=== dli [n=dli@adsl-68-252-247-87.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mmmiiikkkeee | where is the site for pastebin? | 12:00 |
Locke_ | alright | 12:00 |
=== AshDragon [n=nick@209-42-156-44.wispnet.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
mister_roboto | dooglus: no "esd" running | 12:00 |
=== Chi [n=chi@c-67-165-227-52.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Locke_ | how the F do i disable shift+backspace | 12:00 |
ompaul | mmmiiikkkeee, paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 12:00 |
v-mack | siriusnova, what is your processor speed and RAM | 12:00 |
KanRiNiN | Question: the proprietary driver for ATI is so slow in ubuntu. How do I revert to the xorg driver? | 12:00 |
=== simian__ [n=ben@host81-155-233-200.range81-155.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eventide | siriusnova: is this an animated gif with an mp3? (looking at the page source) | 12:00 |
Locke_ | it defeats the purpose of running linux if i reboot my x all the time on accident just trying to type | 12:00 |
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siriusnova | v-mack - 1.8 Ghz P4-M with 1GB Ram | 12:00 |
siriusnova | eventide - yes | 12:00 |
alnr | in hoary livecd, i only have 640x480. xorg.conf found my monitor and it shows 1280x1024 for depth16 (defaultDepth) but screenres tool doesnt offer it. why? | 12:00 |
Chi | does any one know how to setup a dlink "DWL-G650M" wifi pcmcia card? | 12:00 |
=== marc [n=marc@adsl-69-209-119-178.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | KanRiNiN, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg << choose ati | 12:00 |
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mmmiiikkkeee | some one pls help http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15949 | 12:01 |
v-mack | siriusnova, i just tried it, its horrible for me too | 12:01 |
=== Luke_ [n=Luke@bainbrdg-cuda1-69-160-221-89.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
KanRiNiN | thank you. in case it doesn't work and I have to get help again, what's that one command line irc client? | 12:01 |
v-mack | and i have p2.8 and 1GB ram | 12:01 |
v-mack | but its only that YTMND | 12:01 |
siriusnova | v-mack - what's your video card? | 12:01 |
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v-mack | sirius, i have a geforce 6600GT AGP | 12:02 |
eventide | siriusnova: my ff is set to play animations once, which explains why it stops. I think ff just sucks at playing huge animated gifs? | 12:02 |
siriusnova | v-mack - and your using nvidia drivers? | 12:02 |
v-mack | eventide, that my experience | 12:02 |
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v-mack | siriusnova - yes i am | 12:02 |
NET||abuse | frying_fish, yeh, now it does nothing. | 12:02 |
siriusnova | eventide - yeah it looks like it but interestingly i have a windows 2000 installation in vmware and in firefox it plays without missing a frame | 12:02 |
=== Quiet [n=harold@S0106006067664bde.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
frying_fish | right ok, go to its preferences. | 12:03 |
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frying_fish | check if it is using the correct audio output options. | 12:03 |
NET||abuse | lookin . | 12:03 |
ompaul | mmmiiikkkeee, I take it you want menu, system administration networking and then enable the card you are using with dhcp | 12:03 |
v-mack | siriusnova, i can play other YTMND just fine, if that is your problem, even those with complex aniomations | 12:03 |
frying_fish | as, when you press play, does the equaliser thing move, but no audio | 12:03 |
KrisWood | ok back, now how do I tell if my video driver is installed? | 12:03 |
dooglus | mister_roboto: I'm no expert either, but I think it's different for each program... | 12:03 |
KanRiNiN | ompaul: I don't want to mess up any settings, and it's asking me everything about xorg. would changing all fglrx to ati in xorg work also? | 12:03 |
NET||abuse | frying_fish, umm, equaliser? | 12:04 |
dooglus | mister_roboto: maybe there's some magic solution, but I don't know of it. | 12:04 |
siriusnova | v-mack - hmm i guess its just that firefox for linux port is really sucky at big complicated animations | 12:04 |
NET||abuse | oh the amplitude meter. | 12:04 |
v-mack | siriusnova, kde or gnome? | 12:04 |
mister_roboto | dooglus: trying the deb that you suggested now | 12:04 |
frying_fish | NET||abuse: yeah, in the main player window (you may need to un shrink it) | 12:04 |
NET||abuse | no, the meter doesn't move... and no audio | 12:04 |
gdb | Is anyone here running on a Dell Optiplex GX620? ;-) | 12:04 |
siriusnova | V-Mack - gnome | 12:04 |
sneex | yes gdb | 12:04 |
frying_fish | would suggest its not actually playing it then. | 12:04 |
ompaul | KanRiNiN, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg << choose ati as the card type leave the rest - I have not manually edited an xorg file in over 5 years but that does not look unreasonable | 12:04 |
v-mack | sirius, try installing epiphany | 12:04 |
v-mack | apt-get install epiphany-browser | 12:04 |
=== nessus [n=maxwell@d81-211-151-35.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
v-mack | and look it there, i am doing that now | 12:05 |
swim | v-mack: cant quite figure out where quick format option is | 12:05 |
mmmiiikkkeee | ompaul, i take it u did not read what i wrote x fails to load... i cant click on a menu or any thing else i have the terminal only | 12:05 |
ompaul | !etner | 12:05 |
ubotu | ompaul: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 12:05 |
gdb | sneex: Do you have the Dell Business Internal Speaker in your system? | 12:05 |
siriusnova | v-mack - same problem, ive tried in epiphany and konqueror | 12:06 |
siriusnova | and even flock | 12:06 |
ompaul | mmmiiikkkeee, all I took that to mean X as a random module ... cos you only mention your network card - sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and choose the right card type for your box | 12:06 |
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KrisWood | how do I make sure my video drivers are installed? | 12:06 |
NET||abuse | actually, frying_fish there's no mp3 plugin in the audio media plugins | 12:06 |
=== Ackeubu_ [n=acke@d64-180-169-169.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sneex | gdb, I have 68 of the 620s but they all have the standard system speaker =( nothng fancy | 12:06 |
sryan | Ubuntu doesn't load the right drivers for my Broadcom based WLAN adapter. :( | 12:06 |
gdb | sneex: I have one in my system and Windows played sound through it fine. However, Ubuntu plays sounds out the sound ports in the back and I'd prefer not to get an external speaker for it. I'd like to get the sound going through the internal one but I suspect it's software driven. | 12:06 |
sryan | Inspiron 1100 | 12:06 |
=== chespirito [n=chespiri@200-161-136-227.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mister_roboto | dooglus: hmmm... same problem. need to figure this out. nothing else has the sound card locked, unless it's kde itself :\ | 12:06 |
frying_fish | really, thats odd, I did compile it with mp3 support, since its playing it for me right now. | 12:06 |
NET||abuse | got wma, mp3g4 cd audio ogg vorbis.. no mp3 though | 12:06 |
gdb | sneex: It's the $14 internal speaker option on the system. I have the same kind of machine at home and work. Sound works just fine trough the ports in the back. | 12:07 |
frying_fish | I would guess at it just being the mpeg audio | 12:07 |
gdb | sneex: hehe | 12:07 |
Knight488 | does ubuntu come with a terminal program to connect to the internet (wifi)? | 12:07 |
frying_fish | which looks most likely on mine. | 12:07 |
frying_fish | Knight488: iwtools? | 12:07 |
mmmiiikkkeee | ok srry thanks for helping i am jsut frusterating with this.... dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg was the last thign i did i forgot to mention it in what i wrote but it didnto help | 12:07 |
sneex | gdb, I didnt have any say in what was purchased LOL =) | 12:07 |
gdb | sneex: hehe | 12:07 |
=== pennypacker [n=bart@535020D1.cable.casema.nl] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
sneex | are you using Brezzy or Dapper? | 12:07 |
ompaul | KrisWood, define video driver as in sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg or wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats ? | 12:08 |
gdb | sneex: Dapper on both. | 12:08 |
sneex | k | 12:08 |
v-mack | siriusnova: you might just have to suffer without ytmnd, like i said, that seems to be the only one that chokes me | 12:08 |
=== farous [n=farous@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Quiet | when i had Redhat 9 it came with a Chess Game........Anything like that for Ubuntu ? | 12:08 |
gdb | After a many hours long nightmare of trying to mirror the 2 internal disks I ended up just sticking a 3rd disk in there and setting up a /home mirror. | 12:08 |
=== ChuckWard [n=ChuckWar@S01060014bfc6debe.mh.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KrisWood | ompaul: as in I'm a complete noob to configuring X, and have no clue what you mean | 12:08 |
siriusnova | v-mack - im talking to someone in #ati and he just told me that on an nvidia card it runs fine | 12:08 |
mmmiiikkkeee | why would the modules v41 ati kbd mouse wacom be missing ...http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15949 | 12:08 |
siriusnova | v-mack - and that its probably a buggy radeon driver | 12:09 |
gdb | (Which is all I care about, since the OS can be reinstalled and set up in about 20 minutes). | 12:09 |
KrisWood | i mean video drivers as in, in windows I just double click an installer and suddenly my video card works properly | 12:09 |
=== phanter [n=patrick@cp305606-a.landg1.lb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sneex | gdb, have you tried playing with the sound controls? (as root?) | 12:09 |
v-mack | siriusnova, now im wondering if i have something amiss | 12:09 |
farous | KrisWood: which video card you have | 12:09 |
=== pinky [n=pinky@adsl-70-143-76-204.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
v-mack | like http://talbfij.ytmnd.com/ doesn't kill me at all | 12:09 |
=== Pilgrim [n=whatever@host-81-191-40-89.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gdb | sneex: Yes, I have, nothing stands out to me as enabling that speaker, and nothing that I've selected seems to, either. | 12:10 |
KrisWood | ATI Radeon 9800 | 12:10 |
pinky | So I have a bunch of decrypted VOBs from video DVDs on my hard drive that I'd like to transcode to OGG/XviD OGM files... is there a consensus about what the most powerful/efficient tool to do this is? | 12:10 |
phanter | ! hello there. I am the only user on this laptop and I just deleted myself from all the groups. What groups am I standard a member of after a fresh ubuntu install ??? | 12:10 |
Pilgrim | java? | 12:10 |
ubotu | phanter: I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about | 12:10 |
ompaul | Quiet, when you got into system admin synaptic - why not search for chess | 12:10 |
frying_fish | pinky: acidrip / avidemux? | 12:10 |
Pilgrim | is there a java installer ? | 12:10 |
NET||abuse | arrgghhhhh, okok.. i'm really annoyed... stupid wifi won't connect... | 12:10 |
gdb | sneex: Ah, as root, no. I've been using the sound control panel as a normal user. I'll try messing with it as root and seeing if more options are displayed. | 12:10 |
sneex | gdb, not even noatrun? | 12:10 |
NET||abuse | wep or wpa-aes | 12:10 |
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Quiet | thanks Ompal | 12:10 |
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ompaul | KrisWood, define video driver as in sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg << run that from the command line or in a terminal and watch it rock | 12:10 |
pinky | frying_fish: I used acidrip to rip/decrypt the VOBs from the video DVD to my HDD | 12:10 |
=== Quiet [n=harold@S0106006067664bde.no.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
siriusnova | v-mack - it looks to be a buggy radeon driver | 12:10 |
farous | KrisWood: sudo apt-get install xserver-driver-fglrx fglrx-control linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) | 12:10 |
=== KanRiNiN_ [n=frenchja@c-68-40-176-34.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sneex | if dapper is like brezzy it will become "active" as root | 12:10 |
frying_fish | pinky: it can encode to whatever aswell | 12:11 |
frying_fish | it has a frontend to mencoder | 12:11 |
pinky | I'm looking for a good tool to transcode the VOBs to OGMs (with XviD video) that has the most options, etc. | 12:11 |
KrisWood | ompaul: last time I did that my wacom tablet stopped working | 12:11 |
Pilgrim | Do this channel have a bot that can ansver simple questions like if i do "java?" | 12:11 |
swim | v-mack: cant quite figure out where quick format option is | 12:11 |
=== Wass| [n=Wass@bas7-montreal28-1177913853.dsl.bell.ca] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
sneex | Can any one give an idea as to why Firefox is going to everytime I start it? | 12:11 |
gdb | !java | 12:11 |
ubotu | To install Java/Sun Java see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and see also !javadebs | 12:11 |
v-mack | swim: i am sorry, let me find that | 12:11 |
eventide | siriusnova: I just opened the .gif in the gimp, and it plays smoothly at 12% cpu | 12:11 |
jrib | Pilgrim: yes, but it is best if you /query him directly: for example: /query ubotu java | 12:11 |
ompaul | KrisWood, you say do not have anything there atm, so I suggest you choose "vesa" if something more obcvious does not occur | 12:12 |
Pilgrim | great | 12:12 |
frying_fish | pinky: mencoder has the most options from what I rememeber | 12:12 |
farous | KrisWood: then just change the driver in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf from ati to fglrx. reboot and everything will be ok | 12:12 |
pinky | frying_fish: What would avidemux be used for that acidrip cannot do? | 12:12 |
KrisWood | farous: E: Couldn't find package xserver-driver-fglrx | 12:12 |
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frying_fish | you just need to know the commands, hence acidrip is useful. | 12:12 |
gdb | sneex: Not set as your homepage? ;-) | 12:12 |
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eventide | siriusnova: suggesting it is firefox and not the radeon driver (in my configuration anyway) | 12:12 |
frying_fish | avidemux I tend to use for stitching avi files together and such. | 12:12 |
KrisWood | ompaul: I still have no idea what you're talking about | 12:12 |
frying_fish | or fixing sync issues. | 12:12 |
sneex | my homepage is local -- not over the net | 12:12 |
farous | KrisWood: sorry xorg-driver-fglrx | 12:12 |
siriusnova | eventide - weird, dunno :( | 12:12 |
farous | KrisWood: let me check it | 12:12 |
phanter | I am the only user on this laptop and I just deleted myself from all the groups. What groups am I standard a member of after a fresh ubuntu install ??? | 12:12 |
siriusnova | eventide - have you tried google earth using the radeon driver? | 12:12 |
mmmiiikkkeee | how do i get internet to work from connad line if ifup eth0 is not working | 12:12 |
KrisWood | farous: ok | 12:13 |
sneex | now it just made three calls to | 12:13 |
sneex | \= | 12:13 |
pinky | frying_fish: Okay well what about the utility called "transcode"... is that an alternative to mencoder? | 12:13 |
sneex | freakking weird -- I think the US government is watching me !!! =) | 12:13 |
=== biaf [n=jeff@host81-7-47-210.adsl.v21.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
farshim_ | How can I run a command automagically when I log in? | 12:13 |
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eventide | siriusnova: no | 12:13 |
frying_fish | pinky: I think its tools for mencoder. | 12:13 |
phanter | farshim_: add it in the session manager (if you use gnome) | 12:13 |
siriusnova | eventide - would you install it real quick and let me know if you get artifacts like this with acceleration http://web.umr.edu/~taknnc/Screenshot.png | 12:14 |
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farous | KrisWood: it is xorg-driver-fglrx | 12:14 |
=== Adam_eM [n=adam@dpr46.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | KrisWood, I am suggesting you run a program in a terminal and you can run it many times until you get something that works - the trick is to go for the obvious - and also run it in a terminal | 12:14 |
KrisWood | farous: ok what do I do with that? | 12:14 |
=== wbnormalPT [n=user@host-84-220-189-80.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pinky | frying_fish: And dvd::rip? Is that another frontend to mencoder like acidrip is? | 12:14 |
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phanter | is there somebody who wants to tell me the groups every first user is a member from in a fresh ubuntu install/ | 12:14 |
miranda82 | hello | 12:14 |
v-mack | hey, swim needs to format his ipod, how does that happen, i've been trying to help but im just about out of ideas | 12:14 |
farous | KrisWood: after that sudo aticonfig --initial && sudo aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv | 12:14 |
frying_fish | quite probably. | 12:14 |
=== amac [n=amac@pool-71-103-5-51.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
miranda82 | does anyone here, know how to minimize games? | 12:14 |
forque | freaking trillian it is not designed for irc | 12:14 |
Adam_eM | why i cant play videoCDs in kaffeine ? Here's the output: kaffeine: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/xine/plugins/1.1.1/xineplug_inp_vcd.so: undefined symbol: vcdinfo_get_seg_resolution | 12:14 |
farous | KrisWood: you should use synaptic if you do not like the command line | 12:14 |
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KrisWood | ompaul: I'm just afraid to try it because the last time I ran it stuff stopped working | 12:15 |
biaf | whats command to apt-get xmms music player anyone? | 12:15 |
ompaul | KrisWood, it is not working now - so what do you loose? | 12:15 |
farshim_ | phanter: thank you | 12:15 |
jrib | biaf: sudo apt-get install xmms | 12:15 |
frying_fish | biaf: apt-get install xmms? | 12:15 |
KrisWood | farous: I'm just uncertain what command to put in the the commandline | 12:15 |
=== ludique [n=ludique@m103.net81-64-140.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
made | BlueEagle: I'm going to restart now and check out the changes | 12:15 |
KrisWood | ompaul: I guess you have a point | 12:15 |
frying_fish | biaf, or, if you are comfortable with building from source, you could try audacious | 12:15 |
=== claydoh [n=clay@bb-66-63-100-239.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
farous | KrisWood: KrisWood one step at a time did you install the packages | 12:15 |
frying_fish | NET||abuse: any luck getting it to play? | 12:15 |
ompaul | KrisWood, >>> sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg << run that choose ati or nv depending on nvidia or ati or maybe choose vesa if neither of them work | 12:16 |
KrisWood | farous: I don't know | 12:16 |
UKMatt | is there a way to custimize, or put a theme on the menu bar? | 12:16 |
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Adam_eM | help me :) | 12:16 |
NET||abuse | frying_fish, nah,, my girl friend decided to start sifting through the itunes radio channels cause she was getting bored :) | 12:16 |
NET||abuse | frying_fish, i'm onto getting my wifi working | 12:16 |
=== slewis [n=slewis@62-31-82-247.cable.ubr05.stav.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
frying_fish | ok. | 12:16 |
farous | KrisWood: ok again what is your problem with your current opensource drivers. | 12:16 |
biaf | jrib/fish : E: Package xmms has no installation candidate | 12:17 |
NET||abuse | frying_fish, any experience with wpa-aes connections? | 12:17 |
KrisWood | ompaul: what do I do with the bus identifier? | 12:17 |
=== MathiasM-WE [n=mathias@p83.129.177.219.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
miranda82 | does anyone here, know how to minimize games? | 12:17 |
frying_fish | NET||abuse: unfortunately not | 12:17 |
jrib | biaf: it should be in dapper main, can you post your /etc/apt/sources.list on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and give us a link please? | 12:17 |
phanter | please... anybody??? can you check your /etc/group file and tell me what groups you are a member of ??? | 12:17 |
frying_fish | but, network manager should handle them. | 12:17 |
NET||abuse | frying_fish, not to worry | 12:17 |
Hash | have a nice weekend-end | 12:17 |
NET||abuse | holey moley... Xgl rocks.. | 12:17 |
Hash | yez | 12:17 |
NET||abuse | window bells are visually so strong! | 12:17 |
farous | ompaul: on ubuntu the video drivers are just bad with ati i do nto know why. i experienced that on two pcs. installed debian on one of them at the end | 12:17 |
KrisWood | farous: I want to be able to change my screen resolution to something higher than 1024, so I followed the instructions on the wiki, and then my vid driver stopped loading altogether, and my tablet stopped working | 12:17 |
frying_fish | biaf: make sure all repositories are enabled | 12:18 |
ompaul | KrisWood, I told you to choose the card - by implication leave the rest alone | 12:18 |
=== Bassetts [n=Bassetts@cpc1-mapp1-0-0-cust592.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | farous, you put a bug in launchpad? | 12:18 |
farous | KrisWood: did you back up your xorg.conf file | 12:18 |
KrisWood | ompaul: ok that's what I did last time but it gives me errors booting up now | 12:18 |
visik7 | anyone using xen ? | 12:18 |
Bassetts | how can i transfer the contents of a folder using scp | 12:18 |
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=== mnishizawa [n=mnishiza@pool-71-115-130-152.gdrpmi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
farous | ompaul: i do nto know the source of the problem so my bug report will be useless | 12:18 |
KrisWood | farous: I think so, I just copied and pasted commands from the wiki without knowing what any of them were doing, I assume one of the steps was backing up | 12:19 |
MathiasM-WE | Hi! Anybody here who wnats to discuss trouble with aic7xxx driver (for an Adaptec AHA2940U)? | 12:19 |
miranda82 | does anyone here, know how to minimize 3d games? | 12:19 |
eventide | siriusnova: there are so many artifacts that it's unusable... similar to but not quite like yours | 12:19 |
mnishizawa | just updated breezy to dapper with apt, now wireless network will not work... I get signal from the router but no ip address | 12:19 |
=== jughead [n=jughead@c-69-180-252-120.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pilgrim | !javadebs | 12:19 |
ubotu | In Breezy: j2re1.4 is in multiverse. In Dapper: sun-java5-jre is in multiverse | 12:19 |
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farous | KrisWood: ok restore yoru backup. and next time try to understand what you copy and paste before doing it | 12:19 |
swim | darn | 12:19 |
siriusnova | eventide - yeah - looks like the X.org radeon driver sucks for 3d acceleration :( | 12:19 |
ompaul | farous, I have this hardware "sudo lshw > foo" and I get this effect - brief description and away you go | 12:19 |
eventide | siriusnova: oh wait, it appears to have cleaned itself up now | 12:19 |
=== gnomefre1k [n=gnomefre@adsl-221-126-163.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KrisWood | where do I find my backup? | 12:19 |
Pilgrim | !multiverse | 12:19 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource. | 12:19 |
biaf | jrib : Submission done. | 12:20 |
KrisWood | :( | 12:20 |
farous | KrisWood: then as ompaul suggested dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg will just do it | 12:20 |
phanter | I know I am annoying, but I have an easy question and I am under a lot of time pressure. Can anybody check his/her /etc/group file and tell me what groups you are a member of ??? | 12:20 |
jrib | biaf: link? | 12:20 |
dooglus | mister_roboto: you have artsd running? that might be hogging the soundcard | 12:20 |
Bassetts | how can i move the contents of ~/log/IBO/pisg-0.68 to ~/log/IBO | 12:20 |
biaf | jrib : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15950 | 12:20 |
gnomefre1k | shoot | 12:20 |
KrisWood | isn't there an installer like on windows? :( this seems like a lot of effort for something so simple :( | 12:20 |
dooglus | Bassetts: it's easier to just rename the directory: | 12:20 |
jrib | ubotu: tell biaf about repos | 12:20 |
Bassetts | dooglus, i have ~/logs/IBO | 12:20 |
dooglus | Bassetts: cd ~/log; mv IBO IBO.old; mv IBO.old/pisg-0.68 IBO | 12:20 |
farous | ompaul: fourtanetly i am happy with debian here. so on my other pc when i have bugs with savage i will report them. but thanx for the tip | 12:21 |
ompaul | KrisWood, you went playing with it after it was working -- you tell me why it is not working ;-) | 12:21 |
gnomefre1k | wtf | 12:21 |
Bassetts | and in there there is pisg-0.68 | 12:21 |
gnomefre1k | grrrrrrr | 12:21 |
=== duality [n=duality@adsl-ull-72-166.46-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bassetts | and i want to empy pisg-0.68 into IBO | 12:21 |
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scud | what are the flags to compile a kernel without compiling the modules (M) selected in the menuconfig? | 12:21 |
jrib | biaf: replaces your current sources.list with the official breezy ony. Are you comfortable doing that? | 12:21 |
KrisWood | ompaul: it wasn't working, I couldn't change the resolution to anything higher than 1024x768 | 12:21 |
farous | KrisWood: lol where is your backup. try searching in /etc/X11/ for a xorg.conf-orginal or xorg.conf-backup | 12:21 |
Bassetts | dooglus, not like that | 12:21 |
dooglus | Bassetts: mv ~/log/IBO/pisg-0.68/{*,.*} ~/log/IBO | 12:21 |
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@adsl-221-126-163.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mnishizawa | just updated breezy to dapper with apt, now wireless network will not work... I get signal from the router but no ip address | 12:22 |
Bassetts | ok dooglus | 12:22 |
biaf | jrib : i will give it a good try | 12:22 |
crimsun | scud: just ``make bzImage'' | 12:22 |
ompaul | KrisWood, do did you do the next thing ubotu says | 12:22 |
scud | ah ok | 12:22 |
ompaul | !resolution | 12:22 |
scud | cool | 12:22 |
ubotu | resolution is probably at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 12:22 |
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KrisWood | farous: yes there is a xorg.conf-backup | 12:22 |
gnomefreak | ok i think thats fixed :( | 12:22 |
ThePub | what package do I install to make linux able to broil a good hamburger? | 12:22 |
farous | KrisWood: changing the resolution was easy stuff it does not need a lot of editing in your xorg.conf | 12:22 |
jughead | ok I just upgraded through autoupdate, now my radeon card won't play games | 12:22 |
jrib | biaf: ok, just open the link to the official sources, then open your current sources witht he command: gksudo "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" | 12:22 |
gnomefreak | ThePub: sudo apt-get install grill | 12:23 |
farous | KrisWood: ok while you are in /etc/X11/ type sudo cp xorg.conf-backup xorg.conf | 12:23 |
KrisWood | ompaul: yes that's the wiki article I followed | 12:23 |
Bassetts | dooglus: that doesnt work | 12:23 |
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farous | KrisWood: that will take you back to your original config | 12:23 |
jrib | biaf: then just delete everything that you see in your text editor and replace it with the one that you were linked to | 12:23 |
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gnomefreak | Bassetts: your on screen atm right? | 12:23 |
mnishizawa | KrisWood: sorry to step in on this when I didn't hear the entire issue, what were you trying to accomplis by editing the xorg.conf? | 12:23 |
biaf | k | 12:23 |
Bassetts | yes | 12:23 |
gnomefreak | Bassetts: can you use backspace? | 12:23 |
Bassetts | yes gnomefreak | 12:23 |
farous | KrisWood: now are we talking about a notebook or a crt. for the wiki might be for one and you configured the other :) | 12:23 |
gnomefreak | hmmmmm | 12:23 |
KrisWood | mnishizawa: I was trying to be able to change my screen resolution to 1280x1024 | 12:24 |
phanter | thanks but NO thanks :( | 12:24 |
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gnomefreak | maybe its this damn terminal | 12:24 |
KrisWood | farous: crt | 12:24 |
Adam_eM | could anyone help me with the videocd playing ? | 12:24 |
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mnishizawa | KrisWood: did the display change tool under the System menu not give you that resolution as a selection? | 12:24 |
Bassetts | gnomefreak: the folders are ~/logs/IBO/pisg-0.68 and a want every file and folder in pisg-0.68 to move up into IBO | 12:24 |
KrisWood | mnishizawa: it did not, the max was 1024x768 | 12:24 |
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KrisWood | ok gotta retsart X I think | 12:24 |
farous | KrisWood: and your card and screen can support your resol at your specified refresh rate | 12:24 |
KrisWood | brb | 12:24 |
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scud | crimsun: it just says 'make: Nothing to be done for `bzImage' | 12:25 |
KrisWood | farous: I have no clue what I specified, I don't understand the xorg.conf at all | 12:25 |
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KrisWood | isn't there something like the catalyst control center for ubuntu? | 12:25 |
IYY | hey, how would I use the ftp command inside a shell script? like "send file fu to location ftp.foo.bar" | 12:25 |
KrisWood | or for linux in general? | 12:25 |
crimsun | scud: did you copy over the config and run ``make oldconfig''? | 12:25 |
dooglus | Bassetts: what does "doesn't work" mean exactly? can you tell me how it didn't work? | 12:25 |
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Bassetts | mv: cannot overwrite directory `/home/bassetts/logs/IBO/.' | 12:26 |
Bassetts | mv: cannot overwrite directory `/home/bassetts/logs/IBO/..' | 12:26 |
farous | KrisWood: when you specify a resolution you can do it like this 1280x768@60 | 12:26 |
rjcube | I have mounted a virtual drive using the mount -o loop command and I cant figureout how to unmount it, when I click unmount it says it cant because it has been mounted multiple times | 12:26 |
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scud | i dont think so :( | 12:26 |
KrisWood | farous: where do I do that? | 12:26 |
scud | i did make menuconfig and saved it | 12:26 |
gnomefreak | Bassetts: sudo mv ? | 12:26 |
dooglus | Bassetts: it worked. check the files | 12:26 |
jdrake | What would the effect of adding ld.so.conf (containing a single /opt entry) to a dapper system? | 12:26 |
Bassetts | gnomefreak: it wont delete anything in IBO thats already there will it | 12:26 |
=== P0ldy [n=P0ldy@cpe-065-190-047-105.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mnishizawa | KrisWood: different distributions are different. can you post the Section "Screen" | 12:26 |
mnishizawa | entry from your xorg.conf | 12:26 |
Bassetts | dooglus: so it did | 12:26 |
Bassetts | wierd | 12:26 |
KrisWood | the wiki sends me to a gui tool that goes step by step for all my hardware, not just video stuff | 12:27 |
farous | KrisWood: why you do not try the sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. take all the defaults then in the resolution section just pick up your resolution. it can not be simpler than that | 12:27 |
dooglus | Bassetts: it's telling you it couldn't move the directories '.' and '..', but that's to be expected. | 12:27 |
Bassetts | thanks | 12:27 |
Bassetts | =) | 12:27 |
ompaul | KrisWood, I have given a tool you refuse to use it | 12:27 |
mnishizawa | KrisWood: also, the tools provided are gnome tools, it's not a function of linux | 12:27 |
KrisWood | ompaul: I used that tool and it broke thinggs :( | 12:27 |
dooglus | I don't know of an easy way in bash to match all files and directories except for . and .. | 12:27 |
=== cassidy [n=cassidy@f1-pc174.ulb.ac.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KrisWood | brb restarting X with the backed up xorg.conf | 12:27 |
reiki | can GnomeBaker take a .wmv and burn it directly into a DVD video ? | 12:28 |
farous | KrisWood: when you are asked for shared mem. do not specify it leave it empty | 12:28 |
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scud | crimsun: i did a make menuconfig and saved it | 12:28 |
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mnishizawa | on to my question... networking wizards please listen up | 12:28 |
mnishizawa | just updated breezy to dapper with apt, now wireless network will not work... I get signal from the router but no ip address | 12:28 |
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mnishizawa | anyone else have that issue/ | 12:29 |
UKMatt | has anyone else had a problem with GAIM not allowing AIM to set a profile, or know how to fix that? | 12:29 |
=== farous remember when he was also afraid yet when you can restore any mess you make you get courage to break your sys :) | ||
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ompaul | mnishizawa, have you gone to system administration networking and poked around there? | 12:29 |
siriusnova | can anyone here reccomend a newer model linux laptop whose graphic card doesnt suck and works well with linux? | 12:29 |
mattsta | im still having JAVA/LIMEWIRE problems, i just upgraded JAVA but limewire still doesnt work | 12:29 |
Bassetts | right my next thing, now can i get pisg to run every 10 mins, then can i get the index.html file made to be ftp'd to my server?? | 12:30 |
KrisWood | ok X is back up, this time without errors, I'm still not able to change my screen resolution via gnome's System > Preferences > Screen Resolution | 12:30 |
mnishizawa | ompaul: yeah, I've been doing a ton of reconfiguring I'm working on a machine right now with full connection | 12:30 |
jemt | Is it possible to fetch dependencies automatically when compiling software? I'm trying to compile Gimp 2.2.9 which whines about "missing XML::parser perl module" | 12:30 |
dooglus | Bassetts: look into using "crontab" | 12:30 |
wastrel | dooglus: ls -ld .[^.] * | 12:30 |
Bassetts | i know how to set a crontab for pisg | 12:30 |
mnishizawa | ompual: it's this one machine that I just did the apt upgrade to dapper that's giving me issues | 12:30 |
dooglus | wastrel: that doesn't match ..foo | 12:30 |
Bassetts | but not sure how to ftp dooglus | 12:30 |
wastrel | dooglus: well foo :p | 12:30 |
ompaul | mnishizawa, not upgrade but dist-upgrade | 12:30 |
mnishizawa | ompaul: right | 12:31 |
dooglus | Bassetts: wget can download over FPT | 12:31 |
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ompaul | mnishizawa, huge difference | 12:31 |
=== Stroganoff [n=strogano@p54B98D6B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bassetts | dooglus, i need to send from my shell to my ftp | 12:31 |
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KrisWood | now that my xorg.conf is installed, how do I set this up properly? | 12:31 |
rjcube | can anyone tell me how to unmount a virtual drive after mounting it with mount -o loop? when I click unmount It says it cannot be unmounted because it may of been mounted multiple times | 12:31 |
mnishizawa | ompaul: yes, I thought that would be obvious that I was doing that if I was trying to upgrade the version | 12:31 |
Bassetts | dooglus: could i just crontab ftp | 12:31 |
ompaul | !resolution | 12:31 |
ubotu | well, resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 12:31 |
dooglus | Bassetts: can you install sshd on your FTP server? | 12:32 |
mnishizawa | ompaul: sorry, I will be more specific | 12:32 |
Bassetts | dooglus: no | 12:32 |
ompaul | KrisWood, ^^ please check the message from the ubotu a couple of lines above, thanks | 12:32 |
dooglus | Bassetts: you have to use FTP? | 12:32 |
KrisWood | ompaul: I think we've already ascertained that I do not have enough foundations of the basics to understand that article | 12:32 |
mnishizawa | ompaul: everything else works except the wireless connection | 12:32 |
=== jeff_ [n=jeff@cpe-24-165-180-108.midsouth.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bassetts | dooglus: its actually my friends hosting account | 12:32 |
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KrisWood | i've got that article bookmarked, no need to keep linking it to me, but I understand it no more now than I did yesterday when I read it | 12:33 |
farous | KrisWood: can you post your xorg.conf file on the pastebin. and tell me what resolution you want | 12:33 |
=== abo [n=abou@88-110-147-23.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KrisWood | farous: sure | 12:33 |
Bassetts | dooglus: with ftp can you do something like ftp user:pass@host.com file | 12:33 |
Sir | Hello all, I am trying to make a script executable, and I just forget the command... chmod a+x script.sh ? then ./script.sh ?? | 12:33 |
ompaul | farous, good thinking | 12:33 |
mattsta | im still having JAVA/LIMEWIRE problems, i just upgraded JAVA but limewire still doesnt work | 12:33 |
Sir | is that correct? | 12:33 |
farous | :) | 12:33 |
dooglus | Bassetts: I saw a client recently which did let you do that. let me find it for you. | 12:33 |
dooglus | Sir: just "chmod +x script" is enough | 12:33 |
mnishizawa | mattsta: are you sure the java you are using is the one you just installed? | 12:34 |
mnishizawa | mattsta: java -version | 12:34 |
ThePub | dooglus: yeah, firefox :p | 12:34 |
Sir | dooglus, that is what I tried and it won't launch up... ./script.sh should do it, right? | 12:34 |
KrisWood | http://pastebin.com/717328 | 12:34 |
dooglus | ThePub: talking to me? | 12:34 |
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ompaul | mattsta, read the messages from ubotu | 12:34 |
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dooglus | Sir: indeed | 12:35 |
Bassetts | dooglus: i may have it | 12:35 |
rayston | heya, im back, well, I fixed the missing xorg.conf problem | 12:35 |
alnr | i am in similar boat as kriswood. livecd only boots to 640x480 with no choices in screenres tool. i've tried booting live-expert and removing the lower res and just leaving 1280x1024 but it always boots into 640 | 12:35 |
mnishizawa | KrisWood: I see your problem | 12:35 |
farous | KrisWood: ok what resolution you want to add | 12:35 |
=== Adanadar [n=Magic@cpc2-woki4-0-0-cust571.glfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bassetts | dooglus: can i not make a .sh saying: | 12:35 |
Bassetts | OPEN your.ftp.server.com | 12:35 |
Bassetts | username | 12:35 |
Bassetts | password | 12:35 |
Bassetts | CD /yourdir | 12:35 |
Bassetts | PUT "C:\Program Files\WinBot\Logs\pisg-0.37\index.html" | 12:35 |
rayston | now...now im missing .xsession , anyone have any ideas? | 12:35 |
KrisWood | 1280x1024 | 12:35 |
Bassetts | QUIT | 12:35 |
farous | ok | 12:35 |
Bassetts | sorry, should of pastebinned it | 12:35 |
mnishizawa | KrisWood: In the screen section, you need to add an entry in front of the "1024x768" for the desired resolution | 12:35 |
Sir | dooglus, thanks... I was just having a brainfart. \ | 12:35 |
Sir | :-/ | 12:35 |
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Sir | Adieu | 12:35 |
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nomin | how do I get a joystick to emulate a keyboard and mouse? | 12:36 |
farous | KrisWood: read mnishizawa post | 12:36 |
KrisWood | also, when I was in windows I updated my drivers frequently to get the best performance in games, is that even possible in ubuntu? | 12:36 |
Adanadar | Hi, anyone know why everytime I install Ubuntu, GRUB errors on startup with "GRUB loading, please wait..... Error 18"? | 12:36 |
ompaul | !joystick | 12:36 |
ubotu | have a look at all these packages "joystick" - Testing and calibration tools "jscalibrator" - GTK Joystick Calibrator "jslaunch" - Joystick button shell command execution/shutdown tool | 12:36 |
KrisWood | thanks mnishizawa, one moment while I try that | 12:36 |
=== megasquid [n=aigboboh@cpe-68-173-208-239.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mnishizawa | KrisWood: should read | 12:36 |
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mnishizawa | Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" | 12:37 |
=== zipper [n=zipper@port19.ds1-hj.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zipper | !xkb | 12:37 |
ubotu | Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, zipper | 12:37 |
KrisWood | ok thanks. Is 24bit the highest? | 12:37 |
farous | KrisWood: add it in the subsection "display" ; Depth 24 section | 12:37 |
KrisWood | what about 32? | 12:37 |
mnishizawa | KrisWood: also you need to make sure your monitor supports that color dept | 12:37 |
megasquid | is there a program that will let me discover the wireless networks in the area? | 12:37 |
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KrisWood | it supported it in windows, why wouldn't it in linux? | 12:37 |
wastrel | different driver | 12:37 |
reiki | sorry for repeat... I don't have a DVD burner so I can test... Can GnomeBaker take a .wmv file and burn it directly into a DVD video format viewable on a set top DVD player | 12:37 |
nomin | I think joystick calibrator only tells me I have a joystick connected, but I don't think it lets me emulate a keyboard and mouse. | 12:38 |
mnishizawa | KrisWood: yes, different driver but the generic driver should be good enough to handle it if it was supported in windows | 12:38 |
farous | KrisWood: he is just making sure. mnishizawa if it is not supported it will not be loaded by the way automatically | 12:38 |
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KrisWood | so can I just copy the 24 section, paste it, and change the 24 to a 32? | 12:38 |
mnishizawa | farous: that's right, forgot aboutthat | 12:39 |
farous | KrisWood: for gaming though i recommend installing the fglrx driver | 12:39 |
nomin | !emulate | 12:39 |
ubotu | nomin: My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 12:39 |
megasquid | is there a program that will let me discover the wireless networks in the area? | 12:39 |
KrisWood | farous: ok now how do I do that? :-/ | 12:39 |
farous | KrisWood: 32 ? | 12:39 |
KrisWood | yeah, 32 bit color depth | 12:39 |
mnishizawa | farous: they didn't they change the package for that... something like xorg-driver-ati or something? | 12:39 |
farous | KrisWood: does it support that your card | 12:39 |
ompaul | megasquid, that is considered a hacking question, those are not answered on freenode | 12:39 |
KrisWood | I had 32 bit in windows | 12:39 |
nomin | !Mittens | 12:39 |
ubotu | nomin: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 12:39 |
=== Fracture [n=Fracture@dsl-202-173-191-84.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dooglus | Bassetts: you could do that. but it's simpler to install 'lftp' and do: lftp -e 'put <file>; quit' -u <user>,<pass> <host> | 12:40 |
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farous | mnishizawa: KrisWood xorg-driver-fglrx | 12:40 |
megasquid | ompaul: why is that a hacking question? | 12:40 |
void^ | KrisWood: 24 and 32 are identical | 12:40 |
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Bassetts | dooglus: that would mean waiting for my server admin to install lftp | 12:40 |
eneried | hello people | 12:40 |
megasquid | ompaul: if im at a coffee shop i want to be able to use the free wireless | 12:40 |
eneried | copuld you help me? my system cannot recover from hibernate status :( | 12:40 |
KrisWood | ok but I could swear I've seen games require 32 bit color | 12:40 |
ompaul | so that is just how do you do wireless | 12:41 |
mnishizawa | farous: KrisWood don't forget the mods in the xorg.conf ... change ati to fglrx and sometimes you need to add the chipset id | 12:41 |
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ompaul | !wireless | 12:41 |
ubotu | hmm... wireless is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards if it does not work out of the box https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper windows drivers | 12:41 |
KrisWood | farous, mnishizawa, I have no clue what you guys are talking about now | 12:41 |
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mnishizawa | KrisWood: I've played windows games in linux as well as some linux native games like Americas Army... there is no issue with color loss | 12:41 |
KrisWood | ok | 12:41 |
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megasquid | ompaul: i have wireless set up, i just need to be able to see the networks and choose one to connect to | 12:41 |
mnishizawa | KrisWood: let's just fix this part and we can talk about the other later | 12:41 |
KrisWood | do I need to restart X to see the changes? | 12:42 |
farous | KrisWood: install the following package. sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx | 12:42 |
dooglus | b | 12:42 |
mnishizawa | KrisWood: yes | 12:42 |
KrisWood | ok | 12:42 |
dooglus | Bassetts: lftp is a client. you install it on your local box, not the FTP server. | 12:42 |
mattsta | i do have Java 1.4 and i am also trying frostshare but still nothin | 12:42 |
=== nverhaar [n=nverhaar@mail.senews.com.au] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Stork | why doesn't dapper allow normal images like jpg or png to be used as menu icons? | 12:42 |
KrisWood | xorg-driver-fglrx is already the newest version. | 12:42 |
Bassetts | dooglus: im transferring from a shell to the FTP | 12:42 |
KrisWood | brb restarting X | 12:42 |
mnishizawa | Stork: it does | 12:42 |
farous | lol he have it installed | 12:42 |
dooglus | Bassetts: can you install lftp on the shell? | 12:42 |
mattsta | what now? | 12:43 |
Stork | mnishizawa, how? | 12:43 |
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Bassetts | dooglus: no, my admin will but he is not here right now | 12:43 |
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mnishizawa | Stork: you need to select a directory first, then when it comes back to the selection screen ti will list the images there | 12:43 |
dooglus | oh, i see. go for the "printf | ftp" approach then I guess | 12:43 |
KrisWood | ok I'm at 1280x1024 now but I got an error when it started | 12:43 |
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eneried | :'( | 12:44 |
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mnishizawa | KrisWood: do you remember the message text? | 12:44 |
KrisWood | http://pastebin.com/717348 | 12:44 |
eneried | there's a good yahoo messenger alternative in linux? anything different than gaim? | 12:44 |
Bassetts | dooglus: my .sh doesnt work :( | 12:44 |
KrisWood | mnishizawa: not only do I remember it, but I copy pasted it to pastebin ;) | 12:44 |
ompaul | megasquid, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide | 12:44 |
Bassetts | dooglus: i know why | 12:45 |
mnishizawa | KrisWood: That's more than likely a one time message | 12:45 |
KrisWood | oh ok | 12:45 |
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KrisWood | I'm gonna restart X one more time to make sure | 12:45 |
KrisWood | brb | 12:45 |
megasquid | ompaul: thanks ill take a look | 12:45 |
mattsta | how do i change which java i am using | 12:45 |
eneried | can somebody read me? | 12:45 |
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farous | mattsta: sudo update-alternatives --config java | 12:46 |
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ompaul | eneried, a bedtime story? | 12:46 |
=== KrisWood [n=deathwis@c-71-236-129-41.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KrisWood | ok no error :) | 12:46 |
KrisWood | now, on to fglrx | 12:46 |
eneried | i think my chat will not work, but its working | 12:46 |
mnishizawa | KrisWood: You should be set now for the resolution | 12:46 |
marc | Can any one point me to a how to on kernel compilation? I need to recompile turning off EFI for my ipod, and i have no clue as to where to even start | 12:46 |
KrisWood | Thanks for all this help by the way :) | 12:46 |
farous | KrisWood: now for 3-d acceleration your current setting do not support it | 12:46 |
eneried | i'm trying to hibernate my dapper, but it doesn't work | 12:46 |
eneried | :( | 12:46 |
mister_roboto | dooglus: you still here? | 12:46 |
mnishizawa | KrisWood: this is the beauty of open source... we all help each other | 12:46 |
KrisWood | mnishizawa: yes, it's now at teh correct resolution :) | 12:46 |
crimsun | eneried: using kernel -25.43 ? | 12:47 |
=== HellDragon [n=JD@pdpc/supporter/active/HellDragon] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eneried | how can i see wich kernel do i have? | 12:47 |
KrisWood | yeah I highly doubt there's an irc with 800 helpful people in it for windows :) | 12:47 |
crimsun | eneried: ``uname -r'' | 12:47 |
rayston | uhh, this is probably a stupid question, but how do I edit a file that says its read only? | 12:47 |
alnr | ok, does anyone have the energy to help someone else stuck in 640x480 | 12:47 |
=== LjL [n=ljl@62-101-126-215.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mnishizawa | KrisWood: ok, u have an ati card, correct? | 12:47 |
crimsun | rayston: do you have adequate privileges to edit the file? | 12:47 |
farous | KrisWood: make sure you have the following package. type in a terminal sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) | 12:47 |
dooglus | mister_roboto: yes. | 12:47 |
=== blackline [n=blacklin@h146n4fls310o285.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rayston | it says I dont, how do I get them? | 12:47 |
KrisWood | mnishizawa: yes, ATI Radeon 9800 Pro | 12:48 |
mister_roboto | just wanted to let you know what i found out... | 12:48 |
Bassetts | dooglus: how can i tell it to enter my ftp info for me, its something to do with echo right? | 12:48 |
mattsta | i tried all 3 and none of them still didnt work | 12:48 |
mnishizawa | KrisWood: see farous post | 12:48 |
KrisWood | linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-23-386 is already the newest version. | 12:48 |
gdb | rayston: What is the file? If it's a system config file, then use sudo and your editor. If it's not, then you can force a write in vi with :w! (I don't know what editor you're using). | 12:48 |
=== MathiasM-WE uses an very old GeForce 2 MX 400 on an Eizo F930 with 1600x1200 @ 100 Hz. | ||
crimsun | rayston: preface the command with sudo | 12:48 |
crimsun | rayston: or if it's a graphical app, use gksudo | 12:48 |
mister_roboto | dooglus: load module "snd-pcm-oss" will route /dev/dsp to alsa and mixing works fine then for /dev/dsp programs :) including skype | 12:48 |
mnishizawa | KrisWood: 386? Are you running a pentium class machine? | 12:48 |
farous | KrisWood: great open the xorg.conf file again. got to driver section change "ati" to "fglrx" | 12:48 |
megasquid | is the a control panel for the fglrx drivers? | 12:49 |
farous | KrisWood: reboot and everything will be ok | 12:49 |
KrisWood | mnishizawa: athlonXP 2600+ | 12:49 |
=== Jonnings [n=user@a143.dsl.halden.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eneried | crimsun 2.6.15-23-k7 | 12:49 |
dooglus | Bassetts: I can't get it to work. | 12:49 |
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Bassetts | dooglus: ok | 12:49 |
rayston | I just want to use text editor to do it, the one that automatically comes with ubuntu, so that would be gksudo .....?? imwheelrc (thats the file) | 12:49 |
eneried | this is my kernel | 12:49 |
dooglus | mister_roboto: ok, cool. | 12:49 |
KrisWood | farous: ok one moment | 12:49 |
mattsta | still no luck | 12:50 |
=== zerby_ [n=phoranix@84-104-97-17.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | eneried: ah, different issue then. Nevermind. | 12:50 |
gdb | rayston: Ubuntu comes with vi, nanao, and gedit (and I am sure others). Do you want to edit the file in a terminal or graphically? | 12:50 |
KrisWood | ok rebooting | 12:51 |
rayston | graphically | 12:51 |
mattsta | still no luck so what now | 12:51 |
=== KrisWood [n=deathwis@c-71-236-129-41.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
mnishizawa | ok, so seriously, no one has had an issue where they get signal from a wireless router but can't get an IP? | 12:51 |
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gdb | rayston: Then gedit is the one you want to use. "gksudo gedit filename" and enter your password when prompted. | 12:51 |
eneried | crimsun? what do you mean? | 12:51 |
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mattsta | could there possibly be something wrong with my java | 12:52 |
meandi | Hi, completely new to ubintu and I s?hall download an iso for installation on my PC. Shall I use ubuntu-6.06-alternate-i386.iso or ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso? | 12:52 |
Bassetts | dooglus: there has to be a way | 12:52 |
eneried | does anybody know a yahoo client for linux? | 12:53 |
mnishizawa | meandi: I suggest downloading the desktop iso | 12:53 |
mnishizawa | eneried: gaim | 12:53 |
crimsun | meandi: if you want to be completely safe, I recommend the alternate text-based one. | 12:53 |
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meandi | ok, what's the difference? | 12:53 |
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LiteHedded | how come when I mkdir the directory isn't writable? | 12:53 |
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gdb | LiteHedded: Where are you making this directory? | 12:54 |
LiteHedded | home directory | 12:54 |
LiteHedded | ssh btw | 12:54 |
mnishizawa | eneried: desktop is a graphical install, but to crimsun point, I had trouble with a low resource machine | 12:54 |
farous | i am having real trouble with totem-xine on a k7 machine. it crachs so often and hogs my machine the processor is at 100% usage after each crash | 12:54 |
=== rabeldable [n=rabeldab@adsl-69-109-188-108.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eneried | different than gaim... gaim is good, but is very different than the win yahoo client | 12:54 |
gdb | LiteHedded: So you are in your home directory, you mkdir a directory in that location, and then find you can't write to it? | 12:54 |
raiffhigor | how can i do redirects on ubuntu?!!?!?! | 12:54 |
crimsun | meandi: the one marked "desktop" is a live cd and contains a graphical installer that is known to erase certain NTFS partitions on some arrangements. The one marked "alternate" is not a live cd and is only an installer but does not have aforementioned issue. | 12:54 |
LiteHedded | gdb: i'm ssh'd in. i'm making a directory to mount a floppy to | 12:54 |
MathiasM-WE | Any clues with kernel 2.6.15-25-k7 and an aic7xxx driver failing because of missing /wrong symbols? (for an Adaptec AHA2940) | 12:54 |
LiteHedded | gdb: i can't write to it | 12:54 |
gdb | LiteHedded: And this directory is in your home directory? | 12:54 |
gdb | LiteHedded: Is the floppy mounted on it? | 12:55 |
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crimsun | MathiasM-WE: can you pastebin said symbols? (stdout and dmesg) | 12:55 |
LiteHedded | correct | 12:55 |
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LiteHedded | it's not mounted right now no | 12:55 |
=== KrisWood [n=deathwis@c-71-236-129-41.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gdb | LiteHedded: Hrm. Can you paste the output of ls -ld directory here? Whatever the name of it is. | 12:55 |
LiteHedded | k | 12:55 |
meandi | ok, in that case I go for the alternate then. I am planning to set dual boot for XP and ubuntu | 12:55 |
KrisWood | ok back, no errors :) Now how do I make sure it worked? | 12:55 |
farous | KrisWood: fglrxinfo | 12:56 |
crimsun | meandi: yeah in that case you definitely want the one marked "alternate" | 12:56 |
LiteHedded | drwxr-xr-x | 12:56 |
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gdb | LiteHedded: and what error does it display if you do "touch directory/filename"? | 12:56 |
meandi | thanks for the help! | 12:56 |
Bassetts | dooglus: http://www.inlumineconsulting.com:8080/website/scripting.ftp.html =D | 12:56 |
brian|lfs | has anyone been able to get ekiga to work rihgt | 12:56 |
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brian|lfs | I've tried it with two people can can't hear them at all | 12:56 |
KrisWood | farous: ok and what am I looking for in that | 12:56 |
brian|lfs | and I can use skype with no probs | 12:56 |
LiteHedded | hm no error that time | 12:57 |
farous | KrisWood: if it gave you the right information of your card and said you are using fglrx you are good | 12:57 |
LiteHedded | maybe it was just when the floppy was mounted | 12:57 |
=== linuxman2142 [n=linuxman@user-11205au.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KrisWood | farous: looks right to me :) | 12:57 |
linuxman2142 | yo guys its me | 12:57 |
linuxman2142 | SAM_theman I am on my dads comp | 12:57 |
gdb | LiteHedded: If the floppy is write protected (the tab in the upper corner is open rather than closed) then you'll get an error trying to put a file there. | 12:57 |
KrisWood | now to get my wacom tablet working again :) | 12:57 |
farous | cool another side effect the fonts will be much better ;) | 12:57 |
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LiteHedded | it's not protected gdb | 12:57 |
KrisWood | hehe cool | 12:58 |
linuxman2142 | But my dad wants to know how to make a boot-up disk when ubuntu is installed already.And thats ubutnu 6.06LTS | 12:58 |
LiteHedded | what's the correct syntax to mount the floppy? | 12:58 |
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KrisWood | is there a way to get rid of the ubuntu-brownish theme? | 12:58 |
KrisWood | hmmm | 12:58 |
apokryphos | !floppy | 12:58 |
ubotu | To mount floppy disks, see here : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MakeFloppyDriveAvailableToEveryone | 12:58 |
starkruzr | what's necessary for apache2 to run perl scripts in a directory? So far I have made sure the file itself is +w, and made a Directory directive in apache2.conf with "Options ExecCGI" in it. What else am I missing? My browser loads it like a text file. | 12:58 |
KanRiNiN_ | Hey, I'm trying to install gsnes9x, but it wants to call snes9x-x, and I want it to use the opengl version | 12:58 |
KanRiNiN_ | any ideas? | 12:58 |
gdb | LiteHedded: It could also be that when the floppy is being automounted, the directory ownership is being set to root and you do not have sufficient privleges to write then. | 12:58 |
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LiteHedded | it's not being automounted | 12:58 |
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LiteHedded | i'm mounting it with 'mount' | 12:58 |
KrisWood | nevermind found it :) | 12:58 |
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gdb | LiteHedded: Well, when it's being mounted. | 12:59 |
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apokryphos | starkruzr: libapache2-mod-perl2? | 12:59 |
LiteHedded | what's the syntax to avoid that? | 12:59 |
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farous | KrisWood: book mark this page help.ubnuntu.com | 12:59 |
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farous | help.ubuntu.com sorry | 12:59 |
starkruzr | apokryphos: I thought there was some kind of thing where perl was built into the server without needing that as of Apache 2. | 12:59 |
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linuxman2142 | !backup floppy | 12:59 |
ubotu | Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, linuxman2142 | 12:59 |
KrisWood | thanks :) | 12:59 |
apokryphos | starkruzr: it's available in the repositories | 12:59 |
linuxman2142 | !boot floppy | 12:59 |
ubotu | linuxman2142: Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 12:59 |
KrisWood | ok now, wacom configuration... | 01:00 |
starkruzr | apokryphos: no it isn't. there are mod-perl2-dev and mod-perl2-doc but not mod-perl2. | 01:00 |
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johanbr | brian|lfs: Ekiga works well for me. Are you behind a NAT or firewall? | 01:00 |
Bassetts | dooglus: IT WORKS! | 01:00 |
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gdb | LiteHedded: When you run the Users and Groups control panel, select your user, and and tab to User privleges, do you have "Enable access to external storage devices automatically" selected? | 01:00 |
apokryphos | !info libapache2-mod-perl2 | 01:01 |
ubotu | libapache2-mod-perl2: (Integration of perl with the Apache2 web server), section perl, is optional. Version: 2.0.2-2ubuntu1 (dapper), Packaged size: 1054 kB, Installed size: 3532 kB | 01:01 |
=== meandi [n=opera@h233n4c1o1035.bredband.skanova.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
brian|lfs | ya I am behind a firewall | 01:01 |
brian|lfs | and so are myf riends | 01:01 |
apokryphos | starkruzr: as you can see, it's right there. | 01:01 |
starkruzr | wtf. why doesn't it show up in apt-cache search? | 01:01 |
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brian|lfs | I'm behind a linux iptable firewall | 01:01 |
Fjodor | !vesafb | 01:01 |
apokryphos | starkruzr: breezy? | 01:01 |
jemt | Is it possible to install the Ubuntu Dapper theme on Ubuntu Breezy? I'm performing a downgrade from Dapper to Breezy duo to instability. Dapper has some serious bugs concerning SpeedStep, and freezes/crashes way more often than Windows ME does | 01:01 |
ubotu | No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Fjodor | 01:01 |
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starkruzr | dapper. | 01:01 |
linuxman2142 | Hello?? please | 01:01 |
linuxman2142 | my dad needs it now | 01:01 |
apokryphos | starkruzr: it's there, then. | 01:01 |
Fjodor | !vesa | 01:01 |
Gullstad | Is there any application apprehending the configuration for two screens. ATI Radeon x850 XT. | 01:01 |
gnomefreak | starkruzr: make sure you have main repo enabled and correct | 01:01 |
apokryphos | starkruzr: perhaps you were typing it incorrectly? | 01:01 |
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=== gnomefreak has a feeling this is gonna take a while :( | ||
Fjodor | !framebuffer | 01:02 |
ubotu | My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Fjodor | 01:02 |
=== kazuki [n=kazuki@cpe-65-27-155-99.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
starkruzr | If I'd typed it incorrectly, the dev and doc packages wouldn't have showed up. | 01:02 |
kazuki | how do stop ESD from running in KDE Desktop ? | 01:02 |
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farous | starkruzr: try selecting another mirror of repos or just use the main ones | 01:02 |
apokryphos | kazuki: #kubuntu | 01:02 |
Terminus | starkruzr, try apt-cache show libapache2-mod-perl2 | 01:02 |
kazuki | apokryphos: im using ubuntu tho | 01:02 |
starkruzr | Terminus, farous: it's installing as we speak. don't know why apt-cache didn't show it. | 01:03 |
dooglus | Bassetts: this works for me - a one-liner: (echo user <user> <pass>; echo passive; echo put <file>) | ftp -n <host> | 01:03 |
apokryphos | kazuki: KDE-related questions are best in #kubuntu | 01:03 |
=== starkruzr notes it seems kind of silly to exclude PERL, of all things, from the default installation of Apache | ||
kazuki | apokryphos: i think esd is ubuntu related | 01:03 |
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apokryphos | kazuki: I think stopping it in the KDE desktop (if you have it enabled there) is Kubuntu-related. | 01:04 |
Gullstad | Is there any application apprehending the configuration for two screens. ATI Radeon x850 XT. | 01:04 |
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KrisWood | oy... | 01:04 |
starkruzr | everyone: I just installed the package and forced a reload of the web server. same result as before: loads as a text file. | 01:04 |
Fjodor | Anyone knowing anything about vesa framebuffer? | 01:04 |
Bassetts | dooglus: ill just use what i have working =) | 01:04 |
kazuki | apokryphos: i just need to stop it ubuntu or kde probably can be done via terminal so it doesnt matter | 01:04 |
KrisWood | does anyone here have a wacom tablet? I'm having trouble understanding this walkthrough | 01:04 |
mnishizawa | just updated breezy to dapper with apt, now wireless network will not work... I get signal from the router but no ip address | 01:04 |
starkruzr | incidentally, perl.load and perl.conf are in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled. | 01:05 |
KrisWood | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25151 | 01:05 |
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mnishizawa | sorry to keep spamming that message, I am out of ideas on this one though | 01:05 |
starkruzr | mnishizawa: it sounds like somebody set up you the bomb | 01:05 |
=== starkruzr ducks and runs away | ||
=== Eleaf [n=ethan@71-208-128-135.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KrisWood | specificly I don't understand the /dev/input stuff | 01:05 |
starkruzr | !lart Apache | 01:06 |
starkruzr | guess not. | 01:06 |
__mikem | lart doesn't work anymore | 01:06 |
mackenzie | ubotu | 01:06 |
starkruzr | sad. | 01:06 |
epod | grrr | 01:06 |
jemt | Is security updates still released for Breezy ? | 01:06 |
Gullstad | !dual head | 01:06 |
ubotu | Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Gullstad | 01:06 |
__mikem | !abuse | 01:07 |
ubotu | I guess abuse is not acceptable, use the bot appropriately, for usage instructions http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage | 01:07 |
Gullstad | !dual screen | 01:07 |
ubotu | What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Gullstad | 01:07 |
__mikem | !bluescreen | 01:07 |
ubotu | __mikem: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 01:07 |
__mikem | darn it | 01:07 |
__mikem | lol | 01:07 |
starkruzr | larting once is hardly an abuse. | 01:07 |
farous | Gullstad: try /msg ubotu and then ask him what you want | 01:07 |
megasquid | i just installed the ubuntu desktop version but it appears that gcc and all the dev stuff wasn't installed, which packges do i need to install to be able to compile stuff? | 01:07 |
kazuki | How do i stop esd from running from terminal ? | 01:07 |
farous | Gullstad: now what do you want from dual head | 01:07 |
KrisWood | any wacom users around here? | 01:07 |
__mikem | !bsod | 01:07 |
ubotu | __mikem: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 01:07 |
__mikem | darn it | 01:07 |
__mikem | lol | 01:07 |
=== reggaemanu_ [n=manu@ARennes-257-1-107-37.w86-210.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gullstad | farous: Two screens? | 01:07 |
Bassetts | dooglus will this crontab work: 10 * * * * ~/logs/IBO/pisg --silent 11 * * * * ~/logs/IBO/ftp.sh --silent | 01:08 |
=== starkruzr is a Wacom user, KrisWood | ||
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=== v-mack [n=mackenzi@ool-4355005e.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
farous | Gullstad: i know what dual head is but need more specification of your config, card and so on | 01:08 |
epod | no 3d acceleration on ubuntu ppc | 01:08 |
=== epod stabs nvidia. | ||
Gullstad | Is there any application apprehending the configuration for two screens. ATI Radeon x850 XT. | 01:08 |
=== FelipeDetona [i=ezcnrj@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
starkruzr | they are a pain in the ass to get working only because some of the documentation is wrong. | 01:08 |
KrisWood | starkruzr: could you help me install mine? | 01:08 |
Gullstad | farous:Is there any application apprehending the configuration for two screens. ATI Radeon x850 XT. | 01:09 |
starkruzr | I can try. | 01:09 |
starkruzr | what's going on now? | 01:09 |
mattsta | WOOHOO I GOT FROSTWIRE | 01:09 |
Gullstad | farous: was my question :) | 01:09 |
starkruzr | and does anyone else want to help me with getting Perl working with apache2? | 01:09 |
farous | Gullstad: i do not think so. did you enable xinerama in gdm | 01:09 |
=== MathiasM-WE uses an old Wacom Graphire ET-0405, serial. | ||
KrisWood | starkruzr: it seems to be detecting my stylus but the calibration is way off, the mouse doesn't work at all, and neither do the pad buttons | 01:09 |
farous | Gullstad: or do you use a property driver | 01:09 |
=== NET||abuse [n=lukeab@87-198-25-226.ptr.magnet.ie] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Terminus | megasquid, install build-essential | 01:10 |
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NET||abuse | hmm | 01:10 |
megasquid | Terminus: thanks | 01:10 |
Gullstad | farous: I got drivers installed - xuberna ub gdm? | 01:10 |
NET||abuse | i got my wifi connection workin a few minutes ack | 01:10 |
starkruzr | KrisWood: That's beyond my expertise. I have a tablet pc, myself. | 01:10 |
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Terminus | megasquid, you're welcome. :) | 01:10 |
NET||abuse | then i crashed(me messin with Xgl) but now network-admin doesn't show up the wireless options? | 01:10 |
v-mack | kriswood, you have a USB wacom? | 01:10 |
KrisWood | starkruzr: I could walk you through compiling perl and apache but I've never used a precompiled binary of it before | 01:10 |
NET||abuse | how can i get the options back? | 01:10 |
farous | Gullstad: ok how did you set it up and what type of error do you experience | 01:11 |
mattsta | thank you to everyone that helped me today | 01:11 |
raiffhigor | gnomefreak: still occurs erro (configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths! | 01:11 |
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raiffhigor | ) | 01:11 |
farous | Gullstad: the more specific the easier for me to help | 01:11 |
NET||abuse | the bcm43xx module is loaded.. and i can iwlist eth0 scan to get the network list | 01:11 |
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KrisWood | yeah I have a USB intuos3 | 01:11 |
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starkruzr | KrisWood: ok. Perl is a module and so I would think that once you install and enable it it just works, but that doesn't seem to be the case | 01:11 |
v-mack | check this out http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_a_Wacom_tablet | 01:11 |
NET||abuse | but when i click on the network icon in the task tray,, i don't get any wireles.. only wired | 01:11 |
Gullstad | farous: I got two screens whit the same picture. I want a landscape view. | 01:11 |
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raiffhigor | after that i did that upgrade... | 01:11 |
raiffhigor | with apt | 01:11 |
KrisWood | starkruzr: I believe if you want to use it as a module you need to compile apache to use it | 01:12 |
raiffhigor | gnomefreak: configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths! | 01:12 |
farous | Gullstad: you have to do that in your xorg.conf file in the server section | 01:12 |
gnomefreak | raiffhigor: im not sure are you not getting X to srat at all? | 01:12 |
farous | Gullstad: check the forums on extended desktop | 01:12 |
gnomefreak | start* | 01:12 |
Gullstad | oki.. I'll do :) | 01:12 |
KrisWood | starkruzr: if you don't want to recompile apache you'll need to use the cgi version of perl | 01:12 |
farous | :) | 01:12 |
raiffhigor | i want to install apollon | 01:12 |
raiffhigor | when i type ./configure... | 01:12 |
starkruzr | KrisWood: then it seems such an incredibly stupid engineering decision when so many people would want to use perl with their Apache installation | 01:12 |
=== bimberi [n=bimberi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.bimberi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
starkruzr | KrisWood: CGI version is fine. how do I do that? | 01:12 |
raiffhigor | after show many comands... | 01:13 |
raiffhigor | ./configure returns this error configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths! | 01:13 |
gnomefreak | raiffhigor: if you read the read me or install file it will tell you what packages you need to compile it | 01:13 |
KrisWood | v-mack: I did that but it's not working properly yet | 01:13 |
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=== chris_ [n=chris@S010600016c2e23b7.vw.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chris_ | hey | 01:13 |
v-mack | kriswood, that worked for me, idk what to tell you | 01:13 |
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v-mack | sorry | 01:13 |
KrisWood | starkruzr: one sec I'll pull up the manual | 01:13 |
KrisWood | v-mack: it works but the calibration is off | 01:13 |
chris_ | if i add something to /etc/rc.local and chmod it, will the procs be started by root when the system goes multiuser on startup? | 01:14 |
dooglus | Bassetts: what if the FTP takes more than 1 minute? can't you run both commands from another script, so you know the first finishes before the 2nd runs? | 01:14 |
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dooglus | Bassetts: and what's --silent? | 01:14 |
chris_ | how do I add startup commands that will run as a user i specify | 01:14 |
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gnomefreak | brb | 01:14 |
Bassetts | dooglus: well pisg is run first, --silent is what pisg told me to put, i think it means it doesnt output anything | 01:14 |
=== polpak [n=polpak@ip68-6-43-90.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bimberi | ubotu tell raiffhigor about xincludes | 01:15 |
dooglus | Bassetts: you have --silent on your ftp script too | 01:15 |
Bassetts | i have removed them | 01:15 |
dooglus | Bassetts: what if pisg takes more than 1 minute to run? | 01:15 |
Bassetts | well can i combine them into one script? | 01:15 |
Bassetts | that says run pisg, when done run ftp | 01:15 |
dooglus | Bassetts: I would. only have 1 line in crontab, and make a script which runs pisg then ftp | 01:16 |
Bassetts | so how would i do that? | 01:16 |
=== Eleaf [n=ethan@71-208-128-135.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dooglus | Bassetts: make a file "pisg-and-ftp.sh", and put 2 lines in it - the first running psg, the 2ndrunning your ftp script. | 01:16 |
Bassetts | dooglus: is it ok to PM you to paste the script? | 01:17 |
dooglus | Bassetts: ideally, add a line at the top, "#!/bin/sh" to make sure it's run by sh | 01:17 |
dooglus | sure. pm me | 01:17 |
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KrisWood | starkruzr: hmmm sorry I'm not finding the instructions very easily, it's been a few years. What you'll want to do is read the INSTALL file that comes with Perl. | 01:18 |
KrisWood | starkruzr: I'm willing to bet that you can apt-get perl itself | 01:18 |
chris_ | can someone tell me how to get dapper 6.06 to run startup commands on a per user basis? | 01:18 |
user00265 | anybody know how to setup surround sound with alsa on a (aparently) weird setup? | 01:18 |
KrisWood | starkruzr: then it's a matter of editing your httpd.conf to point all .pl files to the perl executable | 01:18 |
owlmanatt | hay, i'm trying to add some text to an image in gimp, but none of Ubuntu's fonts look very handwriting-y. I found a ttf that looks moar like what I want, but how do I install it? | 01:18 |
^richiefrich | user00265 what card ? | 01:18 |
=== Flik [n=Flik@S010600134689335f.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
starkruzr | perl itself is already installed. | 01:19 |
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Fjodor | !truetype | 01:19 |
ubotu | I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Fjodor | 01:19 |
Fjodor | !ttf | 01:19 |
ubotu | Fjodor: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 01:19 |
bimberi | chris_: ''su username -c "command"'' will run a command as another user | 01:19 |
AK7 | does someone know what "wa" means in top? As in, if it's using up 90% of my CPU, what's my bottleneck? | 01:19 |
__mikem | !bad bot | 01:19 |
ubotu | No, you're a bad person, __mikem | 01:19 |
KrisWood | starkruzr: ok that makes it easier. Open your httpd.conf | 01:19 |
blackline | i want to format my ipod to fat32.. whatis the command for formatng? | 01:19 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell Fjodor -about font | 01:19 |
chris_ | bimberi: thanks | 01:19 |
user00265 | ^richiefrich, aparently, Alsa repots a VIA 8237... it is a integrated audio chip on a ASRock P4V88+ | 01:19 |
chris_ | bimberi: is it better to use rc.local or .xsession for stuff like giFTd and btlaunchmany | 01:19 |
jemt | Will security updates still be released for Breezy ? | 01:20 |
v-mack | user00265, i have that same card, how is that weird? | 01:20 |
starkruzr | KrisWood: ok... | 01:20 |
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owlmanatt | that sounds like a 'oh well'... | 01:20 |
^richiefrich | user00265 and u want ? what more them 2 speackers ? | 01:20 |
starkruzr | jemt: yes. | 01:20 |
KrisWood | starkruzr: one moment I'll install it on here too so I can go through it step by step with you | 01:20 |
newbie_ubuntu | how can i restart the gmone panel? | 01:20 |
jemt | starkruzr: Thanks :) | 01:20 |
Fjodor | gnomefreak: Thanks. Trying for owlmanatt, though | 01:20 |
gnomefreak | newbie_ubuntu: killall gnome-panel | 01:20 |
user00265 | v-mack, I don't know how to explain it, I've tried, my friends too... it just doesn't cooperate. | 01:20 |
user00265 | ^richiefrich, yeah, surround 4.0 | 01:20 |
raiffhigor | gnomefreak: hey man ... in the README has to read INSTALL.... | 01:20 |
gnomefreak | !font | 01:20 |
ubotu | I guess font is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FontInstallHowto | 01:20 |
blackline | anyone. the command for formating? | 01:20 |
owlmanatt | ahh | 01:20 |
owlmanatt | thank you | 01:20 |
^richiefrich | user00265 i dont think u can on a VIA... Intel maybe but not VIA | 01:20 |
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Dial_tone | man I get horrendous transfer rates in amule even with ports open | 01:20 |
gnomefreak | raiffhigor: read both | 01:20 |
raiffhigor | gnomefreak: i saw Install's content.... | 01:20 |
v-mack | richie its possible in windows | 01:21 |
raiffhigor | that has to set some enviroment vars.... | 01:21 |
gnomefreak | they are there to tell you what you need and what to do | 01:21 |
raiffhigor | i did... | 01:21 |
raiffhigor | but... | 01:21 |
^richiefrich | it doesnt support it user00265 | 01:21 |
gustavo | anyone willing to help me with an ati radeon xpress200M in dapper? | 01:21 |
user00265 | ^richiefrich, creepy how you can do it on windows.... but then I guess, the creepy thing is windows. | 01:21 |
user00265 | ^richiefrich, thanks. less headache | 01:21 |
raiffhigor | but occurs the same error... | 01:21 |
bimberi | chris_: i'm not sure sorry, i'd usually use rc.local for non-gui, not sure about .xsession for gui, i use the Sessions menu item | 01:21 |
^richiefrich | user00265 well let me say alsa doesnt support it | 01:21 |
KrisWood | starkruzr: could you tell me where ubuntu hides httpd.conf by default? | 01:21 |
raiffhigor | checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths! | 01:21 |
chris_ | well those are both daemons, not gui apps | 01:21 |
gustavo | anyone :s??? | 01:22 |
starkruzr | /etc/apache2/apache2.conf for me. | 01:22 |
chris_ | thanks for help | 01:22 |
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starkruzr | httpd.conf is a placeholder. | 01:22 |
^richiefrich | user00265 u can try the alsa-driver.. but then u must reconfigure the kernel | 01:22 |
raiffhigor | ubotu..... says me that has to install the following packages...libx11-dev libxext-dev libxinerama-dev | 01:22 |
bimberi | chris_: if you want them running when your computer boots then rc.local is a good place :) | 01:22 |
gnomefreak | raiffhigor: i cant walk you through it atm if you catch me tomorrow or tuesday ill be glad to do it with you but i have alot of work to catch up on tonight | 01:22 |
user00265 | ^richiefrich, I am a Gentoo user, comming from Slacware and using Ubuntu as secondary OS... kernel's don't scare me :) | 01:22 |
=== wireless [n=wireless@187.Red-83-50-52.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wireless | hola | 01:22 |
starkruzr | !es | 01:23 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 01:23 |
bimberi | !xincludes | 01:23 |
ubotu | When a program or configure script asks for "X includes", you should probably install the following packages: libx11-dev libxext-dev libxinerama-dev | 01:23 |
raiffhigor | ok ... | 01:23 |
wireless | ok | 01:23 |
=== UKMatt [n=UKMatt@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
user00265 | ^richiefrich, so, I need to remove in-kernel drivers and re-compile it, then install alsa-drivers? | 01:23 |
^richiefrich | user00265 then cool... then disable the alsa in the kernel | 01:23 |
raiffhigor | i'll try to solve... | 01:23 |
raiffhigor | see you and thanks.... | 01:23 |
raiffhigor | ;) | 01:23 |
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gustavo | ati radeon xpress200M + dapper = hell | 01:23 |
MathiasM-WE | !scsi | 01:23 |
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gustavo | help please! | 01:23 |
ubotu | MathiasM-WE: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 01:23 |
v-mack | gustavo, whats wrong | 01:23 |
^richiefrich | user00265 ill get u a gentoo wiki page.. it;s all the same | 01:23 |
MathiasM-WE | !aic7xxx | 01:23 |
ubotu | What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, MathiasM-WE | 01:23 |
UKMatt | is there a way to change the panel (menu bar thingie)? | 01:23 |
naks | can i install winamp on ubuntu? | 01:23 |
v-mack | i used to have that chipset until i dumped it | 01:23 |
user00265 | ^richiefrich, cool | 01:23 |
starkruzr | gustavo, please don't say "it doesn't work" | 01:24 |
starkruzr | :) | 01:24 |
exlt | raiffhigor: xserver-xorg-dev is the header package for X includes | 01:24 |
KrisWood | starkruzr: sorry for the delay, got a phone call | 01:24 |
starkruzr | 's'ok | 01:24 |
UKMatt | is there a way to change the panel (menu bar thingie)? | 01:24 |
jajaja- | would someone be able to give me a hand with my ivtv 0.4.4 error 3 and error 12 --problems loading firmware | 01:24 |
gustavo | v-mack, nono, it does work i een get fglrxinfo to display the card name etc, but then when i try to put a screensaver on it is so slow | 01:24 |
raiffhigor | exlt: ?!?! | 01:24 |
gnomefreak | UKMatt: in what and to what? | 01:24 |
gustavo | v-mack, i think i'm not getting 3D accel | 01:25 |
v-mack | gustavo, it sounds that way | 01:25 |
=== someothernick [n=ron@pool-68-163-197-151.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
^richiefrich | user00265 http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_ALSA_sound_mixer_aka_dmix#Building_Support_from_alsa-driver_Package | 01:25 |
naks | can i install winamp on ubuntu? | 01:25 |
raiffhigor | exlt: how this works help me... | 01:25 |
=== Skwid_ [n=Skwid___@bas1-montreal42-1177928411.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
^richiefrich | user00265 it even has a VIA example | 01:25 |
v-mack | gustavo, i don't think i can help you out more tho, i never got it to work | 01:25 |
gnomefreak | also UKMatt please stop repeating | 01:25 |
UKMatt | gnomefreak, the panel, is there a way to change that besides color fade and all (which don't work that well anyways) | 01:25 |
raiffhigor | exlt: let me say what i'm trying to do... | 01:25 |
KrisWood | starkruzr: it looks like it should be working automaticly | 01:25 |
v-mack | not saying some one else can't help you | 01:25 |
v-mack | have you tried google? | 01:25 |
raiffhigor | exlt: i want to install apollon... | 01:25 |
gnomefreak | UKMatt: again what panel in what where to what? | 01:26 |
v-mack | naks, try apt-get install xmms | 01:26 |
polpak | UKMatt: what are you wanting to change? | 01:26 |
user00265 | ^richiefrich, never seen that wiki entry... but it's worth a try, for commodity's sake. | 01:26 |
KrisWood | starkruzr: you just need to make sure your scripts are located in your cgi-bin | 01:26 |
raiffhigor | exlt: but in the middle of instalation... | 01:26 |
^richiefrich | user00265 can u tell me what repo wine is in ? | 01:26 |
KrisWood | starkruzr: and make sure that the beginning of each script points to the perl executable | 01:26 |
v-mack | naks, xmms is almost exactly like winamp in every way, they even use the same skins | 01:26 |
polpak | !info wine | 01:26 |
raiffhigor | exlt: returns that error... | 01:26 |
gustavo | v-mack, hmmmm i got it wo work on breezy but then fresh installed dapper and had to use the old drivers but still it doesn't seem to work :( | 01:26 |
ubotu | wine: (Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library)), section universe/otherosfs, is optional. Version: 0.9.9-0ubuntu2 (dapper), Packaged size: 8578 kB, Installed size: 40460 kB | 01:26 |
UKMatt | polpak, it just looks gross, i didn't know of there were ways to put themes or anything on it | 01:26 |
v-mack | !info xmms | 01:26 |
gustavo | v-mack, thanks anyway! | 01:26 |
gnomefreak | UKMatt: there is a panle in xfce gnome kde among others | 01:26 |
ubotu | xmms: (Versatile X audio player), section sound, is optional. Version: 1.2.10+cvs20050809-4ubuntu5 (dapper), Packaged size: 1029 kB, Installed size: 7256 kB | 01:26 |
polpak | UKMatt: you can theme yes | 01:26 |
exlt | raiffhigor: you mean during ./configure, correct? | 01:26 |
raiffhigor | exlt: everybody that talks about this error... | 01:26 |
UKMatt | gnomefreak, i'm in gnome | 01:26 |
user00265 | ^richiefrich, hm? as-in? | 01:26 |
UKMatt | polpak, what theme is that? | 01:26 |
raiffhigor | exactly... | 01:26 |
v-mack | gustavo, you got further than i can, sorry i couldn't help yo more | 01:26 |
raiffhigor | so... | 01:26 |
^richiefrich | user00265 it says not found on an apt-get install wine | 01:27 |
polpak | UKMatt: sudo apt-get install gnome-art | 01:27 |
starkruzr | what if they are NOT in cgi-bin? I have no cgi-bin directory because I have always felt that putting all your executables in one directory was stupid and confusing. how do you tell it "execute perl scripts in directory X"? | 01:27 |
polpak | UKMatt: then go to System->preferences->Art Manager | 01:27 |
KrisWood | starkruzr: if you want cgi scripts to run anywhere, edit the line that says #AddHandler cgi-script .cgi | 01:27 |
raiffhigor | exlt: everybody said to install libx11-dev | 01:27 |
exlt | raiffhigor: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-dev / and run ./configure again | 01:27 |
KrisWood | starkruzr: I mean just uncomment the line #AddHandler cgi-script .cgi | 01:27 |
naks | !xmms | 01:27 |
ubotu | methinks xmms is to get xmms to work in Ubuntu Hoary and Breezy, set the output plugin to eSound (right-click on the XMMS window, then choose Options -> Preferences) | 01:27 |
gustavo | v-mack, np, thanks | 01:27 |
polpak | starkruzr: with a "ScriptAlias" directive (see the apache docs) | 01:28 |
starkruzr | and make it .cgi .pl? | 01:28 |
someothernick | using gnome-art where do i install a new splash screen too? | 01:28 |
KrisWood | yeah | 01:28 |
starkruzr | ok. | 01:28 |
starkruzr | let's see. | 01:28 |
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UKMatt | polpak, where do i get themes for it from? | 01:28 |
polpak | starkruzr: or you can add a handler | 01:28 |
v-mack | naks, i think you don't need to that in dapper | 01:28 |
=== zul [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
user00265 | ^richiefrich, aparently, http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe | 01:28 |
raiffhigor | exlt: i tried... | 01:28 |
polpak | UKMatt: it will download them automatically from the gnome art website | 01:28 |
jajaja- | would someone be able to give me a hand with my ivtv 0.4.4 error 3 and error 12 --problems loading firmware | 01:28 |
=== Duke_Forever [n=duke@host157.201-253-68.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
^richiefrich | user00265 ty will try | 01:29 |
KrisWood | starkruzr: I googled and found a tutorial http://www.thesitewizard.com/archive/addcgitoapache.shtml | 01:29 |
UKMatt | polpak, oic it | 01:29 |
bluefoxicy | guys | 01:29 |
raiffhigor | exlt: but returns the error (its impossible to find package xserver-xorg-dev) | 01:29 |
naks | v-mack: im using brezzy | 01:29 |
naks | v-mack: how can i install it? | 01:29 |
bluefoxicy | how do you burn a CD .iso to a DVD? | 01:29 |
raiffhigor | exlt: i'm translating to you... | 01:29 |
KrisWood | starkruzr: it's not ubuntu specific but the syntax of the lines to edit will be the same | 01:29 |
starkruzr | IT WOOOOORRRRRRKKKKS | 01:29 |
Duke_Forever | Hello | 01:29 |
KrisWood | starkruzr: congrats :) | 01:29 |
gustavo | anyone using radeon xpress200M in dapper?? | 01:29 |
UKMatt | polpak, tyvm, didnt know that existed | 01:29 |
=== Pilgrim [n=whatever@host-81-191-40-89.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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exlt | raiffhigor: you may need to add universe to your apt sources.list | 01:29 |
polpak | UKMatt: np | 01:29 |
v-mack | naks, go to synaptic and search for xmms, or go to a command line and go "sudo apt-get install xmms" | 01:29 |
raiffhigor | exlt: if my english is not so good... because i'm from brazil ... | 01:29 |
raiffhigor | and don't have an english so good... | 01:30 |
KrisWood | now to go out to fathers' day dinner, have a good day everyone! | 01:30 |
polpak | UKMatt: I always have to change the default theme.. I prefer something a bit less bright | 01:30 |
starkruzr | thanks, folks. | 01:30 |
raiffhigor | i ask just ... | 01:30 |
Duke_Forever | I have problems changing my screen resolution and refresh rate | 01:30 |
raiffhigor | try to understand... ok?!!? ;) thanks... | 01:30 |
polpak | !tell Duke_Forever about resolution | 01:30 |
KrisWood | starkruzr: no prob, you'd do the same for us :) | 01:30 |
raiffhigor | but let's go... | 01:30 |
exlt | raiffhigor: no problem | 01:30 |
=== eFoX [n=asdfw@CPE00134688ad6b-CM000a73667150.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gustavo | :( | 01:30 |
raiffhigor | exlt: how can i do this... | 01:30 |
naks | v-mack: it says Package xmms is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 01:30 |
naks | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 01:30 |
naks | is only available from another source | 01:30 |
naks | E: Package xmms has no installation candidate | 01:30 |
billybennett | Does anyone know how I can turn off the animation that happens when you open up new windows? | 01:30 |
UKMatt | polpak, yeah, i've messed around with some cool ones, but that toolbar is always gross | 01:31 |
tristanmike | bluefoxicy: I don't think you can | 01:31 |
Pilgrim | does someone successfully load this game? http://www.casinoeuro.com/en/trygamepage.jsp?game=jackpot6k i dont, firefox crashes when its finished loading. Works in Suse with same flashplayer and Java | 01:31 |
Duke_Forever | thanx alot polpak | 01:31 |
v-mack | naks | 01:31 |
cafuego | smb://gin | 01:31 |
tristanmike | Pilgrim: ....loading...... | 01:31 |
cafuego | d'oh | 01:31 |
raiffhigor | exlt: i have to write what in the file?!?!?! | 01:31 |
eFoX | ok, ive been trying to tackle this for an hour now. If i set up my router with no WEP, my wireless works. However, if i add a WEP key, i cant connect. Anyone come across something similiar ? | 01:31 |
v-mack | naks go to www.ubuntuguide.org, and look how to add more repositories | 01:31 |
=== niki [n=niki@68-184-136-55.dhcp.stbr.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KrisWood | !ubuntuguide | 01:32 |
ubotu | [ubuntuguide] a bad outdated resource. Please use help.ubuntu.com | 01:32 |
KrisWood | :p | 01:32 |
Dial_tone | efox, did you add the wep key on both ends? | 01:32 |
niki | what's that command (something like fglrxinfo) that i can run in terminal to see if i'm using the right graphics drivers? | 01:32 |
v-mack | haha | 01:32 |
Dial_tone | and try wpa if you have it | 01:32 |
SurfnKidAFK | niki: fglrxinfo | 01:32 |
gustavo | niki, fglrxinfo | 01:32 |
polpak | niki: you can use glxinfo | grep direct to see if you have hardware accelleration | 01:32 |
v-mack | naks, go to help.ubuntu.com then | 01:32 |
tristanmike | Pilgrim: works fine here | 01:32 |
v-mack | pity me for using that recently | 01:32 |
polpak | niki: what video card do you have? | 01:32 |
KrisWood | :) | 01:32 |
exlt | raiffhigor: here is my sources.list (without the comment lines) http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15952 | 01:33 |
v-mack | i set up the wacom with those outdate resources | 01:33 |
niki | polpak, it's an extacy | 01:33 |
Dial_tone | fglrxinfo is for ati card | 01:33 |
niki | polpak, i'm getting weird errors when i run it...usually don't get them | 01:33 |
KrisWood | v-mack: I use ubuntuguide sometimes but it's really only good as a cheatsheet, it doesnt' teach anything | 01:33 |
niki | Dial_tone, its an ATI | 01:33 |
raiffhigor | ok what line i have to copy???! | 01:33 |
polpak | Pilgrim: it works fine here | 01:33 |
eFoX | Dial_tone: I'll try the WPA. But, how can you set the mode on the wireless. Currently i think its set for open, but how can i change it too shared ? | 01:33 |
raiffhigor | wich line i have to copy?!?!? | 01:33 |
Pilgrim | tristanmike: weird! | 01:33 |
=== DarkMageZ [n=DarkMage@ppp15-118.lns2.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pilgrim | polpak: weird!! | 01:33 |
polpak | KrisWood: the restricted formats wiki is much better | 01:33 |
SurfnKidAFK | eFoX: on the /etc/network/interfaces type wirless-mode shared | 01:34 |
SurfnKidAFK | eFoX: or wireless-mode open | 01:34 |
tristanmike | Pilgrim: are you using the Sun Java, or the blackdown, or did you use the one from Sun's site ? | 01:34 |
v-mack | kriswood: then that brings up the whole argument about if you help someone or teach them | 01:34 |
Pilgrim | Sun JAva | 01:34 |
eFoX | SurfnKidAFK: Ok, let me have a look at that. Thanks. | 01:34 |
KrisWood | v-mack: wacom walkthrough http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25151 | 01:34 |
tristanmike | Pilgrim: from the repos ? | 01:34 |
mister_roboto | v-mack: the sun java is part of the repositories now | 01:34 |
=== SurfnKidAFK is now known as SurfnKid | ||
Pilgrim | yes | 01:34 |
gustavo | how can I know if I have 3D acceleration(ati)? | 01:34 |
niki | polpak : i get errors like this : [fglrx] API ERROR: could not register entrypoint for FramebufferTexture2DEXT | 01:34 |
SurfnKid | gustavo: fglrxinfo | 01:34 |
niki | polpak, a whole bunch of them | 01:34 |
Pilgrim | when i load firefox from a shell i get memorysegmentation error | 01:35 |
SurfnKid | gustavo: if it returns anything other than GL stuff its not enabled then | 01:35 |
Pilgrim | (on that page) | 01:35 |
niki | i'm gonna try restarting x | 01:35 |
raiffhigor | exlt: only lines that have the universe?!!?!? | 01:35 |
Bassetts | gah my crontab wont work | 01:35 |
exlt | raiffhigor: the libx11-dev may be correct, now that I look at the package description ;) | 01:35 |
SurfnKid | niki: did you install the xorg-fglrx thingy | 01:35 |
gustavo | SurfnKid, it says the card name and openGL but screensavers are really slow(they were faster on breezy) | 01:35 |
raiffhigor | exlt: only lines that have the universe?!!?!? | 01:36 |
exlt | raiffhigor: that sources.list file is all the ubuntu repositories | 01:36 |
raiffhigor | i have one... | 01:36 |
SurfnKid | gustavo: eww, youre on dapper, i had breezy went dapper,and could neva get it going, im bak on breezy | 01:36 |
tristanmike | Pilgrim: we are talking about Dapper, right ? | 01:36 |
Pilgrim | yes | 01:36 |
gustavo | SurfnKid, :( | 01:37 |
Pilgrim | same problem in 5.10 i think | 01:37 |
=== MathiasM-WE has Dapper working fine, after Breezy went kamikaze with some keymap and nothing helped... | ||
=== aujordanh [n=hand@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SurfnKid | gustavo: i gave up on dapper cuz breezy hasnt given me one single problem | 01:37 |
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tristanmike | Pilgrim: how much ram in the computer ? | 01:37 |
Pilgrim | 1gig | 01:37 |
exlt | raiffhigor: you are talking about 6.06 (dapper) correct?..... | 01:37 |
^richiefrich | user00265 http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/dapper/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz: 404 Not Found <-- have any clues ? --> it's for my friend | 01:37 |
SurfnKid | gustavo: dont follow my experience, your hardware could support it as mine, but have to look more and read some more | 01:37 |
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eFoX | is there a way in terminal to connect to an AP ? | 01:38 |
raiffhigor | no ... ubuntu 5.10 | 01:38 |
=== eFoX hates wireless :| | ||
gustavo | SurfnKid, yeah i know it was working on breezy but Dapper seems to boot a lot faster | 01:38 |
=== M3t4ll1k0 [n=lokoloko@cm129193.red.mundo-r.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wubrgamer | hey guys | 01:38 |
raiffhigor | see mine sources.list | 01:38 |
raiffhigor | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15953 | 01:38 |
crimsun | eFoX: what do you mean "connect to"? | 01:38 |
wubrgamer | hah, atheros works flawlessly | 01:38 |
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wubrgamer | anyway | 01:38 |
gustavo | SurfnKid, noticed it? or is it just me? | 01:38 |
SurfnKid | eFoX: sudo iwconfig <adapter> essid <your-essid-here> | 01:38 |
wubrgamer | how do i clean up my apt cache | 01:38 |
raiffhigor | exlt: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15953 | 01:38 |
=== blakkino [n=BLaCk@host130-218.pool8254.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
exlt | raiffhigor: hehe - just add "universe multiverse" to whatever line you have that contains "main" | 01:38 |
Bassetts | can someone help me with a crontab plese | 01:38 |
user00265 | ^richiefrich, amd64? I don't know. but aparently, the mirror is bad. | 01:38 |
SurfnKid | gustavo: notice what | 01:38 |
gnomefreak | wubrgamer: sudo apt-get autoclean | 01:38 |
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wubrgamer | thankx | 01:38 |
gnomefreak | yw | 01:39 |
exlt | raiffhigor: looks good | 01:39 |
^richiefrich | user00265 looks like it.. | 01:39 |
SurfnKid | gnomefreak: what does autoclean do | 01:39 |
=== Kareem [n=karim@adsl196-31-219-217-196.adsl196-15.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu | ||
^richiefrich | user00265 well he went to bed.. but i had to ask.. | 01:39 |
exlt | raiffhigor: see if 'apt-get update' gives you any errors | 01:39 |
gnomefreak | SurfnKid: cleans | 01:39 |
raiffhigor | i have to modify any line?!?! | 01:39 |
gustavo | SurfnKid, forget it :p, can xgl+compiz run on breezy? | 01:39 |
eFoX | SurfnKid: when i do that, it says "Error: unrecognized wireless request "mywireless" | 01:39 |
Joe_scorp | Is anyone having problems with Aisle Riot solitare? when i try to change games it jst exits | 01:39 |
raiffhigor | exlt: give a min | 01:39 |
=== keaton [n=keaton@c-24-21-198-203.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
user00265 | ^richiefrich, must be, because here it downloaded fine | 01:39 |
gnomefreak | SurfnKid: it deletes cached packages | 01:39 |
Pilgrim | wonder if it can be!!!, ahh, i have a intel 915G built in graphics card, how do i enable hardware accel on it ? | 01:39 |
polpak | Joe_scorp: yep, does the same thing to me | 01:40 |
Joe_scorp | polpak: do you have a fix? lol | 01:40 |
SurfnKid | gustavo: i dont want to get to that subject, cuz it was sad to know that i couldnt :( that was the purpose of climbing to dapper, for xglcompiz but it was just a mess tryin to get the GL card going | 01:40 |
raiffhigor | no | 01:40 |
SurfnKid | gnomefreak: ah ok | 01:40 |
crimsun | Pilgrim: hardware-accelerated on the i915G{,M} is pretty much a joke. | 01:40 |
raiffhigor | only did some updates... | 01:40 |
Pilgrim | is there a Option "hwaccel" " on" ? | 01:40 |
=== someothernick [n=ron@pool-68-163-197-151.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bassetts | can someone help me with a crontab plese | 01:40 |
SurfnKid | eFoX: what happens when you scan ? iwlist scan | 01:40 |
raiffhigor | like the name says yet... | 01:40 |
aujordanh | Bassetts: be more specific | 01:40 |
Pilgrim | crimsun: i know, i cant affor nvidia yet | 01:40 |
raiffhigor | no erros... | 01:41 |
eFoX | SurfnKid: iwlist wlan0 scan gives me a all the available networks around | 01:41 |
gustavo | SurfnKid, :s yeah it's so frustrating, thanks anyways | 01:41 |
SurfnKid | gustavo: i really like the xgl flash video on novell's site, sooper cool | 01:41 |
eFoX | and where mine is one of them | 01:41 |
=== KanRiNiN [n=frenchja@c-68-40-176-34.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KanRiNiN | er irc.afternet.net | 01:41 |
Kareem | hi i am new user for ubuntu i'd like to install java on my linux but i couldn't i don't know how to install a .bin file please can someone help me | 01:41 |
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Bassetts | aujordanh: i want /home/bassetts/logs/IBO/ftp.sh to run every 10 mins | 01:41 |
Pilgrim | in Suse i had to confirm if i wanted hardware acceleration, not enabled y default | 01:41 |
SurfnKid | gustavo: there's a few other packages i thin you can do on breezy but nothing like xgl. Im going to try to get it going on my other dell laptop and hopefully i can get it going | 01:42 |
=== biaf [n=jeff@host81-7-47-210.adsl.v21.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
polpak | Joe_scorp: no, but you can report it as a bug | 01:42 |
crimsun | Kareem: enable multiverse and install sun-java5-jre and sun-java5-plugin | 01:42 |
Bassetts | aujordanh: so i did crontab -e and put int 10 * * * * /home/bassetts/logs/IBO/ftp.sh but it doesnt work | 01:42 |
SurfnKid | eFoX: here's i.e of mine 'sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid ORLJ | 01:42 |
raiffhigor | exlt: wich the next thing to do..?!?! | 01:42 |
Kareem | crimsun where's multiverse ? | 01:42 |
Joe_scorp | polpak: what game is yours stuck on? | 01:42 |
polpak | Joe_scorp: Klondike | 01:43 |
exlt | raiffhigor: did 'apt-get update' gives you any errors? | 01:43 |
xne0x | will adobe premier work on windows 2000(vmware)? | 01:43 |
crimsun | Kareem: see the query from ubotu | 01:43 |
=== regis_ [n=regis@d83-184-228-178.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kareem | ok thank u :) | 01:43 |
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl486.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eFoX | SurfnKid: do you have a wep on yours ? where do you enter the wep ? | 01:43 |
gustavo | SurfnKid, if it has an nVidia card then you should have no problem. good luck if you have an ATI card.... | 01:43 |
Pilgrim | will have to try, brb, i hope | 01:43 |
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raiffhigor | exlt: no erros... only some updates... | 01:43 |
xne0x | ...?? | 01:43 |
Joe_scorp | polpak: Im on royale east lol | 01:43 |
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exlt | raiffhigor: good | 01:43 |
=== chespirito [n=chespiri@200-161-136-227.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | hi guys, is there a newsgroup reader in ubuntu ? and what is it called ? | 01:43 |
raiffhigor | exlt: only finish... and returns done... | 01:43 |
polpak | !bug | 01:43 |
ubotu | bugs are reported to https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs | 01:43 |
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raiffhigor | exlt: and now?!?!!? | 01:43 |
eFoX | SurfnKid: i dont know what happened, but its working now | 01:43 |
Kyral | Pelo: take your pick :P | 01:43 |
Kyral | there are many | 01:44 |
Kyral | C'Mon its Unix :P | 01:44 |
SurfnKid | gustavo: oh really, its ati :( both laptops. but you konw id rather put more time on the other dell, since i havent done any real work on it so i can mess up more. rather than on my working breezy | 01:44 |
SurfnKid | eFoX: got it? cool | 01:44 |
harry | is there a download manager like the DOWNLOAD ACCELERATOR for LINUX | 01:44 |
xne0x | anyone know? | 01:44 |
exlt | raiffhigor: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-dev libx11-dev (couldn't hurt installing both dev packages) / and run ./configure again | 01:44 |
e-ubuntu | Good-evening everybody | 01:44 |
biaf | is the a place through the ubuntu menu to allow me to mount my xp drive via gui | 01:44 |
biaf | the=there | 01:44 |
Pelo | Kyral I was hoping for one in synaptic, I haven'T found one , maybe I am searching for the wrong thing | 01:44 |
polpak | Joe_scorp: it's already been reported | 01:44 |
aujordanh | Bassetts: i think 10 * * * * makes it run at 12:10 am once a day i may be wrong though | 01:44 |
HedgeMage | harry: can you describe its features? I haven't heard of it, so I don't knwo what to compare it to. | 01:44 |
=== slewis_ [n=slewis@62-31-82-247.cable.ubr05.stav.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SurfnKid | eFoX: you can pre-set arguments in the /etc/network/interfaces file i.e. wireless-mode open , wireless-mode shared, wireless-key XXXXXXXX... etc | 01:44 |
Joe_scorp | polpak: Yup, jst found it lol | 01:44 |
eFoX | SurfnKid: actually, i take it back. The only difference is that my network icon SHOWS me that i have connection, with full strength, but it still doesnt work | 01:45 |
raiffhigor | hey man i didn't change my source.lists... | 01:45 |
zodo_ | Hey folks. I'm on a text mode server right now, and I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the module name for a 3Com 3cCFE575BT Megahertz 10/100 LAN Cardbus [Cyclone] is. | 01:45 |
eFoX | SurfnKid: at least its progress from before | 01:45 |
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SurfnKid | eFoX: ah then need to get the wep up | 01:45 |
Bassetts | aujordanh: its mins hours day month so 10 * * * * is 10 mins | 01:45 |
raiffhigor | exlt: needs to change?!?! | 01:45 |
SurfnKid | eFoX: get the key from the router and slap it on the interfaces file | 01:45 |
aujordanh | Bassetts: right but it is time of day not an interval time | 01:45 |
SurfnKid | eFoX: and restart your network settings | 01:45 |
eFoX | SurfnKid: its already in there | 01:45 |
harry | HedgeMage: it enables you to download much faster. you can even still save the download even if your out of connection | 01:45 |
Kyral | Pelo: try KNode | 01:45 |
exlt | raiffhigor: I do not understand what you mean by "needs to change" | 01:45 |
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Bassetts | aujordanh: im so confused | 01:45 |
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eFoX | SurfnKid: how do you "restart" the network settings | 01:46 |
Pelo | thanks | 01:46 |
SurfnKid | eFoX: /etc/init.d/networking restart | 01:46 |
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=== grigora [n=grigora@s232-71.resnet.ucla.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eFoX | SurfnKid: cool. ill give that a shot. Thanks for the help so far. | 01:46 |
Timss | aside from x-chat application is there any application similar to MIRC?? | 01:46 |
SurfnKid | eFoX: na worries mate | 01:46 |
raiffhigor | exlt: the source.list.... | 01:46 |
HedgeMage | harry: hrm... I'm not familiar with anything, but if I were you the first place I'd look is the firefox extensions list | 01:46 |
raiffhigor | exlt: i have do modify anything?!?!?! | 01:46 |
raiffhigor | exlt: i have to modify anything?!?!?! | 01:46 |
harry | HedgeMage: it also divides the download package into to smaller pieces so you can download it much faster. | 01:46 |
grigora | hi, does anyone know if there is a way to upgrade to Dapper Drake through apt without downloading and burning the ISO, etc? thanks | 01:47 |
=== Fjodor [n=sune@0x55510b65.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
exlt | raiffhigor: your pastebin looked fine - install the packages... and run configure on your source | 01:47 |
=== metzen [n=Miranda@cpe-66-24-106-209.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gustavo | SurfnKid, it's really weird, i just checked the fps glxgears gave me and they are the same I had on breezy, but screenssavers don't seem to work | 01:47 |
=== stpere [i=Philippe@ts1-40.f1231.ts.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
raiffhigor | exlt: i have to change something or add something in the source.list?!?! | 01:47 |
exlt | raiffhigor: no | 01:47 |
harry | HedgeMage: What's on the firefox extensions list?? | 01:47 |
Timss | aside from x-chat application is there any application similar to MIRC?? | 01:47 |
aujordanh | Bassetts: if you put "1" in the hour slot, it doesn't run every hour, it runs at 1 am | 01:47 |
HedgeMage | harry: are you thinking of something like bittorrent? | 01:47 |
HedgeMage | harry: the extensions for the Firefox web browser... there are several download-related ones | 01:47 |
raiffhigor | exlt: i have to do this >>> sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-dev libx11-dev?!?!? | 01:47 |
Bassetts | aujordanh: i got it you put */10 in the mins | 01:47 |
SurfnKid | gustavo: set the screensavers to use GL. I use the molecule ss and i get over 60fps | 01:47 |
=== someothernick [n=ron@pool-68-163-197-151.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HedgeMage | harry: I've not read them all, of course, but it's worth a look | 01:48 |
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exlt | raiffhigor: yes | 01:48 |
=== Sukre^n_Pudre is now known as Sukre^n_}{AFK | ||
gustavo | SurfnKid, how you set them? | 01:48 |
SurfnKid | gustavo: to where before it was so slow like you say | 01:48 |
harry | HedgeMage: it works like that, but Bittorrent is P2P. | 01:48 |
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e-ubuntu | Hi everyone, I'm using ubuntu 6.06 and having some troubles with k3b. There's anybody who could give me a little help? | 01:48 |
SurfnKid | gustavo: on the screensaver, go to settings or something and the next window at the bottom says advanced, with a drop down with bunches. use GL | 01:48 |
=== reazon [n=reazon@Toronto-HSE-ppp3773659.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
raiffhigor | exlt: i did this >>> sudo apt-get install libx11-dev | 01:49 |
eFoX | SurfnKid: you are my LINUX GURU...thanks !! its all good now | 01:49 |
raiffhigor | only... | 01:49 |
marc | anyone have a good link regarding kernel compilation, and or could give me an idea of how to disable EFI when compiling? | 01:49 |
harry | HedgeMage: take a look of this if you can find one that works for linux. http://www.download.com/3000-2071-10037157.html | 01:49 |
SurfnKid | eFoX: :) another satisfied customer. hehe I have loads to learn too but i help on what i can | 01:49 |
gustavo | SurfnKid, on dapper there's no option or anything, just a list showing the screensavers :s, ill google it..... | 01:49 |
aujordanh | Bassetts: you good? | 01:49 |
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harry | HedgeMage: we usually use download accelerator in WindowsXP | 01:49 |
Bassetts | aujordanh: find out in a bout a minute =P | 01:50 |
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SurfnKid | gustavo: have to install xscreensaver i think. dapper installs another screensaver tihng to manage them. with of course.. no settinsg to manipulate. Synaptic should have it... look for xscreensaver package i think and install it | 01:50 |
=== debauche [n=persona@adsl-75-5-199-213.dsl.snlo01.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HedgeMage | harry: I don't run M$ products. | 01:50 |
Bassetts | aujordanh: i dont think it worked, ill wait till the hour | 01:50 |
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exlt | raiffhigor: so did your ./configure continue past that point ;) | 01:51 |
harry | HedgeMage: do you know how Download Accelerator Works?? can recommend something like for Linux | 01:51 |
=== folkert [n=folkert@cc68673-a.zwoll1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
marc | harry: try gwget | 01:51 |
gustavo | SurfnKid, :o let me try that | 01:52 |
Kyral | Download Accelerators are fakes | 01:52 |
SurfnKid | eFoX: molecules ss is my favorite, i download PDBs and just watch them wander and wobble | 01:52 |
BioVorE | harry: download accelerators tweek your TCP window on your stack.. you can do this on your linux box as well.. but generaly its a gay thing to do. | 01:52 |
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SurfnKid | :) | 01:52 |
Kyral | nothing can increase your speed by anything noticible except for getting a better connection | 01:52 |
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harry | marc: how do i get it. does it work the same the "gwget" like DAP?? | 01:52 |
Grarg_Laptop | hey, I'm getting a problem I hope someone can help me with | 01:52 |
Kyral | Download MANAGERS on the otherhand | 01:53 |
Kyral | !ask | 01:53 |
ubotu | For information on how to ask good questions please see http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html The more information you can give the better we can help you. If your going to give output of commands please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 01:53 |
SurfnKid | Grarg_Laptop: yo | 01:53 |
=== Ti_Uhl [n=domeniqu@d54C3E222.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ti_Uhl | hello | 01:53 |
debauche | Hi guys, trying to install Dapper on my laptop and things go fine until it asks me what keyboard layout i want.. i choose amer. engl., hit next, and then it just sits there | 01:53 |
someothernick | does kde have a art manager like gnome-art? | 01:53 |
Grarg_Laptop | I just upgraded to dapper, and my networking stopped working | 01:53 |
debauche | still responds to the mouse, i can cancel and all, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything | 01:53 |
Kyral | "Art Manager"? | 01:53 |
marc | harry: gwget is a download manager, like above responders noted it is not an accelerator, just a manager | 01:53 |
SurfnKid | Grarg_Laptop: working good before? | 01:53 |
Ti_Uhl | hi | 01:53 |
someothernick | a program like gnome-art but for kde | 01:53 |
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Grarg_Laptop | right now, "ifup eth0" gives "SIOCSIFADDR: Permission denied" | 01:53 |
Grarg_Laptop | SurfnKid, yeah | 01:54 |
=== Gonzo [n=gonzo@203-206-87-167.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SurfnKid | Grarg_Laptop: did you use sudo? | 01:54 |
pppoe_dude | debauche, does it ask you about partitioning? | 01:54 |
Grarg_Laptop | yup | 01:54 |
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
marc | harry: if you are on broadband you should not need to treak stuff for dl's, thats windows problems | 01:54 |
Gonzo | hey anyone ever tried to mount a shared folder from a macintosh on linux? | 01:54 |
debauche | pppoe_dude: nope, doesn't get that far | 01:54 |
Kyral | whats an Art Manger | 01:54 |
Gonzo | i did do man mount | 01:54 |
marc | harry: you can apt-get gwget | 01:54 |
Gonzo | but dont know what type to use | 01:54 |
e-ubuntu | anybody here is Using k3b | 01:54 |
Gonzo | smbfs doesn't look to be working that well.... | 01:54 |
SurfnKid | Grarg_Laptop: i get that same error on my usb adapter sometimes it recognizes it, othertimes it doesnt. is it miniPCI, usb, pcmicia? | 01:54 |
gustavo | SurfnKid, it works!!!!!!!!!!! I had to remove gnome-screensaver and then launch the new one using xscreensaver-demo | 01:54 |
Ti_Uhl | i installed an other kernel because i have a K7 dual core, and it worked fine, but now i want to install the nvidia drivers and they depend on the 386 kernel. is there any other way to install nvidia drivers or is it ok to install with apt ? | 01:55 |
Gonzo | and can't find anythign that meaningful that goes pass the smb | 01:55 |
gustavo | SurfnKid, thank you so much :D | 01:55 |
Grarg_Laptop | SurfnKid, onboard | 01:55 |
SurfnKid | gustavo: woohoo! hooray :) | 01:55 |
e-ubuntu | is There anybody here who uses k3b on Dapper? | 01:55 |
SurfnKid | gustavo: no trouble just a bit of help | 01:55 |
Grarg_Laptop | I just had to create the network interfaces file | 01:55 |
Grarg_Laptop | it and it's folder disappeared with the upgrade | 01:55 |
SurfnKid | Grarg_Laptop: ah, broadcomm? | 01:55 |
Grarg_Laptop | and /etc/wpa_supplicant/ifupdown.sh was misnamed | 01:55 |
Grarg_Laptop | SurfnKid, I don't think so | 01:56 |
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harry | marc: do you know an antivirus for Ubuntu that's almost equivalent of the norton antivirus?? | 01:56 |
Grarg_Laptop | that's my wireless, which is it's own problem | 01:56 |
apokryphos | !linuxvirus | 01:56 |
ubotu | The short life and hard times of a Linux Virus http://librenix.com/?inode=21 | 01:56 |
gustavo | SurfnKid, gtg now, thanks again I was working on this for the whole weekend | 01:56 |
BioVorE | harry: amavisd | 01:56 |
Kareem | i need a peer2peer the best one plz | 01:56 |
BioVorE | but linux dosn't get virus | 01:56 |
SurfnKid | :) | 01:56 |
Grarg_Laptop | SurfnKid, VIA | 01:56 |
Ti_Uhl | i installed an other kernel because i have a K7 dual core, and it worked fine, but now i want to install the nvidia drivers and they depend on the 386 kernel. is there any other way to install nvidia drivers or is it ok to install with apt ? anyone ? | 01:56 |
gnomefreak | BioVorE: yes it can | 01:56 |
exlt | harry: clamav rocks, but the only time I use antivirus on a linux box is to run an email server | 01:56 |
gnomefreak | doesnt very often but can | 01:57 |
BioVorE | gnomefreak: only if your a complete idiot | 01:57 |
crimsun | Ti_Uhl: did you install linux-k7 ? | 01:57 |
SurfnKid | Grarg_Laptop: so youre just not able to connect or not showing up on the network-admin | 01:57 |
marc | harry: you can use avg free for linux, and there is klamav if you need the gui. What are you planning on scanning, and why? | 01:57 |
gnomefreak | BioVorE: nope | 01:57 |
raiffhigor | exlt: still occurs errors... | 01:57 |
Ti_Uhl | crimsun: yes | 01:57 |
gnomefreak | BioVorE: all you have to do is run a server | 01:57 |
raiffhigor | extl: i did 3 commands... | 01:57 |
BioVorE | gnomefreak: thats what privlage seperation is for | 01:57 |
Ti_Uhl | but the nvidia packages depend on 386 | 01:57 |
gnomefreak | but there are otehr ways | 01:57 |
BioVorE | gnomefreak: thats a worm | 01:57 |
SurfnKid | Grarg_Laptop: its wired or wireless | 01:57 |
Grarg_Laptop | SurfnKid, I haven't brought up X yet, just switched video cards | 01:57 |
raiffhigor | exlt: sudo apt-get install libxinerama-dev | 01:57 |
Grarg_Laptop | and it's wired | 01:57 |
gnomefreak | BioVorE: nope worms are email based | 01:57 |
e-ubuntu | HEY, Is there anybody who could help me here? | 01:57 |
harry | marc: is it clamav or klamav??? | 01:58 |
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SurfnKid | Grarg_Laptop: what does ifconfig show | 01:58 |
Grarg_Laptop | only lo | 01:58 |
BioVorE | gnomefreak: and the best defense agaist that is tripwire or some othere md5 check sum system | 01:58 |
SurfnKid | ah | 01:58 |
e-ubuntu | harry, I think it's Klamav | 01:58 |
raiffhigor | exlt: sudo apt-get install libxext-dev | 01:58 |
marc | harry:clamav is the engine klamav is the gui for the kde enviro | 01:58 |
BioVorE | clamav | 01:58 |
raiffhigor | exlt: and ... | 01:58 |
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gnomefreak | BioVorE: its alot harder to write a virus to infect a linux fs but it is very possible | 01:58 |
BioVorE | but clamav and amavis are ment really for scanning files for mailserver | 01:58 |
raiffhigor | exlt: sudo apt-get install libx11-dev | 01:58 |
Ti_Uhl | crimsun: i installed the k7 images and header files, but when i want to install the nvidia drivers they want to install 386 kernel image | 01:58 |
marc | harry: clamav is cli | 01:58 |
harry | marc: should i download both?? | 01:58 |
Ti_Uhl | crimsun: i mean modules | 01:59 |
Ti_Uhl | :) | 01:59 |
raiffhigor | exlt: i run the ./configure.. | 01:59 |
marc | harry: do you need a gui? | 01:59 |
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raiffhigor | exlt: but the same error occurs... | 01:59 |
BioVorE | gnomefreak: yeah.. but you have to dumb enough to run it as root | 01:59 |
harry | marc: yes | 01:59 |
SurfnKid | Grarg_Laptop: lshw | grep description | 01:59 |
SurfnKid | Grarg_Laptop: does it show it there | 01:59 |
raiffhigor | exlt: checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths! | 01:59 |
Ti_Uhl | crimsun: the linux-restricted-modules to be exact ? | 01:59 |
marc | harry: if so then just apt-get install klamav and it will add clamav as a dependancy | 01:59 |
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gnomefreak | BioVorE: a virus can be a simple typo in a source code | 01:59 |
Ti_Uhl | crimsun: but i was wondering if that won't break my system | 01:59 |
freddyubuntu | guys , is there any program in ubuntu which can read encrypted files created by truecrypt ? | 02:00 |
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ThePub | BioVorE not entirely true, there are holes in applications. it's just harder to use them. | 02:00 |
harry | marc: after installing it where could i find it?? | 02:00 |
exlt | raiffhigor: in your IRC client, type '/join #apollon' - they might be able to let you know exactly what packages you need to install and help you troubleshoot their build | 02:00 |
eFoX | I current have a wep on, if i change that to wpa, what changes would i have to make to my current config ? | 02:00 |
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raiffhigor | ok | 02:00 |
Grarg_Laptop | SurfnKid, I have a description: network controller and an ethernet interface | 02:00 |
eFoX | I may not change it, but I am just curious | 02:00 |
raiffhigor | thanks.... | 02:00 |
BioVorE | ThePub: yeah.. but thats user privage excualtion.. | 02:00 |
meandi | This is probably the right place to ask but I wounder about the developers of ubuntu, do they work for free or do they get paid for their work? | 02:00 |
marc | harry: clamav is cli, klamav should show up in the menues just look around | 02:00 |
Grarg_Laptop | meandi, depends | 02:00 |
KhZilla | get paid! | 02:00 |
SurfnKid | eFoX: ive used wep by presetting the key in the interfaces file and works fine. not used wpa at all. but ther's ways to get it going | 02:00 |
freddyubuntu | I have encrypted files made by truecypt , can I open them with other Encryption Programs? | 02:00 |
KhZilla | by Canonical Ltd. | 02:01 |
harry | marc: i've installed it already but theres nothing there... | 02:01 |
stuart_ | hello | 02:01 |
stuart_ | :| | 02:01 |
=== perl_cont [n=postmast@cpe-24-175-211-136.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SurfnKid | Grarg_Laptop: maybe you could try to look for the right package to enable it, im not sure why it didnt pick it up | 02:01 |
SurfnKid | perl_cont: where from | 02:01 |
Grarg_Laptop | SurfnKid, it was working before the upgrade | 02:01 |
marc | harry: look in system, and off the application menue. if not cli klamav | 02:01 |
Grarg_Laptop | SurfnKid, without any effort on previous installs | 02:01 |
e-ubuntu | stuart_: May I ask you some k3b doubts? | 02:02 |
=== Shikai [n=Shikai@cpe-24-25-201-252.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kareem | crimsun i've install java but it's always given me on the firefox browser that i should install some missing plugins | 02:02 |
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SurfnKid | Grarg_Laptop: on the same version OS? | 02:02 |
meandi | I'm a developer myself and I would like a work I can perform from anywhere in the world and wounder if ubuntu could be something for me. | 02:02 |
freddyubuntu | a question about encryption , can a file which been ecnrypted by for example truecrypt be opened by another encryption program if u have the password ? | 02:02 |
eFoX | Can you set up multiple wireless-key entries in your interfaces file IF you do want to change wep from time to time ? would that work ? or can you only have one entry ? | 02:02 |
pppoe_dude | eFoX, wpa-psk? | 02:02 |
stuart_ | Does any know how to fix nvidia shut down problem? | 02:02 |
harry | marc: how do i turn off the application menu | 02:02 |
SurfnKid | eFoX: mmm good question not sure | 02:02 |
Bassetts | aujordanh: it doesnt appear to be working | 02:02 |
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Grarg_Laptop | SurfnKid, on every version of every OS I've tried, including various previous versions of Ubuntu, just not dapper | 02:02 |
gnomefreak | Kareem: type about:plugins in the address bar if java is there with yes after them than its not looking for a java plugin | 02:02 |
eFoX | pppoe_dude: havent desided, either that or just wpa | 02:03 |
harry | marc: is it kRandR tray??/ | 02:03 |
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eFoX | pppoe_dude: anything special that has to be done ? took me like 2 hours just to get wep working | 02:03 |
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crimsun | Kareem: did you close restart firefox? | 02:03 |
marc | harry: no, it is klamav, just like it should be | 02:03 |
pppoe_dude | eFoX, with wpa-psk it is pretty straight forward from the command line using wpa_supplicant and wpa_cupplicant.conf | 02:03 |
rixxon | about how big is the linux kernel alone? | 02:03 |
rixxon | compiled. | 02:03 |
Kareem | no | 02:04 |
Kyral | rixxon: depends | 02:04 |
aujordanh | anyone know how to get a zoom 3090 usb modem working? no drivers are available that i have found... | 02:04 |
SurfnKid | Grarg_Laptop: hehe thats why im not on dapper at least this is the only box im on. mmm I guess you could reconfigure your network again, maybe it can redetect it and set it all up. not sure of the command | 02:04 |
marc | haryy: just go to a shell and type klamav | 02:04 |
rixxon | Kyral: minimum/maximum/average? :P | 02:04 |
gnomefreak | rixxon: depends what its compiled with but not real big | 02:04 |
Kyral | rixxon: on what you put in, what you don't, etc | 02:04 |
=== Vuen [n=Administ@Ottawa-HSE-ppp263925.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Grarg_Laptop | SurfnKid, thanks for your help | 02:04 |
marc | harry: just go to a shell and type in "klamav" | 02:04 |
Bassetts | anyone know how to setup crontabs? | 02:04 |
SurfnKid | Grarg_Laptop: :( hope you can get it going, its frustrating i know | 02:04 |
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Vuen | Hey, simple question. I installed Breezy about a week before Dapper came out :( | 02:05 |
eFoX | pppoe_dude: im a complete noob so what you said made no sense. but, you gave me google keywords, so thanks | 02:05 |
SurfnKid | perl_cont: what up | 02:05 |
Vuen | Is it possible to upgrade? Is there a page that tells me how to upgrade? | 02:05 |
rixxon | !tell Vuen about upgrade | 02:05 |
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Vuen | Thanks rixxon | 02:05 |
Kareem | crimsun yes now i restart firefox but i got always the same problem i'm sure that i've installed the java ? | 02:05 |
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MTecknology | !tell MTecknology -about flooding | 02:05 |
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pppoe_dude | eFoX, oh. well, basically in the file wpa_supplicant.conf (a config file that you can create), you setup things like passphrases and connection types, and then use wpa_supplicant (the program) to connect to wifi | 02:06 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell Vuen -about upgrade | 02:06 |
pppoe_dude | eFoX, i think theres a gui for it somewhere | 02:06 |
marc | Vuen: http://easylinux.info/wiki/Ubuntu | 02:06 |
Vuen | Thanks gnomefreak | 02:06 |
MeekMassacre | question: im playing mp3's through either banshee or gtkpod and it sounds like its in a tunnel... almost like those distortion fx you can do with some soundcards... is there an equalizer or soundfx type panel im missing somewhere? | 02:06 |
stuart_ | :( After i install Nvidia drivers ubuntu doesn't want to shut down, it crashes. Does any one here know of this problem mabe help me fix this or give me some url? | 02:06 |
Vuen | Thanks marc | 02:06 |
gnomefreak | Vuen: yw | 02:06 |
e-ubuntu | gnomefreak: Hello | 02:06 |
gnomefreak | hi e-ubuntu | 02:07 |
e-ubuntu | gnomefreak: May I ask you some k3b doubts? | 02:07 |
gnomefreak | e-ubuntu: go for it | 02:07 |
Kareem | is there a way to install java runtime environment plugin on my linux ? | 02:07 |
e-ubuntu | gnomefreak: Ok Thanks. | 02:07 |
gnomefreak | Kareem: there is a plugin in repos | 02:07 |
SurfnKid | Kareem: Synaptic should have it ther | 02:07 |
ghost | Hi all, im having a network problem. i have installed dapper and now cant get some applications to work. I cant see a web server running on the machine from the other machines on the network and i cant ssh into it and i cant ping either computer from the other but i can go onto the internet fine with the dapper computer... any ideas? | 02:07 |
Bassetts | anyone know how to setup crontabs? | 02:07 |
polpak | Bassetts: crontab -e | 02:08 |
gnomefreak | sun-java5-plugin or something along those lines | 02:08 |
=== Chu [n=swebster@cpe-66-74-195-151.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xanavim | I'm trying to plug in a new usb hard drive, and it doesn't automatically show up in gnome. how do I find which device to fdisk to format the drive? | 02:08 |
biaf | I have my xp drive enabled in the 'disks' tool in system but no drive showing in 'file browser' apart from 'file system'(linux drive), is there some else to do to see my xp drive | 02:08 |
pppoe_dude | Bassetts, what do you need to know | 02:08 |
polpak | !java | 02:08 |
ubotu | To install Java/Sun Java see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and see also !javadebs | 02:08 |
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e-ubuntu | gnomefreak: I'm using dapper and my k3b works fine. But everytime I record a dvd it takes too much time | 02:08 |
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stuart_ | eek | 02:08 |
=== iRRVi [n=irrvi@c-71-196-241-204.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
e-ubuntu | gnomefreak: the k3b isnt' record at 8x | 02:08 |
gnomefreak | e-ubuntu: that could be your drive what your burning | 02:08 |
Bassetts | pppoe_dude: i think i have it setup but it isnt working | 02:09 |
iRRVi | I'm running the desktop installation livecd, is there some sort of equivilant to emerge on ubuntu? | 02:09 |
eFoX | pppoe_dude: sweeet. I'll look around. Thanks for the help | 02:09 |
gnomefreak | e-ubuntu: you *should* beable to change the speed in settings | 02:09 |
e-ubuntu | gnomefreak: I'm able to change it. | 02:09 |
Kareem | Ok thank u i'll see | 02:09 |
Bassetts | pppoe_dude: i have */10 * * * * /home/bassetts/logs/IBO/ftp.sh in my crontab file, but it is not running the script every ten minutes | 02:09 |
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e-ubuntu | gnomefreak: But even setting the speed for 8x. It doesn't record at 8x | 02:10 |
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gnomefreak | e-ubuntu: is your drive ableto burn at 8x? | 02:10 |
pppoe_dude | Bassetts, did you use crontab -e? if not did u set the crontab file correctly? | 02:10 |
xanavim | Bassetts: is the file set +x? | 02:10 |
Bassetts | pppoe_dude: i did crontab -l and it showed up | 02:10 |
pppoe_dude | Bassetts, ok 1 sec | 02:10 |
Bassetts | xanavim: a what? | 02:10 |
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xanavim | Bassetts: chmod +x? | 02:11 |
e-ubuntu | gnomefreak:yes it is, and even the media I using accept thes speed. I was recording ok at Debian Sarge | 02:11 |
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pppoe_dude | Bassetts, for the script | 02:11 |
iRRVi | I'm running the desktop installation livecd, is there some sort of equivilant to emerge on ubuntu? | 02:11 |
Bassetts | xanavim: what whill that do? | 02:11 |
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Bassetts | the script is 766 | 02:11 |
xanavim | Bassetts: that will give it execute permissions | 02:11 |
gnomefreak | e-ubuntu: i would try in #kubuntu they might be better suited to help with that | 02:11 |
eneried | where is the chinese ubuntu chanel? | 02:11 |
e-ubuntu | gnomefreak: ok. thank you so much | 02:11 |
gnomefreak | eneried: #ubuntu-ch | 02:11 |
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gnomefreak | e-ubuntu: yw | 02:12 |
gnomefreak | !cn | 02:12 |
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ubotu | For Ubuntu help in Chinese, please join #ubuntu-cn or #ubuntu-tw | 02:12 |
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Bassetts | xanavim: i did chmod +x ftp.sh | 02:12 |
iRRVi | I'm running the desktop installation livecd, is there some sort of equivilant to emerge on ubuntu? | 02:12 |
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xanavim | iRRVi: apt-get | 02:12 |
MeekMassacre | question: im playing mp3's through either banshee or gtkpod and it sounds like its in a tunnel... almost like those distortion fx you can do with some soundcards... is there an equalizer or soundfx type panel im missing somewhere? | 02:13 |
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pppoe_dude | Bassetts, i'm not too familiar with crontab - so i usually use gcrontab, which is a nice little gui for crontab | 02:13 |
iRRVi | xanavim: I'm want to do it to my ndiswrapper, so thatwont work too well | 02:13 |
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MTecknology | !wireless | 02:13 |
ubotu | well, wireless is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards if it does not work out of the box https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper windows drivers | 02:13 |
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Bassetts | pppoe_dude: i cant use gui as i am setting it up on a shell over ssh | 02:13 |
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pppoe_dude | Bassetts, ok nevermind then. your crontab line looks ok | 02:13 |
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Bassetts | ok | 02:13 |
Bassetts | ill try again with the new permissions on ftp.sh | 02:14 |
xanavim | iRRVi: you can apt-get sources and build the components you need from them | 02:14 |
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pppoe_dude | Bassetts, might also wanna make sure you're running the right crontab | 02:14 |
pppoe_dude | for the right user | 02:14 |
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Kareem | it's installed now thank u CRIMSUN ;) | 02:14 |
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Bassetts | pppoe_dude: how do i check that? | 02:14 |
eFoX | What does "...you must have the kernel headers for the version of the kernal you are running" mean ? | 02:14 |
KyoLptp` | Where's the firefox folder? | 02:14 |
KyoLptp` | I need to install the flash player | 02:14 |
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pppoe_dude | Bassetts, well, if you wanna just rule out any other possibilities, you can first try doing chmod 777 ftp.sh | 02:15 |
pppoe_dude | Bassetts, if it works, then you probably are trying to run the script by the wrong user | 02:15 |
SurfnKid | KyoLptp`: either /usr/share/firefox | 02:15 |
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SurfnKid | KyoLptp`: or /usr/share/ and find it manually. are you installing the flash player | 02:15 |
Bassetts | ok ill try that | 02:15 |
iRRVi | xanavim: how would I do that? | 02:16 |
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Bassetts | pppoe_dude: how can i check the permissions of a file in terminal? | 02:16 |
pppoe_dude | Bassetts, ls -ll | 02:16 |
Bassetts | ok | 02:16 |
BAN_ME_NOW | what a nick | 02:16 |
xanavim | iRRVi: you can try commands similar to: apt-cache search kernel | grep source | 02:16 |
MeekMassacre | ban him later | 02:16 |
BAN_ME_NOW | haha | 02:17 |
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xanavim | don't feed the trolls | 02:17 |
xanavim | (: | 02:17 |
BAN_ME_NOW | i am a goblin | 02:17 |
KyoLptp` | yeah | 02:17 |
KyoLptp` | I don't see a plugins folder | 02:17 |
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BAN_ME_NOW | it's flying | 02:17 |
xanavim | KyoLptp`: which version of ubuntu? | 02:17 |
jajaja- | where can i get hotplug? | 02:18 |
KyoLptp` | dapper | 02:18 |
NET||abuse | i'm really finding it hard to get this wireless setup right. | 02:18 |
jrattner1 | QUESTION: Has anyone been having problems with Thunderbird and message filters? I have them configured but they do not run automatically, I have to go to Tools-->Run Filters on Folders, for them to work | 02:18 |
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xanavim | KyoLptp`: you can apt-get install flash on dapper | 02:18 |
SurfnKid | KyoLptp`: its weird i had to dig the folder to find my plugins | 02:18 |
raiffhigor | exlt: man nobody answer me... | 02:18 |
Bassetts | pppoe_dude: doesnt appear to be working still | 02:18 |
BAN_ME_NOW | jajaja-, put the hotplug in the ass | 02:18 |
raiffhigor | but i'll try to solve... ;) | 02:18 |
BAN_ME_NOW | it's an anal plug | 02:18 |
SurfnKid | xanavim: yeah but i think it the installer asks where to install the 2 files | 02:18 |
jajaja- | hah yeah | 02:18 |
SurfnKid | KyoLptp`: is that what you're getting a quesiton from the installer | 02:18 |
xanavim | SurfnKid: I don't recall it asking me on dapper, just before dapper | 02:18 |
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Bassetts | pppoe_dude: the .sh works because i can run it myself and it does what it should | 02:18 |
SurfnKid | xanavim: yeah i think it doesnt, breezy would | 02:19 |
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pppoe_dude | Bassetts, ok. it is probably an issue with the crontab then | 02:19 |
iRRVi | xanavim: the problem, I havenointernet access without what I want to "emerga" | 02:19 |
NET||abuse | i somehow had my network-admin applet connectd to wireless stuff.... but it somehow lost the ability, i no longer see an enable wired/enable wireless option when i right click the network icon.. i no longer see a list of networks either?? | 02:19 |
iRRVi | *emerge | 02:19 |
KyoLptp` | E: Couldn't find package flash | 02:19 |
KyoLptp` | :( | 02:19 |
Bassetts | pppoe_dude: could it be i dont have the privledges on the shell? | 02:19 |
eFoX | where is the kernel source code kept ? | 02:19 |
xanavim | iRRVi: you can grab the packages and then install them with dpkg -i when you're offline | 02:19 |
pppoe_dude | eFoX, linux-headers | 02:19 |
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eFoX | am i treading on areas that a newb shouldnt be in ? | 02:20 |
NET||abuse | can anyone tell me how to get network-admin to see wireless networks? | 02:20 |
Dial_tone | eFoX: nowwhere if you haven't installed it | 02:20 |
SurfnKid | NET||abuse: the network cards dont show up on the net-admin? | 02:20 |
pppoe_dude | Bassetts, i think by default you should have permissions to do crontab | 02:20 |
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pppoe_dude | s/permissions/privelages | 02:20 |
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Bassetts | pppoe_dude: ok | 02:20 |
eFoX | Dial_tone: how do i know if i installed it ? I didnt manually do it, i just loaded the ubuntu cd and that was it... | 02:20 |
wastrel | not the system crontab | 02:20 |
xanavim | iRRVi: i.e. you can grab them from another computer, copy over by device of choice, then dpkg -i to install them | 02:20 |
wastrel | just your personal user crontab | 02:20 |
LinuxNIT | how do i disable the boot splash in ubuntu? | 02:20 |
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LjL | s/privelages/privileges/ :P | 02:21 |
Dial_tone | look in /usr/src | 02:21 |
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SurfnKid | LinuxNIT: tag the splash line in menu.lst | 02:21 |
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SurfnKid | Pizza is here! | 02:21 |
ThePizzaKing | sure is, Pizza for everyone | 02:22 |
LinuxNIT | SurfnKid, thanks | 02:22 |
eFoX | I'm installing a vpn client that i need to get in order to get internet at school..and its givin me a walkthrough but its asking me where my kernel source code is kept... | 02:22 |
SurfnKid | ThePizzaKing: yum | 02:22 |
eFoX | Dial_tone: there is nothing in there except for the 2 files that were extracted into there | 02:22 |
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eFoX | where may i get kernel headers ? | 02:23 |
crimsun | eFoX: linux-headers-$(uname -r) | 02:23 |
xanavim | eFoX: you need to apt-get install kernel sources | 02:23 |
SurfnKid | eFoX: you want to install them? i think theyre in synaptic | 02:23 |
xanavim | eFoX: oops, listen to crimsun | 02:23 |
eFoX | may i ask, what is kernel headers ? | 02:23 |
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MTecknology | I need help fixing my wireless | 02:24 |
crimsun | "kernel headers" is a rather general description of Linux headers used to compile external kernel modules. | 02:24 |
crimsun | in Ubuntu, you need the package linux-headers-$(uname -r) | 02:24 |
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MTecknology | crimsun, It stopped working after my restart :) | 02:24 |
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KyoLptp` | I still can't get flash to work properly, wheeeee | 02:25 |
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Pelo | KyoLptp` join the club | 02:26 |
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KyoLptp` | hehe | 02:26 |
Pelo | #noflash | 02:26 |
KyoLptp` | every time I try to do something OS-related | 02:26 |
runes | is there a good tool in Ubuntu for creating dvd's (menu chapters sound) | 02:26 |
KyoLptp` | I *always* get screwed over | 02:26 |
KyoLptp` | it must be some infallible, metaphysical rule | 02:26 |
nicky | hi all | 02:27 |
Pelo | KyoLptp` you mean macromedia flashplayer right ? | 02:27 |
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eFoX | im in synaptic package manager, there are a number of kernel headers, now, would i get the kernel-blahblah-386 | 02:27 |
eFoX | ? | 02:27 |
KyoLptp` | pretty much | 02:27 |
xanavim | KyoLptp`: did you apt-get install it? | 02:27 |
crimsun | KyoLptp`: #1. ``sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree'' #2. Download the install.tar.gz from Macromedia's/Adobe's Web site (follow the Download> Players links) #3. ``sudo apt-get --reinstall install flashplugin-nonfree'' but choose NO when prompted to download from the Internet | 02:27 |
nicky | can sbdy tell me which one is the latest gnome version 4 my breezy? | 02:27 |
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xanavim | gnome -v | 02:27 |
xanavim | oops | 02:27 |
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KyoLptp` | we shall see, crimsun | 02:28 |
crimsun | KyoLptp`: #4. ``sudo update-flashplugin --local-file $dir_containing_the_install.tar.gz'' | 02:28 |
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pimeja | Hi | 02:28 |
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crimsun | KyoLptp`: pay attention to step #4: it's the /directory/ not the path to the install.tar.gz | 02:28 |
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raiffhigor | how can i install a package .deb?!?!??!?!!? | 02:29 |
xanavim | raiffhigor: dpkg -i | 02:29 |
iRRVi | dpkg -i *.deb | 02:29 |
nicky | dpkg -i | 02:29 |
nicky | hahaa lagggg | 02:29 |
bimberi | raiffhigor: double click on it in nautilus (which will use gdebi) | 02:30 |
ThePub | raiffhigor: type this at the command line "man dpkg" | 02:30 |
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raiffhigor | i solved | 02:32 |
eFoX | If i have a amd turion, but i loaded the 32bit version of drapper, and im downloading kernel headers, would i get the one set for AMD K7 ? | 02:32 |
pimeja | Wow! This is so many people. I see that Ununtu is really popular ... | 02:32 |
nicky | can sbdy tell me which one is the latest gnome version 4 my breezy? | 02:32 |
xanavim | nicky: check versiontracker.com and all the major versions of packages | 02:32 |
pimeja | And I think Windows will dead now ... | 02:32 |
xanavim | nicky: I mean, *for* the versions of major packages | 02:32 |
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bimberi | pimeja: it's not a great indicator though - #gentoo has 924 users atm :) | 02:33 |
siriusnova | crimsun - are you here? | 02:33 |
KyoLptp` | crimsun: the install tar is on the desktop | 02:33 |
nicky | xanavim, OKOK | 02:33 |
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KyoLptp` | but I can't get the terminal to find it | 02:33 |
crimsun | siriusnova: yes, please use the channel, thanks | 02:33 |
NET||abuse | i can't do it!!! | 02:33 |
NET||abuse | nm-applet wont' register the wireless stuff | 02:33 |
raiffhigor | i'm trying ./configure | 02:33 |
crimsun | KyoLptp`: did you use step #4 that I gave you above? | 02:33 |
raiffhigor | but always return the error... | 02:33 |
raiffhigor | checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths! | 02:33 |
siriusnova | crimsun - i see that you found the problem with the thinkpad ACPI issue, when can we expect it to be in the repositories? | 02:33 |
siriusnova | the fix i mean | 02:34 |
NET||abuse | network-admin shows a network list at least, but it only does wep seemingly.and even then, when you try to activate the stuff... it just sits there with the progress bar cycling "Activating eth0" | 02:34 |
KyoLptp` | lol, I just told you the problem | 02:34 |
Bassetts | =( why wont my cron work | 02:34 |
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KyoLptp` | I dunno exactly what to call the directory | 02:34 |
siriusnova | crimsun - i mean that you fixed the problem, i was just wondering when it will hit the repositories | 02:34 |
wastrel | hello | 02:34 |
Gonzo | anyone ever managed to mount an afpfs? | 02:35 |
eFoX | i guess no one knows :'( | 02:35 |
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eFoX | IF i do download the wrong one, wuold that mess me up ? | 02:35 |
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xanavim | Gonzo: man afpd | 02:35 |
dylan_ | does the Multiverse repository include proprietary software? | 02:35 |
Pelo | KyoLptp` , I am doing the same step I am pretty sure I am having the same problem | 02:35 |
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rjian | i need help when i on the firestarter that samba networking stop?? how can i solve this problem?? | 02:35 |
wastrel | what's the problem Pelo | 02:35 |
tulga | my eclipse too slow. my pc is 1GB RAM, 2.4GhZ CPU. howto fix? | 02:36 |
Gonzo | before i start reading.. | 02:36 |
nicky | guys, dapper drake is stable?? | 02:36 |
Gonzo | i dont want to serve files from linux to mac | 02:36 |
wastrel | yes nicky | 02:36 |
Pelo | wastrel , macromedia flash player install | 02:36 |
Kyral | Its the latest release | 02:36 |
Gonzo | i already got that happenning with netatalk | 02:36 |
crimsun | siriusnova: I didn't fix it; Matthew did. An updated acpi-support will be in the archive when our release manager approves it. Give it some time; the rest of the devs in Paris are probably just arriving, so I wouldn't expect it to be approved for -updates until tomorrow morning localtime (I'm EDT, -0400 GMT). | 02:36 |
Kyral | Stable...maybe :P | 02:36 |
wastrel | Pelo: following the wiki? | 02:36 |
nicky | woh, apt-get --dist-upgrade right now! | 02:36 |
raiffhigor | checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths! | 02:36 |
raiffhigor | ( i had installed the libx packages but i thing that the problem is in correct the packages...!?!?!? anybody can help me...?!!?!? ) | 02:36 |
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Pelo | wastrel no the instructions some one just postted here, crimsun I think | 02:36 |
Bassetts | where are crontabs stored? | 02:36 |
Kyral | !cron | 02:36 |
ubotu | hmm... cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. There is a HOW-TO located at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm | 02:36 |
wastrel | Pelo: what's the url? | 02:37 |
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void^ | eFoX: see `uname -r`. that's the kernel you use, and any kernel headers and modules you get should fit to it | 02:37 |
xanavim | Gonzo: oh, I have it backwards then... try turning on widows filesharing on the mac and using smb | 02:37 |
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rjian | i need help? | 02:37 |
Pelo | <nicky> can sbdy tell me which one is the latest gnome version 4 my breezy? | 02:37 |
A-G | Hi all, I just installed Teamspeak2, and when it's all finished being installed, I double click on the .sh script to open the program, when I click run, nothing happens. | 02:37 |
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Gonzo | mount -t smbfs = unsupported file system | 02:37 |
Bassetts | Kyral: that doesnt say where they are kept | 02:37 |
dylan_ | does the multiverse repository include proprietary software? or does non-free simply mean non-free, but still open source? is it possible to have a proprietary open source program? | 02:37 |
Gonzo | :( | 02:37 |
Pelo | * rafael s'appelle maintenant _zip_ | 02:37 |
varsendaggr | how do i empty my trash? | 02:37 |
nicky | Pelo, wassap? | 02:37 |
Kyral | Bassetts: user crontabs are .crontab, root is /etc/cron.d I THINK | 02:37 |
Pelo | wastel those were the instructions I was following ( in pm) | 02:38 |
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crimsun | dylan_: yes, it includes closed-source proprietary software. | 02:38 |
Gonzo | either my linux doesn't support smbfs or the mac smbfs is dodgy | 02:38 |
dylan_ | crimsun, so why did ubuntu include it? | 02:38 |
Dial_tone | open the trash can in the corner and delete whats there | 02:38 |
harry | is it gwget?? or wget?? | 02:38 |
crimsun | dylan_: which by definition is non-free. | 02:38 |
Pelo | Nicky just playing around trying to get flash intalled | 02:38 |
Gonzo | im awared that windows to mac smb is dodgy | 02:38 |
dylan_ | crimsun, i refuse to use proprietary software :-) | 02:38 |
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nicky | Pelo, haha | 02:38 |
crimsun | dylan_: multiverse is not enabled by default. You will have to explicitly enable it and choose to install software from it. | 02:38 |
Pelo | nicky do I know you ? | 02:38 |
dylan_ | crimsun, do you know of a font package similar to msttcorefonts that it open source? thank you for that distinciton, btw | 02:38 |
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Bassetts | Kyral, but where are the user crontabs? | 02:38 |
wastrel | Bassetts: crontab -e will open your user crontab | 02:39 |
A-G | Can anyone tell me what is wrong? | 02:39 |
Kyral | Bassetts: I think they are in ~/.crontab | 02:39 |
crimsun | dylan_: I don't know of one. | 02:39 |
Kyral | I don't know for sure, I don't use cron that often | 02:39 |
dylan_ | crimsun, how about a flash player? or a java environment | 02:39 |
=== Mersault [n=Mersault@CPE0000e895aafe-CM00137189e160.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rjian | anyone i need help on samba and firestarter ??? | 02:39 |
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KyoLptp` | no wonder it didn't work | 02:39 |
KyoLptp` | crimsun, why did you put that "$" sign there? | 02:40 |
KyoLptp` | I took it out and it seems to have worked | 02:40 |
crimsun | dylan_: sun-java5* and flashplugin-nonfree are both there. | 02:40 |
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crimsun | KyoLptp`: because it's the standard designation for a variable | 02:40 |
Pelo | KyoLptp` what command line did you use ? | 02:40 |
dylan_ | crimsun, right, but im talking about an open source solution. | 02:40 |
nicky | Pelo, don't think so | 02:40 |
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StylusEater | howdy | 02:40 |
KyoLptp` | lol, like any linux noob knows that | 02:40 |
xanavim | Gonzo: just out of curiosity, why aren't you using ftp? | 02:40 |
crimsun | dylan_: if an open source solution existed, it wouldn't be in multiverse. There are attempts. | 02:41 |
yatpay | can anyone help me out? the only screen resolution that's available is 640x480 even though my xorg config has others listed | 02:41 |
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Gonzo | xanavim: i wnat it as a file system | 02:41 |
kaizoku | hi | 02:41 |
Gonzo | i have music on there | 02:41 |
dylan_ | crimsun, they aren't any good, are they? | 02:41 |
crimsun | dylan_: cf. gcj and the various *swf* ones in main/universe | 02:41 |
Gonzo | and stuff that i want direct read access | 02:41 |
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crimsun | dylan_: I'm not qualified to judge whether they're "good", only if they "work for my use cases" | 02:41 |
dylan_ | crimsun, would i be able to view YouTube videos? | 02:42 |
crimsun | dylan_: probably not, but I use flashplugin-nonfree for that. | 02:42 |
kaizoku | I can't seem to install anything because I keep getting the error "Can't find X includes" whenever I try to "./configure" | 02:42 |
ic56 | Kyral, Bassetts: it's good practice to keep a copy of your crontab in ~/.crontab so it gets backed up along with your homedir. However, the crontabs are kept by the system in /var/spool/cron/crontabs | 02:42 |
Pelo | dylan_ install automatix and install all the multimedia stuff | 02:42 |
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Kyral | !automatix | 02:43 |
zF | Hi | 02:43 |
Pelo | dylan_ http://www.getautomatix.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=4&Itemid=23 | 02:43 |
zF | I was curious if XGL/Compiz could be run on Xubuntu? | 02:43 |
wastrel | kaizoku: try installing xorg-dev | 02:43 |
crimsun | KyoLptp`: asking questions is viable, too. | 02:43 |
Bassetts | this cron will not run | 02:43 |
dylan_ | Pelo, i dont know if you saw earlier, but i do not use proprietary software. | 02:43 |
Kyral | ubotu tell dylan_ about automatix | 02:43 |
kaizoku | ok, thanks | 02:43 |
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StylusEater | yatpay: other resolutions might be listed but not supported by your chipset...I'd recommend doing an lspci to see the chipset and an lsmod to see what driver is loaded...then I'd check to make sure your chipset supports your desired resolution and then make sure the driver is loaded | 02:43 |
crimsun | KyoLptp`: the entire procedure is documented in bug 48620 | 02:43 |
Bassetts | is there a way to see that output of a cron? | 02:44 |
Pelo | dylan_ I hadn't , sorry, then I don't knwo how to help you | 02:44 |
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Kyral | Bassetts: direct its output to a file and check the file | 02:44 |
StylusEater | yatpay: then you can fiddle with your xorg.conf file | 02:44 |
Bassetts | Kyral: how though | 02:44 |
dylan_ | Pelo, do you know of a good Flash and Java alternative? | 02:44 |
Kyral | Bassetts: command >> somefile | 02:44 |
Bassetts | ok Kyral | 02:44 |
NET||abuse | ok, why would nm-applet have wireless options before my pc restarted and not when it started up again? | 02:44 |
KanRiNiN | Hey guys. neither Gens nor Snes9x function in OpenGL mode, yet other games like chromium and ppracer do. Any ideas? Is it related to opengl overlay turned off? | 02:45 |
Pelo | dylan_ if I did I probably wouldn't be trying to install flash, I'm new at this and I am a bit frazzled | 02:45 |
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dylan_ | Pelo, okay, well thanks for all of your help tonight! see you on IRC sometime later! | 02:45 |
KyoLptp` | I think it works fine now | 02:45 |
Bassetts | Kyral: */1 * * * * sh /home/bassetts/logs/IBO/ftp.sh >> cron.txt ??? | 02:45 |
KyoLptp` | just certain flash animations don't work right | 02:45 |
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Kyral | yah | 02:45 |
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KyoLptp` | thanks for the help crimsun | 02:45 |
crimsun | KyoLptp`: np | 02:45 |
Kyral | though might wanna make it go to your homedir | 02:45 |
wastrel | Bassetts: use a full path for the output file | 02:45 |
Bassetts | ok | 02:46 |
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Bassetts | wastrel: is everything else ok though? | 02:47 |
wastrel | Bassetts: i didn't try to parse the time codes but the command looks fine :] | 02:48 |
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Bassetts | wastrel: nothing got put into cron.txt | 02:48 |
Bassetts | just empty text file | 02:48 |
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ic56 | Bassetts, wastrel: that crontab line is fine, though specifying /1 is silly -- it's implied. | 02:48 |
xanavim | Gonzo: what command are you using to mount smb? | 02:48 |
wastrel | Bassetts: and if you run the ftp.sh script from the command line, you get output? | 02:49 |
Bassetts | ic56: what to you mean /1?? | 02:49 |
[PUPPETS] Gonzo | highlights all the time ;) | 02:49 |
Bassetts | wastrel: the .sh works just fine | 02:49 |
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wastrel | Bassetts: you might be missing some environment variables in the cron environment that are present in your shell environment | 02:49 |
Gonzo | xanavim: sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=user,password=passwd //fcoulombe-G4.local/ /media/mac/ | 02:50 |
yatpay | ok, different question. i've got the ATI drivers installed, but "aticonfig" isn't recognized as a command | 02:50 |
Gonzo | or variant of that... | 02:50 |
ic56 | Bassetts: your first field is "*/1". The "/1" is unnecessary. Also using absolute paths is generally a good idea in crontabs, so replace sh with /bin/sh | 02:50 |
Gonzo | with the ip address | 02:50 |
Gonzo | i also realized that smbfs wasnt installed | 02:50 |
Gonzo | but with installing it... it just says connexion refused | 02:50 |
rjian | can anyone help me with firestarter and samba?? | 02:50 |
Bassetts | ic56: done that | 02:50 |
Gonzo | 16006: Connection to fcoulombe-G4.local failed | 02:50 |
Gonzo | SMB connection failed | 02:50 |
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Gonzo | and i do connect successfully from windows | 02:51 |
Gonzo | or mozilla | 02:51 |
yatpay | anyone? aticonfig? | 02:51 |
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Bassetts | ic56: can i get it to output everything?? | 02:51 |
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ThePizzaKing | My friend wants me to install Ubuntu on his computer and I was wondering which I should use to set it up, EasyUbuntu or AutoMatrix? | 02:51 |
Bassetts | ic56: e.g the .sh says run pisg, and pisg outputs some text | 02:52 |
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wubrgamer | hey guys | 02:52 |
wubrgamer | how's it going ? | 02:52 |
yatpay | haha, hi wubrgamer | 02:52 |
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wubrgamer | so, anyway | 02:52 |
jiSh | how can i go about putting xubuntu on my laptop w/128MB ram | 02:52 |
wubrgamer | i'm installing amarok on my ubuntu install | 02:52 |
wubrgamer | will it just work ? | 02:52 |
jiSh | it freezes at partition | 02:52 |
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buggzero | is there a better IM Client thank Kopete? | 02:53 |
jiSh | gaim | 02:53 |
ic56 | Bassetts: yes, when you redirect a program, all its children inherit the redirection. So all commands run by the script are also redirected. I note that you didn't redirect STDERR, though. You probably should. Do it like this: ... >>/home/bassetts/myfile 2>&1 | 02:53 |
buggzero | but gaim is giving me IPv6 problems | 02:53 |
xanavim | Gonzo: so you did try using static IP instead of fcoul..local? | 02:53 |
wubrgamer | gaim | 02:54 |
Gonzo | yes | 02:54 |
jiSh | i googled the .deb package for 2.30 beta 3 | 02:54 |
zF | does anyone know a free windows software that I can burn .iso's with? | 02:54 |
Gonzo | same result if not worst | 02:54 |
Bassetts | ic56: i am very confused now | 02:54 |
jiSh | zf: IMGBURN | 02:54 |
wubrgamer | deepburner | 02:54 |
yatpay | anyone know why "aticonfig" isn't recognized as a command for me? | 02:54 |
Bassetts | ic56: cron.txt says not connected many times | 02:54 |
goinup | hi-- i've been looking around and i can't seem to find a workaround. i have 2 sata hds connected to a 3ware 80062lp and it seems that ubuntu installs but it hangs when it tries to do 'first boot' right after it finishes decompressing the kernel | 02:54 |
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ic56 | Bassetts: good. the crontab is being run once a minute and the script is outputing errors to your log file. Did you write the script? | 02:55 |
goinup | is this known? is there a workaround? | 02:55 |
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jiSh | how can i go about putting xubuntu on my laptop w/128MB ram .. it freezes @ partitioning | 02:55 |
wubrgamer | so right guys | 02:55 |
jiSh | or should i use diff distro | 02:55 |
Bassetts | ic56: i wrote the ftp.sh that runs a script then sends a file over ftp | 02:55 |
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ic56 | Bassetts: ok, pastebin ftp.sh I'll take a look. | 02:56 |
LinuxNIT | on a x86_64 system can i use the wine repo on the winehq.com website? | 02:56 |
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buggzero | is there a debian package for the new Gaim Beta? | 02:56 |
void^ | LinuxNIT: no | 02:57 |
LinuxNIT | k thanks | 02:57 |
LinuxNIT | didnt think so | 02:57 |
wubrgamer | so guys | 02:57 |
marc | could someone please tell me how to get the mplayer plugin for mozilla to allow realplayer 10 to handle realplayer stuff? | 02:57 |
yatpay | anyone know why "aticonfig" isn't recognized as a command for me? | 02:57 |
LinuxNIT | void^, does ubuntu have wine for x86_64? | 02:58 |
kbrooks | ThePizzaKing: try one of them | 02:58 |
kbrooks | ThePizzaKing: tell us which one you like best | 02:58 |
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ThePizzaKing | kbrooks: Fair enough | 02:58 |
Bassetts | ic56: http://rafb.net/paste/results/1pHRA479.html | 02:58 |
ghost | okay the wee networkManager applet top right of the screen has a small orange exclamation mark next to it, claiming no network connection. I can use the internet and can now access the ssh server and web server from other computers on the network. BUT i cant ping either computer from the other and this exclamation mark remains. Does anyone have any idea what is going on here? | 02:58 |
yatpay | -_- 800 people and no answers | 02:59 |
void^ | LinuxNIT: no, look into a 32bit chroot environment | 02:59 |
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bintrue | I'm not getting any heartbeats in ##gnome so maybe someone here can help: Is there a way to increase the spacing between icons so my filenames don't wrap as much when I have the text next to instead of underneath the icons? | 02:59 |
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xanavim | Gonzo: try this: sudo smbmount // /media/smb_mount/ -o username=myname,password=passwd | 02:59 |
Gonzo | k | 02:59 |
LinuxNIT | void^, thanks | 02:59 |
LinuxNIT | void^, would comipliing from source work? | 02:59 |
ic56 | Bassetts: I presume pisg generates index.html? | 03:00 |
Bassetts | yes ic56 | 03:00 |
ghost | anyone? | 03:00 |
Gonzo | processing... | 03:00 |
wastrel | ghost: the network manager thingy doesn't seem to talk to /etc/network/interfaces | 03:00 |
Gonzo | timeout connecting :( | 03:00 |
void^ | LinuxNIT: i don't really know, i don't have any x86_64, but afaik you can technically compile a 64bit wine and use it for 64bit windows apps (so it's rather useless) | 03:00 |
xanavim | Gonzo: how odd | 03:00 |
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wastrel | ghost: also system > administration > networking seems to operate independently of the network manager applet | 03:01 |
xanavim | Gonzo: you can ping your mac from the maching you're using? | 03:01 |
ic56 | Bassetts: have you tried running that script from the command line? did it work? | 03:01 |
Gonzo | maybe my smb service crashed on the mac | 03:01 |
LinuxNIT | void^, ah ok didnt thing about that part thanks | 03:01 |
LinuxNIT | :D | 03:01 |
Gonzo | it seems to happen alot | 03:01 |
ghost | okay any ideas why i cant ping from comp to comp but can access ssh and webserver ? | 03:01 |
kevinly | having problems mounting a windows partition. | 03:01 |
xanavim | Gonzo: which version on your mac? | 03:01 |
Bassetts | ic56: ftp.sh works | 03:01 |
Gonzo | xanavim: i can use netatalk no problem | 03:01 |
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Gonzo | 10.4 tiger | 03:01 |
kevinly | i've 2 partitions that came up automatically which are fine | 03:01 |
kevinly | that i can't write to. | 03:01 |
bintrue | ghost, could it be a firewall? | 03:01 |
xanavim | Gonzo: smb is pretty stable on Mac for 10.4 | 03:01 |
Gonzo | i've seen it crash often between windows and mac | 03:02 |
bintrue | kevinly, NTFS? | 03:02 |
kevinly | but i've set a side 4gb as a drive that would be mutally writeable from both | 03:02 |
ghost | not as far as i know | 03:02 |
kevinly | bintrue: yes. | 03:02 |
wastrel | ghost: check iwconfig & see if you're connected to the network you think you're connected to | 03:02 |
ghost | i have just reinstalled dapper | 03:02 |
xanavim | Gonzo: maybe a reboot would help then, dunno | 03:02 |
kevinly | the format obviously didnt work | 03:02 |
Gonzo | yeah that usualy does it | 03:02 |
ghost | have no installed any firewall | 03:02 |
bintrue | kevinly, You are best off with one being Fat32. NTFS is hard to work with in LInux | 03:02 |
Gonzo | nyway i'll keep trying stuff | 03:02 |
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Gonzo | thx for your help | 03:02 |
kevinly | bintrue: i know :) | 03:02 |
xanavim | I turned on windows sharing on my mac and that command I gave you worked | 03:02 |
kevinly | i formated the drive to fat32 | 03:02 |
kevinly | but it's still not operatable from linux... | 03:03 |
Gonzo | yeah that last one looked quite promising | 03:03 |
Gonzo | (more than the previous ones) | 03:03 |
eneried | hello | 03:03 |
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Gonzo | i'll do a few tests | 03:03 |
eneried | does enybody know how to write chinese, japanese or korean in amsn?? | 03:03 |
Gonzo | brb | 03:03 |
bintrue | kevinly, I would check the way it's mounted | 03:03 |
kevinly | i just went into system/administration/disk format and expected it to work tbh | 03:03 |
ic56 | kevinly: point your browser to http://ca.geocities.com/ic56@rogers.com/65/diskmounter-latest.txt Page down to "Instructions", and read till the next blank line. Follow the instructions to save and run the file. It will setup your /etc/fstab and mountpoints in /media so you can see your NTFS filesystems in Places> Computer. | 03:03 |
kevinly | yep it mounts | 03:03 |
ic56 | kevinly: The script will ask you if you want to enable NTFS write. Answer no. If you already tried unsuccessfully to add your Windows filesystems to /etc/fstab , add a -b flag to the script invocation. I authored this version, so I can help if anything goes wrong. | 03:03 |
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kevinly | i want to make it clear | 03:04 |
kevinly | i have 3 windows partions | 03:04 |
kevinly | 2 of which are fine as ntfs | 03:04 |
kevinly | and i don't want to damage | 03:04 |
kevinly | the final one is supposed to be fat32 but doesn't do anything | 03:04 |
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orfeu | hy all | 03:04 |
ghost | iwconfig just says no wireless extensions which is fair enough because i dont have any woreless adapters | 03:05 |
bintrue | kevinly, I'm no expert but I would check out /etc/fstab to find out how the drive is getting mounted ie RO. or RW | 03:05 |
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wastrel | ghost: oic heh i thought you were using wireless that's what most people want that applet for | 03:05 |
ic56 | kevinly: please don't use your [ENTER] key so much. | 03:05 |
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acetech | anyone know why my hp laserjet 4l driver is not found in ubuntu? | 03:05 |
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wastrel | root_: don't IRC as root | 03:05 |
kevinly | ic56: sorry. | 03:06 |
ghost | to be honest im not too fussed about theh wee applet | 03:06 |
ghost | its just not being able to ping which is wierd | 03:06 |
eneried | does anybody knows how to use scim? | 03:06 |
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wastrel | ghost: can you ping the ubuntu system from your other machines? | 03:06 |
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eneried | :'( i think no body is talking to me today :'( | 03:06 |
buggzero | acetech: you may want to try nwizwrapper | 03:06 |
ghost | nope | 03:06 |
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buggzero | or its called something like that | 03:06 |
orfeu | eneried what you need ? :) | 03:07 |
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buggzero | ubotu: tell eneried about SCIM | 03:07 |
ic56 | Bassetts: well, I'm still not sure why this is happening, but I can tell you that the "no connected" message is probably being displayed when the ftp put command is reached -- because logging-in failed. | 03:07 |
Bassetts | ok ic56 | 03:07 |
wastrel | ghost: what's the IP on the ubuntu system? does it have the proper subnet mask? using dhcp for network configuration? | 03:07 |
Bassetts | ic56: ill just stick with running ftp.sh manually | 03:08 |
Bassetts | saves me time anyway | 03:08 |
ghost | it has a static ip of | 03:08 |
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ghost | subnet 2552552550 | 03:08 |
ghost | gateway | 03:08 |
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acetech | buggzero, i just googled nwizwrapper and no results | 03:08 |
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krazykit | acetech: ndiswrapper. | 03:08 |
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buggzero | thats what i ment | 03:09 |
buggzero | sorry i was close | 03:09 |
orfeu | acetech ndiswrapper !!! :) | 03:09 |
acetech | krazykit, i though ndiswrapper was for wireless | 03:09 |
ghost | all the system on the network should have the same subnet mask right ? | 03:09 |
krazykit | nah, it does wired stuff too | 03:09 |
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buggzero | its for general conversion of windows drivers | 03:09 |
wastrel | ghost: yes | 03:09 |
xne0x | hello can some1 help me with vmware error | 03:09 |
buggzero | i think | 03:09 |
krazykit | buggzero: only networking drivers. | 03:09 |
luis_ | guys, my vmware player started to give out this error message: Could not open /dev/vmmon | 03:09 |
xne0x | when i generate a 320k file which is a usable blank drive with this cmd | 03:09 |
buggzero | sonofoa | 03:10 |
xne0x | wine qemu-img.exe create -f vmdk WindowsXPPro.vmdk 2G Formating 'WindowsXPPro.vmdk', fmt=vmdk, size=2097152 kB | 03:10 |
buggzero | my bad | 03:10 |
acetech | i don't want a windows print driver though... i have had the printer working with the hpijs linux driver before | 03:10 |
xne0x | i get this error | 03:10 |
krazykit | acetech: what? | 03:10 |
xne0x | wine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\qemu-img.exe": Module not found | 03:10 |
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xne0x | anyone kno how to fix | 03:10 |
krazykit | acetech: ndiswrapper is for network cards, nothing else. | 03:10 |
ghost | hmmm well its all pretty wierd i'll just let it lie for now i think.... | 03:10 |
ghost | thanks anyway | 03:10 |
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xne0x | ?? | 03:10 |
acetech | krazykit, it is for a printer | 03:10 |
krazykit | acetech: um... then you can't use ndiswrapper. you'll need to find a native driver. | 03:11 |
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wastrel | okey dokey | 03:11 |
Gonzo | actualy xanavim: i added debug=4 | 03:11 |
Gonzo | 19457: session request ok | 03:11 |
Gonzo | 19457: session setup ok | 03:11 |
Gonzo | 19457: tconx ok | 03:11 |
Gonzo | namecache_shutdown: Couldn't close namecache on top of gencache. | 03:11 |
bintrue | Anyone know if you can change the Icon spacing in Nautilus? | 03:11 |
Gonzo | dunno if that makes sense to you... | 03:11 |
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raiffhigor | how can i install a file .rpm?!?!?!? | 03:12 |
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roler | during the last ubuntu update, the ones in the last few days, did they update anything related to wireless? Any way I can see an update log? | 03:12 |
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NickGarvey | !tell raiffhigor about rpm | 03:12 |
eugman | Hey, Any easy way I can watch a slow animation of the function y=round(5*x^n) with n going from 1 to 100? | 03:12 |
wastrel | raiffhigor: don't install rpm | 03:12 |
wastrel | raiffhigor: what program | 03:12 |
epssy | !rpm | 03:12 |
ubotu | well, rpm is the Redhat Package Management file. Very similar to Debian's DEB files, but require alien to install. ask me about !alien | 03:12 |
raiffhigor | wastrel XFree86-devel | 03:13 |
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ube_ | can someone please check my website, www.rowelldionicio.com, and let me know what content is displayed | 03:13 |
krazykit | raiffhigor: ubuntu uses xorg | 03:13 |
epssy | eugman: gnuplot maybe? | 03:13 |
krazykit | not xorg | 03:13 |
ube_ | i am having issues uploading. seems to be a cache issue | 03:13 |
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luis_ | guys, my vmware player started to give out this error message: Could not open /dev/vmmon | 03:14 |
raiffhigor | xorg dont have in my ubuntu... | 03:14 |
krazykit | err, raiffhigor, ubuntu uses xorg, not xfree. if you need devel headers, xorg-dev | 03:14 |
raiffhigor | i did xorg ########### | 03:14 |
buggzero | hey krazykit: do you know much about disabling IPv6 | 03:14 |
krazykit | buggzero: no, i just disable it in my kernel. | 03:14 |
raiffhigor | hum... | 03:15 |
buggzero | where abouts could I find that as well | 03:15 |
raiffhigor | ok thanks i'll try... | 03:15 |
raiffhigor | ;) | 03:15 |
ic56 | Bassetts: I tried your script under crontab on my box and it worked the same way as on the command line (index.html: No such file or directory). I think the problem is that the ftp server is sometimes not accepting your login. Overloaded at times maybe? | 03:15 |
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buggzero | it gives me a hard time connecting to stuff unless i "host irc.freenode.net" in console | 03:15 |
raiffhigor | krazykit: apt-get install xorg-dev??? | 03:15 |
krazykit | buggzero: well, unless you're prepared to compile your own kernel, you're better of putting any loaded ipv6 modules into the blacklist file | 03:15 |
krazykit | raiffhigor: yeah | 03:15 |
raiffhigor | impossible to find package xorg-dev | 03:16 |
raiffhigor | returns for me... | 03:16 |
buggzero | i havent compiled my own kernel yet | 03:16 |
raiffhigor | krazykit: what can i do?!? | 03:16 |
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buggzero | you need more repositories | 03:16 |
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krazykit | buggzero: wrong, it's in the main one. | 03:16 |
buggzero | shucks | 03:17 |
raiffhigor | krazykit: ?!!?!? | 03:17 |
buggzero | thats twice ive struck out | 03:17 |
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roler | during the last ubuntu update, the ones in the last few days, did they update anything related to wireless? Any way I can see an update log? | 03:17 |
krazykit | raiffhigor: you must be doing something wrong then. "sudo apt-get install xorg-dev" is the right package for the x-devel headers. | 03:17 |
wastrel | xorg-dev is in main | 03:17 |
krazykit | raiffhigor: and ffs, i take longer than 30 seconds to type sometimes. be patient, man | 03:17 |
bintrue | Can anyone recommend replacements for Nautilus? | 03:18 |
krazykit | bintrue: thunar, rox-filer | 03:18 |
Alethes | gnome-terminal? :D | 03:18 |
bintrue | quick and easy, thanks krazykit | 03:18 |
krazykit | bintrue: though thunar has more dependencies than rox-filer | 03:18 |
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Alethes | thunar looks intriguing | 03:18 |
bintrue | I'm looking for something that can mimik WIndows Explorer's List view | 03:18 |
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krazykit | bintrue: thunar will do that | 03:19 |
bintrue | Nautilus' icons are just too damn close together | 03:19 |
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krazykit | bintrue: though it's been a long time since i've used windows... list view looks fine to me in thunar | 03:19 |
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bintrue | thanks for the suggestion krazykit | 03:20 |
tehgooch | Hello, everybody. | 03:20 |
raiffhigor | krazykit: sorry... | 03:20 |
raiffhigor | krazykit: i'll be... | 03:20 |
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raiffhigor | krazykit: ;) | 03:20 |
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kaizoku | whenever I try to install GoogleEarth, it just gives me an error saying "You don't see[m] to be running an X server (no DISPLAY set)", and then aborts, I tried running "export DISPLAY=0.0", but then it just goes through the uncompression and stops | 03:21 |
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UKMatt | hey, someone had told me earlier that you could change the panel in gnome (menu bar), can you really b/c i think he was wrong | 03:23 |
NickGarvey | what doy ou mean change? | 03:23 |
UKMatt | like, theme it | 03:23 |
UKMatt | make it look - not gay | 03:23 |
NickGarvey | !gay | 03:23 |
tehgooch | I think there is a theme option under system > preferences | 03:23 |
NickGarvey | !tell UKMatt about gay | 03:23 |
bintrue | UKMatt, try right clicking and properties | 03:24 |
__mikem | Does anyone know if Gnoppix is worth while? Its based on ubuntu so I would expect quality | 03:24 |
__mikem | !manners | 03:24 |
ubotu | Please respect and don't abuse the people that are trying to help you. That is not productive. We are all unpaid volunteers, giving up our spare time. For more info, ask me about !coc | 03:24 |
UKMatt | bintrue, i've tried that, but it doesn't look right when you color/image it | 03:24 |
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kaizoku | whenever I try to install GoogleEarth, it just gives me an error saying "You don't see[m] to be running an X server (no DISPLAY set)", and then aborts, I tried running "export DISPLAY=0.0", but then it just goes through the uncompression and stops | 03:24 |
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valehru | Hey guys... | 03:24 |
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wastrel | UKMatt: the widgets on your gnome panels are themed by the gtk theme. check gnome-look.org or art.gnome.org for gtk themes | 03:25 |
UKMatt | and also, does anyone know why sometime i'll pull up a menu and i'll give me arrows up and down, and sometimes it wont | 03:25 |
UKMatt | wastrel, i've done themes, but they don't change the toolbar thing | 03:25 |
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valehru | Could someone test something out for me....trying to listen to a stream in firefox however every time I try and access it in Firefox it keeps crashing firefox.....Here's the stream...can anyone test it for me ? Running dapper x64: http://exodus.interoutemediaservices.com/livestreams/srh/today_fm.asx | 03:25 |
bintrue | krazykit, again, thanks Thunar is exactly what I want | 03:25 |
prwlr | hello | 03:26 |
krazykit | bintrue: be careful, though. it doesn't have trashcan support. delete means delete. | 03:26 |
bintrue | thanks for the warning | 03:26 |
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raiffhigor | krazykit: i can't found in apt-get | 03:26 |
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raiffhigor | xorg-dev | 03:26 |
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krazykit | raiffhigor: you're running dapper, right? 6.06? | 03:27 |
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mish4 | mish4@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname-r) | 03:27 |
mish4 | bash: uname-r: command not found | 03:27 |
raiffhigor | no ubuntu 5.10 | 03:27 |
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wastrel | uname -r | 03:27 |
raiffhigor | krazykit: i can't found in apt-ge | 03:27 |
krazykit | raiffhigor: ah, well no wonder. that package doesn't exist in 5.10 | 03:27 |
__mikem | put a space between the command and the options | 03:27 |
raiffhigor | krazykit: sorry... | 03:27 |
valehru | hmm ...strange...when I use the link directly its fine however on the website it crashes.....must be a problem with firefox and the website itself.....won't be going there again :) | 03:27 |
raiffhigor | krazykit: and how can i get it?!?! | 03:27 |
xnix | krazykit what are some differences between thunar and nautilus? | 03:27 |
xnix | krazykit i havent used thunar | 03:28 |
__mikem | valehru, that might be because its cached | 03:28 |
mish4 | what about | 03:28 |
mish4 | E: Couldn't find package linux-restricted-modules | 03:28 |
raiffhigor | krazykit: do you know?!?! | 03:28 |
krazykit | xnix: http://thunar.xfce.org/index.html | 03:28 |
mish4 | nevermind i got it | 03:28 |
krazykit | raiffhigor: hrm, then i don't know. search synaptic for xorg and look for -dev packages is all i can suggest | 03:28 |
xnix | krazykit hehe im there | 03:28 |
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raiffhigor | krazykit: ok | 03:28 |
yatpay | can anyone tell me why the command "aticonfig" isn't recognized? | 03:28 |
raiffhigor | thanks | 03:28 |
valehru | _mikem, could you check the site out and see if it does the same for you? http://www.todayfm.com then click listen now... | 03:29 |
bintrue | xnix: I went looking for thunar because I didn't like the way Nautilus displayed icons. | 03:29 |
xnix | krazykit do you think its faster than nautilus? | 03:29 |
xnix | bintrue ahh ok | 03:29 |
Alethes | isn't nautilus fast enough? | 03:29 |
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krazykit | xnix: yeah, a little, but i use it because i used xfce instead of gnome | 03:29 |
xnix | yeah cool | 03:29 |
__mikem | valehru it works here. IF you can't see it, Id first look in your hosts file | 03:29 |
Alethes | if it feels slow, you shoulda seen it in the early days heh | 03:29 |
efox | what do i need to "make" | 03:29 |
efox | if that makes sense | 03:29 |
xnix | Alethes yeah nautilus has gotten a lot faster for the past few releases | 03:29 |
__mikem | efox you need to install build-essential | 03:30 |
krazykit | xfce's really improved though, too, between 2.0 and 2.4 beta. | 03:30 |
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wastrel | breezy used xfree by default i think. | 03:30 |
efox | __mikem: thanks. does that come within drapper install or is this separate ? | 03:30 |
krazykit | wastrel: no, it used xorg 6.8 | 03:30 |
__mikem | you have to apt-get it | 03:30 |
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__mikem | wrastrel breazy uses x.org | 03:30 |
bintrue | I didn't like not being able to change the Icon spacing in Nautilus, my long folder filenames were wrapping too much with the text to the side | 03:31 |
valehru | _mikem, what browser were you using? | 03:31 |
tehgooch | soop, I've been having the problems described in this link with my iPod Nano: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/37163 . Looks like the one solution that works is to recompile the kernel without the EFI-PARTITION thing. I am unsure of how to do this though, could somebody point me to a guide or something else? | 03:31 |
tehgooch | so* | 03:31 |
__mikem | valehru Firefox | 03:31 |
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raiffhigor | who knows how can i get xorg-dev?!?!!?!? | 03:32 |
wastrel | krazykit: thx :] i guess i still had xorg cause i upgraded to breezy | 03:32 |
wastrel | er, s/xorg/xfree/ | 03:32 |
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prwlr_ | j #ubuntu-ph | 03:32 |
kbrooks | wastrel: no :-) | 03:33 |
efox | i just learned that if you open a program in terminal and close terminal, you then close that program too :| | 03:33 |
__mikem | wastrel, I honestly hope you don't actually USE ed. | 03:33 |
kbrooks | efox: um | 03:33 |
kbrooks | efox: you can put it in background | 03:33 |
alpha255 | efox: parent and child processes | 03:33 |
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knoppix_ | hey guys, anybody hadd tried to remaster Ubuntu live cd? | 03:33 |
wastrel | __mikem: just ed mode in vi | 03:33 |
kbrooks | efox: program (arguments here) & | 03:33 |
efox | ya i read bout that background thing...like & if im not mistaken | 03:33 |
efox | ya | 03:33 |
bintrue | efox, if you run the program with &... ya | 03:33 |
__mikem | Oh, the horror | 03:33 |
steev | raiffhigor: i just ran apt-get install xorg-dev with no problem here | 03:33 |
bimberi | raiffhigor: it's xserver-xorg-dev | 03:33 |
kbrooks | efox: use it | 03:33 |
snoops | can you get filenames to only display a set number of characters before it does a "..." so you have to hover over the file to see the full name? | 03:33 |
alpha255 | efox: bg works | 03:33 |
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kbrooks | alpha255: no | 03:34 |
efox | i think i will use it from now on... | 03:34 |
ape_ | does anyone know of dvd decrypter/dvd shrink type software for ubuntu? | 03:34 |
valehru | __mikem, hmm....using 1.5 on x86, but it still keeps crashing each time I try and access that specific page....oh well...prolly beyond my control but I never thought firefox should just quit like that.....wouldnt mind debugging it to see where the problem is | 03:34 |
kbrooks | alpha255: ctrl+z, bg | 03:34 |
bimberi | raiffhigor: sorry, ignore me | 03:34 |
=== MeGaQuArK [n=Miranda@pool-71-111-178-14.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zquirm | i've installed subversion via the package, but it doesn't have any startup daemons or anything, it doesn't go into init.d, etc | 03:34 |
kbrooks | alpha255: fg puts it back in foreground | 03:34 |
bluep0p13 | hi, I'm currently running windows xp home and I've been talking with a friend of mine for a while who has switched to linux. he's told me how I should try it and see what I think. I figured out how to run the live cd verion and it was very clean and quite nice to use. I'm basically wanting more facts about it and maybe some help on why I should want to switch to it and how to and what I need to do in order to make it ha | 03:34 |
zquirm | what's up with the layout of the svn apt in ubuntu? | 03:34 |
kbrooks | zquirm: it does not need to | 03:34 |
__mikem | valehru, it might be a javascript error. TRy turning javascript off before you view the page | 03:34 |
zquirm | kbrooks: how does it work instead then? | 03:34 |
valehru | will do | 03:35 |
kbrooks | zquirm: you installed *subversion*, not *subversion-tools* | 03:35 |
kbrooks | !info subversion | 03:35 |
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ubotu | subversion: (advanced version control system (aka. svn)), section devel, is optional. Version: 1.3.1-3ubuntu1 (dapper), Packaged size: 198 kB, Installed size: 3016 kB | 03:35 |
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kbrooks | !info subversion-tools | 03:35 |
ubotu | subversion-tools: (assorted tools related to Subversion (aka. svn)), section admin, is extra. Version: 1.3.1-3ubuntu1 (dapper), Packaged size: 119 kB, Installed size: 376 kB | 03:35 |
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zquirm | but subversion came with svnserve | 03:35 |
__mikem | subversion, I thought that was what cvs was for | 03:35 |
ape_ | bluepopl3, you might want to start with a dual boot system, keep a windows partition and run linux on another | 03:35 |
kbrooks | zquirm: so use it | 03:35 |
swim | is there anything i can do to repair a lost partition table? (fat32) | 03:35 |
bintrue | bluep0p13, I would suggest reading through the Wiki at wiki.ubuntu.org . It has a wealth of info | 03:35 |
tehgooch | Could someone please point me in the right direction to a tutorial/guide on how to recompile the kernel without EFI-PARTITION so I can get my ipod working? | 03:35 |
zquirm | kbrooks: that's what I'm saying | 03:35 |
harry | is there an application that supports video, audio transfer to mobile phones??? | 03:35 |
zquirm | there's no startup-scripts for svnserve/etc | 03:35 |
valehru | __mikem, haha...no....it just quit every firefox browser I had on the machine...lol | 03:35 |
kbrooks | __mikem: revision control systems are not for source code | 03:36 |
Discipulus | how do I view the hardware connected to Ubuntu? | 03:36 |
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efox | bluep0p13: I was like you a few months ago. I decided to give it a try and its been great...pisses me off more than anything but once u get the hang of it..is really cool | 03:36 |
kbrooks | zquirm: no need for them | 03:36 |
bluep0p13 | well, is there some way someone could have a private chat with me so we could talk on a more personal level about this | 03:36 |
__mikem | kbrooks, oh | 03:36 |
lime4x4 | evening all | 03:36 |
zquirm | kbrooks: we're supposed to run svnserve manually? | 03:36 |
__mikem | valehru, and you said if you hit it from a link it works? | 03:36 |
zquirm | manually add it? | 03:36 |
kbrooks | __mikem: i mean "not just for source code" | 03:36 |
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__mikem | :) | 03:36 |
lime4x4 | trying to get xgl running on ubuntu i have the ati fglrx drivers installed but when i try to set the screen to Identifier "aticonfig-Screen[0] " in the xorg.conf file my computer will no longer boot i have to change it back to Default Screen | 03:36 |
harry | is there an application that supports video, audio transfer to mobile phones??? | 03:36 |
valehru | __mikem, ya,.....I get it from the stream and its fine...however when I try and access the page that the stream is on it completely crashes | 03:37 |
odyssey | does wpa_supplicant work with the live cd? | 03:37 |
valehru | lol | 03:37 |
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kbrooks | zquirm: run it manually, or use svn+ssh://, inwstall "openssh" first | 03:37 |
Discipulus | Alright I've been having problems with hardware on my Ubuntu System for like the past couple of days can you people help me or not? | 03:37 |
kbrooks | Discipulus: ask | 03:37 |
mish4 | have any of you gotten xgl to work on ubuntu? | 03:37 |
__mikem | it might be using a different protocol to access the apge with the link | 03:37 |
mish4 | just out of curiosity | 03:37 |
zquirm | kbrooks: where would an appropriate place be to add it to be run manually? | 03:37 |
harry | is there an application that supports video, audio transfer to mobile phones on Linux?? | 03:37 |
__mikem | TRy accessing hitting the page from the link and see if its using a special protocol | 03:37 |
marc | What can one do to find out the status of a bug report, specifically this one: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/37163 ? | 03:37 |
Discipulus | Alright, well, first it isn't detecting my camera, so I'm giving up on it | 03:38 |
Discipulus | Then, it didn't detect my new CD Burner | 03:38 |
Discipulus | and I gave up on that | 03:38 |
Discipulus | and now | 03:38 |
lime4x4 | mish4 i haven't yet been trying for the last couple of days | 03:38 |
Discipulus | my printer isn't working | 03:38 |
Discipulus | although it previously has | 03:38 |
Discipulus | and I don't see anything in the menus about hardware | 03:38 |
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zquirm | do I need inetd? | 03:39 |
Discipulus | so, question: How do I get my printer to work? | 03:39 |
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lime4x4 | i had it running but it would only use the mesa drivers for my ati card | 03:39 |
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=== Kareem [n=karim@adsl196-28-203-217-196.adsl196-15.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Discipulus | under Menu->Accessories->Printer Manager it says the state of the printer is "Stopped" | 03:39 |
Kareem | please i have a question about SmirC | 03:39 |
Kareem | i would like to install it please can someone show me how to do | 03:40 |
nosklo | Discipulus, What is your printer? Are you using which version of ubuntu? | 03:40 |
Discipulus | the latest version (6.06?) and it's a DeskJet 932C | 03:40 |
nosklo | Discipulus, your printer is supported | 03:40 |
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nosklo | Discipulus, are you using ubuntu, kubuntu or xubuntu? | 03:40 |
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Discipulus | xubuntu | 03:40 |
harry | is there an application that supports video, audio transfer to mobile phones on Linux?? | 03:40 |
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Discipulus | but it started out as Ubuntu | 03:41 |
Kareem | plz | 03:41 |
nosklo | Discipulus, oh, this is the one I dont have here :( Try to find an "Add printer" dialog | 03:41 |
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nosklo | Discipulus, or run "sudo gnome-cups-add" | 03:41 |
=== __mikem just loves how easy it is to access printers connected to windows machines from ubuntu boxes with SMB | ||
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Discipulus | xubuntu sees my printer | 03:42 |
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spacefinn | harry: bitpim maybe? :P | 03:42 |
Discipulus | it just says the status of it is "Stopped" | 03:42 |
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alpha255 | nice the s510 logitech keyboard works fairly nicely in dapper drake! :) | 03:42 |
spacefinn | that's the only one I've heard of for mobile phone transfer stuff... bitpim.org | 03:42 |
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spacefinn | dunno if there's a package or anything | 03:42 |
harry | whats bitpim? spacefinn | 03:43 |
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nosklo | Discipulus, run sudo gnome-cups-manager | 03:43 |
__mikem | spacefinn, at the very worse, you might be looking at a source package | 03:43 |
spacefinn | it supposedly can transfer stuff to and from CDMA phones | 03:43 |
nosklo | Discipulus, then right click printer and choose "start" | 03:43 |
[fernando] | hello | 03:43 |
spacefinn | I've never used it as I am too lazy to invest in a cable :P | 03:43 |
ech0_ | is it a good idea to allow kernal software upgrades via the gui tool? last time i did it via command line it crapped my system. D: | 03:43 |
nosklo | [fernando] , hi, welcome to the ubuntu support channel | 03:43 |
zquirm | kbrooks: how do you get a server for svn+ssh going? | 03:43 |
=== Oddzball [n=oddzball@12-214-36-88.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Oddzball | Hello | 03:44 |
__mikem | source packages are usually as easy as extracting them, cd'ing into the target dirrectory with a terminal, and type "make install" | 03:44 |
Oddzball | Wow, lot of people in here, nice to meet you all, I am new to linux so i thought I would pop in here and lurk, maybe ask a few questions if I run into problems | 03:44 |
ape_ | I'm having trouble backing up my DVDs with ubuntu, any help? | 03:45 |
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efox | Oddzball: welcome | 03:45 |
nosklo | Oddzball, this is the ubuntu support channel, welcome! | 03:45 |
[Alex_G] | :-O big argument going on in #blenderp! | 03:45 |
nosklo | Oddzball, if you are using ubuntu, just ask your question | 03:45 |
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[fernando] | please, i need some help with my wifi connection... there's a software for scan wifi networks on gnome? | 03:45 |
Discipulus | nosklo, I resumed the printer and tried to print but the printer said no | 03:46 |
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Oddzball | Im downloading the distro for ubuntu now, I gave madriva a try, but ubuntu seems better to me. | 03:46 |
__mikem | I CAN'T GET PORTAGE TO WORK RIGHT WITH GENTOO HELP!!!, LOL just kidding | 03:46 |
[fernando] | lol | 03:46 |
efox | [fernando] : iwlist scan | 03:46 |
nosklo | [fernando] , i use wifi-radar | 03:46 |
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Oddzball | I had everything working with linux except my external monitor, couldnt figure out how to get it working. | 03:46 |
fiendskull9 | hey guys | 03:46 |
fiendskull9 | i got a problem | 03:46 |
nosklo | [fernando] , but you can open a terminal and type iwlist scan | 03:46 |
fiendskull9 | i downloaded a deb, and while it was downloading, i synchronized my clock with a time server | 03:47 |
__mikem | fiendskull9 we got solutions, ask away | 03:47 |
nosklo | [fernando] , or better, sudo iwlist scan | 03:47 |
efox | YAY !! i answered my first question | 03:47 |
efox | lol | 03:47 |
fiendskull9 | now when i try to dpkg the package | 03:47 |
nosklo | efox, grats | 03:47 |
fiendskull9 | it sais - sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Jun 19 01:39:50 2006 | 03:47 |
someothernick | *claps* | 03:47 |
farous | nosklo: iwlist wlan0 / eth1 scan depending on your wirless device name | 03:47 |
efox | nosklo: does this mean im not an elite noob...now im jus...a regular noob ? | 03:47 |
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[fernando] | wlan0 No scan results | 03:47 |
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farous | [fernando] : try iwconfig | 03:47 |
nosklo | [fernando] , you tried that with sudo? | 03:47 |
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[fernando] | yes | 03:48 |
farous | see if your device is recongized | 03:48 |
__mikem | fiendskull9 just undo what ever you did to sinc the clock | 03:48 |
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nosklo | [fernando] , ok, then your device is recognizes | 03:48 |
farous | nosklo: he do nto need sudo for that | 03:48 |
Oddzball | Anyway I am running linux on a notebook, and want the external monitor, which I have hooked up through the DVI port, to mirror my desktop | 03:48 |
[fernando] | wlan0 IEEE 802.11b+/g+ | 03:48 |
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farous | [fernando] : do you use ndiswrapper | 03:48 |
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__mikem | Or wait for the time specified by the timestamp to roll around | 03:48 |
nosklo | farous, to force a scan he must use sudo | 03:48 |
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Oddzball | for some reason the FN F7 key doesnt put out to the monitor like it does in windows... | 03:48 |
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nosklo | farous, without sudo all it does is read left-over scan results | 03:49 |
farous | nosklo: nope | 03:49 |
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[fernando] | farous: nope.. ubuntu recognized my wifi card | 03:49 |
Sjoerd- | hello, does anyone know a page that explains managing users via command line - or does anyone know the command for deleting one? | 03:49 |
nosklo | farous, from man iwlist : Triggering scanning is a privileged operation (root only) and normal users can only read left-over scan results. | 03:49 |
jackson | is there some way to run an operating system installed on a partition through qemu, xen, vmware, or some other virtualization software? | 03:49 |
farous | nosklo: ok :) | 03:50 |
nomasteryoda | vmware | 03:50 |
farous | am not on my ubuntu box now so can not check it unfourt :) | 03:50 |
HedgeMage | Sjoerd-: just delete their home directory and the lines with their name from /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow, then remove just their name from any lines in /etc/group | 03:50 |
nomasteryoda | workstation or server will | 03:50 |
__mikem | jackson yes, just specify the physical partition rather tahn using a virtual disk | 03:50 |
bintrue | Wouldn't that cause a problem with drivers and what not? | 03:50 |
__mikem | I use workstation here | 03:50 |
wastrel | Oddzball: i'm guessing that's a driver-supported feature that's not implemented on the linux driver | 03:50 |
efox | what do you do when you get a "failed to make blahblah.ko" ? | 03:50 |
Sjoerd- | HedgeMage: Is that the only way? The way it should be done? | 03:50 |
jackson | _mikem, nomasteryoda: thanks | 03:50 |
__mikem | Thats what we are here for | 03:51 |
nosklo | farous, try the web: http://www.die.net/doc/linux/man/man8/iwlist.8.html | 03:51 |
__mikem | lol | 03:51 |
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__mikem | Wow, I am getting cought up in the moment | 03:51 |
farous | nosklo: i trust what you are saying no need to check :) | 03:51 |
bintrue | hey __mikem, are you sure you can do that? I would think you'd run into kernel and driver problems because of the virtualization | 03:51 |
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nosklo | k :) | 03:51 |
HedgeMage | Sjoerd-: that's *a* correct way. There may be others. I've been on linux too long I tend to do things by hand out of habit | 03:51 |
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[fernando] | http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/5041/pantallazo5js.jpg ----> please..there's a screnshot of m y | 03:52 |
__mikem | mintrue, you can. You just have it mount the parttiion rather than using a virtual disk. ITs NOT easy to do, and if you do it wrong you can really screw yourself over though | 03:52 |
tb77 | Sjoerd-: try userdel | 03:52 |
[fernando] | wifi card | 03:52 |
Sjoerd- | HedgeMage: Ok thank you :) | 03:52 |
Oddzball | [wastrel] : Ok so the driver support feature doesnt support it, however I know that linux supports dual monitors, or even cloning your screen on another monitor, I just am absolutely lost as to how to make this happen since I know next to nothing about using the terminal | 03:52 |
Sjoerd- | tb77: ah see there is another way.. Will that do all things HedgeMage suggested? | 03:52 |
alpha255 | i thought i heard there was a flash equvalent gpl plugin for firefox? Anyone know the name? | 03:52 |
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JuGhEaD_ | If my /home directory is an ext3 partition and I share it through samba, can I write files to /home froma windows box? | 03:52 |
farous | [fernando] : did you try to restart your router sometimes this help. also at first do not use any security key till you get your card working | 03:52 |
schalke1 | i am having a problem with apache, i have a index.html file in the public_html folder of my home directory, but when I type localhost/~myusernameishere/index.html it says 'Forbidden' | 03:52 |
bintrue | __mikem that would be like taking a HD from a windows machine and plugging it into another no-where near similar machine. Thats just asking for problems | 03:53 |
wastrel | Oddzball: that will depend on which video card you have in your laptop, but it's something i've never played with so hopefully someone else will help out :[ | 03:53 |
wastrel | er, :] | 03:53 |
alpha255 | JuGhEaD_: i just create a fat32 partition that allows winxp and linux to read/write to | 03:53 |
Oddzball | Well, its a Radeon Mobility 9700 | 03:53 |
HedgeMage | Sjoerd-: oh, and if they had sudo rights you should remove them from your sudoers file as well, in case you someday create a user with the same name | 03:53 |
[fernando] | farous: ok.. i will try.. but how can i scan the networks? like windows... | 03:53 |
efox | how do you correct a "failed to make module" error ? | 03:53 |
tb77 | Sjoerd-: don't know what you want; userdel -r username will delete user and user's /home | 03:53 |
bimberi | JuGhEaD_: yes | 03:53 |
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JuGhEaD_ | alpha, I have 80 gigs to share; I heard fat32 cannot go that high | 03:53 |
bluep0p13 | so does anyone in here know exactly how many distributions there are for linux? | 03:54 |
farous | [fernando] : if you have gnome you can use the network manager to config your network | 03:54 |
__mikem | bintrue, yes, but he said that partition doesn't run windows. I am aware of what you are talking about, We ran into that very problem when trying to rescue data from a hard drive that had been in a machine that had stopped working for reasons not related to the disk | 03:54 |
Oddzball | And I know that ATI has linux drivers for the mobility 9700 that support dual monitors, I just do not understand how to install drivers in linux | 03:54 |
wastrel | !tell Oddzball about ati | 03:54 |
schalke1 | bluep0p13: hundreds. people make their own little distributions from scratch all the time. | 03:54 |
bluep0p13 | ah ok | 03:54 |
wastrel | Oddzball: ubotu sent you a link about the ati driver setup for ubuntu - i'm not sure if dual monitor is covered there though. | 03:55 |
__mikem | ...basicly, if that were to occur though, the worst that would happen is that he wouldn't be able to read the filesystem, however if it tries to mount it in this condition, he could damage it, there in lies the problem | 03:55 |
[fernando] | farous: yes.. but i want to scan the networks to connect to them.. previusly i can do that in mandriva.. | 03:55 |
farous | [fernando] : thre were a couple of applets around like gtkwifi and wfimanager you can look them up | 03:55 |
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bluep0p13 | so how complicated is linux compared to windows, for a first time user... as in the first week or so of using linux entirely | 03:55 |
ubuntu | THIS UBUNTO IS BORING | 03:55 |
__mikem | !ops | 03:55 |
ubotu | Help! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak! | 03:55 |
ubuntu | ITS FOR NERS | 03:55 |
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ubuntu | NERDS | 03:55 |
ubuntu | NERDS | 03:55 |
ubuntu | NERDS | 03:55 |
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efox | ubuntu: nice handle | 03:55 |
__mikem | why do people like that exist | 03:56 |
schalke1 | bluep0p13: there will be quite the learning curve to see how everything works. but for commontasks like word processing etc its all really the same. | 03:56 |
farous | [fernando] : unfourtanetly i do not know any program for ubuntu i suspect mandriva use network-manager which till last time i checked did not work well on ubuntu perhaps it is fixed now | 03:56 |
bluep0p13 | very nice, I second that | 03:56 |
buggzero | because we need somebody to laugh at | 03:56 |
efox | __mikem: who knows...i think its to balance out the universe or something | 03:56 |
__mikem | efox :D | 03:56 |
[fernando] | farous: i will try with gtkwifi | 03:56 |
someothernick | Oddzball, http://www.granneman.com/techinfo/linux/installation/dualheadhowto.htm | 03:57 |
schalke1 | i am having a problem with apache, i have a index.html file in the public_html folder of my home directory, but when I type localhost/~myusernameishere/index.html it says 'Forbidden' | 03:57 |
Sjoerd- | tb77: the command gives out: unable to lock password file | 03:57 |
bluep0p13 | well, I went into best buy and was looking at a distribution called: SuSe. now, which, if you had to pick between the two, or even more actually, is good for a complete beginner: SuSe, Ubuntu, or another perhaps? | 03:57 |
efox | ok back to this problem...I get an error when trying to install something "failed to make module 'cisco_ipsec.ko" and i dont know how to resolve it | 03:57 |
__mikem | Sjoerd did you try that command as root? | 03:57 |
efox | any takers ? | 03:57 |
tb77 | Sjoerd-: as user or sudo? | 03:57 |
kaizoku | whenever I try to install GoogleEarth, it just gives me an error saying "You don't see[m] to be running an X server (no DISPLAY set)", and then aborts, I tried running "export DISPLAY=0.0", but then it just goes through the uncompression and stops | 03:58 |
Sjoerd- | tb77: *blush* | 03:58 |
schalke1 | bluep0p13: i had suse as my first distro before this. i would definately find ubuntu easier for a beginner. | 03:58 |
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__mikem | efox, fraid not, Id look and see if there is a binary package for what you are trying to install | 03:58 |
bluep0p13 | ok, what is the big difference in the two, if I may ask? | 03:58 |
alpha255 | planet penguin racer is really slow on my centrino laptop? how do i fix that? the laptop is 1.8gh w/512mb of ram | 03:58 |
eigenlambda | bluep0p13: this is #ubuntu. that said, ubuntu is better. | 03:58 |
alpha255 | xorg.conf file? | 03:58 |
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__mikem | alpha255 what video card do you use | 03:58 |
eigenlambda | ubuntu is based on debian, suse is based on redhat | 03:58 |
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bluep0p13 | alrighty | 03:59 |
schalke1 | bluep0p13: i think suse os more for corporate environments. it wasn't built for the ground up for the desktop like ubuntu is. | 03:59 |
[sam] | . | 03:59 |
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alpha255 | __mikem: built in 901 or something like that | 03:59 |
[sam] | hi | 03:59 |
bluep0p13 | ah ok | 03:59 |
wastrel | g'night | 03:59 |
schalke1 | is* | 03:59 |
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eigenlambda | ubuntu is linux for human beings, suse was recently bought by novell | 03:59 |
efox | __mikem: ok, thanks. | 03:59 |
bluep0p13 | that explains it | 03:59 |
drummer87 | hi all, quick question about wireless networking.. would having 2 wifi networks at the same place cause problems with each other? ie. a wifi router and ap in the same room. | 03:59 |
alpha255 | __mikem: 915 i think | 03:59 |
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__mikem | alpha255, you are probably going to need a quality video card, (the kind you plug in to a pci slot), and you will need appropiate drivers for it) | 04:00 |
nosklo | drummer87, no | 04:00 |
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bluep0p13 | well, what's with red hat, mandrake and gentoo... lemme just say, the friend of mine who recommnended me try ubuntu actually is running gentoo | 04:00 |
alpha255 | __mikem: it seemed to work much better in breezy vs. dapper | 04:00 |
bluep0p13 | and loves it, if I may add | 04:00 |
Oddzball | [someothernick] See, but that is what I do not understand about linux, can I just edit that file while linux is running and insert what I am, isnt the file in use while using linux? | 04:00 |
alpha255 | __mikem: the 915 is a direct x 9 capable chip | 04:00 |
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__mikem | alpha255, that leads me to believe its a driver problem | 04:00 |
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drummer87 | nosklo: so they wouldn't interfere with each other? or would choosing different channels help? | 04:01 |
alpha255 | __mikem: maybe opengl config problem | 04:01 |
someothernick | Oddzball, you can edit it while its running. i would save a backup first though | 04:01 |
eigenlambda | gentoo is linux for ppls who like compiling things | 04:01 |
Oddzball | Like, can I edit the xorg.conf while linux is running or do i have to make a second one, then over write it formt he terminal | 04:01 |
rgie | is there a good wiki on how to install lamp on ubuntu? | 04:01 |
polpak | Oddzball: no | 04:01 |
Kenotic | Gentoo is nice, but it is alot of work to maintain | 04:01 |
bimberi | !lamp | 04:01 |
buggzero | whats lamp | 04:01 |
__mikem | alpha255, could be. When using any sort of linux system, nvidia cards seem to work the best | 04:01 |
bluep0p13 | ok | 04:01 |
Oddzball | cool, so you can edit it while it is running.. | 04:01 |
sam1001 | speaking of gentoo, 9 hours have elapsed | 04:02 |
nosklo | drummer87, if you leave channels on automatic and choose different ESSIDs they should not interfere with each other | 04:02 |
eigenlambda | ubuntu takes no work to maintain. thats y i like it | 04:02 |
sam1001 | it's still buildin gnome | 04:02 |
bimberi | ubotu tell rgie about lamp | 04:02 |
drummer87 | nosklo: excellent, thanks1 | 04:02 |
buggzero | oh my bad | 04:02 |
someothernick | Oddzball, yes. but save a backup | 04:02 |
someothernick | just incase | 04:02 |
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schalke1 | how come it says 'forbidden' when i try to access my public_html through apache in firefox? | 04:02 |
buggzero | i though there was an ubuntu lamp server distro? | 04:02 |
xanavim | it took gentoo three weeks to build gnome on my system | 04:02 |
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Kenotic | That is why I love it. I do not want to spend time to fix my tools | 04:02 |
alpha255 | schalke1: check your httpd.conf file | 04:02 |
__mikem | ubuntu is clean stable, and has a great comunity, and its not a testbed like certain distros by redhat, thats why I love it | 04:02 |
polpak | Oddzball: yes. you can edit while other things are "using" it. Though Xorg probably only "uses" the config file when it starts | 04:02 |
krazykit | xanavim: you must have a really slow system then. | 04:02 |
bimberi | buggzero: yes, if you boot from the server cd it offers a LAMP install | 04:03 |
schalke1 | alpha255: uhm, check for what? | 04:03 |
xanavim | I was running virtual pc | 04:03 |
alpha255 | schalke1: for public folder in user's directories | 04:03 |
__mikem | virtual pc sucks, vmware is king | 04:03 |
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rgie | tenks | 04:03 |
__mikem | sorry, I shouldn't be doing that in here | 04:03 |
__mikem | it won't happen again | 04:03 |
polpak | !tell buggzero about lamp | 04:03 |
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bluep0p13 | so from what I'm hearing, ubuntu is stable and secure, pretty easy to use once you get use to it and very user friends by that point too. and it just works and runs as you like it to after or even before you've customized it... do I have this correct? | 04:03 |
bintrue | idealy yes | 04:04 |
bintrue | but as you can see by the people in here, there will be some problems | 04:04 |
bluep0p13 | fair enough | 04:04 |
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schalke1 | alpha255: /etc/apache2/httpd.conf contains just 5 lines each starting with # | 04:04 |
farous | bintrue: :) | 04:04 |
nathanael | Does anyone know if there is a Linux-based alternative to M$'s SysPrep for deploying images to multiple machines? | 04:04 |
__mikem | bluep0p13 yup, and comunity support is never far as long as you have internet conectivity | 04:04 |
nosklo | bluep0p13, that is what we want it to do, and we're pretty much achieving it | 04:04 |
bluep0p13 | well of course, everything has some problems, as nothing is completely 100% perfect, ever | 04:04 |
polpak | buggzero: though personally I feel that linux/Apache/PostgreSQL/Python or Ruby is much preferable to Mysql and PHP | 04:04 |
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bintrue | nathanael, I know of Kickstart with Fedora Core, no idea if it's distro independent | 04:05 |
Oddzball | Thanks a bunch guys, be back in a while, is there an IRC program on ubuntu I can use that comes preinstalled | 04:05 |
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prwlrr | is there a password manager that comes with ubuntu? do i need to install one? thanks | 04:05 |
bluep0p13 | well, there's only one small issue concerning internet and ubuntu that I have | 04:05 |
nathanael | ok | 04:05 |
__mikem | Fedora's main problem is that its entire userbase is a collection of guinepigs for RHEL | 04:05 |
=== paul_ [n=paul@adsl-217-103-89.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
polpak | Oddzball: just go to add applications and select xchat, or xchat-gnome | 04:05 |
bintrue | bluep0p13, whats that? | 04:05 |
paul_ | i have a stupid question. I would like to start learning how to program. So what language is most of linux and linux applications written in ? | 04:05 |
bluep0p13 | that is, I actually have free internet and I had set it up through internet explorer... not firefox or anything, but I can still use firefox like a charm | 04:05 |
Grarg | paul_, C | 04:05 |
linkd | paul_: C | 04:05 |
psyoptik | I'm having an issue trying to run the Folding @ Home linux executable from a menu entry. I am trying to run it in a folder I made for it (to minimize clutter) but the only way I can get it to run from a menu entry is to run it from my relative username folder. | 04:05 |
polpak | Oddzball: by default the only irc client installed is gaim =( | 04:05 |
=== farous will never use an rpm based distro again apt just rules | ||
jiSh | C and lots of it :) | 04:05 |
paul_ | why not c++? | 04:06 |
__mikem | ITs a shame because fedora isn't a bad distro, but its developers don't have the open source spirit | 04:06 |
bimberi | prwlrr: i use zsafe, although admittedly on my iPAQ. It's available in the ubuntu universe repository | 04:06 |
tb77 | prwlrr: you can install revelation | 04:06 |
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jiSh | in fact most of the internet is C and unix ;) | 04:06 |
paul_ | i know nothing about programming yes | 04:06 |
bintrue | bluep0p13, Free internet? | 04:06 |
paul_ | yet | 04:06 |
bluep0p13 | all I did was put in a user name, telephone number and password and I was online | 04:06 |
linkd | paul_: C was built before C++ | 04:06 |
ubuntu | hi | 04:06 |
nathanael | Yum, up2date, - these are al l ROM-based equivalents | 04:06 |
bluep0p13 | yes, free internet | 04:06 |
__mikem | jiSh, paul_ Assembly Language FOREVER !!! | 04:06 |
sam1001 | paul, c is used for system programming mostly | 04:06 |
nathanael | *RPM | 04:06 |
bluep0p13 | I don't pay a single penny for it, literally | 04:06 |
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polpak | paul_ I'd suggest however that if you are starting to learn programming you should examine some higher level languages (python, java, ruby, etc) | 04:06 |
paul_ | and for programs in general? | 04:06 |
__mikem | I am a c/c++ coder, but I also do Assembly Language | 04:06 |
bintrue | bluep0p13, who is the provider? what kind of connection? Dial up? DSL? | 04:06 |
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bluep0p13 | it is dial up if I might add... but it still works pretty good | 04:07 |
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paul_ | i was thinking about starting with java.... | 04:07 |
bluep0p13 | it's pretty fast too | 04:07 |
ubuntu | i am on dsl | 04:07 |
thewayofzen | Which package do i need to install to have gnomebaker burn audio cds from mp3 | 04:07 |
bluep0p13 | I use to only get 24kbps and now I get 52kbps living in town | 04:07 |
polpak | paul_ java works fine under linux | 04:07 |
psyoptik | I'm trying to use multiple commands on a single command line executed from a menu entry run in the terminal and nothing seems to be running. | 04:07 |
Grarg | java's not a bad language to start with | 04:07 |
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__mikem | paul_ if you are going to start with anything, try python, I never used it but I hear its a great beginners language that is also useful in the long run | 04:07 |
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bluep0p13 | really, it's not that bad and it's totally free | 04:07 |
bintrue | bluep0p13, there are dial up programs with linux, I'm not personally experienced with any, but I'm sure its not that hard | 04:07 |
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paul_ | i also know java is used in alot of high $$ prjects | 04:07 |
psyoptik | terminal opens and closes, not actually opening the program that is pointed to in the command line | 04:07 |
bluep0p13 | ok | 04:08 |
bintrue | bluep0p13, free services like internet worry me.. | 04:08 |
__mikem | paul_ C++ programmers also get lots of money | 04:08 |
Grarg | paul_, there is no correlation between language and $$ | 04:08 |
polpak | paul_ so is fortran.. that doesn't mean anything | 04:08 |
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psyoptik | i tested the line in the terminal, which worked fine, but once its put into the menu entry command line, doesn't work | 04:08 |
__mikem | polpak, what about Assembly Language any job market there? | 04:08 |
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bluep0p13 | well, I shall continue my research and learning about ubuntu and that should help me discover the more difficult answers to my questions... and I thank all of you for all of your help | 04:08 |
paul_ | so c, c++ or java,,,,, what do you say? | 04:08 |
sam1001 | _mikem, not with opensource | 04:08 |
polpak | __mikem: not as far as I know ;p | 04:08 |
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bluep0p13 | as linux should be, or atleast ubuntu, community help much appreciated :) | 04:08 |
__mikem | paul_ learn C/C++ first | 04:09 |
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__mikem | Learning java first will make it harder to learn c/c++ | 04:09 |
Grarg | I would then someone who did mostly assembler would get paid quite well, assuming they actually could find a job | 04:09 |
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Grarg | paul_, what do you do now? | 04:09 |
polpak | __mikem: I don't think that's true | 04:09 |
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mnabil | hay , what is the name of the package that extract my rar files , i'm using xubuntu | 04:09 |
__mikem | It was for me | 04:09 |
nmsa | hello | 04:09 |
paul_ | about programming? | 04:09 |
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Grarg | paul_, in general | 04:09 |
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__mikem | I started with .net languages. When I tried to move to c/c++, there were so many things I had to unlearn before it began to make sence | 04:09 |
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bluep0p13 | well, I'm gonna go now. all take care and continue the good work being a community helping others with their issues | 04:10 |
psyoptik | anyone familiar with running commands from the menu entry in Alacarte? | 04:10 |
buggzero | okay damnit | 04:10 |
polpak | __mikem: well, I suppose it depends on _what_ you learned from those languages | 04:10 |
paul_ | hacking, servers, advanced networking, xhtml, geeksquad certified, | 04:10 |
Grarg | some languages are easier to pick up depending on how you already think | 04:10 |
paul_ | more ... just my brain is not working | 04:10 |
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prwlr | paul_, get your feet wet by doing a scripting lang first if you haven't programmed anything before | 04:10 |
marc | Is there a 2.4 kernel for dapper, I do not see one on my repos | 04:10 |
nmsa | I need your help setting up my sound back to normal in ubuntu. looks like the wrong modules are loaded | 04:10 |
mnabil | hay , what is the name of the package that extract my rar files , i'm using xubuntu | 04:10 |
mnabil | hay , what is the name of the package that extract my rar files , i'm using xubuntu | 04:10 |
buggzero | ive just hit shift+backspace 2x | 04:10 |
jiSh | python :O | 04:10 |
__mikem | polpak, good point. Still, learning java first, I still advise against it. | 04:10 |
prwlr | but some people get by learning asm first so YMMV depending on your gusto to learn | 04:10 |
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sam1001 | paul, learn .net | 04:11 |
farous | marc no | 04:11 |
buggzero | how do I disable that? | 04:11 |
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jiSh | start with python IMO | 04:11 |
tb77 | mnabil: file-roller | 04:11 |
__mikem | prwlr, there is NO WAY anyone can just learn assembly as their first language. | 04:11 |
polpak | paul_ I'd suggest starting with python. it's already installed, it has an interactive interpreter, a lot of modules, it's cross platform and most importantly it's fun ;) | 04:11 |
farous | marc: i checked for i needed it so. warty have one but it breaks the syst | 04:11 |
jiSh | "print HELLO" | 04:11 |
Grarg | paul_, I'm going to agree about python | 04:11 |
jiSh | omfg i made something! :P | 04:11 |
__mikem | jish that would be basic and that isn't even correct | 04:11 |
sam1001 | it's like BASIC | 04:11 |
polpak | paul_ just open a terminal and type python.. go from there =) | 04:11 |
jiSh | lol | 04:11 |
Grarg | mnabil, unrar | 04:11 |
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__mikem | sam1001 asm is NOT like basic | 04:12 |
paul_ | i think i might start with python and POSSIBY start with c/c++ later down the road. PS: im only 16 years old | 04:12 |
marc | farous: do you know of a good link to a howto for a noobie to compile a custom kernel, i ned to disable EFI | 04:12 |
nathanael | Thanks for the kickstart help - love you all! Love ubuntu! Ciao! | 04:12 |
mnabil | Grarg, it failed | 04:12 |
polpak | __mikem: I think he was talking about .net | 04:12 |
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prwlr | __mikem, hackers of old did... it's not impossible... hell after basic on c64 i did asm on dos so there... | 04:12 |
mnabil | i hate this | 04:12 |
Grarg | mnabil, what failed, and how? | 04:12 |
farous | marc: i always take the easy way so never compiled the kernel | 04:12 |
tb77 | mnabil: unrar x file.rar or use file-roller | 04:12 |
eigenlambda | basic sucks. asm sucks, but it has an excuse to. | 04:12 |
mnabil | Grarg, i can unrar with it | 04:12 |
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prwlr | paul_, python is a nice first lang but i ruby is quite nice too... | 04:12 |
mnabil | Grarg, it's unrar-free | 04:12 |
__mikem | prwlr, I know the x86 asm language, I never even owned a comador, so that doesn't really mean that much to me | 04:13 |
Grarg | mnabil, what's the error? | 04:13 |
buggzero | anyone know how to take out the shift+backspace gnome restart | 04:13 |
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paul_ | best of all. i will start programming with my new pent. D and asus mobo comming in the mail soon. | 04:13 |
marc | farous: darn problems with EFI, with it enabled it reports the wrong disk size for some ipods, mine being one so I cant sync my pod | 04:13 |
disinterested | being as i deleted xp from my hd when i put breezy in is there a way to install xp back in? | 04:13 |
Grarg | buggzero, some where in the X config files, there is an option to turn off "zapping" I believe it's called | 04:13 |
farous | marc: i would check kernel source website and gentoo forums if i were you | 04:13 |
__mikem | paul_ do yourself a favor and learn C and C++ first. For one thing if you do. YOu are already in prefect standing to learn assembly language | 04:13 |
prwlr | __mikem, i meant anyone can learn *anything* depending on the person... | 04:13 |
paul_ | reinstall XP | 04:14 |
__mikem | oh ok | 04:14 |
polpak | mnabil: there's both unrar and unrar-free | 04:14 |
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Grarg | __mikem, no one really uses assembler if they can avoid it | 04:14 |
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Grarg | in most cases | 04:14 |
disinterested | paul i tried that and there is no previous image | 04:14 |
ice109 | can someone help me out | 04:14 |
ice109 | ? | 04:14 |
__mikem | Grarg, I am a masocist | 04:14 |
Grarg | ice109, ask | 04:14 |
__mikem | BUt I do most of my code in C/C++ | 04:14 |
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marc | farous: I am a complete noob, so I need a good howto. I have been everywhere and alas found nothing really definitive about turning EFI off, so until I find a step by step I am screwed | 04:15 |
Grarg | __mikem, I'm not saying it isn't fun, I'm just saying few noobs are going to pick it up as their 1st or 2nd language | 04:15 |
ice109 | i want to dual boot winxp and ubuntu. so i installed ubuntu then i repartitioned my drive and installed winxp now ubuntu isn't bootable | 04:15 |
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buggzero | did you say gconf or xorg.conf? | 04:15 |
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marc | ice109:always install XP first, makes your life easier | 04:15 |
polpak | Grarg: I still haven't bothered to learn assembler.. C is about as low level as I want to get ;p | 04:15 |
Standalone | did you use boot magic | 04:15 |
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theBishop | can anyone tell me what packages i need to start coding in C with GTK? | 04:15 |
polpak | Grarg: and I know a lot of languages | 04:16 |
ice109 | Standalone are you talking to me? | 04:16 |
Standalone | yes | 04:16 |
Grarg | buggzero, probably xorg.conf | 04:16 |
ice109 | marc well it's a little late for that now | 04:16 |
Grarg | polpak, it's fun | 04:16 |
Grarg | not terribly useful, but fun | 04:16 |
prwlr | ice109, get any live linux if you dont have boot floppies, man grub | 04:16 |
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tb77 | ice109: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 04:16 |
SurfnKid | could someone explain or send me a link with instructions to understand the purpose of X and the Windows Manager or the GUI part. and How to disable/enable automatically on bootup | 04:16 |
ice109 | man grub? | 04:16 |
Standalone | cus i just got that ubina | 04:16 |
__mikem | polpak, I thought that at first also. I learned using Randyll Hyde's HLA. After I was up to snuff with that I slowly weened myself off of HLA and Now I just use GAS. It wasn't that hard and you won't believe how fasinating it can be | 04:16 |
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polpak | theBishop: build-essential and libgtk2.0-dev | 04:16 |
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marc | ice109, try this page, towards the bottom http://easylinux.info/wiki/Ubuntu_dapper | 04:17 |
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paul_ | oh and im also a photoshop guru, build servers, tech support for corps, .... | 04:17 |
__mikem | paul_ my cup holder broke | 04:17 |
=== BrownMan [n=tarun@ppp-69-222-94-88.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
__mikem | lol | 04:17 |
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prwlr | ice109, you don't have to install XP first.. you can trick it that it's using the first partition through grub | 04:17 |
paul_ | duct tape | 04:17 |
BrownMan | hey all | 04:17 |
paul_ | :) | 04:17 |
__mikem | lmfao | 04:17 |
buggzero | paul how many filters do you have | 04:17 |
erik_ | I've installed SUN JRE 1.5 from multiverse... still I can't run frostwire: | 04:17 |
erik_ | Starting FrostWire... | 04:17 |
erik_ | Java exec found in PATH. Verifying... | 04:17 |
erik_ | OOPS, you don't seem to have a valid JRE. FrostWire works best with Sun JRE available at http://www.java.com | 04:17 |
BrownMan | have they gotten an encoder for Banshee to play itunes files yet? | 04:17 |
buggzero | paul i need something to file serv my breakfast | 04:17 |
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ice109 | so all i have to do is install grub in mbr and im saved? | 04:18 |
polpak | erik_: sudo update-alternatives --config java | 04:18 |
schalke1 | is there some sort of GUI frontend for Apache configuration? | 04:18 |
paul_ | no tech support as in, our servers are down, and i get the logs and resolve the problems remotely with ssh | 04:18 |
BHSPitLappy | hey lilo | 04:18 |
paul_ | that was about a year ago | 04:18 |
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lilo | heya BHSPitLappy | 04:18 |
erik_ | polpak: thanx | 04:18 |
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Grarg | paul_, you don't use perl already? | 04:18 |
polpak | erik_: and dont paste in here next time pls | 04:18 |
__mikem | paul_, have you ever seen this, http://www.rinkworks.com/stupid | 04:18 |
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paul_ | no | 04:18 |
efox | well i think i figured out my problem...ive been using the wrong kernel headers... | 04:18 |
paul_ | yes | 04:18 |
ice109 | so all i have to do is install grub in mbr and im saved? | 04:18 |
erik_ | polpak: you mean paste from console? | 04:18 |
efox | lets hope me gettin these ones will work | 04:18 |
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polpak | paul_: perl is evil | 04:18 |
buggzero | paul how does one become a self dubbed photoshop guru | 04:18 |
erik_ | ok | 04:18 |
paul_ | i have seen rinkworks and no i have not used perl | 04:18 |
BrownMan | Any Banshee lovers in here? Why isn't it playing my itunes files? Where is the decoder? | 04:19 |
Grarg | polpak, agreed | 04:19 |
erik_ | bye guys! | 04:19 |
polpak | erik_: yes, see the topic | 04:19 |
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prwlr | ice109, yup | 04:19 |
efox | i LOVE this whole terminal thing...*sigh* im such a n00b | 04:19 |
ice109 | k | 04:19 |
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__mikem | Pearl, can't see the point. I do just fine in C/C++/asm | 04:19 |
ice109 | will it autoconfigure? | 04:19 |
eigenlambda | itunes files... you mean aac | 04:19 |
BrownMan | yes | 04:19 |
eigenlambda | you need the aac codec. um. | 04:19 |
marc | ice109: that link helpful? | 04:19 |
ice109 | brownman you talking to me? | 04:19 |
BrownMan | no ice, sorry | 04:19 |
davfigue | Good evening to everybody | 04:19 |
Grarg | __mikem, have you ever used prolog, lisp, or another type of language | 04:19 |
nomin | do I install the win32 codecs on dapper the same way it's done on breezy? | 04:20 |
BrownMan | Eigen: Banshee used to play them until 6.06, when they changed it | 04:20 |
__mikem | Um, no, Ive heard of them, and I heard they are really painfull | 04:20 |
psyoptik | try automatix | 04:20 |
buggzero | paul_ paul are you listening to me | 04:20 |
ice109 | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows that one is pretty explanatory | 04:20 |
polpak | __mikem: try out python. it's all kinds of fun | 04:20 |
jrib | nomin: yes | 04:20 |
BrownMan | Eigen: So now I've been trying to find a codec but no luck | 04:20 |
paul_ | like RIGHT NOW!!, im ssh'ing into a remote server in another state and downloading my files, all 20 GB of them | 04:20 |
jrib | ubotu: tell nomin about w32codecs | 04:20 |
Grarg | __mikem, they can be painful, but only cause they're different, they can also be quite useful | 04:20 |
paul_ | buggzero, what? | 04:20 |
__mikem | polpak, Ive seen python, it looks fun, I just can't get over the "interpreted" part | 04:20 |
eigenlambda | it's called libfaad | 04:20 |
psyoptik | nomin: try automatix for installing all sorts of fun codecs and programs hassle free | 04:20 |
BrownMan | libfaad? | 04:20 |
BrownMan | ok | 04:20 |
eigenlambda | it's in one of the gstreamer-plugins | 04:20 |
BrownMan | ill search for it thanks | 04:20 |
__mikem | Grarg, the only esotoric language i have ever used is O'CAML | 04:20 |
__mikem | and SML | 04:20 |
buggzero | how do you become a self-proclaimed photoshop guru | 04:20 |
polpak | __mikem: nothing wrong with interpreted languages | 04:21 |
eigenlambda | buggzero: by proclaiming yourself one | 04:21 |
Grarg | prolog and lisp are not esoteric | 04:21 |
theBishop | polpak, do i have to set any ENV variables to use the libraries? GCC isn't finding them | 04:21 |
Grarg | brainfsck is esoteric | 04:21 |
__mikem | I stuck with those for a month, and after that I just said screw this | 04:21 |
eigenlambda | wow, that was obvious | 04:21 |
prwlr | buggzero, hehe | 04:21 |
jrib | buggzero: watch: I am a photoshop guru :P | 04:21 |
buggzero | i dont know why but i belive jrib | 04:21 |
__mikem | brain**** is also limited in what it can do | 04:21 |
eigenlambda | photoshop isucks | 04:21 |
davfigue | Anybody knows how to create /dev/eth0 ? | 04:21 |
eigenlambda | gimp > photoshop | 04:21 |
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buggzero | lol | 04:21 |
eigenlambda | gimp > xbmp > photoshop | 04:21 |
buggzero | thats funny | 04:21 |
polpak | theBishop: no.. if you pass the right option to the linker it should be fine | 04:21 |
ice109 | )))))))) i just remembered . in ubuntu live i can't mount any of my partitions | 04:21 |
=== lonegeek [n=zach@oh-71-54-84-189.dhcp.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
prwlr | jrib, lol | 04:21 |
ice109 | is this going to affect the grub install? | 04:22 |
theBishop | polpak, i'm following the gtk tuts | 04:22 |
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mnabil | hay guys i can't unrar my files | 04:22 |
bingogu | firefox can't open the url www.tom.com, will pls help me | 04:22 |
=== EmilyN [n=nashife@c-67-170-138-63.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
buggzero | eigen your obviouly never made anything for print | 04:22 |
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mnabil | what gonna i do | 04:22 |
paul_ | oh, i went to class the first day to learn photoshop, and with almost no photoshop experience, i outpreformed the teacher and anybody else, so i passed on the first day and only sat and browsed the internet for the rest of the class | 04:22 |
theBishop | polpak, gcc main.c -o main `pkg-config -- cflags --libs gtk+-2.0` | 04:22 |
Grarg | __mikem, you of all people should know that brainfsck is a turing complete language, and can therefore do anything | 04:22 |
nomin | thanks psyoptik, automatix looks pretty useful | 04:22 |
prwlr | eigenlambda, yeah | 04:22 |
psyoptik | nomin: its nice, especially after a fresh install | 04:22 |
buggzero | and what day are you on now paul_ | 04:22 |
samsonasu | hey can anybody help me with my network not working on a new install | 04:23 |
bingogu | help me | 04:23 |
BrownMan | Eigen: Is there an .m4a encoder for banshee yet? | 04:23 |
BHSPitLappy | anyone familiar with getting the ipw2200bg wifi card detected in dapper? | 04:23 |
BrownMan | Eigen: Banshee doesn't play those either | 04:23 |
paul_ | i was over that class about a month ago | 04:23 |
__mikem | Grarg, last I heard, it only had a couple of intrinsic console functions built in and no support for system calls, and import libraries | 04:23 |
BHSPitLappy | (the Dell Inspiron 6000 stock card) | 04:23 |
tb77 | mnabil: open a terminal, sudo apt-get install unrar, unrar x file.rar | 04:23 |
paul_ | and for the final written test i got a 95%, highest in the class and without opening the book | 04:23 |
Grarg | doesn't mean you can't theoretically do everything in it | 04:23 |
buggzero | so where can I see your guru-ness | 04:24 |
polpak | theBishop: one sec | 04:24 |
prwlr | bingogu, can it open any other sites? like google? | 04:24 |
=== frost [n=frost@188-237-222-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
__mikem | IF you want to recompile the compiler so that it supports system calls and import libraries | 04:24 |
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mnabil | tb77, i'm using xubuntu and unrar pkg don't found | 04:24 |
samsonasu | my network works for like 10 seconds after i reboot and then i get unreachable | 04:24 |
psyoptik | HSPitLappy: have you looked at ndiswrapper? It can help with a lot of wifi card problems | 04:24 |
samsonasu | to my router | 04:24 |
lonegeek | Help!!!! i loaded up partition magic to resize ntfs partion and it fucked up at 99 %....Now windows wont boot and i cant mount it in linux....linux says no free space on it..... I really need help accessing it..i had all my mp3s on it and videos!!! | 04:24 |
davfigue | I was programming using pcap lib, and I lost /dev/eth0, anybody has an idea to recover it ? | 04:24 |
__mikem | but theoretical, is a word that usually leads to nowhere in programming. Unless you have a concept on HOW to do it, it remains just a theory | 04:24 |
tb77 | tb77: sorry install unrar-nonfree | 04:24 |
thomasM | k i have a problem, i think i messed up my fstab. i cannot mount cds anymore. could somebody help me out? | 04:24 |
DShepherd | hehehe | 04:25 |
BrownMan | Room: Anyone know how to encode .m4a files in Banshee? | 04:25 |
=== TecnoVM64 [n=tecnovm@unaffiliated/tecnovm64] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DShepherd | lonegeek: that sound sticky bad | 04:25 |
BHSPitLappy | psyoptik: yeah, I just thought it was supposed to work out-of-the-box for some reason | 04:25 |
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tb77 | mnabil: do you have the multiverse repo's enabled? | 04:25 |
mnabil | tb77, i 've it enabled | 04:25 |
thomasM | /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 : Does that look right for mounting a cd? | 04:26 |
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buggzero | paul_ where can I see your l33tness | 04:26 |
polpak | theBishop: there's a typo.. it should be pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0 No space between -- and cflags | 04:26 |
lonegeek | DShepherd: um sticky bad? | 04:26 |
Bilange | thomasM: yes, but theres a missing comma: "iso9660,user" should be more correct | 04:26 |
tb77 | mnabil: unrar should be there in multiverse | 04:26 |
psyoptik | BHSPitLappy: not all network cards work ofb. Most do, but a lot of times it needs tweaking. does it not have anything for the wifi card under iwconfig? | 04:26 |
EmilyN | BrownMan: have you visited https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats to look at how to install the apple format support? | 04:26 |
davfigue | I was programming using pcap lib, and I lost /dev/eth0, anybody has an idea to recover it ? | 04:26 |
thomasM | ahh thankyou Bilange | 04:26 |
Bilange | no prob :) | 04:26 |
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thomasM | no your wrong man | 04:27 |
thomasM | sorry | 04:27 |
polpak | thomasM: umm that's not right | 04:27 |
thomasM | those are the filesystems. | 04:27 |
thomasM | filesystems are not options | 04:27 |
theBishop | polpak, doesn't work that way either | 04:27 |
samsonasu | yea thomasM the line you pasted earlier looks perfect | 04:27 |
BrownMan | Emily: Will look thanks | 04:27 |
DShepherd | lonegeek: not good. not good at all. its not an ubuntu problem though.. so you maybe asking in vain.... | 04:27 |
Bilange | eww sorry, my mistake | 04:27 |
thomasM | argh... why will it not mount than? | 04:27 |
thomasM | Bilange i'm not taking it personally. | 04:27 |
thomasM | :D | 04:27 |
theBishop | polpak, nvm, it works | 04:27 |
theBishop | :_ | 04:27 |
samsonasu | do you see any errors | 04:27 |
Bilange | otherwise im not sure about the udf option, I dont think I have it | 04:27 |
__mikem | brb | 04:28 |
buggzero | who was telling me about getting rid of zapping in xorg.conf | 04:28 |
mnabil | deb http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse | 04:28 |
mnabil | deb-src http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse | 04:28 |
lonegeek | BShepherd: i wanna know if in linux can i fix it | 04:28 |
mnabil | tb77, \ | 04:28 |
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thomasM | could somebody paste real quick an example of how they mount their cds? | 04:28 |
megasquid | i have my gnome-panel transparent, but the active window on the panel is opaque is there anyway to make the active window transparent too? | 04:28 |
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sneex | -loop | 04:28 |
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sneex | ^^ | 04:28 |
thomasM | megasquid that annoyed me too. | 04:28 |
prwlr | damn, my ntfs part can't be read | 04:28 |
Bilange | thomasM: you had the exact same line than mine, also called hdc on my system | 04:29 |
shad0w1e | anyone familiar with an issue where my screen dies when I resize in middle of nano? | 04:29 |
=== goinup [n=goinup@pool-72-74-86-178.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
megasquid | thomasM: no fix? | 04:29 |
Bilange | that is: /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 | 04:29 |
NoxiousKarn | any one have any advice for geting java to work on horay hedhog? | 04:29 |
mnabil | tb77, | 04:29 |
mnabil | tb77, deb http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse | 04:29 |
mnabil | deb-src http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse | 04:29 |
DShepherd | lonegeek: it sounds like your filesystem is messed up | 04:29 |
mnabil | is that the multi ! | 04:29 |
sneex | mount -loop /dev/hdc /mnt | 04:29 |
thomasM | o wait i don't have a second hard drive anymore! i put it in a usb enclosure... so it would be hdb and hdc | 04:29 |
goinup | hi-- does anyone have experience getting ubuntu to boot from a 3ware 8000 series sata raid card? | 04:29 |
thomasM | right? | 04:29 |
tb77 | mnabil: you want deb http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main restricted | 04:29 |
thomasM | if i have one hard drive? | 04:29 |
buggzero | what the hell happen to Paul_ I wantedx to see some guru photoshop work | 04:30 |
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DShepherd | lonegeek: you may have to reformat your drive... and there's no guarentee you get back your files | 04:30 |
=== ZDUX [n=zdux0012@cpe-66-75-110-44.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #UBUNTU | ||
NoxiousKarn | anyone have issues installing java | 04:30 |
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mnabil | tb77, and ??! | 04:30 |
NoxiousKarn | i can't get it to work | 04:30 |
DShepherd | !anyone | 04:30 |
ubotu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? </hint> | 04:30 |
=== spacefinn [n=naprinci@ppp20391.unity.ncsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brett | Quick question... what terminal command shows the IP addres of the PC? | 04:30 |
tb77 | mnabil: post you full sources.list at pastebin | 04:30 |
ZDUX | hi, I'm trying to get japanese on my computer (cannot type in japanese) | 04:30 |
=== walterk [n=WalterK@pool-71-247-60-215.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bilange | thomasM: im not sure about USB external drives, but if they are handled just like flash-based USB drives, they should be seen from /dev/sd{a,b,c,...} | 04:30 |
DShepherd | brett: ifconfig | 04:31 |
brett | gracias | 04:31 |
polpak | brett: ifconfig -a will show the configuration of your interfaces | 04:31 |
=== moonunit [n=moonunit@dynamic-acs-24-154-239-228.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DShepherd | brett: np | 04:31 |
sneex | ipconfig /all is windows ifconfig eth0 is linux | 04:31 |
thomasM | Bilange yes, but it used to be hdb, so i had my cds at hdc and hdd, so taking away a hard drive would then make the cds hdb and hdc would it not? | 04:31 |
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moonunit | i have a problem with audio in .mpg format using dapper | 04:31 |
walterk | hello guys | 04:32 |
ubuntu | hi, how do I get my floppy disk drive to mount while in the live CD? | 04:32 |
moonunit | (no sound with my videos) | 04:32 |
DShepherd | sneex: assuming its eth0's info you want | 04:32 |
thomasM | moonunit, what format is the sound encoded in? | 04:32 |
sneex | true | 04:32 |
moonunit | thomasM, no clue | 04:32 |
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iiiears | ubuntu - mount /media/floppy -o rw ? | 04:32 |
walterk | i have a problem trying to compile mplayer latest svn for myself followed the instructions in the How To Forums vut when i get to "make" i get this error | 04:32 |
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
polpak | ubuntu go to Places->computer right click the floppy drive and select Mount Volumn | 04:32 |
Bilange | thomasM: nope, hda and hdb are from the primary IDE channel/cable, hdc and hdd are from the secondary channel/cable | 04:32 |
walterk | Makefile:7: config.mak: No such file or directory | 04:33 |
walterk | make: *** No rule to make target `config.mak'. Stop. | 04:33 |
mnabil | tb77, http://pastebin.com/717654 | 04:33 |
samsonasu | so nobody has any ideas about why my network only works for about 10 seconds when i reboot? | 04:33 |
tb77 | mnabil: here's mine; http://pastebin.com/717657 | 04:33 |
__mikem | ok Im back | 04:33 |
thomasM | Bilange, thanks again.. | 04:33 |
iiiears | ubuntu - mount /dev/floppy0 /media/floppy -o rw ? | 04:33 |
ubuntu | it tells me "Unable to Mount the selected Volume" | 04:33 |
Bilange | thomasM: and also, hda/hdc are drives which was configured as master, hdb/hdd are slaves... so if you're used to messing around with jumpers on your hard drives/cdroms, this is quite familiar (once you know how it works) | 04:34 |
samsonasu | my net worked perfect with the livecd but only works 10 seconds at a time after i installed | 04:34 |
ubuntu | lemme try that iii | 04:34 |
ardchoille | walterk, did you run ./configure first? | 04:34 |
efox | What does "you need to mke sure you have /usr/src/linux symlink pointing to the appropriate kernel source directory " mean ? | 04:34 |
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megasquid | i'm getting a timestamp too far error when i try to issue sudos does anyone know how to fix this? | 04:34 |
tb77 | mnabil: just add multiverse after deb http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe | 04:34 |
ubuntu | only root can do that... | 04:34 |
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tb77 | deb http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe multiverse | 04:34 |
Bilange | thomasM: either way, you can always look at the output of "dmesg" to see how ubuntu/linux is using your hard drives | 04:35 |
thomasM | Bilange, it wouldn't matter because i have two of them. one is slave, one is master, one is hdc, one is hdd, i don't care how they line up i just want them to mount! | 04:35 |
thomasM | lol | 04:35 |
davfigue | I need help to recover /dev/eth0 ... | 04:35 |
=== ubuntu is now known as NotUbuntu | ||
iiiears | ubuntu - To be honest i am not very good at this. Have been "cheating" and used the winmac_fstab.sh script http://seveas.ubuntulinux.com | 04:35 |
tb77 | mnabil: then sudo apt-get update | 04:35 |
moonunit | i have no audio while playing a .mpeg movie with totem | 04:35 |
NotUbuntu | hahaha | 04:35 |
NotUbuntu | thats cool. | 04:35 |
NotUbuntu | how do I get to root on the live CD? | 04:35 |
sneex | sudo | 04:35 |
__mikem | passwd root | 04:35 |
samsonasu | sudo /bin/bash | 04:35 |
NotUbuntu | root wouldn't work on my hard install either. | 04:35 |
moonunit | NotUbuntu, ubuntu doesent really use root user | 04:36 |
ardchoille | NotUbuntu, use sudo | 04:36 |
moonunit | it uses sudo | 04:36 |
iiiears | NotUbuntu, - Sudo -s or gksudo <app_name> for graphical apps. | 04:36 |
Bilange | thomasM: so whats going wrong with the mounting? I mean, what does it say when you try to mount hdc? | 04:36 |
ThePub | NotUbuntu: root is not setup by default, as other have said use "sudo" | 04:36 |
__mikem | sudo passwd root<enter>[your password] <enter>root<enter>root<enter>su<enter>root | 04:36 |
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ZDUX | could someone help me to type japanese in dapper? | 04:36 |
Bilange | (sorry, im halfway in a major update process in my ubuntu installation, im quite slow for the moment :P ) | 04:36 |
iiiears | NotUbuntu, use exit to kill the root session. | 04:36 |
prwlr | what apps do you have installed in your ubuntu boxens? | 04:36 |
thomasM | Bilange, problem fixed, turns out i accidentally deleted the mount point D: | 04:37 |
NotUbuntu | k | 04:37 |
moonunit | i need help with the sound in mpeg videos in totem running under dapper | 04:37 |
NotUbuntu | must specify the filesystem type.. | 04:37 |
megasquid | i'm getting a timestamp too far error when i try to issue sudos does anyone know how to fix this? | 04:37 |
ThePub | megasquid: too far? have you set your clock back behind when you last used the installed files? | 04:37 |
prwlr | how can i play dvds in ubuntu? | 04:37 |
iiiears | Is it possible to mount a samba drive automatically on boot up? (shared disk is on a windows machine.) | 04:38 |
buggzero | VLC | 04:38 |
=== mzuverink [n=mzuverin@adsl-69-209-119-178.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
__mikem | I am going on a trip, do you recomend I use Knoppix, or Gnoppix? | 04:38 |
tb77 | moonunit: totem-gstreamer or totem-xine? | 04:38 |
davfigue | I lost /dev/eth0, anybody has an idea to recover it ? | 04:38 |
polpak | moonunit: did you install the codecs and totem-xine ? | 04:38 |
NotUbuntu | what would be the syntax to specify a filesystem type? | 04:38 |
megasquid | ThePub, no I haven't set changed it its been doing that since I installed | 04:38 |
moonunit | tb77, to be honest, im not sure | 04:39 |
iiiears | prwlr, dvdcss - check out ubotu's link on restricted formats | 04:39 |
=== Gonzo iz gone: watchin cannibal the musical | ||
moonunit | i followed the restriced formats directions | 04:39 |
polpak | !tell iiiears about ntfs | 04:39 |
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ardchoille | __mikem, that depends.. do you like KDE or Gnome ? | 04:39 |
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iiiears | !restrictedformats | 04:39 |
ubotu | see !restricted | 04:39 |
iiiears | !restricted | 04:39 |
ubotu | restricted is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats. This page's intent is to enable you to play most non-free media formats that are not DRM encoded. Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats. | 04:39 |
ThePub | megasquid: sounds like you've time shifted backwards :) | 04:39 |
__mikem | I like kde, but I also like the idea that Gnoppix is basedon Ubuntu | 04:39 |
ardchoille | __mikem, hmm.. take both? | 04:40 |
__mikem | I just might | 04:40 |
megasquid | ThePub: the date that it lists when it gives that error keeps moving a couple hours ahead of me | 04:40 |
=== __mikem wonders when the next version of mepis comes out | ||
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ardchoille | very soon | 04:40 |
iiiears | How does Cannonical afford all the bandwidth we use and still give away free CDs with "shipIt" - amazing. | 04:40 |
tb77 | moonunit: if it's totem-xine then try installing libxine-extracodecs | 04:40 |
=== n30n [n=n30n@cpe-67-9-185-108.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BrownMan | Room: Hey all, I can't import any of my songs from my ntfs file system on Windows | 04:41 |
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moonunit | tb77, k | 04:41 |
BrownMan | Room: Is this a write/read issue? | 04:41 |
__mikem | iiiears, people donate millions of dollars to the company, the people over at debian hate ubutu because its taking over "their good work" | 04:41 |
JayR168 | ubotu, bot | 04:41 |
ubotu | Yep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots. | 04:41 |
ron_o | iiiears, money. :) | 04:41 |
=== lonegeek [n=zach@oh-71-54-84-189.dhcp.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
n30n | whenever i go to launch World of Warcraft, ubuntu logs out | 04:41 |
BrownMan | Room: If so, how do I enable banshee to import from ntfs...it used to do so | 04:41 |
=== Webby` [n=Webby@ool-4572f34a.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ardchoille | __mikem, Mepis is at 6.0-rc1 now: http://www.mepis.org/node/10296 | 04:41 |
__mikem | ubotu bad bot | 04:41 |
ubotu | No, you're a bad person, __mikem | 04:41 |
n30n | !wine | 04:41 |
ubotu | Wine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on linux. see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Wine for more info. | 04:41 |
WiseOdd | sb plz help me... im trying to figure out how to mount bin files (like with daemon tools on windows). how do i do that? | 04:41 |
davfigue | I lost /dev/eth0, could anybody help me ? | 04:41 |
iiiears | __mikem - What is the stable debian kernel at 2.0.xx - lol | 04:41 |
WiseOdd | im a 2tal linux n00b.... | 04:41 |
JayR168 | !beer | 04:41 |
ubotu | somebody said beer was proof of the existence of God, and that he loves us. | 04:41 |
=== Webby` [n=Webby@ool-4572f34a.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
polpak | WiseOdd: please.. use english, not AOLspeak. | 04:42 |
ron_o | __mikem, the person who has donated, most if not all the money to it, is the Pres of Canonical. | 04:42 |
ron_o | Shuttleworth, I believe. | 04:42 |
sneex | WiseOdd, you will need a cue/bin mounter -- check the apt-cache policy or search | 04:42 |
BrownMan | Anyone know how to get Banshee to import songs from a Windows filesystem? It used to do so... | 04:42 |
iiiears | I sent Cannonical a few dollars. - though i seriously doubt 25 dollars covers it. | 04:42 |
__mikem | Ubuntu has heald first place on distrowatch for several years now. I don't think there is a single distro that can brag that | 04:42 |
WiseOdd | read my first line then... english enough for you? | 04:42 |
lonegeek | How can i non destructively change hard drive formats | 04:43 |
ardchoille | iiiears, every bit helps :) | 04:43 |
WiseOdd | thanx sneek! | 04:43 |
polpak | WiseOdd: it's fine, but I cannot answer your question | 04:43 |
ron_o | iiiears, that's a good start.. if everyone did that then they and all the rest of the OS community would do just great. | 04:43 |
WiseOdd | ok. thanks anyway :) | 04:43 |
sneex | lonegeek, backup and reformat ;-) | 04:43 |
ron_o | the problem is most don't.. | 04:43 |
=== the_Duke [n=user@pool-71-108-216-107.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
__mikem | ardchoille, Id be happy to donate $100, but I am stilll legally a minor in the US | 04:43 |
JayR168 | is there a google earth for LInux? | 04:43 |
lonegeek | sneex: what if i cant access hard drive lol | 04:43 |
n30n | ALSA lib seq_hw.c:456:(snd_seq_hw_open) open /dev/snd/seq failed: No such file or directory | 04:43 |
n30n | Creating link /root/.kde/socket-ubuntu. | 04:43 |
n30n | can't create mcop directory | 04:43 |
sneex | there are tools that will alsmot mount anything lonegeek | 04:44 |
=== gutera [n=gutera@201-24-149-159.cpece705.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sneex | almost* | 04:44 |
the_Duke | hi | 04:44 |
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BrownMan | Anyone? Importing songs from Windows? | 04:44 |
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NotUbuntu | /home/ubuntu/Desktop/yk51x86_71413.zip | 04:44 |
NotUbuntu | wtf | 04:44 |
ardchoille | __mikem, have a parent donate it in your name? | 04:44 |
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lonegeek | sneex: such as..... because linux isnt mounting it anymore....it used to do it automatically | 04:44 |
sneex | k brb | 04:44 |
__mikem | my parrents are stubern and wouldn't hear of it | 04:45 |
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=== QuietThunder [n=harold@S0106006067664bde.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JayR168 | is there a google earth for ubuntu? | 04:45 |
hyphenated | JayR168: you can download the beta from google | 04:45 |
__mikem | Google Earth is writen in java so it should work as is | 04:45 |
davfigue | JayR168: ye it is ... | 04:45 |
ardchoille | __mikem, :( | 04:45 |
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walterk | i have a problem trying to compile mplayer latest svn | 04:45 |
ardchoille | JayR168, iirc, there is a Linux client for google earth now | 04:45 |
iiiears | lonegeek - check out the mounter or winmac_fstab Seveas wrote. http://seaveas.ubuntulinux.nl | 04:45 |
__mikem | you don't need to compile it, you can just apt-get it | 04:46 |
walterk | followed the instructions in the How To Forums but when i get to "make" i get this error | 04:46 |
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walterk | make: *** No rule to make target `config.mak'. Stop. | 04:46 |
walterk | Makefile:7: config.mak: No such file or directory | 04:46 |
WiseOdd | hmm. i downloaded a .bin file and automatically thougt i would have to mount it to use it... its the install file for JRE. Do i need to mount it? Can i just open it with some program...? | 04:46 |
ardchoille | walterk, did you run ./configure ? | 04:46 |
BrownMan | If anyone can help me with a banshee issue, please join #banshee! | 04:46 |
BrownMan | thanks | 04:46 |
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Meekrok | hey everyone | 04:47 |
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Meekrok | I got a quick question, I'm a IRC newbie | 04:47 |
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buggzero | how do i edit my xmodmap? | 04:47 |
iiiears | WiseOdd, give sudo sh <file_name> or simply sh <file_name> | 04:47 |
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lonegeek | iiiears: mounter as in disks under system? | 04:48 |
WiseOdd | heh. as i said... Linux newbie :) Thanks! | 04:48 |
Meekrok | I'm trying to update my distrib to 6.06, and everytime I do, I get an error: Failed to fetch http://koti.mbnet.fi/~ots/ubuntu/breezy/Packages.gz 404 Not Found | 04:48 |
davfigue | I lost /dev/eth0, could anybody help me ?, Does anybody had this problem ? | 04:48 |
Meekrok | and: Failed to fetch http://koti.mbnet.fi/~ots/ubuntu/breezy/Sources.gz 404 Not Found | 04:48 |
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polpak | WiseOdd: don't install java that way | 04:48 |
walterk | yes i did rubn | 04:48 |
walterk | i did run ./config | 04:48 |
JayR168 | thanks | 04:48 |
walterk | *./configure | 04:48 |
KrisWood | ok I'm back, now to get my wacom tablet working once and for all. Anyone around at the moment who's got one working? | 04:48 |
bimberi | Meekrok: make sure you only have ubuntu repositories enabled in your sources.list | 04:49 |
polpak | WiseOdd: you don't need to download from Sun's site.. Java is in the repositories | 04:49 |
iiiears | WiseOdd, If that doesn't work you can change it to an executeable file with sud0 chmod a+x <file_name> or right click and change it's permissions from the desktop. | 04:49 |
Meekrok | and how would I change that again? | 04:49 |
polpak | iiiears: you aren't helping | 04:49 |
tb77 | Meekrok: delete that line from /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:49 |
n30n | I need some serious help configuring world of warcraft | 04:49 |
iiiears | polpak, - Oops sorry. (not at all unusual actually. - lol) | 04:49 |
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=== Bilange [n=Warbird@Toronto-HSE-ppp3760802.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
__mikem | Im going to bed. Good night | 04:50 |
WiseOdd | i know its in the repositories, and it says its installed. Still i cant figure out why azureus wont work... its using java so i thought it would be worth trying... | 04:50 |
polpak | WiseOdd: no, don't | 04:50 |
polpak | WiseOdd: you installed sun-java5-bin ? | 04:50 |
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ardchoille | good nite __mikem | 04:50 |
Meekrok | err....I'm sorry, I forget how to even access that. As I said, I'm a big newb with this | 04:51 |
polpak | WiseOdd: sudo apt-get install sun-java5-bin | 04:51 |
iiiears | WiseOdd, P2P and java is a bad idea. - P2P is a big minefield in itself. | 04:51 |
ardchoille | note to self, learn to type faster | 04:51 |
WiseOdd | polpak: dunno... ill check... | 04:51 |
NotUbuntu | what kind of filesystem is a floppy drive? | 04:51 |
polpak | WiseOdd: or you can use synaptic | 04:51 |
Bilange | anyone has any clues with the issue with grub where the system wont boot when you change your harddrive's position? | 04:51 |
bimberi | n30n: i saw something about WoW on the wine wikipage - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Wine | 04:51 |
polpak | NotUbuntu: it could be anything. fat16, fat32, ext3, whatever you want | 04:51 |
walterk | anyone know why the problem with using "make" for the latest svn of mplayer | 04:51 |
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Toma- | Anyone know anything about this? https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+ticket/1059 | 04:52 |
iiiears | Bilange - Is there an option in the BIOS to select the boot from drive? | 04:52 |
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WiseOdd | polpak: thx ill try that... | 04:52 |
polpak | NotUbuntu: if it's readable in windows (or intended to be) then it's probably fat16 or 32 and you can just use vfat as the fstype | 04:52 |
Bilange | iiiears: yeah, I got this part correct... the problem is when grub tries to load from my former (old) drive position | 04:52 |
sneex | davfigue, try re-enabling eth0 using ifconfig | 04:53 |
polpak | WiseOdd: if you install sun-java5-bin and then use sudo update-alternatives --config java to set the default java version to the sun one you should be fine | 04:53 |
Bilange | iiiears: as in: I moved from hdb to hda, but grub still has hdb in mind | 04:53 |
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iiiears | WiseOdd, If you need my help don't hesitate to ignore my advice. - sorry about the confusion. - lol] | 04:53 |
NotUbuntu | ty | 04:53 |
sneex | lonegeek, I may be thinking of a debian package that hasnt made it to ubuntu yet -- soemthing like sformat but i cannot remember -- my debian system is at work \= | 04:54 |
polpak | iiiears: in general you were correct. But often in ubuntu you don't want to download stuff and install it directly. If you can you want to use the repositories | 04:54 |
davfigue | sneex: hi, I tried that but it's strange I can use the device but the file in /dev/ disappear ... | 04:54 |
iiiears | polpak, It is much better to use synaptic. Ubuntu DEVs have checked things out ahead of time. sometimes making needed changes so things install more easily. (painlessly?) | 04:55 |
sneex | im on ubuntu and using eth0 and there isnt a /dev/eth0 HTH =) | 04:55 |
sneex | davfigue, what does ifconfig eth0 tell you ? | 04:56 |
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SurfnKid | could someone explain or send me a link with instructions to understand the purpose of X and the Windows Manager or the GUI part. and How to disable/enable automatically on bootup | 04:56 |
iiiears | !xorg | 04:56 |
ubotu | it has been said that xorg is To reconfigure your X server, type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" in a terminal, or check here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto or here http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-83973.html | 04:56 |
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davfigue | sneex: ifconfig eth0 says everything is ok | 04:57 |
sneex | then let it be =) | 04:57 |
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c172 | how do I run an application as a different user in 6.06? | 04:57 |
Meekrok | tb77: what line do I delete, and how do I get to a place where I can delete it? Also, is there a way I can just re download linux, but keep all my progs i've been dling over time? | 04:57 |
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c172 | and what's wrong with having that in the menu? | 04:58 |
SurfnKid | iiiears: i want to disable the GUI part on boot up on this machine and know how to enable it. Will that tell me how to or just fix resolution problems | 04:58 |
sneex | davfigue, are you usng dhcp or a static IP? | 04:58 |
tb77 | Meekrok: are you in Ubuntu now? | 04:58 |
davfigue | sneex: the matter is that I was programming using pcap lib and I used the device eth0 to comunicate with the nic, but after that the file's gone | 04:58 |
iiiears | SurfnKid, You can always make the terminal the default boot option in i think "sessions" on the log in screen no? | 04:58 |
Meekrok | tb77: not with this comp, but yes, I am | 04:58 |
WiseOdd | iiiears: thx. im just a bit confused right now... trying all these different thing, and im a Big Linux newbie, so i get confused pretty fast. But one of the reasons for switching to Linux is to get a stable p2p server / client... so ill just have to figure out what to do... :) | 04:59 |
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linux_user400354 | can i use cups to share my printer with other computers on the network? | 04:59 |
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sneex | the file was never there davfigue | 04:59 |
sneex | i dont have it here | 04:59 |
davfigue | sneex: I'm using static IP | 04:59 |
SurfnKid | iiiears: thats what i want. not sure | 04:59 |
tb77 | Meekrok: open a terminal, sudo nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:59 |
sneex | i have /var/run/dhclient.eth0.leases | 04:59 |
SurfnKid | iiiears: not sure where to do that | 04:59 |
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rjian | i need help of using samba and firestarter theres a conflict?? | 04:59 |
iiiears | WiseOdd, Read up on QEMU and virtual machines. - at least you won't have to reinstall everytime. | 05:00 |
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davfigue | sneex: ok, well do you know another way to comunicate with the nic ? | 05:00 |
psyoptik | how can I run a terminal command run from an Alacarte menu entry in the foreground? | 05:00 |
c172 | anyone know how to run an application as a different user in gnome? it shouldn't be that hard... | 05:00 |
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BHSPitLappy | hey... I want to remove Gaim, but to do it, ubuntu-desktop must be removed... why? should I avoid this? | 05:00 |
SurfnKid | iiiears: id like to have x not load up. but know where to change and enable it by changing something in a file to re-enable it back | 05:00 |
Meekrok | tb77: ok, now what | 05:00 |
Amaranth | psyoptik: Don't tell it to run in terminal. | 05:00 |
WiseOdd | iiiears: never heard of QEMO, but ill do that! thx for the help! | 05:01 |
sneex | davfigue, write your program to speak via the tcp/ip socket and the kernel will "figure it out" =) | 05:01 |
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rredd4 | Hobbsee I do not see where to enter the remove 386 kernel and install 686 kernel commands into update manager.. | 05:01 |
rjian | i need help?? please help me?? | 05:01 |
iiiears | SurfnKid, The log in screen has an option. - just entirely guessing there might be something in rc.d | 05:01 |
n30n | rjian: whats up? | 05:01 |
buggzero | anyone know how to fix ASLA-OSS problems? | 05:01 |
tb77 | Meekrok: you need to delete the line that has http://koti.mbnet.fi/~ots/ubuntu/ in it and change your repo's from breezy to dapper | 05:01 |
Hobbsee | rredd4: check in synaptic | 05:01 |
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=== janitor_ [n=jani_@pcd678060.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
n30n | Hobbsee: dude, in winecfg, it closes when i go to the audio tab | 05:02 |
rredd4 | Hobbsee i looked there, in preferences? | 05:02 |
buggzero | I can't seem to get flash player to use any sound | 05:02 |
janitor_ | hello peeps | 05:02 |
rjian | n30n: i have a problem turning on the firestarter becuase it conflict the samba... any suggestion?? | 05:02 |
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buggzero | even when i put in oss | 05:02 |
Hobbsee | rredd4: it's just another package, and you add/remove it like anything else... | 05:02 |
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n30n | buggzero: i have had the same prob off and on. log out and log back in to see if it goes away. | 05:02 |
Hobbsee | n30n: no idea, i dont use wine* | 05:02 |
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psyoptik | If I tell it to not run in terminal, it still runs in the background | 05:02 |
rredd4 | Hobbsee ok, i saw that under kernel... ty | 05:02 |
tb77 | Meekrok: here's a sample sources.list from the Ubuntu wiki; http://pastebin.com/717682 | 05:02 |
n30n | rjian: no sorry | 05:02 |
iiiears | gparted is nice. - just stole a few gigabytes from Windows. | 05:03 |
davfigue | sneex: ok that's right, but I'm talking to the nic not to another program over the net, I'm trying to code a sniffer ... | 05:03 |
iiiears | brb | 05:03 |
psyoptik | the program normally uses the terminal to show output which is what I need to see | 05:03 |
buggzero | gotcha | 05:03 |
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janitor_ | how can i automatically load modules at startup... i.e video1394,raw1394,ieee1394..etc.etc. | 05:03 |
c172 | so it's not possible to run gnome applications as a different user in 6.06? | 05:03 |
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sneex | davfigue, talking to the nic is the kernels job | 05:03 |
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Meekrok | tb77: I dont see a line that has that | 05:03 |
eugman | How do I raise a number to a power in a spreadsheet? | 05:03 |
Meekrok | or anythinkg like it | 05:03 |
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tb77 | Meekrok: can you post your sources.list at pastebin.com | 05:04 |
hewhocutsdown | Bug reporting question (as in, how to do it right) | 05:04 |
sneex | try ** eugman but thats way OT here | 05:04 |
davfigue | sneex: well sneex, thanks for your time, I'll figured out how to solve it ... | 05:04 |
megasquid | is there a nautilus configuration tool? | 05:04 |
sneex | sorry i couldnt help more | 05:04 |
psyoptik | I am using the command "cd Folding\ @\ Home; ./FAH502-Linux.exe" in the terminal, which loads the program just fine. How can I use this command in an Alacarte menu entry and still have the terminal output? | 05:04 |
Eleaf | Is anybody using xgl here? | 05:04 |
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eugman | Nope, didn't work. | 05:05 |
rredd4 | Hobbsee its under Base System (restricted) thanks | 05:05 |
Hobbsee | rredd4: not a problem | 05:05 |
Hobbsee | steveO: please disable that script | 05:05 |
janitor_ | i did... i still prefer the "normal" desktop | 05:05 |
Amaranth | psyoptik: oh, i see | 05:05 |
Meekrok | tb77: done | 05:05 |
sneex | eugman, is this open office or gnu spreadsheet? | 05:05 |
Meekrok | http://pastebin.com/717683 | 05:05 |
davfigue | Hobbsee: hi, good to see you | 05:05 |
=== n30n [n=n30n@cpe-67-9-185-108.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hobbsee | heya davfigue | 05:06 |
eugman | Open office but I can do it in gnumeric. | 05:06 |
megasquid | is there a nautilus configuration tool? | 05:06 |
Amaranth | psyoptik: put sh -c 'cd Folding\ @\ Home; ./FAH502-Linux.exe' in for the command | 05:06 |
n30n | !wine | 05:06 |
ubotu | Wine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on linux. see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Wine for more info. | 05:06 |
janitor_ | anyone know what file to edit to load modules at startup? | 05:06 |
=== mgorbach [n=mgorbach@c-69-138-15-18.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eleaf | Seriously, anybody using xgl? | 05:06 |
hewhocutsdown | My wife has a couple (occasionally repeating) serious issues with Dapper on her laptop, and just when I think they're fixed, they return....I'm not sure what to classify them as however, as they only seem to repeat when I least expect | 05:06 |
mgorbach | hi everyone ... im comming from gentoo to ubuntu, or considering it | 05:07 |
tb77 | Meekrok: it's might the cdrom line you have to remove that anyway to upgrade | 05:07 |
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davfigue | janitor_: you have to look to /etc/modules | 05:07 |
janitor_ | Eleaf, i did... but not at the moment.. i still prefer the "normal" desktop | 05:07 |
mgorbach | can someone explain to me how easy/hard it is to get new,updated software packages for ubuntu? | 05:07 |
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hewhocutsdown | Welcome, I've toyed with Gentoo a year ago or so | 05:07 |
tb77 | Meekrok: just replace your sources.list with http://pastebin.com/717682 | 05:07 |
Eleaf | janitor_, yea, I'm having a problem though | 05:07 |
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psyoptik | Amaranth: ohmy! Thanks much! it worked. | 05:07 |
Eleaf | janitor_, I can't get my screen to lock! i.e. screensaver to come up. | 05:07 |
hewhocutsdown | (welcome mgorbach....it's kind of chaotic, have to specify) | 05:07 |
janitor_ | Eleaf, i dont encounter any problem with it though | 05:07 |
Eleaf | It keeps my display from sleeping. | 05:07 |
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Eleaf | so the display won't turn off.. ;( | 05:08 |
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cius | Eleaf, just turnit off manually anytime you walk away | 05:08 |
someothernick | mgorbach, sudo apt-get update ... sudo apt-get upgrade | 05:08 |
mgorbach | for example, say a new build of firefox comes out | 05:08 |
mgorbach | well ubuntu has this annoying thing of being "locked into" packages | 05:08 |
mgorbach | they dont get updated to new version | 05:08 |
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cius | thats what I do :-) | 05:08 |
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mgorbach | for me, comming from gentoo, this is a major problem as i am used to running new software | 05:08 |
Meekrok | tb77: do I need to save? This sounds horrible, but I cant see a place to save the changes | 05:09 |
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someothernick | mgorbach, i think it has to get added to repos first | 05:09 |
Amaranth | mgorbach: You can install the new firefox into /opt | 05:09 |
Eleaf | cius, heh.. | 05:09 |
tb77 | Meekrok: yes save with Ctrl-X | 05:10 |
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Eleaf | cius, but.. I usually will just walk away for like 1 minute, but I'm not sure how long I will be gone. | 05:10 |
Amaranth | mgorbach: No problem, just edit all the launchers to point to the one in /opt and you won't know the difference | 05:10 |
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Eleaf | cius, is it bad to turn a crt off and on a lot? | 05:10 |
Eleaf | it's like degaussing it all the time. | 05:10 |
cius | Eleaf, not in my experience, haven't had one go bad yet | 05:10 |
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hewhocutsdown | anyone decent with understanding bug tracking? I'm trying to find one on my wife's machine.... | 05:10 |
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Meekrok | tb77: ok, trying to update now, if it works, a big thank you | 05:10 |
Eleaf | I just don't want any distortion to start showing up due to constant starting and stopping of the gun. | 05:10 |
Eleaf | lol | 05:11 |
tb77 | Meekrok: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:11 |
BHSPitLappy | anyone know how to turn off tap-to-click on a laptop? | 05:11 |
mgorbach | so i just manually install ff that is downloaded, into /opt/ ? | 05:11 |
Amaranth | mgorbach: yep | 05:11 |
Hobbsee | !tell mgorbach about firefox1.5 | 05:11 |
Meekrok | tb77: oh, I shouldn't just use the program? | 05:11 |
Eleaf | cius, I can't force the screensaver to start either (my screensaver is just a black screen). I try hitting lock screen, but it doesn't work. | 05:11 |
KrisWood | I've got my wacom intuos3 tablet working now except the pad buttons and touch strip, does anyone else here have an intuos3? | 05:11 |
Meekrok | tb77: I guess not, because it still did not work | 05:11 |
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cius | Eleaf, these days you don't have to worry about burn in on your crt, unless its an older one maybe, so leaving it on a while won't hurt either, except maybe in the electricity bill. | 05:12 |
mgorbach | like i said, im really interesting in ubuntu's easy of use, but its important for me to be able to run the latest version of softare | 05:12 |
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mgorbach | *software | 05:12 |
mgorbach | another example ... a new rhythmbox version just came out | 05:12 |
mgorbach | how would i get that? | 05:12 |
Meekrok | oh, it did not save | 05:12 |
mgorbach | in gentoo, it would be added to portage quickly and i wont just compile it and it would replace my old version | 05:12 |
Eleaf | cius, I see. It's about 10 years old or so.. | 05:12 |
Meekrok | tb77: open it from sudo nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list | 05:12 |
someothernick | mgorbach, i am running | 05:12 |
Meekrok | ? | 05:12 |
Eleaf | cius, still a great monitor. | 05:13 |
cius | mgorbach, cvs and few make commands | 05:13 |
cius | or svn, whatever the rhythmbox project uses | 05:13 |
tb77 | Meekrok: try gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 05:13 |
Hobbsee | mgorbach: or just run the development release, but expect major bugs, particularly early in the cycle | 05:14 |
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prwlr | how can i upgrade my old firefox? | 05:14 |
cius | Eleaf, I wouldnt' worry too much about it. Though solving bugs is certainly a valuable thing to do, so don't just give up because I reccommend it :-) | 05:14 |
janitor_ | brb peeps.. wanna try the new conf if it works :) | 05:14 |
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mgorbach | you mean ech? | 05:14 |
jajaja- | anyway to fix resolution in ubuntu..the picture on my lcd is all outta wack | 05:14 |
mgorbach | *etch? | 05:14 |
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RadiantFire | jajaja-: what graphics card do you have | 05:14 |
Eleaf | cius, hehe. It's just weird, I dont' know what to do, maybe it's just a problem that is hard to work around with the xgl server. | 05:14 |
KrisWood | no intuos3 users here? | 05:14 |
jajaja- | old nvidia ge force | 05:14 |
someothernick | jajaja-, what vid card and driver are you running? | 05:14 |
someothernick | oh nm | 05:14 |
cius | Eleaf, you might try the Xgl or compiz mailing lists | 05:15 |
ardchoille | Well, time for me to go.. be back later. | 05:15 |
Hobbsee | !tell prwlr about firefox1.5 | 05:15 |
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Eleaf | cius, I wonder if the screensaver/energy saver settings for ubuntu are specialized for xorg. ;/ | 05:15 |
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oxpub | how do i connect my windows machine to a cups printer via http? | 05:15 |
prwlr | thanks Hobbsee | 05:16 |
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oxpub | http://ipaddress:631/printers/mindamp doesnt seem to be working | 05:16 |
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Meekrok | tb77: says "authentication rejected, reason: none of hte authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed. | 05:16 |
bimberi | ubotu tell oxpub about xpprint | 05:16 |
davfigue | Anybody Knows how to get working XGL Compiz with ATI ? | 05:17 |
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oxpub | that bot is really obnoxious | 05:17 |
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oxpub | please dont do it again | 05:17 |
NotUbuntu | k | 05:17 |
oxpub | but thanks for the information | 05:17 |
oxpub | thats exactly what i needed | 05:17 |
snakeman | hey kids..i'm having trouble running scripts which set environment variables under xterm (I'm using dapper drake) | 05:17 |
crimsun | oxpub: that bot is here for a reason. If we had to answer every FAQ, we'd have muzzled quite a few people by now. | 05:18 |
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shinobi2 | where can i buy ubuntu stickers? | 05:18 |
tb77 | Meekrok: how bout sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list from a terminal | 05:18 |
snakeman | how do I set environment variables in xterm? | 05:18 |
oxpub | yeh well.. i was in hear earlier asking questions... and NO one answered.. in fact, it seemed like everyone were clueless newbs... | 05:18 |
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oxpub | wish i would have known about the bot then ;-) | 05:18 |
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Meekrok | tb77: ooh, at least things are different now, saved the new sources.list, trying to update again | 05:20 |
snakeman | ...anyone? | 05:20 |
oxpub | BTW ... bimberi, and others... that information is way OUT OF DATE | 05:20 |
oxpub | but it still helped | 05:20 |
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crimsun | oxpub: then update it. | 05:21 |
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c172 | this thing to set up a LAMP server with one command... is it only available when you're installing ubuntu? | 05:21 |
c172 | I always thought it did something useful | 05:21 |
prwlr | when apt-get install gets interrupted.. if i rerun it would it download everything from the start? | 05:21 |
crimsun | c172: no, but it's easiest when you use ubuntu-server | 05:21 |
bimberi | oxpub: Please fix it, it's a wiki :) | 05:21 |
crimsun | prwlr: no, it's cached | 05:21 |
oxpub | really | 05:21 |
KrisWood | sorry to ask the same question over and over but has anyone here got the tablet buttons and touch strip working on an intuos3 tablet? | 05:21 |
oxpub | cool | 05:21 |
oxpub | thanks | 05:21 |
prwlr | ah.. nice | 05:22 |
c172 | I upgraded a running installation, so I don't know what I'm using | 05:22 |
davfigue | prwlr: no it won't | 05:22 |
c172 | does it really do anything, or does it just install a few packages? | 05:22 |
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prwlr | what media players do you guys use? is totem-xine ok enough? mplayer? vls? thanks im confused | 05:22 |
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crimsun | c172: that question's fairly vague, please rephrase | 05:22 |
c172 | when they say that you can setup up a server with one command, do they just mean that the packages are installed? | 05:23 |
davfigue | prwlr: totem very good, the same for mplayer | 05:23 |
KrisWood | prwlr: for now I'm using mplayer and rythmbox and they seem to work well enough, it'd be nice to have a player that does everything though | 05:23 |
c172 | I guess a real administration tool is little too much to expect... | 05:23 |
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crimsun | c172: it means you get a functional one out of the box. | 05:23 |
seyacat | Hi all | 05:23 |
moonunit | i got an error, timestamp too far in the future, any ideas? | 05:23 |
prwlr | ok thanks guys... need to make up my mind :) | 05:23 |
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seyacat | please help me | 05:24 |
crimsun | c172: so it's not /just/ installing packages, no | 05:24 |
snakeman | surely there must be a way to add new environment variables to /etc/profile and have them exported without rebooting my computer, RIGHT? | 05:24 |
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davfigue | prwlr: some media won't play on totem only on mplayer | 05:24 |
c172 | don't the packages come with default configuration files anyways? | 05:24 |
crimsun | snakeman: sure, resource them | 05:24 |
c172 | if it doesn't just install packages, why is it only available during the install process? | 05:24 |
snakeman | crimsun: can you be more specific? | 05:24 |
crimsun | c172: because it's seeded differently from the desktops | 05:25 |
prwlr | davfigue, what can mplayer play that totem cant? | 05:25 |
crimsun | snakeman: . somefile | 05:25 |
c172 | so all it does is install a few packages and replace some text in the configuration files? | 05:25 |
c172 | at least I'm not missing out on anything good | 05:25 |
moonunit | hey ive got an error, that the timestamp is too far in the future, any ideas? | 05:25 |
=== siriusnova [n=siriusno@64-251-145-86-cablemodem-roll.fidnet.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
davfigue | prwlr: some kind of avi files, but totem plays almost anything | 05:25 |
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siriusnova | crimsun - are you here? | 05:26 |
snakeman | crimsun: you speak volumes, but I still don't understand | 05:26 |
crimsun | c172: of course you're not missing out on anything good. You're always free to hang yourself. We just give you rope. | 05:26 |
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prwlr | davfigue, ah ok thanks | 05:26 |
siriusnova | hey crimsun - sorry i got disonnected, but it looks like you found the solution to the thinkpad problem | 05:26 |
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siriusnova | any idea when we can expect a patch ? | 05:26 |
c172 | snakeman, I know the feeling | 05:26 |
prwlr | davfigue, how about dvd-ripped avi files? | 05:26 |
snakeman | they way I would have done it in the old days would be to just run "/bin/bash /etc/profile" but that's not working in xterm, I do an "env" afterwards and there's nothing new | 05:26 |
Oddzball | Hello I am back | 05:26 |
seyacat | i have AMD 64 with kubuntu, one day eth0 stop to work, it is embbed and i can see it and can configure, but i cant see network computers | 05:26 |
crimsun | siriusnova: again, Matthew pinpointed it; I only made that clear. | 05:26 |
siriusnova | oh ok | 05:27 |
siriusnova | so when do we expect a patch via aptitude dist-upgrade or whatnot | 05:27 |
siriusnova | :X | 05:27 |
crimsun | siriusnova: again, the rest of the devs are in Paris or on their way there, so it will be a good seven or eight hours before I'd expect any movement. | 05:27 |
siriusnova | darn | 05:27 |
siriusnova | but at least its pinned down | 05:27 |
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sivik_ | !wmv3 | 05:27 |
ubotu | sivik_: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 05:28 |
crimsun | yes, there's a known workaround; Matthew is just waiting for the green light to upload. | 05:28 |
davfigue | prwlr: sure totem will play it | 05:28 |
siriusnova | crimsun - how does the patching work, do we just aptitude dist-upgrade ? | 05:28 |
c172 | well, that's some good spin in the release announcement... they make it sound so special | 05:28 |
siriusnova | and it will update the new kernel? | 05:28 |
snakeman | c172: yeah, I know..this crimsun dude gives crappy free help. i expect better support. | 05:28 |
sivik_ | how do i go about getting the wmv3 for mplayer or vlc | 05:28 |
KrisWood | does anyone here use an intuos3 tablet? | 05:28 |
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seyacat | i have AMD 64 with kubuntu, one day eth0 stop to work, it is embbed and i can see it and can configure, but i cant see network computers. ethernet works fine in windoes | 05:29 |
crimsun | siriusnova: we won't be updating the kernel. It's an updated acpi-support package. | 05:29 |
siriusnova | crimsun - oh ok | 05:29 |
prwlr | ah | 05:29 |
Druke | Hello, what is the command to re-run the xorg.conf configuration program? | 05:29 |
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crimsun | Druke: ``sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'' | 05:29 |
Druke | thank you | 05:29 |
nomin | which is better?: easyubuntu or automatix? | 05:30 |
crimsun | snakeman: . /etc/profile | 05:30 |
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prwlr | how can i rip dvd files into avi using linux? thanks | 05:30 |
Hobbsee | nomin: easyubuntu | 05:30 |
Hobbsee | crimsun: please fix $mypetbug. kthnksbye! | 05:30 |
beavis_ | does anyone know how to assign an icon to a filetype in kde? | 05:30 |
imbrandon | nomin, easyubuntu | 05:30 |
crimsun | Hobbsee: ponies blz. | 05:31 |
Hobbsee | crimsun: no ponies for you. | 05:31 |
crimsun | Hobbsee: then no fix for you! | 05:31 |
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seyacat | Help me please. i have AMD 64 with kubuntu, one day eth0 stop to work, it is embbed and i can see it and can configure, but i cant see network computers. ethernet works fine in windoes | 05:31 |
=== Hobbsee whinges about crimsun to the rest of the channel, indefinetly. | ||
NoUse | prwlr 'apt-cache search dvd AND rip' | 05:31 |
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imbrandon | http://www.buntudot.org/people/~imbrandon/screenshots/snapshot4.png <-- ponies for crimsun | 05:31 |
sivik_ | is there anyway to get wmv3's to play? | 05:32 |
Kuyaedz | how can I get a service to no longer load at boot time? | 05:32 |
Hobbsee | imbrandon: heh. no, there's a better link than that... | 05:32 |
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[Ex0r] | imbrandon, how are you running photoshop in ubuntu? | 05:32 |
imbrandon | [Ex0r] , wine | 05:32 |
prwlr | NoUse, thanks dude | 05:32 |
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AngryElf | how come mplayer can open my dvd with libdvdcss2, but xine can't? | 05:32 |
crimsun | imbrandon: that's a travesty on so many levels... | 05:32 |
snakeman | crimsun: I couldn't see the space after the dot(.) ..it works! thank you! | 05:32 |
crimsun | snakeman: np. | 05:32 |
[Ex0r] | imbrandon, I tried using it, won't let me install it. What version do you have ? | 05:33 |
imbrandon | [Ex0r] , 7 | 05:33 |
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imbrandon | [Ex0r] , i also use crossover office not just plain wine | 05:33 |
[Ex0r] | ah, that's why | 05:33 |
[Ex0r] | im using cs2 | 05:33 |
imbrandon | but afaik it works on plain wine too | 05:33 |
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imbrandon | yea cs 8 and below work | 05:33 |
[Ex0r] | you have a winxp theme? lol | 05:33 |
imbrandon | akaik | 05:33 |
Oddzball | Hello! | 05:33 |
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imbrandon | [Ex0r] , yea ;) | 05:34 |
[Ex0r] | cs8? You mean photoshop 8 ? | 05:34 |
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imbrandon | cs 1 or ps 8 , same thing | 05:34 |
lonegeek | Is there a check disk type command that i can run in linux to attempt to fix a ntfs hard drive? | 05:34 |
[Ex0r] | you said cs8 :) | 05:34 |
[Ex0r] | i was like... eh | 05:34 |
imbrandon | heh | 05:34 |
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ic56 | !ntfstools | 05:34 |
imbrandon | my bad | 05:34 |
[Ex0r] | crossover office, I think i've heard of that. Is that the software that costs money ? | 05:35 |
imbrandon | [Ex0r] , yea | 05:35 |
[Ex0r] | how's the software compatability for it? | 05:35 |
Oddzball | Hello, I was wondering, does anyone know about getting an Audigy 2 ZS Notebook card to work with ubuntu? | 05:36 |
imbrandon | www.codeweavers.com has a db [Ex0r] or supported apps | 05:36 |
imbrandon | of* | 05:36 |
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crimsun | Oddzball: what isn't working? | 05:36 |
Oddzball | I dunno, What can i do to test if sound is coming out of the speakers? | 05:37 |
[Ex0r] | imbrandon, k, ty | 05:37 |
crimsun | Oddzball: ``aplay /usr/share/sounds/startup.wav'' | 05:37 |
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konfuzed | hew there, so I've got this box with ECS mobo + AMD Pro1400+ 256MB ram and on board everything else with a 20 gig drive and cd-rw. last night I tried to install 5.10 from a pacakged install disc and both times it ended in kernel panic at what appeared to be right after setting some irqs. Perhaps the problem is the onboard vga mem sharing and frame buffer stuff. aside from adding a seperate video card , what is the best way to ensure there is no | 05:38 |
konfuzed | frame buffer issue?? | 05:38 |
konfuzed | ? | 05:38 |
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konfuzed | that did not appear on my screen properly | 05:39 |
konfuzed | hew there, so I've got this box with ECS mobo + AMD Pro1400+ 256MB ram and on board everything else with a 20 gig drive and cd-rw. last night I tried to install 5.10 from a pacakged install disc and both times it ended in kernel panic at what appeared to be right after setting some irqs. Perhaps the problem is the onboard vga mem sharing and frame buffer stuff. aside from adding a seperate video card , what is the best way to ensure there is no | 05:39 |
konfuzed | frame buffer issue?? | 05:39 |
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Sjoerd- | If I am logged in as root, what command can I use to change my accounts password? | 05:39 |
[Ex0r] | Sjoerd-, passwd <password> | 05:39 |
davfigue | Sjoerd: passwd | 05:39 |
crimsun | Sjoerd-: passwd $YOUR_USER | 05:39 |
Sjoerd- | it will change the root password | 05:39 |
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konfuzed | Sjoerd-, passwd $username | 05:39 |
Sjoerd- | thanks crimsun | 05:39 |
Sjoerd- | thanks konfuzed :) | 05:40 |
[Ex0r] | forgot one | 05:40 |
Sjoerd- | thanks all | 05:40 |
[Ex0r] | lol | 05:40 |
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HedgeMage | konfuzed: A friend of mine had the same problem on her lappy... I burned her a Dapper Drake (6.06) CD and it was a flawless install | 05:41 |
[Ex0r] | alrighty righty, it's time fo rbed. | 05:41 |
Sjoerd- | I already knew the passwd command, even tried passwd account... Just didn'think of putting a $ in front of it. Thanks :) | 05:41 |
[Ex0r] | for bed* | 05:41 |
xenex | cpu[1 x Intel(R) Pentium(R) III Mobile CPU 1200MHz @ 797MHz w/ 512 KB L2 Cache] | 05:41 |
xenex | how do i get my cpu running at full speed, 1.2ghz? | 05:41 |
crimsun | Sjoerd-: no, the $ designates variable | 05:41 |
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crimsun | Sjoerd-: so supposing your username is sjoerd, you'd use ``passwd sjoerd'' | 05:41 |
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Sjoerd- | ok so passwd sjoerd should do when my account is sjoerd? | 05:42 |
Sjoerd- | ok. | 05:42 |
[Ex0r] | yes'sir | 05:42 |
Oddzball | crimsun: yeah its playing out of my notebook speakers | 05:42 |
Sjoerd- | Is it, when looking at security, advisable to disable root account after recovering my password? | 05:42 |
Oddzball | but not through my audigy 2 card | 05:42 |
sivik__ | !wmv3 | 05:43 |
ubotu | NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, sivik__ | 05:43 |
crimsun | Oddzball: I presume you have multiple sound devices? pastebin ``cat /proc/asound/cards'' | 05:43 |
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lonegeek | How can i repair a ntfs filesystem....... help!!! | 05:43 |
matthew_w | Uhh, I have a major problem I think... hehe | 05:43 |
[Ex0r] | lonegeek, repair ? | 05:43 |
matthew_w | Does anyone know if dual booting can cause any physical hard drive issues? | 05:44 |
Sjoerd- | lonegeek: put back your backups? | 05:44 |
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sivik__ | !w32codecs | 05:44 |
ubotu | a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular non-free formats. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for 64-bit systems see http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=54399 | 05:44 |
konfuzed | ok ill take the dvd player oput of this box and put it in the other one and see if that does the trick | 05:44 |
BHSPitLappy | matthew_w, no | 05:44 |
Sjoerd- | matthew_w: normally it won't :) But make sure you have backups. | 05:44 |
konfuzed | ive got a dapper dvd here already | 05:44 |
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Oddzball | crimsun, how do i do that, I am like, super linux newb.... | 05:44 |
crimsun | matthew_w: yes. In rare cases your opposable thumbs will explode, rendering your hands useless for holding weapons of mass destruction across long distances. | 05:44 |
lonegeek | ahaha backups....most of it was video, mp3, and pictures...not really backedup....most but not all....... Is there anyway to non destructively reformat it...if i put windows disk in...can i run something.... | 05:44 |
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matthew_w | Because.. I've had two HDD's on which I've dual booted Ubuntu and 'doze for games, and ... well, I am listening to the violin like noises of my second fragged 80 gig hard drive | 05:45 |
crimsun | matthew_w: sorry, but there's a price to pay for convenience. | 05:45 |
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matthew_w | although this one I can get a replacement for, because it's only 4months old X_X | 05:45 |
jns | Does anyone know how to get wireless working on a macbook pro? | 05:45 |
Oddzball | heck i dont even know how to get to the terminal in ubuntu | 05:45 |
KhZilla | how do you disable the Hibernate from the X logout screen? | 05:45 |
crimsun | Oddzball: Applications> Accessories> Terminal | 05:45 |
Sjoerd- | lonegeek: I would put it in another box and then run windows diskcheck over it | 05:45 |
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[Ex0r] | lonegeek, nope. Once an ntfs file system gets damaged, it's basically impossible to fix it. | 05:46 |
crimsun | matthew_w: in all seriousness, there's such a low probability of harm that it's essentially safe to say "no" | 05:46 |
KhZilla | I have a remote server and I log in via X, and it gives me the option to hibernate it... | 05:46 |
KhZilla | which I don't want | 05:46 |
[Ex0r] | matthew_w, if you've been through that many hdd's in that short of time, i'd be looking at a problem somewhere else. | 05:46 |
=== ZDUX [n=zdux0012@cpe-66-75-110-44.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
matthew_w | Ex0r, such as? | 05:47 |
Oddzball | [Crimsun] :0 [ICH5 ] : ICH4 - Intel ICH5 | 05:47 |
Oddzball | Intel ICH5 with ALC650F at 0xd0000c00, irq 185 | 05:47 |
Oddzball | 1 [Audigy2 ] : Audigy2 - Audigy 2 ZS Notebook [SB0530] | 05:47 |
Oddzball | Audigy 2 ZS Notebook [SB0530] (rev.0, serial:0x20011102) at 0x4800, irq 177 | 05:47 |
gigaclon | !paste | 05:47 |
ubotu | Please do not flood the channel! Use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting long texts as it does not distrupt the channel. You might also want to install the "webboard" package from Universe. | 05:47 |
=== whayworth [n=whaywort@pool-68-161-178-15.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
[Ex0r] | matthew_w, could be lots of things. Bad motherboard, bad power supply, bad ide interface/cable | 05:47 |
crimsun | Oddzball: ``asoundconf set-default-card Audigy2'' | 05:47 |
[Ex0r] | What kind of hdd is it? | 05:47 |
matthew_w | Ex0r; I thought that, so I got a new motherboard, and new ide cables | 05:47 |
ZDUX | can I ask for some help? I can't get the scim to start | 05:47 |
matthew_w | Hitachi | 05:47 |
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matthew_w | DeskStar | 05:47 |
[Ex0r] | :\ | 05:47 |
matthew_w | 80g | 05:47 |
crimsun | ah, the Deathstars! | 05:47 |
matthew_w | sorry about the enters | 05:47 |
xenex | cpu[1 x Intel(R) Pentium(R) III Mobile CPU 1200MHz @ 797MHz w/ 512 KB L2 Cache] | 05:48 |
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[Ex0r] | matthew_w, that's your problem. Buy maxtor or western digital | 05:48 |
xenex | how do i make my processor stop running at 797mhz and make it run at 1.2ghz which is full speed? | 05:48 |
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whayworth | I'm sorry to interrupt the discussion, and also if this is a bad place for this query, but, if a developer who's new-ish to Linux development but fluent in several [programming languages] would like to help solve bugs, where should the developer start? | 05:48 |
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matthew_w | Ex0r, the first one that died was a WD caviar | 05:48 |
matthew_w | It died so badly it literally melted in my PC. | 05:48 |
crimsun | whayworth: #ubuntu-bugs | 05:48 |
[Ex0r] | matthew_w, that is DEFINATELY not from dual booting | 05:49 |
[Ex0r] | that would be from overheating | 05:49 |
whayworth | oh...thanks crimsun | 05:49 |
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cobrien | MatthewV: melted eh? lemme guess... no fans? | 05:49 |
whayworth | (sorry if my Flash queries kept bugging you the other day) | 05:49 |
whayworth | I'll go there now | 05:49 |
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lastnode | what is the flash fonts package? | 05:49 |
matthew_w | Ex0r; what actually happened was (it was 3 years old) for some reason a bearing or screw or so, let loose, and caused a loud NNNENENENENENWWWW chainsaw like noise, which melted it from friction. | 05:49 |
[Ex0r] | in which case you need to make sure you have at least 3 vented fans, and that it's not set near a high heat source | 05:49 |
matthew_w | No, I have about 7 fans. ThermalTake case. | 05:49 |
CaptainZeroCool | more fans can make it worse. | 05:50 |
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crimsun | matthew_w: the DeskStar 60/80 GB lines are notorious for their high failure rates. | 05:50 |
Oddzball | crimsun do i need to be a sudo user to do that? | 05:50 |
crimsun | matthew_w: hence the moniker "Deathstar" | 05:50 |
bintrue | deskstar aka deathstar! | 05:50 |
cobrien | CaptainZeroCool: no it can't... you're trippin :) | 05:50 |
baconbacon | it's a trap | 05:50 |
matthew_w | crimsun; ah well, I'll keep getting a new one from my crapface dealer until they work,. It will basically go "If I don't get a new HDD, you'll need a new KDNY." | 05:50 |
crimsun | Oddzball: no | 05:50 |
crimsun | Oddzball: you want to invoke that command as your user | 05:51 |
CaptainZeroCool | if it is loud it is BAD! they could be pointed the wrong way. | 05:51 |
[Ex0r] | the hdd's aren't constructed using internal screws etc. If anything the pin in it broke and was jambed between the cylinder and the head | 05:51 |
ZDUX | how can I input japanese text ? | 05:51 |
crimsun | ZDUX: scim | 05:51 |
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matthew_w | It's not "loud", it's "ambient." | 05:51 |
CaptainZeroCool | oooookay | 05:51 |
cobrien | CaptainZeroCool: of course, we are going to assume they were correctly installed.. . | 05:51 |
ZDUX | scim doesn't load | 05:51 |
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matthew_w | In otherwords, you can hear it. But it's not loud. | 05:52 |
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[Ex0r] | matthew_w, hdd noise is common | 05:52 |
ZDUX | crimsun: scim is supposed to load on ctrl_ + space but it does not | 05:52 |
matthew_w | [Ex0r] I meant my pc altogether | 05:52 |
matthew_w | [Ex0r] I know HDD's make some noise but | 05:52 |
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[Ex0r] | From my expert experience, i'd say the problem lies somewhere else other than the hdd. I would definately make away with the hitachi. Stick with maxtor or wd. | 05:53 |
CaptainZeroCool | So what is the problem? Maybe I can help. | 05:53 |
mike1 | anyone have hostap exp... | 05:53 |
[Ex0r] | Maxtor has EXCELLENT support. I sent in an 80gig diamondmax and they sent back a 120gig | 05:53 |
mike1 | I lost my wlan0 upon installing hostap | 05:54 |
matthew_w | ... my noises have progressed from a slight, tiny "click" at boot, and once every 3-4 minutes, to more frequently, to constantly. Then, a so called "hyper-audible" noise started, (which is a noise that is so high pitched only some people can hear it.) which annoys me, because I tell people I hear a noise and they say I'm crazy. Then finally, it now makes a noise like a scraping chalkboard at times, followed by loud clicks, sm | 05:54 |
matthew_w | all bangs. | 05:54 |
mike1 | I lost my wlan0 upon installing hostap | 05:54 |
prwlr | hey what do i need to play wmv and all that prop sht | 05:54 |
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matthew_w | Finally, the windows part of my partitions (/dev/hda1) when dosfsck'ed will lock the entire computer. Booting into windows will shortly lock the entire computer, defragging, locks the entire computer. Defragging from Linux fails to do anything, and the fragments are growing exponentially. | 05:55 |
crimsun | ZDUX: have you checked the wiki and http://www.ubuntulinux.jp/ ? | 05:55 |
matthew_w | !RestrictedFormats | 05:55 |
ubotu | see !restricted | 05:55 |
matthew_w | !restricted | 05:55 |
ubotu | it has been said that restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats. This page's intent is to enable you to play most non-free media formats that are not DRM encoded. Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats. | 05:55 |
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ZDUX | I will look, all of the text I have found so far is for KDE | 05:55 |
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prwlr | matthew_w, wget can't find w32codecs in nerim as the page said... | 05:55 |
[Ex0r] | matthew_w, i'd suggest shopping at a new location. It appears the place you are purchasing from is selling you malfunctioned parts. | 05:56 |
[Ex0r] | Time for me to get to bed! Night all! | 05:56 |
matthew_w | prwlr; try plf or penguin liberation front | 05:56 |
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sivik__ | matthew_w, try http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=140565 | 05:56 |
prwlr | matthew_w, found it, typo, my bad, thanks man | 05:56 |
matthew_w | [Ex0r] thanks, I'll roll a 20 in charisma tomorrow and get a new HDD. | 05:56 |
matthew_w | No problem | 05:56 |
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rekrutacja | hi all do you know how to change size of icons on desktop? i work on 800x600 screen and they are too big for that... | 05:57 |
matthew_w | sivik__ ah, I was telling prwlr. | 05:57 |
matthew_w | lol | 05:57 |
sivik__ | matthew_w, i'm sorry | 05:57 |
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matthew_w | sivik__ it's ok :) | 05:57 |
sivik__ | prwlr,did you try http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=140565 | 05:57 |
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n30n | Someone help me with runing World of Warcraft!!!!! | 05:57 |
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Sjoerd- | use wine | 05:57 |
Sjoerd- | or use windows | 05:57 |
CaptainZeroCool | or don't | 05:58 |
n30n | Sjoerd: im trying!! | 05:58 |
eckaly | anyone have any idea why the network manger says no connection even though i am connected to the wireless? | 05:58 |
Sjoerd- | looking at the !!!! that doesn't seem to be an option :) | 05:58 |
n30n | Sjoerd: It just logged me out of ubuntu when i opened it | 05:58 |
Sjoerd- | eckaly: because it's bugged | 05:58 |
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CaptainZeroCool | yeah that was uncalled for on my part | 05:58 |
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eckaly | the first time i installed dapper, it worked though | 05:59 |
prwlr | Sivik,thanks | 05:59 |
rgie | anyone her know these error | 05:59 |
rgie | * Forcing reload of apache 2.0 web server... apache2: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName | 05:59 |
Sjoerd- | eckaly: there is a thread about it somewhere at the forums, ill see if I can find it | 05:59 |
=== tau [n=tau@ppp165-238.lns3.adl4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
moonunit | whats the name of the file browser that ubuntu uses, i want to see if i can get an admin browser going | 05:59 |
sivik__ | moonlite, nautilus | 05:59 |
nosklo | rgie, this is a warning, not an error | 05:59 |
n30n | I need help with World of Warcraft. I get logged out of linux when i try to run it in wine | 06:00 |
mjb | hey wheres the best intro to mounting usb drives? | 06:00 |
sivik__ | moonunit, nautilus | 06:00 |
eckaly | actually i tried removing two auto instances as the wiki says | 06:00 |
sivik__ | !usb | 06:00 |
ubotu | Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, sivik__ | 06:00 |
tau | hello -- Does anyone know how I can modify the keyboard buffer size in X, or disable the buffer altogether? | 06:00 |
mjb | !usb | 06:00 |
=== Tedd [n=na@pool-162-84-157-152.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sjoerd- | n30n: Maybe using dualboot is an option for you? | 06:00 |
rgie | nosklo, how can i fix it? | 06:00 |
nosklo | rgie, apache is working, you just dont have a qualified domain name | 06:00 |
n30n | Sjoerd: i don't have a windows install cd | 06:00 |
nosklo | rgie, do you have a domain name? | 06:00 |
rgie | nosko,nope | 06:01 |
Sjoerd- | n30n: There is more then one way to get it. | 06:01 |
n30n | Sjoerd: the iso im trying won't download | 06:01 |
n30n | Sjoerd: where do you suggest | 06:01 |
nosklo | rgie, then that's it | 06:01 |
nosklo | rgie, open your web browser and point it to http://localhost/ | 06:01 |
rgie | nosko,yep | 06:01 |
nosklo | rgie, and enjoy your new apache installation | 06:01 |
rgie | nosko,its running | 06:02 |
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Sjoerd- | n30n: come channel m00 please | 06:02 |
rgie | nosko,you know how can i add user on mysql? | 06:02 |
[Ex0r] | anyone here know where one can get addon toolbars and etc that can float on the screen, and rest ontop of windows ? | 06:02 |
mjb | look up the grant statement in your docs | 06:02 |
mjb | rgie | 06:02 |
rgie | mjb, hi | 06:03 |
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mjb | rgie hey you can download the docs from mysql.com or maybe under localhost/doc already | 06:03 |
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mjb | has anyone got phone syncing with evolution down pat? | 06:04 |
[Ex0r] | nobody knows of any ? | 06:04 |
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rgie | mjb,ok tenks | 06:05 |
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KrisWood | could someone help me with setting up a device in xorg.conf? | 06:06 |
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beavis_ | does anyone know how to assign an icon to a filetype in kde? | 06:07 |
alex_ | just ask | 06:07 |
KrisWood | specificly it's the touch strip on the side of my intuos3, it shows up in cat /dev/input/wacom but doesn't do anything in applications | 06:07 |
regeya_ | lol | 06:07 |
KrisWood | it's supposed to do the same thing as a mouse wheel | 06:07 |
KrisWood | I'm not sure how to phrase that into a question | 06:07 |
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KrisWood | could anyone help me with that? :-/ | 06:08 |
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n30n | !wine | 06:08 |
ubotu | Wine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on linux. see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Wine for more info. | 06:08 |
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KrisWood | I suspect it's my xorg.conf settings | 06:08 |
mjb | hmm mine doesn't see, to wrork either.. sorry | 06:08 |
GaiaX11 | How do I know where my /boot is installed? hda ???!!! | 06:09 |
regeya_ | hey, um, beavis_ you can do it through the propertied dialog under General next to the Type: line there should be a button; you can set things related to the filetype including icon | 06:09 |
GaiaX11 | Is ther a command for that? | 06:09 |
KrisWood | mjb you're having problems with an intuos3 also? maybe we could figure it out together? | 06:09 |
mjb | I'm sorry I don't have time now... I was after some other information | 06:09 |
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KrisWood | ok thanks anyway | 06:10 |
beavis_ | regeya_: i think that only assigns an icon to that one file , not the filetype throughout the system | 06:10 |
KrisWood | do your express buttons work at least? | 06:10 |
KrisWood | mine aren't working right :-/ | 06:11 |
regeya_ | well paint be blue and clal me festes | 06:11 |
[Ex0r] | Anyone here use gdesklets ? | 06:11 |
mjb | yes most key mappings work | 06:11 |
KrisWood | ok, how do you map keys? | 06:11 |
regeya_ | [Ex0r] : no one does. it's a gnomish conspiracy designed to get unwitting fools to install gnome | 06:11 |
[Ex0r] | lol | 06:11 |
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[Ex0r] | I am trying to find an app that will allow me to create floatable toolbars that can run ontop of all the windows | 06:12 |
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regeya_ | beavis: kcontrol -> kde components -> file associations is what you want | 06:13 |
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regeya_ | beavis_: kcontrol -> kde components -> file associations is what you want | 06:13 |
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edarague | can i got change the permises from a /mount/nfts for all users... ? | 06:13 |
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mjb | KRisWood: try mapping them on the 'keyboard shortcuts' otherwise theres some key mapping programs on Synaptic you may want to look at... most of mine worked on install I'm afraid | 06:13 |
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Matthew_w | Would it be fair to say that when I boot from a livecd all of the annoying computer noises stop, like clicking and squealing that my hard drive is to blame? | 06:14 |
beavis_ | regeya_: i got you , thank you | 06:14 |
KrisWood | mjb: thanks | 06:14 |
KrisWood | can anyone help me set up my intuos3's touch strips? | 06:14 |
=== walterk [n=WalterK@pool-71-247-60-215.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CaptainZeroCool | When hard drives make noise failure is in your future | 06:15 |
garryfre | !hid | 06:15 |
ubotu | garryfre: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 06:15 |
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sivik__ | so its illegal to install the win32codecs? | 06:16 |
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Matthew_w | CaptainZeroCool, here's one more thing, when I fsck the hdd, and all of the problems are fixed, as soon as I reboot, all of the problems are there again, and larger. | 06:16 |
regeya_ | illegal...such a strong word. | 06:16 |
sivik__ | lol | 06:16 |
KrisWood | ok since there's no response on that topic, on to the next one. Can anyone here help me with installing cedega? | 06:16 |
garryfre | KrisWood: The system thinks the strip is a drawing pad, when its not. | 06:16 |
Pelo | have things quieted down ? | 06:16 |
sivik__ | regeya_, well, there seems to be alot of issues with trying to get it to install | 06:17 |
mzuverink | Anyone have time to talk a noob through a kernel compile? | 06:17 |
KrisWood | garryfre: ok how can I fix that? | 06:17 |
CaptainZeroCool | It could have been a format problem or even bad sectors on HD | 06:17 |
Pelo | I need a little help with themes in wine | 06:17 |
garryfre | KrisWood I do not know. Sorry. | 06:17 |
regeya_ | sivik__: really? that's strange. and since you brought up the 'i' word, that's all I'm willing to say. ;-) | 06:17 |
Hobbsee | Pelo: maybe ask in #winehq ? | 06:17 |
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Pelo | Hobbsee this network ? | 06:17 |
sivik__ | regeya_, i can't seem to get it to work | 06:18 |
Hobbsee | Pelo: yes | 06:18 |
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Pelo | Hobbsee thanks | 06:18 |
KrisWood | garryfre: ok thanks anyway | 06:18 |
paul_ | is there a way to get Flashplayer to work on 64 bit Ubuntu? | 06:18 |
QuietThunder | "i" word is bad but "W" word is really bad in linux channel | 06:19 |
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sivik__ | QuietThunder, who are you talking to? | 06:19 |
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prwlr | how do you upgrade from breezy to dapper without deleting your files/settings? using cd. thanks! | 06:19 |
garryfre | Last I tried Cedega, I nearly lost my battle against an impulse to copy it to a cd so I could shoot a hole through it. Cedega was like superglue, Sticks to where you don't want it, repells all that you want it to stick to. aka, every game I was interested in, did not work in it. | 06:19 |
CaptainZeroCool | Matthew_w, It could have been a format problem or even bad sectors on HD | 06:19 |
sivik__ | prwlr, change all the repos from brezzy to dapper and run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 06:19 |
mjb | I saw a slashdot article saying a new browser had flash working on 64 bit... | 06:20 |
QuietThunder | you sivik | 06:20 |
mzuverink | kernel compile howto anyone? | 06:20 |
sivik__ | QuietThunder, eat me | 06:20 |
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Matthew_w | CaptainZeroCool, people tend to tell me that bad sectors enough to cause clicking will lead to complete failure over time | 06:20 |
QuietThunder | pease | 06:20 |
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KrisWood | garryfre: sounds painful | 06:20 |
sivik__ | garryfre, did you look at the portfolio for cedega, it has a list of games and how well they work or dont' work | 06:20 |
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KrisWood | I need a way to get 3dsmax and photoshop working in ubuntu though, or I'm going back to windows | 06:20 |
KrisWood | I use both for work and often work from home | 06:20 |
jonathonn | if i installed ubuntu 32 bit, how can i get the 64 bit kernels from repositories? | 06:21 |
beavis_ | regeya_: thats not it , got to be some other place | 06:21 |
garryfre | Yeah, I looked that the portfolio. | 06:21 |
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sivik__ | KrisWood, photoshop will work with wine | 06:21 |
mjb | has anyone got phone syncing with evolution working? | 06:21 |
KrisWood | sivik__: that still leaves photoshop | 06:21 |
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farous | KrisWood: phtoshop you can run through wine no glitchs. i would recommend cxoffice for ease of mind | 06:21 |
KrisWood | is crossover office free? | 06:21 |
=== KrisWood looks it up | ||
farous | KrisWood: it is cheam | 06:21 |
=== KingOfNoWhere [n=KingOfNo@h-72-244-66-56.phlapafg.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Matthew_w | KrisWood, depends on your definition of "free". | 06:21 |
farous | cheap | 06:21 |
sivik__ | KrisWood: use wine http://www.buntudot.org/people/~imbrandon/screenshots/snapshot4.png | 06:21 |
farous | sorry | 06:22 |
sivik__ | KrisWood, not sure about 3dsmax | 06:22 |
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CaptainZeroCool | Matthew_w, I have only had one hard drive fail in my time. It died soooo quietly. All I can say is backup anything you want to keep now and order a new hard drive. | 06:22 |
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sivik__ | KrisWood, you can also run windows inside of linux, via vm software and its more stable | 06:23 |
Matthew_w | Is there a way to use smartctl in the liveCD? | 06:23 |
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garryfre | Yeah, Vmware doesn't support the bsod function. | 06:24 |
KrisWood | sivik__: I've heard that it's considerably slower in a VM | 06:24 |
imbrandon | KrisWood, nope | 06:24 |
imbrandon | http://www.buntudot.org/people/~imbrandon/screenshots/snapshot2.png <-- xp home in a vm | 06:24 |
sivik__ | KrisWood, not from what i have heard, nor what i have seen my friends doing | 06:24 |
imbrandon | full speed | 06:24 |
farous | KrisWood: frankly the way to go is through native linux appl. you can dual boot if you can for glitch free env | 06:24 |
regeya_ | well, duh, it's a *virtual machine* | 06:24 |
KrisWood | I can't constantly be going through a dual boot, and doing so still means I have to put up with windows itself | 06:25 |
sivik__ | KrisWood, have you tried to see if there was a problem in linux like 3dsmax? | 06:25 |
regeya_ | depends on your setup...if you use the proper drivers and whatnot (haven't run vmware in quite a while,sorry) it's pretty zippy, but not native speed (duh) | 06:25 |
CaptainZeroCool | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vfWwRxumuQ | 06:25 |
CaptainZeroCool | windows in linux | 06:25 |
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imbrandon | KrisWood, i run MANY windows apps via wine ( as seen in the screen shots ) | 06:26 |
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farous | KrisWood: life will never be perfect :) | 06:26 |
KrisWood | sivik__: I did a lot of research before switching to ubuntu, and saw several people on the net claiming to have max working via cedega | 06:26 |
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KrisWood | farous: lol too true | 06:26 |
KrisWood | quite honestly, I'm here because my windows was less than legit, and I didn't feel like fighting with Windows Genuine Advantage | 06:27 |
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KrisWood | if I use a VM my windows will still not be legit | 06:27 |
KrisWood | I'd rather use an OS that is 100% and not worry about it | 06:28 |
farous | KrisWood: is there a prob if you use gimp. or blender. i hear photoshop work flawless with wine too | 06:28 |
sivik__ | KrisWood: look at crossover office for 3dsmax, i use crossover when i need project or visio | 06:28 |
KrisWood | farous: I need both photoshop and 3dsmax for work | 06:28 |
Chris_C | My automatic weekly security update has run (breezy/5.10), and for the 4 packages that it wants to update, instead of describing the changes it says "The list of changes is not available yet. Please try again later." It's been like that for two days now. Anyone know of any server / repository troubles? | 06:28 |
sivik__ | KrisWood, http://www.codeweavers.com/compatibility/browse/name | 06:28 |
garryfre | KrisWood: Yeah, my friend bought a computer from a reseller. It turned out he was selling porate copies right here in the Sacramento CA area. | 06:28 |
reXin | can anybody give me a hand with a lilo & EFI problem?? | 06:28 |
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sivik__ | KrisWood, http://www.codeweavers.com/compatibility/browse/name?letter=p;cw=d92dce7b5b4e9e78af15dc7ffaa525ea;order=app_name;sort=ASC;curPos=50 for photoshop | 06:29 |
[Ex0r] | hmm, I can't figure out how to put an icon for Computer on my desktop | 06:29 |
misfit_toy | god | 06:30 |
sivik__ | KrisWood, thats what i would suggest | 06:30 |
KrisWood | sivik__: all well and good, but they are listing 3dsmax as untested, and I need both apps to work flawlessly | 06:30 |
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sivik__ | KrisWood: why can't you test it | 06:30 |
farous | [Ex0r] : in a terminal typ gconf-editor | 06:30 |
garryfre | Migrainesoft contributed to the problem by looking the other way and ignoring it, now uncounted windows users have found out they have been ripped off. They contributed to the problem. Never would have that issue with Linux. | 06:30 |
KrisWood | sivik__: is that list for wine, or for crossover office? | 06:30 |
farous | [Ex0r] : open apps>nautilus>desktop then check what you want to appear on the desktop | 06:30 |
=== CurtisB [n=cbrown@CPE000d6138a7ef-CM0012253ebdee.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CaptainZeroCool | [Ex0r] , places then drag the icon over. | 06:30 |
sivik__ | KrisWood, crossover office | 06:30 |
CurtisB | Hello All! | 06:31 |
reXin | EFI? lilo? not so much? | 06:31 |
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KrisWood | sivik__: is there a free demo of crossover? I'm not going to pay to test it | 06:31 |
sivik__ | KrisWood: there should be | 06:31 |
farous | KrisWood: i think you have 30 day trial go to their website | 06:31 |
CurtisB | I have what is possibly a dumb question -- how do I know what GCC version the Dapper kernel (2.6.15-25) was compiles with? | 06:31 |
[Ex0r] | farous, - I want the entire Computer to open in file browser | 06:32 |
[Ex0r] | CaptainZeroCool, as soon as you click the icon it opens | 06:32 |
sivik__ | KrisWood, http://www.codeweavers.com/products/download_trial | 06:32 |
KrisWood | ah ok I see that now on their site | 06:32 |
mzuverink | I am reading through a howto on compiling a 2.6.16 kernel on ubuntu forums. Now being that ubuntu ships with a 2.6.15 kernel, how will my system handle updates to kernels, will it skip them until it catches up with my custom kernel? | 06:32 |
farous | [Ex0r] : i do not understand what you mean exactly | 06:32 |
CaptainZeroCool | [Ex0r] , hold down and drag | 06:32 |
[Ex0r] | farous, I got it | 06:33 |
[Ex0r] | CaptainZeroCool, yep, I got it | 06:33 |
farous | :) | 06:33 |
[Ex0r] | thanks guys! | 06:33 |
KrisWood | I think I'll try cedega first because it's being built specificly to support 3d stuff | 06:34 |
mjb | does anyone know how to mount a usb drive (on a phone)... when it's not doing it automatically? | 06:34 |
CaptainZeroCool | Does anyone have a Linux box that suspend actually works on? | 06:35 |
KrisWood | after that I'll try wine, and then crossover office | 06:35 |
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crimsun | mzuverink: we backport stuff to 2.6.15. No new versions will go into the pool proper, so it won't ever "catch up." | 06:35 |
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babo | So this should print the email addresses from a file right ... sed -i '/^[a-zA-Z] ([.] ?([[:alnum:] _-] +)*)?@([[:alnum:] \-_] +\.)+[a-zA-Z] {2,4}$/p' "$f" | 06:35 |
mzuverink | crimsun: Any idea if the EFI bug regarding ipod will be resolved? | 06:35 |
crimsun | mzuverink: bug #? | 06:36 |
crimsun | (I don't have all 50k memorised...) | 06:36 |
garryfre | I have noticed that Kbuntu has more power saver options listed, and It seems you can install KDE on Ubuntu and switch between kde and gnome. | 06:36 |
mzuverink | crimsun: 37163 | 06:36 |
crimsun | garryfre: yes, and you can install Xfce and GNOME in Kubuntu | 06:37 |
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garryfre | Last night a bunch of folks thought I was a bot. Its what you get for reading too many ubotu replies. LoL | 06:37 |
CaptainZeroCool | I like gnome, but suspend worked for a while then I got wireless working and the comp no longer wakes up. | 06:37 |
garryfre | crimsun Neat. :) | 06:37 |
mjb | does anyone know how to mount a usb drive (on a phone)... when it's not doing it automatically? | 06:38 |
=== PointyThingsHurt [i=realmx@unaffiliated/PointyThingsHurt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zquirm | What's the standard place on a box that repos go? | 06:38 |
CurtisB | uhm, how do I know what GCC version the default Dapper kernel (2.6.15-25) was compiled with? | 06:38 |
mjb | I'm getting lot's of unknowns in the device manager... | 06:38 |
PointyThingsHurt | I <3 Dapper :D | 06:39 |
garryfre | Hmm, I know some networks have a configureable wake on lan option. /shrug, maybe the answer lies in investigating that. CaptainZeroCool | 06:39 |
crimsun | CurtisB: cat /proc/version | 06:39 |
Locke__ | im trying to do the automatix script but when it gets to java JRE the terminal window goes black | 06:39 |
garryfre | er that was supposed to be network interfaces/cards etc. | 06:39 |
Locke__ | and i dont think its doing anything | 06:39 |
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CurtisB | crimsun - ahhh, okay, handy! | 06:40 |
crimsun | mzuverink: in what timeframe, I don't know. | 06:40 |
Locke__ | when i press escape i can see the terminal for a second and it says its unpacking the archive, but it will just sit there forever i think | 06:40 |
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mzuverink | crimsun: Cant use my ipod at all, very disturbing | 06:40 |
CaptainZeroCool | garryfre, maybe. It isn't that big of a problem, but it is a laptop and the batters doesn't last long. :p | 06:40 |
garryfre | Hmm, might try easy buntu instead. It worked flawlessly for me. Installed all the missing codecs. | 06:40 |
Locke__ | i can also only press ctrl c and cancel the script after i press escape and only while the text is showing, when it goes black again it doesnt do anything | 06:40 |
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zquirm | guys! where should repositories go? a user directory? | 06:40 |
crimsun | mzuverink: meaning you /have/ to use a hub? | 06:40 |
crimsun | mzuverink: there are more pressing reasons why EFI /has/ to be enabled | 06:41 |
garryfre | CaptainZeroCool Yeah, and every bit of savings on batteries is important for laptops excepting etch a sketch laptops. | 06:41 |
PointyThingsHurt | I don't know what was different, but Dapper has this old laptop purring where 5.10 nothing worked :D | 06:41 |
PointyThingsHurt | im so happy | 06:41 |
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babo | so to basically print a pattern out of a file ... you use sed -i '/<pattern>/p' file ... right ? | 06:41 |
mzuverink | crimsun: mean that no matter how I mount it, directly to a usb2 port or a hub I get I/O errors and I end up having to forcefully unplug the ipod when mounted to get it to unmount | 06:42 |
walterk | hello i have a problem with compiling mplayer got "./configure , make and sudo make install" to work but this error now appears error while loading shared libraries | 06:42 |
walterk | libiconv.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 06:42 |
KrisWood | hmmm I'm having trouble finding a tutorial for installing cedega from the source | 06:42 |
garryfre | As long a the laptop doesn't start coughing up firballs. I have noticed that Etch A Sketch laptops have no powersaving issues. | 06:42 |
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crimsun | mzuverink: welp, that's a pretty tough spot to be in. With the rest of the devs in Paris (or on their way), I can't say "it will be fixed by X" | 06:43 |
KrisWood | I guess this means I'll try wine first | 06:43 |
CaptainZeroCool | they shouldn't | 06:43 |
garryfre | Welcome to the wide world of Cedega bewilderment. | 06:43 |
KrisWood | how do I mount an iso in ubuntu? | 06:43 |
mzuverink | crimsun: the ipod mounts fine, but any attempt to read/write to it causes i/o errors to get logged and the ipod is useless | 06:43 |
KrisWood | is there anything like daemon tools? | 06:44 |
zquirm | should they be in /usr/local/repositories ? | 06:44 |
farous | KrisWood: /media/OxfordTD.iso /media/OxfordTD udf,iso9660 user,unhide,loop,auto 0 0 | 06:44 |
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farous | KrisWood: stick something like that in your /etc/fstab file | 06:44 |
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KrisWood | do I have to do that with every iso I want to mount? I work with iso files a lot | 06:44 |
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Locke__ | anyone have an idea? | 06:44 |
joedj | hi folks. if i do "ulimit -c unlimited" followed by "su - someUser -c someCommand", should my ulimit settings affect the command started by su? | 06:44 |
farous | ah there is a command line for it | 06:45 |
KrisWood | I don't want to have to put every single iso I want to use in fstab | 06:45 |
farous | check man mount | 06:45 |
zquirm | or in /var/local ? | 06:45 |
KrisWood | ok | 06:45 |
KrisWood | there isn't a gui program that mounts them? | 06:45 |
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farous | pmount if you wana do it as a regular user | 06:45 |
garryfre | I would reccoment trying easybuntu instead. | 06:45 |
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farous | KrisWood: i do not know of one | 06:46 |
KrisWood | :-/ | 06:46 |
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CaptainZeroCool | What is different between easyubuntu and automatix | 06:46 |
KrisWood | I really need a quick, easy, and simple virtual CD that works damn near identically to the way Daemon Tools does for windows | 06:46 |
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garryfre | Easybuntu is easier, Automatix has more options, but a bit harder. | 06:47 |
[Ex0r] | hmm, where do you change an applications icon ? | 06:47 |
farous | KrisWood: if you know the command line it will just be one command and you are there | 06:47 |
CaptainZeroCool | hence the easy | 06:47 |
KrisWood | farous: but ono windows it was only one mouse click and I was there | 06:47 |
zquirm | Where do *YOU* keep your repositories on an Ubuntu box? | 06:47 |
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KrisWood | on* | 06:47 |
=== Unintentional [n=kurt@CPE-65-30-158-145.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
garryfre | ExOr, Properties | 06:47 |
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KrisWood | I don't want to type in the command every time | 06:48 |
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Oddzball | Hello! I am back, thanks for helping me get my soundcard working Crimsun, now i have one more tiny little problem if you would care to give me alittle of your wisdom? | 06:48 |
Unintentional | a question not specific to Ubuntu, does anyone know how I could get a computer to boot at a designated time daily? | 06:48 |
[NP] Tangent | on some computers, there's a setting in the BIOS | 06:48 |
[NP] Tangent | (the above was to Unintentional) | 06:48 |
mjb | I used to use mine as an alarm clock | 06:48 |
Oddzball | could he network boot it form another computer with some sort of program? | 06:49 |
garryfre | You can create a launcher and type in the command line there, and then you only need to click on the launcher on the desk top. Right click destop to create launchers. | 06:49 |
Unintentional | I'll check out the bios. thanks. | 06:49 |
[Ex0r] | trying to change the firefox icon | 06:49 |
[Ex0r] | it's a world, I want it to be the red fox | 06:49 |
KrisWood | garryfre: was that for me? | 06:49 |
[NP] Tangent | I know that my desktop has the Auto-Power-On/Off settings | 06:49 |
zquirm | Or should the svn access have its own user? | 06:49 |
garryfre | yes | 06:49 |
[Ex0r] | and when I go into properties to change it, the change icon window closes right up | 06:50 |
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Oddzball | Anyway, yeah, Ive been struggeling with ATI Dual Head things for days now trying to get my notebook to output to the DVI port so I can use my external monitor, its not very easy... | 06:50 |
garryfre | Oh wird ExOr. | 06:50 |
KrisWood | garryfre: will I need to make a seperate launcher for every single iso I use? if so it won't work, I go through a lot of them | 06:50 |
garryfre | er wierd | 06:50 |
[Ex0r] | does it with all apps | 06:50 |
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zquirm | Why am I being completely ignored? | 06:50 |
farous | Oddzball: i have a working xorg here if you wana look at it | 06:50 |
KrisWood | I need a point and click interface that can be used with any iso with zero configuration | 06:50 |
farous | Oddzball: what card do you have | 06:51 |
garryfre | KrisWood Ouch, you are right. | 06:51 |
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[Ex0r] | Kristophe, use windows :) | 06:51 |
Oddzball | farous, im a complete linux newb | 06:51 |
zquirm | wrong chan! | 06:51 |
farous | Oddzball: and which driver | 06:51 |
Oddzball | could you email it to me? | 06:51 |
zquirm | (sorry) | 06:51 |
[Ex0r] | KrisWood, * | 06:51 |
Oddzball | hell i have no idea, i dont know how drivers work in linux | 06:51 |
crimsun | Oddzball: sorry, did you get your sound working? | 06:51 |
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Oddzball | Crimsun, sure did thanks abunch | 06:51 |
crimsun | Oddzball: np :) | 06:51 |
Oddzball | now just need to get the external monitor on the notebook working and i am all set | 06:51 |
farous | Oddzball: lspci and look up your card name | 06:51 |
Oddzball | im not running linux right now, had to get soem files off windows... havent gotten the external monitor up and going yet | 06:52 |
farous | Oddzball: if you did not install a driver you are using the open source one. glxinfo will tell you too | 06:52 |
KrisWood | [Ex0r] : can't do that, my windows isn't legit so I'm going with linux :p | 06:52 |
Oddzball | my card is the ATI Radeon mobility 9700 256mb | 06:52 |
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Oddzball | btw | 06:52 |
KrisWood | hmmm has anyone tried this thing? http://cdemu.sourceforge.net/ | 06:52 |
=== Victor [n=Victor@201-43-216-113.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
farous | Oddzball: nice open your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and post it on the pastebin for me | 06:53 |
farous | Oddzball: it is just a couple of lines you need to uncomment | 06:53 |
farous | Oddzball: do not forget to back up the file just in case | 06:53 |
Oddzball | damn, i wish i could right now, Im in windows at the moment, cant view the linux partitions | 06:53 |
garryfre | KrisWood If you bought that computer and windows from a reseller, you might call Microsoft and turn them in for selling pirate copies. Maybe, they might give you a legit license, that you paid for. | 06:54 |
Victor | I don't speak english | 06:54 |
Oddzball | Are you on here often that i culd come back in like 30 minutes? | 06:54 |
farous | Oddzball: ok read the file it is self explan. uncomment the lines and backup before you save | 06:54 |
Oddzball | sure, ill look at the file... | 06:54 |
Oddzball | xorg.conf.. | 06:54 |
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=== The is now known as Trouble | ||
=== Trouble is now known as The | ||
farous | Oddzball: /etc/X11/xorg.conf, 30 min is long way from now and i am half sleep and have work tomorrow already :) | 06:55 |
Oddzball | alright, i a, sure i will see you around though | 06:55 |
farous | sure | 06:55 |
Oddzball | only thing that keeps me from switching to linux completely is the damn monitor isnt working yet | 06:55 |
KrisWood | garryfre: I got my windows XP because I was working at Dell when it was in beta, they gave us pre-release copies of the retail version and sent them home with us to learn it before customers started calling in with complaints | 06:56 |
jiSh | whats wrong with it | 06:56 |
garryfre | KrisWood Oh. | 06:56 |
=== n30n [n=n30n@cpe-67-9-185-108.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
n30n | !wine | 06:56 |
ubotu | Wine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on linux. see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Wine for more info. | 06:56 |
KrisWood | I've just been using it ever sine | 06:56 |
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Oddzball | I am using a notebook and the external monitor is hooked up to my notebooks DVI port, but it isnt working, I have to use the notebook lcd for the moment | 06:56 |
CaptainZeroCool | Oddzball, the dual monitor is why Ubuntu in on my laptop and not desktop. I have to monitors and could not get them to do anything other than clone. | 06:57 |
Oddzball | i am just tlaking about it at the moment now though, cant doing anything cause i am booted into windows xp to do some work. | 06:57 |
Oddzball | Captian ZeroCool, if i could get them to even clone that would be awesome | 06:58 |
farous | Oddzball: that is odd though clone mode should work out of the box | 06:58 |
Oddzball | I dont want a second desktop, i want to close my notebook, i have it docked | 06:58 |
farous | Oddzball: after you hook up your monitor just press ctl alt baksp and it should work | 06:59 |
Oddzball | seriously? | 06:59 |
Oddzball | jeez, if its that simple.. | 06:59 |
farous | yap you just need to restart the x server | 06:59 |
Oddzball | even though its hooked up to the DVI port? | 06:59 |
garryfre | KrisWood I suspect you might want to try crossover office. I tried wine, I tried cedega. Each one of them would not work and uninstalling left behind hidden files and directories that interferied with each-other, so I'd have to restore a clean linux to get rid of the mess. I've looked at Crossover, it appears more easier to install and use. They didn't have a trial version at the time. | 06:59 |
farous | am not sure of that you can always try | 06:59 |
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Oddzball | alright, im gonna boot into ubuntu right now | 07:00 |
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Oddzball | brb and ill try it | 07:00 |
CaptainZeroCool | Whatever ctrl alt backspace does I just did it. Does it reset gnome? | 07:01 |
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KrisWood | ok trying crossover demo now | 07:01 |
farous | CaptainZeroCool: it restart the x server. just like loging out and in again | 07:01 |
CaptainZeroCool | farous, cool | 07:01 |
KrisWood | I still need a way to mount CD images via a point and click interface if anyone knows one | 07:01 |
garryfre | say KrisWood Each would create things like a connection reset by peer and other babble when I tried anything. I could not even get solitaire to work, despite them having created a solitaire icon. I'd get a gripe about a dll error. | 07:02 |
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farous | garryfre: you run wine to play solitare :) | 07:02 |
n30n | when i go to the audio tab of wine it closes with this message in the cmd line : ALSA lib seq_hw.c:456:(snd_seq_hw_open) open /dev/snd/seq failed: No such file o r directory | 07:02 |
n30n | Creating link /home/n30n/.kde/socket-ubuntu. | 07:02 |
n30n | can't create mcop directory | 07:02 |
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=== Ian_Wojtowicz [n=Ian_Wojt@S010600119572d9d3.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ian_Wojtowicz | does anyone here have experience installing ubuntu on imacs? | 07:03 |
garryfre | farous No, I wanted to run something else, but could not even get sol to run let alone any of my games. | 07:03 |
n30n | Ian_Wojtowicz: Whats your problem | 07:03 |
Sjoerd- | Ian_Wojtowicz: what architecture? i386 or powerpc? | 07:04 |
Ian_Wojtowicz | i started the install but it died complaining that it couldn't allocate a device-tree chunk | 07:04 |
Ian_Wojtowicz | powerpc | 07:04 |
farous | :). i would try to grap the dell file from my window part. put it in the system dir of the .wine dir | 07:04 |
Sjoerd- | have you downloaded the powerpc package? | 07:04 |
Ian_Wojtowicz | i think it's a rev-b imac | 07:04 |
KrisWood | wow, crossover office is really painless | 07:04 |
farous | but this is theold way did not use wine for a while. strictly crossover now | 07:04 |
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KrisWood | I think I'll end up buying it if max works with it | 07:05 |
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Oddzball | Hey I am back | 07:05 |
Oddzball | CTRL ALT BKSP didnt get my external monitor working | 07:05 |
Ian_Wojtowicz | i'm assuming that because the first two screens loaded, that it has the powerpc installer in the disc i created.... | 07:05 |
Oddzball | Farous, I am booted up in Ubuntu now.. | 07:06 |
farous | Oddzball: your problem might be harder than i thought. did not work with your type of connection before | 07:06 |
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garryfre | Yep, same for me, and I'd have to go through the reinstall of programs all over again, only to have it crash at the last second and fail to install saying it could not find the exe file it was running. | 07:06 |
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farous | Oddzball: i got mine working after a week of reding and config, reconfig | 07:06 |
kerm | Has anyone got the Intel 950 integrated graphics working with Ubuntu properly? | 07:06 |
Oddzball | Well, I have three outputs on the back of my notebook, SVID, Analog, and DVI, but I really do not wanna run my monitor in analog cause i need a male to female adapter... | 07:07 |
Draconicus | rebooting router. BRB. | 07:07 |
IcemanV9 | Oddzball: Option "MonitorLayout" "CRT" | 07:07 |
KrisWood | oh! I have an idea, how do I add things to the rightclick menu in nautilus? | 07:07 |
Oddzball | My notebook is a P4 3.4 gig, 2 gig ram, radeon mobility 9700 256mb, and like.. 160 gig hardrive... | 07:07 |
Sjoerd- | kerm: should work out of the box | 07:07 |
Ian_Wojtowicz | sjoerd: I downloaded the install .iso from here http://www.ubuntu.com/download | 07:07 |
Oddzball | Iceman, i type that in the terminal? | 07:07 |
Ian_Wojtowicz | is there a special powerpc package i should be looking for? | 07:08 |
KrisWood | and can I add shell commands to the right click menu in nautilus? | 07:08 |
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IcemanV9 | Oddzball: in xorg.conf, under Section "Monitor" | 07:08 |
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Ian_Wojtowicz | correction: http://ubuntu.cs.utah.edu/releases/6.06/ubuntu-6.06-desktop-powerpc.iso | 07:08 |
Sjoerd- | Ian_Wojtowicz: they are listed as Mac (PowerPC) | 07:08 |
IcemanV9 | Oddzball: right now, i have this laptop connected to CRT since LCD died. :/ | 07:08 |
Ian_Wojtowicz | so, yes, i guess i downloaded the powerpc version | 07:08 |
kerm | Sjoerd: It doesn't. X wouldn't run off the LiveCD. Also, I have a widescreen monitor. | 07:09 |
Oddzball | ok holdon Iceman, lemme look | 07:09 |
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Sjoerd- | kerm: Do you have any other monitors? Maybe you can try? | 07:09 |
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Ian_Wojtowicz | any ideas where i could look for expertise on installing on old powerpc imacs? | 07:09 |
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kerm | It's a laptop (Dell e1405). | 07:09 |
Sjoerd- | Ian_Wojtowicz: sec please, let me see if I can try anything. | 07:09 |
Matthew_w | Is there a mythtv in the repositories? | 07:10 |
Ian_Wojtowicz | thanks | 07:10 |
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IcemanV9 | Matthew_w: yes. apt-cache search mythtv will give you a list :) | 07:10 |
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shad0w1e | is intel proset wireless working yet? | 07:10 |
Oddzball | Iceman I am looking at the xorg.conf now... | 07:10 |
CaptainZeroCool | kerm, would X server not run at all or did it just not look right? | 07:10 |
bimberi | !info mythtv | 07:10 |
ubotu | mythtv: (A personal video recorder application (client and server)), section multiverse/graphics, is optional. Version: 0.18.1-5ubuntu3 (dapper), Packaged size: 17 kB, Installed size: 64 kB | 07:10 |
kerm | Captain: X wouldn't run at all...kicked to terminal. | 07:11 |
johnZay | I cant hear any sound in firefox when I'm watching flash :-( | 07:11 |
IcemanV9 | Oddzball: yes? ... | 07:11 |
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bioticpro | Has anyone here used dyndns or similar service? Im trying to set up so I can access a remote computer that has a dynapic ip (its on dialup) | 07:11 |
SurfnKid | WHy is Microsoft Windows so complicated damit | 07:11 |
johnZay | yes bio | 07:11 |
shad0w1e | bioticpro, no-ip.com | 07:11 |
Oddzball | Section "Monitor" | 07:11 |
Oddzball | Identifier"LCM-19v5" | 07:11 |
Oddzball | Option"DPMS" | 07:11 |
johnZay | I used dnsexit.com | 07:11 |
shad0w1e | a simple daemon runs on your linux box and you just add it to startup and youre good to go | 07:12 |
Sjoerd- | Ian_Wojtowicz: I'm sorry, can't find anything about your error. Can you maybe check your cd? It's a build in option that should pop up after booting from cd. | 07:12 |
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Ian_Wojtowicz | "build in option"? | 07:12 |
IcemanV9 | Oddzball: just add that line under Option "DPMS" | 07:12 |
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Oddzball | ok. | 07:12 |
Ian_Wojtowicz | thanks for looking, btw | 07:13 |
Ian_Wojtowicz | is there a minimum recommended amount of ram? | 07:13 |
=== socket7 [n=socket7@c-69-181-120-181.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sjoerd- | Ian_Wojtowicz: When you boot from cd you get a list of options, "check cd" is one of them | 07:13 |
Ian_Wojtowicz | i wonder if that's the problem | 07:13 |
Sjoerd- | Ian_Wojtowicz: 128mb | 07:13 |
socket7 | hello. | 07:13 |
IcemanV9 | Oddzball: ctrl+alt+bksp .. it should let you see the GDM on your external monitor | 07:13 |
Ian_Wojtowicz | i only have 64mb | 07:13 |
Ian_Wojtowicz | that's probably it | 07:13 |
Oddzball | damn how do i make the xorg.conf not read only? | 07:13 |
=== Toba [n=eastein@pool-151-203-125-173.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kerm | chmod? | 07:13 |
IcemanV9 | Oddzball: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 07:14 |
CaptainZeroCool | oddzball, gedit | 07:14 |
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socket7 | hey! I'm not the only one with X problems! | 07:14 |
Curt | Oddzball: sudo -- you need root auth to edit it. | 07:14 |
Ian_Wojtowicz | is there a lighter version of ubuntu that might run with 64mb? | 07:14 |
bioticpro | shad0w1e: I already signed up for dyndns.org, and installed the ddclient program, Im configuring it now, but need help | 07:14 |
jiSh | xubuntu | 07:14 |
kerm | socket7, what graphics card you have? | 07:14 |
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IcemanV9 | Ian_Wojtowicz: xubuntu or fluxbox | 07:14 |
CaptainZeroCool | Xubuntu is for older systems yes. | 07:14 |
shad0w1e | bioticpro, ah don't know much about that one... but I do know that if your IP doesnt change enough they kick you off | 07:14 |
Ian_Wojtowicz | thanks | 07:14 |
jiSh | although, the installer needs 256MB ram to pass the defrag :/ | 07:14 |
Ian_Wojtowicz | i'll try those option | 07:15 |
Ian_Wojtowicz | s | 07:15 |
jiSh | ironic, no.. | 07:15 |
Sjoerd- | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/dapper/release/xubuntu-6.06-desktop-powerpc.iso | 07:15 |
Ian_Wojtowicz | beautiful | 07:15 |
shad0w1e | will intel proset wireless work? | 07:15 |
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Ian_Wojtowicz | you've made my day | 07:15 |
Ian_Wojtowicz | thanks. | 07:15 |
farous | Ian_Wojtowicz: try a light dist. damn small linux is ok | 07:15 |
bioticpro | shad0w1e: when I go to add dynamic host on the dyndns website, it asks for an ip address... what do I put there? | 07:15 |
jiSh | DSL made me want to barf :O | 07:15 |
Ian_Wojtowicz | i just need to set-up a machine to display jpgs | 07:15 |
crimsun | shad0w1e: more than likely, yes. Which chipset specifically? | 07:15 |
Ian_Wojtowicz | so it will probably be perfect | 07:16 |
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socket7 | a voodoo 3 3000 | 07:16 |
CaptainZeroCool | jiSh, damn small? That is a great distro | 07:16 |
shad0w1e | bioticpro, unsure.. thats a weird question | 07:16 |
bioticpro | shad0w1e: also, ddclient is asking for dynamic dns service type, don't know what to put there either | 07:16 |
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jiSh | its great for running off usb drive | 07:16 |
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Sjoerd- | Ian_Wojtowicz: I just found out 128mb is the requirment for the server packages. For desktop 64mb should do. | 07:16 |
socket7 | xorg.conf seems to see the monitor and has the resolutions filled in right, but it runs at 640x480 :( | 07:16 |
farous | Ian_Wojtowicz: you wil lhave more than that ;) | 07:16 |
ma3cs | hello | 07:16 |
jiSh | but oh man not as my main OS :( tried it on me laptop | 07:16 |
bioticpro | shad0w1e: yeah, since it is dynamic, how would the ip addy help | 07:16 |
CaptainZeroCool | yeah, although I could never get it to install | 07:16 |
shad0w1e | bioticpro... no clue there either. the one I used you set up a virtual website, and thats it, then you run the client and it does the rest | 07:17 |
jiSh | yeah | 07:17 |
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jiSh | couldnt get it to install either | 07:17 |
Ian_Wojtowicz | maybe it's not a memory issue... | 07:17 |
jiSh | for a thumb drive though yeah I love it..kept it around | 07:17 |
=== Bee|ffix [n=david@83-131-72-253.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kerm | xorg.conf noticed my monitor res too but hd no modeline or anything referenced. | 07:17 |
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ma3cs | hot to init 3 | 07:17 |
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jiSh | "konversation" ... | 07:17 |
jiSh | ....................lame kde apps | 07:17 |
ma3cs | just init 3 .... | 07:17 |
IcemanV9 | !tell socket7 about resolution | 07:17 |
Sjoerd- | Ian_Wojtowicz: I suggest you check your cd first. If it comes up with errors, try making a new cd (using cd-rw for things like this might be smart..) | 07:17 |
bioticpro | shad0w1e: what client do you run? | 07:18 |
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Sjoerd- | Ian_Wojtowicz: Corrupt cd can give out any kind of error and are a common cause for failed installations. | 07:18 |
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kerm | also, i could get X to work in 'safe mode' at 1024x768 but that's crap on my widescreen. | 07:18 |
Sjoerd- | Ian_Wojtowicz: They didn't build in the cd check for nothing :) | 07:18 |
Matthew_w | Alright hey Kevin`, how do I check the output of that thing that I did? | 07:18 |
n30n | i need help running World of Warcraft | 07:18 |
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ic56 | ~~~~ | 07:19 |
kerm | you know they don't make a linux client right? | 07:19 |
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shad0w1e | crimsun, Intel Proset wireless 2915ABG | 07:19 |
Mugginns | running wow in wine is pretty shady isnit it | 07:19 |
Mugginns | can get banne | 07:20 |
Mugginns | d | 07:20 |
gomek_ | i've heard of people getting it to work via cedega and wine | 07:20 |
shad0w1e | bioticpro, I'm running no-ip.com | 07:20 |
prwlr | my ntfs partition can't be read by breezy. what do i do? thanks | 07:20 |
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gomek_ | nah i don't think they'd ban you for running it on linux | 07:20 |
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Mugginns | their spyware cant see what progs you're running correctly | 07:20 |
shad0w1e | prwlr, message me, I help you | 07:20 |
kerm | i bet cedega works better for WoW. and since you are already paying one monthly fee... | 07:20 |
ic56 | prwlr: is this the first time you are trying to use that partition? | 07:20 |
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gomek_ | the warden doesn't ban you based off of apps it can't see >.> | 07:21 |
prwlr | ic56, first time to browse it via ubuntu yes | 07:21 |
ma3cs | try drapper "prwlr" | 07:21 |
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mjb | Hey I have a phone with a usb flash... It comes up as device unknown on the manager Is there any generic driver I can set up for basic file io? | 07:22 |
arigo | I don't understand why people like WoW, it was such a horrid game ;P | 07:22 |
ic56 | prwlr: you probably don't have it setup right. | 07:22 |
xenex | where are the ubuntu sounds located? | 07:22 |
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Seveas | xenex, /usr/share/sounds | 07:22 |
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ic56 | prwlr: point your browser to http://ca.geocities.com/ic56@rogers.com/65/diskmounter-latest.txt Page down to "Instructions", and read till the next blank line. Follow the instructions to save and run the file. It will setup your /etc/fstab and mountpoints in /media so you can see your NTFS filesystems in Places> Computer. | 07:22 |
xenex | thank you | 07:22 |
ic56 | prwlr: The script will ask you if you want to enable NTFS write. Answer no. If you already tried unsuccessfully to add your Windows filesystems to /etc/fstab , add a -b flag to the script invocation. I authored this version, so I can help if anything goes wrong. | 07:22 |
gomek | @arigo: to each his own... | 07:22 |
Ian_Wojtowicz | i tried to check the cd with "check cd" but i get the same error on a white screen: "Can't allocate initial device-tree chunk" | 07:22 |
=== AkumAPRIME [i=YogSotho@adsl-69-231-206-237.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
garryfre | Sounds are under System/Preferences | 07:22 |
Mugginns | Anyone know a good road atlas program i can use ? | 07:22 |
kerm | Always build your box around your OS, not the other way around. Now, I'm stuck with XP =*( | 07:23 |
=== teckfatt [n=teckfatt@ACBC3B71.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gomek | google maps? =P | 07:23 |
KrisWood | omg, crossover office erased my fstab! >.< | 07:23 |
Mugginns | bah | 07:23 |
CaptainZeroCool | WOW? Why would you want to play that? Play Counter Strike. :) | 07:23 |
AkumAPRIME | hey. I see ubuntu-6 06-dvd-i386. Is this compatible with a Centrino processor? | 07:23 |
Mugginns | one that will run on laptop on the highway | 07:23 |
prwlr | ic56, thanks dude, i'll go try it out now | 07:23 |
AkumAPRIME | I thought I needed x86 | 07:23 |
garryfre | Serious? | 07:23 |
=== CaptainMorgan [n=captain@londonderry-cuda2-68-171-161-230.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mjb | Hey I have a phone with a usb flash... It comes up as device unknown on the manager Is there any generic driver I can set up for basic file io? | 07:23 |
Seveas | AkumAPRIME, yes that is compatible | 07:23 |
gomek | why would i play counter strike when i can go shooting at the range? | 07:23 |
kerm | Play Tremulous. It's a great game. | 07:23 |
AkumAPRIME | ty muh | 07:23 |
bioticpro | shad0w1e: whats the name of the program thats on the client linux box? | 07:23 |
ic56 | prwlr: yw! I'll be here for another 10 mins or so | 07:23 |
shad0w1e | bioticpro, its from their site | 07:23 |
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KrisWood | thankfully gedit had left a backup of it at fstab~ earlier | 07:24 |
AkumAPRIME | much | 07:24 |
ma3cs | cand i boot with init3 ? | 07:24 |
shad0w1e | bioticpro, it also doesnt use standard dydns so you need to sign up with them sepparately | 07:24 |
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garryfre | Holy Cow! | 07:24 |
shad0w1e | apt-get moo | 07:24 |
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ma3cs | nobody know ? | 07:24 |
garryfre | LoL | 07:24 |
gomek | init2-5 are pretty close to the same in ubuntu... | 07:24 |
TubaSoldier | is there any way to install ubuntu over a network? preferrably using a floppy boot disk? | 07:24 |
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Seveas | gomek, exactly the same even | 07:24 |
AkumAPRIME | so... whats the i386 mean? | 07:25 |
ma3cs | but i want init3 | 07:25 |
CaptainZeroCool | gomek, touche | 07:25 |
prwlr | ic56, ok :) wait dude | 07:25 |
gomek | nah, tty3-6 don't start in runlevels 3-5 | 07:25 |
Seveas | AkumAPRIME, i386 == 386, pentium, celeron, k7 etc... | 07:25 |
gomek | but you can change that easy | 07:25 |
AkumAPRIME | xie xie | 07:25 |
ma3cs | how / | 07:25 |
ma3cs | ? | 07:25 |
Seveas | sometimes called x86 ;) | 07:25 |
garryfre | Floppies are far far too unreliable with the cheap drives they build now, for installing via floppies. | 07:25 |
gomek | in /etc/inittab | 07:25 |
AkumAPRIME | ah, tricky synonomous terms | 07:25 |
garryfre | I read that they are only ten percent reliable | 07:25 |
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gomek | sudo vi /etc/inittab | 07:26 |
garryfre | Like IOU written on Ice cubes. | 07:26 |
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arigo | I plan to install ubuntu on a new hd seperate from my xp install. I want to be able to select which OS to boot to at startup, what's the best way to go about it? Someone else told me to take out my current hd and install ubuntu on the new one, then put my current hd in as secondary, but that's opposite of what I'd naturally think I should do | 07:26 |
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ma3cs | vi ..... i hate vi | 07:26 |
TubaSoldier | garryfre: understandable. however i have an old laptop without a functioning cdrom drive and would like to install ubuntu on it. it there any way other than to use a cdrom? | 07:26 |
AkumAPRIME | Does ubuntu support Dvorak style keyboard? with easy switching to normal? | 07:26 |
gomek | go down until you see 1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1 | 07:26 |
ma3cs | i have mc installed | 07:26 |
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prwlr | ic56, no new win/mac partitions found | 07:26 |
gomek | make sure 2345 is in all the runlevels | 07:26 |
gomek | i mean.. | 07:26 |
gomek | in all the ttys | 07:26 |
mjb | Hey I have a phone with a usb flash... It comes up as device unknown on the manager Is there any generic driver I can set up for basic file io? | 07:26 |
dapperneil | arigo, u have xp running already at separate hd? | 07:26 |
ic56 | prwlr: run it with the -b option | 07:27 |
TubaSoldier | AkumaAPRIME: yes, all linux distributions support dvorak | 07:27 |
Seveas | AkumAPRIME, twice yes | 07:27 |
gomek | well use whatever editor you like | 07:27 |
ma3cs | and ? | 07:27 |
gomek | im a vi guy | 07:27 |
arigo | I have xp installed right now on my current hd on primary. I want to install ubuntu on a hd that's sitting next to me, empty | 07:27 |
gomek | scroll down untill you see 1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1 | 07:27 |
prwlr | ic56, workzz!!! did it just edit my fstab? | 07:27 |
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AkumAPRIME | sweetness | 07:27 |
gomek | there'll be a line for each terminal | 07:27 |
Locke_ | k even when i unload Xgl and restart and do automatix again it still goes black when it gets to the JRE | 07:27 |
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ic56 | prwlr: yes. You now have a new fstab and a backup copy of what it was before the script ran. | 07:28 |
gomek | make sure it says 2345 in the runlevel column for each tty | 07:28 |
ic56 | prwlr: ls /etc/fstab* | 07:28 |
kerm | Does automatix make X more compatable with more hardware? | 07:28 |
gomek | why are you wanting to boot into runlevel 3, anyway? | 07:28 |
prwlr | ic56, thanks dude you saved my life :) | 07:28 |
garryfre | TubaSoldier The alternate cd has a ntwork install If I remember. You might be able to network the laptop to a machine with the install CD shared. | 07:28 |
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dapperneil | arigo, strap 2nd hdd to slave then boot live dapper cd | 07:28 |
Locke_ | kerm, sometimes it installs video card drivers you dont have | 07:28 |
ic56 | prwlr: yw! That's what I'm here for ;-) | 07:28 |
TubaSoldier | garryfre: thanks | 07:28 |
Locke_ | unless you got them yourself | 07:28 |
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gomek | kerm: like what? encrypted dvd's? | 07:29 |
ma3cs | i like init 3 | 07:29 |
Locke_ | but adds many codecs and helper programs | 07:29 |
kerm | sounds like i should try that then | 07:29 |
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ma3cs | :) | 07:29 |
arigo | alrighty, thanks | 07:29 |
prwlr | ic56, is writing on ntfs advisable? | 07:29 |
kerm | no, x isn't working with my i950 card and 1440x900 monitor | 07:29 |
AkumAPRIME | hmm... does Linux have a .CBZ or .CBR reader? like cDisplay? | 07:29 |
ic56 | prwlr: no, ntfs writing is not advisable. Reading works fine though. | 07:29 |
teckfatt | kerm: then how u online now? winxp? | 07:29 |
gomek | i950? is that intel? | 07:29 |
ardinary | is it easy to use the enlightenment theme with ubuntu? I want something better looking on my computer. | 07:29 |
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kerm | teckfatt: yes | 07:30 |
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kerm | gomek: yes | 07:30 |
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prwlr | ic56, ok thanks, you're the best dude. thanks alot | 07:30 |
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ic56 | prwlr: yw! | 07:30 |
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gomek | ah, automatix afaik has nvidia and ati | 07:30 |
gomek | intel should work fine on its own... | 07:30 |
dapperneil | arigo, choose install hdd then choose 2nd hdd, typically hdb... | 07:30 |
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sasquatc4 | is 2.6.17 in the repos yet? | 07:31 |
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kerm | gomek: that's what i've heard so i wasn't that hessitant about getting this laptop and then X wouldn't come on except for 'safe mode'. | 07:31 |
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xenex | when i try to compile xchat 2.6.4 i get this error http://pastebin.ca/67046 | 07:31 |
Locke_ | yes, i want 2.6.17 also | 07:31 |
sasquatc4 | saw it had broadcom 43xx drivers with it, thank god | 07:31 |
gomek | don't think so...i haven't gotten an update notification | 07:31 |
sasquatc4 | k | 07:31 |
bioticpro | shad0w1e: how do you sighn up for standard dydns? | 07:31 |
KrisWood | hmmm I wonder if crossover office has an irc... | 07:31 |
gomek | go to their website | 07:31 |
farous | how to check up loaded modules ? just listing them | 07:32 |
gomek | it's "dyndns" | 07:32 |
Locke_ | hmm can i make myself locke.borealisbroadband.net? | 07:32 |
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Locke_ | i am on borealisbroadband.net | 07:32 |
KrisWood | ooooh they do :) | 07:32 |
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gomek | i don't think that is one of the options | 07:32 |
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v0258 | hi, i'm using ubuntu 6.06 in my laptop, so that i want to disable raid or lvm services, how can i do ? | 07:32 |
ma3cs | and now gomek ? | 07:32 |
Oddzball | *Iceman* I think we broke my Ubuntu installation, both screens are black now, so i cannot fix it | 07:32 |
bioticpro | gomek: right dyndns... what website? | 07:32 |
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gomek | @ma3cs you put 2345 in all the columns for the ttys? | 07:32 |
bioticpro | gomek: dyndns.org? | 07:32 |
teckfatt | Oddzball: then how u online now? winxp? | 07:33 |
farous | Oddzball: ctrl alt F1 will give yo ua terminal | 07:33 |
gomek | bioticpro: that sounds right | 07:33 |
darinf | hi.. i'm looking for some advice on getting ubuntu running on a T41 thinkpad | 07:33 |
kerm | Do widescreen monitors have a problem with Ubuntu? | 07:33 |
farous | Oddzball: that is why i said backup your xorg.conf file you can not just restore it back | 07:33 |
teckfatt | kerm: NO | 07:33 |
bioticpro | gomek: I already signed up with them... Im confused here what is needed to make this work | 07:33 |
someothernick | i said it 3 times | 07:33 |
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someothernick | at least | 07:33 |
farous | Oddzball: ment you can now just restore it back | 07:33 |
Oddzball | CTRL alt F1, but how do i get the backup xorg.conf from my desktop back to overwrite the one i messed with? | 07:33 |
teckfatt | kerm: it work perfect | 07:33 |
farous | Oddzball: where did you back it up | 07:34 |
farous | which dir | 07:34 |
prwlr | guys what apps do you usually run? | 07:34 |
Oddzball | on the desktop | 07:34 |
farous | ok cd Desktop | 07:34 |
ma3cs | ok | 07:34 |
ma3cs | i put 2345 | 07:34 |
kerm | Then I wonder what's going on. i950 is good to go. Widescreen is good to go. Yet, X doesn't work. | 07:34 |
farous | then type sudo cp xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 07:34 |
fami | with perl, how extract "jame.s" from string $t = "hello jame.s oab"? | 07:34 |
someothernick | prwlr, apps for? | 07:34 |
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kerm | what kind of apps? | 07:34 |
teckfatt | Oddzball: cp /home/<user>/Desktop/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 07:35 |
ma3cs | ok gomek | 07:35 |
gomek | @ma3cs scroll up and change id:2:initdefalt: to id:3:initdefault | 07:35 |
fami | kerm: me? | 07:35 |
gomek | and you'll boot into runlevel 3 | 07:35 |
Ademan | is there any reason why dvd playback should be choppy? its not choppy all the time, its as though it proccesses chunks at a time, and every time it moves on to a new chunk it has to load it up first, and theres a bit of lag (every 2 seconds or so, maybe a bit less) | 07:35 |
gomek | @bionic: www.dyndns.com | 07:35 |
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Oddzball | ok i gotta rename the file first, whats the command in linux for renaming a file? | 07:35 |
kerm | fami: no, prwlr | 07:35 |
prwlr | someothernick, i mean the usual things you have running (browsers, monitors, etc...) | 07:35 |
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farous | Oddzball: rename what | 07:36 |
bimberi_ | ubotu tell Ademan about dma | 07:36 |
seth_ | j** | 07:36 |
francisco | darinf: I have a G40 Thinkpad and it runs great | 07:36 |
someothernick | prwlr, firefox | 07:36 |
fami | kerm: any idea about my question? | 07:36 |
darinf | francisco: ok... | 07:36 |
teckfatt | Oddzball: just cp xorg.conf xorg.conf1 (example) | 07:36 |
IcemanV9 | Oddzball: looks like you have work ahead of you to get it going; sorry :/ | 07:36 |
ma3cs | id:2:initdefault: ...... | 07:36 |
ma3cs | this line ? | 07:36 |
darinf | francisco: it seems to get stuck on boot at "uncompressing linux... [etc.] " | 07:36 |
ma3cs | gomek | 07:36 |
kerm | fami: sorry, i'm not much into Perl. | 07:36 |
gomek | right... to id:3:initdefault: | 07:37 |
ma3cs | change to id:3: ... | 07:37 |
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francisco | darinf: fresh install? | 07:37 |
ma3cs | and ready ? | 07:37 |
ma3cs | to init 3 | 07:37 |
ma3cs | ? | 07:37 |
Oddzball | Not a problem Iceman, I love a challenge, Thats why i do this, i figure if i can learn linux, I can be better off, i just need my damn external monitor working, cause the notebook lcd backlight is going out all the time | 07:37 |
gomek | and now you'll be booting into init 3, although it will be exactly the same as init 2 haha | 07:37 |
darinf | francisco: sort of... used to have fc4 on this system... but i overwrote the fc4 partition | 07:37 |
ma3cs | i will be back | 07:37 |
ma3cs | thanks | 07:37 |
gomek | np | 07:37 |
darinf | francisco: installed grub using defaults w/ winxp on another partition | 07:38 |
kerm | Working Linux is easier than working Windows...i'll say that much. | 07:38 |
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Oddzball | ok.. ill give it a try, brb | 07:38 |
KrisWood | I don't suppose anyone could help me with installing windows software with crossover office and a virtual CD rom? | 07:38 |
KrisWood | crossover office keeps telling me I don't have permission to read from the cd rom | 07:38 |
fami | any one has idea? | 07:38 |
bioticpro | gomek: so you signed up with both dyndns.com and no-ip.com to accomplish easy remote access to a non-static ip computer? | 07:38 |
darinf | francisco: when linux gets stuck so early on during boot without any error messages, it ends up being tough to diagnose ;-) | 07:38 |
AkumAPRIME | hmm... in prepping for a linux switch.. I use roboform for my password "holder", and the firefox extension implements it well. I Doubt there is a roboform forlinux, but there was a built in "wallet" app, that acted similarly. Does anyone know if theres a mozilla extension that can do the same thing in linux minus the roboform? | 07:38 |
nekostar | AkumAPRIME, hi | 07:39 |
AkumAPRIME | can the Wallet do that default? remember and autofill forms? | 07:39 |
francisco | darinf: probably it is trying to boot fc4 kernel and it can't find it... | 07:39 |
IcemanV9 | Oddzball: same here. lcd just died (backlight). i connected CRT to the laptop. it was black at first. i went crazy and googled a lot. found this line, "Option "MonitorLayout" "CRT"" solved the problem. | 07:39 |
kerm | fami: why not try a Perl channel? | 07:39 |
AkumAPRIME | hey | 07:39 |
gomek | bioticpro: nah, just dyndns | 07:39 |
nekostar | btw | 07:39 |
gomek | went to dyndns.com... | 07:39 |
darinf | francisco: interesting... so maybe i just need to re-run grub-install | 07:39 |
gomek | hit services | 07:39 |
nekostar | almost any extention for firefox that exists in windows is in linux | 07:39 |
nekostar | whats the exact extention name? | 07:39 |
bioticpro | gomek: ok, Im signed up with them, services... | 07:39 |
AkumAPRIME | right, the extension exists... but.. Roboform | 07:39 |
gomek | hit dynamic dns | 07:39 |
gomek | add dynamic dns | 07:39 |
AkumAPRIME | it Uses a piece of windows software, so it wont be effective | 07:39 |
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francisco | darinf: yes, and if you change something remember to grub-update | 07:40 |
gomek | sign up, etc... | 07:40 |
darinf | francisco: ok | 07:40 |
fami | what ith dunamic? | 07:40 |
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gomek | and then manage existing hosts to manually put in your ip address | 07:40 |
kerm | I wish i could find someone who is running Ubuntu on a laptop like mind, but I've exhausted Google. | 07:40 |
nekostar | AkumAPRIME, actually | 07:41 |
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nekostar | you didnt google it | 07:41 |
nekostar | 07:41 | |
ubotu | google is, like, totally, a very popular internet search engine at http://www.google.com - They also run Gmail at http://www.gmail.com as a free E-mail service. | 07:41 |
AkumAPRIME | lol... I assumed.. damn me | 07:41 |
kerm | 07:41 | |
nekostar | Roboform linux <<----- search terms | 07:41 |
Ademan | thanks bimberi_ | 07:41 |
AkumAPRIME | I never imagined! awesome and thanx, YOSH | 07:41 |
nekostar | seems it runs in wine with ie | 07:41 |
nekostar | :) | 07:41 |
CaptainMorgan | folks, any idea why thunderbird will not fit within the screen in KDE/ubuntu? is it an extension? is it a bug? what? for example, doens't matter which layout is going, I got classic right now and the mesage index goes off to the right and when viewing a message it also goes off to the right where I can't see it. This also happens when drafting a message... | 07:41 |
bioticpro | gomek: what ip address do I put in? | 07:42 |
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nekostar | though there are many apps that do the same i believe | 07:42 |
Ademan | how many of you here are programmers? (not proffessionally, but just you're at least fairly confident in your programming skills... in whatever language it may be... bash scripting aside) | 07:42 |
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nekostar | CaptainMorgan, | 07:42 |
nekostar | try resizing the window | 07:42 |
nekostar | then closeing it | 07:42 |
nekostar | then open again | 07:42 |
nekostar | :) | 07:42 |
gomek | go to www.whatismyipaddress.com | 07:42 |
nekostar | its prolly not fullscreen instead at a custom size :) | 07:42 |
socket7 | wewt. i have a real resolution now. | 07:42 |
n30n | where is the browser history kept | 07:42 |
nekostar | Ademan, not me~! | 07:43 |
kerm | Ademan: I am intermediate Ruby programmer. | 07:43 |
bioticpro | gomek: that wouldn't work though, that would be the ip address of the computer I am on right now | 07:43 |
CaptainMorgan | nekostar: how do I adjust it? | 07:43 |
n30n | where is the browser history kept | 07:43 |
CaptainMorgan | nekostar: it is apparently full screen | 07:43 |
gomek | oh, which computer are you trying to set up? | 07:43 |
IcemanV9 | socket7: good for you. :) | 07:43 |
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nekostar | CaptainMorgan, typically there are thingies on the top right of the window | 07:43 |
prwlr | how can i upgrade from breezy to dapper without deleting my files/settings? im using cd-based install. thanks | 07:43 |
n30n | where is the browser history kept | 07:43 |
nekostar | and you can resize by hovering.. | 07:43 |
bioticpro | gomek: I am trying to connect to a remote computer, from this computer, by ssh, and I need some way to point to the ip address of the remote computer each time it changes | 07:43 |
kerm | I also know a little but of C, C++, Python, Java but don't work with then much | 07:43 |
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kerm | *them | 07:44 |
nekostar | can you take a screenshot of it oversized so i can see what you mean >? | 07:44 |
CaptainMorgan | nekostar: that's so fundamental it's insulting | 07:44 |
gomek | ahhh, you need to find out that computer's ip address | 07:44 |
nekostar | eh ? | 07:44 |
gomek | then you can set it up | 07:44 |
nekostar | whats insulting CaptainMorgan | 07:44 |
n30n | where is the browser history kept | 07:44 |
ma3cs | no gomek ... not work | 07:44 |
socket7 | why hasn't someone put that dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg trick in the help documentation for changing resolutions in a default ubuntu install? | 07:44 |
kerm | I would like to master C though, because it's important for Linux. | 07:44 |
CaptainMorgan | mastering C is great | 07:44 |
gomek | @ma3cs what do mean it didn't work? | 07:44 |
Ademan | i was thinking of writing a game where you script "robot" AI in python (I know there are a few games already like that, not necessrily python) and anyways, i just had a feeling it wouldnt reach a very wide audience because not many people understand how to program, might be scared by it, etc (even though python is pretty dang easy) | 07:44 |
CaptainMorgan | nekostar: that a Linux user doesn't know how to resize a window with the top right options | 07:45 |
ma3cs | init 5 | 07:45 |
nekostar | ~_~ | 07:45 |
nekostar | then dont ask for help | 07:45 |
ma3cs | and automaticaly startx | 07:45 |
Ademan | CaptainMorgan: heh, c is easy, try "mastering" all of c++'s template quirks | 07:45 |
CaptainMorgan | nekostar: cuz that's not the problem | 07:45 |
nekostar | try asking why yer sound doesnt play and see what advice you get ~_~ | 07:45 |
gomek | oops, did i tell you to change it to id:5:initdefault: ? | 07:45 |
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nekostar | then do what i asked and make me a screenie | 07:45 |
ma3cs | i put 3 | 07:45 |
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kerm | I was really into Python, but Ruby sole me on itself after a second look. | 07:45 |
CaptainMorgan | admeman you're point? | 07:45 |
CaptainMorgan | :) | 07:45 |
kerm | *sold | 07:46 |
CaptainMorgan | C is fun | 07:46 |
gomek | you do know that x starts on runlevels 2-5 in ubuntu, right? | 07:46 |
CaptainMorgan | Ademan: you're point? | 07:46 |
Ademan | heh, i don't like C, the "this" pointer is so useful :-p | 07:46 |
gomek | if you're looking to boot to a command prompt, you gotta do a bit more than wha ti said... | 07:46 |
CaptainMorgan | masterin C++'s template/library takes awhile | 07:46 |
gomek | is that what you're after? | 07:46 |
ma3cs | ii have kubuntu | 07:46 |
ma3cs | drapper | 07:46 |
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KrisWood | Here is the real test of which windows emulating software I'll end up using: I've asked if 3dsmax can be installed in the irc channels for cedega, crossover, and wine, and whichever ones give the best answer that leads to me actually getting it running first will be the one I use hehe | 07:46 |
gomek | i'm fairly certain that it still does the same thing | 07:47 |
gomek | runlevels 2-5 all have X | 07:47 |
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ma3cs | with kde and gnome installed | 07:47 |
harry | Why cant i quarantine the Scanned Virus/errors on Klamav??? | 07:47 |
Ademan | the template library itself isnt so bad (mind you i dont use much more than std::vector and std::map and occasionally std::list ) but the actual syntax for templating is quite crazy | 07:47 |
ma3cs | if i remove 245 .... wil work ? | 07:47 |
ma3cs | :) | 07:47 |
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bioticpro | gomek: the address of the other computer changes every time it logs on... how will that help? | 07:47 |
CaptainMorgan | learning C as a first major language really brought with it appreciation for the software/hardware interface having moved on to others | 07:47 |
Oni-Dracula | hoooweee spendin limit...who cares? | 07:47 |
gomek | remove 245 from what? | 07:48 |
CaptainMorgan | nekostar: working on it..... | 07:48 |
Ademan | KrisWood: wine isnt a windows "emulator"... its just an implementation of wthe win32 API + other important windows binaries | 07:48 |
arigo | assembly is great for apreciation :P | 07:48 |
darinf | francisco: hey, so... another question: shouldn't there be a grub.conf file under /boot/grub/ ? | 07:48 |
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Ademan | assembly = hell | 07:48 |
gomek | biotic, you have to install a program onto that computer to fix this. is that a possibility? | 07:48 |
Ademan | lol | 07:48 |
Seveas | CaptainMorgan, arigo, Ademan (and others): please take off-topic discussions to #ubuntu-ops | 07:48 |
Ademan | sorry Seveas | 07:48 |
bimberi_ | Ademan: np :) | 07:48 |
KrisWood | Ademan: As I am a complete noob to all this, that means much the same thing to me :p | 07:48 |
Seveas | #ubuntu-offtopic I mean | 07:48 |
harry | i always got this message "check your disk space, the permissions on your quarantine location and whether a file w/ the same name already exists in the quarantine" ?? | 07:48 |
harry | Why cant i quarantine the Scanned Virus/errors on Klamav??? | 07:48 |
harry | i always got this message "check your disk space, the permissions on your quarantine location and whether a file w/ the same name already exists in the quarantine" ?? | 07:48 |
Seveas | (silly tab error) | 07:48 |
Ademan | harry don't paste in the channel, or spam... which ever that was | 07:49 |
KrisWood | well, according to the wine web site it's completely unable to even install. I guess I'll have to hope for the crossover folks to respond soon | 07:49 |
n30n | where is the browser history kept | 07:49 |
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n30n | where is the browser history kept | 07:49 |
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francisco | darinf: let me see what's in there | 07:49 |
Oddzball | Hurray! I fied it, awesome! | 07:49 |
mDot | why is the channel being spammed with questions? | 07:49 |
kerm | There's a ubuntuforum member who uses a Dell e1705 whuch has a nVidia card, that's why I think the problem is my i950 card. | 07:49 |
Oddzball | I have a GUI back again | 07:49 |
Seveas | n30n, ~/.mozilla/ somewhere (if you use firefox) | 07:49 |
Ademan | yay for Oddzball | 07:49 |
farous | Oddzball: :) | 07:50 |
kerm | Isn't this where pple ask questions about Ubuntu? | 07:50 |
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Oddzball | Who would have thought linux directories were case sensitive.. | 07:50 |
Oddzball | not I... | 07:50 |
Oddzball | took me a while to figure that one out | 07:50 |
harry | is there any reply for my questions??? | 07:50 |
Ademan | anyone know what method apt-get uses to retrieve packages? (ftp, http? a proprietary protocol?) | 07:50 |
Seveas | Oddzball, almost everything is case sensitive in linus | 07:50 |
AkumAPRIME | ah, here's a thought. I have a phone that runs Windows mobile 5 on it. Will I be able to sync to some Linux calendar app? | 07:50 |
Gonzo | is it just me or setuping the flash plugin for mozilla is not as straight forward as intended? | 07:50 |
Seveas | AkumAPRIME, maybe | 07:50 |
Seveas | evolution can sync with a lot | 07:51 |
crimsun | Gonzo: it's quite convoluted. | 07:51 |
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xenex | my sound is messed up, how do i restart it. it won't stop beeping | 07:51 |
ma3cs | gomek if i remove here 245 ....1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1 | 07:51 |
crimsun | xenex: what's beeping? | 07:51 |
zubeen | can anybody help me out with apache2 | 07:51 |
xenex | nevermind it stopped | 07:51 |
crimsun | heh. | 07:51 |
ma3cs | in all tty ... | 07:51 |
Ademan | Gonzo: its reccomended to do it through apt-get or synaptic rather than through firefox | 07:51 |
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harry | Why cant i quarantine the Scanned Virus/errors on Klamav??? | 07:51 |
noiesmo | harry, you error message seems to answer the Q check were quarentine is for pemisson and use another name to same the quartine | 07:51 |
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Ademan | also, the flash plugin seems quite broken, it crashes firefox quite a bit for me | 07:51 |
gomek | all that does is remove tty1 from runlevels 245...has nothing to do with what init you start in | 07:52 |
nekostar | n30n, did u find your history? | 07:52 |
nekostar | what browser btw | 07:52 |
gomek | the id:3:... is the runlevel you start in | 07:52 |
francisco | darinf: try with menu.lst under /boot/grub/ | 07:52 |
gomek | are you trying to start without X? | 07:52 |
n30n | nekostar: no | 07:52 |
farous | Ademan: firefox is know to break not necessary due to flash. for flash you can install it through adobe website to your current user | 07:52 |
ma3cs | yes | 07:52 |
gomek | i don't know what you're trying to accomplish | 07:52 |
gomek | ahh okay | 07:52 |
gomek | hold on | 07:52 |
n30n | nekostar: is it in history.dat? | 07:52 |
nekostar | ok what browser then do you need to find it for | 07:53 |
socket7 | oh man. this copy operation is going to take a while... thanks people. | 07:53 |
ma3cs | i want tu start with init 3 | 07:53 |
Gonzo | what is the package called? | 07:53 |
Oddzball | *Crimsun* I sent you a PM. | 07:53 |
zubeen | hey i have a prob with gaim & synaptic...i always hava to cache the url bfore i start the applications.. | 07:53 |
darinf | francisco: ok | 07:53 |
zubeen | plz help | 07:53 |
=== Stv- [n=tux@yap-pm03-s12.telecom.fm] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gomek | you're probably in runlevel 3, but runlevel 3 still starts with X by default | 07:54 |
Seveas | Gonzo, flashplugin-nonfree | 07:54 |
gomek | follow my instructions to remove X from runlevels 2-4... | 07:54 |
harry | Why cant i quarantine the Scanned Virus/errors on Klamav??? | 07:54 |
gomek | as i've done the same thing on my machines... | 07:54 |
n30n | nekostar: Firefox | 07:54 |
Gonzo | i didn't see anything in synaptic under flash or macromedia | 07:54 |
Gonzo | maybe i miss looked | 07:54 |
Gonzo | or under mozilla-* | 07:54 |
Seveas | !find flash | 07:55 |
gomek | sudo apt-get update | 07:55 |
ubotu | Ubuntu Package Listing of 'flash' (9 shown): flashplugin-nonfree ;; flashybrid ;; libflash-dev ;; libflash-mozplugin ;; libflash-swfplayer ;; libflash0c2 ;; libroxen-flash2 ;; newsflash ;; vrflash. | 07:55 |
Gonzo | firefox-* | 07:55 |
gomek | sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf | 07:55 |
Seveas | flashplugin-nonfree | 07:55 |
nekostar | yeah looks like it | 07:55 |
ma3cs | i'm loggin wiht su | 07:55 |
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n30n | nekostar: And its a download i started but i tried to run WoW and it crashed my system | 07:55 |
gomek | tell me when that's done... | 07:55 |
ma3cs | ok | 07:55 |
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nekostar | whats a download ? | 07:55 |
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nekostar | i dont know whats going on for ya just u need the history file lol | 07:55 |
Gonzo | thx | 07:55 |
gomek | alternatively, go to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=175885 | 07:55 |
nekostar | /home/nekostar/.mozilla/firefox/xmom4i9w.default/history.dat is mine n30n | 07:55 |
gomek | i already told someone how to do it =P | 07:56 |
nekostar | nano /home/nekostar/.mozilla/firefox/xmom4i9w.default/history.dat | 07:56 |
nekostar | etc | 07:56 |
n30n | nekostar: yeah. tahts what i was asking for | 07:56 |
mDot | maybe someone has an idea of why ive got this annoyance. my fstab has a media drive included as Media, yet is show in autilus as MEDIA (all caps) any ideas of what this happens? | 07:56 |
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nekostar | hey anyone dual boot ubuntu with bsd ? | 07:56 |
n30n | nekostar: It's hard to tell whats what what am i suppose to open it with | 07:56 |
nekostar | n30n, i just showed you how i did it :) | 07:56 |
nekostar | nano for teh win via terminal | 07:56 |
ma3cs | ok gomek ... | 07:57 |
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ma3cs | Setting up sysv-rc-conf (0.99-3) ... | 07:57 |
Oddzball | Well, I have an easy question, can I log into the GUI for Ubuntu as Sudo so I dont have to use the terminal to do everything? | 07:57 |
gomek | sudo sysv-rc-conf | 07:57 |
nekostar | Oddzball, eh? | 07:57 |
gomek | scroll down until you see kdm | 07:57 |
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gomek | turn it off for all the runlevels except 5 | 07:58 |
nekostar | you dont wanna log in as root ... very bad | 07:58 |
ma3cs | i'm here | 07:58 |
nekostar | open a terminal and do sudo su | 07:58 |
noiesmo | Oddzball, you need to activate the root account but its not a good idea to log in as root | 07:58 |
Flannel | Oddzball: you technically can. But, you can also gksudo nautilus, and open a file browser as root. Which is less dangerous, although still edgy. | 07:58 |
Oddzball | Well, i know, but i hate having to type it in the terminal when I want to open a system file to edit it for something | 07:58 |
gomek | you catch what i said? | 07:58 |
ma3cs | yes | 07:58 |
noiesmo | Oddzball, you can open terminal and do sudo -i | 07:58 |
Flannel | Oddzball: or gksudo gedit, etc | 07:58 |
ma3cs | but i want 3 | 07:58 |
ma3cs | not 5 | 07:58 |
farous | Oddzball: sudo -i will give you a root terminal session. what you ask to do though is not recommended | 07:58 |
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bioticpro | gomek: yes, I installed a clinet program on the other computer, that has the domain name I got from dyndns in it | 07:58 |
nekostar | Oddzball, actually | 07:58 |
gomek | did you disable kdm for runlevels 2-4? | 07:58 |
nekostar | search for a nautilus script for you to open stuff with | 07:59 |
garryfre | Not only that, but XChat says something very rude and insulting when you try to run it as root. | 07:59 |
megasquid | is there a way to make the active window transparent on the gnome panel? | 07:59 |
nekostar | garryfre, yeah? never tried lol | 07:59 |
nekostar | LOL | 07:59 |
kerm | i don't understand dual-booting into Linux and BSD. I mean just pick the POSIX-implementation you like better. | 07:59 |
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mDot | <garryfre> that might be because its not a good idea | 07:59 |
gomek | dude, ma3cs, runlevel 3 *still has X-window!* | 07:59 |
garryfre | hehe, did it by accident in slackware after compiling a kernel. Something like only fools run xchat as root. | 08:00 |
killapop | LOL | 08:00 |
ma3cs | aaa | 08:00 |
ma3cs | aha | 08:00 |
gomek | i'm telling you how to disable it | 08:00 |
czr | does anyone know where the /dev/disks/by-uuid/ comes from? ie, how is it calculated because it's much sorter than the filesystem UUID? | 08:00 |
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nekostar | " * Running IRC as root is stupid! You should create a User Account and use that to login. " | 08:00 |
garryfre | Yep, that's it!! | 08:00 |
nekostar | though it WILL let you do it :P | 08:00 |
Oddzball | gah.. what the heck is nautilus and how do i use it? | 08:00 |
ma3cs | ok | 08:00 |
ma3cs | i change | 08:01 |
nekostar | Oddzball, nautilus is what you use to look at your files | 08:01 |
nekostar | its a file manager [in gnome] | 08:01 |
Madpilot | Oddzball, Nautilus is the file manager - Places->Home Folder - that's Nautilus | 08:01 |
gomek | biotic...i don't understand what trouble you've done and what you haven't done, then | 08:01 |
ma3cs | i remove 234 from sysv | 08:01 |
nekostar | i assume your using gnomne? | 08:01 |
Oddzball | yeah | 08:01 |
gomek | i mean...what trouble you're having*...what you've done and what you havne't | 08:01 |
n30n | is there a place incomplete downloads go so i can restart them | 08:01 |
Oddzball | Ok so i need a script? | 08:01 |
eobanb | Oddzball, nautilus is analogous to mac os x's finder, or windows xp's explorer | 08:01 |
nekostar | http://g-scripts.sourceforge.net/ | 08:01 |
=== UNH2LY [n=UNH2LY@bainbrdg-cuda1-69-160-218-223.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gomek | remove 234 for kdm from sysv | 08:01 |
garryfre | Xp's Exploder. | 08:01 |
ma3cs | i do that | 08:01 |
nekostar | just one place to look :) | 08:01 |
ma3cs | and now ? | 08:01 |
gomek | alright, you should be good now | 08:02 |
gomek | exit sysv-rc-conf | 08:02 |
nekostar | anyone dual boot ubuntu and bsd in here ? | 08:02 |
Locke_ | wow this is a huge sandwich | 08:02 |
francisco | hi, I am using gdm but I want to use kdm, what can I do? | 08:02 |
ma3cs | sorry for my english .... if i make some mistake | 08:02 |
ma3cs | i'm binladen | 08:02 |
ma3cs | :) | 08:02 |
gomek | sudo apt-get install kdm maybe? | 08:02 |
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garryfre | Install KDE, then you can switch between. | 08:02 |
Locke_ | hmm | 08:02 |
farous | francisco: sudp dpkg-reconfigure kdm | 08:03 |
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mooseman089 | hey | 08:03 |
farous | if it is installed already | 08:03 |
ma3cs | and now gomek ... jsut that ? | 08:03 |
francisco | farous: thanks! | 08:03 |
ma3cs | just that | 08:03 |
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francisco | gomek: I already have it installed, I don't know how to use it, but now I guess I know, thanks | 08:03 |
gomek | @ma3cs that should be it. if kdm is disabled for runlevels 2-4 and you're set to boot to runlevel 3, you should boot into a command prompt | 08:03 |
mooseman089 | does anybody why/if ubuntu stops accepting connections after a lot? | 08:03 |
gomek | haha, alright =) | 08:04 |
ma3cs | ok | 08:04 |
ma3cs | reboot and back | 08:04 |
gomek | k | 08:04 |
eobanb | mooseman089, 'accepting connections'?? | 08:04 |
garryfre | A lot of what? | 08:04 |
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mooseman089 | yea meaning if i try to ssh, ftp, vnc or anything wont happen and will just drop | 08:04 |
ma3cs | gomek ... i can remove other app from here /.? | 08:05 |
gomek | what app | 08:05 |
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ma3cs | bluez utils fro example | 08:05 |
mooseman089 | i cant tell whats going to make it stop accepting connections and it was fine before | 08:05 |
CaptainMorgan | nekostar: notice where "Student Governement Association..." continues but you can't see it: http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/5130/12ul.png | 08:05 |
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gomek | ah, from sysv-rc-conf, yes, you can disable those apps | 08:06 |
CaptainMorgan | and the window is maximized | 08:06 |
gomek | be careful what you disable | 08:06 |
ma3cs | of course | 08:06 |
CaptainMorgan | the above message list also does it too | 08:06 |
n30n | ok someone please help me using wine with World of Warcraft | 08:06 |
=== gwark [n=gwark@203-166-248-106.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gomek | brb | 08:06 |
gwark | hi. does dapper have a partition manager ? | 08:06 |
ma3cs | qtparted | 08:06 |
Seveas | gwark, gparted (gnome) or qtparted (kde) | 08:06 |
n30n | ok someone please help me using wine with World of Warcraft | 08:07 |
mooseman089 | eoband any ideas? | 08:07 |
=== Unintentional [n=kurt@CPE-65-30-158-145.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
gwark | thankyou Seveas | 08:07 |
nekostar | CaptainMorgan, k looking | 08:07 |
prwlr | what package do i need in breezy to play encrypted dvd's? | 08:07 |
garryfre | I have no idea on how to help you with wine using world of warcraft. | 08:07 |
Scrippie | interest | 08:07 |
gomek | back | 08:07 |
KrisWood | n30n: try joining #winehq | 08:07 |
gomek | @prwlr libdvdcss i think | 08:07 |
IcemanV9 | uh? root-tail doesn't work?!? | 08:07 |
nekostar | oic CaptainMorgan on the summary thing.. | 08:07 |
n30n | garryfre: can you make wine stop crashing when i try to go to the audio tab? | 08:07 |
CaptainMorgan | aye | 08:08 |
CaptainMorgan | trying to get message draft as well.. cuz it does the same thing | 08:08 |
garryfre | I hate wine, Plese don't ask me about wine, cedega. Sorry, I never had any luck with them. | 08:08 |
IcemanV9 | well, i meant i don't see anything on the desktop from root-tail. :/ | 08:08 |
nekostar | hm | 08:08 |
prwlr | libdvdcss has no installation candidate... | 08:08 |
CaptainMorgan | nekostar: very frustrating.. | 08:08 |
gomek | you need to enable universe/multiverse | 08:09 |
CaptainMorgan | nekostar: something can't read an important piece of an email.. | 08:09 |
gwark | cedega, wine ... bah just use windows for gaming | 08:09 |
CaptainMorgan | sometimes | 08:09 |
n30n | KrisWood: That room is dead | 08:09 |
eobanb | !tell prwlr about restricted | 08:09 |
garryfre | They leave hidden trash and config stuff hanging around even after uninstall, they stomp on eachother. | 08:09 |
Unintentional | hey, does anyone know how to get a script to run on boot, if it's not a daemon? | 08:09 |
eobanb | n30n, http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?appId=1922 | 08:09 |
eobanb | version 1.10.x seems to run fairly well | 08:09 |
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prwlr | eobanb, got it, libdvdread3 scripts... | 08:09 |
prwlr | im dumb | 08:09 |
KenSentMe | !tell garryfre about cron | 08:09 |
mooseman089 | unintentional session preferences? | 08:09 |
KrisWood | n30n: it's the official Wine channel, it's the only place you're gonna find help, just be patient | 08:10 |
gomek | eh, what are these !tell things? | 08:10 |
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eobanb | !tell gomek about ubotu | 08:10 |
garryfre | I admit it's been a while since I tried wine/cedega. | 08:10 |
eobanb | ;) | 08:10 |
Samus_Aran | is there some way that I can change the preemption model and so on ? I realise after switching to the latest K7 kernel that my multiseat setup is unusable ... when one person moves their mouse, the other persons desktop freezes up, heh | 08:10 |
farous | !tell prwlr abotu restrictedformats | 08:10 |
farous | !tell prwlr about restrictedformats | 08:10 |
gomek | oh nice | 08:10 |
nekostar | http://www.freeemailtutorials.com/mozillaThunderbird/thunderbirdInterface.cwd | 08:10 |
zhang127 | hi | 08:10 |
nekostar | CaptainMorgan, seems that panes misconfigured somehow.. | 08:10 |
KenSentMe | !tell Unintentional about cron | 08:10 |
Samus_Aran | on the earlier kernel version which was the 386 one, it didn't have this issue | 08:10 |
KenSentMe | garryfre: sorry, wrong person | 08:10 |
zhang127 | why? | 08:10 |
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CaptainMorgan | nekostar: any source file I can readjust? | 08:10 |
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Unintentional | mooseman089: do you know if those scripts are run as the user or as root? | 08:11 |
zhang127 | sorry | 08:11 |
ma3cs | thanks GOMEK | 08:11 |
nekostar | can you unmaximize thunderbird and move a bit to the left of your screen and just extend thunderbird to the right to see if that ends at some point >? | 08:11 |
=== Dr_Deadmeat [n=Dr_Deadm@102.80-202-245.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
garryfre | KenSentMe np. | 08:11 |
ma3cs | working ................. | 08:11 |
Unintentional | cron, eh? | 08:11 |
mooseman089 | not sure | 08:11 |
drix | guys... im here! | 08:11 |
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drix | guys... im new here! | 08:11 |
mooseman089 | i just use it to start xchat ;) | 08:11 |
gwark | i do hear games that do run in wine/cedega, run better than withing windows | 08:11 |
zhang127 | ? | 08:11 |
gomek | well, guys, bbl | 08:11 |
zhang127 | ? | 08:11 |
zhang127 | lk | 08:11 |
redeye | morning | 08:11 |
nekostar | seems like it thinks it should be a little bigger.... or osmething | 08:11 |
CaptainMorgan | nekostar: right | 08:11 |
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nekostar | *something .//// mornin redeye | 08:11 |
UNH2LY | hey everyone | 08:11 |
DShepherd | since I updated gnome to gnome2.14.2 some of my buttons have funny colours. on hover. they go away though | 08:11 |
nekostar | sup UNH2LY | 08:11 |
ma3cs | "other client happy" | 08:12 |
mooseman089 | so does anybody know about my connection issue? | 08:12 |
DShepherd | DShepherd: anyone now how to fix that? | 08:12 |
drix | im need some help on how to connect on evolution mail? | 08:12 |
drix | im need some help on how to connect on evolution mail? | 08:12 |
nekostar | mooseman089, eh? | 08:12 |
YoussefAssad | Am I the only one who is unable to sign up on ubuntuforums.org? No matter what username I give it, it says that name is already registered. | 08:12 |
n30n | eobanb: i have done what that says so many times i want to barf all over you | 08:12 |
CaptainMorgan | nekostar: yes - minimizing it and moving to the left and then resizing it I can see te right hand portion | 08:12 |
ma3cs | someone use BOINC ? | 08:12 |
CaptainMorgan | P.i.A | 08:12 |
n30n | oebanb: lol | 08:12 |
UNH2LY | nekostar, ntm, looking for some solutions in the way of graphics with a VIA chipset | 08:12 |
nekostar | ok after doing that does it let you resize that one panel CaptainMorgan ? | 08:12 |
KenSentMe | ma3cs: i have used it | 08:12 |
KenSentMe | ma3cs: on debian | 08:12 |
ma3cs | what proc use ? | 08:12 |
ma3cs | me too | 08:12 |
redeye | having strange problems with thunderbird; i got 3 accounts on my notebook, and in one, thunderbird displays html mails badly, though the html code is correct (if i copy and paste it to a html file). any hints? | 08:12 |
mooseman089 | nekostar for some reason recently ubuntu will randomly stop accepting connections like ssh, ftp, http, and vnc for no known reason | 08:13 |
KenSentMe | ma3cs: don't know anymore | 08:13 |
Madpilot | YoussefAssad, there's 125,000+ members on ubuntuforums - keep trying ;) | 08:13 |
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drix | im need some help on how to connect on evolution mail? what are the following steps? | 08:13 |
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drix | im need some help on how to connect on evolution mail? what are the following steps? | 08:13 |
nekostar | mooseman089, it just kills the net kinda and then eventually lets it back ? | 08:13 |
CaptainMorgan | nekostar: doesn't work | 08:13 |
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nekostar | damn CaptainMorgan | 08:13 |
YoussefAssad | Madpilot: Friend, I have. I've tried with variants like YoussefAssadQWERTY which I'm guessing woudn't be registered | 08:13 |
farous | drix ask once then wait | 08:13 |
nekostar | can you make your screen a higher resolution ? | 08:13 |
garryfre | !evolution | 08:13 |
ubotu | hmm... evolution is an e-mail client. It comes with Ubuntu. | 08:13 |
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eobanb | !tell nekostar about fixres | 08:14 |
CaptainMorgan | nekostar: seems like a bug.... no? think it might have somethin to do with ext's? | 08:14 |
KenSentMe | drix: don't repeat yourself, what have you done and what is the problem? | 08:14 |
garryfre | LoL | 08:14 |
=== iiiears [n=bill@ip70-181-219-28.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nekostar | not so fast on the trigger there eobanb | 08:14 |
=== Samus_Aran [n=ILL@about/linux/supportwhirlwind/SamusAran] has left #Ubuntu ["onwards] | ||
Guilt | hello | 08:14 |
=== YoussefAssad tries ubuntuforums.org with a browser other than firefox; never know | ||
nekostar | CaptainMorgan, mebbie... | 08:14 |
mooseman089 | nekostar if i still have a active connection like vnc session its fine but if i try to start another it just times out and nothing happens | 08:14 |
Madpilot | YoussefAssad, I'm surprised that just your current nick doesn't work, actually - there's a channel for the forums - #ubuntuforums - you might want to try there | 08:14 |
nekostar | i just dont know :/ | 08:14 |
iiiears | Hello guilt | 08:14 |
nekostar | i use evolution :D | 08:14 |
Guilt | hello, iiiears :D | 08:14 |
drix | yes... but how can i use it? | 08:14 |
Guilt | i use thunderbird! | 08:14 |
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nekostar | mooseman089, yeah im familiar with that.. but the other person i know who has that is on windows | 08:15 |
nekostar | :/ | 08:15 |
YoussefAssad | Madpilot: I was surprised too, but then my first reaction was "Oh, one of my boys is probably fooling around" | 08:15 |
Guilt | YoussefAssad, lynx? | 08:15 |
YoussefAssad | Madpilot: thanks for the link, I'll try that! | 08:15 |
mooseman089 | any idea of a log i could check or some hint that would let me fix it? | 08:15 |
Guilt | nekostar, evolution is good | 08:15 |
nekostar | seems so :) | 08:15 |
iiiears | Thunderbird Email Client - Evolution complains too much about this and that | 08:15 |
Guilt | that is what i used before i used thunderbird | 08:15 |
YoussefAssad | Guilt: I'm using FF, but will try probably konq | 08:15 |
nekostar | mooseman089, unfortunately your above me... | 08:15 |
gomek | anyone have any clue how i register my name here so i can /msg people? | 08:15 |
Guilt | later i found it easier to mount my windows partition and import the thunderbird profile in windows | 08:16 |
nekostar | gomek, yeah | 08:16 |
bimberi | !register | 08:16 |
ubotu | Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 08:16 |
eobanb | gomek, /msg nickserv help | 08:16 |
farous | YoussefAssad: perhaps an extension you use like noscript | 08:16 |
mooseman089 | nekostar what do you mean above you? | 08:16 |
nekostar | -NickServ- /msg NickServ help <command>. | 08:16 |
nekostar | er | 08:16 |
gomek | i tried, but for some reason he isn't responding hehe | 08:16 |
nekostar | /msg nickserv register password email | 08:16 |
iiiears | gomek /msg NICKSERV help or help IDENTIFY | 08:16 |
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nekostar | ~_~ | 08:16 |
nekostar | mooseman089, i mean i dont know how to help you on that. :/ | 08:17 |
gomek | !register | 08:17 |
ubotu | Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 08:17 |
nekostar | i recommend also making a thread about it in the forums | 08:17 |
nekostar | !forums | 08:17 |
nekostar | !forum | 08:17 |
ubotu | from memory, forum is try asking your question at the ubuntu web forums at http://www.ubuntuforums.org | 08:17 |
iiiears | no way i know of to reclaim a password so write it down. | 08:17 |
mooseman089 | nekostar ok sorry to bother you | 08:17 |
YoussefAssad | farous: erm, nope. Not usig that extension, but I'll try with another browser anyhw | 08:17 |
nekostar | mooseman089, all good... i hope you figure it out.. unless its your modem starting to take a crap of course :/ | 08:17 |
=== CaptainMorgan considers trying evolution.... | ||
nekostar | CaptainMorgan, i highly recommend it. | 08:17 |
=== Ohzie [n=ohzie@c-24-21-105-65.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nekostar | its very stable etc. | 08:17 |
nekostar | :) | 08:18 |
mooseman089 | lol no modem here just a 100MBps nic and my trusty lan ;) | 08:18 |
iiiears | CaptainMorgan: Thunderbird Mozilla Thunderbird - lol | 08:18 |
YoussefAssad | Evolution is okay up to the point where you want to use it with exchange | 08:18 |
nekostar | mooseman089, your connected to the net somehow lol | 08:18 |
mooseman089 | yup | 08:18 |
nekostar | res-cmts.sm.ptd.net | 08:18 |
=== IcemanV9 have no problem with evolution or thunderbird | ||
nekostar | thats residential neh? :D | 08:19 |
=== scarn [n=scarn@ppp-70-226-151-54.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
YoussefAssad | erm, both are memory hogs | 08:19 |
nekostar | so there's a modem in the house :D | 08:19 |
mooseman089 | yea the extremely annoying ptd.net | 08:19 |
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iiiears | YoussefAssad: Nah - RAM hog is the polite term. | 08:19 |
=== CaptainMorgan notes the Ubuntu project starta is a millionaire?? | ||
crimsun | multimillionaire, yes. | 08:19 |
nekostar | YoussefAssad, evolution + exchange == bad ? | 08:19 |
=== CaptainMorgan thanks dev's for improving wireless in Dapper.. thanks ya | ||
nekostar | very multi | 08:19 |
eobanb | more like exchange == bad | 08:19 |
nekostar | :D | 08:19 |
YoussefAssad | nekostar: it works, don't get me wrong. But evolution stopped being stable when I added the exchange account | 08:20 |
nekostar | eobanb, agreed lol | 08:20 |
mooseman089 | k i need to get some sleep or im going to be dead tomorrow | 08:20 |
mooseman089 | cya guys | 08:20 |
garryfre | Tha'ts why I call it Microslop Oaflook | 08:20 |
nekostar | mooseman089, make the thread at the forums first | 08:20 |
iiiears | Show a little love for the cause. - bandwidth costs real money. even a millionaire needs a little help. - lol | 08:20 |
nekostar | you might have an answer when you get up :) | 08:20 |
=== KyoLptp` [n=roderick@] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
KyoLptp` | I figured out why some flash movies don't work properly. | 08:20 |
nekostar | garryfre, nice lol | 08:20 |
Guilt | Why? :) | 08:20 |
nekostar | KyoLptp`, o? | 08:20 |
mooseman089 | hmm maybe but i still think i need to test more | 08:21 |
KyoLptp` | The latest version of Macromedia Flash for linux = 7 | 08:21 |
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garryfre | nekostar :) | 08:21 |
KyoLptp` | The Flash required for newer movies = 8 | 08:21 |
nekostar | !restricted formats | 08:21 |
ubotu | methinks restricted formats is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats or '!codecs' | 08:21 |
=== medulla [n=medulla@ppp-70-129-100-63.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nekostar | KyoLptp`, i recommend you read that page | 08:21 |
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nekostar | go towards the bottom and read about the second way to install it :D | 08:21 |
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mooseman089 | nite all | 08:21 |
medulla | hey... what are the torrent programs yall are using? | 08:21 |
=== saxhokie is now known as gomek | ||
KrisWood | well, it looks like I'm going back to windows after all :-/ | 08:22 |
KyoLptp` | nekostar, why? | 08:22 |
mooseman089 | medulla azureus | 08:22 |
nekostar | read to find out :D | 08:22 |
garryfre | I got my videos working, but the sound and video was out of sync. I'd hear the sentence, then see their lips move saying the sentence. It was like watching that police academy trampoline fight scene. Totally hilarious. | 08:22 |
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medulla | is it as memory usage heavy in ubuntu as it was in windows? | 08:22 |
iiiears | crimsun - What file keeps track of the gnome panel settings? | 08:22 |
polpak | garryfre: did you follow the instructions on the restricted wiki about sound issues? | 08:23 |
KyoLptp` | Second way? | 08:23 |
crimsun | iiiears: probably a gconf key or several. I'm not a gconf guru, sorry. | 08:23 |
Oddzball | Hey guys I am editing the xorg.conf | 08:23 |
mooseman089 | medulla not that i have noticed but i rarely download torrents if i need somethng i have easynews but when i do its fine | 08:23 |
YoussefAssad | Okay, ubuntuforums.org is b0rked. Won't register me even with konqueror | 08:23 |
garryfre | polpak Used easybuntu to install them. | 08:23 |
iiiears | crimsun - Thanks. | 08:23 |
medulla | easynews? | 08:23 |
Oddzball | What is the common HorizSync for an LCD? | 08:23 |
mooseman089 | usenet service | 08:23 |
polpak | garryfre: ah.. well then that's probably the problem | 08:23 |
KrisWood | I beg of you, members of the community, please can anyone help me to find a way to install and run 3d studio max in ubuntu so I don't need to go back to windows? | 08:23 |
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polpak | garryfre: read the wiki | 08:23 |
KyoLptp` | "sudo ln -s /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/*flash* /opt/firefox/plugins " <-- that? | 08:23 |
=== nekostar sighs | ||
nekostar | no | 08:23 |
mooseman089 | there is a $10 monthly fee but its totally worth it | 08:23 |
medulla | ya... i dont quite understand usenet yet...? | 08:24 |
nekostar | the install of the windows macromedia flash | 08:24 |
nekostar | :) | 08:24 |
garryfre | polpak I actually kind of like it this way. | 08:24 |
docta_v | KrisWood: you might be able to do it with crossover office...otherwise there's always vmware | 08:24 |
=== llama32 [n=zak@081.a.001.beg.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
polpak | KrisWood: contact the developers and tell them to write cross platform software | 08:24 |
=== luX`bnc is now known as luX` | ||
nekostar | mooseman089, indeed ive heard that hte newsgroups are great | 08:24 |
polpak | KrisWood: or learn to use Blender | 08:24 |
andres | have a problem in dapper using amsn, help ppl :) | 08:24 |
mooseman089 | beyond great | 08:24 |
mooseman089 | i have never seen a download faster then those from easynews | 08:24 |
nekostar | i however am irc/torrent based and ive found that a few 100mbit servers help things right along :D | 08:24 |
KyoLptp` | I don't see anything about Windows there... | 08:24 |
mooseman089 | medulla http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usenet | 08:24 |
llama32 | after changing the balance in XMMS, my sound has stopped working completely [even after reboot] , with both ALSA and OSS drivers... any ideas? | 08:25 |
KrisWood | docta_v: the installer won't even run for me in crossover office | 08:25 |
medulla | well my dl's max out my bandwidth fine with torrents... | 08:25 |
medulla | so i think im fine =/ | 08:25 |
mooseman089 | nekostar but those servers have ssl encryption? | 08:25 |
nekostar | i typically run a ratio of 6-60 on torrents | 08:25 |
nekostar | mooseman089, eh ? | 08:25 |
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nekostar | thats on the client end. | 08:25 |
mooseman089 | all my downloads on easynews are fully ssl encrypted | 08:25 |
KrisWood | polpak: I have a feeling the developers would tell me were I can stick my request, and it wouldn't be pleasant. I can't use blender for what I need to do. | 08:25 |
iiiears | llama - Maybe two plugins for the same type of file?? | 08:25 |
andres | have a problem in dapper using amsn, help ppl ! prv those can help please! | 08:25 |
mooseman089 | and they policy is no logs whatsoever | 08:25 |
nekostar | azureus even supports ssl packets | 08:26 |
mooseman089 | their* | 08:26 |
nekostar | ya sounds great | 08:26 |
polpak | KrisWood: well then don't buy their software | 08:26 |
mooseman089 | it does? | 08:26 |
nekostar | im thinking about picking something like that up :) | 08:26 |
KyoLptp` | moose, what do you have to hide? lol | 08:26 |
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nekostar | cummon KyoLptp` lol | 08:26 |
KyoLptp` | downloading from the wrong newsgroup? | 08:26 |
polpak | KrisWood: there are plenty of cross platform gui libs, and opengl does 3d graphics fine on any OS | 08:26 |
nekostar | no such thing ~_^ | 08:26 |
mooseman089 | kyolptp if it comes with it why not use it? | 08:26 |
KyoLptp` | no such thing as what, the wrong newsgroup? | 08:26 |
nekostar | yup | 08:26 |
KyoLptp` | I'm not talking about warez | 08:26 |
nekostar | unless you get caught | 08:26 |
mooseman089 | lol | 08:26 |
nekostar | :D | 08:26 |
KrisWood | polpak: I don't buy it, my employer does, I use it because they tell me to. | 08:27 |
wazzu | Has anyone's free Dapper CDs showed up? | 08:27 |
mooseman089 | k im going to leave now | 08:27 |
polpak | KrisWood: well then your employer should also be buying you windows | 08:27 |
nekostar | wazzu, why not just dl the iso ? | 08:27 |
andres | have a problem in dapper using amsn, help ppl ! prv those can help please! | 08:27 |
KyoLptp` | and you never have to worry about "getting caught" in regards to warez | 08:27 |
=== ernie_r [n=ernie@c-24-20-35-233.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== KrisWood grumbles | ||
nekostar | andres, eh ? | 08:27 |
wazzu | Slow dialup. | 08:27 |
KyoLptp` | neko, can you explain this flash thing to me please? | 08:28 |
n30n | !3d | 08:28 |
nekostar | ah | 08:28 |
ubotu | Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, n30n | 08:28 |
=== vega- [i=mikko@lotus.puolikuu.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nekostar | KyoLptp`, ya one sec | 08:28 |
nekostar | !restricted formats | 08:28 |
ubotu | restricted formats is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats or '!codecs' | 08:28 |
nekostar | andres, installing now | 08:28 |
polpak | KrisWood: it's not magic. They used closed source API's that are only available under 1 OS. We can't magically make everything work w/o any assistance/cooperation from the developers | 08:28 |
andres | it is strange, get it from repositories and from official website, is says starting, and never start, leaves proces with "whish amsn" hangin | 08:29 |
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KrisWood | polpak: yes but there is no open source alternative for high end modeling applications, and I'm sick of windows' bullshit | 08:29 |
=== Etheri [n=Etheri@c220-237-37-48.brasd1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KrisWood | thus the much grumbling I shall do | 08:29 |
KrisWood | me proceedes to grumble | 08:29 |
slimspace | anyone have a bt848-based TV tuner working in Ubuntu? | 08:29 |
spikeb | heh | 08:29 |
spikeb | KrisWood: yeah i suppose if you're running high end stuff running it in an emulator isn't much of an option | 08:30 |
=== Lukian [i=jamie@weks.jraxis.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nekostar | andres, killall amsn | 08:30 |
KyoLptp` | well kris, just use windows | 08:30 |
polpak | KrisWood: have you seen/used blender? | 08:30 |
nekostar | then open terminal and then start from there | 08:30 |
arigo | windows isn't so bad :) | 08:30 |
nekostar | KyoLptp`, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Shockwave | 08:30 |
nekostar | shockwave i meant :/ | 08:30 |
nekostar | mebbie that would work better ? | 08:31 |
KrisWood | I've heard of people getting it to work in cedega, but the sources for that seem to be poorly documented and I don't feel like subscribing unless I know it's good | 08:31 |
andres | do that, and problem | 08:31 |
KyoLptp` | I don't think so, neko | 08:31 |
andres | still there | 08:31 |
KyoLptp` | the problem is, the latest version of flash for linux is 7 | 08:31 |
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spikeb | dont use cedega for non-gaming apps, use crossover office instead. | 08:31 |
spikeb | and they will tell you if it works o rnot. | 08:31 |
spikeb | or not. | 08:31 |
KyoLptp` | and the latest version out is 8, but that's only on windows | 08:31 |
andres | in fact, kill -9 xxx the number of the wish process | 08:31 |
KrisWood | polpak: I've tried blender, I can't get used to the interface, and my employer uses a proprietary 3dsmax plugin to export to their 3d application | 08:31 |
iiiears | windows is fine for games. - Just don't put it on a network. - It'll melt down in close contact with malware | 08:32 |
=== rosex [n=rosex@81-236-210-236-no28.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Lukian | hmm | 08:32 |
polpak | KrisWood: sounds like bad business to so closely couple yourself with one vendor | 08:32 |
medulla | not true... theres allways enough spyware to download and make you think your secure on windows... | 08:32 |
SurfnKid | iiiears: hehe exactly | 08:33 |
polpak | iiiears: too bad most games now are network games ;p | 08:33 |
iiiears | or need DirectX | 08:33 |
polpak | iiiears: anyway there are plenty of good linux games | 08:33 |
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medulla | like what? | 08:34 |
iiiears | UT2k4 - linux | 08:34 |
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KyoLptp` | and? | 08:34 |
polpak | medulla: quake, doom, Ut2004, savage, the upcoming savage2, vendetta online, NWN | 08:34 |
SurfnKid | iiiears: how big is the install? | 08:34 |
nekostar | andres, what happens when you try to start it from the terminal ? | 08:34 |
SurfnKid | iiiears: takes 5gb on WXP | 08:34 |
SurfnKid | iiiears: ive got barely 5 left on linux partition | 08:35 |
iiiears | Surfinkid 5 CDs for 2004 | 08:35 |
polpak | medulla: tribal trouble | 08:35 |
CaptainMorgan | nekostar: ! | 08:35 |
nekostar | CaptainMorgan, eh ? | 08:35 |
medulla | wow... quake... | 08:35 |
polpak | medulla: those are all the commercial ones | 08:35 |
=== Rafa [n=rafael@201-0-61-107.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CaptainMorgan | nekostar: it was an extension... Suncult or Foxclocks... | 08:35 |
CaptainMorgan | uninstalled it and it's fine now | 08:35 |
SurfnKid | iiiears: i got the dvd with the 5 in there | 08:35 |
CaptainMorgan | ;) | 08:35 |
polpak | medulla: quake 1, 2, 3 and 4 | 08:35 |
nekostar | LOL | 08:35 |
nekostar | thats great CaptainMorgan :) if you would make a post about it in the forums that would document it better :) | 08:36 |
medulla | lol... NO only Quake 1... | 08:36 |
SurfnKid | just wonder about it installed under linux | 08:36 |
andres | have a problem in dapper using amsn, help ppl ! prv those can help please! | 08:36 |
nekostar | andres, dammit | 08:36 |
iiiears | Surfinkid - Me too. They threw in some nice extras. Editors and divx walkthroughs | 08:36 |
medulla | man... hes never gonna get help... | 08:36 |
polpak | medulla: um.. all the quakes work natively in linux | 08:36 |
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nekostar | im trying to help you and your not responding | 08:36 |
nekostar | ~_~ | 08:36 |
nekostar | RESPOND ALREADY | 08:36 |
CaptainMorgan | nekostar: particular link? I don't frequent forums too much... | 08:36 |
nekostar | !FORUMS | 08:36 |
nekostar | er sorry bout the caps | 08:36 |
nekostar | lol | 08:36 |
nekostar | !forum | 08:36 |
ubotu | I heard forum is try asking your question at the ubuntu web forums at http://www.ubuntuforums.org | 08:36 |
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nekostar | :) | 08:36 |
=== lastnode_ is now known as lastnode | ||
SurfnKid | iiiears: yeah, i use it only under windows to avoid graphics installation issues, but i have to try it under linux, now that ive got the glx card running well | 08:37 |
medulla | well... im off to look for these magikal games you speak of... | 08:37 |
polpak | nekostar: he wants you to private message him, that way he doesn't have to actually listen to the channel | 08:37 |
nekostar | andres, no problems here so deal with it | 08:37 |
nekostar | polpak, not happening | 08:37 |
polpak | medulla: and when I said doom I meant doom 3 | 08:37 |
nekostar | :) | 08:37 |
=== Oddzball [n=Oddzball@12-214-36-88.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
iiiears | Doom 3 has a linux port. | 08:38 |
nekostar | hm amsn is actually quite smooth :) | 08:38 |
Oddzball | Aug, I am having a hell of a time getting an external monitor to work with Ubuntu.. | 08:38 |
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polpak | iiiears: I know that's what I was saying | 08:38 |
nekostar | Oddzball, what about this monitor ? | 08:38 |
SurfnKid | nekostar: i cant get emoticons under breezy going, just dapper | 08:38 |
medulla | as opposed to an internal monitor? what good would that do you... unless you had a plexi case... | 08:38 |
Oddzball | It just doesnt display anything, its not getting a signal | 08:39 |
Oddzball | And I am running a notebook so when i say external i mean the LCD screen, versus my notebook screen | 08:39 |
KyoLptp` | lol | 08:39 |
=== momoru [n=michael@ppp-169-21.vci.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KyoLptp` | is there a linux port of Half Life 2? | 08:39 |
medulla | man... clear panel lapy... sweet | 08:40 |
andres | nekostar: got my msg_ | 08:40 |
medulla | lol | 08:40 |
andres | ? | 08:40 |
nekostar | andre, im not taking pm's from you | 08:40 |
nekostar | and no i didnt | 08:40 |
iiiears | KyoLptp`: No, Though it will run with Cedega. Transgaming. | 08:40 |
SurfnKid | i need to get half life | 08:40 |
Oddzball | neko, i edited xorg.conf to look like this.. | 08:40 |
andres | ok thanks for nothing :P | 08:40 |
prwlr | Oddzball, have you tried another OS on that LCD? does it run? | 08:40 |
KrisWood | wtf, dapper doesn't come with cvs? | 08:40 |
KyoLptp` | The last time I tried Cedega was with Jedi Academy | 08:40 |
nekostar | !paste | 08:40 |
ubotu | Please do not flood the channel! Use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting long texts as it does not distrupt the channel. You might also want to install the "webboard" package from Universe. | 08:40 |
KyoLptp` | And I could barely navigate the menus much less start a game. | 08:41 |
nekostar | Oddzball, paste there | 08:41 |
nekostar | :D | 08:41 |
eobanb | KrisWood, what percent of users do you think use cvs? | 08:41 |
iiiears | Oddzball: "Xinerama" ?? | 08:41 |
nekostar | sudo apt-get install cvs | 08:41 |
nekostar | ~_~ | 08:41 |
eobanb | KrisWood, and what percent of users that DO use cvs wouldnt know how to install it with one simple apt-get install | 08:41 |
eobanb | KrisWood, there's a reason Ubuntu can fit on one CD :) | 08:41 |
KyoLptp` | Now, that was just the Quake 3 engine. I don't want to think about running Source through that... | 08:41 |
Oddzball | http://www.granneman.com/techinfo/linux/installation/dualheadhowto.htm | 08:41 |
nekostar | /ignore andres | 08:42 |
=== konfuzed [n=Konf@H211.C18.B96.tor.eicat.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KyoLptp` | And what's with all the apt-get this, apt-get that? | 08:42 |
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nekostar | Oddzball, what vid card | 08:42 |
eobanb | !tell KyoLptp` about apt | 08:42 |
konfuzed | well that dappe install seems to be off to a good start | 08:42 |
polpak | KyoLptp`: I think Jedi knight2 has a linux port | 08:42 |
KyoLptp` | Why don't you guys just recommend Synaptic? lol | 08:42 |
KyoLptp` | I know about apt, lol | 08:42 |
Oddzball | radeon mobility 9700, i am runing off the DVI port on the back of the notebook | 08:42 |
garryfre | Cedega is an oriental word for the special sort of Ki required to send one's fist through the front of a monitor and out the back. See Jidi.Darkside. | 08:42 |
polpak | KyoLptp`: cause it's hard to instruct someone how to navigate through synaptic | 08:42 |
nekostar | ah | 08:42 |
KyoLptp` | No. | 08:42 |
KyoLptp` | Just tell them to search for what they want/need | 08:42 |
eobanb | KyoLptp`, because it's easier to say 'sudo apt-get whatever' instead of 'open System, then Synaptic, then choose the whatever category, and then choose whatever, check the box, and hit apply' | 08:43 |
nekostar | http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Dual_Monitors <<--- best dual howto i know of | 08:43 |
KyoLptp` | :( | 08:43 |
Etheri | command line apt-get is far easier than synaptic when you're only getting a few packages | 08:43 |
prwlr | and using the term is much much cooler than a gui thingy :p | 08:43 |
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KyoLptp` | Yeah, but it's still good to know that Synaptic is there | 08:43 |
garryfre | cli junkies! :) | 08:43 |
iiiears | apt is nice synaptic is better if you install something and have second thoughts about it. | 08:43 |
eobanb | KyoLptp`, that's fine, use synaptic. no one is saying you must use apt | 08:43 |
eobanb | iiiears, apparently you have not heard of apt-get remove | 08:44 |
konfuzed | wow 12 minutes to copy files | 08:44 |
nekostar | ............ | 08:44 |
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nekostar | so is deborphan eobanb | 08:44 |
nekostar | :D | 08:44 |
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Oddzball | Also re-emerge your window manager with the xinerama USE flag. <<?? What the hell does that mean? | 08:45 |
eobanb | Oddzball, that's for gentoo.. | 08:45 |
Oddzball | oh | 08:45 |
iiiears | emerge is a suse thing no? | 08:45 |
eobanb | uh, no. | 08:45 |
iiiears | ah gentoo | 08:45 |
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Oddzball | Well I have Section "ServerFlags" | 08:45 |
Oddzball | Option "Xinerama" "ON" | 08:45 |
Oddzball | EndSection | 08:45 |
Oddzball | so what else am i doing wrong | 08:46 |
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medulla | ok... is there an "ipconfig /all" like command for ubuntu? | 08:46 |
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Hoxzer | is there any commands that could fix my system if it seems to be broken because of the update :/ | 08:46 |
eobanb | medulla, ifconfig | 08:46 |
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medulla | thx | 08:46 |
=== gebeleizis [n=chatzill@host92-43.pool877.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KyoLptp` | awesome | 08:46 |
KyoLptp` | the border's disappeared in all of my windows | 08:46 |
KyoLptp` | damn glitchy aiglx | 08:47 |
medulla | has anyone used 3ddesktop? | 08:47 |
eobanb | KyoLptp`, aiglx is alpha-stage software | 08:47 |
Oddzball | bah, ill figure it out tommorrow | 08:48 |
Oddzball | thanks guys | 08:48 |
KyoLptp` | well, I know | 08:48 |
=== Oddzball [n=Oddzball@12-214-36-88.client.mchsi.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
prwlr | Hoxzer, have you looked into Synaptic broken packages? | 08:48 |
iiiears | G'nite Oddz | 08:48 |
Hoxzer | prwlr: well synaptic usually whines if there is broken packages | 08:48 |
prwlr | Hoxzer, what's broken anyway | 08:49 |
=== kellie [n=kellie@c-67-185-40-217.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hoxzer | prwlr: well, gedit crashes and file-roller crashes and everything seems just to be broken | 08:49 |
Hoxzer | like the desktop ... | 08:50 |
=== dominion [n=Gab@home-3221125.galati.astral.ro] has joined #ubuntu | ||
medulla | ok... i put an old harddrive in... and it says it wasnt able to mount it? | 08:50 |
Hoxzer | when azureus tries to notice something with a popup I can't close it | 08:50 |
=== magic [n=ramiro@adsl-70-234-242-222.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
medulla | any quick fix? | 08:50 |
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Hoxzer | also synaptic whines about somethings not working after every package install | 08:50 |
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medulla | anyone still here? | 08:51 |
=== ZDUX [n=zdux0012@cpe-66-75-110-44.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
terrapen | So, I'm new to Ubuntu...I've been using BSD for a long while...when can I expect to see this new kernel be released through the software update system? | 08:52 |
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Flannel | terrapen: october | 08:52 |
ZDUX | Hi, can I ask for some help mounting a DVD ? | 08:52 |
terrapen | I'd build it myself but I don't think I'm supposed to do that sort of thing with Ubuntu :) | 08:52 |
magic | Hi guys! | 08:52 |
=== mada [n=max@ip70-179-171-74.dl.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eobanb | welcome, magic | 08:52 |
=== prgrmr [n=NA@bzq-88-154-56-20.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
magic | hey I got a little problem | 08:53 |
eobanb | ask away. | 08:53 |
mada | shoot | 08:53 |
magic | my video does not look good at all. | 08:53 |
magic | it looks too bright | 08:53 |
iiiears | terrapen - BSD is fun. compared to dentistry. - grin | 08:53 |
eobanb | too bright? | 08:53 |
magic | yes | 08:53 |
mada | magic: desktop or laptop? | 08:53 |
ZDUX | I'm getting an error message mount: no medium found error: could not execute pmount | 08:54 |
magic | desktop | 08:54 |
eobanb | magic, i assume you've tried adjusting your monitor's controls | 08:54 |
magic | is an hp pavillion 513c | 08:54 |
mada | magic: lcd panel or crt monitor? | 08:54 |
terrapen | well, it's simple and works well...but none of the BSDs support this new Dell laptop that work gave me...so I tried Ubuntu...and I really like it | 08:54 |
terrapen | will it really take 4 months to get a kernel upgrade? | 08:54 |
eobanb | four months? no, i really doubt that. | 08:54 |
=== magical_trevsky [n=magical@80-45-41-53.static.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
terrapen | Well, I /am/ two versions behind now | 08:55 |
mada | terrapen: yeah, after dapper was released it took 2 weeks for a kernel upgrade | 08:55 |
magic | I tried all of that, all the still pctures look ok, but once I play video is not good. | 08:55 |
medulla | i have the same issue as ZDUX... but mine is a harddrive, not a DVD | 08:55 |
terrapen | haven't seen a 2.6.16 | 08:55 |
Flannel | terrapen: well, kernel will change with the next upgrade. each release versions are fixed (save bugfixes) | 08:55 |
terrapen | splice sounds appealing | 08:55 |
eobanb | terrapen, is there something specific in .16 or .17 that you need? | 08:55 |
mada | ah, i'm in .15 | 08:55 |
iiiears | 2.6.17 was released this week wasn't it? | 08:55 |
ZDUX | medulla, do you think it is a problem with ubuntu? I can mount with windows | 08:55 |
terrapen | eobanb, I wanted to try splice | 08:55 |
eobanb | iiiears, correct | 08:55 |
mada | iiiears: yup | 08:56 |
ZDUX | maybe we should report it as an error | 08:56 |
terrapen | I can wait. My first linux kernel was, I believe, 0.96 | 08:56 |
medulla | i doubt its a problem with ubuntu... | 08:56 |
terrapen | I just thought that splice() sounded neat | 08:56 |
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medulla | i really doubt its an ubuntu error, we just dont know what to do... | 08:57 |
magic | mada, in windows all the videos look great. | 08:57 |
iiiears | Give me the kernel that supports wireless. - then is the time to get excited. | 08:57 |
magic | I got a dual boot. | 08:57 |
Flannel | terrapen: but yeah, it doesn't take four months to add it, it just won't be in dapper, it'll be in Edgy though. | 08:57 |
terrapen | not that it will do much for laptop users, though.... | 08:57 |
ZDUX | medulla: any theroy on it? | 08:57 |
terrapen | iiiears: what wireles? | 08:57 |
=== Kiko0123 [i=Kiko0123@modemcable237.199-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
medulla | ZDUX: did you install the DVD rom before or after you installed ubuntu? | 08:57 |
mada | magic: its probably a config file or just a setting ... your running ubuntu (not kubuntu or xubuntu)? | 08:58 |
terrapen | Flannel, I see... | 08:58 |
ZDUX | umm,,, I don't remember | 08:58 |
magic | mada, actually xubuntu. | 08:58 |
iiiears | Digg has a blurb on a company releasing code for native wireless support. | 08:58 |
ZDUX | medulla: actually both, I reinstalled ubuntu for antoher reason and it still doesn't work | 08:58 |
terrapen | Is xubuntu anything more than ubuntu with Xfce? Am I missing somethign? | 08:58 |
mada | magic: ahhhh ... damn, i don't know what config tool XFCE4 offers off the top of my head, lemme check something | 08:58 |
terrapen | iiiears: for what? | 08:59 |
spikeb | terrapen: not really. it's xfce instead of gnome, and different apps, and it's already configured. that's about it | 08:59 |
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magic | mada, what about if I upgrade to ubuntu desktop, can that help? | 08:59 |
=== MistaED [n=mistaed@210-84-55-28.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ZDUX | actually, I don't understand ubuntu. I used debian before, I don't see how it is different or easier | 08:59 |
ZDUX | I'm pretty new to linux maybe I just haven't run across the differences | 09:00 |
medulla | s there anyone else here who can help? | 09:00 |
terrapen | I just put Xfce on regular Ubuntu and I'm happy | 09:01 |
terrapen | I really want to try wmii though | 09:01 |
terrapen | http://wmii.de/ | 09:01 |
terrapen | I really prefer keyboard-driven WMs | 09:01 |
Hoxzer | btw has somebody here tried amd64 version of ubuntu 6.06? | 09:01 |
spikeb | that might be in the repos, have you checked? | 09:01 |
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mada | magic: like switching from xubuntu to ubuntu? ... it might, there might be some auto detection that didnt happen because you went an alternate route | 09:01 |
terrapen | spike, I've only checked in the default repository that comes set up by default in the synaptic package manager | 09:01 |
medulla | mada: do you know about any issues with drives not mounting? | 09:01 |
terrapen | again, I'm really new to Ubuntu and come from a build-it-yourself world :P | 09:01 |
medulla | "error: could not execute pmount" | 09:01 |
magenet | Hello, i installed some smb and nfs stuff when i clicked shared folders now i cant see my other windows pc it keeps asking user n pass and i put it and it dont let me in. | 09:01 |
=== tombs [n=tombs@ip5650dcfa.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
iiiears | http://digg.com/linux_unix/Coming_soon:_Native_Wi-Fi_support_for_Linux | 09:02 |
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=== gatita_linea_15 [n=gatita_l@239.Red-80-24-86.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gatita_linea_15 | olaaaaaaaaaaaaa | 09:02 |
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-69-3-237-119.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gatita_linea_15 | alguien dela linea???? | 09:02 |
terrapen | ZDUX, my impressions (as a new Ubuntu user) are that Ubuntu has a nice graphical installer, has a well thought out default wm setup, and has a more active user community | 09:03 |
mada | medulla: never heard of the error ... lemme look something up | 09:03 |
terrapen | and a pretty friendly community at that | 09:03 |
iiiears | someone ?? line? | 09:03 |
iiiears | !es | 09:03 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 09:03 |
gatita_linea_15 | olaaa | 09:03 |
terrapen | Native? how is it not native already? | 09:03 |
gatita_linea_15 | alguien dela lineaaa | 09:03 |
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magenet | >.> | 09:03 |
Madpilot | gatita_linea_15, /join #ubuntu-es | 09:03 |
iiiears | We will help - but espanol isn't the primero lingua aqui. | 09:04 |
=== rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-76-121.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mada | medulla: what exactly are you trying to do when you get this error? | 09:04 |
terrapen | only the binary blob firmwares would be non-native | 09:04 |
magic | para espanol oprima el 2 =) | 09:04 |
mjb | Hey I have a phone with a usb flash... It comes up as device unknown on the manager Is there any generic driver I can set up for basic file io? | 09:04 |
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terrapen | magic: haha | 09:04 |
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iiiears | terrapen: It is a kernal interface to ease the pain for developers. | 09:04 |
medulla | mada: this link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive helps my problem im pretty sure... but if you can find one that does the same thing for DVD roms for ZDUX... | 09:05 |
terrapen | magic, you must be from south texas, too :) | 09:05 |
magic | mada, just wondering, if I switch to ubuntu, I can always go back to xubuntu right? | 09:05 |
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=== Davo_Dinkum [n=Davo_Din@c211-28-142-55.sunsh3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | magic: yep. | 09:05 |
magic | north texas | 09:05 |
terrapen | ah | 09:05 |
mada | magic: sure can | 09:05 |
terrapen | <--- from San Antonio, lives in Utah | 09:05 |
mjb | any takers on my usb q? | 09:05 |
gatita_linea_15 | olaaa | 09:05 |
gatita_linea_15 | aiii | 09:05 |
medulla | im from Grapevine Tx yall... not too far from dallas | 09:06 |
gatita_linea_15 | alguien dela lineaaa | 09:06 |
magenet | ubuntu shud make a "restore point system" lmao for idiots like me | 09:06 |
magic | OK I'll do the switch. | 09:06 |
=== Tomcat_ [n=tomcat@p54A18532.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Davo_Dinkum | hi ppl | 09:07 |
iiiears | magenet:"mondo" is close to it but not quite there. | 09:07 |
magic | go mavs!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 09:07 |
Davo_Dinkum | wats ur usb q mjb? | 09:07 |
medulla | stfu... | 09:07 |
magic | oh sorry. | 09:07 |
medulla | =( | 09:07 |
magic | wrong chatroom | 09:07 |
mada | medulla: i'm in Huntsville, TX | 09:07 |
mjb | I have an erricson mobile with a flash I was hoping to get it mounted | 09:07 |
magic | Fort Worth TX | 09:08 |
iiiears | mada - rocket city. | 09:08 |
magenet | cool | 09:08 |
mjb | it's coming up as unknown devixe in the manager | 09:08 |
Davo_Dinkum | so ur upgrading the firmware? | 09:08 |
=== lukketto [n=lukketto@host40-190.pool877.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
magenet | my smb keeps asking me for user domain and pass i put the correct info nothing happens | 09:08 |
mada | iiiears: w00t | 09:08 |
mjb | no errors when I tail the messages log | 09:08 |
=== zenit [n=whocarez@cube.iu.hio.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mada | magic: my g/f lives in burleson ... errr, is from there, we live together now (we both attend Sam Houston State) | 09:09 |
=== albert [n=moonblad@108.39-124-222.mma-astinet.telkom.net.id] has joined #ubuntu | ||
albert | hi all ! | 09:09 |
mjb | Any ideas Dave_Dinkum? | 09:09 |
=== J4t [n=jonatan@c-1ec972d5.03-2115-73746f36.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
albert | does ubuntu has stuffs that's able to play commercial dvds in it's installation CDs ? | 09:10 |
albert | (just asking, never used ubuntu before) =) | 09:10 |
=== robrien [n=Reed@208-58-195-117.c3-0.grg-ubr2.lnh-grg.md.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mjb | on a side note how do I direct messages to specific users on xchat | 09:10 |
=== blooe [n=chatzill@Kitchener-HSE-ppp3565498.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
magic | mada, that's awsome, you guys are the first people I know that use linux in Texas, no one else. | 09:11 |
Davo_Dinkum | xchat? wat os are you using mjb? | 09:11 |
iiiears | ubotu tell about albert !restrictedformats | 09:11 |
mjb | erm ubuntu... | 09:11 |
albert | !restrictedformats | 09:11 |
ubotu | see !restricted | 09:11 |
mjb | its the default irc | 09:11 |
albert | !restricted | 09:11 |
ubotu | restricted is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats. This page's intent is to enable you to play most non-free media formats that are not DRM encoded. Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats. | 09:11 |
Davo_Dinkum | cant u just click on the user u wanna talk to, mjb? | 09:11 |
mada | magic: she doesn't but i have been a debian user for 5 years and then i just switched to ubuntu for my desktop when dapper released ... i actually have the debian swirl tattooed on me, i live for linux | 09:11 |
mjb | is that it? | 09:12 |
D1 | !FreeFormats | 09:12 |
ubotu | There are a large number of Free Formats which are preferred over patent and copyright encumbered formats. They are listed here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeFormats | 09:12 |
magic | mada, cool | 09:12 |
=== caHEk [n=saniok@241-101.dialup.alkar.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
albert | ubotu, thanks for the info .. if you're a bot, you're a very intelligent one indeed | 09:12 |
ubotu | pas de quoi, albert | 09:12 |
Davo_Dinkum | if the DVD doesnt have CSS, u can play it without using non-free software, right? | 09:12 |
iiiears | !botsnack | 09:12 |
ubotu | :) | 09:12 |
Davo_Dinkum | mjb: probably. its worth a shot | 09:12 |
=== Discipulus [n=disc@unaffiliated/discipulus] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | mjb: you need to be registered to send private messages on freenode | 09:12 |
albert | no you're not a bot :) | 09:13 |
pc22 | i installed ubuntu as server how do i put xfce? | 09:13 |
albert | i'm currently using suse 10. and it's default xmms cant even play mp3s without installing mad packages .. | 09:13 |
HedgeMage | pc22: apt-get install xfce | 09:13 |
mjb | okidoki... anyway any tricks to get this usb device mounted? | 09:13 |
iiiears | apt-get xfce-desktop ?? | 09:13 |
Flannel | pc22: apt-get install xubuntu-desktop | 09:13 |
albert | the xine, kaffeine, totem cant play dvds | 09:13 |
=== Sonderblade [n=mah@host-] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mada | magic: :) yeah ... i am slowly becoming lazy with linux as i get into higher level computer science courses, hence the move to ubuntu ... i just like shit to function for me | 09:13 |
pc22 | cool | 09:13 |
HedgeMage | pc22: what Flannel said is probably the one you're looking for if you want the whole shebang | 09:14 |
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iiiears | mada - Former gentoo user? | 09:14 |
caHEk | HI | 09:14 |
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cat | hey what kernel does ubuntu used on installation? | 09:14 |
Flannel | cat: which version of ubuntu? | 09:14 |
iiiears | I386 | 09:14 |
pc22 | thanks\ | 09:14 |
=== retodd [n=opera@adsl-69-228-51-35.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cat | drapper | 09:15 |
pc22 | thanks Flannel | 09:15 |
mada | iiiears: i tried it, but no ... former debian user ... for roughly 5 years, but i have tried everything from slackware to redhat and from gentoo to suse | 09:15 |
Flannel | cat: it's dapper, and it uses | 09:15 |
caHEk | on my ubuntu max resolution 1024x768. How can i do 1280X1024 ? | 09:15 |
iiiears | mada - the single CD install hooked me. | 09:15 |
Davo_Dinkum | hows debian? is it as easy as ubuntu to install? | 09:15 |
mada | caHEk: edit your X config file | 09:16 |
Flannel | !tell caHEk about resolution | 09:16 |
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Davo_Dinkum | caHEk: did u restart ur PC? that worked for me | 09:16 |
=== KeithWeisshar [i=KeithWei@pool-70-111-254-240.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mada | iiiears: the fact that it is everything that i use on debian and is configed completely for the desktop and still gives me apt-get totally sold me | 09:16 |
magic | I played for almost a year with the live CD, I just installed xubuntu the day 6.06 was released, being not a pro in computers, it was really easy to install, and I like it. | 09:16 |
ZDUX | can someone help me mount a dvd ? | 09:16 |
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KeithWeisshar | why does the ubuntu desktop cd overwrote both the mbr and embr that is used for BootIt NG from terabyteunlimited.com | 09:17 |
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KeithWeisshar | it overwrites the bootit MBR and EMBR without asking when installing grub | 09:17 |
=== daaku [n=daaku@c-24-6-243-121.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Davo_Dinkum | anyone using ubuntu on an EFI based machine? | 09:17 |
iiiears | KeithWeisshar: You can choose not to change your mbr as part of the install. | 09:18 |
KeithWeisshar | BootIt NG allows more than 4 partitions to be created using the EMBR. | 09:18 |
magic | See you later partners. | 09:18 |
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Davo_Dinkum | cya | 09:18 |
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KeithWeisshar | the desktop cd doesn't provide the option where to install the boot loader | 09:18 |
mada | magic: yeah, ubuntu is uber easy to use for anyone which is why it has so much linux market share (so to speak) and it is still based on the power house that is debian ... w00t ;) | 09:18 |
magic | ah | 09:18 |
KeithWeisshar | it just installs to the MBR | 09:18 |
=== kbrust [n=kbrust@p54B6FE72.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
daaku | anyone know if what would be the difference between installing ubuntu using ubquity and installing it using debootstrap? | 09:18 |
ZDUX | mada: how is it easier? can you explain that to me? | 09:19 |
magic | mada, got to go man c u later. | 09:19 |
mada | later magic | 09:19 |
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hd420 | i just downloaded a file from a friend in UHA format... how do I play this file? VLC can't handle it, nor can real audio | 09:20 |
mada | ZDUX: how is ubuntu easier? | 09:20 |
KeithWeisshar | Do you have BootIt NG | 09:20 |
ZDUX | mada: yes | 09:20 |
Davo_Dinkum | hd: wats the file extension? | 09:20 |
ZDUX | mada: I've tried debia, mandriva, red hat, dsl | 09:20 |
hd420 | Davo: "uha" | 09:20 |
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mada | ZDUX: the entire install can be done from a graphical livecd and you don't even have to know what the bash shell is to make the entire OS fully functional and it auto checks for updates ... i just find all of that convenient for a desktop | 09:21 |
mada | ZDUX: my dual opteron server runs debian and always will, but for my desktop ... ubuntu is just more convenient | 09:21 |
KeithWeisshar | is there any way to configure the boot loader options on the graphical installer | 09:21 |
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KeithWeisshar | it always installs grub to the MBR and EMBR without asking | 09:22 |
ZDUX | mada: is there anything else? I mean the directory structure or something ? | 09:22 |
ZDUX | mada: it just seems like I could set up any linuz to do that. I don't see the advantage (I'm new to linux, and I'm a programmer) | 09:22 |
mada | ZDUX: naw, directory struture is pretty standard and almost mirror image to debian, so its just firmiliar to me | 09:22 |
mada | ZDUX: well then download and try to install and manage slackware or gentoo during daily use and with doing updates and you will understand where i am coming from | 09:23 |
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mada | ZDUX: i am a programmer :) | 09:23 |
ZDUX | mada: are the differences between distros don't seem very different to me. Just programs that come with it are different, or the package management is different | 09:24 |
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ZDUX | mada: sorry I had a brain fart half way though the sentence | 09:24 |
aftertaf | ZDUX, package management differs with distros. | 09:24 |
ZDUX | I like apt-get | 09:25 |
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mada | ZDUX: yup, thats pretty much the only difference, different people feel more comfortable with apt, some with yum, others with emerge ... so those will use what they like | 09:25 |
mada | ZDUX: no prob | 09:25 |
=== KrisWood [n=deathwis@c-71-236-129-41.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KrisWood | how do I open a .rar file? | 09:25 |
aftertaf | that and the /etc/rcx.d runlmevel system and hierarchy can chage too.... | 09:25 |
killaz | too bad enemy territory doesnt come in the ubuntu packages :D | 09:25 |
aftertaf | Kristophe, unrar. | 09:25 |
hd420 | Kriswood: apt-get install unrar | 09:26 |
Davo_Dinkum | is that free software? | 09:26 |
aftertaf | lol enemy territory? no ;) | 09:26 |
aftertaf | unrar, 2 versions i think. | 09:26 |
killaz | it's free! | 09:26 |
KrisWood | hd420: thanks :) | 09:26 |
mada | ZDUX: the reason there are so many distros are what comes standard with different ones might cater to one user but not to another, along with the package management and even things like dsl for older machines ... each distro is still linux, but is just specifically different to the user it tries to cater to | 09:26 |
=== Lehmaee [i=i_lehmae@a84-231-224-132.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KeithWeisshar | I have a gateway and it messed up the f11 system recovery when i installed ubuntu from the desktop cd | 09:27 |
Davo_Dinkum | RAR is proprietary: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAR | 09:27 |
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killaz | aftertaf: enemy territory is free.... :p | 09:28 |
KeithWeisshar | gateway uses a custom mbr for the system recovery | 09:28 |
mada | KeithWeisshar: no it didn't, you just didn't partition it correctly | 09:28 |
ZDUX | I don't get one thing about linux. If I have a few hard drives installed. Then I save a lot of files in my home directory, then I want to remove that hard drive from the computer., I never really know where the files in my home directory were saved. Is this correct? | 09:28 |
aftertaf | ZDUX, depends where home was mounted is all. | 09:28 |
mada | KeithWeisshar: no they don't, they just keep the recovery in a different partition ... i used to do tech support for them | 09:28 |
KeithWeisshar | it overwrites the gateway mbr | 09:29 |
hd420 | how do i extract UHarc files? | 09:29 |
KeithWeisshar | when installing grub | 09:29 |
aftertaf | ZDUX, no c: d: e: f: g: , all in / like dns hierarchy. | 09:29 |
KeithWeisshar | the recovery partition is still there but the mbr is overwritten by grub | 09:29 |
mada | KeithWeisshar: yeah, but if the partition is detected and not overwritten, then it will be added to the grub config (in theory) | 09:29 |
mada | KeithWeisshar: oh, nvm ... i didn't read that right | 09:29 |
ZDUX | I see,, so I can insure that all of my files are on a specific hard drive then | 09:30 |
mada | KeithWeisshar: ok, do you know the label of the recovery partition? | 09:30 |
aftertaf | ZDUX, exactly. | 09:30 |
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KeithWeisshar | recovery but it shows up as windows nt in the boot menu | 09:30 |
KeithWeisshar | the recovery partiton shows up as windows nt | 09:30 |
ZDUX | I've been reading about the new windows,, I really don't like it. If I wanted a macintosh I would just get a macintosh | 09:31 |
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aftertaf | ZDUX, with 3gb ram needed,right? | 09:31 |
mada | KeithWeisshar: ohhh ok, then you just need to change the label to say "Gateway Recovery Partition" .. easy fix :) | 09:31 |
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ZDUX | oh,, I missed that | 09:31 |
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ZDUX | really 3 gb ram? that must be for the full visual effects (see though oooh) | 09:32 |
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aftertaf | ZDUX, possible sarcasm on my behalf ;) | 09:32 |
KeithWeisshar | what happens if i lose the gateway recovery partition using option erase entire disk | 09:32 |
ZDUX | I know the new os is pretty bloated | 09:33 |
someothernick | you can't recover your windows | 09:33 |
KeithWeisshar | erase entire disk will erase both the xp and the recovery partition | 09:33 |
DR_kK13 | Vista is a POS] | 09:33 |
mada | KeithWeisshar: yup | 09:33 |
someothernick | yes | 09:33 |
redeye | u wont be able to use the xp cd | 09:33 |
mada | KeithWeisshar: erase entire disk will frag all data on the hdd | 09:33 |
KeithWeisshar | how do i get back xp | 09:33 |
mada | KeithWeisshar: without the recovery partition? | 09:34 |
someothernick | there should be a way to make a disk out of your recover partition | 09:34 |
redeye | u have to get a full install xp cd | 09:34 |
someothernick | bootable recovery cd | 09:34 |
KeithWeisshar | i have called gateway and ordered the recovery dvd | 09:34 |
mada | KeithWeisshar: call gateway and tell them you need recovery cds ... costs 35USD | 09:34 |
aftertaf | DR_kK13, POS? | 09:34 |
mada | KeithWeisshar: oh, then you don't need the recovery partition ... they both do the same thing | 09:34 |
DR_kK13 | piece of sh!t | 09:34 |
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aftertaf | oki ;) | 09:34 |
iiiears | they are free in the first 90 days | 09:35 |
someothernick | if he was to use the recovery partition wouldn't it write over ubuntu | 09:35 |
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mada | iiiears: didn't know that ... i always charged people :P | 09:35 |
someothernick | unless its on a separate drive | 09:35 |
xenex | i must watch porn, then go to sleep | 09:35 |
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iiiears | lol - | 09:35 |
DR_kK13 | even the wintendo fan boys dont like vista, granted its still Beta | 09:35 |
mada | lol xenex | 09:35 |
Davo_Dinkum | how can u delete the old kernel images? | 09:35 |
aftertaf | Davo_Dinkum, apt-get remove the packages | 09:36 |
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aftertaf | or in synaptic..... but dont remove all of em.. (like i did once :) ) | 09:36 |
DR_kK13 | I wist I could apt-get remove brain for a while | 09:36 |
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Madpilot | aftertaf, what happens when you remove all the images? | 09:36 |
aftertaf | Madpilot, you end up with a funky kernel panic :) | 09:37 |
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iiiears | anything windows writes to your disk the gparted live cd can resize | 09:37 |
concept10 | any fluxbox users here? | 09:37 |
ZDUX | rebooting... | 09:37 |
Madpilot | aftertaf, I bet - was the machine bootable? | 09:37 |
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aftertaf | Madpilot, no . | 09:37 |
mada | concept10: i used to swear by it | 09:37 |
aftertaf | Madpilot, but cunning combined with a recovery cd and chroot got me up and running in 30 minutes :) | 09:37 |
Madpilot | aftertaf, good job! Lesson learned: be careful what you delete! ;) | 09:38 |
aftertaf | Madpilot, actually, i reoved all but the latest kernel, which had had an apt-upgrade. which made it kernel panic..... | 09:38 |
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aftertaf | totally :) hence my post ;) | 09:38 |
KeithWeisshar | the recovery will overwrite ubuntu | 09:38 |
Davo_Dinkum | never had a KP on ubuntu :D | 09:38 |
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concept10 | I have this problem with fonts in Fluxbox. I primarily use Gnome by default, but when I decide to use my fluxbox environement, the fonts are small - I get around this by loading the gnome-theme-manager. Any suggestions? | 09:38 |
KeithWeisshar | i can no longer boot ubuntu after using recovery dvd | 09:38 |
concept10 | mada, *** | 09:38 |
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mada | concept10: wait ... you load the gnome-theme-manager in fluxbox and it changes the fonts? | 09:39 |
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DR_kK13 | I like flux | 09:40 |
DR_kK13 | havent intalled it on dapper yet. I just installed | 09:40 |
DR_kK13 | lots better then the old version | 09:40 |
DR_kK13 | I like bacon and cheese sammiches | 09:40 |
KeithWeisshar | the gateway came with an os recovery CD but no drivers included, it had drivers in the recovery partition | 09:40 |
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wulax | concept10: try this http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Openbox#Fonts_in_gtk_apps | 09:40 |
concept10 | mada, I started doing that, because it brings the gnome-look into fluxbox | 09:40 |
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mada | KeithWeisshar: drivers aren't needed, as long as you have a net connection you can download them all from the gateway website | 09:41 |
KeithWeisshar | the gateway came with a minimal os recovery dvd but i had to create the drivers and application recovery dvd on my own | 09:41 |
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KeithWeisshar | the os recovery dvd doesn't include the intel network driver | 09:41 |
wulax | concept10: you need to edit $HOME/.gtkrc.mine | 09:41 |
mada | concept10: ahhh, rgr ... lemme go find you a link that i think will help | 09:41 |
iiiears | << -- 8 '03 then 10 '05 and now 12 CDs to install windows to an Pavillion OEM machine. - 1 CD for Ubutnu. - 3+ hours to install patch and configure windows. | 09:41 |
mada | KeithWeisshar: rgr, well that can be an issue | 09:41 |
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KeithWeisshar | the recovery dvd doesn't include any drivers | 09:41 |
someothernick | iiiears, lol | 09:42 |
KeithWeisshar | it's only a minimal cd containing the windows xp media center os | 09:42 |
concept10 | wulax, mada : thanks guys , that gives me a starting point | 09:42 |
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wulax | concept10: it works, even though it's for arch linux | 09:43 |
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KeithWeisshar | the gateway website only includes updated drivers, not the drivers that were included on the recovery partition | 09:43 |
KeithWeisshar | it only includes drivers that were updated since the system was shipped | 09:43 |
mada | iiiears: and what is awesome about HPs with ubuntu is that EVERYTHING functions, even media keys on keyboards and such because HP puts so much into the linux community, ubuntu includes their work and support their hardware | 09:43 |
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DR_kK13 | how would I make Flux like borders in Gnome? anyone have a window theme? | 09:43 |
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kat2 | Q: I've just hooked in my second HD and would like to mount it - any hints? | 09:44 |
bingogu | how do i remove a directory even it's not empty ?how can i force to del it ? | 09:44 |
KeithWeisshar | gateway also includes powerdvd and nero in the recovery partition | 09:44 |
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aftertaf | !tell kat2 about mount | 09:44 |
concept10 | wula, post your last again (my fonts are going crazy in xchat) | 09:44 |
iiiears | mada - I keep buying for that reason. - laptops that use ATI video are a hassle. | 09:44 |
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KeithWeisshar | most of the preloaded software in the recovery partition are not downloadable | 09:44 |
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wulax | concept10: the link? | 09:44 |
KenSentMe | bingogu: sudo rm -rf <dir> | 09:44 |
medulla | kat2: i just did this less than 10 minutes ago... | 09:44 |
AMD_Tx | sudo rm -Rf directory i think | 09:44 |
medulla | i can help | 09:44 |
Davo_Dinkum | can u still buy gateway PCs in the states? i thought they went broke | 09:45 |
mada | concept10: http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net/docbook/en/fluxbox-docs.html#AEN1672 <--check that out about the fonts, should help | 09:45 |
AMD_Tx | i got a older gateway solo notebook its nice | 09:45 |
bingogu | thks kensentme | 09:45 |
DR_kK13 | I finally got my ATI lappy card running 3d, what a pain in the ass | 09:45 |
iiiears | Gateway was absorbed by EMachines | 09:45 |
wulax | mada: you only need to edit $HOME/.gtkrc.mine | 09:45 |
Locke__ | dude what the hell is with xpilot | 09:46 |
=== stc 'giorno | ||
Locke__ | you cant steer without using the lameass mouse? | 09:46 |
medulla | Kat2: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountPartitions?action=show&redirect=AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions | 09:46 |
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AMD_Tx | EMachines are crap | 09:46 |
concept10 | son of a .. I have to fix this, thanks wulax, later muda | 09:46 |
mada | wulax: oh, nvm ... i've never had font problems so i just went to the docs :P | 09:46 |
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Davo_Dinkum | is NTFS write ability working on ubuntu now? | 09:47 |
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iiiears | Davo_Dinkum: Make good backups. | 09:47 |
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iiiears | Davo_Dinkum: "ntfsprogs" | 09:47 |
shenki_ | crimsun: no luck with installing alsa-oss | 09:47 |
medulla | Davo: slightly... | 09:47 |
medulla | its not suggested... | 09:47 |
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Davo_Dinkum | its still pretty shoddy, aint it? | 09:48 |
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medulla | yes | 09:48 |
kat2 | Thank you. | 09:48 |
crimsun | shenki_: please put the output from ``asoundconf list && tail -2 /proc/asound/oss/sndstat && amixer'' onto http://pastebin.ca | 09:48 |
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david___ | Ahh, I asked this question a few minutes ago, but my internet connection dropped out, so sorry....I have created a new partition in what was previously blank space on my hard drive, and formatted it as fat32 to share files between windows and ubuntu. however when i try to mount it i get thef following error - error: device /dev/hda4 is not removable | 09:48 |
david___ | error: could not execute pmount | 09:48 |
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mantono^ | How can I load the nvidia-module with my server-kernel? | 09:49 |
aftertaf | david___, what is the exact command you type to mount it? | 09:49 |
luznegra | bye | 09:49 |
aftertaf | mantono, is it installed? | 09:49 |
mada | david___: try this in the command line "cat /etc/fstab" and see what it says for the partition | 09:49 |
david___ | I'm not sure of what I should do, but all I have done is used nautilus, right clicked on the drive, and selected mount | 09:50 |
iiiears | dacid__- Hm, give mounter.sh or winmac_fstab.sh a try. http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/ | 09:50 |
Davo_Dinkum | david: that should b fine | 09:50 |
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Davo_Dinkum | see if it shows up on ur desktop | 09:50 |
mantono^ | aftertaf: yes | 09:50 |
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mantono^ | it works good with another, older non-server kernel | 09:50 |
aftertaf | Mang|sleep, i'd follow the nvidia wiki then, it has the correct commands.... | 09:51 |
mada | iiiears ftw! | 09:51 |
aftertaf | !nvidia | 09:51 |
ubotu | methinks nvidia is a graphics card manufacturer. For help about installing the Nvidia drivers on Ubuntu, you can visit the Ubuntu WIki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 09:51 |
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iiiears | mada: ?? | 09:51 |
david___ | It shows up in the 'computer' section. when i run /etc/fstab /dev/hda4, which is my new partition doesnt appear | 09:51 |
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iiiears | david__ Typo? | 09:52 |
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aftertaf | david___, have you tried mounting it from console? | 09:52 |
david___ | no i havent | 09:52 |
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david___ | how could i do that? | 09:52 |
medulla | david: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountPartitions?action=show&redirect=AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions | 09:52 |
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david___ | thanks ill take a look | 09:52 |
shenki_ | crimsun: http://pastebin.ca/67074 | 09:52 |
medulla | those steps should work | 09:52 |
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medulla | worked for me | 09:52 |
crimsun | shenki_: ``uname -r'' | 09:53 |
iiiears | mdulla - does ubotu have a ! for that link? | 09:53 |
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shenki_ | crimsun: 2.6.15-25-386 | 09:53 |
shenki_ | crimsun: dapper with latest updates | 09:53 |
mada | iiiears: i said "you for the win" ... you fixed that guys problem with alot less effort than what i was going to put him through | 09:53 |
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iiiears | mada - Okay. guess i am batting 300 now. - rofl | 09:54 |
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Woxcer | Hi Everyone! | 09:54 |
crimsun | shenki_: do you normally have audible sound? | 09:54 |
mada | iiiears: lmfao!! | 09:54 |
shenki_ | crimsun: yes. for example, I'm currently getting the audible pings when you name me | 09:54 |
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SNow | hello! :) I have recently installed ubuntu in my laptop, and it has a broadcom ethernet controller.. and the thing is, that it sees the interface, I set up the ip, gateway subnet.. and it does not respond to ping | 09:55 |
crimsun | shenki_: ``lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*'' | 09:55 |
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SNow | when I had XP, it wasn't able to find that lan card either... so I had to install drivers .exe from hp.com | 09:55 |
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mada | SNow: sudo dhclient <interface> and see what happens | 09:55 |
SNow | but there aren't that kind of driver for linux | 09:56 |
SNow | mada I'm not using dhcp | 09:56 |
SNow | on my router | 09:56 |
mada | oh ... rgr | 09:56 |
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aftertaf | snoops, broadcom gigabit ethernet drivers... theyre in the kernel i'm sure... | 09:56 |
wulax | SNow: have you seen this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25683 | 09:56 |
mada | well i am wireless on an iBookG4 w/ AirportExtreme which is an "unsupported broadcom" thing ... and i'm on linux | 09:56 |
shenki_ | crimsun: http://pastebin.ca/67076 | 09:56 |
mada | :) | 09:56 |
crimsun | shenki_: please /uncheck/ System> Preferences> Sound> Enable software sound mixing (ESD) | 09:57 |
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crimsun | shenki_: TeamSpeak requires exclusive access to /dev/dsp, sorry. | 09:57 |
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mada | SNow: what chipset are you using? | 09:57 |
wulax | SNow: oh, nevermind | 09:57 |
medulla | ZDUX... did you ever get the DVD fixed? | 09:57 |
SNow | mada I don't actually know, how could I see it? | 09:57 |
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Woxcer | Hi Everyone! | 09:58 |
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crimsun | shenki_: you only need to restart TS after unchecking it and clicking Ok | 09:58 |
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shenki_ | crimsun: :D well done, thankyou very much | 09:58 |
crimsun | shenki_: np. | 09:58 |
mada | SNow: that i don't know for sure, your system might see it as something its not since it doesn't seem to be working properly | 09:58 |
SNow | It's not wireless | 09:58 |
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david__ | I just did the automatic script thingy from the URL given, and it was completed successfully. also now when i go into gnome partition manager it has a lock next to it, when it previously didnt. however, it doesnt appear in the 'computer' listing wth the other drives | 09:58 |
SNow | you see.. | 09:58 |
SNow | I have a cable inplugged | 09:58 |
mada | SNow: ohhhh ok ... | 09:58 |
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mada | hrmm.... well then i don't know, never run into any issued with ubuntu not detecting the ethernet port ... | 09:59 |
aftertaf | david__, open a console and try to CD to it. | 09:59 |
mada | SNow: what make and model is the computer? | 09:59 |
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Woxcer | Hi Everyone! | 10:00 |
SNow | mada hp nx 6110 | 10:00 |
david__ | aftertaf - ok ... when i fire up terminal what should i type in cd /hda4 or something like that? I know its called hda4 but thats about all....I'm kinda new to this terminal stuff! | 10:00 |
SNow | when I do dmesg | grep eth | 10:00 |
SNow | I get this: | 10:00 |
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aftertaf | david__, cd [mountpoint] | 10:00 |
SNow | [4294680.2280000] eth0: registered as PCnet/PCI II 79c970A | 10:01 |
mada | SNow: get what? | 10:01 |
mada | rgr | 10:01 |
david__ | I can CD to it | 10:01 |
david__ | when i type in cd /media/hda4, it goes to it | 10:01 |
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aftertaf | david__, yeah but is it empty? | 10:02 |
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david__ | yes | 10:02 |
aftertaf | david__, open gparted and see if is shows it as mounted. | 10:02 |
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david__ | it does | 10:02 |
mada | brb | 10:02 |
aftertaf | david__, and type 'cat /etc/mtab' | 10:02 |
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SNow | mada no Ideas? :) | 10:03 |
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david__ | david@david-ubuntu:~$ cat /etc/mtab | 10:03 |
david__ | /dev/hda2 / ext2 rw,errors=remount-ro 0 0 | 10:03 |
david__ | proc /proc proc rw 0 0 | 10:03 |
david__ | varrun /var/run tmpfs rw 0 0 | 10:03 |
david__ | varlock /var/lock tmpfs rw 0 0 | 10:03 |
david__ | procbususb /proc/bus/usb usbfs rw 0 0 | 10:03 |
david__ | udev /dev tmpfs rw 0 0 | 10:03 |
david__ | devpts /dev/pts devpts rw,gid=5,mode=620 0 0 | 10:03 |
david__ | devshm /dev/shm tmpfs rw 0 0 | 10:03 |
david__ | lrm /lib/modules/2.6.15-25-386/volatile tmpfs rw 0 0 | 10:03 |
david__ | /dev/hda1 /media/hda1 ntfs rw,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0 0 | 10:03 |
david__ | /dev/hdb1 /media/hdb1 ntfs rw,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0 0 | 10:03 |
david__ | binfmt_misc /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc binfmt_misc rw 0 0 | 10:03 |
david__ | /dev/hda4 /media/hda4 vfat rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0 0 | 10:03 |
david__ | /dev/sdd1 /media/usbdisk vfat rw,nosuid,nodev,quiet,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077,iocharset=utf8 0 0 | 10:03 |
aftertaf | david__, | 10:04 |
aftertaf | !pastebin | 10:04 |
ubotu | Please do not flood the channel! Use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long pieces of text, to avoid disrupting the channel. You might also want to use the "webboard" package from Universe. | 10:04 |
aftertaf | !!!!!!!!! | 10:04 |
ubotu | aftertaf: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 10:04 |
david__ | ahh, sorry, ive never used IRC before | 10:04 |
david__ | Sorry chaps | 10:04 |
aftertaf | s'ok , it happens!!!! | 10:04 |
aftertaf | /dev/hda4 /media/hda4 vfat rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0 0 looks OK to me. | 10:04 |
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aftertaf | david__, type 'df -h' do you see free disk entry for hda4 ? | 10:05 |
ddrj | hey guys, newb here switching from windows to ubuntu, i was wondering which file i download? it's for home use and not amd64, so between powerpc and i386, which do i choose? once again sorry for the newb question | 10:05 |
aftertaf | ddrj, what is your processor? | 10:05 |
ddrj | it is intel | 10:05 |
aftertaf | 99% of cases, get i386 | 10:05 |
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aftertaf | get i386 then . | 10:05 |
aftertaf | :] | 10:05 |
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ddrj | ahh perfect thanks aftertaf :D | 10:05 |
david__ | /dev/hda4 45G 16K 45G 1% /media/hda4 | 10:05 |
aftertaf | david__, then its mounted.... fill away :] | 10:06 |
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david__ | Excellent...the only problem is that it doesnt appear in the list with the other drives, should it? or do i just navigate to /media/hda4? | 10:06 |
MyNameIsNotBob | Is there anyone here who is able to help me with sound related issues, i can't work it out (yes, i've tried the HOWTO)? | 10:07 |
SNow | heyy anyone, can you help me or not :) | 10:07 |
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aftertaf | david__, i dont know how or why nautlius works...... cant help on that. navigate to the mountpoint is better ;) | 10:07 |
SNow | there is a lan card setuped broadcom in ubuntu, but it doesn't work! | 10:07 |
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david__ | ok, thanks for the help! | 10:07 |
aftertaf | SNow, have you checked its not a firewall issue? | 10:07 |
MyNameIsNotBob | aftertaf, ubuntu - firewall? | 10:08 |
aftertaf | yup bob ;) | 10:08 |
david__ | Well im off to fill up my new partition now, thanks for the help aftertaf! | 10:09 |
aftertaf | lol :) ok | 10:09 |
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MyNameIsNotBob | Anybody able to help with my sound issue? | 10:09 |
aftertaf | MyNameIsNotBob, do you have ANY sound at all? | 10:09 |
crimsun | MyNameIsNotBob: what precisely is your sound issue? | 10:10 |
MyNameIsNotBob | aftertaf, not that i know of, i have no sound | 10:10 |
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Locke_ | im now gonna make xmms my alarm clock | 10:11 |
aftertaf | im not a sound expert, i know there are commands like asound thet help diagnose..... | 10:11 |
crimsun | MyNameIsNotBob: please put the output from ``asoundconf list && tail -2 /proc/asound/oss/sndstat && amixer'' onto http://pastebin.ca | 10:11 |
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ZDUX | I am not able to use my dvd drive (read only drive) is there a way to tell if it is incompatible ? | 10:12 |
aftertaf | ZDUX, can it read anything? cds...? | 10:12 |
ZDUX | not data, not video,, I'll try CD right now | 10:13 |
MyNameIsNotBob | crimsun, http://pastebin.ca/67083 | 10:13 |
ZDUX | afteraf: it always reports no media | 10:14 |
aftertaf | sudo mount /media/cdrom ? | 10:14 |
ZDUX | afteraf: it does eject, inject | 10:14 |
aftertaf | so its connected to the PSU then :] | 10:15 |
ZDUX | afteraf: no media found | 10:15 |
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aftertaf | ZDUX, and in win it works fine? | 10:15 |
SNow | aftertaf it's fresh install | 10:15 |
crimsun | MyNameIsNotBob: ``cat /proc/asound/modules && lspci -v && lspci -nv && dmesg'' | 10:15 |
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ZDUX | afteraf: windows can read it,, | 10:16 |
aftertaf | SNow, ok.... might be drivers then.... | 10:16 |
aftertaf | ZDUX, ahh. non compatible seems fair then. | 10:16 |
ZDUX | afteraf:I got it out of a linux magizine it's a free dvd | 10:16 |
aftertaf | SNow, lsmod shows which driver is used? | 10:17 |
aftertaf | ZDUX, only with one dvd you have this problem? | 10:17 |
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ZDUX | afteraf: no all media so far | 10:17 |
aftertaf | drive not compatiblme linux then, for some reason.... imho | 10:17 |
ZDUX | afteraf: cd audio also | 10:17 |
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ZDUX | afteraf: yes that's what I'm thinking | 10:18 |
SNow | it responds to it's ping | 10:18 |
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SNow | aftertaf but I installed it now using VMWARE | 10:18 |
SNow | :) | 10:18 |
MyNameIsNotBob | crimsun, http://pastebin.ca/67084, thats a lot of information | 10:18 |
ZDUX | afteraf: I don't suppose there is a list of compatible or incompatible dvd drives ? | 10:18 |
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SNow | anyone else? | 10:19 |
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ZDUX | aftertaf: I have a usb dvd drive,, I've never tried usb on linux,, can I just plug it in? | 10:19 |
aftertaf | SNow, i'm not following you here.... | 10:20 |
aftertaf | ZDUX, yep, plug n play :] | 10:20 |
CrippsFX | using the ubuntu install CD, how can I create a floppy that will boot from a USB key with GRUB? | 10:20 |
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crimsun | MyNameIsNotBob: I don't see the output from ``cat /proc/asound/modules''... | 10:20 |
pc22 | does dapper installer have xfce ? or do i need to install using internet | 10:20 |
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aftertaf | pc22, apt-get install xubuntu | 10:21 |
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Madpilot | pc22, there's a Xubuntu install CD too | 10:21 |
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human | pc22, you will either have to use the xubuntu install cd | 10:21 |
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gdb | I believe it's xubuntu-desktop | 10:22 |
MyNameIsNotBob | crimsun, that gives0 snd_ali5451 | 10:22 |
gdb | (That's the name of the metapackage). | 10:22 |
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pc22 | ok heres the case. im installing using ubuntudapper then installing as server | 10:22 |
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Duke01 | Hi Everyone! | 10:22 |
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crimsun | MyNameIsNotBob: ok, give me a sec to check the source code. | 10:23 |
gdb | crimsun: Hey, you were helping me with sound the other day. I wanted to let you know that sound actually works great out the back ports of the Optiplex GX620. Just not out of the Dell Internal Business Audio Speaker. So, sound works! Just need an external speaker to hear it. ;-) | 10:23 |
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MyNameIsNotBob | crimsun, no worries, thanks | 10:23 |
ZDUX | afteraf: new one works,, thanks | 10:24 |
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crimsun | gdb: yes, I see the quirk for it, but I doubt I'll have time to backport it this week | 10:26 |
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pc22 | so what do u think human | 10:27 |
aftertaf | gdb, yeah right. my mistake.... ;) | 10:28 |
human | pc22, if you don't have an internet connection or prefer a pure xfce desktop, get the xubuntu install cd | 10:28 |
pc22 | gnome desktop as server install | 10:28 |
B1zz | I have an ssh server running in my network, i can connect to it and all but when i issue the command ssh -l username -X xclock i get thise messgae Error: Can't open display: | 10:29 |
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pc22 | actually im having difficulty configuring internet connection not using GUI | 10:30 |
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pc22 | human actually im having difficulty configuring internet connection not using GUI | 10:31 |
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lampshade | what's the best way to make ubuntu load a module you've installed on startup? It seems like there are several ways-- which is the best? | 10:31 |
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KrisWood | does anyone know if I need any extra packages to get cedega to work in ubuntu? | 10:32 |
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[FDC] Pvt|Cus | Hello everyone | 10:32 |
[FDC] Pvt|Cus | What are the system requirements for Ubuntu? | 10:32 |
aftertaf | dont think so..... KrisWood . Wine... | 10:32 |
aftertaf | [FDC] Pvt|Cus, doesnt need much, can adapt to most configs...... | 10:33 |
dragoon | does dapper have a java dev package | 10:33 |
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lampshade | dragoon: yeah | 10:33 |
[FDC] Pvt|Cus | thank you aftertaf | 10:33 |
aftertaf | dragoon, apt-cache search java ;) | 10:33 |
lampshade | what's the best way to make ubuntu load a module you've installed on startup? It seems like there are several ways-- which is the best? | 10:33 |
=== Phenom [n=Phenom@ip70-177-83-61.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dragoon | aftertaf: way to much stuff there | 10:33 |
lampshade | just echo "modprobe mymodule" >> modules.d ?? | 10:33 |
Phenom | Hey I finally connected! :) | 10:33 |
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aftertaf | dragoon, apt-cache search java |grep dev | 10:34 |
Phenom | Thought I was banned from this server for some reason heh | 10:34 |
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Celestianpower | Hello | 10:34 |
Phenom | Hello everyone :) | 10:34 |
dragoon | ok | 10:34 |
Celestianpower | I need help with sound - neither Audacity nor Skype is working | 10:34 |
=== zF [n=sdfjdjh@ip68-5-85-220.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zF | Question | 10:35 |
crimsun | MyNameIsNotBob: I /think/ I see a solution for your ac97 codec timing out | 10:35 |
zF | I'm installing Dapper and am creating a partition for the linux-swap | 10:35 |
Celestianpower | "error initialising Audio i/o player" and "Problem with sound device" respectively | 10:35 |
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zF | Do I want to create the swapr partion as the primary partition or the extended partition? | 10:35 |
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MyNameIsNotBob | crimsun, uh huh | 10:35 |
crimsun | MyNameIsNotBob: I'm travelling for business this week, but I will attempt to address it | 10:35 |
Madpilot | Celestianpower, I don't use either app, but sound problems with them both are known issues | 10:36 |
MyNameIsNotBob | crimsun, ok | 10:36 |
Phenom | Im having an problem with installing Apache,PHP, Mysql under Ubuntu 5.10 breezy badger, can someone help me please? | 10:36 |
Celestianpower | Madpilot: Oh - they used to work, then suddenly, they dstopped working | 10:36 |
Phenom | I am on a fresh install | 10:36 |
zF | When creating a Linux-swap partition while installing Ubuntu, do I want to create the partition as a "Primary Partition" or a "Exteneded Partition" | 10:37 |
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gdb | zF: extended partitions aren't "real" in the sense that you can use them for filesystems or swap. You can use primary and logical partitions for that. You place logical paritions inside an extended partition. You can have 1-4 primary parititions, or 1-3 primary partitions with 1 extended partition containing logical partitions. | 10:37 |
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Celestianpower | MadI can record sound in Sound recorder, if I select "Microphone" rather than "Capture" in the drop-down box | 10:37 |
crimsun | MyNameIsNotBob: please add your comments to https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/36040 | 10:37 |
MyNameIsNotBob | Celestianpower, i've just had crimsun looking at what may be the same problem | 10:37 |
zF | gdb: thanks, I think that clears things up. | 10:37 |
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Celestianpower | MyNameIsNotBob: I see | 10:37 |
MyNameIsNotBob | crimsun, what do i need to say? | 10:38 |
zF | If my HD is 55GB, how large should my linux-swap partition be? | 10:38 |
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fl4b | zf-how much ram do you have | 10:38 |
zF | fl4b: 512 MBs | 10:38 |
Lynoure | zF: Often people go for 1-3 times the size of the memory you have | 10:38 |
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Lynoure | s/you/they | 10:39 |
fl4b | zF- for a standard comp go for 1 g | 10:39 |
crimsun | MyNameIsNotBob: well, your issues, of course :) | 10:39 |
fl4b | zf- for a server esp databases go higher | 10:39 |
MyNameIsNotBob | crimsun, "it doesn't work"? | 10:39 |
crimsun | MyNameIsNotBob: and please /attach/ (don't comment inline) those pastes that I asked for | 10:39 |
zF | fl4b: that's what I was thinking, thanks. Also, good advice to know in the future. | 10:39 |
MyNameIsNotBob | crimsun, ok | 10:39 |
crimsun | MyNameIsNotBob: a bit more descriptive than that, I would hope | 10:39 |
zF | Lynoure, thanks as well. | 10:39 |
gdb | zF: In general, you want 1-2xRAM as swap. While Linux (still) does not support core dumps on kernel panics, you need at least 1xRAM to support that dump (if/when Linux ever supports it). | 10:39 |
[FDC] Pvt|Cus | Im undecided as to what Linux I should get... between Gentoo and Ubuntu, can some one please suggest which one is better and why? | 10:40 |
arigo | why doesn't linux support it? | 10:40 |
disinterested | how do i add a line to /etc/apt/sources.list? | 10:40 |
fl4b | since youre in a ubuntu irc everyone will go ubuntu | 10:40 |
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gdb | On my system which has 2GB of RAM and a 250GB system disk, the installer created a 6GB swap partition. :-P | 10:40 |
dragoon | [FDC] Pvt|Cus: do you know how to use linux ? | 10:40 |
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gdb | arigo: I don't know, it's the only Unix OS that doesn't, to my knowledge. :-) (No, I'm not going to split hairs and say Unix-like). | 10:40 |
[FDC] Pvt|Cus | dragoon: not really, this will be my first time | 10:41 |
Lynoure | arigo: Short answer is probably that no one build it in... (guessing) | 10:41 |
Madpilot | gdb, with 2Gb RAM, you don't need swap at all, really | 10:41 |
dragoon | [FDC] Pvt|Cus: use ubuntu then | 10:41 |
fl4b | FDC- ubuntu is vv good for beginners to linux | 10:41 |
Lynoure | arigo: --> no one wanted it badly enough | 10:41 |
[FDC] Pvt|Cus | ok cool | 10:41 |
[FDC] Pvt|Cus | thank you | 10:41 |
BlueEagle | [fdc] pvt|cus: Ubuntu is better than Gentoo when it comes to starting with linux. Ubuntu is much more user friendly. Also it's very much quicker to install. Gentoo on the other hand is better if you want to get your hands "semi-dirty" as it does offer more choice as to which packages you want installed. Also it allowes for more optimized packages as they are all compiled from source. | 10:41 |
gdb | Madpilot: In general, no, I think the system has swapped out all of 25MB since it was set up. lol | 10:41 |
Madpilot | gdb, I've only got 1Gb, never bothered with swap, never really needed it | 10:41 |
[FDC] Pvt|Cus | thank you BlueEagle for the detail, I appreciate it | 10:42 |
fl4b | If hes asking which he shoudl go for, he is prob a beginner-> should use ubuntu | 10:42 |
gdb | Madpilot: Most likely those were processes that had not requested cycles in quite some time so the system swapped them out for efficiency, not because the machine was starved for RAM. | 10:42 |
[FDC] Pvt|Cus | awesome | 10:42 |
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[FDC] Pvt|Cus | downloading Ubuntu now | 10:42 |
fl4b | make sure you get normal install, not alternative (i did that) | 10:42 |
dragoon | hrm, their appears to be no swt-dev package for ubuntu | 10:42 |
[FDC] Pvt|Cus | whats the "minimum" system requirement for Ubuntu (Just curious) | 10:42 |
fl4b | ubuntu will run on pretty much anything | 10:43 |
gdb | Gentoo -> http://funroll-loops.org/ | 10:43 |
Madpilot | [FDC] Pvt|Cus, at least 128Mb of RAM - more is better | 10:43 |
=== Guardian [n=Guardian@mar44-1-87-90-32-28.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
matti | gdb: Well. | 10:44 |
fl4b | running on desktop may need 400mhz (overestimate i think) and 128mb ram | 10:44 |
BlueEagle | [fdc] pvt|cus: I would recomend 256mb ram for the live-cd install. Atleast kubuntu hung on 160mb ram. | 10:44 |
=== chad [n=chad@ip72-198-27-10.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Guardian | hello. anyone else experienced bigger fonts after upgrade by upgrade manager ??? | 10:44 |
Madpilot | gdb, funny, but offtopic | 10:44 |
gdb | [FDC] Pvt|Cus: I was running it recently on a 325MHz Pentium with 128MB of RAM and 10GB disk (Tecra 8000 laptop). It ran well. I can imagine one can use even less hardware than that. | 10:44 |
fl4b | server version will run on anything | 10:44 |
gdb | Madpilot: I'm glad you're here to tell me these kinds of things. | 10:44 |
fl4b | if you have a really old comp, try Xubuntu | 10:44 |
Madpilot | gdb, I'm an op, it's what we do :) | 10:44 |
BlueEagle | [fdc] pvt|cus: Also if you intend to "use" it 256 is the lowest i would recomend. _However_ it is _posssible_ go get ubuntu running with a graphical login on 128mb. But you want to use it too, don't you? | 10:45 |
xenex | !uset autoinvite 1 | 10:45 |
ubotu | xenex: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 10:45 |
MyNameIsNotBob | crimsun, done | 10:46 |
crimsun | MyNameIsNotBob: thanks | 10:46 |
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Phenom | I have installed Apache, now when I untar, ./configure MySQL and try to make in a terminal it tells me "*** Notarget specified and no makefile found. Stop. but I am following directions I have found on the net to a T | 10:46 |
PwcrLinux | Does anyone who have a APCI display for temperature level following the temperature in F and C, I show the temp still 51C Passive (Fan running now). | 10:47 |
=== mariusz [n=mariusz@dyn2-11.strowgernet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Phenom | There is no makefile in the mysql folder also | 10:47 |
fl4b | what is CVS? | 10:47 |
MyNameIsNotBob | crimsun, no worries, thanks for the assistance | 10:47 |
gdb | Phenom: Might I ask why the MySQL packages that are offered for Ubuntu via apt are not sufficient? | 10:47 |
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YoussefAssad | Hey folks. Does anyone know if there's jboss in the ubuntu sources anywhere? | 10:47 |
gdb | Phenom: (Because if they are, you'll save yourself a world of headache). ;-) | 10:47 |
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PwcrLinux | !acpi | 10:48 |
ubotu | PwcrLinux: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 10:48 |
PwcrLinux | Hmm | 10:48 |
Phenom | gdb, I am new to Ubuntu aswell as a Linux beginner, this never crossed my mind probly because I dont excatally know how to use apt | 10:48 |
aftertaf | Phenom, try ./autogen.sh | 10:48 |
aftertaf | but better to apt get phenom, 10000% sure | 10:48 |
Madpilot | Phenom, mysql is in Ubuntu's repos | 10:48 |
Phenom | I believe I installed from the respos :) | 10:49 |
Madpilot | Phenom, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP | 10:49 |
gdb | Phenom: First do "apt-cache search mysql" -- you'll see a list of packages that have to do with mysql, including the database software itself. Pick the packges you want and do "sudo apt-get install package1 package2 package3" and so on. | 10:49 |
xenex | good night | 10:49 |
gdb | Phenom: After entering your password (normal user password) the system will install and configure mysql for you. | 10:49 |
=== Harnak [n=scott@60-234-156-204.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Harnak | is there a way to apt-get upgrade a 64bit system to 32bit? | 10:49 |
gdb | Phenom: Of course, the document that Madpilot suggested is probably going to give you more detailed instructions. | 10:50 |
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Phenom | gdb, should I uninstall everything relating to apache, SQL i have installed already? | 10:50 |
neilbags | hi i've got breezy installed and i want to upgrade to dapper (using the cd - no net connection) what would be the easiest way to do this? | 10:50 |
gdb | Phenom: Well, was that software you installed by hand or using apt-get? | 10:50 |
Hoxzer | Harnak: LOL is 64bit getting u pissed off ^^? | 10:50 |
fl4b | neilbags- prob best to do a full reinstall | 10:51 |
Phenom | gdb, by hand | 10:51 |
Harnak | hoxzer: yeah.. just a bit at the moment.. heh | 10:51 |
YoussefAssad | first time I see 64 to 32 bit being billed as upgrade | 10:51 |
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Celestianpower | The thing I find odd is that I can record sound in "Soiyunds recorder" but I have to select "Microphone" as the recorsding device manually. By defauly it sets to "Capture" | 10:51 |
Harnak | youssefassad: indeed! | 10:51 |
Celestianpower | Perhaps that means something to you? | 10:51 |
Hoxzer | Harnak: :D I remember when I installed it, almost got me to mental hospital | 10:51 |
gdb | Phenom: If you installed it by hand, then I'm afraid I'm a bit too new to Debian based systems to help you with getting apt to work with that software. However, if you want to keep all of your software under package management (and I think you do) then I'd suggest removing it and using apt-get to install apache2, mysql, php, and so on. I'm sure the document Madpilot suggested covers what you need. | 10:51 |
YoussefAssad | Harnak: you have my sympathies :) | 10:51 |
=== WARlrus [n=mattdyso@host86-140-17-128.range86-140.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Beta_M | how do i restart the samba thing? | 10:52 |
WARlrus | Hi all :) | 10:52 |
gdb | Beta_M: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart | 10:52 |
Harnak | hoxzer: just trying to really avoid having to download an iso image | 10:52 |
neilbags | fl4b: ok ... i don't need the data on it anyway . but is there a way to upgrade w/out net? | 10:52 |
Phenom | gdb, Thank you :) | 10:52 |
gdb | Phenom: Sure thing! And good luck with that! | 10:52 |
Beta_M | gdb: thanks | 10:52 |
Harnak | YoussefAssad: Thank you! hehe | 10:52 |
YoussefAssad | am I the only person who turned the sudo thing off? | 10:52 |
Hoxzer | Harnak: what connection do u have? | 10:52 |
Phenom | I don't need luck, I have IRC :) | 10:52 |
gdb | :-D | 10:52 |
YoussefAssad | with sudo, you lose a lot of bash completion | 10:52 |
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Harnak | hoxzer: dsl 3.5 Mbps down | 10:53 |
fl4b | neilbags- i dont know about upgrade. but full install cds are shipped for free if you want. | 10:53 |
WARlrus | I've just run Ubuntu off an ISO image on a CD, and need to get it working on a wireless network, how do i configure Ubuntu to do that? | 10:53 |
njan | YoussefAssad, sudo -s | 10:53 |
gdb | YoussefAssad: Even if you keep it enabled, you can still easily get a root shell by using "sudo -i" (akin to su -l) or "sudo -s" (akin to plain old "su"). | 10:53 |
Harnak | Hoxzer: probably should just go for it and download the cd.. | 10:53 |
gdb | Note that su -l and su - are equivalent. | 10:53 |
Hoxzer | yeah | 10:53 |
neilbags | i have the install cd already ... i just want to know for future reference whether you can do an upgrade using the install cd | 10:53 |
=== achandra [n=achandra@static-71-103-255-118.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Beta_M | It would be a nice thing to get auto complete working though | 10:54 |
njan | You can also enable bash smart completion, YoussefAssad .. http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/01/28/turn-on-bash-smart-completion/ | 10:54 |
Beta_M | after sudo that is | 10:54 |
gdb | neilbags: I believe I read somewhere that the live CD is not suited for doing a system upgrade. | 10:54 |
fl4b | im not sure. I think there is a way to specify using a cd as repository source in synaptic | 10:54 |
achandra | hello. Anyone aware of an ubuntu specific how to for creating an ldap authenticating server for linux clients? | 10:54 |
gdb | Beta_M: I don't know what you're referring to. Tab command completion works fine for me after starting a command with "sudo". | 10:54 |
gdb | Beta_M: Is that what you're referring to? | 10:54 |
njan | gdb, I hink he means when you've typed in sudo | 10:54 |
WARlrus | I've just run Ubuntu off an ISO image on a CD, and need to get it working on a wireless network, how do i configure Ubuntu to do that? | 10:55 |
njan | gdb, ie. being able to "sudo evo<tab>" to launch evolution using sudo.. | 10:55 |
YoussefAssad | still can't believe that there's no jboss in the sources :\ | 10:55 |
Beta_M | gdb: if you type "sudo mou" and press [TAB] you don't get "mount" completed | 10:55 |
neilbags | fl4b: i tried putting the cdrom into the sources.list and doing an apt-get dist-upgrade but it didn't do anything | 10:55 |
t-thing | I've just woken out of hibernation and I can't pmount my external hd connected with firewire since there is no such device /dev/sda1. This clearly is problem related to hibernation, I had to disconnect my usb keyboard to get it working but the same didn't work for the external hd. What to do? Can I restart some service or would reinstalling some kernel module do the trick? | 10:55 |
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gdb | njan: Which seems to work fine for me. | 10:55 |
njan | (not that I know why you'd want to launch evolution as root..) | 10:55 |
fl4b | ok. cant help u then | 10:55 |
njan | gdb, you probably have bash smart completion enabled. | 10:55 |
gdb | Beta_M: It works fine for me. Typing "sudo mou" and then hitting tab gives me "sudo mount". | 10:55 |
njan | it doesn't work for me in dapper, gdb. | 10:55 |
fl4b | WARlrus- have you installed ubuntu, or running off live cd | 10:55 |
gdb | I'm running Dapper and I've changed nothing from the installed defaults. | 10:56 |
Beta_M | dapper here, doesn't work | 10:56 |
gdb | weird | 10:56 |
njan | gdb, clean dapper or upgraded dapper? | 10:56 |
achandra | WARlrus: is your wireless card natively found by ubuntu... ?? | 10:56 |
gdb | njan: clean install | 10:56 |
Beta_M | i've upgraded | 10:56 |
njan | gdb, it probably wasn't the default in earlier versions then | 10:56 |
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Beta_M | maybe that's what it is | 10:56 |
WARlrus | achandra: How do I find that out? | 10:56 |
njan | because I upgraded too | 10:56 |
achandra | lsmod | 10:56 |
njan | Beta_M, http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/01/28/turn-on-bash-smart-completion/ | 10:56 |
WARlrus | :S | 10:56 |
njan | you can enable it ;) | 10:56 |
gdb | Beta_M, njan: You both probably want to look at /etc/skel/.bashrc then and look for the section that sources /etc/bash_completion. | 10:56 |
gdb | And then add that to your own .bashrc. | 10:57 |
Beta_M | i'll try | 10:57 |
achandra | look for anything resembling the card first...and check to see whether its been claimed.. | 10:57 |
njan | gdb, I'd rather edit in /etc/bash.bashrc than ~/.bashrc | 10:57 |
achandra | what are you running it on?? | 10:57 |
njan | gdb, less administrative effort :) | 10:57 |
WARlrus | where should I look for it? | 10:57 |
goudkov | in which package can i find the truncate command? | 10:57 |
achandra | lsmod | more | 10:57 |
WARlrus | I'm sorry, I'm a complete n00b to linux, is that a command I need to run or a filepath? | 10:58 |
gdb | njan: Well, new users are going to get /etc/skel copied to their home directories already and get the bash_completion stuff sourced already. I'm not sure any editing there is necessary. | 10:58 |
achandra | WARlrus: or better yet in the right hand corner of the screen do you see a network icon? | 10:58 |
gdb | njan: But I do see your point nonetheless. | 10:58 |
njan | gdb, new users will | 10:58 |
WARlrus | I see a bin, but nothing else | 10:58 |
achandra | ie "Network Connection" | 10:58 |
WARlrus | erm no, can't see one | 10:59 |
njan | gdb, but for most users where there's 1 user, the skel change is unnecessary, you're making two changes (in the skel version and the ~ version) where you could be making one.. | 10:59 |
njan | But yeah. Either works. :) | 10:59 |
achandra | do this- sudo ifconfig | 10:59 |
gdb | But this entire thing raises an interesting point, I didn't know that was a special feature of bash that had to be enabled. It's always worked like that for me. I come from a Red Hat / Fedora background. | 10:59 |
achandra | what pops up? | 10:59 |
njan | gdb, It is the sort of thing that redhat has enabled by default. :P | 10:59 |
gdb | njan: There is no change in the skel version, it's already there. It's not included in your personal .bashrc due to the upgrade of your OS. | 11:00 |
njan | gdb, completion and syntax highlighting are typically disabled by default in debian, and by extension distros based on debian.. | 11:00 |
WARlrus | where do I run that command? | 11:00 |
gdb | Ah, I see. | 11:00 |
achandra | Warlrus: command line.. Uhm..Applications , Applications, Terminal | 11:00 |
gdb | Well, it looks like Dapper is departing from that tradtion then. And it's a good change, IMO. Not because I'm used to it, but because it's an ease of use feature that, frankly, I don't see why one wouldn't want it. | 11:01 |
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njan | gdb, one of the first things I do in debian/ubuntu is enable syntax highlighting in vimrc and edit bashrc to enable completion/alias ls to use --color :) | 11:01 |
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njan | gdb, agreed. | 11:01 |
WARlrus | found it :) it says a "Local Loopback" | 11:01 |
WARlrus | nothing to do with my wireless there | 11:01 |
=== weka [n=weka@203-184-53-206.jetbuster.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gdb | Color ls was working by default for me in Breezy and Dapper (Breezy is the first Ubuntu I used, and only for about 3 weeks before Dapper released). | 11:01 |
YoussefAssad | njan: me too. Only thing really missing is a color version of less | 11:01 |
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Beta_M | where are colours of 'ls' defined? | 11:02 |
KrisWood | anyone know how to add more subtitle formats to ubuntu? | 11:02 |
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KrisWood | my mplayer doesn't have an option of choosing the subtitle format I need | 11:02 |
gdb | YoussefAssad: I don't think any version of less supports color. At least I've never seen it, including on Red Hat based distributions. | 11:02 |
Ademan | !tell Ademan about rar | 11:02 |
YoussefAssad | gdb: me neither | 11:02 |
=== Arafangion [n=arafangi@220-244-241-239-act-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gdb | Beta_M: Generally it's /etc/DIRCOLORS. | 11:02 |
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achandra | WARlrus: so no ethernet devices enabled then... only local lopback...right? | 11:02 |
gdb | Beta_M: Which doesn't seem to exist on this Dapper system. ;-) | 11:02 |
achandra | loopback.. | 11:02 |
YoussefAssad | gdb: though you can use vim instead of less for manpages and so on | 11:02 |
Arafangion | My DVD playing is choppy - it seems that my DVD player is too fast, and so it stops (got all the data), it's when it has to spin up again that the playback becomes choppy. | 11:03 |
WARlrus | yeah, the loopback is the only one that shows when I run that command | 11:03 |
Arafangion | Any solutions? | 11:03 |
Beta_M | gdb: i know, just noticed | 11:03 |
gdb | Beta_M: I didn't notice it until I said to look there, and then thought I should verify that first. ;-) | 11:03 |
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achandra | WARlrus: any idea of what kind of card "is" installed? what kind of system or laptop? | 11:03 |
mjr | Arafangion, you may be able to alter the read speed with hdparm -E | 11:04 |
WARlrus | erm the router I'm connecting to is a Netgear, and the card is on a PC - its a buffalo one | 11:04 |
mjr | Arafangion, but I'm not sure if that works for DVD reading (it's a CD option) | 11:04 |
Arafangion | mjr: I could give that a go, how slow do you think I should try it? | 11:04 |
Arafangion | mjr: That's unfortunate. | 11:04 |
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WARlrus | The wireless works fine on Windows, but i've installed ubuntu as a second OS and need to get the internet on it | 11:05 |
mjr | Arafangion, well, maybe 8, then 2 | 11:05 |
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mjr | Arafangion, yah, but try it anyways | 11:05 |
Arafangion | mjr: I have done hdparm -d1, which helped significantly. | 11:05 |
achandra | WARlrus: try this.. System, Administration, Networking.. | 11:05 |
Arafangion | (It's actually not that bad now, seems to just be choppy at the start. | 11:05 |
=== CraHan [n=crahan@cust.fiber-lan.vnet.lk.] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Guardian | hello. anyone else experienced bigger fonts after upgrade by upgrade manager ??? | 11:05 |
mjr | Arafangion, that would help, yes :) | 11:05 |
achandra | WARlrus: find it ? | 11:07 |
WARlrus | One moment | 11:07 |
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achandra | k | 11:07 |
=== Gonzo [n=gonzo@203-206-87-167.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WARlrus | It comes up with "Modem connection", but nothing to do with wireless | 11:08 |
Gonzo | any reason why i can't access my users and group administration program? | 11:08 |
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MatthewV | Gonzo, error? | 11:08 |
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Gonzo | its there... but it doesn't open when i click on it | 11:08 |
Gonzo | just a minute | 11:08 |
jneves | anyone knows where I can find the kernel configuration for dapper's boot image? | 11:08 |
=== Rushdy_laptop [n=Rushdy_l@rushdy.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
harm_ | Gonzo start it via a terminal | 11:08 |
crimsun | jneves: /boot/config-$(uname -r) | 11:09 |
Gonzo | sudo: users-admin: command not found | 11:09 |
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Gonzo | xauth: /tmp/libgksu1.2-1vwLyW/.Xauthority | 11:09 |
Gonzo | xauth_env: /home/gonzo/.Xauthority | 11:09 |
Gonzo | dir: /tmp/libgksu1.2-1vwLyW | 11:09 |
Gonzo | thats tru terminal with --debug | 11:09 |
achandra | WARlrus: that likely means that no module is available readily for that card...hence Ubuntu didnt find an available module to load... | 11:09 |
=== burgermann [n=ubuntu@0x535de182.abnxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WARlrus | Okay, where could I get a module for the card then? | 11:09 |
burgermann | Where does synaptic store downloaded deb packages? | 11:10 |
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Gonzo | and now it says (gksu:17955): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: | 11:10 |
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jneves | burgermann: /var/cache/apt/archives | 11:10 |
burgermann | jneves: thx | 11:10 |
achandra | WARlrus: however if you know the exact name of the card..there is two ways around...compile a module....and try it... or use something like ndis wrapper which uses windows inf file and load it into the system | 11:10 |
achandra | WARlrus: A google search...if you know the name of the card id be glad to help you search. | 11:11 |
WARlrus | I could find out the name of the card... | 11:11 |
achandra | k | 11:11 |
=== gumpish [i=aefa@natsci-mac32.ns.utexas.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WARlrus | One moment, I will try and find the manual | 11:11 |
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meandi | Hi, I have just burned a CD with ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso and boot from it in order to try ubuntu for the first time. Will it in any way use space from my disks and is there a risk it will destroy something on it. I have a number of NTFS file partitions and also partitions that is encrypted on sector level so it looks like they are not used until they are decrypted. | 11:11 |
=== llama32 [n=zak@079.a.001.beg.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
achandra | meandi: Assuming you dont pick install on the desktop in anyway the answer is theoretically NO. | 11:12 |
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llama32 | how do i see which processes are using the internet? im on dialup and something is gobbling all my bandwidth so i can't browse the web or use msn or anything... | 11:12 |
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=== T1966 [n=mrt@c-68-59-241-142.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
meandi | ok, so doesn't it need any disk space at all then? | 11:12 |
gumpish | Yeargh... Anyone know how to get dhcpd to issue DHCPNAKs for specific address pools? I tried declaring my static range in a pool with the "deny all clients;" directive, but the server isn't denying renewal requests from machines that were previously dynamically assigned an address from that range... | 11:13 |
T1966 | hello | 11:13 |
Gonzo | when i click on the users and groups in the menu... it seems to be starting up but then it ends up closing down before i see anything | 11:13 |
WARlrus | The name of my wireless card is -> Buffalo AirStation g54 (54mbps Wireless PCI Card with Omni Antenna) (WLI-PCI-G54) | 11:13 |
achandra | meandi: I have personally used to save an F'd up NT system..so unless anyone has another opinion..its pretty safe.. | 11:13 |
T1966 | Have a problem with my sound | 11:13 |
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meandi | achandra: I assume there is no way to read my NTS filesystems when running ubundo, right? | 11:14 |
achandra | WARlrus: time do the google search!lol.. | 11:14 |
meandi | NTFS | 11:14 |
WARlrus | Okay lol | 11:15 |
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T1966 | need some help with a sound problem | 11:15 |
achandra | meandi: on the contrary I think...just like Damn small linux it will find NTFS | 11:15 |
achandra | and let you view stuff. | 11:15 |
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achandra | let me guess winblows crashed on you?? | 11:15 |
achandra | or are you just testing.. | 11:16 |
=== Phenom [n=Phenom@ip70-177-83-61.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Phenom | Hello again I have a question | 11:16 |
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Phenom | How do I figure out my username group? | 11:16 |
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gdb | Phenom: It will be the same as your username, but you can use the "id" command in a terminal. | 11:16 |
farous | which is recommended powersaved or powernowd? | 11:16 |
Frogzoo | Phenom: groups - user group is 1st listed | 11:16 |
Phenom | I recieve the error "apache2: bad group name 1000 | 11:16 |
Phenom | " when I try to stop,start Apache | 11:16 |
achandra | WARlrus: ill take a look for it as well....is your is system on intel 32 bit or are you running 64 bit stuff. | 11:16 |
achandra | ?? | 11:17 |
WARlrus | I'm on 64bit | 11:17 |
WARlrus | and Thanks :) | 11:17 |
achandra | AMD? | 11:17 |
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Davo_Dinkum | AMD or intel? | 11:17 |
T1966 | when I installed Ubuntu I lost the sound. Do I have to find drivers for it? | 11:17 |
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WARlrus | AMD | 11:17 |
zF | Question, if I'm planning on running Windows XP off VMserver | 11:17 |
snoops | ya know achandra what with all the updates ubuntu gets, it's a lot more unstable than my basic windows install dual booted.. NT is pretty reliable..we arent in the win 98 days anymore. But I do prefer ubuntu for new bleeding edge stuff :) | 11:17 |
achandra | nice | 11:17 |
zF | Do I need ANY drivers at all from the Windows CD? | 11:17 |
zF | I'm making a custom .iso using nLite, and am trying to remove as much as possible | 11:18 |
meandi | I have just booted from the CD and after a few minutes I rebooted into XP again and everything looks fine. I just want to know if I dare to try the disk tools in ubundu and try to create some filesystems and so on. Later I want to figure out how to set up dual boot of XP and ubundu. | 11:18 |
Davo_Dinkum | i dont think intel have true 64bit CPUs, anyway | 11:18 |
Frogzoo | zF: put your hands on your head & step back slowly from the Windows CD.... | 11:18 |
Davo_Dinkum | LOL | 11:18 |
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CrippsFX | Davo_Dinkum, yes, they do. | 11:18 |
zF | Frogzoo: I refuse to use OO :] | 11:18 |
achandra | yeah...but you remember the SP1to SP2 debacle...for windows?? you gotta pick and choose...:) | 11:18 |
snoops | zF.. I think you need only the most basic device drivers..but you won't be saving yourself much space | 11:19 |
T1966 | can any one help this NOOB with a sound issue please? | 11:19 |
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snoops | drivers don't take up too much | 11:19 |
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Davo_Dinkum | i pick to use ubuntu | 11:19 |
Frogzoo | zF: have you tried 2.0.2 ? it's pretty good... | 11:19 |
snoops | achandra remember two days ago how you had the kernel update debacle? :) | 11:19 |
DanielC | What's the usual Ubuntu runlevel? I ran the 'runlevel' command and it says '2'. Shouldn't that be 5? (GUI) | 11:19 |
Sp4rKy | i've a webcam which is listed in http://mxhaard.free.fr/spca5xx.html , running over windows but doesn't work over Ubuntu :/ | 11:19 |
salmiak_ | T1966, tell us what's wrong | 11:19 |
zF | Frogzoo: Nope, I'm sure it still doesn't compare to Word. | 11:19 |
Sp4rKy | does anyone could help me ? | 11:19 |
achandra | i hear ya.. | 11:19 |
salmiak_ | you lost sound? | 11:19 |
meandi | achandra: I have SP2 now and I assume I can keep my system as is and just install ubundu with dual boot, right? | 11:20 |
T1966 | I installed U and now I have no sound and went to look in the sound box and my sound card is n't listed | 11:20 |
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achandra | meandi: Id read up on the google how tos to make absolutely sure on the dual boot stuff. its all about the boot loader...and if your unfamiliar with linux..its a pain. Doesnt hurt to do the homework first..IMHO | 11:21 |
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achandra | meandi: something like " ubuntu dapper dual boot how to" | 11:21 |
Davo_Dinkum | later ppl this place is too crowded | 11:21 |
farous | which is recommended powersaved or powernowd? especially that my HD get really high temp | 11:22 |
Phenom | How can I as a Ubuntu ubuntu user make my /var folder editable so I can make dirs and files? | 11:22 |
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Phenom | 1 to many ubuntus hehe | 11:22 |
Frogzoo | zF: well if you're on dapper, just run it up - for most purposes, it's perfectly adequate | 11:22 |
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Phenom | Ubuntu++ :P | 11:22 |
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meandi | achandra: ok thanks. I will boot into ubundu again and try a few things before trying dual boot. | 11:22 |
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DBO | Phenom, what do you want to make var world writeable? | 11:22 |
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agabus | will there be an updated ubuntu cd released between now and the next ubuntu? updated in the sense that it has all the latest patches bugfixes etc..? | 11:23 |
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Frogzoo | meandi: if you're shrinking your current doze partition, please be sure to defrag before running qparted | 11:23 |
Phenom | DB0, No I just want myself to be able to edit the contents of /var but I wan't it to be viewable from the internet | 11:23 |
protocol2 | agabus, nope...you have to do all of the updating yourself | 11:24 |
T1966 | Any thoughts for the sound problem? | 11:24 |
Phenom | I am trying to create folders inside the var/www folder | 11:24 |
DBO | Phenom, to edit var use sudo | 11:24 |
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DBO | Phenom, sudo mkdir /var/www/newdir | 11:24 |
WARlrus | I've still not managed to find anything on google to help | 11:25 |
Phenom | DBO, Thanks | 11:25 |
agabus | protocol2- is there any reason why they don't? there's hundreds of MB of updates already | 11:25 |
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WARlrus | the only articles I've found were talking about ndiswrapper, what is that and should I use it? | 11:25 |
Phenom | DB0, I was hoping there would be an easier way | 11:25 |
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DBO | Phenom, what is the end goal here? | 11:25 |
Phenom | DB0, To turn my PC into a server | 11:25 |
T1966 | salmiak_: any t6houghts on my sound problem? | 11:26 |
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salmiak_ | sounds like a driver problem... | 11:26 |
DBO | Phenom, a web server? | 11:26 |
Phenom | DB0, Exactally | 11:26 |
meandi | Frogzoo: not sure what you mean, so if I shrink my C partition in order to free some space and then try to find that unallocated space in ubundu I should first defrag it in ubundu? | 11:26 |
T1966 | where do I pick them up? PLs | 11:26 |
protocol2 | agabus, they just give you the option to get the barebones of the operating system....the updates and additional packages are up to you to install | 11:26 |
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DBO | Phenom, look up how to use home directories in apache | 11:26 |
salmiak_ | dunno really :( | 11:26 |
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achandra | WARlrus: can you do an lspci | grep broadcom | 11:26 |
Phenom | DB0, Thanks! | 11:26 |
DBO | Phenom, that will make things easier for you instead of using /var/www | 11:26 |
Frogzoo | meandi: is your c: drive the entire disk? | 11:27 |
WARlrus | you mean run that in terminal? | 11:27 |
achandra | yes | 11:27 |
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meandi | Frogzoo: no it's 24 GB from a 250 GB disk | 11:27 |
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WARlrus | Erm I ran it but it didn't do anything | 11:27 |
WARlrus | no errors, but the disk loaded something then the terminal went to a new command | 11:27 |
zawa | good evening, Has anyone able to detect wireless USB TRENDnet TEW-424UB on a Dell Inspiron 5100? | 11:27 |
Phenom | How do I CHMOD a directory from a terminal? | 11:28 |
meandi | Frogzoo: I only use 8 GB on C so I have 16 GB spare | 11:28 |
Frogzoo | meandi: well what's on the rest of the disk, or is it empty & unpartitioned? | 11:28 |
protocol2 | and I think there are very good reasons for that | 11:28 |
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achandra | WARlrus : do an lspci | grep more | 11:28 |
zawa | I installed ndiswrapper and did the following: modprobe ndiswrapper | 11:28 |
achandra | look for a broadcom device | 11:28 |
agabus | protocol2 - yeah i know. i wonder how much work it would take to roll another release out | 11:28 |
zawa | and it froze my machine completely | 11:28 |
achandra | it might be a 4300 ... | 11:28 |
WARlrus | achandra: same again, it didnt come up with anything | 11:28 |
[NP] Tangent | I have a question about SSH | 11:28 |
achandra | hmmm | 11:28 |
meandi | Frogzoo: the rest is assigned to E: which is encrypted with DriveCrypt, a sector level encryption tool | 11:28 |
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meandi | Frogzoo: when not running DriveCrypt it looks like E: is empty | 11:29 |
Frogzoo | meandi: err yuck | 11:29 |
[NP] Tangent | I'm trying to run a bzflag server on another box, but in order to do so, I seem to have to keep a terminal open on my local box. How can I keep the server program running without a terminal open on my local computer? | 11:29 |
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achandra | WARlrus: it didnt find any other pci devices at all? | 11:29 |
WARlrus | Nope | 11:29 |
UNH2LY | how does one find the name of a window? | 11:29 |
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Frogzoo | UNH2LY: xinfo ? | 11:30 |
WARlrus | I'm running ubuntu off a CD, would that affect it? | 11:30 |
meandi | Frogzoo: problem? | 11:30 |
Flannel | [NP] Tangent: sounds like screen will do it. Well, or &. | 11:31 |
PZico | hello, I just used mke2fs -j /dev/hdc5 But in instructions I was told to use "type 83"... what does it mean and sould I reformat? | 11:31 |
UNH2LY | Frogzoo, dont see that in apty | 11:31 |
UNH2LY | *apt | 11:31 |
Frogzoo | meandi: well I don't know what DC does with the rest of the partition table - if I was you, I'd make sure to be fully backed up before messing around | 11:31 |
[NP] Tangent | Flannel, being quite a linux newbie, you'll have to dumb that down a bit... sorry :< | 11:31 |
achandra | that is good question...does anyone knwo if running lspci when running off cd produces no output? | 11:31 |
Flannel | [NP] Tangent: er, actually. no, that would effectively be the same. I'm not familiar with bzflag though, sorry. | 11:31 |
[NP] Tangent | bzflag's server program doesn't run as a daemon for whatever reason | 11:32 |
[NP] Tangent | meaning I have to keep a terminal open, apparently | 11:32 |
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[NP] Tangent | I was wondering if the terminal would just open up on the remote box and run it instead of on my laptop | 11:32 |
meandi | Frogzoo: actually I have a secondary 250 GB disk with backups of C and E. To be completly sure I can unplug the ATA cable to this disk so I am sure it won't be destroyed by ubuntu | 11:33 |
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WARlrus | are there any alternatives to try and get my wireless card running? | 11:34 |
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Frogzoo | meandi: cool - you can shrink c: down to make space for ubuntu (16gig isn't very generous though) - but creating a new partition will change your e: drive to f: - which might not be ok by the crypt | 11:35 |
WARlrus | http://www.dsl-warehouse.co.uk/product.asp?pr=WLI-PCI-G54 -> That is my wireless card btw | 11:35 |
jneves | crimsun: thanks - gonna check the live image | 11:35 |
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meandi | Frogzoo: I even have an unused 60 GB disk, I will install that instead and unplug the other two disks. It may be better as a start | 11:36 |
blaze^^ | Hello, i want to ask you is there any distribution that i can upload to my usb (256MB) and boot from it :) ? | 11:36 |
WARlrus | Has anyone else got any ideas on how to get my wireless PCI card (http://www.dsl-warehouse.co.uk/product.asp?pr=WLI-PCI-G54) working on Ubuntu? | 11:37 |
achandra | WARlrus: sorry..I was looking and researching...one sec. | 11:37 |
WARlrus | Ok, np :) | 11:37 |
Dial_tone | I'm about to format a 250gb partition for data - music, video, etc...no nfs. is there somewhere I can read about the pros/cons of each filesystem? | 11:37 |
Dial_tone | or should I not sweat it and pick one | 11:37 |
yonda | Blaze, Damn Small Linux perhaps? I haven't used it myself though... http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/ | 11:37 |
blaze^^ | yonda: i'll check this one :) | 11:38 |
Frogzoo | meandi: much better - zero risk & will leave you room for data | 11:38 |
meandi | Frogzoo: ok, over and out, I will do some experimenting now. Thanks for helping! | 11:38 |
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Frogzoo | meandi: yw/gl | 11:38 |
KenSentMe | Dial_tone: check wikipedia | 11:38 |
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KenSentMe | Dial_tone: sorry, check this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LinuxFilesystemsExplained | 11:40 |
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KenSentMe | It's the Ubuntu wiki | 11:40 |
raiffhigor | Good mornig guys.. | 11:40 |
KenSentMe | morning | 11:40 |
Hoxzer | Morning | 11:40 |
Dial_tone | thanks | 11:40 |
Hoxzer | what is our location? | 11:40 |
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raiffhigor | how can i solve this?!?! >>> checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.2) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation! | 11:41 |
Frogzoo | can anyone suggest a FOSS network services database? preferably with a wiki style front end? preferably running on mysql? | 11:41 |
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achandra | WARlrus: The card likely has a broadcom chipset..ie a 4306....which is likely windows native..but the card manufacturer hasnt released a linux driver. | 11:42 |
Ng | raiffhigor: you probably need to install libqt3-mt-dev or libqt4-dev (depending on if it can build against Qt4) | 11:42 |
F0LL0W3R | heey can i update the ubuntu dapper drake beta to the Release one ? or i hv to download the Release one | 11:42 |
Ng | F0LL0W3R: yes you can | 11:42 |
F0LL0W3R | how NG ? | 11:42 |
achandra | WARlrus: the work around is to check around to see if someone has created or dealt with it or...use NDISWRAPPER | 11:42 |
raiffhigor | Ng: probably i'll have them in synaptics?!?! | 11:42 |
Ng | raiffhigor: yep | 11:42 |
Ng | F0LL0W3R: run Synaptic (System->Administration), hit Reload, then Mark All Upgrades, then Apply | 11:43 |
achandra | WARlrus: to do that you will need to extract the .inf file from the executable driver loader for windows. | 11:43 |
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F0LL0W3R | Ng thx :) | 11:43 |
raiffhigor | Ng: an curiosity... where i can find if not in synaptics ... any suggests?!!!? | 11:43 |
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WARlrus | achandra: I can't find anyone else who has done something similar, so can you talk me through the niswrapper route please? | 11:43 |
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yonda | Hey guys I've got a wireless network connection here running with Network manager, but it seems to randomly drop out at random times | 11:43 |
Ng | raiffhigor: they are both available from synaptic. You might need to enable the universe repository, but they are definitely both there | 11:44 |
Ng | !tell raiffhigor about repos | 11:44 |
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|mp| | WARlrus: http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/Installation | 11:44 |
achandra | WARlrus: here's the kicker.. Im not sure you can load the driver....when your in CD mode...lets clarify with some help from others first :) | 11:44 |
WARlrus | Okay thanks :) | 11:44 |
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|mp| | WARlrus: you on live-cd? is that what "cd mode" means? | 11:45 |
WARlrus | I just want to check it works before partitioning my hard drive, and installing ubuntu on a partition | 11:45 |
WARlrus | yes, I am on a live-cd | 11:45 |
|mp| | ndis wont work | 11:45 |
WARlrus | ah | 11:45 |
achandra | Help....Is it possible to load a network card driver using ndiswrapper, load the module in "CD" mode ?? ie dapper has not been installed on the system?? | 11:45 |
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WARlrus | Will i have to partition the hard drive and install the full distro then? | 11:45 |
Dial_tone | where is that old metacity option that let you choose where new windows open? upper left corner, tabbed, etc | 11:45 |
Hoxzer | :D private chat sounds like some perverted | 11:46 |
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Dial_tone | everytime I open xchat it starts upper left and I want it lower right | 11:46 |
mauran | ohh | 11:46 |
rahul84 | how do i use torrents in ubuntu? | 11:46 |
mauran | m17n is not working on dapper | 11:46 |
|mp| | WARlrus - to check ndis, yea, unless he carsd is mentioned on the list: http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/List | 11:46 |
achandra | WARlrus: I think you have a choice to "dual"and resize the hdd if you have windows...but its the route...that I took | 11:46 |
phanter | rahul84: standard there is a program installed that can handle them to download | 11:46 |
phanter | rahul84: or what is your specific question? | 11:47 |
Dial_tone | azureus is a torrent client | 11:47 |
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rahul84 | i tried Ktorrent but i am not getting my full bandwidth | 11:47 |
WARlrus | mp: I get a 404 when trying to load that page | 11:47 |
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|mp| | WARlrus - ??? hit F5 | 11:48 |
phanter | rahul84: maybe that is because the upload of your seeders is not big enough. Is not neccesarily because of the program you use | 11:48 |
WARlrus | achandra: Is that "dual" option in windows, or do I load the live distro on linux and do it through that | 11:48 |
Phenom | Help! my .htaccess isn't working! | 11:48 |
achandra | WARlrus: with the Ubuntu CD | 11:48 |
WARlrus | mp: still getting it lol | 11:48 |
jneves | Phenom: put it in pastebin | 11:48 |
yonda | Hey guys I've got a wireless network connection here running with Network manager, but it seems to randomly drop out at random times | 11:48 |
achandra | WARlrus: it will use the Ubuntu bootloader and then give you a choice.. | 11:49 |
WARlrus | achandra: thanks, I will see if I can find another option and use that as a last resort | 11:49 |
rahul84 | no ...even on http downloads i don't get full bandwidth | 11:49 |
Phenom | jneves, i'm not getting an error its just allowing me to view the secured document anyways? | 11:49 |
Ng | yonda: does it do it just for a few seconds and then come back? | 11:49 |
phanter | yonda: try to disable the eth0 (or other non wireless cards). I had problems with that before (nut not anymmore) | 11:49 |
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|mp| | WARlrus - if you have two spare partitions, one for root filesystem "/" and one for swap (virtual memory, like pagefile in win) then you can keep your win "system" and the bootloader will offer you both options | 11:49 |
achandra | WARlrus: the steps if you want to know are edit the /etc/apt/source.list and include all the repos.. then do an apt-get update | 11:50 |
yonda | NG - Yes, and then it will reconnect within about 10 seconds | 11:50 |
yonda | Phanter - Ok I'll try that | 11:50 |
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achandra | that will get you access to ndis and wpasupplicant if you use wpa | 11:50 |
jneves | Phenom: 2 options: apache isn't configured to use .htaccess or you have the require/satisfy directives wrong | 11:50 |
Phenom | jneves, hmm | 11:50 |
achandra | then youll need to use the synaptic package manager to get ndis and wpa | 11:50 |
PZico | should this kind of command take minutes or is something wrong? dd if=/mnt/usb/ubuntu.iso of=/dev/hdaX | 11:50 |
WARlrus | mp: my harddrive is not partitioned at all at the moment, I have windows on a single partition | 11:50 |
Ng | yonda: I see something like that too - from looking at the logs I think it's because it disconnects to quickly scan for better networks, but I'm just guessing | 11:50 |
Phenom | jneves, I'm following this tutorial exactally though | 11:51 |
|mp| | WARlrus | 11:51 |
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yonda | I've disabled eth0...ill see how that goes | 11:51 |
achandra | WARlrus: the "resize" tool is what that is for...to help with getting ubuntu isntalled | 11:51 |
WARlrus | if i run the distro off the CD to install it, will it give me the option to partition the drive? then will that give me the option to dual boot? | 11:51 |
|mp| | ok - you can re-partition/resize either with Partition Magic or LInux | 11:51 |
jneves | Phenom: that's why I said to put the result on the pastebin - it's easier for me to debug it and then explain you what's wrong... | 11:51 |
achandra | |mp|: correct me if im wrong on that .. | 11:51 |
TobiasFar | i installed ubuntu and updated to xubuntu via downloading the xubuntu packages..i've changed the wallpaper under xubuntu(Xfce) and when i restart the computer and go back to xubuntu it seems that it uses the ubuntu(gnome) wallpaper | 11:51 |
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jneves | Phenom: not all tutorials are current for apache 2 | 11:51 |
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|mp| | achandra / WARlrus - i am not sure, - is it a new tool? I have never seen it.. | 11:52 |
Phenom | jneves, but what am I suppose to paste? i'll send you the part im working on maybe that will help | 11:52 |
achandra | WARlrus: its called resize with a slider bar.. | 11:52 |
WARlrus | All I want is a dual booted system with the option to run either linux or windows on startup. If i install linux will that give me the option of partitioning? | 11:53 |
achandra | WARlrus: and you can resize what you will use for windows and the rest for linux...at least that is my impression of how it works.. | 11:53 |
Phenom | jneves, http://pastebin.com/718030 | 11:53 |
KenSentMe | WARlrus: yes, the installer gives you the option to manually create partitions and it automaticly detects of you have windows or other os installed and puts in the bootloader | 11:53 |
achandra | is that correct y'all? | 11:53 |
achandra | yep thought so... | 11:53 |
WARlrus | and also, will I be able to remove the partition if I decide to remove 1 of the OS's? IE: Merge the drive back togther? | 11:53 |
|mp| | achandra / WARlrus - sounds good, why not try it? BUT remember, resizing is tricky and could go wrong, so back up your data | 11:53 |
achandra | agreed | 11:54 |
Phenom | jneves, Im using /var/www/secure for the folder I am trying to password protect | 11:54 |
|mp| | WARlrus, in theory all is possible | 11:54 |
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WARlrus | I don't keep much important stuff on that computer anyway, but thanks :) I will back it up. | 11:54 |
Hoxzer | Everything is possible possibilities are limited | 11:54 |
achandra | WARlrus: the removal is trickier...beacuse the bootloader is using that "info" to send you to one place or another.. | 11:54 |
|mp| | WARlrus, i dud it in this laptop with the KNoppix tool: Parted, l rather QtParted, and it worked fine | 11:55 |
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achandra | WARlrus: the boot loader likely will stay...if you blow away linux partition, then using Manage in windows...then the parition tool, windows will see the seperate partition and ask if you wnat to format with ntfs...so and so forth...but the bootloader for linux loads likely into the Master Boot Record.. | 11:56 |
|mp| | WARlrus - if you dont have much important stuff, then why keep windows at all? | 11:56 |
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achandra | Windows dont know about linux....Linux knows about the evil empire :) ...lol | 11:56 |
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WARlrusMAHN | Sorry about that, IRC disconnected me | 11:57 |
|mp| | WARlrus - if you dont have much important stuff, then why keep windows at all? | 11:57 |
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Phenom | jneves, did you get the pastebin URL? | 11:57 |
WARlrusMAHN | In case there are programs/games I wish to run that won't run on Linux | 11:57 |
achandra | |mp|: the question was just begging to be asked wasnt it ??? :) | 11:57 |
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usuario | hola | 11:57 |
|mp| | yup | 11:57 |
achandra | lol | 11:57 |
jneves | Phenom: yes, emergency at work - give me a sec | 11:57 |
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WARlrusMAHN | Right, I will partition the hard drive and install Linux then :) Thanks for all the help guys | 11:58 |
Phenom | jneves, alright | 11:58 |
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ipnet | hi any one can help me..how to print from windows xp host..for network shared printer | 11:58 |
WARlrusMAHN | You will probably be hearing from me later when I mess it up again ;) | 11:58 |
WARlrusMAHN | Thanks :) | 11:58 |
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kinema | if durring a server install i chose to configure my network connection later what is the easiest way to configure it after the install has completed? | 11:58 |
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achandra | WARlrusMAHN: np... when you get that far...the ndis thing is the way...google " ubuntu dapper ndiswrapper how to" | 11:59 |
achandra | there is an excellent walk through.. | 11:59 |
jneves | Phenom: the tutorial is wrong | 11:59 |
jneves | Phenom: eliminate the Files part | 11:59 |
jneves | Phenom: and put | 11:59 |
jneves | Phenom: Require valid-user | 11:59 |
phanter | hello, what is concidered to be the better virusscanner in the repositories? | 12:00 |
jneves | Phenom: Satisfy any | 12:00 |
jneves | Phenom: in the end | 12:00 |
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Frogzoo | kinema: google for /etc/network/interfaces & copy, & pppoesetup if you use pppoe | 12:00 |
achandra | kinema: we kinda were having this discussion earlier...but assuming things were found okay with the driver and all in system, administration, then networking...there is nice networktool. | 12:00 |
achandra | :) | 12:00 |
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GNAM | i cannot wait for edgy alpha 1 | 12:01 |
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achandra | darn broadcom drivers have caused more people headaches here than any other driver...yet manufacturers insist on using them in laptops...with minimal linux support...acck | 12:02 |
CrippsFX | virus scanner? we need virus scanners for linux? | 12:02 |
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kinema | achandra: isn't networktool a gui program? this is a server install | 12:02 |
achandra | CrippsFX: clamav?? | 12:02 |
Akuma_ | is there a website somewhere with plenty of linux drivers? i've never had to look for drivers before and i'm having a hard time | 12:02 |
phanter | well.... eeeuhh. let me think... I need a virusscanner | 12:02 |
GNAM | virus scanners are not useful also in windows | 12:02 |
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CrippsFX | achandra, someone was asking about one, but I've never used one. | 12:03 |
phanter | clamav says it is mainly focused on mail servers | 12:03 |
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ipnet | hi anyone can help me..how to print from windows xp host..for network shared printer | 12:04 |
achandra | CrippsFX: I did a google search for ubuntu dapper clamav and there is a cool wiki site..with a walk through of what you are asking for.. | 12:05 |
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CrippsFX | achandra, i'm not looking for one. phanter is. | 12:05 |
achandra | with regards to the by hand config.. | 12:05 |
|mp| | ipnet - have you googled it? http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=mozclient&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&q=share+printer+windows+linux | 12:05 |
achandra | ahh...okay | 12:05 |
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phanter | achandra: i was looking for it, can you pass me the link? | 12:06 |
achandra | phanter: indeed...one sec | 12:06 |
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ipnet | ok i try it | 12:07 |
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Ti_Uhl | hello | 12:07 |
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achandra | phanter: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper | 12:08 |
Ti_Uhl | i've installed ubuntu dapper drake, but there seems to be something wrong with the icons, in every menu i get the text keyboard label and then the modifier key for the shortcut. Is there any way to solve this ? | 12:08 |
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chupacabras | Hi! I put the computer to hybernate, the nonitor goes blank, but the cpu is still on. When I try to use the computer again it doesn't respond. I push any key or I do click with the mouse, but it doesn't awake. Is there something that I'm doing wrong? | 12:09 |
rixxon | i think you should push the power button, works for me anyway | 12:10 |
phanter | thanks | 12:10 |
rixxon | ( chupacabras ) | 12:10 |
chupacabras | rixrixxon I did that already | 12:10 |
Phenom | jneves, I'm still getting the same results? | 12:11 |
achandra | phanter: I believe there are two choices in that guide.. | 12:11 |
rixxon | chupacabras: then sorry, no idea :( | 12:11 |
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chupacabras | The cpu does not hybernate, just the monitor. | 12:11 |
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phanter | achandra: it only talks about clamav i think | 12:11 |
phanter | but no problem, I just take that one | 12:12 |
chupacabras | that's OK | 12:12 |
rixxon | chupacabras: should the cpu hybernate? :P (im no expert, but i think it should right?) | 12:12 |
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achandra | phanter: nope your right...one | 12:12 |
phanter | rixxon: yes it should | 12:12 |
chupacabras | rixxon, yes it should. | 12:12 |
achandra | phanter: but it is a pretty good compilation of a snot load how tos and tricks :) | 12:13 |
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Healot | if the CPU hibernate, the PC is technically shutdown... :) | 12:13 |
rixxon | everything kinda should, right? | 12:13 |
phanter | achandra: true, i know about most of them already, but still thanks | 12:13 |
achandra | forgot who asked.. but youd have to edit /etc/network/interfaces file to get a proper static entry for networking.. by hand | 12:14 |
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achandra | phanter: lol...cool | 12:14 |
rixxon | i read vista doesn't have any easily accessed way to shut down, the "shut down" is infact hibernate :S | 12:15 |
achandra | phanter: now if you can get a windows client with clam talking to the linux server...with calmav server running on it...YOU DA MAN...:) | 12:15 |
chupacabras | ah | 12:15 |
phanter | achandra: well... hahaha... that is not what I need / want to know ;) | 12:15 |
achandra | ;) | 12:16 |
chupacabras | Well, I'll come back tomorrow guys, bye. | 12:16 |
achandra | anybody experience with ethernet bonding on ubuntu??? specifically how to config the files manually?? | 12:16 |
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scacco[] | j #xchat | 12:18 |
scacco[] | oops | 12:18 |
scacco[] | sorry | 12:18 |
achandra | alright..good night to alll...sleep calls...im a bloody insomniac.. work is going to kick my ass tommorow :) | 12:18 |
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phanter | is there a tool that probes for your hardware and can build a .config file upon that info (so that I do not have to walk through all the options)? | 12:20 |
phanter | (for compiling a new kernel) | 12:20 |
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Arafangi1n | phanter: Just compile everything as modules. | 12:21 |
Arafangi1n | phanter: Or just use the generic kernel. | 12:21 |
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phanter | Arafangi1n: i already have done that, but was just curious if such a thing was ever made... | 12:21 |
void^ | take the config of a running kernel and just modify it | 12:22 |
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mp3guy | is there a way I can make quake3 a window and move my mouse out of it/alt-tab out of it? At the moment when I window it I can't alttab or move the mouse out | 12:23 |
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Arafangi1n | void^: Assuming the running kernel has that option. | 12:23 |
scheuri | hi all | 12:23 |
cppnewbie | hey all, im having a slight problem with my 5 button mouse including wheel (2 normal ones, wheel in the middle and 2 on the side). the side buttons dun work as they should, or at least as they usually worked in windows. what can i do about this one, any way to configure what each button does? | 12:23 |
void^ | Arafangi1n: the config.gz option that's not enabled in ubuntu kernels for some reason? but there's /boot/config-* instead. | 12:24 |
scheuri | I try to install VMware Server on Ubuntu Server, but it lacks certain libraries...how do I find out which library is provided by which package? Thanks a lot for help | 12:24 |
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Arafangi1n | scheuri: apt-file | 12:24 |
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scheuri | Arafangi1n: thanks...I trying that just now | 12:24 |
scheuri | Arafangi1n: uhmm...apt-file is not a command, I guess I need to install another package before using that? | 12:25 |
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rapha | Hi all! | 12:26 |
gharz | guys.... i just bought a new hard drive for my laptop... my question is how can i transfer my Ubuntu to the new laptop without reinstalling the system... is this possible? | 12:26 |
Arafangi1n | scheuri: Actually, apt-file is what I use on my debian servers. Ubuntu probably has it too, in either case, you have to install it. | 12:26 |
rapha | Is it possible to listen to an ".m4a" file under Dapper? When I run Totem from a terminal it says "don't know how to handle audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)4" | 12:26 |
scheuri | Arafangi1n: I am on it...thanks...:) | 12:26 |
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scheuri | Arafangi1n: THOUSAND thanks...it worked perfectly fine.... | 12:29 |
dli | gharz, you may " cp -a " your installation, but leave out /dev /sys /proc | 12:29 |
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rapha | dli: shouldn't he at least mkdir them after cp'ing the system? | 12:30 |
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cppnewbie | hey all, im having a slight problem with my 5 button mouse including wheel (2 normal ones, wheel in the middle and 2 on the side). the side buttons dun work as they should, or at least as they usually worked in windows. what can i do about this one, any way to configure what each button does? | 12:31 |
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bimberi | cppnewbie: This page might help you - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ManyButtonsMouseHowto | 12:32 |
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zobi8225 | i've just instaled ubuntu on my mac and all work very well | 12:33 |
zobi8225 | thx a lot | 12:33 |
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BCK | hey, how do i get a system tray in ubuntu ? | 12:33 |
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BCK | konversation creates an icon in a new window kinda of thing | 12:33 |
BCK | same for kopete | 12:33 |
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cppnewbie | oi, cor bimberi, thx, will do | 12:34 |
bimberi | cppnewbie: yw :) | 12:34 |
Sonderblade | upgrading from breezy to dapper now should be really painless right? apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade ?? | 12:34 |
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_stev_ | I have installed wine, but I cannot open the file wi | 12:35 |
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mitja | Where can I change selection to XFree86 instead of Xorg? | 12:35 |
scheuri | Sonderblade: use aptitude instead of apt-get | 12:35 |
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Stroganoff | BCK the systray is called "notification area" in gnome. u should check the preferences of Konversation and Kopete | 12:35 |
cppnewbie | anyone knows if ubuntu will get this like, problem, fixed, where with 64bit ubuntu u dont have 32bit support? in any future update maybe? | 12:36 |
_stev_ | with wine, I cannot open :wine /media/cdrom/start.exe | 12:36 |
Sonderblade | scheuri: why? | 12:36 |
scheuri | Sonderblade: aptitude handles dependencies better...so upgrading, removing and installing is a "better" | 12:36 |
scheuri | Sonderblade: is a bit "better"...this is correct...;) | 12:37 |
Arafangi1n | scheuri: Depends. I use apt-get and dpkg. | 12:37 |
Arafangi1n | scheuri: Some things just need dpkg. | 12:37 |
Sonderblade | scheuri: i thought aptitute was just a frontend | 12:37 |
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mindspit | MySQL header files missing what can i do? | 12:37 |
scheuri | Arafangi1n: well, apt-get does not handle dependencies that well as aptitude is able to...when removing stuff or upgrading it, aptitude takes better care of deps | 12:38 |
_stev_ | somebody ever used wine? | 12:38 |
scheuri | Sonderblade: well, apt-get is not just a front-end...:)...aptitude is neither...it is a frontend, but also has some features | 12:38 |
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Stroganoff | yes, _stev_ | 12:39 |
Lynoure | _stev_: Yes, but not all that successfully, always | 12:39 |
Arafangi1n | scheuri: apt-get is more reserved, afaik. | 12:39 |
Sonderblade | scheuri: and synaptic? | 12:39 |
scheuri | Sonderblade: synaptic is a graphical frontend...probably for apt-get...but I am not sure...there should be info on their homepage | 12:40 |
scheuri | Arafangi1n: that is possible... | 12:40 |
_stev_ | well Stroganoff Lynoure : I want to run a cd with start.exe and typed in wine /media/cdrom/start.exe.. | 12:40 |
rapha | Please, help! Trying to listen to an .m4a file; following the instructions under RestrictedFormats has only helped with the video part, still no sound tho... | 12:41 |
cppnewbie | all these things with the mice seem confusing, im having a bit of trouble understanding what i should do....... | 12:41 |
Arafangi1n | cppnewbie: Explaining the problem is half the solution. | 12:42 |
blackline | in xchat i used to have a meny to the right with the online users in each channe. this is gone, how do i get that back? | 12:42 |
cppnewbie | Arafangi1n, explained some lines above, i got a mouse with 5 buttons, 2 normal, the wheel, and 2 on the side, and these 2 on the side dun do what they should | 12:42 |
cppnewbie | and someone gave me a link saying what to do, but it all seems confusing :\ | 12:43 |
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=== luX` a dopo | ||
Arafangi1n | cppnewbie: I can't find the question. | 12:43 |
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johnZay_ | where is the information for panels stored? (like what's in the panel) | 12:44 |
cppnewbie | i just mentioned the problem again though | 12:44 |
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_stev_ | Stroganoff: Lynoure: I"ve got the following message :Warning: the specified Windows directory L"c:\\windows" is not accessible.Warning: the specified System directory L"c:\\windows\\system32" is not accessible | 12:44 |
cppnewbie | the question in itself, is what should i do for a mouse with more buttons than usual that dont do what they usually do | 12:44 |
Stroganoff | johnZay, gconf-editor -> apps -> panel -> applets | 12:45 |
johnZay_ | thanbks | 12:45 |
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cappiz | is it possible to resize a filesystem ? | 12:47 |
cappiz | wich is the system disk? | 12:47 |
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Kaja | Yes. | 12:48 |
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cappiz | Kaja how :> ? | 12:49 |
Kaja | Use some livecd that comes with a suitable program... such as gparted. | 12:49 |
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cappiz | ah | 12:50 |
cappiz | cant | 12:50 |
cappiz | its not located at my place | 12:50 |
cappiz | :> | 12:50 |
CrippsFX | in the config file, chainloader+1 is used when the partition to be booted from already has its own bootloader, right? | 12:51 |
xophEr | Does anyone have a clue how to get the DVI output working on my gfxcard? (NVIDIA) | 12:51 |
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Stroganoff | _stev_, are u there? | 12:52 |
cyfr | Hello.. if I have a webserver on my LAN, and im using dyndns, how do I make it so that I can type in the dyndns URL and get my webpage? Rather than typing in the internal IP? | 12:52 |
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_stev_ | Stroganoff: yes | 12:52 |
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Stroganoff | _stev_, run winecfg, go to 'drives', 'advanced', 'add', 'type', 'path' .. | 12:53 |
Arafangi1n | cyfr: It's called a router. | 12:53 |
Arafangi1n | cyfr: But many adsl modems have _crap_ routers, so if you want that, you either have to hardcode it into your computer (/etc/resolv.conf, I believe), or use an internal DNS. | 12:53 |
Stroganoff | then -- wine "D:\start.exe" -- or whatever | 12:54 |
DarkMageZ | whats the the traceroute command line tool called? tried tracert & traceroute... | 12:54 |
cyfr | Thankyou Arafangi1n | 12:54 |
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CrippsFX | DarkMageZ, do you even have it installed? | 12:54 |
DarkMageZ | CrippsFX, ooo, good point, might not be installed by default | 12:55 |
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CrippsFX | DarkMageZ, I don't think it is ;) | 12:55 |
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DarkMageZ | CrippsFX, lol, damn, no traceroute tool by default | 12:56 |
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cyfr | Arafangi1n: is there some sort of name for what im trying to do in resolv.conf? So that I can research the topic further? | 12:57 |
CrippsFX | DarkMageZ, you could install: lft , mtr, netwox, tcptraceroute, traceproto, or xt | 12:58 |
CrippsFX | :) | 12:58 |
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DarkMageZ | CrippsFX, ya, already running traceroute, but wow, that's odd, having ping, but no traceroute :S | 12:58 |
CrippsFX | indeed! | 12:58 |
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ketilkn | Anyone know of a good howto on moving /boot from seperate partition to / partition. Due to Ubuntu frequently adding new kernels my /boot goes full all the time. | 12:59 |
Arafangi1n | cyfr: Ah, it's /etc/hosts | 12:59 |
_stev_ | Stroganoff: well i've added path /media/cdrom and type cdrom...but the program doesn't start with wine /media/cdrom/start.exe | 12:59 |
CrippsFX | ketilkn, just mount /boot under a different directory, copy everything from it to the empty /boot , unmount the old /boot dir, and remove the line with "/boot" from your /etc/fstab | 01:00 |
Stroganoff | _stev_, try -- wine "D:\start.exe" -- or whatever | 01:00 |
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ketilkn | CrippsFX, I expect I would have to edit menu.lst as well ? | 01:01 |
cyfr | Brilliant Arafangi1n works :) ty! | 01:01 |
ketilkn | CrippsFX, No pitfalls there? | 01:01 |
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CrippsFX | ketilkn, yeah. you'd have to change (hd0,0) (assuming /boot is /dev/hda1) to (hd0,1) (assuming root is on /dev/hda2) | 01:02 |
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ketilkn | CrippsFX, Thank you. I think I will just have a go at this. Wish me luck :) | 01:03 |
CrippsFX | ketilkn, wait a second. | 01:03 |
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alth | Hey guys, what's the easiest and quickest tool to convert MP3 to WAV? I want to burn an audio CD ^^ | 01:04 |
CrippsFX | ketilkn, this is the section for my ubuntu: http://pastebin.com/718107 ... my root fs is on /dev/hda1 | 01:04 |
CrippsFX | alth, gnomebaker or k3b | 01:04 |
_stev_ | Stroganoff: I can run a seperate exe file from the cd but not with start.exe.. | 01:04 |
Stroganoff | try crossover-office ;) | 01:05 |
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ketilkn | CrippsFX, I would probably need to reinstall grub on MBR right? One would guess Grub need to know where to find its configuration ? | 01:05 |
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alth | CrippsFX: K3B won't convert my files, it says 'unsupported file type'. | 01:06 |
Chris_C | My automatic weekly security update has run (breezy/5.10), and for the 4 packages that it wants to update, instead of describing the changes it says "The list of changes is not available yet. Please try again later." It's been like that for two days now. Anyone know of any server / repository troubles? | 01:06 |
ketilkn | Or I could of course just keep it one the old partition and make a symlink in the new /boot | 01:06 |
CrippsFX | ketilkn, yes, you would need to reinstall grub on your MBR, but it will by default look in /boot/grub/ for menu.lst | 01:06 |
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CrippsFX | alth, you have to download the k3b-mp3 plugin | 01:06 |
alth | Ahh. | 01:07 |
alth | Is that in the repositories? | 01:07 |
CrippsFX | ketilkn, you *could* ... but you would still have the space restrictions. | 01:07 |
CrippsFX | alth, should be in universe. | 01:07 |
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ketilkn | GRUB has no problems reading ext3 ? | 01:08 |
alth | Do you know the filename, CrippsFX? | 01:08 |
CrippsFX | ketilkn, nope. | 01:08 |
CrippsFX | alth, try an "apt-cache search" | 01:08 |
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CrippsFX | ketilkn, my /boot is on my root fs, and I use ext3 ;) | 01:08 |
CrippsFX | ketilkn, it works without any tweaking of any kind. | 01:09 |
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ketilkn | Right. Thanks. I keep making seperate /boot partitions out of old habit. I think I will stop doing that now. | 01:09 |
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ketilkn | Reboot time | 01:10 |
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mcbtr | can i ask a question | 01:11 |
spikeb | course you can mcbtr | 01:12 |
spikeb | mcbtr: that's what we're here for | 01:12 |
mcbtr | i am new at ubuntu but i can not make a sign | 01:12 |
Adium | you me login? | 01:12 |
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mcbtr | there is a sign like a | 01:13 |
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spikeb | hmm, define sign | 01:13 |
mcbtr | you know which is between user name and e-mail address | 01:13 |
Adium | @ | 01:14 |
spikeb | oh | 01:14 |
spikeb | an at sign | 01:14 |
mcbtr | but at windows ctrl+alt+q makes this sign but at ubuntu i can not make it | 01:14 |
mcbtr | how could i make | 01:14 |
spikeb | mcbtr: not sure how to fix it for real, but you can copy and paste one off irc into a text file, then use that whenever you needed one | 01:14 |
mcbtr | thanks | 01:15 |
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spikeb | that must have been good enough for that person :) | 01:17 |
traveller | isn't the @ symbol done by pressing shift+2? am i missing something here? | 01:17 |
dnel | mcbtr: Your keymap is probably set wrong, it will be there but likely not with the corresponding key on your keyboard | 01:17 |
pianoboy3333 | Where can I get the metacity theme named 'gentle'? It used to be on gnome-look, but I can't find it | 01:17 |
spikeb | hmm | 01:17 |
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spikeb | google perhapst? | 01:17 |
dnel | traveller: that will work on a US keymap yes | 01:17 |
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traveller | hm....different keymaps i see | 01:18 |
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Adium | traveller, not if its a UK keyboard you don't | 01:18 |
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Chris_C | traveller has never travelled to the UK :) | 01:18 |
traveller | Chris_C: apparently so :/ | 01:18 |
Adium | lol | 01:19 |
pianoboy3333 | spikeb: I have, but I haven't found it :( that was my favorite theme | 01:19 |
Chris_C | hey since it's quiet here let me re-ask my question | 01:19 |
traveller | i can only get US keyboards here | 01:19 |
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Chris_C | My automatic weekly security update has run (breezy/5.10), and for the 4 packages that it wants to update, instead of describing the changes it says "The list of changes is not available yet. Please try again later." It's been like that for two days now. Anyone know of any server / repository troubles? | 01:19 |
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spikeb | i wonder if they just didnt update the changelog, Chris_C | 01:19 |
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schalken | !multimedia keys | 01:21 |
ubotu | Bugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, schalken | 01:21 |
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gyro54 | what would you do with this file (print-drivers-linux-glibc2-x86.deb)? | 01:22 |
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nosklo | gyro54, delete? | 01:22 |
Adium | install it? | 01:22 |
nosklo | gyro54, burn it to a cd-rom? | 01:22 |
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Adium | email it? | 01:23 |
gyro54 | how do I install or do I just run it? | 01:23 |
Adium | lol | 01:23 |
nosklo | gyro54, send it over the net to a friend in australia? | 01:23 |
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KenSentMe | gyro54: sudo dpkg -i file.deb | 01:23 |
nosklo | gyro54, sudo dpkg -i file.deb | 01:23 |
Adium | sudo dpkg -i filename.deb | 01:23 |
KenSentMe | lol | 01:23 |
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gyro54 | Thanks - What service.... | 01:23 |
Adium | lol | 01:23 |
Ng | or double click on it with the file manager and gdebi will offer to install it for you (assuming you are on dapper) | 01:24 |
spikeb | haha | 01:24 |
spikeb | you can double click on it to install it. | 01:24 |
spikeb | yes ng | 01:24 |
BCK | gah | 01:24 |
spikeb | sometimes i wish more people KNEW that. | 01:24 |
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gyro54 | things are getting so easy | 01:24 |
Ng | indeed, especially since it's more useful for randomly downloaded .deb's than dpkg -i | 01:24 |
nosklo | spikeb, we are used to type :) | 01:24 |
=== BCK has a tv card with visual output in kaffeine but no audio output | ||
BCK | what should i do ? | 01:24 |
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nosklo | BCK, try plugging a cable between your capture card and your sound card | 01:25 |
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spikeb | nosklo: i know, but we ought to start getting used to taking advantage of the graphical tools offered, so that newbies can as well | 01:25 |
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BCK | nosklo: i have one :P | 01:25 |
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BCK | worked fine under suse + kaffeine | 01:25 |
nosklo | BCK, turn up your sound cards volume using gnome volume manager | 01:25 |
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wildman_ | hello * | 01:26 |
BCK | have done | 01:26 |
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nosklo | BCK, double click volume in panel, near the clock, and turn up ALL sliders | 01:26 |
nosklo | BCK, including the one that says "Line In" or something | 01:26 |
BCK | kk | 01:26 |
BCK | nope :( | 01:27 |
_stev_ | join /xubuntu | 01:27 |
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nosklo | _stev_, /join #xubuntu | 01:27 |
_stev_ | nosklo: thanks :-) | 01:27 |
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=== BCK is sad | ||
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BCK | it shouldnt be different | 01:28 |
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nosklo | BCK, true | 01:28 |
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nosklo | BCK, specially since your sound card that is doing the work, not the capture card | 01:28 |
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nosklo | BCK, other sound plays ok? | 01:28 |
BCK | yes | 01:28 |
BCK | other sound is fine | 01:29 |
spikeb | just another example of what makes distros different - different bugs. | 01:29 |
=== spikeb sighs | ||
BCK | spikeb: tis true | 01:29 |
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nosklo | BCK, do you have another external source of sound to plug into the same plug on your sound card that your capture card is plugged in, just to test it? | 01:29 |
nosklo | BCK, like, an MP3 player or something | 01:29 |
Adium | spikeb, this is true that why ive started to use www.desktopbsd.net | 01:29 |
BCK | yes | 01:29 |
killaz | hi is the vmware player enough to use winz applications once in teh while? | 01:29 |
BCK | the cable is fine | 01:30 |
froggi_ | does anyone know if it is possible to make two partitions appear as one ? | 01:30 |
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_stev_ | I want to share a folder and when I want to connect with my windows pc I have to give a password and name, why is that? | 01:30 |
spikeb | Adium: ahh, it's great - there's already two bsd distros that do the same damn thing - desktopbsd and pcbsd | 01:30 |
nosklo | ok, so you are sure the capture card is not sending sound right? | 01:30 |
Adium | yep | 01:30 |
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BCK | well i guess | 01:30 |
killaz | froggi_: what do you mean with appear as one? | 01:30 |
BCK | i think so | 01:30 |
Adium | though im not a fan od PCBSD | 01:30 |
Adium | of* | 01:30 |
BCK | sound playing from mp3 player nosklo | 01:30 |
nosklo | BCK, well if you plug another stuff instead of your capture card on the cable, you hear sound | 01:30 |
BCK | yes | 01:31 |
BCK | i do | 01:31 |
spikeb | Adium: i'm just grumpy because they both use KDE | 01:31 |
BCK | listening now | 01:31 |
spikeb | Adium: i wish one used gnome instead :) | 01:31 |
nosklo | BCK, ok, then you must turn on the volume on the capture card somehow | 01:31 |
Adium | lol @ spikeb | 01:31 |
nosklo | BCK, try switching channel :P | 01:31 |
BCK | did | 01:31 |
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BCK | no difference | 01:31 |
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BCK | even for radio channels no sound | 01:31 |
Adium | I must admit that took some getting use to think ill end up using gnome | 01:31 |
gyro54 | now how do I run this file (/usr/local/lexmark/setup.lexmark) ? | 01:31 |
froggi_ | killaz, I have two partitions, first is standard Ubuntu plus swap, second used to be a windows partion, but have reformatted it as EXT3 | 01:31 |
=== spikeb has been using gnome since pre-1.0 | ||
froggi_ | killaz, is it possible for the Ubuntu partion to seemlessly span across to the other partion | 01:32 |
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bunny | Hello, if I copy debs I find in one machince in /var/cache/spt/archives/ to same dir in another a networked machince (via cdrom) which only has dial up access will packaage manager pick them up that they are there when go to check for updates (note I can update package list on dial up, but deb packages inc new pcc dapper kernel to get G3 iMac booting too much for dial up) | 01:33 |
nosklo | BCK, on the volume manager (double click volume), under file -> change device, does your capture card shows up there? | 01:33 |
spikeb | bunny: it should | 01:33 |
Timmy_ | i was wondering how i could give the cpu more attention to things that are happening in realtime versus something in the background | 01:33 |
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spikeb | Timmy_: using the nice command | 01:33 |
Timmy_ | aight? | 01:33 |
killaz | froggi_: I guess so, you should only mount it to for example /_some_name and it's part of your filesystem | 01:33 |
BCK | nosklo: the slider was at the bottom still no change :( | 01:33 |
spikeb | Timmy_: i don't really know much about it, try reading the manual page for it :( | 01:34 |
Timmy_ | kk | 01:34 |
spikeb | i HATE saying that | 01:34 |
bunny | thanks spikeb that means I can get G3 iMac running dapper properly at local community centre via cdrom | 01:34 |
=== spikeb reads the manual page himself | ||
MetaMorfoziS | is it true the LG dvd writers are bad? | 01:34 |
spikeb | bunny: awesome :) | 01:34 |
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gyro54 | any idea how to run this file (/usr/local/lexmark/setup.lexmark) ? | 01:34 |
spikeb | bunny: i have a ppc mac mini running dapper | 01:34 |
froggi_ | killaz, I have mounted it and I can use it as part of my file system, but Ubuntu won't automatically use it if it starts to run out of space on the first partion ? | 01:34 |
BCK | grr | 01:34 |
BCK | this is a pain | 01:34 |
Timmy_ | the nice command blows | 01:35 |
Timmy_ | lol | 01:35 |
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spikeb | oh that's great | 01:35 |
spikeb | the documentation sucks | 01:35 |
spikeb | heh | 01:35 |
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killaz | froggi_: as what have you mount it now...? | 01:35 |
Ng | renice to change priority of a running program | 01:35 |
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froggi_ | killaz, home-extra | 01:36 |
MetaMorfoziS | gyro54: sh <file> | 01:36 |
MetaMorfoziS | ? | 01:36 |
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gyro54 | thanks | 01:37 |
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killaz | froggi_: /home-extra, so if your write something to /home-write you are using that partition..... I dont think that if the first partition runs out of space taht it will start using the second one which is /home/first | 01:38 |
kbrooks | can you install packages with a few clicks in dapper? | 01:38 |
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boricua | good morning needs some help i just install the server cd but i don't have any X does the server cd come with any WM? | 01:39 |
Stroganoff | could u pls point me to a graphical cvs-browser/downloader? | 01:39 |
froggi_ | killaz, that is what I thought.. but I was hoping there was some way to give Linux more space like adding another drive, and it would just include it | 01:39 |
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jrib | kbrooks: if you mean repos, synaptic and the gnome-add apps thing is there. If you mean .deb's there is gdebi now | 01:40 |
KenSentMe | boricua: the server install is standard only in command line | 01:40 |
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kbrooks | jrattner1: package = file, so yes, i meant ".debs" | 01:40 |
KenSentMe | boricua: if you want to install a desktop i think you can use sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop | 01:40 |
Lynoure | froggi_: there are multiple ways. Easiest probably is to make the new disk your /home | 01:40 |
boricua | KenSentMe,k | 01:40 |
spikeb | yes you can ken | 01:40 |
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froggi_ | Lynoure, so if I was to make the new disk or partiotion /home , how ? | 01:41 |
kbrooks | jrib: is gdebi bundled wth ubuntu? | 01:41 |
boricua | KenSentMe:how can i ocnfigure my printer from command line? | 01:41 |
KenSentMe | boricua: or try apt-get install (k)ubuntu-desktop | 01:41 |
spikeb | kbrooks: yup | 01:41 |
jrib | !info gdebi | 01:41 |
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ubotu | gdebi: (Simple tool to install deb files), section admin, is optional. Version: 0.1.4ubuntu13 (dapper), Packaged size: 31 kB, Installed size: 684 kB | 01:41 |
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KenSentMe | !tell boricua about cups | 01:41 |
BlueEagle | froggi_: Edit your /etc/fstab file to make /home mount at boot. You might want to mount it somwhere else first so you can transfer the files that are already in your /home directory tho. | 01:42 |
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KenSentMe|afk | got to go now | 01:42 |
jrib | kbrooks: it's on the cd but it doesn't get installed by default it seems | 01:42 |
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=== froggi_ processing last instruction from BlueEagle | ||
Lynoure | froggi_: first make a file system into it, then copy your home stuff into it, then remove old home and mount the new one to it's place (don't forget to add to fstab) | 01:43 |
scheuri | hi all | 01:43 |
CrippsFX | how can I create a grub boot floppy that will boot a usb drive? | 01:43 |
killaz | froggi_: no if you partition it is the same as in win box the system cant decide by its own that its time to start using space of the other partition. What you can do is when you run out of space, copy for example /var to partition 2 and mount it as /var | 01:43 |
scheuri | question: I installed VMware server on Ubuntu Server 6.06 LTS and tried to install MUI...but it says that there is no vmware server installed (but it clearly is actually...and running)...anyone an idea why that is? | 01:43 |
BlueEagle | froggi_: Do you need step-by-step instructions? | 01:43 |
Lynoure | BlueEagle said it right, yes. :) | 01:43 |
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brimble | Does anyone know where I can download a copy of the official ubuntu book ? | 01:44 |
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pl_ice | hey | 01:44 |
froggi_ | BlueEagle, most likely as I only know enough to get in trouble, but let me edit my fstab first to get my head aorund what you suggest | 01:44 |
sikor_sxe | did anyone else experience a regression with the latest kerlen update for dapper? suspend to ram and disk won't work anymore since | 01:45 |
spikeb | no, but the breezy kernel regressed | 01:45 |
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redblades | How do I uninstall something I installed with dpkg? | 01:46 |
BlueEagle | froggi_: ok, the entry you want is something like: /dev/sda12 /home ext3 defaults 0 2 | 01:46 |
boricua | tell KenSentMe about http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_ubuntu_6.06_p3 | 01:46 |
aceri | redblades > try dpkg -r nameofprogram | 01:46 |
boricua | !tell KenSentMe about http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_ubuntu_6.06_p3 | 01:46 |
BlueEagle | froggi_: where sda12 would be the partition of choice and ext3 would be the filesystem on your partition. | 01:46 |
jrib | redblades: dpkg -r something | 01:46 |
redblades | okay | 01:47 |
froggi_ | BlueEagle. can I pastebin my fstab ? | 01:47 |
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killaz | my installation of vmware-player using synaptic gives me errors.... anyone encounter these errors too? | 01:47 |
killaz | error is : E: vmware-player: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 | 01:48 |
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brimble | Does anyone know where I can download a copy of the official ubuntu book ? | 01:50 |
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LinuxMafia | hey | 01:50 |
BlueEagle | froggi_: Yes ofcourse you can. I might even take a look at it. :) | 01:50 |
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LinuxMafia | when i install ubuntu which user i have to add ? root? | 01:50 |
BlueEagle | brimble: amazon.com? | 01:50 |
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brimble | Blue: Hmmm yeah, I live in Australia....will take too long to get it :( | 01:51 |
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froggi_ | BlueEagle, what is the standard pastebin used aorund here ? | 01:51 |
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Kaja | Probably the one in topic =/ | 01:52 |
boricua | KenSentMe|afk: i see the concept thanks for the tips i just ran into this http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_ubuntu_6.06_p3 ii guess the base install requieres more input then the desktop option | 01:52 |
protocol2 | !vmware | 01:52 |
ubotu | I heard vmware is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingVMWare | 01:52 |
LinuxMafia | brimble, yu must be proud | 01:52 |
pl_ice | guys, what's a program that can connect to streamed ineternet radio?? | 01:52 |
finkployd | any estimate when kernel 2.6.17 may appear in Drake's repositories? | 01:52 |
froggi_ | !pastebin | 01:52 |
ubotu | Please do not flood the channel! Use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long pieces of text, to avoid disrupting the channel. You might also want to use the "webboard" package from Universe. | 01:52 |
localvar | what is the difference of all the CD options one can Order at shipit ? | 01:52 |
brimble | Linux...Why is that ? Are you being sarcastic | 01:52 |
Ng | finkployd: it's highly unlikely that it will | 01:52 |
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LinuxMafia | protocol2, i am installing ubuntu on vmware | 01:53 |
finkployd | Ng: oh? why is that? | 01:53 |
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Ng | finkployd: generally ubuntu doesn't push new versions of things into a release once its out | 01:53 |
protocol2 | cool....your running XP? | 01:53 |
!lilo:*! Earlier this morning, a small regional server split; affected users, about 182. | 01:53 | |
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LinuxMafia | protocol2, gentoo | 01:53 |
protocol2 | ahh | 01:54 |
!lilo:*! We're looking into the problem. Thanks. | 01:54 | |
BlueEagle | froggi_: ubuntu.pastebin.com or !pastebin | 01:54 |
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BlueEagle | !pastebin | 01:54 |
ubotu | Please do not flood the channel! Use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long pieces of text, to avoid disrupting the channel. You might also want to use the "webboard" package from Universe. | 01:54 |
Mutiny|Sakara | Hi all | 01:54 |
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Boglizk | hello | 01:54 |
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LinuxMafia | protocol2, but i dont know which user i have to add in installation | 01:54 |
BlueEagle | brimble: ISBN: 0132435942; Published: Aug 4, 2006 <= Doesn't appear to be published yet so you'll need to wait anyhow or so it appears. | 01:54 |
finkployd | Ng: That's a shame, I have some friends with Powerbooks who want to run it (they are not up to compiling kernels) | 01:55 |
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pl_ice | any programs that can listen to streamed radio?... | 01:55 |
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LinuxMafia | pl_ice, mplayer | 01:55 |
bimberi | pl_ice: rhythmbox | 01:55 |
brimble | Blue...Yep guess so, bugger | 01:55 |
Ng | finkployd: it's possible that it may show up in the backports tree, but changing kernel versions is quite involved because of userspace dependencies these days. Edgy should be out in October though, which will have a shiny new kernel :) | 01:55 |
localvar | 5 CD option and 1 CD option and 8 CD option at Shipit where you order Free CD's what is the difference between them ? | 01:56 |
Mutiny|Sakara | I am struggeling to install ubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386 onto my laptop any chance anyone could help me out | 01:56 |
LinuxMafia | pl_ice, gxine , realplay | 01:56 |
killaz | protocol2: that's the whole wmware I thought you could only install vmware-player. Like they say here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VmwarePlayer?highlight=%28vmware%29 | 01:56 |
pl_ice | yeh, but there was another one :/ it actually listed all the radios registered on the net, i can't remember what was it called :/ | 01:56 |
rapha | Could somebody pastebin his original /boot/grub/menu.lst for me? I had some probs with the installation and now there is none :-/ | 01:56 |
Guardian | what's your terminal font ??? i'm usinb monospace 12. but since dist upgrade i find it bigger than it used to be. i would like to know if my fonts settings changed for terminal or if monospace 12 is rendered bigger than before | 01:57 |
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Guardian | i noticed libcairo has been updated in the process. maybe there's a link | 01:58 |
killaz | LinuxMafia: are you running the vmwareWorkstation or vmwarePlayer? | 01:58 |
LinuxMafia | killaz, worksattion | 01:59 |
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LinuxMafia | killaz, and i dont know how to set the root password | 01:59 |
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killaz | LinuxMafia: ahh.. ok! | 01:59 |
LinuxMafia | killaz, i added regular user at installation | 01:59 |
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LinuxMafia | killaz, now i want to install xchat , it asks for root password | 02:00 |
bimberi | localvar: those numbers are quantities | 02:00 |
froggi_ | BlueEagle, sorry, I'm using XTERM from a Windoze box onto my other Ubuntu machine and having trouble pasting the FSTAB across the machines, I might restart this question in the morning off the real machine | 02:00 |
killaz | LinuxMafia: you can install everything if you use sudo... | 02:00 |
killaz | the password is the same password as the passwords user | 02:00 |
rapha | Hello? | 02:01 |
scheuri | problem solved...:) | 02:01 |
LinuxMafia | killaz, so i can not use X for that? | 02:01 |
killaz | LinuxMafia: :D hopefully you understand what I'm saying | 02:01 |
kbrooks | bbl school | 02:01 |
bimberi | rapha: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15971 - note that i have to clean out a few old kernels :) | 02:01 |
rapha | bimberi: Thanks :-) ... no prob about the old kernels *g* | 02:01 |
LinuxMafia | killaz, yeah i do | 02:01 |
BlueEagle | froggi_: To copy text just mark it and to paste it in windows press CTRL+V | 02:01 |
killaz | LinuxMafia: yes are you installing xchat using apt-get? | 02:01 |
LinuxMafia | killaz, no | 02:01 |
BlueEagle | froggi_: and you might want to concider running putty if you ssh into the box in question. | 02:02 |
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killaz | LinuxMafia: synaptic.... | 02:02 |
LinuxMafia | killaz, i wanted to use add/remove thing in option | 02:02 |
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boricua | on the server install how do you achieve Automatic LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) during install i did not see any option for that | 02:02 |
killaz | LinuxMafia: just fill in teh same password as the one you use to login | 02:02 |
BlueEagle | linuxmafia: Using sunaptic is "the right way"(tm) to install software. | 02:02 |
[pyro] | hey guys | 02:02 |
froggi_ | BlueEagle, I SSH now, using Cygwin and then startx... can't rember what to append to command to free up the terminal window while gedit is running on fstab | 02:02 |
Hexidigital_ | does Ubuntu cache dns records? (similar to windows xp) something is bogging down my WLAN since i connected to my college WLAN | 02:03 |
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bimberi | boricua: it's on the server CD, not the server option of the alternate CD | 02:03 |
spikeb | BlueEagle: actually, it's the right way for advanced software installation. the right way is gnome-app-install. | 02:03 |
killaz | protocol2: do you know anything about installation of vmware? | 02:03 |
boricua | bimberi:that what i downloaded the server cd | 02:03 |
compengi | hi all | 02:03 |
BlueEagle | spikeb: Well, that's what I get for using xubuntu I guess. ;D | 02:03 |
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Hexidigital_ | boricua:: you should just have to type lamp then press return to start the install | 02:04 |
killaz | protocol2: cause you told me to look on the wiki for vmware, but I want to install the player NOT the workstation | 02:04 |
spikeb | BlueEagle: oh, in xubuntu it's definitely the right way | 02:04 |
bimberi | boricua: oh, ok, i understand that it's on the initial boot menu (although i've not actually seen it) | 02:04 |
spikeb | BlueEagle: :) | 02:04 |
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Seveas | killaz, sudo apt-get isntall vmware-player | 02:04 |
protocol2 | i just did this | 02:04 |
protocol2 | !vmware | 02:04 |
ubotu | it has been said that vmware is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingVMWare | 02:04 |
killaz | Seveas: that's the same as synaptic right? | 02:04 |
Seveas | killaz, yes | 02:04 |
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boricua | bimberi, i see thanks just read it here http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/installing-from-cd.html | 02:05 |
=== jazy [n=john@cpc1-bele3-0-0-cust813.belf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
killaz | protocol2: you keep pointing there ... that is the workstation! I want to install the player. | 02:05 |
Hexidigital_ | killaz:: vmware server is a fun toy (and is free) | 02:05 |
jazy | how do i find out what version of ubuntu im running? | 02:05 |
killaz | Seveas: well I installed the player using synaptic... | 02:05 |
bimberi | boricua: ah, there you go, thankyou for the link :) | 02:05 |
protocol2 | no I was looking it up personally for myself | 02:05 |
killaz | Seveas: but ran into some errors | 02:05 |
Seveas | killaz, what were those? | 02:06 |
protocol2 | the one you want is the ubuntu wiki pages | 02:06 |
bimberi | ubotu tell jazy about bersion | 02:06 |
bimberi | ubotu tell jazy about version | 02:06 |
killaz | E: vmware-player: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 | 02:06 |
spikeb | bersion! | 02:06 |
compengi | are all users here working under linux | 02:06 |
spikeb | compengi: a very very high percentage are | 02:06 |
froggi_ | BlueEagle, killaz, thanks for your help tonight, sorry to waste your time. I'll get on the right machine tomorrow and look at your suggestions | 02:06 |
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rapha | WOW! | 02:06 |
jazy | thanks | 02:06 |
rapha | Pretty new artwork! | 02:06 |
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spikeb | compengi: i think the rest are at work or school and logged on :) | 02:06 |
boricua | compengi: that should be the case good questions:-) | 02:06 |
killaz | Seveas: let me try apt-get.... maybe that wil work | 02:06 |
Seveas | killaz, put the complete output of the following command on the pastebin: dpkg --configure -a | 02:06 |
killaz | froggi_: np good luck | 02:07 |
Hexidigital_ | killaz:: either way, it should have installed any required packages as well | 02:07 |
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jazy | Ubuntu edgy (development branch).... yeah baby... bring on the breakage :-) | 02:07 |
killaz | Hexidigital_: yes. Two extra vmware packages... | 02:07 |
compengi | i'm using windows xp but planing to change to ubuntu linux | 02:07 |
compengi | i liked it | 02:07 |
killaz | Seveas: dpkg -- configure -a? | 02:07 |
killaz | thats it? | 02:07 |
Hexidigital_ | killaz:: let us know what the errors are | 02:07 |
brimble | Ubuntu rocks.... | 02:07 |
Hexidigital_ | brimble:: yes, we know :-D | 02:08 |
brimble | Oh, I thought we were stating the obvious....sorry :) | 02:08 |
loow | ubuntu suxx :D | 02:08 |
jazy | cool compeng | 02:08 |
loow | nono | 02:08 |
compengi | but i'm scared of using a new os | 02:08 |
loow | ;) | 02:08 |
Seveas | killaz, yes | 02:08 |
Hexidigital_ | compengi:: you get used to it... you feel free-er | 02:08 |
jazy | its easy to lean ubuntu.. you can just ask here or on the forums | 02:09 |
MetaMorfoziS | have anybody working external dvd writer on usb? | 02:09 |
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MetaMorfoziS | samsung anyway? | 02:09 |
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jazy | this room is how i learnt ubuntu | 02:09 |
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Hexidigital_ | does Ubuntu cache dns records? (similar to windows xp) something is bogging down my WLAN since i connected to my college WLAN (sorry to be a pain, but it is REALLY lagging my WLAN) | 02:09 |
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nosklo | compengi, what is scaring you? | 02:10 |
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Hexidigital_ | jazy:: me too :) | 02:10 |
rapha | Hexidigital_: Whenever I had probs with name resolution, manually entering a known-good nameserver (try into /etc/resolv.conf helped... | 02:10 |
nosklo | Hexidigital_, no, linux-based OSs dont cache DNS. | 02:10 |
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killaz | !pastebin | 02:11 |
ubotu | Please do not flood the channel! Use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long pieces of text, to avoid disrupting the channel. You might also want to use the "webboard" package from Universe. | 02:11 |
nosklo | Hexidigital_, if you need DNS cache you should install a DNS proxy | 02:11 |
compengi | cause i got used to use a specific type of programes and formats on windows but it looks different on linux =/ | 02:11 |
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pl_ice | i'm bored :/ | 02:11 |
Hexidigital_ | nosklo:: no, i dont want cache, but ever since i connected to my college WLAN i seem to be having DNS problems | 02:11 |
=== spikeb1 checks out gaim for IRC | ||
nosklo | compengi, different and better, must add | 02:11 |
Hexidigital_ | rapha, nosklo:: thanks guys | 02:11 |
rapha | spikeb: sucks, eh? | 02:11 |
spikeb1 | rapha: actually, it's not that bad | 02:12 |
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killaz | Seveas, Hexidigital_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15972 | 02:12 |
rapha | spikeb: I tried it out once and got totally lost... in XChat you can see at the first glance what's going on in a channel | 02:12 |
spikeb1 | rapha: it seems to have changed a lot since the last time i used it | 02:12 |
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rapha | spikeb1: gotta try it again then maybe :) | 02:12 |
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compengi | ok how can i replace my programes by linux | 02:13 |
Seveas | killaz, what's the output of: uname -a | 02:13 |
pl_ice | hey, is the new ubuntu version stable now? as not many error reports etc? ... | 02:13 |
Hexidigital_ | rapha, nosklo:: the college DNS server (gateway) was first in the list... that could've been the problem? | 02:13 |
compengi | like nero which program on linux replaces it | 02:13 |
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killaz | Linux desktop 2.6.15-25-386 | 02:13 |
someothernick | k3b gnomebaker | 02:13 |
Seveas | killaz, and dpkg -l vmware* | 02:13 |
someothernick | compengi, | 02:13 |
wickedpuppy | compengi, get k3b .. | 02:13 |
killaz | Seveas: No packages found matching vmware. | 02:14 |
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compengi | it replaces nero | 02:14 |
killaz | Seveas: oh wait | 02:14 |
compengi | ? | 02:14 |
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killaz | :D | 02:14 |
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Seveas | killaz, don't forget the * | 02:14 |
rapha | Hexidigital_: sure, when you can't access it from at home | 02:14 |
wickedpuppy | compengi, why not install it and see for yourself ? | 02:14 |
killaz | :D | 02:14 |
killaz | yup | 02:14 |
compengi | ok :D | 02:14 |
nosklo | Heartsbane, yes, it solves DNS in order | 02:14 |
Hexidigital_ | rapha:: that was it then... so i just need (my router) in that config file, sound right? | 02:15 |
Hexidigital_ | nosklo:: that what i thought | 02:15 |
compengi | i had ordered a CD from ubuntu shipit | 02:15 |
rapha | Hexidigital_: yup, sounds good | 02:15 |
killaz | Seveas: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15975 | 02:15 |
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Hexidigital_ | cool... lemme fix, be back | 02:15 |
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jcuevas | hi | 02:16 |
BanskuZ | Helo | 02:16 |
BanskuZ | *Hello | 02:16 |
spikeb | interesting | 02:16 |
spikeb | now if i can only get gaim to ONLY have tabs for chats, but not messages... | 02:16 |
rapha | Yay, finally got Tremulous back! | 02:16 |
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compengi | btw does games rune on linux? | 02:17 |
compengi | run* | 02:17 |
someothernick | tremulous is a addicitive game :) | 02:17 |
pl_ice | eh, c ya later :) | 02:17 |
rapha | Depends on the game. | 02:17 |
Chousuke | Linux games do. | 02:17 |
Chousuke | :P | 02:17 |
rapha | Yup, Tremulous is QUITE addictive :) | 02:17 |
someothernick | compengi, some | 02:17 |
compengi | the new games | 02:17 |
Chousuke | Windows games run too, if they're supported by Wine | 02:17 |
Chousuke | or Cedega | 02:17 |
killaz | Seveas: you got the pastebin? | 02:18 |
Seveas | killaz, ah, my bad, try this: dpkg -l vmware* | cat | 02:18 |
compengi | how can i know | 02:18 |
killaz | np | 02:18 |
nosklo | compengi, search games databases, or try it out | 02:18 |
someothernick | websites should have a list | 02:18 |
rapha | someothernick: where do you usually play? | 02:18 |
=== spikeb complains to himself | ||
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someothernick | akka sometimes | 02:19 |
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rapha | Old school, someothernick? | 02:19 |
someothernick | ? | 02:19 |
killaz | Seveas: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15977 | 02:19 |
compengi | i play need for speed most wanted, generals, fifa, commandos.... | 02:19 |
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rapha | someothernick: prolly not :-) ... was just referring to the fact that AKKA is the traditional server for pre-1.0.1 Trem players | 02:20 |
someothernick | ah i c :) | 02:20 |
=== ekp [n=ed@cpe-24-195-98-67.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
someothernick | i get 50 for ping there | 02:20 |
ekp | hi | 02:20 |
rapha | Kay | 02:20 |
BCK | nosklo: got it working :) | 02:20 |
someothernick | hello ekp | 02:20 |
=== rapha is more on the European servers, for pretty much the same reason | ||
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spikeb | there doesn't seem to be a way to make only chats have tabs, and not IMs | 02:20 |
spikeb | :( | 02:20 |
Seveas | killaz, uninstall vmware with: dpkg -P vmware-player | 02:21 |
Seveas | killaz, then install: vmware-player-kernel-modules-2.6.15-25 | 02:21 |
BCK | where abouts can i add comands i wish to run as root at bootup | 02:21 |
BCK | ? | 02:21 |
Seveas | killaz, and then install vmware-player again | 02:21 |
ekp | someothernick: I am having a problem with my panel configuration in Gnome Dapper Drake Release | 02:21 |
killaz | Seveas: ok....! | 02:21 |
=== Guardian [n=Guardian@mar44-1-87-90-32-28.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nosklo | BCK, what was it? | 02:21 |
rapha | BCK: make yourself some init script... /etc/init.d/rc.local would be a good place. | 02:21 |
someothernick | ekp, what is the prob | 02:21 |
ekp | I add window space changer but can not get it to show more than one workspace | 02:22 |
rapha | BCK: that would then be linked for example to /etc/rc3.d/S99local | 02:22 |
killaz | Seveas: that's the newer module...? | 02:22 |
BCK | needed libxineextracodecs | 02:22 |
Seveas | killaz, yes | 02:22 |
BCK | rapha its just one line | 02:22 |
BCK | surely can add it somewhere? | 02:22 |
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rapha | BCK: it would be a hack. What do you want to start anyways? | 02:23 |
BCK | just tv card | 02:23 |
BCK | modprove bt | 02:23 |
ekp | error shows failed schema for panel apps | 02:23 |
BCK | one line | 02:23 |
ekp | or something to that effect | 02:23 |
rapha | BCK: oh. Just add "bt" to /etc/modules then | 02:23 |
BCK | ok | 02:23 |
killaz | Seveas: ok I'm intalling it with apt-get cause in synaptic it doesn show up | 02:23 |
compengi | does linux has viruses, adwares, spyware, trojans? | 02:24 |
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spikeb | no | 02:24 |
=== IcyT [n=IcyT@p54ABB57C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BCK | ok | 02:24 |
rapha | compengi: right now, none is known that is out in the wild. There have been 2 or three proof-of-concept viruses over the years, most afaik targetted at RedHat specifically. | 02:24 |
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BCK | thats the same as modprobeing rapha | 02:24 |
BCK | ? | 02:24 |
BCK | ? | 02:25 |
rapha | BCK: yup | 02:25 |
BCK | ok | 02:25 |
ekp | display all workplaces fails in schema/apps | 02:25 |
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Hexidigital_ | rapha, nosklo:: thanks guys... much better now :) | 02:25 |
compengi | i can connect through linux on network to windows right | 02:25 |
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compengi | and share files | 02:25 |
BCK | just the bt bit ? | 02:25 |
rapha | Hexidigital_: hth :) | 02:25 |
nosklo | Hexidigital_, np | 02:25 |
bimberi | compengi: yes | 02:25 |
alth | GACK! Help! A game seems to have messed up my X session, everything is big! As in really low res! How do I get it back? | 02:25 |
compengi | i'm biginning to | 02:26 |
compengi | like linux more :P | 02:26 |
bimberi | compengi: set up a share on windows, and connect to it via Places -> Connect to Server | 02:26 |
guillem101 | I'm planning to buy a LCD monitor... perhaps a BenQ FP202W... any suggestions? | 02:26 |
killaz | Seveas: the installation went fine.. | 02:26 |
killaz | Seveas: thnx! | 02:26 |
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Seveas | np | 02:26 |
someothernick | ekp, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=166021 <-- this the same prob? | 02:26 |
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killaz | my mouse just died.....! | 02:26 |
compengi | ty bimberi | 02:26 |
Seveas | killaz, heh | 02:26 |
BCK | rapha: shall i put modprobe dvb-bt8xx or just dvb-bt8xx ? | 02:26 |
bimberi | compengi: yw :) | 02:27 |
alth | Seriously, something is really screwed up in my X session, it's gone all huge! ;.; Help :( | 02:27 |
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killaz | Seveas: hehehhe no it's not an vmware issue... | 02:27 |
ekp | yes it appears to be | 02:27 |
compengi | but i'm just downloading the ubuntu and ordered the cd | 02:27 |
ekp | I will read solution | 02:27 |
someothernick | k :) | 02:27 |
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bimberi | BCK: in /etc/modules you only put the name of the module | 02:28 |
BCK | ok | 02:28 |
BCK | done | 02:28 |
BCK | brb time to test it out | 02:28 |
killaz | Seveas: that's one of the reason why I switched to linux, cause I thought that I had to much USB devices and that windows cant deal with it.. | 02:28 |
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killaz | Seveas: but still the problem continues.... | 02:28 |
alth | Sod it, I'll just restart my session. | 02:28 |
Hexidigital_ | compengi:: the only thing you will be uncomfortable with at first is the layout and the commands.... once you acquire a comfort zone with that, you will be fine... dont forget, the people on this channel are always here to help... all 800 + of them :) | 02:28 |
=== Hexidigital_ holds funeral precession for killaz 's mouse | ||
killaz | How can I check if my USB ports are conflicting? | 02:28 |
killaz | Hexidigital_: :p | 02:28 |
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rapha | Aaah! WLAN for the desktop. Finally freed of the Cables Trough My Home. | 02:29 |
killaz | I know for sure when I plug in my mouse in my other box it will work | 02:29 |
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Hexidigital_ | rapha:: congrats! at least you're not using a Broadcom in a laptop :-D talk about a pain! | 02:29 |
killaz | yup stil working.... | 02:29 |
killaz | probably an mother board issue? | 02:30 |
rapha | Hexidigital_: Old hardware sometimes pays ;-) ... feeling with you tho | 02:30 |
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Hexidigital_ | rapha:: but i got it... and i dont know how.... | 02:31 |
killaz | my usb board is just dead man... | 02:31 |
rapha | Hexidigital_: ndiswrapper maybe? | 02:31 |
ekp | <someothernick>: what does it mean to unset all keys in /schemas/apps/workspace_switcher_applets/prefs | 02:31 |
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killaz | uhm how can I rebot using my keyboard :D | 02:31 |
killaz | reboot* | 02:32 |
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someothernick | ctrl alt del | 02:32 |
Hexidigital_ | rapha:: ndiswrapper broke it worse... the only thing is now i have to open the network-admin and click on the properties box for my wlan0 and it magickally works | 02:32 |
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rapha | Looks like he just found out someothernick :) | 02:32 |
someothernick | :) | 02:32 |
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Hexidigital_ | rapha:: probably a bug, but it comes in handy to make sure no one else can connect to a wlan if they DO get my password | 02:33 |
rapha | Hexidigital_: might wanna check if stuff in /etc/network/interfaces looks good. Also, have you NetworkManager installed? | 02:33 |
someothernick | ekp, remove i guess | 02:33 |
Hexidigital_ | rapha:: no network manager, nor wpa_supplicant | 02:33 |
rapha | Hexidigital_: just ain't work? | 02:33 |
someothernick | ekp, read post above last | 02:34 |
Hexidigital_ | rapha:: no, it works, after i click properties.... it's wierd... | 02:34 |
compengi | btw does ubuntu supports multi-language | 02:34 |
Hexidigital_ | but, gotta go guys... .have a great day everyone! | 02:34 |
rapha | Funny, true. No idea tho for how it could be solved :-} | 02:34 |
rapha | you too | 02:34 |
someothernick | compengi, yes | 02:34 |
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compengi | does it has arabic language | 02:34 |
ekp | I did it | 02:35 |
Hoxzer | no u didn't | 02:35 |
ekp | I did not even know there was a configuration editor | 02:35 |
Hoxzer | DOn tr to get all the glory | 02:35 |
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Hoxzer | lol, that proofs it :D | 02:35 |
ekp | to bad it is not on System menu by default | 02:35 |
Hoxzer | u didn't do it ekp | 02:35 |
Hoxzer | don't lie :( | 02:35 |
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ekp | <Hoxzer>: no I mean I just did it | 02:36 |
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ekp | I am going ot see if it works | 02:36 |
akrodha_ | can i bug someone about nfs/smb? | 02:36 |
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ekp | crap | 02:36 |
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killaz | well a restart can do a miracle.... still I haven't figure out what is causing the hanging up of my mouse. | 02:36 |
nosklo | how do I change subtitle size in totem? | 02:36 |
Guardian | is there a way to relaunch mozilla-thunderbird enigmail first time wizard ??? | 02:36 |
ekp | I unset keys but still get problem | 02:37 |
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ekp | maybe I should remove app before unsetting keys? | 02:37 |
someothernick | compengi, http://www.ubuntu.com/support/local and #ubuntu-il | 02:37 |
someothernick | compengi, http://www.ubuntulinux.org.il also | 02:38 |
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=== kinema is going crazy trying to compile a new kernel. | ||
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someothernick | ekp, did you install for repos? | 02:38 |
kinema | every time i try 'make menuconfig' i get pages and pages of errors. the sources are pure vanilla. | 02:38 |
ekp | someothernick>: ? | 02:38 |
rapha | No wonder Trem crashes when trying to load a map... the Swapspace wasn't being mounted. | 02:39 |
compengi | someothernick i don't need a support in languages i was asking if i can type in different languages like arabic | 02:39 |
kinema | would someone take a look at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15982 | 02:39 |
someothernick | did you use synaptic package manager to install? | 02:39 |
rapha | What is there kinema | 02:39 |
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ekp | synaptic to install what? | 02:39 |
ghost | hi all, okay this is an ubuntu problem i am assured by the ruby-lang people... um here is the console trace and the config.log which i think is more relevant. i think this is some sort of c problem... any help would be much appreciated! http://rafb.net/paste/results/P2MCHr58.html | 02:40 |
rapha | kinema: my father's wife is called Astrid | 02:40 |
kinema | rapha the output from when i try to menuconfig a new kernel | 02:40 |
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someothernick | gnome-applets | 02:40 |
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kinema | :) | 02:40 |
rapha | kinema: do you have libc-dev installed? | 02:40 |
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alth | Anyone know of a program I could use to search multiple torrent trackers? ^^ | 02:40 |
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[DeCaf] | How do you specify that you want a range of IP adresses as an alias for a NIC in /etc/network/interfaces? | 02:41 |
ekp | I uninstall gnome panel and maybe appelets via synaptic and then reinstalled from XFCE | 02:41 |
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dsas | ghost: Have you installed build-essential ? | 02:41 |
pinucset | somebody knows or have a modem c56cls working in ubuntu? | 02:41 |
ghost | um this is a virtual fresh install of dapper | 02:41 |
ghost | have install gcc and make and not much else | 02:41 |
dsas | ghost: If you install build-essential then it'll give you some more C compilation related tools. | 02:41 |
ghost | what is build-essential? can i get it with synaptic? | 02:42 |
kinema | rapha: hmmm... i would have thouht kernel-package would have installed them but that looks not to be the case. installing now. thanks. | 02:42 |
rapha | np | 02:42 |
=== ScottG [n=scott@66-189-31-216.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
someothernick | ghost, type in terminal sudo apt-get build-essential | 02:42 |
dsas | ghost: Yeah, it's just another package | 02:42 |
dsas | ghost: It is available from synaptic | 02:43 |
ghost | great thanks | 02:43 |
ghost | alot | 02:43 |
brimble | yum -U | 02:43 |
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ghost | i'll give that a go | 02:43 |
lepingbeta | ghost: Yes,you can do that.type in terminal sudo apt-get build-essential. | 02:43 |
=== rapha wonders whether or not he should boil the sausages before eating them | ||
kinema | rapha: that was it. thanks. | 02:44 |
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rapha | hth kinema | 02:45 |
ekp | <someothernick>: should I remove and reinstall via apt? | 02:45 |
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nbt | hi, trying to boot ubuntu 6 on a laptop i've just black screen (after the start/install one), what i can do ? | 02:45 |
ardchoille | Seveas, Where can I find info about adding your packages to my sources.list ? | 02:45 |
DerShodan | what kind of laptop? | 02:45 |
someothernick | ekp, i guess so | 02:45 |
rapha | nbt: try booting into recovery mode, tell us whether you just get a blank screen as well | 02:45 |
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ekp | <someothernick>: what runlevel? | 02:46 |
nbt | laptop is acer 1692wlmi, with ati x700 vidoe card | 02:46 |
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DerShodan | a new one ... i have an acer aspire 4200 (i think ;) and coulnd run linux there too | 02:46 |
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ghost | hi okay that sort of half worked, as in i got further through the install before it failed again. here is the stack trace http://rafb.net/paste/results/8Jp7Ws82.html | 02:46 |
Seveas | !tell ardchoille about Seveas | 02:47 |
Hobbsee | !tell ianm about packaginggude | 02:47 |
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Hobbsee | !tell ianm about packagingguide | 02:47 |
DerShodan | propably there are no drivers for laptop hardware? ^^ | 02:47 |
nbt | how do i boot into recovery ? i just plugged the live cd in then reached screen that says start/install ubuntu and other options i pressed enter and a bunch of lines came around sying ok ok ok; then i heard a music and the screen went black | 02:47 |
ardchoille | Seveas, Thank you :) | 02:47 |
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DerShodan | you heard music? | 02:47 |
someothernick | ekp, runlevel? | 02:48 |
nbt | someones says me to install the x700 'xorg driver | 02:48 |
nosklo | I need to change subtitle size and color in totem, how do I do this? | 02:48 |
GwapoDaw | hello guys, need some help here... http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=198702 | 02:48 |
nbt | but how ? it's a live cd--- | 02:48 |
ekp | should be done without Xserver running? | 02:48 |
DerShodan | sounds like Linux started properly... maybe your display has problems showing the Linux standard monitor resolution and frequency | 02:48 |
someothernick | oh you can do it while xserver is running | 02:48 |
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nbt | so ? | 02:49 |
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DerShodan | hmm :) | 02:50 |
MetaMorfoziS | where can i get libc6 (>= 2.3.6-6)? | 02:50 |
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DerShodan | there must be some .conf file that must be edited i guess | 02:50 |
Frogzoo_ | Anyone care to suggest a network asset management database? preferably wiki style, & mysql based? | 02:50 |
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GwapoDaw | can somebody check my thread here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=198702 | 02:51 |
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Lynoure | GwapoDaw: If you can sum it up in a sentense or two, you'll prolly get more help | 02:52 |
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rapha | Anybody in the know about a mirror for ftp.nerim.net's w32codecs? nerim.net appears to be down... | 02:53 |
GwapoDaw | The disk activity indicator (Red Light) Freezes every startup and after a few seconds my PC hangs for about 5-10 seconds. | 02:53 |
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Nova | Hey guys | 02:54 |
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Nova | could one of you perhaps give me a lil advice? | 02:54 |
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Nova | I am trying to write to a folder in my file system, but i get a popup telling me I don't have permission to do so | 02:54 |
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Nova | even though i am the only user on the comp | 02:55 |
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aights | r u logged in as root? | 02:55 |
jvNET_ | @nova, try runing in terminal: sudo nautilus | 02:55 |
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Nova | sudo nautilus isnt doing anything | 02:56 |
Nova | and how do i log in as root? | 02:56 |
enkrav | Hello, 5.10 has a horribly unstable openoffice.org, how can I update it to a stabler one? | 02:56 |
Kaja | Upgrade to Dapper. | 02:56 |
killaz | Seveas: one more time thanks man... vmware is running fluently | 02:57 |
jvNET_ | if you do sudo nautilus, a window will popup, you can do anything like cut and paste in filesystem | 02:57 |
Lynoure | jvNET_: I wouldn't worry about something that only slows don't your startup for max 10 seconds. But if there is noise or something, I'd run some tools for checking the disk | 02:57 |
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wulax | sudo nautilus feels dangerous to mee | 02:57 |
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Nova | I have done it but i get no pop up | 02:57 |
enkrav | Kaja, nah, I wanna keep my system, just upgrade OOo | 02:57 |
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wulax | better use the terminal, but harder maybe | 02:57 |
Kaja | =S | 02:57 |
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Hobbsee | !tell Nova about root | 02:58 |
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jvNET_ | @Lynoure - no noise... and I replace the drive twice and got the same prob | 02:58 |
aights | Nova... terminal #su - | 02:58 |
Kaja | enkrav, why would you wanna keep your system? | 02:58 |
Nova | umm | 02:58 |
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Nova | sorry? | 02:58 |
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aights | password: [root password] | 02:58 |
scheuri | enkrav: there is a script out there that makes a deb out of openoffice.tar.gz...which you then can install as replacement, but still...upgrade do dapper is better way | 02:58 |
Nova | @aights | 02:58 |
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Nova | aights all i got was Nova... terminal #su - | 02:59 |
aights | open a terminal window and type 'su -' | 02:59 |
Nova | just su - | 02:59 |
_marko | hi, i have followed the steps of installation from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/FromHardDriveWithFloppies. However, I have dapper alternate iso and it only let's you to install from cd | 02:59 |
aights | then enter the root password | 02:59 |
aights | yes 'su -' | 02:59 |
_marko | is there no way to install dapper like that? | 02:59 |
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_marko | i wouldn't like older release | 02:59 |
MrObvious | I thought you used sudo then entered your own user password? | 03:00 |
enkrav | Kaja, I've heard that to do a safe upgrade one needs to have 1.5 GB in the apt cache directory but I only have 1.0 GB in /var/apt-get/chache or what's called | 03:00 |
Nova | aights: "su: Authentication failure | 03:00 |
Nova | Sorry. | 03:00 |
Nova | " | 03:00 |
Kaja | enkrav, bulls#& | 03:00 |
jvNET_ | su passwd | 03:00 |
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aights | hmm.. so u don't have root on that machine? | 03:00 |
Nova | dunno | 03:00 |
aights | did u install the OS? | 03:00 |
Nova | I installed this machine with this username | 03:00 |
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jvNET_ | sudo nautilus works for me | 03:01 |
Kaja | enkrav, just follow the Ubuntu docs, not some rumours =/ | 03:01 |
Nova | aights: yes i installed the os | 03:01 |
paradon | Is it possible to do a 'server' install (ie, no Gnome) from an ubuntu-desktop livecd? | 03:01 |
ardchoille | Nova, it's better to use sudo rather than actually logging in as root. | 03:01 |
aights | Nova, maybe someone else can help here? | 03:01 |
aights | thx ardchoille | 03:02 |
ardchoille | aights, np :) | 03:02 |
wulax | Nova: what are you trying to do? | 03:02 |
_marko | can someone refer me such ubuntu installation image which allows also other than cd installation? | 03:02 |
BumfunMC | hello. can anyone help me with my webcam? it appears in dmesg but when i try to get a picture the computer crashes | 03:02 |
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iloveddm | checking for gaim... Package gaim was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `gaim.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'gaim' found | 03:03 |
iloveddm | configure: error: Library requirements (gaim) not met; consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if your libraries are in a nonstandard prefix so pkg-config can find them. | 03:03 |
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dbernar1 | cafuego: ping | 03:03 |
jvNET_ | can someone check my thread here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=198702 | 03:03 |
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wulax | Nova: if it's not a system folder you want to wirte to, then you better change permissions for the folder | 03:03 |
scheuri | _marko: try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/WithFloppies | 03:03 |
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iloveddm | anyone can help me ? | 03:04 |
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BumfunMC | hello. can anyone help me with my webcam? it appears in dmesg but when i try to get a picture the computer crashes | 03:04 |
Nova | aights, ardchoille, wulax: I have managed to do it using naughtilus on the second try | 03:04 |
iloveddm | checking for gaim... Package gaim was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `gaim.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'gaim' found | 03:04 |
iloveddm | configure: error: Library requirements (gaim) not met; consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if your libraries are in a nonstandard prefix so pkg-config can find them. | 03:04 |
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iloveddm | what's mean | 03:04 |
Arafangi1n | iloveddm: Don't ask twice in less than TWO minutes. | 03:04 |
aights | cool Nova :) | 03:04 |
iloveddm | ok | 03:05 |
Nova | aights, ardchoille, wulax: thanks for all your help | 03:05 |
Arafangi1n | iloveddm: Sometimes it takes more than 120 seconds to respond! | 03:05 |
wulax | Nova: just be careful using root nautilus, you might mess up your system | 03:05 |
jonex | Is there any program to connect my nokia cellphone to linux? | 03:05 |
Nova | :) | 03:05 |
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ardchoille | Nova, you can also ALT+F2 and type gksuexec to get a graphical gksu window | 03:05 |
scheuri | iloveddm: have you made a "sudo aptitude update" lately? | 03:05 |
Arafangi1n | scheuri: I have a suspicion he's compiling something. | 03:05 |
Nova | right | 03:05 |
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Nova | thanks alot | 03:05 |
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DerShodan | Nova: better set a root password and "su - root" in a console | 03:05 |
Arafangi1n | iloveddm: Could you provide us with (1) What you are attempting to do, and (2) What's going wrong - that message basically tells us that _something_ is wrong. | 03:06 |
Ng | jonex: perhaps gnokii or multisync | 03:06 |
iloveddm | yes,i am compiling a software | 03:06 |
scheuri | Arafangi1n: aye, sounds like that | 03:06 |
BumfunMC | i need help with my webcam please!!! | 03:06 |
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dbernar1 | iloveddm: and don't paste here, use paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 03:06 |
iloveddm | but it say that he cannot find gaim.pc | 03:06 |
scheuri | iloveddm: is there a reason WHY you are compiling gaim instead of using ubuntu-package? | 03:06 |
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Duke01 | Hi Everyone! | 03:06 |
iloveddm | i am compiling a software named openq | 03:06 |
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Arafangi1n | iloveddm: Big news to us. We kinda need context. You could be porting ubuntu's gaim to Windows CE for all we know. | 03:06 |
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iloveddm | openq is a plugin of gaim | 03:07 |
XVampireX | openq? | 03:07 |
scheuri | iloveddm: ahhh...thanks...:)....okay...gaim is installed then? | 03:07 |
iloveddm | yes | 03:07 |
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Arafangi1n | iloveddm: Ok, we're getting somewhere. Have you installed all the development libraries? | 03:07 |
iloveddm | it is | 03:07 |
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iloveddm | it says he can not find gaim.pc | 03:08 |
Arafangi1n | iloveddm: Ok, we're getting somewhere. Have you installed all the development libraries? | 03:08 |
dbernar1 | cafuego: ping | 03:08 |
iloveddm | i think so | 03:08 |
wulax | iloveddm: sudo apt-get build-dep gaim | 03:08 |
Arafangi1n | iloveddm: What dev libs have you installed? | 03:08 |
Arafangi1n | wulax: Even better idea. | 03:08 |
scheuri | :) | 03:09 |
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iloveddm | i have installed gaim,why it says os can not find gaim.pc | 03:09 |
scheuri | iloveddm: please tell us if you have compiled gaim on your own | 03:09 |
BumfunMC | can anyone help me with my webcam?? | 03:09 |
iloveddm | i have not cpmpiled gaim | 03:09 |
Arafangi1n | iloveddm: gaim is just a binary, you may need the source code and headers and other information so that openq knows what the heck it can use. | 03:09 |
Arafangi1n | iloveddm: So follow wulax's advise and do "sudo apt-get build-dep gaim" | 03:10 |
gnomefreak | iloveddm: sudo apt-get install --reinstall gaim | 03:10 |
iloveddm | oh,thanks a lot ,i'll try it | 03:10 |
paradon | Is it possible to do a 'server' install (ie, no Gnome) from an ubuntu-desktop livecd? | 03:10 |
gnomefreak | paradon: no | 03:10 |
runes | does anyone knwo how to set up anonymous ftp in foreforx? | 03:10 |
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runes | firefox | 03:10 |
Arafangi1n | runes: login with username "anonymous", afaik. | 03:11 |
runes | ok will try again | 03:11 |
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scheuri | "set up anonymous ftp with firefox"...well, that could have been as well a question concerning how to setup up a ftp server...;) | 03:11 |
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Arafangi1n | scheuri: I tend to assume people aren't idiots. | 03:12 |
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paradon | oh well, an extra 650MB out of my data cap then :-( | 03:12 |
Arafangi1n | scheuri: Therefore, I've assumed he's NOT setting up an ftp server with firefox(!) :) | 03:12 |
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scheuri | Arafangi1n: me too, usually...but sometimes it is hard to assume so...;) | 03:12 |
runes | Arafangi1n, no go trying to get to chaintech ftp site to dl bios | 03:12 |
DerShodan | lol @ Arafangi1n =) | 03:12 |
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dylan_ | sometimes my ubuntu laptop does not shut down the LVM volume groups when it is shutting down, and i must press the power button to turn off the laptop. this has never happened with my desktop machine. how can i fix this issue? | 03:13 |
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DerShodan | dont lose your trust ;) | 03:13 |
Arafangi1n | DerShodan: I'm still a uni student. | 03:13 |
KonFuZe1 | wow how about that | 03:13 |
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Arafangi1n | DerShodan: Until I work in "the real world", I doubt I'll change much :) | 03:13 |
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enkrav | Kaja, it turned out not to be a rumor apt-get dist-upgrade gave me "Lo spazio libero in /var/cache/apt/archives/ non sufficente." I have 800 MB there... | 03:13 |
scheuri | runes: have you tried gftp instead of firefox? | 03:13 |
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runes | scheuri, no but worth a shot | 03:13 |
Zaph | hey | 03:13 |
KonFuZe1 | this dapper installed fine on this amd Pro1400+ | 03:13 |
Arafangi1n | enkrav: Could give Debian a go. | 03:14 |
Lynoure | DerShodan: Interesting nick. Does Shodan mean something apart fro mthe AI in System Shock? | 03:14 |
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Zaph | I am struggling to install Mozilla ActiveX controller for Wine. Please help | 03:14 |
scheuri | runes: you maybe need to install it first, but that takes only a few sec | 03:14 |
Arafangi1n | enkrav: I recommend the "netinst" CD's. Those are qutie small. | 03:14 |
mibuk | hey, anyone upgraded to Edgy and had problems with udev? | 03:14 |
iloveddm | hello ,i am back ,i fogot the command you tell me about gaim | 03:14 |
runes | scheuri, drilling through synaptic as I type | 03:14 |
Arafangi1n | enkrav: If you want support with those, goto #debian. | 03:14 |
Kaja | enkrav, ok.. that's bad. | 03:14 |
BumfunMC | can anyone help me with my webcam that causes a crash? | 03:14 |
iloveddm | anyone can tell me | 03:14 |
Arafangi1n | enkrav: And I strongly recommend you stick with stable (Sarge) | 03:15 |
Zaph | anyone? Mozilla ActiveX? | 03:15 |
Arafangi1n | Zaph? Firefox ActiveX? | 03:15 |
scheuri | runes: okay...:9 | 03:15 |
Kaja | enkrav, can't you free some space to allow the upgrade to run? | 03:15 |
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Zaph | nope.. | 03:15 |
enkrav | maybe. There are some packages in the dir, I'' try to delete them... | 03:15 |
ardchoille | Zaph, have you tried #winehq ? | 03:16 |
Arafangi1n | Kaja: Imho, he might as well use Debian. | 03:16 |
scheuri | Zaph: first of all...that is not a question...second...ActiveX is pretty much Microsoft thing | 03:16 |
xbeanx | How can I get WMV files working in Dapper? I installed the w32codecs package but it doesn't seem to be working. | 03:16 |
kbrosnan | Zaph, it is Windows only | 03:16 |
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Kaja | lol | 03:16 |
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Zaph | I am trying to run 3Piggs Poker in Wine, and it says I need to install Mozilla ActiveXcontrol | 03:16 |
scheuri | !tell xbeanx about restricted | 03:16 |
_marko | scheuri: those instructions are complicated and even not correct and there is no debootstrap for latest ubuntu :( | 03:16 |
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Fr4ntic | Hi, I just downloaded a .WMV audiofile, have tried to play it in VLC (works but no sound) and the rest of my players doesnt accept it. I have done what it says on UbuntuWiki about WMV files but still it doesnt work. | 03:16 |
scheuri | _marko: sorry then...wasnt exactly reading them, just looking for them... | 03:16 |
DerShodan | @ Lynoure -> archive.org -> game videos -> time attack -> System Shock 2 ~30Minutes :) | 03:16 |
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scheuri | !tell Fr4ntic about restricted | 03:17 |
xbeanx | Thanks scheuri, but I already did that.. | 03:17 |
xbeanx | It doesn't work for me. | 03:17 |
_marko | scheuri: no problem.. I just want to get ubuntu installed on my machine without cdrom drive.. | 03:17 |
kbrosnan | Zaph, google mozilla active x and the first page should have what you need | 03:17 |
Fr4ntic | scheuri, if it is a "DRM"-file I cant play it in any way, right? | 03:18 |
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Lynoure | DerShodan: hmm, I'll take a look at it when I get home | 03:18 |
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scheuri | Fr4ntic: never tried that... | 03:18 |
xbeanx | Do I need a player other than totem to view WMVs? | 03:18 |
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xbeanx | I tried totem-xine but that just crashes on startup. | 03:18 |
_marko | scheuri: I just don't get it why it must be CD, why can't I point installation media on internet like debian net install or on hd | 03:18 |
_marko | without too much complications for my small head | 03:19 |
scheuri | _marko: well, frankly...that is a good question... | 03:19 |
Mtamimi | hi, how do i configure linux to use UDP instead of TCP? | 03:19 |
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scheuri | _marko: installfloppies and then rest out of internet | 03:19 |
scheuri | that would be nice | 03:19 |
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scheuri | Mtamimi: uuhhmm...it will use UDP for the appropriate services... | 03:19 |
DrCurl | hi | 03:19 |
Arafangi1n | Mtamimi: And TCP for all other appropriate services. | 03:19 |
scheuri | Mtamimi: bit why exactly do you want to use it UDP? | 03:19 |
scheuri | Arafangi1n: ;) | 03:20 |
DrCurl | how come totem can't read a ogg video file that is previewed by nautilus? | 03:20 |
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mibuk | anybody able to help, when I tried to upgrade from dapper to edgy, udev fails to upgrade, claiming there was an error in postinst stage. Doesn;t seem fatal, but I get a lot of open: failed on startup now | 03:20 |
neutrinomass | mibuk: Known issue. Belongs to #ubuntu+1 though :) | 03:20 |
Arafangi1n | mibuk: Isn't edgy, umm, not stable? | 03:21 |
Mtamimi | scheuri, like HTTP uses TCP, cant i force it to use UDP? | 03:21 |
BumfunMC | i need help with my cam!! | 03:21 |
njan | Mtamimi, why've you just asked that in two channels? | 03:21 |
Arafangi1n | Mtamimi: It's a different protocol. They're both using IP packets, that's where the similarity stops. | 03:21 |
ardchoille | Arafangi1n, I would assume so | 03:21 |
mibuk | neutrinomass, it's definately not fatal then at moment? Also I have some problems with my locales since upgrading. | 03:21 |
neutrinomass | Arafangi1n: Not sure.... I don't know if they broke it yet - wait for the massive syncs to begin ;) | 03:21 |
njan | Mtamimi, you just asked that in ##windows and people are replying to you | 03:21 |
njan | Mtamimi, miltiply posting is very rude. | 03:21 |
njan | s/miltiply/multiply/ | 03:22 |
davean | Some HTTP implimentations use UDP, its a draft standard. | 03:22 |
davean | see UPnP | 03:22 |
neutrinomass | mibuk: Look for the archives of the -devel mailing list, I think it was discussed there a couple of days ago . | 03:22 |
Arafangi1n | davean: That's different. | 03:22 |
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davean | Arafangi1n: No it isn't, its HTTP. | 03:22 |
mibuk | neutrino, thanks | 03:22 |
Mtamimi | njan, the reason i am asking in cos someone at the workplace was able to bypass a firewall... | 03:23 |
Arafangi1n | Mtamimi: Probably used custom packets. | 03:23 |
Arafangi1n | Mtamimi: Firewalls can be fooled. | 03:23 |
Mtamimi | he is using linux, am not sure exactly what he did...but he told me that configured it to use UDP instead of TCP | 03:23 |
njan | davean, UPnP is a separate protocol which is a subset of HTTP. | 03:23 |
mibuk | neutrino, if I change my sources.list back to using dapper, will it downgrade already upgraded packages? I remember Apt being intelligent, and not upgrading to version lower than the currently installed version. Is there a way to force my machine to go back to dapper? | 03:24 |
davean | njan: which uses as a subset the HTTP over UDP draft standard | 03:24 |
njan | davean, that and HTTP running over UDP are not the same thing. | 03:24 |
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Arafangi1n | Mtamimi: He probably just made a UDP tunnel, and your firewall was setup only to focus on TCP ports, not UDP ports. | 03:24 |
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meandi | I booted ubuntu from CD but the only screen resolution I can select is 640*48. I have tried glxinfo|grep rendering and got the answer direct rendering: yes. I have the graphics card Radeon 9600, are there any druvers I need to install? | 03:25 |
scheuri | hmm....I guess a lot of things are now getting confused | 03:25 |
davean | njan: Many standards build on other standardsm UPnP is one such | 03:25 |
njan | davean, indeed, and SIP is another, but I wouldn't call HTTP a protocol for setting up and tearing down telephone conversations as a result. | 03:25 |
ardchoille | !xorg | 03:25 |
ubotu | [xorg] To reconfigure your X server, type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" in a terminal, or check here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto or here http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-83973.html | 03:25 |
Mtamimi | Arafangi1n, how is that done? | 03:25 |
ardchoille | ubotu, tell meandi about xorg | 03:26 |
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scheuri | Mtamimi: are you responsible for that firewall? | 03:26 |
Arafangi1n | Mtamimi: Just like any other tunnel. Requires another computer on the other side to understand it, or perhaps he's found a service that he can exploit. | 03:26 |
enkrav | I cannot upgrade to dapper because ~1000MB are too much to download now, can I just change the repos to point to dapper and reinstall openoffice.org with apt? | 03:26 |
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jrattner1 | QUESTION: With the release of the new kernel 2.6.17, supposively the bcm43xx chiopset is supported. Does this mean that once I upgrade my kernel in ubuntu that I will no long need ndiswrapeprs to use my wireless card? | 03:26 |
neutrinomass | mibuk: (Offtopic: use 'tab' to type complete nicknames on screen because IRC clients usually highlight them so a conversation can be held easily) Not sure how you can downgrade... maybe perhaps the -t option but I'm not sure and have never tried it (see the man page ... ) | 03:26 |
krieger | hi, i need the win32 codecs running on Dapper... can any 1 help? | 03:26 |
njan | Mtamimi, if your question isn't ubuntu-specific you'd probably be better off asking it in another channel, like #security, if it's pertaining to firewalls. | 03:26 |
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Arafangi1n | Mtamimi: Oh, and what OS is the firewall running on? | 03:27 |
DerShodan | whats Dapper? :P | 03:27 |
neutrinomass | jrattner1: Possibly, but 2.6.17 may break parts of your system. It sounds an important addition to the kernel, so it's likely to be backported to the ubuntu kernel ... wait :) | 03:27 |
krieger | DerShodan, i think u know^^ | 03:27 |
DerShodan | no seriously... <--- BIG NOOB ;) | 03:28 |
krieger | gomek, jepp i am | 03:28 |
gnomefreak | DerShodan: dapper is the code name for the latest release of ubuntu | 03:28 |
Mtamimi | Arafangi1n, i dont think he used another computer on the other side... | 03:28 |
neutrinomass | DerShodan: The codename for the 6.06 release. Yes, developers like to make up silly names :) | 03:28 |
DerShodan | hehe ok thats what i use then ;) | 03:28 |
dooglus | DerShodan: dapper is what ubuntu 6.06 was called during development. | 03:28 |
Arafangi1n | Mtamimi: What OS is the firewall running on? | 03:28 |
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krieger | gomek, cant write priv msgs | 03:28 |
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jrattner1 | neutrinomass, what do you mean it might break parts of my system? my intention was too wait until I saw the update in update manager | 03:28 |
gnomefreak | DerShodan: lsb_release -a will tell you what you use ;) | 03:28 |
scheuri | krieger: you need to be registered at freenode to do so | 03:28 |
tuxtheslacker | hey, can someone tell me if there's a way to open a .docx file in openoffice yet? | 03:28 |
_marko | what if I install Ubuntu on another machine with cd rom and then I change the HD with ubuntu to it's main computer.. can it detect new hardware correctly then? | 03:29 |
Arafangi1n | _marko: Yes. | 03:29 |
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Mtamimi | njan, ok, i will move to the #security channel, thanks... | 03:29 |
Jormis | hmm | 03:29 |
tuxtheslacker | or any program for that matter.... it's microsoft's new file format for office 2007... and it won't open in openoffice (obviously because it's new) | 03:29 |
scheuri | jrattner1: there wont be such an update in 6.06...released versions are just getting security patches (unless you use backports) | 03:29 |
krieger | gomek, nope want to do it by hand... automatix and stuff installs progs i dont want | 03:29 |
Jormis | im planning to install ubuntu to my laptop :) | 03:29 |
boricua | i just installed openssh on new server installation i was able to ssh into system but after rebooting i can't after password i get Connection to closed by remote host. | 03:29 |
boricua | Connection to closed. | 03:29 |
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_marko | does ubuntu recognize new hardware during boot or is there some instructions for making it do so? | 03:29 |
jrattner1 | Wait so there wont be any kernel upgrades for 6.06? | 03:29 |
neutrinomass | jrattner1: I don't know of any plans to see it in the 6.06 repositories. AFAIK 2.6.17 will never see dapper .... the reason is that some udev related things break and variuos incompatabilities between other parts that would require major updates in the OS. What the devs do is take features from 2.6.16, the git branches and .17 and backport them to 2.6.15 | 03:30 |
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Arafangi1n | _marko: The linux driver model is very different to the windows driver model | 03:30 |
neutrinomass | jrattner1: So important features make it into the kernel and you don't have to worry about incompatabilities... | 03:30 |
scheuri | jrattner1: only security fixes...there are very few distrubutions out there which offer new versions of any kind after a version has been released | 03:30 |
jrattner1 | ahhh | 03:30 |
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dooglus | scheuri: what is the dapper-updates repository for then? | 03:30 |
neutrinomass | scheuri: It's not just security fixes for the kernel ... | 03:30 |
jrattner1 | i hope they bring my wireless chipset in | 03:30 |
jrattner1 | it would make life alot better | 03:30 |
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scheuri | dooglus: maybe backports | 03:31 |
Hobbsee | dooglus: for really really broken packages | 03:31 |
dooglus | scheuri: that's dapper-backports | 03:31 |
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scheuri | neutrinomass: I know..therefore we wont see it in dapper (unless backporting it) | 03:31 |
_marko | can I assume that during the installation it install all necessary things? or is it just enough to do apt-get update/upgrade after changing the system? | 03:31 |
boricua | sad thing i dont see any thing logged for that ssh connection | 03:31 |
neutrinomass | scheuri: Yes, they backport features all the time that AFAIK get in -updates, not -backports ... | 03:31 |
davean | http://quimby.gnus.org/internet-drafts/draft-goland-http-udp-00.txt | 03:31 |
tuxtheslacker | hey, can someone tell me if it's possible to open a word 2007 beta 2 document under linux? | 03:31 |
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scheuri | neutrinomass: ah, okay...well then...but still...NOT usind update or backports will keep you on same level of version, gives you only security fixes | 03:32 |
dooglus | tuxtheslacker: it is. word 2007 beta 2 runs inside vmware, for example | 03:32 |
neutrinomass | scheuri: Oh, yes, of course :) | 03:32 |
truz_`24 | Anyone familiar with clonecd that knows of a way to burn clonecd images with some program in linux? Wine doesn't seem to run clonecd correctly. | 03:32 |
tuxtheslacker | dooglus, I was talking linux native. | 03:32 |
scheuri | boricua: have you scanned the server? is ssh-port open? | 03:32 |
neutrinomass | tuxtheslacker: Have you tried OO2 and/or Abiword ? | 03:32 |
tuxtheslacker | dooglus, I need to get the file opened, not office 2007.... | 03:32 |
tuxtheslacker | oo2, not abiword. | 03:33 |
meandi | Anyone know anything about drivers for graphic cards? | 03:33 |
krieger | gomek, i apt-get it now, lets c if it works, thx 4 now | 03:33 |
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gomek | anytime | 03:33 |
tuxtheslacker | I guess i could try Abiword. | 03:33 |
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neutrinomass | tuxtheslacker: May be worth a shot.... if you're really desperate you might want to use the latest upstream release of OO/Abiword and uninstall it afterwards (it's a good idea to uninstall it ) | 03:33 |
gomek | meandi, what trouble you having? | 03:34 |
boricua | scheuri: it is open | 03:34 |
=== freezombie [n=tgwj@p54995C38.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
meandi | screen resolution 640*480 only | 03:34 |
tuxtheslacker | neutrinomass, why would it be a good idea to uninstall? | 03:34 |
neutrinomass | tuxtheslacker: Or ask for the file to be resent in another format or accompanied by a Windows LiveCD that includes Office :P | 03:34 |
meandi | Radeon 9600 | 03:34 |
gomek | ah, you could manually edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 03:34 |
neutrinomass | tuxtheslacker: Things can break during upgrades later on ... | 03:34 |
DerShodan | i have some issues with my graphics card too... but the drivers are installed and stable (ati radeon 9800) | 03:34 |
DerShodan | n: me too, usually...but sometimes it is hard to assume so...;) | 03:34 |
DerShodan | <runes> Arafangi1n, no | 03:34 |
Fr4ntic | What do I need to do if a WMV audiofile is encrypted? The source. | 03:34 |
neutrinomass | tuxtheslacker: "can" means "have broken in the past for many people" | 03:34 |
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DerShodan | UPS | 03:34 |
PhysSent | Recent updates seem to have broken the nvidia drivers on Ubuntu 6.06 for me. | 03:34 |
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runes | scheuri, looks like the anon issue is on Chanitechs' sid ethanx for the help and the gftp is a lot cleaner than firefox | 03:35 |
tuxtheslacker | neutrinomass, oh okay, that makes sense. I have a 1 gig windows partition, but I don't want to use it because I want to edit the thing in linux. hahaha! | 03:35 |
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meandi | ok, I will take a look at that file. Another problem is that there is no keyboard layout for my Swedish keyboard | 03:35 |
PhysSent | Anyone else seen the issue or got a fix? | 03:35 |
neutrinomass | tuxtheslacker: lol :P I'd ask for the file to be resent, really. Why would they even assume you have a product that hasn't been released ... (unless you're just trying to get it opened to see if you can do it ) | 03:36 |
gomek | oi, i have no clue about anything with keyboard layouts other than qwerty | 03:36 |
hutch-- | hi folks | 03:36 |
krieger | gomek, um im affraid it has finished with the installation but it doesnt play the "microsoft avi" files :( | 03:36 |
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meandi | it is qwerty | 03:36 |
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tuxtheslacker | neutrinomass, yeah, that's pretty much it (trying to do it for the purpose of doing it) AND, I only have word 2007 installed on my work's workstation. | 03:36 |
gomek | avi isn't windows media =) | 03:36 |
DerShodan | lol | 03:37 |
krieger | um it is | 03:37 |
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krieger | i am affraid | 03:37 |
Boglizk | yeah | 03:37 |
krieger | cause... xvid, divx etc pp does play | 03:37 |
krieger | np | 03:37 |
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Rhyddin | hey all | 03:37 |
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krieger | except these files | 03:37 |
gomek | ah, i see | 03:37 |
Rhyddin | can anyone tell what this means (its only two lines) | 03:37 |
tuxtheslacker | yup, broke abiword and oo. | 03:37 |
tuxtheslacker | oo2* | 03:37 |
Rhyddin | oh crap | 03:37 |
dapperneil | anyone know a x3270 app in dapper | 03:37 |
BumfunMC | does anyone know about webcams?? | 03:38 |
meandi | ok, I'll start trying to fix the sreen resolution after that it' sa bit easier to do anything, bye and thanks | 03:38 |
=== bigfoot1 [n=opera@FLH1Acg064.fko.mesh.ad.jp] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Rhyddin | nevermind .. wouldnt paste | 03:38 |
DerShodan | hold on a sec ... how can ".avi" be a format ^^ this postfix doesnt say anything about what codec was used, right? | 03:38 |
gomek | it's probably some obscure codec you need to install. try bumps? | 03:38 |
bigfoot1 | how do i search a directory (and its subdirectories) for a file named 1.00054.jpg? | 03:38 |
krieger | bumps? | 03:38 |
bigfoot1 | coz places/search didn't find it. | 03:38 |
hutch-- | anyone good for a question on an instalation quirk with 6.06 in a VM under Windows ? | 03:38 |
Rhyddin | i thought avi was more of a container - the format is really the codec that was used to build the avi | 03:38 |
bigfoot1 | oh, i found it. | 03:38 |
bigfoot1 | i did "locate 1.00054.jpg" | 03:39 |
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e44bdd7.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neutrinomass | bigfoot1: I was about to talk, bu congrats :) | 03:39 |
krieger | is there any prog to find out the codec of a avi file? | 03:39 |
gomek | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=138889 | 03:39 |
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bigfoot1 | neutrinomass: ok. thankns. but why couldn't places/find find it? | 03:39 |
gomek | all it installs is codecs | 03:39 |
Rhyddin | under windows there are a few tools .. i dont know about nix though | 03:39 |
The_Boss | hi to all | 03:39 |
boricua | anyone with a hint why ssh will close connection where can i see any log on this http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/718404 | 03:39 |
=== Felly [n=johan@d51A59E01.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bigfoot1 | The_Boss: hi to one | 03:39 |
The_Boss | someone can help me please? | 03:39 |
tuxtheslacker | yay for being able to resave in word 2003 format. | 03:39 |
gorski | how to index all files? | 03:40 |
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gorski | how to update index database? | 03:40 |
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Alessi0 | hi | 03:40 |
Felly | i'm trying to run the application RssOwl 1.2.1 but i'm getting the error: Exception in thread "main" org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: i/o error (java.util.zi p.ZipException: Deflated stream ends early.) ... How can I solve this ? | 03:40 |
Alessi0 | i use kaspersky and spamassassin | 03:40 |
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The_Boss | i want install the lastest ubuntu directly from the live cd without start the live session. How can i do it? | 03:40 |
Alessi0 | how can i use kaspersky + spamassassin + postfix? | 03:40 |
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Alessi0 | can you help me? | 03:41 |
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Trae | !cairo | 03:41 |
ubotu | [cairo] http://www.cairographics.org | 03:41 |
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bigfoot1 | how do i add metadato to my jpeg pics? (i'm not talking about tags, but data that is *inside* the jpeg file itself) | 03:41 |
juanca7777_ | hello everyone | 03:41 |
neutrinomass | bigfoot1: Not sure... if you are sure you're doing everything right, file a bug report :-/ | 03:41 |
iloveddm | exit | 03:41 |
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bigfoot1 | neutrinomass: are you saying then that places/find can find stuff by filename? | 03:42 |
The_Boss | i want install the lastest ubuntu directly from the live cd without start the live session. How can i do it? | 03:42 |
Riyonuk | what would be the best pci wireless card for ubuntu? Mine doesnt seem to work | 03:42 |
gorski | how to search for files in terminal? | 03:42 |
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juanca7777_ | gorski: the 'find' command | 03:42 |
The_Boss | juanca, have you an idea? | 03:42 |
neutrinomass | bigfoot1: It's supposed to as far as I can see ... | 03:42 |
bigfoot1 | juanca7777_: can't he also use "locate"? | 03:42 |
gorski | and how to update index database? | 03:43 |
juanca7777_ | gorski: or locate if you have built the database generated | 03:43 |
Ng | The_Boss: I don't believe you can, you need the alternate install CD to do the old-style install | 03:43 |
juanca7777_ | sudo slocate -u | 03:43 |
The_Boss | thanks ng | 03:43 |
bigfoot1 | guys, the technical terms are exif and iptc. how do i edit these 2 in my jpeg files? | 03:43 |
Trae | hey... If I started out with Ubuntu, and then did apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, how can I remove all the kubuntu-desktop stuff? I can't seem to break my gnome habits. heh | 03:43 |
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bigfoot1 | or one of them? | 03:43 |
gorski | juanca7777_ how to build the database? | 03:43 |
spikeb | hmm | 03:44 |
spikeb | bigfoot1: tried googling something like "exif gimp" ? | 03:44 |
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juanca7777_ | gorski: normally you'd use the slocate command | 03:44 |
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Ng | bigfoot1: apt-cache search exif suggests a few tools, exiv2 for example | 03:44 |
juanca7777_ | gorski: pass it the u switch | 03:44 |
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bigfoot1 | ng thanks | 03:44 |
spy | hey every1 | 03:44 |
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spy | CAn sum1 help me, i hit CTRL+ALT+F1 and i am stuck in console | 03:44 |
boricua | !tell ssh | 03:45 |
Ng | spy: hit alt-f7 | 03:45 |
spy | how do i get back to my gnome session? | 03:45 |
gomek | hit ctrl alt f7 | 03:45 |
boricua | !tell sshd | 03:45 |
bigfoot1 | spikeb: i'm guessing if i use those search terms, it will give me advice on how to edit metadata using gimp. | 03:45 |
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gomek | or just alt f7 i think works | 03:45 |
bigfoot1 | but that sounds like slow way of doing things | 03:45 |
spy | oh thanks a lot Ng and gomek - works!! | 03:45 |
spy | Hehehe, this is pretty cool | 03:45 |
juanca7777_ | spy: hit ctrl alt f7 | 03:45 |
spy | infact it is the ultimate... | 03:45 |
spikeb | bigfoot1: it might be, i wouldn't know | 03:45 |
gomek | (^_^ ) | 03:45 |
spikeb | i can barely spell gimp, let alone use it. | 03:45 |
spy | If your doing something u shouldn't and someone comes a long simple hit ctrl+alt+f1 | 03:45 |
xatah | is here anybody with Creative SB0240 Audigy 2 Sound Card working well on ubuntu? | 03:46 |
Ng | spy: or bind a shortcut to another workspace :) | 03:46 |
gomek | ctrl+alt+f1-6 gives you 6 different terminals to work in | 03:46 |
neutrinomass | spy: But it would be weird if you were caught doing something you shouldn't when staring at a blank terminal ;) | 03:46 |
spy | ng yeah, but any smart person can click the boxes at the bottom this way there is no escape | 03:46 |
gomek | it's a nifty feature | 03:46 |
spy | like gentoo | 03:46 |
bigfoot1 | i heard that i should not use apt-get, but rather aptitude. is this good advise? | 03:46 |
bigfoot1 | advice. | 03:46 |
spy | hahah neutrinomass hahahaa | 03:47 |
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tuxtheslacker | wow, open office tears up word files :-( | 03:47 |
tuxtheslacker | I have to give it to them that it opens though! | 03:47 |
spy | tuxheslacker don't over write your ms word files with open office edited ones | 03:47 |
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spy | resave under different name. I understand the ms word format was backward engineered. ms didn't hand over the spec files you know | 03:48 |
spy | see yal | 03:48 |
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spy | exit | 03:48 |
gnomefreak | bigfoot1: its up to you and what your doing aptitude handles packages/depends better than apt-get but also can be dangerous if you are not loooking at what it is doing | 03:48 |
bigfoot1 | how do i install a a package via aptitude? | 03:48 |
Ng | bigfoot1: sudo aptitude install foo | 03:48 |
gnomefreak | bigfoot1: sudo aptitude install | 03:48 |
bigfoot1 | gnomefreak: it's more dangerous? | 03:48 |
hutch-- | anyone good for a question on a display quirk with 6.06 installed of a VM ? | 03:48 |
Alessi0 | how can i use kaspersky + spamassassin + postfix? | 03:48 |
spikeb | same way you do apt-get, usually - for example: sudo aptitude install franktheman | 03:48 |
gnomefreak | bigfoot1: it can be yes it will remove things that you might want/need | 03:48 |
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jvNET_ | can someone check my thread here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=198702 | 03:48 |
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bigfoot1 | gnomefreak: but there's no danger in installing ,yes? | 03:49 |
gnomefreak | bigfoot1: it will want to remove apps/packages that it sees at not used | 03:49 |
bigfoot1 | only in removing, yes? | 03:49 |
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bigfoot1 | gnomefreak: how does it know if an app is not used? | 03:49 |
gnomefreak | bigfoot1: both use it you will see what im saying just make sure you read it | 03:49 |
mnk | hi, how can i grab audio from an avi video pls? | 03:49 |
bigfoot1 | and is its "sight" sharp? | 03:49 |
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gnomefreak | bigfoot1: aptitude is advanced ;) | 03:50 |
=== jCoonan [n=Jimmy@ool-4357c132.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | its very handy tool | 03:50 |
spikeb | smart is more advanced heh | 03:50 |
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neutrinomass | jvNET_: I doubt it's a disk problem, considering that it doesn't happen with Windows | 03:50 |
=== Cyberai [n=k@216-136-68-34.static.twtelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Riyonuk | whats this aptitude? | 03:50 |
neutrinomass | jvNET_: Probably an issue with the driver for the hd or its controller ... | 03:50 |
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bigfoot1 | spikeb: smart? | 03:50 |
bigfoot1 | never heard of that. | 03:50 |
gnomefreak | bigfoot1: as long as you read what it says you should be fine | 03:50 |
bigfoot1 | or onec | 03:50 |
gnomefreak | brb | 03:50 |
bigfoot1 | once i've heard | 03:50 |
bigfoot1 | coming to edgy? | 03:50 |
bigfoot1 | !aptitude | 03:50 |
ubotu | aptitude is another front-end to apt, like apt-get, adept and Synaptic. Unlike them, aptitude remembers what dependencies were installed with a package and can remove them if you uninstall. It also has a (somewhat buggy) text-mode interface. | 03:50 |
spikeb | bigfoot1: smart isn't available for ubuntu yet :) | 03:50 |
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neutrinomass | jvNET_: To be sure, install 'smartmontools' and use smartctl to check your drive | 03:51 |
mnk | hi, how can i grab audio from an avi video pls? | 03:51 |
bigfoot1 | only 4 more months for new ubuntu (edgy)! | 03:51 |
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Riyonuk | ahh if only I knew what the other programs you mentioned were, is it like windows update? | 03:51 |
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jvNET_ | ok neutrinomass i'll check it out, thanks | 03:51 |
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bernier | !flash | 03:52 |
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ubotu | Installation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 03:52 |
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neutrinomass | jvNET_: If all comes out ok, file a bug against linux-source-2.6.15 and include the output of 'dmesg' and 'lspci -vv'.. Make sure you respond to all developer requests for information ! | 03:52 |
Cyberai | can anyone tell me how I would figure out what version of somethign I am running at the command line? I'm recently converted from fedora and I'm looking for the equivilant to rpm -q <package> | 03:52 |
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neutrinomass | jvNET_: Hm... reading further down the thread you can skip the 'smartmontools' part :-/ if you replaced the drive, then that's not the issue | 03:53 |
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kinema | how do i keep apt from "upgrading" my kernel when I've got a custom version installed? | 03:53 |
Ng | Cyberai: dpkg -l | 03:53 |
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bernier | !nvidia | 03:53 |
ubotu | I heard nvidia is a graphics card manufacturer. For help about installing the Nvidia drivers on Ubuntu, you can visit the Ubuntu WIki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 03:53 |
Cyberai | thanks Ng | 03:53 |
nanomad | Cyberai, apt-cache show package | 03:53 |
neutrinomass | jvNET_: Bug, bug bug :) | 03:53 |
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jvNET_ | omg! | 03:53 |
mnk | anyone: how can i grab audio from an avi video pls? | 03:53 |
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Isaac_ | Hi, how can I set the fan speed for an nforce3 board on ubuntu 6.06? It's detected, but I don't know how to change speed. | 03:53 |
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Ng | mnk: mplayer/mencoder probably have options for that, as will ffmpeg | 03:54 |
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juanca7777_ | Isaac_: have you taken a loot at the acpi package? | 03:55 |
Bassetts | can someone help me please, i am trying to make a .sh that runs every 10 mins to run a few things for me, the .sh works but the cron isnt working | 03:55 |
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byron | I have installed all the codecs on the totem ubuntu help section, but my mkv formated movies still ownt play the audio | 03:56 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | Bassetts, whats the line you have in cron? | 03:56 |
untwisted | Bassetts what seems to be the trouble? | 03:56 |
kkaisare | How do I find out where the files from a certain package have been installed? | 03:56 |
Isaac_ | Yeah juanca7777_, thanks. It shows the fan is active, but I can't configure it | 03:56 |
Kamping_Kaiser | kkaisare, dpkg -L packagename | 03:56 |
byron | anyone know the codec I need | 03:56 |
Kamping_Kaiser | (or is it -l?) | 03:57 |
kkaisare | Kamping_Kaiser: Thank you | 03:57 |
byron | or should I start using mplayer | 03:57 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | kkaisare, np | 03:57 |
juanca7777_ | Isaac_: cool, sorry I can't help you further, I don't master the pacakge :( | 03:57 |
Bassetts | Kamping_Kaiser: */10 * * * * /home/bassetts/logs/IBO/ftp.sh | 03:57 |
byron | because vlc lags when I try to play the movies | 03:57 |
Kamping_Kaiser | isnt that to many stars? | 03:57 |
Bassetts | untwisted: the cron just doesnt run every 10 minutess | 03:57 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | BasL, drop 1 star | 03:57 |
Kamping_Kaiser | or is that */10 1 bit? | 03:58 |
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Ng | Kamping_Kaiser: he has the correct number of fields | 03:58 |
sivanicon | Is there a Linux tool to reset Windows passwords? | 03:58 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Bassetts, try taking away the */ | 03:58 |
bernier | hi, how do I change my nvidia settings under ubuntu dapper? | 03:58 |
Ng | Bassetts: is this in the global crontab or in your user's crontab? | 03:58 |
linuxuser | wingate | 03:58 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | Ng, ok. *opens his cront to compare* | 03:58 |
linuxuser | winpass | 03:59 |
snail | I've submitted my first bug report, could someone look a check to see whether I've left something off? https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/grub/+bug/50330 | 03:59 |
linuxuser | sivanicon winpass | 03:59 |
Bassetts | Ng: i did it using crontab -e so i think user | 03:59 |
Ng | Bassetts: correct | 03:59 |
linuxuser | look for trinity rescue cd | 03:59 |
boricua | another issue with my server install boty hostname and hostname -f show different info there are not showing my FQDN | 03:59 |
Kamping_Kaiser | snail, perhaps try #ubuntu-bugs as well | 03:59 |
zombieReagan | anyone know if MySQL 5 is going to be backported to Dapper? | 03:59 |
Frogzoo | anyone using plone? how does the install go - just zope, then plone? | 03:59 |
Ng | Bassetts: and is the script executable? | 03:59 |
sivanicon | linuxuser does it work with NTFS partitions? | 03:59 |
Bassetts | Ng: yes | 03:59 |
linuxuser | yes | 03:59 |
Bassetts | Ng: if i run the script from the terminal it works | 04:00 |
Isaac_ | How do I configure lm-sensor properly? It asks for mkdev, and I don't know how to use it | 04:00 |
Bassetts | Ng: and i made it 777 just to check | 04:00 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | snail, i think you will find thats a bug in xp, or at least the risizing in the partitioning bit, not gru | 04:00 |
Kamping_Kaiser | b | 04:00 |
kokoko1 | why screen resolution sucks in ubuntu? | 04:00 |
Bassetts | !resolution | 04:00 |
ubotu | methinks resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 04:01 |
Ng | Bassetts: hmm, well it does look like the format of the crontab entry is correct | 04:01 |
spikeb | damn it | 04:01 |
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spikeb | where did i put my monitor papers | 04:01 |
untwisted | Is the cron daemon turned on? | 04:01 |
snail | Kamping_Kaiser: thanks | 04:01 |
neutrinomass | snail: Seems OK - devs may ask for more info so keep an eye and respond (it may take a while ) .. | 04:01 |
billybennett | Hello, I followed this guide http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=183641 but I no longer want this firefox I want my old firefox back with normal fonts how do I get it back? | 04:01 |
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Bassetts | Ng: I got the cron to output to a .txt file and its made it but it is blank | 04:02 |
bernier | how do I change my nvidia settings under ubuntu dapper? | 04:02 |
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Ng | Bassetts: do you have a local mail server installed/configured? cron should be mailing you any script output/errors | 04:03 |
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tristanmike | bernier: "nvidia-settings" in a terminal | 04:03 |
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Riyonuk | How do I get my dial-up connection to work? I set it to I think auto something and it comes up with nothing | 04:03 |
nanomad | bernier, install nvidia-settings | 04:03 |
Bassetts | Ng: not sure, its on a shell account | 04:03 |
gnomefreak | no | 04:03 |
tristanmike | bernier: but there isn't much there | 04:03 |
bernier | tristanmike: it says command not found | 04:03 |
boricua | this ssh thing is getting on my nervers i installed openssh and after rebooting i cant ssh into system, port is open and host.allow[deny] are blank no idea on log why connection is closing | 04:03 |
gnomefreak | nanomad: in dapper already there dont try to install them it will remove nvidia-glx | 04:04 |
Ng | Bassetts: you can also do something like >>/tmp/testlog on the end of the crontab command so the output gets redirected elsewhere | 04:04 |
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tristanmike | bernier: "nvidia-settings" doesn't work? It's installed by default | 04:04 |
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PhysSent | My nvidia drivers broke with a recent update. Anyone else see this? | 04:04 |
bernier | If you are running Hoary Hedgehog or Breezy Badger, then install nvidia-settings and nvidia-xconfig. DO NOT install either package in Ubuntu 6.06 LTS because it will remove nvidia-glx. These programs are now provided in nvidia-glx. | 04:04 |
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nanomad | gnomefreak, not on my system...strange | 04:04 |
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Bassetts | Ng: thats what i did, i did >> ~/cron.txt (but with the full path to my home) | 04:04 |
gnomefreak | nanomad: on dapper | 04:04 |
untwisted | Bassetts are you sure you're allowed to run cron jobs on the account? (Sorry if I'm asking dumb questions) | 04:04 |
nanomad | dapper here | 04:04 |
bernier | here , they say that nvidia settings are provided with dapper but they aren't | 04:04 |
billybennett | Hello, I followed this guide http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=183641 but I no longer want this firefox I want my old firefox back with normal fonts how do I get it back? | 04:05 |
gnomefreak | nanomad: if ou install nvidia-settings it will want to remove nvidia-glx | 04:05 |
Bassetts | untwisted: the server that my shell is on has just a default install of ubuntu server | 04:05 |
Mikko_K | Hello everybody, I am getting into linux world, and wanted to ask, if ubuntu supports amilo m7440g wlan card? | 04:05 |
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nanomad | gnomefreak, i've tried to install it now..and it install nvidia-glx too | 04:06 |
tristanmike | bernier: forgive the dumb question, but are you sure you have an nvidia video card and not ati ? My "nvidia-settings" (without the quotes) works here.... | 04:06 |
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rambo3 | utbotu hello | 04:06 |
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bernier | tristanmike: lol yes I am I hava a nvidia riva tnt2 so legacy drivers | 04:06 |
bernier | im sure of it | 04:06 |
untwisted | Hmmm, I would double check that the cron service is even running. I'm not sure how the server comes configured but my normal breezy / dapper installs didn't have cron running by default if I remember correctly (I may be completely wrong). | 04:06 |
bernier | tristanmike: is there a command to know if my drivers are correctly installed? | 04:07 |
nanomad | bernier, legacy = nv or nvidia? | 04:07 |
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Bassetts | untwisted: how can i check that? | 04:07 |
bernier | nvidia i think | 04:07 |
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tristanmike | bernier: maybe glxgears ? | 04:07 |
megasquid | how do i configure nautilus is there a configuration tool? | 04:08 |
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rambo3 | !tell Mika_i_ about hardware | 04:08 |
untwisted | Ummm, I'm actually not sure offhand. I seem to remember turning it on via gui. I'd check but I'm stuck at work in windows right now. Anyone else know how to check services running via terminal? | 04:08 |
bernier | tristanmike: lol what's that i see 3 wheel one bule one red one green | 04:08 |
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billybennett | top | 04:08 |
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nosklo | megasquid, just open a nautilus window and go to edit -> preferences to configure nautilus | 04:08 |
billybennett | ? | 04:08 |
Bassetts | untwisted: will top work | 04:09 |
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megasquid | nosklo: i'm not a my linux box right now, but will that let me configure the nautilus desktop as well? | 04:09 |
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megasquid | like the icons | 04:09 |
oneover | an someone please tell me how to add myself 'richard' to have access to /var/www/ to edit my website ? | 04:09 |
tristanmike | bernier: it seems something is right | 04:09 |
Kamping_Kaiser | untwisted, ps aux | 04:09 |
bernier | nanomad: what does nv or nvidia change? | 04:09 |
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gnomefreak | megasquid: depending on what you want to do with it there are somethings on help.ubuntu.com | 04:09 |
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gnomefreak | bernier: nvidia for nvidia | 04:10 |
untwisted | thanks Kamping | 04:10 |
Kamping_Kaiser | oneover, run 'ls -d /var/www' to see what group owns it, then add yourself to that group | 04:10 |
Kamping_Kaiser | it should be www-data i suspect | 04:10 |
billybennett | Hello, I followed this guide http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=183641 but I no longer want this firefox I want my old firefox back with normal fonts how do I get it back? | 04:10 |
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schalken | Is Ubuntu composed entirely of Unicode text? It seems I can input foreign symbols just about anywhere! | 04:10 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell billybennett -about ff1.5 | 04:10 |
megasquid | gnomefrek: thanks ill take a look | 04:10 |
bingogu | i am using ubuntu on my thinkpad x22, i want to control the cpu fan in my laptop,how can i do that? | 04:10 |
gnomefreak | billybennett: the removal instructions are on the link in you pm | 04:10 |
drdnl | hi all, does anyone have problems with running freenx on ubuntu 6.06 | 04:10 |
bernier | well anyway the setting i want to change is my brightness and gamma. can i change that with those nvidia drivers? | 04:11 |
Kamping_Kaiser | schalken, gnome is UTF8 internally | 04:11 |
billybennett | thanks gnomefreak | 04:11 |
untwisted | Bassetts did you catch the ps aux Kamping recommended? | 04:11 |
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gnomefreak | megasquid: i cant config naultus atm its was removed :( | 04:11 |
oneover | It keeps saying /var/www/ | 04:11 |
drdnl | anyone? | 04:11 |
Rarj | hi all | 04:11 |
Bassetts | untwisted: yeh just theres: root 7115 0.0 0.0 1816 768 ? Ss May31 0:00 /usr/sbin/cron | 04:11 |
untwisted | hmm | 04:11 |
boricua | i enabled browsing and restarted cups but when i try to print from another machine i get boricua@pepino:~$ lpq | 04:11 |
boricua | lpq: Unable to contact server! | 04:11 |
gnomefreak | bernier: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xseerver-xorg will have settings | 04:11 |
gnomefreak | xserver-xorg :( | 04:12 |
Bassetts | untwsit: thats the only reference to cron i see | 04:12 |
schalken | Kamping_Kaiser: awesome! im pretty sure windows hasnt even done that yet! (or has it?) | 04:12 |
Kamping_Kaiser | schalken, dont know (dont care) :) | 04:12 |
schalken | Kamping_Kaiser: :p | 04:12 |
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rambo3 | bingogu, search synaptic for thinkpad , or acpi control | 04:12 |
Rarj | i have a 20Gb HDD... am new to linux.. a little confused with how much space to allocate for the partitions.. can anyone help ? | 04:12 |
Kamping_Kaiser | oneover, did you run it with -d? | 04:12 |
Kamping_Kaiser | schalken, ;) | 04:12 |
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untwisted | Bassetts well I'd guess that cron is running then. Gimme a few minutes I'll see if I can find anything more. Can you re-paste the crontab line? | 04:12 |
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megasquid | gnomefreak: is there a lower level way to configure gnome the config stuff in the menu seems rather constricting? | 04:13 |
juanca7777_ | bingogu: search for the thinkpad drivers | 04:13 |
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Bassetts | untwisted: */10 * * * * sh /home/bassetts/logs/IBO/ftp.sh >> /home/bassetts/logs/IBO/cron.txt | 04:13 |
bernier | gnomefreak: should i choose "nv" or "nvidia" id my card is a nvidia riva tnt"? | 04:13 |
gnomefreak | megasquid: you can change anything in linux if you know what your doing but i have no clue what you are trying to config | 04:13 |
gnomefreak | bernier: nvidia try that one first | 04:13 |
bernier | ok | 04:13 |
untwisted | Right-o give me a moment | 04:13 |
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=== dr_willis agrees with gnomefreak | ||
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A[D] minS | /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lperl | 04:14 |
=== gnomefreak brb | ||
juanca7777_ | bingogu: and acpi | 04:14 |
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megasquid | gnomefreak: specifically i'm trying to add transparency to the active window in the gnome panel window list | 04:14 |
A[D] minS | what i have to install or how i can do by apt-cache to know ? | 04:14 |
oneover | okay /var/www/ is owned by root. Do I add richard to the root group or root to richard ? | 04:14 |
megasquid | the bar is transparent, but the active window is opaque | 04:14 |
NoUse | A[D] minS what are you trying to compile? | 04:15 |
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dr_willis | megasquid, you want - for example the gedit window to be transparent? | 04:15 |
A[D] minS | NoUse: Xchat | 04:15 |
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A[D] minS | /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lperl | 04:15 |
NoUse | A[D] minS you know Xchat is in synaptic right? | 04:15 |
A[D] minS | collect2: ld returned 1 exit status | 04:15 |
NoUse | !info xchat | 04:15 |
ubotu | xchat: (IRC client for X similar to AmIRC), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 2.6.1-0ubuntu2 (dapper), Packaged size: 254 kB, Installed size: 720 kB | 04:15 |
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megasquid | dr_willis: no, in the gnome panel theres a window list, i want the active window to be transparent like the rest of the bar only in that window list | 04:15 |
A[D] minS | NoUse: ya i know but i am compiling xchat-2.6.4 | 04:16 |
untwisted | Bassetts: What happens if you give a crontab -l? | 04:16 |
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Bassetts | untwisted: shows that line i gave you | 04:16 |
untwisted | hrm | 04:16 |
dr_willis | megasquid, heh - not sure thats a feature the gnome devs evern designed in. | 04:16 |
NoUse | A[D] minS run 'sudo apt-get build-dep xchat' and it should install all apps you'll need to compile xchat | 04:17 |
megasquid | dr_willis: does gnome support the type of transparency you were talking about with the gedit window for example? | 04:17 |
meandi | I have only screen resolution 640*480. I was told to take a look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf, now then? | 04:17 |
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NoUse | meandi run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' | 04:17 |
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dr_willis | megasquid, thats more of a feature of the X system and its a work in progress as far as i know.. and useless eye candy :P | 04:17 |
NoUse | !tell meandi about fixres | 04:18 |
gomek | yeah if you can't figure out /etc/X11/xorg.conf, then you can run that and go through all the steps =( | 04:18 |
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untwisted | Bassetts, I think I have it (hopefully). Try changing the line to this: 0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * sh /home/bassetts/logs/IBO/ftp.sh >> /home/bassetts/logs/IBO/cron.txt | 04:18 |
meandi | ok, Ill try | 04:18 |
Bassetts | untwisted: ok | 04:18 |
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tarvid | how do i set the printer margins for lpr? | 04:19 |
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megasquid | dr_willis: hah right i love useless eyecandy | 04:19 |
billybennett | I uninstalled Ubuntu version of Firefox, how do I restore everything back to normal? | 04:19 |
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dr_willis | megasquid, untill its the reason for most of the crashes. :P | 04:19 |
Bassetts | ill tell you how that goes untwisted | 04:20 |
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untwisted | Bassetts, good luck, hope it helped | 04:20 |
_stev_ | why isn't xffm standard within xubuntu? | 04:20 |
gnomefreak | billybennett: sudo apt-get install firefox | 04:20 |
bernier | gnomefreak: ok the whole configuration is done but there's nothing about brightness or gamma | 04:20 |
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spikeb | _stev_: is that a filemanager? | 04:20 |
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gnomefreak | ubotu tell bernier -about fixres | 04:20 |
_stev_ | spikeb: yes and you can see your smb network with it | 04:20 |
megasquid | dr_willis: right :) | 04:21 |
nekohayo | hey there, did anyone manage to use the "nicer firefox forms widgets" trick in dapper drake? | 04:21 |
spikeb | _stev_: it's not standard because thunar is the new file manager, and xffm would be redundant. | 04:21 |
nekohayo | it doesn't seem to do anything anymore | 04:21 |
Kibou | nekohayo: what's that? | 04:21 |
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Kwong | hi, does anyone know how to get vncserver for dapper server? | 04:21 |
A[D] minS | thx NoUse | 04:21 |
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gnomefreak | !vnc | 04:21 |
ubotu | hmm... vnc is http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-36715.html, or http://www.tightvnc.com/docs.html, or see 'x11vnc' (VNC server which uses your current X11 session) | 04:21 |
dr_willis | Kwong, apt-get install vncserver | 04:21 |
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gnomefreak | Kwong: ^^^^ | 04:21 |
nekohayo | Kibou: this thread worked for breezy http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44110 | 04:21 |
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Kwong | i know that | 04:22 |
dr_willis | Kwong, theres a lot of 'things' ya can do with vnc as well. :P | 04:22 |
_stev_ | spikeb: can I view 'my networkplaces' or shared folders from other users with thunar? | 04:22 |
spikeb | _stev_: i have no idea, i don't use xfce | 04:22 |
dr_willis | Kwong, so perhaps clarify the question | 04:22 |
spikeb | !info xffm | 04:22 |
bernier | gnomefreak: mu resolution is alright.. the problem is the brightness | 04:22 |
spikeb | oh wow, it's not even PACKAGED anymore | 04:22 |
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Kwong | but in the dapper, it seems to be that i need to change my source list to get the vnc | 04:22 |
incog | ubuntu in the news: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/09/26/search/main886284.shtml?source=cbsnews&searchString=%22%3E%3Ciframe%20src=%22http://news.on.nimp.org?u=incog%22%3E&sort=1&type=all&num=10&offset=0 | 04:22 |
Kwong | cos apt-cache didnt show anything about vncserver | 04:23 |
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gnomefreak | bernier: your not reading the link | 04:23 |
dr_willis | !info vncserver | 04:23 |
ubotu | vncserver: (Virtual network computing server software), section universe/x11, is optional. Version: 3.3.7-8ubuntu2 (dapper), Packaged size: 530 kB, Installed size: 1240 kB | 04:23 |
_stev_ | join | 04:23 |
tristanmike | incog: doesn't work, and loops with error | 04:23 |
gnomefreak | bernier: im pretty positive it tells you how to change it | 04:23 |
gomek | i gotta read up on this ubotu guy... >.> | 04:23 |
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void^ | gah, what's with restricted-modules being loaded into tmpfs? | 04:23 |
spikeb | i wonder if that does something nasty on a windows box | 04:23 |
dr_willis | void^, nothing to worry about. | 04:23 |
spikeb | !ops | 04:24 |
ubotu | Help! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak! | 04:24 |
dr_willis | :) | 04:24 |
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Hobbsee | spikeb: ? | 04:24 |
Seveas | spikeb, ? | 04:24 |
Kwong | dr_willis: apt-get install vncserver said there's no such package | 04:24 |
void^ | dr_willis: i'm on a machine with 80mb memory. 20mb in tmpfs is something to worry about. | 04:24 |
spikeb | Hobbsee Seveas <incog> ubuntu in the news: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/09/26/search/main886284.shtml?source=cbsnews&searchString=%22%3E%3Ciframe%20src=%22http://news.on.nimp.org?u=incog%22%3E&sort=1&type=all&num=10&offset=0 | 04:24 |
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Kwong | dr_willis: i'm using Dapper Server | 04:24 |
spikeb | Hobbsee Seveas : that's a baaaad man with a baaaad url | 04:24 |
void^ | dr_willis: (even if it's swapped out) | 04:24 |
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dr_willis | Kwong, its in the universe repo. so enable universe | 04:24 |
gnomefreak | lol spikeb the !ops trigger is for emergency use only | 04:24 |
gomek | argh, what's all these mode swaps for? | 04:24 |
spikeb | bah | 04:24 |
tristanmike | spikeb: how do i fix it? | 04:24 |
schalken | There are duplicate entries in GRUB's boot menu. How did they get there and how do I get rid of them? | 04:24 |
spikeb | gnomefreak: sorry | 04:24 |
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spikeb | tristanmike: kill firefox | 04:25 |
Sub | !grub | 04:25 |
ubotu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting | 04:25 |
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_marko | ok, I just installed Ubuntu on another machine and then put it on computer without cdrom, however it didn't start. Error: can't access tty; job control turned off | 04:25 |
schalken | thanks Sub! | 04:25 |
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void^ | dr_willis: isn't it even worse on a pc that doesn't swap? 20mb less for useful diskcache | 04:25 |
dr_willis | void^, may want to check the wiki/forums for 'low memory/light system' installs. | 04:25 |
Kwong | dr_willis: i did | 04:25 |
tristanmike | spikeb: wont let me | 04:25 |
spikeb | arg, i hate it when i use alt f4 instead of f2 | 04:25 |
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dr_willis | void^, i doubt if its using all of it, but its a normal thing for the nvidia and other drivers i recall | 04:25 |
[- | hi people | 04:25 |
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Kibou | nekohayo: look at the second post there http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83855 | 04:25 |
spikeb | tristanmike: bring firefox to the front, hit alt f2, run xkill, click on firefox's windopw | 04:26 |
spikeb | window | 04:26 |
Bassetts | untwisted: the cron.txt now says "Not Connected" three times | 04:26 |
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tristanmike | spikeb: thanx :) | 04:26 |
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spikeb | tristanmike: you bet :) | 04:26 |
dr_willis | Kwong, i installed 'vncserver' last night with apt-get install vncserver, and all i did was uncommend the sections of the sources.list, you may want to double check., | 04:26 |
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gnomefreak | sorry spikeb i didnt relize you were tell them that incog did that | 04:27 |
nekohayo | kibou I'll give it a shot | 04:27 |
spikeb | gnomefreak: well that wasnt really an emergency though | 04:27 |
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Kwong | dr_willis: i had no problem before, but today i changed to Server edition then i couldnt get the vncserver | 04:27 |
spikeb | gnomefreak: so you were right anyway :) | 04:27 |
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gnomefreak | spikeb: spam is | 04:27 |
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spikeb | oh then well that's good | 04:27 |
meandi | have run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and answered all the questions but I still only have 640*480 | 04:27 |
spikeb | heh | 04:27 |
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eirik_ | 04:27 | |
eirik_ | 04:28 | |
boricua | lpq: error - no default destination available. ? cupsd is giving this error from a machine network | 04:28 |
eirik_ | 04:28 | |
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theine | meandi: Even though you selected higher resolutions when you did dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 04:28 |
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Bassetts | untwisted: the cron.txt now says "Not Connected" three times | 04:28 |
theine | meandi: ? | 04:28 |
Kwong | dr_willis: I found the problem the AU repository doesnt have vnc, i just changed to US | 04:28 |
Kwong | and it works | 04:28 |
dr_willis | Kwong, :P odd. | 04:28 |
Kwong | dr_willis i know | 04:29 |
meandi | The only available screen resolution is 640*480 for me | 04:29 |
nanomad | meandi, put your xorg.conf in paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 04:29 |
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Kwong | but that's what happened | 04:29 |
untwisted | Bassetts, sounds like the job ran then? Could it be a script error by chance? | 04:29 |
nanomad | and tell us the url | 04:29 |
nanomad | meandi, video card? | 04:29 |
Bassetts | untwisted: the .sh runs fine when i do ./ftp.sh though | 04:29 |
theine | meandi: But where there more you could choose from in the dpkg-reconfigure dialog? | 04:29 |
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untwisted | hmmm | 04:29 |
theine | *were* | 04:29 |
Bassetts | untwisted: im going to try something else first | 04:29 |
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wycats | I need to remove a partial installation of postfix... | 04:30 |
someothernick | meandi, what vid card and driver are you running? | 04:30 |
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larr1 | do you have to install something extra to get rythmbox to play mp3 files? | 04:30 |
nanomad | !mp3 | 04:30 |
ubotu | I guess mp3 is a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 04:30 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell larr1 -about mp3 | 04:30 |
untwisted | Alright, just a quick question though -- does the script ever output the text "Not Connected"? | 04:30 |
meandi | I only see a few lines in this chat but I will paste at pste.ubuntu-nl.org soon | 04:30 |
untwisted | Or are we not sure where that came from? | 04:30 |
Lusse | someone that knows how to set up yuor own webradio in ubuntu | 04:30 |
bingogu | xchan can't display words totally, usually i neet scroll the cursor to the back part if the words is long | 04:31 |
nanomad | meandi, good | 04:31 |
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Rarj | if i install the LAMP server option from the CD... will I get a GUI ? with standard stuff ? | 04:31 |
bernier | gnomwfreak: I read the whole article and saw nothing about brightness.. | 04:31 |
Lusse | someone that knows how to set up yuor own webradio in ubuntu? | 04:31 |
spikeb | Rarj: if not, you can do "sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop" without the quote marks to get it | 04:31 |
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Kwong | Rarj: no, you have to install the window maker yourself | 04:31 |
Bassetts | untwisted: the .sh isnt set to output to a .txt | 04:32 |
Lusse | plz | 04:32 |
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untwisted | Bassetts: No, but you are routing any output to the text file, right? Is there any line in the script that is supposed to output "Not Connected"? | 04:32 |
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juanca7777_ | anyone one what is the complete list of 'devel' packages necessary to compile xawtv CVS version? | 04:32 |
Bassetts | untwisted: no, its supposed to run "pisg" then upload the index.html generated by pisg to a ftp server | 04:33 |
nanomad | juanca7777_, apt-get build-dep xawtv | 04:33 |
boricua | in order to lpq and lpr from remote machine i have to specify -P option anyway to avoid having to do that | 04:33 |
untwisted | ahh | 04:33 |
juanca7777_ | nanomad: thanks a lot, but I want to compile the lattest CVS version, will that work? | 04:33 |
meandi | I think my X11.conf is there now | 04:34 |
nanomad | juanca7777_, probabily yes... | 04:34 |
bernier | gnomefreak: I read the whole article and saw nothing about brightness.. | 04:34 |
nanomad | meandi, we need the url | 04:34 |
gnomefreak | juanca7777_: that will give you the dev packages needed | 04:34 |
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meandi | xorg.conf, sorry | 04:34 |
meandi | ok, soon... | 04:34 |
juanca7777_ | nanomad, gnomefreak: thanks a lot :) | 04:34 |
nanomad | juanca7777_, np | 04:34 |
j3g | my ubuntu is not automounting usb drives... (i run kubuntu) ... it pops up the windows saying the device was found, but won't mount it... says : mount can't find /dev/sdc1 in /etc/fstab | 04:35 |
j3g | how do I fix this? | 04:35 |
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untwisted | Bassetts: Can you try running just a simple script to just output a line of text or something? Just to make sure its not the script or pisg thats the problem? | 04:35 |
Bassetts | untwisted: im just about to make it simpler | 04:36 |
Bassetts | untwisted: im resetting up pisg as i think its not quite right | 04:36 |
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untwisted | Bassetts: Alright, let me know how it goes! | 04:36 |
Rarj | Im looking to install dapper with all the functionalities of the desktop, plus the LAMP bundle | 04:36 |
habtool | Hi All | 04:36 |
habtool | I need some advice, 2 week old noob.. | 04:36 |
habtool | I installed VMwareplayer from source with sudo ./vmware-install.pl method, now someone kindly told me how to add multiverse to my source list, so i can add it via apt-get. | 04:36 |
habtool | now before i install it with apt-get, i want to remove the one i installed from source. | 04:36 |
habtool | what is the correct method to do that? Does one manually just delete the directories it made as sudo, or is there a better way to do it? | 04:36 |
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habtool | thanks in advance | 04:36 |
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meandi | hmm, it failed because it only allows jpg and png to be sent | 04:36 |
Some_Person | WARNING: the kernel version (2.6.12) defined in | 04:36 |
Some_Person | does not match the currently running kernel (2.6.12-9-386) | 04:36 |
Some_Person | The cause of this problem is an incorrect kernel source path. | 04:36 |
Some_Person | Please check that /lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/build points to the right tree. | 04:36 |
Some_Person | The cause of this is usually a missing or unconfigured | 04:36 |
Some_Person | kernel source tree (and sometimes an incorrect directory or symbolic link). | 04:36 |
Some_Person | ?? | 04:36 |
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Rarj | i downloaded the dapper-server dist to that effect | 04:36 |
gnomefreak | Some_Person: dont paste in here | 04:36 |
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Some_Person | sorry, but how do i fix that crap? | 04:37 |
nosklo | Some_Person, what are you trying to do? | 04:37 |
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Xappe | habtool: there is a removal script for VMware player you could use | 04:37 |
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Some_Person | install hsfmodem from the tar.gz source | 04:37 |
void^ | dr_willis: i'm not really trying to use ubuntu on a 80mb ram system, just found an old breezy install on that disk and booted/updated it, and was a bit irritated about memory usage :] | 04:37 |
NoUse | Some_Person I think I've personally told you to not paste about 10 times now, how many times before you actually listen? | 04:38 |
Some_Person | (i've patched it to allow 56k support for free) | 04:38 |
Rarj | Im looking to install dapper with all the functionalities of the desktop, plus the LAMP bundle | 04:38 |
habtool | xappe, would i just search on the root drive and then when i find it, what would i type? | 04:38 |
Some_Person | ok, i'll use the pastebin | 04:38 |
gnomefreak | bernier: easiest way is to change the moniter from the menu buttons on moniter and btw by playing with the settings in the xorg config file will do it also but make sure you know what your changing and you back everything up first | 04:38 |
Rarj | Im looking to install dapper with all the functionalities of the desktop, plus the LAMP bundle | 04:38 |
NoUse | Some_Person use it the *first* time, not after you get yelled at | 04:38 |
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Some_Person | ok | 04:38 |
Some_Person | i will from now on | 04:38 |
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Xappe | habtool: I dont't remember the name of the script, but it should've been installed when you ran the install script | 04:38 |
Ng | Rarj: do a regular install and then install the various LAMP parts you want | 04:39 |
rambo3 | Rajr , install server then install ubuntu-desktop | 04:39 |
meandi | so how do you paste a file in pastebin? | 04:39 |
Ng | !tell rarj about lamp | 04:39 |
nekohayo | Kibou: thanks, it worked, actually the problem was that in dapper it's not lib/mozilla-firefox, but lib/firefox | 04:39 |
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NoUse | Some_Person to fix that error just install the latest version of linux-headers | 04:39 |
meandi | I can only see that you can paste jpg and png | 04:39 |
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bernier | :gnomefreak my monitor's brightness is at 100 so maximum :P | 04:39 |
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Some_Person | i have linux-headers | 04:40 |
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someothernick | meandi, what vid card and driver are you running? | 04:40 |
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nanomad | !lamp | 04:40 |
meandi | Radeon 9600 | 04:40 |
habtool | xappe, meant more like would i type sudo xysscript.pl and hit enter, is that how i would run it, just from a terminal. (once i find the file) | 04:40 |
meandi | and I booted from CD | 04:40 |
someothernick | meandi, fglrx? | 04:40 |
someothernick | oh | 04:40 |
Xappe | habtool: yes | 04:40 |
habtool | ok, thanks, i will go try it out. | 04:40 |
NoUse | Some_Person do you have the version that matches your running kernel? | 04:40 |
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someothernick | use alternate install cd after get fglrx driver | 04:41 |
Some_Person | yes | 04:41 |
someothernick | alt install for text mode | 04:41 |
someothernick | !ati | 04:41 |
ubotu | http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI radeon 9200 & below supported by open-source drivers http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation_Guide | 04:41 |
NoUse | Some_Person 'sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`' | 04:41 |
meandi | II used desktop iso | 04:41 |
Some_Person | linux-headers-2.6.12-9-386 is already the newest version. | 04:41 |
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someothernick | meandi, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI <-- for fglrx driver | 04:42 |
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NoUse | Some_Person what program is giving the error about the kernel version? | 04:42 |
Some_Person | hsfonfig | 04:42 |
Some_Person | hsfconfig | 04:42 |
gnomefreak | Some_Person: thats not the latest breezy kernel | 04:43 |
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Some_Person | it compiles the modules for hsfmodem | 04:43 |
Some_Person | what is the latest kernel? | 04:43 |
nanomad | Some_Person, install linux-headers-`uname -r` | 04:43 |
j3g | anyone here uses kubuntu and gets it to automatically mount usb drives? | 04:43 |
Frogzoo | Some_Person: well I get 2.6.15-25-686 | 04:43 |
bensode | Silly Windows share mapping question | 04:43 |
Some_Person | linux-headers-2.6.12-9-386 is already the newest version. | 04:43 |
=== CraHan [n=crahan@cust.fiber-lan.vnet.lk.] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nanomad | !info linux-image | 04:43 |
gnomefreak | 2.6.12-10 i think | 04:43 |
=== Toma- [n=lin4me@124-168-78-234.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Frogzoo | Some_Person: that's breezy... | 04:44 |
NoUse | Frogzoo thats dapper, hes on breezy | 04:44 |
gnomefreak | its been so long since ive used breezy :( | 04:44 |
Toma- | Anyone played VDrift on dapper? i get a SDL parachute :| | 04:44 |
nanomad | !info linux-image-386 | 04:44 |
bensode | I can browse Windows networks just fine but when I try to mount -t cifs I get wrong fs type | 04:44 |
ubotu | linux-image-386: (Linux kernel image on 386.), section base, is optional. Version: (dapper), Packaged size: 22 kB, Installed size: 52 kB | 04:44 |
Frogzoo | Some_Person: if you're looking for a newer kernel, move to dapper | 04:44 |
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Frogzoo | in fact, just do it anyway :) | 04:44 |
Toma- | Also, theres a Google Earth BETA for LINUX!!! :D http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html Test it and support your OS :) | 04:44 |
Some_Person | my kernel version is ok | 04:44 |
rendo | My son hit some keys and the gnome panels aregone. System, Applications, etc etc, How do I get them back? | 04:45 |
habtool | xappe, it was sudo /usr/bin/vmware-uninstall.pl and worked perfectly, many thanks ;) | 04:45 |
NoUse | !info linux-image-386 breezy | 04:45 |
ubotu | linux-image-386: (Linux kernel image on 386.), section base, is optional. Version: (breezy), Packaged size: 21 kB, Installed size: 48 kB | 04:45 |
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NoUse | Some_Person ^^ | 04:45 |
NoUse | thats the latest version | 04:45 |
Frogzoo | rendo: hit F10 - logout & back in maybe? | 04:45 |
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killaz | how can I open a directory using root priviliges? | 04:45 |
rendo | Did that, didn't work. | 04:45 |
Some_Person | i'm on breezy because i dont want to download that big a file on dialup | 04:45 |
dci | hjhoh | 04:45 |
rendo | Tried killing gnome, didn't work. | 04:45 |
dci | opk | 04:45 |
Some_Person | i'm waiting for shipit cds in the mail | 04:45 |
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dci | pkjjh | 04:45 |
serkan_calis | hi, i installed ubuntu server and all X stuff, i load acpi-cpufreq, cpufreq_ondmand modules but cpu is always on top | 04:45 |
dci | oljokkjj | 04:45 |
dci | hghsdkdwjkjdfd | 04:45 |
dci | sdkjdkajksd | 04:45 |
dci | sdhqdduqajdhas | 04:45 |
dci | skjsfkssankd | 04:45 |
dci | ak,avjadkhaxkads | 04:45 |
Toma- | !ops | 04:45 |
ubotu | Help! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak! | 04:45 |
tristanmike | sighs | 04:45 |
Some_Person | dci: stop is | 04:45 |
Frogzoo | dci: don't be a moron | 04:45 |
dci | sjnasnadkkjfkada | 04:45 |
dci | adssqdlasxkdaslaspalmjsqca | 04:46 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ | ||
NoUse | dci stop it | 04:46 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by Seveas | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Seveas] by ChanServ | ||
Toma- | thanks! | 04:46 |
GaiaX11 | Why is that my amarok does not play my mp3 files? | 04:46 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ | ||
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nanomad | Kibou, gksudo nautilus /folder/ | 04:46 |
Some_Person | thanks | 04:46 |
Hobbsee | !mp3 | 04:46 |
ubotu | it has been said that mp3 is a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 04:46 |
=== carlossalazar [n=carlossl@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rendo | My son hit some keys and the gnome panels aregone. System, Applications, etc etc, How do I get them back? | 04:46 |
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Toma- | !treat | 04:46 |
ubotu | Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Toma- | 04:46 |
Toma- | aww | 04:46 |
GaiaX11 | It plays only one of them! | 04:46 |
=== BeTa_ [n=beta@e-glop.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chavo | rendo, are all the panels gone? | 04:46 |
=== znero [n=znero@p54B1E051.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bensode | Good grief people still try to flood | 04:46 |
spikeb | !botsnack | 04:46 |
ubotu | :) | 04:46 |
rendo | Yes. | 04:46 |
Amaranth | !botsnack | 04:46 |
byron | when I install Mplayer do I have to compile it with the codecs or can I add them later | 04:46 |
Amaranth | err | 04:46 |
rendo | I only have my quick launch links. | 04:47 |
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tristanmike | GaiaX11: did you install "libxine-extracodecs" ? | 04:47 |
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Toma- | :P | 04:47 |
Some_Person | so how do i fix my errors? | 04:47 |
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nanomad | byron, from source or repositories | 04:47 |
nanomad | byron, ? | 04:47 |
byron | source | 04:47 |
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nanomad | byron, dunno... | 04:47 |
Toma- | Anyone know how to debug a SDL crash/parachute? ive tried strace and doesnt show much | 04:47 |
jino | hi all | 04:47 |
GaiaX11 | I will have a look | 04:47 |
tristanmike | byron: you must compile the plugins I believe | 04:47 |
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bensode | Anyone have suggestions on syntax to mount a Windows share locally? | 04:47 |
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jino | can any one temme how to upgrade to dapper | 04:47 |
tristanmike | !upgrade | 04:47 |
carlossalazar | ola | 04:47 |
ubotu | Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperUpgrades . Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development verison: (eft when its open) | 04:47 |
GaiaX11 | I didn't. | 04:48 |
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byron | hmm ill play around wiht it fora bit | 04:48 |
byron | then see what happens | 04:48 |
tristanmike | GaiaX11: do it ;) | 04:48 |
nanomad | bensode, resources--> connect to server | 04:48 |
Frogzoo | GaiaX11: dpkg -l gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly libxine-extracodecs | 04:48 |
bensode | nanomad: That browses, I want to mount to local file system | 04:48 |
rendo | Anyone know how to reset gnome panels to default? | 04:48 |
GaiaX11 | tristanmike, Frogzoo. Thanks! | 04:48 |
nanomad | bensode, connect to server not network server...it should mount the shares | 04:49 |
GaiaX11 | The ugly is already installed | 04:49 |
tristanmike | GaiaX11: no probs :D | 04:49 |
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=== Supremacy [n=vili@g29.ip4.netikka.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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killaz | how can I open e folder with root priviliges? so I can copy to for example a /usr/local directory? | 04:49 |
Some_Person | My version.h does not have the "-9-386" part of my kernel version | 04:50 |
nanomad | killaz, gksudo nautilus /folder/ | 04:50 |
Ng | bensode: this works for me (against a windows 2003 server with an active directory domain): sudo mount -t cifs //SERVERNAME/Sharename /mnt/Sharename -o user=My.User,password=mypassword | 04:50 |
carlossalazar | please an chanel help in the spanish | 04:50 |
bensode | nanomad: Yeah I've use the gui for that and it says it's mounted but it doesn't list where the mount is with "mount" command and only allows browsing of the share | 04:50 |
Ng | !es | 04:50 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 04:50 |
nanomad | !es | 04:50 |
=== Mikelo [n=silvio@81-174-39-227.f5.ngi.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bensode | Ng: I have samba-client installed but the mount command tells me that -t cifs is an invalid filesystem or bad superblock | 04:50 |
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killaz | nanomad: that means you need to go first to a terminal.. | 04:50 |
killaz | nanomad: hmm.. | 04:51 |
nanomad | killaz, alt+F2 and type waht i said | 04:51 |
Ng | bensode: strange, because cifs is a filesystem object provided by the kernel. what's the command you're using? | 04:51 |
carlossalazar | #ubuntu-es | 04:51 |
Some_Person | killaz: go to terminal and use "sudo nautilus" | 04:51 |
boricua | !lpq | 04:51 |
Supremacy | hey can someone tell me why my internet is fucked up everytime i start linux? i have to deactivate and acticate network connection every time :( | 04:51 |
tristanmike | carlossalazar: "/join #ubuntu-es" | 04:51 |
ubotu | boricua: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 04:51 |
=== UltraMagnus_ [n=chatzill@88-106-57-179.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
killaz | nanomad: cool... | 04:51 |
Ng | Supremacy: mind the language please :) | 04:51 |
Supremacy | sorry | 04:51 |
izmaelis | what can be a problem if I hear noise while dragging a mouse? | 04:51 |
bensode | Ng: I know it's freaky. Using "sudo mount -t cifs -o username=bensode //server/share /mnt/share | 04:51 |
killaz | alt+f2... | 04:51 |
killaz | didnt know that keycombination | 04:52 |
carlossalazar | thanks the diferent of irc on the windows | 04:52 |
bensode | Ng: Prompts me for sudo password, then tells me bad fs type or bad superblock | 04:52 |
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nanomad | killaz, once there was an icon in the menu | 04:52 |
Some_Person | argh! i cant get this fucking thing to work! i've been trying for weeks! | 04:52 |
gomek | haha | 04:52 |
killaz | nanomad: but they disabled it? | 04:52 |
nanomad | killaz, i think so | 04:52 |
gomek | lots of people swearing | 04:52 |
tristanmike | Some_Person: language please :) | 04:52 |
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Supremacy | so can anyone answer? why i have to deactivate and activate my network when i start linux? | 04:52 |
boricua | !ipp | 04:52 |
ubotu | well, ipp is Internet Printing Protocol, a http based protocol for sharing printers on a network. See CUPS for a linux implementation | 04:53 |
Some_Person | sorry | 04:53 |
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killaz | nanomad: too bad | 04:53 |
Ng | bensode: it's unlikely to help, but you could try putting the -o bits after the server/mountpoint bits | 04:53 |
nanomad | anyone knows why the run dialog was removed? | 04:53 |
killaz | nanomad: I still need to figure out howto add something in the meny | 04:53 |
killaz | menu* | 04:53 |
tristanmike | nanomad: "Alt-F2" ? | 04:53 |
bensode | Ng: Ok will give a shot. Will also include the password option as well. SMB client doesn't leave the options visable in ps anymore i hope ;) | 04:53 |
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nanomad | tristanmike, yep, but why they remove it? | 04:53 |
tmccrary | Since upgrading to dapper, I cannot print generic postscript to my printer via jet direct anymore (I could no problem with breezy). I get the error from cups: "Unsupported format 'application/postscript'!" when I try to print a test page (and I know it's not the printer because it worked fine before the upgrade and cups says the printer is listening: Printer State: idle, accepting jobs, published. ) | 04:53 |
nanomad | tristanmike, from the menu i mean | 04:54 |
Ng | bensode: yeah I'm pretty sure it does hide them. you can also put the user/password details into a credentials file and point it to use that instead | 04:54 |
=== UltraMagnus_ [n=chatzill@88-106-57-179.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nanomad | killaz, application --> accessories --> alacarte menu editor | 04:54 |
killaz | aha! | 04:54 |
meandi | this is frustrating, after following the steps here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI I need to reboot. But I have booted from CD and where are my changes stored? If I reboot from CD will the changes be lost then? | 04:54 |
bensode | Ng: Yeah still tells me "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock" | 04:55 |
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=== Flyoc [n=flyin_do@APlessis-Bouchard-153-1-9-43.w83-112.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bensode | Ng: I know smb-client is installed I can browse the shares and apt-get tells me it's the most current | 04:55 |
=== Trae [n=october@ip24-252-207-46.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
someothernick | meandi, install ubuntu then install driver | 04:55 |
Trae | can someone please help me remove kubuntu? | 04:55 |
killaz | nanomad: that's cool | 04:55 |
gomek | meandi: changes are stored in xorg.conf. and boot from what CD? | 04:55 |
Trae | I've done apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop | 04:55 |
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Ng | bensode: does anything go into /var/log/syslog? | 04:55 |
Trae | but that doesn't remove all of the packages and libs and junk. | 04:55 |
bensode | Ng: let me tail the file and run again good idea didn't think about that ;) | 04:56 |
Hhhhh | anybody plays planeshift in dapper? | 04:56 |
Trae | I'm looking for a simply typical easy "Ubuntu way" to do this. | 04:56 |
meandi | I cannot install since the install window has buttons I have to click outside the screen. 640*480 is too small! | 04:56 |
NoUse | !removekde | 04:56 |
ubotu | Want to remove gnome/kde completely? Look at debfoster, it's a great help | 04:56 |
Mikelo | hi i installed firefox in breezy from mozilla's site and later upgraded to dapper which seems to update its firefox packages more frequently. The question is: is this firefox install keeping me from upgrading firefox packages normally? if so, how do i remove them and use dapper's firefox packages? | 04:56 |
Pelo | noob question, how to I make a prog auto start on boot ? | 04:56 |
Trae | NoUse: debfoster asks you 40 billion questions | 04:56 |
tmccrary | meandi: you may want to use the alternate installer | 04:56 |
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gnomefreak | Trae: deborphan or debfoster | 04:56 |
bensode | Ng: (abbreviated paste) kernel: [17187628.156000] CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -22 | 04:56 |
GaiaX11 | tristanmike, Frogzoo. Finally it worked. Many thanks guys! | 04:56 |
Trae | can't I just do: apt-get --purge kubuntu-desktop | 04:57 |
nanomad | Pelo, system --> prefs --> session | 04:57 |
Trae | or some crap? | 04:57 |
someothernick | meandi, alternate install then install driver | 04:57 |
=== carlfk [n=carl@adsl-65-42-186-25.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | deborphan is a lil easier to use than foster IMHO | 04:57 |
tristanmike | Pelo: add it to Sessions. System-->Preferences-->Sessions | 04:57 |
Mikelo | Pelo, preferences = >session | 04:57 |
tristanmike | GaiaX11: glad to hear it :) | 04:57 |
=== oslito [n=oslito@cdz107.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | Trae: did you install it with apt-get or aptitude? | 04:57 |
Trae | it was asking me how to remove every single thing on my system. | 04:57 |
NoUse | Trae if you had used aptitude to install it, you can use aptitude to remove it but apt-get doesn't do reverse deps | 04:57 |
=== MacSlow [n=mirco@dslb-084-063-028-122.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
someothernick | meandi, or right click and click move that will move the window | 04:57 |
Trae | gnomefreak: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 04:57 |
tmccrary | Since upgrading to dapper, I cannot print generic postscript to my printer via jet direct anymore (I could no problem with breezy). I get the error from cups: "Unsupported format 'application/postscript'!" when I try to print a test page (and I know it's not the printer because it worked fine before the upgrade and cups says the printer is listening: Printer State: idle, accepting jobs, published.) | 04:57 |
Trae | gnomefreak: that's how I installed it | 04:57 |
gnomefreak | Trae: heres a secret to get rid of kubuntu-desktop remove libqt3-mt ;) | 04:57 |
meandi | so is alternate install better than desktop then? | 04:57 |
Bassetts | can someone help me with a .sh script | 04:57 |
gnomefreak | Trae: it will get rid of most the kubuntu apps also | 04:58 |
tristanmike | Bassetts: what's the problem ? | 04:58 |
Pelo | thnks | 04:58 |
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Trae | gnomefreak: ahh ok | 04:58 |
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Lobster | Bassetts, whats up? | 04:58 |
Trae | gnomefreak: sweet | 04:58 |
gnomefreak | :) | 04:58 |
Trae | muuuuch easier | 04:58 |
Trae | heh | 04:58 |
bensode | Ng: I'll play with it a little more and do some forum searching. If I still can't get it to mount I'll post on the ubuntu forums | 04:58 |
krazykit | meandi: they're really the same. alternative is good if you're on a machine with fairly low memory | 04:58 |
=== Trae likes easy :) | ||
Bassetts | tristanmike: PM so i dont have to keep pastebining? | 04:58 |
Hhhhh | anybody plays planeshift in dapper? I'm having sound problems | 04:58 |
=== shaya [n=spotter@yktgi01e0-s5.watson.ibm.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | Trae: if you use aptitude to install a desktop package aptitude will remove it with most of depends | 04:58 |
Trae | KDE has some nifty things... but.... I can't use it longer than a Day, nor can I use it to get real work done. | 04:58 |
someothernick | meandi, try to right click on tab and click move. you should be able to move the whole window | 04:59 |
=== Skymaker is now known as Sky|off | ||
Trae | gnomefreak: yeah, I seem to remember ready that someplace. | 04:59 |
Trae | So who's running Edgy! | 04:59 |
=== Trae hides | ||
=== gnomefreak has been using xfce e17 and gnustep | ||
Trae | hehe | 04:59 |
gnomefreak | Trae: me :( | 04:59 |
spikeb | GNUSTEP!!!!!1111111 | 04:59 |
Trae | gnomefreak: :( | 04:59 |
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gnomefreak | lol | 04:59 |
=== spikeb goes crazy | ||
Supremacy | can anyone help me? | 04:59 |
NoUse | gnomefreak haha you seem so happy about that | 04:59 |
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gnomefreak | NoUse: it removes gnome | 05:00 |
shaya | does anyone know of tools for automating partitioning? | 05:00 |
Frogzoo | !windows | 05:00 |
ubotu | For help with microsoft windows, please visit ##windows - see also https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 | 05:00 |
Trae | gnomefreak: what do you think about the xgl stuff? Is it worth installing? And will that give me "cairo" goodness? | 05:00 |
NoUse | gnomefreak interesting | 05:00 |
shaya | i.e. a boot CD that intelligently partitions a disk for something | 05:00 |
Frogzoo | !ntfs | 05:00 |
ubotu | to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions there is no write support for ntfs that is safe. <!winfstab> | 05:00 |
gnomefreak | udev is trashed same with libc6 | 05:00 |
Bassetts | what can i add to the end of this to get it to delete index.html after everything else is done http://rafb.net/paste/results/yBw2KI39.html | 05:00 |
tristanmike | Trae: XGL is the bomb! | 05:00 |
=== daddy_ [n=Igor@83-131-65-104.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Frogzoo | shaya: use the script in NTFS above | 05:00 |
Trae | I just got a new video card... | 05:00 |
Trae | hmm | 05:00 |
=== daddy_ [n=Igor@83-131-65-104.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
shaya | !ntfs | 05:00 |
ubotu | to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions there is no write support for ntfs that is safe. <!winfstab> | 05:00 |
=== Shadowline [n=shadowli@adsl-71-155-201-105.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ic56 | Frogzoo: that script doesn't partition. It only sets up /etc/fstab for existing partitions. | 05:00 |
Trae | tristanmike: is it hard to install on dapper? | 05:01 |
dershodan | how can i create a specific command for the console? like "ll" that then refers to "ls -l" | 05:01 |
Trae | tristanmike: I've been scared of using it on my work box | 05:01 |
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tmccrary | XGL rules, I just wish it was stable enough for normal use.... it is better than Mac OSX's interface (Even unfinished as it is) | 05:01 |
NoUse | dershodan alias | 05:01 |
Frogzoo | shaya: ic56 is right - this isn't what you're looking for... | 05:01 |
gnomefreak | dershodan: alias's :) | 05:01 |
tristanmike | Trae: do you have nvidia or ati or intel graphics ? | 05:01 |
Trae | tristanmike: nvidia | 05:01 |
Some_Person | Why does my version.h have the wrong version in it? | 05:01 |
=== affan [n=ubuntu@adsl-68-94-48-152.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
someothernick | shaya, hieren's boot cd has partition magic on it. or use the partitioner the is on install cd | 05:01 |
Bassetts | twist: here is what is in the .sh i am trying to cron http://rafb.net/paste/results/yBw2KI39.html | 05:01 |
tristanmike | Trae: the wiki provides a method to make it's own session rather than default, so you can experiment without touching your "work" session | 05:02 |
Supremacy | Can anyone help me?!?!? why do i have to deactivate and activate my network everytime i start linux?! | 05:02 |
=== spikeb doesn't recommend partition maggot unless it's improved a LOT in the last two years | ||
gnomefreak | dershodan: if you add the alias to ~/.bashrc than all you havet o do it type ll or ll <package> | 05:02 |
killaz | ok so know I need a firewall | 05:02 |
gnomefreak | killaz: why? | 05:02 |
killaz | this is going great | 05:02 |
ic56 | shaya: the Ubuntu installer will decide on partitioning if you let it do its thing. Is it unsatisfactory? | 05:02 |
tristanmike | Trae: I also have nvidiaFX5200 and it installed flawlessly, and works like a button =D | 05:02 |
Trae | tristanmike: ahhh, k. That sounds like "stay away" terminology :) | 05:02 |
Bassetts | untwisted: http://rafb.net/paste/results/yBw2KI39.html thats the .sh | 05:02 |
killaz | why? cause I want to protect myself? | 05:02 |
Frogzoo | killaz: firestarter if you like | 05:02 |
Trae | tristanmike: hehe | 05:02 |
_stev_ | is the samba web adminstration tool (swat) installed by default on ubuntu?. | 05:02 |
Supremacy | Can anyone help me?!?!? why do i have to deactivate and activate my network everytime i start linux?! | 05:02 |
=== gnomefreak been using linux for 3 years and i havent installed a firewall | ||
affan | hi all! How do I burn a CD image when i am already booted in a live CD environment? the moment i take out the live CD to put in the blank the CD the system hangs :( | 05:02 |
tristanmike | Trae: not at all, in fact, I use my xgl session all the time now, I don't log into my other session anymore | 05:02 |
untwisted | Bassetts: gotcha, I'll check it out, gimme a minute | 05:02 |
Trae | tristanmike: seen the new cairo dock? | 05:03 |
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meandi | Think I will give up on this and boot up in XP instead | 05:03 |
tristanmike | Trae: nope | 05:03 |
Bassetts | ok untwisted | 05:03 |
Frogzoo | Supremacy: if they're mentioned in /etc/rc2.d, they should start themselves | 05:03 |
Trae | tristanmike: omg, it rocks..... (not usable, but...) | 05:03 |
Trae | sec | 05:03 |
tristanmike | Trae: never heard of it either :P | 05:03 |
dershodan | gnomefreak: how do i add the alias? could you "in short" explain the line "~/.basrc" ? | 05:03 |
Frogzoo | affan: you don't :/ | 05:03 |
_bt | affan, buy another cd drive :) | 05:03 |
shaya | that doesn't seem to help me for something that to be legal :) | 05:03 |
tristanmike | Trae: do you mean for xgl ? | 05:03 |
killaz | gnomefreak: well dont think that's a good idea, my linux server was rootkitted a month ago.... an open port... | 05:03 |
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someothernick | meandi, try to right click on tab and click move. you should be able to move the whole window | 05:03 |
gnomefreak | dershodan: give me a min | 05:03 |
Trae | http://macslow.thepimp.net/?p=61 | 05:03 |
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ic56 | shaya: huh? | 05:03 |
gnomefreak | killaz: change the config of iptables than | 05:03 |
Trae | tristanmike: gnomefreak look at that url | 05:03 |
dershodan | gnomefreak: thanks in advance :) | 05:03 |
affan | can i install *ubunut from a hard-drive? | 05:03 |
tristanmike | Trae: thanx :D | 05:04 |
bensode | Ng: Ha! I found it | 05:04 |
Some_Person | is there a kernel-source for 2.6.12-9-386? | 05:04 |
killaz | gnomefreak: dont want to do the iptables config myself.... | 05:04 |
bensode | Ng: smb-client was installed but I needed to apt-get install smbfs | 05:04 |
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s-toned | I can't get a desktop (Matrox G550, mga) on my 19" TFT (DVI) since the upgrade from breezy to dapper. Any advice? | 05:04 |
affan | thanks _bt, Frogzoo | 05:04 |
ic56 | Supremacy: are your network options properly listed in /etc/network/interfaces ? If not, then yeah, you'll have to setup your network manually after each boot. | 05:04 |
Frogzoo | Some_Person: there is if you upgrade to dapper | 05:04 |
Some_Person | in breezy | 05:04 |
killaz | gnomefreak: I want to use the tools at hand to ease the work :p | 05:04 |
Trae | k | 05:04 |
gnomefreak | dershodan: i cant open it right now this fs manager is a mess on e17 :( | 05:04 |
Supremacy | it shows up as activated when i start | 05:05 |
Supremacy | ill check it | 05:05 |
Trae | oh... how can I get my system to re-use the Ubuntu boot-up screen instead of kubuntu? | 05:05 |
Some_Person | i think thats my problem; i have kernel-source 2.6.10-6 | 05:05 |
Trae | sorry for the stupid questions | 05:05 |
killaz | gnomefreak: on the server I installed shorewall... very nice | 05:05 |
gnomefreak | dershodan: if you give me a min or 2 i will switch back to xfce and ill give you the line to add | 05:05 |
dershodan | gnomefreak: thanks anyway ;) ill surely find explanation on google or in the forum | 05:05 |
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tristanmike | Trae: I was told to "reinstall" the kernel. I haven't done it yet | 05:06 |
killaz | Frogzoo: firestarter looks nice... | 05:06 |
Supremacy | ic56 i dont understand a THING.... and when i was using breezy it worked fine ( i am a linux "n00b") | 05:06 |
Trae | tristanmike: someone helped me here before on it... | 05:06 |
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Trae | tristanmike: it was a simple one line fix | 05:06 |
Trae | I really should start logging my irc chats | 05:06 |
Trae | heh | 05:06 |
tristanmike | Trae: if you find out again, let me know, I'm interested in doing the same thing | 05:06 |
Trae | is this logged on a bot anywhere? | 05:06 |
ic56 | Supremacy: is your network wireless or wired? one computer or many? | 05:06 |
tristanmike | Trae: yeah, it's all logged | 05:07 |
Trae | it'd be nice if I could search for mentions of "Trae" | 05:07 |
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lepingbeta_ | Is there anyone knows how to pronounced "Debian"? | 05:07 |
Supremacy | wired.. | 05:07 |
Trae | tristanmike: the fix is probably in there | 05:07 |
Supremacy | 1 computer. | 05:07 |
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Trae | tristanmike: if we can search for Trae, and |grep kubuntu | 05:07 |
Trae | tristanmike: ;) | 05:07 |
Supremacy | wait ill register a nick so i can talk to you | 05:07 |
Trae | tristanmike: we should find the fix | 05:07 |
ic56 | : ok, pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces | 05:07 |
tristanmike | Trae: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ | 05:07 |
ic56 | Supremacy: ok, pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces | 05:07 |
Trae | tristanmike: k | 05:07 |
Trae | tristanmike: ouch | 05:08 |
Trae | heh | 05:08 |
[Ex0r] | HAHAHA! | 05:08 |
Trae | hmmm | 05:08 |
tristanmike | Trae: yup, lol | 05:08 |
[Ex0r] | Have fun looking through that | 05:08 |
ic56 | Supremacy: pate.ubuntu-nl.org | 05:08 |
Trae | I wonder if google can be refered to a single url | 05:08 |
ic56 | Supremacy: paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 05:08 |
tristanmike | Trae: yes it ca | 05:08 |
tristanmike | n | 05:08 |
Trae | tristanmike: say have google only search that dir | 05:08 |
eXistenZ | what's the name of the ncurses lib? | 05:08 |
F0LL0W3R | is the last Release of Dapper drake ubuntu Alternate or ubuntu-Desktop ? | 05:08 |
Some_Person | dang, no kernel-source 2.6.12-9 (tell me if i'm wrong) | 05:09 |
rambo3 | in breezy repos maby | 05:09 |
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Supremacy | ic56: i sended it | 05:09 |
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ic56 | Supremacy: and your pastebin ticket number is? | 05:09 |
bingogu | xchat just can't display the content completely, i must scroll the cousor to see the rest of it, what should i do | 05:09 |
Supremacy | nick: Supremacy | 05:09 |
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Supremacy | lol where i can see that :) | 05:10 |
tristanmike | eXistenZ: the are the same release, one is the Standard (Desktop) and one is the Advanced (Alternate) | 05:10 |
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tristanmike | eXistenZ: for most people the Desktop CD is the one they want | 05:10 |
Trae | tristanmike: tx for the help gotta reboot, back in a bit. | 05:10 |
eXistenZ | tristanmike, what? | 05:10 |
Supremacy | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15987 | 05:10 |
Frogzoo | how can plone conflict with plone2, if there is no plone2 in the repos? | 05:10 |
Supremacy | there it is | 05:10 |
bingogu | help me pls i can't solve it myself | 05:10 |
untwisted | Bassetts: One sec, the private chat is blocked since I'm unregistered. I'll need to change nick and register. | 05:10 |
Supremacy | ic56:http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15987 | 05:10 |
Some_Person | so what the hell do i do to get it working? | 05:10 |
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ic56 | Supremacy: looking... | 05:10 |
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Bassetts | ok untwisted | 05:11 |
tristanmike | eXistenZ: sorry, that was meant for F0LL0W3R | 05:11 |
Some_Person | i have gcc-3.4 and gcc-4.0 | 05:11 |
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[Ex0r] | grr | 05:12 |
[Ex0r] | does anybody here know why apt won't install the eclipse sdk ? | 05:12 |
nanomad | !info linux-image-386 | 05:12 |
ubotu | linux-image-386: (Linux kernel image on 386.), section base, is optional. Version: (dapper), Packaged size: 22 kB, Installed size: 52 kB | 05:12 |
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F0LL0W3R | tristanmike sorry ? is it alternate or Desktop ? | 05:12 |
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NoUse | F0LL0W3R its both | 05:12 |
tristanmike | F0LL0W3R: the are the same release, one is the Standard (Desktop) and one is the Advanced (Alternate) | 05:12 |
tristanmike | F0LL0W3R: for most people the Desktop CD is the one they want | 05:12 |
F0LL0W3R | aha | 05:12 |
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NoUse | [Ex0r] can you pastebin the error you are getting? | 05:13 |
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affan | [Ex0r] : i have trouble with Eclipse b4 too... try doing it manually... download eclipse and unzip it to a folder | 05:13 |
F0LL0W3R | tristanmike but alternate if more advanced ? | 05:13 |
F0LL0W3R | is* | 05:13 |
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[Ex0r] | NoUse, yeah it's telling me all kinds of dependencies aren't met, including ones that are saying that dep. isn't met | 05:13 |
tristanmike | F0LL0W3R: yes, has more of the "Text Based" installer like the previous release, as I understand it | 05:13 |
ic56 | Supremacy: I'm not familiar with how `auto' works. Try commenting out the "auto eth0" line. If that still doesn't work, ask again and hopefully someone else will have an answer | 05:13 |
Supremacy | ok? :D | 05:13 |
F0LL0W3R | tristanmike aha i got it thx alot | 05:13 |
Supremacy | ic56: i try | 05:14 |
NoUse | [Ex0r] I take it you've enabled universe and multiverse? | 05:14 |
[Ex0r] | NoUse, yah | 05:14 |
gnomefreak | dershodan: this is an expample of one of my alias's alias update='sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' | 05:14 |
tristanmike | F0LL0W3R: where as this time, the Desktop installs Ubuntu right off the live session | 05:14 |
ic56 | Supremacy: let me know if that worked -- in case someone else has the same problem in the future | 05:14 |
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=== Pupeno [n=pupeno@80-102-127-150.bcn1.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Supremacy | ic56: how i comment it (#<text>?!?) | 05:14 |
F0LL0W3R | tristanmike sorry what do u mean by live session ? | 05:14 |
NoUse | [Ex0r] please pastebin the error | 05:14 |
Pupeno | !dvd | 05:14 |
ubotu | Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Pupeno | 05:14 |
Pupeno | !mp3 | 05:15 |
ubotu | somebody said mp3 was a patented format; to enable mp3 capability see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 05:15 |
ic56 | Supremacy: that's right -- prepend a sharp symbol (#) | 05:15 |
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tristanmike | F0LL0W3R: umm, the session that isn't installed, like the "LiveCD" from previous releases | 05:15 |
[Ex0r] | NoUse, There are about 45. I tried installing eclipse-sdk, and it tells me Dependencies not met. eclipse-sdk, eclipse-jdk | 05:15 |
affan | Hi all. I have a Ubuntu live CD but i want to try/install Xubuntu now. I am booted thru ubuntu live CD (my system is unbootable without it). How do I install Xubuntu etc.? I have downloaded the Xubunutu ISO image. Thanks | 05:15 |
NoUse | !pastebin | 05:15 |
ubotu | Please do not flood the channel! Use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long pieces of text, to avoid disrupting the channel. You might also want to use the "webboard" package from Universe. | 05:15 |
ic56 | Supremacy: yes? | 05:15 |
NoUse | [Ex0r] ^^ | 05:15 |
gnomefreak | dershodan: if you add alias <name>='thecommand that you want it to run' | 05:15 |
krazykit | affan: boot up the xubuntu liveCD, run the installer on the desktop | 05:15 |
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[Ex0r] | NoUse, - I'm not spending 20 minutes pasteing all the errors. I'll just install it from source. | 05:16 |
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dershodan | gnomefreak: ah :) | 05:16 |
NoUse | [Ex0r] how slow is your machine? Pasting usually takes me about 10 seconds | 05:16 |
tristanmike | F0LL0W3R: this time around there is no Live/Install CD's, it's just the Desktop, and if you want more advanced installation one would use the AlternateCD, and if one wants to install just the server, they would install the ServerCD. Make sense ? | 05:16 |
ic56 | Supremacy: comment the line that contains "auto eth0". | 05:16 |
affan | krazykit: i cant burn the ISO to the disc, since i am booted from the Ubuntu live cd | 05:16 |
eXistenZ | Can anyone tell me what's the name of the ncurses library? some program says I don't it installed | 05:16 |
NoUse | [Ex0r] eclipse is installing no prob on my machine | 05:16 |
[Ex0r] | NoUse, Pasting ONE error does, not about 20 | 05:16 |
F0LL0W3R | tristanmike aha nice thx Alot :) | 05:16 |
NoUse | [Ex0r] no 20 would take 12 seconds :-) | 05:16 |
F0LL0W3R | i got all of what u said :) | 05:16 |
krazykit | affan: then install ubuntu, and you can then apt-get install xubuntu-desktop and remove all the gnome stuff later. | 05:16 |
gnomefreak | dershodan: replace <name> with ll | 05:16 |
[Ex0r] | took less than that to install from source | 05:17 |
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dershodan | gnomefreak: so how do i edit this file, and where can i ind it? | 05:17 |
NoUse | [Ex0r] fair enough | 05:17 |
nanomad | affan, install ubuntu from the livecd, d/l xubuntu, burn it and reinstall | 05:17 |
ic56 | Supremacy: in Linux, of course -- your linux system doesn't read pastebin when it boots!! | 05:17 |
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affan | oh ok. thanks krazykit, nanomad | 05:17 |
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[Ex0r] | NoUse, But it was going through a dependency loop. It was telling me that the dependency I was installing was needed to install it. | 05:17 |
gnomefreak | dershodan: gksudo gedit ~/.bashrc | 05:17 |
dershodan | gnomefreak: im just confused about the ~/. =) | 05:17 |
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krazykit | affan: nanomad's way is cleaner, but my way is lazier ;-) | 05:17 |
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gnomefreak | dershodan: ~ =home /=to split home from file .bashrc = config file the files in your home that are .file = config files | 05:18 |
mitsuhiko | moin | 05:18 |
dershodan | gnomefreak: and if i may ask one more (extremely) stupid question: why do all of you "sudo" and not just login as "root" ? | 05:18 |
ic56 | Supremacy: just make the change in your /etc/network/interfaces and reboot already. If it worked, great! If not, you know that wasn't it and ask again. | 05:18 |
mitsuhiko | i lost the link to that new mono gtk# video cutting software | 05:18 |
jenda-lappy | dershodan, there is no root in ubuntu | 05:19 |
gdb | gnomefreak: Just getting into this conversation late, buy why would he need to edit ~/.bashrc as root? | 05:19 |
mitsuhiko | anyone knows the url/name of it? | 05:19 |
jenda-lappy | !rootsudo | 05:19 |
ron_o | dershodan, ever hear of viruses? | 05:19 |
ubotu | Direct login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information. | 05:19 |
gdb | gnomefreak: This is root's .bashrc? | 05:19 |
gnomefreak | dershodan: logging in with root is bad thing to do | 05:19 |
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ic56 | Supremacy: (and if that wasn't it, then put it back the way it was) | 05:19 |
ron_o | logging in as root? Might as well go the Windows way. | 05:19 |
dershodan | gnomefreak: im logging in as root in console, not in x (not THAT stupid) ;) | 05:19 |
gnomefreak | gdb: he maynot have to but i use it to edit it most of time | 05:19 |
dr_willis | 'proper security procedures are learned habbits,' | 05:19 |
ic56 | Supremacy: waiting for you to reboot | 05:19 |
phanter | when using an encrypted filesystem on /home (for exmple). What happens when I loose my data in the root partition (partition /home is saved). Can I just reinstall and enter a password and /home is up and running again? | 05:20 |
gdb | dershodan: root's account is locked by default in Ubuntu. You can unlock it by simply setting a password. If you want a root shell, you can use sudo -i (similar to su -), or sudo -s (similar to su). | 05:20 |
gnomefreak | dershodan: thats not to bad just edit the file than like gedit ~/.bashrc | 05:20 |
ic56 | Supremacy: no problem. | 05:20 |
ron_o | I think you can give your user name access to everything <read/write> and that will give you root access, no? | 05:20 |
gdb | dershodan: There's nothing preventing you from using root, but the lock is in place to enforce the idea that root is "special" and intended only for system administration, not for normal use. | 05:20 |
dershodan | gdb: i know, i use the root console all the time, and was wondering why all of youn always use sudo | 05:20 |
ron_o | phanter, yes. | 05:20 |
[Ex0r] | stupid piece of shit | 05:20 |
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tristanmike | !language | 05:21 |
ubotu | Please watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen. | 05:21 |
gdb | Ah, using root as a normal user is Bad Joojoo(tm). | 05:21 |
ron_o | you can backup an encrypted file/directory. | 05:21 |
gnomefreak | [Ex0r] : watch your language please | 05:21 |
NoUse | [Ex0r] then your sources.list probably has a problem, you are running dapper? | 05:21 |
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Some_Person | I got it working!!! | 05:21 |
someothernick | :) | 05:21 |
phanter | ron_o: of course, but since I do that once a week I would still loose data then | 05:21 |
[Ex0r] | NoUse, yeah. Eclipse is the only one that's doing it. | 05:21 |
NoUse | [Ex0r] can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list? | 05:21 |
ron_o | well, that goes w/o saying, phanter .. | 05:21 |
gdb | It allows you to make a mistake that has far reaching negative impact on your system. It also causes all software you run to run as root. If that software has an issue, or is exploitable by someone else, they end up with root access to your system rather than normal user access. | 05:21 |
Some_Person | All I did was edit version.h to say "2.6.12-9-386" instead of "2.6.12" | 05:22 |
phanter | but then I will start using an excrypted filesystem :) | 05:22 |
ron_o | there is always a loss of some data unless you backup every second. | 05:22 |
dershodan | gnomefreak: ok trying it now # | 05:22 |
[Ex0r] | NoUse, - Look at the site that's got the stuff to put in there, I copy pasted it exactly from there | 05:22 |
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j3g | anyone know how to get automounting to work on kubuntu? | 05:22 |
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tristanmike | How does one change the Boot Up Menu from Ubuntu to Kubuntu or back ? | 05:22 |
ron_o | j3g, try #kubuntu.. | 05:22 |
tristanmike | not the logon | 05:23 |
Some_Person | Splashy is better than usplash | 05:23 |
=== krazykit goes off to patch up and install kernel 2.6.17 | ||
NoUse | [Ex0r] what site? | 05:23 |
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Some_Person | now i have my conexant modem connected at 56kbps for free | 05:24 |
sladen | Some_Person: constructive comments are useful. Comments like "Oranges are more orange than Apples" are a bit useful, annoying, and get in the way | 05:24 |
j3g | ron_o: i will... but i believe this might be a ubuntu (general) problem | 05:24 |
Supremacy | ic56: that didn't work | 05:24 |
Thib_G | Is bootchart supposed to work on Dapper ? | 05:24 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-J] by ChanServ | ||
dershodan | gnomefreak: hehe the alias ll is suggested but in comment :) i only had to remove a " | 05:24 |
dershodan | gnomefreak: hehe the alias ll is suggested but in comment :) i only had to remove a # :)# | 05:24 |
someothernick | tristanmike, grub? it is the same | 05:24 |
[Ex0r] | NoUse, http://pastebin.com/718554 | 05:24 |
Supremacy | ic56: now network was deactivated | 05:24 |
Kwong | hi, i got problem with fluxbox | 05:24 |
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[Ex0r] | wth.. | 05:24 |
[Ex0r] | hold on | 05:24 |
mitsuhiko | got it | 05:24 |
tristanmike | someothernick: not grub, the Bootup/Shutdown sequence, the "usplash" i believe | 05:25 |
Terminus | tristanmike, sudo update-initramfs -u $(uname -r) | 05:25 |
mitsuhiko | diva -> http://diva-project.org/ | 05:25 |
NoUse | [Ex0r] why are you mixing dapper with breezy repos? | 05:25 |
ron_o | phanter, you can also burn certain ecnrypted dir/files. But it might not work on all of them. | 05:25 |
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ic56 | Supremacy: bummer. Change it back and ask your question here again. This time, mention up front that it's a wired network card and give the pastebin link | 05:25 |
ron_o | j3g, for me to automount a HD I use /etc/fstab.... | 05:25 |
tristanmike | Terminus: does that change it back to "ubuntu" ? | 05:25 |
Supremacy | ic56: ok thank you anyway ;) | 05:25 |
[Ex0r] | NoUse, because that's what the website said to include | 05:25 |
ic56 | Supremacy: thanks for letting me know how it went | 05:25 |
ron_o | but as for a CD-ROM or such that depends on the OS. | 05:25 |
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tristanmike | Terminus: would a "-k" mean Kubuntu ? | 05:26 |
[Ex0r] | NoUse, http://pastebin.com/718558 | 05:26 |
[Ex0r] | that's my entire file | 05:26 |
NoUse | [Ex0r] what website? cause whatever site said to do this, you should never visite again | 05:26 |
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Terminus | tristanmike, nope. i'm not sure but i think it uses whatever is set with sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so | 05:27 |
[Ex0r] | NoUse, The website that was displayed in here for adding universe | 05:27 |
j3g | ron_o: it's not a HD ... its a CDROM or usb disk | 05:27 |
[Ex0r] | and multiverse support | 05:27 |
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DShepherd | hey | 05:27 |
nanomad | j3g, apt-cdrom add? | 05:27 |
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dershodan | hey | 05:27 |
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NoUse | [Ex0r] no, you misread it, that site doesn't mix repos | 05:27 |
Terminus | tristanmike, -u in that context means update the initrd. | 05:27 |
j3g | nanomad: what would that be? | 05:27 |
Frogzoo | wow - you can create a whole new plone site in just 5 minutes - hot dog, I am impressed | 05:28 |
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tristanmike | Terminus: ahh, ok thanx | 05:28 |
NoUse | !tell [Ex0r] about repos | 05:28 |
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nanomad | j3g, sry...wasnt directed to you | 05:28 |
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Terminus | tristanmike, np. gotta split and buy cigarettes. | 05:28 |
NoUse | [Ex0r] you'll probably need to just copy the official dapper sources.list over yours | 05:28 |
[Ex0r] | NoUse, That's the website I went to | 05:28 |
tristanmike | Terminus: you should quit, I did ;) | 05:28 |
tristanmike | Terminus: you'll be around longer to offer your help :P | 05:29 |
Ng | [Ex0r] : the instructions contain listings for different versions of ubuntu - only apply the ones that match the version you are running | 05:29 |
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NoUse | [Ex0r] and you did something wrong, look at it, you have mixed repos, they don't | 05:29 |
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Kwong | hello, anyone helps me pls? | 05:29 |
_stev_ | which command do I use to connect to a smb client? | 05:29 |
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Terminus | tristanmike, i know... i've been on this stuff for the past 8 years and i'm only 22! just can get seem to get myself off it though... must be the smokers environment i'm usually in. heh | 05:30 |
[Ex0r] | NoUse, Actually, they do. They have a URL for two different distro's. | 05:30 |
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NoUse | [Ex0r] but they don't have them both in one file | 05:30 |
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[Ex0r] | No, they have them both within two words of each other | 05:30 |
NoUse | [Ex0r] thats why they *labeled* them, one is for breezy, one is for dapper | 05:30 |
[Ex0r] | instead of in a seperate line, or easily noticeable | 05:30 |
Kwong | i cant get my fluxbox working | 05:30 |
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gomek | how is it not working? | 05:31 |
[Ex0r] | When I am looking at the screen right now, the entire thing looks like one huge url. | 05:31 |
tristanmike | Terminus: I lived with smokers, was smoking myself for 6 years, but when I was 24 I said, that's it, I've had enough | 05:31 |
rambo3 | Kwong, more info | 05:31 |
Kwong | gomek: i'm using Dapper Server | 05:31 |
NoUse | [Ex0r] send me the link you are at | 05:31 |
tristanmike | Terminus: the extra cash was a nice incentive :P | 05:31 |
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[Ex0r] | I'm at the right one now. | 05:31 |
dr_willis | gomek, its just NOt working! isent that clear enough? :P lol. | 05:31 |
Kwong | gomek: wait i paste the error here | 05:31 |
NoUse | [Ex0r] send me the URL | 05:31 |
s-toned | Is it possible to downgrade from dapper to breezy? | 05:31 |
[Ex0r] | NoUse, I'm at the right one now. | 05:31 |
dr_willis | s-toned, dont think so. | 05:32 |
Kwong | gomek: Warning: Failed to open file(/usr/share/fluxbox/nls/en_AU/fluxbox.cat) | 05:32 |
Terminus | tristanmike, anyway, this thread is offtopic now. later. :) | 05:32 |
Kwong | for translation, using default messages | 05:32 |
Kwong | that's what i got | 05:32 |
[Ex0r] | It's the only one of the two that says dapper on it | 05:32 |
tristanmike | Terminus: I was thinking the same thing, later :D | 05:32 |
NoUse | [Ex0r] ok, replace your sources.list with the dapper sources | 05:32 |
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krazykit | s-toned: i hear it is, but i imagine it's painful and full of breakage. | 05:32 |
gomek | ahh, i have no experience with the server... but you might need to install x-window-system-core and xdm | 05:32 |
[Ex0r] | Already done and installed | 05:32 |
gwark | hiya guys. is there a mirror for those w32codecs? one one from the wiki seems broken | 05:32 |
gomek | that error doesn't help me much, heh... | 05:32 |
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NoUse | [Ex0r] 'sudo apt-get update && sudo aptitude install eclipse-sdk' | 05:32 |
larry | is there any kind of equalizer plugin for rythm box? | 05:32 |
dr_willis | gwark, i tend to get the latest from the mplayer homepage. | 05:32 |
s-toned | thanks | 05:32 |
tmccrary | Since upgrading to dapper, I cannot print generic postscript to my printer via jet direct anymore (I could no problem with breezy). I get the error from cups: "Unsupported format 'application/postscript'!" when I try to print a test page (and I know it's not the printer because it worked fine before the upgrade and cups says the printer is listening: Printer State: idle, accepting jobs, published. ) Do any of you guys know what this means? | 05:32 |
[Ex0r] | NoUse, already done and installed | 05:33 |
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NoUse | [Ex0r] ok | 05:33 |
Kwong | gomek: ok i try then | 05:33 |
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pngwen | How can I force aptitude to uninstall a package? | 05:33 |
gomek | all you did so far was install fluxbox, right? | 05:33 |
NoUse | pngwen what are you trying to uninstall? | 05:33 |
gwark | thanks dr_willis | 05:33 |
[Ex0r] | and wth is aptitude ? | 05:33 |
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Kwong | gomek: yup, so far just fluxbox and gcc compiler | 05:34 |
krieger | [Ex0r] , stay with apt | 05:34 |
pngwen | NoUse: my exim4 installation is all screwed up. I want to uninstall all exim4 packages and start over, but it won't do it. | 05:34 |
NoUse | [Ex0r] slightly smarter apt-get, it will do reverse if you decide to remove eclipse | 05:34 |
gomek | ah, yeah. that's yer problem ;-) | 05:34 |
krieger | [Ex0r] , if u dont know it, you propably dont need it | 05:34 |
Kwong | gomek: so what should i do? | 05:34 |
NoUse | krieger not true, aptitude is a good tool | 05:34 |
tmccrary | CUPS = worthless junk | 05:34 |
nanomad | aptitude >> apt-get | 05:34 |
[Ex0r] | krieger, I don't know it, because nobody has made any mention of it. Apparentely it's not too important. | 05:34 |
krieger | NoUse, not true, apt-get roxx | 05:34 |
NoUse | krieger aptitude is better | 05:35 |
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NoUse | krieger apt-get doens't do reverse deps | 05:35 |
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krieger | NoUse, nope.. best package management is emerge but... nvm | 05:35 |
krazykit | tmccrary: that's a rather specific question. have you tried asking on the forums and being patient? | 05:35 |
Kwong | gomek: any clue? | 05:35 |
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nanomad | Kr0ntab, agree | 05:35 |
fer | hi friend the ubuntud | 05:35 |
gomek | sudo apt-get install x-window-system-core xdm | 05:35 |
fer | mi nombre es fernando | 05:35 |
cow_2001 | i'm using gnome and the keybindings aren't working | 05:35 |
Kwong | gomek ok | 05:35 |
[Ex0r] | NoUse, bad thing about doing reverse deps, is that some other deps rely on a dep that's also installed so when you aptitude remove it, i'm sure the others will be removed or stop working | 05:35 |
fer | alguien que hable castellano | 05:35 |
pngwen | grrrrr.... apt-get keeps saying that the package is not installed when I try to rmove it, aptitude gives no output, and dpkg still lists it. I can't reinstall it | 05:36 |
dooglus | [Ex0r] : that's not what it does | 05:36 |
NoUse | [Ex0r] no its does that intelligently | 05:36 |
tmccrary | krazykit: no, however I did enable debugging and got no messages in the logs about what's going on. That's why cups is worthless junk, not so much that it doesn't work, but that it's debugging functionality doesn't work. | 05:36 |
fer | hi | 05:36 |
NoUse | [Ex0r] it will only remove packages that are not used by another package | 05:36 |
pngwen | because when I do it tries to "reconfigure" a non-installed package. Is there some way to make it wiseup? | 05:36 |
fer | holas amigos | 05:36 |
[Ex0r] | What does it do, go through every single package on the system checking for deps, and if there are any leave it ? | 05:36 |
krazykit | tmccrary: perhaps you need to install cups-dbg. by default, most stuff doesn't have the debug stuff compiled in. | 05:36 |
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cow_2001 | i tried using gnome-keybinding-properties but it doesn't work | 05:36 |
krieger | [Ex0r] , ever heared about databases? | 05:36 |
fer | un poco de catellano | 05:36 |
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nanomad | !es | 05:37 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 05:37 |
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[Ex0r] | krieger, lol are you kidding? I design databases all day long. | 05:37 |
krieger | [Ex0r] , will be a quick check for dependencys | 05:37 |
dooglus | [Ex0r] : its whole reason for existing is to manage package dependencies. of course it doesn't allow you to remove packages which are depended upon by other packages! | 05:37 |
krieger | [Ex0r] , c? so where is the problem bout that? | 05:37 |
MacSlow | ehm... anyone "pinged" me? | 05:37 |
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fer | i don speakin english | 05:38 |
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[Ex0r] | krieger, and let me guess, it only relys on other packages installed by aptitude ? | 05:38 |
pngwen | is there anyway to fix a messed up package database? if so how? exim4 won't reinstall because it errantly believes it is still installed. The packages list in dpkg, but apt-get deson't think they are there and aptitude is useless. | 05:38 |
dooglus | !es | 05:38 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 05:38 |
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krieger | [e | 05:38 |
dooglus | !pt | 05:38 |
ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br (/j #ubuntu-br) ou #ubuntu-pt (/j #ubuntu-pt) para ajuda em portugues. Obrigada. | 05:38 |
krieger | [Ex0r] , what else? Do you know any management sys that relys on self compiled packages? | 05:38 |
pngwen | do i have to reinstall because of a botched install of exim4? | 05:38 |
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krieger | [Ex0r] , if you build wine yourself, apt will never know about it... | 05:39 |
dooglus | why aren't there official freenx packages? | 05:39 |
[Ex0r] | krieger, So than in otherwords, if half your system was installed with apt-get, it's pointless to even bother using aptitude | 05:39 |
Ng | [Ex0r] : apt-get, aptitude and synaptic all use the same package database | 05:39 |
nanomad | krieger, checkinstall | 05:39 |
krazykit | [Ex0r] : wrong. aptitude knows what's installed. | 05:39 |
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pngwen | how can I force aptitude to not try to reconfigure (but rather reinstall) a package it half way belives is there? | 05:39 |
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[Ex0r] | krazykit, that's what I just asked krieger and he said no | 05:39 |
krieger | [Ex0r] , i`ve told that to you... go on with apt-get or try porting emerge :D | 05:39 |
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Ng | pngwen: first things first, try a "sudo dpkg -P exim4" | 05:40 |
dooglus | krazykit: the problem is that if you don't use aptitude to install everything, then doesn't know what was installed because you wanted it to be, and what was installed because it was a dependency. | 05:40 |
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Ng | pngwen: copy your config files first if you need them | 05:40 |
nanomad | png, what package? | 05:40 |
krieger | krazykit, it will never know all of the slefcompiled software | 05:40 |
matid | How do I setup a default user group for created files? I need sth like umask for groups | 05:40 |
Ng | pngwen: that should completely vape exim from your system | 05:40 |
NoUse | [Ex0r] you don't have to use the better software if you don't want to, we don't get a commission :-) | 05:40 |
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[Ex0r] | lol... software updates available, but it cant update gnome | 05:40 |
nanomad | pngwen, what package? | 05:40 |
krazykit | krieger: not without checkinstall or deb builder | 05:40 |
pngwen | Ng: I get "Ignoring request to remove exim4 which isn't installed" | 05:40 |
krazykit | dooglus: yes, it's a problem, but not that big a deal. | 05:41 |
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pngwen | Ng: yet when I go to install it, it fails. and they still list in when I do a dpkg -l | 05:41 |
matid | How do I setup a default user group for created files? I need sth like umask for groups | 05:41 |
Ng | pngwen: ok, you could try "sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/exim-blahblah.deb" | 05:41 |
krieger | krazykit, c? thats too much, i want to use a _PACKAGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM_ and dont want to deal with it | 05:41 |
Ng | pngwen: that should reinstall the package | 05:41 |
dooglus | pngwen: "sudo apt-get --reinistall install exim" <-- try that | 05:41 |
mzuverink | Those debian people are a touchy lot arent they.... | 05:41 |
pngwen | dooglus: fails because of missing /etc/exim4 files | 05:42 |
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krazykit | krieger: but don't you see? building it yourself defeats the package manager. gentoo has something called packages.provided that allows you to tell portage that you've installed it yourself. | 05:42 |
amortvigil | hello my maximum working resolution on windows is 1200*1240 and my resolution at ubuntu is maximum 1420*700 how can i make it larger on ubuntu? | 05:42 |
krazykit | krieger: but i don't know if apt has anything for that | 05:42 |
pngwen | Ng: fails, reports errors about a missing /etc/exim4 directory | 05:42 |
Ng | krazykit: you can do that with debian packages, but I forget what the package is called that lets you make fake packages ;) | 05:42 |
krieger | krazykit, i dont even think of telling gentoo what i`ve installed, i just lock the libs and all is fine :) | 05:43 |
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Ng | pngwen: could you paste the errors to a pastebin? | 05:43 |
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krieger | krazykit, if i emerge it, kay gentoo will know, if i compile it myself, the program is worth doing it, and i dont want do get rid of it, and if i have to ./uninstall :) | 05:43 |
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krazykit | krieger: it's more for dependency's sake. if you've compiled a dependency yourself, but this is not really a topic for #ubuntu ;-) | 05:44 |
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krieger | krazykit, heh right^^ | 05:44 |
hardkaare | Hi there, is there a smart way to let ip_forward = 1 even after reboot? | 05:45 |
gomek | !tell amortvigil about fixres | 05:45 |
tmccrary | edit /etc/sysctl.conf | 05:45 |
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dooglus | pngwen: what about getting the .deb file from http://packages.ubuntu.com/ and using "sudo dpkg -i file.deb" to install that? any good? | 05:45 |
pngwen | rlowe@RLOWE:~$ ssh bobsbox.no-ip.org | 05:45 |
pngwen | ssh: connect to host bobsbox.no-ip.org port 22: Connection timed out | 05:45 |
pngwen | rlowe@RLOWE:~$ cd | 05:45 |
pngwen | rlowe@RLOWE:~$ ssh -lroot | 05:45 |
pngwen | usage: ssh [-1246AaCfgkMNnqsTtVvXxY] [-b bind_address] [-c cipher_spec] | 05:45 |
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gnomefreak | png: use pastebin to paste please | 05:46 |
gnomefreak | oops | 05:46 |
hardkaare | tmccrary, nice :-) | 05:46 |
mzuverink | What exactly would I have to do to recompile my current kernel, specifically just to disable EFI for my ipod? | 05:46 |
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hardkaare | mzuverink, what is EFI? | 05:47 |
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Ng | BIOS replacement, currently used mostly only in the new intel Macs | 05:47 |
twopeak | Can somebody help me: even after doing a complete remove in Synaptic, Gaim is still installed. | 05:47 |
krieger | mzuverink, get the kernell sources | 05:47 |
krieger | mzuverink, go to /usr/sr/linux | 05:47 |
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tmccrary | mzuverink: there's the "debian way" using apt-get src and all of that or you can just download the kernel sources, use make config and then make bzImage | 05:47 |
krazykit | mzuverink: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=85064&highlight=kernel+custom+build <<< this is mostly correct, except the version numbers and you don't need gcc-3.4 | 05:47 |
krieger | mzuverink, type in make menuconfig | 05:47 |
krieger | mzuverink, config ur kernel | 05:47 |
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cow_2001 | oh, sorry, other keybinddings nactually work | 05:47 |
krieger | mzuverink, do a make && make modules_install | 05:47 |
NoUse | basically, the kernels probe for EFI confused the hell out of some iPods and causes them to throw all kinds of I/O errors | 05:47 |
krieger | mzuverink, copy bzImage over and HF | 05:48 |
mzuverink | krieger, ok thanks | 05:48 |
krieger | mzuverink, np | 05:48 |
tmccrary | is there a way to completely remove any trace of cups on my system (configs, everything) and reinstall? | 05:48 |
mzuverink | krazykit, thanks for the link | 05:48 |
cow_2001 | just the "run application with command line" isn't working | 05:48 |
Dralid | when I run azureus I get popups in the lower right corner that I cannot get to go awway. | 05:48 |
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pngwen | I am very sorry for the flood. That was a cygwin bug that caused that. | 05:49 |
mzuverink | NoUse, did you have that prob with your ipod too? | 05:49 |
void^ | Dralid: fixed in cvs, snapshots at http://azureus.sourceforge.net/index_CVS.php | 05:49 |
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NoUse | mzuverink I did while it was going through a USB hub,plugging it directly into the PC fixed it | 05:49 |
pngwen | http://pastebin.com/718597 is the weird exim4 error | 05:49 |
SYSDmg | exit | 05:49 |
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mzuverink | NoUse, see, I have the problem even when directly plugged to the box | 05:50 |
twopeak | Can somebody help me removing Gaim? Even after doing a complete remove in Synaptic, Gaim is still in my Applications menu and works. | 05:50 |
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Ng | twopeak: sudo apt-get remove gaim gaim-data | 05:50 |
imc_ | Hi, Dapper on an inspiron. On boot I'm getting that the "bcm43xx_microcode5.fw" couldn't load. This is broadcom wifi. Do I need to uninstall what Dapper tried and failed before installing ndiswrapper or is there a way to fix? | 05:50 |
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twopeak | Ng, did that too. according to Synaptic Gaim is totally gone. | 05:50 |
pngwen | so how can I force it back into working? | 05:51 |
Ng | twopeak: have you previously installed it manually from source or with third party packages? | 05:51 |
imc_ | Or where can i find and put the mocrocode5.fw file so it loads on startup? | 05:51 |
Frogzoo | twopeak: ~/.gaim ? | 05:51 |
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twopeak | Ng, I did compile it | 05:51 |
pngwen | I need it to completely forget about its prior exim4 installation and reinstall from scratch. Why will it not do that? | 05:51 |
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Ng | twopeak: then that'll be where it's coming from, go back to your source tree and do "sudo make uninstall" | 05:51 |
Ng | twopeak: things compiled by hand do not interact with synaptic/apt-get, so they won't know anything about them | 05:52 |
Ng | pngwen: did you manage to paste the errors to a pastebin? | 05:52 |
twopeak | Ng, how do i know my source tree? | 05:52 |
pngwen | Ng: yes. http://pastebin.com/718597 | 05:52 |
n00b | I got a problem on dapper - X crashes after I installed the NVidia drivers using the nvidia installer | 05:52 |
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pngwen | Ng: and then cygwin flipped out and killed everything :-P | 05:52 |
mzuverink | NoUse, same errors as reported in the bug report regarding the hub. The ipod mounts fine, but attempts to read and write caused all kinds of errors and freezes the system. I have to manually unplug the pod to get it unmounted. if I do not attempt to read/write I can unmount it normally. This only happens if plugged into a usb2 port though | 05:52 |
Ng | twopeak: by that I mean the directory you unpacked and did "./configure" and "make" in. | 05:52 |
Ng | n00b: did you know that ubuntu offers the nvidia drivers in packages? | 05:53 |
twopeak | Ng, I'm afraid I've deleted that the moment the installation was successful. | 05:53 |
Ng | !tell n00b about nvidia | 05:53 |
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Ng | twopeak: oh well, you'll have to find and remove all the gaim files by hand then | 05:53 |
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Ng | twopeak: try not to compile things from source unless you have to - it's a major pain ;) | 05:53 |
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Frogzoo | twopeak: or d/l again, & then just 'make uninstall' | 05:54 |
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twopeak | Ng, I'm discovering that now. :( How can I find all the files? the search function won't let me search elsewhere than my home directory | 05:54 |
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Ng | pngwen: hmm, try "touch /etc/exim4/exim4.conf" and then another reinstall command | 05:54 |
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twopeak | Frogzoo, will that work? I should try! Thank you | 05:54 |
Ng | twopeak: you could try "locate -i gaim" | 05:54 |
MrRio_ | hey | 05:54 |
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administrador | #ubuntu-es | 05:54 |
XVampireX | Hi | 05:54 |
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XVampireX | How do I change the PATH to look for /usr/local/bin first? | 05:55 |
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pngwen | Ng: that kinda did it. How can I force it to redo everything from scratch, right up to its config dialog and original config files? | 05:55 |
twopeak | Ng, that gave me a huge list of things. But maybe I'm better doing what Frogzoo said: redownload and then 'make uninstall' | 05:55 |
XVampireX | Can anyone help me please? | 05:55 |
Ng | twopeak: it might work, but you may well have to build it first | 05:55 |
MrRio_ | the lookup part of gnome-nettool seems to be broken, it never seems to return the cpu/os type or many other pieces of information, even when probing other ubuntu boxes | 05:55 |
Asc | compiling the kernel, if a module fails that I don't need can I just delete the source file? :p | 05:56 |
Ng | twopeak: do you remember if you passed a --prefix option to the ./configure script? | 05:56 |
sethk | XVampireX, /usr/local/bin has to appear in the list of directories in PATH first | 05:56 |
XVampireX | How do I do it? | 05:56 |
twopeak | Ng, I'll try, if not I will remove what I got with the locate command. Thank you for helping me. | 05:56 |
kimo | XVampireX: export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH in your .bashrc files | 05:56 |
Ng | pngwen: you could remove all the packages and re-install them, or you can re-run the configure bits with "sudo dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config" | 05:56 |
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sethk | XVampireX, after changing PATH, if a shell is already running, you have to do hash -r in the shell | 05:56 |
sethk | XVampireX, usually you edit $HOME/.bashrc | 05:56 |
sethk | XVampireX, if your path is already there, you can change it | 05:57 |
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sethk | XVampireX, if your path isn't there, or you don't have a $HOME/.bashrc yet, then you can do this: | 05:57 |
sethk | XVampireX, echo $PATH > some-file-name | 05:57 |
XVampireX | ok | 05:57 |
pngwen | Ng: seems to be working now, but we'll see. | 05:57 |
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sethk | XVampireX, that gets the current path into a file. Then you can edit it into .bashrc, then adjust it. | 05:57 |
kimo | my wireless link quality is 40, is this enough ?? how do I know, if my link is getting slow because of that! | 05:57 |
sethk | XVampireX, if you don't have a $HOME/.bashrc, then create one. | 05:57 |
sethk | XVampireX, in the file you want: export PATH=/whatever ... | 05:58 |
XVampireX | I have it, but it's filled with scripts | 05:58 |
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sethk | XVampireX, that's ok. look for a line beginning with export PATH= | 05:58 |
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orn | Hey. About the w32codecs package listed on the wiki; it doesn't seem to be there anymore. Anyone know what is up? | 05:58 |
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kimo | XVampireX: echo "export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc, should solve everything :) | 05:58 |
XVampireX | This is the first one | 05:58 |
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sethk | kimo, I don't recommend that. He would end up with /usr/local/bin in the path twice | 05:59 |
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administrador | #debian-es | 05:59 |
sethk | kimo, zsh is smart enough to deal with that, but bash is not | 05:59 |
kimo | sethk: that's my newbie proof solution :) | 05:59 |
Ng | orn: you need to download it by hand from http://www.debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb | 06:00 |
XVampireX | Ok, thanks kimo | 06:00 |
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orn | Ng: Thanks a lot | 06:00 |
Ng | orn: I think that version should work, although I seem to have a much older one installed | 06:00 |
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MrRio_ | sites like NetCraft can find out the apache version and the operating system of a host | 06:01 |
MrRio_ | how can it be done in network tools | 06:01 |
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Ng | MrRio_: nmap can do OS fingerprinting for many things | 06:01 |
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Krhis | hehehe.... I've worked with nmap. | 06:02 |
Krhis | Good stuff. | 06:02 |
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kimo | MrRio_: nmap -A site.com | 06:02 |
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Toma- | kimo: LOL | 06:04 |
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Krhis | kimo, watched a remake of starwars like that once... | 06:05 |
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kimo | hmm, I wanna save the nc stream ... any ideas | 06:05 |
kimo | lol at that :) | 06:05 |
kimo | if I disconnect, cant get back in | 06:05 |
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Ng | #ubuntu-offtopic please ;) | 06:05 |
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Toma- | cat /dev/something >> Recorded? | 06:06 |
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kimo | I bet such an ascii stream, would benefit hugely from passing it thru gzip! | 06:07 |
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cello_rasp | does anyone know how to snap to grid in inkscape | 06:07 |
kimo | cello_rasp: #inkscape | 06:07 |
cello_rasp | THX KIMO | 06:07 |
oskude | cello_rasp, last time i checked, it didnt have any (but was a year ago) | 06:07 |
oskude | cello_rasp, and | 06:08 |
oskude | cello_rasp, i would recommend to try xaralx | 06:08 |
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oskude | cello_rasp, http://www.xaraxtreme.org/ not yet ready but quite stable and works | 06:08 |
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Zambezi | I need advice for a better mp3-player than the included in Xubuntu. Any idea? | 06:08 |
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oskude | Zambezi, xmms ? | 06:09 |
cello_rasp | hm. wow xaralx looks great | 06:09 |
NoUse | !players | 06:09 |
ubotu | rumour has it, players is Audio/MP3 Players: amaroK, Audacious, Banshee, Beep-media-player, JuK, quodlibet, Rhythmbox, XMMS ; Video players: Totem, Xine, Mplayer, VLC | 06:09 |
dperez | hello | 06:09 |
cello_rasp | oskude: as long as it doesnt crash constantly like inkscape! | 06:09 |
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oskude | cello_rasp, yeah, it the coolest (for me) open source project for all time (after pd, of course^^) | 06:09 |
ranpha | hi how can i accs a nework share with in a program ..like Gthumb??? | 06:09 |
oskude | cello_rasp, i used an hour and didnt got it to crash, but it is in very early stage... | 06:10 |
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Zambezi | oskude, Is xmms a nice choise? IXfmedia is really vad. | 06:10 |
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oskude | Zambezi, i used and use only xmms ^^ | 06:10 |
oskude | Zambezi, xmms is like winamp | 06:10 |
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oskude | Zambezi, but there are plenty players, find what you like the best :) | 06:11 |
bingogu | my xchat can't display chat content completely, pls help me | 06:11 |
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sparkleytone | use irssi | 06:11 |
oskude | bingogu, hmm, what so you mean ? | 06:11 |
Guardian | is openpgp compatible with pgp ??? | 06:11 |
Ng | Guardian: yes | 06:11 |
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ompaul | bingogu, what do you mean, care to take a screen shot and put it on paste.ubuntu-nl.com | 06:12 |
oskude | bingogu, as im usin xchat too, and i see all the chat texts | 06:12 |
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Guardian | ng: hmm some coworker sent me a PGP signature: Version PGP Universal 2.0.4 but enigmail won't import it :( | 06:12 |
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Zambezi | oskude, Is it possible to disable a mp3-player? | 06:13 |
bingogu | i just can't see the complete words u say but only the top part of it can display | 06:13 |
oskude | Guardian, tried google ? | 06:13 |
Guardian | ng: the signature seems to be ok, with --BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE -- -- END PGP SIGNATURE -- | 06:13 |
Guardian | oskude : yes | 06:13 |
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Guardian | oskude : google says it's compatible | 06:13 |
Guardian | :/ | 06:13 |
oskude | Zambezi, you mean in gnome file browser ? or firefox ? | 06:13 |
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bingogu | you mean ? | 06:13 |
bingogu | <Guardian> is openpgp compatible with pgp ??? | 06:13 |
bingogu | <Ng> Guardian: yes | 06:13 |
bingogu | * |lostbyte| (n=thelostb@adsl1-196.qualitynet.net) has left #ubuntu ("Leaving") | 06:13 |
bingogu | <ompaul> bingogu, what do you mean, care to take a screen shot and put it on paste.ubuntu-nl.com | 06:13 |
bingogu | <oskude> bingogu, as im usin xchat too, and i see all the chat texts | 06:13 |
bingogu | * cello_rasp has quit ("Leaving") | 06:13 |
bingogu | * chu_cosa (n=dperez@ has joined #ubuntu | 06:13 |
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oskude | Guardian, hmm, i never used that, sorry | 06:13 |
bingogu | * KenSentMe|afk is now known as KenSentMe | 06:13 |
bingogu | * NET||abuse has quit ("Ex-Chat") | 06:13 |
bingogu | * lloydinho_ (n=andreas@ALagny-109-1-9-234.w80-11.abo.wanadoo.fr) has joined #ubuntu | 06:13 |
bingogu | <Guardian> ng: hmm some coworker sent me a PGP signature: Version PGP Universal 2.0.4 but enigmail won't import it :( | 06:13 |
visham | hi folks!! | 06:13 |
NoUse | !ops | 06:13 |
ubotu | Help! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak! | 06:13 |
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Zambezi | oskude, Xfmedia. Then I doubleclick on a song, it opens to versions. | 06:14 |
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ompaul | bingogu, no I don't | 06:14 |
oskude | Zambezi, ah you had xubuntu, hmm, try in the options of xfmedia | 06:14 |
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Guardian | oskude : ok thx anyway :) | 06:15 |
oskude | Zambezi, or somwhere should be like "preferred applications" and there should be type "mp3" aliased to the other player, or such.. | 06:15 |
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neenaoffline | how do I check the amount of RAM and their frequencies on ubuntu ?? | 06:15 |
ompaul | bingogu, with the client on your current screen I wanted you to press "print screen" and it would give you a picture you then put that picture on the web at paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 06:15 |
oskude | Guardian, maybe theres a room for the programm youre using ? | 06:15 |
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KyoLptp` | What kind of file system can both windows and linuxu write to? | 06:15 |
Guardian | tried but found no channel | 06:15 |
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KyoLptp` | linux* | 06:15 |
nanomad | neenaoffline, for the amount try free -m | 06:16 |
oskude | Guardian, the mailinglist archives of the program are allso a good source on info | 06:16 |
Ng | neenaoffline: you can check the amount of ram with "free -m" (results are in megabytes). as for the frequencies, you might get something out of "sudo dmidecode" otherwise you'll probably need to open up the machine and look | 06:16 |
Ng | KyoLptp`: vfat or ext3 (with suitable windows driver) | 06:16 |
KyoLptp` | vfat? | 06:16 |
goudkov | hi guys, is squashfs considered the best alternative for its purpose or is there something better being developed? | 06:16 |
Ng | KyoLptp`: also known as FAT32 | 06:16 |
KyoLptp` | oh, ok | 06:16 |
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nanomad | neenaoffline, or use the bios...it is here for that | 06:16 |
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KyoLptp` | thanks Ng | 06:17 |
odyssey | hello | 06:17 |
Zambezi | oskude, I ask in Xubuntu insteaad. Thanks for the tip about XMMS. | 06:17 |
void^ | goudkov: pretty much everyone uses it now | 06:17 |
oskude | Zambezi, youre welcome | 06:17 |
bur[n] er | anyone have a rhythmbox 0.9.5 deb? | 06:18 |
goudkov | void^: yeah, that's the impression i'm getting. | 06:18 |
nick_ | Hey everyone, question. I'm compiling the 2.6.17, and I was thinking I needed to enable SMP since I have a p4 HT, am I correct that I need to enable that? | 06:18 |
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Nullified | Hi guys, I've edited my gnome config file, but it wasnt the primary one it was like a secondary one | 06:19 |
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goudkov | void^: i have 20G of small text files served on a website, and i'm pretty sure it would compress well. not sure if the "seek" time would be good for hundreds of thousands of files though | 06:19 |
Nullified | anyone have any ideas what its called | 06:19 |
turf_ | hi guys, i just down load totem-xine but every time i open it it crush but if i put the dvd it would open and play my dvd any fix it for this? | 06:19 |
gomek | gnome.conf-custom | 06:19 |
Nullified | gomek: thx | 06:19 |
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odyssey | i did an updated and my wiki pages that i saved in firefox are not comming up anymore can someone help? | 06:20 |
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Ng | gomek: you also want to consider if the time required to uncompress them is worth the saving in disk space (which is very cheap) | 06:20 |
Ng | err | 06:20 |
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Ng | goudkov: that was for you ;) | 06:20 |
gomek | ;-P | 06:20 |
Ng | gomek: ignore ;) | 06:20 |
oskude | turf_, never played dvds on pc, but you could try to start totem-xine from the console, so you get (maybe) informative error messages | 06:20 |
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goudkov | Ng: i figured. that's what i'm considering now | 06:21 |
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kinema | for some reason since i rebooted a second ago when i try to sudo i get "sudo: unable to lookup lorax via gethostbyname()" and it exits. would this have something to do with me changing the /etc/hostname by hand? | 06:21 |
Ng | goudkov: my guess would be that a filesystem mounted with the noatime option and one that does well with lots of small files (so probably ext3 or reiser3) will be better, but I could be wrong. | 06:22 |
oskude | kinema, yes | 06:22 |
oskude | !hostname | 06:22 |
redguy | kinema: did you change your /etc/hosts as well? | 06:22 |
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oskude | kinema, ubotu just told me: Use hostname <hostname> to set the hostname, $EDITOR /etc/hostname to set it for the next boot, and $EDITOR /etc/hosts to set the FQDN, or create /etc/hostname if it doesn't exist, or 'man 1 hostname'. MAKE SURE THAT /etc/hostname AND /etc/hosts MATCH, otherwise sudo may stop working! | 06:22 |
void^ | goudkov: i think it should work fine.. and there are a few tunable options for the kernel module and mksquashfs, perhaps worth checking them out.. of course, it's only worth it if you're low on diskspace with some cpu cycles to waste | 06:22 |
=== reggaemanu [n=manu@ARennes-257-1-175-245.w86-214.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kinema | oskude: danka | 06:23 |
=== saosl [n=Marquito@42-182-28.adsl.cust.tie.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
saosl | /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl | 06:23 |
saosl | /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl | 06:23 |
turf_ | oskude: i get 'command not found' im tryong to check if there is a log message but no luck | 06:23 |
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=== saosl [n=Marquito@42-182-28.adsl.cust.tie.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
saosl | /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl | 06:24 |
saosl | /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl | 06:24 |
Spec | umm | 06:24 |
Spec | !ops | 06:24 |
ubotu | Help! lilo, hedgemage, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee or gnomefreak! | 06:24 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Amaranth] by ChanServ | ||
teckfatt | hello can anyone help me? i have tried the XGL, it work very well, when i change back to gnome session, all the windows bolder is gone. so how i set back to default? | 06:24 |
=== saosl [n=Marquito@42-182-28.adsl.cust.tie.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
saosl | /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl /server irc.cl | 06:24 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o ompaul] by ChanServ | ||
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@42-182-28.adsl.cust.tie.cl] by ompaul | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o ompaul] by ChanServ | ||
=== shadeofgrey [n=shadeofg@69-172-102-74.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Spec | thanks | 06:24 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Amaranth] by ChanServ | ||
gnomefreak | ?? | 06:24 |
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gnomefreak | nm | 06:24 |
Amaranth | ompaul: fast fingers | 06:24 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o gnomefreak] by ChanServ | ||
oskude | turf_, i think you must reboot in "recovery mode" (or what was i called) | 06:24 |
ompaul | Amaranth, I had to wait for him to appear again | 06:24 |
=== gnomefreak lagging | ||
=== Amaranth too | ||
Amaranth | stupid cox cable | 06:25 |
gomek | what's mode +o do | 06:25 |
nalioth | i think my calendar is defective | 06:25 |
=== DjABoLiK [n=DjABoLiK@213-140-16-187.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | gomek: +o denotes a channel operator | 06:25 |
kinema | fuck! now i can't change /etc/hostname or /etc/hosts because i can't login as root because i screwed it up. where is that damn rescue cd? | 06:25 |
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ompaul | kinema, Language Please! | 06:25 |
gomek | gotcha | 06:26 |
=== niklas [n=Ndition@host-87-251-212-253.wtnord.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
niklas | hello :> | 06:26 |
oskude | kinema, dont you have "rescue mode" in your grub start screen ? (the first you see when you boot) | 06:26 |
=== skunkworks [n=skunkwor@68-115-41-210.static.eucl.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kinema | forgot about that.... too bad i have to be root to shutdown or reboot.... | 06:26 |
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kinema | cleanly at least | 06:26 |
oskude | kinema, lol^^ hmm, should we call that a bug ? | 06:27 |
Spec | the foul language makes my eyes bleed :-/ | 06:27 |
teckfatt | hello can anyone help me? i have tried the XGL, it work very well, when i change back to gnome session, all the windows bolder is gone, i cant move or close all the windows, can i know how to set it back? | 06:27 |
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sethk | teckfatt, your window manager isn't running | 06:27 |
=== pony333 [n=pony333@dslb-084-060-011-085.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@dsl54007E5C.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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kinema | Spec: i do appologize. i've been up for too long. | 06:28 |
KyoLptp` | oh, how lame | 06:28 |
kimo | teckfatt: in a terminal, run metacity | 06:28 |
Amaranth | teckfatt: you tried running compiz in a non-XGL environment and it killed metacity | 06:28 |
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KyoLptp` | vista will only install to NTFS | 06:28 |
=== drape [n=drape@68-190-19-219.dhcp.mtgm.al.charter.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Seveas | KyoLptp`, offtopic talk somewhere else please | 06:28 |
=== BCK wonders whats a fast cd ripper ? sound juicer is pretty slow :( | ||
BCK | ? | 06:28 |
Amaranth | KyoLptp`: That's a good thing, FAT32 sucks. | 06:28 |
Seveas | BCK, maybe try grip | 06:28 |
KyoLptp` | Seveas, it's not off topic, heh | 06:28 |
gomek | NTFS = Not That F*cking Sh*t | 06:28 |
BCK | Seveas: thats still slowish | 06:28 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ | ||
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Seveas] by ChanServ | ||
Seveas | BCK, slow ripping is accurate ripping | 06:29 |
teckfatt | kimo Amaranth , thank you.....so i just run the metacity tat it? any other setting i need to change? | 06:29 |
=== gomek [n=chatzill@blacksburg-bsr1-24-53-134-182.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Tzy [n=Tzy@27.82-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Amaranth | teckfatt: nope | 06:29 |
gomek | I got kicked? Was that a bad joke? | 06:29 |
ompaul | gomek, we want a G rated channel | 06:29 |
=== kinema waits is getting tired of rebooting and waiting for the raid array re reinitialize. | ||
Ng | BCK: check you have DMA enabled on your cd drive | 06:29 |
=== Lormor [n=chatzill@147.28-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | gomek, foul language /dev/null | 06:29 |
Amaranth | teckfatt: Although it's be better to not run compiz automatically | 06:29 |
BCK | DMA ? | 06:29 |
Spec | eyes bleeding :-/ | 06:29 |
=== Lormor is now known as PingunZ | ||
=== pony333 [n=pony333@dslb-084-060-011-085.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] | ||
gomek | I tried to censor it... | 06:29 |
Ng | !tell BCK about DMA | 06:30 |
BCK | lol | 06:30 |
Spec | Just because you have a clever asterisk, doesn't make it appropriate for children. | 06:30 |
=== graveson [n=graveson@cache1-2.jed.isu.net.sa] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gomek | alright, understood | 06:30 |
=== ompaul pokes Seveas | ||
KyoLptp` | lol, he might not have known | 06:30 |
ompaul | Seveas, ever see the likes of that before? | 06:30 |
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Spec | on the other hand ... oh fsck it! | 06:30 |
kinema | why doesn't #ubuntu have a censor bot? | 06:30 |
PingunZ | hi, i'm looking for a big guide af kernel recompiling, i would like to integrate fbsplash and know what function does what :) | 06:30 |
Spec | it does | 06:30 |
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Spec | it's called Seveas | 06:30 |
BCK | Ng: whats DMA ? | 06:30 |
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KyoLptp` | and I find it kinda strange that you kicked him for cursing, when other people would just get asked "hey, don't curse please" | 06:30 |
ompaul | !dma | 06:31 |
KyoLptp` | ah well | 06:31 |
ubotu | Direct Memory Access/Addressing. It makes hard disks run faster, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DMA | 06:31 |
axisys | how do I open a VSD type file | 06:31 |
BCK | ok | 06:31 |
Spec | he wasn't kicked | 06:31 |
BCK | ty ompaul :D | 06:31 |
gomek | yeah i was kicked | 06:31 |
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=== Electroman [n=electrom@c-71-227-107-34.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
teckfatt | Amaranth: i have remove the compiz and decorate from the start up session.... it will give me no bolder windows... | 06:31 |
graveson | i cannot press f8 while installing a virtual machine in vmware any ideas,i notice my keyboard shortcuts do not work as well ie alt-ctrl-f1 ,any ideas | 06:31 |
axisys | i see people with windows and IE can open it just fine even though they don't have visio on there system | 06:31 |
Spec | (requested by seveas) != kick i don't think | 06:31 |
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KyoLptp` | ... | 06:31 |
KyoLptp` | it's more or less the same thing. | 06:31 |
Seveas | Spec, it's /remove | 06:32 |
PingunZ | hi, i'm looking for a big guide af kernel recompiling, i would like to integrate fbsplash and know what function does what :) | 06:32 |
Spec | are you saying more and less are the same? | 06:32 |
=== larry [n=jwickard@c-66-41-64-110.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Spec | less is waaay better than more | 06:32 |
Seveas | /remove makes someone part without kicking | 06:32 |
Ng | Spec: more or less, they are ;) | 06:32 |
Spec | most is the best though | 06:32 |
Ng | Spec: but less is more than more | 06:32 |
KyoLptp` | ... | 06:32 |
=== Ng stops | ||
bingogu | msg ompaul crash again ubuntu seems to been used in winter only | 06:32 |
Spec | haha | 06:32 |
oskude | PingunZ, im sure google know more that one tutorial/guide ... | 06:32 |
Seveas | Spec, most is good | 06:32 |
=== shachaf [n=Shachaf@c66-235-26-115.sea2.cablespeed.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kinema | what button do i press to bring up the grub menu on boot? | 06:32 |
Spec | escape probably | 06:32 |
Zambezi | What does this means: Date:06/19 03:50:53 Name:MS-SQL Worm propagation attempt Priority:2 Type:Misc Attack IP info: -> Zambezis_IP:1434 References: none foundSID: 2003 | 06:33 |
=== [daan] [n=daan@82-168-240-164.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Spec | or the "Esc" key | 06:33 |
Seveas | Spec, most, multitail and htop: little known cli jewels | 06:33 |
teckfatt | Amaranth, kimo , thank you | 06:33 |
Spec | multitail? htop? | 06:33 |
Seveas | Spec, that's what I mean | 06:33 |
kinema | it only took me five reboots to get into grub | 06:33 |
[daan] | hi peeps | 06:33 |
Seveas | try them! | 06:33 |
Seveas | multitail does what its name says | 06:33 |
Seveas | and htop just rocks | 06:33 |
axisys | !visio | 06:33 |
ubotu | Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, axisys | 06:33 |
axisys | !vsd | 06:33 |
ubotu | axisys: Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 06:33 |
Seveas | !fishing | 06:33 |
ubotu | fishing is probably randomly throwing !commands in the channel instead of using /msg ubotu command. Please dont fish for help. either !ask in the channel or msg ubotu < Knows Everything!> :) | 06:33 |
=== udo [n=udo@ppp104-155.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
[daan] | i need some help | 06:34 |
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Spec | Seveas: multitail isn't curses/windowed, is it? It just tails multiple files to stdout? | 06:34 |
Seveas | Spec, it's windowed | 06:34 |
=== Rhyddin [n=rafe@dsl092-189-217.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Spec | reallly | 06:34 |
Seveas | yes | 06:34 |
Seveas | !info multitail | 06:34 |
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ubotu | multitail: (view multiple logfiles windowed on console), section universe/utils, is optional. Version: 3.8.4-1 (dapper), Packaged size: 62 kB, Installed size: 188 kB | 06:34 |
Rhyddin | anyone here know WINE error codes at all? | 06:34 |
Seveas | !info htop | 06:34 |
ubotu | htop: (interactive processes viewer), section universe/utils, is optional. Version: 0.6-1 (dapper), Packaged size: 42 kB, Installed size: 164 kB | 06:34 |
Spec | woah, htop kicks | 06:35 |
Seveas | yes | 06:35 |
=== Q_Continuum [n=Q_Contin@rrcs-67-52-219-78.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Spec | what the heck, why haven't i known about htop for a few years? :-/ | 06:35 |
Rhyddin | any idea what this is talking about? : fixme:actctx:QueryActCtxW stub! | 06:35 |
BCK | Ng: i have DMA running | 06:35 |
Seveas | Rhyddin, that wine is missing a function | 06:35 |
KyoLptp` | Q_Continuum, nice name | 06:35 |
[daan] | i`m on dapper, but since a few weeks i keep losing my adsl connection after half an hour or so | 06:35 |
[daan] | my isp cant help me | 06:36 |
Rhyddin | Seveas: Great, how do i fix it? | 06:36 |
Seveas | Rhyddin, not. | 06:36 |
Seveas | or implement the missing function | 06:36 |
=== budward [n=mike@pool-71-101-252-4.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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new | hi | 06:36 |
Seveas | hi new | 06:37 |
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=== cjssmo [n=charliej@24-119-58-115.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
oskude | Rhyddin, Seveas or its a know bug ? cause the "fixme" | 06:37 |
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=== eXistenZ__ [i=eXistenZ@bzq-88-152-29-41.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Spec | [daan] : i have no idea. but maybe look into your keepalive settings | 06:37 |
new | i have a rage 128 pro and i need a driver | 06:37 |
=== terrapen__ [n=cjs@mauritius.island.nu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
oskude | new, r128 ? | 06:37 |
udo | where can i found basic commands for ubuntu? | 06:37 |
Seveas | oskude, sure it's known. Doesn't mean it's fixed | 06:37 |
Seveas | !commands | 06:37 |
ubotu | somebody said commands was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands or http://www.linuxcommand.org/ | 06:37 |
[daan] | Spec: ok | 06:37 |
new | rage 128 pro driver | 06:37 |
Spec | what do you mean basic ommands? | 06:37 |
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Seveas | udo see what ubotu said | 06:37 |
Spec | like, press "tab" in console? :p | 06:38 |
new | thats my vide card.. i believe | 06:38 |
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Spec | twice rather | 06:38 |
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oskude | new, type "man r128" on console, then you see for what cards it is... | 06:38 |
new | k | 06:38 |
[daan] | Spec: euhhh, where can i find the keepalive settings ;-) | 06:38 |
NoUse | new the Rage 128 is supported by the drivers that included with ubuntu | 06:38 |
luis_ | after an update (dapper) my vmware player stopped working, it returns me the message "Failed to initialize monitor device.".. how should I proceed? thanks in advance | 06:38 |
Rhyddin | oskude: It happens when I try to run Photoshop 7 - which I've been able to do on previous installs | 06:38 |
Spec | [daan] : that's the part i don't know :) | 06:38 |
new | r128 - ATI Rage 128 video driver | 06:38 |
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Q_Continuum | KyoLptp`, thanks :D | 06:39 |
[daan] | haha i ll look around | 06:39 |
axisys | so anyone know of a viso file reader or converter? | 06:39 |
dershodan | one question: whats the name of the apt libary framework? | 06:39 |
=== Jonnings [n=user@a143.dsl.halden.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
new | Oskude, is that wut u needed? | 06:40 |
[daan] | Spec: it only occurs when i`m downloading from usenet. maybe thats more helpfull... | 06:40 |
=== kinema wonders why adding my username to /etc/shutdown.allow doesn't do anything | ||
=== benwilliam [n=benwilli@Pc289.p.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
oskude | new, i thought you wanted to know about that... | 06:40 |
new | oh | 06:40 |
Spec | [daan] : what router are you using? | 06:40 |
new | i need a video driver | 06:40 |
[daan] | zyxel 26 something | 06:40 |
new | software... cause of game im trying to play, tech told me to try and get a driver.... | 06:40 |
dershodan | with which program can i see the installed packages? | 06:40 |
Spec | synaptic | 06:41 |
pngwen | ok, another exim problem has brought me back. I am trying to get clamv to work. I set the av_scanner=clamd:/.... and I get errors about not being able to connect to sophie. I don't want to use sophie, I want clam AV, anyone else see that with ubuntu? | 06:41 |
=== ronin_ [n=ronin@p54B46218.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
oskude | new, what game ? | 06:41 |
new | its called graal | 06:41 |
=== XiXaQ [n=xixaq@] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
new | MMORPG | 06:41 |
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=== sefz [n=sef@host42-246.pool80117.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nbt | hi there's someone who 've been able to make a sis163u wi-fi usb card work ? or know any way (aprt ndsiwrapper) to make such a card work on ? | 06:41 |
oskude | new, with linux client ? | 06:41 |
new | my char doesnt appear as he should | 06:41 |
new | yeh | 06:41 |
byron | does it cost money? | 06:41 |
[daan] | Spec: can it be a dns problem ? | 06:41 |
=== sexcopter8000m [n=james@dslb-082-083-243-149.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
oskude | new, 3d ? so you need (hardware) 3d drivers ? | 06:42 |
cjssmo | where can i find a how to for installing realplayer | 06:42 |
new | no | 06:42 |
sefz | hello, can someone help me? I don't have all library needed for programming in C, such as stdio.h, stdlib.h , time.h , pthread.h, which pack i must install to get them? Thanks | 06:42 |
Spec | [daan] : dunno, i don't know why it would die off usenet specifically. | 06:42 |
new | its not 3d | 06:42 |
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oskude | new, ah ok, so what drivers do you need ? | 06:42 |
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=== shadeofgrey [n=shadeofg@69-172-102-74.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shadeofgrey | hey everybody | 06:42 |
new | im guessin a basic one.. one thats compartible with ubuntu | 06:42 |
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NoUse | oskude the drivers for that card are already installed | 06:43 |
Spec | !restricted | 06:43 |
ubotu | it has been said that restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats. This page's intent is to enable you to play most non-free media formats that are not DRM encoded. Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats. | 06:43 |
[daan] | damn i`m lagging big time so it isnt only when im downloading haha | 06:43 |
shadeofgrey | is the ubuntu+1 channel still rthe main spot for getting support witrh dapper issues? | 06:43 |
Spec | cjssmo: ^^ | 06:43 |
sefz | hello, can someone help me? I don't have all library needed for programming in C, such as stdio.h, stdlib.h , time.h , pthread.h, which pack i must install to get them? Thanks | 06:43 |
NoUse | oskude oops, that was for new | 06:43 |
new | my dad had to download nvidia driver on his comp.... kinda same thing | 06:43 |
Spec | cjssmo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 06:43 |
NoUse | new the rage 128 is already installed | 06:43 |
new | oh | 06:43 |
shadeofgrey | i need to know how to read drm protected .pdf files inm ubuntu -- theubuntu version ofd acrobat reader 7.0 wont open them | 06:43 |
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=== grimboy [n=grimboy@85-210-177-139.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shadeofgrey | and thats what they are -- they're drm protected .pdfs that i bought from amazoin | 06:43 |
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oskude | new, thanks for the tip, i gotta test this graal too ^^ | 06:44 |
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=== kinema thinks to himself that it takes a long time to compile a custom kernel on a Pentium Pro 200 especiall when only one of the four processors is running... | ||
Spec | drm protected pdf files? that's gangster | 06:44 |
new | lol. =) | 06:44 |
=== chad [n=chad@ip72-198-27-10.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
new | yw | 06:44 |
NoUse | new run 'grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf' and pastebin the result | 06:44 |
NoUse | !tell new about pastebin | 06:44 |
orn | Are the fonts in Dapper AA by default? | 06:44 |
Kibou | sefz: packages.ubuntu.com and -> search content blah | 06:44 |
kimo | shit ...... drm is becoming a reality!! | 06:44 |
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=== nik [n=nik@port-212-202-36-181.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
julio1001 | were is the drivers for the Pcmcia UMTS novoltec merlin U60 | 06:44 |
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NoUse | kimo "becoming" ? | 06:44 |
shadeofgrey | what a bitch... i paid $70 for these two ebooks | 06:44 |
[daan] | Spec: can it be a dns problem ? | 06:44 |
new | k | 06:45 |
ere | sefz: look for -dev packages of the libraries you need | 06:45 |
grimboy | How come all the bittorrent clients for linux suck? | 06:45 |
kimo | NoUse: I didnt think it was wide spread yet! | 06:45 |
NoUse | grimboy they work fine for me | 06:45 |
new | Driver "kbd" | 06:45 |
new | Driver "mouse" | 06:45 |
new | Driver "ati" | 06:45 |
NoUse | kimo iTunes? DVD? | 06:45 |
kimo | grimboy: azereus | 06:45 |
grimboy | NoUse, What do you use?# | 06:45 |
sefz | it is hard to install XGL support on Ubuntu Dapper? | 06:45 |
NoUse | grimboy bittornado I believe | 06:46 |
shadeofgrey | ...this royally blows rancid ardvark balls... it seriously chaps my ass that there are still fundamental gaps in declaring linux equal with windows.... i shouldnt need to run the worst proprietary OS ever conceived just to be able to read drm protected ebooks | 06:46 |
kimo | grimboy: ktorrent, bittorando ? | 06:46 |
Spec | [daan] : dunno | 06:46 |
someothernick | grimboy, azereus | 06:46 |
=== dm [n=dm@p54B3427E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Spec | err | 06:46 |
grimboy | I don't want what's essentially a background application using up all my ram. | 06:46 |
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someothernick | opps late | 06:46 |
NoUse | new 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and try selecting the r128 driver | 06:46 |
MrRio_ | shadeofgrey: explain how the linux community could help amazon deploy drm-protected pdf's on linux? | 06:46 |
KyoLptp` | shadeofgrey, I know a solution | 06:46 |
KyoLptp` | don't read ebooks that are drm protected | 06:46 |
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Spec | (don't buy drm protected pdfs?) | 06:47 |
grimboy | NoUse, one window - one torrent is hard to manage | 06:47 |
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nbt | hi there's someone who 've been able to make a sis163u wi-fi usb card work ? or know any way (aprt ndsiwrapper) to make such a card work on ? | 06:47 |
someothernick | grimboy, i think it runs much better in linux | 06:47 |
shadeofgrey | grimboy, there are ways to declaree how much space in ram you want to dedicate to given programs.. but you have to specify them as individual processes you cant select by official application name.. which is a pain | 06:47 |
Kibou | grimboy: rtorrent | 06:47 |
grimboy | kimo, ktorrent is kde | 06:47 |
NoUse | grimboy get torrentflux | 06:47 |
=== Orange44 [n=Apple19@wavelan130.doc.ic.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Orange44 | Hello all | 06:47 |
NoUse | grimboy its a web based frontend to bittornado | 06:47 |
shadeofgrey | Kylo, okay whats your solution? | 06:47 |
KenSentMe | Orange44: hi | 06:47 |
grimboy | NoUse, I don't have to run apache do I? | 06:47 |
Orange44 | Anyone know a multithread downloading app for ubuntu ? | 06:47 |
Kibou | Orange44: d4x | 06:48 |
someothernick | grimboy, ktorrent will run in gnome | 06:48 |
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NoUse | grimboy yeah you would | 06:48 |
=== bulltitan [n=victor@host67.201-253-13.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shadeofgrey | MrRio_, all im saying is that linux users shouldnt be faulted for using something other than windows -- we shouldnt have to run windows to read protected content | 06:48 |
bulltitan | hi | 06:48 |
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kimo | Orange44: u mean multiconnection to same server ? | 06:48 |
bulltitan | do you know where can i get the "SDL libraries" ? | 06:48 |
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grimboy | Kibou, Can I do "open with" in firefox with rtorrent? | 06:48 |
MrRio_ | shadeofgrey, I agree, not sure what can be done tho. | 06:48 |
shadeofgrey | im basically being punished for trying to be environmentally conscious and trying to save a few trees by buying ebooks | 06:49 |
dm | Hello. I found a severe bug an a package. This bug is known on launchpad.net and there's a fix since January in the Debian package. Who should I ask to upload the fix in Dapper updates? | 06:49 |
shadeofgrey | and thats just retarded | 06:49 |
Spec | shadeofgrey: wine? | 06:49 |
NoUse | dm what is the bug? | 06:49 |
Kibou | grimboy: you can set it up so when you save the torrent file to a certain directory it will start downloading | 06:49 |
grimboy | someothernick, Yeah but it's really slow because of having to load all of kde's libaries. | 06:49 |
=== iiiears [n=bill@ip70-181-219-28.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Unsttoppable | How do I exit x server so i can install the nvidia drivers? | 06:49 |
dm | #49839 in nbd-server | 06:49 |
Spec | !nvidia | 06:49 |
ubotu | I guess nvidia is a graphics card manufacturer. For help about installing the Nvidia drivers on Ubuntu, you can visit the Ubuntu WIki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 06:49 |
shadeofgrey | Spec: i have it installed, but i have no idea how to install any windows applications using wine | 06:49 |
NoUse | Unsttoppable install nvidia from synaptic | 06:49 |
=== helfrez [n=helfrez@bi01p1.nc.us.ibm.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
someothernick | grimboy, how much memory do you have? | 06:49 |
bulltitan | i can't find sdl libraries bey using apt anyone knows where to get them? | 06:49 |
NoUse | !tell Unsttoppable about nvidia | 06:50 |
kimo | Orange44: try axel | 06:50 |
bulltitan | by i mean | 06:50 |
Spec | shadeofgrey: download the adobe pdf viewer install file thingy | 06:50 |
dm | NoUse: #49839 in nbd-server | 06:50 |
Spec | shadeofgrey: then do: wine acrobat.whatever.exe | 06:50 |
=== cobrien [n=cobrien@ppp-71-129-73-85.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shadeofgrey | thats it???? | 06:50 |
shadeofgrey | shit | 06:50 |
Spec | shadeofgrey: then do some black magic and hope it works | 06:50 |
shadeofgrey | ill do it now | 06:50 |
grimboy | someothernick, Only 350-400 MB | 06:50 |
grimboy | Kibou, Cool, are there repos with it in? | 06:50 |
Orange44 | kimo - yes.. it connects to server multiple times and downloads a file in parts and joins the parts at the end | 06:50 |
someothernick | grimboy, azereus should run fine. runs great for me | 06:50 |
Orange44 | i.e. quicker overall download time | 06:50 |
Orange44 | looking up axel now | 06:50 |
Spec | azureus is the bane of all power | 06:50 |
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Spec | it sucks up so many resources | 06:51 |
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gomek | is d4x not multithreading? | 06:51 |
nbt | hi there's someone who 've been able to make a sis163u wi-fi usb card work ? or know any way (aprt ndsiwrapper) to make such a card work on ? | 06:51 |
neutrinomass | Spec: It's in java isn't it ;) ? | 06:51 |
NoUse | dm it says in the bug report they are looking to put it in dapper-updates | 06:51 |
Spec | most definitely :p | 06:51 |
lepingbeta_ | Hello!What is the "longdesc="peter.html"?? | 06:51 |
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kimo | Orange44: try axel | 06:51 |
wogi | Hey guys, I want to install a debian pkg on my system (a newer version of an ldap library). I see that its on http://http.us.debian.org/debian/ unstable main contrib non-free | 06:51 |
Kibou | grimboy: it's in universe.. I hope you weren't looking for a gui torrent client ;) | 06:51 |
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bulltitan | do you know where can i get the "SDL libraries" ? | 06:51 |
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grimboy | someothernick, Java is currently taking up 110MB of ram - personally I don't count that as great | 06:51 |
NoUse | wogi I would not do that | 06:51 |
wogi | But when i add that to my sources.list and apt-get update I get this: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 010908312D230C5F | 06:51 |
wogi | Oh? | 06:51 |
=== leggy [n=leggy@74-39.vpn.rz.uni-potsdam.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
grimboy | Kibou, It's curses though, that sort of gui | 06:52 |
Kibou | grimboy: true | 06:52 |
wogi | NoUse: Why not? | 06:52 |
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someothernick | grimboy, just tring to help :/ | 06:52 |
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Spec | wogi: i'm not saying you should do this, but, what you need to do TO use it is .... | 06:52 |
dm | NoUse: What does this mean? Tomorrow? Next week? If understood right it's just a one line patch. | 06:52 |
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grimboy | someothernick, Sorry if that came across as critical, thanks anyway. | 06:52 |
ere | bulltitan: search with synaptic or apt-cache for sdl | 06:52 |
neutrinomass | grimboy: How did you measure that? 110MB to run a java program seems a little excessive ... ? | 06:52 |
Spec | wogi: gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 2D230C5F; gpg --export --armor 2D230C5F | apt-key add - | 06:52 |
bulltitan | i did with apt but isn't there | 06:53 |
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Spec | now, wasn't that easy? :) | 06:53 |
bulltitan | as for synaptic i dunno the right file name | 06:53 |
=== Aprox_away [n=ineed@c122166.upc-c.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
grimboy | neutrinomass, I used gnome system monitor | 06:53 |
someothernick | system monitor tells memory usage of a app | 06:53 |
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NoUse | wogi its a good way to break the system | 06:53 |
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bulltitan | is it lbsdl1.2-dev? | 06:54 |
neutrinomass | grimboy: Scary .... | 06:54 |
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shadeofgrey | holy shit... its actually running | 06:54 |
NoUse | dm post to the bug report and ask when it will be fixed, I'm not sure | 06:54 |
new | No, use, after a long and tedious journey i finished selecting the stuff.. and running that exam thing | 06:54 |
shadeofgrey | doh! it errored | 06:54 |
bulltitan | i need it to install stellarium | 06:54 |
Zambezi | This means: (http_inspect) IIS UNICODE CODEPOINT ENCODING | 06:54 |
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oskude | new, you need to restart gnome | 06:54 |
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wogi | nouse: :/ I don't want to break the system. But I want to run a slightly higher version of the ldap library. I'm having this war with evolution, you see. My cohort has it working on his fedora system, and I'm erroring out on ldap authentication.. The one thing I noticed we have different on our systems is that he has a slightly newer version of that libldap library.. | 06:55 |
ere | bulltitan: it depends what you want to do. The -dev packages includes header files you need if you are writing programs that use SDL. If you just need the library install libsdl1.2 instead | 06:55 |
=== robertj [n=robertj@66-188-77-153.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dm | NoUse: I'm new tu ubuntu and don't know by now how things work. maybe I could help ... | 06:55 |
oskude | new, ctrl+alt+backspace would restart youre gnome RIGHTAWAY | 06:55 |
wogi | nouse: Is it better to update something like that manually, without a deb? | 06:55 |
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bulltitan | ok | 06:55 |
new | ty | 06:55 |
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babo | I have my sshd_config as ClientAliveInterval 12 | 06:55 |
babo | ClientAliveCountMax 300 | 06:55 |
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babo | but my connection keeps timing out for some reason ... | 06:55 |
cute_bettong | !hardware | 06:56 |
ubotu | I guess hardware is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport | 06:56 |
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=== jrattner1 [n=Administ@h-72-244-214-2.nycmny83.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NoUse | wogi probably | 06:56 |
jrattner1 | QUESTION: Anyone know if there is any plan to incorperate GNUsTicker into the repositories? | 06:56 |
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ere | bulltitan: but if you build stellariuim from source you need the -dev package. A better solution is probably to just install stellarium, and sdl and other dependencies will be installed automatically | 06:56 |
krang | hey, how do I get du -s -c /home/username/* to include hidden dirs? | 06:56 |
Alex_BO | HELLO!can anybody advice to me a program to draw a net schema? | 06:57 |
Spec | jrattner1: is it in debian's repository? | 06:57 |
neutrinomass | krang: It should be including them already ... | 06:57 |
jrattner1 | Spec, im unsure how can i check | 06:57 |
nbt | hi there's someone who 've been able to make a sis163u wi-fi usb card work ? or know any way (aprt ndsiwrapper) to make such a card work on ? | 06:57 |
=== Flyoc_ [n=flyin_do@APlessis-Bouchard-153-1-9-43.w83-112.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Spec | jrattner1: packages.debian.org | 06:57 |
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krang | neutrinomass: nope | 06:57 |
larry | does the live installer cd have NTFS read support? | 06:58 |
Kibou | krang: du -s -c /home/username/ | 06:58 |
neutrinomass | krang: Hm.. yes. Try what Kibou said ... | 06:58 |
synic | larry: sure. | 06:58 |
=== davide_ [n=davide-d@adsl-ull-232-236.50-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Spec | jrattner1: if it's not in debian's archive, then check: revu.tauware.de | 06:59 |
Centaur5 | I hear it's not possible to install to the new 2.6.17 kernel on Dapper, is that true? | 06:59 |
krang | neutrinomass: nope, same result | 06:59 |
bulltitan | ho cool! it works i just needed the dev libraries | 06:59 |
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Spec | Centaur5: you can, theoretically, install any kernel you feel like | 06:59 |
wogi | nouse: I'm going to use apt-get to get its source and dependencies from debian, and then I'm going to build it. Does That sound reasonable? | 06:59 |
=== dm [n=dm@p54B3427E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] | ||
Alex_BO | HELLO!can anybody advice to me a program to draw a net schema? | 06:59 |
Spec | wogi: yes | 06:59 |
Centaur5 | Spec: Okay, I guess I was told that a lot of things would be broken and have problems. | 06:59 |
Spec | Centaur5: 'theoretically' :) | 07:00 |
NoUse | wogi yeah I think so | 07:00 |
ere | Alex_BO: net schema? what do you mean? something like a map of a network? maybe Dia will work for you? | 07:00 |
Centaur5 | Spec: So you would have to be really smart and know what you're doing? | 07:00 |
krang | neutrinomass: try it, do you get ".directory" dirs and files included? | 07:00 |
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krang | neutrinomass: same result on 2 different dapper boxes here | 07:00 |
Spec | Centaur5: i don't know, i've never tried it :p | 07:00 |
neutrinomass | krang: Well, du ~ lists .blah files as well, I can't see why -s should change this ... | 07:00 |
NoUse | wogi don't run apt-get upgrade while you have that debian repo in sources.list | 07:00 |
Alex_BO | ere, dia? thanks, i will look for it.bye! | 07:01 |
wogi | nouse: Ok, I'll take it out as soon asi have what I need. | 07:01 |
BCK | how do i know what gtk i have ? | 07:01 |
BCK | or how do i find out ? | 07:01 |
Centaur5 | Spec: Oh, alright then. Well that sucks. | 07:01 |
Alex_BO | ere, however yes, it was a map of the network | 07:01 |
Spec | BCK: dpkg -l |grep -i gtk | 07:01 |
Fr4ntic | Is it possble to get music on my iPod with Ubuntu Breezy? If it does, how do I do it? | 07:01 |
Spec | Centaur5: why, is that your favourite kernel version? | 07:01 |
BCK | ty Spec | 07:01 |
=== delta_ [n=delta@ppp-49.pool2.dsl.netultra.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
delta_ | Hi. Does dapper support bluetooth? | 07:02 |
krang | neutrinomass: Me neither, it must be the *. | 07:02 |
Centaur5 | Spec: I just read that the newest kernel would fix the problems with my sound and also it has better support for broadcom so my brother's wireless might work. | 07:02 |
krang | neutrinomass: try it, see what you get | 07:02 |
Spec | Centaur5: bcm43xx? | 07:02 |
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Centaur5 | Spec: Yeah, I tried everything and can only get it to work if it is manually configured via iwconfig and ifconfig. | 07:03 |
Spec | !bcm43xx | 07:03 |
ubotu | To use your broadcom or airport extreme card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx for info and firmware. | 07:03 |
Spec | Centaur5: you can't put the iwconfig/ifconfig files into a script to automagically do it? | 07:03 |
Spec | err, commands* | 07:03 |
cjssmo | hello all want to watch nasa tv, how do you install realplayer, thanks for any help | 07:03 |
Centaur5 | Spec: Unfortunately I'm not that smart. | 07:03 |
HellDragon | brb reboot | 07:03 |
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Spec | Centaur5: just put the lines into a file | 07:04 |
neutrinomass | krang: Ahhh, yes. * is expanded by bash to non-hidden files (e.g. ls * ) . If you do /home/username though, it works correctly. | 07:04 |
=== hellz_hunter [n=abra@c-68-57-239-128.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kibou | krang: do you want just the total space usage of /home/username or the space usage of all folders inside /home/username ? | 07:04 |
Centaur5 | Spec: I actually copied and pasted some scripts that were on the bcm43xx howto and it worked once but never again for some reason. | 07:04 |
Spec | Centaur5: and put that file, named 'foo' into /etc/init.d/, then do: update-rc.d foo default | 07:04 |
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krang | Kibou: all the folders inside | 07:04 |
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=== Vaske_Car [n=opera@d38-208-116.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Vaske_Car | how to turnoff computer from command line? | 07:04 |
bulltitan | is there any way to clean the system of temp files and apt old files? | 07:05 |
krang | neutrinomass: is there any equivalent to * that gives hidden files too? | 07:05 |
Spec | !seen shadeofgray | 07:05 |
ubotu | i haven't seen 'shadeofgray', Spec | 07:05 |
Spec | !seen shadeofgre\y | 07:05 |
ubotu | i haven't seen 'shadeofgre\y', Spec | 07:05 |
neutrinomass | Vaske_Car: "sudo shutdown -h now" | 07:05 |
Spec | !seen shadeofgrey | 07:05 |
ubotu | shadeofgrey <n=shadeofg@69-172-102-74.atlsfl.adelphia.net> was last seen on IRC in channel #ubuntu, 10m 37s ago, saying: 'doh! it errored'. | 07:05 |
=== yosch [n=yosch@clrglop207.in2p3.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
Kibou | krang: try du --max-depth=1 -c /home/username | 07:05 |
Spec | bah, stupid spelling | 07:05 |
Centaur5 | Spec: So will that make it easy to switch between different wireless networks though? | 07:05 |
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=== Stroganoff [n=strogano@p54B9AAE7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Orange44 | anyone know a good bandwidth monitor add for ubuntu ? | 07:05 |
Spec | Centaur5: not at all :p | 07:05 |
Orange44 | app* | 07:05 |
brozz87 | good evening ! | 07:05 |
Spec | Centaur5: have you tried blacklisting the bcm43xx driver and using ndiswrapper? | 07:05 |
Vaske_Car | thanks | 07:05 |
Orange44 | with an X11 interface | 07:05 |
Centaur5 | Spec: Ouch, well that sucks. Stupid broadcom, I wish they would go out of business. | 07:05 |
neutrinomass | krang: don't know :( Might want to search the bash manpage for the bash expansion details ... | 07:06 |
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Spec | hehehe | 07:06 |
Centaur5 | Spec: Yeah, I did try that and still didn't have success. | 07:06 |
lanena | ola | 07:06 |
=== Bazzi [n=Bastian@p50804883.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brozz87 | what do you mean of nUbuntu? | 07:06 |
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nanomad | any1 is having problems with azureus popup windows? they wont close on my pc.... | 07:06 |
krang | neutrinomass: good idea. I'll do that. | 07:06 |
neutrinomass | Orange44: a panel applet is not suitable? right-click on a panel , choose to add something and you will see a network monitor .. | 07:06 |
lanena | no hay nadie de granada | 07:06 |
krang | Kibou: thanks, that's perfect | 07:06 |
Kibou | krang: np | 07:06 |
tristanmike | nanomad: yes, known issue | 07:06 |
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lanena | alguien quiere hablar de algo | 07:07 |
nanomad | i've filled a bug report, just in case ;) | 07:07 |
nanomad | launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/azureus/+bug/50358 | 07:07 |
pom | hello, lm-sensors is starting @ boot, I don't want that, how to solve? | 07:07 |
nanomad | !es | 07:07 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 07:07 |
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tristanmike | nanomad: filed, I'll give you the fix, one sec | 07:07 |
neenaoffline | nubuntu = network ubuntu = security ++ = based on fluxbox ( i think ) | 07:07 |
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spinningjack | list | 07:07 |
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nanomad | tristanmike, post it on launchpad too pls | 07:07 |
=== dr_willis wonders what SysV init tools are standard with ubuntu.. i tend to delete the stuff manually | ||
erUSUL | lanena: vete a #ubuntu-es si quieres hablar en espaol. esto es un canal en ingls de soporte informatico | 07:08 |
neutrinomass | dr_willis: well coreutils is if that's what you're asking ... | 07:08 |
tristanmike | nanomad: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=193660&highlight=azureus | 07:08 |
nanomad | thx | 07:08 |
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Centaur5 | Thanks for the help Spec | 07:08 |
Spec | sorry i wasn't that useful :p | 07:08 |
dr_willis | neutrinomass, i mean gui config tools. like pom is needing. | 07:08 |
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Centaur5 | Spec: That's alright, I'll just have to keep hoping there is an easier way to get things going. | 07:09 |
=== Kurti [n=kurt@ANancy-153-1-101-126.w86-204.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neutrinomass | dr_willis: Never thought I'd ask this, but what is porn ? | 07:09 |
lanena | que lista | 07:09 |
dr_willis | neutrinomass, short for "pronography" | 07:09 |
Spec | neutrinomass: It's when a man loves a woman and has a camcorder .... | 07:09 |
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=== reazon [n=reazon@Toronto-HSE-ppp3773659.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
reazon | !w32codecs | 07:10 |
ubotu | a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular non-free formats. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for 64-bit systems see http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=54399 | 07:10 |
=== CraHan [n=crahan@164-101.244.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
boricua | which repo can i find ncftp? | 07:10 |
boricua | !ncftp | 07:11 |
ubotu | Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, boricua | 07:11 |
crimsun | !info ncftp | 07:11 |
ubotu | ncftp: (A user-friendly and well-featured FTP client), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 2:3.1.9-1 (dapper), Packaged size: 441 kB, Installed size: 1020 kB | 07:11 |
boricua | !info ncftp | 07:11 |
reazon | this bot is sex huh | 07:11 |
crimsun | no need to repeat. | 07:11 |
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boricua | i have universe active i did update but apt-get install ncftp does not find package | 07:12 |
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abo | how can I open nsc files (they are live media stream) | 07:12 |
brozz87 | ubuntu community?? | 07:12 |
brozz87 | i Have a big idea | 07:12 |
reazon | tell us ? | 07:12 |
Spec | how big is a big idea? | 07:13 |
reazon | lol | 07:13 |
Spec | and how do you quantify the size of an idea? | 07:13 |
brozz87 | i want programming xGaim a new version of net client based on gaim 1.5 | 07:13 |
reazon | nice | 07:13 |
brozz87 | sorry for bad english but i italian | 07:13 |
=== Eldox [n=marius@062016132035.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eldox | hi | 07:13 |
brozz87 | gaim is a fantastic client but is simple...very simple | 07:13 |
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abo | I thought I have all the restricted format plugins, but it says no plugins for nsc files, any ideas? | 07:13 |
reazon | yea | 07:13 |
reazon | i want more thing in it | 07:13 |
reazon | like webcam | 07:13 |
reazon | display pic | 07:13 |
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reazon | and stuff like that :P | 07:13 |
vjb | test | 07:13 |
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brozz87 | no... my idea is take the gaim sources and re-compiling the gaim client with modofy | 07:14 |
brozz87 | sorry modify | 07:14 |
reazon | okay | 07:14 |
Kibou | I want webcam integration into irssi | 07:14 |
ScottG | Guys, I need some help. It's probably something easy. | 07:14 |
brozz87 | exactley reazon | 07:14 |
pom | I only can find lm-sensors as a stop script in the rc levels | 07:14 |
afflux | nabend | 07:14 |
brozz87 | and... another thing... | 07:14 |
brozz87 | insert into gaim plugin the image of contact | 07:14 |
brozz87 | than kopete | 07:14 |
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simon__ | #ubuntu-fr | 07:15 |
kamikaze__ | do you are speak turkish?? | 07:15 |
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dr_willis | pom, may want to check the ubuntu wiki/forums/docs on how the Init system works. theres a command ya can use to add/remove the things.. lm-sensors is not that big a deal | 07:15 |
ScottG | EasyUbuntu is freezing on the flash part and quitting messes up dpkg.. fixing dpkg just gets me back to a frozen flash install | 07:15 |
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ubuntu_newbie | Hey guys, could someone take a minute to help me out, I think I've messed up the X server in some way and ubuntu won't load | 07:15 |
Eldox | i'm new whit linux (i'm using ubundt), i just wonder how i can install the new firefox? i have the .tar.gz pakage but synaptic pakkage progarm can't find it... =( | 07:15 |
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brozz87 | eldox download the debian package | 07:16 |
vjb | scottg, too many people talking | 07:16 |
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brozz87 | firefox.deb and in console launch dpkg -i file.deb | 07:16 |
ScottG | could someone PM me? | 07:16 |
Hoxzer | LOL | 07:16 |
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Eldox | i'll just seach at google for the derbian FF? | 07:16 |
|lostbyte| | firefox is a gtk app ? | 07:16 |
=== HellDragonQc [n=JD@modemcable251.249-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
reazon | Eldox you should just do: sudo apt-get update | 07:17 |
pom | dr_willis: I was just talking about that, I can't find any startup script in the init levels | 07:17 |
helfrez | ok what next guys shoudl i knock out the LPIC-2 or get a CCNA real quick first | 07:17 |
LeaChim | ubuntu_newbie, in a terminal login, and type: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 07:17 |
pom | init.d yes, but that's not starting at boot | 07:17 |
reazon | it will update ur firefox if its what u want | 07:17 |
LeaChim | ubuntu_newbie, then answer all the questions | 07:17 |
Eldox | i'n the consoll? so that i'm a noob =) | 07:17 |
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reazon | ya in the consol | 07:17 |
=== uncle [n=vitulor@pool-71-255-176-201.slsbmd.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eldox | tnx i'll try | 07:17 |
reazon | np | 07:17 |
dr_willis | pom, ubuntu defaults to runlevel 2 so not sure what else there is to give ya tips on. | 07:17 |
zquirm | can apt do something like dpkg-divert ? | 07:17 |
brozz87 | there is a repository for mozilla firefox for debian distro | 07:17 |
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reazon | hey anyone ? where do i download w32codecs | 07:18 |
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reazon | i got a link on ...restrictedformat.com but its not working anymore | 07:18 |
joemauch | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 07:18 |
brozz87 | but... Ubuntu Community... Guest... How Like XGL System? | 07:18 |
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reazon | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats this w32codec link dont work | 07:19 |
reazon | try it | 07:19 |
reazon | let me know if it works, it might be me.. i dont know | 07:19 |
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Sgeo | How do I learn about the different URLs for Nautilus? | 07:19 |
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Sgeo | such as burn:/// and theme:/// ? | 07:19 |
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reazon | wget -c ftp://ftp.cipherfunk.org/pub/packages/ubuntu/pool/main/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20050412-0unofficialubuntu3_i386.deb | 07:20 |
reazon | aint working | 07:20 |
brozz87 | wow reazon... | 07:20 |
ScottG | Anyone here who could help with an EasyUbuntu issue? That channel is not responding.. | 07:20 |
brozz87 | a human repository ! | 07:20 |
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Spec | We need multiplayer pong, and every time you miss the ball it kills a randomly selected proc | 07:20 |
reazon | oh | 07:20 |
reazon | yay its working now | 07:20 |
reazon | lmfao Spec | 07:20 |
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reazon | thats a nice idea | 07:20 |
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randomguy | hello i need help configureing my grafics card | 07:20 |
wycats | What's Ubuntu's default PDF reader? | 07:20 |
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=== interfer` [n=user@pool-68-239-209-223.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Chousuke | Spec: what if it kills init? :P | 07:20 |
sireliah | what is the equivelent of knetworkmanager in Gnome??? | 07:21 |
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brozz87 | xpdf? | 07:21 |
Spec | too bad :p | 07:21 |
reazon | lol :P | 07:21 |
iiiears | reazon - There is a server in france that has w32codecs. it is included in the "bumps" multivideo install script. - google ubuntu bumps | 07:21 |
neutrinomass | sireliah: System->Administration->Networking, also known as 'network-admin' | 07:21 |
reazon | iiiears, thx but the link is up now | 07:21 |
wycats | It had a nice feature in it... a Firefox-like search... | 07:21 |
reazon | thx | 07:21 |
wycats | and I wanted it for Windows (my work pc) | 07:21 |
randomguy | i installed nvida-glx-legacy in synaptic and ran the code there but nothing happens | 07:21 |
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interfer` | i'm having some trouble with a dist-upgrade to dapper. if i run the livecd installer, will it just leave my present installation intact and install itself on top of what's there, or do i need to back up my data, reformat, and install from scratch? | 07:22 |
randomguy | i am suppoed to see a slash screen at boot | 07:22 |
sireliah | neutrinomass is there a way i can set wireless to NOT be on at boot? | 07:22 |
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huhmz | Hi. The Serivce "atd", does anything vital depend on this in your default install? | 07:22 |
randomguy | can i have some help | 07:22 |
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=== Timor^ [i=qdawldaw@c-2bbce253.024-158-73766c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neutrinomass | sireliah: No idea how to do it from a GUI - how much of a command line guy are you ? | 07:23 |
sireliah | i want a gui that does it.... | 07:23 |
balony | Is it possible to just dist-upgrade after chaning to unstable in /etc/apt/sources.list to upgrade to 6.06 ? | 07:23 |
randomguy | can i have help setting up my nvida grafics card | 07:23 |
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iiiears | randomguy - editi /etc/X11/xorg.conf to include the driver you want or sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. - i read the same thing and had no luck. | 07:23 |
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_Spire_ | neutrinomass: isn't there a runlevel editor or something like that? | 07:24 |
Spec | man update-rc.d | 07:24 |
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neutrinomass | sireliah: I'm not sure whether this affects bootup, but try disabling it :-/ | 07:24 |
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_Spire_ | neutrinomass: disabling what? | 07:24 |
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neutrinomass | _Spire_: Not by default. I'm not sure about such editors - I know about KSysv. Then again, a user shouldn't be expected to edit a runlevel (what's that again? :P ) to disable their network device | 07:25 |
pom | dr_willis: no lm-sensors startup script there | 07:25 |
=== beerockxs [n=beerockx@xdsl-84-44-195-88.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
amarokker | Hi all, gnome has broken down completely- I can login but the gnome-panel wont work- cant get access to the menus, cant right-click on the desktop. | 07:25 |
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dr_willis | pom, just remove --purge the package then. :P if you really really want it dead | 07:25 |
amarokker | please help me? (sobs) | 07:25 |
neutrinomass | _Spire_: "deactivate" in network-admin | 07:25 |
beerockxs | I'm trying to load an Adobe Illustrator file in Inkscape, and get this error: | 07:25 |
fali2 | hallo, ich habe problem mit dem netzwerk | 07:25 |
beerockxs | Couldn't load Perl module Image::Magick. Images will be skipped. | 07:25 |
beerockxs | Can't locate Image/Magick.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.7 /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.7 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.8 /usr/share/perl/5.8 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at (eval 1) line 1. | 07:25 |
beerockxs | BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 1) line 1. | 07:25 |
Sgeo | How can I find out about when I first installed ubuntu? | 07:26 |
_Spire_ | amarokker: i guess i'll help :) | 07:26 |
fali2 | kabel, bekomme ip, kann aber nichts pingen | 07:26 |
amarokker | Woo hoo :) | 07:26 |
LobWech | fali2, #ubuntu-de | 07:26 |
fali2 | LobWech: uups sorry | 07:26 |
dr_willis | amarokker, try creating a new user. and see if gnome works for them.. if so - then the broken user, has some messed up gnome configs , and you could delete/move/rename the .gnome* and .gconf* dirs to force gnome back to the defaults | 07:26 |
amarokker | I was thinkin' bout purging and rebuilding from source...are source-builds any faster on ubuntu? | 07:26 |
Spec | beerockxs: libgraphics-magick-perl | 07:26 |
Spec | amarokker: probably not? | 07:27 |
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jcuevas | hi | 07:27 |
beerockxs | Spec: is that supposed to be a package name? | 07:27 |
_Spire_ | amarokker: well if you have a slow(er) machine, the compile time to speed increase ratio might not be worth it | 07:27 |
Spec | beerockxs: it is a package name. | 07:27 |
=== Khamael [n=raphael@ti132110a080-9175.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
iiiears | amarokker - I was wondering the same thing. Are most builds for the 1386 kernel? | 07:27 |
Bassetts | whats the command to rename a file from terminal? | 07:27 |
beerockxs | Spec: apt can't find it. | 07:28 |
_Spire_ | amarokker: if you want to build stuff from source, go with gentoo | 07:28 |
dr_willis | !bash | 07:28 |
=== jaimeiniesta [n=jaime@62-14-81-61.inversas.jazztel.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | For a list of basic commands, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands | 07:28 |
neutrinomass | amarokker: No ... the performance difference IS negligible (and where it isn't, 686 packages exist ... ) | 07:28 |
Bassetts | thanks willis | 07:28 |
Timor^ | What c compiler should i install ? and how do i install it?, im using ubuntu 6.06 with No gui. | 07:28 |
Spec | beerockxs: sorry | 07:28 |
Spec | beerockxs: perlmagick | 07:28 |
neutrinomass | Timor^: Why do you want a compiler? | 07:28 |
Seveas | !tell Timor^ about compiling | 07:28 |
dr_willis | !b-e | 07:28 |
ubotu | or if you get errors saying gcc cannot create executables, or that you can't find header files like stdio.h, or get "make: command not found, then you need to do a sudo apt-get install build-essential. | 07:28 |
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amarokker | _Spire_: I came from gentoo :D | 07:28 |
Spec | Timor^: apt-get install build-essentials | 07:28 |
=== SUSaiyan [n=susaiyan@cc84863-b.zwoll1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Timor^ | thank you | 07:29 |
Spec | err, sorry | 07:29 |
Spec | build-essential | 07:29 |
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Spec | scacco[out] : umm, turn that off please | 07:29 |
=== scacco[out] is away: SDB: Scacco device busy | ||
_Spire_ | amarokker: recompiling from source isn't worth _that_ much on ubuntu | 07:29 |
beerockxs | Spec: apt-cache search finds no package when search for "pearlmagick" or "pearl magick" | 07:29 |
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zquirm | can apt do something like dpkg-divert ? | 07:29 |
NoUse | !tell scacco[out] about away | 07:29 |
neutrinomass | Timor^: For what it's worth, check the Ubuntu repos before compiling a program that hasn't been written by you ... | 07:29 |
Spec | scacco[out] : there are 900 people in this channel | 07:29 |
scacco[out] | :) | 07:29 |
scacco[out] | Spec: | 07:29 |
iiiears | amarokker - What is the best way to back up your install? Create a bootable iso? got a link? | 07:29 |
_Spire_ | beerockxs: try 'perlmagick' | 07:29 |
Timor^ | its pureftp that ive downloaded | 07:29 |
wycats | damn: xpdf doesn't work for Windows | 07:30 |
amarokker | NOt that i have problems with it- i just didnt have that much bandwidth for the regular updates....anywhos, dr_willis- your suggestion seems on the spot for me...I tried going back to default by deleting .gnome* files in ~ | 07:30 |
amarokker | didnt help | 07:30 |
beerockxs | Spec: d'oh, thanks | 07:30 |
scacco[out] | Spec> scacco[out] : there are 900 people in this channel => ?? | 07:30 |
Spec | iiiears: the best way to back up your install is to use... Mondo/Mindi! :) | 07:30 |
wycats | anyone know of a pdf reader that has instant search that is portable to windows | 07:30 |
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Spec | scacco[out] : if everyone had away messages, then it'd be constantly flooded, so turn yours off | 07:30 |
BCK | does anyone use sound juicer ? | 07:30 |
BCK | ? | 07:30 |
amarokker | iiiears: not really..I just tar the cache directory. | 07:30 |
gnomefreak | !anyone | 07:30 |
ubotu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? </hint> | 07:30 |
scacco[out] | Spec: ok, sorry | 07:30 |
neutrinomass | Timor^: It's in the repos ;) You can save yourself the compiling | 07:30 |
randomguy | rebooting hope this works | 07:30 |
BCK | lol ok | 07:30 |
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iiiears | Spec - Great! - THANK YOU. (FAXing you an ice cold Pepsi.) | 07:30 |
Spec | iiiears: hehe, coke is better :) | 07:31 |
=== gnomefreak thinks to self this isnt windows :( | ||
neutrinomass | Timor^: 'pure-ftpd' right? | 07:31 |
BCK | could someone please give me the default settings for encoding to wav using sound juicer | 07:31 |
BCK | i overwrote them :( | 07:31 |
Timor^ | neutrinomass: im totally new to ubuntu, where can i see the repros ? | 07:31 |
Timor^ | yes | 07:31 |
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dr_willis | amarokker, seen a lot of that going on. sadly | 07:32 |
neutrinomass | Timor^: To search the repositories you can use Synaptic's (System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager) search tool | 07:32 |
Timor^ | i have no gui, im not running X | 07:32 |
neutrinomass | Timor^: It's in the universe repository... have you enabled it? | 07:32 |
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amarokker | dr_willis: gnome issue or dapper? | 07:33 |
neutrinomass | Timor^: Then 'aptitude search blah' :) | 07:33 |
Timor^ | neutrinomass: im running a server installation without gui | 07:33 |
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neutrinomass | Timor^: Ok... have you enabled the universe/multiverse repositories ? | 07:33 |
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Timor^ | neutrinomass: probably not, im not sure what that means | 07:33 |
Spec | I can run faster than my bandwidth :-/ | 07:33 |
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neutrinomass | Timor^: Do you want to get your job done or are you interested in learning about them as well ? | 07:34 |
iiiears | ubtotu !backup is partimage or mondo/mindi http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=194849&page=2 | 07:34 |
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iiiears | ubotu !backup is partimage or mondo/mindi http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=194849&page=2 | 07:35 |
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ubotu | iiiears: okay | 07:35 |
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dr_willis | amarokker, not sure whos to blame.. i ve seen kde with simile rissues.. - i think the desktops are just getting too complex. :P | 07:35 |
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Frankenstein | hi, can someone tell me how ubuntu would do with a cheap little wireless box? it didnt work with the live cd | 07:35 |
divineomega | !xorg | 07:35 |
neutrinomass | ubotu, tell Timor^ about universe | 07:35 |
ubotu | rumour has it, xorg is To reconfigure your X server, type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" in a terminal, or check here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto or here http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-83973.html | 07:35 |
Eldox | hi | 07:35 |
divineomega | !xgl | 07:35 |
ubotu | XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/ See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 07:35 |
Timor^ | im intrested in learning, i would be here if i werent | 07:35 |
neutrinomass | ubotu now told you how to enable universe - this will get the job done | 07:35 |
ubotu | neutrinomass: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 07:35 |
no0tic | ndiswrapper is going to crash the kernel 3 times on 4 when I modprobe it | 07:35 |
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neutrinomass | ubotu, tell Timor^ about components | 07:35 |
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Frankenstein | wireless? | 07:35 |
angie_ | han quel bonheur | 07:35 |
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Frankenstein | how does your info bot work? | 07:35 |
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Orange44 | t | 07:36 |
amarokker | dr_willis: true, gnome's my fav- but with these complications, i've always got fluxBox to fall backup on :) still lean and mean, aint it? | 07:36 |
qwe | how would I prevent snd_seq_opl from loading, ever? I don't have an opl3 card | 07:36 |
lidia | ola | 07:36 |
neutrinomass | Now the new link ubotu sent you has information on why all Ubuntu packages are not in one repository and what they differences between them are. | 07:36 |
lidia | k tl??? | 07:36 |
qwe | and I'm trying to use rosegarden+timidity | 07:36 |
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Frankenstein | HELLOOOOOO why does your software not recognize my wireless USB thing?! | 07:36 |
Eldox | where can i find the firefox file for ubuntu?? i'll alredy got a file what the name : firefox- ... it it the rigth one? | 07:36 |
tr1gg3r | qwe: blackilit the module | 07:36 |
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NoUse | Eldox sudo apt-get install firefox | 07:37 |
neutrinomass | Timor^: In short, you want to enable universe/multiverse and after enabling, do a "sudo apt-get update". Then you can "sudo aptitude install pure-ftpd" and get going :) | 07:37 |
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Eldox | tnx i'll make a try | 07:37 |
uniq | qwe: put it in the blacklist, /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist | 07:37 |
tr1gg3r | qwe: err i meant blacklist | 07:37 |
qwe | uniq, tr1gg3r: thanks | 07:37 |
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jrattner1 | QUESTION: Anyone use network manager here and are connected to a wireless network with WEP | 07:37 |
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NoUse | !tell Frankenstein about wireless | 07:37 |
uniq | jrattner1: yes, i am. | 07:38 |
Eldox | tnx alot, it did work =) | 07:38 |
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jrattner1 | uniq, weird Network Manager works flawlessly for me until I attempt to join a secure WEP network | 07:38 |
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tim__ | hello. how can i add more screen resolution options to the drop down list? | 07:39 |
uniq | jrattner1: works with both WEP and insecure networks here. It could be your card that has limited support and doesn't work with WEP. Try searching the wiki for your card. | 07:39 |
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NoUse | tim__ run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and select the resolutions you want | 07:39 |
erUSUL | !tell tim__ about fixres | 07:39 |
Timor^ | neutrinomass: thank you for your time | 07:39 |
jrattner1 | uniq, my card blows its a broadcom43xx that i have working with ndiswrappers | 07:39 |
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neutrinomass | Timor^: Glad to help. Feel free to ask again if you have any questions :) | 07:39 |
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qwe | jrattner1: if you want to get your hands dirty the newest kernel has a native driver for that card | 07:40 |
Mugginns | Question: are there any good road atlas progs for linux ? | 07:40 |
the1_ | im having trouble with 3d acceleration of ATI radeon 9250.. anyone using this card? | 07:40 |
qwe | Mugginns: google earth? | 07:40 |
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Mugginns | hm maybe | 07:40 |
ScottG | I'm having the problem described here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1157294#post1157294 | 07:40 |
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ScottG | any ideas? | 07:40 |
uniq | jrattner1: i use the bcm43xx too, the real driver though,with firmware. | 07:40 |
tim__ | thanks guys! | 07:40 |
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jrattner1 | qwe, yeh i noticed that on Slash Dot this morning, I don't think its worth the risks at this point though, I'm hoping support without ndiswrappers will be there too | 07:40 |
Mugginns | looking for one i dont need connectivity for | 07:40 |
roler | I have been compiling kernels for years. I just installed ubuntu, and really want to install 2.6.17 but obviously ubuntu doesn't have a package for that. Is there a way one could compile a kernel ubuntu style? | 07:41 |
jrattner1 | uniq, what do you mean the real driver with firmware? | 07:41 |
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qwe | jrattner1: that's what "native" means; you don't need ndiswrapper | 07:41 |
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uniq | jrattner1: the native driver. the one you're talking about. | 07:41 |
HellDragon | reboot | 07:41 |
neutrinomass | roler: You could, but before doing so you have to keep in mind that 2.6.17 may break things on your system ... | 07:41 |
Orange44 | is here a partition managing app for ubuntu ? | 07:41 |
jrattner1 | uniq, did you use the "cutter" utility or how did you go about doing that? | 07:41 |
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qwe | Orange44: gparted | 07:41 |
uniq | orange44: 'gparted' | 07:41 |
Orange44 | thanks | 07:41 |
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uniq | jrattner1: yes, fwcutter. | 07:42 |
jrattner1 | uniq, I can't honestly remember if my card is set up through fwcutter or ndiswrappers | 07:42 |
jrattner1 | uniq i forget which worked in the end | 07:42 |
kinema | lj'ldkfjgsodfkjg[posdrjkv[gpoiu | 07:42 |
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Aprox_away | wow, you showed me the light kinema | 07:42 |
uniq | jrattner1: there are tutorials for this on the wiki. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx | 07:42 |
iiiears | There is a bootable gparted iso available also. - very easy to use. | 07:43 |
qwe | iiiears: indeed | 07:43 |
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roler | neutrinomass, is there a howto anywhere? | 07:43 |
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neutrinomass | roler: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild | 07:44 |
enfo | w | 07:44 |
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jrattner1 | uniq, and it workes with wireless networks with WEP | 07:44 |
ddrj | hey guys, first time ubuntu user and was wondering how much space i should give ubuntu total for this partition? would 7 gigs be enough? i'm not looking to do anything like gaming | 07:45 |
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uniq | jrattner1: yes. works with WEP for me. | 07:45 |
roler | thanks! | 07:45 |
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bipolar | Is there a guide to building a new install CD that includes all the current updates? | 07:45 |
jrattner1 | uniq, hmm thanks | 07:45 |
neutrinomass | ddrj: The / partition or /home partition (it's a good idea to have two seperate partitions for / and /home so you can reinstall/change your OS without having to backup stuff) ? | 07:45 |
iiiears | ddrj - I like ten. (room for streamripper to copy song files to.) | 07:46 |
zOap_mb | ddrj, yes it would be enough.. but not much left for user files... | 07:46 |
ddrj | ahhh i see i'll just free up 10 gigs then, thanks zOap_mb, iiiears, and neutrinomass | 07:46 |
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qwe | I highly recommend a separate /home | 07:46 |
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divineomega | !xglx | 07:47 |
ubotu | Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, divineomega | 07:47 |
zOap_mb | np :) | 07:47 |
Seveas | !xgl | 07:47 |
ubotu | XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/ See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 07:47 |
neutrinomass | ddrj: Generally, I don't think you will need more than 5GB for / so allocate the rest to /home | 07:47 |
babo | Guys can anyone tell me why my ssh connection keeps timing out ... ? ... I've set ClientAliveInterval 12 | 07:47 |
babo | ClientAliveCountMax 300 | 07:47 |
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babo | in the sshd_config of my server ... | 07:48 |
Zambezi | Which antivirus is the best for Linux? I prefer textmode. | 07:48 |
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Zambezi | Which antivirus is the best for Linux? I prefer textmode. | 07:48 |
neutrinomass | Zambezi: Judging from its popularity, clamav ? | 07:48 |
iiiears | babo - is your root login session timing out locally??? | 07:48 |
qwe | Zambezi: clamav probably | 07:48 |
orn | Hey. Is Gnome now ignoring some keychanges made by xmodmap? I can't get some keys to work properly. They are bound properly according to xkeycaps, but don't produce any output when pressed. | 07:48 |
Sgeo | Where can I get a list of addresses supported by gnome-vfs? | 07:49 |
babo | iiiears: I'm ssh'ing from a user account ... | 07:49 |
babo | on my client ... | 07:49 |
babo | s/client/desktop/ | 07:49 |
Zambezi | neutrinomass, qwe: Everybody says ClamAV, but noone seems to know it it's the best. | 07:49 |
qwe | Zambezi: in my experience it has the most up-to-date virus database | 07:50 |
GaiaX11 | qwe, neutrinomass is right! Even 3 gigs is enough to / and the other to /home, /swap and like to leave a free space in case i need to resize any partion. | 07:50 |
Zambezi | neutrinomass, qwe: There's Bitdefender too, but I don't know it it's good. / I need something the blocks SSH-virus and things like that. | 07:50 |
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iiiears | FPROT offrs a free version. - though feature limited. | 07:50 |
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roler | if I don't install 2.6.17, how long do you guys think it will be before ubuntu offers it? Since they are currently running 2.6.15... | 07:50 |
qwe | GaiaX11: I usually give / at least 5GB, just in case | 07:50 |
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qwe | roler: a while, most likely | 07:50 |
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qwe | roler: unofficial packages might pop up though | 07:51 |
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Khamael | can Azereus continue a file partially downloaded by bittornado? | 07:52 |
jrattner1 | I would love to see 2.6.17 aswell :) it will resolve so many broadcom issues | 07:52 |
neutrinomass | qwe: I'm at 4.4 with LOTS of stuff I don't need (about 100 useless apps installed, not to mention kubuntu+xubuntu+openoffice ) | 07:52 |
ElPenguin | Khamael, no | 07:52 |
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abo | anyone knows of a way to open NSC files in linux? | 07:52 |
zquirm | would it be safe to set LANG=C in /etc/environment ? | 07:52 |
qwe | neutrinomass: which is why I usually give myself at least 5gb... everyone accumulates cruft | 07:52 |
zquirm | ansi stuff just doesn't draw properly unless it's "C" | 07:53 |
qwe | better to allocate a little too much than a little too little | 07:53 |
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neutrinomass | roler: Ubuntu will not offer 2.6.17 but features from 2.6.17 may be backported to 2.6.15 (which is essentially the same for you) - I don't know when. You can try opening a bug on launchpad ... | 07:53 |
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ElPenguin | neutrinomass, why don't you choose one desktop and stick with it? | 07:53 |
roler | i see | 07:53 |
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ElPenguin | neutrinomass, i've tried them all and prefer xfce | 07:53 |
neutrinomass | ElPenguin: Curiosity? Diversity? I mostly use Gnome nowadays but I use Xfce from time to time ... | 07:54 |
roler | neutrinomass, ; i just read on slashdot that 2.6.17 has really great dual core support now, everyone is saying desktop apps are faster and everything | 07:54 |
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ElPenguin | neutrinomass, i mostly use gnome because i'm stuck on ubuntu. on gentoo i typically use xfce. | 07:54 |
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qwe | I usually use fluxbox | 07:54 |
neutrinomass | roler: Yeah, read that too. Well, to get 2.6.17 you'll have to wait until Edgy is released (2-3 months) or take chances (not recommended) and compile it yourself :) | 07:54 |
Lobster | I use E17 | 07:54 |
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jrattner1 | neutrinomass, do you have a link to launchpad in regards to having features backported | 07:54 |
erUSUL | ElPenguin: you can use xubuntu. sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop | 07:54 |
ElPenguin | erUSUL, i plan to be back on gentoo within 3 days ;) | 07:55 |
ScottG | Anyone know the fix for this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1157349 | 07:55 |
qwe | Lobster: how's that coming these days? last time I tried it it was pretty unstable | 07:55 |
neutrinomass | jrattner1: I suppose http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.16/+filebug ? | 07:55 |
ElPenguin | qwe, it is | 07:55 |
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Lobster | qwe, its ok... | 07:55 |
qwe | ElPenguin: eh? | 07:55 |
jrattner1 | neutrinomass, thanks | 07:55 |
neutrinomass | ElPenguin: On gentoo I used to be on KDE :) | 07:55 |
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ElPenguin | qwe, very unstable | 07:55 |
Lobster | but not nearly finished... | 07:55 |
divineomega | !xgl | 07:55 |
ubotu | XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/ See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 07:55 |
qwe | ElPenguin: ah | 07:55 |
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ToHellWithGA | does easyubuntu include xgl stuff? | 07:56 |
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ElPenguin | neutrinomass, i really dislike kde. i've tried most WMs that are usable. ratpoison up next ;) | 07:56 |
ElPenguin | ToHellWithGA, nothing includes it yet | 07:56 |
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gnomefreak | ToHellWithGA: i dont think so | 07:57 |
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ToHellWithGA | ElPenguin: yeah i just read about the "very alpha" bit | 07:57 |
billybennett | does anyone know how to get rid of the animation that happens when you open a program or a new window? | 07:57 |
ToHellWithGA | i'm willing to play my luck against that with my intel 915 chipset | 07:57 |
gnomefreak | ToHellWithGA: make sure you have 3d first | 07:58 |
ElPenguin | i'm having a few issues trying to install django (python framework), looks like a missing python makefile. however there isn't even one there, let alone in the right place. any ideas ? | 07:58 |
ElPenguin | ToHellWithGA, that's unlikely to happen... | 07:58 |
qwe | wow, I'm *very* impressed with the server distro | 07:58 |
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ElPenguin | qwe, the ubuntu server distro? | 07:59 |
DaveyJ | lol | 07:59 |
DaveyJ | ToHellWithGA, | 07:59 |
qwe | ElPenguin: yep | 07:59 |
pikolo | hey | 07:59 |
ElPenguin | qwe, any reason why? Debian is infinitely superior for servers | 07:59 |
pikolo | need help on installing software | 07:59 |
ElPenguin | pikolo, we'll need more to go on than that | 08:00 |
DaveyJ | yeah lol... for a second i got scared and thought i was talking earlier in here instead of oink | 08:00 |
Seveas | ElPenguin, django works fine for me from svn | 08:00 |
ElPenguin | Seveas, i've got the SVN copy, however i'm still on hoary. | 08:00 |
Seveas | are you using the egg/tarrball whatever they ditribute it in? | 08:00 |
Seveas | ah, I'm on dapper, but it worked on breezy too | 08:00 |
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iiiears | ElPenguin: OpenBSD Is likely more secure. but setup and maintainace is a HUGE pain. | 08:00 |
Seveas | ElPenguin, what's the actual error? | 08:00 |
pikolo | how can I install a tar.gz after downloading | 08:00 |
DaveyJ | so anyone have any suggestions on what filesystem to use for backups? | 08:01 |
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ToHellWithGA | gnomefreak: how would i verify that i "have 3d first"? | 08:01 |
ElPenguin | iiiears, who mentioned anything about openbsd? ;) yes, it's a lovely system, but i don't have that kinda patience | 08:01 |
qwe | ElPenguin: easy install, up-to-date packages | 08:01 |
billybennett | does anyone know how to get rid of the animation that happens when you open a program or a new window? | 08:01 |
qwe | ElPenguin: I don't think debian has mysql 5 | 08:01 |
ElPenguin | Seveas, error: invalid Python installation: unable to open /usr/lib/python2.4/config/Makefile (No such file or directory) | 08:01 |
pikolo | how do I install tarballs | 08:01 |
pikolo | ? | 08:01 |
ElPenguin | qwe, it's in unstable. For a reason. | 08:01 |
gnomefreak | ToHellWithGA: on the intel cards? thats good question but i can tell you if you didnt install 3d drivers you dont have it | 08:01 |
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Seveas | ElPenguin, you need the python-dev package for that | 08:01 |
ToHellWithGA | !intel | 08:02 |
ubotu | Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, ToHellWithGA | 08:02 |
ElPenguin | pikolo, tar -zvfx *.tar.gz && cd packagename && ./configure && make && sudo make install | 08:02 |
ElPenguin | Seveas, thanks. installing | 08:02 |
Bassetts | uber_mort i am back | 08:02 |
ardchoille | pikolo: a tarball is an archive (like a zip file), you don't install it.. you unpack it | 08:02 |
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qwe | ElPenguin: absolute stability isn't an issue for me | 08:02 |
pikolo | and than..? | 08:02 |
Seveas | ElPenguin, there are .deb packages too for django | 08:02 |
jbroome | qwe: then win xp is for you! | 08:02 |
pikolo | ardchoille: and..than...? | 08:03 |
gnomefreak | yuck @ xp | 08:03 |
ElPenguin | Seveas, i'll look for them, because i can't find python-devel :( maybe it's got the version number in | 08:03 |
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ardchoille | pikolo: once you unpack it, go into the directory it created and read the INSTALL and README files | 08:03 |
ElPenguin | qwe, *shrug* i run a webhost, it is for me | 08:03 |
Seveas | ElPenguin, python2.4-dev is the name of the package, and django packagec can be found via planet debian | 08:03 |
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ElPenguin | Seveas, thanks, you've been a great help | 08:04 |
qwe | ElPenguin: fair enough | 08:04 |
ardchoille | pikolo: BTW, are you sure the package you want to install isn't in the repos? | 08:04 |
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jcuevas | hi | 08:04 |
qwe | jbroome: win xp falls on the "absolute instability" side of things | 08:04 |
Seveas | ElPenguin, anythong for spreading django, it's a rocking framework | 08:04 |
Seveas | anything* | 08:04 |
ElPenguin | Seveas, did you ever use turbogears? | 08:04 |
jcuevas | hello | 08:04 |
jcuevas | im new here | 08:05 |
ardchoille | jcuevas: hi | 08:05 |
Seveas | ElPenguin, no | 08:05 |
ardchoille | jcuevas: Welcome :) | 08:05 |
jcuevas | im a novato | 08:05 |
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ElPenguin | Seveas, i love the way some bits work, cleaner than django. However, you need to keep the python-based (!) server running and have apache proxy to it, which slows it down stupidly | 08:05 |
erUSUL | !es | 08:05 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 08:05 |
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jcuevas | thanks | 08:06 |
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Seveas | ElPenguin, django is pretty clean, especially since magic-removal | 08:06 |
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Bizmo | Every time i try to log in it comes up with incorrect logon what can i do? | 08:06 |
gnomefreak | ToHellWithGA: i dont know wher eyou would begin on that | 08:06 |
ElPenguin | Seveas, yeah. I do prefer turbogears in some areas, but the way it has to work sucks. I love the way turbogears integrates templates with actions | 08:07 |
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=== Definity [i=johnde@82-43-97-37.cable.ubr09.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yggdrasil | so ubuntu is gonna stick on freenode ? | 08:07 |
[Wiebel] | Hi | 08:07 |
ElPenguin | Seveas, you just return a hash, the key is the page variable, the value is the value to replace with. it fills them into the template | 08:07 |
Seveas | yggdrasil, yes | 08:07 |
[Wiebel] | What is a good tool for video editing | 08:07 |
yggdrasil | did you guys drive the debs away :( | 08:07 |
abo | gcc cannot find <stdio.h> and other standard headers, any one can help? | 08:07 |
Seveas | ElPenguin, django does that too | 08:07 |
yggdrasil | it was nice to have em in the same place | 08:07 |
[Wiebel] | like make mpegs of avi's from your cam corder | 08:07 |
Bizmo | Every time i try to log in it comes up with incorrect logon what can i do? | 08:07 |
[Wiebel] | (dvd format) | 08:08 |
Definity | hi i just got a wireless card with atheros chipset and i cant seam to get iwlist to work or connect to any ap's | 08:08 |
ElPenguin | Seveas, i haven't had time to properly explore it heh | 08:08 |
Sturek | hey guys, I have a problem with a CD, I can't mount it, error says not supported fs, it is a MacWorld CD, is it possible that it's in some mac only fs ? | 08:08 |
Seveas | yggdrasil, dunno why they left | 08:08 |
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yggdrasil | yea | 08:08 |
yggdrasil | definity | 08:08 |
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NoUse | abo install build-essential | 08:08 |
capgadget | vlc has a good transcoding gui to convert formats | 08:08 |
yggdrasil | what happens when you do ifconfig | 08:08 |
Seveas | ElPenguin, heh, just follow the tutorial, it's pretty decent | 08:08 |
umarmung | Bizmo: did you try to login on a text console too? | 08:08 |
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ElPenguin | Seveas, i got a couple of pages done | 08:08 |
Lynoure | yggdrasil: Are you the same yggdrasil that used to be on #ad&d? (probably not) | 08:08 |
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yggdrasil | yar no | 08:09 |
Bizmo | umarmung: this is just the plain text logon screen that comes up when i start my ubuntu box | 08:09 |
billybennett | does anyone know how to get rid of the animation that happens when you open a program or a new window? | 08:09 |
yggdrasil | :( | 08:09 |
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abo | NoUse,I did, sudo apt-get build-essential, and got: E: Invalid operation build-essential | 08:09 |
ElPenguin | billybennett, change the cursor for it... | 08:09 |
yggdrasil | i am the alpha and omega | 08:09 |
Lynoure | billybennett: I vaguely remember it being configurable | 08:09 |
umarmung | Bizmo: so this is a fresh install? | 08:09 |
krang | anyone know why tar -cvzf home.tar.gz `ls -l | grep "."[^mozilla] $` is still tarring the .mozilla directory? ls -l | grep "."[^mozilla] $ excludes the .mozilla folder just fine | 08:09 |
ElPenguin | abo, you missed the word `install` | 08:09 |
Definity | it comes up witha ip and mac | 08:09 |
Bizmo | umarmung: yes | 08:09 |
ardchoille | abo: it's sudo apt-get install build-essential | 08:09 |
umarmung | Bizmo: what install method did you use and what's the name of your user? | 08:10 |
ToHellWithGA | gnomefreak: the package xserver-xorg-driver-i810 is installed and my xorg.conf is: http://thestonepedo.pastebin.ca/67277 | 08:10 |
Definity | but i still cant connet it only transmitting 60mW but i dont know how to put it up to 100 | 08:10 |
billybennett | ElPenguin, Lynoure its the animation that looks like boxes moving do you know what I'm talking about? | 08:10 |
boricua | is this a typo should it be groupquota ??? ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro,usrquota,grpquota | 08:10 |
yggdrasil | definity of what ... | 08:10 |
ElPenguin | Seveas, woohoo, it's installed | 08:10 |
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yggdrasil | ath0 ? | 08:10 |
Bizmo | umarmung: installed off the cd and 'shadowswan' | 08:10 |
krang | oops, I meant ls -a | 08:10 |
Definity | yes ath0 | 08:10 |
yggdrasil | some stuff isnt supported | 08:10 |
ElPenguin | billybennett, possibly not. i thought you meant the cursor animation. i'm on an older ubuntu *shrug8 | 08:10 |
Lynoure | billybennett: oops, I was thinking of kubuntu, it is configurable there... But no idea of gnome, sorry | 08:10 |
Sturek | can anyone help me ? | 08:10 |
yggdrasil | is it connected ? | 08:10 |
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Definity | no icant see any ap but i know there is one | 08:11 |
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yggdrasil | um.... try iwlist ath0 scanning | 08:11 |
yggdrasil | ? maybe sudo | 08:11 |
gnomefreak | ToHellWithGA: xserver-xorg is for GUI you still need 3d accell drivers iirc it is a must to have them for xgl | 08:11 |
Definity | i have and it came up with a error | 08:11 |
Lynoure | Sturek: I'd say it is possible, but I'm not a mac person | 08:11 |
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yggdrasil | try iwlist scanning | 08:11 |
Definity | no it would of said u need root priverledges | 08:11 |
umarmung | Bizmo: another guy some weeks ago had the name shadow and couldn't login too. He had to reinstall with another name. Maybe you suffer the saem problem | 08:11 |
koriel | what must I do to get the /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build directory because it's missing from my systems | 08:11 |
carlfk | anyone have a VoIP phone (software) recomendation? | 08:11 |
pikolo | hey....I1m back..... | 08:12 |
Seveas | carlfk, ekiga | 08:12 |
Sturek | thanks Lynoure | 08:12 |
ompaul | !root | 08:12 |
ubotu | Direct login as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information. | 08:12 |
erUSUL | koriel: install linux-headers | 08:12 |
Bizmo | umarmung: ok i'll try to re-install | 08:12 |
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Lynoure | Sturek: http://www.google.fi/search?q=mounting+mac+cd+linux&start=0&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:unofficial might have help for that, somewhere | 08:12 |
koriel | erUSUL: I did that | 08:12 |
ElPenguin | koriel, you need to install kernel-devel for your version | 08:12 |
carlfk | Seveas: thanks - just what I was looking for, and i hadn't heard of it | 08:13 |
pikolo | I`ve downloaded an .tar.gz (TuxGuitar-0.6-linux-gtk-i386.tar.gz) | 08:13 |
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pikolo | how can I install it? | 08:13 |
yggdrasil | definity | 08:13 |
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erUSUL | koriel: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) ? | 08:13 |
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pikolo | ? | 08:13 |
Definity | failed to read scan data | 08:13 |
Definity | that is the error | 08:13 |
yggdrasil | hmmmmm | 08:13 |
=== Traveler [n=traveler@s047.wh-sproll.uni-ulm.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yggdrasil | reboot it | 08:13 |
carlfk | Seveas: huh - it is already installed - it is part of ubuntu-desktop, or did I install it when I wasn't looking? | 08:13 |
zerby | can i ask a question, bout ubuntu... grub-reinstall.. question: how | 08:13 |
Traveler | Can anyone see this? | 08:13 |
yggdrasil | travelr yes | 08:14 |
Traveler | ah | 08:14 |
zerby | yes Traveler | 08:14 |
iiiears | !grub | 08:14 |
ubotu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting | 08:14 |
zerby | tx iiiears | 08:14 |
Traveler | Hi. Is there somewhere on freenode I could ask about running a vBasic script? Really simple question. | 08:14 |
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ardchoille | pikolo: did you see a README or INSTALL file inside the new directory? | 08:14 |
Definity | yggdrasil: any ideas on whats the problem? | 08:14 |
drelch | hi little question: i'vo got a problem with Flash and Opera/Firefox. While playing any flashfile with sound. The sound always lags one second behind the video. how can i solve this problem? | 08:14 |
Sturek | Lynoure: already googled that, but I'll keep on trying ;) | 08:14 |
Seveas | carlfk, it's part of ubuntu-desktop | 08:14 |
pikolo | it dows`nt have any | 08:14 |
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yggdrasil | definity reboot that badboy for a test | 08:14 |
Seveas | apps internet ekiga | 08:15 |
Definity | :P np | 08:15 |
Traveler | no channel? | 08:15 |
yggdrasil | sometimes when i run kismet or airodump it messes up the module | 08:15 |
erUSUL | Traveler: you can try gambas a Basic rad tool | 08:15 |
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yggdrasil | unless you know how to unload and reload the module | 08:15 |
Definity | no | 08:15 |
ardchoille | pikolo: did you install build-essential ? | 08:15 |
pikolo | yes | 08:15 |
Traveler | I'm just trying to get a macro to read a url like urlopen in python | 08:15 |
Lynoure | Sturek: combines things a bit and you get http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_hfsplus | 08:15 |
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yggdrasil | well reboot it and lets see if any of those cmds work... | 08:16 |
Definity | i ran kismet after i updataed the kismet.conf but kismet didnt want to work either | 08:16 |
carlfk | Seveas: awsome - thanks again | 08:16 |
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ardchoille | pikolo: ok, go into the new directory and do: ./configure && make && sudo make install | 08:16 |
erUSUL | yggdrasil: rmmod <module>; modprobe <module> but it is an unsafe thing to do | 08:16 |
Lynoure | Sturek: Yes, it's Gentoo, not Ubuntu, but it might help you anyway, if the cd is HFS+ | 08:16 |
yggdrasil | definity .. thats yoru problem.. kismet does stuff to the module | 08:16 |
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yggdrasil | erusul i know ;( ive tried all kids | 08:16 |
yggdrasil | kinds | 08:16 |
pikolo | wath new directory? | 08:16 |
Kinetico | can someone help me | 08:16 |
Kinetico | im having problems mounting my cd drives | 08:16 |
Definity | okwell im rebooting now | 08:16 |
erUSUL | Kinetico: describe the problem | 08:16 |
ardchoille | pikolo: the directory that was created when you unpacked that tuxguitar tarball | 08:16 |
yggdrasil | if you run ksimet or airodump you need to reboot it | 08:16 |
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pikolo | in terminal? | 08:17 |
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Traveler | can anyone push me in any direction? the terms I'm googling like url or html occur in every webpage... | 08:17 |
Kinetico | well last night i put a dvd in and all the sudden it started skipping so i eject and now any cd i put into the drive it wont mount | 08:17 |
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Kinetico | and when i try to mount it manually it says no media on drive | 08:17 |
ardchoille | pikolo: did you unpack the tarball? | 08:17 |
pikolo | yes | 08:17 |
pikolo | yes | 08:18 |
Definity | well when i used to run then i could jsut go into terminal and change the crad from monitor mode to managed and that would get it working agian | 08:18 |
skybox | I have a VERY weird problem, a few minutes ago I could browse one of my favo sites (binsearch.info) now it won't even load, hell I can't even ping it, but it works for evryone else, how is that possible? | 08:18 |
Ackeubu_ | what is eubuntu and why dont i see much info on it? | 08:18 |
erUSUL | Kinetico: it sounds like a hardware roblem for me. does it work on windows? | 08:18 |
ardchoille | pikolo: then open a term, cd to the tuxguitar directory and type those commands | 08:18 |
Lynoure | skybox: Does not sound weird, sounds like the machine you are trying to reach went down | 08:18 |
Kinetico | yes | 08:18 |
Lynoure | skybox: or rather, your route to it | 08:18 |
Traveler | there's no #programming channel or anything to ask this stuff | 08:18 |
pikolo | I did so..but cannot find ./configure | 08:18 |
skybox | Lynoure, but it works for evryone else | 08:18 |
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pikolo | it doesn`t work | 08:18 |
raiffhigor | (checking for KDE... configure: error: | 08:19 |
raiffhigor | in the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail. | 08:19 |
raiffhigor | So, check this please and use another prefix!) how can i solve this!?!?! | 08:19 |
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skybox | try it, binsearch.info | 08:19 |
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Lynoure | skybox: As I'm not sitting in your lap, my route is not your route | 08:19 |
pikolo | cd /home/pikolo/Desktop/TuxGuitar-0.6-linux-gtk-i386 | 08:19 |
pikolo | ./configure bash: ./configure: No such file or directory | 08:19 |
Lynoure | skybox: Do other sites still work? | 08:19 |
ardchoille | pikolo: where did you find that tarball? I'm gonna download it and see what I can do to get it installed for you :) | 08:19 |
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skybox | Lynoure, hmm I see, I don't understand what your saying though, yeah other sites works | 08:19 |
pikolo | 10ks d | 08:19 |
pikolo | :d | 08:19 |
skybox | maybe i should just wait then :S ? | 08:20 |
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yggdrasil | definity i dont know .. ive never been able to make the dam things work after i run them.... | 08:20 |
^Ocean^ | Okay, I used to have a nice little applet that wold let me type to run command, example i could just go type xmms and it would run, instead of opening a new terminal or createing a shortcut.. Did ubuntu stop suppoting this applet because i did an upgrade and it seems to have disapeard on me | 08:20 |
raiffhigor | So, check this please and use another prefix!) how can i solve this!?!?! | 08:20 |
skybox | like I said I can't even ping it, but it works for evryone else | 08:20 |
raiffhigor | (checking for KDE... configure: error: | 08:20 |
yggdrasil | i think its something with a new driver and packet injection | 08:20 |
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Kinetico | does anyone know how i would fix it? | 08:20 |
raiffhigor | in the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail. | 08:20 |
raiffhigor | So, check this please and use another prefix!) how can i solve this!?!?! | 08:20 |
pikolo | hey..... | 08:20 |
pikolo | here | 08:20 |
pikolo | http://gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=1248 | 08:20 |
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ardchoille | pikolo: ok, hold on.. let me have a look at it | 08:20 |
Definity | lol ok thanks anyway | 08:20 |
yggdrasil | did it not work ? | 08:21 |
=== omega21 [n=omega21@d198-53-132-164.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
raiffhigor | (checking for KDE... configure: error: | 08:21 |
raiffhigor | in the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail. | 08:21 |
raiffhigor | So, check this please and use another prefix!) who knows how can i correct this?!?!?! | 08:21 |
Definity | no now i cant see the card atall | 08:21 |
yggdrasil | ha | 08:21 |
yggdrasil | ifconfig ? | 08:21 |
GaiaX11 | I'd like to install moodle, but i already tried when in debian and it was very difficult. Has anyone installed it in ubuntu? | 08:21 |
=== Hal9000 [n=Hal9000@vpn-136-005.rz.uni-mannheim.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
^Ocean^ | or does any one know the name of the applet ? | 08:21 |
Lynoure | skybox: Imagine internet connected by a network of thin lines. My set of lines is different from yours as I am elsewhere. There might be a line missing in yours, a dead end. (Was that more clear?) But do a traceroute se see it better | 08:21 |
omega21 | raiffhigor: I get this in gentoo. are you compiling something? | 08:21 |
Lynoure | s/se/to | 08:21 |
=== kdean06 [n=fader681@pool-70-18-247-80.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kdean06 | Due to some odd glitch, the letter F was deleted from the first line of a handful of files in /var/spool. :-) How would I search to see if the first character in ANY document in this directory is r instead of F ??? | 08:21 |
raiffhigor | omega21: yes... | 08:22 |
raiffhigor | omega21: i'm using ./config | 08:22 |
omega21 | raiffhigor: Instead of ./config, type ./config --prefix=/usr/kde | 08:22 |
raiffhigor | omega21: i'm using ./confi | 08:22 |
raiffhigor | omega21: i'll try... | 08:22 |
skybox | lynoure, so what you're saying is , my connection/pipe to binsearch is down etc? ok doing route now | 08:22 |
Hal9000 | i just installed ubuntu 6.06... i have a 19" screen but can't set the resolution any higher than 1024x768. with ubuntu 5.10 it was fine though :( | 08:22 |
raiffhigor | omega21: wait a min... | 08:22 |
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Hal9000 | how can i increase my resolution? | 08:23 |
Lynoure | skybox: Of courge they might have just started hating you and blocked your incoming from their firewall but I'd put my money on a temporary network problem not specifically related to your computer | 08:23 |
Kinetico | erUSUL, do you have any idea who i would fix my cd drive? | 08:23 |
skybox | lynoure, how do I trace route? | 08:23 |
jbroome | !resolution | 08:23 |
ubotu | hmm... resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 08:23 |
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omega21 | raiffhigor: Thats how its fixed on mine, if that doesn't work, im stumped. XD | 08:23 |
skybox | Lynoure heh :P yeah, how do I trace route? | 08:23 |
^Ocean^ | Okay, I used to have a nice little applet that wold let me type to run command, example i could just go type xmms and it would run, instead of opening a new terminal or createing a shortcut.. Did ubuntu stop suppoting this applet because i did an upgrade and it seems to have disapeard on me... Any one know the name of the applet ? | 08:23 |
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Lynoure | skybox: first you need to install traceroute... | 08:24 |
troytroy | hi i need help kernel source for local compilation. and how to go bout it | 08:24 |
raiffhigor | omega21: this /usr/kde not exists in my ubuntu... | 08:24 |
GaiaX11 | Hal9000, you have to config your video card correctely | 08:24 |
ardchoille | pikolo: go into TuxGuitar-0.6-linux-gtk-i386, in a terminal, and type ./TuxGuitar | 08:24 |
Lynoure | skybox: after that it can be just traceroute hostename | 08:24 |
omega21 | raiffhigor: do you have kde installed? | 08:24 |
ompaul | skybox, if you did not repeat so often the answer would be written by now "sudo traceroute place.place/IP" | 08:24 |
GaiaX11 | Anyone have moodle installed in ubuntu? | 08:24 |
omega21 | raiffhigor: the program your compiling seems to require it. | 08:24 |
Hal9000 | GaiaX11, isn't ubuntu supposed to configure the video card? :) how can i do it myself... | 08:24 |
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Hal9000 | i have an nvidia 6600GT | 08:25 |
GaiaX11 | If it has the native driver, yes. | 08:25 |
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raiffhigor | no... | 08:25 |
GaiaX11 | Hal9000, If it has the native driver, yes. | 08:25 |
=== MrM [n=user@p54942026.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MrM | hi | 08:25 |
raiffhigor | omega21: no i don't have kde installed in my pc... | 08:25 |
troytroy | hi i need help kernel source for local compilation. and how to go bout it | 08:25 |
omega21 | raiffhigor: the program your compiling seems to require it. | 08:26 |
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zquirm | what do I have to do to a users account to let them be allowed to 'su' ? | 08:26 |
Hal9000 | GaiaX11, i dont know, but the 6600 chip is pretty old, and as said it worked on ubuntu 5.10... | 08:26 |
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MrM | anyone else got the message VFS: Unable to mount root fs when auto-updating to kernel 2.6.15-25? i can still boot into kernel 2.6.15-23 without problems | 08:26 |
omega21 | raiffhigor: ask a few other ppl what you should do... | 08:26 |
MrM | zquirm, add them to the /etc/sudoers file | 08:26 |
raiffhigor | omega21: what?!?! | 08:26 |
pikolo | 10x | 08:26 |
ardchoille | pikolo: did you read the requirements on that webpage for TuxGuitar? | 08:26 |
GaiaX11 | Hal9000, are you in dapper? | 08:26 |
ardchoille | pikolo: you got it runing? | 08:27 |
GaiaX11 | Hal9000, or breezy? | 08:27 |
raiffhigor | omega21: synaptics have kde packages?!?!?! | 08:27 |
omega21 | raiffhigor: Im stumped. What I told you to do always fixes it on my PC. | 08:27 |
pikolo | ./TuxGuitar: line 40: java: command not found | 08:27 |
omega21 | it may... | 08:27 |
pikolo | now? | 08:27 |
omega21 | as I said would be better to ak others. | 08:27 |
Cornellius | !ubuntuguide | 08:27 |
skybox | hmm I'll be back, thanks for your help lynoure and ompaul | 08:27 |
ubotu | hmm... ubuntuguide is a bad outdated resource. Please use help.ubuntu.com | 08:27 |
ardchoille | pikolo: yeah, you need to read the requirements on that webpage.. it needs JRE | 08:27 |
omega21 | *ask | 08:27 |
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omega21 | Does anyone know how to boot Ubuntu / Kubuntu from a USB hard drive? | 08:28 |
Hal9000 | GaiaX11, ehm... 6.06 LTS :D amd64 | 08:28 |
pikolo | java? | 08:28 |
Hal9000 | i guess dapper | 08:28 |
uniq | raiffhigor: what's your problem? | 08:28 |
ardchoille | yes | 08:28 |
pikolo | I can`t get install that either | 08:28 |
ardchoille | you can install JRE, yes | 08:28 |
ardchoille | !JRE | 08:28 |
ubotu | Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, ardchoille | 08:28 |
^Ocean^ | omega21: does ur computer support booting from usb HDs ? usualy a bios setting | 08:28 |
pikolo | how? | 08:29 |
ardchoille | !java | 08:29 |
ubotu | To install Java/Sun Java see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and see also !javadebs | 08:29 |
omega21 | ^Ocean^: It sure does | 08:29 |
ardchoille | pikolo: see what ubotu posted? | 08:29 |
pikolo | yes | 08:29 |
omega21 | ^Ocean^: When I try and boot, it says it cant mount something or other... | 08:29 |
pikolo | I`ll try | 08:29 |
pikolo | 10x | 08:29 |
ardchoille | ok. yw | 08:29 |
^Ocean^ | omega21: hmm... not too sure :S | 08:29 |
omega21 | ^Ocean^: XD its been a while since I tried it. | 08:29 |
zquirm | why doesn't my "main" user have to appear in the sudoers file? | 08:29 |
zquirm | I looked at it in /etc/group and there's nothing so special about the user | 08:30 |
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Definity | well in the noetwork setting it says the card is not configered | 08:30 |
zquirm | oh, no wonder | 08:30 |
Lynoure | zquirm: because he/she is in the admin grou? | 08:30 |
zquirm | cause of /etc/aliases | 08:30 |
GaiaX11 | Hal9000, are you in gnome or kde? | 08:30 |
=== ToHellWithGA [n=TheStone@c-69-180-28-244.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hal9000 | GaiaX11: gnome | 08:30 |
omega21 | does anyone know how to boot ubuntu from a USB hard drive? | 08:31 |
=== Philippe [n=filozor@83-65-233-202.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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GaiaX11 | Hal9000, look for screen resolution | 08:31 |
compengi | what's a gnome | 08:31 |
Philippe | hi all | 08:31 |
=== AkumAPRIME [n=pocketir@adsl-69-234-0-119.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AlienX | compengi, it's a small man | 08:31 |
Hal9000 | GaiaX11: i did, but the maximum i can choose there is 1024x768 | 08:31 |
AkumAPRIME | hey, i just installed ubuntu. whats the default username? | 08:32 |
compengi | and xserver | 08:32 |
Lynoure | zquirm: /etc/aliases don't affect sudo... just mail delivery | 08:32 |
GaiaX11 | Hal9000, would you like more? | 08:32 |
=== Flawless [n=chrivers@port741.ds1-noe.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hal9000 | GaiaX11: yes, i have 19"... | 08:32 |
AkumAPRIME | i put in a pw, but no user name during install | 08:32 |
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Hal9000 | i want 1280x1024 | 08:32 |
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ardchoille | AkumAPRIME: there isn't a default username. use the one you created during the install | 08:32 |
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AkumAPRIME | i dont re,e,ber making one | 08:32 |
Lynoure | zquirm: but if you look at /etc/group you can prolly see the main user as a member of the adm group, and in sudoers a rule for adm group | 08:32 |
AkumAPRIME | wtf? damn alzheimers | 08:33 |
Flawless | Sporadically, my keyboard stops responding in X, with this messages in dmesg "input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard as /class/input/input3" | 08:33 |
Flawless | Clearly, the keyboard has been redetected (for some reason) and X has not seen this | 08:33 |
GaiaX11 | So, do: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 08:33 |
GaiaX11 | Hal9000, So, do: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 08:33 |
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Flawless | Have anyone else seen that error? This is on dapper, of course | 08:33 |
Flawless | (amd64) | 08:33 |
GaiaX11 | Hal9000, and set up higher | 08:33 |
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AlinuxOS | hello all, where can I get my boot messages ? /var/log/somewhere.... Imean exactly that I see at boot. | 08:34 |
raiffhigor | uniq: i have to install kde in my ubuntu... | 08:34 |
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Hal9000 | GaiaX11: ok thanks i will do so now | 08:34 |
sireliah | what is the package name for the mp3 codecs for amarok? | 08:34 |
Kinetico | how do i get my cd drive working again? | 08:34 |
=== Iam8up|lpy [n=iam8up@cpe-24-210-253-66.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kinetico | it wont mount any discs | 08:34 |
pikolo | sorry to disturb again | 08:34 |
pikolo | problem | 08:34 |
pikolo | apt-get install sun-java5-jre | 08:35 |
pikolo | Reading package lists... Done | 08:35 |
pikolo | Building dependency tree... Done | 08:35 |
pikolo | E: Couldn't find package sun-java5-jre | 08:35 |
AkumAPRIME | ook so now I basically need to reinstall to reconfigure the users ? | 08:35 |
ardchoille | !java | 08:35 |
ubotu | To install Java/Sun Java see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and see also !javadebs | 08:35 |
Ackeubu_ | Hey guys, I need to plugg in my external monitor. is there a tool to manage my monitors?? | 08:35 |
Lynoure | Kinetico: It might also be a hardware problem. Does it start to spin? Does it spin evenly? If you boot with a live cd, can you mount? | 08:35 |
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Lobster | pikolo, there are many how-tos on the web... | 08:35 |
ompaul | pikolo, DONT PASTE IN THIS CHANNEL thanks - paste.ubuntu-nl.org is the place for that | 08:35 |
Lobster | or search the wiki | 08:35 |
uniq | raiffhigor: ok, whole of KDE? | 08:35 |
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ompaul | pikolo, look in packages.ubuntu.com | 08:36 |
GaiaX11 | Any1 with moodle in ubuntu there? | 08:36 |
Iam8up|lpy | using the 5.10 ubuntu live cd - is there any way to mount an ntfs partiton with read/write? | 08:36 |
^Ocean^ | sdf | 08:36 |
Iam8up|lpy | or is the ntfs write module not included on the live cd... | 08:36 |
Definity | has any one got any ideas on how to get my shinny new wireless card working? | 08:36 |
Definity | it has a atheros chipset? | 08:36 |
raiffhigor | uniq: where i can find kde??! | 08:36 |
Iam8up|lpy | raiffhigor - kubuntu | 08:36 |
Kinetico | Lynoure, it spins but it just keeps spinning for like 3 minutes | 08:36 |
sireliah | hello? how can i play mp3's with amarok? | 08:36 |
raiffhigor | uniq: i have 3 cd's of CL | 08:36 |
ardchoille | pikolo: try this: sudo apt-get install sun-java5-bin | 08:36 |
AkumAPRIME | you load them sireliah | 08:36 |
raiffhigor | uniq: maybe have there..??!?! | 08:37 |
Lobster | raiffhigor, sudo apt-get install kde-desktop | 08:37 |
sireliah | akume i need some codecs | 08:37 |
AkumAPRIME | just like any other | 08:37 |
AkumAPRIME | ah ah I see | 08:37 |
GaiaX11 | sireliah, I was with the same problem today | 08:37 |
sireliah | please help gaia! | 08:37 |
uniq | raiffhigor: running this command in terminal will install a fully featured KDE/Kubuntu desktop: 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop' | 08:37 |
AkumAPRIME | sorry then, no help am I | 08:37 |
Lobster | ohh... ok... | 08:37 |
raiffhigor | wich ubuntu has?!!?? | 08:37 |
Lynoure | Kinetico: try it with a live cd, if you have one, or even booting with an install cd to see if it reads anything | 08:37 |
Lobster | kubuntu has | 08:37 |
Kinetico | Lynoure, it mounts the live cd | 08:37 |
pikolo | same | 08:37 |
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sireliah | gaiax11 did u solve it? | 08:38 |
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Kinetico | just not anything else | 08:38 |
ic56 | Iam8up|lply: Ubuntu 5.x does come with NTFS drivers. I expect the liveCD has them. To write, all you need to do is mount read-write instead of ro. | 08:38 |
=== McScruff [n=McScruff@cpc1-folk1-0-0-cust969.asfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GaiaX11 | sireliah, yah! | 08:38 |
sireliah | gaiax11 how? i want to listen to my music files | 08:38 |
Iam8up|lpy | ic56 - what i did: mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /stuff | 08:38 |
=== serkan_calis [n=serkan@unaffiliated/serkan-calis/x-000000001] has joined #ubuntu | ||
raiffhigor | ubuntu's default desktop?!?! | 08:38 |
Iam8up|lpy | can you tell me where to stick in the rw? | 08:38 |
NoUse | ic56 thats not correct | 08:38 |
serkan_calis | hello, what is the package name of gnome-eyes | 08:38 |
Kinetico | and now it makes wierd sounds when i put in a dvd Lynoure | 08:38 |
NoUse | !ntfs | 08:39 |
ubotu | to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions there is no write support for ntfs that is safe. <!winfstab> | 08:39 |
Iam8up|lpy | raiffhigor - ubuntu = gnome; kubuntu = kde | 08:39 |
raiffhigor | whats the name... | 08:39 |
Ackeubu_ | I cant find any apps helping me chang3 to my external display you know where to find? | 08:39 |
serkan_calis | or in which package is it included? | 08:39 |
ardchoille | pikolo: hold on, looking.. | 08:39 |
uniq | ic56: is the ntfs driver compiled with write support? if that is true, it's very experimental and dangerous for your files. | 08:39 |
raiffhigor | iam8up|lpy: thanks...!! | 08:39 |
pikolo | k | 08:39 |
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ic56 | NoUse: how is what I said incorrect? | 08:39 |
Iam8up|lpy | NoUse - uhm..this is on the live cd... | 08:39 |
raiffhigor | i'm downloading... sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 08:39 |
Lynoure | Kinetico: Hard to tell then whether there is something wrong with it physically, or not. | 08:39 |
=== pvanhoof [n=pvanhoof@d54C0E27E.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kinetico | i dont think so | 08:39 |
sireliah | does anyone knwo the package name to play mp3's in amarok? | 08:39 |
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raiffhigor | ok ... but when finish... wich wil be default?!!! | 08:39 |
Kinetico | when i try opening a dvd in xine it says no plugin for dvd playback | 08:40 |
raiffhigor | *will | 08:40 |
Kinetico | im pretty sure its a software issue | 08:40 |
raiffhigor | gnome or kde?!!?1 | 08:40 |
ToHellWithGA | could anybody here troubleshoot an xgl sessions startup error? i followed the guide for installing xgl but when logging into the session receive an error message that it terminated in fewer than 10 seconds | 08:40 |
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Zambezi | rt_dsfield rt_protos rt_realms rt_scopes rt_tables | 08:40 |
Lobster | raiffhigor, the one you set default when you log in | 08:40 |
aimaz | Kinetico, do you have stuff like libdvdcss? | 08:40 |
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Zambezi | Wrong | 08:40 |
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NoUse | ic56 you can't write to NTFS | 08:40 |
compengi | can linux read NTFS partition | 08:40 |
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aimaz | !dvd | 08:40 |
ic56 | Iam8up|lply: is there an entry in /etc/fstab for hda1 ? | 08:40 |
NoUse | compengi yes | 08:40 |
ubotu | Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, aimaz | 08:40 |
ardchoille | pikolo: the package you need (sun-java5-bin) is in the multiverse repo. You need to enable that repo, then install that package | 08:40 |
^Ocean^ | whats the name of the little gnome-applet that i can just type a command into and run things ? | 08:40 |
GaiaX11 | sireliah, you have to install gstreamer(...)ugly and | 08:40 |
Iam8up|lpy | ic56 - let me look | 08:40 |
raiffhigor | lobster: where i can change default desktop!?!!?! | 08:40 |
Kinetico | yes aimaz | 08:40 |
pikolo | how? | 08:40 |
Lobster | at the loginscreen... | 08:41 |
ToHellWithGA | compengi: linux can read NTFS. it can write NTFS if you don't want windows to ever read/write it again | 08:41 |
compengi | and to write on it | 08:41 |
ardchoille | !repos | 08:41 |
GaiaX11 | I have to remember the other one | 08:41 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource. | 08:41 |
=== humboldt [n=elias@Toronto-HSE-ppp3861484.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sireliah | gaia is that for amarok? | 08:41 |
GaiaX11 | sireliah, I have to remember the other one | 08:41 |
pikolo | I thinck I did that | 08:41 |
raiffhigor | lobster: where i can change wich will be desktop that i'll use...?!!? | 08:41 |
MetaMorfoziS | woho guys! google earth relased for linux | 08:41 |
Iam8up|lpy | ic56 - nothing for hda1, no | 08:41 |
MetaMorfoziS | !:D | 08:41 |
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ubotu | MetaMorfoziS: Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 08:41 |
aimaz | Kinetico, does it work in any other players like totem, mplayer or vlc? | 08:41 |
sireliah | mad and ugly? | 08:41 |
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ic56 | NoUse: really? diskmounter allows you to enable write on Ubuntu 5.x. Is our script wrong? | 08:41 |
ToHellWithGA | compengi: linux doesn't do anything with the journal for NTFS, so changing the drive will bork it for windows | 08:41 |
Lobster | pick your favorite desktop, login and you will be asked to set it default | 08:41 |
Zambezi | Where is the configuration files for Iptables in Ubuntu server? | 08:41 |
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GaiaX11 | sireliah, no. Something extra | 08:41 |
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Iam8up|lpy | ToHellWithGA - all i'm trying to do is delete one file | 08:41 |
raiffhigor | in boot i'll choice...?!?! | 08:41 |
ardchoille | pikolo: if your attempt to install that package gave you an error, then the necessary repo wasn't enabled. | 08:42 |
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sireliah | bad, ugly, and mad? | 08:42 |
ToHellWithGA | Iam8up|lpy: you want to delete a file on NTFS using linux? | 08:42 |
=== ToHellWithGA wouldn't do that | ||
raiffhigor | ok ok... | 08:42 |
=== Slyboots [n=Slyboots@80-192-59-53.cable.ubr01.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
compengi | and if i have 2 os one linux and other windows how can i make it work | 08:42 |
raiffhigor | Thanks... | 08:42 |
Slyboots | Ello | 08:42 |
GaiaX11 | sireliah, i will see in synaptic now. | 08:42 |
Slyboots | *Hello | 08:42 |
oni-dracula | hey guys (possibly gals), anyone know what the following error means: dpkg-deb (subprocess): short read in buffer_copy (failed to write to pipe in copy) | 08:42 |
AkumAPRIME | ok, see? it just asks me for user pw. it Never asks me for a user name. Im installing the ubunti 6.06 dvd | 08:42 |
=== gnubie [n=gnubie@24-178-34-72.dhcp.sprn.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pikolo | how to enable on hoary? | 08:42 |
AkumAPRIME | perhaps it | 08:42 |
Seveas | oni-dracula, disk full? | 08:42 |
sireliah | gaia that is for the player Amarok right? not rythm box? | 08:43 |
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AkumAPRIME | new user? | 08:43 |
ardchoille | ubotu: tell pikolo about repos | 08:43 |
oni-dracula | Seveas, disk is not full...has about 90 gigs free | 08:43 |
=== alex407 [n=alex@ppp-62-11-74-69.dialup.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
compengi | lol | 08:43 |
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mrDaniel | hello @everybody: i have problem with my acer wlmi 5652 and acpi, i have my question at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1157535#post1157535; would be awesome if someone can post me a resolution or give me a hint here on IRC | 08:43 |
Seveas | oni-dracula, then your .deb file is busted. apt-get clean and retry | 08:43 |
=== jrattner1 [n=Administ@h-72-244-214-2.nycmny83.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrattner1 | QUESTION: How do i create my own blog? | 08:44 |
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gnubie | using 6.06 gnome, home do I get the copmuter and home folder icons on my desktop | 08:44 |
ic56 | Iam8up|lply: well, if there's no entry in fstab, then there's nothing to override your mount command. If the drivers are capable, your command should have succeeded in mounting read-write. What does "mount |grep hda1" report? Does it say the drive was mounted read-only? | 08:44 |
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=== abo [n=abou@88-110-147-23.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
troytroy | hi need help in getting kernel source | 08:44 |
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ardchoille | gnubie: using gnome? | 08:44 |
GaiaX11 | sireliah, libxine-extracodecs | 08:44 |
gnubie | yes | 08:44 |
oni-dracula | oytr, I do not wish to download cedega 5.2....it causes dapper much pain | 08:44 |
Seveas | !desktopicons | 08:44 |
ubotu | parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Seveas | 08:44 |
GaiaX11 | sireliah, and i will work | 08:44 |
ardchoille | gnubie: ##gnome is a good channel too :) | 08:44 |
gnubie | ardchoille, ok | 08:45 |
Seveas | <ubotu_> Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (Gnome) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE) | 08:45 |
Seveas | ^-- gnubie | 08:45 |
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ardchoille | Seveas: oh, ok.. didn't know ubotu had that :) | 08:45 |
Seveas | ubotu hasn't | 08:45 |
ubotu | Seveas: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 08:45 |
sireliah | gaiax11 i cannot find that in a search | 08:45 |
Seveas | ubotu_ has | 08:45 |
sireliah | i have all repos enabled | 08:45 |
GaiaX11 | sireliah, which one? | 08:45 |
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troytroy | hi need help in getting kernel source | 08:45 |
NET||abuse | what's a good gui ftp program? | 08:45 |
sireliah | nm you have to MANUALLY add multiverse to the universe backport repo | 08:46 |
Phenom | Ubuntu desktop Help! my .htaccess & .htpasswd are not securing the directories I point them at on my Apache2 server! | 08:46 |
NET||abuse | need to work on a site,, | 08:46 |
sireliah | thats stupid | 08:46 |
Seveas | NET||abuse, places connect to server | 08:46 |
=== orn [n=orn@cpc1-glfd1-0-0-cust290.glfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | sireliah, you don't have to if you use applications add applications | 08:46 |
ardchoille | NET||abuse: I like gftp | 08:46 |
DaveyJ | is there a way to map the keyboard so the extra keys (/, *, -, +) work on the keypad? | 08:46 |
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orn | How do I change what happens when I close the laptop lid? Currently the screen blanks, and I have to enter the user password to resume. | 08:46 |
Seveas | DaveyJ, hit num lock? | 08:46 |
sireliah | its not in add applications | 08:46 |
DaveyJ | lol | 08:47 |
DaveyJ | nice | 08:47 |
Seveas | orn, system preferences screensaver or system preferences power management | 08:47 |
ardchoille | DaveyJ: also, you can install numlockx and it will be enabled when you log in | 08:47 |
GaiaX11 | sireliah, have you? | 08:47 |
DaveyJ | .. is there a way to make it work with numlock on? | 08:47 |
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gast_ | salifu | 08:47 |
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl632.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AkumAPRIME | just installed ubuntu 6.06 dvd. it had me put a pw in, bt no user name. anyone know what the UN might be? | 08:47 |
troytroy | hi need help in getting kernel source for recompiling modules | 08:47 |
sireliah | ok what is the w32 and aac codec for amarok now? i got libxine-extracodecs installed | 08:47 |
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Seveas | !headers | 08:48 |
ubotu | To install linux headers, open a console and type sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) | 08:48 |
Pelo | hi guys, my screen is very dark, any way to lighten it from the computer side ? | 08:48 |
Seveas | ^-- troytroy | 08:48 |
AkumAPRIME | pelo: settings? | 08:48 |
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orn | Seveas: Thanks. But do you know if I can make it blank screen, and not prompt me for password when I resume? | 08:48 |
NoUse | AkumAPRIME it should have asked for a username | 08:48 |
Pelo | AkumAPRIME settings what ? | 08:48 |
AkumAPRIME | it sure didnt nouse | 08:48 |
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AkumAPRIME | im hoping new user is the name | 08:49 |
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Seveas | orn, there should be a setting that says "on lid close" "blank screen" | 08:49 |
GaiaX11 | sireliah, what about gstreamer(...)-ugly? | 08:49 |
=== campfire [n=geir@110.80-202-248.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NoUse | AkumAPRIME you can start it in recovery mode and do 'ls /home' | 08:49 |
troytroy | hi need help in getting kernel source for recompiling modules | 08:49 |
campfire | ls | 08:49 |
compengi | how much does ubuntu take space on HD? | 08:49 |
AkumAPRIME | ok tr that after install. ty | 08:49 |
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orn | Seveas: It does, but it prompts me for password when I resume, and I'd like to get rid of that feature. | 08:49 |
Pelo | compengi 1.5 gig I think | 08:49 |
ardchoille | ubotu: tell troytroy about headers | 08:49 |
Pelo | compengi and that's with a lot of stuff already installed | 08:50 |
compengi | can you check it | 08:50 |
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mjr | compengi, 2 GB minimum, recommend a bit more tho | 08:50 |
Seveas | orn, hrm... apparently that setting was removed :/ | 08:50 |
orn | :( | 08:50 |
orn | ok thanks | 08:50 |
ardchoille | Seveas: y9ou're a good person, don't let anyone tell you otherwise :) | 08:50 |
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DeeJay[2] | as anybody tried ubuntu on a dell inspiron 700m laptop? | 08:50 |
DeeJay[2] | s/as/has/ | 08:51 |
HellDragon | what are cpkg files ?? | 08:51 |
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HellDragon | what i do with that | 08:51 |
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ajopaul | !skype | 08:51 |
ubotu | skype is, like, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeHowto/ Breezy deb: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages/ | 08:51 |
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HellDragon | !cpkg | 08:51 |
ubotu | HellDragon: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 08:51 |
=== gast_ [n=gast@p54ADFE1A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mrDaniel | i have problem with my acer wlmi 5652 and acpi, i have my question at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1157535#post1157535; would be awesome if someone can post me a resolution for my problem | 08:51 |
HellDragon | lol | 08:51 |
iiiears | HellDragon: Cedega packages? - point 2play will open them | 08:51 |
salah | !3d | 08:51 |
ubotu | Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, salah | 08:51 |
gast_ | salifu | 08:51 |
HellDragon | ok thank you iiiears | 08:51 |
=== gast_ [n=gast@p54ADFE1A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
compengi | is there any program that can run msn and yahoo | 08:52 |
salah | how do I activate my nvidia driver? (I want 3D work..) | 08:52 |
kimo | salah: nvidia or ati? | 08:52 |
HellDragon | yay it works ! | 08:52 |
gast_ | fuck you all | 08:52 |
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gast_ | salifu | 08:52 |
salah | kimo, nvidia | 08:52 |
gast_ | aslifu | 08:52 |
gnubie | Seveas, Thanks, I was forgetting the nautilus step in gconf-editor | 08:52 |
edneymatias | hi all | 08:52 |
gast_ | baslifu | 08:52 |
kimo | !nvidia | 08:52 |
ubotu | I guess nvidia is a graphics card manufacturer. For help about installing the Nvidia drivers on Ubuntu, you can visit the Ubuntu WIki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 08:52 |
kimo | compengi: gaim | 08:52 |
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Pelo | anyone know how to make the screen overall lighter ? | 08:53 |
compengi | i runs both? | 08:53 |
Pelo | compengi www.winehq.org | 08:53 |
compengi | it* | 08:53 |
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GaiaX11 | Any1 runs moodle there? | 08:53 |
Iam8up|lpy | ToHellWithGA - yes, there is a file i want to delete thta's on an ntfs partition, but i want to use linux | 08:54 |
b14ck | why does ubuntu freeze before loading primary drivers at the logo where the orange bar loads? | 08:54 |
Spec | Pelo: shine a flashlight on it | 08:54 |
Iam8up|lpy | half of the people that comment on it say it's fine but slow, the other says it will ruin the partition | 08:54 |
Pelo | Spec thanks very helpfull | 08:54 |
Spec | Pelo: np, good luck :) | 08:54 |
ic56 | Iam8up|lply: why must you use linux to delete that NTFS file? Will Windows not do?! | 08:54 |
=== MonsieurBon [n=fabian@212-41-92-251.adsl.solnet.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Iam8up|lpy | b14ck - hit the details button, see where it gets stuck on | 08:54 |
MonsieurBon | hello | 08:54 |
Pelo | hi | 08:55 |
ardchoille | MonsieurBon: hi | 08:55 |
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MonsieurBon | I'm looking for a tool to adjust the volume of my mp3 files. Does anybody know a decent one? | 08:55 |
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Iam8up|lpy | ic56 - no, it own't - any time i'm in windows it says it's in use - the process explorer doesn't it show it running anywhere at all | 08:55 |
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b14ck | Iam8up|lpy: i can't because it won't respond at any buttons | 08:55 |
ToHellWithGA | Iam8up|lpy: i would suggest using the install CD for NT/2k/XP/2k3 to get to a console | 08:55 |
salah | kimo, well, I still have the same problem, getting "Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".".. | 08:55 |
ToHellWithGA | recovery console | 08:55 |
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ToHellWithGA | then you can delete the file in the console | 08:55 |
iiiears | MonsieurBon: SOX or audacity? | 08:55 |
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MonsieurBon | iiiears: which is better? | 08:56 |
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=== Warbo [n=chris@host81-156-40-146.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BCK | can someone help me with my fstab enteries ? | 08:56 |
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BCK | !paste | 08:56 |
ubotu | Please do not flood the channel! Use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting long texts as it does not distrupt the channel. You might also want to install the "webboard" package from Universe. | 08:56 |
iiiears | MonsieurBon: there are likely dozens of others sourceforge is the best place to find them. | 08:56 |
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Warbo | BCK: What are you trying to do? | 08:56 |
MonsieurBon | iiiears: I didn't find anything that really worked so far... | 08:56 |
=== gast_ [n=gast@p54ADFE1A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gast_ | love you | 08:57 |
gast_ | awas was geht ab | 08:57 |
ic56 | Iam8up|lply: then boot windows in safe mode or even in the Recovery Console. It's never a good idea to use one OS to mess around the filesystem of another -- even if the Linux NTFS drivers were perfect, the possibility of new incompatibilities creeping in is always present. | 08:57 |
gast_ | der darm kommt mit raus hehe | 08:57 |
gast_ | ich bin der fredo | 08:57 |
Pelo | MonsieurBon try looking for what you need here http://www.linuxsoft.cz/en/ | 08:57 |
b14ck | my os freezes up right before grub load os election. i barely got him running after 10 reset's. does any one have the same problem? | 08:57 |
Warbo | !de | 08:57 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu oder Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de | 08:57 |
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salah | !nvidia | 08:57 |
ubotu | I guess nvidia is a graphics card manufacturer. For help about installing the Nvidia drivers on Ubuntu, you can visit the Ubuntu WIki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 08:57 |
BCK | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16010 | 08:57 |
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BCK | is my fstab entry | 08:57 |
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BCK | but its not working quite right | 08:58 |
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^Ocean^ | whats the name of the little gnome-applet that i can just type a command into and run things ? | 08:58 |
Pelo | nautilus ? | 08:58 |
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buzzed | anyway to run macromedia flash player 8? | 08:58 |
^Ocean^ | noo | 08:58 |
^Ocean^ | its a doc app | 08:58 |
iiiears | gedit | 08:58 |
Warbo | BCK: Let me guess, no permission on those Windows drives? | 08:58 |
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BCK | yeh | 08:58 |
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BCK | do i change the numbers | 08:59 |
Juhaz | ^Ocean^, deskbar? | 08:59 |
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BCK | to 1,2 ? | 08:59 |
Warbo | BCK: Are you the only user account on the computer? | 08:59 |
BCK | and also ntfs drive hasnt mounted | 08:59 |
BCK | yes | 08:59 |
iiiears | 20 questions? are we getting warmer? | 08:59 |
GaiaX11 | ah, ha. ubotu is polyglot | 08:59 |
^Ocean^ | it was like a little commandline type bar | 08:59 |
ic56 | ECK: point your browser to http://ca.geocities.com/ic56@rogers.com/65/diskmounter-latest.txt Page down to "Instructions", and read till the next blank line. Follow the instructions to save and run the file. It will setup your /etc/fstab and mountpoints in /media so you can see your NTFS filesystems in Places> Computer. | 08:59 |
ic56 | ECK: The script will ask you if you want to enable NTFS write. Answer no. If you already tried unsuccessfully to add your Windows filesystems to /etc/fstab , add a -b flag to the script invocation. I authored this version, so I can help if anything goes wrong. | 08:59 |
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ic56 | ECK: in your case, use the -b flag. | 09:00 |
Warbo | BCK: OK, then it is probably simplest to make your user own the drives. You can do that by making the options part look like this "defaults,uid=yourusername" rather than just "defaults" | 09:00 |
BCK | ok | 09:00 |
BCK | and the windows ntfs partition ? | 09:00 |
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Warbo | BCK: Can you maount it manually? | 09:00 |
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BCK | ill try one moment | 09:01 |
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mrkoje | msg NickServ IDENTIFY nikki | 09:02 |
tiagoboldt | oO | 09:02 |
tiagoboldt | LOL | 09:02 |
mrkoje | damnit | 09:02 |
Warbo | mrkoje: You need a "/" :) | 09:02 |
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Pelo | bck I was given a little ap to do what you want but It was recommended not to have write enable, I can send it to you | 09:02 |
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gnomefreak | mrkoje: try /msg and would do it in server tab | 09:02 |
tiagoboldt | and no need the msg, just /nickserv | 09:02 |
mrkoje | I know I know | 09:02 |
BCK | Warbo: it is already mounted | 09:02 |
mrkoje | stpuid auto room loader thing | 09:02 |
mrkoje | lol | 09:03 |
BCK | aparently i dont have priveliges to view | 09:03 |
Warbo | Pelo: Is that write enable for NTFS because it is unreliable, or for Fat32 becuase it might screw Windows? | 09:03 |
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tiagoboldt | try auto-identifier too;) | 09:03 |
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BCK | Pelo: whats the name of the app ? | 09:03 |
sublime | ubuntu-es | 09:03 |
Warbo | BCK: Can you try unmounting it and mounting it with the options you have put in fstab (-t for type, -o for options, etc) | 09:03 |
Pelo | Warbo in ntfs, not sure why I was jut told not to do it, I didnT' need it anyway | 09:03 |
sublime | sorry | 09:03 |
ic56 | ECK: point your browser to http://ca.geocities.com/ic56@rogers.com/65/diskmounter-latest.txt Page down to "Instructions", and read till the next blank line. Follow the instructions to save and run the file. It will setup your /etc/fstab and mountpoints in /media so you can see your NTFS filesystems in Places> Computer. | 09:03 |
mrkoje | hey!! I finally got 6.06 up and running on my main PC boys!! 2gb ram 3.4Ghz beauty! 24" mon... ATI prop drivers installed running at a good 1920x1200 | 09:03 |
polpak | Warbo, NTFS writing is not stable and may damage the partition. Fat32 writing should be fine under linux | 09:03 |
mrkoje | I'm happy now | 09:03 |
BCK | ok | 09:03 |
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ardchoille | mrkoje: yay! | 09:04 |
compengi | for nvidia driver should i download for linux IA32, or FreeBSD? | 09:04 |
mrkoje | man it has been a while since I have been in this room | 09:04 |
Pelo | BCK disk mounter, it's just the one file | 09:04 |
Warbo | polpak: Exactly why I was asking. I was wondering why it would warn you not to write to NTFS, when it has to explicitly added by the user anyway | 09:04 |
tiagoboldt | mrkoje: you've got a home cinema xD 24"?? *G* | 09:04 |
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Pelo | dck want it ? | 09:04 |
mrkoje | tiagoboldt, no it is just one of those Dell 24's | 09:04 |
Warbo | mrkoje: That's about minimum specs for Vista :) | 09:04 |
Ng | compengi: are you quite sure you don't want to use the version of the nvidia driver that's already in ubuntu? | 09:05 |
tiagoboldt | Warbo: LOLxD | 09:05 |
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mrkoje | Warbo, ya I know... good thing I will not be trying that out | 09:05 |
ardchoille | mrkoje: lol | 09:05 |
mrkoje | well I might try it out but I don't have any plans on buying it when they take every ones beta privledges away so they can sell it | 09:05 |
BCK | Warbo: just cant view windows partition | 09:05 |
compengi | and why is that Ng | 09:05 |
buzzed | fyi: http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_flash_player | 09:05 |
BCK | nevermind | 09:05 |
BCK | ill live without | 09:05 |
compengi | isn't new driver better | 09:05 |
mrkoje | ME TOO! | 09:05 |
Ng | compengi: it's just that it's considerably easier to use the one in ubuntu rather than nvidia's own installer :) | 09:05 |
Ng | !tell compengi about nvidia | 09:05 |
tiagoboldt | same here.. ubuntu on the laptop, XP on the desktop for the family | 09:05 |
ic56 | ECK: are you ignoring me or just blind? | 09:06 |
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tiagoboldt | for now.. :D | 09:06 |
=== FWO [n=eric@24-231-155-113.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FWO | i played a divx x movie on a disk | 09:06 |
ic56 | BCK: are you ignoring me or just blind? | 09:06 |
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FWO | the sound was waaaay off | 09:06 |
jenda-lappy | What happens when you mistype your password in the login screen several times? | 09:06 |
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FWO | is there a way to fix that | 09:06 |
Warbo | FWO: Are you using Gstreamer (default Totem movie player) in Breezy? | 09:06 |
Ng | FWO: does it happen with all movies or just that one? | 09:07 |
polpak | jenda-lappy, it doesn't log you in.. | 09:07 |
BCK | ic56: havent seen what you have typed let me scroll up | 09:07 |
FWO | warbo yes i think so | 09:07 |
Khamael | is there anything like bitlord for linux/ubuntu? | 09:07 |
polpak | FWO, did you install totem-xine? | 09:07 |
Ng | FWO: most players (mplayer and xine at least) let you adjust the audio/visual sync if it's just that one movie is made badly | 09:07 |
jenda-lappy | polpak, you don't say :) Nothing else? no lock-ups? And what about in the tty? | 09:07 |
ic56 | BCK: sorry, my fault, I misread your nick as BCK. | 09:07 |
BCK | ic56: will try now :) | 09:07 |
BCK | yeh saw that :) | 09:07 |
BCK | np | 09:07 |
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FWO | ng thats the only divx ive tried regular dvds play almost normal a little choppy | 09:07 |
DShepherd | the buttons in gnome-2.14.2 are drawn initially with weird colours. How can I solve this? | 09:07 |
Warbo | FWO: OK, that is a problem with gstreamer0.8. Many people prefer to use the totem-xine package instead as that has no A/V sync problems (neither does Dapper's gstreamer) | 09:07 |
pc22 | i just install ubuntu server but i found out its no GUI. how do i check if i have internet connection im on LAN static ip | 09:08 |
axisys | what is a visio like tool? | 09:08 |
polpak | FWO, you should read the restricted formats wiki. Particularly the section about audio problems using the codecs, and lag issues playing DVD's | 09:08 |
Warbo | pc22: ping? | 09:08 |
FWO | warbo is that in the packages thing | 09:08 |
polpak | FWO it explains how to fix both | 09:08 |
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Warbo | FWO: Yes. It may be in main, but I think it is in Universe | 09:08 |
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_bt | hey guys | 09:08 |
FWO | do u have a link polpak | 09:08 |
ic56 | pc22: ping google.com | 09:08 |
bernier | hi, I'm trying to install MohAA and i get that error while running "mohaa-lnx-1.11-beta2.run" http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/719108 | 09:08 |
polpak | !restricted | 09:08 |
ubotu | rumour has it, restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats. This page's intent is to enable you to play most non-free media formats that are not DRM encoded. Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats. | 09:08 |
_bt | how to add administrator user by command line ? | 09:08 |
iiiears | ifconfig or netstat <interface> | 09:09 |
FWO | warbo how do u switch from main, universe, multivers? | 09:09 |
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Warbo | !universe | 09:09 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource. | 09:09 |
pc22 | cos i yeah i dont have internet | 09:09 |
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Warbo | FWO: They don't confict, so you can have them all enabled at once :) | 09:09 |
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FWO | warbo alright ill check thanks | 09:09 |
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ic56 | _bt: sudo passwd First you'll need to supply your own password to sudo, then passwd will ask you to supply a root password twice | 09:10 |
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rohan | is it true that a recent upgrade to dapper horribly breaks it ? | 09:10 |
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BrianG | anyone using ALSA and a Turtle Beach Santa Cruz and actually have them working? | 09:10 |
pc22 | ic56 how do i put dnsserver? | 09:10 |
ardchoille | rohan: I haven't had any breakage and I update daily. | 09:10 |
larry | what command line programs does ubuntu have to configure xorg? | 09:10 |
rohan | ok, ardchoille | 09:10 |
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_bt | ic56, i dont mean to enable root account, i mean the correct way to add a new user (any any group he may need) and have him be in the admin group (can sudo) | 09:10 |
rohan | was reading some comments on DW weekly | 09:10 |
ic56 | pc22: edit /etc/network/interfaces | 09:10 |
pc22 | ic56 how do i add/configure dnsserver? | 09:10 |
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FWO | im gonna try my disk now...brb | 09:11 |
Warbo | larry: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 09:11 |
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pc22 | ic56 now what do u add? | 09:11 |
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larry | warbo: thanks | 09:11 |
niklas_E | is there any cd cover that you can glue on the cd? | 09:12 |
ic56 | _bt: the easiest way is useradd. Read its manpage for details | 09:12 |
Warbo | niklas_E: The Ubuntu CD? | 09:12 |
TiG4 | --- How do I change a filetype icon? For example, if I have a certain type of file not recognized by Ubuntu by default and I want to have a special icon for that filetype --- | 09:12 |
_bt | thanks | 09:12 |
niklas_E | warbo: yes | 09:12 |
ic56 | pc22: in the "iface eth0" stanza, add: "dns-nameservers <IP number>" | 09:13 |
Kinetico | can someone help me | 09:13 |
tresoldi | hello people, I am trying to upgrade to (x)ubuntu 6.06, but I seem to have it an already described HPA boot bug (as discussed in https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/16610 -- its Ubuntu bug #16610), could somebody kindly point to me to any resources? | 09:13 |
Warbo | TiG4: If it is not recognised then search Google for adding a new MIME type. Changing an existing icon would involv going into the theme's folder and replacing the image file | 09:13 |
Kinetico | my cd drive will mount the live cd but nothing else | 09:13 |
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Warbo | niklas_E: I have an "Ubuntu Propaganda" collection of images (including a CD stand) which I got from the Wiki | 09:14 |
niklas_E | ah, so it is on the wiki ;) | 09:14 |
ic56 | _bt: yw! | 09:14 |
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void^ | !automatix | 09:14 |
Warbo | niklas_E: That was for 5.10 I think | 09:15 |
DShepherd | the buttons in gnome-2.14.2 are drawn initially with weird colours. How can I solve this? screenshots here http://s71.photobucket.com/albums/i141/DShepherd_photos/?action=view¤t=Screenshot-2.jpg , http://s71.photobucket.com/albums/i141/DShepherd_photos/?action=view¤t=Screenshots.jpg | 09:15 |
Kinetico | how would i fix that? | 09:15 |
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jrattner1 | Anyone have GNUsTicker running here? | 09:15 |
niklas_E | ok | 09:15 |
TiG4 | Warbo, Basically I just want to change the Icon for a specified MIME type. DO i still do that in the Themes folder? | 09:15 |
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EmprCezar | Would anyone know how I would make the volume slider in an application change a volume control other than PCM. The PCM slider doesn't control the volume on my card, but front does. | 09:16 |
SeanTater | DShepherd: I think I remember a similar bug in one of the "flights", are you sure you have final installed? | 09:16 |
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Warbo | TiG4: If it exists (so, for example a Word document) then copy the theme from /usr/share/icons into ~/.icons (if it is not there already) then look for the image in the relevent size folder (MIME types have their own subfolder) | 09:16 |
_bt | ic56, next q! where is dns config stored ? | 09:17 |
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Kinetico | i keep getting a message from xine that says there is no input plugin to handle dvd but i installed libdvdcss2 | 09:17 |
Kinetico | and my cd drive wont even mount audio cd's | 09:17 |
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DShepherd | SeanTater: yes I do -- lsb_release -a = Description: Ubuntu 6.06 LTS | 09:17 |
pc22 | ic56 not dnsnameservers | 09:17 |
ic56 | _bt: what do you mean by dns config? Are you running your own dns server? | 09:17 |
jenda-lappy | void^, what would you like to know about automatix? | 09:17 |
pc22 | just dns server | 09:17 |
SeanTater | Kinetico: did you install libdvdread3 installed also? | 09:17 |
damned | hi all. does anybody have evo-2.6 new-mail-notification plugin working? | 09:17 |
Kinetico | no | 09:17 |
TiG4 | Warbo, Let me give you my specific example. I have a filetype .rb which is a REALbasic filetype. Now, it is not in the default MIME types, however i can double click on it and open with REALbasic. I just want to change the icon. | 09:17 |
ic56 | pc22: what do you mean? | 09:17 |
_bt | ic56, no, i set up the network adapter by hand, i need to set the dns servers for it | 09:17 |
BrianG | no one can help me with my sound problem for like 3 weeks now.. | 09:17 |
Warbo | TiG4: If they currently come up with NO icon (Linux doesn't recognise it) then you can assign an icon to a specific file extension (but I am trying to add new automagically detected types myself) | 09:17 |
_bt | im not using X | 09:17 |
Kinetico | just apt-get install libdvdread3? | 09:17 |
DShepherd | SeanTater: and It only started happening when I upgraded to gnome 2.14.2 | 09:17 |
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void^ | jenda-lappy: nothing, just had to paste ubotu's opinion elsewhere :) | 09:18 |
SeanTater | DShepherd: sorry -- | 09:18 |
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TiG4 | Warbo, So how would i add it manually? | 09:18 |
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TiG4 | Warbo, the icon that is | 09:18 |
polpak | Kinetico, you need to read the restricted formats wiki | 09:18 |
Kinetico | actually yea i do have it installed | 09:18 |
SeanTater | DShepherd: I don;t use gnome, I just thought i'd help anyway | 09:18 |
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polpak | Kinetico, it explains how to get dvd playback working | 09:18 |
Kinetico | im having a problem with my cd drive polpak | 09:18 |
jenda-lappy | void^, OK :-) | 09:18 |
Kinetico | it wont mount any cd's but the live install | 09:18 |
Warbo | TiG4: Erm, I found a page on Google last week, but dismissed it since it was based on file extensions (which I am trying to delete) | 09:18 |
polpak | <Kinetico> i keep getting a message from xine that says there is no input plugin to handle dvd but i installed libdvdcss2 | 09:19 |
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DShepherd | SeanTater: oh ok. What driver are you using? graphics driver that is? | 09:19 |
ic56 | _bt: edit /etc/network/interfaces. In the "iface eth0" stanza, add: "dns-nameservers <IP number>" | 09:19 |
Warbo | !ati | 09:19 |
ubotu | http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html#installatidriver or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI radeon 9200 & below supported by open-source drivers http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Dapper_Installation_Guide | 09:19 |
Kinetico | that started happening after my cd drive took a dump | 09:19 |
_bt | thanks ic56 | 09:19 |
Kinetico | it worked fine last night | 09:19 |
ic56 | _bt: yw! | 09:19 |
blmartin777 | I can't find flashplugin-nonfree? | 09:19 |
SeanTater | DShepherd: I'm using the proprietary Nvidia drivers on KDE 3.5.3 | 09:19 |
Kinetico | everything was fine last night | 09:19 |
blmartin777 | I have multiverse enables | 09:19 |
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Kinetico | now my cd drive doesnt work and it says there is no plugin installed for dvd playback | 09:20 |
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Kinetico | but i've installed all the updates | 09:20 |
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DShepherd | SeanTater: I suspect it is the opensource driver that I use.. on gnome. (ati) . Thanks anyways | 09:20 |
Celestianpower | Hello - Sorry, but could someone look at this for me? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=199781 | 09:20 |
Kinetico | how would i reinstall my cd drive? | 09:20 |
SeanTater | blmartin777: do the following in a terminal : sudo apt-get update | 09:21 |
_bt | ic56, how to specify more than one ns ? | 09:21 |
jenda-lappy | What can I do to disable my touchpad? | 09:21 |
SeanTater | blmartin777: that updates the list of available packages | 09:21 |
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ic56 | _bt: "dns-nameservers <IP number> <2nd IP number>..." | 09:21 |
_bt | thanks | 09:21 |
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nps | whats the acronym for ubuntu? ubu or ubn? | 09:21 |
Iam8up|lpy | ubuntu is a word from africa | 09:22 |
jrib | jenda-lappy: I disable it in bios, there is a way to do it in xorg.conf, but I am not familiar with that | 09:22 |
jenda-lappy | nps, there is none. | 09:22 |
Iam8up|lpy | means something like community of human beings | 09:22 |
nps | i know. | 09:22 |
blmartin777 | SeanTater I have done that but it still can't find flashplugin-nonfree | 09:22 |
FWO | well i lost the divx movie i was going to test | 09:22 |
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zubeen | ever | 09:22 |
Warbo | Celestianpower: I've just read the first message (the question) have you tried doing "killall esd" before running Skype or Audacity (they use crappy old OSS instead of shiny new ALSA) | 09:22 |
FWO | ill find it once i clean my room | 09:22 |
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ic56 | nps: since Ubuntu is a single word, its acronym would be a single letter -- U. | 09:22 |
nps | i know.. | 09:22 |
jenda-lappy | jrib, OKey dokey... | 09:22 |
_bt | ic56, done that, done /etc/init.d/networking restart .. no joy in name resolution | 09:22 |
wastrel | yay | 09:22 |
SeanTater | blmartin777: then do it again -- I installed exactly the same thing -- and I checked, It's there | 09:22 |
nps | i meant... something else | 09:23 |
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nps | abbreviation | 09:23 |
ic56 | _bt: this config file is read at boot time. | 09:23 |
nps | like debian is deb and knoppix is knop | 09:23 |
clandestino | Hi. Has anyone had success with using autofs and samba togheter on dapper? I have tried to follow the instructions I've found on the net but can't get it to automount the folders. | 09:23 |
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_bt | ic56, thanks im done, rebooting | 09:23 |
sireliah | what is the command to check my current kernel version? | 09:23 |
zubeen | i am unable to mount my bluetooth dongle | 09:23 |
zubeen | please help | 09:23 |
FWO | i read some thing before about choppy dvd play | 09:23 |
blmartin777 | SeanTater: I just did do it again but still nothing? | 09:23 |
_bt | sireliah, uname -a | 09:23 |
FWO | does someone know how to minimize htis | 09:23 |
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lilbit | what is the best barnone cd copying app out there for ubuntu? | 09:23 |
SeanTater | blmartin777: okay -- make sure you spelled it perfectly, as flashplugin-nonfree | 09:23 |
ic56 | sireliah: uname -r | 09:23 |
blmartin777 | What does you repo list look like. Mine mus be wrong | 09:24 |
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jrib | lilbit: probably k3b | 09:24 |
Warbo | FWO: Turn on DMA? | 09:24 |
zenlunatic | how do you start gnome if you uninstalled gdm? | 09:24 |
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sireliah | will i get better performance if i install 686 instead of 386? im on a 1.8 pentium M | 09:24 |
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Warbo | zenlunatic: With an X server open, go into a console and do "DISPLAY=localhost:0 && gnome-session" | 09:25 |
blmartin777 | SeanTater: could you pastebin you repos? | 09:25 |
FWO | warbo how do i do that? | 09:25 |
lilbit | jrib, but I am running gnome, will it still work? | 09:25 |
Warbo | FWO: Not sure really | 09:25 |
Celestianpower | Warbo: Okay, I tried that and no, he still can't hear me, and I can't hear him | 09:25 |
FWO | warbo haha okay | 09:25 |
SeanTater | blmartin777: How about I tell you the important one, because mine is different and made for updated version of KDE and such | 09:25 |
Warbo | How do you turn on DMA for DVD drives? | 09:25 |
jrib | lilbit: yeah, it will just load the kde libs | 09:25 |
blmartin777 | ok | 09:25 |
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Warbo | Celestianpower: Make sure NOTHING is using the soundcard, no media players on pause or anything, killall esd then start Skype | 09:26 |
SeanTater | One line should say: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe multiverse | 09:26 |
Kinetico | how do i reinstall my cd drive? | 09:26 |
SeanTater | blmartin777: One line should say: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe multiverse | 09:26 |
boricua | !info flock | 09:26 |
Celestianpower | Warbo: I have done | 09:26 |
Celestianpower | Nothing else running at all | 09:26 |
lilbit | jrib, ok, thanks | 09:26 |
boricua | there is no flock version for ubuntu? | 09:26 |
SeanTater | blmartin777: and the other: deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main restricted | 09:26 |
Celestianpower | Warbo: Except ChatZilla | 09:27 |
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Warbo | Celestianpower: Try starting then stopping esd with "esd &" then "killall esd" (sometimes works for me) | 09:27 |
SVisor | There is no MC for ubuntu? | 09:27 |
boricua | !info mc | 09:27 |
ubotu | mc: (midnight commander - a powerful file manager), section universe/utils, is optional. Version: 1:4.6.1-1ubuntu2 (dapper), Packaged size: 2073 kB, Installed size: 5952 kB | 09:27 |
Kinetico | my cd drive mounts the install and live version but nothing else | 09:27 |
SeanTater | blmartin777: got it? | 09:27 |
FWO | how do u turn dma on for a dvd drive | 09:28 |
Warbo | Kinetico: Use lsmod to see the loaded modules, then rmmod the CDROM one and modprobe it. That has reinstalled it, but I doubt it will fix your problem | 09:28 |
SeanTater | FWO: if you know how to do it with a hard drive, just replace /dev/hda with /dev/dvd | 09:28 |
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Kinetico | im new at this | 09:28 |
Warbo | !dma | 09:28 |
ubotu | Direct Memory Access/Addressing. It makes hard disks run faster, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DMA | 09:28 |
wastrel | yay | 09:28 |
FWO | seantater i have no idea what that means | 09:29 |
clandestino | anyone knows anything about how /etc/auto.smb workds? | 09:29 |
blmartin777 | SeanTater: Thank I got it now | 09:29 |
Bassetts | does anyone know why the tm symbol doesnt work in ubuntu? | 09:29 |
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SeanTater | ubotu tell FWO about dma | 09:29 |
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=== Bilange [n=Warbird@Toronto-HSE-ppp3761058.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Warbo | Kinetico: I just told you how to "reinstall" your CDROM, but also said that this will probably not help. Reinstalling will reinstall. Actually fixing will solve the problem :) | 09:29 |
lilbigman80 | hi, maybe somebody in here has an idea. I just downloaded and installed the ubuntu 6.06 desktop version on a iBook g4. the installation went well but the system drops me a shell saying i do not have an root filesystem when booting. now i am using the live cd and can see /dev/hda but no /dev/hda[1-6] with 5 as my root-partition. fdisk works fine on hda but there seem to be no mountable partitions... by the way i have a samsung hd (read | 09:29 |
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SVisor | ubotu: ty, will try to relook for it. | 09:29 |
ubotu | SVisor: Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 09:29 |
Ng | nobody juggles geese. stupid bot ;) | 09:30 |
Kinetico | how would i fix the problem Warbo | 09:30 |
SeanTater | ubotu tell SVisor about bot | 09:30 |
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Kinetico | it mounts the ubuntu cd's fine | 09:30 |
Celestianpower | Warbo: Tried that - no change | 09:30 |
redguy | does anybody know why my ath0 wireless interface doesn't get it's config via DHCP on bootup, but it does get it when I run ifdown ath0 && ifup ath0 after booting? I have a auto ath0 stanza in my interfaces file. Maybe using wpa has something to do with it? | 09:30 |
Kinetico | just nothing else | 09:30 |
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elknof3 | hi everybody... how can i check how many video i have assigned, and hom many is left for RAM?? | 09:30 |
Warbo | Kinetico: Are the CDs written by a CD Writer, or from Canonical? | 09:30 |
Ng | redguy: could you paste your interfaces file to a pastebin? | 09:30 |
SVisor | Heh did not notice it was a bot :-) | 09:30 |
Kinetico | im not sure | 09:30 |
redguy | Ng: sure | 09:30 |
SeanTater | elknof3: "how many assigned", explain | 09:30 |
Kinetico | dvd's burned cd's purchased it doesnt read anything | 09:31 |
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Kinetico | what could the problem be | 09:31 |
elknof3 | SeanTater, Kb... like how many MB to video and to RAM, since i have and internal chipset for video | 09:32 |
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Warbo | Kinetico: I was going to suggest that writable discs aren't showing up, but if you have tried regular discs as well then I don't know (BTW, have you tried mounting it manually? DOes it work or give an error?) | 09:32 |
SeanTater | elknof3: The video card decides how much memory it gets, it should say on the box. Even if you could see it there would be nothing you could do about it | 09:32 |
Kinetico | when i mount manually it says no media on disc | 09:32 |
redguy | Ng: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16011 | 09:32 |
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SeanTater | elknof3: with onboard, probably about 15 MB | 09:32 |
SeanTater | elknof3: or less | 09:33 |
lilbigman80 | has anyone an idea why I only see /dev/hda but not my partitions e.g. /dev/hda[1-6] with the 6.06 live cd (on an ibook) | 09:33 |
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Warbo | Celestianpower: I am at a bit of a loss then (although I suffer similar problems when I make a Flash animation in Moho, which hogs the sound, then I want to preview it with Flashplayer in Epiphany, which also hogs the sound. When I am creating a soundtrack in Audacity it becomes unbearable :)) | 09:33 |
Celestianpower | Warbo: Hmmph | 09:33 |
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Warbo | !esd | 09:34 |
Celestianpower | Why would it just stop suddenly? | 09:34 |
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_absolution_ | I'm looking for a program like itunes....where I can transfer my music from my Ipod to the comp | 09:34 |
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nny_ | does nayone know alot about software raid or know someone who does that wants to make some extra cash? | 09:34 |
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Warbo | !tell Celestianpower about esd | 09:34 |
elknof3 | SeanTater, when i configured it for 3Dacceleration i was able to decide the qtty for video, but im not sure if it works the same as win, cause in win, it takes from RAM, but not as sharing but as a totally apart resouce | 09:34 |
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redguy | Ng: the # on the first line didn't copy... | 09:34 |
ardchoille | _absolution_: maybe gtkpod ? | 09:34 |
Warbo | Celestianpower: maybe that will help? | 09:34 |
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AkumAPRIME | hey. ok, after install, the user name is not configured though, strangely, the pw is. what can I do? | 09:35 |
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affan | i all... i just installed XUbuntu but the Menu (applications as well as the right-click) disappeared. and the font size changed too | 09:35 |
jenda-lappy | nny_, nice offer ;) but nope.. I'm a blank drive. | 09:35 |
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elknof3 | SeanTater, or at least thats what i thoght | 09:35 |
elknof3 | thought | 09:35 |
Slyboots | AkumAPRIME, it would have asked you for a username | 09:35 |
SeanTater | elknof3: I'm not aware it;s possible for it to do that | 09:35 |
tresoldi | trying again after 20min: I am trying to upgrade to (x)ubuntu 6.06, but I seem to have hit an already described HPA boot bug (https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/16610 -- its Ubuntu kernel bug #16610), could somebody kindly point to me to any resources? | 09:35 |
AkumAPRIME | for the 3rd time, it didnt!!! | 09:35 |
AkumAPRIME | idk wy | 09:35 |
SeanTater | elknof3: even so, why do you need it? | 09:36 |
Slyboots | Uh-huh.. | 09:36 |
AkumAPRIME | but the fact is it didnt | 09:36 |
Warbo | Does anyone know a WM-independant menu program for displaying a menu when right clicking on the desktop (like Fluxbox) since I have Nautilus disabled | 09:36 |
Slyboots | How did you install it | 09:36 |
AkumAPRIME | ubuntu dvd 6.06 | 09:36 |
AkumAPRIME | i386 | 09:36 |
mystamax | for those that use wireless, do you use the networkmanager package? My wireless works fine now, but I'm wondering if I should upgrade? | 09:36 |
nny_ | Warbo.. maybe something from xfce? | 09:36 |
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SeanTater | AkumAPRIME: md5sum it | 09:36 |
lilbigman80 | one last try: has anyone an idea why I only see /dev/hda but not my partitions e.g. /dev/hda[1-6] with the 6.06 live cd (on an ibook). cause I can not install ubuntu... | 09:36 |
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MeGaQuArK | Does anyone know about a problem with missing TitleBars when using XGL?? | 09:36 |
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AkumAPRIME | k | 09:36 |
wastrel | i'm installing gstreamer stuff | 09:37 |
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redguy | Ng: any idea what might be wrong? | 09:37 |
Warbo | nny_: Basically all I want is the menu, not something embedded into a background (because I have ChBg going) so will XFCE's desktop cover my root window (I'm guessing yes) | 09:37 |
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sireliah | how can i check to see if 3d acceleration is on? | 09:37 |
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ardchoille | sireliah: glxinfo | grep render | 09:37 |
SeanTater | sireliah: what chipset (ati, nvidia, etc) | 09:37 |
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Polibio | hello | 09:37 |
MonsieurBon | does anybody know gnormalize? | 09:38 |
sireliah | its integrated 915 | 09:38 |
Warbo | MeGaQuArK: If you are using XGL alone then that may be common. If you are using Compiz in XGL then it shouldn't happen :) | 09:38 |
nny_ | Warbo yeah | 09:38 |
elknof3 | SeanTater, i'm trying to run epsxe (plastation emu) but it's been a challenge, cause i've been configured the video acceleration and all that stuff, but i just cant have the epsxe syncronized, like if i make the reolution too big, te sound gets slow and viceversa... | 09:38 |
SeanTater | sireliah: do what ardchoille said | 09:38 |
Polibio | how can I install smbmount in Ubuntu? | 09:38 |
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Slyboots | elknof3 what GFX card do you have? | 09:38 |
Ng | redguy: just looking now... | 09:38 |
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SeanTater | elknof3: how many MB ram do you have? | 09:38 |
sireliah | ok it says direct render is on. however i get unplayable fps in warcraft 3. it cannot be right | 09:38 |
elknof3 | integrated 915 | 09:38 |
Pandoheas | hello | 09:39 |
nny_ | Polibio aptitude or apt-get smbclient | 09:39 |
elknof3 | and 512 RAM | 09:39 |
Slyboots | Ah, no diea then sorry :) | 09:39 |
Pandoheas | help please | 09:39 |
Warbo | MeGaQuArK: (in other words make sure that "compiz --replace -gnome-window-decorator" or similar is in your session startup) | 09:39 |
Polibio | ok nny | 09:39 |
Ng | redguy: looks ok to me. the only thing I can think of really is that somehow the wireless drivers aren't being loaded (or the card isn't finishing initialising) until after the network init script is called | 09:39 |
Slyboots | sireliah, What about you.. what gfx card | 09:39 |
elknof3 | SeanTater, 915 integrated, 512 RAM | 09:39 |
sireliah | slyboots i have intel 915 | 09:39 |
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SeanTater | elknof3: okay -- integrated cards are not made for any big games or anything, they barely do word processing | 09:39 |
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Slyboots | Those are pretty rubish to be quiet honest | 09:39 |
sireliah | however i can play warcraft 3 in winXXP with graphics all the way up! | 09:39 |
FWO | seantater thanks dvds work perfect now | 09:40 |
Ng | redguy: the only thing I can think of to suggest is to put ath_pci in /etc/modules, but I'm really not sure it'll make any difference. One other thing to check would be if oyu have network manager installed - that may be blatting the original state of the card | 09:40 |
iiiears | sireliah - Cedega? the test a[pp says direct rendering isn't configured correctly. - Wish i knew what to do about it. | 09:40 |
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SeanTater | FWO: glad to be helpful | 09:40 |
FWO | warbo ill let u know later how divx works | 09:40 |
FWO | gott a find the disk | 09:40 |
Polibio | how can I copy network windows directories into linux partitions preserving the files timestamps? | 09:40 |
sireliah | iiiears yes i am using cedega. i dont understand your statement. are you saying its cedega's fault? does this happen to you too? is it just warcraft 3? | 09:40 |
Slyboots | I didnet know Warcraft 3 was on Gentoo.. | 09:40 |
elknof3 | SeanTater, when in win i was able to run splinter cell, counter strike, and games a little bit weighted... so i thought i could do the same with epsxe.... | 09:40 |
SeanTater | elknof3: I do not see how that is possible -- but from here I;m not that much help anyway | 09:40 |
Warbo | sireliah: It really depends on how the card was designed. Many older cards have fantastic DirectX performance, but no support for OpenGL acceleration | 09:40 |
Slyboots | Uh.. Linux sorry | 09:41 |
sireliah | btw i passed all the tests on cedega | 09:41 |
SeanTater | elknof3: keep asking around | 09:41 |
elknof3 | SeanTater, yeah thanks a lot anyway... | 09:41 |
iiiears | sireliah: Cedega complains direct rendering isn't configured. - It looks liike DRI is enabled in Ubuntu. | 09:41 |
sireliah | i KNOW my graphics card is capable, ive heard of ppl getting 90fps with quake 3 | 09:41 |
SeanTater | elknof3: sometimes #ubuntu-offtopiv can be helpful too | 09:41 |
SeanTater | elknof3: sometimes #ubuntu-offtopic can be helpful too | 09:41 |
sireliah | iiears my cedega says i passed all its 3d tests | 09:41 |
wastrel | mmm sound-juicer crashes | 09:42 |
BCK | wastrel | 09:42 |
ic56 | Polibio: you wanna copy a single file, all the files in a single directory, or a tree containing many nested directories? | 09:42 |
wastrel | yes my good fellow? | 09:42 |
Polibio | ic56, many nested directories | 09:42 |
Warbo | wastrel: Was that a Homer Simpson impression? | 09:42 |
iiiears | wasterl - CDEX with WINE. - sigh. | 09:42 |
BCK | what encoder do you use with sound juicer ? | 09:42 |
wastrel | Warbo: no (confused) | 09:43 |
FWO | what is wine | 09:43 |
jabra_ | what version of php is included in the dapper lamp install | 09:43 |
Warbo | wastrel: mmmmmm... confused | 09:43 |
AkumAPRIME | great, now its not even booting the boot disk | 09:43 |
SurfnKid | <o:=D | 09:43 |
FWO | i have xine | 09:43 |
wastrel | bck i'm trying to add mp3 based on the nice wiki instructions. but the thing is crashing | 09:43 |
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BCK | hmm | 09:43 |
ic56 | Polibio: cp -Rp <pathname to root of source tree> <pathname of destination root> | 09:43 |
BCK | i have mp3 support | 09:43 |
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BCK | but its encoding albums at 600+ mb a time | 09:43 |
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BCK | whats wiki url ? | 09:43 |
Warbo | FWO: WINE lets a lot of crappy windows programs run on x86 Linux and (I think) FreeBSD | 09:44 |
wastrel | ah i had another instance of sound-juicer running in anothre workspace | 09:44 |
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Polibio | ic56, I have tried that but Ubuntu does not recognise a source path that is like this: smb://servidor-d7cbfa/ | 09:44 |
wastrel | that's probably worth a bug report. | 09:44 |
FWO | warbo ohh thanks just heard talk of it and was curius | 09:44 |
BCK | wastrel: whats the wiki link ? | 09:44 |
BCK | ? | 09:44 |
wastrel | BCK: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping | 09:44 |
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BCK | ty | 09:44 |
laurens_s | Hello, I have a small question. | 09:44 |
ic56 | BCK: please use your [ENTER] key less often -- send your entire question in one message. | 09:44 |
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Definity | hi i just got a wireless card with atheros chipset and i cant seam to get iwlist to work or connect to any ap's | 09:44 |
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Definity | well iwlist scanning | 09:45 |
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ic56 | Polibio: how do you normally access the files, to view them, on the command line? What path do you use? | 09:45 |
redguy_ | Ng: sorry, got disconnected | 09:45 |
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FWO | alright im off to clean my room and hopefully find my movie | 09:45 |
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Ng | redguy: looks ok to me. the only thing I can think of really is that somehow the wireless drivers aren't being loaded (or the card isn't finishing initialising) until after the network init script is called | 09:46 |
Ng | redguy: the only thing I can think of to suggest is to put ath_pci in /etc/modules, but I'm really not sure it'll make any difference. One other thing to check would be if oyu have network manager installed - that may be blatting the original state of the card | 09:46 |
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AkumAPRIME | the ubuntu boot disk has a built in cd error checker. does it just run a md5sm check? | 09:46 |
Polibio | I see them on nautilus, the path is something like smb://servidor-d7cbfa/jj but, when I copy the nested directories, the timestamps are modified | 09:46 |
BCK | ok ic56 | 09:46 |
Polibio | ic56, I see them on nautilus, the path is something like smb://servidor-d7cbfa/jj but, when I copy the nested directories, the timestamps are modified | 09:46 |
redguy_ | Ng: network-manager is not installed | 09:47 |
mrkoje | can anyone remember what the package is for selecting through a bunch of ubuntu themes and wallpapers? | 09:47 |
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laurens_s | Hello, I have a small question. Can you boot the live cd, and somehow tell it not to use the (already existing) swap partition on the harddrive? | 09:47 |
redguy_ | Ng: will try to put ath_pci in modules as you suggest | 09:47 |
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Polibio | ic56, when I copy them graphically, I mean | 09:47 |
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laurens_s | I'm trying to repartition the disk, and that's kinda hard with the swappartition mounted :) | 09:47 |
gnomefreak | mrkoje: gnome-art | 09:47 |
redguy_ | Ng: the odd thing is that once in a while the iface gets it's config properly | 09:47 |
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mrkoje | gnomefreak, thanks | 09:48 |
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gnomefreak | yw\ | 09:48 |
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AkumAPRIME | the ubuntu boot disk has a built in cd error checker. does it just run a md5sm check? | 09:48 |
wastrel | laurens_s: you can probably tell grub not to do that, or just use swapoff on the command line after you boot mebby | 09:48 |
affan | Hi all, how do i fire the terminal program in Xubuntu using the Run Command... dialog? I have lost the menu. thanks | 09:48 |
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jrib | laurens_s: swapoff -a | 09:48 |
laurens_s | Gnopme partition editor hangs if I disable the swap partition from the interface | 09:48 |
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IsaacKlinger | Hi, I'm using ml-sensors and fanconfig, but I can't change the speed of my fan. | 09:48 |
redguy_ | Ng: I was also thinking of deferring the dhclient, perhaps by putting a pre-up sleep 10 line in the interfaces files | 09:48 |
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laurens_s | jrib: so open a terminal , enter swapoff -a should do the trick? I'll try! | 09:48 |
billybennett | Hey guys I lost my sound in Flash Videos... any idea why? | 09:48 |
laurens_s | thanks so far :) | 09:49 |
IsaacKlinger | I'm using a Gigabyte K8NS Pro 939 motherboard. | 09:49 |
Ng | redguy_: it's not ideal, but that would be an interesting test | 09:49 |
jrib | laurens_s: yeah, i think that worked for me | 09:49 |
Draconicus | I've installed xubuntu-desktop. In XFCE, there is no background or desktop of any kind. Does anyone have an idea as to what could be wrong? | 09:49 |
Definity | hi i just got a wireless card with atheros chipset and i cant seam to get "iwlist scanning" to work or connect to any ap's | 09:49 |
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IsaacKlinger | It detects the sensors and the fans just fine, but I can't control the speed of the fan. | 09:49 |
reclusivemonkey | billybennett: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=199289 | 09:49 |
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pikolo | how can I upgrade from hoary to breezy? | 09:49 |
pikolo | or 6.06 | 09:49 |
pikolo | ? | 09:49 |
jrib | ubotu: tell pikolo about upgrade | 09:50 |
ic56 | Polibio: cp works on things accessible through the filesystem. For that matter, most unix tools work that way. Nautilus is letting you access network filesystems without mounting them. Ask in the channel how to mount an SMB share in Ubuntu. Once that's done, then you can use the command I gave you. | 09:50 |
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laurens_s | jrib: booting now, will keep y'all posted. | 09:50 |
pikolo | 10x | 09:50 |
zipper | 22 | 09:50 |
zipper | argh | 09:50 |
Polibio | ic56, thanks :) | 09:51 |
zipper | can someone make me an "at" sign please so i can copy/paste it? | 09:51 |
laurens_s | @ | 09:51 |
zipper | thanks | 09:51 |
laurens_s | no problem :) | 09:51 |
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laurens_s | zipper: what's the problem? Keyboardlayout wrong? | 09:51 |
zipper | for some reason, all my keys works fine, except "Alt Gr" | 09:51 |
zipper | but it's xgl related | 09:52 |
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CurtisB | ubotu: tell CurtisB about upgrade | 09:52 |
ic56 | Polibio: on the other hand, maybe Nautilus can be told to preserve filestamps -- Try going through its menus to see if there's anything useful. That's the problem with GUIs: in order to stay simple, they provide few options. | 09:52 |
billybennett | reclusivemonkey, I'll brb | 09:52 |
zipper | so not really a question for this channel | 09:52 |
Sapholin | Good afternoon #ubuntu | 09:52 |
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reclusivemonkey | does anyone here use OGMRip? | 09:52 |
Bassetts | does anyone know why the tm symbol doesnt work in ubuntu? | 09:52 |
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Polibio | ic56, I tried the GUI of nautilus but didn't find anything about preserving timestamps :( | 09:53 |
CurtisB | 'ello Sapholin | 09:53 |
ic56 | Polibio: bummer. good luck. | 09:53 |
Sapholin | Maybe one of you could help me with an issue. It seems that my audio is delayed by about a second or two in some applications | 09:53 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@6-116.34-65.swfla.res.rr.com] by gnomefreak | ||
Sapholin | the sound is onboard, nvidia nforce | 09:54 |
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Sapholin | nforce 2, pardon | 09:54 |
Draconicus | Nice job, guys. Somebody wanted to know how to upgrade, and not a single person bothered to do !upgrade. I wasn't in the room. | 09:54 |
affan | Does anybody know what is the name of the terminal program in Xubuntu? Thanks | 09:54 |
CurtisB | Sapholin - what are some cases where you get delay (warning, I'm no expert) | 09:54 |
Noeve | Evening. I'm running Ubuntu on an Acer 1692 WLMi, but it won't detect the DHCP and I can't get the internet to work no matter what I do. Do you have any ideas ? | 09:54 |
=== eugman [n=chatzill@c-71-199-127-163.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
compengi | does ubuntu has supports multi-language | 09:55 |
laurens_s | noeve: are the drivers loaded? | 09:55 |
MarcN | affan: xterm | 09:55 |
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eugman | compengi, yes. What language do you speak? | 09:55 |
Noeve | laurens_s, seems so, yes. | 09:55 |
Sapholin | I particularily notice it in games, but let's say, in DROD, or Darwinia, there's a short delay from when the sound should play, and when it actually does | 09:55 |
Draconicus | xubuntu-desktop lacks a desktop. What gives? | 09:55 |
abhijeet | can anybody suggest a good java ide for linux | 09:55 |
iiiears | Change - Nautilus - To show URL path instead of block named path? | 09:55 |
MarcN | affan: which is code that may be older than you are ;-) | 09:55 |
laurens_s | noeve: any weird messages from dmesg? | 09:55 |
affan | thanks MarcN | 09:55 |
wastrel | bye folks <3 | 09:55 |
Noeve | laurens_s, the card is detected fine, but it just won't recognise that I'm connected to a network. | 09:55 |
compengi | arabic | 09:55 |
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meand1 | I am trying to install Opera 8.5 and get this message: dependency is not satisfiable: xlib6g|xlibs. Any ideas? | 09:55 |
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Noeve | laurens_s, I don't think so, but not being a top Linux geek, I'm unsure. A friend checked, he said dmesg looked fine. | 09:56 |
laurens_s | noeve: Does it detect the networkcable? Or is it wireless? | 09:56 |
abhijeet | can anybody suggest a good java ide for linux | 09:56 |
affan | MarcN: i missed it after moving from my Gentoo to Xubuntu | 09:56 |
CurtisB | Sapholin - is this new since upgrading to Dapper? (or, what version are you running anyway?) | 09:56 |
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Definity | hi i just got a wireless card with atheros chipset and i cant seam to get "iwlist scanning" to work or connect to any ap's? | 09:56 |
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richee | hi | 09:56 |
eugman | compengi, Give me a moment to check if there is a support channel in arabic. | 09:56 |
laurens_s | abhijeet: try eclypse | 09:56 |
billybennett | reclusivemonkey, I did what the page said but still no sound for flash | 09:56 |
Lisoe | uhm ... how do you remove directories in a terminal? | 09:56 |
Noeve | laurens_s, it's a cable. It tried detecting the connection during install and failed, so I told it I'd install it later. Still won't work. | 09:57 |
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Sapholin | CurtisB: Dapper Drake 6.06, and I've just switched from Windows to Ubuntu | 09:57 |
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reclusivemonkey | billybennett: does the rest of your sound work? | 09:57 |
Sapholin | A new convert so to speak | 09:57 |
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compengi | lol eugman | 09:57 |
billybennett | yeah | 09:57 |
meand1 | should I suspect Opera or ubuntu? | 09:57 |
laurens_s | noeve: have you checked on launchpad if it's a known problem? | 09:57 |
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reclusivemonkey | billybennett: did you close all instances of firefox? | 09:57 |
Noeve | laurens_s, no, could you point me to it ? | 09:57 |
compengi | eugman i don't need a support i'm asking if i can type with arabic | 09:57 |
billybennett | reclusivemonkey, I even restarted :P | 09:57 |
Noeve | laurens_s, I've checked multiple forums over and over. | 09:58 |
reclusivemonkey | billybennett: sorry then i can't help you any further | 09:58 |
laurens_s | noeve: go to http://launchpad.org | 09:58 |
eugman | Oh, wasn't sure which kind you meant. In that case I think so. | 09:58 |
Lisoe | how do you remove directories in a terminal? | 09:58 |
compengi | how can i know for sure | 09:58 |
billybennett | thanks anyways reclusivemonkey | 09:58 |
reclusivemonkey | does anyone here use OGMRip | 09:58 |
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laurens_s | noeve: sorry: launchpad.net | 09:58 |
laurens_s | noeve: that's the official ubuntu bugtracker | 09:58 |
eugman | There is deinfitely language support listed so I'd assume so. | 09:59 |
CurtisB | Sapholin - I see Darwinia has a linux port, what about DROD, are you running it native or under WINE? | 09:59 |
haploid | using dapper, having serious CUPS issue: got the printer installed, the cupsd running, and a test page successfully printed. however any attempt to use lp to print a ps file results in lp: Error - no default destination available. | 09:59 |
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CurtisB | Lisoe - rm -Rf <dir> | 09:59 |
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Noeve | laurens_s, thanks, I'll look. | 09:59 |
Api984 | hello | 09:59 |
Lisoe | thanks | 09:59 |
Definity | why? | 09:59 |
Api984 | i installed ubuntu | 09:59 |
Sapholin | CurtisB: Both are running natively | 09:59 |
Api984 | where is MAKE??? | 09:59 |
afflux | so, der fnord macht sich jetzt auch mal in die heia | 09:59 |
gnomefreak | Api984: build-essential | 09:59 |
Api984 | im trying to compile a new kernel and some other software | 09:59 |
Chousuke | Api984: install the package build-essential | 09:59 |
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Api984 | is it on CD | 10:00 |
jrattner1 | QUESTION: Will native support for broadcom43xx (from kernel 2.6.17) be backported to dapper or will broadcom support not exist until edgy | 10:00 |
gnomefreak | Api984: yes | 10:00 |
AkumAPRIME | will running the built in cd checker be equivalent to runnun an md5sum check? | 10:00 |
Sapholin | CurtisB: It only seems to affect some applications. Video Lan Classic, my media player, isn't effected, for example | 10:00 |
reclusivemonkey | gnomefreak: I have installed build-essential but still can't compile OGMRip; can you help? | 10:00 |
eugman | Anyone know how to map ctrl-alt-del to system monitor? | 10:00 |
Api984 | thanks | 10:00 |
CurtisB | Sapholin - do they have a way to configure the sound device? I.e. do you know if they use ESD, or ALSA, or OSS? | 10:00 |
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Spec | jrattner1: i think the current kernel has native broadcom43xx support | 10:00 |
gnomefreak | reclusivemonkey: what aprt are you stuck on? | 10:00 |
Draconicus | xubuntu-desktop lacks a desktop. What gives? | 10:00 |
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laurens_s | noeve: it seems there are 2 bug reports on it | 10:00 |
Spec | jrattner1: i mean, i use a broadcom43xx card without using ndiswrapper, so i suppose i'd call that native support | 10:00 |
reclusivemonkey | eugman: its on the wiki here http://easylinux.info/wiki/Ubuntu_dapper | 10:00 |
Sapholin | CurtisB: I do not think they have a means to change them, or if they do, I don't know of it | 10:00 |
Noeve | laurens_s, I haven't found them yet, can I ask for the URL ? | 10:01 |
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jrattner1 | Spec, yeh but i mean good support, not using BCMCUTTER to generate firmware | 10:01 |
Spec | jrattner1: is the support in 2.6.17 better? | 10:01 |
gnomefreak | Draconicus: xubuntu-desktop is a complete desktop enviornment | 10:01 |
Spec | isn't it bcmfwcutter? :) | 10:01 |
laurens_s | noeve: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs - I entered Acer 1692 WLMi in the searchfield | 10:01 |
jrattner1 | QUESTION: What wireless card for laptop would everyone recomend? (That will work FLAWLESSLY) with linux | 10:01 |
Draconicus | gnomefreak: Alright. I installed it. The desktop doesn't load with my XFCE session. Just the panels. | 10:01 |
gnomefreak | Draconicus: what are you looking for to load? | 10:01 |
CurtisB | Sapholin - hrm, because about all I know enough to suggest is if you could change from say ESD to ALSA that maybe that'd solve the problem... Sorry, I'm out of ideas... Can anyone else help to explain or help fix a delayed-sound problem for Sapholin | 10:02 |
AkumAPRIME | will running the built in cd checker be equivalent to running an md5sum check? | 10:02 |
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gnomefreak | Draconicus: the menu should be in upper left corner | 10:02 |
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reclusivemonkey | gnomefreak: not sure what you mean by that. I want to install OGMRip, so I installed build essential, and tried to compile, but it complains about glib and gobject which I have installed | 10:02 |
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jrattner1 | Spec, extremely, its autodetected / set up | 10:02 |
crimsun | reclusivemonkey: but do you have libglib2.0-dev installed? | 10:02 |
gnomefreak | reclusivemonkey: grab the -dev libs for them | 10:02 |
reclusivemonkey | crimsun: thanks, I will try that | 10:02 |
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roler | Is there such an app for x windows that will read a windows content, such as an image, and then process it into text? Like OCR or whatever it is called for scanning? | 10:03 |
Sapholin | CurtisB: Thanks for your help so far CurtisB, it's at least been of some aid. | 10:03 |
gnomefreak | reclusivemonkey: to build/compile you need the devleopment libs with the normal libs | 10:03 |
Spec | jrattner1: i shall try to compile that kernel later tonight on my laptop :o) | 10:03 |
Polibio | I am triyng to install a samba share to copy files from a windows PC preserving filestamps, but the command smbmount does not work, how can I install it? | 10:03 |
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jrattner1 | Spec, im just hoping it gets backported | 10:03 |
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Draconicus | gnomefreak: I have to remove the menu and rely on F12 to right click. You see, I'm setting up this old iMac for use by my great grandmother, and I need to have a desktop, not only for a background image, but for a way to access the main menu. | 10:03 |
gnomefreak | jrattner1: what? | 10:03 |
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gnomefreak | Draconicus: right click should give you menu | 10:04 |
laurens_s | noeve: have you found them yet? | 10:04 |
jrattner1 | gnomefreak, kernel 2.6.17's broadcom support, (not t he whole kernel) cause as I understand thats impossible | 10:04 |
billybennett | Does anyone know how I can get sound working again in Flash? It was working yesterday but I was dumb and followed a guide on how to fix firefox icons.. and well I lost my Firefox but I got it back now | 10:04 |
Draconicus | gnomefreak: That's only if the desktop is running. There is no desktop, and therefor right clicking does nothing. | 10:04 |
gnomefreak | Draconicus: if you have the 2 panels you should have menu in upper left | 10:04 |
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Noeve | laurens_s, they seem to be unrelated. The first one is regarding Debian, the second is a boot problem. | 10:04 |
gnomefreak | Draconicus: reinstall it | 10:04 |
SonicChao | I was just testing Ubuntu via LiveCD, but cannot figure out how to connect to the internet. can someone help a complete linux noob? | 10:04 |
Draconicus | gnomefreak: I REMOVED the menu because it would be too complicated for my great grandmother to use. | 10:04 |
=== Ronz [n=ronzo@nc-76-2-44-61.dhcp.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Noeve | laurens_s, the Debian one might be interesting, I'll try it. | 10:04 |
Ronz | !java | 10:04 |
ubotu | To install Java/Sun Java see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java and see also !javadebs | 10:04 |
Draconicus | gnomefreak: How do you reinstall a virtual package? | 10:04 |
gnomefreak | jrattner1: i dont forsee the kernel being backported | 10:05 |
jrattner1 | gnomefreak, any chances of seeing it? | 10:05 |
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mrDaniel | got a problem with linux+acpi: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=199929 | 10:05 |
Draconicus | gnomefreak: It won't reinstall the dependencies. | 10:05 |
gnomefreak | Draconicus: sudo apt-get install --reinstall xubuntu-desktop | 10:05 |
jrattner1 | gnomefreak, not the kernel, but the broadcom support from it | 10:05 |
Ronz | !javadeb | 10:05 |
ubotu | In Breezy: j2re1.4 is in multiverse. In Dapper: sun-java5-jre is in multiverse | 10:05 |
Draconicus | gnomefreak: --reinstall will include all dependencies? | 10:05 |
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laurens_s | jrib: I disabled the swap, but unfortunately gparted still hangs when I try to start it if there's no swap memory | 10:05 |
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gnomefreak | jrattner1: i dount it to be honest but way too soon to tell | 10:05 |
laurens_s | noeve: ok, good luck! | 10:05 |
gnomefreak | Draconicus: yes | 10:05 |
Draconicus | gnomefreak: Oh. Good to know. Thanks. | 10:05 |
Noeve | Thanks laurens_s. I'll be back in a sec if it doesn't work :P | 10:06 |
gnomefreak | doubt it even | 10:06 |
laurens_s | Noeve: hope it helps :) | 10:06 |
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Ronz | how do i add multiverse in dapper drake? | 10:06 |
gnomefreak | jrattner1: give it time it hasnt been released to apt yet even for edgy | 10:06 |
jrattner1 | sounds good | 10:06 |
gnomefreak | ubotu tell Ronz -about multiverse | 10:06 |
AkumAPRIME | 0 checksums failed | 10:07 |
AkumAPRIME | no user name | 10:07 |
AkumAPRIME | wtf | 10:07 |
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ic56 | Polibio: "apt-cache search smbmount" found one relevant entry: smbfs. Read the blurb with: "apt-cache show smbfs". Install it with "apt-get install smbfs". | 10:07 |
iiiears | laurens - check out the gparted bootable iso. - very easy to use. | 10:07 |
SurfnKid | what the hell is a drunkard? | 10:07 |
AkumAPRIME | a drunk person | 10:08 |
Polibio | ic56, I'm going to try that :) | 10:08 |
nickrud | SurfnKid, a realist | 10:08 |
AkumAPRIME | often an alcoholic | 10:08 |
ic56 | Polibio: good luck! | 10:08 |
Ronz | i <3 ubuntu | 10:08 |
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SurfnKid | hehe these U.S government forms are funny] | 10:08 |
jastafa | anyone else having problem installing flash and java? | 10:08 |
billybennett | Does anyone know how I can get sound working again in Flash? It was working yesterday but I was dumb and followed a guide on how to fix firefox icons.. and well I lost my Firefox but I got it back now | 10:08 |
iiiears | lol nickrud | 10:08 |
SurfnKid | thx thats right | 10:08 |
nickrud | iiiears, heh | 10:08 |
amarokker | Hi, all- again :) | 10:08 |
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jrib | laurens_s: hmm if gparted isn't starting at all, I'm not sure what would do that | 10:08 |
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jrib | laurens_s: see fi there is any output in a terminal | 10:09 |
amarokker | is there anyway to get access to a memory card on a sony ericsson w810i | 10:09 |
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SonicChao | Can someone help me connect to the internet via wireless? | 10:09 |
amarokker | I can already see the fat32 storage area of the phone-memory- problem is with the memory card- any help? | 10:09 |
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laurens_s | jrib: the system hangs, but I'll try to boot and start it from a terminal instead of the menu :) | 10:10 |
AkumAPRIME | ok, what does oem stand for? is it simply the gui installer? | 10:10 |
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iiiears | jrib - mounted drives. - unmount them. - (unmounted all target drives before starting? - crosses fingers)) | 10:10 |
protocol2 | SonicChao, have you got network-manager? | 10:10 |
AkumAPRIME | because the text installer lets me create a user name(thank gods) | 10:11 |
SonicChao | protocol2: Just tell me where to find everything, I just starting using Ubuntu | 10:11 |
Draconicus | gnomefreak: Not only did that not fix the problem, but apt-get install --reinstall xubuntu-desktop shows only one package being reinstalled and 0 bytes being used even when I removed all of the original package files, rather than showing the 15+ dependencies. Any ideas? | 10:11 |
SonicChao | protocol2: I am pretty sure my computer supports it | 10:11 |
protocol2 | you can find network-manager in synaptic | 10:11 |
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jastafa | anyone else having problem installing java and flash with ubuntu? | 10:11 |
protocol2 | just download it | 10:11 |
gnomefreak | Draconicus: it should xubuntu-desktop is a meta package | 10:11 |
zxc | How can I make it that Windows automatically boots from grub after 15 seconds | 10:11 |
billybennett | Can someone help me figure out why I have no sound in Flash? Ive changed my DSP from none to AOSS and still nothing..... | 10:11 |
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protocol2 | that should help you with your wireless | 10:11 |
gnomefreak | Draconicus: it isnt a package itself it just holds packages in it | 10:12 |
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iiiears | jastafa - Was the mozcontrol included somewhere? | 10:12 |
SonicChao | protocol2: But how do i get to it if i cant connect to the internet? | 10:12 |
jastafa | what is that? | 10:12 |
reclusivemonkey | gnomefreak: crimsun thanks for the pointers, I found some more deps that I installed, but still can't get OGMRip to compile. It configures without error now, but I get ogmrip-backend.c:1440: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 3 of 'ogmrip_codec_get_chapters' differ in signedness | 10:12 |
reclusivemonkey | ogmrip-backend.c:1453:5: error: missing binary operator before token "2" (and a lot more of course), sorry I can see you guys are busy | 10:12 |
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AkumAPRIME | ty al | 10:12 |
Eleaf | Is there any use for Ageia's PhysX card in linux yet? | 10:12 |
AkumAPRIME | all | 10:12 |
Draconicus | gnomefreak: I know about meta packages, to a degree. Shouldn't it show the number of packages within the meta package, rather than just one, though? | 10:12 |
=== Eleaf scream | ||
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Polibio | ic56, it works! many thanks! | 10:13 |
gnomefreak | reclusivemonkey: take a look at the readme and install files it should give you list of things you need | 10:13 |
iiiears | jastafa - Synaptic will tell you if it is installed. | 10:13 |
ic56 | Polibio: yw! | 10:13 |
nickrud | SonicChao, do you have acces to a linux machine that's on the net? if so, synaptic will write a script you can use to downloaded the needed files | 10:13 |
gnomefreak | Draconicus: no | 10:13 |
protocol2 | can you at least plug your station into a lan line temporarly to get the package? | 10:13 |
Draconicus | gnomefreak: Alright... | 10:13 |
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laurens_s | eleaf: there's hardly any use for it under windows :) | 10:13 |
SonicChao | protocol2: No access to a linux machine on the net | 10:13 |
Eleaf | laurens_s, pffts | 10:13 |
reclusivemonkey | gnomefreak: yeah I used to install this no problem on Slackware, I have mencoder, all the OGM/vorbis stuff. ./configure completes with no errors too? | 10:13 |
Draconicus | gnomefreak: Why are 0 bytes used and no packages downloaded even after I did an apt-get clean? | 10:13 |
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protocol2 | SonicChao, maybe you can get the program burned onto a cd? | 10:14 |
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Draconicus | gnomefreak: Even after apt-get clean and apt-get install --reinstall xubuntu-desktop, there is no change in the problem. | 10:14 |
SonicChao | protocol2: It must be possible to do it from ubuntu, is there something listed in applications? | 10:14 |
SonicChao | Or something to put in a terminal? | 10:14 |
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bert | Can someone tell me what 'new in repository' means? Does this imply packages I need to install because they are an addition to packages allready installed? | 10:15 |
ilpum | n00b question | 10:15 |
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ilpum | how do i install a .deb-file? | 10:15 |
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SonicChao | protocol2: Should I install ubuntu? | 10:15 |
jrib | !deb | 10:15 |
billybennett | Can someone please help me figure out why I have no sound in Flash today? | 10:15 |
reclusivemonkey | ilpum: just double click it, it should install | 10:15 |
nickrud | bert, they're simply new programs added to the repos | 10:15 |
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RabidSnail | ilpum:Are you running dapper? | 10:15 |
gnomefreak | Draconicus: im not sure than i would try using debfoster (iirc) to remove xubuntu-desktop and all its depends and try again thats not normal | 10:15 |
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jrib | ubotu: tell ilpum about deb | 10:15 |
zxc | How can I make Windows boot by default from Grub? | 10:15 |
protocol2 | SonicChao, if your station temporarliy had net access with a direct ethernet connection you could do this "sudo apt-get install network-manger" | 10:16 |
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gnomefreak | damn forgot what i was working on :( | 10:16 |
SonicChao | protocol2: No access | 10:16 |
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jrib | zxc: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and set the default to the number corresponding to windows (it starts at 0) | 10:16 |
bert | nickrud: thnx. I just asked because I have no sound from my headphones and found an alsa-jack in the new in repository section...so I was just wondering if that would help | 10:16 |
SonicChao | protocol2: I boot ubuntufrom liveCD and i dont get a connection of know where to find one | 10:16 |
ilpum | Ah that's right, dpkg! THX | 10:16 |
Draconicus | gnomefreak: Alright.. | 10:16 |
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affan | wat is the difference between apt-get update and apt-get upgrade? i want to install latest dapper-updates... | 10:16 |
protocol2 | SonicChao, you might want to ask someone else on how to do that | 10:16 |
protocol2 | im a newb myself | 10:17 |
gnomefreak | oh yeah | 10:17 |
gnomefreak | ty brb | 10:17 |
nickrud | bert, no, jack is a different sound server. I can see why it grabbed your eye, thoug | 10:17 |
SonicChao | can you help me gnomefreak? | 10:17 |
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jrib | affan: 'man apt-get' will give you good explanations of the two | 10:17 |
Bck_0 | grrr, sound juicer is encoding my mp3 files to sizes of 40mb or more surely a 3 minute song shouldnt be that large? | 10:17 |
affan | thanks jrib | 10:17 |
zxc | jrib: I'm in menu.lst I'm just confused about what bit to edit | 10:17 |
kdean06 | I'm running a sendmail server, and for some reason, it it dropping the first character of the contents of /var/spool/mail/<user>. Since it doesn't know hwo e-mails are FROM it causes a lot of fuss and breaks. Does anyone have any clue as to WHY this would happen. | 10:17 |
gnomefreak | SonicChao: whats up | 10:17 |
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jrib | zxc: do you see the line that starts 'default' and then has a number? | 10:18 |
iiiears | SonicChao - sudo ifup eth0 ?? to bring an installed configured nic to life? | 10:18 |
billybennett | Can someone please help me figure out why I have no sound in Flash today? | 10:18 |
SonicChao | gnomefreak: I dont know how to connect to the internet via Wireless | 10:18 |
zxc | jrib: default0 | 10:18 |
SonicChao | gnomefreak: I have no access to the internet via ubuntu | 10:18 |
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gnomefreak | billybennett: its a known issue please look at launchpad.net for the bug | 10:18 |
jrib | zxc: ok that 0 means that whatever is first on your list, will get booted. Do you know what line windows is on in your list? | 10:18 |
gnomefreak | SonicChao: nope thats iiiears department ;) | 10:18 |
SonicChao | iiiears: can you help me? | 10:19 |
izm99 | is there any way to have sound work in flash and also have rhythmbox open? | 10:19 |
gnomefreak | sorry iiiears lol | 10:19 |
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zxc | jrib: no. 6 on the grub list | 10:19 |
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nasso | does anyone know how i can change my screen resolution in a terminal? | 10:19 |
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jrib | zxc: ok, so you would put a 5 there. Since 0 is for the first line, 1 for the second, so on | 10:19 |
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iiiears | SonicChao - I am batting 300 hundred this morning. good for pro baseball. darn awful for #ubuntu. (still a bit new to this.) | 10:19 |
SonicChao | iiiears: okay | 10:20 |
billybennett | gnomefreak, I've never used Launchpad what exactly is it? | 10:20 |
SonicChao | now what do i do? | 10:20 |
gnomefreak | !bug | 10:20 |
ubotu | bugs are reported to https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs | 10:20 |
gnomefreak | billybennett: ^^^ | 10:20 |
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affan | !apt-get | 10:21 |
ubotu | I guess apt-get is http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/apt-howto.en.txt (in depth) and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptGetHowto | 10:21 |
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gnomefreak | brb getting happy here | 10:22 |
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reclusivemonkey | anyone got any clue about this error message when on a make compile? ogmrip-backend.c:328: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 2 of 'ogmrip_codec_get_chapters' differ in signedness | 10:22 |
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jrib | reclusivemonkey: that's a warning, not an error :P | 10:22 |
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reclusivemonkey | jrib: It still fails to compile | 10:22 |
reclusivemonkey | make[2] : *** [ogmrip-backend.lo] Error 1 | 10:23 |
reclusivemonkey | make[2] : Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/ogmrip-0.9.0/libogmrip' | 10:23 |
reclusivemonkey | make[1] : *** [all-recursive] Error 1 | 10:23 |
reclusivemonkey | make[1] : Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/ogmrip-0.9.0' | 10:23 |
reclusivemonkey | make: *** [all] Error 2 | 10:23 |
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nickrud | Draconicus, you still trying to reinstall xubuntu-dependencies? | 10:23 |
jrib | reclusivemonkey: are you sure it can't be something else? | 10:23 |
Draconicus | nickrud: Yeah. | 10:23 |
scompa | I need help! I just downloaded ubunut 6.06. I boot it and when I try to install it (double click on Install icon) installatin window appear but it wan't do anything else, computer becomes extermly slov! Can someon help?! | 10:23 |
reclusivemonkey | jrib: not sure i follow you | 10:23 |
nickrud | Draconicus, I could walk you thru the interactive aptitude method | 10:23 |
Draconicus | nickrud: I'm not entirely helpless, but alright. | 10:23 |
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jrib | reclusivemonkey: I mean, are you sure it doesn't fail to compile for a different reason than that warning | 10:24 |
erUSUL | reclusivemonkey: please use pastebin | 10:24 |
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billybennett | gnomefreak, I still am not sure what I should do. It was working yesterday but I followed a guide to fix a darn icon and it gave me a different copy of firefox so I got rid of that and re-installed Ubuntu's Firefox | 10:24 |
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nickrud | Draconicus, it's a simple thing, start aptitude then find xubuntu-desktop, and hit enter | 10:24 |
scompa | Anyone can halp with installation?! | 10:24 |
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reclusivemonkey | erUSUL: no idea what pastebin is | 10:24 |
erUSUL | !anyone | 10:24 |
ubotu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? </hint> | 10:24 |
scompa | yeaaa | 10:24 |
haploid | is there any particular reason that ubuntu server requires the cdrom to apt-get install anything ? | 10:24 |
erUSUL | !tell reclusivemonkey about pastebin | 10:24 |
scompa | It worked in safe mode! | 10:24 |
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Draconicus | nickrud: Got it. | 10:25 |
haploid | the server is 100 miles away, it would be nice not to have to drive over there to put in the ubuntu cd | 10:25 |
jrib | haploid: it is probably in your /etc/apt/sources.list , just comment the line for the cd-rom | 10:25 |
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haploid | ok | 10:25 |
erUSUL | haploid: the cd is still in the sources file. | 10:25 |
nickrud | Draconicus, highlight the --\Depends line, just below Source Package | 10:25 |
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reclusivemonkey | jrib: ./configure completes without any errors. I've installed all the deps that are listed on the OGMRip site, and all the devs I can find. It compiled fine on Slackware, so I am lost on Ubuntu | 10:25 |
CurtisB | I upgraded to Dapper, and the only real problem is that my Echo Mia (secondary sound-card) isn't working anymore. When crimsun helped me with 5.10 I documented the process here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EchoMia and I've been trying to adapt that to Dapper, but it's not working out as smoothly as I'd hoped... I do think I correctly changed CC=gcc-4.0, and the drivers say they compiled okay, but they aren't installi | 10:25 |
CurtisB | ng properly :( | 10:25 |
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jrib | reclusivemonkey: did it compile on slack with gcc 4 or gcc 3.4? | 10:26 |
haploid | ah, xcellent, thanks :) | 10:26 |
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haploid | *excellent | 10:26 |
nickrud | Draconicus, um, by that I mean arrow down to it | 10:26 |
laurens_s | jrib: I tried to run gparted from the terminal, and it says it starts dumpe2fs, keeps on working some time after that, then hangs again :(. Thanks for your help, I'll continue some other time though. | 10:26 |
reclusivemonkey | jrib: I was using 10.2, not sure what was installed by default. Knowing slack, gcc 3.4 ;-) | 10:27 |
jrib | laurens_s: k gl | 10:27 |
laurens_s | jrib: Thanks! Bye! | 10:27 |
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Draconicus | nickrud: Again, I'm not helpless. :P I'm guessing I should mark them for removal? Should be fine as long as I stay out of X until they're reinstalled, don't you think? | 10:27 |
jrib | reclusivemonkey: try installing gcc-3.4 with apt, doing 'export CC=gcc-3.4', and trying ./configure, make, ... again | 10:27 |
nickrud | Draconicus, no, now hit shift L (reinstall) then g . | 10:28 |
SonicChao | Please help me set up the wifi card that came with my laptop. Iw dont even know how to figure out who made the wifi card... | 10:28 |
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jrib | reclusivemonkey: I have to go, but gl | 10:29 |
erUSUL | SonicChao: lspci will tell you the odel of your card | 10:29 |
nasso | is it possible to change the x screenresolution via a terminal? | 10:29 |
erUSUL | model* | 10:29 |
erUSUL | !tell nasso about fixress | 10:30 |
iiiears | SonicChao - sudo lspci will give you some info | 10:30 |
reclusivemonkey | jrib: thanks for that dude, I was just looking on the slack site. I will try thanks for the help | 10:30 |
Dial_tone | you don't really care who made it; you do care about what chipset it uses; which should appear in dmesg | 10:30 |
erUSUL | !tell nasso about fixres | 10:30 |
nickrud | Draconicus, inspect the list you see after the g , then if you are satisfied with the list, hit g again to go reinstall | 10:30 |
Jalla^ | Question: how do I make my ubuntu-server auto-connect and stay connected to a specific wireless access point with encryption? | 10:30 |
nasso | erUSUL, thx | 10:30 |
SonicChao | erUSUL: I CANT connect to the internet | 10:30 |
erUSUL | nasso: no problem | 10:30 |
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Draconicus | nickrud: Yes, I've used aptitude before for small things. I've just never played with dependencies in it. Thanks for the help, though. :) | 10:30 |
quiet | does anyone know if they are working to fix the 'snow' on the buttons for the Human theme??? Using the ATI driver here.. not sure if ti's driver specific.. but the review on distrowatch also reported the same problem.. | 10:30 |
erUSUL | SonicChao: lspci is a comand you can run in a terminal | 10:30 |
scompa | Does anybody know how to install kernel 2.6.17 in Ubunu? Is there any tutorial or site? | 10:31 |
SonicChao | ok | 10:31 |
erUSUL | it will tell you what hardware is attached to de pci bus as wi-fi cards are | 10:31 |
nickrud | Draconicus, aptitude is very powerful, but obscure. I printed the manual a couple of years ago and kept around for reference. | 10:31 |
erUSUL | SonicChao: no need to shout... | 10:31 |
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Draconicus | nickrud: Yeah. It's a handy tool. I just use Synaptic out of convenience, but aptitude is very nice. I might consider working with it more in the future. | 10:31 |
nasso | erUSUL, that didnt help me att all. i just want a simple command like "resolution 1024x768" | 10:31 |
SonicChao | erUSUL: ok | 10:32 |
=== Xaero_Vincent [n=Vince@or-71-48-182-37.dhcp.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nickrud | Draconicus, as best I can tell, synaptic can do all that aptitude can. I'm just used to the keystrokes | 10:32 |
billybennett | gnomefreak, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/29760 fixed it | 10:32 |
nasso | like i can do in system -> prefs -> screenresolution | 10:32 |
nasso | but i want to do it in a terminal | 10:32 |
scompa | How I can install new kernel in Ubuntu 6.06? | 10:32 |
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scompa | Please | 10:32 |
Jalla^ | I ask again. Anyone please help. How do I make my ubuntu-server auto-connect and stay connected to a specific wireless access point with encryption? | 10:33 |
Draconicus | nickrud: Ah. :) | 10:33 |
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scompa | I need it to support my broadcom wi-fi card. | 10:33 |
erUSUL | nasso: Crtl. + Alt. + '+' should change resolution... as Crtl. + Alt. + '-' | 10:33 |
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nasso | erUSUL, i want to use it in a script | 10:33 |
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scompa | How do I install new kernel?! | 10:34 |
tiagoboldt | scompa: kernel.org | 10:34 |
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tiagoboldt | download the one you want and read the readme, it has got all explained | 10:34 |
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iiiears | scompa - there are some precompiled kernels available in synaptic. | 10:35 |
orn | I have a Dell Latitude laptop, and fullscreen 3d applications, such as games, don't stretch, so they only occupy part of the screen. Anyone know how to fix that? | 10:35 |
gnomefreak | billybennett: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/48125 | 10:35 |
asad1 | does anyone know how to make a program start up with the computer? | 10:35 |
asad1 | like gdesklets? | 10:35 |
scompa | What is synaptic? | 10:35 |
scompa | I am new to linux... | 10:35 |
nasso | asad1, system -> prefs -> session | 10:35 |
tristanmike | asad1: System-->Preferences-->Sessions | 10:35 |
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nickrud | asad1, System->prefs->sessions, | 10:35 |
Aprox_away | Synaptic is a computer program with a user-friendly GUI developed for the apt package management system used in Linux and other operating systems. Synaptic supports RPM- and deb-based systems after recompilation. | 10:35 |
nasso | i won ;) | 10:35 |
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gnomefreak | billybennett: try restarting lol thats how they fixed it lol | 10:35 |
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billybennett | gnomefreak, I fixed it with https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/29760 | 10:36 |
scompa | Cool | 10:36 |
gnomefreak | ok | 10:36 |
nickrud | scompa, a very nice graphical package manager. Especially compared to when it started | 10:36 |
asad1 | thanks! | 10:36 |
billybennett | thank you gnomefreak | 10:36 |
gnomefreak | billybennett: yw | 10:36 |
reclusivemonkey | no luck with GCC-3.4, I still can't get OGMRip to compile | 10:36 |
scompa | Where I can gat synaptic and how do I install kernel with that? | 10:37 |
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tiagoboldt | scompa: synaptics is already installed with ubuntu | 10:37 |
scompa | that good news :) | 10:37 |
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tiagoboldt | Menu System->administration->synaptics | 10:37 |
scompa | Thank you | 10:37 |
scompa | It's now on 56% of installation.... | 10:38 |
tiagoboldt | and you've got there lot's of things to install and uninstall to your system:) | 10:38 |
nickrud | reclusivemonkey, do you have the dev packages installed for mplayer, oggenc and lame? (first look at the web page) | 10:38 |
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iiiears | Systewm >> Administration >> Synaptic Package Manager. (in the taskbar.) | 10:38 |
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CurtisB | I upgraded to Dapper, and the only real problem is that my Echo Mia (secondary sound-card) isn't working anymore. When crimsun helped me with 5.10 I documented the process here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EchoMia and I've been trying to adapt that to Dapper, but it's not working out as smoothly as I'd hoped... I do think I correctly changed CC=gcc-4.0, and the drivers say they compiled okay, but they aren't installi | 10:38 |
CurtisB | ng properly :( | 10:38 |
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Xaero_Vincent | 2.6.17 kernel is available via synaptic? | 10:38 |
scompa | Where can I ga kernel that I can install with synaptic? | 10:39 |
tiagoboldt | nop,just 2.6.15 | 10:39 |
green_earz | asad1: you can put its startup command in .xsession file in your home dir | 10:39 |
Jalla^ | I ask again. Anyone please help. How do I make my ubuntu-server auto-connect and stay connected to a specific wireless access point with encryption? | 10:39 |
tiagoboldt | scompa: use the search in synaptics | 10:39 |
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nickrud | reclusivemonkey, you've just gotta identify the dev package for each compile failure. grunt work. | 10:39 |
neutrinomass | Xaero_Vincent: No. Features may be backported to 2.6.15 but 2.6.17 won't make it to the dapper repos ... | 10:39 |
scompa | Ups... I need 2.5.17... | 10:39 |
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scompa | *2.6.17 | 10:39 |
Lobster | n8 | 10:39 |
nickrud | green_earz, no, for gnome it is ~/.gnomerc | 10:39 |
reclusivemonkey | nickrud: Or go back to slack, where compiling apps is simple... | 10:39 |
green_earz | ok | 10:39 |
Xaero_Vincent | scompa.. try using Archlinux then... they use the latest kernel always | 10:40 |
NoUse | !kernelcompile | 10:40 |
ubotu | You will probably find info about this at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCompileHowto | 10:40 |
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nickrud | reclusivemonkey, I'd guess that would be because slack always comes with headers, since it's designed for compilling type dude/dudets | 10:40 |
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iiiears | lol nickrud. | 10:40 |
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neutrinomass | scompa: For the bcm driver support maybe? | 10:41 |
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reclusivemonkey | nickrud: Yeah, I guess. No mplayer/mencoder devs I can see. looking for oggenc now | 10:41 |
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nasso | does anyone know how i can kill gnome-panel and make sure it stays killed? with a command... | 10:41 |
nasso | i dont want it to restart | 10:41 |
scompa | yes | 10:41 |
reclusivemonkey | no vorbis-tools dev either... | 10:41 |
gnomefreak | nasso: kill -9 pid i think will replace pid with the pid | 10:42 |
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gnomefreak | nasso: im fairly sure it will stay gone than but not positive | 10:42 |
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NoUse | nasso are you running gnome? | 10:42 |
nickrud | nasso, to make sure it's dead, System-Prefs-Sessions, look for it in the current sessions tab, and change the style from restart to normal. Then kill | 10:42 |
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nasso | gnomefreak, it restarted | 10:42 |
scompa | Yes, for broadcom wi-fi.... | 10:42 |
neutrinomass | scompa: Lots of people have been inquiring about this today here.... try opening a bug at launchpad against linux-source-2.6.15 and get people to confirm it ... | 10:42 |
gnomefreak | nasso: sorry | 10:43 |
nasso | NoUse, yes i am | 10:43 |
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tiagoboldt | nasso: gnome will restart it always, you've got to get a way to disable it | 10:43 |
neutrinomass | scompa: Sorry, have to leave now .... | 10:43 |
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nasso | im looking for a way to excecute a command in a script that kills gnome-panel.. execute som other commands and then start it again | 10:43 |
j1p | has anyone installed E17 on dapper yet? | 10:44 |
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DShepherd | hey | 10:44 |
nasso | nickrud, will look into it, thx | 10:44 |
asad1 | hey you all, i am still having problems getting gdesklets to start up when my machine does, how do i edit select it on session manager correctly? | 10:44 |
nickrud | nasso, you have a very odd script in mind ;) | 10:44 |
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tiagoboldt | rotfl | 10:44 |
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nickrud | asad1, add it to the startup programs tab of the sessions preference | 10:45 |
tiagoboldt | nasso: can't you just restart it in the end?:s | 10:45 |
Xaero_Vincent | scompa: I tried compiling my own kernel for Ubuntu but it only screwed things up the internet wasnt working, etc.. the ubuntu kernel has alot of modifications... so a vanilla one might be problematic. | 10:45 |
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tristanmike | asad1: I'm assuming you just add the command "gdesklets" to the "Startup Programs" tab | 10:45 |
scompa | Do I need any toold that doesn't come with ubunut 6.06 to compile 2.6.17 kernel? | 10:45 |
scompa | *tools | 10:45 |
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asad1 | tristanmike, that's it. i feel silly. :( | 10:45 |
nasso | nickrud, nah.. i want to change my screenresolution to use my tvout. if i lower my the screenres everything in the gnome-panel cant fit anymore and gets all mixed up. i have to rearrange it every time | 10:46 |
tristanmike | asad1: you shouldn't :) | 10:46 |
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nasso | and i dont want a gnome-panel when i use tvout | 10:46 |
MrRio_ | scompa: build-essential and kernel-source-* | 10:46 |
asad1 | what about this silly question? is there a way to bring terminal up using a key command? | 10:46 |
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nickrud | nasso, ah. Yes, that is a very good reason to kill gnome panel | 10:46 |
Xaero_Vincent | scompa: use ndiswrapper fir biw | 10:46 |
Xaero_Vincent | for now* | 10:46 |
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reclusivemonkey | is there anywhere you can request programs be added to the ubuntu repositories? | 10:47 |
zybrid | Is there an asterix/trixbox channel on freenode? | 10:47 |
nasso | i want a script that changes screenres and sets tvout on and kills gnome-panel and i want another script that sets everything back to normal again | 10:47 |
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luxifer1979 | hi | 10:47 |
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scompa | I used ndiswrapper for some time in slackware... Looks like I'll have to use it in Ubunut too, at least until 2.6.17 becomes available at synaptics... | 10:48 |
DShepherd | my gnome buttons are being painted with weird colours <a href="http://s71.photobucket.com/albums/i141/DShepherd_photos/?">Screenshots.jpg</a> and <a href="http://s71.photobucket.com/albums/i141/DShepherd_photos/?">Screenshot-2.jpg</a> are screenshots. can anyone help me to rectifiy this problem | 10:48 |
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tristanmike | asad1: you could try "alt+f2" to bring up the run dialog and type "gnome-terminal" to bring it up | 10:48 |
luxifer1979 | where can I find a list of what comes with ubuntu amd64? | 10:48 |
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nasso | nickrud, the "restart -> normal" thing in sessions worked | 10:48 |
nasso | thx | 10:48 |
Xaero_Vincent | scompa: your new to linux but were using slackware? | 10:48 |
asad1 | thanks tristamike | 10:48 |
crimsun | luxifer1979: http://packages.ubuntu.com | 10:48 |
luxifer1979 | thx! ;) | 10:48 |
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=== jrattner1 wishes that native support for broadcom from 2.6.17 would be back-ported to dapper : ( | ||
nickrud | nasso, yw. Long term, I'm thinking you may have to make provisions for gnome expecting gnome-panel to respawn, but you'll have to cross that bridge when it shows up | 10:49 |
scompa | Xaero, yes, I used it for aobut 10 days :) | 10:49 |
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nasso | nickrud, well. it is easy to start up manually :) | 10:50 |
iiiears | nickrud - Is there a solution in gconf-editor?? | 10:50 |
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Xaero_Vincent | scompa: thats cool that a newbie can dive into a difficult to use distro like Slackware | 10:51 |
luxifer1979 | there is no flash plugin for firefox (running ubuntu amd64)? | 10:51 |
crimsun | luxifer1979: nope. | 10:51 |
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tristanmike | !tell luxifer1979 about flash | 10:51 |
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nickrud | iiiears, none I know of | 10:52 |
CurtisB | I upgraded to Dapper, which worked great except for breaking ALSA for my secondary audio-card... anyone around that knows ALSA issues? | 10:52 |
SonicChao | IS it possible to connect to the internet with ubuntu with a Mini PCI Intel Pro/Wireless 2200BG 802.11B/G (Titus) WLAN card??? | 10:52 |
nasso | how do i stop and wait for the user to press return in a script? | 10:52 |
crimsun | CurtisB: pastebin ``cat /proc/asound/cards ~/.asoundrc* && amixer'' | 10:52 |
scompa | Thank you all people and bye, I will come later maybe.... | 10:53 |
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Sgeo | !tell Sgeo about branding | 10:53 |
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rverrips | SonicChao: I have a similar WLAN card and it worked fine without much effort - What's the problem? | 10:53 |
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SonicChao | rverrips: It doesnt connect | 10:53 |
reclusivemonkey | is there anywhere you can request programs be added to the ubuntu repositories? | 10:53 |
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SonicChao | rverrips: How do i get a interface to click connect or something? | 10:53 |
Sapholin | CurtisB: There's a few posts about that on www.linuxquestions.org | 10:54 |
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rverrips | Sonic: If you start a terminal session and ifconfig, is the interface there? | 10:54 |
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SonicChao | No, but ill try it | 10:55 |
SonicChao | Ill brb | 10:55 |
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martin__ | hello all | 10:55 |
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DoctorMO | clea | 10:55 |
orn | CurtisB: A friend of mine had problems when he updated his system because alsa got updated. Apparently a mistake was made and certain soundcards need to circumvent something. He has an IBM laptop, if that helps. Might need to check out your soundcard with regards to the version. | 10:55 |
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DoctorMO | got a problem getting hold of the windows dll files to be able to open wmv files, I've followed the unofficial guide but no luck | 10:56 |
charlesg3 | how do i go about getting the OpenGL development files (GL/gl.h)? (what package has this file?) | 10:56 |
magical_trevsky | hi, i'm trying to enable apache2 with ssl on dapper, but I can't find the apache2-ssl-certificate package that I need.. any ideas where I can find it? | 10:56 |
crimsun | orn: "a mistake was made and certain soundcards need to circumvent something" << ? | 10:56 |
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CurtisB | orn - thanks for the info, Sapholin, you too! (Those might be mine from when I was on 5.10) | 10:57 |
crimsun | charlesg3: libgl1-mesa-dev | 10:57 |
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mrDaniel | i have a problem with linux+acpi: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=199929 | 10:57 |
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rverrips | DoctorMo - Have you tried EasyUbuntu or Automatix? | 10:57 |
DoctorMO | rverrips: no | 10:58 |
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NoUse | DoctorMO did you follow the wiki howto? | 10:58 |
i\o | how can I cut a part out of a wmv file? | 10:58 |
affan | hi all. My right-click desktop menu in XFCE/Xubuntu disappeared for some reason. Also my fonts are too small too. I cant see where to fix them. Any ideas? thanks a lot | 10:58 |
charlesg3 | crimsun, hmm... apt says it's at the latest version, but i can't compile anything OpenGL (because it can't find GL/gl.h)... I can't 'find' it in /usr either | 10:58 |
charlesg3 | am I missing something? | 10:58 |
crimsun | charlesg3: you need to install the package I just mentioned to you. | 10:58 |
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charlesg3 | apt says it's at the latest version | 10:59 |
rverrips | DoctorMo: http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - It'll install all the files needed for viewing everything from wmv, divx, to dvd's etc. | 10:59 |
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CurtisB | crimsun - I'm waiting on pastebin.... here.... http://pastebin.com/719469 - there we go! | 10:59 |
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Eroick | why use ubuntu server instead of debian? | 10:59 |
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NET||abuse | hey all... i got a real bugger here. | 11:00 |
tiagoboldt | Eroick: why not? | 11:00 |
crimsun | charlesg3: ``sudo apt-get --reinstall install mesa-common-dev'' | 11:00 |
NET||abuse | somehow i got nm-applet to be able to link into the wifi stuff.. | 11:00 |
Eroick | tiagoboldt: why? | 11:00 |
christos | hello, what package do i have to install to use alsaconf? | 11:00 |
DoctorMO | rverrips: I think my sources list is broken, which is stopping me, I've just tried to use Easy Ubuntu and it errored | 11:00 |
NET||abuse | i could drop down from the top tool bar the available networks | 11:00 |
charlesg3 | crimsun, ill try that , gracias | 11:00 |
crimsun | christos: we don't ship alsaconf in alsa-utils. | 11:00 |
NET||abuse | now nm-applet can't see any network devices. | 11:00 |
affan | hi all. My right-click desktop menu disappeared for some reason. Also my fonts are too small too. I cant see where to fix them. Any ideas? thanks a lot | 11:00 |
NET||abuse | i tried remove and re-install | 11:00 |
crimsun | charlesg3: de nada | 11:00 |
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NET||abuse | but on command line the card is working,, as in i can see | 11:01 |
NET||abuse | iwlist eth0 scan | 11:01 |
NET||abuse | and i get networks | 11:01 |
NET||abuse | trying to configure stuff for wpa-aes | 11:01 |
tiagoboldt | Eroick: they're simmilar, but, you can install ubuntu LAMP, a pre-installed server with apache mysql and php, 'ready to go' | 11:01 |
charlesg3 | crimsun, sweet it worked | 11:01 |
Some_Person | I need a video/audio player a lot like windows media player for linux with visualilations and a setup simliar to v10/11 (totem sucks) | 11:01 |
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crimsun | CurtisB: you mentioned a secondary card, but I only see one detected. What sound devices are being used [or attempted] ? | 11:01 |
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tiagoboldt | with the minimum installed software, maximun optimised | 11:01 |
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tiagoboldt | Some_Person: vlc? | 11:02 |
rverrips | DoctorMo - Easyubuntu will add sources of it's own ... | 11:02 |
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DoctorMO | rverrips: I think it died trying to deal with the nvidia option | 11:03 |
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CurtisB | crimsun - I have the on-MB sound which is what I use for regular output. I also have an Echo Mia card that my wife uses to record books for librivox.org.... You helped me out with 5.10 and I documented it here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EchoMia which was enough to help me fix the card after a kernel upgrade, but now under Dapper I'm hitting a wall :( | 11:03 |
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Some_Person | Why does Ubuntu rock? | 11:03 |
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ubu_new | I installed ubuntu but now the graphic screen is not loading | 11:03 |
bsg | hi | 11:03 |
ubu_new | I have only bash | 11:04 |
DoctorMO | rverrips: I'm hoping it doesn't replace my sources because it's unsecure and always asks me to varify the packages | 11:04 |
christos | My sound card is correctly detected, in alsamixer everything is up, but I can only hear sound from my headphones in very low volume. any help? | 11:04 |
affan | ubu_new: try startx? | 11:04 |
Some_Person | and why wont mms:// work in rhythmbox? | 11:04 |
green_earz | Some_Person: because its built on debian | 11:04 |
bsg | my ubuntu is getting bigger and bigger when I install updates, os there any way to clean the system from unused files? | 11:04 |
ubu_new | affan, -bach: startx: command not found | 11:04 |
rverrips | DoctorMo - I don't have nvidia and can't comment on that options (sorry) - Perhaps try without it and see. You could also try automatix (similar to easyubuntu) http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=177646 | 11:04 |
=== XHK [n=XHK@84-50-130-12-dsl.rkv.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eigenlambda | bsg: you need to look at deborphan | 11:05 |
affan | did u install gdm/jmd etc? | 11:05 |
Some_Person | how do i get mms:// working on rhythmbox? | 11:05 |
rverrips | bsg: Try sudo apt-get clean | 11:05 |
affan | kdm* | 11:05 |
kismet | how can I use update-alternatives to set my prefered program by command line without user prompt? | 11:05 |
bsg | ok | 11:05 |
ubu_new | affan, any ideas | 11:05 |
ubu_new | ? | 11:05 |
eigenlambda | Need to get 62.0kB of archives. | 11:05 |
eigenlambda | After unpacking 381kB of additional disk space will be used. | 11:05 |
affan | ubu_new: have u installed gdm/kdm? | 11:05 |
ubu_new | I have no idea | 11:05 |
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eigenlambda | my guess is | 11:05 |
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ubu_new | just did all the istallation | 11:06 |
eigenlambda | ext3 *sucks* | 11:06 |
eigenlambda | reiserfs >> ext3 | 11:06 |
nickrud | Some_Person, I don't think rhythmbox has provisions for mms, sadly | 11:06 |
rverrips | eigenlamdba - why does ext3 suck? | 11:06 |
bsg | thx | 11:06 |
rverrips | bsg: you're welcome | 11:06 |
eigenlambda | because every single-byte file takes up 4k | 11:06 |
zquirm | If I'm using svn 1.3.1, should I be using the 1.3.x manual? | 11:06 |
zquirm | the book v1.3 | 11:06 |
nickrud | zquirm, yes. | 11:06 |
crimsun | CurtisB: I haven't used the Mia; does it require firmware to be uploaded? (I haven't read the referenced wiki page because I'm very busy at work) | 11:06 |
eigenlambda | and then it wastes space for a pool of inodes as well | 11:06 |
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affan | !gdm | 11:07 |
ubotu | affan: Bugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 11:07 |
crimsun | christos: pastebin the output from ``cat /proc/asound/cards && amixer'' | 11:07 |
nickrud | eigenlambda, is this relevant? | 11:07 |
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affan | ubu_new: have u tried upgrading dapper? | 11:07 |
kismet | nevermind I've found the answer update-alternatives --set | 11:07 |
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ubu_new | affan, this is the server disk installtion | 11:07 |
rverrips | eignlamda: I'm with nickrud, what is better than ext3? | 11:07 |
CurtisB | crimsun - understood... well to get it working in 5.10 was onyl a matter of properly installing the ALSA snd-mia, but even though I tried re-compiling ALSA with CC=gcc-4.0 (and it seemed to compile okay) it's not letting me get the module installed, for some reason.... | 11:08 |
ubu_new | affan, how can I check that the installation is 100% ? | 11:08 |
haploid | xfs > ext3 | 11:08 |
haploid | * > ext3 | 11:08 |
nickrud | rverrips, depends on the system environment. ext3 is a fine generalist | 11:08 |
affan | ubu_new: oohhh.. .. .i know.. .wait a minute let me find the link | 11:08 |
eigenlambda | when i installed dapper, it was all like, you only get to install on ext3, but you can put /home on reiserfs if you want to | 11:08 |
Some_Person | I'm so glad i got my Linuxant working for free on 56k | 11:08 |
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eigenlambda | ext3 is a waste of disk space, and it performs poorly at that | 11:08 |
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hav0k | i need help from someone who has had success with the compiz set with an ati card... or anyone for that matter | 11:09 |
christos | crimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16017 | 11:09 |
billybennett | why is ext3 bad? | 11:09 |
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catch23_ | hi, mdadm -E /dev/md2 complains that the superblock is missing, how can I rebuild the superblock without modifying any of the data on the drives? | 11:09 |
rverrips | eigenlambda - You sure you wan't install dapper on reiser (you'd have to select manual partitioning of course)? | 11:09 |
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reclusivemonkey | is there anywhere you can request programs be added to the ubuntu repositories? | 11:09 |
Tomcat_ | I use ReiserFS only, but that's more of a personal preference... the benchmarks are only a bit better than with ext3. | 11:09 |
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eigenlambda | no, i might have wanted to a while ago but i don't care that much now | 11:09 |
ubu_new | also the screen is a bit shecking | 11:09 |
LjL | reclusivemonkey: #ubuntu-motu perhaps | 11:10 |
Ackeubu_ | how to config hotmail for evolution? | 11:10 |
crimsun | CurtisB: under Dapper there's no need to export CC; the compiler version is identical for the toolchain and the pool packages. Which alsa-driver version are you using? Have you checked the 'alsa-source' factoid on ubotu? | 11:10 |
reclusivemonkey | LjL: thanks I'll try there | 11:10 |
eigenlambda | ext3 wastes a lot of disk space | 11:10 |
ubu_new | affan, it's becuase it is server? | 11:10 |
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hav0k | reclusivemonkey: probably somewhere in the develop pages | 11:10 |
eigenlambda | it is important to people who still have 40GB hard drives | 11:10 |
affan | ubu_new: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingXubuntu this is for Xubuntu but u can use it for others as well.... also http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/xubuntu | 11:10 |
hav0k | i need help from someone who has had success with the compiz set with an ati card... or anyone for that matter | 11:10 |
CurtisB | ubotu tell CurtisB about alsa-source | 11:10 |
affan | ubu_new: yes i think so | 11:10 |
ubu_new | affan, thanks | 11:10 |
Bassetts | can anyone recommend a wireless laptop card that works well with linux? | 11:11 |
ubu_new | affan, and what about the shecking screen | 11:11 |
=== moonunit [n=moonunit@dynamic-acs-24-154-239-228.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
billybennett | well I've only got a 80gb on my laptop but I've never heard of people using Reiser Ive heard of it but other then that dont know anything | 11:11 |
moonunit | how do i enable support for .rar files? | 11:11 |
iiiears | evolution+hotmail http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=evolution+hotmail&btnG=Google+Search | 11:11 |
LjL | moonunit: install rar or rar-nonfree | 11:11 |
LjL | moonunit: (rar-nonfree handles more files, but it's, well, non free) | 11:11 |
moonunit | LjL, via synaptic? | 11:11 |
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crimsun | christos: amixer set 'Headphone Jack Sense' on | 11:11 |
=== SonicChao [n=icechat5@dpc67142187100.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LjL | moonunit: via whatever package manager you like best, synaptic being one of them | 11:12 |
leafw | why in the world doesn't the packaged BitchX read out the ~/.bitchxrc ? | 11:12 |
FRbsd | did anyone have a problem with GDM starting a failsafe session rather than Gnome ? | 11:12 |
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affan | ubu_new: u mean shaking screen? well that might have to do with X configuration | 11:12 |
Zambezi | moonlite, rar -x yourfile.rar to extract. x is better cause it doesn't affect subfolders. | 11:12 |
JDahl | reclusivemonkey: even if someone is willing to package it, it will take some time. | 11:12 |
hav0k | can anyone help me with setting up compiz? | 11:12 |
moonlite | Zambezi: ok :) | 11:12 |
catch23_ | hm, anyone here know mdadm well? | 11:12 |
FRbsd | catch23_: go on ? | 11:12 |
LjL | moonlite: i think the Gnome File Roller will start handling .rar files too, once you have rar installed. | 11:12 |
CurtisB | crimsun - re: export CC, roger. re: driver version, I tried with both the sources on /usr/src (1.0.10, I think) as well as the set that I used succesfully in 5.10 (alsa-driver-1.0.11rc3) | 11:13 |
reclusivemonkey | JDahl: if it arrives before Slackware 11 I may stick with Ubuntu ;-) | 11:13 |
Zambezi | moonlite, One tip more. It will be extracted in the same folder. | 11:13 |
affan | hi all. My right-click desktop menu in XFCE/Xubuntu disappeared for some reason. Also my fonts are too small too. I cant see where to fix them. Any ideas? thanks a lot | 11:13 |
moonlite | i'm popular today :) | 11:13 |
crimsun | christos: any luck? | 11:13 |
catch23_ | FRbsd: somehow the superblock magic got wiped... would there be an easy way to rebuild that info without losing data on the drives? | 11:13 |
christos | crimsun: no still the same | 11:14 |
crimsun | christos: amixer set 'External Amplifier' off | 11:14 |
CurtisB | crimsun - I don't have module-assistant, trying out the factoid now...! | 11:14 |
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iiiears | affan fontconfig ?? | 11:14 |
catch23_ | FRbsd: basically, mdadm -E /dev/md2 says no magic is found.... only zeros | 11:14 |
hav0k | can anyone help me with compiz? | 11:14 |
christos | crimsun: it was off | 11:15 |
mrDaniel | is here someone with knowledge about acpi under linux | 11:15 |
mrDaniel | ? | 11:15 |
FRbsd | catch23_: what does /proc/mdstat say ? | 11:15 |
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mrDaniel | i want to fix my dsdt | 11:15 |
crimsun | christos: not according to the pastebin link you gave me... | 11:15 |
LjL | oh about acpi, there's just been an acpi-support update, anyone know what it fixes? | 11:15 |
Seveas | %config channel plugins.myfactoids.database ubuntu | 11:16 |
Bassetts | can anyone recommend a wireless laptop card that works well with linux? | 11:16 |
Seveas | %part | 11:16 |
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affan | iiiears: no it has to do with XFCE setting i guess... or XFCE theming... i m not sur | 11:16 |
christos | Simple mixer control 'External Amplifier',0 | 11:16 |
mrDaniel | but: 8 errors | 11:16 |
JDahl | reclusivemonkey: I experimented with debian packages awhile ago for a pet software project, and it was actually not hard (if I can do it, probably most people can)... http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/ is your friend | 11:16 |
catch23_ | FRbsd: the /dev/md2 array is gone... basically, how would I recreate the array, if I assume the other drives are all faulty except for 1 clean drive? | 11:16 |
mrDaniel | which i don't understand: dsdt.dsl 1471: Name (_T_2, Zero) | 11:16 |
mrDaniel | Error 1080 - Use of reserved word ^ (_T_2) | 11:16 |
christos | crimsun: the pastebin says Simple mixer control 'External Amplifier',0 | 11:16 |
mrDaniel | do someone know this error? | 11:16 |
catch23_ | FRbsd: can I state somehow to recreate /dev/md2 with 1 clean drive, and 1 faulty one that I won't add immediately? | 11:17 |
reclusivemonkey | JDahl: I have a baby on the way. I am doing a trial of Ubuntu coming from Slack; If I still have to compile, and it takes any effort, I'm off back to Slack | 11:17 |
FRbsd | catch23_: yes, follow this | 11:17 |
iiiears | affan - is there a gconf-editor equivalent for XFCE4? | 11:17 |
crimsun | christos: line 118. Mono: Playback [on] | 11:17 |
mrDaniel | or in other words: do someone know a goos site about the specification of the intel ASL compiler and it's error-codes? | 11:17 |
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LjL | reclusivemonkey: what is it that you need? | 11:17 |
reclusivemonkey | LjL: OGMRip | 11:17 |
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ubu_new | affan: what is the root password? | 11:18 |
IsaacKlinger | I need some help with Gkrellm or lm-sensors. | 11:18 |
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LjL | reclusivemonkey: i can compile it for you. well i can try. | 11:18 |
FRbsd | catch23_: mdadm -Cv /dev/md2 -l1 -n2 missing /dev/sdb1 | 11:18 |
affan | ubu_new: there is none... u should use sudo | 11:18 |
reclusivemonkey | LjL: thanks | 11:18 |
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FRbsd | catch23_: where this is for raid1 and sdb1 is your second partition of the second drive | 11:19 |
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christos | crimsun: thanks a lot, I was making the changes you suggested from the asamixer gui, everything works fine now, thanks again | 11:19 |
=== HaMF [n=HaMF@p54A41DCA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
catch23_ | FRbsd: is /dev/sdb1 the clean or dirty drive? | 11:19 |
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HaMF | Hi | 11:19 |
bsg | where I can configure what is startting at boot? | 11:19 |
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crimsun | christos: np. | 11:19 |
hav0k | bsg under prefs and under sessions | 11:20 |
FRbsd | catch23_: sdb1 is the clean one, the one where your data still is | 11:20 |
FRbsd | actually hold on | 11:20 |
bsg | hav0k: what do you mean? | 11:20 |
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FRbsd | catch23_: you can still mount the clean drive with the data on it ? | 11:20 |
mindspit | hallo all! i want to uninstall glibc in ubuntu ... in oder for my apache/ISPConfig/php installation can work. can i ? | 11:20 |
rverrips | bsg: sudo apt-get rcconf and then run rcconf | 11:20 |
ubu_new | affan, when I try to install iapt-get install gdm - it writes me permission denied - are you root? | 11:20 |
catch23_ | FRbsd: yeah, i can still mount all 3 raid 1 drives actually (only individually though) | 11:20 |
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HaMF | i cant set the default sound card with the help of "gnome-sound-properties" everytime i click apply and start it again, the default sound-card is SAA7143 again and that's unforunately my TV card. | 11:21 |
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Eroick | how big is a server install? | 11:21 |
HaMF | were is this configuration normally saved? | 11:21 |
FRbsd | catch23_: raid1 is 2 drives | 11:21 |
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catch23_ | FRbsd: could I even force all 3 drives to be "clean"? | 11:21 |
hikikomori | hi | 11:21 |
hav0k | bsg: under the main menu, then under system>prefs>sessions. you can edit what you want to start up on boot... or at the begining of a session | 11:21 |
FRbsd | catch23_: use this them : mdadm /dev/md2 -a /dev/sda6 | 11:21 |
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hikikomori | how can i use secondary screen on ubuntu? | 11:21 |
IsaacKlinger | Does anyone know how to, for instance, echo 255 > pwm2, in the fan speed settings, without getting an access error? | 11:21 |
catch23_ | FRbsd: well, i'm using raid1 with 3 drives :-) | 11:21 |
hav0k | bsg: but i guess thats not what youe asking? | 11:21 |
affan | ubu_new: try "sudo apt-get ......" | 11:21 |
hikikomori | is it possible? | 11:21 |
FRbsd | catch23_: where sda6 is the one you want to rebuild | 11:21 |
FRbsd | catch23_: raid0+1 then ? | 11:21 |
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ubu_new | affan, I also don't think it is reading from the cd drive | 11:22 |
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=== ztripez [n=ztripez@c-17f0e155.54-1-64736c12.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CurtisB | crimsun - okay this is probably a dumb question -- You should now stop all applications using sound devices and reload all ALSA sound modules. -- does that mean do the sudo modprobe snd-mia; sudo modprobe snd-intel0x8? | 11:22 |
bsg | hav0k: there is some of processes in rcconf, but not all I think | 11:22 |
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ubu_new | affan, couldn't find package xubuntu-desktop | 11:22 |
FRbsd | catch23_: espresso, brb | 11:22 |
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bsg | for example I want to disable LVM | 11:22 |
catch23_ | FRbsd: no, just raid1 with 3 drives... identical data being written to all 3 drives... mainly because the data is rarely written, but read a lot... more drives mean more concurrent readability | 11:22 |
affan | ubu_new: it wont... it will download from the internet i think | 11:22 |
catch23_ | FRbsd: k | 11:22 |
bsg | or raid support | 11:22 |
ToHellWithGA | gnome volume manager freaks out a lot. is that normal? | 11:22 |
ubu_new | affan, there is still no internet connection only the cd on the drive] | 11:22 |
hav0k | bsg, ah, i gotcha | 11:22 |
!lilo:*! Hi all. Just a reminder to Debian-related channels that may be switching networks: freenode channel termination policy ( http://freenode.net/policy.shtml#termination ) allows referrals from old channel to new for a week.... after that, it's most appropriate to update your project website to let your members know where the new official channel is located.... thanks! | 11:23 | |
affan | ubu_new: u want GNOME or KDE? or XFCE? | 11:23 |
catch23_ | FRbsd: if I wanted raid 0+1, I'd need 4 drives.... | 11:23 |
ubu_new | don't care | 11:23 |
kblog | hi, does anybody know why i cant see anything if I play a wmf with mplayer / vlc? | 11:23 |
hikikomori | hi? | 11:23 |
crimsun | CurtisB: kill all the processes listed in the output of ``lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*'', then unload all the snd_ modules, then reload just the two you want. | 11:23 |
ubu_new | affan, what you prefer? | 11:23 |
=== Versed [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dwt | HI there, can anybody give me a hint how I can find out which exact version of a driver linux is using? I want to find out if madwifi is used in the classic or ng version (dapper is used here) | 11:23 |
hikikomori | do anybody know how can i use secondary screen on ubuntu? | 11:23 |
hav0k | can anyone help me with compiz setup? | 11:23 |
jrib | kblog: do you have w32codecs? | 11:23 |
simian__ | i keep getting attempted connections to port 5900 (VNC). should i be worried? | 11:23 |
rverrips | hey tohellwithga: not normal for volume manager to freak out a lot | 11:23 |
kblog | i can hear sound of this movie but cant se no images | 11:23 |
ztripez | i've got this home brewd shelskript i made and now i whant it to been executet everytime an user log or out... where? | 11:23 |
catch23_ | I suppose I could do raid 0 with two drives, and raid 1 with the raid 0 and normal drive.... though that'd be weird | 11:23 |
affan | ubu_new: if u have a decent computer (good memory etc.) i would go for KDE/GNOME since that is more user friendly | 11:23 |
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hav0k | kblog, it sounds like you dont have the codecs | 11:24 |
ubu_new | affan, ok so I need to install from start now? | 11:24 |
kblog | jrib: i cant find it in adept... | 11:24 |
=== raptor [n=raptor@194-152-247-76.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
affan | ubu_new: try apt/getting ubuntu-desktop? | 11:24 |
ubu_new | affan, I don't care if it is kde or gnome | 11:24 |
ToHellWithGA | also, now that i've moved /home to a new partition, do i just use the "custom partitioning" option in the installer to get that one to be /home ? | 11:24 |
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jrib | ubotu: tell kblog about w32codecs | 11:25 |
ubu_new | affan, to write app-get ubuntu-desktop ? | 11:25 |
kblog | hav0k: so which codes do i need? | 11:25 |
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jrib | kblog: they aren't there, ubotu should have sent you a link with more info | 11:25 |
affan | ubu_new: yes.. .with a sudo first | 11:25 |
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=== momoru wishes that his broadxent modem was supported in linux. | ||
Eroick | how big is a server install? | 11:25 |
ubu_new | affan, invalid operation ubuntu-desktop | 11:25 |
affan | ubu_new: did u update apt get first? after editing the files like it said? | 11:25 |
bsg | thx for your help. bye | 11:25 |
ubu_new | affan, I think so | 11:26 |
arnold | bonjour, je voudrais savoir comment faire apparaitre ma partition fat32 sur mon serveur linux... merci | 11:26 |
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ubu_new | affan, just not sure if it writes from the cd drive | 11:26 |
kblog | jrib: thanx | 11:26 |
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jrib | !fr | 11:26 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 11:26 |
rverrips | arnold, could you ask that in english? | 11:26 |
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arnold | oh sorry | 11:26 |
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affan | ubu_new: yeah thats what i m not sure about either... how to make it read package info from CD | 11:27 |
hikikomori | hi | 11:27 |
ubu_new | so I will install from the beinning | 11:27 |
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hikikomori | do anybody know how can i use secondary screen on ubuntu? | 11:27 |
=== dex [n=dex@user-7586.lns3-c12.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hav0k | kblog, im guessing the w32codecs... i think you can find them under the restricted formats | 11:27 |
_absolution_ | how does one instal a splash screen? | 11:27 |
affan | ubu_new: i m not sure if that will make a difference.. wait a sec. | 11:27 |
FRbsd | catch23_: so did it work ? | 11:27 |
hav0k | kblog: probably here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats | 11:27 |
arnold | Hello, I'd like to know how to make my "fat 32" appear... | 11:27 |
Eroick | does linux suppport WMA files? | 11:27 |
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ubu_new | affan, ok thanks | 11:27 |
=== iiiears [n=bill@ip70-181-219-28.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
affan | ubu_new: i think i saw a link somewhere for a Ubuntu server install | 11:27 |
rverrips | hikikomori - you need to set up the second screen in xorg.conf | 11:27 |
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jrib | ubotu: tell arnold about vfat | 11:28 |
catch23_ | FRbsd: yeah it worked. the array is rebuilding now. thanks | 11:28 |
=== udo [n=lepis@ppp133-111.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dwt | HI there, can anybody give me a hint how I can find out which exact version of a driver linux is using? I want to find out if madwifi is used in the classic or ng version (dapper is used here) | 11:28 |
_absolution_ | well whats a splash screen? | 11:29 |
FRbsd | catch23_: cool | 11:29 |
udo | does anyone have install mutella for dapper? | 11:29 |
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iiiears | dwt - sudo lsmod ?? | 11:29 |
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MetaMorfoziS | !qemu | 11:29 |
ubotu | rumour has it, qemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo or http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=200357&postcount=1 | 11:29 |
FRbsd | catch23_: make sure you update your configuration file mdadm.conf adterwards | 11:29 |
FRbsd | catch23_: also, how did it happen ? | 11:30 |
dwt | iiiears: well - I get the name of the module - but how do I get the exact version? | 11:30 |
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LjL | reclusivemonkey: that program does not compile. make fails with errors in ogmrip-backend.c that from the looks of them appear to be actual errors, not just missing packages that configure forgot to check for | 11:30 |
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arnold | Hello, I'd like to know how to make my "fat 32 diviser " appear on my computer... | 11:30 |
affan | ubu_new: http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_ubuntu_6.06 this details how to set up ur network from a server install | 11:30 |
catch23_ | FRbsd: i have no clue... this is our backup machine. I just decided I'd check up on it... and realized it hadn't been doing backups for the last 30 days (bad)... | 11:30 |
chapium | Anyone here know an easy way to put ubuntu into "suspend"/"sleep" mode? | 11:30 |
=== bpederse [n=bpederse@gian-24c-001j.CNR.Berkeley.EDU] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubu_new | affan, ok thanks | 11:30 |
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chapium | for some reason i'm having issues with it | 11:30 |
chapium | :( | 11:30 |
iiiears | dwt - Okay, now you have done it. i am at the end of my knowledge. (pretty short road really. - lol) | 11:30 |
affan | ubu_new: do u want ur machine to act as a server or desktop? | 11:31 |
ubu_new | affan, server for zope | 11:31 |
dwt | iiiears: well, thanks for trying to help. :) | 11:31 |
affan | ubu_new: oh ok... then this should help | 11:31 |
reclusivemonkey | LjL: It compiles fine in slack | 11:31 |
dwt | Anybody else want to try to take the torch? <g> | 11:31 |
udo | i dont hear any sound i dont know why my system already detect my card | 11:31 |
=== FliesLikeALap [n=Ryan@ool-45796272.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dwt | searching google for "version linux kernel module" doesn't get me anywhere (sadly) | 11:32 |
CurtisB | crimsun - well, still no luck, but I have to go :( my family is starting dinner now. in System Information I can see the card: Motorola DSP56361 but it/ALSA aren't cooperating so far... I'll have to revisit this later tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for the help! | 11:32 |
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LjL | reclusivemonkey: well, it doesn't here. anyway, if you want to try yourself, i can tell you that you need at least the following packages installed: libxml-parser-perl lame ogmtools mencoder mplayer libdvdread3-dev libglib2.0-dev | 11:32 |
=== IsaacKlinger [n=Dor@85-250-154-81.bb.netvision.net.il] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
ubu_new | affan, the only problem is that I thought that kde or gnome is already installed with the server installation | 11:32 |
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reclusivemonkey | LjL: have all those installed | 11:32 |
LjL | reclusivemonkey: i tried with both gcc 4 and gcc 3 | 11:32 |
affan | Hi Guys, I have a weird problem in XFCE. I open the Desktop Manager and click "Let XFCE Manage the desktop" and everything works ok... but then suddenly there is a flicker and the right-click menu disappears. Any one knows wat might be the problem? | 11:32 |
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udo | i dont hear any sound i dont know why my system already detect my card | 11:33 |
FRbsd | catch23_: you might want to check logs | 11:33 |
crimsun | udo: pastebin ``cat /proc/asound/cards && amixer'' | 11:33 |
iiiears | ubu_new - sudo apt-get ubuntu-deksop (gnome) kubuntu-desktop (KDE) xubuntu-destop (XFCE4) | 11:33 |
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scompal1 | Hello people! Here I am on ubunutu!! | 11:33 |
FRbsd | catch23_: and smart status too | 11:33 |
arnold | ??? | 11:33 |
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simian__ | i keep getting attempted connections to port 5900 (VNC). should i be worried? | 11:33 |
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Gullstad | How setup a LAN-printer? | 11:33 |
jrib | arnold: ubotu should have sent you information about fat32 partitions | 11:33 |
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airboy | hello | 11:34 |
affan | iiiears: ubu_new doesnt have network on the machine | 11:34 |
dwt | Well, thanks for trying to help! cu | 11:34 |
XiXaQ | what is gam_server? | 11:34 |
ubu_new | affan, e: invalid operation ubuntu-desktop | 11:34 |
reclusivemonkey | LjL: thanks anyway | 11:34 |
airboy | simple q: i have ns1, ns2 from my webhost where i buy my own vps server with ubuntu 6.06 which allready have webmin | 11:34 |
arnold | sorry i don't think he did... | 11:34 |
=== Discipulus [n=disc@unaffiliated/discipulus] has joined #ubuntu | ||
affan | ubu_new: u can get to the internet? did u configure the net? | 11:35 |
airboy | did i still need to setup bind or i can just add user and virtual site in apache? | 11:35 |
ubu_new | affan, no | 11:35 |
iiiears | ubu - one of those should do it. - gnome is what most are using here. - KDE is a bit prettier. but uses some ram. xfce4 will run on nearly anything and use less ram. (more challenging to configure) | 11:35 |
ubu_new | affan, how can i configure dail up? | 11:35 |
Gullstad | How setup a LAN-printer? | 11:35 |
airboy | and in godaddy i add webhost ns1 and ns2 right? | 11:35 |
jrib | ubotu: tell arnold about vfat | 11:35 |
=== capgadget [n=elifino@adsl-69-149-32-16.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | arnold: check your private messages now | 11:35 |
affan | ubu_new: oh i m not sure about that.... i have never done that | 11:35 |
ubu_new | affan, but I am sure there is way to install it all from the cd drive | 11:36 |
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=== Magical1492 [n=chatzill@swsh-05-194.dsl.netins.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
udo | crimsun i have VIA 8237 with AD1888 at 0xe400, irq 201 i think the problem is the irq | 11:37 |
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rverrips | Gullstad - What kind of LAN printer? HP? | 11:37 |
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hav0k | can anyone help me with compiz? | 11:37 |
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crimsun | udo: the pastebin output would be more useful to me. | 11:37 |
Gullstad | rverrips: Yes | 11:37 |
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=== EvilItself [n=aa@cc247812-b.roden1.dr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LjL | reclusivemonkey: have a look here http://apt.cerkinfo.be/ --- no guarantees at all of course | 11:38 |
Magical1492 | Can anyone help me with dual booting the latest version of Ubuntu (A Live CD install) and Windows XP? | 11:38 |
airboy | anybody plz? | 11:38 |
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LjL | Magical1492: maybe we can. what is the problem? | 11:39 |
iiiears | ubotu tell Magical about grub | 11:39 |
udo | where can i pastebin | 11:39 |
iiiears | !grub | 11:39 |
LjL | !pastebin | 11:39 |
ubotu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting | 11:39 |
ubotu | Please do not flood the channel! Use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ for pasting long pieces of text, to avoid disrupting the channel. You might also want to use the "webboard" package from Universe. | 11:39 |
=== dolmen [n=dolmen@cho94-1-81-57-157-99.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Magical1492 | Alright, I have a copy of Windows XP on a laptop | 11:39 |
arnold | ok great but actually I think the problem is in fstab.... | 11:39 |
Magical1492 | And I want to use this Live CD that I'm on now, using the Install utility (if I can) to dual boot with Windows XP | 11:40 |
LjL | Magical1492: that is possible. | 11:40 |
Magical1492 | Can I do it without disturbing the XP partition? | 11:40 |
ubu_new | affan, thanks for your help | 11:40 |
=== tempered [n=Tempered@ip68-226-149-14.lf.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LjL | Magical1492: if you have some free space on your drive that's not taken by any windows partition, yes | 11:40 |
hav0k | can anyone help me with compiz? | 11:41 |
affan | ubu_new: did it work? | 11:41 |
LjL | Magical1492: otherwise, the installer is supposed to be able to "shrink" your windows partition | 11:41 |
ubu_new | no I will install it from the beginning as normal | 11:41 |
=== serverman [n=cobbfami@c-67-186-218-157.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rverrips | Magical - The installer will install something called GRUB in the boot space and when you startup the PC will ask if you want Linux or XP | 11:41 |
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ubu_new | because I don't know how to find way to update the kde or gnome from the cd | 11:41 |
tempered | I want to run World of Warcraft and do Perl and HTML stuff. Is the Ubuntu Desktop setup for this? | 11:41 |
ubu_new | affan, unless you will give me idea ;-) | 11:42 |
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serverman | hey what is the room for server talk? | 11:42 |
LjL | tempered: i don't see a problem with Perl and HTML. i hear that WoW can work in Cedega (and possibly Wine?), but i have no first hand experience | 11:42 |
edneymatias | see ya | 11:42 |
Magical1492 | Yeah, I've heard about GRUB, but I wouldn't know how to install it without disturbing my other partition, really don't want to reformat if possible | 11:42 |
tempered | thank you LjL | 11:42 |
affan | ubu_new: i know how to do it from synaptic but since u dont have GUI you cant use that.... maybe ask some1 how to read package info from CD using apt-get | 11:42 |
serverman | i need help with my server what room should i go to? | 11:42 |
LjL | Magical1492: you don't have to know, the installer will take care of that automatically | 11:43 |
rverrips | ask away serverman | 11:43 |
affan | ubu_new: there must be a way to install packages from the CD | 11:43 |
ccooke | serverman: What's the problem? | 11:43 |
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iiiears | LjL - Cedega - WINE? - not so well. WoW uses DirectX and Cedega supports it. | 11:43 |
arnold | ?? | 11:43 |
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arnold | I don't understand... | 11:43 |
udo | crimsun this is the link http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16020 | 11:43 |
Magical1492 | Alright, so if I use the Install feature of Ubuntu, it will take care of it? | 11:43 |
affan | ubu_new: can u see the GNOME/KDE packages in the CD? | 11:43 |
Magical1492 | LIVE CD | 11:43 |
serverman | i just set up a LAMP but don't have very much experience with servers.. (this is my first one) | 11:43 |
crimsun | udo: ok, one sec | 11:43 |
LjL | iiiears: Wine supports DirectX too. it's just that the support is still a little broken | 11:43 |
ubu_new | affan, how do I do that? | 11:43 |
serverman | i would like to set my server up so i can edit it from my desktop | 11:43 |
serverman | i was thinking of using vncviewer or ssh | 11:44 |
crimsun | udo: are you trying to use the onboard sound device (Via, it looks like) as the default and not the tv tuner? | 11:44 |
LjL | Magical1492: by "live CD" i assume you mean the Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake) Desktop CD? if so, then yes. | 11:44 |
duckdown | Hey all.. Real easy question; I'm running a webserver from home, but my /pictures/ folder is WORLD READABLE (as oppposed to only be able to see specific links to .jpg's) how do I need to chmod that folder? | 11:44 |
Magical1492 | yep | 11:44 |
=== _absolution_ [n=mpeters@53-202-165-66.rev.knet.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubu_new | affan, there is diffrance between the normal eddtion and the server eddtion if I want it to be server? | 11:44 |
affan | ubu_new: thats a good question :)... .i guess just browse the CD using "ls, find" etc. | 11:44 |
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ccooke | serverman: So, you want a web site you can edit from the desktop? | 11:44 |
_absolution_ | what's a good dvd ripping program out there??? | 11:44 |
LjL | Magical1492: just make sure that you do *NOT* select the "Erase entire disk" option when then installer asks you which method to use ;-) | 11:44 |
rverrips | serverman: SSH is probably better, with that you can upload/download as well - Your desktop is windows? | 11:44 |
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ubu_new | affan, I think it will be faster to install it all from the begining | 11:44 |
serverman | rverrips no both are linux | 11:44 |
Magical1492 | Yeah | 11:44 |
Magical1492 | >_> | 11:45 |
serverman | rverrips ubuntu linux both of them | 11:45 |
ccooke | serverman: that's actually very easy. Make sure you have the ssh *server* (openssh-server) installed on the server, then mount "/var/www" from your desktop | 11:45 |
affan | ubu_new: so how will that help? did u see an option to select GUI during install? | 11:45 |
=== cArNaGe` [n=john@plns-64-111-157-171-pppoe.dsl.plns.epix.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ztripez | anyone know sshfs here? need to know how to remove the password asking stuff all the time | 11:45 |
AlinuxOS | hello all, where can I get my boot messages ? /var/log/somewhere.... Imean exactly that I see at boot. | 11:45 |
udo | crimsun i have VIA the default sound card | 11:45 |
=== QPAD|W-DND [n=w@c80-216-222-145.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rverrips | ccooke is on the money there serverman ... | 11:45 |
AlinuxOS | I have some error messages | 11:45 |
AlinuxOS | so I would like to investigate. | 11:45 |
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serverman | ccooke im not sure that i have my server set up correctly because when i go to my routers menu my servers ip doesnt show up | 11:45 |
LjL | Magical1492: if you have some free space on your HD (i.e. unpartitioned space), the installer will ask you if you want to install there. if you have no free space, it will ask you if you want to resize your Windows partition so that it becomes smaller, and space for Linux gets created. in either case, GRUB is installed and automatically configured so that it will show a menu asking whether you want to boot Linux or Windows | 11:45 |
hav0k | does anyone know anything about compiz? | 11:45 |
ccooke | serverman: On the desktop, all you need is to click Places -> Connect to Server | 11:45 |
hav0k | and xgl? | 11:45 |
QPAD|W-DND | I was wondering how to boost the HZ to 1000 ? (Im using 2.6.12-10-686-smp, ubuntu 5.10 server breezy) Anyone ? (also, is this dangerous?) | 11:45 |
=== Shadyman_ [n=Matthew@MTL-HSE-ppp173073.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rverrips | serverman - what router you got, and can you ping the server? | 11:46 |
ubu_new | affan, no but if I will install the other cd - normal one and not server one it will be ok and there will be kde right? | 11:46 |
ccooke | serverman: can you ping the server from the desktop? | 11:46 |
crimsun | udo: amixer set 'IEC958 Playback AC97-SPSA' 0 | 11:46 |
serverman | my router is a Belkin | 11:46 |
ubu_new | affan, or I will have to do it all over again? | 11:46 |
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QPAD|W-DND | Anyone who could help me out with boosting the HZ to 1000 ? | 11:46 |
serverman | I don't know the static ip of my server | 11:46 |
dolmen | QPAD|W-DND, yes changing HZ is dangerous | 11:46 |
QPAD|W-DND | It is ? | 11:46 |
serverman | i havent set one yet | 11:46 |
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ccooke | serverman: you'll need to set one, then | 11:46 |
serverman | ya | 11:46 |
QPAD|W-DND | Whys this dolmen, what exactly can happend? | 11:46 |
serverman | how do i do that haha | 11:47 |
crimsun | QPAD|W-DND: it's 1000 by default in Dapper. | 11:47 |
QPAD|W-DND | I dont use dapper. | 11:47 |
affan | ubu_new: if u use a normal Ubuntu CD you will get GNOME | 11:47 |
dolmen | QPAD|W-DND, if you want more speed, upgrade to dapper | 11:47 |
serverman | ccooke i have been trying to figure out how to do that but havening trouble | 11:47 |
ubu_new | affan, and it will be good to be server? | 11:47 |
QPAD|W-DND | dolmen, does dapper work good for game-servers? | 11:47 |
crimsun | QPAD|W-DND: just so you know, it was dropped to 250 in Edgy. | 11:47 |
roler | is the Intel Core Duo considered a Pentium M or a Pentium 4? in the cpu setup of 2.6.17? | 11:47 |
ccooke | serverman: does your server have a graphical login or only text? | 11:47 |
tempered | dapper is a lamp servcer? | 11:47 |
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serverman | ccooke only text | 11:47 |
tiagoboldt | tempered: it could be installed like that | 11:47 |
affan | ubu_new: i am not sure about this... ask the public... i think it should be ok... you might have to install a few more apps or make some changes after wards | 11:47 |
=== Dimitris [n=AbsolutD@netrun-224-225.cytanet.com.cy] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
ccooke | serverman: okay, then. You'll need to edit (using sudo) /etc/network/interfaces | 11:48 |
dolmen | QPAD|W-DND, don't know for game servers. | 11:48 |
ccooke | serverman: I'm guessing you don't know how to use vi, yes? | 11:48 |
dolmen | QPAD|W-DND, but dapper is generally faster | 11:48 |
ubu_new | affan, ok thanks for your help bye for now | 11:48 |
QPAD|W-DND | dolmen oh well, is there a way to boost it up ? | 11:48 |
QPAD|W-DND | well dolmen, in what ways? | 11:48 |
serverman | ccooke .. i well i have used vim before but it wont let me edit the /etc/network/interfaces | 11:48 |
serverman | ccooke is vi like vim?? | 11:48 |
ccooke | serverman: yes, it is. | 11:48 |
ccooke | serverman: you'll need to use sudo to edit the file. | 11:49 |
rverrips | cooke - I believe pico is part of standard ubuntu install and easier to use than vi | 11:49 |
serverman | ccooke ok that might have been my problem | 11:49 |
ccooke | serverman: that's 'sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces'. However, you'll probably find 'sudoedit /etc/network/interface' an easier one to use. | 11:49 |
ccooke | serverman: sudoedit will automatically pick up the default editor (which on ubuntu is nano) | 11:49 |
=== affan [n=affan@adsl-68-94-42-49.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
dolmen | QPAD|W-DND, a more recent kernel usually has additionnal optimisations | 11:50 |
udo | crimsun this is the link http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16022 | 11:50 |
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dolmen | QPAD|W-DND, and this is the case with Dapper | 11:50 |
serverman | ccooke ok so is this where i would then type in somthign like iface eth1 inet static | 11:50 |
serverman | address | 11:50 |
serverman | netmask | 11:50 |
serverman | gateway | 11:50 |
=== genaus [n=genaus@84-32-92-253.aktv.lt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ccooke | serverman: That's right. Assuming your private network is using, anyway. | 11:51 |
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Jinkguns | Excuse me, but could someone tell me how to turn off the marker line in Xchat? | 11:51 |
ccooke | serverman: (sorry, /24 not /16) | 11:51 |
Some_Person | Whats the best Linux Media Player? | 11:51 |
udo | crimsun this command its only mute my speaker | 11:52 |
Lens | when you deny an account administrative privaliges there is absolutely no way to to do anything administrative... right? no, logging in with root pass or anything? | 11:52 |
Some_Person | I need a Windows Media Player 10/11-like player | 11:52 |
QPAD|W-DND | dolmen, is dapper console, or graphic? | 11:52 |
serverman | ccooke ... i would ask what the diffrences but I don't wanna confuse my self ha ha | 11:52 |
[cyanescent(n=niel@dslb-088-072-238-245.pools.arcor-ip.net)] help | 11:52 | |
ccooke | Hum. Looks like a bug needs to be filed against ubuntu' use of nano (and sudoedit in particular) | 11:52 |
serverman | ccooke ok im ganna do that brb ill tell you how it goes | 11:52 |
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ccooke | serverman: You'll need to add "auto eth1" there a well | 11:53 |
NoUse | Some_Person you mean a really crappy player? | 11:53 |
ccooke | serverman: are you sure the interface you want is eth1? | 11:53 |
ccooke | serverman: firt ethernet device is usually eth0 | 11:53 |
Some_Person | No, a nice easy to use pretty player | 11:53 |
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udo | crimsun this is the link http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16022 | 11:53 |
NoUse | Some_Person totem? | 11:53 |
dolmen | QPAD|W-DND, Dapper is the new release 6 months after Breezy | 11:53 |
serverman | ccooke um ya i belive im going to try it one eth0 | 11:53 |
Some_Person | Totem is CRAP | 11:53 |
ccooke | serverman: Right. | 11:53 |
NoUse | Some_Person did you install totem-xine? | 11:53 |
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QPAD|W-DND | dolmen, ah ok, so its not graphic ? | 11:53 |
serverman | ccooke also, i should add "auto eth0" ?? | 11:53 |
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ccooke | serverman: and a warning: Ignore what I said about sudoedit. I'll have to file a but there. | 11:54 |
Lens | I just want to edit this xml file, but I'm in a non-admin priv. acct., so I guess the ONLY way is to log out and log in as admin to edit the locked xml file? | 11:54 |
dolmen | QPAD|W-DND, Dapper is graphic | 11:54 |
QPAD|W-DND | Then I cannot use it. | 11:54 |
ccooke | serverman: Yes. The auto like tells Ubuntu to start the network device on bootup. | 11:54 |
si|vercat | anyone quite familiar with iptables here? I want a firewall ruleset with masquerading, but restrictive. I want to add the IP's to computers granted access to "the outside" manually.. what's the basic idea? | 11:54 |
serverman | ccooke sweet | 11:54 |
Some_Person | totem is the only player that wont play audio correctly | 11:54 |
NoUse | Some_Person mplayer is good player | 11:54 |
dolmen | QPAD|W-DND, Wh? | 11:54 |
dolmen | QPAD|W-DND, Why? | 11:54 |
krang | I've got a few machines configured for NIS/NFS login and home dir, but every machine I setup for network auth and storage for homes breaks my sound. /dev/snd isn't open on the broken machines, so i'm a bit stumped as to why the ALSA mixer can't detect anything when it could before. The appropriate module is loaded, too | 11:54 |
=== eamo [n=eamon@213-202-139-70.bas502.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
QPAD|W-DND | Because its not console based, I mean. Just text based. It wont work out well for my game-servers, as i run a few. | 11:54 |
serverman | ccooke what about this part of the code do i really need to add it? "iface eth0 inet dhcp" | 11:54 |
Some_Person | i have mplayer, its ok, but i want a more easy gui | 11:54 |
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ccooke | serverman: (sudoedit, by default, calls nano. However, nano *by default* needs the parameter "-w" to be safe - without it, it can add breaks into long lines and break your configs) | 11:55 |
NoUse | Some_Person you might have to write one | 11:55 |
jammer | hi to all | 11:55 |
Some_Person | no way | 11:55 |
NoUse | Some_Person vlc is the only other thing I can think of | 11:55 |
pteppic | Evening all. | 11:55 |
tiagoboldt | Some_Person: just audio or also video? | 11:55 |
crimsun | udo: good, can you try playing music? | 11:55 |
Some_Person | both | 11:55 |
ccooke | serverman: you only need one stanza for eth0 | 11:55 |
krang | I've got a few machines configured for NIS/NFS login and home dir, but every machine I setup for network auth and storage for homes breaks my sound. /dev/snd isn't open on the broken machines, so i'm a bit stumped as to why the ALSA mixer can't detect anything when it could before (gstreamer errors). The appropriate module is loaded, too | 11:55 |
krang | oops sorry, double post | 11:55 |
jammer | Someone ca nhelp me to install Video4Linux on my Dapper Box? Many thanks | 11:55 |
dolmen | QPAD|W-DND, On a Linux system, the graphical environment (Gnome, KDE) is always optionnal. | 11:55 |
krang | jammer: it's already in the kernel | 11:55 |
=== herzi [n=herzi@c184218.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dolmen | QPAD|W-DND, You an always disable it | 11:56 |
udo | crimsun its mute | 11:56 |
tiagoboldt | Some_Person: wine wmp.exe | 11:56 |
ccooke | serverman: the 'dhcp' bit means "get an address automatically", the opposite of static addressing. | 11:56 |
tiagoboldt | :P | 11:56 |
pteppic | AMD64, nforce3, Dapper, 2.6.5-25, hangs at "Mounting root file system", trawled forums, still getting nowhere. | 11:56 |
Some_Person | I got addicted to Windows Media Player 11 on Windows, so now I want something like that for Linux. | 11:56 |
crimsun | udo: amixer set 'External Amplifier' on | 11:56 |
ccooke | serverman: and a server really needs a static address | 11:56 |
eigenlambda | if you want something like WMP, try XMMS | 11:56 |
eigenlambda | IIRC | 11:56 |
eigenlambda | LOL | 11:56 |
serverman | ccooke oh right ok ... so then just do a "iface eth0" then??? | 11:56 |
nickrud | Some_Person, wine (runs) | 11:56 |
Some_Person | i have xmms, its like winamp | 11:56 |
ccooke | pteppic: Try waiting for about 10 minutes? | 11:56 |
QPAD|W-DND | dolmen, is there a dapper installation only for server? without the graphic part? | 11:56 |
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jammer | krang: but for drivers of my new WINTV-PVR-500 w/ dual tuner what I can do? | 11:56 |
dolmen | QPAD|W-DND, yes | 11:56 |
Some_Person | i cant get wmp10 working in wine | 11:56 |
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Some_Person | or 11 | 11:57 |
eigenlambda | i ha8 wmp | 11:57 |
serverman | ccooke or is that not needed either? | 11:57 |
pteppic | ccooke: Not helping. Fancy meeting you here :-) | 11:57 |
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ccooke | pteppic: I've found 2.6.15-25 stalls for a long time on this laptop (2 minute, sometimes) at that point | 11:57 |
krang | jammer: Dunno, I only ever used webcams and made sure they were already supported | 11:57 |
nickrud | alpha software, forever | 11:57 |
Some_Person | i like WMP | 11:57 |
eigenlambda | mplayer > wmp (on windows) | 11:57 |
ccooke | serverman: You need exactly one block in the file that begins "iface eth0" | 11:57 |
pteppic | ccooke: I've left it a couple of hours, still no joye. | 11:57 |
NoUse | Some_Person I use Kaffeine but you'll have to pull down all the KDE libs | 11:57 |
QPAD|W-DND | dolmen, how do i install it ? apt-get . ? | 11:57 |
Lens | will I need to login to my admin acct to edit this locked xml file from my non-admin privliged acct? | 11:57 |
=== Hhhhh [n=Hhhhh@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Some_Person | WMP > any linux media player i've seen so far | 11:57 |
eigenlambda | wmp sucks more than internet xplorer | 11:58 |
ccooke | serverman: for a static IP, you need that to be: "iface eth0 inet static", followed by extra lines that give your server a static IP | 11:58 |
jammer | Someone can help me with my new WinTV TVtuner Card???? | 11:58 |
Some_Person | Internet Explorer does suck | 11:58 |
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Draconicus | I've reinstalled all dependencies of xubuntu-desktop, and I've tried removing my home directory files related to XFCE. No matter what I do, the desktop will not show up. I get a panel and a taskbar, but no desktop. What can I do? | 11:58 |
pteppic | Hangs at ohci_hcd 0000:00:02.0: OHCI Host Controller | 11:58 |
NoUse | Some_Person it depends on how you define a player, mplayer will play 10x the media files WMP does | 11:58 |
ccooke | serverman: At this point, I'd suggest you type "man interfaces", which will give you additional help about the /etc/network/interfaces file | 11:58 |
dolmen | QPAD|W-DND, Dapper is the whole system | 11:58 |
pteppic | I can't even roll-back to 23 | 11:58 |
=== nicky [n=nicky@155-35-231-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nickrud | Someone needs who knows needs to start a 'what works' wiki page | 11:58 |
Some_Person | and i dont need to play those files | 11:58 |
dolmen | QPAD|W-DND, Download an ISO image at ubuntu.com | 11:58 |
udo | crimsun the link is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16024 | 11:58 |
krang | jammer: new hardware+linux=bad as far as i've seen | 11:58 |
serverman | ccooke ok thanks a bunch ill mess around with it and be back | 11:58 |
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=== Dreamglider [n=regin@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
QPAD|W-DND | the problem is i want to upgrade, i cannot uninstall the current one and install another one :/ | 11:59 |
ccooke | pteppic: Where's it stalling when you do a recovery mode boot? | 11:59 |
ccooke | serverman: good luck | 11:59 |
NoUse | !players | 11:59 |
ubotu | rumour has it, players is Audio/MP3 Players: amaroK, Audacious, Banshee, Beep-media-player, JuK, quodlibet, Rhythmbox, XMMS ; Video players: Totem, Xine, Mplayer, VLC | 11:59 |
pteppic | ccooke: Hangs at ohci_hcd 0000:00:02.0: OHCI Host Controller | 11:59 |
=== DRaGONeRO [n=DRaGON@81-208-83-212.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NoUse | Some_Person ^^^ | 11:59 |
udo | crimsun i already run the command | 11:59 |
DRaGONeRO | hi | 11:59 |
rverrips | Draconicus - Settings MAnager, Desktop - Is it set to let XFCE manage it? | 11:59 |
eigenlambda | totem sucks more than wmp | 11:59 |
Some_Person | WMP rules, totem sucks | 11:59 |
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nicky | anybody knows which plugin do I need to play mp3 files? | 12:00 |
Some_Person | totem is the worst thing i've ever seen | 12:00 |
krang | regardless, totem sucks | 12:00 |
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