
crimsunLjL: that's a release-team decision, and both12:03
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LjLcrimsun: sure, i didn't mean "you" personally. "you" and "you" being the same word in english is sometimes a problem :)12:04
=== LjL supports reitroductions of "thou" and "thee". Let's take the confusion out of the English language!
LjLreintroduction, even12:05
Official_CLjL: ii second12:06
geneo93its like anything else if you dont like it dont use it12:07
DaSkreechLjL: Funny in some Books they spell them differently to indicate the difference in meaning :)12:09
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reagleBRKLNjust upgraded to dapper! :)12:14
MidMarksomeone that can confirm http://launchpad.net/bugs/39444, see last comment!12:15
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reagleBRKLNhow do i turn off all the error codes in Konsole.. e.g., if I launch kate from knosole, i get debugger stuff on every button click in konsole12:15
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zahlerstreikive got a problem with dapper if anyone has a second12:15
trappistreagleBRKLN: appname 2>/dev/null12:16
reagleBRKLNtrappist: yes, but i want it to be generic12:16
zahlerstreikI installed dapper 6.06 onto my laptop with ati graphics and the only output it gives me is through my seconday VGA plug12:16
trappistreagleBRKLN: I don't think that's possible12:16
zahlerstreikanyone have any ideas?12:16
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trappistreagleBRKLN: you'd have to somehow tell the app(s) not to write to stderr12:16
reagleBRKLNtrappist: are you Cistercian?12:16
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trappistreagleBRKLN: no, not even catholic :)  I just like the beer12:17
reagleBRKLNtrappist: i recalled turning off kde debugger info some other time... wonder why they released with all that turned on...?12:17
reagleBRKLNget too much junk like "QFile::open: No file name specified"12:18
|lostbyte|zahlerstreik, Go through your xorg.conf file..12:18
trappistreagleBRKLN: usually actual debug output is a WHOLE lot more verbose than what you normally get running an app from a console.  a lot of apps just have some hard-coded stderr output.12:18
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|lostbyte|trappist, Best thing dont run it throught konsole.12:18
|lostbyte|Do a alt + f212:19
trappistor alt-space!12:19
trappist<3 katapult12:19
mikearthuranyone have any tips for improving Kubuntu fonts? Hopefully using BCF...12:19
|lostbyte|YEah !12:19
mikearthuror maybe that should be BCI12:20
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reagleBRKLN|lostbyte|: i like konsole12:21
reagleBRKLNand its nice to type `kate foo.py` ;)12:21
Official_Cso, can you believe bill gates has handed microsoft over to steve balmer?12:21
mikearthurhe's still chairman12:22
|lostbyte|reagleBRKLN, me too..12:22
Official_Cbut balmer is CEO now right?12:22
|lostbyte|mikearthur, so does bci make it more smoother ?12:22
LjLdidn't bill gates *get* into an official position in MS (i.e. CEO) just short time ago?12:22
mikearthursomething like that12:22
reagleBRKLN|lostbyte|: then how do you deal with all the debug garbage -- didn't have that much in 3.5.2 with breezy12:22
mikearthurLjL: no12:22
Official_Csteve balmer is a neanderthal12:23
|lostbyte|reagleBRKLN, its only with X programs..12:23
|lostbyte|so dont run x stuff through konsole.12:23
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reagleBRKLN|lostbyte|: what's the alternative for (eg) opening files in current pwd in kate?12:25
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Official_Ccan tar.gz files be for windows?12:26
Official_Cor only linux12:26
LjLthey absolutely can be used for windows, though they're way more common on linux12:26
LjLwinzip and winrar can open them12:26
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gnomefreakLjL: dependant on dependencies and the program no?12:27
LjLgnomefreak: wha?12:28
MidMarkalso zipgenius just to call a program free and not shareware12:28
gnomefreakLjL: if the tar.gz needs say libglib how is he gonna get that for windows?12:28
ryanakcawheres the "save session" option in KMenu?12:28
LjLgnomefreak: if the tar.gz needs libglib, it's linux program, and there's no way it can run on windows (easily)12:29
gnomefreakryanakca: when you log out iirc12:29
LjLgnomefreak: but tar.gz is just a format (actually two format), what's *in* a .tar.gz file is an entirely different matter12:29
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MidMarkgnomefreak: use zipgenius12:29
MidMarkfor windows12:29
gnomefreakLjL: thats what i meant by dependant on the dependencies it needs12:29
LjLgnomefreak: you can put a windows program in a tar.gz, and it would be a perfectly valid .tar.gz, but of course you couldn't *run* that program on linux12:29
gnomefreakMidMark: i dont use windows12:29
|lostbyte|reagleBRKLN, Run kate from "run" and then use the -u switch to use the same instance..12:29
gnomefreakLjL: correct12:29
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|lostbyte|That way ya dont get crape.12:30
reagleBRKLN|lostbyte|: and type in the whole path to the *.py file, no thanks!12:30
LjLgnomefreak: yeah but that's got nothing to do with .tar.gz.... you *can* still read its contents and extract it. then you just need to be able to handle whatever is in it12:30
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MidMarkgnomefreak: you have asked for something to open .tar.gz under windows? if not I've wrong12:30
ryanakcagnomefreak: nope... and even if it was, I don't want to log out... it saves session automaticly... but just to save session... in case I do something stupid and crash X (It happens a lot... especially when exiting high memory gl games)12:30
|lostbyte|reagleBRKLN, Not whole path.. from where you are in pwd just do kate -u file.py12:30
gnomefreakMidMark: no Official_C did12:30
LjLMidMark: thanks for the suggestion by the way, i don't use windows very often, but i'd have liked to have a free program for uncompressing stuff. will have a look at it12:31
gnomefreakryanakca: dont think there is one im not looking at it atm im in xfce12:31
h3sp4wnjust install services for unix / cygwin or preferably colinux12:31
MidMarkLjL: :)12:31
|lostbyte|LjL, 7zip is 100% free12:31
ryanakcakk..., ty12:31
|lostbyte|does all..12:31
|lostbyte|I belive it can unzip iso's too..12:32
LjL|lostbyte|: yup, but besides that i didn't like it too incredibly much at first glance, it's always good to know more alternatives12:32
MidMark|lostbyte|: I they cannot archive with rar12:32
MidMarkalso for zipgenius12:32
Official_Cyeah, midmark, i had asked that12:32
LjLrar must probably be patented i believe12:32
|lostbyte|MidMark, you cant archiving is to buy the program, for rar that is.12:32
LjLi suppose that'd be why we have a rar-nonfree12:32
MidMark|lostbyte|: yes some patent I think stop free program to rar12:33
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gnomefreakMidMark: trails is all you get for rar unless you buy (for windows12:33
LjLnot sadder than the MP3 thing, or many others12:33
MidMarkOfficial_C: then use 7zip or zipgenius they are 100% free12:33
gnomefreaktrials even12:34
LjLanyway, solution: don't use RAR. yeah, i know, you'll have to open some rar at some day... but if people start realizing you can use something else that's not legally encumbered, they soon or later will12:34
MidMarkLjL: of course but rar is stronger than zip12:34
MidMarkI mean smaller file12:34
LjLgnomefreak: yeah they're unlimited time trials though i believe. they just give you a nag screen after some days. but they keep working12:35
|lostbyte|zip has compression levels too..12:35
LjLMidMark: then use bzip2, or whatever12:35
gnomefreakLjL: yep winrar is12:35
Official_Cwinrar does not even nag you12:35
Official_Cwinzip does12:35
LjLwinrar does nag you after a while12:35
gnomefreakit does12:35
wordhow can you suppress errors? like if you try to rm a file that doesn't exist? how do you make it not show an error?12:35
Official_Creally? ive been using it for 2 years and no nagging12:35
|lostbyte|7zip : You dont know you have it.. :P..12:35
gnomefreakword: dont use rm on a file thats not there?12:36
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geneo93kinda off topic here talking about windows apps12:36
LjLit's not very intrusive though, you can just hit "Esc". with WinZIP, they go to greater lengths, even exchanging the positions of "OK" "Close" buttons at random12:36
|lostbyte|word, The error is a goodthing..12:36
LjLgeneo93: yeah, kinda. looks like tonight this channel's being mainly offtopic12:36
Official_Canyone else here using gaim for IRC chat?12:36
wordnot if it's in a shell script12:36
geneo93gain 2 beta 3 here12:36
wordOfficial_C: I used to konversation is better12:36
LjLOfficial_C: perhaps you've used an older version that didn't have the nag screens12:36
|lostbyte|word, point.12:37
=== gnomefreak uses irssi
|lostbyte|just pass it to /dev/null12:37
Official_Cits kinda sucks that when some one types my name, the message does not come up in a special color12:37
LjLpass *stderr* to /dev/null though, probably, rather than stdout12:37
Official_Cis there a way to have that in gaim?12:37
|lostbyte|Official_C, xchat ?12:37
gnomefreakOfficial_C: i thought there was but i havent used it in forever :(12:38
word|lostbyte|: Ummmm yah sure....lol...what do you mean? #!/dev/null?12:38
Official_Cim using Gaim on winxp right now12:38
Official_Calso, when i type a partial name and hit tab, nothin happens12:38
Official_Cother than those issues, its great12:38
Ashexyou're asking for Gaim help on XP.....12:38
LjLword: means "blahblah >/dev/null", for redirecting standard output, or "blahblah 2>/dev/null", for redirecting standard error12:38
|lostbyte|word, no.. dude.. rm iamnotthere 2>/dev/null12:38
gnomefreakOfficial_C: check in the settings there should be highlighting and autocomplete12:38
Ashexsomething tells me you're in the wrong channel Official_C12:39
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Official_CAshex, yes i am....is that a problem??12:39
Official_Cno, i dont believe i am sir12:39
gnomefreakOfficial_C: try #gaim or #kubuntu-offtopic12:39
Ashexjust saying, you're less likely to get help here12:39
LjLOfficial_C: not for me, but you *might* have better luck trying in a more relevant channel12:39
word|lostbyte|:  LjL Ok thanks. :D12:39
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LjLOfficial_C: i, for one, use KDE apps, so i'd not be very familiar with gaim or x-chat. #ubuntu people should be a little more i suppose12:40
unix_infidelhow long has marillat been down, or did it change URLs?12:40
gnomefreakunix_infidel: using debian repos on ubuntu is not a good idea12:40
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gnomefreakand last i heard they were working (yesterday)12:40
unix_infidelgnomefreak: works well enough, never had any problems.12:40
Official_Cok, thanks12:41
gnomefreakunix_infidel: its a good way to break things12:41
gnomefreakunix_infidel: its a warning its your pc do as you wish just letting you know12:41
Official_Cgnomefreak: didn't even know there was a #gaim channel12:42
unix_infidelgnomefreak: like i said, that's the only package i use from debian and i know it can break a system.12:42
unix_infidelgnomefreak: what URL was working yesterday.12:42
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LjLand like he said, it was just a warning. peace and love :)12:42
gnomefreakthe one for w32codecfs i dont have it off hand12:42
LjLunix_infidel: can you hand me the url so i'd try it?12:42
LjLunix_infidel: error12:43
LjLunix_infidel: there is no "debian-marillat" directory12:43
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gnomefreakthat doesnt look full eitehr12:43
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LjLwhat about this? http://mirror.eepis-its.edu/debian-marillat/12:44
unix_infidelLjL: i'm trying cipherfunk and sveas12:44
gnomefreakhttp://www.debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/ seems to work12:45
unix_infidelbtw, are there any other packages for gtk/gnome icons in a 3rd party repo?12:45
unix_infidelheh, now us.archive.ubuntu.com is hanging :P12:46
gnomefreakunix_infidel: get rid of the us.12:46
gnomefreakit should work fine than12:46
LjLPlease use se.archive.ubuntu.com or archive.ubuntu.com instead of us.archive.ubuntu.com for now.12:46
|lostbyte|HAve a nice day, Its Goodnight for me.. cya tomm.. Bye12:46
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gnomefreakmost icons are at gnome-look.org12:46
unix_infidelgnomefreak: thanks.12:47
gnomefreakthere isnt a "package" for them that im aware of12:47
LjLnot many deb packages there though i'm afraid12:47
unix_infidelgtk-apps are much better looking with nonstandard icons :)12:47
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unix_infideleg: evolution, gvim :)12:48
=== gnomefreak uses tux n tut or something like that for menus and gperfection2 for others iirc oh and like ff and tb icons
geneo93i like the svg icons12:49
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gnomefreakunix_infidel: installing gtk2 themes in the repos will give you all icons for different programs (if that make sense)12:49
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unix_infidelgnomefreak: yea it does and i did.12:49
unix_infideli'm wondering about 3rd party repos.12:49
Cooner750I want to know if it is possible to uninstall KDE and install Xfce12:49
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LjLCooner750: installing xfce is easy, sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop12:49
gnomefreaki dont think there is i know seveas doesnt none of the ones on easysource have them12:50
LjLCooner750: removing kde might be a little harder, but if you remove the main libs, almost everything will be removed12:50
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Ashexso, i'm having some trouble extracting a rar file. Ark can't open it an unrar doesn't work12:51
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LjLAshex: are you using unrar-nonfree or just the plain unrar?12:51
unix_infidelAshex: 7zip12:51
Ashexi downloaded it twice12:51
Ashexplain unrar12:51
unix_infidelark should be able to.12:51
Cooner750Do I change it from the login manager?12:52
LjLAshex: try nonfree then. the free one has a high failure rate12:52
gnomefreakCooner750: yes12:52
LjLCooner750: yes12:52
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression12:52
Ashexokay, I'll give it a shot12:52
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imachinethere seems to be problems with the dvd install for x8612:54
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imachinei was unable to make a successfull installation on a machine with more than one harddisk; installing on ide 2 master. referring to dapper here.12:55
AshexLjL: i do have non-free installed...12:55
imachinethought it might be worth to put that information or at least investigate.12:55
LjLimachine: if that's reproducible, it's probably worth making a bug report12:56
LjLAshex: what kind of errors does it give to you?12:56
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imachineLjL, i don't know about that; but i believe it is. i tried a few times, gave up and unplugged the hd, making the hd2 as primary ide. worked smooth. also, the qt installer crashes when choosing xfs as the main partition.12:58
imachinei dont remember about reiser.12:58
Ashex!tell me about pastebin12:58
imachinei stuck with ext3 out of lack of choices ;)12:58
imachineLjL, i think the moment where lilo/grub is installed is somewhat unspecified.12:59
LjLimachine: that sounds like reproducible enough to me. about xfs, i wouldn't know12:59
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu, please report it at http://bugs.ubuntu.com12:59
AshexLjL: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1623012:59
imachinealso, the breezy installer was a lot more verbose.12:59
imachinei miss that, can it be turned on on demend with dapper?12:59
imachineor is it aiming to be more 'user-friendly' eh ;)12:59
LjLimachine: yes, if you use the Alternate CD12:59
LjLimachine: don't know if there is a DVD version of that12:59
imachinealternate you say.12:59
imachinewell i liked the dvd, but i guess it's not much of a difference anyway.01:00
imachineLjL, is it listed in the main web page under the mirror list?01:00
imachinethe alternate you speak of.01:00
LjLimachine: yeah, now you have the "Desktop" CD and the "Alternate" CD. which used to be, respectively, the "Live" CD and the "Install" CD01:00
LjLimachine: it is01:00
imachinei see.01:00
imachinegreat news.01:00
imachinethanks for that.01:00
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LjLAshex: hmm, tried simply renaming it so it doesn't have a double extension?01:01
LjLimachine: i've heard other reports suggesting that the alternate cd installer (i.e. the old plain text installer) can be more reliable than the new graphics installer01:01
imachineLjL, actually, i tried the old installer anyway from the dvd.01:02
Ashexrenaming it? I've been enable to extract files with the same extensions01:02
imachineit too had issues with the two harddisks.01:02
LjLAshex: .part1.rar?01:02
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Ashexit's a split archive01:02
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LjLhm can't the file simply be corrupt?01:02
LjLAshex: failing everything else, couldn't you try winrar under wine?01:02
Ashexhmm, I'll give that a try01:03
imachineLjL, only the server install worked somewaht fine, however after logging into it, and performing apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, it showed the same error upon reboot, that is panic cannot mount root vfs.01:03
imachineprobably some lilo/grub crap.01:03
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imachinethat too did work with xfs.01:03
imachinewhich is cool01:03
imachine;] 01:03
LjLguess so, it's probably changing hda2 into hda1 or something like that01:03
LjLprobably fixable by editing /boot/grub/menu.lst, but still a serious bug sounds like01:04
AshexLjL: I think I got it working, i re-downloaded it a third time and it appears to be extracting now01:04
AshexI was using an application in wine to download them, so I guess that was screwing with it somehow01:05
imachineLjL, yes.01:06
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LjLAshex: could be, one never knows wine's mysteries well enough :)01:09
Ashexso, anyone know how to send a fax over the internet?01:09
AshexI don't feel like paying kinkos to do it01:10
LjLhmm, i know free services to *receive* a fax, but not to send one01:10
LjLalthough, don't you have a modem?01:10
AshexI don't have a phone line01:10
AshexI have a cell phone!01:10
geneo93use skype then01:11
Ashexskype to send a fax?01:11
LjLAshex: http://www.savetz.com/fax/01:11
gumpoA while ago i converted my Ubuntu 5.10 into Kubuntu - i recently tried using some of the KDE administrative tools, and it gives me error messages saying "conversation with su failed" when i enter my correct password. (all gnome applications accept it.) Anyone know who i can get around this? (sorry, i am very n00bish.)01:11
LjLgumpo: have you choosen to enable the root account, by any chance?01:11
gumpoNo, i didnt think you could with Ubuntu.01:12
LjLAshex: and i suppose your best bet would be http://www.tpc.int/01:12
LjLgumpo: you can, though i wouldn't advice doing that for a moment01:13
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Ashexthanks LjL01:13
gumpo...okay, id rather not ever do it, to tell the truth.01:13
LjLgumpo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=116514   http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/60685-i-cant-change-anything.html   http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-75114.html01:14
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gumpoOooh, thanks. I'll read over that.01:14
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AshexHmm, if it accepts postscript but not pdf, would printing to file create a postscript file for me to load?01:15
imachineLjL, man, you are like full-time over here ;-)01:15
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ubotuI know nothing about ipv^01:15
LjLimachine: not really, but when i am, i am ;-)01:15
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ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv401:16
imachineLjL, respect to your nerves of steel, i'd go crazy after 5 or 6 questions ;-)01:16
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ubotuI know nothing about mp201:16
imachinehmm, to disable, i'd like to enable ipv6 tho.01:16
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeFormats01:16
LjLAshex: i think it would, at least if you set your (non-existent) printer to postscript01:16
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LjLAshex: otherwise you could always use pdftops i suppose01:17
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AngryElfok, i'm beat, what package gets mp3s running?01:18
LjLAngryElf: read that page, it explains it all01:18
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AngryElfLjL, i installed libxine-extracodecs, doesn't work01:19
LjLAngryElf: well then your problem's not finding the right package01:20
AngryElfok, then what is?01:20
LjLAngryElf: are you using amarok to try playing? have you tried any other program?01:20
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LjLdo you have sound at all?01:20
AngryElfi dont want to use any other program01:20
AngryElfyes, sound is fine01:20
LjLi'm not telling you to, just trying to find where the problem lies.01:21
LjLtry another program, such as kaffeine01:21
AngryElfok, kaffeine works01:21
LjLok then01:22
HhhhhAngryElf, what program were you using before?01:22
AngryElfnm, i got it01:22
LjLamarok, settings, configure amarok, engine01:22
LjLdo you have "alsa" selected as "output plugin"?01:22
LjLdo you have "xine" selected as "sound system"?01:22
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imachineso far i see one significant improvement in ubuntu compared vs fbsd - i get some sigmatel controls of the 3d audio chip on my aureal vortex01:27
imachineplus, there is no compilation times ;)01:27
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imachineno mean to troll ofcourse, just expressing my cheer ;-)01:28
LjLimachine: you come from freebsd?01:28
imachineLjL, yes, i reckoned i'd try ubuntu for a change once 6 is out.01:28
imachineand now when it is, i did; and broke my fbsd hd with a grub install going wrong ;)01:29
LjLi think i ought to try freebsd out sometime01:29
imachinebut oh well i'll fix it later.01:29
imachinecheck it out, it's a great OS not only for servers.01:29
imachineespecially if you have x86 hardware. well, amd64 too for that matter but ;)01:29
imachinethats x86 with some kickups so.01:29
LjLi have plain x86. what would you say are some of its significant pros?01:30
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imachinethe only pita is the ports system with it's constant building and upgrading.01:30
LjLdon't they have binary packages?01:30
imachineLjL, speed; stability; cleanness.01:30
imachine<3 man pages01:30
imachineLjL, they do, but not as configurable as with apt.01:30
LjLconfigurable in what sense?01:30
imachineprebuilt that is, and if you wish to build them with certain compile-time options, you have to build them from source.01:31
AngryElfI've added a second panel, and would like to move my System Tray to it...Move doens't work, and I tried adding it as an applet, but it's not listed in the list.....so where is it to add it to a new panel01:31
LjLwell that's valid in ubuntu too though01:31
imachineLjL, well, you have dpkg-reconfigure01:31
LjLdpkg-reconfigure doesn't change compile-time options, it just changes config files01:31
imachineplus, the packages are built so that mostly its a matter of installing another package to add some capability.01:31
LjLbinary packages are built with the compile options they're built with01:31
imachinewell yes i suppose.01:32
imachinei havent used ubuntu for that long.01:32
imachinejust on my laptop a while ago.01:32
imachineloonix is better there with its mad hardware support; tho i couldnt scale the cpu as well as with fbsd, it only went to two speeds with ubuntu and down to 150Mhz with fbsd.01:32
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imachine(1600Mhz pentium4m)01:33
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ChicoryHmm ...01:33
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imachineLjL, what i like about fbsd is its documentation, i'm not fond of these 'faq's linux is full of.01:34
imachinethey seem awfully improfessional in many cases.01:34
ChicoryHey, is there something about the macromedia-alternative Firefox plugin that I'm not aware of?01:34
LjLwell, freebsd is one system, linux has a hundred or so different distributions01:34
imachineboth worlds could join up forces on that subject ;-)01:34
LjLi think that might be part of the reason for that01:34
imachineLjL, indeed.01:34
imachineLjL, tho freebsd shares some of its documentation work with other bsds.01:34
ChicoryI mean, I tried to install it ...01:35
LjLwell, man pages are shared here too, mostly ;-)01:35
imachinedue to their somewhat compatible structures, a few drivers get ported here and there.01:35
imachineLjL, plus, server wise, - pf.01:35
imachinei love pf.01:35
imachinefrom OpenBSD.01:36
LjLtell you what, i'll try a quick freebsd install in vmware right now01:36
imachinebut thats a matter of choice and preference, im sure linux firewalls are well capable too :-)01:36
imachinedo so.01:36
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imachinei wont be around long tho since its 1.30 am over here.01:36
=== unix_infidel wishes he had a vmware license
LjLunix_infidel: i don't have one01:37
imachineunix_infidel, you can try xen if you want to be all legite01:37
LjLi just installed vmware-player from multiverse01:37
ubotuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo01:37
unix_infidelLjL: how do you get the images.01:37
unix_infidelxen and qemu are a joke.01:37
LjLunix_infidel: http://www.virtualization.info/2005/12/guide-to-create-vmx-files-for-vmware.html01:37
LjLunix_infidel: qemu is most definitely not a joke01:37
unix_infidelwell, compared to vmware :P01:38
LjLby the way vmware server is free too (though not packaged in ubuntu)01:38
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imachineunix_infidel, xen is a very good thing.01:38
LjLunix_infidel: do you know about...01:38
ubotukqemu is a non-free kernel module for speeding up the QEMU virtual machine. Installation instructions can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/KQEmu Se also !qvm8601:38
unix_infidelLjL: lol, its easier to priate.01:38
imachineunix_infidel, running linux inside of NetBSD.01:38
unix_infidelLjL: yea...i never used it though.01:38
eXCeSSuse vmware01:38
imachinewithout massive slowdowns.01:38
imachine;] 01:38
eXCeSSkqemu is seriously, soooooooooooooo slow01:38
eXCeSSlike installing takes as longer than the microsoft clock says it should01:38
unix_infidelyea, like i said, its easier to pirate :P01:38
imachinewell, its emu.01:39
imachinei still think xen is the better choice.01:39
LjLvmware is seriously, sooooo proprietary ;-) though kqemu is too in fairness01:39
eXCeSSvmware runs photoshop for me amazing01:39
eXCeSSi couldnt even tell the differnce from wheni had win installed01:39
LjLimachine: actually, with kqemu qemu is no more an emulator than vmware is, i think01:39
sven_Hi folks, I edited the fstab file in Kubuntu and now I can't use sudo to gain root access. What can I do ?01:39
eXCeSSworking with 8x10 300dpi shitssss01:39
LjL(though both can and are called "emulators", but anyway)01:39
unix_infideleXCeSS: how do save the psd and image files?01:39
unix_infidellocally to where you can use them later?01:39
eXCeSSi have them saved in there i upload them to the site i work on01:40
LjLsven_: you edited it like what?01:40
imachineLjL, still a bit slower i'd think.01:40
eXCeSSunix_infidel: i think you can set usb drives to work i haven't tried though01:40
imachinedunno tho.01:40
imachineLjL, i didnt do any serious testing.01:40
eXCeSSunix_infidel: ill try it now and report back01:40
unix_infideleXCeSS: ahh, so you just export to a non virtual drive.01:40
unix_infidelor a network share?01:40
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LjLimachine: slower, probably, but no different (well not much) in theory. i was simply objecting to your "well, it's emu", it sounded like implying that vmware is not01:40
imachineLjL, ah yes.01:41
imachine;] 01:41
sven_LjL_: I edited the /etc/fstab file by running visudo.01:41
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LjLsven_: then you didn't edit fstab, you edited /etc/sudoers01:41
imachineyeah visudo shouldnt edit fstab ;)01:42
imachineif it does, something is seriously wrong there ;-)))01:42
eXCeSSunix_infidel: you can do shared folders which can do what i think you were asking01:42
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LjLsven_: you probably messed up your /etc/sudoers file a bit. that files lists who has root access01:43
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unix_infideleXCeSS: local shared folders or network shares?01:43
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eduhola   alguien sabe cmo poner aceleracin 3d con las ATI radeon en kubuntu dapper?01:43
sven_Oh, sorry. Anyway, now I can't do stuff that requires root access. What can I do?01:43
eXCeSSunix_infidel: it was an option in vmware and it works flawlessly01:43
imachineedu, try fglrx01:43
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edubut it don't work01:43
eXCeSSunix_infidel: you can save whatever file into a folder in your ext3 partitions01:43
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edui mean01:44
LjLsven_: restore your /etc/sudoers to a workable state. but you need to be root to touch it, so you'll need to boot in rescue mode, or use a live cd01:44
imachineedu, i put my radeon on the shelf01:44
edui installed it01:44
imachineand got a geforce01:44
edumy god01:44
eXCeSSunix_infidel: it pretends it on the 'network' but its just like a shared folder01:44
edui'm very happy with my ati (when it's on windows, lol)01:44
imachineedu, yes, ati is nice.01:44
imachinebut i was boned to use drm/dri01:44
eXCeSSedu: rofl me too01:44
LjLsven_: a reasonable /etc/sudoers file should look like this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1623701:44
eXCeSSedu: my new lappy is getting the nvidia treatment01:44
imachineand at the time, emulative linux-xorg libs inside of FreeBSD were old.01:45
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imachineso it didnt support some cool stuff new drm/dri did.01:45
eduwow, so... the only solution is to put a nvidia card?01:45
imachineedu, no.01:45
imachineofcourse not.01:45
LjLsven_: may i ask you why you run visudo anyway?01:45
eXCeSSedu: nope its just not as well supported01:45
eduyes, yes i know...01:45
imachineedu, but fglrx shoudl show some info01:45
imachinewhat's dmesg say ?01:45
eduhey, listen for my awful ati story01:46
edui installed fglrx, and changed the xorg.conf as usually01:46
eduand the driver loaded, but... 3d direct acceleratioin never comes! :(01:46
Ashexanyone know how to setup an hp scanjet in linux?01:46
imachinewhat does glxinfo say ?01:46
eXCeSSanyone know how to make links from gaim open in firefox, i have it set as preferred in konqueror but konqueror is like HAHA FUCK YOU I NEED TO OPEN THIS LINK01:47
eduin ubuntu 5.10 it worked...01:47
eduit says01:47
imachinemaybe there is some option you need to launch; like nvidia-glx-enable or something01:47
edu(wait a second)01:47
sven_LjL: I'm a bit new to Linux, and I wanted to gain root privilegies permanently.01:47
imachinesven_, sudo su01:47
imachine(but good luck breaking things later on ;))01:47
imachine(especially as you are new)01:47
eduedu@edu-desktop:~$ glxinfo | grep direct01:47
eduXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".01:47
LjLsven_: i see. well, that would have been the wrong way to do it. and doing that is a bad idea anyway. and additionally, you just had a demonstration of what messing with root without really knowing what you're doing means.01:48
eduXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".01:48
eduXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".01:48
eduError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual01:48
imachineedu, what's xorg.log say ?01:48
eduXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".01:48
eduXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".01:48
eduXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".01:48
LjLimachine: rather "sudo -i"01:48
eduXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".01:48
edusorry for the big extension01:48
imachineLjL, maybe ;) i dont use sudo much01:48
imachineLjL, i know sudo su works so ;] 01:48
eduit could be said, that it don't load the dri for ati, or something like01:48
LjL"sudo -i" or "sudo -s". "sudo -i" puts you in a predictable root environment (with /root as home dir, and all), so it's very much preferred.01:49
imachineLjL, oh i see.01:49
LjLeither is preferred to "sudo su", which is simply redundant01:49
imachinewell that's nice.01:49
eduif i use glx, indirect rendering,it works, of course01:49
imachineedu, anything about GLX in the log ?01:49
edunothing else01:49
imachineelse from what.01:50
edui am downloading the binary installer, to see if i'm lucky, but with my 56k connection, it takes a lot of time lol01:50
imachineedu, /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:50
LjLsven_: i suggest you boot into rescue mode and edit /etc/sudoers from there, making it look like the one i posted. hopefully you'll be able to log in from rescue mode. otherwise, use a live cd, mount your HD, and fix it from there01:50
edunothing else important about glx01:50
eduwell, sorry for my little english, hehehe01:50
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sven_LjL_: Thanks a lot!01:51
imachineedu, it's okay man i've seen worse ;)01:51
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eduoh, thanks hahaha01:52
imachineedu, so, what does that log say01:52
eduany idea about the ati big problem?01:52
imachinedid you check it ?01:52
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eduwhere's that log?01:52
imachine01:50 < imachine> edu, /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:52
MrBallZhi every101:52
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edui simply look at the terminal with glxinfo | grep direct01:52
edui'll see01:52
imachineedu, do as a i said, and look for some (EE) strings01:53
imachineor anything about glx01:53
imachineor ati01:53
MrBallZI've been running kubuntu for a couple of weeks , really nice,  this on my laptop ... and I was wondering if I should try  XGL ??  , I have an nvidia card, and I have the nvidia drivers all set, and It looks great,  GoogleEarth looks and works fast ... what do you suggest?01:53
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djeAnyone else having trouble with us.archive.ubuntu.com?  Is there another repository I can use as that one has been really slow lately?01:54
unix_infidelMrBallZ: if its on a laptop xgl can distrupt your sleep and hibernate functions.01:54
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MrBallZunix_infidel: mmm... and what about performance ... i mean, will XGL make it run more slugish,  i have a P4 1.8m , 512MB and the video card is a GeForce Go 420 with 16MB01:55
unix_infidelMrBallZ: yes it will run pretty slow.01:56
eduhey, imachine, i'm seeing something strange01:56
unix_infidelimho xgl isnt really worth it unless you are into spending hours exprimentng with linux software.01:56
MrBallZso, its basically  eye candy ?01:57
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MrObviousMrBallZ: Run E17 for eye candy.01:57
edu(WW) fglrx(0): * DRI initialization failed!                  *01:57
edu(WW) fglrx(0): * (maybe driver kernel module missing or bad) *01:57
edu(WW) fglrx(0): * 2D acceleraton available (MMIO)             *01:57
edu(WW) fglrx(0): * no 3D acceleration available                *01:57
MrBallZMrObvious: what is e17 ???01:58
MrObviousEnlightenment DR 0.1701:58
robotgeekedu: dont paste in here, but you are looking for (EE)01:58
eXCeSShttp://mcccxxxvii.com does my site work for any of you its broken for me wtf :(01:58
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eduEE? :-S01:58
MrBallZanother question:  regarding  wlassitant , when I conect to an access point or router, it doesn't perform a dhcp request ... i have to do it manually ... is there a setting to change the dhcp client it uses ... or any sugestions ?01:59
MrObviouseXCeSS: No01:59
robotgeekedu: lines starting with (EE)01:59
MrObviousMrBallZ: Same here. You'll just have to run sudo dhclient.01:59
MrObviousUnless someone knows a fix.02:00
MrBallZMrObvious: have you tried Kwifimanager ?  ... i installed it , but it doesn't detect " all the networks " that are surrounding ... don't know why ...02:01
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robotgeekkwifimanager is evil!02:01
robotgeekMrBallZ: if you are on dapper, you might prefer network-manager-kde02:02
eduhey robotgeek02:02
MrObviousMrBallZ: no02:02
robotgeekyes edu02:02
eduin EE lines there're errors about other things02:02
edusomething like "wacom"02:02
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eduit's for tablet pcs? ...02:02
robotgeekedu: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and pick vesa02:03
MrBallZrobotgeek: why is kwifimanager evil ...02:03
robotgeekMrBallZ: cause it does not work, but pretends like it does?02:04
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edubut then the 3d acceleration won't work, will it?02:04
MrBallZand I am in dapper ... so you mean to go each time to the system settings and the network conections ? instead of using wlassistant ...02:04
robotgeekMrBallZ: no, install network-manager-kde, it works nicer than wlanassistant02:04
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=== MrBallZ fires up Adept
eduwell... if everything works except 3d rendering, it must be something of dri or maybe this xorg version is not well supported by ati02:07
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MrBallZrobotgeek: is it in the normal repositories ... I can't see it ... I can see a " network manager"  ...02:08
CaptainMorganhow do I get mpg functioning?02:08
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeFormats02:08
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imachineedu, hmm.02:09
robotgeekMrBallZ: hmm, you are on dapper, right?02:09
imachineedu, solved it yet ?02:09
MrBallZrobotgeek: yes02:09
eduno :-(02:09
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edudid you see that info upper?02:10
imachineedu, yeah02:10
robotgeekMrBallZ: knetworkmanager sorry02:10
eduand what do you think?02:10
imachinei dont know really; you could try running X maybe with some more verbose level ?02:10
imachineedu, what's dmesg say ?02:10
MrBallZno problemo02:11
edudmesg? sorry, i'm a litlle noob02:11
eduwhat's that?02:11
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imachineedu, type 'dmesg' in a terminal02:12
MrBallZrobotgeek: ah , network manager is good for laptops ... should have installed that ... if I just knew02:12
robotgeekMrBallZ: its great for laptops (when it just works)02:12
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eduit says a lot of things, lol02:12
MrBallZrobotgeek: hahaha , when it works ? :P02:13
eduhowever, they don't look good02:13
MrBallZrobotgeek: and I asume the icon wont be there until the next reboot ... or where is it at ?02:14
imachineedu, anything about ati?02:14
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robotgeekMrBallZ: it should start up on its own, i am guessing02:14
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edui belive there isn't information about ati02:15
imachineedu, well... then i dont know ;)02:16
eduthere aren't any errors about ati or fglrx02:16
imachineyou could setenv some stuff like GLX_VERBOSE or  something.. and run glxinfo02:16
imachinebut i dont remember that setenv, you;d have to look on the dri wiki02:16
imachineedu, lsmod says the kernel module is present?02:16
eduwhen i type modprobe fglrx there aren't errors.....02:17
eduwait a second02:18
eduagpgart                34888  2 fglrx,via_agp      this one?02:18
MrBallZrobotgeek: hey , it looks much much better than kwifi  and wlassistant02:18
MrBallZim going to get rid of the other 202:18
imachineedu, yeah02:18
imachinei think02:18
robotgeekMrBallZ: cool02:19
imachineedu, modprobe? well. if it just loaded now, you might want to check out dmesg once more for info02:19
eduwell, it seems to be ok, isn't it?02:19
imachineedu, duno.02:19
eduok, but it was loaded at the start too, i think02:20
imachineok then02:20
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eduno errors, same as before02:21
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eduonly errors for hdd, but that is another story :P02:21
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edu(i thinks the automount crashed, only a bit)02:21
imachinedunno man02:22
imachine:] 02:22
imachinecant help you i suppose02:22
imachinegoogle ;)02:22
edubelieve me, i have googled a lot hahahaha02:22
eduperhaps i have to wait for a newer driver?02:23
eduin the log it said02:23
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imachineyeah, no GLX.02:23
edusomething about xorg 6.902:23
imachinebut you have glx in xorg.conf no02:23
imachinemaybe its incompatible with 6.902:23
imachinedunno! :] 02:23
imachine;D i got nvidia nad dont have problems ;p02:23
eduand dapper comes with 7.0, perhaps its unsupported, yup02:23
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eduthat's ...sad (for me)02:24
eduwell, it's late02:24
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eduthanks a lot for your support, imachine02:24
eduhope we'll talk again other day02:24
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imachineit's not like i helped02:25
eXCeSSwhen i switch to desktop 1 my taskbar isnt there02:26
eXCeSShow do i get it back02:26
eXCeSSi kinda need it02:26
uvvv2is that happening on kde?02:28
blitzI just installed wine using kubuntu's adept manager, but it stalls trying to create the directory to configure when I run "wine" or "winecfg" .. If I manually create the directory, I start getting all kinds of weird errors... anyone have a similar issue?02:28
uvvv2right click the taskbar, and.. let me se, i forgot what it says exactly02:28
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uvvv2click configure taskbar and than check 'show windows from all desktops' checkbox02:29
uvvv2is that it?02:29
eXCeSSlol its checked laready02:29
eXCeSSlemme try un doing it02:29
eXCeSSthen redoing it02:29
eXCeSSno thats just if it diaplayys the things in the bottom right02:30
uvvv2if that's not it, i can't help you. try playing with options in that taskbar conf. window...02:30
eXCeSSima reobot and if it happens again if not then desktop 2 3 4 and getting killed02:31
CaptainMorganwhat folder in Kaffeine defaulted to?02:32
CaptainMorganI don't see it in /usr/lib02:33
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thechrisWhat is the current reccomendation in regards to Kubuntu x86 vs Kubuntu amd64 for 64 bit processors?02:34
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thechrisi assume some 3rd party packages will not exist for amd64, and such02:34
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CaptainMorganwhere is Kaffeine?02:40
CaptainMorganwhere is the bot......02:41
thechrisi was wondering about that02:41
crimsunthe bot's right there.02:41
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thechrisi thougth you meant there was no Kaffeine for amd64.02:41
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ubotuI know nothing about kaffeine02:45
RadiantFireI wonder if I could add factoids02:47
ubotuI know nothing about kaffeine02:48
ubotuI know nothing about kaffiene02:48
RadiantFirethats wierd02:48
RadiantFirehe should know all packages02:48
LjL!info kaffeine02:48
ubotukaffeine: versatile media player for KDE 3. In repository main, is optional. Version 0.7.1-1.3ubuntu10 (dapper), package size 1528 kB, installed size 3748 kB02:48
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_zakHey can anyone tell me how to turn off hardware acceleration in the xorg.conf config file02:52
CheeseBurgerMan_zak: Yeah, pastebin the xorg.conf and I'll show you exactly where to edit it.02:52
_zakI'm on a windows machine ATM because the x serv crashes on the linux machine02:53
CheeseBurgerManAh, right. Duh. :)02:53
CheeseBurgerManOK, gimme a second.02:53
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_zakI know its under devic though02:53
CaptainMorganubotu where is Kaffeine installed?02:53
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CheeseBurgerMan_zak: Under section device add 'Option "noaccel" '02:54
_zakit says noaccel is an unsuitable statement, i tried that already02:54
thechrisCaptainMorgan: which kaffeine02:54
CaptainMorganmedia player02:54
thechrisCaptainMorgan: no, i mean `which kaffeine`  as per:  man which02:55
CaptainMorgan!media player02:55
ubotuI know nothing about media player02:55
unix_infidelthere is no substitute for a search engine.02:55
thechrismake no jokes about food in regards to man which...02:55
CaptainMorganwhich Kaffeine returns nothing02:55
_zakwhat is the command for a different text editor other than nano?02:56
thechrislowercase k02:56
CaptainMorganman which fills stomach?02:56
thechrisfills screen...02:56
CaptainMorganhmm.. usr/bin/kaffeine.. that should do it.. :)02:56
CheeseBurgerMan_zak: vi, kate, kwrite, pico, gedit02:56
geneo93install mc02:56
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CaptainMorgansweetness, thanks thechris02:58
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rendhalverhey can someone help me with a kdevelop problem? i asked in the kdevelop channel but its not very active03:01
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=== CaptainMorgan recalls one once said.. "don't ask to ask... just ask!"
_zakhey, now i have a problem that says "no screens found"03:02
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azzcohello I've got slight problem here... I'm trying to install wine and I'm supposed to enter the root password...but I don't recal any root password03:03
azzcois the root password blank or is it the password that's assigned to my account on the computer?(only got one account on the comp)03:04
lwizardlazzco, root password should be the same as the user pass03:04
azzcooh okay03:04
ubotusudo is is a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.03:05
azzcowell I tried that...several times and still it wont work :(03:05
lwizardlunless you enabled the root user use sudo03:05
_zaki have error with no screens found, can someone help?03:05
azzcoyeah I know what sudo is but wine isn't letting me use sudo command03:05
azzcoI'll be back in a while03:05
lwizardldid you enable the repo's03:05
azzcolwizardl: repo's?03:06
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lwizardlbasically the multiverse & universe sources03:06
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bioticproAnybody here use Nvidia 6200 card on linux?03:07
_zaknaa, i got 7900gt and lg monitor, wiht a no screens error. please help03:07
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unix_infidelhow do i configure the time zone?03:09
KuLoverHiya, what does it mean when I get "Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init" during boot?03:09
ubotuI know nothing about timezone03:09
Mickey_I have something that should be easy.  I am running Kubuntu and don't have 'make' working.  I tried apt-get with no success and yum isn't installed, I tried d/l deb packages....  any help is much appreciated03:09
ubotuI know nothing about region03:09
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for a pre-built package first!)03:10
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azzcookay I'm back03:10
azzcoDesktop/wine-0.9.15~winehq0~ubuntu~5.10.orig the row after that it says Password: so I enterd my user password03:11
azzcogot this as an answer Desktop/wine-0.9.15~winehq0~ubuntu~5.10.orig03:11
azzcohuh not copying right =/03:11
azzcowell anyways it says authentic faiure...03:12
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Mickey_Thank you ubotu!03:12
azzcoI really don't knwo what could be wrong... I've been fiddling with wine the whole day and this is as far as I've gotten03:12
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KuLoverMickey, YOu know ubotu is a bot ;)03:13
CaptainMorganis there another system browser besides Konqueror available? Alt-L and Q to remove a window is just.. well.. annoying...03:13
CaptainMorganaccustomed to my Alt-F X03:13
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GullyFoylehrm kde is running extremely slowly and giving me errors about dcopserver. in my home direcory i see 2 dcopservers. shouldnt there only be one?03:14
Mickey_Kinda figured, but oh such a helpful bot, maybe not as helpful as lopez but hey!03:15
unix_infidelfor some reason my time zone changed to moscow sporadically.03:15
unix_infidelhow can i change it back...there's no dpkg-reconfigure option for it.03:15
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Ashexanyone know how to transfer music to minidiscs in linux?03:17
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CaptainMorganwouldn't that be the same as if it were a 600mb regular CD ? Ashex03:17
_zakCan someone help me with a no screens found03:17
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CaptainMorganjus the size if recognized as smaller03:18
ubotuDisks store lots of data. Partitioning: try gparted or qtparted  - Formatting: see the manpage for mkfs  - Mounting: system -> administration -> disks03:18
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eXCeSSis there a way to enable the automatic mounting of usb hard drive on boot, with out messsing with fstab03:18
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AshexCaptainMorgan: Minidiscs Aren't the same as Compact Discs03:20
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CaptainMorganAshex: aren't they read as easily?03:20
eXCeSSno they need a reader03:20
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Mickey_eXCeSS I had one automount and another wouldn't mount at all, still scratching my head on that one.03:21
eXCeSSMickey_:  shit thanks tho03:21
eXCeSSit has to mount before ktorrent loads or ktorrent removes the torrents from the queue03:22
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eXCeSSwoohoo physics regents tomorrow03:24
AshexDamnit, I guess I'm stuck using Windows to transfer music :/03:25
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eXCeSSnot windows03:26
eXCeSS:( *03:26
CaptainMorganeXCeSS:  regents?03:26
AshexI can't get Sonicstage to install under Wine03:26
DrBairgood ole regents03:26
eXCeSSoh yeah state tests03:26
eXCeSSAshex: use vmware03:26
AshexMaybe I'll use VMware to load the windows on my other drive03:26
_bonjust got back from holiday and did an update and it has changed my xorg.conf file so kdm doesnt start here is the log http://pastebin.com/724579 this is my xorg.conf that doesnt work http://pastebin.com/72458503:28
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eXCeSShttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regents_Examinations check out ny03:28
eXCeSSwoo yea03:28
AshexOne of the advantages to having gmail for you domain. You can set it up so that any email sent to a non-existent email address is forwarded to yours03:29
eXCeSSthats sort of really awesome03:30
eXCeSSexcept i think spammers would love that03:30
Ashexbut Gmail does a good job of filtering it out03:30
RadiantFiredid you hear about the guy who had verizon cell phone and ended up getting all these internal testing IM's03:30
RadiantFirecuz he set his user name to null03:30
Ashexoccasionally one or two slip through and pop-up in my inbox, but it's usually clean03:30
RadiantFirethats so hilarious03:31
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RadiantFirespamasssasin fails at life03:31
eXCeSSyeah that shit is awesome03:31
RadiantFireI've never had spam blocked from kmail or evolution or any e-mail client03:31
eXCeSSdoes thunderbird have spam extensions?03:31
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MussorgskyI can't find the old wiki documentation... where is it now?03:32
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h3sp4wnspamassasin is not that bad to setup03:32
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bimberiMussorgsky: some has been moved to help.ubuntu.com. what in particular?03:33
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Mussorgskythe page on restricted formats, for example03:34
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Mussorgskythis is on the wiki home page: Note - the community wiki is now on the Community Docs section on this website03:34
MussorgskyI loooked everywhere for this "Community Docs" section03:35
bimberiMussorgsky: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats redirects to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats03:35
Mussorgskydid not redirect me03:35
Mussorgskyoh, I see03:36
Mussorgskythere's a community docs tab in help.ubuntu.com03:36
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bimberinp, i agree that the bit on the front page of the wiki can be done better - *fixes*03:37
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Mussorgskymaybe a direct link03:37
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto and !easysource03:38
bimberiyes, i'll change the words Community Docs to be a link to it on h.u.c03:38
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doobehHi, I'm having a bit of a problem regarding sound.  I've essentially got two soundcards, the onboard one, and my USB headset03:42
doobehboth are recognised, but how do I pick the either one as the temporary default?03:43
osirisusing alsa ?03:43
doobehI believe so :)03:44
osiris /dev/dsp should be onboard, and /dev/dsp0 or dsp1 should be the headset03:44
osirisdepends on what your trying to configure mostly03:44
=== RawSewage [n=rawsewag@71-34-243-139.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Kubuntu
CaptainMorganthis is a KDE specific issue.... has to be. .Gnome didn't have this problem - Firefox will not completely install flashplayer.. every site visited and it says "click here to install" and it finds the player and installs it but then it somehow removes it right away... any ideas?03:45
osirisCaptainMorgan, have you tried installing the plugin by hand ?03:46
CaptainMorganosiris: yes03:46
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osirishave you checked the about:plugins tab, to see if its loading it ?03:46
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osirisand by hand i mean actually copying the .so file into the plugin directory ?03:47
Frederickfolks what wierd version of xchat is ubuntu shipping?03:47
CaptainMorganabout:plugins tab?03:47
osiristype about:plugins in the firefox address bar03:47
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CaptainMorganosiris: .. that .so placing into plugin dir I did not do.....03:47
CaptainMorganosiris: about:plugins returns nothing installed.. which Im not surprised by03:48
osirisCaptainMorgan, try that.  that should fix you up03:48
CaptainMorganit always says successful then immediately removes it03:48
CaptainMorganwhere do I get the .so file? apt-get ?03:49
osiristhe installer should create one03:49
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osirislemme look for it03:49
CaptainMorganths is what messes me up03:49
CaptainMorganim in the dir now and the .so file IS THERe103:50
CaptainMorganand flashplayer.xpt03:50
CaptainMorganthe only two there03:50
CaptainMorganI dont' get it03:50
osirisare they in usr/lib/mozilla/plugins or ~/.mozilla/plugins03:51
azzcopheew I made a post about my problem... the admin there runs kubuntu too I think or at least he knows a bit about it (it was he who got me into kubuntu and made me install wine) well anyways if anyone would feel like trying to help me I've posted my problem here http://www.excalibur-holland.net/phpnuke/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=5334#533403:51
doobehat the moment, under the xine audio configuration, it's got the "device used for stereo output" as "plug:front:default"03:51
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Bennnerhi everyone, i'm looking for help with samba.. i can see the linux-pc from my xp machines, but all the folder are not accessible, i tried alots of thing... edit smb.conf, add user, smbpasswd etc.. what i want is each share need a different password for read or read/write03:52
doobehwould that be where I put in /dev/dspX ?03:52
osiristry and sudo cp them from ~/.mozilla to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins03:52
CaptainMorganosiris: same files need to be in /usr/lib/mozzil?03:52
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doobehanswered my own question (yes) :)03:53
doobehNext question is, can I script that?03:53
osirisdoobeh, i have never seen that before, but i would assume that is where you put it03:53
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doobehCan I have a little script I run to set it to /dev/dsp and /dev/dsp1 ?03:53
osirisdont know.  if xine has a cli switch to change audio output devices you could, but i dont know THAT much about xine03:54
doobehOkay, I'll head over and have a poke about, cheers for the help Osiris03:55
osirisdoobeh, might try xine --help or man xine03:55
osirisno prob03:56
CaptainMorganosiris: sudo cp'n the file to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins was successful but firefox is still not playing or using the file03:56
CaptainMorganabout:plugins still comes up empty03:56
osirisdid you try installing flashplayer as root and as user03:57
Bennnerhi everyone, i'm looking for help with samba.. i can see the linux-pc from my xp machines, but all the folder are not accessible, i tried alots of thing... edit smb.conf, add user, smbpasswd etc.. what i want is each shares need a different user/password for read or read/write03:57
osirisCaptainMorgan, then im stuck.  thats usually about all it takes to get a plugin working03:58
CaptainMorganI know.... can't be this difficult which is why Im wondering if it's a bug...03:58
CaptainMorganthe way it successfully installs and immediately rejects appears on the surface like a bug03:59
osirislemme move to a different pc03:59
nixternalif i configure from scratch and i need to --prefix the kde headers..what is the exact location....   isn't it --prefix=/usr/lib/kde304:00
=== BluDog_Anchorite [n=osiris@c-71-205-8-48.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
BluDog_AnchoriteCaptainMorgan, pm me the address of the site your testing flash on04:01
BluDog_Anchoriteif your identified that is04:02
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BluDog_AnchoriteCaptainMorgan, just paste the link here. i can see your not identified04:04
CaptainMorganhm... Im identified.. .04:04
Bennnersomebody can help me with my problem?04:04
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto04:05
CaptainMorganidentifed now.. hmm.. gotta get Konversation to auto identify .....04:05
=== orient2000 [n=orient20@CPE0015e96c0cd3-CM0014f85e8fb0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
CaptainMorganauto config Konversation requires Settings/Identities - service = /msg nickserv identify ... correct?04:08
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BluDog_AnchoriteCaptainMorgan, results are in pm04:11
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kyle_would anyone have any idea why I cannot load Xmoto or any other 3d game for that matter04:16
HawkwindDo you have 3D video drivers installed correctly ?04:16
kyle_it detected and has my card loaded as a Nvidia geforce FX generic (geforce 6600GT) and i have the Nvidia-glx package installed?04:19
HawkwindBut did you do all the steps to get 3D running ?04:19
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your monitor, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto04:19
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Azzcohi I\ve got a slight problem here...I did something wrong when trying to configure my video card and after I restarted xserver everything went blue... I\ve booted from CD how do I fix this_04:20
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kyle_Hawkwind: !nvidia     it says the event is now found when i type it into konsole?04:22
osirishey Hawkwind, how goes the day04:22
orient2000Where can I get some DVD rip software guys?04:22
Hawkwindkyle_: Did you go to that URL the bot stated ?04:22
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Hawkwindosiris: Good good.  Just stumbled out of bed from taking a nap :P04:24
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Azzcocan someone plz help me a bit?04:24
kyle_Hawkwind: haha oops, was a llttle preoccupied searching forums, i am headen there now04:24
osirisAzzco, you could try copying the xorg.conf from the live version yer running, and puting it in your installed /etc/X11 dir04:25
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Azzcothx I\ll try that04:26
osirisbackup you original first04:26
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Azzconot used to non swedish layout on keyboard04:26
Azzcoosiris: one question...I can\t do anything when not booted from live cd...can I do this from the CD_04:28
HawkwindThere is a command you can run to reconfigure your X server04:28
osirisAzzco, thats what im hoping04:28
osirisnever been in that particular situation myself04:28
AzzcoHawkwind: you know the command from the top of your head_04:29
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Azzcoosiris: allways good to know if it works right ;) it seems that there will be more then one learnign something from this :)04:29
osirisgotta love the OSS comunity04:29
Azzcohehe I have only used linux for about a day and a half and I love it yeah04:30
osirisstanding on the shoulders of giants, are we04:30
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CaptainMorganosiris: cheers mate - worked04:32
osirisCaptainMorgan, congrats d00d04:32
osirisglad i could help04:32
CaptainMorganin Konv's Settings/Identities - Auto identify what do I put in the 'service' field? I can't get it to auto identify me....04:32
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aeon17xcomposite on kubuntu is very stable now, yay04:33
HawkwindAzzco: Nope.  I know it's some dpkg command04:33
aeon17xkicker used to crash every now and then when I did it on breezy04:33
Azzcooh okay I was just going to start searching on google04:33
h3sp4wndpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:33
Ashex!tell me about vmware04:34
Hawkwindh3sp4wn: Thank you :)04:34
Hawkwindh3sp4wn: I just pulled info in the bot and was about to look at a webpage to find the answer :)04:34
HawkwindAzzco: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:34
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Azzcothx Hawkwind04:35
=== GullyFoyle [n=jon@c-71-235-79-251.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
GullyFoylehrm is there a way for Konversation to be on more than one irc server at a time?04:35
CheeseBurgerManGullyFoyle: Yeah, you can use F7 or just '/server servername'04:36
GullyFoyleCheeseBurgerMan: ah, ok, that's how you do it in console clients04:37
GullyFoyleCheeseBurgerMan: /server that is04:38
CaptainMorgananyone know how to auto identify ? http://konversation.kde.org/ is slow to load the handbook.....04:38
CheeseBurgerManGullyFoyle: Yeah. I gathered. ;)04:38
CaptainMorganbeen waiting04:38
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Azzcookay Hawkwind you still there or was it h3sp4wn who helped well anyways will this change the live CD version running in ram or will this tke affect on my HD?04:40
CaptainMorgangot it... Nickserv04:40
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ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeFormats04:47
=== ChefWill_ is now known as ChefWill
h3sp4wnAzzco: It will change the running version - you will have to restart kdm with /etc/init.d/kdm restart04:49
h3sp4wnAzzco: Once you know it is working you could copy /etc/X11/xorg.conf to your drive04:49
AzzcoI can\t touch anything in the drive it seems >*04:49
Azzcoor can I from terminal?04:50
h3sp4wnYou should be able to mount it from the live-cd04:50
Azzcoyou mean right click then mount_04:51
Azzcoare we talking about gui or terminal?04:51
h3sp4wnI don't know anything about the gui04:51
Azzcohehe I dont know anything about either gui or mount :)04:52
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Azzcodo you mind helping me with the comands?04:52
h3sp4wnIs it actually working how you want it at the moment ?04:53
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AzzcoATM yes04:54
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h3sp4wnWhy are you running off the live cd anyway ? It would be easier if you just booted into recovery mode and ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg from there04:54
Azzcooh...well this is the first time that anything happend to me in linux and the first thing I thought of was the live cd :)04:55
Azzcookay I will run it fron recovery mode insted then ;)04:55
h3sp4wnIt would be easier04:55
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Azzcookay I will be back in a while then ;)04:56
kyle_got it working, thank you :)04:56
Azzcooops not that chat lol04:56
m5mI'm stuck: upgraded to Dapper a couple of weeks ago, was having a stuck-mouse on boot problem (don't know if it's related) had to re-plug it for it to function... Now, after a random crash (system became fully unresponsive during a dvd::rip session (a perl-based app), My system will NOT load KDE/X at all... I'm in term 1 screen session irssi here, startx and sudo kdm get me to the blue font, super-low-resolution "kubuntu loading"04:56
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n0ctuRnaL-fieNdhow can i do a console debug?04:59
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n0ctuRnaL-fieNdor how can i get a lost console debug output?05:00
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m5mdunno n0ctuRnaL-fieNd ... it seems like a quiet hour in here05:03
Official_Cno clue05:03
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdyeah , everyone went to sleep05:03
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regeyaall us northern-hemisphere have gotten a long day of sun, so now we're sleeeeeeeeeepy05:05
m5mgmt -8 here, I'm kinda sleepy but the sun's still up :-)05:06
Ashexwell that sucks05:07
AshexI can't boot windows in VMware05:07
h3sp4wnqemu with the kqemu module is almost as fast as vmware05:08
Ashexwill it load windows though. I have it installed on another hard drive and I want to load it05:08
m5mFigured out my issue I think, something with nvidia module & updated kernel incompatibility05:10
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Ank_186hello folks - anyone have any experience downloading icon themes?05:11
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdyes , i got a few icon themes05:12
Ank_186and you didn't have problems getting them onto your system?05:12
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdi did, but then i found the right menu05:12
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ubotuFor help with Microsoft windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. Also see http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 - !equivalents - http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm05:13
KullyFoylejust had to see05:13
Ank_186okay, I keep getting a message like "not a valid icon theme archive" did you ever get that?05:13
m5mthat's funny :-P05:13
tourentsorry to bother, i'm trying to switch over a stock ubuntu install to kubuntu- should i just install "kubuntu-desktop" package and uninstall "gnome-desktop"?05:13
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdAnk_186: what are you using as the files?05:14
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Ank_186I'm at a website called kde-look and I'm just trying to download one of its selections05:14
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdAnk_186: ur in the kcontrol /appearance/icons/ right?05:14
robotgeektourent: install with aptitude05:14
tourentso stop synaptic process?05:15
tourenti'm at the downloading stage now05:15
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n0ctuRnaL-fieNdAnk_186: what file did you download?05:15
Ank_186nothing it won't take05:16
robotgeektourent: let it be then05:16
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tourentam i on the right track- installing kde and taking off gnome?05:16
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Ashexwhere would I grab kqemu?05:16
Ank_186keep getting an error message about it not being a valid icon theme archive05:16
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdAnk_186: remember , dont extract the packages, just select the package u download from the icon theme menu05:16
azzcohehe h3sp4wn I'm running from drive again :D altough I'll probably have to reconfigure resolution05:17
azzcothx for the help =D05:17
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdAnk_186: alsp some icones might not be compatible because of different file formats etc ,05:17
tourentrobotgeek: install kde then uninstall gnome?05:17
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n0ctuRnaL-fieNdAnk_186:have to look what kde version it was made for05:18
Ank_186that's kinda picky05:18
robotgeektourent: yes, to remove ubuntu remove "libgtk2.0-0"05:18
tourentrobotgeek: that's it, just the single package?05:19
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robotgeektourent: yeah, but all of ubuntu depends on it :)05:21
tourentwill i be able to boot then :)05:21
robotgeektourent: if you have disk space, let it be :05:21
Ashexokay, I just did ./install && make && make install for kqemu05:25
Ashexand I don't see it anymore :/05:25
Ashexactually nevermind05:26
AshexI'll be a good user and check the docs05:26
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n0ctuRnaL-fieNdi installed kdevelop but dont know how to start it05:30
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CheeseBurgerMann0ctuRnaL-fieNd: run 'kdevelop3'05:33
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdahh yes , the 3 part , this lunux apps get tricky05:33
m5mMy usb-mouse fails to control the cursor on boot.  unplugging and replugging the mouse fixes the issue.  I can't find anything on the forums, anyone have a clue?05:34
geneo93guess it likes hotplug better than clodplug05:35
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geneo93turn off ps2 in bios05:36
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bleakedso why do the kubuntu devs mess with the menu structure of konqueror?  it's really quite confusing and makes people in #kde far less eager to help you..05:39
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bleakedi'm now at my second item this week that i literally cannot find anywhere in konqueror..quite ridiculous05:39
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CheeseBurgerManbleaked: you can get the default profiles back -- lemme search for how.05:40
bleakedthere are also other annoying things..05:40
bleakedlike when i click up directory, the view mode always changes to large ugly icons..05:41
bleakedthe devs in #kde say it's a long known kubuntu-specific problem.05:41
CheeseBurgerManI dunno, I have mine setup with the default view mode.05:41
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n0ctuRnaL-fieNdbleaked: if u use high quality icons it wont be ugly ,  128x12805:45
bleakedwhoa..after going back to the original profiles, konq is very noticeably quicker..05:47
bleakeddidn't expect that..05:47
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thechrisadept loaded once05:54
thechrisnow it won't05:54
thechrisnvidia-glx or some package by a similar name didn't install from adept05:54
thechrisis apedt broken?05:55
n0ctuRnaL-fieNddo, sudo apt-get install -f05:57
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdthat should fox broken packages05:58
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=== RavenTest [n=raven301@London-HSE-ppp3547922.sympatico.ca] has joined #Kubuntu
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdadept sometimes doesnt start05:58
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdfor no reason05:58
thechrisnow adept loaded and seems to be allowing the installl.  just trying to dowload headers05:58
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdi think the adept fails to start because it has something to do with the sudo password being stored in memory for certain period05:59
thechristhat sudo thing is really annoying.05:59
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdyeah , but its better then windows06:00
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdsecurity wise06:00
thechriswell, yes.  though vista seems to be taking my idea06:00
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdwhat idea is that?06:00
thechrisbasically a "secure click".06:01
thechrisinstead of typing a password, allow the user to click "ok"06:01
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdthats sounds like a good idea , but how do you implement it so the hacker doesnt just have to hit ok to gain root access?06:02
thechrisit lacks physical security06:03
thechristhe idea is just to keep software from installing itself.  anyone who can gain access to the computer probably has either physical access or a remote access password.06:04
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdit would also only be good for home users with one account , u cant have something like that in a school or an office06:04
=== Frederick [n=imanewbi@unaffiliated/frederick] has joined #kubuntu
Frederickfolks why does kubuntu doesnt have colors in terminal? even vim is black and white =/06:05
h3sp4wn:syntax on06:05
thechrisyou could.  the logged in users would not be given access to the secure click, or would have to issue a password.  only the "power user" would have the option for "secure click"06:06
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thechrisFrederick: IIRC you need to modify your ~/.bashrc06:06
thechrisi think there is a "colors" option or such06:06
h3sp4wnYou can just make sudo not ask for a password06:06
Frederickthechris, can you give em a link for a tuto?06:06
thechrisFrederick: sorry, this is just from experience with other distros06:07
unix_infidelFrederick: what do you mean by "colors"06:07
thechrisoh i just want to punch kubuntu's X11 package06:08
thechriseat me "users cannot start X servers"06:08
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tourentwhat are some good kde file sharing applications?06:09
thechrisIIRC there is a bittorrent client installed by default06:10
tourentcan one look up 'audio media' using bittorrent?06:10
regeyano one does file sharing anymore. ;-)06:10
regeyathat would be discussing wares, tourent06:11
regeyasheesh, I look like a lamer06:11
thechrisheh.  l4mz0R06:11
geneo93try ktorrent for search06:11
=== thechris is being investigated by the RIAA for that last comment...
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tourenti'm trying to be as non-contraversial as possible06:12
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tourenti'm coming from limewire on windows, and i'm trying to figure out what to use06:13
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regeyanot that I condone such behavior, but java's easy to install (it's on the wiki somewhere, hang on) and limewire is just a java app06:14
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java06:14
regeyawell not "just" a java app but there's a generic package06:14
Frederick!vim colors06:14
ubotuI know nothing about vim colors06:14
ubotuI know nothing about konsole06:15
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ubotuI know nothing about console06:17
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdwhats the deal with installing new version of apps over the old ones? is it ok , not ok , doesnt matter?06:18
regeyan0ctuRnaL-fieNd: ???06:19
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdlets say i have app 1.1 installed , i want to install app 1.3 , do i have to remove app 1.1 before installing app 1.3?06:20
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Frederickany ideas for me?06:21
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thechrisso kubuntu lasted all of 30 minutes...06:21
thechrisand it seems now kdesu has broke06:21
thechrisand twinview doesn't work06:22
thechrisi can enable it in system settings, but the apply button is greyed out06:22
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdFrederick: it does have colors , sometimes , depends on what it displays06:22
TalentedChimpwhat is the format for adding local sources to sources.list?06:22
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdFrederick: type ls command in a folder that has folders and files , see if it shows any colors06:23
thechriswell, that doesn't count06:23
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdwhy not06:23
thechrisif you look at .bashrc it explicitly colorizes the output of ls06:23
Frederickn0ctuRnaL-fieNd, still black and white06:24
thechrisnow, i know there is a color on, color off option in vim somewhere06:24
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdlet me go find it06:24
FrederickI got a vim theme it fixored vims problem06:25
Frederickbut for the term it self i got no idea06:25
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdtry this command ls --color=auto06:25
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FrederickMUCH better06:26
Frederickwhere do I add it?06:26
Frederickmyuser@myhost:~ still uncoloured :p06:27
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdhow many colors do u want?06:28
geneo93it will do 256 colors06:28
thechrisso, kdesu broke...06:29
thechristook me all of 30 minutes to break things06:29
geneo93sudo apt-get install bb then bb06:29
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdgeneo93: so how do u enable colors for everything in the console/?06:29
thechrisX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16906:30
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Frederickgonna sleep ad fix it tommorow cya folks06:31
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CellarDoorargh Apollon is a pain to setup06:37
CellarDoorHas anyone actually set this thing up without popping a vein ?06:38
robotgeekCellarDoor: checked the desktop guide?06:41
CellarDoorrobotgeek: I'm trying to work my way through a howto someone posted at the ubuntu site... I just have no patience is all06:41
robotgeekCellarDoor: hmm, try the desktopguide's instructions?06:42
ubotudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com06:42
thechrisso, anyone know what might be wrong with kdesu06:43
robotgeekCellarDoor: help menu?06:44
thechrisit gives no errors related to its lack of working06:44
CellarDoorI think all I need to do is copy the conf files06:46
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CellarDoorrobotgeek: I think I've just about got it sorted now06:51
robotgeekCellarDoor: cool06:53
CellarDoorrobotgeek: gnutella is working... I think I just have to chown fasttrack and openft now06:54
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CellarDoorFastTrack and OpenFT arent connecting for some reason06:59
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CellarDoorI just tried to edit a file using kate and I got a dialogue saying "cannot talk to klauncher"07:01
CellarDoorIs this bad ?07:01
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robotgeekCellarDoor: i would guess so07:04
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PizmarHi, can someone help me with installing packages from external repositories?07:07
PizmarMore specifically, bmpx07:07
PizmarOr can anyone tell me what BREAK(install) means?07:08
Pizmarin adept07:08
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robotgeekPizmar: means installing will break your system07:09
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PizmarWhat why would it break my system???07:18
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PizmarSorry for my freakishly delayed response07:19
crimsunit has the /potential/ to break your system07:19
crimsunI haven't personally audited that package, so I can't speak for it07:19
crimsunon the other hand, I do know precisely how to generate a legit deb for bmpx in a pbuilder since I've been doing it for several months07:20
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DaSkreechI tried to boot my Kubuntu drive from another machine and couldn't mount the root file system07:32
DaSkreechWhats up?07:32
DaSkreechj #ubuntu07:32
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org07:33
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elknof3hi everybody, can someone help me whit this??  i have no idea how to set up a script... (even don't know what is this)07:35
DaSkreechelknof3: You mean a bash script?07:36
emonkeyA script is only a textfile which can be executed07:37
emonkeyso create a file at .kde/Autostart in youre home directory07:37
emonkeywrite this two lines in there:07:38
emonkeyups wrong paste07:38
emonkeywrite this two lines in there:07:38
thechrisis there a kdesu lock file or something that would prevent kdesu from working07:38
emonkey #!/bin/bash07:38
emonkey xmodmap /home/figura/bin/hotkeys07:38
emonkeythe last thing you've to do ist to give the right to execute thefile07:38
emonkeygo to the file preferences and give exetue rights to the file07:39
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emonkeysorry execute07:39
emonkeyelknof3, that should work07:39
elknof3what do you mean creating a file at .kde/Autostart??   im ok in all except of the .kde/Autostart step...07:39
emonkeyyouve got a directory .kde in your home and there is a directory autostart07:40
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emonkeyeverything in this directory will be executed after your login in kde07:41
elknof3if i dont have that directory  i need to create it... isn't it??07:42
emonkeyyou've already created the other file in your bin?07:42
emonkeyyou've this directory, you can't see it because there is a . in the beginning aof the directory name07:42
elknof3ok ok...07:43
elknof3let me see...07:43
emonkeyyou can see it if you enable to see hidden files07:43
emonkeyor you can type the adress in the adress bar of konqueror for e.g.07:43
elknof3emonkey, sorry what would be the name for the file at .kde/Autostart?07:46
elknof3i've already created tha hotkeys file at bin07:46
emonkeyelknof3, that's no important choose one you want07:46
elknof3emonkey, could it be the same??  "hotkeys"07:47
emonkeysure it can07:47
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elknof3emonkey, this message came up "The file or folder file:///home/.kde does not exist."07:52
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emonkeythat's in your home07:54
elknof3sorry if i'm a little bit slow...  but i'm starting07:54
elknof3now i get it07:54
emonkeykozz, sorry my english too.... it isn't really good i know.07:54
elknof3no pro...  where are you from??07:55
jaggedDoes anyone know why I can't find the apache2 package for Dapper?07:55
emonkeyups completition failure07:55
emonkeyelknof3, from Switzerland, where u from?07:55
elknof3emonkey, mexico07:55
emonkeyjagged, maybe its in universe07:55
Hobbsee!find apache07:56
ubotuFound: apache2, apache2-common, apache2-doc, apache2-mpm-perchild, apache2-mpm-prefork (and 147 others)07:56
jaggedI've added universe to my Adept07:56
emonkeyelknof3, o grats to catch the wm final rounds :)07:56
Hobbsee!info apache207:56
ubotuapache2: next generation, scalable, extendable web server. In repository main, is optional. Version 2.0.55-4ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 34 kB, installed size 80 kB07:56
Hobbseeer, it should be in main....07:56
Hobbsee!info apache2 dapper07:56
ubotuapache2: next generation, scalable, extendable web server. In repository main, is optional. Version 2.0.55-4ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 34 kB, installed size 80 kB07:56
emonkeyoh it's in main07:56
jaggeddocs are wrong ... still I have main07:57
emonkeyjagged, plz show your sources.list in pastebin07:57
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orient2000Where can I get some DVD rip software guys?07:59
ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages07:59
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elknof3emonkey, hey thanks dude, thanks a lot...08:01
jaggedhahaha pastebin crached08:01
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emonkeyelknof3, no prob08:01
jaggedok looks like pastebin is on the fritz ... alternative someone ?08:02
Hobbseejagged: pastebin.ca08:03
jaggedthere is my sources.list08:03
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto and !easysource08:03
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emonkeyjagged, you haven't enabled main...08:04
Hobbseejagged: the installer has commented out main - how about you uncomment the deb and the deb-src lines, and try again08:04
Hobbseeemonkey: looks like the installer did it08:04
jaggedhmmm wierd I thought I had uncommented them08:04
emonkeyHobbsee, k... I even have seen that08:04
emonkeyups my poor english08:05
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emonkeyI've never ever seen that...08:05
orient2000https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. was not found08:05
jaggedgah ... opps I'd uncommented dapper-updated08:05
emonkeyorient2000, https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html not https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html.08:06
emonkeytheres a point at the end... try it without the pint08:06
orient2000OK. I've got it. Thanks.08:06
emonkeysorry my misttypes I should have a coffee bevore I'type something here08:07
emonkeyafk for coffee08:07
jaggedanyone want to update the wiki article ApacheMySQLPHP08:07
Hobbseejagged: do you?08:07
jaggedit says apache2 is in universe but it is in main08:07
Hobbseewhat do you want to edit in it?08:07
Hobbseejagged: link to it?08:08
jaggedhang on thats the docs ... not the wiki08:08
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elijahbluein what ways is kubuntu dapper better than fc5 kde??08:12
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elijahbluein what ways is kubuntu dapper better than fc5 kde??08:16
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TalentedChimphow do i add a local repository in adept?08:17
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exceswaterhi all08:19
exceswatergood morning08:19
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ralphHello All !!08:20
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ralphSimple question, How do I empty the trashcan?  I just installed Dapper Drake and there is no icon for the trashcan on the KDE panel.  Best Guesses as to how to make it visible and empty it?08:22
TalentedChimphow do i add a local repo in adept and get adept to see it, i've looked at the guide and nothing seems to explain how to do it08:22
TalentedChimpadd the trashcan applet08:22
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeFormats08:22
TalentedChimpralph : add the trash can applet from the panel menu08:23
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ralphTalented Chimp, thanks a bunch.  I knew it would be something simple.  Tried going through the System Settings and any other things.  GREAT!!08:25
thechrisok what is the name for the mp3 package08:29
thechrislibxine-extracodecs didn't work08:29
thechrisisn't found08:29
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r0xzthechris: have you enabled multiverse in your sources.list file?08:30
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thechrisok, in that case i'll need the sources08:31
TalentedChimpthechris : you may want to add the plf repos too08:31
thechrisas the default source.list has none08:31
thechrisalso none of that in the file08:31
Hobbseeadd multiverse instead - plf will break your system.08:32
r0xzthechris: get yourself a nice file at source-o-matic08:32
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto and !easysource08:32
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TalentedChimpjust break system or break it when you try to do something with those packages?08:33
thechrisi don't have synaptic.  adept doesn't work.  the multiverse isn't in the file to uncomment08:33
thechrisso what now08:33
jaggedadd it to the file08:33
jaggedcopy the line that says universe08:34
jaggedand change it to multiverse08:34
jaggedinfact adept even has a "clone" function if you right click universe08:35
aftertafhe says it doesnt work adept08:35
thechrisbut adept is not.08:35
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jaggedadept doesnt work ... as in it wont start ?08:36
thechrisit starts when it wants to08:36
r0xzthechris: just edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file as superuserdo and add multiverse in the line "deb http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper universe multiverse"08:36
thechrisits not bound to the users will like most programs08:36
exceswaterhey... who can tell me please command line for installing penguin racer and the other 2 games... :D they are like packaged 2gether08:36
thechrisso why don't they include the commented out version of that in sources.list08:36
r0xzthechris: because the system is setup to support free software more than non-free software08:38
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r0xzand because multiverse is less supported/updated08:38
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aftertafthechris, is your sources looking better now?08:39
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thechrisok, it looks like things are a bit better08:40
Hobbseeexceswater: sudo apt-get install ppracer08:40
Hobbsee!find ppracer08:40
ubotuNo packages matching 'ppracer' could be found08:40
Hobbsee!find racer08:40
ubotuFound: dnstracer, traceroute, leaktracer, planetpenguin-racer, planetpenguin-racer-data (and 8 others)08:40
Hobbseeoh that's it08:40
thechrismy current issues are:  adept doesn't always load.  2.)  users cannot start X11 sessions with startx08:40
aftertafhi Hobbsee late for you, early fo  me :)08:40
Hobbseeexceswater: sudo apt-get install planetpenguin-racer08:40
Hobbseehey aftertaf.  it's almost 5pm08:40
aftertafthechris, x11 sessions is normal,ish... use kdm08:41
=== Hobbsee writes a wishlist to get that multiverse thing changed.
thechrisoh, and nfs takes 3 minutes to mount08:41
aftertafHobbsee, hehe 9am hehe08:41
exceswaterhi hobsee08:41
aftertafHobbsee, it should be easy to edit, just make em make it clearer.08:41
Hobbseethechris: if you try kdesu adept from the console, it usually starts.  i dont think why it stops starting up08:41
aftertafthechris what version of kubuntu?08:42
thechrisaftertaf: i actually need startx support for something specific.  i don't know how to change serverlayouts in kdm08:42
aftertafah ok08:42
thechrisi need two sessions, one with 8bit color and a 2048x2048 virtual desktop.  the other with 24bit color and smaller desktop08:43
Hobbseeaftertaf: true, but they cant add multiverse by default i believe.  see bug 5064408:43
thechrisin the past i just used startx to start the special purpose session08:43
thechrissudo startx works, but the system crumbles quickly08:44
DaSkreechHobbsee: Hi :)08:44
Hobbseehi DaSkreech08:44
aftertafcant that be done in .xinitrc in a home directory, or both for same user08:44
DaSkreechHobbsee: Good Morning08:44
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thechrisaftertaf: you mean make a second user specifically for the special purpose app.  hmm.  and put the settings in .xsession08:45
aftertafyeah i think i meant that....:)08:45
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elknof3emonkey, sorry dude, what is the directory to install programs... i mean i reember was something like /usr/blabla...08:47
emonkeyelknof3, ohm normally I install everything through the package manager08:48
emonkeyso I don't know where it should be08:48
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elknof3emonkey, ok, well then thanks...08:49
emonkeyin /usr/bin are normally all programms08:49
emonkeyor /usr/sbin08:49
elknof3emonkey, yeah, that...08:49
thechriselknof3: for what purpose do you ask?08:49
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thechrismost apps will have a "make install" to install them.  your apps should go in /usr/local/bin/ .  to find an app, use:  "which app"08:50
emonkeygood to know...08:51
elknof3i'm trying to run limewire...  so the directory tu unzip the file...08:51
elknof3sorry to unzip08:51
elknof3lol..  deam span-glish08:52
emonkeyuh that have some install script so u dont need to unzip in there08:52
elknof3it was only to follow some order...08:52
emonkeyI've installed that a while ago08:52
emonkeyhmk... maybe it's another version08:52
elknof3but it didn't run...  even i had install sun-java5-bin package08:52
emonkeyI've done it with http://kudos.berlios.de08:53
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edulixhi !08:53
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ubotuhttp://kudos.berlios.de is an extremely extensive and comprehensive guide for Kubuntu *Breezy*. Note some things will be different on dapper.08:54
emonkeyI've just seen that limewire isn't anymore on kudos08:55
ubotuA popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To isntall, first install java, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh - consider frostwire (from the !repos) as alternative.08:57
ubotuI know nothing about frostwire08:58
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elknof3emonkey, are you running under breezy??09:00
emonkeyelknof3, not anymore, that is a while ago I've installed limewire... now I only use ktorrent as P2P09:00
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elknof3emonkey, works fine??09:01
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elknof3i mean...  is lime like??09:02
emonkeyfor torrents yes... but it's not for other networks usable09:02
emonkeyIsn't ktorrent in the default installation?09:02
emonkeyif is it, just start it an try out09:03
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elknof3emonkey, yeah i thought it was lime like...09:05
SurfnKidanyone know how to add APM in the kernel09:05
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto and !easysource09:05
thechristhe "run command" is pretty worthless09:06
thechrishow do i set a PATH for it09:06
elijahbluecan someone tell me what extra packages i get in the kubuntu DVD?09:06
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SurfnKidelijahblue: you get all of bill's gates programming bloopers09:07
SurfnKidLeeJunFan_: hehe i wish, nah, i guess you get everythin else the CD's would have09:08
SurfnKidelijahblue: that was for u09:08
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eckeris there a livecd for dapper ?09:09
elknof3does someone have installed limewire on dapper??09:09
ubotuA popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To isntall, first install java, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh - consider frostwire (from the !repos) as alternative.09:09
Hobbseeecker: yes, it's the desktop cd09:09
Hobbseeecker: you can also install off it nwo09:09
elknof3ecker, the installation cd is also livecd09:09
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elknof3i have already installed sun-java5-bin package but i can have limewire working09:10
eckeri hate the desktop cd .. I like the old vashion way better09:10
emonkeyecker, just download the alternate CD that's like the old install CD09:12
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eckeremonkey yeah thats what im doing =)09:12
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ubotuI know nothing about frostwire09:14
elijahbluei heard u can install reiserfs with desktop cd?09:15
eckerErrr Desktop cd ......09:16
eckerthat things evil09:16
eckerI see they finally added azureus to apt-get09:17
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Chousukeecker: now that it's finally possible :P09:17
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faroushi how can i prevent the auto-detection and display in nautilus > computer. for my hidden partitions?09:27
elknof3does someone knows how to check if java is working??09:28
farouselknof3: type test java in firefo google search09:30
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rockin_stanAnybody managed to sync via kitchensync so far?09:33
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antinobodyanyone happen to know how to how to join the mailing lists listed in the wiki?09:39
exceswaterwho can tell me how to install a game... cube09:39
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exceswateri have the archive09:40
exceswateri unziped it09:40
exceswaternow what ?09:40
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Hobbseeantinobody: go to lists.ubuntu.com and subscribe to one?  i'm not sure what's on the wiki09:42
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MilhousePunkRockCan someone assist me installing Java through the console?09:43
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java09:43
farousthoreauputic: why not put in the factoid that it is in multiverse !!09:43
antinobodyHobbsee: thanks, and hey again09:44
thoreauputicfarous: good point...09:44
Hobbseehi :)09:44
antinobodyI just finished a long term, and during this week I have before the next one, I figured I'd try to get more involved.09:44
Hobbsee:) fun09:46
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto and !easysource09:46
farousthoreauputic: i would have done it but i do not know the new syntax. also a hint on update-alternatives to use sun java will be good too09:46
MilhousePunkRockwell, thanks, that seems to be working09:46
MilhousePunkRockso why did i download that .bin off the sun homepage?09:47
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ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java For the runtime sun java install sun-java5-jre from the multiverse repository09:48
thoreauputicfarous: we can't put everyhting in one factoid :)09:48
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farousthoreauputic: i know it is too long. but do you think it is necessary to define java :)09:49
farousand why point to the wiki09:49
thoreauputicfarous: no, I don't - I didn't write the original09:49
farouswill confuse them and they will think they need extra setting09:49
thoreauputicfarous: you can use !info instead like this09:51
thoreauputic!info sun-java5-jre09:51
ubotusun-java5-jre: Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0. In repository multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-06-1 (dapper), package size 7169 kB, installed size 15768 kB09:51
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farousthoreauputic: yah that is better thanx :)09:52
MilhousePunkRockThanks, thoreaputic, that was it09:53
exceswaterplease help me with a game09:53
exceswateri got the zip09:53
exceswaterunziped it09:53
MilhousePunkRockeasier than i expected09:53
exceswaterbut dunno what to do further09:53
thoreauputicMilhousePunkRock: don't forget to run  sudo update-alternatives java09:53
MilhousePunkRockwhat does that do?09:54
weedar!info initng09:54
ubotuPackage initng does not exist in dapper09:54
farousthoreauputic: i think it is sudo update-alternatives --config java09:54
thoreauputicMilhousePunkRock: sorry "don't forget to run  sudo update-alternatives --config java "09:54
thoreauputicfarous: correct09:54
farousthat is for java-jsdk09:54
thoreauputicfor bothe09:54
farousfor plugins he need the sun-java plugin package09:54
thoreauputicfarous: I made a mistake :)09:54
farousi made lots of them my friend :)09:54
thoreauputicMilhousePunkRock: there is a "Free" java version already - that lets you choose sun java as default09:55
thoreauputicfor instance09:55
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thoreauputicOpen Office.org also needs to be told where to find java09:56
MilhousePunkRockactually i was looking for the java plug-in for Fx, sorry if I stated that unclear09:57
thoreauputicMilhousePunkRock: install the plugin as farous said09:57
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MilhousePunkRockwhy would i need 3 alternatives to offer java?09:59
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thoreauputicMilhousePunkRock: you don't - you pick one :)10:00
MilhousePunkRock 1        /usr/bin/gij-wrapper-4.110:00
MilhousePunkRock*+    2        /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/jre/bin/java10:00
MilhousePunkRock      3        /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java10:00
MilhousePunkRockbut do the other two have to be there at all?10:00
thoreauputicyou want 3 probably10:00
MilhousePunkRockyeah, i picked that10:00
farousMilhousePunkRock: this is the freedom of linux. you are not stuck with one program you just choose the one you prefer :)10:00
thoreauputicMilhousePunkRock: the others are the Free GNU ones - I suspect some programs use them10:01
MilhousePunkRocki dont think i myself will have any actual preferences which java to use10:01
MilhousePunkRockbut Fx does, I guess10:01
MilhousePunkRockah, ok10:01
thoreauputicFx won't do java pages with the gcj/ gij10:01
MilhousePunkRockrestarting Fx is enough to get it running I guess?10:02
thoreauputicshould be10:02
thoreauputicgo to java.com to test it I guess10:02
MilhousePunkRockwell, i tried a game at sun.com10:03
MilhousePunkRockstill tells me that plug-ins are missing10:03
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=== MilhousePunkRock will be right back
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thoreauputicMilhousePunkRock: did youinstall the plugin?10:04
farousMilhousePunkRock: did you close all instances of firefox10:04
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thoreauputicheh - java is now at 1.5.0_7 - the web site says mine is not the latest, unsurprisingly10:05
oputresHi! How do I install Ndiswrapper?10:05
thoreauputic!info ndiswrapper10:06
ubotuDocumentation for wireless networking can be found on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs10:06
ubotuPackage ndiswrapper does not exist in dapper10:06
oputresWhere should I write !ndiswrapper? Here?10:06
oputresIf ndiswrapper doesn't exist in Dapper, what should I use instead?10:07
ubotuDocumentation for wireless networking can be found on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs10:08
thoreauputicoputres: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDriver%2910:08
Hobbseeoputres: ^  it does exist10:08
thoreauputicah, ndiswrapper-utils10:08
thoreauputic!info ndiswrapper-utils10:08
ubotundiswrapper-utils: Userspace utilities for ndiswrapper. In repository main, is optional. Version 1.8-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 27 kB, installed size 136 kB10:08
oputresWell, when I try the apt-get ndiswrapper in the Terminal I got an errormessage telling me that's an incorrect command10:09
thoreauputicoputres: read above10:09
MilhousePunkRocki closed Fx and reopened it, yeah10:09
thoreauputicoputres: we just gave you links and a package name10:09
MilhousePunkRockbut it was open during the install, might that be the problem?10:09
farousis java working now i can not quite understand?10:10
oputresYesterday somebody told me that some swedish server was unavailible. I tried the information giving in the links but I can't find ndiswrapper anywhere. Could it be that the server is unavailible in Sweden?10:10
MilhousePunkRockthe Fx plugin, which is what i am looking for, ist not working10:10
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thoreauputicoputres: *sigh* we told you the links to look at10:11
farousMilhousePunkRock: did you try in google test java10:11
farouswill give you a link10:11
thoreauputicoputres: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDriver%2910:11
thoreauputicoputres: and the package is called ndiwrapper-utils10:11
MilhousePunkRockwait, do i need to setup the plugin in Fx as well maybe?10:12
farousMilhousePunkRock: it should be done auto give me a min10:12
oputresOki, I will try it again. Did so yesterday but there was nothing but trouble. I'm a real newbie at Kubuntu/Linux10:12
farousi will give you the right path for it10:13
farous ls /ubuntu/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun-
farousforget the /ubuntu part10:14
farousbut execute this commnd in a shell10:15
farousif you run i386 based sys. intell one10:15
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MilhousePunkRockyou better talk noobspeak to me, sorry, it's my 4th day on linux10:17
farousMilhousePunkRock: ok do you have the sun-java-jre package installed10:17
farouscheck it in adept10:17
MilhousePunkRockthe verifier on the sun homepage said I have it10:18
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farousthan you have it:)10:18
farousperhaps you were taliking about flash10:19
MilhousePunkRocki installed flash earlier10:19
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farousdid you run sudo update-flashplugin10:20
exceswaterhas anyone heard about CUBE game10:20
exceswater ? ? ?10:20
MilhousePunkRockadept says sun-java is there twice, sun-java5-bin and sun-java5-sre10:20
farousMilhousePunkRock: that is right10:21
farousdo not worry10:21
MilhousePunkRockbut the plugin is listed as not installed10:21
MilhousePunkRockabout flash, no, i dowloaded the package and ran the script10:22
oputresWhat exactly am I doing when I enable the archives universe and adding multiverse afterwards in the Adept -> Repositories?10:22
antinobodyadding the multiverse repositories10:23
antinobodythere are several repositories, including main, universe, multiverse, etc10:23
antinobodyadding the multiverse repositories makes packages that aren't in the other repositories available to you10:24
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emonkeyfor example java is in multiverse10:24
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Hobbseeoputres: see ^ for an explanatoin of the different bits10:25
thoreauputicMilhousePunkRock:  sun-java5-plugin  <-- install that10:25
oputresBut why do I need to write multiverse after the universe line? Isn't it enough just enableing the universe?10:25
thoreauputicoputres: not if you want the software from multiverse, no10:26
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Hobbseeoputres: universe and multiverse are different - universe stuff is legal in all countries - multiverse stuff usually isnt10:26
thoreauputicHobbsee: not quite - it's just "non-free"10:26
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Hobbseeoh yeah, so i see10:26
exceswaterhello people10:27
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exceswaterwho can help me install a game10:27
cox377which game is it wateR?10:27
exceswateri was an archive10:27
exceswateri unziped it10:27
exceswaternow i have a folder with a bunch of files10:28
exceswaterand no clue :D10:28
exceswaterit seems to be nice10:28
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exceswaterafter the screen shots10:28
exceswaterbut i dunno how to install it10:28
cox377is it a M$ game?10:28
exceswaterwhat is m$10:28
emonkey!info cube10:28
ubotuPackage cube does not exist in dapper10:28
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ubotuI know nothing about cube10:29
exceswaterit's not from kubuntu10:29
ubotuI know nothing about kube10:29
emonkeyexceswater, it's a linux game? or its a windows game?10:29
exceswaterit's from here:  http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=2986810:29
exceswaterlinux game10:29
exceswaterit was an archive10:29
exceswateri unziped it10:29
exceswaterbut now i dunno how to install it10:29
oputresAah, let me se if I got this right. After the line http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ there was the word universe. By adding multiverse I enable the multiverse component on that link? Thus there is different components on that link, not just a link for one component (universe). Am I correct?10:30
franzI'm trying Kubuntu for the first time from the CD. How can I access existing data on my hard disks?10:30
emonkeydo an ls -la an put the output in pastebin plz10:30
franzsorry if this have been alreday asked thousands of times..10:30
emonkeydo the ls -la in the directory you've unpacked10:30
cox377franz: are u talking about local hdd's?10:30
MilhousePunkRockYou do NOT have the latest version of Java.10:30
MilhousePunkRockThe latest version of Java software = Version 5.0 Update 7.10:30
exceswateri try10:30
franzyes cox37710:30
MilhousePunkRockdoes that have to make me worry?10:30
emonkeyMilhousePunkRock, sudo update-alternatives --config java10:31
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cox377click on storage media then double click on the drive u want, if the drives are NTFS then they can be read only10:31
MilhousePunkRocki think i just did that10:31
farousMilhousePunkRock: giveit a week or so and it will be in the repos. but basically it will make no diff for you10:31
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emonkeyMilhousePunkRock, do you selected the correct version there?10:32
MilhousePunkRockyeah, i just did sudo update...10:32
franzcox377, where is "storage media" ?  I'm not on the kubuntu at the moment.  And no, hdds are not NTFS but ext3 and fat.10:32
emonkeythere you can select the version which should be used10:33
MilhousePunkRockemonkey: I already did10:33
emonkeyjava -v shows the used version10:33
MilhousePunkRockthe version I have is update 610:33
MilhousePunkRocki guess it won't make a big difference to the Update 710:33
cox377franz: then they are read/write, storage media is just one of the buttons10:34
cox377are u on on live CD?10:34
franzyes I am cox37710:34
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cox377right of the K button, click that then /storage media10:34
emonkeyMilhousePunkRock, what shows java -version10:34
farousMilhousePunkRock: macromedia is not suppoerted yet by linux. but there are project perhaps in the future by the wy10:34
franzok, thank you so much cox37710:34
cox377np] 10:35
oputresAah, let me se if I got this right. After the line http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ there was the word universe. By adding multiverse I enable the multiverse component on that link? Thus there is different components on that link, not just a link for one component (universe). Am I correct? Please, can someone confirm this.10:35
MilhousePunkRockjava version "1.5.0_06"10:35
MilhousePunkRockwell, but flash is working10:35
thoreauputicMilhousePunkRock: don't fret - it works fine10:35
thoreauputicjava I mean10:36
franzbtw, i loved the easy wifi connection with kubuntu. I took me hours to get connected with a different distribution10:36
thoreauputicMilhousePunkRock: the Ubuntu version is +610:36
MilhousePunkRockfranz: prepare for losing that once you install it and update it10:36
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MilhousePunkRockso java is fine now10:36
oputresWhat different ways are there to download packages? Via the apt-get in the Terminal, via the Add/Remove Program and via the Adept Manager or what?10:36
MilhousePunkRockwhat's up next on my list10:36
franzreally MilhousePunkRock ?  any suggestion ?10:37
thoreauputicoputres: yes - or you can install synaptic if you want10:37
MilhousePunkRockwell, I chose kubuntu because it was the only live distro that had my wireless "out of the box"10:37
oputresWhat is synaptic?10:37
MilhousePunkRockafter the installation it was still fine10:37
ubotusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto10:37
oputresThanks, I will check it out10:38
thoreauputicoputres: it's the package manager for Ubuntu10:38
MilhousePunkRockbut when you do the update, it gets messed up10:38
MilhousePunkRockat least here it did10:38
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farousi think many here need to visit help.ubuntu.com an excellent doc site specially for new users :)10:38
ubuntuOk guys, i'm partitioning right now, and i've got about 75 gigs10:38
ubuntuis 1 gig for swap, 67 for home, and 6 for / a good setup?10:38
MilhousePunkRockmy suggestion: come here again and let the nice people help you, worked fine for me10:38
oputresWhen should I use which one? Is Add/Remove program just a graphic version of i.e. apt-get?10:38
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franzah, I see.... well, I hope i'll be luckier. Was it just a matter of resetting a few data or was it worst MilhousePunkRock ?10:39
cox377oputres: use Adept(package Manger)10:39
MilhousePunkRockif i only knew... since i am a newbie, i didnt exactly know what we did10:39
MilhousePunkRockwas something about the kernel missing the wlan drivers or something10:40
franzwow, that's bad.... I hope they fixed this issue....10:40
franzanyway, there is nothing that can't be done with some help10:41
franzthank you all for now, bye10:41
MilhousePunkRockmake sure you have a way to connect to irc when wireless gets lost10:41
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MilhousePunkRocklike another pc or a wired connection10:41
franzyes, i have two computers luckily10:41
cox377God bless KVM switches ; )10:42
MilhousePunkRockwell, then don't worry about losing wlan too much, if it happens for you at all10:42
franzok, thanks.  Bye10:42
freakeycan anyone explain particioning to me?10:42
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cox377i have a question to anyone who can answer it, with linux do u do system clean ups/degragments?10:43
cox377freakey: what do u wanna know?10:43
oputresHmm, although I enabled the archives, adding the multiverse line Adept still can't find ndiswrapper and ndiswrapper-utils but only the ndisgtk and ndiswrapper_source. How can this be?10:43
cox377freakey: for your second question 6 gig should be fine as my boot drive is a 7gig xbox drive10:45
cox377freakey: main chat mate as i aint registered10:46
cox377Yeh i'10:47
cox377yeh i'm after a few xbox's, so useful10:47
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radonePlease could anyone give me a point what is name of package for development? I've forgotten its name....11:19
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ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for a pre-built package first!)11:20
Hobbseeradone: that one?  ^11:20
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radoneunfortunately no, it was package with name something like elementary-devel but I can't remember its name :(11:22
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ririQtUitools is missing11:28
ririhow can i get it ?11:29
drayen_has anyone else noticed instabilty (hanging and crashing out) of firefox in kubuntu 64?11:29
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ririi am using kubuntu dapper11:29
Hobbsee!search qtuitools11:29
ubotuFound nothing11:29
Hobbsee!search qt11:29
ubotuFound: disks, browsers, torrent, qt11:30
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ririi did it but nothing... it was a bug has it been debugged ?11:31
drayen_!search libqt4-gui11:32
ubotuFound nothing11:32
drayen_!search qt4-qtconfig11:32
ubotuFound nothing11:32
ririall qt4 is already installed11:32
|lostbyte|Goodmorning !11:32
ririi read it's a bug but i didn't see if it was debugged11:34
ririfrom april 200611:34
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ririno more ideas about qtuitools ?11:39
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kchi guys12:01
MilhousePunkRockhi kc12:01
kchi milhouse12:02
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MilhousePunkRockanyone running kubuntu on a ThinkPad, preferably T23 or at least T2x?12:02
antinobodycan anyone explain to me how to sign the code of conduct online?12:04
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TheHighChildanyone use EasyUbuntu?12:10
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Emessi just installed dapper and when i tried to login under X the mouse cursor stayed the same text icon, and the keyboard stopped responding, any ideas?12:13
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fiyawerxHi guys, trying to find out something about wireless with kubuntu on 6.0612:17
fiyawerxafter a boot, i go to wireless assistant, pick my network (have the settings in there), and it says there's an error, yet it connects12:18
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fiyawerxbut it won't connect before i do that12:18
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fiyawerxis there a way to make sure that it automates and connects if something happens to the network? or the router resets, etc..?12:19
MilhousePunkRockthat would be good to know fiyawerx12:20
fiyawerxotherwise it seems i have to manually connect it every boot12:21
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phreak_so, i get the message that apt is allready open when i try to runn adapt12:22
phreak_but its not really open12:22
phreak_or is apt, or anyting even like it12:23
TheHighChildare you sure there isn't an errant process?12:23
phreak_how would i check that?12:23
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phreak_its a new install12:24
phreak_i try'd to install easyubuntu and it crashed12:24
weedarapt-get (and also wget) complains about "Could not connect to ( - connect (111 Connection refused)" - Any reason why it is trying to connect to a local port?12:24
TheHighChildphreak_: Same just happened to me. lol. try 'dpkg --configure -a'12:24
weedarI'm assuming it is trying to use a proxy like privoxy, but how do I stop it from doing that? :)12:24
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phreak_its doing something :S12:25
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ChunAway#join #newton12:42
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ChunAwayon some other distro's you could make kde show up w/ the grub/lilo bootloader OS selections on the restart menu, anyone know how to do this w/ kubuntu?12:44
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=== ubuntu is now known as Kayde
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scheuriKayde: there is NO need to shout12:48
TheHighChildwhats up ubuntulog12:49
TheHighChildwhats up Kayde12:49
Kaydescheuri: erm...?12:49
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scheuri *** ubuntu nennt sich nun Kayde.12:49
MilhousePunkRockKayde, writing in capital letters is considered shouting12:49
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scheuriMilhousePunkRock: thanks12:50
ChunAwaywell, he did yell help =p12:50
Kaydei am running the kubuntu 6.06 and i cant install it...i click the install icon and nothing happens..its says its loading then nothing happenbs12:50
scheurihe really did...:)12:50
MilhousePunkRocka little unspecific though12:50
scheuriMilhousePunkRock: indeed12:50
MilhousePunkRockit takes a while, kayde, be patient12:50
ChunAwayreburn your CD12:50
Kaydei waiter 1 hour12:50
ChunAwayif it's acting abnormally retarded12:50
Kaydeits not a burnt copy...12:50
MilhousePunkRocki would highly suggest to do the MD5-check on the bootprompt12:50
scheuriKayde: you ordered it from canonical?12:51
Kaydeno, shipit.ubuntu.org...12:51
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Kaydei have a  login12:51
MilhousePunkRock= canonical12:51
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Kaydeit is?12:51
MilhousePunkRocki think so12:52
apokryphoswell, it's Ubuntu; it's just sponsored (as the whole of Ubuntu is) by Canonical12:52
Kaydeohh yes, i understand now,12:52
ChunAwayyour CD could be bad, look and see if there's scratches,    try downloading it and burning it to a CD12:52
scheuriya...sorry...apo is way more correct12:52
MilhousePunkRockmaybe you got a bad CD?12:52
Kaydeok...it worked the first time i installed it...same cd~different pc...12:52
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scheuriKayde: what is different with this pc now?12:53
Kaydeerm...not much12:53
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MilhousePunkRockwow, that's brave... ;-)12:53
MilhousePunkRockor is it a difference of 200 Mhz?12:54
Kaydeok...noone has ideas-cos ill try annother cd...come to think of it i orderd 2 for this reason ;)12:54
TheHighChildvery brave.12:54
gelexi had the same experience, checking MD5SUM and reburning solved it12:54
Kaydet ok12:54
MilhousePunkRockis 200 MHz the speed or the difference in speed to the other PC?12:54
TheHighChildKayde: Are you installing on a 200 mhz machine/12:55
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ChunAwayi've had a old/bad cd drive before where it wouldn't read some cds that other comps could read12:55
ChunAwayugggh go vector linux or damn small linux for old/old comps  =X12:55
KaydeLOL if that was the spead~it would be lucky to turn on!!12:55
Kaydeits 500 and something mghz12:55
=== MilhousePunkRock suggests running the CD test at the boot prompt...
MilhousePunkRockThat's still going to be tough12:55
Kaydeohh yea ;) of course12:56
Kaydei feel a fool12:56
TheHighChildDef check the cd, then do a memtest12:56
Emessvector is a great distro12:56
ChunAwaytry sticking in your other computer's cd drive into that comp12:56
MilhousePunkRockmaybe you'd rather want Xubuntu? XFce is supposed to be much more lightweighted than KDE12:56
ChunAwayyea xfce is a lot faster12:56
=== ChunAway is now known as ChunHere
Emessno. ubuntu doesnt like slow computers12:56
Emessxfce is still middle weight12:57
EmessKayde: how much ram and whats the cpu speed?12:57
achrafhello, am trying to boot a diskless kubuntu 6.06 machine, it boots almost fine, but i get alot of errors about /proc does not exist, though when i created the dir and try to mount it from fstab, the machine freeze while loading with the error : RPC call returned error 101.12:57
freakeyXfce is lightwait compared to gnome, KDE, windows, or OS X12:57
=== Kayde feels such a fool,
Emessand frakishly heavy when compared to flux, icewm, or enlightenment12:57
=== Kayde thinks he should have tested cd at boot
achrafi cant load the X, but i can get a shell, i cant see mount, /etc/mtab does not exist,  when i do mkdir /proc;mount -t proc /proc /proc it works fine,, but the next time u reboot it freeze with that error12:58
=== Kayde will test it now
Kayde:) se yaz12:58
MilhousePunkRockCU Kayde12:58
ChunHerelates kayde,   ii still prefer xfce over icewm =p12:58
Emessi prefer enlightenment12:58
Emessdamn anotehr half hour tillt his update is done...12:59
MilhousePunkRockBut KDE is so damn pretty... Who cares if it's slower... ;-)12:59
ChunHerehave you tried e17?12:59
ChunHereyea i think we all like kde since we're in this channel =p =p01:00
MilhousePunkRockI didn't really try anything else other than KDE, Kubuntu was the only Live CD to recognise my WLAN properly01:00
freakeye17 is amazzing01:00
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freakeyis there a package for ubuntu?01:00
Emesse17 doesnt work on my box :(01:01
freakeyEnlightenment rocks for term papers01:01
freakeywhy, your AMD 64 or something?01:01
Emesswait, comp-sci term papers or philosophy term papers?01:01
Emessfreakey: OpenBSD only supports e1601:01
emonkeyI had some e17 repo which worked fine, but that was for hoary and it's a while ago....01:02
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Emessmy aim is to build an ultra customised, secure, but easy to use and works as soon as its setup version of OpenBSD running e16 with custom thems and pretty looks and a specially designed firewall :D01:02
emonkeysounds nice :P01:03
Emessit is but the firewall bit is getting hard01:03
ChunHerei haven't tried xgl w/ kubuntu yet, has anyone here tried it?01:04
Emesshttp://kubuntu.org/images/kubuntu-mug.jpg <--can i buy this mug somewhere?01:04
ChunHerei usu use clarkconnect linux for a firewall01:04
Emessim designing my own firewall :P01:04
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Emessalthough it does use iptables as a backbone01:04
emonkeysure .... what else? ipchains? :P01:05
Emessbut that parts more for routing and crap voer the network01:05
gelexmay pinoy ba dito? usap tayo01:06
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ChunHereaw man, can't understand that, pinoy?    i like tilapia and adobo hahaha01:06
=== Emess goes to talk to InitHello, maybe hes finished coding crap...
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fiyawerxanyone know how to make kubuntu connect to your wireless network automatically? i ahve to go into internet - wireless assistant to do it every time it boots01:09
=== MilhousePunkRock needs to know the exact same thing that fiyawerx asked
Emesswhat do you want wireless for anyway?01:10
fiyawerxbecause my computer's 3 rooms away from my router01:10
imbrandonEmess, you can get the mug at kubuntu.de01:11
Emessmy computer is 60 meters away from my router, and i dont use wireless :S01:11
fiyawerxwhy not?01:11
Emessi bought this little thing from netgear, and one end plugs into a powerpoint, and you connect a eth cable intot he otehr end01:11
Emessand it sends your data over powercabling in the house01:11
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Emessfast, cheap, and secure :D01:12
fiyawerxthe wiring in the house sucks here, its old01:12
fiyawerxat any rate, i didnt' come here to debate why i'm using what I am :) just looking for a way to make it automatic01:12
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MilhousePunkRockmaybe KWiFiManager is one solution, fiyawerx...01:13
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MilhousePunkRockI didn't really look into it yet though01:14
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fiyawerxhmm will check it out01:14
fiyawerxinstalling now01:14
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fiyawerxhmm this seems to come up a lot01:16
fiyawerxX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16901:16
Emessgimme a sex, i remember seeing this thing for wireless autostarting01:17
Emessdamnit the keys are right enxt to each other01:17
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fiyawerxhm gotta figure out how to get 1280x1024 too, hehe01:20
Emesseveryone with the wireless issue might wanna look at this,t he last bit down the bottom called woe-fi: http://www.linuxworld.com.au/index.php/id;1585420756;fp;2;fpid;3701:24
apokryphosfiyawerx: check the faq in /topic01:24
Emessaparentkly you want NetworkManager for ubuntu01:24
fiyawerxthanks guys will check out both01:25
Emessalthough that article is for breezy...01:25
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edneymatiashello all01:26
fiyawerxhm, at the time of that there was no network manager for breezy01:27
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Emessthat was also written 5 months ago01:29
ninHerhi all01:29
Emessiv got the magazine its from sitting on my desk right now :P01:29
Emessyou should be able to find a NetworkManager thats either GNU or debianbased anyway01:29
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fiyawerxapokryphos, thanks, got the resolution fixed :)01:31
fiyawerxthis looks sweet now, my lcd hates anything but 1280x01:31
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nexusfuck ubuntu01:33
Emessi jsut spent 45 minuts downloading 150mb of updates and its still using the old version? whatt eh ehll?!01:34
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nexusi'm kidding, but i'm so disapointed that nobody answer them01:34
nexus(sorry for my english i'm french01:34
Emessyeah we know01:35
freakeymy roomates french01:35
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nexushello everybody01:35
fiyawerxhi nexus01:35
nexusi'm happy to know and use ubuntu 6.06 TLS01:35
fiyawerxi'm loving it so far, im just afraid to go to work and have my router reset itself or something01:36
freakeywhy the hatred nexus?01:36
fiyawerxhmm need to set up remote access too before i do01:36
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fiyawerxand im deathly afraid to try to figureo ut why my sound isn't working, hehe01:36
nexusjust a tips, don't use kde, i have lots of problems :(01:36
freakeyif you want a nice KDE experiance, use mandrake01:37
nexusi have the dvd of ubuntu 6.06 TLS (drapper drake) and i install the package kubuntu-deskop, and............. argggg01:37
nexuskernel panic mdr01:37
fiyawerxoh, so far i havn't had any problems like that01:37
freakeydidn't you say your french?01:37
fiyawerxjust me not knowing how to do things01:37
freakeyMandrivia is french, and they have a nice KDE01:38
nexusbefore i recompile my kernel twice01:38
Emessisnt it mandriva now? i stopped using mandrake after version 801:38
nexususe kde01:38
freakey9.2 was awsome, havn't used it much since then01:38
nexuspower usefull :)01:38
freakeythe PLF mirrors for it where nice too, URPMI worked better for me than APT01:38
nexusmy list of prefer distrib:   gentoo/debian/backtrack/slackware/ubuntu01:39
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nexusgentoo is to me the best :)))))01:39
Emesslol teh dapper mirror is in UWA, i may as well walk down there and ask them to burn it for me!01:39
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Emessewww gentoo01:39
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freakeygentoo users are like those people who drive honda's and put wings on the back01:40
chewyf5is the file /etc/kde3/kdm/Xsetup in Ubuntu-Dapper still in use ?01:40
nexusso, i quit now because i don't undersand all and i "must" smoke a cigarette; i'm happy to speak with you, my really name is 3v1l_j0k301:40
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nexussee you on after......01:41
nexusbye :)01:41
Chousuke like nexus better. :P01:41
Chousukehm, damn irssi eats my letters.01:41
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Emesswhats the diff between dapper desktop and dapper alternate?01:43
freakeyOne is for doing server installs, thin client, and server installs i belive01:44
Emessah k01:44
freakeypretty much, unless your a power user, ignore01:44
chewyf5dapper desktop is a LiveCD and dapper alternate ist the debian-way of installing a dapper system01:44
chewyf54 example a server01:44
freakeyLive is shiney01:44
Emessso which is the normal way to install it?01:44
chewyf5i use the alternate01:44
freakeyThe live is nice because you'll know if your hardware works first before you install01:45
freakeyalternative is probs faster01:45
Emessthis is dumb01:45
Emessthe main australian mirror for it is physically located 20 minutes walk from me01:45
Emessbut its too cold to go out and ask them to burn it for me01:46
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chewyf5how may degrees do you have outside emess01:47
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Emess2 deg celcius01:47
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pinucsetEmess me 3801:48
Emessmmm it'll finish downloading at midnight01:48
pinucsetEmess you can be happy01:48
freakeyi got 75F outside01:48
Emess\and then iv got an exam tomorow.....in the university where the iso is held lol01:48
freakeythats like 24C01:48
freakeyshould hit about 30C today01:48
=== OdyX is now known as OdyXydO
Emessfuckit il see if i can use the live cd01:48
pinucsetcome to spain and you will get hot...01:48
freakeyhmm, actually like 3401:49
freakeyTexas beats all yall on heat :)01:49
ninHeri'm at barna.....gplv3, right now01:49
ninHerwell, .....in a short break ;-)01:50
chewyf5ok emess i can understand you but the experience of ubuntu makes the way outside warm :-)01:50
Emessiv been using ubuntu for ages01:50
Emessits jsut i need dapper because breezy doesnt work on this comp im trying to get it on01:50
freakeyI thought it was only like 3 years old :P01:50
Emessmaybe last 2 and a bit years?01:51
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Emesssince i was 16...01:51
Emessso september 200401:51
Emessbeen using slackware before that, and mandrake before that01:51
=== Emess first used linux when he was 6 years old lol
ChousukeI can't remember when I started using Linux :/01:53
chewyf5does anyone know something about the boot up of kdm ?01:53
ChousukeI've been without windows for at least three years already I guess.01:53
Emessi remember my dad installed Mandrake 7 for me01:53
Emessand im 17 now so lol01:53
chewyf5@choumsuke my flat is a gates-free zone01:53
chewyf5sorry @Chousuke01:54
Chousukechewyf5: You should use tabcomplete. :)01:54
Chousukeless typing and less typos.01:54
chewyf5sorry but my tab is broken :)01:55
ChousukeAh. That's bad.01:55
Emessno. tab complete ie evil. i tried to /kick someone once, and it /kill them lol01:55
Emessgot me k-lined for a week01:55
=== Chousuke is dependent on the tab key.
ChousukeEmess: haha01:55
ChousukeEmess: be more careful :P01:55
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chewyf5ok now i will go see u01:57
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DocTomoeI have a problem with apache2 on kubuntu dapper - all packages are installed, but apache2 does not seem to start, even after sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start. Any Ideas on this?02:05
DocTomoeAdditional information: if I enter "http://localhost/" into my konqueror, the cups favicon is shown, but I get a "no connection to server" information page.02:06
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bobstrois something "officially" broken with the package feeds, namely us.archive.ubuntu.com? it was working well until mid-day yesterday. now i get size mismatch, connection failed and not authorized messages. someone else here was having same issues yesterday.02:25
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Kamping_Kaiserthe us server used to be renoun for its problems, i havent looked recently though02:28
gnomefreakstill is02:29
gnomefreakthey are having issues as of 12 hours ago02:29
bobstrognomefreak:  is there a status page? i was getting ready to start ripping apart my setup when i realized others had the same problem.02:30
gnomefreakbobstro: no just remove us. from the repos02:30
bobstrognomefreak:  ok, thanks.02:30
gnomefreakthat should fix it (if its the us servers) i use either no CC or de02:31
gnomefreakthose are the most stable IMHO02:31
thoreauputicbobstro: the us. mirrror has been more or less on crack for ages02:31
thoreauputicno idea what the issue is02:31
ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras02:31
gnomefreakwtf :(02:32
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Seveasthoreauputic, the us. mirror will not be on crack anymore02:35
thoreauputicSeveas: that's good to hear :)02:36
thoreauputicSeveas: what is the story?02:36
Seveasthoreauputic, anl now hosts it. anl doesn't fuck up that badly 02:36
thoreauputicah - good :)02:36
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Healothei yar, kumar02:38
kumarWhat's up!02:38
kumarWhere am I?02:38
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cotrolerhello ppl02:39
cotroleri am using vmware, how do i install vmware tools pls?02:40
Healotfrom the menu... selected the Install VMware Tool yet?02:40
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cotroleryes i got 2 files now02:41
Healotif your guest OS is one of the supported GNU/Linux distro, VMware will mount the CD image on your CD ROM02:41
cotroler1 .rpm and 1 .tar.gz02:41
Healotcotroler: btw it is better if you read the VMware Help file02:42
cotrolerwhere is it?02:42
Healotmenu Help ->02:43
cotrolersry but its my first time using linux :)02:43
HealotI don;t give a bs about that... menu Help to go with VMware btw02:43
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Healoton your Vmware window of course02:43
cotrolerk tnx :)02:43
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Healotlook for the guest OS list, if yours supported... read the instruction on how to install VMware tools02:44
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cotroleryes i am trying to follow them if i get stuck i tell you...tnx02:46
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Healottw, I am not supposed to support VMware... use that at your own risk02:46
cotrolerlol k02:47
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bobstrocotroler:  what is guest os you're using02:49
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bobstroEmess:  what is this firewall you're building?02:50
cotroleri am using kubuntu02:50
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bobstrocotroler:  what OS are you installing as a vmware guest?02:50
cotroleri have windows xp02:50
cotrolerand as a guest i have kubuntu02:51
Emessits pretty much a standard firewall only easy for the dumbest of windows users to figure out. and its mostly the gui that makes it special, not the actually friewall itself02:51
Emesscotroler: do it the otehr way round :P02:51
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cotroleri use windows for my collage studies :P02:51
bobstrocotroler:  ah, installing vmware tools can be a pain in the ass. you essentially mount a (virtual) cd that has the files you need on it, and install from there. there are some overview docs, but they're not hand-holds.02:52
bobstrocotroler:  are you an art student?02:52
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cotrolerno an IT student02:52
bobstrocotroler:  ah. you wrote "collage" studies. :)02:52
cotrolersry :(02:53
bobstroEmess:  i'm pleased with a couple of the current gui implementations. at least understandable by most (well, many) end users.02:53
HealotI am learning collage :)02:54
cotroleri got problem02:54
=== MilhousePunkRock [n=jan@dslb-088-070-000-141.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
cotroleras the install help tells me u ned to login as root and kubuntu doesn't have rrot02:54
h3sp4wnrun sudo -i02:55
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Emessthis is more for a personalised OpenBSD distro though02:55
h3sp4wnkubuntu definately does have root02:55
emonkeyor sudo su or sudo bash02:55
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ubotusudo is is a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.02:56
cotrolerbtw i am trying to open a RPM file ...and it gets me a prompt to choos the program...which program i use?02:57
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EmessRPM? you use mandriva or suse to open that02:57
Chousukecotroler: you shouldn't try to install rpm files on ubuntu02:57
Emessor redhat or fedora02:57
ChousukeEmess: actually, you only need rpm :P02:57
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Emessubuntu is debian based, either use .DEB files or be smart about it an compile form source02:57
Chousukecotroler: try to find a native ubuntu package02:58
cotrolerbut the files for VMWARE are in RPM :S02:58
EmessChousuke: getting another distro is easier than installing rpm on debian :P02:58
Healotalien, cotroler02:58
Healot!infor alien02:58
ubotuI know nothing about infor alien02:58
Healot!info alien02:58
uboturpm is the RedHat package management system. Not nearly as good as apt/dpkg. Avoid using .rpm packages on Ubuntu and if you really need them, use alien.02:58
bobstrocotroler:  you can use tar versions too02:58
ubotualien: install non-native packages with dpkg. In repository main, is optional. Version 8.64 (dapper), package size 101 kB, installed size 276 kB02:58
cotrolerwait i got FEDORA CORE 502:58
arnauwhen i try to write a character with an accent the accent appears before of the character, like this: `a. Any solution?02:58
cotroleris that better than kubuntu?02:59
Chousukecotroler: no! :D02:59
cotrolerwhy? lol02:59
cotrolerps i intend to run a test web server02:59
Chousukebecause it's not.02:59
h3sp4wnIt may be faster02:59
Chousukebut VMWare is available as non-distro-specific packages too02:59
Chousukethose have install scripts.02:59
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Healotthe tarball, cotroler03:00
cotroleryes i got on03:00
cotroler*i got a vmware tools in tar.gz03:00
cotroleris that good?03:00
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Healotif your guest OS is supported (VMware supplies the precompiled module with specific kernel version), then use the RPM to avoid recompilation03:01
Healotthat's why I suggest you to read help file...03:01
cotroleri am reading the help file but i cant understand a lot :S03:02
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Healotthen don;t use VMWare hohoho03:02
cotrolerhehe :P03:03
Healot!info qemu03:03
ubotuqemu: fast processor emulator. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.8.0-3ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 2602 kB, installed size 7360 kB03:03
cotroleris qemu like vmware?03:03
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radoneI have problem with firefox - When I store homepage after next restart of firefox it is set to default value.03:09
radoneHas anyone noticed the same problem?03:09
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Healotyou may have a read only profile, radone03:09
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radonewell, but I have absolutely  no idea which file it could be...03:10
cotrolerhow to logout of sudo su?03:11
Lynourecotroler: exit03:11
Healotjust like the good old cmd.exe03:11
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cotrolerhehe tnx ppl u have been to lot of help03:12
cotrolerbye for now :)03:12
exceswaterhi all03:12
exceswaterwho can tell me how to install wolfenstein et ?03:12
exceswateri got the file from the net03:12
exceswaterbut dunno what to do with it03:12
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radoneexceswater: chmod +x filename; ./filename03:13
radoneexceswater: I guess....03:13
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exceswaterit doesn't work03:14
radonewhat is the name of file you have downloaded?03:15
exceswateris ok to : ./et-linux-2.55.x86.run    ?03:15
Healotexceswater: does the website says that is so?03:16
radonesh et-linux-2.55.x86.run03:16
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arnauwhen i try to write a character with an accent the accent appears before of the character, like this: `a. Any solution?03:19
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exceswaterit won't work03:22
Tallia1Kubuntuhow can i fix this error?03:23
Tallia1KubuntuImportError: No module named gnome.ui03:23
Healotpython program?03:23
Tallia1Kubuntuit appeared when i launched lauchcam2 to install the drivers for the webcam03:23
Tallia1Kubuntuyes it is in python as far as i can see03:23
Healotseems like it uses GNOME+Python binding03:23
Healotdid you install GNOME latelY? if not, i guess this is where we've come to03:24
Tallia1Kubuntuno, i didn't03:24
Tallia1Kubuntubut i had it in the past03:24
Tallia1Kubuntuhow big is the gnome package?03:25
seaLnecan anyone suggest why knetworkmanager says "no network device found" when i have wired and wireless03:25
Healotdefine: big03:25
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MilhousePunkRockQuote: knetworkmanager 0.1 is a program that lets you do absolutely nothing.03:25
Tallia1KubuntuseaLne: maybe because udev is not detecting them03:25
Healot!info libgtk203:25
ubotuPackage libgtk2 does not exist in dapper03:25
Healot!info libgtk03:25
ubotuPackage libgtk does not exist in dapper03:25
Tallia1KubuntuseaLne: why don't you use ifconfig?03:26
MilhousePunkRockand that is directly from the help of knetworkmanager03:26
seaLneTallia1Kubuntu: what do you mean by use ifconfig?03:26
Tallia1KubuntuseaLne: ifconfig is the main program to manage netwoek in linux03:27
seaLnei know, but how did that relate to my question?03:27
MilhousePunkRockSo you are familiar with some networking stuff, seaLne?03:27
Tallia1KubuntuseaLne: oh, i taught that you didn't know how to have the network working sorry03:27
seaLneMilhousePunkRock: yep03:28
Tallia1Kubuntuyour quesiton seemed to be different :P03:28
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seaLnesorry to clarify my wired and wireless are detected fine and work, but knwetworkmanager dosen't see them03:28
MilhousePunkRockI do have my wireless running... Sure, otherwise I wouldn't be here.. ;-) But how do I make KDE connect to it automatically on start up?03:29
seaLnei'd like to use knwetworkmanager for selecting wireless networks03:29
exceswaterwho can help me with wokfenstein et03:29
exceswaterin won't install03:29
MilhousePunkRockI could, if it was fraggin' you in it... :-P03:29
seaLneMilhousePunkRock: do you have an entry in /etc/network/interfaces for it with "auto"?03:29
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Healotread the instruction on the download site, exceswater03:29
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exceswateri read03:30
MilhousePunkRockmost likely not, seaLne03:30
exceswaterand cannot understand03:30
exceswaterit halts... error03:30
Healotdo you understand, oh can't help you on that03:30
MilhousePunkRockthat might be related to a bad download, execswater03:30
=== MilhousePunkRock needs to get a coffee, brb
=== exceswater is a noob on kubuntu
=== MilhousePunkRock as well
MilhousePunkRockexecswater, make sure you get the True Combat: Elite mod03:32
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MrObviousseaLne: Use network-manager-kde03:36
chavoexceswater, are you trying to install it somewhere that you don't have write permissions03:37
seaLneMrObvious: sorry i'm not sure what you mean?03:37
MrObviousThat's about the only thing that works.03:38
MrObviousThat or do it manually.03:38
MrObvious(sudo ifup eth0)03:38
MrObvious(sudo iwconfig essid linksys)03:38
MrObvious(sudo dhclient)03:38
MrObviousThat's what I do.03:38
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exceswaterdunno chavo :D03:38
MrObviousAlso sudo iwconfig eth0 rate 54M or something like that (not sure ATM) sets it to A/G speeds03:39
chavoexceswater, try running the script with sudo :)03:39
seaLnei know how to do it manually but i want to use knetworkmanager which says "no network device found"03:39
MrObviousIt's broken.03:39
Healotexceswater: installed your game yet?03:40
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exceswaternot yet03:41
exceswateri try to glibc03:41
exceswater:D hehe03:41
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MilhousePunkRockexecswater hang on, I am just downloading it... So we can fail to install together03:44
exceswateryup MilhousePunkRock03:44
exceswaterbrotherhood of noobs03:44
seaLnei installed et about a week ago with no probs03:45
chavoexceswater, you're going to need the update to 2.6 also, almost all servers run 2.603:45
exceswaterno problemo03:45
exceswaterbut it still fails03:45
exceswateri did:: sudo apt-get install libgtk1.2-common03:45
exceswaterafter that sh ... filename03:45
exceswaterand it still crashes03:45
chavoexceswater, it should run even without gtk03:45
chavoit should fall back to ncurses display03:46
exceswatersh et-linux-2.55.x86.run03:46
exceswateri did that03:46
exceswaterand it stops03:47
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reagleBRKLNtrying to use kerry, how do I actually make it start indexing?03:48
chavohmm sounds like maybe a bad download03:48
MilhousePunkRockhow do i set the port for KTorrent?03:48
exceswaterand say something like:03:48
exceswater/home/exces/.setup14056: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:48
exceswater./setup.sh: line 143: 14093 Segmentation fault      "$setup" "$@" 2>>$NULL03:48
exceswaterThe setup program seems to have failed on x86/glibc-2.103:48
exceswatersorry for pasting here03:49
MilhousePunkRockor rather, how do I perform any settings in KTorrent03:49
exceswaterwhy is that03:49
apokryphosMilhousePunkRock: settings -> configure ktorrent03:49
MilhousePunkRockthx apokryphos, i overread that03:49
apokryphoseXCeSS_: when do you get that?03:49
MilhousePunkRockwas exactly where i expected it03:49
exceswaterhi apokryphos ... my kubuntu Guru :D03:49
apokryphosMilhousePunkRock: same as all KDE applications :P03:50
exceswaterafter that   .... sh et-linux-2.55.x86.run03:50
exceswaterit verifies integrity of archive ....03:50
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exceswaterand that error03:50
=== apokryphos looks around for kubuntu guru
apokryphoswhat is that?03:50
seaLnei think i may have found my problem with knetworkmanager, apparently it ignores any devices that have any entry in /etc/network/interfaces03:50
exceswatersomeone who is kinda leader03:50
exceswaterspiritual leader :d03:51
apokryphosdon't worry, it's not me :P03:51
chavoexceswater, install libgtk-1.203:51
exceswateri am new03:51
apokryphos!info libgtk03:51
exceswateri don;t understand many things03:51
ubotuPackage libgtk does not exist in dapper03:51
apokryphos!find libgtk03:51
ubotuFound: libgtk1.2, libgtk1.2-common, libgtk1.2-dbg, libgtk1.2-dev, libgtk2-perl (and 93 others)03:51
chavosudo apt-get install libgtk-1.203:51
apokryphosstill, it's a bug for it to segfault like that03:51
exceswater: Couldn't find package libgtk-1.203:52
chavoalthough I remember it falling back to an ncurses display03:52
chavolibgtk1.2 sorry03:52
=== MrObvious thwacks chavo
Healotlibgtk1.2-common > exceswater03:53
chavoapokryphos, yeah I remeber running it on a clean install with no gtk1.2 and it used ncurses03:53
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MilhousePunkRockwhat's the other port for in KTorrent? I used Azureus and Torrent before, I never had to set up 2 ports...03:54
tobberothHow do I use the USB capabilities of an Ipod shuffle on KUbuntu??03:55
apokryphosMilhousePunkRock: I think that's just the port it looks for the tracker on, and I believe that's the default03:55
apokryphostobberoth: /msg ubotu ipod03:55
MilhousePunkRockso will it work now that i entered the same port for both?03:56
tobberothapokryphos: That doesn't mention USB capabilities, only how to work with music03:56
MilhousePunkRocki just looked at my win machine, azureus uses the same port for both03:56
tobberothIt's not the same thing03:56
apokryphosMilhousePunkRock: I don't think you should change the tracker port03:56
apokryphostobberoth: well what do you mean, then?03:56
MilhousePunkRockbut i would have to open the port on my router then??!03:56
tobberothapokryphos: I mean, ipod shuffle can emulate a normal USB memory, which is what I need. In iTunes, you go into ipod options and decide how much of the iPod should be USB and how much should be MP303:57
apokryphosno, I don't think so03:57
tobberothI need to know how to do it on ubuntu03:57
apokryphosI think it's just hte port it *gets* the tracker from03:57
apokryphosleave it, and see how things go03:57
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exceswaterapokryphos: when i installed kubuntu03:57
apokryphostobberoth: well if you mount it you should be able to drag things straight into there03:58
exceswateri choosed only one user03:58
exceswateri've seen nothing about root03:58
apokryphosexceswater: check the FAQ in /topic03:58
exceswaternow it seems like i cannot acces root03:58
apokryphosfirst question :)03:58
apokryphosdang, ktorrent has gotten nice03:58
tobberothapokryphos: No, ipods don't work like that. They are locked to stop piracy.03:58
MilhousePunkRockwell, so when it's outgoing my router won't block it AFAIK03:59
tobberothYou need to make a part of it into USB to be able to add files without this huge import/export deal03:59
=== apokryphos goes to find ipod
apokryphosMilhousePunkRock: it should be fine as it is03:59
apokryphostobberoth: works just fine04:01
apokryphosperhaps you're mounting it with incorrect permissions04:01
tobberothapokryphos: Maybe it's not the same with normal iPods04:02
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tobberothShuffles have to be enabled04:02
apokryphostobberoth: what permissions is it mounted with?04:02
tobberothNo idea, it's just mounted04:02
apokryphostobberoth: grep 'ipod04:02
tobberothWell apo, I'll play around with it and see what happens04:02
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apokryphos*grep 'ipod' /etc/mtab04:03
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apokryphosdang, I forgot how nice the ipod kioslave was04:03
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MilhousePunkRockhow do i "link" torrents to KTorrent in Firefox?04:04
exceswaterso apokryphos04:04
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apokryphosMilhousePunkRock: I think you'd have to perhaps change some gnome setting04:04
apokryphosexceswater: hi04:05
MilhousePunkRockGnome settings in KDE? lol04:05
apokryphosMilhousePunkRock: the firefox in Ubuntu is packaged to use gnome libs unfortunately04:05
exceswaterhi  apokryphos04:05
apokryphosFirefox uses gtk04:05
exceswaterso i did: et-linux-2.55.x86.run04:05
exceswaterit says it;s installed04:05
MilhousePunkRockwell, i can still copy and paste the torrent url into KT04:05
exceswaternow i try to sh ...name of the game file04:06
apokryphosMilhousePunkRock: what does it try to open it with atm?04:06
exceswatershould work04:06
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apokryphosexceswater: I guess so, but I have no idea about that game/file (never tried it)04:06
exceswaterhehe :D04:06
exceswateri mean04:06
MilhousePunkRockdownload failed, no assigned application04:06
exceswaterPlease enter the root password or hit enter to continue as is04:07
exceswater/root/.setup14532: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory04:07
exceswater/tmp/selfgz14456/setup.sh: line 143: 14555 Segmentation fault      "$setup" "$@" 2>>$NULL04:07
exceswaterThe setup program seems to have failed on x86/glibc-2.104:07
exceswaterwhy that04:07
=== bobstro is now known as bobstro-away
apokryphosplease don't paste in here :P04:07
exceswateri even entered root pass04:07
reagleBRKLNdoes kubuntu dapper support inotify and extended attrs by default?04:07
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apokryphosexceswater: libgtk1.2 is definitely installed?04:08
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exceswaterjust before04:08
exceswaterit sais it;s installed04:08
exceswaterremove and install again ?04:08
apokryphosexceswater: try running sudo sh04:08
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exceswaterand what can i do there ?04:09
exceswaterif i sudo sh04:09
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apokryphossudo sh whatefile.sh04:10
exceswateri don't understand04:10
exceswaterwhat should i do04:10
exceswatertry to install game from here ?04:10
apokryphosinstead of using sh as you did above, use sudo sh04:10
|lostbyte|Any idea why my dsl connection is not at its max ?04:10
h3sp4wnContestion ratio probably04:11
MilhousePunkRockit rarely ever is, |lostbyte|04:11
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MilhousePunkRockmine should be 6 mbit, but i only get 4 mbit04:11
|lostbyte|MilhousePunkRock, On Mandriva i get complete 256 kbps at bandwidth test.. now only 175 kbps04:12
h3sp4wnIt you want the full connection speed you need to either setup baseband somehow or pay for a leased line04:12
|lostbyte|MilhousePunkRock, I get some 25 kb/sec only..04:12
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|lostbyte|MilhousePunkRock, Want to know if i am missing something the pppd script !04:12
h3sp4wnlostbyte: What is the mtu set at ?04:13
|lostbyte|MilhousePunkRock, I am using a USB Adsl Modem.04:13
MilhousePunkRockI am not the one to ask then, |lostbyte|04:13
=== MilhousePunkRock is on a router, no settings needed...
monkkeyhello, I was running a smooth ubuntu/kubuntu install, put in another graphics card (pci) to run in conjunction with my avg card in windows (dual boot), made no change to my ubuntu install, have removed the pci card now. But kubuntu when loaded will complete all the inital checks and loading of the kernal, then will simply display the kubuntu logo and do nothing else. I changed no settings. It is as it once was. any suggestions??04:13
|lostbyte|:( ok04:13
exceswaterapokryphos: i get same error04:14
exceswaterfrom that package04:14
MilhousePunkRockexceswater, you might want to download it again...04:15
apokryphosexceswater: it's definitely a bug since it segfaults, but it must also be looking for that .so in the wrong place04:15
|lostbyte|Why is it good to disable ipv6 ?04:15
h3sp4wnWhy have something enabled you are not using04:15
|lostbyte|h3sp4wn, How can i use it ?04:15
|lostbyte|Meaning dns that support it ?04:16
exceswatertell me how to remove that glib please04:16
exceswaterand install it again04:16
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h3sp4wn|lostbyte|: Use an isp which supports ipv6 or use tunneling over ipv404:16
MilhousePunkRockexceswater, maybe "request reinstall" in adept?04:17
|lostbyte|h3sp4wn, ok !04:17
exceswateryou're right04:17
tmdx120hello room. Im having trouble detecting my thumbdrive (1gb mini cruzer) can anyone help?04:17
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h3sp4wn|lostbyte|: If you are losing bandwidth you probably have the mtu set wrong04:17
tmdx120Im using dapper (64 bit)04:17
|lostbyte|h3sp4wn, I think my isp support.. cause internet worked when my ipv6 was loaded.. is that accountable.04:18
MilhousePunkRock5 more minutes till my Wolf ET download is finishes, exceswater04:18
apokryphostmdx120: does it not appear under media:/ ?04:18
MilhousePunkRocklet's see if I can install it04:18
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tmdx120apokryhos: no04:18
exceswaterMilhousePunkRock: good luck04:18
|lostbyte|h3sp4wn, i didt have that options, and i am going to set it to mru 296 mtu 296 now..04:19
apokryphostmdx120: usb?04:19
exceswaterplease tell me your file name04:19
MilhousePunkRocki need the True Combat: Elite mod as well, it rocks big time04:19
h3sp4wn|lostbyte|: try setting mtu 1492 to start with04:19
exceswateret-linux-2.55.x86.run ????04:19
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tmdx120apokryphos: yes its is a usb04:19
apokryphostmdx120: ok, what's the output of: ls /dev/sd* ?04:19
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apokryphos(once it's plugged in, of course)04:20
exceswatercould be a problem that i have et-linux-2.55.x86.run04:20
exceswater ?? ? ?04:20
|lostbyte|BRB.. testing..04:20
tmdx120apokryphos: no such file or directory04:20
exceswaterand that could make install impossible ?04:20
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MilhousePunkRockyou will need the patch then I guess, exceswater04:20
apokryphostmdx120: is it definitely plugged in?04:20
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MilhousePunkRocki think it should install anyway04:20
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exceswaterhow to patch if i cannot install it04:20
tmdx120apokryphos: absolutely, and the little lite is on.04:21
exceswaterit gives me same error04:21
apokryphostmdx120: curious. Ok, could you try removing it, waiting a few seconds, then put it back in04:21
exceswaterbut archive is ok04:21
MilhousePunkRockin case you have the ports set up for KTorrent, just go here:04:21
apokryphostmdx120: try ls /dev/sd* again, and if there's no output, pastebin me the output of dmesg|tail04:21
chavoexceswater, the one I have is 2.56 and I have the pathc to 2.604:21
tmdx120apokryphos: done adn the light is on again04:21
exceswaterchavo: The setup program seems to have failed on x86/glibc-2.104:22
exceswaterwhy i get this04:22
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apokryphostmdx120: ok, do the other stuff04:22
DragoonzOMG... i'm impressed behond belief04:22
DragoonzThat install kicked ass04:22
tmdx120apokryphos: /dev/sda  /dev/sda1  /dev/sda2  /dev/sda5  /dev/sdb  /dev/sdb104:23
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=== apokryphos remembers it being the quickest install he did, too
apokryphostmdx120: ok, perfect :)04:23
tmdx120apokryphos: now what04:23
apokryphostmdx120: try this: sudo mkdir /media/thumb && sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdb5 /media/thumb04:23
Dragoonznow to get openldap to work with AD and authenicate... anyone happend to have a good resource off the top of there head?04:24
exceswaterMilhousePunkRock:  please give me a link to your download04:24
exceswateri want to have same version04:24
MilhousePunkRocki already wrote it04:24
MilhousePunkRock3 minutes ago04:24
apokryphostmdx120: gah, ther'es a mistake there, don't do that command04:24
tmdx120apokryphos: oops04:24
exceswaterMilhousePunkRock: i mean for the game04:24
apokryphostmdx120: do this: sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /media/thumb04:24
apokryphostmdx120: don't worry, it wouldn't have ruined anything =)04:25
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MilhousePunkRocki guess you have never used bittorrent before, exceswater?04:25
exceswaterbefore yes04:25
exceswateron win04:25
exceswateron linux no04:25
exceswatergod i hate bill04:25
MilhousePunkRockwell, look into the internet folder of the k menu04:25
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MilhousePunkRockKTorrent should be there04:25
MilhousePunkRockjust download the torrent and open it with KTorrent04:25
apokryphostmdx120: I apologise, but I have to shoot off now. It should be viewable now in /media/thumb04:26
=== apokryphos out
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chavoexceswater, I can give you the link to where I got mine, but you have to sign up to the site04:26
chavoonly takes a second though04:27
MilhousePunkRockwhy not use the torrent i posted?04:27
MilhousePunkRockwas really fast, avg speed 253,6 KB/s04:27
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serenityi want to build a liveCD based on kubuntu. Are there any tutorials, tools, etc for this?04:28
exceswaterthe funny thing is that last time.. i managed to install it04:28
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MilhousePunkRockso how do I install Wolf ET now?04:30
exceswatersh etc04:30
exceswateret-linux-2.60.x86.run ????04:30
exceswatersh et-linux-2.60.x86.run04:30
MilhousePunkRocksudo sh <filename> ?04:30
exceswaterlast line04:30
exceswatersudo sh et-linux-2.60.x86.run04:30
exceswaterand return to ask for help about errors04:31
chavohmm all this et talk has got me itching to play04:31
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MilhousePunkRockVerifying archive integrity04:31
exceswaterimagine that i am counter strike fan... and cannot play it :D04:31
MilhousePunkRockif you like counterstrike, you'll love True Combat: Elite04:32
exceswaterit is free ? ? ? ?04:32
MilhousePunkRockVerifying archive integrity... All good04:32
MilhousePunkRockit's a mod for Wolf ET04:32
exceswaterIF I manage to make et work04:32
MilhousePunkRockpretty close to CS from what I've been told04:32
exceswateri may add that mod04:32
exceswaterit runs ? ... your installer ?04:33
=== MilhousePunkRock is an America's Army player who despises CS though
MilhousePunkRockseems so, the license agreement is here04:33
exceswateri hate you :)04:34
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MilhousePunkRockjust try the torrent link, I am seeding at the moment, so it will be 45 KB faster04:34
exceswateri am downloading it04:35
MilhousePunkRocktoo bad America's Army is discontinued on Linux04:35
exceswateri think that i'll be able to install it tomorrow04:35
exceswateri am at work now04:35
MilhousePunkRockbesides the fact my laptop can't run it anyway04:35
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exceswaterand leaving home :D04:35
exceswaterwhat config is your laptop04:35
exceswater ?  ?04:35
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exceswateri love laptops04:35
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exceswateri will buy one in autumn :D04:36
MilhousePunkRockP3M 1,1 Ghz, 256 MB RAM, S3 SuperSavage VidChip04:36
MilhousePunkRockit ran Wolf ET fine under Windows though04:36
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exceswateri would like to have an alienware laptop04:38
exceswater :d04:38
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exceswaterbut there are things in life more important than computers...04:38
exceswatersays my wife :D04:38
MilhousePunkRockseems like ET is working04:38
exceswateri hate u twice :D04:39
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exceswateri will have it tomorrow04:39
exceswaterbye all04:39
exceswaterso long and thank you for the fish04:39
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MilhousePunkRockthanks for all the fish*04:39
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serenityi want to build a liveCD based on kubuntu. Are there any tutorials, tools, etc for this?04:40
GullyFoylei installed artwiz fonts using apt but i can't find them to use in my theme. i ran xfontsel and they're not there. how do i find them?04:40
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MilhousePunkRockCU exceswater04:40
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MilhousePunkRockchavo, wanna play some?04:41
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spectercorpquick question: has anyone had any luck getting Evolution to connect to exchange under kubuntu and if so, how?04:48
spectercorpwhen I try to set up the exchange account, it just gives me a field for user04:49
Dragoonzanyone know where a good place to get openldap that will work with kubuntu.. as being new i don't want it to break04:51
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aeon17xhow do I get the recent programs to also appear in the K menu?04:54
LjLaeon17x: a suggestion, you might want to try the quicklauncher applet. it can be configured to know your *favorite* programs fairly well (rather than simply the *recent* ones)04:55
LjLaeon17x: but as for your exact question, let me look04:55
spectercorpmost should appear automatically. sometimes it requires a restart of the x server (ctrl+alt+backspace) and sometimes you just have to add the link on your own04:55
LjLaeon17x: system settings / panel / menus04:56
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aeon17xalright, gotta try that04:56
aeon17xby the way Xorg is doing that 90% proceso power thing again, gotta terminate it04:56
=== aeon17x very slowly types into xterm, sudo killall xorg...
LjLhmm, i've heard about that happening once...04:57
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LjLit was on a breezy install though04:57
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aeon17xit seems it comes from using composite in kubuntu04:59
aeon17xthanks, I got the recent apps in there now04:59
joe___Can anybody tell me if internet connection is required to install Kubuntu?04:59
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spectercorpso...no one has had any luck getting evolution to connect to an exchange server on kubuntu?05:00
spectercorpjoe: its not required, but it helps05:00
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rohanhas someone prepared a kubuntu cd with kde 3.5.3 and all the latest updates ?05:02
rohanit would be a great help ! :)05:02
aeon17xwhee, finally figured out how to adjust translucency with the mouse wheel again05:02
aeon17xrohan: it should arrive in the repos in due time, just wait 05:02
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rohanaeon17x: i dont think the official dapper repos will get kde 3.5.305:03
Hobbseerohan: they wont, you're correct05:03
Hobbseerohan: i believe they're talking about a cd with all the updates though05:03
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdis there a independent EQ that works directly with the audio driver?05:03
h3sp4wnrohan: The problem with doing something like that is there is only 4mb free on it05:03
joe___Thanks, spectercorp.05:03
rohanHobbsee: yes, i did read that .. incremental cd images or something like that, right ?05:03
h3sp4wnn0ctuRnaL-fieNd: If you use jackd you can do loads of funky stuff like that05:03
rohanh3sp4wn: how does that make any difference ?05:04
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Hobbseerohan: that's the idea, yeah05:04
h3sp4wnrohan: Newer programs are generally bigger you would have to remove some stuff05:04
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdh3sp4wn: jackd , is that a music player?05:04
rohanh3sp4wn: what is the logic behind "Newer programs are generally bigger" ?05:05
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdrohan: yes, more features , more code , more content05:05
rohann0ctuRnaL-fieNd: not necessarily05:05
rohanthats apart from the point, anyway05:06
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdrohan: usually thats the way it is05:06
rohanfact is, no such cd, with kde 3.5.3 and all the updates are available, right ?05:06
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h3sp4wnYou could make one05:06
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rohani dont know how to05:07
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h3sp4wnThe filesystem is in casper/squashfs or something like that05:08
thompai have a program i downloaded on desktop, installed, cant get rid of the folder, permissions05:08
h3sp4wntake it appart with unsquashfs05:08
h3sp4wnchroot into the directory apply the updates05:08
rohani dont want the desktop cd05:09
h3sp4wnput it back together05:09
rohanthe alternate cd is fine05:09
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rohanit'd be easier also, to make an updates cd for alternate05:09
thompaanbody why i cant delete file even as sudo?05:09
rohanthompa: what error do you get ?05:09
thompain the realplayer directory, if i type sudo rm "filename" get:05:11
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thompait works  now05:11
thompasorry, but how do i remove the whole folder05:11
rohanthompa: using the gui, or rm -r foldername/05:12
thompai have to go into each real player directory and delete files05:12
thompathat worked thanks05:12
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thompai dont understand why it was locked file05:13
thompai downloaded it as user, but installed it with sudo05:13
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thompai got the little fox head now in ubuntu side for some reason05:14
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thompasome of the edubuntu graphics crossed over somehow05:16
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thompai should have moved realplayer folder to home directory05:17
thompafirefox is wrong that way, why put stuff all over the desktop05:18
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thompai just change the settings so its ok05:19
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DarkStoneim trying to extract a 7zip file with ark05:25
DarkStonebut when i extract any file05:25
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DarkStonei get this error05:25
Daskreech2Why won't my hard drive boot on another computer?05:25
DarkStoneThe file or folder /tmp/kde-sohaib/arkNEddTJ/FILENAMEHERE.FILE does not exist.05:25
Daskreech2Well some other computers05:25
DarkStonei get that error05:25
DarkStoneany ideas people?05:25
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dr_willisDaskreech2,  clarify 'wont boot' - No grub? grub works but system dont boot? or Other?05:26
Daskreech2Grub Boots, Loading Root file system either doen't work or takes longer than a few hours05:26
Daskreech2I only waited an hour05:27
dr_willisGrub scans the drives and reorders them - so your hda/b/c/d may not be correct  - depending on what other drives are on the syste,05:27
dr_williswell grub uses  hd(0) and so forth.. but the idea is the same05:27
deuce868Is it setup as the same drive device on the new machine? i.e. on IDE 1, master connection05:27
dr_willisGrub is one of thost things - it pays to learn the ins and outs of. :) its amazing what all it can do05:28
h3sp4wnYou can use it over a serial console as well with a bit of messing around05:29
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dr_willisyea - i never did that yet.05:29
DarkStoneim trying to extract a 7zip file with ark05:29
DarkStonei get this error05:30
DarkStoneThe file or folder /tmp/kde-sohaib/arkNEddTJ/FILENAMEHERE.FILE does not exist.05:30
Daskreech2so ,,,, if I normally boot from master ATA and First IDE then I move to a machine where the Active drive is the Third ATA chan and the master drive I need to mess with grub?05:30
DarkStonei can open the archive05:30
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DarkStonei dont know what the prob is05:30
dr_willisDarkStone,  id just use the command line tools and be done with it.05:30
dr_willissounds like ark may be confused.05:30
Daskreech2DarkStone: Does that file exist?05:31
DarkStonei checked05:31
DarkStoneim trying to extract it out the archive05:31
DarkStonei installed p7zip05:31
h3sp4wnDaskreech2: Is there another drive on the first channel ?05:31
Daskreech2h3sp4wn: no05:31
DarkStonehow do i use command like tools for p7zip?05:32
Daskreech2So I would ned to boot hd2,0 ?05:32
h3sp4wnDaskreech2: Just press e edit the bootline change the root= to hdc - it will still be hd005:32
Daskreech2Ah ok :)05:32
Daskreech2 Cool05:32
Daskreech2 Thanks05:32
h3sp4wnUnless there is other drives05:32
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_bonis there a way to check your emails with kopete05:35
DarkStonehow do i use command like tools for p7zip?05:36
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Tonio__bon: nope it isn't designed for this05:36
Tonio_DarkStone: rtfm ?05:36
_bonwhats it designed for05:36
Tonio__bon: it is a instant messenger05:37
Tonio_not an email client05:37
spectercorpis you're wanting to check mail, look into Kmail, Evolution, or thunderbird05:37
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_bonbut i just want a button i can click to check them onile05:37
Tonio_DarkStone: seriously, the only way to get the informations you're looking for is man p7zip I assume05:38
andred_bon: right-click the account icon05:38
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spectercorpbooya! I finally got evolution working with exchange!05:39
spectercorpfyi: you have to make use in install the evolution-plugins, evolution-webcal and libevolution-cil packages for it to work in kubuntu (in case anyone ever asks)05:39
Tonio_spectercorp: also enable the owa extension to exchange :)05:40
Tonio_otherwise nothing will work :)05:40
spectercorpalready have that. it would work in ubuntu, but it would never give me all the set up fields in kubuntu05:40
spectercorpI had to install the other packages before it would let me set it up05:41
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spectercorpevolution and evolution-exchange weren't enough05:41
_bonandred i dont have an account icon05:41
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charwoodIs it just me or does us.archive.ubuntu.com not have any packages listed today?05:45
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charwoodI should I be able to see the folders that I apt get when viewing their location in konqueror, right?  Isn't it just http?05:46
dr_willis folders that I apt get  ?05:46
charwoodThe locations in my sources.list file05:46
dr_willisahh.. you mean access the ftp servers with a browser.05:47
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charwoodYes, although in my case they are http.05:47
charwoodAnd they should be world visible?05:47
dr_willisno clue. ive never tried to browse them myself. :P05:47
charwoodBecause take a looksy at us.archive.ubuntu.com (-805:47
Emessthe dapper cd is so preeeeeetty!05:48
dr_willischarwood,  that site works for me.05:48
charwoodAnd there are folders in it with thousands of happy packages?05:49
dr_willischarwood,  and if ya http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/   or ftp://us.archive.ubuntu.com/  it looks different05:49
charwoodHuh.  I can ftp it and everything shows up.05:49
dr_willisseems to be all the repos.05:49
h3sp4wnI can't get http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/05:49
dr_willishttp: worked for me as well.05:50
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h3sp4wnhttp://archive.ubuntu.com works fine05:50
dr_willisbut the http was just a bunch of links to the ftp sites05:50
charwoodThe reason that I'm asking is that when I run apt-get update, it can't find any packages at the locations that it thinks that it should.05:50
dr_willishttp://us.archive.ubuntu.com/  works for me as well05:50
dr_willisi think ya may want to remove the 'us' part.05:51
h3sp4wnDoes it point to argonne national laboratory ?05:51
spectercorpreset your sources.list file to the one here: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories05:51
charwoodWhen I try and get the Packages.gz I can download them.  Maybe it's back up.05:51
charwoodConfirmed, apt-get update works again now.05:51
charwoodOk, must have just been a server glitch.  Sorry to bother you all.05:52
spectercorpok, time to pat myself on the back: having been a window user all my life, I am now 100% MS free and loving it. This evolution problem was my last big hurdle.05:53
charwoodspectercorp: Congrats!05:53
spectercorpnot to mention spending all day yesterday trying to get my dual monitor set up correctly. lol05:53
spectercorpnow if I can just get worl of warcraft working.....05:55
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waylandbillspectercorp: hip hip huzzah!05:56
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eXCeSS_is there a way to make firefox maxamize like a mac does in kde05:57
eXCeSS_like it fits to the page, not the size of my screen05:58
spectercorpkde-apps.org might have a plug-in. Also might try looking at the firefox homepage for an add-in05:58
spectercorpI'd start with teh firefox page05:59
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ctothejanyone know of a file search tool that can search through both chm and pdf files?06:14
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waylandbillctothej: beagle06:18
waylandbillctothej: http://beagle-project.org/Supported_Filetypes shows both chm and pdf06:19
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BlankBCan someone point me to a place that tells how to get OpenOfficeOrg2 to work with kprinter?06:26
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kane__BlankB: it quite possibly doesnt06:29
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kane__BlankB: you would have to hack (possibly heavily) to get it to do that06:29
BlankBkane__: that is about what I came up with after a while of googling.06:30
kane__BlankB: you came up with what ?06:30
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BlankBkane__: that it would be impossible without tons of meddling.06:31
kane__BlankB: if you have URLs describing what exact work has to be done, I would like it06:31
kane__BlankB: nm06:31
BlankBkane__: I do not have anything that tells how to do it.06:32
kane__BlankB: well, if it is any consolation ... OOo and Kprinter both use CUPS06:34
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Hedp|Zzzzhello, is there a way for me to install kubuntu on my old laptop wich i cant boot directly from cd?06:39
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h3sp4wnCan the laptop do netboot ?06:39
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Hedphelymno, just floppy\Hd06:40
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BlankBHedphelym: There is a boot floppy somewhere on the net that will boot from floppy first then cause the machine to boot from cd. I have to use it to boot my older machine.06:40
h3sp4wnDoes it have a nwtwork card at all ?06:40
Hedphelymyes it has h306:41
BlankBHedphelym: As soon as I find it I will post a url for you.06:41
Hedphelymthank you blankB , that sounds exactly what i need06:41
h3sp4wnBut there is no cd drive is there on it ?06:41
Hedphelymi have a usb cdrom06:41
h3sp4wnYou can boot the netboot installation from using loadlin from dos06:41
BlankBHedphelym: that boot floppy I was talking about will only chain to an ide cdrom.06:42
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Hedphelymi've been looking at loadlin, but i have no idea how to set it up, i have another distribution that uses loadlin, and has i preinstalled\setup on the cd, that works. but i dont know how to use that with kubuntu06:42
h3sp4wnYou could boot knoppix from dos and install using debootstrap06:44
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reonAnyone here tried mepis6 ?06:45
BlankBHedphelym: Here is a url to the bootable cd loader that I have used in the past. But I probably will not work for what you are doing: http://www.wolfgang-brinkmann.de/bcdw/index_e.htm06:45
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pipitasBlankB: Doesnt it work to do it analogous to what  http://printing.kde.org/faq/kdeprint.php#HowdoIuseKDEPrintinStarOffice  describes?  AFAIK, ooo2 still has the "spadmin" program....06:46
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Hedphelymcan i install kubuntu from inside another distribution?06:47
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BlankBpipitas: I was not able to get it working using spadmin...it would only allow me to make faxes and pdf printers.06:48
BlankBpipitas: plus spadmin will not run if I do: sudo /usr/lib/openoffice/program/spadmin it fails with a Kcrash.06:50
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sebastianHi I did loads of messing around before with Kubuntu and upgraded from Breezy to Dapper.  anyway my Kubuntu is really scrwed.  ,because of the messing around06:51
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sebastianand well I carn't exactly just use it06:51
pipitasI've not tried it with OOO2 so far (don't use it any more). Will see if I can install it at weekend and have a look. No promise, though.06:52
sebastianis there any easy way to get it back to the default set up?06:52
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sebastianso edubuntu is easy for a school to set up on a network?06:54
BlankBHedphelym: Are you goint to dual boot the laptop?06:54
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Hedphelymno,i dont need dualboot, i just want to get kubuntu installed.06:55
angasulesebastian: I guess it depends on what is screwed?06:55
sebastianwell loads of stuff06:56
sebastianfrom when I tryed to customize06:56
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sebastianI Just want it back to the default settings06:56
sebastianas if I hadn't even customized it06:56
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BlankBHedphelym: How about pulling the drive out...slap it into a exernal usb case and do a kubuntu install to it from a desktop machine.?06:57
Hedphelymi dont have the possibility to do that :)06:57
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angasulesebastian: lemme look for a way to do that, sounds useful (I have screwed my machine too, I was planning on making a fresh install with dapper )06:59
sebastianI guess it's just delete my made settings for it06:59
sebastianor something like that06:59
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angasulesebastian: umh, I'm not finding anything, deleting the files could be risky07:02
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sebastianmaybe I can just re install07:02
sebastianthe actaul KDE GUI?07:02
sebastiancomplete re install07:02
sebastianwithout needing to remove K3B and what not programs07:02
angasuleI'm not sure if uninstalling them removes the config files07:03
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sebastianexactly bingo got to delete the config files I guess07:03
sebastianor something like that07:03
sebastianor change them back to the default ones07:03
sebastianI got KDE on lap top.  I guess I could copy those config files into the one on PC07:03
sebastianand replace07:03
sebastianand then it should work?07:03
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angasulesebastian: no idea, sorry, I don't want to give advice if I'm not sure, I usually have a partition for my files and another for the system, so reinstalling isn't much of an issue if I screw my system (which I often do :D )07:05
sebastianI might do a clean install on this PC07:06
sebastiansince so much crap here07:06
sebastianso on07:06
sebastianyou got another partion that is ext3?07:07
sebastianfor yoru files or?07:07
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angasule /home is another partition, and I also have two extra partitions because I used to have 'another OS' installed07:08
sebastianwell I used to have XP07:09
sebastianand well my plan was to make a ext3 half of irst hard disk and the other half fat3207:09
sebastianand yes Linux gets installed on second07:09
sebastianI got home inside my Linux partion at the moment07:09
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sebastianon setup I can make home it's own partion07:10
sebastiana new home?07:10
[BU] Brizz!commands07:10
sebastianand make that be on it's own partion?07:10
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands07:10
[BU] Brizz!usage07:10
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage07:10
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[BU] Brizz!ntfs07:11
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountPartitions07:11
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bobstrosebastian:  is it only YOUR user settings that are horked? if you create another user, are their defaults what you want?07:13
sebastianI didn't think of doing that07:13
sebastian,but probably they will be07:13
sebastianthe default yes and how I want it07:13
bobstrosebastian:  well, if you just want to re-set your kde settings, i usually do that by simply renaming (not deleting yet) my ~/.kde folder (from outside kde)07:14
[BU] Brizzanyone around that knows how to upgrade to amarok 1.4? I can't remember07:14
[BU] Brizz!amarok07:14
ubotuamarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4, and packages are available for Ubuntu at: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.php07:14
Hedphelymanyone know the dos command to copy a cd over to hdd? when i type : Copy e:\*.* c:\*.*  it just copys the files in root of the cd, not the contents of the folder etc07:14
bobstrosebastian:  then if it's ok, you can eventually delete the old one. otherwise, rename it back.07:14
[BU] Brizzhmm maybe nm :)07:14
Hedphelym(in dos)07:14
bobstroHedgeMage:  you want xcopy07:14
sebastianoh re name that folder and it should make a new one?07:14
bobstrosebastian:  yeah07:14
HedgeMagebobstro: whowhat?07:15
sebastianok thanks i'll try that, but I am about to go07:15
bobstroi've had a debian system running for YEARS, and though the basics are fine, i've often screwed up kde & gnome settings. so i do that a lot.07:15
sebastianso won't try now07:15
bobstrosebastian:  no, you can't go. sorry.07:15
HedgeMageoh, wrong highlight?07:15
bobstroHedgeMage:  DOS XCOPY will copy folders.07:15
sebastianheh I can go whenever I want07:15
HedgeMagebobstro: I think you're talking to Hedphelym07:16
bobstrosebastian:  you obviously didn't read the shrink-wrap license.07:16
Hedphelymwell, it says command unknown when i try that. but it might be the bootdisk i'm usng then07:16
bobstroHedgeMage:  oh, sorry. (in) completion.07:16
bobstrosebastian:  joking. your soul belongs to (k)ubuntu now.07:16
bobstrosebastian:  you didn't think it was *really* free, did you?07:17
[BU] Brizz!mp307:17
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeFormats07:17
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VonGeistweird question: does anyone know of any way to get that Matrix screensaver from ubuntu to work on kubuntu? (I'm assuming it won't but I can dream, can't I?)07:19
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[BU] Brizz!flash07:20
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeFormats07:20
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paineswhen I do a right click on a desktop icon, kopete and the rest of the kwin hang until I kill kopete. anyone experiecing this too ?07:22
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VonGeistI wound up using gaim instead of kopete07:23
eosynI wonder why any identd server I use fails to read the proc list correctly and returns no-user no matter what07:24
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elijahblueis there any way to format and install to reiserfs partition using desktop CD?07:25
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[BU] Brizzsomeone needs to add sudo ./MAKEDEV audio to the fixes for flash sound on that page...07:25
raphinkelijahblue: yes there is a way07:25
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raphinkelijahblue: just choose manual partioning, set yourself a reiserfs partition and choose to use it ;)07:26
raphinkon whatever mount point you want07:26
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[BU] Brizz!flash07:27
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeFormats07:27
=== DaSkreech discovers apt-get -f install
DaSkreechThat's great!!!07:28
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_boni have got problems starting x, i did an update and restarted and it didnt work this is my xorg log - http://pastebin.ca/69207 i have a feeling it something to do with kernil headers and fonts and the nvidia 8617 driver i have tryed to reinstall the nvidia drivers but it says there is already one installed and i dont know how to uninstall it so i can reinstall it07:28
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VonGeistsudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common07:29
haakonnhi! i wanted to know how i can hibernate my laptop from kde. in gnome, i press "quit" or whatever, and then i can pick between logout, restart, ..., and hibernate. in kde, there is no hibernate. i'm running with kdm and everything. ideas?07:29
[BU] BrizzVonGeist: NO.07:29
VonGeistsorry, brizz, I was in the middle of typing "that was just a guess". lol07:30
[BU] BrizzVonGeist: hahaha :)07:30
VonGeiststill in the M$ mentality of "remove then install" rather than "re-install"07:31
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n0ctuRnaL-fieNdinstall without removing?07:31
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VonGeistwell, as I've found in linux, when you re-install a piece of software, in generally doesn't cause problems. With most windows programs, re-installing just keeps the same problems in place.07:32
DaSkreechn0ctuRnaL-fieNd: Someone was in here the other day using the system while installing it and erasing windows :)07:33
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_bonsudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common did nothing07:33
h3sp4wnReinstalling usually doesn't fix any problems (any config files are not overwritten with a reinstall)07:34
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_boni did install by apt-get if you talking to me07:34
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdwhich command removes all the config files together with the app?07:35
VonGeistsorry, I'm still learning myself so take any suggestions I give with a grain of salt.07:35
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_bonsudo apt-get --purge remove name07:36
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VonGeistbon: you might try using "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" to rebuild your xorg file. wait for confirmation from someone else before trying that route though.07:37
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elijahblueplzzzz is there any way to format and install to reiserfs partition using desktop CD plz?07:38
[BU] Brizzelijahblue: probably edit the partition table yourself07:38
[BU] Brizz!reiserfs07:38
ubotureiserfs is a journalling file system, in benchmarks it outperforms many others on I/O operations, but they take notoriously long to mount.07:38
ubotuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org07:39
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elijahblueubotu: thats why i cant use ext3...my bro can read/write to i t from windows!07:39
ubotuI know nothing about thats why i cant use ext3...my bro can read/write to i t from windows!07:39
elijahbluelol...is ubotu a machine???07:40
HawkwindHe's a bot07:40
gnomefreakhes a bot with feelings07:41
VonGeistand he makes a mean taco07:41
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[BU] Brizzanyways, reiserfs is readable from windows as well07:42
[BU] Brizzso it's not really a better solution than ext3 unoless you want it for speed07:42
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_boni have got problems starting x, i did an update and restarted and it didnt work this is my xorg log - http://pastebin.ca/69207 i have a feeling it something to do with kernil headers and fonts and the nvidia 8617 driver i have tryed to reinstall the nvidia drivers but it says there is already one installed and i dont know how to uninstall it so i can reinstall it07:43
elijahblue[BU] Brizz: but u cant write to reiserrfs i think from windows..so thats safe07:43
_bonany ideas atall07:43
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elijahblue[Evil] [Ernie] : i want it for privacy:)07:44
VonGeistif you tighten down the security on the system, a windows computer won't be able to write to it regardless of your file system07:44
jorikVonGeist, please explain07:44
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VonGeistI'm just making a guess, but I think if blue were to go through a couple of security faqs as opposed to changing the file system on his computer, it would be easier and a lot less painful.07:46
VonGeistunless he has a reason to want to change beyond keeping his brother out07:46
[BU] BrizzVonGeist: yes07:47
[BU] Brizz!acroread07:47
ubotuI know nothing about acroread07:47
[BU] Brizz!acrobat07:47
ubotuI know nothing about acrobat07:47
ubotuI know nothing about life07:47
bobstroelijahblue:  would hiding the partitions in grub suffice, or is he technical?07:47
ubotuI know nothing about love07:47
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elijahbluebobstro: naaaa, he's not technical07:48
bobstroelijahblue:  in other words, are you just trying to keep him from inadvertently messing up your stuff, or are you trying to hide dirty pictures?07:48
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VonGeistI know this guide is for ubuntu, but most of the stuff works on kubuntu also. There's a good section on some basic security stuff: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#What_are_the_basic_things_I_need_to_know_about_securing_my_Ubuntu07:49
Leafwcan anyone tell me how come the /proc folder can be 514 Mb fat?07:49
bobstroelijahblue:  i would think you could just configure the boot option in grub to hide your linux partitions if you're trying to prevent accidents. otherwise, perhaps an encrypted filesystem is in order?07:49
Specdu -h /proc/kcore07:49
MarcCI'm trying to change my screen resolution but clicking "Apply" or "OK" on the resolution dialog doesn't switch screen modes. Any ideas?07:49
bobstroelijahblue:  i'd hide the partition in any case, in case he decides to format it.07:49
LeafwSpec : 513 Mb of those 51407:49
LeafwSpec : what is this kcore ?07:50
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SpecLeafw: that's normal, it's normally about as big as your memory07:50
SpecLeafw: your proc fs is in memory, not on your disk07:50
LeafwSpec : my RAM is 512 Mb, yes07:50
Specthat's normal :)07:50
elijahbluebobstro: hehe..dirty pics..how u knew that??07:50
bobstroelijahblue:  your brother was in here before asking how to get access to your porn cache. :)07:51
LeafwSpec: after using kubuntu for a year, it has grown to 3Gb, so I wonder what is up.  /usr is 2.4Gb07:51
elijahbluebobstro: i wouldnt take so much encrypting trouble...he aint that smart...uses only windows..thats why im afraid he may install a program in windows which reads/writes ext307:51
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elijahbluebobstro: plz dont talk of horror stories;)07:51
bobstroelijahblue:  yeah, hiding the partition should fix that.07:51
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bobstroelijahblue:  unless of course he boots a cd and zaps it.07:52
VonGeistand from the sound of things, setting the folder to hidden will keep him out of your stash as well07:52
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bobstroVonGeist:  if he's reading from windows?07:52
elijahbluebobstro: he hates linux..thats a boon for me:)07:52
bobstroVonGeist:  i'd still sweat him blasting the partition.07:53
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VonGeistI agree, but in the grand scheme of things, there's not much he can do about that, but I could be wrong07:53
MarcCis there another way to specify screen resolution, besides the Screen Configuration Editor?07:53
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sticchi. why there are no options in kcontrol --> System settings --> Regional settings and accesability? what package i have missed?07:54
VonGeistwait, is his brother dual booting windows?07:54
bobstroelijahblue:  it's a shared computer? you can't just require a password to boot (bios or grub)?07:54
bobstroVonGeist:  that's what i understood. is that right elijahblue?07:54
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elijahbluebobstroyup its a family pc:(07:55
thyagarajanhi guys07:55
VonGeistoops, now this all makes sense to me!07:55
bobstroelijahblue:  dual boot then?07:55
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elijahbluetats what im doing!!07:55
bobstroelijahblue: yeah, i meant it as a question. confirmed. :)07:55
elijahblueim afraid he may access my files from WINDOWS!07:55
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elijahbluebobstro: :)07:55
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bobstroelijahblue:  i think hiding partition with grub is an easy fix.07:55
VonGeistpartition magic used to be able to do some serious partition hiding. I'm sure grub can do it to, I just have no idea how.07:55
bobstroVonGeist:  it's got a LOT of options just for that. very flexible, though i've only started using capabilities.07:56
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bobstrohmmm... is there a GUI front-end for configuring grub?07:56
elijahbluebobstro: which partition? i cant hide my linux entry..?07:57
bobstroelijahblue:  yes, hide it WHEN YOU BOOT WINDOWS.07:57
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bobstroelijahblue:  you can even hide windows partitions from windows -- thus have two winxp/2000 on same disk, etc.07:57
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stamenI have installed ogle DVD player true Adept07:58
stamenbut I can't start it now07:58
stamenwhat to do07:58
ubotuI know nothing about ogle07:58
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elijahbluestamen: try mplayer or xine:)07:58
stamenbut mplayer cant support subtitles for DVD playback07:59
stamenxine too07:59
elijahbluebobstro: i think we are both misunderstanding each other a bit:)07:59
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bobstroelijahblue:  well, what i am saying is that if your system is dual boot (it is, right?) and you use grub to dual-boot (you do, right?) you can configure grub to hide your linux partition when you boot windows, and un-hide it when you boot linux.08:00
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bobstroelijahblue:  does that sound right? hide the linux partition from windows to keep your brother offi it?08:00
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elijahbluebobstro: i got it...but even if my bro boots up my ubuntu system...he wont be able to get in bcoz he doesnt know the password...08:01
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RadiantFireelijahblue: there are ways of password protecting grub08:01
RadiantFireelijahblue: so you cannot make any changes08:02
RadiantFirewithout the password08:02
stamenwhich player is the best for DVD playing08:02
bobstroelijahblue:  yeah, at that point, it's linux security protecting your.08:02
HedgeMagestamen: it depends on what features are most important to you08:02
VonGeistI was using totem on normal ubuntu.08:02
stamenwith subtle support08:02
Specelijahblue: you're worried about your brother getting to your files?08:02
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Specelijahblue: i'm pretty sure there's encrypted filesystems .... :)08:02
stamenI want to support subtitles and DVD menus08:03
stamenHedgeMage: I want to support subtitles and DVD menus08:03
VonGeistelijah: as far as I know you can keep him from even booting linux without a grub password.08:03
HedgeMagestamen: I think both xine and totem do that (I know xine does, as that's what I use)08:03
elijahblueSpec: encrypted fs are too complex stuff for me08:03
HedgeMagestamen: I chose xine largely because it handles both subs and CC very well.08:03
stamenHedgeMage: what package of xine to install08:03
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elijahblueRadiantFire: i see08:03
HedgeMagestamen: xine-ui08:03
stamenHedgeMage: ok08:03
Specelijahblue: just encrypt the individual files then with gpg?08:04
stamenI will try08:04
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elijahblueso theres no way to format and install to reiserfs partition using desktop CD?08:04
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elijahblueSpec: yaaaaaa...thats a better idea..........why didnt i think of it :(08:05
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elijahbluekgpg will do the trick08:06
bobstroelijahblue:  i thought you were worried about deletion?08:06
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oomph_workis there a package for KDE that sets up networking logging into a windows domain similiar to how Xandros has it?08:08
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DaSkreechWhen I'm doing an update from the CD where do the temporary deb packages get stored?08:09
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elijahbluebobstro: well my bro wont delete my files i guess...he's not so mean..........i simply dont want him to access my po** collection:)08:13
DaSkreechYou have a pork collectin?08:13
bobstroelijahblue:  so you're going to encrypt every file? he may also find the temp files etc.08:13
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SpecI have a pork collection too!08:13
DaSkreechI thought I was the only person t!hat did that08:13
Specelijahblue: just tar it up and gpg it08:14
bobstroi think it's a pong collection.08:14
VonGeistI tried but I couldn't keep from eating it08:14
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DaSkreechSweet we should make a chan on freenode :)08:14
bobstroyou know, action screen shots of good games.08:14
SpecVonGeist: patience comes with time08:14
VonGeistspec:not when bacon is involved08:14
elijahbluebobstro: :( guess i'll have to get alternate cd from someone:(08:14
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DaSkreechThats a load of ham!08:14
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DaSkreechOr was it baloney :(08:15
=== DaSkreech waits for the O-T finger
bobstroquit 'hogging' the channnel with all this pork talk08:15
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DaSkreechYeah i makes the channel like a pig in a poke for people who wan suport08:16
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=== bobstro thinks people in #vegan might look better
nexusya des fr ?08:17
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r3nd3r0how do i get online ? i have a adsl connectoin08:17
r3nd3r0isp has dhcp but requires user and pass for login08:18
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=== DaSkreech whispers to r3nd3r0 I think you already are
r3nd3r0no im on windows now08:18
[BU] Brizzr3nd3r0: your DSL modem should handle all of that08:18
r3nd3r0well it didnt08:18
DaSkreechOh in that case you've done two things gotten on line and in danger :)08:18
VonGeista dsl router would fix that problem, but I'm assuming that's not the answer you were looking for08:19
ralph1Hi Can anyone tell where I can get the latest kmymoney2 for Dapper. I could only find version 0.8.2 and need 0.8.408:21
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h3sp4wnWhat is in 0.8.4 that you need ?08:21
BazziRralph1: kde-apps.org but handle with care(tm)08:22
bobstroi've got 3 pcs with identical hardware. i'm mounting $HOME via nfs/nis, so user data is all on server. i want the 3 pcs to maintain identical software configurations. other than copying a disk image, and dpk --get/set-selections, any ideas?08:22
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bobstroi'm thinking unison, rsync perhaps?08:22
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bobstrobut for running systems.08:22
VonGeistget some ghosting software08:22
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BazziRbobstro: thin clients + remote X08:23
bobstroVonGeist:  i'm doing that with tar & ssh (more or less) and it works fine, but i'd like it to be an automatic process. e.g. leave systems on and they sync overnight, with one designated "master".08:23
ralph1BazziR was hopeing for a backport08:23
h3sp4wnralph1: You could try backporting it yourself08:24
bobstroBazziR:  thought of that, but the "server" box isn't all that powerful (other 3 workstations are all the same) and i want users to be able to burn discs, watch dvds etc.08:24
bobstroBazziR:  i think i'm looking for a "sync active systems automatically" solution.08:25
ralph1h3sp4wn: have never done that before and had only poor results compiling stuff.08:26
BazziRcreate a repository on the server, create a metapackage for all your apps, and put updates there, make a script on the clients that dist-upgrades all X hours if available08:26
BazziRwell, pretty much overkill but for the fun of it ;-)08:26
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h3sp4wnralph1: apt-get build-dep kmymoney208:27
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h3sp4wnralph1: Are you running kde 3.5.3 ?08:28
katakombiplease, is there any berlios related channel?08:28
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ralph1h3sp4wn: yes08:28
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DrBairwhats a good commandline tool for managing runlevels?08:28
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kyaneossysv-rc-conf i think08:29
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kyaneosthat is for managing services at each runlevel08:29
bobstroBazziR:  ah, ok. i'm using apt-cacher now (on server). i could set cron job do "dpkg --get-selections > file" from master, and "dpkg --set-selections < file; apt-get dselect-upgrade" on others.08:29
DaSkreechh3sp4wn: I read that as mymonkey08:30
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VonGeistanyone had any problems upgrading to KDE 3.5.3?08:31
VonGeistthe reason I worry is because it took me almost a whole day to get my dual screens working and the last thing I want to do is go through that again08:32
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ralph1VonGeist: I had no problems but do not have dual screens. It just worked for me08:33
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VonGeistyou didn't have to re-do anything on your xorg.conf?08:33
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ralph1VonGeist: no08:33
VonGeistoh good. I might give it a shot then08:33
gnomefreakhttp://packages.debian.org/cgi-bin/download.pl?arch=i386&file=pool%2Fmain%2Fk%2Fkmymoney2%2Fkmymoney2_0.8.4-2_i386.deb&md5sum=321f025287900a028a84af2dc722e0b7&arch=i386&type=main  <<< .deb for what he was looking for08:35
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DrBairman, wireless sucks in Dapper08:36
erovalright .. ive followed the instructions on ATI drivers.. just a big mess.. it seems to be fine with the X display but GL is STILL mesa.. ive tried everything..  :((08:36
h3sp4wnIt would be best to rebuild it against dapper not use the debian sid deb08:36
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gnomefreakh3sp4wn: you see how far he got with that08:37
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VonGeisterov: you pretty much have to manually edit the xorg.conf file to fix that as far as I could find.08:38
h3sp4wnThat deb depends on libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.0)08:38
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erovive tried that.. several times.. any specifics?? i call myself editing what is called for ati->fglrx etc.. why is gl still software??08:39
VonGeistI messed with my ati for two days to try to get it to work. I wound up going out and buying an nvidia card08:39
gnomefreakVonGeist: you should beable to use riddells repo to upgrade smothly08:39
imbrandonVonGeist, good call on the nvidia ;)08:39
erovhaha.. i hear you.. but i'm barefoot and poor ;)08:39
erovjust want to play OLD games even.. they are slow as hell08:40
gnomefreakInstalled: 1:4.1.1-2ubuntu3  <dapper08:40
gnomefreakif you go to packages.ubuntu.com you can grab the right one also there are other downloads for that package he wanted08:41
gnomefreakthat was first one i came across08:41
DrBairis there a new knetworkmanager out there somewhere?08:41
VonGeisterov:you can always try using that dkpg thing it suggests in the xorg file. That at least gives you a nice clean xorg to work with. I would up doing that a few times before I just starting backing up the file before I played with it08:41
ctothejkubuntu wont autorecognize my external usb hard drives, how can i mount them?08:43
VonGeistgnomefreak: I'm going to wait a while before I try that. like I said, I just got this thing working in the first place08:43
gnomefreakVonGeist: i did it flawlessly but im only running single screen08:43
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VonGeistI **need** my dual screens08:44
erovyeah ive done that a few times.. myself.. have over 10 backups in the directory now.. :| i think the x display is working fine but for some reason fglrxinfo always reports the soft gl..08:44
gnomefreakVonGeist: it shouldnt play with the xorg.config file at all08:45
omeowWhat shouldn't?08:45
gnomefreakomeow: upgrading kde08:45
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omeowHm, I just did that too, my displays still seem to work, but the package is broken or something.08:46
gnomefreakomeow: what package?08:46
VonGeisterov:you know, the easyubuntu script installed an ATI control panel that helped fix a couple problems I was having.08:46
omeowThat.. and the display configuration module is broken yet again.08:46
erovill try that08:47
VonGeistI think I'll give it a month or two before I install the new version.08:47
omeowSetting up dual displays?08:47
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n0ctuRnaL-fieNdwhats a ipconfig in linux?08:50
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdifconfig doesnt display dns servers08:51
crimsun``cat /etc/resolv.conf'' does08:51
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n0ctuRnaL-fieNdis that a file ?08:51
crimsun/etc/resolv.conf is. What I gave you is a command.08:52
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n0ctuRnaL-fieNdok , thanks08:52
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdso i can manuallly set the dns servers in resolve.conf , right?08:53
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdwill it override my settings if i use dhcp?08:53
h3sp4wnThat isn't the way to do it if you are using dhcp08:54
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crimsunthey will be overwritten if you use dhcp, yes.08:54
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shogoukido you have a bug with amarok 1.4 with xine and dapper, i cant play a mp3 since my reinstall08:54
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdmmmk ,08:55
crimsunshogouki: did you install libxine-extracodecs?08:55
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdmy pc uses the gateway as dns server , which it doesnt in windows08:55
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n0ctuRnaL-fieNdand i dont want it to do that either08:56
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shogoukicrimsun: thx it works now :)08:57
n0ctuRnaL-fieNdnevermind, i think i got it08:57
h3sp4wnn0ctuRnaL-fieNd: You need to use something like prepend domain-name-servers; in dhclient.conf08:59
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weedarIs there a way to install cmake version 2.4.2 as a deb-package?09:04
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DaSkreechHedgeMage: It's true!!09:06
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tsdgeosany idea why depmod -av does not list the restricted modules?09:07
elknof3hi everybody, hey does someone have pcsx2 running??09:07
proogi specified "kate" as the default HTML opener in konqueror, but now when i browse the web with konqueror, it asks if i want to save the html file or open it with kate, instead of showing the html page... how do i get normal web brwosing back??09:08
DrBairdhclient constantly clobbers my /etc/resolv.conf that openvpn sets up on connection, any idea how to change this?09:09
[BU] Brizzrofl that's funny09:09
[BU] Brizzproog: iirc Konqueror isn't really a web browser per-se09:10
[BU] Brizzit turns over all requests to the programs that are associated with them09:10
proogwhy not?09:10
BazziRit is something like IE <=6 :P09:10
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[BU] Brizzyah it's kind of like Windows Explorer09:10
proogyou use firefox then?09:10
[BU] Brizzit just kind of interfaces with the OS and has the ability to display web pages09:11
[BU] Brizzyah firefox09:11
tsdgeos[BU] Brizz: konqueror is a web browser09:11
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proogthats what i thought09:11
[BU] BrizzKonqueror can be used as a web browser09:11
tsdgeosit is09:11
elknof3hi everybody, hey does someone have pcsx2 running??09:11
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wodgerstill makes it a web browser09:11
[BU] Brizzproog's problem here is exactly what makes Konqueror not a web browser09:11
proogany idea on how on get the normal web browsing experience back?09:12
tsdgeos[BU] Brizz: .09:12
[BU] Brizzit is a file manager that has the ability to display web pages09:12
tsdgeosproog: not setting kate the first to open html pages?09:12
tsdgeos[BU] Brizz: fucking NO09:12
[BU] Brizzthen explain the problem09:12
tsdgeosyou really want the answer?09:13
proogyes please :)09:13
tsdgeoskonqueror is nothing but a shell09:13
tsdgeosthat is able to embed things09:13
tsdgeosthere are 2 things that come by default with konqueror09:13
tsdgeosthe file manager AND the browser09:13
[BU] Brizz13:13 < tsdgeos> konqueror is nothing but a shell <-- that's exactly what I was getting at09:14
proogdo you use it as a browser, tsdgeos?09:14
tsdgeosproog: of course09:14
tsdgeoswhat would i use if not?09:14
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proognever experienced this problem?09:14
tsdgeosproog: of course not, but should be easy to fix09:15
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tsdgeoswait a mo09:15
proog... how?09:15
[BU] Brizzthe problem, just as I said before, is that Konqueror is not a web browser, it just has the ability to display web pages09:15
eosyn_ok so I've discovered that something is forbidding oidentd to read on ipv4 but nothing is listed in the sockets09:15
eosyn_oidentd works on ipv6 tho09:15
[BU] Brizzsure, you can set it back to open HTML files, that's a solution09:15
tsdgeos[BU] Brizz: and what is the fucking diference?09:15
proogtsdgeos: the easy fix...?09:16
[BU] Brizzthe difference is that web browsing is not Konqueror's primary function, it is just one of it's functions09:16
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tsdgeos[BU] Brizz: because it does not have a primary function09:16
tsdgeosthat's aplus09:16
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[BU] Brizzokay you like that about it, that's fine. I'm not arguing that a primarily web browser is better09:17
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VonGeistput konqueror as the top application for html in the file associations section of configure-konqueror09:17
VonGeistshould fix your problem09:17
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[BU] BrizzVonGeist with the save! ;)09:18
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VonGeistand not even a thanks....09:20
[BU] Brizzheh09:20
_bondoes anyone know how to reinstall the nvidia 8762 graphics drivers09:21
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[BU] Brizzheh tsdgeos wasn't very happy with me ;)09:21
VonGeistthe sad thing was you were both saying the same thing! lol09:21
VonGeistthat dpkg thing didn't work for you, bon?09:22
[BU] Brizzit's true, he tried to arge with me and then told me exactly what I had been saying all along lol09:22
[BU] Brizz!kopete09:22
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ubotukopete is Kopete 0.12 testing packages at http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kopete/09:22
VonGeist"its a shell that has a web browser in it" vs. "its a web browser that's part of a shell"09:22
[BU] Brizzlol09:22
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soonHi folks ... I want to rip a short segment from a commercial DVD and use it in the Kino video editor ... how can I do this? Should I rip and convert it to DV first? If so - what tool is available to me?09:24
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Specsoon: ask in #ubuntu09:31
soonokay ...09:32
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elknof3can someone help me with pcsx2 in dapper??09:41
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triphm, anyone know how to get the kmenu to auto sort?09:43
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h3sp4wnralph1: Have you managed to get the version you need ?09:43
h3sp4wnralph1: Of that program you wanted ?09:43
VonGeistlater all! thanks for your help earlier!09:44
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linuxmonkeywassup h3sp4wn09:45
JIuHgeMaHHHello. I've installed an Ubuntu Server on my PC. But now I want to have KDE installed over. Is it possible without downloading packages? I have Kubuntu CD.09:45
h3sp4wnlinuxmonkey: hi09:46
[BU] BrizzJIuHgeMaHH: apt-cdrom09:46
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[BU] Brizz!apt-cdrom09:46
ubotuI know nothing about apt-cdrom09:46
[BU] Brizzgeh09:46
h3sp4wn<JIuHgeMaHH>: Do you have the alternate cd ?09:47
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JIuHgeMaHHh3sp4wn: I've Kubuntu Desktop CD09:47
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trip[BU] Brizz, what is there to know? uses cdrom as source for apt packages09:47
h3sp4wnJIuHgeMaHH: How did you install a server from that ?09:47
[BU] Brizztrip: don't you have to do apt-cdrom add first or something?09:47
JIuHgeMaHHh3sp4wn: I have Ubuntu Server CD too :)09:47
EricCartmanAnytning changed with tcl/tk lately ? make xconfig is not working. It was working fine yesterday. I can't recall if there was any update or stuff. Any idea ?09:48
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trip[BU] Brizz, first before what?09:48
linuxmonkeyEricCartman: no updates to my knowledge09:48
[BU] Brizzbefore you can use the CD09:48
h3sp4wnJIuHgeMaHH: The problem is that if you look on the desktop cd you won't find any deb's which is what you need to use a cdrom as an apt source09:48
=== EricCartman *sigh*
trip[BU] Brizz, no, there is an entry in sources.list that has apt check cd-rom09:48
tripIt's in sources.list by default I believe09:48
[BU] Brizztrip: oh yah? cool, that's nice... new in Dapper?09:49
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trip[BU] Brizz, no, old feature09:49
DjDarkmanhy ,wich unix/linux shell command prints out the transered data amount on a network device?09:49
[BU] Brizzoh I don't have that automatically09:49
JIuHgeMaHHh3sp4wn: Yeah, I just found an squashfs image on that CD, but I thought if there any tool that could extract files from that image and correctly install :)09:49
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h3sp4wnunsquashfs - I don't know whether that is in the version of squashfs-tools that is with dapper though09:50
TintinWhat is the best way to manage services in (K)Ubuntu?09:50
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JIuHgeMaHHh3sp4wn: So, all needed KDE packages I can found on Alternate CD?09:51
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h3sp4wnJIuHgeMaHH: Yes09:51
h3sp4wnJIuHgeMaHH: But if you want the latest version of kde that isn't on any cd as far as I know09:51
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JIuHgeMaHHh3sp4wn: Thank you.09:52
h3sp4wnJIuHgeMaHH: If you have a dvd writer the dvd has the whole of main on it I believe09:53
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GullyFoylewhat's the best way to install realplayr plugin for konqueror? thru a mutiverse repo or thru real's download?09:55
DjDarkmanwich unix/linux shell command prints out the transered data amount on a network device?09:55
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeFormats09:56
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jme__DjDarkman: ifconfig09:56
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linuxmonkeyyeah its ifconfig, i just checked to make sure and jme__ beat me to it09:56
jme__i checkded too, just faster :)09:57
linuxmonkeyyeah im also doig a bunch of other stuff09:57
GazzaKanyone have any ideas why opengl screensavers only display on the top third of my screen? - Intel 915GM graphics09:57
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pit__bonsoir  tous09:57
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linuxmonkeyGazzaK:  you want an honest answer or some mumbo jumbo09:58
jme__Pit, here you have to speak english. or #kubuntu-fr :)09:58
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pit__ok sorry09:58
jme__no poroblem09:58
GazzaKlinuxmonkey, a nice honest simple answer will do :)09:58
pit__Can I ask some question here?09:58
linuxmonkeyis it onboard video?09:59
jme__pit__: this channel is dedicated to this exact purpose :)09:59
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r3nd3r0pit__, dont ask to ask09:59
linuxmonkeypit__:  just ask..lol09:59
GazzaKlinuxmonkey, yes, onboard/shared memory09:59
GazzaKmemory is not a problem, got two gig to play with10:00
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pit__I wanted tu change my source.list and a password is required but it didn't works with my user paswd10:00
jme__there, you asked10:01
jme__and we dont answer10:01
GazzaKlinuxmonkey, just found this thread - http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159640 - it might answer my question?10:01
linuxmonkeymy personal answer would be to get off that onboard video.  but we all know thats not possible....do you know if it happens with other gl stuff or just screensavers10:01
jme__got you!!! :)10:01
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GazzaKlinuxmonkey, it is a lapdog, so no way of swapping cards :)  so far, only screensavers, it is not a high priority at all10:02
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linuxmonkeyoh ok cool.  GazzaK if its only screensavers then im not quite sure what would cause that, what version of kde u got?10:03
linuxmonkeypit__: are you the only user on the account? or are there other users10:04
pit__i m alone10:04
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GazzaKlinuxmonkey, it is kde 3.5.2 the default on in dapper 6.0610:05
linuxmonkeyGazzaK:  upgrade to 3.5.3 it may help10:05
GazzaKthat was something I was going to do, thanks10:06
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linuxmonkeypit__: can you open the konsole and type nano /etc/sudoers and tell me whats in there by pasting to pastebin.ca10:07
pit__I try to translate "Reading error from /etc/sudoers/ permission denied10:08
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linuxmonkeypit have you ever done anything that asked for a pw before?10:09
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pit__no I've instal kubuntu for the first and wanted to updates it10:10
eXCeSS_http://mcccxxxvii.com/ does this website work for anyone10:10
jme__eXCeSS_: dns ok, tcp not responding10:10
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eXCeSS_so its a servers problem?10:11
linuxmonkeypit__: seams to me that your user for some reason wasnt setup for sudo use, im checking to see if I can find you a fix10:11
eXCeSSshit ok becuase before they were updating something adn the dns didnt work10:11
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pit__A friend of mine tell me how to change the sudo pswd by using terminal but can't remember10:12
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[BU] Brizz!wmv10:13
ubotuFor lots of multimedia issues this page has the useful information you want https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats see also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - Please use free formats, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeFormats10:13
linuxmonkeythe sudo pw is your user password. but it seams your user is not part of the admin or that your sudoers file is messed up10:14
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FearMothI'm trying to install vmware workstation on kubuntu dapper, and I need to compile a vmmon module, but the vmware installer says "the path /usr/src/linux/include is a kernel header file directory, but it does not contain the file linux/version.h as expected" ... do I need to rebuild my kernel, or is there a way around it?10:15
linuxmonkeyFearMoth:  you got build-essential and linux-kernel-headers installed10:17
eXCeSSfearmoth check the guides on ubuntu forums10:17
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository. Instructions to install VMWare Server can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingVMWare10:18
pit__I' succeede to open source.list10:18
pit__don't know how but don(t care10:18
linuxmonkeypit__: probably wont be able to save it though10:18
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pit__I'succeeded to save it unbelievable10:19
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azzcohi I've got a problem..it's not really kubuntu related...I'm trying to unrar a file and don't know where to ask for help10:19
linuxmonkeyazzco: you got unrar installed?10:20
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GazzaKcheers, i'll try that linuxmonkey10:20
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DarkStonehow can i extract split rar archives?10:20
azzcohello DarkStone10:20
DarkStoneark doesnt work with them10:20
azzcoI'm trying to ask the same thing :D10:20
linuxmonkeyDarkStone and azzco you must install unrar10:21
azzcogot it installed10:21
azzcojust don't know how to operate it10:21
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linuxmonkeyand then from command line locate your rar's  (all in same folder)10:21
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=== DarkStone opens adept
linuxmonkeythe type unrar -x nameoffirstfile10:21
azzcooh okay is it that easy?10:22
DarkStonethank you10:22
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linuxmonkeyno problem10:22
azzcookay so I'll cd to the directory of the rar files then do that command10:22
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azzcogreat thx10:22
DarkStonetheres a free and a non free version10:22
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DarkStonethey they both have the same command?10:22
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azzcolinuxmonkey: I'm still having problems...10:23
linuxmonkeyim not sure10:23
linuxmonkeyI got the unfree version installed10:23
linuxmonkeysorry let me check again10:23
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DarkStonebash: unrar: command not found10:24
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azzcoI've been fiddling around with installing unrar all day...10:24
linuxmonkeylet me check wich one i got installed10:24
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azzcoI've got the freeware version10:25
DarkStoneim going to install both10:25
azzcohehehe darkstone10:25
linuxmonkeyi just got the unrar not the unrar-free10:25
linuxmonkeyand it works like a charm10:25
DarkStoneill install that then10:25
=== DarkStone opens adept
azzcobrbr I'm going to try a command here10:26
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pit__thanx linux monkey for taking time!10:27
DarkStonei installed non free version10:27
DarkStoneand it works like a charm10:27
DarkStonei can now open the rar10:27
azzcolinuxmonkey: should I skip the .part01.rar part when I want to unrar all of the parts?10:27
DarkStonefinish download part01.rar10:28
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azzcoI can open the rar with ark but when extracting I only extract the part file I'm on not all of them =(10:28
azzcothought it would help doing it via shell10:29
DarkStoneseems to be working fine here10:29
azzcomind helping me download your version10:30
DarkStonei just went into adept10:30
DarkStonesearched unrar10:30
azzcowhat was it called?10:30
DarkStoneinstalled both version10:30
azzcoone sec10:30
azzco*opening adept*10:30
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azzcoI only see unrar free10:32
DarkStonei can see both10:32
h3sp4wnenable multiverse10:32
azzcoI think that I did before10:33
azzcodid some cat command via shell10:33
cox377hey all10:33
DarkStonesudo aptitude install unrar10:33
DarkStonetry that10:33
azzcooops forgot to shut down adept10:34
azzcothink that it's done :)10:34
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azzcounrar -x filename...did that work for you?10:35
DarkStonei used ark =X10:35
azzcohehe okay10:35
azzcoI'll try that too ;)10:35
azzcoone sec10:35
DarkStoneok :)10:35
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azzcohmm it's a ISO of a game I was to lazy to go get it myself (about 40 kilometers to my freinds house -_-)10:37
azzcomight take some time =/10:37
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DarkStonebut its extracting?10:37
DarkStoneif so then its working10:37
DarkStonei just extracterd the iso of the fast and furious toyko drift screener ^_^10:37
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DarkStoneneed to burn it now..10:38
azzcohehe okay10:38
azzcowell I can't see how well it's doing10:38
azzcolast time the extraction stopped at 16 mb10:38
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DarkStonewell if its taking longer then its working10:39
azzcohope it works =D10:39
DrBairhow do you nuke a kde session?10:39
DarkStoneGRR! cd burning failed...10:39
azzcoyeah it is so I'm just going to hold my thumbs and dance =)10:39
heinkel_111can anyone point me to a nice guide on troubleshooting usb camera mounting?10:39
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heinkel_111i don't know why it fails, it used to work in breezy :(10:39
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azzcoI don't know anything about that yet heinkel_111 sorry =(10:40
DrBairheinkel_111: is it a USB mass storage camera? most of them aren't10:40
heinkel_111well it is a olympus mju 50010:41
heinkel_111on breezy it mounted as just another usb flash disk10:41
DrBairdo you have the kamera KIO slave?10:41
heinkel_111how can i check for that?10:41
DrBairits in adept10:42
DrBairseems like it is a mass storage camera though...10:42
heinkel_111will check10:42
DrBairuse the command dmesg and look for any useful information when you plug the camera in10:42
heinkel_111but right now it appears like it is not even recognized as usb thing plugged in10:42
heinkel_111camera reacts to computer, but not vice versa10:43
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heinkel_111DrBair: "Package: kamera digital camera io_slave for Konqueror"10:46
heinkel_111DrBair: installed10:46
DrBairshouldn't need it with that camera though10:46
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heinkel_111bu cannot find out that the camera is plugged in :(10:47
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calandronoe oe10:47
DrBairlsusb and dmesg will help you greatly in this case10:47
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radi``pro4etox vav foruma na arenabg 4e tuk mojete da mi pomognete10:48
DrBairyes in the command line10:48
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DrBairshow attached usb devices10:48
radi``ops sorry i wrote on bg10:48
radi``can i ask you a question10:48
heinkel_111tried it, nothing happens as i disconnect/reconnect camera cord10:48
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D4m4gebon, j'ai tout cass10:49
heinkel_111DrBair: lsusb seems to stall a lot of things here, cannot exit it with ctrl+c or ctrl+z10:50
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heinkel_111DrBair: that indicates something not working properly, right?10:50
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D4m4geooops sorry10:50
Frederickfolks my console has no colours can I have some help?10:50
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D4m4gethought i was on a french channel10:50
DrBairheinkel_111: it stalls?10:50
heinkel_111DrBair:  yes10:51
DarkStonewhat other cd burning program is there apart from k3b10:51
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DarkStonethis image will not burn10:51
heinkel_111nothing happens in that terminal window after i typed lsusub10:51
DrBairsounds like a kernel issue10:52
DrBairtry removing the camera first10:52
linuxmonkeyDarkStone:  wassup10:52
DarkStonewhat other cd burning program is there apart from k3b10:53
DarkStonethis image will not burn10:53
heinkel_111dmesg was more informative...3 screensfulls or so10:53
linuxmonkeywhat format is the image?10:53
heinkel_111DarkStone.... gnomebaker10:53
DarkStonehow do i refresh the kdemenu to show new programs that are installed?10:54
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DarkStonei usually need to restart the pc to find programs in the kde menu10:54
heinkel_111DrBair: if only the pastebin would open..i have found some stuff in dmesg10:55
DarkStonehow do i refresh kubuntu to show newly installed programs in the kde menu???10:56
JavaGeekhow does kubuntu mount usb devices?10:56
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JavaGeekI have an external usb harddrive that it's formatted in NTFS, and I want to use the ntfsprogs tools to mount it r/w10:57
linuxmonkeyDarkStone: right click on kmenu, menu editor, save and exit and it should be there now10:57
JavaGeekI think kubuntu uses pmount, but how does it determine the FS and the driver that needs to load10:58
DarkStone./usr/bin/X11/cdrecord: No such file or directory. Cannot open FILE '/home/sohaib/Desktop/tokyodrift/The.Fast.and.the.Furious.Tokyo.Drift.TS.Subbed.VCD-maVenssupplieR/CD1/D:\The.Fast.and.the.Furious.Tokyo.Drift.TS.Subbed.VCD-maVenssupplieR\CD1\ff3.mavsupa.bin'10:58
DarkStonethats my error10:58
DarkStoneit looks at D:/10:58
DarkStonemy question is WHY10:58
linuxmonkeyDarkStone: check your pm and please dont discuss piracy items here10:59
DarkStonewhat should i edit with10:59
DarkStonei dont want to destroy the image11:00
linuxmonkeyyou wont11:00
linuxmonkeycue file is just a text file11:00
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azzcodo you know how to mount a iso file?11:01
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azzcok3b says that my iso file isn't good for burning to CD...11:02
h3sp4wnmount -o loop11:02
DarkStonety linuxmonkey for helping11:03
thelostbyte_hi ! guys..11:03
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thelostbyte_How are ya all ?11:04
linuxmonkeygood you11:04
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org11:04
DarkStonecd image is burning :D11:05
heinkel_111DrBair: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/72618511:05
linuxmonkeythere ya go DarkStone its not an issue with k3b...k3b rocks11:05
DarkStonekubuntu rocks11:06
linuxmonkeythat it does11:06
h3sp4wnIf only it ran faster11:06
DarkStoneits fast enough for me11:06
heinkel_111linuxmonkey..help me troubleshoot k3b some other day, it doesn't even start burning lol11:06
DarkStonethe only slowdown is the bootup11:06
DarkStonebut thats about it11:06
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linuxmonkeyDarkStone: type /sysinfo for me in here11:07
fiyawerxhey guys, anyone using freenx on 6.06 kubuntu?11:07
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DarkStoneSysinfo for 'sohaib-laptop': Linux 2.6.15-25-386 running KDE 3.5.3, CPU: MobileIntel(R)Pentium(R)4-MCPU1.80GHz at 2319 MHz (2395 bogomips), , RAM: 248/250MB, 96 proc's, 6.2h up11:07
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|lostbyte|Thank Mark Shuttleworth :)11:07
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linuxmonkeyDarkStone: want a performance boost?11:07
|lostbyte|huh ! disable unwanted boot options.11:08
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|lostbyte|Set a low resolution Wallpaper.11:09
linuxmonkeyok in console type sudo apt-get linux-68611:09
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DarkStonewill this affect my cd burning?11:09
|lostbyte|Disable some KDE effects..11:09
linuxmonkeythen when its done reboot and it should boost it a bit11:09
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linuxmonkeyheheh 386 vs 686 :)11:10
DarkStonewhats teh diff11:10
Guest202hi, want to install kubuntu on a p3, 800mhz Duron AMD, 256 MB. WIll that work? thanks-torli11:10
Official_Chmm we were talking bout this yesterday11:10
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azzcosorry I had to reboot my computer...11:10
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linuxmonkey686 better for faster cpu's11:10
azzcodon't know why but nothing worked11:10
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Official_C686 is more advanced and beter suited for the more modern pentiums is what i;ve heard11:10
DarkStonewill it cause any compat probs?11:10
azzcoI was asking on how to mount a iso11:10
Official_Cand amds11:10
Official_Cor whatever11:11
linuxmonkeymount -o loop -t iso9660 filename.iso /mnt/iso11:11
Official_Cmodern processors using the intel architecture11:11
|lostbyte|azzco, man mount11:11
h3sp4wnBut why is the server kernel built for 386 ? probably doesn't make much difference11:11
|lostbyte|azzco, Check on "-f" and "-o loop"11:11
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Official_Cprobably because alot of people use older computers for servers?? i really dont know11:12
linuxmonkeyh3sp4wn:  i noticed quite a bit difference11:12
|lostbyte|azzco, See the structure of the syntax. and things will be clear.11:12
azzcoI'll try linuxmonkey's command first lostbyte ;)11:12
fiyawerx_not sure i'm doing the right thing when it comes to nomachines nxclient, anyone familiar with that?11:12
azzcooh...you're speaking to a noob11:12
linuxmonkeyazzco: burn it, it be simpler11:12
h3sp4wnlinuxmonkey: Try the kanotix kernel you will feel a much more noticable difference11:12
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h3sp4wnlinuxmonkey: just install the source deb and build it yourself11:13
DarkStoneyay! the image is finally done11:13
=== heinkel_111 tries the desperate reboot :(
Official_Ci cant wait till my "Practical Guide to Linux" book gets here11:13
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Official_Canyone else have that?11:13
azzcolinuxmonkey: I couldn't k3b wouldn't let me11:13
|lostbyte|azathoth, ok ! here you go mount -t auto file.iso /mnt/ -o loop11:13
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|lostbyte|azzco, Some thing wrong with the iso then.. whats the exact error ?11:15
JavaGeekhow does kubuntu handel the HAL interface?11:15
=== linuxmonkey runs everything linux :) Router/PC/Servers/Firewall :)
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DarkStonesame here11:15
azzcoone sec lostbyte11:15
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DarkStonemy router is linux11:15
DarkStoneno windows on this pc either11:16
DarkStonei want to get to know linux a bit better ;)11:16
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alex___hey there's something good to do here??11:16
azzcolostbyte "doesn't seem to be a useful image" I'm not to good at translating from swedish to english but I think that would be correct11:17
|lostbyte|DarkStone, tldp.org11:17
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DarkStonewhat is that11:17
alex___there's no woman in here????????????????????????????????????????11:17
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DarkStoneim registring my nick11:17
alex___this is so lame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11:18
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azzcoalex___: spam is not a good thing...not anywhere remember that11:19
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Official_CDarkStone: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0131478230/sr=8-2/qid=1151011250/ref=pd_bbs_2/002-7672029-2992059?%5Fencoding=UTF811:21
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Official_Cdid you check it out?11:22
DarkStoneim doing it now11:22
Official_Ci just ordered it recently, its gotten rave reviews11:22
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DarkStonelooks good11:22
Official_Cyeah, nice price too, huh?11:23
DarkStonei wonder if theres one of those for the uk11:23
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Official_Camazon.co.uk i think11:23
DarkStoneill have a look11:23
azzcohmm k3b doesn't want to burn =s11:23
azzcoit says that there isn't enough room on the CD11:23
DarkStoneenable overburning11:23
Official_Cdid it for ya, lol11:23
azzcosame problem as you dark stone?11:23
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DarkStonelol official_c11:23
DarkStoneu beat me to it11:24
zommesgood day11:24
DarkStonei had a diff problem11:24
DarkStonewhat size is ur image?11:24
|lostbyte|azzco, Whats the size of it ?11:24
zommeswhat do you suggest for a telnet client?11:24
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zommesif i may ask11:24
azzco738.4 MiByte11:24
|lostbyte|zommes, nc11:24
DarkStonethen enable overburn11:24
zommesyes but to play mud game's11:24
DarkStonein settings11:24
DarkStoneand it will let you burn it11:24
azzcoDarkStone: I get it now =D11:25
Official_Coh, btw if you were wondering why i am telling you, its cause you said you wanted to get to know linux better, lol...as do I11:25
|lostbyte|zommes, netcat11:25
DarkStoneofficial_c ty i will order this book asap11:25
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zommescan i install it with adept?11:25
Official_CDarkStone: awesome man11:25
DarkStonei ordered a couple of ubuntu disks11:25
|lostbyte|zommes, yes.11:26
DarkStoneim going to try and get people to try linux out11:26
blitzI have a fresh install of kubuntu 6.06, and when I install wine, I cant run or configure it... it keeps stalling when it creates the ./wine directory11:26
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azzcoI need to find a begtter CD...11:26
zommes|lostbyte|, thank you11:26
Official_CDarkStone: from ubuntu?11:26
Official_Cso you got them free , right?11:26
DarkStoneis there a kubuntu cd aswell?11:26
Official_Cnice...that mark shuttleworth is a great guy11:27
blitzis there something I need to configure first to get wine to work?11:27
azzcookay I'll try a DVD I haven't been able to burn DVDs in windows =)11:27
|lostbyte|blitz, nothing.. just run winecfg11:27
DarkStoneis wine an emulator or a virtualization app?11:27
|lostbyte|and click ok..11:27
radi``how can i mount my cdrom ?11:27
|lostbyte|DarkStone, emulator11:28
DarkStonethen itll be slow..11:28
DarkStoneforget it11:28
azzcoWINdows Emulator11:28
|lostbyte|radi``, Get to know your fstab11:28
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DarkStoneu know what i find funny11:28
radi``i am very new :/11:28
DarkStonehow bill gates thought of the name Windows11:28
heinkel_111DrBair: you still here?11:28
radi``|lostbyte| how can i know it11:28
azzcoLol DarkStone11:28
|lostbyte|DarkStone, Nope ! its growing to be Fast and more efficent with the next release every time..11:29
DarkStonefor all i know he could of had called it Doors XP11:29
DarkStonelostbyte is it free?11:29
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|lostbyte|radi``, /etc/fstab11:29
|lostbyte|radi``, Google for it, and read ! if you still dont get it come back..11:29
Official_Ci watched a video on youTube today of steve jobs demoing the NeXt operating system back in 1991...it was truly ahead of its time11:30
|lostbyte|DarkStone, Yup ! wine is free -> winehq.com11:30
Official_Cit looked better than windows 9511:30
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|lostbyte|DarkStone, cedega is non-free and it supports directx which plays almost all the games.. Awesome11:30
Official_Chas anyone here ever used NeXt?11:30
DarkStonehow much does it cost?11:31
Official_Chmm, maybe i shouldnt go so off topic :/ bad habit of mine11:31
bobstroOfficial_C:  i've been kicked for less11:32
|lostbyte|DarkStone, 15 $ fore 3 months and 5$ each month from then on.. check on it.. maybe changed11:32
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DarkStoneone thing i dont understand11:32
=== CaptainMorgan [n=CaptainM@londonderry-cuda2-68-171-161-230.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #Kubuntu
DarkStonewint it need drivers to use direct x?11:32
Official_Cbobstro: people in IRC seem to be really hardcore about staying on topic11:32
DarkStoneor does it use some default ones?11:32
zommesLostbyte, do you know a telnet client in wich you have an independent command line?11:32
Official_Cim kinda new to the IRC thing11:32
DarkStoneive been using irc for a long time now11:33
bobstroOfficial_C:  it varies by channel, definitely11:33
DarkStonei find that u can get off topic in some places11:33
Official_Cbobstro: true11:33
Official_Chow long has IRC been around?11:33
bobstroDarkStone:  varies by time of day (and which ops are live).11:33
bobstroOfficial_C:  gawd, LONG time11:33
Official_Clike 10 years?11:33
h3sp4wnNot as long as usenet11:33
bobstroOfficial_C:  it was around in late 1990s i believe. at least a precursor.11:34
Official_Coh ok11:34
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bobstro1988 -- heh, i did mean *early* 1990's. sheesh.11:34
Official_Cbobstro: oh ok lol11:34
bobstroOfficial_C:  i first used it in early 1990's, so remember it from then.11:35
|lostbyte|I love irc.11:35
DarkStonesame here11:35
Official_Coh wow11:35
|lostbyte|BEcause freenode is in it..11:35
bobstroOfficial_C:  ah, crap. i forgot about the soviet coup link -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat11:35
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azzcookay I'm going to see how well my CD was burnt11:35
Official_Chmm, soviet coup...sounds like a juicy scheme11:36
=== DarkStone laughs as azzco watches his cd melt
DarkStoneone thing i dont understand yet11:37
bobstroOfficial_C:  irc played a part. i'd forgotten that.11:37
DarkStonehow do i install themes11:37
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=== DarkStone is confused when it comes to themes
azzco*hits DarkStone in the head with melted CD* Get me a new CD!11:37
bobstroDarkStone:  there are several in apt repositories, or you can hit kde-look.org11:38
DarkStonehow would i install them?11:38
Official_CDarkstone: what kinda internet connection did you have back then?11:38
DarkStone10 years ago?11:38
Official_Clike a 14.4 kbps?11:38
|lostbyte|DarkStone, use the gui tool.11:38
DarkStonegui tool?11:38
Official_Cdid you have an internet connection in 1991?11:38
DarkStonei dont think so...11:38
|lostbyte|yeah ! with comes with kde control panel..11:38
DarkStonewhats it called11:38
bobstroOfficial_C:  depends by what you mean by "internet", but i was on a dial-up ISP (which was new at the time)11:39
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DarkStoneofficial_c i was 2 years old in 1991 XD11:39
|lostbyte|DarkStone, Dont you see theme manager ?11:39
Official_Cbobstro: yes, all i mean is anything that connects you to another computer thats not on the same LAN11:39
azzcoNOOOO "couldn't open document" ='(11:39
Official_CDarkStone: sorry, i meant to address bobstro instead of you11:39
DarkStoneno its not there11:39
|lostbyte|DarkStone, ok do this.11:40
Official_Clost track of which conversation was which, lol11:40
azzcoCRAP I need to game installed till tommorow we've arranged an event =( I wont be able to make it it seems11:40
DarkStoneget a CD11:40
DarkStonenot a dvd11:40
DarkStonego into k3b11:40
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|lostbyte|DarkStone, alt+f2 > kcontrol > Appearence and themes > theme manager.11:40
DarkStonety lostbyte11:40
azzcoit'll cost me about 10 american dollars for the bussfare alone...11:40
azzcoand I'll have to make a couple of phone calls11:41
azzcoI shouldn't have left My CD at his place...11:41
DarkStoneazzco, open k3b, goto settings->configure k3b11:41
DaSkreechlinuxmonkey: PS3:011:41
DarkStoneazzco click on the advance tab11:42
azzcoone sec I don't know if I got the right window open11:42
DarkStonemake sure overburning is checked..11:42
azzcostill got a swedish layout ;)11:42
|lostbyte|azzco, Did ut burn successfully ?11:42
azzcoit's on CD allright11:43
azzcobut as a data CD -_-11:43
azzconeed to reburn it I think11:43
DarkStoneburn the image silly11:43
azzcoyeah I just realized that it was a data CD lol11:44
|lostbyte|azzco, No !11:44
azzcolostbyte should it work anyways?11:44
|lostbyte|azzco, you need to burn it as an image not aa Data.11:44
azzcoI know I'm just about to burn it ;)11:44
=== DarkStone slaps azzcp with a rolled up newspaper... "STUPID DOG!"
|lostbyte|azzco, tools > burn cd image11:45
SeanTaterDarkStone: I hate to nitpick but you're filling the channel, how about not always using 'enter' as punctuation11:45
DarkStonesorry lol11:45
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thechriswow.  my video card actually makes a loud noise when glxgears runs11:45
thechrisi thought they added sound to it...11:45
azzcolol thechris11:45
|lostbyte|Nice one..11:46
DarkStone:| are you sure thats right?11:46
SeanTaterthechris: get out an air duster and make sure it;s clean11:46
|lostbyte|thechris, Clean the FAN..11:46
azzcodoesn't want to open the cd drive =/ how should I be able to add a fresh CD if it wont open?11:46
mindspitis there an official ispconfig.org forum ?11:46
SeanTaterthechris: but only the compressed-air type thingie, featherdister, etc will kill it11:47
|lostbyte|azzco, When you insert the cd an icon is displaed on your Beautiful desktop..11:47
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jeff_can someone tell me how to load a chess engine for Knights?11:48
azzcoI'll be trying to let me computer cool down for a while ;)11:49
azzcotake care folks11:49
bobstrojeff_:  i just installed GNUchess and Phalanx via synaptic, and it found them11:49
zommesI'm sorry, but how do I get an independent command line?11:49
zommes(in the telnet client)11:50
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jeff_ok i'll try that11:50
|lostbyte|zommes, huh ?11:50
bobstrozommes:  what do you mean 'independent'?11:50
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jeff_what is phalanx?11:51
zommeswell, all when i type, all the txt flows through my typing11:51
|lostbyte|jeff_, its an engine.11:51
bobstrojeff_:  search on "chess" in synaptic11:51
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|lostbyte|zommes, konsole ?11:52
ubuntuhi all11:53
|lostbyte|zommes, Is your Transperency on ?11:53
|lostbyte|ubuntu, hi !11:53
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mindspitThe Greek phalanx was a column formation of heavy infantry carrying long spears, or pikes, and swords.11:54
zommesLostbyte, how do I check that?11:54
mindspit:) GUESS... i am greek :)11:54
thechrishow do i make kubunutu more responsive?11:54
|lostbyte|zommes, can you see threw.11:54
|lostbyte|thechris, Pls ! explain..11:55
zommesits a window11:55
thechristhat is the one thing i really notice is that my gentoo install was signifigantly less jerky and had less display issues11:55
thechristhough my gentoo install destabalizes for unknown reasons...11:55
thechriswhich is what led me to kubuntu11:55
|lostbyte|zommes, what graphic card ?11:56
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zommesthis my old pc11:56
thechrisok, nm, i think i figured out my gentoo problems...11:56
thechrisas kubuntu has the same issues...11:56
|lostbyte|zommes, its Display related..11:57
thechrisi think cedega messes something up in kde, which prevents apps from closing properly11:57
zommesok, but i just want it to look like this irc-chat, a text window and a line beneath to type11:57
zommesi used to have that in windows11:57
Sikavicamindspit, it is actually macedonian phalanx11:58
|lostbyte|zommes, what was it called ?11:58
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mindspityes indeed .... macedonia ... in that times was a greek city ...11:58
thechrisso i wonder if there is a fix for that, since it appears to be a cedega/kde bug.11:59
|lostbyte|thechris, Ask in #cedega if its something to do with cedega.11:59
mindspitand not that country you think .... :( i am not going to argue about it any more :) just me not a facist!11:59
|lostbyte|thechris, As far as i know.. is that i kill the wine-server if i get dragged after clossing a wine program.12:00
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thechrisafter running cedega, konsole, kwin, knotify, ktaskbar, ect... will continue running, but when i log out they all crash.12:00
thechrisafter a while in gentoo, it just stopped logging out12:01
gumpoWhenever i run Adept, i get an error message that says, "The APT Database could not be opened! This may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or something similar." Does anyone know how i can fix this?12:01
thechrisand at that point i installed kubuntu, which now has the same issue12:01
erovgrr.. everything BUT hardware opengl works with my ati card.. and i can't figure out why.. have followed every documented line in the conf to the T12:02
|lostbyte|thechris, apt-get --reconfigure -a12:03
=== scythe [n=scythe@p54AFA29C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
|lostbyte|and try again..12:03

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