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bintutany fai users here?09:40
bintutI'm planning to make use of my laptop running Gentoo Linux as my FAI install server and the distribution to be installed to the fresh computers through FAI will either be Ubuntu Dapper or Debian Sarge. Would it be possible and practical?  As much as possible, I don't want to format my system and install either Ubuntu Dapper or Debian Sarge just to make it as a FAI install server.09:42
A-Kasernever used09:56
A-Kaserjust used PXE install09:56
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TrioTorusI'm trying to get webdav to work, would anybody care for a look at my apache config?11:41
TrioTorusIt's here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1626011:41
TrioTorusI'm trying to get a group member read acces, but a user read and write acces11:41
TrioTorusbut 'Connect to Server' seems to skip "Password for read acces" realm11:42
TrioTorushmm okay, so changing owner and group to www-data seems to work, but what if I want to share content that is not www-data? Do I have to chown manually all of it?11:59
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neuralisTrioTorus: last i heard, apache+webdav just plain didn't support per-user authentication12:12
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TrioTorusneuralis, well, it seems to be sucky to say the least.01:14
TrioTorusI'm quite disappointed in setting up apache the first time round. Is there any gui config tool that is good out there? I heared webmin doesn't support ubuntu any longer.01:15
A-Kaserapache2-utils can help you01:20
A-Kaserbut it's not a frontend01:20
A-Kaseryou have some other web frontend01:20
A-Kaseras ispconfig01:21
A-Kaserbut apache2 is very simple now01:21
A-Kaserall the files are splitted01:21
TrioTorusyes, I quite like the way it is represented now, but still, I find the permissions hard to get right. Mainly because there seem to be many example config files on the web, but they all differ01:24
TrioTorusbut I'll check out your pointers.01:24
A-Kasermany example ?01:25
TrioTorusI mean scattered out on the web01:25
A-Kaserwhat are you doing with  your apache ? or will do ?01:25
edneymatiashello all!01:26
TrioTorusI'm just trying to get webdav working for clients I have to deliver image sequences to.01:26
TrioTorusI should be able to easily allow them upload as well.01:26
A-Kaseroh yes01:26
TrioTorusRecenlty I read about zope01:26
A-Kasera2enmod dav01:26
TrioTorusA-Kaser, yeah, I followed this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119228&highlight=webdav01:27
TrioTorusfirst thing was: <Location> didn't work for me because my files are actually in the document tree01:28
TrioTorus(or at least I think that's the reason)01:28
TrioTorusso I changed to <Directory> which worked.01:28
A-Kaser        <Directory /home/imagenbib/www/>01:28
A-Kaser        AddDefaultCharset Off01:28
A-Kaser                Options FollowSymLinks ExecCGI Includes01:28
A-Kaser                AllowOverride AuthConfig01:28
A-Kaser                <Limit POST GET>01:28
A-Kaser                        Order allow,deny01:28
A-Kaser                        Allow from all01:28
A-Kaser                </Limit>01:28
A-Kaser                        Order deny,allow01:28
A-Kaser                        Deny from all01:28
A-Kaser                </Limit>01:29
A-Kaser        </Directory>01:29
A-KaserI have this to disable webdav01:29
A-Kaserso replace Deny from all to Allow from all :)01:29
fabbioneA-Kaser: please don't flood the channel and use pastebin01:29
A-KaserDirectory can be changed without problem it's just a virtualhost configuration01:29
A-Kasersorrry fabbione01:29
A-Kaserpastebin is too too too slow from Belgium01:29
A-Kasersi I miss to you use it01:30
TrioTorusA-Kaser, u in Belgium?01:30
A-Kaserit's bad ?01:30
TrioTorusha, me too01:30
A-Kaser:) lol01:30
TrioTorusI'm in Gent01:30
A-KaserMons / Bergen01:30
TrioTorusI use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ if you care01:30
A-Kaseroh yes better :)01:31
A-Kaseryesterday pastebin make 2 - 3 mins ...01:31
TrioTorusI'm also very confused as to why all of the stuff in my document tree has to belong to group www-data01:32
A-Kaserbecause apache may be able to write on the documents01:33
TrioTorusthat group isn't my default gid, so everytime I want to make something visible on my webserver, I have to change permissions01:33
TrioTorusis there more elegant way?01:33
A-Kaserchange your default umask01:34
A-Kaserand add your user to the www-data group01:34
A-Kaserand when you make a file user this group01:34
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A-Kaserso all your files will be used with the umask ( 775 )01:35
TrioTorusA-Kaser, I have a group urga, which is my company name, and collegues need to acces these files, so my default group has to stay urga01:35
A-Kaseryou can have more than one group01:36
TrioTorusso, although I can add myself to the www-data group, I still have to change permissions when I want to make stuff visible for web surfers.01:36
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spikewho's in Ghent?01:43
TrioTorusspike, I am01:43
spikesomething OT :)01:43
spikethere should be a huge music festival on the river at some point this summer, have you any idea about it?01:43
TrioTorusyes, you probably mean 'Gentse Feesten'01:45
=== spike googles
spikeoh, bollocks, 15-24 :(01:46
TrioTorusspike, yup01:46
TrioTorusspike, where r u based?01:46
TrioTorusIt's worth coming down for it.01:46
spikeyeah, I was sure it was, I met this guy from ghent last summer that told me amazing things about it01:48
spikebut thought it was in Aug, I'm busy those days in Jul :(01:49
spikeTrioTorus: .uk01:50
TrioTorusIt's supposed to be the biggest folk party in Europe01:52
TrioTorus(I used to live .uk, only for 3 years or so, London)01:53
spikedamn, new job is great but 10 days holidays sux :(01:55
spikeI could be there weekend 15th-16th but those days I'm gonna see bob dylan and ben harper.. already bought the tickets and everything01:56
TrioTorushey, I saw Ben Harper in Brixton Academy 2 years back01:58
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spikeTrioTorus: actually it's kinda weird the festival ends on the 24th.. it's a sat...02:00
spikeit if it last to sunday I might come over that weekend...02:00
TrioTorus24th is a monday02:01
TrioTorusit always ends on a monday, it's called the day-when-wallets-are-empty02:01
spikeuh, oops, I was looking at jun on the calendar :)02:02
spikelovely, I'll see if I manage to find decent flight tickets for that weekend02:02
spikeTrioTorus: any hint about connections? I guess you still fly to bruxelles then get there by train, eh?02:03
TrioTorusspike, got any webpage where I can get to know you a bit better? I'm pretty new around here, would be cool to work myself in a bit.02:03
TrioTorusspike, yes, Brussels is only 40 minutes away from Ghent by train.02:03
spikea bit better about what? ubuntu-server? stuff available in on the wiki, there's a ServerFAQ + all the specs02:04
spikes/in on/is on/02:04
TrioTorusspike, if you're in London your best bet is to take Eurostar02:10
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TrioTorusIs there a command to disconnect all authenticated users from apache?04:42
TrioTorusnautilus' 'Connect to server' seems to remember connections authenticated sessions.04:43
A-KaserI don't think04:46
lionelpTrioTorus: you mean with a basic authentication ?04:54
TrioToruslionelp, Hi, yes, basic authentication04:54
lionelpso, there is no memory on the Apache side04:54
lionelpthe client resend the authentication on each request04:54
TrioTorusI'm connecting to a webdav share04:54
lionelpthe memory is on the client04:54
TrioTorusprobably yes. Any way to reset it?04:55
TrioTorusit's actually gnome-vfs that seems to remember how it was authenticated before.04:55
TrioToruswhen I enter 'connect to server' and fill in the dialog with the same entries as before, it doesn't come up with the authentication dialog box, even though I did a 'umount volume' right before.04:57
TrioTorusThis might be wanted behaviour and it could time out, but can I disable it?04:58
lionelpThe way te reset is linked to the client04:59
TrioToruslionelp, yes, so any way to reset the gnome 'connect to server' thingy?05:02
lionelpI do not know, I never used it with webdav (nor http)05:03
TrioToruslionelp, np05:03
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amee2khi all05:13
amee2ki just installed phpmyadmin- from the repo. why isn't it possible to execute queries from files?05:14
amee2ki'll make a screenshot...05:17
A-Kaseryou have "import"05:28
A-Kaserit's not debian05:28
A-Kaserit's the news phpmyuadmin release :)05:28
amee2kbtw the older version was directly from their project page, it is just older05:29
=== Detox [n=detox@nc-69-69-213-205.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu-server
Detoxoh boy this is not going well05:40
Detoxam setting up ubuntu server 6.06 and cannopt find saslauthd file05:40
lionelpDetox: what do you mean by "sasalauthd file" ? You mean package ?05:41
Detoxfollowing the tutorial ,,, everything wenk ok despite typos,,, but now am suppost to ecit /etc/default/saslauthd05:41
Detoxand it is not there05:42
lionelpWhich tutorial are you refering to ?05:42
Detox Now we have to edit /etc/default/saslauthd  in order to activate saslauthd. Remove #  in front of START=yes  and add the line PARAMS="-m /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd -r":05:42
Detoxvi /etc/default/saslauthd05:42
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Detoxthe perfect setup ...05:42
Detoxon howtoforge05:43
lionelpYep, i understood05:43
lionelpdid you install sasl2-bin package ?05:43
Detoxwhere is it hiding?05:43
Detoxapt that?05:44
lionelphum... I think this is a good option (at least because /etc/default/saslauthd and the saslauthd daemon are in this package)05:44
lionelpDetox: yes05:44
Detoxok file is exactly as written>> sas12-bin05:44
lionelpit is a L not a 105:45
lionelpyes, it is exactly as written05:45
Detoxok doing now .....05:45
Detoxnow ,,,,, am I going to need to restart the sequesnce of configuring or start where i am?05:46
Detoxwould you like to see the page I am at in the isntall?05:46
lionelpyou can go on with the edition of /etc/default/saslauthd05:47
Detoxis installed05:47
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Detoxthanks that did the trick05:54
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jeldertI just installed OpenSSH-server06:00
jeldertcan i set PermitRootLogin to No? And still login with my "normal" account?06:01
DetoxI am now installing courier pop3 ,, it wants to know if I will be using ISPConfig... do I wnt to do this?06:01
jeldertok, because Ubuntu doesn't have a root account enabled06:01
jeldertwhy is it on by default then?06:02
ajmitchI don't know why it's on, really06:02
A-Kaserjeldert, because most of people enable it :-)06:04
A-KaserDetox, non06:04
A-KaserISPConfig is webbases interface to manage some services as email06:04
Detoxoops I messed up....06:05
Detoxit asked me if I wanted web-based admin and I said yes06:05
Detoxwill that be a prob?06:06
Detoxthen I wil go on to th next section06:06
Detoxwow this takes a long time doing all by hand....06:10
Detoxonce I get it all on ,,, wont I still need to have a browser?06:10
Detoxand a window manager for ease of use?06:10
A-Kaserdon't know06:11
DetoxI dont mind doing all by comamnd line , but once I put a site on it .. how will I be able to view?06:11
A-Kaserare you installing courrier pop3 ?06:12
Detoxyes did06:12
Detoxam getting apache2 now06:12
Detoxthen php506:12
A-KaserI'm not sure if courrier have a webbased interface :)06:13
Detoxok , well when I get that far ,, we can tackle it06:13
Detoxfor now ,, jhsut knowing the isntructions are ok will  help a lot06:13
Detoxas far as email server text will be ok06:14
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Detoxmoved on to php5 apt-get ,, said php5-pear is unknown or part of something else .. deleted taht part ans is now geting and isntalling all the rest06:20
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Detoxhave ubuntu server installed,,,, now can I isntall a WM without goovering it up?07:41
Detoxjust to make it easier on me?07:41
Detoxgnome , fluxbox, etc07:42
spikewhy didnt you install the desktop version then?07:44
spikea window manager on a sever is uhm, just wrong07:45
Detoxwas following isntructions on  how to isntall ubuntu server 6.0607:46
Detoxfigured it would have at least gnome on it07:46
spikeand the instructions tell you to install a window manager?07:46
Detoxjsut the server functions07:47
spikeoh, tnx, I ws gonna collapse07:47
Detoxthis is a new thing for me07:47
Detoxand following docs as written07:47
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Detoxwhen I put free bsd on a couple of months ago ,, it had gnome so i figured ubuntu would aslo07:47
spikeDetox: in fact ubuntu provides gnome by default. this is ubuntu-server, doesnt that ring a bell?07:48
Detoxwhen i typed gnome at  term nothing happened07:48
Detoxand yes I am VERY new07:49
Detoxso please be gentle07:49
ZambeziDetox, startgnome?07:49
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Detoxcommand not found07:50
ZambeziDetox, Try startx too if it doesn't work. I think it will work with one of them.07:50
ZambeziDetox, Is xclient-system-core installed and xserver-xorg?07:51
spikeDetox: if you are very new install ubuntu, NOT ubuntu-server07:51
Detoxdoubt it,,, only files lsited in turorial and i dont remenber those07:51
spikeit's easy07:51
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Detoxok so apt-get those 2 then?07:52
spikeubuntu-server is for servers, and no WM is of course installed by default07:52
ZambeziDetox, Try too install the packages I mentioned.07:52
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ZambeziDetox, You can install ubuntu-desktop and you'll get a complete desktop.07:53
Detoxxclietn not found with apt07:53
Detoxok apt-get install ubuntu-desktop right?07:53
ZambeziDetox, Yes.07:53
Detoxme thinks this will take a bit07:54
ZambeziDetox, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop. It'll take a little time.07:54
Detoxis working now07:54
ZambeziDetox, And one thing. If you're new a Linux, you got to be patient. Linux is diffrent compare too Windows.07:55
A-Kaserh h:)07:55
spikeZambezi: to me the word "server" compared to "desktop" isnt really about linux and windows...07:56
DetoxI was going to build a server on debian, but the google I did recommended ubuntu server07:56
Detoxoh well learning is fun07:56
DetoxI had a good working debian box07:57
Detoxbut I dl'd ubuntu server cause the google said so07:57
Detoxinstead of jsut doing everything on my exixting debian box07:57
A-Kaserwhy not07:57
ZambeziWhen I install Dapper serverinstall I can't install cryptsetup-luks from http://einsteinmg.dyndns.org/debian/. Anyone know why? I have Breezy for now, but I would like to have Dapper.07:58
DetoxI have used linux for about a year now ,, burt nver built a server07:58
Detoxthought it would be fun07:59
Detoxtwo days now into this project08:00
Detoxhope this apt-get ubuntu-desktop will not mess up alll the wrok i did to build the server08:00
A-KaserZambezi, what is the error ?08:00
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ZambeziA-Kaser, Oh, I don't remember. It something that the packages is damage.08:02
Detoxoh boy ,,, this will rally take a while ,,, my bleeding edge sprint DSL ,,,, almost as good as dial-up08:12
Detox10% complete  yahoooo08:12
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jeldertI'm configuring openssh-server but I want only local IP's to be able to connect. I've added the option "ListenAddress", but now I cannot connect to it08:28
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jeldertnevermind. I thought it was which host where allowed to connect to it, but it is what IP address the server uses08:49
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