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bfreeis launchpad registration "broken" or is it normal to have to wait for the email to come through?12:13
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bfreethe mail has arrived now ... 22+ minutes later!   so I guess the wait is normal perhaps ...12:29
LarstiQyes, it is.12:33
mptbfree, your mail provider might be greylisting, which would cause a delay like that12:33
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jameshI guess SteveA's vhost stuff didn't get accepted by pqm08:56
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carlosstub: hi, around?09:18
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SteveABjornT: ping09:32
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BjornThi SteveA 09:34
SteveAi have a question about the virtual hosting stuff09:35
SteveAdo we have code that takes the Host header into account, and sets up the virtual-host attributes on the Request based on it?09:35
SteveAi mean, do you remember implementing that aspect of it?09:36
BjornTno, i didn't implement that09:37
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SteveAokay.  i don't think it matters too much for launchpad09:37
SteveAbut i'll look at doing this today09:37
stubcarlos: Hi09:38
carlosstub: staging is broken again 09:38
carlosDo I have enough permissions to fix it?09:38
jameshSteveA: I tried following the instructions for setting up Apache from your email, but it errors out.  I assume your vhost changes didn't land?09:39
carlosI mean, a usual code update after migrating the database would restore it?09:39
stubcarlos: Yup. If you want to wait for the data migration...09:39
carlosstub: didn't you execute it on production ?09:39
SteveAjamesh: yes, they didn't land.  there was a semantic-level conflict.  i've fixed and resubmitted.09:39
stubcarlos: Not yet09:39
carlosoh, I see09:40
carlosstub: I think I'm going to disable the unique restriction09:40
carlosI don't mind if staging's rosetta is broken...09:40
stubMight as well kick it off now those - watching this test run is boring...09:40
carlosstub: also, would be possible to move a spec  from https://launchpad.net/products/rosetta/+spec/gnome-mount to Ubuntu context?09:41
carlosmartin doesn't know how would that spec end in Rosetta's context09:41
carlosand I was scared that they wanted to use Rosetta as the new HAL frontend ;-)09:42
stubHow should we normally handle this. I assume this means that there is no UI for retargetting specs and there is some reason it just can't be recreated in the correct context?09:42
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carlosstub: well, we could reject it09:42
carlosand create it in the right context...09:43
carlosI was just trying to reduce the amount of garbage left behind ;-)09:43
carlosstub: dude, I just found a way to retarget it...09:44
stubI'm more interested in how this is supposed to work in the long term. I don't mind manually fixing things but it generally indicates we need to create a bug report to add the missing UI.09:44
carlosstub: please, ignore me....09:44
stubcarlos-fix-dupliated-submissions.py ?09:54
carlosstub: yes09:55
carlosstub: without arguments, the data will be fixed09:55
carlosstub: with '-c' the script will check if there is something to fix09:55
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spivstub: I've updated the DB patch in my disable-accounts branch, including updating the trigger -- I needed the trigger to work for my tests to pass.  Please re-review :)10:05
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spivstub: Oh, and could I get a real patch number for it, please? :)10:22
carlosstaging is restored10:24
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SteveAlifeless: ping10:48
SteveApqm was merging a branch of mine10:49
SteveAit finished a while ago10:49
SteveAbut no email10:49
lifelessits looks like an error, but I just managed to delete the backtrace. dang.10:51
lifelessplease submit it again10:51
Kamping_Kaiseri'll check if no one knows - but is there a bug open about ticking 'subscribe me to this bug' not working? the one when you comment on a bug (not the changing status one)11:01
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SteveAlifeless: ping12:01
SteveAlifeless: my merge went through pqm again12:01
lifelessgpg: no default secret key: unusable secret key12:01
ddaahello there12:02
lifelessI've asked elmo12:02
SteveAlifeless: so, this is likely blocking all PQM merges right now12:04
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SteveAand everyone who submitted will get no feedback at all that their merge has failed12:05
SteveAso they won't know to resubmit12:05
ddaawe learnt to resubmit when receiving no feedback :)12:05
SteveAif this is so, is there a way for you to list the failed merges, so you can tell people what they need to re-submit, when this is fixed?12:05
SteveAlifeless: i have an HTTP question, if you have a few minutes.12:06
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lifelessSteveA: yes, its blocking all merges. I am looking at it12:14
lifelessSteveA: ask away, I will answer as time permits12:14
SteveAlifeless: okay.  I have a browser that is connecting to an HTTP/1.1 server using HTTPS.  The browser is required to send a Host: header.  Is the value of the Host header required to contain the host and port, or can it contain just the host?12:16
SteveAin this situation, the https server is listening on the default port of 44312:17
lifeless      Host = "Host" ":" host [ ":" port ]  ; Section 3.2.212:17
lifeless   A "host" without any trailing port information implies the default12:17
lifeless   port for the service requested (e.g., "80" for an HTTP URL). For12:17
lifelessif the url being requested is something like '12:18
SteveAok.  so, if I just see a Host: header at a server of   Host: foo.com12:18
lifelessGET /foo/bar HTTP/1.112:18
lifelessHost: foo.com12:18
SteveAthen it could be either http for foo.com on port 8012:18
SteveAor https for foo.com on port 43312:18
SteveAand i would need to look elsewhere to find out which12:18
SteveAIOW, i need to know the incoming protocol12:19
lifelessthen it is the default port that should be used - the port you are listening on12:19
lifelessbut if the url was12:19
lifelessGET htt12:19
lifelessGET http://fo.com/bar HTTP/1.112:19
lifelessHost: fo.com12:20
lifelessand you were listening on https - the implicit port would be 8012:20
SteveAok thanks12:20
SteveAsounds flaky enough not to rely on it12:20
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lifelessits only of use for vhosting selection12:21
lifelessthe things relevant for a server implementer are:12:21
lifeless * port is optional12:21
lifeless * port will match the port on the server the request is meant to be sent to, not the port the client connects to[this is relevant when a proxy is inline] 12:22
lifeless   (if present)12:22
lifelessi.e. you cant rely on it because itmay not be present.12:22
stubAre there other headers we can rely on to detect if it is http or https?12:26
lifelessstub - no12:27
lifelessyou need to record the port the request is accepted on and pass that around for the system to know.12:28
lifelessi.e. squid has support as an accelerator to add a header to requests marking the SSL port they were received on and the external url that should be emitted for that port.12:28
lifelessthis is used by microsoft exchange server in the same situation12:28
lifelessSteveA: it is fixed12:29
SteveAlifeless: thanks.  i'll re-resubmit12:31
lifelessthe key had expired.12:32
SteveAlifeless: does apache have an option to use this header?12:32
SteveAwhat i'm doing now is making launchpad choose an external protocol/host/port from its configuration files, based on the Host header received12:33
lifelessSteveA: that wont work :)12:33
SteveAwhy not?12:33
lifelessbecause of what we discussed before :)12:34
SteveAyou're not being clear12:34
SteveAi see nothing that will fail to work12:34
lifelesssorry, to determine if it is ssl or not on the outside.12:34
SteveAthat doesn't matter12:34
lifelessI'm not sure what you are trying to achieve.12:34
SteveAthis configuration is used to set the proto/host/port for use in:12:34
SteveA - Location headers12:34
SteveA - <base> tags in html12:35
SteveA - the base part of URLs that are rendered in pages12:35
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SteveAfor a given page, we may not know exactly what external details of request got the request into the app server12:35
SteveAbut we do know where we want to direct people to next12:36
SteveAideally, i'd like to have more information from the accel. proxy server12:36
lifelessdocuments how to tell paache to set such headers12:36
lifelessRequestHeader set Front-End-Https "On"12:36
lifeless for instance12:36
SteveAsuch as what the exact full URL was from the outside, and the port used12:36
lifelessthe port is doable via the RequestHeader set command.12:37
lifelessusing the vhost on apache.12:38
lifelessdon't know offhand about the url, but if we primarily care about domain based changes, host: will be sufficient.12:38
SteveAlifeless: thanks.  i'll collect these docs for version 2 of our virtual hosting stuff.12:42
SteveAmy current approach will be enough for now.  we'll want more once we start having more plain http pages in launchpad12:42
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lifelessSteveA: can we create meeting events in launchpad for the launchpad series of meetings coming up ?12:49
lifelessSteveA: I have a spec I wanted to rpopose for discussion at the lp-bzr meeting.12:50
SteveAsure, that's a good idea12:50
lifelessshould I do that ? I'm happy to12:55
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lifelessSteveA: ^12:57
SteveAlifeless: please do12:58
lifelessare the mainly code focused or spec focused ?12:59
lifelessI'm presuming planning and speccing12:59
lifelesshow does this look: https://launchpad.net/sprints/launchpad-malone-support-200601:01
lifelessSteveA: ^01:03
SteveAanother way to do it would be to have two concurrent sprints01:04
SteveAbut i think this is fine01:04
lifelessall added.01:06
lifelessand there is the spec https://launchpad.net/sprints/launchpad-rosetta-bazaar-200601:07
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SteveAmeeting in 23 mins01:37
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ajmitchmorning kiko_ 01:57
SteveAit is almost time01:58
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SteveAHello, welcome.  ooo vak welcome in this week's Launchpad development meeting.02:00
SteveAwho is with us today?02:00
flacostei am here02:00
SteveAddaa is on vacation02:01
SteveAanyone else?02:01
jameshare we expecting Paris people?02:02
kiko_if so there should be malcc and Kinnison 02:02
SteveAfor those who are at the conference in Paris, please say if you're not coming to this meeting.02:02
SteveAI'd like to remind you to prepare your three sentences and Keep Bag Change items so that you can copy/paste them onto the channel at the appropriate point in the meeting.02:02
SteveAthis keeps the meeting moving swiftly02:03
SteveA== Agenda ==02:03
SteveA * Roll call02:03
SteveA * Agenda02:03
SteveA * Next meeting02:03
SteveA * Activity reports02:03
SteveA * Actions from last meeting02:03
SteveA * Launchpad oops milestone report (Matsubara)02:03
SteveA * Sysadmin requests02:03
SteveA * Production and staging (Stuart)02:03
SteveA * PQM failures over last 18 hours (Steve)02:03
SteveA * Virtual hosting changes (Steve)02:03
SteveA * Meetings registered in Launchpad02:03
=== ..[topic/#launchpad:SteveA] : https://launchpad.net/ | developer meeting: Thu 29 Jun, 1200UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
SteveA * (other items)02:03
SteveA * Keep, Bag, Change02:03
SteveA * Three sentences02:03
SteveANext meeting, same time next week.02:03
SteveAAny objections?02:03
SteveAit is done.02:03
SteveAActivity reports?02:03
SteveAi am still not up to date with these.02:03
mptup to date02:04
matsubaraup to date02:04
salgadoup to date02:04
stubup to date02:04
jameshI suck02:04
spivup to date.02:04
flacosteup to date02:04
cprovnot up to date, is the sprint a good excuse ?02:04
SteveAcprov: yes, the sprint is a reasonable reason02:04
SteveAanyone else?02:05
SteveA * Actions from last meeting02:05
SteveA * Matsubara and Stuart to talk on skype about QA and production.02:05
SteveA * Malcolm, Celso and Daniel to have a soyuz conf call.  (after paris probably)02:05
matsubaraSteveA: not done yet.02:05
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SteveAthird week.  how difficult is it to arrange a one on one call, stub and matsubara ?02:06
stubI've totally forgotten what was to be discussed too.02:06
SteveAhello carlos02:06
stubHuge timezone difference02:06
SteveAthe notion is that there is much in common between QA processes and production processes02:06
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SteveAso to talk about what you've each been doing, with each other02:06
SteveAand see what comes out of it02:06
=== stub shrugs
mptremember you can use the MeetingTimes page to find the best time for a meeting of any subset of people02:06
SteveAtake 30 mins02:06
SteveAthanks mpt02:07
cprovSteveA: bad, we still missing that call (we are together here, anyway), postpone it next week, maybe using TeamSpeak02:07
mptprovided you keep it up to date :-)02:07
SteveAcprov: have you three been discussing things together much in paris?02:07
stubI don't think that notion is correct02:07
SteveAstub: take 30 minsn to prove me wrong02:07
carlosSteveA: I'm a slacker with my activity reports...02:08
cprovSteveA: yes, all the BOFs02:08
SteveA * Stuart to have a call with someone re: test runner updates to optimize Librarian startup/shutdown.02:09
=== SteveA drinks a swig of ice cool gira
stubI didn't bother with the call - the librarian optimization turned out to be trivial. 02:09
SteveAis it landed?02:10
stubNope - I've been getting deeper into the test suite and decrufting it.02:10
SteveAalthough, i will point out that the point of the call isn't just to get further ideas for yourself, but also to spread knowledge of something around the team02:10
stubI can land Librarian updates but that alone doesn't actually seem to make much difference in timing.02:10
SteveAi am suffering daily from slow slow tests02:10
spivThat's a funny kind of "trivial" ;)02:10
stubMost of the time is spend in db setup and tear down02:11
stubWhich I can have a call with someone about ;)02:11
SteveAstub: maybe talk over this in the next infra. team call?02:11
stubIts getting 'ickyer.02:11
SteveAi'm certainly interested02:11
SteveAMeetingAction: stub to talk about faster test suite kill kill kill in next infra. call02:12
spivstub: please land the librarian bits, it may help me next time I run authserver tests, which also suffer from process start/stop overhead.02:12
spiv(it would have helped me this last week, but I think I'm finished with that branch now)02:12
SteveAMeetingAction: stub and matsubara to have a 30 min call to talk over what they do about production systems and see how it goes02:12
stubOk. But let me know before you optimize that as we are likely to conflict.02:12
SteveAMeetingAction: soyuz team to have a conf call once they get back home02:13
lifelesshi 02:13
SteveA * Launchpad oops milestone report (Matsubara)02:13
SteveAmatsubara: please go ahead02:13
lifelessjust got here, lunch was on02:13
matsubaraBug 49899, which I think bradb started work on it already. I'll coordinate with him, and if he's too busy, I'll take over on that.02:13
UbugtuMalone bug 49899 in malone "Lookup error on bug page" [High,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4989902:13
matsubarathat's the top exception02:13
matsubarasince brad isn't here, I'll talk with him later.02:14
SteveAit says it is in progress02:14
SteveAis that accurate?02:14
matsubaraSteveA: he changed the status on the 21st02:14
matsubaraSteveA: so I think it is, but I'll confirm with him later.02:14
matsubaraBug 50575, not yet assigned. Can you take that carlos?02:15
UbugtuMalone bug 50575 in rosetta "+translate pages crash if you select two alternative languages." [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5057502:15
kiko_matsubara, do you know what causes 49899?02:15
kiko_carlos, that's a topcrasher, would be great to have a fix today or for you to bounce it back to matsubara02:16
matsubarakiko_: nope, but bjorn has a hypothesis02:16
kiko_what's that?02:16
matsubarakiko_: which I added as comment on the bug.02:16
lifelessits like a theory02:16
matsubarakiko_: it's related to the importance_widget having the unknown status set.02:16
mptwhich shouldn't ever be true02:17
matsubarabut I'm not sure about the details02:17
mptbut may be if old bug-watch-y bugs weren't changed properly02:17
kiko_matsubara, there's an UnexpectedFormData exception today that smells like a bug02:18
matsubarathat bug also might be causing another bug which is making the bug report disapper from the bug search lsting02:18
matsubarakiko_: it's not a bug, we raise the correct exception and now show a custom error page.02:19
matsubarawell, we don't yet show it, it's not fix released. :)02:19
kiko_matsubara, the [u'New']  status is not a bug?02:19
kiko_sure smells like a bug to me02:19
stubHave we remembered to not log an OOPS since we are handling the exception gracefully?02:19
matsubarahaven't seen the tb yet, but if it's raising an UFD at least we'll return to the user a custom error page02:20
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SteveAwe still want to record an OOPS for UFD02:20
SteveAbut to index it separately in the report summaries02:20
kiko_oh I see02:21
cpro1I'm back, connection was down at conf 02:21
SteveAhorrible zope publisher thing02:21
SteveAkiko_: it's a zope mis-design, to have :list mean something02:21
kiko_matsubara, you're right.02:21
kiko_it's not a bug02:21
kiko_New is no longer a status02:21
matsubaramoving on then.02:22
mptso is it someone using a really really old bookmark?02:22
stubSteveA: I liked :list, but I won't argue its case in the meeting ;)02:22
kikompt, google then.02:22
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kikoNon-sql time  24288 ms02:23
kikothat's distroreleaselang-index.02:23
matsubarampt: indeed, it's google02:23
SteveAmatsubara: do you mean you're done with the report, or that you're moving to the next item in your report?02:23
matsubaramoving on the next itm02:23
matsubaraBug 45788, which is a bug on the sprint date form validation code. Assigned to me, I'll work on it this week.02:23
UbugtuMalone bug 45788 in launchpad "Adding a sprint with a finish date before start date causes error" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4578802:23
matsubarabut I'm still waiting for carlos_ answer02:23
matsubaraWith kiko's patches to SQLObject, the timeouts decreased significantly. The outstanding timeouts now are on +translation and +translate pages, which are bug 2497 and 3991 respectively. Both assigned to kiko. So, what are your plan regarding this, kiko?02:24
UbugtuMalone bug 3991 in rosetta "Timeout error on translation page (+translate)" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/399102:24
kikomatsubara, I have a fix that should make the second problem go away entirely02:24
matsubarakiko: great!02:24
kikomatsubara, the first one requires creating a TranslationContributor table02:24
carlos_matsubara: hi, sorry, could you point me to that bug?02:24
jameshmatsubara: related to 45788, jdub was getting oops's during last meeting by trying to subscribe to a sprint with finish date < start date02:24
kikowhich I haven't even started yet02:24
carlos_matsubara: we just got our Internet link back02:24
matsubaracarlos_: bug 5057502:25
UbugtuMalone bug 50575 in rosetta "+translate pages crash if you select two alternative languages." [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5057502:25
SteveAmatsubara: how many more items do you have in your report?  there are other items i want to get to in the meeting.02:25
kikocarlos: topcrasher alert!02:25
matsubaraSteveA: I'm done.02:25
SteveAthanks matsubara02:25
matsubaraSteveA: I can coordinate with carlos after the meeting02:26
SteveA * Sysadmin requests02:26
SteveA(say "i have one" to stop the countdown)02:26
spivrt #11425: bug 33223 is blocked by updating Twisted, which is blocked by RT #11425 -- python2.4-pyopenssl isn't installed whereever pqm is running the tests.02:26
kikoSteveA, matsubara's requests for access to the database.02:26
UbugtuMalone bug 33223 in launchpad-bazaar "SFTP server should give human-friendly errors for name restrictions" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3322302:26
mptthanks to Znarl for fixing certificates on chinstrap and l.c.c02:26
spivZnarl closed rt #11425, but I discovered today the problem is still there.02:27
lifelesscan I ask that I am cc'd on all rt requests for pqm-related things02:27
jameshspiv: should it be a dep of launchpad-dependencies then?02:27
SteveAspiv: i spoke with karl about this, and i thought it was getting sorted.  there was some confusion about exactly where the package needed installing.  lifeless can talk with karl02:27
carlos_matsubara: I will take a look to it, I think it's produced by a recent merge I did. It broke also navigation under some circumstances02:27
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lifelessbecause I had not heard of this request. 02:27
spivlifeless: Ok, I'll do that in future.02:27
carlos_SteveA: I still need an answer to the request to get access to drescher02:27
lifelessspiv: well, this is a request for everyone.02:27
SteveAkiko: i spoke with elmo about matsubara's request, and he agreed to do it.02:27
kikoSteveA, thanks.02:27
matsubaraok, thanks carlos_ 02:27
spivlifeless: Sure, but I can't speak for anyone else ;)02:28
lifelessSteveA: can I ask that I am cc'd on all rt requests for pqm-related things02:28
matsubarathanks SteveA and kiko, that will be very helpful02:28
spivjamesh: I don't think so -- launchpad-dependencies is for things needed to run and test launchpad, not for things needed for "make check_merge".02:28
SteveAAgendaItem: everyone to note that lifeless should be cc-ed on PQM-related RT issues02:28
carlos_SteveA:  #1099202:28
lifelessthank you02:28
spivjamesh: Also, it's really a bug in Twisted that I need this at all, there's just a handful of buggy tests that aren't skipping properly in our snapshot, so it's likely that this is a short-term issue.02:29
SteveAspiv: i think that's a launchpad dependency, in general.02:29
cprovcarlos: drescher ?02:29
SteveAspiv: although, i accept the argument about this being a short-term thing02:29
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SteveAcarlos: you mean RT 10992 ?02:30
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lifelesswe can install and remove it later02:30
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SteveAcarlos: please say either "bug 1234" or "RT 1234" so that we have the context clear in the logs02:30
SteveAcarlos: not "#1234"02:30
SteveAmoving along now...02:30
carlosSteveA: sorry, RT 1099202:30
SteveA * Production and staging (Stuart)02:31
stubProduction is being boring. Which is good. Next rollout is expected to be next Tueday with rocketfuel HEAD as of now.02:31
stubStaging has had downtime due to the updates failing due to needing some data migration run on staging. It might work fine tomorrow if nobody creates some duplicate rosetta submissions before then.02:31
SteveAstub: assuming i can get my vhosts changes through pqm, i'd like to get those running on staging soon02:31
SteveAthis will require some apache changes on staging too02:31
SteveAwhich i will coordinate with karl02:31
SteveAthanks for keeping production boring.02:32
SteveA * PQM failures over last 18 hours (Steve)02:32
stubYup. Landing on Friday or Monday preferred to give us a good week to test.02:32
SteveAbecause a private key expired, pqm silently rejected merge requests for the last 18 hours or so02:32
SteveAit is probably working again now02:32
carlosSteveA: forget that request, celso just explained the usage of that machine and obviously I should not do there what I was told to do there. I will wait until my home server is fixed 02:33
SteveAlifeless: can you get a list of the merges that were silently rejected?02:33
lifelessSteveA: not trivially.02:33
SteveAlifeless: can you alter PQM so that when this happens again, you can trivially get such a list?02:33
cprovcarlos: you can use mawson (dogfood)02:33
SteveAit should be a matter of improving some logging02:33
SteveAor logging incoming request commands somewhere02:33
lifelesseverything is captured already02:33
SteveAi ask because this has happened before02:33
lifelessneed to write a grepper for this02:33
SteveAis there some convoluted log format?02:34
cprovcarlos: point me to the ooffice version you want in mawson, I can copy it from ubuntu-queue and you can play in mawson02:34
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SteveA * Virtual hosting changes (Steve)02:34
lifelessSteveA: not that convoluted, but not trivial to pick out what you are asking from from the log.02:35
SteveAwhen i get my vhosts branch landed, you'll all need to make some changes to your /etc/hosts and apache configuration to continue developing launchpad locally02:35
lifelessand a reporting tool is a good thing I think.02:35
stubSounds like we just want to dump inbound pqm emails to a mbox file.02:35
SteveAi'll send an updated email to the list when this is landed properly02:35
SteveAlifeless: and i repeat my request for pqm to be changed so that it never fails silently.02:36
SteveAthis is a big usability problem with pqm.02:36
lifelessSteveA: lets talk about this in lithuania02:36
kikostub, +102:36
SteveA * Meetings registered in Launchpad02:37
SteveAlifeless has registered the upcoming launchpad sprints as meetings in launchpad02:37
SteveAthank you lifeless02:37
SteveAattendees should register for these meetings, in launchpad02:37
SteveAthe URL has slipped off my scrollback...02:37
kikolifeless rocks!02:38
mptthey usually are02:38
SteveAare they usually?02:38
mptwell, sometimes they have moss on them02:38
SteveA * Keep, Bag, Change02:38
SteveA * Three sentences02:39
mptDONE: Returned to NZ, some menus CSS fixes, bug fixing02:39
mptTODO: Finish menus with Steve, DescriptionMarkup, LaunchpadLoginService02:39
mptBLOCKED: no02:39
lifelessI have none prepared sorry, at the sprint in Paris.02:39
carlosDONE: #35631, More #40550 work, user support, prepared some spec for the UDS-Paris.02:39
carlosTODO: #40550, Fix some bugs raised by OpenOffice.org exports, Fix navigation issues produced by #3563102:39
carlosBLOCKED: no02:39
jameshDONE: code reviews, minor tickcount tweaks, some last minute sprint scheduler tweaks, branch puller/syncer improvements02:39
stubDONE: shipit constraints, test suite work02:39
jameshTODO: code reviews, subversion symlink support for cscvs02:39
jameshBLOCKED: no02:39
stubTODO: shipit constraints, test suite work02:39
stubBLOCKED: Nope02:39
flacosteDONE: fixed three bugs in support tracker.02:39
flacosteTODO: fix some more, attend Malone and Support Tracker meeting in London02:39
flacosteBLOCKED: no02:39
matsubaraDONE: fixed bugs (broken template, custom error page for UFD), support requests, some bug triage. TODO: fix more oops bugs (sprint date validation, finish fix for calendar), skype call with stub02:39
matsubaraBLOCKED: no02:39
spivDONE: disable-account, bzr smart server work, reviews.02:39
spivTODO: bzr smart server, sftp server bugs.02:39
spivBLOCKED: RT #11425, as mentioned earlier.02:39
kikoDONE: 2 day vacation, work on performance (Rosetta and Soyuz), management, launchpad reporting02:40
kikoTODO: launchpad report, land performance and de-XXX-ifications, travel for sprint, sprint02:40
kikoBLOCKED: spiv's review of a fix for bug 155502:40
UbugtuMalone bug 1555 in launchpad "BugMessage.selectOneBy doesn't work as expected" [Medium,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/155502:40
salgadoDONE: Code review, fixed a bunch of shipit/mirror-management trivial things and landed them, made a new python-codespeak-lib package02:40
salgadoTODO: Code review, random fixes, attend the Malone and Support Tracker sprint02:40
salgadoBLOCKED: No02:40
SteveADONE: menus hacking, virtual hosts hacking, insta-reviews02:40
SteveATODO: virtual hosts landing, menus landing02:40
SteveABLOCKED: pqm *still* hates me02:40
spivkiko: Sorry, it's not on pending-reviews, so it hasn't been staring me in the face every morning when I check my review queue.02:40
lifelessSteveA: https://launchpad.net/products/pqm/+spec/admin-report-tool02:40
spivkiko: I warned you :P02:40
lifelessSteveA: its not personal :)02:41
spivkiko: I suggest doing as Steve suggested, and putting it on PendingReviews with a pastebin URL if a branch is too heavyweight for you.02:41
SteveAlifeless: i don't think i've received a notification from me re-re-resubmission to pqm02:41
kikospiv, you're just saying that to make me feel bad.02:42
LarstiQSteveA: fwiw, pqm works again for bzr02:42
SteveAcool, thanks LarstiQ 02:42
SteveAwe have 3 minutes of meeting left02:42
SteveAany blocked items not being dealt with?02:43
SteveAany further brief points?02:43
stubI'm hungry02:43
SteveAstub: then a countdown of doom is in order.02:43
mptOn a miscellaneous note, you can now push branches to chinstrap.canonical.com, rather than chinstrap.ubuntu.com (since Launchpad != Ubuntu) or chinstrap.warthogs.hbd.com (since Canonical != HBD)02:43
mdupontOMG ITS ALIVE!!!02:43
lifelessmpt: if you do that, and you are not using the pqm-submit plugin, the old pqm submission script *will* get confused.02:44
carlosSteveA, kiko: I wonder if we should add many specs for Rosetta when we have still some of them pending to be imported...02:44
SteveAthanks for coming people.02:44
kikocarlos, you mean implemented?02:44
carloskiko: yeah dude, I don't know what's going on with me today....02:44
kikospiv, added a note, but do you really need a pastebin or can you find the email?02:45
cprovDONE: queue-ui, publishing prototypes (dak-tools), UDS02:45
cprovTODO: specs and bug triage/gardening02:45
cprovBLOCKED: None02:45
carlosI have some specs I want to work on but I don't know if we should handle all interesting things we could have in mind to fill a week of work for two developers02:45
=== mpt lapses into unconsciousness
mptSteveA, I'll resume secretarial duties if you wish02:46
kikocarlos, I don't understand.02:46
kikocarlos, add the specs you'd like to discuss at the sprint!02:47
spivkiko: The main thing is to have an entry on the PendingReviews page I think.02:47
kikoI have it there spiv. now go review it :-P02:47
SteveAmpt: offer accepted.  thank you.02:47
carloskiko: that the amount of non implemented specs for Rosetta is growing a lot and some of them are later obsolete because the time we wrote them and when we are going to implement them is so big that many things changed already....02:47
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carloskiko: at least, that's my feeling02:47
kikocarlos,  I still don't understand why this is a problem02:48
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carloswell, I was just wondering if we could do a mix of tasks, writing specs and also do some coding to get a new developer more up to date with daily developing in launchpad02:49
carloskiko: if we fill the week with specs, we will not be able to implement all those specs before the next conference anyway....02:50
carlosso I think we could work on the new ones that are high priority and leave the rest of the week to hack02:51
OgMacielgood morning Carlos...  ;)  Hope all is well in Paris...  any word on those problems we were getting while translating strings by any chance?02:51
lifelessKinnison: malcc: cprov: bug 50672 may be of interest to you02:51
UbugtuMalone bug 50672 in soyuz "Distribution packages list is incomplete." [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5067202:51
malcclifeless: Looking02:51
carlosOgMaciel: nothing more that are actually bugs that I will fix, but nothing done yet, sorry02:51
carloss/more that/more than/02:51
OgMacielcarlos: no prob...  I'll work around them for now...  ;)02:52
carlosOgMaciel: thanks for your report02:52
OgMacielcarlos: sure thing... some of the users noticed before I did...  ;)02:52
lifelessSteveA: kiko: this is for either of you. At what level of 'smallness' is something that I'd like to see changed in launchpad no longer a spec but rather a bug ?02:52
SteveA  |<------------>|02:53
jsgotangcohey OgMaciel02:53
kikolifeless, it depends. :)02:53
=== lifeless feeds stevea to the sharks
OgMacielhowdy jsgotangco... am loving your pix in Flickr02:53
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lifelesskiko: well, for instance, https://launchpad.net/products/gnupg/+distributions has no links to the distro specific pages.02:53
lifelesskiko: I think it should, but theres probably a group of related changes, and discussion may be needed.02:54
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OgMacielmatsubara: hey bud... any word on the solution to that problem (X crashing when signing the CoC)?02:54
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mptlifeless, I've reported several "there should be a link from here to there" issues as bugs02:55
malcclifeless: If you want a quick hack, make it a bug; if you want to sit down for a review of it and similar UI, knock up a spec and propose it for a discussion02:55
lifelessmalcc: I guess I'm raising this because theres *no guidance in launchpad* as to this.02:55
lifelessand I think as a result the spec tracker is nearly completely unused for most packages and products.02:55
SteveAlifeless: would you please look to see what pqm has done to my merge?02:55
malcclifeless: Yes I agree. I wasn't trying to suggest you should have known, just making a suggestion for your current issue02:56
lifelessspiv: is kiko going to take disable-accounts ?02:56
lifelessmalcc: oh, I do that already.02:56
spivlifeless: I don't know, is he?02:56
lifelessmalcc: but if we can find a description that is clear, and makes sense for relative newcomers to the system, maybe we can get blueprint some more integration into stuff02:57
lifelessspiv: you and he were talking about a review02:57
OgMacielhey jsgotangco... are you guys still meeting?02:57
matsubaraHi OgMaciel, sorry didn't have time to look into it, but I suppose the distro guys would know better about it. Try asking on #ubuntu or #ubuntu-bugs02:57
mptlifeless, I think it would be good for Launchpad (the product, not Blueprint) to gradually migrate to a standard of one spec per feature, where "feature" is of the magnitude of 1 page in the Web UI02:57
jsgotangcoOgMaciel: just done in my BOF session02:57
spivlifeless: he sent me a diff (unrelated to disable-accounts) in email to review, it got forgotten, I told him to put it on PendingReviews.02:57
lifelessspiv: I've given it to salgado02:57
OgMacieljsgotangco: about Edubuntu?02:57
OgMacielmatsubara: any way we can escalate this?02:57
jsgotangcoOgMaciel: various, most Edubuntu BOFs are already done and just drafting/finishing up specs02:58
lifelessspiv: indeed, everyone should do that except for blindingly simple specs02:58
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OgMacieljsgotangco: very nice...  wish I could be there...  :/02:58
=== lifeless tsks at kiko
AndreNoelhello og02:58
salgadolifeless, you gave me a new review? when was that?02:58
lifelesssalgado: 1 minute ago02:58
salgadoah, okay02:59
matsubaraOgMaciel: I'm not sure, the distro guys are very busy at the sprint.02:59
OgMacielhey AndreNoel...  carlos has told me the bugs will be fixed once he gets a chance to work on them02:59
OgMacielmatsubara: anyone in particular I should talk to?  This bug is preventing people from signing the Coc, and is very frustrating03:00
lifelessmpt: done https://launchpad.net/products/soyuz/+bug/5067403:00
UbugtuMalone bug 50674 in soyuz "product 'distributions' and 'packages' pages need links" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  03:00
AndreNoelOgMaciel: good03:00
SteveAlifeless: i want to go and get some lunch, but if i need to submit to pqm again, i want to do this before i go03:01
lifelessmpt do you think that the product side bug pages, eg https://launchpad.net/products/gnupg/+filebug should offer a link through to the distro area ?03:01
lifelessSteveA: looking03:01
AndreNoelOgMaciel: i've signed coc 1.0.1 without problem03:01
OgMacielAndreNoel: though X crashed when I clicked on the submit button to sign it, it apparently send the info...  but the bug is very annoying03:02
mptlifeless, yes, that's one of the bugs I was referring to :-)03:02
matsubaraOgMaciel: you could try looking for these people: https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-x-swat, they were automatically subscribed to that bug though03:02
lifelessmpt: heh. 03:02
kikoOgMaciel, I have no idea what could cause X to crash. use lynx>03:02
AndreNoelOgMaciel: i saw it on coc 1.0, but not in 1.0.103:03
AndreNoelthe coc 1.0.1 don't crash03:03
OgMacielkiko: I could... but to someone who's new to Linux and wants to help out, Lynx could be very scary  ;)03:03
matsubaracprov: ping03:03
cprovmatsubara: even if there is a bug in nvidia driver, do we intend to let the page as it is (horizontally enormous) ?03:04
cprovmatsubara: pong03:04
matsubaracprov: I was about to ask you about that. :)03:04
mptlifeless, actually, I was thinking of bug 3152 and bug 42480, neither of which are the exact thing you've just mentioned03:04
UbugtuMalone bug 3152 in malone "Prominently link between product bug listings <-> equivalent package bug listings" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/315203:04
UbugtuMalone bug 42480 in malone "Report a bug about product that doesn't use Malone should include link to product's official bug tracker" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4248003:04
OgMacielcprov: is this then related to a tag in the page?03:05
matsubaracprov: nope, there's another bug open for that.03:05
lifelesselmo: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gnupg/+bug/5067503:05
UbugtuMalone bug 50675 in gnupg "error message when a key has expired is not helpful" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  03:05
lifelessmpt: should I open a bug for my suggestion then, or a spec?03:05
cprovmatsubara: good03:05
mptlifeless, bug, and cross-reference it with 42480, thanks03:06
=== mpt really goes to sleep now
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matsubaracprov: were you able to reproduce the bug that crashes X?03:06
cprovOgMaciel: maybe, could not reproduce it in office machine, well salgado tried (hard)03:06
cprovmatsubara: ^^03:07
OgMacielcprov: do you also have a Nvidia card at the machine you used?03:07
matsubaracprov: btw, the horizontally huge page is bug 3889003:07
UbugtuMalone bug 38890 in launchpad "'code of conduct signatures' has formatting issues" [Medium,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3889003:07
lifelessSteveA: I dont see it at all. did it appear in the webui queue ?03:07
cprovOgMaciel: yes, I think so.03:07
salgadoOgMaciel, yeah, I've tried it in a box with an nForce card. (tried both the proprietary and the open source driver)03:07
OgMacielsalgado: have you seen the error message I was able to scrap off the logs?03:08
SteveAlifeless: i think so, but i don't have browser-client-what-you-see logs.  i'll try submitting again.03:08
salgadoOgMaciel, no, what's that?03:08
cprovmatsubara: thanks, but high priority would be appropriated, it's so easy03:08
OgMacielsalgado: lemme grab the link03:08
OgMacielsalgado: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/4978903:09
UbugtuMalone bug 49789 in xorg "Clicking on Codes of Conduct link in Launchpad crashes X" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  03:09
matsubaracprov: actually that's a dupe, the original one is bug 39995, which is assigned to the great mpt. I'll pester him to try to fix it quickly.03:10
UbugtuMalone bug 39995 in launchpad "No Line break in CoC active signatures" [Low,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3999503:10
lifelessSteveA: I just cannot see any sign it reached me.03:11
salgadoOgMaciel, "Caught signal 11. Server aborting" would be the message?03:11
SteveAlifeless: ok.  thanks for looking.  let's see what happens to this next one.03:11
cprovsalgado: ehe03:11
OgMacielsalgado: nope... the message above it03:11
cprovmatsubara: perfect, thank you03:11
OgMacielsalgado: am talking about the backtrace  :P03:12
salgadoOgMaciel, well, I couldn't get my X to crash, so I see no backtrace at all03:13
OgMacielsalgado: the backtrace is reported in the bug page... my backtrace03:13
salgadooh, right. I saw it. 03:14
salgadoI thought you were asking if I got the same backtrace here03:14
flacostespiv: you were assigned to review my fixes for bug 3849 and bug 50007, do you know when you'll have time to review that?03:16
UbugtuMalone bug 3849 in launchpad-support-tracker "No navigation to bug report created from a support request" [Medium,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/384903:16
UbugtuMalone bug 50007 in launchpad-support-tracker "When filing a bug related to the support tracker, the summary and description should be editable" [Medium,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5000703:16
spivflacoste: tomorrow morning (my time).03:17
flacostespiv: ok, tnx!03:17
cprovOgMaciel: let me suggest something, centainly there is something wrong in nvidia driver and it might be a major defect, try to reproduce it w/o launchpad (copy the html from lp, for instance) then keep in touch with the distro community in order to fix it. From the LP side we will try to get the CoC page layout fixed ASAP, it may mitigate the issues/blockers for you guys to sign new CoC and keep doing your job. Does it sounds ok ?03:18
spivflacoste: We'll see if you're still thanking me after I review your code ;)03:18
spivflacoste: Btw, did you figure out what was going on with those weird page test failures?03:18
OgMacielcprov: what do you mean by copying the html?03:18
flacostespiv: yes, the tests needed change because I've modified LaunchpadView to not call render() when there is a redirection03:19
spivOgMaciel: File->Save Page As, or similar.03:19
cprovOgMaciel: an "ultra-wide" html page should cause the same problem03:20
spivOgMaciel: So that you have something to reproduce the X crash with after we fix the page layout in Launchpad.03:20
matsubarathat'd be a bit difficult since when he tries to visit the page the page crashes his X03:20
cprovspiv: good explanation, thanks03:20
OgMacielmatsubara: actually, it only crashes when i click on the link03:20
spivflacoste: Ah ok, but no insight into why the pagetests weren't matching when they looked like they should.  Ah well.03:21
OgMacielspiv: yes indeed... thanks03:21
matsubaraOgMaciel: welll, there you go then. :)03:21
spivmatsubara: "or similar" :)03:21
flacostespiv: no, didn't investigate that issue though03:21
spivflacoste: That's fair enough.  Just curious to know if the mystery miraculously explained itself for you :)03:21
OgMacielspiv: I thought he meant to use the url somewhere else03:21
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OgMacielcprov: I will save the html and try to get a hold of someone from ubuntu-devel03:23
cprovOgMaciel: good03:23
OgMacielthanks cprov spiv matsubara03:23
cprovOgMaciel: thank you, for the valuable feedback.03:23
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OgMacielcprov: and thank you for handling this with such grace03:24
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koniI have an account on launchpad, but if I try to login into http://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/ it fails!03:31
koniSorry, wrong password03:32
koniAny help!03:32
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lifelesskoni: why do you want to login to that wiki ?03:33
koniI actually want to login into this wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/, but because it failed too I tried this one03:34
lifelessthey have different ACL's - failures on one mean nothing for failures on the other03:35
spivkoni: You're using your email address as the username for the wiki?03:35
lifelesswhats your launchpad account ?03:35
koninot not using my email address03:35
matsubaraspiv: talking about that, would have some time to fix bug  39814?03:36
UbugtuMalone bug 39814 in launchpad "Misleading login hint" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3981403:36
koniok, it worked! Thanks a lot!!03:36
konie-mail adress is the magical "word"03:36
koniok, seen the bug report; yes this would be clearer03:38
spivmatsubara: Yeah, I'll take another look at that tomorrow.03:40
matsubaraspiv: thanks. where is that code btw? I tried to find it but no sucess. 03:41
spivmatsubara: the wiki code?03:43
matsubaraspiv: yes.03:44
spiv(Most of the work done on it was when we were using baz)03:45
lifelessspiv: convert it!03:49
spivlifeless: It's converted.03:49
lifelesscool then ;)03:49
spivlifeless: I just haven't moved it out of the directory it was converted into yet :)03:50
konijoin #kubuntu04:04
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mduponti added a couple of localdir objects04:10
mdupontwrong window04:11
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ddaaKinnison: pingish04:46
kikoSteveA, lifeless: just got a failure in bzrlib.errors. is that normal?04:54
kikoAssertionError: Failed doctest test for bzrlib.errors04:54
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kikohas anyone seen this sort of failure?05:05
kikoperhaps I need to merge RF.05:05
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Kinnisonddaa: I'm about to go into review-joy mode. What can I do for you?05:21
ddaatell me about the various cronscripts daemons of buildd, and give me a one sentence summary of what they do relative to each other05:22
ddaaspecifically, the stuff in ./cronscripts and ./daemons that pertains to buildd05:22
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Kinnisonbuildd-queue-builder -- constructs builds and buildqueue entries and sets the scores05:22
ddaabuild and buildqueue are db tables?05:23
Kinnisonbuildd-slave-scanner -- scans each slave in turn and updates the buildqueue records for in-progress, dispatches unbuilt queue entries to idle builders, and retrieves completed builds to pass to process-upload05:23
Kinnisonyes, build and buildqueue are db tables05:23
Kinnisonthe buildd-sequencer is a simple daemon which serialises the running of the buildd cronscripts at second-by-second granularity which is needed because the slavescanner runs every 10 seconds which normal cron can't do05:24
ddaawhy are the buildd cronscripts not just a single daemon then?05:25
KinnisonHysterical raisins05:26
ddaais there any good reason that you are leaving the stuff that way (increased robustness, agility), or is that _just_ historical?05:26
KinnisonThe distro team have discovered that it's useful to be able to invoke the individual behaviours separately at times05:27
ddaaconversely, is there any drawback to doing things that way?05:27
Kinnisonthe major drawback is the incredible startup cost05:28
ddaawhat do you mean?05:28
Kinnisoncpython+initZopeless+execute_zcml_for_scripts can chew upwards of two or three seconds to get going05:28
ddaaI see, you are doing that twice every 10s...05:29
Kinnisonand when you want to run a script every 10 seconds, that really sucks05:29
ddaaokay, and buildd-slave.tac is the slave service, that's invoked somehow by the init.d scripts05:30
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ddaaKinnison: can you see any good reason for me to want to reproduce the build/buildqueue tables for vcs-imports?05:31
Kinnisonbuild I doubt, buildqueue maybe05:31
ddaaI sortofguess that build is something very specific to what buildd does, relating the package versions or something05:32
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=== Kinnison -> review group
ddaaKinnison: thank you05:34
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Kinnisonddaa: you're welcome05:39
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LarstiQI just got confused looking at a bug status that was unconfirmed before I saw it was a duplicate, looking at the other bug it was indeed fixed. Should that be a bug?05:53
matsubaraLarstiQ: you mean the dupe should automatically have the same status of the original bug?05:56
matsubaraLarstiQ: we have bug 3796 open, it's not exactly that, but IMHO is even better, since the status shown would be duplicate.05:57
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UbugtuMalone bug 3796 in malone "Duplicated bugs still show up as New in a list of bugs (also affects the Latest bugs portlet)" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/379605:57
LarstiQmatsubara: yeah, that would be better05:58
LarstiQmatsubara: any idea what the status is on that bug?06:00
matsubaraLarstiQ: sorry, no ETA for it yet. AFAIK, there are others high priority stuff going on atm. bradb might know better since he's the assignee.06:04
SteveAaw crap06:07
SteveAi got failures in pqm from test_reconnector.txt06:07
bradbI assigned that bug to myself when I used to track bugs via assigning them to me, but I've just unassigned it to not be misleading.06:07
LarstiQbradb: was that prior to subscription support?06:08
bradbLarstiQ: No. I used to just take a lot of bugs as a way of saying that I know I'd looked at it, and it seemed like a sane bug report.06:09
LarstiQhmm, that seems slightly weird to me.06:10
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ddaaimportd rolled out06:20
ddaathe sourceforge imports look fixed06:20
ddaaand it _might_ produce knit branches for new imports, but I have not checked06:21
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Oppyhey, I have a dumb question if anyone's around07:36
OppyOn https://launchpad.net/products/democracy/trunk/+pots/democracyplayer I want to assign certain people to be owners of their specialty language07:37
Oppyso they can have the final say on those translations07:38
Oppyand I can't find whereI do that07:38
kikoOppy, aha!07:38
Oppywere you looking for me? ;)07:39
kikoOppy, visit that page, and then click on "Change Translators"07:39
OppyI've been to that page07:40
kikoyou are there able to select a translation team.07:40
kikooh, are you looking to create your own team?07:40
OppyYeah, I suppose so07:40
Oppywhere do I do that?07:41
kikoOppy, normally we suggest that you try using the Ubuntu translation team first, before creating your own. Do you have a good reason to request your own specific group?07:41
OppyI work with a few specific translators who I'd like to give mod priveleges to for their languages07:41
kikoI see.07:42
OppyI don't know if they're all on the ubuntu team or not07:42
Oppywhat do you recommend?07:42
kikothe advantage of using the Ubuntu translation team is that they have good language coverage and are generally active and knowledgeable.07:42
kikoyou can check with your translators if they are part of the respective teams, and if not, you can either suggest they join the teams, or request your own translation group.07:43
Oppyokay, thanks07:43
kikoI can create your group easily, at any rate, if you think it's the right solution. that was my suggestion :)07:43
Oppyfor now I'll select the ubuntu team07:43
Oppynow that I've done that, am I able to play around with permissions a little more?07:44
Oppyalso, how do i join the translation group?07:47
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SteveAkiko: do you have a few minutes to double-check something with me?08:23
kikoSteveA, sure! what's up?08:23
SteveAremember that possible database stale data issue we were looking at with cprov last week?08:24
kikoyes, I do.08:24
SteveAi have an idea of what the problem is, but i'd like to explain it to you08:24
SteveAso that we can see if it makes sense08:24
SteveAthere's the pastebin of some typical test output08:24
SteveAfind the line with "breezy.releasestatus # 2"08:25
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SteveAwe have established here that the data was written correctly after the transaction commit08:25
SteveAthe next test is the failure of "expect_okays('foo_1.0-1.5', False,  upload_policy='sync')"08:25
SteveAand here's where cprov said the problem lay08:26
SteveAbecause this calls out to a separate process08:26
SteveAand so on08:26
SteveAlooking at the code, i don't think this ever gets to making a new process08:26
SteveA AssertionError: Rejected should be empty08:26
SteveAso i think the data shown below is stale data from the last test run, or the last test using uploader_log08:26
SteveAthat's expect_okays08:27
SteveAthe assert is actually before the starting of a new process08:27
kikoSteveA, doesn't process_uploads() start the new process?08:29
SteveAah, maybe08:29
SteveAit is weird having that in an assert!08:30
kikoyeah, it is.08:30
SteveAlike having essential processing as a side-effect of an assert08:30
SteveAi'm still against using asserts in tests, btw08:30
kikoso remove them08:30
kikoI agree08:30
kikothey make little sense.08:30
SteveAi can think of some reasons to use them08:31
SteveAlike to show you're checking a precondition that you have good reason to assume is true08:31
SteveAas distinct from checking something as part of the test08:31
SteveAok, thanks for pointing that out08:31
SteveAi'll continue looking into this08:31
kikosure thingo08:32
salgadoSteveA, would it be a problem if GFV.fieldNames was immutable?08:33
SteveAsalgado: i have never considered the issue08:34
kikosalgado, I think it might for bradb's advancedsearch form08:35
SteveAkiko: another question then08:37
SteveAin there08:37
SteveAthat is the original output we were dicussing08:37
salgadokiko, all places I've seen actually make a copy of fieldNames to avoid mutating it08:37
SteveAwhat is incorrect about the output of     print open(uploader_log).read()  ?08:37
SteveAsalgado: why do you want to make it immutable?08:37
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SteveAor rather, what prompted your question?08:37
SteveAsalgado: i see that fieldNames is a read-only property08:38
SteveAsalgado: so therefore it is immutable, in a sense08:38
SteveAsalgado: it uses getFieldNamesInOrder, which returns a new list each time it is called08:39
SteveAso, from that point of view, you can do what you like with the returned value08:39
salgadoSteveA, well, GeneralFormViewFactory() does a "class_.fieldNames = fields"08:39
salgadothe read-only property is just a fallback and I think it can be removed08:40
SteveAyou should be wary of mutating a list that is an attribute of a class08:40
SteveAbecause that is essentially a global variable08:40
salgadoright. that's why I want to make it immutable08:40
SteveAhow would you make it immutable?08:40
SteveAi don't think python has an "immutable list" type08:41
salgado"class_.fieldNames = tuple(fields)" wouldn't do it?08:41
SteveAyou're changing its type!08:41
SteveAso, that will cause code that treats it as a list to fail08:41
SteveAa tuple is not the same as an immutable list08:41
SteveAyou can't do (1, 2, 3) + [4, 5, 6] 08:42
SteveAbut you can do [1, 2, 3]  + [4, 5, 6] 08:42
SteveAalso, tuples are meant to represent tuple kind of data08:42
SteveAwhereas lists are meant for list kind of data08:42
salgadoright, I know that. I'd take care of changing existing code and make sure it's properly documented08:42
kikotuples are not just "immutable lists"08:42
SteveAit is sometimes the right thing to do to use a tuple for an immutable list08:43
kikothey are actually meant to be used more like structs08:43
SteveAbut that needs some careful thought08:43
SteveAand should be invisible to users of the code you're doing that to08:43
salgadookay, then what about renaming GFV.fieldNames to GFV._fieldNames and defining a fieldNames property that can be overwritten in subclasses?08:43
SteveAin fact08:44
SteveAi don't see why this should be a property at all08:44
SteveAso if you fancy a bit of refactoring08:44
SteveAmake it a method getFieldNames()08:44
SteveAthere would be less confusion all round08:44
SteveAkiko: any ideas about that test output?08:45
salgadothat would also include a lot of changes in existing code, but it's fine I think08:45
kikoSteveA, there should be no rejection.08:45
kiko    + INFO    Rejected:08:46
kiko    + INFO    Not permitted to upload to the BACKPORTS pocket in a release in the 'EXPERIMENTAL' state.08:46
kiko    + INFO08:46
kikoSteveA, the release is no longer in EXPERIMENTAL state.08:46
kikowe just changed it to CURRENT.08:48
SteveApqm loves me again08:49
SteveAnow everyone needs up update their apache setup08:49
SteveAi'll sort it out on staging when karl is around tomorrow08:49
SteveAwe can also sometime do a mass replace of localhost:9000 for launchpad.dev in pagetests08:50
SteveAbut, this can also be done one test at a time08:50
kikoSteveA, without updating apache setup will PQM merges fail?08:52
SteveAthere will be no pqm failures due to this08:53
SteveAthe main thing is, people manually testing launchpad on their local machine08:53
kikoyeah, gotcha.08:57
kikoSteveA, have a moment for some rosetta reviewing?08:59
SteveAmaybe in a bit08:59
SteveAi just run some instrumented soyuz tests, but i need to rest my eyes for a few minutes08:59
SteveAi'll ping you in a bit08:59
SteveAthese soyuz tests take a while to run, so probably i can do a bit of review08:59
kikothis should fix performance for +translate09:01
kikodoing some prejoining and avoiding a big IN () query.09:01
kikounfortunate that the page will need some more serious work if we are to fix it completely09:02
kikothe data model requires a lot of shuffling around of data.09:02
kikoSteveA, is there something like assertRaises() that I can use in pagetests?09:03
flacostewhy were page titles defined in the module pagetitles.py and not as a attribute of the view that render the page?09:22
flacosteand also what's the status of I18N in launchpad?09:23
flacosteI see some strings using MessageId (i.e. the _()), but none of the page titles use them09:23
flacosteshould I use it for new code (I did until now)?09:23
SteveAkiko: no, but i think they should be09:26
SteveAflacoste: we'll be refactoring pagetitles09:26
SteveAflacoste: the main reason at present is that views are used for many pages, so it isn't a one-to-one page-to-viewclass mapping09:27
SteveAflacoste: use MessageId stuff in new code where it makes sense to do so. 09:27
flacosteSteveA: ok09:27
flacostebtw, I've seen code that use MessageId like this _( 'String with %s') % 'interpolation' where it should be like this _( 'String with $sub', mapping={'sub': 'interpolation'})09:29
flacosteyep, that's the zope.i18n.message API09:31
flacostesorry, zope.i18nmessageid.message09:32
flacostebefore Zope 3.2, it was: _( 'String with $sub')09:32
flacosteerr, id = _('String with $sub')09:32
flacosteid.mapping = {'sub': 'interpolation'}09:33
flacostebut now msgid are immutables, so the mapping has to be given at construction time09:33
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kikoSteveA, salgado: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/filelvbCk4.html09:50
kikoflacoste, wow, interesting.09:50
kikoSteveA, salgado: any chance of a review before I take off?09:50
SteveA+        return list(ret)09:53
kikoSteveA, yes09:53
SteveAif there is a clear reason not to use shortlist there, be explicit about not usingn shortlist09:53
SteveA+        translated_pots = set([pofile.potemplate for pofile in self.pofiles] )09:54
SteveAno need for [] 09:54
SteveAit becomes a generator comprehension09:54
SteveA+        dummies = [] 09:54
SteveA+        for pot in untranslated_pots:09:54
SteveA+            dummies.append(DummyPOFile(pot, self.language))09:54
SteveAlist comprehension instead?09:54
SteveA+        assert isinstance(code, (str, unicode)), code09:55
SteveAuse basestring09:55
kikoah cool09:55
kikoabout shortlist09:56
kikocan't use it easily because the batch size can be manually changed09:56
SteveA+        subs = subs.prejoin(['potranslation', 'person', 'pomsgset',09:56
SteveA+                             'pomsgset.pofile'] )09:56
kikoSteveA, is adding a comment okay there?09:56
SteveAformat the list all on one line09:56
kiko(though I never like that)09:57
SteveAcomment is fine, provided it mentions the word "shortlist"09:57
SteveAi think the way you have formatted that prejoin call is unclear -- you can easily lose track of that you're looking at list items09:58
SteveAand not args09:58
SteveAi think  callname(foo, bar09:58
SteveA                baz)09:58
SteveAis okay09:58
SteveA(lined up properly)09:58
kikobut does it matter? prejoin only takes one argument..09:58
SteveAif it doesn't look too silly09:58
SteveAwhy split the single arg over two lines?09:59
SteveAyou should endeavour to not split an arg over two lines09:59
SteveAwhen it will fit on one09:59
SteveAas it is a single arg09:59
kikoI see09:59
SteveAanyway, with all those comments, r=me09:59
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kikoSteveA! rock on!10:02
mptLarstiQ, the status, assigneed, importance, and milestone of a bug report probably should be greyed out somehow when the report is a duplicate10:09
SteveAkiko: 10:09
SteveA /*-1255022292*/ UPDATE BinaryPackagePublishing SET status = 2, datepublished = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' WHERE id = 2410:09
SteveAdo you remember what that's all about?10:09
mptLarstiQ, that would probably solve the problem you were experiencing10:09
SteveA*** ProgrammingError: ERROR:  cannot update a view10:10
LarstiQmpt: setting the status to Duplicate would also be a clear hint.10:10
=== mpt tries to remember the drawbacks of doing that
SteveAkiko: the issue seems to be this: the commit isn't actually working in that test, so the data never gets to the database.  the commit isn't working because of that recurring error when sqlobject writes data to the database.10:11
LarstiQmpt: I'm not sure greying out would be clear enough, it could be I just don't have the permissions, or whatever else causes greyings out10:11
SteveAkiko: for reasons i have not yet uncovered, the commit fails silently.  also, getting the new value from scratch is unreliable, as it is actually getting the old value from the last transaction.10:11
mptI can't remember any of those drawbacks10:13
kikoSteveA, the question is really why is the commit() failing10:13
SteveAi know why the commit is failing10:13
SteveAi don't know why it fails *silently* in the doctest10:13
kikobecause we are writing to a view10:13
mptLarstiQ, it helps slightly when a bug is marked as a duplicate by mistake, that it can easily (well, "easily" relative to the Launchpad UI's usual slothiness) be set back to exactly what it was before10:14
mptbut that's not a very good reason10:14
LarstiQmpt: Bjorns suggestion is to not store the duplicate state so getting back to the old situation is easy too10:15
LarstiQor did you mean uiwise?10:15
mptboth, really10:16
SteveAkiko: i'm done for the evening.  see you tomorrow!10:17
LarstiQhmm, greying out would be an extra cue, but I'd prefer both rather than only greying10:17
kikothanks SteveA 10:17
mptLarstiQ, you're right, I'll report a bug about it, and hope it doesn't get marked as a duplicate10:17
LarstiQmpt: I'd argue you do not need to see the status before you unduplicate10:17
LarstiQthe original status I mean10:18
LarstiQmpt: hah :)10:18
LarstiQmpt: bug 3796 has good comments already10:18
UbugtuMalone bug 3796 in malone "Duplicated bugs still show up as New in a list of bugs (also affects the Latest bugs portlet)" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/379610:18
mptthat's a bit of a misleading summary, then10:19
kikoit is indeed10:19
LarstiQI agree, which is why I couldn't find it scanning the bugs10:19
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LarstiQheh, the mail mentions 'Summary changed', while the activity log thinks the title field has changed10:32
flacostetitle is the name of the field and Summary is its label10:33
flacoste(that's probably the source of the discrepancy)10:33
LarstiQI see.10:35
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flacostehow come bzr log <file> gives me the whole log?11:07
flacosteexample: [francis@Bourdieu tt-bug-43759] $ bzr log README11:09
flacoste    ------------------------------------------------------------11:09
flacoste    merged: bjorn.tillenius@canonical.com-20060621134115-da0b2000bc43b7b711:09
flacoste    committer: Bjorn Tillenius <bjorn.tillenius@canonical.com>11:09
flacoste    branch nick: bug-3228211:09
flacoste    timestamp: Wed 2006-06-21 15:41:15 +020011:09
kikoflacoste, it appears to be a bug, but I can't be sure11:09
kikoit shows the whole log regardless of whether or not the file was changed, right?11:09
flacosteseemed like it11:09
flacosteI would have expect only the messages related to the file11:10
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=== flacoste wondered if ../templates/person-spec.pt (which seems unused now) has been obsoleted by specificationtarget-specs.pt
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carlosflacoste: I don't know, but it makes sense11:39
flacosteshouldn't that template be removed or move to not-used then?11:39
LarstiQflacoste: hmm, bzr log <file> does only show the revisions that touched file, afaics11:45
LarstiQboth 0.8 and bzr.dev11:46
flacostehmm, doesn't look like it here11:46
flacosteat least in my Launchpad tree11:46
LarstiQflacoste: can you reproduce it with a minimal testcase?11:47
flacosteI'll try11:47
LarstiQ(and also, something I'm allowed to look at)11:47
flacosteI'm using a shared repository with a lightweight checkout, FWIMW11:47
LarstiQI'll try that too then11:47
LarstiQcheckouts inside the repo, or?11:49
flacosteno, checkout is outside the repository11:52
=== ChanServ [ChanServ@services.] has joined #launchpad
LarstiQflacoste: works for me11:57
=== mpt [n=mpt@203-173-178-53.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #launchpad
mptGoooooooooooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders!11:59
carlosflacoste: if there are no references to it, I think you can kill it12:01
carlosflacoste: is useless to leave garbage behind12:02
flacostecarlos: rm or mv to not-used?12:02
carlosand we can always recover it, we are using an SCM system....12:02
carlosdo we have a not-used directory?12:02
carlosdidn't know it...12:02
carlosmpt: what do you think?12:02
carlosmpt: we are talking about a template that seems to be useless12:03
flacostelib/canonical/not-used/README.txt says:12:03
flacosteCode is put into lib/canonical/not-used/ rather than archived on some arch12:03
flacostebranch, so that its existence is still easily noted.12:03
=== flacoste doesn't how current that is though
carlosflacoste: well, the definition of non-used is for untested code or non maintained code12:04

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