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bioengineHey, what would be a good open source project for an electrical engineer to work on?12:12
Burgworkbioengine, anything at all. What enthuses you12:12
bioengineI need to get electrical engineering experience12:12
bioenginebecause it is required of me as a student12:13
bioengineOtherwise, I will be rejected from opportunities at school12:13
Burgworkthere are some good circuit creation/simulation apps12:13
bioengineOpen source?12:13
winkleoregano for example12:13
bioengineWhere can I find that app at?12:14
bioengineAre there other apps that are open source for EE's?12:15
bioengineAnd would they have a development community?12:15
bioengineAre there any other projects for EE's that are open source?12:18
zulyou might want to check google12:19
Burgworkbioengine, http://gnomefiles.org/category.php?cat_id=612:23
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Riddellbioengine: ktechlab12:42
bioengineWhat is ktechlab?12:42
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=== bddebian wonders how Paris is going..
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demanyone can tell me what's the status of of laptop-mode vs upstream in ubuntu? because i wanted to add support for controlling power usage of wireless cards03:26
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Hobbseemorning all03:57
bddebianHi Hobbsee03:58
Hobbseehi bddebian :)03:58
Hobbseejdub: wow, thanks03:58
Hobbseeyou found my email quick :P03:59
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Hobbseemorning fabbione!05:18
fabbionehi Hobbsee 05:18
bddebianHeya fabbione05:20
fabbionehi bddebian 05:20
=== fabbione is having insomnia again
bddebianYou must be missing X too much? ;-P05:21
Hobbseefabbione: what's teh time there?  around 4.20am?05:22
=== Aegir [n=richard@d220-238-60-117.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbionebddebian: die :)05:32
fabbioneHobbsee: yeah 5:3005:32
Hobbseebddebian: surely you want to take it over yourself?  :P05:34
bddebianHobbsee: If I had a brain, I wouldn't mind trying05:34
=== Hobbsee taps bddebian on the head a few times
Hobbseenope, no rocks in there, you must have a brain.05:35
bddebianWell, it's very small :-)05:35
Hobbseei didnt hear much of an echo either :P05:36
ajmitchmorning fabbione :)05:41
fabbionehi aj05:41
bddebianHobbsee: That was just all the fluid deadening the echo :-)05:43
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TheMusoMorning all.08:41
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jsgotangcowhiprush_: fix your blog heh08:46
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Keybukoops, NOMALS=-M doesn't work09:09
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sivangel: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup/UDSParis09:29
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Keybuk*sigh* no time for a nap bof today09:52
HobbseeKeybuk: find coke/09:52
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Keybukof the lines variety?09:53
Hobbseeer, coke as in the thing that contains caffeine, and is in a red can.09:53
KeybukI suspect there may be issues with cutting up between BOFs09:53
ajmitchnow that would cause some interesting specs to be written09:53
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Hobbseehi jsgotangco 09:55
jsgotangcogood morning Hobbsee09:55
=== jdub snarfs breakfast from the restaurant, takes it back to the big room. muhaha.
jdub(hard to have breakfast when your first bof is a sleep in bof)09:56
jsgotangcojdub: would you like some raw beef with those?09:56
Hobbseejdub: haha.  yes, and feed him a new zealander accent too :P09:56
=== jdub has no idea where he got that from
ajmitchHobbsee should be honoured09:57
jdubthere must be a kde hacker in nz i confused you with09:57
Hobbseejdub: i don tknow of any.  but how did you know i was involved with kde?09:57
jdubajmitch: instead, she's offended 09:57
ajmitchjdub: I can't understand why09:58
jdubHobbsee: you're a kubuntu dude09:58
=== jdub knows all
Hobbseeoh dear.  i wonder just how much you know about me.09:58
jdubmy nickname in canonical is echelon09:58
jdubwell, i know that you live on the outskirts of civilisation, but only 'cos you told me09:59
Hobbseetrue, ues09:59
Hobbseenow hey, i dont live in kenthurst or penrith - and those are more the outskirts :P09:59
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ajmitchat least you don't live in sunny dunedin10:00
Hobbseeyes, at an average of -25C10:00
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Hobbseeoh, and not really offended - just amused.  i really dont have anything against NZ'ers10:02
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fabbioneguys i am looking for a volunteer to maintain a simple package that's already done10:21
ajmitchwhat is it?10:21
fabbioneand just need some small cleanup love10:21
fabbioneajmitch: openais10:21
fabbionei have the package done...10:22
=== Aegir [n=richard@d220-238-60-117.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbioneand i can sponsor it to main10:22
fabbionebut i don't want to maintain it10:22
fabbione(it's not in the archive yet)10:22
raphinkwhat does it do?10:22
fabbioneit's a cluster messagging infrastructure/framewoek10:24
fabbioneframework even10:24
fabbionethat one10:25
fabbioneanybody interested?10:25
ajmitchvaguely so :)10:25
fabbioneof course who takes the maintainance will also test it10:25
fabbioneit will be part of my automatic redhat cluster suite testing10:26
jsgotangcoajmitch: cluster your laptops10:26
fabbionesince the new GFS2 relies on openais10:26
ajmitchI'm interested, but not sure if I'd use it much10:26
fabbionejsgotangco: i do that to test ppc :)10:26
ajmitchjsgotangco: sure.. :)10:26
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ajmitchmorning mdz 10:34
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raphinkhi mdz10:36
raphinkhi slomo10:36
sivangglatzor_mobile: ping10:36
slomohi raphink 10:36
raphinkwork activity: say hi to everybody on IRC10:36
glatzor_mobilepong sivang10:36
raphinkI'l put that in my work report tonight10:37
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marilizecvd: ping10:39
fabbionemarilize: wrong chan :)10:40
marilizefabbione: heh, thanks, (morning)10:43
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fabbionehey mdz10:44
fabbioneso nobody wants to offer volunteer???10:45
jdubfabbione: for..?10:45
fabbionejdub: you win!10:46
fabbionejdub: i was just looking for an openais maintainer10:46
fabbionejdub: and you won!10:46
fabbioneimpressive, isn't it?10:46
ajmitchor just get a group of people who might care enough - as long as at lesat of them does work it's fine :)10:46
jdubI AM TEH WINNAR!10:46
=== ajmitch hands jdub his prize pony
MithrandirPONY?  I WANT A PONY TOO!10:47
MithrandirI'll have a balcony soon.  Then I can get a pony if I want to.  *sniff*10:48
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dholbachhttp://developer.osdl.org/dev/openais/ is more likely to be the prize pony10:49
Hobbseeno Mithrandir, you cant have a pony.10:49
fabbioneajmitch: it's not worth a group of people.. it's not even 400KB of source10:50
MithrandirHobbsee: I might  not have one, but I can get one if I want to. :-P10:50
jdub"The project implements cutting edge research on virtual synchrony to provide 100% correct operation in the face of failures or partitionable networks with excellent performance characteristics."10:50
HobbseeMithrandir: no you cant. you're not allowed.10:50
jdubMithrandir: (PONY) <- not yours.10:51
MithrandirHobbsee: I'm sorry, but the person who'd be able to deny me that would be simira, not you.10:51
HobbseeMithrandir: hehe, i spoke to simira last night :P10:51
Mithrandirabout ponies?10:51
jduband she said10:51
jdubNO PONY!10:51
Hobbseeno, i said you were locked in the basement, and that she couldnt speak to you, as there was no wifi down there.10:52
Mithrandirwe have a basement here?10:52
jsgotangco_the restaurant has a basement restroom10:53
HobbseeMithrandir: of course10:53
=== Mithrandir looks at Hobbsee, confused.
HobbseeMithrandir: how on earth would i know?  i've not even been in the continent, let alone inside the building!10:54
jdubnot even incontinent?10:54
=== fabbione takes away the pipe from jdong
MithrandirHobbsee: it's a quite nice continent.10:55
=== fabbione takes away the pipe from jdub
\shjdub: tststs...;)10:55
MithrandirHobbsee: you should come visit one time.10:55
HobbseeMithrandir: i'm sure it is, but i no longer have a passport.10:55
\shHobbsee: but don't come near jdub...he bites10:55
MithrandirHobbsee: I'm sure you're able to get a new one.10:55
=== Hobbsee would like to. at some point.
=== Gloubiboulga [n=gauvain@ubuntu/member/gloubiboulga] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Hobbsee\sh: something tells me i dont have much choice there.10:56
MithrandirHobbsee: it's a bit like saying you don't have a boarding pass and therefore can't go.10:56
HobbseeMithrandir: true, but it makes sense to wait till i'm over 18..10:56
MithrandirHobbsee: well, true.10:56
Mithrandirbut that's not very far away, is it?10:56
=== \sh has a wish: One picture where Jdub looks really serious, and I mean really serious
Hobbseeone month and one day - what should i do?10:57
Mithrandir\sh: I have one.  In my camera.10:57
HobbseeMithrandir: was he asleep at the time?10:57
MithrandirHobbsee: no, he was talking to somebody and didn't see me10:57
Hobbseeah, i see10:58
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=== jdub recalibrates the orbital laser platform.
Mithrandirjdub: I'm in the same building as you.  Applying the golp is not a good idea.11:00
TheMusoHobbsee: You sound older than you are. :)11:01
HobbseeTheMuso: thanks.11:02
=== rodarvus [n=rodarvus@ALagny-109-1-9-37.w80-11.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Leaving"]
TheMusonp :)11:02
MithrandirHobbsee: if he says that in ten years, you can twap him. :-)11:02
HobbseeMithrandir: hehe11:02
TheMusoI thought Hobbsee was in her early twenties at least.11:03
HobbseeTheMuso: you thought i was human, too11:03
TheMusoi see no reason why I should think otherwise.11:03
ajmitchand then there are those who think she's from NZ..11:03
MithrandirHobbsee: no, we're just amazed at the author writing such a good IRC bot.11:03
=== Hobbsee is a green bug eyed alien.
TheMuso\/me will wait to see that for himself at the first SLUG meeting that Hobbsee attends. :)11:04
=== Hobbsee might just not ever attend :P
MithrandirHobbsee: I hear you claim that, but I haven't seen anything to prove that.11:04
HobbseeMithrandir: thought i showed you a picture :P11:05
Mithrandirthat didn't have any context.  Like, your IRC session with this channel open.11:06
ajmitchshe just has to come along to the next conf11:06
Hobbseeoh, as in, you wanted a pic of me next to my computer?11:06
sivangEverybody, there's a BoF going on now about an automatic free space making proggy, anybody interested is welcome to join.11:07
spunglesthom: ping?11:07
ajmitchsivang: you're straying horribly off-topic here :)11:07
MithrandirHobbsee: nah, I've decided you're just a brilliantly written IRC bot and am happy with my knowledge. :-P11:07
Hobbseeyes, while the high and mighty devs are away, the not so high and mighty devs will play :P11:07
HobbseeMithrandir: haha okay11:07
sivangajmitch: hmm, is there a proper channel to announce something like to people ? :-)11:08
Hobbseesivang: yeah.  not this one.11:08
thomspungles: ack11:08
=== dholbach [n=daniel@ALagny-109-1-10-42.w80-11.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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spunglesthom: learnt dutch yet?11:13
simiraHobbsee: are you a dev?11:16
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Hobbseeajmitch: answer simira's question :P11:16
simiraHobbsee: are you a dictator?11:17
ajmitchsimira: yes11:17
Hobbseesimira: well, my name is sarah, and i'm told that means i'm supposed to boss everyone around.11:17
simiraHobbsee: I must admit I thought you were a boy *blush*11:18
simirathere are not many girls in here... me Claire, Jane and Silbs, I think11:18
Hobbseesimira: yes, that's a fairly logical assumption to make11:18
Hobbseeyeah wow :P11:18
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simiraHobbsee: and just as you know, I am deadly jealus of you all for being in CDG. There'l probably be a not-so-mysterious massacre next time I join in11:19
Riddellogra: ok for kubuntu hwdb at 15:00?11:19
simirajust *so* you know11:20
Hobbseesimira: CDG?11:20
RiddellHobbsee isn't here (sadly)11:20
HobbseeRiddell: BOO!11:20
simiraCharles De Gaulle, Hobbsee 11:20
Hobbseesimira: i'm here in australia...11:20
apokryphoswrong train?11:20
ograRiddell, i only have a free slot between 16:00 and 17:0011:20
HobbseeRiddell: where's here?  going to be running via TS?11:20
simiraHobbsee: you, you're just irc-invading the conf? You seem like you're there, you know... :p11:21
Hobbseesimira: hehe, yes, i'm here on irc - i have no passport, and no plane ticket.11:21
simiraHobbsee: *all* of them are in Paris now for the distro summit. Except for me *cries*11:21
=== Hobbsee hugs simira
ajmitchsimira: not all, sadly11:21
=== Mithrandir hugs simira too
Hobbseenot all of them are...11:21
fabbionesimira: no no.. i am home too11:22
simiraajmitch: no, I am the one not being there... ;)11:22
simirafabbione: are you why? Is Ulla down soon?11:22
=== ajmitch is at home in NZ
ograpitti, ?11:22
fabbionesimira: yeah.. too close to Ulla's delivery :)11:23
pittiogra: EBUSY11:23
ograpitti, we need to talk if you have 2-5min later11:23
Mithrandirajmitch: can we do a status meeting for networkauth today?11:23
simirafabbione: tell her hi from me and good luck!11:23
ajmitchMithrandir: when?11:23
fabbionesimira: will do :)11:24
Mithrandirajmitch: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mdz/schedule/2006-06-21/tfheen is my schedule, so now'd work11:24
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ajmitchlucky you, busy for the rest of the day11:25
ajmitchI guess now will be ok - I'll get dinner later :)11:25
Hobbseehaha - around midnight ajmitch?11:26
ajmitchHobbsee: hm?11:26
simirahm. Remember we have a date, Mithrandir 11:26
ajmitchI would never leave it that late..11:26
Hobbseeajmitch: the time for dinner11:26
Mithrandirsimira: always, my love.11:26
Hobbseesimira: when you do get to be here, and i'm there at the same time, tell me, and we'll take over the world, okay?11:28
=== Hobbsee pictures a fully pink distrobution or something crazy :P
MithrandirHobbsee: http://www.linuxrising.org/screenshots/bella.png11:30
Mithrandir(warning: pink overload)11:31
Hobbseethat is beyond scary!11:31
apokryphosouch; the xmms in there was the finisher11:31
=== TheMuso imagines a distribution where the whole GUI was rendered tactally on a refreshable braille display.
HobbseeMithrandir: urgh....man tha'ts terrible!11:32
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MithrandirHobbsee: I'm sure the ubuntu-women would be delighted to have such a theme. :-/11:33
fabbioneMithrandir: i want that theme!11:33
HobbseeMithrandir: hah11:33
HobbseeMithrandir: you should send that to ubuntu art mailing list, and say "sabdfl says that all artwork should become like this" just as a joke :P11:33
MithrandirHobbsee: it's not April 1st. :-P11:34
=== Hobbsee cant really imagine the responses, but thinks it could be amusing.
HobbseeMithrandir: a delayed one :P11:34
MithrandirHobbsee: I'd obviously fake it decently.11:34
fabbioneOMG :)11:34
fabbionejdub: ^^11:34
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\sh /dev/sdb1             6.3T   54G  6.3T   1% /data - go ubuntu mirror go12:08
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mdeboerhi. with hoary, i run into many difficulties trying to use a more recent (dapper) kernel. will this be the same with dapper? i believe the kernel has settled down quite a bit since hoary, so maybe running the 2.6.17 edgy kernel on dapper is feasible?12:13
jdubmore feasible12:13
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jdubthere were userland changes in dapper to use the kernel effectively, so it's much less likely to work on older distros12:14
mdeboeryes, i am aware of this. so, there are no such dapper userland/edgy userland incompatibilities?12:14
fabbionemdeboer: not yet.. too early to say12:15
jdubno one has added any so far ;)12:15
mdeboerok :-)12:15
mdeboerok. i'll give it a try soon12:16
ajmitchmaybe some fun with udev12:16
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highvoltage12:08 <@Vhata> weiers: do you run gnome or KDE?12:17
highvoltage12:08 < weiers> I run gnome Vhata12:17
highvoltage12:10 <@Vhata> do you run any other KDE apps apart from amarok?12:17
highvoltage12:10 <@highvoltage> Spinach: hola!12:17
highvoltage12:10 <@Vhata> what happened after you did those 'killall -9' commands?12:17
highvoltage12:10 < Spinach> howdy, highvoltage!12:17
highvoltage12:10 < weiers> Ok, it would seem that between killall -3 and killall -9 something worked, because I was able to12:17
mdeboermy main interest is to apply the latest rt-preempt patch http://people.redhat.com/mingo/realtime-preempt/12:17
highvoltage                launch the programme and got it to work.12:17
highvoltage12:11 < weiers> Vhata, I don't think that I am consciously running any other kde apps.12:17
highvoltage12:12 <@Vhata> did you run it from a terminal this time?12:17
highvoltage12:12 < weiers> yes12:17
highvoltage12:13 <@Vhata> go to the "settings" menu, and then to "Configure global shortcuts", and find the "Toggle Playlist12:17
highvoltage               Window" option, and set a shortcut there (I use windows+P), so that you can bring the window up12:17
=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [+o fabbione] by ChanServ
highvoltage               whenever you want12:17
highvoltageugh, sorry about that12:17
=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [+b *!n=jonathan@ubuntu/member/highvoltage] by fabbione
=== highvoltage was kicked off #ubuntu-devel by fabbione (fabbione)
neuralishighvoltage: dude, STOP FLOODING12:17
jsgotangcohighvoltage: bless you12:17
jsgotangcohe's all red now haha12:17
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jdubholy shit12:18
jdubturn that thing off12:18
LaserJocklol, highvoltage is soooo red12:19
rodarvus<highvoltage> err, hi12:19
highvoltagesorry!! wrote with my notepad on notwbook. and copied and pasted accidentally (extremely embarrased here)12:19
=== jdub meant the bright light in the middle of atlas
Hobbseehighvoltage: your client doesnt have a "stop accidental paste" feature?12:20
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highvoltageHobbsee: it's supposed to, normally it asks press ctrl+c to cancel or ctrl+k to let it through, i don't know what went wrong here, i'm just going to back away from my laptop for a while :)12:20
Hobbseehighvoltage: ah okay.  hehe, yes before it bites12:21
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LaserJockhighvoltage: maybe your laptop has caught a bug from the French power ;-)12:21
simirawhere's mvo?12:22
thomLaserJock: nah, then it wouldn't do /anything/12:22
=== thom ducks
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LaserJockthom: good point12:22
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ogramdke, around ? 01:01
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ajmitchhi zul :)01:28
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zulhey ajmitch 01:28
Hobbseehi zul and ajmitch 01:29
zulhey Hobbsee 01:29
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ajmitchhello Hobbsee 01:32
Hobbseewhere are the logs for why my system froze held?01:33
Hobbseei thought it was /var/log/messages, but there's nothign too obvious there01:33
zulkern.log maybe.01:34
thomkern.log, old dmesg, syslog are all possibilities01:35
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Mithrandircan somebody get mdz onto irc, please?02:25
seb128Mithrandir: he has no computer in front of him atm02:26
seb128Mithrandir: should I forward him a message?02:27
Mithrandirseb128: I was wondering why my optimized live cd for faster boot was put back to drafting rather than approved and if I can just change the time estimate a bit and set it directly to approved.02:27
Hobbseejdub: heya.  you dont have to use TS - if you were wanting to run the discussion offline, that's cool, i was just going to listen02:33
jdubHobbsee: only have two of us with mics02:34
jdubHobbsee: i've asked mvo to use his now02:34
jdub(just there was no one in the channel earlier, so we didn't bother)02:34
Hobbseejdub: yeah, that's cool.  i just saw it, and saw it looked interesting, and was going to listen in, if it didnt cause trouble02:34
=== dholbach [n=daniel@ALagny-109-1-2-202.w80-11.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Keybukcan anybody see jbailey from where they are?02:38
netgrabberI think i solved bug #38335 maybe someone can review my "work"?02:38
UbugtuMalone bug 38335 in ipodder "UVF exception - iPodder no longer supported" [Unknown,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3833502:38
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Hobbseejdub: wow, it's working nicely :)02:40
seb128Mithrandir: network issue, I was saying that mdz has no computer in front of him atm ... any message to forward?02:40
Mithrandirseb128: 14:27 < Mithrandir> seb128: I was wondering why my optimized live cd for faster boot was put back to drafting rather than approved and if I can just change the time estimate a bit and set it directly to approved.02:41
seb128Mithrandir: ok, no hurry for that probably, can wait after the BOF right?02:42
Mithrandirseb128: sure.02:42
netgrabberI have DEBIAN/md5sums in my .diff is this ok?02:45
netgrabberI don't think so02:45
Mithrandirnetgrabber: no, it's not ok02:45
netgrabberhow can I fix this?02:46
Mithrandiryou've probably forgotten to run dh_clean02:46
=== _ion recommends cdbs
netgrabberI used debuild02:46
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Hobbseejdub: how much longer will the smart BOF go for?02:57
ozamosiI need to get in touch with smurf asap, but he's been away for 48 hours, and he's not answering mail. Can anyone tell me how to reach him?02:57
jdubHobbsee: kinda finishing time03:00
Hobbseejdub: yeah, just heard - mornfall forgot about it03:00
mjg59jdub: Pong?03:01
mjg59If it was about the pants, aes has been working all week so far03:01
mjg59Should be able to get them this evening or tomorrow03:01
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netgrabberCan I upload packages created by myself on launchpad?03:07
dholbachnetgrabber: you might want to have a look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/REVU03:08
dholbachnetgrabber: if you're not in the ubuntu-dev or ubuntu-core-dev team, your uploads to the buildd will be rejected03:08
netgrabberdholbach: my situation is a bit complicated03:09
netgrabberipodder is no longer supported by upstream. it is now called castpodder, I did the migration03:09
netgrabberit is bug #3833503:10
UbugtuMalone bug 38335 in ipodder "UVF exception - iPodder no longer supported" [Unknown,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3833503:10
dholbachnetgrabber: I doubt we're going to introduce a package which conflicts the old one in a stable release03:10
dholbachnetgrabber: in edgy i'm sure this will be remedied03:10
netgrabberI allready did the work...03:11
netgrabbermaybe my patch is usefull?03:11
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dholbachassign it to 'motureviewers' for edgy03:11
dholbachand we'll get it done03:11
dholbachand thanks for your work03:12
seb128Mithrandir: he said he don't remember what he wrote to the witheboard but you can't set it to approve no03:12
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seb128Mithrandir: and he runned away quickly after than, maybe best to do your change and set it for review again03:12
Mithrandirseb128: well, the change's not in the spec.. it'd be in the "how much time is allocated for this".03:13
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kane__Mithrandir: hi ... i wonder, do you remember the bug #48164 ?03:24
UbugtuMalone bug 48164 in xorg "Video corruption at installation of xserver-xorg" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4816403:24
Mithrandirkane__: yes, why?03:25
kane__Mithrandir: well, a couple of days ago, I appended splash to the kernel line in GRUB, and the usplash came up without any video corruption03:26
kane__Mithrandir: any ideas what may be the problem ?03:27
Mithrandirkane__: X probably corrupts the display if there's a framebuffer there already.03:28
Mithrandirkane__: that usplah works doesn't really matter.03:29
kane__Mithrandir: hmm ok03:30
netgrabberdholbach: Successfully uploaded packages.03:30
dholbachnetgrabber: cool03:30
ajmitchnetgrabber: please upload source-only packages :)03:31
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ajmitchuse debuild -S -sa03:31
netgrabbershould I redo it?03:31
ajmitchyes please03:31
netgrabberAlready uploaded to revu.tauware.de03:32
netgrabberDoing nothing for castpodder_5.0_i386.changes03:32
LaserJockuse the _source.changes file with dput netgrabber 03:33
ajmitchnot that one03:33
netgrabberah ok03:33
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netgrabberwhere are those files now?03:35
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netgrabberdholbach: can I point on launchpad to this files?03:46
mdkedholbach: heya :) there is an ubuntu-docs package for dapper-updates waiting in our dapper branch, if you happen to have any time in the next few days03:47
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mdzjdub: ping?03:53
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Riddellanyone seen ogra?03:55
sladenRiddell: sitting outside the downstairs toilets03:55
Riddellsladen: could you ask him if he can join us for hwdb talk?03:56
sladenRiddell: mmm, good excuse to go past the cake stand.  Where should I send him?03:56
Riddellsladen: upstairs to olympe03:56
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Riddellsladen: progress?04:01
HobbseeRiddell: he's still busy at the cake stand, probably :P04:02
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dholbachRiddell: ogra is in another session still04:07
dholbachRiddell: and sladen is still sitting there04:07
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jdong|coreduowhy has xfsprogs been taken out of standard-*?04:22
jdong|coreduois Ubuntu dropping support for XFS??04:22
jdong|coreduoand same for reiserfs04:22
_ionOh, i misread your question.04:24
jdong|coreduoEdgy's ubuntu-meta upload today04:25
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pittiivoks: hi!04:37
pittiivoks: thanks for trying the redhat cups stuff! looks quite nice indeed04:37
pittiivoks: today I also sat together with the Mandriva printing guy, he showed me printerdrake04:38
seb128is that package somewhere online?04:39
ivoksredha tool is too much redhat04:39
ivoksit depends on druid for printer detection, so that part should be rewritten if we want that solution04:39
seb128what is wrong with a druid?04:40
ivoksso, I had an idea of writting our own code...04:40
ivoksseb128: nothing04:40
seb128we "just" have to writte code, good :04:40
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pittiivoks: mandriva uses some perl-gtk stuff with a mandriva GUI library on top of foomatic04:41
pittiivoks: it's quite good, too, but it'll also require hacking, and moreover, severe UI cleanup04:41
ivokspitti: just like RH tool04:41
ivoksso, dead end? :)04:41
pittiivoks: is the rh one really so evil?04:42
=== pitti sees his hopes destroyed
ivokspitti: well, no..04:42
ivokspitti: it's python04:42
ajmitchat least the rh one will be python, right? :)04:42
ajmitchlike most of their tools now04:42
ivoksso, it should be easy to reimplement it :)04:42
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ivoksrh tool depends on few libs we don't have in ubuntu04:45
ajmitchimport those libs if needed04:46
ivoksthat's the easiest part04:46
ajmitchshouldn't be a big challenge to package them - there's a few RH tools I'd like to see in ubuntu04:46
jdong|coreduodon't most of the rh tools depend on the huge-ass "redhat python library of goodies"?04:46
ivoksjdong|coreduo: it does04:47
ivokslike this rhpl04:47
=== jdong|coreduo has hacked system-config-lvm for ubuntu :)
jdong|coreduoI was bored one day04:47
ivoksi think that's lib for localisation04:47
jdong|coreduoyeah, rhpl was one of them04:47
jdong|coreduodo we just want to import those as-is?04:47
jdong|coreduoI got a feeling Ubuntu has different mechanisms for the functionality...04:48
ivoksbottom line, i'm not programer and I can't repackage it for ubuntu by my self04:49
ivoksor, at least, not for edgy :)04:49
ajmitchivoks: so get one of us to do it - I'd like 1 or 2 of those tools for selinux config04:50
pittiivoks: how could you do screenshots on dapper if you don't have the libs?04:51
ivokspitti: i compiled them :)04:51
=== pitti sees sabdfl jump on his throat when he uploads redhat-library-crack package
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ivoksprintconf starts nicely04:52
ivoksand it detects all config there were before04:52
ivoksbut it doesn't recognise printers04:52
ivoks(it doesn't autodetect them)04:53
ivokssince all the tools it uses for detection aren't in ubuntu04:53
ivoksit would be better to rewrite that part04:53
Yagisanpitti: you using a kernel patch for ssp ? IIRC the kernel didn't build with ssp (but I haven't checked in a while)04:54
pittiYagisan: I'm just running a test build04:54
pittiYagisan: it's running for ~ 30 minutes, works fine so far04:54
pittiYagisan: (the build is running, not the kernel)04:54
TheMusoKeybuk: When you have a minute, could you please have a glance over SpokenBoot, and let me know if I have writtup what discussed earlier correctly? Thanks in advance.04:56
jdubmjg59: reping05:02
jdubmdke: ping05:02
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mjg59jdub: Hi05:09
jdubmjg59: hey - did you get my pants mail?05:10
mjg59jdub: Yeah05:10
mjg59jdub: I'm on it05:10
_ion"did you get my pants by mail?"05:11
jdubmjg59: rad05:11
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Mithrandirjdub: does there exist a usable tool for making UI mockups?05:14
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sladenMithrandir: glade 05:16
Mithrandirsladen: it's not very good when I want to put in example data and such, IME.05:17
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jdubMithrandir: not wildly05:18
jdubMithrandir: but yeah, glade is an okay start05:18
jdubMithrandir: plus gimp for putting shit inside05:18
mswjdub: Stetic was nice05:19
Mithrandirjdub: glade makes me want to poke my eyes out, but I'll see what I can do.05:19
jdubMithrandir: try gazpacho05:19
Mithrandiriz packaged.05:19
mswand written in python05:19
jdubmsw: debian/ubuntu users don't use sourceforge, freshmeat, or websites :)05:20
Mithrandirsoftware not in Debian/Ubuntu doesn't exist.05:20
=== msw looks at the current channel
Mithrandirjdub: it looks better, at least.  Thanks.05:22
jdubhow do you purge with smart?05:23
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pittiYagisan: oh, shit, kernel linking indeed fails since it doesn't find the __stack_chk_fail symbol05:30
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mdkejdub: hi. email would be best at the moment, am a bit swamped at work05:34
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mdkejdub: go ahead here though if it is something simple05:34
apokryphosjdub: no option currently; it'll be added for 0.42 I hear though05:34
jdubmdke: hrm?05:35
mdkejdub: you pinged05:35
jdubunless i did ages ago05:36
mdke34 minutes ago05:36
tsengyou absolutely did.05:36
tsengat 11:0205:36
=== mdke is grateful his client doesn't lie to him
thomjdub: senility STRIKES!05:37
jdubi have *no* idea what for05:37
jdub34 minutes ago?!05:37
seb128we should force people to ping with some context05:38
jdubi so did not05:38
BenC(spam) http://mkdump.sourceforge.net/05:38
mdkeno worries05:38
seb128you so did05:38
Gmanthom, next will be blader control :)05:38
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jsgotangcojdub: its those tam tams05:39
jsgotangcotsk tsk05:39
sivangjsgotangco: didn't you mean tim tams?05:40
seb128we should not let jdub have meat at lunch, he's ROARING now05:40
jsgotangcosivang: yeah thanks05:41
sivanghmmm I would just love having a tim tam now. mmm05:42
Gmanget a penguin bar instead...they're the real tim tams..05:42
thomGman: *giggle* x 205:42
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=== jdub kicks Gman and thom in the pants
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thomjdub: watch out for the arthritus!05:51
tsengthom: :(05:51
tsengmy hand is starting to hurt lately05:52
desrttoo much... uh.... coding.05:52
thomtseng: i recommend ion3 and as little mousing as possible. did wonders for my rsi05:53
bddebianI don't suppose anyone would want to help me with a broken Edgy?05:53
desrt "Ubuntu Development (not support, even with edgy)"05:54
HiddenWolfdesrt: ;)05:54
simirabddebian: seriously?05:54
MithrandirI recommend laptops in your lap against rsi.05:55
Mithrandirand feet on the table.05:55
desrtrsi is teh suck05:55
ograMithrandir, pingedipingf05:55
Mithrandirogra: I have no idea what a diping is, but here's a dupong.05:56
bddebiansimira: Yeah, I updated one of my Dapper dev boxes to Edgy to start on some packaging and it's hosed05:56
ograMithrandir, is ldap server management etc planned for the network auth SoC ?05:56
bddebiandesrt: I am well aware that this is not a support channel05:56
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thombddebian: may i commend the concept of chroots to you?05:56
Mithrandirogra: read the spec?05:56
simirabddebian: somepeople's early... good luck on you!05:57
bddebianthom: On some of my machines I will do that05:57
=== bddebian feels the love
seb128bddebian: don't update to edgy :p06:00
ograMithrandir, what about this ton of additional remarks, its not really clear *what* exactly is planned from them ... or are they just random user comments ?06:00
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thombddebian: seriously, don't run dev trees this early, they will *NOT* work in any useful form consistently06:00
ogra(at the bottom of the wikipage)06:00
zulbddebian: rember only you can prevent yourself from upgrading06:01
Mithrandirogra: they're random user comments.06:01
ograMithrandir, thanks :)06:01
ajmitchogra: complain to me about it06:01
ajmitchfor some reason I'm still awake06:01
Hobbseego sleep then ajmitch :P06:01
Mithrandirajmitch: work harder! :-P06:02
ajmitchyes sir! right away sir!06:02
Hobbseeajmitch: good slave.06:03
ograajmitch, do you plan to do anything on the server side for edgy already (the spec says just that it might take long or even not :) )06:04
ogra(and as i understood it initially the server wasnt planned yet)06:04
ajmitchogra: yes06:04
Hobbseenight all06:05
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ograyes ou plan to do anything on the server ? or yes the server wasnt planned yet ?06:05
ajmitchogra: yes I plan to, does the spec need clarified there?06:05
ograwell, it could 06:05
ograwe'll make the fat client spec depending on it then, thanks for clearifying it :)06:06
ajmitchyes, I plan to run an LDAP & Kerberos server, have some user/group management & migration tools06:06
ograok, great :)06:07
ajmitchsounds interesting :)06:07
=== ajmitch goes & reads the LTSP fat client spec
ografat clients wont work without network auth and nobody of us wants to duplicate your work ...06:07
ajmitchit would be a bit painful to have duplication06:08
ograit not a high prio anyway06:08
ajmitchno, but I've got to push what I've done/am doing onto the supermirror soon06:08
ajmitchso we can all play along together06:08
ajmitchhaving some filesystem mounting would be useful though06:09
ajmitch& could be done without too much extra hassle06:09
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bddebianHeya Keybuk06:13
Yagisanpitti: IIRC there is a patch for ssp, but only on amd64. It was a 2 part patch. 1 for kernel, & 1 for gcc. It should be on lkml, but you'd need to hunt for it.06:14
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lifelessKeybuk: would like 5 minutes of your time..06:18
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thomlifeless: do you and keybuk have something going on? you two keep sneaking off together ;-)06:23
Keybuklifeless: POSEIDON06:23
lifelessKeybuk: no need to shout :)06:24
lifelessthom: what do you think?06:24
Keybukthom: yes, now he's lost all that weight he's a hottie06:24
lifelessbe up in a minute06:24
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raphinkwhat might prevent dh_installinit from creating the rc links ?06:28
raphinki've got a package here that somehow doesn't create the links after installing the init.d script06:28
Keybukdepression, ennui, malaise, etc.06:29
Keybukraphink: do any links already exist?06:29
raphinknot for this daemon at least06:29
Keybukgrep update-rc.d .../postinst06:29
shawarmaraphink: dh_installinit writes the code to do it into postinst..06:29
shawarmaraphink: er... yeah, what Keybuk said. :-)06:30
raphinkshawarma: ok06:30
raphinkyeah postinst doesn't have it06:30
shawarmaraphink: Which package is this?06:31
raphinkshawarma: a private one ;)06:31
raphinkin that case06:31
Keybukman dh_installinit06:31
raphinkthat's what I did Keybuk06:31
raphinkit's not very clear though ;)06:31
shawarmaraphink: Ok. 06:32
shawarmaraphink: Are you sure it's called at all?06:32
Keybukman update-rc.d06:32
Keybuk(which is what dh_installinit causes to be called in postinst)06:32
Keybukraphink: does your postinst have 06:32
KeybukI see06:32
Keybukprobably best to start off with some Debian package HOWTOs then06:32
raphinkit should have it so it get replaced I guess06:32
shawarmaraphink: Oh, you have a custom postinst in your package?06:32
raphinkit's no my package Keybuk I'm fixing it06:32
raphinkthanks I know what to do now :)06:33
shawarmanp. :-) 06:33
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Keybuklifeless: keeping me waiting, eh?06:37
thomKeybuk: he's keeping you keen!06:37
lifelesssorry, ELOCAL06:38
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KeybukI'm not familar with that one?06:39
lifelesslocal interruptions06:39
lifelessmaybe, but they are outside my skin, so I dont thinkso06:40
lifelesscould be EPIP06:40
Keybuk("Argument list too long")06:40
zulEWIFE also06:40
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MithrandirEPIP, the cousin of EBIRD.06:42
thomi think EUSERS might be more suitable ;-)06:43
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Keybukwell, lifeless kept his word07:01
Keybukhe came07:01
Mithrandirwas it good?07:02
=== bddebian covers his ears
pittiinfinity: do you have some minutes?07:03
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infinitypitti: Sure, what's up?07:05
infinitypitti: You want me in person, or is IRC fine?07:05
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pittiinfinity: let's talk about it at dinner, or tomorrow; I'd prefer a personal talk 07:18
pittiinfinity: (just to scare you: THE RETURN OF GCC WRAPPERS) MUHAHAHA07:18
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ivoksbon apetit guys :)07:19
pittiivoks: merci07:19
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pittiinfinity: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GccSsp07:21
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bddebianIs requesting syncs of Experimental packages frowned upon?08:48
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fabbionebddebian: i suggest to wait 2/3 weeks before asking for syncs08:48
fabbionethere is all the merge phase08:49
fabbioneand most of the stuff might come in naturally in main08:49
bddebianfabbione: This would be new ... Oh08:49
fabbionewell new or not new, it makes no difference really08:49
fabbioneall of sid is processed08:49
bddebianHmm, well gnash would be in Universe I think08:49
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fabbionebut it's a good idea to get the toolchain the time to stabilize08:49
wasabiHmm. Suse's boot screen is Really Big Res08:49
bddebianfabbione: OK, so what could I be 'helping' with currently? :-)08:56
fabbionebddebian: hmmmmm 08:57
fabbionewhat about relaxing, accumulate some power so as soon as Merge-o-Matic will open, you can help with that?08:57
bddebianOK, I'll go back to bugs then :-)08:58
fabbionethere isn't much we can really do08:58
fabbioneat elast if you don't want to start to do manual MoM08:58
bddebianWell in my experience most of MoM is manual anyway :-)09:00
fabbionebddebian: in your experience MoM does a lot of work for you.09:00
bddebianOh crap, I do still have some patches I wanted to send to Debian..09:00
fabbionework that you would be forced to do manually now09:00
fabbioneanyway.. movie time09:00
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wasabihttp://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/   <--- missing some things09:29
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teferaHow do we get a wiki page for our translation team?09:35
Keybukcreate it09:35
Keybuk(go to it, and click "Create this page")09:35
teferahmm!! I see that all teams and people have a "wiki" under "details" which makes is possible to create a wiki page but https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-l10n-am does not have one. It seems i hav to ask the same question again.09:41
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Keybukedit details09:44
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mikearthurare you guys aware of the bug with PPC CDs?10:21
infinity"the bug"?10:22
infinityThat's really pretty unspecific.10:22
mikearthurfinding link10:22
mikearthurand I'm having the same problem10:23
mikearthurthe release media doesn't work at all on a good deal of PPC hardware10:23
mikearthurbug was filed prior to Dapper release, and at least one dev knows of the problem, but the ISOs are still sitting there with no warning10:23
Keybukwhich bug number?10:24
mikearthurand, by the sounds of things, PPC cds are getting printed and delivered which, again, won't work on a lot of hardware10:24
UbugtuMalone bug 34508 in linux-source-2.6.15 "2.6.15 kernel fails to boot on ppc machine" [High,Fix released]  10:24
mikearthurthe fix didn't make the CDs10:24
infinityWell, if it's fixed already, it'll be in the next point release.10:25
infinityNot much we can do before that.10:25
mikearthuryes there is10:26
mikearthuryou can put a notice next to the ISOs that there are known problems on some hardware, causing them to simply not boot10:26
mikearthurand an estimated release date for the point release10:26
Keybukthere's known problems on all hardware10:26
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KeybukI believe it's mentioned in the Dapper Release Notes too, though I could be mistaken10:27
mikearthuryeh, but this is a lot more severe than most hardware10:27
infinityNo, it's only more sever because you own it.10:27
infinityWe have boot failures on other bits of hardware too.  The world is less than perfect, unfortunately.10:27
mikearthurseems a fair few people complaining in the forums10:28
mikearthurand thats not including people who will burn a disc, oh, it doesn't boot, next distro10:28
mikearthurI realise the world isn't perfect10:28
mikearthurI'm just saying, you might want to make this information a bit more public10:28
ivoksas fas as i can see, regular update should fix it :)10:29
mikearthurso people don't waste CDs and time10:29
Keybukthe net effect is the same though10:36
mikearthurKeybuk: the net effect compared to what?10:48
mikearthurits not in the release notes on the page10:48
Keybukpeople won't use that cd on that machine10:50
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mikearthurdo you want ubuntu to be used more or less?10:51
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Mithrandiroh, excellent.10:56
Mithrandirmy first jprobe written.10:56
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fabbioneMithrandir: jprobe?11:06
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Mithrandirfabbione: mhm11:08
Mithrandirfabbione: writing a small module which logs all file accesses and the time they're done.11:08
fabbioneMithrandir: the "j" at the beginning is scary :)11:08
Mithrandirfabbione: why?11:08
fabbionesmells of Java11:08
=== rodarvus [n=rodarvus@ALagny-109-1-2-202.w80-11.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbionersync: write failed on "/srv/mirrors/ubuntu/dists/edgy/main/binary-hppa/Packages.gz": No space left on device (28)11:08
Mithrandirnah, it's a kprobe except it's allowed to inspect the function's arguments.11:09
fabbionewe didn't kill warty from the archive did we?11:09
=== Mithrandir is scared by the container_of macro.
fabbionesince edgy we added already a 10GB delta of data11:10
=== fabbione heads to bed while the system does add a few GB to the mirror
fabbionegood night guys11:11
Mithrandirnight, fabio.11:11
=== mikearthur [i=mike@82-41-205-190.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Konversation]
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robertjdoes anyone here have any background on why teamspeak was chosen?11:40
=== robertj waits with giddie school-girl giggles
=== mike [n=mike@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Keybukbecause it's the only program of its kind that used TCP and showed who was speaking11:41
=== Whoopie [n=Whoopie@p54A7AD5F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
robertjfair enough11:41
robertjdoes the gaim plugin still work?11:41
=== eggauah [n=daniel@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Keybukthe whuhwhat?11:43
robertjlibtbb had a gaim plugin inthere somewhere I thought11:43
Keybuknever heard of it11:44
robertjit seems to implement the teamspeak protocol11:44
Keybukthat seems to be the UDP one11:44
robertjoh 11:45
=== dany [n=dany@bi01p1.co.us.ibm.com] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Leaving"]
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