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Hobbseemorning all03:26
ajmitchgood morning Hobbsee03:27
ajmitchgood to see you up before lunchtime :)03:27
Hobbseehi ajmitch03:27
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ajmitchabout debconf & python03:47
Hobbseewhat the?  various ubuntu people are getting spammed.  great.03:50
ajmitchspammed in what way?03:50
Hobbseejust sending three of us ubuntu people mailing list crap email.03:51
Hobbseewhat's weird is that there are three of us in the to line - all ubuntu people.03:51
ajmitchnot that werid03:51
=== Hobbsee thought spammers usually bcc'd everyone
=== ajmitch cannot speel todae
=== Hobbsee assigns ajmitch to go and write out the dictionary, so he will be able to spell in future
ajmitchnot going to happen03:55
Hobbseethat was always people's punishments here for those who couldnt spell.03:56
ajmitchI can spell just fine, except when my hands are half-frozen03:56
pschulz01ajmitch, Hobbsee: I'm finding that there are packages (MOTU) that are available in Breezy but not Dapper(don't install), for one reason or another.. what should I do?03:58
ajmitchsuch as?03:59
pschulz01pstoedit, fontforge03:59
ajmitchwhy don't they install?03:59
pschulz01The following packages have unmet dependencies.04:00
pschulz01  pstoedit: Depends: libpstoedit0c2a (>= 3.42) but it is not going to be install ed04:00
pschulz01E: Broken packages04:00
ajmitchI'd say you've got other issues there, since both are installable here04:00
pschulz01Hmmm.. thanks..04:01
ajmitchlibpstoedit0c2a |     3.42-3 | http://apt-proxy dapper/universe Packages04:02
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ajmitchit is available, at least04:02
pschulz01I'll try on another machine that is a little less 'touched'.04:03
pschulz01Hmm.. both packages have installed fine on thei other machine.. so probably a 'sources.list' issue.04:05
pschulz01That was the problem.. thankyou both.04:08
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=== pschulz01 shouts some beers.
=== ajmitch wonders where to collect from :)
=== _jaldhar [n=jaldhar@c-68-38-202-139.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseepschulz01: paris, of course.04:09
pschulz01I'll keep track of them on my Wiki page.. and you can collect them should I ever get to a Ubuntu meeting.04:10
pschulz01or you travel to Linux.Conf.Au04:10
ajmitchI probably will be04:10
Hobbseepschulz01: where are you?04:10
pschulz01Adelaide.. South Australia.04:11
pschulz01(Wine Country)04:11
=== ajmitch suspected as much
=== Rotund [n=joe@69-179-17-118.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseepschulz01: heh, right.  where abouts?04:11
=== Hobbsee should have visited pschulz01 while she was there in january too.
pschulz01Hobbsee: ? Thebarton04:11
pschulz01Hobbsee: Live in Mawson lakes.04:12
=== Hawkwind [n=SoS@linuxfordummies/Hawkwind] has joined #Ubuntu-MOTU
=== Hobbsee has a vague idea of there...
ajmitchpschulz01: were you at LCA this year?04:13
=== CarlFK [n=carl@c-67-163-39-124.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
pschulz01Location - http://news.mawsonlakes.org/community, ignore the markers..04:14
pschulz01ajmitch: Yes.. thoughly enjoyed New Zealand. I ran the (half-day) embedded miniconf.04:14
ajmitchah r ight04:14
ajmitchI may have met you at some point then04:15
pschulz01Quite possibly.. have you been to any previous LCA's?04:15
ajmitchadelaide in 200404:15
pschulz01I was behind the registration desk there..04:16
pschulz01.. organising the helpers.04:16
ajmitchok :)04:16
pschulz01ajmitch: Where are you?04:17
pschulz01Cheers.. bye for now.. off to play with fontforge :-)04:21
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nixternalhows it goin' Toadstool04:45
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Hobbseehi Kyral06:18
=== Mithrandir tickles Hobbsee, then runs off and hides under the bed.
=== Hobbsee searches for Mithrandir, then tickles him mercillesly.
Hobbseepretty silly, trying to hide under a bed, you know.06:19
Kyral....you do realize that was a ploy to get you near his bed06:19
Mithrandiryeah, especially with those beds here you can't hide under.06:19
HobbseeKyral: that's inappropriate, thanks.06:19
MithrandirKyral: eh?06:19
KyralSorry...mind is half asleep06:20
HobbseeMithrandir is not stupid, Kyral06:20
Kyralappropriete checks are disabled06:20
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Mithrandirapology accepted from me at least.06:21
MithrandirHobbsee: how's .au today?06:21
HobbseeMithrandir: kinda cold again, not really much new :)06:21
KyralCurrently viewing in Konqueror: Questionable Content: New comics every Monday through Friday, URL: http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=64606:21
KyralTHat one...omg06:21
MithrandirHobbsee: do you feel you've been able to help out and follow the spec process?06:22
KyralIs you all in Paris now?06:22
HobbseeMithrandir: i dont know about helping out, but it all makes a bit more sense now06:22
Hobbseebesides, it's fun actually getting to chat to the not-so-big-and-scary-devs-now type people06:23
HobbseeKyral: i'm not06:23
MithrandirKyral: I'm in Paris, yes.06:23
KyralHave fun eating snails....ick06:23
Mithrandirthey have plenty of non-snail food here too06:23
KyralSee I couldn't last in France because I wouldn't be able to get a good hamburger06:23
Kyraland I'm NOT talking fast food06:24
KyralGimme a 1lb patty of ground chuck, medium rare, bacon, and some cheese06:24
Kyralnow I'm craving one06:25
Hobbseelooks like you'd better go grab one, and find your brain in the process :P06:25
KyralOne of my many quests in life is to find the perfect hamburger06:25
Mithrandirserves you right. :-P06:25
KyralBecause, to me, nothing is as American as the hamburger06:25
HobbseeMithrandir: um, why are you awake yet?06:26
MithrandirHobbsee: my body decided that I didn't need more than six hours of sleep.06:26
Hobbseehow weird.06:26
Mithrandirwhen it does that, it's easier to comply and just sneak off for a nap than try to argue.06:26
=== Hobbsee wishes her body would always decide that.
KyralAs Jimmy Buffet's song "Cheeseburger In Paradise" goes06:27
KyralBut at night I'd had these wonderful dreams06:27
KyralSome kind of sensuous treat06:27
KyralNot zuchinni, fettucini or bulghar wheat06:27
KyralBut a big warm bun and a huge hunk of meat06:27
Kyralsorry for the paste06:28
Kyralanywya sleepytime06:31
=== Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbsee_interesting quit message.06:32
Mithrandirthat was a new quit message .. dead socket.06:32
Hobbseewhat did i miss?06:32
=== Hobbsee hit ctrl+alt+backspace
Mithrandiryou missed Kyral pasting about cheeseburgers in paradise.06:32
Hobbseeah, right06:32
MithrandirI almost wrote cheeseburgers in paris.06:34
Mithrandiroh well.06:34
MithrandirI guess it's a bit early for me..06:34
Hobbseei could help you wake up a bit more, if you wanted...06:34
Mithrandirinject loads of coffee into bloodstream?06:35
=== Hobbsee finds some more icecubes, and sticks them down Mithrandir's back
Hobbseehmmm...no...not a lover of needles06:35
MithrandirI've already got a cold starting, so ice's not very helpful. :-)06:36
MithrandirI don't mind, I donate blood every three months.06:36
=== Hobbsee should do that. dad does.
HobbseeMithrandir: to answer your above question - its' hard to do kde stuff when it's not in TS or gobby, and that's the stuff i probably know most about.  but the stuff i am seeing is interesting, on most topics06:39
=== Hobbsee still gets amused that people think she's in paris.
MithrandirHobbsee: using TS is really, really painful when you're discussing with somebody at the same table, but I absolutely see your point about it making it harder for non-attendees.06:40
Mithrandirthere's no real reason not to use gobby, IMO06:41
HobbseeMithrandir: oh of course - i regularly do tech stuff, so understand that06:41
Hobbseeyeah, it's kinda like irc - adn what's the point?06:41
Hobbseeirc gets done for the rest of the year06:41
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antinobodyHola todos06:41
Hobbseehi antinobody06:41
Mithrandirthe whole point of the conference is to have the high-bandwidth face-to-face conversations.06:42
Mithrandirehlo bodyantino06:42
=== antinobody is confused again
=== Hobbsee notes that these chips really are out of date. hmm.
Mithrandirantinobody: confused over what?06:43
=== antinobody wishes he had chips, out of date or otherwise
antinobodywho is bodyantino?  and what is ehlo?06:43
Hobbseeehlo is presumably hello, bodyantino is you06:43
Mithrandirantinobody: ehlo is really a way to say hi to smtp (mail) servers, but I abuse it to say hi to people as well.06:44
Mithrandirbodyantino is just your name mangled a bit.06:44
antinobodyThe out of date chips must be giving you super mind powers Hobbsee06:44
Hobbseeor he's suggetsing that you're a smtp mail server...take your pick06:44
=== Mithrandir smirks
Hobbseethey're still kinda tasty - just a bit stale.06:44
=== antinobody WISHES he were an smtp server
MithrandirHobbsee: if we at some future conference could equip a few people with decent mics and a camera of some sort, that'd be an interesting experiment.06:45
HobbseeMithrandir: indeed, it would be.  i dont know how much a camera would help, but the idea of everyone on mics would be good - if you could get the bandwidth for a decent connection06:45
Mithrandirlatency has been more of a problem this time, IMO.06:46
HobbseeMithrandir: see, would you want to just record and stream all teh stuff from paris, or would you want our input coming back as well?06:46
Hobbseebecause the answer to that tells you the way to go about the problem06:46
MithrandirI think getting the input back over IRC for instance will be way better than trying to make everybody use teamspeak06:46
Hobbseethat's true06:47
Hobbseeseeing as all people should be fast typists by now06:47
Hobbseehaving to type so much06:47
HobbseeMithrandir: i should know this, but define latency?06:47
Hobbseeyeah, right06:48
Mithrandirit'd mean people not physically present would be at an disadvantage, but it'd probably be easier to get the participants to actually use it.06:48
HobbseeMithrandir: how big are the rooms, anyway?06:48
Mithrandirlike here, I run irc from my home box, and I have visible lag due to the latency to my home box being around 300ms.06:48
Mithrandirthere are two small ones and a fairly big one with space for everybody.06:49
Hobbseetrue - everyone needs decent connections06:49
Hobbseemmm ok - atlas is the big one, presumably06:49
Mithrandiractually, three small rooms.  There's the drafting room too.06:49
antinobodyIs there a way for those of us not in paris to get some insight into what's going on?06:50
Hobbseeantinobody: sometimes.06:50
=== Hobbsee contributed to the forum discussions yesterday a bit.
antinobodyHobbsee um...congratulations?06:52
Hobbsee[14:41]  <Mithrandir> there's no real reason not to use gobby, IMO <-- grr, missed the double negative.  gobby does seem useful - although, of course, if people type all of what they're saying, then what's the point of the meeting?06:55
MithrandirI probably wouldn't type all I'd be saying, but you could follow the spec evolving and ask useful questions about the spec when there's something which isn't clear why is so.06:56
Mithrandirso it's not a 100% solution, but it's probably a lot easier to get people to actually use.06:56
Hobbseeyeah, that would make sense06:56
Hobbseeof course06:57
HobbseeMithrandir: even what we've got now is still an improvement over the last conference, i suspect06:57
antinobodyIt might make more sense to have someone taking a psuedo transcript, or notes, and relaying tem via IRC06:57
antinobodywhile allowing most of the people involved06:57
=== Hobbsee wasnt watching the last conference, unfortunately, to compare.
antinobodyto simply work06:57
Mithrandirwell, gobby was the most unstable piece of junk I've ever used in Montreal so that doesn't really compare.06:58
Mithrandirthe bonus of having somebody there who just reads the spec and says "what do you mean here?" is you'll end up with a better spec.06:58
antinobodywhat IS gobby, if I may ask?06:58
Hobbseeantinobody: it's been done a few times - it does distract the devs a bit though, i suspect06:58
Mithrandirantinobody: collaborative editor.06:58
Hobbsee[14:58]  <Hobbsee> !info gobby06:58
Hobbsee[14:58]  <ubotu> gobby: collaborative text editor. In repository universe, is optional. Version 0.3.0-1ubuntu3.1 (dapper), package size 464 kB, installed size 1628 kB06:58
HobbseeMithrandir: yeah, exactly.  and thats' probably worht it.  what surprises me is that a lot of this stuff wasnt tested by the people who did happen to get to the conference early06:59
MithrandirHobbsee: true, but using TS for instance was a decree by Mark.07:00
antinobodythank you by the by07:00
Mithrandirit's not something any of the developers are happy about07:00
HobbseeMithrandir: yeah, of course07:00
Mithrandirboth the "is proprietary" part, but also the "must use PTT for it to be useful" which gets tedious07:00
Hobbseeactually, i'm more surprised that people continually whinged about it when they found it wasnt working, and didnt get on with the BOF07:01
Hobbseeyeah, it was painful without PTT though, unfortunately.  so it was an experiment, it failed, find ways to make it better for next time.07:02
Hobbseeif we're all replying by IRC, so you dont hear us, i'd still be tempted to have a condenser mic in the middle of the table, it should pick up more or less everything (maybe including outside rubbish that you dont want, etc, depends how sensitive), and stream that.07:02
Mithrandiryeah, that'd be useful.07:04
Mithrandirit'd probably be better in the small rooms than the large room as there's less enviromental noise.07:04
Hobbseeyes, exactly - the big room would be the problem07:04
Hobbseei expect07:05
MithrandirI find it hard enough to follow conversations on the other end of the table there.07:05
Hobbseehow many people are these tables?07:05
Mithrandirok, my hearing's not the best one around, but still.07:05
Hobbseeand are they circular, or what?07:06
Mithrandirup to about ten for the largest bofs.07:06
Mithrandiryes, circular tables07:06
Mithrandira problem is that lots of people who are just having discussions are also having them in the same room.  Coupled with not-great acoustics it all ends up being a bit problematic.07:07
Hobbseehuh?  i dont understand the first sentence.07:08
antinobodyHe's referring to side-conversations07:09
Hobbseeas in, people are discussing things, and not in an official BOF?07:09
Hobbseeah, great.  send 'em outside :P07:09
Hobbsees/outside/lobby or wherever07:09
Mithrandirwe should have had a room where such discussions could have taken place07:09
antinobodyNo, side-conversations are important for any kind of engineering07:09
Mithrandirso we could send them off to somewhere else, but of course not stop them from happening.07:09
HobbseeMithrandir: yeah, that'd be the idea07:09
Mithrandirbut.. I'm off for a swim.  Be back in an hour and a half or so.07:10
Hobbseeunfortunately, most rooms werent built with acoustics in mind07:10
Hobbseeenjoy :)07:10
Mithrandiractually, Hobbsee, we should write this up as a spec for the next conference.07:10
antinobodyten divertido07:10
HobbseeMithrandir: hehe, yeah, mayb07:10
antinobodyI mean, have fun07:10
=== Hobbsee doubts she'll be there though
HobbseeMithrandir: you'd really think this would warrant a spec?07:10
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Hobbseelovely netsplit.07:23
=== Gloubiboulga [n=gauvain@ubuntu/member/gloubiboulga] has joined #ubuntu-motu
jmgis there a paris irc channel?07:24
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antinobodynetsplit, is that what that's called07:28
Hobbseeantinobody: yeah07:29
Hobbseethere's a factoid on it, too07:29
antinobodyI'll have to look that up someday07:29
antinobodyYou don't happen to know how I'm supposed to sign the code of conduct online by chance?07:29
=== Hobbsee should
Hobbseeantinobody: factoid is in a PM07:30
antinobodyHobbsee I saw, and I did in fact enjoy the show07:30
antinobodyI understand it involves a gpg-key, launchpad, and that document I read07:32
antinobodyhow those are related confuses me07:32
=== raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseeantinobody: ah right07:32
Hobbseedo you have a GPG key?07:32
antinobodyHobbsee I did, briefly07:33
Hobbseewhat's happened to it?07:33
antinobodyI believe I wiped it unthinkingly07:33
Hobbseetry gpg --list-keys07:34
Hobbseeand see if it's there07:34
antinobodyhay nada07:34
Hobbseeotherwise you'll need to regenerate it, and then upload it07:34
Hobbseevia the !gpg link07:35
=== Hobbsee never understood all that the first time around.
=== antinobody still doesn't understand it
antinobodyDo I need to regenerate the same key somehow?07:36
Hobbseeantinobody: https://launchpad.net/people/sean-rains/+editpgpkeys07:36
Hobbseeno, you can generate a new key07:37
=== Hobbsee wonders if he has to revoke the old key.
Hobbseehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto is also useful07:37
antinobodyHmm...I used it once, for that okle patch07:38
antinobodythat's about it07:38
antinobodyI never uploaded it either, so I dunno07:38
antinobodyI'll just generate a new one07:38
Hobbseeantinobody: if you never uploaded it, then i think you can just ignore it.07:39
Hobbseewow, that's a rather nice guide, now07:41
antinobodyI generated it, then followed the launchpad instructions on importing an OpenPGP key07:47
antinobodyunfortunately, I have to wait 30 minutes now07:47
Hobbseewhy wait 30 mins?07:48
antinobodyDid you enter your complete fingerprint correctly, as produced by gpg --fingerprint?07:48
antinobodyHave you published your key to a public key server, using gpg --send-keys?07:48
antinobodyIf you have just published your key to the keyserver, note that the keys take a while to be synchronized to our internal keyserver.07:48
antinobodyPlease wait at least 30 minutes before attempting to import your key.07:48
antinobodythat's why07:48
nixternalit shouldn't take 30 minutes..i think when i did it...it happened pretty quick...give it a couple more minutes then try again..you should be fine07:50
antinobodyHey, cool, I have karma points.  I don't even know what those are07:50
antinobodynixternal will do07:50
Hobbseeantinobody: probably from patches or bug reports07:51
antinobodyyeah, I did some triaging yesterday, I imagine that's it07:53
antinobodyand I filed a very bizarre bug07:53
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MithrandirHobbsee: yes, I think it'd be nice to have as a spec.  An informative one, maybe.08:40
HobbseeMithrandir: hmmm...08:41
MithrandirHobbsee: or, informational I think it's called.08:41
Mithrandirsince all specs should be informative. :-P08:41
Hobbseeshould be, yes.08:42
=== Hobbsee cant quite imagine what to put in there though
Mithrandirdo you want to register it?08:42
Hobbseetitle of spec:  use mics in middle of room, and stream over the net08:42
Mithrandirhow to get people not physicall present to participate.08:42
Mithrandirphysically, even08:43
Hobbseeah okay.  i'd be happier not to08:43
MithrandirI can do it, then.08:43
robhow many people have to advocate a package in revu before its accepted?08:43
robhi btw :)08:43
Hobbseeheya rob08:43
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Hobbseeer...one?  two?08:43
robah ok08:44
robthe waiting is killing me..08:44
Hobbseerob: find a motu, and ask them to review it - usually works better08:45
antinobodyhi rob08:45
robI'm too polite :)08:45
robhi antinobody08:45
Hobbseerob: that's why you ask, not bash them over the head repeatedly with demands.08:46
antinobodywhat pacakge is this?08:46
robsomeone has, just not for a little bit08:46
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robI think I just have revu anxiety08:47
raphinkhi there08:49
robhi raphink08:49
raphinkhi rob08:49
robthats me08:50
raphinkdoes that mean you're the one responsible for the ubuntu vhosts on freenode now?08:50
=== dholbach [n=daniel@ALagny-109-1-9-136.w80-11.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
robwell they need to still go though Seveas, but I will do them straight away rather then before where they were held in a cue to build up for a bit08:52
raphinkhi dholbach08:52
Hobbseehey dholbach!08:53
raphinkrob: good to know :)08:53
antinobodyHi dholbach08:53
raphinkrob: are you involved in ubuntu, too?08:53
dholbachheya everybody!08:53
raphinkhi Hobbsee & antinobody08:53
robraphink, yes08:53
Hobbseehi raphink :)08:53
raphinkrob: what do you do?08:53
antinobodyhi raphink08:53
dholbachhow are you all doing?08:53
=== raphink hugs everyone
raphinkdholbach: I'm still half asleep08:54
=== Hobbsee is splatted on the ground.
raphinkbut I managed to make it to work, for some mysterious reason08:54
robraphink, I wrote the Ubuntu Desktop Guide for Breezy, and helped with the Dapper one too08:54
raphinkrob: great08:54
=== antinobody is dreading starting school again on monday
Hobbseeantinobody: school?08:54
raphinkantinobody: how old are you?08:54
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robbut now I'm interested in getting involved with motu and doing some packaging for something different08:55
raphinkrob: bettr and better :)08:55
antinobodyraphink: 21 Hobbsee:  I'm taking summer classes08:55
antinobodyraphink: wait08:55
=== patrick_ [n=patrick@180.Red-83-53-149.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
raphinkantinobody: in what field?08:55
dholbachhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/EasierMotuing will make that easier hopefully08:56
antinobodyraphink: 20, for like, two weeks still08:56
antinobodyraphink:  all of them08:56
raphinkantinobody: hahaha08:56
raphinkbiology, linguistics, philosophy, capentry, and so on antinobody?08:56
antinobodyraphink:  no, my focus is environmental engineering, but I have a second major in poli sci and a minor in political economics08:56
raphinkok :)08:56
raphinkthat's nice08:56
antinobodyI'm also an obsessive language student, as of the start of my learning japanese, language number 308:57
raphinkantinobody: yeah same here, I'm at language #12 or so :)08:57
raphinknot that I speak all of them fluently at all :)08:57
raphinkbut I love to learn them :)08:57
=== antinobody bows
=== antinobody in respect
raphinkI haven't studied japanese though08:57
raphinkalthough many people do08:57
raphinkit's amazing how the japanese culture seems to fascinate people in Europe08:58
antinobodyIt's interesting, I learned Spanish easily enough, but Japanese is a very different structure08:58
jsgotangcohmm lag?08:58
raphinkyes it is08:58
raphinkspanish was very easy08:58
antinobodyI'm barely into it, and already things are getting weird08:58
raphinkjsgotangco: ping08:58
antinobodythat's why I like it, I love finding whole new ways of approaching life08:58
jsgotangcowe seem to have some latency here at the moment08:58
antinobodyI am, after all, an engineer, new perspectives are welcome08:59
raphinkjsgotangco: you seem to have some lag indeed08:59
jsgotangcoraphink: and asians would like to study european languages08:59
raphinkantinobody: yep08:59
jsgotangcoand even master english08:59
raphinkantinobody: my choice went to hebrew rather, although I don't have much time to study it lately08:59
raphinkit's also a very different structure and logic08:59
raphinkjsgotangco: you do master english :)08:59
raphinkfrom what I can see :)09:00
jsgotangcoim pretty much ok with american english but uk english is still alien to me09:00
jpatrickHi guys09:01
raphinkyes I know the feeling09:01
raphinkhi jpatrick09:01
raphinkgood morning09:01
jpatrickfirst day of holidays here09:04
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antinobodyjsgotangco that's ok, it's alien to most americans too09:09
jpatrickassuming he hadn't left09:09
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antinobodypoint taken09:10
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HobbseeMithrandir: if you want to link me to that spec, or send me an email about where it is, that'd be cool :)09:30
MithrandirHobbsee: I got distracted, but I'm registering, yes.09:32
HobbseeMithrandir: that's cool, just letting you know taht i'd like to see it,and that i have to go to work soon09:33
=== Hobbsee turns into an icicle.
=== Mithrandir gives Hobbsee a blowtorch to help her melt.
Hobbseeheeh thanks09:34
=== DarkMageZ [n=DarkMage@ppp232-66.lns3.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
antinobodyif she's an icicle09:37
antinobodydoes she want to melt?09:37
robumm, probably not?09:38
=== Hobbsee wants to be warm, yes.
=== dholbach [n=daniel@ALagny-109-1-9-136.w80-11.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Hobbsee contemplates being hobbsee-goo all over the floor.
Hobbseeon that note, goodbye, i must ooze my way to work09:39
robworking late?09:39
Mithrandirenjoy, Hobbsee09:39
HobbseeMithrandir: if you want to email me about that spec, as i wont be here for another while, it's hobbsee@ubuntu.com09:39
MithrandirHobbsee: willdo09:39
Hobbseerob: nah, till 10pm, supposedly09:39
=== Hobbsee might just have to order her boss around a bit to get out on time.
Hobbseewill do09:40
robI used to work 12 hour shifts at night, it sucked09:40
rob6 pm -> 6am09:40
Hobbseeyeah, ick09:40
robthen drive home, sometimes I'd be in my driveway wondering how the heck I got there09:40
Hobbseei like nights - none of the idiot supervisors are there, and we have good ones.09:41
=== lukketto [n=lukketto@host39-152.pool8711.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu
robscary stuff09:41
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robI must admit though, playing xbox games for 12 hours straight and getting paid for it is great :)09:42
jsgotangconow that's neat09:42
jsgotangcoyou can say you've been a professional gamer then09:42
robhehe yeah, never thought of it like that :)09:42
jsgotangcohmmm i only have 2 specs today09:42
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antinobodyit took me many an hour, but I managed to sign the damned code of conduct09:57
antinobodyhello zakame09:58
zakameheya antinobody09:58
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Gloubiboulgahello MOTU world10:51
TheMusoHey Gloubiboulga.10:52
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TheMusoThanks for your review work BTW.10:52
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GloubiboulgaTheMuso: hi, thanks for your work :)10:53
antinobodyhello Gloubiboulga10:53
Gloubiboulgahi antinobody10:54
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jmgian jackson anywhere?11:01
jsgotangcohe's probably busy in a bof session at the moment though11:02
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jmgSpecification changed by Ian Jackson:11:02
jmg    Definition Status: Drafting => Review11:02
jmgi cant attend the bof11:02
jmgis there a paris irc channel?11:03
TheMusoNot as far as I know.11:03
jmgtheres nothing to do with a review in the schedule for today11:04
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zakameTheMuso: erm11:22
zakamewhich pkg?11:23
zakameCaps got stuck? :)11:24
TheMusoargh sorry11:24
TheMusoI originally filed a UVF for it, but a newer version has come out since the UVF filing.11:24
zakamehmm I gather edgy now hasd a sane build chain enough for dchrooting, right?11:25
TheMusoI don't know.11:25
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zakameTheMuso: hmm I suppose you can still follow UVF policy and file a bug w/debdiff... but since you said you've filed an UVF bug already, I guess you should follow-up on that one11:30
TheMusoThats what I was thinking. Thanks.11:31
zakamemaybe even bumping importance, if you think it deserves that11:34
TheMusoWell the a11y team hope to get this into main in this release, so I might just do that. :)11:35
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=== mejobloggs [n=chatzill@static-ip-203-89-172-25.watchdog.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu-motu
mejobloggshello guys11:53
mejobloggscould bzflag please be updated to 2.0.8 ?11:53
jmgmejobloggs: report a bug11:53
jmgmejobloggs: reportbug or launchpad.net11:53
jmg!tell mejobloggs about bugs11:54
mejobloggsyeah, tell me about them11:54
mejobloggswhy did nothing tell me?11:54
jmgubotu isnt here11:54
mejobloggsits not exaclyt a bug is it?11:56
mejobloggsthe bug is 'ubuntu doesnt have the latest version of bzflag'11:56
mejobloggshardly a bug11:57
ajmitchmejobloggs: specifically, what you want is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BackportsHowto11:58
ajmitchwe don't have the latest version in edgy, but it will be there soon11:58
mejobloggsok, i can't seem to be able to assign it to anyone12:02
ajmitchsubscribe, not assign12:02
mejobloggsi am meant to assign it to 'ubuntu-backporters'12:02
mejobloggshmm, no idea how to do that12:03
mejobloggsthe howto isnt very helpful12:03
ajmitchon the left hand side12:03
mejobloggsahh, cheers12:03
TheMusoHow does one update the importance of a bug in lp?12:04
ajmitchwhere did you file the bug against?12:04
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ajmitchTheMuso: you need to be in ubuntu-qa for that now12:04
TheMusoOh ok.12:04
TheMusonvm then12:04
ajmitchunfortunate, but it does stop people filing their bugs as being ultra-critical-must-fix-now12:05
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TheMusoWow! No more source packages has been approved.12:06
ajmitchI'm looking forward to that bzr plugin12:07
=== Mithrandir reminds ajmitch of some bzr branches.
TheMusoIt should certainly be a better way of working.12:07
ajmitchlifeless & keybuk have probably got most of it done already12:07
TheMusoAs long as there are good docs to cover it.12:07
ajmitchMithrandir: yes sir :)12:07
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ajmitchhi daniel12:13
dholbachhey andrew12:13
=== ajmitch needs to go & sleep now, night all
tsenghi dholbach12:19
tsengsee you tommorow!12:19
tsengare you ready?12:19
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dholbachtseng: absolutely :)12:21
=== dholbach hugs tseng
=== tseng hugs dholbach
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seaLnecan someone remind me what current standards version is and how i check what it is? sorry i can never remember01:07
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seaLnestill 3.6.2 in ubuntu?01:13
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siretartseaLne: use $(apt-cache show debian-policy | grep Version) on a recent edgy system01:15
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siretartseaLne: short 3.7.2 should do fine in edgy01:16
seaLnehmm i get 2 versions?01:16
seaLneso i can ignore that error in linda01:17
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siretartseaLne: you get 2 version because you have both edgy and dapper enabled in /e/a/sources.list, I assume01:18
siretartwhee, mldonkey got a new maintainer in debian..01:18
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seaLnesiretart: ah correct01:20
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Toadstoolhi everybody01:41
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raphinkhi Toadstool01:44
Toadstoolhey raphink01:44
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Kamping_Kaiserhi Toadstool01:51
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Toadstoolhi Kamping_Kaiser01:51
Kamping_Kaiserare missing dependancies a bug?02:00
raphinkyes Kamping_Kaiser02:00
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@ALagny-109-1-9-136.w80-11.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
raphinkthey cause FTBFS02:00
raphinkre Tonio_02:00
=== mrfrost [n=mrfrost@dslb-084-056-111-206.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Kamping_Kaiserraphink, oh, *goes to check for a bug*02:01
Tonio_re raphink02:02
raphinka va Tonio_?02:03
Tonio_waip ca roule des poules :)02:03
Tonio_je suis plus a l'aise avec mon pouce ;)02:03
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raphinkTonio_: hehe02:03
=== _jaldhar is now known as jaldhar
Kamping_Kaiserthere was an existing bug - from breezy :/02:06
Kamping_Kaiserbug 3372102:06
UbugtuMalone bug 33721 in freeciv "freeciv-client-xaw3d: sound and fonts missing" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3372102:06
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raphinknot that old a bug Kamping_Kaiser02:11
raphinkits' 2 months and a half old02:11
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Kamping_Kaiserraphink, well i just bumped it ;). i was refereing more to the problem not having been fixed in dapper, then how long it was made. but supose everything cant be fixed ;(02:14
raphinkdid you see if there's a new verison in debian maybe?02:14
Kamping_Kaiseri didnt look. i'll do so now02:15
Kamping_Kaisershould i search unstalbe or experimental?02:15
=== Kamping_Kaiser does both
Kamping_Kaiserhttp://packages.debian.org/unstable/games/freeciv-client-gtk 'sugests freeciv-sound, package not available'02:17
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raphinkin debian ?02:20
raphinkthe freeciv-sound package is not in debian either?02:20
Kamping_Kaiserno its not.02:20
=== Kamping_Kaiser wonders how to apply the sounds tar on the freeciv site
raphinkah right this bug is from debian02:21
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raphinkhow about talking to the freeciv maintainer in debian?02:21
Kamping_Kaiserwhere should i look for him/her? in the changelog?02:21
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Kamping_Kaiserfound him on LP02:23
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monziehi all02:29
monziehi Kamping_Kaiser..02:31
=== monzie is happy
monziei want to put a package into Dapper Drake..02:32
monzieand i have RTFM'ed02:32
monziethe product that  i want to put in is VTK Designer02:34
dsasmonzie: I'm pretty sure it's too late for that. You're better off targeting Edgy02:34
monziewhen is it due?02:34
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imbrandonmoins Hobbsee02:35
Hobbseehi imbrandon02:36
monziehi Hobbsee02:36
Hobbseehi monzie02:36
TheMusoHey Hobbsee, imbrandon.02:36
imbrandonheya TheMuso\02:36
Hobbseehi TheMuso02:36
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monzieI'm trying to put http://www.vcreatelogic.com/oss/vtkdesigner/index.html (VTK designer) into REVU02:39
monzieit uses CMake.. is that ok?02:39
imbrandonlong as its debianized ;)02:40
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TheMusoYou just need to make sure that the Makefile doesn't put things in odd places.02:41
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monziehow do i debianize it imbrandon?02:41
TheMusoYou just need to make sure that the Makefile doesn't put things in odd places.02:41
imbrandonfollow the packageing guide02:41
monzieso cmake is acceptable to you..02:42
\shhmmm.are there any freenx packages for ubuntu available?02:42
imbrandon\sh, a few months ago when i tried it i couldent find any ( dosent mean there isnt any )02:43
imbrandon\sh,  looks liek there are some here : deb http://kanotix.com/files/debian/ ./02:43
Toadstoolcould a reviewer ask the guy to upload the updated version of dolphin on REVU? (http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2471)02:43
imbrandon\sh, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=196802:44
\shimbrandon: forum doc doesn't work anymore...02:52
Hobbseerob: ping02:52
=== tudenbart [n=willi@xdsl-213-196-255-106.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonforum doc ?03:00
KyralMorning all03:02
imbrandonmoins Kyral03:03
Hobbseehi Kyral03:03
HobbseeKyral: brain come back?03:03
KyralHobbsee: go to bed ;P03:03
Hobbseeno :P03:03
=== Hobbsee didnt get home from work that long ago!
KyralIts gotta be around midnight there :P03:03
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Kyralnevermidn them03:04
Hobbseebesides, why would you want me to go to bed?03:04
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KyralI thought it was like 1 AM there :P03:04
=== Hobbsee usually goes to bed at around 2am anyway.
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Kyraland BTW, brain still booting up ;P03:05
Hobbseeoh dear.03:05
KyralAh well, Payday == Today03:06
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neenaofflinecould someone please  compile SLIM ?04:09
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neenaofflineCan someone compile SLIM for me04:16
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azeemneenaoffline: this is not a compile service04:35
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neenaofflineazeem: I was just asking , someone at #xubuntu said I could request the guys here to put slim on the universe04:41
Toadstoolneenaoffline: I think i'm going to package, it's a nice piece of software04:42
neenaofflineToadstool: thanks !!04:42
neenaofflineToadstool: how long will it take you ? :)04:42
Toadstoolneenaoffline: i have some stuff to finish before that but the package will be on REVU tonight or tomorrow I think04:43
neenaofflineToadstool: thanks :)04:43
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TheMusoOk folks. If you need to talk to me about anything to do with my submitted specs or accessibility in general? Now is the time. I will be at at the table that has been known as Kenrik's table for the net 15-20 minutes if you want to catch me before I get ready to leave.05:03
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TheMusoOk folks. I'm outa here. Nice to meet you all.05:17
Hobbseebye TheMuso - or hello, take your pick05:18
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jribIf I am building a package to put up on revu should I change my pbuilder to edgy?06:54
jribzul: thanks06:55
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Toadstoolhi Gloubiboulga07:28
Gloubiboulgasalut Toadstool07:28
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duck-perhaps someone here would know, are there any instructions anywhere for customizing the ubuntu installation CD for OEM, including but not limited to the addition of new packages?08:39
zulhave you checked the wiki08:40
duck-i've seen one for 5.1008:40
duck-perhaps i missed a newer one08:41
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cap10morganIn a source package, in debian/rules, what is the proper target to install a udev .rules file in?09:03
cap10morganIs it OK to do that in binary-arch?09:03
fbond|awayI would do it in the install target09:05
fbond|awayBut, often, the upstream Makefile does that sort of thing...09:05
cap10morganfbond|away: well, i'm trying to get the synaptics X driver package to create an intelligent udev rule so the eventX device node won't jump around on every reboot09:12
cap10morganam i barking up the right tree? :)09:13
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fbond|awaycap10morgan: can't offer much advice here, as I don't know much about that09:56
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nexucan anyone tell me how to deal with when trying to build a deb and one of the build dependency depends on itself?10:05
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Gloubiboulganexu, if you find a solution you'll make the world better10:10
GloubiboulgaI don't know if it's possible without a manual intervention10:11
nexuwhy would people even make packages who depends on themself?10:12
nexuwhats the point10:12
nexuso how should i go to do a manual intervention ?10:13
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Gloubiboulganexu, by creating a chroot without pbuilder I guess10:15
GloubiboulgaI guess the package is a new version, and depends on an old version, right?10:16
nexuthis is with libboost-filesystem10:17
Gloubiboulgado you try to rebuild the package or to update it?10:18
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nexuGloubiboulga: import10:21
nexuGloubiboulga: its not packaged at all what i'm trying to build10:21
Gloubiboulgaok... I've never tried that, but I guess you'll need to apt-get install the version in the repositories before building the one you want10:22
nexuyou mean on my working system ?10:23
nexuor for the chroot ?10:23
Gloubiboulganexu, I think I don't understand what you actually want to do (might be a little tired ;)10:26
nexuok basically, i 'm packaging a program that need libboost-filesystem10:28
nexuso i added the -dev to its builddepend10:28
nexubut pbuilder tells me during dependency checking:10:28
nexu -> Considering  libboost-filesystem-dev10:28
nexu   -> Trying libboost-filesystem-dev10:28
nexu       -> Cannot install libboost-filesystem-dev; apt errors follow:10:28
nexuso i checked for libboost-filesystem-dev depend10:29
nexuReplaces: libboost-dev (<< 1.31.0-1)10:29
nexuDepends: libboost-dev (= 1.33.1-2), libboost-filesystem1.33.1 (= 1.33.1-2)10:29
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nexuthis is my first time trying to do this10:30
Gloubiboulgathat looks normal10:30
nexui know how to compile by hand10:30
Gloubiboulgawhat's the exact apt error?10:31
nexuPackage libboost-filesystem-dev is not available, but is referred to by another package.10:31
nexuThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or10:31
nexuis only available from another source10:31
nexuerez: Package libboost-filesystem-dev has no installation candidate10:31
Gloubiboulgait works fine here, have you updated your pbuilder ?10:34
nexu'sudo pbuilder update' that?10:36
GloubiboulgaHave you built other packages with your pbuilder without any problem?10:40
nexuerm negative10:40
nexuthis is first time i was trying10:40
nexuit did passed the depend before10:40
nexubut than the ./configure couldnt find the needed filed10:40
nexubecause i didnt added the proper libboost -dev10:40
Gloubiboulgais it a edgy pbuilder?10:41
Gloubiboulgacould you upload the source package somewhere, I can try here10:42
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zulmiss me?  :)10:56
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