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naliothhowdy y'all12:14
naliothwho is in charge of the mailing lists ?12:14
Burgworknalioth, which one?12:16
naliothwho would i email to get one started?12:17
nixternalmdke: excellent speach on lugradio mate..good job!!!12:18
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Burgworknalioth, jdub I believe12:23
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naliothok, thanks Burgwork 12:30
Burgworkno worries12:32
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naliothy'all take care (i'm sure i'll be back)12:37
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Seveas@now houston12:50
nixternalhow official is the h.u.c move?  it is still a work in progress correct?  concerning the broken links email we all just got...should we work on fixing these links, and if so any spec's to follow?  any extra info would rock ;)12:58
mgalvinhmm, lots of broken links on h.u.c12:59
=== mgalvin breaks out his soldering gun
nixternalmine is already warmed up and ready for us ;)12:59
nixternalhow do we go about fixing those broken links..i just found way more then that email listed too...it seems as if those pages haven't been moved over to h.u.c  and are we all moving them, or is their a team in charge of that now?01:00
mgalvinyea, i ran into a bunch (like php install) that is not even there01:02
nixternalhehe..i ran into everyone i think ;)01:02
mgalvinprobably best to consult with mdke01:02
nixternalthat is what i was thinking01:03
mgalvini don't want to muck with it to much since i know he (and heno iirc) drove a lot of the migration01:03
mgalvini guess we can just fix broken ones that have pages that exist01:04
mgalvinit seems like there may be a mod_rewrite issue as well since some links seem to have "community/" added to them01:05
mgalvinand some do not (for no apparent reason) :-/01:06
=== nixternal waits ;)
nixternalsoldering iron is staying on though ;)01:06
mgalvinhehe :)01:07
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mptthat's great02:23
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Madpilothi mdke - nice segment on Lugradio08:54
mdkeI haven't listened yet... am concerned I will have sounded like an idiot08:55
Madpilotnot completely ;)08:55
mdkelooks like the help website is totally broken08:55
Madpilotthe wiki transition?08:55
mdkewell, the 6.06 section is completely broken, and the links aren't working properly on the wiki08:56
=== mdke goes off to pester Znarl
robitaillemdke:  you sounded good 08:57
Madpilotmdke, if we tag stuff in @ wiki.u.c as CatDoc does it get transfered automagically to help.u.c/community?09:00
mdkeno, too late for that now09:01
mdkewe need to do things manually09:02
MadpilotI'm just seeing leftovers showing up in RecentChanges09:02
=== mdke nods
mdkeI'm writing some quick instructions of how to move pages manually09:03
Madpilotexcellent, thanks09:03
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Madpilothi jsgotangco - enjoying Paris?09:21
jsgotangcoheh we're in the middle of nowhere09:21
MadpilotI saw your planet.u.c post - some industrial suburb outside of Paris?09:22
jsgotangcoyeah hahaha09:23
jsgotangcowe attempted looking for a neat place around 10pm last night we couldn't find anything open hahaha09:23
jsgotangcothe guy from the hotel ended up driving all around the airport09:24
jsgotangcowe're like 40min away from Paris itself and that's using the metro!09:24
Madpilotway, way out of Paris, then :)09:25
Madpilothow's the actual conf. going?09:26
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LaserJockmorning doc people09:41
Madpilothi Laser_away 09:41
LaserJockhi Madpilot, how's it going?09:42
MadpilotI've been looking over the new wiki - looks good, although there's a few leftovers & strays on the old wiki still09:43
LaserJockso it moved?09:43
Madpilotthe CatDoc stuff did09:43
Madpilotnow at help.u.c/community09:43
LaserJockah cool09:43
LaserJockI talked to elmo yesterday09:44
LaserJockabout weither we could do a doc sprint using the new Team Speak server09:44
LaserJockhe said to have at it, no problem09:44
LaserJockso I think we should schedule something soon09:44
Madpilotnice - I'll have to dig my little mic out and set Teamspeak up here 09:45
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ghee22if anyone is free, i'm looking for information on how to write pages that yelp can display.  http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gdp/templates.html is what I'd like to confirm10:12
mdkehi ghee22 10:14
mdkeghee22: yelp can display any valid docbook or html file10:14
mdkewe have a template for docbook articles and books here: https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/trunk/incoming/10:15
jsgotangcomdke: good morning10:16
mdkemorning jsgotangco 10:16
ghee22hi mdke10:17
ghee22mdke, yes, this is exactly what i needed. thank you.  mdke, are you a programmer?10:20
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mdkeghee22: no10:25
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froudmdke: mdke nice interview from you on lugradio12:37
jsgotangcowow 12:43
=== jsgotangco is hungry for lunch
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bhuvanfroud: yeah it's nice interview01:26
bhuvanmdke: seems you stress https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MatthewEast/HelpfulHelpVersionMinusOne there. excellent!01:28
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Burgworkhey jsgotangco 09:31
jsgotangcoBurgwork: hi09:31
jsgotangcowhat's up?09:31
=== jsgotangco is a bit tired though
Burgworknot much09:39
Burgworkcrazy with work, as I just back from one trip and off again tomorrow for another09:39
jsgotangcoi had a long day today09:40
jsgotangcoim still not getting used to seeing the sun at 10pm though09:40
Burgworkah, true09:44
Burgworkhow far from the equator do you live?09:44
jsgotangcoi live in the equator dude09:45
jsgotangcoor like just above the equator09:45
Burgworkthat is what I thought09:45
jsgotangcoso even though im adjusted to the timezone, my body isn't09:46
jsgotangcoso what's keeping you busy aside from work?09:56
Burgworkjust work, because of the all travel09:57
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jsgotangcoman i should sleep10:17
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