
MidMarkit's a bit different bug, but anyway I think for similar reasons12:08
MidMarksebas make the patch... someone have to confirm12:09
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alleeRiddell: aseigo is at paris too, right?  feel free to point him to 'http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=125696'.  AFAIK he likes interesting problems ;)12:23
UbugtuKDE bug 125696 in general "digikam does not connect to USB camera with libgphoto-2.1.99" [Normal,New]  12:23
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imbrandonRiddell, ping12:30
imbrandonapokryphos, ping12:30
nixternalriddell is passed out for the next 7 hours ;)12:35
alleenixternal: he's allowed to sleep?  ts ts ts ;)12:36
nixternalwell..i had somebody believing he was a bot12:37
nixternalso you never know :)12:37
nixternalthose pictures could be of sony testing robots...they just made it look like the infamous Jonathan Riddell ;)12:37
imbrandonwell i gave amarok-1.4.1beta1 some love if anyone wants to poke at it ( my key is in pubkey.html ) http://www.buntudot.org/people/~imbrandon/packages/12:44
imbrandoni'm off to take a nap12:44
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Hobbseehi all07:28
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Hobbseemorning mornfall08:45
pygiHey hey08:45
mornfallMortal Love -- All The Beauty08:45
Hobbseehi pygi 08:47
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Hobbseehi raphink 08:50
raphinkhi Hobbsee08:50
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raphinkhi jsgotangco08:59
jsgotangcogood monring09:00
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raphinkhi mornfall09:01
Hobbseemornfall: would you like some icecubes down your back too?09:02
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raphinkhow can someone who is away join a place?09:05
Hobbseeraphink: very long arms :P09:05
Hobbseebesides, some people think i'm in paris, for some reason.09:05
raphinkyou're not?09:06
Hobbseeyes, unless i've been suddenly packed up in a squitcase and moved without my knowledge09:07
Hobbseehmmmm...a squitcase...09:07
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Hobbseeraphink: i've met people that stubborn before.  they're darn annoying.  and its' certainly possible.  and the person in question sounds like a woman, i'm afraid to say.09:19
raphinkno but really09:19
raphinkI mean I'm pretty sure this guy has done nothing in open-source ever09:19
raphinkand bugging us with that09:19
Hobbseegoogled the nick yet?  yeah, i know09:19
raphinkwhen ubuntu is one of the few projects who respects the GPL 09:20
raphinkthis is stupid09:20
raphinkhe should bother RedHat instead :p09:20
Hobbseeactually, the devs would all be up and awake by now.  they could all jump on him if they really wanted.09:20
raphinknow I'm bored with that guy09:23
raphinkhe is ridiculous09:23
Hobbseeraphink: who maintains the ubuntu website anyway?09:25
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mornfallPink Floyid -- Learning to Fly11:51
mornfallFloyd, too11:51
Riddellmornfall: are you going to write up adept-usability into a spec?11:51
mornfallRiddell: sure11:52
Riddellmornfall: when?11:52
Riddelldo we need more discussion?11:52
mornfallfrom blog: I'll write down more later, i have to write down a spec for this before Riddell eats me :)). :-))11:53
Riddellyes, I am feeling hungry today :)11:54
Riddellmornfall: does "channel support" mean the commercial files that will be in app-install-data?11:55
mornfallnot quite11:56
mornfalli have to guess my wiki password11:56
Riddellit's your launchpad account11:56
Riddelluse your launchpad e-mail as username11:56
Riddellmornfall: what does it mean then?12:00
Riddellmornfall: supporting canonical's proprietry software archives will probably be needed by canonical12:00
imbrandonRiddell, got amarok all done and copiled against a clean dapper with only main ready for when you get back from paris ;)12:01
Riddellimbrandon: cool12:01
imbrandonjust for _MY_ upload i versioned them -0imbrandon1 so that the few people that have tested it for me wont have upgrade issues when / if it hits kubuntu.org ( as -0imbrandon1 < -0ubuntu0.1 i am told )12:03
Riddellyes it is, good idea12:04
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=== imbrandon looks up the info on making a true pool repo instead of the current apt-ftp way he has it
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
mornfallimbrandon: use dpkg --compare-versions :)12:10
mornfallwhen you are not sure12:10
Riddell&& echo $?12:10
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imbrandonmornfall, cool thanks dident knwo about that12:10
mornfallalso, -0anything1 < -1anything1 :-)12:11
mornfallthat's why you put the 0 before anything12:11
imbrandonyea i was more worried about the -0i and -0u12:11
imbrandonbecouse when riddell puts them on kubuntu.org traditionaly he has them versioned -0ubuntu0.112:12
mornfallyou don't have to make it -0u12:12
mornfall-1ubuntu is just as fine12:12
Riddellmornfall: the -0 is usually for debian though12:12
Riddellso if it's not yet in debian we use -012:12
Riddellanyone seen _Sime?12:13
imbrandonnot lately12:13
RiddellI've no idea when he's expected to arrive12:13
Riddellimbrandon: I ment in Paris12:13
imbrandon( late 6 hours )12:13
imbrandonoh ;)12:13
imbrandonmornfall, thanks for the --compare-versions though dident know about that ( still lots to learn )12:14
mornfallyou are all complicated :p12:15
mornfallyeah, you have this being a fork of debian problem12:15
Riddell** kubuntu-kiosk-profiles at 16:0012:18
Riddell** kubuntu-accessibility at 17:0012:18
mornfalloh, kiosk profiles12:21
=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-252-10.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
imbrandonalso Riddell is there a way to overide the kds for the contect browser style ? the default kubuntu one is unuseable in amarok1.4.1 ?12:23
imbrandon*without also putting a kds deb in the repo* that would be bad i think12:24
Riddellfor the what?12:24
imbrandoncontext browser style12:24
imbrandonin 1.4.1 the contect broswer is horzontal not vertical 12:25
imbrandonlike in 1.4.012:25
Riddelland what breaks it in k-d-s?12:25
Riddelloh, the kubuntu theme12:25
Riddellhmm, tricky12:25
imbrandonyea that might just have to be a quark in the "beta" for buntu users12:26
imbrandonthats the ONLY thing we have noticed though ( me and nixternal and hobbsee and linuxmonkey and snake all running it as a test )12:26
Riddellyou could include a postinst script that checks the version of k-d-s and if it's the dapper vesion runs sed on the amarok file to remove the kubuntu theme12:27
imbrandonhrm yea , good idea12:27
Riddellwell, not that good but good enough12:28
imbrandonheheh we good enough without having to do a special kds ;)12:28
imbrandonor is the context browser theme seperate somehow ? i guess i could just take the current one and flip it horozontal12:30
imbrandonif its a sep deb12:30
imbrandonor is it just included in like kubuntu-artwork12:31
Riddellit's in k-d-s12:31
imbrandonahh ok , nm12:31
Riddellit's not worth fixing for dapper12:32
imbrandonright right12:32
imbrandonwell considering that in #amarok they said that the old style of context broswer got reverted in SVN anyhow and wont be back till 2.012:32
imbrandonit wouldnt make much sence to cahnge it then change it back anyhow12:33
imbrandon( they noted its great they just thought it was too much for a point release )12:33
imbrandonso 1.4.1 final most likely wont have a problem with the curernt theme12:34
mornfallRiddell: maybe you can check the adept-usability spec and point out missing stuff :)12:37
mornfalli know there are missing sections12:37
mornfalland design is incomplete12:37
mornfallbut stuff up to design probably need some sort of review :)12:37
Riddellmornfall: ok, will do in a few minutes12:37
mornfallgreat, thanks12:38
Hobbseehi Riddell and mornfall 12:48
HobbseeRiddell: bot has access control now - i doubt you're on that list.12:49
Riddellevening Hobbsee 12:49
RiddellHobbsee: bah12:49
RiddellHobbsee: could you put the kopete url for kopete?12:49
HobbseeRiddell: er, which is?12:54
Hobbseeyou should be put on that access list, too12:54
Hobbseeoh yeah, kopete.kde.org12:54
RiddellHobbsee: kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kopete12:55
imbrandonRiddell / Hobbsee is that the latest 0.12 atm ?12:55
HobbseeRiddell: /msg ubotu %register Riddell anypassword12:56
mornfallhi Hobbsee 12:56
Hobbseeimbrandon: not a clue12:56
Riddellimbrandon: it's 0.12, it's not the latest packaging12:56
imbrandonahh ok12:56
imbrandonthats what i was wondering were the latest package resides12:57
HobbseeRiddell: try adding now12:57
Riddellgroovy, sorted12:58
Riddellthanks Hobbsee 12:58
Hobbseeah, i do have the power to add people!12:59
Hobbseethis bot is damned confusing!12:59
Riddellbost are12:59
=== Hobbsee 's brain explodes
Hobbseeit's not that it's complicated, but the terminology is rather dodgy.01:00
Hobbseeer, s/rather dodgy/damn confusing!01:01
HobbseeRiddell: the way to operate the bot - you can use !tell user about foo, !foo > user, !foo, etc...01:02
apokryphosHobbsee: all on the mailing list ;-)01:02
Hobbseeand there are a whole lot of aliases01:02
apokryphosand documented on wiki.kubuntu.org/UbotuUsage01:02
Hobbseeapokryphos: yeah, but with the amount of email Riddell gets, i doubt he reads an IRC op mailing list :P01:02
Riddellhell no01:03
=== imbrandon is on the op team and dident know about the mainline list , oops
apokryphosI just meant for you, Hobbsee -- the terminology can be tricky if you don't know it01:03
apokryphosimbrandon: I discovered it not too long ago, too 8)01:03
nixternalimbrandon don't feel bad..i get most of the "non high volume" lists...i have yet to see an irc team email fly ;)01:03
HobbseeRiddell: :)01:03
Hobbseedont tell me i finally got something right!01:03
apokryphosimbrandon: ubuntu-irc, if you want to join01:03
imbrandonapokryphos, yea i will after lunch ( just learned about the ubotu changes and the op chan too LOL )01:04
=== imbrandon is behind sometimes
apokryphosheh =)01:04
Hobbseehehe - yes, we see them.  it's useful, and it meant that i knew that Riddell was attempting to add to the bot :P01:04
apokryphosthe new bot is an awful lot better, so it's great stuff, yeah.01:04
apokryphosimbrandon: I'll add you as an editor now, too.01:05
apokryphosimbrandon: but you'll have to register with him first :P /msg ubotu register name password01:05
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Hobbseeapokryphos: why arent all members added as editors yet?  or are they, but arent shown?01:05
imbrandonapokryphos, ok01:05
Hobbseehi kwwii 01:05
kwwiihi Hobbsee01:05
pygikwwii, :)01:05
kwwiihi pygi01:06
nixternalmoin moin everyone ;)01:06
pygihi hi01:06
apokryphosHobbsee: we're just doing it on a ask and you'll probably be added, basis.01:06
Hobbseeapokryphos: right01:06
kwwiipygi: I have done some work on the interface for bzr....sometime next week (after I get back home) we should discuss what I have done so far01:06
pygikwwii, that's fine ,no worries :)01:07
kwwiicool :-)01:07
pygihave you contacted that guy who wanted to help you with oxygen perhaps? :)01:07
imbrandonRiddell, from #kubuntu : [06:04]  <Emess> http://kubuntu.org/images/kubuntu-mug.jpg <--can i buy this mug somewhere?01:09
apokryphosthat's from Riddell's blog :P01:10
nixternalkubuntu.de imbrandon01:10
Riddellas nixternal says01:11
nixternalor if they ever get a LinuxTag around us imbrandon we might get one there ;)01:11
nixternalas a matter of fact..im going to LinuxDays at our local college today01:11
kwwiipygi: to be honest, I completely forgot about that01:11
kwwiipygi: I have been somewhat busy lately :-(01:11
pygikwwii, oki, doesn't matter then01:12
nixternalI have about 50 Ubuntu/Kubuntu CD's im taking01:12
pygiyup, I know you was busy :-/01:12
apokryphosRiddell: why isn't some kubuntu stuff added to the ubuntu shop?01:12
mornfall--> lunch01:12
=== kwwii follows mornfall's lead
=== imbrandon follows mornfall and kwwii brb
Riddellapokryphos: ubuntu shop is just a crappy cafepress thing no?01:12
apokryphosyeah, but come on, cafepress isn't that bad 8)01:13
nixternalya it is..i have gotten stuff from them in the past01:13
=== apokryphos wishes kde had a shop
nixternalthey are way to expensive..plus i don't see the need for Kubuntu g-strings01:13
Hobbseeimbrandon: NFI @ the latest kopete package.  do we have one source, or two, or what?  i thought there was only one, but i've got no idea what apachelogger was doing, and i have a suspicion that he ignored freeflying and my work, and redebianized kopete 0.12.01:13
=== apokryphos saw a picture of aseigo with a g-string the other day :O
apokryphos(don't worry, he had trousers on too)01:14
Hobbseeapokryphos: TMI!01:14
=== Hobbsee doesnt want to know that :P
apokryphosdon't worry, it had the KDE logo01:14
nixternalgive um a yellow card Hobbsee ;)01:14
imbrandonhahah Hobbsee thats whay i was worried about too , thus my asking01:14
imbrandonHobbsee, i'll look into it more after lunch01:14
Hobbseeimbrandon: i think apachelogger took the changes that i wanted, but i've got no idea what state the package is in now, or where it is.  i've got a suspicion that it is two, because i was the original debianizer, and somehow it had been changed so i wasnt.01:15
Riddellmornfall: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuEdgyPackageManager01:15
imbrandonHobbsee, yea i noticed01:15
Hobbseeoh i dont know.  but i sure wish people would actually tell each other what they were doing, before they go and nick the semi done version, and work on it - at least an email notification or something to say "this is what it was and this is now what it is" would be nice!01:15
imbrandonright right hopefully lp brz will help with that some01:16
nixternalword of the wise...don't allow flickr images to show "ALL" on a website...i guess i had nudey pics come across the family website last night01:16
apokryphosMark has downloaded a .deb and wants to install it, but there's no application to do this in kubuntu. <--- right-click -> kubuntu package menu -> install?01:16
Hobbseemind you, collaborating like that is still less stupid than all separate people doing separate packages for it - but only just01:16
Hobbseeapokryphos: yeah, that was working, probably still is, no idea why they dont have that listed.01:17
imbrandonHobbsee,  is the stuff on ~riddell got my your and freeflying changes ?01:18
Hobbseeimbrandon: NFI, i'd have to grab the source and check01:18
imbrandonRiddell, said ther is a new package somewhere ( assuming apachelogger )01:18
Hobbseemy changes included a dep of jasper-runtime i think - something like that01:18
nixternalimbrandon speaking of Kubuntu items like the mug...there is a lady my old man uses to have his company logo's embroidered onto shirts...she is awesome and cheap...so im going to find some good polo's maybe when i get time and ahve her make me a couple01:18
apokryphosgoals on that page look really good; it'd be nice to have that stuff in01:18
Riddellmornfall: see comments https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/adept-usability01:19
Hobbseehah.  which cruel parent names their kid maisie?  :P01:19
apokryphosand, is smart going to be used for the adept quick install (as in gnome-app-install)? What's going to happen on that regard?01:19
nixternalalright, gotta get ready to go spread the Kubuntu ;)   talk to you all later!!!   have a good day everyone!01:20
apokryphossee ya01:20
Hobbseebye nixternal!01:20
Riddellimbrandon: it's the latest one that apachelogger had made when I packaged it, it includes changes from you and Hobbsee 01:22
Hobbseeright, cool01:22
=== Hobbsee kicks kmail. work you silly thing!
Hobbseestupid program.  crashes when it tries to get my mail.01:24
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apokryphosHobbsee: what do you get if you run kmail from the command line?01:28
mornfallapokryphos: no01:32
apokryphosmornfall: is smart going to be used at all in kubuntu?01:32
=== apokryphos is interested on how exactly it'll be implemented to get biarch going
apokryphosperhaps i should search the wiki :P01:33
mornfallapokryphos: no :-)01:33
=== apokryphos listens
mornfallno for "used at all"01:33
imbrandonhrm yesterday at the Smart BOF they mentioned it will be used in edgy01:34
=== apokryphos is a little lost
mornfalledgy ubuntu01:35
apokryphosaha, wiki, excellent01:35
mornfalli'm not interested01:35
apokryphosmornfall: well that's what I'm talking about of course :)01:35
mornfallso unless Riddell drops me, adept will continue the set course01:35
apokryphosapt is still to be *the* package manager in edgy01:35
apokryphosand hence so would adept 8)01:36
mornfallit will stay that way for ever :] 01:36
mornfallunless you volunteer to rewrite adept in python using smart01:37
mornfallgood luck with that :)01:37
mornfallwho was the person with the python-based notifier? :)01:38
apokryphoscool, https://wiki.kubuntu.org/SmartPackageManager has a lot of info01:39
apokryphosinteresting, biarch compatibility isn't mentioned on there and I thought it was the main reason for using smart =)01:39
mornfallwhere you got that idea?01:39
mornfallthere's at least apt-rpm that supports biarch01:40
mornfallit should be noted that biarch is so useless01:40
apokryphosI know, but apt-rpm isn't great01:40
mornfallnoone cares :)01:40
apokryphosI got the idea from mark's original post to the mailing list01:40
Lathiatwhy is it useless?01:40
apokryphosand.........no, biarch isn't useless01:40
mornfallit is01:40
Lathiatthe ability to packaged install 32bit versions of software on a mainly 64bit system would be usefull to me numerous occasions now01:40
apokryphoscare to enlighten us? 01:41
apokryphosLathiat: exactly01:41
mornfalleventually, amd64 will unscrew theier architecture and it'll be useless again01:41
=== OdyX [n=Didier@8.Red-80-33-64.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Lathiatmornfall: how so?01:41
apokryphosok, sure01:41
mornfallwell, it's still useless for 95+% of cases01:41
imbrandonhow is amd screwed the arch ?01:41
apokryphosso what? It still leaves that 5% which is very annoying at times01:41
mornfallthe 5% can live with chrooting01:42
Lathiatalso its not just amd01:42
apokryphoshell no01:42
Lathiatiirc its usefull for sparc & powerpc too01:42
=== imbrandon loves his amd64 and to install 32bit userland apps would be great
apokryphoschroot is hardly an alternative01:42
Lathiatugh no chrotting is ugliest shit in the world01:42
Lathiatand is just a patch aroudn the fact the chroot can be installed on the overall system01:42
mornfallit's much more elegant than biarch01:42
Lathiat= biarch!01:42
imbrandonyea ppc64 and ppc3201:42
apokryphosand really, other distros had biarch quite some time ago. Ubuntu/Debian really need to catch up 8)01:43
mornfallbiarch means this ugly as shit workaround for not being able to have multiple versions of an so01:43
mornfalllib64? for fucks sacke01:43
apokryphosso what?01:43
mornfallit couldn't be more obivous special-case workaround01:43
imbrandonmornfall, chroot is a pita for 90% of people , this is a "user friendly" distro ;)01:43
apokryphoslooks very nice and tidy to me01:43
mornfallimbrandon: plain users don't mix 64b and 32b software01:43
Lathiatyes they do01:43
Lathiatfirefox is a very popualr example01:44
Lathiatbecaue flash etc arent 64bit01:44
apokryphoswant flash to be able to work with flash+konqueror already? Not a problem01:44
Lathiatplsu there are a number of apps that fail to work properly on 64bit01:44
imbrandonmornfall, plain uses SHOULD use a 64bit kernel and all 32bit userland stuff with the EXCEPTION being 64bit userland01:44
mornfallLathiat: ahem -- proprietary software? i absolutely don't care01:44
Lathiatthe netflow collector software i use at work for example01:44
apokryphossee a nice package for ubuntu but the user (as a lot) didn't package it for amd64? Again, not a problem01:44
Lathiatwhich is free software01:44
apokryphoswine etc too01:44
Lathiatmornfall: just because you dont care, doesnt mean no one else does01:44
Lathiatso you should rephrase your opinion to01:44
Lathiat"biach is useless to me"01:45
mornfallLathiat: oh, it means that i won't implement it :)01:45
Lathiatalso i lack the ability to spell01:45
mornfallwhich in turn means unless someone else implements it, it won't exist01:45
mornfalleasy :01:45
apokryphosubuntu said it'd  be implemented through smart, anyhow01:45
mornfallfeel free to rewrite all apt-based software01:46
mornfallnoone is stopping you, really01:46
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
apokryphossome people are working on the problems01:46
apokryphos(see the wiki page)01:46
mornfallwell, that includes adept01:46
Lathiatwell id ont know aythign about smart01:46
apokryphosjdub & co.01:46
Lathiati thought it was being worked on to make it work in apt?01:46
mornfallhahaha, jdub01:46
apokryphosLathiat: it's a very nice package manager :)01:47
Lathiatand dpkg01:47
apokryphosLathiat: it works with apt just fine01:47
Hobbseehi again all01:47
apokryphoswb Hobbsee01:47
imbrandonwb Hobbsee01:47
Hobbseethanks, what'd i miss?01:47
=== Hobbsee had everything freeze.
mornfallHobbsee: small flamewar01:47
apokryphosHobbsee: discussing the credibility of biarch/smart 01:47
LathiatHobbsee: bickering abotyu biarch :)01:47
mornfallsee, the real-world usecases for biarch are limited to proprietary software? come on01:48
Hobbseeoh darn!  flamewars are fun!01:48
mornfallyou don't seriously think i should devote one hour to that01:48
Hobbsee...to read and laugh at01:48
apokryphosmornfall: no, they're not. See the other example I gave.01:48
Lathiatno its not, it is however, a use01:48
apokryphosand wine is also 32bit01:48
Lathiatand one that is important to other people, unfortunately01:48
mornfallwine, great, another "important" usecase01:49
apokryphosI don't use it, but an awful lot of people do01:49
mornfalljust run 32bit system... really01:50
apokryphosbecause it doesn't affect you, doesn't mean it doesn't affect others 8)01:50
apokryphosno, if I wanted a 32bit system I'd get a 32bit processor01:50
Lathiatbut its not optimized!111one101:50
mornfallapokryphos: bs01:50
apokryphosInteresting, though; the move to smart appears that it'll go further than I thought01:50
apokryphos"We need to evaluate how to make a migration from apt to smart possible and painless and what features/changes are required to make smart the first-class package manager for Ubuntu."01:50
mornfallwhat mvo said: apt will stick around for long01:51
mornfallthat's all i care about01:51
mornfallyou can go and bitch about smart as much as you want01:51
mornfallunless you actually write the kde parts that are missing, there is no point01:52
=== Lathiat isn't bitching about smart, i really dont care for it at present
apokryphosI'm not bitching about it, I'm echoing its praises. And really, ignoring that it has these is just silly01:52
apokryphosI love apt too, but smart evidently has some things over it01:52
apokryphos(and visa versa)01:52
=== apokryphos is still holding out for smart build-dep
mornfalli could probably repeat01:54
mornfallthat i don't care01:54
mornfallabout biarch01:54
mornfallat all01:54
mornfallso telling me that i shouldn't ignore the fact smart does biarch01:54
mornfallis sort of pointless01:54
apokryphoskey is that *you* don't care about biarch; many others obviously do01:54
mornfallthat's their problem01:54
apokryphosand it has more than just biarch01:54
mornfallyou didn't mention anything :)01:54
apokryphos"smarter" algorithms, but I'll leave that to you to argue with them about; I don't know, but its one of its claims01:55
=== Hobbsee goes to read the rest of the flame war.
apokryphos"Smart has a very clean architecture and is used by many other distributions already. It has the potential to become the de-facto standard as a package manager."01:55
Hobbseegee, was the GPL one not enough today guys??01:55
mornfallyou know what01:56
mornfallat this rate, i will just leave you with smart01:56
apokryphosimbrandon: this is Ubuntu, inherently APT users who are saying this01:56
mornfalland forget about adept01:56
apokryphosnot smart01:56
imbrandonapokryphos, cool01:56
imbrandonmornfall, why thats not a good attitude01:56
mornfallthis "smart is going to take over world, give up" blah blah is not very encouraging01:57
apokryphosI'm not saying that, and APT is definitely in for Edgy and for still quite some time01:57
mornfallyou are01:57
apokryphosit could come out on top, I don't know01:58
apokryphosmornfall: no, I'm saying that it's not totally lame, and it has a few very nice things01:58
mornfalli can read for myself, thanks01:59
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apokryphosUbuntu's fascination with it is possibly also down to Mark's love for python, don't worry01:59
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imbrandonmornfall, no we were basicly asking about how smart and adept were going to co-exist since its obviously going to be in edgy along side apt, you go defensive and basicicly said that if it dosent matter to you you dont give a **** , and that to me sucks becouse its about the community not what mornfall wants , this is a user frendly distro02:00
mornfallwell, basically, this whole flame just reduced my motivation to work on adept to roughly 002:00
apokryphoswhy? Adept is wonderful :)02:00
apokryphosand APT is hardly dead or dying02:00
imbrandonexactly apokryphos , adept is good enough atm 02:01
mornfallimbrandon: i don't care about community that doesn't care about me02:01
mornfallwhy should i?02:01
apokryphosand surely if you believed what we were arguing mornfall you wouldn't reach that conclusion :P02:01
apokryphoswe care very much, as I said, adept is wonderful =)02:01
hungerimbradon: Now that is motivating: "You are working on a good enough tool" :-)02:01
apokryphosit's a blessing to have an actual KDE alternative to APT, and it'll be in Ubuntu f or long02:02
mornfallwell, smart is a fatal threat for adept02:02
imbrandonmornfall, how do you think they dont care about you? becouse of a few idiots that flame you in bug reports ? bah EVERY project gets that , look at ubuntu its self02:02
=== hunger admits to never having used adept properly.
imbrandonmornfall, no i think smart and adept can co-exist from what i've read02:02
mornfallimbrandon: not really02:03
apokryphosall plans on smart seem very vague to me02:03
apokryphosbut they are working on using it (it's being used in gnome-app-install), but really don't know02:03
mornfallwell, basically, the more support smart gets the more hopeless the future for adept02:03
apokryphosit seemed like "just an idea" in the mailing list, but who knows02:03
mornfallbecause ubuntu will be pushing hard to unify management02:03
mornfallthey already are02:04
mornfallyou probably don't feel it02:04
mornfalli do02:04
mornfalli had this flame with a guy who thinks i should just draw dialogs for their python code02:04
mornfallintsead of working on adept02:04
imbrandonso why not adapt adept to fit into that picture mornfall thats my thoughts02:04
mornfallimbrandon: because it is totally impossible02:04
mornfallyou can't use smart in c++02:05
mornfallat all02:05
mornfallyou would have to rewrite everything in python02:05
apokryphosyeah, you'd need to bring in pykde02:05
mornfallwhich is basically rm -rf adept02:05
imbrandonbah yes you can , there are c++ python interfaces02:05
mornfallimbrandon: you don't understand it at all02:05
mornfalladept has very deep roots02:06
apokryphosmornfall: for there to be no adept there'd have to be no apt, even if ubuntu wanted that to happen it'd take a very long time02:06
imbrandonmornfall, maybe not but i do know what i heard in the disscussion of the smart BOF and they spoke of just that ( adept being c++ )02:06
mornfallapokryphos: no, it can be easily ruled out by someone throwing together a quick smart qt frontend and saying "here, you will use this"02:06
apokryphoswe can't really speculate 02:06
apokryphosI see this a lot like the case of kde moving to scons for kde 402:07
apokryphosgreat idea, might be good, might not be02:07
mornfallit's all just plain depressing02:08
mornfalli spent nontrivial amount of time working on adept02:08
apokryphosI really don't think it needs to be02:08
mornfallit's not easy to throw it out02:08
apokryphosI don't think you'll have to 02:08
mornfallnot too long ago you basically suggested it02:08
mornfallyou probably didn't know02:09
apokryphosI didn't say it'd be thrown away, I just said smart'd be adapted into ubuntu02:09
apokryphosand they'll see how things go02:09
apokryphos(just like scons in kde 4)02:09
apokryphoseither way; I hope they do what's actually best for Ubuntu, and I'm not sure (obviously it'd be ridiculous to suggest I was qualified enough to say) what is02:10
mornfallnote Ubuntu02:10
mornfallnot Kubuntu02:10
mornfallkubuntu is a second class citizen02:10
apokryphosI include Kubuntu with ubuntu02:10
apokryphosI get that feeling sometimes, but mainly in the past02:10
apokryphosthese days I see better things in scope02:11
mornfalli get very real feeling here, now02:11
apokryphosas of late things have been looking good, Kubuntu-side02:12
apokryphosshipit, kubuntu bounties, etc02:12
apokryphosI have no idea what Canonical's long-term plan is, but possibly that plan doesn't involve Canonical itself :D02:12
apokryphosvery interesting discussion the other day on what the plan really is, as Canonical is apparently losing a lot of money, fast02:13
apokryphosshipit for Breezy was estimated at $10 million, I think02:13
Hobbseeapokryphos: it is?  ouch.02:16
apokryphossuffice it to say it'd be a lot mroe dapper-time round02:17
imbrandonright and even more with edgy ....... *thinks that the word is out now and shipit should charge atleaste shipping and cd media costs , $9.99 usd ?*02:18
apokryphosthe whole idea of shipit is that it's free, though02:18
apokryphosand it doesn't seem to me like they plan on cutting back on anything, even02:18
apokryphosso just what are they going to do :D02:18
imbrandontrue and amazon sells dapper now ( and keeps the money ;| )02:19
mornfallohwell, internet walked away02:20
=== Hobbsee wasnt aware that the internet had grown legs.
mornfallcome on02:22
mornfallstop being annoying02:22
Hobbseesorry, i'll try to stop joking around.  i didnt understand your statement though02:23
apokryphosmornfall: is adept used much in debian?02:23
mornfalldon't think02:23
=== mornfall checks with popcon
apokryphosodd, I'd always use it over synaptic these days02:24
mornfallyou haven't seen the much faster development version :p02:24
mornfallbut anyway02:24
mornfall130 installations of adept02:25
mornfallfrom popcon02:25
mornfall5500 for synaptic02:25
mornfallso you get the idea02:25
Hobbseeyou can track that?  neat!02:25
apokryphosI guess those old fogies are more used to it02:26
mornfallHobbsee: only for the people who let system submit the data02:26
Hobbseemornfall: ah okay, which is likely not many02:26
mornfallyeah, about 13k submissions02:27
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apokryphosthere's something on ubuntuf or that too02:28
mornfalltrue, popcon.ubuntu.com02:28
mornfallsynaptic 762, adept 19502:28
apokryphospowerpc.......10 heh02:28
mornfallamd64 -- see, noone cares :)02:29
apokryphosbleh :P02:29
apokryphosmornfall: re: development version -- on svn somewhere?02:30
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mornfallapokryphos: nope, my harddrive only02:30
mornfallno point in svn-ing, noone is able to compile it02:30
mornfalli mean, you need libept from svn and probably tagcoll from svn and everything02:30
mornfall116 for kubuntu-desktop02:31
mornfalladept has more installations02:31
mornfallbut ubuntu-dekstop has >40002:31
apokryphosubuntu-desktop users install it, that's why02:32
apokryphos*ubuntu users02:32
mornfallheh, you wish :)02:32
apokryphos(ubuntu-desktop, that is, I mean)02:32
apokryphosi.e. to upgrade etc02:32
Hobbseeubuntu's more popular than kubuntu anyway.  so?02:34
Hobbseewe only have to get all of the kde section right - they can deal with universe, etc02:34
apokryphosyeah, as I say, it makes for an interesting combination. Being on a distro where the actual most popular distro is the underdog02:35
apokryphos(in the wider GNU/Linux world)02:35
apokryphos*most popular DE02:35
apokryphosdamn, my typing is sloppy02:35
mornfallmost popular DE?02:35
mornfallin europe, probably02:36
apokryphoskde's the most popular DE (desktop environment), but not on Ubuntu02:36
apokryphoseverywhere, I'd say02:36
apokryphosLinuxQuestions polls... KDE users tripled GNOME users02:36
mornfallwell, in debian gnome is more popular02:37
=== Hobbsee wonders about the sanity of debian users.
apokryphosit'd be just as interesting there, then :P02:37
RiddellHobbsee: it's bause of the non free history02:37
Hobbseeactually, i know of a way to make gnome certainly less popular.  02:37
Hobbseeurgh, i'd forgotten, would have stayed to be forgotten :P02:37
Hobbsee*prefered that to have stayed forgotten02:38
apokryphosI had an interesting discussion recently about controversy in debian; weird stuff. 02:38
mornfallThe Gathering -- Analog Park02:38
apokryphosRiddell: non-free history? Debian?02:38
mornfallapokryphos: KDE02:39
apokryphosoh right, yeah02:39
Riddellapokryphos: KDE user to be non-free, debian likes freedom02:39
mornfallit's stuck with us, yeah02:39
mornfallYou see the sign, it's on the road, but I think you're crazy02:40
apokryphosdebian used to be sponsored in the early days by GNU, I didn't know that02:40
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apokryphoshi haggai =)02:40
mornfallmany things used to be02:41
mornfallsome of the development are pretty ironic02:42
apokryphoswhat like?02:42
mornfalli should really unscrew development version of adept02:42
mornfallbut i'm not quite motivated right now02:42
=== apokryphos looks forward to it 8)
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@ALagny-109-1-9-136.w80-11.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
mornfallyou know, i could release adept 2.2 in 2 weeks from now02:43
Riddellmornfall: do it!02:44
apokryphosdo it :P02:44
=== Hobbsee wants to see it.
mornfallwell, that assumes i fix the stuff that's broken :P02:44
=== Riddell points Hobbsee at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuEdgyPackageManager
Hobbseehi Tonio_ 02:44
HobbseeRiddell: did it change since you last put the link out02:45
mornfallRiddell: btw, the channel stuff is not same as commercial software02:45
Hobbseeand for crying out loud, can we kill that annoying message about security!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!02:45
mornfallwell, it may be02:45
mornfallbut i don't know yet :)02:45
mornfallHobbsee: what security02:46
Riddellmornfall: yes, I realise that now02:46
Hobbseemornfall: the wiki.kubuntu.org dialog that always comes up when you first go there02:46
Riddellmornfall: I need to talk to mvo to remind myself how it works02:46
mornfallRiddell: it should work by only adding something to sources.list and updating02:46
Riddellmornfall: what's the channel stuff you have in the feature plan?  that's just the new repository manager?02:47
mornfallthat something being described by some file02:47
=== Hobbsee was really impressed by adept when she used it to remove some kernels a couple of days ago, actually.
mornfallRiddell: basically, yes, and using .desktop files to describe "channels"02:47
=== Hobbsee just remembered
Riddellmornfall: can you put that on that spec wiki page then02:48
HobbseeRiddell: ah, nice :)02:48
Riddellit actually sounds not unlike the canonical commercial archive stuff but I'll see when I talk to mvo02:48
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mornfalli'll write it down a bit later02:49
mornfallsay, 10 minutes or so02:49
=== Hobbsee wonders what tags are.
Hobbseewell, waht they're for.02:50
haggaiapokryphos: hi :)02:50
RiddellHobbsee: for general queries like "show me all KDE games"02:50
HobbseeRiddell: ah, right02:50
apokryphosdebtags? Good for filtering02:50
Hobbseelike keywords or something?02:50
imbrandonHobbsee, yea kinda , or selections02:51
apokryphosthey work almost just like tags for images02:51
imbrandonlike "compilers" or 02:51
imbrandon"games" etc02:51
=== apokryphos wonders if debtags in theory could replace metapackages
Hobbseeah ok, i see...02:51
imbrandonapokryphos, thats kinda how yum does it with rpm tags02:51
=== Hobbsee still doesnt see the attractiveness of metapackages
imbrandonhey i like my meta packages ;)02:52
raphinkHobbsee: metapackages make kubuntu-desktop possib02:52
RiddellHobbsee: so that an ubuntu user can install kubuntu02:52
apokryphosimbrandon: most distros use some sort of tags, from what I've seen. Or make selections in some other way02:52
apokryphosbut metapackages seems some obscure invention by debian and used by ubuntu :P02:52
Hobbseeyeah, apart from kubuntu-desktop, of course02:52
Hobbseeraphink: they cant list the packages separately?  i guess not.02:53
imbrandonmetapackages make it nice for things like testing www-browser etc02:53
=== imbrandon decides to play with the kubuntu logo's on my iPodLinux install
Hobbseemmm ok02:55
mornfallmetapackages suck02:55
mornfallit's an impressively bad solution for grouping packages on the scale ubuntu uses it02:56
imbrandonwhy mornfall ( not trying to start another flame , i genuinely want to know why )02:56
=== imbrandon dosent see the downside
mornfallimbrandon: because if one not completely important package has problems, apt will try to uninstall the metapackage02:56
imbrandonbut thats just me , thats why i asked02:56
apokryphosimbrandon: because it's not clear what's being installed, it doesn't make it easy to remove specific parts02:56
=== Hobbsee sees the bad side in terms of upgrading apps.
apokryphosand you can't filter what you want to bring in as easily02:56
Hobbseeah yes, that's true02:56
mornfallfor upgrades, well, it screws up the algorithm used by apt really bad02:57
apokryphosif everything was in a "Selection" (as suse call it) or any such group, you can select it all, then remove what you don't want.02:57
mornfallbecause it tries to not break anything02:57
mornfallbasically, apt assumes that some dependency is not satisfied, the package is "broken"02:57
imbrandonapokryphos, yea i REALY like the way suse does packages selections ( but thats about all i like about suse )02:57
imbrandonahh mornfall ok02:57
seaLneapokryphos: re kubuntu merchandise i'm am in the process of setting up a website selling (currently just tshirts) kubuntu merchandise with profits going to form bounties02:57
mornfalland it prefers to remove things than to keep broken things02:58
imbrandonseaLne, nice02:58
raphinkseaLne: good idea02:58
apokryphosseaLne: nice :)02:58
seaLnetshirts are ordered and will arrive in a few weeks02:58
mornfallseaLne: you have an ack from trademark holder? (canonical)(02:58
apokryphosseaLne: more profits, too, I guess, since there's no cafepress in the way?02:59
seaLneand better quality tshirts02:59
apokryphoscool 8)02:59
Tonio_hi all ;) hi Hobbsee03:01
Hobbseehey Tonio_ :)03:02
raphinkyop Tonio_03:06
mornfallSonata Arctica -- Brokn03:07
mornfallBroken, too03:07
raphinkthat's an old CD ;)03:08
raphink5 years or so03:08
raphinkisn't that on Ecliptica mornfall?03:08
Tonio_yop raphink03:08
mornfallBroken CDS here03:09
Tonio_hard day today.....03:09
mornfallbut Winterheart's Guild otherwise03:09
mornfallwhat about Velvet Darkness They Fear by Theatre of Tragedy -- '96 :-)03:10
mornfallBroken CDS is 200303:11
mornfallnot too lod03:11
Riddellmornfall: it looks to me like adept-installer doesn't use the icons from /usr/share/app-install/icons03:12
mornfallit should03:12
mornfalli mean03:12
mornfalllet's try03:13
Riddellah, it doesn't use the .xpm icons03:13
mornfallwell, .xpm... it uses KIconLoader03:13
mornfalllet's try03:13
Riddellright, so it's a problem in two places, adept doesn't do .xpm and app-install seems to include only .xpm files when it we have perfetly good .png ones in the packages03:14
Riddellbest place to fix that would be app-install03:14
Riddellalthough if adept did .xpm somehow that wouldn't hurt either03:14
Riddellso I need to grab mvo again and tell him to fix the icon extraction thingy03:14
mornfallnah, it uses QImage03:15
mornfallso it's probably qt problem :)03:15
mornfalleither that03:15
mornfallor KResourceDir problem03:15
mornfallbecause that's used as well to find icons03:15
mornfallor the .desktop files omit the extension03:15
mornfallfor .xpm03:15
mornfallno it doesn't03:16
mornfallso dunnow03:16
mornfallxpm icons are evil anyway :p03:16
Riddellyes, agreed03:16
mornfallif they can be made into png, great, if no, i can check what the problem is03:19
=== mornfall is fixing the dev version of adept right now
Hobbseeyay :)03:19
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Hobbseehiya bddebian 03:27
mornfallnow i need someone who would implement this boring part for me03:28
RiddellI just found two major bugs in gnome-app-install03:29
Riddelland its slow as anything03:29
Riddelladept-installer is so much better03:30
mornfallhmm, adept-installer is really slow too :-)03:31
mornfallit will hopefully improve with 2.203:31
mornfallRiddell: where are you? :)03:32
mornfallsimon edwards is looking for people to meet with :-)03:32
Riddellmornfall: downstairs03:33
Riddellwhere is he?03:33
mornfalldownstairs too :)03:33
mornfallhe's going to atlas now03:33
Riddellah, I spot him03:33
mornfallgreat :)03:33
Riddellhe's stopped for refreshments03:33
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Riddellmornfall: seen ervin?03:55
mndohi there!03:55
mornfallRiddell: not lately03:55
mornfalllast time around lunch03:55
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Riddellmornfall: what's the status of adept-usability?04:08
mornfallhrm, nothing new04:11
mornfalli wanted to do something :)04:11
mornfallthe wiki hates me04:13
Hobbseemornfall: dont worry, it hates everyone.04:14
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mornfallit's hung04:14
mornfallseems i can't edit04:15
mornfalloh i can now04:15
mornfalli have updated KubuntuEdgyPackageManager04:23
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mornfallas for the usability one, it prolly needs the sketches to be photographed -- i have no idea where they ended up04:24
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Riddellmornfall: you don't have them any more?05:05
HobbseeRiddell: they'll be there all night - they're keeping on arguing in circles.05:06
mornfallRiddell: well, i have some of them but definitely not all05:08
mornfalli could just draw them again05:08
mornfallor even better designer it05:08
Riddellmornfall: el might know, she's in atlas05:09
Riddellmndo: done any qtparted stuff or still busy with uni project?05:11
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mndoriddell: i found that anaconda has lvm support and i am trying to see if it's is possible to reuse some off their python code on ubiquity06:09
bddebian anaconda, lvm, python, ubiquity...  It's no wonder the world calls us geeks. :-)06:10
=== mndo grins
Riddellmndo: in ubiquity dirctly?06:14
Riddellmndo: if it's in ubiquity directly we'd just use partman06:14
Riddellwhich actually is likely to happen06:14
Riddellhi abattoir, me and aseigo were looking at your original mockups for the OEM installer, he really liked them06:14
abattoirRiddell: hello! wow.... cool :D 06:17
abattoirRiddell: did you get my mail?06:17
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mndoriddell: at thie time i still am trying to completly understand ubiquity..06:19
abattoirRiddell: In case you didnt, i tried reaching Kamion through mail, to ask about the codebase, but i assume he is very busy, as i havent got any response...06:20
abattoirRiddell: can you please ask him for me if you can?06:20
abattoirRiddell: I also am not sure how to reach mtp, the usability person.06:22
abattoirthe launchpad page redirects to someone else and i suspect that is not the right person.06:23
Riddellabattoir: https://launchpad.net/people/mpt06:24
Riddellabattoir: I did get your e-mail, although I'm very busy at the conference and not really paying much attention to e-mail just now06:24
Riddellabattoir: I'll ask kamion when he plans to work on it when I next bump into him, I can't see him in this room just now06:25
abattoirRiddell: sorry, my mistake, thought it was mtp :S 06:25
abattoirRiddell: no problem, i just wanted to give you an update06:26
abattoirand i am working on the UI anyways, when Kamion finishes, i'll modify/change it appropriately...06:26
abattoiranyway, i think i have an idea of how it is going to be, looking at the original oem-config and ubiquity :) 06:27
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abattoirRiddell: and... thank you :)06:29
Hobbseenight all06:31
bddebianSee ya Hobbsee06:31
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=== theine [n=theine@port1825.ds1-khk.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
theineIs there any chance that we'll see kopete 0.12 packages at http://kubuntu.org/packages?06:46
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Riddelltheine: no, I'll upload them to edgy next week and we'll get backports06:48
theineRiddell: Nice06:48
theineRiddell: Will you enable the experimental jingle support by any chance?06:49
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Riddelltheine: I'll need to look at the package and whether it is sane to do so06:50
Riddellit would need jingle in main06:50
theineRiddell: Ah, yes, and also ortp 0.7.106:50
Riddellapachelogger was doing the packaging06:51
theineRiddell: But still, having a deb-src for kopete 0.12 is great06:51
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apacheloggeronly ortp 0.7.106:52
apacheloggerjingle is builtin afaik06:52
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apacheloggerthough really no idea howto get ortp in a proper way without effecting the current libortp (which might be needed by some stuff)06:53
theineapachelogger: and that could be added to the repos as libortp1 (which currenlty doesn't exist) I guess?06:53
theineapachelogger: ah, ok06:53
apacheloggerwell, no idea whether the libs will conflict - naming of the files I mean06:54
apacheloggercurrently working on getting a kopete-dev built properly ;-)06:54
apacheloggerbut now I'm cutting the paperboard for my Kay :D http://picasaweb.google.com/apachelogger/KDEEverywhereMalta06:54
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=== mndo brb..
Tonio_toma: ping ?07:08
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tomatonio has left the building?07:58
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