
=== rraphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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lnxkdeback from work01:00
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Hobbseemorning all03:57
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Hobbseeimbrandon_: thanks04:01
Hobbseeimbrandon_: it doesnt require libvisual0.4-dev to install - it's a b-d04:08
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Hobbseeokay, amarok 1.4.1 works now, good :)04:13
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Hobbseeimbrandon_: ping04:48
DaSkreechHobbsee: pung04:48
HobbseeDaSkreech: you're not imbrandon :P04:49
DaSkreechDeja vu!04:49
linuxmonkeyHobbsee: he's still sleeping04:52
linuxmonkeyanything I can help ya with, 04:52
Hobbseelinuxmonkey: not really, i think i found what i was looking for04:52
Hobbseeyou can test amarok 1.4.1 beta 1, if you like04:52
linuxmonkeyallready am04:53
Hobbseeoh for goodness sake, i really am an idiot today.04:53
linuxmonkeywas the first one testing it04:53
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Hobbseenice :)04:54
=== DaSkreech thought you got that prize yesterday
linuxmonkeyyeah and he was supposed to show me how to package stuff but he never woke up and im going to bed soon04:54
linuxmonkeyoh well another day :) atleast i got my dapper and edgy chroots04:55
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=== DaSkreech got Beats Of Rage Working!!
DaSkreechIt's slower than a Vista release though :(04:56
Hobbseelinuxmonkey: see PM from bot.04:57
linuxmonkeyyeah i read that04:57
Hobbseethat's the guide on how to package04:57
Hobbseeoh darn!  now i'll need a chroot again.04:57
Hobbseeand my chroots are screwed, for some reason.04:58
freeflying|awaymoin all04:58
linuxmonkeythat stinks04:58
linuxmonkeymoin moin 2 you 204:58
Hobbseelinuxmonkey: oh well, i can still build the source...i just wont know if it works in a pbuilder...04:59
linuxmonkeylol yeah i'm gonna have to wait till tommorow to attack this, im in desperate need of sleep05:00
linuxmonkeysay its midnight here and I work at 6am05:00
=== linuxmonkey makes like imbrandon_ and goes to sleep
DaSkreechHmm well kopete doens't work anymore05:07
=== nixternal pets his kopete
DaSkreechman I hate kopete05:10
nixternali do to05:10
nixternali hate gaim05:10
nixternalsim i haven't tried yet though05:10
DaSkreechWhats sim?05:10
nixternala new one on kde-apps05:10
nixternalhigh score too05:10
Hobbseehmmm...that's weird.05:11
Hobbseethese visualisations look odd...05:11
=== DaSkreech looks.
DaSkreechThey are even over here05:12
nixternalamaroK visualizations?05:12
HobbseeDaSkreech: ah, good, with libvisual0.4?05:12
DaSkreechNo 0.205:14
HobbseeDaSkreech: hmmm okay.  define your "odd"?05:15
DaSkreechWell I'm not sure what's your odd?05:15
nixternalmine look good05:16
Hobbseethe colours look weird - they seem to flash and constantly change colours as the music plays05:17
nixternalthe opengl one moves kind of fast....but it is clean as are the other ones05:17
DaSkreechWhich one are you looking at first of all?05:17
Hobbseenixternal: which version is that?05:17
nixternalsame as yours05:17
=== DaSkreech sits over there --->
nixternalthe ones imbrandon_ did05:18
Hobbseenixternal: he didnt do the 0.4 plugins05:18
nixternali got the same package though from his server05:18
=== Hobbsee didnt see it.
nixternali got it ;)05:19
nixternalit was part of the package deal earlier05:19
nixternalwhen i did # sudo apt-get install amarok05:19
nixternalit installed it 05:19
Hobbseenixternal: he doesnt have any plugins on that repo...05:19
Hobbseeit's got libvisual0.4, but not libvisual0.4plugins05:20
=== DaSkreech considers wether or not it would make sense to convert a 2 MB song ripped as WAV
Hobbseeer, what have i done?05:21
HobbseeDaSkreech: yeah, probably, what would you convert it to?05:21
=== Hobbsee doesnt remember the compression rates.
DaSkreech me thinks that KDe is being fooled05:24
DaSkreech I have a MP3 and a Wav rip of the same song05:24
DaSkreechSame size05:24
DaSkreechSounds fishy05:25
HobbseeDaSkreech: in konq?05:27
DaSkreechHence KDE being fooled :)05:28
DaSkreechKOnq is pretty much the face of KDE :)05:28
HobbseeDaSkreech: it's actually a feature - there is only one track, but it's automatically converting it for you, and telling you the file size.  hence it takes ages to copy05:28
DaSkreechHobbsee: no I meant I just came upon them in a folder05:29
DaSkreechI'm not ripping them now05:29
DaSkreechAnd I think that AIM has me flagged as terrorist or a Linux user :(05:30
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DaSkreechnixternal: LJ has a protocol?05:49
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nixternalmoin ;)09:02
Hobbseehi nixternal - nice sleep?09:03
nixternalnice little nap is more like it09:03
nixternal3.5 hours...im ready to go09:03
nixternalwhats on the agenda ;)09:03
Hobbseeno idea09:03
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nixternalts active yet?09:04
Hobbseedoubt it09:07
mornfallRiddell: we aren't scheduled today either? :\09:08
Hobbseemornfall: make up our own schedule?  :P09:09
mornfallyeah, again09:11
mornfallhmm, is it me or someone here is "cheating" on the half-year release cycle? :] 09:15
nixternalwhat name is next?09:16
Oak_nixternal: Hobbsee again09:16
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mornfallwhat's up?09:17
mornfallthat's the old name for java09:17
Hobbseemornfall: Creamier_Oak is another name i sometimes use.09:18
Hobbseevery very rarely now though09:18
mornfallcreamier oak? .... weeird09:18
Hobbseeyeah, old nick on zone.com09:19
Hobbseeand yahoo games09:19
Hobbseehad to be something that was in no way shape or form linked to hobbsee, or any of my emails.09:19
Hobbseemornfall: it was a random nick without a number in it, that's why it got picked.09:21
mornfallokey :)09:23
mornfallwhat's zone.com09:23
mornfallHobbsee: well, now it's linked :] 09:24
Hobbseemornfall: well, yeah..but now i dont use that old link09:24
Hobbseeit's a gaming site - it uses activex though :(09:24
mornfalli wouldn't go and look anyway09:24
Hobbseespades on it is fun :D09:25
Hobbseeso's suicide checkers, where the aim is to lose.09:25
Hobbseeseeing as i'm terrible at normal checkers :)09:30
Hobbseeactually, we had a lot of fun. me, a new zealander, and a couple of people from the us - we had lots of fun making up stuff, which they believed :P09:31
mornfallor they pretended they believe and you believed them :))09:36
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Hobbseehaha yeah, true09:37
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freeflying|awayTonio_: hi01:01
Tonio_fine freeflying|away ?01:01
freeflying|awayTonio_: ya, just enjoy every soccer match  :)01:02
Tonio_I'm fine not to love football during the worlcup01:03
imbrandonheya freeflying|away / Tonio_01:04
freeflying|awayhi imbrandon 01:05
Tonio_yop imbrandon01:10
nixternalmoin everyone01:23
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goldenearRiddell: I've a professional meeting right now, I will be at radisson's hotel at 4 pm01:43
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mornfallRiddell: poke me when something interesting starts to happen02:00
mornfalli'm hidden in my room for now02:00
Riddellmornfall: ok02:01
Riddellmornfall: what should we put into the kubuntu-edgy-package-manager spec?02:01
mornfallwell, nothing? there was no discussion so far02:01
=== MidMark [n=marco@host-84-221-71-6.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel
MidMarkRiddell: in the faq page http://www.kubuntu.org/faq.php there are two links to breezy yet02:03
MidMarkthe one that point to the source02:04
MidMarkthe other one that point to the known problems (broken)02:04
mornfallSystem of a Down -- Psycho02:04
RiddellMidMark: changed02:07
Riddellalthough I'm almost certain that I already did that02:08
MidMarkRiddell: anyway now it is ok :)02:09
HobbseeRiddell: when do we get imbrandon's amarok files hosted?02:10
Hobbseeif you're html'ing02:10
nixternalmoin moin02:11
Hobbseehi nixternal 02:11
imbrandonhttp://www.buntudot.org/people/~imbrandon/packages/   <--- Riddell 02:11
MidMarkI've seen that 1.4.1b1 needs libvisual, is there a plan to put them in main? And if yes also for dapper?02:13
Riddellprobably not until after the conference02:13
imbrandonMidMark, i packaged libvisual0.4 also ( and -dev and -plugins )02:13
HobbseeRiddell: okay, just thought to raise it while you were html editing02:13
MidMarkimbrandon: I've seen but they are for edgy dapper or both?02:14
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HobbseeMidMark: dapper02:14
MidMarkHobbsee: ok great02:14
imbrandonMidMark, i packaged them for dapper but they probbly wont make it into dapper proper ( only kubuntu.org )02:15
imbrandonbut for sure in edgy02:15
MidMarkimbrandon: yes like kde 3.5.302:16
imbrandonwhom knows though Riddell might get some freetime and -backport them for us ;) ( after the confrence of cource )02:17
Riddellimbrandon: what happened to  exscalibar?02:17
HobbseeRiddell: it's in your kde 3.5.3 packages02:17
Riddellit is?02:17
HobbseeRiddell: it's me who couldnt get a chroot to work02:17
HobbseeRiddell: sure02:18
imbrandonRiddell, he was trying to enable univer and mutiverse so he coudl install nvida-glx and others02:18
imbrandon*wait now i'm confused*02:18
Riddell exscalibar is a package in http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-14/pool-dapper/02:18
Riddellis it used in your amarok packages?02:18
imbrandonyea its in your repos02:19
HobbseeRiddell: yeah, libexscalibar-dev02:19
imbrandonthose was built fgor kde 3.5.302:19
imbrandonfrom your repos02:19
Riddellwhich repo?02:19
imbrandonkubuntu.org kde-latest02:19
Riddellimbrandon: why?02:19
=== Hobbsee scratches her head. that seems weird.
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Tonio_raphink: ping ?02:20
imbrandonHobbsee, said they require kde 3.5.3 or was it apachelogger dunno but i took their word for it02:20
imbrandonand built against kde 3.5.302:20
Hobbseeno, it would have been me02:20
Tonio_raphink: do you have access to irc during work ?02:20
Hobbseei'd forgotten i'd had the amarok 1.4 repo enabled02:21
imbrandonhrm i can rebuild against a clean dapper if it will build02:21
imbrandonthats not a problem02:21
HobbseeFilename: pool-dapper/libexscalibar1_1.0.4-5_i386.deb <-- that shows it's either in the amarok repo, or the kde 3.5.3 one02:21
Hobbseeimbrandon: ftbfs in a clean dapper, that's why i had a problem02:21
Riddellit's not part of kde, only amarok02:22
Riddellapt-cache showsrc02:22
MidMarkRiddell: another broken link -> installing kde, 3rd question :)02:22
RiddellMidMark: pardon?02:22
MidMarkRiddell: in the faq page02:22
Hobbseedidnt Riddell fix that before?  clearly not.02:23
MidMarkHobbsee: fixed two, but I fint a third one ;)02:23
Hobbseeno, i thought he fixed one a while ago02:23
imbrandonRiddell, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1617402:23
RiddellMidMark: ok, try now02:24
imbrandonriddell, i'll try it against a clean dapper chroot though02:24
=== Hobbsee is seriously confused now.
Riddellimbrandon: use only   deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted universe multiverse02:24
MidMarkRiddell: fixed now...02:24
imbrandonRiddell, ok02:25
Riddelland download the packages from amarok-latest manually02:25
HobbseeRiddell: where's the deb for exscaliber?  on http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-14/pool-dapper/02:25
RiddellMidMark: thanks02:25
RiddellHobbsee: yes02:25
HobbseeRiddell: can you go look for it, and give me the exact file path?02:25
=== Hobbsee is almost positive that it's not there.
Hobbseeoh ok, so exscaliber is the source package, hence there's not a deb for it.02:26
Hobbseeright.  i think i get the duncecap award of the day again then.02:26
imbrandonno spacebars today Hobbsee ?02:27
MidMarkRiddell: it's a pleasure02:27
imbrandonRiddell, so dont use -security etc etc etc in the chroot ?02:27
Riddellbecause some users may not have -security etc enabled02:28
imbrandononly main, got it , ok give me a while to build a clean chroot and rebuild02:28
=== Hobbsee cant get apt-cache showsrc to work either. darn.
Hobbseewhat the heck is wrong with me/my system tonight?02:29
imbrandonohhh i was gonna ask you02:30
imbrandonRiddell, still here ?02:30
imbrandoncan you look at the way i packaged libvisual0.4{-dev/-plugins} and tell why its not wanting to "replace" libvisual0.2* but install alongside ?02:31
Hobbseeimbrandon: did you say in the control that the 0.4 ones replace the 0.2 ones?02:32
imbrandoni beleave so, but i'll look when i'm rebuilding all this02:32
Riddellimbrandon: no time just now02:33
imbrandonnp i'll figure it out02:34
HobbseeRiddell: oh yeah, next release - can someone remember to check if all of kde gets removed when upgrading to edgy?02:48
Hobbseeit's kinda annoying to lose all of kde, then have to add it manually again.02:48
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Tonio_raphink: I'm back :)02:53
raphinkI'm stil there ):02:53
Tonio_raphink: sorry but the wireless network in the hotel is quite unstable02:53
raphinkhehe np02:53
raphinkthe network here is great on the other hand ;)02:53
mornfallHobbsee: you're evil :P02:55
mornfallThe Gathering -- Analog Park02:55
sebasActually, that is where ssh / screen / irssi shines, you can loose network connection without losing context of your irc session02:55
Hobbseemornfall: how so?  there's a BOF on smart at the moment, if you're at all interested02:55
mornfallHobbsee: oh i forgot that02:55
mornfallwhat is "at the moment"?02:55
Hobbseemornfall: currently, now02:56
imbrandonlike in the middlle02:56
=== Hobbsee is listening to it
mornfallwell, if it was 14:00 it is about to end02:56
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imbrandon14:30 i think ? not sure i got in late02:56
Hobbseemornfall: it's on teamspeak too, if that helps.  pity i didnt think of it earler02:56
mornfallit's about to end02:56
mornfallas in, the slot is running out02:56
mornfalli'm not on teamspeak02:57
mornfallthere is no fscking internet here02:57
Hobbseeoh yeah02:57
mornfalli mean, only thing that barely works here is UDP02:57
=== mornfall is in the room
imbrandontcp / udp 02:57
imbrandonstateless protocal Hobbsee02:57
Hobbseemmm ok02:57
mornfallwell, i'm tunelling stuff out through ipsec-over-udp02:57
RiddellHobbsee: best thing for upgrading would be to persuade mornfall to put dist-upgrade functionality into adept02:58
mornfallRiddell: best thing would be to fix the screwed up (meta?)packages that break dist-upgrade :)02:58
Riddellmornfall: you mean by using Recommends?02:58
mornfallthe next best thing is a better dist-upgrade algorithm02:58
mornfallRiddell: that could be an option, in case some obscure hard-dependency caused the problem, yes02:59
mornfallin fact02:59
mornfallall of these problems are basically due to improper use of the packaging system02:59
HobbseeRiddell: well, yeah...02:59
mornfallmetapackages are an abomination03:00
mornfallbut well, we are already screwed, so too late to fix that03:00
apokryphosmornfall: you don't think there's any chance the system would be changed in the not-so-distant future?03:01
apokryphosa bit sad, I feel03:01
mornfallwell, what system?03:01
mornfalland changed how?03:02
mornfallthere are several ways how to unbreak it03:02
mornfalland possibly some of them will even materialize for edgy03:02
apokryphosthe use of metapackages in debian/ubuntu, I mean03:02
mornfallmetapackages are not going away as far as i can say03:02
Riddellmornfall: where are you at the moment?03:02
mornfallRiddell: my room03:02
mornfalli could go to the Breaks bof tho03:03
Riddellmornfall: can I join you and we'll work on the kubuntu-edgy-package-manager spec?03:03
Riddellah, breaks sounds important for you03:03
mornfallbreaks is one of those things that have a potential to reduce upgrade problems03:03
mornfallwell, i'll run there and see how it goes03:04
seaLnewhat is breaks?03:04
mornfalland eventually we can do something with kubuntu-edgy-pm03:04
RiddellseaLne: replacement for Replaces: Conflicts:03:04
seaLneah ok03:04
apokryphoswow, the whole new amarok design looks quite impressive so far03:06
apokryphosnow playing on top, like juk03:07
Riddellplaying on top?03:07
apokryphosthe context sidebar, as it was before03:07
apokryphos(song title, cover, etc)03:07
Riddelland what's there now?03:08
apokryphosRiddell: like this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/i1617703:11
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seaLnecan a diff file in debian/patches have multiple files changed in it? they are the same fix03:13
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RiddellseaLne: yes03:14
nixternalRiddell: i am in the process of doing some bug triage and have come across some bugs assigned to you that havent' been commented on in a few months or the application involved is obsolete. do you have special plans for thos bugs, or is it ok to close them due to them being old?03:14
seaLnethought so, thanks03:14
Hobbseenixternal: which ones?03:14
nixternalright now im in amaroK dir for malone03:14
Riddellnixternal: got numbers03:15
Riddellnixternal: I'm in a bof just now, will answer when i can03:15
nixternalnp Riddell03:15
nixternalno rush ;)03:15
nixternalhttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/amaroK/+bug/    <- a few oldies here Hobbsee03:16
nixternal23289 for instance is amaroK 1.3.1 from breezy updates03:16
nixternalforgot ubugtu was in here03:17
apokryphosgreat! Now I'm told the new style has been reverted in svn....03:17
=== Hobbsee looks
apokryphosso the old design is gonna be back :-O03:17
nixternaldon't you just love when that happens ;)03:17
Hobbseeapokryphos: hah, great03:18
imbrandoni like the new look03:18
apokryphosmainly because it's too much work for a minor release03:18
apokryphos[14:15:52]  <leinir> The logic still needs work :)03:19
apokryphos[14:15:56]  <leinir> but no worries, it'll return with a vengeance in 2.0 :03:19
imbrandonnot fair lol03:19
apokryphosI will possibly end up sticking with 1.4.1beta1 until then :P03:19
imbrandonme also03:19
apokryphosreally bad teaser03:20
Hobbseeargh, they've switched all the stuff around in LP hehe03:20
=== imbrandon hasent been to LP in days
imbrandonanyone know when X and kde are going to be built for edgy ? 03:21
jsgotangcoreal soon?03:22
imbrandonjsgotangco, curious has udev install thing been fixed ?03:22
imbrandonor is that waiting on the conf to end03:22
jsgotangcointeresting to ask, since scott just made magic today on our side but its for ltsp03:22
=== apokryphos wonders why it took amarok so long to get the usability experts in
apokryphosmore things I noticed changed, the more I discover they were a good idea (volume on bottom left, playlist actions next to filter, etc)03:47
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=== Hobbsee makes a note that her login name for ftp is case sensitive!
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imbrandonapokryphos, haha how true, and now we got to wait till 2.004:42
imbrandon( /me will stick with -beta1 till 2.0 probbly )04:43
=== apokryphos too, most likely
apokryphoswe'll have to see though, who knows, they may re-revert their actions 8)04:43
apokryphosI hear the default icons decision was reverted too; :/04:43
imbrandonhrm i thought pykde was part of python-kde3 *looks puzzled*05:07
apokryphospykde *is* python-kde05:07
imbrandonhrm isnt pykde a binarly also like pyuic ? *looks even more confused now* 05:08
Riddellthat's kdepyuic05:08
Riddellpykde is another name for python-kde05:08
imbrandongah *slaps head*05:08
Riddellkwwii: "[Spec tango-icon-theme]   Definition Status: Braindump => Obsolete"05:09
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Riddellhttp://forge.novell.com/pipermail/powersave-devel/2006-June/000589.html  powersave future05:18
Hobbseehiya bddebian05:19
bddebianHi Hobbsee05:20
bddebianFind your brain? ;-)05:20
Hobbseei've made enough stupid errors today to make me wonder about it again...05:21
=== seaLne gets the feeling he did something wrong with his latest attempt at k3b
RiddellseaLne: why do you think that?05:25
seaLneactually maybe not i was reading http://revu.tauware.de/revu1-incoming/k3b-0606211050/k3b_0.12.15-2ubuntu1.diff and i first thought i had applied my changes to a dirty version but i think maybe it is ok05:25
seaLnediffs containing diffs are confusing to read05:26
Riddellcertainly are05:27
imbrandonRiddell, that mentions kpowersave and using hal in kde4 but i thought all that was moving to solid instead of hal ?05:27
seaLneRiddell: i'm confused about why it knows off changes to debian/changelog and debian/control ?05:27
RiddellseaLne: that's the debdiff, it contains all changes to your previous upload including changes to debian/*05:30
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seaLneah ok thats fine then except i forgot to name one of the patches .diff05:30
Riddell029 yes05:31
Riddellhave you merged the changelogs?  so the changelog contains all entries from debian and kubuntu in a sensible order?05:31
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RiddellLure: http://forge.novell.com/pipermail/powersave-devel/2006-June/000589.html05:32
seaLneoops forgot that05:32
seaLnewill fix that just now05:32
RiddellseaLne: otherwise looking perfect as far as I can tell from the debdiff05:32
seaLnedoes what i've done with debian patches seem fine?05:33
LureRiddell: just got it in my mailbox...05:33
RiddellseaLne: looks excellent yes05:33
LureRiddell: it looks to me that UDS discussions have pushed this...05:34
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apacheloggerRiddell: shouldn't we make a kopete-dev package?05:34
apachelogger...would it make sense?05:35
Riddellapachelogger: hmm05:35
seaLneshould i include changes that happened between 0.12.9 and 0.12.14? if so how as i think it would look weird mixed in with kubuntu versions as that is not really what happened?05:35
Riddellapachelogger: those files have always gone in kdenetwork-dev as I remember, but we won't be able to do that now with separate packages05:36
Riddellapachelogger: so yes we'll have to do that05:36
apacheloggerk, gonna do that05:36
imbrandon!seen jpatrick05:37
Riddellapachelogger: it'll need to Replaces: old kdenetwork-dev 05:38
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seaLneRiddell: also some of the changes don't apply such as we didn'thave lintian warnings in .1405:46
apacheloggerRiddell: shall I add a Conflictes for kdenetwork-dev as well?05:47
Hobbseeimbrandon: yeah, i'm thinking about asking Seveas for ubotu in here05:57
Riddellapachelogger: can do05:59
apacheloggerRiddell: ok05:59
Hobbseenight all06:05
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lnxkdeis edgy that broken06:13
lnxkdeI only have to download 66MB to update to it...06:13
bddebianIt broke one of my machines :-(06:14
lnxkdebroke you mean by software right?06:14
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lnxkdeRiddell you there?07:38
lnxkdeRiddell you in charge of the website?07:39
kwwiibye all07:40
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nixternallnxkde: you find a booboo on the website?07:41
lnxkdena I just want to know how  he did it07:43
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nixternalahhh...i believe it is also part of the moinmoin wiki07:43
nixternali just wiped out my contacts ;(08:06
lnxkdeon what>??08:08
nixternali was trying to figure out why when i goto address a new email...two instances for each contact appear08:09
nixternali double clicked a little to fast and it was the 2nd click that got them ;)08:10
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apokryphosare 1.4.1 packages being made, or waiting till after the conference?08:42
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nixternalapokryphos: if you are referring to amaroK, yes, somebody has been packaging it around here08:49
imbrandonapokryphos, i made some already ( need a little more love ) but are ready for testing08:50
imbrandonif your using the kde 3.5.308:51
imbrandoni need to rebuild them for regular dapper without the kubuntu.org repos still though08:51
imbrandonapokryphos, http://www.buntudot.org/people/~imbrandon/packages/  <-- 1.4.1-beta108:52
nixternalanyone else get double contacts in kontact address book at all?08:53
apokryphoscool, thanks, I'll give it in -offtopic, some people there were interestested too08:54
nixternalwhen i goto send an email and select from the address book, i see you people twice ;)08:54
imbrandonnixternal, #kubuntu <---- is that way 08:55
nixternali will kick you08:55
apokryphosnew libvisual too? Interesting08:55
imbrandonapokryphos, cool, yea just for the moment they will need the kubuntu.org amarok-latest deb also08:56
imbrandonapokryphos, yea it requires libvisual0.4 now08:56
freeflying-g4imbrandon: why don't you add the amarok-gstreamer  :)08:57
imbrandonfreeflying-g4, just dident get arround to it yet, i will toy with it tonight 08:57
imbrandonbut gstreamer is the suxor you know ;)08:57
imbrandonxine <3 ;)08:57
freeflying-g4imbrandon: heh08:58
imbrandonbut yea freeflying-g4 i'll get it updated when i rebuild it tonight08:58
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freeflying-g4imbrandon: nice08:58
=== apokryphos wonders what new changes are in new libvisual, and checks
imbrandonapokryphos, also i forgot to put the "replaces" in the debian/control for libvisual0.4 so you might have to purge libvisual0.2 first before , but like i said those still need a little love, i'll be rebuilding them tonight sometime08:59
apokryphosalrighty, please let me know and I'll try a test :)09:00
imbrandonok will do09:00
crimsuneh? we have libvisual0.4 now?09:06
crimsunimbrandon: ick, versioning...09:07
crimsunimbrandon: if you're going to build against dapper proper and not kubuntu.org, I recommend you use the ugliest version string possible that will still upgrade properly, like 2:1.3.9-0ubuntu4.0~1.4.1beta1imbrandon109:11
imbrandonheh ok crimsun09:12
imbrandonyea not a bad idea probbly09:12
crimsun(since any security or updates will be at least 2:1.3.9-0ubuntu4.1)09:12
crimsun(and 2:1.3.9-0ubuntu4.0 won't be used, but 2:1.3.9-0ubuntu4.0~1.4.1beta1imbrandon1 is still greater than 2:1.3.9-0ubuntu4)09:13
crimsunsame for libvisual, 0.4.0-0ubuntu0~imbrandon109:15
crimsunof course you're free to do as you wish...09:15
imbrandonno i totaly see what your saying09:16
imbrandoni'll do that when i rebuild tonight09:16
imbrandonas there will probbly be some other deps too ( excalubur etc )09:16
imbrandonand whom knows with gstreamer lol ( kicks freeflying )09:17
crimsunoh, GSt is back in 1.4.1?09:17
crimsunmight have to reinstall amarok then09:17
imbrandonnot yet, but freeflying ask me to build it with gst support09:17
imbrandonits possible just been turned off09:17
imbrandontrying to get distcc working with debuild atm so it dosent take me 2+ hours tom rebuild each time09:18
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DaSkreechDoes any one have 1) a OSCAR protocol account and 2) Kopete 0.1211:07
andredDaSkreech: yes11:20
DaSkreechandred: can you login ?11:20
andredDaSkreech: yes11:20
DaSkreechand stay logged in?11:20
andredyes, no issues so far11:20
andredneither on icq or on aim11:21
DaSkreechWhat the blazes is wrong then?11:21
DaSkreechon 0.11 I couldn't login at all and trying to stop them from logging in would crash Kopete11:21
DaSkreechNow on 0.12 they login and as soon as they get the buddy list they log back out11:21
DaSkreechat least they stopped crashing Kopete11:21
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DaSkreechmaybe 0.13 will have them log in for a minute :)11:22
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MidMarkRiddell: I think have to reopen bug #39444 just reported by me12:03
UbugtuMalone bug 39444 in kde-guidance "Changing an user's password can change another password for a different user" [High,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3944412:03
MidMarksomeone can confirm?12:03
MidMarksee my last comment12:03

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