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sbalneavneuralis: ping12:20
neuralissbalneav: hey12:20
sbalneavHey!  Quick question.  I'm not sure how to create a spec in launchpad12:21
sbalneavAny ->'s?12:21
sbalneavOr do I not have privs to do so?12:21
neuralissbalneav: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2006-June/000145.html12:21
sbalneavAh, thx.  12:22
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rodarvussbalneav, I'll be online (and at the meeting room) for another 10 minutes, please ping me if you need anything12:35
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Hobbseemorning all03:53
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=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@c-69-180-43-27.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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HobbseeRadiantFire: ping04:36
RadiantFireHobbsee: pong04:37
HobbseeRadiantFire: i just tried building ndiswrapper again - it's building both files...04:37
RadiantFireit is?04:37
RadiantFirei don't know anything about debian packaging so..04:37
Hobbseei'll check by installing it though (argh)04:37
Hobbseehow did you build it?04:37
RadiantFireI'll gladly be your guinea pig though04:37
RadiantFireI used module-assistant which failed04:37
Hobbseeyeah, it installed okay..04:37
RadiantFireto get it built I just unzipped and did make, make install inside of /usr/src/module/ndiswrapper04:38
Hobbseebleh, no wonder it didnt work04:38
HobbseeRadiantFire: the way to do it is to get the source package (*.orig.tar.gz, *.dsc, *.diff.gz), dpkg-source -x *.dsc, and debuild04:39
RadiantFireit is?04:39
RadiantFireI thought you were supposed to use module-assistant04:39
Hobbseenope, it should "just work"04:39
RadiantFirewait... the sudo dpkg -i put ndiswrapper-source.tar.bz2 in my /usr/src04:40
Hobbseeit did?04:40
Hobbseeit doesnt here.....interesting.04:40
RadiantFireand in order to install, I unpacked that directory and compiled04:40
RadiantFireI assumed module-assistant took care of everything04:40
Hobbseehey yeah, so it did.04:41
RadiantFirewhen module-assistant failed, I"m left with a deb lik linux-ndiswrapper-module-2.6.15-25.deb04:41
RadiantFirein /usr/src04:41
Hobbseetechnically you shouldnt even need to do that - it should just build both packages when you run debuild from the source directory04:41
RadiantFirethe source directory being where ndiswrapper-source unpacks to?04:41
Hobbseei think the /usr/src stuff gets autohandled, let me check..04:42
Hobbseeno, the source directory being where you downloaded the source off revu to, and ran dpkg-source -x *.dsc <-- the directory created from there04:42
RadiantFireoh crap, I never downloaded the source of revu, I just downloaded ndiswrapper-source*.deb that you gave me04:43
Hobbseehmmm...interesting, i thought i sent you the source04:43
RadiantFireall I have is ndiswrapper-source.deb and ndiswrapper-utils.deb04:43
RadiantFirep.s. the source file is 1.17-0ubuntu1_all.deb04:43
Hobbseeif i gave you the deb files, then you *should* just be able to install it by sudo apt-get build-dep ndiswrapper-utils && sudo dpkg -i *.deb04:44
Hobbseeif not, and you have to do something weird and random, then something's wrong.04:45
Hobbseethat .tar.bz2 file's copied into /usr/src via the rules file - so that's okay - it's not randomly copying04:45
RadiantFireHobbsee: when module-assitant fails, I'm left with this file that is not install04:46
RadiantFirecuz this is using a 386 kernel04:46
RadiantFirehaven't gotten around to updating this computer to 68604:46
=== Hobbsee still doesnt understand why you're manually calling modprobe at all....
RadiantFirebecause it never installed a new module04:46
Hobbseei wasnt aware that you had to...04:47
RadiantFirethe problem I was having was with the kernel module on the other computer04:47
RadiantFirethe ndiswrapper module won't load if it isn't compiled for the running kernel exactly04:47
RadiantFireso I had to compile it mysle04:47
Hobbseeactually, it installs a new module as ndiswrapper-source installs, according to this04:48
=== Hobbsee swaps to wired, and tests it out.
RadiantFireHobbsee: thast wier04:48
imbrandonyea but installing isnt loading04:48
RadiantFireHobbsee: seriously the problem is your ndiswrapper-source builds a module that says it depends on utils 1.17.104:49
Hobbseepity my wifi card doesnt actually work with the newest version - it'll flash, but wont get a connection04:49
RadiantFirewhen it should really depend on 1.17.-0ubuntu104:49
Hobbseeit should really depend on 1.17*, but i'll check that04:49
Hobbseeoh wait, debian's updated it anyway, they'll fix it via a sync04:52
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RadiantFirethats exciting...04:53
RadiantFireHobbsee: I'm curious, how much does ubuntu actually rely on debian04:57
RadiantFirecuz I got the impression its just taking the tools and rerolling everything04:58
HobbseeRadiantFire: a lot04:58
RadiantFireso there is more help required than Ithought04:58
RadiantFireso is there something new for me to test?05:03
=== popey [n=popey@84-45-197-14.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
RadiantFireHobbsee: ping05:05
HobbseeRadiantFire: pong05:05
Hobbseedarn multiple pbuilders, they confuse me.05:06
Hobbseenot at the moment, that i know of05:06
RadiantFireHobbsee: you said you are in University right?05:06
HobbseeRadiantFire: yes05:07
RadiantFireundergrad or grad?05:08
RadiantFirewhere at?05:08
Hobbseea uni in sydney - macquarie uni05:08
RadiantFiremajoring in compsci or something else05:12
=== desrt likes symmetry of two people talking to each other
desrt23:05 <RadiantFire> Hobbsee: ping05:12
desrt23:05 <Hobbsee> RadiantFire: pong05:12
RadiantFiregood call :-)05:12
HobbseeRadiantFire: no, doing a bachelor of technology in optoelectronics, actually05:12
imbrandon[21:57]  <RadiantFire> Hobbsee: I'm curious, how much does ubuntu actually rely on debian <-- RadiantFire ubuntu takes a snapshot of debian unstable every 6 months and basis our release on that but as far as tool and such we are totaly indep, with things like our own pactches and bzr branches for 90% of the packages, but at the same time we send patches back to upstream if they are wanted05:12
=== Hobbsee continues to sift thru the email. woo, more to discuss at the next meeting.
RadiantFireok, so I wasn't completely off base05:13
desrtthat said -- ubuntu would be in a lot of trouble without debian05:13
desrtsince an ubuntu system isn't very much fun without universe and most of universe comes from debian05:13
HrdwrBoBubuntu wouldn't exist per se without debian05:14
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stubLaunchpad will be going down in 15 mins for its regular code update. Downtime should be around 15 mins.06:44
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Hobbseemorning fabbione!08:37
fabbionehey Hobbsee 08:37
fabbioneyou are up early...08:37
Hobbsee@time sydney08:38
UbugtuCurrent time in Australia/Sydney: June 20 2006, 16:38:1808:38
Hobbseefabbione: i just had lunch :P08:38
Hobbseefabbione: where are you?  08:39
neuralishmm. no schedule up yet for today?08:39
=== Hobbsee is bad with accents
fabbioneHobbsee: oh you are on the other side of the world...08:39
fabbioneHobbsee: EU08:39
fabbionehey netstar 08:39
Hobbseefabbione: ah, i figured that much - where in particular?08:39
fabbioneHobbsee: copenhagen/denmark08:40
Hobbseeyes, i'm on this strange side, where it's winter, and where we all fall off the edge of the world occasionally08:40
Hobbseefabbione: ooh, i'm jealous.  would love to be there one day.08:40
fabbioneHobbsee: i have been there :)08:40
Hobbseebut you survived and made it back!08:40
ajmitchmorning fabbione 08:40
fabbioneHobbsee: yeah :)08:40
fabbionehey aj08:41
Hobbseehi ajmitch 08:41
ajmitchhello again Hobbsee 08:41
=== Keybuk [n=scott@ALagny-109-1-2-23.w80-11.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
MithrandirHobbsee: does it feel like bungee jumping?08:42
HobbseeMithrandir: quite possibly08:43
fabbioneMithrandir: ahhah08:43
Hobbseemorning Keybuk 08:43
neuralisMithrandir: only if you don't reach escape velocity ;)08:43
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Mithrandirneuralis: true.08:44
Hobbseeuh oh...that didnt sound good...08:45
fabbioneHobbsee: ?08:45
=== Hobbsee goes off to investigate a large bang.
=== fabbione dist upgrades
\shhmmm...is this intltool-debian problem solved? can someone create a nice chroot?08:46
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Hobbseeback :)08:48
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TheMusoMorning all.08:54
Keybuk\sh: it appears to have built08:54
=== BenC_ [n=bcollins@ALagny-109-1-2-23.w80-11.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
\shKeybuk: cool...:) thx :)08:55
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fabbionehey marilize 08:57
marilizehellooo fabbione :)08:58
\shhey sivang09:02
sivanghey \sh 09:02
Hobbseeevening sivang 09:02
sivanghi Hobbsee !09:02
sivanghey marilize 09:03
\shln: creating hard link `/home/shermann/pbuilder/aptcache/edgy//adduser_3.80ubuntu2_all.deb' to `/var/cache/pbuilder/build//17822/var/cache/apt/archives/adduser_3.80ubuntu2_all.deb': Invalid cross-device link09:03
ajmitch\sh: yes, you broke the config :P09:03
=== Hobbsee blames ajmitch
marilizesivang morning :)09:03
Hobbseefor the broken config09:03
ajmitchchange it to no09:04
ajmitchsigh, I always get picked on here09:04
=== seb128 [n=seb@ALagny-109-1-2-23.w80-11.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ajmitchhi siretart 09:05
siretarterr, are you serious with UVF at July 13th? I think it is way too early09:05
siretarthey ajmitch 09:06
Hobbseehi siretart 09:06
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BenChow do I test udev for why it isn't loading a NIC module with 2.6.17?09:20
BenCisn't there someway to tickle the "plug" of the device and watch udev for what it does with it?09:20
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fabbioneBenC: hit Keybuk with a huge bat? :)09:22
fabbionehe is there.. you can.. DO IT! :P09:22
=== BenC looks around for a decent sized bat
BenCactually swinging a bat around at a conference might be bad given some recent other conferences ;)09:23
KeybukBenC: sudo udevmonitor -e09:23
Keybukecho add > /sys/bus/pci/devices/???/uevent09:23
ajmitchas long as you don't have a crown..09:23
mdkejdub: is my blog still getting a 404 from planet?09:23
KeybukBenC: usually that's a missing alias in the modinfo09:24
BenCloading the module by hand works, so the table entry should be there09:24
Keybuknopaste the modinfo for me09:25
Keybukactually, why don't I come and lean over your shoulder09:25
Keybukthat would be MUCH more efficient09:25
=== Hobbsee was wondering when that would happen
BenCok, bat is for me this time09:29
BenCKeybuk lucked out09:29
=== Hobbsee hands BenC the bat
jsgotangcoBenC: you doing anything right now? we need a kernel person for speakup inclusion09:31
TheMusojsgotangco: Thats not until 11 now.09:33
TheMusoRefresh the schedule.09:33
jsgotangcoTheMuso: there's a 9-10 sched09:33
TheMusoTwas removed.09:33
jsgotangcoooopps yeah sorry09:33
TheMusoor pushed back. I can't exactly remember.09:33
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BenCjsgotangco: which table?09:35
TheMusoBenC: It will be whatever table henrik is on, as he is subscribed to the spec and he can't exactly move around as easily as the rest of us.09:35
BenCis discussion going on right now?09:36
jsgotangcono till 1109:36
jsgotangcoerr i mean we're starting at 11 the sched got moved09:36
mswBenC: not yet09:37
BenCok, just noticed that the schedule needed to be reloaded09:37
=== looksaus [n=mark@86-39-96-205.customer.fulladsl.be] has joined #ubuntu-devel
BenCI had the old one showing it at 9am :)09:37
looksausis there a real time, non-intrusive way I can contact Marilize Coetzee, the Ubuntu distribution manager?09:38
looksausirc, for example?09:38
sivangmarilize: ^^09:38
looksaussivang, thx09:39
TheMusodamn ssh09:39
marilizelooksaus: hi, you want to speak to me?09:39
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TheMusoMorning LaserJock.09:43
LaserJockhi TheMuso 09:43
Hobbseeer...okay then09:45
sivangjdub: what will we be doing there? :-)09:45
LaserJockjdub: OK, OK09:45
Hobbseehi jdub! would have thought you'd recognise my accent, even if no one elses :P09:45
sivangjdub: I can watch planes takeoff and land here as well09:45
Hobbseesivang: drinking beer, of course, what else?09:45
rodarvusjdub, clever idea ;)09:47
jsgotangcowe can try practising for our departure later09:48
LaserJockjdub: maybe we shouldn't let mako talk to the driver next time?09:48
TheMusoWhen do you fly out sivang?09:48
TheMusosorry sjoerd.09:49
TheMusoI meant jsgotangco 09:49
jsgotangcoTheMuso: saturday09:49
TheMusoAh ok.09:49
ajmitchHobbsee: how he could mistake the distinctive sydney accent is beyond me :)09:50
Hobbseeajmitch: haha yeah - it's only where he lives, for goodness sake :P09:50
jdubLaserJock: "OK!"09:51
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Hobbseeactually, it may well be a combined sydney/adelaide accent09:51
jdubHobbsee: you're not based in sydney though, right?09:51
Hobbseejdub: i'm in sydney, yeah09:51
jdubyou are in so much trouble09:51
Hobbseewhy so?09:51
jdubhave you been to slug?09:51
=== doko [n=doko@ALagny-109-1-2-23.w80-11.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
TheMusoFor not coming to SLUG.09:51
Hobbseejdub: nope.09:52
Hobbseewhere is it?09:52
jdubUTS, last friday of the month09:52
Hobbseewhich campus?09:52
Hobbseekurringai or broadway09:52
TheMusoCheck the slug website for details.09:52
ajmitchwhat a shame, I'll be in canberra on the last friday in june09:52
=== Hobbsee really doesnt want to drive that far :P
jdubHobbsee: pia has a women's dinner beforehand too, started last month with about 15 - you should go this month09:52
=== Hobbsee would get lost.
jdubwhere abouts are you?09:52
Hobbseearound pennant hill09:53
jdubha ha09:53
=== JaneW [n=JaneW@dsl-165-211-250.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Hobbseemost people dont know where anything closer than that is :P09:53
Hobbseehey JaneW 09:53
jdub(i live in surry hills, so i'm just being an arse)09:53
ajmitchjdub: returning to sydney after UDS?09:53
jdubthen home09:54
jdubHobbsee: lca is going to be in sydney in january too09:54
ctdHobbsee: some do :)09:54
Hobbseejdub: yes, so i hear :)09:54
ajmitchI'll be in sydney in the 1st week of july or so09:54
Hobbseeanyway, cant do last friday this month - we're doing a recording09:54
jdubhrm, reminds me, i have some postcards to hand out09:54
Hobbseectd: yes, some09:55
Keybukjdub: can you hand out some air tickets too?09:55
TheMusoHobbsee: Excuses excuses.09:55
jdubKeybuk: yeah dude, i will procure them from my soft fleshy behind09:55
Keybukjdub: thanks09:55
Keybuk"Thankyou for flying Sladen Air"09:55
Keybuk"In a short moment, the crew will be coming through the cabin with fresh straw to sit on"09:56
=== ajmitch checks the dates for lca
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jdubHobbsee: slug.org.au -> mailing lists09:56
Keybukjdub: annoyingly LCA is at almost exactly the same week as the most expensive air fares09:56
jdubKeybuk: lucky - you don't have to fly that week, you just have to be there!09:57
TheMusoI think it is expensive to fly to/from Australia no matter what time of year.09:57
Keybukjdub: that involves flying there09:57
Keybukthus expense09:57
jdubTheMuso: only to; it is cheap to fly out09:57
ajmitchTheMuso: not too bad from NZ at times09:57
jdubbecause we are worldly09:57
=== Aegir [n=richard@d220-238-60-117.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Keybukonce it was easy to get passage there09:58
Keybukjust not back09:58
jsgotangcojdub radio heh09:58
=== Fjodor [n=sune@0x55510b65.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-devel
sladenjdub: can you have LCA not in January, it's summertime in Oz... and all the northern want to go there on "holiday"09:58
jdubKeybuk: let's steal some bread!09:58
Keybukjdub: we're in the wrong country09:59
jdubsladen: that's the whole point!09:59
Keybukwe'd get sent to Northern Africa09:59
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=== msikma [n=msikma@a82-93-143-114.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
msikmaHey guys10:00
zygahey :)10:00
msikmaIs there anyone who can give me a little hand in making a new Launchpad spec? I'm member of the Ubuntu Artwork Launchpad team, but I can't seem to make any new ones.10:01
Hobbseehi msikma 10:01
msikmaHow's Paris?10:01
thomkeybuk joins the french foreign legion!10:02
zygamsikma: what's the problem? what happens when you try to create a spec?10:02
msikmaThe problem is I don't know which link to click. :)10:02
msikmaI can't seem to see any button that says "magically create new spec"10:03
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zygamsikma: first off, create the spec on the wiki10:03
zygayou need that *before* you create it on lp10:03
zygamsikma: just a sec10:03
jdubmsikma: french.10:03
msikmaI've got a link to a mailing list post which will suffice as "read more" link10:04
=== Keybuk wonders how you spell that hotplug notification thing
Keybuk"airmiss" is what I heard10:04
lifelesshermes ?10:04
jdubmsikma: has to be a wiki page, otherwise we can't edit the spec10:04
msikmaHermes, isn't that a greek god?10:04
jdubit is also a pair of underpants10:04
msikmaSeems that more of the Ubuntu Art specs are just mailing list links, though. Should I put it in the Wiki first?10:05
jdubyeah, much better to10:05
lifelessit is hermes10:05
msikmaI'll be right back  (at work, gotta do something...)10:05
Hobbseemsikma: isnt there already a spec for that?  oh, never mind me.10:05
jsgotangcothat visual bluetooth notification thing is nice though10:06
=== dholbach [n=daniel@ALagny-109-1-2-23.w80-11.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbionedholbach: hey dude10:06
lifelessjsgotangco: thats hermes!10:06
mswjsgotangco: gotta move fast to use it though. ;-)10:06
fabbionedholbach: Settings -> Sound Settings -> "select push to talk"10:06
dholbachfabbione: hey man10:06
fabbionedholbach: and select a key you will use to talk10:06
dholbachfabbione: I couldn't shout, because I'm in a talk about guadalinex :)10:06
jdub"Bluetooth support enabled. CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!"10:07
dholbachfabbione: ah ok - I'll try that10:07
fabbionedholbach: something like l-win will do10:07
fabbionedholbach: please thanks10:07
mswjdub: hah10:07
jsgotangcohermes heheh isn't that the messenger of the gods10:07
LaserJockjdub: musically notification bubbles?10:07
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TheMusoLaserJock: Thats a cool idea re musical bubbles10:08
ChipX86I so don't want to implement that10:09
lifelessjsi think that is the point :)10:11
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zygais mark in france yet?10:12
highvoltagezyga: yep10:12
Hobbseezyga: he was speaking there last night10:12
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zygacan someone tell him Polish ubuntu community sends regards? :)10:13
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pittidoko, infinity: are you fine with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GccSsp ?10:23
msikmazyga: I'm back... could you still help me with it? :)10:24
zygamsikma: I checked launchpad and.. I cannot find it either :D10:25
zygaask carlos on #launchpad10:25
msikmaActually, I think that I can do it without first going to the Ubuntu-art team10:26
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msikmaThere we go.10:28
pittiG0SUB: ping10:32
sivangKinnison: I've worked out the design sectoin, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PurgeOldKernels10:33
sivangKinnison: now working to have some direction in the implementation part10:34
highvoltagehmmm... i can't unmute myself in teamspeak10:39
infinitypitti: Looks fine to me, but doko may want to talk to you about it.  I spoke with him this morning.10:40
pittiinfinity: we already spoke, too10:40
infinityAhh, good.10:41
ajmitchpitti: so you'll turn it on for edgy, not edgy+1?10:41
infinityTomorrow would be good.10:41
infinityOr even today.10:41
pittiajmitch: 'edgy is broken by design' :)10:41
ajmitchnice :)10:41
infinitySince we have 12000 pending builds still.10:41
ajmitchright, I thought the buildds had already chewed through a few by now10:41
pittiinfinity: depends on doko, AFAIR he wanted to do another gcc upload by tomorrow anyway10:42
ajmitchbtw, good morning pitti, infinity  10:42
pittiajmitch: so what, most of the main packages will be rebuilt at some point anyway10:42
pittiajmitch: hello :)10:42
dokoinfinity, pitti: I do hesitate to change the defaults in gcc itself. Just checked the FC package, and they do not change it in this way. looking at gentoo now (FC uses some global flags to build packages)10:42
pittiajmitch: and for some crucial ones we can still do no-change uploads if necessary10:42
pittidoko: so, gcc-defaults?10:42
ajmitchyes, but you'd need to check them to ensure that they got rebuilt after a certain date10:42
infinitydoko: Wimp.10:42
pittidoko: global flags sounds like the equivalent of gcc-defaults10:43
infinityajmitch: It's no harm done to NOT have some stuff rebuilt.  It doesn't put us in a position any worse than now.10:43
ajmitchthose that matter will get touched anyway10:43
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dokopitti: gcc-defaults is more evil, remember BenC's sparc wrapper ;-)10:43
infinityYeah, I'd rather avoid wrappers.10:44
infinityWe just killed the last one we were using.10:44
infinity(And good riddance to it)10:44
infinityI see no real argument for not enabling it in GCC itself.10:44
infinityYes, stuff will break.  But we all now how to fix it trivially (-fno-stack-protection), so who cares?10:44
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infinityI suppose there could be an argument made for people building 3rd party sources and not having a clue why they break...10:45
=== infinity waffles.
ajmitchthey could run into that with us using gcc-4.1 anyway10:46
infinityI dunno.  I expect nothing to work right on edgy anyway.10:46
ajmitchgiven the amount of broken code out there10:46
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ghee22hello, i'm looking for help regarding reading & writing files.  is anyone available?10:48
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hungerghee22: I am sorry, but this is not a help channel, please use #ubuntu for that.10:49
ghee22hunger: oh, i'm sorry for not being more clear, i meant development wise10:50
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ghee22hunger:  i'm writing a project for SoC and I need to read & write files for the project.  I'd like to use something that is cross-platform for Kubuntu & Ubuntu.  can you help?10:51
infinityghee22: This is why you have an SoC mentor, no?10:52
ghee22infinity: yes, that is one reason i have a mentor.  I like to "shop around".10:52
Keybukghee22: curiously, "read" and "write" are the syscalls you need10:53
hungerghee22: I'd recommend getting a book on unix programming then.10:55
zygaghee22: read and write is quite portable ;] 10:55
hungerghee22: You will need it;-)10:56
ghee22keybuk:  thanks... i think i'll come back here after reading a bit more.  10:56
zygaghee22: info libc10:56
ghee22hope you guys enjoyed a laugh at my expense10:56
zygaafter installing libc-doc package10:56
ghee22zyga: got it. that's directly helpful.10:56
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hungerghee22: Why should we laugh?10:59
hungerghee22: I started with similar please for help:-)10:59
Chipzzhunger: plees ;)11:02
Chipzznice play of words though ;)11:03
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BenC_got it, thanks11:43
BenCwhich spec would appreciate my presence more, gcc-ssp or boot-message-logging?11:46
mdkeZnarl: you haven't got rid of me yet11:52
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\shguys, is there a plan to change the time of the TB meeting this evening?12:14
tseng\sh: no12:15
tsengoh, i am thinking of distro team perhaps was pushed back until after paris12:15
\shso still at 20UTC...12:15
=== tseng gets the mail
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tseng\sh: dunno, mdz only mentioned postponing dev team meeting12:17
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fl4bI though of something that doesnt appear to have been looked into before- spyware. Although its not a prob yet, there have been proof of concept tests that show it is not too hard to create. Rather than waiting for Ubuntu (or any distro) to become popular for average users, and then spyware makers developing crap for linux and being a few steps ahead of anti-spyware developers, why not 'pre-empt' this and do some work into what spyware people may do, and 12:34
fl4bpost and 1/212:34
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imbrandonfl4b, sounds like it might be an idea, have you written a spec ?12:37
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fl4bim newbish12:39
imbrandonubuntu works with specifications , one sec let me get you the links12:40
slomoBenC: ping? do you know if someone is working on updating libraw1394 in debian? otherwise i would update it for edgy in ubuntu as i already planned for dapper ;)12:40
BenCslomo: I know I'm not, not sure if anyone else is12:41
slomoBenC: ok, from looking at the RFA bug it doesn't look like it... i guess i'll just get it updated for edgy then if that's ok for you12:41
BenCsure thing12:42
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slomook thanks12:45
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highvoltagedodgy internet--02:21
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KeybukI blame elmo02:23
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StevenKKeybuk: For everything ... ?02:25
Keybukno, not for everything02:26
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Hobbseehi all02:30
=== StevenK jumps on Hobbsee.
=== _ion jumps on self
=== Hobbsee is jumped on, and splats on the ground
Hobbseehiya StevenK 02:30
StevenKHobbsee: Your fathers machine is feeling better?02:31
HobbseeStevenK: seems to be, until it breaks again02:31
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=== StevenK tries to come up with a webpage design that doesn't suck and fails miserably.
Hobbseehehe - is that possible?02:35
StevenKI've used some webpages that don't suck.02:36
zulwhat happened to all of the voip seesions?02:36
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sladenzul: proprietary binary that fills up your hard disk when you suspend02:38
sladenzul: I think the functionality needs folding into gobby to make it 'on by default'02:38
zulso no one is using it?02:39
Keybukzul: the network keeps going down here02:39
zulah ok02:39
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highvoltagehey jono and sbalneav 02:43
jonohey highvoltage 02:43
mjg59Why does nm keep saying "The NetworkManager applet could not find some required resources. It cannot continue"?02:44
Mithrandirmjg59: because it's silly.  I think the problem goes away if you reboot.02:44
mjg59Mithrandir: Nope02:44
mjg59Unless it needs me to do a clean reboot02:45
mjg59Oh. Because I need to delete all the icon caches.02:49
mjg59Didn't we fix that?02:49
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Mithrandirmjg59: uh.  Go nm-applet02:51
mjg59Hardly its fault02:52
mjg59It asks gtk for icons, gtk didn't give it any02:52
mjg59Possibly a package bug02:52
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Mithrandirit should give out a better error message, though02:57
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jsgotangcoLaser_away: http://enterprise.kde.org/articles/kiosk-lp.php04:02
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jonowow, havent seen enterprise.kde.org for a while :)04:07
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\shfabbione: ping04:24
\shfabbione: vlan configuration ubuntu-server...04:24
\shfabbione: installed by default for /etc/network/interfaces support?04:24
\shfabbione: I need to setup vlan on an ubuntu-server...for debian I need those vlan tools...04:25
fabbioneyeah and you need the same on ubuntu04:25
\shfabbione: whishlist bug: please include vlan tools by default ;)04:29
fabbione\sh: did you open it in malone?04:30
fabbione\sh: did you assign it to infinity ?04:30
\shfabbione: I'll do :)04:30
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bddebianHeya folks04:33
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\shfabbione: which package is the best to file this bug?04:34
bddebianHeya \sh04:35
\shhey bddebian04:35
\shagainst vlan obviously04:36
fabbione\sh: good question.. it's the seeds04:36
fabbioneno. it's a matter of seeds04:36
fabbioneare the tools in main actually?04:36
\shfabbione: yes04:39
fabbione\sh: just assign it to infinity 04:39
\shfabbione: I used ubuntu-server ;)04:40
\shand I can't tell launchpad anymore, that this is a wishlist bug..oh joy04:40
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sladen\sh: can you file a wishlist for that04:43
\shsladen: for what? I can't choose anymore what type of bug that is04:44
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\shsladen: I can set the status, and importance I can't choose anything04:44
\shsladen: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/vlan/+bug/5046004:45
UbugtuMalone bug 50460 in vlan "Please install this package by default" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  04:45
seb128you need to be a member of ubuntu-bugs to set the importance of a bug now04:49
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\shseb128: ug04:59
Keybukseb128: \o/05:00
Keybukthough people should at least be able to set "wishlist" without being ubuntu-bugs05:00
Keybukthough, I suppose, formally, a wishlist request is actually a support ticket05:00
seb128Keybuk: people should be able to set an importance when filling the bug, not sure about changing when it's filed05:01
\shKeybuk: short question. TB meeting this evening will not be postponed?05:01
\shseb128: which is not possible in the actual UI of "Report a Bug" in LP05:02
Keybuk\sh: no idea05:02
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\shKeybuk: just asking, because you, mdz, mark, etc. are in Paris...and I think you have better things to do in paris these days ;)05:05
Keybukespecially given the time of the meeting05:05
\shKeybuk: yes05:06
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sladen\sh: if you're motu, you should be in ubuntu-bugs, IIRC05:38
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\shsladen: I removed myself from those teams a couple of months ago, because of a very special reason.05:39
sbalneavogra: ping, online05:39
ograsbalneav, pongie05:39
\shsladen: that's why my name is on tonights TB Agenda ;)05:39
ograsbalneav, sorry, i was held up on the corridor, but it seems there is no internet anyway at the comfy chairs05:40
sladen\sh: given that you have been before, there are probably easier ways of getting that sorted05:40
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sbalneavyeah, we're in the room for a bit.  We can help draft there.  Do you want a gobby session?  or just keep reloading the wiki and the occasional comment from us?05:41
sladen\sh: and that IIRC, the reason that you resigned was to ensure safety of the archive incase keys got compromised05:41
ograsbalneav, the latter should be fine for now05:41
\shsladen: I think TB is the right way to do..so everybody knows, and keybuck or mdz can enable my account again05:41
\shsladen: yes, that was the very special reason05:42
sbalneavogra: k05:42
ograsbalneav, i dont expect the spec to be done today, we'll have another session anyway and there is currently not much to write apart from "we're taking upstreams implementation"05:42
ograall the intresting stuff will happen tomorrow ;)05:42
sbalneavogra: save frequently so we can see updates :)05:43
ograheh, yes05:43
sladen\sh: well in case it doesn't happen tonight, you should probably grab keybuk/mdz and get it reticked so that you can start doing useful work again05:44
Keybuksladen: interestingly, how do we know that his key _hasn't_ been compromised, and that this is really \sh and not somebody else? :p05:47
jsgotangcogood question05:48
ograKeybuk, was the key actually revoked on the keyserver ? 05:48
Keybukogra: no05:49
ograso why wouldnt you trust it then :)05:49
KeybukI'm pointing out that the "resign for key safety" is null and void, because he never removed or revoked his key05:50
sladenogra: because it's actually Darl McBridge pretending to be '\sh' and trying to tell us that all is well and the key hasn't been compromised05:50
bddebianKeybuk: Oh, \sh has definetly been compromised ;-P05:51
jsgotangcosladen: Darl McBride perhaps?05:51
sladenbddebian: plz.  Keep it to the bedroom05:51
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ograKeybuk, right, thats sparse, but there is no reason not to trust the existing key 05:52
Keybukogra: there's no reason to trust it either05:52
Keybukit's obviously the same key05:52
Keybukbut is it the same \sh ?05:52
ograKeybuk, not more that trusting mine or yours, no :)05:52
KeybukGiven he deactivated from the team for the safety of the archive because he believed his key could have been compromised, it's not unreasonable to assume that the key was not safe05:56
KeybukA prudent, or perhaps simply paranoid, keyring maintainer at this point would require proof that this was really \sh coming back -- and not someone who has compromised the key that \sh clearly believed was compromisable05:56
KeybukThat proof could be simply somebody who we know that knows \sh verifying it is really him05:57
Keybukor the generation of a new key that is signed by a useful percentage of the same signatures as the original key05:57
Keybukdepending how paranoid one is feeling, of course05:57
Keybukwe could also take the airport checkin approach05:57
Keybuk"Did you pack these bags yourself?"05:58
Keybuk"OH, WAIT, I MEAN YES!"05:58
=== bddebian makes note to not get even MORE on Keybuk's bad side :-)
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=== Keybuk doesn't have a bad side to ge ton
ograKeybuk, well, if you require it i can visit him and take a fingerprint next week :)05:59
sladenogra: I'm not sure a fingerprint will be enough.  I think keybuk wants the whole finger06:00
\shKeybuk: kenneth wimer, oliver grawert, raphink, riddell06:00
raphink\sh:  yes?06:00
sladenogra: preferably take a little one so that \sh doesn't miss it too much ;-)06:00
Keybuksladen: it's got to be better than the food here!06:00
ograsladen, right, i can arrange that as well :)06:00
ograKeybuk, thats easy i guess06:01
\shraphink: you can declare that it was me :)06:01
Keybukogra: indeed, if consensus suggests paranoia is required, it may be appropriate for you to visit him to check06:01
Keybukor even just call him06:01
ograwell, thats something i can do right away06:01
KeybukI'm not saying paranoia is required, I'm just thinking about the implications of reactivating a maintainer06:02
Hobbseebut then how do you know it's not some imposter who has a similar voice, depending on your level of paranoia.06:02
Keybukit's clearly something we have to have a policy for06:02
ogra(unless he gave his mobile to the pretender :) )06:02
raphink\sh: huh? what are you talking about?06:02
Keybukits also something we currently don't have a policy for06:02
Keybukand then, obviously, there are the standard questions such as "you went away, are you sure that this won't happen again" etc.06:04
Keybukanyway, all TB meeting stuff really06:04
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bddebianIs the TB meeting on today?06:06
simiradid anyone put Mithrandir somewhere?06:06
Hobbseesimira: locked in the cellar - he was causing too many disruptions :P06:06
simiraHobbsee: oh. Well. Couldn't you just give him his laptop so he could talk to me?06:07
Hobbseesimira: no wifi from the cellar...06:07
Hobbseeso not really much point, except so that he can code.06:07
simiraHobbsee: that's what he's there for, isn't it?06:08
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jdong|coreduois Edgy still on lockdown?06:08
Hobbseesimira: true, but they dont usually get locked in cellars :P06:08
=== Hobbsee beds.
ograHobbsee, they dont call that cellar here, its apprently "-1"06:08
KinnisonSpec reviews are happening now. If you want to participate as a reviewer, please come to Atlas4/106:08
\shKeybuk: thinking about that I was close to not come back to any job/work/duty I had...because of living under a bridge06:09
Hobbseeogra: hah, right.  i was about to call it the attic, and then released that was the wrong way around :P06:09
ograin the ariport they even have -2 and -3 :)06:09
Hobbseeyeah, i've seen a few -2's06:09
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=== \sh needs a pause...cu later
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azeemSeveas: ping06:59
Seveasazeem, ?06:59
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lifelessKeybuk: ping07:03
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lifelessanyone know what room keybu is in ?07:03
Keybuklifeless: ?07:04
lifelessHave something to show you ;)07:04
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