
=== AndyFitz [n=AndyFitz@] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
kwwiiok, time for bed01:29
kwwiinight all01:29
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Madpilothi troy_s04:33
troy_sgreetings mad... not going to stay long as i am jetlagged all to heck04:34
Madpilotback from Paris?04:34
Madpilotgood time?04:34
troy_swell really just a lot of work04:34
troy_sit was nice seeing some of the folks though.04:34
troy_sok, out for shower and rest.  i'll see you soon mad.04:35
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troy_sgreetings seveas05:04
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-artwork:troy_s] : test
troy_show strange05:05
Seveasmagic ;)05:05
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-artwork:troy_s] : test test
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-artwork:troy_s] : wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork -- Check the specifications for Edgy at www.launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-art
troy_swell thanks seveas05:06
Seveasnp, if you need anything IRC related, just poke me05:06
troy_sthanks again den05:06
troy_sdo you have that usplash05:06
troy_sappy anywhere?05:06
Seveasnot yet05:07
Seveashave to fix it to work with latest usplash, will also need to backport that version of usplash to dapper05:07
troy_syour code available?  pretty sure that frank and a few others would like to peek at it.05:07
troy_sits a great tool that would work nicely in the toolset for designing a 'look' (more than just a theme)05:08
Seveascode will be available as soon as it works with the latest usplash again ;)05:09
troy_si guess i should run a dual boot with the darn edgy current05:10
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@likes.smoking.more.than.watching.spacenight.dk] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
troy_show you doing bro?05:34
kwwiigrilling chicken :p05:42
kwwiiyou made it home ok?05:42
troy_sbut yes05:42
troy_schicken griller05:42
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=== kwwii puts the meat on the grill (bratwurst first)
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Who_Hi all,08:42
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Who_Does anyone know what 'class' to apply a style to in a gtlrc to change the settings for applets on the panel? (I.E make the window-list fonts white, for example)08:43
troy_sgreetings who08:49
Who_hiya troy08:50
Who_how was Paris?08:50
troy_splenty of effort :)08:50
Who_cool, the fun kind?08:50
troy_si guess in a round about way08:51
Who_Do you know when the new art-team organisation will be announced?08:51
troy_si hope09:00
troy_sthat the material will be considered 'in motion' as of now... it will probably be stamped09:00
troy_sby mark in the coming days.09:00
troy_sthere have already been appointments to this end, and when the individuals are comfortable enough,09:00
troy_si am quite sure they will step forwards and announce themselves.09:01
Who_does anyone know a way of finding the window class of a window?09:08
troy_sin what code style?09:09
kwwiiWho_: kinda hard to say without looking at the code, some apps make their own class's as well09:11
Who_troy_s: not in code - it's for making a gtkrc09:12
Who_kwwii: So do you have any idea about the gnome window list, or do I actually need to study the code?09:12
troy_sdoc it when you find it who09:13
kwwiiWho_: that should be somewhat easier to find out...but I have no idea where that info would be online09:13
Who_I get the feeling someone _must_ have wanted to turn the font on the window list white but keep other button fonts black before09:13
Who_troy_s: I will If I get there!09:13
kwwiiactually, I know a lot more about kde than gnome :-)09:13
Who_kwwii: I had a 'KDE moment' today and decided to to go with a more KDEesque panel setup in Gnome09:14
kwwiiso you added 100 menu items and 15 icons?09:23
kwwiisee, I can laugh at myself :-)09:24
kwwiiI actually use a gnome like panel setup09:24
troy_sEek... you had better flog yourself publically, post to the relevant newsgroups, and subject the matter for a vote.09:29
kwwiihehe, yeah...or blog about it - that is pretty much the same09:38
=== cyanescent [n=niel@dslb-088-072-229-068.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
troy_sGreetz Neil.09:42
troy_sNiel rather.09:42
kwwiihi cyanescent09:42
cyanescentwhat's the chat about ?09:42
cyanescenthiya kwwii09:43
cyanescentumm... why did you mention we need 4 specs troy_x ?09:43
Who_well, I'm trying to work out which class i need to apply a style to in a gtkrv so I can theme things on the panel separately (I have a dark panel BG and I want white fg - bu only on the panel)09:43
cyanescenttroy_s rather09:43
troy_sThe four specs are there.09:43
troy_sBasically, the system flows like this currently at the conferences.09:44
cyanescentwhich are...09:44
kwwiiWho_: I am sure that there is a development channel or mailing list where you could find this out09:44
troy_s1) Specs all go into the slew of braindumps... then higher powers examine those at a given point (namely the beginning of a cycle)09:44
kwwiiWho_: but artists are not normally known for their coding :p09:44
troy_s2) Those specs that are chosen, are put forwards, and development begins (if you look to the edgy such, you will see the pattern)09:45
troy_s3) Because the art community was flailing and not using launchpad previously, there were none -- at least directly and easily findable.09:45
Who_kwwii: yea, thanks :). #gnome-art is pretty quiet.  I must confess I'm not really _that_ activbely trying to find this out right now - it's kind of a background thing while I work09:45
troy_s4) sabdfl 'blessed' with the papal blessing four of the specs.  09:45
cyanescentok that makes sense... what do we do with all the existing specs then ?09:45
troy_sthey stay09:45
cyanescentbut there is way more than 409:46
troy_sbascially you need to have a good selection of WELL fleshed out specs (with upgrade paths, tech considerations (with the relevant folks) etc) BEFORE a cycle starts09:46
troy_sso that you walk into the cycle with plenty to scour through.09:46
troy_sthat is gradually happening... so we are on course.09:46
cyanescentright right09:46
cyanescentso these specs are rather for the following dev cycle09:47
cyanescentk... which ones are the blessed 4 ?09:47
troy_sEdgy will do two things primarily... 1) Attempt to get professional quality output of those four specs.  2) Get everyone used to the scheduling breakdown.  3) Find out the quality level of existing art contributors.  4) Etc... (Basically see what we have, what we need, etc)09:48
cyanescentoh the pending approval ones09:48
troy_sIndeed... there should be four of those pending approval.  09:48
cyanescentyep, makes sense09:49
cyanescentit's not a hard target to hit with some 50 odd members though09:49
=== kafeine faith no more - stripsearch
troy_sThe wiki was a no brainer, so it has been set to started.09:49
troy_scyanescent, well one would hope that...09:49
cyanescentwho is doing the specs on those 4 then -- I suppose you've gone through it pretty thoroughly09:50
troy_scyanescent, but again, judging from history and such it is questionable.  Further still, we need to figure out exactly what the 'members' are capable of.  Thus far we have only a 16 colour USplash sampling at 640x400 to judge from.09:50
cyanescentthat.... as far as I gather is not going to change in the near future09:50
troy_scyanescent, The AiCs primarily, but only in line with what sabdfl hopes to accomplish.09:50
cyanescenthas the hierarchy been decided... ?09:51
troy_sAgain, this process will gain much development momentum the further everyone in the K/Ubuntu community can demonstrate a clean track record, with deliverables.09:51
troy_scyanescent, yes.  There have been two appointments that I am aware of.  The ArtCouncil still needs to be decided by the CommunityCouncil -- and that will require resumes09:51
troy_sAs they will yield greater power than the rest.09:52
Who_tory_s: am I right in thinking there are no specs relating to themes among those pending ones?09:52
cyanescentHas the community council been decided ?09:52
troy_sWho_, they are all there, have a peep.  But 'themes' is pretty Gnome / KDE specific.  I suggest that people work towards homogenizing the language.09:52
troy_scyanescent, community council exists... launchpad has everything listed there.09:53
troy_sThere are four members of the community council.09:53
cyanescentoh yes mark mentioned them09:53
Who_troy_s: I was looking, just ching I'd found the right ones09:53
troy_sWho_, the pending approvals are the direction for Edgy.09:53
Who_great :)09:53
troy_sWho_, better to start with baby steps and accomplish them, than massive cloghoppers and fail miserably.09:54
Who_indeed. As I've said before, we need to prove ourselves09:54
troy_sThere is a very good process in place to allow for a great 'cross-pollenation' of ideas right through to execution.09:54
troy_sWho_, glad you agree.09:54
cyanescentwell... I'm seeing the wiki specs being modified occassionally, 09:55
troy_sAs kwwii has stated before, this sort of organization in the open source art community hasn't really been attempted before, so there is much to lay into place.09:55
cyanescentso I assume people are interested in changing the direction of things09:55
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cyanescentI sometimes wonder how suse and redhat do it09:55
troy_scyanescent, well if you mean to actually get a community together and try to build a structure, yes.09:55
cyanescentthey obviously also employ outside artists to do things sometimes09:56
troy_scyanescent, kwwii can tell you how suse does it -- he worked there as the artist for some time.09:56
Who_cyanascent: I think Suse and Refhat employ a feew people to do it09:56
troy_scyanescent, indeed.09:56
troy_sACH MY TEA09:56
Who_doesn't jimmac do a lot of Novel and Suse's art? Linspire seems to be rather everaldo influenced09:57
cyanescentI guess also the problem has been the lack of artists working on linux.... that has changed now09:58
troy_sWho_, I recall kwwii saying that Linspire hired everaldo, but I might be mistaken.09:58
cyanescenttroy_s you mentioned a write-up on doing the specs.... 09:58
kwwiiyes, he works for them09:58
kwwiiand he has his own studio as well09:59
cyanescentthere already seems to be a template which is fairly self explanatory09:59
troy_scyanescent, yes, we definitely need a howto to prevent further dumping.  09:59
cyanescenthow much do you want me to expand on the wiki template ?09:59
troy_scyanescent, yes.  That also means that we must outline what an effective spec looks like -- at least taking into account technology path, implementation, etc.09:59
Who_where does tigert work?10:00
troy_scyanescent, I would leave the template, but a howto would help very well.10:00
cyanescentk... will do10:00
kwwiitigert and myself left novell at the same time :-)10:00
Who_kwwii - on Maemo?10:00
Who_kwwii: were you part of Ximian?10:00
kwwiiWho_: nope, I worked for SuSE for 7 years10:01
kwwiiWho_: so I was working with them10:01
Who_kwwii: ahh, where do you work now?10:01
=== kwwii actually helped define tango before it was openly announced
cyanescentkwwii that sounds plush... why leave ?10:02
kwwiiWho_: Canonical :-)10:02
cyanescentah... that explains it ;-)10:02
troy_sas i have stated, we have a good selection of people here with good 'linux industry' experience.10:02
Who_oh, I didn't know!10:02
kwwiidefinitely :-)10:02
troy_swe can do better, and we are trying.10:02
kwwiiif we cannot make this work, nobody can10:02
Who_indeed, Cimi seems interested too - who seems to do a lot of themeing10:03
cyanescentdid anyone get to have a chat with the Xubuntu / Kubuntu guys ?10:03
troy_scyanescent, yes.  10:03
troy_syou are standing with one now -- kwwii10:03
Who_kwwii: do you think it is actually easier to do this kind of thing if it just left to a few full time people?10:03
cyanescentwhat are they saying --- they didn't seem too co-operative about our renewed vigour ;-)10:03
troy_sjani is largely responsible for xubuntu, and he was open to many thoughts.  josef mak i believe was his primary art fellow.10:04
kwwiiWho_: no, I do not think that a couple of people can do this...but that is not what is happening10:04
troy_sactually, they were very accomodating... oliver is a good part of the engine behind the edubuntu movement.10:04
Who_kwwii: What happens somewhere like Suse then, many hands?10:04
kwwiithe idea is to have people to coordinate things, so that we do not spend time fighting each other on the lists, etc.10:04
cyanescentcool.. but there won't be much cross-development in terms of art 10:05
kwwiiSuSE does not exist anymore10:05
troy_sCross development?  Explain?10:05
kwwiionly openSuSE10:05
Who_kwwii: I was meaning "how did things work when you wroked at SUSE"  - sorry :P10:05
Who_or worked at SUSE, even10:05
troy_sAs per sabdfl -- he very much wants Ubuntu (K to be determined) to feel professional and ship with exactly a finite number of 'looks'.   That means culling the bulk of the 'themes' currently in there.10:06
kwwiiWho_: well, I worked along for 7 years, so I made all the decisions and all the artwork10:06
cyanescentwell there was all sorts of talk on sharing backgrounds, but changing the colour... that could go with all the login / GDM stuff we're planning to do10:06
kwwiiand I think it reflects in the lesser quality of the work10:06
troy_sThat will take a migration path though, as it is techologically difficult to implement.  And yes, Daniel Holbach has been sort of assigned to think about this.10:06
kwwiisince I made it, I can say that :-)10:06
troy_scyanescent, Colours are off the table. 10:06
troy_scyanescent, everything that can change is at launchpad.10:07
Who_I have only tried openSUSE10:07
cyanescentheh... but someone will need to decide on the outdoor colour palette... or is that already decided ?10:07
troy_sOutdoors is another 'look' that mark would like to see.10:07
Who_troy_s: I wrote top the list saying that I'd like to see QT apps themed with a GTK-like theme if Kubuntu was not being used - do you have an opinions on that?10:07
troy_sAnd that is probably going to get a spec soon.10:07
kwwiithe idea here is not to limit anyone, but to take the burden of organization off the artists shoulders as well as to coordinate the work so that we get the best possible artwork with the least possible problems10:08
cyanescentok... but since it's not one of the main specs, I suppose it won't get the most attention10:08
troy_sWho_, personally, from an aesthetic standpoint, I don't care about technology.  Just about how it feels in the end.10:08
troy_scyanescent, it will get very good attention.  But in a formal and procedural fashion outlined by this dev cycle's process.10:08
troy_scyanescent, hopefully by the time Edgy+1 comes, we have done enough work on the spec to get it set to a priority for that release.10:09
Who_troy_s: I agree - but I think at the moment any QT app under Gnome stands out like an amputated thumb. Is that likely to be fixed this cycle?10:09
cyanescenttroy_s: make sense10:10
troy_sWho_, yes, you are correct.  Probably not this cycle.  10:10
cyanescentWho_: as far as I've read on the kubuntu ML they are saying the same about GTK apps10:10
Who_troy_s: even if someone where to contribute something that did it, and worked?10:10
troy_sThe ultimate point is that sabdfl is the powerhouse behind this.  He has assembled his team that has driven Ubuntu to where it is today.  We must prove ourselves before anyone is going to look at us seriously.10:11
Who_cyanascent: are they saying that they want to make them look good this cycle? (I don't read any kubuntu lists :S)10:11
troy_sWho_, nope -- if it works, we have a people in place who can make sure it gets proper attention.10:11
cyanescentWho_: also, I don't think it's a very easy thing to do either..10:11
cyanescentWho: ;-))10:11
kwwiithe thing is this: you either make kde fit to gnome or gnome fit to kde...both are not acceptable solutions for either side10:11
troy_sWho_, but what seems like a 'no brainer' for some, has deep rooted technological rammifications that aren't apparent without serious investigation.10:11
troy_sYou should have seen how the "Unify Tab" sessions went ;)10:12
Who_cyanascent: the level I am thinking of doing it on at the moment is just by setting the theme in KDE when ubuntu-desktop is installed to one of the themes that looks good with Human GTK 10:12
Who_troy_s: "Unify Tab" ?10:12
troy_sWho_, and as kwwii has made clear... we need to avoid the Gnome / KDE Jihad.10:12
troy_sWho_, sabdfl wanted to unify how tabs worked across the board10:13
troy_sand it was, well... extremely complicated -- far more so than how logical the idea appeared at first glance.10:13
Who_troy_s: I totally agree - all I want to do is change what KDE apps look like _when they are not used under KDE_10:13
kwwiiWho_: how would you do that with the current infrastructure?10:13
cyanescentWho_ you'd have to create separate packages... and then what _if_ you suddenly decided to use KDE10:14
cyanescentit would look like crap10:14
troy_sWho_, it starts to get ugly _very_ quick.  10:14
kwwiiseperate packages cannot be made10:14
troy_sWho_, start with baby steps.  Build on the work of others.  We move forwards.10:14
Who_kwwii: I don't know enough about how to change the theme in KDE (but you might!) - but when ubuntu-desktop is installed we can install a chosen QT theme, which will be used untill Kubuntu-desktop is installed, where the Kubuntu look will take over10:14
troy_sWho_, spec it.  Build a case.10:15
troy_sWho_, it will take research.10:15
kwwiiWho_: when gnome apps run in KDE, they get the KDE widget style...but changing the icons is something that is not possible now10:15
cyanescentkwwii: what is your nick short for ;-)10:15
Who_troy_s: you seemed not to think it was worth it a minute ago?10:15
troy_sWho_, I think every thought has merits, so perhaps you misread me.10:15
kwwiicyanescent: my name (but everyone thinks it is k world war II)10:16
troy_sWho_, but I was merely highlighting that it gets darn complicated darn quick.10:16
kwwiimy name is Kenneth Wesley Wimer II10:16
cyanescentthought so10:16
troy_sWho_, so it will require a crapload of thinking.10:16
troy_sk-ww] [10:16
cyanescentthe 2nd ... very pompous10:16
cyanescentwell we can all crown you someday 10:16
kwwiitell my parents that10:16
troy_sanyone running gimp 239?10:17
Who_kwwii: in the simple implementation I have in mind we just ship a set of icons for KDE that blends with Gnome (say, Tango, for example) with ubuntu-desktop and replace it by the Kubuntu one when Kubuntu desktop is installed - have I misunderstood, or is that possible?10:17
troy_sWho_, do you mean Ubuntu or Gnome?  Kubuntu or KDE?10:17
kwwiiWho_: no it is not possible - the packages are the same10:17
cyanescentGimp has moved a major rev ?10:18
kwwiiit would mean maintaining two sets of every kde package10:18
troy_sNot a stable, but 239 was the latest I saw.10:18
troy_sIt has quite a few more features.10:18
kwwiiand there is only one person doing all the kde packaging10:18
cyanescentthey are a bit slow sometimes 10:18
Who_kwwii: which packes? can we not ship a 'human'kde' icon theme that is set as the icon theme in KDE with ubuntu-desktop' and then also ship 'kubuntu-icon-theme' with Kubuntu-desktop and set that as default?10:19
troy_sWho_, eek!10:19
cyanescentquite like all the vector drawing apps that are popping up10:19
troy_scyanescent, indeed.10:19
cyanescentthat wasn't there 1 year ago10:19
troy_sWho_, any gnome app running under KDE should look like Kubuntu, and vice versa.10:19
troy_sBut we can't attempt to cross borders with 'look'10:20
kwwiiWho_: nope, the packages themselves would need to reflect that change10:20
Who_troy_s: yea. agreed. looks like ab igger task than we can do now :(10:20
kwwiilots of apps have their own icon dirs10:20
cyanescentWho_: I don't think you can separate the icons from the actual package... it's not like a plugin10:20
Who_kwwii: separate icon dirs! ouch!10:20
kwwiiso you would have to change all those icons per hand, and then there would need to be two sets of packages10:20
kwwiiWho_: all desktops have apps that do it that way10:21
troy_sWho_, still worth brainstorming though -- which is why I suggest you offer up a full fledged spec.  If ultimately it cannot be done, then at least when someone pops up and says 'lets do this' we can say why not and point them to the spec thread.10:21
Who_yea, I understand now - I thought that all apps would just use icons set in the control centre10:21
Who_okay - I'll tackle a spec in the next week :)10:21
cyanescentwell... it's worth looking into it for Firefox and thunderbird, which seems to be what most people use10:22
Who_and try and be clearer :)10:22
troy_sWho_, the bottom line is that ultimately it is a great idea.  Implementing isn't simple and might require further tech development.  To this end, speccing it is a clear way to get it on the table and begin the discussion.10:22
kwwiifirefox and thunderbird are desktop indepent basically10:22
Who_yea, I feel sorry for the Kubuntu-team because practically everynody uses Firefox and it isn't native10:22
troy_scyanescent, yes... 10:22
kwwiiit would be easy to set a wrapper script for apps like that, to change the theme depending on which desktop is running10:23
troy_skwwii, indy, but Frank has made steps towards getting the firefox set in line with Human look.10:23
Who_yea, sounds good10:23
cyanescentoh yeh... they use an idea borrowed from windows ... a browserfilemanager10:23
kwwiisince those apps are not part of kubuntu anyway, it should not be a problem10:23
troy_skwwii, the reasoning being it is a 'default' app in Ubuntu.  I think ultimately it would be good to get all 'default' apps on the same page by default install.10:24
kwwiiand the tango icons will fit better with the future kde icons (oxygen) than the current ones10:24
Who_I'm off to fix the Windows PC of a housemate :S. It is seriously fscked10:24
troy_skwwii, and same same for Kubuntu.10:24
troy_skwwii, albeit with a different set of apps and look.10:24
kwwiitroy_s: totally true...something to work towards for the future10:24
troy_skwwii, exactly.10:24
Who_so she is considering putting Ubuntu on as she has now Windows CD. Yey :). See you all later10:24
kwwiiWho_: have fun!10:24
troy_scya who10:24
cyanescentcya Who_10:25
kwwiiI feel as if the artwork team has already taken major steps toward fixing the problems it had :-) nice to see10:25
cyanescentI thought firefox was gtk gnome10:26
troy_sYes, and the more everyone stands in unison trying to further the cause, the further we get.  Basically I think we all need to tighten up the K / Ubuntu look from where it is now before starting a massive 'kick down the walls and reno' approach.10:26
troy_skwwii, of course, we have Human Look for Ubuntu and ??? Look for Kubuntu?10:27
troy_skwwii, so you had better start typing :)10:27
cyanescentthough... I feel a lot of work is deviating from filling the icon "holes" that we still have due to the outsourced team10:27
troy_scyanescent, indeed.  Give it time.  Once it is demonstrated that there is a clear direction with a process in place, many will emerge from the chaos.10:29
troy_scyanescent, for example, Daniel has a pretty interesting listing for the icons, and it is plausible that the community could help to fill those holes.  That said, there isn't a spec with relevant links yet.10:30
cyanescentYou also mentioned a Design Document10:30
cyanescentwho is writing that up ?10:30
troy_scyanescent, it is almost complete.  All of the documents are at the wiki.10:31
troy_sIncluding a scheduling breakdown for edgy.10:31
cyanescentI must be missing the action10:31
troy_smost of us just got home :)10:33
troy_si barely had time to read through the 90 art related mails and post what i know.10:33
kwwiihehe, this football match is finall getting good10:34
troy_sRelevant spec 1:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Specs/ArtworkProcess10:34
kwwiithey are fighting10:34
troy_swow... sounds like hockey10:34
kwwiiyeah, that is why it is getting good :-)10:34
troy_sRelevant spec 2:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Specs/EdgyArtworkPlan10:34
troy_s2 is the breakdown10:34
troy_s1 is the process.10:34
cyanescentk thanks10:35
cyanescentyep I've read #1 b410:36
kwwiitroy_s: the problem with naming the kubuntu theme is that canonical is not paying any artist to make kubuntu specific artwork10:36
kwwiiso we really only have crystal atm10:36
cyanescentdid you work out a license for artist submissions ?10:36
kwwiiand we will only be able to use what kde includes10:36
kwwiicyanescent: we are looking at the CCSA atm10:37
kwwiibut IANAL10:37
kwwiiso we need to get a proffesional to tell us what is really best10:37
cyanescentso a non stallman-endorsed one ? ;-)10:37
troy_skwwii:  they are paying at least one that I know of.  and of course, if they are on the same page, should be able to pool some of the talent and steer it correctly.  You would need to speak with them.10:37
cyanescentit doesn't bother me at all at any rate10:38
troy_sand "Crystal" isn't really a look that is distinct for Kubuntu is it?  Is it more KDE centric?10:38
kwwiitroy_s: I am the only one they are paying10:38
troy_skwwii:  ;).  It was a joke.10:38
troy_skwwii:  But you should still speak with that person.10:38
kwwiiI am already talking to myself all the time :-)10:39
troy_skwwii:  And figure out if they can get a 'look' description out the door in quick time.10:39
troy_scyanescent, the license issue is massive.  What we tried to figure out was what license works10:39
kwwiitroy_s: yepp, that is the next thing on the todo list10:39
troy_s_Best_ for K/Ubuntu 10:39
kwwiican't do any real work before we have that in place10:39
troy_sin terms of rapid integration with existing licensing issues.10:39
troy_skwwii, very good point :)10:40
troy_skwwii, if you can get the K side up to speed with the U side, then we have a greater chance of sharing resources.10:40
kwwiibut for now, I am going back to the game :-)10:40
troy_skwwii, Frank just avoided putting the K word in to avoid too much forced 'agreement'10:40
troy_scyanescent, make sense?10:40
kwwiiwatching wimpy little soccer guys beat each other up is fun10:41
kwwiiyeah, good point10:41
cyanescenttroy_s making sensikal10:41
troy_skwwii, "My leg my leg my leg, <yellow card> actually I'm fine"10:41
troy_scyanescent, good.  I need to check how my words look to others from time to time to evaluate if my brain is working correctly.10:41
cyanescenthehehe... I'm actually near berlin... fussball uberall10:41
cyanescentI nearly got caught out by this new DRM thing -- downloaded the new Sky offer of watching all their films online, but they make you install a DRM app that sorts through your films for illegal pr0n10:44
cyanescentugh... what a scare10:44
cyanescentnot doing that again10:44
cyanescentk I need to shoot10:45
cyanescentnice chat10:45
=== viper550 [n=main@d57-121-167.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
troy_sheyas viper11:19
troy_s what are you up to?11:20
viper550I think I found what should be the Edgy metacity theme11:20
viper550That theme is sweet!11:20
troy_sIf you check the specifications, you can see that there are only four specifications listed as targets.11:20
viper550What are they?11:20
troy_sYou can easily spec up new considerations etc, and see if it gathers momentum.11:20
troy_sFamiliarize yourself with launchpad.11:20
troy_sThey are all listed there, and collected under the ubuntu-art team.11:21
troy_sEdgy is more about demonstration of principles, than massive change.11:21
viper550How do I get to the artwork specifications?11:22
troy_sI think et and pas have gone to great lengths to try and begin explaining this at11:23
troy_sThat help?11:23
viper550I don't see any drafts11:24
troy_sThe link for launchpad is there I believe.11:24
viper550Never mind, 11:24
troy_sIs it?11:25
troy_sIf it isn't clear, you should pass your comments on to Etienne and Pascal.11:25
viper550I'm going to rethink about consistancy and making something like the DeFacto idea11:26
troy_sFeel free to do whatever you like, but if you wish to contribute to the default Human issues, the specs are there.11:26
viper550Now...to decide which colors would go good...Beige and Blue went together nice on ClearLooks 2 (Fedora Core 5's default)11:27
troy_sTry to gather your thoughts up in a cohesive fashion and document them in a persuasive way that developers / artists / and such can quickly evaluate.  There is a spec template there, and you can reference the four edgy target specs as a guide.11:27
viper550If Frozen is one of those specs, that was mine11:28
troy_sIt's not a spec11:28
troy_sIt is up to the individual to build a case.11:28
troy_sAnd that means a heck of a lot of work.11:28
viper550Maybe I'll go something based off the DeFacto, Silver, Orange and Green11:30
viper550Wondering where I got that from?11:30
troy_sDo not expect anything to be included by default that isn't 100% up to an acceptable professional level.  There are individuals now in place to determine this and offer creative feedback if you desire.11:30
viper550I was just brainstorming!11:30
troy_sAnd there is a braindump specification technique for launchpad.11:31
viper550Would that look good?11:31
troy_sI don't know... personally, I would prefer to see thumbnails and such on a single page.11:32
troy_sToo hard if one needs to click several links to get a 'feel'.  That is the work of the submitter.11:32
viper550I'll work on that, I even have ideas for making consistancy between KDE and GTK!11:32
viper550And I am using gFlat here11:32
troy_sIf you put some serious work in, and some serious effort towards gathering that sort of information, you will get a lot further.11:32
troy_sDon't bother 11:32
troy_sKDE is NOT equal to GNOME11:33
troy_snor ever will be in the near future.11:33
viper550I know that11:33
viper550I was talking THEME WIZE11:33
troy_sand sabdfl has stated this (i believe niel added his quote to guildelines in the wiki)11:33
troy_sKubuntu and Ubuntu are to remain distinctive.11:33
viper550I know11:34
troy_sSo I would recommend not posting specs that differ with the established guidelines thus far.  But again, it is a free world :)11:34
viper550I was talking about when you use a KDE application on Ubuntu without KDE and it doesn't end up matching with the enviroment, concerning the end user11:34
troy_sI believe who_ is attempting to spec something to that effect.11:34
troy_sit is not an easy task.11:34
troy_sand has many many factors to consider.11:34
kwwiias of this time, it is impossible due to the infrastructure11:35
troy_skwwii would be a better person to address the KDE end, but I think in principle everyone fundamentally agrees.11:35
troy_sIt is massive to tackle.11:35
viper550Bye, I'm going to query the Gnome Artwork IRC for ideas11:35
=== viper550 [n=main@d57-121-167.home.cgocable.net] has left #ubuntu-artwork ["Konversation]
kwwiiactually kde does pretty well with gnome apps running in kde11:35
kwwiiit is more an issue of icons than anything else I guess11:36
kwwiiperhaps working on the xdg spec would be better11:36
kwwiito create an infrastructure which supports it11:36
troy_sthat's a good idea really...11:36
kwwiibtw...if anyone wants to see a group pic from the summit check out this link:12:03

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