager? | 06:12 |
Hobbsee | ChefWill: yes | 06:12 |
ChefWill | idk what the problem is | 06:12 |
=== Hobbsee does | ||
ChefWill | ndiswrapper -l says bcmwl5a drier present, hardware present | 06:13 |
Hobbsee | ChefWill: want to pastebin ifconfig && iwconfig? | 06:13 |
=== _kings [n=kings@dr4g0nn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ChefWill | ifconfig just shows eth0 and lo | 06:13 |
ChefWill | !paste | 06:13 |
ubotu | Please do not flood the channel! Use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting long texts as it does not distrupt the channel. You might also want to install the "webboard" package from Universe. | 06:13 |
Hobbsee | ChefWill: and iwconfig? | 06:13 |
ChefWill | pasting | 06:13 |
regeya_ | beavis_: meh. | 06:13 |
nixternal | Hobbsee: when did you sneak in? | 06:14 |
ChefWill | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15963 | 06:14 |
Hobbsee | nixternal: a while ago | 06:14 |
Hobbsee | Uptime: 1 hours and 48 minutes | 06:14 |
Hobbsee | that long ago | 06:14 |
nixternal | im blind ;) | 06:14 |
ChefWill | thats not my network though Hobbsee | 06:14 |
Hobbsee | ChefWill: want to paste the output of iwlist wlan0 scan? | 06:14 |
robotgeek | ChefWill: if you are on dapper, you can use the native drivers? | 06:15 |
ChefWill | you mean eth1 ;) | 06:15 |
Hobbsee | ChefWill: yeah, eth1, just saw that | 06:15 |
ChefWill | Hobbsee: it just shows that one | 06:15 |
ChefWill | belkin54g | 06:15 |
ChefWill | well my homes network is hidden | 06:15 |
ChefWill | it doesnt broadcast | 06:15 |
Hobbsee | it doesnt show the hidden one though? it should just show with a blank SSID | 06:16 |
ChefWill | no | 06:16 |
ChefWill | it just shows Cell 01 ESSID Belkin54g | 06:16 |
Hobbsee | ack. | 06:16 |
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ChefWill | in knetworkmanager there isnt even a "Wireless Device" | 06:16 |
ChefWill | it lets me disable wireless, but no wireless device | 06:16 |
robotgeek | hmm, i had to restart for it to work for me | 06:17 |
ChefWill | i have restarted | 06:17 |
ChefWill | i just did actually | 06:17 |
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ChefWill | ;/ | 06:20 |
robotgeek | it sucks to restart though , you should never have to do that on linux! | 06:21 |
ChefWill | idk whats wrong | 06:21 |
Hobbsee | robotgeek: except kernel updates. you can actually restart the networkmanager, but it always seems to crash on me when i try | 06:22 |
crimsun | I am totally down with rebooting randomly. | 06:22 |
ChefWill | so what an i try Hobbsee? | 06:22 |
Hobbsee | i'd try connecting to that belkin network... | 06:22 |
ChefWill | well knetworkmanager doesnt een list a wireless device | 06:22 |
ChefWill | it just shows wired | 06:22 |
Hobbsee | true, looks like NM didnt start properly then | 06:23 |
ChefWill | restart it? | 06:23 |
Hobbsee | ChefWill: did you run ndiswrapper -m? | 06:23 |
robotgeek | do we still have to remove all entries from /etc/network/interfaces? | 06:23 |
ChefWill | ndii think so Hobbsee | 06:23 |
ChefWill | i already did robotgeek | 06:23 |
ChefWill | Hobbsee: how do i make sure? | 06:23 |
Hobbsee | robotgeek: i just left mine at the default | 06:23 |
Hobbsee | ChefWill: run it again, and see what message it gives you | 06:24 |
robotgeek | Hobbsee: okay, thanks | 06:24 |
ChefWill | Hobbsee: do i just want ndiswrapper or ndiswrapper -m in /etc/modules ? | 06:24 |
Hobbsee | just ndiswrapper | 06:24 |
ChefWill | thats what i have | 06:24 |
ChefWill | so it should start | 06:24 |
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ChefWill | ndiswrapper -m shows: modprobe config already contains alias directive | 06:25 |
Hobbsee | interesting, okay | 06:25 |
Hobbsee | yep | 06:25 |
Hobbsee | cool | 06:25 |
ruisu | hi, hey., do i need to boot domain name system? | 06:25 |
ChefWill | ;/ | 06:26 |
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ruisu | do i? | 06:26 |
Hobbsee | um? | 06:27 |
=== Hobbsee doesnt understand the question | ||
ruisu | do i need to boot with the Domain Name service? | 06:27 |
ChefWill | why wouldnt wireless even show up in knetworkmanager | 06:27 |
geneo93 | Hobbsee is it nonchown or nochown | 06:27 |
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Hobbsee | not a clue | 06:28 |
ruisu | ok | 06:28 |
ChefWill | nochown | 06:28 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | !voip | 06:28 |
ubotu | [Evil] [Ernie] : Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 06:28 |
geneo93 | ok thanks | 06:28 |
ruisu | so i see you are having problems with ndiswrapper? | 06:28 |
ChefWill | me? yes | 06:28 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | anyone know of a linux application that does voip? | 06:28 |
ChefWill | well idk if its ndiswrapper or knetworkmanager | 06:28 |
ruisu | i use ndiswrapper | 06:29 |
ChefWill | ndiswrapper shows driver installed | 06:29 |
ChefWill | but knetworkmanager isnt listing wireless interface | 06:29 |
ruisu | ok, use iwconfig with your config | 06:29 |
ChefWill | ? | 06:30 |
ruisu | and then use dhclient | 06:30 |
ChefWill | ? | 06:30 |
ruisu | iwconfig wlan0 essid UrSSID key 123456789 | 06:30 |
ruisu | or what ever configuration you have | 06:30 |
ruisu | in the console | 06:31 |
ChefWill | iwconfig eth1 essid Skye key A0F79CE1E3 | 06:31 |
ChefWill | ? | 06:31 |
ruisu | yea | 06:31 |
ruisu | no | 06:31 |
ChefWill | ;/ | 06:31 |
ruisu | its not eth1 | 06:31 |
ChefWill | yea it is | 06:31 |
ruisu | its wlan0 | 06:31 |
ChefWill | no | 06:31 |
Hobbsee | it is eth1 | 06:31 |
ChefWill | not on mine | 06:32 |
Hobbsee | ruisu: it is eth1 | 06:32 |
ruisu | ook | 06:32 |
ruisu | umm, i guess | 06:32 |
ruisu | i tought ndiswrapper was made for wireless cards | 06:32 |
Hobbsee | it is | 06:32 |
ChefWill | ok now what | 06:32 |
ChefWill | it set that as my config | 06:32 |
ruisu | ok, use dhclient | 06:32 |
Hobbsee | it's just been detected as a wireless, and been given eth1, for some reason | 06:32 |
ChefWill | how? | 06:32 |
ruisu | oook | 06:32 |
ruisu | in the console too | 06:33 |
ruisu | and there should be some responses | 06:33 |
ChefWill | yea.. | 06:33 |
ruisu | like dhcpdiscover and stuff | 06:33 |
ruisu | and that should do it | 06:33 |
ChefWill | i guess i need to disable eth0 | 06:33 |
ruisu | dunno, | 06:33 |
ChefWill | ;/ | 06:34 |
Hobbsee | ChefWill: usually, yeah | 06:34 |
ruisu | but, im guessing you are oviously not on that machine you are having trouble | 06:34 |
Hobbsee | run sudo dhclient eth1 | 06:34 |
Hobbsee | it'll auto cut out the eth0 | 06:34 |
ChefWill | ok done Hobbsee | 06:34 |
ChefWill | im still connected thru eth0 though | 06:35 |
Hobbsee | ChefWill: did it get a lease? | 06:35 |
ChefWill | cant really switch to eth1 since knetworkmanager isnt showing my eth1 :( | 06:35 |
ChefWill | i think so? | 06:35 |
ruisu | so? are there any respon.. ah, i think you should kill the eth0.. dont ask me how, ive never donit | 06:35 |
ChefWill | i got an ip, so i think id id | 06:35 |
ruisu | :P | 06:35 |
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ruisu | yeah | 06:35 |
Hobbsee | ChefWill: ignore knm for the minute | 06:35 |
ChefWill | uebook:~$ | 06:36 |
Hobbsee | ChefWill: okay, sudo ifdown eth0 | 06:36 |
ChefWill | knm? | 06:36 |
Hobbsee | ChefWill: knetworkmanager | 06:36 |
ChefWill | it says eth0 not configured | 06:36 |
Hobbsee | yeah good | 06:36 |
ChefWill | ok.. | 06:36 |
Hobbsee | pull the network cable just to make sure... | 06:36 |
ruisu | mhm | 06:36 |
Hobbsee | then run sudo apt-get update | 06:37 |
ruisu | ok, noone knows if i need DNS? | 06:37 |
ruisu | ....module? | 06:37 |
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Hawkwind | HedgeMage: !!!!!!!!!! | 06:38 |
HedgeMage | hi Hawkwind | 06:38 |
HedgeMage | long time no see | 06:38 |
ruisu | hello | 06:38 |
Hawkwind | Long time no see hun, how ya been ? | 06:38 |
HedgeMage | Hawkwind: fall off the Mandrake/Mandriva bandwagon I take it? | 06:38 |
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Hawkwind | HedgeMage: I'm still on Mandriva on this box for another day or so, then it's all Kubuntu :) | 06:39 |
ChefWill_ | ok Hobbsee | 06:39 |
ChefWill_ | im connected wirelessly | 06:39 |
ChefWill_ | now how to get knetworkmanager is | 06:39 |
HedgeMage | I'm good, busy as always. | 06:39 |
Hawkwind | HedgeMage: How's TT doing ? | 06:39 |
Hobbsee | ChefWill: no reason you have to run knetworkmanager at all, you know.. | 06:39 |
HedgeMage | Hawkwind: if you want to visit, can we go to #ubuntu-offtopic so we don't drive everyone batty? | 06:39 |
ChefWill_ | well | 06:39 |
robotgeek | HedgeMage: awfully useful in hotel rooms, i found out 2 days ago :) | 06:39 |
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ChefWill_ | its a lot easier Hobbsee cause im always connecting to other networks | 06:40 |
robotgeek | err, Hobbsee | 06:40 |
Hobbsee | ChefWill: that is true | 06:40 |
Hobbsee | robotgeek: hmmm? | 06:40 |
robotgeek | HedgeMage: type complettion error, my apologies | 06:40 |
ChefWill_ | so how can i fix? | 06:40 |
HedgeMage | rofl | 06:40 |
robotgeek | Hobbsee: awfully useful in hotel rooms, i found out 2 days ago :) | 06:40 |
Hobbsee | robotgeek: that is true :) | 06:40 |
ruisu | ok, good bye :) | 06:40 |
HedgeMage | robotgeek: at first I read that as saying I'm useful in hotel rooms, and wondered what I don't remember from 2 days ago ;) | 06:40 |
Hobbsee | heh, was wondering why you were suddenly addressing HedgeMag*e | 06:40 |
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robotgeek | lol! | 06:41 |
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ChefWill | soo | 06:44 |
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ChefWill | my wificard is obviously setup right | 06:44 |
ChefWill | so why isnt knetworkmanager picking it up | 06:44 |
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MadRush | howdy gents | 06:45 |
crimsun | I haven't the faintest clue RE: knetworkmanager, but I'm more familiar w/ wireless(7) and interfaces(5) | 06:45 |
MadRush | any of you guys play around with vmware server? | 06:45 |
ruisu | ok, so i get locked up when i try to shut down de computer, it stays while shuting down domain name service... any help? | 06:45 |
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ruisu | ok | 06:58 |
ruisu | bye :S | 06:58 |
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RawSewage | a new version of Linux has been released. Does that get incorporated into Kubuntu? | 06:58 |
crimsun | no | 06:59 |
RawSewage | its like a different distro? | 06:59 |
RawSewage | Im clueless, sorry | 06:59 |
crimsun | all dev work was done against 2.6.15 | 06:59 |
RawSewage | oh | 06:59 |
crimsun | to simply drop 2.6.17 it would be utter insanity | 06:59 |
crimsun | in^ | 06:59 |
RawSewage | Edgy will use that though, I guess | 06:59 |
crimsun | yes, Edgy will use at least 2.6.17 | 07:00 |
crimsun | depends what's decided this week at the Paris conf | 07:00 |
RawSewage | Im ready to start testing Edgy | 07:00 |
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crimsun | you're mad :p | 07:01 |
The | RawSewage: same here, once it boots | 07:01 |
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RawSewage | when do you think the first build will be released | 07:02 |
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Hobbsee | RawSewage: no idea, but you can dist upgrade | 07:03 |
Hobbsee | someitmes | 07:04 |
RawSewage | already? | 07:04 |
Hobbsee | yeah | 07:04 |
Hobbsee | dont upgrade udev though, i see in #ubuntu+1 | 07:04 |
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RawSewage | [05:06] [Notice] -ChanServ- [#ubuntu+1] Edgy Eft is not yet usable. Please don't use it yet. | 07:06 |
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ma3cs | hello people ! | 07:08 |
ma3cs | how to init 3 ? | 07:09 |
ma3cs | on kubunut of course ? | 07:09 |
ma3cs | nobody here ? | 07:09 |
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RawSewage | erm... I use Kubuntu... so I cant use #Ubuntu+1 | 07:10 |
RawSewage | right | 07:10 |
RawSewage | I cant use the updates | 07:10 |
bioticpro | Has anyone here used dyndns or similar service? Im trying to set up so I can access a remote computer that has a dynapic ip (its on dialup) | 07:11 |
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ma3cs | init 3 .... | 07:13 |
ma3cs | somebody help me ... please | 07:13 |
ma3cs | working with Ctrl+Alt ...F3 | 07:14 |
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ma3cs | but i want to start dierct ini3 | 07:15 |
ma3cs | direct init 3 | 07:15 |
ma3cs | helllo | 07:15 |
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osiris | ma3cs, that used to be defined in /etc/inittab | 07:28 |
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joedj | has anyone upgraded from breezy to dapper and had all their scrollbars break (i.e. look like random noise)? i'm using the Baghira theme | 07:31 |
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noiesmo | joedj, i am pretty sure its related to gtk2-engines-gtk-qt | 07:34 |
TubaSoldier | is there any way to install kubuntu over a network using a floppy to boot? most linux distros can do this but i have not found or seen any documentation for this kind of installation with kubuntu/ubuntu | 07:34 |
noiesmo | joedj, I had trouble with fireofx and thunderbird on kubuntu dapper using the baghira theame | 07:34 |
crimsun | joedj: for gtk apps, you mean? | 07:34 |
farous | how to check up loaded modules ? just listing them | 07:34 |
crimsun | farous: lsmod | 07:35 |
farous | thanx crimsun | 07:35 |
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joedj | yeah, looks like GTK apps. firefox and thunderbird have the brokenness, konqueror is ok | 07:36 |
crimsun | yeah, it's probably gtk2-engines-gtk-qt | 07:36 |
noiesmo | joedj, sudo apt-get remove gtk2-engines-gtk-qt | 07:36 |
crimsun | get rid of ~/.gtkrc-2.0 | 07:36 |
farous | crimsun: one more quest. which file sepcify the loading of those modules other than /etc/modules | 07:36 |
crimsun | farous: none. udev does it. | 07:36 |
farous | ok thanx again you are quite helpfull take care :) | 07:37 |
crimsun | bye | 07:37 |
joedj | aww | 07:37 |
joedj | noiesmo: that 'fixed' it, but i lose my nice theme in the gtk apps :) | 07:37 |
crimsun | gtk2-engines-gtk-qt has documented, glaring bugs | 07:38 |
noiesmo | joedj, you can reinstall and try what crimsun recommended i didnt try that | 07:38 |
=== joedj does so | ||
Lunar_Raven | I just downloaded java, and extracted it. How do I make this new java directory the default one for programs? | 07:39 |
DaSkreech | Paris!! :) | 07:41 |
RawSewage | My Spam Filter button isnt appearing in the KMail toolbar | 07:41 |
RawSewage | Its invisible | 07:41 |
noiesmo | DaSkreech, hey :) | 07:41 |
RawSewage | how can I fix that | 07:41 |
DaSkreech | noiesmo: Sup?? | 07:41 |
noiesmo | DaSkreech, just hangin | 07:42 |
CaptainMorgan | folks, any idea why thunderbird will not fit within the screen in KDE/ubuntu? is it an extension? is it a bug? what? for example, doens't matter which layout is going, I got classic right now and the mesage index goes off to the right and when viewing a message it also goes off to the right where I can't see it. This also happens when drafting a message... | 07:42 |
DaSkreech | noiesmo: Cool | 07:42 |
DaSkreech | Augh!! | 07:42 |
DaSkreech | noiesmo: Kool Kool | 07:42 |
joedj | noiesmo,crimsun: nah, no luck, but i'd rather have the brokenness of gtk2-engines-gtk-qt than the ugliness of regular GTK apps, anyway =P | 07:42 |
crimsun | CaptainMorgan: I've experienced that, too. It's utterly annoying. | 07:42 |
CaptainMorgan | how did you fix it? | 07:42 |
crimsun | I didn't. | 07:42 |
noiesmo | joedj, use another theme or buy an apple computer | 07:42 |
joedj | noiesmo: i'll take option #3 - just put up with it | 07:43 |
crimsun | I pretty much open messages in new windows. | 07:43 |
noiesmo | joedj, np :) | 07:43 |
noiesmo | Lunar_Raven, I would creat a deb package for java and then install that have instructions if you want you will still have to make a symbolic link for the firefox java plugin | 07:44 |
crimsun | ...or you could use sun-java5* in multiverse. | 07:44 |
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Lunar_Raven | sure i'll take instructions for that | 07:46 |
Lunar_Raven | :) | 07:46 |
noiesmo | Lunar_Raven, sudo apt-get install java-package then fakeroot make-jpkg jre-1_5_0_05-linux-i586.bin then sudo dpkg -i sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update05_i386.deb make sure you Adjust jre-1_5_0_05-linux-i586.bin to suite the one you download | 07:47 |
crimsun | ...or you could just enable multiverse and install sun-java5-jre and sun-java5-plugin | 07:48 |
Lunar_Raven | ok thanks | 07:48 |
CaptainMorgan | what are the default image editing tools in kde? | 07:53 |
crimsun | krita, I believe? | 07:53 |
Lunar_Raven | well i was going to try the official java packages, crimsun..for whatever reason on azureus, the buttons (on popup notifications) don't work..and I can't get the damn things to go away | 07:54 |
Lunar_Raven | I'm guessing it's probably a java issue? | 07:54 |
Lunar_Raven | heh | 07:54 |
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benner_ | hello, i have just installed win32codecs, and kaffeine or amarok is still unable to read mp3, divx etc... xine engine is in the menu | 08:04 |
orient2000 | win32codecs is for linux or wondows? | 08:05 |
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benner_ | for linux | 08:06 |
chavo | benner_, you need to install libxine-extracodecs for that | 08:06 |
benner_ | let me see... | 08:07 |
orient2000 | I do nor remember installing these. My mp3 is working, I can watch my dvd's but can not remember what i did. i think all xine dvd libraries | 08:07 |
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benner_ | oups i though it was in adept manager | 08:07 |
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orient2000 | whatether i got was from adept | 08:08 |
chavo | win32codecs is for wma and quicktime stuff | 08:08 |
benner_ | i did what is in there : http://www.elijahlofgren.com/linux/ubuntu/multimedia/ | 08:08 |
chavo | benner_, the gstreamer codecs are for gnome apps, kubuntu uses xine | 08:09 |
orient2000 | nice link thx | 08:09 |
benner_ | your welcome even if it wasnt good for me ;) | 08:10 |
chavo | if you have universe and multiverse repos enabled just -> sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs | 08:10 |
benner_ | Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 08:11 |
benner_ | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 08:11 |
benner_ | i think i dont have good repos | 08:11 |
Hobbsee | benner_: close adept/any other apt-get windows | 08:11 |
keffo511 | umm. requiring java runtime from multiverse with adept, stuck on 28%, and details show half of some license agreement... ? | 08:11 |
benner_ | Package libxine-extracodecs is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 08:12 |
benner_ | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 08:12 |
benner_ | is only available from another source | 08:12 |
Hobbsee | !tell benner_ about multiverse | 08:12 |
Lunar_Raven | would anyone know why the buttons on azureus don't work? o.o | 08:13 |
benner_ | do i have dapper or breezy ? lol | 08:13 |
chavo | oh good question :) | 08:13 |
chavo | cat /etc/issue | 08:14 |
benner_ | says " Ubuntu 6.06 LTS \n \l " | 08:14 |
chavo | that's dapper | 08:14 |
benner_ | good to know | 08:14 |
DaSkreech | lsb_release -a | 08:14 |
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benner_ | ok i could download libxine-extracodecs | 08:17 |
benner_ | should i restart xwindows? | 08:17 |
chavo | no just restart the app | 08:17 |
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benner_ | still same thing.. amarok just dont play, and kaffeine says no plugins found to handle this ressource | 08:19 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | hmm | 08:20 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | good luck with mp3 =p | 08:20 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | ive been trying with no success | 08:20 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | i did manage to get amarok to crash on bootup everytime though | 08:20 |
benner_ | oh my god, i found why, mp3 files should be local | 08:21 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | even after removing and reinstalling it | 08:21 |
chavo | benner_, make sure you quit out of them, they both have a systrem tray feature and you have to explictly quit from the menu | 08:21 |
noiesmo | [Evil] [Ernie] , for mp3 you will need muliverse and universe then sudo apt-get install libmad0 libxine-extracodecs | 08:21 |
kkathman | hey there chavo how goes it? | 08:21 |
benner_ | did u follow what chavo said, because me it work now, but mp3 file should be in my hd and not by network | 08:21 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | hmm | 08:21 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | i have libxine.. but not libmad0 | 08:22 |
chavo | HEY kkathman | 08:22 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | guess i'll add that | 08:22 |
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crimsun | (libxine-extracodecs actually depends on libmad0, so it's unnecessary to explicitly specify it) | 08:22 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | nay | 08:22 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | already have it | 08:22 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | hm | 08:22 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | i read the wiki about this | 08:22 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | did everything it said | 08:22 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | but nothing will play mp3s =p | 08:23 |
noiesmo | [Evil] [Ernie] , have you adjusted the engine for amarok | 08:23 |
noiesmo | [Evil] [Ernie] , i using amarok for mp3 as i type | 08:23 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | hm | 08:23 |
CaptainMorgan | how do I set permissions with K3b?/Kreator? either gui or cL ? sudo Kreator/sudo K3b doesn't work.... | 08:23 |
benner_ | chavo: it's work fine now good! thanks, but do u have a clue why i can't open from my file server by network? | 08:23 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | i haven't adjusted the engine for amarok, as i have no idea how to do that :) | 08:23 |
CaptainMorgan | tyring to erase a cd but getting bashed for incorrect perms | 08:23 |
noiesmo | [Evil] [Ernie] , open amarok click on Menu then configure amarok | 08:24 |
noiesmo | CaptainMorgan, you need to set a group permissions for k3b | 08:24 |
noiesmo | CaptainMorgan, I would make sure your user is part of cdrom group and then run k3bsetup and adjust | 08:25 |
CaptainMorgan | noiesmo: how? comm line doesnt't seem to recognize the 'k3b' | 08:25 |
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CaptainMorgan | hmm.. ill try | 08:25 |
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[Evil] [Ernie] | ack | 08:26 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | it works now | 08:26 |
CaptainMorgan | hm.. Im definately apart of the cdrom group.... | 08:27 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | i didnt even change any menu options | 08:27 |
benner_ | maybe he rewrite the parameter file | 08:27 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | i got angry with it and uninstalled it earlier | 08:27 |
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[Evil] [Ernie] | just now i reinstalled with adept and perhaps got a package i didnt have before | 08:27 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | ;) | 08:27 |
noiesmo | CaptainMorgan, ok open k3b and go to settings then k3b setup | 08:27 |
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benner_ | we can both now listen at our music ;) but me i still have my problem that it doest work from network | 08:28 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | aye | 08:28 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | i had that problem | 08:28 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | i plan to just store it locally =o | 08:28 |
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[Evil] [Ernie] | unless you have any ideas for getting it to play files that arent local! | 08:28 |
CaptainMorgan | noiesmo: what do I set the burning group to? or what do I do after I get to k3b setup? | 08:29 |
CaptainMorgan | not many optinos... | 08:29 |
benner_ | they should be on network.. i share them with all my workgroup | 08:29 |
firepol | hi, how to configure Thunderbird (or Kubuntu) so that when i click a link (e.g. inbside an email) it will be opened in Firefox instead of Konqueror? | 08:29 |
noiesmo | CaptainMorgan, set burning group to cdrom | 08:30 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | firepol | 08:30 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | have you checked the thunderbird options? | 08:30 |
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ubuntu | hi all | 08:31 |
ubuntu | :d | 08:31 |
firepol | <[Evil] [Ernie] >: i have the same problem in openoffice | 08:31 |
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[Evil] [Ernie] | hm | 08:31 |
benner_ | firepol i am really not an linux expert, but i saw the link who explain it | 08:31 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | it's a system setting... i saw it earlier | 08:31 |
exceswater | hey guys can somebody help me with an advice | 08:31 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | let me check | 08:31 |
exceswater | ? ? ? | 08:31 |
benner_ | Start Firefox | 08:31 |
benner_ | Type about:config in the address bar. | 08:32 |
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benner_ | # | 08:32 |
benner_ | Right click on the list, select New->Boolean Type network.protocol-handler.external.help as Preference Name and true as Value | 08:32 |
exceswater | i have a problem with starting kubuntu | 08:32 |
exceswater | it starts... and after it displays first splash screen and loading some things | 08:32 |
benner_ | no sorry firepol that doesnt that one forget it | 08:33 |
exceswater | when the splash screen appears next... it halts | 08:33 |
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CaptainMorgan | thanks noiesmo ;) | 08:33 |
CaptainMorgan | all set | 08:33 |
noiesmo | exceswater, check your log file for kdm do sudo cat /var/log/kdm.log | 08:33 |
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firepol | <exceswater> ... ok im restarting firefox, lets see | 08:34 |
noiesmo | CaptainMorgan, np working | 08:34 |
noiesmo | exceswater, check your log file for gdm do sudo cat /var/log/gdm.log | 08:34 |
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[Evil] [Ernie] | firepol | 08:34 |
benner_ | firepol just start firefox, and go to edit, preferences, and click the case default browser | 08:34 |
_rince_ | mrgn | 08:35 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | aye | 08:35 |
animato | hello, i'm using kubuntu 6.06 and i'm having some troubles with the mplayer plugin in ff/swiftfox. i accidently deleted the file extention for wmv in the "download actions" menu of ff/swiftfox, and now it won't play streaming wmvs :( how can i fix it? | 08:35 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | benner beat me to it =P | 08:35 |
exceswater | i am looking at the log... | 08:35 |
benner_ | haha i am a very beginner at linux | 08:35 |
exceswater | i have started now kubuntu from Live CD | 08:35 |
exceswater | i dunno where to paste my log | 08:35 |
nixternal | !pastebin | 08:36 |
noiesmo | pastebin.com | 08:36 |
ubotu | Please do not flood the channel! Use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long pieces of text, to avoid disrupting the channel. You might also want to use the "webboard" package from Universe. | 08:36 |
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[Evil] [Ernie] | firepol: go into System Settings -> KDE Components | 08:37 |
exceswater | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15965 | 08:37 |
exceswater | here is my log | 08:37 |
firepol | benner: konqueror is still the default | 08:37 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | Default Applications -> Web Browser | 08:37 |
noiesmo | exceswater, k looking | 08:37 |
exceswater | and thank you guys | 08:37 |
exceswater | i am so new to this | 08:37 |
animato | ?? | 08:37 |
exceswater | :D | 08:37 |
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[Evil] [Ernie] | did you get that firepol? | 08:38 |
firepol | <[Evil] [Ernie] >: ive already did that and selected firefox... | 08:38 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | aye | 08:38 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | well that should do it! | 08:38 |
firepol | openoffice and thunderbird still open links in konqueror | 08:38 |
firepol | is konqueror a virus like intzernet explorer??? | 08:38 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | mine operates as intended | 08:38 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | just uninstall konqueror =p | 08:38 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | but you use that to browse your system too, so... may not be such a good idea! | 08:39 |
firepol | i know, i was joking | 08:39 |
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firepol | the problem is that it keeps opening links instead letting firefrox to do0 that | 08:39 |
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firepol | i did as you guys told me, no way | 08:39 |
noiesmo | exceswater, what log file was that also paste up sudo cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 08:39 |
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noiesmo | exceswater, nothing interesting there | 08:40 |
kuzmaster | hello all | 08:40 |
firepol | will try in some forums maybe | 08:40 |
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[Evil] [Ernie] | firepol: maybe look in the options of konqueror | 08:40 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | see if you can make it stop =o | 08:41 |
firepol | or maybe restart kde | 08:41 |
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exceswater | noiesmo: | 08:43 |
benner_ | can i mount a network folder ? | 08:43 |
exceswater | this is second log | 08:43 |
exceswater | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15966 | 08:43 |
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noiesmo | exceswater, seems ok, ok so you login then it hangs when loading kde right? | 08:45 |
exceswater | nope | 08:46 |
exceswater | it starts | 08:46 |
exceswater | it displays first splash screen | 08:46 |
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exceswater | black with kubuntu logo and loading things | 08:46 |
exceswater | and it finishes first time | 08:46 |
exceswater | the screen blanks | 08:46 |
exceswater | and after that ... when it displays again kubuntu logo and .... it halts | 08:47 |
noiesmo | exceswater, is there any files in /home/username/.kde/Autostart/ | 08:47 |
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noiesmo | exceswater, also is there a /home/yourusername/.xsessions | 08:48 |
exceswater | i dunno how to explore trough my linux now... i run kubuntu now from live cd | 08:48 |
kuzmaster_ | hello all, can somone please tell me how to remove a partially installed/downloaded java runtime envrioment? | 08:48 |
kuzmaster_ | cos i tried to install it via add/remove programs, but it diddnt work | 08:49 |
chavo | kuzmaster, did you try to install it with adept? | 08:49 |
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benner_ | somebody know why i cant listen mp3 from my network, kde act likes if it was a site, and ask me if i want to save or open it, i click open and nothing play, only the title appears in the mp3 player | 08:49 |
kuzmaster_ | yes, and it dosnt work | 08:49 |
noiesmo | exceswater, on the live cd desktop is there a harddrive icon that you could click on | 08:49 |
chavo | kuzmaster try sudo apt-get -f install | 08:49 |
exceswater | i tried | 08:49 |
exceswater | it says it cannot mount hda1 | 08:49 |
kuzmaster_ | chavo, but anyway, i then tried to do it via apt-get, and that diddnt work either | 08:50 |
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kuzmaster_ | chavo, its saying...E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 08:50 |
chavo | kuzmaster did you close adept? | 08:50 |
kuzmaster_ | yes | 08:50 |
exceswater | can't find: /dev/hda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab | 08:50 |
noiesmo | exceswater, ok open a terminal and try sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hda1 /media/hda1 the ext3 is the file system type hopefully you used it for install | 08:51 |
kuzmaster_ | chavo, ill do sudo dpkg --configure -a, that seems to fix that problem | 08:51 |
kuzmaster_ | chavo, nope. it just says....status database area is locked by another process | 08:52 |
chavo | kuzmaster seems like apt or something else is running | 08:52 |
kuzmaster_ | but i dont think nothing eles like that is running | 08:53 |
exceswater | it says cannot find media/hda1 | 08:53 |
noiesmo | exceswater, ok | 08:53 |
kuzmaster_ | i have firefox, konverstation, ktorrent, and konsole | 08:53 |
kuzmaster_ | chavo, i think at least, that what i can c if my task bar | 08:54 |
noiesmo | exceswater, ok open a terminal and try sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 instead the /mnt/hda1 is were we want to be able to access it | 08:54 |
exceswater | and where we want to acces ? | 08:54 |
exceswater | :D | 08:54 |
chavo | you prob need to sudo mkdir /mnt/hda1 first | 08:54 |
kuzmaster_ | brb | 08:54 |
noiesmo | exceswater, yes what chavo just said | 08:55 |
noiesmo | exceswater, if need | 08:55 |
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kuzmaster_ | back | 08:55 |
exceswater | ok | 08:56 |
benner_ | is it normal that amarok dont want play mp3 from smb:// or from a ntfs mount drive.. it work only if the mp3 is copied into the linux partition | 08:56 |
exceswater | mkdir ok | 08:56 |
noiesmo | exceswater, yep | 08:56 |
exceswater | mounted ok | 08:56 |
noiesmo | exceswater, type sudo -i | 08:56 |
noiesmo | exceswater, you should now be root user | 08:56 |
exceswater | i am | 08:57 |
exceswater | :d | 08:57 |
exceswater | kinda cool being root :D | 08:57 |
kuzmaster_ | chavo, so, any ideas | 08:57 |
exceswater | blonde remark :d | 08:57 |
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noiesmo | exceswater, now cd /mnt/hda1/ :) | 08:57 |
exceswater | ok | 08:57 |
exceswater | done | 08:57 |
noiesmo | exceswater, ok find the logs in var/log and paste also check your home folder | 08:58 |
exceswater | aaa? | 08:58 |
kuzmaster_ | ill try re-starting kde | 08:58 |
exceswater | more explicit please... | 08:58 |
chavo | kuzmaster there's a lock on the database, i'm not sure how to remove it | 08:58 |
noiesmo | exceswater, soz | 08:58 |
noiesmo | exceswater, ok now cd home/username | 08:58 |
exceswater | ok | 08:59 |
noiesmo | exceswater, ls .kde/Autostart | 08:59 |
noiesmo | exceswater, anything there | 08:59 |
Hobbsee | chavo: sudo rm /path/to/lock/dpkg.lock or whatever it is | 08:59 |
exceswater | should something happen ? | 09:00 |
exceswater | nothing happened | 09:00 |
chavo | Hobbsee, yeah I can't remember where the lock file was | 09:00 |
exceswater | ls .kde/Autostart | 09:00 |
Hobbsee | it shows you where it is, when dpkg wont run.. | 09:00 |
noiesmo | exceswater, ok theres nothing in Autostart | 09:00 |
exceswater | :D | 09:00 |
exceswater | nice | 09:00 |
noiesmo | exceswater, ok ls .xses* | 09:00 |
benner_ | chavo: is it normal that amarok dont want play mp3 from smb:// or from a ntfs mount drive.. it work only if the mp3 is copied into the linux partition | 09:01 |
exceswater | exceswaterls .xses* | 09:01 |
chavo | benner_, I haven't tried it, are you using smbmount? | 09:01 |
exceswater | ls .xses* | 09:01 |
exceswater | donw | 09:01 |
exceswater | done | 09:01 |
exceswater | nothing happens | 09:02 |
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noiesmo | exceswater, type pwd please | 09:02 |
exceswater | a | 09:02 |
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noiesmo | pwd | 09:02 |
kuzmaster_ | back | 09:02 |
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benner_ | no i go into system menu, remote places, samba share, click on my workgroup and choose a mp3 folder | 09:02 |
exceswater | should i type password ? | 09:02 |
noiesmo | exceswater, pwd should return /mnt/hda1/home/username/ | 09:03 |
noiesmo | exceswater, just pwd | 09:03 |
kuzmaster_ | chavo, so do you know how i can remove the partially installed/downloaded jre? | 09:03 |
noiesmo | exceswater, what to know the path your at | 09:03 |
chavo | kuzmaster do you not want to install it? | 09:03 |
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kuzmaster_ | yes i do | 09:03 |
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chavo | you have to use the commandline, it's a bug with the install script and adept | 09:04 |
kuzmaster_ | i want to remove it, then install it via apt-get | 09:04 |
kuzmaster_ | brb | 09:04 |
kuzmaster_ | restart kde again | 09:05 |
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kuzmaster | back | 09:06 |
kuzmaster | chavo, so how can i fix my problem | 09:06 |
chavo | kuzmaster, you should ba able to install it with apt-get now | 09:07 |
kuzmaster | no i cant | 09:07 |
kuzmaster | it keeps saying that the database is locked or somthing | 09:07 |
kuzmaster | ill pastebin the output of sudo apt-get -f update | 09:07 |
noiesmo | kuzmaster, ls -l /var/{lib/dpkg,cache/apt/archives}/lock | 09:08 |
kuzmaster | here | 09:08 |
kuzmaster | http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/717888 | 09:08 |
kuzmaster | chavo, ill try that | 09:08 |
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kuzmaster | sudo? | 09:08 |
noiesmo | n | 09:09 |
noiesmo | no | 09:09 |
kuzmaster | k | 09:09 |
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kuzmaster | heres my output http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/717889 | 09:09 |
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kuzmaster | chavo, sooooooooo what now? | 09:11 |
chavo | kuzmaster, I'm not sure | 09:11 |
kuzmaster | chavo, k | 09:12 |
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exceswater | noiesmo: i had a problem | 09:12 |
exceswater | konsole closed ... | 09:12 |
RawSewage | My Spam Filter button isnt appearing in the KMail toolbar | 09:12 |
RawSewage | Its invisible | 09:12 |
RawSewage | how can I fix that | 09:12 |
exceswater | and now i am in home/ubuntu | 09:12 |
exceswater | :D | 09:12 |
exceswater | i shoot myself | 09:13 |
kuzmaster | also, remember when you where tellin me and imbrandon about those changes to that kde file about the taskbar | 09:13 |
kuzmaster | chavo, can you please tell me them again | 09:13 |
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RawSewage | are you talking to me | 09:14 |
chavo | kuzmaster, sure to make the button wider? | 09:14 |
hcetin | slm. | 09:14 |
noiesmo | exceswater, np | 09:14 |
hcetin | s | 09:14 |
hcetin | ss | 09:14 |
noiesmo | exceswater, ok you in mnt drive | 09:14 |
kuzmaster | no, to stop that gray box when you mouse over a application | 09:15 |
kuzmaster | to stop it from turning gray | 09:15 |
chavo | ok, open up ~/.kde/share/config/ktaskbarrc | 09:15 |
kuzmaster | yes | 09:16 |
chavo | then look for ->ShowButtonOnHover=false | 09:16 |
kuzmaster | ummm | 09:16 |
kuzmaster | hang on | 09:16 |
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noiesmo | exceswater, brb | 09:17 |
kuzmaster | yess | 09:17 |
chavo | you can comment it out like this // | 09:17 |
chavo | the default is true | 09:17 |
kuzmaster | no actually, thats not there | 09:17 |
chavo | oh you wanted to add it? | 09:17 |
kuzmaster | yeah | 09:17 |
chavo | ok it goes under the [Appearance] section | 09:18 |
kuzmaster | ok | 09:18 |
kuzmaster | so i put ShowButtonOnHover=false | 09:18 |
kuzmaster | in | 09:18 |
chavo | then dcop kicker kicker restart | 09:18 |
kuzmaster | and is there a way to change the little icon for the programs on the taskbar? | 09:18 |
kuzmaster | ok | 09:18 |
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kuzmaster | chavo, is there a way to change the little icon for the programs on the taskbar? | 09:19 |
chavo | kuzmaster, the icons for each program or for the menu? | 09:19 |
chavo | either way they are in the icon theme | 09:20 |
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kuzmaster | no, the ones that display when that application is open | 09:20 |
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kuzmaster | i mainly want to do it for firefox | 09:20 |
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chavo | oh ok that one is different | 09:20 |
kuzmaster | can i do it? | 09:21 |
chavo | the firefox icon is -> /usr/share/firefox/chrome/icons/default/default.xpm | 09:22 |
aftertaf | morning :) | 09:22 |
kuzmaster | ok, thanx | 09:22 |
chavo | if you have a png, just use convert | 09:22 |
kuzmaster | so i just change the file in the archive | 09:22 |
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kuzmaster | sorry, so where would i find the icon on the HD | 09:23 |
kuzmaster | to change it in the menu i just went to the icon thingy, and it was under applications | 09:24 |
kuzmaster | but where are the icons actually stored | 09:24 |
chavo | to change the icon on the app is this one /usr/share/firefox/chrome/icons/default/default.xpm | 09:24 |
chavo | but that's just for firefox | 09:24 |
chavo | any other app icons come from the icon theme | 09:25 |
kuzmaster | yeah i know, but where are the system icons stored | 09:25 |
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kuzmaster | the ones that come up when you right click a program ,and click on the icon, and theres a list of other icons | 09:25 |
kuzmaster | thats where i got the one for firefox for the menu | 09:26 |
chavo | kuzmaster, like I said they are in the icon theme so it depends on the theme | 09:26 |
kuzmaster | ok | 09:26 |
RawSewage | What do I do if Kontact wont start. I get a bug crash | 09:26 |
chavo | the icon themes are in /usr/share/icons | 09:27 |
chavo | but if you install them they go in ~/.kde/share/icons | 09:27 |
kuzmaster | thanks | 09:27 |
kuzmaster | ok | 09:27 |
chavo | you can just cp -r the icon theme to your .kde/share/icons if you want to modify it | 09:28 |
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zodo | Hey all. I'm having some struggles with dnsmasq. I'm trying to use it for both dns and dhcp serving...but prior to having it installed, I was running bind9 and dhcpd3. Apt uninstalled both of the latter. However, none of the machines on my lan seem to be able to get ips from it. | 09:33 |
zodo | Are there any wierd configuration bits that dhcpd3 and bind9 could've left behind that might be preventing it from working? | 09:34 |
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aftertaf | zodo, is it configured ok? | 09:35 |
zodo | Yeah, I'm pretty sure that I have it configured fine. | 09:35 |
zodo | I went through it by myself first, then compared against a guide online. | 09:36 |
zodo | And it's running, that much I know. | 09:36 |
aftertaf | weird.... firewall / port issuses maybe? | 09:36 |
aftertaf | what does ifup eth0 on another machne say? | 09:36 |
zodo | I'm running firestarter, however I've told it to let all of my machines access whatever they want on the server. | 09:37 |
zodo | The other machines are all running windows...I'l try rebooting one of them into dapper. | 09:38 |
aftertaf | try stopping the fw completely to test... | 09:39 |
aftertaf | never know... | 09:39 |
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zodo | I run flux, and I've been having some wierd issues with it. Many apps don't seem to be able to find the display, for some reason. | 09:40 |
zodo | Sheesh, bitchx is confusing, how it lumps multiple channels into one. | 09:42 |
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resmo | hi | 09:42 |
zodo | I keep responding to things in the wrong channel. | 09:42 |
aftertaf | zodo, not a sudo issue? running as root or sth like that? | 09:42 |
zodo | aftertaf: The flux thing? I don't think so. I can usually get them running with an "export DISPLAY=" command. | 09:43 |
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aftertaf | ah oki. | 09:43 |
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zodo | Ok, I'm trying to renew one of my machines' ip addresses in dapper...it finally gives up saying "No DHCPOFFERS recieved" | 09:46 |
aftertaf | ok, then it ISNT offering any... | 09:47 |
zodo | Yeah, that's much I figured. | 09:47 |
zodo | Hmm. | 09:47 |
aftertaf | :) did you drop the firewall completely? | 09:47 |
resmo | i got some troubles sending email with attachments... the status bar goes up to 99 % and stops then. seems to be a bug. | 09:47 |
zodo | No, I haven't tried that. | 09:47 |
zodo | I should. | 09:47 |
zodo | BRB. | 09:47 |
aftertaf | zodo, maybe. worth testing before attacking serious reconfiguration for nothing......; | 09:48 |
zodo | Well holy underwear, Batman...that did it. | 09:49 |
aftertaf | yay........... | 09:49 |
zodo | That should've been obvious to me to try. I'm tired... | 09:50 |
aftertaf | there be a port tha be blocked there be. arrrrrrr ;) | 09:50 |
zodo | I've been at this for 13 hours today, uninterrupted. | 09:50 |
aftertaf | zodo, nothing is obvious. not at all times...... | 09:50 |
aftertaf | thats why ;) | 09:50 |
aftertaf | i just woke up mate ;) | 09:50 |
zodo | Yeah, it's late here in San Fran. | 09:50 |
aftertaf | hehe i imagine. | 09:51 |
zodo | I did this all day yesterday too...I discovered that the recent kernel security patches don't play well with lilo. | 09:51 |
zodo | Kernel panics n' such. | 09:52 |
aftertaf | argh really? 2.6.13-25 ? | 09:52 |
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zodo | 2.6.15-25, I think, yeah. | 09:52 |
aftertaf | nasty..... | 09:52 |
zodo | It ate *fresh* installs for lunch. | 09:53 |
aftertaf | just installed them now. not rebooted yet. | 09:53 |
zodo | Are you running desktop or server? | 09:53 |
aftertaf | desktop..... i was on 5.04 and have upgraded since then...... | 09:54 |
aftertaf | was on breezy, went to dapper unstable and now its *stable* ;) | 09:54 |
aftertaf | so not a fresh install. | 09:54 |
aftertaf | i've actually never had a working linux that still works fro so long now, its great :) | 09:54 |
zodo | I must've installed dapper server 3 times before I realized that those patches were breaking things. | 09:54 |
zodo | Then I finally figured out how to get grub working (no more error 17s) on this old PII laptop. | 09:55 |
aftertaf | really? wow. nasty. | 09:55 |
aftertaf | you need to modify grub? | 09:55 |
zodo | Yeah, it seemed that lilo didn't mind the boot partition being after a certain cylinder on the hd. | 09:56 |
zodo | But grub did. | 09:56 |
zodo | I finally made a little partition for /boot at the beginning of the drive, then installed that way. | 09:56 |
aftertaf | on, fresh installs this problem occurs? | 09:57 |
zodo | Yup. | 09:57 |
zodo | If you do the stock install, grub'll choke with an error 17 every time. | 09:57 |
aftertaf | good to know..... ;) | 09:57 |
zodo | I think it's related to the age of this laptop though...old-school BIOS that is peculiar about large hds. | 09:58 |
zodo | I've got a 40 gig hd in this thing, but it can only address 30. | 09:58 |
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aftertaf | ok..... | 09:58 |
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eightiesk | I reinstalled windows how can I get kubuntu back? | 10:00 |
aftertaf | !grub | 10:01 |
ubotu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting | 10:01 |
aftertaf | eightiesk, see that last lin,k ! | 10:01 |
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zodo | Looks like Kernel 2.6.17 just went official. | 10:02 |
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eightiesk | what would be the easyest way? | 10:03 |
aftertaf | where d you see that zodo ? | 10:03 |
aftertaf | eightiesk, following the link is the easiest way.... just like alice :] | 10:03 |
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eightiesk | I mean the grub super disk or the live disk | 10:04 |
zodo | Slashdot just reported it. | 10:04 |
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zodo | It may be a bit before there's a package for us though. | 10:04 |
zodo | But it appearently includes some speed increases for dual core machines. | 10:05 |
zodo | As well as in kernel support for the Apple Airport series hardware. | 10:05 |
zodo | Some iptables updates, as well. | 10:06 |
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aftertaf | true. wont be today :) | 10:06 |
zodo | My roomie is a WoW addict, and while I was figuring out the DHCP issues, I set him up w/ a static ip. However, he started complaining about lag and speed issues...now that I've taken down the firestarter firewall, they're gone. | 10:07 |
zodo | Very curious. | 10:08 |
aftertaf | hmm | 10:08 |
aftertaf | lots of icmp blocks maybe. | 10:08 |
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zodo | I'd noticed it too...my download speeds dropped from the 500k/s range to the 50k/s range. | 10:09 |
zodo | Even pulling from apt repositories on the firewall machine itself. | 10:10 |
aftertaf | some config issue somewhere maybe.... not an expert. | 10:10 |
zodo | Networking has really been the bane of my existance with ubuntu...my main machine can't serve data at any reasonable speed in dapper either...looking at the packets w/ ethereal shows that many are coming out malformed, with incorrect crcs. | 10:11 |
aftertaf | driver not 100% maybe. | 10:12 |
aftertaf | zodo, do a bugreport.... | 10:12 |
zodo | Yeah, that was my thought. | 10:12 |
zodo | It's been rolled into the kernel, and it's a fairly mainstream driver. | 10:12 |
aftertaf | contact the maintainer..... | 10:13 |
zodo | Hmmm...I may just do that. | 10:13 |
aftertaf | hehe | 10:13 |
aftertaf | if you have a different NIC, try with that, see if it changes anything. | 10:13 |
zodo | I don't have a spare one floating around, unfortunately. | 10:14 |
zodo | Low bandwidth things like surfing around work great, with no delay. | 10:14 |
aftertaf | shame.... a way to eliminate and test | 10:14 |
zodo | As soon as I start blasting data over the local network, streaming a movie or something, things come screeching to a halt. | 10:15 |
fek | moin | 10:15 |
aftertaf | morn;) | 10:15 |
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zodo | Hmm...looks like my main machines network card driver is being pulled from the restricted modules...it's made by the manufacturer. | 10:19 |
zodo | Wonderful. | 10:19 |
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aftertaf | argh! | 10:20 |
zodo | I found lots of forum posts about the driver (sk98lin) hanging back in the k 2.4 days. | 10:21 |
zodo | Probably not much improved. I hate big corporations. | 10:21 |
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zodo | Well, I'm going to sleep. Have a good night (day). | 10:25 |
Maggot | Hey all | 10:25 |
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_jad | hola | 10:28 |
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_jad | hola | 10:30 |
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chakie_work | this may be a dumb question, but how would one get ssh to do X11 forwarding as it did years ago? | 10:52 |
chakie_work | i mean "ssh somehost xterm" would bring up xterm | 10:52 |
chakie_work | it worked years ago by default, nowadays i haven't got it to work at all, i've tried all "ssh -X", tweaking ssh[d] _config and so on, won't work | 10:53 |
chakie_work | i just get a "Could not connect to X server" | 10:53 |
resmo | chakie_work: ssh -X name host | 10:54 |
chakie_work | resmo: no, of course i've tried that | 10:54 |
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chakie_work | something has been made too strict. this is in a firewalled internal network, i don't need all that paranoia | 10:55 |
resmo | chakie_work: did you allow x forwarding in ssh config? | 10:55 |
chakie_work | yes | 10:55 |
resmo | chakie_work: and did u restart ssh server? | 10:55 |
chakie_work | yes | 10:55 |
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chakie_work | i'm no newbie, but this has beaten me for years | 10:55 |
madman101 | I am a having a trouble with my Big ATI desktop, the desktops show fine but my mouse cursor cannot go more than 1cm into the the right screen? what could it bit? | 10:56 |
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chakie_work | i sometimes need to do something graphical from a server, but i always end up with the above error and do it somehow differently | 10:56 |
resmo | chakie_work: but you can connect with ssh only right? | 10:56 |
chakie_work | this is something that comes with the debian part of kubuntu | 10:56 |
chakie_work | resmo: yes | 10:56 |
chakie_work | no problems there. x11 forwarding just doesn't work like it did in the 90's | 10:57 |
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chakie_work | this is one of those "add security to system, make system too hard to use for anyone to bother to use, then remove system" | 10:59 |
chakie_work | lunch time | 10:59 |
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resmo | chakie_work: i'm using it "like the 90's" check your sshd config on the server again... | 11:01 |
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resmo | chakie_work: you could set the DISPLAY manually, but thats not that comfortable export DISPLAY=IP:0 | 11:03 |
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gelex | why doesn't kubuntu.org have a community tab? | 11:09 |
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cox377 | is there a way to have everything within the directories of Konqueror to be perminantly in list view rather than icon? | 11:10 |
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farous | which is recommended powersaved or powernowd? | 11:17 |
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Healot | cox377: even I can't figure that out | 11:18 |
cox377 | lol | 11:18 |
cox377 | i've lost the damn menu bar now | 11:18 |
cox377 | the one with file/edit etc | 11:18 |
Healot | in nautilus we can | 11:19 |
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resmo | cox377: and when u set the view to list? | 11:19 |
resmo | cox377: that works for me | 11:20 |
cox377 | it works | 11:20 |
cox377 | but only for that sessions | 11:20 |
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Healot | permanently... | 11:20 |
cox377 | or even for tha tfolder then when u close and reopen it's back to standard | 11:20 |
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resmo | cox377: no it still work for me | 11:21 |
cox377 | this is o stupid.. i've lost the file/edit/view @ the top | 11:21 |
cox377 | anyone got any idea how i can get it back? | 11:21 |
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Healot | cox377: Settings -> Save View File | 11:23 |
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Healot | on you Conq browser/file manager | 11:23 |
chakie_work | resmo: why should i have to set DISPLAY manually? ssh should do it | 11:23 |
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cox377 | healot: cheers for that, i would love to but i cant access the settings lol | 11:25 |
Healot | Ctrl+M to see yer menubar | 11:25 |
cox377 | something so simple | 11:25 |
cox377 | legend | 11:25 |
resmo | chakie_work: what about xhost +<ip> ? | 11:26 |
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chakie_work | resmo: i normally just do "xhost +" | 11:26 |
resmo | chakie_work: yep, that also right | 11:27 |
chakie_work | does xauth have to be present on the headless server? | 11:27 |
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Adam_eM | hi | 11:27 |
chakie_work | it doesn't have it | 11:27 |
Adam_eM | why i cant play my videocds in kaffeine ? | 11:27 |
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cox377 | do u have to save every folder u go to? | 11:27 |
Healot | nay | 11:28 |
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Healot | the view is fixed for any directory you open, as long as you saved the view | 11:29 |
cox377 | i have saved the view but it's not fixed | 11:29 |
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chakie_work | reading different blogs and reviews it seems like cups is horribly b0rkenized in kubuntu. is it possible to get a remote printer working with kubuntu's cups? | 11:34 |
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nico8481 | hi | 11:35 |
jan__ | hi everyone | 11:36 |
jan__ | anyone willing to help a true noob? | 11:36 |
resmo | jan__: just ask | 11:37 |
jan__ | i have a brand new install of kubuntu 6.06 which i made this morning | 11:37 |
jan__ | and my adept does not seem to work | 11:37 |
Healot | jsut ask the question, jan__ | 11:37 |
jan__ | when i click on the adept icon in the k-menu --> system | 11:38 |
jan__ | it asks for the password and than says: Command adept: Command not found | 11:39 |
jan__ | and Command kdesu adept: command not found | 11:39 |
Adam_eM | what package should i install to be able to play videocd and other formats ?? | 11:39 |
resmo | jan__: hm. okay, open a console | 11:39 |
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jan__ | in the console i get something about elf header not found | 11:39 |
jan__ | but alright, console is open | 11:40 |
resmo | jan__: sudo aptitude reinstall adept | 11:40 |
jan__ | hmmm | 11:41 |
jan__ | maybe i change the language to english first | 11:41 |
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resmo | jan__: what language do u use atm? | 11:42 |
jan__ | since translation the error messages won't be much help i guess | 11:42 |
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jan__ | german | 11:42 |
resmo | jan__: dann koennen wir auch auf deutsch kommunizieren :) | 11:42 |
jan__ | ok | 11:42 |
jan__ | wenn das geduldet ist... | 11:42 |
resmo | jan__: keine ahnung, vermutlich gaebs nen #kubuntu.de channel oder so | 11:43 |
jan__ | er sagt: Fehler: | 11:43 |
jan__ | E: Ich konnte keine Datei fr Paket adept finden | 11:43 |
jan__ | Das knnte heissen, dass sie dieses Paket von Hand korrigieren mssen | 11:44 |
jan__ | E: Konnte Listenverzeichnis nicht sperren. Sind sie Root? | 11:44 |
Healot | I wish that I can speak like the Reich | 11:44 |
resmo | jan__: du hast schon sudo genommen vorhin? | 11:44 |
jan__ | "sudp sptitude reinstall adept" | 11:45 |
jan__ | sudo* | 11:45 |
resmo | okay | 11:45 |
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jan__ | aptitude* | 11:45 |
resmo | hmm...sieht scheisse aus, was sagt: sudo aptitude install adept? | 11:46 |
jan__ | ich knnte es ja nochmal von der cd drberbgeln, hab ja noch nichts eingerichtet | 11:46 |
jan__ | moment | 11:46 |
jan__ | keine fehlermeldungen | 11:46 |
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resmo | jan__: und wenn du nun adept startest? | 11:47 |
jan__ | allerdings sagt er: Es werden keine Pakete installiert, aktualisiert oder entfernt | 11:47 |
jan__ | ich versuch's nochmal | 11:47 |
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jan__ | aus dem K-Menu oder per Console? | 11:47 |
edulix | how to setup distcc for two ubuntu machines to compile amarok ? | 11:48 |
jan__ | hat ne weile geladen, keine fehlermeldungen, aber auch kein adept | 11:48 |
jan__ | jetzt sagt er wieder "Befehl nicht gefunden" | 11:50 |
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jan__noch | noch da, resmo? | 11:54 |
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resmo | jan__: hmm...also da ist was schieff gelaufen, ich wurd nochmals eine komplette instalation machen | 11:56 |
jan__ | denkbar schlechter start in die linux-welt | 11:56 |
jan__ | aber ok, viel hab ich ja noch nicht gemacht | 11:56 |
resmo | jan__: hast du ein iso runtergeladen? | 11:57 |
jan__ | jepp | 11:57 |
resmo | jan__: hast ein check gemacht mit md5sum? | 11:57 |
jan__ | kubuntu-6.06.-desktop-386.iso | 11:57 |
resmo | ob die datei komplett bertragen wurde? | 11:57 |
jan__ | ja, da kamen keine fehler | 11:57 |
resmo | jan__: und beim brennen wrd ich nicht mehr als 4x | 11:57 |
jan__ | ich hab's am boot-prompt gemacht, bevor ich die live-cd ausprobiert habe | 11:58 |
jan__ | und von der habe ich ja auch installiert | 11:58 |
resmo | sehr komsich alles | 11:58 |
jan__ | bei der installation kam eine fehlermeldung | 11:58 |
jan__ | die habe ich mir natrlich _nicht_ notiert | 11:58 |
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jan__ | dann werde ich jetzt noch mal installieren und sehen, ob es dann geht... | 12:01 |
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pd273 | strange languages here :) | 12:04 |
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mindspit | Hallo! fail during the installation ISPconfig when checking for php - error : no php found!what can i do! | 12:05 |
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ubuntu | hi all | 12:05 |
ubuntu | i am back | 12:05 |
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pd273 | mindspit: try installing php4-dev | 12:06 |
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exceswater | i have a problem starting kubuntu | 12:06 |
exceswater | it halts at splashscreen | 12:06 |
exceswater | can some1 help me | 12:06 |
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exceswater | no one ? | 12:08 |
resmo | exceswater: any errors? | 12:09 |
exceswater | no error | 12:09 |
exceswater | it displays first splash screen | 12:09 |
exceswater | it loads something | 12:09 |
exceswater | few lines | 12:09 |
exceswater | after that when splash screen appears again | 12:09 |
exceswater | nothing more... it halts | 12:09 |
exceswater | i am running now kubuntu from live cd | 12:10 |
exceswater | is there a way to repair it ? | 12:10 |
exceswater | i was here before | 12:10 |
exceswater | but i had to run | 12:10 |
exceswater | ... | 12:10 |
exceswater | work :( | 12:10 |
resmo | spalsh screen of kde or just at while booting? | 12:10 |
exceswater | not kde | 12:10 |
exceswater | kubuntu logo | 12:10 |
exceswater | with that progress line :D | 12:10 |
pd273 | ahh, it must be network interface | 12:10 |
exceswater | from cd it works :D | 12:11 |
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exceswater | but i dunno what to do | 12:11 |
exceswater | i am kinda noob | 12:11 |
pd273 | did you try pressing Ctrl + c to stop that process and enter | 12:11 |
exceswater | me ? | 12:11 |
pd273 | yup | 12:11 |
resmo | without enter...just ctrl+c | 12:11 |
exceswater | nope | 12:11 |
exceswater | somebody help me before here | 12:12 |
pd273 | try it like resmo says | 12:12 |
exceswater | and he said something like autostart is empty | 12:12 |
exceswater | or something like that | 12:12 |
exceswater | is there a way to make back that autostart ? | 12:13 |
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resmo | autostart? | 12:13 |
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jan__ | so, da bin ich wieder | 12:13 |
jan__ | md5check luft | 12:14 |
exceswater | yup | 12:14 |
exceswater | am i right ? | 12:14 |
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resmo | jan__: ich geh mal essen... | 12:14 |
jan__ | dann mal guten appetit | 12:14 |
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resmo | jan__: thx :) | 12:15 |
Healot | Ich sprachen nicht Deutsch | 12:15 |
resmo | Healot: yeah i c | 12:15 |
exceswater | Healot: hi | 12:15 |
jan__ | resmo: da hat er mir grad nen mismatch angezeigt, muss ich wohl nochmal brennen | 12:15 |
exceswater | can u help me with a start problem ? | 12:15 |
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resmo | jan__: genau, eben max. 4-fach | 12:15 |
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resmo | jan__: ...geschindigkeit | 12:16 |
jan__ | ich werd die .iso auch nochmal testen, die sollte aber eigentlich i.o. sein | 12:16 |
cox377 | lol | 12:16 |
exceswater | please help me | 12:17 |
exceswater | nobody here ? | 12:19 |
cox377 | whats your prob water? | 12:20 |
exceswater | my kubuntu halts at startup | 12:20 |
Tommy2k4 | is there a lock messenger plugin like the one in msgplus for windows so i can stay logged in but no windows will popup until i type a password in | 12:20 |
exceswater | and i am kinda noob | 12:20 |
Tommy2k4 | for kopete* | 12:21 |
cox377 | does it give any error msgs? | 12:21 |
exceswater | nope | 12:22 |
exceswater | it displays kubuntu logo ... blue... that progress bar... and it loads some things.... | 12:22 |
exceswater | this is ok | 12:22 |
exceswater | after that... it blanks for a second | 12:22 |
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exceswater | and when kubutu logo appears again... and the progress bar.. | 12:23 |
exceswater | it does nothing | 12:23 |
exceswater | the bar remains empy | 12:23 |
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exceswater | no hard drive activity ... nothing | 12:23 |
exceswater | and i dunno what to do | 12:23 |
scheuri | hi all | 12:23 |
cox377 | I am assuming this is on an install not a live CD? | 12:24 |
exceswater | yes | 12:24 |
exceswater | i use now live cd from kubuntu | 12:24 |
cox377 | is it a new install? | 12:24 |
exceswater | kinda new | 12:24 |
exceswater | 1 week | 12:24 |
cox377 | did u install anything before it went like this? | 12:24 |
exceswater | i did nothing wrong | 12:24 |
exceswater | last time... | 12:25 |
exceswater | some games from ADEPT | 12:25 |
exceswater | nothing wrong | 12:25 |
exceswater | some updates | 12:25 |
cox377 | and the live cd boots fine? | 12:25 |
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exceswater | yup | 12:25 |
exceswater | really fine :d | 12:25 |
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exceswater | is there something like autoexec.bat | 12:26 |
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exceswater | i didn't erased anything | 12:26 |
exceswater | what can i do | 12:26 |
mindspit | mindspit | 12:26 |
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Ahmuck | hi, is there a spanish channel ? | 12:29 |
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Healot | !es | 12:30 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 12:30 |
exceswater | !ro | 12:30 |
ubotu | exceswater: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 12:30 |
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exceswater | !romania | 12:30 |
ubotu | exceswater: My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 12:30 |
Healot | South American Spanish or Castillan Spanish? | 12:30 |
Ahmuck | south american | 12:31 |
Ahmuck | brazil | 12:31 |
Healot | !br | 12:31 |
ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br (/j #ubuntu-br) para ajuda em portugues. Obrigada. | 12:31 |
exceswater | who can help me about that start problem ? | 12:31 |
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[fadli_klate] | my default editor is pico, how to change it to vim? | 12:33 |
pd273 | exceswater: in Kubuntu to run some thing as you log in in just add you scripts in /home/<user>/.kde/Autostart/ | 12:34 |
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exceswater | 10x | 12:34 |
[fadli_klate] | i am too familiar with vi | 12:35 |
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Ahmuck | healot, pv msg ? | 12:36 |
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[fadli_klate] | now i get it: sudo update-alternatives --config editor | 12:40 |
[fadli_klate] | then choose vim | 12:41 |
mindspit | MySQL header files missing what can i do? | 12:41 |
exceswater | just an ideea | 12:42 |
exceswater | if i click install.... it has some options for repair ? or i just install kubuntu again | 12:43 |
exceswater | !autostart | 12:43 |
ubotu | Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, exceswater | 12:43 |
exceswater | nobody here willing to help me ? | 12:44 |
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Adam_eM | how can i play videocds on kubuntu ? | 12:47 |
Tommy2k4 | !vcd | 12:47 |
ubotu | Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Tommy2k4 | 12:47 |
Adam_eM | !vcd | 12:48 |
ubotu | Adam_eM: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 12:48 |
Tommy2k4 | Adam_eM, mplayer can do it, dunno if you need any extra codecs | 12:48 |
Tommy2k4 | !mplayer | 12:48 |
ubotu | I heard mplayer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31061 | 12:48 |
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Adam_eM | Tommy2k4: | 12:50 |
Adam_eM | mpeg4 @ 0xb601ac44] frame skip 8 | 12:50 |
Adam_eM | [mpeg4 @ 0xb601ac44] frame skip 8 | 12:50 |
Adam_eM | kaffeine: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/xine/plugins/1.1.1/xineplug_inp_vcd.so: undefined symbol: vcdinfo_get_seg_resolution | 12:50 |
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Adam_eM | oops sorry | 12:50 |
cox377 | does anyone know a command that displays network statistics? | 12:50 |
h3sp4wn | What sort of statistics ? | 12:51 |
cox377 | upload/download.. that type of thing | 12:51 |
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cox377 | i'm sure i've used one before.. just cant remember what it is | 12:51 |
h3sp4wn | cacti can do that type of stuff but needs apache/mysql/php (gives pretty graphs) | 12:51 |
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h3sp4wn | netstat has various options | 12:53 |
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cox377 | Cool | 12:57 |
cox377 | cheers | 12:57 |
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|lostbyte| | Hi ! | 01:00 |
=== OdyX [n=Didier@8.Red-80-33-64.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
|lostbyte| | How to get realplayer plugin for firefox ? | 01:00 |
|lostbyte| | and i cant install realplayer .. is any one have similar problem ? | 01:01 |
|lostbyte| | i get.. | 01:01 |
|lostbyte| | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 01:01 |
|lostbyte| | realplayer: Depends: xlibs but it is not installable | 01:01 |
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OdyX | |lostbyte|: do you have all repositories activated ? | 01:02 |
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|lostbyte| | yes.. | 01:03 |
h3sp4wn | On dapper xlibs is depreciated | 01:06 |
|lostbyte| | h3sp4wn, sO how do i get what it wants ? | 01:06 |
h3sp4wn | Did you download a deb | 01:07 |
|lostbyte| | h3sp4wn, Nope ! Installing from apt-get. | 01:07 |
|lostbyte| | !realplayer | 01:07 |
ubotu | somebody said realplayer was http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 01:07 |
|lostbyte| | :( | 01:08 |
h3sp4wn | That seems like the dependancies for it are broken | 01:08 |
|lostbyte| | YEah ! where do i get the deb ? | 01:08 |
|lostbyte| | or will it result in the same error ? | 01:08 |
|lostbyte| | I think i'll download the bin directly. | 01:09 |
h3sp4wn | The thing about the deb is you could take it appart with ar remove the dependancy and then put it back together | 01:09 |
|lostbyte| | HAs anyone here tried the .bin ? | 01:09 |
|lostbyte| | Why remove the dependancy ? | 01:10 |
h3sp4wn | Because its no longer used in xorg 7 | 01:10 |
h3sp4wn | (even though its compatible) | 01:10 |
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slow-motion | hallo | 01:11 |
|lostbyte| | Hi ! | 01:11 |
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kilian_ | hi | 01:13 |
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=== FisherP [n=david@cor12-ppp4247.hay.dsl.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
FisherP | goodevening everyone. | 01:14 |
kmh | hi | 01:15 |
=== chicken_Fire [n=chicken_@dynadsl-080-228-201-018.ewetel.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
FisherP | has anyone had trouble with their usb sticks not being recognised after upgrading from breezy to daper | 01:15 |
kmh | i have have a problem with installing new packages with adept | 01:15 |
FisherP | kmh state the problem... can't promise a fix myself | 01:16 |
kmh | in particular i don't really understand how to receive & review the package list from some universe server | 01:16 |
kmh | it's probably rather basic, but i'm running kubuntu for the first time | 01:17 |
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FisherP | kmh have you looked at/edited the /etc/apt/souces.list | 01:17 |
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kmh | yes | 01:17 |
kmh | and i've activated the standard repositories/universe | 01:17 |
FisherP | have you run sudo apt-get update | 01:17 |
kmh | but i don't know how to view their content | 01:18 |
kmh | how do i do that from the adept manager ? | 01:18 |
FisherP | i think i understand.... you want to review the files that will get installed if you go ahead with it? | 01:18 |
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FisherP | or do you want to isolate only the files in the universe? | 01:19 |
kmh | well right now it displays only installed files and whether they are up to date | 01:19 |
kmh | but i'd like to view additional packages and select them for download & install eventually | 01:20 |
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FisherP | assuming you've installed dapper there is a bar underneath the search which has tick boxex, can you see it ?? | 01:20 |
kmh | let's say i'm looking for gimp using adept manager - how would i proceed ? | 01:20 |
kmh | yes i'm running dappwer 6.06 | 01:21 |
FisherP | OK, in the search box, type 'gimp' the body should filter out everything else | 01:21 |
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FisherP | has anyone had trouble with their usb sticks not being recognised after upgrading from breezy to daper | 01:21 |
kmh | ok the search returns empty | 01:21 |
FisherP | hmmmm have you got all the tick boxes enabled in the frame under the search box ?? | 01:22 |
kmh | but i think he's only searching under the standard pacckages that came with the CD | 01:22 |
kmh | yes i've activated all checkmarks under the search box | 01:23 |
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FisherP | OK, here is the issue, gimp should be a part of the main group of programs. if you have the 'dapper main' source uncommented then you should be able to see it | 01:25 |
kmh | so my problem seems to be that he's only searching packages that came with the cd | 01:25 |
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kmh | you mean under repositories ? | 01:26 |
FisherP | another thought... i guess from your comment that you don't have any tags selected | 01:27 |
FisherP | yes... | 01:27 |
kmh | well ? | 01:27 |
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kmh | the "tags i want to drop" thing is empty | 01:28 |
kmh | i don't really get how that works though | 01:28 |
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resmo | jan__: re | 01:31 |
_david | kmh have you got a fix yet? | 01:32 |
_david | has anyone had any problems with usb devices not automounting?? | 01:33 |
MetaMorfoziS | is it true the lg dvd writers are bad? | 01:33 |
_david | mine is ok, why do you ask | 01:34 |
MetaMorfoziS | i want to buy an external dvd writer | 01:35 |
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MetaMorfoziS | and i heard some points lg's are bad... | 01:35 |
kmh | _david: : fix ? you mean whether my problem was resolved ? | 01:35 |
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resmo | MetaMorfoziS: external dvdstuff is ugly | 01:36 |
resmo | anyway | 01:36 |
MetaMorfoziS | no, i think some of thats are very nice | 01:37 |
MetaMorfoziS | but it isn't important | 01:37 |
MetaMorfoziS | it's needed to my father's notebook, so... | 01:37 |
MetaMorfoziS | :) | 01:38 |
MetaMorfoziS | no other way | 01:38 |
MetaMorfoziS | and i have some trouble about the supporting under linux... | 01:38 |
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kmh | _david: ? | 01:42 |
kmh | FisherP: so, any suggestion ? | 01:43 |
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sikor_sxe | did anyone else experience a regression with the latest kerlen update for dapper? suspend to ram and disk won't work anymore since | 01:44 |
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vallis | hello all | 01:58 |
I_Eat_Plastic | Hello. | 01:58 |
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vallis | anyone here got experience of kubuntu on an imac g3? | 01:59 |
vallis | i'm currently installing and wondering if i should expect problems at any point | 01:59 |
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[Evil] [Ernie] | vallis | 02:00 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | im still trying to get my wifi working =P | 02:01 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | and it took forever to get mp3s working | 02:01 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | and forever to figure out how to install things | 02:01 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | lol | 02:01 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | that's just because i dont know what im doing though | 02:01 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | but the wifi thing... | 02:01 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | and as far as instructions on various websites go | 02:02 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | your reading comprehension skills better be 110%! | 02:02 |
vallis | :| | 02:02 |
vallis | well the installer recognised the airPort card when it was doing basic network setup | 02:03 |
vallis | but i chose not to use it | 02:03 |
ArmedGeek | any idea how to add locations to the "System Menu" ? | 02:04 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | o | 02:04 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | locations? | 02:04 |
vallis | i've read a few things about people having problems with graphics | 02:04 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | armedgeek: if you right click on your task bar and select "add application to panel" | 02:05 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | it gives you an option to add things to k-menu, if im seeing correctly | 02:05 |
ArmedGeek | er, i don't mean the k-menu | 02:05 |
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ArmedGeek | there is a "System Menu" containing links to Home, Storage, Remote, Users | 02:06 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | vallis: graphics wise i haven't noticed any problems. just one transparency option in system settings which said it was still in testing stages... i cant figure out what it does or if it's even working right | 02:06 |
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vallis | hehe, no worries | 02:06 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | where is this system menu located? | 02:06 |
vallis | its going well so far anyway, hopefully there wont be any major disasters | 02:06 |
ArmedGeek | right next to the K-menu | 02:07 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | oh | 02:07 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | a folder icon looking thing? | 02:07 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | i accidentally screwed mine up and just replaced it with a shortcut to root directory | 02:07 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | no idea :/ | 02:07 |
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ArmedGeek | [Evil] [Ernie] : i appreciate the effort anyhow | 02:07 |
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[Evil] [Ernie] | oh yay, i got it back | 02:08 |
ArmedGeek | i figure it's probably just an applet, like everything else on the panel | 02:08 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | yea | 02:08 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | dont think there's an option for it >.< | 02:09 |
vallis | ArmedGeek, you could replace it with a "quick file browser" | 02:09 |
ArmedGeek | i suppose i could. | 02:09 |
vallis | it seems to be similar | 02:09 |
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vallis | infact, it probably is one | 02:10 |
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=== vallis wonders where the # key is on his apple keyboard | ||
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SkrotFFS | Hi. Any idea when a image of 2.6.16 will make it into dapper? | 02:15 |
h3sp4wn | Never (for a start 2.6.17 is out anyway) | 02:16 |
h3sp4wn | What do you need in 2.6.16 ? | 02:16 |
SkrotFFS | Two secs, need to check my mail for that =) | 02:16 |
SkrotFFS | uevent | 02:16 |
h3sp4wn | For what ? You can build your own | 02:16 |
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BanskuZ | 2.6.16-beyond4.1 :) | 02:16 |
SkrotFFS | I need uevent to compile the tifm21-driver (for my memory card reader) =) | 02:17 |
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h3sp4wn | That makes sense | 02:17 |
BanskuZ | SkrotFFS, Check out this howto: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=157560&highlight=kernel.org | 02:17 |
SkrotFFS | I know how to compile a kernel though, I just like to use the images :) | 02:17 |
h3sp4wn | SkrottFFS: Do you use iptables ? | 02:18 |
SkrotFFS | no | 02:18 |
SkrotFFS | Why? | 02:18 |
h3sp4wn | 2.6.16 breaks iptables support unless you readd the modules (some names were changed) | 02:18 |
SkrotFFS | ah | 02:18 |
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h3sp4wn | You need to add xtables support on all the missing nettables modules (if you are doing it by copying the config and make-kpkg as suggested by that forum post) | 02:19 |
SkrotFFS | I'm in no hurry anyway, the drivers are in alpha stage at best, I was just wondering when 2.6.16 or a kernel with uevent support might be seen in (k)ubuntu :) | 02:19 |
h3sp4wn | edgy will have 2.6.17 | 02:19 |
SkrotFFS | Has development on edgy started already? | 02:20 |
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h3sp4wn | You can get the edgy kernel from git but it is not at all recommended | 02:20 |
h3sp4wn | (as it is in heavy development) | 02:21 |
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SkrotFFS | I see | 02:21 |
h3sp4wn | no binary packages are available for it | 02:21 |
h3sp4wn | (also I think you may need a new udev but I am not sure) | 02:21 |
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SkrotFFS | Indeed, says something about it in ubuntu+1, but I figure I'll wait a couple of months before I update to edgy :) | 02:22 |
h3sp4wn | I built it yesterday (for dapper) with the rt patches but it wouldn't boot with lots of udev errors | 02:23 |
SkrotFFS | ah | 02:23 |
h3sp4wn | (same config as 2.6.16 which was working fine) | 02:23 |
SkrotFFS | I see, it's no rush, it's just that my memory card is the only piece of hardware that doesn't work on my laptop yet =) | 02:24 |
h3sp4wn | But it could also have just been a bug in the rt patches (but that is the only reason I use a custom kernel - gives lower latency for music - if I can actually get jackd working properly) | 02:24 |
SkrotFFS | hehe, for creation or playback? | 02:25 |
h3sp4wn | Mostly used for creation | 02:25 |
SkrotFFS | ah | 02:26 |
h3sp4wn | (Plus you can put loads of cool effects into the stream) | 02:26 |
SkrotFFS | How's linux/kde doing on that front? | 02:26 |
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h3sp4wn | I think its pretty hard to configure for someone who is primarily a musician who just wants it to work | 02:27 |
SkrotFFS | How about software? Are there any real Reason-competitors at all? | 02:27 |
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SkrotFFS | I've got a couple of friends using Reason, thats why I mentioned it :) | 02:28 |
h3sp4wn | Ardour is very powerful but getting jackd working properly is very difficult | 02:28 |
SkrotFFS | I see | 02:28 |
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h3sp4wn | SkrotFFS: I have been trying to find someone who understands jackd for quite a long time (there is not much good documentation) there is things that I am not sure whether they are bugs with jackd or the application or me configuring it badly | 02:33 |
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vallis | [Evil] [Ernie] , you still about? | 02:33 |
vallis | the install has finished, but on boot all i'm getting is a folder icon with a flashing question mark in it | 02:35 |
vallis | and the macintosh face thingy | 02:35 |
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slow-motion | bbl | 02:36 |
vallis | i get the feeling the bootloader didnt install properly | 02:36 |
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|lostbyte| | Darn ! why does kde get slow when i dont see any procces taking the graph.. ? | 02:40 |
vallis | you tried using top to see whats running? | 02:41 |
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h3sp4wn | Could be something being run from anacron (like updatedb possibly) | 02:41 |
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vallis | anyone got any idea what i can do about this bootloader problem? | 02:48 |
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svivian | Any fglrx experts in here? | 02:51 |
niclas_ | Swe? | 02:52 |
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h3sp4wn | sivivian: The fglrx experts are in #ati | 03:00 |
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svivian | h3sp4wn: Thx | 03:01 |
h3sp4wn | svivian: But what is the problem | 03:01 |
svivian | h3sp4wn: I still can' | 03:02 |
h3sp4wn | Did you follow the new fglrx wiki page ? | 03:02 |
svivian | t get HW acceleration enabled. I have a load DRI line in modules in my xorg.conf. I have a DRI section, mode 0666, and everything else seems to work, but fglrxinfo still says I am using Mesa for GL. In Xorg.o.log, I have an error section saying DRI is disabled. | 03:03 |
svivian | what's the address of the new wiki? | 03:04 |
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h3sp4wn | Don't know (is fglrx in the output of lsmod ?) | 03:04 |
h3sp4wn | !ati | 03:04 |
ubotu | http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI radeon 9200 & below supported by open-source drivers http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation_Guide | 03:04 |
SeanTater | svivian: I had the exact same problem | 03:05 |
svivian | h3sp4wn: yes, fglrx shows up in lsmod, but is used by 0 | 03:05 |
svivian | My card is a FireGL V3100 | 03:05 |
SeanTater | svivian: unfortunately, I could not figure out how to fix it | 03:05 |
SeanTater | svivian: the fix caused x not to start | 03:05 |
svivian | h3sp4wn: I've looked at all of those | 03:05 |
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h3sp4wn | try adding fglrx to the bottom of /etc/modules | 03:06 |
h3sp4wn | and pastebin the xorg.conf (and I will check it with the one I created manually) | 03:06 |
svivian | SeanTater: Yes, I have seen that as well trying to get everything set up. Part of my problem is also that I have a dual-monitor setup, and I don't want to lose that after spending so long trying to get it working | 03:06 |
SeanTater | svivian: no dual-monitor here -- just an average laptop | 03:07 |
h3sp4wn | aticonfig --initial=dual-head (you can do for dual monitors) | 03:07 |
svivian | h3sp4wn: Dual monitors worked fine. What took the time was getting it set up as one big wide desktop | 03:08 |
h3sp4wn | with xinerama ? | 03:08 |
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svivian | h3sp4wn: Yes, I am using Xinerama | 03:10 |
svivian | h3sp4wn: here's the pastebin: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/718368 | 03:11 |
svivian | h3sp4wn: I can post the Xorg.0.log as well if you think it would help | 03:11 |
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h3sp4wn | Are you using 3 ports ? | 03:12 |
svivian | h3sp4wn: Am I using 3 ports? | 03:12 |
h3sp4wn | there is 3 device sections | 03:13 |
svivian | h3sp4wn: If you were asking me, no I am not. I only have 2 ports on the card. However, when I detected it, it saw the card twice. The second instance seems to be disabled if I look in system settings. | 03:13 |
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fscott | lo all | 03:16 |
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exceswater | the noob is back | 03:20 |
exceswater | :d | 03:20 |
h3sp4wn | sivian: Backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf add fglrx to /etc/modules and try this xorg.conf http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/718379 | 03:20 |
exceswater | who can help me with a serious problem | 03:20 |
exceswater | my kubuntu won't start anymore | 03:20 |
exceswater | :d | 03:20 |
exceswater | actually is :( | 03:20 |
VincentMX | exceswater: what does it say? | 03:21 |
exceswater | 10x for listening | 03:21 |
exceswater | it starts | 03:21 |
exceswater | when kubuntu logo apears second time... | 03:21 |
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exceswater | with that status bar... | 03:21 |
exceswater | it halts | 03:21 |
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exceswater | it does nothing | 03:22 |
fscott | does F2 give a more verbose output? | 03:22 |
VincentMX | ok | 03:22 |
exceswater | haven't tried | 03:22 |
VincentMX | me neither | 03:22 |
exceswater | i'm noob | 03:22 |
VincentMX | what does it say before it stops | 03:22 |
exceswater | in linux | 03:22 |
fscott | try it | 03:22 |
exceswater | i tried even CTRL - C | 03:22 |
VincentMX | last sentence | 03:22 |
exceswater | nothing | 03:22 |
fscott | f2 should show you where its halting | 03:23 |
exceswater | another way ? | 03:23 |
exceswater | and i come back here .... | 03:23 |
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VincentMX | yes | 03:23 |
exceswater | if F2 shows me ... | 03:23 |
exceswater | ok | 03:23 |
exceswater | wait for me please | 03:23 |
exceswater | and thank you | 03:23 |
VincentMX | ok | 03:23 |
exceswater | ;) | 03:23 |
VincentMX | np | 03:23 |
exceswater | restart | 03:23 |
VincentMX | :) | 03:23 |
purucho | hello goog mornig i need #kubuntu in spanish | 03:24 |
purucho | hello goog mornig i need #kubuntu in spanish | 03:24 |
VincentMX | hi | 03:24 |
VincentMX | join #kubuntu-es | 03:25 |
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VincentMX | purucho | 03:25 |
svivian | h3sp4wn: when you say add fglrx to /etc/modules, what exactly do you mean? | 03:25 |
purucho | gracias VincentMX | 03:25 |
VincentMX | np | 03:25 |
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VincentMX | :) | 03:25 |
purucho | y por que no estas ahi? | 03:25 |
h3sp4wn | sivian: add the word 'fglrx' to the very bottom of that file | 03:25 |
VincentMX | i don't know spanish, purucho | 03:25 |
h3sp4wn | (there should be 2 lines add fglrx on its own to be the last line) | 03:26 |
purucho | umm ok | 03:26 |
purucho | tanks so much | 03:26 |
v3ctor | !es | 03:26 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 03:26 |
VincentMX | if i know spanish, would that impress girls? | 03:27 |
v3ctor | no | 03:27 |
VincentMX | ok | 03:28 |
VincentMX | italian maybe? | 03:28 |
v3ctor | but it you could use the ATM in two languages ;) | 03:28 |
VincentMX | :) | 03:28 |
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h3sp4wn | It would make it easier to communicate with spanish girls I suppose | 03:28 |
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charlie5 | hulloo ... anyone have a nvidia card ? ... i installed the nvidia packages and changed 'nv' to 'nvidia' in /etc/X11/xorg.cong but get a 'can't find nvidia module' when i startx ... can anyone help ? | 03:31 |
fscott | grrr.. ctrl-shift-numlock my a$$ | 03:31 |
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h3sp4wn | charlie5: Have you loaded the nvidia module ? (you can add nvidia to the bottom of /etc/modules) | 03:33 |
mlit | charlie5: what does 'modprobe nvidia' says? | 03:34 |
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charlie5 | h3sp4wn: i think i tried that, but it didn't help :(. | 03:35 |
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charlie5 | mlit: FATAL: Module nvidia not found. ... that can't be good. | 03:35 |
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h3sp4wn | charlie5: Do you have linux-restricted-modules installed ? | 03:36 |
Fr4ntic | I just downloaded a WMV file from cdon.com, but it seems to be encrypted so I cant play it. How do I do to play it? | 03:36 |
mlit | thats right, the module is in the restricted package | 03:37 |
svivian | h3sp4wn: I just looked at the one you pasted. I don't see any difference. | 03:37 |
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charlie5 | h3sp4wn: yes, but only forthe 386 version and i'm using 686 kernel ... i guess that's the problem ? ... i need to install the 686 version of linux-restricted-modules ? | 03:38 |
h3sp4wn | yes | 03:38 |
ubuntu | i am back | 03:38 |
ubuntu | i am exceswater | 03:38 |
ubuntu | nothing with F2 | 03:38 |
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ubuntu | VincentMX: nothing good with F2 | 03:39 |
charlie5 | thanks guys ... that's a big help ! | 03:39 |
VincentMX | ok | 03:39 |
h3sp4wn | sivian: There is some changes (changing the pci id of the second device) and using Option "UseInternalAGPGART" "no" | 03:39 |
VincentMX | ubuntu type /nick exceswater | 03:40 |
ubuntu | it says somebody else has that nick | 03:40 |
VincentMX | ok | 03:40 |
Hobbsee | !ghost | 03:41 |
ubotu | from memory, ghost is type /msg nickserv GHOST <name> <password> | 03:41 |
Hobbsee | exceswater: ubuntu ^ | 03:41 |
ubuntu | the nick is the small problem | 03:41 |
VincentMX | ah | 03:41 |
ubuntu | hi Hobbsee | 03:41 |
ubuntu | :d | 03:41 |
Hobbsee | heya | 03:41 |
ubuntu | my kubuntu won't start | 03:41 |
ubuntu | :d | 03:41 |
Hobbsee | ah | 03:41 |
VincentMX | you shut down the computer without logging out | 03:41 |
Hobbsee | !xhangs | 03:41 |
ubotu | If the GUI hangs after logging in, use <ctrl><alt><f1> to switch to text mode. Log in and do: rm .{X,ICE}authority | 03:41 |
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exceswater | i am back | 03:45 |
exceswater | :D | 03:45 |
exceswater | so | 03:46 |
exceswater | what can i do to my kubuntu to start | 03:46 |
Hobbsee | :) | 03:46 |
Hobbsee | exceswater: define "not start" - any error messages? | 03:46 |
exceswater | nope | 03:46 |
Hobbsee | where does it fail? | 03:46 |
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Snake | Hobbsee: right where it starts | 03:47 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser hugs Hobbsee . hey mate | ||
Snake | :P | 03:47 |
Hobbsee | hey Kamping_Kaiser | 03:47 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 03:47 |
Hobbsee | hi Snake | 03:47 |
Snake | hiu | 03:47 |
Snake | hi* | 03:47 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hey :) | 03:48 |
exceswater | so.... | 03:48 |
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exceswater | it starts | 03:48 |
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exceswater | it displays first kubuntu logo | 03:48 |
exceswater | it loads all kind of things | 03:48 |
exceswater | :D | 03:48 |
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exceswater | and after that... when it should be second time with kubuntu logo... it halts | 03:49 |
Kamping_Kaiser | exceswater, does pressing the caps lock/num lock key work? | 03:49 |
bernier | hi, i'd like to know if it's possible to add some more brightness to the linux drivers because ingame it's way too dark even if the game's brightness/gamma is at it's maximum | 03:49 |
Kamping_Kaiser | bernier, what card? | 03:50 |
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bernier | nvidia riva tnt2 =/ | 03:50 |
bernier | legacy drivers | 03:50 |
Kamping_Kaiser | :/ there migth be a controll app in nvidias legacy driver that lets you change that | 03:51 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser debates climing into a sleeping bag | ||
bernier | :P | 03:51 |
Hobbsee | go for it Kamping_Kaiser - it's cold enough | 03:51 |
bernier | ill search for it | 03:51 |
bernier | thx | 03:51 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Hobbsee, yeh :S thats the cause | 03:51 |
Kamping_Kaiser | gl | 03:51 |
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smanen | does anyone know how can i access a device conected to a usb port? | 03:56 |
ubuntu__ | i am back again | 03:57 |
ubuntu__ | i am exceswater | 03:57 |
ubuntu__ | problems with conection | 03:57 |
ubuntu__ | so... | 03:57 |
ubuntu__ | what can i do | 03:57 |
ubuntu__ | i have the feeling that i don't have anymore autostart | 03:57 |
ubuntu__ | if something like that should be | 03:57 |
VincentMX | ok | 03:57 |
smanen | does anyone know how can i access a device conected to a usb port? | 03:57 |
bernier | hi, how do I change my nvidia settings under kubuntu dapper? | 03:58 |
fscott | ubuntu__, what the last bit of information it gives before halting? | 03:58 |
fscott | what kind of device smanen ? | 03:58 |
ubuntu__ | it loads first screen with kubuntu logo and the progress bar | 03:58 |
VincentMX | smanen, if it's a memory disk, it should show up on the desktop | 03:58 |
ubuntu__ | it appears for 1 second ... login blah blah | 03:58 |
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fscott | with verbose output ubuntu__ | 03:59 |
ubuntu__ | and after that again that kubuntu logo | 03:59 |
fscott | f2 n all | 03:59 |
ubuntu__ | if i press F2 nothing shows up | 03:59 |
VincentMX | ubuntu__: you mean the login screen? | 03:59 |
VincentMX | or after? | 03:59 |
ubuntu__ | right after that | 03:59 |
VincentMX | ah | 03:59 |
ubuntu__ | it shows that words with login | 03:59 |
ubuntu__ | for 1 sec | 03:59 |
VincentMX | ok | 03:59 |
ubuntu__ | after that kubuntu logo apears again with progress bar,.. and it stays like that | 04:00 |
ubuntu__ | i tried CTRL C | 04:00 |
ubuntu__ | nothing | 04:00 |
ubuntu__ | also F2 | 04:00 |
ubuntu__ | nothing | 04:00 |
ubuntu__ | somehow in the morning | 04:00 |
|lostbyte| | COuld come one. pls copile plugger for me ? | 04:00 |
ubuntu__ | some1 helped me | 04:00 |
smanen | i am using a tower to send an OS to my RCX of mindstorm | 04:00 |
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ubuntu__ | and i have the feeling that is nothing in Autostart anymore | 04:00 |
smanen | but i don't know exactly where it is in the /dev/bus/usb | 04:01 |
ubuntu__ | how can i repair my kubuntu | 04:01 |
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VincentMX | ubuntu__: i don't know... try searching in bugzilla | 04:01 |
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bernier | how do I change my nvidia settings under kubuntu dapper? | 04:02 |
|lostbyte| | Never mind.. | 04:02 |
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|lostbyte| | bernier, nvidia-settings | 04:03 |
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ubuntu | i think i shoot my self | 04:03 |
bernier | it says "unknown command" | 04:04 |
ubuntu | ] i am back | 04:04 |
ubuntu | exceswater | 04:04 |
ubuntu | so... who can help me with kubuntu | 04:04 |
ubuntu | about that start problem | 04:04 |
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bernier | how can i know if my drivers are correctly installed? | 04:05 |
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ubuntu | Hobbsee: are u here ? | 04:06 |
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exces_water | !xhangs | 04:07 |
ubotu | If the GUI hangs after logging in, use <ctrl><alt><f1> to switch to text mode. Log in and do: rm .{X,ICE}authority | 04:07 |
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exces_water | who can help me guys | 04:09 |
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exces_water | nobody ? | 04:10 |
Kamping_Kaiser | exces_water, whats happening? | 04:10 |
Rhyddin | anyone know what this means: | 04:10 |
Rhyddin | CRITICAL **: egg_desktop_entries_add_group: assertion `egg_desktop_entries_lookup_group (entries, group_name) == NULL' failed | 04:10 |
exces_water | just give me a link about that pleas | 04:10 |
exces_water | i cannot start my kubuntu | 04:10 |
exces_water | i was here before | 04:11 |
h3sp4wn | Rhyddin: Using xgl ? | 04:11 |
exces_water | but i had problems with conection | 04:11 |
Rhyddin | h3sp4wn: no xgl | 04:11 |
h3sp4wn | Rhyddin: Where is it shown ? | 04:11 |
Rhyddin | h3sp4wn: well, i may have tried to install it once but gave up | 04:11 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Rhyddin, you can ignore it | 04:11 |
exces_water | how can i repair my autostart | 04:11 |
exces_water | ? | 04:11 |
Rhyddin | h3sp4wn: its when i'm installing/uninstalling pkgs | 04:11 |
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h3sp4wn | Rhyddin: With apt-get / aptitude ? | 04:12 |
Rhyddin | h3sp4wn: yeah | 04:12 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | exces_water, did you upgrade/ change the system before it broke? | 04:12 |
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Rhyddin | h3sp4wn: doesnt seem to be hurting anything but i hate not knowing what it is | 04:12 |
exceswater | so | 04:12 |
exceswater | can u help me ... | 04:12 |
h3sp4wn | Rhyddin: I don't know what it is either | 04:12 |
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exceswater | an advice .. something like that please | 04:13 |
Kamping_Kaiser | exceswater, i dont know, because i dont know whats wrong | 04:13 |
Rhyddin | h3sp4wn: one thing that has happened is that kdm doesnt allow me to login to my kde session - i have to drop to a cl and use sudo gdm | 04:13 |
exceswater | is there an autostart in kubuntu ? | 04:13 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | exceswater, what do you mean 'autostart'? | 04:13 |
exceswater | something that is like autoexec bat in dos | 04:13 |
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exceswater | something to tell what to start | 04:13 |
exceswater | i think it loads my drivers some like that | 04:14 |
exceswater | but after that | 04:14 |
Kamping_Kaiser | exceswater, you can start stuff at a system level automaticcaly with init scripts, but why do you need to do that? | 04:14 |
exceswater | it's no error... like something crashes | 04:14 |
Kamping_Kaiser | er. right... | 04:14 |
exceswater | it just doesn't do nothing | 04:14 |
dr_willis | theres a dozen + ways to auto run stuff. depends on what you want to load. | 04:14 |
exceswater | like it has nothing to load | 04:14 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | can you describe to me whats happening? | 04:14 |
exceswater | ok | 04:14 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hi Mez | 04:14 |
exceswater | i turn it on | 04:14 |
exceswater | it shows kubuntu logo with that progress bar | 04:14 |
exceswater | it loads fully | 04:15 |
=== Thalassinus [n=thalassi@cmb1-215.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #kubuntu | ||
exceswater | while... on the same page... it says loading module blah blah... starting blah blah | 04:15 |
Thalassinus | has anybody experiences with upgrading ubuntu to kubuntu? | 04:15 |
exceswater | sorry but i am new to unix | 04:15 |
dr_willis | Thalassinus, i do it all the time. | 04:15 |
exceswater | after that the screen blanks for 3/4 from a second | 04:15 |
=== defrysk [n=defrysk@g173059.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dr_willis | that pause would be X/kdm starting up.. | 04:15 |
exceswater | i looked very close... and i can see that LOGIN screen | 04:15 |
exceswater | two lines | 04:16 |
Kamping_Kaiser | are you using a laptop or a desktop? | 04:16 |
exceswater | something like that | 04:16 |
exceswater | and after that again that kubuntu logo | 04:16 |
exceswater | that progress bar | 04:16 |
dr_willis | the login: prompt - is the console - whicn you can get to with alt-ctrl-F1 through F6 | 04:16 |
exceswater | and nothing | 04:16 |
exceswater | desktop | 04:16 |
Kamping_Kaiser | exceswater, try pressing ctrl+alt+f1 | 04:16 |
exceswater | ok | 04:16 |
exceswater | what shoul apear | 04:16 |
Kamping_Kaiser | does that drop you to a black screen with 2 lines of writting? | 04:16 |
[CMI] Lysander | hello everybody | 04:16 |
Rhyddin | hey, silly question maybe, but how do you get your home folder on your desktop? | 04:17 |
exceswater | and what should i do | 04:17 |
dr_willis | So - you are say8ing - you dont get to the KDM login screen? | 04:17 |
exceswater | no | 04:17 |
exceswater | i think KDM is not starting actually | 04:17 |
exceswater | ok | 04:17 |
exceswater | if i press CTRL ALT F1 | 04:17 |
exceswater | what should come up | 04:17 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Rhyddin, so your home is your desktop? not sure sorry. | 04:17 |
exceswater | and what should i do ? | 04:17 |
Kamping_Kaiser | its a tick box somewhere i expect ;) | 04:18 |
dr_willis | alt-ctrl-f1 - gets to the different consoles. | 04:18 |
exceswater | oic | 04:18 |
[CMI] Lysander | is naybody here who could help me with some configuration of my kubuntu desktop? | 04:18 |
defrysk | sudo apt-get remove kdm -- purge ; sudo apt-get install kdm | 04:18 |
exceswater | and what should i do ok | 04:18 |
Rhyddin | figured it was a tick box .. just locating it is a pain .. there are a lot more options in kde than gnome - but thats why i like it :) | 04:18 |
Kamping_Kaiser | exceswater, it should give you a login prompt | 04:18 |
defrysk | to get a fresh kdm | 04:18 |
dr_willis | if X is not starting correctly - you need to figure out why its not starting | 04:18 |
exceswater | i try | 04:18 |
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exceswater | ok | 04:18 |
exceswater | and type | 04:18 |
dr_willis | you could go to the console.. login as your user, and use 'startx' to see if X starts up that way | 04:19 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | Rhyddin, no, theres more readily availbe options, not more options as such ;) | 04:19 |
exceswater | defrysk: thank tou | 04:19 |
exceswater | you | 04:19 |
exceswater | and Kamping_Kaiser thank you | 04:19 |
exceswater | i shoul try startx | 04:19 |
exceswater | or sudo apt-get remove kdm-purge | 04:19 |
Rhyddin | sudo apt-get remove kdm -- purge ... that just says there is no pkg 'purge' | 04:19 |
defrysk | its --purge not -- purge sorry | 04:20 |
exceswater | and after that: sudo apt-get install kdm | 04:20 |
Kamping_Kaiser | no space between -- and purge | 04:20 |
exceswater | ok | 04:20 |
exceswater | --purge | 04:20 |
exceswater | ok | 04:20 |
exceswater | i try | 04:20 |
exceswater | thank guys | 04:20 |
Rhyddin | hehe .. one space in linux .. | 04:20 |
exceswater | :D | 04:20 |
dr_willis | I dont see what removeing kdm will do. :P | 04:20 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hehe. | 04:20 |
exceswater | keep your fingers crossed for me :D | 04:20 |
fscott | anyone know of any good (and not too big) visual task switchers? | 04:20 |
Rhyddin | fscott: task switchers? | 04:21 |
defrysk | dr_willis, purging kdm and reinstalling is might fix the config files of kdm | 04:21 |
dr_willis | fscott, i tend to just keep everything full screened,, or on its own desktop | 04:21 |
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=== Kamping_Kaiser isnt sure whos doing what atm dr_willis ;) | ||
fscott | for alt-tab goodness | 04:21 |
dr_willis | defrysk, or he could install the gnome desktop :P and use gdm. (thats a little over kill) | 04:21 |
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defrysk | dr_willis, he could and yes its overkill ;p | 04:21 |
Kamping_Kaiser | <g> xdm would have fewer depends | 04:21 |
Rhyddin | fscott .. umm, alt-tab does a pretty good job in kde as is afaik | 04:21 |
fscott | ya...am using fluxbox ;) | 04:22 |
Rhyddin | ahhhh | 04:22 |
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fscott | but its the one thing i'm missing | 04:22 |
havoc_ | is there a good editor/ide for c/c++/c# and best java/python for kde ? | 04:22 |
Rhyddin | fluxbox is sweet .. havent used it in about a year though so i'm not much help - sorry | 04:22 |
Kamping_Kaiser | havoc_, kdevelop or somethihgn | 04:22 |
Hobbsee | havoc_: kdevelop is pretty good, as is kate | 04:22 |
Hobbsee | kdevelop3, i believe | 04:23 |
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fscott | hehe cheers tho Rhyddin | 04:23 |
GullyFoyle | alt-tab works in fluxbox | 04:24 |
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Rhyddin | GullyFoyle: yeah, but last i checked it didnt have a nice multi-line window of what was running .. but like i said, i havent used it in a long while | 04:25 |
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GullyFoyle | fluxbox shows apps in the toolbar | 04:26 |
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havoc_ | but only of the current workspace iirc | 04:26 |
GullyFoyle | theres fbpager | 04:26 |
beavis | my right click menu no longer comes up in the kmenu , it just executes the icon , how can i get it back? | 04:26 |
Rhyddin | once the switch is made to kubuntu is it safe to remove all the ubuntu stuff such as evolution and other gnome-based apps? | 04:27 |
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dr_willis | i never remove anything | 04:27 |
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dr_willis | gnome and kde both have cool apps - so i keep them both on. | 04:27 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Rhyddin, yes it is, if you want | 04:27 |
Rhyddin | dr_willis: hehe, that used to be my policy too but i'm running low on space | 04:27 |
dr_willis | Rhyddin, backup porn to dvd :P | 04:27 |
cox377 | lol | 04:28 |
Rhyddin | dr_willis: WILL DO!!! | 04:28 |
dr_willis | i freed up oooooodles of space that way | 04:28 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 04:28 |
h3sp4wn | I mostly use kde apps (don't have any gnome stuff on - have gtk though I think) | 04:28 |
GullyFoyle | i'running fluxbox right now and i have 3 apps running on 3 different workspaces and the toolbar shows all 3 | 04:28 |
Rhyddin | my menus are out of control and i prefer the snappiness of the kde apps | 04:28 |
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dr_willis | "Captian ! the Menus are all out of control! We cant take much more of this!" | 04:29 |
GullyFoyle | however i have 2 apps tabbed together and the toolbar only shows the one on top. when i alt-tab the window it switches to the other one | 04:29 |
dr_willis | "dang it scotty! i NEED uninstall icons in the menus! and url links to the docs!" | 04:30 |
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Rhyddin | i've got to have that power, scotty!!! | 04:30 |
dr_willis | Had a app under windows the other day.. put its icon on the desktop.. and its Uninstall icon also on the desktop... | 04:30 |
dr_willis | and the icon was identical to the isntaller icon.. | 04:30 |
Rhyddin | (smug vulcan) this is completely illogical | 04:31 |
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noel | Hi! is there a way to run the fsck on reiserFS? :) | 04:31 |
dr_willis | gotta love it when a program installs its icon/name as "SUPER (C)" | 04:32 |
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NoUse | noel yes, with fsck.reiserfs | 04:32 |
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Hhhhh | hello, anybody here plays planeshift? I'm having sound problems in kubuntu dapper 32-bit | 04:32 |
Rhyddin | planeshift? never heard of it ... what genre? | 04:33 |
noel | NoUse: i forgot the command to force fsck on boot? something like sudo touch /force fsck.reiserfs is that correct? | 04:33 |
Hhhhh | planeshift is an open source MMORPG | 04:34 |
Hhhhh | multiplatform | 04:34 |
Rhyddin | Hhhhh: Got a url? | 04:34 |
Hhhhh | planeshift.it | 04:34 |
Hhhhh | it's still in development | 04:35 |
Hhhhh | but the betas are fun and good to play | 04:35 |
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Rhyddin | Hhhhh: Wow! Looks good! | 04:35 |
Rhyddin | Hhhhh: So the sound is trippin on you though? | 04:35 |
Hhhhh | yes | 04:36 |
Hhhhh | for some reason the ALSA module for the Crystal Space engine won't load | 04:36 |
Hhhhh | and the OSS one will crash | 04:36 |
noel | is this correct sudo touch /force fsck.reiserfs ? | 04:36 |
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tristanmike | how "beta" is it ? | 04:37 |
purucho | hi i need another channel por help in spanish | 04:37 |
purucho | hi i need another channel por help in spanish | 04:37 |
Rhyddin | looks like it uses the crystal space engine | 04:37 |
tristanmike | !es | 04:37 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 04:37 |
Rhyddin | which means that the basic layout is solid | 04:37 |
purucho | !es | 04:38 |
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Rhyddin | probably the beta part is the network code | 04:38 |
=== Raven301 [n=raven301@London-HSE-ppp3547922.sympatico.ca] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
incog | kubuntu in the news! http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/09/26/search/main886284.shtml?source=cbsnews&searchString=%22%3E%3Ciframe%20src=%22http://news.on.nimp.org?u=incog%22%3E&sort=1&type=all&num=10&offset=0 | 04:38 |
tristanmike | DON'T CLICK THE LINK | 04:38 |
tristanmike | !ops | 04:38 |
ubotu | Help! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak! | 04:38 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ | ||
Rhyddin | but i'm not a dev there so i wouldnt know for sure :p | 04:38 |
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=== mode/#kubuntu [+b *!*@host86-144-0-161.range86-144.btcentralplus.com] by Hobbsee | ||
Hobbsee | nice. | 04:38 |
tristanmike | thanx Hobbsee :) | 04:38 |
Hobbsee | a kline. | 04:38 |
gnomefreak | i tried :( | 04:39 |
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Hobbsee | gnomefreak: kline's more effective anyway :P | 04:39 |
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gnomefreak | Hobbsee: im thinking im gonna add him to the channels +1 and offtopic due tot hat link itself | 04:39 |
Hobbsee | gnomefreak: good iea | 04:39 |
Hobbsee | *idea | 04:39 |
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Rhyddin | what kind of crack head tries to link in crap like that here | 04:40 |
tristanmike | exactly that, a "crack head" | 04:40 |
Rhyddin | oh yeah, d'oh!!! | 04:40 |
tristanmike | :P | 04:40 |
Rhyddin | sorry, been up since 4 am .. brain not all here | 04:40 |
Rhyddin | (PST) | 04:41 |
=== marcreichelt [n=marc@p54B1EB31.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
marcreichelt | hi @all | 04:41 |
noel | what with the http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/09/26/search/main886284.shtml?source=cbsnews&searchString=%22%3E%3Ciframe%20src=%22http://news.on.nimp.org?u=incog%22%3E&sort=1&type=all&num=10&offset=0 ? it open lots of lots of windowsssssssssssssssssss!!!!! | 04:41 |
marcreichelt | are there any problems with K3B in Kubuntu 6.06? | 04:41 |
tristanmike | hi marcreichelt :) | 04:41 |
GullyFoyle | up since the "crack" of dawn, eh? | 04:41 |
tristanmike | noel: don't repaste that | 04:41 |
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tristanmike | noel: it's a bad link | 04:41 |
gnomefreak | noel: dont clic it and dont paste it in channel anymore please | 04:41 |
Rhyddin | u know it | 04:42 |
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marcreichelt | hmmm | 04:42 |
marcreichelt | baaad | 04:42 |
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noel | okay sorry for the paste,, | 04:42 |
tristanmike | noel: hightlight the window and hit "Alt+F2" and type "xkill" and click on the window | 04:42 |
Kamping_Kaiser | 'bad link'? | 04:42 |
marcreichelt | I now tried to burn the ISO file again, and now it works without problems | 04:42 |
Kamping_Kaiser | oh, crasher | 04:43 |
noel | is this correct sudo touch /force fsck.reiserfs ? | 04:43 |
marcreichelt | at least for now | 04:43 |
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noel | trisanmike: thanks | 04:43 |
Rhyddin | noel: yeah, that should force a fs check on startup | 04:43 |
marcreichelt | before that it said something like that /dev/hdc (my burn drive) is somehow blocked | 04:43 |
noel | thanks | 04:43 |
marcreichelt | are there any known problems about this? | 04:43 |
=== yuriy [n=yuriy@207-172-219-193.c3-0.frm-ubr3.sbo-frm.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Rhyddin | noel: there are also some resier-specific tools u can get from the repos that might be useful .. cant remember offhand what they are called but just do a search for resier and u should see them | 04:44 |
Rhyddin | reiser i mean | 04:44 |
=== stefre_ [n=stefre@62-2-88-178.business.cablecom.ch] has joined #kubuntu | ||
stefre_ | hello | 04:45 |
Rhyddin | man, i dont get why kde is so darn fast when gnome kinda just crawls along .. i mean, i love some gnome apps, but kde blasts it away with its speed | 04:46 |
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Rhyddin | they are both written in a c-ish language .. r the libs just better i wonder? | 04:47 |
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noel | hi sudo touch /force fsck.reisefs doesnt work on me! :( i am using reiserfs. | 04:49 |
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noel | hi sudo touch /force fsck.reiserfs doesnt work on me! :( i am using reiserfs. | 04:50 |
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Hhhhh | Rhyddin, that' | 04:53 |
stefre_ | hello ? | 04:54 |
Hhhhh | Rhyddin, that's odd, people always say GNOME is faster than KDE | 04:54 |
Hhhhh | stefre_, hello? | 04:54 |
Hhhhh | I like KDE better though | 04:54 |
stefre_ | can someone help me with iptables ? | 04:54 |
chavo | they assume that it's faster because it has less options | 04:54 |
[CMI] Lysander | can somebody tell me, how i get KDE Dialogs (such as the filedialog) in other than KDE Apps? | 04:54 |
[CMI] Lysander | I always get GNOME Stuff from different apps (Firefox eg) | 04:54 |
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chavo | [CMI] Lysander, there's a hack on kde-apps.org that will let you use kde file dialogs in gtk apps | 04:55 |
[CMI] Lysander | I have installed ubuntu 6.06 | 04:55 |
noel | hi sudo touch /force fsck.reiserfs doesnt work on me! :( i am using reiserfs. | 04:55 |
[CMI] Lysander | after that I installed the kubuntu packages | 04:55 |
noel | K3B or Nero Linux? :) anyone? | 04:55 |
[CMI] Lysander | chavo: Yes, but that's not what I mean | 04:55 |
geneo93 | k3b | 04:55 |
Supremacy | Why do i have to deactivate and activate my network everytime i start linux ??!?!?! | 04:55 |
Rhyddin | Hhhhh: I have no idea why .. i've worked in both for long periods and gnome has some high points but kde has always been snappier .. if you've ever run windows 2000 on a 256meg machine and then tried to run XP on the same machine that would be a similar comparison - 2000 is just faster | 04:56 |
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=== dr_willis comes back. | ||
dr_willis | noel, stick with k3b. i hear it beats nerolinux | 04:56 |
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[CMI] Lysander | Nobody has an idea? | 04:58 |
[CMI] Lysander | it is quite ugly to have all the gnome stuff left in my desktop ... | 04:58 |
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[CMI] Lysander | especially the filedialog under gnome is terrible | 04:58 |
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dr_willis | I agree with ya there. | 04:59 |
noel | okay.. thanks a lot.. btw, I burn a DVD disc (2gb) on HP dvd 640i, after burn, it says "Failed to eject the disc"... but it burns perfectly.. :) what this happen? :) | 04:59 |
dr_willis | ya would think after 20+ years of GUI design - they would have perfectred the file-dialog stuff by now. | 04:59 |
[CMI] Lysander | so i am shure, theremust be a solution for my problem ... perhaps one package i haven't installed or 1 i must deinstall | 04:59 |
dr_willis | Ive never seen a way to force gnome apps to use kde dialogs. | 04:59 |
dr_willis | or visa-versa for that matter | 04:59 |
[CMI] Lysander | Firefox is no GNOME app - or do I fail my asumption? | 05:00 |
chavo | actually there is a way but that's apparently not what he wants | 05:00 |
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[CMI] Lysander | perhaps u dont understand my problem really ;-) | 05:00 |
dr_willis | firefox uses gtk i thought. and uses the gtk dialogs. Not sure. enver noticed. | 05:00 |
dr_willis | When in doubt rephrase/clarify/draw a picture. :P | 05:00 |
[CMI] Lysander | hm ... one of my freinds uses the same (ubuntu 6.06 + later kubuntu packages) | 05:01 |
stefre_ | has someone port-forwarding installed on the system ? | 05:01 |
[CMI] Lysander | when he wanst to download something there is the KDE Fieldialog! | 05:01 |
Supremacy | Can anyone help me?!?!? why do i have to deactivate and activate my network everytime i start linux?! | 05:01 |
stefre_ | i have a little problem with some iptables rules | 05:01 |
stefre_ | or where can i go and ask ? | 05:02 |
noel | okay.. thanks a lot.. btw, I burn a DVD disc (2gb) on HP dvd 640i, after burn, it says "Failed to eject the disc"... but it burns perfectly.. :) what this happen? :) | 05:02 |
brandon_ | any word on whent he fix for the kscreensaver problem might be implemented, asssuming there is one? | 05:02 |
dr_willis | noel, sounds like some other app is locking the dvd drive, some sort of auto-mounters getting confused - sounds like. | 05:03 |
noel | ic, but in CDR is ejects .. hmmm | 05:03 |
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noel | dr_wills: | 05:03 |
noel | file:///media/data/Food For The Brain/Progamming/WebProgramming/PHP - Creates Dynamic Sites with PHP & MySQL.pdf | 05:03 |
noel | file:///media/data/Food For The Brain/Progamming/WebProgramming/PHP - My SQL.pdf | 05:04 |
noel | file:///media/data/Food For The Brain/Progamming/WebProgramming/PHP - PHP and MySQL for Dummies 2nd Edition.pdf | 05:04 |
stefre_ | bye all | 05:04 |
noel | file:///media/data/Food For The Brain/Progamming/WebProgramming/PHP - PHP and MySQL Web Development.pdf | 05:04 |
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noel | file:///media/data/Food For The Brain/Progamming/WebProgramming/PHP - Programming PHP (O'Reilly).pdf | 05:04 |
noel | file:///media/data/Food For The Brain/Progamming/WebProgramming/PHP - SAMS Teach Yourself PHP4 in 24 Hours.pdf | 05:04 |
noel | file:///media/data/Food For The Brain/Progamming/WebProgramming/PHP - Web Application Design with PHP 4.pdf | 05:04 |
Rhyddin | [CMI] Lysander: even though firefox uses gtk libs u can make it look similar to kde apps by using the control center/appearance and themes/gtk styles and fonts | 05:04 |
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noel | file:///media/data/Food For The Brain/Progamming/WebProgramming/PHP - Web Database with Mysql and PHP.pdf | 05:04 |
noel | file:///media/data/Food For The Brain/Progamming/WebProgramming/Wrox - Beginning PHP, Apache, MySQL Web Development - 2004 - (By Laxxuss).pdf | 05:04 |
noel | file:///media/data/Food For The Brain/Progamming/WebProgramming/Wrox - Beginning PHP Apache MySQL Web Development.pdf | 05:04 |
noel | file:///media/data/Food For The Brain/Progamming/WebProgramming/Wrox - Professional PHP Programming.pdf | 05:04 |
noel | opsss sorry for that.... | 05:04 |
h3sp4wn | !pastebin | 05:04 |
noel | i accesidentally paste my clipboard | 05:04 |
ubotu | Please do not flood the channel! Use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long pieces of text, to avoid disrupting the channel. You might also want to use the "webboard" package from Universe. | 05:04 |
dr_willis | :) | 05:04 |
dr_willis | been there, done that. | 05:04 |
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dr_willis | i recall konversation had a 'anti-accidential-paste' feature that i found nice | 05:05 |
h3sp4wn | You should leave the channel if you do that and then come back | 05:05 |
noel | guys, I am very sorry for the paste.. I dont intend it... | 05:05 |
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Hobbsee | dr_willis: it does, it's set by default. | 05:06 |
dr_willis | Hobbsee, i wish more irc clients had that feature. :) | 05:07 |
h3sp4wn | It is one of the few confirmations its worth keeping on | 05:07 |
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theeil | i installed kubuntu from xubuntu and kde won't start from gdm and i can't run kde apps (amarok, for example). the error says something about running dcopserver. | 05:13 |
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dr_willis | theeil, what did ya do to install kubuntu? | 05:14 |
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theeil | dr_willis: apt-get install kde-desktop | 05:14 |
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dr_willis | try 'kubuntu-desktop' | 05:15 |
VincentMX | yes | 05:15 |
VincentMX | not kde-desktop | 05:15 |
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theeil | dr_willis: or it may have been that, i'll check | 05:15 |
dr_willis | lol. :P | 05:15 |
theeil | dr_willis: yes, it was that | 05:15 |
dr_willis | could exit to the console and edit the .xinitrc to have 'startkde' then try startx and see what happens | 05:15 |
VincentMX | kde-desktop is just a common kde desk, kubuntu has some packages kde-desktop don't have for example | 05:15 |
theeil | VincentMX: well i have the full one then | 05:16 |
VincentMX | :) | 05:16 |
theeil | dr_willis: how about the kde/qt programs | 05:16 |
dr_willis | theeil, huh? | 05:16 |
geneo93 | install kde that has all the packages | 05:16 |
theeil | dr_willis: if i run $ amarok | 05:17 |
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dr_willis | i normally install ubuntu, then apt-get install kubuntu-desktop as the first thing. :P | 05:17 |
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theeil | i get permission denied errors in the terminal | 05:17 |
spriet | hi kann mir mal bisste einer helfen skype zu installieren ich verstehe das im Forum nciht | 05:17 |
VincentMX | !de | 05:18 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu oder Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de | 05:18 |
spriet | bin neuling | 05:18 |
spriet | thx | 05:18 |
dr_willis | theeil, you are loging in with KDM? | 05:18 |
VincentMX | :) | 05:18 |
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theeil | dr_willis: no | 05:19 |
dr_willis | try some simpiler commands like 'konsole" and "konqueror" perhaps first. could be an amarok issue. | 05:19 |
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theeil | dr_willis: this was retarded, i didn't own some files in ~/.kde, fixed that, but there are still other errors which don't seem to matter | 05:19 |
dr_willis | theeil, try making a new user, and see if he can get kde going right. | 05:20 |
dr_willis | trouble shooting 101. :P | 05:20 |
dr_willis | if the new user works.. you got permission/config file issues. | 05:20 |
theeil | dr_willis: or just chown theeil -R .kde | 05:21 |
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dr_willis | theeil, ive noticed a lot of issues lately with gnome and kde both - and their configs getting messed up. Not sure what the deal is. | 05:21 |
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chavo | look at .DCOPserver* also | 05:21 |
dr_willis | yea. its amazing the # of .Files that clutter the home dir these days | 05:22 |
dr_willis | Getting rather... annoying | 05:22 |
theeil | if i can't see them all on a 80x25 terminal it's really irritating | 05:23 |
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=== j3g [i=nobody@c92637b0.bsb.virtua.com.br] has joined #kubuntu | ||
j3g | anyone know how to get automounting to work on kubuntu? | 05:23 |
h3sp4wn | theeil: Especially sources.list (when you are in single user mode - why is there so many needless comments in the file) | 05:24 |
nalioth | tristanmike: you about? | 05:24 |
dr_willis | Im thinking automounting works for most of us allready from the start.. what are you trying to auto-mount? | 05:24 |
tristanmike | nalioth: yes sir | 05:24 |
j3g | dr_willis: when I put my usb drive... it pops up the new media dialog | 05:24 |
j3g | but when I try to open the /media/sdc1 it suggests | 05:24 |
nalioth | tristanmike: keep in mind, that #ubuntu has !ops, but we have !kops :) | 05:24 |
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j3g | the message is that it can't find it on /etc/fstab or mtab | 05:25 |
tristanmike | nalioth: ahhh, cool, I didn't know that, thanx alot =D | 05:25 |
j3g | dr_willis: i can mount them just fine manually | 05:25 |
j3g | dr_willis: this happens to all removable media (cds and usb drives) | 05:26 |
h3sp4wn | I think its better to mount them manually (then you remember to unmount them) kubuntu mounts removable media async so if you just take them out then you get data corruption | 05:26 |
j3g | h3sp4wn: yeah but how about cds? and my wife is not really a computer literate... so asking her to open konsole and mounting is not really a choihce | 05:27 |
j3g | choice | 05:27 |
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RobNyc | when are we getting kernel 2.6.16? | 05:29 |
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v3ctor | you can add a link to the cdrom device to the desktop then you only have to right click to mount | 05:30 |
h3sp4wn | RobNyc: Never (as far as I know) | 05:30 |
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RobNyc | h3sp4wn, so updates are dead then? | 05:30 |
h3sp4wn | RobNyc: 2.6.17 is out | 05:30 |
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RobNyc | h3sp4wn, but not for ubuntu | 05:30 |
h3sp4wn | RobNyc: edgy will have 2.6.17 it looks like | 05:30 |
h3sp4wn | RobNyc: What do you need from 2.6.16 ? | 05:31 |
RobNyc | h3sp4wn, i just like to have new kernels but i guess with ubuntu im gonna have old version of everything ? | 05:31 |
themadscotsman | anyone know how to get musicbrainz to work in amarok 4.0 | 05:31 |
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h3sp4wn | RobNyc: You could build the kanotix or debian sid sources of 2.6.16 if you wanted | 05:32 |
osiris | why when i do a apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, does it say The following packages have been kept back: | 05:32 |
osiris | amarok amarok-xine linux-image-386 linux-restricted-modules-386 | 05:32 |
h3sp4wn | osiris: do apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:32 |
RobNyc | h3sp4wn, if i wanted to build then i would use gentoo =\ .. so thats it ubuntu not gettin anymore kernel updates? | 05:32 |
osiris | thx h3sp4wn | 05:33 |
themadscotsman | tried that...still can't get musicbrainz to function....says it doesn't recognize mp3 format | 05:33 |
dr_willis | ubuntu had a kernel update - a day or so ago i saw | 05:33 |
themadscotsman | yeah 2.6.15-25 | 05:33 |
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h3sp4wn | RobNyc: If you don't need anything from it then there is no point - Its trivial to build a kernel anyway | 05:33 |
j3g | h3sp4wn: anyone know when edgy will be out? | 05:34 |
themadscotsman | why build a new kernel...just use apt-get new kernel....works for me | 05:34 |
Phlogistique | j3g > it is out ;) | 05:35 |
RobNyc | j3g, in a year probably dapper was jus out | 05:35 |
RobNyc | h3sp4wn, what kernel u using | 05:35 |
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j3g | Phlogistique: how can it be out? :) | 05:35 |
h3sp4wn | 2.6.16-rt29 | 05:35 |
Phlogistique | release is in six months | 05:35 |
RobNyc | h3sp4wn, u compiled it ? | 05:35 |
Phlogistique | but repositories are alreasy online | 05:35 |
Phlogistique | *already | 05:35 |
themadscotsman | how did you get a 2.6.16 kernel | 05:36 |
geneo93 | from edgy | 05:36 |
h3sp4wn | edgy has 2.6.17 (in its git repository) | 05:36 |
themadscotsman | what is edgy...i just installed dapper 6.06 LTS | 05:36 |
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Hawkwind | themadscotsman: Edgy Eft is the next release | 05:37 |
h3sp4wn | Its not stable you shouldn't try to use it | 05:37 |
jan__ | hello everyone | 05:37 |
RobNyc | Ubuntu Beta's are the worse to use its the most buggiest of all so stay away themadscotsman let it be released :) | 05:37 |
RobNyc | hey hawkwind | 05:37 |
Hawkwind | Hey there RobNyc | 05:37 |
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themadscotsman | well i like 6.06....this dapper distro is the only distro that i can get my i810 chipset to work on....it runs very well indeed | 05:38 |
geneo93 | Hawkwind you think if i used fonts pathes in 7.1 it would work | 05:38 |
Hawkwind | geneo93: No idea. I have yet to do anything concerning 7.1 | 05:38 |
jan__ | anyone familiar with wireless setup? | 05:38 |
RobNyc | what I dont like is that ubuntu doesnt keep updating packages n stuff, like kernel is not stuck @ 2.6.15 unless u compile ur own n other stuff | 05:38 |
h3sp4wn | You can get the kernel source from kernel.org and use make-kpkg --initrd --revision=blah --append-to-version=-v1 binary | 05:39 |
themadscotsman | haven't tried to compile kernel yet...i am new and a bit scared....lol | 05:39 |
h3sp4wn | Unless you need / want something that is not there by default there is not much point | 05:39 |
themadscotsman | thats what i figured | 05:39 |
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themadscotsman | i tried kanotix but it wouldn't give me a X screen with Xorg 7.0 | 05:40 |
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themadscotsman | i'll stick with kubuntu | 05:40 |
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Adam_eM | how do i repair broken packages ? | 05:41 |
RobNyc | h3sp4wn, i like to be up to date maybe not bleeding edge but c'mon FC5 for example is on 2.6.16 kernel and its stable too why ubuntu cant be? | 05:41 |
mindspit | Hallo! i cannot hear any sound playing when i press the "test midi" button on kde>sound system? what' s wrong ? | 05:42 |
jan__ | i installed kubuntu today, did the updates (using my wireless card), and now the wireless card is gone! | 05:42 |
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themadscotsman | on thing though....were did the control center icon go....lol | 05:43 |
themadscotsman | where even | 05:43 |
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themadscotsman | if i type kcontrol...i get control...other then that i have no icon | 05:44 |
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Adam_eM | !splash | 05:52 |
ubotu | To change the Gnome splash screen, open the gconf-editor and change the key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash-image | 05:52 |
Adam_eM | !grub | 05:52 |
ubotu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting | 05:52 |
=== Phlogistique_ [n=no@ASt-Lambert-108-1-1-247.w80-15.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
|lostbyte| | Help ! kde simply slow's down. | 05:55 |
|lostbyte| | Why ? | 05:55 |
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gnomefreak | |lostbyte|: the OOo plugin that kubuntu-desktop comes with (keeps OOo running in background i think) tends to lag kde very bad but you would have seen that from the start | 05:56 |
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|lostbyte| | gnomefreak, yesh.. So which process is that ? | 05:57 |
gnomefreak | hold on let me see if i can find the name | 05:58 |
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|lostbyte| | I'll check my bum also.. | 05:58 |
gnomefreak | i remove htis from the very start now oooqs-kde | 05:59 |
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gustavo | how can I change the screen resolution to 1024x765 ?? | 05:59 |
gnomefreak | with a p2~mhz and 512 ram it locks me up more than it should | 06:00 |
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gnomefreak | gustavo: iirc there should be a menu item for screen res. | 06:01 |
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geneo93 | system settings | 06:01 |
|lostbyte| | gnomefreak, How did you remove it ? | 06:02 |
gustavo | I mean in kde general configuration. It dont have the option 1024x765 ? | 06:02 |
gnomefreak | |lostbyte|: sudo apt-get remove --purge oooqs-kde | 06:02 |
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gnomefreak | !fixres | 06:02 |
ubotu | Help to fix the display resolution is available at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 06:02 |
gnomefreak | gustavo: that should help you | 06:02 |
|lostbyte| | gnomefreak, Oh ! the package its self. so what am i loosing ? | 06:02 |
gustavo | ok :) | 06:03 |
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gnomefreak | |lostbyte|: nothinhg it just allows OOo to start faster because it caches it | 06:03 |
gnomefreak | |lostbyte|: to me its not worth the 2 secs it saves ;) | 06:03 |
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|lostbyte| | Alright ! will reboot now.. | 06:04 |
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h3sp4wn | Is that package installed by default ? I don't have it installed and it appears to be in universe | 06:05 |
gnomefreak | h3sp4wn: when you sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop it is | 06:05 |
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gnomefreak | if not than its aptitude but for some reason i get it whenever i install kubuntu-desktop | 06:06 |
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h3sp4wn | Did it appear in ps for you ? | 06:06 |
gnomefreak | h3sp4wn: i dont remember it should though | 06:07 |
=== gnomefreak hasnt use kde in a month or so due to testing | ||
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h3sp4wn | Fortunately I don't have it running (and have kubuntu-desktop) installed | 06:07 |
gnomefreak | h3sp4wn: apt-cache policy oooqs-kde see if its installed | 06:08 |
h3sp4wn | Installed: (none) | 06:08 |
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gnomefreak | h3sp4wn: how did you install kubuntu? | 06:08 |
h3sp4wn | cd | 06:08 |
gnomefreak | ah | 06:09 |
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h3sp4wn | But kubuntu-desktop is still installed | 06:09 |
h3sp4wn | and I have updated recently | 06:09 |
gnomefreak | h3sp4wn: yes but is OOo? or k-office? | 06:09 |
h3sp4wn | I have open office installed | 06:09 |
h3sp4wn | (never use it though) | 06:09 |
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gnomefreak | h3sp4wn: than it might be apttiude that grabs it | 06:10 |
h3sp4wn | It may be a recommend | 06:10 |
gnomefreak | hold on ill set it to install | 06:10 |
gnomefreak | h3sp4wn: thats what im starting to think | 06:10 |
h3sp4wn | It couldn't be installed unless universe is enabled | 06:10 |
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gnomefreak | it is suggested | 06:12 |
gnomefreak | thats why | 06:12 |
|lostbyte| | Still the same.. | 06:12 |
|lostbyte| | :( | 06:12 |
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|lostbyte| | Its like a jerky mouse.. | 06:12 |
|lostbyte| | windows turn blank before exsiting.. | 06:12 |
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=== gnomefreak installing kubuntu atm ill bbs got get mulch | ||
|lostbyte| | and its like 2 sec delay before i do an action.. | 06:13 |
gnomefreak | \ps aux and see whats using the most memory | 06:13 |
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gnomefreak | bbs | 06:13 |
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h3sp4wn | gnomefreak: Is kde still fine under edgy ? | 06:14 |
chavo | |lostbyte|, waht video card do you have? | 06:15 |
|lostbyte| | chavo, Its a Nvidia fx 5200, and i have the drivers installed from apt-get. | 06:16 |
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gnomefreak | h3sp4wn: ill let you know in a few hours its installing noe | 06:17 |
Hawkwind | Are the Nvidia drivers able to be installed against the -25 kernel ?? I'm hearing reports that only restricted modules are for the -23 kernel | 06:17 |
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DjABoLiK | join #matera | 06:18 |
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kinema | for some reason since i rebooted a second ago when i try to sudo i get "sudo: unable to lookup lorax via gethostbyname()" and it exits. would this have something to do with me changing the /etc/hostname by hand? | 06:20 |
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svivian | any thought on why xscreensaver doesn't appear in the menu in Dapper, but did in Breezy? | 06:21 |
VincentMX | kinema: yes, probably | 06:23 |
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bernier | hi, i am installgin a game and they're asking me if I want to install it "system wide" what's that? | 06:24 |
Hawkwind | Globally, for all users | 06:24 |
bernier | ok | 06:24 |
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Rhyddin | anyone here a WINE officianado? | 06:31 |
fscott | merlot for me please | 06:31 |
Rhyddin | lol | 06:31 |
fscott | large | 06:31 |
tommorris | Vodka, since I'm in the middle of a Kubuntu install... | 06:31 |
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Rhyddin | I'm tryin to get Photoshop 7 to run under wine .. I'm getting this error: fixme: actctx:QueryActCtxW stub! | 06:32 |
fscott | means nothing to me as i have never used t =( | 06:33 |
Rhyddin | anyone know what that might be talking about? | 06:33 |
Rhyddin | ergh | 06:33 |
epinephrine | I doubt you'll get photoshop running very well under wine | 06:33 |
epinephrine | maybe try the gimp? | 06:33 |
Rhyddin | I had it running on another install | 06:33 |
epinephrine | not as good as photoshop, but it's native | 06:33 |
Rhyddin | yeah, i like gimp, but i'm a newb at it and i need to get somethin done quick | 06:33 |
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kinema | is it just me or does the default font selection leave something to be desired? maybe it's just that i'm running at a low resoltution... | 06:34 |
tommorris | Crunch time - do I delete my buggy old Mandriva install and put Kubuntu on there? | 06:34 |
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Hhhhh | question: in kubuntu dapper I installed ubuntu-desktop to check out GNOME, but now the default setting got switched to GNOME. How do I set it back to KDE? | 06:38 |
A|X | Hhhhh, gdm or kdm ? | 06:38 |
A|X | or u mean gnome or kde is default | 06:38 |
ubuntu | c koi ce bordel | 06:39 |
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Hhhhh | kdm | 06:39 |
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Hhhhh | yea | 06:39 |
Hhhhh | I need to set kdm to have KDE as default again | 06:39 |
VincentMX | ubuntu, please speak english | 06:39 |
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tommorris | Ive got an HD with a pre-existing install of Mandriva on - in three partitions - 5gb /, 1gb swap and the rest /home - how do I just replace the / in the Kubuntu install? | 06:41 |
Phlogistique | ubuntu> c'est un chan anglais. Viens sur #kubuntu-fr pour parler franais (I explain him that it's an english chan) | 06:41 |
MetaMorfoziS | Hhhhh: you can login to gnom/kde from both kdm or gdm | 06:41 |
kinema | is this an english only channel? | 06:41 |
andy_ | hi guys! can someone tell a newbie (=me) how to install a tar.gz-file ?? | 06:41 |
kinema | MetaMorfoziS: at the same time? | 06:42 |
tommorris | gunzip file.tar.gz | 06:42 |
tommorris | tar xvf file.tar | 06:42 |
MetaMorfoziS | no , simply to one | 06:42 |
Phlogistique | depends of what it has inside | 06:42 |
MetaMorfoziS | you can select the session type | 06:42 |
MetaMorfoziS | in all | 06:42 |
h3sp4wn | andy: look for the pbuilder documentation | 06:42 |
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MetaMorfoziS | if you select in gdm session type: kde | 06:42 |
MetaMorfoziS | it logins to kde | 06:42 |
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Hhhhh | MetaMorfoziS, I know, but I want to set the default in dkm to be KDE, it got set to GNOME when I installed ubuntu-desktop on kubuntu dapper | 06:42 |
MetaMorfoziS | and vica cersa, if you want to set back kdm to the default try: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm | 06:43 |
andy_ | THX!!! | 06:43 |
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benner | why does kubuntu is always changing the time, so every time i reboot in windows, clock is 4hrs more | 06:44 |
Hhhhh | MetaMorfoziS, that was good to set up kdm as the default login manager, but I want to set the default setting in kdm to KDE | 06:45 |
MetaMorfoziS | kubuntu synchornises all time when you boot | 06:45 |
MetaMorfoziS | but if the time zones are wrong setted, it sets the bad time:D | 06:45 |
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MetaMorfoziS | you can it, is there some option to set it to the default, or if you login to kde it asks ... iirc | 06:46 |
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benner | i have to reboot, everythingh is slow | 06:48 |
andy_ | hi, i unzipped my tar.gz-file, can someone tell me how to install now? | 06:48 |
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benner | i changed the time, unchecked the "Set time automatic..." and set the time zone to Montreal, i'm pretty sure when i'll reboot is gonna be 4 hrs too much | 06:51 |
MetaMorfoziS | i dunno, i remember i have same problems like you, i played with the timezone settings and it's solved... | 06:52 |
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benner | yesturday after changing my time, i was unable to run sudo... he said timestamp to something to the future | 06:53 |
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koriel | hi all, I want to make some modules but I'm getting /lib/modules/<kernel>/build does not exist..how can I fix this? | 06:54 |
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benner | is it normal that my mp3 files wont open with amarok until they are copied into the linux partition, cant start the mp3 from smb:// or /mnt/windows only the title appeara nothing play, if theirs local, they play well | 06:56 |
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benner | anyone have a clue? | 07:02 |
uniq | benner: that's normal if the application you're using to play doesn't support the specific protocol. | 07:04 |
Bazzi | benner: there are some weird bugs with smb and amarok ywah | 07:04 |
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benner | Bazzi: but ever xmms and kaffeine do the same | 07:05 |
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benner | xine: input plugin cannot open MRL | 07:05 |
benner | xine: found input plugin : CIFS/SMB input plugin based on libsmbclient | 07:05 |
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benner | Bazzi: but ever xmms and kaffeine do the same | 07:07 |
Bazzi | yeah then that's a protocol issue | 07:07 |
benner | kaffeine returns me this error: | 07:07 |
benner | xine: input plugin cannot open MRL | 07:07 |
benner | xine: found input plugin : CIFS/SMB input plugin based on libsmbclient | 07:07 |
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benner | is theres a way to fix it? | 07:08 |
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dr_willis | hmm ya got samba installed? | 07:09 |
dr_willis | sounds lke the MRL is invalid. | 07:09 |
=== Kurti [n=kurt@ANancy-153-1-101-126.w86-204.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
benner | not sure... but i am able to browse all my folder from an xp machine | 07:09 |
=== kinema is going crazy trying to figure out how to activate mouse gestures in konqi | ||
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dr_willis | i tend to use smb4k to mount my file servers shares. when playing videos from them | 07:10 |
Kurti | after the last kernel update, my X does not work any more. It crashes either upon startup or when I try to login; card is an ATI 9800 | 07:10 |
dr_willis | try reinstalling the ati drivers? | 07:10 |
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Kurti | I even installed the flxgl (or how it is spelled) and changed to it withount any change | 07:11 |
uniq | kinema: system settings - regional and accessibility - input handling ( or sometihng) | 07:11 |
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benner | dr_willis: can u elaborate on smb4k | 07:11 |
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Kurti | fglrx | 07:11 |
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Kurti | !info ircsi | 07:13 |
dr_willis | benner, install smb4k, run it.. its a samba browser that can mount the shares it finds to the users home dir. | 07:13 |
Kurti | !info irssi | 07:13 |
ubotu | irssi: (terminal based IRC client), section net, is optional. Version: 0.8.10-1ubuntu1 (dapper), Packaged size: 989 kB, Installed size: 2764 kB | 07:13 |
dr_willis | you do have to suid the smbmnt, and smbumont binarys for it to work properly however. (trivial) | 07:13 |
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benner | ok i'm trying that... brb | 07:13 |
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stefan_ | any inkscape-users in here? i wonder if its possible to connect a new line (or a point of another path) to an existing point of a path.. | 07:16 |
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Nuker | Hello | 07:18 |
dr_willis | Moo! | 07:19 |
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Nuker | Can i state my problem here? | 07:19 |
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Hawkwind | Nuker: It would be helpful if you need us to help you | 07:19 |
Nuker | That's for sure :) | 07:20 |
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=== dr_willis installs ESP 2.0 | ||
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Nuker | I got a problem regarding setting up my W-LAN: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/718823 | 07:21 |
Nuker | I just doesn't connects | 07:21 |
benner | dr_willis: i installed smb4k, run it, but when its time to mount; | 07:22 |
benner | An error occurred while trying to mount the share. | 07:22 |
benner | smbmnt must be installed suid root for direct user mounts (1000,1000) | 07:22 |
dr_willis | benner, yes. i mentioned that earlier | 07:22 |
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dr_willis | you need to chmod +s the smbmnt and smbumnt commands (i think thats right) | 07:22 |
dr_willis | which could be considered a 'security' issue.. which is why they are not that way by default I guess.. its well documented on google and the smb4k faq | 07:23 |
benner | i cant find "smbmnt" in adetp | 07:23 |
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dr_willis | benner, smbmnt is the name of a command you type | 07:23 |
dr_willis | not a package | 07:23 |
benner | ah ok | 07:24 |
tommorris | Say "w00t!" for a fresh Kubuntu install! | 07:24 |
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dr_willis | sudo chmod +s /usr/bin/smbmnt | 07:24 |
beavis | W00t | 07:24 |
tommorris | Okay, "Could not start kstartupconfig. Check your installation." | 07:24 |
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benner | dr_willis: cool cool cool works like a charm | 07:26 |
dr_willis | benner, its a handy tool | 07:26 |
Nuker | I got a problem regarding setting up my W-LAN: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/718823 | 07:27 |
Nuker | I just doesn't connects | 07:27 |
benner | yes it's remove the protocol neccessary | 07:27 |
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dr_willis | benner, if playing videos and so forth.. its MUCH better to mount the samba shares | 07:27 |
rama | greetings | 07:28 |
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benner | will they be mount after reboot | 07:28 |
h3sp4wn | nfs is usually faster than samba | 07:28 |
rama | May I enquire whether someone succeeded in installing a network PS printer and lived to tell the tale ? | 07:28 |
dr_willis | rama, my hp laserjet 6l works good on a dlink network print server | 07:29 |
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uncle | I am new, trying to install Samba, followed the instructions on http://kubuntu101.blogspot.com/2005/11/how-to-share-files-using-samba.html , now Im lost. my xp box sees the Mshome, but nothing in it, and my linux boes is names "linux" im sure that info must go somewhere, but have no place to put it. on the instructions - at bottom #4 I have nothing there. can i get help here for this? | 07:29 |
h3sp4wn | dr_willis: Have you backported cups yet ? | 07:29 |
rama | I am trying with kcontrol and I keep gettings complains about PS driver not found, though I installed everything from gutenprint (or so I think...) | 07:30 |
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dr_willis | h3sp4wn, my issue seemed to be some odd printer driver issue.. it went offline because it was wanting paper tray #1 - which it saw as empty.. but i only HAVE one paper tray. :P | 07:30 |
h3sp4wn | dr_willis: Is it working properly now ? | 07:31 |
dr_willis | h3sp4wn, yep - seems to be, | 07:31 |
dr_willis | uncle, did you dio a 'sudo smbpasswd -a USERNAME' for the users? | 07:31 |
uncle | no i have not | 07:31 |
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dr_willis | if ya dont do that - then the users cant login .,because they got no samba password. | 07:32 |
benner | stupid question, can i use the windows button of the keyboard for the kmenu? | 07:32 |
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uncle | dr willis: thanks | 07:33 |
dr_willis | actually to get samba going i normally do the following. sudo smbpasswd -a USERNAMES (for each user), then edit the smb.conf to enable writeable home dirs, and perhaps enable broweable for the home shares as well. | 07:33 |
kinema | is there a way to create konsole tab in konqueror? | 07:33 |
dr_willis | thats about it. | 07:33 |
dr_willis | kinema, ive seen it done.. its in the menus i thought. | 07:33 |
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uncle | thanks, I will look further | 07:33 |
dr_willis | kinema, ive seen premade layouts for kde/konqueror that has a gui at top and the shell at the bottom, or a mc like look alike. | 07:33 |
dr_willis | but those seem to be missing. not sure what the deal is. | 07:34 |
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arschkind | can you help me with the configuration of my wlan?? answer in German would be nice | 07:34 |
dr_willis | I recall looking into this once befor. :P | 07:34 |
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rama | well, thanks anyway. | 07:34 |
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uncle | is it ok if I idle here while doing other things? | 07:35 |
benner | stupid question, can i use the windows button of the keyboard for the kmenu? | 07:35 |
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koriel | why is the directory /lib/modules/<kernel>/build missing? | 07:36 |
koriel | in my system | 07:36 |
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bipolar | is there a guide to building an updated kubuntu cd that includes all the current updates to dapper? | 07:36 |
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chavo | benner, it's possible but it takes away the current function as a meta key, and I don't know exactly how to do it | 07:39 |
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gustavo | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto goes right, thanks, :) | 07:39 |
benner | chavo: ok, i was wondering if it was only a case to check... | 07:40 |
uniq | ubotu: tell benner about kmediakeys | 07:40 |
uniq | benner: try what ubotu just told you. You might have success. Though i can't guarantee it. | 07:40 |
uncle | I'll bbl, thanks for the info | 07:40 |
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mikel2 | hi | 07:43 |
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benner | uniq: i could install windows layout keyboard... when i try to customize the K-menu keyboard shortcut (ALT-F1) i press the windows button, he appears WIN but i have to add a second button | 07:47 |
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benner | but anyways that's doesnt matter so much | 07:49 |
uniq | hang on. | 07:49 |
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uniq | benner: i'm trying to find the solution for you, it just takes some time. | 07:52 |
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benner | ok but i dont want to bother u if u dont find it | 07:53 |
jme__ | benner: just relax and enjoy the ride :) | 07:54 |
Official_C | when you make a partition for an OS, how do you make sure that the partition starts at the outermost edge of the hdd platter | 07:54 |
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Official_C | is it default? | 07:54 |
uniq | benner: take a look at this forum thread: http://www.kde-forum.org/thread.php?threadid=11451 | 07:54 |
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jme__ | Official_C: there are no default. the partitionning tool should tell you | 07:54 |
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Official_C | because i want to create a 10GB partition for just WinXP and apps and i want max seek performance | 07:55 |
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kinema | hmmm.... msttcorefonts isn't in universe, | 07:55 |
uniq | official_c: in most partition programs you can choose to put the partition at the beginning or at the end of the disk. | 07:55 |
uniq | !info msttcorefonts | 07:55 |
ubotu | msttcorefonts: (Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts), section multiverse/x11, is optional. Version: 1.2ubuntu3 (dapper), Packaged size: 22 kB, Installed size: 164 kB | 07:55 |
uniq | kinema: as you can see, ubotu says it's in multiverse. | 07:55 |
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Official_C | uniq: how do i know what the partition tool defines as "beginning" or "end" of the disk. would beginning refer to the outermost edge? | 07:56 |
jme__ | Official_C: im not sure you can say from the track number where the track is on the platter | 07:56 |
kinema | uniq: thanks | 07:56 |
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jme__ | in fact that a interesting question | 07:57 |
jme__ | but i dunno how to find out... | 07:57 |
benner | thanks uniq, i'll bookmark it and try later i have to go... but thanks you everyone who helps me, u have been very useful!!! | 07:57 |
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uniq | official_c: yes, i guess so. i've always thought beginning is the inner edge. Like when you burn a CD with just one music track, it doesn't go very far from the center. | 07:58 |
Official_C | uniq: good point | 07:58 |
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Official_C | i think i need to look into this "Partition Magic" program | 08:03 |
Official_C | oh...its not free, screw that | 08:03 |
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uniq | official_c: gparted is nice. | 08:04 |
Official_C | do they have that for windows too? | 08:04 |
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mindspit | can anyone give me the apache2 default apache2.conf file? | 08:05 |
mindspit | i ruined it! | 08:06 |
Official_C | uniq: it seems i can make a livecd for qtparted | 08:06 |
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Official_C | will it let me do ntfs partitions? | 08:06 |
uniq | official_c: i don't know , check their webpage. | 08:07 |
uniq | I can recommend sysrescuecd,it included gparted and some other nice tools. | 08:07 |
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Official_C | cool, it does | 08:08 |
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Official_C | uniq: just FYI, i found out that the first partition put on a HD does start at the outermost edge | 08:11 |
Official_C | just for future ref | 08:11 |
uniq | official_c: OK, thanks, then i don't have to waste the rest of my evening searching for the answer :) | 08:11 |
Official_C | lol | 08:11 |
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Official_C | i kinda want to do some kind of benchmark on my HD to see the performance boost i get out of this | 08:16 |
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Official_C | not sure if PCMark would do exactly the kind of benchmark im lookin for | 08:16 |
vallis | [Evil] [Ernie] , i got my g3 box running | 08:16 |
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sohaib | im a newbie at linux lol i need help | 08:21 |
sohaib | :( | 08:21 |
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sohaib | i downloaded firefox | 08:21 |
sohaib | i have the file | 08:21 |
sohaib | but when i open it | 08:21 |
sohaib | all it shows is a list of files | 08:21 |
sohaib | how do i install? | 08:21 |
robotgeek | sohaib: you can install it from the repositories. | 08:21 |
sohaib | ok | 08:21 |
sohaib | thank you | 08:21 |
robotgeek | sohaib: are you on 5.10 or 6.06? | 08:21 |
sohaib | 6.06 | 08:22 |
vallis | i'd still install it direct from mozilla | 08:22 |
robotgeek | sohaib: okay, you can install it using adept/add-remove programs | 08:22 |
sohaib | ok | 08:22 |
robotgeek | vallis: why do you say so? | 08:22 |
sohaib | it asks for password | 08:22 |
sohaib | =/ | 08:22 |
uniq | give it your password. | 08:22 |
robotgeek | sohaib: user password | 08:22 |
vallis | that way you get updates when mozilla release them, not when they're added to the repos | 08:22 |
sohaib | ok | 08:23 |
vallis | and as its auto updating, you usually get them the dat they're released | 08:23 |
vallis | *day | 08:23 |
robotgeek | hmm, i use konqueror most of the time, so i am not sure about firefox | 08:24 |
uniq | my firefox autoupdates from mozilla.. i think. | 08:24 |
sohaib | i am in adept installer, im clueless at this point | 08:24 |
sohaib | it shows the programs | 08:24 |
vallis | at the moment konqueror is actually ahead of firefox in terms of standards compliance | 08:24 |
uniq | i'm not 100% positive, since i rarely use it though. | 08:24 |
robotgeek | mine says, but also says dapper-updates | 08:24 |
sohaib | how do i add the firefox? | 08:24 |
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robotgeek | sohaib: which program did you open? | 08:25 |
sohaib | k menu -> Add/Remove Programs | 08:26 |
sohaib | it loaded up Adept installer | 08:26 |
sohaib | it shows a list of programs | 08:26 |
robotgeek | is there a search box somewhere there? | 08:26 |
sohaib | yes | 08:26 |
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sohaib | ok | 08:27 |
sohaib | i have found firefox | 08:27 |
sohaib | but | 08:27 |
sohaib | it is greyed out | 08:27 |
sohaib | :S | 08:27 |
sohaib | i dont think kubuntu supports it? | 08:27 |
jvz | hey, how can I become an official en-gb translator on Launchpad? | 08:27 |
NoUse | !enter | 08:28 |
ubotu | Please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. | 08:28 |
jvz | dammit, I didn't; don't bust that bot out every 5 seconds | 08:28 |
uniq | jvz: register and start translating. | 08:28 |
uniq | !fishing | 08:28 |
jvz | oh wait, I'm in #ubuntu, not ##php, nevermind | 08:28 |
ubotu | fishing is probably randomly throwing !commands in the channel instead of using /msg ubotu command. Please dont fish for help. either !ask in the channel or msg ubotu < Knows Everything!> :) | 08:28 |
jvz | I did do that, but it's waiting for approval, and I've noticed a bunch of people have been waiting _months_ | 08:29 |
robotgeek | sohaib: maybe it is already installed? | 08:29 |
chavo | add/remove programs only shows kde apps by default | 08:30 |
uniq | jvz: it's up to the administrators for the launchpad group then i guess. | 08:30 |
sohaib | i dont think it is | 08:30 |
robotgeek | jvz: maybe email and ask the mailing list? i also think you can translate without approval, your work will need to be reviewed appropriately | 08:30 |
sohaib | i will try another program | 08:30 |
jvz | well, is mez in here? he's the admin of the locale-en-gb group | 08:30 |
robotgeek | sohaib: just open terminal and "sudo apt-get install firefox" :) | 08:30 |
sohaib | ok | 08:30 |
sohaib | thank you | 08:30 |
uniq | jvz: he was some minutes ago. | 08:31 |
uniq | jvz: 19:44 Mez [i=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] quits (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | 08:31 |
uniq | that would be 45 minutes ago. | 08:31 |
uniq | or so. | 08:32 |
sohaib | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 08:32 |
sohaib | is only available from another source | 08:32 |
sohaib | However the following packages replace it: | 08:32 |
sohaib | libnss3 | 08:32 |
sohaib | E: Package firefox has no installation candidate | 08:32 |
sohaib | :S | 08:32 |
sohaib | i give up | 08:32 |
jvz | that doesn't sound like "some minutes ago" :P | 08:32 |
uniq | sohaib: don't give up. | 08:32 |
uniq | jvz: in my world it is. :) | 08:32 |
sohaib | lol this is my first time at linux | 08:32 |
sohaib | so im not used to anything | 08:33 |
jvz | sohaib: what's in your /etc/apt/sources.list file? | 08:33 |
NoUse | sohaib can you pastebin the /etc/apt/sources.list file please? | 08:33 |
robotgeek | sohaib: that's why we are here, to help you :) | 08:33 |
sohaib | :) | 08:33 |
robotgeek | sohaib: sudo apt-get install -f | 08:33 |
jvz | robotgeek: he might not even have the proper repositories enabled, so that wouldn't help now would it | 08:33 |
sohaib | no effect robotgeek | 08:33 |
sohaib | :( | 08:33 |
robotgeek | jvz: firefox is in main? | 08:33 |
jvz | theoretically | 08:33 |
NoUse | !info firefox | 08:34 |
ubotu | firefox: (lightweight web browser based on Mozilla), section web, is optional. Version: 1.5.dfsg+ (dapper), Packaged size: 7720 kB, Installed size: 22868 kB | 08:34 |
jvz | !info libnss3 | 08:34 |
ubotu | libnss3: (Network Security Service Libraries - runtime), section libs, is optional. Version: 2:1.firefox1.5.dfsg+ (dapper), Packaged size: 653 kB, Installed size: 1496 kB | 08:34 |
uniq | firefox is in main,but it don't think it's on the kubuntu cd. | 08:34 |
sohaib | [19:33] <NoUse> sohaib can you pastebin the /etc/apt/sources.list file please? | 08:34 |
jvz | well, he needs to add the deb line for it | 08:34 |
uniq | so my guess would be 'aptitude update;aptitude install firefox' | 08:34 |
sohaib | how can i access it | 08:34 |
NoUse | !pastebin | 08:34 |
ubotu | Please do not flood the channel! Use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long pieces of text, to avoid disrupting the channel. You might also want to use the "webboard" package from Universe. | 08:34 |
sohaib | !pastebin | 08:35 |
NoUse | sohaib open it in a text editor | 08:35 |
jvz | deb ftp://ftp.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main universe multiverse | 08:35 |
NoUse | sohaib and copy it to that page that ubotu just posted | 08:35 |
uniq | sohaib: could you please try this command in the konsole first: 'sudo aptitude update;sudo aptitude install firefox' ? | 08:35 |
sohaib | ok | 08:35 |
sohaib | !pastebin | 08:35 |
ubotu | Please do not flood the channel! Use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long pieces of text, to avoid disrupting the channel. You might also want to use the "webboard" package from Universe. | 08:35 |
jvz | oh my, a program for pastbinning thing? /me runs off to install it | 08:35 |
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sohaib | uniq | 08:36 |
sohaib | No candidate version found for firefox | 08:36 |
sohaib | No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed. | 08:36 |
sohaib | :S | 08:36 |
jvz | oh great, it's a GTK package; here comes like 10 dependencies | 08:36 |
NoUse | sohaib pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file | 08:36 |
sohaib | !pastebin | 08:36 |
ubotu | Please do not flood the channel! Use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long pieces of text, to avoid disrupting the channel. You might also want to use the "webboard" package from Universe. | 08:36 |
sohaib | :| | 08:37 |
sohaib | how | 08:37 |
NoUse | jvz thats that the ubuntu people say when they install k3b :-) | 08:37 |
chavo | jvz, there's a python script to | 08:37 |
jvz | anyone in here using edgy? | 08:37 |
NoUse | sohaib open the file in a text editor and paste it to the website ubotu posted | 08:37 |
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sohaib | ok | 08:37 |
sohaib | !pastebin | 08:38 |
ubotu | Please do not flood the channel! Use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long pieces of text, to avoid disrupting the channel. You might also want to use the "webboard" package from Universe. | 08:38 |
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uniq | jvz: not yet,i have a pbuilder chroot though. | 08:38 |
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NoUse | !msgthebot | 08:38 |
ubotu | Please message the bot (me) in private, more info about the bot: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage | 08:38 |
sohaib | arghhh | 08:38 |
sohaib | im so confused | 08:38 |
jvz | uniq: it's just that an assload of packages from edgy are warning that they can't find the en_GB L10n, so it uses C instead :( | 08:38 |
sohaib | i have that web page opened that ubotu told me to paste in | 08:39 |
sohaib | i type !pastebin | 08:39 |
sohaib | nothing happens | 08:39 |
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robotgeek | sohaib, don't paste in here. Please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 08:39 |
NoUse | sohaib !pastebin is just to have ubotu display the link, it doesn't paste it for you | 08:39 |
uniq | jvz: you have the 'locales' package installed? | 08:39 |
jvz | copy your /etc/apt/sources.list file into the text box on that paste.ubuntu-nl.org site | 08:39 |
jvz | uniq: I thought I did | 08:39 |
NoUse | sohaib hightlight the text in the text editor, Ctrl+C, go to your web browser and paste it | 08:40 |
jvz | oh wait, I think I know the problem; I installed some crap from Sid once and forgot to remove it (it overwrote stuff in the locales) | 08:40 |
sohaib | ok | 08:40 |
chavo | locales is currently broken in edgy | 08:40 |
jvz | figures | 08:40 |
sohaib | how do i access the list.. | 08:40 |
sohaib | is there an explorer? | 08:41 |
jvz | chavo: what's wrong with it? | 08:41 |
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chavo | new libc broke it afaik | 08:41 |
jvz | sohaib: you can use Konqueror for now (it's like a gear and a globe icon) | 08:41 |
sohaib | ok | 08:41 |
jvz | alright, I'm no good at downgrading with apt-get; how would I do that? | 08:42 |
jvz | do I need to use /etc/apt/preferences or something? | 08:42 |
chavo | that's why I have edgy on another partiton | 08:42 |
Hawkwind | Is there any way of doing a net install of Kubuntu 6.06 ? | 08:43 |
jvz | aiee, I should do that | 08:43 |
h3sp4wn | jvz: You can use apt pinning to do a forced downgrade | 08:43 |
uniq | jvz: no, apt-get install packagename=version | 08:43 |
uniq | jvz: first check for available versions: apt-cache policy packagename | 08:43 |
sohaib | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16006 | 08:43 |
sohaib | i finally understoof what to do | 08:44 |
sohaib | understood* | 08:44 |
NoUse | wow, the whole file is commented out | 08:44 |
sohaib | there is the source.list file pasted | 08:44 |
sohaib | is that a bad thing? | 08:44 |
NoUse | sohaib thats what is causing it not to work | 08:44 |
sohaib | :| | 08:44 |
sohaib | so what do i need to do | 08:45 |
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NoUse | sohaib run this 'sudo wget http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d6666 -O /etc/apt/sources.list' in the Konsole | 08:45 |
h3sp4wn | I recommend starting from scratch (renaming the file to something else and just adding what you need) | 08:45 |
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NoUse | sohaib its under the System Menu in the KMenu | 08:46 |
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sohaib | done | 08:46 |
uniq | sohaib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16007 - now i've made the neccessary changes to your file. you can copy it back. and run 'sudo aptitude update;sudo aptitude install firefox' and it will work. | 08:46 |
jvz | man, how do I use cdebootstrap for Ubuntu? | 08:46 |
uniq | jvz: you must make your own config sets. | 08:47 |
sohaib | nouse | 08:47 |
NoUse | sohaib now 'sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install firefox' | 08:47 |
sohaib | thank you | 08:47 |
h3sp4wn | jvz: Are you deboostrapping for a different architecture ? | 08:47 |
jvz | no, debootstrapping for edgy | 08:47 |
sohaib | nouse | 08:47 |
sohaib | it is working | 08:47 |
NoUse | sohaib great | 08:47 |
h3sp4wn | why cdebootstrap not debootstrap ? | 08:47 |
jvz | I dunno | 08:47 |
FisherP | does anyone know how to fix usb stick problems?? | 08:48 |
uniq | cdebootrap is cooler :) | 08:48 |
jvz | if debootstrap will work better... | 08:48 |
Hawkwind | Anyone have info about doing a netinstall of Kubuntu 6.06 by chance ? | 08:48 |
uniq | fisherp: depends. what is your problem? and what's in your /etc/fstab? | 08:48 |
h3sp4wn | Any particular reason other than you can cdebootstrap ppc from x86 ? | 08:48 |
jvz | is there any way to dist-upgrade to a previous version (e.g. from edgy to dapper) | 08:48 |
uniq | fisherp: please post your /etc/fstab on to http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | 08:48 |
h3sp4wn | jvz: Apt pinning is the way | 08:49 |
sohaib | hrm | 08:49 |
sohaib | it is stuck | 08:49 |
sohaib | :| | 08:49 |
uniq | jvz: yes. | 08:49 |
uniq | jvz: it's evil, not supported and will probably break. But it is possible. | 08:49 |
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jvz | well, uniq, there weren't many packages that were upgraded from dapper to edgy yet, so it's still possible I hope | 08:49 |
sohaib | ok | 08:50 |
Pitchshifter | anyone have an idea as to why some of my screensavers (mainly the openGL ones) only showup on half of my screen? Just the top half | 08:50 |
sohaib | i got problems | 08:50 |
sohaib | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16008 | 08:50 |
sohaib | :| | 08:50 |
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jvz | well, I can say that for one, "apt-get moo" doesn't do anything useful (I wish they'd do something useful with that stupid easter egg :P) | 08:51 |
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edneymatias | hello all! | 08:51 |
FisherP | uniq, ok it's posted.. i don't know if it worked..... I have just upgraded from breezy to dappr and now my usb mass storage devices are not picked up | 08:52 |
h3sp4wn | jvz: aptitude -v -v -v -v -v moo | 08:52 |
sohaib | can someone help me? | 08:52 |
sohaib | im installing firefox | 08:52 |
sohaib | and im stuck at this point | 08:52 |
FisherP | uniq http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/719063 | 08:52 |
sohaib | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16008 | 08:52 |
sohaib | it wont move | 08:52 |
jvz | h3sp4wn: roffles | 08:52 |
NoUse | sohaib do you have your network set up? | 08:53 |
sohaib | yes | 08:53 |
sohaib | i can access the internet | 08:53 |
jvz | an elephant being eaten by a snake? :p | 08:53 |
NoUse | sohaib from the kubuntu computer? | 08:53 |
sohaib | yes | 08:53 |
sohaib | im on it right now | 08:53 |
sohaib | im talking in konversation irc | 08:53 |
NoUse | sohaib go to a console and type 'dig archive.ubuntu.com' | 08:54 |
sohaib | done | 08:54 |
sohaib | want me to paste? | 08:54 |
jvz | y'know, I never really noticed how useful aptitude and dselect were | 08:54 |
NoUse | sohaib pastebin | 08:54 |
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jvz | me and my archaic "apt-get install" and "apt-cache search" | 08:55 |
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sohaib | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16009 | 08:55 |
h3sp4wn | jvz: aptitude even lets you play minesweeper if you get annoyed with horrible dependancy problems (i.e running sid at the wrong time) | 08:55 |
sohaib | i had the same problem during install | 08:55 |
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NoUse | sohaib have you tried from adept? | 08:55 |
sohaib | it could not access the mirror | 08:55 |
sohaib | no | 08:55 |
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sohaib | i will try now | 08:56 |
h3sp4wn | If you are using wireless sometimes you have to do aptitude update then control c it and then do it again straight away for it to update properly | 08:56 |
jvz | what's the URL for Ubuntu changelogs? | 08:56 |
sohaib | hrm | 08:57 |
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sohaib | it says database lcoked.... | 08:57 |
sohaib | :S | 08:57 |
jvz | oh, that's a fun problem | 08:57 |
sohaib | i think firefox is still installing for some reason... | 08:57 |
sohaib | i will log off | 08:57 |
jvz | make sure all your adept/aptitude/whatever programs are closed/killed | 08:57 |
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NoUse | sohaib Ctrl+C the aptitude process | 08:57 |
NoUse | sohaib I have to go | 08:57 |
sohaib | ok | 08:57 |
sohaib | Another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude). Please close the other application before using this one | 08:57 |
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sohaib | i will log off | 08:58 |
sohaib | brb | 08:58 |
uniq | jvz: hows the downgrading going? | 08:58 |
_david | uniq. My _FishrPconnection | 08:58 |
_david | uniq. My connection got lost sorry... did you have a fix ?? | 08:59 |
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uniq | _david: ah, sorry. /media/RunDisk is your usb device? | 08:59 |
_david | uniq.. yeah, it was an old fix but using simplymepis last nite had the stick under sde | 09:00 |
jvz | I don't know how to do it :( | 09:01 |
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uniq | _david: ok. remove the last line from /etc/fstab. save and restart (hal and dbus must be restarted and some services depend on it to run, you could do this without rebooting but rebootin is the fastet and easiest way). Now it should automount. | 09:02 |
uniq | jvz: ok, i'll walk you through it. | 09:02 |
jvz | k | 09:02 |
_david | uniq ill give it try | 09:02 |
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sohaib | ok | 09:04 |
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sohaib | thats it i | 09:04 |
sohaib | i quit | 09:04 |
sohaib | lol | 09:04 |
sohaib | still greyed out @_@ | 09:04 |
=== sohaib kicks his laptop | ||
uniq | jvz: edit /etc/apt/preferences and add: Package: * \n Pin: release a=edgy \n Pin-Priority: -100 | 09:04 |
uniq | jvz: \n = new line | 09:05 |
=== sohaib starts looking for a MSN messenger alternative | ||
uniq | sohaib: its name is kopete. | 09:05 |
sohaib | ok | 09:05 |
sohaib | :) | 09:05 |
uniq | sohaib: si firefox still greyed oout? | 09:05 |
sohaib | yes | 09:05 |
sohaib | :( | 09:05 |
sohaib | ill just use the default browser | 09:06 |
uniq | sohaib: a final try in konsole would be: 'sudo aptitude update;sudo aptitude install firefox' | 09:06 |
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sohaib | i will try | 09:06 |
sohaib | but i doubt it will work | 09:06 |
uniq | i think it will. :) | 09:06 |
sohaib | ok | 09:06 |
bernier | is pastebin working??? | 09:06 |
uniq | bernier: not here.. atleast very slow. | 09:07 |
bernier | kk | 09:07 |
sohaib | it does not work | 09:07 |
sohaib | same error | 09:07 |
sohaib | :( | 09:07 |
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uniq | sohaib: what was the error? | 09:07 |
bernier | hi, I'm trying to install MohAA and i get that error while running "mohaa-lnx-1.11-beta2.run" http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/719108 | 09:07 |
sohaib | it cannot connect to Archive.Ubuntu.com | 09:07 |
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sohaib | yet i am able to access the web | 09:08 |
sohaib | :S | 09:08 |
sohaib | and irc | 09:08 |
uniq | sounds strange. | 09:08 |
_david | uniq ... it's a no show | 09:08 |
jvz | hold up | 09:08 |
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uniq | sohaib: sounds strange. | 09:09 |
sohaib | yes | 09:09 |
sohaib | maybe firefox isnt compatible | 09:09 |
sohaib | :S | 09:09 |
sohaib | somehow | 09:09 |
uniq | bernier: kmenu -> system -> adept, search for 'libgtk1.2' and install it. | 09:10 |
uniq | sohaib: yes it should be. | 09:10 |
sohaib | then maybe i downloaded a wrong version | 09:10 |
sohaib | i went to the official site | 09:10 |
sohaib | and it had kept recommending the i686 version | 09:10 |
sohaib | is this normal? | 09:10 |
uniq | you should install it from archive.ubuntu.com, but if it's not accessible for you it's very strange. | 09:11 |
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uniq | _david: hmm.. then i don't know. All references to USB devices in /etc/fstab will stop automounting. You might have another problem.. I'm not sure what it could be though. | 09:12 |
sohaib | what is odd is that i am able to access the archive in the web browser | 09:12 |
sohaib | :S | 09:12 |
sohaib | is it necessary to access online for an installation? | 09:12 |
uniq | sohaib: 'sudo apt-get update' gives the same error? | 09:12 |
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sohaib | it works... | 09:12 |
sohaib | :S :S :S | 09:12 |
uniq | 'sudo apt-get update' works? | 09:13 |
sohaib | it downloads | 09:13 |
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sohaib | yes | 09:13 |
FisherP | Doe anyone else know how to fix usb problems ??? | 09:13 |
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sohaib | it wont update because the other install task is not killed | 09:13 |
sohaib | :S | 09:13 |
sohaib | how do i kill the other task | 09:13 |
sohaib | i closed the terminal down | 09:13 |
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sohaib | without doing anything | 09:13 |
sohaib | :S | 09:13 |
uniq | sohaib: 'sudo fuser -vik /var/lib/dpkg/lock' | 09:13 |
FisherP | uniq I only commented out... should this matter | 09:13 |
uniq | fisherp: no, shouldn't matter. | 09:14 |
sohaib | thank you | 09:14 |
sohaib | i will just leave firefox | 09:14 |
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uniq | fisherp: you can always try to remove it completely, you have the backup on pastebin :) | 09:14 |
uniq | sohaib: if apt-get works, you could try to use adept, kmenu - system - adept | 09:15 |
FisherP | uniq i'm not too concerned if i have it or not... but i also have a card reader with an SD in it and it's not picked up either | 09:15 |
uniq | sohaib: it does the same, but it's graphical. | 09:15 |
sohaib | ok | 09:15 |
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sohaib | kopete installs | 09:17 |
sohaib | fine | 09:17 |
sohaib | :) | 09:17 |
uniq | great :) | 09:17 |
sohaib | it is not greyed out | 09:17 |
sohaib | i cannot seem to do anything but click on it... | 09:17 |
jvz | okay, uniq, added that to my apt_preferences | 09:17 |
uniq | jvz: ok, 'apt-get update;apt-get -u dist-upgrade' | 09:18 |
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uniq | jvz: wait, first change all instances of edgy to dapper in /etc/apt/sources.list | 09:18 |
jvz | I did | 09:18 |
uniq | THEN run apt-get update;apt-get -u dist-upgrade | 09:18 |
jvz | all I did was add edgy to my sources.list | 09:18 |
uniq | ok,good, then it doesn't matter, you can safely leave it there if you want. | 09:19 |
jvz | er, that doesn't do anything | 09:19 |
jvz | should it be o=edgy or a=edgy? | 09:20 |
uniq | sohaib: right click 'request install' doesn't work? | 09:20 |
uniq | a= | 09:20 |
jvz | okay, apt-get -u dist-upgrade doesn't do anything | 09:20 |
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uniq | doesn't remove anything? | 09:20 |
sohaib | uniq | 09:20 |
sohaib | i got it working | 09:20 |
sohaib | its ok | 09:20 |
sohaib | :) | 09:20 |
sohaib | kopete | 09:21 |
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sohaib | firefox failed >:( | 09:21 |
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Rappe | Hi i have a sproblem with Ubuntu, i cant get my internetconnection to work.... It works fine with Kubuntu Live cd, any ideas | 09:22 |
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Rappe | plz someone | 09:25 |
uniq | jvz: ah, my mistake, you need a section for dapper too. | 09:25 |
uniq | jvz: 'Package: * \n Pin: release a=dapper \n Pin: 1001' | 09:26 |
uniq | jvz: then do 'apt-get dist-upgrade' | 09:26 |
jvz | ah | 09:26 |
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elknof3 | hi everybody... how can i check how many video i have assigned, and hom many is left for RAM?? | 09:29 |
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DrBair | anyone know how to add things to the kmenu in the actions section? | 09:30 |
uniq | jvz: you might want to add dapper-security and dapper-updates to the file too. with priority 1001. | 09:31 |
jvz | ah, there we go | 09:31 |
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jvz | I'll update that once I dist-upgrade | 09:32 |
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uniq | when you've dist-"downgraded" you can remove the contents of the preferences file, then it's not needed anymore. | 09:32 |
Rappe | no one who can help me___ | 09:32 |
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uniq | as long as you remove the edgy source from sources.list too | 09:32 |
jvz | "Yes, do as I say!" | 09:32 |
uniq | hehe :) | 09:33 |
jvz | well, note to self: re-install libapache2-mod-php5 afterwards | 09:33 |
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uniq | rappe: if it works fine with kubuntu i'm happy. I don't know much about the ubuntu-gnome way of doing things. please ask in #ubuntu | 09:33 |
uniq | he left. oh well. | 09:34 |
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SeanTater | ping | 09:44 |
SeanTater | gosh it's quiet | 09:44 |
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Hawkwind | SeanTater: Shhhhh, we're trying to sleep :) | 09:47 |
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jpatrick | whatever you're up to uniq stop it | 09:51 |
railk | how do i reconnect to a wireless network when i get disconnected? | 09:51 |
jpatrick | ;) | 09:51 |
uniq | jpatrick: cleaning up in the banlist, was the plan. | 09:51 |
uniq | jpatrick: 50+ days old bans are not needed. | 09:52 |
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jpatrick | I'm joking | 09:52 |
uniq | :) | 09:52 |
gnomefreak | and i thought i left them and forgot about them :( | 09:52 |
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gnomefreak | not a bad idea though brb | 09:52 |
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=== mode/#kubuntu [-bbbb *!*@*.177.229.95 *!*n=bulent@*.c3-0.lang-ubr11.lang.ca.cable.rcn.com *!*@* *!*@210006020163.ctinets.com] by uniq | ||
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=== mode/#kubuntu [-bbbb *!*n=enfact@*.hsd1.ma.comcast.net *!*n=paavo@*.no.ventelo.net *!*n=ine@*.no.ventelo.net *!*n=froedis@*.no.ventelo.net] by uniq | ||
=== mode/#kubuntu [-bbbb *!*@tor/session/* screwbuntu!*@* *!*@unaffiliated/chodder *!*@pD9E28B66.dip.t-dialin.net] by uniq | ||
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=== mode/#kubuntu [-bbbb hater2win!*@* fate143!*@* *!*@ ob3lix!*@*] by uniq | ||
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=== mode/#kubuntu [-bbbb *!*may@*.adsl.proxad.net *!*n=student@58.71.68.* *!*@216-20-98-6.client.mecnet.net *!n=vorlon@*] by uniq | ||
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=== mode/#kubuntu [-bbbb *!n=kinfo@213.184.199.* %*!*@filter.sequoia.net %*!*@84-73-113-239.dclient.hispeed.ch %*!*@d141-62-200.home.cgocable.net] by uniq | ||
=== mode/#kubuntu [-bbb %*!*@villamar.oswego.edu %*!*@ %*!*@220-253-23-28.VIC.netspace.net.au] by uniq | ||
=== mode/#kubuntu [-bbbb *!n=kinfo@213.184.199.* %*!*@filter.sequoia.net %*!*@84-73-113-239.dclient.hispeed.ch %*!*@d141-62-200.home.cgocable.net] by uniq | ||
=== mode/#kubuntu [-bbbb %*!*@villamar.oswego.edu %*!*@ %*!*@220-253-23-28.VIC.netspace.net.au %*!*@80-193-4-137.cable.ubr05.gill.blueyonder.co.uk] by uniq | ||
=== mode/#kubuntu [-bbb %ideafix!*@* %kalmana!*@* %*!*@ggt.piar.hu] by uniq | ||
=== mode/#kubuntu [-bbbb %*!*@80-193-4-137.cable.ubr05.gill.blueyonder.co.uk %ideafix!*@* %kalmana!*@* %*!*@ggt.piar.hu] by uniq | ||
=== mode/#kubuntu [-bbbb *!*n=mrfittz@*.lsanca.fios.verizon.net *!*=desarrol@150.188.12.* *!*@ %*!*@] by uniq | ||
cox377 | uniq: what the hell happened? | 09:54 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [-bbb *!*@i577B1646.versanet.de *!*n=rafael@*.dsl.telesp.net.br *!*@host86-144-0-161.range86-144.btcentralplus.com] by uniq | ||
railk | wow massive ban list... | 09:54 |
uniq | cox377: housekeeping. | 09:54 |
cox377 | lol | 09:55 |
LjL | i've started using kopete and i have some questions, i haven't been using messengers for a long time... i'm on jabber right now. when the other person focuses his own messenger's windows, i get a message in the status bar notifying me of that. when he starts typing, i get a message about that | 09:55 |
LjL | is Kopete sending the same sort of information to them? if so i hope i can disable anything of this sort? | 09:55 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o uniq] by uniq | ||
railk | LjL: yes there is an option somewhere to disable it | 09:56 |
railk | ... i think... | 09:57 |
LjL | hm i can see "become available when activity detected" | 09:57 |
railk | i cant seem to find it | 09:57 |
LjL | that should be one that i should disable | 09:57 |
LjL | it's in behavior / away settings | 09:57 |
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DarkStone | Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied) | 09:57 |
DarkStone | E: Unable to lock the list directory | 09:57 |
DarkStone | help? | 09:57 |
LjL | sudo? | 09:57 |
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railk | LjL: nah that just changes your away setting when you idle and when you start doing something again | 09:58 |
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uniq | darkstone: try 'sudo program' instead. | 09:58 |
DarkStone | ok | 09:58 |
LjL | railk: yeah well, that's a start. definitely something i *don't* want to happen automatically | 09:58 |
railk | hehehe... paranoid freak ;) | 09:59 |
railk | ah found it | 09:59 |
MaterMaravillae | hey can anyone help me? my task bar dissapeared, and ALT+F2 -> kicker doesnt work | 09:59 |
slow-motion | re | 09:59 |
DarkStone | oh no... | 09:59 |
LjL | yeah. well no. actually i didn't *want* to run Kopete, or anything of the kind. i've been almost forced to doing it | 09:59 |
DarkStone | its not connecting | 09:59 |
DarkStone | @_@ | 09:59 |
railk | for each connection you have you have to click on the connection icon and click properties, its under the privacy tab | 09:59 |
LjL | right, thanks. that looks like most of the things i need to disable | 10:00 |
jpatrick | MaterMaravillae: no debug? | 10:00 |
railk | yup | 10:00 |
jpatrick | MaterMaravillae: run it in konsole | 10:00 |
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MaterMaravillae | ok ill try | 10:00 |
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railk | so... anyone how i can somehow reconnect to a wireless network with the settings i've configured? | 10:00 |
uniq | matermaravillae: alt+f2 'dcop kicker kicker restart' | 10:00 |
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railk | (when i get disconnected) | 10:00 |
=== LjL thinks those options should be disabled *by default*. | ||
LjL | why should my linux default to letting people eavesdrop my mouse pointer | 10:01 |
MaterMaravillae | uniq that makes the bar appear for one second | 10:01 |
railk | nah LjL all protocols have am and the standard clients have em on... and hardly anyone is as paranoid | 10:01 |
MaterMaravillae | but it dissapears again | 10:01 |
jpatrick | debug time | 10:01 |
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uniq | matermaravillae: is it set to hide automatically? | 10:01 |
MaterMaravillae | what should i write in konsole jpatrick? | 10:01 |
jpatrick | kicker | 10:02 |
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MaterMaravillae | yes uniq, but it doesnt come out when i put the mouse in the bottom | 10:02 |
railk | LjL: i mean seriously, what does it matter if someone knows i havn't moved my mouse recently? and it is actually quite helpful if you can see whether your partner is typing anything... | 10:02 |
MaterMaravillae | error: kicker is already running! | 10:02 |
jpatrick | killall kicker | 10:02 |
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davelondon | LjL: u've got me confused mate-what do u mean | 10:02 |
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LjL | railk: unless i happen to not *want* others to know precisely when i am at the computer, when i have actually seen their message, etc. cell phones and SMS are already annoying enough. i'm almost running out of excuses for keeping my cell phone off. | 10:03 |
uniq | jpatrick: it works, it's just autohiding having problems, killing it will only make it worse. | 10:03 |
MaterMaravillae | i shouldnt paste here the result in konsole, should i? | 10:03 |
jpatrick | !pastebin | 10:03 |
ubotu | Please do not flood the channel! Use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long pieces of text, to avoid disrupting the channel. You might also want to use the "webboard" package from Universe. | 10:03 |
jpatrick | LjL: tell them your dog ate it | 10:03 |
MaterMaravillae | ok thx ubotu | 10:03 |
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LjL | davelondon: hm? i mean i don't like people knowing that whether i am at the computer or not, and whether i have actually displayed their incoming message or not, and whether i'm typing something at the keyboard or not. | 10:03 |
railk | LjL: half the point of a cell phone is so people can contact you... so its kinda useful if you have it on most of the time... | 10:03 |
uniq | matermaravillae: alt+f2 'dcop kicker kicker showTaskBarConfig' - set it to not autohide. | 10:04 |
LjL | sounds like basic privacy to me | 10:04 |
davelondon | LjL: you may have to explain what u really mean, how can I know if u moved ur mouse | 10:04 |
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serenity | hi | 10:04 |
railk | davelondon: well if it automatically sets him to away after 5 mins of idling, i can see whether hes active or not... or so LjL says | 10:04 |
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DarkStone | :D | 10:04 |
LjL | railk: course. but i might not *want* to be contacted, at times. and then they ask, almost angrily: "why was your phone off?" - what should i asnwer, "because". because i'm not necessarily willing to be bothered at any time | 10:04 |
uniq | ljl: please make a bugreport at http://launchpad.net/malone I fully support your opinion. | 10:04 |
MaterMaravillae | heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | 10:05 |
serenity | are some "partygames" for linux (like eyetoy, dance dance revolution etc)? | 10:05 |
MaterMaravillae | that worked uniq | 10:05 |
LjL | railk: no, no, that's one part of it. it actually notifies people that i have the Kopete window focused, and that sort of thing. | 10:05 |
davelondon | simple turn the internet off or do not open programs where people can contact u | 10:05 |
railk | LjL: if you don't want to be contacted you might as well tell them to stfu or similar... | 10:05 |
MaterMaravillae | thx uniq and jpatrick | 10:05 |
LjL | uniq: thank you :) | 10:05 |
MaterMaravillae | thanks a lot | 10:05 |
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jpatrick | no problem | 10:05 |
davelondon | or move | 10:05 |
railk | o.O LjL you sure? i thought it only notifies when you actually close the chat window | 10:05 |
uniq | matermaravillae: happy to help :) | 10:05 |
MaterMaravillae | glad to hear that | 10:06 |
davelondon | to a padded cell | 10:06 |
LjL | railk: look again in that Privacy tab. right click for "What's this" on every item, and think carefully what they're actually doing. especially "Always send displayed notification" | 10:06 |
railk | LjL: so they see that you've received the message they sent? | 10:07 |
LjL | railk: while "always send delivered notification" simply means that Kopete tells the other client "yeah, i've received the message", that one tells it "yeah, the *user* can actually see the message on the screen, 'cause he has the window focused, or has got a pop-up" | 10:07 |
railk | oh yay | 10:07 |
railk | 'specially since *so* many clients actually use that feature... | 10:08 |
LjL | railk: they can see that i've received it, they can see that i've displayed it, and they can see that i've actually clicked on the message window to (maybe) start typing a reply (but maybe not) | 10:08 |
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uniq | ljl: it really should be disabled by default. | 10:08 |
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railk | ok so the displayed notification is questionable, you've convinced me | 10:09 |
LjL | uniq, railk: and also don't underestimate the "hide system and client info" option, which is *disabled* by default. right now, i'm more concerned with "privacy paranoia", let's say... but that one's saying "hey, hack me!" | 10:09 |
railk | i still stand for the other two as being useful | 10:09 |
railk | yeah thats something thats always been strange about the jabber protocol, it always displayed the client and whatnot... | 10:10 |
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uniq | ljl: heh :) | 10:10 |
LjL | railk: the first (i.e. "the message was received from the network") is useful, yeah, it's there in most protocols and it's reasonable | 10:10 |
railk | never understood the logic behind that | 10:10 |
LjL | i do also question the "user has started typing", though | 10:10 |
railk | the typing one is reasonable because i know when i might want to wait for my partner to finish typing his message and send it to me... i know if hes gonna reply to what i've said or not | 10:11 |
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LjL | i find it also stupid that those options *have* to be set on a per-account basis. i mean, it might be useful, but there certainly *should* be a "main override", so to speak | 10:11 |
LjL | railk: sure, but then even "displayed" is reasonable, as long as you're OK with giving that information away. it depends on the person, and on the person you're typing to. i just think that, by default, Kopete should favour the paranoid, since those options are quite well hidden, and i might easily not even know it's *doing* that | 10:12 |
LjL | can i say "spyware"? ;P | 10:12 |
railk | heh no you cant, it *can* be disabled... | 10:13 |
LjL | some acutal spyware can be disabled, too. it just tries its best to avoid making you *notice* it's enabled at all, so you probably won't disable it | 10:13 |
LjL | i still call that spyware, although there is certainly a nastier kind | 10:14 |
railk | meh well if you're so paranoid you should be interested in this sort of stuff anyway... | 10:14 |
railk | and do as you did, namely ask... or look for it | 10:14 |
LjL | why do you think the first thing i did was to come into here and ask? --- but still, why doesn't ubuntu come with a Samba server by default, a timeserver, an SSH server, and that sort of stuff? | 10:14 |
uniq | ljl: please make a bugreport. and take this to #kubuntu-devel for further discussion. Someone might need help and be polite enought to don't interrupt your discussion. I'm on the otherhand rude :) | 10:15 |
LjL | i mean - hey - it's handy. if you really are paranoid about security, you can disable it | 10:15 |
LjL | see the point? | 10:15 |
jme__ | i dont :) | 10:15 |
LjL | ok uniq, i'll let the channel come back to its topic | 10:15 |
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uniq | ljl: thanks. I support you on this. Makeing a bugreport is the way to go. :) | 10:16 |
h3sp4wn | Nothing should be enabled unless specifically done manually | 10:16 |
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uniq | that's not true either, we need a balance. useability vs. security. | 10:17 |
h3sp4wn | (I think even ssh shouldn't be started when its installed until it is specifically enabled - stops people who install loads of stuff they don't use from making their systems insecure) | 10:17 |
jme__ | how running ssh make your computer insecure ? | 10:18 |
uniq | jme__: if you don't know how to upgrade, or just don't upgrade, ssh can be a security risk. | 10:18 |
jme__ | uniq: like any other programm :) | 10:18 |
uniq | jme__: generally all running services are security risks. especially daemons. | 10:18 |
uniq | jme__: correct, like any other program. | 10:19 |
jme__ | and i would say ssh less as it is written with security in mind | 10:19 |
uniq | it would still be fatal if a remote root exploit was discovered, and the user don't update his version. | 10:20 |
jme__ | but in fact this is a good | 10:20 |
jme__ | question | 10:20 |
jvz | do I need mktemp in dapper? | 10:20 |
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jme__ | what is the default state of the firewall in kubuntu ? | 10:20 |
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h3sp4wn | Completely open | 10:21 |
jme__ | does it allow incoming connections ? | 10:21 |
uniq | jvz: yes. | 10:21 |
jme__ | h3sp4wn: you mean any incoming connection can come ? | 10:21 |
h3sp4wn | If the services are running yes | 10:21 |
uniq | jme__: there is no firewall by default. | 10:21 |
jvz | uniq: but it depends on libc6 2.4.1~ | 10:21 |
jme__ | wow this doesnt seems good to me :) | 10:21 |
jme__ | and i dont see why in fact :) | 10:21 |
jme__ | why not to put a firewall ? | 10:22 |
trappist | jme__: if your security depends on a packet filter, your security is in bad shape | 10:22 |
uniq | jme__: no firewall and no services by default is not a problem. | 10:22 |
trappist | jme__: one reason, how does ubuntu know what ports you want open? | 10:22 |
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jme__ | trappist: well this is always the issue 'how apps open port' | 10:22 |
uniq | jvz: is it a package named mktemp? mktemp is in the debianutils package. | 10:23 |
jvz | oh | 10:23 |
jme__ | but leaving all the ports open seems 'weird' to me at best :) | 10:23 |
jvz | yeah | 10:23 |
jme__ | but it is true that i dont know any good firewall software on linux | 10:23 |
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trappist | jme__: I like ipkungfu | 10:23 |
uniq | jme__: guarddog for kde. | 10:23 |
jvz | jme__: Linux has its own firewall | 10:24 |
jvz | it's called iptables, but there are more friendly ways of configuring it | 10:24 |
trappist | jvz: the kernel has a packet filter, but it's not a firewall until you tell it what to filter and what to allow | 10:24 |
jme__ | trappist: uniq: oh i dont know this two | 10:24 |
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jme__ | jvz: which is coded like shit but it is another subject :) | 10:24 |
trappist | jme__: iptables? | 10:24 |
jme__ | trappist: yep | 10:25 |
jme__ | like ultimatly badly done :) | 10:25 |
jme__ | and they tried like 3 time to get it right :) | 10:25 |
jme__ | iptable is the third | 10:25 |
trappist | jme__: that's a pretty irresponsible and trollish thing to say for someone who doesn't know much about firewalls | 10:25 |
jme__ | trappist: yep but i know alot so i say it :) | 10:25 |
trappist | uh huh. | 10:25 |
jme__ | hehe i guess you dont believe me :) | 10:26 |
trappist | I guess not | 10:26 |
jme__ | well i coded router and ip stack :) | 10:26 |
uniq | iptables works for me :) | 10:26 |
jme__ | i discovere several security holes :) | 10:26 |
jme__ | in several vpn on linux | 10:26 |
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jme__ | and in main routing protocol of the internet | 10:26 |
jme__ | so yeah im confortable saying that :) | 10:26 |
jme__ | trappist: tried to do ipqueue one day ? | 10:27 |
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jme__ | like 2 process doing ipqueue ? | 10:27 |
jme__ | well you cant :) ipqueue can be done only by 1 process :) | 10:27 |
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jme__ | how lame is this :) | 10:27 |
LjL | uniq: what do you say, *bug*, or wish/suggestion? | 10:27 |
jvz | how do I re-configure the locales for all packages? | 10:27 |
uniq | ljl: normal bug. | 10:28 |
trappist | jme__: what's the point of two processes. iptables sends anything you want to queue to whatever you have listening on the socket. why would you want two separate processes there? | 10:28 |
h3sp4wn | jme: Why not work on porting openbsd pf to linux then ? If you know so much about network programming | 10:28 |
uniq | jvz: dpkg-reconfigure -plow localeconf | 10:28 |
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h3sp4wn | jme: It is much better to use | 10:29 |
jme__ | trappist: like i have something using ipqueue. how do i deploy it ? | 10:29 |
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trappist | sounds like having two webservers trying to listen on port 80 | 10:29 |
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jme__ | trappist: answer my simple question :) | 10:29 |
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trappist | jme__: depends on the language. | 10:30 |
jme__ | h3sp4wn: see i was not that far fetch when i said iptable is coded badly :) | 10:30 |
uniq | trappist, jme__, maybe #kubuntu-offtopic is the place to continue this discussion? as this is a help channel. :) | 10:30 |
trappist | uniq: good call. | 10:30 |
jme__ | trappist: like i care about the language :) this is a kernel thing | 10:30 |
DarkStone | how do i install themes for kubuntu? | 10:30 |
trappist | jme__: #kubuntu-offtopic | 10:31 |
gnomefreak | DarkStone: try kde-look.org | 10:31 |
jme__ | trappist: hehe :) | 10:31 |
DarkStone | im on that | 10:31 |
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DarkStone | but i dont know what to do with the files | 10:31 |
uniq | darkstone: what type of theme is this? | 10:32 |
h3sp4wn | Incidently with regards to iptables is anyone knowledgable about the qos stuff in iptables ? | 10:32 |
h3sp4wn | connmark and l7-filters specifically | 10:32 |
DarkStone | http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=39902 | 10:32 |
DarkStone | that one | 10:33 |
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DarkStone | how do i install this | 10:33 |
uniq | darkstone: that's a GTK 1.x theme. works for xmms and applications made with the old gnome toolkit. | 10:33 |
DarkStone | :| | 10:34 |
DarkStone | so... | 10:34 |
DarkStone | im guessing that doesnt work? | 10:34 |
uniq | that doesn't work, your desktop will not look like the one on the picture. | 10:34 |
DarkStone | ok | 10:34 |
DarkStone | which one is mine | 10:34 |
DarkStone | 3.2+? | 10:35 |
uniq | yes. | 10:35 |
uniq | 3.2-3.5 | 10:35 |
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uniq | preferably kubuntu 6.06 packages. | 10:35 |
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jvz | well, this is fun; downgrading from edgy to dapper is a real bitch :( | 10:37 |
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Hawkwind | Heh. Why did you ever go with Edgy in the first place | 10:37 |
uniq | jvz: told you :) | 10:38 |
wilfred | anyone tell me how to reset my keyboard locale? | 10:38 |
jvz | I figured it would just be an update a la Sid right now | 10:38 |
jvz | I didn't know libc6 would be broken to fuck and back | 10:38 |
gnomefreak | jvz: downgrading isnt supported and it is a pita | 10:38 |
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jvz | I hope everything went correctly | 10:39 |
gnomefreak | jvz: udev and libc6 are fixed atm | 10:39 |
jvz | I don't want to boot one day and see something fucked up badly | 10:39 |
gnomefreak | atleast i know udev is | 10:39 |
jvz | I fixed that udev problem on my own when I noticed the typo | 10:39 |
gnomefreak | libc6 isnt give me locale errors no more | 10:39 |
hslo | Hello - I just installed Kubuntu 6.06 and I can't seem to find the libxine-extracodecs that the ubuntu page references on the system or in the repositories.. does anyone know where to find those? | 10:39 |
jvz | did you enable multiverse? | 10:39 |
Hawkwind | hslo: You have your sources.list setup properly ? | 10:39 |
hslo | I enabled multiverse, yes | 10:40 |
Hawkwind | hslo: Sounds like you need multiverse | 10:40 |
Hawkwind | hslo: You did sudo apt-get update ? | 10:40 |
hslo | Yes.. the multiverse is at http://us.archive.ubuntu/com/ubuntu? | 10:41 |
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gnomefreak | !multiverse | 10:41 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource. | 10:41 |
wilfred | !easysource | 10:41 |
ubotu | For an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 10:41 |
hslo | Thanks, I'll look that over :) | 10:41 |
wilfred | some package installation has muffed up my keyboard settings, it thinks I'm using a US keyboard when its a UK one, anyone know how to change it? | 10:42 |
TheHighChild | Hey folks, I have the closed-source acroread and acroread-plugins, including for Mozilla but I still cannotview pdfs. Anyone seen this or know what to look for? | 10:42 |
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wilfred | thehighchild: You should be able to open them in konqueror | 10:43 |
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DustyDingo | tag | 10:46 |
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DustyDingo | hm, wie heisst denn bitte das packet zum mplayer, ich finde das naemlich nicht,... | 10:46 |
TheHighChild | wilfred: Konqueor can't seem to get that far because of .jsf pages. | 10:46 |
nico8481 | re | 10:46 |
LjL | h3sp4wn: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdenetwork/+bug/50387 | 10:46 |
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wilfred | thehighchild: jsf? Are you trying to view local files or ones online? | 10:48 |
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TheHighChild | wilfred: Online. It opens up a "save as" dialoge when I try to view jsf pages. Firefox gets me to the pages but won't display the embedded pdfs and I cannot save them either. teh sux | 10:51 |
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wilfred | thehighchild: link? | 10:51 |
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bod_ | Hi! | 10:52 |
tristanmike | Hi bod_ | 10:52 |
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bod_ | hey did anyone manage to make google earth work | 10:53 |
beavis | there is something annoying in kubuntu , i dont know if there is a way to get rid of it , whenever i create a new textfile and save something in it it always saves a backup of the empty textfile , its pointless | 10:53 |
bod_ | and by work I mean not with "emulated" open gl | 10:53 |
TheHighChild | wilfred: It's a password protected site with my W2 information | 10:53 |
beavis | google earth isnt free , is it? | 10:54 |
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tsdgeos | it is not of course | 10:54 |
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TheHighChild | wilfred: It opens up the mainpage just fine which is jsf but when I attempt to login, it gives me the save as dialoge https://ipay.adp.com/login.jsf | 10:54 |
bod_ | not free indeed | 10:54 |
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TheHighChild | beavis: What editor are you using? Kate and emacs willdo that but nano does not | 10:55 |
NoUse | bod_ mine worked right away | 10:55 |
bod_ | i mean free as in beer yes | 10:55 |
beavis | TheHighChild: yes , im using kate , it hink its assigne to textfiles by default | 10:55 |
bod_ | NoUse: here it works, but awfully slowly because it "emulates" opengl | 10:55 |
NoUse | bod_ that sounds more like video driver issues, mine works fine | 10:56 |
NoUse | bod_ 'glxinfo | grep direct' | 10:56 |
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DoctorMO | got a problem getting hold of the windows dll files to be able to open wmv files, I've followed the unofficial guide but no luck | 10:56 |
TheHighChild | wilfred: Hey man, actually. I was able to open it in a new tab, thus a workaround | 10:56 |
bod_ | NoUse: direct rendering: No | 10:56 |
NoUse | bod_ thats the problem | 10:56 |
TheHighChild | wilfred: Thanks a lot for your time and help | 10:57 |
bod_ | NoUse: OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect | 10:57 |
bod_ | what should I do ? | 10:57 |
beavis | bod_: so how do you plan to get this to work if its a payed service ? | 10:57 |
NoUse | bod_ what kind of video card do you hae? | 10:57 |
wilfred | thehighchild: No problem :-) | 10:57 |
bod_ | NoUse: an ati radeon aiw 8500dv | 10:57 |
larsbjar | Using sftp, I try to download a file with 'get'. But where does the file end up on? Help me! | 10:58 |
bod_ | beavis: you don't have to pay to use google earth | 10:58 |
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NoUse | bod_ which driver are you using? | 10:58 |
beavis | bod_: ok , where did you get the software for it? id like to try it | 10:58 |
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NoUse | beavis earth.gogle.com | 10:59 |
beavis | NoUse: , ty | 10:59 |
TheHighChild | beavis: Go to Settings > configure > Editor > Open/Save at the bottom "Backup on save" You can unselect "local file" | 10:59 |
=== RawSewage [n=rawsewag@71-34-243-139.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
TheHighChild | beavis: /s/configure/configure kate | 11:00 |
bod_ | NoUse: fglrx | 11:00 |
bod_ | NoUse: which I installed directly from the ati website | 11:00 |
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NoUse | bod_ look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see why its not useing DRI | 11:00 |
NoUse | bod_ the 8500 is supported by the open source ati driver though | 11:00 |
beavis | TheHighChild: is that going to turn off all the backups or just backups of empty files? | 11:01 |
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eXCeSS | hey is there a way to change individual icons? i have links on my desktop to folders and the icon sucks lol | 11:01 |
NoUse | bod_ ATI also sucks at writing drivers | 11:01 |
eXCeSS | theres a few links and i confuse them becuase the icons are the same | 11:01 |
bod_ | NoUse: (EE) fglrx(0): DRIScreenInit failed! | 11:01 |
bod_ | NoUse: (but why?) | 11:01 |
NoUse | bod_ it should say | 11:02 |
NoUse | bod_ pastebin the log file | 11:02 |
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RawSewage | I ran this thing called Nano, and closed it yesterday, now I see it's been running hidden all day | 11:03 |
eXCeSS | the text editor? | 11:03 |
beavis | bod_: did you install the fglrx driver? | 11:03 |
RawSewage | yes | 11:03 |
RawSewage | and it wont let me kill it | 11:03 |
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NoUse | RawSewage killall -9 nano ? | 11:05 |
RawSewage | ty | 11:05 |
bod_ | NoUse: pastebin very slow :) it's loading now... | 11:05 |
bod_ | beavis: yes | 11:05 |
NoUse | bod_ paste.ubuntu-nl.org is working nicely for me | 11:05 |
bod_ | NoUse: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/719489 | 11:06 |
RawSewage | I had to use sudo to kill nano | 11:07 |
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RawSewage | It was using up over 50% of my resources | 11:08 |
TheHighChild | beavis: It should turn off the backups that are being made. I can't say for sure though as I don't use the editor. | 11:08 |
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beavis | TheHighChild: ok , thanks man | 11:09 |
NoUse | bod_ # | 11:09 |
NoUse | # | 11:09 |
NoUse | [drm] failed to load kernel module "fglrx" | 11:09 |
NoUse | oops sorry guys | 11:09 |
NoUse | bod_ you realize that there is an ATI driver in synaptic right? | 11:09 |
NoUse | bod_ you didn't need to get it from ati.com | 11:10 |
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bod_ | NoUse: synaptic? | 11:10 |
NoUse | bod_ or adept, or apt-get | 11:10 |
NoUse | !tell bod_ about ati | 11:10 |
bod_ | NoUse: ah :) Well yeah and I tried it! It did the same | 11:10 |
bod_ | that's why I then tried this | 11:10 |
NoUse | bod_ you didn't install the driver properly | 11:10 |
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RawSewage | how do I log in with a completely new session | 11:11 |
RawSewage | no previous apps running | 11:11 |
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thompa | argg openoffice is screwing up | 11:11 |
thompa | now i cant find my test i worked on, OO reverted back to some old crap | 11:12 |
bod_ | NoUse: you recommend I install the ubuntu package instead then? | 11:12 |
NoUse | bod_ yeah | 11:12 |
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bod_ | NoUse: ok I'll try. thank you very much | 11:12 |
NoUse | bod_ I don't use ATI thought so I won't be of much help | 11:12 |
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RawSewage | I want to restart with a brand new session. how do I do that | 11:13 |
RawSewage | no telling what little things Ive accumulated that are running in the bg | 11:13 |
LjL | can anyone confirm that the jabber.org server gives an "invalid certificate" warning in Kopete? | 11:14 |
beavis | bod_: use this commands to get the ati with apt get: | 11:15 |
beavis | bod_: enable all the repositories in the sources.list | 11:15 |
=== kblog [n=kblog@zux221-223-236.adsl.green.ch] has joined #kubuntu | ||
beavis | bod_: then sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade, sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) | 11:17 |
NoUse | RawSewage go to settings -> KDe Components -> Session managment | 11:17 |
kblog | hi does anybody know why i cant run an wmv-file with mplayer/vlc? I can hear sound but there is no image | 11:17 |
=== allee [n=ach@allee.exgal.mpe.mpg.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
beavis | bod_: then sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx | 11:17 |
RawSewage | NoUse, ty | 11:18 |
beavis | bod_: then sudo depmod -a | 11:18 |
sdlnxgk | anyone have choppy video when playing movies??? | 11:18 |
beavis | bod_: then sudo aticonfig --initial | 11:18 |
beavis | bod_: then sudo aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv | 11:19 |
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beavis | bod_: then reboot | 11:19 |
allee | !teamspeak | 11:19 |
ubotu | allee: Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 11:19 |
TheHighChild | allee: Do you need help with TS? | 11:20 |
=== GullyFoyle [n=Nam_Shub@c-71-235-79-251.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
mindspit | hallo all! i want to uninstall glibc in ubuntu ... in oder for my apache/ISPConfig/php installation can work. can i ? | 11:20 |
beavis | bod_: gotto go , good luck | 11:20 |
tsdgeos | mindspit: glibc is the core of a linux installation, why would you want to uninstall it? | 11:21 |
lnxkde | ? | 11:21 |
NoUse | mindspit if you uninstall glibc, nothing will work :-) | 11:21 |
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=== bod_ rebooting :) | ||
bod_ | thank you for helping, hope it'll work | 11:25 |
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mindspin | does anybody have an idea how to deal with pcmcia issues? I always have to eject and insert my NIC after boot up to get it work | 11:29 |
mindspit | yes but PHP does not work! | 11:29 |
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allee | TheHighChild: can you connect to teamspeak.uds.canonical.com? | 11:29 |
mindspit | if you want to see analytic my post here : http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?p=30460#post30460 | 11:30 |
NoUse | mindspit did you follow the wiki page to set up PGP? | 11:30 |
NoUse | mindspit PHP* | 11:30 |
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sledge | Damn it, that's the thirds Amarok crash in 2 hrs. | 11:31 |
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NoUse | mindspit can you define "doesn't work"? | 11:32 |
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ChefWill | anyone who use gaim hae the problem that the smile theme constantly changes to 'none' by itself ;/ | 11:32 |
GullyFoyle | sledge: must be some hard-core music you're listening to :-P | 11:33 |
MetaMorfoziS | ChefWill: use kopete?:) | 11:33 |
ChefWill | boo | 11:33 |
MetaMorfoziS | in kubuntu room, based on kde... | 11:33 |
bary | hey to all..i'm a new user of linux...i like it...but i need some help | 11:33 |
TheHighChild | allee: is there a server password? I think they have to have passwords | 11:33 |
MetaMorfoziS | try ask it in #gaim or #gnome or #ubuntu... | 11:33 |
ChefWill | i got all kinds of stuff setup in gaim | 11:33 |
allee | TheHighChild: I don't know (nothing listed at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuParisSummit) | 11:34 |
bary | can anyone help me out with a connection? | 11:34 |
mindspit | error logs on apache return : *** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (!prev): 0x082bdc68 *** | 11:34 |
geneo93 | :-P | 11:35 |
tsdgeos | mindspit: taht just means that the program is buggy | 11:35 |
tsdgeos | not a glibc fault | 11:35 |
TheHighChild | allee: Ok, I selected anonymous and used a nickname and was able to connect. | 11:35 |
TheHighChild | allee: Do you know how to add a server? | 11:36 |
allee | TheHighChild: I'll try ... | 11:36 |
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icheyne | I just installed firefox with apt-get, but the search box does not work - any ideas? | 11:37 |
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NoUse | mindspit are you running breezy or dapper? | 11:39 |
bary | can ayone help me with a internet connection? | 11:39 |
RawSewage | I have a problem. I changed my Session Settings so that it starts a new session after loggig in, instead of restoring the old one | 11:39 |
allee | TheHighChild: mhmm, added label, server addr, nickname. selected 'anonymous' => still error. | 11:40 |
TheHighChild | allee: What is the error? | 11:40 |
RawSewage | but it hanges before it starts the initialization phase | 11:40 |
RawSewage | I had to boot using the LiveCD.. Im on LiveCD now | 11:40 |
allee | TheHighChild: we have a firewall that blocks incomming connections. Can this be a problem with teamspeak? | 11:40 |
allee | TheHighChild: No replay from server ... | 11:40 |
RawSewage | for example, it hangs before the bouncy KDE icons begin | 11:40 |
NoUse | mindspit you might want to run memtest on that machine | 11:40 |
icheyne | anyone know of a good livecd for checking out xgl? | 11:40 |
RawSewage | it hangs at the screen immediately following the detail list part of booting up | 11:41 |
TheHighChild | allee: That could be the problem. Also, DNS may not be resolving the IP address, try this address instead | 11:41 |
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allee | TheHighChild: name = marais.ubuntu.com. | 11:42 |
RawSewage | Summary: I can only access my computer with bash now | 11:42 |
edneymatias | see ya | 11:42 |
TheHighChild | allee: The address is I think you got a few octets mixed up | 11:43 |
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[Evil] [Ernie] | anyone ever tried to install adobe photoshop 7 using Wine? | 11:43 |
allee | TheHighChild: dns lists from right to left. IP does not work too. So maybe firewall :( | 11:44 |
duckdown | Hey all.. Real easy question; I'm running a webserver from home, but my /pictures/ folder is WORLD READABLE (as oppposed to only be able to see specific links to .jpg's) how do I need to chmod that folder? | 11:45 |
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TheHighChild | allee: At this point, it probably is. I'd give your administrators a call and see if they can open things up for you. | 11:46 |
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RawSewage | Suggestiong for Edgy: Disable IPV6 | 11:47 |
RawSewage | it's going to hang up most people | 11:47 |
allee | TheHighChild: ok. Thx. I'll try to find out what/if incoming ports are used | 11:47 |
RawSewage | and theyre going to think Kubuntu internet is really slow | 11:47 |
RawSewage | and it's confusing disabling IPV6 | 11:47 |
h3sp4wn | Someone may want it the ubuntu philosophy tends to go more for enable as much as possible instead of as little as possible | 11:48 |
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RawSewage | Can anyone help me with my problem | 11:49 |
RawSewage | I cant log in to my computer anymore. only with bash | 11:49 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | =o | 11:49 |
RawSewage | KDE hangs | 11:49 |
RawSewage | it wont initialize | 11:49 |
RawSewage | I'll try #KDE | 11:49 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | aye | 11:50 |
[Evil] [Ernie] | no idea >.< | 11:50 |
mindspin | RawSewage: did you try sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ? | 11:50 |
mindspin | It helped here... | 11:50 |
RawSewage | even though I have Kubuntu already? | 11:51 |
mindspin | try it and see if it reinstalls | 11:51 |
RawSewage | I dont want to do anything that extreme yet | 11:51 |
NoUse | RawSewage mv ~/.kde ~/.kdebak will move all yoru KDE config stuff to a backup and when you log in, it will reset everything | 11:51 |
RawSewage | ty | 11:51 |
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allee | TheHighChild: uh, teamspeak similar 'stupid' as ftp's active mode. One has to open all UDP ports > 1024 for incomming pkgs. | 11:52 |
mindspin | RawSewage: it isnt radical, if kubuntu-desktop is installed, apt-get will tell you and do notheing | 11:52 |
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=== allee deinstalls teamspeak | ||
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bachstudies | is anyone having difficulties doing a sudo apt-get update right now? I keep getting bad header lines | 11:59 |
psychiccyberfrea | lemmie check | 11:59 |
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psychiccyberfrea | working for me | 12:00 |
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sdlnxgk | working for me too | 12:00 |
bachstudies | it is just hanging on one at 99% | 12:01 |
azathoth | can anyone else run xgl with kubuntu yet? | 12:01 |
azathoth | it's breaking like hell for me | 12:01 |
azathoth | i followed the tutorial on the ubuntuforums to the letter, and yet it just won't work without crashing | 12:01 |
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mastermindless | re | 12:02 |
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