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fabbioneasw: i do05:20
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aswfabbione - OK.  I have a t2000, 8 cores, 16gb RAM sitting in a box (evaluation unit).  I'm thinking of trying Ubuntu on it.03:24
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fabbioneasw: well just do it..03:43
tmarbletoday one of the things I'm debating is whether I should use silo to dual boot or grub....03:45
fabbionedid they port grub to sparc?03:46
fabbionesilo is known to work03:46
tmarblepretty sure we contributed some stuff specifically so it would work on sparc03:46
tmarbledon't know if you can do this with silo, but what I want to do with grub is take advantage of "default saved" so that you can select which OS boots next time (without user interaction)03:47
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fabbioneno need for that in linux :)03:50
fabbioneecho "$bootoption" > /proc/sys/kernel/reboot-cmd && reboot03:50
fabbioneand you basically echo in there anything that goes after boot03:51
fabbioneboot disk03:51
fabbioneecho "disk"03:51
fabbioneif you want to boot an old linux image03:51
fabbioneecho "LinuxOLD" >..03:51
fabbionesince LinuxOLD is not a device, it will pass it to silo as image03:51
fabbioneand so on...03:51
tmarbleyou mean, in the case of T2000, that magic-fu sends commends to OBP?03:51
fabbioneif no images matches attempts to pass it as kernel boot option03:52
tmarbleso, I can say echo "disk1"  > /proc/sys/kernel/reboot-cmd && init 603:52
fabbionein linux you can.. yes03:52
tmarbleand that will reboot as if I did {0} ok boot disk103:52
fabbioneif diskX is not a device, the default device will be used...03:53
fabbionepassing that as first arg03:53
tmarblecool beans... trouble is once i'm Solaris... getting back may be tricky (unless silo ALWAYS boots to linux!)03:53
fabbionein case of lilo the image to boot03:53
fabbionewhy do you need solaris anyway ;)03:53
fabbioneanyway i need to take off03:53
tmarbleok.. have fun03:53
=== fabbione -> car dealer
tmarble'cause some of us have to do cross-platform stuff ;-)03:53
fabbiones/sport car/family car/03:53
fabbionesucks to be you :P03:54
tmarbleunderstand that dk charges lot's of $$$ to drive03:54
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edneymatiasmorning all!04:00
tmarbleedneymatias, como estavo se?04:02
aswfabbione - yah.  How well does it run for you?  Do you have a contact person at Sun?  So far I've been talking to five people and I'd like to say "I want ot use this evaluation unit to try Ubuntu".04:03
tmarbleasw: umm... I work for Sun ;-)04:03
neuralisasw: what you want to try makes no difference to the try and buy program04:03
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neuralisfabbione: i requested a server for some testing and ubuntu-server development.. it seems like there's only what, one or two people on the team that have sparcs to work on04:05
aswtmbarbe - great.  We don't have a lot of staff to try random things.  I was talking to the Sun reps about cost (specifically mentioned I didn't want a node now but here it is.)04:07
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edneymatiastmarble, tranquilo :)04:09
tmarbleedneymatias, sorry that's the limit of my portuguese.. ;-)04:10
aswneuralis - do you have one yet?04:11
edneymatiastmable, :) i'm ok ...while you portuguese ...it's equal to my english...huhuh04:12
TrioTorushmm, even thought /etc/timezone is set to Europe/Brussels, the date command returns a CDT (Central Daylight Time) used in the states.04:15
TrioTorusdries@adam:~$ date04:15
TrioTorusWed Jun 21 09:14:13 CDT 200604:15
TrioTorusdries@adam:~$ cat /etc/timezone04:15
TrioTorusIs there something I'm overlooking that influences date setting? I'm on a non gui server.04:16
neuralisTrioTorus: you're overlooking /etc/localtime04:19
neuralisTrioTorus: use tzconfig(8)04:19
neuralisit'll handle the symlink update for you..04:19
TrioTorusneuralis, just figured. Thanks.04:21
TrioTorusneuralis, didn't know about tzconfig though04:21
TrioTorusThink I'll put in the wiki and update the current settime page cause that only handles gui04:24
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edneymatiastmarble, where did you learn that?04:30
tmarbleway, way back when I met some Brazilians at a party...04:31
tmarblethese days I get my coaching from JavaMan: http://www.javaman.com.br/04:32
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aswtmarble - maybe you can drop me a line?  await @ genetics.med.harvard.edu04:37
aswbasically I'd like to get the people that sent me the t2000 talking to the people (at Sun) interested in Ubuntu on Sparc04:38
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fabbioneneuralis: untrue... all the team has access to faure.ubuntu.com for porting tasks05:53
fabbioneneuralis: and there will be more machines available soon for heavy debugging05:54
fabbioneneuralis: the one or two are the one that have sparcs at home05:54
fabbionebut usually -server development doesn't need that05:54
fabbioneassuming you are a real sysadm that doesn't local access to the machine05:55
fabbionedoesn't + need05:55
neuralisfabbione: even better. then i can run some of these applications i want to test and be done with it.06:00
=== fabbione takes off again
fabbionenow i have a family car and less than 3 weeks to enjoy my sport car :)06:01
jsgotangcoa family is always a good thing06:03
neuralisjsgotangco: so is a sports car :)06:04
jsgotangcolol i used to drive 4WD before06:04
spikewhat about a free tank? ;)06:08
spikecant remember where I read that article, maybe linuxjournal, but someone came up with something like ms being a family car, OSX a sport car, and linux a free tank06:09
spikeoff, later06:11
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erchachei have a little farm of servers06:24
erchachethey have 2 nics but i only use 106:24
erchacheim thinking to use second for backup06:24
erchachebecause i think will be fast06:25
erchachei never use a linux system with 2 nics....06:25
erchacheare transparent to user?06:25
erchacheCan i access to two nic resources on same terminal or need to config special thing?06:25
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Dragoonzhello everyone09:54
Dragoonzis there  a place i need to go to get kde for ubuntu server?09:55
Dragoonzi'm having trouble with dselect and apt-get install KDE09:55
lionelpDragoonz: this is not a server relative question10:01
lionelpyou should apt-get install kubuntu-desktop10:02
lionelpthis is more a #ubuntu question :)10:02
Dragoonzkk thank you10:03
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chrish01anyone know how to disable system beep? i only know how to from the gui :(11:14
chrish01found it ... setterm -blength 011:29
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