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bddebianHeya gang03:12
bddebianHi tseng03:12
bddebiantseng: So when the hell am I buying you dinner anyway? :-)03:13
tsengi just ate03:14
tsengon friday i am leaving03:14
tsengunless you want to meet me at the airport03:15
bddebianThursday night I have to head back to Jersey to pick up my family03:15
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bddebianMan, it's quiet in here03:33
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseemorning all03:57
HawkwindEvenin to ya Hobbsee03:58
Hobbseehi Hawkwind :)03:58
HawkwindHow is ya03:58
Hobbseei'm okay, i've just gotten up, pretty much, and thinking about what i'll do today04:00
bddebianBugfixing, what else is there? :-)04:00
HawkwindI've been up for 11 hours and I'm still wondering what I'll do today too :)04:00
Hobbseebddebian: isnt it a bit hard to bug fix from in a chroot?04:01
bddebianJust guess ;-)04:01
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=== Erlang [i=neumann@Toronto-HSE-ppp3760460.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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Hobbseeif we've got a package in debian experimental that we want brought to ubuntu, do we have some sort of special sync, or what?05:38
bddebianHobbsee: You mean a current package, or you want to sync one from Experimental?05:39
Hobbseebddebian: the latter - it's being asked about in #ubuntu05:39
bddebianHave them request a sync/merge from Experimental05:40
=== Hobbsee has no idea if it works or not. it was just a request
ajmitchafternoon Hobbsee, bddebian05:40
Hobbseehi ajmitch :)05:41
bddebianHeya Andrew, what's new?05:41
ajmitchmy life is not exciting enough for new stuff :)05:45
bddebianWell join the club :-)05:48
=== jdong [n=jdong@ubuntu/member/jdong] has joined #ubuntu-motu
crimsun'lo *05:51
bddebianHeya crimsun05:51
crimsun1280x1024 is really nice :)05:51
ajmitchhey crimsun05:52
=== ajmitch prefers 2560x1024
crimsunyeah well, some of our laptops can't output that ;)05:53
ajmitchmy laptop only has a 1280x800 screen :)05:53
crimsunonly 1024x768 here :/05:53
=== Hobbsee cant even imagine what that looks like.
crimsun915resolution is quite nice, tho'05:54
Hobbseecrimsun: did you steal my brain?06:03
crimsunI ... hope not?06:04
Hobbseehmmm...right.  where's it gone then?06:04
=== crimsun points to ajmitch
Hobbseeajmitch!  how dare you!06:05
=== Gloubiboulga [n=gauvain@ubuntu/member/gloubiboulga] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebianHeya Gloubiboulga06:08
Hobbseehi Gloubiboulga06:08
ajmitchHobbsee: you assume too much06:10
Gloubiboulgamorning MOTU world06:10
=== Hobbsee has no brain to assume with, as it got stolen.
ajmitchwell then06:10
ajmitchit proves you don't need a brain for IRC06:11
Hobbseedidnt we already know that though, with idiots who get bored, and so start spamming to get kicked, instead of just leaving?06:13
=== pschulz01 [n=paul@eth6067.sa.adsl.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
pschulz01I'm building a package that just contains files (no building required).. but the $DESTDIR variable isn't being pased to my toplevel make..  amyone got any ideas?06:23
pschulz01'debian' directory has been recently created with 'dh_make'.06:24
Gloubiboulgayou can patch the Makefile to make it use $(DESTDIR)06:26
pschulz01I constructed it mysefl.. only one Make target .. 'install'06:26
pschulz01Gloubiboulga: If I put 'echo $(DESTDIR)' - nothing get's echoed.06:26
Gloubiboulgaah ok, could you paste your Makefile and your debian/rules on pastebin?06:27
crimsunif you're not setting $DESTDIR, then it won't be non-empty...06:27
pschulz01Gloubiboulga: and yet debian/rules has the correct line - '$(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/<package>'06:28
pschulz01Gloubiboulga: So I don't know whats wrong here.06:28
bddebiancrimsun: Isn't that a double-negative? ;-P06:28
crimsunas Gauvain mentioned, did you patch the Makefile{,s}?06:28
pschulz01crimsun: Ahh.. I think I found the problem :-)06:29
pschulz01Home spum make file.. onle on target.. it's the first one that gets run.. by just 'make' (compile step).. even before it get;s to the 'install' step.06:30
pschulz01only one target.06:30
pschulz01So DESTDIR is not set :-)06:31
pschulz01Works now :-)06:32
Gloubiboulgacool :)06:33
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bddebianGnight folks06:53
=== Sp4rKy [n=max@lns-bzn-53-82-65-54-49.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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Sp4rKyhi MOTUs07:46
Hobbseehey Sp4rKy07:46
Hobbseealthouhg i'm not a MOTU07:46
Sp4rKyhey Hobbsee07:47
GloubiboulgaHobbsee, when will you apply for MOTUness?07:47
HobbseeGloubiboulga: never.07:47
Hobbseeno, i've got no idea07:47
=== Hobbsee might sometime.
Sp4rKyi'll go to work :( , 'later07:48
Gloubiboulgasee you Sp4rKy07:48
GloubiboulgaI'm leaving too to join the members of the Ubuntu sect ;)07:49
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dsasI can see that building a package doesn't need several things that it's setup.py checks for, but needs them at run-time. Should I stop setup.py checking for them? Or just list them as build-depends?08:05
crimsunwell if you're using setup.py in debian/rules, then either you'll have to include them in debian/control:Build-Depends, or you'll have to reimplement some of setup.py's functionality (or hack it to remove them) in a separate script, ...08:08
dsascrimsun: It's easiest for me to include them in Build-Depends I guess. I just wasn't sure if that was correct enough.08:09
crimsunif the packages truly aren't needed to generate the deb{,s}, then they should be debian/control:Depends, and you should edit setup.py or not use it at all08:10
dsascrimsun: ok.08:11
=== dsas toddles off to learn about patching and packaging
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lucascould somebody install gnuplot on tiber.tauware.de ?08:35
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TheMusoMorning all.08:42
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Hobbseehey TheMuso08:46
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sladenmorning TheMuso08:55
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siretartlucas: done09:03
Hobbseeevening siretart09:03
siretarthuhu Hobbsee09:03
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ajmitchhi dholbach09:33
dholbachheya ajmitch09:33
ajmitchschedule up for today yet?09:34
=== ajmitch guesses it must be
nixternaldholbach: you guys going over the "Drinking from the firehose" spec yet?09:34
dholbachnixternal: just starting it09:34
nixternalyou going to be on ts or gobby at all with it?09:35
ajmitchHobbsee: Oak?09:35
Hobbseeajmitch: heya, was another nick i used for a while09:35
Hobbseeajmitch: see k-devel if you really want to know09:35
lucas(data is wrong, but you get the idea)09:35
ajmitchHobbsee: I probably don't...09:36
Hobbseeheh, it's really not that bad...09:36
ajmitchstill strange09:37
=== ajmitch saw the fun in -offtopc as well
=== \sh [n=shermann@server3.servereyes.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchhey \sh09:37
Hobbseeajmitch: and i was testign out something where i needed a different hostmask.  and since most nicks of mine are registered, i didnt have much choice09:37
Hobbseehey \sh09:37
=== Hobbsee is starting to notice that ajmitch is all seeing and all knowing. scary.
ajmitchHobbsee: I look at the channels I'm in where you're most likely to cause trouble09:38
Hobbseeajmitch: you're not in one of them :P09:38
ajmitchonly one? that's a surprise09:38
=== Hobbsee isnt in that many channels
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\shwere anyone attending the TB meeting?09:45
ajmitchthere was no TB meeting that I know of09:46
\shtuesday 20th, 2000 UTC :)09:47
ajmitchyes, and it didn't go ahead09:47
\shah ok09:47
ajmitchyou were there then09:47
=== lloydinho [n=andreas@ALagny-109-1-9-37.w80-11.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shajmitch: just before official start...but with a b0rke umts network connection....and I asked mjg59 to discuss my request...and they should give me feedback via irc or mail..09:48
\shin the moment it's really hard for me, to attend meetings in the evening...09:49
ajmitchyeah, it would be09:49
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ajmitchmorning jsgotangco09:54
jsgotangcogood morning09:55
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Hobbseemorning Toadstool10:01
Toadstoolhi Hobbsee10:01
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raphinkhi Hobbsee, Toadstool, ajmitch, jsgotangco, \h10:08
raphinkthis is hard to type10:08
ajmitchhey raphink :)10:08
Toadstoolhi raphink10:08
jsgotangcoraphink: hi!10:08
Hobbseehi raphink :)10:08
=== raphink turns on his chair, wondering what to do
Hobbseeraphink: fix the universe10:09
ajmitchbreak edgy?10:09
Hobbseethat too10:09
Hobbseebreak dapper :P10:09
raphinkbreak edgy I can do :)10:09
raphinklet's see what I can do to this 2.6.17 kernel10:09
raphinkhow could I bork it10:09
Hobbseeraphink: do the restricted modules?10:10
raphinkI don't want to be killed by Ben10:11
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cymcyhello #ubuntu-motu10:36
Hobbseehi cymcy10:36
cymcyhi does anyone know what is the status of lirc in dapper ?10:37
raphinkhi cymcy10:37
Toadstoolhi cymcy10:37
raphinkcymcy: frozen10:37
raphinkas everything else in dapper10:37
cymcyso how do it working ?10:37
=== jsgotangco_ [n=jsg123@ALagny-109-1-9-37.w80-11.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
cymcyI go under a lot of site, under https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/lirc/+bug/45703, under the #5443, so it looks like it don't work under dapper. I try to compile the lirc-module package.10:40
UbugtuMalone bug 45703 in lirc "Unable to use modules in dapper" [Medium,Confirmed] 10:40
=== elkbuntu [n=melissa@203-206-255-153.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
cymcyyes. with make-kpkg there is no /etc/lirc/lirc-modules-source.conf so unable to continue. I try with snapshot of lirc (0.7.3pre1 and 0.8.0) but there is lot of errors (undefined symbols)10:44
cymcyI followed this : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LircHowto?action=show&redirect=HowToLirc. I will try other things10:49
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LaserJockhi MOTUs11:12
Hobbseeheya LaserJock11:12
Gloubiboulgahey LaserJock11:12
LaserJockhi Hobbsee and Gloubiboulga11:12
ajmitchhey LaserJock, Gloubiboulga11:13
TheMusoHey LaserJock.11:13
GloubiboulgaI've just read the updated easier-MOTUing wiki page, it rocks :)11:13
=== ajmitch should see what's new on there since yesterday
Gloubiboulgahey ajmitch, TheMuso11:13
LaserJockdholbach wrote quite a bit yesterday11:13
ajmitchI guessed he would11:14
Hobbseelink, bitte?11:14
ajmitchI wonder if I should be a mentor or not11:14
Toadstoolhi Gloubiboulga and LaserJock11:14
Hobbseeajmitch: you should11:14
LaserJockhi Toadstool11:14
ajmitchI'm not exactly mentor material11:14
Gloubiboulgaoops, too late11:14
Gloubiboulgahello Toadstool11:14
LaserJockajmitch: I think as many of us as possible should chip in so a few don't get swamped11:15
ajmitchLaserJock: I don't want to scare too many away11:15
HobbseeShy contributors will have the possibility to mail volunteering MOTUs and developers who will help them until they're ready to communicate via mailing lists and irc channels. <-- hah, i like that - "shy contributors" just like myself :P11:15
LaserJockbah, send them to me then ;-)11:15
ajmitchHobbsee: we haven't scared you off yet, for some reason11:15
raphinkhi Gloubiboulga && LaserJock11:16
ajmitchyou spend enough time here to not be shy :P11:16
Gloubiboulgasalut raphink :)11:16
Hobbseeajmitch: yeah, there's only specific ways to do that11:16
LaserJockI went to paris raphink!11:16
=== rob looks
raphinkgreat Laser :)11:16
Hobbseeajmitch: er...that depends on who i'm talking to.11:16
raphinkhow was it?11:16
=== Hobbsee still avoids some of the devs like the plague.
=== ajmitch throws chocolate at Hobbsee
LaserJockraphink: ok, lots of people, but it was really an amazing place11:16
GloubiboulgaHobbsee, names, please ;)11:16
=== Hobbsee catches it, and munches happily
LaserJockgood girl11:17
HobbseeGloubiboulga: the big and scary "core dev" people that yell if people get things wrong.11:17
raphinkwish I could shw you around11:17
LaserJockraphink: me too, but I went with a few others so I was ok11:17
GloubiboulgaHobbsee, ok I see :)11:17
jsgotangcoraphink: are you here?11:17
raphinkjsgotangco: I'm in Nice11:17
LaserJockHobbsee: they aren't as scary in person ;-)11:17
jsgotangcois that far?11:17
ajmitchLaserJock: they're quite interesting in person :)11:18
HobbseeGloubiboulga: they probably arent big and scary, but they are to me - i was terrified of ajmitch for a while.11:18
raphinkjsgotangco: about 900km11:18
GloubiboulgaDo you guys in Paris go to the "fte de la musique" this evening?11:18
jsgotangcoGloubiboulga: good idea11:18
ajmitchjsgotangco: yes, Nice is quite a long way from paris :)11:18
LaserJockHobbsee: me too11:18
raphinkjsgotangco: like try to imagine the furthest you can go from paris in metropolitan france11:18
raphinkjsgotangco: and you get there11:18
jsgotangcoraphink: we're like 40min away from the eiffel tower by train and that's far11:18
LaserJockHobbsee: I wanted his reviews though because if it passes the ajmitch test then it is probably good enough for Debian/Ubuntu11:18
GloubiboulgaHobbsee, actually it was the same for me, but seeing them in real life for 3 days now, I can tell you, they are cool and nice guys, really11:19
HobbseeLaserJock: haha.  he must be very scary then :P11:19
raphinkjsgotangco: I'm 1 hour away from Paris by plane, not that far ;)11:19
=== ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #ubuntu-motu
HobbseeGloubiboulga: right, i'll take your word for it11:19
Hobbseehi ogra11:19
ajmitchthis is why I shouldn't be a mentor11:19
=== Hobbsee notes that ogra doesnt seem scary.
jsgotangcomaybe its a good idea to escape this jail tonight11:19
MithrandirHobbsee: just make sure to scratch him behind the ear and he'll be a happy eft and do your bidding. :-P11:19
raphinkanyway, anybody who wants to enjoy the coast is welcome here ;)11:20
HobbseeMithrandir: hehe right11:20
ograHobbsee, you never met me in RL :P11:21
Hobbseeogra: true, i've never met *any* of you in RL11:22
Hobbseeogra: but you dont seem too scary over IRC11:22
LaserJockas long as ogra has his pants on he's not too scary ;-)11:22
=== Hobbsee covers her eyes
ajmitchLaserJock: TMI11:22
LaserJockapparently it was a very hot drive from Germany, that's all I'm saying11:23
ajmitchdon't scare me like that11:23
ajmitchwe have ladies present here.. :)11:23
jsgotangcothat's how the typical european dresses when they're in asia though11:23
=== Hobbsee makes a mental note not to go to asia.
LaserJockbut you aren't all that far away11:28
LaserJockand I'm sure it won't scare you too badly11:28
jsgotangcoLaserJock: as long as ogra doesn't reach anything on the floor with those trousers on11:29
=== LaserJock shudders ;-)
HobbseeGloubiboulga: actually, the real one that scares me is mdz - i dont think the rest are too bad.11:30
LaserJockI find him to be one of the friendliest, in person and online11:31
=== ogra wonders if his bum is really that ugly ...
GloubiboulgaI agree with LaserJock11:31
=== Hobbsee got the wrong side of him in a bug report, unfortunately :P
LaserJockelmo is the one that I've always had a hard time feeling comfortable with11:32
LaserJockhe is great11:32
Hobbseehavent even been near him11:32
LaserJockbut extremely busy11:32
ajmitchLaserJock: you really see another side of people when you meet them in person11:32
Hobbseeyes, but is the other side a good or a bad side?11:32
LaserJockexcept elmo is about exactly what I though he would be11:32
=== lukketto [n=lukketto@host40-190.pool877.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockI still have a very hard time asking him questions11:33
LaserJockit's not that he is particularlly unfriendly11:33
TheMusoIt is certainly one thing to talk to people online, but it is another thing to meet them in person.11:33
jsgotangcohe's a really nice guy11:33
LaserJockbut I always feel like I about to say something increadibly dumb11:33
=== jsgotangco trust him he's elmo's roommate
=== ajmitch has even managed to meet Mithrandir in person
Hobbseeyes, but is the other side a good or a bad side?11:34
=== Hobbsee thought she sent that.
jsgotangcoLaserJock: he's been very tired the past few days11:34
LaserJockjsgotangco: I can imagine, that is my problem with him11:35
LaserJockjsgotangco: he is always so busy that I really really hate bothering him11:35
LaserJockbut I did ask about team speak and he was very nice and helpful11:35
HobbseeLaserJock: dont worry - i'm usually teh one that says the dumb things, and i never seem to get laughed at too badly.11:39
Hobbseealthough that relates more to anyone, not just elmo11:39
LaserJockheh, well I'm really feeling quite stupid at this meeting, but I'll survive11:40
HobbseeLaserJock: i'm told, and i would think it applies here too "you'll learn"11:41
LaserJockheh, maybe eventually11:42
LaserJockI'm just not a hacker11:42
HobbseeLaserJock: you think i am?11:44
LaserJockmore than me11:44
=== Hobbsee is always amazed that she doesnt get told to shut up.
LaserJockHobbsee: have you ever taken a computer science class?11:44
HobbseeLaserJock: first semester of a c++ class, yes11:44
LaserJockHobbsee: you're already doing better than me then ;-)11:45
Hobbseebut transferring what i've learned there to how it actually works in regards to the real world, etc...that's a challenge that i havent even tried to work out yet.11:45
=== Hobbsee will be dissapointed if she didnt get at least a distinction in that exam. it was far too easy.
LaserJockmy problem is that I don't know how anything works in a low-level way11:46
Hobbseedefine "low-level"?11:46
LaserJocklike I use the tool, I don't know how the tool does it's job11:46
LaserJockUbuntu "Just Works"11:46
TheMusoNobody is dumb guys. Everybody is smart in their own special way and the area that they are most interested in and follow the most.11:46
LaserJockTheMuso: yeah, I'm special all right ;-)11:47
kelmosometimes that is an advantage, to know how it works but not get tangled up in the why11:47
TheMusoLaserJock: You should feel special. You were granted sponsorship to attend this summit.11:47
LaserJockbah, that's because they didn't really know ;-)11:48
HobbseeLaserJock: yeah, we're just special at disrupting people11:48
Hobbseeah okay, yeah11:48
TheMusoNah seriously guys.11:48
GloubiboulgaLaserJock, Hobbsee, seriously11:48
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HobbseeGloubiboulga: hmmm?11:48
GloubiboulgaHobbsee, you're part of the Kubuntu council, right?11:49
HobbseeGloubiboulga: yes11:49
HobbseeRiddell: and others wanted me there.11:49
LaserJockreally, I honestly don't fit in in Linux development, I can doc and organize, but ...11:49
Gloubiboulgaand LaserJock is a MOTU and get sponsored, I think you guys rock, that's it11:49
LaserJockGloubiboulga: you got sponsored too, so you rock. in fact this whole channel rocks11:50
HobbseeGloubiboulga: should we just say okay, and pretend that we believe you?  :P11:50
GloubiboulgaLaserJock, I dindn't get sponsored actually, I live next to Paris :)11:50
GloubiboulgaHobbsee, yes please ;)11:50
HobbseeGloubiboulga: right :P11:50
MithrandirLaserJock: yes, and?  I can program, but I can't document my way out of a brown paper bag.11:50
Hobbseebleck, documentation11:51
jsgotangcoGloubiboulga: so where's this fete happening...11:51
LaserJockMithrandir: well, documentation is made difficult when you don't understand the material11:51
HobbseeLaserJock: anyway, you wrote/fixed the packaging guide - that in itself is great.11:51
Hobbseeand a help to others.11:51
MithrandirLaserJock: I can explain it to somebody who can write the docs, but I'm utterly unable to write the docs myself.11:51
=== LaserJock getts out his bddebian complex
Gloubiboulgajsgotangco, everywhere11:51
=== Hobbsee doesnt wnat to think about how many times she had to go searching for that
TheMuso...and I understand a lot about various bits o infrastructure to do with accessibility. I can read a bit of code, but I am certainly not a proficient programmer as yet.11:51
jsgotangcoGloubiboulga: whole of paris?11:52
HobbseeLaserJock: yes, you sounded rather like bddebian11:52
LaserJockHobbsee: he is my hero ;-)11:52
=== dsas reconsiders using laserjocks packaging guide and using a LaserJock packaged app as an example
TheMusoBut I am not really a doc writer either, but can try. It takes me a while to get things right. :)11:52
Gloubiboulgajsgotangco, yep, just walk around in Paris and you'll here music and see musicians :)11:52
TheMusoI still assume too much about what I am writing about. :)11:52
LaserJockTheMuso: yeah, that is easy to do, that's why outside review is important11:53
TheMusoLaserJock: Damn right.11:53
TheMusoI am finding that with one of my specs.11:53
LaserJockTheMuso: man, you type fast, all I hear is your keyboard clicking sooo fast11:54
=== Hobbsee takes this opportunity to apologise for all he rrecent typos
LaserJockmine is like plunk .... plunk ... plunk11:55
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TheMusoI must say that I really do like this keyboard.11:56
Mithrandirmy x40's keyboard is _so_ much nicer after I got a new one.11:56
jsgotangcotouchtypists rule11:56
Hobbseehehe yeah11:57
LaserJockit takes me long enough to think of what to type that I've never needed to type all that fast11:57
LaserJockother than CC and TB meetings ;-)11:57
Hobbseehah - but cant you pretype a lot of that?11:57
LaserJockyep ;-)11:58
LaserJockthank goodness11:58
TheMusoI think working with speech synthesis at a fast rate has caused my brain to speed up its thought process.11:58
LaserJockcore-dev is harder to do that with though, I'd have to practice beforehand but doubt I'll ever do that so ...11:58
TheMusoBut could be wrong.11:59
=== Hobbsee deliberately slowed *down* her thought processes. pity.
Hobbseewas useful then, not so useful now.  they need to speed up again.11:59
=== StevenK jumps on Hobbsee from his mothers house.
LaserJockdon't break it completely12:00
TheMusoStevenK: I don't think your mother will lke that.12:00
Hobbseeargh!  i'm jumped on12:00
MithrandirHobbsee: drink lots of coffee.  That'll teach your brain about slowing down.12:00
HobbseeMithrandir: hah.  cant stand the stuff.  and coke doesn tseem that effective - only good for calming me down a bit.12:01
=== TheMuso doesn't like coffee either.
MithrandirHobbsee: espresso shots are nice, they seem to make decent-ish coffee here.12:01
MithrandirI usually don't drink it either.12:01
TheMusoThats why I would rather get a good night sleep than consume copious amounts of caffeen at the start of each day.12:01
Hobbseehmmm okay...12:01
LaserJockI don't do either12:02
=== Hobbsee has never been into tea or coffee at all.
=== StevenK has cut down on how much caffeine he drinks.
TheMusoI don't mind tea during winter.12:02
=== Mithrandir bounces around StevenK
LaserJockI went to bed at 3:00am last night and never drink coffee12:02
=== Hobbsee makes a mental note to remove all coke from StevenK's house.
StevenKI usually drink Coke at work.12:03
LaserJockDiet Pepsi for me unfortunately12:03
HobbseeLaserJock you're insane!!!!12:03
LaserJockmy teeth can't handle the real stuff anymore12:04
Hobbseediet pepsi isnt worth drinking!12:04
=== TheMuso prefers ginger beer, or cordial and soda water for fizzy drinks.
StevenKIf you were a real drinker you wouldn't have teeth.12:04
=== Hobbsee pictures a toothless StevenK
LaserJockStevenK: right, I've already had to have 2 crowns12:04
jsgotangcoive tasted ginger beer i didnt like it12:04
LaserJockit's expensive12:04
LaserJockthe dental work I mean12:05
StevenKAny dental work is expensive.12:05
=== StevenK avoids the expense by avoiding the dentist.
Hobbseeoh yeah, i was supposed to go back there...12:05
=== Hobbsee goes back to happily ignoring that idea.
TheMusoDental work is expensive if it is reactive treatment, not preventative.12:05
TheMusoPreventative is not soo bad.12:06
StevenKLast time I went, I was charged $110 to have the dentist look at my teeth and clean them.12:06
StevenK"Cheap" is a relative term.12:06
LaserJockI paid $1200 USD for my last visit :(12:07
LaserJockyeah, just because of soda and popcorn, grrr12:07
=== TheMuso has drunk more water this week than he has in the last 6 months.
TheMusoMaybe not quite that much.12:08
TheMusoBut water is good.12:08
TheMusoI don't like that gassy water however. Totally ruins the taste of water.12:08
LaserJockI can't find much water12:09
TheMusoI am pretty sure it is on every table, and has been at meal times as well.12:09
TheMusoor do you just prefer not to find it? :)12:10
=== StevenK keeps raiding the bottled water at work
LaserJockbut there isn't very much of it12:10
Hobbseedarn.  i left my waterbottle at work on monday night.12:10
=== Hobbsee got the chocolate, payslip, shifts, locker key (the one thing i usually forget, and have to go back for - grr), but not the water bottle.
Hobbseeoh well12:11
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ajmitchwater bottles are replacable12:11
=== StevenK lost his gym one a few days ago.
=== StevenK ponders blocking the machine his mother is accessing the Internet from so his download will go faster.
HobbseeStevenK: hah.  what are you downloading?  and where is this?12:13
ajmitchgo ahead...12:13
LaserJockwater is soo expensive here though12:13
ajmitchStevenK: on dialup?12:13
StevenKHobbsee: A song from my work machine.12:14
=== imbrandon [n=brandon@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.imbrandon] has joined #ubuntu-motu
StevenKajmitch: Close. 256/64 DSL12:14
LaserJockhi imbrandon12:14
imbrandonheya LaserJock12:14
jsgotangcoLaserJock: try hoarding the bottles in this room now12:15
imbrandonheya ajmitch12:15
ajmitchhello imbrandon12:15
TheMusohey imbrandon.12:15
imbrandonheya TheMuso12:15
imbrandonHobbsee, ping12:15
LaserJockwell, actually I'm having more problems trying to find clean glasses12:15
Hobbseeimbrandon: pong12:15
TheMusoLaserJock: heh its getting that way isn't it.12:15
LaserJockand the evian tates funny12:15
TheMusoThey do get replaced every morning however.12:15
StevenKEvian tasting funny is a feature.12:16
HobbseeLaserJock: drink it from teh jug?12:16
imbrandonHobbsee, i dident think about libvisual0.4-plugins , i'm building now and adding to my repo12:16
=== Hobbsee ducks
=== LaserJock files a bug
Hobbseeimbrandon: cool.  i got it mostly working, but it looked weird on my machine.12:16
robto actually log into revu, how does one obtain a login/password?12:16
imbrandonheheh well i dont use visualisations so i dident notice12:16
Hobbseerob: send your key to the keyring thingo, then they'll give you one12:16
LaserJockHobbsee: really?12:17
Hobbseeimbrandon: i  didnt either, except to check them out12:17
robHobbsee, I've been added12:17
HobbseeLaserJock: really to what?12:17
imbrandonrob, once you upload the first time , you can use the "retreive password" from REVU12:17
LaserJockrob: you upload first and then use the email you used in the upload12:17
Hobbseebah, beaten.12:17
=== rob looks for retreive password
=== cassidy [n=cassidy@f1-pc174.ulb.ac.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseerob: right next to the login box12:18
robclicking on recover when entering nothing tries to download a .py file in konqueror?12:19
imbrandonhttp://revu.tauware.de/lostpw.py?email=<fill in emial here>12:19
imbrandonrob ^^12:19
=== Hobbsee notes that hers doesnt work anymore.
robthe motu-reviewers list info page is broken too12:21
robwell, maybe not too12:21
=== ajmitch blames Hobbsee
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=== Hobbsee stands contrite and sorry for whatever she's done now
ajmitchsure you are..12:22
imbrandonajmitch , mind looking at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2384 so i can get it uploaded to edgy , dosent require x or anything so it should be ok to upload now ( btw crimsun looked at it to already but he still needs to advocate it so i can get my 2 motu reviews )12:22
=== ajmitch wonders why he gets asked...
imbrandonajmitch cuz i talk to you once in a bit ;)12:22
Hobbseeajmitch: because they want to get told off by you12:23
Hobbseeimbrandon: ajmitch is a nasty reviewer12:23
ajmitchLaserJock is a better reviewer :)12:23
=== rob hides
imbrandonHobbsee, he's already reviewd that before just dident advocate it so it can be uploaded ;)12:23
LaserJockhe gets asked becuase ajmitch is a good reviewer and he makes the mistake of talking in the channel12:23
=== ajmitch shouldn't make that mistake any more
=== Hobbsee makes a mental note to never go for MOTU.
ajmitchimbrandon: you've seen how many lintian warnings there are?12:24
LaserJockajmitch: you need the crimsun lurking technique down better12:24
StevenKHobbsee: Aww, why not?12:24
ajmitchLaserJock: I agree12:24
LaserJockHobbsee really *must* become a MOTU12:24
robooh someone finally looked at my package today :)12:25
ajmitchI agree12:25
ajmitchthen Hobbsee can do all our reviewing12:25
ajmitch& uploads12:25
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imbrandonajmitch yea i seen them but crimsun said they would be fine for universe since upstream sucks, guess i could go fix them all ;)12:25
Gloubiboulgaajmitch, true12:25
HobbseeStevenK: so i cant get asked to review things, of course.12:26
Hobbseeajmitch: what's the second last lintian error mean?12:26
LaserJockajmitch: ahh, the grand tradition of encouraging unsuspecting new people into doing all our work ;-)12:26
HobbseeLaserJock: heh, why?12:26
imbrandonHobbsee, the NMU one ?12:26
LaserJockHobbsee: we need a MOTU calendar girl12:26
=== LaserJock runs
ajmitchHobbsee: I'd have to look at it again..12:26
imbrandonbetter run FAST12:26
Hobbseeimbrandon: yes12:26
Gloubiboulgado we already have a girl in the MOTU team?12:27
ajmitchimbrandon: you need to clean up stuff in debian/rules too12:27
imbrandonajmitch she means : apt-mirror source: changelog-should-mention-nmu : idk either12:27
imbrandonajmitch ok12:27
ajmitcheg, why do you use dh_installexamples ?12:27
=== Hobbsee taps her keyboard, wondering what she should reply...
LaserJockHobbsee: seriously, we can always use more help and you are good at what you do12:27
imbrandonajmitch i just packaged upstream , i can redo it though no biggie12:28
HobbseeLaserJock: i think you'd better run *very* fast!12:28
LaserJockHobbsee: the fact that you are a woman *does* help encourage other women into development12:28
LaserJockbut I'm more interested in your atitude towards teamwork and your helpfullness12:28
ajmitchimbrandon: 'just packaging upstream' usually isn't good enough for us :)12:28
HobbseeLaserJock: stop digging your hole :P12:29
LaserJockHobbsee: bah, I'm married, I'm good at it12:29
Hobbseeactually, perhaps you'd be better to go hide in the doghouse for a week, or something.12:29
LaserJockif you haven't figured out by now that I was very much kidding and playing around then ... ;-)12:30
=== Hobbsee isnt going to model anything. not pretty enough. :P
HobbseeLaserJock: yes, i figured :P12:30
ajmitchHobbsee: you can't use that excuse, you've already shown some photos12:30
LaserJockI even considered being an ubuntu-women mentor12:30
LaserJockbut I probably lack the skills for that12:31
Hobbseeajmitch: excuse?  what excuse?  on second thoughts, i'm not going there.12:31
HobbseeLaserJock: you could mentor anyone, no matter what their gender, i would think12:31
LaserJockI think so12:31
LaserJockmy wife is a social scientist very keen on gender issues so I get a lot of this stuff at home already :-)12:32
ajmitchLaserJock: ah, so you get lots of practice at digging holes?12:32
LaserJockyes, very much so12:32
ajmitchgoodbye, Hobbsee12:33
=== Hobbsee will be back
LaserJockajmitch: sometimes I ask her "what's for dinner?" just to tease her ;-)12:33
HobbseeLaserJock: FYI, i'm the kind of girl who will take almost all comments like yours above as a joke, unless they're really offensive.  and i might just comment back12:34
=== Hobbsee is not for dinner. She's not worth eating.
Hobbseetoo bony :P12:34
LaserJockcan't have that12:34
LaserJockHobbsee: I figured I could get away with it with you, otherwise I wouldn't have said it ;-)12:35
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LaserJockHobbsee: but you need some good male jokes (there are lots to chose from) to come back with ;-)12:35
MithrandirLaserJock: she could just kick you in the groin instead. :-P12:35
LaserJockonly if she was here, which she isn't so there12:37
jsgotangcoshe must be pissed of you going to paris with la tour eiffel and all...12:38
LaserJockyeah, I thought it was bigger12:40
LaserJockI've got some great video/sound of highvoltage saying some things about eiffel12:40
LaserJockI'll have to blog it later ;-)12:41
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cymcyhello #ubuntu-motu12:44
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LaserJockhm, that was sort of short12:45
ajmitchit was rather12:46
Gloubiboulgawe're lucky his sentence didn't end with '?', thinking about the log parsing we've discussed yesterday :)12:46
LaserJockI don't really think log parsing would be very effective for this channel12:48
GloubiboulgaI agree12:49
ajmitchfar too random12:49
LaserJockbut I think we can get an idea of FAQs just from our own experiences12:51
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=== Hobbsee wonders why her system froze again.
HobbseeMithrandir: one day i just might :P01:27
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\shsiretart: ping01:46
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MithrandirHobbsee: be sure to save an mpeg or jpeg for those of us not present.02:14
HobbseeMithrandir: haha :P02:14
=== tiagoboldt [n=tiagobol@87-196-20-241.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseeof me being violent, yes02:14
Mithrandiror at least a .ogg02:14
Hobbseehaha right02:15
LaserJock_yes, we need open source ;-)02:15
ajmitchMithrandir: don't encourage her, please02:15
LaserJock_hmm, why are there so many of me?02:15
Mithrandirajmitch: you should be at a safe distance.02:15
ajmitchthat's the problem02:16
=== Hobbsee wouldnt hurt anyone like that unless she had a reason too. which fortunately, most of the time at least, she doesnt.
Mithrandirajmitch: you would _like_ to not be?02:16
ajmitchMithrandir: no, that I'm going over to australia next week02:16
ajmitchand so the opportunities for violence increase immensely02:17
Mithrandirwell, walk nicely there, then.02:17
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Hobbseeajmitch: you'll be fine :)02:26
=== Hobbsee doesnt bite much - only when needed
zulajmitch: heh..a dingo ate my baby02:27
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=== _jaldhar is now known as jaldhar
\shhmmm..no kudzu package for dapper?02:40
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Hobbseemorning Kyral02:57
Laser_awayhi Kyral02:58
truz_`24If one wanted to download the latest kernel from kernel.org, they would need to build a kernel image, restricted modules package, and a linux-headers package right?03:00
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shawarmatruz_`24: Not if you just wanted to download it.. :-)03:08
truz_`24I guess I should have said download and install.03:09
shawarmatruz_`24: Do you need any of the things in linux-restricted-modules?03:09
shawarmaWell.. Ubuntu can run just fine without the packaged kernels.03:10
truz_`24Well, i figured if you packaged it, it would be easier to remove03:10
shawarmaFetch the kernel, compile it, fetch the fglrx source from ati, reboot, compile fglrx, install it, reboot and you're done.03:10
shawarmatruz_`24: Oh, yes.03:10
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kelmowell, kernel-package is a nice tool03:12
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truz_`24I'm surprised there aren't already bleeding edge packages of the "latest stable kernel"03:13
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zulin edgy there is, but i wuldnt run edgy yet03:14
ajmitchunless you like the taste of blood03:14
truz_`24Which leads me to ask, what goes into making the decision of what kernel dapper runs? and when it gets upgraded.03:14
zullike ajmitch does03:14
truz_`24why is it 2.6.15-2503:14
Hobbseemmm...tasty blood...03:15
=== Hobbsee is a vampire :P
ajmitchHobbsee: you are worrying03:15
=== Hobbsee couldnt help herself
zultruz_`24: dapper only get security updates and small little fixes03:15
shawarmatruz_`24: You're talking about the -25 ?03:16
truz_`24that and the -1503:17
truz_`24.15 i mean03:17
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shawarmatruz_`24: Err.. then I don't understand the question.03:19
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=== ajmitch_ wonders who cut the string
=== xophEr [n=xopher@a84-230-124-206.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseewho cut what string?03:29
ajmitchyou did it03:29
=== ajmitch should have known
=== Hobbsee is innocent
=== Hobbsee did nothing of the sort
ajmitchthey all say that03:30
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ajmitchhello Yagisan04:43
YagisanG'day ajmitch04:43
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Yagisanajmitch: found my new uni has a really bad spam filter today04:44
ajmitchso throw away 99% of mail to that account?04:45
Yagisanajmitch: it scans all incoming mail & attachments for certain regexs, except, they got the regexs wrong04:45
Hobbseehaha great04:45
ajmitchI love incompetent IT staff04:45
Yagisanajmitch: mis-identifies the word "rollex" in my .jpg attachments, and rejected my email 4 times04:46
=== Hobbsee hates the big and scary IT staff who are also incompetent :P
Yagisanwhen I finally got my email through, it included a rather off-handed comment about the mail admin might want to a) learn regexes, b) enroll in the same course,c) use a real spamfilter, and d) never reject the mail04:48
=== nixternal is the big and scary imcompotent IT staff ;)
Yagisanand all rejection headers of it previous bounces04:48
Yagisanit was funny for 15 sections to see the word "enrollment" also trigger the same regex04:49
Yagisanargh! s/sections/seconds04:50
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pygiHey folks05:15
ajmitchhi pygi05:15
pygiJust wanted to inform you that I have registered upstream products (Diva and Bonfire) which we will hopefully sync from Debian as soon as they appear in Unstable05:16
pygiwhich shouldn't be too long05:16
pygihey ajmitch05:16
ajmitchoh dear05:16
pygiajmitch, what I did this time? :P05:17
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ajmitchhello bddebian05:18
pygiajmitch, what's wrong with Diva? :)05:18
bddebianHeya gang05:18
bddebianHi LaserJock, ajmitch05:18
ajmitchpygi: I see it's not in the NEW queue in debian yet - is the packaging available somewhere?05:18
pygiajmitch, in ITP it is, but it currently requires a CVS dependencies05:18
bddebianIs there anything wrong with the archives today?05:19
pygiwe should release Diva 0.0.3 which doesn't need patched GST rather soon05:19
ajmitchpygi: an ITP is just a bug, I'm talking about the packaging :)05:19
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ajmitchpygi: since you will of course have followed the debian CLI policy, right? :)05:19
pygiajmitch, there is a package attached there I think05:19
pygiajmitch, :)05:20
pygithe Diva package is great, no worries :)05:20
bddebianMy 'Edgy' machine is broken :'-(05:21
ajmitchbddebian: it's expected05:22
ajmitchdeal with it05:22
bddebianI can't05:22
ajmitchthen you'll have to burn the machone05:22
bddebianI can't update anything and name resolution isn't working :-(05:22
ajmitchfix it05:22
bddebianI have been trying05:22
=== Hobbsee burns bddebian's machine for him
Sp4rKyHi :)05:22
bddebianajmitch: Adding a hosts entry for archive.ubuntu.com or using the IP address in sources.list still says it can't connect?? :-(05:24
ajmitchbddebian: then you broke it05:25
Kamping_Kaiserbddebian, can you ping by ip?05:25
bddebianKamping_Kaiser: Yep05:25
Kamping_Kaisernow thats cute.05:25
=== Kamping_Kaiser would help, but networking is a /big/ hole in my knowlage :/
bddebianWe don't enable iptables or anything now do we?05:26
=== Kamping_Kaiser is running edgy now
ajmitchbddebian: nope05:27
ajmitchbddebian: give a better description than "can't connect"05:27
bddebianajmitch: That's what the error message says :-)05:28
ajmitch"the error message"05:28
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ajmitchfrom what program?05:28
Kamping_Kaiserbddebian, have you turned on a proxy of some sort?05:28
bddebianajmitch: When apt-getting05:28
=== Kamping_Kaiser did that once
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=== Sp4rKy start the package of audacious :)
ajmitchbddebian: and can any other http-using software access sites?05:30
bddebianHmm, haven't tried wget but it's a server install so I have no gui.  I'll try :-)05:31
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bddebianajmitch: The default route is missing/screwed.  WHen I try to add it, it says File Exists.  So I delete it and add it again and it still isn't there??05:46
bddebianAny ideas?05:47
ajmitchso you've broken something else :)05:47
ajmitchlike your network driver not loading properly05:47
bddebianI can ping IPs though05:48
=== ajmitch has little sympathy for those who run edgy >:)
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bddebianajmitch: Thanks for the love :-)05:51
ajmitchno worries05:51
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Sp4rKyi've some issue during split packages into 2 debs05:57
Sp4rKythe <package-dev> should contains all header files, but doesn't :/05:57
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bddebianSp4rKy: So fix it :-)05:58
Sp4rKybddebian, :p i get help because i don't know how !05:58
bddebianSp4rKy: Is this an existing package or a new package you are making?05:59
Sp4rKybddebian, i've audacious-dev.install file, section in debian/control and uncommented dh_install in debian/rules05:59
Sp4rKybddebian, a new :)05:59
bddebianSp4rKy: paste-bin them05:59
Sp4rKybddebian, the rules ?06:00
bddebianRules and .install file06:00
LaserJockI'm going to fall over dead any second06:02
Sp4rKybddebian, http://pastebin.ca/6841306:03
bddebianLaserJock: Why?06:03
HobbseeLaserJock: please dont.  the paperwork is inconvenient.06:04
Hobbseenight all06:04
LaserJockbah, no sleep, weird TZ ans food06:07
Sp4rKybddebian, any idea ?06:07
bddebianSp4rKy: Your (MAKE) install prefix=$(CURDIR)/debian/audacious/usr  but then in .install you are looking in /debian/tmp/foo ??06:11
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bmontyajmitch: can you let me know when you put your project up on the supermirror please?  I'd like to help test.06:17
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ajmitchbmonty: sure06:18
=== ajmitch will go & sleep now though
ajmitchpast 4AM :)06:18
bddebianAnyone know much about ~/.pbuilderrc06:19
LaserJockwhat about it?06:19
ajmitchtha manpage does06:19
bddebian /ignore ajmitch06:19
bmontythe manpage is fairly decent :)06:19
bddebianOh forget it06:20
ajmitchthere's really not a lot we can say that it doesn't cover, though06:20
LaserJockbddebian: what do you need dude, I'm not like those other grumps ;-)06:21
bmontyLaserJock: he is probably reading the manpage and not looking at his IRC client :)06:24
bddebianNo, I'm "working" :-(06:24
ajmitchoh well06:24
ajmitchI can do what I want now, bddebian has seen fit to ignore me :)06:24
bddebianLaserJock: Yeah, sometimes RL work gets in my way.. :'-(06:25
bddebianajmitch: Turn about is fair play ;-P06:25
=== ajmitch really decides to go & sleep now
bddebianGnight honey06:25
bddebianLaserJock: I guess I am going to have to set up a few pbuilders :-(06:25
LaserJockyou need lots of pbuilders :-)06:26
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bddebianWell normally I haven't but since edgy killed archive.bddebian.com I guess I had better start :-)06:27
LaserJockI usually have sarge, sid, breezy, and dapper pbuilders06:28
Sp4rKybddebian, works, thx :)06:32
bmontyLaserJock: how do you keep all your pbuilders seperate?06:33
LaserJockI create seperate tarballs06:36
Sp4rKymax@Sp4rKy-laptop (18:33) /home/max/audacious/audacious-1.0.0 #lintian ../audacious-dev_1.0.0-1_i386.deb ../audacious_1.0.0-1_i386.deb  |wc -l06:36
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bddebianSp4rKy: Glad to be of SOME use :-)06:39
Sp4rKybddebian, some issue are strange :06:40
Sp4rKyE: audacious-dev: non-standard-toplevel-dir debian/06:40
Sp4rKyN:   The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard forbids the installation of new06:40
Sp4rKyN:   files or directories in the root directory, in section 3.06:40
bmontyargh...vmware makes my laptop run like a dog :(06:40
bddebianSp4rKy: In your .install files, do you have  debian/audacity/foo/*  foo/  ?06:45
bddebianSp4rKy: BTW, do a dpkg-deb -c foo.deb to see the files in the .deb file06:46
bddebianGawd I hate my life some days...06:46
Sp4rKybddebian, no i've only debian/audacity/foo/*06:47
bddebianAh.  What is the output of dpkg-deb -c ?06:48
bddebianIs it installing in /debian/audacity/usr/foo ?06:48
Yagisanbddebian: really06:51
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Yagisanbddebian: you hate your life ?06:51
Yagisanbddebian: I'm sure we can make it worse >:) I'll just dig up some random *sporadic* bug for you06:52
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Sp4rKyYagisan, :)06:52
Sp4rKybddebian, so i must add foo/ at the end of all lines in *.install ?06:53
=== Yagisan gets grumpy with sporadic bugs at 3am.
bddebianYagisan: Go for it, I probably couldn't fix jack anyway :-(06:53
Yagisanbddebian: theres a bug report on jack ?06:54
bddebianSp4rKy: Yeah, so your: 'debian/audacity/usr/bin/*'  should be  'debian/audacity/usr/bin/* /usr/bin'06:54
bddebianGah :-)06:54
bddebian@ Yagisan ^06:54
=== Yagisan drags himself to bed
bddebianGnight Yagisan :-)06:55
bddebianLaserJock: Still around?06:56
LaserJocka bit06:56
bddebianLaserJock: Just copy /etc/pbuilderrc to ~/.pbuilderrc or is there some "utility" ?06:57
LaserJockthat works06:57
LaserJockI don't use either06:57
LaserJockI use a script06:59
bddebianYou used the pbuilder-dist.sh ?07:00
LaserJockI make one for each pbuilder and put it in ~/bin/07:00
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raphinkLaserJock: setting multiple pbuilders?07:02
shawarmaWhat?!? There's already a script like that?07:03
raphinkLaserJock: did you read the how to on the wiki?07:03
LaserJockof course, but it isn't that great ;-)07:03
raphinkthank you, I wrote it :p07:03
shawarmaIt's bound to be at least as good as mine..07:03
LaserJockI know07:03
raphinkwhat's the problem?07:03
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LaserJockyou don't need any of it07:03
raphinkshawarma: yes and it's very useful07:04
shawarmaare we talking about /usr/share/doc/pbuilder/examples/pbuilder-distribution.sh ?07:04
raphinkshawarma: see the PbuilderHowto page07:04
raphinkyep shawarma07:04
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shawarmathe header of it says someone else wrote it..07:04
jsgotangcohmm what's with this lag07:04
raphinkshawarma: I wrote the wiki _doc_07:04
raphinkabout it07:04
raphinkabout multiple pbuilders using this script07:05
shawarmaOh.. it looks a bit like mine: http://sirius.linux2go.dk/~sh/pbuilder-scripts/07:06
raphinkyes quite shawarma07:07
raphinkmine is a bit more complete07:07
raphinkI added a step that copies the files to /var/www and builds a local repo07:07
raphinkthen there's an option to have it rsync the local repo to a server07:07
shawarmaI like the magic I did for the resultdir. That's very comfy when you're building many different packages.07:07
raphinkso typing pbuilder-dapper build *.dsc07:07
raphinkbuilds the package, puts it on my local repo, and updates the distant repo on the internet07:07
shawarmaraphink: Oh, I didn't want that. I test stuff before uploading it anywhere. :-)07:08
raphinkshawarma: by default I don't rsync it07:08
raphinkit just rebuilds my local repo07:08
raphinkon http://localhost/ubuntu07:08
shawarmaraphink: Oh. Also, I use reprepro for building my repo.07:08
raphinkso I can test the packages using apt-get directly07:09
shawarmaoh, right.07:09
raphinkI should learn that07:09
shawarmaI have a build server, actually. :-)07:09
raphinkIdon't know existing solutions for this07:09
raphinkgreat :)07:09
bddebianraphink: What config files need to be in /var/cache/pbuilder/edgy/ ?07:12
raphinkthe same as in /var/cache/pbuilder/dapper I guess07:12
bddebianI only ever had 1 before07:13
bddebianJust /var/cache/pbuilder  and there are no 'config' files07:13
=== _jaldhar is now known as jaldhar
shawarmabddebian: No, you only place them there if you need specific ones for different distros..07:16
shawarmabddebian: e.g. different sources.list depending on it's updating an edgy or a dapper system.07:17
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phanatichey everyone07:32
bddebianHeya phanatic07:32
phanaticheya bddebian07:32
bddebianDamn I can't create my edgy pbuilder, it has broken packages07:33
azeemcan't you create a dapper chroot, and then upgrade it to edgy?07:34
bddebianNormally yes, but with this script, I'm not sure how I would do that07:36
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crimsunbddebian: which script?07:48
bddebiancrimsun: Hi.  This one:  /usr/share/doc/pbuilder/examples/pbuilder-distribution.sh  that I copied to /usr/local/bin/pbuild-edgy07:49
crimsunyou'll need to use --othermirror deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy universe main restricted multiverse07:52
crimsun(with either create or --override-config)07:54
bddebiancrimsun: Ah, is that what I need .pbuilderrc for ? :-)07:57
crimsunwell, that's the reason /I/ still use conffiles (besides being a conffile whore)07:57
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bddebiancrimsun: :-)08:01
bddebiancrimsun: I still get unmet deps for build-essential and perl5 :-(08:01
crimsunI haven't been creating an edgy chroot from scratch; I've been dist-upgrading dapper ones.08:02
crimsun-!- Cannot join to channel #launchpad (You have joined to too many channels)08:13
zulcrimsun: get around much?08:14
=== bddebian should just give up :'-(
crimsunthey ain't gonna let you do that in main08:19
bddebianThey don't want me so no worries08:19
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bddebiancrimsun: And now I know why they don't want me :-008:21
zulhow come?08:21
bddebiancrimsun: So using this shell thing how would I do dapper first then upgrade to edgy, any idea?08:24
crimsunbddebian: create a dapper pbuilder, then use --override-config --othermirror deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy universe main restricted multiverse08:25
crimsunwith update08:25
bddebianI know that but this script sets the distribution automagically08:25
crimsundoesn't matter, othermirror overrides it08:26
shenkihi all. a question; when packaging a gnome panel applet, how would you go about working out the deps from a chroot? know of any packages that would be a good example of this?08:29
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crimsunshenki: apt-cache showsrc gnome-applets |grep ^Build-Depends |uniq08:34
imbrandongah you know there is like zero documenttation on the web about using distcc transparently with debuild08:40
shenkicrimsun: um... what's that showing me? wouldn't that be a good list for if i was packaging gnome-panel?08:40
shenki(sorry, firstly; thanks for the response)08:40
_ionimbrandon: add to ~/.devscripts: DEBUILD_PRESERVE_ENVVARS="PATH,CCACHE_DIR"08:41
_ionimbrandon: That's pretty much it.08:41
imbrandonnice _ion thanks i've been searching for hours08:41
imbrandonon google08:41
_ionOh, i misread. Well, it's probably pretty much similar with distcc.08:41
imbrandonahh ccache08:41
imbrandoni just / did ln -s /usr/bin/ccache /usr/bin/gcc etc for that ;)08:42
crimsunshenki: you asked for an example [as a starting point, I presume] , no?08:42
_ionimbrandon: Eww. :-)08:42
imbrandon_ion, as long as its in the path before the real gcc its ok ;)08:43
imbrandonbut yea i can use the preserv envi vars with like cc=distcc and makeflags"-j12" etc to make distcc work08:44
imbrandoni think08:44
imbrandondunno will have to mess with it i guess ;)08:44
=== shenki [n=shenki@ppp148-187.lns3.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
shenkihmm, had a power-out, I believe someone said something to me just as I went offline08:46
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imbrandon[13:42]  <crimsun> shenki: you asked for an example [as a starting point, I presume] , no?08:47
imbrandon[13:42]  <_ion> imbrandon: Eww. :-)08:47
imbrandon[13:42]  <-- shenki has left this server (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).08:47
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shenkithanks imbrandon08:47
bddebiancrimsun: In case I haven't told you lately, I love you man.. ;-)08:47
=== imbrandon agress with bddebian there ;)
=== popey [n=popey@84-45-197-14.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has left #ubuntu-motu ["Ex-Chat"]
shenkicrimsun: yeah, I figured having a package to learn off would be handy... you're suggesting use gnome-panel itself?08:48
=== shenki thinks hmm, lots of man-love in -motu thisevening
crimsunshenki: err, the source for gnome-applets last I checked isn't gnome-panel...08:49
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crimsunshenki: perhaps I'm giving you an overkill suggestion.08:50
shenkioh...opps... what did I type in before...08:50
crimsunshenki: are you looking for b-d for an actual panel applet or just for the notification area?08:51
shenkicrimsun: oh, yeah, i see were you were pointing me... i think it's a bit of overkill08:51
shenkian actual applet08:51
shenkisource of program i'm trying to package - http://www.users.on.net/%7Espohlenz/internode/internode-applet-1.5.tar.gz08:52
crimsunok, then you'll want to start with libpanel-applet2-dev08:53
crimsuntake a look at network-manager-gnome's b-ds08:53
shenkiit's a pygtk applet08:53
shenkiokay, thanks08:53
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bddebiancrimsun: OK, so even with:  sudo pbuild-edgy update --distribution edgy --othermirror deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy universe main restricted multiverse --override-config08:57
bddebianit keeps using dapper in the apt lines??08:57
crimsunbddebian: it's not using your --othermirror parameters at all?08:58
crimsun(you shouldn't have to pass --distribution edgy at all)08:58
crimsun(that's culled from the script)08:59
bddebianI know, I was just trying anything/everything :-)08:59
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bddebianHello trees12309:14
trees123Hello <bddebian09:15
bddebianOK I am learning to hate pbuilder :-)09:16
crimsunlearn the dark side of sbuild ;)09:17
bddebianApparently I am unable to 'learn' anything :-(09:19
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TheMusoHey imbrandon.09:33
imbrandonheya TheMuso09:33
imbrandonouch not good09:34
imbrandonanyone else getting this on an apt-get update ?09:34
imbrandonFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  403 Forbidden [IP: 80] 09:34
imbrandonor is it just me09:34
imbrandonmuch better , dunno why i dident just do that myself09:36
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=== imbrandon kicks distcc
imbrandonbah i dont think this is ever gonna work10:18
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robwhen a new upstream source is released, does the ubuntu version number "reset", eg I package version 0.5 then upstream releases 0.5.1, when I package 0.5.1 does the version still equal 0ubuntu1?10:25
crimsunrob: depends whether 0.5.1 is in Debian10:28
crimsun(it always depends what's in Debian)10:28
rob(its not)10:28
crimsunthen yes, the package version becomes -0ubuntu1 [again] 10:29
robok, thanks crimsun :)10:29
robis there a way to pass options to the configure script when using cdbs?10:29
imbrandon 2.6.0-1 - means that this is the 1st debian package of version 2.6.0. No ubuntu changes were included.10:30
imbrandon2.6.0-1ubuntu1 - means that this is the 1st ubuntu package based on the debian package version 2.6.0-110:30
imbrandon2.6.0-0ubuntu1 - means that there was not a debian package yet and this is the 1st ubuntu version of package 2.6.010:30
rob_ion, thanks :)10:31
=== rob tries that
=== tiagoboldt [n=tiagobol@87-196-84-6.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandoncrimsun, will apt see -0imbrandon0.1 as smaller than -0ubuntu0.1 AND -0ubuntu0.1 ( yes have a specific reason why )10:34
imbrandonerr AND -0ubuntu110:34
crimsuni < u10:34
crimsunthus 0i < 0u10:35
crimsunimbrandon: use dpkg --compare-versions10:35
imbrandonok good i got to thinking about it , if/when they hit kubuntu.org they will be -0ubuntu0.1  and propper -0ubuntu1 , so i can safely call them -0imbrandon0.1 -0imbrandon0.2 etc correct , kk will do dident know about that10:36
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=== jrattner1 [n=Administ@h-72-244-214-2.nycmny83.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
jrattner1QUESTION: Any chance of seeing GNUsTicker added to the repositories?10:55
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