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jordiSteveA: here, by any chance?02:02
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stubDo we have a local branch of the bzr pqm plugin? The URL on the wiki is returning 503's (and for all I know is unstable anyway)06:30
stubAnd there doesn't seem  to be any references to it on the bzr wiki06:33
stubYay for distributed revision control06:39
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=== ajmitch is sure he saw it on launchpad
stubThe URL on the launchpad wiki is returning 503's06:45
stubjamesh: Can you push your copy of the bzr pqm plugin to chinstrap?07:09
jameshstub: just copying it now.  It is ~jamesh/pqm-submit07:13
jameshyou should be able to branch it now (or just do scp -r)07:15
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spivWe really ought to register that in launchpad so that it can get mirrored...07:21
spivI think I saw on #bzr that the author is having temporary DNS issues with their ISP.07:22
stubProduct and branch created07:36
SteveAspiv, stub, jamesh: voip call?08:03
=== stub shrugs
=== spiv swaps the music headphones for the voip headset
SteveAand launchpad-meeting irc08:07
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SteveAcprov!  malcc!  Keybuk!08:56
cprovSteveA !08:57
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SteveAstub: are you planning a rollout tomorrow?09:15
SteveAif so, can i get Rev 3695 in it please09:17
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jbaileyWhat's the BestWay(tm) to filter spec mail?09:26
SteveAsame way you filter other email.09:27
SteveAif you want more headers or something, talk to bjorn, who is in paris.09:27
SteveAhi sivan09:27
jbaileySteveA: Right now I look for X-Launchpad-Bug that contains distribution=ubuntu09:28
jbaileyif I filter spec mail the same way: 1) My bug mail will go to my spec folder.09:28
jbailey2) My spec mail will stay in my inbox.09:28
sivanghi SteveA 09:28
SteveAspecs should not contain an X-Launchpad-Bug header09:29
SteveAthat would make no sense09:29
jbaileyExactly right.09:29
jbaileySo your coment of filtering it the same way I filter my other mail doesn't work.09:29
SteveAdoes spec mail contain an X-Launchpad-Bug header?09:29
SteveAso, do you want an X-Launchpad-Spec header?09:30
SteveAor an X-Launchpad-Info header09:30
SteveAwith type=spec, distribution=ubuntu in it?09:30
jbaileyHmm.  Interesting. I'm not sure which is better.  Evolution contains decent "header contains" magic, So having a single X-Luanchpad-Info would be enough for me.09:31
jbaileyAnd then just overload it with all of the different types.09:31
SteveAthat wounds like a mini-spec that you and bjorn can write up in 15 mins09:31
SteveAum, sounds09:32
SteveAno need for physical damage09:32
jbaileyNever underestimate the value of a good sacrifice to the blood gods.09:32
jbaileyBut perhaps this one is simple enough.09:32
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jbaileyBjornT: ^^ What do you think?09:45
BjornTjbailey: should be easy to add such a header, we just need to decide what information the header should contain.09:49
BjornTi think i like X-Launchpad-Spec better, though, makes it easier for people to match on.09:49
SteveAit makes it tough to filter all launchpad email09:49
jbaileyTwo headers would solve both needs quite cheeply/.09:49
jbaileyBjornT: It would be nice if the API in Launchpad for email required enough information to always generate these headers, though.09:50
jbaileyThat way it Just Happens for any email that Launchpad sends out.09:50
carlosjordi: hi, around?09:50
SteveAwhy not X-Launchpad-Distro: id=ubuntu; message=spec09:51
BjornTyou can filter all launchpad mail by filtering on X-Generated-By09:51
SteveAto be the devil's advocate, burning the virgin strawman09:51
jameshis there any way to get gmail to filter on arbitrary headers?09:52
SteveAwhat i'm saying is, why are specs and bugs special in that these should be in the name of the headers, whereas distros are not special.09:52
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BjornTmaybe the same reason why specs and bugs have their own applications (blueprint and malone)?09:54
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SteveAjamesh: maybe we should have an personal option to add the launchpad info as a trailer after the message subject09:56
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jbaileyDon't all current mail clients allow filtering on arbitrary headers?10:00
jbaileyI don't think it's right to uglify the human-usable interface for filtering purposes.10:00
SteveAstub: planning a rollout for tommorow?10:01
SteveAjbailey: i said "personal option" above10:01
jordicarlos: hey10:01
stubWe have code that needs to go out? Or shall we keep the Paris conference running on a stable system?10:01
SteveAi have some non-DB UI stuff i'd like to go out10:01
carlosjordi: do you remember the pending mailing list creations that we have?10:02
carlosjordi: Occitan is one. Steve says that we have another one, but I don't remeber it10:02
jbaileystub: Specs probably want to be stable.  I'm guessing that everything else, this is the best week for it.10:03
jbaileyBut don't quote me. =)10:03
jameshjbailey: apparently gmail doesn't10:03
jbaileyMeh, really?10:04
jameshI can filter launchpad bug mail with a query of "replyto:*@bugs.launchpad.net", but can't do anything with the X-Launchpad-Bug header10:05
stubjbailey: Plenty of server side filtering systems provided by ISPs don't allow filtering on arbitrary headers, or make it for advanced users only.10:05
stubMine would allow me to do it, but it would involve me converting all my filters to a sieve script10:05
carlosstub: hi, I fixed the data migration script. Could you review it?10:06
=== jamesh would be happy if gmail supported sieve filter scripts :)
carlosstub: it took 3 hours in asuka10:07
stubsame branch?10:07
jordicarlos: yes, I was pinging stevea last night to see if he had more info10:09
jordicarlos: amharic10:10
carlosjordi: thanks10:10
carlosjordi: did you answer Slovenian and Arabic requests?10:12
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jordiI did arabic last night.10:13
jordiSlovenian, not sure. That's the newest, right?10:13
jordier, actually I did Farsi10:13
jordiWe've had a torrent of requests lately10:13
jordiI'll do arabic right now10:13
carlosjordi: ok, please, remember to send a copy to rosetta@launchpad.net so I'm sure that those requests are handled10:14
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carlosjordi: could you tell me the contact email address for the Amahric team?10:22
carlosjordi: teferra has his email hidden in launchpad10:22
carlosjordi: found10:23
spivSteveA: your doctest bug is different to 267, actually10:24
spivSteveA: it turns out it was my second guess, that I didn't even bother putting in my mail because it seemed too silly ;)10:24
spivSteveA: Replace "...." with "..." and it works.10:25
SteveAthat smells bad10:25
SteveA+1 for stub's idea of supporting [...] 10:25
spivHmm, or maybe not.  It makes a difference to this simplified test case, though...10:25
jordicarlos: there's an ubuntu arabic team already10:25
jordibut it's ubuntu-ar10:25
jordiie, needs rename10:26
SteveAjordi: i have some renaming to do for you already, i think10:26
carlosjordi: don't rename any team without contacting the owner first, sometimes they want non ubuntu specific teams10:26
carlosjordi: in those cases, they should create the ubuntu-l10n-XX team and include the other as a subteam of it10:27
jordiwell this is clearly "ubuntu-ar"10:27
carlosright ;-)10:27
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carloscompengi: hi11:51
compengii would like to ask11:53
compengiis the shipment of ubuntu free of charge or no11:54
compengior i should pay for the shipment only11:58
spivcompengi: It's free: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/faq#head-7eef2db63e0a75424cdd663ee6f7b8eedcf1960712:01
compengieven the shipment!12:01
spivyep :)12:02
compengidid you start shipping this month?12:06
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mptGooooooooooooooooooooooood evening Launchpadders12:32
mptThe southern hemisphere is cold and should be avoided12:33
ajmitchgood evening mpt12:35
ajmitcha nice chilly evening, isn't it?12:35
mpthi ajmitch, where are you at the moment?12:35
ajmitchI'm sitting in my flat12:35
ajmitchin Dunedin12:35
mptah, cool12:35
ajmitchquite :)12:35
stubMonsoon appears to have come early this year - a wet 27C12:36
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sivangyo mpt :-)12:44
mpthi sivang :-)12:44
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SteveAjamesh: ping01:17
jameshSteveA: pong01:17
stubcarlos: The migration patch is much better, however in its current form will lock up rosetta for the entire run because it only commits at the end.01:17
SteveAjamesh: mdz mentioned a possible problem with the scheduler01:17
SteveAjamesh: "it seems to schedule topics which haven't been accepted for the meeting"01:18
SteveAwould you look into it?01:18
stubcarlos: Hmm... actually not that bad.01:18
carlosstub: hmm it's done per pofile...01:18
stubcarlos: Yes - just realized that. So it will be 82000 odd commits over that 3 hours. I suspect we can run it live.01:19
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stubcarlos: r=stub on the data migration and db patch01:20
carlosstub: ok, thanks01:23
jameshSteveA: I think I've tracked it down.01:25
jameshlooks like the code for the export view is using the wrong enum to filter the list of specs it exports01:27
stubSo we are growing Distribution.mirror_admin and Distribution.upload_admin. Is maintaining the Distribution in Launchpad so strenuous that these subtasks need to be delegated to individuals?01:27
SteveAjamesh: okay.  so, that sounds like a small quick change in production01:28
stubIf so, make sure it lands in Rockefuel too and I know the patch number - don't want to destroy any fixes with tomorrows rollout01:29
stub(Which reminds me - SteveA: I need to know what patch you are particularly interested in being landed unless it landed before Friday)01:30
SteveAboth those01:30
jameshSteveA: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileO8lkxa.html <- that's the fix01:30
SteveAjamesh: okay.  please get it into RF.01:31
SteveAstub: would you rather cherrypick this fix from james this afternoon, or shall i just hack it in production and restart?01:32
stubSteveA: Just hack it into production. The appservers are live again on gangotri btw. (and being monitored again).01:33
stuberm... gandwana.01:33
jameshthat method used to take SprintSpecificationStatus enum values01:34
SteveAjamesh: okay, i applied that one line patch to production, and restarted01:35
carlosstub: btw, will you remember to execute that migration script when you do the rollout? is there any procedure to document it?01:36
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jameshSteveA: so if mdz redownloads the meeting list the non-accepted specs shouldn't be listed01:36
carlosstub: Rosetta will start raising system errors if we forget to execute it01:36
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SteveAmpt: ping01:39
stubcarlos: Maybe ;)01:39
stubcarlos: Feel free to nag me to run it next Monday to fix most of it before the rollout.01:40
carlosok ;-)01:44
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compengiwhere can i download linux software02:01
compengifor free02:01
SteveAcompengi: try freshmeat.net02:02
jordicompengi: have you tried #ubuntu ?02:02
compengias os?02:02
jordias irc channel02:04
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compengii've joined now02:06
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SteveAspiv: still around?02:12
spivSteveA: yeah02:14
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jbaileyI seem to be listed under "also notified" for bug 38636, how do I figure out why?02:16
UbugtuMalone bug 38636 in qprocd "xfce4-mixer has a different orig.tar.gz to the  one recorded in the Sources file" [Critical,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3863602:16
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spivjbailey: I think it's because you're subscribed to #3421002:20
spivjbailey: which is marked as being a duplicate.02:21
YannigHello everybody :)02:22
jbaileyAh! that would do it.02:22
jbaileyspiv: Thanks!02:22
SteveAspiv: hello02:23
SteveABjornT: ping02:29
jordicarlos: how's Paris?02:30
carlosjordi: I don't know ;-)02:31
carlosjordi: I will arrive tomorrow02:31
sivangcarlos: we'll wait for you :)02:31
carlossivang: :-P02:31
jordioh :D02:32
jordicarlos: I think they have a metallic tower in the middle of the city02:32
carlosjordi: yeah, I know someone told me something about it....02:33
carlosjordi: ;-)02:33
BjornTSteveA: pong02:33
=== SteveA msgs BjornT
SteveAspiv: ping02:41
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SteveABjornT: darn... race condition in the canHandle() hack03:29
SteveABjornT: i can work around it with a thread.local03:31
mdkespiv: around?03:35
spivmdke: yeah03:35
mdkespiv: yay. Karl needs your help with the wiki move script, can you give him a couple of minutes?03:35
mdkeZnarl: ^03:37
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flacosteSteveA: ping04:34
SteveAhi francis04:34
flacostehi Steve!04:34
SteveAyou just caught me about to have a tea break04:34
flacostei have a coding question and my reviewer (salgado) is offline04:34
flacosteit can wait after the tea break though04:35
SteveAyou can ask on this channel and many people may be able to answer04:35
SteveAor, if it is about code that shouldn't be public, ask on the internal irc channel04:35
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flacostein the TicketMakeBugView.process method I check that a ticket doesn't have already bugs linked to it and redirect with an error message if this is the case04:37
flacostesalgado suggested moving that check to initialize instead of leaving it in process()04:38
SteveAsure.  why waste processing rendering the template and starting to process it?04:38
SteveAinitialize() will be called before the template is even rendered04:39
flacostebecause process() will still be called04:39
SteveAso that's a good time to do a redirect04:39
flacosteyes, but render() will still be called after initialize()04:39
flacosteLaunchpadView doesn't check if a redirection has taken place before calling render()04:39
SteveAah, right04:39
SteveAit should do04:39
flacosteI should fix LaunchpadView then?04:40
SteveAyes.  it's __call__ should call render() only if the status code is not 30x04:40
SteveAin the self.request.response04:40
SteveAdo you agree with that as the way forward?04:41
SteveAcos i just made that stuff up from memory04:42
SteveAit might turn out to be wrong :-)04:42
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flacosteSteveA: yes, I agree, this is also the way GeneralEditForm does it04:56
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flacosteSteveA: care to review https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileoIG6Xl.html05:29
flacosteit's the LaunchpadView do not render on redirect fix05:29
SteveAflacoste: great. r=me05:30
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=== flacoste has an error running pqm-submit
flacostebzr: ERROR: exceptions.ImportError: No module named urlutils06:09
flacoste  at /home/francis/.bazaar/plugins/pqm-submit/pqm_submit.py line 1106:09
flacosteline 11 has import bzrlib.urlutils06:09
LarstiQurlutils is present in bzr.dev06:13
LarstiQflacoste: what pqm are you using?06:13
LarstiQor, pqm-submit rather06:13
LarstiQand I guess there is no 0.8 release for that...06:14
=== flacoste got bzr-0.8.2-1ubuntu3 installed
=== LarstiQ nods
LarstiQflacoste: the problem is the pqm-submit plugin you have depends on bzr.dev06:15
flacosteis there an older revision that would work?06:15
LarstiQI'll have a look06:15
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flacostehow do I add my key to the PQM?06:48
matsubaraflacoste: You need to ask lifeless to add it for you. Here's more complete instructions https://launchpad.canonical.com/PQMSetup06:51
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stubflacoste: chinstrap:~jamesh/bzr-pqm should work06:53
flacostestub: is this a bazaar branch?06:54
stubflacoste: Yes. I got jamesh to push his branch earlier today as arbash-meinel.com was down06:55
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flacostestub: thanks! that pqm-submit works07:00
flacostelifeless: ping07:01
flacostelifeless: I've send you my GPG key by email to robert.collins at canonical, can you add it to the PQM accepted keys?07:05
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lifelessis tomorrow morning ok? I want dinner07:07
flacostelifless: yeah, no problem07:09
flacostelifeless: yes, no problem, my first land can wait another day07:10
flacostelifeless: enjoy your dinner, and sorry for the disturbance, I didn't noticed that you were in the australia time zone07:11
LarstiQEurope timezone is more likely07:12
flacostehmm, yes, otherwise he would take his dinner very late, but Kopete shows a IRC user coming from .au...07:13
LarstiQflacoste: I assume he ircs via home, as I do.07:14
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jordicarlos: should we get the DB updated so you appear as the owner of XaraLX translators?07:17
jordicarlos: we're going to start gettign way too many appointment requests for this group07:17
=== flacoste is afk lunch
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=== jd_miam is now known as jd_
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=== flacoste is rebooting to install more RAM
=== flacoste [n=francis@modemcable207.210-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has left #launchpad ["Bye"]
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flacostewow, 09:14
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=== Keybuk [n=scott@ALagny-109-1-2-23.w80-11.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #launchpad
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=== Kokoyaya_ [n=Kokoyaya@AToulouse-254-1-36-205.w81-250.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #launchpad
=== Kokoyaya__ [n=Kokoyaya@AToulouse-254-1-41-205.w81-250.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #launchpad

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