
=== archis [n=archis@unaffiliated/archis] has left #ubuntu-boot ["Ex-Chat"]
=== makx_ [n=max@baikonur.stro.at] has joined #ubuntu-boot
=== Zv_oDD [n=zv_odd@203-59-20-99.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-boot
Zv_oDDI got an old windows 98 box and I kan't figure out how to get my Ubuntu Disk to boot02:06
Zv_oDDI have tried changing the boot order to every possible set, but it still cant get it to boot form CD.02:08
Zv_oDDI remeber having this problem before when installing Windows98. I had to use a floppy disk.02:08
=== joycetick [n=chatzill@ppp90-33.lns1.mel3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-boot
joycetickanyone here?05:47
=== joycetick is now known as joycetick_
=== joycetick_ is now known as joycetick
=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-boot

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