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theCoreLaserJock: hi05:27
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jsgotangcogood morning08:57
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LaserJockhi mdke, jsgotangco, Madpilot 09:24
Madpilothi LaserJock 09:24
jsgotangcohey! you surved last night?09:24
Madpilotpub crawling in Paris?09:25
jsgotangco52 card mao09:25
jsgotangcoor was it 53?09:25
=== jsgotangco doesn't remember he got creamed with the new rules being introduced
LaserJockyou sure did09:26
LaserJockI just never could tell when it was my turn09:26
jsgotangcoi had like a quarter of the deck hehe09:26
MadpilotMao is the card game with no rules, correct?09:26
jsgotangcothere are rules but you just don't know what rule is in effect during gameplay09:27
Madpilotah yes. Corey tried to explain it to me when he got back from Mataro...09:27
jsgotangcoso even if you know the basic rules you can still get creamed09:28
LaserJockand I didn't even get the basic ones09:32
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LaserJockmdke: ping?11:07
mdkeLaserJock: hi11:07
LaserJockmdke: hi, I was just trying to look at my email while I have a lull in the action11:08
LaserJockI noticed the email about the Debugging wiki page11:09
LaserJockI wonder if the BugSquad should take care of that stuff11:09
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mdkewell, I kinda feel bad that we were responsible for moving the pages when we shouldn't have11:10
mdkei might take a look at it later11:10
LaserJockwell, we moved only stuff marked as CatDoc right?11:11
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LaserJockso at least it was an honest mistake ;-)11:12
LaserJockdo you want me to talk to sfllaw about any of it? I have a BOF next with him11:12
LaserJockI'm interested in how much we want to put in offical documentation11:13
LaserJockor leave to BugSquaders to use the wiki.u.c wiki11:13
LaserJockor ...11:13
mdkeyes, that would be a good thing to talk about11:15
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robdoes the flash plugin instructions on RestrictedFormats work for anyone else?12:00
robdoesn't work for me12:00
mdkerob: yes12:02
robthats odd then, it just says install "flashplugin-nonfree"12:03
robbut I have that installed, but firefox and konqueror won't pick it up12:03
robthe sudo command listed doesn't work either (no such files), though I have the default Ubuntu Firefox installed in any case12:04
mdketry doing "sudo update-flashplugin"12:05
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mdkeyou need an internet connection12:05
=== rob waits
robhi jsgotangco 12:06
jsgotangcobonjour rob12:06
robI'm so going to have to make it to one of those one day12:06
robyeah, anything really, just to meet people12:07
jsgotangcoyeah its fun12:07
jsgotangcoim sitting beside klaus knopper and his wife at the moment jsut talking stuff12:08
=== rob prays to the UbuntuGod for another UDU
robmdke, does sudo update-flashplugin take a while? it just appears to be sitting there doing not much12:09
mdkerob: it downloads the plugin from the internet, (which is what installing that package does too, unless you say "no" on installing) so it depends on your connection12:09
robdoes it display progress at all?12:10
jsgotangcorob: yeah it can get really interesting12:11
robhmm, I'll leave it go then, might pay adding that to the wiki I guess12:12
robok added12:19
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can3pHello. I want to ask about latest UWN issue(#3). The feature of the week was devhelp. It was said that there is a lot of additional information in devhelp format. I've searched a lot, but there is no documentation in devhelp format in dapper repos. Where can I get additional packages with documenatation in devhelp format. I need docs for GTK+01:58
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dsascan3p: Some of the *-doc packages will install their selves to devhelp such at python-gtk2-doc02:06
can3pwhat about docs for C?02:10
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can3pa mean gtk+ and C02:10
can3pI mean gtk+ and C02:10
dsascan3p: you probably want to try libgtk2.0-doc in that case02:12
LaserJockcan3p: did you get a reply?02:22
LaserJockto your email?02:22
LaserJockI thought I sent one02:22
can3pdsas: thanks a lot, it works. I didn't install it, it's said in description, that it's only installed in /usr/share/doc/libgtk2.0-doc/. Again, thanks.02:26
tuxmaniacLaserJock> ping and you back from paris?02:26
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LaserJocktuxmaniac: no, I'll be back Saturday02:30
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Laser_awaymdke: ping?05:35
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mdkeLaserJock: hmm?06:18
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LaserJockmdke: oh nice, you're here06:41
LaserJockoh, maybe not06:42
LaserJockstupid summit ;-)06:42
LaserJockmdke: we had a guy who wants to translate the Edubuntu School Advocacy doc into French06:42
LaserJockmdke: I created a .pot with xml2po -e but I'm not sure if that is the way you've been doing it06:43
mdkeLaserJock: yes, that's right.06:45
LaserJockok, so how do you turn it back06:45
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mdkeLaserJock: same again: xml2po -e06:46
LaserJockand how is upload handled on Rosetta, who can do that?06:47
mdkewhoever has permission for the product06:48
LaserJockand are we thinking of ways to translate the wiki at all?06:49
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mdke1.Laserjock: we can translate wiki articles that we export to docbook, if we do that. But there is no reasonable way of translating wiki pages on-the-fly using that toolchain.06:52
mdkedamn numbers06:52
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LaserJockthis guy I was talking with mentioned po4a06:54
LaserJockmdke: I'm not sure if it would help us but I thought I should mention it06:58
mdkeI'm not mad keen on changing the current toolchain, but we can look at it I guess06:59
LaserJockit would be for the wiki07:00
mdke1.right, but I think the wiki->docbook tools are going in the right direction for that07:01
mdkeI dont think its so hard to translate a wiki page manually, anyway07:01
LaserJockk, just thought I'd mention it07:02
LaserJockso it looks to me like any doc team LP member can upload .pots . Is that right?07:02
mdketo the ubuntu-doc product, yes07:04
LaserJockanyway, it doesn't matter right now07:08
LaserJockeverybody just seems very interested in translation07:08
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jendamdke: ping?09:52
mgalvinmdke: great interview on lug, now i have a reason to drop your name in UWN :)09:58
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mdkejenda: if you're still around?11:20
jendaI was wondering why ubuntu.com11:20
jendahas Ubuntu linux in the title when it has been repeatedly stressed that the name is "Ubuntu"11:21
jendanot "Ubuntu Linux"11:21
mdkeI think the reason is that it helps get hits from search engines11:21
mdkepeople often search for "ubuntu linux"11:22
=== mdke goes to bed
jendado they search by title? (the engines)11:23
mdkeI mean, people put "ubuntu linux" into the search box.11:24
mdkesearch engines index titles yeah11:24
=== mdke really goes to bed
jsgotangcoits not even midnight!11:25
jendatrue... :)11:25
jendadon't forget that mdke is a little further East :)11:26
jsgotangcohmm its only 10:28 in london11:28
jsgotangcoso paris is 1 hour ahead11:28
jendathat was a pun, jsgotangco ;)11:29
jendanotice the capital E11:29
=== jsgotangco is not a natural english speaker sorry
=== jenda neither :)
jendabut I love puns.11:30
jsgotangcoahh time flies so fast the summit ends tomorrow11:32
=== jenda 's eyes open wide
jendathat means the CC meeting could be coming soon :)11:34
jsgotangcocoming soon?11:38
jsgotangcolike next week?11:38
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