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AmaranthOk, my bayesian library works perfectly the first two times you use it.12:26
Amaranththen it goes all pear shaped12:27
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BurgworkAmaranth, cool12:28
BurgworkAmaranth, aside from that, is it working all right?12:28
AmaranthBurgwork: Appears to be, yeah.12:29
AmaranthOnce I realized using a generator for the tokens wasn't a good idea.12:30
AmaranthI need to loop through the tokens twice, can't really do that with a generator. :P12:30
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Amaranthi think i'm close to the solution12:41
cbx33nice one Amaranth 12:49
cbx33oh just to metion I sorted the problem I was having earlier12:50
rodarvusgood night12:51
AmaranthI have a feeling I'm going to need to strip buildCache down to just buildCorpus12:54
AmaranthI think trying to build a cache with the DB backend is fscking it up12:54
Amaranthit is12:55
cbx33and I was here for the historic moment01:00
=== cbx33 is still wrapping resetns for his wifes 21st
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Seveas%config channel plugins.myfactoids.database ubuntu09:16
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Seveas%config channel plugins.myfactoids.database ubuntu09:16
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage09:16
ograhey Seveas 09:17
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pc22hey DanielC09:56
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LaserJockah, highvoltage , you woke up10:03
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DanielCWhy does my desktop require the acpi-support package? That's stupid.10:13
DanielCI can't remove it without removing things like gnome-panel, gnome-session and gnome-control-center10:13
pc22why is openoffice so bloated10:16
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Amaranthogra: bzr branch http://dev.realistanew.com/willowng12:27
ograYAY !12:27
=== ogra branches
=== jsgotangco branches
Amaranthstill some weird parts but  it does run12:27
Amaranthjust run python willowng.in for now and setup a browser to talk to localhost:8008 for http and https12:28
jsgotangco2 revs heh12:28
ograwell, nobody expects yet that its perfect ;)12:28
jsgotangcothat was short12:28
Amaranthjsgotangco: one for "oh this needs to be in bzr" and one for "hey, i fixed it!"12:29
Amaranththe bayesian bits need a lot more documentation12:30
Amaranthif you can figure out what they do, please tell me ;)12:30
ograany particular site i could test with ? 12:32
Amaranthnope, the corpus is empty12:33
Amaranthno training12:33
ograhttp://www.realistanew.com/ at least is blocked by the domainfilter :)12:33
Amaranthi still need to hook that up to the db12:34
ograError code explanation: 403 = Request forbidden -- authorization will not help.12:34
ograhaha, i like the part after the doubledash :)12:34
Amaranththat's all stock BaseHTTPRequestHandler stuff right now12:34
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ograAmaranth, do you have already created a launcpad product for it ? 12:38
Amarantherr, i knew i forgot something12:38
Amaranthbut i think i want a name first, otherwise my url will always look goofy when i get one12:39
ograafter you created it, you can add your branch as the upstream branch for it12:39
ograso we can put it on the supermirror12:39
bimberiAmaranth: i was just going to ask if there was a name :)12:40
Amaranthnaming is hard :P12:40
ograbimberi, got a suggestion ? we're still looking for one12:40
bimberisurely you're sick of my suggestions by now!12:40
=== bimberi was probably one of 56674637 to suggest 'smeg'
bimberii still like BayesWatch though12:42
ograWebPolice :)12:42
AmaranthSiteBayes is the best i can come up with12:44
Amaranthalthough iirc Robinson-Fisher isn't really a bayesian system12:44
Amaranthit's just tossed in  there as one because it's based on it12:44
bimberiah, kk12:45
Amaranthi dunno, that was about the time when my head started hurting12:45
ograi'll ask tomorrow in the morning talk, there are ~50 ppl here at the conference ...12:45
Amaranthhehe, yay12:46
bimberiogra: lunch break atm i guess?12:46
Amaranthalmost noon there12:46
=== ogra goes looking if we have some merchandize around, so we could make a naming contest
=== Amaranth wants an ubuntu sticker for his laptop
jsgotangcohe we don't even have cds :(12:46
Amaranthwho do i have to kill to get one? :)12:47
ograjsgotangco, silbs will bring them if she comes i guess12:47
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highvoltageLaserJock: hey there02:33
LaserJockhighvoltage: I'm here02:33
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=== Amaranth looks around
Amaranthlunch break over?02:51
Amaranthogra come back :P02:58
highvoltageAmaranth: i think so :)02:58
AmaranthI need to know what he wants me to have done for "Google solicits mid-program mentor evaluations of student progress"02:58
jsgotangcoi hate this moving around floors02:58
highvoltageogra's ibook is on the tablenext to us. he doesn't seem around though02:58
highvoltagejsgotangco: where are you now?02:58
LaserJockjsgotangco: whatever, just stay over there02:58
jsgotangcoim having fun with my outlet here02:59
LaserJockI bet you are02:59
Amaranthhighvoltage: ibook?02:59
highvoltageAmaranth: his laptop (apple ibook)02:59
Amaranthhighvoltage: Want to make $50? ;)02:59
LaserJockquick, somebody still ogra's ibook02:59
jsgotangcoid like an ibook02:59
LaserJocknot that one02:59
LaserJockI want a macbook03:00
Amaranthno you don't03:00
AmaranthQA issues03:00
jsgotangcoi dont care at all03:00
highvoltagewell, this gets logged03:00
Amaranthhighvoltage: hehe03:00
LaserJockAmaranth: worse than the intel iMacs?03:00
highvoltagei think ogra knows us well wnought to check the logs as soon as his laptop is stolen03:00
AmaranthLaserJock: yeah03:00
jsgotangcodo you remember ogra saying he can't do anything if his ibook gets stolen03:00
Amaranththe case on the macbook turns brown03:00
Amaranthpeople think it's from the excessive heat03:00
LaserJockthat is so not white03:00
highvoltagelet's just take care of his laptop for him03:00
highvoltageso that someone else doesn't steal it03:01
highvoltagei think it will be safe in my bag :)03:01
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=== Amaranth twiddles his thumbs
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bimberiHello BOF Session! :)03:46
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Amaranthanyone seen ogra?04:49
dan_youngAmaranth: prob busy in Paris at Ubuntu summit04:50
Amaranthi know04:50
jsgotangcoAmaranth: he's here in front of me04:50
Amaranthi meant has anyone seen him there04:50
jsgotangcowe're doing a lab at the moment04:51
Amaranthcan you ask him a question for me or is it a bad time?04:51
jsgotangcohis ibook is turned off because all of us in edubuntu are expermenting04:51
jsgotangcoim sure he'll be online in a few minutes we're almost done we had a 2-hour lab session04:51
Amaranthok, cool04:51
jsgotangcoi'll tell him too04:51
jsgotangcoi gotta move downstairs04:52
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Amaranth_damn apartment building05:41
Amaranth_it's got like 12 wireless networks05:41
Amaranthogra: What do you want me to have done by the half-way point? (june 28th)05:42
ograAmaranth, what *can* you have done by then ? 05:43
Amaranthprobably the dbus interface :P05:44
ograwhat about a basic glade gui, so we have something to show ?05:44
Amaranthmaybe the start of a gtk frontend that uses it05:44
ograthat'd be fine 05:44
ograbeing able to show off with some screenshots and have something that already does some basic things (domain blocking) is good for the half-way i think05:45
Amaranthwell it already does bayesian filtering too05:46
Amaranthi just don't have any training data included with it05:46
ograwell, we'll likely have to find a way to get around shipping porn in the package ;)05:46
Amaranththat's not needed05:47
Amaranthjust words like 'sex', 'porn', etc in the db05:47
ogralike a button in the gui that downloads a page as initial training data 05:47
=== jsgotangco yawns
ograif buzzwords suffice for an initial implementation thats fine with me05:47
ograjsgotangco, get some coffee05:48
Amaranthwell that was just an example05:48
Amaranthonce a get a frontend going (or safety boat starts talking to it) i could spend a day or so training it05:48
Amaranthwhat were you talking about with /etc/defaults and such?05:50
ograthat was for the initscript05:50
Amaranthi'd like to get all the boring setup stuff done soon05:50
Amaranthyeah, i'll need one of those05:50
ograAmaranth, btw, does it actually cache anything ? 05:54
ogra(just wondering, not that that would be a requirement)05:55
lucasvoogra: can't we forbid double posting on edubunt-users and dev?05:56
lucasvoits annoying05:56
ogracomplain :)05:56
lucasvoogra: -users contains -dev, right?05:57
ogranot anymore05:57
ograthe initial setup was to copy all users from -dev to -users05:57
ograbut many of them unsubscribed on one or the other05:58
ograand we have a lot of new subscribers05:58
jsgotangcohmm so that's why -dev is quiet05:58
=== jsgotangco should subscribe to -users
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DaSkreechWhats the Dynamic menus listed on the paris Schedule?06:13
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Amaranthogra: no caching06:58
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DaSkreechFo real09:25
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studentI installed edubuntu 6.06, I get errors when I try to run any of the KDE programs (under education), for example, KTouch won't even work, any idea why?11:28
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