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=== Hawkwind [n=SoS@linuxfordummies/Hawkwind] has joined #Ubuntu-MOTU
=== Hawkwind [n=SoS@linuxfordummies/Hawkwind] has joined #Ubuntu-MOTU
=== rob looks
roboh, shes gone..02:34
=== _ZuZuu_ [n=ZuZubunt@AVelizy-154-1-63-24.w83-199.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
_ionShe's really a he.03:00
=== fbond|away is now known as fbond
jmgwhat does "assignee" mean in specs?03:08
jmgis that the person assigned to do the work?03:08
zuli believe so03:09
jmgi thought paris was only talking about specs that had the author in attendance03:10
linuxmonkeyparis is talking about any specs that matter to my knowledge03:11
jmgi should have applied for sponsorship03:11
jmgmy specs been hijacked and assigned to someone else03:12
=== tudenbart [n=willi@xdsl-213-196-221-80.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
zuloh well03:14
=== Rotund [n=joe@69-179-13-147.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseemorning all03:46
Mithrandirhi Hobbsee03:48
Mithrandiralso hi ajmitch03:48
Hobbseenot quite noon here yet :P03:49
Hobbseehey Mithrandir, how are you diong?03:49
Mithrandirslightly tipsy, blogging about my day before going to bed.03:49
Mithrandiralso trying to find if Karianne has sent me any mails or not.03:49
ajmitchhello Mithrandir03:49
Hobbseethe blog is at?03:49
Mithrandirthat's the "everything I feel like blogging about" blog03:50
Mithrandirit has some categories which are put onto planets and suchs03:50
Mithrandirbut not all of it03:50
=== DarkMageZ [n=DarkMage@ppp0-247.lns1.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Fujitsu [n=Fujitsu@c211-28-181-26.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Erlang [i=neumann@Toronto-HSE-ppp3760460.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
HawkwindHey there Hobbsee04:02
Hobbseehi Hawkwind04:02
zuland sober up04:02
HawkwindHobbsee: I made the leap to Kubuntu as my main OS today :)04:02
HobbseeHawkwind: yay!04:03
HawkwindI'm still trying to get everything setup from the old OS04:04
Hobbseenice :)04:04
HawkwindBut having issues :(04:05
HawkwindI can't seem to bring up a GUI editor for something like /etc/ssh/sshd_config04:05
HawkwindI've tried kwrite, gedit and others, and it tells me it can't connect to the X server04:05
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=== antinobody [n=sean@71-214-92-217.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
antinobodyhey folks04:13
Hobbseehi antinobody04:15
antinobodyHey Hobbsee04:18
antinobodyit only took me like three hours to sign the code of conduct04:19
antinobodyYou don't happen to know how to get a pgp-key from one computer onto another?04:19
linuxmonkeycopy your .gnupg folder04:20
Hobbseecopy the /.gnupg folder across04:20
Hobbsee~/.gnupg, that is04:20
linuxmonkeywassup Hobbsee04:20
Hobbseenot a lot, thinking about breakfast04:20
zulright im off to bed..04:20
antinobodyhello and goodnight zul04:21
antinobodygracas Hobbsee04:21
antinobodyy linuxmonkey04:21
robHobbsee, pong04:47
Hobbseerob: back where i pinged you, Toadstool was asking something about dolphin.  thought it might have related to you.04:47
roboh, probably :)04:47
robwhat did he want?04:48
Hobbseei think it was something about uploading a new version?04:51
roboh, I appear to have uploaded the wrong package to revu04:51
robfixing now04:51
robmust have been day dreaming when I uploaded that04:52
Toadstoolrob: hi :)05:00
robhi Toadstool05:00
Toadstooland hi Hobbsee too05:00
Hobbseehey Toadstool05:00
=== Hawkwind [n=SoS@linuxfordummies/Hawkwind] has joined #Ubuntu-MOTU
Toadstoolrob: did you upload the latest version of your package?05:01
robuploading now05:02
robUploading via ftp dolphin_0.5.1-0ubuntu1.dsc: Error '553 Could not create file.' during ftp transfer of dolphin_0.5.1-0ubuntu1.dsc05:02
robsomeone will have to remove that first05:02
Toadstoolhmm... you can force a new version with a particular command line switch iirc05:03
Toadstoollike -f :)05:03
robI thought that was -f, which I'm using05:03
robbut still get that error05:04
Hobbseeask an admin to fix it?05:04
Hobbseeajmitch: likes fixing such things05:04
robumm yeah :)05:04
Toadstoolping siretart or ajmitch ;)05:04
=== ajmitch sighs
ajmitchwhat now?05:04
robcan you please delete dolphin_0.5.1-0ubuntu1.dsc05:05
=== Toadstool hugs ajmitch
ajmitchpeople who break uploads...05:05
=== Hawkwind [n=SoS@linuxfordummies/Hawkwind] has joined #Ubuntu-MOTU
=== rob runs
Hobbseei thought that was my job!05:05
Hobbseebreaking things.05:05
ajmitchfixed now05:05
robthank you ajmitch :)05:06
ToadstoolHobbsee: we all know you can break things but you're far better at getting new stuff in universe afaik ;)05:06
Hobbseenew stuff?  no05:06
=== Hobbsee had a package. then someone else packaged it and stole it.
=== Hobbsee couldnt make it work, but even so.
robdidn't do a debian RFC/ITP?05:07
robToadstool, its uploaded now, might take a few minutes to appear in revu though05:09
Toadstoolyep, thanks ;)05:10
Toadstoolok, looks like it didn't take that much time05:10
robare you going to review it?05:10
robnice :)05:11
Toadstoolrob: I don't think this is a Debian native package... could you please upload it with dpkg-buildpackage -S -sa?05:12
roboh, debuild/pbuild no good?05:12
robhmm, I'm sure that was what is in the Ubuntu packaging guide05:13
robbut ok05:13
Toadstoolyou need to have the upstream tarball in the root directory05:13
Toadstoolfollowing the package_version.orig.tar.gz scheme05:13
robso this is right?: dpkg-buildpackage -S -sa -k'Robert Stoffers' && sudo pbuilder-dapper build ../*.dsc05:15
Toadstoolyeah but forget about the pbuilder stuff (for the moment) and copy the source tarball (using the package_version.orig.tar.gz scheme) in your source directory first05:17
Toadstoolrob: in debian/control description also please forget the dot at the end of the first line and use the latest debian policy version (which is now)05:19
robwow that changes quick05:19
ajmitchToadstool: 3.7.2 is sufficient05:19
Toadstoolajmitch: well, for NEW packages, I think that the latest policy is the best choice :)05:20
ajmitchthe 4th digit is for minor changes only, not policy changes05:20
ajmitchso you only ever need the 1st 3 digits05:20
ToadstoolI know that this is only typo changes05:20
Hobbseerob: you can do the building and testing etc in the pbuilder, then run it thru dpkg-buildpackage -S -sa at the end, if you like - tha'ts what i do05:21
=== Gloubiboulga [n=gauvain@ubuntu/member/gloubiboulga] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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=== Hobbsee has an edgybuild, dapperbuild, and revubuild script :_
Hobbsee* :)05:28
Hobbseeit works.05:28
Gloubiboulgahello MOTU World05:28
robhi Gloubiboulga05:28
Toadstoolhi Gloubiboulga05:28
antinobodyhello Gloubiboulba05:28
antinobodyhello Gloubiboulga05:28
Gloubiboulgahi rob, hi antinobody05:29
Hobbseehi Gloubiboulga05:29
GloubiboulgaToadstool, already awake, or not yet gone to bed ? :)05:29
ToadstoolGloubiboulga: wow...this is really early :)05:29
Toadstoolnot yet gone to bed05:29
Gloubiboulgahey Hobbsee :)05:29
Toadstoolworking on SLiM ;)05:29
Hobbseehehe, fun05:30
GloubiboulgaToadstool, I guess you've triage bugs during the night :p05:30
HobbseeToadstool: where are you?05:30
ToadstoolHobbsee: France :)05:30
HobbseeToadstool: ah. is that where you usually live, or you're just there for the conference?05:30
ToadstoolHobbsee: I'm French but about to leave and work in California for a year05:31
Toadstoolindeed :)05:31
robok, uploading again05:31
Toadstoolcool rob05:32
robok done05:33
robit didn't appear to upload the orig.tar.gz though, should it?05:33
Gloubiboulgaif you upload on REVU the .orig should be there05:34
robok, maybe it just didn't say it05:34
Toadstoolpdebuild doesn't add the orig.tar.gz file by default05:34
Toadstool(I once had the same problem :))05:35
robok its appeared now (the orig.tar.gz is listed on the revu page05:35
robis that sufficient, or am I missing something?05:35
ToadstoolI must be missing something 'cause I don't have the upstream tarball...05:36
robthe orig.tar.gz is in the same directory as the tar.gz from upstream and the source. files and .dsc file, is that correct?05:38
=== No1Viking [n=micke@h-83-140-104-3.ip.rixbredband.se] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Toadstoolrob: yep, you're right05:39
Hobbseerob: did you get a .diff.gz file too?05:41
GloubiboulgaI think you should have a MOTU school session about "how do I create a source package" :)05:41
Hobbseeyeah, we need some more of them - they're useful.05:41
ajmitchGloubiboulga: you can run it05:42
Gloubiboulgaajmitch, yes :)05:42
robwhat is the difference between .orig.tar.gz and the upstream .tar.gz other the the file name?05:42
Toadstoolthe file name ;)05:42
robso why have both?05:42
=== Hobbsee notes that the .diff.gz is not uploaded either. is it named correctly?
ajmitchGloubiboulga: just set a time & date, write up something & do it05:44
robsigh, I'm not seeing any other packages in revu that have the tar.gz listed, just the orig.tar.gz (which mine is)05:45
robwoah, what happen there (just reloaded the page)?05:45
Gloubiboulgaajmitch, I will, I just have to find when the best time & date are ;)05:47
ToadstoolGloubiboulga: "the best time & date are" <-- as soon as possible? :)05:47
=== Toadstool hides
Toadstoolanyone who wants to review slim? (http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2491)05:52
robok, I'm not sure what happen with that last upload to revu, but this one should be better (uploading now)05:53
nexuGloubiboulga: lol sorry for not getting back to you05:56
nexuGloubiboulga: i wanted to learn how to make a package myself so i went to searching how to fix it05:57
nexuGloubiboulga: i fixed it eventually05:57
nictukuif a user reported a problem in a wrong package, can I just change that?05:58
Toadstool6am...time to go to bed I suppose :)05:59
Toadstoolg'night everybody05:59
nexusame here06:00
Hobbseenictuku: yep06:00
Hobbseenictuku: just reassign it to the correct source package - you certainly used to be able to do that06:01
nictukuok. #50815 phpldapadmin -> php4 - for php4-ldap06:03
nictukuphp4-ldap is in php4, right?06:03
nictukuchecked with apt-cache show php4-ldap |grep Source06:03
=== Hobbsee wouldnt have the foggiest clue
Hobbseelooks to be in php4, yep06:04
Hobbseebug 5081506:04
UbugtuMalone bug 50815 in php4 "doesn't work with apache2, i.e. http://localhost/phpldapadmin fails" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5081506:04
=== antinobody never has the foggiest clue, and appreciates the company
chillywillyupgrading this amd4 server to dapper and the lvm2 package is broken06:06
Hobbseenictuku: ah hang on.  is it a phpldapadmin bug, or a php4-ldap bug?06:06
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nictukuHobbsee, reported as phpldapadmin, but it *would* be a bug in php4-ldap06:06
nictukuworks for me, anyway06:06
bockmancrimsun, any luck with that openvpn bug? (bug #45827)06:06
UbugtuMalone bug 45827 in openvpn "openvpn old security problems (Breezy)" [Medium,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4582706:06
chillywillydpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/lvm2_2.02.02-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb (--unpack):06:06
chillywillysubprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 1006:07
Hobbseenictuku: the binary package hint is wrong, but it's listed in the right source location06:07
nictukuHobbsee, it is because i fixed it06:07
nictukuHobbsee, it was listed in phpldapadmin06:08
Hobbseeright - didnt realise you'd changed it :P06:08
chillywillywell I just commented out the preinst script ;P06:10
bluefoxicyHobbsee:  anything interesting going on in Ubuntu?  :)06:10
robI'm not sure that its me stuffing this up, I think revu might be doing something funky06:10
bluefoxicyHobbsee:  (good articles are selling for $150, maybe I can make some money...)06:10
robits listing an old version, 0.5.1, but I'm uploading 0.5.206:10
Hobbseebluefoxicy: sure, a conference ending.06:10
Hobbseebluefoxicy: developers conference, in paris06:12
Hobbseeit ended last night paris time, i believe06:12
antinobodyLast...oh, right, it's Saturday where you are06:14
bluefoxicyHobbsee:  no new revolutionary features in Edgy?  Major security improvements (I just may write about stack protection if it goes into full mode, or if I can get an official statement...), major performance boosts (too bad we can't use direct linking)?06:14
Hobbseeantinobody: it's about 6am in paris too, so it was last night there too06:15
antinobodyRight, but it's about 9pm Friday here, and that's what I meant06:15
antinobodyI should learn how to merge...06:16
antinobodyDoes anyone know what determines what Debian package we'll move to for Edgy?06:16
Hobbseeantinobody: the one in debian unstable, and we have to check if none of the ubuntu patches are still needed06:17
Hobbseebluefoxicy: i wouldnt know - but the specs on launchpad would - they should be mostly filled in now.06:18
antinobodyHobbsee:  right, that makes sense.  I'll go practice now, who should I talk to when I've gotten the hang of it, who will have use of me06:19
robhere's my output when uploading: http://www.mypastebin.com/?code=106269147106:19
Hobbseeantinobody: hmmm..  any of the MOTU's, i believe. i'm not sure how they're marking a package being done or not - kde has a list of items and whether they've been synced or not06:20
robI'm thinking revu is rejecting it somehow06:20
ajmitchrob: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=249306:21
ajmitchit's not - the id changes for each upload06:21
=== CarlF1 [n=carl@c-67-163-39-124.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Hobbsee just uploads *.changes from that directory, which seems to pick up all the files they want.
antinobodyHobbsee:  Where might one find this list?06:22
Hobbseeantinobody: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuEdgyPackageUpdates06:23
robis everything there now?06:24
Hobbseebut there's going to be a whole long universe one too - and most MOTU's wont upload kde stuff06:24
Hobbseerob: looks like it to me06:24
robthank god, thought I was going nuts then06:24
robthe only errors I'm getting is saying that edgy is a bad distribution and standards-version is too new, is this ok to ignore?06:25
robok, thanks ajmitch06:26
robhopefully I haven't missed anything now06:27
antinobodyHobbsee:  gracas otra vez06:27
Hobbseeantinobody: what are the last two words?06:28
antinobodyotra vez manys another time, but it's the Spanish equivalent of "again"06:32
antinobodymany --> means06:32
antinobodyLo siento06:32
Hobbseei see :)06:32
antinobodyI need to be more creative though, next time you help me, I'll come up with something overly flowering to say to in thanks06:33
antinobodylike gracas chica que sabe todo06:34
Hobbseeantinobody: then i'd have to go to mighty babelfish :P06:45
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antinobodyHobbsee:  Well, I mean, you could just ASK what I said, but babelfish is an option06:48
antinobodyalbeit, not the best option in the world06:48
Hobbseeantinobody: that is true.  that's hwat i usually do06:48
antinobodydid you figure out what the last one what?06:49
antinobodyerr was?06:49
antinobodyI need to stop typoing06:49
raphinkyou could also learn spanish06:49
antinobodyhe's right, it's not that hard06:50
raphinkit's a language that is spoken worldwide06:50
raphinkand always useful to know06:50
antinobodyalthough raphink had the advantage of a latin-based first language06:50
raphinkHobbsee: antinobody said "thank you girl who knows everything"06:50
Hobbseeah :)06:50
raphinkantinobody: that's right, but I didn't only learn latin languages afterwards ;)06:50
Hobbseegracas small that knows everything was the babelfish translation06:50
=== Hobbsee only knows english and some german :(
raphinkproof is I know english ;)06:51
raphinkchica means girl06:51
antinobodyyeah it does, it sure as hell doesn't mean small...06:51
raphinksmall is pequena06:52
antinobodyor poco06:52
Hobbseewell that's what i thought, as a chick is a girl, so...06:52
raphinkin that case06:52
antinobodywell, that's little, to be precise06:52
raphinkantinobody: poco is few/little06:52
raphinkHobbsee: well thought06:52
=== dsas [n=dean@host86-129-16-1.range86-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
raphinkHobbsee: but although a chick is a maid, a chicken is not a maiden06:52
raphinkor I totally misunderstand english ;)06:53
raphinkpom pom pom06:54
Hobbseewell, a maid is someone who cleans things, it doesnt only just refer to a female or a woman06:54
antinobodyOk, new question.  What does one do if, when merging, the dapper version is say 3 (as in the xcdroast example), but the debian archives only have say 3.106:55
antinobodyto be precise 3ubuntu106:55
raphinkcan't be06:56
antinobodyyea, maid in reference to a woman has actually fallen out of use06:56
antinobodybut tis06:56
raphinkdebian version can't be 3ubuntu106:56
antinobody...no that's the dapper06:56
antinobodythe debian is 3.106:56
Gloubiboulga"debian archives only have say 3.1" raphink ;)06:56
raphinkunless you mean ubuntu version = 3ubuntu106:56
raphinkand debian = 3.106:56
raphinkGloubiboulga: ah toi aussi t lev  ctheure l?06:57
Gloubiboulgaraphink, si senior06:57
raphinkantinobody: then it depends if the changes made in 3ubuntu1 from 3 have to be applied to 3.1 again06:57
raphinkif it's the case, then you merge into 3.1ubuntu106:57
raphinkotherwise you request a sync of 3.1, if 3.1 builds fine in edgy without a change06:58
raphinkGloubiboulga: porque?06:58
Gloubiboulgaraphink, 'cause my girlfriend starts working  7h06:58
raphinkah right06:58
raphinkgood reason06:59
=== raphink hopes to go to the mountains this morning
raphinkfor a hike06:59
antinobodyThe edgy version should actually be 7 or 7ubuntu106:59
antinobodythe DAPPER was 3ubuntu107:00
antinobodyand the closest debian to that is 3.107:00
antinobodyme entiendes?07:00
raphinkwhat is the CURRENT debian version?07:00
raphinkin sid07:00
raphinkah rioght07:00
=== polpak [n=polpak@ip68-6-43-90.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
raphinkthen you have to either merge into 7ubuntu107:01
raphinkor request a sync if the merge is not necessary07:01
antinobodyat the moment, I'm following the little example from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/Merging07:02
antinobodyand I'm at the stage where I debdiff the old ubuntu and debian versions07:02
polpakDoes anyone know when the fixed version of qgo will be put in the repo? right now it just segfaults07:02
UbugtuMalone bug 4048 in qgo "[Dapper]  qgo segmentation fault" [Medium,Confirmed] 07:02
raphinkok :)07:02
raphinkpolpak: when you provide it for example :)07:02
polpakupstream fixed the issue07:03
antinobodyDoes it not matter that the original debian version used for the old ubuntu isn't there?07:03
raphinkok then the package needs to be upgraded07:03
raphinkantinobody: why would it matter?07:03
antinobodyno s...07:03
raphinkantinobody: we want to stay as close to Debian as possible07:03
raphinkfor how long as possible07:03
raphinkfor many reason07:03
raphinkmostly because this way we don't have to maintain most packages in Universe while not having enough manpower for that07:04
Gloubiboulgapolpak, the new release will certainly go into edgy, and a backport might be possible then07:04
raphinkso we can concentrate on the improvements we want to add in ubuntu07:04
antinobodyI know, but I like to be thorough when learning something new07:04
antinobodyso I ask many unnecessary questions07:04
polpakGloubiboulga: ergh.. even though it's just a bugfix? right now qgo is competly useless07:04
antinobodyso later on, there are less mistakes07:05
raphinkantinobody: not unecessary if they make sense to you07:05
Gloubiboulgapolpak, I understand, but for the moment we can't do more I guess07:05
polpakGloubiboulga: I thought that bug fixes were being released for the current version?07:06
Gloubiboulgapolpak, a few bug fixes go to dapper-updates, but most of them are done in the current development release (e.g. egdy now)07:08
GloubiboulgaI don't even know if universe packages can be fixed in dapper-update, can they?07:08
HobbseeGloubiboulga: if they're really broken, i think they can07:09
polpakwell it's really broken if that helps.. ;p07:10
polpakjust segfaults07:10
Hobbseeoh yeah, a segfault hehe07:10
polpakIf not.. this means I am going to have to actually write that python GO client I've been trying to avoid07:10
=== Hobbsee thinks there's some exception thingo for that. surely the bugfix for dapper will need to go into edgy as well?
polpakcause I can't go for 6 months w/o playing GO. ;p07:12
Gloubiboulgawell, it looks like a new release is in edgy already07:14
polpakGloubiboulga: does it actually run ?07:14
Gloubiboulgahmm, actually no, still the same version than in dapper07:15
polpakGloubiboulga: I think the maintainer fixed it in the CVS version, but wanted help from the ubuntu package maintainer to test it07:16
polpakat least thats what the notes say on the bug07:16
Gloubiboulgaok, I was right, 1.5 is in edgy, I'm installing it to test07:19
polpakGloubiboulga: I can teach you to play if you want.. ;p07:19
Gloubiboulgahehe :)07:19
Gloubiboulgait still segfaults...07:20
polpakah.. then the fix is still just in CVS07:20
GloubiboulgaI guess07:20
polpakguess I'm going to have to actually work for it then07:21
=== Gloubiboulga [n=gauvain@ubuntu/member/gloubiboulga] has joined #ubuntu-motu
antinobodyraphink or Hobbsee:  What would I do if the ubuntu version for dapper was higher than the debian unstable versions at present?  (i.e. katapult)07:34
antinobodywhen merging...07:35
Gloubiboulgaantinobody, nothing07:35
antinobodythen why is it on the KubuntuEdgyPackageUpdates list?  Is it taken care of in some other way?07:36
GloubiboulgaI don't know, I'm not a K guy, but I guess there's nothing to do about it07:39
=== jinty [n=jinty@83-65-231-90.work.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu-motu
antinobodyWell, I'm just picking random packages to try and practice with.  I'm not actually going to upload any of this, I'm just learning how to merge, so I'm of some use as we start merging07:41
Hobbseeantinobody: you should probably assign that to Mez, as hes' one of the upstream maintainers of that07:44
=== StevenK jumps on Hobbsee.
=== Hobbsee thumps StevenK
Hobbseehello, you07:45
Hobbseeyou'll survive :P07:46
StevenKI might not. :-P07:47
ajmitchoh dear07:47
ajmitchStevenK is here07:47
Hobbseethat he is.  EVERYBODY RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!07:47
ajmitch& Hobbsee is being violent again07:47
Hobbseeraphink clearly did :P07:47
StevenKIf it's that bad, I can /quit07:47
Hobbseeme?  violent?  nah.07:47
=== StevenK gars at his CSS.
HobbseeStevenK: when are we meeting up with you?07:49
StevenKWhen would you like to?07:50
antinobodyHobbsee:  assign?  I'm just looking for things to practice on, I'll let other people do this "assigning" business until I know what i'm doing07:50
Hobbseeantinobody: ah okay.  well, two of katapult's writers are kubuntu devs, so that kinda makes it a special case07:50
antinobodyI see07:51
HobbseeStevenK: 5/7 sound good?  it's a wednesday07:51
StevenKWednesday's are out, as are Tuesdays.07:51
Hobbseethursday good?07:52
Hobbseei had a vague memory that that was the case...07:52
=== StevenK nods
=== polpak_ [n=polpak@ip68-6-43-90.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Hobbsee wonders why it's so quiet everywhere. guess everyone's travelling home today.
=== tuxmaniac [n=aanjhan@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== tuxmaniac [n=aanjhan@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== antinobody wonder's what Hobbsee means by "everywhere"
=== antinobody does so mostly because he's a generally curious person
dsasantinobody: Obviously everywhere means the #ubuntu-* channels. Nowhere else exists.08:43
antinobodydsas point taken, although #ubuntu seems to be no less active then usual.  #kubuntu as well08:45
dsasantinobody: That's a given, besides they don't match the pattern above :p08:45
antinobodyahh true enough08:45
antinobody#ubuntu-pdx is a lonely place.  I seem to be the only portlander ever on irc08:46
=== ealden [n=ealden@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseeantinobody: i meant #*ubuntu-dev and -motu in particular08:52
=== Gloubiboulga [n=gauvain@ubuntu/member/gloubiboulga] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== polpak [n=polpak@ip68-6-43-90.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== antinobody [n=sean@71-214-92-217.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
antinobodyHobbsee sorry I missed that last message for so long, I had to go lie on the grass and stare at the sky for a bit09:17
Hobbseehehe fun :)09:17
antinobodytis a necessary part of the night09:18
Hobbseesounds good to me.  unless it's wet.09:18
=== mrfrost [n=mrfrost@dslb-084-056-093-143.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
antinobodyMy last name is Rains, and I live in Oregon, "wet" is almost as natural a fact of life as "crazy" to me09:19
=== YumPoo [n=smegma@ool-457528f6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
antinobodyAlthough, I usually walk if it's raining, rather than lie down09:19
YumPooi come for the he-man fanclub09:19
antinobodyYumPoo talk to Hobbsee, she's the president after all09:20
antinobodywait he-man the character09:20
antinobodymy bad09:20
YumPoohobbsee, my favourite he-man character is manyfaces09:20
antinobodyI was thinking the he-man-woman-haters-club from LIttle Rascals09:20
antinobodymy bad09:20
YumPoois there anyone here that can kick my ass off this channel please?09:21
HobbseeYumPoo: sure.  why do you want to?09:21
YumPoobecause i tend to get out of hand09:21
antinobodyThat is an odd request09:21
dsas(fyi yumpoo has been kicked from #ubuntu and offtopic within the last hour)09:21
YumPoothat is correct09:21
Hobbseedsas: ah right09:21
antinobodyHow the hell'd'ya get kicked from offtopic?09:22
YumPoothank you for keeping track, but there are about 5 other channels that kicke me09:22
YumPoovery easily09:22
YumPooi went *WAAAAAAY* offtopic09:22
antinobodyHow way is *WAAAAAY*?09:22
=== mode/#ubuntu-motu [+o Mithrandir] by ChanServ
=== ThiefOfBaghdad [n=aanjhan@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
YumPooi wish i knew what i said.....dsas, my dear sir, can you refresh my memory ?09:23
MithrandirYumPoo: was it a request to be kicked immediately or should I wait a little?09:23
YumPoomithrandir, be prepared to use your itchy kicky finger09:23
YumPoothat's up to you09:23
YumPooi would like to deserve it tho09:23
dsasYumPoo: I can't remember.09:24
=== mode/#ubuntu-motu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
HobbseeMithrandir: another op war hey?09:24
Hobbseei thought they were reserved for u-o09:24
YumPoohobbsee...en guarde09:24
YumPoolets see who can kick my ass off the quickest09:24
MithrandirHobbsee: like I don't hit women, I don't kick them either, so you'd win.09:24
=== YumPoo was kicked off #ubuntu-motu by Mithrandir (Mithrandir)
=== YumPoo [n=smegma@ool-457528f6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseeban too?09:24
YumPooyou win senor mithrand09:24
YumPooyes please09:25
=== mode/#ubuntu-motu [+b *!*n=smegma@*.dyn.optonline.net] by Mithrandir
=== YumPoo was kicked off #ubuntu-motu by Mithrandir (Mithrandir)
Mithrandiroops, I cheated. :-P09:25
antinobodyThat was an odd one09:25
Hobbseethat's a very interesting ban.09:25
=== tuxmaniac [n=aanjhan@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Mithrandirit was what /knockout decided to.09:25
HobbseeMithrandir: hmmm...fair enough09:25
antinobodyever had a request before?09:25
Hobbseehah, okay then09:25
=== mode/#ubuntu-motu [+b *!*@ool-457528f6.dyn.optonline.net] by Hobbsee
Hobbseeis more effective09:25
Hobbseei tihnk09:25
Hobbseeoh wait, this is one of those complex non-IP bans, isnt it...09:26
HobbseeMithrandir: think we should unban him at all?09:27
=== Hobbsee thinks not.
=== antinobody is still confused by the whole thing, but is used to that state by now
=== FliesLikeALap [n=Ryan@ool-45796272.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== StevenK comes back.
=== lukketto [n=lukketto@host149-154.pool8710.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== mode/#ubuntu-motu [-b *!*n=smegma@*.dyn.optonline.net] by Mithrandir
=== StevenK kicks his CSS.
StevenKMy two <div>'s should not wrap around each other!09:30
Hobbseewelcome back StevenK09:30
=== mode/#ubuntu-motu [-b *!*@ool-457528f6.dyn.optonline.net] by Hobbsee
=== mode/#ubuntu-motu [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
=== Hobbsee unbans reluctantly.
MithrandirHobbsee: well, I did /knockout, not /kb.  If he comes in and is annoying, we'll permanently ban him09:32
=== mode/#ubuntu-motu [-o mitsuhiko] by Mithrandir
=== mode/#ubuntu-motu [-o Mithrandir] by Mithrandir
Hobbseeyou've got a dodgy script there, i take it09:33
=== mode/#ubuntu-motu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu-motu [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu-motu [+o Mithrandir] by ChanServ
Hobbseethere you go :P09:33
Mithrandirno, it's standard irssi functionality.09:33
Mithrandiroh, FUCKING CHANSERV09:33
HobbseeMithrandir: what were you wanting?09:34
=== antinobody belives Mithrandir and Hobbsee have too much time on their hands
Mithrandirthe /knockout thingy09:34
=== mode/#ubuntu-motu [-o Mithrandir] by Mithrandir
Mithrandirbut it'd be nice if chanserv now stayed away from +o-ing me.09:34
HobbseeMithrandir: Seveas has a lovely script, usable in both xchat and irssi.  might want to get your hands on it09:35
=== Hobbsee deoped you. oh man, that op'd you. my deop script doesnt seem to like working properly.
Hobbseestupid konversation scripts.09:35
Mithrandiranyway, I think I should try to find some breakfast.09:35
antinobodyEven at 12:30 in the morning, breakfast sounds good09:36
Hobbseeyes, you should.09:36
Hobbseeantinobody: you may well be right.09:36
antinobodyI know I am, because it's 12:37 am, and breakfast sounds good09:37
antinobodyI have tested my hypothesis09:37
antinobodyAnd I'm going to go get a bowl of cereal because of it09:37
Hobbseeno, to the too much time on your hands bit09:37
antinobodyOh, ha!  Definitely.09:37
Hobbseeantinobody: when you end up being op'd in #ubuntu, you kinda need to know all this stuff :P09:39
antinobodyPssh, being an op would be too much work09:41
antinobodyYou have to fight crazy pointless wars with your fellow ops09:42
antinobodythat's too much effort for me09:42
Hobbseeno...not usually.  that's just a fun past time09:43
Hobbseeantinobody: i think we all got a bit trigger happy lately - one night we were having major op wars in #ubuntu-offtopic - all ops just kicking each other.  it started with me having a changed nick, and an op saying "no, you cant kick people"  "oh cant i now?  bang!"09:44
Hobbseerob: my deop script is screwed for other people09:44
antinobodySo then, you started it09:45
GloubiboulgaHobbsee, you should triage bugs instead of kicking ops :p09:45
Hobbseenot necessarily09:45
HobbseeGloubiboulga: haha.  that sometimes happens too.09:45
robhehe, I don't worry about deop scripts, no need to op :)09:45
Hobbseerob: lucky.09:45
GloubiboulgaHobbsee, actually, not triaging, FIXING09:46
antinobodyfixing bugs is a lot of work...09:46
=== lukketto [n=lukketto@host149-154.pool8710.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Gloubiboulgathat's why I ask Hobbsee to do it :)09:47
=== Hobbsee assigns all the bugs in malone to ajmitch
antinobodyright, cuz he isn't busy enough09:47
Hobbseeyeah, he's just sitting around slacking, as usual.09:48
=== erez [n=erez@85-250-162-52.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu-motu
antinobodyRight, while la trabajadora impresivisma del nombre Hobbsee es siempre trabajando, con su guerra09:51
Hobbseeantinobody: translation please?09:52
=== erez [n=erez@85-250-162-52.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu-motu
antinobodyright, while the (really-really) impressive hard-worker named Hobbsee is always working, with her war09:53
=== lukketto [n=lukketto@host149-154.pool8710.interbusiness.it] has left #ubuntu-motu []
ajmitchwith her vile slander, saying that I'm a slacker09:53
antinobodywhat?  Hey, being a slacker isn't so bad.  I've seemed to make a life of it.09:54
=== Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchit is when you've got code to write & packages to break09:54
Hobbseehi Lure09:54
Hobbseeajmitch: so have you broken more of edgy yet?09:55
Lurehi Hobbsee09:55
ajmitchhaven't uploaded my breakage09:55
Hobbseedarn!  why not?09:55
ajmitchI have other stuff to get done first before I do uploads09:56
=== erez [n=erez@85-250-162-52.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseehow sad :(09:57
antinobodyOk, momentarily back to the relatively constructive thing I was doing...10:03
Hobbseewhat, before the bot abuse?10:04
antinobodyWhen merging, is the general guideline to look for differences between the Ubuntu package and the Debian one, and try and keep the Ubuntu-unique stuff, or10:04
antinobodyHey, I just wanted to better understand ubotu10:04
antinobodyHe's always there, helping us, and we never try to understand the bot beneath the mask10:05
antinobodyor is there something I'm missing, as is usually the case (back on the merging thing)10:05
=== cypher [n=cypher@bgepxyout-02.asiapac.hp.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
cypheri am using breezy and it has very less packages by default it seems10:07
cypherlike no g++10:08
cypherno make10:08
cypherit has to be downloaded10:08
cypherwhy so ?10:08
cypheror did i miss it in the distro cd ?10:08
dsascypher: It's on the distro cd but not installed by default.10:08
cypherdsas: thanks i will check it then10:09
antinobodyMy understanding (and you should know, it is limited) is that ubuntu is not meant to be a "developer's" distro, but an general-user distro10:09
antinobodyso they felt that the developer packagers needn't be defaulted10:09
dsascypher: (you want the build-essential packages). There's discussion over whether it should be installed by default in edgy.10:10
cypherantinobody: i dont agree.. even for a general user if he has to download source and install then what he will do ?10:10
Gloubiboulgahe will install the missing packages10:10
cypherdsas: i vote for default10:10
cypheri wonder why it was not default10:11
antinobodycypher, granted, but the understanding is that many general users will be intimidated by source compiling in general, which is in my experience fairly accurate10:11
antinobodymy mother doesn't even know what the word "compile" means10:11
dsascypher: You can read the discussion here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/sounder/2006-June/007329.html10:11
cypherantinobody: :) i agree.. but does she really use linux by her own will ?10:12
cypherdsas: thx let me read it10:12
antinobodycypher:  No, and that's what we want to change.  In fact she doesn't use linux at all.10:12
antinobodythat's the point10:12
antinobodya major goal of ubuntu as a distro is to take away as much of microsofts users away from them as possible10:13
=== cypher [n=cypher@bgepxyout-02.asiapac.hp.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseenot really.  that's a side effect10:13
antinobodyhowever NONE of this answers my merging question.  Where are my all-knowing developer mentors?10:13
antinobodyHobbsee, it seems to have become a goal though10:14
antinobodynote bug #110:14
cyphersorry got dc'ed10:14
Hobbseewell, yeah10:14
Hobbseeand no10:14
cypherantinobody: what is your question10:14
Hobbseeit's to make it user friendly so that everyone uses it10:14
antinobodyWhen merging, is the general guideline to look for differences between the Ubuntu package and the Debian one, and try and keep the Ubuntu-unique stuff, or10:15
ajmitchantinobody: keep what is necessary10:15
antinobodyor is there something I'm missing, as is usually the case (back on the merging thing)10:15
antinobodynow I just have to figure out how to know what is necessary10:15
antinobodyI'm looking at k3b right now10:15
cypheri am going to try and learn packaging today10:16
ajmitchthat's the fun part10:16
antinobodyisn't it though?10:16
ajmitchit takes a bit more than a day10:16
cypherajmitch oh10:16
cypherany i will start10:16
antinobodyentonces, vas a aqu cypher:  https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html10:16
antinobodyit does?10:17
antinobodyI did it in a night, a while back10:17
antinobodyI don't remember any of it10:17
antinobodybut I did manage to patch okle10:17
antinobodyit was a REALLY easy patch though10:17
antinobodyI'll probably have to relearn that to merge...10:17
antinobodyI really shouldn't swear so much, Hobbsee's just looking for a reason to kick me again, I imagine10:18
Hobbseeno, not really10:19
cypherantinobody: thanks for the url10:19
antinobodynot a problem, that's the one Hobbsee gave me when I learned10:19
antinobodytis useful10:19
Hobbseeoh, and i get pinged whenever my nick or name is mentioned.  so if you want to discuss me in secret...maybe dont mention my name?10:19
antinobodyheh, why would I discuss you in secret?10:20
antinobodyYou would know better than me if you were looking for a reason to kick me.10:20
antinobodywhat exactly is debian/rules written in?10:21
antinobodyanyone know?10:21
dsasantinobody: it's a makefile10:21
antinobodyajmitch is probably the most likely to know that one...10:21
antinobodywhich is?10:22
antinobodyI'm still incredibly new to probamming for linux.  Or anything for that matter10:22
ajmitchyes, as dsas said10:22
=== ajmitch will be back later
antinobodyWhat will we do without him?10:22
Hobbseeantinobody: makefile is a language too, an evil combination of bash adn python, it think10:22
Hobbseeajmitch: enjoy10:23
antinobodyGrrr, well, I'll have to go learn what the hell that language means someday10:23
antinobodyFor now, I'll just guess10:23
=== freeflying|away [n=freeflyi@ubuntu/member/freeflying] has joined #ubuntu-motu
antinobodyafter all, knowing takes the fun out of life10:24
Lathiatanyone here a debmirror guru?10:24
Lathiatim trying to debmirror something who's apt line goes along the lines of deb http://repo ./10:24
Lathiatdebmirror doesn't seem to like not having a section10:24
dsasantinobody: I don't think there's much you need to know for packaging purposes. What you need to know is describe in the various guides.10:25
dsasThough I've not looked at anything too complex10:25
antinobodyI don't know, it might be nice to have SOME idea what's what when deciding what to keep and get rid of in merges10:26
dsasunless upstream or debian has adopted the patch or make a work around then keep it. I think.10:28
dsas(easier said then done presumably)10:28
antinobodywell, I'm stubborn, I'll just keep beating my head against this process till it works, as with all things10:29
=== cypher [n=cypher@bgepxyout-02.asiapac.hp.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== antinobody will be back in a minute, needs some tea
Gloubiboulgaoh tea, good idea10:44
=== jpatrick [n=patrick@ubuntu/member/jpatrick] has joined #ubuntu-motu
antinobodytea makes me happy10:55
=== Pupeno [n=pupeno@80-102-117-106.bcn1.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #ubuntu-motu
PupenoIf I want to play with the installer, that is, trying to add a feature I have in my head... how should I do it ? how should I set it up ?10:58
_ionDeja vu.10:58
=== tinklepants [n=onel@adsl-72-50-116-203.prtc.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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=== DarkMageZ [n=DarkMage@ppp0-247.lns1.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Ubugtu [n=bugbot@ubuntu/bot/ubugtu] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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=== Gervystar [n=alessand@2001:1418:1ce:0:20e:a6ff:fea4:4ab5] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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=== Gloubiboulga_ [n=gauvain@ubuntu/member/gloubiboulga] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseehi again all12:41
antinobodyhey Hobsee12:42
antinobodyI need to go to sleep12:42
antinobodynice saying seeing you again though12:42
antinobodybuenas noches12:43
=== Gloubiboulga [n=gauvain@ubuntu/member/gloubiboulga] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Toadstool [n=jcorbier@ubuntu/member/toadstool] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== neenaoffline [n=neenaoff@unaffiliated/neenaoffline] has joined #ubuntu-motu
neenaofflineToadstool: did you compile SLIM ?12:50
Toadstoolhi everybody12:51
Toadstoolneenaoffline: the package is ready12:51
Hobbseehi Toadstool12:51
neenaofflineuploaded it to the universe ?12:51
Toadstoolnot yet12:51
Hobbseeneenaoffline: edgy universe, not dapper universe.12:52
neenaofflineToadstool: okay12:52
neenaofflineedgy ??12:52
neenaofflinenext codename ?12:52
Toadstoolneenaoffline: i'm not a motu fyi :)12:52
neenaofflineToadstool: oh !12:52
HobbseeToadstool: you're not?  i thought you were12:52
HobbseeToadstool: then again, why would you be asking for reviews if you were12:52
neenaofflineToadstool: then where will you upload it ?12:53
Toadstoolneenaoffline: i'll ask someone to review the package and sponsor the upload ;)12:53
neenaofflineToadstool: thanks !12:53
Hobbseeneenaoffline: it cant go into dapper by now.  dapper is more or less stable.12:55
=== lukketto [n=lukketto@host149-154.pool8710.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu
DarkMageZme & a friend are having an issue building songbird on our ubuntu dapper boxes, the dev's run fedora and they can't replicate our issue. was wondering if someone with more skill could give it a shot :)12:55
HobbseeDarkMageZ: got the error message in a pastebin?12:56
DarkMageZi did, i'll repaste12:56
=== Hobbsee wasnt signed in at that point
neenaofflineHobbsee: I did'nt understand??12:57
Toadstoolneenaoffline: the set of packages available in dapper is freezed, we can't add slim12:58
Hobbseeneenaoffline: it cant go into dapper by now.  dapper is more or less stable.  All new software, and upgrades, go into dapper+1, ie, edgy, the development release.  Sometimes they get backported for dapper.12:58
Hobbseeneenaoffline: see https://wiki.kubuntu.org/TimeBasedReleases01:00
Toadstoolby the way if anyone wants to review the package... :)01:00
DarkMageZis it just me, or is pastebin.com slow...01:01
=== tiagoboldt [n=tiagobol@87-196-60-221.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu-motu
HobbseeDarkMageZ: it's impossibly slow.  use pastebin.ca01:03
HobbseeDarkMageZ: can you pastebin the makefile as well please?  or give me a link to where the package is?01:06
Toadstoolnice error :)01:06
DarkMageZmy thoughts exactly01:06
HobbseeToadstool: recognise the error01:07
Hobbseeoh drat, it's svn...01:07
DarkMageZrevision 99901:08
DarkMageZ(which is current)01:08
DarkMageZit's the greatest media player tho, just wish i could get it working :)01:09
_ionBetter than amarok?01:09
DarkMageZ_ion, depends on how u like your gui01:10
DarkMageZ_ion, i personally hate amarok01:10
DarkMageZbut i'm sure some people like it01:10
Amaranththis summer of code stuff is a blast01:14
DarkMageZwhat project are u doing Amaranth?01:14
Amaranthcontent filtering proxy01:14
DarkMageZusing squid as the base?01:15
Amaranthwrote my own01:15
Amaranthwith python's stdlib a proxy isn't too hard to make01:15
DarkMageZhmm, are you able to tell it to just filter out porn sites and it will stop most of them, or do you have to manually set each one?01:16
Amaranthit does bayesian filtering01:17
Amaranthso as you teach it about porn sites it should start figuring it out and blocking them01:17
Amaranththat's what the Content Filter tab is for01:17
HobbseeAmaranth: wow, looks nice!  if there were a windows based version, i'd recommend it to our AU government..01:18
AmaranthHobbsee: i'm making a web frontend01:18
DarkMageZthey already wasted $80million on filtering software recently01:18
Amaranthsince real servers don't have dbus and X installed01:18
HobbseeAmaranth: that's exactly what they're talking about sticking on all our ISP's, or offering as a free download - porn filtering software.01:18
Amaranthi'd better leave a backdoor or something in mine :P01:19
Hobbseeyeah exactly01:19
DarkMageZHobbsee, our government has realised that ISP level filtering doesn't work01:19
Amaranthset the X-Not-A-Moron header and it lets you through01:19
HobbseeDarkMageZ: where are you at?01:19
HobbseeAmaranth: hehe, yeah, exactly01:19
DarkMageZHobbsee, nowra01:19
Hobbseehow quickly do you think kids will get thru the porn filters?01:19
HobbseeDarkMageZ: country?01:20
DarkMageZHobbsee, :P 2 hours south of sydney01:20
Amaranthi suspect they won't get through mine, if someone trains it01:20
Hobbseeabout one minute after $clueless adult puts them on?01:20
Hobbseenice :)01:20
DarkMageZlol, country =D01:20
HobbseeAmaranth: any time you feel like making a spam filter for the @ubuntu.com email addresses, feel free :D01:20
HobbseeDarkMageZ: i thought you were from here...i wasnt sure01:20
AmaranthHobbsee: I'm using the Robinson-Fisher algorithm just like most spam filtering software01:21
DarkMageZi have dilutions about nowra being better known01:21
HobbseeAmaranth: web based, or computer based, or what?01:21
AmaranthSo obviously things can get through but it's not as easy.01:21
Hobbseeoh, yeah, right.01:21
Hobbseedont mind my question :P01:21
Amaranthporn sites don't usually put random crap in their pages to get through a bayesian filter, i don't think :P01:21
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=== Hobbsee wouldnt know.
=== Hobbsee wouldnt have the foggiest clue about such things.
AmaranthI mean, you'll always find something it doesn't block with whatever level of training it's at but you can't just go to one of those anonymizer sites and get access since it filters based on the content.01:22
AmaranthSomething gets through, mark it as bad, it shouldn't get through anymore. :)01:23
DarkMageZHobbsee, did u goto the dapper drake celebration party?01:23
HobbseeDarkMageZ: no, where was it?01:23
Amaranthbtw, training just one (normal) website as bad seems to make this thing block the whole web01:24
DarkMageZHobbsee, somewhere in sydney, i was thinking about going, thinking of going to the edgy eft one01:24
Amaranthi mean, only training it with that one thing01:24
HobbseeDarkMageZ: ah, fair enough - do tell, when you find out where it is.01:24
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HobbseeAmaranth: er, okay then.  guess that makes sense.01:25
AmaranthCool, it blocks my website and slashdot but it lets the...questionable stuff through. :)01:25
AmaranthIt's working in reverse. :)01:25
AmaranthSomeone find ogra for me. :P01:25
Hobbseeyes, i guess one would have to be able to find said questionable material, to test out one's filter :P01:25
AmaranthYeah...that's it....01:26
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Amaranthany of you in paris?01:27
Hobbseedidnt htey alll eave?01:27
Amaranthwell, yesterday was supposed to be the last da01:27
Amaranthbut i think they have a launchpad meeting or something01:27
Hobbseeoh ok01:27
Amaranthoh well, when ogra gets back on monday i'll just have that much more cool stuff to show him01:27
DarkMageZAmaranth, make sure you always leave a backdoor to get around your own filtering, cause if someone ever used it against u :P01:30
Amaranthwith how small the code for the filtering is that'd get found real quick :)01:30
DarkMageZthe only disadvantage of opensource01:31
Amaranth466 lines of code01:31
Amaranththat's tiny :P01:31
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Amaranththat's python01:33
Amaranth7.1 RSS 3.4 Writable Memory01:33
Amaranthi believe the last number is the real one01:33
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zulhow is it going tseng03:05
tsengfine thanks03:05
tsengpeople dont really believe in AC in barcelona03:05
zulwhat are you doing in barcelona03:06
jpatricktseng: having fun there?03:08
jpatrickIt's boiling hot in Girona03:09
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zakamehi all04:00
zakameooh new code of conduct04:01
=== tseng is unexcited
Hobbseewhat, 1.0.2?04:02
=== imbrandon yawns *
zakamelazy day?04:21
kelmowas  here ;-)04:22
zulhmmm? new coc04:28
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imbrandonyup lazy day ;)04:30
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neenaofflineToadstool: done with SLIM ?06:46
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neenaofflineToadstool: ping07:08
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neenaofflineToadstool: ping07:18
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Toadstoolneenaoffline: pong07:30
neenaofflineToadstool: done with SLIM ?07:35
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Toadstoolneenaoffline: what do you mean? the source package is ready but you'll have to wait for it to be uploaded to edgy and built by the buildd...or you can build it on your own07:37
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carlfkif I want to use xorg7.1  - what is the 'right way' ?07:40
carlfkdev on #xorg recommended it to solve a multi head problem07:40
neenaofflineToadstool: was asking if you got anyone to upload it .... already built , merci !07:41
neenaofflinemerci = thank you in french07:41
Toadstoolneenaoffline: i'm french :)07:41
neenaofflineToadstool: :) , Indian07:41
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carlfkis there a howto describing how to upgrade an existing deb?07:59
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crimsuncarlfk: start with uupdate.08:21
crimsunhb, Mez|21today08:21
Mez|21todayty crimsun08:22
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