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infinityneuralis: Pong, if you're still awake...01:10
neuralisinfinity: wanted to propose a beer and server talk bof earlier, but that's postponeable01:15
infinityIt's likely a bit late now, yes.01:26
infinityBut if you have server specs to propose that you never got in, you should really get some in, we can always get them scheduled for the end of the week.01:27
neuralisinfinity: ok, good. i have a bunch on standby, and have heard conflicting information on whether we're posting new specs or not. i'll put them up.01:31
ajmitchhi infinity, neuralis01:31
neuralisajmitch: hey01:32
infinityneuralis: It won't hurt to post them.  Whether or not they can get scheduled depends on time and a bit of luck.01:35
infinityneuralis: But having them there is not a bad thing.01:35
spikethere can be any use for ubuntu of a script able to distribute ssl root certs basically on most of the browsers and OSes?01:43
spikehad to distrubute certs to quite a lot of workstation so needed some  unattended way to do it and I couldnt find one01:44
infinityPatch "ca-certificates" to include your root cert, and pop it in a local archive?01:45
infinityThough I'm not sure if it plays nicely with web browsers.01:45
spikeoh, true, there's that on deb. well, clients here are quire different, so are browsers, so I had to come up with something that worked on any sort of OS/browser01:46
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spikewell, most common, FF, konqueror, opera,ie (on windows and linux where available)01:47
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thefishim getting mount: /dev/hdb1 already mounted or /vms busy when trying to mount a disk after installing and booting a xen kernel, in dmesg i get a line device-mapper: dm-linear: Device lookup failed which could be related, and i can mount the disk with -o,loop06:26
thefishany ideas?06:26
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=== asw waves - anyone using Ubuntu on the multicore UltraSPARC T1 ("Niagara") processors?
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