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lapoyo kwwii12:58
kwwiihowdy lapo12:58
kwwiiok, about time for lunch here12:59
kwwiibe back in about an hour12:59
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msikmaHi everyone03:42
msikmaHey guys, if I want to let others know that I am working on something, how would I best add that to the spec?03:47
msikmaAn already existing spec, that is.03:48
adamant1988u hm, I don't think they're adding anything atm03:54
adamant1988I contributed a couple of artworks to the art.ubuntu site, but they've not been added.03:54
msikmaI'm not talking about art.ubuntu.03:57
msikmaI'm talking about the wiki pages that go along with the Launchpad specs.03:57
klepasadamant1988: have you read the notice on art.ubuntu.com?04:02
adamant1988I'd like to get my things added though, I'd offer to try and help out on the team but I have two jobs and just wouldn't have the time for it =\04:03
klepasadamant1988: there are various content management problems with the current CMS running art.ubuntu.com (AUC)04:08
klepasbersace|code: ping04:11
bersace|codeklepas: yep ?04:11
bersace|codeklepas: i did a lot of work for the migration yesterday and today04:12
bersace|codeall work done is viewable at : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CategoryArtwork04:13
klepasjust reading some of the ML posts04:16
klepasi apologise for not having been able to really contribute yet04:16
klepasexam week began 9 AM today. Only half a week left and i'm free for roughly 4 weeks :)04:17
bersace|codeyou can still review all work04:18
bersace|codethat will be very very useful04:18
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neodreamsnet split04:30
bersace|codehh ! :)04:30
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=== fschoep [n=frank@ALagny-109-1-2-202.w80-11.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
kwwiihez bersace|code, its troy here typing on kens lappy04:44
bersace|codeso kwwii is troy ?04:44
kwwiifor a second or two04:44
kwwiinot long, as i must resume writing stuffs etc04:45
kwwiibut here for a second04:45
kwwiimuch action on the mailing list?04:45
kwwiijust wondering, i havent been able to check my mail, so i dont really know04:47
newz2000kwwii: there's been little activity in the last 20 hours or so04:48
newz2000asuming you mean ubuntu-art04:48
kwwiinewz2000: yah.  its troy here temporarily04:48
newz2000I mean "there's been no actity"04:49
kwwiihow you doing newz2000?04:49
newz2000Good. Trudging along coding in 'xsl' the unprogramming language.04:49
newz2000How's the meeting?04:49
kwwiinewz2000: well i feel a bit better today.  still tiring.04:49
newz2000Well, by the time you get used to the time it's time to go home. That's what I hear at least04:50
newz2000Still feel productive and excited?04:50
=== msikma_ [n=msikma@a82-93-143-114.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
kwwiiwell its a lot of work, but the structuring is coming along nicely.  clearing up licensing issues, deadline setting, etc04:50
kwwiineed to get bzr up to speed with daniel, but i imagine that will be tomorrow04:51
newz2000I haven't tried it out yet. I suspect I'm going to have to get up to speed on it as well.04:51
kwwiinot so much bzr (unless you take an uploader role at some point), but certainly launchpad04:52
newz2000yeah, that too.04:52
kwwiii will try to get a howto out in clear detail with step by step info on speccing, but it should be clear to anyone who looks over those four new artwork specs04:52
bersace|codekwwii: just type /nick troy_s04:53
kwwiithey are now complete more or less.  simple, but it is a good example to start with04:53
kwwiibersace|code: i cant im using kens lap and he is logged into a bunch of channels04:53
newz2000kwwii: where are you from?04:54
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kwwiinewz2000: its troy, using kens irc right now... just thought i would drop in.  launchpad has my details under troy-sobotka though i think04:55
kwwiinewz2000: vancouver, british columbia, canada more or less04:55
newz2000kwwii: yeah, I know it's you. I figured you were from north america because of your jet lag. Are there many people there at the meeting from this side of the ocean?04:56
kwwiinot too many, but a few.04:56
newz2000is there anyone there taking pictures? It would be interesting to get a glimpse of what goes on at one of those.04:57
kwwiianywho, i should get back to some doccing.  be good folks.  peace.04:57
kwwiiya i will...04:57
newz2000ok. TTYL.04:57
kwwiithere are a few alreadz, but i will snag some04:57
kwwiidarn german kezboards04:57
kwwiiok... out.04:58
=== kwwii is now ken again. lol.
msikma_Okay so05:14
msikma_If I want to add myself to a spec05:14
msikma_As someone who's working on something05:14
msikma_How would I do that?05:14
bersace|codeSubscribe to that spec05:14
msikma_But then it won't say that I am doing anything with it.05:16
msikma_It'll just be me subscribing to that spec, won't it?05:16
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bersace|codehey, all of you guys that are in Paris, this night is "Fte de la Musique", There are a lot of free music concert all around Paris05:46
bersace|codeYou should come on !05:46
=== Veritas is now known as PseudoPlacebo
bersacekwwii: do you come on for the "Fte de la Musique" Party ?06:39
=== bersace is shoting warty for archive
kwwiibersace: I hope so...I cannot find Tonio though :-(06:41
kwwiiI am afraid that they already left06:41
kwwiiwhich would really suck06:41
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kwwiibye all07:40
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=== kafeine nine inch nails - every day is exactly the same
=== adamant1988 [n=adam@h-141-153-101-137.ckb.meer.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
adamant1988hi all.10:35
=== kafeine agnostic front - peace
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