
=== makx_ is now known as makx
=== tarheelcoxn [n=coxn@pdpc/supporter/student/tarheelcoxn] has joined #ubuntu-boot
tarheelcoxnhi. I have a http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5013/SYS-5013C-MT.cfm that I can't get ubuntu to install on10:49
tarheelcoxnusing the alternate iso, the installer sits there spinning after prompting for the hostname10:50
tarheelcoxncrimsun pointed me here10:50
tarheelcoxnif I ctrl+alt+f2 to a busybox shell and dmesg|tail, the last line I see is "SGI XFS Quota Management subsystem"10:52
=== archis [n=archis@unaffiliated/archis] has joined #ubuntu-boot
=== archis [n=archis@unaffiliated/archis] has left #ubuntu-boot ["Ex-Chat"]

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