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=== kwwii [n=kwwii@likes.smoking.more.than.watching.spacenight.dk] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
kwwiihi klepas02:05
=== kwwii just returned from Paris
klepasi trust you folks had a lovely time?02:07
kwwiiwell, we got a lot done02:07
kwwiicheck out  my blog for the lovely time02:08
kwwiihehe, put it this way: it was better than a kick in the face02:09
klepasInkscape 0.44 is out btw dudes02:10
kwwiiI just installed it (I had 4.4pre3 before that)02:12
kwwiierm o.44pre302:12
kwwiisome really nice improvements there02:12
klepasouch... nasty kick in the face02:15
kwwiiyeah, kinda ruined the evening02:16
kwwiihehe, if inksacpe keeps improving I won't have anything to complain about anymore02:17
klepasi shold have known that you were going to meet aaron there :)02:17
klepaswould have asked you to say hi for me ;)02:17
kwwiiwe shared a hotel room02:17
klepasAaron is pretty cool02:17
klepasmet him at LCA '06 in Dunedin, NZ02:18
kwwiiyepp, but he is the canadian that acts more american than americans :-)02:18
klepasnaja, mansches mal schon02:18
klepasdie neuen oxygen ikons sehen richtig geil aus02:19
kwwiidanke schoen :-)02:19
kwwiies gibt noch viel zu tun aber es ist 'ne gute anfang, denke ich02:20
kwwiiund egal was man sagt, die sehen viel besser aus neben Tango als Crystal02:20
klepasja, denke ich auch02:23
klepasmier gefelt aber Tango am meisten momentan :)02:23
=== Kylekf [n=Kyle@] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
klepasOxygen kommt gleich danach02:24
klepasOxygen ist auch in Inkscape gemacht, ne?02:24
kwwiija, obwohl mehrere sind erstmal mit AI gemacht und dann am ende mit Inkscape verbessert02:25
kwwiidie svgs sind aber alle inkscape kompatibel und noch die verbesserungen mit inkscape nicht mehr richtig mit AI zu bearbeiten02:26
klepasach man...02:26
klepasich habe die letzten drei monate nur einen von meinen zwei processoren benutzt02:27
klepasvon meinen duo-core...02:27
kwwiilol :-)02:27
=== klepas hatte nemlich nur gerade den i686 kernel instaliert
klepasich bin ein idiot...02:28
kwwiin'ja, sehe es wie ein geschenk02:29
kwwiijetzt ist es 2x so schnell02:29
klepasich hatte nemlich gedacht warum der difference net so wiel war02:29
klepasganz genau02:29
=== klepas is glueglich
klepasoh, ja. ich bin Deutscher auch02:30
klepaslebe aber in Australien, Canberra02:30
kwwiiund ich bin Ami der in D-Land (Bamberg) wohnt :-)02:31
kwwiiirgendwie dachte ich du kommst aus Skandanavian02:31
klepasach, mus gehen02:31
klepassci-fi nacht02:31
kwwiihehe, have fun!02:32
klepaskomm in so... naja, zwei-drei stunden wieder02:32
klepasne, leider net02:32
kwwiibis dann02:32
klepasmochte wieder in Europa leben :)02:32
kwwiin'ja, bis demnaechst02:32
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=== Who_ [n=jonny@194-247-243-154.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
Who_Hi all05:33
Who_I'm looking for an Inkscape guru, anyone?05:34
kwwii_afkhow can I help?05:37
kwwii_afkWho_: what do you need to know?05:38
Who_I want to apply perspective to a group05:43
Who_I seem to be able to do it to a bunch of nodes - but not to a group05:44
Who_I'm using 0.44 (yes, I used autopackage :P)05:44
Who_(to a bunch of nodes using the < and > keys)05:44
kwwii_afkWho_: yeah, it won't work with a group06:07
kwwii_afkat least, if it will, I do not know how to do it06:07
Who_shame. Perhaps one to send as a feature reques06:08
Who_I note Xara has a pretty cool perspective/group-warp tool06:08
Who_have you tried CaraLX?06:08
kwwii_afkI started to build it today...I gave up to watch the football game :-)06:09
kwwii_afkI wish it would export to svg06:09
Who_yea, me too06:09
Who_but I have a feeling that really goos svg support may take a while06:09
Who_I built it a long time ago, but I just use the packages now06:10
kwwii_afkI think that they are waiting to make it export SVGs so that they do not compete with inkscape06:10
Who_yea - I have loyalty struggles actually, cos XaraLX is really good - but I really like Inkscape and feel loyalty to it :P06:11
Who_and the Xara team do seem to be doing the Open Source thing properly...06:12
kwwii_afkyes, they really do06:12
kwwii_afkI was somewhat amazed at that06:12
kwwii_afkat first I thought they would not get it right06:12
kwwii_afkback to the game...be back in about an hour06:13
Who_hi klepas07:19
klepasinkscape 0.44 is just awesome :)07:20
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