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kwwiianyone home?12:45
kwwiilive from Paris12:45
jsgotangcoyeah but on the 2nd floor heh12:47
=== fschoep [n=frank@ALagny-109-1-2-23.w80-11.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
kwwiihi frank12:51
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klepashow is Paris?01:17
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msikmaHello to Paris02:18
=== fschoep [n=frank@ALagny-109-1-2-23.w80-11.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
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fschoepI'm back from lunch02:19
msikmaYou guys are privilidged to be in Paris so you'd better be enjoying yourselves :)02:19
fschoepWe are trapped in a bunker :)02:20
=== offs is Thiago Ribeiro
fschoepTroy says hi\02:20
msikmaHi there Troy!02:20
msikmaMan, I wish I could be there. But it's so busy here at work. And I've got a three-week vacation planned...02:21
msikmaGuess I'll try to come next year.02:21
fschoepHave you looked into the specifications in launchpad yet?02:21
msikmaSo what events have there been thus far?02:21
fschoepWe've had dinner, breakfast and lunch.02:21
msikmaI personally have not, although I've taken a few peeks in there.02:21
fschoepThat's kind of what we're going to discuss here.02:22
fschoepThat's the list of specs for the art team.02:24
fschoepThat is just the current list, Troy, Kenneth and I are discussing other things on top of that list at the moment, like submission guidelines, file formats and licensing issues and GPG signing.02:25
=== kwwii reboots
msikmaBy the way02:25
msikma"Improve progress bar for gnome" needs to be "usplash visual improvements"02:25
jsgotangcogpg signing? for the package?02:25
msikmaI'll edit it myself later if I'm able to, but I'm not sure02:25
msikmaAh, Ican02:25
fschoepJerome, GPG signing would be to indicate the submission takes the license in account so that we can prevent legal issues afterwards.02:26
jsgotangcooh okay fair enough02:27
bersacedamn ! i forgot the summit !02:27
bersacei live in Paris !02:27
fschoepkwwii - where are you?02:28
jsgotangcocome here and liberate us!02:28
fschoepWe're downstairs.02:28
fschoepEtienne we'd be happy to have you here :002:28
msikmaI live one TGV away from Paris...02:29
msikmaIf only it were in Rotterdam :)02:29
bersacefschoep: so you're in that hostel ?02:30
bersacewhat conf are planned for today02:30
fschoepI am, alongside Troy James Sobotka and we had Kenneth Wimer earlier here.02:30
fschoepThere's a lot of conferences planned, but almost no artwork ones because we didn't add specifications to the distro sprint list.02:31
bersacedo you know the RER station ?02:31
bersace(i know this is line B3)02:31
bersacebut which station ?02:31
fschoepIt is, I think it is CDG 2.02:31
bersaceand, if i come, what can we do together02:31
bersaceother than taking a beer02:32
bersacei mean, i want to talk with the wiki bugsquad02:32
fschoepWe have a lot of Wiki stuff to do and we could certainly use another member with a laptop.02:32
bersaceso do you advice me to come with a laptop (old) and work together with you at CDG ?02:33
bersacedoes it worth it ?02:33
fschoepNo, you could try to take the hotel shuttle bus to Radisson SAS. It's a small silver bus.02:33
bersacesay what ?02:34
bersaceno ?02:34
bersaceno i shouldn't come or no it doesn't cost ?02:34
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fschoepIt would definitely be great if you could come over.02:35
bersaceso i'll come02:35
fschoepe dtro02:35
fschoepet troy here02:36
fschoepwe are kind of ry02:36
fschoeptrying to bang out some new stuffs fro the wiki02:36
fschoepyou talked to pas yet:02:36
fschoep(mac keyboards suck ass)02:36
fschoepyou there et?02:37
bersacefschoep: i'm bersace02:38
bersaceand i'm preparing my laptop  :)02:38
fschoepber -- i am using frank's keybaord now -- its troy02:38
fschoepwe could perhaps meet for an hour a few times this week and get you to pass the stuffs onto pascal as well02:39
=== fschoep is troy right now. frank is sitting beside me.
msikmaYeah, Mac keyboards suck. They look very pretty, but I don't like typing with them as much as some of the keyboards I've used.02:41
bersaceso, i'm ready to go02:42
bersacebut, i want to be sure to meet you soon and not search my way for long hours02:42
bersaceyou said the station is CDG2 in line RER B302:42
bersacethen i take a RAS Shuttle to the RAS bunker02:42
fschoepIf you are at the CDG2 station you can take a shuttle bus to Radisson SAS.02:43
bersacethen where to meet you ?02:43
fschoepIt should work.02:43
fschoepDepends on what time you are at the hotel.02:43
bersacecan i just say "i come for Ubuntu Summit"02:43
bersaceand they let me enter ?02:43
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bersacewhere do you stay ?02:43
bersacewhich stair ?02:44
bersacewhich room ?02:44
fschoepIf you are in the lobby, you'll find it.02:44
fschoepWe're in several conference rooms.02:44
fschoepFrom 15:00 to 16:00 we'll be in the Dionisys room.02:44
bersacehow can i recognize you ?02:45
bersacefor your sake, i'm wearing a black debian sweat shirt and have a black debian bag for my laptop02:45
bersacei wear glasses02:45
fschoepOK, we saw your face on launchpad.02:45
fschoepTroy is bald and I look like Frank.02:46
msikmaThere should be Ubuntu merchandise.. maybe a neat job for the art team?02:46
msikmaI should put that on the Launchpad.02:46
bersaceand i have a "goatee beard" :P02:46
fschoepAnyway Etienne, you can find a lot of Ubuntu guys in the Atlas conference room.02:46
bersacelet's go02:46
fschoepWhoa. Let's just hope that it goes well.02:47
kwwiiI tried to make a spec to discuss marketing but it was removed02:48
kwwiiI made a few banners (like the one outside the door of the conference room)02:48
kwwiimaking leaflets, t-shirts, buttons, stickers, etc...would be really nice02:49
klepasyou folks have fun :)02:50
=== fschoep off to another conference room
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msikmaSo how's Paris going?04:04
klepasit's fabulous04:08
=== klepas is guessing from hi room in Canberra, Australia
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bersaceklepas: ping04:29
bersacei'm at uds04:29
bersacewith troy, and other04:30
bersacewhat do we plan to do with that wiki04:30
bersacei mean04:30
bersacehow to apply changes04:30
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klepascheck your email :)04:30
klepasi sent you and brian an email concerning the wiki04:30
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bersaceklepas: i'm creating https://wiki.ubuntu.com/%c3%89tienneBersac/ArtworkReOrganisation/NewTree04:37
bersaceIn order to create a complete tree of the new Artwork Namespace04:37
bersaceas list04:37
bersace(wiki is more collaborative than a plain text04:37
jsgotangcotry gobby04:38
klepasgood idea04:38
klepasthanks bersace04:46
=== qmf [i=qmf@cpc3-epso1-0-0-cust1009.hers.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
Riyonukdoes anyone know how to make icons in photoshop?04:53
newz2000Riyonuk: can you be more specific regarding your request?05:03
RiyonukLike you know how they use iconpackager and they make those profesional looking icons05:06
Riyonukwell i want to know how to make them, thers a tutorial on icon a day, but thats for correl05:06
newz2000icosn for the ubuntu desktop?05:07
newz2000I've never seen iconpackager, but a quick google implies that it's for creating Windows XP desktop themes...05:10
Riyonukyeah, but i would like to know how to create icons for ubuntu also05:11
newz2000Also, I'm not positive, but I think increasingly icons are made as SVG, which photoshop can't do. Instead you need a program like Inkscape or Illustrator.05:11
Riyonukwhy might i ask?05:12
newz2000Well, SVG icons can be resized without loosing quality. They can be big or small and they still look good.05:12
newz2000Corel is also a vector program and it's artwork can often be resized without loosing quality.05:13
newz2000Ubuntu's art website has a color pallete for Photoshop that lists the colors we typically use... download that.05:13
Riyonukis that the only reason? I can still make them in photoshop then05:13
newz2000Then, maybe glance at this tutorial and see if helps:05:14
Riyonukbingo thats what im looking for05:14
newz2000let me see if I can find a link to the pallette for psd.05:14
klepashave a lovely time in Paris people :)05:15
newz2000arent' you there pascal?05:15
klepasa short update via the ML would be lovely :)05:15
klepasoh, no :)05:15
klepasmy cozzy room, Canberra, Australia05:15
newz2000oh, I thought you were. I was a bit jelous too. ;-)05:15
klepasi wish i was there05:15
newz2000(matt nuzum btw)05:15
klepasah, cool05:15
newz2000I'm in a cubicle in Des Moines Iowa.05:15
klepasi couldn't go for various reasons... primarily exams week begins this wednesday and i don't have the money05:16
newz2000pascal, do you know where the color palletes are for the ubuntu desktop? It seems they used to be accessible on the diy marketing page05:17
newz2000I saw them recently but can't find them now05:17
klepasnewz2000: i can send the SVGs to you05:17
klepasi can't remember what on earth happened to them05:17
newz2000Riyonuk asked about them here in the chat room05:17
klepasi can email them to you now if you like05:17
newz2000he wants the photoshop version05:17
klepasah, okay05:17
klepasi'm clueless too05:17
newz2000I'll find them, I was just curious if you knew05:17
klepasi know a PS colour palette was available..05:18
klepasany how i shall be off05:18
klepaspast 1 AM and i have classes :)05:18
klepasfound those palettes btw :)05:19
newz2000ah. Thanks.05:19
newz2000Riyonuk, did you get that link?05:19
Riyonukthis bezier tool, PS doesnt have that05:19
klepasthat has the PS palette files too05:19
newz2000It has one like it... check the pen05:19
Riyonukthe gimp tutorial?05:19
Riyonukthe pens hard, lol05:20
=== klepas is now known as klepas_Zzz
newz2000no, the link klepas sent has a photoshop color palette05:20
newz2000yeah, it takes a lot of practice05:20
newz2000down at the bottom of that page that klepas sent the link to there is a link to the colors used on the ubuntu desktop. There's two for photoshop.05:21
Riyonukill try, can you give me something to work on, like something you might need, im not gonna make a tv..05:21
newz2000there's a page with a bunch of requests... might be getting old now though. Let me find the link.05:21
RiyonukPS swatch?05:21
newz2000yeah, that will work05:22
Riyonukhow do i use it?05:22
klepas_ZzzRiyonuk: www.tango-project.org (i know... should be sleeping)05:22
newz2000On your color pallete tool window, I think there's a little icon in the top left corner... there you will have the option to load a palette.05:23
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newz2000Riyonuk: http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Icon_Library#How_to_Participate05:25
Riyonukthanks, I g2g but ill be back later05:25
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fschoep_Riyonuk, you probably do not want to use Photoshop to create icons.06:12
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msikmaInkscape is pretty nice.09:08
msikmaHow's Paris, guys?09:09
newz2000I'm not a big vector person, but I like Inkscape much better than Illustrator... maybe becuase of the tutorials that come with it09:10
newz2000I'm not in paris, btw. :-(09:10
msikmaI don't think I've seen you in this chatroom before.09:18
newz2000Im matt nuzum on the mailing list... I'm not usually on IRC09:19
newz2000I wanted to be around while the paris event was going on though09:19
newz2000I'm in the US so the time zone diff allows me to miss a good portion of the activity I'll bet. They've probably moved the show down to the pub by now.09:21
msikmaI've been working on an experimental wallpaper: http://thingmajig.org/tmp/_ubuntu_wall1test.jpg09:49
msikmaStill very unpolished (especially the areas with very low stress, you can clearly see the lack of colors a monitor can produce there) but it's a start.09:50
newz2000not bad09:59
newz2000What's your inspiration?09:59
msikmaEnglish tea.10:11
newz2000I wouldn't have guessed!10:12
=== lapo [n=lapo@host40-67.pool8261.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
msikmaHey lapo10:43
lapoyo msikma10:43
msikmaI've been working on an experimental wallpaper today10:44
msikmaMaybe you'd like to fool around with it a little. It's still pretty early.10:44
msikmaFor one thing, I want to tone down the luminosity considerably.10:45
lapolooks nice10:45
lapoI'd try to reduce contrast a bit10:46
msikmaThanks! I used some 3D rendering to get the basic shapes, but most work was done in Photoshop.10:46
msikmaYeah, it's a little heavy right now, isn't it?10:46
msikmaThe colors are also so saturated.10:46
lapoI think the colors are mostly ok, btw consider I'm kinda colorblind10:47
lapolooks cool tho, I'll try to use it10:48
msikmaOh, well, it's supposed to be brown/orange-ish.10:49
lapoyeah, I'm not that colorblind :-)10:49
lapoI'm usin it10:50
lapoit needs to be darjer10:50
lapodarker even :-)10:50
msikmaWhich colors can you not see, then? Isn't it so that a lot of people with partial color-blindness have trouble telling red and green apart?10:50
msikmaYeah, it does. I think I'm just gonna rip off the color scheme of the current default Dapper wallpaper.10:50
laposome purple and some blues, bright green/yellow/red10:51
msikmaThat reminds me of... cmyk.10:51
lapoled colors are problematic for me, since I'm a sysadmin I need my collegue to check the lights on the network switches :-)10:51
lapoI don't like very much the current color scheme of ubuntu10:53
lapothe base colors are ok, not the way stuff is mixed together10:53
msikmaWhat color scheme would you prefer?10:53
msikmaWell, I do agree that the orangification sometimes takes on monstrous results.10:54
lapoyeah, we have orange everywhere10:54
lapobtw I hink we'll have to live with it10:54
msikmaI strongly support moderation of orange. That way the parts that are orange will have a better impact, too.10:54
lapothe current ubuntu looks is kinda cold10:54
lapoI think we should use a darker gray or a sand color for the gui theme base10:55
laposomething warmer10:55
newz2000We seem to play it cautious with wallpaper backgrounds (unless you install calendar, then you get the opposite)... it would be fun to see a little more bold/vibrant options.10:55
msikmaKind of what the HumanLegacy theme has?10:55
lapoyep, perhaps something a bit more saturated10:56
laposomething like the brighter brown of the tango palette10:56
msikmaThere is one thing I really don't agree with in the current human theme.10:56
msikmaWell, there are more things I disagree with, but one in particular.10:56
msikmaThe color of the title bar.10:56
newz2000oh really? I liked it.10:57
lapoyep, that one as well10:57
msikmaIt's strangely desaturated and different from the other orange tints and it's too bright.10:57
newz2000You mean the window decoration?10:57
msikmaBecause it's so bright it's difficult to read the title.10:57
lapoyes, metacity theme10:57
msikmaThe orange title bar at the top of windows.10:57
newz2000Hmm... you know, diff monitors may show that differently. My current computer has relatively low contrast so i may not being seeing the real deal10:57
msikmaThe brown one was better because it had a much better contrast while it didn't look bad on slightly higher saturation values.10:57
lapoorange is really cool on a dark gray theme10:57
msikmaI've got mine calibrated pretty well. And I've checked on a couple of computers, anyway.10:58
newz2000did you guys ever use ximian gnome desktop before it became part of Novell? They had a very interesting variety of backgrounds... the default was a very safe background like we use on Ubuntu, but then they had a mix of arts and photo backgrounds. I really liked the choice.10:59
laponewz2000: yes11:01
laponewz2000: that's because jimmac is a genius11:01
laponewz2000: btw check out gnome-backgrounds, I kinda proud of what we have now :-)11:02
msikmaI think it's awful that we can't set a few default "folders" for people to look for pictures in. We should make the background panel so that there are a few folders of different types of images. Instead, there's just a HUGE LIST.11:02
newz2000really? Didn't know about that one. I will. (in windows atm though)11:02
lapojust apt-get gnome-backgrounds11:02
msikmaAnd I didn't vote for any of the wallpapers when it was being held on the mailing list.11:02
newz2000well, I think we have as a higher priority fitting all on one disk11:02
msikmaBecause I didn't really like any of the choices.11:02
msikmaThere were a few okay ones, but I didn't see any that I actually found good.11:03
newz2000as we get more organized we'll spend more time coming up with good ideas and less time trying to figure out what we're doing. It's a progression and we're on our way I think.11:03
msikmaThere are tons of free resources available for brilliant free-license photos that we could also include in Ubuntu. I don't see why we're not making use of it and will attempt to remedy this for Edgy.11:03
msikmaI'm peeved that we're "just" an artwork team and aren't really able to make major UI changes.11:03
msikmaWell, not necessarily MAJOR.11:04
msikmaBut it would be excellent if we could toss up suggestions for UI-related things.11:04
msikmaI guess I'll just add some more bugreports to Gnome.11:04
msikmaI wish I were a C programmer.11:04
newz2000I've personally talked to canonical management and their hope is to see the team become more productive and to take on responsibility once the team is more organized, and the paris meeting will take us strides close to that.11:05
newz2000I can allready see huge improvements in the last 2 weeks11:05
newz2000msikma: be careful what you wish for... you may get it!11:05
msikmaI personally am interested in doing some managing, but I'd rather just get busy with development.11:06
msikmaHeh, hopefully.11:06
msikmaLearning C is on my list of things to learn at some point.11:06
msikmaI think it's below Python and Modtracking.11:06
newz2000Why do you want to learn C?11:06
msikmaBecause then I could actually make valuable contributions to many Linux programs, since it seems that C is the standard language for OS-related programs in Linux.11:07
msikmaTell me if I'm very wrong on that.11:07
msikmaI'm not entirely sure.11:07
newz2000Well, here's a warning,11:07
newz2000most of gnome/gtk uses glib, which is much harder to learn then C.11:07
msikmaHeh, darn.11:08
newz2000I know C but going into glib applications blew my mind for about the first 15 times.11:08
msikmaAll I know is ActionScript.11:08
newz2000actionscript is based on C so the syntax is similar.11:08
msikmaI do know very advanced ActionScript and can probably make everything that I would ever want to in that environment, but it's still not really a real programming language.11:09
newz2000The only things you'd need to really get comfortable with are pointers, structs and strong typing.11:09
msikmaYeah, ActionScript doesn't give you much rope to hang yourself with.11:09
msikmaI've heard that arrays in C can't contain multiple data types.11:09
newz2000That's what structs are for.11:09
newz2000It's kind of like a class with no methods.11:09
msikmaSo myArray = ["test", 39]  isn't correct11:09
msikmaHow does a struct look?11:10
newz2000syntax isn't fresh in my mind, so I'd strongly suggest googling for examples, lest I steer you wrong.11:10
msikmaWhat about Python? Do you know anything about that?11:10
newz2000yeah, I much prefer python11:11
newz2000I use it all the time11:11
msikmaVery cool. I hear it's rapidly becoming the favorite language of many programmers.11:11
lapopython is cool11:11
newz2000yeah, its the new perl.11:12
newz2000or should I say, Perl++11:12
msikmaIt was invented by a Dutchie :)11:12
lapoa lot less messy then perl :-)11:12
msikmaOh, by the way, this is the coolest snippet of Actionscript that I've written: http://msikma.pastebin.com/704115 - I sometimes use this to show off to other ActionScript programmers.11:12
lapoguido van rossum11:13
msikmaIt converts XML data into an object that's easily accessible.11:13
newz2000When I last used AS seriously, Flash 5 was out and had just introduced xml support, but it was very rough.11:13
msikmaIt's not really all that complicated, anyway.11:13
msikmaYeah, Flash 5 had awful XML support. It was also extremely slow.11:13
lapomsikma: are you old enough to have known mac os when it has a sane gui? :-)11:14
msikmaA slightly large site could sometimes take 10 seconds just to parse the XML.11:14
newz2000Cool. It looks like they've seriously embraced dom.11:14
newz2000I love the fact that once you learn dom you can bounce between many diff languages with ease.11:14
msikmaI think the Mac OS X 10.4 GUI is very sane. Although 10.0 through 10.3 had major flaws. 10.4 is also not without flaws, but it's still a good GUI, I would say. I've used OS9, too.11:14
msikmaI actually love OS9's UI.11:14
lapoI liked os pre 10 very much, I can't stand osx11:15
newz2000I feel very nastalgic when I see OS < X. I don't care for it though.11:15
msikmaI like the way OS9's UI was made. For one thing, I like that every single dialog box on the entire system was well-written and self-explanitory.11:15
lapothe os underneat was very crappy, but the gui was a lot better imho11:16
msikmaI really miss tabbed windows at the bottom of the screen.11:16
lapoyeah, osx is not that polished11:16
msikma10.2 to 10.3 was a gigantic update, though. 10.4 also brought forth a lot of good changes. I think 10.5 will be the release of an excellent UI.11:16
msikmaBut I still think it's too bad that some extremely useful OS9 things were dropped.11:17
msikmaI also think that the list view in OSX is inferior to that of OS911:17
newz2000are you both mac users when not in Linux?11:17
msikmaThere's one thing that I think OS9 did particularly well: visual (and audiovisual) feedback.11:17
laponope, I don't use macs since a loong time11:17
lapoI'm mostly a linux user11:18
msikmaI used Windows computers for a long time.11:18
msikmaBut Windows XP really isn't an enjoyable OS to use.11:18
msikmaI still use it because I have a laptop which runs it, but I've bought an Intel iMac recently. I'm going to try and sell my old laptop.11:18
lapoI can't stand it anymore :-)11:18
newz2000My current job requires mostly Windows use, but I start a new job in July where I'll be able to switch to Linux full time.11:19
newz2000yeah. It's been a while. I'm a little aprehensive, but I think I can handle.11:19
newz2000I've got photoshop working in Linux, so now I just need to get my electronics stuff working11:19
lapowhen you use linux for some time you can never come back to anythin else11:19
newz2000Yeah, I've switched back and forth about 5 times in the last 6 years or so.11:20
msikmaMan, on OS9... do any of you remember how versatile its audio engine was?11:20
msikmaAlmost everything could get a sound.11:20
msikmaAnd things could get three sounds for just one thing-- a starting sound, a looping sound in the middle of the action, and an ending sound.11:20
lapoyeah, like dnd, I relly liked that feature11:21
newz2000How is that useful?11:21
lapoand the sounds the defaulted to11:21
msikmaHow is it not useful?11:21
msikmaIt simply means the user can get better audiovisual feedback of what he is doing.11:22
laponewz2000: it was cool, the sounds were not invesive like in windows or kde11:22
msikmaSomething doesn't necessarily need to have an actual production value to be valuable to the user.11:22
newz2000The only thing I remember was that Mac could read the programs output, which was fun because you could pick the musical tone it used, but I didn't experience the other features.11:22
msikmaFor its time, it was definitely the best system.11:24
lapousability wise surelly, the os beneath it was crappy11:25
msikmaI never really noticed that. All I did was work on it, and it worked just fine except the occasional crash, but that was normal back then.11:25
lapobtw the bomb you get on crashes was cool :-)11:25
laponot as cool as the amiga guru meditation, but cool :-)11:26
newz2000yeah, that was cool11:26
msikmaI wish that Ubuntu used Charcoal for its top menu.11:28
msikmaPlease don't kill me for saying that. :) I just have a lot of nostalgia attached to that font. Plus, it was very readable. It was a very good font for its use.11:29
msikmaIt had zero charm on larger sizes, though.11:29
lapoyeah, a lil'fat but nice11:29
msikmaI think I'll hook up my old pre-G3 machine this weekend.11:30
msikmaGoodnight everyone.11:51
=== cyanescent [n=niel@dslb-088-072-238-245.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
cyanescenthey... anything happened in the last 2000 hours ?11:53
newz2000we figured out the whole world peace thing. You'll see it hit the news sometime tomorrow. ;-)11:54
laponewz2000: you forgot the cure for cancer11:54
newz2000Did we finally get that one nailed down? I thought we'd go on and on with it.11:55
lapoyep, there was a specs in ubuntu.art about it :-)11:55
newz2000Man, its amazing what you miss when you take a 10 min break.11:56
cyanescentheh. I'll spec it11:56
cyanescentLaunch it all the way to the moon11:57
cyanescentugh... I'm knackered. thought there was some chat going on here after that post on the ML11:58
cyanescentdrunk... too bad.. will need to hit hte sack11:58

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